#its ‘triggered’ by working with small things and then lasts like the rest of the day
ear-motif · 1 year
how do i make my hands stop shaking im no more nervous than usual but like 50% of the time theyll shake randomly
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totheblood · 8 days
shiver | s.r.
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: spencer would do anything for you, but doesn't understand why you have pulled away from him.
warnings: angst, avoidant!reader
a/n: gonna be so honest i wanted this to be a series but i ended up hating it like 2k words in so that's why the end is so good... if people like it i will do a part two but oh my god its so bad and rushed towards the end... but this one is for my avoidantly attached girlies!! i see u and i love u and i am also sorry.. reblogs, asks, and replies are so appreciated and encouraged! thank u kisses.. PLEASE SEND SPENCER REQUESTSS!!!
wc: 3.1k
"So I look in your direction But you pay me no attention, do you?."
The hum of the air condition rang through the bullpen as Spencer studied you from his desk. With your hand in your hair, absentmindedly reading files with your body slumped forward, you looked unbelievably and unmistakably tired.
 It was another late night doing paperwork from last week's case, and nearly everyone was running on caffeine and pure luck. Spencer had finished his work an hour, thirty four minutes, and eight seconds ago but he still found himself glued to his chair and taking on JJ’s leftover work. All so he could silently watch over you from his desk. 
He didn't quite understand his fascination with you. It was almost embarrassing how he hung onto your every word you said, willing to do any and everything you wanted him to. But it was more embarrassing that you never paid him that same attention. Well, that wasn't completely true when he first met you, but as the months went on he could feel your attention from him drifting. 
When you first started at the BAU last year you were shy and timid, but Spencer noticed the small chuckles that escaped from your lips at his complex jokes and how your eyes watched him as he spewed some random fact that the rest of the team groaned at. You used to hang onto every word he said, asking him follow up questions with your pupils dilated. 
It was natural how you gravitated towards him. He was the only one on the team remotely close to your age, and like you, he was a bonafide genius. But you always wanted to know more and he always wanted to tell you more. It was innocent and pure, the way he thought about you, until you started to pull away. 
Spencer knew the chemical reaction that occurs in the brain when someone who used to give you attention pulls away. It creates a pattern similar to drug addiction, something he was all too familiar with, and it had started to get all too familiar for him to know how to properly deal with it. It had reached the point where he was counting each glance you gave him, the small way the corners of your mouth quirked up when you spoke to him, and even to the point where he was keeping track of how many words you uttered to him daily. 
He tracked it too. Your conversations with him had been on a steep decline since February, and now in late May he found himself wondering what he had done wrong. He had known the path he was leading himself down was one he shouldn't continue, but he couldn't care. His brain was operating for him, and he was succumbing to his worst fears. 
His brain made any attempts to rationalize your behavior, none of which calmed his anxiety. Maybe he was too clingy, always opting to sit next to you on the jet, or partner up with you in the field. Maybe he had said the wrong thing, something that made you immediately sick of him. Maybe you started seeing someone. The last one bothered Spencer the most, but he couldn't understand why. 
Spencer did everything he could to convince himself he didn't have a crush on you. As juvenile as it sounds was as juvenile as he felt every time his cheeks tinged pink when you spoke to him. He tried to convince himself that he didn't actually ‘like’ you, he just was preoccupied with you. It was your behavior that triggered his attachment style, it wasn't that he liked you. 
And as much as he wanted it to be true, he knew it wasn't. He was infatuated the moment he met you. Spencer knew he could never forget anything, but he knew for sure he would never forget your face. He traced in his mind over and over again, the way your whole face lit up when you ate something sugary, how your eyes blinked up at him when you spoke, and how you would drag your teeth in between your lips whenever you were focused. He'd find himself finding any excuse to be close to you. 
Spencer had once made a vow to himself that he would never pretend to be stupid. Not for anyone, and especially not for a girl. Which is why he almost physically smacked himself when he pretended to not have read a book by Jane Austen just so he could have something to talk to you about. He had read her entire collection when he was eight, yet he still found himself agreeing to read it and tell you how he liked it. He never forgot a word of the book “Emma,” but he still found himself rereading it for you. That was how much power you had over him. A power you seemed to be unaware of. 
6 months ago - November
“So, did you read it?” you questioned, arm pressing into the hardword of his desk, eyes wide and waiting. He didn't notice you at first, which was a first for him, making him jump as he turned to face you. 
“I did,” he answered, lips in a tight smile as he set his pen down, “I still have no idea why everyone seems to love Mr. Knightley. He strikes me as being a bully. I liked Frank Churchill far more.”
“Please,” you scoff rolling your eyes, “Churchill, seriously? All he had were his good looks. He was a total ass!” Your use of ‘ass’ earned a genuine smile from Spencer, whos eyes lit up as he spoke. 
“He wasn’t the most sincere,” he starts, shaking his head, “but he still had a far better personality than Knightley. I’d sooner date Frank Churchill over Mr Knightley. At least Frank had a sense of humor.”
“That's true, I guess,” you agreed looking down at his pristine desk. All he had on it were closed case files and a framed photograph of him and the team on it. You weren't in it but you studied it quickly, noticing how Spencer stared a brunette in the picture. Whoever it was, he was looking at her like she held the world in her hands. You would be lying if you said it didn't sting. As if he could sense you deflate he sat up straighter, following your vision to the picture on his desk. 
“We have to take a new one-” he rushed out quickly, causing your eyes to snap back to him, “You know, one with you… in it,” He pursed his lips nodding as he spoke again, almost as if he couldn’t stop himself, “You know cause now you're part of the team and this picture is old anyways. From when I first started here and as you can tell, I look completely different and it's time I updated it.”
“Who’s she?” you asked, finger pointing directly to Elle’s face. As you spoke you watched for any clues that would give you insight on how he felt about her. 
“Oh, Elle,” the way he said it made him sound defeated, like he forgot that she was in the picture, even though you knew that wasn't the case, “she used to work here, but, uh, she left.”
“You guys were close?” you questioned him, eyebrows raised as you watched him glance over at the picture before leaning back in his chair and putting all his focus on you. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, “we were, but…” his voice trailed off, as looked down at his feet, “we're not in contact anymore. She hasn't really spoken to any of us since she left,” 
“Oh,” you sighed out. You wanted to be upset that it was obvious he was enamored with her, but you just felt bad. The way his whole demeanor changed as he spoke made you feel more upset than anything, “I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,” his eyes darted back up to you as his tight-lipped smile reappeared. He glanced back at his desk, before turning his body away from you, “I, uh, have some work I should get back to, though,”
“Yeah,” you smiled, standing up straight as you prepared yourself to turn around. You wanted to say something, anything, but you didn't. You just turned around and went back to your desk, something stinging brewing in your chest. 
Present Day
Spencer thought back to that day, wondering if his change in disposition is what made you change. It rang through his head as he tapped his foot, eyes trained on you. He was lost in thought when your eyes snapped up towards him, making him flinch. You offered him a small smile but it hadn't reached your eyes before looking back down at your work. 
The interaction made him decide that it was time to go home. That him sitting and staring was doing nothing for him or you. Standing up, he slung his messenger bag across his body, goodbyes prepared on the tip of his tongue. As he was about to speak Hotch exited his office, eyes meeting sympathetically with Spencer’s as he entered the bullpen. 
“We have a case,” Hotch announced, “I need everyone in the conference room in ten.” 
As the team flooded into the conference room, Spencer hung back, watching as you collected your things and trailed behind the rest of the team with a stack of files in your arms. 
“Need help with th-” Spencer began, arms outstretched towards you.
“No,” you replied abruptly, “I’m fine.”
It came out colder than you would have liked, causing Spencer to shiver, purse his lips and head into the conference room with his head hung low. 
“Our first victim was 35-year-old Leonardo Ruiz,” Garcia started, remote in hand clicking to display the picture of the mutilated man with his hands bound by rope and publicly displayed hanging from trees. Almost instinctively you flinch. You know it's the job but it never gets easy seeing the images. The man's face was distorted, slashed repeatedly with a knife until he became unrecognizable.
“He was reported missing after failing to report to his shift,” another click of the camera to show the abandoned patrol car, with the door open, it was obvious there had been a struggle, “His patrol car was found 2 miles from where his body was found in Arlington, where there appeared to be a struggle. Ruiz was missing for approximately two days before his body was discovered.”
“There was no dash cam footage from the patrol car?” Rossi asks from his chair, leaning forward as Garcia clicks the remote again.
“Exactly what I thought, but here's the creepy bit: There is no sign of another person on the dashcam footage. He doesn't even mention seeing another person, you can't hear the struggle, in fact there is no audio on the footage at all. Because three days before Ruiz went missing, his dashcam footage lost all audio. He reported it to the department and they were going to look into it but they were unable to fix it before Ruiz was taken,” Garcia answers, sending a chill down your spine. 
“So this was premeditated,” you speak up, causing everyone to look at you, including Spencer. You were still finding your footing in the group, trying to be useful to the group without saying the wrong thing, “The unsub is patient, willingly waiting for a perfect moment to strike. Could be revenge,”
“You're on the right track, pumpkin,” Garcia starts clicking another picture onto the screen, “That leads us to our next victim, Detective Luther Hodges from a different precinct was abducted from his home, reported missing for two days before he was found in the same way as our last victim in a public park,” Garcia herself winces as she looks at the pictures of the body strung up to a children's playground, “However this time our unsub left a witness, Hodge’s seven year old daughter, Lucy,” 
“If he left her as a witness, it could mean that he used her as a way to get him to leave willingly,” Spencer started, eyes squinting as he viewed the screen, “or he’s simply… devolving,”
“You’re absolutely right, boy genius,” Garcia starts, clicking the remote again to reveal a final body, causing the group to gasp. On the screen was Federal Agent Angela Barnett in the same position as the others. “One of our own, Angela Barnett was taken from a grocery store she frequented, and only kept one day before she was found in this state.”
“He’s devolving and rapidly,” Hotch says, closing his file and standing up, “Garcia contact MPD and let them know we're coming,” he commands, causing Garcia to nod a quick “yes, sir,” before rushing out the office, “I want to be out of here in ten,” he instructs the group, resulting in nods as everyone stands and begins collecting their things. 
“Hey,” Spencer calls from beside you gently, his voice close to being a whisper, “do you want to ride with me? I just got this new audiobook on the evolving traditions of the Amish and Mennonites on the East Coast,” he offers you a small smile that you can't help but mirror. 
“Oh, uh,” you look down, you know you’ve been pulling away but you can't help it, “Yeah, that sounds… interesting,”
Spencer can't help the grin that spreads across his face as he nods gently, cheeks tinged pink as he picks up his bag from the floor, “Great, I’ll see you then.”
The car ride was awkward to say the least, Spencer glancing over at you every five seconds as you started out the window, watching the passing trees. You drowned out the audiobook, too focused on wanting the car ride to be over that you didn't notice when Spencer had cut it off. 
“Is everything okay?” He spoke up, fingers tapping at the steering wheel as he kept his vision focused on the road. 
“Yeah,” you sat up, looking over at him and scratching the back of your neck, “I’m fine,”
“Are you sure?” he asked again, “You’ve just been… different with me. If I did anything, I’m sor-”
“You didn't do anything,” you cut him off, “I didn't realize I had been acting different,” you lied quickly, earning a scoff from him, “What?”
“The amount of conversations we have daily has been on the decline since February, decreasing by 4 percent daily in the last two weeks,” Spencer let slip casually, his own tone colder than intended, “Hard thing to not realize, especially for someone like you,”
“Someone like me?” You questioned, arms crossing defensively across your chest. 
“Someone smart,” Spencer looked over at you, “And I’m not stupid either, by the way. I would appreciate it if you just told me you didn't want to be friends outside of work instead of avoiding me like I’m the plague.”
You were silent for a beat, looking down at your hands, fingers intertwined with each other. You never understood why you got this way, why romantic feelings caused you to turn in on yourself. All you wanted to do was run, jump out of the car, scream, so you did the next best thing, “I’d prefer if we kept our relationship strictly professional,” your voice came out quieter than you would have liked. 
Spencer felt his stomach drop as his breath caught in his throat. He ignored the stinging in his eyes as he cleared his throat, swallowing harshly before replying, “Okay.”
The rest of the ride was uneventful, Spencer turned back on the audiobook and you allowed the blood to rush to your ears, drowning out the rest of the noise. The night was much busier than anticipated, all law enforcement officers on edge with the rise of a serial killer that put targets on their back. 
You spent a majority of the case avoiding Spencer, opting to partner with Derek on interviewing witnesses while JJ and Spencer built a geographical profile. When it was time to deliver the profile, you stayed back, only offering minimal input. 
Then, you found him: Jacob Raines. Jacob Raines had been a former police officer who was let go due to his use of excessive force and brutality. His rage and anger in turn got geared towards law enforcement, blaming them for his pitfalls. 
Garcia found an abandoned warehouse registered in his name in the outskirts of the city, where he was most likely keeping his victims before murdering him. The team dispatched to the warehouse, with you, Spencer and Morgan, entering first. 
You wouldn't have entered without backup if it wasn't for the sounds of screams coming from inside, and Spencer rushing in first. As if on instinct you followed after him, gun raised as you cleared behind him towards the screams. In the middle of the warehouse was a police officer still in uniform, tied to a chair with a tear stained face. She was crying as she plead for Spencer to untie her. As he worked to undo the knots you heard footsteps, causing you and Spencer to stand up abruptly. In front of Spencer was a 6 foot man, weapon raised and aimed right at him with his finger on the trigger. Based on the profile, you knew he would shoot and you knew he wouldn't think twice. He planned this, he knew the BAU would come for him and he wanted to take out as many people as he could. 
As if on instinct you pushed Spencer out of the way, a bullet aimed for his kelvar vest had made impact with your shoulder, piercing through it as you hit the cold concrete. Spencer was stunned but got up in enough time to take three shots at the unsub who had his weapon aimed and ready to shoot again. The unsub fell with a loud thud, but Spencer turned back to lean down next to your body that was growing increasingly colder. A puddle of blood had began to form underneath you and while it was clear it didn't hit any major organs, you were still bleeding out rapidly. 
Through the ringing in your ears you could here Spencer’s pained and rush voice signal over the radio, “Officer down, need medical, gunshot wound to the shoulder.”
His voice and hands were shaking as he applied pressure to the wound with his palm, as he urged you, “keep your eyes open,” he pleaded with you, “just stay awake until they get here,” he begged. But you were so tired, and your eyes were getting heavier, so you let them close. 
And everything went black. 
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mistydeyes · 9 months
Hello!! Could you do headcanons with the 141 boys with a partner who has frequent migraines and they are in the task force with them as well?
Honestly, any of these boys taking care of me while I have a migraine or just sick cures me in just a few seconds lol
thank you for requesting! I thought this was super cute to write and I was able to recall some of the non-harm methods for treating migraines :) I literally cannot even deal with a headache so I can't imagine what frequent migraines must feel like
migraines and forehead kisses
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summary: You've been diagnosed with frequent migraines but sometimes it is so unbearable that the 141 will step in and be sure to soothe their significant other.
pairing: Taskforce 141 x gn!Reader
warnings: none, all fluff :)
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most of the time, your migraines are triggered by stress or following a long, sleepless mission
price can tell when your in pain, especially when you close your eyes tightly or put your head in your hands
he'll rub your shoulders and offer to make you some coffee to help
he knows you are regimented about your medication so he often offers other methods of helping your headache
and as caffeine is the answer to all of price's problems, he immediately makes you a pot of coffee
as you put your head down on the table, you can smell the strong scent of coffee beans
"don't make it too strong" you mumble and he would laugh
it's a legitimate request as you have tried his coffee and you swear it would kill a small child
"here you go, love" he would say and presents you with a small mug
you're not sure if its the stimulants from the caffeine or just being back on base, but you're headache dissipates within moments
he'll continue to ask about your condition until you reassure him you're fine
"it's always the coffee"
he's so proud of it even though its something you can buy from the grocers
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when you first had a migraine, soap wanted to rush you to the infirmary
he practically loses it when you tell him how you can see an aura in your vision and how it feels like a jackhammer on your brain
only after you reassured him it was a reoccurring thing and you were diagnosed before you entered selection, he calms down
now he's an expert at helping you recover
you found that brufen helps the best and soap will always have it on hand
when you closed your eyes tightly on the plane and complained about the fluorescent overhead light, he immediately searched through his tac vest
"it's here somewhere," he would say as you could hear various zippers and velcro pockets being opened
eventually he opened your palm to offer you the small tablet
"you sure this isn't expired?" you asked and he reassured you he just got it from the chemist's last week
he handed you your flask of water and patted your back after you swallowed it
as you waited for the medication kick in, he lets you rest your head on his shoulder and draws circles into your back
"it'll be alright" he reassures and you have to tell him to lower his voice as it makes the migraine worse
he'll get it right one day
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when you first told gaz you had frequent migraines, he spent all night looking up remedies
you already were on medication and had your analgesics at the ready so he focused on home remedies
for a few weeks, you both tried out various techniques (caffeine and essential oils being your least favorite)
eventually, you found that a good scalp massage was ideal for making the pain go away
something about increasing blood circulation
as long as you're not in the middle of an active war zone, he will gladly sit you in between his legs and give you the best massage in the world
he'll start at the base of your scalp and work his way up with his fingers
"just let me know if i'm hurting you, love," he'd reassure but his gentle touch always made you feel comforted
it honestly feels like one of those head scratchers but a thousand times better
you joke that he should've been a masseuse instead of joining the military
he'll hum lightly as he continues until you let him know that you're feeling better
you're more than happy to return the favor with his aching muscles (especially his back and shoulders)
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you know your migraines are triggered after long mission briefings where you strain to look at the screen and through various floor plans
since they're unavoidable, ghost knows what to do when you exit the room and tell him you have a migraine
plays 20 questions with you and will ask if you tried everything
did you drink enough water? yes, you know me. took your paracetamol today? yeah tried that. what about your rizatriptan? you saw me take that before the briefing.
he'll sigh before offering you some other methods
"just follow me" he responds and you walk with him back to your quarters
he leaves the light off before returning from the bathroom with a cold, damp towel
before you can ask, he sits on the bed and motions for you to sit in between his legs
you compile and once you're comfortable, he places the cold compress over your eyes
despite the initial shock, it actually worked quite well and you swear you can fall asleep like this
ghost swears he heard you snoring but you deny it
now whenever you have a long briefing, you will follow the same routine and ghost gets to enjoy some quiet alone time with you
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citruslullabies · 3 months
I was wondering if you could write some shameless fluff for Dogday x reader just doting on each other and exchanging kisses/ words of praise after a long day while they settle down for bed ──★ ˙ ̟🎀 !!
