#jungkoon fanfiction
insfiringyou · 2 years
BTS - Waiting Room (Jungkook x Young-soon)
Set some time after ‘Arborglyph’, Young-soon waits expectantly after sending a voicemail message to Jungkook who is away for the weekend. 
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook & our full masterlist of fanart and fanfictions can be found here
If you wish to follow all member’s storylines in chronological order from the beginning, you can find them listed here.
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Rated content below the cut
The plastic chair was really uncomfortable against her backside and she shuffled, a frown fixed on her face. On the opposite side of the room, the woman across from her gave her a cautionary glance, her own hands folded patiently on her lap. She herself wasn’t feeling so patient and her eyes flickered involuntarily to the door in the corner, where the previous appointment was undoubtedly running over. She hated waiting, that was all. Waiting and seeing and overthinking. It occurred to her, not for the first time this afternoon, that if she hadn’t waited so long in the first place, she wouldn’t be in this situation. Well…that wasn’t necessarily true. She knew deep down, past the intrinsically logical, rational, pragmatic part of her brain that there was at least a strong chance she’d be in this waiting room. Perhaps not now; now she’d rather be nursing a hot cup of tea in bed, watching reruns of Thirty Nine. Though maybe tea was out of the question. She paused, almost laughing, as though that was the worst of her problems. She might have to switch to decaf. Her expression must have changed, because the woman shot her another glance. Young-soon returned the look politely, almost apologetically, though she didn’t know what was so interesting. Either she had grown a third head in the past thirty minutes, or the woman was just plain rude. She wondered, vaguely, what the woman was doing here. She was older, at least fifty or sixty, and while she hated to judge, she doubted it was the same kind of appointment she was keeping. Perhaps a prolapse. That would explain the sour expression. 
Anxiously she checked her watch and was amazed to find only three minutes had passed since her last check. How on Earth could that be? She considered dialling again, though the signs on the wall forbade it, instead directing the patient to the nearest cell phone zone. The walk suddenly seemed like an unnecessary trip; one that might cost her the appointment, and she had been lucky to be seen on the same day. If it weren’t such a pressing situation, she was told, she would have been invited back in three weeks for another screening. But, needs must, and jumping the queue on this occasion was to be forgiven by all accounts. 
The clock above the reception desk, just visible from her position on the mother-of-all-hard-chairs, was two minutes fast. The place had a sterile, clinical smell she associated with dentists and the thought alone was almost enough to set her fillings on edge. She had hated the dentist as a child; had refused to go for years until a cavity forced that little boycott away and she had skulked, tail between her legs, to get it fixed. It had all turned out fine. The dentist had given her a sticker at the end and her parents had taken her to Pizza Hut. 
The thought of pizza now was enough to make her want to throw up. The upchucking had been part of what drove her to the GP in the first place. She thought she might be lactose intolerant. Now, the memory only made her breasts feel slightly sore. She would be making enough of that, soon enough, she figured. It was almost enough to make her laugh, or cry. She had all but eliminated dairy from her diet, though the sickness had remained. And she’d gained almost 3 Kilograms. That she’d blamed on her cycle, which had been off for the past year, though her almost-monthly bouts of PMS had been shockingly regular. In the end, it all came down to the little discovery the nurse had made during the internal check. Her coil had slipped, that was all. Her coil had slipped, probably during a pretty heavy routine pounding; though the nurse had not said as much, and the resulting cramps and irregularity had not been picked up on by her, primarily because that was to be expected. That was just part of being a woman. Her periods had always been a little on the heavier side; her mom had told her it ran in the family. Her first period, slightly premature at eleven, had been a blood bath. It made her think of that Stephen King movie with the twins, though she had seen that much later, of course. Jungkook had watched the scene from behind webbed fingers, a nervous smile fixed on his face; watching her reaction more than anything. And now she was having twins of her own. Life works in mysterious ways.
