#just vibing to some music head in the clouds
hitmeupaep · 8 months
sometimes i think i’m being over dramatic about jensen and misha than i remember jensens reaction to misha “stripping” versus jared “stripping” and i realize i’m not crazy
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p1utofairy · 7 months
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“kissin’ and hope they caught us.”
what will a night out with your future partner be like?
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. this is my early thanksgiving gift to y’all 💗 i’m so thankful for the constant support and feedback idk how many times i can say it lol but thank you. enjoy and have a great holiday!
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i can see you two in a club/party setting. the music is so loud it's pulsing through your veins, it's not usually your scene, but your person is right by your side holding you close. their hand is resting slightly on your back/waist guiding you through the crowd — i feel like they'll smell really good too they have a distinct fragrance on that's comforting to you. i feel like you'll be so giddy and excited to be outside with them and be seen together. lots of heads will turn for sure. i feel like y'all are a power couple…like looking at you two walking in together just makes sense but it also triggers jealousy and disbelief in other people? you and your person may come from different backgrounds or have different aesthetics but y’all pair together very well. they’re gonna be looking so smug lollll your person is the silent but confident type, like having you on their arm will shut everybody up and they’ll love it. this person could be very popular or well-known in their profession…i'm getting a serena van der woodsen type of vibe so people can definitely be infatuated with them. you might not even like dancing but you will with them! you're gonna be on cloud 9 the whole night, pile 1. some of you might not smoke or drink but you’ll feel high/drunk off them the entire night it’s so cute! u are my high by dj snake and future vibes for sure.
PILE ii.
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the atmosphere is sensual af, pile 2. it's giving the vibe of a private dinner at an upscale restaurant/bar or hotel. your person planned this out very meticulously, and they managed to pull it off without you knowing too many details. you’ll be so happy to be sitting across from them and enjoying their company — i feel like you both don't always have the time to just sit and unwind because you both have very demanding jobs/schedules. i see you two flirting a lot with your eyes and smiling so big…the energy is very warm and playful. the sexual tension will be very thick between the two of you lol they might make comments throughout the night about how good you look. the lighting seems very dim and red seems to be the major theme so you could be wearing a red dress, they might give you a bouquet of red roses, their shirt might be red — idk it's something along those lines lol the color red is just significant for some reason. the food, their company, and the ambiance will be 100000/10 and the night won't stop there 😮‍💨 cause when they get you back home? soon as i get home by faith evans just came to mind LOL yeah they’re going to want to make up for lost time and please you in any and every way that they can. OKAYYY PILE 222.
PILE iii.
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ah this is my introverted pile! i don't think you get out much, pile 3. if you do it's usually because someone begged you to come out and socialize or you pushed yourself to go. you like having your own space and privacy, and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming having to constantly socialize and be around a whole bunch of people that may not mesh with you. i think that your person will be receptive to this, and will take baby steps to get you out of your shell. they’d take you somewhere where you can relax and be comfortable like a drive-in movie theater or maybe somewhere in nature…it's somewhere you both can be alone and in your own bubble tuning out the rest of the world. i can see them holding you close and you’re leaned back against them just so content and reveling in the precious moment. it’s a night you’ll never forget because you’ll realize just how much they mean to you, and how far you’ve come in this connection. it's reminding me of that picture of ariana grande and mac miller at coachella. so so cute.
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y'all are that cute couple that ride for each other, okay!!! y'all will be so in loveeeeeee my GOSH the passion and desire will be so heavy and evident between you two. lana and asap rocky in the ‘national anthem’ music video vibes — it's like that bad boy meets good girl trope. i feel like this person would want to take you places you’ve never been before…they’d want to get all dressed up in fancy clothes and go out on the town with you. there'd be multiple activities in one night. omg they're so spontaneous it'd feel never-ending! you two will be so giddy around each other lol always cracking jokes and laughing about any and everything. i don’t think that it matters where they take you per se, pile 4. you will have the time of your life regardless. they just know how to light up every room that they walk in and ensure that everyone is having a good time! it's so cute and refreshing, ugh. they're going to really sweep you off your feet. they might have a really nice car and you’ll love being a ✨passenger princess✨ LMFAO they might tease you about it too. this person will be your best friend just as much as they are your true love.
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Ghost x City Girl Reader
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No pair of people hated each other more than you and Ghost. To him, you were just another loud-mouthed, obnoxious, and immature little princess needing to be humbled. To you, he was just a boring, broody asshole hellbent on not liking you. Things between you two couldn't be any worse. And then, tonight happens…
NSFW 18+ Eventual Smut, Porn with Plot, Romance, Drama, Clubbing, Dirty Dancing, Mentions of Alcohol, Slight Slow Burn, Hatemance, Jealousy, Bickering, Teasing, Flirting, Reader is a mean girl, Ghost is an asshole, but the chemistry's there, Slowly gets steamier as it goes, slight hints of Reader x Gaz, 'cause why not
Word Count: 4.2k
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
A/N: Finally finished this (was super nervous to post this for some reason)! This was inspired after binge-watching a shit ton of Bad Girl's Club on Tubi. I just know Ghost and a City Girl wouldn't get along at first, but I love dynamics that look like they wouldn't work. Part two is where the smut is, but I like build-up and stuff, so I turned a one-shot smut piece into a two-parter. I hope you enjoy ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू)
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"Ayy~" You rest your hands on your knees in a joyous fashion, readying yourself to start shaking your ass. "Let's get it bitch!"
Music blared on the club speakers, the crowd growing hyped as the sounds of Pink Panties from Baby Keem serenaded the drunken patrons all looking to have a good night.
That third daiquiri had caught up to you, your mind buzzing and your heart racing. The swell of the crowd dancing around you puts you in a euphoric trance. All you can comprehend is the warmth in the air, the taste of alcohol behind your teeth, and the way the beat makes your skin vibrate as you dance.
Your face expresses every bit of the drunken euphoria you were feeling, letting it bring your hands seductively down your body, pulling in any who dare come, if they're brave enough.
You and the rest of 141 came just at the perfect time; the club was just starting to get busy but it hadn't yet grown too packed. Chatter and laughter picked up and the music got better the more you drank. The vibe was just right…
Across from the dance floor, at the corner of the bar where he'd been standing all night, Ghost watches you dance, unamused, with dark eyes leering at you from afar.
He observes the way your hips sway to the music like it were his own, private video. All night he's been watching you, his gaze lingering just a little longer each time; though, it hadn't been any less unwelcoming.
If he watched any longer he might just excuse himself, so that he may relieve the tension that's built between you. Deep down he knew you knew that too. It's thus created a notable, stormy cloud over his head all night, one you undoubtedly took joy in seeing.
Your eyes play with him across the sea of dancing heads between you, taunting him, teasing him, and letting him know just how much better than him you thought you were. The same eyes he's grown accustomed to for a long time now.
Codename: Spice. He couldn't think of a more fitting name for such a hot-headed woman, seeing as "Bitch" wasn't acceptable. You joined the team maybe a year or so ago. Much too long for Ghost to have counted.
When Laswell initially brought you in, the entire Task Force was in an UPROAR. You'd been a well-decorated soldier, to say the least, however, what merits and awards you held almost paled in comparison to the rap sheet of complaints and discrepancies you possessed.
Fighting. Disobedience. Disorderly Conduct. Fraternization. Etcetera. Etcetera.
And as if that weren't enough, you were a complete and utter bitch as well. Especially to Ghost, who you've singled out in particular. If defending your country was your day job, then being the thorn in Ghost's side had become your newest evening hobby.
Any chance you had, you were picking on the man. Your comments teetered back and forth between being harsh and petty, and once you knew he didn't like you, you just doubled down on the behavior. And it didn't matter what approach the man took to this; he could ignore you, or he could get loud, but nothing deterred you.
It wasn't often that someone got under Ghost's skin; he always did model himself on control and discipline. With all the horrible people he's managed to meet in his lifetime (and not even being in his mid 30's yet either), naturally, it would take a lot to truly irritate the man. And by no means were you the worse person he's ever interacted with before either.
But you've always been more akin to that of a tick; any time you got a chance to get under his skin, you dug in, and you dug deep.
Ghost would applaud you for how intensive you were with your pettiness. Nearly as cold, ruthless, and calculated with that as you were with your enemies on the field. God forbid someone actually steps up to you, less they suffer a broken nose or a black eye. You were Queen B and you wanted everyone to know it.
Ghost, however, was less than interested in feeding into your silly little ego.
Even now, your eyes haven't left Ghost's since you started dancing again, time moving at a snail's pace in your gazes. Knowing that the sight of you pisses him off.
Right then, as you danced, some poor woman made an attempt at courting him as he sat alone, brooding to himself. You never were one to diss a girl's taste, you guess. Not out loud, at least.
This woman, wearing her ill-fitted skirt and tacky make-up, had been getting sloppy drunk with her friends in a corner for the last hour, eyeing Ghost from across the bar just as long. At some point, she thought it'd be a wise time to swoop in and make her move.
Ghost notices this because he's now felt a stranger's hand touch his arm. Had he not looked first to see who it was, he would have been seconds away from instinctually sending his elbow back to flex their hand from him, which would have definitely connected with the woman's face.
The woman practically jolts once she sees she's startled him, however, she attempts to cover it with a laugh. "Hi," she greets.
"Can I help you?" Ghost asks, though he couldn't sound any less interested.
"I was just over there with my friends and-"
"You should get back to them."
A state of shock whiplashes on her face before she huffs and stomps back over to her friends. Ghost didn't even watch as she left; he had more pressing matters to attend to.
You smirk at Ghost, seeing this from where you dance. The man makes it so easy to push his buttons, just look at him. He doesn't even look like he wants to be here tonight, more dressed like he was about to rob a bank than go out drinking with his mates.
Frankly, you're shocked he even showed up. Clubs seemed like the last place you'd catch him, and you were right. However, Gaz and Soap giving the lieutenant a hard time as of late finally pushed him into coming out with everyone. And of course, it had to be on the night you got to choose the spot too. You'd been sick of dive bars and small get-togethers, however, so you chose a club in a heartbeat, naysayers be damned.
"Hey Kyle~" You wave for Gaz, catching his eye in the crowd. He and Soap had both been drinking just as much as you since arriving, getting dragged off by every single woman within a five-foot radius of them.
You lost Soap fifteen minutes ago, and here Gaz was now, having been able to finally rid himself of his unwanted groupies. Good thing too; you need someone to dance on, and you wanted to give your lieutenant a show.
Gaz has already grooved his way over to you the second your eyes invited him over. Lord knows he's wanted a piece since you arrived, though you saved the real promiscuity for men outside your workplace; less messy that way. You'll gladly have them chase you though.
Once in reach, you bring your arms to his shoulders and wrap them loosely around his neck, smelling the Gin and Tonic on his breath and the citrus scent of his cologne, though it's since been mixed with an array of other colognes and perfumes. His hands find your sides, settling into your hips, with drunken smiles growing between you the more comfortable you grew.
What were once innocent brushes of the legs and hip twirling, soon devolves into something a little less PG. Before long you've both found your rhythm, swaying your hips along to the music and moving together as one unit.
You whip your body around, grinding your ass against Gaz, pressing yourself back roughly against him. You make sure he can hear you laugh at him after you've heard the little gasp he let out too. However, you can play with more than one person at a time, and the Sergeant hadn't been the only one you were playing with at the moment.
The whole time, you've kept your eyes locked on the lieutenant's from across the floor, a devilish smile forming. Had Soap not bumped into Ghost suddenly, who's to say how long Ghost would have spent watching you, his bourbon held sternly in his gloved hand.
"Ghost!" Soap bellows out, cheeks a rosy pink from his drink, and lips painted in a large grin. The man had certainly been attempting to give you a run for your money in terms of enjoying himself tonight. The smeared lipstick stains near the base of his neck only said as much. Both men and women tonight had been swooning over his accent and muscles since he stepped foot in the building. Ghost had already written the man off for the night altogether.
"Still standin' 'ere all by yer lonesome, L.T.?"
"Been the best seat in the house," Ghost says dryly.
Soap follows Ghost's gaze, until he's found you on the dance floor with your eyes closed and your head cocked back, Gaz's head buried in the crook of your neck. Immediately, he knows what's going on, having seen this before.
"Tsk. Tsk. What a she-devil," Soap shakes his head. "Poor lad."
"Should know better by now," Ghost comments. "Girls like that love bein' teases."
Oh, Soap knows already; he learned that the hard way the last time you all went out drinking and you sent him home with the deepest set of blue balls he's ever felt in his life. "Aye," he sighs.
"I've no idea what you lot see in 'er," Ghost says.
"Eh, she's not so bad once you get to know her," Soap shrugs. "You two are a lot more alike than you think."
"I doubt that," Ghost turned back around at the bar, settling in his seat and placing his drink back on the counter. Soap had been ready to join him, however, some tiny woman that's been attached to his hip all night returned (who also conveniently wore the same shade of lipstick as what was smeared on his neck), pulling his attention away. Before long, the lieutenant was alone once more.
You two are a lot more alike than you think.
Now that's a joke. Ghost can't imagine you've gone through even half of what he's been through. Still, it wasn't like you two have ever actually sat down and talked to one another before. It seems nigh impossible to.
Though it wasn't for a lack of trying on your end.
The presence of another human at Ghost's side brings his eyes drearily over, until they've begrudgingly fallen onto you. It seems you grew bored of dancing, and now decided to take your teasing to the source itself.
"Enjoy the show?" you ask him teasingly, knowing you'll most likely not receive a reply, which you don't. Ghost doesn't even fully face you, keeping his eyes pointed ahead of himself at the bar. He hadn't been looking to talk, and it's not like his reply would change anything you had to say. You did invite yourself over.
"You know, Manchester," You lean against the bar, looking up at the man, just close enough to hear him over the club music and smell the cologne and cigarette smoke on him. "Instead of starin' like a creep, why don't you actually take that stick out your ass and come dance."
Now you're just taking the piss. Ghost finally gives you a look, though he wishes he hadn't. Up close, he's seeing this skimpy little, lowcut tight dress you've got on, with your fishnet stockings and heels. The black choker around your neck was simple, and just begging for someone to tug it off you, and the lipgloss you wore looked like it tasted sweet on your tongue.
Years of training and experience are everything it takes to keep his eyes from dropping any lower than your collarbone. Just in his peripherals, Ghost can see how bouncy and voluptuous they sat in your dress.
You got this cocky look on your face now. "I'll dance with you."
Ghost scoffs. "Not a chance."
"Aw, I get it," you say sarcastically. "I wouldn't want to embarrass myself out there either."
"This place can only handle so much of that with you already out there."
This conversation felt as old as time between you two. If it wasn't you being catty and mean, then it was Ghost being aloof and guarded. While you knew he had been implying your little performance on the dance floor earlier, you were as quick with your tongue as your lieutenant.
