#john carver/reader
fingersinmyhair · 5 months
John attacking his S/O in their house. Maybe to distract people from thinking he's the killer 👀👀👀 then comforting them after the fact
(( thank you so much for the request!!! i hope you enjoy, i sure enjoyed the thrill of this one :3 You ran through the living room and up the stairs, ignoring the sound of heavy footsteps following you swiftly. If you slowed down, if you got within reach, he'd kill you. It'd be over, just like that.
You stumbled on the last step and he stood over you, dragging you by your feet and swinging his axe at your head, just missing and getting the floor above your shoulder. You screamed and kicked him in the stomach, scurrying away and scrambling to your feet, locking yourself in your bedroom and lunging for the phone on the side table.
There was no dial tone. Fuck. He cut the phone lines.
You screamed as he began to chop down the door, kicking it in a spotting you in no time. You cowered in the corner, holding your hands up with nowhere to go. This was it. It was over for you.
The door kicked in downstairs and you heard police shouting. When you opened your eyes, the man and his axe were gone through a window and police were storming upstairs to check on you.
When Eric got home half an hour later, stuck in traffic after going to the next town over to do some last minute shopping for your birthday, not wanting anybody or anything to ruin the surprise, he rushed into the house, pushing past cops and getting to you quickly.
"Move! Move, I need to get to them," he urged, hands finding your shoulders when he got to you, fingers pushing up to hold your face and comfort you.
"I've been calling you for nearly an hour, baby, what happened?" he asked, voice low and confused, but just for you. It made the tension in your shoulders melt away, tears brimming your eyes.
"He- He was here. John Carver got in and he almost killed me, Eric," you explained, voice shaking. His fingers pushed into your hair and he pulled your head forward, kissing your forehead.
"I want every man on this," he said, turning to the police in the room, demanding justice even on his only day off. You buried your face in his neck and he waved everyone out of the room, pulling you close and keeping you there.
"Sweet thing, I'll take care of you. I'll always take care of you."
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littlenightma · 5 months
Hello. Could you write more about Sheriff Eric Newlon (if he's dark or yandere it would be great.) Your article about him was great.
Yandere!Eric Newlon Headcanons
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• Eric comes off as a normal guy. Always has a smile on his face, greets everyone with warmth and is always there when someone needs him. His dazzling charm sucked you in. No one could have ever seen the darkness brewing beneath the surface of his nice guy facade.
• Eric thrives off of protecting you. He loves the way you curl into him with his coat wrapped around you as you two walk down the sidewalk or when you tighten your hold on his hand when you pass a group of unfamiliar people. You have no idea the lengths he would go to in order to keep you safe.
• No idea.
• And damn it what kind of man would he be if he allowed you to wander the world without him, alone, naive to the dangers that were lurking around every corner.
• Eric isn’t just in love with you. He’s obsessed with you. Everything about you Eric thinks about every waking hour of the day from your twinkling eyes, your gorgeous hair, down to your luscious body. He’s practically itching to get off his shift so he can drive home to find you curled up on the couch waiting for him.
• He has access to everyone’s files at the station, including yours. Especially yours. He keeps a copy locked in his desk drawer, tucked safe and sound, where he can pull it out whenever he wants to. All of the info he could ever want to know is right there within arm’s reach.
• He knew which cafés you preferred, which stores you liked shopping at, and where you got your car maintenaced. He knew everything about you before you even knew his name.
• You didn’t actually believe running into him as much as you did was all due to chance, did you? Silly one, you should know by now when it comes to Eric, nothing is ever just a coincidence.
• He pulls it out when he’s having a particularly bad day in order to run his thumb across the picture he took of you while you were out shopping with your friends. You’d stayed out longer than usual so he felt the need to check up on you and he got so enthralled by your beauty that he just had to snap a photo to remember the moment forever.
• You start noticing Eric’s paranoia emerge the longer you two are together and the more his feelings for you grow. At first, he comes as extremely protective, but then it progresses into something more darker, more…possessive.
• When he comes home to find you not there, he checks his phone. To his dismay there is no text and he becomes scared thinking that you were hurt. Call after call there is still no answer. Eric rarely shows himself so when you come home in the middle of his breakdown he is instantly in your face asking you question after question not letting you answer the first one. He chides you about not informing him of your whereabouts and berates you about who exactly you were with.
• You brush it off, believing it to be a symptom of being a cop for so long. You explain that you had to stay back at work to put finishing touches on a project and this seems to calm him some. He pulls you into a hug.
• “I’m sorry I acted like that, baby. I just get so scared when I don’t know where you are.”
• Puts a tracking app in your phone and on your car without you knowing. He can’t allow that to happen again. What if you had been hurt and what if he didn’t reach you in time? He can’t risk it.
• Black Friday shopping was always off limits to you, but when your friends invited you to go with last minute you decided to go. Eric had been constantly hovering and you yearned for space.
• What a stupid decision on your part.
• Eric is livid. He’s like a bull ready to charge as he’s driving out to find you. When he does, he is suspiciously calm. He asks you to come with him and you do and on the way home you apologize but he doesn’t say anything. His eyes are trained on the road. Inside the house though it’s like a matador had finally raised their red flag.
• He’s roaring. “I fucking told you not to be out on Black Friday! Why can’t you listen to me?! I’ve lost so much. So many people. I can’t lose you. I won’t lose you!”
• “Eric, you can’t expect me to stay home when everyone’s out shopping.”
• And then he snaps. He yanks your hair, his handsome face dangerously close to yours. “Don’t fucking do it again or I swear to God you’ll regret it.”
• And the worst part is that no one would ever believe that highly adorned and doting Eric Newlon would ever do something so horrible and so vicious.
• You’re stuck with no where to turn. If you leave, he’ll track you down with the plentiful resources he has at his disposal. You are trapped, forever his.
NSFW 18+
• You have pushed Eric past his limit. You are tied to the dining room table, legs spread and mouth gagged. He has presented you like an oven-baked turkey and he can’t wait to take a bite out of you. He runs his cock over your slick opening teasingly, preparing you to get basted by his cock.
• “You really don’t know what you do to me, do you? After everything I have done for you, all the love I have ever given and you still want to leave me.
