#it struck me as a leo habit
hiddencitydweller · 11 months
Keep Going
Pairing: Leo x GN!Reader
Slight Hurt/Comfort, but mostly some emotional fluff!
Summary: After an especially trying mission, you try to comfort Leo in an unexpected way: singing.
Warnings: Self-deprecating comments
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Hi again! Thank you all so much for all the love on my first fic! I truly didn’t think it would receive any traction, but you guys blew me away! I’ve actually been working on this fic for quite some time now. I just couldn’t seem to get the emotions the way I want them. I’m pretty sure I’ve rewritten different parts of it at least a dozen times now, but I think it’s time to just let it go. This is a topic that’s quite special and personal to me, and I can only hope it resonates with someone else.
For a bunch of ninjas, your turtle friends sure were loud.
You could hear the boys’ playful banter and recounting of the night’s events echo through the sewer tunnels from your place on the Lair’s main couch. At this point, you were pretty used to waiting for your friends as they headed into the night on a mission or just patrol. Sure, some nights you would join them, putting your kickboxing and archery skills to good use. But for the most part, you decided to leave the crime fighting to the turtles in favor of some peace and quiet back at the Lair. Tonight was one of those nights. 
As you heard the laughter and footsteps thump closer, you sat up on the couch and simply listened. The first few times the boys had gone out and left you behind, you could not calm the anxiety racing through your body. What if their communicators broke and they couldn’t contact you? What if something happened and you weren’t there to help? That anxiety only amplified when you started your relationship with Leo. What if he needed you and you weren’t there? At the end of the night, when they inevitably made their way home, as they always, always, did, you nearly pounced on them, checking them over for any injuries and constantly asking if everyone was all right.
Now, after a little over a year of the same routine, you were much more practiced. It was as if you had gone through your own training, learning all the little signs that could signify the difference between an emergency and a victory. You again listened closely to the voices getting steadily louder, a soft smile playing across your lips. There were no sounds of labored breathing, no panicked voices or hurried footsteps. Just the boys taunting and teasing each other as they finally made their way into the Lair’s main living room. 
Still, old habits die hard. From your spot on the couch, you looked over each turtle intensely, trying to scope out any injuries or strain, but thankfully found none. Your eyes landed on Leo last, who was lightheartedly shoving Donnie for some comment he had made about a portal from the night’s escapade. Leo laughed and made some jab right back at his brother, but his shoulders seemed more tense than usual. You followed the movement, a tinge of concern niggling it’s way to the back of your mind. As if feeling your eyes on him, Leo turned to face you, a smile alighting his features. 
“Don’t worry, the wait is over! Your heroes have arrived!” Leo said with a flourish, making a grand gesture towards himself and his brothers, who laughed and rolled their eyes before giving you their own greetings.
You laughed at the display and the brothers’ lighthearted annoyance before piling on. “There’s my knight is shining plastron!” 
“Oh baby you know I’m more of a prince,” Leo said, confidence oozing from his voice. “You just can’t hide this face under a helmet. Gotta give the people what they want!” He struck a pose, finger and thumb framing his apparently princely face as he smirked down at you. His brothers groaned in protest before choosing to ignore you both in favor of heading down the hall to the kitchen, following the smell of the pizza you had brought with you about an hour ago.
Even with the blithe reply, that tinge of concern in the back of your mind alighted again. You could tell something was off. The smirk may be trademark Leo, but the light didn’t quite reach his eyes. You cocked your head slightly, your own smile just barley slipping as you once again raked your eyes over his frame, looking for any potential injuries you could’ve missed the first time. But you still came up empty handed.
Leo noticed your gaze travel over him. “Like what you see?” he purred, hand going to his hip as he raised an eyebrow.
Your eyes shot up to meet his. Of course he could turn your routine concern into an innuendo. You felt warmth reaching your cheeks, but you refused to acknowledge it, deciding instead to beat him at his own game. “Hmmm, I haven’t decided yet. Do a little turn, I need to see all the angles.”