The doctor had been understanding, though vaguely distant, as though she were wasting her time. It wasn’t until she mentioned the periods the alarm bells sounded and something in the older woman’s expression changed. The test had quickly followed and an emergency ultrasound was arranged which confirmed the diagnosis, along with the second shocker of the day. It wasn’t even midday yet. The follow up, swiftly booked for three o’clock, was to decide what came next. The doctor had years of experience, including with twins and such pregnancies as hers, she had been reassured, and would advise on whether the device…the little, pesky device which had gotten her into trouble in the first place…was to stay or go. But ultimately, there were risks both ways and the final decision would come down to her. As though she were qualified to make that decision…
She hadn’t broken down then or after. It was all still too crazy for her mind to process. She imagined that would come later, and when it finally did, there would be no stopping it. Hopefully by then, this first part would all be over. She’d be at home. Tea or no tea; caffeinated or decaf, and she might or might not watch Thirty Nine. She’d seen it already, but liked Kim Ji-hyun. Either way, there would certainly be a duvet involved and once her sickness was under control, she was going to drink a big fat glass of milk. Maybe two. Unless that was banned too. She remembered reading an article once about soft cheese, though hadn’t paid much attention. Articles on pregnancy had always been Ha-yoon’s thing. She herself had never been more than vaguely interested. Motherhood wasn’t on the cards until she was much older. Maybe married. Certainly more prepared. Though, wasn’t she older now? Sometimes she forgot that she was closer to forty than thirty, at least if she based it on Korean age. Internationally, she was perfectly balanced between those two milestones. Maybe if she’d paid more attention to those articles, read so often by Ha-yoon in the breakroom at her old job, she’d have figured out her predicament well before the onset of her second trimester which, she was told, was in as little as two weeks. She had only a basic understanding of the trimesters, their significance and meanings only just making themselves known to her.
The ultrasound had been uncomfortable, though not as bad as the fullness of her bladder, which she hadn’t relieved since this morning. Perhaps naively, she had asked whether they could determine the gender of the baby, now it seemed certain that was what she was having. The nurse had smiled and shook her head, though the news that followed-the one about the “double dose of trouble”- had been enough to shake all thoughts of gender out of her head. Now, her only thought had been to call her mom, and she almost had, on the short walk from the maternity ward to Obs and Gynae. That basic, almost childlike instinct to sob and ask what she should do was overwhelming, but she held off long enough to realise it was not her mother she should be calling. Instead, she found one of those mythical cell phone zones, always advertised but rarely seen, in the hospital corridor and called Jungkook. He was away for the weekend in Seoul, visiting friends, and it had gone straight to voicemail which was just as well. She didn’t know what she would have told him over the phone anyway. Instead, she left a message, checking he was well and adding for him to remember to update his driving licence photo while he was in town. Cautiously, almost ashamedly, she hung up and continued her journey, only making it to the stairwell at the end of the hall before backtracking and removing her phone from her purse once more. 
“Me again…” She murmured, surprising herself by sounding almost cheerful. There was a long pause before her voice finally broke, just a wibble, but she knew he would notice nonetheless. “Do you think perhaps you could end the trip a little early?” She asked, the  phone clutched tightly to her ear. “Something came up…” Apprehensively, she gave the address of the hospital, letting him know the department, before hanging up. He’d probably have to Naver it, but she doubted he would put two and two together until he got here. She remembered him telling her once that Yoongi was reading a book about a male gynaecologist from the UK and she had pulled a face. Yoongi didn’t strike her as someone who was all that interested in the inner workings of the female anatomy, though Jungkook had shook his head. “It’s funny…” He had explained with a serious expression. “At least, some of it is.” It occurred to her later that he might be reading it for Jeong-sun, who was now almost qualified. She didn’t know whether the younger woman was interested in obstetrics, but she guessed it was pretty nice of him to take an interest. They had made a series based on the book; she had found it on Netflix one night, though didn’t much fancy the subtitles. Still, it seemed ironic that Yoongi should know more about her own body than her. 
Could she even pinpoint when it had happened? The midwife she had seen after the GP had given her a ballpark date, but even then she could do no more than speculate. Things had been quite frantic recently, their lovemaking alternating quite seamlessly with pure, delicious fucking. She had lost track of the number of orgasms he had given her, and she him. Sometimes coming in twos or threes in one night. And she knew why…they had been unable to avoid the matter now he was slowing down the promotion of his second album, which had been number one for four weeks. He was holding off for her sake, as well as his own, but the inevitable could only wait so long and she accepted this calmly, just as much as she accepted his reluctant anticipation over the matter. It might do him some good, being around other people his age. People who hadn’t had the level of fame or success as he had. It might teach him something, about the world as well as himself. Now, wasn’t this new development just ironic? Just as he was making plans, wrapping things up neatly, almost with a red, oversized ribbon, she had thrown a spoke in the wheel, as the saying went. Two spokes. 
She checked her phone again, wondering if she had any messages, perhaps a missed call, before releasing there was no signal in this part of the hospital. Probably something to do with the MRI machines. Or maybe it was a different type of machine they interfered with. Either way, if she wanted to phone him back, she would have to make her way back to the cell phone zone and a quick check at her mobile clock told her another ten minutes had passed. Her appointment was now well overdue. The woman opposite, growing restless herself, gave another cursing glance and Young-soon silently slipped the phone back in her purse. Perhaps her appointment was just as urgent as her own. Prolapses were no laughing matter. 
