#it’s silly and unoriginal but oh well
soldierboys · 1 year
just make it soldierdeans or something get them both somehow
the one toxic trait i picked up from being on twitter many years ago is the need to have a canon url 😔
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otakween · 8 days
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 46
Yaaaassss library episode!!
Unfortunately, I found the 2nd half of this episode to be pretty lackluster despite the immaculate vibes of the first. I was excited to see Lucemon finally revived (bout damn time) but the animation was so shit that it ruined the moment :( Really bizarre and jerky "camera" work that kept switching from super close ups to very far away shots. Oh well. Onto the final battle!
The whole "evil boss promises his underlings rewards but will probably betray them" thing is so cliche. I know it's cliche because I've been watching Lolirock (a French cartoon) and they're doing the exact same thing in that show lol.
I don't think I realized that only Koichi heard what LordKnightmon said about his lack of a body. It was kinda hard to tell because the previous episode was all chaotic and they wouldn't have had much time to react.
In this episode we visit "the place where all of the digital world's knowledge" goes. Not to be confused with "the place where all of the digital world's historical knowledge goes." I guess one is an archive and one is a library, which is fair. The digital world sure likes its "everything in one spot" thing (like all digimon being born in the same spot).
Nefertimon was a good choice for the librarian I think. On the other hand...I don't think she has hands to hold a book, but I'm sure she could make it work lol.
Such a mixed bag, we had some really great animation bits in the library but it felt like they just ran out of steam by the end. I think the anticipation of Lucemon's revival felt so long that my expectations were too high for their epic first appearance.
At first I was confused by the scene where Junpei does a magic trick with flowers, but then I remembered it was a callback to a previous episode where he was showing off his magic skills to his schoolmates. Good continuity moment!
Takuya/Izumi ship is very, very boring but seeing them blush was still cute.
Seeing Bokomon act serious when talking to Koichi about his troubles was very heartwarming. I think I have a new fave Bokomon moment.
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(Context: Bokomon agreeing to keep Koichi's secret).
The dub made the slap fight between MagnaGarurumon, KaiserGreymon and the royal knights sound so silly. It's the apocalypse yet the American release is still like "WOCKA WOCKA!" 🤡
I want to like Lucemon's design but it feels kinda...unoriginal and bland? I feel like I've seen this "epic angel" design many times before. Hopefully he gets multiple forms.
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boba-at-323 · 1 year
Forever Only
Note : EXTERMELY lovey-dovey || VERY cringey || lowkey sucks || Not proofread|| Where is my Renjun, Why do I not have a Renjun :( || and yes I am very unoriginal I cannot come up with titles 🤭🤌
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“Hey, Y/n!” You turn around to see your boyfriend waving at you from a distance, jogging his way towards you.  
“Oh, Hi Renjun!” You greet him with a smile when he catches up to you. 
“Are you done with your classes?” He asks, taking the books in your hands from you. It was a habit of his which always made you wonder how he was such a gentleman. 
“Well… Not quiet,” you frown at him, taking your phone out to check the timetable, “I still have 2 classes left…”
When you see his glint in his eyes disappear, you cheekily smile. 
“But! I do have an hour free… Did you have any plans?” 
“Plans? Do you know what day it is?” he looks at you with a bewildered expression, as if you had just told him something extremely nasty.
You pretend to wonder for a while, adjusting the empty bag hanging from your shoulders.
“Jaehyun’s Birthday?” you stifle a laugh when you see him roll his eyes at your lame attempts to annoy him.
“That, but there’s also something that happens on the 14th of February!” he whines. 
You always find him the cutest when he gets whiny. He’s just so adorable to you, even if you were the one younger than him. 
“Okay, Okay!” you chuckle, “Happy Valentines to you, baby!” 
You lean forward to press a kiss on his cheek, your action causing Renjun’s cheeks to heat up making his heart beat going wild. He loved you but he was never a fan of PDA.
“Aren’t you going to ask me to be your valentine?” He blurts out mindlessly, attempting to hide the blush from you, which doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Renjun, we’re dating. Do you really expect me to ask someone else?” you can’t help but laugh at his silly question, “You’re really cute, you know. Anyways! Back to the topic, did you have something planned out?”
“Oh, Yeah!” He says, “I have to show you a little something I got you. But first, let's get these back to their places.” he tilts his head, signalling towards the books in his hand.
Soon enough, you reach the lockers in the hallway. He keeps your books back in your locker, and takes out his ones from his own. Making sure you aren’t looking, he takes out a small box covered in a yellow wrapping paper [with, of course, Moomin printed on it] which also had a cute, little red ribbon tied around it. He quickly shoves the box in his bag, and makes his way towards the cafeteria with you. 
“Do you wanna grab something?” He asks you, taking his wallet out from the back pocket of his jeans.
“Hmm... Iced lemon tea sounds nice!” you reply, looking at the menu chart displayed on top of the counter. 
“Iced lemon tea, it is then” nodding, he goes to order for the both of you. 
You spot an empty table and throw your bag on one of the empty chairs. Taking a seat next to the one with your bag, you take out your phone to check for any updates on the day. Articles on Valentine's Day are all over the place; everything was pink, red and disgustingly sweet. To you, it was both cute and annoying.
Before you know it, Renjun is back with two containers in his hand, both seeming to have the same drink. You eye the drinks in his hand, raising an eyebrow at him when he takes a seat opposite to you. 
“What? I like lemon tea too!” he defends himself, handing you your drink. 
“Sure…I believe that,” you say in a teasing tone, taking your drink from him, “Thank you, Jun.” 
He flashes you that extremely contagious, signature smile of his.
It was true that he got annoyed easily, but maybe you were an exception to him. He though so because whenever he saw that mischievous smile of yours when you were thinking of ways to tease him, his heart would swell up. He swears that he would have given you a taste of your own medicine, only if he hadn’t loved you so much. 
“So,” you take a sip from your drink, “What did you want to show me?”
“Right!” he remembers and starts to search for something in the bag resting on his lap. 
Within a few seconds of rummaging for whatever he was looking for, he presents before you the small box which he had hidden in his bag a few minutes prior. 
“Hey, what’s this?” you gasp at the cute box waiting to be opened, “You really shouldn’t have!”
“I definitely should have.” he continues, placing the gift in your hand.
You gently pull the strings of the ribbon, which unwraps itself and falls to the side. Carefully, you pull at the tape on the top of the box which had held the wrapping paper in place, making sure you don’t rip any of the adorable paper in the process. Once the wrapping paper was off, you see a black box resting in front of you.
Your eyes flicker back and forth between him and the box. An anticipating look was plastered on his face, even if he was smiling at you so warmly. Renjun was just so unpredictable, and that's what you loved the most about him.
“Open it, y/n.” he chuckles softly at your surprised expression.
Opening the box, you see a silver ring placed between a cut in red velvet base. But what caught your attention was that the ring had both your initials carved into it.
“Renjun,” you ask, “Is this…”
“...A promise ring?” he completes your question, “Yes it is, my love.”
“Wow… Jun, I-I don’t know what to say” you lightly blush at how thoughtful his gift was. 
“May I?” He asks for permission, even though he knew it was already granted to him.
You give him a nod of approval, and he takes your hand in his delicately. He takes out the ring, and slips it onto your ring finger. The ring gracefully makes its home on your finger, and Renjun looks at it proudly. He smiles at the ring, thinking about how good it looks on your hand. Of course it looked good, it was made for you. But what makes him proud is that now, everyone will know that you were his. 
“Where’s yours?” you question, seeing that his fingers were empty.
“Wait,” his hand makes its way towards a pocket in his jeans, pulling out a similar ring. He puts it on and extends his hand out to you. 
“There! Now we both have one!” He exclaims excitedly. 
“Thank you, Jun,” you chirp, giving him a warm smile, “I’ll treasure this forever.”
“Well, you’d better. And I should see you wearing this daily, no matter where you go. I want people to know you belong to me.” He demands laughing at his own words, eyes twinkling.
“Yes sir!” You jokingly salute him, laughing along with him.
You were truly going to cherish this precious gift for the rest of your life because after all, it would keep on reminding you of the person you love the most, the sole purpose of your happiness, the person you wanted to spend all of eternity with. 
