#just wanna distance myself man :/ i know im gonna get hurt and i know this just gonna end bc im finally happy
lovecrazedpup · 2 years
#postcoital dysphoria is . wilding#idk#i just feel Unlovable and like im too demanding#everything i do is just . not right yknow#this would be so much easier to navigate if i could physically touch him#bc then i at least have that reassurance and love w/o having to explain shit#but no im just here crying at 10:30pm bc im scared and lonely and anxious and i just want to Die#this is so dumb im just fucking terrified . i dont want this to end but honestly im just too high maintenance for me to be worth it yknow#like everything to just . help w/ this is like ‘talk to him’ ! ‘be close to him’ ! ‘do mutual things together’ !#like yeah that fucking helps when hes in a whole ass other country n timezone#just wanna distance myself man :/ i know im gonna get hurt and i know this just gonna end bc im finally happy#eugh#i shouldve never of fucking confessed man . big ass mistake#just made shit more complicated and im just . awkward#not !! good !! enough !!!!!!!#I CANT EVEN TALK ABT THIS TO ANYONE EITHERRRR#like fuck i cant talk to my friends or my therapist or my family#and god no i am not talking to him abt this as like . i already bring enough problems#i should be a stress reliever not a fucking stress giver#gonna kms bc that would just solve literally everything#he can leave and not feel tied down or burdened by my stupid manipulative presence#our friends can finally go back to what they used to be like before i joined#idk my family wouldnt be financially burdened by my meds n therapy#and id be dead . like . just gone . no more pain#someone bully me into doing it please like idfc send me mean ass anons#too much of a pussy to do it myself LOL#jamie.txt
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
big stupid drunk trauma vent time, kids stay away etc etc, idk wtf to tag this as so just fucking warning for the r slur and ptsd bullshit and me being an alcie
man im tired of substance use issues being shameful im tired of the phrase "substance abuse" im tired of feeling like im doing something wrong im tired of feeling like i need to keep it hidden so people dont look down on me or worry about me or pity me or get angry again. im fucking tired of not being able to go a day sober from one thing or another. im tired of all this bullshit and im tired of feeling like i need to do something to get attention and simultaneously feeling horrified at the thought of anyone so much as looking in my direction right now. im tired of overstimulation and understimulation. i feel like im just some fucking crazy schizo retard who cant manage to do jack shit and i know im talking nonsense but whatever im fucking wasted so who even cares. i can barely remember whatever i said in the last sentence. im fucking tired of stupid fucking bluetooth headphones and the battery dying and leaving me without my music to regulate myself. fuck capitalist bullshit for phasing out headphone jacks and fuck me for losing track of my wired headphones that i could use with my computer if i even still have them, idk maybe some fucking cat chewed them up i dont remember. i have a stomachache from drinking too much and i keep thinking about that fucking person who chastised me saying theres better things to do than make myself sick like this as if i fucking have any alternatives. im tired tired tired of all this fucking garbage and i want to get it through my thick skull that im cared about but it doesnt work. i want to ask for help but i dont know how to without completely losing my shit from the shame and guilt so the best i can do is tuck this little whiny letter onto my dumbass blog and then try not to think im being guilt trippy. i want less distance, i wanna live in the same neighborhood as my friends and be able to check on them and get checked on, i want my partner to be here but i dont because he deserves better than what i am right now, i wanna stop having a hole in my stomach, i wanna feel okay at night, i want to stop thinking about all the shitty trauma that keeps piling up, i want to fucking feel okay and i dont know if its human nature to feel completely okay and maybe thats what were all chasing and maybe thats what drives us but it fucking hurts in the meantime. i want to stop being so fucking crazy all the time. i wanna drink until i throw up and then get comforted and be allowed to rest and feel sick for as long as i need to feel sick because the sick i normally feel isnt fucking good enough for anyone. i want yo fucking shut up already but i cant stop fucking talking because this is the only way i know how to ask for help!!! i know im seen as fucking pathetic by so many people because thats what people fucking tell me, im some miserable fuck whos pitiful and lesser and its fucking fine okay i get it, but i dont know what to do about it except drink and smoke and drink and smoke and get fucking left behind when im not sexy or fun or financially stable anymore. i dont like thinking about the shit people have done to me and i wanna know its done and over but i dont think it ever will be because theres always gonna be someone feeding into my stupid inferiority complex. i hate it and i dont know what the hell is salvageable anymore
0 notes
The vision grounded in my brain // Ash Williams x Reader (GN)
@slashybois​: Do you think you could do something with a reader who is kinda clingy. Just likes being near him and stuff? or a reader who has slightly more brain cells than Ash? ooo or could you combine those? if not its fine (and the slightly more brain cells is literally me) Im 5'4 so im smol compared to him
Hi, darling!💖 As you know, this is my first Ash piece outside of the self-shipping posts I write for myself on my main blog, so I’m a bit nervous about this but I hope the characterisation is okay!💜Thank you so much for the piece you wrote for me about nyctophobia and I hope that you enjoy this one!💙
Young Ash
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For many people, the inner voice which prevents them from doing dumb shit is inside their heads.
Ashley Joanna Williams (😂🥺) is not one of those people.
No. His inner voice which prevents him from doing dumb shit is on the outside.
You are his inner voice.
You have slightly more brain cells than Ash so a lot of the time you’re there to help him with the shenanigans he gets himself into.
In fact... you’re always there with Ash.
You’re clingy and though it frequently baffles this sweet man that you like to be near him, he doesn’t dare to question it.
His life is a real shit show but you are the light in the dark.
You’re there to kick his chainsaw hand across the cabin to him when some Deadite launches it away from him.
It smacked him in the face once because you have bad aim but this poor man is so used to being hurt that he barely flinched at it. 
Ash lets you cling to him as much as you want to.
A protective arm around your shoulders is common if the two of you are stood together.
It’s like there’s a string connecting your bodies together because where you are, Ash will be, too.
You are smol and Ash practically towers over you, so this just increases his protectiveness over you.
If anyone dares to harm you, if any Deadite gets within scratching distance, then Ash will rip their arms off and beat ‘em to death with the soggy end.
No one hurts his Y/N.
When you’re not with Ash, there is literal hell to pay on all sides so it’s just better all around that you stick with him!
It works out well for you and Ash gets to feed his ego a bit by protecting you and the world - only one of those is important to him.
(Hint: it’s not the world.)
Ash would burn the world down for you.
But he wouldn’t make the opposite trade because, “baby, you are my world” *salacious wink which has your face heating up*
Older Ash (this man ages like fine wine istg)
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I’m gonna say it.
I’m just gonna say it.
If you thought that life with Ash thirty years ago was hard then buckle up butter cup because this man is a ✨ walking disaster ✨
You cannot go anywhere without Ash being there so it’s good that you’re clingy! 
Take just a bit longer in the bathroom than usual? 
He’s gonna stand outside the door and listen for a few seconds. If he hears... bathroom noises then he knows you’re good, but if you’re silent...
“Hey, ah - you okay in there, kid?”
“Yeah, m’fine, Ash!”
He listens for even a hint of that voice distortion which is customary of a Deadite but then you say - 
“You don’t wanna stick around for this, Ash.” or something which reminds him that you’re in the bathroom and he goes back to whatever he was doing.
If you’ve always been with Ash, then at this point you’re both clingy and where one of you is, the other will definitely be.
It’s so common that if Pablo or Kelly see either of you without the other, they’re instantly worried.
You’re smol and Ash is just... protective. Straight up.
No ifs or buts or maybes, Ash will not leave your side if he knows that you like to be beside him.
Ash once made a joke like you’re like an extension of himself physically because you’re always there.
You laughed but in the back of your head you wonder how much of what he said was actually a joke.
Ash takes a bit longer these days to show he’s got a softer side, but when you’re around it slips out so frequently that you get see a glimmer of the boy who just wanted to have a good weekend with his friends in some old cabin.
It breaks your heart and you cling just a bit tighter, as if to say:
I’m here, Ash.
He hears you. Whether you say it out loud or not, doesn’t matter. He’ll hear you and in his own way he’ll say it back. You better be listening or you’ll miss it, and if you do then he won’t say it again for a while.
You’re his Y/N and nothing and no one will ever hurt you when Ash is beside you.
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danny-williams · 3 years
kiss it better
Coda to s2.6. yknow the one. it’s the boxing episode. Here’s a refresher if you’ve forgotten. Also im pretending that the final scenes w Joe never happened.
It takes Steve a while to notice, because the fight takes a lot out of him, and he’s almost dead on his feet by the time Danny pulls up in their driveway and ushers Steve in for a shower - but Danny’s mad at him.
Steve knows because he’s been keeping his distance ever since the boxing match. 
He didn’t grab at Steve’s chin to get a closer look at what is promising to be an impressive shiner underneath his eye (if the way his muscle is throbbing is indicative of anything), or thrust an ice-pack Steve’s way and demand he hold it against his shoulder. 
In fact, apart from insisting that he be the one to drive them home because you might have a concussion you goof, what if you lose consciousness at the wheel and then run someone over? Danny barely speaks to him.
Danny stands behind the rest of the team, all smiles and laughs and casual comments, but doesn’t look Steve in the eye. Not once.
The idea that Danny might be upset with him ping-pongs around his head, forcing him to replay the events of the day over again in his head, looking for a moment where something went wrong and he hadn’t noticed, something that forced Danny curl into himself and avoid Steve.
Try as he might though, he can’t think of anything.
Still, he can’t let the thought that Danny’s upset with him though, and after three failed attempts at sleep - he reaches on the other side of the bed, where Danny has his head nestled into the pillow and is snoring faintly; and prods Danny until he stirs. 
“What’s the matter? Did we catch a new case? Do the criminals on this island not understand the concept of bed-time? Unless it’s life or death, and I mean literal life or death Steven - it can wait until the morning. So this better be good.”
Steve opens his mouth to comment on the way Danny was snoring, a quippy thing meant to cut the tension, but what comes out is: “You didn’t check me over after the fight.”
Danny eyes, which were half-lidded from fatigue, are completely alert now - bright, and wide, and completely trained on Steve. It’s the kind of thing to make a lesser man squirm.
“I got hit, a couple of times actually. Got myself a shiny new bruise and everything,” Steve gestures just below his eye, “But you didn’t - you didn’t check me over. You always check me over, after I’m injured.”
“You woke me up in the middle of the night because I didn’t kiss your boo-boo better?” Danny asks, with a touch of incredulity in his tone, “This is low babe, even for you. If you wanted me to kiss you better all you had to do was ask.”
And yet, Steve notes silently, Danny makes no move to approach him. 
“That isn’t -” Steve grits his teeth in frustration, because he recognises that waking up his partner this late is questionable, and Danny is completely entitled to have something to say about it, “I don’t want you to kiss it better.”
Lie, the thought comes unbidden, before he can tamp it down, but he tries to let it not show on his face.
“I’ve gotten used to you looking me over when I’m injured,” he tries to explain, “You always do it. It’s a thing, with you, with us. I get myself injured, and then you loudly fuss over me and tell me all the ways I’m going to send you into an early grave.”
Danny’s silent for a couple of moments and then - 
“Yeah well, that’s when we’re on the clock. You wanna get injured on your own time? That’s all on you. I’m not touching that mess with a 12-foot pole.”
It occurs to Steve that this is bigger than he previously thought it would be, and he shuffles closer to Danny, trying to get a better look at him under the faint moonlight. 
“Danny, you know that me fighting tonight, that was for charity right? I don’t get my kicks out of having the shit beaten out of me.”
“Then you should’ve stayed down,” Danny says, louder than he probably meant to, because his voice reverberates around the empty room, “The first time you fell down, when I asked you to stay down, you should’ve stayed down.”
“Look, I get that we lead dangerous lives. That our jobs mean sometimes shit’s gonna go sideways. I hate it, but I even accept that your inherent Navy SEAL-ness means that you run headfirst into danger. Hell, half the time I’m right there with you.” Danny huffs, and he reaches out to touch the bruise developing under Steve’s eyes, but stops himself at the last second. His hand hangs there, right above them. 
“But tonight? The fight? All these injuries were pointless. Meaningless. They were to feed your ego, and I’m sorry if I’m not okay with watching you get beat up. Even if it is for charity.”
Steve pulls his hand out from under the covers, and intertwines it with Danny’s, pulling Danny’s hand close to his chest.
“Hey, listen to me, listen to me,” he says again when Danny rolls his eyes, “You feel that? That’s my heart, right there, in the middle of my chest. I got a little banged up, sure, but I’m okay Danny. I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know that you goof,” Danny flexes his fingers against Steve’s chest, but doesn’t make any effort to take it back, “That doesn’t mean I’m going to ever be okay with seeing you hurt. Or that I’m gonna play nurse for you all the time, because that’d probably encourage you.”
Steve waggles his eyebrows, “But you’d look so good in a nurse outfit.”
“Don’t make me smother you with this pillow Steven, because I will. You don’t want to test me.”
Steve laughs, full-bodied and loud, and uses his grip on Danny’s hand to pull him closer, until Danny’s tucked next to his side. It’s still the beginning of the year, so it’s cool enough that they can do this without the heat making it too uncomfortable.
“I am sorry,” Steve says finally, “I wasn’t trying to get hurt - and yeah, a little bit of it was my ego, but it was mainly to give the crowd a good show. I wasn’t thinking of anything else. Honest.”
Danny sighs, tilting his head to press a kiss on the underside of Steve’s chin, “I know babe. Doesn’t make it any easier on me though.”
“I’ll try and not get myself as injured.”
“That’s all I’m asking. Now go to sleep or I swear to god, I’m gonna give you a matching kisser on the other side of your face. And it won’t be that pretty too.”
Steve tightens the arm he has around Danny’s waist; and closes his eyes - letting the sounds of the ocean wash over him until his breath evens out.
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writing-gifts · 3 years
here’s the 6th part of the incubus!doppio AU!
im gonna start posting this on ao3 too (with some editing in the earlier chapters so you can check that out if you wanna)
list of parts
@wasabi-mommy @mistabrainr0t @the-average-mastermind
“OW! What the hell--why’d you bite me so hard for!?”
You try to move your leg but Mutton blocks your way. Letting out a sigh, you stand in place and look down at the cat.
“What? What is the problem?”
He moves behind you and presses his head against the back of your calf hard enough to affect your balance. When you move your leg forward to stop yourself from falling, Mutton walks towards the door.
“Do you want me to let you out? But you just got here.”
The cat looks at you for a moment before placing his front paws on the door and stretching upward towards the knob.
Shaking your head, you walk over to the door. “I’m gonna get that cat door for you one day, I swear.”
Once it’s open, Mutton quickly circles your legs and pushes his head against them like before.
“Okay, okay I’m going!”
You walk out and the feline takes a few steps towards the forest ahead before turning to look back. His multicolored eyes stay locked on yours and you purse your lips when you realize what he wants.
“I guess I'm following you….”
After locking and closing the door, you walk after the cat as he continues into the forest. You wonder what exactly he’s so desperate to show you. Was this even normal behavior for cats? You weren't sure but you did know that Mutton was a little more on the intelligent side. Sometimes you even felt like he could even understand you.
So you go along with it, following a distance behind through what seems like endless trees and brush and fanning random insects out of your face. Fortunately, the weather was cool enough that you weren't sweating too.
However, the longer you walk, the more you fear that you might be lost. Trying to find your way back on your own would definitely make it worse though.
Just when you think you need to take a break, a body of water appears in the distance through the opening of the trees. When you and Mutton finally exit the packed foliage, you see that you’ve been led to a lake sitting in a giant clearing in the forest.
You stare a bit amazed at the size and notice a cabin near it a distance away. Mutton doesn't stop long to let you marvel at the scene though and continues towards the lake. You catch up to him and the both of you walk alongside the water.
“So do you know the person in the cabin?” You assume that’s where you're headed.
You didn’t expect a response, but Mutton merps to acknowledge you. You hum and your gaze quickly finds itself back on the lake. It was vast, going on so far you could barely see where it ended. The sky and trees reflect on its surface clearly and the water’s so still you almost feel like you can jump into the clouds if you want to.
Once the two of you are closer, you see that the brick and wood cabin was partially sitting on the grassy land behind it and partially on the water. You had also underestimated the size. Perhaps more than one person lived here?
Mutton leads you around the side of the house and stops to sit next to the front door. He looks up at you expectedly so you reach out to knock.
Several seconds pass before you hear the door being unlocked and when it opens, a handsome man with a neat, dark bob is revealed.
Unsure of what to do, you give a quick greeting and go quiet afterward. You didn't plan what to say when the door was answered, you just knew Mutton wanted you to knock.
Said cat walks into view, rubbing against the man’s leg as he walks into the house.
At that moment, realization seems to cross the man's face and he smiles at you.
“You must be the neighbor,” he says.
“The person who lives in the house outside the forest. I saw someone moved in but never came around to introduce myself.”
"Oh, I had no idea anyone lived out here."
"That’s pretty much the reason why I’m out here.” The man moves to make room so you can walk inside. “Would you like to come in?"
You're a little hesitant since you just met but Mutton had no issue with it apparently. And the cat had actively been prepared to attack Diavolo for you on multiple occasions.
The moment you pass the threshold, you’re instantly awed. When you thought of cabins, simple and small came to mind. This one was neatly organized but it didn't give the homely vibe you’d expect.
The monochromatic room was spacious and decorated with nice looking furniture and curtains. The living area consisted of a fireplace surrounded by comfortable looking couches, and the stone wall above it held shelves that were crammed full of old looking books, various expensive looking decor and bottles. And to the right, closer to the back of the room sat a sizable dining set.
However what mostly grabs your eye is the fish tanks that were embedded in the walls throughout the room. At first you wonder why he had so many, but when you look closer you realize that they were not, in fact, separate tanks but a giant aquarium partially hidden within the walls.
Was the whole house like this? What type of cabin was this?
While you wonder where all the fish are, something twinkles in the corner of your eye. You turn to see what it is, but there’s nothing there.
So I'm imagining things now...
You turn your attention to the man. "Sorry what was that?"
“I asked if you wanted anything to drink?”
You cross your arms and shake your head. “No I’m good…so do you know why Mutton led me here?”
The cat currently sits on the top of the back of one of the white couches.
