#it's an actual thing like 'selfie' and 'twerk'
safetycar-restart · 1 year
i always get a feeling sub!yuki would want to be pursued in dating, the pining is real! sure, he's not bad at approaching. but he yearns from a distance and is actually too shy to approach this girl, he doesn't know that to say, he becomes a klutz.
based on how laissez-faire he is in his interactions with other drivers, people probably think he'd go up to her at a party and drunkenly twerk on her lap, yelling and flirting without a filter. little do people know yuki is a total closet romantic and wants the first moments to be special and protected. the soft sub in him could not thrive otherwise! it should not be messy, he wants a serious start.
instead, he will post selfies, flower and nature pictures he assumes and hopes she enjoys — so she'll slide into his DMs. "liked by yuki tsunoda" is the new thing! he just wants to curl into this girl's lap, he wants to be called a good boy so badly and never be neglected 💔
- george's long legs anon 👕 returns. delighted by all the superb asks and answers across the board tonight!!
Ooo yes let’s bring in sub!yuki!! I’m very surprised we haven’t talked about him yet tonight actually. Also I’m so glad to see you’re all enjoying this!! It’s been ages since I’ve had a good long while write so this has been so so nice.
I love the idea that Yuki needs to be pursued. He wants to approach, he really really does!! But he doesn’t want to mess it up. He can’t just make jokes and wait for it all to blow over, because he won’t get a second chance.
And I love the idea that he takes romance seriously.
Of course he’s still his happy, joking himself. You’re absolutely that one very weird couple when you guys get together. But he doesn’t mess out with how serious the relationship is? There’s no ‘talking’ phase with him, no point where you aren’t sure what you are to him.
When he has feelings for someone, then he doesn’t play around with that. He wants a proper relationship with love and support and yes okay killer sex would be nice too.
But he’s so scared to actually approach you? What if he messes up?
God I love the idea that he would just continuously post things on insta that he thinks you would like. He’ll even post making it VERY clear that he’s in your city so that you might ask to meet up. He likes all your posts embarrassingly quickly too, making it as obvious as he can that he’s regularly looking at your insta page.
It does eventually work, because you send him a message being like “you seem to always like my posts? Hello?”
You’re very confused because he hardly said two words to you when you actually met him, but you give him a shot anyway and holy fuck he’s so sweet?
Your first date is just dinner but then he invites you back to his place for cuddles. You go along with it, thinking that he wants sex. But no. No he actually wants cuddles.
Which is how you end up laying on Yuki’s bed, his head on your chest, as you chat and get to know each other. And honestly? It’s serious from that point onwards.
He’s just the best boyfriend ever.
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mellicose · 6 years
That Woman Over There - Chapter 3
A You Me and Him Fix-it Fic
Rating: Teen, for language
Word count: 2924
Warnings: none
Summary: ~ Set after the birth of Monty, Olivia’s baby ~ A dear friend of Olivia comes to visit for a week, and she disturbs the fragile peace between her, Alex, and John.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 3
They spent a nice morning in, since Olivia was still on her extended pregnancy leave. Connie reveled in their domestic rhythms, and it made her wistful. She missed it. The unhurried affection, the unspoken knowledge of each other’s habits.
After breakfast, they sat around chatting again, but before lunch, Connie was yawning and rubbing her eyes.
“You’re still jetlagged,” Olivia said, picking up Monty from the play seat on the floor “You should have a little nap before lunch.”
“I dunno,” she said. “Then I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”
“I’ll wake you in an hour. Monty’s looking like he needs a nap too,” she said, and kissed his sticky cheek. “It’s been a busy morning.”
She leaned over and poked Monty’s belly. “What up, friend,” she whispered. “We’re nap buddies.” He yawned, then gave her a grin. She looked up at Olivia. “Yeah, I think I could use a sueñito.”
Olivia smiled. “A little sleep, si?” she said.
“Precisamente,” Connie said. Olivia had loved their Spanish lessons back in the day. And she had been a very, very good student.
“Hasta luego,” she said, waving Monty’s hand at her. “Until later, Aunt Connie. Bye bye…” she said softly, then walked out.
She got comfortable on the giant sofa and pulled a woven blanket over herself. The sun warmed her feet, making the burns sting a bit. She tucked them in the blanket.
Aunt Connie, she thought, and closed her eyes. I like the sound of that.
Slow, pulsing pink. 
Her cheeks burned with sunlight. She turned to her side and it was dark again. Singing, soft, and in an unfamiliar cadence, kept her from sinking back into unconsciousness. It was sweet, and vaguely reminded her of late nights in her childhood, when her father sat by her bed after coming back from parts unknown, still smelling of good tobacco and bay rum. He sang to her to let her know he was there, hoping it would sift through to her dreams and comfort her.
She missed her papa. But he had gone to a place she would not follow.
She sniffled, and her closed eyes filled with tears. One of them finally dripped to the batik pillow.
“Ye okay?” John said, voice gentle with concern. She opened an eye. He was sitting on the floor, in front of the coffee table. Her ball of necklaces was now neatly organized on the table by metal type and length. He smiled at her, thrusting his bearded chin at his handiwork. “Brilliant, right?”
“Don’t touch my things,” she said. She leaned forward to grab her necklaces, and clumsily slid off the sofa.
He took her hand before she got a messy fistful and tangled them again. “I’m sorry about this morning. I was trying to be funny, and failed miserably. You’re beautiful. Really,” he said, his brows knitting with sincerity. She yanked her hand away and crawled back onto the sofa.
“I don’t need your approval. Just leave my stuff alone,” she said, turning her back to him. He tried not to stare at her bum, but her jean shorts left little to the imagination. It was a very nice bum. She groaned and threw the blanket over herself, although her legs were still exposed. He wrapped a string of coral beads around his wrist and sat at the end of the sofa. His fingers ghosted over the fading red of the burns.
“You should put more aloe on those,” he said. She kicked at him, but lightly. “Where’d you put the other aloe leaf I gave you?” He went to the kitchen. It was shriveling on the sill of the window facing his back yard.
He peeled it and sat back down beside her. She was still and her breathing was deep, miming sleep.
He smiled. “You know you snore like a ploughman, right?” he said.
She grunted and flipped him off. “Go home, Juan.”
“One what?” he said. She turned to scowl at him, and he held up the slimy leaf. “Do you mind if I…” he pointed at her legs.
She sat up and tried to take the leaf from him, but it slid out of her fingers to the carpet. Her wavy hair stuck up in the back, and it was thoroughly charming. He stared at her a beat too long, and she stuck her tongue out at him.
“You go to bed with women, but I doubt you see them wake up much,” she said. It was petty, but she was irritated. And embarrassed. Did she snore that loud?
“I was married for 13 years. I saw bedhead enough,” he said. “And dealt with morning mouth. And popping back pimples. And the gun-loud sleep farts? Fuck, I’d wake up thinking she finally shot me,” he said.
She snorted and put her hand over her mouth, but refused to laugh outwardly. She knew all about those. Ella had startled her many times with her vegan wind.
He  winked. ”Made you laugh.”
“No you didn’t,” she said. “It was a yawn.”
“Sure,” he said, and picked up the aloe. It was covered with dust bunnies. “Ugh. I’ll get you more.”
“Don’t worry about it-” she said, and out of habit, put her hand over his. He gave her a look that made her walk in front of the window to scrutinize him. He was a misogynist ass. Completely. A mouth-breathing nerd trying too hard to be a dudebro. But still, her stomach did a flip. “Gimme my necklace back. My mom gave it to me.”
He pulled it carefully from around his wrist, where the coral looked like prayer beads. She was loathe to admit they looked good on him.
“It’s coral, right?” he said, holding it up to the light with long, delicate fingers. “Medusa’s blood.”
She leaned against the windowsill. “What?”
“In greek mythology, when Perseus finally succeeded in cutting off Medusa’s head, the blood dripped to the sea and formed red coral.”
She loved mythology, and for a second, she forgot herself and sat by him. “I don’t remember that,” she said. He took her hand and dropped the beads in the cup of her palm, where they clicked and pooled like blood. “My dad used to read mythology to me when I was little. In Spanish, though.”
“I didn’t get to school much when I was wee, so I read a lot. I loved reading about Hercules and Perseus and Odysseus. Big, brawny, brave men.”
“Why not?” she asked.
He patted his back. “The brace made it … difficult for me to do certain things on my own when I was a little, so my mum home schooled me. Later, in high school, I was able to go often enough to graduate. Lucky me,” he said, but a shadow crossed his eyes. She noticed immediately because, ordinarily, they gleamed with good humor.
“Oh,” she said, nodding. “Was it that bad?”
He pooched his lips and rolled his eyes. “A boy need a proper backbone to deal with all the shite the world throws at ‘im,” he said. He used a heavier brogue that wasn’t his own. “You oughtta quit whinging and straighten up, lad. I’m starting to you’re using that contraption as an excuse to linger ‘round yer ma’s skirts.”
He smiled, but it was bitter.
“Fuck,” she said softly. She thought back on last night. After coming back into the house, she was rinsing out her coffee cup and saw movement in his yard. He did a series of stretches, reaching up to the moon, exhaling until his ribcage was visible through his stained t-shirt, then twisting slowly from side to side, hands on his waist.
She hadn’t meant to stare, but she did. There was graceful deliberation to his actions that made her feel herself in a way she had not in months. She rarely saw men who moved like that except dancers, and they were mostly gay. In any case, she knew he wasn’t trying to impress anyone with the movements - he didn’t know he was being watched.
“I wish I was homeschooled,” she said, finally.
“Oi?” he said, distracted.
“Home schooled. I went to a fancy school, but so much for good breeding - the teachers were as vicious as the students,” she said, putting the coral beads around her neck.
“Oh yeah?”
“It was running gag. Whenever I said something, they would pretend they couldn’t understand. They would make a face and say ‘No understando’ or ‘someone get the maid to translate’. Or my dubious favorite, ‘Shakespeare might be too hard for you. You should just stick with Cantinflas,’”she said, and sniffed.”That shit got old the first day, but it went on for years. The fact that my father is a diplomat made it worse.”
“Who is Cantinflas?” he said.
“A really popular Mexican comedian who did a bunch of movies in the 40’s and 50’s. His thing was playing poor country bumpkins, but he turned the trope on its head. He did broke but clever. He was a cultural icon, really.”
“So, not as much an insult as they thought,” he said. “Some kids are assholes. I didn’t grow up anywhere near rich, so… it was all ketosis-breathed gobshites.”
She giggled. “Gobshites,” she said.
“Cockwombles. Numpties,” he said. She started to laugh.
“That’s hilarious,” she said. “Hijos de la gran puta. Pendejos de la vela, toditos se pueden ir al carajo.*”`
“Those sound dirty,” he said. “I recognized puta.”
“You would, bitch,” she said. He gave her a mock hurt look. She winked.
“You’re getting along famously,” Olivia said loudly. “How wonderful.”
Connie jumped up and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “Pfft. He was stalking me while I slept.”
“I was untangling your horrible ball of necklaces,” he said, pointing to the coffee table.
“Did you hear her snoring? She’s like a bear,” Olivia said, giggling.
Connie’s mouth dropped open. “Olivia!”
“My vote’s for ploughman,” John said, scrunching up his nose.
Olivia sat down on the sofa. “When we had sleepovers, I got in the habit of listening to my Discman so I could get some rest,” she said.
“You said you couldn’t sleep without music,” Connie said. “Dirty liar.”
“It wasn’t all a lie. Without music, I couldn’t sleep … with you.”
“You guys suck,” she said, and stomped into the kitchen.
“I love you too,” Olivia yelled after her.
Olivia pointed at the organized jewelry. “Did you really do all that?”
“Yeah. Seeing it was setting my teeth on edge,” he said. He picked up the pearls. “Did you really give her these?”
“Yes. Those are the pearls I was wearing the day we met,” she said.
“How sentimental,” John said in a sibilant falsetto.
“Totally gay,” Olivia said. “Where’s Alex? I fell asleep with Monty and she disappeared.”
“She went to the shops to buy ingredients for dinner. Her famous spag bol.”
“Ooh, yummy,” Olivia said, clapping her hands.
John shrugged. “Don’t know why you can’t just get it out of a can.”
“She makes it with homemade tomato sauce and italian sausage. You can’t get that out of a can.”
He shrugged and worked the pearls like prayer beads. Their smooth coolness was exquisite. He wondered why men didn’t wear them.
“Oh, about tonight. I’ve been meaning to tell you some news.”
“Really. You’re not moving, are you?”
“You wish. Nah. But it’s big. I think you’ll be proud.”
“You’re going to rid of your deep v t-shirt collection?” Olivia said, in fine form. She wished Alex was there to hear it.
“Never,” he said. He resisted the urge to tap a pearl against his teeth.“Her snoring. It’s not that bad, is it?” he said softly.
“Nah. You get used to it.”
“Did you?” he asked. 
She wasn’t expecting the question. “I suppose,” she said. “I didn’t care at the time. And we didn’t do much sleeping anyway.”
John hooted.
“Get your head out of the gutter.”
“But that’s where it lives,” he said.
“We would listen to music, read to each other, and talk for hours and hours. I would help her with her pronunciation, and she would help me with my French and Spanish.”
“She knows French too?” he said.
Olivia smiled. “Her mum’s french. You know, like, Paris French.”
“Insufferable,” John said, but he tilted his head to try and get a glimpse of her in the kitchen.
“She’s got a good heart. She’s one of the warmest people I’ve ever known.”
“And yet I’m freezing my lads off,” he said, making a face.
“Well, she’s angry at you.”
“Why? I heard what you said last night, about her not blaming me individually. What did you mean by that? I didn’t know her from Eve two days ago.”
“Eavesdropper,” she said. Olivia gave the dramatic sigh she always did before a story. He leaned back and crossed his legs.
