#it's more of a com on the multi but it did get him to think a bit
ragefeathers · 11 months
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the  act  of  it  scares  him,  but  he  wonders  if  he  even  is  worthy  of  being  married.
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heqvenlymoons · 3 months
That One, I Want That One
Based on @fleursroses 's incorrect quote! <3
This is being posted as a oneshot on both my AO3 account and here on tumblr for now but I'm seriously considering turning it into a multi-chaptered fic because how well it was received. Someone said it had rom com potential and I can see it 😭
Daminette One Shot | Crack Fic | AO3
Damian tugged on the collar of his great dane, Titus, trying to get away from his imbecile brothers. 
It was a futile endeavour, as his brothers merely sped up their walking pace, talking over one another. 
“Come on, Dami! We just wanna know,” Richard— Grayson, because he was currently being a nuisance— whined. 
Todd scoffed, waving around the toy Nerf gun he insisted on bringing. “You know what? The brat’s probably better off without a wife, god forbid whoever gets stuck with him forever. I bet you, the little shit’s gonna be the one blackmailing someone into being his wife if he sees fit.” 
“Fuck you, Todd.” Damian’s fingers itched to grab his katana and slit it over his idiotic brother’s throat but at last, his father and pseudo grandfather figure, Alfred, had confiscated the knives he tried to sneak out on their business trip to Paris. 
Drake sipped on his coffee, his head bobbing up and down as he struggled to stay awake, even as he mumbled an incoherent, “You’re never going to get an answer if you aggravate him like that, Jay. Although I’d still like to know as well.” 
He hadn’t finished his sentence when he stumbled into a nearby pedestrian, almost kissing the ground had Todd not grabbed him by the collar at the last second.
During the mishap, the coffee cup Drake was holding spilled onto the floor, seeping into the ground as he stared at it with mournful eyes. “My coffee!” 
Todd rolled his eyes, letting go of the sleep-deprived Drake’s collar with an unsympathetic pat on the shoulder.
Damian’s lips curved up to a smirk. Perhaps that would keep Drake quiet for a few minutes as he mourned his spilled coffee. 
Unfortunately, that didn’t stop Grayson or Todd from their irritating line of questioning his so-called ‘love life’. 
Damian glared when Grayson pulled out the puppy doll eyes, accompanied by his repeated question, “Come on, please? Just answer the question— what’s your ideal type?” 
“Repeating the question with that pathetic expression of yours does not make me any more inclined to answer your question.” Damian spotted a bakery up ahead and approached it, ignoring Grayson’s pout. 
Perhaps his dingbat brothers would behave themselves in an embellishment full of people, although that would be wishful thinking on his part. 
His brothers, of course, followed him and continued to push their relentless questions onto him 
Todd grabbed his arm, stopping him, a glint of glee in his eyes, no doubt finding amusement in his current predicament. “You know, we’re not going to stop bothering you until you tell us.” 
Damian’s brows furrowed in annoyance, knowing full well from experience that his brothers would not stop poking and prodding until he did what they wanted. 
Right now, they wanted to know his ideal type, and they claimed his answer was to sedate their ever-growing ‘curiosity’ when he knew they wanted to utilize the information to set him up with someone. 
He scowled, making his decision. He would tell them only to make them stop badgering him about the inane question but that didn’t mean he was open to the idea of a relationship with someone they chose for him 
“Fine. My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. You imbeciles better not utilize this information to set me up with someone or I will stab you.” He hissed, sending them his most intimidating glare for good measure. 
Todd dared to smirk at him. “Not likely, Demon Spawn. And even if we did, you won’t stab us. You’re all bark and no bite.” 
In response, Damian kicked him in the knee, making the older double over with a grunt. 
Before he could continue his assault, Grayson dragged him away, Todd spitting curses from where he lay on the ground in a starfish position, the Nerf gun on the ground beside him. 
Grayson was already wearing the contemplative expression he had on whenever he was about to do something stupid. “Okay~ that’s enough, little D. Back to what we were discussing, your future girlfriend has to be brave, strong, and smart, you say?” 
Damian gritted his teeth. “You are paraphrasing at best but I assume you already got the general idea because I am not going to repeat myself for your benefit.” 
He turned and before he could turn the door handle of the bakery to continue his dramatic exit (or in this case, dramatic entry), the door flew open and it would’ve hit him in the face had it not been for his quick reflexes.
The scowl reappeared on his face and he turned back to reprimand the person who dared try to attack him with a door to see a girl about his age, shuffling past his bewildered brothers in a hurry. 
Damian blinked, watching as the girl with raven-haired pigtails promptly tripped over nothing, crashing into the pole, the box she was holding fell from her hands and macaroons came tumbling out. 
He watched with interest as the girl mumbled out apologies to the inanimate object, picking up the fallen macaroons from the ground while she did and putting them back in the box. 
Snapping out of his daze, he handed Titus’s leash to Grayson before moving to help the girl, grabbing the remains of the macaroons from the ground and placing them in a neat row in the box.
He held out a hand for the girl to take, which she accepted with a grateful look and he pulled her to her feet. 
Getting a good look at her face, he was filled with a fluttering sensation in his stomach and he ignored it, thinking he must be coming down with a stomach bug. “Are you alright? That was quite a fall.”
Her bluebell eyes were blown wide, staring into his green ones with surprise. She broke the stare first, shaking her head before responding, “I’m fine! Thank you for your help, I’m sorry you had to see that.”
Her phone dinged and she yelped. “I’m sorry but I’m already late, see you around, mysterious handsome but kind person!”  
He opened his mouth to respond but she had already sped away, only catching sight of her red face as she turned.
His face heated as his mind caught up with her words. The girl was definitely something… 
He felt an arm going around his shoulders and he didn’t react, still staring in the direction the girl took off. 
“So, didn’t know Demon Spawn had it in him to talk to a pretty girl without scowling,” Todd drawled, the beginning of a teasing expression appearing on his face when he noticed the dazed look his youngest brother was sporting. 
Damian shoved him away, looking distracted.
Drake shook his head, mumbling, “I must be hallucinating, Demon Spawn would never willingly talk to someone, much less a girl.” 
“That one. I want that one.” Damian declared, unknowingly sending his adopted brothers into cardiac arrest at the words that fell out of his mouth. 
Grayson looked torn between looking wary and gleeful. “Uh… what do you mean by ‘that one’, little D?” 
Damian didn’t look at him as he pointed in the direction the girl ran off. “Her.” 
Todd’s jaws gaped like a fish, for once, speechless. 
Drake in his sleep-deprived state can only dumbly respond, “That’s not how it works, Damian. You can’t just go around adopting people.”
Damian finally dragged his gaze away from the direction the girl had long run off in, glaring at his brothers with his cheeks blazing red. “Not adoption, you imbecile.”
Not giving them the time to respond, he continued, a look of stress crossing his expression before he willed it away. “You lot have to keep Father from adopting her, it would cause complications.”
Grayson hummed. “She does meet the criteria, black hair and blue eyes.”
Todd seemed to have unfrozen, shaking his head in denial. “Wait wait wait, just wait a second. You’re saying, she’s your ideal type? You literally met her 5 minutes ago! I thought you said your future partner must be and I quote ‘brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized’?” 
He prattled on, not paying attention to how Titus had taken to getting slobber all over his shoes. “No offence to her but she tripped over air and crashed into the poll in front of her. The clumsy behaviour caught your eye of all things? Are you sure you haven’t been abducted by aliens?” 
Damian glared, the red not receding from his face. He rounded on Drake. “Do a full background check on her, it is necessary for me to know everything about her if she were to be my partner.”
He paused, scowling. “Actually, I better do this myself. I need to know everything about her, it is better if you imbeciles stay as far away from her as possible. She does not need you all to monopolize her time.” 
He grabbed Titus’s leash from Grayson and headed in the direction of Le Grand Paris to do just that, leaving behind his shell-shocked brothers. 
Jason turned to his brothers, looking amused now that he had gotten over his shock. “So, who’s gonna tell him that stalking is not the right way to woo a girl?” 
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thegildedbee · 5 months
Sherlock Fic Recs: Christmas Edition {2023}
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❄️ Gather ~ ☃️ ☃️ ☃️ ~ 'round and 🎉 make 🎷merry🍹, all ye fic-loving fandom elves -- 'tis the season to shine a spotlight🕯️on Sherlockian Christmas fics!!! Here are some of my favorites -- I tried to pick ones that I haven't seen mentioned in recent lists that have been in my tumblr stream. Whether they're new to you, or just a reminder to re-visit faves, enjoy!!! ❄️ [In order of the year they were published.] ........................................................... 1. I'm Not His Date [2014] by objetpetita [ 17,029 words / T ] :: It all starts in a Boston coffee shop, where English professor Sherlock Holmes upends a visiting John Watson in a clever and fun "meet cute" (or "meet irritating-pompous-insufferable") in a whirlwind of Sherlockian proportions, and we're off to the races. There is a snowfight on the Common, Death Driving Miss Daisy: Lacan and Popular Culture, a Harry & Clara Christmas Eve wedding, witches, and a very boozy department party. It's as adorable as my favorite Christmas rom-com film, The Holiday. And it starts off with a corker of a first sentence: "It was morning, it was zero bloody degrees, everything around him was unfamiliar and American and cold, and John Watson was right on that inhuman precipice between still drunk and terribly hung over."
2. 5,687 (Approximately) [2015] by prettysailorsoldier [ 6,771 words / T ] :: Just a few years post-uni, Sherlock is enduring the agonies of a long-distance relationship with his boyfriend, who is on deployment in Afghanistan. During those times when John's on leave, the last people Sherlock wants to see are the idiots at the Met, so they've never caught sight of John and think he is a figment of Sherlock's imagination -- especially since he can't get home that Christmas. The set-up is sketched out with delightful fic flair, and the ending is not only sweet, but satisfyingly punitive [ c/o a very bamf John ]. The text messaging is some of my favorite writing in the Sherlock fandom -- their relationship in all of its multi-dimensionality comes through beautifully.
3. The 12 Truths of Christmas [2016] by @breath4soul [ 3,321 words / T ] :: This is a fic that has at its core the surfacing of unspoken emotional attraction betweenJohn and Sherlock via a very fun concept: “In place of some appalling or imbecilic gift inflicted upon me in the name of tradition on Christmas day, I propose that you provide me with one previously unknown fact about you for each day leading up to Christmas. 12 in total, John.” #9 has all the feels, and is a tour de force -- every time I re-read it it makes me break out in a smile, even though I know what's coming. Sherlock breaks out somewhat more: "Sherlock feels a flood of heat in several places at once. He stands up quickly and walks to his violin. He plays wild, erratic snaps of quick-paced music." The author has a whimsical and entirely understandable note to add: "You may fall in love with John reading this - I did." 4. The Romance Was There [2017] by @apliddell [ 4,011 words / G ] :: The author deserves an award for this being one of the best uses of Harry Watson in a fic, and of HW by Sherlock in a fic :-) 221B has never been cozier, Sherlock has never been more winsome, and John is a species type model of John in all of his clueless Johnness. The narrative dances along and sparkles and shines as seduction evolves, and Sherlock's rogueish charm is on full display. There's a poignant and endearing confessional letter, plus there's a Sherlock/Jeremy Brett reference that is absolute perfection in serving its role in helping the narrative quickstep the night away. 5. The Man in Aisle Ten [2020] by @blogstandbygo [ 1395 words / G ] :: Sherlock has several mysteries to unravel in the midst of Harrod's on Christmas Eve: what is the perfect gift for John? why is he having so much trouble identifying the perfect gift for John? and, incidentally, along the way to solving those, a local one. Luckily, Sherlock has Moira, master department store sleuth, to lead him to the solution. This fic is a small, perfect gift -- rather like the story's denouement --and is as witty as all of SBG's fics are. This is a veritable Peppermint Schnapps Hot Chocolate of a fic, warm, rich, sweet, delicious, tingly, and you'll find you reach the last bit much too fast, immediately requiring a refill. [ And there's a splendid podfic by @podfixx ! ]
*fic repost recruits, perhaps??? ❤️ @totallysilvergirl, @7-percent, @discordantwords, @helloliriels, @elwinglyre, @mydogwatson
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 4 months
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Love and Beskar- Part One
Din Djarin x ADHD/anxious F!reader
Summary: Its been 6 months since Din saved you when he was on a hunt but the longer you're with him he starts to wonder if maybe it was you that saved him.
Soft! Din Djarin x ADHD/anxious F!reader
Warnings: soft Din , concerned Din, protective Din, Din falling in love, ADHD and anxious reader.
A/N: I hope you all love this new multi part journey I've been working on as much as I do! I'm extremely proud of this story.
Din often heard the light sounds of your feet padding against the cool steel floor of the razor crest at night. Seeming almost restless in nature most nights, shuffling around the bottom of the ship checking to make sure things were locked, walking over to check on Grogu. It was almost like clockwork your movements, as if you’re waiting until you thought he was asleep. Din hasn’t told you but hes gotten used to your sounds, your presence on the ship with him and Grogu, that on the rare nights that he doesnt hear you at night he gets up and quietly checks on you in your quarters. Sometimes he finds you and Grogu curled up and fast asleep together, the bond the two of you had almost immediately reminded him of the two of them.
The older you’ve gotten, the more sleep alludes you most nights. It’s when your intrusive repetitive thoughts, your unwanted inner monologue hits you like a freight train. Replaying the things you’ve said from today, yesterday and 10 years ago that could have bothered someone. That could have been the final straw in them wanting to be around you and what you would have or should have said. When you would endlessly think about if the doors were locked or if certain items were shut off. So you’d find your self getting up in the middle of the night, shuffling around to check the invisible list of items on your mind that night, trying to placate your mind enough for the sleep to take over. You always tried to be quiet when doing so never wanting to bother Din or Grogu with your neurosis. Sometimes though Grogu would wake up sensing you were in distress and want to snuggle so you would take him into your quarters and the both of you would drift off to sleep.
Lately your mind races about the incident with Din. You had started making good headway with yourself and with Din. The two of you getting used to each others presence, both letting each other into the fortresses you have around yourselves. You were starting to feel less in the way and more comfortable talking with him. But you HAD to go and fuck it up, figuring it was only a matter of time before you talked to much, asked too many questions, pushed too hard to connect.
You kept replaying it in your head, the way he said Stop, enough questions in a tone you hadn’t heard him use with you. You wanted to fix it, to make things better but you didn’t know how so you did the only thing you knew how to do to protect yourself. You withdrew into yourself, becoming quiet, and making yourself as small as possible.
You can feel the Razor Crest touching down as you’re laying in your quarters with Grogu. You can tell buy the way the ship is landing that it’s not an emergency or Immediate danger so you stay there.
Knock, knock
“Come in” you say your voice meek and defeated.
Din slides the door to you quarters open to see you curled up in bed reading, Grogu happily babbling in your lap.
“We’re docked in Mos Eisley. I’m going to have Peli refuel and do a tune up on the ship. We can go into town to stock up on things for the ship at the market.”
“I don’t really feel up to it, I think I’ll just stay here and nap.”