It suddenly occurred to her, as her cell phone disappeared back in the pocket of her Birkin, that she hadn’t yet considered how Jungkook might react to the news. At least not fully. Surely that should have been one of her first thoughts, before even, the urge to phone her mother had overcome her. Sweet, reliable Jungkook, who had held equal blame as her faulty IUD in the filling of her womb. Did he have twins in the family? She had never thought to ask him. Her mother’s great-aunt had been a twin, though back then photographs had mostly been in sepia and the separation between the two seemed so large as for it to have never crossed her mind. Not thinking ahead, or at all, seemed to be a talent these days. She was rambling again…
No, she realised. The reason she hadn’t worried over Jungkook’s reaction was because she already knew. It didn’t matter if it had happened now, or five years from now, or five years before. He would be euphoric. She thought any feelings of fear or doubt or incompetence would be crushed like an old can in a pressing machine. They might come back later, once the reality of the situation set in, but she didn’t think so. No, it suddenly seemed to her that Jungkook might have set her up, subconsciously or otherwise, as the future mother of his children from the moment he set eyes on her, behind the reception desk of the shiny, glass PR building in Seoul. Was it vain to think so? Perhaps. But it felt right regardless. If he had knocked her up on their first date, which had included a happy ending for them both, he might have had a harder time pushing back the initial terror of potential fatherhood, but in the end, she thought, he would have done right by her. 
Snapping her out of her thoughts, a young, pretty nurse opened the door to the edge of the room, looking at both women, before fixing her gaze on Young-soon. 
“The doctor is almost ready.” She smiled, sanitising her hands without thinking with the little automated pump by the doorway. “Just give him a few minutes to finish up.”
“Thank you.” Young-soon replied, collecting her purse from the floor and placing it on the lap, where it concealed the tiny, almost nondescript bump beneath her sweater. It could have been the result of the diary-free Kongguksu she had last night. Her appetite had returned with a vengeance by the early evening and she had helped herself to two large servings. Noodles always bloated her, but she knew better. 
The nurse retreated politely, and Young-soon was unable to miss the stabbing look of the patient opposite who had been seated when she arrived. Feeling a little guilty, Young-soon stood up and walked to the other edge of the waiting room, pretending to be interested in the poster on chickenpox; another thing she now had to fear, along with caffeine and soft cheeses. Why was it that everything suddenly wanted to kill her? 
The sound of footsteps coming down the hall made her turn around and this time she fully ignored the loud tutting of the other woman, not caring less if the older woman’s vagina was falling out all over the hard, industrial plastic of the shitty waiting room chairs. Jungkook’s hair fell effortlessly across his forehead in one smooth swoop, a little curly in the front, though he was perspiring a little from the race through the hospital. Other than that, she thought he looked valiant, both older and younger than his twenty-eight years. His eyes were large, both confusion and worry etched in the pupils, and she went to him immediately, touching his bare forearms with her palms, almost caressing the ink which danced there, just beneath the surface of his skin. The tutting grew louder, though he too ignored it. Perhaps it was the visible tattoos that had set her off. 
“Are you okay?” He asked at once, barely taking a moment to catch his breath. “I came as soon as I got your message.” Jungkook broke her gaze for a moment to look around the walls, as though taking in the landscape of this strange, clinical setting. His eyes fell on the poster next to the one where she stood and she followed his gaze, almost flinching when she read the bold headline warning of the dangers of undiagnosed Hepatitis. “Are you sick?” 
She thought for a moment, hands moving along his wrists, finding his palms. They were a little sweaty and it wasn’t until they closed around hers tightly she fully comprehended just how scared he was. His pulse thudded wildly beneath his fingertips, blood pressure through the roof. Maybe it was him who needed the doctor, not her. Perhaps they could give him something to calm him down once the appointment was over; a Xanax to take the edge off. Young-soon realised she hadn’t yet spoken, her growing silence only exasperating his nerves, though she immediately realised why. Having him here, being with him had finally stilled the mixed-up jumble in her brain. She wouldn’t feel the babies kick for another month or two, but her stomach churned pleasantly nonetheless with something that felt different than nerves. Suddenly, she felt as though everything were still, both inside and out. If she had observed any doubts, even for the slightest second, over what she should do, they were gone now. Even the droning, slightly sarcastic inner monologue of her thoughts was silenced as she looked at him. Miraculously, she found herself shaking her head, almost calmly, as she squeezed his palms back gently. 
