#j. porcupine
vintagewildlife · 18 hours
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African porcupine baby By: J. Vosseler From: Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt 1908
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mcskullmun · 3 months
Y’know those bands where it’s like 3/5 middle aged white men in a line, their main identifiers being slightly different hairstyles. Yes they are all wearing the same outfit. It can vary between bands, but the band members themselves will be sharing a wardrobe. Yeah that’s my music taste
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Teddy eat a pumpkin is the only pumpkin-posting I'll accept
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sapphicshawol · 9 months
Dating apps are so hard when you distrust everyone....
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 2 months
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The Piper Prince of Spinner's End, inspired by chapter 11 of my favorite time traveler!Sev fic, Porcupine Quills & Potion Spills: The Second Life of Severus Snape by ShenYuan_did_not_transmigrate_for_this
I took so many creative liberties with the outfit lol. Please don't look too hard at the proportions. I love you @Kibbi_the_Kibbitzer for the flute playing hand references.
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bkghq · 2 years
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despite of what anyone says, bakugo is a big softie. no matter how many times he himself tries to deny it, deep within he knows he's whipped, and he's whipped down bad.
bakugo the brash, loud guy, lives for cuddles. he's whiny and starts throwing fits and tantrums when he is not given enough physical affection for a long time.
his head is on your chest and your legs are wrapped around his torso securely as he cuddles into your warmth, "your so soft baby." he mumbles as he buries his face deeper into your boobs holding you close.
"these tits are t'die for." he drowsily says and places a peck on the valley of your breasts, a deep chuckle escaping your lips.
you snuggle your face into his hair, sniffing them as the scent of his shampoo fills your nose.
"did ya j-" he removes his face from your boobs just to look at your face, "did ya just fuckin' sniff my hair?" he asks a smirk forming on his face.
"what?! they smell good look-" you sniff his hair again, a bit louder this time, the sniffing noise very clear. bakugo barks out laughter, making your mouth hand wide open.
you slap his head lightly and a scoff escapes your lips, "you can say that my tits are to die for, but if i sniff your hair i'm weird? how's that making sense?"
"that's because they are t'die f'" he wastes no time before burying his face back between your boobs, shifting a little until he finds a comfortable position.
"god your such a weirdo katsuki." you tease resting your head on his porcupine hair.
"like yer not, now shhh dum'ass let me enjoy my pillows in peace."
indeed bakugo katsuki is a softie, a big giant teddy bear, but all the softness is for you and you only.
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taizi · 3 months
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
wild heart au
read on ao3
Sanji has known Sabo for much less than a month, but he’s already become one of the very last people on earth that Sanji could imagine crying. He’s too big for that, too tough—the kind of boy Sanji’s brothers would admire, probably, one who isn’t afraid to dig in with his heels and fight dirty and use his teeth to win. Nothing like the weak-willed, tender-hearted, soft-skinned failure of the Germas. 
But Sabo’s eyes are red and puffy, for the split second Sanji gets a glimpse of them, and it’s shocking. The older boy turns his back on the rest of them, crouching by the fire and prodding it viciously with a stick. Ace, who saw where Sanji’s gaze got stuck, folds his face into an impressive scowl. 
“Don’t ask,” he says, in a tone that implies it is not a suggestion. 
“I won’t,” Sanji says quickly, hands clutching on the strap of his bag anxiously. Ace clocks it with a flick of his dark eyes and scoffs, but before Sanji can decide how he feels about it one way or another, Luffy’s arm stretches past him to give Ace a solid shove.
“We can only have one sad brother at a time!” Luffy declares. It seems like he can’t decide if he should whisper or shout, but Sanji secretly doesn’t think Luffy would know how to keep his voice down if someone held a gun to his head, so the result is a normal talking voice in a weird pitch. “Don’t make Sanji feel bad, too, or I’ll hit you!”
“You wanna die?” Ace grumps back, bearing his teeth like one of the animals they hunt for dinner, but he capitulates surprisingly easily. Sabo’s mood seems to have knocked him off-kilter. That’s probably why he doesn’t argue the brother comment. 
Sanji is pretty sure the older boys don’t like him very much, but Luffy makes up for it. Luffy isn’t quiet or shy about the things he hates or the things he likes, and Sanji would have to be deaf and blind to miss how much Luffy likes him. 
It makes him willing to put up with Ace and Sabo’s bad attitudes—willing to spend his free time climbing a mountain, picking his way carefully to the edge of the dense, looming rainforest, and cook meals for a group that is two-thirds suspicious and ungrateful—because then he’ll get to see Luffy’s big, silly smile. 
Sanji is quickly learning that he would do almost anything to see that. 
“His family is stupid,” Luffy pipes up. “They have all these weird ideas that Sabo should be like them , even though he’s already like somebody—he’s like Sabo. And they do mean things when he doesn’t pretend the way they want him to—today they forgot his birthday on purpose.”
He’s not being quiet enough; Sanji can see Sabo hearing every word. But Ace doesn’t shut him up, and Sanji can guess why. The tension in Sabo’s shoulders is unwinding, until he doesn’t look so much like a creature curled up to defend itself against a kick. Suddenly he’s just Luffy’s smart-aleck big brother again, who’s sitting slouched by the fire because he’s a little tired, or a little sad. And he’s listening to the inane ramblings of a scrawny seven-year-old boy as if they mean something very important to him. 