“A little more than a year ago, her father filed for divorce from her mother after almost 37 years of marriage. She took it really, really hard.”
“But what does that have to do with me?” he said.
“It came as a huge surprise to everyone, including her mum. She thought everything was business as usual. But during the course of the proceedings, certain facts started to come to light that proved that it had been a long time coming, for him.”
John looked lost. Olivia leaned forward and grabbed his wrist.
“He said he was done with the increasingly misandrist tilt of the world he lived in, and declared that he is now part of MGTOW.”
John’s heart began to sink again, as he knew exactly what it stood for. At one point not too long ago, he felt the same way.
“Men going their own way,” he said softly. “Fuck.”
Olivia nodded.
“He exposed aspects of his relationship with his wife with which he was very displeased, and said he was tired to lugging her dead weight, citing her re-occurring depression and substance abuse problem as intolerable. In short, he was convinced he could do better. Furthermore, he brought proof of instances of verbal and emotional abuse due to the substance use before the court, and he nearly got everything. Her mum went from an Upper West Side brownstone to a one-bedroom flat in Flatbush, since she refuses to move in with Connie. She’s deeply humiliated.”
He was afraid to ask the question. As far as he knew, politicians and diplomats didn’t frequent his humble site - it was mostly insecure college guys and bitter divorced men.
“But why me, Olivia?”
“He mentioned your site as the catalyst that helped to make up his mind. ‘Thousands of men speaking the truth to power about women in a safe space, free from judgment.’ He said he felt solidarity. He said you were a saint and a hero for refusing to be a white knight to screeching misandrists.” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Fuck,” John said again, more vehemently. “So he mentioned Mannism? And my name?”
She nodded. “I got a screaming phone call, since I had already told her about you and Alex. She was hysterical. It took me hours to talk her out of flying over her to castrate you.” Olivia hugged herself. “What she failed to realize is that it put me between a rock and a hard place. You were the father of-” she nodded quickly, “-the damage was done. But honestly, I hated you. Not only for her, but for everything else. For a while.”
“And you kept that to yourself for all this time?” he said, genuinely surprised.
“What could I do? I fucked up, then Alex fucked up and you fucked up...” she pointed at him. “Everything was fucked. And I didn’t have much sympathy left for her at the time.”
Olivia didn’t usually swear like that.
“We didn’t talk until right after the baby was born, and still, it hurt that she wasn’t going to make it to the birth. We promised each other as girls that we would be present at the birth of our first born. But-” she hiccuped, “she said if I insisted you be there, even after what happened with Alex-” she sniffled, and fat tears dripped down her cheeks.
“Damn it, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because at the time, you were important to Alex, and since Alex was the most important thing in the world to me…”
John stood up slowly. He shook his head. “I didn’t know.”
“Now you do,” Connie said from the doorway, wiping her eyes.
Olivia wept on the sofa, her hands palm up on her knees. Connie ran to her, already crying.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, falling to her knees in front of Olivia and hugging her waist. “I was a selfish, stubborn, unfair, foolish bitch,” she said, and buried her head in Olivia’s chest. Olivia hugged her back, whooping with emotion.
“I missed you,” she said, hiccuping. “I missed you being there…”
Connie’s body trembled. “I didn’t see Monty ... being born …” she clung even harder to Olivia. “Your little baby…”
They wept passionately in each other’s arms. At any other time, their wailing might almost border on comical, but not now.
He knew it was because of him. It was all because of him.
He walked out the back door quietly and let them make it up alone.
Read Chapter 4
*Sons of bitches. Bunch of dumbasses. They can all go to fucking hell.
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hxnmantii · 3 years
Class 1-A and their car habits
tw: crack/fluff, cursing
People: Bakugo, Shoto, Izuku, Sero, Kiri, iida, Mina x mostly gn!reader (Mina is the only one that’s implied female!reader)
Ratings: PG
A/n: yuuhh get into💋 I personally would like to ride with Shoto. I just wanna hold his hand👉🏾👈🏾 but not on no simp shit. Originally, this was going to be just boys but who would I be if my gay self didn’t add the queen herself? Anyways, Who would you like to ride with?
Bakugo does that sexy ass thing where he drives with one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh and when you don’t pay him enough attention he’ll lightly squeeze your thigh. This man does NOT share the aux....his stingy ass. He says he doesn’t wanna listen “to your trash music” but will play bxmb threat and NBA Youngboy at full capacity with the windows down. If you beg enough maybe he’ll play 1 Nicki song. But he will throw a fit and act like he doesn’t like Nicki even though he knows all of the lyrics. Altough he’s really uptight about his car, he enjoys driving and picking up the Bakusquad in it because he likes to feel useful and needed. No doubt about it, this man has road rage. He’s screaming outside the window and in the car about how someone cut him off and when someone screams back him, he’s like “Pull over right now cuz those sound like fighting words to me.” Now y’all in the back of a cop car and 30 minutes late to your dinner date. You are not, I repeat, you are NOT allowed to even think about eating in his car unless he’s got that plastic wrapping on his car. He treats his car so good (at some point you think he likes the care better than you) her name is Bethany. I-
Shoto has one hand on the wheel and one hand in your hand, stroking your hand from time to time and kissing the back of it. He had a sleek gray sliver car with a sunroom (he never actually uses) that goes fast and he likes going real fast because what they gon do, give him a ticket??? When his dad the number one hero??? Try again. He’s also the type to flick off the cops as he driving by because ACAB. He’s always wearing a gold Rolex and you got your nails done so when you hold his, the acrylics compliment his hand and watch.(like the pictures from Pinterest) You guys ride in comfortable silence. It’s so calming riding with him because although you’re slightly anxious with how fast he’s going, you’re at somewhat ease because he’s doing it so smoothly and you trust him. His windows are tinted because once again he’s the son of a pro hero and people are nosy, neither you or him like that. Although you don’t really need the assistance with Shoto being a living AC and heater in one, his seats have buttons for each seat and you can warm your bum. His car had the clean car smell...it just smells really clean. He’s got a bunch of condiments and napkins in his glove department. He doesn’t know where they came from. His whole vibe in his car is rich and elegant. He gets his car professional wash every Tuesday and you are required to come.
Kiri’s got a big ass red GMC truck and he gave the truck these monster wheels so it’s a force to be reckoned with. Her name is Sophie and like Bakugo, he loves her dearly but makes it clear to you that he’s love you more than her. He does the sexy ass thing where he’s got one hand on the wheel and one hand tightly holding on to your head rest so his arms flexing and he’s backing up with a concentrated look. that is so hot to me. He’s got a sticker on the back that says “honk if you’re manly” . He definitely would let you take the aux because you guys made a playlist of songs you chose together. He would be the type to start dancing when a good song came on, almost hitting someone in the process because he took both hands off the steering wheel out of excitement. He’s got road rage but not enough to actually start shouting or flicking someone off. In the trunk of Kirishima’s car, he’s got at least 5 different protein bottles as well a case of water and some jump rope. He says “You never know when I’ll need it to work out” but he has his personal gym?? Anyways, he has a specific section in his closet for red button ups because he likes to match Sophie when he drives her😭 I hate to say it but Kiri looks like a hill billy especially since he’s got those shoulder cut out button ups. He’s cute with it and he’s happy so you somewhat tolerate it
Izuku has more of a family car like a soccer mom car or a dark green Ford explore because he likes to pick everybody up to hang out and he needs space since he’s got a lot of them. Not to mention, he also likes to cruise and enjoy his time with you no matter where y’all go because we all know this man is a simppp. At every stop light, he’s gently grabbing your face and either kissing you on your cheek or forehead. He tried giving you a kiss on the lips once but he got so caught on the feeling that he ended up holding up the line and everybody was honking and made at him. He was so embarrassed that he now waits til you guys get to your destination to do all that extraness. Being the big fan he is, naturally he has some All might themed seatbelts and has all might stickers all over his steering wheel. He also has little all Might figurine on his dashboard that he prays to get him out of car trouble. Genuinely think it’s works too. Izuku in his trunk has a bunch of workout gear and gaze cuz he’s sexy like that. He does not have road rage at all....maybe a little. He might flick someone off but that’s as far as it goes. He definitely gives you the aux because he loves watching how lively you get it. (Y/n) “Do you know your Megan baby?”🥰 (ZuZu) “Y-yes?”
Now hear me out...Iida has a motorcycle. He’s got a need for speed that cars can’t really fufill because you can’t weave through other cars like a motorcycle can. His motorcycle has the highest tech on it naturally. It’s all black but has lights underneath it so he can change it by phone and ofc it’s always blue. You guys also have matching helmets that are Bluetooth so you’re able to talk to one another without having to yell very much. When you guise stop, he rubbing your arms to make sure that you’re okay and/if you need to pull over. Now when he’s not riding the motorcycle he’s got a Tesla. He preaches about the law and following the rules but when he get in the car, that’s a different story. With him you better either hold on tight to him or you better get double seat belt buckles for extra protection because he’s about to try and race the flash. (And you thought Shoto was bad) You get out thanking the universe for letting you touch ground again. Iida got the type of car that if you even breathe incorrectly around it, it’s going off and waking up the whole damn neighborhood. When iida first got his car, he read everything up on it so he would be fully able to use the car to its full potiential meaning that he’s got Siri set up, he can lock the door from his car, and watch the cameras on his house through the screen of his car. The Bluetooth is automatically connected to his phone so no you will not be getting the aux but you can play some tunes form his phone. He’ll even make you a playlist on Apple Music with his rich self.
Sero’s got a red convertible with tan seats and the weather allows it, his top is always down. His car always smells so good because he uses the wild cherry air freshener in his car. He blasts bad bunny and daddy Yankee as y’all are cruising slightly over the speed light. He also likes blasting Ski Mask. He’s the type to sing you the words while gently holding your face and singing to you with a lovey dovey smile on his face. He’s very respectful and turns down his music when entering neighborhoods because he doesn’t wanna mess with the vibes. You two have matching glasses that says queen/ king on yours and king on his. He definitely has some throw dice hanging from his mirror along with a picture of you and him taped to his dashboard cuz he’s also a simp. He’s always has a packet of Extra gum in his middle console along with warm water bottles. If police pulls him over, he definitely the type to start flirting with him so the officer just to make him uncomfortable enough to let him off with a warning. For a fact, he has the Puerto Rican flag on the antenna of his car. He has Led lights and likes them to be colorful rather than on one color. Sero definitely jogs around the front to open the door for you because he’s a jester and a gentleman in one. His part of his car is that the top can go down solely for the fact that the sun always highlights your skins so well.
Do I even need to say anything about the Pink queen herself?? She has a cute pink steering wheel case with matching pink seats and ofc she has a bedazzled stick shift. She has a Jeep. She the type of person to has matching glasses with her interior and when you get in the car, she’s putting her music on shuffle: a dangerous move because you go from Brent Faiyaz to Jhene Aiki to fucking Cardi B, Flo Mili, and etc. When you unbuckle your seat to start twerking in the seat, she’s automatically going to start hyping you up. She’s got one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on your ass smacking it as you fuck it up in the passenger seat. Y’all are literally swerving from side to side and let’s be honest here, Mina is not that good of a driver so you have almost gotten in an accident multiple times. She’s the type to pull over to take cute selfies or videos with you and post them all at once captioning it with “Late nights w/bae”. Underneath seat she an emergency packet filled with makeup, clothes, hair and first aid kit supplies. Although she’s not the best driver, she takes the rules really serious because she would hate to have an accident with you in the car. Like Sero, She has led lights in her car but they only flash pink. Mina is the queen of putting falsies on so she would mostly definitely put yours on (without tweezers) once you park as well as do your edges if you ask. She just has that talent. *chefs kiss* amazing
Reblogs are appreciated!
A/n: I’m lyin I definitely would be riding with Bakugo because I have major passenger rod rage lol and you definitely don’t wanna get your ass beat TWICE
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kismetintheuniverse · 4 years
Bucciarati’s Gang + La Squadra Texting HCs
Tumblr media
     𝕭𝖚𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖆𝖒
ʙʀᴜɴᴏ ʙᴜᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴀᴛɪ
- Types like your boss.
- ‘Will someone please pick Narancia up from the store? He broke the car.’
- He will say the most outlandish thing in a completely serious tone.
- ‘I’m in the hospital, got shanked by a tweaker.’
- The gang thought he was joking. He was not.
- Uses emojis and slang sparingly. Phrases like ‘omw’ and ‘ty’ are most common. 
- The only emojis he uses often is ‘👍’ and ‘👋’.
- Overall professional and understandable.
- Doesn’t use images, gifs, or videos.
ʟᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴀʙʙᴀᴄᴄʜɪᴏ
- Very sarcastic.
- ‘Oh no im sorry should i come over and kiss your boo-boo?’
- Doesn’t use much punctuation aside from ending punctuation and hyphens. Can’t use commas to save his life.
- No one can tell if he is actually mad or being sarcastic.
- Uses ‘😶’ and ‘🧐’ most often.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Refuses to use dms, and often get made fun of it for it.
- ‘Giorno please im on my knees im begging you please stop being cringe im actually going to cry please ill do literally anything just shut the fuck up.’
ɢᴜɪᴅᴏ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀ
- Types very modern.
- ‘can one of yall pick me up slommy from the store’
- Doesn’t use punctuation and capitalization.
- Constantly quoting memes and being the Funny Man™.
- ‘you smell like ten cans of bounce dat ass’
- All bark, no bite.
- Uses ‘😘’ and ‘😏’ emoji the most.
- Sends this image at least twice a day.
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ɴᴀʀᴀɴᴄɪᴀ ɢʜɪʀɢᴀ
- Types with a lot of slang
- ‘Bro Just Me Or Does Mista Not Know How To Wipe His Mfing Ass’
- Capitalizes every word and often misspells things.
- Quotes memes, but not as much as Mista.
- ‘Foogie Pookie I’m Scared There’s A Wasp In The Citchin’
- Purposely tries to give Fugo a stroke.