“I’ll be gone for a couple hours, will you be alright?”
“I’ll be fine, I’m just feeling off. I have my coms, if I need anything I’ll let you know or I’ll find Peli.”
“Should I take Grogu?”
“Grogu, do you want to go with dad or stay here?”
Grogu looked up at you, over to Din and then back at you before he lays back on you.
“When you’re done napping, if you’re up to it, go out, I bet Peli would like to see you” Din says with hesitation. He doesn’t want to leave you for that long. He knows somethings off, that you’re sad.
“Well look at that, it’s my favorite tin man, where are my friends the kid and the girl? You didn’t ditch them did you?”
“They’re napping so make sure the droids don’t bother them”
“You hear that boys? Don’t bother them, because you won’t like tin man when he’s angry”
“You still have a speeder I can borrow?”
“It’s gonna cost you extra” Peli says with a smirk
“I’ll be gone a couple of hours, is it ok if they stay here? I’m sure they will come out and visit”
“Yea that’s alright, they’re lucky I like them” Peli chuckles.
And with that Din headed off to the market. He’s unable to shake how you’ve been the last week, he knows he’s the result of the problem but he doesn’t know how to fix it.
Din is making quick work of the market when he accidentally hears you on the coms talking to Grogu.
“Oh little buddy what am I going to do? I like your dad but I know I upset him and I don’t know how to fix it”
*Grogu cooing”
“I know it doesn’t matter, because he’d never feel the same. I know I’m just in the way but I like being with you two.”
*Grogu babbling and laughing happily*
“Its hard to be sad around you little buddy, thanks for always listening to me”
Din stops in his tracks, his whole body burning under his armor as the feeling that’s been gnawing at him creeps back in. He has been trying to convince himself that he didn’t have feelings for you, that in the 6 months you’d been with him and Grogu had been the happiest he’s been in his life. Trying to push the feeling away telling himself, there’s no way you’d share the same feelings for him, a bounty hunter and a man you could not see. But as he hears you telling Grogu that you like him, emotions flood his every sense momentarily. He realized that in the action of trying to deal with his own feelings, he was pushing you away. He had become short and agitated with you causing him to hurt you. Din thinks back to the night he snapped at you as he stops at a shop in the market that sells books. How he’s become completely overwhelmed by the fact that you seemed to care about him, that you cared to ask questions about the Razor Crest and about his life as a Mandalorian and his childhood, that it became to much for him to bare, causing him to lash out.
Din can’t help but smile when he enters the shop because it makes him think of you. He knew how much you loved books and when the credits allowed he would get you new books but usually you guys could only afford to get you one every so often. The shop owner looks at Din as if he should need help at any moment but Din knows what he’s looking for. When it came to you he was scary good at remembering the little details. He knew the kind of books you liked, the snacks that you loved, even the types of fabrics that irritated your skin, priding himself in remembering every detail he could about you no matter how big or small it was. One of Din’s favorite things was performing acts of services for you from something as big as protecting you from unsavory characters to hiding little gifts in your bunk for you to find. The way he could hear your excitement echoing through out the ship when you found the item he hid that time.
Din finished at the shop packed up the speeder bike and made his way back to Peli’s hanger. When he arrived he saw you sitting outside on the ramp to the Razor Crest while you watched Peli playing with Grogu, giving him a warm smile as he walked up you three.
“Come on little guy, let’s get you all situated and strapped in while your dad loads the ship up.” You say taking Grogu from Peli and saying your goodbyes.
Din loads the ship up and places the new books in your bunk for you to find later, before he joins you two in the cockpit. He can’t help but notice the way you rolled your head back to look at him as he approached his chair, a lightless to your smile that hadn’t been there in a couple weeks.
“What?” He chuckled as he starts warming the ship up.
“Oh sorry, it’s nothing… I’m just happy to see you”
“Oh, I’m happy to see you too” Din says a hint of surprises in my modulated tone. Though you couldn’t see him he was smiling at your comment under his helmet.
He sets the the course and the three of you take off.
“We should be in a good place now to rest for a bit, I’ve set the coordinates, it will be a couple days journey”
“Ok, I’ll go rest then, have a good night Din”
You make way down the ladder and to your bunk when you notice a bundled up gift on your bed.
Din hears you gasp in excitement as you’re door slides closed as he’s coming down the ladder. He can’t help but smile as he pictures your excitement , your surprise when you find not one, not two but three new books bundled up. One of Din’s favorite things to do is watching you pick out books, the way you trace your fingers long the letters and designs of the covers. Feeling every dip, every groove, every texture change. The way your eyes soften and the corners of your mouth turn up into a smile while when you’re reading a overview that you like.
You breath in deeply, letting the steam fill your lungs as the hot water beads down over your body, tapping against the shower floor as it falls. You allow yourself to fully check out, allowing the sound of the shower to consume you finally quieting your mind. The heat of the shower hugs your body, sometimes it provides the only relief you feel in the day.
After drying your hair and getting dressed you make your way out to the main part of the ship, still needing to quiet your mind if you’d have any chance at sleeping tonight.
Going over to trunk of extra blankets and pillows, you load a bunch up in a net, going back to your bunk you grab one of your new books and a lamp. Making your way up the ladder into the cockpit you spread out the blankets and pillows making yourself a cozy little nest under the stars.
On his way back from using the privy Din notices the door to your bunk is open but it’s empty. That’s when he hears it, the faintest sound of you humming, the same little hum you make when you’re reading. Din slowly climbs the ladder to see you curled up.
“Is.. everything ok?”
You turn around to see him coming up the ladder.
“Yea…sorry everything’s alright, I just come up here and read under the stars sometimes when I’m restless and can’t sleep.”
As you turn to speak to him, Din notices you’re already reading one of the new books he got you.
“Is it ok to sit with you? I won’t bother you, I just can’t sleep either.”
“Sure, I’m almost done reading this part” you reply as your turn back around to continue.
You put down the book and lay back into the blankets only to jolt back up just as quickly when you lay back onto Dins leg accidentally.
“ oh good I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention” you say as you whip around embarrassed.
Something ignited inside of Din in that moment. A desperation to feel close to you, to be able to sooth you and quiet your mind in the same way you did for him when you were around.
“No no, it’s ok… you can lay back like that if you want”
“Really?…” you say, your voice dripping with confusion, your mind not sure what to do.
“Here, hold on one second” he says before you hear a snap and the delicate sound of metal on metal. You look back over your shoulder to see Din removed the piece of beskar armor that covers his thigh before dragging your eyes up to meet his visor.
You give him a warm smile but you body stays motionless, you’re sure your misunderstanding the situation.
“It’s ok, here let me help guide you” Din says as he ghosts his hand up your spin to help steady you as you lay back.
Your whole body feels like it’s been set ablaze as you settle back with you head nestled on his thigh. You look up to find his gaze is already on you.
“Is…is this ok?” You Ask nervously
“This is ok. Are you ok?” Din ask, intently watching you through his visor trying to read any discomfort in your body langue.
“Yes, im ok. This is…this is actually nice” you say as you smile up at him, a sense of calmness washing over you.
“Are the books I picked out ok?”
“They’re perfect, I love them. You really didn’t have to get me so many. Thank you so much”
“ You deserved them, you work really hard helping me care for Grogu and I know things havn’t been the easiest between us. I couldn’t pass up finding several I thought you’d like.”
“Im also very sorry that I hurt you… I didn’t mean to snap at you, it’s just hard getting used to having someone around that cares and actually wants to know me. What I do for work, being a bounty hunter is a lonely and at times violent job. It’s been a adjustment having you and Grogu around but I like it, I just got overwhelmed.”
“It’s ok Din, I’m sorry if at any point I’m talking to much or asking to many question. I just feel comfortable talking to you but can get a little awkward when it comes to making conversation.”
Din can’t help but notice how at ease you look snuggled up to him, the smile never leaving your lips since you first laid down. You couldn’t see but he hadn’t stopped smiling either underneath his helmet. He doesn’t want this moment to end, he’ll lay with you like this as long as you’d let him. Din puts his arm around you, gently resting his hand on your stomach.
“I didn’t like being away from you today” you say softy your eyes closed.
“I didn’t like being away from you today either” Din can’t believe what he’s hearing. He hating being away from you for part of the day today, but never thought you’d share that sentiment.
You can feel yourself start to drift off to sleep as you reach up cupping you’re hand over Dins.
Tag List:
@alyhull @frecklefacelm @dins-riduur-anthe @ranahx @willowthegremlin @luz-introvertida @jellybeanxc @blushinblossom @starstruckfluff @lhumminglbird @prince-of-hyrule @oxkikixo @maddsunn @whatsthecolourofasmile @magicalcowgirl @myst3batz @homiesexual-or-homosexual @abandonedstairwell @tenebrouspterodactyl @fandomsohmyohmy @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @vee-bees-blog @cheese-bot @dionysusinparis @amyispxnk @morgaussy @goldenhxurs @alongfortheridereader @lovelyladiess @its-dee-lovely @pascal-is-punk @sailorsophiee @kalllistos @ilovefluffyfanfixs
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 10 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 1
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T (Not expecting the rating to go up, but this is me we're talking about, so who knows, lol.)
Story Summary: You are a journalist working for the NY Bulletin when you get assigned to interview multi- Michelin star chef Matthew Murdock, co-owner of Daredevil, the hottest new restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. Unfortunately for you, however, Chef Murdock isn't exactly trusting of journalists. As you work to peel back the layers of the closed-off culinary genius, you find yourself becoming interested in more than just his cooking.
Chef Matthew Murdock is struggling to rebuild his culinary reputation after being burned by his former flame, renowned food critic Elektra Natchios. So naturally, when a journalist from the NY Bulletin comes around for an interview he isn't exactly welcoming... Until he finds himself starting to fall for you.
Can two hearts learn to trust one another or will your budding romance go up in flames?
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, more tags to come as the story develops
Word Count: ~900
A/N: Thank you to everyone for all the excitement over the teaser and I hope you enjoy my self-indulgent Hallmark rom-com chef AU!
And extra thanks to the ultra-talented @theradioactivespidergwen for the adorable divider she made for this! 🥰
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock
…And the secret to such a long life?
"Lots of love and laughter," Beth replied with a cheeky smile, "and just not giving a damn what other people think."
You nodded to yourself as you finished reading over your latest story for the New York Bulletin, the newspaper that you worked for. Perfect.
You sent it off to your editor, Mitchell Ellison, for final approval then looked up from your desk as you heard him call your name. "Yeah?"
"I've got a new assignment for you. Walk with me."
You scrambled up from your chair as Ellison passed by your desk, excited to hear what your next assignment was. "What is it?"
"I want you to interview the executive chef at this new restaurant that just opened. Apparently the chef is a big deal in the culinary world."
Your smile fell. You were hoping for a good investigative assignment this time, not another fluff piece. "But Kelsie covers the food and restaurant beat."
"Yeah, well, Kelsie is out sick with food poisoning -- and before you say anything, yes, I do realize the irony." Ellison sighed as the two of you entered his private office. "I really need you on this one -- apparently the chef doesn't usually do interviews but his business partner promised us an exclusive, and besides, you're the best reporter I've got. You'd really be saving my ass here."
You folded your arms and looked at Ellison pointedly. "If I'm the best reporter you've got, then you're gonna start paying me like it. I want a raise." 
Ellison narrowed his eyes at you. "What kind of raise are we talking about here?"
You did some quick mental math. "Twelve percent."
Ellison balked. "Twelve? Are you insane? We could maybe do six."
You shook your head. "Ten, plus I want to move to Lauren's old desk by the window."
After Ellison remained quiet, you shrugged. "You know, maybe I should call that person from the Times back about the position they offered me..."
You turned to leave.
Ellison groaned. "Okay, okay, wait, fine. You've got a deal."
You turned back and shook his hand. "Okay, so who am I interviewing?"
Ellison picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to you. "Guy's name is Matthew Murdock. He's the owner and executive chef of Daredevil, just opened up on 44th."
You scanned the name and address. "What's my deadline?"
"Two weeks -- we need it ready to run in the New York Restaurant week edition."
You nodded. That was pretty tight, but doable. "So when's the interview?"
Ellison coughed. "In 30 minutes."
You looked at him incredulously. "30 minutes? I have zero time to do any research or prepare any questions!"
Ellison shrugged. "If anyone can wing it, you can."
You shook your head and turned to exit his office once again. "You're lucky I'm so good, Ellison!"
You hurried back to your desk and typed "Matthew Murdock chef Daredevil NYC" into your search engine, eyebrows raising at the photograph that popped up. Chef Murdock stood in front of Daredevil, arms crossed and lips turned up into a smirk. He had dark, wavy hair and was wearing a red chef's coat with black trim and round sunglasses with red lenses. Damn, he's hot. 
You quickly made a few notes based on his (very brief) bio on the Daredevil website before dashing out of the office, praying that you would make it to the interview on time.
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"You did what?" Matt hissed as Foggy Nelson, his business partner and sous chef, stood in the doorway of his office.
"Scheduled you for an interview with the food writer from the Bulletin," Foggy replied. 
Matt shook his head. "You know I don't do interviews. Not with wannabe food bloggers, not with TV reporters, not with writers for culinary magazines, and certainly not with food critics for newspapers."
"I don't think she's actually a food critic, she just writes for the food section of the newspaper." Foggy huffed out a breath. "Come on, Matt, you know we need the publicity. The opening hasn't gone as well as we'd hoped and if we have too many more slow nights we're gonna already be in trouble."
Matt scowled. Unfortunately, Foggy was right -- business had been way slower than they had hoped in their first month of opening and a front-page interview with the Bulletin during Restaurant Week actually would be great publicity. "Then you do it."
"You're the culinary genius behind the food, I'm just your business partner and sous chef." Foggy sighed. "My point is that it's your name attached to all those Michelin stars, not mine."
"So what am I getting out of this?"
"The editor promised us the front page of the Restaurant Week kickoff edition."
Matt huffed out a breath. "I hate you so much right now, you know that, right?"
Foggy chuckled. "Thanks, Matty."
"When's the interview?" Matt wanted to do some research on the Bulletin's food writer before he sat down with her just to see if she actually understood the culinary world or if she was just a glorified 'foodie'.
"In 15 minutes."
"What?" Matt shook his head and got up to put his chef's coat on and get ready. This had better be worth it.
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sunshinesdaydream · 8 months
For the first kiss prompts~
"their hearts stop as they hear someone's cmaera click (friend catching them in the act?)"
Wiiiith Rex 👀
What do you think?
Thanks for the ask! I started out with the idea of a "forbidden" love thing but that was more angst than I have in me today. So have this bit of (nearly 500 words) fluff and 501st shenanigans.
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You had let the Torrent boys talk you into going out. So the first night of shore leave you are in a booth with Rex, who they also had talked into going to the club.  It had been fun earlier in the evening.  When everyone had been sticking to the table in shifts.  Occasionally one of them dragging you to the dance floor.
But now with just you and Rex, it felt awkward. Especially since the guys had made sure you were sitting next to each other as much as possible.  You were tired anyways and had some things you wanted to take care of the next day while you had access to them.