Of course, dear!
Trigger warnings: none
Requested by: anonymous 🎀
Romantic/platonic?: romantic
Category: tooth-rotting fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 524
Our Warm Bed
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The house was filled with buzzing laughter all day after you came home from work. When it came to spring cleaning, Dogday was already cleaning when you came home but let you help despite his protests of you relaxing. The cleaning turned into teasing whether that be you chasing the canine with a vacuum cleaner or him splashing you with dish water, which led to more play than productivity. A yawn escaped your mouth before you even had the chance to recognize you were exhausted from your long day, which had caused Dogday’s ears to perk up before he chuckled.
“Are you tired, Angel?” He asked while he was folding some of your freshly cleaned work clothes. You nodded and chuckled, quickly wiping down the tables and ridding them of dust and clutter that he had missed earlier. “Yeah, but I'm fine. Let's just finish up these last few things and-” before the chance for the next of the words to even slip from your lips, a squeak took place of them instead once Dogday walked over and lifted you up as if you weighed nothing.
He looked outside the window and saw the stars painting the night sky, humming. “Let's finish up tomorrow then, alright? It's time for some rest.” He didn't allow you to argue, simply carrying you in his arms and holding you against his chest. He adored you, really - and you adored him. The two of you couldn't ask for a life any better than the one you had now, which was full of cozy moments like the one you're experiencing now.
He gently laid you down on your side of the bed and laid down on his side, humming with content as he firmly yet loosely held you, planting a kiss to your forehead. “You've worked hard enough today..” he said softly, and in response you scratched behind his ear and smiled at him.
“You act like you didn't do most of the cleaning.” You said with a chuckle, pressing the tip of your nose against his and letting your soft breathing mix and merge with his. The large dog's tail wagged happily, shifting the blankets off of the both of you a bit but it's not like Dogday wasn't warm enough for them to need it. The golden canine wiggled around a bit and pressed his fat head against your chest, hands firmly on your back as one leg was over yours as if he was a small dog that didn't take up more than half the bed. “You did a lot today too, Angel..”
“But you still did more, and I'm very proud of you.” You replied in a tone that was almost teasing without skipping a beat, peppering the top of his head in kisses and trailing them down his ears as well. You let another yawn crawled its way from your lips as you snuggled into your lover's warm embrace. Dogday simply squeezed you close as he felt his eyes flutter shut, happily settling into bed. “..Good night, Angel. I'm proud of you too..” he murmured before the two dozed off in each other's arms.
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I hope you enjoyed!
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stayinlimbo · 3 months
she kissed me and i tasted you again
summary: the second worst thing to happen in minho’s life was losing you. he’s still living with the first.
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pairing: lee minho x f!reader genre: angst (and i mean it) WARNINGS: implied character death, a non-consensual kiss, grief, drinking, swearing, slightly unedited, intended lowercase please do not read if any of these themes are triggering. word count: 1.91k note: please read the warnings! i had "leave me alone" by daniel seavey on repeat while writing this. i hope you enjoy ♡ please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are always appreciated
minho shouldn’t have listened to chan. 
the blend of colorful strobe lights, though vibrant, does little to illuminate the dark room he finds himself in. the smell of alcohol and smoke permeates the air, stinging his eyes and nose as he blindly pushes through the numerous people blocking his way. an involuntary gag almost escapes him at the overwhelming body odor of the man he just brushed past.
at first, a “boys’ night out” to end a stressful work week didn’t sound like the worst idea minho had heard come from his friend’s mouth. now, though, the combination of being pressed between sweaty bodies and the mediocre club music pulsating in the background was reason enough for him to want to end the night prematurely and return to the familiarity of his home.
but he can’t. not if he wants chan’s disappointed face to haunt him for the rest of the weekend.
because chan is just trying to help. or at least that’s what minho tells himself every time he is dragged out of his small one-bedroom apartment to entertain his friend’s version of fun. last week was camping, which minho would normally enjoy if chan had bothered to check the weather forecast’s warnings of heavy rain and strong winds (he only lasted twenty minutes before sprinting back into the car, forcing a reluctant chan to take him home drenched and in a darkened mood).  
the thinning crowd reveals minho’s destination; the bar is too small for the number of people surrounding the countertop but chan’s broad stature is identifiable enough in the poor lighting for minho to walk over and squeeze himself beside him. on the other side of his friend, a woman holds chan’s attention as the two talk animatedly about somethi- 
minho’s eyes widen, sparing his friend’s back an incredulous glance. his pulse quickens, a rapid rhythm pounding in his chest, as snippets of their conversation reach his ears; the phrases knows how to cook, really good dancer, three cats, single, spew haphazardly out of chan’s mouth and echo in minho’s mind. the woman’s cheerful laughter resonates against the music's throbbing bass and the blood rushing in his ears. 
oh. oh. they’re talking about him. 
“chan,” minho’s voice is a low murmur, barely audible enough for the older man to hear, “what’re you doing?” 
minho’s question hangs in the air as chan’s rambling suddenly stops, carefully turning his body to face minho’s intense stare. 
the discomfort radiating off the younger is obvious. shifting in his stance, minho can’t help the slight furrow of his brows; the hardness of his eyes wanes as they flicker between chan and the woman before finally resting on his friend’s face.
softly exhaling, chan gives him a knowing look. 
minho remains silent as his grip on the bar’s edge tightens, avoiding chan’s sympathetic gaze. he knows what’s coming—the well-intentioned yet painful words that carve a hole in his heart every time they are uttered:
“its been over a year, minho. she’d want you to be happy… i want you to be happy”
minho’s eyes screw shut at his friend’s words.
perhaps it’s the pitiful expression etched on chan’s face, mirroring the ache minho feels within his own chest, or the alcohol flowing through his system that makes him truly consider the weight of the elder’s words. or maybe he’s seen enough of chan’s desperate attempts to mend the fragments of minho’s shattered heart, only to reveal more irreparable damage. 
he’s right…
“just try, okay?” chan quietly pleads.  
regardless, a small nod is all he manages to give in response. minho opens his eyes, tracking his friend’s movement as chan gives his shoulder two reassuring pats before walking away from the bar and disappearing into the sea of bodies. 
…you’d want him to be happy. 
flinching, minho snaps his head in the direction of the feminine voice. his posture straightens, a tight lipped grimace threatening to reveal itself.   
oh, right, she’s still here.
a hesitant smile graces the woman’s expression. the gentle glow of the pulsing lights caress her face with various colorful hues, the radiant shadows enhancing her black-dressed figure as she grabs her half-full drink from the countertop. taking a small sip, her eyes glaze over his tense form. a soft chuckle escapes her glossed lips as she locks her eyes with his. 
minho won’t deny it; she is beautiful. and he must’ve been staring too much because her name falls on deaf ears when she attempts to introduce herself.
“...hello? you are minho, right?” the woman questions, eyebrows furrowing with slight doubt. 
“uh, yeah i am, sorry,” minho answers, his sweaty hands fumbling to grab chan’s left-behind soju, ultimately choosing to shove them into his pockets instead. he can feel the awkwardness emanating off of him, filling the room with a lingering tension he doesn’t know how to escape.
the woman’s smile widens, eyes crinkling with pleasure at his reply. 
well, she doesn’t seem to notice at least.
“ah, great! chan, i think that was his name, was telling me all about you. you have a really dedicated wingman.” 
“yeah, he’s a good friend. i’m lucky to have him,” minho sighs, turning his body to fully face her. 
“you’re a dancer, right?”
the rigidness of his stance loosens slightly at the comfortable subject. talking about himself isn’t hard; it never has been.
“mhm, i’m a dance teacher for a studio nearby,” minho replies, a faint smile playing on his lips. the flow of conversation remained focused on him: he’s been a dance teacher for three years but has danced since he was in middle school. yes, maybe he’ll audition for a company one day. yes, he has three cats named soongie, doongie, and dori. 
the passage of time blends together with their laughter. the nameless woman’s drink has long been finished and replaced with a new one. chan’s soju finds its way into minho’s hand, nursing the bottle carefully as he finishes it with a final swig. the stress mounted on his shoulders has finally lifted, the buzz of alcohol brushing the pain off as they rise and fall rhythmically at her drunken attempt to finish recounting an embarrassing date.
“do you live alone?” the woman’s speech is slightly slurred, tone breathless from laughter. a lopsided grin adorns her features, as if she already knows the answer, “i forgot to ask you earlier.”
minho’s smile begins to fall. “no, i told you about my cats, remember?” 
“i meant do you live with another person? a roommate? chan told me you used to live with your ex, so i was just wondering if anything had changed since then.”
the room freezes over. icy tendrils of shock and disbelief squeeze his hammering heart, his blood running cold at the woman’s words. his ex?
silence fills the tense space. the intensifying pain from his clutch on the soju bottle thrusts him back into his dreadful reality. he lets go, placing his hand flat on the counter.
minho sucks in a deep breath. “oh. what else did chan tell you?”
“wellllllll,” she drawls, a flirty smile appearing on her face. the shadows seem menacing now, their elongated forms dancing along with her slow, deliberate words, “he said you needed help getting over her.”
the woman reaches towards him, fingers closing firmly on his forearm. minho doesn’t have time to react before she lurches forward and seals her lips with his. 
the kiss lasts for two seconds before she pulls away. paralyzed, minho can’t move until she attempts it again, forcefully shoving her away. tears well into his widened eyes, quickly threatening to spill onto his cheeks. the transferred lipgloss feels sticky against his mouth.
“get the fuck away from me, now.” 
the woman doesn’t move, her mouth stammering as she tries to form a coherent sentence. “i-i’m sorry. i was just trying to-”
minho doesn’t wait to hear her justification, swiftly pushing away from the bar and stumbling in the direction of the exit. the rush of air as he pushes the door open makes singular tears streamline down his face. the chilled breeze burns his eyes as they dart around his surroundings lit by the sparse scattering of street lamps. 
no, he really shouldn’t have listened to chan. 
minho doesn’t know how he made it home (well, actually, he does but he’d rather pretend he doesn’t than admit that chan saw his distressed state leave the nightclub and called him an uber).
the taste of the woman’s lipgloss remains on his lips, no matter how many times he tries to wipe it away. he hates how he doesn’t hate it because it tastes like you.
you, who wore the same strawberry lipgloss every time you went on a date, only for minho to kiss it all off by the end of the night. 
you, who was so excited to move in with him in this small, dingy apartment until the two of you could find a better place; a home.
you, who promised you’d be right back before kissing his cheek and heading out the door.
you, whose hands he will never hold again. 
you, whose spot on the bed his cats now sleep on every night.
you, who one year, four months, and six days later, still occupy his every thought. 
you– a sob wracks through his body, echoing around the bedroom’s walls. the empty mattress trembles with him as he curls into himself, breath hitching with every whimper of your name, as if calling it enough times would bring you back into his arms once again—right where you belong. 
no, you were never his ex. you were everything. you are everything. 
your presence is everywhere in the apartment. your favorite coffee mug (that he gifted you) rests on the counter next to his. the book you swore you would finish reading one day is left bookmarked inside the drawer of the bedside table; the same place a velvet box is tucked away and hidden since he knew you’d never pick it up again (but god, he wishes you did). he had to throw away your toothbrush but your skin care products taunt him every time he retrieves his from under the sink. 
his heart aches with a feeling that refuses to fade; he loved you. he loves you.
everyday becomes harder to breathe, to exist. the apartment, once filled with loud laughter, gentle whispers, and promises of love, is now a silent void. the absence of your soft footsteps, a careful dance to avoid stepping on the cats crowding around your feet, claws at minho’s heart. the sanctuary he knew he could run to and be welcomed with open arms and a warm embrace crumbled before his eyes the moment you were gone.
minho’s breaths evens out after a few minutes, each inhale pulling the familiar scent of the apartment. the tears leave damp marks on his pillow and lines on his face but its nothing he isn’t used to; a ritual, a routine he’s sadly accustomed to. it's not the first time his tears have stained the sheets, and it won’t be the last. the cruel cycle will repeat itself until one day he wakes up and doesn’t instinctively reach out for you in hopes that his reality isn’t just a hellish nightmare. 
the second worst thing to happen in minho’s life was losing you. he doesn’t know if he can keep living with the first.
liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
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forfucksakesniall · 10 months
Hi bestie, when you have the time could you make something for lewis, like just domestic vibes and/or he being a complete simp
Domestic Vibes and being a Complete Simp
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Trigger Warning/Content Advisory: Too much fluff
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He doesn't show it much, but Lewis is a huge cuddler. When it's a lazy morning, he would bury his face in the crook of your neck and wrap his arms around you. It's a force of habit by now.
Lewis doesn't mind being the "little spoon," wrapping his arms around you as you both cuddle. His reason is because he can hear your heartbeat, but you know why he lays on your chest. You can feel the way he nuzzles his face and leaves small kisses.
He would turn the TV on and watch your favorite shows together while your koala of a boyfriend cuddles under a cozy blanket.
He talks about cooking pasta in an interview, but in reality, he is a menace in the kitchen.
But you enjoy spending time "trying" to cook something decent with him in the kitchen.
"No, Lewis. You need to add the water after." He does his old man laugh. "Oh well, we can just do it again. I guess."
When working out on his balcony in Monaco, he would encourage you to join him, making him your personal trainer. "Just one more, baby," he whispers in your ear. "I can't anymore, Lew." you try to catch your breath. "But you've only done one squat, baby."
When he did have work, he would wake up early and give you a kiss on the head before getting ready. Before he leaves the house, he would give you a kiss goodbye while you were still asleep and leave a message on your phone to see when you get up.
Good morning, baby.
Didn't want to wake you up.
You deserve some rest after last night ;)
I'll see you later.
I love you so much!
I love you too!!
If you ever did wake up before he left, he'd make breakfast for you and make sure to use all the time he has with you.
"You'll be late!" you tell him while he has you caged under him. "I still have some time, baby. Just let me take care of you. Don't want you feeling neglected."
When he comes late, you would wait for him in bed watching a movie or reading a book.
"Hey, baby. Why are you still awake?" he asks you. "I wanted to wait for you. You've been gone all day."
Both of you would end up in long, late-night conversations about life and dreams, making sure you always feel listened to and supported.
There may be times when you feel under the weather or when your hormones are acting up. He would stay with you longer and even call in sick if needed.
"You shouldn't have done that... This will pass. I'll be fine later anyway," you say as you cradle his face while lying in bed.
"I don't want to leave knowing that you're not feeling okay. I would be thinking about you even if I leave. Might as well stay here and take care of you," he says, leaning in close to give you a sweet kiss.
Lewis is known for being fashion-forward. While he shops for himself, he would go to the women's section to check out anything that you might like.
He would come home with dozens of bags from different brands."Looks like someone had Christmas early," you tease him. "Oh baby, this isn't even close to Christmas for you," he tells you while setting all the bags down on the floor. "I need you to be a good girl and try some things for me," he winks while getting more bags from the car.
He is seen on all your social media posts. He can't resist leaving flirty comments and adorable emojis, making sure everyone knows he's head over heels for you.
Lewis is known to be very private with his life, definitely with you. So, whenever you guys were in public, he would always take you to a place where there's a private area to be with you. Being this protective also had its perks. He knows that after they serve your food, no one would come over to check on you two again unless you both are done with your meals. He would be really handsy under the table. Light touches on your arm, the way he looks into your eyes then lips and at the same time leans in closer to you. At this point, the only thing stopping him was the table between you.
But when you're with him or your friends, he doesn't shy away from PDA. He would hug you from behind, holding your waist, have you sit on his lap, kiss your cheek from time to time, and whisper sweet nothings.
Lewis loves taking pictures with you or of you, creating a personalized gallery of your love story.
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is2katiemccard · 5 months
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ᅟᅟᅟ tolerate it | alessia russo x brazilian!reader, duda sampaio x brazilian!reader
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Summary: Everyone goes through bad times in life, but some attitudes can end in mistakes and sometimes there is no way back.
