#it's actually SO wholesome tho i swear
the-hobgoblins · 1 year
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Where: Borgin & Burkes, Knockturn Alley  Who: Oz & Pax When: 02 August 2020
Oz was standing in his bedroom adjusting his eyeliner in front of an absurd gilded mirror on the wall (which, no joke, looked like it could come alive at any moment and transport your reflection to the Phantom's underground lair) when he noticed someone enter and grinned. "Oh goodie! Did ya fetch one a them for me?" He nodded toward the drinks in the person's hands.
“Hi.” Pax sloshed a little drink on the sleeve of his dusty blue button-up. He'd picked the flannel because it was warm and soft and invited cuddling, which he hoped to cash in on later in the evening when people started to go horizontal, and also because blue was steadily becoming his new favorite color these days. With a little smile, he raised a glass from the doorway. “The family’s apple pie moonshine. I thought—we haven’t really had a chance to talk since we met, have we.”
​Oz smirked, and it was near-reverential in its familial resemblance. “‘Family moonshine’ been known to loosen some tongues, has it?” Spindly legs in shiny patent leather leggings decreased the spatial gap between them tenfold with one wide, deliberate step. He took the proffered cup gratefully, letting the fleeting skin-contact linger; Maeko certainly hadn’t told him not to, so why wouldn’t he?
Oz took a hefty, blindly-trusting swig, and hummed. It was good! Sweet. “Nothin' like a nice ’n sexy talk at a party…” he teased, but his smile was encouraging. He flopped sideways onto the hap-hazardously-made bed, his legs from the shins-down hanging off it, somehow managing not to spill. “…fire away!”
Paxton, feeling a little warm, unbuttoned his flannel to reveal a too-shrunk undershirt and winking cubic zirconia in his navel. After a moment’s consideration, he folded cross-legged onto the bed facing Oz. Maeko had explained him. But Paxton hadn’t stopped pondering the question of Oz’s palms. He wanted to hear Oz talk about himself. “Where’d you come from?” Pax asked, leaning on his own knees. It was an open-ended sort of question, so classically Paxton.
“Now I can’t possibly believe the accent doesn’t give me away…” Oz drawled, knowing perfectly well that it did, and that this wasn’t the answer Paxton was looking for. Oz wasn’t intending on being withholding, either, but it did give him a minute to think, take a swig of his drink. His eye caught on a flashing rainbow glint of bling at Paxton’s navel as Oz’s gaze traversed up the length of the body sat beside him; it would be so easy to reach out and touch, distract, deflect—the unbuttoned flannel was almost an invitation.
That was Oz’s instinct, so much like his half-sister’s save the paths that brought them here, to these unexpected moments of vulnerability and the choice of who to show them to. If there was one thing Oz had observed in the time he’d settled firmly into Maeko’s life, it’s that Maeko had many acquaintances; she was enigmatic and well-liked. But she only had a handful of her people. Paxton was one of them.
Oz took a breath. He reached out and traced a finger around the metal piercing Paxton’s skin—because Oz was a twenty-three-year old with a mostly-developed brain and he could multitask, thank you very much—while he looked up into the pretty pale blue of Pax’s eyes, sheltered by long blonde lashes, hovered above him.
Paxton grinned. “Right. Well, maybe I jus’ want to hear more of i—” A light brush against his abdomen. Pax paused in surprise. He looked down at Oz pointedly, just shy of being shy, wondering if in the low light Oz could see the heat Pax felt spreading across his face.
“You’ve been around the safehouse in Putney here 'n there now, haven’t ya? Enough to know a bit about what hedges’re like?”
Pax took a long, slow drink while he tried to slow the ratcheting of his heartbeat. “Um,” he said, slowly. “Somewhat I do. You’re all—very interesting. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Why?”
Oz smirked as he met Paxton’s look, bemused. “Ha—‘interestin’ is a nice word for it…” People from Mae’s world tended to look down on the safehouse scene—the ones that actually knew it existed, that is. But Oz suspected Pax wasn’t like that.
With mild concern, Paxton noticed his drink was empty. He gestured uselessly around with the empty glass for a bit before leaning over to put it on the floor. When he turned back to Oz, he felt—like he couldn’t decide how to sit now. He didn’t know where to look. Maeko is laughing at me somewhere, Paxton thought, horribly, before settling on lying down next to Oz and looking politely at the ceiling while he listened.
Oz rested his cheek in his palm, elbow propped up on the mattress while he laid on his side, watching Paxton shift all his long lovely gangly limbs into a more relaxed position, obviously just a little bit flustered. It was, unfortunately, entirely delectable.
He tried to divert his thoughts elsewhere. “Couple reasons…” he began, dragging the pad of a finger around the rim of his glass, the bottom of which rested with a slight indent on the mattress between them. “…firstly—if ya’ve heard one hedge’s story, ya might’as well’ve heard ‘em all…” Oz’s eyes, ringed in a dark bronze liner, looked sad at the truth of this statement, but he smiled lightly anyway.
He drained the rest of his drink and, following Pax’s example, set it down before returning to his lounging position, this time on his stomach with his chin in both hands. “…but no point’n dwellin’ on all that. I mainly asked ‘cause it’s good ya have some context, for what a safehouse can be like...see, the one I learned at, back home? It—wasn’t quite like that, not really, it was...Harsher conditions, ya know? More ta prove, more ta lose…” The grin Oz cracked here looked like a wince and he scratched at the back of his neck. “…does this all sound loony, or am I makin’ any sense?”
“I’ve got you. So you left them—left Ireland?" Paxton guessed. He shrugged a little, as though to express that Oz didn't have to break the whole tale of why if he didn't really want to.
Oz smiled gratefully at the reprieve he was given from rehashing some of the more unpleasant details. This man was, fuck—kind. Kinder than Oz had been conditioned to believe he deserved. “Exactly!” he agreed, propping up on his elbows. “…change a scenery, change a companions—plus, I couldn’t really afford the safehouse rent over there anymore…”
“And then—the courtroom. An' then Maeko let you in.” There was no mention of any parents. And through experience with Maeko, Pax had learned that if there was no mention, it was for a good reason. He decided not to ask. He also didn’t ask why Oz wasn’t at Hogwarts. He knew enough now to wonder if asking a hedge witch something like that would be in poor taste.
There was a rolled joint on the bedside table and Oz stretched out a long arm to grab it and draw it to his mouth. He gave a eureka! snap, which served also to spark the end of the joint, and then he said, “Now that is a story! Ya know when I first showed up here—it was a few days before Christmas—Mae told me flat out I could stay through the New Year an’ that’s it…”
Paxton didn’t ask about a lot of things. It had been years, but he remembered what the process had been like to befriend Maeko—a lot of waiting for details to slip, of noting commentary passed off as sharp-edged jokes—and he wasn’t sure yet that this man wasn’t the same sort of creature. Instead Pax nodded to himself and stretched out a little more. His eyes darted between Oz’s face and the fringe of curls spilling onto his forehead. Fingertips itching, Pax began twirling a piece of his own hair, letting the silence hang comfortably.
Oz laughed good-naturedly and took a drag, fragrant smoke misting around them on the bed like a dream-haze, and then held out the joint toward Paxton before rolling over to lay on his back, drawing his arms up in sharp acute angles to rest his head in his hands. “…did she tell ya we smashed up the place proper? Guess that sounds odd but it was, I dunno—soothin’, in a way? For her. Therapeutic, or somethin’—an’ here I am still…” He fell into a comfortable silence, remembering.
"Well, I'm glad you picked here." Paxton’s fingers lightly touched Oz’s arm in reassurance. “S’not just her alone against the world anymore. Not so scared as when I knew her at school,” Pax murmured, hand hovering in the air between them as he debated with himself, then reached up further to brush his fingers through the curls on Oz’s forehead. Nerves thrummed in his belly.
Pax’s hesitant touch pulled Oz back to present—light, tickling. A butterfly kiss. Oz smirked, holding his position, but he glanced over at Pax and asked curiously, “Was she? Scared, I mean…I guess I’m havin’ trouble picturin’ it, is all. Mae always acts so tough an’—and clever…”
And there it was. The fingers gently raking through his hair did make him stutter like an idiot, but Oz hummed anyway and nuzzled into the touch like a cat.
Given permission, Paxton continued to idly investigate Oz’s hair, listening to him talk. Feeling its coarseness, winding his fingers around individual spirals, the tension drained from Paxton’s limbs as if he were the one being soothed. He half-lifted himself on an elbow to take his sweet time on three long, greedy drags, passing it back with a massive exhale from deep in his belly. “She was always that, too,” he breathed.
Pax’s head thudded softly back to the bed, coming to rest against Oz’s side beneath his raised arm. “I’d tell you about myself, but she’s prob’ly told it all already.”
“No, please, I’d love ta hear about you…Maeko paints her pictures of before with a real specific brush, ya see—plenty of colorful details but missing quite a bit a the art a things, I think…”
Pax thought about what Oz’d said for a while, and subsequently forgot that he was supposed to talk about himself then, but that was okay. The silence fell comfortably for a second time as they passed the joint back and forth, fingers brushing, and anyway Paxton was pretty comfortable, and Oz’s side was really warm. His room was kind of nice—although Pax didn’t really lift his head to see, but if he looked diagonally, just skimming over the top of Oz’s stomach, he could glimpse his knees and shoes in the enormous mirror sat against the wall. Along with some photographs tacked up, he noticed. Some of them moved and some of them didn’t. And if Pax looked down his chin past the foot of the bed he could see a pile of clothes on a chair in fabrics and textures that looked as if they’d be nice to touch.
