#it wasn’t the sentiment he meant and I think more I was just taken by the wording
coyotemeat · 1 year
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mistiell · 9 months
If you’re doing requests and it’s not too much trouble what about Astarion and getting patched up and taken care of by mc
Here you go babes <33 (Also, if he's a little out of character, I apoligize, I really did try my best lol) WC: 1k
“Ow! Gods, could you at least try to be gentle?” Astarion hisses at the sting of the salve you’ve concocted, startling you into jerking the cloth you’re using away.
You huff and drop your hands into your lap, brows furrowed in very clear annoyance, “I am trying. If you’d stop squirming, it wouldn’t hurt so much.”
“Well, if it didn’t hurt so much, I wouldn’t be squirming, would I?” He quips. You roll your eyes.
Taking his wrist ever so gently, you turn it so you can see the gash on his forearm, fingers deft and kind even despite his whining. He’s being difficult; unreasonable. You’d be justified in being cruel with him.
You’re careful not to press so hard as you swipe the cloth over the jagged edge of his wound, blood seeping into the fabric and staining the off-white linen a dark crimson. Mouth quirked down, your face is drawn tight with a frustration he’s never seen on you before.
He hates it.
The fabric catches with a jolt of pain and he flinches more than he would normally, startling you away again.
You tut at him, stern, “Astarion.”
Sighing, he returns his arm to you wordlessly and glances away with a small, “Sorry.”
“You should have been more careful.” You chastise as you press the cloth against his wound; firm, but not harsh. Never harsh.
He scoffs, rolls his eyes, “So you're saying this is my fault.”
He wasn’t being serious, but it seems you take it as such. Your nose scrunches, and for a split second, you look properly upset with him. He’s expecting you to snap at him, maybe shout and finally leave him to tend to his wounds alone as he usually would.
You don’t. Instead, you take a breath and sigh, looking rather disappointed.
“You know that’s not what I meant. Contrary to what you may believe, I do actually care about you and your wellbeing.” Your voice is void of any sort of humour as you look back at his arm. Swapping the soiled cloth for a smaller, cleaner one, you fold it in half and press it to his arm, not sparing him a glance as you instruct him, “Hold this.”
He does as you’ve asked, and a stifling silence engulfs his tent. As you rifle through some healing supplies, he tries to come up with a way to get you talking again.
“Why-,” His voice doesn’t come out right and he clears his throat to fix it. It comes out wrong anyway, “Why are you helping me? This wouldn’t have been the first time I’ve dressed a wound on my own, you know.”
“That doesn’t mean you should have to.” You reply as you begin securing the cloth to his arm with bandages, “No one deserves to suffer alone.”
The sentiment makes his stomach twist. “No one?” He huffs a wry puff of laughter, “Not even someone like Cazador?”
Your face contorts in abhorrence, “I meant good people don’t deserve to suffer alone. That bastard deserves every bit of suffering he has coming to him.”
He barely even registers the second part of what you’ve said, too busy reeling from the first.
Good people don’t deserve to suffer alone.
Good people.
“You... think I’m good?” He asks far too softly.
Finally looking back up at him, you look utterly confused as you nod, “Of course I do.”
He opens his mouth only to find he’s seemingly lost his voice. His gaze flits over just about every inch of your face, searching for any sign that you’re lying; a glance away, a twitch of your mouth. Anything.
He doesn’t find one. His heart sinks and sings simultaneously and suddenly, he can barely breathe.
“Why?” He murmurs. Part of him thinks he’s not equipped to cope with your answer.
There’s a moment where you just... look at him. He’d say staring, but he doesn’t think that’s quite what this is. What you’re doing would be better described as seeing him; all of him. His heart, his soul. Everything.
“Good people can do bad things and still be good, Astarion. And being good doesn’t always mean being a saint.” Your voice is kind; tender. Maybe a little joking towards the end. He guesses you’ve seen the apprehension on his face when your hands slide down his arm to cradle his own. Dipping to catch his gaze, your own is suddenly serious; unwavering, “What happened to you, the things you did. None of that was your fault. You told me what Cazador did to you when you disobeyed him. I’d be just as terrible to deem you a monster for going along with it knowing what would have happened to you if you didn’t.”
Your words strike him like a hard blow to the chest. Perhaps he’s not all that concerned with being a good person, but he’s never truly wanted to be evil, either.
Eyes stinging, he lets out a shaky breath through his nose as he cups the nape of your neck to guide your forehead to his lips. He lingers there for a moment before he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tight, mumbling against your hairline, “Thank you.”
Snaking your arms around his waist, you squeeze him just as fiercely, “Of course, my love.”
The laugh that escapes him comes out too watery for his liking, but he finds he doesn’t mind quite as much when its only you around to hear, “‘My love’? Isn’t that my line?”
You snort, and he feels you smile against his collar, “Perhaps.” “You do know that reusing material that isn’t yours is in poor taste, don’t you, darling?”
“Hush.” You pull back smiling, shaking your head as you ask in faux exasperation, “Now, will you please let me finish bandaging this?”
He follows your gaze to his arm and huffs dramatically, “I suppose.” “Oh, you suppose, do you?” You sass as you take hold of his wrist again, careful not to wrap the bandages too tight, “Do you also suppose you’ll sit still for me this time?”
“I do.” He grins.
And he does.
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gay-dorito-dust · 17 days
Batboys with reader who has a silly collection of stickers and puts them over their faces, their suits or their weapons (most of them with silly encouraging phrases to cheer them up lol)
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He bought you a set of stickers once and ever since it’s been his ultimate downfall but in the most humorous way possible.
Dick has a sense of humour, he didn’t mind a couple of stickers here and there, even going so far as to keep the cute cartoon mushroom stickers that you’ve left on his escrema sticks as your personal touch on his belongings.
He even once woke up to a face full of them and when he asked your reasoning as to why, you only shrugged your shoulders and said ‘I thought it’d be funny to see how many stickers I can put on your face without waking you up.’
Dick takes the whole thing in stride and in good faith and loves the fact that you went out of your way to cheer him up through your cute but inspirational stickers. It was almost as though you knew that he needed a little pick me up that day and did so tenfold by coating his hands in stickers that reminded him of your deep care for him and his mental health.
So nowadays Dick doesn’t mind waking up just to see his face covered in stickers and instead smiles and goes about his daily routine as though nothing was out of the ordinary.
Jason removed his red helmet from his hand and could only stare at the stickers that littered across the sides and back either a blank stare as Roy practically pissed himself with laughter.
‘You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, how did I not see this?’ Jason muttered under his breath, scratching at sticker of a cartoon Robin holding a stick in its beak.
‘Oh there’s nothing to be ashamed of in a little self expression Jason,’ Roy snickered, ‘but I didn’t peg you as the type to collect stickers and cute ones at that.’ He then points to a particular sticker on his helmet of a cat hanging from a branch followed by the saying; just hang in there.
‘piss off.’ Jason told him. He knew something was a miss but didn’t know what it was and now that he knew, everything was starting to make a bit more sense. For starters you didn’t kiss his helmet like you usually did before he left of patrol, almost as though you didn’t want to ruin something on his helmet that he didn’t see, at least not at that point in time.
He should’ve known because you’ve pulled this stint with his guns before in the past but what you didn’t know was that he kept a few that were now a little worn and faded. So while he appear a little peeved that you have took it upon yourself to decorate his helmet, he was a sentimental guy deep down who loved anything and everything you’ve given him and treasures it with his entire heart.
Jason’s a secret sap when it comes to you and knows that he’ll come to laugh at all this at a later date as he recalls all of it to you when he comes home, already envisioning your reaction when he’d inevitably calls you out on it, knowing that he could never stay mad at you for very long. He physically couldn’t and refuses to when all you were trying to do was lift his spirits.
You were too sweet for him but he wouldn’t want it any other way.
Wants you to take them off at first, how was he meant to be taken seriously if he was covered head to toe in stickers, ridiculous.
He thinks them childish unfortunately
However when you do stop putting your stickers across every one of his belongings for a brief stint, he begins to realise the true intended purpose behind them, and would begin to leave subtle hints that he wanted you to go back to coating everything he owned in stickers in his own way of apologising.
He’s stubborn but he cares for you and what you meant to him and if planting stickers on the sheath of his sword on the premise to uplift his spirits, then who was he to stop you from doing so. He wasn’t use to someone going out of their way to try and cheer him up and was more use to isolating himself from everyone in his room and just draw out his innermost feelings.
So you covering his face, suit and or weapons with stickers with cute and uplifting words was something he needed time to get use to, but once he does he tries to keep the stickers that had long served their purpose within the pages of his sketch pad as a keepsake of your thoughtfulness towards him.
This portion of his sketch pad is kept under a lot of secrecy on his part but you find it eventually because of course you do.
Damian wasn’t use to someone caring about him as much as you did and in a more unique way than littering the hilt of his sword in stickers made to make his day just that a little better. Damian, much like Jason, keeps a sticker or two on his weapons but in places where it would be harder for others to spot and would run his thumb over it whenever he felt that he needed your presence.
Tim doesn’t mind you putting stickers on his stuff, he’s pretty much unbothered by it and would just accept the fact that this was your way of saying that you’re thinking of him and his well-being. Tim knew you well enough to understand what you were trying to say through your stickers from the stickers you used consistently.
However due to his egregious sleep schedule lead to many instances where he would wake up to his face covered entirely in stickers, and at first he thought it was the lack of sleep that was making him see things but soon realised that his face was indeed covered in stickers, and would silently stare at you through the mirror as you tried hard not to laugh.
He threatens to plaster your face with stickers next time, he does follow up on his promise but that’s a story for another time.
To Tim it was almost as if you had just made up an entirely new way of communication through stickers, he’s even got them categorised based on their subliminal messages and what you were trying to tell him through them.
He appreciates the stickers and would even find himself smiling at them on the odd occasion and run his fingers over them gingerly as to not accidentally peel one of them off. He loved your unique way of cheering him up and would get a little sad when he sees that someone them were starting to fade or become worn, only to feel a warmth spread throughout his chest when he saw new stickers next to the places of the old ones.
Each and every sticker had it’s sentimental significance to him and if Tim were to ever find out that you didn’t have anymore stickers to spare, he would buy you more sets and act like he didn’t have any part in this despite the parcel having his name on it.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 6 months
The Danger Zone (Part 11) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 4.0k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Background Relationships; Medical Appointments; Suggestive Comments; Discussion of Mental Health (Depression, Anxiety, Post-Partum); Discussions of Goose and Carole; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake move in together and attend your twenty-week appointment.
Series Master List
Master List
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A week and a half later, you were moving into Jake’s apartment officially. The two of you, with some help from Phoenix and Coyote, had already moved all of the smaller items out of your apartment. Bradley and Mav also stopped by—when Jake wasn’t there—to take some of the more sentimental items to hold onto for you in their bigger homes. 
So, all that was left were a few pieces of furniture. You sold some of your furniture but decided to either keep or store or give away the other pieces. And that meant that someone had to drag it down the stairs and shove it into the back of Jake’s truck or the trailer that Maverick brought. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Jake stated, watching as you rearranged the chairs around the table. 
“You’re not carrying anything. It’s all heavy and we’re not risking you hurting yourself,” Jake insisted, walking over to you. “Just relax.”
“I think I can drag a chair a few inches,” you stated, shooting Jake a playful look. “But I won’t carry anything heavy. Promise.”
“Thank you,” Jake replied softly. “How’re they today?”
“I think I’m feeling flutters, but I don’t really know. I only seem to feel them when I’m trying to sleep, so I don’t know if I’m imaging them.”
Your twenty-week appointment was about a week away and both of you were a bit anxious about it. Of course, every first-time parent worried about the worst case-scenario at that appointment. That they were going to get some kind of news that would change the little fairytale that they built up in their mind. 
“Only when you’re trying to sleep?”
“Yeah, I think so. Why?” 
“It’s like they’re teasing you. Or trying to stress you out more.” 
“They’re stubborn, that’s all.”
“They get it from both sides,” Jake replied, brushing his fingers down your bump. 
“Hopefully, they’re not too stubborn coming out,” you stated, glancing down at your bump as Jake took a step closer to you. Smiling up at him, you let out a chuckle. “What?”
“I’m just thinking about all the gas I’ll save when I don’t have to drive over here anymore," he explained, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“The gas, of course,” you hummed. 
You let out a louder giggle as Jake leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek and then down your neck. The two of you, since your kiss in the kitchen, had gotten a lot more comfortable and handsy with each other over the next few days. You hadn’t taken it all the way yet, both of you were still cautious about pushing too hard too fast, but you seemed to be moving in that direction. It was starting to remind you of how the two of you were before you found out that you were pregnant. 
Jake pressed a lingering kiss to your lips as his strong arms pulled you closer. And as you tangled your hand in his hair, returning the kiss, you heard the door to your apartment open. You turned your head and reflexively pushed Jake off of you when you saw Maverick standing there. 
“Hey, Mav,” you greeted awkwardly, running a hand through your hair. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course. Though you looked as if you weren’t expecting company,” Maverick quipped, working on his key ring. 
“I can explain,” Jake stated, causing Maverick to shake his head. 
“You already got her pregnant, Jake. There’s not much left to explain beyond that.”
“Mav,” you sighed, feeling like a teenager again. 
“Trailer’s parked out front. I didn’t know how you wanted to divide things up. Penny said that she would bring lunch over to your new apartment. And Bradley told me that he was leaving a couple minutes ago.”
“Great,” Jake replied dryly. 
“There's not too much left at least,” you stated, trying to perk Jake up. “But I have to give the key back to my landlord, Mav.”
Maverick pulled your spare key off of his chain and handed it over to you before turning to Jake. The two of them started to carry stuff downstairs to the trailer or Jake’s truck while you started to sweep up and do your final round of cleaning so that your landlord didn’t charge you extra. 
Jake and Maverick were out by the trailer, sliding your dresser into the back when Rooster walked over with his keys in hand. Leaning on the trailer wall, Rooster and Jake shared a glare before Bradley turned to Maverick. 
“Emma’s going to meet us there with Penny. I’ll text her when we’re finished up here.”
“We’ve still got a few trips left before that,” Maverick reported, walking over to Bradley. “We’re going to do the couch next.”
Bradley nodded and turned to head inside with Mav, leaving Jake to walk by himself. Jake wasn’t too perturbed. He was expecting the treatment from Bradley and the fact that Maverick hadn’t pushed him down the stairs after seeing the two of you together felt like a small victory. 
You were wiping down the counters when they returned to your apartment. You moved to greet your brother before the three of them walked over to your couch. You stood a bit nervously by the door, holding it open for them. 
“Please don’t hurt yourselves,” you told them as they started to carry it out. 
“We’ll be fine,” Jake assured you as he passed by. 
You watched them go before shutting the door. Moving over to the window, you sat down and watched for them. It was only three floors, but you knew that you wouldn’t be able to focus until the three of them emerged together. You weren’t so worried that the couch would be too heavy or anything like that. You were more concerned that they would use it to hurt each other. 
Jake and Bradley carried the ends of the couch while Maverick stood in the middle. Bradley stood on the lower set of stairs, simply because Jake wasn’t stupid and refused to step down first. Otherwise, he wasn’t confident that he would make it down to the bottom of the stairs. Not without a crack in the back of his head. Again, he wasn’t stupid. 
“Lift it up more,” Bradley grunted as they tried to turn one of the last corners. 
“I am,” Jake huffed back at him. 
“I wouldn’t have asked if you just did it,” Bradley snapped at Jake.
“Just lift, both of you,” Maverick stated firmly, shooting them both a look. 
They managed to walk around the corner with the couch and down the last set of stairs before setting the couch down on the floor to catch their breath and relieve their muscles. Bradley leaned on the couch, glaring over at Jake as Jake stretched his arms casually. Maverick was silent, but he was clearly watching them. 
“So, why are we moving my sister into your tiny apartment again, Hangman?” 