Luffy lifts his hand to cup the side of his mouth, inviting Sanji in on a secret, because he still thinks he’s being sneaky. Sanji feels a burst of fondness in his chest that he can’t help, like his insides are nestled in a warm stove, and leans in agreeably. 
“I don’t know why anybody who was lucky enough to have a Sabo would want him to be anything but Sabo. Sabo’s the best! Don’t tell Ace, though.”
Ace’s hackles go up. He doesn’t actually have porcupine quills but he might as well since he bristles just like one and makes it painful for anybody who sticks their hand too close to him. But then Sabo makes a smothered sound, shoulders shaking with laughter that he’s trying to keep behind his hand, and it defangs Ace instantly. 
He still calls Luffy a brat and cuffs him on the head as he walks by. It’s gentle by their standards, and Luffy’s skull just bounces with the motion like a volleyball, but Sanji pats him gently in the same spot just to be sure. 
Luffy reaches up to cling to his hand and beams up at him, this little pocket-sized star. 
“What are you going to cook for us today?” he asks enthusiastically, and the mention of food has his brothers looking over, too. Sabo is still a little pale and quiet, but his icy blue eyes aren’t flinching away from the rest of them anymore. 
Sanji can’t help but think about it, though, when he’s lying awake in his bunk on The Orbit later that night. And he thinks about it when he gets up and makes his way down into the kitchen. There is usually still one or two people milling about even at this hour, and the baker gives him permission to use the oven as long as he promises to clean up after himself, and that’s how, at something like two o’clock in the morning, Sanji finds himself looking at a birthday cake that got away from him.
It’s three tiers, the sponge infused with pineapple, with a spread of filling between each layer that’s as thick and tart as a jam, and the whole of it is covered evenly in white buttercream frosting with a fluffy blue border piped around the top and bottom. He doesn’t add any extra embellishments, because he’s certain the boy it’s for won’t appreciate it, but he wants Sabo to know it’s for him and not something extra Sanji just took off a shelf. So he pipes that signature crossed-out S on the top and then boxes the whole thing up and sticks it in the fridge before he can second-guess himself anymore. 
The next morning, after a few fitful hours of sleep, he drops the cake off at the Party Bar, red-faced and embarrassed. The owner of the bar is a kind woman Luffy took Sanji to meet once in his chaotic, haphazard way that feels more like he’s just showing off his favorite things than introducing people. Makino seems to be the brothers’ point of contact for things like fresh milk and shoes without holes, and takes their rude comings and goings with the patience of a saint. 
She looks a little confused to have a big pastry box shoved into her hands by a relative stranger, but kindly promises to pass it along when Sanji is able to mumble out who it’s for, and at that point Sanji bolts out the door. 
He almost gets away with it. Maybe. He probably should have just stayed on the ship all day if he really wanted to hide, but his seniors on the staff are still adamant about keeping him away from the clientele for his own safety. 
So he’s crouched by the tidepools, watching colorful, spiny creatures living without a clue or a care how big the world is outside their tiny little place in it, when he’s tackled to the ground. 
Sanji gets a mouthful of sand and coughs and hacks and yells without looking, “Luffy!” Because there’s only one insane rubber boy who would rocket himself across the beach in an affectionate full-body slam for no other reason than to get to his hug faster. 
“You made Sabo a cake!” he shouts, like he’s trying to let the whole island know about it. “He won’t say it, but thank you, thank you! We ate the whole thing!” 
When Sanji is finally able to squint his eyes open, past the grit on his face and the sun pointing down on top of him, he’s able to make out Luffy’s blond brother standing over them. Sabo’s staring down at Sanji like he’s never seen anyone like him before. He doesn’t look unhappy or annoyed, he looks like he hasn’t decided how to look at him at all. 
Sanji shoves at Luffy until he gets the hint and lets him up. Only he gets the hint in his overly-enthusiastic Luffy way, and hauls Sanji to his feet with gusto, both his hands wrapped tight around one of Sanji’s arms. He’s very quick to grab onto people. Sanji isn’t sure he knows the first thing about how to let go. 
“Why?” Sabo demands. 
Because Sanji used to get birthday cake. He remembers being very little, lifted up into mama’s warm arms when she was still strong enough to lift him. He remembers the fragrant smell of her hair as she cuddled him close and carried him over to a beautiful little dessert.
“Make a wish,” she would tell him. “Keep it a secret so it comes true.”
Sanji is grown up now and knows those things are for children. And he knows that Sabo is so much stronger than Sanji is, and braver, and rebels against his family right to their faces in a way that Sanji would never, ever be brave enough to copy even if he lived for a million years. Sabo almost definitely doesn’t miss birthday cakes, of all things. 
But Sanji remembers how loved he felt when mama held him up to blow out the candles. The absence of that feeling carved a hole inside him that never went away. He isn’t anyone important to Sabo, but he’s someone who can give him a cake. 
He doesn’t know how to say any of that. All he says, more to the scars on his hands than to anyone else, is, “My family was mean, too.”