“No…” She said, unsure exactly, but thinking she might actually be smiling. “I’m not sick. Everything’s going to be okay…”
As Jungkook’s expression slowly eased, her stomach fluttered a little as the words left her, knowing instantly that they were true. In explanation, her hands, still tightly wrapped around his own, lead towards her stomach. His fingertips splayed across her too-small jumper with only the slightest tremor of hesitation, before moving down to caress the small bump there; his frown dissipating as realisation took hold. 
“Really?” He asked, eyes wide. 
Pressing his hand closer, she nodded, closing her eyes for a moment and letting go of the breath which filled her lungs. 
“Really.” She confirmed, unable to hold back her grin as his expression changed, matching her own.
Thank you for reading. To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& Our full masterlist of fics and original art can be found here
& Our masterlist of preferences/most likely to/quizzes and fun stuff is here
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tofuotter · 1 year
Growing apart | JJK
paring: Jeon Jungkoon x reader genre: angst, friends to strangers wordcount: 990 warnings: mentions of sh, toxic friend, this is my first fanfiction pls don't hate on me summary: y/n struggles accepting that Jungkook and her friendship is over, after he became a toxic person
As I grew apart from you, the pain grew. I knew, we had to grow apart. You had different views of life, some which I couldn’t agree with, but that didn’t stop the pain.
You had been there, as I lost my grandmother, dropping everything to be there, as I sobbed, cried out in the pain I had no way to put into words.
You were there the first day I moved to town, helping me feel welcome and safe. I knew, I had you. I knew, you would buy the tape, if my heart was so broken, I needed help taping it back together.
You called me an idiot smiling, as I told you about the newest guys in my life. You were never a competition for them, yet you meant so much more to me. You were the friend, that I needed, as I tried to make my life desirable. You had been such a big help to me, never failing to remember me, when my family failed to do so.
Laughing at the table over your favourite dish of mine, nachos, as you told me about the crazy ex of yours, trying to get you back and you being stupid enough to not cut the ties with her. You were never good at cutting ties, yet you cut ours so easily. Shortly after you did, I needed you for the first time in a while. The guy I had been wanting to depend on, fall in love with, smile with, laugh with, didn’t want the same. I needed you to tell me how to get over this. Someone who would let me cry and be angry. But who was I supposed to turn to? You left. The pain grew. I needed you, but you left. The pain was turning into salty water on my cheeks, as I convinced myself, or rather tried to convince myself, that the tears were for a lost love in my life and not for the friend, I desperately needed right now.
I moved forward. I didn’t need you, I told myself. I was fine without you. I could cry alone. I didn’t need a shoulder for my tears. My sleeves could wipe them away.
I was angry. How could you leave me, so easily. Was I so easy to not love? The reality of the thousands of times you told me otherwise, being a lie, hit me. I never thought you could lie. Yet here I was, crying out from anger, as I realised how unlovable, I was for you. You told me, you needed me. The craving to be needed in someone's life set in. I wasn’t needed. I wasn’t needed or loved anymore.
Another need for you came. Crying out alone, as the breaths became shorter, quicker, more shallow. Fingertips tingling, from lack of oxygen. Throat hurting from the growing lump. Desperately trying to breathe, yet no air came. Lungs hurting. Dizzy head. I needed you. I couldn’t do this. Desperate to end the pain. Afraid to do so. Maybe the pain was what I needed to live again. Pain to restart the feelings, I had lost with you walking out. The 2 am laughs. The cool air feeling refreshing, rather than cold and lonesome. I didn’t need you, I reminded myself. You walked out because of my fear for people with the life ideas, you were growing. I reminded myself, I didn’t need people like the one, you were becoming.
The pain was still growing despite my efforts to convince myself that I had killed it. I was convinced, the pain of the you-shaped hole in my life and the need for that hole to be filled was gone. I knew that logically, I shouldn’t need you or miss you. Your new leaves were toxic to the touch and I shouldn’t want to die from you.
As my fingers hovered over the message, I wanted to send you, I knew, it wasn’t the new, toxic you, I missed. I reminded myself of that, as I deleted the message. I missed the 3 am drunk calls. The messages as you worried. The funny memes. The warm ‘idiot’s from you. The laughs we shared over the dumb things you did. I missed the love you gave, as I drew red lines on my skin.
I smiled at the funny and sad memories. I missed it. Longing for the comfort you gave me. Was it me that made you toxic, I thought every time the wind ruffled through my own leaves. Maybe my own roots had made me toxic? Looking at the empty spot you left. It felt almost as toxic as you. I knew it wasn’t. You were toxic.