Leaning towards him you say over the music, “I’m going to go and get some sleep,”
“Would you like me to walk you back?” He asked.
A quiet walk with Rex? Not where your every move is being watched and it’s too loud to even talk? 
“I’d like that,” you answer. He nods, stands, and leads you to the door that he holds open for you.  He offers you his arm, which feels awkward only until your hand is tucked at his elbow and you are walking. 
“Thank you,” you say, once you are away from the thundering music of the club. 
“You’re welcome,” Rex answers you. “I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to leave anyways.  I think we were being watched.”
You nod, “I know we were being watched,” 
You turned onto a quieter walk way. Once you were about halfway down the walkway he stops and asks, “did you really want to go sleep, or would you go somewhere quieter with me?”
“Where did you have in mind?” You ask, even though you knew you would say yes regardless. 
“There is a late night cafe a few blocks from here,” Rex suggests.
“I’d love that,” you answer quickly.  And get the half smile you like so much in return. 
“First, may I kiss you,” he asks quietly. 
“Please,” you answer with a slight nod. 
As soon as his lips touch yours, just when you expected to be focused on nothing more than him you hear the distinct snap and see the flash from someone taking a holo on their com. 
Your heart stops and Rex freezes as well and pulls back slowly. But you can already hear a commotion coming from the direction the flash was from. A scrambling, someone saying incredulously “you didn’t turn the flash off? Run!”
You don’t have to look to know who it is. Neither does Rex. He’s looking at you half apologetic, half already detailing his revenge. 
You move closer to Rex, looking up at him. “They already got their holo. Do you want to try that again?” 
The smile returned and everything else disappeared the moment his arms were around you. 
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Thanks for reading!
Tag List: @the-bad-batch-baronesss @lightwise @captainbutterflynonsense @sleepycreativewriter @523rdrebel @inneedoffanfics @cloneloverrrrr @trappedinlimbo15 @chubbyhedgehog @blueink-bluesoul @anoushe01 @cdblake1565 @littlemissmanga @skywlker-sluvtt @padawancat97 @clonemedickix @dystopicjumpsuit @moonlightwarriorqueen @idontgetanysleep @littlemissmanga @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @ailyr92 @anxiouspineapple99 @wizardofrozz @multi-fan-dom-madness @wolffegirlsunite
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tamlinweek · 1 year
Tamlin Creator Appreciation: Fanfiction Authors
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Thank you all for your submissions for your favorite Tamlin creators! In the lead up to Tamlin Week (June 18 - 24, click here for prompts and rules!), we wanted to take a minute to highlight some of the amazing authors who have written Tamlin stories in the past. Here are some of the submissions we received, listed by ship, with some honorable mentions:
a quiet, distant treasure (when you rise) by @yourethehero​
Rating: Mature, Words: 12k (multichapter, ongoing)
Summary: The truth is - Tamlin knows he failed. He knows he  could beg, and plead until the sun burned its last flame, and it would  get him nowhere. There was only the future, the one he could build for his Court, and for this child.
“I love their fic! It's such a unique take on Tamlin's redemption arc and the interactions between Tamlin and his adoptive daughter are very heartwarming”
Tamlin/Briar Honorable Mentions:
A Dream of Roses by @isterofimias
A Court of Love and Healing by @readingwritingwatching​
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I Will See You Again by @goforth-ladymidnight​
Rating: Teen, Words: 2k (oneshot, complete)
Summary: ACOTAR AU - Mere days before the seven times seven years are up, Tamlin decides to send Feyre back to the mortal lands. A glimpse at what might have happened if Feyre had opened her heart and said those three little words that held more magic than she thought possible.
“This creator is AMAZING, BRILLIANT and a great addition to the pro Tamlin community!”
lovely and lonely by @praetorqueenreyna​
Rating: Mature, Words: 24k (multichapter, ongoing)
Summary: "In hindsight, Lucien thinks he fell in love with Tamlin the moment he first laid eyes on him." *** Lucien Vanserra must come to terms with his sexuality, and his complicated feelings for High Lord Tamlin.
“My favorite takes of the characters and Tamlin specifically by far.”
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My Sun Shines Upon Me by @toast-com​
Rating: N/A, Words: <200 (oneshot, complete), Summary: N/A
“Her creativity and descriptive writing.  Tamlin creators, I am high-fiving all of you.”
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Hyacinth by @suckerpunchfemale​
Rating: Mature, Words: 90k (multichapter, complete)
Summary: Hyacinth, known as Cin, has seen the once thriving and prosperous Spring Court fall into ruin and lawlessness due to the absence of their High Lord, Tamlin. But after two years  of waiting and hoping, Cin has had enough. Can these two trauma survivors,  Cin and Tamlin, save each other and their home?
“I don't usually reach for fanfics with OCs, but you can't help but root  for Hyacinth (aka Cin) as she tries to fix the very broken Spring Court  in the wake of the war on Hybern. What I like about SPF’s portrayal of  Tamlin is how she doesn't shy away from showing his suffering, but she  doesn't let him wallow in his misery, either. He made mistakes, but he's  not the villain here. It's a good and proper redemption arc! :D”
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A Court of Lies and Resurrection by @ashintheairlikesnow
Rating: Explicit, Words: 193k (multichapter, complete)
Summary:  AU: Feyre is dead, torn apart by Amarantha when Tamlin did not send her away in time. Tamlin, forced to submit to Amarantha's terms, finds  himself looking for help (and finding affection) in places he never expected.
“IT IS THE TAMSAND MULTI CHAPTER FIC!!!!! Their fic actually opened my eyes to Rhys potential post Amarantha which I didn’t realize was POSSIBLE”
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated! Look forward to more pro Tamlin content by our wonderful contributors in June!
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bepoucorp · 3 days
hello bepou of corp !
i am bored so !!!! thoughts on riddlebat and twiddler ,,, do you have any hcs ,,,
ALSO!!!! how did you get into riddlejokes ?? :333 i have been pondering abt them as of late
- michael from the realm of twitter dot com !
HAII MICHAEL1! confettiii is tired?! this is a long one oughh,, enjoy my brain working overtime! Riddlebat:
obsessive, (Eddie seeing Batman as a genuine challenge to it's intellect // one-upping each other rivalry type of stuff)
Edward doesn't wanna kill Batman, just humiliate the guy LOL
Riddler is in strong denial towards its attraction to Batman ("I'm not like the rest of em rogues....")
Incel/gamer/pathetic man/needy x stoic
yapper x (unwillingly (sometimes)) listener
"You brute!" "Bats for brains!" "Idiot!"
Batman feels some affection for Riddler, just not a crazy amount?? He takes advantage of it and uses it to confuse the hell out of Eddie at least... 60% of the time (sometimes Batman doesn't even have to try)
Not to make this "tragic" or anything, but my Batman mostly likes Riddler since.... it reminds him of Joker.... BUT who...? who said that ahaha...? (Batman has a type)
It's a very confusing "relationship"/rivalry!
they don't get together because all laws of Bepouverse say Batman must die alone LOL
incel/gamer/pathetic man/needy x unforgiving mobster/mafia man
yapper x listener
Edward is kinda like??? high maintenance and Harvs is too, but like they somehow work out
they team up often, Eddie brings the plans/intellect and Harvey brings the muscle to the operation!
Riddler is SO touchy with her, doesn't give Two-Face any personal space. (He pretends to hate it)
Harvey is more in love with Riddler than Riddler is with him.
Most likely to be canon in my universe tbh (I love twiddler)
I LIKE POLY ROGUES?? (multi-shipping) But Harvey is def more monogamous and Riddler is poly.
Harvey doesn't like to share?? but she also doesn't hold it against Eddie's loser boy charm EXTENDED:
I thinks Riddler's love language is physical touch and quality time (puzzles, crimes, whatever) But he likes to be on the receiving end of gift-giving, quality time, and words of affirmation!
Two-Face is more acts of service and words of affirmation! But she likes to receive physical touch.
Batman is physical touch and acts of service. He likes receiving words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service.
My Twiddler is based off Batman Forever
and my Riddlebat is based off Batman 2022 and Arkhamverse
OH and i got into Riddlejokes because they're both my favs and like?? They have teamed up before(?) and in the Arkham games (i cant remember BUT) I feel like they're always beefing for some reason! OR i just drew/saw them stand next to each other and my brain activated LOL I love the idea of "silly x silly" where both of them are completely different ends! "chaos x intelligence" ? Theyre both so annoying to each other they hate each other so bad! Anyways, thanks for asking! all this info be in my head fr...
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Your Telepathic Hold On Me
From Control - Full Story in Progress on AO3!
Ghost x Shadow!Reader x Soap
mentions of past Graves x Reader
Love Triangle, Fluff, Rom/Com-like, Slow Burn, Romance, Drama, Melodrama, Character Study, Multi-POV, Semi Explicit, Slight Angst, Wet Dreams, Friendzoning, Steamy (but more teasing than actual smut), Masturbastion, Military Inaccuracies, Canon-Compliant (hopefully), Pining, Angsty with random rom-com moments, A Roller-Coaster, Dark, A bit edgy, Grown men with crushes
tw: // violence, blood
Word Count: 11.5k
This took me 5,000 years to conjure up and type, but I finally finished it and I enjoyed typing it so that's all that matters. I just wanted this to read like a messy soap opera for the eyes. I've been away for a while too so I figured I'd make this long. It's messy, but I'm trying to keep every in character. This is basically a love triangle. Please enjoy (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
Hope it's not boring and stupid, I'm rusty as hell (ʃᵕ̩̩ ᵕ̩̩)
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There are many parts of life that Ghost has grown used to.
He's used to waking up every morning and having nothing but his work to look forward to. That familiar solitude waiting for him at the end of every shift was as much a part of his life as anything else.
He's used to his usual streak of bad luck too. It wouldn’t be a regular day for the man if some inconveniences and setbacks weren’t sprinkled in here and there. Dealing with bad luck was a hidden talent of Ghost that life had a funny way of testing. He’s been on edge waiting to see what’s in store for him next.
He's used to doing little things to occupy his free time, which has lately been a lot of journaling and late-night jogging. It helps to have something to preoccupy himself with, rather than turning to the bottle for comfort; yet another qualm inherited to him by his father. Ghost would never allow himself to succumb to such vices as easily as his old man had though. That’s a cautionary tale the lieutenant didn’t need to live through a second time.
He's used to dealing with strangers and all their odd comments and tantalizing stares. When you're as mountainous in appearance and intimidating to talk to as he is, you learn to grow thick skin and not take things so personally. And by now he’s grown used to keeping people at a distance. 
At the start, it had been deliberate, knowing he was in no place to be thinking of building relationships with anyone outside of his team. And even that was with the bare minimum effort. 
Everyone must have just finally gotten the memo. Almost everyone. Eventually, Ghost got so good at keeping people away that he hardly had to try anymore. They just stopped approaching him. Stopped asking him personal questions. Stopped trying. 
He's used to that feeling he gets when he sees couples in public. That twinge which knots at the pit of his gut and wrinkles his nose beneath his mask. As someone known to stare, PDA was definitely a head-turner for the lieutenant, and rather nauseating to look at. That's how he'd put it. 
What many would take for disdain, however, was really only a faint longing for something he's only ever been a passive observer to. Love. He isn't used to that feeling, though he is used to being the one always on the outside of it. Any other kind of love has only ever been taken from him all too soon. Always out of his hands, and always just out of reach. That's a lot more familiar to him.
But that feeling would come, and then it would pass, because it's what Ghost is used to. Moving. Working. Surviving.
It's safe to say Ghost can handle a few contrivances throughout his day. However, today seemed especially adamant on testing his patience, in all new ways he never thought of before. Both petty, pointless, and far too sweet.
Even his dreams had been out to get him this morning, which did not surprise him, as bad dreams stuck to him like a bad habit. Still, it didn't make them any less welcome. And looking back, it may have been best to have taken the dreams as a heads-up for the kind of day he was in for.
Ghost didn't remember passing out the night before, only that he had entered his room later than he should have, leaving you and Soap to yourselves. While he wouldn't say the night was terrible, it left him with more to think about than he'd wanted when deciding to tag along. 
That would be the case, as his mind would tell him so the moment he finally managed to pass out.
Contrary to popular belief, Ghost could be a surprisingly creative thinker. He's always been very imaginative, even as a boy. Had he a better childhood, perhaps it could have taken him places. But life's never had much in store for him it seems, so his creative talents felt best suited to his nightmares instead.
It had been a simple dream, a near recap of the night before. 
You've left the cafe in a fluster of emotions, soon to be followed by Soap. Ghost remained inside, standing off in the distance as he watched you both run off. Waiting.
The cafe would grow emptier as the minutes crawled by endlessly. The music would slowly fade, and the ambiance would die out. The lights would grow so dim that it made the building feel cold, and before long not a soul lingered around Ghost, who was now alone. Still waiting.
It wasn't until he heard the sounds of you both screaming that Ghost finally sprung from his spot and out the cafe doors.
Outside had been no different. All the traffic and crowds had all but vanished, a dense fog settling across the city streets that even the streetlights struggled to break through. And it was quiet.
Ghost quickly found you standing off a ways from the cafe, your back turned to him, and Soap nowhere in sight. 
In the waking world, Ghost was a man who modeled himself on control and discipline. He could not afford to be someone who let his emotions get the better of him, especially if his behaviors in his dreams were a reflection of who that man would be. 
In his dreams, where all that structure and discipline he's built around himself could no longer follow, lie a man untamed by demons and darker whims he felt powerless to take control over.
He demanded to know where Soap had gone. When you couldn’t answer him, he felt a violent urge take over. As though some demon suddenly possessed him. Ghost lunges towards you, his large hands over-compassing the small frame of your neck with ease, as he pins you to the cafe walls behind you, his dark eyes seething.
You look up at him, stricken with fear as your frail hands pull at him, gasping in shock as you whimper in his grasp. You plead to him, trying to reason with him, even now. 
Your words would only fall on deaf ears, as Ghost's grip tightened around your neck, the muscles in your throat bending to his grasp. His body moved with a mind of its own, blacking out everything else. Waiting to see in your eyes the fears he's harbored for you. Wanting to hear you curse him. Wanting you to affirm to him what he only waits for you to realize in reality. That he’s no good.
But even so, you hold no resentment in your gaze, nor pity. Your hands release from his wrist, slowly trailing up, until he's felt your warm touch rest against the sides of his face. Gently caressing him.
Ghost isn't sure when it was that his grip had loosened on your neck after that, only that his hands began to tremble soon after. You take a step closer, your hands still holding him, as his jawline all but sinks into your palms. All the while, Ghost's hands linger around your neck, having grown accustomed to its shape.
Your thumb gently rubs against his cheek, soothing his tense body. "Isn't this what you want?"
"I..." Ghost's head dips, no longer able to look you in your eyes. It shamed him to admit that he did want this. To be touched, to be held, to be taken in and for that not to go away. Not so soon at least. He didn’t want to need those things, to long for them. He’s gotten this far in life without them now, he knows he can keep it up. And yet… “...You're not gettin' in my head. I won't let you. I can't…"
"You can..." You lift yourself up on your tip-toes, the crown on your head just barely meeting his forehead, your eyes locked on his. "...I already am."
