#it’s erasure and i’m sick of it
theprideful · 2 years
hope y’all know that when you say shit like “aro/ace is a white people thing” and “white people made up being nonbinary” you’re erasing queer people of color who ID with those labels and who have fought to be acknowledged and respected because of how white-centered queerness is. it’s especially ahistorical to ignore that the gender binary is a tool of white supremacy and that many african, indigenous, native american, etc communities were what we call nonbinary (two-spirit for native americans) long before white people came along (colonization). stop acting like queer people of color who ID with lesser known identities don’t exist because that only serves to keep white people at the forefront of queerness and lgbt politics.
check out #nonbinaryisntwhite on twitter (or this post), and yasmin benoit’s “this is what asexual looks like” (link 2) (link 3)
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nerdy-hyperfixations · 2 months
I just want to remind everyone that Wallace is canonically the worse one to sleep in the same bed with.
Scott can be a bad roommate in every other aspect but GUYS Wallace is the one that canonically snores and kicks in his sleep.
Scott sleeps like a princess with his back against the sheet lying perfectly straight (and also taking all the covers) and Wallace sleeps semi-on-his-side and apparently just fucking punting Scott in the leg every so often (not to mention he talked in his sleep too) and I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.
Because when people draw them cuddling in their sleep it’s always Wallace being normal and Scott turning and snoring and shit but you’re missing out on sleepy-cuddly Wallace turning and snoring on Scott. Let that cringe-fail 25 year old be annoying. Istg.
I’m talking to the Mobillace people too btw. Not that I’ve seen anyone draw them cuddling in bed (which is a CRIME btw. Draw that. For me.) but like imagine how funny it would be: Mobile stays the night for the first time and the hot-weirdo is a bed-menace, snoring and kicking and tossing and turning and suction cupping for warmth and Mobile is like “I want him to be my boyfriend” THATS FUNNY! LIKE-
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megatronsimp · 2 months
Bi+ now? So we’re fucking bi+? No no no no fuck that. I’m not under ANY FUCKING Bi “spectrum.” I’m PANSEXUAL. PAAAAANSEXUAL. NOT BISEXUAL. Not “Bi+”
Fuck this shit.
I’m pan through and through. I literally don’t give a flying fuck what gender or non gender my partner is.
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evilwriter37 · 4 months
Calling a canonically bisexual character a lesbian is not it, fam…
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juregim · 5 months
reading Babel (or the necessity of violence) when english is not your first language is enough to make you insane
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ilysmjihyo · 8 months
I’m literally gonna be so annoying but I’m literally BEGGING yall to write more for jeongyeon what do yall have against herrrr she’s literally so girlfriend so pookie like what is so hard 😭😭😭😭
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they can be called the ‘slytherin skittles’
but i feel as though it’s crucial that we remember that 2 of them are indeed ravenclaws
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bikananjarrus · 5 months
awfully bold of rriordan to keep shitting on the movies when they’ve arguably been making bigger changes (thematic, plot-wise, etc.) in the show 🫢
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stump-salsa · 7 months
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Me when I see a ‘fun gang’ post and lancer isn’t there
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nowgiveusakiss · 1 year
so where the FUCK did my search go on this god forsaken app? i do not want live. i want quick access to a FUCKING SEARCH BAR
(or am i stupid and it’s right in front of me?)
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rosedominatesyou · 10 months
The nerve of people calling me heterosexual. You know how many times I’ve been called a faggot in my life? How many bars/restaurants I’ve gone to with my partner and we weren’t served? This bi/pan erasure makes me sick. But I’d suffer through all of it again and more it it meant that I’m making a trans person feel safer.
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I know I’ve spoken about my issues with ‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ (2023) before, both in my initial thoughts post about the film after it released and a couple of smaller comments since, but I’ve realised something this past week after rewatching the original Disney cartoon and the 2003 non-Disney live-action while sick, and I feel I need to talk about it.
It’s about Wendy Moira Angela Darling.
While I stand by that Ever Anderson was one of the highlights of the film and that she did a great job as Wendy, the Wendy in the film is not really the Wendy seen in Barrie’s book, nor the one in the play and other films adaptations. It’s a very different character in a lot of ways, and while it’s normal for characters to differ from adaption to adaptation - especially over the course of 70+ years - I feel like the Wendy seen in the 2023 is more like Jane, Wendy’s daughter, from Disney’s Return to Neverland sequel in 2002.
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Let me preface by saying that I actually love Jane in the sequel as a character - I see a lot of myself in her, and while the sequel in itself is not really my favourite, I do have some nostalgia for it because I grew up with it and it’s a cute little story. I like that Jane is actually different from Wendy in a lot of ways; she’s a lot more headstrong and more of a tomboy, and while she’s also a storyteller at times like her mother (mostly to her brother Danny), she is a lot more practical I think and seems to be opposite to Wendy in that she’s trying to grow up too fast. Wendy believes in Peter Pan and doesn’t want to grow up, meanwhile Jane believes Peter Pan to be silly childish nonsense, that she has to grow up quickly and be more adult due to the war/her father being away - Wendy says to her, “you think you’re very grown up - but you have a great deal to learn”.
Obviously the 2023 Wendy doesn’t want to grow up, that’s still the same, but in terms of personality, temperament and the way she treats her brothers after the broken mirror incident (blaming John for it), she reminds me more of Jane than Wendy. Like Jane, she also doesn’t seem to have a good time going to Neverland (at least not at first?) and she seems to take on a lot more action than Wendy did in the animated film.
Of course, it’s not the first time that we’ve seen Wendy wielding a sword and fighting pirates - the 2003 Wendy was shown to play with wooden swords and use real ones, even remarking, “who are you to call me ‘girlie’?!”. I’m not saying that Wendy can’t be a sword wielding girl and fight because she can, it’s one of the additions I love the most about the 2003 film.
The problem with the 2023 version of Wendy is not her being a main character (she has always been a main character), nor her sword fighting and being generally bad-ass - it’s the erasure of the other qualities that make her Wendy Darling.
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One of Wendy’s primary character traits is her mothering nature - she is very motherly to her brothers, and when she hears that the Lost Boys don’t have a mother, she’s aghast and agrees to be their mother. The whole “Peter is father, Wendy is mother” idea is clearly a reference to how kids in the playground will play games like “mummies and daddies” - kids imitating what they see around them. It’s all a big pretend game in Neverland for fun. It’s also undeniable that Wendy pretending to be the Lost Boys’ mother is clearly reflective of her own mother, who she adores and is portrayed as the loveliest lady ever, and how she’s imitating Mrs Darling in a lot of ways during this “game” - singing to them, telling them stories, medicine etc.
Some would argue that Wendy is “forced” into being the “mother” and that while all the boys are off having fun, she’s left playing house, which I understand. But what a lot of modern audiences and filmmakers don’t understand these days is that motherhood is NOT an anti-feminist idea - there seems to be this view that portraying a girl wanting to be a mother or expressing the wish to be married/have children is some old-fashioned misogynistic notion, which is absolutely bizarre to me.
As a feminist myself, I believe that there is no clear cut definition of “womanhood” or what it means to be a strong woman with autonomy. Some women want to have careers and not have children, and that’s fine; some women want to have children, that’s fine; some women want both, and that’s fine. What matters is that it’s the woman who is deciding what she wants.