He laughed and did as you requested, gracefully making a small circle as he held his hands up, presenting himself. You leaned back on your hands as your feigned appraising him. However, you couldn’t help but take the chance to quickly run your eyes over his shell, noting no cracks or blemishes. The back of his head and his muscled legs yielded the same result. Not a physical injury then. “Well?” He was facing you now, an expectant look gracing his features. “Do I meet your expectations?”
You sighed dramatically, flipping a hand dismissively at him, “I suppose you will do.” 
His laugh rang out again as he sauntered over to your place on the couch, lightly flicking your nose in response. “Oh how gracious of you mi amor.”
“What can I say? I know what I like,” you replied playfully, leaning forward to place a quick kiss against his lips. A softer smile spread across his lips as he followed your retreating form, lightly nuzzling your nose with his before stepping back. 
You blinked at the sudden retreat, very much expecting another kiss at the very least. Instead, he took off his gear and laid it haphazardly on a random beanbag chair. You could almost see the playful energy dwindle out of him as he flopped next to you on the couch, head lolling onto your shoulder as a huff of air escaped him. 
The slight concern turned into a full-on warning bell in your mind. Snuggling after a mission was nothing new, Leo’s main love language was touch after all, but it usually didn’t happen as soon as he walked through the door. Normally he would be too wired to sit still, practically bounce around the room as he regaled you with his heroics of the evening (always exaggerated just enough to make him out to be the true hero of the mission of course) and scarfed down enough pizza or take out to make any normal human sick. 
You decided you’d had enough beating around the bush. “All right Champion, what’s eating at ya?”
“Who says anything’s ‘eating at me’? Can’t I just cuddle up with my partner after a long mission?”
“Come on Leo, I know you better than that,” you replied softly, nudging him gently with the shoulder he was resting on.
He sighed, “Sometimes I think you see me a little too well.” 
“You said it yourself, you just can’t hide such a beautiful face.” 
He snorted at the remark and then fell silent. You reached over and grabbed his nearest hand, intertwining your fingers. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, you waiting patiently and rubbing soothing circles on the back of his hand as he sorted his thoughts. It was always this way with Leo. For someone who seemed to hide behind words, he always chose them carefully, especially with you.
“Tonight was just...hard.” He finally said softly.
“Hard how?”
Another sigh escaped him as he kept his eyes trained on where your hand held his. “Things didn’t go the way they were supposed to. The plan was to take out some Foot faces before they did something stupid, simple as that. But by the time we smashed into that warehouse, we were surrounded. It was an ambush, a trap. And I didn’t see it coming.” He took a second to huff out a frustrated breath, and you waited, not wanting to interrupt. 
“It wasn’t like it was anything we couldn’t handle, I mean the Foot clan hasn’t exactly upped their recruitment policies. But I was so caught off guard. I’m the leader, I’m supposed to know what’s going on and how to handle it, but I didn’t. I led my team, my brothers, into a literal trap. And it could’ve been so much worse. Hell, it almost ways. I was so preoccupied with trying to make sense of everything that I couldn’t even make a portal properly!” He flung the hand not holding yours up in frustration. “If it wasn’t for Donnie’s tech, I would’ve been knocked out cold. What kind of leader does that?! What kind of leader can’t figure out a situation or manage to hold his own?” He leaned his head into your shoulder more, dragged down by his own guilt.
Your heart tightened at the confession. Ever since being named leader, and especially after the Kraang incident, Leo had been impossibly tough on himself. You’d lost track of the number of times he had chosen extra training over coming to bed. How many strategy textbooks and medical journals he had read and reread between training and patrol and family time. He put in so much of himself to be the best leader, the best brother, he could be. And yet, in moments like these, he couldn’t seem to see that. 
As much as you wanted to bring all of this up, you knew from experience that it wouldn’t assuage the guilt tightening his expression. So instead, you said, “A leader’s job isn’t to know everything. There are times where you’re simply going to be surprised, whether it be for better or worse. I bet even Raph couldn’t avoid that when he was leader.” You received a small huff at that. “What’s important is what happens after.”
“Yeah, and I froze. I messed up.”