The seams of the sides of their bodies seemed to zip closed the longer they were laid there, and Oz found it increasingly difficult not to just cut to the punchline and pull Paxton all the way on. Oz was the type of cuddly person who got needy for affection when it was readily given out—and Pax definitely gave physical affection away readily.
“I love my family,” Pax said aloud, suddenly, as if several minutes hadn’t passed by. “Still live with them. But I work here. You know that, though. At school I was alright with divination stuff, you know, cards and crystals and all that. But last Thursday I helped a mum whose husband is at Flourish and Blotts? She didn’t really know much about all that. She likes her muggle life. Loved a magical delivery, though. Little girl. Eight point five kilograms..”
They were talking with words again and Oz tried hard—like, very hard, okay!—to listen, and to be good. Because as much as he wanted to write this whole thing off as just A Pressing Matter to Take Up with His Dick, Oz had to quietly admit that this person was actually…fascinating. Charming, really. Oz wanted to unwrap the person that was Paxton Brady in a number of intriguing ways…Also, Maeko would surely eviscerate him if he acted in any way untoward, toward her Bestest Old Friend.
So—that was that, was it not? Oz’s fingers flexed from where they were curved behind the base of his skull, and he recrossed his legs—toward Pax, but only because one of them was falling asleep. Kinda.
Pax took another pensive drag, exhaling and shrugging, shouldering closer into Oz’s side. “An' I’m planning on getting another piercing soon. I’ve saved up, but I haven’t decided. Nipples or tongue, d’you think?”
Shit. Paxton Playing-Coy Brady decided to talk about his fucking, prospective piercings, for fuck’s sake, and—well. Oz had tried, right? He glanced down at where some strands of blonde hair were caught against his shirt, taking note of the way they rose and fell with his diaphragm.
Paxton tilted his head back a bit, just enough to meet Oz’s eyes. He wished he had more drink to offer Oz. He wished he’d brought the bottle into the room with them. Pax’s eyebrows drew together, little wrinkles forming between them and across his forehead as he thought about it, mildly dismayed. He’d have liked to stay there a while, and now at some point he’d have to leave to get more moonshine.
An invitation was an invitation was an invitation, and when Pax tilted his head back and caught him in that solar-beam inquisitive gaze, Oz failed to come up with a quippy innuendo to retort.
Instead he just said, “I…” and then inched downward—not far—to press his mouth against Paxton’s slightly-parted lips. He could taste the sweet-spice of the moonshine and chased more of it with the tip of his tongue, angling his body toward Paxton’s on the bed, with one elbow braced upright on the mattress, while the other hand reached out to rest momentarily on Pax’s hip before sweeping up the length of bare skin, fanning out to more fully feel, the tattoo on his palm pressed against warm flesh as if in greeting; HELLO. The tips of his fingers just barely reached past the hem of the crop.
When he pulled back, his lashes fluttered heavily, kiss-drunk, and Oz said, “Sorry, s’just—figured we were both thinkin’ it. But feel free ta tell me ta fuck off…” He flopped back onto his back, jostling the springs in the mattress, a warm-boozy feeling in his belly. Cheekily, he added, “…an’ I think the answer to your question depends on whether ya wanna give or receive the majority a the—ah. Associated sensations…”
Paxton didn’t tell Oz to fuck off, for starters. When Oz flopped back down beside him, making the bed squeak and jolt, Pax was just sort of shivering way too much, and his eyes were way too wide, and he had the look of someone who had been about half a million kilometers away before being propelled back to the present at light speed. The cheek of Oz’s tone made all of Pax’s breath leave his lungs in a rush, and his head spun, and he clumsily raked a hand through his own hair before he managed to get out, “Oh, go on.”
And then immediately, enthusiastically headbutted Oz’s shoulder while turning to drape himself against Oz's side.
One arm wound up wedged awkwardly underneath him. Pax could deal with that, no problem. He could deal with his arm falling asleep, because in shifting down to kiss him, the movement against the bedcovers beneath them had caused Oz’s shirt to hike up just a bit, exposing a good inch of skin just below where Pax’s other hand came to grip Oz’s flank and turn him so they were face-to-face. And that skin was begging to have fingers trail over it. Just begging.
Oz was very, very warm against him, and Paxton immediately set to work getting their legs helplessly tangled, Oz's entire body pressed against Pax, and hell—all that warm skin was now under his fingers, a small noise in Pax’s throat as he grinned and trailed them lightly over the small of Oz’s back, up a little further under the fabric of his shirt.
In fact, Pax proceeded to maneuver himself so physically close as if to actually burrow himself inside of Oz’s body by like—osmosis, or something. It was very fucking endearing, and Oz couldn’t help the playful smile that tugged at his cheeks as he nuzzled his nose against the patch of skin in the hollow of Paxton’s throat, breathing in the smell of him; a sultry trace of sweat, mixed with something floral and woodsy and bright—like those heavily-scented oils that came in tinctures, that hedges used to anoint candles and rainwater and body parts before spells. It was intoxicatingly heady and struck him with such disorienting deja vu, that Oz was inclined to open his mouth and run his tongue along the spot to better taste it.
He didn’t, though, because Paxton had fingers trailing up under his clothes, light and curious, and it didn’t tickle, exactly; it was more like nerve endings were alighting in the trails being traced, so that what started as a sort of laugh came out as a low, rumbling, encouraging hum.
All nerves had evaporated with the weed and the alcohol and the certainty of touch; this feeling, Pax knew what to do with. “Come on,” he said, being very sweet about it, bringing his hand to the back of Oz’s neck. Something thudded loudly on the floor above them, to muted cheers, and the ceiling shook slightly. “Kiss me again, then.”
Pax’s tone was sweet and cheeky and unexpectedly assured, and that was just—yeah, it was totally irresistible, there wasn’t any other word for it.
And Oz was happy to oblige. “Oh, darlin’…” he drawled, his tone delighted with just a hint of danger as he reached up and tugged lightly on a strand of blonde hair, before trailing a few fingers along the long angular line of Paxton’s jaw, tucking up just under his chin. Oz smirked. “…as ya wish.”
And then he did kiss him again, deeper this time, feeling really quite pleased with himself for managing to remember such a clever and, he assumed, contemporary Muggle film reference at a time like this (Piper had had them on an ‘Epic Quests and Fairy Tales’ kick lately for the residence’s collective Film Education Journey); and actually, now that he thought about it, Paxton was even somewhat reminiscent of Buttercup.
The feel of kissing, wet and soft, hot and fucking gorgeous, was like new every time. Paxton would never ever get used to it, and he didn't want to, either. He loved the way Oz’s eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks, the dull chafe of his stubble against Pax’s chin, the way he had to pull away to take in a breath every so often, and the pleased noises he made when Paxton did something he liked. Nothing like kissing Maeko after all, Pax thought fuzzily, and then, horrified at his own brain, elected to turn it off.
Oz’s body trapped Paxton’s against the bed, hips rolling once and then pressing down over Pax’s at an angle as he moved. He pushed Pax’s already short crop top further up his chest, tugging his fingertips through the fine patch of dark hair that ran along Paxton’s sternum.
They rolled over somehow and Oz pressed Paxton into the mattress, his body a comforting weight bearing down. Pax loved doing that to others, and he usually did, loved to spread them out and kiss them at his own pace. This time, Paxton found himself abnormally free to just feel. He continued to trail his fingers up and down along Oz’s spine just to enjoy the little resulting shivers, and made happy, dirty noises into Oz’s mouth.
Oz’s stomach dragged against his as they shifted, and his hips canted against Pax’s crotch. "Ah–" Paxton tried to tell him, but he couldn't seem to stop kissing him long enough to make the words, so it came out as a moan, which was pretty much what he was trying to say anyway. "That’s–" Paxton gave up, let his head thunk back against the bed and closed his eyes, sliding a hand into Oz’s hair as he began his exploration under Paxton’s shirt. His top kind of got stuck under his armpits then, so he arched a little bit and wiggled until that was more comfortable, moving into Oz some more.
Morrigan had often told Oz that he was a slave to his own cavernous need, and that it made him weak. That he craved closeness so blatantly and desperately that he’d always give into it; it would blind his inhibitions like a drug habit he would never be able to kick. That he would burn himself all up—a smoldering wick wrapped in pliant, weeping wax—in his haste to pour himself into every pair of open hands he encountered.
And Oz liked to think, after all this time, that he had just a lick more common sense and self-control than all of that. But Christ if he wasn’t having a hard time remembering it right now, with Paxton Brady spread out like a piece of art on Oz’s bed beneath him, the wet way he kissed so languid and luxurious that it felt like decadence.
There was a dull thumping of music that could be heard distantly overhead, now, but the only sounds Oz could hear were the devastatingly pretty, breathy ones that were coming out of Paxton’s mouth. Oz wanted to spend hours pulling out every single one of those sinfully sweet sounds, trap them in a seashell like that tentacled sea witch from The Little Mermaid, just to hold it close and feel it thrumming between his palms.
He veered off to one side, tracing the shape of a half-remembered sigil on Pax’s peck, and then his hand caught on the peak of a nipple. He paused, hovering his hand there as he smiled against Paxton’s lips, and then used his other hand on the mattress to push himself up and off just a little, enough to talk. “Only one way ta know for sure about that piercing, ain’t there…?”