For me, Wendy has always been this remarkable and extraordinary character to look up to because she chooses to grow up - and for her, that means having her own children to tell her stories to. That’s what she wanted, that’s why she went back to England, and that’s part of her character arc, realising that by growing up she has things to look forward to.
For some reason, when 2023!Wendy thinks “happy thoughts” to make herself fly when being walked off the plank, her vision for the future that she looks forward to involves piloting automobiles that haven’t even been invented yet and then dying alone? Which… I mean, if that’s how someone wants to live then fair enough but that’s not Wendy. That’s not the Wendy Darling I grew up loving.
A lot of my issues with the 2023 version of Wendy do in fact link with other issues of the film in general: the Lost Boys including girls, for example. Like I get wanting to be inclusive, and I 100% wanted to be a Lost Girl growing up, but the Lost Boys are boys for a reason (“girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams”), and when Wendy arrives it’s a huge deal because they’ve never actually lived with girls before, and the only concept of girls they have is their memories of “mother”, which is why Wendy becomes their mother figure - because they literally don’t have any other female figures in their lives to compare her to other than the tiny scraps they remember of their mothers.
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There’s also the issue of the thing prompting Wendy not wanting to grow up being changed; in the original, it’s because it’s her last night in the nursery and moving from the nursery - aka the room she has spent her entire life thus far in - to her own room is a HUGE transitional worry that a lot of kids probably go through (usually it’s in the form of moving from toddler beds to big kid beds but still). In the 2023 version, she’s being sent off to boarding school for some reason which doesn’t really make sense to me because the Darling parents a) are so poor they have to have a dog as a nursemaid and b) love their children so much that they would never do that to them. I’m not saying that being shipped off to boarding school ISN’T a worry for a young girl or a huge deal, but it isn’t one that I think necessarily fits with the story.
There’s the fact that Wendy is no longer the storyteller; in most versions, the reason Peter visits the nursery is because he likes her stories. Instead, the reason he comes to the nursery is not because he likes her stories but because he used to live in the house? And instead of bringing her to Neverland to tell stories, he comes to take Wendy away as he apparently heard her saying she didn’t want to grow up? It just doesn’t sit right with me, but maybe that’s just my opinion.
Also, for some reason, Wendy and Peter don’t actually seem to like each other at all in the 2023 version - I’m not saying there should have been romantic hints or whatever, but even just in a friendship way they really don’t seem to care in any way about each other. They just seemed rather indifferent towards each other, and it’s kind of jarring to see.
In some ways, I feel like 2023 Wendy was made a little too bad ass and on the nose super feminist: “this magic belongs to no boy!”, slapping Peter across the face (which was just…??? Why?!?!), constantly criticising Peter/Neverland, having WAY more action and heroic moments than Peter Pan himself… maybe in a different story it could have worked but for this one, it came across forced at times, like they were intentionally trying to show “look! Look how badass she is! She can fight off grown men all by herself! She doesn’t need a boy to help her! She can do everything by herself!”
This is why I feel like the 2003 version of Wendy is the best one (so far): while they modernised her slightly by making her sword fight and express an ambition to write novels about her adventures, she was still a storyteller and motherly figure to the Lost Boys/her brothers. For me as a child, seeing Wendy be the storyteller and her journey of acceptance about having the grow up was really important to me because I could completely relate to it.
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Of course, I recognize I’m very biased because this is the one I grew up with (along with the animated Wendy of course) so I’d be interested to hear other people’s thoughts!
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heartbreakgrill · 9 months
stiles stilinski: breakable heaven; pt. 7, “i’m drunk in the back of the car and i cried like a baby coming home from the bar. said, ‘I'm fine,’ but it wasn't true.”
a/n: sad, but gets hopeful! one more part after this, i think :)
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“i’m glad i never ended up having a party at my house.”
danny fell into step beside y/n, their shoes scuffing against the sidewalk. they had to park all the way down the street from jack’s house because there were so many other people here. because it was so late at night, the air in beacon hills was cool. y/n hugged her arms around herself, wishing she hadn’t worn a tank top beneath her jacket. her breath came out like a fog as she spoke.
danny made a face at the thought, “too much work. imagine the clean up.”
“yeah, no thanks,” she shivered.
the music coming from the house ahead of them got louder as they neared it. some popular radio song reverberated in their ears. y/n felt her heart beat in her throat, thumping along to the bass. danny lit up once they reached the door, excited to drink, dance.
he always was the party type. he had so much fun moving to the music, losing himself in the crowd.
on the other hand, there was y/n, who didn’t normally drink at parties. she was a go-to for being the designated driver, choosing to watch out for her friends and play with whatever animal the owner of the house had sniffing around.
tonight, however, she wanted to let loose. needed to, more so.there was nothing better after a heartbreak than getting messy-drunk at a high school party.
it had been a week. a whole week since her and stiles’ fall out. a week since she’d seen his face. sure, she saw his figure in the hallways sometimes, but she would run the other way. he’d start to chase her down, but danny was usually close by and he’d shoot stiles a glaring look. it turned him away. he’d texted her nonstop, called her about a million times. but, after the fourth day, when he realized she just wouldn’t be responding, he stopped. all lines of communication fell out. any hope of fixing what was broken was squashed out.
when y/n thought about it too much, she felt sick. nausea tumbled through her stomach. her head became fuzzy. stupid, naive girl, she’d think to herself. it’s all your fault. so, every single time her mind started to wander, she’d shove her nose into her homework, pick up a shift at work, get so high out of her mind that reality felt like a television show.
tonight, her choice of thought erasure was getting wasted at a high school party.
y/n squeezed her hand around danny’s bicep once they walked in. in response, he kept her close to his side as they wormed through jack’s house, in search of their friend group. eventually, they found leo, megan, jack, and a few others. they were in the kitchen, standing around the island counter. glasses were scattered around the house already, though the party had just started barely an hour or so ago. the group cheered when y/n and danny came through the door, holding up some of the red solo cups.
megan came to y/n’s side, her tipsy stature morphing her usually quiet attitude into something more sentimental. she clutched onto y/n’s arm. she touched y/n’s cheek and gushed over the curls swinging over her shoulders. “i loooove the hair, girl. you look so pretty with it like that. you’re always pretty, though. oh, my god, you know we haven’t hung out in forever and it makes me so sad. please, please say we’ll hang out soon.”
y/n giggled at megan’s state, wrapping a securely protective arm around megan’s waist. “i promise, okay?”
y/n was the first to admit that she’d been so caught up with boys over the last few months. she hadn’t exactly pushed away her friends, but she hadn’t prioritized them, either. she was in her head with her own issues, and didn’t make the time others. it made her feel a little guilty. but, before that feeling could snowball into the depressive heartbreak she’d been plagued with, megan continued.
“what’s new with you? what have you been up to? i hope you’re not still sad about sam. you should know you’re so much fucking better than him. you deserve so much fucking better than him. he’s such a whore. fuck him.”