- Uses the ‘🧡’ and ‘🍊’ emojis the most.
- Doesn’t send images, but sends gifs.
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ᴘᴀɴɴᴀᴄᴏᴛᴛᴀ ꜰᴜɢᴏ
- Types rather properly, like he’s writing an email.
- ‘Narancia, I found this video to help with your math lesson. I’m proud you’ve gotten to 7th grade level! https://youtu.be/Xb951Vqs4Vc Please use it if you need help. - 🍓’
- Uses a passive-aggressive tone when he gets angry.
- Talks in the group chat the least, prefers to use dms.
- Signs his messages like an old lady.
- Takes a long time to type.
- ‘The meeting is at 4 pm today, correct?’
- Uses the ‘🍓’ emoji exclusively.
- Doesn’t send images/gifs, usually just sends math videos for Narancia.
ɢɪᴏʀɴᴏ ɢɪᴏᴠᴀɴɴᴀ
- Types properly, but not as much as Fugo.
- ‘Abbacchio, I’m sorry but I have some important things to discuss with Capo. :c’
- Always speaks in a polite or serious tone. 
- Doesn’t use emojis, uses ‘:D’, ‘:c’ etc.
- Doesn’t send a lot of images, but might send cute group selfies.
- ‘Uh, I need back up, Narancia is bleeding out on the ground. Please hurry-’
- Will do anything to avoid calling.
         𝕷𝖆 𝕾𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖉𝖗𝖆
ʀɪꜱᴏᴛᴛᴏ ɴᴇʀᴏ
- Doesn’t know how to spell, but still tries his best to be professional.
- ‘PLEASe attend the MEATING at 12, thank youo’
- Auto correct either helps him or hurts him.
- Sends cute images of animals occasionally.
- ‘How do you WORK a phone i need TO know PLEASe’
- Wants to use emojis, doesn’t know how. (Despite Melone showing him multiple times.)
- Bless his poor soul.
- Types properly, but isn’t by any means professional.
- ‘Will you all please shut the fuck up? It’s three am and you are FLOODING the group chat.’
- Doesn’t take any bull from anyone.
- Has admin in all of the group chats.
- Uses the ‘🙃’ and ‘🖕’ emojis the most.
- ‘You’re all going to hell. 😊👐’
- Gets away with the most bs.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Types angrily.
- Gets annoyed over literally any grammar mistake, so he isn’t very active.
- When he’s around, he tends to gaslight most situations.
- Uses the ‘❄️’ and ‘💙’ emojis exclusively.
- Only ever sends photos to start arguments. (Ex. A picture of Formaggio eating shredding cheese from the fridge at 3 am.)
- Probably shouldn’t be allowed to have a phone.
- Types.. well...
- ‘Ciaooo~ What’s up lgbt community? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧’
- He gets on everyone’s nerves, or helps them out tremendously. It’s a 50/50.
- Will spam any cute gif he sees until he finds a better one.
- Doesn’t use emojis, but instead uses those emoticons.
- He’s the one who makes all the group chats.
- Usually starts fights, but never finishes them.
- (Aka. he ghosts halfway through once someone else joins the argument.) 
- Spams LOONA fancams in chat.
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- Types like a Mista 2.0
- ‘just admit you like feet and move on 🙄‘
- CEO of gaslighting, will 100% make every situation worse then it already is.
- ‘wow so i’m here shitting my guts out and not a single one of yall will come get me tp? woooow. see yall in hell ✌️’
- Loves to make everyone mad, but his target is usually Prosciutto. 
- He uses so many emojis that it’s impossible to keep track of them.
- Spams nasty f*tish art when he’s mad at someone in chat.
- The king of memes. Uses gifs, images, videos, you name it. They tell him to stop but he doesn’t.
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- Types pretty casually.
- ‘Okay so im just curious as to which one of yall clogged the toilet with a FAT log, cause this shit nasty asf’
- Extremely passive aggressive and manipulative, never outright says when he’s mad.
- Only uses the ‘💅’ emoji.
- Gossips 24/7 with Gelato in dms, and has a gc called ‘We love Formaggio.’
- (Hint: All they do is talk shit about him in that gc.)
- Sends so many reaction images it’s not even funny.
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- Types like every teenage girl.
- ‘Hi guys!!! uwu’
- Everyone actually seems to ignore him for no reason.
- He has great ideas, but no one listens. Like, he could make communicating with each other x10 easier, but they just disregard him.
- Hates going into chat for the most part. 
- ‘Guys- formaggio’s cat threw up on the carpet, what do I do?’
- Once was traumatized by a video Formaggio sent of a guy twerking butt-naked.
- Uses the ‘😊’ and ‘🙏’ emojis the most.
- Wants to use images/gifs/videos but yelled at the last time he sent one.
ꜱᴏʀʙᴇᴛ & ɢᴇʟᴀᴛᴏ
- Both type in a similar tone.
- ‘Who the fuck stole my casserole.’ - Sorbet
- ‘who stole my baby’s casserole 😶’ - Gelato
- Gelato doesn’t capitalize his sentences, ever. His nickname in chat is even lowercase.
- Sorbet only uses ‘.’ as punctuation. 
- Gelato starts the most petty bull, Sorbet actually causes issues.
- Both are often kicked from the group chat for being overly affectionate. 
- ‘so i just wanted to mention that im p sure i saw illuso spill cereal on the couch and not clean it up 😁 ’
- vs.
- ‘Illuso split cereal on the fucking couch and didn’t clean up after himself. Nasty fucker.’
- I’m sure you can tell who’s who.
- Sorbet doesn’t use emojis, but like Ghiaccio, he sends images that starts fights.
- Meanwhile Gelato finds it hard to go 30 seconds without using emojis/images.
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sixofreaders · 4 years
yuu and shinoa friendship headcanons
this is set in an alternate universe where the war is over, humans and vampires have established their respective territories, and everyone is slowly rebuilding society. also everyone has a phone and social media exists. ferid is dead.
their apartments are right next to each other
their excuse is because they share the same braincell and people who share the same braincell should live near each other, so they can translate each other’s stupidity to the rest of the world
but really they just don’t want to be apart for long
they barge into each other’s rooms at the most ungodly hours, but always make sure to scream ‘IS ANYONE NAKED’ before entering
this is because one time shinoa walked in and mika was on top of yuu
and one time yuu walked in while shinoa was straddling mitsuba
their snapchat and instagram stories are just full of them trying to embarrass each other
shinoa, recording mikayuu holding hands: ‘oh my god, these bitches gay. good for them! good for them.’
a picture of yuu in his car, ‘i was driving shinoa to mitsuba’s place and she was cutting her nails the whole time i literally hate her’
a picture of a backpack, ‘yuu asked me to help him pack for a sleepover at mika’s and i saw this whore sneak in a bottle of lube’
but there’s also tons of pictures of them together
there’s a video of them trying to climb over their school walls
the next slide is a blurry picture of an adult man chasing after them with the words ‘YUU AND I GOT CAUGHT SKIPPING SCHOOL IM HDSKDFSDKH’
every day there’s a new selfie of them
selfies of them drinking milkshakes
selfies of them stuffing themselves with cheeseburgers
selfies of them visiting caffes and street vendors
selfies of them throwing fries into each other’s mouths
when the first zoo was built after the apocalypse, yuu and shinoa went there with their friends and decided to document the whole thing
shinoa, points to a giraffe, ‘that’s kimizuki-san’
points to a koala, ‘that’s yoichi-san’
points to a white leopard, ‘that’s mika’
points to a peacock, ‘that’s my beautiful girlfriend mii-chan’
points to a monkey, ‘and that’s yuu-san’
they organised the first post-apocalyptic pride event
yuu noticed a lot of people were having a hard time adjusting to a life without war, his friends included, so he decided a day where everyone could let loose and love whoever they want to love would be a good idea
shinoa agreed, and the two of them wanted to surprise their friends
they gave mitsuba a heart-shaped lesbian flag pin
they gave yoichi a t-shirt with the pansexual flag
they gave kimizuki a rainbow cap, since he doesn’t really label himself but he knows he likes guys
for mika, it was kind of hard since he’s never been interested in anyone besides yuu, so even he doesn’t know which way he swings
shinoa’s solution? a banner of an extremely terrible drawing of yuu’s face with rainbows and hearts scattered around
‘this is my masterpiece’
‘you butchered my fucking face that’s what you did’
and as for yuunoa, they wore matching bisexual flags
they had a lot of fun there, took tons of pictures, kissed their respective s/o’s
maybe happiness is a gift they can get used to enjoying
shinoa has a tiktok and she actually likes doing the dances, she thinks they’re a fun and easy distraction from work
unfortunately yuu is almost always hijacking in the background
either he’s making weird faces or doing his own weird parody of the dance (that consists of an excessive amount of twerking and one middle finger)
yuu: ‘if you wanna see some real ass baby here’s your chance 🤪’
shinoa: ‘i literally hate you so much’
sayuri signs all of the teenagers up for veteran’s therapy
it was hard in the beginning, they have a lot of issues that they never sat down to talk about due to the looming threat of war
but now that the war is over, they actually have to confront all of their repressed trauma
‘hey have you ever thought that maybe the reason we never care about what we want is because we never had an adult figure that genuinely cared about us instead of just wanting to use us for their own personal agenda?’
‘oh definitely. wanna hit the gym and punch our feelings out?’
‘yeah let’s go’
they’re really trying to resolve their own issues and get better, but they still find the idea of opening up and not having their vulnerability used against them is an impossible thing
one day the two of them finally decided to have a long overdue talk about their feelings
they talk about the war, about the people they’ve lost, about the nightmares they still get in the middle of the night
they talk about how shinoa still dreams of crowley pinning her down and suffocating her, how yuu still dreams of dark wings piercing through his back, how shinoa can still see herself on the other end of a raised blade, how yuu can still feel horns sprouting on his head and the insatiable bloodlust that rises within him whenever that happens
they’re crying by the end of it
but they hug each other
and they sit on the balcony
looking at the city that’s slowly rebuilding
looking at the world they helped save
and they realize for the first time in their life, everything is truly, genuinely going to be okay
and if it isn’t, then they’ll always have their best friend here to support them
but no matter what happens, they finally have a chance to build a life together with the people they want
right here, right now,
after the war.
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richkidznation · 4 years
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    Okay so they’ve been active since 2016 so there’s a lot of things, these guys are crazy- in a good way. So here’s a list of iconic moments starring the crackheads that are Zona $ul (long post ahead)
When they made that livestream to promote their brazilian debut but ended up getting drunk and playing truth or dare, Wasabi licked the toilet, Dani admitted to cheat on a past girlfriend then cried about it, it wasn’t a great night- but very entertaining for b-rkidz
When, at their first concert, they invested in a special stage just so they could cover “Dally” by Hyolyn and kill their fans when they figured out the boys didn’t change a single thing from the original choreography
Or when they found out a girl was following them around so they went there and took a selfie with her, then reported her for following them
When Wasabi started calling their fans “cookies” in the middle of a livestream and wouldn’t notice until 3 lives later when he found a tweet about it while trying to find memes
When someone said Bolt’s legs were long and he went “You wanna know what else is long?” but didn’t finish the sentence because Dani hit him and covered his mouth
That time Bolt basically came out posting a stories with the rainbow flag edited on his face and the caption “lmao me” and 15 minutes later uploaded a video saying he was actually straight and his romantic preferences were his business
… and nobody believed him most international Rich Kidz will meme about him being gay
Wasabi was speaking korean at a variety show and the hosts mocked him for speaking slowly and he just started rapping in korean really fast
When they wanted to dance to a KARD song during a live event and pulled a random fan to complete the right lineup
When, during a live (I think it’s kind of obvious how wild the go on lives now), they started twerking at brazilian funk music and the live was taken down because of copyright
They’re basically the CEOs’ biggest headache, but they love these boys so it’s fine
Wasabi was doing a house tour (yes, during a live) and accidentally showed Bolt coming out of the shower with only a towel on as he screamed “PEGA BECO RALA DAQUI CARAIO-” multiple times
Or when their aunt scolded them, again in the middle of a live, because they were being too noisy and she was trying to sleep, they continued it by doing asmr
They also covered 2NE1’s “I Am The Best” and have always stated to be big Blackjacks. The thing is, 2NE1 noticed their cover and posted online about how much they liked it, next thing rkidz know Dani posted a stories of his teary eye and a caption “omg the Queens noticed me i’m in tears guys”
Bolt wasn’t as vocal as his brothers about 2NE1 so when a fan asked what he felt about them he just said “I noticed one thing me and Park Bom have in common! We’re both 99% leg”
Rich Kidz love to photoshop Bolt to be just his legs and head and he dies laughing at them
When they tried recording a Minecraft gameplay and they ended up not posting it because there was a lot of swearing, when they talked about it, it turned into an argument about how Wasabi can’t play and Bolt had to carry the team on his back, no one knows what they did in game
And lastly, when Bolt replied to a mean comment saying “morra nego ney” and everyone but b-rkidz got sO confused
Or that other day when they went to a music show and there was confetti and both Bolt and Wasabi were running around behind other idols trying to eat the confetti mid air-
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beenjen · 4 years
@losingitinvirginia here’s your yardwork selfie - I title it yard twerking (my girlfriend bought me this shirt as a joke and we try to do a play off the words whenever possible - she too was gifted this pic) -
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We had a beautiful day yesterday, loved all sunshine, more open windows, more just hanging out.
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Cleaned off the patio, laid some bordering brick, mellowed.