• He thrusts exactly three times. “So. Very. Ungrateful.”
• You moan against your gag. Your body is betraying you. It accepts him with open arms, like he was meant to be inside you. You tried so hard to get away from him, but he always managed to reel you back in.
• Eric sees the turmoil on your face, sees the fight you’re having with yourself. With every snap of his hips he knows he’s closer to breaking you down and he’s desperate to do it.
• He pours cranberry sauce on your chest, letting it dye your chest maroon. He rubs the sticky liquid over your body and it looks like blood. Your blood.
• “I could fake your death so easily, you know. Then lock you up and keep you all to myself. No one would come looking for you. Or I could always find someone else who will appreciate my efforts.”
• You fight your binds, not liking that he was talking about someone else while he was rearranging your guts.
• “Ah, so you do care. What is it, dear? Want me all for yourself then?”
• Crawling on top of you, he unknots the gag and kneels over your face. He puts his cock to your mouth. “Why don’t you show me just how grateful you are.”
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alessiathepirate · 4 months
He might be a murderer but he'll never forget to feed your cat.
True husband material<3
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tangerinesgirl · 6 months
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(gif credit to Sony Pictures on tenor. can someone please make some HD GIFs from this movie, I suck at making them 😭)
AFAB!Reader x Sheriff Eric Newlon
Word count: 1.1k
Rating: explicit, 18+, no minors
Warnings: smut, feeding/food play/sitophilia, pregnancy, cream pie, daddy kink, some silly jokes, age gap but reader is legal
Summary: Sheriff Newlon is preparing for the best Thanksgiving yet, you have other plans. Set after the Black Friday Massacre but before the Thanksgiving the following year. Reader uses she/her pronouns.
You were greeted by the smell of sage and onion, cranberries and roasted potatoes before you even walked through the door. Eric liked to be well prepared for Thanksgiving every year, his favourite holiday. This year he wanted it to be the best yet, he had all sorts of new recipes to try, and you weren’t complaining.
As you walked through the door and unwrapped your scarf you heard him summoning you in the kitchen “Babe! Come here, you have got to try this!”
You throw your keys in the ceramic pot with a satisfying clink as you walk into the kitchen. Eric was practically dancing around the kitchen; thanksgiving themed apron and oven mitts on, removing a pot of cranberry sauce off the stove. He removed his mitts and slammed them down on the counter, a very small act but he made it look so hot. His hair disheveled from the heat of the kitchen, he shook his head to remove the stray hair that landed on his forehead.
He grabbed a spoon from the drawer and dipped it into the sauce, he blew on it to cool it down and beckoned for you to try it with a raise of an eyebrow and a look down at the spoon. You take the utensil and lick it clean with a pop. It was unlike any cranberry sauce you have eaten. Usually no one bats an eyelid at the sauce at Thanksgiving dinner, it always tastes the same. But not this one, it was sweet and sour with the perfect amount of umami.
“Holy shit what did you put in it, crack?”, you say, immediately going in for seconds.
“Ah ah no double dipping! And yes I put cocaine in the sauce, pros of my job”. You were pretty sure he was joking, but it was hard to tell the past year, ever since the Black Friday Massacre he was like a totally different person, and you fell for him, hard. You fooled around a lot, but never anything more, but you liked to test the water occasionally, maybe today is one of those days. It was difficult for him to get over Amanda, which was totally valid to you, she was your friend too and you were in this revenge plot together. You knew his plans this year and you both want it to be perfect.
You both were quite the town gossip, people kind of knew something was going on between the two of you, but your age gap of 32 years was extreme for a lot of people. You were perfectly within legal age though, and it was none of their business. You couldn’t help but admit it was kind of a turn on for you though, being a slut, and for the soon to be serial killer. 
The kitchen counters are covered with food, with foil on the top to keep warm, you think he’s been cooking all day while you were at work. You sit down on the kitchen island and admire the sight of him dashing around the kitchen, making sure everything is turned off.
He reaches into a dish of roast potatoes with his hands and puts some stuffing and sauce on the top and holds it out to you. You go in for a bite but he pulls back and smirks. You drag him towards you with his apron, your legs spread embracing him and passionately kiss him, his stubble tickling your face.
He still has the potato in his hand and stuffs it into your mouth between kisses. You put on a show and moan while you eat the best roast potato of your life. You grab his wrist and lick his fingers clean, looking him dead in the eye as you do so. He watches you, deciding his next move.
He walks to the counter and uncovers a whole roast turkey from behind him. You walk over too and watch him carve it, he gives you the first piece. After you eat it, you pull on his hair and whisper in his ear, “I want you to stuff me like that turkey, put a baby in me, or two, just call me a turducken… well, more like a turfucken really”. He laughs, but you see his erection, clearly turned on by feeding you and enjoying yourself.
He suddenly snaps and slams you into the kitchen island, empty pans flying across the room. He kisses you wildly, his hands roaming your body frantically. You remove his apron and his trousers as he removes your underwear from under your dress. He grabs your hands around your back, making you turn around so you’re bending over the island.
He slams inside you, impatient, like a man starved. You moan at the sudden intrusion, he is larger than average and always hurts so good as he reaches to your cervix. He pulls on your hair and you arch your back as he thrusts into you manically, the B word clearly a turn on for him. You cling onto the side of the island for dear life.
He stops and turns you around, kissing and nibbling on your neck. He lifts you up and walks you to the dining room table, and puts you down, facing him. He strokes your belly gently and says, “when I’m finished with you, I want you to stay put and lift your hips up. I can’t wait for you to grow so large and make everyone think you’re pregnant with quadruplets, be the talk of the town and make people on the street talk shit about us. And when I catch them I’ll put them in their place, as I’m the fucking town Sheriff ”, you are taken aback at his commands but god it was so hot, and whisper a “yes daddy”.