[AN: I'm working on some requests but I couldn't stop thinking about this plot, so here it is! This will be a mini series with two other chapters, hope you like it <3]
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ᅟ The last few months have been hell for Alessia. The first blow was the crisis that their secret relationship was facing.
ᅟ During the World Cup you, the English striker's girlfriend, were feeling very overwhelmed, after all, that would be the first time that you would play in that tournament for your national team. As if that wasn't already a huge weight on her shoulders, every day her coach made a point of repeating the same words to the team.
ᅟ “Are you really going to allow the queen of football to retire without a world title with the national team? I don't care if you're young, old or what, you need to give everything for her. Marta deserves this and I will not allow you to ruin this experience for her.”
ᅟ Pia Sundhage was an admirable and successful woman, but she definitely crossed some limits and the most serious thing was almost completely taking away the identity of the Brazilian team. It wasn't news to anyone that Brazil was known for its beautiful, passionate style of play, full of tricks and skills, but since the woman arrived as coach shortly after being eliminated in the 2019 World Cup, things have changed drastically.
ᅟ Despite being a young player, you already had your fair share of experiences at an international level as you left the club that formed you very young and followed Geyse, your colleague and best friend, out of Brazil. A few years passed and while the other girl shone in Spanish lands playing for Barcelona, you enjoyed the contrasting experience of living in London and playing for the red team in the north of the city.
ᅟ It was during one of Arsenal's games against United that you met Alessia and it's safe to say that from the first moment you found yourself in love with the girl with blue eyes and blonde hair. To your surprise, she also ended up really liking you and at the end of that match you exchanged t-shirts and a small note came with hers and contained your phone number and an invitation to dinner.
ᅟ The rest was history, and a story worthy of romance books, by the way, but little by little the whole situation began to fall apart and you seemed to be the only one interested in putting together and pasting all the pieces of your love. While you fought for her, Alessia didn't even recognize any gesture and just worried about her own life and career. She kept it a secret and made a point of hiding it in a trunk under lock and key. Not even your family and closest friends knew that you were a couple and that hurt, a lot.
ᅟ You begged the blonde for help not once, much less twice or three times but she just ignored your messages and calls with the excuse of being too busy preparing for the competition, which wasn't completely a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. While all this was happening and your condition was only getting worse, your teammates noticed how miserable you looked, but they couldn't understand why. It was only when Luana ran after you after a training session that they began to understand what you were going through and despite the help that the midfielder and all the other girls provided you, you never managed to fully recover as a huge part of your problems was your secret relationship.
ᅟ The trigger came at the final whistle in the game against Jamaica, making his biggest fear come true. Brazil was out of the World Cup in the group stage and your heart, which already had some cracks in it, broke in half once and for all. Your eyes roamed the stands hoping to find Alessia somewhere since she had promised she would be there for you, but your search for her was in vain. Without even realizing how it happened, you found yourself kneeling on the field with your face in the grass in front of Marta's boots, who was trying to comfort you while you cried profusely. All the cameras were on you and the Queen of football, knowing how sad and meaningful that image was.
ᅟ Tears were still flowing from your eyes like a waterfall when you felt a weight on your back and two strong arms pressed against your fragile body. All the other players, both Brazilian and Jamaican, gathered around you forming a large circle and sympathizing with the difficult time you were going through. It took some time, but you finally recovered enough to lift your head off the ground and face the older woman in front of you who was looking at you with teary eyes and you were about to break down again when Duda's low voice reached your ears and you body turned to face the girl who held you in her arms so carefully.
ᅟ Just like you, Duda was also part of the new generation of players, she currently played for the best team in the country, the same one that had revealed you to the world a few years ago. You had many things in common, but for some reason she seemed to avoid your presence, always choosing not to stay by your side for long and looking away from your direction. At first you thought she didn't like you, but Luana and some other colleagues assured you that it was just her shyness speaking louder, however, despite all that, she was the one by your side at that moment, looking at you with so much affection that your breath caught for a few moments. The brunette offered you a welcoming smile before extending her hand for you to hold and get up, but noticed how your legs shook when trying to do so and decided to take the action of picking you up and carrying you to the changing room.
ᅟ The more time passed, the harder it was to face reality. Little by little, the devastating sadness gave way to anger, and from anger, to revolt. The local atmosphere was hostile and heavy, each player was dealing with it in a different way, but they all had some thoughts in common, you could have done more, you should have done more. Even in the midst of that chaos, all the players' phones were exploding with messages and calls from family, friends and even players from other national teams who showed solidarity in that difficult time. Despite that, it took almost an entire day for Alessia to contact you and when she did, God, it was disastrous.
ᅟ It took some time, but you managed to convince the blonde to meet you in person in the hotel room where your team was staying.
ᅟ "What do you want from me? I have more important things to do than talk to you.” She said as soon as she reached her room, taking off the hood and glasses she wore as a disguise. Her words affected you more than you wanted to admit and after closing the door and making sure no one had seen the blonde enter your room, you walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. At that moment it became clear that you should get straight to the point with her, knowing that trying to stall would only make things worse.
ᅟ “Good night to you too, Alessia.” Your voice carried a certain irony and the coldness with which you treated her was unusual. “Since you are a very busy woman, I will get straight to the point. I can no longer stand the way you are treating me and I can't maintain our relationship if you continue like this. I know you're avoiding me and I can't understand why. We’ve always been open with each other and you’ve just signed for Arsenal, which I think should only improve our relationship, but you’re more distant than ever.”
ᅟ The striker seemed surprised by your words since you never liked conflicts or more serious conversations like this, and, despite knowing that you were right, she couldn't help but mock you, maintaining an air of superiority while crossing her arms over the chest.
ᅟ “How many times do I have to tell you that I need to focus on my career and the World Cup, hmm? I thought that by this point in the championship this would have become very clear.” You even tried to interrupt her to better explain your point of view, but she didn't even give a chance. “No, you already had your turn to speak, now it’s mine. And, what do you know, you're right, I really am avoiding you because I can't deal with your neediness anymore. Lately you've been so unbearable that I don't even feel like having a conversation with you. I’m a world-class striker, I don’t have time to deal with your bullshit and your problems.” God, how her words hurt. It was hard to believe that the girl in front of you who was putting on such a narcissistic show was the same one you had fallen in love with and loved madly.
ᅟ “Oh, now I understand. So what you want to tell me is that I have to be emotionally available to you in your worst moments just like I was when the United fans turned on you but you can't return the favor because you are a world class striker?” The temperature of that conversation was increasing quickly, as was your voice, which certainly caught the attention of your friends in the next rooms. “How selfish you are, Alessia. I can't believe you mean all this, what happened to you? When did you become so stupid and snobbish? Did winning the Euros get to your head that much? Because a fucking title doesn’t give you the right to treat me like I’m nothing or nobody.”
ᅟ “If by being a snob you mean I'm a realist, then yes, I'm a complete snob. Don't you notice the difference between us? I was instrumental in winning the Euros while you weren't even able to help your team get past the group stage of the World Cup. And don’t be fooled into thinking that I signed for Arsenal because of you and our relationship, I did it because it was best for my career and because your team needs a real player like me.” The tone of voice Alessia used was completely humiliating and the cruelty of her words was so much that it left you speechless. Your girlfriend knew how insecure you were feeling about this tournament and in addition to not helping you with that, she made sure to destroy you once and for all. The woman you loved did this to you, and you couldn't believe it.
ᅟ The expression on your face was one of pure pain and betrayal, your throat was dry and you didn't even know what to say while the blonde was still in front of you watching you with that air of superiority, but when you got up from the bed she was scared. Your body language screamed wrath and your eyes shone from the tears you refused to let go. It was at that moment that Alessia realized everything she had done to you and how much her attitude affected you. She felt like she had been punched in the stomach and the worst person in the world, but now it was too late.
ᅟ "We are over." Your sentence was said indifferently, as if you and the striker didn't have a history. “Get out of here. I don't want to see you ever again” It was obvious that you were containing your emotions, and, in order not to have to deal with them, you walked to the door of your room, coming face to face with Lelê, Geyse, Duda and Luana in the hallway. They had heard everything and were about to invade the room. You looked at them with panic, not knowing how much they had heard, but Alessia was still standing in the middle of the room, shocked by her own actions. “I TOLD YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.” Your scream was powerful and disturbing like a thunderclap and broke the British woman out of the trance she was in.
ᅟ She had never seen you like that. At the same time that you looked so fragile her body was filled with anger and she knew it was better to do what you said. She left the room slowly, startled by the presence of her teammates who were already there and noticing the arrival of others. Despite this, she had the audacity to try to approach you and say something, but Letícia, Luana and Geyse took a step forward while Duda pulled you away from it. The attacker seemed to want to insist on that, but the goalkeeper blocked her path. Letícia and Alessia were the same height, but the brunette's physical condition made her more threatening and firm like a brick wall. Fortunately her presence was enough for the lioness to give up on her plan and leave in a hurry, like a coward.
ᅟ Only when her silhouette disappeared behind the elevator doors did you allow yourself to give in, running back to the bedroom and, later, to the bathroom, where you barely had time to lift the toilet lid before throwing up. A few seconds later you smelled Duda's perfume around you and her hand on your back, trying to comfort you just like she had done a few days ago. You had no idea what her level of English was and how much she had heard and understood of the conversation, but regardless, she was there, by your side, again.
ᅟ You could hear Luana's voice, imagining that she must be explaining the whole situation to the other girls who arrived after the commotion in the hallway and as you thought about how horrible that situation was, you realized that in a short time you and your ex-girlfriend would play together on the same team. Suddenly the nausea was back and you felt everything spinning around you. Little by little you got better and finally came out of the bathroom, seeing all your teammates crammed into the room and ready to welcome you into their arms.
ᅟ It took a few hours and a lot of explanation on your part, but eventually everyone understood the situation and shared the same anger as you. They were all worried about what would happen in the future since you two are Arsenal players and would see each other every day in a matter of a few weeks, and that worried you too, but it was after a few minutes in silence that Tamires made a suggestion that made your eyes shine.
ᅟ Soon you, the blonde and Duda were in front of the door of Cris Gambaré's room, the director of women's football at Corinthians who was helping the Brazilian coaching staff. When she finally answered, the three of you smiled slightly and the woman took a deep breath, knowing that she had a problem to solve.
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BREAKING NEWS: Arsenal midfield star Y/F/N will go on loan to Corinthians, the club that revealed her to the world. The team was surprised by the request, but accepted after some insistence from the player. She must leave for Brazil immediately and will return to Arsenal as soon as the South American season comes to an end in December.
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n30nwrites · 1 year
When the Bard seduces the Prince
Summary: Having left your old kingdom, you didn't expect to find yourself back in a palace, especially meeting the cold Targaryen prince known as Aemond. After the struggle of finally admitting your feelings, it did not take long for the two of you to take matters into your own hands.
a/n: I thought of adding more, cause I had a story ending in mind but you guys are really only here for the sex so.
Word Count: 3.6k
Reader: Amab, He/Him (Referred as youngest son and you definitely have a penis) Top Reader, Bottom Aemond
Warnings: SMUT (18++ no minors interact), Praise, degrading, Oral (m receiving), Aemond is fucked dumb (dumbification), dry humping, size kink, dirty talk, riding for like a hot sec, unprotected sex (even if your gay its still probably best to wrap it), begging, hickeys, fingering, grinding, anal, blowjob (swallows), face-fucking, Aemond is possessive but so are you, Small bit of Angst, small bit of Fluff, mainly was writing for porn but added some plot because why not, mentions character death, and Aegon is just a shitty person but only mentioned never really described. Does cussing really need to be a trigger warning after all those tags?
Disclaimer: I don't own House of the Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor story line nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated.
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How long had it been?
Since you had seen your palace walls? "Your palace" was wrong, your father had still been king when you left, and you would've gotten news had it been anything else. The cunt called your father was far too cruel to be a king, more of a tyrant that didn't care for others. He had six wives, each died either to childbirth or sickness. Because he had only ever wanted heirs, never gave them rest.
He got them. 8 sons, 6 daughters. You were the youngest of the sons (from what you are aware of), and out of the children of 14, the 10th child. In short terms, you were never going to see a throne, though that didn't stop you from having certain privileges. You were still the son of a king, so land and a title would still be given.
You had loved your mother before she died, she was his third wife. The fourth wife was just as kind, but quickly succumbed to the birthing bed. The fifth wife was cruel, and only gave daughters and was therefore deemed cursed. The sixth, and last one that you had met, seemed okay.
No longer were you deemed "The young prince" a title given by your father. You had much preferred the title that the people in the kingdom gave you, "The Princely Bard." because that was all you wanted to be.
A bard, you played a multitude of instruments, things you picked up from your visits in the streets, people were cruel, and even monstrous. But when they worked together, it was beautiful.
You left shortly after your favorite brother died, he was the 3rd eldest, healthy and lively. It was sudden, his body turned purple and blood poured from his eyes and mouth and you had found him like that. The medic said poison, and it quickly made you realize that this castle could no longer keep you safe.
Your siblings became cruel with each other, apathetic. The halls were bland and you had refused to be drained by the crown. You loved your siblings, but you would not die for them.
Especially not for a crown that only has power when people gave it power.
You traveled by boat, The North froze your ass off but Cregan welcomed you warmly despite not even knowing you were a prince. You gained popularity for your songs, your energy. No one really knew what the Young prince looked like, and with your hair cut and having grown more, you didn't seem that recognizable anymore. You sung for the king in Dorne, and got new robes that made you look even finer than you would.
Then you went to Westeros. Dawned in a yellow robe that showed off your body, with your lute strapped onto your back. Westeros was filled with the worst of the worst. Dorne had an acceptance of prostitutes, polyamory, and Bastards. Westeros treated them like they were scum, and yet Dorne was considered savage?
You found it stupid.
And you were vocal, very vocal about your thoughts. You sung about the politics in Westeros, how it was stupid to argue against a woman as a ruler because it's usual that the first born is the ruler, and that men just cause problems. Plus Aegon would be a horrid king, he couldn't even treat women right what makes them think he would be a good king? You had ran into him multiple times in the whorehouse, he had propositioned you multiple times as well.
Aegon was pretty, but he was a horrid man.
You didn't think you would ever meet the Targaryen family. They kept to themselves for the most part. The King was barely showing up to court, Aegon frequented the whorehouses and taverns, Heleana kept to herself in the garden with her fascination with bugs, and Aemond had been studying and training his entire life ever since his eye was cut out, all inside the castle walls. The Future queen, Rhaenyra Targaryen had moved to Dragonstone with her husband Daemon and her children.
Seperated, the house would continue to fall.
It was all fascinating to watch. But not to be a part of the game of thrones, so you had never expected an invitation to the palace.
The invitation was for the wedding of Aegon and Heleana, Siblings to be married because it was a Targaryen tradition. You had been invited to perform there, as your praises had been sung by many council members, the same ones who gave you the information about the family in the first place. It was truly an honor, and the food was something you had missed from your old life. So you had practiced, and perfected, and when the big day came?
You played your heart out.
Maybe that was what caught his attention. You playing your heart out, finding true happiness in the words you sung as you swayed to the rhythm in the songs.
"We'll do it all, everything, on our own."
He stared at you, his posture stiff and everything about him was neat, his outfit was perfect, his hair was perfect, everything about him was perfect. Aemond Targaryen was the perfect son, the prodigal son that deserved better. And Everything was going the way he planned, until he saw you.
Love at first sight doesn't exist, but lust does, and with lust can follow romance.
These feelings he had blossoming for you made his chest ache and his lips quiver.
He chose to dance for your song, any woman was glad to dance with him, and he just wanted to focus on you. He had picked a Martell, and she didn't speak much which caused him to easily pretend he was focusing on her.
"If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"
Your voice was beautiful, and Aemond just craved to hear you talk to him, and him alone. Some possessive urge for you to belong to him. Aemond never felt like he belonged, never felt like he had something to call his own, even his dragon was supposed to belong to someone else, supposedly. He wanted you to be his.
"Those three words Are said too much They're not enough"
During the bedding ceremony, Aemond sought you out. Ignoring the looks from the women and men, he found you eating in the kitchen.
"Is it normal for you to leave the party so early?"
"You consider that early, my prince?" You smiled at him, and he almost fell to his knees. "I do not wish to watch the consumption of their marriage. I figured it would be best to get my pay and leave."
He couldn't let you leave, not when you've already affected him this much. "My mother is looking for someone to play the gathering held in a few months. She believes you would be perfect." All lies, all to get you to stay. "She has a room for you ready, you would need to confirm all music with her, along with preparing for the gathering."
"Is that so, my prince?" You gave him a coy smile. And Aemond fell hard.
He fell first, landing hard on his knees for you.
Yours was much softer. It took a few weeks to even see him that way. You spent so many moments with him. Walking in the garden or even chasing after Aegon together.
He showed you books, poetries and the histories of the kingdoms, mainly focusing on Westeros. You two spoke of the politics, of his hatred over a fourteen year old. Lucerys didn't deserve the hatred he got, but neither did Aemond. The library was considered a safe space for you.