“Her lease is up and we’re having a baby together,” Hangman stated, like Rooster was as dumb as a brick. 
“And you couldn’t even get an apartment with enough room for a crib in it?” 
“Bradley,” Maverick stated, shooting him a look.  
“There’s enough room for a crib,” Jake snapped back at Bradley. “We already mapped it out. We wrote down the exact dimensions that we need. And even if we didn’t, it’s none of your fucking business, Rooster.” 
“Jake,” Maverick sighed, turning to the annoyed aviator. 
“It is my business when it involves my sister and my niece or nephew.” Bradley straightened up, staring Jake down. “She told me that you were looking at houses, but yet she said that she hasn’t been to any house showings. Why is that?” 
“None of your fucking business, Rooster.” 
“It’s not? Because it sounds like you’re selling a fantasy to my sister that you’re never actually going to deliver.” 
“That’s enough,” Maverick replied to both of them. 
“You would want your sister to just move into the first house that we found and could close on?” Jake stated, staring Bradley down. “We’re looking. But there’s other things that are more pressing that we have to deal with. But again, it’s none of your fucking business.” 
“And does she know that? Have you told her that?” 
“Alright, pick up your ends, let’s get it put into the trailer,” Maverick snapped, effectively ending the argument. 
You watched from above as Jake, Bradley, and Maverick walked out to the trailer with the couch. Letting out a breath of relief, you got up and turned to clean once again. There was just the tables, chairs, and another small dresser left, which Jake, Bradley, and Maverick carried down in three more trips. 
When it was all cleaned up, you took a moment to walk through the empty rooms, reminiscing about the memories that the place brought you. It was a sanctuary for you for a time. An escape, really. But it was an apartment for a version of you that was quickly disappearing and in a few short months would be gone completely.
You had grown out of it. And it was time to move on. 
“You alright?” Jake asked softly, standing at the threshold of the apartment.
“Yeah,” you replied, turning to him with a small smile. “I’m okay.” 
Picking up the keys, you walked over to Jake, pressed a kiss to his lips, and headed out. And into the new phase of your life. 
You and Jake arrived at your shared apartment first, since Maverick and Bradley were dropping off some stuff at their respective houses first. Penny was waiting for you in the parking lot and Jake assured you that he would be fine carrying everything himself. 
“So, how’d moving out go?” Penny asked you as you walked up the stairs. Your now shared apartment was on the third floor, so it was one less set of stairs than your previous apartment. “Pete gave me a brief overview.” 
“He probably knows better than me. He was the one who was dealing with them,” you sighed, pulling out your new set of keys. “I just want them to be able to coexist. They don’t have to like each other. Hell, they don’t even need to speak to each other. I just need them to be able to sit in the same room and not try to kill each other.” 
“They’re both stubborn and set in their ways,” Penny replied, shaking her head. “Have you talked to Emma about Bradley?” 
“Yeah, but there’s only so much she can do. Ever since Mom died, he’s always felt the need to be so protective over me. And I appreciated it sometimes but now I don’t need it now. I just want him to be happy for me. For us, me and Jake.” 
“He will. Maybe he just needs to see Jake supporting you—not that he isn’t already—for that to start to happen.” 
“He better get over it by the time I have this baby or I swear,” you muttered, moving to unlock your front door. You turned to Penny with less annoyance in your features. “You know, I really want to make Bradley and Emma the baby’s godparents. And the baby’s guardians if something were to happen to the both of us and—” 
“—Don’t talk like that,” Penny interrupted you, grabbing your shoulders. 
“Penny,” you sighed as the door shut behind her, “I’m not living in some delusion where I don’t think that bad things can happen. And I want it all written down and signed and everything before I give birth or just in case Jake gets dragged away.” Placing a hand on your bump, you looked down. “I want to be prepared.” 
“Hey, today is a happy occasion. You can focus on that stuff at another time. Right now, just enjoy the fact that everyone is healthy and that you’re moving forward in your relationship with Jake, okay?” You nodded slowly and Penny pulled you in for a tight motherly hug. “And that’s why I got you a gift.” 
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Penny.” 
“I know, but I saw it and just thought of you,” Penny replied, pulling away and reaching into the bag that she brought. 
“And you definitely didn’t need to wrap it,” you mused, taking the box from her hand. 
Gently tearing at the wrapping paper, you glanced up when the door opened and Jake walked in, carrying your nightstand and dragging a suitcase behind him. You shot him a smile as he glanced curiously down at the gift in your hands. 
“What’s that?” 
“Just a small gift,” Penny insisted, smiling kindly. 
You tore away the rest of the wrapping paper and pulled out a rectangular plaque. You were a bit confused when you noted the three raised squares, but when you read the painted letters above them, it all clicked.
The message of ‘Daddy’ + ‘Mommy’ = ‘Baby’ was so simple, yet so emotionally overwhelming.  
“You’re supposed to put your handprints here,” Penny explained, pointing at the squares. “Jake can put his handprint here and then you can put yours there and then when your baby comes, you can put their handprint there. They recommended red and white for your hands if it’s a girl, so that her handprint is pink. Or white and a darker blue if it’s a boy, so that his handprint would be a baby blue. And you can paint the baby’s name below the square too, right there.” 
“I love it,” you croaked out, emotions quickly bursting to the surface. “Thank you, Penny. I love it, I love it so much.” 
You pulled Penny back in for a tight hug, tears starting to stream down your cheeks. Jake looked on, concerned, but Penny gave him a reassuring smile and mouthed that it was alright. And when Jake continued to look concerned, Penny whispered ‘hormones’ to him. Jake nodded slowly and gently took the plaque from your hands. 
“I don’t even know why I’m crying,” you breathed out, wiping them away hastily. “It just hit me all of a sudden.” 
“It’s been a long day. You’re making big steps. It’s a lot to take in all at once.” 
“Yeah,” you breathed out, trying to get a reign on your emotions again. Turning back to Jake, who was still staring at you with a measure of concern. “Where do you think we should put it up, once it’s complete?” 
“Somewhere everyone can see it,” Jake suggested, causing you to smile and nod in agreement. 
Since most of your stuff was already at Jake’s apartment, it didn’t take too much longer to fully make it your shared space. And you already made space in the living room for baby stuff. It was still early, you knew, but the alternative was researching about what horrible things you could find out at your twenty-week appointment, so you kept on decorating. 
But today was the day, so you supposed that you couldn’t push it off anymore. 
Waiting a bit anxiously in your car, you let out a breath when you spotted Jake’s truck pull into the lot. You grabbed your purse and slipped out of your car, walking over to where Jake parked. He got out of his truck, dressed in his day uniform, and quickly moved to your side. Pulling you in for a gentle hug, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Are you alright?” he asked you, causing you to nod against his chest. “Everything’s going to be fine. Whatever we find out, it’s going to be fine, okay?” 
Jake locked up his truck before the two of you headed inside the office. You checked in and sat down, filling out some paperwork while Jake rested his arm behind your back. And when your name was called, the two of you silently walked back to the exam room. Laying back on the exam table, you stared at the ceiling as Jake rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. 
A knock at the door made you sit up and move to the edge of the examination table. Your obstetrician walked inside the room with a kind smile. It started off as any regular doctor’s appointment would. You went over your symptoms, your pains, your bloodwork, and everything else before moving onto the ultrasound. 
You immediately reached for Jake as the wand touched your belly and he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. She moved it around, typing away at her computer, taking a few images and measurements, before turning to you with a reassuring smile. 
“Your baby’s growing normally and as they should. Everything is measuring normal. They’re a little smaller than average, but nothing to be concerned about. They’re still a perfectly healthy and normal size.” She typed something else before turning back to you and Jake. “Do you still want to wait to know the baby’s sex?” 
“Yes, please,” you answered quickly.
“Alright, well, I’m just going to turn the screen briefly,” your obstetrician replied, hiding the information from you and Jake. 
“You can tell?” you asked quietly.
“Yes, but all the files are marked to keep that information completely private. Unless you change your mind, of course.” 
You nodded and shared a look with Jake, who pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. Your obstetrician typed away again before moving the screen back to your view. And as she continued to tell you that everything was normal and healthy, you sunk in and started to relax and enjoy the moment. 
“Your baby seems to be a bit stubborn,” your obstetrician noted, trying to move the wand around your belly again to take some more measurements. “They start to cooperate and then seem to decide not to about three seconds later.”
“That’s not shocking,” you mused, watching the movement of your child on the screen. “Stubbornness is probably genetic for them.” 
After a few more pictures, your belly was wiped off and you sat up once again. Your obstetrician smiled kindly as she sat down on her stool in front of you. Jake sat beside you, more relaxed than when he walked in, but still alert, as your obstetrician turned to you.
“Alright, there’s just a few more screening questions and then we’re all set.” 
“Of course,” you agreed, nodding slowly.
“Mr. Seresin,” your obstetrician stated, causing Jake to turn to her. “Did you want to go and grab the ultrasound photos? A tech can bring you back there. And you can ask them any questions of your own about the process.” 
Jake hesitated for a moment but agreed and got up from his seat. You squeezed his hand in goodbye before he exited the room with one of the techs. Your obstetrician waited until he was gone before turning to you.
“At the twenty week appointment, we usually perform a screening of your mental health.” After you nodded, she began. “Have you ever had a history of mental illness? Anxiety? Depression? Eating disorders? Anything like that?”
“Yes,” you answered softly. “Depression and anxiety.” 
“When?” she asked, poised to type down the information.
“My mother passed away when I was twelve. And after that, I was diagnosed with depression and put in talk therapy for a time. But I stopped that when I was eighteen. And they put me on anti-anxiety medication when I was sixteen.” 
“Are you still on that medication?”
“No, I stopped it about a year afterwards. I was just going through a lot at the time and talk therapy wasn’t working completely. It was just to get me through that time and then I didn’t need it anymore.” 
“Have you had any flare ups since then?” 
“A few times,” you answered honestly. 
“You didn’t go back to talk therapy or medication or anything?”
“No, I just . . . waited for it to get better, I suppose. Probably wasn't the best decision, but I survived.” 
“Can I ask why you didn’t return to therapy or medication?” 
“Honestly, the only reason I went to therapy or went on medication when I was a teenager was because I had people in my family push me in that direction. But when I was an adult, I just . . . I wanted to just handle it quietly.” 
“Well, please document if you feel any depression or anxiety during your pregnancy and your postpartum period. It’s an overwhelming time for anyone and there’s no shame in asking for help of any kind.” Your obstetrician paused before asking softly, “Do you trust your partner to help you if you feel depressed or anxious?” 
“Yeah,” you answered honestly, nodding along. 
“And are you two living together?”
“Yes, we are.” 
“And you feel safe in that living situation? Do you feel safe and confident about bringing your baby into that environment?” 
“Yes, completely.” 
“Alright, well, please just document if you feel anxious or depressed.” She stood up and grabbed a pamphlet and handed it to you. “You can always call our office or there’s a helpline that you can call at any time. And there’s no shame in any of it.” 
“Thank you,” you replied, thumbing through the pamphlet. 
That night, you and Jake laid in bed, looking at the photos from your ultrasound together. You were curled up on his chest, resting most of your weight on him as Jake wrapped his arm around your waist, cupping your continuously growing bump with his hand. 
“Were you a small baby?” you asked Jake softly, staring at the ultrasound picture of your baby. 
“What?” he questioned, turning to you with some confusion.
“Were you a small baby when you were born?” you repeated for him. “She said that the baby was smaller than average.” 
“I never asked,” Jake replied, a bit elusively. 
“I was normal weight, according to my mom,” you stated, still staring at the photo. “Bradley was a large baby with a big fat head, but I was normal weight and size. Mav said that after I was born, my mom told my dad that she wished that I was born first. It would have been an easier delivery, she told him.” 
“You think that they’ll stay smaller?” 
“I hope so,” you mused with a smile. “I’d prefer a six pound baby to a ten pound baby, thank you very much.” You turned to Jake with a soft look in your eye, resting your head on his shoulder. “Your mom never complained to you about how big your head was or how you were overactive in her belly or anything like that?” 
“No,” Jake replied shortly. 
Your smile slipped a bit and you turned back to the ultrasound photo. Jake rubbed his hand slowly up and down your bump, soothing you in one way but making another part of you wander from his side. 
“Can I take this one?” Jake asked, causing you to turn back to him.
“Can I take this one with me?” Jake asked you again, pointing at one photo from the roll. “I was thinking about putting a photo from the ultrasound in my cockpit. If that’s alright with you.” 
“Yeah, of course,” you agreed, nodding to him and offering him a smile. “I think that’s sweet.” 
Jake nodded in return and pressed a kiss to your forehead. The two of you turned in for the night shortly afterwards. Rolling onto your side, you rested your head on your hand, staring out at the window. Jake gave your bump one last loving squeeze before moving away to fall asleep. And although you were exhausted and needed sleep, your mind kept you awake.
Staring at the window again, you paused when you felt that little flutter again. You smiled to yourself and glanced down at your bump.
“Right as I’m trying to go to sleep? Again?” you teased quietly. 
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kisses4kaia · 18 days
I've been looking everywhere for new challengers content so I'm GLAD you're asking
idk if you just want thoughts or like fic ideas (I have both if you want to let me know) but I'll start with the thoughts cuz I needed to talk about patrick zweig 24/7 sorry
I can't stop thinking about marking him/him marking me LET ME EXPLAIN just in every way possible, hickeys, bite/scratch marks, all kind of bruises (given very lovingly and consensualy ofc)
him being so cocky for basically branding and claiming you BUT being even more proud of the marks on his own body, wearing slightly shorter shorts on the court the next day so it's showing a little etc...
anonnnnn this is too good to be true thank u (college!patrick x college!reader)
you and patrick zweig were not exclusive.
he ran around his tennis court, campus, parties, the city, getting in bed with whichever warm body welcomed him—you never knew him to be picky—and you did similarly, just not nearly as indulgent as he.
but for being just friends who fool around from time to time, patrick was awfully careless. his hands would get greedy and leave lasting bruises on your hip-dips (love handles, as he likes to call them), and his cologne lingered due to his insistence on you wearing his clothes while he fucked you.
all of the tell-tale signs of his familiarity with your body weren’t fooling anybody, but more than anything it was the marks. he loved displaying his whereabouts on your body with his mouth, and there wasn’t much that could top hearing the stutter in your voice when somebody points out the nasty rash on your collarbone. there was not much, but there was something.
the one thing patrick zweig adored more than marking you, was your marking of him. it wasn’t even the product of the love-bites he liked the most, although he was quite fond of those, but it was the feral cloud that overtook you, the heat of the passion getting to you and throwing your caution to the wind. it was the eagerness you had to really fuck him well, the best. making him feel your need and desires and all of your experiences without words through your sex was his favorite part—one of yours, too. and if that meant hurting him (at least a little bit) for him to get the sentiment, you could do that.
and even when he claims you went a little bit overboard, patrick still shows up to practice with you, shorts a little shorter due to what only could have been an intentional scrunching, spreading his heavy legs on his seat with his crotch and inner-thigh hickies exposed.
art shook his head and laughed when he saw them, and the look on your face seeing them, too. all his brunette friend could say in response was “you wish that was you, huh?” nodding down to art’s glares’ subject.
the retort was taken in good jest, but the flush of his friend’s cheeks at the comment made patrick wonder what both you and art would look like with matching stains of skin, whether it be hickies or bruises on love handles. he smiled at the thought, and stood to play.
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lisbeth-kk · 23 days
May Prompts (13) Laugh
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 13)
Summary: Rosie gets a surprising gift from her parents. Later, she surprises her Papa by proposing an interesting experiment.
Thirteen Years Old
I’d wanted one for a long time, but for some reason I’d given up hope, so you can imagine my surprise, when I opened the box Papa handed me.
“But it’s not my birthday yet,” I protested more out of courtesy than actual refusal.
“You need it now, and your birthday is months away. Think of it as a gift in advance if you must,” Papa said impatiently.