Despite your persistence, Ghost somehow manages to keep himself from succumbing to your urges, though it takes everything in him to. He needn't act out on these whims, even in his dreams.
However, your tenacity was a foe unmatched even as a figment of his darker imagination.
Your hands stop just at the end of his mask, and you begin to tug. The sensation is as if you’d begun to pull Ghost’s soul from him. He wishes it would have woken him, but the night’s hold was heavy.
You stop pulling his mask up just shy of the bridge of his nose, revealing the light stubble that painted the lower half of his face, alongside the light purse of his lips. With your hands still lightly gripping the side of his mask, you bring him down to you. 
You press your lips to him, and Ghost' powerless to contain himself, kisses you back, feeling a wave of ecstasy wash through him. Ghost grips your neck tightly again, catching the air in your throat as you gasp into his mouth. His lips overpower your own, his sheer size having you pressed harshly against the wall. 
Ghost only parts from your mouth for the smallest moment, only to come back in again, his hands using your neck to crane your head so that he could hold you in place. Keep you with him. Wanting nothing more than to feel you... only he is unable to.
Your neck in his grasp, your lips against his, your breath that fogged the air around him -- he couldn't feel a thing. Ghost had only the faintest idea of what that sensation could feel like, having felt it so long ago now. And yet he craved it. Yearning it. Because even his dreams could not replicate that smallest of feelings you once gave him.
But before he can truly ascend onto cloud 9, a sharp pain enters his abdomen, breaking through his sternum and piercing straight into his heart. The one thing he could feel. His lips part from yours, and his eyes drag down to where you had stabbed him. 
Ghost stumbles back, his body convulsing with pain as the blood began to pool from his chest and mouth. All the while he can hear your insane laughter filling his ears, a twisted glint to your gaze, before he's finally pulled himself out of his sleep and into a panicked wake.
Once he realized he was no longer dreaming, the stiff cold air of his room finally calmed him, Ghost wasn't sure what he found most embarrassing about what just happened, however -- The fact that he had that dream at all, or the fact that only seconds later, he’s noticed the throbbing hard-on he’d gotten from it.
Ghost groans to himself and sinks his head back against his pillow. “Fuckin’ hell…”
He would have left himself alone, had the arousal not been so painfully uncomfortable to leave be. Weakly succumbing, Ghost brings a hand down to himself to finish the job, sliding his fingers beneath the waistband of his sweatpants to take hold. 
He makes quick work with his urges, moving his hand at a fast pace as he kept his eyes closed, trying to picture something to help get it done quicker.
With no one else who really came to mind, Ghost couldn't help but think back to you. How your lips moved over him in his dream, how his hands fit perfectly around your neck, and how your own hands felt like chains around him. 
He escalates the scenario in his mind, picturing you ridding yourself of your clothes. Your body bare for his perusal. Ghost thinks about you climbing over him now, your legs straddling him to the bed and his hands tightly holding onto your hips. The sweet moans you'd make with him in you would haunt him for the rest of his life, as he’s watching your body vibrate with pleasure, your gaze wanting him evermore.
Ghost buries his face into his pillow just as he climaxes, that uncontrollable lust he felt quickly being replaced by guilt and shame. 
The way you had Ghost so wound up, you'd think he were a virgin. Though that wasn't true; it had been well over three years since Ghost has actually laid with another person, and even then that last time had just been transactional. Some stranger at a bar back home he didn't mind expelling some of himself into for the night. It hadn't meant anything. 
Intimacy hasn't meant anything to him for a long time now.
Yet the way you plagued his mind would have him thinking he's never known the meaning of lust and intimacy before, until now. Like he’s been missing out or something. 
While Ghost has dreamed of you before, never has it been so... graphic. Certainly nothing like this. And for a moment, it worried the man. He's used to his typical nightmares, and knows how to combat those by now. But how was he supposed to tackle this one? What even was this?
Ghost had given up trying to find the purpose of that dream the minute it grew easier to settle for the obvious answer, the one that pained him to admit: Perhaps he did have a crush on you after all. 
He finds you attractive, clearly. But a crush? It felt so beneath him, being unable to stop something as silly as that from forming. Still, this stupid little crush has somehow caused him more inner turmoil than any of the recent ops he’s last run, and it was mighty embarrassing.
It's safe to say, having to see you later today would feel more awkward than Ghost would have liked. Especially since it would technically be your first official day on the team. But he hadn't planned on treating you any differently than anyone else, and a single dream wasn't going to change that now.
That was the plan at least.
"You know Halloween ain't 'til the end of the month, right?"
Ghost stood in front of the register at one of the corner stores within walking distance from the barracks. The only one open this early in the morning.
The lieutenant damn near towered over the counter space, tired eyes watching unenthusiastically as the cashier  -- some scrawny little woman who looked like she'd seen a few street fights in her day -- scanned and bagged his box of tea. She's been giving Ghost the side-eye since she stepped in, shadowing him in every aisle. 
Ghost didn't blame her much, seeing as he's shown up in a hoodie and a ski mask. But honestly, the man really did just want to pick up some tea. While this had not been his first choice for tea, Ghost has come to learn how little Americans really care for the drink.
Had Ghost been back home, or not stationed here, he'd have forgone the mask and just gone later in the day. However, seeing as that wasn't the case, going early in the morning to pick up some tea at least meant he wouldn't bump into too many wide-eyed pedestrians ready to gawk at him for wearing a bloody mask. 
Ghost still could not tell for the life of him what fascinated people so much about it. It's only a mask. Though this is coming from a man who also, very often, forgets his sheer size and presence. The mask was only the cherry on top, really. Perhaps in their shoes, he'd do the same.
But even so, unprovoked comments from strangers were the lieutenant’s bread and butter. 
"Just bein' festive, Luv."
Ghost hands the woman cash for the tea, watching her take her time counting it. "And you went with that?" she asks, rather mockingly too.
"Weren't much to choose from, I'm afraid," Ghost says dryly.
The cashier hands Ghost his bag and gives him a learned smile. "Well, hey, you've got time." And then she waves him goodbye. 
Ghost merely catalogs this as yet another awkward interaction he's had with the locals since being stationed here.
The awkward occasion before this one had been with some other woman two days ago. Poor thing just popping by her nearest gas station for a drink, when Ghost all but gave her a stroke. The last thing she expected to bump into when she hastily opened the gas station doors was this ugly mug. She screamed so loud that Ghost was sure the entire block heard her. 
It's safe to say nothing has been quite as awkward as that. Who knew Americans could be so jumpy?
Ghost's walk back to his room had been a sunny one, on a sidewalk busier than this Wednesday morning called for. The air, once warm for the summer, was finally beginning to cool, as early signs of fall showed themselves in the tree's leaves.
As Ghost drew near his building, he passed by a floral shop that someone recently set up at the park. He'd taken a gander or two at the flowers his first time walking past them earlier.
Whoever set it up made sure to have the most vibrant flower arrangements decorating the area. Baskets sat displayed both high and low, filled to the brim with a rainbow of different petals and plants. It grabbed a lot of attention from the bystanders, people stopping to look or even buy a bouquet for their significant other. At times it was like watching a movie.
The last time Ghost bought flowers it had been for his mother. She always liked her lavenders and tulips, and Ghost always enjoyed the smile on her face when he'd show up to her home with them. He nearly sighs out loud just thinking back to that time. It feels so long ago now.
Ghost wouldn't say he had a Green Thumb, though he did always enjoy planting new flowers every Spring with his mother. Whenever she'd find the time to and his old man was away on another one of his benders long enough.
He remembers enjoying how colorful their front lawn would look when they finished, compared to the rest of the gray they lived around in Manchester. Everything around him when he was younger always felt so sad and lifeless, it was nice to just be with himself and the Earth, giving back to it in a peaceful way for a change.
A small part of him thought of buying some flowers for his room, just to lighten the place up some. But then he thought, what would be the point of that? Buying flowers for his room just so when it was late at night he could look at them and be sad all over again. Always the self-destructive sort he was.
A woman approached the shop suddenly, dressed in a white sundress and a light straw hat. She pauses when she sees the sunflowers, nearly matching her in height, as her hair wisps gently in the breeze. 
For a split second, Ghost thought that may have been you; she was your spitting image. It caught the man off guard so much that a cold chill shivered down his spine. Had the little details not tipped him off that it wasn’t you, Ghost would have thought you were stalking him. But it seems you only did so in his mind; anything else was more on him than you, he begrudgingly knew that much.
Ghost watched the woman longer than he should have, seeing her speak to the vendors with such vigor and excitement. She’d take another eyeful of all the flowers, and find herself in another state of awe before she was back on her tangent once more. She feels the petals, smells their scent, then smiles. And when her eyes turn back for only a split second, she sees Ghost standing a few feet away… and then she frowns.
Ghost stares back coldly, wanting to send her gaze away from him. Though when she does look away, it only makes the man feel rather silly. What, had he expected her to smile when she saw him? She's not you, he thought. No one was like you, and that's what made this so damn annoying to deal with.
The faint illusion of you was shattered once the woman’s husband stepped into view. Some short, skinny man who looked nothing like Ghost at all. He curved around her, his arm wrapping around her waist, as she looked up at him with a warm smile. The kind of look a woman gave to someone she loved. Ghost has seen it from others enough times to recognize it.
"Watch out!"
Ghost's head snaps over to the sound of someone shouting at him on the sidewalk. When he looks over, he sees a man on his bike, recklessly speeding straight toward him. 
With quick reflexes he's had time to fine-tune, Ghost quickly sidesteps the cyclist. However, it's not fast enough to keep the cyclist's handlebar from clipping his arm a little, knocking the box of tea out of Ghost's hands and into a large, growing puddle on the side of the road.
Once Ghost sees his tea completely submerged in the murky water, the man prepares himself for the worst-case scenario. He just stands over it for a moment, not even phased by the sheer luck of it all. When he kneels down to retrieve it, of course, the sealant wrapped around it was punctured, letting all the water get into each and every tea bag inside its box.
Though on the outside Ghost was calm and composed, there was a little man inside his brain, completely raging out about not having his tea right now.
Ghost stands to his feet and sighs, already knowing he wouldn't have time to go back and get more before this morning's briefing. He knew he should have just stayed in bed that morning.
He looks back off to the floral shop, for no particular reason. That woman in the sundress had gone by now, taking a basket of trimmed sunflowers with her. 
Ghost couldn't help thinking about you one last time.
Ghost was surprised to find Soap already waiting in the briefing room this morning, though the man looked as though he were seconds away from passing out dead in his seat. He sits hunched over his arms, dressed in his fatigues, though he's removed his coat and rolled the sleeves to his shirt up, his arms naturally flexing beneath the fabric. His eyes light up the minute he sees the lieutenant, though it's quickly followed by a short yawn.
"Mornin' L.T." he greets.
"MacTavish." Ghost takes a seat a few chairs from Soap, settling into his seat with a sigh. "You're up early."
"Aye," Soap rubs his hands over his face, attempting to further wake himself. "I'm as shocked as you, L.T."
"Were you two up long after I left?" asks Ghost. He'd been wondering that this morning more than he cared to admit. What was it you two could have been up to last night, all alone with nothing to do? Ghost wanted to imagine it had been nothing. 
To his dismay, he hadn't been prepared for Soap's answer.
"No, but..." Soap grins to himself, looking off into the room. Recalling the night before, and letting his cheeks begin to blush. Johnny didn't have to finish that sentence, Ghost already knew. "Man, what a woman..."
"Good grief, Johnny," bemoans Ghost. Good grief was right. He knew Soap had been into you as well, and you both make it more than obvious that you enjoyed flirting. It figures sparks would fly the minute you two could find the time to be alone together. 
Ghost wasn't happy to hear the news, regardless.
But before he can finish that thought, the door opens, and in comes both you and Kate Laswell.
Both 141 men haven't seen Laswell in a while, not in person at least. She's been busy running ops on the other side of the globe with their Captain Price. Soap's been moaning and groaning about getting back to working as a full team again; Ghost hadn't really cared either way. Just as long as there was something to do. And when you see Laswell in person, you know that time was nigh.
Both Ghost and Soap stand at attention before being dismissed by Laswell. She both liked and appreciated the professionalism from her boys in the Task Force, though she never had a problem with being casual with those she worked with for long enough.
Once Laswell was at the front of the room with you, she began with the point of this whole meeting -- to formally announce your transfer to the team.
Beyond that, Soap seemed too busy looking at you to really give a damn about much of anything else at the moment. Ghost could pass that off as normal behavior by the Sergeant. However, it's when Ghost looks over at you when it urks him. Because you're giving Soap the same googly eyes back, only your much more sly about it. Just not sly enough for the lieutenant.
"I know introductions aren't really necessary this time around," Laswell mentions. "But I figured we shouldn't skip the formalities. Commander Graves and his Shadow Company were kind enough to spare their second-in-command to help assist with our investigation. With her expertise in reconnaissance and data retrieval, and her background knowledge on the investigation already, both General Shepherd and I felt she'd be a valuable asset to the team."
"Well, well," Soap begins to quip. "Movin' up in the world, aye Canary?"
"It's the only way to go," you joke back, which in turn makes you both chuckle bashfully. 
It only took a few more seconds of awkward eye contact to pass before Ghost knew that something was up. It wasn’t just some little thing last night between you, he knew. It was something he no doubt would rather have not noticed.
"For now you'll be on standby," Laswell comments. "We have a few more preparations to make before your next assignment, but it should be soon. In the meantime, we've set up training courses and team-building exercises to keep you all fresh for when we need you. Today's should be fun if I'm not mistaken."
"Aw sweet," Soap whoops dorkishly. "Are ye joinin' us then, Kate?"
Laswell smiles to herself, already preparing to leave the meeting. "I, unfortunately, have a flight to catch in the next hour," she says. "I'm assisting Shepherd with another lead. Along with Commander Graves, funny enough."
Laswell looks to you now, but to Ghost's surprise, you don't appear all that happy to be hearing your commander's name be mentioned. Not like you usually have been in the past. You instead roll your eyes jokingly, some thought irritating you for a moment before you've buried it.
"Good luck," you tell her. 
Ghost can't help but wonder what you could mean by that. The last time he saw you two, you both seemed rather close to one another. Though you seem pretty close to Soap now as well; perhaps that's just how you are with people. It piques his interest nonetheless.
Laswell adjourns the meeting soon after giving you all more details about what's been planned for you today. While today's training was dressed up as a way to keep you all from getting rusty, Ghost knew there was more to this than meets the eye.
When getting transferred, you've just essentially jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. The Task Force has you beneath a magnifying glass right now, ready to watch your every move and place it side-by-side with their own. A mix of friendly competition, and equal parts a deadly game.
Because you were transferred here for a reason, Ghost thought. If you can't keep up even in the courses, the abnormality of your arrival surely wouldn't benefit from it.