"Good girl", he starts pushing inside you again, the table shaking with the weight. He leans on the wall behind you to go even deeper inside you. You’re both close, you could have come at his words alone, so it didn’t take much to send you over the edge. He stops and you keep him inside you, wrapping your legs around his waist. He moans and strains as he unloads inside you, you can feel him releasing stream after stream, there’s a lot and it takes a while for him to stop, some of it leaks onto the table. He gives you some to try on his fingers that still taste of cranberry sauce. He stays inside you a little bit after he finishes, stroking your belly and looking into your eyes. You move a bit further down the table so you can lift your hips quicker as he pulls out of you. He watches you lift your body, nods, and leaves. He comes back later with a towel, some water, and a plate of trimmings to share.
If this is the sex before the John Carver plan, you can't wait for what’s to come next.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Editors note: I was going to include a pigs in blanket joke at the end but it turns out that's only a British thing and not a Thanksgiving food?? You learn something new every day.
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happy74827 · 3 months
He is so fine I can’t—
Song: Give It To Me (Instrumental) — Timbaland
Movie: Thanksgiving
Character: Eric Newlon
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blakeswritingimagines · 5 months
Being Married To Eric Newlon Would Include:
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He doesn't wish to sugarcoat it. Eric as a Yandere would be intense, but very rewarding. He would worship the ground you walk on, shower you in praise, and give you everything you want. The intensity is undeniable, as he would do anything for you, protect you with his life, and take control over many aspects of your life. It wouldn't be a walk in the park, but the dedication and devotion would be undeniable.
To be married to him is nothing short of glorious. Every single day he will shower you with constant admiration, affection, and attention. He will listen to any and all of your thoughts and ideas, allowing you to speak your mind freely, giving you the gift of true connection. He will be devoted to you with every fiber of his being, ensuring your every need and desire is met without hesitation or delay. In return, he asks for nothing more than the loyalty and admiration that only you can provide.
His dedication to you is absolute, complete, and unwavering. He would never consider another partner in the entire universe. His eyes are yours alone, his touch belongs to you alone, his love belongs to you alone. From the smallest acts of kindness to the grandest displays of affection, he will never rest until your heart is content and your spirit is happy. To love you is to adore you, worship you, idolize you. You are his world, his breath, his heart, his everything.
You'll be his and his alone. He'll spoil you rotten with love and affection, but He'll also be possessive, jealous, and obsessive. He'll do everything in his power to make sure you don't leave him or fall for someone else, and he'll keep close tabs on you. If another person tries to make a move on you, he'll intervene quickly and aggressively.
He would also become incredibly clingy. He would need your constant attention, and if you're spending time with anyone else, he would get very jealous. You might even begin to feel smothered by him since he would always want to be with you. He would make it impossible for you to get away from him, and would quickly become codependent.
He'd be extremely possessive and overprotective of you. He'd want to know where you are at all times and what you're doing. If you started distancing yourself from him or showing interest in someone else, he'd get very jealous and possessive. He wouldn't want anyone else to have you and would do anything to keep you his.
He would be extremely obsessive. He would obsess over every aspect of you, and he'd be constantly thinking about you. He'd be obsessed with your every thought and action, and He'd want to know everything about you. He'd be obsessed with the idea of being yours and of keeping you. He'd become almost obsessive in his desire to have you all to himself.
He would make sure you did not know about his dark side. He would be good at hiding the side of him that is a serial killer. He would come across as a loving and caring person, but in reality, he would be an obsessed and possessive psychopath. he would be able to fool you and disguise himself as the perfect sweetheart you had married.
In addition to the qualities already mentioned, he would also be violent and unhinged, willing to go to any length to protect his beloved and ensure that you won't and can't leave. He would also be manipulative and controlling, using his affection to coerce his beloved into staying with him. He would be obsessive, stalking and spying on you, and he would be possessive, never wanting anyone else to have you.
He would be obsessed with you, constantly thinking about you and wanting to be near you. He would be obsessive and possessive, always keeping track of where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with. He would be violent and unhinged, unable to control his feelings and emotions, and willing to harm anyone who threatens his beloved. He would be jealous and possessive, wanting you all to himself.
He would be incredibly jealous of anyone else who tried to be near you. He would be possessive, not wanting his beloved to spend time with other people. He would be manipulative, using his influence and affection to make you stay with him. He would be jealous, constantly thinking about other people trying to take you. He would be overly protective, not allowing anyone to be near you, and he would be possessive, not wanting you to talk to other people.
He'd also probably have a tendency to isolate you from your friends, family, and the outside world. He'd be obsessive and controlling, wanting and needing you for himself. He would likely use any means at his disposal to make sure you don't leave or reject him, including using intimidation, violence, and emotional manipulation when you act out or so he thinks.
As your own personal yandere, he might also be quite temperamental and volatile, prone to violent mood swings and outbursts. He might have a tendency to lash out at you over small things or to punish you for even the slightest perceived infractions.
You could also expect to see a dark side of him later on in the relationship, as his obsessive behavior would extend to all aspects of your relationship. If you were to try and leave or break up with him, he would probably lose control and resort to extreme measures to ensure that you stayed his. He'd be possessive, jealous, and controlling in order to guarantee that no one else could have you but him.
He may be very attentive and protective during the pregnancy, but once the child is born he'd likely become overly jealous and possessive towards the baby. He'd probably be very reluctant to share you with the baby, even if you wanted to bond with it, and might go to extreme measures to ensure that you remain free of it. He also tries to control how you raise the child, wanting them to grow up to be just like him instead of letting you raise them your own way.
He would probably start to feel like he owns you and that you are his property. He would become increasingly possessive and obsessive as time went on, not allowing you to have any autonomy or control over your life. He would start to see himself as the only one who knows what is best for you and would want to control every aspect of your life. He would do everything in his power to keep you isolated and dependent on him, so no one else can take you away.
He would react violently and aggressively if someone was too close or tried to harm you. He would be unhinged and destructive, willing to do anything to protect his beloved. He would be obsessive, not wanting anyone to harm you but believing everyone is trying to. He would be possessive, not allowing others into his sphere of influence. He would be protective, using violence to defend you.
Life together will be filled with lots of passion and intensity. Things may not always be easy between you both, as his obsessive tendencies can often drive a wedge between you, but he'll make sure you will always find your way back to each other. At his core, he just wants to protect you and keep you all to himself. He'll be devoted to making you happy and fulfilling all your needs, whether it's physical, emotional, or anything else you could possibly want. Even though he may be a bit crazy at times, his love for you will always outweigh any issues you face.
