#please support pentagon lmao
kinohui · 6 years
99 things i love about kino
yes this is exactly what it looks like. let’s go
1. this goes without saying but he is incredibly talented
2. he’s probably one of the best dancers i’ve seen in kpop especially at his age
3. he even choreographed a bunch of their songs including part of their debut song gorilla and this beautiful choreography to hui’s song you are
4. his singing ???? he literally has the voice of an angel it’s so smooth and nice it could lull me to sleep every single night
5. and he self produces too!!!!!
6. he wrote and produced some of my favourite pentagon songs like violet and off-road
7. as well as some amazing solo songs he released on his soundcloud (you should seriously check out his soundcloud)
8. the music video for lonely
9. he has such a bright personality and will make everyone’s day a little better
10. for real he is such a sunshine and he’s so loving with his members 
11. and his laugh !!!!!!!!!! you will always find him laughing at everything even when no one else is and it’s so fcking cute
12. like when he full on failed the try not to react challenge
13. and the way he covers his mouth and grabs onto everyone around him when he laughs really hard ;-;
14. basically if scientists ever find a cure for cancer they’ll find it in hyunggu’s laugh
15. he is really kind
16. he’s also really good at english (here’s a little compilation for u)
17. and always tries to speak as much english as he can in english broadcasts like asc or soompi and it’s just adorable
18. like when he said he shares a room with shinwon and ‘’i’ve never seen him clean his clothes himself’’
19. he’s super ticklish !!! and shinwon has called him a pervert because of it lmao (x, x, x)
20. he can play the piano 
21. and the guitar !!
22. really he’s such a multitalent there’s like nothing he can’t do and i really don’t know where he finds the time to do all of those things
23. he is always so kind with his fans and his members and staff
24. this kid is super smart:
25. first of all he was admitted into an arts high school as the no. 1 (NO. 1 !!!!!) candidate
26. was also a student commitee member lmao
27. attended hanlim multi arts school together with yugyeom from got7 and their friendship is super cute (x)
28. after high school he was accepted into sejong university as a practical dance major without even having to take the entrance exam bruh
29. also attended a lot of dance workshops
30. really his passion for dance is admirable
31. he’s also really street smart. like
32. he will look at a situation and try to understand it and is able to solve problems super quick
33. he’ll come up with unique approaches to a problem and solutions that no one else in his group thought of
34. i’m not joking when i say this boy probably has an IQ of 150 like I GENUINELY BELIEVE THAT
35. he’s a super logical thinker
36. which also makes him super good at games (x, x)
37. like when they played the bunny bunny game and kino outsmarted everyone and almost made yanan cry lmao
38. and he will take those games serious and try to do his absolute best
39. but also doesn’t take it TOO seriously
40. because if things don’t go his way or he loses he is never mad
41. for real this boy is blessed with so much patience
42. he puts up with his member’s teasing with a smile
43. and they tease him A LOT
44. like never before have i seen this boy snap at anyone
45. also super soft and emotional bub
46. loves his mom a lot
47. like a lot
48. cried when the members showed him a video message from her
49. also cried when they asked him to give a message to her in a broadcast before she went on a business trip
50. he can impersonate spongebob?
51. mr. krabs too lmao
52. always puts his all into everything that he does
53. like for real he is COMPLETELY in the zone, no matter what he’s doing, dancing, singing, playing games ??
54. you can see how his facial expression changes when he starts dancing and it always matches the song perfectly
55. he can convey so much emotion through his dancing
56. superb taste in fashion just saying
57. also has a really nice and special taste in music imo
58. like he listens to a lot of underground artists on soundcloud
59. and i love that he reposts so much stuff on there so you can listen to all the music he likes and i think that can be such an intimate thing to share
60. and you can tell how the music he listens to influences his own music
61. also the vlives where he tries to explain their choreographies and teach them to you
62. or the ones where he sits in his studio and plays you some of his songs
63. this video where he asked jinho to sing for him for inspiration and he sat there listening to his voice with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, really taking in the song
64. + his super cute smile at the end ;-;
65. he’s super thankful for their fans and always makes sure to say that
66. this shine fancam
67. seriously does he never run out of energy ???? just look at him
68. king of duality
69. like on one hand he’s super cute and innocent but. don’t be deceived
70. his sexy side isn’t for the faint hearted
71. exhibt A
72. exhibit B (yeah he really went and wrote that song)
73. i swear this boy is lowkey a freak
74. vaseline ????
75. this part in one of his vlives that actually had me sobbing
76. he just has such a positive outlook on life and it makes me really happy
77. like he always manages to focus on all the positive things in life and doesn’t let the negative things weigh him down and i find that really admirable
78. i actually really look up to him and his passion for life
79. he’s also a great cook, get you a man
80. ‘’i think i can get married’’
81. the meaning behind his stage name --> kinnovation
82. the time he had bright pink/red hair???? holy shit
83. that part in the shine mv where he harmonizes with jinho and they’re being super cute
84. speaking of shine, the cute goggles he wears uwu
85. when he ate a churro with chopsticks lmao this will never not be the cutest thing ever to me
86. also tried to feed said churro to the fans through the camera with the chopsticks
87. just a big lovable dork
88. if you wanna cleanse your soul of all evil watch his ‘’with you’’ cover with jinho
89. doesn’t mind skinship at all. will gladly cuddle all of his members
90. does girl groups dances better than the actual girl groups tbh
92. king of twerking
93. like he really twerked at hyuna’s birthday party
94. his favourite sentence is ‘’i love you’’ lmao stab me in the heart please. :)
95. takes the cutest selfies
96. ‘’im sensitive’’
97. when hongseok said he wants to go swimming with the members and kino was like ‘’all naked together?’’ this boy istg
98. destroyed everyone in limbo
99. in conclusion this sunshine is doing the absolute most and he deserves so so much love so please give it to him !!
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wondr18360 · 6 years
Hui and E’Dawn in Pentagon’s MVs: Pretty adorable or casually handsome/sexy; chill or extra in a cute way; perfect to show your niece or nephew
Hui and E’Dawn in Triple H: Innocent? I don’t know him; sexy overload; dom who will push you down and apply lipstick for you (I’m looking at you E’Dawn); lick lollipops with Queen Hyuna; don’t look at us in the bathroom dammit, Hui close the goddamn door (yes I just did that you’re welcome); Overall pretty close to being 18+?
Hui and E’Dawn in both: Kings who we love and appreciate
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miastideclock · 2 years
please take the boygroup sorter on biasorter.tumblr.com and post ur results, i'm so curious
bah, your wish is my command: lets get to it i would also like to add that these results are PURELY based off of how much of their music i listen to, i can't name a single person in half the groups here lmao
stray kids is anyone really surprised?? im not
bts same with this one, very much expected
seventeen also very predicted
the rose this surprised me a little bit ngl, but when i look over my playlists it checks out
shinwha i did NOT see this coming wth
shinee my guess was that shinee came over shinwha but here we are
block b i used to be a HARDCORE BBC but fell out of it almost as fast as i got into it and i have no idea why
winner they have some good party bops, but i don't listen to a lot of their slower songs
got7 same as block b, i was a massive fan few years ago, but now i barely listen to them?? i listen to jackson's songs a bit and im super excited for their comeback coming up!!
super junior y'all, their early music is my SHIT- nothing gets me going quite like some early 2000's bops
astro i haven't really kept up with them, but every now and then a song of theirs is reccomended either on tiktok or on spotify and i add it to my playlists
ateez i'm not gonna lie, they have some great tracks, but im deadass scared to get into them. they are intimidating as fUCK
nu'est i was a fairly big fan of them a while back, and it was mainly because of minhyun i watched produce 101 season 2 :)
pentagon their songs give me such summer-vibes, so whenever i need me a good pick me up, i blast their music and pretend its mid-july lmao
24k i listen to only a handful of their songs, but the few songs i listen to, i listen to like all the time hehehe
wanna one i was SUCH a big fan when they were promoting, and it absolutely shattered my heart when they 'disbanded', but its like they say, all good things come to an end :(
day6 they give me a sense of home when i listen to them, but i haven't been supporting them a lot as of recent
infinite there was a solid two month period in like 2016 where i would pretty much give my life for these men, but one day i just forgot they existed, so if i put my music on shuffle and their songs come on, i look like thats so raven, just zooming to a different point in time- its weird
ikon i never really informed myself on what happened with them and b.i. which is 100% my own fault, but ever since the incident i haven't listened to them. idk, it wasn't really on purpouse.
b.a.p i only listen to them during VERY special occasions. when me and my hometown friend are out driving at night during the summer, we always blast their music, it's become tradition by now
the link for the sorter here! let me know if our results are similar!!
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gamerwoo · 3 years
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Hello friends, it’s Rocket!!! So I recently hit another really big milestone (honestly idk how I did it with my shitty updating schedule that doesn’t even exist, and lack of posting anything on here because of work lmao) and I really want to do something this time around to celebrate since I don’t think I did anything last time. But since I couldn’t decide on just one thing to do, I’ve decided to do a bunch of things!! So I’ll probably have this lil celebration thing going on for a little bit so I can get things done over a period of time instead of just trying to rush things out in one weekend. But more on that in a sec!
Before I get into the celebration stuff, I just wanna give a huge thank you to everyone who’s followed, whether you’ve been here since I was msvteenx or you just now followed me. I appreciate it a lot. And even if you don’t follow me but you reblog my content, thank you so much!! The fact that people like my writing makes me so happy I can’t even put it into words. And if you’ve followed me for any other reason other than my writing, I appreciate you as well!! :] 
But the biggest shoutouts to @neverknewgrey2016 @sadienita @akirabfs @hansols-yoda-boxers​ and @sunlightwoo​ for just being really great friends and always being super encouraging and my #1 hype people, especially lately when I hardly have the time to do anything but want to do all the things lmao. I love y’all and I’m really glad I met you guys and that I have y’all in my life 🥺💕
Okay, so onto the celebration stuff!
Yup, you read that right. Ya girl is bringing back SKZ Imprinted!!! Which also means that I’ll be opening requests for this series!! However, I will be re-posting all of the old parts that I didn’t already use in other Imprinted series lmao. So some members won’t be up for requests.
These are the members you can request for:
Requests are a first come, first serve basis. You can specify their mate, the plot, the genre, etc. Or you can be super vague and just say “hey can I have Imprinted [insert member here]” and I’ll come up with the rest!!
My only rule is no smut. I don’t have the time or energy to write that rn.
Requests for Stray Kids Imprinted will close when I receive a request for all 4 members. You can check who has been requested here.