That should’ve given it away, but I was so taken aback, and my brain cells probably weren’t at their brightest. The box was heavy and by the look in Papa’s eyes, it was clear that this wasn’t just a tiny thing, but something grand and important.
“Open it before Papa combusts,” Dad suggested with amusement.
Papa huffed and urged me to unwrap the damn box.
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Dad asked when I’d peered into the now open box.
I had become mute, and apparently also adopted Papa’s way of reacting when something unexpected and sentimental was bestowed upon him - rapid blinking.
“Fine,” I whispered and finally looked up at my expectant and slightly worried parents.
I placed the box with utmost care on the table and fell into Dad’s waiting arms.
“You liked it then?” he inquired.
“Of course!” I exclaimed. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
I kissed his cheek and turned to Papa. His arms embraced me hard.
“Thank you, Papa. I should’ve realised, but I got distracted,” I murmured against his chest.
“You’re welcome, Bee. I’m glad you liked it. You’ll need it the next couple of weeks with that science project of yours, and after that…well, I’m sure we can find some use for it.”
The gift was of course my very own microscope. A professional one like Papa’s. I’d tried his numerous times but having my own meant that I didn’t have to wait for Papa to finish using his. The things I missed were a Bunsen burner, flasks, beakers, tongs and so on, but I gathered that I would be allowed to borrow what I needed under supervision. I was already equipped with safety goggles, gloves and a thick apron. 
Papa had a whole lab set up down in 221C, which he used for his fouler smelling and toxic experiments. I knew I wasn’t allowed down there when one of them was ongoing, but hopefully I could persuade him to let me in if I was cunning enough.
In the weeks following my science project, I collected the items I wanted us to examine together. I had no idea if Papa already had studied this and made a spreadsheet like he usually did with things concerning the residents in 221 Baker Street. Truth be told, it was likely that he had, but I decided it was worth a try.
“I have a request,” I said after breakfast a rainy Saturday morning.
It would peak Papa’s interest if I used more adult language, instead of just blurting out: I want to do this and that.
“Pray tell.”
I had to try hard to keep my poker face intact when Papa’s eyes beamed at me from across the kitchen table.
“I know I’m not normally allowed downstairs, but I’ve noticed that there’s no ongoing experiments at the moment.”
I waited for Papa to respond, but he just narrowed his eyes and waved his hand, indicating that I should continue.
“Could we perform an experiment together?”
Dad cleared his throat.
“Nothing dangerous,” I hurried to assure him. “Just…come up to my room and see for yourselves.”
My courage was about to evaporate, but I straightened my shoulders and soldiered on. I added a please for good measure, and we all went upstairs.
I had placed everything on my desk. Zip bags with hair samples, threads from our clothes and fingernails, (alright, the latter was a bit disgusting, but at least it wasn’t toenails). In the petri dishes, I had collected our different shower gels, shampoos, conditioners and hair products. Sadly, Nana used hair spray, so there would be a gap in my spreadsheet.
“What do you think?” I asked expectantly. “We can compare…”
“Rosamund Watson-Holmes, you are brilliant!” Papa exclaimed, quite elated, laughing like a big child at this wonderful prospect.
“I guess, Christmas came early this year,” Dad added dryly. “Have fun, you mad scientists.”
He still shook his head fondly and I could hear him laugh quietly as Papa and I made our way down to 221C for a weekend of lab work.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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bangtaninborderland · 2 months
JHS - Twisted Feelings (15)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Warning: themes of stalking.
A/N: it was my grandmas funeral today, I felt bad not posting. I’ll trying to get my shit together lol.
Ch.14 | MasterList | Ch.16
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It had taken you twice as long to pack everything thanks to the continuous throbbing on your side and because you’d refused help. Hoseok had cancelled your Saturday session with Jungkook asking to do your Sunday session over video call.
You were thankful for the time it gave you to prepare for the move, all you had to do was find a moving company and everything was set. In all honesty you were excited about the prospect of a new apartment, it was significantly nicer than the one you had now but you couldn’t help feeling sentimental.
This was the first thing you had for yourself after leaving home. The first place you convinced a landlord to let you rent as an immature adult, the first place you’d brought a doormat for, the first place you’d had a taste of independence at.
It would be a place you missed but not a place you wished to return to.
You limped your way up the stairs, the thought of taking the elevator alone making your stomach churn uncomfortably. The halls were bare which wasn't weird for 8am on a Monday, with everyone either busy with a schedule or at home not yet being required to work. You still had 30 minutes until you were due to have your class with Hoseok which was definitely a blessing as you continued to hop your way to your ‘office’ with as little issue as possible.
You nearly made, so nearly made it to relaxing in your comfortable chair for a little while before teaching all day. “Yes?”
You turn to find Jimin watching you, eyebrows furrowed. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine jimin-ssi.” You smiled through your teeth.
“Ah” he shook his head. “Taehyung and I already agreed on us all being Informal with each other, we are all the same age.”
“I know, I still want to be professional when it calls for it though. I just don’t want anyone thinking badly of me.” You admit, working around celebrities had meant you had to carry yourself differently least everyone suspect you to be fame hungry or whatever other accusation they could come up with. “Is everything okay?”
“I just noticed you were limping.” He gestured to your leg and you did all you could to stand straight.
“It’s fine.” You brush him off. “Just too much walking.”
“Are you sure? I don’t think I remember you being checked out after the elevator accident.” He frowns as though recalling the incident.
The last thing you want is to spend any more unnecessary time doing unprofessional things in your very professional workplace. “I promise i'm okay. I was fine afterwards, I was packing all weekend and overdid it. If it gets any worse I’ll go to the doctor for a check up.”
He sighs, thankfully giving up on the matter. “Okay, Hyung should be here soon. If you need anything Jungkookie and I are going to be practising in studio B. Come and find us whenever.”
“Thank you, I will do. Have a good practice.” You wave him off as you enter your office, grunting as your body slumps rather ungracefully into the chair.
You quickly organised the papers you needed for the day, finding Hoseoks folder and setting it out on the desk ready for whenever he came.
You felt your bag vibrate against your leg, reaching down to grab your phone.
No caller ID
You tried to think about who would be calling you, it wasn’t as though an abundance of people had your number but then again with the move you’d had to contact a few moving companies and of course your new landlord.
You picked up. “Hello?”
“Blue shirt, black dress pants, you have a limp… I guess you did get hurt in the elevator after all.” The voice was distorted, it sounded like somethi he straight from a horror movie.
You hung up quickly, stuffing the phone in your bag as you checked out of the small window.
Someone was watching you, someone was watching you and knew exactly what you were wearing…did they cause the elevator accident too?
“Hey.” Hoseok knocked on the door, making you jump. “Woah I’m sorry.” He takes a step back, hands up as a surrender.
“No no.” You quickly apologise, grabbing his folder and the extra pens you’d brought. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
“You look scared, is everything okay?” He asks as he slides onto the chair opposite you.
“Yeah, I got lost in my own head, ignore me.” You laugh, pulling out the necessary worksheets. “I thought we could practice conversation today, it’s better if you learn the correct grammar for speaking rather than writing. Is that okay?”
“Whatever you think is best.” He agrees, taking a sip of his coffe before cleaning closer and giving you a full whiff of ‘expensive’.
You talked him through a few conversation starters, correcting him whenever he responded incorrectly before moving on to some vocabulary games, throwing in a few awful jokes along the way to make it a better experience for the rapper.
“You’re good at this.” He laughs out.
You can’t help but smile. “At what?”
“Making boring things fun. You don’t make me feel as though I can’t do it.” He explains sincerely.
“I’m happy to.” And you were, despite the fact it was your job it brought you joy. “Okay so just a few more vocabulary cards and then we will practice again and you can take a test.”
“I feel like im back in high school.” He sighs dramatically. “So much for graduating.”
“Actually, your cover of that graduation song was played at my school when we left.” You couldn’t help but recall the memory, a few of your classmates had gathered to do a little dance to it.
“Really?” He sat forward, eyes wide in surprise. “Did you listen?”
“I even danced to it.” You were fine embarrassing yourself if it made him laugh more.
“Wow.” He leans back. “I want to see.”
“Pass the test and I’ll ask my eomma to send me the video.” You shrug, sliding the paper over to him.
He looks at the paper. “What about the questions and vocabulary cards.”
“I’m making teaching fun.” You laugh, packing them away. “Good luck on your test.”
“I take it back, you are just like my high school English teacher.” He huffs playfully, picking up the pen.
He takes 25 minutes to completely finish, only asking for clarification on one question which was an improvement from your last few classes. You marked it quickly, his leg shaking in anticipation.
“So?” He asks the second you set the red pen down.
You fake a frown. “I guess I’ll text my eomma and ask.”
“Yes!” He shouts, slapping the table in excitement.
“You’ve done really well today, you should be proud of yourself. In between our classes you should listen to podcasts, YouTube videos, music, anything with English as much as possible. It may seem stupid if you can’t understand it all but I promise it is worth it.”
The timer goes off before you can give him any more ‘homework’.
“Thank you. Seriously, I had fun. I’ll try to do what you said.” He holds out his pinks. “Promise.”
“Very American.” You laugh, linking your pinky before pulling away. “Have you got a busy schedule today?”
“About 4 hours of dancing.” He groans. “And then just recording some more adlibs for the album.”
“I’m sure you’ll do amazing.” You give him a thumbs up as he opens the door.
“You’re welcome to come and watch if you have time, the staff are always there.” He offers.
“I’ll try and come by if I can, I was sent a few interviews to translate.” You explain, your love to watch them dance but you still didn’t feel as though it was your place. You didn’t want to seem overly comfortable when you’d only gotten the job because Hoseok had personally requested it. “You shouldn’t be late.”
“Of course not.” He checks his phone before frowning. “You’re right I should go, I’ll see you later if you’re still here when I get a break.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” You wait for the door to close before relaxing on your chair with a groan, your hands instantly wrapping around your hip as though to syphon the pain away.
It took you four hours and 45 minutes to completely every single interview that had been sent to you, in hindsight you probably should have procrastinated as much as you did but you couldn’t help it.
With work out of the way your mind drifted back to the earlier phone call, it was something you should report, you knew that.
You just didn’t want to worry anyone.
“Fuck.” You hiss, rummaging through your draw, finding the painkillers you’d put in there for emergencies and taking three.
Your phone buzzed, the screen flashing up with an email notification.
You click on it, guessing it was something work related only to notice the sender being unregistered and the text box empty.
There’s an attachment at the end of the empty text box, your stomach twisted as you opened it. The screen now displays an image of you entering the building with the words “You’re easy to find.” edited across it.
“What the fuck.” You cuss to yourself. Taking a screenshot of both the image and the email before closing the app.
If this was happening because you were working with the members then why did it feel so personal?
“You’re still here?” You looked up to find Hoseok standing in the doorway, hair and face sweaty from dance practice. “I thought you would have come to see.”
“I really wanted to.” You explain. “I just had so much work to do.”
“I understand, it’s important and you don’t have to explain yourself to me.” He takes a few gulps of his water bottle. “Have you finished it all?”
“Yeah, finally.” You playfully swipe your forehead. “How was dance practice?”
He shrugs. “It was good.”
The conversation falls silent and for a few seconds you stare at each other before your phone buzzes with another notification.
Another email.
You can’t help but open it, despite how rude it may seem to be during a conversation your fingers itch to know what lies within the attachment.
It’s another image but this one had been taken days ago, one of you outside of the restaurant you had gone to with Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok.
“Hoseok?” You call out, turning your phone towards him.
He frowns as he takes the device, eyes going wide at the picture. “Is this the only one?”
“Of us? Yes.”
“And of you?” He asks, handing the phone back to you.
You contemplate lying but decide against it, you didn’t want to break the little trust you had. “I received another one earlier.”
He huffs shaking his head. “We need to take this to management, they may be able to have the email address tracked.”
“Okay let’s go.” You mumble, attempting to stand only for your leg to give out underneath you leaving you undignified as you fall to the floor.
“Shit.” Hoseok drops his water bottle as he reaches out to help you up. “Are you okay?”
“My hip.” You explain, using his body to support you. “It hurts.”
“Can I see?” He asks, resting your body against your desk.
You lift up your shirt, pushing the waistband of your pants down, a deep purple bruise scales your hip
“You have to get it checked, that looks awful.” He grabs your phone before wrapping an arm around your waist. “Lean on me, I’ll take you to the company doctor.”
You internally cringe at how another day has gone so wrong. “Okay, thank you.”
“What are friends for if not human crutches?” He laughs weakly carrying you both to the doctor.
Thankfully the room is close, the doctor rushing you in to sit on the hospital style bed. You explain what happened, answering all of his questions whilst he layers heat packs against your side.
“It’s not broken but you definitely have a hip pointer.” He explained, showing you similar images from a book. “It’s when you directly impact your hip causing bruising, pain, tenderness and it may impact your walking. You shouldn’t do much physical activity for at least a week.”
“It’s not bad.” You feel lighter knowing nothing had broken and all that could help was a little bit of rest. “Thank you for seeing me so fast.”
The doctor waves you off, giving you a prescription for some antibiotics as you left the office.
“Here let me help you back to your office.” Hoseok offers, wrapping his arm around you before you could contest against it. “I’m sorry we didn’t realise you were hurt.”
“It’s my own fault really, I pushed it too hard this weekend getting everything ready to move.” You hate the idea of him blaming himself for your own actions, you were a big girl and it was your responsibility.
He practically carried you back to your office despite your protests that it would do no good for him to be injured too only for him to shush you and insist on helping. Only when you were secured back in your seat did he drop onto the small couch in the corner. “I think you’ll have to attend a recording session tomorrow, there’s some producers coming from America and Nicole isn’t here.”
“I’ll check my schedule but I'm sure it will be on there if Nicole isn’t here.” You’d briefly met the other translator, she was kind but far too busy to make daily conversation with. You could see why they needed a secondary translator. “Don’t you have to record some things?”
“Ah.” He shakes his head. “We are going to wait until tomorrow so we can see what the producers say.”
“About the picture…” You start addressing the elephant in the room. “I think we should be careful about who we tell, I don’t understand how anyone would know where we were or what I was wearing unless they had been close to the building and possibly even had access. “I know inside leaks aren’t that uncommon.”
“It’s true but after years of experience it’s always best to tell management, if you can’t walk there I can call them and they will come here?” He offers.
Despite how cramped your tiny office would be you didn’t think you’d be able to manage another trip around the building so soon after having your hip poked and prodded at. “If you wouldn’t mind.”
He steps out of the room as he makes whatever phone call he needs to, returning a few seconds later. “They are coming down now.”
It’s relatively a quick affair, Sejin taking all the information from the email along with screenshots before explaining that he will take it to the HYBE security and protection team to have it investigated, finally explaining. “If you’re worried you should stay with someone else, a friend or family maybe. We ask that you don’t contact the police yet, we want to compile a full report before involving them.”
“Thank you Sejin-Ssi.” You nod respectfully in his direction as he leaves.
“It wasn’t that bad.” Hoseok jokes trying to lighten the mood. “If you’re finished for the day I can drop you home? We have been told to rest until the producers come by tomorrow.”
You soften at the offer but still can’t find it in your to accept. “Oh no it’s absolutely fine, I can just take a taxi or the bus. I doubt it’s safe for you to come to my apartment with all these pictures being taken.”
“Please? I feel awful that you’re in pain. I know how to go undetected.” He presses.
You consider it before giving in, it was daylight and he knew what he was doing. “Okay, only if you’re sure.”
“I am. Here, let me take that.” He grabs your bag, swinging it over his shoulder before once again offering you his arm to lean on. “One time Jungkook hurt his foot before a concert and afterwards he felt awful so we took turns carrying him around.”
You both make your way into the elevator, your heart picking up as memories from the accident flash through your mind. “Did it help him feel better?”
“Nope. Jin Hyung dropped him.” Hoseok snorts at the horrified look on your face. “It was fine, everyone was fussing around him. We got him onto the couch and Jin Hyung ordered his favourite foods.”