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I actually logged onto YouTube for a couple free vinyasa flow yoga sessions after the kids were down too and it was much needed. My yoga studio is awesome, they primarily have 2 classes a day though that are live stream, and often, I can’t make it work, at least technology is there for some flexibility though 🙌🏽
I took a bath after the yoga and reflected - a theme this past week for me. I found the weight loss app I’d used in the past for cataloging food/weight and had the realization that I’ve not been on hold for a couple of months like I had told myself, but actually 6 months! Where does the time go?! I have fluxed between 10 pounds over that past 6 months so there really wasn’t any backsliding, however, I am a bit disappointed with myself for not keeping my goals and staying on track like I had promised. So.....
I talked with my cousin who is my health coach without payment lol - we are each other’s sounding board for nutrition, recipes, workouts, etc, and I am going to set myself a goal for 1 month from now. I want to be realistic, also though if I don’t make a bit of a challenge, I won’t work for it. That being said 10 pounds is a bit of an extreme, but 5 pounds isn’t enough of one. Today is April 5th, May 5th is my end date, I’m going to draw a calander on the kitchen chalk wall to keep this fresh in my mind, and do this thing.
Truthfully, when am I going to have a better opportunity? Forced isolation for the most part, no workplace snacks, ordering out, eating out. I’m doing the cooking, I have a home gym and access to all sorts of online exercises. I’m 173 pounds today, I haven’t been less than 170 since prior to my pregnancy with Jamis, and I’m so close to that 168 that I was, it’s almost disparaging, but I won’t let it be. My ideal body weight would be more like 140, but I will burn that bridge when I get past this next hurtle. That’s a number I haven’t seen for 15 years give or take.
Wow, putting it out there is kind of scary? Kind of freeing? Empowering? I want to be healthier. Feel good about myself. Be body positive. To do that, I have to step up to the plate, and thanks to @meishafindingbalance @zerocarb and again Virginia for getting me motivated xx
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suepixels · 5 years
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Get to Know Me
Make a simself and add traits if you like but you don’t need to! “Me with my most important men Nero Valcari on the right and Levithian Cavallo on the left - Pixelthirst is real, you guys!” The peeps I met here who encouraged me to start my story? Yeah, I’m freakin’ grateful! Thank youu..! Aspiration: Soulmate + Bonus trait “Romantic” Traits: Creative, Active, Cheerful
I was tagged by the wonderful lady @cillaben and @awolzai is the one who created this tag. So if you wanna read all that shizzle about me. Go ahead and read, I’m not gonna stop you - Oh Gosh! Thanks a bunch, sweet Cilla, you are just wonderful the way you are to me and also for being a fab friend, I 💛  you , obviously you not gonna be tagged for this! Hehe - just messing around... 😉
I’m tagging following simmers because welp I don’t know much about them but I truly 💛 their blog and their stories and personality and would 💛  to know them better. @beverlyallitsims  @josiesimblr @tigerellasims , @tangandzing   @keysims , @skellysim @shysimblr , @weicyn, @glovely1simmer, @ktosiksims @fabflubs , @cayrees , @shespeakssimlish
Guys you don’t need to do this but it would be dope! There are loads of questions here. So you don’t have to answer all of them if you don’t feel like it. Even if I didn’t tag you feel free to do it - it’s fun!
WARNING: Answers to 125 questions are under the cut.
What is your name? Suzana
What is your nickname? Sue
🎂? May 11th
What is your favorite 📓 series?  Um, the last I read as a series was “The Lord of the rings” (A throwback to childhood, damm I was 13 when I read it the first time, hehe) I rather read single books 📚, seldom series
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Ghosts? Dunno I’m not sure, never met one but don’t want either if they exist! LOL. Aliens? Wait a billion of galaxies with trillion of stars and I should believe that we are the only living creatures in the universe? Naah we are not alone - E.T. is out there. Does it answer your question? LOL
Who is your favorite author? Ugh... The ones I can think of right now? goshI have a bunch... um... Robert Greene, Marion Zimmer Bradley (all Avalon books) Patrice Leovold who’s book taught me that Eleanor of Aquitaine used to be a strong woman and queen of two countries in Europe! I love history stuff so I read a bunch of German authors who write historical novels.
What is your favorite radio station? If I listen to any it would be JAM FM from Berlin (Hip-Hop, RnB, Soul etc) Haven’t heard it in years... but Youtube is my main source for music, hehe
What is your favorite flavor of anything? If it’s not spicy go home and try it again, okay? It has to be spicy... yeah I’m used to it. A day without my Latte Macchiato is a no-no! (80% creamy milk with 1 cup of espresso, only the real deal for me, capeesh? Hehe! 
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Dope!
What is your current favorite song? 💛 Stuck in my head this one arrrgh gosh: Blindness by Justin Timberlake
What is your favorite word? Welp? LOL 😆
What was the last song you listened to? I will wait for you by Nicky Parrott
What 📺 show would you recommend for everybody to watch? The Originals, Vampire Diaries (isn’t it obvious?) Lucifer (love the sarcasm) The Good Doctor, This is Us and heck, yeah Game of Thrones agree with @cillaben
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Any good sci-fi, fantasy movie “Just let me escape this world for a second or two”
Do you play video games? Yup, as an addict I play only Sims 4, 3 & 2 😲
What is your biggest fear? To die, too early before I could do all the things I desire to do.
What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’ve been told be caring, dunno!
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can be stubborn but hey someone told me I’m just persistent in all the things I do, you know... 😁
Do you like cats or dogs better? I used to love cats more but since my sis has a Malinois. I love both.. Guys, Stella is the best craziest dog I’ve seen!
What is your favorite season? Summer
Are you in a relationship? Neep, bloody single...welp =D
What is something you miss from your childhood?  My love for ballet? I did yesterday the first time after 15 yrs some exercises on a bar at the gym and the belief that anything is possible - still hoping!
Who is your best friend? Currently, run out of “best friends” shizzle
What is your eye color? Green-yellowish - yup like a cat  😁
What is your hair color? By nature? Ash blonde but I love brown!
Who is someone you 💛? My sister and my nephews
Who is someone you trust? Only my big sis
Who is someone you think about often? My ex, who I still love. I know I should drop it but when your heart says something else and your mind reminds you NOPE - Game over! Dang, it! Can someone press the restart button for me, please? LOL Naaah, don’t worry I’m fine but you know sometimes you think too much about could have, would have blah, blah...
Are you currently 🙌 about/for something? I’m 🙌 about to go to bed!
What is your biggest obsession? Fitness (again), Dancing, being creative, TV series, Cooking, Web surfing, Gaming, Traveling geez I can’t name them all I have many obsessions. LOL 
What was your favorite 📺 show as a 👶? As a child, I wasn’t allowed to watch TV but what I remember is that I liked “Once Upon a Time... Life” a European/Asien cartoon about how the human's body system works (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY11Hu_ju5M&list=PLtAciEfQHAwvs1hIkWN_YNpD8E4sno--C)
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Nobody. I’m too open-minded and a bunch of peeps are simply sick in their head and interpret shizzle just because I say “Live your life your way - it’s not my business” So I keep it private.
Are you superstitious? Nope, not that I’m aware of =D
Do you have any unusual phobias? Darkness, if the light goes suddenly off and I see nothing? Yeah, it creeps the heck out of me. A childhood trauma - my mother did scare to death!
Do you prefer to be in front of the door or behind it? In front!
What is your favorite hobby? Fitness, surfing, 👀 movies and playing sims of course.
What was the last 📓 you read? The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
What was the last movie you 👀? The new Fantastic Beasts movie
What musical instruments do you play, if any? None =( wish to play piano, tho - need to check Google Play for an app - LOL
What is your favorite animal?  Birds
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?  I have quite a bunch I check daily like a stalker - all wonderful human beings =) 
What superpower do you wish you had? The ability to be immortal
When and where do you feel most at ✌️? Sweet Home
What makes you 😁? Sarcastic Humor, it goes deep under your skin
What sports do you play, if any? Naah, I do Functional Fitness and soon Breakletics but I don’t play sports.
What is your favorite drink?  Latte Macchiato and Raspberry Mojito
When was the last time you wrote a ✋-written letter or note to somebody? A goodbye letter to my ex-boyfriend when I canceled to continue to be just friends with him. Well because of the feels I still have him...even after 5 yrs...still unforgotten!
Are you 😨 of heights? Depends...
What is your biggest pet peeve? Fake people, superficial characters
Have you ever been to a concert? Yes, quite a lot...
Are you vegan/vegetarian? Never ever - I need meat!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A ballet dancer or an artist in general.
 What fictional place would you like to live in? Atlantis - Undersea Waterworld
What is something you worry about? Yes, I worry all the time
Are you 😨 of the dark? Depends, if there is no light, yes!
Do you like to sing? Yes!
Have you ever skipped school? Never. I was a proud nerd!
What is your favorite place on the 🌍? Home
Where would you like to live? Atlanta, USA or UK - London
Do you have any pets? Neep, not allowed by the landlord
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunrise - A new day to start fresh!
Do you know how to drive? I know, but I don’t have a license - hihi
Do you prefer earbuds or 🎧? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Neep, lucky me
What is your favorite genre of 🎶? RnB, Soul, Hip Hop, “German Hip Hop”, Classic, Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, Dancehall, Reggaeton, Twerk - actually all kind of genres, always depends on the song! 🎶
Who is your hero? Hero? Ugh... Dunno to be honest...
Do you read comic 📚? I used to, not anymore
What makes you the most 😠? Rudeness, Racism in general, Lies, and Betrayal
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real 📓? I need a real book, okay? As much as I ’m a lover of newest technologies but some stuff are simply gold when it’s the “real deal”.
What was your favorite subject in school? Languages ( I speak 3 fluid English, German, Serbian somewhat a little French), Informatics, Art, Music, and History
Do you have any siblings? A sister and a brother
What was the last thing you bought? Meat
How tall are you? 5′3 or about 164 cms
Can you cook? Yeees, herbs? Spices? Experimenting? All that jazz, yes
What are three things that you 💛? My sis, Fitness and writing my story here.
What are three things that you hate? Racists, Betrayal and when people lie about their feelings.
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Male, most women never liked me... dunno... why! 
What is your sexual orientation? Straight
Where do you currently live? Germany
Who was the last person you texted? My sister
When was the last time you 😢? On 3rd of Nov. because I saw my brother - we don’t talk
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Xurbansimsx (Sims) that’s it!
Do you like to take selfies? Neep, not currently... I gained too much... due to my illness but working it off now that I’m feeling better.
What is your favorite app? Tumblr and Pinterest
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?  My dad passed away. Broken, dramatic family war! No, contact with my brother because of my mother this binch. My sister is my everything  💛 💛 💛
What is your favorite foreign accent? French and when American speak German, aaah I love it!.
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? New York, South Africa, New Zeeland and Australia
What is your favorite number? 5
Can you juggle? Naaah
Are you religious? Nope
Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Both
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Sometimes, a little naughty, hehe
Are you allergic to anything? Cat hair :(
Can you curl your tongue? Yips
Can you wiggle your ears? Nooope
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? When I’m wrong I do apologize but it happens seldom
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach, babe!
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Who has told you that life is fair?
Are you a good liar? I guess I can be if I have to!
What is your Hogwarts 🏠? Hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? Yeah, I do so what? I just maintain a relationship with myself, okay  😂 Call me crazy, I don’t care..hehe 😜
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert
Do you keep a journal/diary? I used to but stopped, have 5 books
Do you believe in second chances? Yes
If you found a wallet full of 💰 on the ground, what would you do? Tbh? Currently, I would keep it.
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Difficult, it depends on the character. 
Are you ticklish? Some secrets areas - yeas!
Have you ever been on a ✈️? Heck yeah, quite a lot - I’m a “Fernweh” Girl and a traveler!
Do you have any piercings? Ears, Belly and I used to have my nose pierced, too but business sucks so I had to take it out! LOL
What fictional character do you wish was real? Mr. Darcy from ‘Pride and Prejudice’
Do you have any tattoos? Yes, one on my back and I want more!
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Running away from home, living my own life and not allowing anyone to tell me how I should live my life - I have one life to live, so my rules apply!
Do you believe in karma? Yes
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Contacts during daytime at night glasses
Do you want children? Yes, at least one - hopefully!
Who is the smartest person you know? My ex-boyfriend
What is your most embarrassing memory? When a friend of mine showed via an accident how fake she truly was. She lost her fake hair and her nails got broken and all this in public on a dancefloor in front of my friends. (We were teens, LOL)
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Almost but not really so, naah
What color are most of your clothes? Black, mint, turquoise and darker versions of green, blue, brown and red.
Do you like adventures? Depends on adventure
Have you ever been on 📺? Almost as a TV-host for a German music channel! Had a casting back in my teenhood! 
How old are you? 35+ I look younger than I really am and I don’t feel like it. Nope, not gonna say it publicly. I would feel instantly older.. LOL but I tell in private!
What is your favorite movie quote? “He is your first love. I intend to be your last” - The Originals by Klaus Mikelson
Sweet or savory? Sweet
Yeah, you may notice I like to add videos =) that’s the song which spins around in my head currently... Love the beat!
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kinohui · 6 years
99 things i love about kino
yes this is exactly what it looks like. let’s go
1. this goes without saying but he is incredibly talented
2. he’s probably one of the best dancers i’ve seen in kpop especially at his age
3. he even choreographed a bunch of their songs including part of their debut song gorilla and this beautiful choreography to hui’s song you are
4. his singing ???? he literally has the voice of an angel it’s so smooth and nice it could lull me to sleep every single night
5. and he self produces too!!!!!
6. he wrote and produced some of my favourite pentagon songs like violet and off-road
7. as well as some amazing solo songs he released on his soundcloud (you should seriously check out his soundcloud)
8. the music video for lonely
9. he has such a bright personality and will make everyone’s day a little better
10. for real he is such a sunshine and he’s so loving with his members 
11. and his laugh !!!!!!!!!! you will always find him laughing at everything even when no one else is and it’s so fcking cute
12. like when he full on failed the try not to react challenge
13. and the way he covers his mouth and grabs onto everyone around him when he laughs really hard ;-;
14. basically if scientists ever find a cure for cancer they’ll find it in hyunggu’s laugh
15. he is really kind
16. he’s also really good at english (here’s a little compilation for u)
17. and always tries to speak as much english as he can in english broadcasts like asc or soompi and it’s just adorable
18. like when he said he shares a room with shinwon and ‘’i’ve never seen him clean his clothes himself’’
19. he’s super ticklish !!! and shinwon has called him a pervert because of it lmao (x, x, x)
20. he can play the piano 
21. and the guitar !!