“I actually needed to discuss something important with you, but I should introduce myself first. I'm Bruno Bucciarati--you can refer to me as either--and I'm a witch.”
You’re immediately skeptical. It wasn't unheard of, obviously, but you couldn't just believe whatever anyone told you. Bruno doesn’t look bothered by your dubiousness though.
“You're smart enough to not trust blindly. That’s good.” The man puts a finger to his chin. “You have a leaf on your shoulder.”
Before you can reach up to brush it off the man plucks it off you. Then just as quickly as he picked it off, the small green leaf begins to glow and transforms into a full flower.
You stare shocked trying to find any way to explain what you just saw. It was no trick of the eye either as the leaf’s form changed right before you into a completely different thing.
The man--no witch holds out the white rose and you gently take it.
“I--wow I just keep running into supernatural beings or something.”
"This forest does seem to attract them," he says.
You roll the flower stem between your fingers. “I’m ____ by the way.Uh, I don't know if you call him Mutton too--" You tilt your head in the direction of the feline. “--but is he your familiar or something?”
“No, he’s just a cat that likes to wander the forest. However, my familiar's over there though if you’re interested."
You get closer to the tank the witch pointed out to observe and even though you weren't exactly showing it, you were actually really excited and interested by the fact that you just met a witch.
At first you don't see anything in the huge tank other than greenery and a rocky cave ornament in the corner. But then something pops its head out of the opening. An eel that also managed to match the color scheme of the room. It was mostly white and covered in black patterns with yellow sprinkled in. It comes out of its hiding spot and swims back and forth as if it were stretching out it’s long body. Then it turns to you when it realizes that you're intently watching through the glass.
Your smile at it’s somewhat funny face and tilt your head a bit. The eel responds by tilting its own head, as if curious by your action.
"Holy crap. This is actually pretty cool! Do they talk?" you ask.
“Not really.” Bruno's smile falters. “But surprisingly Mutton does.”
“Huh?” You snicker a bit thinking the witch is joking but see that there’s no sign that he is on his face.
You look over at the cat and he stares back unblinking before glancing at Bruno.
"....I thought we weren't going to tell them."
Your heart almost jumps into your throat. “W-What?”
Bruno hums. “I thought about it and decided there's no point keeping it secret any longer. The incubus already knows. So it would only be a matter of time before he said something."
You're still reeling from Mutton talking that you almost missed what Bruno said.
“Hold on...Wait. Incubus? Are you talking about Doppio?” you ask the witch.
You squint confused. “He knew and he didn't say anything? How long ago did he find out?"
"About a week," Mutton says.
"It might have benefited him in some way but I'm not sure why he didn't say anything," Bruno adds.
You exhale, somehow already on the verge of irritation with...everyone. Doppio was usually open with you, but apparently he thought this was a good thing not to mention.
You stare at Mutton who looks at you like he usually did, as if this weren’t an issue. But that was far from the case for you. It wasn't explicitly said but you were sure he told Bruno things about you, and it left you disturbed.
“...Well is there anything else I should know about Mutton?”
"Well his name's not actually Mutton," Bruno says.
"It's Leone Abbacchio, but you can call me Abbacchio."
You grimace from the human sounding voice coming from the cat you had been cuddling practically since...since you moved here!
“Okay Abbacchio, I don't really want you snooping around my house anymore--
“That can be arranged,” Bruno interrupts. “Once we ‘exorcise’ that demon constantly visiting you.”
Your already furrowed brow deepens. Doppio wasn't possessing anything though. You weren't even sure he was capable of that.
“No, I don't want that!”
"Listen, it might seem like Doppio is harmless, but things can become dangerous if he grows too serious of an attachment to you. And if it makes you feel better, we won’t need to hurt him if he leaves quietly."
You weren't exactly sure what the witch meant by "dangerous" but his serious tone managed to spark some anxiety within you.
"I mean it would be natural for Doppio to get upset if I suddenly wanted him gone."
"He's not just talking about being upset." Abbacchio says, annoyance in his tone. "Doppio could literally keep you against your will if he wanted and there would be no way for Bruno to reverse it."
"All demons are naturally envious creatures and the way things are going between you two, it’s only a matter of time. And this doesn't even take into account the other demon." Bruno says.
Diavolo aside, you couldn't bring yourself to see Doppio in that light.
The front door slams open and the temperature in the room seems to drop.
Doppio stomps in, his face flushed. Once he sees you he seems to relax slightly but his expression is still irate.
“I finally found you!” he exclaims.
Bruno raises a brow and turns to Abbacchio.
The cat's ears fold back in frustration. "I was sure I lost him."
The incubus walks up to you, stopping too close and grabbing your shoulders harshly. “Are you okay?”
“Doppio you're gripping me too tightly.” You push off his hands and wrap your arms around yourself to shield your body from the sudden chill that seemed to appear. “I’m fine….But they're talking about you being able to keep me? What does that exactly mean?”
You wanted to hear an explanation from the incubus himself. You trusted him not to lie to your face if you asked him straight on.
However, Doppio reacts strangely, as if he's afraid. He makes some space between the two of you and struggles to look at you. You try to catch his gaze again but he refuses to keep eye contact.
"It's…" He strains his fingers. "Well, you see, incubi and succubi can form a….c-connection with a weaker being if they’re close enough. Then they could technically stay together forever."
Abbacchio grunts, "Way to sugar coat it--"
“I wouldn’t do that to you though ____! I didn't even consider it! U-Unless you wanted to it would never happen and I know that you like your space…”
The incubus is the most stressed you've seen him.
Even though you were still upset you didn't like seeing him like this, so in an attempt to ease him, you try to smile. Unfortunately, it comes off pretty strained.
You take a moment to mull over what he said though and come to a conclusion pretty quickly. "Even though that was kind of vague...I think I understand. And honestly, I can't see you forcing me into that."
You'd never seen a cat roll their eyes until now.
"Typical human. They're a lost cause Bruno. Let's leave them to do what they want," Abbacchio says before stretching and laying down.
The witch looks disapprovingly at the cat. "You know I can't do that. Perhaps they actually were charmed. I could--"
"Sir," you say to get his attention. "I appreciate your concern, but I trust Doppio and I'd prefer if you didn't get in between the two of us."
Having to tell your almost neighbor you just met to buzz off even in a polite way wasn't what you were expecting to do today.
Bruno doesn’t look upset though. He's quiet, studying you with an unreadable expression but then he nods.
"I'm having Leone check up on you. If anything seems off I'm getting involved."
Your brows furrow slightly. Didn't you just explicitly say you didn't want Abbacchio snooping around your home anymore?
You want to argue more but the witch didn't leave room in his statement to negotiate. And even though you hate to admit it, keeping the supernatural out of your home wasn't exactly your strong suit. It pissed you off but you couldnt do anything about it. So you give a curt nod and immediately walk to the exit with Doppio following closely behind.
Once outside, you follow the incubus through the forest. There's a long, awkward stretch of silence between you two though.
Doppio tries to sneakily glance at you, which you of course you notice but you choose to ignore it. However, after the 50th one he finally decides to say something.
You sigh, "What?"
He slows to a stop to turn and look at you properly but, again, he has trouble keeping eye contact.
"Are you mad?"
Maybe at first but now it had changed to more of a disappointed feeling.
"Not necessarily but you knew about Mutt--Abbacchio and didn't say anything to me. So I'm not exactly happy right now."
"I didn't but--"
You shake your head. "No Doppio. I'm too tired right now to understand whatever weird logic you formed in your head."
His mouth closes and the hurt on his face instantly makes you regret your choice of words. Maybe you shouldn't have said it like that but you really didn't feel like listening to excuses right now.
You look away from Doppio. "Let's just go, please."
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im on insta seeing some people defend violet over her actions in last week's episode and like. On one hand I get it, you wanna see the good in the characters and she just a kid and under a lot of stress from school. She was probably just projecting some jealously and insecurity. It happens.
But on the other hand, she was using some major guilt tripping that you can't just apologize away. She was playing the victim as if she wasn't betraying and harassing Sunny this past ep. Like yes okay she had to have learned how to guilt trip from somewhere, and that can open some doors to some interesting meta regarding her background, but its still hurtful and wrong of her to do that.
I experienced guilt tripping a lot. And still do on occasions. I know I occasionally use it myself but I catch myself bc I dont want to do that bc I know how it feels. I really want to see her grow and address what she's done. We can't excuse her behavior. It's very much the "cool motive, still murder"
If this was a one off, I'd let it be. I mean I wouldn't be pleased, but I would have considered it ooc. But it wasn't. Bc after how the first ep went down and then the whole Bella situation... idk man. It just seems to me that maybe she didn't actually learn her lesson all the way and then they (the writers) just went and tried to do her even worse.
Obligatory yes this is just a show, a show for kids specifically, but isn't that why we should be concerned? Kids need to know that what violet did was wrong, and her apology was kinda half assed. Sunny was far too gracious and should put her foot down a bit more. Yes she did do some standing up, but that was in the initial shock of it all, but I think she was too quick to forgive.
Plus there's the whole having to console violet bc "noo you're not a bad friend" like I kinda feel like maybe you wouldn't have to say that if it was true... like sure people are insecure and unsure a lot, but uhh this felt a little outta the blue on the note.
Idk I really wanna see violet grow, but they keep making her do these things that like in the grand scheme of things aren't gonna mean anything, but in the shortness of the show they really so stick with you. Again yes they're kids and they have so much to learn, but I feel like the distance between her doing things and then having it brought up again is too great.
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jeyusos-girl · 4 years
Tell Them
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pairing: Bishop x OC
summary: Bishop’s younger girlfriend shows up at the clubhouse, but the guys don’t know about her.
a/n: i wrote this while at work and i still managed to get my shit done 😝😝 im happy with how this came out
warnings: none
word count: 1184
Samantha stood in front of her mirror, applying her mascara. She put the wand back in the tube and set it down. She fluffed her curls and smirked to herself. 
“He is going to freak out,” she giggled, fixing her shirt.
She woke up in bed alone today, Bishop had left early in the morning for club business. This was the 5th day this week that happened and she was getting fed up. As she was eating her breakfast an idea came to mind, she was going to pay him a visit today. The catch? None of the guys knew she existed. 
When she and Bishop started dating six and a half months ago, he told her about the club, but he didn't go into detail until about the third month. From then on she’d been begging him to bring her to the clubhouse to meet the rest of the guys. He always shut her down, saying something about him keeping her safe.
In the back of her mind, she knew that his reasoning was only half the truth. After all, she was younger than him and she knew he would always be a little insecure about that. She’s told him countless times that age didn’t mean anything to her and that she loves him no matter what. But still, he always gave her a sweet kiss and assured her she’d meet the guys soon. Of course, soon never came. Until now that is. 
She made her way to her car and hopped in, driving the short distance to the clubhouse. During her drive, she began having doubts, wondering if now was the right time. She was nervous that she wouldn’t be welcome, that they’d see her as an outsider. She was contemplating turning around and going back home but a little voice in her head told her it was now or never.
“Come on, Samantha, you got this, ” she took a deep breath as the clubhouse came into view. The front gates were open, so she drove through and parked next to a row of bikes. She flipped the overhead mirror down and fluffed her hair once more. 
”Alright girl, you can do it. They're gonna love you,”
She got out of the car, slamming the door behind her. The noise caught the attention of three men outside who were working on fixing bikes. She looked around the yard, hoping to find Bishop. The men huddled together and pointed at her and soon one of them stood up and made his way over. He was tall with dark hair, tattoos covering his arms. He wore a red flannel under his kutte. As he came into her view she could see the slight smirk on his face.
“Hey mami, you lost?” he spoke.
“Uh no, I’m actually looking for someone,” Samantha replied.
“Well whoever he is, I’m sure he wouldn’t be anywhere near here. But forget him, how about me and you get to know each other,” he moved closer to her, and she raised her brows at him. Before she could shut him down, the doors to the clubhouse opened revealing three more men, an older man with long hair, a tall buff man with short black hair, and Bishop. She smiled as she saw him laughing with the other two. That smile turned to a smirk when he made eye contact with her and froze in surprise. 
“You good, ‘mano?” the older man with long hair asked. Bishop cleared his throat, giving him a nervous laugh,
“Yeah, I’m good,” and with that, he made his way down the steps and toward Samantha who’s smile never went away. He got closer to her and gently pulled her aside, aware of the eyes and ears on them. 
“Querida, what are you doing here?” he whispered, laughing nervously.
“Well,” she started, putting on an act of innocence, “I woke up today alone, for the 5th day in a row by the way, and I missed my man. So I figured I’d pay you a visit, surely you don’t mind… right?” she smiled sweetly, batting her lashes. Bishop gaped at her,
“No uh.. of course not but I thought we agreed I would bring you around the club when the time was right,” 
“Well, I decided the right time is now,” Samantha tilted her head at him and raised a brow, “It’s been almost 7 months Obispo, I’m tired of being your little secret. God forbid something happens on a run and you get hurt, how will I know? They can’t call me and tell me if they don’t know I exist,”
Bishop sighed, “You’re right, I’m sorry mama. I just wanna keep you away from all this shit, I wouldn’t forgive myself if you got hurt,” 
Samantha could see the hurt in his eyes.
“Baby, I’ve never felt safer than I have these past six and a half months,” 
Bishop gave her a small smile and as he went to speak, a voice sounded off in the background,
“Yo, Bish, you know her?” the guy from earlier questioned. Bishop turned to face him.
“Tell them,” she smirked. Bishop looked at her, shaking his head with a big smile.
“Yeah. Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Samantha,”
It got quiet as their mouths dropped slightly, Samantha held back a giggle as she came up next to Bishop and wrapped her arm around his torso. 
“Hello everyone,” Samantha grinned. 
“Welcome, Samantha.” the long-haired man smiled. One by one the guys came up to her and introduced themselves and she felt Bishop relax. 
“Damn, Bish, where have you been hiding her?” the man, who she’d learned was named Angel, asked. Bishop glared at him, causing Angel to raise his hands in surrender. 
“Aye, how about we welcome Samantha the right way?” Coco spoke. The guys all agreed and headed into the clubhouse. Bishop looked down at Samantha who was already looking up at him.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, woman,” he shook his head as she giggled. He gave her a sweet kiss and led her inside.
Once inside, she met Creeper, Riz, and Ez. They all sat around each other while Ez served them drinks and they were engaging in friendly conversation. Samantha sat in Bishop’s lap laughing as she told them the story of how they met. She took a sip of her beer when Gilly spoke up, 
“How come you hid her from us for so long?”
“I wanted her all to myself,” he shrugged and winked at Samantha who rolled her eyes playfully. 
“Well she’s a part of this family now,” Tranq raised his beer, “a toast to Samantha and Bishop!”
The guys cheered and raised their glasses. Samantha shook her head as she did the same.
Soon the guys went back to telling stories and Bishop looked up at Samantha. She took another sip of her beer before she caught his eye.
“What?” she grinned.
“I love you, querida,” 
Samantha leaned down, catching his lips in hers. They pulled away and stared into each other’s eyes before Samantha snuggled into his neck. 
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muwur · 4 years
long distance headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for daichi, suga, hinata & tsukki
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.5k words
a/n: hello yall this is my first post! nobody asked, but i just started this haikyuu reader insert blog, feel free to check my page n see wazzap. also requests are open pls come fhorfjepfiwf;
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✧ after high school, he stayed in miyagi while you went to tokyo, about 5 hours away, for college
✧ texting or calling whenever u can!
✧ you be like “heyyy”
✧ then he clap back with a “go focus on your lecture”
✧ “im not in lectureee”
✧ “you gave me your schedule so i know you’re in the middle of class”
✧ “...”
✧ makes sure you’re awake on time for your classes and calls you if he thinks you’re oversleeping (and hes usually right, this man just KNOWS)
✧ “morning y/n, i think you need to get to class soon”
✧ “mmrghhhghhh” *checks time* “holy sHI-- i forgot to set my alarm. IMMA BE LATE. THANKS DAICHI I LOVE YOU ILL TALK TO YOU LATER BYE”
✧ definitely skips out on some nights out with his friends to video chat you. you catch up, talk about future plans, reminisce, complain about not being able to hug one another, etc. occasionally one of you falls asleep on call, particularly after a long day or week. if he sleeps, you make sure you screenshot his sleeping face and start a picture collection  
✧ you hit him up when you get drunk lMAO
✧ “daiichiii, i miss youuu, i needdd youuuu AND i needa peeee---” “hey daichi, this is y/n’s friend. y/n’s pretty out of it now but they’ll be okay! we’re heading back to our place right now” “im gonna pEE IN THIS CAR”
✧ daichi coordinates with your friends to make sure you arrive home safely, use the bathroom, and get tucked into bed. he thanks the universe you have good friends. if it weren’t for them he’d probs have a heart attacc. sends you cute, reassuring voice messages for you to wake up to the next morning with hangover tips he learned from suga
✧ always checks in with you throughout the day, every day. able to pick up on the slightest hints if you’re feeling unwell and calls you immediately to try to make you feel better
✧ makes plans to visit you! you get really excited to introduce him to your college friends (who, after meeting him, tell you not only is he a hottie but is such a kind guy, fosho a keeper. they also ask if he has any cute friends)
✧ either holding your hand or has an arm around you most of the time.
✧ you spend all day together outside and wandering the city, then spend the night back at your place (sorry roommate, but we’re gonna have to kick you out for a lil bit--)    
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✧ you finally secured a job! unfortunately, the company required you to work for a year at their main facility, which was a 4 hour drive away from miyagi
✧ if suga wasn’t needed in miyagi for his teaching job, he would’ve tried to come with you
✧ after unloading your things in your new apartment and before parting ways, suga was like
✧ “everything’s unloaded everything from the car?”
✧ “yes maam”
✧ “do you have enough snacks?”
✧ “we just went to the grocery hun”
✧ “did you bring enough underwear?”