I know this isn’t something many people will probably engage in, but I still think it could be fun. Pretty much anything goes and I have to answer. So ask whatever the heck u want 😌
The only things I won’t answer are:
My real name/my full name
Where I live
Personal info about my family (such as their names)
Anything along those lines
Please be sure to start the ask of by saying it’s for the 8k celebration!! I’ll be answering them all Sunday (4/18) night!!!
I think I do these every single time I do a milestone celebration lmao. But this time, instead of just finding one of those posts to reblog or link, you can request a specific au type (werewolf au, mafia au, ect) and/or genre and/or thing that happens in the drabble. Just make sure you include an idol you want!!
Groups/idols you can request for:
Stray Kids
For example “single dad!Seungcheol picks his daughter up from daycare and tries to flirt w the worker but his daughter embarrasses the fuck out of him” or something along those lines. Basically, your request must have enough info for me to be able to write something with it lmao.
For drabbles, I’ll allow smut.
The drabble game requests will close either next Saturday (4/24) at 8pm EST or sooner if I get bombarded with them and can’t keep up lmao.
For a short period of time, I’ll have requests open for small things, which include:
fake texts
headcanons (this goes for general headcanons but also headcanons for any series or fic or character I have that maybe you wanna know more about or add onto)
drabbles (see above)
And yes, smut topics are allowed.
Requests will close whenever I feel like closing them lmao :)
Thank you guys so much again for 8k followers. I can’t put into words how much I appreciate all the love and support on my writing or just in general. I love you guys!! 💕💕💕
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👀 I usually don’t make requests off anonymous but you’re amazing and I want you to know I fully support you lol. It says in your masterlist that you take requests for Pentagon, and that one of your favorite kinks is pegging (bro me too) so can I ask for a first time pegging the members pentagon reaction?? Your Monsta X reaction KILLED me, I just love your blog, it’s my new second home lmao 💝
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me 🥺❤! Sorry it took so long, I had a little bit of writers block in the middle of it but I hope you like it bby! ❤❤ I also didn't add Dawn because he's dating Hyuna and I feel uncomfortable writing smut about people who are in relationships.
Pentagon's Reaction to Pegging
     This might just be a personal opinion, but I think Jinho is one kinky little fucker. That's why I think he would have been the one to bring up pegging to you, he might've even brought it up almost as soon as he found out you preferred being dominant. While he loves to be babied by you and treated like your precious baby, he also likes being roughed up a little bit. You can't tell me this boy doesn't like being manhandled, his height makes him perfect for it. That's why he loves being pegged so much, it makes you so much more controlling over him. Fuck him against a wall, a table, the couch- he's alright with anything. Though one of the most beautiful sights would be him riding you, he looks like absolute perfection. The beautiful, high-pitched moans he would let out would definitely make you speed up, eliciting more beautiful noises from your beautiful boyfriend's lips. 
     To say he loves pegging would definitely be an understatement. He just loves the feeling of feeling so small beneath you, or above you because he would seriously look gorgeous when riding you, as you ruthlessly pound into him.
     The sweetest babyboy. Since he's the leader, he likes to come home and be taken care of instead of having to run around taking care of everyone else. The topic of pegging came up once he had told you that he wanted you to be a little rougher with him after a particularly tiring day of practice. You decided you would let him look through your toys and decided what he wanted you to do. You were more than pleased when he had come back with your strap-on in his hands, his face a bright shade of red. It wasn't long before you had him in the bedroom, whining as you stretched him out with your fingers. When you had finally entered him, after what felt like hours of teasing, he threw his head back with a loud moan. The beautiful noises he let out made you move faster, leading to him almost crying in pleasure as you pounded into him with one of his legs thrown over your shoulder. The delicious moan he let out as he came spurred you on to make him do it again, leaving him in tears with drool seeping out of his mouth once you were done with him.
     If we're being honest with ourselves, we all know this man would live for being teased and overstimulated. Since pegging makes him more sensitive, he will practically beg you to fuck his ass, which is a beautiful sight.
     Brat #1. This boy will get on your nerves to the very end. He is used to being dominant with his past partners, so making him submit is a tough battle. When you had asked him how he felt about pegging, his words contrasted with his eyes that were full of desire. You decided to bring out your strap when you were punishing him again, making him wiggle his ass, which was stained red from how many times you had spanked him, in your direction from his place on the bed. He made delicious sounds as you pounded into him, though he still refused to listen to you, trying to hold back his moans once you had told him how pretty he sounded. You ended up edging him over and over again until he was crying and begging beneath you.
     Of course he would never admit it, but he loves the feeling of you pounding into him. He loves it even more if you absolutely destroy him, he likes feeling like nothing beneath you (though he wouldn't admit that either).
     Another sweet babyboy. He had been the best for you all day, taking your teasing touches and seductive whispers while out with his members, so naturally you let him choose how he wanted to be rewarded. You had him pressed against the door as soon as you got inside, leaving marks along the skin of his neck as you asked him what he wanted. Both of you seemed surprised as he told you he wanted you to fuck his ass. A few minutes and one long make-out session later, he was moaning desperately into the sheets as you thrusted into him with your strap-on. He is naturally very loud in the bedroom, but it had never been enough for you to gag him- that is until you started pegging him. You don't have to gag him necessarily, but you can still hear his noises clear as day even with his face shoved in his pillow. The only time you should peg him without quieting his moans would be when your neighbors are on vacation, because if you don't there will definitely be a noise complaint.
     While Shinwon does love pegging, you should definitely be careful when you do it. You tend to get lost in how beautiful his moans sound that you don't think about the awkward conversation you have to have with your neighbors the next morning.
Yeo One
     Since Changgu is such a romantic, I think he's a switch. The only thing he wants to do is please his partner, so if you wanted to fuck him in the ass with a strap, he was down. He would have been lying if he said he had never thought about it before, but he had never tried it himself. Normally, he likes slow, romantic sex- not to say he wouldn't rough you up a little bit- but that was thrown out the window as soon as you started slowly thrusting into him. He was a goner as soon as you found his prostate. He started begging and pleading for you to go faster and harder, telling you to pull his hair and leave more marks on him. He normally isn't very vocal when you have sex; when you fuck him with your strap, however, he lets out loud whines, moans, and whimpers, begging for you the entire night.
     He definitely loves being pegged, letting you fuck him like that almost every time you have sex afterwards. Ever since you first pegged him, there will definitely be a decrease in the times he will dominate you, slowly moving from a switch to a full on submissive. 
     Yanan is definitely a sub, the perfect babyboy, since he is new to the whole relationships thing and let's you take the lead. Since you had been fingering him for a while, you thought you should step it up, asking Yanan if he was okay with you pegging him. He seemed a little iffy about it at first, but once you had assured him that you knew what you were doing and you wouldn't hurt him in any way, he agreed. The night you actually bring the strap-on into the bedroom, you make sure to absolutely spoil him- treating him like a prince. You had made sure you would do this slowly and carefully, not wanting to ruin his first pegging experience. He lets out soft whimpers and moans, loving the feeling of the toy inside of him. You let him tell you when to speed up or if he wanted you to go rougher, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. You kissed him lovingly, holding his hands as you brought him to his climax.
     He loved the way you treated him, and was happy you had put so much thought into him. He would definitely want to do it again, though next time you could be a little less careful with him.
     Brat #2. Yuto is normally very dominant in the bedroom, so convincing him to let you peg him might take a while but would definitely be worth it in the long run. You were practically begging him to let you fuck him with your strap-on, and eventually he agreed, albeit reluctantly. You had originally planned on taking it somewhat slow, since it was his first time, but he had been acting like a brat the whole night- talking back to you every chance he could and not listening to anything you said. It didn't take you long to decide that he needed to be put in his place. When you had lined up with his hole, you quickly snapped your hips to meet his, the loud whimper that left his mouth cut off the snarky comment he was about to say. You only gave him a few seconds to adjust before you were pounding into him. Despite how much he had been complaining about it all night, he was screaming in pleasure, clawing desperately at the bedsheets once you had managed to make him cum untouched. You even made him cum a second time to make sure he learned his lesson.
     As much as he hated to admit it, he loves when you peg him. He's still embarrassed about it so you have to bring it up most of the time, but it's definitely his favorite part of submitting to you.
     Pegging? Did you mean Kino's favorite thing ever? As a matter of fact, I would say it's bold of you to say he hasn't done it before. This sweet babyboy happened to stumble upon your collection of toys when he was cleaning out the closet one day. He had already known most of what was in there, especially the ropes and ribbons you had used countless times before, but what he hadn't known about was the large black strap-on you had sitting towards the bottom of the box. He brought it up to you later after you had returned from grocery shopping. We all know that this man is sensitive, it was one of your favorite things about him, but when you are pegging him you had better gag this boy or you will definitely be getting a noise complaint from your neighbors. Pegging, for some unknown reason, makes Kino like 10x more sensitive than he already is. Every touch had him whimpering and squirming, muffled pleas of you to go faster and/or harder are also very common.
     Seriously, pegging makes this man weak. Just tie him up, gag him, fuck him as hard as you can, and he's putty in your hands. 
     Since Wooseok is the youngest, he is used to being taken care of and spoiled which is something that wouldn't change in the bedroom. Technically you had been the one to bring up pegging to him, but he had eagerly agreed. It started when you had come home and found him fingering himself, which is what led you to asking him if he wanted to be pegged. It was only a few minutes later that you had him on his back underneath you, whining as you entered him. Since he had already stretched himself out, it didn't take long for you to start thrusting into him. When you start fucking him, you better go all out. I'm talking pounding into him with one- hell maybe both- of his legs thrown over your shoulders. He likes that you can dominate him and leave him unable to walk the next morning even though you're shorter than he is. You better be fucking him so hard that you wake up with cramps the next morning.
     If it wasn't obvious, you need to have a strap-on in your sex life in order to keep this man satisfied. He doesn't care if you're babying him or fucking him so hard you get a noise complaint from your neighbors, he needs to be pegged.
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chiveburger · 4 years
how does boycotting anything related to pentagon help pentagon lmao? please think about that like regardless of how you feel towards cube, not listening to pentagon’s music, not buying their albums, not watching their appearances do NOTHING but make pentagon’s already small fandom even smaller. I know people are trying to cope with the absence of yanan in their performance teaser but please use your brain for uno momento. pentagon has struggled to stay in the spotlight, they’ve been hit time and time again with malicious rumors and comments, yet they try their absolute hardest to give back to the fans that love and support them. they always ask fans to listen to their music and to support their comebacks, and if universe won’t support them then what’s the alternative here? be upset, be sad, demand answers but don’t do it at the sake of pentagon’s success. unfollowing their activities does nothing for a company that runs multiple groups, but it will definitely take money out of pentagon’s pockets and hurt them in the long run.