And you got along with everyone. Alicent didn't seem to mind you, and she seemed to stare lovingly at the two of you whilst you trained with him. Aegon wasn't as rude as he had been to others, which Aemond considers that polite, and Heleana and you were almost as close as you and he were. Otto seemed to be the only one with a problem, and Aemond didn't care much for his feelings.
It was no surprise what followed next.
When Aemond finally accepted his feelings for you, he ignored you. Threw himself into his studying and training and ignored you. After the gathering, you had figured that was that. Tried to say goodbye and instead was greeted with Aemond being cruel to you, saying that there was no use to say goodbye as you were just here for a job. He wouldn't have even noticed you were gone.
It hurt, of course it hurt. You were just starting to fall in love with him. But you weren't going to grovel for him, nor would you cry over him. You just stared him in the eyes and turned away and left.
But not without taking something.
A dragon had hatched, small and black and golden, beautiful. And it flew straight to you as you got into the carriage to leave the castle. It was long and small, and wrapped around your neck, laying on your shoulder. You hid him quickly with your hood as he purred against you.
A dragon, one that seemed to bond to you. He brought you companionship, and while it would baffle some, you had known your family history. Afterall, it wasn't possible that it was just the Targaryen bloodline that escaped Old Valyria, your family had too come from a dragonlord that had isolated himself, before building up his own land.
This dragon was yours, and you were proud to have him.
You weren't going to spend anymore time in Westeros. Figured you wouldn't think of Aemond if you weren't in his kingdom.
But he found you, well you were wanted.
For the theft of a dragon.
The guards found you quickly, anyone was tempted to out you for the cash reward, any man insane enough to steal a fire-breathing dragon was obviously dangerous. You were thrown in a cell quickly, your dragon screaming for you as you screamed at them. "Get your filthy hands off of him! Amrak!" You called for him and he screeched.
You didn't get food for two days, and on the third, Aemond came with a cup of water and porridge. He stood there as you laid down, barely lifting your head.
"You stole a dragon."
"He came to me."
"You committed a crime against the crown."
"Amrak is mine, he chose me."
"You are not a Targaryen." He tsked.
"And yet he is mine." you spoke in high Valyrian. Aemond wasn't the only one that studied, as much as you hated your family and would not die for them you loved every part of them, the history, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
"you were planning to leave." He stated, and you nodded. "Why?"
"I have nothing for me here." It was time to see your old kingdom, time to make the full circle and come back.
"I am here."
"You rejected me." you stated, "you said you wouldn't miss me. You didn't want me the way I wanted you."
"I've wanted you from the moment I saw you." Aemond got closer, "I have wanted you and only you and it is wrong. You are a commoner, a dragonseed, it seems, yet you have captured my interests, my heart, you are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of when I sleep. You have entered my dreams and I cannot escape your eyes, nor your smile." Aemond's hands reached your cheeks and you got closer to him. "You are mine, you have been since I first saw you and you cannot leave me."
"You are mine Aemond Targaryen, and I am yours."
Aemond got you out of your cell, easily defending you to the court, to his mother, and to his grandfather. Alicent had never seen her favorite son act like this before, defending this thief with everything he had. Otto had disapproved of everything, almost sending you to be killed until you had interrupted.
"I could always claim to be the first born son of the king if you'd like." You smiled, having already known Alicent and Otto's plans for Westeros. "I claimed a dragon, very little would question it."
It was an agreement, you would stay in Aemond's wing, remaining hidden in the castle. You and Aemond only got closer.
It was strange, feeling this way about him. You and Aemond no longer hid behind flirtatious smiles, but instead were very open with how you two felt.
God, he was handsome.
The day was a warm day, you had decided to wear some of your Dornish clothing. A bright brown with red accents that was a gift from an ex-lover. You had decided to spend that day with Amrak, he had gotten a little bigger, but not enough to consider kicking him off your shoulders. You stayed in your room with him until it was time to eat, where you took him to feed on the sheep, whilst you ran into Aemond on your way back.
Since the start of your freedom to love each other, he had not been shy about his opinions on you. He stared at you, unabashed with his tongue darting out to wet his lips, you stood taller than him and smiled warmly.
"I haven't seen you at all today."
"I've been with Amrak, and you have been training."
"Yes, I was just on my way to undress." He informed, a tease in his eyes as if you wouldn't dare to join him, he pushed past you gently, and your pursuit for food was forgotten, because Aemond could fulfill any desire you had.
You had locked the door behind him as he slowly starting to take off his clothes, not looking at you but he had known you were behind him. Instead of helping, you decided to follow along, taking a few steps closer to him before taking off the top of your robe, undoing the knots that held it together to reveal your chest.
Patience was a virtue you did not have.
You reached for him, undoing the armor on him leaving him in his shirt and pants, you grabbed at his shoulder and turned him around to face you, pushing him close to you as your mouths collided in a passionate kiss, he reached for your naked chest, pushing his fingers deep into your skin. The two of you could not get enough of each other.
Aemond reached lower, grabbing your ass and massaging them as you two grinded your growing erections on to each other. His hands came to the front, untying them and yanking them down, he pushes you to sit on the bed as he lowers his own body to the ground. Your hand reaches for his head.
And he was beautiful on his knees.
You sat up on the bed, eyeing him as he eyes your cock, hard and long, precum at the top slowly oozing out and Aemond, second prince of the Targaryens, on his knees, hair pulled back only because your hand was wrapped in it, his mouth ‘o’ shaped as drool drizzles down. He stared at it, not even meeting your eyes but you watched as the saliva fell onto your dick, it twitching due to it.
“God your so cock hungry, it’s fucking pathetic” you look at his wide blown eye, shiny and only looking at one thing. “So desperate, my prince, and for a commoners cock…” Another lie you couldn't confess to him, but from the way his hips reached into the air, Aemond seemed to enjoy being talked down on.
Aemond’s mouth was watering, wanting to taste the male in front of him. The second son would’ve never thought that he would be in this position. He had never imagined his life this way, liking men, and especially this man.
God he was in love with you.
As quickly as he came to the thought, you had pulled his head towards your cock, aiming it at his mouth before pushing it into his wet mouth, the pathetic prince desperately got close, licking and sucking as if that was the one role he was good at.
"So fucking pathetic." Aemond moaned loudly, despite him being muffled from your long cock. His tongue licked up and down your shaft as saliva was coating it, you moaned with him. "Such a good cocksucker, my prince." you praised as he went deeper, his nose hitting your naval as he gagged, you did not go gently, your grip on his hair got tighter as you pushed him up and down.
your toes curled as he sucked, and your balls felt heavy as any moment you felt you could cum. "I'm gonna cum..." You expected him to stop, to take his mouth off of you and just jerk you off. But Aemond was hungry for you and instead he put you deeper, and when you came he closed his mouth around you, breathing through his nose and swallowing you.
"God I love you." Your dick fell limp, but only for a few moments would it remain that way. You pulled him up and kissed him, your tongue massaging his as you tasted yourself on him, both of you moaning into each other as your hips collided and he rolled. Your dick was becoming half hard just from your own thoughts, and you were quick to yank off his shirt, tearing it off of him and leaving hickeys as you sucked and licked and bit his neck. You pulled down his pants along with his underwear, and was greeted by his pale skin and long cock.
Your hands trailed behind his back before gripping his ass.
"I want you inside." Aemond groaned as he lifted his hips up, and your fingers quickly found his hole.
"Not without preparing." you quickly stuck your fingers into his mouth and he sucked, "Such a cockwhore, willing to hurt yourself for me. We can't have that, now can we." Aemond's eye flashed down to you as you stared at him. You knew what was behind his eye patch, the brilliant sapphire that was hidden by leather, your other hand quickly left his round ass and found it on the back of his head, as you quickly undid the eye patch and revealed everything to yourself. Aemond closed his eyes but you took your fingers out of his mouth and forced him to look at you.
"Keep your eyes open, I want to see everything when I fuck you." Your wet fingers slowly circled his entrance, before you pushed one in. His eye widened but he kept focusing on you, your finger slowly thrusting in and out as your other hand started touching his cock.
"Please, please, please..." He kept mumbling over and over again. "Want you inside, want you, want you, want your cock, want your thick cock inside me, want you to stretch me out and fuck me."
"So cock dumb, my pretty prince, more like my whore with the way you're taking my finger, so tight. How are you gonna take my cock when you can't even take my finger?"
"I can take it. I can take it. I can take it." He became so stupid, and in his moment of distraction you put another finger in him and he pushed himself on to you. And eventually a third finger joined, pushing them in as deep as you could. "Please I want your cock!" tears filled his eye and you quickly stopped your ministrations and he groaned. Your cock was hard and he pushed it towards his hole, desperate for you, you made sure his hole was right above you and he sat down on you, quickly filling him up as he let out a yell.
You turned his body around on the bed so that you were above him, pushing his hips down and slowly taking your cock out, leaving just your tip in as he whined and twisted. You pushed him down again keeping him straight, and shoved it back in and he moaned loudly. His legs flew into the air and wrapped around you, pushing you into him as much as he could, his ankles digging into your back. Your cock stretched him, and he was so thin despite his muscles, and you could almost swear you could see an outline of your cock in his stomach, and you went feral.
"Mine." You were quick with your thrusts, in and out as you pressed against his prostate constantly. One of your hands left his waist as you pushed against your own cock. "Look at how well you take me. Mine, Mine, Mine." your hand then left to touch his cock, and he threw his head back.
"Feels so good, so good, let me come, please let me come."
"You can come, but I'm not going to stop." His hips shifted into the air, and his cum shot up into the air, but you didn't stop, you were going to fill him up. His cum coated his chest and instead you took his hand and dipped his fingers into his own cum before shoving his hand into his mouth, making him taste himself before his hands wrapped back around you.
Thrust after thrust, you got closer and Aemonds hands wrapped around you as you lifted him up, his nails left scratches on your back. Your cock twitched multiple times before you came inside him, he let out moans loudly as you joined him, both of you panting as you leaned your forehead against his. His hole twitched as you gently took yourself out, he let out little breathy moans as you watched your cum slowly drip out of him, before you pushed it back inside of him.
"Well this is a development..." Aegon said, and Aemond and you turned in horror as your secret was no longer between you two.
"Aegon get out now!" You hissed through your teeth as you covered up Aemond with the blanket on his bed, the second prince felt fear and anger at what his elder brother would do.
Aegon giggled as he slammed the door shut.
"We're fucked."
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aris-ink · 1 year
more ddlg jk please im so obsessed
ily <3
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: romance
warnings: manipulation, big corruption kink, dd/lg, hints of size and spit kink, lots of kissing, slight dub con, allusions to con noncon, intoxication, drugs (marijuanna), dirty talk, groping, bondage (ropes), praise, free use kink, loving humiliation (verbal), possessiveness, creampie, aftercare
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Coming back from work, Jungkook found your sleepy form curled up on the bed, the nightlight setting a faint glow over the room. He crouched down on the floor and leaned in to kiss you, the affectionate greeting making your eyes flutter open. You tried to blink the drowsiness in them away, but it didn't seem to be quite working, and Jungkook felt his heart melt in his chest.
"Are you okay, princess?"
You breathed out slowly, your answer coming out mellow.
"I feel so weird, daddy."
He examined you with concern, the dull glaze of your eyes the first thing to catch his attention. Whatever he was about to say died in his throat, and he found himself stroking your cheek with his thumb. You looked so small like this; barely holding on to consciousness, gazing into his eyes with all the love and trust your precious heart had to offer. It stirred something in his soul, something primal and sinister, instantly triggering its protective instincts.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He coaxed gently, brushing a few strands of hair away from your face. "Did you eat properly?"
"Dinner," you nodded, sighing, "and some snacks."
Your answer was just as expected, but the innocence of it further provoked that thing in the shadows of his mind, and a pierced eyebrow raised at you cluelessly.
"What snacks? We ran out last night, baby. I got you some on the way home today."
You frowned at that, confusion seeping into your expression.
"No, we... still had some left... they- they were in the shelf... in the kitchen."
"Oh baby..." Jungkook sighed then, and lowered his lips to your forehead. "There's a reason daddy keeps those hidden. You probably shouldn't have touched that."
For a split second, when your eyes raised to meet his, he thought you had realized what happened, what he did, and his heart reacted in tandem with his cock, jumping. But then your small hand moved to reach for him. You couldn't have been cuter if you tried. Even now, seeking his protection, whether it was the drugs muddling your brain; or just love.
Because hidden wasn't exactly the most accurate word here... not since a while, at least, but there was a sadistic need rising up in Jungkook to slip further into his role, murmur reassurances that would have made angels weep for you, had they ever existed and mourned for lost souls.
"It's okay. Just rest, baby... The feeling will pass soon. Just..." he brushed his nose against yours, "close your eyes and let go. Daddy will take care of you. Yeah?"
You followed his instructions flawlessly, letting your eyes fall shut, your body relaxing as he spoke. But your hand still squeezed at his bigger one, like you were nervous that he'd disappear. There didn't really seem to be many coherent thoughts left in that pretty, little head of yours. No wonder the weed hit you hard; it wasn't something you've tried before. You've always rejected any blunts Jungkook offered, trembling and stilling his hands when he whispered all the depraved things he knew would make your cunt leak as he touched you. Now, after the drug has entered your system - and in large amounts, too - you were left so... vulnerable, in every way. Helpless against the warmth flooding your senses, making your nerves tingle as Jungkook climbed on top of you. Helpless against him; his wicked hands soothing you, exploring your waist, their touch your only connection to your earthly existence in the warm, fuzzy haze pulling you under; stripping you off your inhibitions.
"Relax, sweetheart. Just like that."
There was a repressed desire lurking in the softness of his palms sneaking under your shirt. When his lips inched towards yours, something almost innocent laced the action; a soft peck, testing the waters. Too lightheaded to think straight, you let Jungkook do the thinking for you, because that was what daddy was there for, wasn't it? To catch you when you fall. To look after his little girl, kiss her and hold her. And he did just that, throbbing at the whine that slipped past your lips as soon as his touched your neck.
"Sensitive, angel?"
His hands explored your tummy, butterflies erupting while the rough pads of his fingers inched upwards. His voice was as soft as any devil's leading their prey astray, a seduction too great to resist with your guard lowered and brain muddled. Sweet, little thing, so putty in his hands; an adoring kiss warmed your cheek, followed by a sigh, a sound of feigned sympathy. Poor, little baby, so dazed under him; back arching softly when he began to rub your nipple, eliciting a gasp. Good thing daddy knew exactly what you needed. He was going to make it all better, he whispered. Daddy would never hurt you, he promised. And then he slid down your underwear.
He was sure that even with how high you were, his brain was running on the same kind of adrenaline, releasing endorphins, heart beating fast and blood rushing, his kisses sloppy and slow. Like he wanted to taste every inch of you, or rather, like he wanted to pour himself and his love into every nook and crevice of you, body and soul; a suspicion he made far too easy to confirm when he pulled away, dark gaze immediately drawn to the string of saliva connecting you for a second too long. It was enough for his thumb to reach upwards and rub the remains of the wetness into your bottom lip, hypnotized by how swollen and shiny it looked.
There was no other sound in the room besides the mingling of your labored breathing and the soft moans his touches encouraged, igniting a kind of fire within you that, had your mind and heart been sober, would have been considered humiliating. The willingness to be defiled, the trust that this was your caretaker just doing his job. And in a twisted way, he was. Fueling all the forbidden desires and needs you kept locked up, deemed too dark to ever leave the twilight zone of your soul. And once again, whose job was it if not Jungkook's to show his little one that not all dark things were frightful?
Floating, you briefly felt your arms being raised, cool air hitting your skin as he slipped your shirt off. The bed dipped then, and more kisses were lovingly left on your shoulders, the silky heat of his lips lazily trailing up to your neck. Time seemed to be passing by in a blur; you could feel Jungkook trapping your wrists above your head, slight shuffling coming from somewhere beside you.
Another kiss. More shuffling. You were disoriented up to the very moment you registered the fact that the noise stopped, and something was being wrapped around your hands.
No, not wrapped; tied. You whimpered, akin to a little fawn that realized it was ensnared.
Jungkook cooed at you, his lips brushing your collarbone, leaving your skin on fire.
"Such a good girl..."
He made his way down your stomach, presumably to continue to comfort you. Yet his deft fingers landed on your foot, the caress sending your heart jumping to your throat. Because even though it lasted only for a moment, you could hear more rustling, the final kiss landing on your ankle; right before the loving gesture was replaced with the lewd intentions he has had all along. His hands were gentle as they secured the knots, tying both of your ankles to the bed posts; leaving you spread open and defenseless, just the way he wanted.
Even without the restraints, even if your pussy wasn't dripping for him, it wasn't like you would have been able to fight back. Not after the edibles. And in the moment, not many things made sense besides the ache that built up inside you, the smell of Jungkook's skin, invading all your senses and making your thighs start to tremble. But one fact was pretty clear; you were nothing but a toy for him. He wasn't even bothered holding your legs open.
"All good?" He asked sweetly, his arms on either side of your head as he hovered above you again.
Your breath came out uneven, head spinning, but you nodded, lost in the darkness of his eyes staring into yours, giving into its entrancing depths, a bottomless pit that seemed to be asking: There, isn't this so much better? Doesn't it feel good to let daddy make the decisions for you? And he didn't need you to say a word, because your body provided all the answers, keening as you heard him undo his zipper. There was another layer of vulnerability attached to the fact that he was still fully dressed while your skin burned bare underneath him. Another layer of power Jungkook clearly relished in, if the way he twitched against you was anything to go by.
