Because, unfortunately, these brands tend to be too big to fall and there are many people who are willing to buy a brand for a brand, ignorant of its content and history. There is a limit to this of course but I'm not exactly sure... what happens with the newest generation? Will these franchises finally feel the pressure and lack of quality that's been building up? Or will they be able to sustain themselves and eventually recouple their losses - without bettering themselves - on newer generation of people, people who 1) didn't know any better and were raised with such low, ignorant quality 2) have problems with attention span etc so of course they couldn't care less for real deep quality of content, they are the type of people for whom everything is being simplified and made easier too
The US/UK Doesn't Make Products Anymore, It Makes Brands
And Warhammer is a brand.
Instead of making products, the US makes brands. Brands can take decades to build, and moments to destroy. But, if you take a product like Bud Light, that has nothing to make it better than it's competitors, if you damage it's brand, there is no reason to buy the product.
Warhammer is not the best nor cheapest wargame models. I've seen fans buy two units from another company, kitbash a 40k unit, and save money in the process.
The reason people buy Warhammer is the settings, worlds, history, characters, etc.
The greatest threat to a brand is not another brand, it's disinterest. If the reason people are buying your overpriced plastic is history, and you destroy this history, then why are they buying your product?
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The progenitor of the most unexpected rulers of humanity
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Saw someone mention the new Boston Dynamics' robot was introduced like a Souls boss. Was not expecting it to come out so creepy.
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The real problem is people trying to fix things that can't be fixed without changing an entire underlying structure behind human society and customs (including stuff like religion, traditions etc). You won't change something that's been part of human existence since the olden days, in this case slaughter and consumption of animals. Or slaughter of humans at times. However, people don't want to change what causes these problems, they just want changes without any real consequences (other than consequences directed at specific things they particularly don't like, say, capitalism) and then to feel good about their futile attempts at fighting a good fight for a change that will never come. Activism is like a product on a shelf, at least most of it. Choose your problem, spat pseudo-intellectual nonsense or worse (pseudo, because there is zero chances it'll ever materialize under current conditions), and then feel good and fulfilled, like a person who watched a good movie or been to a church to confess their sins. But do such people actually criticize entire cultural heritages and customs, or shit on religions, question the underlying structures of the very society they live in? Not really. Because that would be seen as "intolerant" and "unethical." These people can only scream "bad capitalism" because that's the only thing that's trendy and acceptable enough by the mob, while at the same time they champion for the very same "cultural appreciation" and "beauty of humanity" in all its various forms that sit at the core of the problem in the first place. Or yeah, as mentioned above, they just become outright extremists contributing to absurdities, like some leftists. Case in point: the sheer idiocy of the new "attached" bottle caps in European Union.
I see non vegan often criticise vegans for “caring about animals more than humans” but what is actually bad about that?
The problem for non-vegans has always been trying to come up with the criteria for why we should care about humans more than non-human animals. Is it intelligence? Sentience? Is it just as arbitrary as them not being members of our own group? If you’re trying to argue for why we should care about animals more than humans, you run into the same issue in reverse.
The key point for me is that any sort of hierarchy of caring based on a categorisation as arbitrary as gender, species, race, nationality, sexuality etc. is inherently flawed. I don’t see anything wrong with focusing your efforts on helping just one group among many, but if you are favouring the interests of one group and discounting everyone else’s interests then what you’ve essentially ended up with is just a different form of prejudice. When something like that is put into practice within a power structure, that ends up being oppression.
I’m not saying humans could ever be oppressed on behalf of animals, I just want to illustrate the fact that favouritism of species is what has led us to where we are now. I think veganism, and all social justice movements, are at their best when they’re intersectional. Animal liberation cannot happen without human liberation, and the reverse is also true; it’s all part of the same struggle.
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I'm coming for yours
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The stubborn itch to not only kill, but erase souls
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Excellent video summary with factual evidence and logic.
Don't let anti-AI crowd fool you. They don't know what they're talking about and most of their arguments are disingenuous, either intentionally or due to lack of coherent expertise. Don't fear to embrace new tools.
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“Close the door. Remove the dust. Stop being who you were, and change into who you are.”
— Paulo Coelho
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'Consultation' by Louis Wain
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i hope i never ever ever see this image while im high or it will also straight up kill me. it would make me so scared my skeleton would run away And id be a boneless scared heap on the ground
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“Loving me isn’t easy, I have sharp edges, I have missing parts.”
— Donte Collins
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Do it with Stable Diffusion. It won't be as shitty. Or pay me 10 bucks and I'll do it for you today. Leave commissions in my inbox.
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So all public speakers and politicians think their audience is scum of the world and beneath them. Hmm checks out.
Public speaking is actually really easy if you don't respect a single soul in that room. I've had an incredibly easy time delivering speeches when I hated everybody I saw and they all thought I did amazing because my disdain was read as confidence. I don't have any tips for you I'm just telling you a fact
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"Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words about benign or altruistic empires, as if one shouldn't trust the evidence of one's eyes watching the destruction and the misery and death brought by the latest mission civilizatrice."
Edward W. Said, Orientalism.
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I think Tumblr run out of content because it's showing me the same posts again and again and again
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look at this SPECIMEN
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What's the context for this?
Can't believe the trans rights people now think Chromosomes aren't real and were invented by nazis. lmao.
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Japanese has its quirks and it's still part of the low quality effort franchise but then there is dub... I swear, dub Pokemon got some of the most cringe promotion materials in existence
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