“no, i’m over that,” y/n said, confidently waving megan off through a giggle. and she was telling the truth. “i’ve just been…hanging out. ya know. working.” her gaze became distant, words slow as stiles’ face flashes through her memories. y/n didn’t say what she had been really doing. it was embarrassing to admit that she’d gotten herself into another shitty situation with a guy.
though, megan squinted her eyes, analyzing her friend’s words. she knew, “oh, no. oh, no, no, no. fucking stilinksi. i fucking knew once danny told us- okay. listen- you don’t even have to say anything, kay? tonight, we’re just gonna have fun. here, jack, pour us some shots!”
y/n couldn’t help but grin in response. there wasn’t time to imagine stiles- to envision his lips ghosting the curve of her skin, to try to remember what it felt like when he’d draw out movement from her body. because, next thing she knew, megan was shoving two to three red solo shot cups into y/n’s hand- all in a row. and y/n didn’t let herself hesitate. she swallowed them easily, ignoring the burn in her throat, her heart, her chest, and head.
jack cracked a smirnoff open for her. danny caught y/n’s eyes as she took a sip and gave her a thumbs up. when she waved him off, he winked, then wandered his way into the living room, where people were dancing. he’d mentioned something about ethan being there. y/n looped her arm through megan’s, pointed in that direction. megan nodded excitedly and pulled them to the makeshift dance floor.
they danced for what felt like hours but, really, was only maybe forty five minutes. jack and leo, avid partiers, continued shoving shots into their friend’s hands, traveling between the bar in the kitchen and the dance floor. y/n losing track of time turned into her losing track of how much she was drinking. one smirnoff turned into numerous empty glasses that she’d abandon on the coffee table beside her.
she had to take her jacket off after a while, sweating too much in the jean material. y/n tossed it, absentmindedly, on the couch. she probably wouldn’t remember it there later. she’d probably have jack in a frenzy, texting everyone tomorrow about random articles of clothing in his living room. she’d probably lose the 20 stuffed into the pocket to some wandering hands. but it didn’t matter.
nothing really mattered. not when her favorite song played, not when megan spun her around, when danny would yell lyrics into her face and ruffle her hair. y/n just kept throwing her head back, giggling like a mad woman.
it didn’t matter. it did not matter to her. the entire, fucked up situation with stiles. it didn’t matter that he had used her, that he had been seeing lydia the whole time. it did not matter that he had kept so many secrets from her. it did not matter that she broke her own rules, that she let him get beneath her skin, that she fell in love with hi
it did not really matter if she loved him.
y/n turned on her heel, dancing around in circles with megan, both girls holding each other’s hands like they were schoolgirls. her hair whipped over her shoulders, in waves behind her back. her eyes couldn’t focus on the blurred, bright lights passing her vision as they spun. the bodies surrounding them turned into smudges against her vision. she couldn’t tell who was who.
but she thought she saw stiles standing in the doorway to the kitchen, clear as day.
y/n stalled in her tracks. she nearly fell over from how quickly she stopped. megan bumped into her shoulder, grabbed y/n’s arm to steady herself.
y/n couldn’t breathe. she squinted her eyes, rubbed at them, smudging her mascara.
her sight cleared and there was nobody there.
megan laughed loudly in y/n’s ear, tugging on her arm, “why’d you stop?! keep going! spin, spin!”
y/n took a deep, shuddering breath, staring at the spot where she had pictured stiles. “i need air,” she mumbled.
megan yelled, “what are you saying?”
y/n pulled her arm out of megan’s, “i’m going outside,” she barely looked at her friend. this is why she didn’t like to drink.
y/n stumbled through the house, being shoved left and right by the sweaty, dancing teenagers suffocating her. she didn’t know when she’d started crying, but her face was slick was tears. she wiped her hands across her cheeks, smearing more mascara and eyeliner, blackening her palms. she couldn’t focus her thoughts, nor did she feel like herself. this is why she didn’t like to drink. because she wasn’t logical, she was out of control.
y/n found the side door, the one that led to jack’s garage, and slammed it shut behind her. once she reached the garage floor, she slowly lowered herself to the bottom step, hugged her knees to her chest. she didn’t know if she was having a panic attack or a full mental breakdown. but she couldn’t breathe. and she just wanted to be sober so she could figure out her shit.
y/n pressed a hand to her chest, hoping the pressure would do something: ground her, snap her back to reality. all she could do was sob, rock back and forth like a baby. as she did so, her phone fell out of her back pocket. somehow, her camera roll was open on the screen. staring up at her. a picture of stiles and winnie was there, taunting her.
y/n didn’t have any inhibitions, too far gone to know what crossed the line of boundaries she’d made when she was sober. so, she picked up her phone, her hands shaking.
and she hit the little telephone next to his contact. she stared at the picture as it rung.
she needed him. she needed him to hold her, bare-naked under his bedsheets, warm against his chest. needed him to rake his fingers through her hair and to kiss her forehead, call her baby again. even just say her name. she’d even pretend, like she did a dozen times, just for him, that she didn’t notice his lips linger there. she’d pretend it never happened.
anything for him. if he wanted her and lydia- that was fine. he could have her. she was his, completely, fully. all of his. every inch of her skin that he had laid eyes, that he had touched his with fingertips, every inch of skin that he had nipped at with his teeth- it was his.
he picked up immediately.
“y/n? oh, my god, i’m so fucking- i’m so sorry. i don’t know what i did-“
“stiles,” she cut him off, voice barely above a whisper.
his tone instantly softened. a soothing one replaced his usually hectic vocal demeanor, “oh, baby.” he knew, from just the smallest whimper barely uttered between her lips, he knew that she didn’t want to fight. she didn’t call to argue. she didn’t call to make up, either. she just called to hear him, to talk to him. she needed him.
she’d never know how much he needed her, too.
his voice, breathy in her ear, sent a shiver down her spine. y/n sniffled, knuckles white on the hand which held her phone. her head lolled down, chin hiding into her chest.
“what’s wrong?” he asked.
y/n chewed on her lip for a moment, willing it to stop wobbling, “i mis-“ she stopped herself, jamming a different word onto what she was saying to cover it up, “i mistake. i-um, didn’t mean to call you.
it took him a second to reply, “oh. ok.” he knew it wasn’t true, but he didn’t know what else to say. he didn’t want to press her into a conversation she didn’t want to have. but he didn’t want to end the call. he wanted to be whatever she needed in this moment.
they sat there in silence for a good two minutes, not even the sound of their own ragged, anticipatory breaths making any noise in the other’s ear. y/n’s hand was shaking. she loosened her tight grip on her knees and stretched her legs out in front of her. the shift in position helped her breath a little bit better.
she sniffled again, tilted her head back. as she stared at the ceiling, she suddenly laughed. “i didn’t make a fucking mistake, stiles. god, i meant to call you.”
“oh, good,” his tone remained still and flat. he was focused on reading her words. there was meaning between the lines that he couldn’t read. and she was acting strange. he was decoding everything.
“i mean to call you because every single second that i’m not with you, i feel like i’m going to die!” she exclaimed, tossing her other hand in the air.
stiles rubbed his lips together, brows furrowed, “i’m glad that you called.” he, also, felt like he was going to die without her. but, he didn’t know if he should tell.
if only stiles knew that if he would have just told her, honestly, how he felt, as soon as he felt it, months ago, this entire situation could have been avoided. alas, it was a lesson he was still learning.