Oz stopped kissing him then, for some reason. Even though Pax chased after his mouth, he pulled away and started talking. “Wha–” Paxton said, somewhat stupidly. His body was informing him that it was not pleased with this stopping business.
And then Oz squeezed his fingers in an experimental pinch—not hard enough to hurt, but enough for Pax to feel it, to test sensitivity. “…how’s it feel?”
Pax didn’t know what to say. It was good—all of this was good, it was what he wanted, it was turning him on. Specifically, though, maybe the way Oz was touching him now was less good, but it was better than not having it, and he didn’t want Oz to stop—he just wasn’t so used to having all the attention on him, and no one had really tried this before, had they—
This whole thing was somehow different, this time, Paxton was realizing hazily. It felt like his whole body was hanging, suspended, waiting for whatever Oz would do next. Not unpleasant, but strange and unfamiliar. Paxton had kissed a lot of people. He wasn’t used to not knowing what he was doing, where they were going. It felt like a thought to explore in the morning, when he wasn’t so stoned.
“It’s good,” Paxton said, quickly, biting his lip. “But—it’s more like—” He leaned up until his face was buried in Oz’s neck and kissed him there, open-mouthed, so that he felt less vulnerable as he put his hand over Oz’s to guide him. “That,” he said, muffled and buried in the crook of his neck when Oz started rubbing little circles with his thumb instead, softer now, rolling a little bit, until Paxton sighed, “that.”
Paxton’s mouth opened over Oz’s pulse point and the heat of the sensation flickered low in his belly. The shift in the way Pax’s sensitive body responded to a slightly softer touch—more deliberate, less teasing—the way his breath ghosted warm and humid over Oz’s skin when he sighed, like fog over moonlit water…it was positively sublime.
Oz trailed his hand down the long line of Paxton’s side and traced those same circles with his thumb over Pax’s hipbone, dragging it right up against the denim hemline. He was going mad with how much he wanted to take Paxton Brady apart, inch by gorgeous inch; Oz needed to get his mouth on him, so sure that Pax would taste nectar-sweet on his tongue—
Mae’s best friend, her oldest friend. The one she nearly broke herself being at odds and apart from for so long… a needling voice reminded Oz’s in the back of his head as he trailed wet, hungry kisses along Pax’s jaw.
Kindly buzz the fuck off, he tried to quiet the voice, but it pressed on, chastising: …you really think she’d want her kindness repaid by you butting in on someone who’s hers?
Somehow Pax worked up the courage to reach a hand down so that he could feel it again, the hard line of Oz through his leggings, until Oz made a low noise above him. “Yeah?”
And Oz didn’t have a chance to contemplate his eminent guilt trip any further, because all at once Paxton’s hand was squeezing him lightly but purposefully over the very thin fabric of these dastardly leather leggings that he’d elected to wear, and all thoughts besides the warmth of Paxton Brady’s palm and the gentle curve of his fingers promptly exited Oz’s brain.
A choked-out noise climbed up his throat, before he managed to divert it into a humming affirmation: “Mmhmm…” He barely pressed his hips forward, further into the touch; a pulse of ambient magic rippled through the air, flickering the lights. Not what Oz was expecting, at all, but he sure as fuck wasn’t about to say no…
There was a sudden rush of warmth, like magic, like the feeling of a spell washing over him. Startled, Paxton ripped his mouth away from where he’d been molesting Oz’s jawline. But when he looked up, there was only Oz, and Oz’s blue, blue eyes. Something kicked hard in Paxton’s chest.
With a smirk, Oz rolled them back over again, sweeping an encouraging hand up the back of Paxton’s thigh, which was still all tangled up with his own legs.
And when they stopped moving again Pax was on top of Oz, hips fitted snugly to his. He leaned in for a sloppy, affectionate kiss to Oz’s cheek and pressed his thigh between Oz’s legs.
Then Oz said, “Howzabout you call the shots here, huh? Seems like ya wanna…”
“Anything you like,” Pax said, trying to be lighthearted about it, but it came out soft and serious.
This is happening, Pax thought, stunned. He’s letting me! Then it occurred to him that he wasn’t even sure what was supposed to happen next—what would it look like, if he made Oz come? If he even could? And if he did it wrong, if Oz didn’t like it—and most importantly—what would Oz even like?
Struggling to think through the haze—had they been kissing already for ten minutes? it could have been thirty? an hour?—Paxton considered what little he already knew about Oz, what he had learned in the last hour, Oz saying more to prove, more to lose. Paxton liked to think he had pretty good intuition, and his intuition told him Oz just needed to feel wanted.
So Paxton slid a hand around the back of Oz’s neck and anchored it in the curls on his nape, testing his grip as they kissed: if he tugged gently at Oz’s hair he could make him tilt his head back and hold it there, make his chest arch up, and leave damp spots and pink patches all over his neck while he enjoyed finding out what kind of little noises Oz would make here, or there.
Let it be stated for the record that this was all very fucking surprising.
It’s not like Oz would have tried to fool anyone into believing he was the type who could instinctively figure other people out, by any means. But Paxton Brady was a veritable puzzlebox, glorious in its perplexity. He wanted control of things, that much was clear. And Oz wasn’t picky about that sort of thing—in fact, he was rather well known for being adaptable, fitting himself into whatever mold was laid out before him, no questions asked. It’s what made him such a coveted tool in many-a honeypot that Morrigan had crafted over the years. He could—and would—be anyone, for anyone.
So yeah, Oz was more than happy to hand control over, wrapped up with a fucking bow, if that’s what Pax wanted. But in Oz’s experience, most people who enjoyed control were also controlling, and Paxton Brady was decidedly not that. Pax was unapologetically experimental, ravenous with curiosity and refreshingly lacking in a sense of higher agenda. For the first time in his life, Oz was actually kind of regretting the decision to forsake talking in favor of getting here.
Paxton shifted to adjust his newfound leverage, making himself comfortable, and pressed his hips down the way Oz had. “You feel so warm—” Paxton’s voice was rough and breathless. Talking was still too difficult.
As he moved against Oz he could feel his boxers sticking and sliding damp against him, and pressed tight against Oz like this it rubbed everywhere, dancing little sparks of sensation through all his nerves. Pax shivered again, made a little, involuntary sound. It was too good. And with a bit more soft maneuvering, he gently bullied Oz into spreading his legs so that he could fit between them.
And then he was keeping Oz’s mouth where he wanted him, bearing down on him warm and too eager and messy, leaving higher brain function behind. He felt like a bloody spaz. Any thought of what was supposed to happen went out the window, and he didn't intend to do anything on purpose. Everything was all muddled, sweet and hot and sudden and his body just reacted.
The simple, undeniable fact of this whole whirlwind ride was that Oz didn’t have any time or mental clarity to spare toward breaking things down rationally, or even to take amusement in the fact that he was essentially getting rubbed off through his clothes like a teenager in the back of someone’s car—which, under any other circumstances would have been an absolute gag—because every single time Paxton thrust himself against Oz’s erection in total fucking earnest, it sent sparkling trails of blinding colored light through Oz’s brain like fireworks whistling through the air, scattering every thought so that only a haze of heat and feeling remained.
It was just grinding from then on, really, just a slow push and pull but it made Pax’s breath stutter, made his back arch, made him jerk and push into the touch like he couldn't get enough of it. And Oz was still touching him. He could feel that smirk on his lips through the kisses, could feel how it grew when he opened his mouth to say something and moaned instead and that just made Oz press up a little harder, move a little faster.
Oz found his hips meeting the movement of Paxton’s, chasing friction like a drug fix—and in the same sense not thinking. The loose grip of a hand at Pax’s hip moved to press fingers into the sweet, soft divot of skin at the small of Pax’s back, sliding through a very fine dusting of sweat, feeling the long lines of muscle that moved beneath.
Every pass of his gentle fingers over Paxton’s back tipped him closer to the edge, and it didn’t help that Oz was nosing along his jaw, stopping to breathe into his ear, and doing better than Paxton at keeping that maddeningly wonderful pace. He opened his eyes, trying to regain some control, to get his mind to focus on something else than the heat and the angle and the way Oz was mouthing at Paxton’s neck and ear. It didn’t help, though, because when his eyes refocused, what he saw was yet more of Oz underneath him.
Pax made a sinful sound that made Oz thrum with want, and in the small space between their swollen lips he coaxed, encouraging, “Go on, that’s it…”
Paxton dragged Oz up into his arms as he came, hand still buried in the thick, curly mess of Oz’s hair. Pax gasped into his neck, shivering and hips chasing his orgasm, nose pressed into Oz’s temple and breath warm in his ear. Even muffled, he was still loud. He relished the warmth, the tightness of the hold he’d locked them into, and even the embarrassing, uncontrolled noises he made.
Paxton’s body seemed to melt over Oz as he found his release, seeping and sighing into every open space like water into soil until their edges blurred and blended. Pax shuddered with little sparks of post-coital pleasure, mewling out the most sincere and unself-conscious sounds, and it was the sort of sweet that could lay down roots with the power to spread and grow through the lightless crevices of your cracked and weather-worn heart, if you weren’t careful.
Pax’s head felt like it was full of soft and airy cotton, obscuring anything beyond the person in front of him and the sensory information that trickled in piece by piece. Pax slowly unclenched his fingers from Oz’s hair as he came back to himself, running his fingers down the knobs of Oz’s ribs shakily. Oz was all interesting angles and pointy limbs. Pax felt a rush of affection well up in him.