22. really he’s such a multitalent there’s like nothing he can’t do and i really don’t know where he finds the time to do all of those things
23. he is always so kind with his fans and his members and staff
24. this kid is super smart:
25. first of all he was admitted into an arts high school as the no. 1 (NO. 1 !!!!!) candidate
26. was also a student commitee member lmao
27. attended hanlim multi arts school together with yugyeom from got7 and their friendship is super cute (x)
28. after high school he was accepted into sejong university as a practical dance major without even having to take the entrance exam bruh
29. also attended a lot of dance workshops
30. really his passion for dance is admirable
31. he’s also really street smart. like
32. he will look at a situation and try to understand it and is able to solve problems super quick
33. he’ll come up with unique approaches to a problem and solutions that no one else in his group thought of
34. i’m not joking when i say this boy probably has an IQ of 150 like I GENUINELY BELIEVE THAT
35. he’s a super logical thinker
36. which also makes him super good at games (x, x)
37. like when they played the bunny bunny game and kino outsmarted everyone and almost made yanan cry lmao
38. and he will take those games serious and try to do his absolute best
39. but also doesn’t take it TOO seriously
40. because if things don’t go his way or he loses he is never mad
41. for real this boy is blessed with so much patience
42. he puts up with his member’s teasing with a smile
43. and they tease him A LOT
44. like never before have i seen this boy snap at anyone
45. also super soft and emotional bub
46. loves his mom a lot
47. like a lot
48. cried when the members showed him a video message from her
49. also cried when they asked him to give a message to her in a broadcast before she went on a business trip
50. he can impersonate spongebob?
51. mr. krabs too lmao
52. always puts his all into everything that he does
53. like for real he is COMPLETELY in the zone, no matter what he’s doing, dancing, singing, playing games ??
54. you can see how his facial expression changes when he starts dancing and it always matches the song perfectly
55. he can convey so much emotion through his dancing
56. superb taste in fashion just saying
57. also has a really nice and special taste in music imo
58. like he listens to a lot of underground artists on soundcloud
59. and i love that he reposts so much stuff on there so you can listen to all the music he likes and i think that can be such an intimate thing to share
60. and you can tell how the music he listens to influences his own music
61. also the vlives where he tries to explain their choreographies and teach them to you
62. or the ones where he sits in his studio and plays you some of his songs
63. this video where he asked jinho to sing for him for inspiration and he sat there listening to his voice with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, really taking in the song
64. + his super cute smile at the end ;-;
65. he’s super thankful for their fans and always makes sure to say that
66. this shine fancam
67. seriously does he never run out of energy ???? just look at him
68. king of duality
69. like on one hand he’s super cute and innocent but. don’t be deceived
70. his sexy side isn’t for the faint hearted
71. exhibt A
72. exhibit B (yeah he really went and wrote that song)
73. i swear this boy is lowkey a freak
74. vaseline ????
75. this part in one of his vlives that actually had me sobbing
76. he just has such a positive outlook on life and it makes me really happy
77. like he always manages to focus on all the positive things in life and doesn’t let the negative things weigh him down and i find that really admirable
78. i actually really look up to him and his passion for life
79. he’s also a great cook, get you a man
80. ‘’i think i can get married’’
81. the meaning behind his stage name --> kinnovation
82. the time he had bright pink/red hair???? holy shit
83. that part in the shine mv where he harmonizes with jinho and they’re being super cute
84. speaking of shine, the cute goggles he wears uwu
85. when he ate a churro with chopsticks lmao this will never not be the cutest thing ever to me
86. also tried to feed said churro to the fans through the camera with the chopsticks
87. just a big lovable dork
88. if you wanna cleanse your soul of all evil watch his ‘’with you’’ cover with jinho
89. doesn’t mind skinship at all. will gladly cuddle all of his members
90. does girl groups dances better than the actual girl groups tbh
92. king of twerking
93. like he really twerked at hyuna’s birthday party
94. his favourite sentence is ‘’i love you’’ lmao stab me in the heart please. :)
95. takes the cutest selfies
96. ‘’im sensitive’’
97. when hongseok said he wants to go swimming with the members and kino was like ‘’all naked together?’’ this boy istg
98. destroyed everyone in limbo
99. in conclusion this sunshine is doing the absolute most and he deserves so so much love so please give it to him !!
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redditnosleep · 6 years
Leprechauns Are NOTHING Like The Way They're Portrayed In America
by Dariuspilgrim
I own a pub in Boston, but St. Patrick's Day is honestly my least favorite day of the year. Sure, it’s great for business; but I just can’t stand all the drunken assholes draped in green, swigging Guinness, filling the jukebox with Dropkick Murphys songs, and loudly proclaiming their Irish ancestry to anyone who will listen. “Plastic Paddies” we call call em’. The kind of people who go to Ireland as tourists and get mad that it isn’t “Irish” enough, as if they expect the entire island to be a theme park of stereotypes.
I just can’t stomach it. So I have a little tradition of my own. On March 17 of every year, I leave my pub in the capable hands of my manager, go to the LEAST Irish bar I can find, and spend the day alone getting drunk and watching NCAA tournament games.
This year I choose a little sushi bar in Chinatown. There’s a few green streamers above the bar and a Celtics poster on the wall, but that’s it. The music is quiet, the TVs even quieter. The staff barely speaks English; it’s perfect.
I settle into a stool, order a bud heavy, and stare at the TV. The bar is pretty much deserted. An asian couple sits a few seats to my left, sipping heineken and scarfing sushi. To my right, minding his own business all the way at the end of the bar, is a guy in a red hoodie with a glass of wine in front of him. It’s an idyllic setting to pass the time on my most hated holiday.
But my peace doesn’t last long. About a half hour in, the door to the bar bursts open and a parade of twenty-something women stream in. They’re all decked out in matching green “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” shirts, covered in green beads and wearing those headbands that look like alien antennas with shamrocks on the end of springs.
“Oh fer fucks sake,” I hear the man in the corner groan.
“Ohmigod...sushi and shots!” one of them yells, and they all start shrieking. The room breaks into chaos as fifteen women simultaneously try to explain how to make an Irish car bomb to a bartender who barely speaks English. Then the selfies start. They strike up a round of “Shipping Off to Boston,” … but the chorus is the only part of the song they know. And they sing it over, and over, and over while each of them takes turns filming for snapchat. They’re completely oblivious to anyone else in the restaurant.
I watch the asian couple to my left pay their bill and flee, and I’m ready to do the same, except I’ve just ordered a new beer and don’t want to waste it. One of the girls slams into the back of my chair as I’m trying to chug it down and I spill all over my shirt. No one apologizes or even acknowledges me. I pick up my beer and retreat to the corner, plopping down next to man in the red hoodie.
“Quite a crowd,” I say to him.
He scoffs: “Bunch of Manufactured Micks. These tarts couldn’t find Ireland on a map if their lives depended on it.” He speaks with a slight brogue.
“Are you Irish then?”
“Aye, I suppose you might say.”
“You don’t have much of an accent.”
He takes a sip of of his wine. “Been here a long time, long enough to lose most of it anyway.”
On the other side of the bar, one of the girls, now quite drunk, yells at the bartender to turn off the music. She plays “Kiss Me, I’m Shitfaced” at full volume from her phone speakers, and they try to sing along. None of them know the words.
“Oh, that shites terrible. No Irishman would listen to that. Plain awful that is.”
“I’m with you. Came here for some peace and quiet, but it seems the green terror follows me everywhere I go.”
“Man after me own heart. Sláinte,” he says, and we clink glasses. “Thing these young wans don’t realize is in Ireland, St. Patrick’s day is a solemn religious holiday, lacking in all this debauchery. Or at least it used to be. I hear they ham it up now to keep the tourists happy. They’ve americanized and Irish holiday in Ireland. Ironic, no?”
I nod.
“Not that I go in fer any of it,” he says. “It’s all a bunch of horse shit. ‘Saint’ Patrick… pah. He wasn’t even Irish! He was a bloody Roman citizen from the province of Britannia!”
“Don’t like the Catholics then?” I ask. “Are you Protestant? Is that why you aren’t wearing green?”
He spits on the floor. “You colorblind, mate? Does my shirt look orange? No. Catholic, Protestant… they’re all a bunch of cunts. I follow the old ways.”
“Sorry, I meant no offence. Let me buy you a drink,” I say. He nods. I wave over the bartender.
“Two more please?’
“...Two?” he says.
“Yeah, two. A bud for me and a wine for my friend here.”
I turn back to my new friend in the red hood and extend my hand. “The name’s Sean,” I say. He shakes it.
“I’m Ólta.”
“That must be an Irish name?”
He laughs.
“It’s a Gaellic word, aye. Watch this though.” He nods to a young woman down the bar. She hoists a giant mug of Guinness and just as the glass reaches her lips, a leak springs in the side, pouring a fountain of the black stuff straight down her blouse. She screams, slams down the cup, and starts yelling at the bartender. Ólta and I have a good laugh.
“How did you know that was going to happen?”
“Because I caused it,” he snickers. That doesn’t make much sense, since he hasn’t moved from his stool, but I let it go. “So what do you do for a living, Sean?”
“I own a bar… an Irish pub actually. So this right here…” I wave my hand at the chaotic scene around us, “is my life 364 days a year. I’ve made it a personal tradition to escape on St. Paddy's and find a quiet bar to drink and watch the basketball games.”
“No joy this year, eh?”
“It’s pretty tough to get away from it in this city.”
Suddenly there’s a gleam in his eye. “Watch this,” he says. He nods at another drunken young woman. She leans back in her stool and the whole thing comes apart. She tumbles to the ground screaming. Her friends flock around her like geese and help her from the pile of broken stool and spilled Guinness. They start yelling at the bartender again, asking him what the hell kind of place he’s running. Ólta and I are cracking up.
“Well, this is proving far more entertaining than I expected… how about another round?” I ask.
“Aye, I’ll get this one.” He pulls a small red purse from his hoodie pocket. It looks like an old antique of some sort. From it he pulls a large silver coin which he slaps down on the bar. It’s covered in writing I cannot read.
“Uhh.. I don’t think they’ll accept that,” I say.
“No?” He waves his hand over the coin, and now it’s a fifty dollar bill. He slides it over to me.
“You’re just full of tricks, aren’t ya?”
“You have no idea,” he says smiling. “Another round, and how bout some shots of Bushmills. And tell him he can keep the change.”
I order. The bartender seems confused, but his apprehension disappears when I tell him the left over cash is his.
“And here’s the kicker,” says Ólta. His hand is on the bar. He lifts it to reveal the silver coin, still there under his palm. He flips it into the air and catches it in his purse, which he slides back into his hoodie pocket.
“How the hell did you do that?”
“Easy,” he says. “I’m a Clurichaun.”
I laugh, and decide to humor him. The Irish are known for their wit. “What is that, like a Leprechaun?”
“Why, are you after me lucky charms?” he says, chuckling.
“No, I--”
“Just kidding. No, mate. We’re different. Leprechauns are like our… cousins. We don’t mend shoes or grant wishes; instead we drink.” He raises his shot glass and downs it.
“But not Guinness? Or red ale or something?”
“You bloody Americans and your Guinness… No, that’s a myth. Ale is for peasants. You leave a pitcher of ale out for me and you’ll find all sorts of things start going wrong in your pub. We drink wine; have been for thousands of years. Grapes were the one good thing the Vikings brought with them.”
“I see… so, the pots of gold at the end of rainbows?”
“Another myth, obviously. Though Leprechauns do like themselves a hoard of gold. But try and take it from em’ and you’ll be in for a big surprise. They aren’t as cute and cuddly as the cartoons make them out to be.
“Leprechauns, Clurichauns, Far Darrig… we’re all Aos Sí--‘The Good Neighbors,’ the ‘Fair Folk’--like elves or fairies I suppose you call them here. Descended from the mighty Tuatha Dé Danann. Defeated and chased into exile in the mounds by the Milesians, your ancestors, the mortal forefathers of the Irish people. We are a majestic and noble race and… wait, watch this.”
He nods at the bartender, who holds a glass under the guinness tap. When he pulls the handle, the entire tap breaks apart and guinness shoots from it like a geyser, hitting the bartender in the face and sending him careening backward into the back bar. A cascade of bottles fall, shattering everywhere. Cooks and the manager come running out from the back and everyone is screaming at each other in Chinese and trying to stop the flow of guinness as the girls laugh and lean over the bar, refilling their glass from the raging spout.
“Oh yes, so very noble,” I say to my red hood-ied friend.
He shrugs. “Hey, gotta have a little fun once in awhile.”
“So, I see the mischief making part is no myth?”
“No mate, that’s best part.”
“So you’re a fairy?” I say.
“Well, not in the way you Americans use the word, but aye.”
“Aren’t you supposed to live in the Otherworld? Only visible at twilight on halloween or something?”
“Ohh, an educated man I see,” he says. “Mostly right, but I get a pass for St. Paddy’s. Something about reparations for the thousands of years or persecution and genocide perpetrated against my people by the Catholic church. And only those of Irish descent can see me. Which is why the bartender keeps looking at you funny every time you order two drinks.”
I had noticed that. This was starting to get very strange. “OK… if you say so. But, you’re a lot bigger than I expected.”
“Oh, I can shrink if I want to.”
“Shouldn’t you be wearing green and dancing a jig.”