“good,” y/n huffed. hearing him calmed her down. knowing he was there coaxed her off the edge of anxiety. now, her drunken self took back over her body. and drunk y/n wanted to dance, “okay. i’m going back to the party-“
“party?” stiles interrupted her, his concerned tone back. she was annoyed that he cared where she was at. he didn’t have any right to that feeling- though, also, it made her feel good, that jealousy, that toxicity.
drunk y/n was feeling a lot.
she nodded, though he couldn’t see her, stating matter of factly, “party. i’m at a party, stiles. i’m drunk, and i’m having a blast. well, i was having a blast until you popped into my mind. god, do you know how badly i want to punch you in the face? i just wanna give you, like, a knuckle sandwich, ya know? maybe being hit will make you figure your shit out. okay, whatever. like i was saying before you so rudely interrupted me, i’m going back to the party. i’m going to go dance with my friends-“
stiles had just left the animal clinic, where he, lydia, allison, and scott had met to discuss plans to combat the killer still in beacon hills. chills were lingering on his skin, thinking about all of the photographs stolen from the station, picturing dead students cut at the throat. every time they’d pull another out of the beige manila folder, y/n’s face would appear in his head, attached to a battered, beaten corpse. he’d been worried sick about her the last week, especially since the murderous rampages had slowly spread, closer to home. and, they were more vicious as every day passed. he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t stay outside her house every night, parked in his jeep down the road, barely able to sleep.
her, drunk at a party, was the last situation stiles needed her to be in. it was dangerous. he didn’t want to show up to a crime scene with her corpse lying within a body bag. he couldn’t lose her.
of course, she didn’t know that that was a possible ending to her night. everyone knew about the serial killer, but average citizens of beacon hills didn’t really seem concern themselves with something that seemed so out of reach. teenagers, especially, were naive and vulnerable to things like that.
“who’s with you?” he interceded her words, again. y/n groaned in response and went to complain about how he always did shit like that. but, he spoke again, more firmly this time, “y/n, who’s with you?”
“my friends, just danny, megan, jack, leo. a bunch of other people i don’t know,” she listed off, staring into space. “why do you care?”
“where is it?” stiles demanded. sure, he didn’t have claws, fangs, or anything that would stop a literal supernatural serial killer besides a beat-up baseball ball and his annoying attitude which would eventually drive the creature even more insane. but, he needed to be there. heather had died at a party. the ending scene of a slasher film always happened at a party. parties were breeding grounds for death, as if they were the tenth circle of dante’s inferno or something.
y/n, danny, leo, megan- they were all sitting ducks. targets for something really bad yet to happen.
so, he needed to be there. convince her to leave, if he could. if she wouldn’t leave, he’d stay. he’d stay for her.
anything for her.
y/n hung up on the phone once he said he was on the way. she’d scoffed and said, “yeah, fucking right. danny will beat the shit out of you.”
the beeping tone of a hung up line hit stiles like a truck. he still didn’t quite understand what he had done. if he did, he’d had fixed it by now. he was always good at fixing things. maybe he didn’t have glowing red eyes, or the ability to predict death, but he always was able to fix the jeep. he pulled his dad out of his alcoholic pit after his mom’s death. he was a problem solver. he was good at it.
but, he didn’t what was broken.
tonight, he intended to find out. he didn’t care if danny beat the shit out of him, or if y/n wouldn’t listen. he’d wait for her to open her ears to his incessant bickering, holding an ice pack to whatever bruises danny had left. he knew she’d break eventually.
if she really was done with him, if she really didn’t want to hear him out, why else had she called him?
stiles broke about a billion traffic laws. but he managed to get there, quickly, in one piece.
he couldn’t locate y/n anywhere inside the house, but did find all of her friends dancing in the living room. had they been there the whole time? did they even know y/n was on her own? probably not. you’d think, with a serial killer on the loose, they’d care more about each other’s safety.
his jaw dropped at the sight of them, carelessly floating through the crowd while one of their friends was drunk and alone, in some dark corner of this house. it pissed him off, as did all of the people pushing against him, alcohol sloshing over the rims of their cups and onto his shoes, the smell of sweat, and the sight of teenagers making out against walls, doors, other couples.
he had always hated people, but parties reminded him just how much of that hatred existed within his chest.
stiles checked the upstairs bedrooms, bathrooms, called her name out, down the basement steps, peeked into the empty garage, and even looked inside a pantry in case she’d stuffed herself somewhere like that.
stiles was grateful to, eventually, find her, outside, on the edge of the pool. her sneakers and socks were flung into the yard behind her. she swung her bare feet in the chlorinated water, completely soaking the bottoms of her jeans. y/n’s palms were planted on the concrete beside her thighs, her head thrown back, eyes closed as she swayed to the music. she didn’t seem to have a care in the world.
stiles huffed when he saw her, the deep, worried breath rattling in his chest. “y/n,” he said, hoping to garner her attention. his hands flung about him, as they normally did when he spoke.
she didn’t seem to care that he was there, but she definitely heard him. he knew she had because he watched y/n’s shoulders flinch, ever so slightly, at the sound of her own name.
stiles squatted down beside her, curling a soft hand around her bicep, “y/n, hey-“
she pulled her arm away, as if his hand was made of lava. “go away, stiles.” his hand stilled in the air where she’d pushed it, fingers flexing at the rejection.
stiles then pressed the hand to his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut with frustration, impatience. “y/n, please-“
she looked up at him, jaw slack from her drunken state. her eyes looked darkened, the deadly stare enhanced by her ruined makeup. “what the fuck do you want?”
stiles met her eyes. his face softened, concern overwhelmingly her features. just seeing her face, though it was a wreck- it sent goosebumps across his skin. she was so fucking pretty, even though she’d been crying. why had she been crying?
“i want to talk to you-“
“go away,” she waved him off. y/n then pulled her legs from the pool, dripping water all over the concrete. stiles’ eyes moved down her body, ensuring she was in one piece. he noticed the goosebumps all over her bare arms. she was freezing cold.
he stood with her, following her quick feet. “where’s your jacket?” stiles began to pull off his zip up jacket while she grabbed her shoes. he reached out for her arm again. his fingertips on her shoulder felt like a zap of electricity.
y/n flinched away again. she whipped her head back towards him, a deep frown enlisted on her features, “fuck off, stiles! don’t even try pretend like you care about that shit right now! seriously, go the fuck home! i told you not to come!”
stiles took a step away from her. he wished he knew what he had done so fucking badly. he wanted to kiss her eyelids. he wanted to clean off her makeup, wrap her up in his bedsheets, rub circles into her back until she fell asleep, soundly in his hood.
but, all of that couldn’t really be at the forefront of his mind right now. it couldn’t matter. he was here to protect, whether she wanted him there or not. and, she very obviously did not want him at this party. well, too damn bad. he pushed the thoughts aside.
“i’m not going anywhere,” stiles threw his hands up, as if to challenge her. if she wanted him gone, she’d have to drag him out of there. he continued to follow her. she found a chair and sat down in order to put her shoes on. he continued, “look, i don’t know what i did, but you don’t even understand what’s happening in this town. i have to protect-“
“bro, get the fuck away from her!”
stiles felt a pressure against his chest as someone’s abnormally strong had pushed him away from y/n’s presence. she looked up from her shoe laces that she was struggling to tie, brows furrowing at the sound of stiles’ grunt. she watched as stiles stumbled over his feet. he straightened up, quick, and met the eye of his assailant.