His fingers slid back up and locked in Oz’s hair again, as Pax pressed tiny kisses to the skin of his throat, feeling loose and pleased and warm in his soft blue flannel. He was flushed, ferociously, all the way to the ears and his chest, on the tops of his cheeks, and even at the corners of his eyes.
And Oz could have been content with just that honeyed innocence, to let it linger like drops of nectar on his tongue. But Paxton’s hands kept wandering, his mouth kept demanding; the lust coated heavily over everything else, the room thick with that heady, earthy musk, dragging Oz under like sweet, sticky sap.
His hand returned to Oz’s leggings, smoothing up over him again and then inside, breath hot on Oz’s lips as Pax leaned into him for a kiss. The taste of the moonshine and the joint were long gone. “I’ve never, uh, don’t laugh,” Pax mumbled, the faculties of speech slowly returning. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this good.
Oz didn't laugh—wouldn’t have dreamed of laughing—but he did smile with brimming affection in the bliss-haze of feeling. “Ya don’t have ta—” he tried to say, but Paxton’s fingers were already dipping beneath the waistband of Oz’s leggings and gripping him with purpose; Oz hardened in response, the words on his tongue splintering like fractals into a messy jumble of expletives that was lost into Paxton’s mouth.
Paxton closed his eyes for a moment, zoning out on the feel of his hand’s firm, sure grasp on Oz’s cock for real now. When he opened them again, Oz was watching him, moving into his hand with a heavy gaze.
Pax’s grip was solid but his hand was still, and it was with immense and—he thought—quite admirable restraint that Oz moved his hips, slow and controlled, to thrust up into Pax’s hand. The latter’s fingers twitched and he opened his eyes; they shone with curiosity and apprehension and wonder in the low light of Oz’s bedroom like glimmering subterranean pools.
Oz offered Pax an encouraging nod, a curl falling over his brow, and Paxton’s wrist started to move, taking pacing cues from the low thrums and stuttered breaths that hummed in Oz’s throat.
Until abruptly, he came undone all at once; a glittery wave of warmth shot up his spine and crashed over him, and Oz blurted out, “Ah, I’m—” with the barest trace of abashedness before the muscles in his abdomen were tightening and he was spilling all over Paxton’s long, lovely fingers and giddy laughter was bubbling up out of him.
And then it was Oz’s turn to melt into the mattress, fanning out all his limbs and feeling sunny and wrung-out and stoned; his legs below the knees wilted weightily over the edge of the bed like saturated leaves.
He whistled out a stream of air, quirking a brow to meet Pax’s inquisitive, indecipherable gaze. “That was nice…” Oz said, his smirk teasing but his tone sincere. 
“Mm, s’nice.” Paxton pressed his forehead against Oz’s shoulder. It was a terrible challenge to not let himself float away—anchoring himself in the giddy, fluttery, childhood-crush buzz of feeling Oz’s legs still tangled up with his. “Haven’t felt that nice in. I dunno.” Patches of sweat were cooling inside his clothes, and his crotch was a sticky swamp. He couldn’t muster the energy to sit up. 
“D’ya wanna stay? Lay here, for a bit, before venturing back—” Oz gestured a palm that read ‘GOODBYE’ through the air. “—out there?”
Pax yawned muzzily, perfectly content. “D’you want some of Katie’s macaroni cheese? I bet…I bet s'ready now…We should…” But it was impossible. Paxton breathed in against Oz’s hair, closed his eyes, and was gone.
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boneless-mika · 9 months
Sometimes I honestly feel like I’m not welcome in the aspec community because I dare to call myself aroace despite liking romance
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clownsuu · 1 year
Can I just say, I find it really funny that in your Mob!AU, Howdy and Barnaby get more/have been getting more like, implicit ship content than Howdy and Wally do given you're basically the Wallypillar guy
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I absolutely love how wholesome howdy and Wally are, but I am a S U C K E R for tsundere characters- (even tho like- Howdy and Wally have multiple ship dynamics and one of them just so happens to make Howdy pretty tsundere- I need to draw that more actually it sounds really funny and cute-)
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Did a tiny bit o ask answerin JDHFHFJ
U g h g o d- yeah Home would definitely be the type to wake up hella fuggin early on a weekend, open up all the windows, doors etc, blare the radio (all in spanish), make the house REEK of fabuloso (specifically lavender), move furniture EVERYWHERE (even outside if there is not enough room), and do a lil wiggle to his favorite songs while cleaning-
I’m not traumatized I swear-
Thankfully he wouldn’t be the type to barge into your room and start vacuuming and making a shid ton of fuggin noises- for Wally the most he’d do, specially if Wally is “sleeping”, is just take the dirty laundry basket and gently close the door. Some days he’d probably dump all the freshly cleaned clothes on Wally, engulfing him in absolute fresh laundry w a r m t h (both a blessing and a curse)
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Wholesome sibling antics with cricket crew? Like them getting reader on video/streams alot to play games (actual siblings) or maybe reader is a streamer and is very close with them, making people think you're siblings!
— 🦈 anon
oooo okay okay! I see the vision mwhahahahah ; and welcome to the family 🦈 anon! thanks for joining us :)
HANDSOME BROS ; sibling antics
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo & badlinu
warnings ; language, talk/jokes of killing, use of sibling!reader but can easily be skipped over/offered alternatives
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siblinginnit goes crazy (if you're adopted or not/you're just that tight with him that you're basically siblings. I'm being inclusive I swear 😭🙏 maybe you just have different dads who knows)
you're also a streamer 💀💀
lots of fans came from your brothers' rise in fame, but most of them actually see you for your own person and not just Tommy's sibling
(or tommy's very close friend if you don't wanna imagine you're related that's totally cool)
you stream pretty frequently together
lots of your streams feature Molly because you gossip and make crafts together and shit
when you're streaming with Tommy, the yelling at playful fighting never ends
jack, freddie, tubbo & molly act as your peacemakers LMAO
board game streams once a month so you can gossip and shit
people making fanart of you two >>>
"siblinginnits 🔛🔝"
("I wish they were real siblings so they could share horror stories of each other growing up 💀💀")
vlogs go crazy when you're there istg
at least 3 mins of each video is you two just bickering and barking over dumb shit
"are tubbo and y/u/n siblings?"
"no but they act like it"
if he's not streaming for tubbathon or on the qsmp bc he's a suffering addict, he's probably making videos or streaming with you
you just have that clear dynamic that even tho you're not related, you're found family in every universe
late night board game streams >>>
or chill mc smp streams where you two just argue over what to use and complain about each others builds LMAO
you arguing with him that he needs to eat real food
him arguing back saying you should help him then
you made your qsmp selves be twins so...
somehow you're worse than cellbit & bagi
usually tubbo doesn't have sunny around to see but you guys are so violent to one another 💀
"wdym siblings don't threaten to kill one another?"
"my brother in christ"
but then comes the amazing fanart and fanworks 🙏🙏
sibling duo for the win
you're just that cool and tight with him yk
the fact that you're credited in the end of genloss s1 as creative writer 372828 or something, people started speculating maybe you were siblings??
you really don't look alike at all but alright chat
but yeah, you're very close and tend to talk/stream/record a lot together
you make a whole vlog channel and it's mostly you two going on adventures and stuff
helping them out with the rebrand too
you'll often play games together all night and half the stream is just you guys fighting over the best yogurt flavor
"Ran, I will come to your house and beat you up"
"I'm just saying I think I'm in the right here"
charlie and sneeg are like your uncles
the peacemaker uncles because there's no way you can be out in public without causing a scene 💀
you guys take .5s of each other EVERYWHERE
your insta stories are just spam .5s 💀🙏🙏
and dumbass roasts of each other
the fanart is cool tho, often they dress you guys in "I love my sibling" shirts LMFAO
you're actually adopted (much like Tommy /j)
but obviously, with Freddie comes the pain of him not getting your charger downstairs for you
LMAO but fr, uno and monopoly streams are very normal
lots of trying each others wardrobes out as well
hackett siblings fanart (as little as there is) goes hard
you guys do a little soldier march whenever Tommy mentions America, and he notices but doesn't connect it for a solid 3 months 💀
average sibling pranks as well, considering you're so close in age
your main victims are usually ranboo, tommy, and jack
djing with tubbo>>>> making bangers up in here
the amount of .5s you have of each other is worrying
you're both too lazy to delete them so you have the ugliest pictures of each other 💀💀
"my brothers leaving to go on a tour. what do I do to prank him when he gets back?"
"y/n this isn't the private account"
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writinandcrying · 5 months
TMNT HEADCANON - Turtle of choice x reader (GN)
Reader’s Birthday
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the first slice goes to.. / showing love through cake lol
It’s a tradition in my country to give the first slice to the person you love the most during your birthday, so here a tiny Headcanon for how the turtles would react to it!
Here a demonstration of this wholesome act, TW cute kids
Reader and TOC (turtle of choice) are still on the “crush stage”, doing with the 2003 boys cuz I’ve recently started watching the show! (I only remember bits it cuz I was pretty young when it aired lol, I love how the very beginning shows how they found out a new lair, how they met april, how they barely got any human contact before meeting her, it’s super cool and has some fresh concepts comparing to most canon narratives, if you haven’t watched the 2003 series I highly recommend it)
Anyways, let me know if you would like me to do other versions as well :) hope you guys like it, feedback is welcomed 🫶
English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes !!