“Few more of these,” he raises his wine glass, “and I’ll start twerking if you want me to. As for the wearing of green: it’s another common misconception. Trooping fairies wear green. Those flamboyant poofs, trouncing around in big processions wearing fancy costumes, ya ken?. Clurichauns are solitary fairies--like Leprechauns, Brownies, and Hobgoblins. Solitary fairies wear red. We’re the ones you don’t want to mess with. You takin’ notes boyo?”
“Riiiight,” I say. I stand up and put on my coat.
“Where ya goin’, mate?”
“It’s been fun, pal. But I really can’t listen to any more of your delusional bullshit. It was entertaining for awhile, but you’re clearly insane. I’m going to go check on my bar, and then I’m going home to sleep off this buzz. You have yourself a great evening.”
“Well, great. Let’s go,” he says and stands up from his stool. He’s got to be four-foot-eleven at the very most.
“Where do you think your going?”
“I’m coming with you of course.”
“Oh no you’re not.”
“I most certainly am. You seem like a good bloke, and you’ve got a pub! Sounds like I’ve found my new home. Make sure you leave a bottle of red wine uncorked for me every night, and no cheap shite! I’m talking top shelf. And I’ll take my dinner at 8PM, sharp like. I prefer beef, but mutton will do in a pinch.”
“Whatever pal,” I say and walk out the door, letting it slam shut behind.
Ólta walks right through the door and matches my pace.
“Listen, you won’t be coming anywhere near my bar.”
“Oh yeah?” he says smiling. “Just try and stop me.”
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ILITW characters at multi-day school excursion AU
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The bus ride:
☆ since Andy proved himself in the basketball game and became somewhat popular, he totally sat in the back of the bus with the ‘cool’ kids with blasting music; he often sang so damn loud with the group that the whole freaking bus shook >♡ if he is MC’s LI >♡ he made sure they have space somewhere in the back too, and they sang together (totally off the key). MC at some point needed their beauty sleep and Andy told his group to shut the fuck up with their singing and turn off the damn loudspeaker so MC could sleep with their head in his lap. The whole back of the bus had to be awfully quiet until MC woke up again; Andy’s rules.
☆ Stacy belongs there too since she has a high position in a cheerleading group now; she usually snap-chatted everything going on but often did not like the music the group played so she brought her headphones. She was on her phone a lot during the ride. She is that: *SCREAMS DESPERATELY* DOES ANYONE HAVE WIRELESS CHARGER??“ person in the bus. >♡ if she is MC’s LI♡>, she definitely left her phone for a bit and talked with MC during the ride, took MASSIVE amount of photos and selfies. Secretly took a pic of MC sleeping because they’re adorable while doing so.
☆ Noah sat somewhere in the middle with Dan (who sat with him because he wanted to keep him a company); and they both overslept the whole 6 hours long ride- no regrets. "Omg is that an Oreo??” “Yes– but hoe I am not giving you any.” They argued about the food a lot but at the end shared it anyways. THEY BOTH COMPLAINED ABOUT LOUD MUSIC THAT WAS PLAYING IN THE BACK OF THE BUS AND NOAH EVENTUALLY WALKED ALL THE WAY DOWN AND YELLED AT THEM TO CHANGE THE AWFUL SONG.
☆ Ava sat somewhere behind Noah and Dan. She read about witchcraft things on her phone but did not sleep AT ALL. After she was done with her reading and scrolling through Tumblr, she watched a horror movie on her phone and laughed at some brutal scenes while the kids behind her screamed and cried: “PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE GOD TURN THAT THING OFF!!” However Ava threw something at them and continued to watch her movie anyway >♡If she is MC’s LI♡> they together planned some sick pranks they could pull off on their friends whole they are sleeping. MC feed Ava with food they have in their backpack because Ava often forgot eating is a thing humans do. MC didn’t want to fall asleep but Ava told them it’s okay but immediatelly regretted it when MC fell asleep on her shoulder drooling. However she did not wake them up.
☆ Lucas sat somewhere in the front, but NOT too close to the professors. Also he sat there not because he is not 'cool’ (he is popular after all) but because he wanted to read in peace and does not like the music the cool group usually plays in the back. He however didn’t sleep because he felt like it’s ime. He planned the whole excursion beforehand. > ♡IF HE IS MC’S LI♡>, he read aloud a book to them until they fell sleepy enough to cuddle with him (which cause serious back pain because who can feel comfortable in those damn seats). They shared the food together whole the time even though Lucas always insisted MC is the one who is supposed to eat more. “Do you want to sleep? I brought blanket and pillow just in case–” “Lucas wtf” however they damn slept together under the blanket.
☆Lily sat with her girlfriend somewhere close to Lucas. She is that person who does not carry backpack but a freaking fridge full of food. “IT’S NEVER ENOUGH”. Shared her food with literally everyone- specially with her gf. SHE LEFT A HUGE MESS BEHIND HER WHICH WAS THE RESULT OF HER CHIPS AND GUMMY-BEARS. She slept during the ride along with her gf peacefully.
☆ Andy
- didn’t even try to listen a thing when they went to a museum or national park.
- would sometimes fall asleep during the discourse because seriously, who is interested in that
- IF IS A LI; would sneak off with MC for couple of minutes behind a wall just to make out with them even if they do want to listen to presentation
- listened to something but usually was on her phone whole the time
- still searched for that damn charger
- if is a LI- in boredroom she just walked over to MC during the presentation and hugged them from the back, groaning into their shoulder. Also got lot of pictures of her posing with MC and the statues (or similar.)
-did not listen (duh)
- fell asleep with Andy and those two snored loudly
-really wanted to listen to presentation but is too busy with waking Noah and Andy up
- you know the drill
-secretly pranked people out of boredom during the presentation
- if is a LI > She recreated some vines with MC and while doing so laughed so loud professors made them leave museum (“they are interrupting” the presentation). Ava did not give a shit while MC was freaking out: Ava secretly found it adorable and kissed them to calm them down.
-the only person in the gang who actually LISTENED to presentation and found it interesting??
-growled at people when they made a noise that interrupted the presentation
-if is a LI; MC got bored easily and whine to Lucas that they dont want to listen anymore. Lucas ignored them at first but how is he supposed to resist MC who became so desperate they sat on the floor and hugged his leg or simply burried their face in his chest to make him distracted. [He however, after presentation, made MC pay back for what they did ;) ]
-Ate while doing so
-whined when guides told her she can’t eat in museum
☆ The whole gang was in one room together
☆no matter of the fact rooms had 4 beds; the whole gang was secretly in one room anyways and slept in pairs even tho Noah protested about sleeping with Dan
-MC eventually calmed him down
☆MC would sleep with their LI together
☆ Ava drew dicks and mustaches on her friends’ faces while they slept because why not
☆Lucas is the one who actually did not want to sleep because the old habit plus he didn’t want to have a giant dick across his face
- *whisper-yells in the middle of the night* where the fuck are my glasses!?
☆Lily slept and is a victim of Ava’s pranks :(
☆However Ava didn’t want to do anything to Dan because that boy deserved to sleep :)
☆MC was totally getting their revange on Ava along with their LI or with Noah if their LI is Ava herself
☆Noah had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night but unfortunately the room was locked and the bathrooms were outside the room so he peed in the bottle and gave zero fucks about it.
♤ ADVENTURES THEY GO THROUGH ♤(these are real situations that happened to me and my friends on excursion tho)
☆ Andy got into a fight with someone and broke their finger.
☆Noah and Ava heard strange noises during the night-time and they both freaked out (mostly Noah while Ava saw it as amazing)
☆Stacy got in REALLY bad argument because a girl called her 'slut’; MC joined her and defended her along with the rest of the gang
☆Lily actually got sick(must’ve been the food)
☆MC (no matter of their gender) attempted twerking in the room what caused the gang to laugh so loud the room neighbour came in 00:30 a.m. slamming their fists against the doors and yelling at the group on foreign language to calm the fuck down - MC’s LI stepped in and actually roasted the living hell out of that neighbour
☆endless “truth or dare”
☆ their room was offically declared as the loudest room in the hotel
☆ the neighbours actually threatened they would call police
☆ hairdryer exploded in Lily’s hand because Stacy was charging her phone AND heating up her curling iron at the same time
☆professors decided to take the kids in nightclub- MC attempted to dance in a very sexy way but they failed once when they heard a satisfying crack of their jeans- their jeans torn up between their legs what made the gang laugh deadass again
- Some girl/boy asked Noah if he wanted to make out with them and Noah actually accepted it but the making out went awful because neither of them knew how to do that - MC and the rest of the gang totally screamed in… confusion(?) once when they caught a sight of their friend making out.
☆Andy was awaken by a weird sound of someone walking in a slippers in the middle of the night: “ *gorans* Who the fuck is walking in the fucking slippers?” But it turned out to be a professor so rip
☆ Lucas had to have his own presentation and he was stressing out about it whole two days because he didn’t even know what was he supposed to so he was all freaked out about it even when MC tried to calm him down but at the end got straight A anyway and MC slapped him
�� once, there was a spider on a ceiling:
-Lily and Stacy totally freaked out and began to scream “KILL IT!! KILL!!! IT!!!! KIIIILLLLLL ITTTT!!!”
- Noah and Dan were holding Andy so he was high enough to reach the ceiling and kill the blood-thirsty thing. “KILL THAT DAMN THING ALREADY” “IM TRYING BUT YOU ASSHOLES DON’T KNOW TO HOLD SOMEONE HIGH ENOUGH!”
- Lucas remained calm as he tried to tell them pressing Stacy’s pod against spider would result the pod sticking on the ceiling - no one listened to him so he continued to drink his water and shrugged his shoulders.
- Ava was laughing histerically at the whole thing
- MC recorded the whole thing laughing too hard for their own good
-neighbours definitely came again and yelled at them AGAIN.
☆ Once in a museum, gang found a tablet that was supposed to be there to help people but they went to camera and took million pictures of themselves and set it as a background. Professor noticed and tried to change the background but didn’t know how. She was trying to remove it for 10 minutes straight until another professor came along but she too didn’t know how to do that and MC’s gang was gigling mess.
☆ During the night, MC’s LI covered their hands in tooth paste and pressed them against MC’s ass while they were sleeping (fun times)
☆ MC actually became so stressed because those annoying-ass neighbours they began to cry and their LI had to make them feel better :)
☆MC wore their LI’s hoodie/sweatshirt whole the time no matter of the weather
I am sorry this isnt that interesting bye >-<
My ig: @/choicesandchill
Thanks for reading if you scrolled this far ♡ !
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Sorry for mistakes ^^’ ~
(I still dont know how this thing works tho)
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dancekickboxcardio · 5 years
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Goooooooood Morning ☀️. I counted how many pictures 📸I took yesterday and came up right away that I have more than I can share. As a result, I need to compress my shots. I need not create more space. Two clips ✂️ in one is fine and this is what I came up with. Getting out of bed 🛏 I am like I am going to tweet 📲 soon 😬. One more day. Ugh 😑 two more days 😫. What I want to focus this morning like leading a Pilates class is my mien. Before work out 💪🏾 🏃🏼‍♀️ I have a glow, dewy make up 💄 together look. Looking at this selfie 🤳🏾 it looks like I have sadness in my eye 👁 . But on deeper 🔍 analysis it’s an innocent 😇 unsure 😐 a little standoffish stare. Is that worry on my cheeks and lips 👄 ? That’s actually pretty good because inside my head I was calm, letting stuff randomly run in my train of thoughts 💭, I didn’t have a plan and it was a regular day. I knew I had to take a visual memory. Ah, that attribution that it’s a vain thing 💡. Get over it. Perfect 👌🏾. I want to point out that I was showing restraint, strictness and caution. After, I am exhausted 😴, mean, and don’t get in my face I’ll punch 🥊 you. I come off strong. Worked up. My face is matte asking what do you want? As evidence, I have no NO degree 📜 whatsoever. I mean where did you attend college? Show off. My back is achy 😖. I am like, “What kind of night 🌃 did I have?” I stayed in bed 🛌 as long as I can. I was up but don’t want to start my day. But I was mentally alert already 🔄. I was telling my Mom, “I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️ if it’s the same for you. (I know I developed it over the years.) But when you are doing nothing and your brain 🧠 already not anticipates but plans for tiny things you are going to do in the future.” Not the exact words to reveal plainly. I thought 💭 yesterday that I was going to hang out all day by the pool 🏊🏻‍♀️ side today. My Mom has suggested that I take the day off which is fine I had a two day streak ☑️☑️🔘 and instead show up Friday. Cool 😎 . Still, processed in my mind is I am going to be at the gym 🏃🏼‍♀️ 💪🏾 tomorrow and I have to correct that schema. Yeah, I helped out my Mom with her graduate degree 📜 in Education concentrating in Special Needs like my sister did in her undergrad. They earn like a lot. I feel that although I formulated it in my own way, my family is drawn to psychology. I was young then. But I remem my Mom studying psychology 😏 for her graduate 👩🏼‍🎓 studies. She was on it for years. That’s why I can confidently step on a doctorate. I am not planning on it. I am more focused on things before me and gaining expertise of my chosen area of studies 📚. There is so much to learn. I know nothing about computers 💻 . Let’s focus.