Huang Renjun, your forever only. 
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Title : Forever Only || Word count: 1.220k || Genre: FLUFF FLUFF SO MUCH FLUFF 😩 || Pairing: College bf! Renjun x implied Fem!Reader || Valentine day gift for myself thank you very much
Tagging : @armysantiny
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polycephaly · 2 months
me: hey man do you have a second? i have some design notes i wanted to talk to you about
me: cool, thank you.
me: so first off, im concerned with the number of alters. the number always goes up but never goes down. i just dont think its sustainable so im proposing axing some to balance out the new meat
me: like nienthe. i dont really self harm anymore so shes kind of ob.
me: (thats short for obsolete)
me: alright alright we can discuss it later. *mumbling* especially since you keep reminding me theyre not all dead yet
me: next issue was design notes
me: the last few have been duds
me: "dave strider but older". easily the worst cop out i have seen in years. this is new levels of embarrassingly unoriginal
me: "saul goodman with shark teeth"?
me quietly: actually that ones kind of a banger on paper
me: but the two releases before her make literally no sense.
me: first of all- they're brothers? but they dont look anything alike, have nothing in common, and i don't think they even share any lore?
tevya from the background: They Totally do
me: crazy because no one shared that with me
tevya, even more distantly: You never ask !
me, erasing him: second of all, both of them are just dudes? like totally regular guys?
me: tell me why we needed 2 more regular guys
me: look im just pointing out that 3 of the last 4 have been like, just some dude
CPU: The nuance of normality is lost on you
me: what?
me: oh. okay. i thought i- never mind
me: look. i know getting older sucks. the illusion of fantasy doesn't bear the same weight anymore, and our focus on reality has always been firm.
me: but come on. that doesn't mean you have to stop making fun ones
me: well like buzzword
me: he's so silly. he stole tetrazine's eye and looks like sans the skeleton now.
me: hilarious
me: i just wanna know how i ended up with so many "dudes i'd meet at a bar"
me: shut the fuck up youd never meet me at a bar
me: pricey as fuck........
me: look i won't take up your whole day. i just wanted to voice my grievances
me: yeah you can kill yourself too. ill catch you on the flip side okay
me: awesome. see you
me: *trips and eats shit while i'm jogging away*
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a-sweeter-solarsystem · 11 months
I’ll be better than you.
ao3 may be down but I’m still gonna find ways to post my silly little writings >:(
Also managed to find the edited version that’s up on ao3 so I didn’t have to rely on my original draft!!  Horrah!! 
Side note that sign language is its own language!  Any sign language depicted in this work is written in plain english both because I find it difficult to convey all the emotions and gestures in sign language into written english, and I'm still learning the language myself and don't want to accidentally mistranslate anything   (;v;)
This work takes place during season of the haunted, shortly after the first attempt at severing his nightmare.
Crow's body felt heavy.  The past weeks had taken a toll on everyone.  Between the nightmares and the seemingly endless patrols on the leviathan, he felt almost like a spirit wandering aimlessly for its purpose.  Commander Zavala had finally convinced him to rest.  Cal as well.  Hell, with how busy Crow had been he couldn’t even fathom what sorts of things Cal had been doing.
Cal passed out first.  He had made himself comfortable hugging Crow's chest and resting his head over his heart.  Crow held him, welcoming the warmth of his partner, but he couldn't find the willpower to join him in resting.  His mind still stirred, strong emotions lingering.
He just wished he could sleep.  Even if just for a little while.
Irritation clouded Crow's thoughts the moment he heard Uldren's voice from somewhere nearby.  "Don't you ever worry about him?"
Don't you have anything better to do?
Crow kept the comment to himself, taking Eris' advice to ignore Uldren's torment.  The nightmare walked out from the wall to his bedside.  His former self smiled, scanning him and Cal as if looking for something to jab at.  Crow instinctively placed a hand on Cal's back.
"He's so weak.  And yet, oh so volatile.  A dangerous combination, if you ask me."
Crow's jaw clenched.  Uldren caught the gesture immediately, "Have you thought about what would happen if you lost him?"
"I'm not going to."
"And why is that?"  Uldren seemed to lean closer.  A twisted smile curling on the nightmare's lips, "Remembering what happened last time you lost someone?"
"That wasn’t…"  Crow snapped his head to look Uldren in the eye.  He corrected himself and spoke through gritted teeth, "I'm not you.  I won't make the same mistakes you did."
"You say that now...But you forget how close he's already come to true death.  One of these days-"
Crow shouted with his whole body.  He didn't notice he had pushed hard against Cal's chest, jolting the younger hunter awake.  Crow's focus remained on his nightmare, "Cal isn't going anywhere and neither am I!  You might've been too weak to move on but I’m not.  Stop trying to make me feel so alone."
A satisfied grin rested on Uldren's face.  It disgusted Crow.
Uldren faded into the darkness.  Crow took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves.  As the room and its sensations returned to him, he looked down and froze.
Cal was watching him, wide eyed, and scared.  He was sat upright in front of him, tense and uneasy.  He seemed to be holding his breath.  Guilt pulled Crow's heart down to his gut.
"Cal I...I'm sorry I..."
Crow held up his hands defensively, but it made Cal flinch.  He lowered them, choosing instead to only draw one hand close to his chest to sign an apology.
Crow waited and watch Cal slowly unravel himself.  Hesitantly, Cal signed, "What was that?"
"Uldren"  Crow signed a reply.
Cal looked briefly back to where he had seen Crow shouting and back.  All that was there was the empty space of their bedroom.  Crow added, "It was nothing...He was just trying to annoy me."
Cal’s brows furrowed and his eyes seemed softer.  "What did he say?"
Crow laid back down, inviting Cal to do the same by shifting off to the side of the bed.  "The usual.  That I'm weak, that I killed people...he's very unoriginal"  Crow lied with a weak smile.
Cal seemed unconvinced.  His light green eyes studied Crow, watching his partner’s smile fade more and more.  "Are you okay?"
Crow took a long look at his partner.  He thought about Cal the first time they met.  He was so scared.  He looked starved, with dark circles of exhaustion and anxious glances every few seconds to see who was watching him.  He had seen Cal grow the past year.  Seen how much stronger he became.  He learned to control both the light and darkness within him, helped fight countless enemies, and even showed him a thing or two about being a guardian.
He thought about himself, of where he started.  Nameless at first, working for Spider and being treated like dirt.  Being saved by others time and time again because they chose to look beyond his face and see who he truly was.  He recalled the way Zavala used to look at him.  Then remembered how even through the uncertainty Zavala still offered him a hand.  That he still allowed him a place in the vanguard.  And with that trust, others learned to trust him as well. 
They, Cal and Crow, they were both forced to build themselves from the ground up.  They lied.  They fought.  They survived.  And they recovered.  Even though the memories of their pasts haunt them, they’re here now.  They’re alive.  And they are a million times better now than they were back then. 
"Yeah...I think so."
Cal finally joined him, keeping his nervous gaze on Crow’s hands in case there was anything else to say.  He wrapped an arm around Cal's shoulder, resting his cheek against Cal’s head.  No matter what Uldren said, he won't let it come between them.
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robinplayspokemon · 1 year
pokemon yellow, day 2: mt. moon & cerulean city
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yessssssssssssss, it's my queers!
what up gay nerds!!
so yeah, as you might remember from blue, after pewter city it was time to head for mt moon! and that means it's also time for team rocket (in this case, including the team rocket we know & love from the anime!) to join the party!
but first, there's some pokemon to catch! i mean, that's what the game is all about, right?
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(nicknamed toph, after my favorite avatar: the last airbender character. well, second favorite after azula.)
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(nicknamed vengeance because of batman, yeah it's silly.)
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(nicknamed boulder because i couldn't think of anything better.)
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(nicknamed cthulu because i am incapable of nicknaming a clefairy anything else.)
but, yeah! eventually our favorite protectors of worlds from devastation/etc show up, and their party is an ekans, a koffing, and a meowth! cute! (of course, we did recently learn in the anime that meowth frequently forgets he's a pokemon, lmao.)
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i mean, i would prefer to have you beat me while calling me a brat, if that sounds fun to you? no pressure.