The anger growing. Why did you turn toxic? Were you always toxic? Had I just never noticed? I hated the toxic leaves of yours and the spikes they had. They were dark, no light reaching them. I missed the green and yellow lively leaves of yours.
Anger growing, as the tips of my own leaves turned brown, dying. You were to blame, I told myself. You had poisoned me. I was sure. Yet the poison was hate and anger.
The sorrow of you leaving had been buried under the fire feeding my hate for you. Burning me, as I reached in, trying to whatever I was missing. The fire consumed my reaching hands, screaming from the burns, as I reached the buried pain. The flames trying to burn the pages, as I pulled them out. Tears wetting my sleeves, as I realised, I was turning toxic, like you. Reading the happy past on the burned pages. I smiled for the last time as the pages fell into the box of memories. The fire dying. Smiling with tears on my cheeks. The pain, the need for you fading, as you became memories. I didn’t need you. I was okay being alone once again.
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v-hope · 6 years
"You're cute when you're angry"
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 900
Request: "Jk love 47 please"
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“Come on, lazy bum! Only two more blocks” he cheered looking back at you with an amused smile taking over his face.
You crossed your arms, stopping dead in your tracks. “You said that five blocks ago, Jeongguk. Five”.
He rolled his eyes at you and slowed his running down, jogging his way back to where you were standing.
It was fair to say your mood wasn’t the best, and why would it? After being woken up at six in the morning by your exercise addicted boyfriend so you would go out for a morning run, you had all the right to be moody. Okay, maybe you had brought it upon yourself the moment you accepted going with him when he asked you the night before. However, he did not tell you how early he was planning to head out. You were expecting it to be somewhere near 9 or 10 in the morning, after having a good breakfast because you could just not function without food – unlike your handsome boyfriend, you were not a morning person.
And yet here you were. Almost eight in the morning, exhausted as hell, and not one bit of food in your system. So, yes, you were pissed.
“Come on!” he whined, taking your hands in his and lacing your fingers together, starting to playfully swing them. “You seemed fine with it last night” he pouted. He had never said it to you, but having you exercise with him was a big deal to him. He loved exercising and he loved you, so was there anything better than having his girl with him at the same time he did one of the things he enjoyed the most?
“I did, but I do not like being lied to, Jeon Jeongguk” you said coldly, referring to the fact he kept telling you there were only ‘two more blocks’ when he was clearly planning on running more.
He tried to hold his smile so he wouldn’t make you madder than you already were, but he failed miserably. “You’re cute when you’re angry” he admitted, taking advantage of your already intertwined hands and pulling you closer to him.
It was now your turn to roll your eyes, looking up so you wouldn’t lock your eyes with his. Anyway, the crimson colour already covering your cheeks betrayed you, letting him know how much you deep down had liked his words. He always had such a huge effect on you and you couldn’t hide it – even worse, he knew it.
“I’m pretty sure I would look even cuter sitting down on a nice cafe with a muffin in my mouth” your words made a loud laugh escape his lips, and it was then when a smile formed in your lips as well. You just couldn’t resist his laugh, no matter how hard you tried. And you surely could not stay mad at him.
He looked down at you with his cute bunny smile, placing his hands around your waist before softly kissing your lips for a brief moment.
“Okay, let’s make a deal” he proposed, knowing he got your attention the moment your hands were around his neck. “Let’s run five more blocks and–“
“I’m already not liking this” you interrupted him, getting your hands off his shoulders.
“And!” he emphasized, playfully pinching your sides as he laughed, “then I take you for breakfast to that cafe you love so much”.
You cocked one of your eyebrows, pursing your lips as you looked to the side to make it seem like you were deep in thought. “Okay, seems fair” you agreed after a few seconds, nodding your head. “But there’s something else you’re missing” you pushed, making him frown before he got your point.
Sighing, he added: “And I will never again lie to you about how many blocks we’re running”.
“And neither about how early we’re actually going out” he rolled his eyes, defeated.
What he thought was the cutest giggle left your mouth before you effusively pressed your lips all over his face, leaving his lips for the end, earning a giggle from him as well. “Just wake me up past 8 next time and we should be fine, you know deep down I love doing this with you” you reassured him, knowing how important this kind of coupley things were for him.
He pecked your lips once again, squeezing your hand in a way of letting you know how much he appreciated that.
“Okay, let’s go” you got away from him, combing your hair in a new ponytail before you started jogging, “the faster we run those blocks, the sooner I will be eating my well deserved muffin” you informed as you went ahead of him.