“It worked out then?” You ask, grinning as the elevator grows closer to the ground floor.
“Sort of?” He questions. “When Jin Hyung went to get some extra napkins Jungkook poured hot sauce over his food.”
“So it was payback?” You ask through a laugh.
He shakes his head as he grins. “Not at all, Jin Hyung had been plating up Namjoons food.”
The realisation dawns on you. “So let me get this right, Seokjin-ssi dropped Jungkook-ah and then as an apology brought him his favourite food. Jungkook sabotages Seokjin-ssi’ food but it was actually Namjoon-ssi’ food?”
He hums as he helps you out to the artist only car park. “Yep, but Taehyung-ah stole a bite and he is terrible with spicy food. He ended up knocking over a pitcher of water all over the dish Jungkook had wanted.”
You take a moment to laugh at that, the thought of a joke turning into absolute chaos around the dinner table. “So then what happened?”
“We all gave up, half of the meal was drenched in cold water, the other half was cold.” He chuckles as he unlocks his car and helps you in.
You wait until he starts the car to ask any more. “What did you eat?”
“Yoongi Hyung had ordered pizza as he didn’t want fried chicken so we stole it.” He laughs, carefully checking the street as he turns the car. “But Hyung is good, he ordered two pizzas.”
“You’ve known each other for a long time, I'm sure he probably can tell when it’s necessary.” Na-Rae has always been the same, knowing what you need before you do.
He shrugs. “I think we are all just synched. It’s a little scary how similar yet different we are.”
“Well clearly it works.” You point to the little picture resting in the back of his phone case, one of all seven of them at an award show.
He looks at you with a smile. “I guess it does. Put your address into my phone, I don’t know where im going.”
You punch in the address, the map on his phone displaying a 20 minute car journey.
The drive passes by as it had started, filled with never ending conversation and laughter. When you finally pulled up to your apartment you frowned to yourself, you didn’t want to journey nor the conversation to end. “Thank you for dropping me home.”
“Let me help you up.” He doesn’t give you a chance to argue before he is already opening your door, throwing your bag over his shower before helping you stand. “Does your building have an elevator?”
“Yeah, it's not fancy or anything though.” You explain.
You weren’t often a person who felt insecure but Hoseok was someone who had everything, whatever he owned, wore, ate, did was far more luxurious than anything you’d ever experienced. “Fancy is overrated.”
You push the broken elevator button, the machine loud as it carries you up to your floor. As soon as you step off the elevator you’re reaching for your keys, only to stop as you see your door open.
“Oh my god.” You rush over, forgetting the pain in your hip as you push it open.
You’re thankful Hoseok is there as you feel your eyes water. The apartment is wrecked, pictures of your friends and family had been smashed on the floor, the walls covered in paint and other substances you weren’t willing to touch, pillows torn open, furniture thrown across the room. Anything and everything that could be reached had been damaged.
“Come back out here.” Hoseok directs, pulling you into his arms as he dials the police.
You let yourself cry as he spoke to the operator, your heard pained with the acceptance that everything you’d worked for had been destroyed.
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lookingfts · 23 days
Where does Say My Name Kate keep the photos Anthony took of her? Does she ever look at them? Does Anthony?
*sexy snippet below*
Kate knew it was reckless to keep the photos in her purse, exactly where Anthony had left them. There was just something right about it, keeping them so close to her. The final token that had convinced Kate to make the best decision of her life, and give Anthony Bridgerton a real chance at loving her.
There was also something a little naughty and thrilling about it, besides. Kate was hardly a prude, but she still blushed when she caught a glimpse of herself posed so intimately. Her legs spread, her cunt exposed, Anthony’s release filling her. It was too easy to get wet all over again at the memories. Too easy to get sentimental as Kate mused on how far they had come since then. That girl had been so scared, fighting his every attempt to show her that he genuinely cared about her.
And now she knew the truth. Anthony loved her harder than she could have ever dared to imagine, and she was safe to love him just as much.
So the Polaroids stayed. Until the day that Eddie needed to borrow a phone charger and Kate, distracted by her sauce on the stove, had offhandedly said, “Check my purse.”
There was the sound of zipping, and Kate realized her mistake a second before it rang across the house. “Oh my fucking god!”
Kate turned down the heat and raced into the other room, snatching the photos from Edwina’s hand. But the damage was done, judging by the shell-shocked look on her sister’s face.
“That’s not what it looks like,” she insisted, her cheeks flaming bright red.
“That’s not…” Eddie said faintly, then snorted. “Didi, I literally don’t think that could be anything except what it looks like.”
Shoving the photos back into her purse, Kate pulled out the charger and pushed it into Edwina’s hand. She supposed it was a good sign that her sister’s surprise had faded and now she looked endlessly amused rather than angry.
“You little slut,” she said, but her voice was teasing. “You let my ex-boyfriend take nasty photos of you, didn’t you?”
Kate rolled her eyes. Eddie loved to call Anthony her ex, and while technically correct, Kate knew she meant it more as a joke than anything else. “It’s complicated.”
“It’s not that complicated.”
She supposed there was no need to tell Edwina the whole sordid tale of how Anthony had taken pictures of her after she had just made him come for the first time, on her knees and trying to get even after her own intense orgasm. Of how he’d given them to her as a gift, a promise that he wouldn’t take advantage of her vulnerability.
Might as well let her think they were more recent, a fun little experiment in a solid relationship.
“You look great,” Eddie said, waving her hand toward the photos. “Have you ever considered porn?”
So, maybe her purse wasn’t the best spot. Kate took them out when she got home, bringing them upstairs with her. It was late, and Anthony was already in bed, shirtless and reading a book. Truly beautiful sight to come home to, each and every time.
She flopped onto the bed, and Anthony quirked an eyebrow when he saw the photos in her hand. “I haven’t seen those in a while.”
“Edwina found them in my bag,” Kate said, wincing. “She was fine, but it was…awkward, to say the least.”
Anthony pressed his lips together, suppressing a laugh. “But she was okay?”
“Yeah. She said I should do porn.”
“You do look incredible naked,” he said with a straight face. “But I must admit, I like being the only one to see you that way.”
“I know,” Kate sighed, snuggling in closer so she could rest her head on his shoulder. Anthony put his book aside, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I must have known when I let you take these. I believed you when you said you wouldn’t show anyone else.”
She felt his deep breath against her body, his grip tightening around her. “I know you didn’t have much reason to trust me back then, but I would never do that to you, Kate.”
“I’m well aware,” she assured him, twisting to press a kiss to his collarbone. “It was a little scary, but it also turned me on. I realized I liked the idea of you laying in bed, touching yourself to my photos. Wanting me even after our one night was over.”
Anthony tensed slightly, his breathing going a little shallower. “That was…inevitable.”
“I know that now too.” Kate flipped to the next Polaroid, a close-up of her cunt with his seed leaking out. Right after that ridiculous phone call with Tom and before Anthony had cleaned her up with his tongue. “If you didn’t take them for yourself, why did you take them?” she asked quietly.
“They were for me. At first. If that night was all I had with you, I wanted to remember it. And when you let me take them, I realized…there was a part of you that trusted me. Maybe it was buried deep down, but it was there. And I wanted to show you that I could deserve that trust. I wanted you to know that you owned me, not the other way around.”
Her heart clenched in her chest. Maybe the way Anthony showed love didn’t make sense to everyone, but it was perfect for her. He was perfect for her.
“Hey, baby?” she asked. Anthony hummed. “Do you know where your camera is?”
“It’s in my office. Why?”
“I think we should take some more photos.”
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glassartpeasants · 1 year
A Burning Heart
Shigaraki Tomura x F!Reader x Dabi
Warnings: Angst, abusive relationship, cheating, burn trauma, burn scars, toxic people, reader beats a bitch up
A/N: i tried
"It's not fair, is it? Watching him love another? Knowing that it's not you? That it'll never be you?"
Your toxic thoughts ate away at your heart as you saw him sitting at the bar with a girl sitting next to him, holding his hand.
Jealousy was a common occurrence whenever she came around. She got him to love her so quickly while you'd been trying for months for him to notice you in any romantic way.
Maybe you were too shy. Maybe you didn't have the confidence she did. Her confidence was admirable to you. Hopefully, one day, you'd have the same confidence as her. But for now, you'll watch from the shadows.
The sound of footsteps coming up from behind you made you spin your head around as you saw her entering the kitchen. 
"Hi…?" Her chipper attitude was a change in pace. Toga had one, but it didn't feel the same as hers did.
"Do we have any ingredients to make anything? I don't think I can stomach any more McDonald's or ramen anymore." She laughed as she smiled at you. You couldn't help but laugh in return.
"I don't think so, unfortunately. Food is hard to come by when you're a villain." You weren't lying. Times with food have been much tougher ever since the heroes have been cracking down. 
"Hmm. That's a shame. Maybe we could disguise ourselves to get food!"
“We don’t have any money.”
“You guys are villains! Since when was money a problem?” Oh yeah. She wasn’t a villain. How could you have forgotten? She loved to talk about what she did that day when she wasn’t hanging out with Shigaraki. It's not like you were jealous or anything. You chose this lifestyle, so it’s your fault. Right?
Your reason for being a villain wasn’t that bad. At least that's what a few people have told you. 
You can remember the cheers people gave your boyfriend when he walked out coughing with the child in his arms. Remembering your own voice as you gave him a big kiss, calling him a hero. You remember the spark in his eyes when you said that. At first, you thought it was just something small, but you’d soon learn that wasn’t the case.
He tried desperately to get his hero license. No matter what, if there was a way to prove himself, he’d do it. He’d cancel out on date nights, started being suspicious of everything, using his quirk on things around the shared house. 
“What are you doing?!” You remember when you caught him using his quirk in the house. It was only made worse since it was fire based.
“Oh, calm down! Nothings gonna happen!” As soon as he said that, he let out a sneeze which caused him to lose concentration, and a small flame of his quirk hit the curtains, setting them a blaze not even seconds later. 
You both tried putting it out but when you realized it wasn’t going to happen, you called the fire station as you desperately tried to grab anything sentimental. Even if it meant getting burned in the process. 
The fire raged, and soon the house was engulfed in flames as you stood outside with what things you could carry as you started crying. Not a single peep from teh man who caused it.
You were taken to the hospital as you had gained some burns. Both of your arms, some on your left calf and a small patch on your face.The scars still with you today. 
You can't remember if he visited you in the hospital.
After the day he saved that child, he wasn't yours anymore. Now, he was theirs. If only you would have saw it sooner. 
When you were okay to go home after the fire, he looked at you differently. Not the same look he use to give you. Not a loving one, but a disappointed one. 
He spent more and more time away from home and began working even harder to become a pro hero, and finally, after so long, he got his provisional hero license. One step away to becoming a pro hero he said.
He wasn't a hero to you.
His license gave him the ego to think he could act however he wanted to you whether it be cruel words or dismissing concerns. He was ignoring your calls and texts. 
Or even cheating and getting rough with you.
You remember your heart breaking and tears pouring down your face as you heard the sounds of sex coming from your shared bedroom. You heard the words that slipped from your lover and his mistress's mouth.
"When are you gonna end it with that scarred freak?"
"I've been trying, but I've been busy with hero work. Trust me; I haven't loved that thing in a long time."
In a moment of rage and heartbreak, you took to whatever platform you could and told your story to anyone that would listen. 
It instantly got attention. With him being an upcoming hero, all spotlight was on him for a minute, so hearing any slight drama was like bees to honey.
To prove you were a thing with the upcoming hero, you took a video going throw a photo book you made with him and you. 
People sent you pics of him being seen with a different upcoming female hero. Kissing her and touching her that only lovers were supposed to touch.
Not even five minutes later, the sound of your boyfriend yelling out a loud 'FUCK' echoed throughout your shared house. 
All you could do was turn on the TV and watch the news. Knowing that any moment he'd come down and see you. With black tears rolling down your face as your mascara was ruined. 
You couldn't believe you dressed up for a cheater.
His footsteps echoed through the hall as he ran down the steps before stopping and seeing you sitting on the couch. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him wearing only boxers and saw the girl behind him hiding her body with what used to be the comforter you shared.
"What have you done?!" His angered voice rang through your ears as you slowly turned to look at him. A look of shock passed his eyes before turning back to rage.
"Why? What have I done to deserve this betrayal? I've done nothing but love you and support you. And yet, I get called a scarred freak, a thing, and who knows what else you've said about me behind my back." You also look at the girl who tries to escape your gaze and hide behind your supposed lover.
"You owe me no loyalty. Therefore, it was probably easier for you to sleep with a taken man. If he'll cheat on me, he'll cheat on you. But, you can have him. I don't want him anymore. He's all yours." The girl said nothing but looked at you with a smug yet annoyed look.
"Do you know what you've done?! My hero career could be finished!" He stomped towards you before grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. You can see heat slowly rise through his hands.
"Cheaters never prosper. You shouldn't be a hero if you can hurt someone so casually and not think twice." The sound of flames rang through your ears as you saw his hand covered in it. Fear coursed through you, but you didn't dare let it show.
You didn't get time to react before a burning pain hit your already scarred cheek. A hit so strong it forced your head around. Another searing pain happened not long after when you felt his hand wrap around your throat before lifting you up in the air. The familiar burning pain from before started, and it only made it harder to breathe.
"You've cost me EVERYTHING!"
"Hey, hey! Let her go!" Through your newly shredded tears, you could see the mistress trying to pry his arms away from you, but nothing worked. 
You desperately tried kicking your feet at him and managed to kick him in his lower jaw causing him to drop you. 
"Fucking bitch!" A bright flame was tossed at you, and the familiar pain of being burned all those months before was brought back as the fire attacked healthy skin.
The flames caught onto the carpet, which quickly spread to the walls. You sat on the floor, too weak to get up, and you tried putting out the fire that had started on you.
Once your ex had seen the damage, he looked at you before grabbing his mistress and running out, leaving you to defend yourself. 
Looking back at it now. He probably intended for you to die. 
You did all the steps to try and put out yourself before trying all the windows since the door was now blocked by the flames that burned higher and higher.
Smoke entered your lungs as you tried to escape. The house was older than the old one you had, so the flames grew faster, and the windows were stuck shut. 
All except the 2nd-floor window. So, it was either death or suffering broken bones. 
And that's where you blacked out.
You woke up in the LOV infirmary. Toga had spotted you collapsing to the ground by the bar. At first, she was going to kill you but was then too curious about the burn scars that seemingly covered your body and the newly burnt wounds that you sustained.
You were afraid at first. Your quirk wouldn’t have done anything to protect you if they were to try anything, but seeing that they addressed your wounds gave you a sense of slight safety. Why would they kill you if they treated you?
It was only seconds after waking up is when you saw him.
Looking in the mirror was always the worst. Seeing how horrible you were scarred with there being nothing you could do about it made you feel like shit. It didn’t help when people would shoot comments your way and say horrible things to you. Even before you were a villain, people were so cruel.
“God! How can she go out in public like that?”
“Mommy, is that a monster?”
“With a face like that, I’d kill myself.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you remembered how cruel people were to you and still are. They didn’t even know you and yet still said so harsh words. They claim to want a loving and peaecful society but go behind the scenes and treat people who did no wrong like this? The world will never be peaceful and loving as long as those scum exist.
You could feel your anger boiling over as you stared into the mirror, wishing it would break in fron tof you. But of course, it didn’t.
Stomping out of the bathroom, you go into the main area before laying on the couch farest away from the bar.
“Oof, what’s got Mrs. Flammable all upset?”
“Fuck off Dabi.”
“Ouch, such painful words.” The sound of female giggling echoed into the bar as you heard the voice of Shigaraki and his girlfriend sitting down on the bar top. Seeing them together is not what you needed right now. 
“(Y/N)?” Your eyebrows raise when you hear shigaraki’s girlfriends voice call out to you. Remembering her name wasn’t really on your priority list as you and her have never talked to one another outside of a few times.