If anyone tried to stop him from being with you, he wouldn't think twice about doing whatever it takes to ensure that they are out of his way. He'd use his job as a cover, using it to his advantage, blending in among the crowd as a normal and seemingly nice sheriff, while his dark, obsessive side lurks beneath the surface ready to strike at any given moment.
Just know that being in a relationship with him is going to be like a rollercoaster ride, full of intense emotions and extreme highs and lows. You'll never be bored or lacking attention from him, but you'll also never be able to escape his obsessive tendencies. So, are you ready for a wild ride?
Passionate kissing: He enjoys having passionate and intense kissing sessions with you, especially when there is mutual lip-biting and biting of other body parts.
Breeding: He likes how it ties into a primal and power dynamic and the physical and emotional connections it can create. He enjoys the idea of creating something together with someone, the bond it creates, and the feeling of being connected to another person in such an intimate way.
Spanking: He enjoys the physical sensation, the feeling of dominating you, and the adrenaline rush it provides. He also likes the power dynamic it creates, the control it gives him over your body, and the ability to inflict pleasure and pain on someone simultaneously.
Cock-warming: He likes intimate and tender moments, and that sounds like a delightful and satisfying way to deepen the emotional connection with you.
Public Play: He enjoys the risky and taboo aspect of getting intimate in a public area and the thrill of not being caught.
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whatthesigma69 · 2 months
Someone help
Ive been in the mood to write like every day for the past two weeks but I've had like- no ideas and I don't know who to write Abt😭 I'd gladly take some suggestions
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yeyinde · 1 year
WICKER PYRE | Dragon!Price x Reader
All things considered, you should have expected it. You know better than to make deals with dragons.
WARNINGS: 18+ | light smut—no descriptions of anatomy used for the reader; possessive undertones; dragon trickery; blink and you'll miss it Celtic Dragon mythology and folklore WORD COUNT: 1,5K NOTES: They tempted me with hellfire and pretty imagery, so. Here we are.
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It smells of biochar, pyrolysis. The incendiary heat sparks to life around you; a thick, impenetrable wall of stifling warmth, and you blink through the haze, the heat mirage, that swims in front of your eyes, trying to clear the clouds from your vision. 
It's hot. 
Hellfire. Inferno. Absolute. 
Paradoxically, it edges into dry heat—wildfires: burning forests, charred logs, crumbling charcoal, ashes—but your skin is drenched in sweat; sticky, tacky. Hot springs. Lavascape. 
You're drowning in Phlegethon, hands clawing at molten skin to stay afloat. 
"Shush, shush—"
It's a wheezing rasp. A rumble that rebounds against the carverous, limestone walls and echoes in your ears. The vibrations of it rattle through your chest and dislodge the panic from between your ribs. 
"Easy, now."
Despite the smoked-cured softness of the voice above you, around you, in you, it booms through your marrow; the sudden shift of the plates. A tectonic shockwave that bludgeons into you. 
"Can't—" you start, words a desperate, aching whine. "Can't—John—it's so hot—!"
His answer is a grunt; a rolling, monstrous sound that shivers across your skin. It's easy, with his front pressed against your back, his words hissed into your crown, to forget that he isn't a man. That his body is made of the valleys: carved from chiselled andesite, graphite, and limestone. Coursing through his veins is ichor and brimstone, fed from the burning pyre inside his chest that blooms tuffs of smoke, and reeks of ash. 
He quiets you with another low pur, and feeds the tips of his steel claws into your flesh, anchoring you tight to his body.
And then you hear the fire-painted voice speak from between his nicotine fangs: "I know." 
And you suppose he would. 
Molten blood. Igneous skin. His voice is Pyroclastic: tephra falling from his heaving chest. 
With the exception of his pointed, angular claws, his hands almost look human. Almost. 
But when they grip your hips tight, the skin of his palms feels too thick. Too velveteen. Like the soft underbelly of a reptile.
Those claws hold you steady as he slides the full, burning length of himself into you. The blunt press of his cock splitting you apart, and the rasp of his knuckles, rough with blackened osteoderms protruding from his thick skin, makes you shiver. It feels like sandpaper when it prickles over your flesh. 
You try to gasp but the oxygen in the room is swallowed by the flames. Try to move but his weight on your body is a plutonic ash bed. A prison. 
Jewels and gems nip at your skin when you ramble to find purchase on the treasure trove of his nest, to find something to hold onto while your body is slowly consumed by the unrelenting heat of him stretching you into a shape you do not recognise. 
"Tryna run?" He mocks. "Thought you could handle it, mm? Wasn't that our deal? Do you know what happens to little humans who try to break their promises?"
You want to bite back something scathing, something dripping in venom and cruelty, but the words are ground into peat salt when he presses the full weight of himself onto you, using the momentum to snap his hips harder, faster, than he was before. 
(You swear, swear, you feel the white-hot tip of him digging harshly into your sternum.)
But he's merciful—to a degree—and his hand lifts, drops in front of your nose, claws gleaming in the flames that surround his den, his prison, his home. 
You take in the sight of his heat-scorched skin—a chromosphere of living magma: blistering red dusted with fine ash. It's pretty. Stunning. You're mesmerised by the ripples of fire running in thick rivulets beneath his carbonised pelt, and you know, then, why he's so sought after. Respected. Feared. 
(Who would try and run afoul around a man, a being, a beast, who has hellfire burning in his veins?)
The brief respite splinters when he shifts forward, pushing himself as deep into your body as he can possibly go, and the world around you lists sharply on its axis when he pulses, branding you from the inside out, turning your body into a magma chamber that only fits him—
You can't breathe—haven't been able to since you rocked up to the smouldering cavern on the side of a mountain, and demanded he make a deal with you. It's hard to acclimate to the carbon-rich air that thrums around you like a thick curtain of plasma, threatening to consume you whole. 
"Easy, now, pretty thing," he purrs again and the deep rumble that spills from his expansive chest seems to glue to each bone in your body, reverberating deep within your liquifying marrow.
