#its so clearly Not a human and everyone can tell but its trying to convince everyone that it is because its supposed to be
glsneeg-enthusiast · 3 months
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fipindustries · 1 month
bojack horse bad again
you know, i was thinking back to this show again, i watched three seasons of it and that was all that i could tomach and you know what? no.
i dont accept it
i dont care, it was a bad show, it was an objectively bad show and i dont accept that everyone else decided that it was good, i dont care, it was a bad show and im going to tell you why.
emotional terrorism
maybe im a simpleton but i am someone who cares quite a lot about catharsis in my stories. this show refused to grant that, adamantly and violently. im not saying i need a happy ending, i am more than capable of enjoying bittersweet or even tragic stories, but i need a sense of completeness, some satisfaction, some release, some sense that things matter or meant something. this show insisted on refusing to give that. all this show was interested in was get an emotional reaction out of you. it was the emotional equivalent of a jump scare. it was convinced that if it made you feel bad enough people would confuse that with beeing powerful and deep. you could get the same reaction by walking up to someone on the street and kicking them in the nuts. and it would take about as much subtlety or artistry.
2. writer led rather than animator led
you could tell this was one of those shows that were made on the writer's room, not by storyboarders or artists, by "comedians". by people with english degrees. so many scenes of characters just standing around and talking. so many "jokes" that were clearly meant to be funny as something you read on a piece of paper or on a tweet and chuckle as you read it but as animation it just gave limp, stagnant scenes. so much dialog that were references and quips and puns and fast witticisms of the type you come up in the shower when thinking of clever comebacks.
there were so many fucking scenes where everything would stop and a character would launch on some stupid profound monologue about life and philosophy and psychology and relationships. it was like the writers were trying on for size paragraphs of their future memoirs or self help books. so much dialog that was begging for an award for writing. so many "mic drop" moments that were designed to be quoted. i find that the best writing is not the one that you can just quote out of context as a cool pithy phrase. a lot of the best writing ive seen in my life is meaningless when devoid of context, is inextricable of the scene and indeed of the entire story surrounding it but in here i can almost see the seams where the writers look at the camera waiting to see if you are impressed
3. inconsistent tone
this show wanted to eat its cake and then still have it. there are stories that manage to deftly weave in and out of comedic moments into serious moments. everything everywhere all at once does an amazing job jumping from the stupidest, most childish jokes into the most profound commentary about human nature, sometimes doing both at the same time and it worked, one didint cheapen the other.
in here though, it wanted to both have a completly absurd world with the stupidest characters ever and then somehow make us care for it all as if the show hadnt shot itself in the foot. it wanted us to see caroline being in love with what is clearly three children in a trenchcoat and then take her seriously as an adult, to treat any forther relationship drama she has as if it werent completly farcical.
4. ugly animation
it continued the blight that is take over adult animation by doing that disgusting repugnant paper puppet rigged interpolated quasi flash animation that only gives you stiff poses and movements and incredibly boring shots of characters standing in 3/4 perspective in front of the camera. it dull and flat and clunky and ugly, and the character designs were ugly. the noses were ugly and the mouths were ugly and the hairs were ugly and the eyes were ugly. it was all ugly. the backgrounds were fucking ugly and the colors were ugly and it was an ugly show to look at. unbearably so. and even the obligatory "weird" stylized scenes put in to shake things off and try to pretend that it was visually interesting (for like one scene per season) were also fucking ugly.
5. it had not interesting point to make
all it could do was insist and belavor and extemporize about how this one guy sucks and also most people kind of suck but specifically this one guy really sucks and he is not going to get better, or maybe he will? eh maybe, but not really, because he sucks. and we are going to make you like him because we are the writers and we are going to make him relatable and charismatic and sympathetic but actually no he sucks, you fell for it! and what does it say about you that you almost kind of liked him eh????. season after season of him, and in case you almost found anything redeemable about him, we are going to make him even worse, painfully unsubtly so, we are going to make him look at the camera and say that he sucks, because that is the level of nuance we think you can handle, dear viewer. this is called "self aware writing" and its postmodern and meta, which means its clever.
i fucking hate this show and the more i think about it the angrier it makes me, and what makes me more angriest of all is that people like it. its popular. it won awards i think. its largely recognized as a good show and its not! it sucks and its bad and if you like it you are stupid.
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rottenrosethorns · 11 months
I see your looking for request, so I was more than happy to show up in your inbox
I came up with this randomly - anyway. Leon plans a weekend getaway/vacation for him and the reader. Somewhere where they can go swimming (beach,lake etc etc). Leon needs to relieve some tension. Leon and the reader share romantic night swim together totally on a whim, and just enjoy each other’s company, and tiny bit of smut just to top it all off.
much love x
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x afab!reader 
Genre: Fluff, Smut 
Synopsis: Disaster after disaster, Leon’s weekend plans seem to come to an unfortunate end; however, you convince him to try one last resort at a secluded campsite off the side of the road. 
Word Count: 4.4K 
Warning: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; swimming, bugs, unprotected sex, vanilla romantic sex 
A/N: all of my a/n are like “sorry for taking so long” and “it’s longer than expected” lmao. Thank you anon for requesting, i hope you like it! I really hope i got the romance translated through the story (if its subpar, im sorry, im tragically single LMAO) 
- masterlist - 
“Hey, hey, look at me,” You reached across the center console to cup Leon’s cheek and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, “Everything’s going to be okay, alright?”
Your voice hushes into a comforting whisper as you rubbed Leon’s cheek with a sad pout. Thankfully, your kiss seemed to soften his disarray of emotions as his frustrated wrinkles eased away as he let out a quick huff. Leon’s eyes were set looking through the windshield, avoiding your eyes at all costs as he wanted to avoid you picking up on his embarrassment. But, even without looking at him, you always knew what emotion he was feeling. You could clearly tell that Leon was disappointed in himself despite your attempts at reassurance. Leon sighed loudly, resting his elbow on the driver’s door as he looked down with his forehead resting in his left hand, “Everything was supposed to be perfect.” 
Optimistically, you tried to offer him a smile, but even you knew that you couldn’t argue with him about that one. Nothing was ever perfect, but this weekend trip was far from smooth sailing. Leon – being the vacation desperate man that he is – took the first chance to get out of town and booked a picturesque shoreside cabin for the extended weekend. It’s been way too long since he’s had a break, and all he wanted to do was spend time with you while reconnecting with nature. Well, the latter part was more so a suggestion from Leon’s therapist to which you essentially forced him to start seeing. Although he deemed it unnecessary even with his success of departing from the hardships of his trauma, Leon only agreed to comply with the treatments if you were doing them with him which included you enjoying the calmness that nature offered as well. A win is a win, you suppose. 
However, not everyone could be winners without losing once or twice, and Leon seemed to be on a streak today. With the cabin site a hefty four hours away from home, you were bound to run into some mishaps. But those mishaps quickly turned into mayhem as you faced the tribulations of Leon losing and finding his wallet, changing a flat tire on the highway, getting pulled over and let go with a warning, nearly missing a deer kissing the front bumper, and much, much more. Leon felt like he was fighting for his life more so on this road trip than being on an actual work mission. The only difference being that his enemy was the invisible universe instead of the normal mutated creatures and undead humans. 
Upon struggling to reach the cabinsite, Leon was relieved to pull into the parking lot of the front office and finally settle down after the hectic events of the day. But as if his trip couldn’t get any worse, the receptionist at the cabinsite pitifully informed you both that Leon’s booking confirmation never went through and that there were unfortunately no vacancies for the rest of the weekend. So now, you were both back in Leon’s car as he tried his best not to blow a fuse from the abundance of misfortunes. 
Just as you were about to respond back to him, your eyes shifted from Leon towards your phone screen that just lit up from being drained of its battery. Leon mistook your untimely silence as if you were condemning him at fault for being the reason why this trip was so disastrous. As he went to shift away from you, you quickly reached out and embraced his hands in yours, “We’re still going to have fun, okay? We’ve got a couple hours until sundown and I think I have an idea.” 
“You sure? If you don’t want to, we can go back home,” Leon offered with a downward turn on his lips. As much as he hated the idea of going back home and sitting idly within those same four walls of the house, Leon didn’t want you to feel as if you were being forced along with him to share the unexpected hardships of the road-trip. 
“Didn’t you say you wanted to reconnect with nature?” You laughed to yourself, already finding the imagery of Leon frolicking in the grass like some Disney princess amusing, “Let’s go here, I saw it on the way.”
Leon leaned over to look at the location you’d pull up on your phone, showing a small and secluded campsite hidden on the side of the road. Leon inspected the images with a skeptical look, “Are you sure? Those pictures seem kinda old, what if it’s not what it looks like anymore?”
You shrugged, “Then, we’ll find out and see.” 
“We don’t even have camping supplies.”
“Then, we get them.”
You and Leon stared at each other in silence as the proposition sunk in. After a moment, Leon sighed and started the car’s engine to drive off wherever you directed him to go. A part of him hoped that you wanted to tell him to turn around and go home, but the other part of him still wanted the weekend events to work out. After a bit more convincing, you managed to dissipate all his doubts and initiated yourself to take the responsibility for the rest of the trip. Although he was disappointed that his plans fell through, Leon couldn’t bring himself to put in more effort in the trip. During the ride, you constantly reassured him that nothing bad would happen although you both knew you really couldn’t promise that. It didn’t stop you from believing nonetheless. 
You directed Leon for a while until the car stopped at the nearest department store where you gathered all the necessary camping supplies and whatever food you wanted to last you the weekend. Thankfully, Leon’s mood started to brighten up as he chose your favorite snacks and even offered to buy you a cute stuffed teddy bear to keep you company. Was he slightly jealous that you were beaming at the plush? Maybe. But, he’d buy you anything to keep that smile on your face. 
Once satisfied with the purchase, you both departed the parking lot and drove until you found yourselves going down a tiny dirt path. The further you went down the road you started to second guess whether or not this was a good idea. It was a good half of a mile drive from the main road, and you were skeptical if there was even going to be a nice scene at the end of the road to settle in. The dirt road quickly started to disappear as the path became more and more overgrown as if no one had driven over it for quite some time. You cringed at the sound of the tree branches scratching the sides of Leon’s car as the edge of the forest got narrower. You really didn’t want the campsite to be bad and dampen Leon’s mood even more. You knew how much he needed a break, and you wanted to help make that happen. 
As you progressed deeper into the forest, the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach worsened. Leon seemed to notice your skepticism, “You sure this is the right place?”
You let out a nervous giggle, tightening your hold around your teddy bear, “Yes?”
Leon shook his head, unsure whether or not to believe you, yet he continued to drive forward blindly. You felt yourself holding your breath in anticipation as the thick trees looming over the road started to clear up. You lurched forward in your seat, rubbing your eyes from thinking that you saw something in the distance. As Leon approached, a laser flash of the sun’s reflection flashed your squinting eyes before you started to piece shining ripples on a water’s surface, “Is that a lake?”
Upon completely entering the clearing, your eyes were welcomed with a wide yet humble campground peacefully secluded from the main road. The campsite was equipped with a circle of rocks acting as a firepit with a small path leading down towards the sandbank and access to the lake from a wooden dock at the shore. Utterly breath taken from the sight before you, you awed the sheer capacity of the view. The lake was essentially crystal clear surrounded with rocks, cliff ledges, assortment of lush green trees, and a mountain. It was exactly what you’d see in a painting.  
Leon pulled off to the side, parked the car, and hopped out eagerly to deeply inhale the fresh scent of pine. You quickly followed after Leon and leaping into his arms for an open hug while laughing, “Is this okay?”
Leon snuggled into you, feeling happy for the first time today, “No, this is perfect, maybe even better than the cabin.” 
Leon tightened his arms for a moment as a silent thank you for your suggestion before putting you down and turning to soak himself in the view as well. While he was looking away, you couldn’t help but put yourself at ease from watching the smile on Leon’s face grow as the relief washed over him. 
You kissed his cheek and glanced at the campsite again, “Let’s set up for dinner before the sun goes down.” 
You and Leon tagged team setting up the tent and making dinner before sitting yourselves at the edge of the dock to eat and relax. 
“Can you believe that there’s places like this that actually exist?” You breathed a sigh of awe as you watched the reflection of the setting sun shimmer against the breeze induced ripples on the lake's surface. 