For a brief moment, neither of the brothers say anything. Then two skinny arms latch themselves around his waist—wrapping twice, then three times more than human arms are capable of. Luffy’s frowning up at him with that petulant expression he wears when he’s been wronged. 
But Sabo is the one who says, “Take me to them someday and I’ll beat them up.”
Sanji’s knee-jerk reaction is one of anxiety. “No, um, that’s okay. My brothers are really strong. And my dad is really scary.”
“I’ll be stronger and scarier,” Sabo announces unremarkably, folding his arms. “And I’ll have Ace,” he adds, like that’s his trump card. It’s not a bad trump card. Fighting Ace is like fighting a force of nature, or a rabid coyote. Most sensible people turn and run. 
“And me!” Luffy announces. 
“You aren’t going anywhere near my dad,” Sanji is quick to shoot him down, heart racing just thinking about Judge putting his hands on sunny, smiling Luffy. He would—he doesn’t know what he would do. But he would do something. He would go crazy. 
Luffy swells like an offended little toad, with probably plenty to say at being left out of this make-believe conflict that’s never actually going to happen in real life. 
Before he can burst with whatever silliness he’s got to say, Sanji cuts in with, “So you liked the pineapple filling in the cake?”
It cuts the wind right out of Luffy’s sails. Food always distracts him. He blinks a few times, absorbing the question, then says, “Yes! It was the best cake I’ve ever had! Ace said so, too!”
Sabo looks like he’s decided how he wants to look at Sanji now. It’s the way Luffy’s brothers both look at him. It’s the way people watch stupid puppies too clumsy for their big ideas tumble enthusiastically into trouble—funny for a few seconds, and then it’s your responsibility to pick them up and put them back on their feet, and they’re lucky they’re worth all the trouble. 
Sabo looks like he’s decided Sanji is worth the trouble.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 4 react
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simon i SWEAR ill get you out of there and that horrendous art style
also though. TEENAGE SHIZAYA CHAPTER LETS GO???? idk if narita made the minidura or if it's a separate illustrator but they are giving the FOOD rn
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i was wondering where the official knowledge that simon forced izaya and shizuo to eat sushi together came from. i mean i guess this isnt official and it was probably stated in the anime somewhere but still, good to see it illustrated pff
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AAAAAAAAA ive seen this image around tumblr but i didnt realize it was from minidura 😭 i thought it was fanart or smth (<-dumbass)
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wait im actually going crazy over this akwjhkjdshs they're washing dishes together!!! now we just need them to do laundry and taxes and-
im going to go over the image limit this time on god
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wow cant believe they're bathing each other too (<-delusional)
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something about the first shizuo panel reminds me of aggretsuko. which is. actually. huh. arent they both like adults with anger issues. durarara aggretsuko au when
also deadass i forgot dennis existed until i read about him in a shizaya fanfiction and i was like "who's dennis" pfgfkhkd
so true though never throw kitchen knives kids
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they're gonna be here all day at this rate. actually shizaya as fast food/restaurant staff au when because they'd have the stupidest rivalry known to man and i need it
fucking imagine shinra walks in and sees shizuo and izaya working by the counter
i hope izaya gets to eat fatty tuna by the end of this though. god knows he's gonna look cute as hell
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made funnier by the fact that izaya at least definitely knows how to cook with how long he's been on his own and needed to feed his sisters
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damn ive actually never seen someone's vein burst in a way where blood sprays out in anime akshGKJHJKSD thats impressive actually
dont look now but this may or may not inspire me to make a mermaid/pirate au (<-obsessed)
who needs kaiju battles when you can have blue fin tuna vs crab
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they're literally never leaving this place bro they're gonna be stuck here for eternity. anyway here's a literary analysis of durarara pointing out why russia sushi is actually representative of dante's inferno /j
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i want to read those blurbs so baddddd screams sobs bangs table
rip dennis dude he doesnt get paid enough to deal with shizaya
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rippp time to listen to izaya pine hopelessly for the man he cant stop annoying for five seconds
simon had the right idea. too bad shizaya are shizaya
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what is that face izaya. i cant tell if he's irritated that simon's right or irritated that simon cant understand how instinctual their hatred is or amused that simon thinks he and shizuo could be friends or amused because he thinks meaningless fighting is hilarious
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oh......that kind of hurts actually
i can imagine izaya suggesting it as a joke and then lying in bed that night thinking about how it's never going to happen and it really sounds like a funny joke huh? (he is not crying)
i cant believe simon's been dealing with these bitches for like 7 years now like dude has the patience of a saint
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😭give him his 50,000 yen simon
we can see that the crack in the sign is actually fixed now too ahhh time really flies when you're stuck in a relationship of mutual hatred
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chibizaya is so cuteeeeeeeee
im sure he intended to paint himself that way in his recollection though pff
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step aside erika, simon is the face of the shizaya nation now. especially with that "you just have a shizuo complex dont you" quote that i found the other day which i still havent recovered from
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HAUDGHUSDH orihara izaya, pro unreliable narrator
hilarious how we never see tom's face. just his dreads lmfao
dennis and simon are so done with like izaya bro i think they can tell at this point that he's horrifically pining and has no healthy outlet for it. the bills go to him because they're bullying him
it'd be funny if they billed him 50,000 at the end actually pft
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they're so cute oh my god can i make that my header or something
10/10 chapter im going to punt izaya into a wall and get simon flowers
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Sneak peak of my new fanfic: "A Million Reasons".