His elbow falls, chin presses into your crown. He breathes you in, and the world around you shudders, and ripples like the glimmering sea of a heat haze. An optical illusion. A mirage. But one that flexes around you like water; moulding to your body, and filling in all the crevasses and canyons until the plasmic air clings to your skin. 
Smoke billows with his exhale. You scent charred tobacco leaves, brimstone, crushed granite, and burning rock—sharp and acrid. The smell sticks to the back of your throat and colours your lungs in a fine layer of rock dust.
The world around you shakes when he growls into your crown, nose pressed tight to your sweat-slicked skin. 
It feels like an earthquake rattling inside of you, shaking loose the paper-thin threads of sanity that keep you still beneath his bulk.
"Ah, John—"
His forearm slides closer to your gasping mouth, and you scent guncotton on his skin. Thick. Heady. It makes your head swim, and a fever bloom in your veins. 
"There," he huffs into your hair, and the plume of his voice heats the world around you by several degrees. "Now you have something to hold on to, love." 
His voice is pinched with something that sounds mockingly cruel, mordant, but there's a softness in the way he holds you close; a tenderness that biles the roughness of his hands, the sharp drag of his claws against your flesh. 
"Now," he continues, hand tightening on your skin hard enough to bruise your tremulous bones. "Be good, and let me fuck you." 
With that, he snaps forward until he's once buried to the hilt. Fangs prickle across your shoulder blade when he lowers his maw to your skin. Each heavy exhale through his nose leaves a scorching mark over your flesh until it's blistered and raw. 
He sets a brutal pace, and each time he sinks in deep, you feel something inside of you splinter, break. It's unlike anything, anything, you'd ever felt before—a liquid pleasure and pain that melts together into burning heat. It feels like euphoria and punishment in the same breath: an equilibrium of salvation and condemnation.   
Each growl that leaves his heaving chest shakes the cobwebs from between your ribs, and fills them with ash and smoke. It seeps into your bloodstream, poisoning you with each harsh stroke. 
(You forgot that he was poisonous—)
But it's too late. 
Lost in the delirious cloud of heat, ozone, and John, all you can do is wrap your tiny hands around the thick of his forearm, nails barely leaving a mark on his thick pelt, and cling to him as he takes what you offered with greedy claws, and gluttonous eyes, pounding you into his bed of furs, and stolen gems and gold. Treasure toppled to the ceiling of the cavern they warned you to stay away from. The precious clutch of a monster who protects his wares with fire and madness. Raining wrath and fury, white-hot rage and red-hot desperation, down on anyone who dares to get close. 
It's too much, too much, but you knew what you were getting into when you tried to barter with him.
("Let's make a deal—"
And he'd said, "you must be desperate. Don't you know what I am—"
His noctilucent eyes burned in the dark. 
Mocking. Cruel. Hungry.)
All you can do now is hope, somehow, that you make out in a single piece. That all your vibrating atoms stay whole; intact. That you don't lose yourself inside the madness of heat, and burning fire. 
That you'll make it out, alive.
—if, of course, he lets you go—
But those hopes are dashed when his molten tongue flickers out, laving a burning path across your neck. 
"You'll look so good in all my gold," he snarls, a thundershock right into your core. 
And then he sinks his fangs into your neck. 
You should have known from the start when he looked at you with hunger, rapacious greed in his keen, sharp eyes that you were not leaving his den again. 
(The most precious piece in his hoard.)
Your body is a wicker pyre made to be burned. From the charred ashes, something new will rise. A phoenix trapped in the paws of a beast who likes pretty, shiny things, and will never let go. 
(And really, what else did you expect when you decided to tempt a dragon?)
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wintersoldierslover · 2 years
my fic recs masterlist
Bucky Barnes:
all bucky barnes
headcanon  -  blurb  -  one-shot  -  series
dbf!bucky  -  brothers bff  -  bff’s brother
neighbour  -  housewife reader
lumberjack  -  firefighter  -  bodyguard
priest bucky  -  college
football player  -  hockey player  -  boxer
professor  -  teacher  -  librarian/bookshop
coffee shop  -  soulmate  -  royal
other AUs  -  taboo
Stranger Things characters:
all eddie munson - all steve harrington
eddie and steve (x reader)
billy hargrove - jason carver - mike wheeler
dmitri enzo antonov - jim hopper
robin buckley - nancy wheeler
Outer Banks Characters:
all Rafe Cameron
all JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron and JJ Maybank (x reader)
Pope Heyward - Topper Thorton
John B. - Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Marvel characters:
Wanda Maximoff  -   Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff  -  Yelena Belova
Peter Parker  -  Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers  -  Stephen Strange
Frank Castle  -  Matt Murdock 
Moon knight  -  Steven Grant
Joaqín Torres - Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson - Druig
Eddie Brock - Miles Morales
Miguel O’hara - Hobie Brown
Harry Potter characters:
Sirius Black - Remus Lupin 
James Potter - Poly!Marauders
Lily potter -  Cedric Diggory
George Weasley - Fred Weasley
Severus Snape - Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Avatar (James Cameron) charachters:
neteyam - aonung - lo’ak
rotxo - kiri - spider
jake sully - neytiri - tsu’tey
tonowari - ronal - colonel quaritch
Top Gun chracters:
Fanboy  -  Hangman  -  Rooster - Bob
Wednesday characters:
Xavier Thorpe - Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams - Divina
Bridgerton characters:
Anthony Bridgerton -  Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Criminal Minds characters:
Spencer Reid  -  Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
The Last of Us characters:
Joel Miller - Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
The Devil All The Time characters:
Tommy Matson - Lee Bodecker
Uncharted characters:
Nate Drake - Sam Drake
Euphoria characters:
Elliot (Euphoria) - Fezco
On My Block characters:
Mario Martinez - Oscar Diaz
Modern Family characters:
Luke Dunphy - Alex Dunphy
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent - Jamie Tartt
NHL players:
Matthew Ktachuk - Trevor Zegras
Nolan Patrick - Tyler Seguin
Sebastian Stan - Joseph Quinn
Jamie Campbell Bower - Danny Ramirez
Drew Starkey - Rudy Pankow
Ben Hardy - Bella Ramsey
Jenna Ortega
Miscellaneous characters:
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz  -   Marcus Baker
Rodrick Heffley -  Hunter Sylvester
Lloyd Hansen - Ari Levinson
Nick Fowler -  Tangerine
Rhett Abbott - Hayden ‘Harvard Hottie’
Colin (Not Okay) -   Min Ho (Xo, Kitty)
Ash (No Exit) -  James Maguire (Derby Girls)
Jake Peralta - Nick Miller  - Brian O’conner
Anakin Skywalker - Bruno Madrigal
Tadashi Hamada - Kakashi Hatake
Miscellaneous real people:
Billie Eilish - AEW Hook
*Updated whenever there’s a new character <3
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april-is · 2 months
April 24, 2024: How Can Black People Write About Flowers at a Time Like This, Hanif Abdurraqib
How Can Black People Write About Flowers at a Time Like This Hanif Abdurraqib
dear reader, with our heels digging into the good mud at a swamp’s edge, you might tell me something about the dandelion & how it is not a flower itself but a plant made up of several small flowers at its crown & lord knows I have been called by what I look like more than I have been called by what I actually am & I wish to return the favor for the purpose of this exercise. which, too, is an attempt at fashioning something pretty out of seeds refusing to make anything worthwhile of their burial. size me up & skip whatever semantics arrive to the tongue first. say: that boy he look like a hollowed-out grandfather clock. he look like a million-dollar god with a two-cent heaven. like all it takes is one kiss & before morning, you could scatter his whole mind across a field.