“What happened,” you pressed on, “is your team worked together to solve the situation. No one expects you to know everything that’s going to happen or to fight it all on your own. You may have frozen, but your team was right there to have your back, just like you would have theirs if the roles were reversed. It’s not all on you.”
He mulled over your response before sighing. “I just thought after everything we went through, everything I went through, I would have this figured out by now.”
“I don’t think there really is a way to figure it all out. You just need to trust your brothers as much as they trust you. Leader or not, you’re not alone.” Leo hummed in reply, seemingly deep in thought at your words. 
You pulled your eyes away from their focus on your joined hands and glanced at him sideways. You could tell the night and conversation were taking their toll from the way his forehead was creased and his drooped, exhaustion clearly pulling on his features.
After a minute, you carefully leaned away from him and gently nudged his head off your shoulder, causing him to look at you, an eyebrow raised. Rather than respond to the question in his eyes, you shifted so that you laid on your back across your half of the cushions, your shoulders and upper body supported by the arm of the couch. You looked at where Leo still sat upright, now caught between your legs, and smiled as you opened your arms invitingly. 
“Come on, don’t leave me hanging!” you said playfully, yet softly, mindful of everything running through his head. Still, he could use some lightness right now.
He returned the smile and gladly made to lay on top of you, his plastron fitting snuggly against your stomach and his head nestled on your chest. He wrapped his arms around your torso and sunk in, nuzzling his face further into you. Still smiling, you placed one hand on his shell as the other came up to rub against the back of his head. 
Leo sighed contently at the motion, somehow pulling you even closer. Looking down, you felt your heart both melt and tighten at his response. He carried so much responsibility on his shoulders: his brothers, his father, you, hell even the fate of the world on occasion. It was such a heavy burden to lift, even with the mutated muscles and shell on his back. You wanted nothing more than to take that weight, to give him a reprieve if only for a little bit. To show him just how important he was, leader or no. Lost in these thoughts, you closed your eyes and lightly dragged your nails across his skin and shell, receiving a pleasant shiver in return.
Then you started singing.
The lilting melody began softly, as if hesitant to break the comfortable silence the two of you had created. The notes gradually floated from you in an almost whispered caress. You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on your lips as they formed around the familiar lyrics you’d sung so many times before. Only a few bars in, you felt Leo stir from his position on top of you. You abruptly halted your song, eyes flying open as you tensed.
It hadn’t been a conscious decision really. You often sang to yourself when you wanted comfort, always feeling calm and centered when the music surrounded you. It seemed only natural to want to bring that same comfort now, to wrap the two of you softly in your voice. 
But maybe that was selfish of you to think. Your mind flashed to other times you had found yourself singing around others, their smiles and compliments masking the annoyance you could see in their eyes. Maybe Leo didn’t want to hear you right now. Maybe he thought you were showing off when all he really wanted was comfort.
You cringed softly as you looked down at him, apology already on your tongue. But his face made you pause once more. He looked up at you, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. While the exhaustion remained, there was a twinkle of wonder and affection in his gaze that had you blowing out a light breath of air.
“Keep going,” Leo whispered into the small space between you. You stared back at him unmoving, the moment feeling delicate and indescribably precious. He waited, eyes never leaving yours.
So you began again.
As before, you started softly, the melody gracefully whispering into the silence around you. Then your voice began to grow, the song taking full form.
The melody floated off your tongue and hung suspended in the air like ribbon. You softly dragged and pulled the notes as you wove them together, blending them seamlessly. The tapestry of your song surrounded you both and softly wrapped you in its warmth. All the while, you found yourself unable to look away from Leo’s wonder-filled eyes. 
As you came to your favorite lyric, you reached up and gently grazed the tips of your fingers down and across his cheek, trying to imbue the words and motion with every ounce of love you felt for him. He leaned into your caress as his eyes went glassy. The true vulnerability and intimacy of the moment threatened to take your breath away, but you pushed on, determined to give him this gift, this piece of you however small. 
Because that's what it was, you realized. Singing had always been a part of you that you cherished, even if no one else seemed to. And here he was, the love of your life, soaking up every emotion-filled word and comforting note as if they were the last he would ever hear.