“Can you make dinner tonight? I’m really tired.” You could have sworn that you told her yesterday that there wasn’t anything to eat.
“We don’t have anything to eat.”
“Well. Can you go get SOMETHING?” You could hear the annoyance in her voice. Unfortunately for her, the burns on your body has been flaring up recently and has been hurting a lot more than usual. So going to a store or stealing something would have been unbearable. Plus, why did you specifically have to go?
“I can’t. I’ve been in a lot of pain recently and no amount of healing ointment has been able to calm down the flare ups.” You always make sure you have ointment stocked but this was just oen of the times where it was useless.
“You don’t look that bad.”
“Oh sorry, would you like me to cry on the floor in pain? Scream in agony perhaps?” The sound of Dabi’s snickering filled the room as what sounded like other league members entering the bar lounge.
“Ask someone else to do it. I’m not going.” Putting your foot down was always a little hard for you, its even worse when your arguing with the boss’s girlfriend. You’d been there longer than her so you don’t know why she has to have superiority over you. Thinking about it harder, soon connected a lot of dots for you.
Toga and Magne told you one time on a mission on how shigaraki’s girlfriend was super passive aggressive and rude towards them. Telling you how she’ll act all nice in front of the rest of the boys but when it’s just all the her with Toga and Magne, she turns super mean.
It confused you a little thinking about it now. You were in a room alone with her once and she didn’t seem to be mean. Maybe it just went over your head as you were super sleepy when she approached you.
“Baby, im hungry. Tell her to go get me food please?” You could barely see the little glare she gave you before attaching herself to shigaraki’s arm and pouting. 
“(Y/N). Just listen to her and got get something alright?” You could see a small smirk ride up on her face.
“I’m not her fucking slave to do whatever she wants. I’m literally in excuritacting pain right now. I respect you as my boss in the highest degree but there is no way I’m going to put myself through horrible pain and the risk of getting caught. She has legs, she’s not a villain, she can get her ass up and do it herself.” All eyes seemed to be on you. The one that scared you the most were the ruby ones that dug into yoru soul.
“Guy guess what i got!” Spinners voice filled the room as everyone turns to look at him. In his hands, held bags of what were all different types of nonperishable foods.
“Ah! Look! Our knight in shinning armor has saved the day.” Letting out a laugh, you look at her with a glare before walking towards your room. Trying not to limp in pain the entire time.
“Fucking ughhh….who is it?” The pounding at your door woke you up with a headache as your eyes try to adjust.
“I need to talk to you.” The voice sounded familiar but you couldn’t put a face to it.
“It’s 8 in the morning. Whoever you are I’ll talk to you later.” Silence before the door opened up and light beamed into you room.
“Hey what the hell? You can’t just open my door like that!” Through the brightness, you can see the familiar figure of shigaraki’s girlfriend standing in your door frame.
“I said I needed to talk to you.”
“Just cause your the boss’s girlfriend doesn’t mean you get to go into peoples rooms without permission!”
“I can do whatever i want. Who’s going to stop me?” You furrow your brows as you get out of bed and stand up. You were only wearing a tank top and shorts so more of your scars were available to see. You could see her look at you up and down with a grossed out look on her face.
“Jesus. Your more fucked up that I though.” 
“You bang on my door, burst into my room withou tmy permission, then tell me how you think I look? Are you fuckign serious?”
“Yeah I am. Maybe it will give you a sign to fuck off my boyfriend.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I see the way you look at Shigaraki. It’d take a fool to not notice it.”
“Okay? I zone out and stare at people what do you want me to do?”
“No, it’s more than just zoning out. I know you like him.” Venom seemed to be building up inside her as she looked at you with hatred.
“Yeah. I find him attractive but im not a homewrecker.” You rolled your eyes as you glare at he woman in front of you.
“Like he’d give you the time of day anyways ha!” rage soon started to boil inside you. You clench your fists together until they were white as you grit your teeth.
“What the fuck is that suppose to mean?” 
“It means he’d never like a disfigured freak like you-” 
The sound on her body hitting the floor with a loud thud seemed to echo inside your room as you look down at her. She clutched her nose with her hand and you could see blood dripping out of the cracks of her fingers as she looks at you with wide eyes.
Before you knew it, you winded your fist back before throwing another punch towards her. Then another, then another, until all you could see is your fist flying down and punching her anywhere that you could.
The sound of her cries must have been loud enough to echo as everyone soon started running towards her cries, only to see you on top of her, beating her senseless. 
“(Y/N)! What the fuck are you doing?!” You couldn’t even hear them. All you could hear were her words repeating in your mind over ,and over, and over again. Each time it made you grow more angry.
Just then, you felt arms wrap themselves around you before picking you up and moving you away from teh cowering woman. You struggled to get out of whoever’s grip by kicking your legs and thrashing around.
“(Y/N)! What is going on?!” Dabi’s voice finally cuts through your rage and brings you back.
“I…punched her.” 
“Punched? More like beat the shit outta her! You almost turned her into a bloody mess! Your lucky I grabbed you before Shigaraki did!” His hands grab your arms as he looks at you. Looking back at him, you could feel tears brim your eyes as you bit your lips to try to keep from crying.
“She…she called me a disfigured freak! I-I couldn’t let her say that! I already h-hear it enough from people outside the league! I don’t need to hear it from people who’s s-suppose to be on the same side!” Hiccups and sobs erupted out of yoru throat as you cried to Dabi. You probably sounded like a blubbering mess. You probably looked horrible to. God you haven’t cried this hard in forever.
“I-I didn’t ask to look like this! I didn’t ask to be in pain almost every day! She doesn’t k-know what it’s like!” You could feel Dabi’s hold on your arms soften as your tears blurred your vision. You could feel your tears fall off your face and onto your shirt.
“You’re the only one that understand Dabi. Your the only one that knows what its like to hurt like this.” Dabi said nothing as just continued to listen to you speak. 
You didn’t know what you were thinking, but he was right there and at that moment, you just needed to feel someone next to you. 
Wrapping your arms around his body you hugged him gently. Crying harder in the process. You stammered out nonsense as you felt Dabi tense up before calming down. You thought he was gonna push you away but instead, you felt him wrap his arms around you too.
“Yeah. I do understand.” A hand slowly started petting your hair as you just listened to the sound of his heart while crying. 
“But you know what?” You look up at him through tearful eyes as he sends you a small smile.
“You may be a freak to them, but your beautiful to me.”
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luneshallshine · 2 years
✂ txt as my favorite romance tropes
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hello! this is my first work, i had no idea it would take me so long to set everything up lolol. 
anywho! each txt member will have a fluffy trope and each will have their own confession scenario. (i totally went overboard w yeonjun’s and beomgyu’s)
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fluffy and cliche tropes, gn!reader, use of profanity 
ღ yeonjun, older sibling's friend/older childhood friend
♫ playing now : i wait by day6 & but you by ikon
yeonjun gives off that protective mentor type vibe
you and him would have grown up together
making his feelings seem 10x more awkward (in his eyes at least)
he went from thinking you were some little sibling to him, to an attractive person overnight it seems
he would never ever try anything until you were both adults, though even after you turned 18, he didn’t do jack shit
if you have an older sibling, they would’ve AUTOMATICALLY caught on once yeonjun and them got into high school
“ayo, why do you keep wanting to hang out at my house anyway?”
“... no comment..?”
naH because this man started giving you the cold shoulder when he hit high school
“why?”, you may ask
well because he was afraid if he saw you smile at him, he’d fall even deeper
at that point in his life, having you scowl at him was better
man was patient for a lifetime (to him at least)
he was always looking for a hint from you, just one hint!
the hint came to him on your 20th birthday
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 when it was your 20th birthday, guess who was the first to wish you happy bday at 12:00 am? ding ding, it was mr. choi yeonjun. it was a heartfelt message, one that felt more sentimental than past years, for whatever reason.
 “happy birthday y/n. you’re already 20, that’s insane. feels like just yesterday you were hiding behind me because the lights were off in your house. i hope i have been a good friend and role model to you this whole time. i’ll see you later today.
yeonjun :)”
 the reason why it felt so sad? yeonjun was giving up on you. you had given him no hints, and yeonjun had to accept that maybe it wasn’t meant to be. maybe your age gap was too large for you. 
 then it was time for your bday party, yeonjun wanted to go out with a bang. he wore a nice black shirt with fitting black jeans, he had recently dyed his hair an ashy gray, so his look was very low maintenance but effective. his heart pounded as he drove to your place with care, your presents secured in his passenger seat. even though he was a complete mess on the inside, a smile was plastered on his face, never leaving.
 then he saw you, all dolled and tidied up for your birthday party. you had opened the door for him, exclaiming that he was the first one there, he expected no less. your smile calmed his hyperventilating heart, your eyes that eagerly surveyed your presents in his hand seemed to hypnotize him. your sweet voice thanking him for coming repeated in his head long after greetings were done. he was totally whipped.
 he watched as you (cutely) scurried around, trying to make sure everything is absolutely perfect for your other guests. 
“you came so early, you know, i wasn’t ready!” you whined, a pout forming on your lips.
 he apologized with no real sincerity, he was glad only he could see you like this, all flustered and worried. when you felt fully satisfied, you walked back to him, he was sprawled on the couch, his phone holding his attention. he could feel your gaze on him almost instantly, and locked eyes with you, his phone not leaving his hands.
“all done?” yeonjun asked, sitting up fully.
“yeah, do you like it?” you replied, your eyes lighting up like stars.
 his eyes took a quick swipe of the living room, the decorations were in no way fancy or perfect, but it was just so you that he couldn’t help but love it. a smile crept onto his face, and he turned to you. he was about to compliment you when he was taken aback by the expecting look on your face. your eyes were wide and a small but noticeable smile was on that face he loved. he found himself stumbling over his words as he scratched the back of his neck.
“yeah uh, i like the decorations, they’re..um..very cute,” he said, looking away. 
 his face was heating up, god, the things you do to his heart. he heard you giggle in satisfaction, your warmth leaving his perimeter. 
this bday party was going to be so fucking dangerous. 
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 when it was time for you to open the presents, yeonjun stood off to the side, not wanting to get too close to the crowd, just incase anyone could hear his heart pound from anxiety. he drowned out everything but your voice, and he was just waiting for you to say his name.
“whose gift is this? oh! yeonjun!” 
 his ears perked up like a cat’s, and he peered over your guests’ shoulders, and he saw you unwrapping your gifts. he had gone all out, spending well over $70 for all your gifts. he really wanted to make sure you wouldn’t forget him. he swore he could’ve died happy when he saw the gigantic smile on your face, one that meant that he did a good job. 
 a sour taste erupted in his mouth, thoughts of you smiling for anyone other than him invaded his mind. however he knew he couldn’t think that way, you weren’t an object for him to own, but he just wanted to clip your wings so that you couldn’t fly away.
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 he doesn’t know how he got there, but he found himself standing alone outside your house, the party still raging on. he sat on the space in front of your door, thinking that this might be the last time he ever gets to do this. he always though that the sky looked prettier when he looked at it from your door. the front door was slightly ajar, just enough so yeonjun wouldn’t have to worry about being locked out. he heard the door slightly creak open, and he turned to see you peaking through the doorway.
“oh it’s just you, i was worried because the front door was open. what are you doing here all alone?” you asked, coming to sit down next to him. 
 words couldn’t form in his mouth, he just stared at your face. the face he had grown to love over the many years he’s known you, the face that he would wipe tears off of when someone had dared to hurt you, the face he would think of when he was stressed out, the face he loved so dearly. he wanted to respond to your question, but his throat choked up and he found himself tearing up.
“hey y/n?”
“would you miss me if i moved away?”
“what kind of a question is that?! of course i would! you’re one of my closest friends.”
 now you were worried, he wasn’t thinking of actually moving right? he looked up at you and all he could see was your lips, he did want to go out with a bang. suddenly all you could hear was the beating of your hearts. 
“i like you, y/n. i’ve liked you for years now,” yeonjun said, looking into your eyes for a hint once more.
 you smiled and held his face.
“kiss me then.”
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ღ soobin, secret admirer (the simp who won)
♫ playing now : chocolate by day6
i definitely see soobin as a really attentive person
someone who will study the person he likes so he can make them the happiest if they were to date
he was your classmate in one of your classes, and you only talked to him because of a school project
but, let’s be honest, you probably thought he was cute even before that
because, LOOK AT HIM
after that school project, soobin probably fell hella hard
(sorry to my fellow lazy and shy folks) i feel like he would only fall for you if you were either someone who took initiative or who did your part well
i see him as someone who wants an independent but kind partner
BUT, let’s just say he fell for you no matter what you are
he would start to say good morning/afternoon to you everyday
and you also started getting presents on/in your desk or in your locker
he would listen to you talk to your friends and look at what snacks you would bring, just so he could buy things for you
he would get you a lot of sweets if you like them!
he’s really shy so i feel like he would doubt his abilities to win you over head-on :(
but he’s also not good at hiding shit
like he would give away so many hints without even knowing it
like atp everyone in the class knows, soobin can’t be slick to save his life
he would accidently drop the receipts for things he bought on the floor, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, and walk away like nothing happened
needless to say, you caught on quick :)
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 the bell rang, signaling that class was over, and you heard your classmates sigh in relief. you held a chocolate bar that you had found on your desk from your secret admirer and you felt it slowly melt from your hand’s heat. your classmates started to stand up as the teacher dismissed you all, your seatmate, soobin stood up rather fast; it looked like he was really eager to get home. as he stood up to leave, you saw something drop from his pant’s pocket, it was white and looked clumped up together. you left your seat to pick it up, your nosy self uncrumpled it to see what it was; only to see multiple receipts of things you recognized. chocolate bars, flowers, cards? you stared a bit harder before you realized. you chuckled, only soobin would be so clumsy as to expose himself.
“soobin! you dropped something,” you said, making his ears perk up.
 he turned around and you saw his face drop. you felt really bad as you could the panic from across the classroom.
“u-uh, thank you! i don’t need those anymore, i’m gonna go!” he yelled, running out of the classroom in a frenzy.
 you giggled slightly, standing up to see if you could catch him before he left the building. 
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 you managed to catch up to him before he left through the front doors, and grabbed his arm.
“soobin let’s talk-”
“no! i already know what you’re going to say, i...i’m not good enough for you,” soobin said, slight sniffles coming from him.
 you smiled, tugging his arm a bit harder. 
“you can’t put words in my mouth soobin,” you said, looking at him straight in the eye.
 he tried to stammer protests, but his body was jell-o the second you touched his arm. he could only helplessly follow you, like a moth to a flame. you stopped once you guys were somewhere where no one was around, you sighed as you watched him wipe his tears.
“were you the one giving me those gifts?” you asked.
 he looked away as he nodded shyly.
“i like you too soobin, so please look at me,” you said, smiling as he turned his head around quickly.
“really?!” he exclaimed, his eyes brightening.
 you nodded and got the wind absolutely knocked out of you as he hugged you vigorously, he definitely forgot he was a 6′1′’ giant. 
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ღ beomgyu, bringing strangers together because of a secret (think maid-sama)
♫ playing now : stereotype by stayc & after school by weeekly
ok so we know that beomgyu was in a band predebut
now what if we think of an au where he was in an underground rock band, like delinquent level
you and your classmates see him as that one guy who could potentially be considered a “quiet kid” with his long hair and all
for context i’m basing this off of lovesong!beomgyu
he ignored the teacher when asked to introduce himself on the first day so none of yall knew his name until the teacher called on him a week later
i know that beomgyu is extremely hyper, but let’s pretend he’s not bc he’s not comfortable w his classmates yet (well, gyu, you never WILL be if you don’t try but ok!)
you kinda forgot he was in your class ngl
mans does not talk at all 
one day you were hanging out with some friends after school and one of your friends suggested you try and sneak into a band’s show 
and of course you all loveeee bad ideas!
the band you guys chose was a rock band that had a guy on the cover of the poster
he had long messy hair and only the bottom half of his face was showing
he was smiling and his smile was hot to you so that’s why you chose it-
when you guys did manage to sneak in, you looked at the stage and immediately regretted your decision
was that fucking beomgyu?!
the loner?!
the quiet kid?!
you wanted to nope out of there but most of your friends wanted to stay because they thought the band members were attractive
“noooo you don’t understand that’s my classm-”
you looked up and beomgyu was staring at you like (⊙o⊙)
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 the music was blaring as your friends tugged you through the crowd, getting closer to the stage. for some reason, your heart was fluttering as you heard a husky voice sing, it was beomgyu. his eyes never left you even as he sang, he smiled and all your friends started freaking out.