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oh COME ON, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing with this lmao.
anyway, that's a wrap on mt. moon! i'm always surprised on revisiting it how much easier it is than it seemed when i was a kid playing this on my gameboy. shrug!
next up is cerulean city, and a fight with misty!
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unlike brock she doesn't get a long monologue to align her character more closely to her anime character, but she does get a new sprite. and like brock she already had the same team in red & blue that she used in her fight with ash in the anime. she's also still a beast that took me more than one attempt to beat! even though i thought i was definitely ready this time. wild.
after obtaining the cascade badge, you're off to see bill and then to fight a team rocket grunt to obtain the tm for dig, between the cerulean gym & all the trainer battles, tomboy & boywife evolved!
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i also used the two moonstones you find in mt moon to evolve cthulu & fully evolve boywife.
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and finally, there's plenty of pokemon to catch while you're wandering around north of cerulean city!
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(nicknamed mei, after one of my fiancx's headmates. i know i used that last game, but i can't not name purple moth pokemon that, sorry.)
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(not nicknamed anything because just a dex filler & i couldn't think of anything at the time.)
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(nicknamed vorey, because, well, see my review of volume 2 of the pokemon manga.)
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(nicknamed puff puff, because i'm so creative. and because it aligns with my pikachu being named chu chu. shrug!)
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(nicknamed spoon, because i didn't want to reuse "nospoon" but am a thoroughly unoriginal hack 👍)
and i guess that's all for now! catch ya next time, gay nerds!
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echoes-lighthouse · 11 months
Welcome back! 🦇, ⚰️, 🌕 for Tomura?
*happiest bobbles* Thank you!!! I love a chance to talk about my darling boy!!!
(ask game <3)
🦇 : when did you start shipping with your f/o?
Summer of 2020! Tomura was one of the characters that I selfshipped with before I actually started this blog, even though it took me a while to introduce him here.
⚰️ : what’s a song that reminds you of your f/o?
Oh my playlist for Tomura is so unoriginal it's a bit silly. Undisclosed Desires by Muse is my go-to song for selfshipping with villains... but I'll give Shigaraki... Can You Feel My Heart, by Bring Me The Horizon
Can you help the hopeless? Well, I'm begging on my knees Can you save my bastard soul? Will you wait for me?
🌕 : general vibe of your f/o?
Crusty boy who spends too much time playing video games and thinks that's prepared him for the real world and gets upset when people don't react according to his preconceived notions of their behaviour and 'type'. (But also deeply traumatized and brainwashed young adult that was raised in a specific role and hasn't actually grown up because of the emotional damage) (my partner is calling him a nepotism villain and this is also accurate)
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sentimental-darkness · 2 months
About me...
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Just to give you some idea about this blog and myself!
-- It's going to sound different from 98% of blogs and users out there... and it's not narcissism talking here, it's just experience.
-- However, I don't have anything against a healthy dose of narcissism tbh = a person gotta know their own worth and embrace their selfishness, no?
-- A vast range of interests, no specific occupation, but I'm certainly someone to have open-minded conversation with... and I'm not mincing words either... the vast majority of humans are somewhere in the range of stupidity or being utterly stuck, unable to see what's right in front of them, subjected to easy brainwashing and wishful thinking, and even the brainwashers are probably mostly stupid and cliché. So how about it? Wanna talk? I don't bite!
-- If you're already brainwashed and wired a certain way, obsessed with certain causes or certain groups or certain "identities"... you better watch out because I'll probably "offend you" because "I am being rude." Oh no, how could it be! But seriously, I appreciate individuality and hate stupidity, as simple as that, which is sometimes far too complex for most.
-- In an ideal world: destroy all present day religions and temples. Erase national and ethnic identities. Erase most of the fragmented identities created in the last decade that most users of Tumblr have proudly in their bios - so we can finally put the whole weight behind being an individual who describes themselves in their own unique way. Shocking, no?
-- The previous paragraph is highly unlikely in practice and such a world-changing endeavor would require a bit different approach, but I shared it anyway just because.
-- I am "evil" and "rude", yes, but also very sympathetic and emotional. I will sometimes reblog silly things and lovely animals. Come and cuddle with me! Still, I will also make fun of military conflicts and surrounding drama. It sucks but war has been part of human history for millennia, there is no justice and nothing pretty in it. (Except when I feel like an image of a city raised to the ground is kinda... charming. But no worries, I don't really post stuff like that)
-- I have my own problems and worries, things are far from ideal. But there is zero tolerance policy for utter weakness and stupidity here, and I don't think highly of it. You guessed it. You can go back to your unoriginal depression-obsession blog and cry yourself out, if you want. But I tell you, it won't help and you do yourself a disservice. Stop taking those pills maybe. Evolve. Life can be entertaining if you let it. But don't take it to heart because my zero tolerance policy doesn't prevent you from following my blog. You could secretly think of me as your sensei if you want. Fine with me.
-- I love music. Seriously. But it's mostly orchestrated scores and gaming music, giant no to everything else. Music calms me and inspires me. Ethnic, inspiring and dark with a kick. Have some random samples because why not: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O. Anything catches your fancy?
-- My other obsessions are probably creativity, fantasy, history, and overall - consuming "worlds" and stories. In games, decently done open worlds and RPGs in particular, but I'm no stranger to other genres on occasion.
My chat and asks are open, my email remains open too. In truth, I'm waiting for a kindred soul but I've never been greeted with a better conversation than basic "hi, what's up" or anon hate. Oh well, maybe you'll be an exception, my reader?
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somelokivariant · 11 months
quantuania review bc i do it for every marvel movie
visually it was very nice. It was like that one sequence from Dr. Strange except the whole set was a physical version of that. Lighting could be better (read further:) I know the costumes were nice but it was hard to see the detailing- 💀? Could have been more colorful. They prolly did this for theme but it washed out and details were not as defined as they could be. It was very monotone and mushy.
Now i love Paul Rudd but his delivery at times- He does comedy, and he does it veryy well. Its just some of the more emotional/serious lines were not quite there. He had to be intimidating and i was just like hehe silly Scott. (Hey, maybe this is just in character for Scott-?)
Love Cassie: no this is not supernatural bias (it is). No but srsly i love how she took initiative and fought i hate useless characters. 
Christophe Beck, in charge of the music, aTE and left nO CRUMBS. Oh the composition was PERFECT. 
Some lines didn’t sit right w me idk. They were cheesy in a way where the Guardians of the Galaxy would comment on it or deadpool would break the fourth wall, but the punchline never came they genuinely used those lines- Some lines were predictable i was saying them before they did (idk if this is good or bad just a note)
so sad light head guy died????
Some parts were so funny in a subtle way like Darren or Hanks ants, loved.
Was kinda mad when Scott n hope just watched Kang die and didn’t jump thru the hole (yeah they got out after, so it was okay [that sequence could've been better too, it was kinda rushed if you blink you miss it: I know bc my dad missed it-])
on the other hand, Hope getting stuck alone would've been such a cool play, like just like her mom. 
In general, it was a good movie. It was fun to watch, in fight sequence, humor and character/character dynamics and arcs all that. My only critic is it was kinda unoriginal? Really predictable and if i knew only scene building and nothing abt the MCU, and u told me that was a quardians of the galaxy movie: i’d believe you.  
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dreamlegend · 3 years
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Today I offer you: oc
This guy was literally the reason I slept so bad last night, cause I tried to make him like 6 months ago but couldn’t get him how I wanted so I forgot about him, until yesterday when I suddenly remembered him again and figured out a way to draw him. I had to leave it for the next day tho so I was just laying in my bed til like 5am thinking way too hard about this guy that looks like such a discount emoji.... I just happen to like silly lanky bitches
Bonus chonk for reasons:
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redorich · 3 years
to those who carried on
A fic for @petrichormeraki​ and their Hermit!Tommy AU.
The hermits know Tommy as a quiet young man who is very sad and contemplative. The more time they spend with him (against his will, but they know he needs the company) the more they learn of the little details. His favorite block is cobblestone, he likes building towers, and apparently his favorite woman is the Queen. They don’t ask why he wears a smiley mask even though he never seems happy. They don’t ask why he hides important things in his ender chest. They don’t ask why he wears a shattered compass on a chain about his neck.