Words couldn't begin to describe the emotions swirling through your chest.
Without even meaning to, you had found your own way of showing just how much he meant to you, how much you admired and cherished him, regardless of any mission. Your heart soared at the thought as your eyes watered. Yes, you would gladly give him this piece of you over and over and over again. Every lyric, every note, every breath could be his if it brought an ounce of comfort. If it showed even a fraction of the love that filled your heart. He could have it all.
With a newfound purpose, you brought the song back down to a whisper, something meant only for the two of you. You shifted your hand so it was cupping his cheek. He once again leaned into your touch, a soft smile wobbling across his lips as a tear slowly made its trek down his cheek before your thumb brushed it away. You returned the smile knowing he understood. He knew exactly what you were trying to say, even if the exact words never left your tongue.
Too soon the song ended, leaving the two of you suspended in its afterglow. For a long moment, neither of you spoke, simply breathing in the comfortable silence. If it were up to you, that's exactly how you would stay, basking in the comfort and love that surrounded you both.
However, Leo could only stay silent for so long. “You’re incredible,” he finally whispered. Even having not moved for the entirety of you song, he seemed breathless. “After all this time, you still continue to amaze me.”
“I was just thinking the same thing,” you replied equally soft, thumb still rubbing soothingly across his cheek. His smile broadened slightly at the remark, but there was no quick retort. 
Instead, voice still low, he asked, “Would you sing another?”
And that’s how you stayed for the rest of the night, Leo pressed against you, his own churrs vibrating from his chest in tandem with your swirling notes, and you, singing softly until you were both lulled into a peaceful sleep. 
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
just a little drabble thing
I know I have stuff to work on but in my defense, I've done writing on both my projects today so leave me alone with my brainrot
this is absolutely the fault of @intotheelliwoods and the brainrot their Leo losing an arm anyway art has given me. Please go check out that post and the linked comic and give it all the likes and reblogs SERIOUSLY.
okay here's a thing byyyyeeee
He sees the ball out of his peripheral vision, before he even hears Mikey yell, "Heads up!" He reaches to catch it, but it smacks into the side of his head anyway, and it's only once it collides that he realizes.
It hit his right side. He'd reached with a hand that wasn't there anymore.
It's just a rubber ball that Mikey had been kicking around. It didn't hurt where it made contact, just bounced off his head harmlessly before dropping to the floor and rolling away. Nothing to be upset about. And yet...
Something sad and ugly twists in his gut.
"Whoops! Sorry, Leo!" Mikey's voice pulls his attention. He's holding the ball now and looking at Leo and Leo wishes he wouldn't. "Didn't mean to hit you."
"You didn't, that was on purpose. I've been working on my headers!" The joke rolls out of him with such practiced ease he doesn't even have to think about it. He's grinning and he hopes nothing shows on his face.
It's such a little, stupid thing and he has no reason to be upset so why is his chest burning?
"...Everything okay?" asks Mikey, looking at him too closely now, and Leo is struck by the urge to push him away so he'll stop, an urge he quickly pushes down because wow, dramatic much?
What is he going to say? "I couldn't catch the ball and now I want to cry about it"? What is he, five?
"Just thinking I want to get some snacks," he lies, backing away from Mikey toward the lair's exit. "Be back in a few. Hey, if you want something, text me!"
"Leo!" Mikey calls after him, but he's already running through the tunnels like the coward he is.
"...Hey Leon."
Leo peeks up around his knees. Leonardo is standing over him, so big and tall and imposing. Leo isn't sure how it's possible that he ever gets that big.
He's not wearing his arm, and Leo's eyes linger on the missing piece before sinking back down to his own legs, pulled up to his chest.
"How'd you find me?"
He hears an amused huff. "You think I'd forget where I used to do my teenage angsting?"
"Who's angsting? Not me. I'm angst free."
There's some shuffling, and then he feels a warm weight on his left side.
"You remember what I said? You can tell me anything."
"There's nothing to tell," he tries. When there's no response, he tacks on, "It's stupid anyway."