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cosmojjong · 3 years
smile, just do it yo!!, do it for fun 🥰
😊 smile - what song never fails to lighten your mood?
oooh this is hard because if you think of it, ptg have a lot of songs that can boost and lighten your mood in no time 🥺 in general i always watch spring snow stages or i listen to alien, but mostly the first one!
💃 just do it yo!! - have you ever done something out of your comfort zone and you’re glad you did?
i think i did a few things which i never thought i would but now i can't pinpoint/remember all of them 😭 the biggest one i can think of, though, is me working a job that required me to be around people in 2019! that was such a scary step but i am glad i did it because it helped tons with my fear of being perceived and everything
🤪 do it for fun - favourite ptg moments?
im afraid this may get long lmao
the first one that comes to my mind immediately is changgu's birthday live where they just started yelling and running around, i think i will never get over how happy he looked and it reminds me of how he said that before joining pentagon, during the training periods, his birthdays had been very lonely so i can only imagine how happy he must be that he gets such nice celebrations every year 🥺🥺
another one is when during humph era we couldn't give them a first win even though we were this close to and they walked out after the music show airing to hang out with unis, it was such an intimate moment.. just ptg hanging out with unis, taking pictures, and then hyunggu also asking the people attending that improvised mini fan meeting to please share some videos so overseas and international fans knew that pentagon love us and are grateful to us regardless of everything
also! can't believe i almost forgot about this!! when i saw and met them in person 🥺 if i started talking about that day there'd be no end to this but it was such a happy and inspiring day that it feels out of the ordinary still, if i think about how my days generally go. it felt like a culmination of so much hoping, hard work and support. forever grateful that i could be part of such a joyous experience and big step in their career 💙 ik im probably missing many other favorite moments rn but this should be enough hdje thanks rae my beloved for sending this ask!
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cbspams · 3 years
ONF - New World (Performance MV)
The last one. Ahhh, when I first committed to watching RTK, I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't know anything about the other groups. I'd seen TBZ's Reveal (Catching Fire) which lured me in and I'm grateful for it because I got to see all the other amazing performances everyone pulled off. Beyond just the performances, it was really heartwarming to get little glimpses of the hard work everyone puts into each stage and how they're always supporting each other, within their own teams and outside of it. I would definitely recommend watching RTK if you're interested in getting into any of the groups featured, and even if not I would still recommend watching the performances because they're all so unique in their arrangements and stages. It's the kind of thing that can only happen on a competition show.
Thanks for putting up with all my ranting and know that I love you if you've read all my different thought posts. I hope you all look forward to Kingdom: Legendary War as well, it's gonna be HYPE!
Alright dudes let's get down to it.
Admittedly I did not love ONF for a lot of RTK. They're a great group, but I felt like their stages didn't favor the same kind of theatricality other groups had. And when they were ranked highly for We Must Love + Moscow Moscow (2nd round, My Song) stage, I was frankly a little miffed.
I adored their stage for It's Raining though, and all throughout RTK even if I didn't love them I still thought they were wonderful. Their reactions were so entertaining to watch and their stages were all fun and well executed.
I struggled watching New World a bit because I couldn't get over the fact they went back to more simple performances when It's Raining had been so elaborate.
The performance MV for New World is amazing. I understand the live performance had to be filmed indoors and that because it's indoors and because the stage is black and the stairs are black and the bleachers are black, the impact is different. But I'm really sad about that because the open air film location they did for the performance MV fit the song's vibes so much better. The kind of controlled sunlight, the open air lattices of the building they were standing on, the contrast between the dark outfits the members had and the bright cream of the building's plaster. All of those contributed to such a different vibe for the song, which is so bright and fun.
The opening to the light performance is a short film, similar to ONEUS and Pentagon. I'm not too sure about this but it seems to start with fast cuts from their previous MVs? And then slows down marginally to give a bit of storyline that seems to be a combination of pre and post apocalypse/societal collapse in a fantasy/cyberpunk mix world? Yeah, I dunno I've watched it 4 times and that's the best I could come up with. Especially because the ending shot is several very large meteors crashing through the atmosphere and like, those are pretty deadly so...?
In the pre-performance bit with the ONF members, they had discussed a theme of Pandora's box. Most people know that Pandora's box is a symbol of curses and tragedy, often tied to themes of humanity's greed versus humanity's innocence in listening to the gods. On opening the box, all the diseases and negativity inside flooded out to torment humanity but Hope remains in the box to allow humanity to maintain light in the darkness, and only humanity can give up hope.
NGL I was really excited to see how they would execute that theme. But then?? They kind of treated the box as a time capsule? I could kind of see it like them put their hopes into the box, which is an interesting twist on the tale of Pandora's box but also Confusion because that's definitely not the theme of that story. I kind of let it go though, because maybe they were just borrowing inspiration from the story and not actually trying to represent it.
Moving onto the actual performance and song. The intro is so intense! It's a really interesting fit because the rest of the song is way more dance upbeat/electric. But as far as openings go, pretty impactful and very pleasing to watch the ripple effect with the backup dancers down the aisle.
Again with the colorful flashing lights. Cool? Yes. Contributing to the aesthetic? Not particularly. Productive to the storyline? No. Part of the performance? Yes. Shruggy on this one, I don't really have anything to add that I haven't mentioned in previous commentaries.
I do really like the song though. Just as a piece of music, it's so fun to listen to and has definitely joined the ranks of my usual kpop bops. The kind of light, fast electro beat is something to jam to. Wyatt's voice is just so good, especially as part of the pre-chorus. The contrast makes it delightful to go from verse one to chorus. The lyrics and message of the song are really well thought out and executed as well, talking about reaching a better world and turning away from hurting each other/the environment/generally being hurtful.
OKAY. So this part is actually something I really adored: the sort of robotic formation. Wherein the members stand in the center of several backup dancers who seem to place on pieces or armor or something onto the member's limbs. A very clean cut, fast paced dance sequence that really strongly reminded me of early iron man scenes in which the different parts of armor were installed on the body. Also lowkey reminiscent of magical girl transformation hahahaha. But it's done so cleanly and while the camera angles make it hard to focus, it's still such a treat to watch. AND THEN. The members come up to the shoulders of the backup dancers and for Wyatt's lines, they're just!! In control! If y'all have watched power rangers or Gundam or Aquarion or Neon Evangelion or like, any of those then you know what I'm talking about, in which the human character slides into some massive machine and controls them from the inside to fight monsters (kaiju) and stuff. And the next bit with J-US and the hands! Creative, interesting imagery, just a complete delight to watch. It's just sooooo fun and I love that for ONF, I really do.
I genuinely think that their theme doesn't make much sense without the context of the lyrics and even then it still feels clunky and sort of inspired by rather than actually embodying the concept. So I'd dock point for them for that personally because I think that when themes are introduced and performed, they should show up as more than just a simple prop. But also I acknowledge that dance and musical performances like this (not musicals) aren't necessarily intended to be storytelling, especially in 4th gen kpop. I do like their theme with the keys and opening, I feel like the performance would have been enhanced if instead of using pandora's box, they choose to use the gateway to the new world. A bit on the nose but a lot more impactful with the key turning bit after the second chorus.
On the key turning bit with the weird holographic box: Dude. Those backup dancers? So clean. Nice stiff steps that feel very robotic which goes wonderfully with the costumes. The keys they each take actually read RTK ONF if you go clockwise from the left (MK). Just a neato little fact. Attention to detail is so good. And the timing of the key turns, of course it was gonna be to the beat but like still! Satisfying af.
Why Wyatt grabs the box and slams it to the ground I don't know. Maybe it has to do with the line dive into new world.
The high notes. Again. Literally just. What the fuck guys, they're so good. I'm gonna cry. The stability, the pitch, just. (sobbing)
The LED screen in the back is interesting? Is it supposed to be a door into the new world? Probably?
Dance break!! Guitar solo!! The door tradition into the weird stripey LED screens that just feels so chaotic and kinda like I'm going through a movie warp portal. Somehow when combined together it all works lmao??
I love the bridge. There's no reason for it, I just love Wyatt's fast paced lines and the kind of dun dun dun fast tempo beat tapping.
The ending of running away from the camera, towards the little cliffs and the LED screen was a good choice because the last lines refer to how they'll never stop as long as they're alive. Not the most impactful ending but definitely satisfying given the song's lyrics and meaning. Again, that lack of pandora's box kind of haunts me?
Overall if I consider this ONF performance compared to their others it doesn't feel quite as thought out and executed. Similar to their We Must Love + Moscow Moscow performance where I couldn't really see the marionette theme, I couldn't really understand the idea of Pandora's box in this performance and I really wish they had chosen perhaps a gateway to the new world or some other theme instead because it would fit much better. It's also a little lackluster compared to the performance MV that had a lot of contrast which created more focus and contributed more to the atmosphere of the performance.
Still, as a performance on it's own, it does pretty well and I'm really happy for ONF to have performed it. Thank you RTK for introducing me to this song and to ONF in general, I hope they continue to release some really good stuff.
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corvid-420 · 4 years
freemasonic-yowl replied to your photo “I am once again asking you to please stop reblogging from white...”
"Don't give them excuse" bc they've shown they do nothing without a concrete reason huh
lmao yes and my other favorite “amazon has nothing to do with this!”
oh so i guess the gentrification, displacement, homelessness, heinous employee abuse, logistical support for the Pentagon and CIA are totally irrelevant, yup lol
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kebinwooo · 4 years
ten songs i’ve had on repeat
tagged by @lovethriller once again! i’ve actually only had fatal love on repeat but i tried to include some other music i’ve been listening to so i don’t just put the entire album here LOL
1. gasoline - monsta x (SOOOOO good and totally worth the wait for it to end up on fatal love)
3. love killa - monsta x (i’ve been streaming this like crazy bc this album DESERVES SO MUCH LOVE AND ATTENTION UGH)
4. eyes on me - u-kiss (THEY FINALLY RELEASED A NEW SONG AFTER A YEAR ;A; and even tho this song only has two of the members, they still sound AMAZING. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT ;;)
5. home;run - seventeen (so catchy. i literally listen to it once and then it gets stuck in my head for the rest of the day lol)
6. parting - onewe (my emotional support song. literally haven’t stopped listening to this since it came out lmao) 
7. pump it up - golden child (a wholesome feel-good song from my newly adopted kiddos ;u;) 
8. daisy - pentagon (SO SO SO GOOD HOLY CRAP. so glad this finally got ptg their first win ;A;)
9. i’ll be there - shownu (i’m literally obsessed with this ost. and the drama too. also obsessed with the fact that tale of the nine tailed keeps playing newton like it’s their own ost and not monsta x’s elaborate lipton tea ad LOL) 
10. is it - young k (these demos that brian is releasing now are all SO GOOD UGH)
tagging: @xfirebenderx, @bookwan, @nebulouswaters and anybody else who might want to do this! and of course, like always, feel free to ignore!