"You're so wet," it was a breathless statement, his eyes threatening to close when his heavy cock finally pressed in between your thighs. "So fucking wet."
Perhaps it was twisted, how lovingly he took advantage of you, degraded you, like you didn't quite belong to yourself; only to him. But your hole was clenching around nothing, trying to suck his cock right in any time he nudged the tip against it. And just like that, all the self control he had exercised so far was beginning to crumble. He could feel himself slipping, the words weighing on his tongue getting harder to hold back.
"So good for me... Just stay like this. Let daddy take care of you."
You moaned weakly, hips trying to seek more friction. Jungkook's cock twitched at that, spurting more precum in between the soft folds of your cunt. You were so divine. His little girl, his property, waiting to be used, craving it. And Jungkook could never deny you. This was all you've ever needed; to be stripped of your identity, no daunting responsibilities, no thoughts. All you had to do was lie there and take his cock like a good girl, your head fuzzy and cunt well fucked.
He rocked into you slowly, pushing an inch forward only to slide out again, the stretch combined with the pressure quickly making your stomach knot up. You didn't realize you were begging until you felt Jungkook's tongue over yours, his lips cutting off your soft whines.
"Fuck," he breathed out weakly, his hips arching into you off their own accord. "Doing so good for daddy." A kiss. "Gonna take care of you." A whisper. "Gonna give you all you need." A dip of his head, soft lips brushing against the shell of your ear. "Little miss free use slut."
His tummy clenched at how sharply you inhaled, at the warm pulse beating around his cock as he sank deeper inside you. You were so tight, moaning into his ear, but too out of it to move, too out of it to do anything but feel the thrill of the pleasure he forced into your body. It was intoxicating, how perfect you were, all his to taint and love, his marks so deep no holy water could scrub them off your soul. He groaned, at this point running on pure instinct, fucking you harder as your cunt clenched around him, struggling to accommodate all of his girth and yet aching to be filled up with more. It was too much to handle; the combination of you, the rush of power, and the heavenly heat he was rutting into tipping him dangerously close to the edge.
"Yeah..." His voice came out as a needy, shaky whisper, an inked hand tightening around your breast. "Fuck." His forehead rested against yours, eyes hooded. "Feel good?"
A hiss escaped him when you clenched in response.
"Oh yeah? Little, slutty hole feels good?"
Jungkook's lips were on yours again before you could process it, muffling the loud moan you let out. You were already falling apart, and there were so many ways he wanted to ruin you and leave you shaking for more. All he could focus now on, though, was the vice grip of your wet, abused cunt, and the obscene sounds it made.
"Oh baby, you gonna come? Look what a pretty, little fucktoy I have here. Only good for one thing, hm?"
His hips stuttered at the shiver that ran through you. He gripped your jaw, the mattress protesting under the force of his thrusts. But the noise was nothing compared to the way you cried out for him, your walls spasming around his cock and drawing a loud, desperate moan out of his pretty mouth. Just like that, he followed you right over the edge, spilling his cum deep inside you, and shamelessly fucking it in even deeper. Eyes scrunched, he let his head rest in the crook of your neck, his breath hot on your skin.
"Ohh fuck-" His groan broke into a drawn out, raspy whimper. "Yeees."
He came so hard, white spots dancing behind his eyelids, unwilling to stop grinding until his knees felt weak. He tried to catch his breath, his head swimming. You were limp beneath him, your heart still pounding hard against his. Despite the dreamy exhaustion weighing down his bones, he lifted himself up to check up on you, press tender kisses into your lips.
"Are you okay, baby?"
A nod was all you could manage.
"Such a good girl. You did so well."
His fingers reached to work on untying the knots binding your wrists, his dick twitching at the sight of you before him. The spit still shining on your lips, the glow of your flushed skin, the cum dripping out of your sensitive hole. So blissed out, ruined and pretty. All his. But rather than acting on the shivers of arousal that still haven't died down, flowing through his body, Jungkook focused on sitting you up and getting you to the bathroom.
He sat you in a tub filled with warm water, then discarded his own clothes to join you. The snacks he bought you earlier were placed on a tray, within arm's reach. He held you against his chest, fed you a little. He knew you were tired; you needed rest, you needed time to sober up, because you couldn't keep your eyes opened nor move as he washed you.
He rested his wet cheek on the crown of your head, taking a moment to just feel you close, immerse himself in the warmth.
"Baby," he whispered, his arms tightening around your waist, though he wasn't sure if you were still conscious enough to hear or understand him. "What have you done to me? I love you so much all of my soul is gone."
Gone where? Lost in yours, perhaps, the only heaven that actually mattered.
A moment passed in silence, your breathing soft, until an almost incoherent whisper broke him out of his stupor.
"Love you too, daddy."
Jungkook glanced down at you, a fond smile lighting up his face. It was time to go to bed. Tomorrow, he was off work, and he couldn't wait to spend the day with you. Cooking, kissing, watching movies, then rolling a joint. He had a feeling you wouldn't resist this time; you tended to like the games Jungkook chose. He was good at it. He had to be; that was also a part of his job, wasn't it? Making sure playtime with daddy was fun.
And how could he ever do anything but his best for his little girl?
💌 taglist: @baalsgurl1913 @kooktrash @glowunderthemoon @era-genius @sweetempathprunetree @bucketofhiros @iceprincessviviane @imnotlauriane @silv3rswirls @httpsbts @osakis-gf
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pixelyssa · 4 days
★彡 reanswering an old ask below:
as a high r3str1cter here’s what i do:
★彡DRY F4ST!NG: 7pm-11am (i have water/meds/gum only if necessary)
It is beneficial when done for 16+ hours. and the best part is we do it in our sleep every night! 
dry means no f00d, no water. since starting this, i’ve noticed less bloating, my “morning sk1nny” lasts longer. i’ve gotten used to my dry f4st times and no longer overe@t at night, which also makes me feel good in the morning. I have acid reflux, and e@ting before bed triggers it. It also triggers, slower met@bolism, difficulty digesting and can disturb your sleep! So even if you aren’t comfortable dry f4sting before bed, atleast not having solid f00ds a couple hours before bed helps, and you will see/feel a difference.
If you tend to get cravings at night, this may be hard at first. here’s how i stopped mine:
(warning, im delulu hehe)
-i always remind myself how i feel after the fact. or the morning after. (guilty, embarrassed, weak) and eventually i was strong enough to let that feeling take over. 
-watch a mukbang or e4ting challenge for the f00d im craving and chugging water until im full lol
-i have insomnia so i have an as needed medication for sleep that knocks me out. if you also struggle to sleep, i def recommend finding ur cure. whether its rain sounds, complete darkness, shutting ur devices off, or melatonin (PRO TIP: do not buy melatonin gummies. Do not consume the 5mg or 10mg or 20mg supplements of melatonin. when our bodies lack melatonin, we only need .5mg MAX, which is sold in pill form or can be prescribed by your doctor! anything higher will just make you immune and it will stop working eventually, it also will make it difficult to get up in the morning.)
-i drink coffee as soon as my dry fast ends. It suppresses my app3t1te for a while and it helps my bowels hehe (i also need the caffeine to get me through the day)
-i HATE black coffee, i prefer brown stevia and a splash of cream/almond milk. but whatever you like!
-i usually have 1-2 cups to start my day. 
-if you don’t like coffee, tea is also good. there are certain types that can do different things for you ofc, i like green tea for the caffeine and metabolism boost (same reason i drink coffee). but i’ve heard good things about ginger tea, mint tea, etc. (if youre a tea person i don’t need to even explain, you know.)
-i try save them for the end of the day, that way when its dinner time and i’m hungry, I’m not feeling like i need to find something small to fit the rest of my lim1t. (the coffee helps with this step)
-i stay distracted and i really worked on self discipline to be able to get through this one lol.
-for example, 2 oreos and juice is the same amount of c4lories as my chocolate chip pancakes r3cipe. cookies aren’t filling, you’ll just want more. theyre a filler. whereas 3 chocolate chip pancakes with berries and syrup is filling and satisfies the same craving. 
-if you like to use ur c4lories for snacks that’s completely fine, im not judging you <3 it just leads to overe@ting for me.
-i usually have 1 meal and 1-2 snacks throughout the day. I have my google doc link ready to go if anyone 18+ would like to see, comment and let me know youre of age and ill message u it (DONT DM ASKING I WONT SEE IT) <3
-by now you’ve probably heard the term “meta” or “metab” day. most people will do this once a week, it is basically where you spike your l1mit for the day. constantly lowering your intake will slow your metabolism and eventually you’ll start maintaining, or plateauing. This is to help boost your metab! Its also good for holidays, or days where you have plans involving f00d. It’s hard at first, but if you’ve been stuck at the same w3ight, its good to start doing this. 
-i do one once a week, but i’ve seen people do them in 10 day increments or even twice a month.
-a friend of mine told me metabolism days should be -200 of your bmr (you can calculate your bmr online) that would make my metab day l1mit around 800-900 c@l. (which is 300+ higher than my normal limit, incase you want to just add to your current intake instead of calculating your bmr) it should be a close to a “normal” l1mit. 
-there are chances of g4ining, of course, from metab days. don’t shy away from it if you feel too scared to g4in, this was my mistake and i was stuck at 102 for WAY TOO LONG. metab helped me break 100, and now im almost at my next goal. Metabolism days are for everyone, it’s not just sk1nny people who plateau and demolish their metabolisms. try it out, its a nice treat <3
we should be drinking over 2L of water a day (you can google and calculate your specific amount needed per day, im just a girl) 
-drink your necessary amount THROUGHOUT THE DAY. it is sm water to have in one sitting so the only possible way to get it all in is to have it all day. tt’ll make you feel better too.
-this is something i struggle with, i just don’t enjoy water. I’m on and off with when i enjoy it and when i can’t get myself to drink it. If anyone else struggles, i’ve realized that ice cold water is easiest for me to drink.
-water gives the illusion of feeling full, it literally keeps you alive, and obviously sm more lol
-i take vitamin d, vitamin c, calcium and a women’s multi vitamin for metabolism every day. the water is important for helping my body absorb these. Look into other vitamins but these are what i take based on my deficiencies. 
-i take gummy vitamins, they have more c4lories than a pill, but its like a sweet treat after my meal so i’ll probably stick to gummies <3 make sure you chew them all the way through if you get these!
★彡IVE BEEN DOING THIS WAY TOO LONG Our b0dies are all different. what works for me might not work for you, and that’s fine, love! I’m sharing what i do because there is a lot of general knowledge in my routines, so i thought i’d share. 
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v3nusxsky · 10 months
hello, this is my first time asking here so im kinda shy... maybe can u do a emily prentiss x fem!reader where emily for some reason finds a cowboy hat and put it on to show reader and that turns reader on, then reader needs emily to deal with her... maybe smut if you into it ? thanks, also im following you for a little time and im loving your stories, bye angel
Reverse Cowgirl 18+
*Authors note~ I was unsure on which direction I wanted to take this due to writers block but I low key love it and the last word of the ask seemed to incorporate itself well here, I hope you love it*
Trigger Warnings~ roleplay?? dom em sub r daddy Emily cowboy hat reverse cowgirl position strap oral praise kink degrading kink
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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It was so rare that you ever had time to spare from chasing serial killers all around the world, but thankfully today seemed to be a rare restful day. No phone buzzing at ungodly hours of the morning with the words "we got a case." No this morning you'd awoken to your favourite agent peacefully sleeping next to you. Your girlfriend, not that anyone else knew. These mornings were definitely your favourite. You often wonder how she gets away with looking so damn gorgeous but then again your too busy starring to care why, instead admiring her beauty.
A lazy morning with your love sounded absolutely perfect until your phone began buzzing on the nightstand. A silent pray for it to not be work, you answered the call to be greeted with an excited shriek form the one and only miss Penelope Garcia. "Pg!" You whined, "my ears Garcia, what do you need?" A little scoff made its way over the line, "you me JJ and Prentiss, shopping at noon. No excuses we need a girl day and I need to spoil my god sons. I'll text you the address, bye sweets!" And just like that she was gone. It wasn't a few seconds later, and your girlfriends phone buzzed too. Trying to contain your laughter as she attempted to wriggle out of the girls day, and her side glance at you while mouthing "traitor" before giving in and accepting that she needed to get up. After the phone call ended you promised if Emily got out of bed you could shower together, apparently that was all the motivation she needed.
After a shower that took twice as long as it normally would've due to Emily's wandering hands you finally secured breakfast and both left to meet the girls. Emily drove you both and honestly you'd be lying if you said her driving with a hand on your thigh didn't drive you insane, soon enough you were separating ways after a final kiss to avoid the suspicion. A part of you wished you could hold her hand in public or kiss her cheek but another part was too scared they'd try and reassign you to keep you both apart. You'd like to think Hotch wouldn't do that but you knew it was out of his control. Plus they didn't even know you were bisexual with a preference for women.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't have fun watching Garcia absolutely raid the toy stores and clothing shops while JJ insisted they didn't need anything since the absolute flood of gifts on six months ago. Garcia always won those arguments, finding some kind of loophole somewhere which made you giggle, Emily grabbed everything a coffee in order to slip a little I love you on your cup and every chance she got she discreetly joined your hands under tables. Small things like that made your heart yearn for her.
Now to end up in a sexy shop wasn't on your to do list but with JJ and Wills anniversary coming up it wasn't surprising she wanted to get him something or someone to unwrap. Garcia wondering off to another toy store left you and Emily waiting for JJ. Both of you pretending to look around separately while mentally compiling a list of outfits to get,
Emily even going as far to look at some of the strap ons. Seeing a cow boy hat in a sex shop was certainly something unexpected yet you still couldn't resist putting it on.
"Fetch me my horse daddy" you giggled adding a southern drawl into your accent causing Emily to spin around in confusion. There you stood with a cow boy hat on your head, going surprisingly well with your braided hair, and a riding crop in your right hand, "I believe I found my ride" you whispered before cheekily winking at the stunned woman. While you were putting it back where up I found the accessories you completely missed the raven haired woman buying a certain something and slipping away to hide it.
By the time JJ returned with her gift Emily was back looking at objects in the room as if she'd never left. The imagine of you being her perfect cowgirl never leaving her mind, all the ways she could fuck you in that outfit. On all fours her hand gripping and tugging on your braids as she absolutely rails you from behind. Oh and you'd be so good for her, you always were. Her sweet little cow girl. Unbeknownst to you a silly little dress up would result into an absolutely desperate Emily tonight.
The journey back to Emily's apartment was blissfully normal until you arrived. There she went to the boot of the car and grabbed a cow boy hat. The hat suited her so well and you found yourself to distract to try and find out where she got it from due to the sticky wetness now dripping down your thick thighs. "God daddy so big! I need you" you whined pitifully as she came to hug you from behind, purposefully rubbing her bulge into your ass. That was new. She definitely wasn't packing when you left this morning that was for sure. God she knew how to drive you absolutely wild.
Emily allowed you to practically drag her into the apartment and straight to the bedroom, secretly loving how desperate a simple had made you, before pushing you into the wall and claiming your lips with hers. It was lustful and needy as if neither of you needed oxygen to breathe. Emily's right hand crept up your body until it made its way to its rightful place, your throat. Now with the gentle squeeze of her hand you were begging her to take you already. The nerd becoming unbearable for you. And Emily wasn't handling the need any better than you.
Clothing was torn from eachothers body before Emily gently lifted you so you could wrap your legs around her waist all while never losing your lips. A squeak of surprise flooded the room when your back hit the mattress, "Emily! Oh my gosh" you gasped, "what's got into you?" Perhaps it was a rhetorical question but she answered you anyway with a nip to the base of your throat, "you and that damn hat." You couldn't help but smirk, a harmless silly thing had turned her this needy for you.
Any reply you may have had died on your tongue as you felt her mouth creeping lower and lower until she met your needy cunt. By now your wetness was seeping onto the sheets, "god I need more" you whined impatiently, moving your hands to her hat to hold her in place. Emily was always talented in ever aspect of life, but the way she would plunge her tongue into your tight little hole and curl it just right was enough to drive you insane, but then when she would add two fingers and move her mouth to your aching bundle of nerves you honestly saw the stars. If there was one thing Emily prides herself on is how well you scream her name as she fucks you with her tongue. In fact she swears that she would spend forever between your thighs and die a happy woman.  Yet when your tugging her up for a break from the overwhelming sensations she still feels a little glee at what she planned to come next.
A few sweet kisses and some soft praises found you straddling her lap, the new strap on pressing against your soaking slit. "Please daddy" you whimpered only to be met with a shake of her head. "Nahuh angel, you're gonna ride my cock like a good cowgirl for me" she purred in your ear before helping swivel you around to face her legs. Then the hat was settled on your had before she finally slipped into your awaiting core. "Oh fuck yes so good, so big daddy fuck" you mewled as you slowly began to bounce on her cock. "God you're so fucking sexy, bend over cowgirl I wanna see how I spilt you in two."