✧ “gDI yEs I dID”
✧ “:c promise to call me often”
✧ “<3333 of course”</p>
✧ good morning texts before y’all leave for work! you send each other cute pictures when you’re getting ready for the day (suga with bedhead, brushing his teeth? suga with his tie half done?? sign me up)
✧ always texts you when something reminds him of you, usually sends a picture along with it
✧ “the store was having a special on oranges today! this one reminds me of you”
✧ “why”
✧ “it just looks so cute~”
✧ will immediately call you if you send him any sort of message that worries him
-“hello? y/n what’s wrong, why is there blood?? speak to me, you haven’t replied in 5 minutes”
✧ “ohhh my bad, i’m just cleaning up don’t worry! i didn’t explain, but the picture i sent you isn’t blood, it’s ketchup i spilled on myself lolol”
✧ poor man nearly fainted from worry
✧ would pay you a surprise visit, making sure to plan it carefully so he knew you weren’t busy with work or plans. brings you gifts of your favorite snacks and a scarf that matches one of his own for the upcoming winter
✧ plans out that weekend for y’all, mans did his research beforehand. together, you toured the city and the surrounding nature, took lots of selfies (and many candids of you), and taste tested lots of foods before returning to your apartment and collapsing into your bed with exhaustion
✧ but y’all not too tired for cuddling n a lil something else >.>
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✧ sure, being a couple hours away was hard for some... but y’all in different countries right now
✧ calls you immediately when there’s any inconvenience that occurs in his life, no matter how minor, thinking you’ll know how to fix it (or at least give him the reassurance he needs)
✧ “hey y/n...”
✧ “what’s wrong? you sound worried”
✧ “i broke my bike, what do i do”
✧ “you what? are you alright?? how? where are you? it’s midnight there, honey”
✧ “i was biking back to my apartment after staying late to practice! i didn’t wanna hit this turtle, so i swerved into a pole and now my bike’s wrecked :**”
✧ “ahh, are you okay?? you’re not hurt are you :(”
✧ “no, im okay... but im tired and i have two miles to go ;(((”
✧ “;( im sorry babe but you gotta walk home. we’ll get you a new bike. ill stay on the phone with you until you get back. tell me about your day <3″</p>
✧ talks about you all the time to his friends! introduces you through video chat to them! “look how pretty and cute y/n is!”
✧ together you work out your time differences and busy schedules so you can chat whenever possible
✧ he lets you know whenever he bought something for you, but never shows it to you because he’s excited to see your reaction in person when you reunite
✧ always asks you to send him pictures of yourself, he wants to see what you look like everyday he’s missing you in real life
✧ you surprise visit HIM. he’s so happy he could cry. shows you around every place he loves, shows you off to everyone he knows, holds your hand the entire time and never wants to let go, is practically glued to you not that you mind  
✧ you spend your last night together lying in the grass, hand in hand, looking at the stars and sharing sweet kisses  
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✧ y’all went to separate universities. while he stayed relatively close to miyagi, you went across the country to okinawa, which was about a 3 hour flight away
✧ he sees all the couples around campus n becomes lowkey bitter, texts you immediately about gross pda like hand holding that he secretly wishes he could do with you “these people in relationships are too happy, i didn’t ask to see them gawk at each other all day” “u just miss me lmao”
✧ once overheard a convo on a shuttle at school that went like :
✧ person 1: “ugh, he’s so cute”
✧ person 2: “why dont you go out with him??”
✧ person 1: “i dunno, his dorm’s down the street, i can’t really do long distance”
✧ nANI (by the way, this is a irl conversation my friend overheard, oml)
✧ tsukki nearly choked on his morning coffee
✧ bothers texts you in class bc he’s bored and in need of your attention
✧ “hey tsukki this prof’s lectures are rlly dense, i needa focus, ill text u after”
✧ “but arent i more interesting than rocks”
✧ “trust me, id even rather watch some dino documentaries with you than be here”
✧ *read*
✧ likes to chat with you most nights as he lies in bed before going to sleep, staring up at the dark ceiling and listening to your voice through his headphones. usually just talking about how your days went (as if you weren’t texting all day) or just casual talk and banter
✧ you remind him to make sure he’s taking care of himself and eating well
✧ “who are you? my mother?”
✧ “no but you’re about to be single”
✧ surprise visits you, tells you it was yamaguchi’s idea when it was really his own and yamaguchi was just teasing him about it  
✧ you show him around the city, sharing what you know about its rich history and culture. you visit most areas you both wanted to see before calling it a day
✧ your roommate conveniently spends that night over at their friend’s they just wanna give you alone time, which y’all very much needed. you make it a note to repay your roommate somehow.
✧ sweet lovin that he’s been missing, then some spooning as you sleep    
a/n: just wanna tackle these about 4 characters at a time but if u wanna see this headcanon w/ other characters feel free to hmu w/ an ask <3<b> also sorry if i text type a lot and that im inconsistent with my apostrophes, let me know if that’s something you want me to fix! 
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zigtheeortega · 3 years
in a spurt of energy i decided to finish the playlist i’d been working on for a while! this turned into a raleigh playlist, and i’m a little sorry about it but not really :/ this playlist is nsfw and all of the descriptions are under the cut! [there’s a line separating the spanish-language songs’ explanations]
1. anywhere
we can make love on the bedroom / floating on top of my waterbed / i'm kissing you / running my fingers through your hair / in the hallway / making our way beside the stairs / we can do it anywhere
most singers are influenced by their predecessors, so i have no doubt that raleigh listened to old r&b groups and practiced lead vocals, background vocals, & harmonies to them in the shower. this one stands out to me because i think it captures just the right amount of smooth sensual energy that raleigh exudes at all times. 112 is immaculate and no doubt one of raleigh’s favs.
2. nasty
promise I'ma give it to you like you never had it / i do it so good, it's gon' be hard to break the habit / you're like a whole constellation / swimming like you on vacation / promise i'm still gonna love you when you wake up in the a.m.
you can’t convince me that raleigh didn’t listen to ariana’s album when it dropped and went absolutely wide eyed when they heard these lyrics like “she really went there...” – but then it became a staple of every ~secret playlist to do the horizontal polka to~ 
3. sex money feelings die
all my lights off when i wake up / tears under my makeup / your lips will stay shut / wanna wake up, break up / i don't wanna think about, think about you / drink up, drink up / i'm so fucked up / all i want is you / no, i don't wanna think about, think about you / sex money feelings die / baby don't you cry
so this is the song i’ve latched onto for my mc dom. i have a headcanon (i think i’ve said it on main a lot, and i’ve even made edits for it) that after the breakup, which everyone else thinks is real, but they think is fake, but is actually real, dom drives to the studio super late at night and just belts out the lyrics while sobbing just to get them off of her shoulders. and it accidentally becomes a hit! which makes raleigh feel even more like shit 
4. facetime
back up all that shit you talking / facetimin' my baby tonight, oh / bet you wanna cop a feel / bet you wonder if it's real / facetimin' my baby tonight / and when you coming home / i'm gon' give you all of my love / i'm gon' put it on you / i said ooh you a hell of a drug
not to get too in detail but raleigh is an ~active~ individual, so i have no doubt that during long tours, they’re facetiming mc for some quality time. and this one’s just sensual and sweet like raleigh’s relationship is so!  
5. only 1
i know all the competition that's after you / so i get to thinking, is this too good to be true? / i can't, be your, only one / no i can't, be your only one / 'cause you look twice as good as anyone i ever met / and your love is three times better / how could anyone forget? / as I'm layin' down, with you every night / it still gets to me, that you remain by my side / i ain't saying that i'm not deservin' of you / but i was dreaming, bigger than i ever knew
raleigh’s convinced they don’t deserve someone as good as the mc and this for sure seems to be one of those songs that they heard when ari’s album dropped and they were like “jeez this is sappy” then they turn out to relate to it super hard like the clown they are
6. kissin’ on my tattoos
now i ain't ever been the jealous type of guy / but i want you to myself, i can't lie / i know we ain't on no one on one thing / but baby, it should change / 'cause when i be out with other chicks i be thinking 'bout you / and when you be out on dates you be texting me too / i don't want nobody but you / kissin' on my tattoos / i don't want nobody but me / talkin' to you / until you fall asleep / we better stop playing (we better stop playing) / before we mess around and someone gets hurt
now this... this is THE quintessential raleigh song for me. like when i think of raleigh this is THE first song that comes to mind. the entire song beginning to end is raleigh singing about mc. like i am convinced if this existed in their universe, they ghostwrote it for mc. genuinely the MOST raleigh song in existence and i cannot be convinced otherwise
7. life of an outlaw
not gonna put the lyrics but this would absolutely be on one of raleigh’s playlists that they play pre-concert to get hyped up, or a workout playlist. i just feel it in my bones that their fav music is from the 90′s ok
8. watch ‘n’ learn
i'ma do it, do it, do it / on the bed, on the floor, on the couch / only 'cause your lips say make it to my mouth / just because i can't kiss back / doesn't mean you can't kiss that / baby all i need / all doing on me / like you aimed to please / show me how much you mean it / by the way that you please me, baby
another song on their freaky deeky playlist ! i know raleigh’s prob tried to get with rihanna at least once in their lives
9. freaky girls
i'ma be your freak any time or place, any day of the week / said i'ma let you hit it, i ain't scared, i ain't shy, it's cool with me 
yet ANOTHER song on their freaky deeky playlist ! sorry im not taking this more seriously im just daydreaming ab the songs that raleigh would add to their secret playlists
10. thinkin’ bout you
thinking bout ya, dreaming bout ya / i don't wanna be without ya / pillow talking, heaven walking / been about ya, still about ya / you ain't gotta worry bout it, baby girl, you know i got you / drinking out the bottle to deal with all my problems like / i should call / i thought i had the right one the last time around
god this is post breakup raleigh through and through. i have a hc that raleigh ghostwrites a lot of songs for people especially ones that fuck with their brand – they collabed on this with micah and a popular rapper and micah was like :/ come on now raleigh i KNOW who this is about
11. un-thinkable
moment of honesty / someone's gotta take the lead tonight, who's it gonna be? / i'm gonna sit right here and tell you all that comes to me / if you have something to say, you should say it right now / you give me a feeling that i never felt before / and i deserve it, i think i deserve it / it's becoming something that's impossible to ignore / and i can't take it / i know you said to me / this is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be
raleigh’s confession!!!!!!!! lord this reminds me of when they were on the beach together just talking and vibing – or really any time that they took
12. kiss it better
been waiting on that sunshine / boy, I think I need that back / can't do it like that / no one else gonna get it like that / man, fuck your pride, just take it on back, boy / take it on back boy, take it back all night / what are you willing to do? / oh, tell me what you're willing to do? / kiss it, kiss it better, baby
i think raleigh would cover this omg and maybe im biased bc it’s my fav song of all time but it just exudes raleigh energy!! plus i think this might be on their freaky deeky playlist LMAO
13. unrequited love
lost in the flames of love / unrequited love / time won't always heal / and it eats at my mind / because you're the one that got away / sometimes i feel alone / tried to hold my breath / somewhere deep in space / and i felt like you understood / what it truly means to be in love / now i'm wide open, it's so hard to focus / now that it's the end, i guess you'll always be / the one that got away
you know raleigh was super in their feelings after the breakup – i don’t think they knew how fast they’d fall for the mc. even if they didn’t admit it out loud, i think they were convinced they wouldn’t find someone like the mc again. anyways this song is sad as hell
14. you’re mine
come a little closer / let me tell you something / eat your ego honey / honey swallow your pride / i spotted you the second you walked in the building / i knew that you had let me get you high / i wanna hear the things you say when no-one's listening / no one's gonna save you / use you up and break you / i'm the one who plagues you every night / 'cause you're mine.
so the song itself is ab a toxic relationship, but tbh i can picture my mc dom and raleigh singing this duet on stage together and the chemistry would be absolutely off the charts oh my god. 
[disclaimer, i do not speak spanish, but i grew up listening to it and a lot of them have a lot of significance to me – i hope the rough translations i found online will do! some of them are very rough so i’ll just put the spanish lyrics]
so with all of these spanish songs im convinced that raleigh would cover any of these! most of them are really romantic and have the same vibe as what i imagine raleigh would have !! not gonna do a lot of explaining here because i think this explanation speaks for itself
15. viento
préstame tu peine / y péiname el alma / desenrédame / fuera de este mundo / dime que no / estoy sonándote / enséñame / de que estamos hechos.
lend me your comb / and comb my soul / untangle me / away from this world / tell me i'm not / dreaming of you / show me / what we’re made of
16. visita
que no es gusto, no es mi voluntad / que es lo que te digo / que aunque no me veas yo voi a estar / siempre contigo / la semana me parte en dos / de viernes a domingo / tu visita me repara cuando nos conecta entonces / quiero que te vengas a vivir, todos los dias conmigo
do not have a translation that makes a lot of grammatical sense for this one, but it’s generally about wanting to be closer to each other and move in together rather than visiting! it’s a really sweet song and the distance aspect reminds me of raleigh and mc
17. te quiero
te quiero / no, ya no me llores / no me vayas a hacer / llorar a mí / dame, dame tu mano / intentalo, mi niña / quiero verte reir / necesito verte / donde quiera que estes / te quiero, te quiero, te quiero / y no hago otra cosa / que pensar en ti / solo vivo y respiro / para ti 
i love you / no, don’t cry for me anymore / don’t make me cry / give me, give me your hand / try, my darling / i want to see you laughing / i need to see you / wherever you are / i love you, i love you, i love you / i don’t do anything else / than thinking about you / i only live and breath / for you
imagining raleigh singing this for mc......... swoooooon
18. maría
not offering a translation, but it’s a sad song that i think raleigh would potentially cover!
19. efímera
nos miramos a través del cuerpo y la piel / se conectaron nuestras almas / es que tus ojos de miel deslumbran mi ser / cuando la oscuridad me atrapa / cuando me besas / me siento en otra parte / me hierve la sangre / me derrite el corazón
we saw each other through our bodies and skin / our souls connected / its cause your honey colored eyes dazzle my being / when the darkness traps me / when you kiss me / i feel like i’m in another place / my blood boils / it melts my heart
“it’s like every song i’ve ever written was about you” this is one of em for sure
20. obsesion
son las cinco de la mañana y no he dormido nada / pensado en tu belleza en loco voy a parar / el insomnio es me castigo, tu amor será mi alivio / y hasta que no seas mía, no viviré en paz
it’s five in the morning and i haven’t slept at all / thinking bout your beauty, i’m gonna end up crazy / insomnia is my punishment, your love will be my relief / and until you’re mine, i will not live in peace
raleigh and mc would duet this!!!! the lyrics themselves aren’t really about their relationship but i think the vocals would be perfect for them
21. quiero ver
quiero ver tu risa todo el día / escuchar la melodía de tu voz / quisiera ser el brillo de tus ojos / el peine que desnuda tu esplendor / la esquina que te ve cuando caminas / y quiero ser tu último dolor / te pido que me cures esta herida / yo sé muy bien que no es tu obligación / tan sólo si amortiguas mi caída / será mi salvación
i want to see your smile all day / listen to the melody of your voice / i wish i could be the brightness of your eyes / the comb that undresses your splendor / the corner that sees you when you walk / i want to be your last pain / i ask you to heal this wound / i know very well it’s not your obligation / just only if you cushion my fall / it’ll be my salvation
this one makes me so soft oh my god and its another “it’s like every song i’ve ever written was about you” type of song
22. más que tu amigo
es un secreto / que tan solo quiero compartir / con esos ojos / que le han dado luz a mi vivir / y en esta noche no hay más luna / que como tú me alumbre más / que en mi alma crece una fortuna / por tanta dicha que me das / te quiero, te quiero / se oye en mi pecho / es el grande amor que me has hecho / latido a latido / te siento conmigo / yo quiero ser más que tu amigo
it is a secret / i just want to share / with those eyes / that give me light to live / and tonight there is no more moon / that shines on em as brightly as you do / in my soul grows a fortune / for such happiness that you bring me / i love you, i love you / you can hear in my chest / it’s the great love you’ve made me / heartbeat to heartbeat / i feel you with me / i want to be more than your friend
god i can just imagine them singing this to mc teasingly during their fake relationship and she’s like “sounds pretty i love your voice” but it’s really a confession AHHH
23. peligroso pop
no explanation on this one either! i just think this spanglish song would no doubt be on a playlist of raleigh’s !!! i’m also imagining raleigh dancing to this or going to this artists’ concert or something. idk it just reminds me of him !!!
24. eres
aquí estoy a tu lado / y espero aquí sentado hasta el final / no te has imaginado / lo que por tí esperado, pues eres / lo que yo amo en éste mundo, eso eres / cada minuto lo que pienso, eso eres / lo que más cuido en este mundo, eso eres
here i am by your side / and i’ll wait here, sitting, until the end / you haven’t imagined / what i’ve waited for you, because you are / what i love in this world, that’s what you are / every minute in what i think, that’s what you are / what i treasure most in this world, that’s what you are
this entire song is raleigh singing to mc, but like this little section is just SO sappy. that one line i keep mentioning? yeah that’s this song
25. locos
estoy contento de tenerte cerca / muy cerca de mí / que me digas loco / que me des besos / y que te rías de mí / y sé que nunca te lo he dicho / y me da miedo confesar / pero antes, quiero besarte / que llevo loco, tratando de decirte / que ya no puedo vivir sin ti
i’m happy because you’re close / very close to me / cause you call me crazy / cause you give me kisses / and laugh at me / and i know i’ve never told you this / and i’m afraid to confess / but first, i want to kiss you / i’m crazy, trying to tell you / that i can no longer live without you
god this reminds me of raleigh so much like ??? ok i dont know if this makes sense but imagine raleigh not being able to quite say the words they’re feeling so they just sing a song in spanish instead because they one, express their feelings through lyrics better and two, they know mc doesn’t understand spanish (this is specifically for non spanish speaking mcs)
26. no te puedo olvidar
sé que nunca me equivoqué / en lo que siento / y cuando me tocas la piel / me desvanezco / sé que miraremos a la última estrella / así nos conectaremos / yo te necesito más de lo que piensas / más de lo que puedo creer / vives en mí y en mi materia / no te quedo olvidar
i know i was never wrong / about what i feel / and when you touch my skin / i vanish / i know we’re gonna stare at the last star / that’s how we’ll connect / and i need you more than you can imagine / more than you can believe / you live in me and in my matter / i can’t forget you
this is one of the most romantic songs i swear to gooooddddd i think if raleigh and mc ever broke up this would be what they wrote afterwards – but also i think in general he’d write this about her without the breakup ! idk i’m just in love with this song. anyways
OKAY I’M DONE RAMBLING I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS PLAYLIST !!!! this is what i’ve been listening to while i’ve been reblogging posts today !!!