Jeongguk shook his head, smiling at your jogging figure getting further from him. “You’ll have to run for it, gorgeous” he teased as he passed by you, instantly speeding up and leaving you behind. Of course the competitive little bastard was going to turn it into a competition.
Speeding up as well, you tried to catch him up, so amused by the whole situation and determined to run faster than him that you forgot why you were even mad on the first place.
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me
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Chapter 1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10: Torture - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Reader X Jungkook
Mental Hospital AU
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER.
Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all.
Chapter 1: Second Time?:
        “The Ambulance is on its way,” your foster mother sighs as she sits down in front of you.
        You look out the window of the living room, your body shaking as you hold the blood stained towel to your arms. The expressionless look on your face tells her you’re either not paying attention or you don’t really care.
        “Hunny, this is the second time this week you’ve done this.” She looks at you with worry.
         You don’t even glance her way making her sigh again. ‘Second time this week? What is she talking about?’
        She stares at you when suddenly she yells out in frustration, startling you. “Why do you do this, Y/N?! You always act like you’re not ever here! Like your mind is somewhere else and then you go and do something like this! Don’t you think that after every other foster family passed you off, you would have stopped by now?!”
        You stare at her wide-eyed, but continued to stay silent. Why argue with someone you weren’t even sure was real? Your head turns back to the window, making your foster mother throw her hands up in defeat. You hear in the distance the sirens from the ambulance. Suddenly your vision starts to turn black as your consciousness fades.
        You start to regain consciousness. Loud sirens go off as you are jostled around. You try to look around and figure out where you are.
        “Ahhh, there she is! Thought we lost you for a second,” says the front driver as he gives a smile in your direction.
        “W-what?” you stutter, completely confused. You lazily look around trying to refocus your vision. You are able to make out a bunch of medical equipment and you feel yourself strapped to a gurney.
        “Yeah, you lost a lot of blood back there. But, luckily we were able to control the bleeding and you should be alright,” says the driver, as he stays focused on the road.
        The other man in the passenger side leans in to whisper to the driver, “Dude, this is the second time this week.”
        ‘Second time this week? What do they mean?’ You blankly stare outside the window of the rig. You’re not sure what to think, there are no other words on your mind. However, you start to slowly doze off.
         Time passes. You wake up to the noise of beeping machines around you. You shift your heavy body to sit up and see where you are. ‘The hospital? Why am I here?’
        You see a man and a woman talking to a doctor outside the doorway of your room. Disappointment filled their eyes as the doctor walks away. They quickly enter your room and the woman gets uncomfortably close to your face.
        “Seriously, Y/N? This is the second time this week, let alone how many times this MONTH! You realize how much of an inconvenience you’ve been?” says the angry woman. ‘Who is she and why is she so close to my face? Are they…Are they my parents?’
        The woman sighs and crosses her arms, taking a step back. “Stop giving me that look! You look really stupid right now. You know what, I’m done. There’s a reason why you’ve bounced around so much in the foster system. I can’t do this anymore.” With those words she storms out of the room. The man that was with her looks at you with sadness and follows suit.
        ‘Well, that was interesting’. Confused by her statement you cock your head. Just then the same doctor as before comes into the room. “Hi there, my name is Dr. Samuels. I am going to ask you a series of questions and then we’ll go from there. Is that okay?” You give the man a small nod.
        “Good. Do you know where you are?” You nod your head, not speaking, although your eyes wander.
        “Do you know why you’re here?” You start to nod, but you end up shaking your head fairly hard and start to clench your eyes closed.
        “Y/N, you attempted suicide. You had cut your wrists pretty badly. It seems like you knew what you were doing with the way you cut. You also left a note for your foster parents.” You start to nervously scratch your neck and with your other hand you clench the railing of the cart, not making eye contact with the doctor.
        He notices the beginnings of an anxiety attack, but continues anyway, “based on your history of suicide attempts, chronic depression, bipolar behavior, derealization disorder and dissociative amnesia, I had recommended to your foster parents that it would be wise to put you in an inpatient facility to get you back up on your feet. We’re working on you getting processed right now. The psychologist will be coming in to talk to you soon. It’s going to be alright, Y/N.”
        Your face shows no sign of life as you slump into the stiff mattress. ‘Who am I? Who are these people? Attempted suicide? I don’t understand! I can’t remember a damn thing!’
        You start to scream and thrash. “NO! NO! NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE! AHHHHHH!” Nurses immediately rush to your side and try to hold you down. The doctor quickly hands over a syringe to the nurse and orders for you to be sedated. Though you fight them, you feel the pinch in your arm and the room around you starts to fade away into darkness.