You must know this, because something felt a bit off about you this morning. Like there was a lot on your mind suddenly and it was wearing you down.
You let out a sigh once Kate has left, letting your hands fall back to your sides as you try and mentally pep yourself up for the courses. You didn't look all that thrilled.
"So, marksmanship trainin', eh?" Soap starts speaking first. "I'm lookin' forward to seein' what you got, lil' bird."
You scoff. "Little bird?"
"Oi, if you won't tell me your name, then I've gotta call you somethin' else then, don't I?"
You laugh at his comment, though only softly. Admittedly, "Little bird" felt rather close to "Songbird", a nickname you're sure Graves has dumped by now. You'd much prefer something new anyway. And it did help that the Scotsman's accent made the words sweet like candy for your ears when he said it. "Fair enough."
"So are you a good shot?" the Sergeant asks.
"I'd say so," you brag.
"We'll see soon enough, won't we?" Ghost finally speaks.
Your eyes fall on his, and while he can see a fire light up in them suddenly, he can also see that flame being dulled by something else. Something that had you look more worn than you probably were aware of.
"I can feel the pressure already," you say sarcastically.
"Aw, I'm sure you'll do fine," says Soap.
You look down at your feet almost shyly. But then you catch yourself, smirking and looking back up at the two men. Putting on an act, no doubt.
"I bet you I'll get the top score today," you boast.
This makes Soap sit up in his seat now, laughing to himself charmingly. "Oh is that right?"
"Damn straight." You begin to make your way to the exit, settled with preparing yourself for the course. "I'll see you boys on the course." 
You leave them with a wink, and Ghost catches Soap smiling like a moron.
Ghost gives Soap a few seconds to re-gather his wits about him before speaking. "Bloody hell, Johnny," he says. "'Have you gone mad?"
"I'm sorry, sir?"
"You and her," Ghost gestures with his fingers. When Soap tries to play dumb momentarily, it only seems to further tick the lieutenant off. "Didn’t I just get through with tellin’ you last night to keep your head on straight, Sergeant?”
"Oi, relax mate," Soap puts his hands up defensively. He quickly chuckles to alleviate any tension between the two men. "Nothin' major's goin' on. We're just… oh, I don't know. We're just havin’ fun while we can."
"We have a job to do, MacTavish," Ghost scolds.
"You know it's OK to lighten up and live a lil', yeah, L.T.?"
Ghost doesn't respond to the Sergeant's comment immediately, only because he began to ponder them. Lightin' up and live a little? He thought. Lightin' up and live a little…
"That is what I'm doing," Ghost says. He knows he doesn't sound all that convincing, but he wasn't about to elaborate further; he hoped it was enough to take the topic off himself. Soap always had a knack for doing that.
Soap chuckles at Ghost's comment, shaking his head at him. "Sure it is, mate."
Ghost rolls his eyes and stands from his seat. "Just don't let this get in the way of things, yeah?"
"We’re grown. I know what I‘m doin’."
"So you say now."
Nothing major going on. Even hearing that seemed to strike a hidden nerve in Ghost he hadn't felt before. So something did happen last night after he left. Of course it did. This was Johnny we were talking about here. The man could win just about anyone over if given the chance. It's why Ghost hasn't allowed him many opportunities to. But it seems in doing so with both Soap and you, it's only seemed to bring you two together instead.
Why didn't that feel like a good thing to Ghost?
Apparently, time no longer has any real meaning. Not in any way that you've found to be helpful. Because it seems you can spend half a year in bed with someone -- giving them everything, always being there -- and in a matter of seconds, watch all that time not mean a damn thing anymore.
I can't deal with this right now.
That's what Graves decided to text you last night after hearing your distraught voicemail. He can't deal with this right now. With you. 
It was almost embarrassing how gut-wrenching it had felt to read that, even as you'd thought you'd been prepared for it. Though before long that hurt turned to bitterness, as you slowly grew disgusted with your previous feelings.
You spend nearly a year with the man and that’s how he chooses to respond to you in a time of need. Talk about ripping off the band-aid. Alas, your commander was always just a step ahead of you all along, both in mind and feeling. 
“Over” really does mean over. 
But did it have to mean losing him completely? You felt it didn't have to be this way, but maybe it was selfish of you to have thought he'd want anything to do with you once you both cut romantic ties. After all, at the end of the day, you're only his subordinate.
Well then fine. If that's how Graves wants it, then that's how he'll get it. You felt ready enough to get back to focusing on yourself anyway. And from the way Ghost has been hounding you over this "training" course, you could use the work.
"You're off your mark!" Ghost's voice comes booming over the intercoms inside the course, though at this point you couldn't really tell him apart from your own inner thoughts. Beyond that iconic gruffness Ghost's voice possessed. At this point, you'd about heard enough of it.
This was meant to be a simple marksmanship course. Same shit, different day. The base had a whole thing set up for the team, the course being inside a large, sanctioned-off building. By now the rest of the team has gone; to no one's surprise, Ghost scored the highest, with Soap being a rather close second. 
That's only left you with the boulder size responsibility of having to prove your worth to the team by beating at least one of their scores. Easier said than done, as this was now your fourth attempt running through now.
You needed to score above the Sharpshooter level. Everyone else on the Task Force could do it, and you knew you could too. Yet every time you rounded the bend and the clocks were stopped, Ghost had the same result to share with you time and time again. "Sharpshooter."
And like that, you were asking to run the course again, reloading your rifle and waiting for Ghost to buzz you in for another go. Even he was starting to side-eye your performance.
On a different day, you may have breezed through this. It's not like you're not a good shot in your own right, and you've always been competitive. However, you hadn't realized how much of a funk you were in until now, and it was really taking a toll on your speed.
You wouldn't give up so readily, however.
You knew this was silly. You knew you didn't have to prove to anyone what skills you had. You were transferred here for a reason and anyone who had something to say about that could argue with the wall about it. But it meant something to you to tell yourself that you could do this. Because you know you can. And if Ghost is OK with continuing to supervise you, then you're OK with running the course for a fifth time.
You reach the course exit nearly out of breath, stray strands of hair now escaping your bun and sticking to the sweat of your cheeks. You lower your rifle and slouch over in exhaustion. That has to be it. "What did I get?"
Ghost steps over to you from where he's been monitoring your progress, having multiple cameras set up towards the lobby area just outside the course. His eyes lazily dip down to his clipboard, before sluggishly returning to you again.
You groan to yourself, annoyed, as you stepped over to the lieutenant so you could review your results. As you expected, you're only four seconds shy of Soap's top score. You haven't been able to get any closer than that.
"You keep hesitatin' when you pull the trigger," Ghost chided suddenly. "Think less with your feelings, more with your gut. Otherwise, you keep this up and it'll get you killed one of these days. I mean they teach that in basic, yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you jab, which clearly does not humor the lieutenant in the slightest. Though nothing seemed to humor him much today. In fact, he's seemed almost annoyed with you. Not that you know what it is you might have done. You had more pressing issues to deal with as is.
"I'm not talkin' for my own benefit here," Ghost remarks. "What good is havin' you with us if you can't keep up? This needs work."
"I get it, Ghost, I do," you straighten up, trying not to take his words to heart. 
"Then start acting like you do," he said.
You know that in some way he just wanted to be sure you were ready for what you've gotten yourself into. He didn't want you holding them back, and you shared the sentiment. Even now, he's only run one mission with you in the past, and you'd say your performance then was less than satisfactory that night also.
However, the lieutenant's harping could be rather grating. And he had no problem with continuing, however long you continued to stand in front of him.
"You'd 'ave been dead already, had I not been there on our last op," he says suddenly, a fact you needn't any reminding of. It's part of the reason why you haven't just called it a day yet. "Hesitation, Canary. That's your problem. Fix it."
"Yes sir," you nod.
"Now," Ghost ushers for you to get back to it. "Show me what all this fuss is over you Shadows. I'm still waiting to see for myself."
"In due time, Lieutenant," you say.
"Clock’s tickin'."
You rush back over to the course entrance, waiting at the doorway with your rifle hugged to your chest for Ghost to buzz you in. As you prepare yourself, you don't notice Soap entering the building only seconds later. Before he'd had time to say anything though, Ghost buzzed the door open, as you rushed into the course, the timer beginning.
By now you had most of the course memorized: Around this corner is a narrow corridor with six rooms on either side. Each room is filled with a mix of targets and civilians made out of metal posts that swing up once you've entered the room. The objective at this point was simple enough -- clear out all hostiles as fast as possible with as few casualties as possible.
As far as you're concerned, your precision more than matches Ghost's and Soap's, and if they couldn't see that at this point then they were deliberately giving you a hard time. When you shoot, you don't miss. It's something you've prided yourself on. However, your speed seemed to be more of a crutch than you'd noticed.
From the monitors outside the course, Ghost and Soap watch as you swiftly infiltrate the first two rooms, taking out the first couple of targets in a matter of seconds.
Soap watches intently, not having had the chance to really see you run the course yet. He has to keep himself from grinning; watching you was damn impressive. "How many times has she gone now?" he asks.
"Four. Excluding this one," Ghost answers.
"Steamin’ Jesus," Soap huffs. "How's she scorin'?"
"Just two seconds shy of Expert," Ghost says. "She's nearly got you beat, Johnny."
"Wow, OK," Soap says rather proudly. "She's passed then technically, no?"
"That's right," says Ghost. "She's runnin' this by her own request. Says she can beat one of our scores."
"And she might beat mine?" Soap whines, though Ghost can't tell if it's out of competition or genuine adoration. Though the man's next comment would leave little to the imagination. "Woof. What a woman."
"She's got it down, mostly." Ghost continues to monitor the cams, seeing you reach the final two rooms of the corridor. "Apart from this one bit ‘ere..."
Ghost watches you enter the room, your rifle raised and ready to fire. The targets spring up as displayed: two hostiles and a civilian woman. The hostile cutouts appear as cliche as possible, dressed in dark tactical gear and expressing themselves rather angrily. The woman was rather comical as well, drawn out to look as though she were screaming and crying.
You reach this room and it takes you a good three seconds to fire, and soon after your performance from this room to the next slows down drastically. Just as it has done the last four times.
Ghost presses down on the intercoms again. "Pick it up, Canary," he barks out. "You tellin' me you got in with that aim?"
"A bit harsh, eh L.T.?" Soap comments.
"Some tough love never hurts," Ghost retorts.
You barge back through the course exit once more, reapproaching the lieutenant as you eagerly await your score.
Ghost reviews everything, and looks back at you plainly. "Sharpshooter."
"Fuck!" You throw your head back in defeat, groaning to yourself loudly.
"Fuckin' hell, Canary," Ghost crosses his large arms over his chest, cocking his head at you rather disappointedly. "We haven't got all day. Maybe it's time to call it quits-"
"No," you immediately protest. "I can do this, I know I can..."
Despite the vigor in your voice, your eyes betray you when they fall from the lieutenant's. You didn't want the doubt to start settling in, but it had been a tough battle for it not to. Both Soap and Ghost scored Expert with ease, and here you are now struggling to even make it that far. Even if you get it now, what good would it do?
Having sensed the sudden change in your demeanor, Ghost sighs to himself suddenly, relaxing his posture. "Don't doubt yourself then," he starts. "You've got the right idea; you can do this. I'll be here 'til you do, lieutenant."
Don't doubt yourself. You can do this. I'll be here 'til you do… You want to believe Ghost when he says that. Don't doubt yourself. You're here now, aren't you?
Ghost can see in your eyes that he's said just what you needed to hear, and a small smile forms. You can't see it, but the softness of his gaze made you like to believe it so.
You give the lieutenant an affirming nod, before rushing back over to your starting position, waiting for him to buzz you in for a sixth time.  You should have stopped being embarrassed about it three tries ago honestly.
Ghost calls to you suddenly. "Canary."
You look back at him.
"Remember," he said. "Don't hesitate. You can do this."
"You've got this, Canary!" Soap cheers you on from the sidelines. You wondered if they both could hear your heart skip a beat. You give them a final nod, before turning back to the obstacle, and seeing the lieutenant buzz you in.
Ghost watches you from the monitors, seeing you move unlike any way you have before. You sweep each room with ease, being stopped by nothing and quickly making your way to the next like a shadow in the night. Your performance is so beautiful, neither men can even bring themselves to make a comment on it. They were too busy watching.
"There she goes," Ghost says under his breath, not even aware that he had begun to. Though you can't see Ghost, you can feel him cheering you on from the other side of the wall.
You reach that final room that's been tripping you up this whole time, watching as the cutouts pop up. You remember not to hesitate, and really allow your mind to let go of itself and your finger to move over the trigger naturally. You pull the trigger and drop your targets, and move out in a flash, finishing the last room with ease and making a dash to the course exit.
You barge through the doors for your sixth and hopefully final time, eagerly waiting for Ghost to give you your score, turning the safety to your rifle and placing it on the rack with the rest of them. This had to be it. You could feel it.
Ghost goes over the score, and even he can't hide how impressed he is. You just scored higher than he did.
You let out the girliest squeal imaginable, and it damn near startles both men, as your arms shoot above your head with excitement. You did it. You did it! Not only did you do it, but you beat both Soap and Ghost's scores on top of it. Even though it took you damn near half the day, you didn't care, because you did it.
And then you do something you probably shouldn't have.
Being a habitual hugger in most instances that called for it, your first instinct was to hug someone. Soap wasn't immediately by you, however, Ghost was. And you weren't really thinking when you leaped over to him joyously, your small arms barely managing to wrap around his large frame, as you pulled him in for a hug.
Immediately you feel the lieutenant's body tense up, the man feeling like a statue to hold as a small gasp escapes his lips. Suddenly the man forgot everything he was previously thinking. 
It's a good thing he could keep himself together, however, because had you truly surprised him, he may have accidentally pushed you away from him. Or worse. If only out of instinct. And if you knew the kind of morning he'd had, you might have thought twice about coming in so casually.
Still, your arms felt as good to be wrapped in as they had that night nearly a month ago. You squeeze him as tightly as you can, your face buried in his chest and your smile lying against him. Warm and true. Just like he remembered it.
Just as he's thought of wrapping his arms around you and finally returning the hug, you let go of him, noticing how stiff he is no doubt. His cold and guarded behavior doesn't dampen your mood, as you look up at him and smile. He gets lost in the way your eyes glisten with joy, not wanting to break from its hold just yet.
But alas, Soap has come in before Ghost can say anything further. You see the Sergeant approach you with a huge smile on his face, his arms already out for you to jump into. Which you happily obliged. 
You practically bolt to him, feeling him completely envelop you, as you nuzzle your head into his chest, smiling into him, squealing. Soap reciprocates your hug tenfold, embracing you so tightly it nearly takes the air from your lungs. But there was no better sensation than the feeling he gave while having you in his arms. He could take the oxygen from your lips as he wishes.
"I knew you could do it!" Soap boasted, his voice vibrating inside your chest. Had Ghost not begun to speak, you would have nearly forgotten he was there. Only momentarily.
"Alright," he says rather gruffly. "That'll do, you two."