"Buster, wake up before I smack you with this PB&J!" 
A sharp voice was what snapped Buster into ultimate awakening. He swiveled his head towards the irritated facial expressions of one punk-rock porcupine he knew as his daughter/best friend, Ash. A quirky little smirk sprouted on Buster's face quicker than he could say ventriloquist. "Why that sandwich specifically?" he said through a yawn, swinging his office chair around so it would spin in a short circle.
Ash rolled her blue eyes and shoved his shoulder playfully, accidentally knocking him out of the chair to tumble flat on his face. She tried to hold back her laughter, but with limited success. Buster shot her a small glare before sticking his tongue out at her with exaggerated bitterness. Ash knew he was just messing with her, and giggled. "Rehearsals were supposed to have started fifteen minutes ago, you doof!" she teased, throwing his blazer at him. 
She knew him too well. It landed straight on his face. Typical of Ash to do that, really. She'd been staying at the theater for a while, a room had been fixed up for her and everything! She loved it here. Even Porsha had her own room here. It was neat. They were like a big, weird multi-species family. 
Buster was quick to tug on the blue coat and chase the porcupine down the stairs, tripping at least twice in the doing as he ran out and skidded to a stop on the stage. "Good morning, everybody!" He greeted with his characteristic enthusiasm. "Sorry, I slept through my alarm. Peanut butter related violence seems to work better, anyway." 
Ash snickered evilly, taking a bite from the aforementioned sandwich now that her boss and honorary father-figure was awake. "I mean, better than bringing in the Ronald McDonald mask, Moon." Ash reminded, giving him her very vest villain face. Buster shuddered in response, leaving everybody to laugh. 
As Buster handed out papers, they all exchanged pleasant conversation until the main bits of this started. "Now, everyone," Buster announced, clapping his hands together to bring everyone's attention to him. "I want you all to remember that Nana should be showing up at any time today with the owner of Majestic Theater himself! So I need all of you to be on your very best behavior. Looking at you, Nooshy." he said with a playful smirk. 
The lynx raised her paws with a grin. "Guilty." She admitted, a quirky tilt of her ears topping off the expression. "I'm too awesome. Can't unleash my charms here." Nooshy looked at Johnny, who stood beside her. "I got the rizz, too." she purred in a husky voice, simply to toy with the gorilla, who's face went bright red.
"I'm not going to ask what rizz is, but everyone understand? We've gotta be at our very best today!" Buster was good at taking on a commanding tone when necessary, a trait that was found to be rather admirable when compared to his natural, upbeat disposition. "If I find marshmallows in the piano again, we're bringing in Commander Crawly."
Commander Crawly, as Buster had titled it, was the old lizard's serious side - which reminded Buster of a Drill Sergeant more than anything. It was quite amusing when you weren't the one having orders barked at you. Everyone in the room was half on-edge and half amused by Buster's final statement, and a serious of "Yes, sir, Mr. Moon!"s filled the atmosphere. 
Buster chuckled knowingly. He could see Crawly simply basking in this on the side of the room as she played her usual morning round of Candy Crush, while simultaneously sipping a caramel frappe she had somehow found the time to retrieve from Arlo's, down the street. Best dessert shop in Calatonia, really. 
Ash wondered vaguely how Buster always managed to wake up so easily and get moving in the morning. She had to throw herself off the side of the bed just to convince her brain to work. It was actually quite entertaining to witness. Porsha was certainly not a morning person either, even just judging by the fact that the wolf - who stood beside Ash, drowsily sipping a coffee - was still in her pajama pants. Buster clearly had noticed as well.
"Porsha, if Nana's swinging by, pants may be necessary. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news." He said, his tone one of fond teasing if anything. Porsha looked down and muttered an incoherent curse, apparently not having realized she was still wearing PJs before now. It took everything within Buster not to laugh. 
Porsha sighed and walked off, coffee cup in hand, to go fix that. "Dream crusher." she joked as she trudged past. 
"Someone had to fill the position!" Buster looked down at his clipboard with a hum before analyzing his crew. They were all reading through the song pages they had been handed. They had about an hour to rehearse before Nana arrived, and if all went well, they would be rewarded for their efforts with whatever they chose to do. Buster was always happy to pay for some treats or a movie for his crew. 
He soon sat down in his usual place in the front row as Crawly brought him a cup of coffee and the rough draft of his latest script for him to edit. This was the hardest part for him to do. Buster struggled to focus sometimes. When writing, his hands where always moving and his mind was n hyperdrive. Editing, however, was a slow process that required him to sit completely still other the occasional highlighting of a line for long periods of time - something that was hard for him, due to being a bit of a busybody. 
Nooshy, as well, had this trait. She would get bored if she was seated or having to stay still for any longer than twenty or thirty minutes. When they went to the cinema, Nooshy had swung her legs back and forth into the back of Buster's seat for most of the duration of the movie. He hadn't minded too much, but it was a bit annoying to listen to. 