"How about you tell me what it is, and then I'll decide if I think it's stupid?"
Leo hesitates, reaching over and fiddling with one of his bandages out of habit. Leonardo is quiet, and patient, and Leo hates how it works on him every time.
"...Mikey kicked a ball at me. Probably not on purpose." Not that he would mind if it had been on purpose, actually, because Pizza Supreme knows he's thrown many a thing at his brothers in his life, but that isn't the point. "And I tried to catch it but... I tried to use my right arm, before I remembered, oh yeah, don't got one of those anymore."
"Okay." Leonardo's voice is measured. "What part of that is supposed to be stupid?"
"That it didn't even hurt but I'm out here "teenage angsting" anyway?"
"Okay, poor choice of words. That's my bad." Leonardo leans into him, and Leo doesn't pull back. "Sounds to me like you aren't upset about the ball. Sounds like you're upset about your arm."
"Yeah, well, I spent weeks being sad about that. I'd like for it to be over, please."
"Unfortunately I don't think it works like that, Mini Me. Grief moves at its own pace. Trust me on that."
Leo pulls his head up, fixing his older counterpart with a stare. "You don't seem bothered by it anymore. How'd you manage that?"
He gets a shrug in return. "I don't think you should use my reaction to gauge your own."
"Why not? We're literally the same person."
"We stopped being the same person the day you stopped the invasion."
Leo isn't sure that's true.
Perhaps sensing that such is the case, Leonardo sighs and continues. "I've had longer to get used to it than you. Eventually, your body starts to adjust to make up for it. Plus, I was older than you when it happened, and I'd already lost... things that made an arm feel like nothing by comparison."
Leo shudders at that, and Leonardo reaches with his arm, giving Leo's shoulder a comforting rub.
"It took time, though. And it still trips me up sometimes. My body forgets and tries to reach with an arm that isn't there. The robot arm doesn't help with adjusting."
He can't help but smile at that, just a little. "But it's so cool."
"Damn straight it's cool. Can't wait to see what Donnie's got cooking up for you."
"Raph nixed the flamethrower attachment."
"He's probably already added it, you just have to swear not to tell."
Leo snickers, and Leonardo laughs along.
"One way we're still the same," Leonardo says when they're quiet again, "is that we aren't good at being kind to ourself. But you're going to have bad days, and you're going to have days where the little things feel insurmountable. And I'm asking you on those days to be kind to yourself."
The sad, ugly thing in Leo's gut is still there, but he feels better anyway, staring at the wall of the tunnel with Leonardo's weight still at his side. Be kind to himself, huh?
"...Seems like you could use the same advice, old man."
Leonardo chuckles, reaching over to give his head a light cuff. "Yeah, yeah. Let's try to learn together."
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
‘guns for hire’ — the little duckling #23
previous · masterlist · next
content warnings: mentioned multiple whumpers, intimate whumper, whumper caretaking, past stab wound, past character death, recovery, manipulation, glass wounds, blood
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Recovery wasn’t as bad as Leo had been expecting. With the critical wound in his side still healing, he’d been bedridden for a long while. He had meals delivered to him, easing his stomach back to its usual habits, and he often found he was strong enough to keep them down when it wasn’t solid foods. 
Only Roy and Joey ever entered his room. It made him feel much more at ease when he heard his door clicking open, knowing he didn’t have to expect anybody that was going to grab him by the hair and drag him outside. He sometimes grew a little wary at night, becoming restless at the thought of somebody sneaking in, but he was certain that Roy was sneaking little sleeping pills into his food and drink that made him sleep peacefully. 
His eyes had been on the violin case by the windowsill. It had been sitting there since Roy pulled it out for him, and he’d wanted nothing more than to get up and start playing. The mercenary had made it clear that until he had the strength to stand around and cook, then the violin was staying there. 
“Where’s my jacket?” Roy hummed, playing with a knife in his hands. Leo blinked out of his daze, glancing at him in confusion. His eyes squinted softly. 
“I don’t know,” he croaked softly, seeming a little heartbroken at the prospect. “It was taken off of me.” 