And you can't lie, you'd been itching for some good banter all night. You'll take it from anyone, even from the likes of Ghost.
"Please," you laugh. "As if your big ass could actually move out there. I bet you can't even do the two-step."
"I'm sure you'd wanna know," Ghost says.
You reach over, and by your own boundless curiosity, take his drink, inviting yourself to a sip. The bourbon burns your throat as you swallow, your nose scrunching. You smile as you see Ghost's gaze razor focus on your lips pressing to the cool glass of his drink, taking a small sip and letting your tongue chase its remnants over your bottom lip. It's just the way he does so, so unabashedly, that you can't help but giggle at.
"I already know everything I need to, honey."
Ghost turns his body to fully face you now, his massive height over you only now becoming apparent by the shadow it casts. It's intimidated most of the women at the club tonight, whenever Ghost wouldn't just do it himself. No such thing went on with you, however.
He's been sitting here by himself all night, and as much as he could list a plethora of others he'd prefer to be standing here with at the moment, he had you. If you'd use him for your own uncaring amusement, then he'll do the same, since you want to bring that side out of him so badly.
"And what's that?" he asks.
"That you're boring as fuck and have a stick up your ass," you say bluntly. Of course, Ghost didn't expect any less from you. You do this sober, just with less pep to your speech, unlike now. "Though I'm sure you're already aware of that."
"How original," Ghost says dryly. "It take you long to think that one up?"
"I only tell it like I see it."
"Wha' then," Ghost's gaze turns stone cold, doing all it can not to give you a way in. "Gaz wasn't enough? Now you've come to make yourself easy pickin's for the next sorry lad lookin' for an easy lay?"
"Ooo, feisty." You lean in now, resting your hand on the bar counter so you could prop yourself up, giving yourself what little height you can against your unmoving opponent.
"I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me," you say.
"I wouldn't fuck you for charity."
"I wouldn't fuck you if my life depended on it," you shoot back. "As if you could even handle me, Manchester."
"What's there to handle?" he taunts. "You're nothin' but talk. You bark like a bitch and puff your chest, but it's all show. Just a way to make yourself feel big. No surprise you make yourself the local slag; any lad with some sense surely wouldn't bother."
Oh, that comment strikes a nerve; you feel your eyebrow twitch and your blood begin to simmer the second he closes his stupid, British mouth.
"Who're you callin' a bitch and a slag?" You step up now like there's a problem now. "How about you come back with some new material when you can actually talk to me without that little safety blanket on your face, Manchester. It's easy to talk shit when you've got something to hide behind. And you call me unoriginal."
You take his drink and pour it out on the counter now, watching it spill over the surface and drip onto the floor. When you meet his gaze again, if looks could kill, you'd both be dead. You just wasted a good cup of fucking bourbon.
"Do somethin' about it," you taunt him.
He steps forward, and for a small second, you think the man might actually do something. However, it had merely been an intimidation tactic, a warning. He stops just a few inches shy of you, keeping his strong arms crossed over his chest.
Ghost would love to, oh, believe him. It's taking all of him not to say something really foul to you and truly ruin the whole night for everyone. And you don't stop at the drink either.
You step even closer now, keeping your head cocked back and your eyes on him. You're close enough now to feel the body heat bouncing off from him, vibrating the more irritated he grew.
"Do something," you say again. "You just gonna let some slag pour your drink out like that?"
You raise your hand up as though you're about to smack him, and that's what finally gets him to move. Ghost catches your tiny wrist in his hand, his grip tight as he holds you there.
"What the fuck-" You grimace at first, your fight-or-flight instincts telling you to try and tug your hand out of his grip and use your other to sock him straight. However, something differently entirely occurs in you suddenly.
You take a moment to really feel his hand on your wrist, how the slightest adjustment of his thumb made a chill trickle up your arm, and that he was the closest he's ever stood next to you outside of work. The man might irritate you, and he was an asshole, but Goddamn did he have an inviting pair of hands and some magnetic eyes on him. Eyes that seemed just as curious to outline all the makings of your figure.
You kind of liked it.
He must like it too, judging from how he hasn't made any attempts at letting go. But there had been a million different things running through his mind right now, all of which made him question himself.
He thought about all the ways he could overpower you right now; you gab on like you're big, and there were so many times he's just wanted to remind you of your size. Small enough to be bound and at his mercy if he so pleased. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but the thought sounded intriguing.
Your arm settles in his strong grip, your eyelids lowering as you look his masked face up and down, trying to observe his dark eyes in the dim lights. They look to you, trying to guess your next move, though even you couldn't be sure.
You take your other hand and you place it on his chest, just to see if you can. All this time you've known him, you've never actually done so before. You feel your fingers rest against him, and even beneath the fabric of his hoodie, you feel his heart racing.
The club music finally dies down, preparing to switch to its next song. With maybe just a few inches of space between you, it feels as though it's only the two of you in this entire room at this moment.
But just then, you're interrupted. Soap wasn't too far away and must have started picking up on the vibe's shifting, because he couldn't cut between the two of you fast enough.
"Alright," he steps between you two, a drunken smile still on his face. "That'll do you two."
His presence does little to take your eyes off each other, merely looking through the Sergeant, still trying to see if either one of you would say something else. As expected, it's you who does first.
"We were just about to dance," you look over at Ghost with a playful smile. "Isn't that right, Manchester?"
Ghost looks down at you. He almost wants to say no. However, he found himself curious suddenly to see where you might take things. He hadn't felt quite done with you yet, himself.
"That's right."
Soap looks flabbergasted by this. "Yer gonna dance, L.T.?"
"We'll try not to make too much of a scene," you tease.
You take hold of Ghost's hand, feeling his grip tense in your grasp, as you pulled him out onto the dance floor. Woman by Doja Cat just started and you were ready to rock this man's world.
Even with everything going on around, heads turn as you both pass by, noticing the tall, masked figure making his way onto the dance floor with this overly enthusiastic party girl who looks nothing like his type.
You find a spot just on the edge of the crowd, where the lights were low and your team could not see you. Once there, you watch Ghost stand awkwardly, waiting for you to start moving first. It's not like you needed him to do much anyway.
You ease into your dance, beginning with light footwork and hip twirling, letting the music guide its rhythm through your legs. Ghost did an odd shuffle to start, not doing much beyond moving his feet. Once he grew more comfortable, however, you learned that he could in fact do the two-step... If you sucked all the atmosphere out of it at least.
The music picks up, and you bring your hands up to his muscular shoulders, gently resting them there similarly to how you did with Gaz earlier. Only unlike the Sergeant, Ghost seemed reluctant to fully give in to your charms. He wouldn't even bring himself to touch you, just letting you use him like a pole.
You bring your head in close, shouting over the music so that he can hear you, "You're an asshole, you know."
Ghost rolls his eyes. "You're a bitch."
Growing impatient, you boldly take his hands and place them on your hips for him, feeling your skin tingle as his fingers settle against your hipbones. The hesitancy subsides once you start guiding him along with you slowly, easing him into the high tempo of the music.
"And proud of it."
You turn around and press yourself to the lieutenant, feeling your ass brush against his jeans and the grunt that leaves his chest. All he's left with now is the smell of the shampoo you'd used in your hair and the shape of your bottom against his groin. You tell him, "I'm not here to impress you."
He leans in, until you've felt his masked lips brush against the shell of your ear. His voice all but rumbles through you, "And I'm not here to entertain you."
"Aren't you?" You bend over, bringing your hands to your ankles and seductively sliding them back up your legs, and making sure each time you made your ass shake that he could feel it even through his jeans. You'd give anything to see his face right now. "Say what you want," you tease. "I don't give a fuck."
This time he doesn't shy away from letting his hands slide alongside you, stopping just at your waist so that you can still move yourself freely against him. "Yeah, you do," he all but says in a seductive growl. "Why else are we here now?"
You tilt your head back and look up to find Ghost's eyes leering down at you, half-lidded. You watch him slowly start to lose himself, his mind chasing after that brief feeling of arousal you shot through him each time you pressed yourself to him.
"I don't know," you take hold of Ghost's hands again, only this time when you rest them back at your hips, you keep your hands there, holding them. "But it takes two to dance, Manchester."
"Let's dance then."
Once the words subsided, and the club music drowned out any and everything else on the dance floor, the only thing that could be felt was the ecstasy of Ghost's body pressed so close to yours. His large hands explore your small form smoothly, letting you slide your own hands up his arms, feeling his warmth of him. He molds into your movements easily, eyes never leaving yours, with battered breaths shared between you.
Your hands stretch above your head as your bottom hugs your black little dress tightly. The fabric stretches each time you drop your ass to give it another spin, lights bouncing off you both in a mesh of glittery purples and dark blues.
Every time they do you've felt you've seen a new side of Ghost. A side of him that felt hungry for something no good for him. Though he would be in good company; there wasn't a good man left in him to spare if you kept on him like you have been all night, both in body and tongue.
Had the song not come to an end, who's to say what parts of him you would have ground on next, or what parts of your body his hands would find themselves rhythmically groping.
You turn to the lieutenant, out of breath as he is. Of course, you had been moving your body much more than he. You suppose he can save that energy for later.
"You've got any smokes on you?" you ask him, though you both know where questions like that'll get you.
"Left 'em in my car."
"Why don't you give me one?"
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Part Two
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I want to dance on your body
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Pairings: Damiano David xfem!reader
Contents: smut 
Summary: You and your bestie hit up a party when you start grooving with Damiano, and the dance floor chemistry carries over to his hotel room. That's where the magic unfolds, and you both go to cloud as he compares you to an angel.
Words: ~2192
A/N: Hi, hello and please, forgive me again if you come across any errors while reading. I recommend you to play Touch Me and just enjoying ✨
You and your best friend are strolling into the party of some badass celeb she knows, she's probably already mentioned the name a million times, but you ain't giving much of a damn, you just wanna hit up a party, grab a few drinks, and bust some moves. Have a blast and enjoy yourself!
As you and your friend make your way through the entrance, you exchange a sly grin while vibrant, trippy lights groove to the beat throughout the crib. Side by side, you advance towards the dance floor, and your friend chimes in:
"Alright, let's have a fucking blast tonight," she says with a grin, and a contagious smile spreads across your face as well.
You were both pumped for this party and ready to let loose and enjoy yourselves to the max.
In a split second, she grabs your hand and pulls you towards the bar, where a bunch of peeps are lining up, ordering their go-to drinks, all geared up to hit the dance floor again. You step up to the bartender and request your ultimate drink, downing it in a single gulp before quickly ordering another shot and doing it all over again.
The drink ignites a fire within you, fueling you with energy and liquid courage to fully embrace the moment, without a care in the world. No worries, just pure enjoyment.
You and your friend head straight to the dance floor, grooving together to the sick beats. But before long, someone swoops in and starts getting their groove on with her, leaving you to your own devices. No biggie though, it doesn't faze you one bit. You keep on dancing as if the music is pumping right through your veins.
Eyes closed, you immerse yourself in the moment, feeling the heat of someone's body swaying alongside yours. Whoever it is, they sense your awareness and since you don't brush them off, they casually rest their hand on your waist, getting even closer in their moves. Your ass is the only thing touching him as you dance with a touch of sensuality right there on the dance floor. The electricity builds up as you grind with this mysterious dancer behind you, sending tingles down your spine.
You both bust some moves together for three consecutive songs, and it's as if you're in perfect harmony. The dance isn't just about showing off or impressing each other; it's about creating something extraordinary between you.
As the beats thump on, you suddenly hear his voice whispering in your ear, "Finally, someone who's up for it." 
It tempts you to ask what he means, but you decide against it. You don't want to risk blurting out something silly and ruining the magical vibe of what just went down. So, you simply let the moment linger, cherishing the mystery and excitement that swirls around you.
You sense the hint of a smile against your cheek, and it elicits a light-hearted chuckle from you. It's best to leave it at that and keep relishing in the night's pleasures.
You turn your gaze towards him, even though the lights make it difficult to see his face clearly. Nevertheless, you can tell that he's undeniably attractive (and damn, he can dance like nobody's business).
It's time to get another drink!
As you reach the bar, you order another drink, but this time you savor it slowly, relishing every drop of that boozy sting as it glides down your throat. The flavors dance on your tongue, creating a delightful sensation.
Before you're about to leave the bar, the stranger appears by your side once more, placing an order for two drinks. Now, with a clearer view of his face, you can't help but smile as your gaze locks onto his handsome features.
He returns the smile and pops the question:
"Care for another drink?"
You nod in agreement, and with that, you both exchange proper introductions. Skipping the dance floor this time, you snag two primo seats at the bar, engaging in a conversation that flows as if you've been pals for ages.
Damiano and you have reached a level where you're familiar with the key aspects of each other's lives. It's not something you typically do, spilling your guts to strangers, but under the influence of alcohol and with the enchantment Damiano has cast upon you, it feels natural to engage in heartfelt conversation.
He suggests, "How about finding a more quiet spot?"
The idea resonates with you, and you nod in agreement, intrigued by the prospect of finding a quieter place where you can continue this magical connection.
You flash him a mischievous smile and take hold of his hand, leading him away from the lively dance floor and the bustling bar. As you pass through the living room, your eyes catch sight of numerous unoccupied couches, and you can't resist the temptation. You abruptly halt, tugging on his hand to bring him to a stop, and in a matter of seconds, both of you find yourselves sprawled out on one of the cozy couches.
Damiano's hands be all up in his waist as you're locking lips in a way that has both of you gasping for breath, but you don't give a damn. You feel Damiano's hands on your thighs, giving them a tight squeeze as you continue kissing you, and you let out a moan, trying to catch your breath and satisfy the intense desire he's been arousing in you since you started dancing together.
"Allright?" he asks you.
You nod eagerly, craving his touch on every inch of your body, as his hand traces a path from your thigh to your clit.
"Holy crap," you moan, overcome with pleasure.
He slid your underwear aside, skillfully rubbing your clit at a tantalizingly slow pace. The way he teased you was driving you wild. You rested your head on his shoulder, attempting to conceal your flushed face while muffling your moans as best you could.
"Oh fuck," you whispered, the pleasure intensifying as he increased his pace, making it even more challenging to stifle your cries.
"It's okay, let go. Everyone's too drunk to notice us," he playfully remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.
His words gave you the permission you needed, and you couldn't help but release your moans. They weren't overly loud, but they would definitely catch the attention of anyone who wasn't lost in their own drunken haze.
"Good girl," he murmured into your ear, his words sending shivers down your spine.
The fire inside you burned hotter and hotter, your moans growing louder with each passing moment. All sense of shame vanished, replaced only by the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
"I'm close!" you moaned, your voice filled with desperate need. And just as you uttered those words, the climax washed over you, leaving you breathless and trembling.