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🛹 He’s deadass behaving like this after you tell him the meaning behind giving the first slice (i love this gif lol)
🛹 “AWW !! ANGELCAKES!!” Hugs you so tightly you barely have time to move the tiny slice to the nearest surface you can find, one second later the cake would have gotten smushed between you two
🛹 good luck if you have labyrinthitis, he WILL spin you around a few (at least 5) times to show how appreciative he is of the gesture
🛹 he’s not letting you go for a hot second
🛹 Sees this as an opportunity to finally kiss your cheeks, he has always wanted to but never really had a “reason” to without making things awkward, this is his perfect chance!
🛹will randomly give you kisses through out your stay
🛹 Gets addicted to it, your skin are much softer and smoother than theirs, does a mental note to give more attention to this area from now on
🛹 If you blush to his antics tho? Oh he is DONE for
🛹if you placed a microfone to his chest it would def broadcast the sickest beat
🛹 boom boom boom boom 💥
🛹Actually he will cling to you, will do anything you want or ask for, it’s your princess / prince / royalty day!
🛹 Pls confess to the poor boy lol he’s actually anticipating it now
🛹 Literally vibrating with joy, expect lots of hugs from him
🛹 Your bday will become his favorite “holiday” (yes for him it’s a holiday now )
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🔬”Cake time! “ Mikey sings out loud as he has been patiently waiting for your arrival to sing happy birthday
🔬you insist that Donnie gets the first slice tho, and he definitely reads into why you are persistent of him instead of younger brother
🔬he of course accepts it, but D keeps it quiet most of the evening, doesn’t want to put you on the spot, but he can swear he saw a faint blush adore your cheeks when you looked towards him
🔬 will ask to speak in private with you, hopefully when the “birthday commotion” dies down a bit, he definitely doesn’t want to deal with Raph’s and Mikey’s “oooooh” and “get it Donnie!” Teasing remarks
🔬He still deals with it tho, cuz I mean, brothers.
🔬 Donnie shows the reason why he pulled you over, a PowerPoint complication of several different birthday traditions around the globe he has read some before setting up the party earlier
🔬 “Isn’t it interesting?? “Totally trying to cover up his main question, did you or did you not give him the first slice? aka just said in front of EVERYONE that HE is your favorite person in the entire world?????
🔬 “one of the most wholesome ones I’ve fond was this one, apparently, I mean, if you wish to, you give the first cake slice to your- erm, to the person it means the world to you…”
🔬 “that one is pretty cute, yeah” you chuckle, looking down as his nervous hands, fidgeting with a random prototype he decided to hold it for moral support while showing of his presentation
🔬”were you.. aware of such tradition? “ Donnie finally looks towards you, searching for any indication of you confirming his suspicions, eyes shining with anticipation
🔬 “I did Donnie” you smooth your hand on top of his as you caress it tenderly
🔬 literally let’s out the dorkiest giggle you have ever heard in your entire life
🔬 the “school girl / Kicking my feet” kinda giggle
🔬 cover his mouth right after he lets it out. Don is mortified, embarrassed as hell, deadass wants to crawl in a hole and die after he lets it out
🔬 Relaxes a bit after he sees you giggling as well
🔬 asks more about your birthday traditions, past birthdays memories you had to break the ice (that’s his way is being smooth)
🔬 please be noted, He does not let go of your hand, man is making his moves
🔬 but just a heads up; this moment will live rent free in his mind for MONTHS on end, for his sake (and his brothers sake as well) confess as soon as you can
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🧨 says he doesn’t want it right off the bat
🧨 It’s not that he doesn’t want to accept your feelings, he actually has no ideia about this tradition whatsoever, if you have ever told him before, he definitely forgot it
🧨 Plus, I’m a firm believer most Raph’s aren’t really into sweet treats, they doesn’t want to mess with his diet or can’t handle much sugar (gym rat tendencies)
🧨 You try to empathize how special it would be for you if he accept it
🧨 you really don’t wanna say why tho, like, this is already really embarrassing as it is
🧨 just take the cake man, damn
🧨 mikey for the rescue! literally shoves the cake down his throat after Raph guarantees he doesn’t want it
🧨 Things get a bit awkward after that, you really don’t want to showcase that such a small thing had an affect on you
🧨 But there’s a tiny part of you that feels rejected, unconsciously start to shut down
🧨 Raph is extremely perspective of this, much the second youngest, he start to analyses what could have gone wrong, did something happen before you came to celebrate your birthday? Is someone bothering you? Should he teach them a lesson?
🧨 Will antagonize Donnie to check cameras around your area and work place
🧨 But it’s donn who comments about the birthday tradition
🧨 Will literally get so mad when he finds out lol
🧨 Feels SO stupid, Jesus Christ
🧨Will bark at mikey to spill the cake out, that was his slice
🧨”Dude, that was a week ago!
🧨 “I don’t care. Spill. it. out.”
🧨 “Raph, he probably already, uh- processed it out? “
🧨 “you guys are freaking disgusting, do we really have to discuss this at the dinner table?”
🧨 Will randomly show up at your place with a tiny red cake, a bit messy, but still pretty cute
🧨 “my birthday was last week, im pretty sure you were there to witness” you let out a chuckle, trying to ease out the undeniable tension in the air
🧨” this is my cake “
🧨 “ok..?”
🧨” …and I want you to have the first slice “
🧨 Oh.
🧨 OH.
🧨 oh.
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🎏 Unlike his brother, Leo could never forget it
🎏He literally has a folder in his brain just for stuff you tell him
🎏Stores it like the most precious piece of information anyone has ever given him
🎏 It took him a really long time to process his feelings for you, but once he does it, he treasures every single moment he has with you
🎏 you don’t even have to say anything when he sees you holding the plate to his direction, holding a mix of surprise and yet seriousness look on his face
🎏it’s like eveything it’s suddenly in slow motion, The determination behind his eyes makes you concerned a bit
🎏”Thank you, y/n”
🎏He bows to you
🎏 His brothers have no ideia what that was but they are def crackling up a storm
🎏 “what was that????”
🎏 “Tone it down, splinter junior, it’s just a cake”
🎏 what the boys don’t see it’s you being absolutely speechless and looking like a tomato as Leo takes his slice
🎏 you are the one over-analyzing the situation here
🎏What did he meant by that bow? does he remember what you told him ages ago? He wouldnt simply just bow for a slice of cake, would he?
🎏It fuels a fire inside of you and him, both extremely aware of each others lingering touches and thoughtful gestures from now on
🎏This goes on for a while, this whole… mutual pining stage can be tricky, but when reciprocated, it’s so nice to navigate through, and honestly quite addicting
🎏 a confession won’t even be necessary, leo and you get together over thoughtful acts, your first kiss was under the mistletoe on Christmas was an easy feat, yes, it was barely a brush over eachother lips, but still just felt natural, like it was supposed to be
🎏the midnight kiss in new years was a whole other thing, hands gripping on each other, his hand holding the nape of your neck like his life depended on it, you two couldn’t get enough of each other, waiting for so long to actually make a move after the cake incident
🎏 you finally make it official on his birthday, gracing you a smile and a light peck as he gently places the slice right in front of you
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Ahem ahem Feel free to delete if it's forbidden to do this. I swear making you add a rule against this isn't my aim imma just a tinny bit worry that I won't have the chance to ask a continuation for this ask before a long time. But I understand if you don't want this to set a precedent. I wish to continue the player is a Disney princess ask but with different boys this time.
Could I ask how would Malleus/Kalim/Azul react to a player that is the definition of a Disney princess ? Animals flocks to them, they sing and dance, they're sickeningly sweet, pure and naive, and to top it off they're Neige level of beautiful and charming. The whole Disney protagonist™ package, of which everyone know that they should be in RSA.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, religion, unhealthy relationship, hints at war, poison, overall just toxic relationships
Azul Ashengrotto/Kalim Al-Asim/Malleus Draconia-Player is the definition of a Disney princess
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First of all, it's bad for his business
Imagine, all kinds of animals in a place that serves food (and I am not talking about beast men)
Not exactly hygienic...
But outside of that?
Sign him up!
You are just so easy to *cough* manipulate *cough* protect
You really are the ideal target for his manipulation
And worst of all?
He doesn’t even realize what he is doing
The second you seem to distance yourself he a internally panicking and asking you “if his company is so unbearable”
And thanks to you being so naive you don't snap at him but rather think that he is nothing else but hurt
Yeah, he is hurt... you “monster”
And don't even get me started about how things go once he witnesses the encouraging side of every single typical “goody two shoes Disney protagonist”
Oh boy, you are stuck
And if he can't manipulate because this has gone on for so long that this has become normal for you and you don't even realize it anymore that something is wrong?
Well it seems like he needs to roll up his sleeves and get to work like the sea witch did
Tho is a world with Alchemy and you can't tell me the judges over there don't have regularly cases in which a family sued someone because their member is the victim of a love potion
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I would like to say that we now have two cinnamon rolls but no, we only have one
And it's not the one who is rich... I can already see the luxurious imprisonment...
Ok but there you are, putting some animal which was just walking in the parade he just held (Jamil is about to cry because of the work in that corner over there)
That was when it was even more over for you
Of course everyone knew that the kind Overseer was going to their school but actually meeting them was another thing
But there you are, right under his nose
Oh dear Overseer, how radiant you are!
It is as if he is someone lost in the desert and you are the Oasis he is seeing in the horizon
Yeah, he whipped for you
But that also means you need protection!