From the poet:
“I was at a reading shortly after the [2016] election, and the poet (who was black) was reading gorgeous poems, which had some consistent and exciting flower imagery. A woman (who was white) behind me—who thought she was whispering to her neighbor—said ‘How can black people write about flowers at a time like this?’ I thought it was so absurd in a way that didn’t make me angry but made me curious. What is the black poet to be writing about ‘at a time like this’ if not to dissect the attractiveness of a flower—that which can arrive beautiful and then slowly die right before our eyes? I thought flowers were the exact thing to write about at a time like this, so I began this series of poems, all with the same title. I thought it was much better to grasp a handful of different flowers, put them in a glass box, and see how many angles I could find in our shared eventual demise.” —Hanif Abdurraqib
Today in:
2023: Lit, Andrea Cohen 2022: Meditations in an Emergency, Cameron Awkward-Rich 2021: How the Trees on Summer Nights Turn into a Dark River, Barbara Crooker 2020: Ash, Tracy K. Smith 2019: Under Stars, Dorianne Laux 2018: Afterlife, Natalie Eilbert 2017: There Are Birds Here, Jamaal May 2016: Poetry, Richard Kenney 2015: Dreaming at the Ballet, Jack Gilbert 2014: Vocation, Sandra Beasley 2013: Near the Race Track, Brigit Pegeen Kelly 2012: from Ask Him, Raymond Carver 2011: Sweet Star Chisel, Dearest Flaming Crumbs in Your Beard Lord, John Rybicki 2010: Rain Travel, W.S. Merwin 2009: Goodnight, Li-Young Lee 2008: Bearhug, Michael Ondaatje 2007: Meditation at Lagunitas, Robert Hass 2006: Autumn, Rainer Maria Rilke 2005: On Turning Ten, Billy Collins
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cream0fwheat1998 · 4 months
Girl from the Band 1 (Yandere!Jason Carver x Band Geek!Reader)
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WARNINGS: dark, yandere, non-consensual intimacy (next chapter), maybe death (haven't decided yet), violence
This was random but honestly I think Mason Dye is a very handsome man so I really wanted to make a Jason Fanfic
Alternate AU but still 80's, No upside down fantasy stuff.
(Y/N) held her trumpet at attention while during the anthem which was sung by a previous student that has since graduated. Y/n rolled her eyes; she remembered Tammy Thompson from a science class long ago.
"This girl has no talent, why are they letting her perform?" y/n said under her breath but a laugh to her left caught her attention.
Robin Buckley shook her head with a smile on her face. For some reason, this made y/n feel warm. She was happy that she had made someone smile, even though she barely knew Robin and Robin's group of odd-ball friends outside of band.
How weird that Robin hung out with Steve Harrington; a man that graduated last year but still hang out with high school kids. Y/n shook her head, feeling sour at her own bitchy thoughts. People are allowed to have friends and just because she didn't have any, didn't mean she could judge everyone else for it.
When the game ended, all of the Hawkins Students fled to the courtroom to celebrate with the Basketball team on their win. Specifically, everyone cheered for Lucas Sinclair who'd made the winning shot and even though Y/n wasn't much of a participator; she found herself cheering along with her classmates.
It was until an object bounced infront of her, pulling y/n out of her own daze. A basketball had flown its way to her and one of the players rushed to her to collect it.
Jason Carver was a handsome guy. A classically handsome highschool athlete you'd see in any John Hughes movie. Y/n felt her cheeks warm at the thought of him coming towards her, looking her in the eye. It was an intimate feeling that she wasn't use too. She felt weak not wanting to look him in the eye but felt she lacked the type of beauty he'd want to look at.
"Sorry about that; it's the championship game-ball and we lost it in the celebration." Jason said, grabbing the ball from y/n's feet.
His voice was deep and warm; his damp hair sticking to his moist skin reminded her of a model posing by the sea. He was a dream and she lived in reality.
"It's okay." Y/n said, staring at the ground. She didn't feel like making eye contact.
Jason chuckled while heading back to his team; he'd seen this girl before but had no interest moving forward; his girlfriend was the queen of Hawkins High anyway. Chrissy Cunningham. For some reason, she was nowhere to be seen since the ending of the game.
The following week, Y/n had noticed Jason's demeanor change. Once a confident, prideful man to callous, irritated ass. You'd think he'd be at his best since the big win but instead he's acting like he lost completely. In Jason's perspective; he did.
Chrissy Cunningham had been hand in hand with one of Jason's basketball friends down the hallway. Clearly, they were still in the honey moon stage of their affair. It wasn't an adult kind of affair; Chrissy had broken up with Jason the night of the game for someone who'd swept her off her feet in his absence.