"That was... amazing," you whispered, still catching your breath from the intensity of the experience.
He hinted at taking the rendezvous to his hotel for more privacy, and you could sense the anticipation building. He stood up, extending his hand towards you, and you eagerly took it, rising to your feet. Adjusting your dress, you both made your way out of the bustling party.
Upon arriving at his hotel room, he opened the door slowly, pulling you inside. As you stepped into the room, your eyes took in the sight of scattered papers on the king-size bed. Being a singer in a band, it was no surprise that he had been busy writing songs, the creative process evident in the disarray around you.
"Will you write a song about tonight?" you asked, a hint of anticipation in your voice. As the door closed and clicked, Damiano wasted no time. He swiftly unbuttoned his white shirt, discarding it onto the dresser.
"Probably," he replied, his gaze fixed on you as he moved closer. With a deft hand, he skillfully removed your dress, casting it aside without a second thought. Now, standing before him in nothing but your underwear, you felt a surge of confidence.
His eyes tracing over your body, and he couldn't help but confess:
"You look... amazing." His voice dripped with admiration and desire, fueling the intensity of the moment.
He placed his hands firmly on your hips, just as he had done earlier, and leaned in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You reciprocated, savoring the taste of his lips, and instinctively placed your hands on his face, deepening the connection between you.
Feeling the intensity between you both, he reached down and firmly gripped one of your legs, lifting it up and resting it on his hip. The sensation heightened, and you could feel him more intimately. With a surge of desire, he broke the kiss, his eyes smoldering with a mixture of lust and admiration and in a bold move, he swiftly switched his hold to your other thigh, lifting you effortlessly and pressing you against the wall. The rush of being carried and pinned against the solid surface added an exhilarating edge to the moment, intensifying the passion and desire that consumed you both.
You locked eyes with each other, the intensity building with each passing moment, until he couldn't resist any longer and leaned in to capture your lips in another passionate kiss. The room seemed to ignite with fervor as the kiss deepened, fueled by an overwhelming desire.
Both of you were breathless, your bodies craving more. With a sense of urgency, Damiano swept you off your feet and carried you to the edge of the bed, gently placing you there. He swiftly cleared the clutter of papers that had occupied the bed, letting them cascade to the floor, clearing the space for your intimate encounter.
As he turned his attention back to you, his eyes filled with admiration and desire. He leaned in closer, his voice a soft whisper against your skin:
"You're so beautiful, you look like an angel." His hand caressed your face tenderly, tracing the contours with gentle affection.
You smirked mischievously, pulling him closer to you, your desire evident in your eyes. 
"I could say the same for you, but how about we go to heaven together?" You whispered seductively, your lips grazing his neck on her before playfully biting down.
In an instant, it seemed like something ignited within Damiano. He firmly gripped your neck, exerting a delicious control, and guided you down onto the bed. His lips trailed along your neck, seeking out your sweet spot, and when he found it, he indulged in it wildly. Leaving a trail of hickeys and bites in his wake for him, he marked you as his own for him. Your fingers tangled in his hair, gripping it tightly as you let out soft moans of pleasure.
The intensity grew as Damiano skillfully removed your panties, unveiling your desires. The air crackled with anticipation as your bodies yearned for the connection that awaited them.
"Are you wet for me, huh?" He sensually bites his lip while locking eyes with you.
He moans in delight as he gently inserts his cock into your pussy, igniting waves of pleasure.
Bestowing upon you the most sublime ecstasy.
He moves his hips with deliberate grace, thrusting in and out, synchronizing your desires.
"Oh, fuck!" you passionately moan, your voice filled with pure bliss.
Damiano smirks, his confidence growing, and intensifies his rhythm, heightening your desire.
As you lose yourself in the throes of passion, your hand instinctively covers your mouth, but Damiano forcefully removes it, yearning to hear your euphoric symphony.
"No, I wanna hear you when you go to heaven, y/n," he whispers with fervor.
You affirm with a nod, surrendering to the divine pleasure that awaits you.
You moan Damiano's name as he intensifies the rhythm of his thrusts, causing your head to fall back onto his plush pillows.
"Oh, Damiano, I'm so close!" 
"Come, y/n, cum to me," he asserts, his voice laced with longing.
You struggle to hold back, determined to hear him plead, but his relentless stimulation of your spot makes it nearly impossible. The pleasure is simply too overwhelming.
"Come, y/n," Damiano groans, his voice filled with urgency.
You tighten your grip around him and succumb to the waves of ecstasy he elicits. As you reach the pinnacle of pleasure with him, he remains motionless, deeply embedded within you, his body collapsing onto yours, a resounding groan of your name escaping his lips.
The intensity of the moment consumes you, as he pours every ounce of himself into you, leaving you both utterly spent and satisfied.
You both were breathless and drenched in perspiration, your legs entwined with his.
"I wanna go to heaven with you again" Damiano whispers, his face inches away from yours.
You smile, gazing into their eyes, and you can see the unmistakable lust and desire reflected in him. You hope that he can also perceive the depth of your yearning and how much you desire the very same thing he does.
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madangel19 · 8 days
A yummy fluff prompt if you don't mind, Aether and dew being lazy one afternoon? Love the idea of dew laying in top of aether in a garden, basking in the warmth from the sun.
That is an amazing prompt right there! Writing this made me yearn for a nice day by the pool lol
This fic contains recreational weed use and the chillest of vibes
Word Count: 689
The weather was perfect outside and Aether had no other chores to do. The perfect opportunity to go and lay in the warm sun. Since he wasn’t touring this season, he didn’t have to worry about rehearsals that his pack mates were stuck inside with. It wouldn’t be long until they were done and maybe some of them would join him.
Dressed in nothing but his shorts and sunglasses that sat atop his head, he went out into one of the many gardens with a lemonade he fixed in the kitchen and a large towel to lay on. There were some siblings hard at work in some gardens and they waved at him before getting back to what they were doing. Aether waved back at them before going back to hunting down a good spot. 
He soon came across a garden that had a wide open spot. There were no trees around and the garden wasn’t covered by the ministry’s shadow. It was perfect. 
Aether laid out the blanket on the grass and sat down, taking in the warmth before getting out his phone and putting on some music and then reaching into his shorts and taking out a joint and a lighter. He laid back and took a long drag from the joint, blowing smoke rings into the air before laying back. 
“Fuck, this is nice,” he murmured, pulling his sunglasses over his eyes. 
He was starting to feel sleepy as he looked up at the birds flying in the sky. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. It was still early in the day so once the siblings and ghouls were done with their chores, they would surely be out and about to enjoy the nice weather.
Aether chuckled as the weed began to take a hold of him. He could just melt into the towel now. It was so soft and warm beneath him and so was the sun above. He could have gone by the lake to sun bathe, but then it would be overrun with siblings who would end up splashing and disturbing him. He could always go there another time. This was his spot now. 
He slowly blinked up at the sky, his eyelids growing heavy each time. A short nap wouldn’t hurt him. 
Everything soon went dark before a sudden weight on his chest startled him awake. He grunted and found himself face to face with Dewdrop who rested his head on his chest, his arms wrapped around his middle as he laid on top of him. 
“Mm, hey there, Firefly. Rehearsals over already?” He asked, petting the spot between his horns. 
Dewdrop grunted in response, not moving from his spot. Aether could only smile at his mate and wrapped an arm around him, keeping him close.
“You’re so warm. It’s a good thing we don’t get sunburned,” Dewdrop murmured, shifting to look at him better.
“Sure is. I should have known you’d join me out here. It’s so nice out and I’m sure you want to relax now,” Aether replied, reaching into his pocket to pull out the half-finished joint and the lighter. He held the joint to Dewdrop’s lips and he gladly took it before winking at him playfully.
“Put the lighter away, big guy. I got this,” he crowed, pinching the end of the joint and lighting it with ease. 
Aether smiled at him sleepily, putting the lighter away as he watched his mate take a long drag from the joint. He pulled it away from his lips and blew a sweet-smelling heart-shaped cloud at Aether. 
“Fuck, that’s good,” he murmured, laying his head back on his chest after handing the joint back to him. Aether hummed in response, rubbing circles along his back while slowly thumping his tail against the towel. It was turning out to be a perfect afternoon and surely it would just get better.
“You wanna go swimming later, Firefly?” Aether suggested.
“Nah, I wanna stay like this. I don’t wanna move,” Dewdrop replied.
Aether wrapped both arms around him, purring as he pressed a kiss between his horns. That sounded like an amazing plan. 
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 years
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🎨Colours of Your Destined Person💐🌷🌻—Timeless Tarot Pick A Card
Love? Hate? Peace? Hot? Cold? Poison? Passion? Affection, baby~
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Pile 1 – Dreamy Protector
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when they’re in love – 10 of Wands Rx
Your Destined Person is such a dreamer. When they’re in love, they forget life’s duties and focus on the cotton candy feelings blooming in their heart. They’re the type that thinks non-stop about the person they’re in love with. Imagining all kinds of cute scenarios, the future, the little gestures, words (said and unsaid!), the colour of the sky. Head in the clouds type of person.
Even so, they’re cautious and they approach the person they like with a lot of consideration. They’re very kind and patient. They want to get to know you slowly, but wholly. Like, your favourite cake or ice cream flavour, the music you listen to, what allergies you have😅; they want to know your mind, background and will gauge your character😝They want to make sure they’ve fallen head over heels for someone who’s just as kind as themselves!
It's important for them to do that because they’ve also been hurt quite a bit in life. Not necessarily romantically. But this is someone who’s seen the uglier nature of humans and they just don’t want to be taken advantage of. They’re someone who cares about the little details of the person they’re in love with and will also take care of the little things for that person. Very responsible and mature.
when they get jealous or upset ;) – 10 of Pentacles
In all honesty, your Destined Person could be a little smothering to say the least👻They could be quite…naggy…? I mean, motherly?😜So the funny thing is, when they’re upset with you because they’re somehow jelly (whatever the cause/scenario might be) they become super protective, annoyingly attentive, and may even over-shower you with gifts and take you out on more dates. Maybe even expensive dates🤣
Their love language is gift and attention, so when they’re jealous, they just amp that volume up🤷🏻‍♀️Kinda childish, all things considered. But hey, look at the bright side. At least they’re not the type to play hot and cold, or leave you hanging and silent-treating you, none of that confusing passive-aggressive bullshit.
When they’re jealous, they wanna get closer to you. They’ll send more texts asking if you’re alright, how’s your day been and all that. When they’re upset, they still wanna communicate with you, that’s why they take you out on dates so you get a chance to talk more. As silly they could be at times, it's kinda heartwarming🥺
VIBE: Somebody! by Loco & Hwasa
when they’re with YOU~ – Knight of Pentacles
First of all, your Destined Person is not exactly the type that knows how to express their feelings verbally. If they could be more honest, they want you to know that you make everything in the world worthwhile for them. It could be that they’d prayed for you for quite some time. You remind them of all that could be good about this world. Because, you make them feel… young but at the same time, more adult, more responsible.
Your Destined Person is generous and has a big heart. After knowing each other for quite a while, they wouldn’t mind hearing all about your past—even traumatic past (if you had one). They want to know where you came from and what’s made you the wonderful person they fell in love with.
Although they could be quite smothering (in the beginning) they eventually learn about freedom (from you). They’ll realise they want to take care of you in the way that suits you! They’re sensitive, considerate, respectful like that; and you’re so wonderful to them they'd do anything to please you. They’re the type that endeavours to make everything in your world OK. They want to be your HERO~
VIBE: Need To Know by Jay Park
Their Inner World🔻💚
who they are with themselves – Gold Geographer (John Dee)
how they deal with other people – Priestess of Intellect
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Pile 2 – Devoted Maniac
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when they’re in love – 7 of Wands Rx
WOW, your Destined Person is not the type to ‘fall in love’ easily. This person is probably psychic and it’s like, they’re looking for The One. It’s been like that since they were young. Whether or not your person is traditionally spiritual, they’re guided by their Soul. They know they have a soulmate, a divine counterpart—a destined person—who’s just for them.
Highkey they look for you in every person they’ve ever had a crush on—even a mini crush. And if they’re young, they may not even be consciously aware that they’re searching for you. But because of this, they’ve always had rather specific requirements. People might even tell them that what they’re looking for in a person is unrealistic because they’re too specific. Little do others know, they’re describing you~🤭
When they’re in love though, this can be a bit of an obsessive person. They don’t think about other people, aren’t interested; they have eyes only for the person who’s totally caught their attention. They’re a devoted person, intense and charismatic. Chances are, they have Scorpio influences. And… they can be a bit (a lot) selfish, too😝Pssst... they'll recognise you in an instant in a crowd of grey-suited individuals🧵🪡🧶
when they get jealous or upset ;) – IX The Hermit
Whether your Destined Person is an extrovert or introvert, they have a tendency of wanting to be alone. Especially when they’re super duper upset. They need the time and space to gather and sort out the shit on their mind. Pretty mature, if you think about it. But sometimes they go too far and… they dwell too long in negative thoughts and feelings.
They’re not great with expressing verbally emotions that eat them up from the inside. And because they don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings, even when they’re upset with you because they’re jealous (whatever the reason/scenario may be) they choose to hold back from saying anything and would rather disappear into the void.
In that miserable aloneness they think non-stop about the words they want you to hear. Words like: but you’re The One for me; don’t you see you belong with me?; why can’t I be the coolest person in your eyes?; there’s no one else like me, just look at me!; haven’t you seen me in your dreams?; I’ve seen you in mine that’s why I know you’re MY destined one now look at me and be with me!😅
VIBE: IN THIS WORLD feat. Sakamoto Ryuichi by MONDO GROSSO
when they’re with YOU~ – 2 of Pentacles Rx
‘You’re beyond compare.’ ‘Nothing and no one else catches my attention the way you’ve brought me to my knees.’ ‘I’d do anything in my power to serve, please you.’ ‘I live for you; I exist for you alone.’ ‘You’re forever irreplaceable.’ ‘I plead you, don’t ever leave me alone in this graveyard of a world.’🪢
Your Destined Person, as you can see, is an intense and strange person. They’re unique and kinda have a world of their own. A creative, passionate individual. When they’re with you, just by your sheer presence all of those qualities seem to get amplified. It’s intense; so obsessed; like they’re possessed. What they feel for you can often be menacing for themselves. Feelings most people aren’t familiar with, let alone know how to handle well.