(Once, he died in lava and lost his absolute mind. He was so upset about the compass that he didn’t even mention the stack and a half of diamond ore he had on him. Xisuma ended up manually rolling back the server just so Tommy could have it back.)
As time goes on, the tremors in Tommy's hands grow lesser. His dull blond hair seems a bit brighter, his bruises fade quicker, he doesn’t look quite so skinny-- he spends his time serenely building, resource gathering instead of running and fighting. He has a sense of humor under all that trauma, which the hermits unfortunately find out after another massive-scale prank war thought to be instigated by Grian actually turns out to be Tommy's fault.
Tommy starts swearing more. Doc gets the stink eye from Stress for this, but Doc insists he’s never once sworn around the young man. (That’s an absolute lie, but it wasn’t anything Tommy hadn’t heard before. Tommy thinks Doc is remarkably unoriginal in his cursing. He does take note of the German ones, though.)
Inviting Tommy to PvP minigames can be touchy, they learn. He likes to fight, but he fights like an animal with nothing to lose. Grian once chanted, “It stays in the pit!” and everyone present had to spend the next five minutes wrangling Tommy’s soul back into his body from wherever it’d floated off to.
Tommy likes to glide with his elytra. He claims he’s never had one before, but he flies like such a natural that a few people have their doubts. On a dark desert night, with dark blue eyes watching the night sky, he confides to Cub that it reminds him of the way his dad used to fly. He hates rockets, though. He does not confide to Cub that it reminds him of what his brother did to his best friend. He says enough that Cub can guess, though.
Scar gets fed up with Tommy’s creeper holes and makes Tommy help him fix them. At first, Tommy has no clue why Scar is breaking out things like coarse dirt and birch leaves and making the ground all fancy, but he’s not afraid of a little hard work and Scar makes it fun. He learns a lot about terraforming that day, and awkwardly comes back a few days later asking if Scar needs any more help terraforming. Tommy still hasn’t built a real base, not by Hermitcraft standards, but the small hill he’s built his dirt hut near now has a very beautiful, if amateurish, waterfall. He doesn’t tell Scar about this, but Scar finds out anyway. Tommy wakes up one morning to find that someone has left a shulker box in his house. Instead of iron-gripped paranoia, he just feels wonder that someone would give him a gift-- to the hermits, a single shulker box is nothing. To Tommy, it’s everything.
The shulker box contains coarse dirt, birch leaves, and a silk touch shovel.
Tommy helps Xisuma mine a giant hole in the ground near bedrock, because he realizes that he’s never thanked the admin for getting him his compass back. Well, that and the fact that instamining with a haste two beacon and an efficiency five pickaxe is a novelty. Xisuma lets him keep the cobble, since everyone knows it’s Tommy’s favorite block, but also insists he keep some of the other blocks like andesite and diorite. He pats Tommy on the head and tells him to talk to Bdubs about building a house some time. Tommy nods. He's taken aback by how tall Xisuma is, completely contrasting his mild nature. He reminds Tommy of Wilbur, on one of his good days before... Before. Not Ghostbur, though-- the admin is much too alive.
Tommy waits too long, so eventually Bdubs comes to him. The man is silly and outrageous, playing everything for laughs and unexpectedly tender. Bdubs plays up how beautiful he thinks Tommy’s hideous dirt shack is, then offers to help him build a house that’s better. For Tommy, building a house means settling down, accepting that this is his home now. Bdubs doesn’t know this. Tommy builds cobblestone dicks while Bdubs tries to lecture him about depth and block variation. Nothing gets done and Bdubs feels like he might have failed, but come next week Bdubs is flying over the area and sees the dicks are gone; so is the dirt house. In its place is a spruce-and-cobble cottage nestled near the tiny waterfall. Off to the side, he’s made a cozy doghouse for his fox, Theo. Bdubs doesn’t know how close that fox came to being named Fundy.
He spars with False, and she very pointedly does not mention how his stances are uniquely suited to a piglin. There’s only one renowned fighter who’s a piglin, after all. It's Tommy’s story to tell, if he ever does, why he’s seen enough of the legendary Technoblade’s fights to pick up on his stances, yet he’s not experienced enough to know that they don’t suit him. Instead, False gives him different stances suited more for tall, skinny people like the two of them. She’s got blond hair and blue eyes just like him. (Not that she’d know. She’s never seen his eyes, hidden behind his mask as they are.) Every now and then, he imagines her as an older sister, and the one time he says so, she smiles. When Tommy’s at home, looking at his own distorted reflection in his waterfall (he’s improved it since he built it), he muses that their eyes aren’t the same, their hair colors are subtly off. It’s close enough, he thinks.
Stress dies from fall damage and Tommy goes out of his way to pick up her stuff, because the hermits do these things out of the kindness of their hearts. The thought never even crosses their minds to steal. It crosses his mind. He doesn’t do it. Stealing from Stress would be like stealing from Niki.
He shows up at Cleo’s base unannounced and demands to see the “cool shit”. He is appropriately enthused by the giant armor-stand-bugs. She tries teaching him her armor stand magic, but it doesn’t really sink in. It’s okay, she assures him, most people don’t have the knack for it. He does, however, learn that buttons make excellent decorations. He also learns how to braid hair, bribed by ice cream. He is terrible at it, to the point where Joe has to come by to help the two untangle her hair so Tommy can start again. Watching the two bicker over capitalism and six million armor stands and a whole host of other inside jokes he doesn’t get, he thinks he’s starting to understand what friendship is supposed to be like. Joe and Cleo don’t see him clutching his compass. He and Tubbo weren’t too far off from this, given their circumstances. Maybe...
Maybe Tubbo can be forgiven.
Tommy makes minigames of his own, ones that don’t just kill you and steal your stuff. He builds things that are pretty instead of just functional, brews potions with Stress and only calls them drugs once (again, upsetting her is like upsetting Niki. Best not done), and sets up chicken bombs above people’s bases instead of just lavacasting them. (As Grian saw the hundreds of chickens slowly raining down upon his mansion, he got such a peculiar look on his face that Tommy feared he’d fucked up. The shorter, stronger (much stronger oh god why is he so strong despite being so small) man nearly crushed Tommy’s lungs in a hug, proclaiming how proud he was of Tommy. Tommy was proud of himself for not accidentally murdering Grian out of reflex. Was this what healing was like?)
Yes. It is what healing is like. Tommy knows this because that wound gets ripped open again. Tango shows him how to build the most obnoxious redstone-powered noise machine the two can think of. Tango digs a small pit, and asks Tommy to throw down his axe. Suddenly, Tommy’s in Logstedshire again; it’s not Tango asking, it’s Dream. His hands don’t shake when he tosses his axe into the pit, followed by his sword and his armor. It isn't until he’s placed the TNT down that Tango grabs his wrist and asks him what he’s doing. Tommy’s eyes clear enough that he can see past the blond hair and freckles. Tango isn’t green, he’s red. He's shorter than Dream, and his worried eyes are unhidden. Tommy shudders, then tells Tango everything.
Tango has no pity for Tommy, just understanding and sympathy. He doesn’t push Tommy to talk about it, but when Tommy’s done telling his story, Impulse and Zedaph show up. They all pretend that Tommy’s voice isn’t hoarse, that they all didn’t conveniently happen to look away when Tommy took off his mask just long enough to wipe his eyes. The men bake a cake together, fool around with honey blocks, and don’t talk about it.
Tommy knows very little about redstone, considers himself more of a builder and a fighter than an engineer. Still, Mumbo’s living base is inspiring, and Tommy often hangs around the man’s industrial district just to watch Mumbo work. Mumbo knows that Tommy hasn’t purchased a day pass, but it’s nice having someone around to talk to while he works. It’s not like Tommy is stealing anything. (Tommy totally steals from Mumbo’s industrial district storage system. The man’s farms are so efficient that he doesn’t even notice, so Tommy assumes it’s fine. What Mumbo doesn’t know won’t hurt him.)