Unfortunately, your moment was partially ruined by some flying insects invading your vision and coming a bit too close for comfort as you swatted them away chaotically. Just as your bravery was set to dissipate, Leon aided in swatting the small swarm away. Shivering from the imaginative feeling of bugs crawling on your skin, you groaned in discomfort while rolling your eyes, “My knight and shining armor.”
“Is this your token of gratitude?” Leon feigned hurt by putting a hand over his heart dramatically, “Even after I aided your distress?”
You pushed him away with a laugh, yet your arms returned to rub them over your skin subconsciously. Even when you knew you were safe, you still felt vulnerable, especially out in the open, “I hate bugs.”
Leon hummed in acknowledgement as he intensely peered out into the scenic lake before perking up suddenly, “I have an idea!”
You eyed him suspiciously, moving your torso away and holding your hands up cautiously, “Uh-oh.”
“It’s not even dangerous,” Leon rolled his eyes, “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
You blinked, “Yeah, I don’t know about that one.”
“When have I ever put you in danger?”
“Let’s see,” You pointed each finger up, counting off the events as you recalled them, “Vegas, New York, LA – oh, don’t forget China too!”
“Alright! Alright!” Leon huffed with an exaggerated pout, “You have a point.”
“I always have a point,” You smiled in triumph, “Now-”
Leon cut you off by suddenly standing up and offering you a hand. You peered at his hand for a moment before shifting your eyes to his as you both silently communicated. Eventually, you decided to take his hand and let him lead you to wherever he planned to; however, instead of helping you stand up like you anticipated him to, Leon had pulled you forward and used the momentum of your imbalance to throw your body against his as he engulfed you in a hug and threw your bodies into the lake. 
Closing your eyes and holding your breath, you were completely submerged in the cool water. As quickly as it happened, you felt Leon’s hands grab your waist and help you break the surface and take a deep gasp for air. 
“Seriously, Leon?" You wiped the water droplets off your face and pushed your hair back,  "What are you like ten?" 
Leon’s hands moved from your waist to the back of your thighs and guided them to wrap around his waist as he floated around in the water. Leon smirked as you securely wrapped your arms around his neck, afraid to drift too far from him although you were safely near the shore’s edge, “Feels nice, doesn’t it?”
You were about to question what he meant by that before you realized that the cool sensation of the water wore off the icky feeling of the bugs crawling on your skin. Upon seeing your face, Leon laughed in satisfaction, knowing that he was right. 
“Shut up,” You mumbled. 
Leon leaned into you closer, teasingly hovering his lips near yours, “What was that?”
“I said-” You took your chance to release his neck, cup a pocket of water in your hands, and splash Leon in the face. 
Leon released you, giving you a chance to swim away before becoming a victim to his revenge. You can’t remember how long you were in the lake for, but you definitely are going to remember the memories of laughing and smiling with Leon for the rest of your life. Before you knew it, the sun was barely over the horizon as the black and blue sky began to overtake the pink and orange hues. While distracted from looking at the sky, Leon swam towards you. 
“Come on, you’re getting cold,” Leon helped you gain your footing as you both trudged towards the firepit soaking wet. 
You squeezed out the hem of your shirt in efforts to reduce the amount of water on you; however, you remained drenched no matter how much you twisted and wrung the fabric. Turning towards Leon, you meant to ask him which bag he packed the towels to retrieve them but was promptly stopped upon seeing him sling off his shirt and wringing it out. You gulped as you watched the veins trailing down his arms to his hands enhanced as he tightly gripped the fabric of his shirt. Now with the moon high in the sky, Leon’s bare skin seemed to glitter as his muscles flexed. 
You felt like you would’ve stayed there forever had your thoughts not been interrupted from Leon’s chuckle, “Can I help you?”
Adverting your eyes and clearing your throat loudly, you awkwardly pointed towards his car, “Um, I'm gonna get the towels. Which – uh, which bag did you put them in?”
“I didn’t pack towels.”
“You,” Your jaw slacked, “You what?”
Leon shrugged, taking a nearby stick and propping it upwards in the ground near the fire and hung his shirt to dry, “I figured the cabin would’ve provided some, so I didn’t pack any.” 
You stood there dumbfounded, knowing that Leon did have a point despite his lack of preparedness, “We can’t stay wet like this, we’ll get sick.”
“There’s a fire right here,” Leon stated like it was obvious before hooking his thumbs around his waistband and stripping himself from his pants and undergarments. 
You gasped loudly, turning your back towards him as your wide eyes did their best to avoid being flashed, “Leon!” 
Your voice echoed out into the forest as Leon’s boisterous laugh filled the air as he slung the rest of his clothes over another stick, “Come on, it’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.” 
Heat flushes your face as you bite the inside of your cheek from the imagery of Leon being completely unclothed, most times from events when you both were getting intimate, “T-That’s different!” 
You knew Leon rolled his eyes from the tone of his voice, “You can turn around now, I’ve got clothes on.”
Slowly, you peeked at Leon, making sure he was telling the truth before committing to fully view him. True to his word, Leon had dressed himself with his previous outfit hanging near the fire. He handed you your clothes he managed to grab and set up another row of sticks to set your wet clothes to dry. 
When he noticed you were still frozen in place, Leon asked, “What’s wrong?”
Quietly, you mumbled, “Can you turn around?”
Leon paused his movements before a wide smirk flashed across his lips, “What was that?”
“I said,” You huffed, annoyed, “Turn around!” 
Leon snickered at your embarrassment but ultimately complied as he turned his back towards you and patiently waited until you handed him your sopping clothes to be hung on his makeshift clothing line. Once you finished dressing and hanging your clothes to dry, you noticed Leon shuffling about inside the tent. You watched as Leon basically disassembled the bedding setup and placed it outside near the campfire, “You know those are supposed to go inside the tent, right?” 
For a while, you tried to decipher what he was doing while urging yourself not to scold him for placing the sheets on the dirt. Leon would set the sheets in one spot, crane his neck upwards before moving the sheets to another spot before doing the same thing again and again until he settled on a spot to his liking. He was a bit of a perfectionist and his wide smile proved that point even more as he sat down and patted the spot next to him eagerly. Playing along, you seat yourself next to Leon and follow suit as you both laid on the sheets to look up at the night sky. There you saw the blanket of darkness with billions of stars that seemed to glow brighter than it did in the city.
“See the big dipper?” Leon took his hand and placed it over yours with your pointer outwards as he stretched your arm out towards the sky and traced the shape of the constellation, “And, there’s the little one.” 
Leon continued to look up at the stars and educate you about the history of each constellation and the mysteries of outer space. You listened intently, soaking every story and fact that he had to tell, “Since when did you know all this stuff? I thought you hated astronomy and horoscopes.”
Leon shrugged, “I do, but then I watched this documentary.”
You laughed incredulously before returning to awe at the glittering specks above you, tracing the constellations’ patterns over and over again. From the forest to the lake to the stars, you felt at peace in the countryside and a part of you wondered whether you could make a life with Leon out here far into the future. While looking at the stars, a quick linear flash of light darted across the tail end of the Little Dipper, “Leon, a shooting star! Make a wish!” 
Instinctively, you brought your hands up to your chest in a mock prayer while dragging Leon’s hand in yours as you closed your eyes and made your wish. After a moment of silence, you turned towards Leon, only to be surprised that he was looking at you the whole time. Leon chuckled at your reaction, “What’d you wish for?”
“I can’t tell you, silly, or it won’t come true.”
“Fair,” Leon said without glancing away at you, “You want to know what my wish was?”
“It won’t come true if you tell me,” You said in a hush just above a whisper, noticing the twinkling in Leon’s eyes became brighter than the stars above you.
“What if it already came true?” 
Leon’s eyes traced the features of your face as the campfire’s flames illuminated your complexion. Slowly, Leon brought up a hand to cup your cheek as his thumb softly traced your bottom lip, “Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask,” You whispered. 
Immediately, Leon pressed his lips to yours in a loving embrace, only moving his lips slowly as if to slow down time and relish the feelings of this moment. You melted into his kiss much like all of his others, but you yearned for more as you broke the kiss to straddle his lap. Sitting up, Leon rested his hands at your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kisses you gave him. Grinding yourself onto Leon’s hardness, you helped each other take off your shirts before Leon dove forward to pepper kisses along your neck and collarbone. You arched your back, easing access for Leon to leave a few marks behind. Leon trailed his hands up and down your exposed back before dipping them into the hem of your shorts and gathered the fabric of your underwear in a gentle tug, causing the friction to rub against your clit. 
Leon pulled back for a moment, chest heaving from lust, “Are you sure you want this?”
“This isn’t our first time,” You giggled, running your fingers through his messy hair. 
“I know,” Leon said with his eyes flickering from your eyes to your swollen lips, “I’m just checking.”
“If you want this,” Leon hesitated, pressing his lips in a fine line, “If you want me.”
You sat back, arms dropping to your sides as you peered at your lover confused. Leon rarely ever questioned your reasoning for staying with him despite all his history and his flaws. But, it was when the crackle of the fire paired with an extra large flicker of flame flashed the raw emotion of uncertainty in Leon’s eyes when you understood that it was the insecurity of all his history and all his flaws which clouded his mind with doubt. You had to step back and see things from his perspective for a moment. Of course, Leon was used to disasters in his everyday life, but now with all the great memories he’s created today, he was scared to lose it all now that the night was coming to an end. 
Knowing this, you smiled at him, holding his jawline with both hands as you pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. Leon responded with equal passion, but you could still sense a twinge of doubt within him. You pulled away, just enough to hover your lips over his as you rested your foreheads upon another, “Let me show you that I want this, that I want you.”
Leon gulped, eyes flickering between yours before slowly nodding and letting you take the lead. Taking his hands off your hips, you slid off his lap to fully undress yourself and guided him to do the same before reclaiming your place. You sat back, allowing enough space for you to dip your hand between your legs to grab Leon’s dick and slowly pump him at the base. Leon took a sharp inhale, eyes focused on your working hand. It didn’t take him long to get fully erect before you trailed your hand further up his shaft to drag his tip and spread your lubricant from pussy lips to clit. You spread the slickness along his shaft, causing him to hiss from the ease, “Don’t you need to prep? I can-”
You hushed him, “I’ll be fine, I need you in me right now.”
Leon twitched at your words, salivating from your eagerness. He didn’t want to lose his composure so quickly especially since you seemed to be holding on so well, but he was just as desperate to be in you and you were for him. Taking him back in your hand, you raised your weight in your knees and positioned yourself to take him in. Slowly, you sank down, allowing yourself the luxury of the initial painful stretch before using your body weight to bottom out. Leon’s face contorted with pleasure, using every ounce of self control that he could muster not to move your hips up and downwards as you took a moment to adjust to his size. Leon closed his eyes, taking shaky deep breaths in and out. 
You knew it was evil, but you purposefully prolonged your adjustment just to see Leon in this state. You found it endearing to see him so frustrated as you essentially cockwarmed him, but you knew you couldn’t keep this up for too long before Leon would turn the tables on you and make you regret testing his patience. So, with one last look of desperation on his face, you finally pumped your hips against his and took all of him. You hugged his wide shoulders and bit down on his skin as you dragged your walls against his veiny cock. The heat of your core plus the heat of the fire ignited a flush within you as the ember glow filled the air around you. 
Leon chose to show his appreciation by gripping your waist to push you back and leaving open mouth kisses on your breast and nipples. You arched your back, using his shoulders to hold for leverage as you continued to pump yourself on him. You could feel yourself beginning to tightened as you approached your finish and surely Leon could feel it too; however, Leon repositioned his hands to lift you off of him and on the blanket, so that you were lying on your back. 
“I was almost done,” You looked up at him with a pout from your stolen climax before a moan from your lips pierced the air as Leon entered you again. 
“I know, baby,” Leon hovered over you, lips on the shell of your ear as he whispered, “I just wanted to show you how much I wanted you too.”
With newfound passion, Leon rose back up and relentlessly pounded into your cunt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head with pleasure as you gripped his veiny forearms to keep yourself from shifting away due to his force. You cried out into the night air as your moans and whimpers became lost in the wilderness. Lost in the feeling of Leon’s heavy thrusts, you hadn’t realized he took your hands in his as he continued his pace. 
“Please,” You gasped, “I’m almost there.”