At some point, this person might try to distance themselves from you. They’re kinda freaked out by the intensity of their own emotions and don’t want you to think less of them because of what they themselves perceive as them being silly, crazy even. They think there’s something wrong with them, although they blame you for causing it, too. Still, this person is your The One; they’re devoted and loyal and couldn’t bring themselves to love you less. When they return to you, they’ll be begging on their knees🙇🏻
VIBE: Take Me by Miso; Shinunoga E-Wa by Fujii Kaze
Their Inner World🔻🧡
who they are with themselves – Silver Magus (Merlin)
how they deal with other people – Priestess of Fertility
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Pile 3 – Cosmic Lover
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when they’re in love – 0 The Fool Rx
Since the day your Destined Person was born, they have always known what Love is supposed to be and look like. This is someone serious who will not play around. For them, Love is sacred. In romance, too, whatever conveniences might be at stake, if it isn’t Love it’s not worth a goddamn dime. They know how to break a connection almost in an instant.
When they came into this world, they already knew they’re meant to meet someone special (ahem! you!) so… as wise they may appear to be, they kind of have this frantic feeling of needing to find someone. They may have had a lot of crushes their entire life—every one of those crushes holding a puzzle piece that resembles YOU🧩Guiding them towards understanding who you are and what you look like in this incarnation.
You made a promise to find each other in this life. They vowed to love and have children with you. A major mission behind your incarnations. The bloodline created from their union with you will leave a lasting impact in the world. You’re meant to have an amazing ride in this Matrix.
Call them naughty but, your Destined Person is a major tease. They can, and know how to, drive you mad with just their enigmatic gaze. They leave you breathless and you’re thrilled non-stop! Consider yourself warned🤭This is someone mega HOT. And possessive. And territorial.
VIBE: Naughty by Red Velvet IRENE & SEULGI
when they get jealous or upset ;) – 3 of Wands Rx
In spite of the tons of crushes, your Destined Person really hasn’t dated that many times before you. So they can’t really deal with the complex, negatively polarised emotions that come with being romantically attracted to someone. When jealous, they might even resort to anger outbursts. Not that they mean to behave like that, though. They’re just hopeless.
A bit childish. Indeed, they’re lacking experience in this aspect of life; you know, romance. But also, they don’t like losing. The idea that you might be more attracted to someone else burns them to the core of their being. I think it’s because they also know from the Soul level that you belong with them. So like, ‘What’s the deal with you paying more attention to someone who’s not me?!’ kind of attitude. Sounds like major Fire (Aries, Leo, Sag) influences.
Their entire sense of self relies on you devoting yourself to them. But this is a wise person, they eventually learn to transcend their self-esteem issues and become confident in what and who they are as a person. But they do need a lot of attention and affection from you because they’re clingy as fuck!👻
VIBE: Love Theory by Taeyong x Wonstein
when they’re with YOU~ – 10 of Cups
Above everything else, they feel safe when they’re with you. You are everything they’ve ever dreamt of (obvi!) and they’re glad, and grateful. To them, you’re the whole package. God’s most precious gift. They want to cherish you, cook for you, take care of you in every way. They want to make your world OK as you’ve made theirs.
Even so, your Destined Person is afflicted with an inexplicable sorrow. They somehow feel like the time they spend with you is never enough. Like everything is just a fleeting dream that could dissolve at any minute. The time they share with you feels unreal no matter how long you’ve been together. Like at any time, it could all just be taken away from them.
Their heart is always tender when they’re with you. It is surely happiness, gladness, but also poignant sweetness. Even as time passes, this person never reduces their gentle affection towards you. For as long as you know them, they’ll always be the same♥️They could have more than one child with you~
VIBE: SUNSET by Nayeon
Their Inner World🔻💜
who they are with themselves – Green Magus (John Dee)
how they deal with other people – Priestess of Magick
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darknesseddiem · 1 month
hi babe !
i hope your doing okay !! can i request n°10 and n°13 with roommate Eddie Munson, some angst and fluff pleaaaase ??
love u
nono 🫶🏻
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
"With the raven's wings retreating into the night, the cold air carries the faint whisper of your escape—a haunting reminder that, just this once, you’ve slipped through the shadows."
This blurb is part of the writing game created by me, join me and the raven in this maze of stories. 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥.
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Ever since you moved in with Eddie, your life turned into a complete circus, and not the fun kind.
I mean, this guy made it his personal mission to torment and annoy you in every possible way. It was like he had a sixth sense for when you were in a good mood, because that’s exactly when he'd show up with his unbearable attitude and ruin your day.
You’d be chilling on the couch, finally finding your zen after a long day, and boom, Eddie’s at your side with some ridiculous comment or a loud snack, crunching like a rock concert in your ear. It's like he had an alarm set to interrupt any hint of peace you managed to scrape together. He was the king of passive-aggressive vibes, and his superpower was turning your bliss into chaos.
But it wasn't like you had much of a choice. You'd just moved out of your parents' house, and your wallet was emptier than a ghost town on a Tuesday night. Plus, you had a lease binding you to this disaster zone of an apartment, and breaking it wasn't exactly in the budget.
So, there you were, stuck with Eddie the Terrible, who seemed to think that personal space was an urban legend and that common decency was for other people. Every time he walked into the room, it was like a dark cloud rolled in, and you couldn't help but wonder what cosmic force had brought the two of you together. If only you'd had a crystal ball before signing that lease.
Everything seemed totally fine at first. When Steve and Robin introduced him to you, he seemed chill, fun, even charming in that "he's probably got a ton of friends" kind of way. If only you'd known what you were signing up for...
The first few days living together in the apartment were bliss. He helped you with the move, carried all the heavy boxes, and went out of his way to make sure you felt comfortable. He was quiet when you needed silence, even respected your sacred moments on the couch while you binge-watched Modern Family. But, you know what they say, when the deal seems too good, it's time to raise an eyebrow.
It didn't take long for Eddie's true colors to start leaking out. Those same colors were about as subtle as a clown at a funeral. The same guy who had been so considerate and quiet suddenly turned into a one-man circus, complete with loud music and a never-ending collection of weird hobbies that made you wish you could build a soundproof bubble around yourself.
Silent nights turned into your own personal heavy metal concert, and your sacred couch time was constantly disrupted by the RPG campaigns he insisted on hosting at the apartment. Oh, and let's not forget about the marathon sessions he spent in the bathroom, perfectly timed to when you were running late. It was like the old Eddie had vanished into thin air, replaced by a cheap knockoff who didn't understand the concept of a volume knob—or basic courtesy, for that matter.
Gone were the days of quiet evenings, replaced by head-banging riffs that could wake the dead. Trying to watch your favorite show? Forget it—there was always a horde of his geeky friends crowded around the kitchen table, rolling dice and arguing about some wizard’s spell-casting ability. You'd go to grab a drink and feel like you'd wandered into the middle of a convention.
And those bathroom stunts? A whole new level of infuriating. You'd be in a rush, scrambling to get ready, and he'd be in there for what felt like an eternity, probably reading one of his comic books or watching cat videos. The guy had a sixth sense for the exact moment when you'd need the bathroom, and he used it to make your mornings an absolute nightmare.
Which brings us to the present moment: you pounding on the bathroom door like there's no tomorrow, hopping up and down like a kangaroo, and shouting for the thousandth time. "Eddie, I swear to God, if you don't come out of that bathroom right now, I will pee on your bed!"
The only response you got was a noise that could only be described as someone eating in the most grotesque, inappropriate way. "Wait, are you... are you watching ASMR while I'm about to explode into a puddle of pee? Oh no, you did not. You are going to hear from me!"
The sound from inside got louder, and then he replied, "Sorry, I can't hear you. I'm busy watching this guy stuff a whole chicken leg into his mouth."
It took every ounce of restraint not to break down that door and give him a piece of your mind. Eddie's antics had hit a new low, and your patience was hanging by a thread. This was the pinnacle of absurdity, the kind of moment that made you question every decision that led you here. You'd been through a lot with Eddie, but this? This was a whole new level of "what the hell." It was like living with a YouTube compilation of the most obnoxious trends, all crammed into one bathroom-occupying nightmare.
You might need a whole new strategy—or, at this point, just a new apartment. Because if this was a glimpse into the future, you weren't sure you wanted to stick around to see what else Eddie had in store.
“Please, for the love of God, let me pee…” you said, almost on the verge of tears. This was getting exhausting. Eddie must've sensed the shift in your tone, because the annoying sounds suddenly stopped, and the door swung open to reveal a metalhead with frizzy hair, wearing Looney Tunes pajama pants.
He had this sheepish grin on his face, like he knew he'd pushed you to your limit but didn't quite realize how close you were to snapping. He stood there in all his ridiculous glory, holding his phone with a paused video of some guy eating what looked like a plate of ribs, totally unbothered. "Hey, no need to be so dramatic, it's all yours," he said, stepping aside as if he wasn't the cause of your impending bladder explosion.
You shot him a look that could've melted steel, then dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. As you finally got your much-needed relief, you could hear Eddie outside, humming some awful heavy metal tune to himself. It was like he had zero clue—or zero care—about how his antics drove you up the wall. He was just Eddie, living his best life, while you were left to deal with the chaos he left in his wake.
After the morning incident, you grabbed your coffee and headed straight to work, determined to shake off the chaos that was life with Eddie. But you could only escape for so long, because lunchtime rolled around, and you returned to the apartment, only to find a scene that looked like something straight out of a sitcom—think The Office, but even more ridiculous.
Eddie was in the kitchen, wearing an apron that said "Kiss the Cook," with his hair pulled back in a makeshift ponytail. The whole place smelled like something was burning, and he was frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke detector, trying to get it to shut up. It kept beeping, and every time it did, Eddie flinched like it was personally attacking him.
On the stove, there was a pan with some kind of unidentifiable charred mess, which he was desperately trying to scrape off with a spatula.
Your smile vanished the moment you noticed that the charred thing in the skillet was none other than the octopus you'd bought just the day before.
"What the hell?" You were furious, and it didn't help that Eddie was grinning like he was some kind of innocent angel.
He shrugged, clearly oblivious to the level of your outrage. "Oh, that was yours? My bad, I thought it was just... some random squid or something." He scratched the back of his head, as if he'd just made a minor mistake and not destroyed a perfectly good piece of seafood. The sight of him smiling like that only made your blood boil even more.
Your plans for a delicious lunch were now literally ashes, and Eddie was standing there like he'd just successfully solved a Rubik's Cube. You had to take a deep breath to keep from shouting. You'd put a lot of effort into picking out that octopus, and now it was just a blackened lump that even the trash bin would reject.
"How do you not know the difference between an octopus and a random squid? And who just grabs something from the fridge without asking?" you shot back, trying to keep your voice from escalating into full-blown rage.
Eddie looked around as if hoping to find an excuse or an escape route, but there was nowhere to run. He was cornered, and he knew it.
That was the last straw. Tears welled up in your eyes, and Eddie's expression shifted from cheerful to guilty in an instant. Before he could say anything, you turned and bolted out of the apartment, exhausted by the whole ordeal.
You couldn't stay there another minute. The anger and frustration had been building for weeks, and now it had boiled over. You needed space, air, and most importantly, a break from Eddie and his chaos. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you couldn't be in that apartment for another second.
You walked for what felt like hours, letting the cool breeze and the distant sounds of the city calm you down. The world outside was peaceful compared to the constant drama of living with Eddie. As you strolled through the park and sat on a bench to collect your thoughts, you realized just how much the situation had been draining you.
You didn't go back home for the rest of the day. Instead, you found solace in the simple things—grabbing a coffee, listening to music. Anything to clear your mind and remind yourself that there was a whole world out there, far removed from Eddie's antics. You needed this time to figure out your next move, to decide if you could keep living with him or if it was time to break the lease and find a new place.
The one thing you knew for sure was that you couldn't keep going like this. Living with Eddie had become too much, and you'd had enough. It was time to put yourself first and find a way out of the madness.
As soon as you returned, he tried to talk.
"Don't talk to me," you snapped, cutting him off mid-sentence. No room for discussion, no excuses. Just the sharp edge of your words.
Eddie looked taken aback, his eyes widening as if he'd just been hit by a surprise splash of cold water. You'd never spoken to him like that before, but you weren't in the mood to hear whatever half-baked apology or lame excuse he was about to offer. After everything that had happened, you just needed space and silence.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and backed off, his usual bravado deflating like a punctured balloon. You could feel him watching you as you walked past, but you didn't turn around. The time for talking was over, and you didn't owe him anything. You'd already had more than enough of his antics for one day.
You went to your room and closed the door, thankful for the barrier it provided. It wasn't much, but at least it gave you some distance from Eddie and his chaotic energy.
After some time reflecting, you decided it was time to talk about your decision. You went to the living room, where Eddie was watching one of his nerdy movies. He was glued to the screen, engrossed in whatever epic battle or spaceship chase was playing out.
"We need to talk," you said, standing by the couch with your arms crossed. Eddie turned his head, startled, but didn't say anything. He paused the movie, knowing this wasn't just a casual chat. "This isn't working," you continued. "I think it's better if I look for another place to live."
Eddie blinked a few times, processing your words. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, scratching the back of his head. It was clear he hadn't expected this conversation. "You're leaving?" he finally asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
You nodded. "Yeah, it's just... too much. The constant noise, the bathroom thing, and then the whole octopus incident," you said, laying out the reasons. "It's not healthy, and I can't keep dealing with this."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful. "Hey, I'm sorry about all that. I didn't mean to—"
"It's not about apologies," you interrupted. "It's about needing space, needing peace. We just don't work as roommates, and that's okay. But I can't keep living like this."
He nodded like he understood your reasons, but what he said next was not at all what you expected.
"Ever wonder why I always bug you?" he asked, looking at you with an expression that was hard to read.
You frowned and shook your head, genuinely puzzled. "No, not really. I just figured you were... I don't know, Eddie."
He took a breath and then, almost sheepishly, replied, "It's because I want to get your attention."
Okay, what the hell? Your heart suddenly raced, and your mouth opened in a shocked gasp. Was he serious? All those antics, the noise, the drama—it was all because he wanted you to notice him? It sounded like something out of a high school rom-com, and it left you reeling.
"Wait, are you kidding?" you asked, trying to process what he was saying. Was this some sort of joke? But the look on his face told you he wasn't messing around. This was real, and he was genuinely trying to explain himself.
Eddie seemed to sense your disbelief, and he shrugged, looking a bit embarrassed. "I know, it's dumb, right? But I don't know how else to talk to you. You seem so... I don't know, together. And I'm... well, I'm me," he said, gesturing to himself like he was some kind of cosmic disaster.
This conversation had taken a turn you weren't expecting. You'd come here to tell him you were moving out, and now you were dealing with a confession that threw everything into a whole new light. What were you supposed to say to that? It was hard enough dealing with his shenanigans as a roommate; now he was confessing that there might be more to it.
He continued, "Ever since Steve and Robin introduced us, I’ve been interested in you. You’re so smart, beautiful, and funny that I found myself falling for you, little by little."
Oh my God, it felt like your heart was about to burst from the rollercoaster of emotions you'd experienced today.