Probably by Bran, he thought bitterly to himself, but he wasn’t willing to test fate by displaying his clear hatred for the big man. Roy cocked a brow, and Leo wasn’t quite sure if he saw a hint of annoyance in his eyes. They were focused so intently on the dagger, like he was contemplating something deeply. 
“Don’t worry, lion,” he drawled, offering him a light smile. “I’ll get it back for you.” 
Several days later, he dumped the familiar fabric into his lap. Leo could have cried from the sheer happiness he felt, bundling the jacket tightly into his arms and holding it close. It still smelled faintly of him, too, and Leo didn’t let go of it at all during his bedridden recovery. 
Once he was finally able to get back onto his feet, he knew he had to see the other mercenaries again. Roy had insisted he come downstairs for some food, rather than sit in bed and eat it by himself. The thought had struck him with a horrible terror in his heart, but he told himself as long as he stuck by Roy, then the other mercenaries wouldn’t be able to hurt him so easily. 
The first thing he noticed was how different the atmosphere was between them all. 
Beard was usually quiet, keeping much to himself, but it was seeing Bran hardly utter a word in the kitchen that struck the whole situation as odd. He chalked it down to the fact that Finger had been murdered, since that must have been enough to downplay the mood between them. He sat quietly at the kitchen table, keeping his eyes solely trained on the empty plate, hands clapped in his lap. Joey was taking the brunt of the cooking, but everybody seemed to pitch in occasionally. 
It made him recall the time he’d attempted to cook. The bolognese that had been so easily tossed in the bin by Bran without a care — now he seemed to be shutting up and taking what he was given. Leo himself also ate quietly. His heart was heavy in his chest just from being in the same room as them all. 
When Roy finished and promptly left the room, Leo watched him go with frightened eyes. A shock zapped up his spine, the despair of being left alone with the other mercenaries making a sickening wave of nausea smack into him mercilessly. His eyes darted back to their faces frantically. Joey offered him a brief glance, but Leo was already pushing away his half eaten plate of food, and swiftly scurrying after Roy. 
His eyes instantly found him as he exited the suffocating kitchen, and he turned around as if he’d been expecting him. “Want to go for a walk, lion?” 
Leo had liked the fresh air. Roy kept an arm draped around his shoulder, gently keeping him tucked into his side, but the secretary found he didn’t mind it. There was a part of his brain that was telling him he was getting too smitten. But it was quiet. 
Being stuck to Roy was to keep himself safe from the other mercenaries, but he also found that he just didn’t want to be alone. If it meant shuffling after the man wherever he went, then Leo did it. If he ate in the kitchen, then so did Leo. If he decided he wanted to sit and watch some television, then Leo would too. The mercenary hadn’t at all seemed to care. If anything, the little encouraging touches reassured him.
He wasn’t interested in what he was watching on the screen, but Leo didn’t care. As long as he was away from the others, and he wasn’t sitting alone, then he was relatively happy. The television was only on low, and so it was easy for him to hear Roy’s sudden question, startling him from the depths of his own thoughts. 
“Tell me about yourself, lion.” 
His eyes fluttered open wide, and he spared him a confused glance. “What?” 
Roy met his gaze. “Tell me about yourself.” 
About himself? Leo wondered where this sudden line of questioning was coming from. He hadn’t ever asked much about him, and he hadn’t thought he ever would. The only time he’d told him personal information was when he had the collar coiled around his throat, sending seizing shocks through his body. He involuntarily shuddered at the very thought. 
He didn’t want that to happen again. 
“What do you want to know?” He asked softly, his voice hesitant. He was trying to decipher whether this was some sort of trick. One thing he hadn’t missed about Roy were the subtle mind games, wondering whether he was being put to the test. The mercenary shifted, throwing one leg over the other with a sigh. 
“Anything,” he shrugged, eyes flicking back onto the TV. “Tell me what you like. What you don’t like.” 
Leo blinked slowly. His fingers fumbled in his lap, wringing anxiously. 
“Okay,” he breathed. “Um.” 