As much as wholesome Kalim usual is, he has experienced attempted assassination even from his closest family members so... at least we can somewhat see where he is coming from
Suddenly Jamil isn't only preparing food for the heir of the Scalding Sands but also for someone who is considered holy in some places
(Believe me when I tell you, his hands were shaking when he was putting the salt into the food)
And whoopsy, seems like he has prepared a room too much, do you want to stay
Yeah... you aren't leaving that room is all I can say
But hey, you are probably one of the safest people in their world... at least until the Valley of Thorns hears of this...
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Are you seriously asking? Of course this would end in a tragedy (at least for you)
Ok, what do we have? Oh? A dragon and oh? Literally Aurora 2.0??!
Ok so, the first time you two met he would have probably thought that you are Silvers sibling or something by that by seeing that the whole forest is following you
But nah, he is literally in a religion that is about you so that was until you turned around and he saw your face
Cue one of the few times his chin hit the floor
He probably also accidentally slipped out his tail
But ok, you just made the literally fifth most powerful person in this world "a bit too interested" in you, so what?
I'm telling you “so what”, you, my dear friend, are about to be treated in a very luxurious manner
In other words, one kingdom, one room, a ton of followers who are capable of living very long
Nope, no way out, only one way in
But of course you wouldn't just run away from those hopeful eyes, staring with excitement up to you without blinking
Even if you had enough one day and couldn't take it anymore you wouldn't be able to escape
Malleus made sure himself that you can't escape him no matter what
You know that voiceline which says “easier than spinning threat”? He about to repeat what his ancestor did
At least his tail is nice to pet... cool and smooth
But yeah, prepare to sleep a looooong time
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heartsoji · 1 year
being the inarizaki vb club's precious manager hcs
summary: you sign up to be the boys vb team manager bc like why not you'd prob get some good organization skills but you end up gaining some bffs, some bruises, and a whole crew of bodyguards
warnings: a liiiiiittle bit of swearing and mentions of harassment also its not proofread
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you signed up to be the manager for the boy's vb team not knowing what it would be like
it was ur second year of high school and u had quit abt 7 clubs bc they just weren't that interesting
not like in a mean way like "ugh! this is too boring for my tastes smh" but just it didn't have any appeal so u smiled and resigned with no hard feelings yk
tbh u just didn't rly know what other club to sign up for and the boys vb team needed a manager soo..
they honestly should have just put "babysitting some brats that are somehow the same age" instead of "managing the boy's volleyball team"
they are so protective of you lol
like this one time you let out a little scream bc some random teacher touched your no-no square in a very intentional way
the vb team was THERE in 2 seconds flat
kita stares at him intensely while holding back the twins by their shirt to keep them from quite literally MURDERING THAT MAN
aran calms down ginjima and akagi who literally just start hyperventilating
suna stares at him. hard.
the twins who are unable to attack him just scream
the teacher got fired the next day funny coincidence huh ?
kita is actually helpful
he's canonically good at keeping ur fellow second years in check so lucky u !
hes also rly organized and tidy which is v helpful !
aran is such a sweetie
helps u out in any way that he can
also acts a pillow to some of kita's blunt blows
like "he means that he's sorry bc he realized that he seems kinda unappreciative of ur efforts sometimes" when kita says smth like "sorry for not saying nice words to you"
a translator for kita, basically
akagi shares ur puppy energy so the two of u get along rly well
ur both friendly ppl so its a v sweet and wholesome relationship
u sometimes have to stop gin from making bad decisions but ugs get along well
also ugs r both second years so ur classes r on the same floor so u see each other in school sometimes
as for the main 3 brats AKA some of your fellow second years who somehow become ur new bffs
atsumu is SUCH A FLIRT but like jokingly bc that's just how he is yk
always talking to you and annoying you like atsumu would u just like stfu pls and thanks
osamu is constantly slapping atsumu to provoke him (which is so stupid tbh but works every single time lmao)
is always eating like u turn around during class and he's just eating an onigiri behind his folder 😐
ugs like to gang up on atsumu its a great bonding activity
you and suna r sleep buddies bc u both r so sleep-deprived
well suna's just a sleepy person but u r sleep deprived so ugs will sleep side-by-side during free periods
suna always forgets his lunch so u've learned to pack extra for him
you let him sleep on ur lap and he lets u sleep in his
when the four of u take buses or trains to hang out u and suna always sit next to each other so that ugs can fall asleep on each other
if ur up for it he'll cuddle with u platonically
bc ppl r great body pillows and a good source of warmth
only if ur comfy with it tho ofc
the twins (mostly atsumu but a bit of osamu) will tease ugs abt being a couple but both of ugs just roll ur eyes and go back to sleep lmao
you ended up staying to be their manager for the rest of high school bc of how much fun it is
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pastelsprouts · 29 days
Creepypasta/Marble Hornet Head cannons My friends and I have developed in the past 9 months
- Nina is the go to person for Piercings. Her two favorite people to practice on are Toby and Sully. Toby because he can't feel pain anyways and Sully because he likes making the body his when he fronts
- Nina also gets crushes super easily. She's pan and if anyone is just a little nice to her she very well could get a crush. They usually go away pretty quickly unless your Jeff, Toby, or Kate
- Ben's British
- Ej comes from a family of 5 with his parents and two younger siblings. He was a mommas boy when he was human.
- Liu would shoot Jeff with Dr. Pepper filled water guns.
- Brian is allergic to pineapple
- Liu is an insomniac
- Lazari has a swear jar for everyone, it's her college fund. Jeff and EJ are the ones who pay the most
- Nina is very annoyingly charming, she always worms her way into people's hearts.
- EJ was born in Australia on an army base. He has the slightest accent while his siblings don't.
- speaking of siblings, he has a brother named Travis and a sister named Victoria. Victoria is an FBI agent while Travis does freelance work
- Jeff's an ass hole but he actually does care about his boyfriend (friends oc Kris)
- Liu can sing quite well, especially considering he has no training.
- Lulu stays away from the mansion, she's more often than not terrified and attacks anything that could pose a threat.
- Ben is a trans man
- Liu is also a trans man
-Lazari and EJ have a father daughter relationship. They're very wholesome
- Sally is co-parented by Slender and EJ at this point
- Liu, Jane, and Nina are found family. Jane and Liu were a duo first a while but they found an abandoned Nina in the woods and took her under their wing as a sister
- Sully isn't a demon or anything evil. He's just an alter that holds all of the trauma making him angry and vengeful. Sully is ace/aro, a gender, and uses He/It pronouns.
- Sully hates men
-speaking of the system, Liu had already had a system long before all the Jeff stuff. Most if the alters have gone format after tho leaving only him and Sully
- Jeff is obsessed with one piece
- Liu is an awful driver
-Lazari can't bake to save her life, she enjoys it anyway. EJ encourages her and makes sure everyone eats what she makes, even if it probably isn't edible. He's a little shit once you get past the gentle giant part of his personality
- EJ has better eye sight than he did as a human. That being said he doesn't actually see, he 'sees' the way you do when you day dream... So he sees everything but nothing at the same time
- Natalie and Toby had an extremely healthy breakup. They're still really great friends.
- Nat is very gay, she loved women especially if they could kill her
- Lazari is really trying to play matchmaker with Liu and EJ. She has not figured out that as if December they're together
- EJ is very cat coded. Purs, hisses, sleeps all the time, and pushes shit of counters
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emocl0wnpp · 19 days
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, mentions of euthansia and suicide
Desc: Mikey has good news (lying)
Mikey: yo
Mikey: YO
Mikey: YOO
Draken: what?
Mitsuya: i'm not gonna lie Mikey, if this is some goofy shit i might actually beat your ass
Mikey: you're always so grumpy oh my god
Mikey: like there's a cactus that's constantly twisting and turning in your rectum
Mikey: can you let me live
Smiley: unnecessarily descriptive
Angry: ☹️
Mitsuya: i actually want you to drop dead
Mikey: bro i didn't even do anything😭
Mikey: Ken-chin get your twin bro
Kazutora: remember when Draken would insist on us calling Mitsuya his sworn brother
Draken: cause it's what he is
Draken: say it Mitsuya
Mitsuya: me and Draken are sworn brothers
Draken: born to live and die together
Mitsuya: chill
Smiley: Draken's so intense sometimes lmao
Takemitchy: i can never tell if he's trolling or not
Mikey: i literally called you guys here for a reason but ok
Baji: Draken thinks he's so cool cause he's 6'2
Draken: yeah
Draken: amongst other things
Baji: like what 🤨
Draken: my abs
Draken: my hair
Draken: my tattoo
Draken: my scars
Draken: so many things yk
Draken: i'm just great like that
Baji: i actually hate him
Mikey: HELLO
Chifuyu: Baji-san, even if you don't have some of those things you're still cool!
Hakkai: you're making it worse man😟
Baji: shut up Chifuyu
Takemitchy: guys wasn't Mikey-kun saying something😅
Smiley: you smell so bad
Smiley: i had to say it
Takemitchy: ah😦
Chifuyu: axe body spray head ass
Mikey: i don't think he smells🤨
Smiley: that's cause you smell too LMAO
Smiley: you're B.O is HORRIBLE
Smiley: the smells cancel each other out😁
Angry: Smiley stop😡
Smiley: don't use that emoji Souya, they're gonna make fun of you
Angry: if you can use the Smiley emoji then why can't i use the Angry emoji
Smiley: idk i'm cooler
Angry: :(
Smiley: i was kidding
Angry: ...