You felt the familiar clench in your gut as Leon aimed at an upwards angle, deliciously pressing against your g-spot. You gripped his hands harder as you begged him not to stop. Leon edged you on by whispering more dirty thoughts in your ear as he groaned between his speech. Once again, Leon’s lips found your their way up and down your neck before leaving hickeys around the soft skin of your breasts 
“Cum, baby, cum for me,” Leon thrusted one last time into you, hips stuttering as he held your hand and pushed himself impossibly deeper into you. You moaned loudly as you wrapped your legs around his sides and clenched around him as he pumped into you. You both laid there, taking a moment to catch your breaths before removing yourselves, cleaning up, and laying covered up to bask in each other’s after sex glow by the fire. 
“Thank you for a memorable weekend,” Leon caressed your cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” You kissed him lovingly and snuggled into his side to share his warmth. Although the fire was more than enough, it could never compare to the warmth and comfort that Leon gave you. 
“What should we do tomorrow?”
“Probably, get that tire properly fixed.” 
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blitzyn · 5 months
don't worry
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gray raven x gn!reader
request: can i request a found family comfort for the grey raven trio where reader/their newly assigned commandant is practically a kid—basically regarded as a 'prodigy' (not really reader was just raised specifically to be a commandant). at first reader seems almost disturbingly professional & rational to a fault, but then one day before a mission they found reader crying because reader was afraid & they were like. "nah man we're giving you a happy childhood" and discovers reader has horrible self-esteem issues. constantly blame themselves for stuff going wrong sometimes even if it clearly wasn't their fault. BASICALLY GREY RAVEN TRIO AS READER'S OLDER SIBLING FIGURES, TAKES CARE OF THEM, HELP THEM THROUGH THEIR ISSUES & TRY TO MAKE HAPPY MEMORIES W THE READER. ty & sorry for the long req oml 😭 — ⚖️
a/n -> YES ABSOLUTELY. Oh my god I’ve been aching and itching and desperate to write something for pgr after hyperreal came out on global I LOVE YOU. Slight spoilers about about the battle in kowloong but my memory of its kinda fuzzy sorry. also this is pre empyrea and hyperreal. NEWAYS darker fics coming up soon dw whoever sees this
wc -> 2.3k
cw -> a bit of self doubt from reader but nothing too heavy
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Nearly everyone in Babylonia knew that you were, unarguably, one of the best commandants of their time. You were rational, effective, strong, and intelligent—everything needed in a leader. At a very early age, you could even be considered on par with the Egret commandant, Vanessa.
It was like a breath of fresh air for Lee, Liv, and Lucia, too. Their previous commandant had been one incompetent mess, to put it kindly. They were hardly able to submit their paperwork on time and often made one too many mistakes down on the surface, which inevitably led to their discharge.
You, however, were better in so many ways. You could keep up with the stacks of paper (which, honestly, the three thought was a bit much for a human), maintain a rational mind under pressure, and even utilize the potential they had during battle. Their growth had been evident to them and to many others, which is why when Liv hears you sobbing in your office, she isn’t sure what to do.
She’s well versed in the many different ways to console a crying child given her previous profession as a nurse, but she wasn’t sure how to apply her abilities to you. She readjusts her audio module after having increased it when she heard the faintest sound of a cry, quietly making her way towards the door that led to your office. She stopped in front it, a frown making its way on her face. She wasn’t sure how to handle this, but she knew she had to try.
“Commandant?” She softly knocked on the firm wooden door, listening intently to the sudden gasp that came from your lips and the urgent rustling of paper. “Are you okay?”
There was a pause, likely to recollect yourself and steel your voice. “Yes, Liv.” But she could hear it all—the shakiness, the faint sniffle, your raw voice. Although, there was one that deeply concerned her. She could hear the fear in your tone. Fear of what? She had only ever known you to be strong and brave; though, everyone had their breaking point.
She pursed her lips, tracing mindless patterns on the door before gathering the courage to speak again. “May I come inside? I would appreciate it if… if you could tell me why you’re so upset.”
“I’m not upset,” you countered quickly, even when you knew it wasn’t convincing for either of you.
“Please, commandant…” she pleaded, furrowing her eyebrows worriedly. She wasn’t about to leave you here when she knows she can do something about your tears. “I know you may not be comfortable sharing how you feel, but I would like you to trust me when I say that bottling up your emotions will only serve to hurt you. I know this, now. You taught me the importance of trusting one another, so, please, commandant. Can you trust me?”
There was a moment of silence before you shuffled over to open the door. Your eyes were rimmed red and you kept sniffling every so often, but Liv didn’t watch you with pity nor disdain. Her expression was free of judgement, and you seemed to recognize it when you relaxed the slightest bit.
“If you’re comfortable, could you tell me what’s bothering you?” She questioned softly, watching out for any signs of discomfort.
You pursed your lips, absentmindedly tapping a tune on the doorframe. It wasn’t that you wanted to shut your teammates out, you just couldn’t help but believe that you weren’t allowed to talk about your emotions ever since you began training to become a commandant when you were young. That was one of the main things your parents drilled into you: leading an elite squad had no time for how you felt.
So, you could only offer Liv a noncommittal shrug, slightly surprising her. She’s always known you to be decisive and often strayed away from gestures like that.
“It’s… what if… I’m just worried about tomorrow,” you finally admitted, averting your gaze. You fidgeted a little under your construct’s gaze, even if it was comforting. “What if something goes wrong, and I can’t do anything to fix it? Like… like last time, when Lucia had to switch to her Plume frame after Kowloong.”
A look of understanding crossed Liv’s face. You were afraid of not being enough. Of thinking that you could’ve done something better. She knew she was like that, and so was everyone else, most likely.
“I understand,” she said, noticing the way you perked up at her words. “I also have had countless experiences thinking that I could’ve done more, or that I should’ve done something different. But I would like you to acknowledge that what Lucia did in Kowloong was not your fault. She did what she had to as a soldier and our captain.”
You shook your head, looking down at your gloved hand. Underneath the fabric rests a scar that cuts horizontally along your palm. “But you’re a construct, Liv. It’s easy to say that since you’re so much stronger than I am. What if I’m just weak? What if you and the others are just slowing down to match my pace?”
Liv furrowed her brows, opening her mouth to retort when another voice beat her to it.
“We were humans, too, you know,” the voice said, and instantly you recognized it to be Lee’s. The two of you watched as he and Lucia made their way in the lounge.
“Yes, commandant,” Lucia nodded in agreement, quickly finding her place beside Liv.
You cringed a little, suddenly finding all the attention embarrassing. “How much did you hear?”
“Enough to figure out what was going on,” Lee replied nonchalantly, but with the way he always bore a flat expression, it was hard to tell if he was secretly scrutinizing you or not. “There’s nothing to worry about tomorrow. It’s just standard procedure.”
You frowned at his words, beginning to wonder if you were just overthinking it all again. Lucia seemed to notice as she watched you closely. Nothing seemed to go past her eyes. “Is there something else that’s bothering you, commandant?”
“I’m just worried, I guess,” you tried to shrug it off, fighting off the growing urge to fidget. There was a beat of silence before Lucia spoke up with an eager smile on her face.
"Then, why don't we go out for a while?" She suggested, taking a peek over your shoulder towards the pile of paperwork still stationed on your desk. "It's been a while since all four of us got to hang out together."
"Yes, that's a great idea," Liv visibly brightened, glancing at her friend before returning her gaze back to you. "What do you say, commandant?"
This was the first time in a while you were unable to produce a decision on the spot. But as your eyes flitted onto the expectant expressions of your companions (minus Lee, of course), you could feel yourself gradually being swayed by Lucia's words.
"Uh... Sure. We can go out for a while," you finally relented, earning bright smiles from the two girls before they led you out of the Gray Raven lounge and through the winding corridors that led outside the building. You noticed a few lingering gazes upon you when you walked past, pursing your lips when you saw theirs move in unintelligible whispers.
"They're jealous of how you're younger than them but capable of achieving more," Lee suddenly said from beside you, not bothering to bat an eye when you looked at him. You opened your mouth to reply when he ultimately beat you to it. "No, I'm not saying it just because."
You nodded slowly, unable to fight the faint smile creeping on your face. It made you feel a foreign yet welcoming warmth knowing that he wasn't normally the type to do such a thing like raise his audio modules just to eavesdrop, and yet he did it anyway. He quickly noticed your smile as a blush colored his pale cheeks pink, so you mercifully looked away before he could start complaining about his heat dispersal system "malfunctioning" again.
You winced when you finally made your way out of the building, the artificial lights mimicking daytime on Earth briefly blinding you. You don't remember the last time you went outside just for a leisurely stroll, honestly. Sure, you've been out to visit the gun range or when you needed to depart for a mission, but never really taken in the sights since you were young.
"Where should we go first?" Liv questioned, humming a gentle tune as she looked around for something to do. Everything in Babylonia was limited due to its launch as an incomplete colony ship during the Golden Age, so there weren't any things like public aquariums or gardens. Many plants were used for study in laboratories and preservation just in case they could be replanted on Earth again.
"Why don't we get ice cream? I remember seeing a stand not too long ago," Lucia suggested, glancing at her teammates for approval. You felt a little strange going to an ice cream stand as a grown person who trained all their life to be a soldier, but you couldn't resist upon seeing the expectant gazes of your fellow comrades.
"Uh, sure. That sounds nice," you agreed, albeit a little awkwardly.
"Oh, but commandant," Liv began worriedly as she quickly looked you up and down. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary—you appeared just as put together as always. But now that she knows more of you, she can't help but fuss over your well-being. "I don't remember the last time you ate or what it was. Maybe you should eat something first?"
You gave a nonchalant wave of your hand in dismissal, wordlessly urging her to not worry so much. Not that it'd ever work. "It's okay, Liv. I ate today. There's nothing to be concerned about."
She studied you for a moment longer before letting it go with a defeated sigh. But she wasn't genuinely upset now that she was able to see you in a way that didn't involve violence or dire situations. Continuing on, you could see the stand growing closer, noticing a few other people surrounding it. They were mostly children, with only a few parents watching over them.
Suddenly, one of them seemed to recognize who you were and came running in your direction with a wide grin. She was a little girl who couldn't have been older than ten, with messy, brown hair pulled into two droopy pigtails. "You're that person! The hero!" She cheered, nearly barreling straight into your legs. You steadied her with a firm hand, surprised when she abruptly raised her arm to request an autograph.
"Please?! You're so cool going wham! and bang! against all those bad guys on the surface! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!" She spoke so fast it was nearly impossible to keep up, but you made an effort to nod along with her words. "Super awesome and brave!"
"You haven't even..." You trailed off, wondering what she was told to believe that was solely what you did. Sure, there were a lot of Corrupted lingering around that you and your team disposed of, but there were others who did the exact same thing you did. But seeing this girl's excited grin and awestruck eyes stopped you from finishing your sentence. "Thanks, kid. It means a lot knowing that someone like you looks up to me."
You looked around for something to write with when Liv offered you a pen. You took it with a grateful nod before grabbing a spare paper from your pocket, not wanting to anger her parents by writing on her skin. She squealed and waved the paper around like a flag, staring at it like it was the greatest thing in the world. She repeated several thank you's before running off to her parents, leaving you back to your own devices.
You chuckled lightly, watching her before looking back at Liv. Your eyes widened in surprise when you turned a few times as you realized that Lucia and Lee weren't near you.
"Here, commandant!" Lucia said not a moment later, suddenly appearing behind you. She had an ice cream cone in her hand, holding it out to you. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was your favorite flavor. You carefully took it, giving curious glances towards the three.
"Oh, Lee picked out the flavor," Lucia informed, oblivious to the way the man tensed when his name was mentioned. "He noticed you had an interest in flavors similar to it.''
Lee's eyebrows furrowed as his lips dipped downwards into a frown, but there was no mistaking the embarrassed blush coating his cheeks once again. "There's nothing wrong with knowing my commandant's habits for optimal results and future developments."
Liv giggled quietly beneath her hand but decided not to comment on it.
"I hope you like it, commandant," Lucia continued on, eager to know your opinion on the treat.
"He'd be right," you said as you offered her a brief, grateful smile before beginning to eat your ice cream. "And, by the way, you can... you can call me by my name. If you want."