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starlithan · 4 years
I Promise
word count:1481 words
Siren Jisung/ Reader (ft. San ATEEZ)
Warnings: slight abuse 
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Y/n POV;
“Here you go the keys if you need anything I'll be downstairs okay” the landlord said 
I just moved into my new place at jeju it's not that big but its comfortable plus its near to the sea and let me say very very very cheap, I take the keys and head in my house  “darong-ah I told you those are just drawings of fish not actual fish” i tell my cat who's trying to catch the fish that I drew on the canvas. 
I'd say I'm not much of an art person to begin with. I just like to draw things related to the sea, which is one of the reasons why I moved here. “Okay that's it it's time for us to go to bed, come on” I pick her up and head to my room.
My room was a little big it had a study in the corner a bookshelf in the right corner and bed in the middle I put Darong on the bed “I'll get freshened up okay and don't you dare go back for the fish there just drawings okay” she just dismisses me and looks away “whelp I guess that’s my cue”.
“Darong you asleep?” i say in a low voice cats aren't deep sleepers, i take the towel off of my head and- Ring Ring~ 
My phone starts ringing “where the heck is it” i go outside to find it on the kitchen counter 
“Hmm what's up Hyunjin”
“Hey what sup you settled yet?” he asks he sounded a bit tired from the other side
“Yes I did what's wrong? You sound a little tired?” 
“Yeah me and Chan just got back to find the house ruined by Kkami… so I'm just cleaning up I guess” I laugh at that I mean Kkami always ruins the house when Hyunjin’s not there but Darong ..noooo she ruins the house infront of me it's like  I hear her saying I don't like this throw it away.
“Give me the phone” Chan says to Hyunjin from the other line
“Y/n what do you think should I beat Felix or not?” the twist in the conversation
What did Felix do now!!?
“Why are you asking me that what did he do now?” I ask getting a little curious at what he did
“What.. did Seungmin not tell you yet?...” okay I think now I'm getting a little worried 
“No…. what's wrong” I ask a little hesitant
“The guys in the hospital”
“What WHY… is he okay”
“You should expect it by now … food poisoning he ate too much brownies” blank I think my mind went blank 
“I'm gonna kill him” that’s all I said, and I hung up on Chan and quickly dialed Felix’s number 
I mean I should have expected it. Felix's love for brownies is beyond this roof and it's not like this is the first time he had to visit the hospital for food poisoning. 
~beep beep~
“Where are you?” i go straight to the point 
“I- I'm home” he says a bit hesitant
“I swear to God Felix if your at the hospital I'm gonna kill you”
“It was just a little brownie. What's wrong with that and you know how much i love it and…”
Buzzing my head starts buzzing i could hear Felix calling out my name and asking if im alright, but the pain i can't see anything clearly 
Deep Breaths, Deep Breaths 
I tell myself I take in deep breaths the buzzing slowly goes away and my sight slowly comes back. I slowly get up from the ground and sit on the nearest sofa, my hands were shaking violently i've been getting these Migraines from about 4 years now, and when i say it's severe its severe my phone rings again
“Felix i'm fine”
“Y/n it's me Felix told me you had a migraine again are you okay?” the voice of my older brother says from the other side of the phone. I stop.
“Minho Im fine its okay it was just a small one im fine you don't need to worry” i tried to sound as okay as i could 
He sighs in relief “Okay good good… you almost gave me a heart attack” he says 
“Im fine im sorry you dont need to worry” i tell him
“It's okay but just call Felix before you go to sleep okay he was really freaked out …. And don't stress okay”
“Okay i'll call him good night” i hung up before he could say anything i just did not wanted him to be worried, i dialed Felix again 
“Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? Im sooooo sorry ill never eat brownies again just don't stress out okay i'm sorry” he says trying to control his tears from the other line 
“I'm okay Felix i'm sorry i got you worried” i say trying to control my laugh he so cute 
“Okay okay you take rest okay” he says sniffing 
“Okay you take your medicines kay” i say 
“Okay promise go to bed and rest okay bye”
“I told you to wash the stairs why didn't you” my step mother yelled at me 
“I had to go to school. I told you, i'll do it after i'm done with my assignments” i told her, her face got so red.
“Don't get smart with me i'll lock you in the basement again” she said her face close to mine her anger radiated this heat off of her, i hate her so much, i do everything and then she takes the credit for all of it, i can't even tell dad, she just makes him so happy i can't take that away from him and Minho he was so hurt after Mom's death that i don't wanna burden him with all my problems.
“I told you, but i think you didn't hear me i have to go study and when im done ill do it” with that i started to head to my room when something hit my head, i started to get dizzy i look behind me, then down on the floor to see the vase broken, after that i pretty much don't remember what happened, everything just blacked out
“She's going to be alright” a voice said, “just please don't give her a lot of stress she has a sewer case of migraines that vase hit her at a very sensitive area its better to avoid things that hurt her”
I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad, and the doctor, Minho was in the corner his eyes puffed up as if he cried “Please come with me Mr. Lee i want to  prescribe her some medicines” the doctor said my father squeezed my hand, smiled at me and followed him outside, when he left the room Minho came close to my bed “Hi” he said with a small smile i wanted to say i'm okay but i couldn't “its okay dont say anything you need rest, i'm just disappointed in myself you used to tell me everything when we were kids and…… why didn't you tell me she was treating you like that?” he asked i just stared at him “Dad found out and its okay shes gone Dad divorced her” he said but he had that sad look on him, i know he was sad that i didn't tell him anything, i wanted to say a lot of things but we just sat there, silently communicating.
I came out to the beach, the night sky was beautiful, the calm cold air, and the sand beneath my feet, it was such a beautiful moment, i took a look at the sea, sometimes the sea looked so lonely, so lonely that i wanted to go in it and forget everything, i wished that rather than having a migraine  i could have lost my memories, i walked along the sea, with the soothing silence.
I could hear someone singing in the distance, my feet started to follow the voice as I got closer the singing became louder, i wouldn't lie the song was beautiful almost hypnotizing, it felt like it was calling me i got near a rock, the sound was definitely coming from here, but what i saw was unbelievable it almost took my breath away, a man half naked with ….. A tail.. A merman, I was looking at a Freaking  Merman, he had black stunning hair with rainbow streaks, a beautiful face, and a red or maybe a maroon tail. It was beautiful, when he noticed me, he got scared and quickly went into the sea.
“Wait!” i said but he was far off gone, this can't be real “i think i took too many sleeping pills” i told myself trying to deny the fact that i just saw a merman, or something.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 20
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.2k-4.4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: im getting less and less comments and note for this story so i hope people still enjoy it?
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : please keep sending requests! i added a few in this chapter :)
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Chapter 20 : Her chapter
I felt so bad for the way I treated him. He was right, I couldn't toy with him, pulling him close to me and then pushing him away, and the inside of my brain was a mess I couldn't seem to clean. My heart screamed “Niall!”, of course it did. It screamed his name so loud it resonated until the tip of my fingers, down to my toes and even at the root of my hair. My whole body throbbed with his name, telling me it was alive only when Niall was near because that's what was meant to be. Me and Niall. Niall and I. It sounded so obvious. But something in the pit of my stomach, like some sort of storm, seemed to make everything a lot harder, like this love and happiness was out of reach. It was fear, I knew it, but wasn't my fear justified?
That being said, I had been doubting my marriage ever since I saw Niall again but it was the first time I admitted it out loud. It was the first time I seriously thought about breaking up with Dylan and it made me nauseous. I didn't want to think about it even if I knew I'd have to sort all of this out soon, but when Niall kissed me again, I decided to focus on him and only him.
He took a step my way, forcing me to lean against the fridge and I chuckled against his mouth. It was electric when we were together, and the closer we got, the more we seemed to be pulled towards each other. I couldn't explain how much I loved it. His lips moved away from mine and he stared in my eyes for a few seconds before taking a step back.
"Give me 5 minutes okay? 5!" he just said, moving back and showing me the palm of his hand.
I smiled more and nodded as he disappeared in the hall before I walked back quickly to the table and grabbed my glass of wine, emptying it quickly. I didn't know why I was so nervous, perhaps because the first time was unplanned and for some reason, I felt like it was different on that night.
He came back and my lips curled immediately at his sight. I knew it was pathetic but at that point I didn't give a fuck. He held his hand out and I chuckled again, putting my palm against his and felt a shiver run up my spine when his fingers wrapped around mine. I followed him to his bedroom and my lips parted when I saw a few candles around the room. I turned to him and my eyebrows raised.
"You're gonna set the whole house on fire." I just said, making him grimace as I shook my head slightly.
"Is that really the only thing you can say?" he chuckled a bit, making me smile more. "Don't worry, I'll be cautious."
He sat on the bed and patted the place next to him. It took me a few seconds but I finally sat with him, turning slightly his way as he did the same. He grabbed my hands in his and looked down at them as he ran his thumbs on my skin, making me bite my lip. He was so perfect.
"I don't know if you've listened to my album again ever since you found out it was about you." he started, looking up in my eyes. "But there's a song on it that I wrote the very first night we weren't together. The night I... broke up with you. The night I broke your heart." His fingers squeezed my hands again. "That was the state of mind I was in on that day. It was exactly how I felt, and it's only when I heard about your marriage that I realized that just because I expected that  to happen didn't mean you expected it too. I mean, I really thought you knew it was about you but expecting you to wait for me... it was ridiculous."
I glanced at the guitar on his bed and let go of his hand to bring it to him. He grabbed it and sighed, letting his fingers run on the strings and just nodded. He placed it on his laps and when he started singing, I held my breath, trying to stop any tears from falling.
"I've got a young heart And it's wild and free I don't know where it starts But it ends with you and me It's a hard road As far as I can see I don't know where I'm going But I'll get back to you and me
'Cause we're two kids Trying to start a fight No matter where we go Yeah, we'll be alright All I'm asking for A bit of patience, please 'Cause I know what's to come And it's coming for you and me"
Of course I knew that song. When I thought it was for Heidi, I had cried myself to sleep. It had hurt me almost as much as when he broke up with me. Now that I knew it was about me, I just wanted to let the words and the music invade me.
"Time's never been on our side So would you wait for me? I lead a selfish life 'Cause that's what I need What do I have to do To make you believe? It's all for you and me
From a distance I can hear you cry But don't you worry, darlin' Don't lose sleep tonight I can promise it I can guarantee That at the end of the road I see you with me"
I let my eyes roam on him, from his hands up to his face, the small movements of his lips as he sang, the slow ones of his head shaking... his eyes never left me except when they'd close for a few seconds and I swallowed hard, holding the sobs in.
"Time's never been on our side So would you wait for me? I lead a selfish life 'Cause that's what I need What do I have to do To make you believe? It's all for you and me
When I look down the line At the man I wanna be I've always known from the start That it ends with you and me"
I didn't realize I was crying but he brought one of his hands closer and wiped the tears from both my cheeks gently. I wanted to kiss him or tell him that I loved him but I felt paralyzed. It should have confused me even more but it made things so much clearer and I pressed my lips together harder.
"I'm so sorry I took you for granted and just assumed you'd come back to me whenever I'd snap my fingers." he apologized in a low tone. "I was young and stupid. I know it hasn't been decades but, you have no idea how much I learned in the year without you."
He finally put his guitar away and I closed my eyes until I felt him grab my hands again. I answered his squeeze and when he said my name in a very low tone, my eyes fluttered open. I sniffed and stared at him before my lips parted.
"What about now, Niall?" I almost whispered. "Are you ready to settle, or will you realize in a few months that you have a lot more to live and that you'd rather be single?"
Maybe I should feel guilty for my question but I felt like it was legit. He moved slightly closer and kissed my lips softly, making my heart jump in my chest.
"I know what I want. It's you. It's always been you." he murmured against my lips. "I thought I wanted freedom but I'm only really free when I'm with you, Olivia."
I brushed my parted lips against his and brought my hands to his hair, running my fingers in it as I felt my heartbeats accelerate. I wanted to believe him and to some extent, I did, but that didn't push the fear away completely. There was this little voice in my head that told me I shouldn't trust him and that voice probably came from the scars on my heart.
"You think you can make love to me?" I breathed out, making his lips curl.
"That was the plan."
He kissed me gently and I realized how hard it was to take my time but just like when we fucked, I let him take the lead. He moved over me, making me lay down on his bed as I closed my eyes. One of his hands traveled on my shirt, his fingers brushing slowly on my breasts and I tried to stop the whimper that wanted to come out of my lips. I moved my knees up to trap him between my thighs and we just kissed slowly but deeply until I took his tongue between my lips and sucked on it. He groaned and I reached for the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head and letting it fall on the floor next to the bed. I let my hands run on his naked back, down to the small of it and reaching his ass.
After only a few seconds, he moved up on his knees and I sat up, taking my shirt off quickly and reached for his belt. He waited until I had also unzipped his pants and finally lied back on me, attaching his lips with mine again as I pushed his jeans as down as I could. I felt his mouth reach my neck and he left small kisses on my skin, along with a burning trace and the whole thing excited me even more. With his fingers, he moved the straps of my bra down, quickly reaching for my shoulders with his lips. I was impatient but I tried not to squirm as he slithered his arms around me, trying a few times before finally unclasping my bra. I smiled as he took it off and threw it away and I raised my eyebrows with a smile.
"Hey, watch out for the candles." I joked, making him raise his nose up.
"Shut up."
His mouth found mine again and without thinking, I pushed his boxers down until it reached his pants. He held himself on the side with one arm just to pull his jeans completely down and finally took them off as I worked on mine. I should have let him undress me but I was always so impatient when I was with him that I couldn't help it. He pulled on them to take them off and I chuckled at our struggle, making him smile too. Once again, he moved back over me and pressed his lips softly on mine.
"There's no rush, yea?"
I nodded as I looked in his eyes.
"No rush." I repeated with a fond smile, making him nod too.
His lips brushed on my jaw and down to my neck, taking their time to go down to my chest and end on one of my breasts. I closed my eyes and brought one of my hands in his hair as his tongue moved on my nipple for a while before reaching the other one. I could feel my inner thighs throb harder the more he moved and when his lips reached my stomach, I had to make a huge effort not to suck it in. He kissed my belly, his lips stopping at my navel, before moving to my thighs. I thought he'd go between my legs but instead, his mouth traveled to one of my knees and I held my breath.
"Mm, Niall."
He didn't answer my plea, he just ran his mouth back on the inside of my thigh, moving past my pussy and reaching my other thigh.
"Oh my god." I whispered, my grip tightening in his hair. "Niall, please."
I heard him chuckle and he pushed himself farther on the bed, wrapping his arms around my thighs before his lips finally reached between my legs, leaving a small kiss near my clit. I shut my eyes tighter and tried to focus on what he was doing without moving but it was not easy. Gently, he tilted his head and took one of my lips in his mouth and sucked on it gently before doing it with the other. I was not sure if he was trying to make this last or if he just wanted to tease me but it was driving me crazy. When his lips finally wrapped around my clit, my whole body felt on fire and I tensed, letting out a short curse word. He sucked on it gently for a while before I felt the tip of his tongue flick on it and press in it, making the throbbings in my whole body intensify. He slipped his tongue inside me before taking it out and it reached my asshole for a few seconds before I trapped his face between my thighs despite myself. He pushed them away with a chuckle and I kept my feet flat on the bed, trying not to grind on his face. When I opened my eyes to look down at what he was doing, the simple sight of him between my legs brought me close to an orgasm.
"Niall please kiss me." I begged him in a whisper, pulling on his hair a bit harder than intended.
He didn't say anything and moved up, his lips reaching mine quickly before he kissed me deeply, and my eyes rolled back slightly when I felt the tip of his cock press between my legs.
"I love you so much." he whispered against my mouth as he pushed his hips against mine so slowly it was almost torture. I felt the tip of his cock slip inside me and I ran my lips on his, grabbing his upper one and sucking on it. "More than anything." he muttered.
"I love you more than anything too, Niall. You're everything to me." I admitted with an other whimper when he pushed himself deeper inside me. "You feel so good."
When he was completely inside me, he stopped moving and I closed my eyes, seeing the flames of the candles moving behind my eyelids. I couldn't believe he had set something like that up for me. Just for me. It made me feel special and I wrapped my arms around his neck when he kissed me again. He started moving in and out of me very slowly and every time he was buried deep inside me, I could feel my pussy throb around his dick. It was driving me crazy but the fact that he was going slowly made me feel every inch of him, every little sensation, every twitch of his cock. It gave me time to focus on the way he smelled, the sounds he made and the way he nibbled on my bottom lip.
"I'm so close." he whispered near my ear, making me shiver.
I turned my head to find his lips and kissed him again. "Me too." Once again, I trapped him between my thighs and reached for the headboard with one of my hands, holding myself there as I pushed my hips in motion with his. My eyes rolled back and my back arched as an orgasm reached me. He was maintaining himself with his arms next to my head and his fingers slipped in my hair, grabbing it for balance as he pushed himself deeper inside me, letting out low moans as he came.
"I'm in love with you." he whispered mid-orgasm and I smiled, licking my lips.
"I'm in love with you too, you're the love of my life."
When we both came down from our highs, he kissed me again and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I don't know how long we stayed like that, just making out, but I enjoyed it and I never wanted this to end. Because it would mean going back to reality, wouldn't it?
"Told you I'd make love to you." he pointed out in a soft voice, moving away to look in my eyes.
"Mmhm, and that really reached my expectations." I confessed, making him chuckle.
"You hungry?"
I nodded and when he peeled his body away from mine, I felt empty. I grabbed his shirt from the floor and put it on before smiling and bending down to grab my panties. I bit my bottom lip as I thought for a few seconds and finally turned to him as he was pulling his boxers up.
"For your collection." I just said with a chuckle, handing them to him.
He looked in my eyes, then glanced at them and then back in my eyes before grabbing them and sitting back on the bed next to me.
"I want my collection of panties to be only made of your panties." he let out, looking straight in my eyes. "I want them in a drawer in our room. Next to our bed. While you're sleeping next to me. That's the collection I want, Olivia."
I felt myself tear up again and swallowed but he just moved closer and pecked my lips gently before getting up and reaching the door.