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yuthoe · 4 years
PENTAGON Yeo One x Ballroom Dancing
I’m on a roll today lmao. So for C9 i’m still conflicted on whether he’s a standard dancer or latin or 10-dancer. I think i initially pegged him for a latin dancer in this post because of blond yeo one (who still haunts me to this day), but i can totally see him doing both.
Anyway, on we go.
Latin dancer, who’s also trained in Standard, so he knows the basics. Thinks Latin is more fun though, so he just stuck to that. Since you’re trained in Standard too, he likes to refresh his memory with your sometimes, just a quick go around of basic steps for each dance.
He’s the kind of dancer that does everything, really--he does competitions, dance programs as a pro, guest dances for music videos, some acting on the side. He does so much stuff he has a manager, and since you’re his partner, you’re often with him for his schedules.
Absolutely loves conditioning days; in his words, “Cross training makes you a stronger dancer! Come on, let’s work out!” He likes building up muscle to show off his under the sheer shirts he always wears for competitions. Part of you is annoyed that he’s enjoying it so much while you’re suffering, and the other part is secretly grateful because damn, look at those arms.
He has the usual SNS pages: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.
Most active on Twitter and IG: a lot of his posts are selfies, with the occasional gym/dance videos. Sometimes he posts about promotional stuff, but that’s usually saved for... 
Facebook, since it’s has a wider reach. He shares any promo material there, and adds captions like, “Please support me on the show!” with tons of blushy smiley faces.
YouTube is reserved for dance videos, whether for practice or filmed by someone else during competitions. Since you film all your rehearsals, he complies all the NG clips into compilation videos.
“Jive NG Compilation June 2019″ has stuff like you striking the final pose and collapsing on the floor 2 seconds after the music stops, chests heaving. Another clip shows your arm accidentally hitting his head during a bad turn.
One of the clips in “Samba NG Compilation July-August 2018″ is you bumping heads during a samba roll, and another clip is Yeo One slipping in his new dance shoes and landing ass-first on the floor.
There is also a clip in “NG Compilation September-November 2019″ where you’re dancing the rumba on bare feet while Yeo One has shoes on, and he accidentally steps on you with his heel, so you scream loud enough to drown out the music while hopping around while clutching your bad foot.
Everyone loves it because it shows the fun and goofy side of you. The NG compilations are the more personal videos he puts up there, aside from the actual perfected routines.
Went platinum blond once for a role, and decides to post a quick (steamy) rumba choreo with you on Twitter. In addition to his fandom, he gained more followers because they were just so mesmerized by his beauty. Came for the pretty face, stayed for the slick moves.
Lizzo’s “Juice” is like an energy drink to this man. Like, he hears the opening twangs and straight up does a cha-cha basic in the middle of the supermarket. He’s really good at picking up timing (as most dancers are), so when he hears something that’s 4/4 signature he’s gonna bust a move.
You went to a dance hall once, the one that plays a lot of modern not-clubby not-EDM songs, and the DJ pulled up “Juice” so he literally dragged you onto the floor and started dancing. By the end of the song you two were surrounded by club-goers on all sides, cameras up and filming the whole thing. No one in the club seemed to recognize you, but when one of the snippets went viral on Twitter, fans were quick to tag you both.
Has a soft spot for the paso doble. It’s a very powerful dance that lets him actually use his strength to lead you around. A lot of it is side-by-side so he gets to show off some moves, too. The dance just gets the blood pumping through his veins, and he gets to shed the “goody two shoes” veneer he’s been labeled as. You work hard to get him to that point, where he’s a controlled storm.
A+ lead. Always there, always has your back. Or front. Or side. Wherever you need him to be. Takes a while to memorize all both your steps, but once he gets it all down, he doesn’t forget them anymore. Like, he’s an amazing dancer, but when it comes to the little things (like properly cleaning up his clothes, putting dirty laundry in the hamper) he’s very forgetful.
Is very close with Hongseok and Yuto, two Standard dancers. They have gym dates every week and he posts selfies with them often. Most of the posts are of them eating samgyeopsal after working out, or in the locker room of the gym.
Has a habit of dancing shirtless. He hates how the fabric clings to him when he gets sweaty during training, so when his shirt is drenched he just takes it off and chucks it to the side. Sometimes he drapes it over a chair, and lets it dry out, so once practice is over he just goes back to wearing it. You are absolutely disgusted; as his longtime partner, you have a right to be, it’s a habit he’s had for so long and he’s still doing it.
Often does collaborations with Jinho, another Latin dancer. A lot of it is line dances, but every so often they do pair dances with their partners. Since they’re both pretty famous, they limit the filming location to the studios. It’s not limited to just dance videos, though: they’ve done vocal covers individually, but when they suddenly came out with a duet, their fanbases just exploded.
Wants to explore styles outside of ballroom, but it’s more of trying to copy choreography from dance videos instead of going to actual classes, since he’s so busy.
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sparklyblast-blr · 5 years
Hello Tumblr !
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          [ 🖊 ] created ⋮ 11.30 a.m
          [ ⏰ ] published ⋮ 12.52 p.m
          [ 👑 ] type of blog ⋮ [introduction to my blog]
G e t t o k n o w N a n a !
✫ Basic Biography ✫
name : Nana
age : 16
birthdate : 22nd December, 2003
gender : Female
religion : Islam
birthplace : Sabah, Malaysia
ambition : Forensic Investigator
✫ ғυn ғacтѕ ✫
✒ I have a pet hamster that's already 1 year old and a cat .
✒ I am a multifandom person . ( k-popper , otaku , brony , etc. )
✒ I enjoy binge watching on Netflix .
✒ I am not good at winking w/o flinching . ( lmao )
✒ Loves to give people support and is open for support ! ❤
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✫ Likes ✫
▶K-pop :
AB6IX ( + MXM )
NCT ( U, 127, DREAM & WAYV )
THE BOYZ ( Big Fan ! )
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—through tumblr and the Studyblr community : I will be posting my....
study sessions
how i feel
📚 Study Sessions 📚
otw to school & back from school
—about how my day will be working out, how i feel in the mornings... basically, a diary of my before and after a long day of school. am i planning to study after school? how motivated / stress i am... etc.
tuition sessions
—just me sharing what i learnt and what i've done at tuition... was i really focusing? what useful informations have i got? did i almost give up? etc.
holiday study
—sharing my holiday studies... doing challenges, learning languages, writing notes and many more.
send me an anonymous or non-anonymous ask and I'll answer.
it's a counselling session for me to help reflect and for others to receive support.
it doesn't matter what age you are and what age i am. seeking for support is not wrong and giving support is something I'm good at doing. ( depending on the situation )
" How I Feel " will also include me asking for help emotionally and i hope everyone can take their time to give me that support. ❤
✨ TIPS ✨
sometimes tips for myself would cross my mind, i'll blog and share them.
you can ask for tips and i'll help answer.
the tips will vary from different type of personality.
please bare in mind that i am a rebel personality, so most of my tips will be for those who are rebels. but, I hope it works for non-rebels also.
the funny story of my day.
my Sejarah ( history ) subject explained in my own words.
books that i read.
okay, this part would be really random sksksksk—
Oh yeah, p.s : this is what I'm studying...
Sciences : Chemistry, Biology & Physics
Mathematics & Additional Mathematics
Agama Islam
Language :
Bahasa Melayu
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Ending this with my favourite birthday twin, SOHN ERIC ~ !
Thank you !
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tentastic-yu-ki · 5 years
just pentagon things
(with links to stuff !!)
this took me so long to make heheh but i hope you like it !! <3
v o c a l s from the gods
god herself cast her hands upon him and now he has the voice of a million angels
doing ALL the parts in bohemian rhapsody bc of course
grandpa #1
a lil bean :’)
fake maknae
his fluffy bangs during naughty boy era are on the list of my favorite things ever
his cheeks y’all
ok but he looks eerily similar to jiheon from fromis_9 when they smile idk if i’m the only one who sees it but
whenever he does the little wave thingy you know what i’m talking about
he sings in fluent english and it makes my heart flutter every. single. time.
lowkey done with the rest of the members but loves them so much
yuto lifting him up at the end of naughty boy relay dance is basically that one scene from the lion king
tbh the members are always lifting him up and it’s precious
his lil cape during shine
hwitaek in general is just bsidjsbdhdb
such a good leader :’)
i have no talent
mr hwitaek has all the talent
if i’m lucky some of mr hwitaeks talent may rub off on me
i just ?? love him ??!
his piano playing in the gorilla acoustic video makes me weak in the knees
pentagon of leader
y’all remember his twin brother manuel
i play jazz piano and holy shit i could only hope to gain half the talent he has in his hands alone let alone his vOICE
grandpa #2
i have so much appreciation for him and i look up to him a whole lot as a musician i just don’t know how to express my love
critical beauty was his era bitches
constantly being corrected by hongseok
such a groovy ass mf
lee hwitaek vs the english language
he is gorgeous !??!? kills me with his gaze
smile needs more appreciation
he killed it in triple h especially his vocals in 365 fresh
jangjigi jangjigi jang jang jang
ABS :0
‘can i have a bite’ lmao
the group mom
but he’s a cool mom
his eyes are so frickin adorable :’)
absolutely hilarious oh my god
good ass storyteller
two words: his. lips.
his laugh is precious guys like i can’t
this video from the real man
when he shaved his hair off before the real man 300
hongseok x jinho ?? cute as hell
just lovely
such an underappreciated member
i stg whenever he speaks english it’s either to correct somebody, say hi to international fans, or its something completely ridiculous and i love it
y e l l i n g
he and hyuna being a power couple
popping dancing
owned the gorilla era imo
!! tattoos !!
a whole plant dad
his hairstyle suits him so well omg
did i mention yelling
i wish the best for him (and hyuna) and he’ll always be a part of pentagon in our hearts <3
his eyes when he smiles :’))))
video of him yelling in case you don’t know what i’m talking about
also this
S U P P O R T H I M or i’m coming for u
also support p nation !!
hot shinwon yeah u want ?!