Y/n kept her opinions to herself, even during lunch when the loud whispers from all the lunch room increased at either Jasons or Chrissy's appearance. However, even with an increased attitude Jason kept his cool. He had to; his reputation depended on it. Sure, his first real love tore out his heart and stomped on it on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life; but he considered himself the man of the school. He'd be damned if he didn't hold his head up high and looked for a replacement soon.
If Chrissy could move on within seconds, so could he. He felt himself getting heated; looking at the other girls in the school. While they werent Chrissy, he knew he could find someone to love him just as much. There were 2 obstacles;
There was only 1 Chrissy Cunningham.
He'd have to pick someone who respected his position as top-dog but it seemed like most of the girls in school were laughing at him now.
It was Study Hall. Y/n had been planning out an idea. She didn't want to graduate this year without doing something new and had been researching DnD for the past few months. There was a Dnd club called Hellfire ran by an eccentric classmate of hers' Eddie Munson. Yeah he was cute too. But Y/n didn't WANT to think about that; she just wanted to do what she wants and then graduate. Don't cause attention, don't put yourself out there. Those were her rules.
However; it wasn't up to her to not stand out as Jason Carver had remembered her genuine shyness from gameday. It was cute and honest. So many girls in school pretend to be cool or bitchy to seem higher class without realizing that they were just unpleasant rather than interesting.
Looking at her, Jason really believed there was something there and was determined to make her his arm piece for the rest of the year. In the deepest parts of his mind he decided y/n had no choice.
part 2
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fingersinmyhair · 5 months
are funny asks okay? Cause I think a writing prompt like "that's not cranberry sauce" for john carver. Something involving his s/o finding out his the killer. His s/o comes homes. Sees Eric cooking and with a red stain on his shirt. scraps it with their finger and after tasting it, does reader figure out what it really is :3€
((funny asks are more than welcome!! ahhhh thank you for this request omg omg omgomgmog
((edit: after writing this i did not make this very funny it's actually kind of angsty and i apologize i--
You could smell dinner from outside. It made your stomach growl, realizing you hadn't eaten anything in hours, throwing yourself into your work and having no time for anything else. And after a long, strenuous day of arguing with clients and trying to upkeep your superiors, Eric was making you dinner.
And it smelled delicious. You kicked off your shoes and made your way to the kitchen, listening to the soft clatter of a utensil being put down and another being picked up.
You walked up to the man and hugged him from behind, careful not to disrupt his work.
"Hi, darlin'," he hummed, putting the lid on the corn.
"Everything smells fantastic," you complimented, smelling him as well and noting that he smelled of sweat, musk, and something coppery under his clothes, "Mhm, including you."
"Yeah? Got a feast for you, then, honey," he said sweetly, a sultry tone overtaking his voice. He spun around to face you, pulling you close by your waist and pushing a hand into your hair, massaging your scalp and pulling you up into a kiss.
You smirked into the kiss, pulling away from him before he could deepen it. He pouted at you and you held him by the collar of the black button-up he was wearing. You didn't recognize it as something he'd ever worn before, but it suited him.
"I don't see or smell a dessert," you noted, perking an eyebrow at him. He smirked and shrugged.
"Maybe dessert is a more of a concept tonight," Eric implied. He tugged your hair gently, listening to a moan slip from your lips.
"I like the sound of that," you admitted, "But your corn is boiling over."
"Shit," he huffed, letting you free and turning around to tend to the food. As he turned away from you, you could see something on his shirt, something dark and thick like a sauce. As soon as he turned back towards you after tending to the corn, a large grin spread across his face, you smirked and scooped up the sauce on his shirt, thick and crimson red, and popped your finger in your mouth.
You expected something savory, maybe even sweet and savory, but your mouth filled with the overwhelming taste of copper. As your finger stay sucked into your mouth, his smile disappeared, eyeing you.
"Something wrong?" He asked, perking an eyebrow and refraining from swallowing the lump in his throat. Something akin to realization fell over you, over uncovered your eyes. Your stomach twisted up and you hesitated to shake your head.
"N-No. Nothing's wrong," you lied, smoothing your hands over his chest, smiling with falter and fear, "What are you making for dinner?"
"Meatloaf," he said warmly, leaning down and kissing the tip of your nose, knowing how he made it was your favorite. Alarms were going off in your head, yet you couldn't bring yourself to bring distance between you and the man. There was no reason for him to have blood on him, not one related to dinner, that you knew of.
"Did- Did you have a nosebleed?" You tried, and he turned to pull the meatloaf out of the oven just a minute before the timer went off. He didn't answer you for a long time, but when he did, he wiped his hands off with a kitchen towel and crossed his arms, leaning against the counter and regarding you honestly.
You swallowed hard. He was making no move to stop you, hurt you, convince you of his innocence, and you were quickly putting the pieces together that he had not only the time, but the resources and energy to do the crimes you were picturing. More than anything, he had motive.
"What did you do today?"
"I took out the trash, did some cleaning. Tidied up." He eyed you. You were unmoving in front of him, but that didn't mean you wouldn't lunge or run. He knew you wouldn't, but he knew better than to underestimate you as well.
"Here at home? Or in town?" You asked boldly, ignoring the lack of repulsion you had after having a murder victim's blood in your mouth.
"We both know the answer to that question, so how about we don't play games, sweetheart," Eric crooned, uncrossing his arms. You stared at him in disbelief. He wasn't one to be so blunt, but the mask was off.
"Are you going to hurt me?" You asked, standing your ground, but sounding almost meek.
He laughed, shaking his head and sighing, "No. No, I don't think I could."
"Is that funny?"
"Some would consider it unfortunate," he admitted, unmoving in his place leaned against the counter, tapping his fingers on the undersides as he determined if you were going to turn him in.
"Do they deserve it, Eric?" You asked softly, and he nodded slowly, exhaling a calm, measured breath. You knew you should be terrified, but he'd never done anything but take care of you and those around him.
"How many have there been this time?"
"Two, so far." You crossed your arms over your chest uncomfortably.
You stared at the man you loved for a long time and sighed. You knew what you had to do. You knew you could do it. You had to, for him. For you.
"How can I help?"
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littlenightma · 7 months
John Carver/Eric Newlon Relationship Headcanons
Author’s Note: I just finished Thanksgiving (2023) and have now adopted a new killer. Enjoy.