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Let’s start with human relations. I met another trainer yesterday. His name is Frank. I wanted to comment on how good his tan looks 🤦🏼‍♀️. He’s pretty gabby. I held my tongue and I allowed him to make the conversation. He said something about vera meaning true. I can’t remem what language. Italian? French is Vrai. I came up with Latin. I cheered 📣🎊 Emily M, my sis’s BFF. I didn’t want to disrupt her work out with the GYM MANAGER. You cannot miss him. He walks authority. He’s serious yet approachable. You get that he is tough and he can get into your skin. But he’s a good guy. I have caught him in his sensitive moments so he’s not altogether nerve shaking formidable intimidating presence. I saw my Mom’s co-worker. She has a pretty strong job title. I asked if she is FBI. She said she works for a bank 🏦 . I said that Chase is pretty big with her line of work. She’s very easy to approach. Likeable, cute, warm and fuzzy 🥰 and energetic. We both were confused how I relate to my Mom 😂. She said she’s getting back to working out. I am like, “Pat in the back.” This is how I said it, “Laura says I work in excess. But strong is better than weak.” My gawd, I am talking like a novel 📖 . Last one, Greg said see you later as I was living the floor. In my mind I go, “I am not yet leaving.” Vie, loosen that restraint. Let firecracker 🧨 whip. Say what’s not said 😆 or cannot day, must not say, what is correct, proper and fitting. Let’s clean 🧹 it. I did the paddle leg 🦵🏾 machine. I want strong shapely thighs. I had the courage 🎖 to look at myself at the mirror and not feel bad 😔 and discouraged. Instead, realistically, what do I need to work on? I need 3-4 inches off those hips laterally. My Active Matabolic Assessment is set.
My listening 👂🏾 pleasure this morning 🌞. Jamesicle 🐈 is being sweet 😻. He was a little pulling away wounded because he couldn’t enter my room. The AC is on I won’t wake up in the middle of the night to let him use the litter. He’s like my tail. Ok, back to topic. I did another cardio ♥️ after that thirty minute ⏱kicks. Oh, I am scheduled for Pilates too 🙆🏼‍♀️. I was like, “What’s so remarkable about June 3.” I grabbed my phone 📱 and it says, “Eid -Al- Fitr” in my calendar 🗓. Ok. Ah, I get my GAP bathing suits 👙 🛍 🎊 🤦🏼‍♀️. I am getting them sooner 😈. I had an hour in the rowing 🚣🏼‍♀️ machine and I was having a ball watching Discovery. I had notes 📝. Please don’t laugh and make fun 😝 of my ideas 💡.
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The world 🌍 is your oyster. I want that Alex and Ani bracelet. Vie, focus. I worked on my arms. I wanted to do more than I covered. Like I told Frank, “I am running out of time ⌛️.” To Laura, “I better get going. I need to eat 🍽 and get to dance 💃🏼 class.” I did adductor and abductor but barely on triceps and no biceps. All I can think 💭 off is Sumo Squats 🤼‍♀️. In Zumba, it’s still Janice, Twerk killed my legs. I love 💕 the Torrero 🐮 dance 🕴🏻moves. I am enamored by the distinct rhythm. It’s Latin moves alright. I enjoyed 😊 it overall and really paid attention to what I can do and being there. I thought 💭 the class was a little keeping it in. Janice cracks up teaching. What is so funny 🤣 😲—
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Heyy I have a request: ok so I have this idea that Chris, Phichit, Yuuri and Viktor go to a Karaoke and they make teams, so Viktor and Chris choose songs for Yuuri and Phichit and like they choose BTS for Y and P and they act like they don't know the songs like "so just because I'm Japanese you think I would know kpop?" And when the lyrics start they both know the whole choreography and song, and V&C just stay like SHOOK jajaja idk something like that Btw I love how you write 😍
aaaa, I call this piece: “How to lose your every follower” by Sofía. Seriously, this is pure crack I’m so sorry. I’m not familiar with k-pop so I had to look up and it was quite a journey XD Anyways….I hope you at least laugh, this is so stupid hahah
Viktor knew there were many things alcohol could do.
Believe him, he had his sources.
He knew, from some vague chemistry lesson at the back of hismind (and that time he accidentally burnt the cabinet), that alcohol was highlyinflammable.
He knew, because of that really cool movie with the injuredsoldier, that it could be used as disinfectant (even though it burnt like abitch on raw flesh).
He knew, despite the fact the labels didn’t warn about it,that it could cause quite fervent phone calls to ex-lovers at three fifteen inthe morning.
And he knew, out from mere experience, that seven shots ofvodka were enough for Yuuri to start stripping.
He wasn’t surprised, honestly, just highly amused, wheneverthe euphoria kicked in and his fiancé started losing garments. It was theobvious, the finale everyone was waiting for, the happy ever after at the endof each fairy tale.
So that night, after he had gulped down his seventh mouthfulof the evening, not only Viktor but also Chris and Phichit knew what wascoming. In fact, anyone who had ever met Yuuri totally would have known whatwas coming. His family, any other skater, that waiter at the restaurant inMoscow that had had to personally detach him from the chandelier once….literallyanyone could have predicted the outcome.
They had just had a competition in Tokyo, and goodperformances always brought the good need to celebrate. The group of four hadspent quite a long while at a bar, emptying their glasses and their wallets to commemoratetheir places at the podium and a close fourth, cheeks pink and endorphins highas they cheered and raised their cups. It wasn’t like Yuuri was the only onedrinking, no way, Viktor and Chris had had their fair amount too, but theyweren’t as light-weighted, and they had a better tolerance.
By the time they left the bar, Chris was practicing his freeprogram in the middle of the street and the lovebirds were all over each othermaking out against any wall they could lean onto. So Phichit, who was the onlyone walking straight, took it upon himself to guide them towards the only neon signthat was big enough for his tired eyes to see, which ended up being a karaokeplace.
Now, one would probably think that as soon as the employeessaw a twerking man, a couple touching each other asses (one of them half naked), and a boy that couldn’t even point at his own face to take a selfie, theywouldn’t let them in. But apparently they recognized them from the competition,and not only gave them a room, but also asked for their wobbly autographs.
Everything was going perfectly: Yuuri and Viktor could taketheir business to a comfier sofa, Phichit found Wi-Fi to update his Instagram,and Chris could break out his portable pole to make the singing even moreintense….but the problem came when it was the time to choose the songs.
Of course there was the full soundtrack of The King and theSkater. And of course Viktor and Yuuri had to sing the Titanic theme, withdrama and tears involved, as they held each other at the edge of the table.  And don’t even get me started on the prettymuch not safe for work Giacometti cover of “Toxic”.  But those totally self-indulgent performancesweren’t the problem. Not at all.
The conflict started when they had to choose songs for eachother.
“Ok, so…” Yuuri hiccupped, one arm around his Viktor and theother around the bottle of vodka (his lovely two V) “I sing with the hottie,you two sing together”
He spit the words rather than saying them, mouth numbed andvoice groggy, pointing at his friends with the bottle.
“Nu-uh!” Phichit shook his head “You two sang together already!I want to sing with my best bro!”
“Awww!” Yuuri threw himself from his fiancé into Phichit’sarms, who caught him delightedly, laughing at the drunken tangle of limbsaround him “Of course we gon’ sing together! We gon’ sing way many better thanthem!”
“Yuuri oh my god, your English” His friend laughed, tryingto hold him to stand still “But I think what you meant is pretty clear: we cantotally kick their asses”
“Oh?” Viktor raised a brow, resting his elbow on Christophe’sshoulder “Are you challenging us?”
“Fuck yes we are” Phichit had to untie a half-naked Yuurifrom his own body before he gave him an awkward boner “What do you say, buddy?Ready to prove your fiancé who has the pants in the relationship??”
“Well, literally speaking, not him” Christophe chuckled,pointing at the exposed blue briefs.
“You know what I mean…come on! Choose a song! Whatever it iswe’ll sing it!”
“Yeah!! Put da’ song!” Yuurikicked the table to emphasize.                          
They both looked away from thescreen, hearing the muffled whispers of their rivals as they decided theirfate, and warming up their throats as much as they could without throwing up.They were ready, whatever the song was, they would turn around and put on thebest show those two had seen in their entire lives.
However, as the music startedplaying, the only show they put up was one of utter disappointment.
“Uhm, excuse me??” Phichitsnorted, crossing his arms “Is this K-pop??”
The speakers were screaming atthe beat of Not Today by BTS.
“You racist shits!” Yuuri gasped,terribly offended, poking Viktor’s chest with much more force than intended “Isthis because we are Asian??? I’m divorcing you!”
“Are you going to tell us you don’tknow the song?”
Yuuri and Phichit exchanged a culprit look, flashbacks ofboth of them singing that track at the top of their lungs during their free nightsin Detroit flooding their minds and tugging a complicit smirk on their tipsy lips.They both agreed they didn’t need to answer that question with words…when theycould just show them.
Grabbing a microphone, Yuuri tore open the last few buttonsof his shirt that were still on and started dancing with the confidence onlypractice and alcohol could provide. Phichit didn’t stay behind, not having todig that deep into his memories to recall the dance moves, and pushing the two dumbstruckwitnesses onto the sofa with a wink. In no second, they were both singingridiculously fluent Korean, swinging their hips, completely giving their backto the lyrics on the screen. They didn’t need them, anyways.
They not only knew the song. They knew the words by heart,and the entire choreography as well.
Viktor and Christophe stared, jaws dropped, until Yuuribothered to lean over and close both of their agape mouths for neither fliesnor complaints to get in. Their voices weren’t flawless, respectable for tworandom drunkards, but shaded by their impossible drive, the energy of theirdancing, and the symmetry in their movements. Christophe didn’t know when wasthe last time he had found a decent rival for his mature eros, but he certainlywasn’t expecting to find some to the tune of K-pop.
What started out as a perfect recreation of the actual choreography,ended up distorting into a much heated up version of the sequence. And beforethe spectators could get mentally ready or pray a rosary, they both got ontothe table with a jump. The song was fierce and potent, way more than they hadimagined, and way more they ever thought those two could dance. But,apparently, they could transfer the stamina they used on the ice onto thewooden table of a karaoke room.
And Phichit decided to try out the pole dance because whythe fuck not.
To say things had turned wild and penises kind of hard, wasan understandment.
But nothing could have prepared Viktor for Yuuri sliding outfrom the table with clumsy charm, and transporting the dance moves right ontohis lap.
He stuck his knees inthe seat, one at each side of the man’s legs, letting his hips continue theirsway in rhythm with the music as he watched the world burning in the other’sbugged out eyes. He stared thoroughly, purposely, hypnotizing his victimtowards his inevitable, hungry doom.
As soon as the music stopped though, with Phichit pantingheavily and letting out a brutal shout of victory for the whole place toacknowledge, all Viktor wanted was to grab his fiancé and make him take responsibilityfor the boner in the nearest toilet stall. However, Yuuri wasn’t having it.Hips still jerking and mouth dripping, he clang onto his shoulders andwhispered a slutty “not today” beforehe passed out on his lap
And that’s the night Viktor learnt not to underestimate theeffects of alcohol EVER again.
Why haven’t they kicked me out the fandom yet?
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weedcannabisspot · 5 years
Vape is the new selfie: what the 2014 word of the year says about our times
Vape is the new selfie: what the 2014 word of the year says about our times Oxford Dictionaries has crowned ‘vape’ word of the year, with ‘normcore’ and ‘contactless’ as runners-up. But what do these choices tell us about who we are – and where we’re going? An e-smoker enjoying a good vape … the word ‘sat at at the centre of several rich conversations’ this year, say Oxford Dictionaries. Photograph: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Steven Poole Tuesday 25 November 2014 17.00 GMT Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ Lindsay Lohan, Katy Perry, Barry Manilow and Ronnie Wood all do it, and now it’s Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year. Vape: to suck on an electronic cigarette. If you vape, you are a “vaper” (for obvious reasons, no one thought “vapist” was a good idea); and the act of doing so – perhaps in a “vaporium” – is “vaping”. (In fact, “vaping” was coined as long ago as 1983, when such devices were as yet a pipe-dream.) Associated vape-vocab noticed by Oxford includes “e-cigarette”, “e-juice” (the nicotinous liquid inside), and the pleasing retrospective formation “tobacco cigarette”, so people will know what you mean when referring to what used to be just a “cigarette”. Technically, this is called a retronym, as when people began to say “landline” when mobile phones were invented; or when restaurants began to offer “hen’s eggs” once foodists had moved on to scoffing the eggs of ostriches and probably ants. A well-chosen word of the year tells us something about the cultural conversation over the past 12 months. As Oxford Dictionaries chief Casper Grathwohl remarks: “This year ‘vape’ sat at the centre of several rich conversations: the debate over private versus community rights; regulation and public health; and our relationship to our visible vices.” So, to look back over 10 years of such lists might be one way to plot a cultural narrative, or at least thrill to our remembered linguistic innocence, before everyone knew what it meant to vape while twerking. Twerking, you recall, went mainstream last year, thanks to energetic demonstrations by Miley Cyrus – but didn’t win 2013’s Oxford title, finding itself beaten by “selfie”. That will surely be relevant as long as we live in an age of digitally enabled narcissism, an era that top cultural futurists confidently expect to last at least another 1,000 years. It seems already as though 2013 was a golden period linguistically, as “selfie” also saw off strong challenges from “binge-watch” and “Big Data”. This year’s runners-up are the slightly less impressive “normcore” (it’s hip to be square), “contactless” (for card-hovering payments), and “indyref” (rather particular to this year). Bygone words of the year fall into two categories: those that will continue to be useful, and those that already reek of novelty value or worse. We can cheerfully predict that “omnishambles”, originally from BBC2’s political satire The Thick of It and awarded 2012’s title, will remain relevant for as long as things are comically mismanaged, ie for ever. Other winners from the past 10 years, meanwhile, seem now so firmly established that it is difficult to remember when they were ever new, such as “sudoku” (2005) and “carbon footprint” (2007). The same goes for Oxford’s US word of the year for 2005, “podcast”, despite the curious fact that it was built around a commercial product, the iPod, that is now more or less technologically obsolete. Some of Oxford’s other American winners, though, have already gone mouldy, such as “hypermiling” (what?) from 2008, or the apparently once-hilarious 2010 Sarah Palin-ism, “refudiate”. A few years’ perspective also makes other UK winners seem dangerously dated already. The 2009 crowning of “simples” seems, from this distance, mainly like an astonishing marketing triumph, and an odd reminder of a nation momentarily fascinated by animated meerkats. And “Big Society” from 2010 is now a forlorn throwback to that short period just after the election when commentators were bending over backwards to give David Cameron the benefit of the doubt. Did he really have a national plan that amounted to something more cuddly than cuts and privatisation? “Big Society” was a boon to columnists, who set themselves the creative task of deciding what exactly it might actually mean, as well as a boon to exactly no one else. Taken together, some words of the year amount to a narrative about changing middle-class preoccupations. Once it was all about “chavs” (2004) or the slightly naughty appropriation of comedian Catherine Tate’s “bovvered” (2006), but then came the “credit crunch” (2008), and the bloated illusion of the aforementioned “Big Society”, leaving an ever-more-anxious “squeezed middle” (2011). A thematically similar narrative – though one that ends in active rebellion rather than cheek-chewing worry – is sketched for the US by the pointed nominations of the American Dialect Society, whose choices have included “subprime” (2007), “bailout” (2008) and “occupy” (2011). But enough of economic woes: now everyone is taking touching vaper selfies like the musician Bruno Mars. Thus we hypermoderns may revel in the twin pleasures of using technologically enhanced drug-delivery systems while rolling novel words around on our unscorched tongues. Topics Language E-cigarettes Smoking Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+
Carts's insight:
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chocolate-brownies · 6 years
Looking for more places to let loose and unleash your inner wildflower? Check out the musical lineup for a Wanderlust Festival near you and join in on one of our iconic dance parties beneath the stars.