"I'll heat our food and bring the wine. You can wait for me in the living room."
I felt more tears fall on my cheeks after he left but quickly wiped them off my cheeks. He had turned something extremely sexual into something romantic and for some reason, it touched me. I thought about living with him, having my own drawers in his bedroom or more our bedroom and the whole fantasy was perfect. I don't know how long it took me to get up and walk out of the room but when I reached the living room, he was already sitting on the couch, his feet on the side of the coffee table.
I sat with him in silence as we ate and watched a movie but I couldn't help and glance at him from time to time. He noticed after a while and his lips curled.
"I see you looking at me."
"Probably because you're looking at me, too." I joked with a short laugh.
We went silent for a few more minutes and I glanced at the door with a frown.
"Those boxes are Heidi's?" I just asked as he glanced near the door too.
"Yea, they're supposed to pick them up tomorrow and send them to her." he explained with a shrug. "Can't wait."
"What would she say if she saw us right now?" I asked, turning back to the tv.
"Who cares." he laughed. "I sure don't."
I turned to him and tilted my head, watching his profile as his eyes were glued to the tv. I felt something stir in my chest, as if my heart was swelling, and my eyes fluttered for a few seconds. I couldn't believe I was sitting on Niall's couch, close to him as he was just in his boxers. I couldn't believe I was there with him, wearing his shirt. I had the chance to be with him. A second chance. And fuck, I wanted to jump on that chance so bad.
I stared at myself in the mirror and grimaced, turning my body on the side as I extended my neck, trying to see what it looked like from behind.
"Are you sure about that dress?" Eleanor asked, raising her eyebrows as I let out a low grunt.
I was not sure about that dress. I was not sure about that marriage. I was not sure about anything anymore. Of course, I couldn't just cancel the wedding dress shopping because of my doubts. Everyone would either say it was cold feet or worse, they'd end up asking a bunch of questions I couldn't answer yet, not even to myself. I felt a bit stuck and decided to go find a dress anyway, or at least, try to, because the search hadn't been really successful yet.
"No." I just said with a grimace, making her shake her head and get up.
She searched through the dresses and found one without sleeves that was cut to my waist and ended up falling in a cascade of white. I tilted my head and sighed.
"Beautiful, definitely, but I have no boobs to hold it, and I'm gonna look like a cake cover."
I heard Julie laugh as she got up too. "You won't! I'm sure it’ll fit you! As for the boobs problem, i'm pretty sure they have tricks for that, you know. To keep the dress in place."
I sighed again and shook my head.
"Is it too much to ask for a boob crack? Once in my life?"
Both my friends started laughing and I rolled my eyes, taking the dress and walking back inside the large stall to get changed. It took me forever to take the dress I was wearing off and I had to hold myself against the wall to try the new one on. I knew there was literally a couch in there but I couldn't get myself to sit on it and I was not sure why. When I got out, unfortunately, I came face to face with someone I really didn't want to see. Heidi had a small annoying smile on her lips and her eyes moved on me up and down before raising her eyebrows.
"You're still getting married?" she asked with a chuckle. "Why am I not surprised?"
"What about you?" I asked rudely, crossing my arms on my chest. "What are you doing here? Getting married too? Oh wait, no, Niall literally dropped your ass."
She lost her smile for a few seconds but quickly got it back, raising her eyebrows up.
"I'm thinking he'll call me again soon, probably right after you get married to an other man and break his heart."
"Could you just leave, Heidi?" Eleanor asked with a sigh before rolling her eyes. "You're ruining our fun."
"You are. Why are you here anyway?" Julie added, raising her eyebrows, clearly annoyed, too.
"I was walking by and I saw you, thought I'd come in and say hi."
"Hi." Eleanor said cheerfully before losing her smile. "Bye."
"Fine, I'm leaving." she just let out a short laugh before turning around. She stopped when she was close to the door and turned to us again with a frown. "Oh and if you want my opinion, you shouldn't wear that dress. Even if you get it adjusted, you would still look like a cake cover. Have you thought about losing a little weight too?"
I felt my jaw clench and quickly, I raised my middle finger up and she chuckled.
"Oh and Heidi, by the way, did you get your boxes back?" she frowned again, her hand still holding the knob and I sent her an other smile. "Yea I saw them last time I went to Niall's. They were waiting by the door. I only noticed them later in the evening. Before that, I was too busy letting him fuck my brains out to focus on anything else."
I didn't know if she was pissed but I waited until she was out to exhale. My whole body was throbbing and I swallowed as I tried not to break down.
"Did you really have sex with Niall again?" Julie asked after a few minutes of silence. I turned on my heels to face my friends and pressed my lips together. "Oh my god, you did."
"No!" I lied, frowning. "I just wanted to shut her up."
"Well, whether you did it or not, you shouldn't have said that." Eleanor pointed out, crossing her arms on her chest and looking at the spot near the door where Heidi was only a few minutes ago. "I don't trust her."
I knew I shouldn't have, but at that moment, I just wanted to hurt her as much as she was trying to hurt me. I knew she was good at finding someone's insecurities and she definitely knew how to use mine against me, but at least, I didn't want her to get the satisfaction to know it had done exactly what she expected.
I was also unsure of why I wouldn't tell my friends that something had happened between Niall and I again. They knew we fucked the day they were all home for Harry's birthday, then why did it bother me to tell them that it happened again? Perhaps I didn't want them to think it was becoming a pattern, or that I was just using him while Dylan was away... but it didn't make much sense. I trusted them, that I was sure of, but it was probably the guilt inside me that made me lie. I felt guilty about Dylan, and also about Niall. I was confused to the point of just wanting to run away and never coming back. Maybe, when i'd be far away, I'd find out who I really wanted to be with.
I shook my head, of course I wanted to be with Niall. I didn't need to travel across the world to know that, but that didn't mean I was ready to hand him my heart again like it was not patched up with fragile band-aids from the last time I actually dated him.
"Oh whatever, fuck her." I just said, turning around to face the mirror. I had bigger problems than Heidi anyway. "I really do look like a cake cover."
My friends started laughing at the same time and shook their heads.
"No! You look amazing!" Julie pointed out again. "You know me, I wouldn't let you get married with a dress that made you look stupid."
"I wouldn't either." Eleanor added, sending a smile to my reflection in the mirror.
I sighed and smiled back. I had no idea if the problem was the dress, or just the marriage in general and I pressed my lips together, closing my eyes. I just wanted to call Niall and see him again, maybe even cuddle him. I wanted to feel his body pressed on mine and hear him tell me he loves me.
"You can try an other one?"
I raised my nose up and nodded while looking at myself again.
"Okay, let's just try an other one."
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Not a Ninja (A+S) Neji x Reader
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Okie doke. Here we go. Chapter 1 of this book. This is actually my first ever Naruto oneshot ever, so don't judge too much hehe. Smutty-Chan returns in this one bc she helped me with coming up with some of this one.  Let's get on with it so yall can get your daily dose of Neji. (We're gonna make the reader and Neji 16 in this one, which is lowkey young for a smut fic, but oh well.  Then Naruto and Sasuke are 12 here, bc whatever) This one is also a pretty long story (7233 fucking words (including A/N and shit) I am so fucking sorry) because I went too far with the backstory before you get to interact with Neji bc Im an annoying bitch, but whatever I hope you read and enjoy anyways! :))
   You sat on the roof of your house, waiting for your friends to get home from training for the day.  You hated not going to train with them, but that's just the way it was.  Finally, you see the blonde haired boy running down the street towards you, a raven haired boy trailing him.
   "Y/N! Guess what!" Naruto yells at you as you jumps down from the roof landing in front of him.    "What is it?" you question, wondering what had him so excited.    "I passed Kakashi's test, I'm gonna be a ninja. Believe it!"    You knew Kakashi.  He had actually taken you under his wing.  He knew you needed it. Someone to look up to and trust.  He served as a big brother and without him, you'd probably be dead.  Knowing Kakashi, you knew what his test was.  He could be a little tough on his students which makes you worry for Naruto, but you know Naruto needed the discipline.    "I'm glad you guys passed," you said as Sasuke finally caught up, "I didn't wanna have to slap Kakashi for failing you.    You and Naruto laughed, and Sasuke even broke a smile.    "Kakashi would kick your ass," Sasuke teased you.    "Yes, I could, but I would never," Kakashi says, standing on the roof where you previously sat.    "You're gonna give someone a heart attack doing that one day," you looked up at Kakashi.    "Shut it. I actually came to tell you that your parents left for a mission earlier. Didn't know if they told you or not."    "As if they'd tell me anything," you scoff and turn around as Kakashi jumps down next to the three of you.    "I'm sorry, kid, I'm sure they were just busy."    You knew Kakashi was only being nice.  He was usually tough on you, but when it came to your parents, he knew that being hard on you would be worse and push you away.    "Yeah, sure," you knew they left without telling you because they didn't care.    "Well, I've gotta go, I have to meet someone for ramen," Kakashi said, jumping to the roof again before leaving.    You smirked, knowing he was going to go meet Iruka. Even though they'd been dating for quite sometime and they both came out a while ago, Kakashi still got all awkward when he mentioned dating Iruka.    "Y/N, I'm sorry they left without saying goodbye," Naruto comforts.    "It's fine, I could care less at this point," you shake your head as Sasuke puts a hand on your shoulder, attempting to comfort you.    You know you shouldn't complain.  So many people don't even have parents. Like Iruka, Naruto and Sasuke, for example.  You rly didn't have parents in the typical sense, though.  They were usually gone or just ignored you.  They had two reasons.  One being that you were friends with Naruto.  They were pissed because they hated him like everyone else.  You, on the other hand, saw him as human and took him in as a little brother type person.  They hated that.  The second reason was because you didn't inherit the kekkei genkai.  This also caused them to keep you from enrolling in the academy.  They thought you'd never be good enough without it.  Your brother inherited it, though.  He was nicer to you than your parents, but he was typically out on missions and official business.    He was the best thing you had.  Until he passed when the nine tails attacked.  This is another reason you didn't hate Naruto.  You wanted to show other people who lost loved ones that day that Naruto wasn't the monster they said he was.  You visited the memorial everyday, which is where you met Kakashi.  He reminded you of your brother, but he was even kinder to you, and always made time for you.  Something your brother never did.  This is why Kakashi was one of your two favorite people to look up to. The other, of course, was Iruka, who was always a kind, respectful, and loyal.  Three qualities you always found important.    "It's fine, guys, really, don't worry about me," you let them off with a small laugh.  You knew it didn't fully convince them, but it made them sure enough that they could leave to train some more.    All of a sudden, Kakashi showed up again.    "Y/n," Kakashi spoke from the roof.    You jumped up to join him.    "Were you here waiting?"    "No, I actually made it all the way to the ramen shop and sat down with Iruka before I realized I forgot to tell you something," Kakashi admitted, rubbing his neck.    "Well, then what did you forget to tell me?" you laughed at what a dork he was when nobody else was around. You were really lucky to have him.    "Your parents told me to let you know that you're going to be staying at the Hyuga's while they're gone."    "Well fuck my life."    "First off, watch the language," he scolded you like he was your parent. He basically was though, "Second, what's wrong?"    He sat down, his legs dangling off the edge of the building. You sat next to him, copying his sitting position, your legs swinging over the edge.    "You know I'm 16, right? I can cuss if I wanna," you pouted.    "Yeah, yeah, I just don't like you growing up so damn fast," he sighed, "Now what's wrong?"    "I hate the Hyuga's son. Well I don't hate him, really. He's a great ninja, strong and smart.  I want to be like that. But, he always looks down on me because I'm not a ninja."    "Well, you're just as strong as any ninja. I've been training you like I would any ninja.  While your parents didn't put you in the academy to be an official ninja of the hidden leaf, you're still one of the strongest people I know. Even without the kekkei genkai of your family."    "Really? You think so?"    "Of course I do," Kakashi reached out a hand to ruffle your hair, "You're a very strong young woman, and an even stronger ninja."    "Thank you, Kashi, it means a lot coming from you," you send him a gentle smile.    "There you two are," Iruka sighs as he looks up at you from the street.    "Why don't you join us?" you yell down.    Iruka then jumps to join the two of you on the roof.  He sits down next to you on the side opposite Kakashi.    "I heard a little of what you were saying," Iruka admitted.    You expected a lecture on how you shouldn't doubt yourself.  You weren't too far off.    "You're an excellent fighter.  In my mind, I consider you a ninja.  I call you a ninja when I talk to others about your strength.  You doubt yourself because you don't have a headband.  That's no reason to doubt yourself, you know?" Iruka put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer and into a side hug.  You let your own arm slide around his middle, hugging him closer.    "I'm glad I have you two," you spoke to the two ninja sitting next to you, "Before you guys, I had nobody. I was completely alone.  I wanted to kill myself.  Then you two showed up and gave me hope.  Thank you for that."    Tears were now spilling from your eyes as you shoved your face into Iruka's vest.  You squeezed him even tighter, but not too tight, you didn't wanna hurt the poor guy.    "Sorry," you spoke as you pulled away and wiped you eyes, "Ninja don't cry."    Then you looked up to see Iruka sporting some teary eyes of his own, then to Kakashi who had no tears, but had a look on his face to show you that your words definitely had an impact.    "I'm so glad you didn't," Kakashi broke the silence, pulling you into another tight hug.    He then let go, allowing you to just sit there with them.   The three of you sat there in a comfortable silence for a while before you realized something.    "Hey Kakashi?"    "Yeah, kid?" he responded.    "If my parents told you to tell me that I'd be staying with the Hyuga's, then they weren't just caught up in something.  They purposely left without saying goodbye. They just chose to leave me here without saying goodbye."    Nobody spoke.  You knew Kakashi probably felt bad.    "I dont blame either of you for that.  They just hate me, nobody can change that.  I wish they'd just put me up for adoption. I mean, at least then I wouldn't deal with them."    "Well, I'd adopt you," Iruka chuckled as he ruffled your hair.    With these two constantly ruffling your hair, you had no idea how you kept it neat.    "I wish you could, then it'd be like a real family.  The three of us."    "Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it," Iruka agreed.    "I wouldn't exactly mind either," Kakashi also agreed, scooting over and pulling the two of you into a group hug.    You sat like that for a moment before Kakashi released the hug.    "You should get to the Hyuga's before it's too late," Kakashi said, standing and pulling you up with him.    "But Kashiiii," you whined, leaning on the silver haired ninja, "Can't I just stay with you?"    "Sorry kiddo, I've gotta talk to the hokage, then I'm off for a mission with Iruka," Kakashi sounded guilty.    "Well, I'd better get to the Hyuga's before it gets too late," you said, repeating what Kakashi said a minute earlier.    "I'll come with you," Iruka said, standing himself, "Then I'll meet Kakashi at the gate for our mission.    "Sounds good to me, Ruka," you said with a small smile.    Kakashi nodded and hugged you again with a kiss to your forehead before he leapt away towards the hokage's office.     "Shall we?" Iruka asked, offering a hand.    "We shall," you laughed, taking his hand.    The two of you jumped off the roof, heading toward the Hyuga's.    "I'm really glad that you and Kakashi are together.  I think you make him really happy," you told the man walking next to you as you could see the Hyuga's in the distance.    "You think so? I'm glad," the male said with a small blush at the mention of Kakashi.    "I think that you make him happier everyday. I've definitely noticed a change in him since you guys started dating," you smiled.    "Well thank god.  I've actually been thinking of proposing," Iruka said quietly.    "OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS YES!" you yelled.    "Y/N! Quiet! And doesn't Kakashi always tell you to watch your language?"    "Well, yeah, but I don't see Kakashi anywhere, do you?"    "I do," Kakashi said from behind you causing your eyes to go wide.    "I though you were going to the hokage," you spoke.    "Ended early, so I thought I'd catch up with you guys," he shrugged.    "What? No lecture about cussing?" you joked.    "Well, you said it yourself, you're 16, you can say whatever you want."    "Really?" You were surprised that he didn't lecture you.    "No. Now stop cussing, you're too young," Kakashi deadpanned.    "Rude," you huffed.    "Now, let's get you to the Hyuga's," Kakashi walked closer, grabbing Iruka's hand, which made the younger man blush.    "Whatever, sure. But I'm still not happy about staying there."    "Oh come on, it won't be THAT bad," Iruka told you.    "Hey Iruka, can I talk to you for a minute?"    "Sure, go ahead," Iruka said still walking.    "No I mean.  Well how do I put this? Love ya, Kashi, really do, but this is more of an Iruka and Y/N conversation," you spoke, looking at the ground.    "Okay, I'll wait here," Kakashi dropped Iruka's hand.    Iruka walked towards you as you left to stand far enough away that you were out of Kakashi's earshot.    "What's up kiddo?" Iruka said.    "Well you know one reason I don't wanna stay with the Hyuga's," you spoke quietly, just in case Kakashi might hear.    "Right, you don't like Neji because he talks down on you," he nodded, signaling you to continue.    "Well there's another reason," you spoke, a small blush growing.    "Which is?" Iruka waited for you to respond.    "Well, I may, or may not, have a small, and by small I mean huge, crush on him too," you spoke quickly, hating what you had just admitted.     "So you hate Neji?" you nodded, "But you have a crush on Neji?" you nodded again.    "Yep, that's the problem."    "Well, why do you like him?"    "I really like that he's a strong and intelligent ninja.  He's very good at whatever he does and he seems as if he'd be loyal.  Not to mention his looks, I mea-" Iruka cut you off.    "I do not need to hear you thirst over how cute you think a boy is, y/n, you're like my little sister, and I'm not sure my heart can take it," Iruka explained.    You giggled at the actions of the older man.    "Anyways, why do you not like him?"    "Well, he always reminds me that I'm not a ninja, and I can't stand it.  He reminds me of the kind of ninja I want to be, but never will."    "Maybe talk to him about it.  Tell him what's up.  Or you show him your stuff and maybe he'll back the hell off," Iruka spoke sternly.    "Wow, Ruka, getting a little heated, bud."    "I don't like when people look down on you because you don't have a headband.  You could probably kick most of their asses.  I hope you do one day."    "Okay, calm down, I'll figure it out," you pulled him into a hug, "Let's get back to Kakashi so we can leave.    "You're right, I was told that you had to be there by three, and it's already 2:30."    "Ready?" Kakashi asked as you walked back over.    "Yup,"you said, already beginning to walk.    You saw Iruka send a worried looking Kakashi a reassuring smile.  You guessed it was a silent promise that you were fine.    It seemed like you shouldn't be here yet, but time passed so quickly as you joked with Iruka and Kakashi.  Yet here you were, standing at the Hyuga's door.    "Well, kid, here we are," Kakashi spoke.    "Yeah I know," you deadpan.    Kakashi reached forward and knocked on the door.  Hiashi answered the door.    "Y/N, hello," he greeted you with a surprising warmth.    "Hi," you spoke quietly.    You turned to say goodbye to Iruka and Kakashi.  You hugged them both, allowing them to give you a kiss on the forehead.  You waved goodbye as they left.    You then turned back around to face Hiashi.    "Come in, y/n, make yourself at home," he smiled at you.    You really didn't peg him as a kind type, you assumed he'd be harsh and cold to you.  Maybe it was because you were the child of his closest friend, your father.    "Thank you, sir," you bowed before entering the house.    "Just call me Hiashi," he told you before closing the door behind you.    "Is that Y/n?" a woman called from the kitchen.    As you walked towards the voice, you found a woman who you assumed to be his wife.    "That's me," you laughed.    "Welcome, y/n, would you like something to eat, I just set out some snacks here, you're welcome to have some," she smiled kindly.    Then Neji walked in. Well shit.    You grabbed the first thing you saw without knowing what it was before thanking her and running off to find somewhere to sit outside.    As you finally sat down on a bench outside, you took a look at whatever snack you had grabbed.  It was a carrot. A whole ass carrot.  Not even like a baby carrot.      "Is that a carrot?" you hear a familiar voice ask from behind you.    "I think it's a carrot, I don't know much about carrots," you said in a mocking voice, making sure the sarcasm showed, "Just because I'm not a ninja doesn't mean I'm fucking stupid. I know what a carrot it, Neji."    "Yeah, whatever, I just wondered why when you had a whole plate of snacks to choose from, you chose the carrot that was about to be chopped for dinner."    