        Once again you slowly come to, but this time you’re in a wheelchair. You try to move your arms and legs, but they’re tightly strapped in. You sigh in defeat, clearly not getting anywhere. You look up to notice a very unusually happy woman.
        “Hi there! Welcome to one of the best behavioral facilities in the nation: ‘Be Free Behavioral’.” The woman speaking to you is quirky and extremely smiley. It actually annoys you and slightly creeps you out. You just give her a grim facial expression as she continues to talk to you.
        “At ‘Be Free Behavioral’, we encourage all of our patients to freely express themselves during the process of healing. Hence our name, ‘Be Free’, hehe, get it?” She says with an intense smile.
        “Yeah, I don’t feel like I’m ‘free’ here,” you raise a brow as you look down at your restraints.
        “Haha! You’re so funny! C’mon now, it’s time for proper introductions!” The lady pushes you into the lounge where you’re surrounded by several other patients. Your hands clench the arm rests of the wheelchair as your eyes rapidly survey the room. You try to relax your breathing. You are not usually around this many people at once.
        “Alright everyone! We have a newbie here with us today! Hehe. Let’s all go around the room and state our names. Remember, no last names!” This lady is way too perky for your liking. “Let’s start from the left side of the room and work our way around. Shall we?” She motions to a cluster of seven good-looking men.
        Something about their presence makes you feel at ease. Your eyes move to the first one.
        “Hi, I’m Rap Monster, ah I mean Namjoon, haha. You can call me either name!” the purple-haired boy cracks a sweet smile. His dimples make you blush.
        “Ah, I’m Yoongi, but everyone calls me Suga. It’s nice to meet you,” his eyes smile, though his face remains fairly expressionless. His skin was ivory soft, and it paired well with the black hair with blue highlights.
        The next boy with light brown hair with salmon pink highlights butts in with a lot of energy, “Hi! I’m so happy to meet you. My name is Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi. I hope we can be good friends!” The very smiley boy was full of life, but that didn’t turn you away. Actually his demeanor made you feel more light-hearted.
        Next up was this cocky boy with darker brown hair. “And my name is Jin! I’m the good-looking one of the bunch. I’m really the only one you should try to remember, HA, HA, HA!” ‘Wow, this boy really cut to the chase about how he feels about himself’. His introduction makes you giggle. You also notice the others shake their heads and roll their eyes.
        “Jin, you ruin everything. Ah, my name is Jimin! I hope we make you feel more welcomed here,” he smiles and puts up a peace sign. It was very adorable.
        Coming down to the last few of the group, a light brown-haired boy speaks next. His voice is a bit deeper like the first two, “Hi, uh, my name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae or even V. That’s what my hyung’s and dongsaeng call me.” He smiles more so with his lips without baring his teeth. His smile was sweet and comforting.
        Finally, it was the last boy to say his name. All of a sudden he became really reserved and shy. He didn’t even look at you when he says his name in a low whisper, “J-jungkook. That’s my name.” He hides behind Taehyung like a little boy. Your lips crack a smile for the first time since you arrived and chuckle at his cuteness. ‘He must not be too familiar with talking to girls’.
        There were others sounding off their names, but you don’t hear the rest because you’re so focused on the first seven boys. They stood out more to you out of everyone else here. Your memory is still foggy, you still don’t understand the events that lead you to be in this situation. You barely even knew who you were, who your parents were, or anything really. But even with all of that, those boys seem to have welcomed you with no issues, making you feel slightly more at ease.
        The overly happy woman claps her hands. “Wonderful! Now, why don’t you tell everyone your name and a little bit about yourself,” she motions to you.
       At first you weren’t really sure what to say. You bite your lip and start to tap nervously on the armrest. “I-I…I don’t know who I am…Can you tell me?”
        The lady nervously laughs, “Why, you’re Y/N, of course!” a bell dings as the clock turns two, interrupting the woman. “Well, will you look at that? Everyone, it’s free time! Please ‘be free’ and productive! Hehe.” She finally exits the lounge. ‘Jeez, how annoying can you possibly be.’
        The seven boys slowly gather around you, making you nervous. Rap Monster notices and gives a small comforting smile. He proceeds to speak calmly, “the restraints are only temporary. If you at least show that you’re on good behavior, they’ll eventually give you more autonomy.” Again he smiles. ‘Ah! Those dimples!’
        You let out a small peep and say, “I don’t… know why I’m here…” your eyes start to water up, suddenly a hand reaches out to touch yours, making you flinch slightly. It was Suga, though his face still remains expressionless. He looks off into the distance, but says to you, “don’t worry, everyone needs someone, right? We’re here for you. They call us seven the Bulletproof Boy Scouts”.