“omg omg, did you see that! he’s staring right at us!” 
 you felt your face going red as you quietly left your friends, you weaved through the sea of cheering people, making it to a bathroom. you opened the door and walked in, the band’s sound even made it to the bathroom but you could still make out some noises in the stalls. 
“no way.”
 people were actually fucking in the bathroom stalls. you booked it out of there so fast you could’ve beat usain bolt. you crouched down next to the door and put a hand over your chest to calm your nerves. this place does not fit me at all, how does he handle this?? you did deep breaths as you walked slowly back to the main stage, only to be stopped by a guy in a black hoodie. 
“hey you’re pretty cute, you come here often?” he said, inching closer to you.
 you shook your head as you tried to walk past him, only to feel his hand on your shoulder. he gripped your shoulder tightly and you were about to slap his hand away when suddenly you felt someone pull you away. you looked up to thank your savior and locked eyes with beomgyu. he looked at you and his eyes ran over your face to see any signs of injuries, when he found none he smiled and looked back at the guy who tried to hit on you.
“how about you don’t grab one of my fans?” beomgyu said, pushing the guy back. 
 i’m not even your fan but okay beomgyu. the guy put his hands up in defeat as he walked past the two of you, and you got the chance to be alone with beomgyu. his hands were still protectively wrapped around your shoulders.
“...please don’t tell anyone you saw me here,” beomgyu said, looking at you with pleading eyes.
“i didn’t even think of reporting you, don’t worry. i think it’s cool that you have a hobby like this, even though our school banned, you know, going to a club with alcohol,” you replied, watching as the tension released from his body.
“thank you, thank you so much y/n,” he bowed and then released his grip on you. 
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 for the next coming weeks, beomgyu started to talk to you. he would come up to you at lunch to ask you if you wanted to eat together, to which you always said “yes, but what do i get out of it?”. the decided deal was he would sing for you and you would eat with him. you grew to love his voice, and you always brought an extra water bottle for him just incase his throat got dry.
 one day he handed you a flyer for his band’s next show. the flyer had half of his face once again, and he was pointing at the camera with that same smile you had grown to admire.
“can you come by yourself..?” he asked, looking away.
“sure thing.”
“just make sure to come a little earlier than the time written down there. ok?”
 you nodded as he turned around and walked off, with a little bit more pep in his step. he was glad that he had finally made a friend. 
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 when you walked in, you handed the bouncer the flyer beomgyu had given you and the bouncer smiled at you knowingly. you gave the bouncer a confused look and they leaned into your ear.
“so you’re the person he keeps talking about!”
 the bouncer merely ushered you inside, and you were greeted with the sound of the band tuning their instruments. you walked up to the stage and beomgyu looked at you with surprise.
“what? you didn’t think i would come?” you asked.
“no! i never said that! you just look good that’s all,” he said, flustering you a bit.
“so i didn’t before?”
 he let out a groan before he put down his guitar and hopped the stage to talk to you face to face. 
“i hope you listen closely tonight.”
 he smiled, more bright than he did at school, and put his hand on his neck.
“i just worked really hard is all.”
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 when the music began, beomgyu was already staring at you HARD. goddamn y/n, you sure are a looker. you sure aren’t dumb, i mean unless you are, but you could tell that this song was going to be for you. his mouth opened and all you could hear was him, him, and him. the crowd’s screams, his member’s voices and instruments, they all suddenly didn’t exist. 
 time sped by so fast, and you couldn’t believe it had already been an hour. the band bowed as the crowd applauded, and you waited for beomgyu to come to you. he leaped off the stage once more, and when he got close enough. you hugged him and your faces were closer than ever. 
“if you couldn’t tell, i like you,” beomgyu said.
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ღ taehyun, mr. oblivious/dense and his shy but persistent admirer
♫ playing now : some by soyou & 200% by akmu
taehyun sometimes has this clueless look on his face like
⊙0⊙ or ◉◡◉
that’s why i gave him the mr. oblivious trope
if you like him, i feel like you would have to tell him straight up
flirting or courting him won’t work
so this situation could be similar to nozaki-kun
like he is just so DENSE
you could get down on one knee with a ring, and he’d be like “get up the floor is dirty (✿◠‿◠)”
ok maybe not to that extent but you get the idea
this could go on for like MONTHS, everyone around you guys would be able to tell BUT HIM
he’d think that you’re just really nice!
you give him snacks and walk with him when you see him
you say good morning and good afternoon to him
you give him sprite when you have an extra 
yes it is totally because i bought extra and not because i bought it for you taehyun
it would be going on for sO LONG, like are you ok?? are you a masochist?
honestly i would snap after a while
however, since you’re still shy, this confuses taehyun
like why do you give him gifts and say good morning and such, without sticking around to have a conversation with him?
ngl he probably thinks you’re scared of him or smth
like- he thinks he’s unintentionally intimidating you into giving him gifts n shit LOL
he would start to pity you, he wants to talk to you but you always run away
 you’ve had the biggest crush on taehyun for what feels like eternity, and you have done everything you could to convey your feelings. however, being really shy, the words “i like you” are totally not in your vocabulary. every time you see him, you can only manage a simple greeting and gift before scurrying off. you don’t know how his face looks like when he sees you, as you can’t make eye contact with him. does he smile? is he weirded out? you wish you could look him in the eye and be confident enough to confess. 
 however, your defense began to crumble when taehyun decided to start trying to chase after you. after you said your greetings, taehyun would start to ask you about your day so far, how you were, etc. after he began doing that, you decided the only way to keep your heart from bursting, was to ignore him. no more random gifts, no more greetings, and no more interactions. you were fine admiring him from the sidelines, after all, you had been doing that all this time; what’s the difference? 
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 how did you end up in this situation? why was taehyun pinning you against the wall of a café you decided to go to this morning? his left arm was above you, and his right hand was politely at his side. his eyes felt like they were staring into your soul. your face was heating up, it was getting hard to breathe. your heart could only thump-thump it’s life out, trying to keep you up-right so you wouldn’t faint.
“why have you been ignoring me?” taehyun asked.
“i-ignoring you?” you replied, feeling a bit dumb.
“yeah, you haven’t been saying hi to me at all for the past few weeks! what’s the deal?” he asked, his voice raising slightly in volume.
 you began to curl into yourself, hugging the wall for dear life. if you thought it’d be hard to look into his eyes before, it is basically a death sentence now. he sounded so irate, but so hot. 
“i..i’m sorry,” you uttered.
“sorry? no i don’t want a ‘sorry’, i want you to tell me that you’ll talk to me. am i scary or something?” he continued.
“n-no! you’ll never scare me, i just..assumed..,” you felt your throat seizing up.
 he was so close, you could feel his body heat radiating onto you. 
“assumed what, y/n, don’t blue-ball me now. tell me what i did, and we can work this out,” taehyun said, his voice softening when he realized you look smaller then when he first saw you today.
 you felt his concern, he was concerned, for you? why did he want to bother with you? why did he care so much, so much to the point of hunting you down? why? your mind was going a million places, when suddenly taehyun hugged your waist with his right hand, his heartbeat slowly becoming noticeable to you. you looked at him for the first time ever, and took a deep breath. 
“y-youstartedtryingtotalktomeallofasuddenandigotnervous!” you rambled, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“nervous of what y/n? did you think i was trying to hurt you? i could never hurt someone as cute as you, i mean look at you. you’re curled into yourself darling,” taehyun said, the sweetness dripping from his lips.
 he really had no idea how flirty he was being, did he? you heard him call his guy friends and girl friends ‘darling’ before, so you knew you weren’t special. 
“i was nervous that you would notice i -- !” you stopped yourself, sliding down the wall and balling yourself up.
 your butt was touching the floor now, then you heard taehyun shifting around until he was at the same level as you. you didn’t want to see his facial expression right now.
“what’d you say y/n? please tell me,” he asked.
“ilikeyou,” you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, “now please leave me alone, i know you don’t like me b-”
 his hand touched the top of your head, and he giggled. 
“you’re so cute angel.” 
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“you have to look at me for me to kiss you angel.”
“i know i know, just give me a second.”
 it had been months since you two began dating, and you still didn’t have your first kiss due to your shyness. taehyun decided that on the 3-month mark, you had to let him kiss you (if you said no, then he wouldn’t pressure you, but thankfully you said yes to the plan). 
 now you were sitting on his bed, your head staring at the sheets as taehyun waited for you to look at him like a puppy. since dating him, you realized that taehyun’s love language was physical touch and that you being close to him was important for him to understand that you loved him. 
“take your time angel,” taehyun said, leaning back a tad bit.
 you slowly lifted your head, scanning his entire body, and finally resting on his face. his eyes were expecting you, he smiled as you finally made eye contact. he raised his left hand to caress your face, and he leaned a little closer. his eyes now staring at your lips.
“l-let’s stay like this for a little bit, my heart is pounding too much,” you said, feeling his right hand touch your lower back to bring you closer.
 he hummed in response, and rested his head on your right shoulder, his right hand drawing small circles. he let his left hand fall as he waited patiently, loving the feeling of your warm body touching his. you looked up at the ceiling and realized that you were lucky to find someone who could deal with your shyness, someone who would be okay with just holding hands, or you just sitting next to him. you smiled and tapped taehyun’s shoulder.
“do it.”
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ღ huening kai, class clown/social butterfly x student council member
♫ playing now : some by bol4 & attention by newjeans
finally we reached our cutie hyuka
now obviously i don’t know if he’s truly the class clown but his laugh... it RADIATES class clown energy
he IS that class disruption that people want to hate but can’t because he’s so damn cute
probably has students folding for him with his bubbly and humorous personality
but! you being a student council member, you are basically his enemy
someone who’s always trampling on his fun :(
you two probably grew up going to the same schools
he knows who you are and always wants to catch up with you
but you always give him the cold shoulder for whatever reason
you most likely liked him when yall were younger and when you hit high school you wanted to impress him by joining student council
but it backfired because the school needed you to keep up appearances
plus the pressure from your other members :((
yeah you never got the chance to talk to kai once yall began school
it makes him sad to look at you stressing out and losing the sparkle you had when you two were younger
so he tries extra hard to make the class environment happier so when you walk in, you won’t get negative vibes
probably sees you getting scolded by a fellow council member and decides to finally walk up to you and get you to have fun with him
“i asked you to do just one thing! why can’t you do anything right?! god y/n, it’s like you joined student council without getting an education first, why did we get such a dumbass?” 
“i hear what you’re saying, but this is completely inappropriate. if you have a problem with me personally, we can discuss this with our advisor, instead of berating me and embarrassing the entire student council in the public hallway. please go and compose yourself before accusing me of not doing my role.”
 your fellow member stormed off with an eye-roll, and you sighed before turning around to see kai standing there with his eyes wide open.
“wow! you were so cool y/n!” he exclaimed, a smile on his face.
i’m cool..? he thinks i’m cool..? 
“what do you need kai?” you asked, forcing a straight face.
“i just wanted to see if you were ok, i saw that person yelling at you,” kai replied, a pout replacing his smile. 
“well i’m fine, thank you. now please excuse me, i must go home now,” you said, nearing your breaking point.
 nothing seemed to be going right this week, first you fail to do a homework assignment on time, leading to you forgetting about the work your member asked you to do, then you got yelled at in front of multiple students and kai, it really was not your week. you walked into the bathrooms and started to stare at yourself. 
 you joined student council to look cool for kai, but now look at you. heavy eyebags, unkempt hair, lazy school clothes, and no life in your eyes. 
“kai would never want me now..,” you muttered to yourself, mindlessly fixing your wrinkled clothes. 
 you took one more look at yourself, and burst into tears. it was all too much for you. the pressure of keeping up an image, a false image, you wish you could be like kai. he was free and constantly expressing himself in ways you could never think of for yourself. you were jealous of him, you wanted to get the wings you were sure he was gifted. 
 you washed your face lightly and stepped out of the bathroom, and felt a giant force come from your right as someone hugged you with a ton of vigor.
“e-excuse me!” you yelled, looking at your attacker.
 kai merely glanced down at you with 10 peoples’ worth of pity. was..was he listening to you cry? 
“let’s go have fun, y/n, please?”
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 turns out his idea of “fun”, was dragging you to an arcade. the whole time, he was urging you to find a game you wanted to play together, but his eyes kept drifting to the stuffie claw game. after playing a few games of your choice, you walked over to the claw machine, staring intently at which one he would like.
“kai, choose one. i’ll try and get it for you,” you said. 
“choose one? i was going to ask you to choose one for yourself..i am the one who invited you after all, but if you insist!” he replied, proceeding to stick his face onto the glass.
 you giggled as he saw his nose sploosh against the glass as he stared at the stuffies with endless child-like curiosity. you knew damn well he would not be able to pick one, so you tapped his shoulder to get him out of his stuffie-drunk state.
“you’re not going to be able to pick just one, i know, let me just get one for you so we can go home,” you said, gently pushing him aside.
 kai pouted but nodded as he watched you get into position. he watched intently as the arm moved to the right, then to the left, and slowly..slowly went down, and grabbed a stuffie that looked just like you. 
“here,” you handed him the stuffie.
 he started to giggle slightly.
“it looks just like you! it has your angry eyes and your cute cheeks!” he said, poking the stuffie all over its face.
 he hugged the stuffie tightly. 
“you should just hug me then. i look just like it anyways,” you said, looking away in embarrassment. 
 a loud gasp came from him, and you got tackled, nearly crashing into the claw machine. 
“ahh i love you! you’re so cute when you talk to me!” kai squealed, hugging you like you were going to disappear.
“you love me?”
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 now after you two started dating, kai made an effort to be the most ANNOYING couple ever. 
random hallway tummy rubs?
bursting into your classroom just to say he loves you?
carrying you on his back when you slightly trip?
being extremely cheesy and cringy?
check, check, and check.
 have fun with this giant ass penguin who probably does not understand personal boundaries.
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...and we’re done! this is my first work, and it took me like 2 and a half weeks to finish. :// 
using the tag “  ღ the lune sees all “ will show all my written works, please expect more from me!
almost none of my works will be proofread, since i am...really...really lazy.
ღ lune
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dreamcubed · 1 year
i forgot that you existed | harry potter x reader
song; i forgot that you existed [taylor swift] pairing; harry potter x gender neutral!muggle-born!reader genre; ex-lovers, light angst, bittersweet word count; 1k timeline; post-second wizarding war warnings; references to war summary; it's quite difficult to forget your ex when he's the infamous boy who lived, but somehow, some way, you were finally getting there
"it isn't love, it isn't hate. it's just indifference."
The Boy Who Lived was not a name you could escape in the wizarding world, no matter where you went or who you associated with. Especially after Voldemort's demise, his name popped up everywhere, since he was the one responsible. And, obviously, you would always respect and appreciate what the famous Harry Potter had done for everyone - muggles included.
But for so long had his name left a bad taste in your mouth.
It wasn't something that could be helped really: he was your ex-boyfriend, but not only that. He was your first love as well, so despite the fact you broke up on amicable terms, your heart ached to think of him. For years, you had put on a brave face when people mentioned him - friends careful to tiptoe around the subject, strangers oblivious to your history with the boy.
In a way, you had been forced into exposure therapy, which was certainly one way to get over someone. And it may have taken an awfully long time, but now, four years after your break up, you could safely say that you were at peace with the past.