Lava still isn’t his favorite thing in the world. He stays far away from it, instead of imagining what it would be like to hurtle towards it. Ren doesn’t really notice this, but he does notice that Tommy doesn’t seem to like his mustafarian base. On a spur-of-the-moment whim, Ren whips up some absurd plotline in which he is a lone weary traveller seeking refuge at Tommy’s base from strange alien overlords. The two have fun together, and the young man cracks more absurd jokes about it than the hermits have ever seen him do. When Ren leaves a week later to return to his own base, Tommy keeps being absurd, if a bit more subdued without someone to play off of. He builds a shrine to the “prime log”, which grows more elaborate each day. Beef and xB pretend to be his acolytes, despite having no clue what a “twitch prime” is.
They can’t see his face, but the smile in his voice is a far cry from the despondency he once wore like a heavy cloak. He is so much more animated and alive, full of motivation. He builds an entire island in three days, and hand-delivers an invitation to each and every hermit for his beach party. Everyone shows up, even those with packed schedules (Iskall) and those with introverted tendencies (Etho). Tommy is nearly moved to tears when they show up in groups of twos and threes, as though he hadn’t expected anyone to come. There aren’t enough chairs for everyone, but there is more than enough cake to go around. Tango brings drinks, Impulse brings meat to barbecue, and Zedaph makes an elaborate jump-powered grill. Keralis brings way too much confetti and several handfuls of cheap, obnoxious party noisemakers. Stress brings Tommy a crown made out of alliums. It shines far less than his brother’s gold crown, and it’ll die in a few days, but he wears it all night and keeps it in his ender chest until it withers away.
He spends five days teaching himself to make flower crowns. Even his best attempt is awful, nowhere near as pretty as the crowns Stress makes, but when he gives it to her, she takes off the one she was wearing and wears his until it falls apart.
He dies fighting a creeper on Grian’s behalf, and doesn’t even panic, because he trusts that however many times he dies, no matter how stupid or ignominious or revolutionary or important, Xisuma will always let him respawn.
He spends a grand total of nine diamonds to buy a single plot of land in the shopping district. He builds a cute little bench facing the sunset, with warmly glowing street lights on either side and a small garden. At the end of the bench he places a jukebox, and buys every single disc that Beef’s music shop sells, including Pigstep. He sits on the bench while Mellohi plays and watches the tiny silhouettes of his friends flying in the evening sky. Tommy looks alone on that bench, even if he seems happy, so sometimes other people stop by to sit with him. Scar declares the bench area a public park, since everyone likes it so much, and refunds Tommy his nine diamonds straight from the throne.
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stardusted-bookworm · 2 years
ever beard of... blumenshadow? blumentrio+shadowgast spies evil au if you pleaseee🥰🥰
Break the World
A/N: Oh, op... you are speaking my language 😈. A wonderful ship and my favorite au? I hope I did it justice, op... (Please ignore all magic use, none of it follows D&D rules).
Essek Thelyss would be lying if he said this situation didn't amuse him. Across his study, three Scourgers watched his every movement with calculating eyes. Some could even call it... wary.
Essek chuckled darkly and walked to a side cabinet, pulling out a large glass bottle of amber liquid. He grabbed four crystal glasses as well and made his way back to his large, ebony stained writing desk.
"Three highly-trained assassins in my home," Essek said, pouring the best dwarven whiskey into the glasses, "and yet you are the ones wary of me."
He set down the bottle and looked up at them once more. "I suppose that says something of my skill-level then, no?"
One of the Scourgers, the woman, sent a series of daggers flying at his head. He stopped them an inch from his face, barely lifting a finger.
He tilted his head, looking past the daggers to see her. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. No magic?"
With a flick of his wrist, he sent them flying right back at her. She dodged out of the way, but her companions were not so lucky. The daggers embedded in their cloaks, pinning them to the wall.
She snarled and her fingers started twisting and flexing, drawing arcane glyphs in the air. He recognized the movements for a Fireball and began his own incantation. That very second, she shunted out of the space before reappearing the next moment, her spell having faded completely. She looked around at the untouched room, down at her hands, and growled. Oh, how delicious her frustration was.
The big Scourger with black hair freed himself from the wall and palmed the dagger.
Essek tilted his head curiously. "You don't want to play with your sword, little wolf?"
The Scourger just grinned and moved forward, still clutching the dagger.
Essek rolled his eyes. How unoriginal. Once more, Essek twisted his hands in a flourish, almost like he was splitting the air in half. And there, in front of him, ripped from the ether, stood a shadowy echo of himself. He cocked his head to the side, and his echo tilted in the opposite direction.
"Go play," Essek bid the echo.
It sank into the floor and only Essek could see the way it slithered toward the big Scourger. Except... the blue-eyed one appeared to see it too. Essek narrowed his eyes. Interesting...
The echo reappeared right in front of its target. There was a slight flash in the shadow as it smiled before cutting into its opponent. Or tried to at least, for the hulking brute was more skilled with the tinier blade than he’d let on. 
Believing him to be distracted by the echo, the woman once more attempted to launch herself at Essek. Barely looking at her, he blew a handful of gold dust in her face. “Why don’t you sit still for a moment?"
And just like that, she froze in place, mid-leap, hands outstretched in claws. He smirked and turned back to the others.
Oddly, the echo seemed to be keeping the muscled one at bay, neither one getting a hit on the other. It appeared to be infuriating the massive man as well. Essek grinned at the silly sight.
Seeing that the two were soundly occupied, he moved his attention to the red-haired one. Except... he wasn't where Essek had last seen him. The daggers were still embedded in the wall... but no Scourger. Essek's grin dropped and he brought his hands up, prepared to cast any spell.
His eyes darted around the room, waiting for any sudden movements. So busy was he looking in front of him, he never turned to see behind him.
A hand grabbed the back of his neck. Essek froze; the spell building in the space of his hands dissipated.
A low chuckle sounded right next to his ear. "I think I win this one, Herr Shadowhand."
Essek shuddered. He will never get over that voice. "How did you win? I have taken down both of your compatriots. I would say that I have won."
The hand at his neck moved to his hair, gently forcing it to the side. Rough lips skimmed over the skin just above his high collar, and Essek couldn't help but lean further into it.
"It only takes one to kill, Thelyss."
Essek hissed as blunt teeth nipped just under his jaw, as if to scold him.
"Well, if I truly believed you three meant me harm, Caleb Widogast, none of you would have made it past the front door."
Caleb hummed and playfully bit the tip of Essek's ear before moving to his side. Essek's ear spasmed almost violently. Curse these sensitive things.
"Would you release them, Schatz?" Caleb curled an arm around Essek's waist.
"But it's so amusing to see them struggle."
The other two Scourgers snarled at him. Essek laughed even as he released the two spells.
Caleb moved around the table to help Astrid up from where she'd fallen, while Essek picked up two of the crystal glasses. He floated the third one over to Caleb, watching in amusement as the ginger's eyes darkened. Silly man.
He walked to Astrid's side and handed her one of the glasses, still cold from a little cantrip. She scowled at the glass and then him.
He leaned up slightly to kiss her temple. "Don't be too mad at me, my love." He once again offered her the glass.
She glared one more time before taking it and downing all of it in one go. "I don't appreciate being pinned in place, Thelyss."
Essek sketched a bow. "My apologies, it was the only spell in my reserves that wouldn't maim you."
Astrid rolled her eyes but he could tell she forgave him. He kissed her cheek and moved over to Eadwulf who was just waiting expectantly near the door.
Essek looked up, up, up at this large man. Caleb had told him that Wulf was large by human standards, but by drow standards? The paladin was practically a giant. It briefly took Essek's breath away.
"For you." Essek's voice sounded breathy even to him.
Eadwulf just smirked and pulled Essek in by the waist for a deep, heated kiss. Through the pulsing in his ears, Essek could just barely make out the sounds of heckling from the other two.
"Wulf, you've never been that suave. What is this?" is what Essek heard when he finally pulled back.
Eadwulf stuck his tongue out at the other two and picked the glass up out of the drow's hands. "You're just jealous I got to do it first."
Even more protests at that. Essek rolled his eyes. Such children, these three.
The light of his study was suddenly blocked and ginger hair completely encompassed his vision as Caleb Widogast leaned down and stole a slow, sweet kiss from Essek. So startled was the Shadowhand that his hands fluttered around Caleb's body before coming to rest on his thin shoulders.