Lucia brightened, walking by your side as you all walked around aimlessly. "[Name]. [Name]! [Name]... [Name]," she repeated in various different tones, trying out how it'd feel to have your name on her tongue.
This time, it was your turn to turn away in embarrassment, futilely trying to hide behind your ice cream. "Don't wear it down all in one day."
"It's a very nice name," Liv laughed lightly at her friend's antics, taking part in teasing you just this once. Although, as she watched you, she couldn’t help but sadden just the slightest bit. Your features hadn’t yet fully matured, resembling that of a teenager just recently entering adulthood. She disliked how someone so young had to be forced into a world such as this, but all she could do was fight and hope that none others would be subject to the same fate in the future.
You just shook your head in exasperation, leisurely strolling forward. Being around your teammates—rather, your friends—like this sent a warmth through your body that only served to rekindle your determination to succeed on days like tomorrow just to have more times like these. It was a comforting feeling. But you could only hope that fate would be kind.
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oneslimybastard · 25 days
Ghetsis facts:
>At least two grunts are scared of him (musharna being able to spook them off with visions of being scolded by Ghetsis)
>His speeches does in fact convince some people to release their pokémon or at least second-guess their view on the trainer-pokémon relationship
>Tells the grunts to give Bianca's Munna back
>Persuasive enough to essentially wiggle some of his Guys out of arrest in Driftveil, even if Clay does it reluctantly
>Knows Reshiram and Zekrom would not fuck with him so he picks up a miracle child from the forest to do it for him instead. Raises said child kind of like his own but also kind of not, there's a deliberate distance put between them
>Did make this wonderchild who can speak to pokémon and are clearly very empathetic towards them hang out with pokémon who had been mistreated for the purpose of instilling an ideology in him.
>Randomly has 3 ninjas who are just ride or die until the end of time for some reason
>Lots of team plasma is ride or die for him actually, otherwise Neo Team Plasma wouldn't have been a thing
>He rubs the death of Alder's partner pokémon in the mans face. All cheeky beaky like. Because he can.
>He will tell the teenager his Adopted I Swear Not Related Promise son is fixated on as a rival all about how he basically groomed say son into doing all of this dragon bullshit while having them cornered on a bridge. Then just casually walks off. His ninjas are there too.
>Will also happily tell said teenager they probably aren't that special or chosen or whatever, lol lmao, seems like ur dragon haven't woken up yet, dw maybe it will, lol.
>Cannot take an L to save his fucking life. Will lash out at everything and everyone around him and build a stupid airship with a stupid laser powered by the crinkly old grandpa of the dragon trio and do a terrorism before taking an L
>Refers to himself as being PERFECT while inhaling massive amounts of copium
>Needs a cane in bw2 and is only ever seen using one of his hands, so probably physically disabled to some degree
>Strong enough to jam the butt of that cane into the solid frozen earth of a cave. Probably just kind of a visual metaphor for him being threatening but also Hear Me Out What If He's Fucking Built-
>N is ride or die for him enough to still try and get through to him during the bw2 climax despite having been utilized as a silly little pawn yet again. This does not work, because as previously mentioned, man just cannot take that L
>When faced with literally no other option but to take an L, he passes out. His ninja squad punctuates this with him probably not being a threat anymore.
Ghetsis interpertation:
I think all of these things weave together into just a very fascinating person when you look at them a little deeper. Someone who's clearly charismatic enough to acquire that much loyalty, love, and fear — but also not equipped to handle the shame of failure in the god damn slightest. When threatened he devolves from a calculated cult leader above it all to a snarling animal fighting for its life, because he's probably rotted away behind a mask of perfectionism for years rather than done any significant growth as a person. He's clearly intelligent, probably highly emotionally intelligent because if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to pull this shit, but all of that shatters and breaks and splinters with one (1) crucial failure. He tries to recuperate but can't, the survival instinct is breathing down his neck because to him the shame of being a human like the rest of them rather than the perfect ideal he's been forging is scarier than anything that could actually physically kill him. He blames N, he blames MC, Colress, just about anyone and anything that doesn't end up pointing back to his own shortcomings.
And still! N probably loves him! And it's probably genuine! He wants to connect with him and breach that gap and give him ibuprofen because even if he's shown himself to be cringe, that's still his father, which is something he values enough to try and hold on to. And the ninja guys remain ride or die, so there's clearly something to him other than schemes and trickery, something genuine and beautiful that might not in practice be worth fighting for but it sure feels like it.
A beautiful man who's warped himself into a demon because he couldn't stand his own humanity because he's probably autistic and traumatized from his undefined childhood, and when he's beat down, rather than taking that L at long last, he'll curl up in his little cage, continue to snarl and tell himself over and over that this is what he is. What he will always be. He couldn't become god so he resigns to dying a devil. Because even still, that is preferable to him over taking that L, admitting to himself he is just a little guy like other little guys with problems he couldn't cope with, and that it caused hurt and destruction.
Devils don't feel regret or shame, humans do. And he'd have a loooot of that to chug through if he decided to face it. So he won't.
which is just very sexy and milfy and babygirl of him i think. this is my "why ghetsis is like so sexy actually" manifesto, without even tapping into the juice that is him going "nuh-uh" over his own dang disabilities but that too ties into how he can't cope with his own imperfect humanity so u know. Also that he's just kinda sassy and petty. Amazing. 10/10 best written character not in the games but in my brain.
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majorproblems77 · 1 month
I sent you part of this already but I decided it needed a bit more. 🫂❤️
“Please, Sir. I’ll keep up, or you can leave me behind. Just… go back to your boys.” Sky yanked himself out of Time’s grip and wrapped his arms around himself.  “Please.” His voice threatened to break and he looked away. Why wouldn’t the eldest just… go?
“Sky…” Time caught his arm. No, not in front of Time. Not when he was holding on to…everything by a thread. “I am with one of my boys.What’s wrong?” And the kindness in Time’s voice was the final straw. 
“I haven’t slept more than a half watch in two weeks.” He admitted. “I’m exhausted and Surface Sick but…” here he stopped as his voice choked. “I just need…” Another sob he fought to stifle. He needed the nightmares to let him sleep. He needed his head and body to quit aching. He was already a burden to the other heroes. He pushed through this on his adventure. He’d do it again…
There was a clatter as a golden gauntlet dropped to the ground and a cool wrist was lightly pressed against his forehead, then the eldest hero carefully pulled him into a hug and it was at that point that Sky fully lost his grip on everything and sobbed into Time’s chest. 
Sky collapsed into him, sobbing and Time caught the Chosen hero and fought to contain the panic. The boy had a fever. He wasn’t sure what Surface Sick meant other than Sky seemed familiar with it, some sort of illness obviously. Then there was their current situation. They’d hoped to reach a town soon. It would be better to stock up on supplies and catch news of their quarry but could they even move if Sky was very bad off? He knew the Chosen would feel awful about disrupting the group’s travel but he couldn’t imagine forcing pace when the boy was sick and clearly exhausted. All this was currently being frantically pushed to a back burner as the urgent issue was a teenager breaking down with a simple hug. 
“It’ll be ok, Sky.” He assured, shifting to take more of the Chosen’s weight. "I've got you, it'll be ok."
Time was saved from trying to come up with more than reassurances by the noise of rustling in the bushes and the emergence of Wolfie from the undergrowth. For a wolf, the expression was clear concern. It required shifting the Chosen in his arms to sign. So he ended up making an executive decision then and there.
"Go tell everyone to settle in for a bit. We're overdue for a rest day anyway." His pup nodded and trotted off towards camp. He turned his attention to Sky, whose cries had subsidided into exhausted shudders. He needed to get the Chosen somewhere he could rest.
"Let's get you back to bed, Sky." He shifted to pick the Skyloftian knight up, only getting a miserable whine in response. "It'll be ok, Kid." He hummed the Goron Lullaby as he walked. It wasn't on his ocarina and it had none of the magic the song would have if played on the proper instrument, but it was soothing enough he felt Sky start to properly drift off.
Twilight was human once more as Time approached the edge of camp. Now came the hard part, convincing the boys to not ask too many questions yet. He needn't have worried. Warriors had most of the others occupied with sword work or sparring. Twilight helped him get Sky wrapped up in his bedroll so he could rest. Wild broke from the group long enough to hand over a potion meant to keep a hylian from overheating in desert sun, hopefully it would help against a fever.
"How's he doing?" Wars asked quietly as he dropped to a crouch beside them. Sky was sleeping once more, albeit fitfully. Wild’s exilir plus a damp cloth had done wonders for Sky’s fever. But it was clear the young knight was still struggling.
"Better, a little..." Time turned his attention to Sky as the Chosen’s breath hitched and he began showing signs of distress. The cloth had lost its cooling properties anyway so Time carded a hand through Sky’s hair as he resolved the cloth. It seemed to soothe him.
"Anything you need?" Wars asked once Sky had settled once more.
These kids to stop breaking my heart. Was his immediate thought, but he shook his head. "Unless you know how to fix what's kept him from sleeping and made him ill..."
Warriors smiled ruefully. "We'll just have to keep an eye out. I'll switch you out when you need a break or in two more hours, whichever comes first. Ok, Sprite?"
Time nodded with a small chuckle. The Captain knew him too well to not set deadlines. He'd stay as long as it took to take care of his boys otherwise.
Oh my heart, this is adorable.
Thank you for sharing this with me :)
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cutekittenlady · 26 days
Trains, Planes, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 7
[Previous] [Next]
Everyone is gathered outside the Maltos residence just as the sun is starting to go down.
Bumblebee complains about the late start, but Alex calms him as he loads the last of the groups equipment into Bee's trunk. He points out that while while Cybertronias may not need to sleep in the same way humans do, Breakdown will inevitably have to stop to re-energize and hunt for Energon eventually.
Thrash points out that on the other hand Alex has to eat and sleep and so they'll be stopping just as much.
However Hashtag cuts in on both of them and tells them that Breakdown won't have the benefit of Hashtags wi-fi abilities. Telling the group that she already knows which highway exit Breakdown, Swindle, and Hardtop have taken due to "Cons not believing in red lights". (Red light cameras took pictures of them). She directs Bee and the others what direction to start in, but warns she'll only be able to track them via that method.
Schloder gives Alex an energon reader and recommends he try and use it to track the three.
Thrash questions how hard its actually going to be to track down a racecar, an armored buggy, and a jeep all driving together.
Dot says it may be harder than he thinks and takes the opportunity to remind Thrash to use the holographic tech he'd been given.
Thrash goes into his alt mode and tries the projection out; producing the illusion of his motorcycle having a human rider. Nightshade acknowledges that it may be difficult for them to remain out of sight, but Optimus tells them to just fly high enough to be out of sight during the day. Their owl like alt modes ability to fly silently and even see at night will be vital in helping Bumblebee stay on top of things as they try and track Breakdown.
Nightshade promises to do their best.
With that the group says their goodbyes, and Bumblebee, Alex, Thrash, and Nightshade all hit the road.
Ratchet quietly asks Optimus if he thinks the Terrans can handle the recon mission to which Optimus proudly tells him that they've handled big things already and have come out on top. Besides the remaining autobots on Earth remain scattered across the globe and mobilizing them together would take time they dont have. He also reveals that he had included the Terrans on their channels. So if the group ends up in trouble they know they can contact them for aid.
Ratchet isn't entirely convinced but opts to accept Optimus' judgement.
Dorothy directs everyone back into the dugout for one final review of things before they (she and the kids) turn in to rest for the night before beginning fresh in the morning.
In the dugout, Schloder stands in front of a white board with various pictures placed on it with magnets. Some of them clearly hand drawn.
He marches back and forth in front of the board with Dottie standing to one side and says that they must review the "subjects of interest thus far."
He starts with Subject #1; Breakdown. A decepticon scout. Known to be one of the components of the combiner Menasor, being the combiners right leg. After the war he became a fugitive along with the rest of Decepticons and, evidently, took to participating in races all over the globe under false identities. Most recently he has accessed the database they brought back from the old GHOST headquarters for "unknown purposes". Was previously thought to suffer from a "paranoid disposition" but seems to have dropped it in recent years.
Twitch irritably says they already know about Breakdown.
Schloder just says they have to start somewhere. And besides it'd be good to keep him in mind as any information they get about him could help with the rest. Adding that Breakdown, as far as he knows, had an affinity for taking on race cars as alt modes.