the visual
like the man is a whole model
i kinda just want to sit and have tea with him he seems like that kind of friend
his legs are so underrated
his breathy laugh is amazing
probably slowly losing his patience with the members
when i first got into pentagon i was like hm he seems like the mature one
but none of them are the mature one
we will never forget
it seems like in fanfics he’s always some sort of ceo or manager or fashion designer and i’m here for it
always providing quality content whether he realizes it or not
always providing quality content whether we realize it or not
trying to make food while hui was asleep and then realizing he didn’t have chopsticks
his name is actually shinpon excuse you
absolutely losing his shit during the sha la la don’t smile challenge (13:11)
can you really blame him tho it was funny as hell
screaming + running in fear? shinwon invented that.
yeo one
he cares so much about universe :’)
compilation of him asking universe if we’ve eaten today because he cares
him almost kicking himself in the face that one time i can’t find the video agh
super lovable and wholesome
ok but his teeth
his smile is just so pretty ???
boi is drop dead gorgeous
so pure and just HKSNSBSJS
his asmr videos? yes king
he really expected me to sit there for almost an hour listening to him whisper the members names over and over?
and he was right because i did
yeo one makes me feel the same things i did when i saw bubbles in the air at disney world for the first time
he’s just like that
boyfriend material
the boy is hilarious
he just reminds me of a whole bottle of sprinkles yknow
like if rainbow sprinkles were a person
it’s yanan and yanan only
high note battle with jinho
he’s tol but his voice is smol
“don’t talk with me”
earrings lmao
probably smells like vanilla tbh
‘can you please edit this out?’
he’s literally gonna give me cavities with his sweetness
just from looking at pics of him
i like don’t even know what to say he’s just a ball of sunshine :’)))
so sweet i could put him in my coffee
he deserves so much more that he gets
i’m running out of ways to reiterate that yanan deserves all the love in the world
y’all better appreciate him or i’m coming for u and ur whole family
he’s just out here chillin, his smile making the world a better place
my uwus? gone. snatched if you will
it’s ya boy toto
him being spooked by ghost stories
cLINGY !!!!!
two words: back. hugs.
i want a yuto hug hmph :((
his laugh is so cute i just-
him being spooked by the dark
his guy-fieri-reminiscent shirt
(you know the one)
him being spooked in general
i will protect this boy with my LIFE
we need more yuto aegyo
but also his visuals make me spontaneously combust
somebody call the fire brigade yknow
when he had the eyebrow slit i cried
im at a loss for how to express my love for adachi yuto
can i have his dangly earrings pls thanks
he’s always feeding everybody it’s so cute
our nagano boy :’)
cough excuse me i had something in my throat i meant our nagano pRINCE
this video of his ‘high note’ and wink never fails to make me laugh
he reminds me of this guy ive had a crush on for a long while ?? like personalitywise they’re oddly similar,, he’s cute n shy but also tall and vv clingy ??? and he recently started doing his hair differently and it’s literally yutos hairstyle i almost stopped breathing ok
also his hugs feel like what i imagine a yuto hug would feel like and i only realized it just now as i’m writing this
he’s my little honeybunch cinnamon apple sugarplum gumdrop babyboy
i just love kang hyunggu a whole lot if you can’t tell by um
the rest of my blog
my profile image
my lockscreen ffs
do i even need to say that he’s my bias
duality? he invented that.
hyunggu being a cutie patootie vs kino being rUDE AS HELL
like he’s a grape juice box and a whole ass bottle of fine wine yknow what i mean
the lace blindfold ?? somebody pinch me
i mean have y’all heard voicegasm ??
he did that shit
he’s under arrest for stealing my heart~
(and my uwus)
i don’t even need to say it bc y’all already know but he’s the dance KING
the violet bby
“he’s sensitive”
when hyojong changed the number song lyrics to joke about him being sensitive (2:25)
when he wears big sweaters :’)
i miss his lil ponytail during naughty boy
ppl never talk about this but he’s surprisingly good at languages ?!?
his laugh is one of my favorite sounds on the planet
that one move in can you feel it (01:55 in the mv) gets me every. single. time.
the kino list is long but i just have so much love for this boy
he a long boi
i cant find the vid but there’s this one moment at a fansign or something where he just stepped over the table like it was a completely normal thing to do ?!???!?
i keep getting shocked over and over about how generally handsome he is
any hair works on him like ??? magic ?!?
screaming during lost paradise
and most songs
and most of the time anyway
i love him lots and lots tho
can pull off the goth look
can pull off the emo look
can pull off any look
he belongs in an opera lmfaooo
his acrostic poems
i’m a star ? that shit sLAPS
this boy is carrying the entire rap industry on his bACK
i’m sad that i cant think of more stuff for wooseokie
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tokoyamisstuff · 6 years
Guilt - Bucky x Reader
A/N: Here we are - the last chapter. I hope you like the ending! (:
Thank you guys for your love and support! Feel free to request any time! ❤︎
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Summary: You really hoped your anniversary would go a bit different than that.
Warnings: Violence. Near-death-experience. Self-loathing. Mild cussing. Constant change between Angst and Fluff. End gets fluffy af.
Words: 6005 Wait what?! Okay I’m supposed to do homework so I’m procrastinating lmao.
“Mission failed. The Agent is malfunctioning.”
One of HYDRA’s agents gave a status report to his superiors. Function. Like he’s a damn tool. But because of this, they were seriously considering just letting it be. A broken weapon needs to be thrown away as soon as it’s become beyond the point of repair.
You could just hope they’d really give up on him and not trying to get rid of either him or you...
“Oh, guess I’m still alive” you joked as you woke up, just to be met with a frowning Bucky.
A ray of sunlight hit his face, and the deep circles under his eyes were proof that he didn’t have any sleep. He sat on the bed, knees pulled to his chest. His brows were furrowed together and he seemed to be buried in thought.
No reaction.
Looks like it was still the Winter Soldier. “Ah, whatever” you thought, head still being a little fuzzy.
“I should not hurt you” he grunted, clenching his jaw. His voice was unsure at first, but his next words were more firm. “I won’t.”
“That’s sweet, darling” Your face split into a beautiful smile, cupping his cheek with both your hands to make him look at you. “Now give me a smile, would you?”
The Winter Soldier needed to remind himself to breath as you watched him expectingly, with those bright, beautiful eyes. When he watched you sleep the night before, he thought you must be what people call an angel.
Your boisterous laughter at him made his heart sink into his chest.
“I’m sorry” you chuckled, peppering small kisses among his face. “I’m sorry, it’s just...you looked so weird right now.” God, him awkwardly trying to smile was just more cutness than you could handle. It looked like a failed attempt to bare his teeth and snarl.
His eyes flickered from your eyes to your mouth - and before you could even say something, hips lips were on yours as he pulled you into his arms. A whimper escaped your mouth, but you shuffled closer to him to signalize that you’re okay.
“That was...not bad” you gasped, trying to catch your breath from the kiss that felt like it lasted forever - and still not long enough. Bucky on the other hand finally managed to position his mouth in the form of a smile, being proud of your praise.
When you shoved the covers aside and jumped out of the bed, you realized Bucky wanted to follow you.
Was it really good to leave him alone? Well, it was the Stark Tower - so what’s the worst that can happen? Tony is a control freak, so this place was heavier guarded than the Pentagon.
“Please, wait here” you odered your Soldier, gently putting your hand on his chest and feeling his muscles tense. “I’ll be back soon! Just a few minutes.”
“Morning, Y/N!”
You heared Tony’s obnoxious voice from behind you and were instantly reminded that you weren’t alone in the kitchen. Sure, you loved every single one of your teammates - but you’d give everything for S.H.I.E.L.D. to finally set Bucky free so you can live a normal life somewhere far away.
That would be a real way to start anew. He already told them about every plan, every single weapon HYDRA possessed - so it should be up to him when to retire.
“Hi” you muttered under your breath, a grumpy expression written on your face as you stepped into the kitchen bare-footed.
“Where’s the Tin Man?” he teased, giving you a questioning look. Usually, Bucky would follow you everywhere he could, just like a dog. You never minded it, though. “Relationship problems?”
“He’s not feeling so well, so I told him to stay at his room.” Gosh, you really weren’t in the mood to talk right now. So you’d just open the fridge and get something to eat, so you could return to your lover as soon as possible.
“He’s what?!” Oh no, Steve was here, too. You were so focused on Bucky you didn’t pay attention to who sat at the breakfast table.
“No need to worry, Rogers. I can watch your bestie on my own” you gnarled, making the others rise their eyebrows. It wasn’t like you to be so passive-agressive. Of course, you could become really sharp-tongued when it came to defending Bucky, but why are you being like that right now?
“You sure everything is alright?” Wanda asked with her usual, caring tone.
Instead of remaining cool, you buried your face into your hands. “Yeah, he’s really fine. If not, I’m going to call a doctor. Please just let him rest a little.”
Even though you already walked towards the door, but you still felt their piercing glares upon you.
Don’t let them notice something. They can’t see him right now.
You needed to protect him. At all cost!
“I’m back!” you cheered as you entered your shared room - just to find Bucky, still standing at his original position without having moved an inch. You were pretty sure he didn’t even shift his weight from one foot to another.
“You don’t need to take orders so literally...” Letting out a deep sigh, you took his hand into yours - and this time he was slightly squeezing it, making hum approvingly. “Let’s sit down! I’ve brought your favourite!”
The plates on the desk held a piece of plum pie with cream, together with a cup of fresh coffee. You were hoping that his favourite dish might help regaining a memory or two - but he didn’t seem to cooperate. Bucky sat down, mistrustful eyeing the contents of the cup he held in his hands.
Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you began to pout. “C’mon, Bucky! I’ve learned how to make this pie just for you! Don’t you dare to think it’s poisoned or something.”
He wordlessly hung his head and took a bite of the pie, and soon his frown turned into a more relaxed expression.
“Does it taste good? It’s leftovers from yesterday but I stood at the stove for hours just for you!”
“Yes” he mumbled, still a serious tone in his voice. He was simply confused. Why would a nice person like you make this much of an effort for someone like him?
The Winter Soldier didn’t need comfort - he didn’t deserve it. That’s what they told him, all those years. And it was still stuck to his mind like a tumor.
You sipped on your own coffee and placed a hand on his knee. “It’s okay, Bucky. I never knew what it’s like to experience such horrible things. But it must’ve been so hard. And I’ll make the rest of your life as enjoyable as humanly possible! I promise you!”
“I don’t deserve this.” The look he was giving you reminded you of one night, where you sat on the rooftop and talked about simply anything that ran through your heads. Out of a whim, you asked the all-brave soldier what’s his biggest fear - and his simple answer was “You.”