When Caleb finally pulled away, Essek asked, "What was that f—" only to be interrupted as Astrid, the one who least liked displays of affection, immediately replaced Caleb for a harsh, biting kiss.
Essek felt a little dizzy from all these kisses and was more than a little confused. His Scourgers gathered in a semicircle around him, very serious expressions on their face.
"So, Thelyss," Astrid began. Essek couldn't help but feel a little nervous at what they were going to say next.
"Who was the better kisser?" That was Eadwulf who finished.
Essek's eye twitched, the only reaction he would allow himself. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of the whiskey from Astrid's tongue, and watched in amusement as their eyes dropped as one to his mouth.
He rolled his eyes. "You are all children."
Essek pushed past them and walked to the other side of his desk. He completely ignored their protesting that he "didn't answer the question" and clicked a hidden button, revealing a secret compartment.
He pulled the singular object out of the drawer. "My darlings, wouldn't you rather receive what you came here for?"
All three Scourgers went wide-eyed at the sight of the dodecahedron in his hand.
The purple glass-like beacon shimmered with endless possibilities. Essek knew what potentially lay inside. Souls. Hundreds if not thousands of them swirling through infinity. Perhaps even some he knew once.
Essek didn't care. Not anymore. Years of being told no, of being told what he could and couldn't do... Yeah that'll apathize anyone to a "religious faith."
Caleb stepped forward and almost reverentially took it from Essek's hand. "Essek... this is—"
"I have gleaned most of what I needed to from this," he interrupted. "You'll find all of my research in here." He pushed a folder forward. "Perhaps you... or your teacher... can make more sense of it. See it from another perspective, if you will."
Essek hated even mentioning that man, if only because he hated the way they all collectively tensed, as if they were expecting a punishment.
Astrid stepped forward and stiffly picked up the file. "The Empire thanks you for your service, Shadowhand."
Before she could leave, Essek cupped her cheek. "I do not do this for the Empire, Astrid Beck. I do this for you." He looked at the other two. "All of you."
He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. They didn't receive much love back home, and it killed him that he couldn't be with them on their loneliest nights. But... it was a small comfort to know, at least, they still had each other.
He pulled back and looked her in the eye, unwavering. "Know this: I would break the world for all of you. Just say the word and it will be done."
Astrid took a shuddering breath and briefly rested her forehead on his. "Not yet... not yet, Schatzi... but soon."
Caleb stepped forward and placed a hand on Astrid's shoulder. "Very soon. We will break the world together."
Essek nodded. "Good."
Caleb kissed him gently, sweetly, like he was afraid to let go. "We'll be back, Herr Thelyss. And next time... we'll be ready."
"I know." He cupped Caleb's face. He knew he was lying. One of them said this every time, and every time they lied. He couldn't blame them though. He knew... he knew how hard it was to break that cycle of abuse. So he held out hope for someday but not next time.
Caleb knew it too. Essek could see it in his eyes. To ease the man's pain, to show him he understood, Essek kissed his forehead, full of empathy and compassion.
Caleb shuddered and reluctantly pulled away. Eadwulf took his place and kissed him farewell. Astrid just squeezed Essek's hand before she withdrew to the other two.
They held hands in a line facing Essek. "Auf Wiedersehen, Essek Thelyss," Caleb said.
That was the last thing he heard or saw as his three Scourgers vanished from the space, teleporting back to their master's prison. And once again, Essek was all alone in the cold, dark room of his study.
If he cried, that was a secret for him and the walls.
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mesfantomes-marie · 2 years
What makes TenRose special - a shipper's manifesto
One thing you should know about me before you read this - I change my mind a lot. Especially when it comes to passions and pairings. Every single time it's a whirlwind of emotions, like an intense infatuation, a crush you can't seem to get rid of, but in a month it's just gone as if it never even existed. Sure, I do get nostalgic every once in a while, but that's just about it. I never really go back.
Last summer it was X-Men, in November it was Twin Peaks. 5 years ago it was Drarry. Pride and Prejudice. Austrian musicals about Emperors and Death. Vampires. Japanese films. You name it, my life is quite chaotic. These are just a couple of examples off the top of my head.
6 months ago I rediscovered the RTD Era of Doctor Who.
It was a boring (silent and grey) Sunday (I'm not a fan of Sundays, just like the 10th Doctor and Morrissey).
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One of my best friends named YouTube (I'm not joking) decided it was about time I met the Doctor. Thanks for the recommended videos by the way, mate. Who knew this was the beginning of the end for me and my poor shipper's heart?
The 10th Doctor and Rose.
1. There's just something about their story. The tragedy of it. The beauty of it. I tend to lean towards stories like these, so if you're like me, hit me up, I'll give you an extensive list of films, books, pairings that will most likely tickle your pickle. All things torturous - that's me.
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2. The endless possibilities for fanfics. Oh, this one is BIG. Yeah, you might rewatch seasons 2 and 4 100+ times, but it just gets A BIT repetitive in the end, especially when you realise you're saying the characters' lines along with them. That's how you know - time for a change. Time for fanfiction! A wide variety of tropes, scenarios, genres, AUs... There's something for everyone. This ship has EVERYTHING. The only problem I've encountered here was the pervasive dullness and unoriginality of post-Journey's End fics, especially the ones featuring TenToo. As much as I love him, I think he deserves better than that. But that's just my opinion, please feel free to dissuade me in the comment section.
3. The chemistry between the actors/characters. An obvious one, eh? No need to elaborate.
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4. Ten and Rose are somehow both realistic and impossibly alien at the same time. What? How is that even possible? Well, yeah.
The best example of the 'realistic' bit - I've honestly tried my best to make peace with the Fireplace episode. Honestly!
I can't, sorry.
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I know it's all make-believe, as discussed with @thirdeyeblue, not real, just fiction, but hell. I. just. can. not. make. peace. with. gitf. And that to me is realistic.
It's like that friend who had hurt you in the past, and you just can't bring yourself to forgive them. You know they'd made a mistake, you understand. Maybe one day, when you're 80 and happily married to the love in your life, or travelling the world, or just busy writing the story of your own life with the speed of light...maybe one day you'll understand that feeling betrayed by a piece of fiction is silly.
But that day is not today. And that's fine. Let's be 'silly' together.
Now for the alien bit. Self-explanatory, is it not? This is where escapism comes into play. 'All the planets, universes...' I can't rememeber the exact quote from the Christmas Invasion (maybe I should watch it for the 101st time, just to be sure), but you know what I mean.
5. This pairing is inspiring. After reading the Raven and the Rose by lauriespitzer, I really got into the history of Great Britain. Currently reading a 'Short History of England' by Simon Jenkins. We can be history nerds together. If you want.
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That's all from me, folks.
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amitlee · 3 years
Not a softie (2)
Summary- ohh wow a part 2!
Part 1 —
Switch!Techno Switch!Phil
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! The tickles in this are more intense than the ones last time but there is still fluff <3
Please don’t tag as a ship post!
—“Come to my room?” Phil softly asked Techno, who nodded and sleepily walked after Phil.
“Soooo” Technoblade said awkwardly, he hadn’t been alone with Philza like this in a while and it certainly hadn’t been under these circumstances. His social awkwardness had started to kick in.
“Soooo what?” Phil replied with a mocking edge. “Ya know, I’ve been thinking in the time we walked together, and I realized that you seem very tense. I don’t know what kind of friend I would be to keep one of my dearest pals in such an uncomfortable state. Please, take a seat.” He patted the spot nearest to him on the bed and glanced over to Technoblade.
Phil had planned to take it easy, start slow end slow, you know? But there was a problem. The man was known for his infamous ler moods, in fact, he could be seen as one of the token lers of their large friend group. Said ler moods came in many forms, the most common being quick and ruthless, and if you were to ask Phil how he was feeling, he’d say common.
“Alright mate. I want to just get into it, so what are you feeling? Do you want me to be gentle or can I go all out? Restraints or no restraints?” Despite feeling ‘quick and ruthless’, the comfort and happiness of his friends was always the number 1 priority.
He watched as Techno stuttered, looking into his eyes once before he had completely turned his head to hide his flushed face. Techno spoke, “Y-Yeah. You can do what you want but I don’t really want restraints, pinning is fine though.”