Megatron elaborates that Breakdown, at one time, was able to produce a vibration that shut down non-sentient machines. Which is where he earned his name. However, he lost the ability after suffering grievous bodily harm during the war.
He pauses and tells them that in spite of his association with the stunticons he tended to be fairly reliable and competent, and Megatron had trusted him with vital positions more than once.
Optimus points out that they're not talking about Breakdowns qualifications at the moment which Megatron just frowns at.
Schloder moves on to Subject #2; Dragstrip. A yellow bot known to take on a dragster, rather than a regular car, as her alt mode. She is dangerously competitive and will do anything, absolutely anything, to squeeze out whatever she perceives as a victory for herself. Her constant attempts to slip into races and cause mayhem resulted in routine energon checks being enforced in drag races all over America. She makes up Menasors right arm.
Megatron dourly says Dragstrip once tried to challenge the Seekers to a race and tried to tear off one of NovaStorms wings to make it "fair".
Subject #3; Dead End. Yet another vehicular bot. He formed Menasors left arm. Is thought to largely be the Stunticons strategic center.
Megatron says he always had trouble finding bots willing to go on patrol with Dead End. His dour nihilism tended to get on the other decepticons nerves. It got so bad that only the other stunticons were willing to go on missions with him.
Noting Dead Ends red alt mode, Optimus asks Jawbreaker if Dead End is the bot he saw Breakdown looking up. It's possibly he may have simply looked up Dead End twice.
Jawbreaker looks at Dead Ends picture and says that hes not. It was someone else.
Subject #4; Wildrider. DO NOT APPROACH ALONE. He is dangerous and known to deliberately cause destruction wherever he goes. Some of the biggest road accidents recorded in the past forty years had Wildrider identified as the central cause. He was Menasors left leg.
Megatron admits he doesnt have much to add. Mostly they just pointed Wildrider in whatever direction the enemy was and hoped for the best.
Subject $5; MotorMaster. The leader of the stunticons. He makes up the central component of Menasor. Was known to use his alt mode, a large truck, to barrel through obstacles to make a path for the other stunticons to move in. Notably he had a tendency to gun for Optimus.
Optimus quietly mutters that he still doesnt understand what MotorMasters problem with him was.
Megatron says that he thinks it was a "truck thing" and asks Optimus not to take it too personally. Though he grows serious when he admits that MotorMasters bullheaded violence caused Megatron to be forced to put him in stasis before he left the decepticons.
Twitch asks why he had to do that.
Megatron explained that when Motormaster learned the Stunticons were being disbanded he became so violent that Megatron had to subdue him. He very nearly killed their CMO in the rampage.
He still has no idea if MotorMaster is still in stasis or not. He hadn't seen him on the battlefield after he'd defected leading him to assume Shockwave and the others had left him there.
Schloder clears his throat and admits he actually kinda sorta might have some news about that?
With everyone looking at him Schloder admits that after Mandroids defeat he found some, ah, abandoned messages from another GHOST facility elsewhere in the country. They had, evidently, found Motormasters stasis pod and had awakened him. They'd managed to keep him imprisoned, but a month or two before the mandroid incident he'd someone managed to escape.
Dorothy quickly asks where all the others are.
Schloder tells her that Wildrider and Dragstrip had been imprisoned too. Keyword had.
"You're telling me that right now there's a group of Decepticon road hogs driving around free who can come together to turn into a giant lunatic?!" Dorothy asks.
Schloder stops. Thinks. And confirms that, yes, that is the case.
Ratchet says that this is dire. If Breakdown was working at Motormasters direction, he may have just gotten a lead on the locations of all the other stunticons. If the group comes back together, Menasor will likely make a return.
Jawbreaker nervously says that that cant be all bad, right? After all the autobots presumably defeated him during the war, right? right?!
Optimus confirms that the autbots did indeed have their own combiner teams that helped to combat forces like Menasor.
Jawbreaker sighs in relief.
BUT, optimus finishes, not only are some of the autobots in question scattered across the globe, but many of the team members were left behind on cybertron when the space bridge was destroyed.
Essentially, if their theory about the stunticons coming back together to form Menasor is correct, there is no one readily available to beat him.
Twitch asks if Menasor is as terrible as all that, but is met with silence. She says that if thats the case then they HAVE to stop it.
Dorothy calms Twitch telling her they don't know for certain that thats what Breakdowns aim was.
Shloder adds that regardless, he'll try to scramble what few former GHOST personnel remain to try and dig through information to try and get the last known locations of all the stunticons, or at bare minimum, a hint as to where they each might be located.
Besides that they still have to discuss where Subject #6; "The red guy" fits into all this. As the last search Breakdown did, and the only one he attempted to do in secret, "the red guy" might just be key to figuring out what they're planning. They don't know what connection "the red guy" might have to Breakdown, what alt mode they might have, or even whether they're an autobot or decepticon. However they lucked out as Jawbreaker got a look at the file and can, therefore, potentially identify the person he saw.
Hashtag hypes Jawbreaker up and talks about how they'll have to organize a lineup of "perps" for him to identify. Jawbreaker is not enthusiastic only managing a small "yay".
Optimus says this might be a much more dire situation than they thought. He asks Schloder to provide information on the stunticons last known locations so that he, Megatron, Dorothy, and Twitch can find them and find out what they know and neutralize them if they have to. Meanwhile Ratchet will remain behind to help hashtag, Mo, and Robbie help Jawbreaker try and identify which bot Breakdown looked up using the collected database they got from the GHOST base.
He also asks that Agent Schloder to stay on hand to help with identification.
With that they've done all they can and have to will wait until dawn to get started.
Out on the road, Bumblebees group travels mostly in silence. The silence is broken by Alex who asks if anyone would be interested in listening to his travel playlist.
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Hurting Is Changing
Little headcanon beforehand that doesn’t have much to do with the fic, but I love it anyway: that Wanderer can wake up with different programming sometimes
Like, maybe he will glitch or experience a nightmare and wake up feeling different.
I think the different versions of him would be the different stages in his life; Proper Puppet (Ei’s Prototype Puppet), Clueless Puppet (Friends with Niwa/Tatarasuna), On The Brink (Friends with Sick Child), Murderer Complex (During Fatui) and Healing (Post-Story Quest)
Now onto the actual fic!
It was a fine morning in the Sanctuary of Surasthana. The birds were singing, the sun was bright, the air flowed softly… Yet something wasn't right.
Nahida found it odd that Wanderer had not yet gotten up from his ‘sleep’. He couldn't really sleep, but she said that to help him feel more human. It was more so… recharging.
He usually woke up before she went for her morning walk, something she did to talk to her people and just feel free. She loved the feeling of the ground under her feet, and the wind on her face. She loved seeing her people, and most of them felt the same. Wanderer never joined her on these walks. He didn’t like the mortal world much, even after his ‘reform’. He hated being reminded of everything in his past. Being amongst the mortals did just that.
“Wanderer?” Nahida knocked on his door.
She had refurnished the Sanctuary so that they could both have places to sleep, and even got a kitchen added for eating. Otherwise, she got her entertainment from going outside and Wanderer… well, she didn't really know what he did when she wasn't there.
She heard no response from him, but didn’t want to just barge it. Wouldn’t that be rude? But what if he was in trouble or hurt?
I could peer into his head… see if he's dreaming… She thought.
She didn’t even have a moment to think before she heard a yell from his room.
“Wanderer!” She exclaimed, barging into the room, where she saw him… crying?
He was sitting up in his bed. He looked scared- no, terrified. His eyes were wide, and his body was still. He was filled with fear.
“Wanderer? Are you okay?” She asked, stepping closer with caution.
His eyes didn’t move, but his mouth did.
She hadn’t noticed it, but he seemed to be speaking. It was just murmurs at first, but as she got closer, she could hear it more clearly, along with the fear that shook his words.
“I- I didn’t mean to- I didn’t- I'm not like that anymore- I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore-” He muttered with fear, his words coming a mile a minute.
“Oh no-” Nahida gasped, rushing over to him.
She reach for his arm but he pulled away, pressed his back against the wall and pulled his arm up to brace himself.
“D-don't-! Don't come any closer-” He shouted, “I'm a monster! I- I am a- mistake- a defect- that's all I am-”
His voice trembled.
This truly worried the Archon as she stepped back to allow him room. He had been doing so well- the traveler was helping him recover and stay on the path of good, and even brought him joy. So what happened? What had caused this?
He must’ve had a nightmare… She thought.
“-thats all I will ever be!” He said it as if he was trying to convince himself rather than tell someone else.
“Wanderer, its okay! You're okay! You're with me, Nahida, remember?” She tried to soothe him.
He seemed to calm down with the mention of her name.
“N-nahida?” He asked, his arm lowering slightly.
“Nahida…” He said again, his eyes taking in every detail of her face.
“I… I killed you too…” He whispered.
It took the Archon a moment to register what he had said.
“You… what?” She asked, taking the moment to step a bit closer.
“You- You were dead- E-everyone was dead- Traveler- all of them-” He started spiraling once more.
“I didn’t want to- I didn’t- I didn’t want to hurt anyone-” He grabbed his head, his fingers digging into his head.
“Hey! Its okay, its okay… Look at me.” Nahida said, climbing onto the bed and taking his hands to hold them.
“I am alive, Wanderer, and nothing bad has happened. I'm okay, and you’re okay…” She told him, looking into his eyes.
His breathing steadied slowly, but soon enough he was able to think clearly.
Nahida helped him out of his room, and into the kitchen area. It wasn’t used much but was good for a snack every once and a while. Like sleep, Wanderer didn’t really need to eat either, but he could anyway. This usually led him to eating whatever-whenever, since it didn’t matter to him.
As he sat at their small but comfortable table, he didn’t really do much. His breathing was shallow, but he wasn't shaking much anymore. Nahida wished that she could read his mind, but knew he would know if she tried.
“How… how did I even dream?” He asked Nahida, who was now preparing some coffee for him.
“I think… maybe it is representative of your growth from a puppet to a human!” Nahida smiled.
“You never told me that the transition would be so… painful… Then again, I suppose I deserve this…”
Nahida looked softly to the boy, who seemed to just be staring off into nothingness. His eyes looked… dead.
“You’re on a long path, Wanderer. But you’re doing wonderfully in your rehabilitation.” She said, giving him the cup of coffee.
“I'm very proud of you.” She smiled, his eyes meeting hers.
“Uh… thanks…” He said, taking the cup and looking away.
She saw his lips curl into a slight smile as he took a sip of the warm liquid.
“You’re quite welcome.”
They sat in silence for a bit till Wanderer put his cup down.
“I know its time for your morning walk. You can go, I’ll be fine.” He muttered.
“Actually, I think I wanna stay in today…” Nahida said, to which Wanderer gave her a suspicious look.
“Okay… Well I don’t really do much when you’re gone…” Wanderer said, taking another sip of his drink.
“Then we can do something together! How do you feel about puzzles?” She smiled excitedly.
Wanderer looked down at the Archon, but not in disgust or hatred… but with wonder.
“I… suppose that would be alright…” He said, standing to wash his now empty coffee cup.
“Great!” Nahida giggled, getting up to go find a puzzle.
Wanderer sighed as she did, standing over the sink. He felt… weird. Warm. But not like fire-warmth. It was different. He fixed himself, standing up straight.
As he heard her leave, his brain started to focus on… other things. Visions from his nightmare. Blood was… everywhere. The more he focused on it, the more the visions seemed to seep into reality.
“Stop it- stop thinking-” He told himself, “It's nothing… It doesn’t matter…” He muttered, running one hand through his hair.
Nahida’s smile disappeared as she turned the corner. She noticed the boys’ stance, his hands over his face… she knew that he likely wouldn’t tell her what was wrong. She hadn’t yet been seen by him, so she wanted to try her luck on reading his mind. She was curious and just wanted to help! So it was fine… right?
She decided to try her luck, reading his mind while he was distracted.
Just as she did, she heard him scoff.
“You aren’t gonna like what you hear.” He mutters, turning around.
“Ah- sorry…” She said, looking down at the puzzle box.
“Its fine… its just… for your own good.” he said, taking a seat back at the table.
