#joining community
diornies · 2 months
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some of my zutara sketches from twitter!
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diamondsheep · 9 months
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East Blue Crew ✨ !!!
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pseudophan · 11 days
a heartfelt community project in your honour
hello dan and phil :) i just thought i'd let you know that since you refuse to stop using the word "phan" constantly and clearly love it so much, we here on tumblr did you a solid and banded together to get #phan back on the top ships list! i know, i know, no need to thank us.
for many years we ruled this website and could always count on seeing #phan high up on the weekly top 20 ship lists, not to mention the coveted end of the year top 100. eventually, however, everyone got older and times changed and most people decided #phan was cringe, it was inappropriate, and for the past half decade or so you've lost the throne that was once so rightfully yours
and so, like the do-gooders we always have been, we've collectively agreed to start tagging phan again, to earn back your spot among the all-time tumblr greats, and i am THRILLED to announce you have now been back on the list for eight weeks in a row!
you even beat destiel one week, congratulations! we are sure this will bring you joy, you are welcome.
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loversgothic · 4 months
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you're the star of the show now, baby
inspired by robert wun's haute couture s/s 2024 collection
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birthday !!!!!!
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kaidiaisamazing · 2 months
starting a shifting chain cause im bored. So fellow shifters what your reasons for shifting.
me it’s so i can entirely be myself and have freedom
@xandershifts @theshifterbear @sshifting777
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hipsternumbertwo · 10 days
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The Bystander Saga continues...
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prettyysavagee · 1 month
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Play with me 😈
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Augh, it was so warm in my bedchambers last night. I should have asked a pair off needy musk sluts to join me. While I’d fuck one, I’d have the other one lick the sweat of my body and sniff me so that my sheets are only ruined by the drool and cum of the first. Then, I’d let them switch roles so they both get to be filled and get to taste and smell my delicious sweaty body.
Wow, the more I look at this photo the more I realize just how sweaty I got. This was just from my lower back. I can’t imagine the collection of stenches and tastes that are all over my gock and balls by now. Hmm, maybe it’s not too late to have a dirty slut lick me clean. Any takers?
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chaotic-carnifex · 1 month
Today's aro mood is the sheer fucking relief of becoming aromantic
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pixelglam · 9 months
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fall in the english countryside, a lookbook by Amelie
Valerie loves spending fall in henford on bagley, visiting her best friend Anastasia's family, going horseback riding and enjoying the more rural areas of the country during the colder months.
hair | top | pants | boots
hair | cap | vest | pants | boots
hair | blazer | pants | boots *gloves from horse ranch*
hair | watch | sweater | pants | boots
credit @madlensims @sentate @joliebean @serenity-cc @caio-cc @rustys-cc @saurusness @nolan-sims
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skywardmajora · 4 months
anyone wanna see what i made
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spoilers under the cut
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science-lings · 3 months
AU where Phoenix is a drama teacher and Edgeworth is an English teacher and they’re both really weird about Shakespeare
drama teacher!Phoenix and dance teacher! Edgeworth have to work together for a high school play without trying to kill each other (it gets real fuckin close)
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systememergency · 11 months
OSDDID community, please remember that, yes, most cases of DID are covert, but not all cases. I am an overt DID system, my alters act extremely different from me and this has repeatedly caused me issues throughout my whole life. It has made navigating this disorder extremely difficult for me and has made people other me a lot. People have almost called emergency services on me for how differently I start acting when certain alters front. I physically cannot hide my symptoms. My symptoms have always been pointed out by others and I was very much estranged from and bullied by people around me for it. Even teachers would badger me over my symptoms.
It gets really tiring and demotivating seeing people saying over and over that "DID is covert," "DID is hidden," "DID never makes itself known" when all my life my DID has been overt, has never been hidden, and has made itself known. It makes me feel like my existence is inconvenient to address because people want to feel better about their experiences. But what about my experiences? It makes me feel isolated from the community because people are constantly saying that my experience is not real which has driven me further and further away from OSDDID communities because there's such scorn for the idea that overt systems do exist.
You can absolutely acknowledge that OSDDID most of the time is covert and not spotted by others. A lot of people do end up figuring out symptoms purely on their own and others doubt their symptoms because they are not obvious enough, and that sucks. But please do not then assume your experience is the only one and that overt systems are some made up concept or that OSDDID is inherently covert. We do exist and we need a place within the community as well
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caslutz · 3 months
[The Diamond Dogs discussing how to get Jamie back to his full potential as a player]
Roy: Count me out.
Ted: We can’t count you out. Jamie listens to you.
Roy: He also listens to the Barenaked Ladies. Go get their dumb arses to help you.
*Everyone gasps*
Higgins: Back it up.
Ted: Okay, Roy. You are clearly in a bad space today, but Jamie is one of our best players, and the Barenaked Ladies are triple platinum. Are you?
Roy: Why does everyone leap to defend that band so aggressively? And how much stuff do we have to go through before my coaching stops being questioned?
Nate: Maybe coaching together is about going through a lot of stuff. And maybe BNL has two Billboard Awards to your zero.
Roy: Oh, they're "BNL" now? We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies. That's how fundamental they are. You know what Jamie probably needs more than anything? Some space. Maybe I do too.
Beard: Maybe we all need some space to pull the knife out of the back of the most celebrated Canadian alt-rock band of the mid-'90s, you selfish, jaded ass.
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crystaltoa · 3 months
Thought experiment: In an alternate universe where Bionicle recently got a wildly popular reboot and now has a MASSIVE following on Tumblr...
...What's the most annoying thing that the fans are doing?
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