Smiley: you want another plushie?
Angry: :) 💙
Smiley: ...
Smiley: 🧡
Draken: that was kinda wholesome
Takemitchy: aww
Smiley: shut the fuck up before i cave your fucking skull in
Takemitchy: ok chill😭
Draken: can i leave now
Baji: hurry up then
Baji: Tora and i need to finish
Mikey: finish what?🤨
Smiley: the implications of that sentence?🤨
Draken: 🤨
Mitsuya: 🤨
Hakkai: 🤨
Baji: if anyone else sends that motherfucking emoji so help me god
Takemitchy: 🤨
*baji has gone offline*
Takemitchy: WAIT NO
Takemitchy: BAJI-KUN
Takemitchy: PLEASE
Takemitchy: C'MON MAN😭
Kazutora: we're finishing a game btw😐
Mikey: anyway!
Mikey: okok
Mikey: so, good news everybody
Draken: that's not funny😐
Takemitchy: i don't really know what that means but i'm sure you'll look great Mikey-kun💛
Chifuyu: dude...
Kazutora: smart move bro
Kazutora: don't wanna be getting anyone pregnant👌
Mitsuya: ?????
Smiley: ayo...
Kazutora: what?
Hakkai: this is so unserious
Mitsuya: what the fuck do you think getting euthanasia means Kazutora???
Kazutora: um, like when females get their embryos tied or some shit like that, but for males
Draken: ?????
Mitsuya: it's not even close...
Mitsuya: how did you come to that conclusion...
Takemitchy: wait is this serious, what does it mean?😭
Smiley: what do you think it means??
Takemitchy: like a beauty treatment or something?
Takemitchy: right?
Draken: no...
Draken: Euthanasia is medically ending a persons life to relieve suffering or assisted suicide for the same reason
Draken: it's only legal in 7 countries
Takemitchy: 😧
Takemitchy: Mikey-kun that's not funny
Mitsuya: but how did you guys get to those conclusions
Mitsuya: i don't get it
Mikey: y'all were suppose to be happy for me but ok
Mikey: what happened to being supportive huh
Mikey: y'all just killed my vibe fr
Mikey: ...
Mikey: same way they gon be killing me in that hospital❗
Mikey: LMAO
Mikey: i'ma log off
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taxkha · 11 months
What do you think Apollo and Klavier’s first date would be or was
Okay so, I actually sketched out a 52 long storyboard for a comic about that (sort of) I don't know if this might be triggering so just in case, my planned story deals with panic attacks, past abuse and bullying, some topics to a heavier extend than others but all of these things are mentioned (I swear, this is still about a date. Sort of.)
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So the story of it is that Klavier visits the agency when Apollo is alone in his office and asks him out and Apollo is really surprised but ends up saying yes. When he gets ready for the date on the next day he ends up having a panic attack because memories of past bullying and abuse in his foster homes dwell up again and that paired with his general closed of nature + abandonment issues/trust issues leads to him having a pretty bad time. Klaver calls to tell him hes waiting in front of Apollos apartement building and Apollo manages to pick up the phone but his voice comes out very shaky which worries Klavier who then comes up to Apollos apartement. He bangs against the door and grows more and more worried because hes not opening at first but in the end Apollo does manage to open a door after taking some slow steps towards it and once Klavier is in, Apollo breaks down and Klavier comforts him. The story does end with them kissing and getting together even if the date didn't reaaally happen :"D I actually drew the first page of the comic some months ago:
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I don't really like how it looks now tho but I'm attached to this story and I would love to actually finish it at some point. Hope this was somewhat...interesting to read, even if it wasnt a super wholesome idea of a date __φ(..;)
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rayjeff · 4 months
I remember following you since your third ever post was made. Seeing the most recent post you’ve made just hit me with a nostalgia blast of the olden days. The entire point here is to say I’ve loved how much you’ve grown, and I hope you keep on doing what you’re doing. Your art always brings a smile to my face, no matter how simplistic or detailed it is.
Never back down, and never give up. Keep on going, Ray.
i swear i have never seen a community this wholesome and lovely
like holy shit, when i read your comments, messages or asks i blush irl xD My simple little mind can't comprehend that some people might actually enjoy my art. The fact that you even what to interact with me at all (even tho im HORRIBLE at interacting with people) means so much to me!
No matter how bad my day is, this place always makes it a little better, like a 'safe space' of sorts
Thank you so much! I hope you're having a good, survivable week ;] Remember to take care of yourself, you mental health and don't forget to eat!
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soulsilversprings · 1 month
Okayyyy pokemon multishipping ramble time!! First, some parallels that I really enjoy are:
Contest, pallet, and appeal - rivals to lovers go brr!! appeal is friendlier ofc but zoey is still positioned as more skilled, coolheaded and critical, compared to the more klutzy and inexperienced dawn
Pallet and shigegou - "wahh but they just copied gary's rivalry with ash!!" okay and it worked. bitchboys on each other's nerves pretending they don't care about each other. let me have funnnnn
Poke and negai - annoyances to lovers who care for each other deep down! bickering and sass to mutual respect and admiration as they become stronger together, just yes :D
Poke and pallet - the above, but both are mentors/inspirations to ash. both swear that they detest ash, and vice versa (lies).
Contest and satogou - hear me out. drew and goh are more introspective, reserved, insecure (arguably) and have the brain cells in the relationship. if u get it u get it
Contest and crimsonvelvet - drew and serena - both coordinators who value romance and would woo may!
Pallet and respect - if i had a nickel for every time ag ash had an unexplained telepathic mind link with a male rival- (even tho drew wasn't even his rival but i digress)
Now some fun contrasts!!! (these go into some nevermets/characters with like two interactions so bear with me)
Dawn ships: appeal and kohahika - to zoey, dawn is a newcomer with potential. to chloe, dawn is a mentor! although dawn is always the more outgoing one :')
Goh ships: satogou and shigegou - from the get-go, ash is overwhelmingly kind and supportive to goh, almost to the point of coddling at times. meanwhile, gary's encouragement and feelings are initially hidden under taunts and (constructive) criticisms. they support his growth in different ways!
Ash ships: poke/pallet/negai and satogou - I tend to ship ash with snarkier ppl (it's just fun to me). not that goh doesn't have his snarky moments or conflict with ash, but their overall dynamic is just wholesome best friends and I love it!
*Insert Gary ship here* and oakshipping - in most ship dynamics, gary is a lovable asshole. now, he still definitely teases tracey, but tracey's overwhelming kindness and sincerity just brings out a certain softness to him that's *chef's kiss*
Drew ships: contest and respect - drew gets on may's every last nerve, but ash is actually pretty consistently friendly to him from the start, even when drew is kinda rude back? fascinating
"But what if they kissed instead" ships that I enjoy (bc forced love triangles are boringgg):
May ships: contest and sapphirepearl - with drew, there's a rougher "rivals to lovers" start but they balance each other out. with dawn, it's a lot of sharing the brain cell and bestie vibes!
*Insert Brock ship here* and opticshipping - brock? bisexual? it's more likely than you think!!!
Champselyseeshipping (Misty/Serena)
Respectshipping (Ash/Drew)
Serefeui (Serena/Miette)
Zoey/Chloe tbh 👀
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2sleepy4dis · 9 months
╰┈➤ ❝ Chain/OC Pairing! ❞
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Warning! Long list of Chain/OC pairing ahead! Ahah!
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Just a notice, the OCs do have a name I, however, just referred to them in this post with their title to make them recognizable easily! Next time, I'll post a little short fanfic individually 😊
I make you guess to which I took the seamstress inspiration
Four and Seamstress met when they were children. Seamstress' family travels around the land and sells their fabrics, outfits and products.
Edited: Four and Seamstress before the Minish Cap event.
Four went to relax in the field after he helped his grandpa at the work, not bothering to change his torned clothes.
Seamstress saw him decided to help him.
During this, she found that he is the grandson of a blacksmith while Four got to see Seamstress' parents works (from clothes to jewelry).
There on forth, Seamstress always looked after the boy with green tunic whenever they visit Hyrule Town.
During the FourSword Adventure, Seamstress got targeted by Shadow because she's close to Four (to which I won't go in details now because I'm going to write a fanfic of it)
one of my favourite. why? because I'm into elf/gnome trope, except seamstress is not a gnome but she's taller than Four and I adore the idea of them being lovey-dovey. Four not minding to be lifted up by Seamstress and Seamstress sitting to lean on Four whenever she's tired.
Wholesome, loud, very supportive of each other. Seamstress loves watching Four smithing (helps him when she can). And also want to impress him with her works like little plushies that kinda reminds of Four the picori.
I got inspired by the sheika from botw!
Also one of my favourite but for different reason.
Inventor is a son of biiiiscuit— you gonna hate him. He boast and is cocky. Arrogant mf and only love his inventions.
Warrior wonders why Cia didn't targeted this dude yet
Inventor have many projects but sadly is more ahead of time so, much to his dismay, he gotta step back a bit so the things he invents can be properly used—
He is actually passionate about his work and tends to overwork himself.
I can't write much about Inventor since he still in w.i.p. but kinda have some scenarios about him and Warrior
I kinda imagine their trope to be idiot rivals to idiot friend to idiots who won't admit they now fallen for each other and historians will say they were good friends(TM)
Wind &Explorer
Platonic Childhood Friends!