“Right. Well then, lets do this puzzle! I got one of the Palace of Alcazarzaray! Built by Kaveh, an amazing architect here in Sumeru!!” She gushed, putting the puzzle on the table and sitting in her chair.
Wanderer watched as she got all of the pieces out and they started to put it all together. He actually found it… a bit calming… The images in his head started to dissipate. He felt better…
Nahida took in his non-brooding expression. She loved that she could help him, and was sure that in no time at all, they would get past the obstacles and he would be healthy and happy.
It’d be a long time till then, she was sure, but she was happy to be able to help. Maybe she could even introduce him to other people at some point, not just the Traveler…
“You’re staring…” Wanderer said, not looking up.
His voice wasn’t mean or annoyed. He was just… fine.
“Right-” She giggled, looking back down.
Wanderer didn’t know what she found funny, but just hearing her laugh… once more, his chest felt warm.
Give it love on Ao3 if you can/want!! :3
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
long defeated sigh
okay. here it is. au #23847387834: the Mythological Beastie Rehab AU
(yeah this one is over explained i have a bunch of ideas for the story for this one sdjfh) 
(BIG WARNING this is so long. it’s like 1000 words on its own. im so. so sorry
The Mytho Rehab AU: (Sun, Moon, Eclipse x reader)
In this au, all of the boys- and every animatronic from sb tho they may or may not be relevant- is a mythological creature of some kind! Eclipse is a BASILISK, massive and writing and very distrustful of humans. Sun is a HARPY, all feathers and fluff but strong and unused to humans and how easily they damage. Moon is a KELPIE, sulking and contemplative and clever, it’s impossible to tell when he’s being serious or mocking, or when he's telling the truth or fooling you with a lie.
The three end up at a Mythological Entities and Creatures Rehabilitation Center- where humans rescue mythos who have been injured or rendered unable to survive on their own, or whose homes and native habitats are becoming dangerous and unlivable, and take them to a large zoo/aquarium type facility with several different designated (massive, imagine ‘bigger on the inside’ type rooms) biomes in which they can recuperate and heal while feeling relatively ‘at home.’ In return, the humans ask that they be allowed to study and document the habits, lifestyles, and general experiences of these different, dangerous creatures- who mankind has cast in the light of being mere monsters, despite them being INTELLIGENT and CAPABLE OF REASONING.
Reader is a volunteer working at the rehab center- very new and sometimes referred to by the fellow staff as ‘freshmeat.’ (yes this is a slight foreshadowing and a bit cruel but reader thinks its just a silly nickname jsdfhk)
Eclipse is captured and brought to the center against his will- he is partly trapped and entangled in a long steel chain meant to be tethered to an anchor, and if left alone would eventually perish as the chains dug deeper and deeper and restricted him more. (He is captured before Sun and Moon are, since he threw himself between them and the approaching, seemingly threatening, humans, and attempted to ward the humans off long enough for them to escape. They DID escape, but only for a little while; maybe they LET themselves be caught in an attempt to see their brother again?) He fights fiercely against the humans, convinced they want him as some kind of trophy, but eventually falls sullen and silent, spending long periods of time simply laying half submerged, almost as though sleeping with his eyes open- but snarling and seething at anyone who comes close, choosing to stay mostly hidden in the lonely waters of his habitat.
Reader is, after being the intern-who-does-everyone-else’s-menial-tasks for a bit, assigned to Eclipse. Why? Well, he’s clearly very unhappy, which isn’t helping him to heal any faster, AND he refuses to let anyone close enough to even examine the gouges the chains are digging into him. So, your task: get him used to humans. Just hang out, attempt to feed him, just EXIST in the same space as him- sooner or later he’ll grow numb to your presence, and then they can try adding more people to the mix. 
(What no one tells Reader is that they’ve tried this with four other humans so far. Three ended up in the hospital, one was forced to retire early due to the severity of their wounds.)
Slowly, Eclipse and Reader grow a bond- Reader is the first one to talk TO Eclipse instead of demanding him or instructing him to do things or treating him like a beast as low as a dog. And they bring things to show him- small things, like a MP3 player with a few of their favorite songs, a checkerboard they eventually get him to play, books and Kaleida scopes and whatever they can think of that he might be even SLIGHTLY interested in. They learn about things he likes and doesn’t like, and learns to tell when he wants to be talked to and played with and when he just wants the company. Some days he wants no one, and they respect that- respect him. Slowly, he opens up to them, even allows them to touch and pet him and sit on him and examine his wounds and scars.
Technically, Reader’s task is a total success! Unfortunately Eclipse has bonded with them and ONLY them and is very attached to them in particular. Everyone is very frustrated, so they get Reader to try and gather some information about him when they go to see him since he’s too irate and uncooperative for anyone else to do it. They do, but they always ask if he’s okay with it first. 
(fun tidbit:) Sometimes he rests his enormous head in their lap and refuses to move even when they need to leave. He smacks his tail against the water when they give up and decide to stay a little longer- a happy gesture.
Later, when Sun and Moon are brought in, after some squabbling (they don’t really share a habitat with Eclipse, Sun belongs on high mountain slopes and Moon belongs in a foggy, gloomy swamp), they are put into the same habitat as Eclipse. Eclipse is overjoyed to see them and they swap their tales of whats happened since they last met- Eclipse, of course, absolutely gushes for hours about this wonderful HUMAN and how CUTE they are and so SMALL and AAA IT WOULD SO EASY TO JUST PICK THEM UP AND CARRY THEM AROUND FOREVER and they have this VOICE you just HAVE to hear it and when they’re really happy they make this LOVELY ADORABLE SOUND and they’re so nice and warm and safe, really you just HAVE to meet them, they’re so wonderful, there’s nothing like them, no human quite so incredible and kind and
(moon gets tired of it real fast. Sun is increasingly curious, and gets caught up in Eclipse’s excitement.)
Anyway eventually Sun and Moon (Sun very easily, Moon requires almost as much convincing as Eclipse and is verbally much more prickly and cold and unkind) warm up to Reader, then like absolutely fall for Reader like they PLUMMET into love with this big stupid barely-qualified-to-be-a-mythological-handler idiot. Everyone else at the center is like ,,??? Sh,, should we do something,,? I mean that one is obviously attempting the beginnings of a courtship ritual,, wait that one is too- oh my god they’re all trying to swoon them what do we do. Like this is really really good for our research but,
Anyway it’s cute but also potentially angsty thank u for ur time
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diddlesanddoodles · 9 months
As a small thank you to everyone who has ever read or suported me or my work, I'd like to present a small snippet from the Dumpling rewrite.
"The Uphill River"
An Excerpt from Chapter 7
She had wondered all day where her shoes had gotten to, but she could not care less of the worn slippers. Though the parchment map was mostly intact, the ink was terribly faded and there was a large rip in the corner that extended through the blackwoods and several of the small town names were completly illegible. Clearly it had been washed with her clothes.
Nenani stared miserbly and could feel all hope of finding her uncle slipping through her fingers. She laid it flat onto the table with trembling hands and pointed to where the Daehil-Nenani river began its winding path southward. “I was going here…to Creekbend. A-and then…I was gonna go and maybe look around… these towns.”
Farris hummed as he leaned over her, looking at the map. He frowned. “I’m afraid yer map’s no good, lil’un.”
“No, it’s fine. I can still read most of it.” It was hard to tell if she was trying to convince Farris or herself.
“Not what I meant,” he said and swept a finger across the tiny map. “Those little towns there at the base of the Blackwood? Those were all raided and destroyed during the war. None of them exist anymore.”
“W-what?” She wheeled on him. “No! Why? What?”
“Nethrin burned every one of those lil' towns to the ground. If there’s anyone there now, ye want nothing to do with them. It’s not a place for a lil’ girl to be wandering around by herself.”
Nenani continued to stare unblinking at the map, feeling her insides pull and push with growing nausea. “But she said that’s where he would be,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “She said…”
“Who said?”
“…the witch.”
“Witch?” Farris asked, eyes narrowing. “What witch?”
“The bone witch. She…she said he went north and he was waiting for me to find him,” Nenani starred at the map as the features blurred behind the gathering tears.
“Bone witch?” he repeated with growing incredulity. “Ye mean to tell me that ye risked yer damn life on nothing but the words of some raging nutter off her head waving pig bones at ye?”
His words hurt more than anything as she came to the slow horrible realization of just how true they were. She had been so desperate for anything that would lead her to Halden, that she would have willfully believed anything. Halden was her last connection to her family and happier times. But he could be anywhere in the world.
“She tricked me,” Nenani said after a long silence. She wiped at her wet cheeks. Her throat ached and the words felt too heavy to push passed her lips. “I was just trying to find him. He promised. He promised me he would come back…but he never did. He promised me.” Her hands clenched and the parchment beneath her fingers crumbled. She had been such a fool. And now she was leagues away from anywhere close to familiar, alone, and at the mercy of a giant from whom she had stolen from. It was the cruelest of jokes and she cursed whichever gods were laughing at her misery. She sucked in a shuddering breath and lifted her head to meet Farris’s hard gaze. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Please believe me.”
Farris pursed his lips as though holding back what he truly wished to say. Instead, he idly swirled the hot tea in his cup and took the human sized one into his palm. With surprising deftness, he tipped some of the steaming liquid into it without spilling a drop. “I believe ye, Dumplin’,” he said gently and held out to her. “Drink. It’ll help.”
She didn’t bother questioning him and simply took the cup, mechanically raising it to her lips and taking the tiniest of sips. She reared back with a grimace. “Ugh! Oh, what is this?”
With a suppressed grin, Farris shrugged and took a drink from his own cup. “Tea.”
She stared at the dark liquid with uncertainty. It was sour and heavily medicinal and though it did not carry the pungent and bitter quality of pure cayne leaf he'd fed her before, it was not very pleasant. And was oddly minty.
“Honey helps,” Farris remarked with a chuckle and went to fetch some. “Have to make it sweet for the brat too just to get him to take it at all. I suppose ye’ll be much the same.”
Honey did help somewhat, but not enough to entice her to try for another sip. Farris did not seem to have any sort of objection to the taste and drank his as easily as if it plain water. With her cup still mostly full, Nenani gazed woefully up at him. “Do…do I have to drink it all?”
She had expected him to growl at her, but he just nudged her shoulder gently with a knuckle. “It helps settle a fidgety mind.”
“I don’t have a fidgety mind.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Dumplin’, everything about ye is fidgety. Drink.” She could not bring herself to drink anymore and just stared down at it glumly, tipping the cup this way and that. Farris frowned and sighed through his nose. “Tell ye what. I know the head of a collection of human villages not too far from here. They get their fair share of wayward wanderers and lost souls. I’ll send him a letter asking if he might know of this uncle of yer’s. If he’s been by this way within the last year or so, Gregis would be the one to know. Might even be able to tell us where he is.”
Nenani nearly dropped the cup as she scrambled to her feet clumsily with wide hopeful eyes. “What? You do? Where? When? Can you send the letter now? Can we go there?”
Nenani’s mind raced and she started to look around for a way down off the table; filled with undirected energy and still clutching the cup of tea in both hands. “I know my letters, I can help write it too!”
Two calloused hands reached out to hold her bodily in place and she began to push against them, but stopped when she caught sight of Farris’s stern expression.
“Fidgety,” he said pointedly.
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
Can we please have some luke fluff hc’s?🙏 from any era idc i just love your writing💗
Thank you so much, anon!!! <33
I'm so on board for more lighthearted Luke content to warm our hearts, it's what he deserves🤝🏻
Also I veered into kinda new territory for me; while many of these take place in the Star Wars universe as normal, I included some modern day AU ones too
• the Jedi are taught to take extra care of their clothing and appearance because whenever they're out and about they take on a mostly representative role, whether they want to or not
• this also includes learning how to correctly mend and take care of their belongings
• I don't think that this was at the very front of Luke's education though, Obi-Wan and Yoda really had more pressing conditions to work with
• however, as everyone can clearly see, nobody had to specifically tell Luke about this
• (just look at the man)
• not only did he grow up with maybe one (1) relatively good fitting outfit, I'm also sure that because of this he was taught how to fix holes and re do seams as well as sewing his buttons back on himself
• I'm even convinced he's able to make a simple pair of pants and a shirt from scratch should it be really necessary
• something about the picture of you and Luke sitting together on a warm summer evening or during a winter night and you watching him silently working away is just the peak of domesticity
• he enjoys fixing clothes, especially if by doing so he can do a favor to those he loves
• I think in a way it calms him too
• he'd definitely help out his Padawans with it as well
• I firmly believe he owns a small sewing kit, complete with a thimble
• (maybe two: one he's actually using and a second hand made one out of porcelain because he thinks it's really pretty)
• maybe, in addition and if he has the time, he'd try out similar activities like crocheting, knitting, stitching, etc.