“oh, fuck off, dude,” stiles tilted his head to the side, slowly shaking it in annoyance. his jaw clenched, fists flexed at his sides. he took an intimidating step forward.
y/n glanced between stiles and sam owens, taking a deep, shuddering breath. sam puffed out his chest, towering over stiles by a couple of inches. although he was buffer, taller, a couple years older, he didn’t seem nearly as threatening as stiles did. the devilish qualities to his features seemed to heighten themselves in defiance to sam’s presence.
the black haired boy glared his eyes at sam, pupils blown out out with a stormy darkness. she knew it was wrong, but seeing him so angry at sam- y/n couldn’t help but admit that it made her stomach twirl.
they’d never really had the sam talk, at least she hadn’t told him every single thing. she’d mentioned sam, once, when she and stiles were talking about something else. it was offhanded, when she brought him up. danny, however, had spilled his guts to stiles about the short situationship y/n and that “douchebag” had been in all summer.
and stiles was pissed the fuck off. he knew about sam’s girlfriend at college. he knew sam had used y/n for sex over the summer. he knew that sam had told her he loved her right before breaking up with her.
oh, was stiles angry.
that was, after all, his girl now. and nobody was gonna fuck with stiles’ girl. nobody was gonna fuck with stiles.
he stepped forward, now nearly chest to chest with sam, who replied, “who the fuck are you? y/n told you to leave! want me to show you the door, kid?”
“who the fuck am i? watch your mouth, dickhead. you have no fucking business here-“
y/n quickly stood, wary hands before herself, “stiles, it’s not worth it, i promise.” she stalled his words, but stiles wouldn’t even look over at her. his dark eyes bore a hole through sam, and she knew he was probably going to hit him.
y/n, who was now feeling quite sobered up, glanced to the house. she knew that if they started fighting, stiles would get his ass handed to him. sam was a wrestler in college, the best in his weight class. he was a fucking state champion.
so, she needed to get to danny, who was definitely stronger than stiles, at least. he’d probably be able to keep them apart long enough for her to calm stiles down.
but, she didn’t have any time, because sam was mouthing stiles off again. and stiles really was the best at banter. so, he was getting himself into a lot of trouble.
“you put your fucking hands on her, and she told you to stop. makes it my goddamn business-“
“oh, my god, shut the fuck up!” stiles rolled his eyes at sam. he opened his mouth to shoot off some other sarcastic remark when sam reared back a fist and clipped the side of stiles’ face. stiles nearly fall back on the concrete alongside the pool, but he caught himself. having a werewolf as a best friend had taught him a thing or two. so, he was ready to fight.
stiles hit sam in return, most likely breaking his hand- definitely breaking his hand, he knew it. but the punch tossed sam onto the lounge chair behind him. it surprised both stiles and y/n, who had to jump out of the way. she nearly getting taken out by sam’s thrown body.
stiles met her eye and the sight of her, standing there, scared, softened him. he reached for her, closing the distance between then within two long strides. he set his hands on her biceps, ignoring the throbbing pain in his left one. blood dripped from his cracked knuckles, bleeding onto her skin. she clutched onto his elbows in response, any anger for him washed away by fear and worry.
“shit, are you okay? i’m so-“
before he could continue, y/n was shoved to the ground. she scraped her palms, cut her elbow open, and busted her tailbone, hard, on the concrete. she thought she hit her chin, too, but she couldn’t really tell, because y/n’s vision blurred from the fall.
sam tackled stiles to the ground with another punch. they landed in the grass, and went at each other. it took y/n a second to clear her pained head, but she managed to push herself up on her feet. some of their classmates continued partying around them, most just ignoring the fight. but a small crowd gathered to watch it, like it was something exciting, something fun to do. the bystanders made y/n feel sick. nobody was doing anything.
she didn’t even take a second to look at stiles, knowing that seeing him like that would stall her in her tracks. instead, she turned towards jack’s house, danny’s name screeching out of her throat.
she ran inside, feeling like she was pushing through thick, slow jello. she continued to yell out his name. luckily, she found him, on the dance floor still. ethan was there, too. good- he could help.
ethan was already meeting her, setting a kind hand on her arm. “what’s wrong?” his eyes glazed over, and he looked to the side, as though he could hear the fight. he ran outside.
danny shoved through the crowd, towards her. he caught her chin in his hand examining her wounds, “what the fuck happened? what’s going on?”
y/n, breathing heavily, sobbing again, stumbled out, “sam and stiles!”
danny pushed aside as he fell into a run. y/n followed, though the burning of her cuts and scrapes became more intense on her nerves. she seethed a breath between her teeth, stumbling over her feet, but pushed on.
ethan had shoved sam to the grass, though he was getting back up, again. danny immediately lunged in between them before sam could get to stiles. danny sent a harsh punch to sam’s gut, forcing him backwards again. danny then grabbed stiles by the shirt, helped him become balanced on his feet, before danny pushed him away, too. ethan came back in, grabbing stiles around the chest to hold him back, though stiles fought against the tight hold. sam somehow got up, again, clutching his stomach, and jumped towards stiles. danny punched him again and shook out his fist after. the look on his face was annoyed, but also, somehow, vengeful. he had been waiting all summer, all of fall, to punch this motherfucker.
“fuck you guys!” sam spat at danny and stiles from his knees, more blood trailing down his already slick chin.
stiles grunted, fighting against ethan’s hold. “you’re a piece of fucking shit! pussy ass bitch-“
“shut the fuck up-“ sam cut him off, then added, “i don’t even give a fuck about that bitch!“
danny shook his head at the words spitting from sam’s mouth. stiles looked angrier, if at all possible. ethan’s hold loosened on him, shocked by the insults sam threw at y/n. ethan did care for her, too, even if he barely knew her. she was everything to danny.
all three boys were seething with anger. sam had called her a bitch, and they did not like that.
sam simply smirked up at them, his words and expression challenging them. he went to wipe his mouth with his sleeve, but he didn’t get a chance to even take another breath because danny had lunged after him again.
ethan let go of stiles, purposefully, and the boy followed suit. ethan, a little more controlled- even though the situation pissed him off, too- grabbed danny, but not before allowing him to get a few punches in.
y/n ran forward and tried to grab stiles’ arm. she failed, and instead tripped over his shoe. she tumbled into the grass. she quickly pulled herself up, again. when she looked for stiles, she saw him being restricted again, this time by scott’s arm. she didn’t know when he had arrived, but she was glad for the extra help.
it made her heart swell that all of these men cared about her so much to fight sam like they were, but it really needed to end already. it shouldn’t have even gotten out of hand in the first place. she was nauseous, hurting in all of the places she’d been wounded, and extremely tired from the alcohol still coursing through her system.
y/n stood up. scott was rushing out words to his friend, “hey! stiles! stiles, cmon, dude! calm down! stiles!”
“stiles!” y/n called. she crouched down in front of him, reaching for his face.
stiles finally met her eyes and a steady rhythm graciously caught his breath. she cupped his jaw in her delicate fingers. his blood smeared across his face, all over her hands.
a few tears ran down his face, falling into her palms. she didn’t know why he was crying, if it was because of his injuries or his anger. but she wiped them away with her thumbs.