I got inspired by Mido but this one is less mean lol
I like the idea of them going in adventures and playing around their island
Explorer is the one who mostly leads Wind back then but Wind comes up with the crazy idea they do!
Is also protective of Aryll!
Explorer, Wind and Aryll stargaze together and Explorer likes to keep books and charts about the sea and sky.
Explorer never got interested at the old folks story about the bero ("Let that ancient dude's soul rest in peace, for Goddesses' sake!" —Explorer, probably).
Maybe he do a little but lil' lad just want to explore the sea
But it's real business when Wind turns out to be that hero and was devastated. Not because it's true or envy. But because his friend is departing. Aryll got taken and the idea of his friends leaving and never to return again filled made him sorrow.
Still have faith in him tho and yelled at the ocean, sky and horizon to be kind to Wind or he gonna fight them—
Wind cheered him up by promising once he returns they gonna explore the sea together and teach him the ropes like once Explorer did to him
They spit swear!
Other ships that I have but don't have much yet
Twilight/Witch || Witch lives in the forest doing her daily witchy stuffs. Kinda imagine their dynamic to be shaky at first. Once they get to know each other, Witchy and Twilight would be a bit flirty to mess up each. At least try to. Because later they would just go with casual talk, wholesome and domestic dynamic. If one is at the home of another, they look like have lived together for years! Very lax and gremlincore aesthetic pair.
Wild/Historian || I've read somewhere that Wild is around 4"11 so I made Historian 4"6 lol. Came from family of historian who worked for the royal family. Historian is a bit shy but he looks up upon the champions, especially Wild. Pending whether to make Historian live in the past or present 💀
Legend/Bard || Their trope is that "Person A hates Person B's guts so they annoy B. But Person B thinks of Person A as a friend anyway". Don't have much yet but Bard came from a family of historian too who worked in the castle but preferred to travel the world. At time they visit Hyrule Castle, they and Fable have a cup of tea and tells story. May have invited Legend from time to time but some of them got turned down. Anyway, Legend and Bard have mutual respect to each other and has been on travel together when they bump to each other! They are very fluffy-angsty genre.
Hyrule/??? || I adore this dude but I can't help but to be totally unsure since I don't know a lot about him or his game. I'm doing more research
I don't have any for Sky and Time but if I have any it would be a platonic one ^^). For Sky, I was thinking about a mysterious person who resides in the land and raised by the kikwi dhsjdhqks
And for Time, a gerudo. He, Malon and the gerudo are a trio and have a platonic dynamic. Gerudo would protect this two with her life 😤😤
»»———-  ———-«
That's it! That's all! For now!
I have some images made from picrew but they kinda don't have whay I have in mind soooo... I guess I'll just draw them as the next post! I found a cool brush!
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justalildumpling · 7 months
can you describe ur relationship with ur moots using different kpop idol ship dynamics?
(hopefully that makes sense!!😣)
wait i actually love this prompt HELLO??? also, i only chose the mutuals i talk to on a regular basis and feel like i know well enough for this so im so sorry if i didn't mention you😭
@sungbeam ⎯ nct mark & haechan (aka soulmates)
if we haven’t advertised about this enough already, beam and i are certified soulmates like😐 like mahyuck we literally tease each other about our side hoes (*COUGH ch*ngm*n) but we will never hesitate tell each other how much we mean to each other. idk if mark had ever exclusively mentioned this about haechan but i truly believe beam and i were cosmic coincidences (soulmates) like i feel at home with her, she is my safe space
@polarisjisung ⎯ nct mark & yuta (24/7 flirting)
idek how to tell y’all, its literally playful flirts back and forth😭 and like yuta, hua wins most of the time…. literally bf who? but literally i would say our friendship is so wholesome tho, like if we were to meet irl i can imagine us like that one yuta and mark date at the restaurant
@wuahae ⎯ tbz sunwoo & changmin (menaces to society)
it just works. if u guys see our messages to each other it’s literally keyboard smashes and screaming about some random topic😭 we both take turns insulting each other tbh but 🥰lovingly🥰 but also like.... i don't think we can mentally and emotionally go without talking to each other everyday like idk what to tell u we literally are stuck together. ok but jokes aside, i feel like sunwoo clicked with changmin really well and have a deep trust in him just like i feel towards cat
@jaeminvore ⎯ nct haechan & johnny (the enablers)
we’re like… enablers of the inner chaos of each other. literally i could have the most feral thought and nics would be the first to be like yes😁👍👍 just like johnny constantly defending haechan HAHAHHAH
@winterchimez ⎯ tbz jacob & sunwoo (gentle mother with her chaotic ass child)
can i just say how much i adore ally like😭 she is so big sister energy but also like mother energy at the same time!! i feel like with jacob and sunwoo, ally is both very concerned.... towards my chaotic ass irl actions but also like entertained at the same time OAFOEF LOOK- she is my mum (in the non weirdest way possible) period.
@zzoguri ⎯ tba sunwoo & new (tom and jerry)
admittedly... i like teasing moni. why? well,,,, i love them that's why😁 ok. but, like chanhee and sunwoo's relationship i feel like our relationship is the perfect balance of very fun but also very deep at the same time. like we could literally be swearing at each other when playing game pigeon💀 but then could be venting about personal things the next second. i feel like sunwoo can really rely on chanhee for advice or hardships which reminded me of moni💗
@from-izzy ⎯ tbz sunwoo & eric (sibling energy)
i contemplated putting jaemin and jeno down but i feel like izzy and i give off more sibling energy then old married couple JBEWOFOWF i always have fun talking to izzy on vc like i miss her presence if we haven't spoken in a while even tho we might not outright say it
@invuwrld ⎯ tbz younghoon & new (the biggest cheerleaders)
can i just say mona is literally the biggest hypewoman? like. post a pic on deoboyznet and i can bet ur ass mona will be the first one to reply and it will literally make my day LIKE HEAISNPI?!?!?! and i would literally not hesitate to do the same for her. hoon and chanhee seem to hype each other up all the time and their interactions were always so cute to me just like ours hehe
@jaehunnyy ⎯ riize shotaro & sungchan (pair of besties)
IF CHIP ISNT THE IRL VER OF SHOTARO IDK WHO IS because girl. she is literally the sweetest human being ever and just like shotaro, she took me into her arms the day we met and i have never left since
@mosviqu ⎯ svt hoshi & shinee taemin
i always looked up to bar when it came to writing and still do, like i have such high respect for her and still fangirling that we're moots OIUBQOEUFBOW but like hoshi and taemin, i would like to say that we're getting closer hehe
@/wuahae @/zzoguri ⎯ tbz new, q & sunwoo
istg there's just chaos when we're together like idek what to tell you. HEAVY EMPHASIS on when we play crazy 8 SKSJSJSJSJ like last time, cat and i literally ganged up on moni😭 like we all love each other but we will literally bicker all the time OIHFOIGHWE (not to mention the fact that we genuinely have attachment issues.......) LITERALLY SOULMATES!!!! (the pattern confirmed everyone)
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sunmoonjune · 4 months
Oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m so late to the party but I finally had time to read Spring Tides and ohhhhhhh myyyy gosh!!!!
1. I’ve missed your universe so much! I’m about to reread all of ltm again because I’ve missed it so much and this was such a wonderful treat that I didn’t realize I needed!
2. Wooyoung finally got rid of the shackle! I’m so happy to see the little sunshine finally put it behind him and be free! He absolutely deserves it!
3. Man, tattooed Ateez really is my weakness I loved hearing about what tattooed they all have! I love how they’re connected to each other (or they’re not and I’m horribly wrong) like it’s so adorable and wholesome!
4. I love love LOVE Bug talking more and getting used to her voice again! The way you talk about her voice getting better and her getting used to it more made me smile so big my cheeks hurt. The sound I let out when she laughed and took her mask off wasn’t human I swear! I was so happy to see it and it’s so deserved! Bug deserves all the happiness in the world and I’m happy she has Ateez to bring her that happiness.
You have once again done such an amazing job with writing and I really hope life is treating you well! 💖💖
Also I saw your author’s note and could I please be added to the tag list? If not that’s completely fine! Thank you in advance! 💖💖💖💖
omg spooky!! it's been a while lovely I'm so glad to see your user in my inbox <33
hehe I'm so happy you liked spring tides and another look into the ltm universe! I too was missing bug and the boys so I was very excited to release it <3
yes!! woo gets rid of the shackle! this is technically a bit of a spoiler but I couldn't help but throw it into the oneshot too see how many ppl would notice OoO but it will be addressed in the future >:)
tattooed atz!! I actually had all their tattoos planned from the beginning of atz (except a few) and just... forgot to write about them tbh xD but yes!! a bunch of their tattoos are linked to each other! ESP woosan (their matching tattoos in ltm drive me and loren BONKERS I swear we talked about them for like two whole days) but every member of atz has some kind of tattoo in ltm and I'll start slipping in references to them as the story goes on xD
bug using her voice <33 I didn't want to jump straight into her using it completely because I honestly see her continuing to use the language of touch and sign more commonly than her voice since she's spent a significant portion of her life selectively mute,, but I also wanted to show that with a lot of time and healing, being able to speak was something she became more comfortable with <3 she truly does deserve the world tho omg I've never loved one of my own characters more <3 :")
I'm so so happy you liked the oneshot!! It makes my day to get asks like this so thank you so much dear <33 and I think you're already on my taglist for ltm! unless I'm mistaken (I could be its been a long time :')) ) if you didn't get tagged when spring tides came out let me know and I'll see if I messed it up!
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