"Was it a stupid way to get your attention? Yes. Was I a jerk? Absolutely," he said, rubbing his temples like he was trying to make sense of it himself. "But I got so lost in my own feelings that it was the only thing I could think of to make you notice me..."
This wasn't at all what you expected when you walked into the living room. You'd imagined a straightforward breakup with your roommate, but now here he was, confessing that he had a crush on you. And not just any crush—one that had apparently driven him to turn your life into an ongoing episode of Jackass.
It was a lot to take in, and you didn't even know where to start. Part of you was still annoyed at him for all the chaos he'd caused, but another part of you felt a twinge of sympathy. Maybe Eddie wasn’t just the relentless man-child you thought he was. Maybe he was just... confused and desperate for your attention.
"Eddie," you began, struggling to find the right words, "you can't go around making my life miserable just because you like me. That's not how this works." You shook your head, trying to ground yourself. "I'm glad you told me how you feel, but this isn't the way to handle things. It just makes everything more complicated."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful, as if he realized that his antics might have done more harm than good. "I know," he said, his shoulders slumping a bit. "I didn't think it through. I just... I don't know, I panicked."
The whole situation was like a scene from a cheesy romantic comedy, but it was happening in real life, and you weren't sure how to navigate it. You'd come to tell him you were moving out, and now you had to figure out how to deal with this unexpected confession without losing your sanity.
You sighed, feeling like you'd been caught in the world's most twisted emotional chess game. After a moment of gathering your thoughts, you confessed to him, "I can't say I don't feel anything for you either... From the first day, I liked you, but I'm just so mad about everything." It was time to set things straight. "We can try something more, if you promise to never pull those idiotic stunts again, or I swear I'll kill you." The two of you chuckled at the last part.
Eddie's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face like you'd just given him the best news in the world. He looked almost like a puppy that had been let back inside after getting caught in the rain. "I promise, no more of that stuff. I mean it. If I do anything dumb, you can smack me with a frying pan," he said, putting his hand over his heart in a mockingly solemn gesture.
You couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated seriousness. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was being so goofy. "I'll hold you to that. I have a pretty big frying pan," you replied, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie chuckled, clearly relieved that you weren't storming out the door. "Deal. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to make things so hard for you. I just... I guess I went about it in the worst way possible." He rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish. "But I'll do better, I promise. If it means we can try something, then I'll be on my best behavior."
It felt like a weight had been lifted, and the tension in the room eased a bit. You knew there'd be a lot of work to do to make this living arrangement function without the constant drama, but at least now you had a new understanding between you. It wasn't exactly the romantic journey you'd pictured, but at least it wasn't a total train wreck.
"We'll see," you said, giving him a half-smile. "But one more thing, Eddie—if you ever lock me out of the bathroom again, I won't just threaten to pee on your bed. I'll do it." The laughter that followed was a sign that maybe, just maybe, things might work out after all.
“Okay, I’m starving,” you said, breaking the mood with a light touch. “Sushi?”
“Sushi?” He grinned and pitched his voice into a silly imitation, making you roll your eyes. “Eddie, I’m serious,” you said, trying to sound stern.
“Eddie, I’m serious,” he repeated with an even bigger grin.
“Stop mocking me,” you whined, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Stop mocking me,” he echoed in an exaggeratedly whiny voice.
“I’m getting the frying pan,” you threatened.
“Sushi sounds great to me,” he replied instantly, flashing you his best innocent smile, you rolled your eyes and went to order the food.
You wouldn’t lie—even his idiotic ways had managed to win your heart too, but you’d never admit that to him.
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tillthelandslide · 11 months
Same For You : (1) And This Is How It Starts...
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A/n: okay guys... I'm all over the place at the moment and I seriously apologise for making series after series and then taking ages to finish them... But here's another to add to the list... This is going to be a slow burn fic but I hope you enjoy. I can't lie, I haven't been this excited for a series in a long time... I really love this one and I hope you guys too. Let me know what you think 🫶🏼 - Lou
Series Warnings: slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap, complicated relationship (low-key unhealthy dynamics), eventual love...
Series Masterlist
The bar is a dingy little thing down some street in Soho, smoke clouds the room making it harder to see the people sitting in the booths, not that she minded. From where she stood, in the middle of the small stage, she could barely make out the faces of the people who were laughing amongst themselves.
She saw the usual people who attentively listened to their band every week when they did this gig: the guy who would be considered (by most) slightly too old to listen to them, a group of 'edgy' girls and guys who had supported them from the start (their own little fan base), a few of their friends, the usuals.
She stood in front of a microphone, holding her dark green electric guitar, the strap hooked loosely over her shoulders. She wore leather trousers and a black bralette, her hair which was once curled and down now sat in a messy bun on the top of her head.
Her band mates accompanied her, each taking a little break from their set. Her voice filled the small venue and she sounded sure of her self, confident, like she knew her place in the world. And when she was singing, performing, she did, she was home on that stage, on any stage and from the boys say, it was clear as day.
From where Matty, George and Jamie sat, they could see her and her band clearly, but their attention was trained only on her, like it had been the entire night.
"She's really good Jamie, how did you hear about her again?" Matty raises his glass to his mouth after he speaks, his curly mop of hair bouncing as he gestured towards the woman on stage.
"I didn't... George did. She's amazing though, they all are" Matty's eyes flick to George at Jamie's words, who was nursing his own drink, eyes trained on the girl too who was beginning a song on her own.
"She runs in the same circle as Charli" George says and his words surprise Matty. Matty takes in the girl on stage, she was cool, just like Charli, but the music he had heard so far was completely different to hers, more rocky and less poppy, more gritty. She looked like a rockstar and the fact she hung out with Charli's friends surprised him.
"Really? Bit of a different vibe than Char" Matty says, making George nod. It wasn't a bad thing necessary, Matty loved Charli, and obviously George did, but the girl on stage was just... Different.
"I know... Years younger too, but Charli says she's the coolest person she's ever met and that's saying something..." George says, chuckling at the memory of his girlfriend practically fawning over her to him.
"What's her name again?" Jamie asks George, eyes flicking from the stage to George and then back again.
"Y/n, Y/n Y/L/N" Jamie nods, jotting the name down in his phone.
"How have we never heard of her? Never heard her songs?" both Jamie and George shrug at Mattys words, the three of them falling silent and listening to her sing. It was a slower song than before and they hadn't realised she had swapped her electric guitar for an acoustic one. The song stops and she smiles at the people who clapped, the group of people who the guys had now identified as her 'fans' cheered and she laughed at them, throwing a hand their way as if to say "stop it" all with a huge smile on her face.
"Thank you" she says, handing her guitar to someone off stage, before they see the bassist of the band walk over to her, hooking an arm around her shoulders and pulling her towards them. They watch as they black haired bassist whispers something into her ear before she pulls away. The girl they now know as Y/n is then looking directly at them, she doesn't smile, she smirks, before they hear her speak to her microphone.
"So... We have some special guests in tonight" they hear her say. Matty and George's attention is quickly turned away by someone joining their table: Ross.
"Took your time getting here" George's eyes flick from the tall man to the girl on stage, not wanting to miss a single moment, especially now her words were directed towards them.
"Got here as soon as I could, now what's the emergency?" Ross asks, sitting down next to Matty.
Matty points to the stage and Ross' eyes follow him, breath faltering as his eyes landed on her, smiling at him, at them. He didn't often get breathless, but she was truly beautiful, and undeniably cool. As crazy as it was to say, to even think, Ross felt some kind of magnetic pull towards her, instant feeling like a fool for even thinking it, because seriously? Who believes in that? Definitely not him.
"I've been a fan of this band since I was 15... I'm now 24... anyway this is completely unplanned but we've got to give our guests a warm welcome" she nods at them, her words making them all smile. Matty nods at her, a silent thank you and she awkwardly waves back. Her eyes flick to Ross, who she finds staring at her, mouth slightly agape. He feels goosebumps rise to his skin when she sends another smile his way.
"Jesus she's ballsy" Ross says with a smirk on his face, only tearing his eyes from her for a sllit second. They hear the opening guitar of Pressure being played, by her, not the guitarist, her.
"She's fucking good man" George says, visibly getting excited as they listen to them play.
She's hot, she's beautiful, she's amazing Ross thinks.
We need to know her, I need to know her Matty thinks.
Jamie watches with a smirk too, thoroughly impressed.
"She makes Hann look shit" George says, all of the guys present laughing at his words.
"And me..." Matty says, making the three of them laugh again. They all watch in awe, clapping and cheering when the song finishes.
"We have to sign her to the label " Matty says and Jamie nods, calculating a plan in his mind, already searching her name on Google to find out if she had a record deal, a label, anything. The search reveals a few tweets about her band, a small fan base, her Instagram profile and the bands page but no information about whether they had a label or a record deal and the man shakes his head, shocked at this revelation.
They're surprised to see her standing from the stage, passing the guitar to someone off stage, she lets her hair loose from the confines of it's bun and Ross watches in awe as it falls in soft curls down her back. He realises his mouth is hanging open when she begins walking towards them, a soft smile resting against her mouth. Ross saw something sparkle in her eyes, he wasn't sure what it was, but he sure as hell wanted to find out. The idea frightened him to no end but he always felt excitement buzz in his stomach.
"The 1975... Well three of you anyway" the guys smile at her words, not out of politeness or necessity but because she genuinely made them smile. The fact she knew about them, although not utterly surprising, made them happy and for whatever reason, made them feel special.
"Y/N... I know your girlfriend" she extends her hand to George who smiles and shakes her hand.
"I know... I have to say when Charli told me how talented you were I didn't think she meant THAT talented. You're amazing" George says and she smiles, then thanks him.
Matty notices that she was the box tattoo on her wrist, he reminds himself to ask about that later but for now he smirks to himself.
"Matty" he says, offering her his hand to shake.
"I know... Big fan..." She says smiling "of all of you to be honest" she says, Matty can't help but feel proud at her words and maybe he felt something else too, excitement maybe? Her eyes then land on Ross... The one her bandmates knew she had a crush on.
"Ross Macdonald, lovely to meet you darling" he says placing his hand in hers, the tingles they both felt were hard to ignore.
"The bassist..." She says making him nod, her words are laced with something he can't put his finger on. Was it awe? Was it interest? Was it intrigue? He didn't know.
"The bassline for Love Me is one of my favourites... I forced Clara our bassists to learn it when we started playing with each other" she says making Ross smile, she throws a hand over her shoulder, gesturing to a black haired girl walking off the stage. The bassist smiles at them and y/n waves as she smirks back at her.
"Clara" she explains, they all nod.
"What brings you to this bar then? Not really your scene is it?" Her words are accompanied by an eyebrow raise, one which is almost challenging them.
"Charli told us you'd be here tonight" Jamie says "sorry I'm Jamie, the boys manager" she nods.
"We want to sign you to our label, dirty hit" he blurts it right now. He never acted like this, but just like he knew with the 1975, he knew she was it. She had starpower.
"Wow... Okay, guess we need to get to know each other then" she says, sitting down with them, right next to Ross, who was sitting with his arm resting behind her on the booth. She can't help but smirk when he doesn't remove it.
Note: AHHHHH!!! I really hope you like this so far and I hope you're as excited as me for this series!!! You'll just have to keep reading to see what I have up my sleeve for this one... I'm honestly so excited. Love you all and thank you for your continued support, would mean to world if you would like, comment or reblog - Lou
(2) Your Very Own Mirror
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undercoverpena · 1 year
rainy world, blanket days
frankie morales x f!reader
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summary: “Yourewet.” It escapes, muffled between your mouths, as he smiles against your lips. “It’s raining, amor.” 
wordcount: 1.8k an: written for anon, with a huge thanks and dedication to @thelightsandtheroses who let me ramble a lot to her, without complaint. and sorta told me i could do this, even when i didn't think i could. warnings: none. just sweet!frankie, soft vibes, nice ending (real cute, tbf)
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When it rains, it pours. 
A sentiment he knows all too well with how his day has been going. 
You and your grand ideas, where simple DIY soon gets out of hand: first, a photo frame, then the guest sink, and now he’s retrieving shelving because you need more space for your books. 
Frankie doesn’t mind. Not really. 
He likes being busy—likes making you smile and how it always hits your eyes and coats him in a warmth that no winter can ever take from him. 
When he'd left, there had been sunshine. By the time he pulls into the car park, the clouds have grown grey and heavy, fingers tugging to pull his collar around his neck to fend off the wind. Hat tugged down, hiding, as he saunters around aisle after aisle, an image in mind of what he wants—what he needs. 
He clambers it all together. Some under his arm, some lodged against his chest, hugged there by his arm. Somewhat wishing he hadn’t been so quick to turn down a bag. All to step out of the automatic doors and be met with a downpour. 
The kind that soaks everything it touches and makes the air smell of petrichor, all fresh earth and mire. A scent which could so easily take him back to jungles and covert missions if not for the way he gripped the wood until splinters threatened to dig into his hands. 
He’s been better recently—more rooted. Finding himself less troubled and minus the haunting of ghosts. 
But, sometimes, they hang in the background. The memories that become nightmares, waiting for a weaker moment to suffocate him. 
You fend them off—doing so without trying. 
You and the smile he thinks of as he throws everything in the truck, slamming the driver door behind him as droplets fall down his neck, sliding from the ends of his curls to run down and settle on his collarbone. 
Palm across his forehead, wiping the beads from his brow as he removes his hat—the one soaked to the bone. He knows it’ll take hours to dry, trying to hang it off the passenger headrest as he wrestles with how naked he feels without it. 
You like it off. 
Often whispering it to him, having done so the other night when you were straddling his lap, pushing it back, taking it in your fingers before placing it backwards on your head. 
“Do I suit it, Frankie? Your hat.” 
He wished he’d taken a photo, made it his background. 
You in his oversized shirt, a pair of boxers turned shorts, and his hat on your pretty little head. The thought alone sparks warmth through his chest, suddenly turning the key more eager, more determined. 
That’s what he was: desperate. To see you, get home to you. 
The work-in-progress which changes month by month before their eyes as vision and his handiwork being it to life. 
He likes working on it, your two's home. But sometimes, in weather like this, he wishes for blankets and candles, no lights—just the flicker of a movie he’ll pretend to watch for the first act before he silently studies you. 
Or music, soft, lulling music that floats around the walls. The occasional raps of the branches from the tree on the window, the one you refuse to have Frankie cut down. 
He craves one today, never really being one for lazy days, but now it’s those days he loves the most with you. The ones which are easy, a gift. They come along infrequently, but when they do, he tries to clutch on to them too tightly—in the same way, he likes to have you close. 
Whether it’s bare legs thrown over his thighs, fluffy socks twitching under the blanket, or you slotted against his side, hand playing with his fingers as his lips twitch into a smile periodically. 