You and Soap pull yourselves away from each other, awkwardly straightening yourselves up before looking back over at Ghost. He seems more interested in looking at you than Soap, however. His eyes peered into you like daggers suddenly, and it nearly sucked the excitement straight from you.
Have you overstepped?
"I say we celebrate with some drinks, aye?" Soap says suddenly, doing his best to alleviate the sudden tension that had grown between you and Ghost, as even he noticed it now. It nearly works.
"I need at least 48 hours between my nights out I'm afraid," you laugh. 
Soap shrugs. "Eh, suit yourselves then. I'll see if the others want to."
"No rest for the wicked, right Johnny?" Ghost quips.
"Right you are, L.T." Soap clicks his tongue.
The two of you watch as Soap exits the building, leaving you two alone. Suddenly the room felt empty of all its oxygen and incredibly small.
Ghost looked down at you like he had something to say but wouldn't. It's how he's been looking at you all day. You tried your best to not let it get to you, but you couldn't help but worry that last night may have rubbed him the wrong way.
Quickly, you think back on what it was that you may have done to suddenly to provoke him.
"Hey," you turn to Ghost, meeting his eyes bravely, though you admit his gaze felt more chilling than usual. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable just now. I didn't mean-"
"Just keep things professional, alright?" Ghost scolds. "You’d do good rememberin' that, lieutenant."
Right, you understand where the man's coming from. You're here to do a job, not mess around with them. Though they do make that a challenge not to do.
"Right," you nod, looking down at your feet rather defeatedly. "I'm sorry."
You weren't used to feeling this presence from Ghost. Like the sight of you suddenly brought him some sort of displeasure. You've heard stories of that famous, disinterested gaze of his, and how being next to him could make you feel puny in more ways than one. Maybe your were just hoping you'd been a special case with him. What were you thinking anyway?
But then Ghost goes and does something that makes you think maybe you aren't stupid for thinking you're something special. You hear Ghost sigh, and to your sudden surprise, you feel his hand rest firmly on the top of your head, as he began to pat you like a dog.
"Good job today, Canary."
When your eyes meet his again, you smile. And oh, how quickly are you reminded of what it was that kept you so interested in wanting to get close to the lieutenant. These small, little moments he scarcely let out.
You remember how encapsulating his eyes were, holding many years of experiences and stories that only he could tell. Every time you caught them, you couldn't help but wonder what could be going on behind that mask of his. What could be on the mind of a man like him?
Would you ever know?
"I had a good coach," you smile.
"Don't take 'em for granted," Ghost says dryly.
"I won't," you smile. "Thank you. Really. You were just the motivation I needed, it seems. Thank you."
Ghost leaving you with his approval was enough to drown out any other negative feelings you felt a moment ago. At least for now, which was enough.
Despite the mask, from how his jaw shifted momentarily, you could tell he was about to say something to you. Though he decides not to. You'll spend all night wondering what it was he wanted to say, instead of what he opted for instead.
"Don't mention it."
Inevitably, the day comes to yet another end. 
After leaving the course, Ghost made sure not to be anywhere near you, needing the chance to recuperate with himself badly. He was beginning to learn how incredibly difficult it would be to block you out of his mind. 
If you weren't such a treat to talk to at times, he's sure he would have no troubles whatsoever with keeping you at distance. But it seems if you're given even the smallest chance to talk to him, the man couldn't help but cave in and be nice back to you.
So he would need to go to plan B now if he wished to squash this little crush and get back to working with you professionally -- avoiding you.
At the very least, Ghost knew he could escape you once the night came, and there was no better distraction than the man's own hobbies. 
Ghost waited until it was well past a reasonable hour to be out, before changing into some gym attire (mask included) and heading out for his nightly jog. The one thing he'd actually had left to look forward to today.
Ghost arrived at an open track just 3 miles or so from the barracks, the field shrouded behind trees and shrubbery, as the clouds began to break and divide amongst a cool, night sky. No one else seemed to be around, a part from the occasional vehicle driving by. It almost excited the man to finally have a place to run that was all to himself.
Most people would be in bed at this hour, however, Ghost liked to use these hours to run errands and work out, seeing as it was the best way to avoid the crowd. He'd scouted out the area around the base the moment he got the name of where he was moving to. 
So you can imagine Ghost's shock and utter dismay when he arrived at the track field and saw that not only was he not alone, but you had been there as well.
Ghost looks up to the sky for a moment, like a camera was looking down at him, with some distant audience laughing at him. Certainly, the universe was having a go at him. He was prepared to turn back around for the night, or even find another place to do his run. However, you see him in the distance before he can escape.
You call to him, jogging over to where the man stands a little ways off from the track. You were changed into some tracksuit which fit you like a model on the cover of a magazine. Ghost looks you up and down, and then quickly hopes you hadn't just noticed that. 
From the sweat that painted your brow, you'd already been out here for a while. Out of breath, you begin to tease the lieutenant. "Can't stay away, huh? You followin' me now?"
"Not in the slightest," Ghost responds. "I wasn't expecting any company."
"Oh, well... surprise," you grin at him.  "I’ve only got three more laps if you want to be alone.”
Ghost could work with that.
“I’ll work around you," he said. "Don’t worry about it.”
You swear you were going to leave Ghost alone on the track.
You were coming up on your last lap now; Ghost had gone ahead and started his way around, sporting his usual hoodie and sweatpants get-up. It made him look like a hulking, shadowy mass on the track, calmly jogging his way along by. Paying no mind to you.
When he'd run by you, he'd make no acknowledgement of your presence, his mind fully focused on jogging. After he'd passed you a third time when you'd not even finished your second lap around, your impulses got the better of you.
Playfully, you wait for Ghost to run by you again before picking up your own speed. Though it's dark, and Ghost, as usual, is wearing a mask, the look on his eyes when he glanced over and saw you jogging side-by-side with him couldn't be more bemusing. 
Ghost doesn't say anything though, merely rolling his eyes as he turns his focus back to the track ahead of him. And then, the bastard actually started to run a little faster. Just fast enough to not be next to you anymore.
Asshole. You pout to yourself, before it's turned to a cheeky smirk. You wouldn't be done just yet.
You pick up your speed now, matching with the lieutenant's again until you're running alongside him once more. When the lieutenant looks over at you again, you smile sarcastically and wave at him.
Ghost runs ahead of you again. But he wouldn't get away from you that easily.
You catch up to Ghost again. And he runs away again. You keep picking up the speed, and every time you've matched it Ghost goes faster. Pretty soon, you both are practically bolting down the track after each other.
You start laughing to yourself, Ghost's stubbornness to let you jog beside him growing borderline comedic to you at this point. Of course you felt equally childish chasing after him, but it also made you feel kind of happy too. It was childish and it was sweet, and you were just having fun.
"Give it up already!" Ghost huffs out suddenly. His tone would lead you to believe he's annoyed, but it's so out of breath you find it goofy.
You laugh out loud. "You first!"
You're just about to be at Ghost's side again, when the universe suddenly feels the need to make you eat your own words. Your foot catches onto the ground wrong, as the tip of your toe trips you, causing you to topple over at top speed. 
You yelp.
The suddenness of it causes Ghost to turn and look your way, as he sees you about to fall. Instinctively, he turns, ready to catch you, just as you subconsciously reach out to grab hold of him. As a result, you both go crashing onto the ground.
Ghost falls onto his back, his head bouncing off the ground with a heavy thud. Meanwhile, you fall on top of the man, who right now feels more akin to a pile of bricks than anything remotely comfortable. As you crash onto him, you feel your weight shoot all the air out of his lungs, as you both fall down with a heavy oof.
"Fuckin' hell, that hurt!" Ghost groans, shooting a hand to the back of his throbbing head. 
You adjust yourself on top of him, trying to catch your own breath. "Are you OK?"
"It's nothin'," Ghost says.
"I'm sorry…"
Ghost pauses, lifting his head up slightly so that his eyes could meet yours. You watch the way his mud-color eyes twinkle in the night, observing how the dark of his irises took in every bit of you. It was hard to look away from.
"Like I said, it's nothin', Luv." 
Ghost rests his head back on the ground with a sigh, staring up at the starry sky above instead. The whole time you remain in place on top of him, feeling the rising and falling of his chest beneath you, as it carried your tiny frame with it. 
Had his hands not still been firmly clasped over your arms, you would have removed yourself from being on top of him. You're not even sure he's noticed himself still holding you.
"You're a stubborn bloody woman,” he comments suddenly.
"I almost had you, though," you tease.
"You're a lot slower than I remember, Ghost."
"You're a lot clumsier than I remember, Canary."
"Good thing I have you here to catch me then,” you giggle. “Helps you stay on your feet, lieutenant."
"They didn't mention that bein’ part of the job."
"It's under the same section that says not to hesitate."
"I'm surprised you read it then," Ghost teases.
"Oh fuck you."
You laugh and jokingly nudge at him, but almost pause when you feel something suddenly. For the first time since you've known the man, you feel his chest bubble in a light chuckle. He actually chuckled. Of course it's barely audible, and only last for about a second. But he did. And suddenly your heart was racing.
"Does this make me a winner then?" he sarcastically asks.
"For now anyway."
You laugh at his joke, subconsciously resting your head back down on his chest as you did.  In the meantime, Ghost was doing everything in his power right now not to focus on the fact that your body was shifting and moving and vibrating on top of him, your whole being so close to him that he felt he could go to sleep right here.
Though Ghost doesn't speak, you can feel his heartbeat begin to pick up in his chest as well. It makes you pause, you can't lie.
You notice his eyes have been locked on yours for a rather long time now since you’ve looked back at him. Well over a minute. His gaze is softer than anything you’ve seen before, and he’s lost in you from the looks of things. Lost in your eyes, lost by your touch, not even fully aware of just how long you’ve been on top of him, your heart thumping with his.
His hand gently trails up your arm, and it freezes you in place, your breath catching in your lungs. Wondering if you should stand or speak before something happened. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious as to what it was Ghost might be planning. Surely he wouldn’t do anything drastic, would he? No, not Ghost. Not the man who prided himself off on his discipline and formality.
Suddenly you’re noticing just how close you are to him too; you’re on top of the man for crying out loud. A position you never thought in a million years you’d be in, let alone today. And his eyes looked so much prettier up close, when they weren’t glinted with their usual tired disdain. No, the look he gave you was now something more… delicate. As delicate as his hands were against you.
Ghost’s voice is so faint you almost miss him speak to you. “Y/N…” 
You didn’t think he’d do anything, however, his hand keeps sliding up your arm, and it's making goosebumps dance down your skin like a ballroom dance. His fingers trace up to your neck, as cold as they were gentle, and you feel as though you’re seconds away from fainting. What is he doing? What in the world is going on right now?
It’s as though the sound of your voice brought him back to the reality of what he was doing, because the second you speak, his hand pauses. His eyes grow wide, before a fire starts to burn behind them, and he takes his hand away from you, shifting himself up instead.
You take the hint, finally climbing off of him as you both fixed yourself, an awkward silence having now fallen in the air. You weren’t sure if you should comment on it. If that was an accident then… that’s what it was, right? Still, accident or not, your heartrate had doubled since that moment, and it hasn’t ceased to stop yet.
You look over at Ghost, wondering what the man might be thinking right now. His hood has fallen off, giving you a better view of his masked-covered head. He stands there, looking off into the field bashfully. Perhaps waiting for you to speak as well. His sudden shyness is not lost upon you.
Habitually, you say to him, “I’m sorry.”
Ghost shakes his head, roughly slipping his hands into his pockets as he shuffled around a bit in his stance. “Don’t be...” he says. “You know, you say that a lot.”
“I can’t help it,” you admit.
You’re unsure where it comes from, but you start to speak more from your heart than from anywhere tactical. “...I just really want you to like me.”
“I fail to see how that matters,” Ghost argues.
“Can’t we be friends?”
“Wha’, like you and Johnny?”
That one catches you off guard.
Of course, he suspected something. That only explains why he had been acting so awkward and cold with you all day. More than he normally was that is. Still, knowing that he knew you and Soap had something going on didn't make that news any better to hear.
“It can be anything you want it to be,” you tell him. “There’s nothing wrong with having people in your life, Ghost.”
He almost looked irritated with your answer. But you knew where that kind of irritation stemmed from. He was as mad at himself as he wanted to be at you. Mad enough to leave in fact, as right after, the man’s turned heel and started walking away from you.
Ghost wouldn't let you in close. He wouldn't allow it. Not you, not Soap, not anyone. He saw it as doing you all a favor, really. Neither of you wouldn't want anything to do with a man like him if you knew any better. Bad things always seem to come his way, one way or another. It's best not to mix others up in that.
You watch him go, ready to let him leave. But not really wanting him to go so soon.
"Where are you going?" you ask him.
"Away,” he says. 
Away. You were beginning to see a pattern.
"You don’t have to,” you call out suddenly.
Ghost stops in his tracks, his back still facing you, and his head cocked back to look up at the night sky. You continue speaking, determined to get to the bottom of this. You might as well, before you’re out in the field and it gets in the way of things.
“I know you don’t trust me, and I don’t blame you” you say. “I also know we haven’t known each other for very long either but… I would never hurt you, Ghost. I hope you know that.”
Ghost looks to you with a doubtful gaze. "Even if it weren't your choice to make?"
You nod. "Even so."
Ghost shakes his head disappointedly, chuckling to himself even. It finally manages to urk you. “Ghost-”
“Look,” he cuts in. “Just stay away from me, alright? I can't make that same promise to you."
"Why can't you?" you press.
"Canary, I'm telling you to leave me the fuck alone if you know what's good for you,” Ghost growls out.
You don’t listen, even going as far as to take a few steps closer to him. You pause when you see him take a step back however, not wanting to further overstep his boundaries.
"If that choice was out of your hands as well,” you ask again. “Would you hurt me?"
"I' don’t want to find out…” Ghost admits.
You stand a few feet from the lieutenant, taking his words in and letting them marinate in your mind. While even now Ghost remained as guarded and closed off as he could be, what he said to you was probably the most honest thing he’s ever said to you -- That he isn’t sure what he’d do if he was forced to hurt you. If you ever gave him a reason to.
In due time, you feared that question would really be answered. You didn’t look forward to that day, should it come.
"Let's hope we don't then, lieutenant,” you say.
Ghost nods. “I will.”
Ghost turns to leave again, and this time you don’t stop him. You remain where you are, reminding yourself to not forget what brought you here.
You hadn’t wanted Ghost’s words to make you sad after hearing them, but they did. His words made you sad, because with it came fear. If Ghost or Soap were to ever hear of Shadow Company’s criminal operations with the General, it would surely be the end to any feelings you've built up over the past month. They'd probably never want you around again. And that’s if you even survived the encounter.
You're not so sure what point it was that you stopped pretending. That you kept talking and wanting to be around 141, not because it was your mission to stay close, but because you wanted to. You wanted their approval. And it upset you, just as much as it kept you going all these weeks.
But how much have you let the lines blur between yourself and work lately? Where was it that your lies ended and your true self began? It was pivotal that 141 liked you, but that hadn't been the only reason why you'd gotten so drawn in by them.