When you asked him to elaborate, he told something that still captures your heart until this day:
“I’m scared that one day, you’ll look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself as I see you. You’ll realize just how amazing you are, and that you deserve way better than me...I’m terrified that you’ll leave me alone.”
All the torture he’s been through, and this is the one thing he picks to say he’s afraid of?
You’d sacrifice everything to make him understand that you needed him just as much as he needed you.
That your life was incomplete when he wasn’t there.
To make him see himself as the wonderful, involuntary fallen angel he is.
“That’s not true and you know that. We’ve had this talk so many times before, even if you can’t remember. But I love you so much and I want you to have everything you desire!”
“I want you.”
His answer made you smile. It was a sad and small one, but still a smile nontheless. “Idiot. You already have me! I’m not going to go anywhere!”
Bucky carefully pressed you against his chest and you could feel him shake a little as he mumbled a sole word: “Mine.”
You chuckled as you interwined your fingers with his and looked him deeply into the eyes. “Yes. All yours. Happy Anniversary, Bucky!” you whispered, and as soon as the last syllable escaped your lips, he found himself interlocked in a passionate kiss. The tender way of you holding his face into your hands made Bucky feel like everything will be okay.
“Anniversary?” The interrogation in his eyes made clear he had no idea what you were talking about.
“Yes! Our anniversary! We’re together for four years now. Too bad you can’t remember...”
His head went to a shade of crimson due to the shame of not remembering.
“Did you really never ask yourself who I am to you?” You rose one eyebrow, but continued smiling softly.
“My handler” he gritted, looking down to the floor in embarassment.
“Oh dear god, never!” you blurted out with a shy chuckle. “Bucky, I am your girlfriend! I could never be one of those horrible people!”
“Don’t tell me he doesn’t know what a girlfriend is” you thought. But still, Bucky faced the ground.
“Dear” you cooed as you continued, “I’m in love with you. I want to be close to you and make you happy. I want to spend my life with you!”
“Why me?”
You grabbed on the fabric of your shirt, as if you were experiencing a heart attack. “Why you? Oh, Bucky! It has to be you! Because you’re simply the most wonderful man I know!”
“I’m not. I’m a bad person.”
You put your index finger under his chin to lift his gaze. “You don’t know just how wholesome you are. Those past years, I couldn’t have been any happier - because of you! And that fact won’t change, Bucky.”
Bucky bit his lip. He bit it so hard that it began to bleed again, until your voice  told him to stop.
Suddenly, he grabbed your shoulders. He seemed to have remembered something. An important matter he didn’t accomplished yet, but wanted to so soon. So he looked at you with genuine determination before asking:
“Then...Can I stay with you forever?”
Your moment got interrupted as your door suddenly sprung open and the Avengers bursted in.
“Bucky!!” they all yelled in unity, making him jump and pull out his hunting knife. Damn, you forgot even in casual wear he was still armed with some hidden weapons.
“What the hell, Barnes” Sam asked, giving a sniff at Bucky’s weird reaction. Not even with his usual PTSD he’d get so high-alerted.
You held your breath. Obviously the whole Avengers Crew were his targets. You asked him about the details of his mission last night. It was easy to trust him that he wouldn’t hurt you - but what about the others?
Seeing them made the image of his mission reappear clearly before his eyes. But they were all gathered here, and he was supposed to kill them one after another. Even though he already did take them on back at the UN, thee risk was too high.
“Sorry for bursting in” Natasha tried to defend them all, “We were just worried and wanted to pay him a visit.”
“Bucky, put that knife away” you said, and the Winter Soldier followed your order without questioning it, giving it into your hands. “Thank you, sweetheart” you cooed, raking your hands through his hair.
His eyes were startled, furious and loving - all at the same time.
“Y/N...what’s going on?” Wanda asked - but as she tried to put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Bucky caught her wrist with his metal hand. He started cracking and twisting it, making her double over in pain.
“Bucky, no!!!” you yelled as you tried to free your friend’s hand from his grasp. “She’s a friend, it’s okay! Please!!!”
Your begging tone was enough to make him stop already. He was worried that Wanda might’ve intended to hurt you, and he didn’t want anyone else to touch you without permission. He was unaware of how physical contact works between people who like each other.
But one thing he did know. Right now, you were afraid of him. He recognized the look on your face immediately. Your fastened breath, the volume of your voice, as well as your trembling limbs.
Just like  all of his victims were - before he killed them.
Soon, he found himself to be surrounded by heavy armed heroes - and you unable to know what to do.
“Please, just leave already. Guys, I’m begging you! Wanda, I’m sorry, but-”
“Y/N, go away from him. He’s dangerous.” Hearing those words coming out of  Bucky’s best friend’s mouth made your heart split in two.
“No, he isn’t!” you yelled as you pulled his head onto your chest, in an attempt to keep him calm. “He is nice and gentle and just afraid, and you just have to leave!”
Still, your heartbeat was fastened. Bucky thought it might as well just break out of your ribcage, that’s how loud it was hammering against his ear.
Actually, it was just your fear of him getting hurt.
But he thought that right now, you see him as the monster he is.
How naive to think that HYDRA might’ve lied - they were right all the time. He was an unloveable abomination that was only good for bringing agony over everyone he’s affected with.
Right now, the void in his heart became bigger than ever before.
The small ember of hope you placed inside of him was crumbled down by a wave of guilt and self-loathing. 
He should just die.
Why not right now, by the hands of the Avengers?
Doesn’t make any difference if he takes down on or two of them. They made you happy and a strange sensation came up in him that he couldn’t quite decipher: It was jealousy. Of them having what he can never have: Being able to be close to you without hurting you.
As he freed himself from your hug, you could see his desparation written clearly on his face.
“I’m sorry.”
The first one he’d send flying was Steve, who caused the wall he flew into to crumble until only a giant hole was left.
The other’s instantly reacted, with Nat jumping onto him, her legs wrapped around his neck, just like back at the UN. Why did she think the trick that didn’t work the first time would help now?
It was easy for Bucky to destroy the main piece of Tony’s emergency suit, leaving him unable to fight. Steve was still unconscious by the blow that went directly for his head. Nat was also knocked out by him having choked her - until Sam kicked his jaw before he could break her neck. Only a brief moment later, you saw Sam lying on the ground too - covered by blood.
Screaming so distraught that you thought the whole tower could hear, you begged both parties to stop.
But no one would listen. And you couldn’t do anything to help.
You were weak. Too weak to save the only person you ever loved, even though he was standing right in front of you.
But there was another problem: Clint didn’t have his weapons with them, and neither any protection wear. When Bucky was done with the others, he turned to face the Hawkeye and approached him with firm steps. You knew that in close combat, Clint had a major disatvantage.
A yell made it’s way to his ears and finally also into his mind. “Bucky, STOP!!!”
But it was too late.
His cybernetic arm went straight towards Clint’s chest, meaning to break his ribcage and destroy his heart. The swung was so powerful, he couldn’t pull back now. The metal in his arm was too heavy to do so.
The last thing you felt was the way of a strong, dull pain hitting the side of your chest. No matter how hard Bucky tried to back off when he saw you going between Clint and himself, he couldn’t prevent the tragedy that was about to happen.
The last thing you heared was the sobbing of the others as you fell to the ground. Before your head hit the floor, someone catched you, screaming in agony - it was Bucky. Your Bucky.
And then, everything went black.
“Welcome back, Y/N.”
The voice was Natasha’s, and as you opened your eyes you realized to be in the medical facility of the Stark Tower. Nat was sitting next to your hospital bed and was reading a book, waiting for you to regain your senses.
“I could hit you so hard right now...” she grumbled, putting the book aside. You wanted to sit up, but even the slightest bit of moving was just too much for you. It was so painful. And even more painful was the fact that you didn’t wake up to see Bucky being here.
“Do you know how much you worried us?!” Nat continued. “You can’t stay so naive forever!”
“How are the others?”
“No major injuries. Just a few bruises and Steve’s jaw is broken.” Her glare was piercing holes into your very being. This was how mad she was about your behaviour. “You should’ve told us the very second you realized it was the Winter Soldier.”
“You’d just have locked him away!” you yelled, but your voice cracked already. "I...I was sure he’d never hurt me...” you mumbled. “It was an accident. He didn’t want to do this.”
“How many times do you want to defend him, Y/N?! He’s a good ally, but you can’t be too close to him!” Tears ran down her face. That’s very unusual for a person so restrained and collected as Natasha was one.
And you knew why.
She was still madly in love with Bruce, alias the ‘Hulk’. But they could never be together - or at least he was thinking like that. Just like Bucky, he thought of himself as a dangerous being that wasn’t meant to find love.
And then, there was you - being happy with the Winter Soldier. Even controlling his murderous side to a certain extend. And it drew her crazy. That was just too much for her - to bear to look at you having what she couldn’t have. And like that, your friend distanced herself from you further and further.
Her excuse was always that she didn’t feel comfortable around Bucky, because he shot her back then. Oh god, how bad Bucky felt for leaving her with that scar.
But you knew it was a lie. Yet you never confronted her about that. What a bad friend you had become.
“Natasha, you always understood my feelings better than anyone. Would you stay away from Bruce if he wanted you to be together?”
You hit a weak spot there. Right in the bull’s eye.
“That’s just irrational! Y/N, you almost died! Stop talking about my issues, think about yourself! It can’t go on like this!”
Your voice was so weak and husky, and every breath hurt. What exactly did he do to you?
Looking around, you saw a giant box, and a pipe connecting it to your thorax.
“He broke some ribs and one of them popped your left lung like a balloon. You were still luck, though. He could’ve easily burst your whole chest open. Blood was filling your thorax and compressed your heart, so it stopped beating for a few minutes. That’s what the doctors say, at least. We all cried for you. We thought we were losing you! Do you understand that?!”
“Where is he?” you whimpered, tears rushing down your face.
“Where is Bucky?!”
“He doesn’t want to see you” Natasha said, standing up and shaking her head about how selfless you were. But she kinda liked that part of you, too. She just wanted to protect you.
“He’s talking to no one ever since the accident. But I was meant to tell you...He wants to break up.” She walked towards the door, just like that.. Of course she knew she should be staying with you after delivering such a message. But she just couldn’t. It pained her too much to see you like this.
“Then he should say it to my face” you said, now a blank and emotionless stare. You knew this was just his self-hatred speaking, but it still hurt so bad. Way worse than the physical pain.
All this time, you were giving it your best to keep him at your side. But it seemed he can throw it away without second thought.
“But...Nat?” you said, even managing to get up for a second to face her. The hope of you becoming friends again was still present in your mind. “Thank you.”
“He’ll come back” Your former best friend cracked a knowing smile.