Buster thanked Crawly for the coffee as he read through the papers, scanned for errors, typos, or lines that could be improved. Once or twice, he ran the yellow highlighter over a line of dialogue, reminding himself to fix it, or the red one to remind him to cut that line from the script. 
It both felt like a mere moment and an eternity as the hour slipped by, and soon they were rehearsing on stage (having practiced in the back enough to perform for Buster with moderate confidence). Meena came first. She had an uncanny habit of memorizing her papers with astounding speed. She'd gotten much braver, too, overcoming stage fright over the few years she'd been with Moon Theater.
Buster was more than happy to listen as she sang her assigned song, birthday cake, by Dylan Conrique. It was sad, but a beautiful song. The play they were working on was quite the concoction, a mixture of melancholy and vibrant. As Buster viewed it, it would be a masterpiece. 
It was the middle of Rosita and Porsha's (quite intense) duet of Dandelion by Gabbie Hanna that the theater doors boomed open and in strode Nana, followed closely by a panther. His fur was a dark shade of grey and his head was held high, regarding the people with a rather snooty look from his dark brown eyes. He held a cane, but didn't use it. He wore light grey suit with a white button-up shirt, an outfit completed by a grey bowtie. 
Buster felt a bit intimidated as the panther came to a halt in front of him, but every doubt was destroyed a moment later when the visitor loosened up and looked down at Buster with a bit friendly smile, all the the haughty, arrogant attitude fading in an instant. The panther was simply playing with him! "Tyson Myers!" The panther announced, extending a hand with an inviting, enthusiastic tone.
Buster eased up a little and shook his large hand, nodding in approval. "Buster Moon. Nice to meet you, sir." he introduced politely, his anxiety draining away faster with every moment. Tyson's smile held no malice, and he insisted on shaking everyone's hand as Buster's crew came in to meet the owner of the Majestic. Nana looked half exasperated and half amused by Tyson's display. 
When he got to Ash, the porcupine regarded him with a skeptical side-eye, looking suspicious of the panther. "So, Mr. Moon," Tyson said, "As Nana may have told you, I'm here because - after your performance of Out of This World at my theater, I'm interested!" Tyson declared cheerfully. He had a thick and distinctly British accent, very different from Johnny's more subtle Welsh one. Many people mistook Johnny as British, but they would have come to a different conclusion once they heard Mr. Myers speak. 
Buster nodded in acknowledgement to Tyson's words, diverting every bit of attention to it. Porsha stood to the side, watching Tyson closely. She was much less tense than Ash appeared, but held an equal amount of distrust deep down. After what happened with her dad, this was justifiable. 
"You see, that show brought in more audiences than we've had in years! And I was wondering if you'd be up to my little suggestion…" Tyson seemed to take on a more thoughtful tone, musing the matter with a rather difficult expression to read. Buster exchanged glances with Rosita before tilting his head.
"Well, sir, what did you have in mind?" Buster asked, fairly sure he wasn't looking at another Jimmy Crystal anymore, the threat still fresh in his mind. He still regularly suffered from the memory, but as each minute passed, the threat of Tyson seemed to diminish. 
Tyson's black lips perked in a smile. "What would you and your crew think of a nation-wide tour?" he asked, looking a cross between mischievous and thrilled at the mere idea. "If you all would be willing, I think it would be simply magnificent if you could hit the major theaters of mine in each state, finishing it off with a big new show! You can re-use ones you've made previously through the duration of it, but a big, new, original finale!" 
The enthusiasm in the panther's voice was rivaling the heights of Buster's own ecstatic words before a new big show. Buster's grin was growing by the moment, but he tried to keep his mind and words level and calm. Keeping a level head was something he'd had many chats with Rosita about since the incident with Crystal. 
He looked around to his friends, who sat patiently on the edge of the stage, who only watched with expressions ranging from blank, to suspicious, to thrill. He glanced back to Nana and Tyson. "Well, I'll have to talk to my friends, but I'll certainly consider the offer, sir!"
Tyson nodded in acceptance, his mood not dampened even a bit. He shook Buster's hand once more, slipping a card into it in the doing. "Great! I hope to hear from you before the week is up. I look forward to it." the panther stated surely before walking down the aisle and out the theater doors, going to sit against Nana's limo.
Nana sighed at the man's behavior, shaking her head. "He's such an air-headed man." She said, "However… I won't deny being fond of the lad." 
Tyson and Nana had been friends for years, for Nana was once a performer at his theater. Buster had a few questions, but had the experience to keep them to himself. "See that you put due thought into his proposal, Mr. Moon." Nana reminded. "And Rosita?" she inquired, turning to face the sow. "Make sure he doesn't do anything foolish."
"Yes, ma'am, Ms. Noodleman." Rosita agreed with a confident nod, poking Buster's ribs teasingly. She didn't plan to do so much as let him out of her sight. Buster was well-aware of this, too, as they watched Nana stride from the theater - more troubles on her mind than Buster would have ever guessed. 