It’s those memories, that wish, that carries him home. The car windows steam up under the clamminess of his skin, the radio humming songs he barely listens to when he finally swings his truck on the drive. Forgetting the items beside him, including his hat, as he steps out, not even doubling back when he presses the key to lock it—just desperate to get inside, and when he does…
It’s all he’s been wishing for and more. 
The scent of a burning wick hits him first, followed by hot cocoa. Shutting the front door, locking it—and keeping the world out—he slides his feet from his boots, leaving them in a state on the mat. Then he begins his hunt for you, fingers brushing down doorways, leaning into the kitchen, and then the living room.
Frankie frowns as his fingers scratch at his damp hair. Something akin to worry begins to needle at his chest, making his heart stammer—rattling in his chest. 
His next stop, the only one truly left, catches his eye as droplets fall from his jacket, painting the wooden floor in dots from the outside. The door, all half-open and ajar, as it had been this morning when he’d followed you out of it, sleep clinging to his lashes as you excitedly talked about decor and needing his help. 
Now, he worries he didn’t lock the door. That something had happened. Not even remembering the last time he checked his phone or—
You collide into him suddenly, all quickly. 
In a way that forces all of the pieces of him to slot back together, making the worry dissipate. Your grin growing at the sight of him, hitting your eyes as you begin to beam as though he’s your sun and not just a man you met one day and never got rid of. 
He thinks of speaking, whispering a hi and then pulling you close, but he gets tangled up—thoughts balling and knotting in his head at the sight of you. 
You look so comfortable and relaxed, your face clean and free of anything—one of his tees adorning your frame, hiding your curves from him. 
There’s something about seeing you undone that he'll never grow used to. How at ease around him you are, have been since early days. It’s almost his favourite sight, taking it over summer dresses and painted lips—almost. 
Frankie’s favourite has more to do with when your lips are parted, thighs on either side of him—pupils blown, skin warm, sweat pebbling on your hairline and collarbones. You make the prettiest noises then, too—an array of Francisco’s and Frankie’s pecking the air. 
Your eyes are narrowing, confusion mounting at his stare and empty hands. He knows you—about as well as you know him. 
Frankie knows that you’re beginning to worry with how your brow slides up your forehead, that concern-laced words will fall from your tongue as your mouth starts to part. But he moves, pounces, rids the air of comments that aren’t please and more. 
Slanting his lips over yours, he steals your thoughts. Intentionally, his tongue licks into your mouth to wipe up the remainder of any words that had been forming. It’s only as he nips at your bottom lip, tasting the whimper you let him have, is he aware of your arms coming around his neck, feels fingers scrape against his hair, his scalp—
It escapes, muffled between your mouths, as he smiles against your lips. “It’s raining, amor.” 
Frankie slides his fingers across your cheek, keeping you close, letting him take his time to kiss you, enjoy you. His other hand is busy sliding up your frame—fingers brushing the overwashed, seen-better-days t-shirt of his that you love—all to find purpose on your hip. Wishing to grip it, his thumb digging ever so lightly—not enough to bruise, although he could (enjoys doing so, too), but enough to inform you what he wants. 
You. Always you. 
Rainy days and sunny ones. The difficult ones and the easy ones. 
He kisses the side of your mouth, humming—indicative that he’s heard you. 
“I’ve got the blankets out. Queued a movie and—“
“Lit the candles,” he finishes, one last kiss to your jaw before he retracts, letting you go to look you up and down as he folds his arms, leaning against the doorframe. 
The silence allows the sound of rain hammering against the window panes to find his ears—doing so to a beat similar to how his heart thumps at the sight of you. The way it has done since he woke up one morning and couldn’t get the thought from his mind: 
I want to marry you. 
He’s been thinking about it for weeks, months.
Moments adding to other ones, collecting them like stamps. Letting them layer and layer—
You drag him from his thoughts, shifting on the balls of your feet, an unreadable expression flushing out the one he’d put there a moment ago. “Is that… okay?” 
He nods, slow at first before a grin accompanies it. You pull it from him easily, and do so all the time—a thing the others have noticed. 
“All I was thinking about at the hardware store.” 
“You were thinking about a blanket day?” 
His lip twitches. “Thinking about you under a blanket, yeah.” 
You try to hold it back, but you smirk. Eyes latched on him as he shrugs his jacket off, your hand gesturing to take it from him, pulling it close to you. 
“I’ll let you pick the movie,” you say, moving past him, holding his eye line as your hand brushes his chest, taking his jacket with you. “And I’ll hang this up to dry.” 
He smirks knowingly. 
Because you only let him choose when you have no intention of watching it. 
“I’ma just change,” he calls out, heading into the bedroom—passing the mirror, the wardrobe. Shifting around the end of the bed as he hovers near the bedside table. 
Letting his fingers find the handle, he pulls on the top drawer, glancing at the door. Nervousness prickles, mixes with the drizzle sliding down his spine, as he opens it, peering in. 
At first, he sees nothing, and then just the corner of it. 
Just how he left it, smothered in clean, holey socks and receipts—the blue box which stares up at him. All 4.7 x 3.9 of it. 
The one which had been heavy in his pocket the day he picked it up to bring it home. How it began burning a hole in his jacket until he hid it, stuffing it in the back of the nook for the right day. 
Today though, he lets his fingers pull it out from the corner it’s been trapped in. Feeling how light it actually is, for the weight it has on his shoulders. 
“Frankie, y'coming?”
He smiles, both at the box in his fingers and your impatience. Nudging the drawer shut with his knuckle, a scar catching his sight—one you always stroke, never asking, yet reading the story behind it with each touch.
He calls back that he’ll be a minute, placing the box on the bed, opening other drawers and slamming them shut once he'd found sweats and a fresh tee. Dressing, he feels the warmth slide up his neck, reaching his ears as his pulse thunders.
Having decided today will be the day the ring finds a new home—hopefully, one on your finger. 
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an: hope this was fluffy enough, anon.
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rustboxstarr · 7 months
Hey! I was reading one of your stories and it was so good I immediately started following you <3
Anyways could you write a story about reader being flat (like no ass and skinny legs) and shes being insecure about it. So while Eddie and reader are undressing for sex she looks in the mirror to her body and Eddie asks what’s wrong and she tells? I kinda can relate to this so I would love a story like this 🫶🏻
You can change it a little bit ofcourse! Already thank you very much!!
❤️You're perfect.❤️
Summary: Alcohol is always set to cloud your mind, but some things will sober your right up. Especially when you suddenly realize you're actually going to have to show your biggest insecurity to your boyfriend.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Flat!Reader
Warnings: Smut, P in V, fingering (f receiving), cream pie (Eddie cums a lot) - hints at Eddie being insecure about his, squirting, insecurity, slight angst, fluff. Drunk sex! If that makes you uncomfortable DO NOT READ, consent is neither mentioned or implied in the writing but it IS consensual because I say so and I wrote it so *sticks out tongue* also I have never understood why people think its ok to write about high sex but not drunk sex? Like can someone please explain?
Wordcount: 4.1 k
A/N: Thank you for the request babes, I hope you like it ❤️
Also I highly reccomend listening to Destroy Boys while reading this, becuase I was and it was the closest vibe to drunk sex I could find, like why is there no good drunk sex music? Does anyone have any recommendations? because I'm sick of seeing Chase Atlantic everywhere.
Feel free to request, I love writing requests! ❤️
Love yas!
Check out my other works!
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Your whole head vibrates with an alcohol induced haze, spinning you around and losing your touch with reality and all things surrounding you, except for one thing. Broad palms are on you the second you burst through the door of the Harrington basement, plush lips forcing against your own in passionate kisses. The door slams shut behind you as Eddie’s hands push your hoodie off your shoulders, he revels in the sound of your sugary sweet giggle as he stumbles over his own feet, desperately trying to kick his sneakers off without ever letting his hands leave your body. 
A gasp whisps its way into the air as Eddie forces you against the door, the smirk painted across his face grazes your lips and it sends bolts of lightning down your spine, the soft sparkle in his eye that reflects the dim lighting of the small space as he gazes softly in your eyes prompting goosebumps to freckle your skin before his lips are on yours again. Your hands force his jacket down his arms and he chuckles as he tries to wriggle himself free of the leather. 
His hand finds your cheek to pull you towards him again while the other plants a firm grasp on your hip, chipped nail polish scratches down his back as your arms circle him. 
It’s all a mix of hot breaths and gasps as hands roam skin and tongues dance around each other, a mix of beer and vodka muddles on your tastebuds to accompany the fresh cigarette smoke that fills your senses when you breathe him in. All you can focus on is the way his body feels against yours, how his hands grip at your hips while yours rake through his curls. 
But you quickly pull one away when you feel his grip snake around your waist, before he has a chance to plant a firm grip on your ass your fingers lace with his, guiding him up to palm at your chest in a frenzy. 
You manage a second of relief at his compliance before both of his hands travel down your body, you're just about to slap them away before they have a chance to travel further south when you feel yourself being lifted into the air. You're too distracted by his lips finding yours again to dwell on the situation or even realise what you're about to get yourself into as your back smacks against the bathroom door before it swings open. 
You land on the bathroom counter with a heavy thud, heavy breath escaping both of your mouths as they circle around your heads, drifting above you like the smoke in cartoons. His lips are on yours again, kissing with a furious and drunk passion as you feel callused fingers search for the hem of your t-shirt. There is not a single warning bell that goes off in your head, the bellkeep has gone to sleep with the amount of vodka mixers, shitty beers and tequila shots you downed just a mere minute ago upstairs with the rest of the shitfaced partygoers. Your own fingers find the hem of your shirt and you pull it up over your head, throwing it behind him to be found later. Those same callused fingers smooth over your cheeks as he cups your face and brings you in close, attaching his lips to yours after gazing at you with an expression that can only be described as love. 
Your own hands wander to his shirt and he rips away instantly, letting you pull the black fabric off of him and discarding Ozzy’s face on the floor with your own t-shirt. Your hands explore his body, dragging your fingers up the expanse of his torso, from the soft patch of curls that form his happy trail, past the soft pudge of his stomach, to his shapely pecs and finally gliding over his shoulders, grasping onto them and pulling him back in. You only manage to revel in the sensation of his lips hard against yours for a second before they’re pulling away, the thick pad of his thumb forces your chin up as he starts trailing kisses down your neck, soft breaths echo around the practically dark room, save for the sliver of light the frosted glass window lets through. 
His hands find your hips, gripping onto them as if to ground himself before they travel to the cups of your bra, palming desperately at your tits while a soft groans slips past his lips. “You don’t know how many times I’ve pictured these beauties, please babe, you- you gotta let me see them” there's a soft slur to his words but you're too distracted by the feeling of his hands against your body to care that neither of you are truly in a fit state to be doing any of this. 
“Well how can I resist when you're asking so nicely” you chuckle, watching the dark pool of desperation that swims about in his irises. Within seconds his hands are at your back, undoing the clasp to the black fabric that hugs your frame and you're too caught up in this moment, being here with Eddie, to even let a shred of insecurity bubble up at the fact that he’s about to see your boobs, who are nowhere near up to the standard of small perky boobs. The thought of him being grossed out by how they sag from the weight doesn't even have a chance to cross your mind before a loud groan rumbles from the depth of his chest and his hands are back, gripping, palming and squeezing at anything he can get his hands on. “Fuck, ‘s- fuckin’ perfect” his words only bounce around in your head in one big jumble as you feel the warmth of his tongue swipe over one of your nipples. You feel as the skin tightens around the nub and that ticklish sensation of your nipples being erect as his lips wrap around it, skilled fingers swiping delicately over your other nipple, teasing you with the faintness of his touch. A strangled moan bounces around the room as his lips suction around you, tickling you in the strangest, weirdest, best way. No one had ever done this, and it was safe to say it felt super weird… but also earth shatteringly good and especially when the tingling feeling between your thighs -that had sat comfortable since you and Eddie has started whispering slurred words by each others ears upstairs- only grew in strength.
Your fingers tread through his curls as he moves on to your other side, treating your other nipple with the same insane pleasure as he had done before. Soon enough his kisses start trailing down, kissing between your tits, slowly and steadily moving down down down, and over your stomach (that tickles too, but not in the same way). He only grins up at you at the sound of your giggle. There are so many insecurities on display that, in the right headspace, would have you heaving with anxiety, but none of them manage to surface to the front of your mind as your drunk haze can only fixate on Eddie, Eddie Eddie Eddie. As he kisses down your head falls back against the wall, lolling on your shoulders to find the other end of the L shaped counter, you see yourself in the mirror and smile drunkenly at the picture it presents. Eddie kissing down your stomach, hands trailing up and down your torso as lust filled eyes watch your face. 
Insecurity gnaws at you however, as your eyes drift to his torsos slotted between your thighs. 
The alcohol induced illusion shatters, however, the second his nimble fingers find your belt buckle, suddenly you pull yourself up straight, pulling your waist away from him. The fog has cleared and you have sobered up within the matter of a millisecond and you stare with wide, fearful eyes at the mop of brown hair that suddenly moves. He stands up again from his sinking position to the floor and finds your eyes with his own worried ones. “What’s- what’s wrong?” It seems his own fog has lifted as he stares down at you, one hand coming to caress your cheek while the other smooths up and down your arm. 
Your mouth opens, and then it closes. You find yourself at a loss for words as you stare up at him, dim moonlight shining around him, blurring everything else in the room, dark, misty eyes, glazed over with pure, unfiltered concern, soft pink lips tugged into a small pout, milky white skin glowing below clusters of freckles that travel from his face and down the lengths of his arms, each one further from the other. God he’s perfect. Why would you ever want to ruin this moment? 
“Nothing” you breathe a strained chuckle, “Just uh, backs, hurting” you slink your hand between yourself and the wall and make a show of stretching out your back. “Oh” he chuckles, the soft breath plays like music in your ears, as he scans the room, “Here” he stretches over you and reveals two folded up towels, his smile is happy and hopeful as he waits for you to lean forward so he can place them behind your back. “Thanks” you whisper as he slides back into place between your thighs, “Better?” his eyes, god those eyes, wide, baby cow eyes, glinting under the moonlight above the sweet smile pulling at his lips. “Yeah, yeah” you breathe, you can’t take those eyes, they confront you, they force you to curl under the depth of them, waiting for you to tell the truth because they know you’re lying. You can’t take it, so, you quickly pull him in by his neck, sinking your lips into his, kissing him desperately, willing the sight of his eyes out of your mind. 
Your thighs glide against the counter, sliding down onto the floor and forcing Eddie against the other end of the counter, he yelps in surprise at the quick action but within no time matches your energy, hands grasping on to your hips again. Your whole body cringes as his hands slide down your back to grab a handful of your ass, but you power through, and feel shocked as you focus on those delicious groans escaping his throat, groans that were prompted by his hands on your ass. His hands squeeze firmly and he pulls you towards him, pressing below your stomach is what really sets off the fire between your legs. His hard cock forces against your mound and you feel your thighs squeeze together unprompted at the action, squeezing tight at the obnoxious groan that vibrates in your ears. 