“Bucky can’t live without you.”
He didn’t. No matter how long you’ve waited, he just wouldn’t come back to you.
It has been a few weeks now, and because your healing ability doesn’t work on yourself, you had to rely on modern medicine to do the trick. The giant bruises sure took their time to disappear, but it was alright. Now being single, you had all the time in the entire world anyway
Clint was visiting regulary, still feeling bad for you having saved him. Even though you assured him a thousand times that you would always put your life on the line for a friend. And that you knew he’d do the same.
You all would risk your life for one another. And that’s why you loved your friends so much. No one would talk badly about Bucky, even after he whiped the floor with them.
The others came by occasionally, scolding you for not going to the X-Ray examines or other stuff meant to uplift or control your recovery. It was hard for them to see you in this state, and knowing they provoked the Winter Soldier into doing so.
But you just didn’t felt like it. Without Bucky, you didn’t felt like anything at all. Even if it meant unnecessarily putting your health and even life in danger.
“God, Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you to not leave the medical ward?!” Steve yelled from somewhere behind you. You were lying on the rooftop of the Stark Tower, which was - thanks to you - covered by grass and many flowers. A garden on top of a skyscrapper, watching the sunset - what could be better for your mental health right now?
You didn’t open your eyes at his scolding, simply enjoying the fading but warm sunlight on your skin. The sound of the machine that kept your lung working for as long as it needed to heal was interrupting the peaceful silence.
“Leave me alone, Rogers. Please. Nothing you say can change my mind anyway. So don’t bother.”
“He wouldn’t want you to be so reckless” Steve mumbled as he walked away.
“If he’d care, he’d be here - with me” you whispered, biting your tongue to stop the tears from reappearing. How was he doing right now?
The lack of knowledge about his situation drove you into insanity. Not that he hurt you, but the fact that he could hurt himself.
Little did you know Steve was just on his way to the Winter Soldier’s room, trying to talk some sense into him.
He had mantled the whole room in darkness, and didn’t leave ever since you were injured and he carried you to the medical station. For how many hours did he cry his heart out until they told him you were stable?
At this moment, he was already prepared to lose you - because of his own selfisness. He needed to leave you as long as he was still able to. No matter what this meant for himself.
When Steve entered the room and turned on the lights, he saw that Bucky had destroyed most of the furnance - except for the photos of you. He could clearly see the patterns of his fist having hit the wall on several spots.
Never before he’s seen his friend so devastated. He couldn’t bear to look at the dark circles under his eyes and the hollow cheeks. Bucky was staring into the void, still mentally debating if he should just jump out of the tower to end this farce that’s his life.
“Bucky” Steve said firmly and with sympathy. But he didn’t even do so much as looking at him. Did he even notice someone was there? Didn’t look like it.
And he couldn’t face his friends anyway. He hurt every last one of them. Even though they gave him a second chance and tried to treat him like he wasn’t a homicidal maniac. That was beyond redeemable.
“Y/N is in danger.” He knew this would bring Bucky back and out of the dark corners of his mind. And it succeeded. Bucky looked up, desperation clearly visible in his eyes.
“You’re the only one able to talk sense to her! She’s being careless about her health ever since you’ve left, and we fear she might soon overdo it...or...well, maybe start harming herself. She’s changed without you, man. I’ve never seen her so gloomy. It scares me.”
Bucky’s voice was sore from being underused for weeks, but the words he spoke were still strong and determined.
“Where is she?”
“I told you to leave me alo-”
Your words got stuck in your throat when you realized just who came to your rescue. Sitting on the ground with your feet crisscrossed, you wished the world could just stop right now. Having that talk right now just was too much for you.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” This was what he wanted to say - but honestly, he didn’t feel like he’s got the right to intervene with your life any further, in any kind of way. So he just sunk down to the ground next to you, looking at the view of the city at night - together with you.
He thought you’d be furious with him. That you’d beat him and yell at him. Or even worse: That you’d ignore him. Tell him to go away, that you didn’t care and didn’t love him anymore.
“You know” you started, still looking into the distance. “Hospitals are pretty boring. Especially when your supposed boyfriend doesn’t even come to visit.” Turning around to look at him, you saw pain written clearly on his face.
But your own, rock-hard expression dropped the moment you saw tears fill the rim of Bucky’s eyes, as he fought them from spilling down his face.
“I’ve missed you so much, you goddamn asshole!” you said as you tackled him over, repeatingly beating on his chest. “How could you?! How could you leave me alone for so long?!”
“Y/N...I hurt you. I’ve hurt you so bad, how am I ever supposed to look into your eyes again without feeling like the monster I am?!” Bucky lay with his back on the cold floor, keeping himself from the urge to embrace you to ease your pain.
“Didn’t I tell you already that you’re not a-”
“No!” he interrupted you. This was the first time he’s ever raise his voice at you, and you instantly felt all the air being sucked out of your lungs.
“I knew this would happen one day! I knew it, Y/N, yet I still let you persuade me into trying a relationship with you! Now I can’t lie next to you without fearing to crush your body any second! I can’t be around strangers because I have to fear them knowing the words! I can’t touch your skin without seeing that scar and being remembered about what I am! Everything you and the others told me about me being one of the good guys - it’s all bullshit!”
You wanted to protest, to say something. Anything! But your words wouldn’t roll over your tongue as easily as they usually did. So you couldn’t do anything else than just to lie on your former lover’s body, and breaking out in convulsive sobbing as he talked so badly about himself.
“I’m so messed up!” he whimpered, covering his face with his flesh arm. “I can’t even trust my own mind! I’m too dangerous to be with you! And yet, I can’t stay away from you! I’m the most selfish piece of shit!”
“So am I” you finally regained your ability to speak. If it was for Bucky, you could overcome even the most difficult hardships. “I know you feel bad because of me, but you can’t change my mind. I’ll stay with you until my dying breath.”
“You mean your death, which would probably be on my hands” he hissed angrily. Angry of himself.
Still, you pressed your body to his, making it feel as if you could never be separated again. “I need to show you something. Could you help me get to our room?”
Your weak, pleading eyes made it difficult to say no to your wish. And so he did, thinking it would be the last time he’d be together with you. Bucky picked you up and curled you into his muscular arms, while you held the machine with your own ones.
Arriving at the room, you saw what Bucky had done. He mumbled a quiet “Sorry...” as he let you down on the still intact bed. Seems like he just destroyed his own belongings.
“Wait” you mumbled as you searched for something under your bed, then finally grabbing something covered by gift wrap. “Here it is!”
Bucky shot you a quizzing look as you held the present into his face. “It was meant to be for our anniversary, but, well...You know.”
Both of you sat down on the edge of the bed as he carefully unwrapped what you had so beautifully decorated.
It was a giant book. Just his name as the title in a beautiful font. Even his favourite colour. And when he opened it, he gasped:
There were photos not even he knew have been made of him and his former life. From his school to his time in the army, and part of Captain Americs’s special forces. Many old and new newspaper clippings, telling the story of the courageous deeds of Sergeant Barnes, as well as some praising the White Wolf. Reports of him having served his duty in WWII formidably, and so on...Even a copy of his birth certificate. Photos of his parents, which he barely even remembered. Most of the photos and documents were were old and wrecked, but still beautiful - broken, but they still had their own charm. Just like him.”
“What the hell is this?” he whispered in awe, looking through it with eyes as wide as a child’s.
"It’s you” you shrugged with a wide smile on your face, watching every reaction of him closely. “I know it’s cheesy, but I thought...Well, I thought that...You know, very time you’re thinking badly about yourself, or maybe times when the Winter Soldier went on a rampage again. Even just when you’d have another nightmare - you can just open up this book and see you - the real Bucky.”
For a while, Bucky’s glare shifted from the book to your face over and over again, his jaw dropped.
“It was really hard to get some of these” you chuckled. “Most of them were in S.H.I.E.L.D’s or even HYDRA’s databases only. Gosh, good thing some of my favourite spies helped me so well with getting them. Even Nat was willing to assist me. And Cap’s girlfriend send me everything she got from S.H.I.E.L.D, beause she still owed me one for bringing Steve back to her unharmed from that one mission!”
Suddenly, you felt two strong hands - one on your waist, the other on the back of your neck, Bucky’s body was finally close to yours again. “Y/N...” was everything he managed to get out before he cried to his heart’s content. So many times he’d surpress the emotions he held, but right now, he was an open book - literally.
“Hush now, darling” you hummed to soothe him, stroking his messy hair. “I love you so much, it hurts when you’re not at my side. It’s just impossible for me not to be with you. There’s no other choice for us than to be together.”
Both of you needed hours of simply lying in the bed, crying over everything that had happened those past weeks.
It made him remember just how he cherished those quiet moments with you. With you, he wasn’t forced to talk much, or act all happy like he did for Steve’s sake. He could relax, stay silent and enjoy some peace and quiet. It was not bad for him to be sad. And still, you wouldn’t just tiptoe around him because you feared that he was too sensitive. You’d speak your mind at any time, because you trusted he could take it. With you, he felt normal.
He could be himself, and you’d love him for this - for whatever reason. Bucky didn’t know why you did. He was simply glad that you did.
“I’m sorry our Anniversary was such a failure...”
“At least we had some plums” you snickered, his face still on your chest. He could listen to your heartbeat forever. It was prove that he has a reason to continue living - and that this life wouldn’t be a bad one.
Bucky forced a hesistant laughter, before he stuttered “Well, I-, umm, I mean....”
“Don’t you dare to try and break up again, Barnes” you gnarled as you felt him trying to stand up.
“No! It’s just...” he turned around to his nightstand, a small package hidden behind it. “I know it’s not much, but...This was supposed to be my gift for you.”
Suddenly, he jumped out of the bed - and fell on one knee.
All sense of words stumbled out of his brain, but he tried to pull himself together:
“I-I know I’m demanding much with this step, but...uh, probably not a good way to start, but - my therapist testified that I’m not able to fight any more. He convinced the UN to let me go, and..well, now that I’m finally free...I want to bind myself to the only person I willingly paid loyality to. You.”
He didn’t even end his speech, but you were already on the ground with him too, hugging Bucky so tightly he could think that you wanted to crush him. Your warm tears were wetting the skin on his neck before you started to cover him in kisses.
“That’s not everything! There’s a part two for my gift - I’ve talked to T’Challa, and bought a small farm in Wakanda. We’re safe there, even from HYDRA! I mean, only if you want-”
“Of course I want to, you dumbass!” you whimpered loudly, your eyes swollen from tears but not less captivating for him. You were the only one who’d look at him with those eyes - ones that didn’t see the Winter Soldier, the danger.