The moment you finally bent so she could see how her faux cock moved in and out of your slippery hole she could've swore she almost lost her composure. But her patience was rewarded when soon all you were was a whiny mess hardly able to keep a rhythm. Hands gripped onto her thighs like a life line and yet you still couldn't do as you were asked to. "Such a pathetic whore for my angel, and you were being my sweet girl and yet now you can't even do what a common whore could. I'm disappointed Angel" she murmured placing her hands on your hips. A whine escaped you, "mm sorry daddy I be good girl mm sorry" you whimpered over and over until she finally took pity on you.
With a pace that was perfectly fast and rough Emily slipped out of your cunt, ignoring your whines of protest and flipped you on your hands and knees before slamming back into your needy pussy. From there on she kept a punishing pace. Her hands gripping your braids to steady herself as she attempted to burry her cock into your womb. And you came over and over for her that night until you were nothing but her little angel absolutely fucked dumb.
"Shhh sweetheart you did so good for me darling" she murmured in between kissing all over your face to distract you from her pulling out. "Such a pretty cowgirl for your daddy" was what caused you to blush like a mad woman. You knew the routine Emily would get up to get a cloth and clean the strap but you didn't want her to go. But you didn't have the brain function to do more than whine at her, trying to convey what you wanted. "Shh two seconds my love, we have to clean up then I'm all yours baby."
Two seconds was all it was, and then Emily was back in before allowing you to snuggle up on her chest as her hands threaded through your beautiful hair. "So proud of you sweet girl" she whispered not expecting you to whine and mumble "disappoint you" the clearest you could. "No angel, you're my good girl, I love you my little cowgirl, you did so well baby, now rest angel, I'm right here."
Word count 1880
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rewrittenreality · 10 months
Meant To Be
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Pairing: Emmett x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Mention of a gun, mention of death, Emmett and Reader being in love
Summary: In your time with Emmett, you've realized just how much you like him
A/n: This is part 2 of A Sense of Safety! I'm in my Cillian Murphy phase as you can clearly tell.
You had been with Emmett for about a month now, his home in the old steel mill now becoming your home. It wasn’t much, but it worked for the both of you and that was all you needed. 
When your shoulder was feeling better, you tried to leave so you wouldn’t become an issue in Emmett’s small space. However, he insisted that you stayed, telling you he didn’t want you out in the hell ridden world by yourself. He needed the sense of comfort you brought him and you needed the safety you felt with him around.
So, you agreed to stay with him, having your own little corner to put your belongings you did have left. Over time, the two of you started sharing the makeshift bed against the wall. You had slept better in the past few weeks than you had since the end of the world started. 
There was one little problem. Your growing attraction to Emmett was not making it easier to sleep in such close quarters. You often woke up to his arm over your side, an unintentional act on his part but flustering nonetheless. 
There was something about Emmett that you loved. His looks were part of that, but you couldn’t help but fall for his personality. He was quiet and shy, but at the same time kind and caring. He always ensured your safety above his own, trying his best to keep you out of harms way. 
Emmett thought much the same about you. He started falling for you, something he never thought he would ever do again after the death of his family. It wasn’t a topic many people in the world thought about anymore after the creatures arrived. 
You were perched atop one of the ledges in the steel mill, keeping watch while Emmett went on a supply run. There wasn’t much to keep watch for as long as there was no noise to alert anything around you of your presence. But, it ensured that nothing was able to get into the mill undetected.
You and Emmett normally took turns doing runs, but this was Emmett’s 2nd time in a row. You had a close call on your last run, almost getting yourself killed. Emmett couldn’t risk losing another person he cared for, so he insisted on going for the time being. 
It did get kind of boring sitting on your ledge for hours on end. You found ways to keep yourself entertained though, often taking books that Emmett had found on his previous runs to read. Before all of this, reading in complete silence would have been hard for you to do. These days it was very normal for you. 
As you read your book, a screech rang through the air. You immediately dropped your book and picked up your rifle to look through the scope. You scanned the area, your scope landing on Emmett who was sprinting towards the concrete opening in the building. 
Right behind him was one of those things, its large body almost blending in with the area around it. You aimed your rifle at its head, your finger on the trigger as you waited for the right time to shoot. As soon as the protective armor on its head opened, you pulled the trigger. You were thankful for the silencer you had made as you watched the creature fall to the ground.
A couple weeks back, you had figured out that there was a way to kill these things. It was by pure accident, but it was beyond helpful. You could now kill the creatures if there was enough time to wait for the right moment. 
Emmett looked up to your ledge, smiling at you as he disappeared into the mill. You made your way down, meeting him at the entrance to your hiding place. You jumped down the entrance, Emmett following close behind you. 
He was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath as he pulled his mask down. You took the supplies from him, storing everything away as Emmett rested for a minute. You turned back to him, finding him smiling at you. You raised your eyebrow at him, smiling back at him. 
“Thanks for saving my ass.” Emmett whispered, his smile only growing.
“You save my ass all the time, Emmett. We’re a team now, we have to watch each other's backs.” You retorted in a playful manner. 
Emmett took off his jacket and hat, placing them on the chair behind him. As he turned back to you, you used your finger to wipe off the dirt on his nose. He tensed at the touch, but didn’t stop you as you continued wiping the dirt off his face. Neither of you were used to touch these days, finding yourselves tensing at any small touch the two of you shared.
Emmett found himself leaning into your touch, feeling so gentle and soft on his rouged and worn face. His hand came up to hold your wrist, his grip almost ghost like in fear of hurting you. You ran your thumb over his cheek, wiping the last bit of dirt from his face. 
You stared into his eyes, letting your fingers linger on his cheek. There was a sparkle in Emmett’s eyes that you had only noticed a couple times before, that of wonder and awe. His normally steel blue eyes appearing brighter, as if the gray was slowly fading. 
It was completely silent as you stood there, staring at each other. Emmett was hesitant as he slowly leaned forward, afraid of how you would react. To his relief, you began leaning forward as well, meeting him in the middle. 
Closing the gap between the two of you, Emmett captured your lips in a gentle kiss. Your hand on his cheek made its way to the back of his head, your fingers running through his silver streaked brown locks. You could feel the tickle of his beard against your lips and chin, making you smile into the kiss. 
Emmett ran one hand down your back, the other finding its place on your hip. He pulled you closer to him, resting your foreheads together as you broke apart. Your hand was still entangled in his hair, your other hand splayed across his chest. You could feel his heart racing, somewhat relieved that yours wasn’t the only one. 
“I can’t lose you, Y/n.” Emmett whispered, his hand on your hip moving up to rest on your cheek.
“Never gonna lose me, Emmett. I promise.” You smiled softly, using your fingers to comb through his hair in a soothing manner. 
You stood there in a comfortable silence for a moment, never letting go of each other. It was as if somehow, in some way, the 2 of you were made for each other. Even in the darkest of times, times like these, you were meant to find each other. You were meant to feel safe in each other’s arms. It was just meant to be. 
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l0verb0t · 8 months
jason todd × reader. | home sweet home.
SUMMARY: A familiar figure stared at you from the other side of a window, helmet covered in ash. He waved back at you. WARNINGs: implications of near panic attacks & descriptions of blood. WORD COUNT: 2000+ NOTEs: second person. this has some minor plot mentions, but this is mostly just a hurt/comfort oneshot. [no pronouns, and "babe" is used to refer to the insert/reader.]
It was a busy summer night. Off your own sweat, you lifted your head from a pillow. A ringing woke you up, irritating the headache that was swirling around in your mind and thudding against it like a hammer.
Your hand fell to your phone, grabbing it from a nightstand just for you to flash your own eyes with its bright light. With a swipe to answer its call, a certain voice spoke out from the other end. A welcomed change from the bellowing sirens outside your cracked walls.
It hadn't been too long since you last saw each other, but that didn't make it any better. Time seemed to come at a snail's pace when he was gone.
The worry never seemed to settle. You're well aware Jason is good at his job, taking pride in ridding Gotham of parasites, in his own words. You trusted him enough to get back on his own, yet it never helped.
He was late by a few more hours than he said he was going to be back, but you still had to reassure yourself that it was probably fine. Your hope was the only thing calming the scattered thoughts.
Don't worry about it. Just rest your pretty head.
For weeks at a time, he would be gone. Every now and then it happened, and sometimes he'd be late. Just to make sure whatever was on his to-do list was dealt with or, alternatively, to make sure no one followed him back. He couldn't risk it.
Yeah, I missed you too, baby.
A small apartment sitting on the edge of his home city. One of the places he never spoke a word about. One of the few places he still felt safe, even if it was only temporary.
You flicked through the channels that flashed across your television's cracked screen, careful not to trigger anything with the bright colors. Nothing caught your attention.
Listen, I can't talk for long. I don't think I brought enough quarters.
You missed his laughter.
Nausea was building up deep inside. Your head swayed from it, keeping you grounded against the couch. With your free hand resting atop your chest, the beats underneath kept an unsteady pace as your head lied against stiff cushions.
You would've slept to bide the time, calm the soreness in your eyes, and try to get a good night's rest for once, but it didn't work no matter how hard you tried. At the very least, you were able to welcome him back rather than have him shake you awake again.
A horror movie came onto the screen.
In the darkness, a masked man stood on the other side of a glass door, staring down a girl who seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack herself. Slowly, he took one of his gloved hands and knocked, leaving behind more blood with each knock.
I just need to do one last thing.
You switched the channel just as someone started laughing.
The light from the television only further irritated your eyes, yet without it, it was too quiet to be comfortable. You simply turned away.
The knocking returned. No matter how low you turned the volume, it kept its loud echo. It became clear that it just wasn't coming from it at all.
You sat up to turn your attention to the apartment's front door. When you arrived at its step and looked through the peep hole, you saw no one there.
The knocking continued, though, further away the second time.
Following the sound, you came to the windows in the living room. Apart from the blaring, bright billboards outside, only the TV gave light to who was there. Maybe you forgot to shut the curtains as you stared back at a familiar red helmet.
There, crouched down by the window, Jason gave you a quick wave before pointing down at the window's lock.
Why he insisted on only using the windows despite barely fitting through them was beyond you sometimes. They just counted as the back door to him at a certain point.
You were forced to notice it first, the smell of smoke and oil overwhelming you as soon as he stepped in.
The shine of his helmet was covered by ash. His gloves were as red as it usually was. Freshly sticking behind everything he touched, blood stuck to the wall inside.
Without a word, he raised his arms. Instead of going in for a hug, he stuck to where he was standing, looking over himself with a shake of the head.
"Sorry, honey. For the… mess." A scrambled gag rumbled through the space.
Jason's head rolled to the side, and he placed a hand on his neck as he stretched it back, groaning as his bones cracked.
"I feel like ass."
With a hum, you responded, "You smell like ass."
"You're so mean sometimes." He cooed, looking down at you as his hands wildly gestured around. "I'll remember to come back smelling like flowers next time."
Without another word, he pulled his helmet off, his hair sticking out from the sweat. His brows were stuck in a frown.
"At least you're back in one piece."
You ran your fingers down the side of his face, twirling the ends of his hair before sliding it back out of it. A quick kiss was placed on one of his scars. The expression from before continued to tug at his face, but he finally let out a breath you didn't know he was holding in.
He threw his helmet back at the couch.
Hands reached up to yours, maybe to push you away, but they stopped before then. The blood was still there, mixed with oil, on top of the leather gloves.
"Can't say the same about the other guys."
The words came out as low and raspy as they would with his modulator.
He hopped in place while tugging incessantly at one of his boots. After both were pulled off, the jacket was the next thing to go, nearly ripping the fabric before he threw it over into a hamper. The boots left prints where he stood.
"No offense, but you're making a mess."
The boots were thrown on top of the clothes without a care.
"I'll clean it tomorrow."
With the jacket gone, you finally got to see what he was wearing under it. It was a plain t-shirt, apart from Hello Kitty standing on the front of it. Why he was wearing the joke gift you gave him ages ago was something you saved to tease him with later.
He just didn't seem too in the mood for jokes.
As he looked down at you, you saw that his eyes carried bags similar to yours.
"What are you doing awake?"
Since the gunk-covered layers had been thrown aside, you placed a hand on his arm. Where he would usually stay for a moment or two to savor the touch, he immediately pulled away.
"I wanted to see you again."
"You didn't have to stay awake for me." Muffled chuckling came as he pulled off his shirt. "You should head back to bed; I'll be in when I'm finished."
"You're going to be tired by tomorrow."
"And you aren't?"
"I've been trained to go days without sleep," After he threw his shirt over with the rest of his clothes, he pointed at you and said, "You just have insomnia."
It came back at him in a copied, mock voice: "Well, it's worth it to see your pretty face."
A smile bloomed across his face, and a snort followed before he pushed away your face.
"Yeah, okay."
You took it as a chance to stand away from him, the odor still overwhelming.
"Mind telling me what happened?"
"With the mess I made, we'll probably be hearing about it in the news later." He gestured to himself, smiling at you. "Are you proud of me, babe? I'm gonna be on TV."
"It wouldn't be the first time."
"That's funny. Again, what happened?"
Hand in his hair, he began to tug at it, looking away from you. "It's fine. The lead led me to a warehouse around the Gotham River. It was just another rundown drug lab."
There wasn't a response for a bit after that, letting the room be filled with nothing but the sound of his heavy breathing and whoever was on the television's rambling. He crashed back into a chair to steady himself.
"Someone just pissed me off. I went a little overboard."
You gave him a chance to explain further, speaking softly.
"Is that it?"
"Yeah. That's it."
So he couldn't sulk in silence, you walked up behind him to pat him on the back. Standing there, he didn't bat an eye at you as you kept the quiet tone, saying, "You should go get cleaned. I'll be here when you get back."
The chair bent back with a creak as he leaned over to look up at you. It pressed against your front, almost on you, for support. His hand grabbed the back of your head, pressing you into a short kiss before he hopped off the chair with a groan.
You tried to help him into the bathroom. In typical Jason fashion, though, he made that harder, leaning his weight against your hands as you pushed him in.
He continued to mess with you, making loud kissing sounds as he tried to reach behind him. The door was shut in front of his face, and there was a groan from the other side as it did. The sound of running water followed soon after.
It didn't last long, but he didn't leave the bathroom. You sat outside the door with the assumption he actually took your advice for once, still washing up despite the silence.
To settle the nerves, you took a deep breath and got to work on taking care of everything else. Everything in the hamper was thrown into a washer. Numerous holes and rips ran across the clothing, the ends of his collar covered in so many that it could hardly count as one anymore.
You nearly threw the boots in as well. The only way they were going to get cleaned was if they were put under a hose.
You had to get off from your knees before you fell asleep.
Later into the night, you kicked at the door, your hands occupied by a pile of picked-out, clean clothes.
It took awhile before any reply came. He called out to you through the sound of splashing water.
His voice came through strained: "Yeah?"
"I got you some clothes."
"Alright. Get in here."
You opened the door to find him sitting in the bath. His arms were laid across the rims, tattoos covered in bubbles. The tub was still too small for him, and so his knees were folded inside, sticking out of the water.
Resting back against the wall, he turned his head back towards you. It was a little silly to see a guy who prided himself on looking scary looking up at you from a bubble bath.
The clothes were placed on the sink's counter.
"Are you having fun in there?"
"You know me," He hummed before splashing water in your direction. "It distracts from the pain, at least."
You crouched down beside him to lean against the tub. His hand ran over your arm, trailing soap up your skin.
"You're supposed to be getting clean, not getting me dirty."
Through a coughing fit, he laughed. His mouth opened for a second before he shut it just as quickly. Pushing deeper into the water, he crossed one leg over the other as he spoke, "I can multitask."
You matched his position, resting your own head against the wall as you looked back into his tired eyes.
"Can you tell me what happened tomorrow?"
A heavy sigh left him: "Yeah, sure. I just don't like bringing work back home."
"I know, but I still want you to talk about this stuff with me."
Jason sat up, pressing against the tub to rest his head against yours.
"I'll try to remember that."
The two of you were in there for awhile. It was the most you had talked to each other in weeks, making up for the quick calls that otherwise filled the radio silence. You tried not to fall asleep to his voice and were lucky enough not to. The floor was filthy.
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blingblong55 · 7 months
Soon you'll get better-141
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[Alternative Ending]
[My version] ---- No use of [R/N], angst? fluff? ----
A/N: this is my version of an alternative ending to MW3…so take this as my delusional headcanon...
Who knew that disarming a bomb to save millions would take a sacrifice. Certainly, Captain Price wasn't aware of this. One thing is for sure, in the job of a soldier or an SAS, Navy SEAL, or any other form of soldier one must die to keep the world at peace. One must lose so that civilians live another normal day. Not always will it be to lose a life but if you are even daring the universe, you can lose sanity before losing a friend. Task Force 141 knows this all too well now. Losing John 'Soap' MacTavish. Not the man, no…but losing the soldier in him. That is a greater loss because now, they roam those dangerous parts of the world without the other. They have been consumed by darkness. That is the truth.
Price has the gun pointed at him. So near death now, something not new to him but to be this close…it's never easy. In a flash, Soap gets up, trying to save not himself but his friend, his captain and a man he knew well. Makarov's gun doesn't have much of a hesitation when its trigger gets pulled. The bullet, that one thing that has been known to end it all by many people like Soap, now entering his body, to end his. A loud thud as what looks to be like a dead MacTavish falls. Ghost and Gaz arrive with the other team. Guns and bullets play the main role in this fight. Not always do heroes win against a villain and 141 was proof of that.