Shit, of course you grabbed the one thing that wasn't on the fucking snack tray.    "Well, did you ever think I just like carrots?" you shrugged it off.    "I just didn't think you ate anything other than ramen with Naruto," he spoke.    "Who said I was gonna eat it?" you winked at the boy now standing in front of you.    Now, of course, you weren't gonna do anything dirty with the carrot.  That is just downright unsanitary.  Probably would cause an infection.  But you liked to tease people.  Making people uncomfortable was something you enjoyed.    He'd never admit it, but Neji's cheeks now sported a light dusting of blush due to your comment.    "Y/N, that is inappropriate," he spoke, turning away.    "Oh, come on, I'm not actually gonna fuck a carrot, Neji."    "Y/N, that still isn't appropriate," he said again.    "Well, a lot of things I say aren't appropriate, but here we are," you laughed.  Neji was your favorite person to annoy.    "Is this what you do with your time? Come up with stupid jokes to annoy people?  Is that what you do instead of training to become a ninja?"    "Neji, shut it, I've had enough. I can't stand to stay the night in the same vicinity as you while my parents are away. I'm going to ask Hiashi if I can just stay at my house instead."    "I can agree with that, I'll even help you convince him."    The two of you walked back to the house in silence.    "Excuse me, Hiashi?" you spoke to the man standing in the kitchen with his wife.    "Yes, Y/N?"    "I was wondering if I could go stay at my house while my parents are gone. I'll still come to check in with you and let you know I'm alright.  I just feel more comfortable in my own house," you spoke, nervous because he may say no.    "I agree with Y/N, she told me her feelings on the situation, and I see where she's coming from," Neji spoke up.    "I'm not so sure, I'm supposed to watch you, you're my responsibility, after all," he spoke, unsure.    "I still think you should allow her to go home if she feels she should," Neji fought for you to leave.    "Well, if you really want her to stay at her home, then you go stay with her, that way she won't be alone," Hiashi spoke towards Neji.    "I really don't think that's necessary-" Neji began.    "Too late, I've made up my mind," Hiashi spoke, "Go get your things for the next few days to accompany Y/N while her parents are gone.    "Alright," Neji walked away.    "Thank you, Hiashi," you bowed, then turning to walk to the door.    "Of course, Y/N, be careful and check in with me frequently," he told you.    "Yes sir," you walked out the door.    A few moments later, the door opened and Neji walked out with a bag of what you assumed was clothes.    You walked in silence with a grumpy Neji.    "You know I'm not too happy about this either. I didn't think he'd make you come with me."    "Whatever, too late now, let's just hurry up so it can be over," Neji spoke calmly.    It was going to be a very rough time for you.    The two of you arrived at your home.  You showed Neji to a guest room and left him to go cook dinner.  You made a simple ramen dish for the two of you, calling Neji down for dinner.    "There's your dinner, hope you like it," you said, putting the dish in front of the ninja sitting at the table.    You left to grab your own dish and two glasses of water before sitting down across from Neji and starting to eat.    "Thank you for the food, Y/N," Neji said, finishing his food and standing up to take his dishes to the kitchen.      You stopped him, now done with your own food.    "I'll get the dishes. You are my guest after all," you said with a fake smile, "You just go up and get some sleep, I'll clean."    He looked as if he were going to disagree, but shut his mouth and left anyways.    You finished cleaning and went to check if Neji needed anything before I went to bed myself.  When I knocked on his door, I got no response, so I assumed he was asleep.    You then went to your own room and got ready to go to bed, stripping to nothing but a pair of underwear and a tank top.    You laid in bed forever, tossing and turning. Not being able to sleep sucked.  Finally, after a struggle, you fell asleep.    After sleeping for a while, you woke up with a certain feeling in between your legs.  Your mind just loved having some wet dreams and leaving you to wake up feeling some kinda way.    You decided to glance at the clock, wondering if you could do what you wanted without being woken up by Neji.  You saw that it was 12:00 am.  Well, Neji would be asleep, so you figured it would be fine.    You took your hand and slid it down your body to the bottom of your tank top before pulling it over your head and throwing it across the room to the dirty clothes basket.    You then let your hand wander across your exposed skin, landing on your chest and playing with your boobs.  After teasing yourself for a while, you finally slid your hand down to where you needed it most.  You played with the waistband of your underwear, allowing yourself to pull them down your legs and off of you completely.    You took your hand and started just rubbing your fingers up and down, feeling how turned on you were.  This caused you to let out a small moan. Jesus, you had barely even touched yourself and you were already moaning.    Then you heard a knock on your door.  Shit. It was obviously gonna be Neji, he was the only person here.    You quickly covered yourself with your blankets and told him to come in.    The door opened, revealing a shirtless Neji. Oh dear god, now that you've seen him shirtless, your crush is never gonna go away.  He probably doesn't wear a shirt to bed.  You found yourself picturing his chest against yours as he pulled you in for a kiss.    Neji gained you focus by speaking.    "I thought that I heard a loud bang like someone fell, so I thought I'd come check on you."    "Oh, I heard it too, it was just the neighbor, he comes home drunk sometimes and falls on his face when he reaches his porch."    "Oh, okay."    He was about to leave and close the door when he stopped and looked back up at you.    "Are you alright, you're really flushed?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned.    "Oh, uh yeah, I'm fine," you prayed he didn't notice your underwear on the floor.  You also hoped that if he did notice the underwear, that he didn't notice that they were fucking soaked.    As if the universe was just telling him everything you didn't want him to see, he looked down and noticed your underwear. His eyes darted from you to the underwear and back to you.    "Oh, I see why you're flushed," Neji smirked at you. He actually did something other than frown at you.  You though to yourself that you may die from seeing that damn smirk.    "It's not what it looks like," you tried to save yourself.    "Really? It isn't?" He spoke as he stepped in the room and shut the door, "because I think I know exactly what it is."    He took slow steps to your bed.  Almost teasing you.    "Nope, definitely isn't what you think," you knew this was a lost cause, but you weren't gonna give up so easily.    "Well, then, if you weren't doing what I assume you were, then lift up the blanket," he crossed his arms across his chest, the smirk still resting on his face.    "Well, I guess you've got me there, I can't lift up the blanket," you admitted to the boy in front of you.    "Well, you could always lift the blanket anyways," he took a few steps closer, eventually reaching the bed and sitting down beside you.    "What?"    "I said, you could always lift the blanket anyways.  If you don't want to, you don't have to, and I'll leave and we can ignore this, but I'd be just fine if you did lift it," he winked at you.  He was giving you an out, not pressuring you, but boy was he sexy while he was doing it.    You reached out and wrapped your hand around the back of his neck, pulling him so he was right in front of you. ��He was so hot with his hair down and you were so overwhelmed. Your crush was a few inches away from you, your lips so close to touching.    He closed the distance, tired of waiting for the kiss.  You immediately let yourself melt into his touch.  You lips moved against his own and you found a steady rhythm.  A minute later you pulled away for air.    "Neji, I, wow, that was, wow," you spoke, flustered.    "I agree," he chuckled.    Oh dear god his chuckle.  You'd never heard him do anything other than be serious. His chuckle was surprising, but it was music to your ears.  He must've noticed the stupid grin on your face because he spoke up.    "What?" he looked confused.    "Nothing, your chuckle is just really cute," you admitted, looking down.    He took this as a chance to lean down and capture your lips in another passionate kiss.    Now kissing him was great, but kissing wasn't gonna cure the need between your legs. You decide to speed this up by flipping him over your body and onto the bed next to you.    "Hey Neji," you said before crawling out from under the blanket.    "Yeah?"    "Promise not to judge me.  Nobody's ever seen me like this before," you said shyly.    "Of course I won't," Neji responded, his voice becoming soft.    You then pulled the blankets off and moved to straddle the boy.    "Y/n," he whispered out.    "I knew it was stupid, forget it," you said, beginning to crawl off of him because you were afraid he didn't like the way you looked.    "Hey," he spoke as he grabbed your waist, holding you close, "where are you going?"    "I knew you'd think I wasn't pretty, I just knew it," you got insecure all of a sudden.    "You are absolutely beautiful, Y/N, your personality, your face, your body. It's all perfect to me," he let his thumbs trace patterns on your waist.    You raised your head from his shoulder to look at him.    "Really?"    "I wouldn't lie about that," he kissed you again.    He began to pull away from the kiss, but before he could you grabbed his face and pulled him into an even deeper kiss.  This kiss quickly grew heated.  You felt like you were under some sort of spell.  The way he kissed you felt unreal, it made you feel like you were loved.  You could stay here with him like this forever.    Unfortunately, you both needed some more oxygen, so you were forced to break the kiss.  You both pulled away and you rested your forehead on his.    You took this moment as a chance to grind your hips down onto his to test the waters.  Luckily for you, he seemed to enjoy the kiss just as much, so when you rolled your hips against his, you earned a deep groan.  It came from his chest and he closed his eyes, allowing his hips to buck up slightly.    "Is that okay?" you asked Neji, not wanting to push too far.    "Yeah, it's good," he was breathing a little harder than normal.    With a sudden confidence gain, you gave Neji another deep kiss before kissing your way down his body.  When you reached his waistband, you stopped and peppered his hip bones and lower stomach.  He didn't seem to mind you staying like that for a while.  After teasing his skin for a while, you brought one of your hands to his lower thigh, before lightly tracing up the inside of his leg and reaching the bottom of his shorts.      You let your hand move further up his legs, still over his shorts until you reached his prominent bulge.  You let your hand apply pressure there, causing Neji to let out another groan.  You would never get tired of hearing him sound like that.    "Y/N," he almost begged.  You didn't take Neji as much of a sub in bed, but here you were, on top of him, causing little whimpers to leave his mouth.    Deciding he had been teased enough, you finally reached to his waistband with both hands, to which he responded by lifting his hips, allowing you to take off his shorts and boxers in one go.    Now, being a virgin, you had never been in this situation before, so seeing his size took you by surprise.  You knew enough about sex to know what was supposed to happen, but knowing and doing are two different things.    Still unsure of what to do, you moved your head towards him and began to lick up and down Neji's hard member.  You decided to just go ahead and go all in, finally taking him in your mouth, lips wrapped around his head.    His hips bucked up into your mouth, which took you by surprise, but it wasn't all that bad.    "S- Sorry," Neji moaned. He clearly didn't mean to buck into your mouth like that, but you assumed that he was just enjoying it, so his hips bucked subconsciously.    You pulled off of him then, kissing your way back up his body before reaching his face again.    "It's alright," you kissed him on his lips.    As you were kissing, Neji saw an opportunity to flip you over, allowing him to hover over you.    Something about the way he was just inches away from you, his left arm holding his body above you was downright erotic.  His chest was pressed right up against yours, both of your bodies covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He let his right arm roam your body, landing at your knee and pulling your leg up around his waist, grinding against you.    The feeling of him grinding into you with no clothes was amazing, it made you see stars.    He moved his way down your body, copying your actions from earlier.  He left marks down your body, nibbling every once in a while as he lowered to where you needed him most.    The view of him in between your thighs was almost enough to cum right then and there.    "Can I?" he mumbled in between kisses to your inner thighs.    "Y- Yes, please," you breathed out.  You needed him.    He wasted no time in putting his mouth to work.  You moaned and your back arched as his tongue flattened while he licked in between your legs.  Your hands made their was to his hair and grabbed as he ate you out.    "Neji, oh god, oh please," you moaned, encouraging Neji even more.    After hearing you moan his name like that, he gained the courage to let his tongue to dip into your heat and curl up.    "Oh, god, Neji, I'm gonna, I'm gon-" you were cut off by your own moan as pleasure took over your body.    Your back arched, your grip in Neji's hair tightened, and you moaned so loud, you thought the neighbors would hear.  As your back arched, Neji's hand supported you by placing it on your lower back.    Neji kept eating you out, allowing you to come down from your high.    After you had come down, Neji worked his way back up your body, kissing you gently when he reached your lips.    "Neji, please, I just need you," you moaned, bucking you hips up so he would get the hint.    "Are you sure?" Neji asked you, rubbing against your entrance.    "Yes, please Neji," you moaned out.    With that, Neji took his time in moving in, not wanting to hurt you.    After he was fully inside you, he stopped to let you adjust.  He seemed to know what he was doing, he knew just what to do.    "Are you ready for me to move?"      "N-Not yet. It's my first time, sorry," you felt like you were taking to long to adjust.    "It's okay, and it's my first time too, so don't worry," he gave you a few gentle kisses, as if to reassure you.    After Neji had kissed you, you felt comfortable enough for him to move.    "Okay, you can move now," you spoke quietly.    "Are you sure?" God, he was so sweet, he didn't wanna hurt you.    "100%"    He then pulled out slowly before thrusting back in, gaining a stead rhythm.  The pain started to dissipate, turning to pleasure,    "God, Y/N, feels so good," Neji let out a moan as he picked up his pace.    Then, as if his mind decided to clear up all of a sudden, his hips stopped and his eyes went wide.    "What? What's wrong?" you asked worriedly.    "Condom," Neji was freaking out because he had forgot about condoms.    You giggled.    "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious."    "Because I'm on birth control for my periods," you were still chuckling slightly.    "Well, you could've told me that before now," Neji let out a breath of relief.    "Well, now you know, so could we get back to what we were doing?"    He just shook his head at how goofy you were being, before thrusting again.    You moaned at the sudden attention.      He held your body close to his as he moved inside you.    The two of you were in your own world, the only thing that mattered was the person in front of you.  You completed each other, moving together perfectly. You'd be happy to stay like this forever, with Neji holding you close.    "Y/N I'm really close, I'm not gonna be able to last much longer," Neji moaned in your ear.    "Me too, Neji, please don't stop," you barely got out the words as he hit that special spot inside you.    You moaned louder that you had all night.    "Yes, oh god, right there, Neji, right there," you nearly yelled.    He kept up the pace, but made sure to hit the same pace inside you with each thrust, wanting to give you the most pleasure you had ever felt.  If that really was his goal, he was definitely accomplishing it.    He had already given you one mind blowing orgasm tonight. Yet you thought he may raise the bar even higher with the next one.    "Fuck, Neji, oh I'm cumming, Neji, oh," your back arched even further into the male above you as you reached your peak.    Neji kept thrusting as you came down from your orgasm, moving to reach his own high.    You spasming around him sent him over the edge.  He grunted your name over and over as he weakly thrusted a few more times before stilling inside you.    Neji then collapsed on you, moving to lay his head on your chest.  You smiled down at him as he laid there, breathing heavily.  You moved one hand up to rest on Neji's back and trace patterns on his spine.    "That. Was. Amazing," Neji breathed out, looking up at you.    "Agreed," you replied, also out of breath.    After a few moments of silence you spent just looking each other in the eyes, Neji finally spoke.    "I'm sorry," he whispered.    "For what?" was he sorry for having sex with you? Did he regret it?    "For looking down on you all those years.  I only did it because I knew if you tried you could be a great ninja.  I guess in my mind, I was just trying to push you to become the ninja I knew you could become," Neji spoke softly.    "It's alright, Neji, in a way you did encourage me to become stronger.  You encouraged me to train hard with Kakashi every day so I could still be strong," you explained, "The only reason I wasn't in the academy with you was because my parents never believed I'd be good enough without my family's kekkei genkai."    "Well screw them, you're absolutely amazing," Neji huffed out, moving to hover over you again, resting his forehead on yours, "you are a strong, gorgeous, and intelligent young woman, and I love that about you."    "Thank you Neji, it really means a lot to me," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in to kiss you.    He was the first to pull away from the kiss.    "Now, I'm gonna make up for all those years," he spoke.    "What do you me-" you were cut off when you felt Neji's hand rubbing up and down the inside of you thigh.    Neji then let his hand spread your legs even wider, nudging your leg away, giving him access to what he was looking for.    He didn't take long to tease you, quickly taking his finger to rub a few circles around your hole before slipping in.  Your breath was already picking up again, still enjoying the attention he was giving you.    "Oh Neji, god, feels too good, don't stop," you moaned to the ninja hovering above you.    Your breath was speeding up even more.  You had no clue how he managed to make you feel so good.  I mean, he said he was a virgin.  How the hell did he know how to please a woman like this?      You bit your lip to hold back your moans, feeling slightly embarrassed by how good he made you feel.    "Don't hold back, Y/N, let me hear how good I make you feel.  Let me hear you."    Oh dear god, Neji was gonna be the death of you.  It seemed like every word out of his mouth caused you to melt.  You really need to calm the fuck down or you'll have a damn heart attack.    "Does this feel good? You like that?" he said, curling his fingers up as he thrusted them as deep as he could.    "Fuck, yes, yes, feels so good Neji."    He then moved down your body, leaving a trail of kisses on your skin.    While he used his fingers to pleasure you, he let his tongue focus on playing with your clit.  He then removed his fingers and switched the position of his fingers and his tongue.  His tongue was now moving in and out of you at a fairly quick pace as Neji's fingers moved to play with your clit.    He then stopped everything, pulling away from you completely.    If only you knew what he had in store for you.    He moved up and grabbed your hips before flipping the two of you over, letting you sit on his hips.    You decided to take control of the situation and do something you had always thought about.    You slid yourself down Neji's body, stopping when you were straddling one of his thighs.  When you were settled there, you began to slowly move up and down Neji's thighs, grinding yourself down and pleasuring yourself.    "Mmm feels so good, Neji, god yes," you moaned.    "Come up here, Y/N," Neji motioned for you to come back up to where he was.    You obliged, moving up to straddle his hips again. He took his hands and grabbed your hips, lifting you off his hips and moving you beside him.    "Can you get on all fours for me, Y/N?" he asked you.    You obeyed him again, moving to get on all fours.  As you settled there, Neji laid down, his face right in between your legs.    He took your hips in his hands again, pulling you down to his face.  Oh my fucking god, he wanted you to sit on his face.  You definitely weren't gonna protest.    He brought one of his hands up to thrust into you, while his tongue took care of everything else.  Oh, this was definitely how you die.    You were no gonna last long like this if he kept up with what he was doing.    "Neji, oh fuck, god it feels so good, keep going, just like that."    Your words caused him to moan into your core, sending another jolt of pleasure up your spine, shivers moving through your body.    "I'm gonna cum soon, Neji, you make me feel so good, fuck."    This caused him to speed up his actions, moving faster than he had all night.  He knew how to hit every single pleasure point in your whole body.  Everything he did, every movement he made, made you feel perfect.  Every damn thing brought you closer to the edge, but his words are what finally put you over the edge.    Neji pulled his mouth away from you to encourage you.    "God, you're absolutely beautiful, Y/N. Are you gonna cum for me? Cum for me," Neji said to you, his voice sounded so god damn sensual.    That was it, you came for the third time that night, back arching again, Neji's fingers still moving inside you, working you down from your orgasm.      After you came down from the peak, you moved to lay on Neji's chest, your breath coming out more as gasps.    "God, you are absolutely amazing, Neji," you spoke as you moved your head to look at him.    "You're amazing, Y/N." he replied, emphasizing that you were amazing, while implying that he wasn't.    "Oh shush," you giggled, dropping your head back down to his chest.    Neji took one of his hands to your hip, the other resting behind his head. The hand holding you traced patterns across your hips and lower back.  You drifted off to sleep on Neji's chest, loving the feeling of his chest rising and falling with his breathing.    Maybe Neji Hyuga wasn't so bad after all.