• I don't think he'd be very good at it but everything he crafts is made with love and there is no one around who doesn't appreciate his efforts
• imagine him knitting little socks and hats and scarves for all of his students
• for some reason he really struggles with online tutorials though
• they're always going too fast, he can't see what exactly it is they're showing, and often times they're just overcomplicating really simple steps
• he finds this to be very frustrating
• he probably uses a very (very!) old fashioned book to learn instead
• its margins are full of scribbles of its previous owners and Luke adds his own
• he draws smiley faces next to the patterns he likes most
• Luke is a DIY king
• something that really comes in handy as a Jedi master
• at the very beginning, just at the start of his own academy, he definitely did most of the occurring tasks himself, also including preparing the meals for everyone
• he's a decent cook but I think he'd get really into baking
• baking bread is one of his favorite free time activities
• my sister insists upon the fact that he'd make the absolute best focaccia
• (or its Star Wars equivalent at least)
• he really likes trying out new recipes, especially those he never heard about before
• with varying degrees of success, as some of them are not meant to be made by humans
• but worry not, nothing is getting wasted
• Luke's collection of little fish friends is always happy to eat the remaining crumbs
• (for those that don't know what I'm talking about, check out my other random Luke headcanons if you'd like)
• he has special outfits for his training sessions, including many different shoes
• depending on what or where it is he's practicing, he chooses them carefully
• inside he's wearing soft slippers and soft slippers only, boots are a no go
• it's very much established that Luke is wonderfully emphathetic and always ready to stand by your side, may it be during your period or when you're struggling mentally
• he's still wonderfully emphathetic and caring when you're sick but like, only from very far away
• he'll refuse to come near you if you so much as mention you're not feeling well
• if you have to sneeze or cough even a little bit he's immediately asking whether you've fallen ill or are about to
• just say you feel like you're getting a cold and he's on retreat immediately
• he can't get sick as well!
• he's working with children!!!
• at least one of them is always sick anyways, he can't be contagious under any circumstances!
• he'd feel so bad if he were to be responsible for even more of them suffering
• he feels horrible for not being there for you too though
• so he still does his best
• he prepares warm meals and tea every day and let's R2 deliver them
• he always checks in on you when you're asleep
• he changes your bed sheets while you take a shower or a bath
• he'd totally make a doctor's appointment for you if you're too scared to make the phone call yourself
• he makes sure you're taking your medications
• he pats your back and strokes your hair using the Force
• Luke would absolutely hate quarantine
• at first he'd still be pretty optimistic, thinking it won't be that bad, maybe even fun?
• he'll just meditate a lot, right?
• after all he has mastered his temper now, his patience renowned among his friends and students
• this mindset works at the beginning and for a while he's happy to sleep in for as long as he wants to
• however he forgets about the concept of time quickly enough and soon has no idea what day it is
• when was the last time he had breakfast?
• since he's a very outdoorsy person, always on the move, always doing something, it wouldn't take long until he's getting kinda antsy too
• and while he does enjoy the calm and quiet, he's mostly used to being the center of bustling activities
• soon he takes desperate measures to pass the time, even trying out things he before swore to not be interested in in the slightest
• I see him taking lots and lots of Buzzfeed quizzes
• he texts you about every single result
• one of his first ones was about what kind of animal he'd be and he absolutely hated the outcome
• he eventually ended up making his own quiz because of it
• he likes watching you play video games more than playing them himself
• it's very relaxing to him, especially after a long day at work
• plus he gets to hold you extra close under the pretense of being very interested to see what's going on on screen
• he dozes off pretty quickly though
• while he's happy to let you play whatever you want, I think he has his favorites as well
• Animal Crossing being at the very front
• he loves when you show him your town or island, how you decorated your house and which villagers you're best friends with
• he too would have the newest game, simply because you were missing a few items and he was determined to get them for you
• it would totally escalate during quarantine though, and suddenly he'd have a fully decorated five star island
• (Luke Skywalker plays Animal Crossing with a passion and I'm ready to fight anyone about it)
• for some reason he gets really competitive during Mario Kart and Just Dance
• he unapologetically wins at every single Wii Sports mini game and no matter what you do and how much you practice, he's always better and not in the least bit sorry about it
• he is a Macher™ (please let there be some German fans who know what I'm talking about)
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In the post-Twilight scenario where Edward cheats, who does each Cullen side with?
Edward will cheat on Bella, a manifesto.
Anon, you're basically asking me to write the fic, you know that right?
It depends exactly how it goes down, when things are revealed, and how it's presented to the family.
Edward Cheats with Jacob to Get Out of Sleeping with Bella
For the Love of a Woman features its own breakdown, but in that scenario it's very clearly Edward having gone completely bonkers and abandoning Bella for a man he may or may not have feelings for (it's unclear to the others by the end of the fic).
In that case, it was easy for most of the family (sans Esme) to side against Edward even with no real connection to Bella.
Edward 'Practices' to Prepare for Sleeping with Bella
Two Men and a Baby and Prima Nocta star here and mostly, so far, the family has no idea what's happening or what to think of it. They're mostly just very scandalized by all of it.
If push came to shove, we'd probably see most of them taking Bella's side again, because this is very clearly Edward's fault, but both fics sort of avoid the issue.
Edward Gets Tired of His Wife
Here's where it gets complicated.
What we have here is years of a dysfunctional marriage where, depending how this goes down, it seems as if Edward's simply fallen out of love with his wife.
Unlike the other situations, failing to feel what Bella wishes for him to feel is not his fault, it can't be helped, what can be helped is the fact that he acted on it by sleeping with someone behind her back rather than trying to break it off.
But then you get to them being stuck together forever, that breaking it off would mean one leaving the coven most likely, or being awkwardly around forever, not to mention what will happen with Renesmee.
It could be argued by some that Edward does want to love Bella, that this was an act of passion, but that he hopes that it will fade and they can rekindle their relationship.
So, I guess to break this down, here's where I'm at as far as how characters will take it.
Alice sides with the winning team, the one who will bring the most stability and peace to the family as a whole. Most likely, this will mean 'siding' with Edward, though 'siding' here will be enabling him to conduct his affair on the sly until he gets bored with this new lover, killing the lover if it's a human before Edward can do the cheating, gaslighting Bella into thinking Edward's not really cheating, and doing everything in her power to keep the status quo.
She won't like it, whatever she ends up doing, and as in canon she'll give Edward endless grief over it and blame him for things going completely awry, but if she sides with Bella then the family will fracture and she'll most likely lose her brother.
If she plays her cards right, then she can keep everything as it is.
Depends how Edward manages to present it/how good a job of gaslighting Alice does. Bella could very well be convinced that Edward cheating is her fault because she's not good enough and never was, that this is a personal failing on her end. Bella could very well meekly step aside and make room for Edward's latest lover, telling everyone it's okay, and then crying in the bathroom when she thinks no one is listening.
Depends how it's presented/the order he finds things out in.
He'll think this is a giant mess but potentially that this is a sign that Bella and Edward married too soon and married too young: they weren't meant to last.
It's unfortunate, but no one can make Edward love Bella if he doesn't. The best he can do is try to mediate the fallout.
Now, if he finds out Edward's sleeping around with Tanya and or a human behind Bella's back, that he hasn't settled things with Bella first, then he's going to be much more disapproving about all of this.
Edward always supports Edward because Edward is always right.
He's staying out of this one. He's going to say whatever gives him the least amount of grief personally and wait until it blows over. This will mean agreeing with whatever conclusion Rosalie comes to in public and in private not saying much or just giving Edward an awkward shake of the head whenever Edward looks at him imploringly.
If she's come to see Bella as a daughter, she'll be very torn, as she wants them both to be happy, would prefer if they're happy with each other, but again if Edward's not happy with Bella then no one can make him happy with Bella.
Esme doesn't really understand why Edward changed his mind, why he would risk wife and daughter for this, but she also won't want to judge him for this and will try to give him the benefit of the doubt.
If Edward's very openly cheating on her though, and with no rational behind it as in For the Love of a Woman, Esme's going to have a harder time coming to terms with this.
Jasper's also staying out of this one. He very likely disapproves of all of it, for all that he never says it out loud, and immediately thinks lesser of Edward as this means Edward is a creature of passion who fancies himself in love with whatever catches his eye next, but he would view it as not his place to say what he thinks.
Plus, Alice is falling apart over this, he needs to focus on supporting her through this mess.
Renesmee gets a lot of awkward talks with her extended family about how her mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore. She didn't notice because mommy and daddy hadn't talked to her in weeks.
Alternately, Bella sobs to Renesmee telling her they'll get through this and Renesmee finds herself in the strange circumstance of trying to comfort her mother.
Rosalie I imagine is torn. On the one hand, she never liked Bella all that much and that Edward fell out of love with her is unfortunate but not unthinkable to her. Could they try to do couple's therapy or make it work? Sure, but it's not technically Edward's fault and something he shouldn't be blamed for.
However, if Edward is openly cheating/caught before the cracks become known, Rosalie's going to think he's a selfish pig who didn't even try to keep his marriage together.
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derekscorner · 5 months
Fated Rantings: Seiba Part 3
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Saber & Archer
I had originally skimmed over this in my Fate: Unlimited Blade Works posts but I feel that it should be its own post no matter how small it turns out.
I'll admit, while I loved Fate: UBW I also was not as invested in the story as I was with Fate/Zero or the 2006 Fate/Stay Night. I do not consider it lesser than them (if anything it's the peak adaption currently) but that did change once Saber was taken by Caster.
No, scratch that, that changed when Archer decided to kill Shirou. That battle, that exchange sucks you in. However, to my surprise, Shirou is actually quiet for a good bit of that ordeal. Oddly patient while listening to Archer explain how shit his life was due to his ideals.
What caught me off guard was that Saber engaged in the discussion instead. She did more to stand up for Shirou's beliefs than Shirou himself did which was fascinating.
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That dialogue between her and Archer just stuck with me.
There was no shouting match, no heated rejection of the other, but instead it was Saber trying to understand. She wished to inquire why he's the way that he is.
Even if she can understand that he's the result of his choices she can't comprehend why that would make him reject the ideals that lead him to this point.
For Shirou's part later it boils down to he and Archer accepting their hypocrisy. Come hell or high water Shirou will not stop even when everyone, with good logic and reason, tells him he's wrong.
But for Saber she seemed to take something else away from that conversation. She was as engrossed in their battle as I was.
You may wonder why this stuck out to me so strongly but the answer is simple. I recognized that she was defending her own flawed idealism by proxy.
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The core of the Fate Route in the original novel is the parallel between her and Shirou. She lived a full life upon the ideals instilled into her and it ended in tragedy.
She didn't allow herself humanity and it had bad results. Living with Shirou granted her that humanity. The scenes of her acting a bit more girly or childish is that slow change taking hold.
She may have been 35 when she died but she never aged past 15. She never got a chance to be 15.
This bond between them is so strong that Saber, in a completely other route (timeline), behaves more like Shirous servant than Rin's.
It is only natural for her to feel inquisitive when a matured version of Shirou displays how ends up. In a fucked up way, Archer fully parallels her.
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This bond also works against her. Archer is clearly shown to know more about Saber than this Shirou does. You could even argue that this Archer was made from an Emiya who lived the Fate Route.
He knows her wish, he has moments of retreat and odd behavior with her that Rin calls him out on, and in this episode he obviously knows enough to silence her when she's questioning his actions.
It's not in a condescending or hateful manner but the counters he uses are ones that Saber can't defend. He knows what to say because he knows just how much her life parallels his own.
He almost spends more time convincing her than Shirou before the battle starts.
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No, I have no point to all of this I just felt compelled to put impressions to words here. I find it fascinating as hell. Yes, the resolution that Shirou & Archer reach is a great moment (albeit it hypocritical) but the lesson Saber takes from it is more interesting.
She never finds a way to truly counter Archer's words because she believes them on some level deep down.