You hadn’t realized how deep into things you’d been until now, because at this point, them finding out the truth would be more than a problem. It would be a complete betrayal of their trust.
No, if you wanted to make it out of here with your life and relationships in tact, the Task Force couldn’t find out about Al Mazrah.
You couldn’t allow it.
...Chapter Twenty Here!
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cevansbaby-dove · 3 months
I wouldn’t worry about those blogs.
The ringleader is a cuckoo and she repeatedly says she’s not a CE fan and is only into his characters. She says she doesn’t follow his life like that and only knows people who know him (lol) So pray tell, why are people even paying attention to her? she doesn’t like him! So why would she know anything about him? She doesn’t care about his career or projects and instead just focuses on how she can troll people into thinking a breakup is going to happen.
Here are some facts vs what Regina and her crew have been saying:
She claims he’s C list and nobody cares about him yet spends 24:7 talking about him and pretending she knows that he’s going to divorce soon.
He is A list. Has been for years. He is not on Ben affleck and Matt Damon level but that’s also because he doesn’t put himself in the spotlight like they do. The guy literally disappears and does like one or two interviews when he needs to. He doesn’t do big brand endorsements, he’s not at every award show, he’s not doing prestige films that get a lot of big press so of course the GP isn’t checking for him like that. But when he’s mentioned people do know his name and more so by his famous character. He was given back to back 200 million film deals (yes, those projects didn’t do as well as they could have, but his name was attached to it because he was AT that level.)
I would say he’s gotten less popular over the years because after endgame his popularity soared. What goes up must come down. This was never going to be forever. And that’s ok. He still is here and he still is working. He doesn’t have to be at the forefront of everything to be considered a famous person. He had his time, now it’s time for others to shine. But if he chooses, he can make a comeback. His remaining fanbase should hope for that. Instead of checking to see how many bots he’s lost.
Regina and her crew post how many followers he loses everyday. Those loss of followers are clearly bots. He doesn’t do anything specific to warrant steady losses of actual followers. It just means his team is not having him keep up appearances of gains as much as they did at one point. Also, pre AB era, CE’s engagement on SM was impressive. His rare selfie garnered Millions of likes and thousands of comments. His last few posts right before AB got multi millions of likes. His actual IG followers are a lot less than some of his old costars because he came to IG much later than most. He started late but he was actually getting a lot more than ppl with hundred million followers (the Rock) and others. People did genuinely like him for him. He’s lost some of that shine now but it doesn’t mean the public hates him. He’s not blacklisted from the industry (clearly - but some people were claiming this 🙄)
Regina and her crew like to say he’s got no acting chops and compare him to other actors saying he won’t get any roles that are good. So he needs to stick to rom coms. She’s full of shit. First of all, he’s done like one romcom in the last ten years. So no. He may be limited in what roles he gets because many people may still perceive him as a certain type of actor. His latest projects may start to change that. We will see.
Regina and her friends like to say there’s no engagement for him anymore and nobody cares except they alone spend all their free time posting think pieces about him. They very much still care because they are still here. So what does that say about them?
His “marriage” is not going to ruin his career but it probably has dampened his Internet bf persona significantly. But at his age, does it really make sense to still have boyband level fans? He’s going to hit mid 40s and still have teenage fangirls?
I feel like it’s better that he loses that Internet BF popularity and starts focusing on pivoting his career. It can be difficult but at least that has endurance and longevity potential. It’s just making sure that you do still maintain an audience that wants to see you and will come out to watch you in projects you do. That’s what he needs to worry about in terms of popularity.
What is hurting him now is projects not doing well and hurting his potential future offers. But if he starts to choose better projects he may see a resurgence.
His fanbase has significantly shrunk but TBH, that happens to many actors that were once popular and eventually just outgrow or get outgrown by their fan base. People move on. He still will have fans but they just won’t be as intense as the ones who will sit there fighting trolls for him on the internet. That’s the bed he has to lie in and it’s up to him and his team to decide how they can pivot from their current situation.
You seem like you are a good person and you want to root for him and stay positive. That’s a good energy to have and I think some other blogs could stand to learn from that. (Doubt it though)
I am 23 not a teen and i agree 100%
Posting about how many followers he's losing is nothing but mean they are laughing about him when he's becoming more and more less of "i love my fans" Kind of guy.
And As for me rotting for him HELL yes i will unless he does something Super bad I will keep being a fan of his.
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bookqueen101 · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @probablynottola
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
5 - 3 of which are ones I brought over from ff.net when I started writing on AO3 last year.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
~ 16,700. That's... more than I thought.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso is my current fandom and the one that's re-ignited my desire to write fic. The last time I wrote fic was for Glee a literal decade ago
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Given that I only have 5 total, I'll just share the one with the most kudos which is When One Door Closes because I posted that one while series 3 was still airing.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, absolutely.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I can't remember if they had angst-y endings specifically but some of the drabbles in the Jay Brannan-inspired Klaine collection are the closest I've got to writing angst.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Both of my Ted Lasso fics are happy rom-coms, I can't choose between them!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, not experienced that, thank goodness
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not yet, and I'm not sure if I will. I am working on a more NSFW fic currently (affectionally referred to as the 'dick pic penpals' fic so far) so I'll see where that goes!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, that's an interesting idea though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
At the moment, for writing, my default is TedTrent. In general, I tend to be a multi-shipper in fandoms so I do wonder if I'll end up writing anything else.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There was a conversation in the discord a few months ago that sparked the idea of a mythological pirate story where Trent was convinced of the existence of mythological creatures but no-one believed him until he met Captain Lasso and his pirate crew and runs away with them.
I dont think I'm good enough yet at writing plot stuff to get very far with that one but it's a good idea.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like writing dialogue - if I know the character well enough I can almost hear some of the lines in their voice which helps. Stream of consciousness/train of thought bits as well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing actual plot events. What do you mean stuff has to actually happen and I have to describe how it looks?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've not had to do it yet. I've read a lot of Check Please fic though which often has bits of Quebecois in where you can google translate it or get the gist from context as you read through.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fic was a Doctor Who one with a companion who was basically my self-insert. I was like 17 when I wrote it and I did put it on ff.net a few years later because it wasn't totally awful.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I really like my last one, Something's Brewing, because I wrote it mostly to indulge myself. I also really enjoyed writing a 5+1 fic for the first time.
Tagging: I think I've seen all the people I can think of already tagged in this game so if you want to do this and haven't been tagged, consider this your sign
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ayakamiyuiii · 2 years
"I'm Sorry." P2 of "Okay."
"I'm sorry," You heard from the other end of the line, It was Osamu - Did he know this was going on? confusion strikes across your face as you fail to make something of this. "So .. You knew?" You lowly muttered, To yourself but he heard anyways. "No i- i was coming over to drop off some of Tsumu's belongings- he'd left behind- And i- i heard a women, i- it wasn't you tho, Sure didn't look like ya either." He sounded so out of breath, You couldn't help it you start sobbing all over Again "I dunno what i did osamu.." You get out through a string of sobs, "Hey hey don't- cry, Where are you ( y / n ) ? let me come to ya yeah? .." he whisper - talks, " 'kay.." you say trying not to sob more than you already have, after letting him know where you were you bring your knees up to your chest, truly wondering what went wrong, Was he really that tired of you he needed to find another women without telling you? before you could indulge more into your saddened thoughts you heard a knock on your car Window, It was Osamu - He really drove all the way here to comfort you? Opening the car door only to be greeted with a flood of apologies and reddened eyes from the other Miya himself. At this point it seemed you were both a sobbing mess " 'M so sorry ( y / n) .. 'm so sorry" he says caressing your back while you sob into his shoulder, asking him everything not even he would know the answer too, "Am i just not good enough 'samu?" You choke between the messy sobs literally and i mean literally flooding your face. Holding you by the shoulder you look into his widened eyes, "Of course 'yer good enough.. can't believe he would even wanna loose someone like ya." he says pulling you back into a comforting hug. He's sorry, he's truly sorry - He can't believe someone of his own blood would do something like that, it was out of question for Atsumu to do something like this, Yet he decides to blow up something the both of you's had worked on since high school, Pretty fucked up if yer askin' me. Lost in his own thoughts of why his stupid brother, Thought any of what he did was a good idea not realizing how hard he was hugging you " 'samu, to tight to tight" you gasp out - Finally realizing how tight he's been holding you he lets go. "What're yer gonna do now?" he questions looking into the sky, Then right back at you who seemed to be looking right at the ground, thinking to yourself where you would go and what you would do after this - Knowing how oblivious atsumu would be, He may think you don't know anything at all. "Did he say anything to you when you went to go drop off his things 'Samu?" you ask looking up from the ground, "nothin' much .. he tried lyin' his way outta this one." That hurt, He really tried lying about it? god what a dick. "Yer can stay at mine if yer wanna .. Me and Rin don't mind." You sure? .. god i don't even have my tooth brush or anything Osamu- and this is all in short notice- are you guys really going to be fi-" He cuts you off "Yer gonna be fine Me and Rin can supply you with what ya need, Yer don't gotta go through this alone, i can't let ya knowing it was ma own brother who's putting ya through this.. Please accept ma offer?" He pleads looking into your eyes. LMFAOOO HASUHADHJ ..OKAY GUYS GUYS IT'S NOT THE END, I CAN WRITE MORE OKAY!!!?! PART 3 IF U GUYS WANT YKYK?? This 'bouta turn into a poly lov story uwu You n' Osamu n' rin ...?? IDK IF U GUYS WANT THAT THO UHHHHHHHH uh lol cliffhanger 😘 Um .. so like idk how to im just uwu @darthferbert n' @multi-fandom-fanfic ... i think thats how it works and thank u sm babes uwu uh ...I PROMISE IT'S NOT THE END UNLESS MY WRITERS BLOCC COMS BCK.. 😍😍😍 also lmk what u think of polyam idk i need mental help 🤷‍♀️
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kykyonthemoon · 1 year
Tumblr media
Wandering Stars (Chapter 2)
— Parings: ScaraMona (Scaramouche x Mona) - main, ChiLumi,...
— Other characters: OCs and other GI characters
— Tags: multi-chapters, rom-com, modern AU, enemies to lovers
— Summary: A gamer and streamer known for his insolent attitude and mysterious identity. An astrologist with many troubles from her ability to predict the future. The two of them happened to be next-door neighbors, and from there the enemies to lovers romance began…
— List of chapters: ♡
— Ao3
— Masterlist
— Hoyolab
Chapter 2: The last cup noodles
[... That jerk’s still streaming?]
[After what happened with the newbie last week, he hasn’t learnt anything. Now he’s talking bad about his teammates!]
[Dude has no shame at all.]
[Well, it’s not the first time he’s cursed people. Why are you still watching his stream anyway?]
[I can’t have a good day without hearing Scaramouche’s dissing.]
[Why does this stream have so many views? You guys like to hear him cursing?]
[Popular streamer insults other people in public. Idk how this guy still gets many views?]
[Then why are you here watching his stream?]
[Actually I’m here for all the drama.]
[Disrespectful streamers like Scaramouche should have been canceled already.]
[Scaramouche should make another account to play with himself, ‘cause no one wants to play with him anymore. Hahahaha…]
The constant stream of messages coming to the screen like a billowing wave, fierce and carrying countless negative words. Kunikuzushi closed the window that was displaying it, causing the stream to end abruptly.
He sat back in his chair and placed his knees on the table, his hands on the back of his head. The ceiling fan was still spinning in circles, emitting a wailing sound. Even though it was just early summer, the temperature quickly rose. He blamed his annoyance on the freshly shifted season.
Kunikuzushi was a streamer who was well-known among the community of players of an online game called Genshin Impact. Of course, only fools reveal their true identities online, so he took the name Scaramouche from a song of his favorites. Even his avatar when streaming was virtual; a character he had commissioned an artist to design. So he didn't care much about the people he met online, not even the fans who donated to him. Because they had no idea who he really was.
Today was different. Somehow Kunikuzushi was more frustrated than usual by the words directed at him. Last week, he prepared a brief video pointing out some of the newbie's basic mistakes at the beginning of the game, all out of good intentions to remind people. But somehow it became the subject of other people's gossip and hostile criticism. To be honest, Scaramouche was a name that stood out in the community because of his disrespect and scornfulness for anyone. But he never intended for things to go too far. Those who had disliked him for a long time took this opportunity to cut and edit his video to label him the crime of making the newbie quit the game. What did it have to do with him, whether someone decided not to play the game anymore?
It was aggravating to think about it. Kunikuzushi rose and reached for the phone on the table. He quietly switched accounts from Scaramouche to a different user: Wanderer. Those people were somewhat right, he did have a sub-account. This account was created not so long ago, with no friends except one person. 
Kunikuzushi fixed his gaze on the illuminated screen.
Starseeker - Last online 3 weeks ago.
He scrolled up and down the screen to reload the page, but it remained unchanged. Three weeks had passed. Their most recent message was on the game's latest update.
Kunikuzushi was not a pleasant person, certainly not easy to make friends with. He was always alone, both in real life and in the game. He made a secondary account because he needed to plow materials for his main only. The advantage of Genshin is that you may play alone without worrying about someone yelling on the server's main chat channel, or whatever each player does in their own "world." Strangers occasionally requested to enter Wanderer's realm, but he always refused. Yet at one point he pressed the wrong button, and so Starseeker appeared.
At that moment, Kunikuzushi almost jumped up as a receding figure appeared next to his character. Just as he was about to kick them out of his world, the other quickly typed on the chat box.
[Starseeker: Hey there ^-^ Sorry to bother you…]
Kunikuzushi came to a halt as he watched the following line of text come onto the screen.
[Starseeker: May I have just some mushrooms? I’ll leave right after I’m done.]
He no longer needed that material anyway. Kunikuzushi responded briefly before departing on his mission.
Starseeker seemed like a newbie. Their character level was much lower than Wanderer even if it was a sub-account. Kunikuzushi left them alone for a while, but he couldn't focus on his mission, as the other player was continually losing blood and sacrificed on the way.
[Wanderer: Hey, stop dying, will you?]
Kunikuzushi sent a message.
[Starseeker: Well…]
The other player responded with a sticker that was as pitiful as their character. Kunikuzushi groaned.
[Wanderer: My world is at a much higher level than yours. The mobs are difficult too. Why did you choose to come here?]
[Starseeker: How come you let me in, when you know I was gonna die?]
Kunikuzushi seemed provoked.
[Wanderer: I’ll kick you out then.]
[Starseeker: Waiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt. Please. I almost have enough material to upgrade my toon.]
Kunikuzushi remained silent. In his mind he promised himself that ten minutes later he would invite Starseeker out of the world. Less than five minutes later, they were already dead.
Sighing, Kunikuzushi activated the in-game map and searched for the other player's position, to which he promptly teleported.
[Starseeker: Why are you here?]
[Wanderer: Your gameplay is a punch to my eyes.]
Starseeker sent him yet another amusing sticker. Kunikuzushi followed the other's character silently. From time to time, monsters or small bosses appeared in the way, he only needed a few clicks to defeat them all.