That was not what I first imagined when I started writing but here we are. SO sorry for the weird carrot joke, but it was part of the prompt I was given so I had to roll with it. Oops. Vote, comment, and suggest ideas if you'd like, it'd really help me out. Thanks so much!!
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Michikatsu x reader x somewhat Muzan Angst (becoming a demon then leaving him for you)
"It's raining outside" (Y/n) said looking through the window of the room as the skies turn a darker shade of grey along with people hurrying to their houses. She doesn't know how to feel with the news of her best friend dying should she be strong or should she be weak.
Her mind turns blank as she turns around to look at the male with long black hair who was currently sleeping "Muzan I'm sorry" she said looking down at her hands tears starting to form on the corner of her eyes "I should have been the one sick, not you."
"If I pray hard enough you'll be out of this right?" She said holding back her sob her face slightly turning pink along with her eyes, that's when she hears a knock at front door of the house she quickly wipes her tears away as she quickly walks towards the main entrance "that must be the doctor I'll be right back okay Muzan?" She says softly turning around to the said male smiling at his direction.
She soon opens the main entrance door stepping aside to let the male in "hello doctor thank you for coming!" She said in a fake cheerful voice hoping that today's results will be different from last week's. As the male makes his way in "well hello to you too (L/n)!" The male said back in a cheerful voice he quickly walks in to go towards the room her best friend is in you quickly following behind.
The doctor soon puts his belongings down and sits down besides the sleeping male taking out an odd looking container as his smile widens. "(L/n) this is what's going to save him from his own death, this is the purest cure I could find this is what I call God's work! Something so rare that no other doctor has this is demon blood!" He said making Muzan groan in his sleeping form turning towards your way as your eyes widen from shock.
"This is a joke correct?" You say as your heartbeat quickened and palms become sweaty 'is this something good, or bad? Should I allow this to happen and save him or should I let him...no.' "Will it really?" You say as you gave the doctor a look of inscurity "Wake him up and watch a miracle happen (L/n)" You quickly put a hand on Muzan's shoulder shaking him softly to wake up as the male soon opens his eyes first annoyed then soft as he sees you.
"(Y/n) you know you don't have to stay I don't have much time left, so please stop wasting your time with me." He says sitting up as he sees the doctor is sitting on his left side. "Ah doctor I'm guessing your here to tell me how much time I have left?" Muzan says bitterly clenching his hands on his sheets "actually it's gonna be a little different today!" "Huh what do you mean Muzan said feeling a bit uncomfortable from the way the doctor is reacting "he's saying he'll cure you Muzan" You said smiling at the male softly as he looked at you then at the doctor.
"Well" the doctor said giving Muzan the container as the male drunk it "how do you feel?" the doctor said as Muzan started screaming feeling as if his skin was burning and mind was about to explode "M-muzan" you whimpered feeling terrible for letting him drink the demons blood. In rage Muzan cut the doctors head off not realizing his actions before you scream "YOU KILLED HIM!?" You screamed scared that your own friend might even kill you.
"We're you in on this too?" Muzan said looking at you with rage "you said this would cure me but you look at me as if I was a monster?" You nod your head at the male "w-well you n-now k-k-kill me too?" You said as tears started falling from your eyes "no, I no longer feel sick but as in to kill you I would never. But since you allowed this to happen I only find it fair that you turn into a demon along with me."
"W-what why, I o-only wanted y-you to be cured!" M uzan then gives you an upset look not satisfied with your answer "(Y/n) What happened on being together forever don't tell me your backing out now?" You quickly shook your head "n-no I would never, i-im just scared" you said wiping your tears away as Muzan soon smiled at you "I'm guessing your gonna have to drink my blood then" he said scratching his skin open letting the blood drip before his would would heal "drink" he demanded as your hands trembled you brought his arm closer drinking the blood that spilled out.
You soon felt immense of pain as you held your head tightly you felt like screaming and crying as the pain worsened making you scream out loud. "AAAAHHHHH IT HURTS IT HURTS SO MUCH MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOOOPPP!!!" Muzan then embraced you tightly against himself "shhhh it will all stop just endure it" and as he finished speaking the pain soon stoped. "Ah I, I don't feel pain anymore I-I feel hungry acyually" you said touching your stomach feeling it rumble.
M uzan looked at the doctors belongings as he picked up a certain paper that caught his attention "this paper, it says that their a a blue spider lily that will make us endure the sun?" Muzan says questioningly he looks out the window seeing that it's still raining "I guess we have to leave but first, we have to eat first" he says calmly scaring you a bit but all of that is forgotten when you smell something mouth watering that you don't know how to explain it but makes you feel as if you haven't eaten in years.
"M-muzan do you smell that?" You say standing up walking towards the main entrance door " that smell it smells so delicious I'm becoming more starved the more I smell, I-I wanna eat it now!!" You soon start sprinting slamming the door open as you run towards the smell you find a young women under shelter she doesn't seem to notice you from a distance too busy trying to be dry. Your mind hesitates wondering if you should commit the crime of eating her aliv or not as your to busy thinking you don't notice Muzan standing behind you "let's eat her together that way you don't feel so bad."
You're moth starts watering your hunger starts to intensify"B-but" "shush forget about being a human we are demons now" Muzan dashed towards the female when she was about to look at him he slaughtered her into two the smell of her blood coming out sting as it finally makes you snap. You quickly start biting into her flesh as you start crunching on her bones leaving nothing left behind.
Muzan quickly finished before you seeing as he's covered in blood made an annoyed sound "(Y/n) let's quickly go back" he said after you finally finished eating the women. As you start walking by his side both of you not missing your bloody form.
"Hey by any chance did you eat the doctor?" You said looking at the male questionably "no and I rather not that man made me so mad I perfer watching his corpse get eaten by wild animals then myself" you quickly nod your head but another question pops up in your head "then how come you didn't eat me when you became a demon?" "I'm guessing i can control my hunger since I wasn't very hungry around you or the doctor at that moment." You stayed silent as you then held his hand.
"Hey Muzan, can I be with you forever? Since you know will live forever" you said side glancing him as the male slightly tightened his hold on you "yeah I don't mind being with you forever" he said the last part more to himself. You smiled to yourself as the thought of you and Muzan together made you feel slightly giddy.
But in the end you don't know if its a good feeling or not as you then start swinging both of your hands together.
Thousands of years pass as you then met him, Michikatsu a small boy who was training to be a samurai you met him once when you saw him setting outside of his house late in a cold night you approached him carefully as not to scare him. "Little boy why are you outside?" You said as you kneel down to his level as he looked at you in the eye "well I'm out here because, I was punished for talking to my little brother he said as he tried keeping himself warm you then rapped you haori around his small body. As he looks up to you surprised as you then picked him up Michikatsu unsure if he really wants to move away from your warmth or not.
"Lady you do know you can get sent to jail for kidnapping right?" He said as he didn't bother to leave your grip as you giggled to his response "well your not moving from my grip so I don't see why you would say that?" You said smiling sweetly towards him he just snuggled closer towards you as strangely enough you provided enough heat. "I font know why lady but you make me feel comfortable he said making you smile softly since that encounter you stopped seeing Muzan.
That was your first encounter with him as later on you would spend your days with Michikatsu he would talk to you all the time and bring you gifts. When he would do something that would please you he would as for his reward that was your affection. He wasn't even hurt when Yoriichi left just as long he can be with you and Yoriichi was angered he didn't feel anger emotions once but he was upset that a strange being like yourself managed to take his brothers attention away he swore he would kill you. Later years passed
"My father he, wants me to get engaged with a women I don't know and I don't want too." Michikatsu said laying his head on your lap as you played with his hair "Michi are you sure you want to disobey your father you have always worked hard to get his attention." You said as you stopped playing with his hair Michikatsu looked up at your eyes with hope as he spoke "let me be with you, I know you are not human but let me, let me be with you please."
He said as you started feeling guilty for making him want to be with you. "Michi-no" he interrupted you looking determined at you "it's my choice so please let me be with you (Y/n) I no longer care what my father thinks of me just as long as I'm with you." You felt happy, guilty, sadness and more as you didn't know how to respond.
Until you agreed "okay" was all you said as Michikatsu grabbed your hand and kissed it saying thank you. One year passesd as you were cooking in your house waiting for what is now your husband Michikatsu he was now a samurai and surprisingly you a demon are pregnant life became amazing as you agreed to be his wife Michikatsu treating you as if you were the queen of the world he eventually became a demon slayer you two later have three more kids as one day.
Muzan showed up "so this is were you've been" he said glaring at you with a hated look as you were put all your children. "Why are you here you responded quietly as to not wake up your children "isn't it obvious?" He said madly as he gripped your wrist and threw you out of the room "How unfucking believable you leave your only friend for a human being after I turned you into a demon.
At that moment your life flashed before your eyes as Muzan himself killed you. He at first loved you but soon turned mad when he found out you left him for a human he left the children alone as he left the house Michikatsu soon found your haori on the floor confused on why you weren't home as he heard a whimpering sound on his left he saw his oldest child holding the youngest closer towards themselves as they spoke "M-mommy she was killed" he said as he bursted out in tears.
Since then Michikatsu worked harder alongside his brother no longer feeling jealousy towards his brother as he swore to kill the one who killed you but little did he know his own little brother was part of it.
"Kill her my brother does not deserve to live with filth besides if you do I will spare you" Yoriichi said letting the demon go from death as he looked at the one in front of him with hatred do was already planning that he said as he quickly left.
(This lowkey feels kinda rushed if not then really)
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rioskingdom · 4 years
Amor Pasado
Chapter 1
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(Gif not mine credit to whoever made it!)
I stepped into the house, relishing in the fact it hasn't changed in the last four years.  I heard Ruby's muffled voice coming from his room, I snuck in hearing the ending of his conversation.
"Check me out bitches, I got my own room," I couldn't help but smile by how excited he was and how miserable he's gonna be once he finds out I'm back. 
Mom wanted me to surprise Ruby since Mario was moving away to college. It was a good excuse to come back home, since I missed the family, "so let's not trash it," Ruby hopped off the bed, helping Jamal.
"Yeah try not to break my bed," I started, coming into the room. Ruby turned to me, spotting the luggage that was behind me, shouting some vulgarities. "you dont miss me," I feigned being hurt. He trudged to me, giving me a hug. I let go, smacking him on his shoulder.
"Curse at me one more time, watch how im gonna smack you across your big head," He smiled, apologizing as he rubbed his arm. 
"Carmen, I didn't know you were coming back," he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, moving my luggage to the desk. 
"Wanted to come back for my senior year, can't I miss mi familia," I responded. I said hey to Jamal, opening up my luggage, starting to put my clothes back into drawers. He waved back, grabbing a notebook from the bed.
"Goodbye solo room," he muttered making me giggle before turning to him 
"Come on Ruby, you'll love having me as a roommate," Monse came into the room smiling at the boys, greeting them before she saw me. 
"Carmen your back too?" you nodded giving the girl a hug. Monse and I grew close since we both love writing. I was the one who encouraged her to join the summer writing camp. 
"Can you move that side table," he asked her. I continued unpacking as the kids started arguing. I spotted the bracelet, that I hid under my jeans. A wave of heat moved through my body, leaving my flustered. I threw the bracelet to the edge of the desk, worrying about it later. 
"What happened with Ceaser, Carmen?" Monse asked, bringing me back into the conversation. Did something happen with Cesar?
"I dont know whats going on," I surrendered. What happened between them, was news to me. Ruby was always private with his life, even to me. 
"Trust us, Cesar is not cool," Ruby added.
"I'm not cool being not cool," She kept her arms crossed. I glanced up at the clock in the room noticing the time. 
" Its time for orientation for you three," They ignored me, continuing the argument. Orientation wasn't the most important thing to do for freshmen but I promised mami that Ruby wouldn't be late to his. "Fight on the walk there, but get out!" I shouted. Jamal was the first to leave, the crew following behind.
I grabbed my laptop, getting comfortable in my bed. Today was the last day for submissions for Cornell. No longer having Gardensfields guarantee acceptance, sending this submission made me even more nervous. 
The room remained silent as I finished up the manuscript. Once I finished the last chapter, I went to Cornell's website, heading to their submission page. I stayed there for a minute, my mousepad hovering over the send button. I chewed the inside of my cheek, terrified that I'd be rejected.
My phone buzzed a message from Monse,
 I need you here at Cesar's. 
I got up from bed, leaving my laptop open in bed. It was a short walk from the house so I got there fairly quick. 
"Whatever you want to call your new cha-cha-bingos," Jamal whispered. "These new homies he's hanging with, they're thirsty." I raised my eyebrows, looking at Jamal. 
"cha-cha bingos, they're called boobs," I told him. Redirecting to Monse I crossed my arms. "What'd you need me, to explain anatomy?" I asked her.
"Moral support, I know you've known Oscar the longest so it's cool now," Not any more kid. Oscar and I lost touch after the ending of summer. He stopped responding to my texts and calls. It's like he fell off the map, it wasn't till later Mario told me that Oscar joined Los Santos and was sent to jail.
I looked towards the front yard, watching Oscar lifting weights. His muscles constricting with every press. He shaved his hair, it was my favorite thing, soft and curly. 
"your smiling," Monse added. I glanced back at Monse, who had an all-knowing smirk. 
"shut up and what dumb thing are you trying to do?" She grabbed my hand, dragging me across the street, ignoring Jamals pleads. 
"I need to talk to you," Oscar looked up, stopping mid tracks. I walked closer to him, leaving only a short distance between us. 
"Welcome back," he greeted me, continuing his weights. I crossed my arms, shuffling closer to the idioto. 
 "That all you're gonna say?" It took forever, trying to forget him. Even while I was in relationships, my former best friend never escaped my mind.
"But if you wanna sit on my face, you got to put that mouth on pause so I can concentrate," I spun around watching Cesar, disgusted at his attitude.
"You're gonna let him talk like that," I mumbled to Oscar. His eyes glimpsed up at me, before looking around to his crew before falling back on mines again.
"He's a grown man," My face scowled. 
"he's 14," I fired back, walking away, following Monse who had stormed away. 
"Mami just let me help," I pleaded to my mother. I wanted to help her cook, help me distract myself, but she swore she wouldn't let my first dinner be something I cooked. 
Giving up, I walked to my room, spotting my laptop screen. 
My phone buzzed with a message. 
meet me outside
I must be crazy, listening to a random number. It wasn't till I saw the red impala, did I realize who texted me.
"Get in," Oscar pulled down the window, shouting to me. After a quick thought, I stepped forward getting into his car. Oscar drove a few feet away, pulling into a parking spot.
It was quiet, none of us wanting to start. I broke the ice asking him, "Why did you join?" He studied my face before going back to watching the streets. "What happened to Pasadena?" He had seemed so happy, wanting to go to that school. 
He gave me a quick smile but still remained silent. Fine, you want to play like that, I got ready to walk out but oscar stopped me. 
"Why are you back," he blurted. Was that the only thing that was on his mind. 
"hard to avoid me now huh," 
He chuckled, "im not avoiding you fool," I shut the door shifting to him, waiting for an explanation. "you were out of this shit neighborhood, good school,"
"Is it illegal to come back, I missed my family," He didn't believe my response. 