        All around you the boys smile in agreement, even Jungkook, who is still hiding behind V, smiles without looking directly at you.
        “Everyone, it’s time for medication. Please head over to the nurse’s station for your timely medications. No exceptions.” A man says, standing down the hallway at a distance. He wore a white coat and was jotting down notes on his clipboard. He was very stern and authoritative. ‘Why do I get this terrible vibe from him?’
        “W-who is he?” you whisper to the boys.
        Rap Monster lets out a shaky breath and swallows the lump in his throat, “that is Dr. Seung Ho Choi. The founder of Be Free Behavioral.”
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callalilyy · 5 years
Updated 12/28/19
💔 angst
What kind of yandere they would be🖤
You teasing them with kisses💕
Being Cuddle buddies💕
You playing off them confessing to you🖤
You letting go of their hand💕
Reaction to you hitting them 🖤
Reaction to their family not liking you 🖤
You sing for them 🖤
Finding out their s/o is obsessed with them 🖤
They have a nightmare about you dying 🖤
Waking up early on Christmas morning💕
Helping you take down your box braids💕
You begin to show them affection 💕
Talking about you 🖤
Picking you up from the police station 🖤
You say you hate him 🖤
You become spoiled 🖤
You’re sick 💕
You’re needy 💋
You get hit on while you’re together🖤
You have a panic attack because of them 🖤
Lost twin 🖤
You refuse them b/c you’re mad - Hyung line - Maknae line
You’re insecure about your stretch marks(black girl)🖤
You apologize to them wearing lingerie -Maknae line💋
After they kidnap you🖤
BTS as weather 💕
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Just a dream💕
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Say Cheese💕
Do you really think you can get away from me? 🖤
Marks 🖤
If you leave me I’ll die 🖤
Runaway  🖤
Beg for it 💋
You’re not leaving me 🖤
Cake 💕
I’ve missed you 💕
Break up 🖤
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Dont test me : Part 1   Part 2   Part 3  Part 4🖤
He’s sick 🖤
You want to go clubbing 🖤
Tantrum 1 - Part 2 🖤
Sunshine 💕
Unaccomplished 1 2 💔
The Secretary 🖤
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I’m Afraid   💕 💔
Mine 🖤
I hate it💋
Brat 💋
Lies 🖤
For your protection 🖤
Work 🖤
I hate you 💋
Impatient  🖤 💕
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Sleep Now💕
Do you really think you can get away from me? 🖤
Friends 💕 🖤
I miss you💕
Perfect Day💕
Awake 💕
Alone Time 🖤
Ungrateful 🖤
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It’s not my fault : Part 1 Part 2🖤
 i need you  🖤
If you leave me I’ll die  🖤
Be Gentle  🖤
I’m nothing 1 - Part 2  🖤
My Girl  Part 2 Taehyung vs. Jimin  🖤
Video Games 💋
Jealous  🖤
Hurt  🖤
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Bite  🖤
You Will  🖤
Fire  🖤
I could kill you: Part 1 Part 2  🖤
Cologne  🖤
My Girl  Part 2 Taehyung vs. Jimin  🖤
You want to go clubbing  🖤
“I want it, I got it”  🖤
Sneaky girl  🖤
Professor Kim💋
The Reporter💋
Poison  🖤
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Too Bad: Part 1  Part 2 🖤
Gone  🖤
Gym  🖤
Love me 🖤
Until I Bleed   🖤
Be Gentle 🖤
Tell me  🖤
Not your fault  🖤
Hiding : Part 1 Part 2  🖤
Nothing wrong💕
Proud of you💕
Allowance  🖤
Tour 🖤 
Arrested 🖤
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Addicted - Jungkoon Fanfiction: 🖤 💕
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Releasing Mono💕
The night before he leaves for tour 💔
Yoongi won’t let you drink coffee anymore 💕
You think Yoongi is with someone else💕
Jealous of you spending time with Jimin  🖤
Jimin S/O wanting matching hair colors💕
You accidentally send him a sexy picture while drunk 💕
Come to bed  💕
I thought you didn’t like cats💕
You're jealous of their new friendship💕
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Just Friends - Seokjin - Yoongi - Hoseok - Namjoon - Jimin - Taehyung - Jungkook- pt 2 💕 💔
Yandere Profiles - Seokjin - Yoongi - Hoseok - Namjoon - Jimin - Taehyung - Jungkook  🖤
Magic Shop ( Short Story ) - 1  2  3  4  5  💕
664 notes · View notes