Your lips move at a furious pace together as both of your hips begin dancing in sync, grinding against each other with no shame. Your hands grip and scratch at any skin you can find, his biceps, his shoulder, his chest, back, shoulder blades, face, anything. You can feel the drunken haze begin to fog your mind again as you lose yourself with him, his own must be too as he sways slightly while he broadens his stance, allowing you to press yourself closer to him. 
His hands find your hips again and he twirls you around, quick to pull you back in again to force your ass against his throbbing cock, his lips kiss down your neck, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he feels your hands pull at his curls. He breathes a ragged “Fuck” as his hips begin to roll against your own, holding on tighter as he hears your breaths grow louder. “Shit, need to be inside you so bad, you don't even wanna’ know” he whispers against your shoulder, you chuckle breathily while your own lips find his neck, kissing at anything you can reach. Squeezing your eyes shut tight as you feel his hands find your belt buckle again, but this time you don’t stop him, there's an indescribable urge to fight back, to prove yourself. To whom? You have no idea, but you know you're not stopping now, not when his body feels so warm and inviting behind yours, not when his hands have gripped onto your body the way they have, not when his kisses have felt so intoxicating. 
He undoes the buckle, and then the belt, and then finally the zipper. 
You brace yourself for the impact. 
But nothing comes, his fingers snake their way past the open zipper of your baggy jeans and slip under the hem of your panties. You release a sigh of relief thats replaced by a soft moan when you feel warm fingers make their way between your folds, his own breath is heavy and hot against your skin as his eyes once again roll to the back of your head “Fuck, you’re so wet” his teeth graze the soft skin of your shoulder as you look down to find his hand moving beneath the denim. His fingers glide down to your hole, collecting your slick before he begins an agonisingly slow tackle of your clit. He grins wildly at the whimper that rings in his ears while you twitch slightly in front of him. 
The feeling of his soft lips trailing kisses up and down your neck and shoulder accompanied by the exciting press of his throbbing cock against you and the wickedly cruel slow circles on your clit have your breath speeding up, loud pants slowly transitioning into breathy moans that has Eddie grinding against you in a furious pace. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and it lolls on your neck, splaying your hair over Eddie's shoulder as his movements speed up. While your hands grip desperately at the counter, Eddie's free one finds your tit, palming at it in tune with every deep groan that vibrates through his chest. His hips move with yours as you grind down on his fingers and an obnoxiously loud moan echoes throughout the small bathroom -sure to travel up to unsuspecting ears upstairs- at the harsh press and increased pace of his digits against you. 
A string of curses bounce around the walls as you feel the tingling between your thighs begin to tighten into a coil, everything is simply euphoric. The dull drum of the music upstairs, travelling through the floor to the almost completely dark bathroom, the delicious sound of Eddie's groans and pants mixing with your own, his warm body against yours, encircling you, the sensation of his fingertip against your clit, his lips grazing your skin, his fingers now tweaking your nipple has you writhing against him. “Fuck, m’gonna- ‘bout to- shit- mother fucker” a deafening moan rings in his ears as your whole body stiffens with the snap of the coil. 
His kisses never cease as he waits out your orgasm and when you eventually come down from your high his lips find your cheek. “Good?” you can hear he’s out of breath as whispers against your cheek. He only chuckles at your tired nod and slowly slips his hand out of your pants, after wiping it off awkwardly on his own jeans it joins across from his other hand. Broad palms rest on your hips as he kneads the skin softly but when his lips manage to find yours you feel yourself snapping out of your tired post orgasmic state. You quickly turn in his grasp, lips forcing against his furiously, desperate to feel more of him. God if that's what he could do with his fingers you were dying to see what else he could do. 
Within seconds he matches your energy, groaning as your tongues dance furiously. He manages to find your hips again and unsteadily walks you to the other side of the counter with your back to it. Your mind is too far gone to set off any warning bells as his hands rip the denim down your hips, past your thighs and letting them fall to the floor along with the delicate black fabric that previously would have protected your last bit of modesty. His hands grip your hips and he forces you up on the counter completely bare. The only thing you can feel at the moment is complete, utter desperation. Your fingers fiddle with his belt as his lips find yours again, when a bratty whine leaves your throat his own hands replace yours, hastily undoing his jeans and pulling them down his legs. 
You manage to get a whole second to awe at the sheer size of him while he steps out of the fabric before a hand is wrapping around your ankle, forcing you to place your foot on the counter. The only break your lips get from each other is when a loud gasp breaks the seal at the sensation of his fat mushroom tip forcing past your entrance. A wide grin paints his features as he sheathes inside your cunt. Eddie knew this wasn't your first time but he still wanted to give you a second to adjust before he began pounding into you. His hands grasp onto your thighs and manoeuvre your legs to wrap around him. With each thrust your moans grew louder but neither of you had a care in the world that there were other people around. 
His hands never left your thighs, as he began setting a steady pace of harsh thrusts his hands smoothed up and down your thighs, gripping occasionally as a raspy voice whispered “Fuck I love your thighs” suddenly your moans died down and all that could be heard was heavy breathing as your mind managed to focus on something other than the drag of his cock against your walls. “What?” your hoarse voice whispered “I fuckin’ love your thighs” his eyes didn’t meet yours, instead they were trained on the back of his head, half hidden behind his eyelids. “Love your ass, your tits, hips, face, stomach, arms, hands fuckin’ all of it, you’re so fuckin’ perfect” every word was a mix of pants between each harsh thrust into you. “You do?” 
He managed to find your gaze as his hips slowed down “‘Course I do, I’d be a fuckin’ idiot not to” a concered expression found its way onto his features as he stared down at you. Your hands slid from his shoulder blades to his hips as they began to slow further until he was simply deeply seated inside you. “I- I was kind of nervous, cuz ya’ know…” you broke off shyly with a shrug. “Cuz what?” he frowned softly, “You know” you nodded towards your lower body, “No I don’t know” his frown etched deeper as his hands began soothing up and down your thighs again, the drunken haze seemed to have evaporated for the both of you, leaving behind a trace of distortion. “Jesus you really gonna’ make me say it?” you groaned, “Eh yes, I have no idea what you’re talking about” 
“Because I’m flat and shit, like I’ve seen your ex dude, she has a literal hourglass shape, thick thighs, fat ass all that stuff guys like” you couldn’t hold his gaze any longer, instead your eyes found interest in the movement of his hand. “So? Everyones different, I’m not dating you for your body, that’s just a major plus, like have you seen you? You’re fucking perfect” his hand moved to softly manoeuver your face to look you in the eye. “You really think so?” you whispered, the moonlight shone in your eyes as you looked up at him, “Are you crazy? You’re perfect.” 
Words were lost on you, all you could do was stretch up to place a soft kiss to his lips. One kiss turned to two and two turned to three, before you knew it your hands were gripping at his shoulder blades and your ankles were locking behind his back, pulling him closer as his tongue began to swipe against yours. Loud moans and groans muddled with offensive curses as his hips began thrusting at an incomprehensible speed. Hoarse fucks and shits echoed in your head as you felt the head of his cock nudge your cervix repeatedly and your nails clawed at his back. 
This time when your head lolled on your shoulders to find the mirror all the picture looking back at you did was set hot flames inside the pit of your stomach.
Nothing could pull you out of this moment, not even the sound of bottles and soap dishes clashing into the floor as you sought out something to grip onto. “Fuck, yeah lean back” Eddie muttered as your hands found their place at the edge of the counter. The view of your tits bouncing up and down only had his hips gaining speed as he began pistoning in and out of you. “Fuck, fuck. Fucking perfect” 
“Shit, don’t stop, feels so fucking good, don’t stop” your voice was high and squeaky as you moaned your words. “Not fuckin’ stopping for anything baby holy shit” While one hand gripped your hip the other grasped desperately onto your tit, “Mother fucker, just watching you would make me fucking cum” he groaned as your mouth dropped and your eyes rolled as far back as they physically could. “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum!” your shriek was like music to his ears, “Fuck me too, shit gonna’ cum so hard” the awkward humiliation hidden beneath his whispered words were lost on you as you felt that same coil explode. 
High pitched moans and deep groans didn’t even register in your head as the view of the bathroom was replaced with a blinding white and a deaf ringing accompanied it. 
After what felt like forever you managed to open your eyes to find a mop of brown hair splayed across your chest as its accompanying body heaved up and down. Your fingers laced through his curls prompting him to stand up, his chest expanded with every deep breath he tried to take to find himself again and you only watched in amusement. “Funny, sex sobers you up” you chuckled breathlessly, earning a snort from the man across from you. “Hah, uuhh yeah you’re gonna need like a towel or something” he cringed as he looked down at your joined bodies, his thick creamy substance already beginning to drip down between your asscheeks. Your hand searched blindly for the towel next to you and you held it up to him with a goofy grin. 
“Huh, fuck ok” he took a deep breath before his digits wrapped around the base of his cock. Moving ever so slowly he began pulling out of you. It seemed however that the coil hadn’t exactly exploded, part of it was still lying deep within you and you could feel it start to stretch with each millimetre that moved inside you. A loud whine sang from your chest as you felt him slowly pull out and suddenly the milky liquid buried deep inside you followed, you don’t know what prompted you to do it but suddenly the pad of your finger was circling your clit harshly as the hefty amount of cum Eddie had left behind began to trickle out of you. 
He watched with wide eyes as you rubbed hard circles against the small nub, “Shit shit shit!” you shrieked as you felt that coil finally detonate. Hot clear liquid began to flood, drenching Eddie who stood mesmerised in front of you and it didn't stop until every last drop of Eddie's cum had pooled onto the floor. “Shit” you breathed heavily as you leaned forward, your head thudding against Eddie's chest. “Holy shit” he scoffed in amazement, you straightened up to see his face “That was like the hottest thing I’ve ever seen” his eyes were bulging out of his skull “We’re definitely getting you to do that again” all you could do was snort at his excited face before you slid off the counter onto your wobbly legs.  Bending down to retrieve your underwear from the floor you feel a harsh smack to your ass and you stand up promptly to face him but before you can even get a word out his lips are on yours and his hands are gripping at the globes of your ass as he’s backing you against the counter again. “You can forget going upstairs, we’re staying down here all night.”
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ecargmura · 12 days
Wind Breaker Episode 9 Review - Dr. Umemiya's Physical Therapy Session
I thought this was a delinquent anime. Why am I watching Dr. Hajime Umemiya performing physical therapy on Choji? I hope Shishitoren pays Umemiya a hefty amount for this therapy session because Choji made his problems everyone else’s.
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There might be people disappointed about the outcome of this long awaited fight, but remember that fighting is about communication. Like how Umemiya told Sakura to use his fists to talk to Togame, he used his own fists and head to talk to Choji and it worked. Thanks to Umemiya, the viewers finally understand why Choji behaves the way he does. His idea of freedom is fickle. While being the top means free, it’s not the one he idealized, hence why he took the dark path because he was so distraught with the disappointment that came with its discovery. What Choji needed to realize was that the freedom he sought after had been with him the entire time: Shishitoren before he changed. He realized that Togame had been piecing back what had been broken the entire time and hence why he caressed his cheek and thanked him for protecting Shishitoren and not letting the group crumble even further.
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The fight before Choji goes deep into this thoughts was still pretty good. The beginning part without any music was smooth. It’s crazy how well they’re animating this fight despite the huge height difference between Umemiya and Choji. Choji still pulls his weight and Umemiya does too. I think the craziest part of the fight was the neck biting scene. Given that Choji is themed around rabbits, the neck biting scene reminded me of a vampire rabbit, which then reminded me of the book series Bunnicula. I quite liked that series when I was younger. I still think it’s crazy how Choji gave Umemiya the nastiest hickey ever. Once this is all over and done, Ume needs to go to a doctor to check if Choji had rabies. I also liked the headbutt he gave to him. It reminded me a lot of Tanjiro and how he’d give headbutts to people.
As a manga reader, I do think the scenes with Choji’s thoughts are done a lot better in the anime. There were several scenes from those segments that I really liked. The first was the part where the floor underneath Choji cracked and he fell into it like he was in Kingdom Hearts. The second was showing Togame piecing together the fragmented memories. It symbolizes that Togame was holding everything together for Choji. The bloodied hands in some shots weren’t Choji but Togame’s. His hands became bloody from trying to collect all the glass shards and putting them back together instead of throwing them out, reminiscent of how he chose to cull the weak members for Choji so that everyone else wouldn’t hate him and make the group crumble. That was how much he cared for him. Gosh, it was done visually well. My last favorite part was the face touching scene. They improved so much from the manga. The manga had it to where Choji was thanking Togame for protecting them by touching his face while he was lying down and battered. The anime amps it up with the visuals, giving it a more sensual vibe. I was feeling so moved and even was holding back some tears with the scene.
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I feel like I’m talking about Choji a bit too much, so I’m going to talk about Umemiya. Umemiya was great. He never showed any signs of weakness or having a disadvantage. I felt like he was just letting Choji hit him because he could tell he was faltering. I think Umemiya shined most towards the end where he rejected Choji’s jacket and wanted Bofurin and Shishitoren to be friends. Umemiya’s laid-back personality is his charm, after all. Also, Umemiya with some of his bangs made him look really nice and it made me wonder if he has his hair brushed back because having his hair down is an instant KO for his opponents.
Given how often Shishitoren was seen with cloudy skies and rainy weather, the last shot where the clouds lifted and showing off the blue sky was a nice way to show that Choji has returned to his normal self. It does feel like a nice conclusion for the Shishitoren arc and it makes me wonder how the rest of the episodes will be played out. I hope that there’s a second season. This show is way too good to not get a season two. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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onmyyan · 1 year
onmyyy omg... just needed to barge into ur asks to tell ya that moonlight by kali uchis reminded me of the sharing is caring fic... or just the delmont brothers in general...!
Just,,,,, getting high with Marcos.
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He likes it when you're there while he rolls up, and he knows his baby likes to vibe out with the best music when she's high so he has some of your favorite songs queued up and playing up by the time he's welcoming you inside his place, Kali Uchis saccharine tone carries out through his apartment, the melody backs the scene as he buries his nose in your neck, placing sweet little kisses along the column of your throat as he pulls away to smile at you, "Hi Baby!" his excitement is so genuine as he ushers you to the loveseat he bought with express shipping because the last time you came over he didn't have a good spot to sit and cuddle you in :(
His favorite part is the almost sinful way your eyes follow his tongue as it flicks over the lip of the blunt wrapper, so attentive, so focused on him, it makes a warm tingle shoot up his spine every time. He likes to take the first hit, his lips wrapped around the blunt so prettily, he loves to grab your cheeks, gently pulling your lipgloss-covered lips to meet his in an almost frenzied kiss, he blows the smoke into your mouth, and his eyes roll to the back of his head at the lightheaded feeling, the way you inhale as much as you can and slump against him, With every hit you can feel him relaxing against you, never entirely releasing his hold of your sweet body against him completely, A cloud of smoke in the room, the swirls of white fading in the most calming circles.