“it’s okay, baby,” she whispered, for only him to hear. “i’m okay, it’s okay. please, just calm down.”
scott, who had let go of stiles, turned to sam, who was standing up from the ground. scott was charismatic, and could usually easily demand people. he put out a cautious hand towards sam, “leave it, buddy. just leave it, trust me,” scott warned him.
stiles slumped forward, on his knees. y/n squatted, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. she used all of her strength to stand them up, brushing the sweaty, bloody hair from his face. sam watched her tenderness as she cared for stiles, feeling a surge of jealousy. sam knew he didn’t want her. he knew he had willingly given her up. but, that didn’t mean he wanted anybody else to get to have her.
so, just when it seemed like it was over, sam scoffed, “yeah, you’re right. i’ll leave it. she’s not worth it. she’s just an easy fuck and a cheap ass date-“
now, scott was angry. he roared, and y/n thought she saw his eyes flash a bright red. he went after sam, just to shut his stupid fucking mouth. he swept past y/n and stiles, who clutched onto her waistline protectively. he tried to duck them out of the way, but his foot skidded over the concrete, and they tripped towards the water.
she yelped, clutching onto his neck, as they fell into the pool. the water enveloped them, but tore them from one another. y/n kicked her feet sporadically, shocked by the cold, by the alarming fall they’d taken. she grabbed for stiles’ shirt and gratefully felt his hands fluttering for her hips.
she blew out a lot of bubbles, struggling to hold her breath from all of the shock. stiles tugged her tightly against him, again, and swam them to the surface. y/n wrapped her legs around his waist and clutched onto his shoulders. she was shaking, with fear, with pain, from the cold water nipping at her skin. it was all so much all at once that she just laughed.
stiles stared at her as she tossed her head back, giggling like a maniac. he furrowed hit brows, jutted his chin out, “what are you laughing about?”
y/n barely met his eye, continuing to laugh at the fucked up situation. “this is just so stupid!”
he remembered she was drunk and tapped her hip, “okay, let’s get you out of here-“
“it’s stupid, stiles!” she slapped a hand down onto his shoulder. “you’re stupid! that fight was fucking stupid! sam’s stupid! this night is stupid! i’m stupid!”
“why am i- why are you stupid?” he didn’t want to make it all about him. she was clearly grappling with something, something she needed to talk out.
she couldn’t continue to push everything away, including him. “i’m stupid! i let you and that stupid boy fuck up everything! i let it happen not once, but twice! what is it- fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me? i’m a fool! you and sam are, like- oh, my god, im just stupid. and that was so fucking stupid- you and sam fighting over me! you guys fought over me, but both of you are the reason im so fucked up in the first place! it’s your guys’ fault and you just had some stupid pissing contest-!”
“me and sam?” stiles sounded out his words carefully, working through her rambles in his fuzzy head.
the night she’d ran out of his house, in a craze, a mess because of his phone blowing up- what had triggered that?
who had called stiles that night? who had been blowing up his phone? was it-
it was lydia.
lydia, the girl everyone at beacon hills high knew he’d had a major crush on for, like basically, ever.
y/n must have looked at his phone. she must have put together, based off of the texts he’d been sent, based off all of the context clues laying right in front of him, that he and lydia were together.
meanwhile, am had had a girlfriend the entire time he and y/n had gone out. every day, he’d see his girlfriend. then, usually on the weekends, when it was dark, he’d bring y/n out like a toy.
y/n thought stiles was just like sam. y/n thought stiles was using her.
she had no clue that she was everything and the sun to him. she had no clue that he needed her like water, that he craved her like wine. she didn’t know that he spent every night rereading their texts, analyzing their conversations, going over their interactions, decoding everything to find a way for her to love him despite her hurt, despite what they agreed on.
she was used to being broken by people who claimed to love her, and stiles was just another part of that system.
so, he needed to tell. right now.
stiles gripped onto her hips, shaking her body just once so she’d meet his eyes. “listen-“
“no, just- get me out-“
“y/n, you beautiful, gorgeous, sweet woman- just listen to me! okay? just listen!” stiles demanded, “i’m not with lydia, alright? i’ve never been with her. i don’t want her- i’m in-“
“stiles!” scott called his name from above, standing at the edge of the pool. his eyes still glowed red, his face was still morphed into that of a wolf. scott’s chest puffed out, in, heavily, with deep, ragged breaths.
stiles knew something was wrong based off of his friend’s demeanor.
“we have to get to the school. lydia’s in trouble.”
stiles looked to y/n, who’s face had lit up from the possibility of stiles’ words. her expression morphed into confusion. he wanted to say something, to say sorry. but, he couldn’t. he couldn’t focus.
so, y/n took her turn to speak, graciously replying with, “stiles, i know there’s so much that you’re still hiding from me-“ she glanced up at scott, who tilted his head with shame, “so, i’m coming with you. if you want me to trust you, i have to come with you. i have to know.”
stiles knew she was right.
so he drug her, head first, into the world of the supernatural.
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aphidclan-clangen · 1 month
you don't have to post this, but I thought it would be funny!!!
Nimblekit: I just scream a lot... I just, scream... a lot
Goldshine: With all due respect, which is none,
Sparkspeckle: You know how someone can say “I respectfully disagree”? What about “I disrespectfully agree” for when you hate someone but they are unfortunately correct.
Shadebreak: I am always up for potential rule breaking.
Goldshine: Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself, I do it regularly.
Nimblekit: 80% of people are actually ugly because of their face, you know.
Pearlstar: Trans people? In my clan? It’s more likely than you think.
Blisswhistle: For the last time, you can’t die of adhd.
Sparkspeckle: You can do whatever you want forever :D
Stormwhisper: I love you, but that is not helpful.
Stormwhisper, too nervous to ask for emotional support: Man, it smells like wrongdog in here.
Gravel: Aren’t you like 5’2?
Firebeetle: I self identify as tall.
Pearlstar: Every day my joints are shocked and disgusted that I would use them for their intended purpose.
Sparkspeckle: You can never lose an argument if you say “shut up nerd” at the end.
Icesheep: Yes you can.
Sparkspeckle: Shut up nerd.
Goldshine: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not care enough.
Nimblekit: Your honor, in my defense, who cares like omfgggggggg who cares????????? Like come onnn.
Skykit: Are you a girl or a boy?
Shadebreak: Uhh, well some people aren’t girls or boys!
Skykit: Wow, just like snails...
Shadebreak: ???
Straight Man: Hey
Titania: That’s enough.
Lilacpaw: I respect perfume commercials being like, we can’t show you a smell, mind if we just go insane for 30 seconds?
Shadekit: Hey we are all really small, do you wanna sleep in a pile.
Icekit, Stormkit and Sparkkit: Yes.
Blisswhistle: “Fuck it, we ball” (Malnourished, heavy eye bags, dehydrated, on the verge of insanity.)
Goldshine: Evil infodumping where you just tell lies.
Sparkspeckle: Tiktok
Icesheep: 5-minute crafts
Shadebreak: Resume
Stormwhisper: Men
Nimblekit: I fucking hate the hand that feeds me, I think i’ll do something fucked up to it.
Nimblekit: Sick injury bro, would be a shame if i added insult to it.