A while later, the troupe sat in a circle, conversing with one another in hushed tones. They were trying to decide what to make of this. Buster had been prepared for some spontaneous, strange, or simple, but this was way different. Tyson had failed to mention just how long the tour would be, but he knew it was be at least fifty days if they were to tour the whole country - to hit more than one state in a day was absurd. 
Buster took a long, thoughtful breath, returning to reality. "What about my kids?" Rosita asked, a more than valid point of reasoning. "I can't just leave Norman here to take care of them, and how could I cart all of them with us? Summer or not, that's ridiculous!"
Buster nodded in acknowledgement. "I understand, Rosita. And we will figure this out. And you know what? If we can't find a good solution, we just won't go. I'm not going to force anyone into doing this." he said, holding his paws up as if defending himself. 
The room fell quiet for a moment as Rosita looked at him. "Are you serious? You'd call off the whole trip just because of the situation with my kids?" She appeared to be surprised by Buster's statement, stunned that he would do such a thing. She knew how much this probably meant to him, so it was a gesture she was more than grateful for. 
Buster nodded. "Of course. I understand." he said. "Besides, I've babysat them all myself, Rosita. I know they can be a handful. We have until the end of the week, okay? Don't stress out too much over it." he reminded, setting a paw on top of her hoof for a moment in a supportive attempt at comfort.
She smiled a bit. "Thank you, Buster." she said, feeling a little bit better now. However, the next to speak was Ash, and she appeared to have her feathers in quite a ruffle. Erm, fur.
"But- Buster! How are you supposed to sort EVERYTHING out?! Johnny and Nooshy help Marcus at the Auto Shop, Porsha has a job, I play at the night clubs, we don't even know WHAT Gunter does, and some of those plays require CLAY! He's all the way in Redshore! How can we bring him back here in time for that anyway, assuming he even agrees?!" Ash said, putting only a few things out there out of everything. 
"Yeah, Mr. Moon. I want to come, of course, but what about my family? I'm supposed to help my mom with my grandparents. Redshore was just a few weeks, but this could be a few MONTHS!" Meena pointed out. 
Buster held his hands up in an inaudible hope for silence. "Listen, I know this is a mess, and kind of all-at-once. I will talk to Marcus, and I'll figure out the job things. Not too worried about Gunter. He can talk anyone into anything at any time. He's got a skill. As for Clay, you have his contact. We can talk to him together, alright? As for you, Meena… I see what you're saying, I acknowledge it, and I promise you we will figure it out. As I said, it isn't completely confirmed that we're going yet. So just try and calm down a little, guys. Meena, Johnny, Rosita: just gently bring the idea up to your families when you find a good time." he said, about to add on but was cut off by Ash.
"Moon, this is completely unreasonable!" Ash groaned. "How are there even solutions for some of this?! And, just saying, unless you can magically bring Suki-the-babysitting-wonder along with us, even just Rosita's kids bring up a BIG problem!"
"That's actually not a bad idea, Ash!" Buster praised with a big smile, snapping his  fingers. He looked at Porsha, who shared the expression that came with the bright idea. 
"Don't even think about it, Moon. Suki's got bigger fish to fry than you going on a tour with us. I mean, seriously. And I'm sure Jerry's not making her job any easier." Ash pointed out with a huff of indignation. 
"But Suki could help!" Porsha cried. "I mean, she pretty much raised me!" The wolf insisted. A serious of shouts and sentences and general clamor rose up throughout the group, leading Buster to smash his ears flat against his head to try and block out the noise. 
The uncharacteristic shout was what caused the room to fall silent, and everyone to lower themselves back to the ground. Buster gave them all a sharp glare, slowly letting his hands fall back to the ground after silencing them all. "We'll work this out, okay? But fighting won't solve anything. It won't! You've all got to cool down. Just… go home, alright…? Get some sleep. We'll continue this in the morning." 
And with that, Buster stood up and walked off, heading up the stairs to his office with a rather tired, defeated expression. "Moon…" Ash sighed, going after him. Geez, that got messy, fast. The remaining troupe members exchanged brief looks, slow to filter out from the theater, wondering what happens next?
Meena sat beside her mom as the dinner table, her grandparents across from her. She picked at her food slightly, deep in thought. Her mother seemed to pick up on how withdrawn Meena was this evening. "Meena?" She finally questioned, setting down her fork. "Anything happen at the thester today?"
Meena glanced at her mother, Betty, with a nervous look. "Well, we got invited to do a tour. Across the whole entire country." Meena sighed softly as she got it out, not having much else to say yet. This caught the attention of both of her grandparents - Fredrick and Elenore. 
Elenora stood and hugged her granddaughter in sheer joy, bouncing as much as her old legs would allow. "Oh, Meena, that's great!" she shouted, and Fredrick gave an approving grunt.
"Well, why so glum about it?" Betty laughed, squeezing her daughter's shoulder with a smile. It was hard for Meena to put into words what she was thinking, because there was so much emotional weight attached to it. She wanted to go on the tour, of course she did, but what if her family wouldn't - or couldn't - allow it. 
"Well, I'm supposed to help you, mom…" Meena mumbled awkwardly, shoving her hands into her pockets. 