Which is why it didn't hurt to bump into him in the bakery in Diagon Alley.
"Y/N?" his voice caught you by surprise, making you look up from the selection of sweet treats.
You were going to run into him sooner or later: after all, there weren't many wizard-only places. You were just relieved it was more on the later side.
"Harry," you smiled at him, "How have you been?"
Smiling at him felt foreign when you thought about the nights you spent crying through snot and sobs trying to get over him.
"Yeah, I've been good. I finally know peace," he chuckled awkwardly, "How have you been?"
"Good," the fact you were being honest warmed your own heart, "Yeah, I'm working at Mungo's now."
"Just like you always wanted to?"
You hummed, "You're an auror now, right?"
"Yeah, well, training to be one," he said, "Guess we're both where we wanted to be."
You gave a small grin to that sentiment, "How are the Weasleys? Hermione?"
"They're good, yeah, they're all good. Hermione and Ron are together, if you didn't know."
"Unlikely pair," you commented, thinking of your old friends. Your friendship with them had faded after you purposely distanced yourself to get over Harry.
"Yeah, quite."
"And you? How's your love life?" you ventured to ask.
"I'm with Ginny."
It didn't hurt to hear that, and that alone made you smile, "You suit each other." You meant it.
"Are you seeing anyone?"
You shook your head, "Too busy with work at the minute. It would be a bad idea to start anything now."
"Well, I hope you find someone deserving of you."
"Thank you, Harry, I hope everything between you and Ginny works out."
"Yeah, me too."
You stared at each other for a few moments, before you sighed gently and said, "Right, I should get going," you turned back to the counter and quickly made a decision about the pastry you wanted.
"Yeah, of course," Harry said as you moved towards the till, "I'll see you around, yeah?"
You nodded, "It's a small world, after all. Take care, Harry."
"You too, Y/N."
And then he was gone.
"You seem quite familiar with the Boy Who Lived," the bakery owner, who was accustomed to you as a regular, stated.
You shrugged, "We went to school together. Dated for a couple years, actually."
You chuckled, "It's in the past, though. I hardly know him anymore. Truthfully, I forget he exists sometimes."
"How? He's so famous."
"It took an incredible amount of self-work, Aggie."
"Then have today's pastry on the house, in honour of such an impressive feat."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
You beamed, "Thank you, Aggie. See you tomorrow."
"Take care!"
"You too!"
As you entered the renowned wizarding hospital for the sick and injured, pastry in hand, you smiled a greeting at all your co-workers as you passed them. Not too long ago, the place had been overcrowded with war survivors, hurt in all sorts of ways. A few of them still remained (mostly the mentally scarred beyond repair ones), but as a whole the doctors, surgeons, nurses, potion masters, physiotherapists, etc. had managed to heal the vast majority of war patients. You hadn't worked here then, but due to your dreams of being a witch doctor, you had been one of the key medical aids at the Battle of Hogwarts. That experience had helped you secure a spot in Mungo's apprenticeship program.
And, you supposed, the defeat of Voldemort and the death eaters was one thing you would always have to thank your ex-boyfriend for. Without that, not only would you live in fear and desolation, but your life at Mungo's would be a hell of a lot more miserable. That would be if the death eaters even allowed muggle-borns to hold down a job in the wizarding world (let alone live).
So, no, you weren't angry at Harry Potter by any means. You still were sometimes saddened with regret and the possibility of what could have been, but not to the point of tears - not anymore. Harry Potter was simply a more significant part of your backstory than other people's. You didn't hate him, but you didn't love him.
And, as you changed into your scrubs, washed your hands, and headed in the direction of your first patient, you found yourself flustering at the warm smile that an attractive co-worker gave you on the way. The same way you flustered at Harry Potter all those years ago, but didn't today.
Because your interaction with the Boy Who Lived was... well, it wasn't love, it wasn't hate. It was just indifference.
written; 10/04/2023 —> 15/04/2023 published; 16/04/2023 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @iluvweasleys @workinatdapyramid
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deelaundry · 1 month
May Prompts #2 - Box
Another update to The Private Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson, posted on AO3 as Chapter 24 in the fic.
WARNING for implied homophobia, and intense swearing in response.
Prompt 2: Box
Voicemail from Bill. Fucking Christ, I’ll box his ears next time I see him. Fucking cunt, fuck him and his bigoted fiancee!
John, it’s Bill. Super quick, I talked to Deborah, told her about you and Sherlock, and she was furious with me, that I hadn’t told her that you and him were, yeah, together. She said to tell you to throw the invitation right in the rubbish bin. Oh shit, gotta go, talk to you later.
In the category of things not being what they seem:
John had been stomping through the flat for more than a day, ever since that voicemail from Bill Murray. He hadn’t played it for Sherlock, naturally – who needs that in their ears? – but had let Sherlock know that Bill was right off their Christmas list. If they’d had one, which they didn’t, and it had taken a while to convey to Sherlock why anyone would have a Christmas list, and then that got the two of them off onto the subject of the varying levels of “friends” and why people didn’t say “acquaintances” and then how “network” was an appropriate term for people you knew as a noun but appalling as a verb that meant accumulating more people to know, and then Mrs. H popped in holding the post.
“Lovely thick ivory envelope for you; bet it’s a wedding invitation.”
Sherlock took the envelope and sliced it with the letter opener (actually a dagger, “but considerably dulled, John; repeated contact with bone does that”).
“It’s nice when couples take that step,” Mrs. H continued as she headed into the kitchen. “It’s all right, you know, when you’re just living together. I don’t mind, as the two of you well know.”
She re-entered the lounge, cup of steeping tea in hand. “But there’s just something about that solemnisation. Who is it, dear?”
Sherlock recited, somehow managing to convey the formatting through verbal tone alone:
Mr and Mrs Stephen R. Faustus request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Helen Deborah to Mr. Wilberforce Murray
“Bill? What’s that ffff” – he held the letter, teeth against lips, as his brain scrambled to come up with a less sweary word to use around Mrs. Hudson, ah, yes – “fellow doing sending me another invite?”
“It’s not just you,” Mrs. Hudson pointed out, holding up the smaller envelope that’d been in the larger one. “Dr. John Watson and Mr. Sherlock Holmes.”
Sherlock turned the invitation over and read, “Looking forward to meeting Sherlock and having the both of you there as we celebrate. Hugs.” He over-articulated that word, his voice dripping with his customary disdain for sentiment, especially informal sentiment, but he was able to finish reading: “Deborah.”
“But.” John was thoroughly perplexed. “But Bill said Deborah said to bin the invite.”
“How odd,” Mrs. Hudson commented, “to tell you to throw out something already in the post to you.”
“It wasn’t in the post,” replied Sherlock, ever the stickler for detail. “This is the second invitation John’s received for the same event; John was instructed to bin the first one.”
John told Mrs. Hudson the rest of the story, how Bill had given him the invite in person and then left the voicemail. He could feel his head filling up with steam as he relayed Deborah’s anger at them being a couple.
“Well, no, dear,” Mrs. H replied. “She wasn’t angry at you being a couple; she was angry at Bill not telling her you were a couple.” Seeing John’s scepticism, she shook her head. “Who was the first invitation addressed to?”
“And, um, Guest.”
Mrs. Hudson nodded again. “There you go, love.”
She seemed to think everything was now clear.
It wasn’t.
After a light sigh, Mrs. H went on. “The etiquette for addressing invitations is that writing ‘and guest’ is only for single people; with a couple, both people should be named. She wasn’t upset about you being together; she was upset that she’d mistakenly implied that you weren’t together.”
A mystery solved by Mrs. H! Score one for her, and one for me and Sherlock who’ll be going to Bill and Deborah’s wedding.
(And thank god I’d decided to give Bill the silent treatment after the voicemail instead of shouting at him. How awkward would that have been? Bill’s seen the ol’ Watson temper but that doesn’t mean he would’ve liked it aimed at him.)
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 months
DETERMINATION QUESTIONS!⁽⁠⁽⁠◝⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠௰⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠◜⁠⁾⁠⁾
1) how does doffy feel about Reader? I mean in the sense of does doffy feel indebted or in some way attached to reader ? Because I feel like he's so complex that it could be taken in many ways his feelings (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)
2) could Reader be killed forever if they were stabbed or just kinda killed with an sea Stone weapon ? Or is it even possible for reader to ever die in any way (other than losing determination)
3) doffy is a know figure in the sl@ve trade , so how does he feel about the fact reader was or is sometimes a slave ? :⁠'⁠(
Love the work!!!! (English is my first language so sorry if it's strangely spelled:⁠-⁠P) Sincerely AN ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤ
Hi!!!!!!!! Thank you for the questions for my favourite fashion disaster war criminal (lol) also don’t worry about ur English! I can read it just fine 👍
(Warning for themes of possession, obsession, slavery and doffy as a whole.)
1) Doffy’s feelings towards y/n specifically his attachment is definitely due to both a sense of gratitude/indebtment along with a sense of possession. They were his and rosinante’s only friend growing up despite the fact they were also hated by association. They’re held dear to him for their part in trying to make what should’ve been a shitty childhood at least a little better. But the real interesting part is when they die for him and his brother. They decided his life was more than their own which kinda empowers his superiority complex and attachment issues because they were his friend that was suppose to stay by his side no matter what. His friend, his.
As Doffy gets older this sentiment is reinforced more especially as he makes his “family”. It doesn’t feel complete without them. No one can compare to them, what they did for him, died for his safety. They’re his friend, he didn’t give them permission to die and leave him to go someplace else, their place is at his side like a good friend should be.
Doffy’s perception of them from when he was young to when he’s older is heavily corrupted even at the beginning. When he was younger they were still “his” friend, but back then it was more due to not wanting to loose them just as he lost the life of luxury he once had. They were his only luxury left and he wanted to keep that close. But as he got older that sentiment had time to fester and for him to become more attached to the idea of them rather than y/n themself.
He doesn’t care what y/n wants or thinks, he just wants them at his side again so he can cling to what he thinks is one of the only things that can make him happy.
(Boy that explanation was long lol, but I love going in depth on characters like him)
2) I’d say with sea stone weapons it moreso has the capacity to make y/n’a regeneration a lot slower. Simply being stabbed by a sea stone weapon would make the wait time for them to reappear much slower and leave a permanent scar on their body. I’m trapped in a room of sea stone though for an extended period of time it could potentially kill them or at least weaken them to a point where it would take years for them to appear again
3)for awhile now Doffy’s knew and had suspicions that y/n didn’t properly die but when it is confirmed for him he does a log of digging. And let’s just say he isn’t happy. Him finding out that for a while they were a slave really infuriates him, not at the cruel dehumanizing system he actively participates in but rather that it’s them who went through being treated like less than dirt and it wasn’t him who had found them first. The person who took rocks meant to hit him and his brother once more being put through torment.
But as fucked as it is to say he’s uses this to his advantage. He makes requests for traders to find them, gives their description and waits for any news back. He doesn’t care if he literally gets “his friend” back by participating in the system that hurt them and traumatized them. He just sees it as a means to an end to get back what was his in the first place that was stolen by others. He’ll pull and strings he needs both physically and metaphorically if it means getting them back.
He doesn’t beat around the bush with this either. He asks other warlords or pirates to look for someone of their description and promises a giant price. He doesn’t care how much he has to pay for them, “his” friend is priceless to him anyways.
he watches some of his fellow warlords squirm when he makes this offer. Jinbe, Mihawk, even crocodile. What interests him most is Boa’s reaction though. Watches the disgust in her eyes along with fear and a deep sadness.
He pokes at her and gets yelled at in return but he knows he’s found a weak spot.
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gottawriteanegoortwo · 4 months
When Do We Ditch This City? - Mayor Attorney
Word Count: 549
“So when do we ditch this city for good?”
You don’t remember which of you had asked the question in the Mayor’s office. There was a function happening in the main hall, but Damien had opted to step out citing a headache, and you were quick on his heels to check he wasn’t sick.
As it turned out, he was fine. He was merely ‘sick’ of the formalities. You two had slumped onto the couch together, partially tangled up as you both willingly blocked out the existence of the party.
Leaving the city? After everything you both had put into it?
“My term will end in a year. I don’t plan to run for a second one.” Even with all the precautions he had taken, Damien was exhausted. “I’ve been saving, and I intend to move out of the city. Find a home of my own somewhere far from the claws of my parents. But… I’m willing to postpone that plan if you wish to continue working here.”
You pulled yourself up just enough to give him a bewildered look. You’d quit your job tomorrow if it meant Damien could escape his horrible family situation. Once you knew when his tenure would be up, you would hand in your letter of resignation. You were sure you had some medical ailment that you could ham up.
“I don’t want people thinking you are dying.”
You dismissed his concern with a light bat of your hand. You will be unwell with a bout of ‘stringititis’, which makes you want to lie on your bed and wave your arms like they’re made out of noodles. 
Damien snorted, which only served to bolster you. More severe cases would make you want to learn how to tie your arms into ribbons so you can look very pretty.
“You’re already pretty. I can give you one of my bowties if you’re that desperate.”
As much as you appreciated the offer, you opted to decline, stating that bowties were his thing, not yours. Leaving a kiss on his forehead, you admitted that you’d follow him to the ends of the earth if it meant you two could stay together.
“It will be grand when we’re both free,” he promised in a whisper. His right hand reached up to gently cup your cheek. “I would love nothing more than to find a place in the world with you. Somewhere quiet, somewhere small. A place where we can be near people, yet stay entirely separate if we so choose. Where would you want to go? It doesn’t have to be America.”
Anywhere? That was a rather important question that you couldn’t possibly think of a good answer for. All you could think of was how Damien’s plans sounded nothing short of perfect.
That was the right thing to say. His smile grew wider. “If I can live out my days with you as a family of our own, in whatever form that may take, with the ability to finally showcase my love for you in public without fear of having to avoid my family’s gaze, I will be the happiest man in the world.”
However cheesy that response may be, the sentiment behind it made something in your chest flutter as you leaned in to kiss him again.
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calzone-d · 1 year
Quality Time (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
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pairing: Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader, Mom!Reader (ish?)
word count: 3k
warnings: injuries, hospital (not angsty), olivia slander (if you don’t like it just go ahead and skip this one 😄)
summary: When Jason gets injured, you spend some quality time with the kids.
a/n: hi babies! thanks for being patient with me while I was kinda quiet over the holidays. this is RPF and has a tad of Olivia slander so if you’re not into those things, this one isn’t for you! otherwise, enjoy!
It was around lunchtime when you got the call. Daisy and Otis were settled at the kitchen table, happily eating the spaghetti you’d made them, and the three of you were throwing around suggestions of what to do with your weekend together.
Daisy wanted to go to the zoo, and Otis was pushing to go to the trampoline park. You hadn’t heard from Jason in about six hours, which was a little unusual since he wasn’t filming anymore, but you figured he’d just gotten carried away figuring out upcoming press with the rest of the Ted Lasso cast.
The kids carried on trying to compromise on weekend plans when your phone rang, looking at the ID you were relieved to see Jason’s name. You stepped away from the table to answer the call.
“Hey honey, what’s up?”
“Okay, don’t freak out-“
“What?”, how could you not freak out at that statement?
“So I’m in the hospital-“
“What? Are you okay? What happened?”, your mind immediately went to the worst.
The sound of him chuckling only confused you more.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just a little accident.”
“A car accident?”
Jason’s laugh filled your ears again, “No, no. Brett and I were editing, and we ordered a pizza. When it got here I jumped up to grab it, but I wasn’t paying attention and tripped over the edge of his couch. The way I landed on my ankle kind of broke it-“
“Kind of?”, you chuckled. Now that you knew it wasn’t too serious, you relaxed a bit.