[Starseeker: Wow. Why are you so good at this game?]
Kunikuzushi snorted. Of course he's good. He's the best at this game.  Before he could reply, the other person had already texted.
[Starseeker: How about helping me with instances?]
[Wanderer: I’m not available.]
[Starseeker: You’re not, but you’re still following me around?]
[Wanderer: …]
[Starseeker: If you help me become stronger, I wouldn’t be bothering you like this anymore…]
That sounded reasonable enough. Kunikuzushi agreed to add the other player as a friend and then assisted them in leveling up, finding supplies, and even explaining how to combine teams and other things. When Starseeker finally said goodbye, it occurred to him that he had spent the entire evening instructing a stranger.
When befriending a person in the game, the system would automatically add them to the friends list in the external sub-app. Starseeker was the only friend Wanderer had. They would sometimes exchange a few words through text messages. Through the chatter and various things Starseeker told him, he discovered she was a young woman living in Mondstadt, another nation. As for him, he certainly didn't reveal too much about himself.
Starseeker didn't spend much time online. Every time she went online she asked Wanderer for help in the game. At first, Kunikuzushi was irritated, but then he noticed that this girl was also listening to everything he said, which was rather amusing. He didn't admit it, but he'd considered her an in-game buddy for roughly half a year.
That's why the fact that Starseeker was suddenly offline for a long time made Kunikuzushi a little disturbed. Did she take a temporary break or permanently? What happened that made her not bother to say goodbye? Or… had she completely forgotten about Wanderer? He wasn't concerned at all, just curious. That's it.
Not knowing where this sense of self-pity came from, Kunikuzushi furiously dropped the phone on the table, then picked it up again. He texted.
[Wanderer: Yo. Still breathing?]
There was no reply. Kunikuzushi pondered for a long time. At this time, he felt an appetite. There were no snacks left in his room. He decided to go out.
It was almost five in the morning, and it was still very dark. Kunikuzushi took his bike outside, opening the gate as quietly as he could. The Yamanohana made private gate keys for each person who stayed at the inn, in case they were not around.  Everyone was. Only Kunikuzushi was constantly up at night to stream until daybreak.
The breeze blew coolly as he cycled alone along the vacant street. Kunikuzushi pulled into the main road and came to a halt in front of the familiar convenience store.
He and the night shift employee were the only ones there. That boy was so used to Kunikuzushi that he only nodded, his gaze fixed to the movie playing on his phone still. He took a cursory glance around the shop. As a regular here, he did not need instructions but walked straight to the rack of cup noodles.
Kunikuzushi scoured the shelves for cup noodles from Liyue's Wanmin Restaurant. A little over a minute later, he found it. On the shelf was a spicy boiled fish-flavored cup noodles that he liked very much. Kunikuzushi enthusiastically extended his hand. At that moment, another hand emerged from the opposite direction and grabbed the cup of noodles too.
Kunikuzushi's hand rested on the cup's lid, while the other clutched the cup. At that moment, their gazes met.
The strange girl pulled the cup of noodles towards her, but Kunikuzushi never gave up easily. He also tried to snatch the last cup of his favorite noodles left on the shelf. His uncommon body didn't require many nutrients from meals, but once he set his sights on anything, no one else should be able to compete with him.
“Hey? Ladies first, haven’t you heard?” She spoke up. He thought he had heard this voice elsewhere.
“Why should I do that?” Kunikuzushi responded. 
“I saw it first!”
“So? It’s my favorite. Go get something else.”
“I like Wanmin Restaurant’s noodles too!”
The two struggled for a long time and neither of them gave in. The cup of noodles appeared to be on its way to being smashed. But it was better to let it disintegrate than fall into the hands of the obstinate girl.
When she realized she was about to lose the battle for the cup of noodles, the girl loosened her grip a little. But he didn't see it coming; it was all her trick.
The heel of the strange girl's stiletto shoe stomped on Kunikuzushi’s foot. He crashed back against the noodle rack behind him, stunned and injured. The female then hurried over and seized the cup of noodles in his hand as she triumphantly laughed.
“Thanks for the cup. I’ll enjoy it to the very last bit.”
With that said, she turned swiftly away, causing two long dark ponytails to smack Kunikuzushi on the face, as if a slap. He was certain she did it on purpose.
Shocked, upset and outraged, Kunikuzushi couldn't help but stare as she walked out of the store. She'd better go out of sight. If they ever met again, he would undoubtedly seek revenge.
* *
Mona opened her bag, tucking the newly won cup of noodles inside. The dude at the convenience store was nerve-wracking. Who would go toe-to-toe with a lady when there were so many other noodles there? It seemed as though he couldn't live without this cup of noodles.  Of course, since she wanted to win in everything, Mona wouldn't let him be content at all.
Mona pulled out her phone to check. Throughout the night she studied at the observatory upon the mountains. There was nothing new other than a few messages from family and friends. Well, there's also a message from the game that she had been neglecting for weeks.
[Wanderer: Yo. Still breathing?]
Perhaps Mona had forgotten to tell this buddy that she was moving to a new place and would be unable to play games for a while until she settled in. She texted back quickly.
[Starseeker: Guess what? I just moved to a new place. Been busy so I have no time to get online yet. Miss me already?]
Mona grinned. It felt good to know she was cared about. She slipped her phone back into the bag, and looked up at the rapidly brightening sky. When her luggage was found and transported here, she would be able to quickly settle down. 
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f1 · 1 year
Norris says McLaren 'can't be satisfied' with 2022 season after P5 finish
Lando Norris says McLaren “can’t be satisfied” with fifth place in the constructors’ standings, and insists his team must improve if they are to achieve their goals of one day winning the championship. Norris had a strong individual season as he finished a best-of-the-rest seventh place in the drivers’ championship – although he says he "hates that saying" – and was the only non Red Bull, Ferrari or Mercedes driver to score a podium in 2022. However, his McLaren team finished 14-points adrift of fourth-placed Alpine in the constructors’ standings. Asked at the season finale in Abu Dhabi how he reflected on the year, Norris admitted that McLaren had not met their pre-season expectations but he praised the team for recovering from their tough start at the opening race in Bahrain – where Norris finished 15th behind team mate Daniel Ricciardo in P14. READ MORE: McLaren announce IndyCar champ Alex Palou as reserve driver for 2023 “I mean from where we were in race one, I think we’ve done a good job, we’ve recovered well. If I think of before the season, did we achieve in 2022 what we should’ve done as McLaren? Honestly, it’s no,” Norris admitted. “If we want to do well and we want to be champions at some point and we want to win races, we can’t be satisfied with where we have been this season. But we can certainly be satisfied with the progress we’ve made, from the mechanics, with our pit stops, our strategy, the whole team, the work ethic. So many things are working well, it’s just that we need a slightly better car.” Norris says the characteristics of McLaren's 2022 car must be improved over the winter When questioned about the issues with their 2022-spec MCL36, Norris said: “It’s just our car. So, the characteristics of the car… when I have enough front, for me its front, all I need is front in my car. READ MORE: Best drives, biggest shocks, and funniest moments – Our writers reflect on the thrilling 2022 season "I don’t need rear tyres. When I have front, we can be quick. We know we can perform well like [in qualifying in Abu Dhabi] and [in the race] when I put on a set of new tyres, we were very quick. But we just kill the tyres within like five, six laps and as soon as we destroy the front tyres we are seconds off." He added: "We are half a second, one second off. So, it’s just the characteristic, what the car relies on too much. But we know all of this. We’ve known it. It’s something we’ve had for years, sadly, and it’s our job to get rid of that for next season.” Norris says he still has faith that McLaren can turn their performance around Prior to the start of the 2022 season, Norris signed a multi-year contract extension to stay with McLaren until 2025 and the six-time podium finisher insists he has full belief his team can make their way up the grid. READ MORE: 'A pretty special one' – Piastri hails 'awesome' first day with McLaren at Abu Dhabi test “It’s just faith, it’s just honesty, that’s the main things I need,” said Norris when asked what assurances McLaren had given him about moving in the right direction. “I’m not a guy who in any way likes BS, or who likes people trying to make me happy. I like just people being honest. “I have faith in McLaren, I have faith in the guys I work with, the whole team. But time will tell. You can never be a hundred per cent certain where you are going to be, but you can have a good shot at it.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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tarudce22 · 2 years
So since the Q&A for Dark Road was translated I want to talk about some of it
Question 3: The “Why did Xehanort become bald” reason was…honestly unexpected.
Nomura: Yes, it was not a matter of great importance. I just wanted to clarify that he had “shaved” because I noticed that it had been misunderstood as a common theory that he had just lost his hair. Otherwise, it is not a big problem that the Queen of Hearts did not remember Xehanort. That’s just the way she is.
Nomura telling us to be normal about why a man is bald.
Question 5: Who was the blue-robed figure seen in the epilogue of Dark Road?
Nomura: It’s the Player. Or, to be more specific, it’s the vessel where the Player’s heart has started its “second lifetime” on. Therefore, whenever someone disappears, it’s not that they’re entirely gone. Rather, their heart has melted into another person.
So we’re maybe still around, as much as I wish the “Your Xehanort” was still true I do think this is a nice way of going about having a player character in some ways. Basically with every game where there is a player character like khux of khml, That is you/us most likely, maybe each version won’t remember but its still us even after it all. This also means we may show up again, maybe even in quadratum.
Also taking into account this, many of the missing link people may be from Day Break Town. We’re maybe not the only ones that chose to fade/vanish/meld. Maybe even some that vanish before or during the war? I can only hope so. It would be nice if some of those that vanished before/during the war got to come back and have hopefully a nicer life.
Also with this information the DR kids maybe even melted into new hearts as well. They deserved nice things too.
Even though we remember i dont think every one does when they meld into a new heart. There’s a chance that we remember our khux lifetime when we where older or maybe cause of something that Brain did. Though I do have to wonder, does Luxu know we’re kind of doing the same as him? Does Brain know who we are in ML? Are we helping Luxu in a way? I mean if Brain or Ephemer ask us to do something we would most likely do it, so are we helping Luxu cause of that or does Brain and Ephemer have there own plans that go against Luxu?
I can’t wait for what questions I will have answer with Missing-Link.
Question 6: Is the Scala ad Caelum in Dark Road and the one in Missing-Link one and the same?
Nomura: Correct. The reason why there is such a difference in atmosphere is due to the fact that Scala ad Caelum is positioned as a multi-layered city, with a new city being built on top of the old one.
Ok so old scala either gets destroyed or they just decided that they want to redesign the whole city
Question 8: “Ooh, I really liked this classmate/upper classmate! Will he or she be in future stories?”
Nomura: Regrettably, while I wish I could’ve further explored their character development, I was unable to do so, or the story would get insanely extensive. Most of the characters will probably not appear in future stories, but if the opportunity arises, I would love to depict them in other forms of media.
I really hope Nomura gets to show us more of the DR kids too, we got so little time with most of them
Question 9: Could you explain more about the “Destiny is so cruel…” line by Master Odin?
Nomura: Naturally, Master Odin also had a master to mentor him. Said master entrusted Odin with a mission, which actually ties in with the identity of the blue-robed individual.
SO ODIN DID KIND OF KNOW!? Were we his master?? Hopefully a question that Misssing -Link will answer.
Question 10: Xehanort appears with a figure who we assume to be his mother. Is that…Skuld?
Nomura: That is incorrect. However, she is related to Skuld in some way. The next title, Missing-Link, will have “bloodlines” as one of the story’s main points.
I.... I need to know where she is, I NEED TO KNOW WHERE SKULD IS! Is she ok?!?
Is she not Subject X? Does this mean Its Ava?? She was looking for “4 friends and a key”, That fits both of them but and I’m still holding onto Skuld being subject x but missing link may finally give us the answer of who that is.
Question 11: Dark Road reveals details about Xehanort’s lineage and bloodline, with some mentions about the “First Master’s Bloodline,” but what about Eraqus? Are the two of them related by blood?
Nomura: My apologies. I cannot answer that, as it will be explained in Missing-Link.
Please dont be brothers, please dont be brothers, please dont be brothers
Your still not safe yet Xehanort/Eraqus shippers. Think of the years of fan art/fan fiction that could still be ruined cause dark road didnt save them at all with.
Question 13. Lastly, will Xehanort appear in future titles?
Nomura: Just because the “Dark Seeker’s Saga” is now concluded does not necessarily mean Xehanort will never appear again in future titles. If the opportunity arises, then…
We can never leave this old bald man behind. He’s gonna be working a store in kh4 just being a old man,
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spicapicnic · 2 months
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"Please teach me more about this feeling."
࣪⊹₊⭑ ࣪ ๋Omukae Shibuya-kun E01 ๋࣭ ⭑₊ ⊹ ࣪
first impressions: super funny and refreshing! aota-sensei's [tanabe momoko] character is nothing new (japan's favorite trope is the meek worker-ant mc who doesn't speak up for themself) but she's not constantly putting blame on herself + she acknowledges when ppl at her nursery school are acting ridiculous. shibuya-kun [kyomoto taiga] is a twist on the aloof-type lead where he's so awkward in social situations that the fmc can't get a read on him. he's a heartthrob actor but his life revolves around his little sister and he dresses exclusively in high-necked tracksuits lol. rizu is such a cheerful kid, they make it apparent how loved she is by her brother. overall all the mains are cute and rootable <3
pacing: nice and quick! (idk why some 10-episode jdramas pace themselves like multi-season shows?) the supporting cast was established v neatly (we've got 2 teachers, a principal, a housemate(?), and an ex-bf on aota's side + a sister, a manager, a rival/costar, and an absent mom on shibuya's side). they got aoto's requisite "collapse due to shouldering others' burdens" crisis out of the way unlike some jdramas that let it stew for ages, and shibuya's fallen for her by the end of the episode (whether he realizes this is a different question lol).
atmosphere: sooo unserious. they're really putting the com in romcom! dramatic mysterious wind moments, heartbeat sound effects, literal falling in love, etc etc etc. it's all very tongue in cheek and shoujo manga-like. i love it!
episode notes: a really strong first episode! i'm glad they got aoto's overwork crisis out of the way, but i'm not crazy about how they did it?. she loses her voice for like five minutes. at first i thought she'd caught a cold from pulling an all-nighter or smth but she was speaking fine afterward? some dramas make it an endless cycle of fmc getting overwhelmed + needing saving and i hope this drama doesn't follow that pattern. shibuya's character is really exaggerated in terms of his emotionlessness/ social ineptitude. it wouldn't work in a more serious romance drama but it sets the comedic tone for this drama, and aoto's reactions to him are priceless! they also set the stage for some potential love troubles further down the road with aoto's ex-bf (another irl idol lol) and shibuya's costar, and i wonder how shibuya's popularity as an actor might complicate their relationship?
imo a clever move by the writers is creating a jdrama-in-a-jdrama where snippets of shibuya's current acting role are shown like an actual drama. it lets viewers see shibuya in his on-mode but more importantly it provides fanservice for all the idol fangirls tuning in. never in 100 years did i think i'd see a kyomoto taiga bl kabedon. but:
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