Watching as his expression becomes more and more relaxed, his hands never leave your body, his slender fingers rubbing and pinching at your skin, half-lidded red eyes stare at you, filled with love and adoration, his gaze almost hazy, as if he was in a trance, mesmerized by your body, your smell, how utterly perfectly you felt pressed against him, how he didn't want to be anywhere else than here in this moment with you.
He likes to sit with his legs spread wide, his thighs almost trembling as you slide comfortably between them, lying on your stomach, hands crossed on his abdomen as you started up at him, a blissful grin stretched across your plush lips. His warm palms dance up and down your sides, his fingers tingling as he touched you, the rings decorating them made you shiver, a breathless giggle leaving your lips at the cool sensation.
"Hi princess." he hums out, thumbs pressing into the exposed flesh of your hips, staring down at you with that dopey, lovesick smile,
"You feeling good baby?" He has to fight back the aw in his throat at the adorable way you nod your head, a wonderful little stoned grin on your perfect face, he can't help but lean down to press an open-mouthed kiss to your pouty lips, moaning softly at the tingles the simple, sweet, action gives him, the heat blooming in his lower abdomen catches him off guard with its intensity, it makes him nearly fold around you, his body doing all it can to press against yours.
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Bonus links is back which means so am I! Welcome back to my Comic analysis corner :D
You liked my rambling last time so here I am to once again ramble about this comic I love.
Its a wonderul comic and always so well made. Please go look at it if you haven't, it's well worth it. :D
All comic panels and art belong to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too!
Grab some popcorn and a drink, and let's get started, shall we!
First these two, I love this frame right off the bat.
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Give me more of these two please I love them okay
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Loft looks so worried can you hear the fear i can hear the fear. Poor man give him a break.
Oblatory obsession with SKSW link in various links meet aus.
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I love him a healthy amount. I love his design and think about him often.
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Oh this frame
This frame is very pretty
I love the golden light in the middle, and how she basically makes up the lower part of the symbol. It reminds me of ribbon. Which is fitting considering we get red string all over this comic. (I still need to go into that at one point)
It makes me wonder if we see the other Zelda's more in this context if they too will get the golden ribbon rather than the red string. As I'm seeing it as a way to show how they are connected like how the links are connected.
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Panic mode engaged
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I'm living for evil laser eye slate. Straight up looks like hes about to pounce on this man and kill him
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Slates thinking face
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I love it
I love these two. Interesting how dismissive Wolf is being at this stage. (currently playing through TP so I dont know a lot about the triforce in it but I assume it's still there)
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Lots to unpack in this one and i love it
Wake vibing in the rain i can kinda understand.
Wolf just looks kinda done with it tbh and I'm here for it its a vibe.
Slate covering the little fairy pal from the rain is low-key giving me life I love him
And Loft, looking up at the clouds with just pure annoyance in his eyes. Like my man, I know you don't like storms but please the clouds didn't do anything to you. (Yet...)
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I can hear the music in my head as these actions are being done. Like, they are ingrained into my soul after watching enough wind waker playthroughs.
It's awesome he gets to use it with the melody he's learned. More windwaker melodies please i love seeing them used more
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Hold on tight indeed! Cause it's about to get HECKIN WIMDY
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Such an excited bean i love him
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Help him
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Help him so much man has fear
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This little picture has me cackling, im sorry loft but omg.
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And Slate looks so damn excited for this and honestly he deserves it.
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Just his little face
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Goddammit linebeck, man is just so done with the shenanigans by now. Impressive he's managing to drink from a cup while they are spinning like that. Man has got some amazing arm control to keep it together.
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Tetra and Aryll! Them!!!
Also, can you hear the splash as the ship hits the water? People must be used to hearing the sound of a huge gale, then a massive splash and are just like...
Oh, link must be back again.
Love it
Hope you had fun with me today as I went through this one. More rambling than questions this time around which is nice i love just being excited about characters I enjoy. :D
That's all from me tho, until next time!
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theostrophywife · 2 years
maybe a az x reader where it's halloween and the girls are dressed up and matching in the cute scandalous outfit and bunny ears? and their having a good time at rita's dancing while the boys stay at the table watching the girls? just in the mood for some halloween vibes! 🎃
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author's note: i promised myself i'd hold off on writing until i finished crescent city but this is too good to pass up. this isn't my usual full-fledged fic but i figured it would be better than nothing. fair warning, this got a little out of hand so there's definitely smut under the cut.
you and the girls decide to dress up for the all hallow's eve celebration at rita's. mor dresses up as a cheetah, complete with a gold dress and spots on the side of her face. feyre decides to go as a bat, all clad in purple with pointy ears and plastic wings. the valkyries are in matching witch costumes. amren refuses to dress up and goes as herself instead.
the boys are all waiting at the bar. rhys somehow talked cas and az into wearing vampire costumes. faux fangs and red capes should have looked absurd, but something about seeing azriel in a dark suit with his hair slicked back was such a turn-on.
as soon as you walk into rita's, your mate cannot seem to keep his eyes off of you. he had no idea what he was expecting when you said that you would be dressing up, but it certainly wasn't this. you were wearing a tight, latex catsuit that hugged every curve of your body. if that wasn't enough to give him a heart attack, the matching whip and thigh high boots threatened to send him into outright cardiac arrest. you looked like something that crawled right out of his filthiest fantasies and he loved every second of it.
the front of his pants would tighten uncomfortably and you'd shoot him an innocent little smile across the room, knowing full well how aroused he was because you could practically feel his desire rippling down the bond you shared.
you'd be an absolute tease throughout the whole night, dancing and grinding with your friends while you swayed your hips to the beat of the music.
azriel would watch by the bar with his brothers, barely paying attention to whatever conversation cassian and rhys were having while he watched you from the lip of his glass. at this point, the burn of the whiskey was nothing compared to how hot and bothered you were making him.
feyre would chuckle as she nods to the boys. "looks like we've got an audience." you'd smirk in return. "we'd better give them a good show then."
you'd take feyre's tattooed hand in yours and guide them to your hips as you grinded against the high lady. she'd throw her head back in laughter, probably at whatever suggestive comment rhys was telling her through their mental connection. the two of you would make a bet on which mate would break first.
azriel would lose instantly. he'd come up behind you without you even realizing that he'd gotten out of his seat while feyre winks and scurried off to dance with the high lord, who was now approaching the dance floor.
your mate's large hands would clamp down on your hips, pulling you against him while he kisses the back of your neck in greeting. "this wasn't quite what i was expecting when you said you were dressing up," he'd say in that cool, husky voice. you'd blink up at him, fluttering your lashes innocently. "you don't like it?" azriel's hazel eyes would darken as he lowers his voice. "i fucking love it. my little kitten."
the nickname coming from his mouth would sound like the filthiest thing anyone on this realm has ever uttered. the scent of your arousal would cloud your mate's thoughts as he breathes all of you in.
you'd chuckle and wrap your arms around his neck, tugging at the cape hanging between his wings. "i honestly thought rhys would come up with something more ridiculous," you'd tease.
azriel would only smirk. "sorry to disappoint, kitten." he'd hook his fingers through the whip tied around your waist and pull you closer. the wicked grin that spreads across his face would be the picture of sin itself. "i guess you'll just have to whip me as punishment."
you'd blush. "you're such a tease, az."
azriel's lips would brush against the shell of your ear. "that's rich of you to say. the sight of you in this costume is enough to bring me to my knees." his hazel gaze would settle over you and you'd know that you were really in for it tonight. he'd turn you around and brush his erection against your backside while you exhale sharply. "is that what you want, kitten? to have me crawling on my hands and knees for a chance to taste you?" his lips would brush against your neck, awakening a familiar aching sensation in your core. "you should know that i'm not above begging."
you'd grind against him as a slew of curses flies out of his mouth. "i'd never dream of making my mate beg," you'd say with a sly smile. "if you wanted to take me right here and right now, you know damn well that i'd let you, azriel."
it's not long before he's dragging you into the men's bathroom. his kisses would be wet and hot, hungry to taste every inch of you as he presses you against the closed door. azriel would taste like whiskey and mint and you'd get lost in his lips as he perches you up on the marble countertop.
he'd be so impatient with the catsuit, zipping it down so that the cool air kisses your bare skin. you wouldn't be cold for long because azriel's then trailing kisses to your neck, collarbone, and breasts, only to stop just below your navel. he'd part you legs further apart and growl at how wet you already were for him. azriel would run two fingers over your slit and your arousal would glisten on his middle and pointer finger before he brings them to his mouth to taste you. "already so wet for me," az says with a grin. "i meant it when i said i'd get on my knees for you."
your mate would quite literally kneel before you and hike your legs over his shoulders. he'd sink the faux fangs into your inner thighs with a smirk before discarding them and eating you out like his life depended on it.
the thing about azriel is that he's a giver. he'd eat your pussy like he'd been starved for years and you were a feast laid out just for him. he knew where to lick, suck, and swirl, his expert tongue knowing exactly what spot to give attention to. azriel would stop at nothing to make you cum over and over again on his tongue.
with your fingers curled in his hair and your thighs clenched around his neck, azriel would make sure to coax you through the peak of your pleasure as your back arched against the mirror and your moans bounced off the walls. he didn't give a damn if anyone heard. in fact, he wanted the entirety of rita's that it was him and him alone that could make you lose control like this.
just as you rode out your orgasm, he'd replace his mouth with his fingers, plunging two of them into your pussy while his thumb rubs circles around your sensitive clit. he'd take great pleasure in tilting your head back and kissing you deeply, swirling his tongue against yours so you could taste yourself on him.
"that's it, kitten. only i can make you cum like this."
you'd pant as he licks up every last drop, kissing the inside of your thighs gently while you rode out your high. his face would be flushed and his lips dripping with your juices as he comes up from between your legs.
your mate is so gentle as he wipes you down, brushing your hair back and making sure to check that you were alright. he'd kiss the top of your head and give you that smile - the one that only you got to see. "i love you so fucking much."
you'd giggle. "i love you too, az."
azriel would beam as he helps you off the countertop. "have i mentioned how much i love this costume on you?" he'd flick the faux ears perched on top of your head. "though i have to say, i think i'd much prefer it on our bedroom floor."
you'd smile. "i think i would too. do you want to go home and test that theory?"
azriel would open the bathroom door, lacing his fingers in yours. "i thought you'd never fucking ask."
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kazucee · 2 years
Pjo characters x the wonders of road trips.
Saw a TikTok on this and it was so wholesome, I just had to make my own little hcs. Cast means the prophecy 7 + Nico+ Will+ Reyna +every other pjo character I can think of.
1. The night before the road trip >> best believe Percy and Leo ain't getting enough sleep cuz of the hype. (Yes they'll be traveling at the crack of dawn)
2. Jason will be the first one awake and out of the house (already in the driver's seat) waiting for everyone else, yes he's blasting some old timey music while waiting.
3. Piper being the last one awake (despite sleeping beside Jason-who literally is a human alarm clock)
4. Piper literally just getting in the car (called shotgun) still in her pjs.
5. Frank would help fit/carry into the medium sized camper van they rented.
You can tell that I love PercyLeo bromance.
9. Nico having to literally drag Will out of bed and into the van (yes they're both in their pjs too.)
10. Reyna and Annabeth discussing the route to their destination and planning the stops along the way. They have maps layed out on the floor with Leo's random mech stuff acting as markers of the landmarks they'll visit.
11. One of the rare moments where Annabeths hair is in a half moon, and Percy's living for it.
12. Piper transfers to sit with Will to talk about Taylor swifts folklore album (yes the lore of it, and there is a notebook of their theories involved) Nico acts like he doesn't care but he's secretly invested.
13. Annabeth takes up shotgun (arm wrestling match decided who gets to, and she won against Percy)
14. Annabeth and Jason just chatting about anything and everything in the front while Percy throws random questions around.
15. Jason definitely is the type to hang his arm out while he's driving.
16. Annabeth is reading a book to Percy aloud (they're both cuddling of course) and eventually everyone just quiets around to listen to her voice.
17. Nico and Frank playing mythomagic somewhere along the way.
18. Piper painting Hazels nails to a different color every few hours.
19. Reyna brought knitting needles, she teaches Leo and Hazel. Hazel- who picks it up quickly. Leo- who picks it up even faster and is now knitting everyone a sweater.
20. Will and Nico falling asleep (Nico on top of Will) and Jason throwing a blanket on top of them.
21. Jason finally re-signs his driver seat to Reyna.
22. Piper, Jason and Percy playing eye spy.
23. Will and Nico playing 'punch buggy' but instead of a punch it's Will kissing Nico on the cheek everytime they see a blue car (upon Percy's request).
24. When they stop at a gas station, Leo bought all the snack he could find (Nico's credit card was used)
25. Backstreet boys comes playing and Percy, Leo, Will are all jamming out.
26. Taylor Swift starts playing and all of them are screaming the words out.
27. Hazel and Nico pointing at different clouds and telling which animal they look like.
28. When Will finally gets to ride in shotgun, Reyna is on the driver's seat. It's slightly tense, but they both instantly warm up to each other (they are talking about each other's camps)
25. Annabeth and Leo taking pictures of any beautiful building they see along the way. Then discussing it's design.
26. Percy and Will will definitely vibe the entire ride, idk how. They just will. (So many Wills in one sentence.)
27. When Percy finally gets to ride in the driver's seat, Annabeth (who's holding his hand) is beside him fast asleep same with everyone else in the van; Leo and Frank slouching against each other, Hazel falling asleep on Nico's shoulder while Will takes the other shoulder, Piper's head on Jason's lap while her legs are propped up on Reyna's. It's sunset and everything is just so tender. Then Percy's crying eueue.
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urbanqhoul · 4 months
Hi, so I don't know much about your characters and I'm too nervous to get off anon, but the Why are you familiar animation with angel and whimsy gives me such feelings???
Everything about it is so perfect and I felt such nostalgia for something. Like I don't even know what I'm nostalgic for but the idea of intense longing just popped into my head when I saw the clip. Like I'm missing something I've never even known?
The slightly unsettling music, the grain, the glitchy eye in the cloud, the deceptively cutesy art style, background style that reminds me of old children's books, the way the sun turns, the slight blurring of the lines; It's all so well done! Your style of spooky hits just the right amount of mystery and foreboding and I am so here for it.
Every one of your animations with whimsy gives me such joy to see and I just wanted to take some time to thank you for bringing them into the world. It's been a joy to see your art develop over time <3
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