Pearlstar: I laugh at my own jokes because I am my target audience. Y’all just happen to be there fr.
Gravel: I wish they sold offbrand cars, get me a damn honder.
Firebeetle: Pulling up in the revolver.
Shadebreak: When two buses pass each other and the bus drivers don’t wave at each other, like omg... did you guys break up...
Blisswhistle: I can still crack a joke mid-breakdown, that’s why everyone is lucky to have me in their lives.
Gravel: They don’t kill the presidents like they used to.
Berrykit: The LMAO+ community.
Nimblekit: It’s LMFAO+ this is party rock erasure.
Sparkspeckle: It’s harder than you think to communicate with someone who isn’t familiar with the world of spongebob.
Goldshine: Pipe down your honor, you weren’t even there.
Goldshine: JFK?? Like from umbrella academy?? Haha... you know he’s not... real, right?
Stormwhisper: Wait, I though JFK was from clone high??
Sparkspeckle: JFK, as in Jesus Fucking Khrist, from the bible?
Icesheep: Isn’t JFK that fried chicken fast food chain.
Shadebreak: Guys cmon, it’s Jennedy Fennedy Kennedy, you gotta know this.
Goldshine: Mfs be named “James” and it only be one dude.
Nimblekit: Does violence have to be the last resort, can’t it be like third.
Lilacpaw: Free my man, he did all of it but I don’t care.
Pearlstar: Let me get this straight. Grabs the nearest heterosexual. Now, where were we. (He is holding nobody)
Blisswhistle: I’m so done with self care, it’s time for others harm.
Shadebreak: Fun fact. Shut the fuck-
Sparkspeckle: Nuh uh
Icesheep: FYM “NUH UH”???
-⚡ anon
Genuinely made me laugh, I love these
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sallage · 5 months
Childhood Secret
Primary AU
Warning: This is a tickle fic!
Summary: Bakugo and Midoriya were assigned a mission together that was set to last a couple of days. Due to the prolonged period of constant exposure to each other, the tension between the two heroes only continued to rise, resulting in some unsavory measures being taken to ensure the smooth execution of the mission.
Pairing: Lee Bakugo, Ler Midoriya
Words: 1,757
Reading Time: 7 Minutes
A/N: I think I'm creating an alternate universe? haha these stories will be kind of like one shots but they might reference each other and correlate. Idk honeslty lets see what happens!
Read more ∘₊✧ Here ✧₊∘
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“Shut up, you damn nerd! You’re going to get us caught!”
“You’re the one screaming.”
“I’m not fucking screaming!”
Bakugo and Midoriya were on a mission together, tracking down a group of thugs who were selling quirk erasure darts on the black market. The authorities had caught wind of the shady dealings and sent the two rivals to investigate. Since the investigation was far from home, the pair were forced to stay in a hotel while they gathered evidence and proof of the crime. They spent multiple nights in a nearby hotel, waiting for the best moment to confront and arrest the criminals.
Now, Bakugo and Midoriya had taken hidden positions in a bush near the suspects, waiting cautiously for the exchange that would justify the arrest. Having been forced to spend the previous few nights together, tensions were high between them, the bickering rivals on edge due to their eagerness for the mission to end.
“Kacchan, you need to-”
“Don’t tell me what the hell to do, damn it.”
Midoriya's face was pinched with irritation. He had been putting up with Bakugo's attitude since before the start of their mission, his patience wearing thin with each passing interaction. Although they only spoke when absolutely necessary, the quick exchanges were enough for Midoriya to receive a small sampling of the other's volatile temper. 
Normally, he could endure it, as Bakugo usually chose to avoid the other. However, in the midst of this mission, he had no escape, and was forced to deal with Bakugo's wrath on a consistent basis.
“Kacchan please-“
“Shut up! I’m sick of hearing your stupid voice!” 
“I’m just trying to-“ 
“That’s it!” 
Bakugo uttered a grunt and moved to sit  on his knees.
“What are you-“
“Getting the hell away from you. We don’t need to be in the same damn bush.”
“You can’t, they’ll see you!”
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do!”
Bakugo had shifted his position, allowing the bush to part and expose them to the danger of being seen. Midoriya panicked, knowing he had to act quickly to prevent Bakugo from completely ruining their plan. 
Midoriya quickly activated Black Whip, wrapping a tendril around Bakugo's wrist and pulling it back, reinforcing half their cover. Bakugo's face filled with confusion, his brain working slowly to comprehend Midoriya’s sudden audacity. Before he could react, Midoriya managed to grab his other arm, forcefully pulling him back into the bush. Bakugo's only reaction was a startled grunt as he tried to catch his balance.
“You fucking idiot, did you just-“ 
“Shhh, Kacchan! I know you’re mad but you can’t just-.”
“Get your pathetic quirk offa me!” 
Instead, Midoriya summoned another tendril, its powerful coils wrapped themselves around Bakugo's waist. The tendril forcibly pushed the blonde back into a seated position. As Bakugo struggled against the restraints, Midoriya recognized that he could no longer afford to be lenient with his friend. He had to take drastic measures to ensure this whole mission wouldn’t turn out to be a huge waste of time, which it would be if he let his friend blow their cover.
With that in mind, and before he could lose his nerve, Midoriya sent a thicker tendril to the other’s face, slapping it over the explosive blondes mouth.
Bakugo’s eyes widened with pure unfiltered shock, Midoriya’s expression mirroring it. Neither of them ever figuring the green haired boy had the balls to physically shut Bakugo up. The stunned blonde didn’t move for a few seconds before his face reddened with heated anger and embarrassment. Right then and there, Midoriya almost let him go and apologized.
Bakugo let out a burst of angry curses, despite the muffling caused by the black tendrils wrapped around his mouth. Although muted, Midoriya could still make out some of the words.
“Yhuuu fuhhhkkn mhhrrhhon, yhuuuu dhhuhr dhoh thhii thhoo mhh? I’ll khhlll yhuuu! Lht mhh ghu!”
Despite the guilt bubbling up in Midoriya’s throat, he shook his head and peeked out of the bush. “I’ll let you go when they arrive so we can arrest them. Otherwise you’re going to have to stay here. I’m sorry, Kacchan. I want this to be over as much as you do.”
The change in Midoriya's assertiveness was surprising, even to himself. He was unsure where this newfound confidence was coming from, and whether it was due to sleep deprivation, the exhaustion from dealing with Bakugo for days on end, or the new confidence he gained from developing and training new quirks. Regardless of the reason, Midoriya wasn't planning on backing down now, not when he already pissed the blonde off to the highest degree possible.
Bakugo was becoming increasingly infuriated, the veins in his temple popping out in rage. He continued shouting muffled curses at Midoriya, promising to make his life hell and inflict death upon him; the works. Midoriya ignored him, occasionally shushing him so he could focus on their targets. When Bakugo realized that Midoriya was hardly paying attention, his temper got the better of him. His hands began to spark.
Midoriya's eyes snapped back, seeing Bakugo's hands light up within their small and dry hiding place.. As Bakugo's quirk started getting louder, Midoriya quickly decided to take action and use an old trick he'd learned as a child to try to control the other's explosive temper. 