Meena was expecting some down-beat response or sympathetic word or even an exclamation from her grandpa, but instead was met with a long, clear laugh. "Oh, no, sweetheart!" Betta said through her good-natured laughter. "You take this! This is a special apportunity. We can manage just fine. You tell that koala you'll be there!" Betty said, and a smile began to spread across the young elephant's features. 
She then hugged her mom, completely abandoning her plate as she ran to her room to call Mr. Moon and tell him the good news. 
At Johnny's, however, it was a different story…
"So, um, dad, you know how I told you we were gonna be seeing this major theater owner? Y'know, the guy that owns the Majestic?" Johnny asked, moving a spare tire to the other end of the Auto Shop while Nooshy fiddled with various wrenches. 
"Yeah? Well, what about 'im?" Marcus questioned, calling to Stan and Barry, who were playing pool in the back, to "OI, QUIET DOWN BACK THERE!" Which was followed by a series of apologetic shouts. 
Johnny sighed. "Well, basically, we got invited to a tour." Johnny stated with a nervous tone. 
"Okay. And?"
"Oh, for the love of Pete on the mantle, John!" Nooshy cackled, standing up and brushing herself off. "We got invited to tour the country! Performing at the different theater's of Mr. Myers' in each state! And Johnny and I were wondering if that was alright with you." 
Marcus seemed to consider Nooshy's words for a moment, putting them into utmost consideration. "I dunno, kiddo. We got a lot o' work around 'ere."
Johnny grew a bit desperate, and in a rare burst of defiant confidence, he shook his head and stepped in front of Nooshy. "Come on, dad, please! This would be a good opportunity - really! I know it'd be som extra work for y'all down here, but-"
"'Ey, hold yer horses, Johnny." Marcus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look, I get that you wanna go, but I don't know how long it'll last, a'ight? And I can't hold down the fort without ya! This shop's gettin' busier by the day! You kids know that." Marcus reminded with an indignant grumble. 
"I know that." Johnny sighed, shoulders slumping a bit. "But isn't there any way we could convince you?" he asked. Marcus seemed to really let the words sink in as he leaning against the wall of the garage, rubbing the grease from the car he'd been working on off his hands. The larger gorilla glanced over at his brothers, who were now watching the conversation with eager expressions. 
Barry was more passive about the situation, not caring overall whether Johnny and Nooshy stayed or went. Though, a small part of him was rooting for the kids. Stan, however, was openly supporting the young duo, being far more energetic, extroverted, and opinionated than Barry. 
"Now, come on, Marcus!" Stan said. "Johnny's always pulled 'is weight around here, why not give the two a chance to spread their wings a bit? Let 'em take the tour! Barry and I will help you, alright? And, ya know, Dexter still owes us a favor, mate." He reminded. 
Dexter was a former rival of theirs back when they were a gang, and after Marcus had pulled some strings to help Dexter and his buddies get out of a pickle, the polar bear owed them a favor. 
Marcus rubbed his chin. "I s'pose he does…" he thought, "We could have him and one of his buddies help us out while you kids are gone. Alright. Fine. You kids can go." Marcus agreed with a sigh. Cheers of excitement and joy broke out between the two young adults, and they exchanged high fives and happy cries. "On one condition." Marcus added. 
The jubilant cheers died down a bit and Johnny cocked his head slightly, waiting for his dad to say what he wanted them to do. Surprising them, Marcus simply opened his arms wide. "Ya both 'ave to give me a hug." He stated with a lopsided grin, and both the animals in front of him were more than happy to oblige. When they let go, Marcus expressed concern over a topic. "What about this Myers fella, eh? You think he's like that old ass, Crystal? I don't think Moon can take another fall like that one; just sayin'."
Nooshy shook her head. "Aw, no way, sir. We met the guy. He's a lot like the Moon Man, actually." she pointed out, applying the nickname with a fond note to her voice. "You're right though, and we'll be keeping an eye on him. I'll bet Rosita has a chat with him, too, if we go…" 
Rosita hummed quietly to herself as she did the dishes, the kids having already been sent to bed. She checked the time. Eight o'clock. Norman would be home at any minute at this point, and she was eagerly awaiting the moment. 
It wasn't long before a click of the doorknob and a familiar "I'm home, honey!" filled the small home and Rosita rushed over to greet him, kissing his cheek with a smile. "Good to see you, too, Rosita." Norman said, pecking her back with similar affection. "What's goy you so excited?" 
"Well, Norman, I need to talk to you about something…"
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warrior-names · 7 months
Warrior Prefixes: African / Ancestor Clans (LeopardClan, LionClan, & TigerClan)
Words that aren't derived from things in Africa aren't included; this list is made based on the Ancestor Clans and naming rules from the roleplay server Call of the Wild!
170+ prefixes under the cut!
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istherewifiinhell · 6 months
kid scifi show has to make a new planet to put the ppl in situations every week. not too messed about the names. planet fire. planet chronos. planet solid.
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[ID: Beast Wars Neo [99 anime] space location shot. A planet hanging in space, on screen text denotes it as "Fortress Planet Porcupine". The planet is indeed, dark brown with some fuzzy/quill like texture. END]
im taking one random guess/j and say that says "fortress planet" in the kanji and then just "porcupine" in katakana
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can-of-pringles · 1 year
Jay eating millet (ignore his pin feathers I know he looks like a porcupine /j)
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
What is the most likely result of a US-China conflict in the Taiwan Strait?