And like that, he remembered those past days trapped inside his own mind.
How kind and gentle you were, nevertheless. Every touch you comforted the broken Soldier with was lingering on his skin as he relived the memory. You were never afraid of him.
“Spending my life with you was all I ever wanted!” Your words made the ice around his heart melt in an instant, and all the doubts got washed away with it. Bucky looked at you - his future wife - before asking the question he already knew the answer to.
“Y/N, will you make me the most luckiest man in the galaxy...and marry me?”
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gamerwoo · 5 years
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@sadienita ❤ | @sefuns | @seungcheolsbodyharness | @sflop9 | @shadesofhui | @shinwonsaysomething | @shuvee | @smut-wars | @soft-pentagon | @softwonwoo | @soocculents | @soonyoungz | @sparklekook | @spookynochu ❤ | @thetypingpup | @thotagon | @uwooyu | @vampireyanan
@wooseoks | @wooziwish | @yanansbaobei | @yeo1 | @yeosprout | @yutoism 
To everybody on this list: I love you so much. I’m so awful with words and rambled on with a lot of these but the biggest takeaway is that I love you and I’m so thankful to have friends so amazing. 
ayutonon: My sweet Yutonon. You’re one of the kindest people ever. I know you’re not always around but I love when you are, and I hope you know how much I appreciate all of the kind words you’ve ever sent me. I never take you or anything you say to me for granted. Even when you were just an anon, I considered you a friend, and I’m very very thankful to have a friend like you.
baekwell--tart: Oh god Bella. You were one of the first writers I ever became friends with and when I first read your writing I was like “oh god she’s way better than me” lmao. You’re the kind of writer I aspire to be in the sense that you write what you want to, and if you get hate for anything, you tell them to go fuck themselves. You don’t take crap from anybody and that’s something I admire a lot, and I know it sounds silly but I mean it. And on the flip side, you’re so kind and caring toward your friends, like I’ve seen you ready to throw hands. You’re an amazing writer but also an amazing friend, and thanks for sticking around with me even though I suck at replying all the time.
changbinasmr: My lil baby Zack!!! I can’t believe my husband is so amazing :’) Okay but seriously I love you to death. I love your sense of humor and I think you’re just such a sweet person. Whenever you like something I wrote or send me anything or reply to anything I just get so happy seeing you pop up and I’m just so happy we started talking because you make me laugh a lot and I just really appreciate that I have you around.
dearmingki: The most talented person ever aka Romi. I know we go back and forth saying we’re both talented but every time I say it, I really do mean it. Even if you think it’s something super simple you made, it still took talent to make it. You clearly put in a lot of work into the things you make and you even offered to teach me and other people how to gif and that’s so sweet. You’re super supportive of things I write which I appreciate, but I also hope that I can be equally as supportive because I never want you to think that anything you make is less than amazing. You as a person are just amazing.
dreamjunhui: My tiny babie son. Well, you’re my height so you’re not that tiny but y’know. ANYWAY god I’ve known you for so long this is so weird. I don’t know what I can say to you that I haven’t already because we talk all the time??? You already know I love you a lot and would die for you. I don’t know, I’m just like, really thankful I’ve had you as a friend for this long and I hope we’ll be friends for even longer. Maybe one day my ass will migrate to Canada lmao. But yeah, I love you so much. You’re the best son. 
gaegurikyu: My sweet gumdrop. I know we don’t speak constantly but please just know that you are one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. You’re so selfless and you always offer advice when I need it, even if I don’t go directly to you. You’re just so sweet and I hope you know that I love and appreciate you so much. But don’t ever feel pressured to come talk to me. We’ve gone like, months without talking but I still consider you one of my close friends. You’re still just as important to me. 
hyuwunjinie​: Night!!!! I know we’ve spoken off anon before but it’s nice that you’ve made your own blog for writing and stuff and I can’t wait to see how you and your blog grows tbh. You’ve always been so sweet and so supportive of me, and I’ve always considered you one of my friends even when you were just my night anon. Thank you for sticking around for so long, and I hope I can support you and your writing just as well as you supported me.
nervousatthenightclub: Like Koko, we don’t talk constantly, but I still consider us close. I don’t know, everybody in The Butties still owns a lil place in my heart even though we don’t really talk anymore, but it was such like, a big period of time in my life. But you’re so funny and so kind, and I remember during one of my recent breakdowns I saw an ask from you and it actually made me smile. I love you a lot and I’m so happy we’ve been friends for so long. It feels like we started talking like, two months ago lmao.
neverknewgrey2016: Dude you and Ry are so hard to write messages for. Like, we’re always so mushy with each other, how do I say anything without repeating myself? You’re like, my ride or die but you knew that. When I got to see Day6 with you, I was so fucking happy and all I wanted to do was jump around and yell with you but the mom next to me had an open beer and I was terrified of hitting her and spilling it lmao. But like you’ve done so much for me and you’ve been there for all my worst moments and I just. I appreciate you so much.
sadienita: The shit you have put up with lmao. Especially lately. I can’t say thank you enough times honestly. You’ve listened to me rant about the dumbest stuff, you’ve literally listened to me rant on snapchat too, and you’ve validated me over and over and you’re still somehow not sick of me. I’ve told you so many times how I appreciate you and everything you do for me but I need to keep saying it because it’s true. And even though you’re going to be like “Girl I don’t put up with you”, thanks for putting up with me lmao.
spookynochu: I really can’t believe we were talking back in my msvteenx days, oh my god. You started off as my lil joshua anon and now look at us!! Dude, we’ve come so far, it’s so crazy to wrap my mind around. I can’t tell you how much I love having you as a friend. Sometimes it feels like we grow together because we like a lot of the same groups, y’know? Like, we even got into Ateez together and now you come to me to freak out about Mingi this comeback lmao. I wanted to end this with a love meme because we always do that to each other but then it takes like 10 messages back and forth for one of us to finally end it so I’ll spare you. But I still love you.
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yutos-laugh · 5 years
Stray kids, got7, Pentagon, I know for a definite you stan the last group but the other two I just took a shot in the dark (if not those two possibly seventeen or ikon?)
OMLaaaa thank u sm for the ask sweetheart!!!
o boy here we go lmao
i haven’t stanned stray kids yet but i’m veryyy slowly learning about got7 so i’ll start with them
Kiss: JB,, he’s just,, so beautiful hfgshs
Hug: Jackson, I feel like he’d give really good hugs!!
Marry: oof this is hard, hmm either young-jae or JB
Live with: gOD they’re all chaotic lmao uhhh maybe JB or young-jae again lol (shit i have a feeling those two are gonna fight to be me bias hsghfs why must i suffer like this)
Be the little sister/brother to: Jackson,, hear me out, he’s such a crackhead dork and I love him, i feel like he would be so much fun while also being sweet and approachable, like a comforting dumbass bro lmao i actually really love him, what a good bean
Bring on a picnic: all of them, it would be the craziest picnic lmao
Take a romantic walk with: hgdfshgfs you know who it’s gonna be, JB or young-jae
Keep as a friend: bambam would be the most chaotic friend and i am down for it tbh
Hit a lot: fuckin jin-young, he looks so soft and sweet and then he’s actually just a salty savage and i would feel so aTTACKED so i’d prolly give him a good smack upside the head whenever he came at me lmao
Give a massage whenever he/she wants to: yugyeom or mark, they both work so hard so i couldn’t say no
Do anything for: ….young-jae, hes just so soft, sweet otter boy, cute sunshine, how could i say no??? also maybe jin-young hggsghs literally all he’s have to do is just smile at me and i’d be like….ok lmao
okie dokie time for the next one, pentagon! o boy this is gonna be hard i’m kinda scared tbh lmao
Kiss: take a wild guess adachi yuto of course, no explanation necessary
Hug: all of them please for the love of gOD just let me hug them all i will fuckin cry they deserve all the love in the world (but if I have to choose yuto,, also hui and hyojong,,and kino,, omg just all of them okay)
Marry: idk why this question is even on here, is this really necessary??? goddammit if i have to write it out of course its yuto, its always yuto
Live with: omg omg this is rough m8 hmm hongseok and kino, they’re both fun and hongseok is responsible and kino is so kind and supportive and hongseok and i could crack jokes together all the time like it’d be amazing :’) also yuto tho because 24/7 access to him and his snuggles?? i would die of happiness ngl
Be the little sister/brother to: omg this is hard oof hmm…i think yeo one tbh. he’s just such a ray of sunshine and he’d be the sweetest brother ever imo (besides kino lol)
Bring on a picnic: all of them including hyojong of course, oh god this would make me so happy, we could all sit on a blanket in a park under blossom trees, they’d all probably be so loud and silly lmao, some of them would be running around, some would be scarfing down food at the speed of light, we’d all talk and laugh and have fun :’))) and i could sit and stare at yuto’s beautiful face with all the blossoms because i’m trash k thnx byeee
Take a romantic walk with: sigh today has been a really long day and i have been soft for a very long time and i would just like to hold yuto’s hand and stroll down a quiet street as the sun sets, swinging our arms back and forth and smiling really big at each other. quiet, sweet moments of eye contact and soft smiles and just being silly and safe and comfortable. maybe even him wrapping his arm around my waist as it gets colder oKAY MOVING ON see this is why no one should ever ask me anything pentagon or yuto related, i am complete and utter trash and i am sorry for polluting lmao but i think ptg is a good thing to be trash for ok, they deserve all the love ever :’)
Keep as a friend: kino, i 100% think that he would be the greatest friend ever. he is so soft and sensitive, caring and sweet. he has such a big heart. he’s also a lot of fun and is very supportive. i relate to him a lot, especially in terms of sensitivity (i think i’m the most like him out of all the members of ptg tbh). i feel like kino puts in so much love and energy into his relationship with every single person, and being friends with him would never fail to make you feel loved. long story short i really really wanna be kino’s friend, not only for all of the above, but also to get to be one of the people who remind him that he’s loved and treasured sooo much
Hit a lot: mmm…i don’t think any of them, altho i’d probably give the holy trinity of shinwon, wooseok, and yuto a good smack on the arm every once in a while lmao (friendly reminder that yuto often smacks people whenever he finds something funny and its so dorky and soft itsfineimfine)
Give a massage whenever he/she wants to: hui and jinho, they work so so hard and put in so many long hours, and i rel8 to hui being a grandpa okay my body hurts and i’m grumpy a lot lmao
Do anything for: yanan, hyojong, and jinho and fine okay i’ll be honest yuto too dammit >:(
If you got through this entire mess, kudos to you lmao and thank you so much!!! i hope you have a wonderful day!!!
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