Knowing that Bakugo was in a vulnerable position, Midoriya took full advantage of it, summoning two more black tendrils to dig into his unsuspecting underarms. The sparks in his hands cut off in puffs of black smoke and Bakugo’s curses and threats dissolved into shocked yelps, the random attack causing his eyes to widen in surprise before shutting in suppressed mirth. He clamped his arms to his sides and thrashed against the tendrils which Midoriya stiffened so the sound wouldn’t carry. 
“Whhht thuh hehhl! Yhu’re fuhhking dhehd! Mmhmhhhm Sthhhhp!!” 
Even with his arms clamped firmly to his sides, Black Whip was still able to wiggle through, the skinny tendrils flicking against his hollows.
“Yhu bhhuhuhsrd! Sthhp!”
Bakugo opened furious, red eyes to fix them on Deku’s timid green ones. Everything in his expression told Deku that he was going to blast him out of existence. Deku knew that once he used his quirk on Bakugo, his fate was sealed. But just because he accepted it, doesn’t mean that he was going to go down without a fight. Deku squinted his eyes at Kacchan. 
“If you can calm down-“
“Dhhn tlhh mhe thu chhlm dwnn, bhhstrd! Ihhhl khhll- MMMmmmhhh!”
In the middle of Bakugo’s usual rant, Deku sent some tendrils to mess with his sides, flicking up and down and dragging them around slowly. Growing up with the aggressive blonde, Deku was the only one alive that was aware of his ticklishness. Although the playful tickle fights stopped after Bakugo’s quirk manifested, Deku hoped he still would be.
And boy, was he.
Bakugo had his eyes scrunched closed. He was no longer cursing or screaming, just looked like he was trying to control his reactions, occasionally thrashing or twitching when a tendril found a sweet spot. For a minute, Deku thought he successfully tamed the wild animal he called friend, until sparks flew again in the corner of his vision.
Immediately, Deku directed the tendrils teasing his sides to go straight for that cripplingly ticklish spot Bakugo had as a kid, the spot right underneath his armpits and above his ribs, praying that it was still as sensitive after all these years. 
Bakugo’s body siezed, the sparks discontinued, and he immediately dissolved into muffled laughter. He shook his head and glared at Midoriya, which lost all its bite from the tears of mirth that began to pool in them. Deku couldn’t help but smile a little as he watched his childhood friend struggle against sensations he probably forgot he could experience.
Bakugo struggled hard against Black Whip but it was no use. The tendrils dug and swirled ticklishly on his ribs. Bakugo did everything in his power to keep his composure, but once that spot was nicked, all hope was lost. It had been so long since he was tickled, he forgot how stupidly debilitating it could feel. He forgot all about using his quirk and wanting to leave the bush, he just wanted Deku to stop.
Deku kept this up for a few seconds before easing up, realizing from Bakugo’s increasingly reddening face, that with his mouth covered he could only get air from his nose. Once he could breathe again, he shot a dangerous glare at Midoriya.
“Nehhhvu dho tht agnnnn, yhu hrr mhe?” 
“I won’t if you can calm down and stay here. Were almost done.”
“Ght thss ohh mhi mouh.”
Deku nodded and pulled his quirk back from Bakugo’s mouth. The blonde stretched his jaw and scowled at the other, giving him a death stare. 
“You’ll pay for that, you bastard.” But his voice was notably hushed.
“Are you going to stay in the bush?”
“Fuck you and this bush!” 
“You listen to me, you- AH!” 
The tendrils squirmed under his arms, and his eyes widened as he remembered they were there.
“I’m sorry, but we’re so close, and I don’t want to be here longer than we have to.“
“Whatever, you damn nerd. Get your dumb quirk offa me.”
“Fine.” Deku reined in Black Whip. “The truck’s pulling up.”
After waiting, watching, and biding their time, the villains finally made the illegal exchange. Deku and Bakugo stepped in and proceeded to do what they were trained to do; knocking them around and rounding them up for transportation. Once they had reported their findings and secured the arrest of the villains, Deku chanced a glance at Bakugo. What he did in the bush may have crossed a line, and he wanted to address it.
“Kacchan, I-”
“Never speak of it.”
“… I just-”
Deku was aware of when it was appropriate for him to stop attempting to engage in heated discussion with the blonde, so he did. He often found himself yearning to have actual conversations with Kacchan, wanting to finally put aside their past conflicts and issues and simply interact like normal people. Like friends.
However, today was not meant to be that day, nor would tomorrow be either. Deku accepted this with calm and determined patience, hoping that the time would come when Kacchan was ready to accept his friendship. Until then, he would simply wait, with the unshakable hope and faith that it would happen one day.
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hoonphobe · 7 months
there’s so many points i need to make abt aot, eremika, and eremin omfg. i’m just gonna bullet point it.
the last two eps are probably the most in depth mikasa’s character has ever been. i’ve always disliked that her whole personality was pretty much being devoted to eren and that she’d only ever be seen as her own person in very small increments. like even when eren wasn’t present. her character had so much potential and it was kind of wasted. she deserved so much better like how is the fmc one of the least developed women in aot
i was never the biggest fan of eremika because imo they lacked a lot of vital chemistry needed for a relationship especially on eren’s side. eren cares for mikasa deeply but i could never see it being romantic. i feel like every “advancement” eren’s made towards mikasa some other outside force caused that. like armin having to tell eren that mikasa deserves better because she’s liked him for so long and he never returned those feelings idk it feels so forced
eren’s relationship with armin is MUCH deeper than the one he shares with mikasa and it’s shown in both the anime and the manga. him and armin have always connected on a deeper level because they share all their burdens, the same dreams, they completely understand eo better than anyone else. if eren ended up with anyone it should’ve been with armin.
i think eremika had potential. if eren had a deeper connection with mikasa like he did with armin it’d make sense why they’d end up together. i’m aware that everyone has different relationships with others and love presents itself in different ways, but eren has always been someone that wears his heart on his sleeve so i find it hard to believe that he’s never express himself to mikasa once even if it’s not directly. i feel like since mikasa loved eren so much they used that to imply that eren loved her the same way which is very cheap and lazy imo.
i feel like there was sm eremin erasure after eren’s death like they had a whole conversation abt how they’ll always be together even after death and yet the only person we see reunite with eren is mikasa. i have no problem with eremika reuniting at all, it makes sense since armin was the last of the trio to die, but not even showing them all reuniting is so sick
i understand the sweetness behind mikasa being the one to help eren forget abt the stress he has, but i think it’s more powerful that armin has always been someone to not help him forget but to support him through every hardship he encounters. aot is a series abt how eren took extremely drastic measures to achieve freedom for his friends and his people, he literally committed genocide, he needs someone blunt to tell him that the decision he made was utterly stupid, that although he did it for a greater cause he still did an act that’s truly unforgivable. armin was the only one who could truly resonate with eren in that aspect, the only one who could “forgive” him because eren did it all so that armin could achieve his dream after his had already shattered.
i understand that eren confessing that he didn’t want mikasa to end up with anyone else was meant to be used as a double kill if he likes mikasa and that he’s very vulnerable, but i just feel like it was very forced. armin using it to get eren to let out his true emotions made no sense to me like armin has never used mikasa to stir eren so i find it crazy that he’s use it the final time he’d ever speak to him
and yeah those are most of my opinions, you don’t have to agree with them or are they supposed to be taken as a fact because they’re not!
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