My guess is a very high-cost victory for the United States/Taiwan/Japan.
I'm overall not very impressed by the modernization of the PLA and PLAN, especially in the field of aircraft where I know a little bit more compared to ground and naval assets. Most of their indigenous designs are reverse-engineered from poorly-performing Soviet aircraft. The J-15 has an abysmally high sortie failure rate (~33%) for a carrier aircraft and their stealth aircraft are very unimpressive given what we've seen of their RCS.
Amphibious operations are already tricky, and China simply doesn't have the number of landing craft to take Taiwan. Their logistical staff is anemic for their regular army, let alone a complicated operation of that size. Given their experience in both their failed invasion of Vietnam and their poor and unprofessional performance as UN peacekeepers, I'd say that their army is primarily trained to act as enforcement for their police state as opposed to unpredictable combat situations.
That isn't to say it wouldn't be bloody, there would be a lot of munitions fired. The USN would have to be prepared to lose dozens of ships, hundreds of aircraft, and five-figure casualty counts. The destruction to China would be devastating, much of the eastern shore would have been bombarded. Much like Russia, I don't see China being too precise with any strikes given poor quality control in arms manufacture and a cavalier attitude toward civilian casualties. Given that a significant part of Taiwan is high-density urban environment, I predict a lot of civilian casualties as poorly-aimed cross-Strait strikes impact apartment buildings, hotels, and offices. Economic damage would be immense on both sides and would be felt across the entire planet, creating a global economic recession if not a full on depression.
So with that in mind, the best thing to do would be to continue to fortify Taiwan using the porcupine strategy as an effective deterrent to prevent war.
Thanks for the question, Cle-Guy.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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erissaacorn · 11 months
I am not a Sonic fan I am not a Sonic fan I am not a Sonic fan I am not a Sonic f-
So I, someone with no interest in the Sonic franchise, suddenly had an idea for an OC. So, I shared it with my friend who loves the franchise. Then it snowballed into, uh, this. Along the way I learned that porcupines and hedgehogs are apparently two different things, whoops-
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> Backstory:
This is Rosa! She is a porcupine-hedgehog hybrid. She was abandoned by her birth mother at her lover’s doorstep after she realized he already had a wife. The wife then kicked her husband out and raised Rosa. Hopefully that’s enough of a tragic backstory for a Sonic character.
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But that’s not all!
Due to her adoptive mom not being a porcupine, Rosa never learned to control her quills. Consequently, the quills instinctively shoot out whenever she experiences a strong emotion, including extreme happiness. As a result, Rosa represses her feelings so she doesn’t accidentally hurt others. She is also very reluctant with physical affection, only rarely taking hugs from her mom. Because of all that, she wishes deeply for a friend.
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> Abilities:
-As mentioned before, she can shoot out quills although she is not in control of it.
-She also has a scarf which is a family heirloom from her birth mother. The scarf is made of unknown materials and has a special connection to the lineage. It is almost indestructible and can only be rid of if all of the scarf is destroyed at the same time. Rosa can make the scarf longer or shorter on command to a certain extant. When in danger, she elongates the scarf and wraps it around herself like a fort. This protects her from piercing damage but she won’t be immune to blunt force.
> Additional notes:
My friend and I thought it would be funny if she somehow befriended Shadow. Like, she just found him sitting alone angsting one day, sat next to him aaand boom! They’re friends.
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@brainworms-all-night-long pls tell me im cool and based.
(Also I used her as a Sonic encyclopedia. If there’s something that contradicts with the Sonic lore here, it’s 100% her fault /j)
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unhingednovelist · 11 months
one song for every oc
tagged by @cherrybombfangirlwrites - thank you bestie!!
tagging: anyone please join in!!!
the art of betrayal (published)
note: any one-letter names are spoilers and i have to obscure them so that people can learn and discover the characters themselves!!
matthew: fear of a blank planet - porcupine tree
p: castle of glass - linkin park
j: absinthe - i dont know how but they found me
s: the scientist - coldplay
m: unbecoming - starset
v: attention attention - shinedown
r: nothing scares me anymore - steve angello, sam martin
e: anachronism - crywolf
(another) e: kingdom of cards - bad omens/in another life - crown the empire, courtney laplante
t: wicked game - theory of a deadman
wip 1: exuviae / the call of the void
florence: do you dream of armageddon? - architects
ray: red summer - thornhill
vera: embers - no signal
mikey: half-life - essenger
jay: paradise - sixlight
apollo: datura [paroxysm] - crywolf
lucijus: take me to church - hozier
max: death poems - us in motion
wip 2: all the angels are dead
rory: hereafter - architects
halley: agnosia - valleyheart
caspian: earth death - baths
adelphi: sleepless - northlane
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pianocat939 · 1 year
AGHGDHDJRINRHDYE Donnie called me a his devilish drag queen and his adorable porcupine-
Bish- what are you saying about me don-
You ARE a porcupine. /j
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