"You dreamed of going to Gardenfields for years," only since I was 11. I hated how he knew me so well. But i wasn't lying, your family was one of the reasons you came back, just not your only reason.
"Oscar, can you drop it please?" I felt myself tear up, not wanting to talk about it. He dropped it, turning his head back on to the road, giving you quick glances.
"Im happy you came back," he said. 
"Your such a dork," Both of us smiled, feeling the tension in the car dissipate. I was about to ask him about the gang when Oscar cut me off. 
"Get down," Oscar pulled me down, hiding us from the outside world. After a few minutes, we came back up. 
"What the hell was that for?" I fixed my hair, that got messed up from the bending down. 
"There was a Santos," Oscar continued looking through the car side mirrors. I scoffed, looking at the dashboard. Why did I ever think would go back to normal. I got out of the car, walking towards my house. His need to hide the fact that he's human kills me. I heard Oscar curse, but I kept walking to my house, going straight to my room. 
Turning on my laptop, I headed to Cornell's submission page, clicking the send button, with it my hopes and dreams to finally be done with this neighborhood.
Tags- @youare-mysonshine​
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xonxsm · 4 years
pastel || bnha x male! reader
where [m/n] and friends battle against buff ugly lookin doods, and [m/n] finds a (possible) new power.
[m/n] sighed contently as he sat back into his seat comfortably, making sure to keep a distance from the ice prince sitting next to him. he turned the brightness of his phone darker as he tuned out the voices of his classmates, searching up collar designs.
i want it, i get it. ooh, this one looks nice- nevermind. weird having the 'thot' word printed on my collar-
wow, how did i end up with bdsm pics when i searched for dog collars? damn people be putting weird things on the internet-
meanwhile, todoroki was sweating, lightly blushing and nervously shuffling in his seat after seeing the nudes and collars on [m/n]'s phone. didn't know he was into that shi-  kinky though, maybe we can hookup or somethin-
and they had a one night stand. the end.
jk, todoroki saw nothing.
[m/n] came across an [f/c] collar that claimed to be both fireproof and waterproof, and not easily breakable. it was plain, but it came with accessories and some decorating kit. eh, i'll probably be too lazy to alter anything about it-
he pressed the add to cart button anyways. no harm, hehe- i can always buy another one if i don't like it-
quickly paying for the collar, he shut his phone off as he quietly listened in to his classmates' conversation.
"in terms of flashy quirks- i'd say bakugou's and todoroki's, no?"
toedowroeki? bakoogoe? who?
"but with bakugou's personality i don't think he will be that popular, if you know what i mean." a girl said with a finger on her mouth.
oh- bakugo = boomboom boy! can't believe i forgot. (-w-) bakuboom boom yes. but who is this toedoroekie guy?
"bitch, you wanna fight?" bakuboom stood up quickly with an irk mark, clenching his fists.
(o。o)he's gonna blow up the whole bus and we're all gon die if he gets any angrier- looking over to the bi-coloured haired boy he deadpanned. how is he sleeping through all this shouting and such-
"we've barely known each other for a week but we can already tell your personality is worse than trash drenched in dog shit. that says something, no?" just as bakugou was about to throw another insult back at kaminari aizawa shushed them, informing that they were about to arrive.
getting off the bus they were greeted by thirteen, another pro hero. [m/n] looked around confused to where all might was, but shrugged it off as he listened to thirteen's speech about usj and the importance of rescue. they followed thirteen inside, with an excited kirishima marvelling about the huge place and thirteen proudly saying about how they had every rescue situation they could think of.
the lights flickered and the exit door shut once thirteen stopped talking. [m/n] quickly hid behind a certain buff dude with a bunch of arms, his tail and ears slightly shaking. confused muttering filled the small group. flashes of some dark void thingy had chills run up [m/n]'s spine. a dark mist started forming and that triggered [m/n]'s animal instincts- he got on all fours as [h/c] hair started growing on his arms, his hands mutating to form paws and claws. weird looking people started emerging from the mist and he slightly growled, feeling a little self-conscious of the weird glances his classmates gave him.
what? c'mon, don't tell me you haven't seen or heard a dog growl before in your whole life-
"students, stay back. thirteen, protect everyone!" aizawa ordered. [m/n] was itching to run up there and start slashing but for the sake of his teacher he stepped back, sitting on the floor. like a normal person.
"we've come to finally defeat all might." a man with blue hair and creepy red eyes stated quietly as he scratched at his nape.
forcing himself to run with his classmates he didn't dare look behind to the creepy look and aura the light blue-haired man gave off; and suddenly there was darkness.
then light. [m/n] opened his eyes to see a white room, with a grey desk and bookshelf; along with a few dying flowers scattered around. he felt sad looking at the flowers, and was about to pick one up before a voice interrupted. "lmaoz wat." getting on all fours again he was about to growl, but instead let out a burp.
"E-" lunging himself at the weird voice he scratched at the dude's face while trying to bite his neck. successfully doing that he latched himself on there as he analysed the weird man. emo haircut. wow, this dude do kinda look like a pig tho- with those nostrils-
pig-man ripped [m/n] off from his neck, with his teeth pulling a chunk with him as he slammed onto the ground, spitting out the disgusting raw neck meat. the man pulled out a gun, randomly firing at [m/n] as the hybrid dodged, jumping around, his ears picking up on the man's footsteps and the bullet's location as he tried to find an exit. finally locating an open window he jumped out of there, clearly not thinking of his actions. quickly regretting as he saw how fast he was falling from such a height.
"ZCREEEENSDNFKSDNFSKDN-" somehow, his tail latched onto a random pole and he flung himself forward, also smacking his face into a random dude's crotch while doing so. "OWIE!" he landed on his butt with a thud, holding his nose in pain as the dude knelt in pain, holding his crotch. another thud was heard, accompanied by a small "wheeeey."
he looked behind, spotting a two girls- one with long earlobes and the other with a revealing outfit, while a blonde was on the ground making weird "weee" noises. [m/n] let out a nervous chuckle as he felt himself being picked up by the ears, scratching around, hating the feeling of being held in the air. his ears hurt- it felt like they were being ripped from his head. he hissed waving his tail and claws around. he heard the man groan as his tail smacked him in the face.
a knife was pressed to his neck and he froze, his eyes wide. i regret my life. i regret applying to yuuei. IM GON' DIE RIGHT AAA-
"you move, this kid is going down." villain guy said calmly. if [m/n] moved forwards, his neck will be sliced. but if he moved backwards-
but then my ears might not be able to handle all the pressure... [m/n] whimpered, his scalp starting to bleed. ah, fuck it. i'm gonna die anyways, either from my ears or the knife.
he harshly yanked his head backwards, his head knocking onto the villain's nose harshly. with a gasp his ears was released and [m/n] dropped to the floor, his hands automatically reaching up to touch his ears; hissing when a sharp pain travelled through his body as he touched the tip of them.
he was quickly shoved out of the way as kaminari rushed up to the villain, releasing more electricity as he screeched, the villain getting singed. they all zoomed out of there, [m/n] throwing all of them onto his back as he morphed himself into a wolf, carrying them back near where the exit was.
he collapsed onto the ground, his head aching after the three got off his back. a weird bird like creature was slamming aizawa's head onto the ground. he could faintly make out the outline of someone reaching for a girl in the waters but his vision was too blurry for him to see who. "you really are cool... eraserhead." [m/n] watched as the head of his teacher was slammed back onto the ground again, his vision clearing up. and being the guard dog he is-
he got up, speed-ran to the bird creature and head-butted right into its stomach. full speed. the nomu was knocked off aizawa but besides that no damage was dealt. he was picked up the second time by his ears- and thrown off into the distance.
wincing he got back up, ignoring his teacher's calls for him to back up and "sit the fuck down and rest" as he rammed right into the nomu again, this time higher into his chest. he somehow managed to land a hit near where the nomu's brain is with his tail before he was slammed onto the ground near where aizawa was. he laid still as the nomu went up to where shigaraki was and began attacking the other students.
aizawa was fading in and out of consciousness- as [m/n] could tell from his decayed arm and the blood on his face. he wasn't doing any better, but aizawa looked as if he was more hurt than [m/n] ever will be.
lol, i mean i wasn't the one to get my skin ripped off my arm with it decaying and my head slammed full force into the ground that it would cause a huge dent- looking back to where he laid, a huge dent was formed under him. never frikkin mind.
i wonder if there's any way i could transfer sensei's pain to myself. that's part of moma's quirk, right? my quirk and hers is quite similar, except that she's a full wolf instead of being part bunny and wolf like i am. [m/n] sighed, thinking about his family. they probably wouldn't even care if i died, lmao.
remembering his mother telling his brother about her quirk he copied what she had said- lifting a finger to touch aizawa's skin and focusing on the image of what he envisions the "pain" as coming out of aizawa's body and into his. he could hear his teacher grumble out questions on why his student was poking his hand and he removed his hand, sighing and realising it probably  didn't work until a sudden pain in his head caused a static-like noise filled his head and he passed out from the pain, his ears and tail falling limp by his side.
aizawa could feel the pain from his head lessen. he had questions, but frankly, his jaw was too hurt for him to even move it. he looked down slightly, seeing the passed out new kid and he sighed, his sight darkening as he felt himself getting picked up and carried.
word count: 1780
this part was probably the hardest to write and the plot probably makes no sense lmao-
i already forgot like most of the usj parts and i had to rewatch the whole thing like thirty times more to write this chapter and now my eyes hurt from sitting in front of the computer for so long.
yeet i have decided that i will write a chapter every two or three days- ya know to keep my memory of the storyline in check and at the same time letting myself rest for a day.
see y'alls next time :>
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lovinmullen · 4 years
the pacific: part one, live blog because i said so
he looked so pissed when he has to make the sign of the cross to mary..... I KNOW ITS BECAUSE HES FALLING AWAY FROM HIS RELIGION but all i can think is undercover protestant????? i hate that i find myself funny stfu tom like he’s some angsty protestant like ‘this is fucking bullshit why the fuck DO THEY PRAY TO MARY’ which..... is a huge missconsperion but i’m not gonna get into that right now but hey if anyone needs an rs teacher? i got you
are you telling me i could have heard the most BEAUTIFUL monologue about the saint mary’s church and her plans for the day as well as being able to see that sweet sweet smile on vera’s face for longer but it was cut short because bobo went ‘i joined the marines’ GOOD FOR YOU BUT.....
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rOBERT...... you really gonna give her THAT look...... IN GODS HOUSE is this allowed? is THIS ALLOWED???? if you don’t say it in the voice of the vine we can not be fteejssn sorry i don’t make the rules
#BOB: i wanna catholic girl that go to church AND READ HER BIBLE (is that even right??? omg i can only remember the jewish one *in the voice of ryan reynolds severely slowed down* FUUUUUCCCKKK)
on a real note this man saw her at church ONCE and his ass went finna wife up like........ take her out to dinner first. OR AT LEAST ASK HER HOW SHE IS IN THE LETTERS like we get it you’re emo, the aussie won’t shag you anymore and you keep pissing your pants. i understand it’s a hard not life or how ever that song in annie goes but bro.........(this is obviously a joke i am dumb of ass please ignore me i love you m8 and i’m sorry you’re gonna embarrass yourself in front of everyone but chuckler shifts to momma mode so you good)
can we please acknowledge jon’s acting..... sir? PHENOMENAL he’s not even saying anything??? he’s just looking at the lt yet i’m near tears
gentle reminder i love the basilones🥺🥺🥺 the way they are so supportive even though they don’t understand and they are scared for him but they accept and respect that john wants more, needs more and they’re putting their own fears aside so he can spread his wings for no better turn of phrase.
‘just get the job done, and come home to us’ the way his head falls and he has to stop his voice from breaking. i’m s fucking bitter
leckie:((( look hes a bastard and he pisses me off but no matter how much i bully him i do love him a lot and the complete disregard and uncaring nature from his dad breaks my heart. a handshake then gone just like that? HIS FACE BEFORE ‘there’s a war on everybodies got to make sacrifices’ he looks so hurt and broken baby
‘gene, supper’s ready’ ma’am i’m sorry but he does not give a shit
SIDNEY MY SWEET SWEET BOY get in a pram if you’re going to be so baby. look while i love him so much and i know he didn’t mean it to be !!!!! he’s just small of brain !!! but when he says “i wish we where going together” that lowkey rubs it in man......... like he’s already heartbroken PLEASE STOP but the “yeah well you take care of yourself greaser” - “you don’t have to worry about me” IM SOFT🥺
“guadal...kenel...guadal BLEEHHH” didn’t realise hoos was recreating the audience of my english speaking exam. LOOK I REALISE NOW TALKING ABOUT STOICISM TO A BUNCH OF 15 YEAR OLDS WHO DON’T CARE WAS A BAD IDEA BUT I GOT A DESTINCTION SO FUCK YOU TO THAT ONE KID
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chuckler baby..... i’m in love with a dumbass. also the hit across the head. i’m soft (lads lets take a shot every time i say i’m soft in this liveblog ITS GONNA BE A FUN NIGHT jk drink responsibly and all that jazz or be dick winters that’s cool too!! heck do a babe heffron and get yourself a caprisun you deserve it)
“professor leckie” please don’t fuel his ego HE DOES NOT NEED IT
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okay two hoos things: 1.) he looks SO DONE and i’m living for it 2.) can we talk about jacobs nose..... IM DYING TO TALK ABOUT JACOBS NOSE
okay the boats scene give me saving private ryan flashbacks i came out here to have a good time AND I AM NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME oh wait never mind runner just went ‘i could really use a stiff one right now’ i hate that but he saved the day with his dumbassery so thank you good sir i love you with all my heart
fun fact my how co ranking goes chuckler, runner, hoos, leckie
OH FUCK I FORGOT SID SJAKSJSJ y’know for someone who talks about how much they love sid i forget about him a lot. thank you for blessing my screen with your pretty face it helped me remember you exist LMAO guys my memory is not okay i’m actually concerned...... but more importantly i’d put him between hoos and leckie in the ranking :,)
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call it what it is. babyism. y’all better stop before i cuddle you LOOK AT THIS SHIT THEY’RE ADORABLE
runner is the only bitch i respect in this house he’s so fucking funny
‘they’ve? poisoned? a? billion?! coconuts?’ that poor son of a bitch BLESS HIM don’t shoot the messenger okay? he seems like a sweet bean
that shot of hoos, leckie and chuckler looking down at the camera into the bunker? my sexuality. my left brain: tomas stop thirsting it’s an intense and serious show. my righ brain: but?? they’re pretty?? me nodding smugly and in agreement: BUT THEY’RE PRETTY.
THIS MAN AND HIS GUM I CAN’T why is that me. i am the gum man at my school that sounds so weird ajsksjsj i just always have gum. ALSO spearmint is superior to normal mint. NORMAL MINT BURNS LIKE ITS SPICY BRO. bubblemint is superior superior but that’s more expensive rip😭😭😭😭😭😭
‘it’s like the fourth of july’ nice to my boy sufjan getting some rep he is king of the gays after all mr i can’t explain the state that i’m in the state of my heart he was my best friend. we all owe him EVERY parallel on this goddamn app. jk there’s one other king of the gays and that is demon! shane (bfu). no this is not up for debate
the shot of the ships is phenomenal. that’s one thing i do have to credit hbo on. the special effects and cinematography are beautiful and so fucking impressive like???
WHY DOES SID LOOK OVER HIS SHOLDER BEFORE TAKING THE WINE SIR NO ONE IS GONNA TELL YOU OFF AT WAR FOR DRINKING UNDERAGE like???? i don’t think an 18 year old having a swig is their biggest problem bless his heart
‘can’t fight em drunk don’t fight em at all’
bill if you are reading this i’m free on thursday night and would like to hang out. please respond to this and then hang out with me on thursday night, when i am free😌😘🥰😳🥺👉👈😤💘💓🙄🥴
‘skipper? skipper are you okay?? goddamnit he’s lost it come on’ :(((((
god the shots in this show really are phenomenal. i know it’s very gory and very hard to watch at times but it definitely has the best shots of the three en mi opinion. i’m a slut for the close up of dick screaming ‘move out’ with rounds flying. like who’s ever call that was? outstanding but like that’s just one? the pacific has so many emotive and excellently shot scenes.
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how seemlessly the scenes flow one after the other despite being opposite ends of the spectrum i DID NOT GIVE TP ENOUGH CREDIT like yeah it makes me sad as fuck but from a production point of view the writing? the acting? the cinematography? DAMN
how visibly torn and pissed off hoosier looks over the other marines tormenting the japanese soldier, stringing out his death when he’s obviously in a lot of mental as well as physical pain? the only bitch i respect in this house.
okay so like? while the shot is scarring both for him and the audience to see that kind of effortless murder it was the right thing to do? it’s better then have him be tormented and it will help leckie in the long run? how broken he looks though? like the distance is his eye and the way he swollows....... WHO IS CUTTING ONIONS HUH???? brilliant james BRILLIANT
the way i just said ‘if biology would have permitted it i would be asking you to have my babies’ at the sight of a man shoving smokes up his nose....... now ladies theyzies and gents, a prime reason to show why you should do your work. this is tom. tom didn’t do his work. with nothing to do all day tom became bat shit..... don’t be like tom. okay like it is cute though COME ON
HOW PROUD AND SMUG AND HAPPY HE LOOKS AT HIS PREMOTION ‘yes ma’am i am a corporal’ HE IS SO BABY AND FOR WHAT. oops sorry lads looks like i dropped this:
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the shot of leckie swimming in the water fading off to the shot of the dead bodies mirroring his movement but obviously a life less version OOOH IMMA SUE
god love me some men with black lungs LECKIE DO BE LOOKING GOOD LIGHTING THAT CIG DAMN
“i have a girlfriend lucky me” HOOS IS LIKE MY GAY ASS YOU SURE????
“you guys step aside the real marines are here now” “AND I’VE BEEN HERE FOR SOME TIME” that shuts iconic even i said wahayyyy
also runner..... i am looking RESPECTFULLY👁👁
you’re not special leckie we all want hoosier
can you really call yourself a hbo war an if you don’t sing along at the end... ITS A TUNE also hoos’ voice...... its about the drawl....... 
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