That was all Philza needed to hear, he sprung into action with a smile on his face. He ended up on top of Techno and holding one hand in his own, leaving the other to be free for the time being. He made a show of looking for a place to start by moving his free hand to different spots, sometimes pausing and acting like he was going to start. Eventually, he settled to rest the tips of his fingers all on a different rib, some in between the spaces. He hesitated, “You remember the safe word, right?”
Techno knew Phil wouldn’t take it too far, but they both liked having a safe word just incase. “Yep. Amber, right?” Sure it was unoriginal, but it was easy to remember and used across many people.
Phil gave a gentle smile, his facade wavering a bit before he remembered what he was doing. “Mhm. Just making sure. Now if you’ll excuse me...” He vibrated his fingers where they were on the exposed ribs and was pleased to hear a gasp before Techno had gentle laughs pouring out of him.
“Oh, breaking so soon~” The eldest teased, he was hoping that Techno wouldn’t hold back, and after the gentleness in the living room, it seems he didn’t have the will to. He looked down at the man below him and took in his cheeks that were lightly dusted with a pink blush.
“Ohohoh, we bohohoth know ihihi’m far frohohom brokehen.” The younger man shot back without much thought, Philza lifted an eyebrow.
“You trying to test me?” Phil teased and moved to the upper ribs. “You? Trynna? Test? Me?” He repeated, poking at random places in between each word.
“Tehest? N-NohOHOHO-“
He dug his fingers into the man’s armpit, effectively cutting him off mid-sentence. “What? Sorry couldn’t quite hear you.”
Techno was caught off guard at his underarms being so sensitive, he genuinely didn’t remember them being very ticklish. Phil wasn’t disappointed in the reaction in the slightest and kept up the firm touches.
When he got bored of that spot, he moved to one that he know was just slightly more ticklish, his hips. Now, with Techno’s hips, there is a very specific way you have to tickle them in order to get any kind of reaction. First, get your balance and make sure nothing is in danger of being hit or knocked over, because this spot always makes Techno kick and wiggle. Next you place your hand so your thumb is settled in the dip of the bone. You must act fast once you have your hand in position because he doesn’t wait until you start tickling to start writhing around like a mad man. Firmly rub in circular motions or drill into the cluster of nerves in this spot and there you have it, a hysterical warrior.
“PHIHIL- PLEHEHEASE FUHUHUCK ITS SOHOHO BAHAHAHAD!” Techno let his mirth take control, dissolving into laughter and losing some of his coherence.
Phil followed the process perfectly, as always, since he was the one who made it up. He was jolted around as he continued to tickle his friend silly, listening to the melodious laughter falling out of Technoblade’s mouth without restraint.
A few moments later he moved his hand to trace around his friend’s ears.
His reward was the rare giggles that only came out in that particular spot. He’d found it rather early on and to this day, was the only person able to get away with abusing this information. His ears were essentially the only ticklish melt spot Techno had, it was perfect for gentle tickling and relaxing him.
Once Phil believed he was sufficiently relaxed and too sleepy to fight back, he released the hand that he had been holding hostage since the beginning and lay down beside his tired friend. They were cuddled up together as Techno regained his breath and Phil asked, “Feeling better?”
Techno pulled Phil closer until he was basically on holding him on his chest, both of them still laying down. “I felt fine before, but yes.”
Phil didn’t abject to being pulled closer but he was suspicious as to why he was being cuddled to Techno’s chest.
Techno didn’t give him time to question his position. “You on the other hand, how are you? You seem just so unfathomably upset.” You can’t expect to mess with Technoblade and get off Scott free, though he admired Phil for trying.
Oh, so that’s what he was doing. Phil had the realization. “I’m very much content thahank you.” He felt Techno slip his hand under his shirt and scratch his blunt nails on his lower back at an excruciatingly slow and steady pace. He arched his back and pressed his head into Techno’s shoulder in attempt to hide the squeaks he produced while holding back giggles.
“Aww, breaking so soon?” Techno mocked the earlier version of Phil.
“Noho! I’m still holding on unlike someone, chuckles.” Phil couldn’t help but continue to tease, he didn’t expect to be on the receiving end so soon.
After hearing the comment, Techno immediately started squeezing Philza’s sides. He knew it wasn’t a bad spot but would definitely get him squirming.
And squirm he did. Phil broke out into chuckles at the unexpected touch. “OHOhohok! Ok! Point tahahaken!” He sighed when the hands returned to skittering around his back, this time not holding back any reactions. He soon tensed as he realized that Techno was moving further and further up. He had always considered his upper back as one of his worst spots, which was especially unconventional since he couldn’t even protect it.
He felt Techno lean his head down to be able to whisper into his ear and scrunched up his shoulders before he could even get close, causing Techno to chuckle.
“Oh, stubborn aren’t we?” He paused “Or should I say, aren’t lee~” With that, Techno dug his fingers around the upper parts of Phil’s back, being sure not to cause pain. He occasionally fluttered his hands up to the man’s neck, making him further scrunch his shoulders every time.
Phil felt everything. The way Techno would dig into the backs of his ribs, massaging them with ticklish precision. The way he would randomly launch attacks of swift pokes to the same area for a few seconds to get him to squirm away only to be met by the other hand. How Techno would brush his nails over his shoulder blades and make him squeal. When he would travel up to his neck and collarbones like a true monster. He felt it all, and he loved every bit of it.
Despite his enjoyment, Phil was still a human and had to breathe at some point. “TEHEHECH, IHI’M OHOHOLD! MY LUHUHUNGS COULD COLLAHAPSE ANY SEHEHECOND!” He preferred to keep the mood light, not wanting Techno to think he’d been overwhelmed. Phil hadn’t quite reached his limit yet, but was satisfied with the wrecking bestowed upon him.
He felt Techno slow his fingers until he was simply dragging his nails in patterns. This kept Phil in light giggles and produced yelps when he found a particularly good spot. Techno had never been the type to stop tickling someone all at once, unless a safe word was called, he liked to fluster his lees a little more before truly letting them off the hook.
“Fehehe- Feeling behetter?” Phil asked again.
Techno smiled down at him, he would never admit it, but moments like these were very important to him. He adored the closeness and light hearted atmosphere, it also allowed for him to happily let off steam and build strong bonds. “Well, I can’t say I’m feeling bad. So yes, I feel better. Thank you, Phil.” Techno switched from the light tickles to now rubbing the breathless man’s back with his palm to help him calm down some more.
Phil felt his heart swell from the words and attention he was getting, his face heated back up and he buried it into the younger’s shoulder again. “Good.” He decided not to leave Techno talking into silence. “Me too.”
After a moment of sitting in the comfortable silence, Phil realized he was cold. He rolled out of the prolonged hug to grab a blanket. He got the blanket and wrapped it around himself, getting as comfortable as he could. He soon turned around to face Technoblade, putting on a fake pout. “C’mere” He whined at him.
His obviously fake pout turned back into a smile when he was joined by his friend at his side. He lifted the blanket up so the other could slide under it and also be warm.
“Did I ever tell you about the time I build a secret treehouse when I was 7?” Techno asked, planning to tell his friend stories until they both fell asleep.
Phil looked at him with a surprised look, he’d never even heard about this story before. “No, I haven’t. Tell me about it?” He requested.
Techno went on to tell him the story and more for the next 45 minutes before Phil fell into a light sleep.
They both woke up hours later, refreshed and ready to go about their day before looking out and noticing the absence of the sun.
“Sleepover!” Phil playfully cheered. They got changed into their pajamas and turned on Lilo and Stich before, once again, falling asleep.
Yup, only about, mmmm let’s see, a month late...oops.
But I had the idea to put this as my, drumroll please, 100 FOLLOWER CELEBRATIONNNN!!!🎉🎉 HOLY SHIIITTT
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That is huge for me and I really appreciate the way you guys let me grow and give so much support. Thank you so so much💕
As always, have a great night and I love y’all💞💞
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secret-treasury · 3 years
Intimate and vulnerable
Okay if someone wants to write this as a finished fic that would be amazing! (If it happens tag me!) Also I'm new here and idk about what's canon or not, also also this is a mess so forgive me!
Everyone lives and are happy AU!