Whether they're true or not is another matter entirely to us as the viewer. What's relevant right here, in that moment, is what Saber perceives to be true.
I would even end this by arguing that she learns a lesson here that Shirou did not. Although we're not shown her thoughts in detail she does say that knowing him has helped her.
Seeing that battle, Archer's acceptance of his fate, Shirous acceptance of his hypocrisy and pursuit of a dream, that helped Saber move past her own feelings about her life.
I wish that we were shown more of her reaching that realization but I do like that she is freed from her problems by proxy.
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Anyway, I've finally ranted out my feelings from Fate: UBW, have a nice day~
For my other Seiba takes: Part One & Part Two
Other Fated Rants: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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xaz-fr · 2 years
Afamiliars beware
since I’m banned I don’t really care anymore. Buckle up, its long and I’m not gonna put it under a read more because :))) these girls have broken my spirit for the last time.
If you’ve ever seen a community around called Afamiliar: don’t join it :)))
For those who don’t know what Afams is. Its where you can order a little drawing of a familiar from FR and it comes with unique colors and markings and can dress it up, breed, it and scavenge with it. Artists make them in a queue and fill orders as they come in.*
The admins are INCREDIBLY toxic. They can’t take any sort of criticism and they play favorites with who and how people get punished. You aren’t even allowed to say you’re unhappy about anything. Ever. Or if you do you get a strike. If you call out the team or admin’s hypocritical behavior you get a strike. If you stand up for yourself when the admins are clearly doing these things you get a strike.
I was part of Afamiliars for two years and was part of the team for a year and during that time I watched the entire thing fall apart. They really try to make it seem like they’re one big family but its just not true. The admins and owners Myndris and Sketchanie are both pretty toxic and talk about people, members of their community and their staff of artists and other team members, behind their back and make snide comments about them constantly. And while everyone else is held accountable to the rules neither of them or their friends are. Myndris talked so much shit about someone she had the entire team convinced they were a terrible person just because they didn’t like some art they got. The best part is when the admins agree with you about things you have problems with in Afamiliars in private over DMs and then publicly renounce everything you say. So hypocritical AND completely two faced. My absolute favorite :)
I was fired from my position as artist in July because another team member antagonized me into telling them to shut the fuck up because I wanted to be able to have open dialogues about the actual stuff that was bothering me. I ended up leaving for a week I was so furious at the state of things and why the admin team had such shitty conflict resolution. No negativity. Nothing in any way could be perceived as negative or you got a strike, so long as you weren’t a friend of the Admins. If you were they’d just tell you to stop. It was full on ‘no war in Ba Sing Sa’ in the Afams server and still is. Which is why I left and then for a week not a single member of staff reached out to me to see if I was okay. In fact after I left the community noticed and they started deleting messages asking what happened and where I was and where I’d gone and why I’d left.  Their most prolific artist had just LEFT and the only way they thought to respond was to delete every message that asked what happened. :)))) They also lied to the team about how many strikes I had and my ‘behavior issues’ to convince them to vote me out. Which is hilarious bc there are way worse actors in the team than me.
But saying anything that might be slightly confrontational got you a warning or a strike. So it was literally impossible to have any sort of adult conversations that might make people upset. Things that had been bothering me for seven months. Things the admins agreed with and refused to do anything about. They just let it sit. And stew. Agreeing with all the problems you have with X thing in private while publicly acting like it wasn’t a problem at all.
They also don’t listen to feedback like... at all. I’m not expecting anyone to be perfect and I know we’re all only human but they keep making the same comedy of errors again. And again. And again. To the point that now they’re two most popular artists are either gone, or about to be gone. They’d been given feedback from multiple people multiple times about how a trial mod on the team makes certain people uncomfortable and instead of removing that person they doubled down on them and did not remove them. And then when people went to other admins about the problem THAT WAS SHARED with the person in question. Admin specific information saying how people were uncomfortable with someone with that person. Probably with their name attached. When I brought THAT to an admin again nothing was done.
In the past few months I’ve just watched the team and the server completely fucking implode. The admins doubling down on zero negativity even as more and more people realize... something isn’t right. More people, people I don’t even talk to!, mention things that are a bit more aggressive than the admins would like. Someone even got muted on the server for telling a mod that an admin had dealt with the problem and the mod was then continuing to antagonize the original problem; which is against the rules. Someone got harassed over DMs by another member, asked where they could submit a report and posted proof of it, and they were the one given the strike and told that the admins do not moderate DMs. But they do sometimes feel the need to moderate and condone certain discord servers run by people they don’t like :) Which is a true thing.
In the past week the second most prolific artist left because one of the admins called the afams everyone makes ‘a miserable pile of pixels’ in reference to how much drama they get in the server and feedback form. This obviously upset some people and so said artist is taking a break for a month. I know she’s not a fool. She also sees what’s happening. She might go back but I doubt it and I hope she’s much less stressed out whatever she chooses to do. Then another artist stepped down the next day. Then just today a third artist stepped down, both of which were admins. So within a week 3 artists felt the need to step down to focus on themselves and mental health issues.
I’ve never attacked any of these people by the way except when they say shit about me that is categorically untrue. Or they show up trying to bully me. Which they also do. I was friends with all these people in the team while I was on the team until one day they just decided I wasn’t :) Not allowed to be friends with the admins anymore if you call them out on their hypocrisy.
And then today they finally banned me from the server. Which I wasn’t really a part of anyway and didn’t participate in much. And people have said worse and done worse to the team and admins but because I’m the designated server villain everything I do is worse.
This is why I was banned
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from the latest admin artist that stepped down after giving their message they were stepping down. And I said ‘that seems pretty call-outy and overly negative to me’ which is... against all the rules on the server. But I’m the villain. So I’m not allowed to point it out.
The other admin said this to me pointing out that THIS ADMIN was breaking the site rules
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Even tho I’ve legit gotten a strike just for saying ‘I don’t like this thing you’ve done. I’m not gonna talk about it but I want you to know I don’t like this decision you’ve made’.  And these rules also exist in the team only area and it says that  NO ONE is exempt. And I said as much. Because that’s bullshit.
At least unless you’re the owner’s wife. Than you can do whaaaatever you want :)
But yeah. Fuck Afamiliars. I’ve seen the writing on the wall for the past year. They’re gonna implode, or explode, and the admins are gonna be busy finger pointing at everyone but themselves for the problems. In Sketch’s stepping down message she said this exactly
I understand there have been many fuck ups on our end, and I apologize for those, but we have always strived to learn from those mistakes. And I'd like to think that we do a little better each time. 
Which is not what I’ve seen the past few months. Instead they’ve doubled down on Being Right at all costs, not listening to community feedback, lashing out at people who call them out on their bullshit and hypocrisy and I know they still talk shit about their community members in DMs with their stooges.
It’s been a BEAUTIFUL fireball to watch the past 3 months since I was fired.
*Lots of artists don’t actually fill their orders. They just let their queues fill up into huge ribbons on trello and then once a month maybe fill 1-4 orders. One artist has been around 10 months and made so little art their orders can’t even fill 4 pages on discord search. So you’re stuck waiting months, or sometimes YEARS, for a project you want to fill. A friend of mine just gave up on a project because they’d been waiting two and a half years. But the queues on all artists except for maybe... idk, 3-4 artists (including me at the time) were so slow you would be waiting and waiting and legitimately no progress was made. There used to be a rule of 1 afam a week to keep queues moving but sometime around the time Sketch decided to stop making afams that rule was quietly removed.
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sillyshrimps · 1 year
Metal mirrors hc drabble.
Sada prefers having white noise in the lab. Turo prefers silence. Ai Sada likes to listen to music while they work. But in a democratic nearly unanimous decision AiTuro is not allowed to control the music. Ever.
Turo has no idea what is wrong with him. An inherented glitch? A major malfunction? Some critical error? Divine punishment?
The AI can't create a consistent playlist to save its life. AiSada usually likes traditional Paldean music. Samaba, Baile, and other traditional dance music. (Side note she and AiTuro are very good dancers and Turo is livid with jealousy when it comes it that.). Turo enjoys pop and rock. And Sada adores classical pieces.
AiTuro from what everyone else can tell, has no consistent musical taste. Somehow the worst playlist maker in all of paldea. If AiSada didn't adore him there would be serious trouble. Arven is convinced he is having a stroke when he hears Bach transition into 100 Gec's money machine. Into Rap God. Into 'Fancy like'.
AiSada insists no one shame AiTuro for his... creative tastes. Turo and Sada definitely do though because it is like the one thing they can apparently do better than the AI.
AiTuro's favorite song however? Jumper by Third Eye Blind. It reflects his meager existence so accurately. Yet he's proud of it. His programming tells him to care for the future of the project... but something else tells him to care for the professors. And somehow he knows that part of him is the 'real' him.
Aw, AI Turo being literally the "I listen to everything" kind of guy 💗 I can see him being weirded out by the thought of having a favourite music genre. Why stop at one genre if you can enjoy everything? He genuinely can't understand.
I like it how, despite not in a malicious way, Turo can't help but feeling jealous whenever he sees the two AIs enjoying each other with the simplest things. It must be so painful for both him and Sada to see that, even though I hc Turo as the soft-hearted between the two. While Sada holds her emotions into an iron fortress, Turo really has to struggle to hide them. He's such a crybaby, Sada almost finds it irritating. It reminds her of all the mistakes they made, of the long gone, short lived happiness they once had and about the man she thought she knew.
I also had this cute image in my head of Turo and Sada being pissed at the AIs when they spot them dancing, intimating them to stop with an angry tone. But then... then AI Turo holds his creator's hands and invites him to join. Initially reluctant, the Professor looks away while his replica takes the lead, guiding him to the rhythm of the latino music playing in the background. Turo blushes a little, he's so damn good, where did he learn that?!
Turo: How... no, where did you learn?
AI Turo: YouTube!
Turo, still being dragged into the dance: This YouTube thing is keeping you away from work a little bit too much, isn't it?
AI Turo: Not too much, just the right amount.
The AI performs a dip on him, keeping the eye-contact, looking at his creator from above.
Turo, blushing for Arceus knows why: I... uhm...
AI Turo, smiling the most innocent, genuine way: It is worth, isn't it?
Sada, watching the scene with her arms crossed: Pathetic.
AI Sada: I think you should be trying too, Professor.
Sada: Not even if you pay me.
AI Sada: But we... you used to love dancing.
Sada: That’s right, I used to. I have no time to waste with such shallow activities.
AI Sada: But Professor...
Sada: Back to work.
The AI follows her, her sad glance meeting AI Turo's before she leaves the room.
Turo: I think we should be getting back to work as well.
AI Turo can clearly see an overwhelming sadness in his creator's eyes. He doesn't know what to do; he feels like anything he might say would be either inappropriate or pointless to him. He decides not to do anything, watching him leaving the room in silence.
Why those humans believe they don't deserve happiness anymore? Why do they keep punishing themselves for their past mistakes?
The thought haunts him everyday.
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whoopssim · 1 year
They gotta be joking because no way are people trying to gaslight you by telling you how you feel, or what you mean as if they’re you?!!! or as if they’re apart of your mind. and the way they’re trying to convince themselves so bad about their assumptions on your intentions behind your vent posts on how you feel about Your own art being disrespected really has me scrunching my face up. I feel like they wouldn’t do this with any other creative… idk maybe its cause I personally tap into your streams and see how hard you work on perfecting the smallest things and how you literally refuse to half ass work. You aren’t those second life creators that come over here for a quick $20 for minimal effort content, I can tell you actually have passion behind what you do regardless if its for sims or not… idk sorry for the long message but i really do empathize with you :(( <333
No because they’re literally trying to make it seem like I’m crazy??? LMFAOO! I was just talking about how I get to get everyone involved in every single aspect of my creating process. I do streams, I share tips, I share editing tutorials—I always try to give out to my audience cause I love creating. I’m over it, and I’m not gonna continue to be gaslit and told how I should feel. I dropped the conversation and people are still egging it on.
I’m ashamed that I even replied, but I’m tired of acting like I’m not human. It is what it is. I’m not leaving the community and I’m not gonna stop creating. It’s just upsetting, that’s literally all. Even if I wanted to leave, that should just be okay. People clearly don’t want me here anyway? LMAO. They always do this to black creators.
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