“No, it’s kind of fucked up”, he admitted. “They’re wanting to do surgery on it tomorrow morning, and put a pin or two in there I think. I’ll be here for a day or two. I know it was our weekend off, and the kids are here, and-“
“Jas, it’s fine.”, this wouldn’t be the first time you had to watch the kids alone. There were many nights Olivia didn’t show to get the kids for her weekends, and Jason had to be somewhere for work. You’ve been in the kids’ lives since they were both born, having been best friends with Jason during your time on SNL. For the past year, though, you weren’t just the ”fun aunt” anymore. Your rekindled relationship with Jason meant that you spent most of your time with him. You’d taken on a bit more of a “mom” role to them, and there were no complaints from either side. You loved them like they were your own, and they loved how involved you were. Whenever Olivia wasn’t present, you always were, and they had started to catch on to that.
“I just feel bad, I know they really wanted to go out this weekend.”
“And they still can, you know I have no problem taking them out.”
“Are you sure? There might be paps there or something.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time, love. I promise I don’t mind, I love seeing them happy. I think they’ve come to an agreement on a day at the zoo.”
He fondly chuckled at your love for his children, “You know they love you right? You mean the world to them. To me, too.”
Your cheeks reddened at his sentiment, “I know, Jas. You guys are my world, too. Can we come see you? I know they’re going to be worried sick when I tell them.”
“Yeah, can you also bring a bag for me too?”
“I can do that. I’ll call you when we’re on our way, I love you.”
“I love you too, bye honey.”
You ended the call and walked back into the kitchen. Daisy was cackling at something Otis had said, and he proudly laughed along with her. Thankfully they had both finished their lunches, so you could go ahead and make your way to the hospital. You took a seat across from them and tried to find the best way to break the news.
“Alright, my loves. So we’ve had a change of plans”
They both looked at you.
“Your dad a little accident and hurt his foot, so he had to go to the hospital and get it all fixed up-“
Daisy interrupted you with a worried pout before you could continue, “Is he okay?”
“He’s just fine Daisy girl, but he’s got to spend the night there because they want to do surgery on it, just to make sure it heals faster.”
Otis’ expression was one of worry, and the way his brows furrowed was a perfect replica of his father’s.
“We’re gonna go see him, and then we can go to the zoo? How does that sound?”
They both slowly nodded, and Daisy spoke again, “But can we make sure he’s okay first?”
“That’s exactly what we’re gonna do. You two get dressed and I’m going to get some stuff together for Dad. Let’s try to leave in fifteen minutes, okay?”
Daisy and Otis both nodded before running off to their rooms. You went to you and Jason’s bedroom to get a bag ready for him. After a few minutes, Daisy came in and climbed on the bed next to the bag you were packing.
“Can you make sure we take this bracelet for dad?”, she showed you a new beaded bracelet she had made for Jason. It had blue and yellow beads with star beads on both ends.
“Wow, Daisy! That’s a good one, he’s going to love it!”, the little girl smiled proudly as you took the bracelet from her. She has developed a habit of making bracelets for you all, and you wore each one like it was made of gold.
“Let’s put it right here in his bag, and we’ll make sure he gets it before we leave.”, you opened a small zipper pocket on the side of his bag, and Daisy slipped it inside before zipping it back up.
She seemed to be dressed, wearing a lilac tutu over her leggings and some light-up converse. As you put the last few things you knew Jason would want in his bag, she remained quiet and picked at the bedspread. A tiny pout had settled on her face. You zipped up the duffel bag, and sat down next to her.
“What’s wrong, love bug?”
When she looked up at you, a few tears had gathered in her eyes. “I just want Dad to be okay.”
She climbed into your lap and wrapped herself around you before you could respond. Her tiny hands gripped at the back of your sweater and she let her head fall against your shoulder. When you wrapped your arms around you, she relaxed even more against you. Gently, you rocked her and rubbed circles on her back.
“He’s going to be just fine, sweet girl. I promise. He’ll be home in a few days, and in the meantime we can still have fun! After we go visit Dad we can go to the zoo and see the lions! It’s kind of cloudy, so I’m sure they’ll be out walking around today.”
She seemed to perk up at the mention of her favorite animal.
“Do you think the baby lions will be there?”
“Ooh, maybe! And we can get matching lion shirts!”
Daisy pulled away from you and gave you a toothy smile, “Can we wear them when Dad gets home?”
“Of course we can! Let‘s go round up your brother and head over to the hospital, okay?”, she nodded and hopped off your lap.
Daisy insisted on carrying his favorite blanket and holding it in her lap during the car ride there. Both kids were very adamant about holding your hand once you entered the hospital, you figured the new unfamiliar environment was probably a bit scary for them. Balancing the duffel bag on one shoulder and a hand holding both of yours wasn’t the easiest thing, but you wanted to make sure the kids felt as comfortable as possible.
When you arrived at the door of Jason’s room, the radiologists were inside taking X-rays, and asked you to wait in the hall until they were finished. While you waited, you felt Daisy poke at your side. She looked up at you with your arms outstretched, clearly wanting to be held, with a scared look on her face.
The last thing you wanted was for either of them to feel even more uneasy, so you maneuvered the bag on your shoulder and lifted her up onto your hip. Immediately, she wrapped her arms around your neck and buried her face into your shoulder. Otis stood close by, keeping a hand on the duffel bag as if he were afraid you’d get lost.
Otis looked up at you and asked, “Are you gonna stay with us, y/n?”
“Of course, hun. Where would I go?”
He shrugged and leaned into your side. Otis was a very touchy kid, he always loved hugs and insisted on being close to you. This only intensified as he grew more attached to you, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. He was such a sweet kid, and you loved the relationship you had with him; he’d even called you “Mom” a few times over the last couple months, not that you minded. As things with Olivia got worse, you made it very clear you weren’t trying to be any sort of replacement for the kids, and that they could call you whatever they wanted and felt comfortable with.
You’d always been close with Otis, ever since he was a toddler. Especially after Daisy was born, and Olivia took on more of the “girl mom” role. When you and Jason got back together, he was arguably one of the most excited people. He loved seeing his dad happy, and fed off the positive energy Jason radiated when he was around you.
The three of you stood in silence until the radiologist rolled the x-ray machine out of the room. As soon as they were out, you all went in, and Jason broke into a smile at the sight of his three favorite people.
“Hey guys!”
Daisy looked at him, but stayed silent in your arms. Otis climbed up on the bed next to him, and immediately started catching up with his dad. As they talked, you held Daisy close, and let her have a moment to observe the situation. During a break in his conversation with Otis, Jason looked over to the two of you.
“What’s wrong, Daisy? Do you want to come sit with me?”
You looked down at her, and she looked back up at you. She turned back to him and murmured, “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
Jason’s brows furrowed, “Oh honey, I promise I’m okay. Look, they’ve even given me a cool cast until I can have my surgery tomorrow.”
He pulled up the blanket to reveal a lime green cast covering his ankle and foot. It caught Daisy’s attention, and she was sold as soon as he said, “I also have a sharpie, do you want to draw some pictures on my cast?”
As soon as she nodded, you put her down. Her little hands tentatively took the sharpie from her dad, and she asked if he had any requests for his cast art.
“Pick an animal, Dad!”
“Oooh, can I get a giraffe?”
She giggled at his request, “With a long neck?”
“Yeah! Make it go all the way to the top, Dais!”
“You’re silly Dad!”, she laughed but started drawing anyway.
You sat the duffel bag on the couch by the window and started unloading it. “Okay, I’ve got you some pajamas, your phone charger, toothbrush, toothpaste-“
“Honey, I can go through all that later. Come sit.”, he pointed to the chair that was right at the bedside.
Reluctantly, you sat down beside him and grabbed his hand. The familiar warmth of his hand in yours calmed your nerves, and his thumb began rubbing circles into the back of your hand. Daisy and Otis talked about giraffes as she worked on his drawing, and Jason leaned over to rest his head against your shoulder. You pressed a soft kiss to his messy hair, and looked down to meet his eyes, “Feeling okay?”
“Much better now that I’ve seen you guys, missed you lots.”, he murmured as he looked over towards the kids. You both caught up as Daisy finished her drawing, and when she was done, she crawled up the bed and over into your lap.
“Wow Dais, that looks so good!”
Daisy smiled at her dad and leaned up to whisper in your ear, “Can I give him the bracelet now?”
“Oh of course! Go get it, honey.”
She scrambled off your lap and raced to the duffel bag, going straight for the pocket she put the bracelet in earlier.
Otis made a funny joke about Jason being clumsy, and as Daisy fished out the bracelet the two of them laughed together. The older he got, he was taking on more and more of his dad’s humor.
You helped Daisy back up on the bed when she returned with the bracelet, and Jason’s face lit up at her gift.
“Dad, it's for you! It’s a feel-better bracelet!”, her little smile showed how proud of herself she was.
“That’s so thoughtful of you, honey! Thank you so much! Want to put it on for me?”, the girl nodded and slipped the bracelet onto her dad’s wrist.
“Fits perfect! How did you know I wanted a blue and yellow bracelet?”, he poked his fingers into her side and she shrugged at him while giggling.
Jason moved to where they could both snuggle into his sides, and stretched an arm behind Daisy’s head to softly rub his fingers against your arm. Daisy wiggled around so that she faced you, and reached an arm over to grab at your hand, “Love you, y/n”.
Her sentiment was whispered, but it was one of the most clear things you’d ever heard. It wasn’t the first time one of them told you they loved you, but every time they said it, your heart bursted at the seams. You leaned towards her to brush her hair out of her forehead and place a warm kiss against it, “I love you, Dais”.
The girl hummed contently before snuggling back up into Jason’s side.
After they’d spent enough time with Jason to know he was okay, they started to get restless in the small room.
“How do you guys feel about heading over to the zoo?”
Both kids squealed in excitement at your suggestion, and very quickly voiced their agreement. Jason sent you all off with hugs and kisses, and the kids were noticeably calmer on the ride back to the house. They talked about which animals they were most excited to see, and took turns making funny animal noises.
They sat together on the couch while you loaded a backpack with snacks and drinks. When everyone was ready you made your way to the zoo.
As soon as you stepped inside the zoo, both kids were on cloud nine. They loved seeing all the animals, and posing for pictures for their dad. In the bigger crowds, they both insisted on holding one of your hands, and would point out all the tiny details of the animals to you.
“Y/n, look at the penguins little feet!”
“The peacock has really pretty feathers y/n, look how blue they are!”
They wanted a selfie with you in front of every exhibit. Luckily there weren’t many people that seemed to recognize you. A few people recognized you from SNL and some of your later projects, but they were polite enough to ask for a picture before just taking one of you and the kids.
By the end of the day, they were exhausted. Otis picked out a sweatshirt in the gift shop and Daisy went with a lion shirt that matched one of the adult ones they had. You got them both a banana popsicle and loaded up the car.
The ride home was silent, and both kids were asleep within ten minutes. When you got home, you woke them up and offered to cook tacos for dinner. You could tell they were fighting sleep but they insisted on staying awake for your tacos.
Jason facetimed you after you got home, and both kids were excited to tell them about their day at the zoo. He talked to them while you made dinner, and would ask them to pan the camera to you every few minutes to catch up with you, too. He stayed on the phone while you all ate, but as soon as you finished the kids were tired and wanted to go to bed.
“Sleep good, guys. Y/n, call me back later, okay? I love you all so so much.”
You hung up and went to take the kids to bed. Otis wanted to shower while you read Daisy a book. As soon as you were done, she was out like a light. You tucked her in, then went across the hall to tuck Otis in.
After you cleaned up the kitchen, you got ready for bed and gave Jason a call back.
“Hey, hot stuff. How was the zoo day?”
You laughed at his greeting, “It was great, Jas. We all had a really good time”
“I could tell by the pictures. Thanks for taking them, y/n, seriously. They love you so much, I do too.”
“You guys are my family, honey. I love you all so much more than you know. How are you feeling? How’s the foot?”
“It’s good, they’re talking about doing my surgery as outpatient tomorrow and letting me come home after I wake up.”
“We’d all love that, we miss you.”
“I miss you guys. This bed sucks and I have no one to entertain me”, you both shared a laugh.
“Plus, how am I supposed to sleep without you?”
“You sleep without me all the time, Jas.”
“Okay yeah, but it sucks.”
The two of you caught up some more before your eyelids got heavier. Jason insisted on staying on the phone until you fell asleep, and his voice made the transition even easier.
“Sleep good, sweetheart. I love you.”
“Love you too, Jas”
Thanks for reading!
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Is it possible to have a story where the House of Black help Adam win the TNT title from Christian and Adam agrees to join them?
Hello there! Thanks so much for your request! I know the story is a little on the short side, but I hope you enjoy it regardless 🖤 Sorry it's taken me so long to get it to you!
Disclaimers: None! Can you believe it? 😂
This story is written from the POV of Adam Copeland.
Divider by: @firefly-graphics
Word count: 798
Adam Copeland learns that it's good to have friends in dark places...
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Last week on Dynamite marked the 4th time that the House of Black showed up after one of my matches. Malakai spoke the same sentiment in the microphone each time, HOB wanted me to join them. While I appreciated the offer, I just wasn’t interested! I had my eyes set on something and someone else, Christian Cage and his TNT title. I wasn’t going to let anyone get in my way of taking that prick’s most prized possession away from him! Week after week I chased after him, had matches against him and I even beat his ass during a couple interviews too. Somehow my efforts fell flat, leaving me empty handed and Christian with championship gold around his waist. It kept me up at night trying to think of different ways to bring him down and regret started sinking in the more I thought about rejecting Malakai’s offers.
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A few weeks went by, and I had finally secured one last TNT title shot. It was a grueling task climbing the rankings with my Cope Open, but I did it! At this point I assumed House of Black had thrown in the towel trying to pursue me, but I was wrong when they interfered during my match against Christian.
I was just about to spear Christian when the lights suddenly went out! The entire arena was pitch black and the sound of gasps from the crowd was the only sound that could be heard. I reached my arms out in front of me to make sure Christian wasn’t trying to make a move in the dark, but I didn’t connect with anything. The ring started bouncing when more than one person entered it, and the sounds of kicks and groans started coming from the opposite end of where I was standing. Someone was putting up a good fight, but when their movements stilled, I knew they had lost.
The lights came back on revealing only myself, Christian and the ref in the ring. The ref was cowering in the corner as their eyes tried to adjust to the lights again and mine were locked on Christian who was writhing in pain on the mat! “What the hell was that?” I thought to myself, but I knew damn well what had happened. I didn’t allow myself to overthink things in that moment, not when the TNT title was dying for me to take it from my childhood best friend! Sure, it would be a cheap win since Christian was just beaten down in the dark, but I could live with that as long as it meant he would be without his title.
I grabbed the ref by their shirt and drug them to the center of the ring before I grabbed Christian by his leg and drug him over to the same spot. The crowd counted right along with the ref as they gave the final 3 count while I pinned him, and they went wild when the bell rung. I was officially the new champ! I was in disbelief the moment the ref placed the title in my hands and raised my arm in the air. My celebration was cut short when the sound of clapping echoed through the arena speakers and the big screen above the ramp came to life. House of Black sauntered onto the screen and each member had something to say. “Nicely done, Adam. The TNT title is finally with its rightful owner!” Brody King praised. “It’s good to have friends in dark places, isn’t it Adam?” Julia Hart said with a smirk. Buddy Matthews offered his congratulations in similar fashion, leaving Malakai the last one to speak.
In his usual slow and methodical tone, Malakai extended one final invitation to me, “Do you see it now, Adam? Do you finally understand what the House is capable of? It’s good to have friends in dark places! Repay our generosity with some of your own and join us, Adam.” The four members disappeared into the dark and the screen went black.
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When I appeared next to the House of Black on Collision, the crowd was split down the middle with their reactions. There was a mixture of cheers and boos when I explained my decision to join them, “There’s no need to be afraid of the dark anymore. The House proved to me that they are loyal and are willing to do whatever it takes to remain at the top of the food chain,” I said sternly as I lifted my shiny new title belt in the air. “Cage got what he deserved and, in the end, so did I. This belt belongs to me and my new friends here and I dare anyone to try and take it from us. The House always wins.”
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