Warnings: Spoilers for the Thanksgiving (2023) movie
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• He’s paranoid that you’ll leave him for someone else. Amanda was going to leave Bobby for him. What would stop you from doing the same? No amount of reassurance will ever ease the doubt. It won’t stop the glances he takes when you smile at a text that isn’t his or when he subtly pulls you back by your belt hoops when another man is closer than he likes. All you can really do is be there by his side no matter what.
• No matter what.
• Forbids you from Black Friday shopping unless you do it online and it must be delivered to the house. You don’t want to know what would happen if he ever came upon you in one of the stores. With so much commotion happening, no one would blink an eye in your direction if he dragged you out the store by your shirt collar and pushed you into the back of his police cruiser.
• He’s also possessive, but he’s never too aggressive with you. He won’t raise his voice unless he needs to (like finding out you disobeyed his order to stay in the house on Black Friday). Won’t ask you to not hang with your friends or get upset when you wear revealing clothing, but expect to be ambushed when you come home. He’s not going to keep his hands off you. You smell too much like other people, like the outside world, when you need to smell like him.
• Pouts. A lot. Like I said, he doesn’t voice his disapproval often. He doesn’t want to dampen your happiness with his sour mood, but it isn’t hard to tell when something is bothering him when he suddenly becomes withdrawn. You’re going to have to pester him until he finally says what’s on his mind and appreciates when you try to find a middle ground for him. He adores your considerate nature so very much.
• Would give up his life for you in a heartbeat. He protects people everyday. It was his job to do so. What is expected of him. But for you? He’d bring the whole world to its knees if it meant keeping you safe. You’ve resurrected the light he thought he’s lost, banished the darkness and hatred he’s held for months. There was an extra umph to his step when he left for work and a new sparkle in his eye when he kissed you before leaving bed to make breakfast.
• He dares anyone to come and disrupt this newfound peace.
• Loves when you stop by the station to drop off a surprise lunch. Loves it even more if you’re both able to enjoy each other’s company while you eat. All the guys say he’s lucky to have someone like you. He couldn’t be any luckier. Couldn’t be more thankful.
• When the time comes when the leaves change color and the air becomes cooler, you carefully bring up Thanksgiving dinner and what you plan to cook. He leans into his hand, smiling softly toward your attentiveness to his reaction and says it sounds wonderful.
• And when you bring up where you would do with any extra food, he chuckles and slyly winks at you, “Don’t worry, baby. There won’t be any leftovers for us to deal with once I’m through.”
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sunkendreams · 5 months
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please keep in mind that this blog is strictly 18+ — minors, please do not follow or interact with my content. any hateful subjects, inclusion of drama, or harmful requests will result in being blocked and/or a deleted request.
📌 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 / 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞.
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smut, smut and fluff, gore & violence, darker subject matters, porn with plot, porn without plot, female reader, afab reader, dubious consent, somnophilia, size differences, choking, breeding kink, pet names, experienced reader, inexperienced reader, dom/sub dynamics, predator/prey, capture/captive, bondage, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, monsterfucking, legal age gaps, bloodplay, knifeplay, threesomes, poly!relationships, voyeurism, etc . . .
non-con, pregnancy, necrophilia, only fluff, only slice-of-life, male reader, original characters, incest, age play, little play, watersports, sexual abuse, self-harm, domestic abuse, racism, homophobia, any harmful kinks/fetishes.
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❛ ━━━━━━━━ ❁ ━━━━━━━━━ ❜
michael myers ( 2018 )
michael myers ( rz!version )
corey cunningham
the lost boys + michael emerson
thomas b. hewitt ( tcm remake )
brahms heelshire
jason voorhees
bo sinclair
vincent sinclair
lester sinclair
billy loomis
stu macher
mickey altieri
richie kirsch
amber freeman
ethan landry
albert shaw / the grabber
eric newlon / john carver
dominic craven
jim hopper
001 / henry creel
eddie munson
steve harrington
dean winchester
sam winchester
alcina dimitrescu — (resident evil)
karl heisenberg — (resident evil)
salvatore moreau — (resident evil)
leon kennedy — (resident evil)
eddie gluskin — (outlast)
miles upshur / the walrider — (outlast)
chris walker — (outlast)
joshua washington — (until dawn)
joel miller — (the last of us + show)
tommy miller — (the last of us + show)
arvin eugene russell — (the devil all the time)
eric draven — (the crow)
v — (v for vendetta)
hellboy — (hellboy films)
prince nuada — (hellboy films)
jackson rippner — (red eye)
jonathan crane / scarecrow — (nolanverse)
dani ardor — (midsommar)
father paul hill — (midnight mass)
tiffany valentine — (chucky)
william afton — (fnaf movie)
michael schmidt — (fnaf movie)
rick grimes — (the walking dead)
rasvan benedikte eleazar / count dracula — (coming soon!)
joaquin jackson — (coming soon!)
ghostface oc — (coming soon!)
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tangerinesgirl · 1 year
All fics are NSFW/18+ unless stated otherwise
Marquis de Gramont
The Hourglass
Fully Charged
Cigarettes During Sex
For my next trick...
John Carver
Fowl Play - Chapter 1 (Reader x Mark Hoffman x Eric Newlon) //Chapter 2 *COMING SOON*
Mark Hoffman
Fowl Play - Chapter 1 (Reader x Mark Hoffman x Eric Newlon). //Chapter 2 *COMING SOON*
Frank/Adam Barrett (Abigail)
Pull Some Strings
NSFW Alphabet
Fuck Around, Find Out
Time is Money
Aaron Taylor-Johnson X Reader - boat trip one shot
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tawneybel · 6 months
The killer John Carver aka Eric Newlon from thanksgiving movie 2023 is a DILF. Do some x readers of him whenever you get the time to see the movie.
Fun fact, I got Patrick Dempsey mixed up with Patrick Swayze so when the Sexiest Man Alive 2023 was announced I was really confused.  
When I found out they were making the Thanksgiving trailer into a movie I was so excited, even though Jay Hernandez isn’t in it.
Anyway, holiday slashers are my weakness. Celebrate by getting chased around by a masked man, *something something* “stuffing,” etc.
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