Makarov and his men leave. An escapee with promises of redemption. What a dangerous world this will be. "…one KIA," words Kate Laswell regretted on hearing. No pulse but the gloves of the lieutenant failed to find the short and very small signs the young sergeant had left in him. Crimson red laid all on the floor. Blood no one wanted to see in this lifetime but it was bound to be seen at least from one of them. Price shakes his head. "No, this can't be," he takes his gloves off and amid lost hope, that faint sign of life is there.
John 'Soap' MacTavish, pronounced KIA on a mission with the last task force he worked for. Johnny MacTavish was rushed to a private hospital. His blood is all in the hands of nurses and doctors as they try to save his life. Agents in the room per request of the CIA to ensure the young man would survive to see his homeland. No one but a handful of people would know of Johnny's well-being. His family grieved. His cousin regretted inspiring his 'little brother'.
It wasn't the world that saw 141 grieve. Not even the reflection saw the frowns and drained eyes. Makarov watched though, he saw how his, in his words, 'needed actions' made the men of Task Force 141 fly to Scottland. To play it safe, they acted. Ashes from the fireplace of the night before were laid to rest in that beautiful place. The wind, as free as could be and as Johnny yearned to be took them to a promised land. One even those alive hoped to visit. 2073521, John 'Soap' MacTavish's service number is now signed off and stamped as KIA. No longer would that soldier be a part of anything but a grave.
It's been one month since the death of Soap. Johnny is now at a small home in Scotland. Price, Gaz and Ghost all take turns to watch over the man. He is in a deep coma. The scar from the bullet is covered by a bandage. His jaw would eventually receive a new scarred look. The nurse taking care of the man, coming in and out, was checked by at least two soldiers before entering the home. The machines fill the void left by silence. Occasionally, the men would fly home in secrecy so no one would raise suspicion as to why they were in Scotland.
Well, all except one. Ghost. That man stayed awake most time and talked to Johnny as if he was awake. Johnny was like his brother Tommy. Both annoying, loud, persistent and the closest he had to normalcy. Johnny looked up to Ghost, very much like Tommy. "Lt, my lass and I are having some issues and well, how do I even apologise without saying it?" "Lt, give me a minute, let me deal with this alone first." "Yes, Lieutenant, but the joke was better in my head." "C'mon Simon, it was just a prank." "Maybe y'aren't as handsome under the mask, maybe that's why my lass is hesitant to introduce yer to that other date she wanted yer to have." From advice to humour, these two men had now formed a bond. For Ghost, it was like losing Tommy all over again.
Gaz, oh those two shared many nights on missions. Soap knew Gaz talked to fill the silence on operations. It was a way of not just burning adrenaline but also making sure his teammates were okay. Soap grew to love that about Gaz. "You have to wake up, mate…Y'know, Ghost has been talking more to us." Gaz chuckles. "I like to believe that he found a new family with us," he sighs and shakes his head. "I…I'm sorry for not being there sooner. Maybe if I…if Ghost and I would've been there sooner you and I would be on that bachelor's trip, huh," Gaz's eyes land on Johnny. His chuckle was deep with sorrow and regret. Every night, Gaz's brown eyes never failed to grow teary. All the what-ifs landed on his mind. "I…like to believe you are playing pretend so the pretty nurse keeps coming or that you are just annoyed at me and are giving me the silent treatment." In Gaz's hands, he holds Soap's dog tags.
Price was different this time. He quit smoking for some time. One thing all tough soldiers know is to understand loss. There is one reason for it, they have to get used to it. He shook his head, "It's on me, ain't sunshine." No response. Typical. It was hilarious really. Now that he needed Johnny to talk, there was no voice. Not even a scoff. "Your…lass, she uh….she has been well since we told her the news. Gaz makes sure she has support and Ghost sometimes surveillances when I tell him to go home. He thinks I don't know, but I know he never goes back to England." That stupid machine, why can't it shut up? Why can't it let Johnny speak? Damn it, damn it, curse me, haunt me for all I am worth, this all goes through the captain's head. In a sinking ship, the captain gets everyone off it and he must sink with his ship, so why couldn't Johnny let him do that?
Every night, Johnny gets new stories, well old ones, the ones Ghost lived through. Without knowledge, Johnny is getting every piece of Ghost's life story. Every time he helps with Johnny's physical therapy, Ghost complains but he also tells one fact of his young life. From his young bastard years to his recent ones.
Three hundred-sixty-nine days passed and now, Johnny is awake. He has been awake for about five minutes and at least every single second has been filled with questions, hugs, smiles and the dark jokes Ghost made. "It's an order, Johnny, you can't die on my watch." Price commands. "Aye," Johnny lets out. His hair was a bit longer now, no more mohawk, to which Ghost calls this, 'Johnny's weirdly normal self'. "At least I don't parade that shite mask around," Johnny bites back. "Oi, watch it." Ghost responds. Now, it's clearer than ever that in that year, 141 got even closer. From this day forward, the men have created a bond no man can break, not even a goddamned bullet.
It's now been three months since Johnny woke up, the men are in an operation but the nurse and Laswell stay behind. Being dead serves no good in a team anymore so now, all he does is walk, learn to move his muscles for the better and talk to a therapist. Ever since, Johnny has been dealing with his PTSD and depression. Laswell ensured the men of the team she would never lead Johnny's side because she too saw him like a little brother to her. A lethal little brother that is.
After a somewhat good operation, the three men flew back to Scotland. Laswell and Johnny greeted them with a home-cooked meal. One that Laswell's wife had to fly over for, simply because she was worried the two would not cook the meal well and because she too needed to see her wife. "Welcome home, y'shits." Johnny patted Price's shoulder. "Now we know who will be responsible for a stomach ache," Gaz comments. "Y'know, for that comment, I think I'll kick ya ass." Johnny walks to Gaz, a side hug given as both men find their brotherhood to be intact. "Do it, I'll bet on Gaz," Ghost walks past them and Johnny gives him a scoff.
As the six people sit around the campfire, Price and Laswell begin to share stories. Then Laswell's missus joins in. Gaz and Johnny follow soon. Ghost adds his humour now and then. Beers, laughter, the night sky, the warmth and sense of belonging, all coming to Johnny. He looks around, his arm draped on Gaz's shoulder. This is the kind of relief that is needed after a hell of a life. "It was confidential, Laswell," Price's voice was low. The two women laugh and it gets followed by the other men. It wasn't until sunrise that they all decided to pause the conversation and talk it over lunch.
It was maybe cruel how they ended up on a beautiful grassy hill in Scotland but the fact that after years of ache, blood and betrayal they all got to sit down was where beauty is found. If Johnny doesn't feel lucky, he should know, that to get to this moment, he lived in the dark and now happily lives in the light. The grasslands, all to prove it. Soon, he'll be better and John 'Johnny' MacTavish, will run along the highlands with his dog, chasing the soldiers he is helping train.
Task Force 141, all for one and one for all.
@actuallyhiswife @liyanahelena @ghostslittlegf @ghostslillady @goldenmclaren
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hogtiedwhore2 · 5 months
"We Have A Special Guest Tonight"
(Part 2 or 2)
(Credit to @lockemeup for part of this story!)
Laying there in a tight frogtie on the table, my boyfriend sitting down enjoying a drink, there is a knock at the door. He sets his drink down and walks to the door. He opens it up, and there is a man I have never seen before. The man is a well dressed, beard man, and has a large bag in his hand. "Hey there, good to see you again. Come on in." My boyfriend says to him, and he lets him inside. Both of them begin to circle around the table, the man examining me with his eyes. I can only look straight ahead, I try to look off to the side, but find myself struggling to do so. The two men come together in front of me, so I can look at them both. "Slut, I'd like you to meet Dr. Reynolds. He was referred to me from another owner I've been chatting with. He has some experimental drugs and procedures that he's been developing to train horny sluts like you into obedient slaves."
I am utterly confused by what he is talking about. My mind is racing, trying to comprehend what he just told me. I'm looking straight ahead at them, an obvious look of confusion on my face. "Uhh...what do you mean?" I didn't know what else to say, but I needed that to be expanded on. I see the doctor clearing his though before speaking up to explain, "Well, like this drug that puts your hormones into overdrive, but also blocks the part of your brain that triggers orgasms, so you are constantly horny, but no matter how hard you're fucked or played with, you won't be able to cum." My jaw drops to the table. How do I even respond to that?! My eyes shifting between the two, "Wait...I'm never going to cum again!?" I say in a panic.
"Well, so far, the effects only last for a week, so you'll have to be kept on the medication. Though I am working on a permanent solution...I've also got another one that makes it difficult to think about or focus on anything outside of your current predicament. It essentially clears your mind to be molded however your owner sees fit."
In my panic I began to attempt to squirm, but the ropes are limiting me in how much I can. The ropes and cuffs digging into my skin, my collar doing a good job holding me in place. I glance at my boyfriend "but...but...did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm sorry!" He squats down to my eye level, "No, you've been incredible, my pet. That's why I'm doing this. You are an ideal candidate to be trained into a permanent denial slave. These drugs work best on someone who's already inclined towards subservience. Don't you want to be the best slave you can possibly be?" I'm silent as I think it over. How can I possibly question him? He knows what is best for me. A wave of reluctant acceptance comes over me. "Yes sir." He smiles and pats me on the cheek, "Good girl."
"Now, this one is a particular favorite of mine," Dr. Reynolds says, pulling out a small white pill. "It totally paralyzes you so you can't move a muscle. Don't worry, it doesn't affect your autonomous functions, so you still breathe, and feel, and you'll even be aware of everything that's going on. We're going to start with this one so that we can get you ready with minimal fuss. Open wide, slut." My boyfriend pulls back on my ponytail without waiting, and Dr. Reynolds shoves the pill into my mouth. My boyfriend pulls a ballgag into my mouth, buckling it tight, forcing me to swallow the pill.
After a few minutes I begin to feel the pill kicking in. I start to squirm around feeling myself losing control of my muscles. Like I am desperately trying to prevent it from happening. Then, starting with my legs and moving up my body, it begins to go limp. My struggles dying off, and then my head slowly falls to the table limp. My head resting on its side. All I can do is move my eyes. The rest of my body I've lost control of. My boyfriend looks me in the eyes, watching as they shift around in a panic. "Oh, one thing I forgot to tell you, slut. I've paid Dr. Reynolds to take you to his facilities for further experimentation for the next month!" A whole month!? I think to myself. I can't be like this for the next month! This can't be happening! "Don't worry, that drug will wear off in a couple of hours. Just enough time to get you packed for transport." The doctor assures me.
They proceed to untie me and strip my body of my clothes. The crotch rope is replaced with a pair of tight lycra panties that do the job of holding the plugs in place just as efficiently. He takes the ballgag out and Dr. Reynolds slips another pill in my mouth, shoving it down my throat with two fingers to make sure it goes down my throat. "This is the orgasm denial and arousal pill, whore. It'll fully kick in about 15 minutes from now. After that, we'll flip the vibrators on so that you can get properly warmed up for your stay at Dr. Reynolds' facility." The only difference in my body is the pace that I am breathing. The breathing becoming heavy, as inside, I am panicking and freaking out. Everything outside of my body felt nothing, but inside I was being driven crazy by the plugs in my cunt and ass. Every time they moved me, I felt them pressing into me. It was a sensation that was driving me crazy, I couldn't take it anymore. With my body unable to do anything else, it was like the sensation was even more then normal. It was beginning to take over even my thoughts, all that I could think about it. I tried fighting it, and keeping my mind on the situation, but I was losing the fight.
"I know you probably want to thank me right now, slave. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities when I come visit you. That's an important part of the process, so that you don't forget who I am as we wipe your mind. I have to stay imprinted on you as your owner." Next, Dr. Reynolds pulls out a big leather sack. Starting at my feet, they slide it up the length of your body. It feels so tight - almost as if it were custom made for me. My arms go into sleeves, and there's even room for my tits. A hood is attached to the sack as well, and there are several holes strategically placed in it - one for my mouth, two for my eyes, and one at the back to pull my hair through. Once it's on, they zip it up and I feel the whole thing tighten around you, hugging me like a warm embrace.
By now, the arousal/denial drug is kicking in, making my skin tingle, every movement and sensation like a jolt to my crotch. My boyfriend slips a padded rubber and leather gag into my mouth and buckles it on. There's a breather tube, but he attaches a bulb to the front and gives it a few pumps, making the rubber plug fill my mouth. While that happens, I also begin to feel the vibrations starting from the plugs. The plug filling mouth, not enough to cut my breathing, but enough to fill my mouth hole. My mind is being distracted by my cunt which feels explosive. I want to cum so badly but I cant. I've edged before but this was like nothing I've ever felt. Being at that peak sensation for so long but not being able to cum. I'm losing control of my mind, all I can think about is my desperate, pathetic cunt that wants so badly to release. It never comes though, I'm kept at that peak. This is beyond torture. The men just look at me with smiles, no idea what is happening inside of me.
My boyfriend looks into my eyes one last time. "Have fun, slut. I'll come by in a few days - I'm very busy with work the rest of the week, and I've got some girls coming over the next few nights that I've been wanting to fuck. But the next time you see me, Dr. Reynolds tells me you'll be a mindless fuck toy."
I hear Dr. Reynolds nearby "That's right. For the next month, you will be kept in a constant state of heightened arousal, unable to think about anything but your burning desire to cum. I've been working on some drugs that will let your body rest and get what can technically be called sleep, but it will be more like a dream state, still vaguely aware of the never-ending ache in your cunt."
My boyfriend puts a blindfold over my eyes, encasing me in darkness. I feel them picking me up and carrying me outside. I'm loaded into the back of a truck, and then numerous straps are pulled and buckled over me, holding me securely in place. The next time I come back home, I will be just a shell of my former self. A mindless, sex doll.
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writing-havoc · 2 years
♡ Summary: Kaz finds out why you've been acting strange for the last year. He takes cares of it.
♡ Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warnings: Talk about r@pe in a past tense, but still describes it a bit, blood, torture
♡ WC: 4.6k
As mentioned, this fic contains mentions and a small description of r*pe. Nothing too severe, but still potentially triggering. If that sort of thing could be triggering, then I suggested against reading this fic. Taking care of yourself is the number one priority <3
To the anon who requested this, I hope it's to your liking!
Please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes. Hopes you enjoy <3
"Please, Kaz?"
"You're lame."
Enjoying a quiet afternoon seemed to be an impossible task.
For once there were no jobs to be done, ledgers to be looked through, blueprints to sort, or staff to cover.
So of course you had to come up and demand a trip to a street market.
"And you're annoying." Lie. "Not much either of us can do about these problems."
You gaffawed. "I am not annoying. And there's actually quite a few things we can do about that. Like going to the market and looking around. I've got things to buy and maybe you could find something you like, too." He could feel you wiggling your eyebrows at him.
"Have Jesper tag along with you."
"He's fucking Wylan, I can't go with them."
He chuckled internally. "Take Nina."
"I can't. She's sleeping and Matthias is refusing to leave her side while she does so."
"Take Inej."
"Can't find her."
"Take Pim."
He took a deep breath through his nose, seizing the movement of the tip of his feather pen on the paper in front of him. It wasn't even important, just a mess of scribbles.
"Why not go alone?"
You took a moment at that, body stuttering in its swaying motion. He looked up at your face.
"Because going alone is boring."
A lie accentuated by your middle finger lightly picking at the skin around your nails.
"The real reason?"
"That is the real reason!" You got down on your knees, crossing your arms on the surface of his desk and resting your chin there. "I like having people to talk to and get opinions off of before I buy something."
He quirked a brow. A question being asked without the use of words.
You groaned, hitting your forehead on your arms. "Okay, you don't have to give an opinion on anything, but I would at least appreciate your company. Plus!" Your head and a hand shot up, finger pointing right at him. "There's not a lot of people out around this time. At least not as much as there usually is."
Your consideration was flattering.
He funneled his attention back to the piece of paper. He can't read a single thing he just wrote, and he's not even sure what he was attempting to write in the first place.
He sighed. "I need a new hat."
Immediately you hopped up, excitement and strangely, relief overtook your features. Shopping alone cannot be that lonely. "There's definitely a booth or two that would be selling hats." You retrieved his coat and hat from the rack.
Both were in perfect working order.
"I am getting a hat, and then leaving." He stood up and slid the coat on, making sure to not spill anything on his desk. "If you don't get your items before that, then you either brave it alone or walk back empty handed."
You clicked your heels together and saluted him. "Yes, sir."
He shook his head, then grabbed his cane.
As much as he wanted to ignore it, there's no way he could. You were odd, and have been odd for nearly a year. There was a time when you first started being odd that any sort of touching from anyone set you off.
He had you followed for almost three months after the first scare and nothing came of it. So whatever happened was either done and over with or they were extremely careful.
Over time it got better, so he called Inej off and let it rest, assuming you would talk to her or Nina, or Jesper and himself if you needed to. It doesn't seem like you did, but there's not much he can do other watch and wait.
He gave you his hat, putting it on your head.
"It would look odd if I went perusing for hats whilst wearing one."
You followed him out the door, adjusting the hat on your head. It didn't go with your wardrobe at all, yet it still flattered you. "Since when did you care about what others think?"