James and Lily have been happily married for a while and had baby Harry
Sirius is considering proposing to Y/N and brings up the idea to James and Lily
Because they are the ones who made him realise that he wanted that too
James is hyped!
And Lily is excited
Sirius starts brainstorming ideas for a BIG proposal event.
Lily knowing you very well knows that you aren't really that into big events like that is skeptical of sirius ideas
Lily: are you sure that's what she wants?
Sirius: i dont know. Am I supposed to know?
Lily: she's never talked about you know the future or her dream wedding and so on?
Sirius is STUNNED.
Sirius: No?
Lily: never?
Sirius: No! ...not that I can remember anyway.
Lily is disappointed but not surprised.
She got a plan tho. Her and James's anniversary is coming up and she plans to subtly ask you about your dream proposal next time you come around for dinner.
Time skip!~
You and sirius are over for dinner
You cuddle and play with Harry because he is a sweetheart.
After dinner James and sirius leaves you and Lily with the dishes to go do "guy stuff" whatever that is
You're suspicious because they are acting weird.
Lily and you start taking and she tells you about hers and James's anniversary subtlety slip into how James proposed to her
You've heard the story several times but you let her tell it anyway.
Lily: So what would your dream proposal be like?
You raise a suspicious eyebrows at her and then just shrugg
Lily: come on, tell me!
She teases you.
You: I don't think sirius and I will get married if I'll be honest
Lily: What do you mean?
Lily is shocked!
You: well he's always said that he wouldn't want to carry on the Black family name or bloodline.
You sigh
Lily: well what do you want?
You: I don't know, I try to not think about it you know?
Still being on a mission lily pushed on a little bit further.
You: well I suppose I'd want something romantic but not cheesy. Kind of intimate and vulnerable.
You dream on for a while about how you want to get married and have a couple of kids and your heart breaks a little thinking you'll never have that.
Sirius, James and Harry comes back from doing their "guy stuff" and you try to compose yourself.
Time skip!~
Sirius is over at the potters and they tell him EVERYTHING
lily obviously told James everything after you left that evening.
Sirius just internally goes "Oh no"
He literally looks like a dear in the headlights.
He had obviously had some time to mature and since he said all that stuff
And also realised that the biggest F*** you to his family would be to muddy the bloodline and carry on the Black family name that way.
That evening he can't sleep
He just keeps thinking and thinking
He was lucky you haven't left him already if you had though that he didn't want what you want.
When you wake up in the morning and go to cuddle him
You see his tired face and cuddle closer
You: what's wrong babe, Couldn’t sleep?
Sirius: yeah
He runs a hand over his tired face
You: why didn't you wake me?
Sirius: i didn't want you to be exhausted
You: but we could have been tired together
You tease.
He laughs cause you're cute
You: but be honest, what's keeping you up?
You kiss the corner of his lips and he just hums contently
Sirius: I've been thinking....
You: that's new
You joke unoriginally
Sirius: Ha-ha very funny
But he honestly loves it when you joke around no matter how silly or stupid
Sirius: i realised lately that I want more and I want it with you.
You're shocked
Sirius: i want to make a home with you, get married, have a couple of mini you's and me's
You couldn't help but giggle and the thought of mini versions of you and him running around.
And his smile as he spoke made your heart melt.
You: you really want all that?
You ask blushing and biting your bottom lip
Sirius: yes
You: with me?
Sirius: a thousand times yes!
You two enjoy the sweet moment
You: question
Sirius: Mhm?
You: the other evening lily was asking me about these kind of things... was that because of...?
He starts rambling on about how it came to happen.
You: this better not be the proposal!
Sirius: What? You said intimate and vulnerable, what's more intimate and vulnerable than being naked and in bed?
You: that's not what I meant and you know that!
You laugh and get out of bed
You: I'm going for a shower, care to join me?
You tease him and he knew what to do
Sirius: that's a good idea! shower proposal!
You: No!-
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mymarifae · 2 years
you likely suspected i would be coming in here w opinions on ur deltamess au. so. here i am bc i do be thinking the brain is moving a hundred miles a minute. for one, fucking f’s in the chat for asgore. got handed two MAJOR L’s this round. we’ll get em next time, boys! but also oh my god poor kris. NOT ONLY are they dealing w the divorce, but now their big brother is just GONE. AND ASGORES SICK TOO???? LIKE. GODDAMN. SOMEONE GIVE THAT KID A CHOCOLATE BAR AND A NAP. getting hit left and right with some serious mental scarring that would just cause them to probably fold in on themselves even more (going from the quiet weird kid to just the weird kid bc they like. don’t talk. ever.)
also i like how you phrased berdly as being “widely disliked” bc i think him being swapped w susie would kind of turn his arrogance into a more palpable aggression. like berdly isn’t concerned with competition. he KNOWS he’s the best (he isn’t—but he’ll force himself to believe it) and he will DEFINITELY remind you. the kind of arrogance that just reeks of insecurity but in a way that most would not sympathize with. and i like the specific phrasing of susie being “banned from all spelling bees” bc i personally think the reason is her and berdly got into a fight. bc susie in this universe is Actively trying to keep her grades afloat (borrowing some of normal berdlys tenacity and perseverance with her own aggressive nature) but she just struggles. so her and berdly bump heads a lot and i think the spelling bee is just where shit got messy.
(the reason berdly didn’t get banned as well is bc he still looks like. well. berdly. and so they just Assumed susie started it. even tho she didn’t)
but i just like. ohhh my goddd i love this i love aus. usually deltaswap aus make me -__- bc i lived through the underswap era and Know how unoriginal people can be. but there’s just so much HERE so much care put into who is getting put where and why that i oghhhhh love it. this was probably too long anyways HGNBD
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KRIS IS GOING THROUGH A LOT YEAH. i'm balancing it out with the fact that susie has pretty much always been their best friend :) they're not as withdrawn as you might think! still quiet, still weird, still private about a lot of things, still a little menace and they've got susie being a menace right along with them <3
your idea for the spelling bee is good... works perfectly and i was considering something similar when i was thinking about going for something not so silly. i still might double back on it But. she's actually banned from spelling bees because she signs up, gets up on stage, and proudly spells FUCK and instantly disqualifies herself. she did this for three years in a row before they got sick of her shit and banned her permanently
...maybe that's just what she tells people but the real reason is closer to what you described? idk! i'll get to kris and susie's Stuff once i have a feel for "chapter 1" and can start planning chapter 2 in earnest. we'll see what i settle on >:)
she does put a little more effort into school but she's more of the class clown type. she gets undyne off topic and wastes class time and everyone loves her for it. she and kris may not be top of the class in terms of grades but they're definitely kind of the most popular? hard 2 explain.
for berdly it was interesting because like. we still don't know what susie's situation is 🤔 so that made the whole "characters personalities stay the same while their circumstances swap" idea a little hard. but we're just going to go with the assumption that susie recently moved to hometown and it's hard adjusting to life in an itty bitty town where everyone has known each other all their lives...
it's kinda like. ok so berdly, if he had never found school and grades as something to base his personality around and pull a sort of False confidence from. he never got the courage to put himself out there. no praise to go to his head. that whole "forgettable bluebird" thing remains his norm, and he just withdraws more and more and grows more sullen
eventually, like susie, he does turn towards acting out in a more aggressive way. that mindset of "ok if people are going to avoid me for no reason i'm going to give them a reason at least." it's one way to gain back a little control of their lives... like susie, it's not like he's actually a bully but any attempts to talk to him do not go well LOL. there's a few rumors floating around about him being involved in some fights... but it's not like anyone can get a confirmation or denial out of him
he also doesn't put any effort into school. or like. anything. he ditches most of the time. like, "no one notices so WHO CARES. i mean i care actually i care a lot. but i'm going to pretend i do not." he's still weirdly arrogant about it though..?? or he tries to be. at some point noelle asks him why he's never in class and he spouts some nonsense about how smart he is and how great his grades would be and that if he worked to his full potential it would "make the rest of the class feel hopelessly inferior." and noelle's like ? what
berdly: i believe i was quite clear?
noelle: if you're so good why don't you like. ever prove it...?
berdly: shut the fuck- i'm going back to clover's team
he's <3 a jerk. but much like meeting lancer is a turning point for susie, meeting clover sparks a neat little change inside him...
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