Remember when we used to party ’til the break of dawn? Now, it’s more like party at the break of dawn. And the party involves a lot of sweat and adrenaline. Cocktails have been replaced by cold brew coffee and fresh pressed juices. We’ve ditched the stilettos for sneakers. It’s dance fitness: the new age of working out.
From choreography spin classes like SoulCycle to Daybreaker’s sober dance parties, barre’s modern take on ballet and the hip hop zumba revolution—people want to sweat it out to the beat, and it’s not hard to see why.
Humans have been dancing since the beginning of time. It’s instinctual. And studies show rhythmic movement to have powerful healing effects. No longer do we have to punish our bodies to see results. Instead, dance fitness is turning the workout world on its head by dimming the lights, turning up the music and bringing on the party. For the first time people are realizing they can have a serious, kick-you-in-the ass workout, while also having fun. Here’s why:  
It does something to the brain.
Healthy doesn’t necessarily look like a thigh gap and pack of chiseled abs. “Healthy” is less about looks and more about how you feel. So why does cycling, moving and dancing to a beat make us feel so good? Dr. Judith Hanna, PHD wrote in the Journal of Healing and Complementary Medicine, “The literature on dance and healing suggests that through dance, with its physical, emotional, cognitive and cultural dimensions, a person may gain a sense of control related to stress and pain.”  
Science shows meditation can literally rewire people’s brains. Similarly, dance has shown to have powerful effects. By nature, dance is a multi-sensory experience. You’ve got music, movement and creative expression, all of which profoundly influence the mind.
“The intricate combination of movement, rhythm and music involves simultaneous right and left brain usage in the complex process of self-expression,” explains Hanna. So not only are you keeping your core tight, but also your brain sharp.
The Power of the Pack
“There’s something about vibing with a pack of people that yields a powerful sense of community. Hanna explains, “ …in group dancing there are positive interpersonal dynamics that provide what may essentially be a support group.”
SoulCycle preaches about “pack mentality.” The energy is palpable when a like-minded tribe comes together, rinsing away fear and insecurities, helping push each other past walls and into unchartered territory. It’s primal.
Inhibitions drip away right along with the sweat; the endorphins wringing themselves out. You drink in the music and feel it in your bones. Melody Afakami, founder of Austin-based Melody Dancefit, says, “[Dance fitness] is less about competition and more about a collaborative community. In general, people are yearning for more meaning in every facet of their life and fitness is no exception to this.”
I had the awesome experience of dancing to one of Melody’s classes alongside a bunch of other health-minded humans at Austin’s Daybreaker party. With a glitter bar, a DJ flown in from Paris, and a mob of cool and funky outfits, it looked like a scene straight out of Ibiza, except the only substances being served were Chameleon Cold Brew and kombucha. And yet, the crowd jumped and jammed for three hours straight, the good vibes dripping from the windows to the walls.
There’s something deeply personal about dance.
In the ever-connected, anxious, “always on” world we live in, working out is the one place we can drop the selfie sticks and self-consciousness and just dance it out.
Even though you’ve got your crew to lift you up and hold you accountable, there’s also something deeply personal about dancing. After all, the old adage “dance like no one’s looking” came from somewhere. I’m not sure at what age we moved from rocking out at recess to death gripping the gym wall at the middle school dance, but somewhere along the way dancing stopped feeling natural and started feeling awkward. The stakes of nearly certain embarrassment too high to risk.
But there’s something about dancing in the name of fitness that renders some sort of permission to get weird and wild. After all, it’s all in the name of health, right? And when it comes to torching calories, you don’t need a tequila shot to give you permission to twerk your little heart. You can be stone cold sober and it’s perfectly accessible to WOO, wave your towel above your head, and get low, low, low.
That moment we lay down our inhibitions and let the music take over, surrendering to the fear that we’ll look stupid or get the steps wrong—that’s when the magic happens. It’s transcendental.
“It’s an activity that helps you lose and find yourself all at once.”
“For as long as humans have existed, dancing has played a sacred role in spirituality, religion, celebration, and community. Despite it being scary to so many, it’s actually one of the most natural things we can do. Dancing creates an indescribable connection, not only to yourself and others, but even to a different state of consciousness,” says Melody.
So what’s next?
Bring on the disco balls, because dance fitness is about to level up.
The evolution of dance fitness will surely shift and take on a new life, as all things do, but one thing is for sure, the spirit of it is here to stay. My hope is that as more people come to experience the power of dance they don’t think of it as just a fad workout or trend, but as a lifestyle—a way of existing in the world.
So here’s to more dance parties, more fun and turning all our inner wallflowers into bright, brave, and beautiful wildfires.
Laci Mosier is a copywriter living and loving in Austin, Texas. She and her one-eyed pirate dog live for exploring and discovering life’s magic. She is most inspired by yoga, running, Kundalini meditation, good books, great jams and even better coffee. Getting lost is where she is most often found. Follow her on the Twittersphere or Instagram.
The post Dance Fitness: Turning Wallflowers into Wildflowers appeared first on Wanderlust.
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succorcreek · 7 years
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Teenager Donald Trump or Lizard People Alien. Which is it??? Teenager Donald Trump or Lizard People Alien. Which is it??? Wow these traits apply to all 3!! See in the topic cloud below: donald trump age-17 regressed boy From BBC and spelling errors are actually Brit spellings:http://bbc.in/2xTcz9y Millennials may be the worlds most hated generation at the moment. But is disdain towards youth a new dynamic? By delving into the archives we found that older people have been griping about young people for more than 2000 years. Far more surprising is that throughout the centuries their criticisms have been remarkably similar. From complaints that the next generation are both too cautious and yet downright dangerous too worried about the world and at the same time too self-absorbed to care here are some of our favourites. Theyre lazy Millennials are lazy and think basic tasks are beneath them. A generation with a huge sense of entitlement Daily Mail 2017 Many [young people] were so pampered nowadays that they had forgotten that there was such a thing as walking and they made automatically for the buses unless they did something the future for walking was very poor indeed. Scottish Rights of Way: More Young People Should Use Them Falkirk Herald 1951 self-obsessed Theyre out-of-touch hipsters who spend too much on coffee and too little on facial hair care. Many are spoiled entitled or both. A Bosss Guide to Managing Bratty Millennials Momzette 2016 Whither are the manly vigour and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Can these be their legitimate heirs? Surely no; a race of effeminate self-admiring emaciated fribbles can never have descended in a direct line from the heroes of Potiers and Agincourt... Letter in Town and Country magazine republished in Paris Fashion: A Cultural History 1771 ...and really just awful. The tragic truth is that Americas millennials are a bunch of phone-addicted selfie-obsessed hashtagging snapchatting kale-munching twerking lazy whining ill-informed politically correct cossetted narcissists who find absolutely everything mortally offensive and believe there are 165 ways to sexually identify. Memo to millennials that awful feeling youve got is called losing Daily Mail 2016 We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is as never before an attitude on the part of young folk which is best described as grossly thoughtless rude and utterly selfish. The Conduct of Young People Hull Daily Mail 1925 (Credit: Getty Images) Artistotle contemplating the know-it-all youth of his day (Credit: Getty Images) They think they know best My huge generalities touch on their insistence that they are right despite the overwhelming proof that suggests they are not Bret Easton Ellis in Generation Wuss Vanity Fair 2014 They think they know everything and are always quite sure about it. Rhetoric Aristotle 4th Century BC But theyre also too cautious. Millennials have been called the most cautious generation the first to grow up with car seats and bike helmets the first not allowed to walk to school or go to the playground alone. There really isnt anything magical about it: Why more millennials are avoiding sex Washington Post 2016 Its an irony but so many of us are a cautious nervous conservative crew that some of the elders who five years ago feared that we might come trooping home full of foreign radical ideas are now afraid that the opposite might be too true and that we could be lacking some of the old American gambling spirit and enterprise. The Care and Handling of a Heritage: One of the scared-rabbit generation reassures wild-eyed elders about future Life 1950 And yet too confident. Many of the millennials in today's workforce have more confidence than they do competence. Millennials: Their overconfidence at work can look delusional Irish Independent 2017 [Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life nor have they experienced the force of circumstances. Rhetoric Aristotle 4th Century BC (Credit: Getty Images) Millennials are defined by their flighty entitled approach to work or is that just young people in general? (Credit: Getty Images) Their expectations are too high. The prevailing narrative about members of Generation Y is that they are a fleet of job-hoppers who think they're above the grunt work of an entry-level position; in other words not the most desirable employees. The 40-hour weeks I think its slowly killing you Irish Independent 2017 The traditional yearning for a benevolent employer who can provide a job for life also seems to be on the wane In particular they want to avoid low-level jobs that arent keeping them intellectually challenged. Meet Generation X Financial Times 1995 Really they just complain too much. Whether its jobs property or just the sheer towering unfairness of the world millennial complainants are everywhere ready to give you a rundown of everything their generation has been stiffed on. In the way that we once had The Greatest Generation we now have The Whiniest Generation. But really the only place theyve been short-changed compared to us Xers or even the Boomers is property. Crybaby millennials need to stop whinging and work hard like the rest of us The Telegraph 2015 What really distinguishes this generation from those before it is that it's the first generation in American history to live so well and complain so bitterly about it. The Boring Twenties Washington Post 1993 They spend way too much money which is bad. When I was trying to buy my first home I wasn't buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each. We're at a point now where the expectations of younger people are very very high. They want to eat out every day they want travel to Europe every year. Australian mogul Tim Gurner on 60 Minutes Australia 2017 The beardless youth does not foresee what is useful squandering his money. Horace 1st Century BC But theyre not buying houses also bad. Somebody is buying houses in the United States but it sure isnt millennials. Just ask their parents. Theyll be the ones worrying in the kitchen about whether their little darlings will ever leave. Millennials arent buying homes right now: What if they never do? The Guardian 2016 We want to get married but there is nowhere we can set up a house of our own. It is either a case of waiting goodness knows how long and we've waited all the war or going to live with Mary's mother. How often is a similar remark heard in those days for it is the problem that young people all over the country have to face. Thousands of young fellows have come home from the war intent on setting up a home with the girl of their heart only to find that there are no homes to be had Many men of course have not waited for houses but have got married and gone into rooms or to live with relatives but neither course can be considered very satisfactory. Nowhere to Set Up House Dundee Courier 1920 They want to live like adolescents forever. As more millennials delay moving out of their parents' home getting a job and are paying their own bills the age of adulthood has been pushed back. One expert suggests that millennials stay children for so long because they have been coddled by their parents and have had things 'too good'. Will they ever grow up? Daily Mail 2017 A few [35-year-old friends] just now are leaving their parents nest. Many friends are getting married or having a baby for the first time. They arent switching occupations because they have finally landed a meaningful career perhaps after a decade of hopscotching jobs in search of an identity. Theyre doing the kinds of things our society used to expect from 25-year-olds. Not Ready for Middle Age at 35 Wall Street Journal 1984 Modern technology has made them useless at decision-making The endless choices millennials face have also proven paralyzing. Theyre the constantly-swiping-right generation. Its always on to the next thing. They cant even: Why millennials are the anxious generation New York Post 2016 They have trouble making decisions. They would rather hike in the Himalayas than climb a corporate ladder. They have few heroes no anthems no style to call their own. They crave entertainment but their attention span is as short as one zap of a TV dial. Proceeding with Caution Time 2001 as well as impossibly self-absorbed. Mythology of Narcissus: entranced with his own image in a reflection: Who is entranced by their own glory and aura? Narcissus? Donald Trump? Teenagers and adults as with age regression? . Lost in Me Myself I and My Things: Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein demonstrates how the internet is making young people increasingly ignorant about almost everything except online video games and the narcissism of self-authored internet content The more skilled kids become in using the tools of the digital revolution he demonstrates the more ignorant they become about the objective world around them. Digitally Addicted Kids Threaten to Return Civilisation to the Dark Ages The Independent 2008 Cinemas and motor cars were blamed for a flagging interest among young people in present-day politics by ex-Provost JK Rutherford [He] said he had been told by people in different political parties that it was almost impossible to get an audience for political meetings. There were of course many distractions such as the cinema Young People and Politics Kirkintilloch Herald 1938 Psychopaths Pirates Vampires and more: Run flee tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive: Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs culture of narcissism and psychopathy Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder entranced narcissism narcissus self-absorbed trump aura and glory #trumpbully #stopbully #trumpmentalhealth http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp
Teenager Donald Trum
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