He scoffed. "I don't. But you do."
"It's an innate human thing."
"It's a learned trait."
The humidity knocked any response out of you once the door to the Slat opened. It was a bit worse than usual, so anyone other than locals would be staying inside hotels and clubs.
It'll be a good day for business.
The rest of the walk to the street you had in mind consisted of you toying with his hat, putting on in all sorts of ways that truly made you look stupid. Once, you even put it on upside down, the hat staying on for almost five minutes before a gust of wind tipped it forward. He nearly smiled.
The moment you saw the line of shops, your smile turned so wide he worried your cheeks might hurt.
"Okay okay. I know you said you would immediately be looking for a hat, but stay with me here." You were walking sideways, keeping up with his brisk pace. "There's these boot chains and thigh straps I really want your opinion on."
His eyes squinted slightly in confusion. "What would the boot chains be for?"
"Decoration of course." You stooped at the first stall. It various glassware trinkets. A paper tag was attached to all of them with a price displayed in ink. In them he could see a name, which matched the tag worn by the woman attending the stand. "They don't serve much purpose, but I figured I could give them purpose by using them to work on my foot work. Keep the noise as low as possible, y'know."
He nodded, moving along, forcing you to follow. "Inej could always help you with that."
You sighed. "Yeah, but I don't want to feel like a burden. Plus, I feel like it'd make a cool surprise. Impress her with my stealth." You pranced up to a stall a few lots down, the glinting of the chains catching your eye. "She's not the only one that can be sneaky."
"Inej is stealthy because she needs to be. You, on the other, have no reason to be stealthy."
Some of the chains had little trinkets dangling off the individual rings. One had tear drops, another had what looked to be very poorly shaped skulls. The size was definitely the problem, much too small for unskilled hands. Another, which you took interest in, had teeny knives. They surely would make a lot of noise.
Yet, you passed them up, continuing along. "Just because I don't have a reason to be stealthy doesn't mean I can't be." A slight hint of disappointment creeped into your tone. "It just does good to be able to get around without being heard. At least to the untrained ear."
You had him there.
He looked down the street. You were right, not very many people were walking up and down here, but there was definitely enough that he had to be very body conscious. It seemed to continue on for a few meters. Even connected roads had a shop of two.
You stopped once more, at a little stand with leather accessories. He continues on, slightly confused at the way you hurriedly abandon your window shopping to catch up.
That is, until Kaz felt you disappear from his side, getting lost in the trickling stream of bodies that were moving against the general current.
When he turned to look at you, you were hiding. Or at least trying to discreetly hide the fact that you're hiding.
He fully readys himself. Shoulders squaring and eyes scanning his surroundings, hands gripping his cane as he walks in front of a booth and looks around.
There's a moment where your eyes flicker a few booths away and then readjust back in front of you. It isn't much to go on, but he directs his attention that way.
A woman and a child are looking at patterned shawls and wraps, a much older woman attending the stand. Behind her is a man, looking fondly at the both of them, a word or two exiting his lips when the woman turns to ask a question. Standing off towards the corner where necklaces and pendants are pinned to a board is another man, who asks the old woman a question before excitedly handing over a few kruge and leaving with a skip in his step.
This reveals a man on the other side of the booth, staring completely and wholly in his direction.
You seem to notice that Kaz is looking at him, and try to get his attention.
"We really need to get back to the Slat, Kaz."
But it's too late. He's already memorized his face. His eye shape. The mole over his left brow. His complexion. The lack of a left canine as he smirks, eyes narrowing right at you.
The hair on the back of Kaz's neck stands on end.
"Kaz. We need to leave." You move in front of him. His eyes don't hesitate to focus on you, his focus narrowing when you utter a pleading "please" under your breath.
His eyes flicker to the man staring you down, getting one more look, before turning around and heading back in the direction you came.
You never bought anything, he realized, and that's what aggravated him more. If the situation was as he was understanding, you may have been looking forward to going for days, weeks, and didn't because of him.
The walk back was eerily silent, Kaz seething the whole way and trying to keep you within eyesight yet not on your heels. It wasn't until you walked in the doors of the Slat that he spoke to you again.
"Y/n. My office." He told you quietly just before you began to leave to your room. You stopped, your hands balling your pants. He waited a moment for you to think, and then followed you as you turned towards the stairs.
He keeps ample distance between yourself and him, letting you get up a flight of stairs before he starts. You're in his office with his hat in your hands, fingers rubbing the brim for nearly an entire minute before he walks in, letting your thoughts align.
He takes this slow, shutting the door and putting his coat where it's supposed to. He stares at the fabric for a minute, letting his boiling blood cool before he asks the questions he wants the answers to.
"Who was that?"
You let out a shakey breath, gripping the hat so hard he can see it bend and your knuckles turn white.
"Kaz, please. Not now."
"Then when?" He asks, a sharp edge to his voice, completely forgetting about taking this slow. "Is he the reason you've been like this?" He already knows the answer, but he needs the confirmation. He needs it before he does anything.
You look at him, angry tears welling up in your eyes. "Been like what?" You spit the words out, body staying put together and defensive.
"You've been inable to be alone for nearly a year when you go towards the Lid or anywhere in the Barrel, yet for nearly three months you werent able to have anyone touch you or go near you. Everytime you left here alone you were angry and frustrated." He sped towards his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a candle. He watched as you go on the defensive, taking a step away from the desk. "You couldn't smell this particular scent without immediately shutting down and turning tail to the furthest corner of the building. Do not act and pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about."
Tears spilled down your cheeks. "I hate you." You muttered. "I hate you and how- how observant you are. You do not get to make me feel like shit for keeping this to myself."
"That is not my intention and you know it."
"Well you're sure not doing a good job at expressing that." You put your face into the crown of the hat, hands shaking.
He stood there in silence. Watching you slowly break in front of him and try to keep yourself up. He knows he didn't go about this the right way, and internally scolded himself for being such a teenager.
Being as gentle as possible, he grabbed a chair from one side of the room and put it behind you, pushing on the hat to coax you downwards. You sat in the chair, an ugly sob escaping you.
He grabbed a rag in the bathroom, gently dropping it into your lap. It took you a moment to pull the hat away from your face, tears caking your cheeks and snot just barely escaping your nose quickly being covered again and wiped away.
It had to be him, but he needed to be sure. He needed to know who he was, who he loved, where he lives, how he evaded Inej, what his schedule was, even the names of his fucking dogs if he had any. He needs to know what he did to you, and what he has to do to replicate that pain ten, twenty, thirty times over.
Eventually, you stopped crying, the rag having been folded over and over again to find a dry surface was now soaked in tears and snot. You threw it to the side, towards the bathroom, continuing your hold on his hat like it was your lifeline.
"He..." Your voice was harsh and crackley. "He was a friend of mine. From my childhood. I lost contact with him maybe, seven years ago? He saw me last year and wanted to meet up and like the idiot I am, I said yes, without telling anyone where I was going."
The skin beneath your nose was rubbed raw. "He..." You squeezed your eyes shut, bottom lip quivering. "He raped me Kaz. I don't know for how long. All I know is when I met up with him it was light out and when I escaped it was pitch black. He said all kinds of shit like how he's wanted to do it since we were young and he's been dreaming about this for forever and I just, felt so disgusted I didn't want to talk about it. Not to Nina not to Inej... not to you."
The task of keeping himself level headed enough to finish this conversation with you was all consuming. But he managed to clear his head enough to respond. "Thank you for telling me."
"Well, it's not like you really gave me much of a choice."
He winced. "I didnt-"
"I know, you meant well, but still." Your eyes were tired, exhausted, shoulders dropped. "I just... need some time to recuperate. That's all." With a blank expression, you let your hands rest, fingertips grazing over the hat gently before standing.
You handed it back to him. He took it, staring at the accessory as he listened to you begin to leave. Before you closed the door, he called out, "What's his name?"
The door paused, your footsteps haulting. You popped your head back in, eyes facing anywhere except him, and said "Colin. Colin Norling." You wasted not another moment before closing the door and walking away.
He needed to find Inej.
The water from the canals sloshed as people passed by, paddles making waves in the water as boats cut through like a knife. All passerbys kept to themselves, feeling the mood of the black dressed boy walking along the edge, some even knowing who he was moved their paddles faster.
Walking to his destination wasn't hard. Not in the slightest. He memorized the path, scaring it into his mind and scratching it into a map on his desk.
He stopped in an alley, a clear shot of the house in question from around the corner. Lights were on inside, but according to Inej he had a habit of doing that every time he left the house. He wishes his house would burn down.
"Is he home?" He asked.
"Almost." Inej replied, appearing at his side. "Coming up along the road now." She nodded to the left, up the road.
He peeked around the edge, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
Not anxiety, no. His mind was clear, feet planted firmly on the ground, watching with set eyes as Colin Norling walked- no, strut down the cobblestone, a smile on his face. It showed off the missing tooth, the mole above his eye lifting as his face muscles shifted.
"Do you want me to stay?"
"No." He damn near growled, voice low. He could feel his throat and chest nearly begin rumbling as his jaw clenched. "You go back and keep an eye on Y/n. They're in a foul mood."
He feels Inej inch away, and then disappear without a word.
Colin opened his door, disappearing inside. Kaz waited for another moment, watching as the house brighter twice, before he walked out from the alley.
He strode over as casually as possible, even smiling at a woman who waved to him before she disappeared inside her own home.
Jesper would be waiting around back with a boat in another canal just behind the row of houses. This needed to be as simple as possible, as quiet as possible, until they got to their designated area.
The moment he stepped into the house, closing the door behind him, he became Dirtyhands.
"Oi, what're you doin' in my house?" The man nearly shouted, shoulders squared and fists curled. He was muscular, but not overwhelmingly so. It was a workers body, made for endurance rather than big shows of strength.
"I'll give you three guesses." He drew the curtains shut, keeping an eye on the bristling man.
"Three guesses? Wha' kinda game are you playin' here mate? Get out my fuckin' house!" He made a move on Kaz, a grab for the shoulder, but didn't make it far before the beak of a cane came in contact with his knee.
It wasnt enough to break it, but definitely enough to hurt later.
Colin cried out in pain, holding his knee.
"For that, you've only got two left."
He snapped his head back up to Kaz, anger in eyes. He couldn't wait to make them bloody.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! I'm not gonna tell you again you fuckin' loony, get out my house!" He was much quicker than last time, but Kaz was expecting it.
He side stepped, then moved backwards as Colin continued to try and grab at him. He enjoyed every moment that he limped and stubbed a toe, each little injury fueling the fire in him and making him clumsier and clumsier.
"Really not gonna guess, Colin?" He asked, placing them back in the exact same position as when they started this merry go round.
He became a little nervous. "How'd you know my name?"
"Lucky guess." He smiled, then brought his cane up and cracked him against the jaw, beak nearly piercing into the meat of his cheek.
Jesper appeared from the back entrance, rushing to catch him before he fell.
"Bloody hell." Jesper wheezed out. "Man could lay off an extra meal every once in a while, saints." He gripped him about the chest, hands threading under his arms and linking his fingers.
"He won't be worrying about meals anytime soon." He walked past Jesper and to the boat, making sure the planking was secure. The surrounding windows were all dim, curtains drawn. Even the woman next door was probably tucked away in bed, none the wiser.
He signaled to Jesper to load him in. "You know where to go."
"Yep. Meet you there in a quarter bell."
And with that he left out the front door, blood on his cane and purpose in his step. He ducked through alleys and through various businesses he had a share in, taking himself over Haverbridge and down Grafcanal until he got to Black Veil Island.
Jesper was coming up on it the same time he arrived, hopping out the moment he could pull it onto the murky bank and grabbed Colin by the chest again, lugging him up by a sack of potatoes.
It was a good thing Jesper worked on a farm.
He stayed above the mausoleum, watching as the moon began to descend. He didn't intend to finish anytime before the sun rose.
"He's all set up."
Kaz nodded, and disappeared below. The room was simple. Stone walls and a wood chair he had reinforced and bolted to the ground. Colin was tied to it, just waking up, with a thick rope. Various candles were spread around the room for light.
It was crude and simple. He didn't deserve any better.
"Wazzah'." He groaned, eyes fluttering open. Bloody spit ran down the corner of his lip, some dried on his neck. "Whuz 'appenin'.".
"Oh I think you know what's happening, Norling." He shrugged his jacket off, setting it down on the cleanest part of the floor. "You're just too thick in the head to catch up."
That got him awake. His head bolted up, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his skull at the change in position. But he recovered just as quickly, eyes squinting to get adjusted to the low light.
Once they finally did adjust, they narrowed almost completely. "You... you stupid fuck. Let me go!"
Kaz sighed. "Not used to being the one being held down, are you?"
His eyebrows crinkled. "What the fuck does that mean?"
He swung his cane again, hitting him in the knee again. The sound of his scream filled him with adrenaline, heart racing, but he kept it at bay.
"Do not play dumb with me, Norling."
"Fucking hell, mate. Wha' d'you want!?"
He raised his cane, relishing in the way he flinched, and dragged the tip of the beak along his thigh. It made a ripping noise along the texture of his trousers, but stayed perfectly intact for now.
"I want you to tell me why you did it." He stated vaguely.
"Did what!"
"Raped Y/n."
He was stunned, mouth a little open, chin quivering. He almost looked like he was going to cry.
"Who the fuck are you? What happened between us is none of your damn business."
That made him angry. He swung his cane again, hitting him right again his shin. He heard a satisfying crack, Colin screaming in pain. His head swung back, fingers splayed and curling, good leg trying to wiggle free.
"Why, did you do it?"
He didn't answer, tears falling down his cheeks.
Kaz unclipped a knife from the band of his trousers, flicking it open and grabbing the man by the crown of his hair. He held the blade just to the left of his esophagus, against the artery, and pressed.
"Why, did you do it?" He repeated, feeling his panicked and uneven breath. Blood was oozing from his head, eyes crossed trying to look at Kaz up close.
"Fuck you." He muttered, going to spit at Kaz.
He seen this coming, grabbing his face over his eyes and shoving the knife into his mouth. It clacked against teeth, but made a decent sized cut on his tongue.
The muscle bled profusely, Kaz forcing the man's head back so far that swallowing and breathing became strained, mouth pooling with blood as he tried to scream it out.
He left go, watching as his head fell forward and a river of red saliva ran down his chin and onto his shirt.
"I'd ask you again, but it doesn't seem like you'll be able to talk. So I will."
He threw his cane aside, the noise startling the man before him. He took his hat, the hat you were clutching just yesterday, and set it down gently on his coat.
"I am going to make the next few hours of life so miserable you will wish for death. You will call upon all the saints you can think of for forgiveness, for help, for an escape, for someone to rescue you. And nothing will happen." He walked around in a circle, watching with delicious delight as he tried to break his bonds. "I am going to carve out your guts while you're still awake, cut off your appendages, and feed them to you. Especially that one."
He pointed down to his lap, watching as pure unadulterated fear swept over his face. He thinks he said something along the lines of "You can't be serious.", but without the tongue it was only a matter of guessing.
Kaz's eyes narrowed. "You will find that I have am not a man of jokes, rather a man of terrible truths." He balled his hand into a fist, knife still in his hand, and gave him a good punch to his stomach.
He heard the vomit before it was coming, stepping out of the way as he spewed all over his knees. The acid definitely didn't do good for his tongue.
"I will make you hurt in places you didn't even know could feel pain. And you will be able to do absolutely nothing about it."
He dug the knife into his shoulder until he hit bone, the screaming now sounding more like gurgling, choking on his own spit and blood.
Blood gushed from the wound, spraying his face, clothes, and the ground several feet away.
For every tear that you shed into his hat, was an hour of pain and torment Colin Norling was sentenced to.
There were 8 drops.
He found you at 5th harbor sitting at a tourist berth, feet dangling over the open expanse of water he had once crawled out of.
At the time he had no one. Just a crippling fear of skin and unfathomable rage that gave him all the company he could ever need, eating at him every day from then on.
He would not sentence you to the same fate.
The ocean didn't scare him. That was something he made absolutely sure of the following weeks after his escape from death. His throat itched a little at the memory.
His approach was silent, the heels of his boots lightly rapping against the wood. It didn't feel new anymore, but he knew it was sturdy and would continue to be so for many years to come.
Without a word, he placed the hat onto your head. You didn't seem startled in the slightest, but you still looked up at him.
Your eyes widened at the blood on his shirt beneath his coat, the color staining his face and hands. It took you a moment to process what you were seeing, and when it seemed you did, you took the hat off.
It had two very thin spurts of blood dried into the dark fabric, the fluid turning nearly brown.
"So he's gone then?" Your voice was tight. So, so tight, with emotion. He couldn't see you breathing.
"As gone as gone can be."
The relied was immediate, entire torso collapsing onto your legs nearly sending you off the berth and into the waters below. Your face was buried in the hat once more.
The tears you shed now would have no need to be counted. Instead they would dry and be forgotten. He hoped the hat would bring you relief, a constant reminder that he was gone, and with time you could learn to be dependant again.
Or perhaps you would throw it away, free of the reminder of your defilement, your own peace of mind serving enough reassurance that you were free.
Whichever it may be, it was yours now.
He needed a new one anyway.
@b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @a-candle-maker
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