He tried wracking his brain. Under the silent pressure, he wasn’t even sure he knew what to answer the question with. His first thought jumped to the violin, but Roy already knew that. The question was so inexplicably normal that he felt like he’d forgotten everything simple about his life. He swallowed, releasing a shuddering breath. 
“I…like cats,” he finally whispered. He glanced over at Roy to see a smirk quirking at the corner of his lips. 
“How fitting,” he drawled, and Leo’s brows pinched in a frown. “Carry on.” 
He pressed his lips together. “I like looking at really old paintings.”
“You’re telling me you stand around in museums and art galleries?” 
Leo frowned. “Yes?” 
“Boring,” Roy sang, shaking his head playfully. There was a teasing lilt to his words, but he still couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. “Come on, keep going, lion.” 
Leo had the strength to send him a small glare out of the corner of his eyes. Roy’s gaze had been stripped from the screen, and now he seemed to pin his full attention on the secretary. He tried not to squirm under his intense stare, desperately thinking of something else. 
“Hot chocolate,” he answered absentmindedly. “But only the Galaxy mix. With cream and marshmallows.” 
“Sweet tooth?” Roy crooned. 
Leo nodded his head in embarrassment. The man tilted his head to the side, almost in curiosity. He was shocked by the normality of their conversation. It made everything seem almost normal. It made him feel normal. How long had it been since everything had been so simple? Leo found himself relaxing completely. His eyes stayed trained on the mercenary’s face, feeling sucked in.
“But...I also like salty stuff.”
Roy hummed. “That so?”
Leo fiddled with his fingers as a thought crossed his mind. He wasn’t confident he was even allowed to ask, but he found himself doing it anyway.
“What about you?” He whispered hesitantly. “Can you...tell me about yourself?”
Roy’s expression didn’t give anything away, but his chest seemed to rise and fall with a subtle sigh. His eyes shifted away, shaking his head slowly.
“Not today, lion,” he hummed under his breath, and Leo bit the inside of his cheek in disappointment.
They both went back to watching the television in silence. Leo’s eyes would occasionally dart towards the kitchen door when somebody would leave or enter, but he eventually managed to keep himself still. He wanted to ask Roy how long they would be staying here for; he hoped it wasn’t permanent. The brief thought of escape stirred back within his brain, but he pushed it down. With everybody here, there was hardly a point.
Leo glanced at the window out of the corner of his eye. It was starting to get dark, and he could feel his head start to swim. Joey had left some aspirin in his room in case this started happening, and so he was eager to swallow it down and rest for the night.
As he retreated back up to his room on the second floor, he just caught the glimpse of a big shadow looming over him. His eyes darted upwards to meet with the snarling face of Bran, glowering down at him. The man didn’t bother to make room, simply shoving Leo abruptly out of the way like a rag doll.
“Move,” he snapped angrily, seemingly uncaring as Leo smacked into the wall painfully. His shoulder clipped a frame on the wall, and he heard it clatter off it’s hinges. It tipped forward, and landed face first onto the ground. The horrible, ear piercing shattering of glass cut through the silence, and Leo’s hands clasped over his mouth in shock.
His wide eyes darted towards Bran, who was staring at him with a deep scowl.
Not a moment later, Roy appeared at the top of the stairs. His gaze instantly landed on the frame and the little shards of glass on the ground, before his arms crossed over his chest.
Leo could feel his heart pounding in his ribs.
“What happened?” He asked, his voice and neutral expression leaving nothing to pick from. Bran kissed his teeth, almost rolling his eyes, as if he found the entire situation completely absurd.
“Your pet doesn’t know how to walk properly,” he snarled, and Leo finally uncovered his mouth with shaking hands.
“No,” he whispered, his voice wobbling from the sheer panic. “No, no, I...”
The words died instantly in his throat when he felt Bran’s intense, terrifying glare burn into his head. He tried to open his mouth to explain something, to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but he couldn’t.
Roy’s brow cocked, before he redirected his stoney gaze towards Bran.
“Pick it up.”
The man scowled. “Excuse me?”
Even though Roy wasn’t as tall as Bran, he still took a firm step forward. His eyes didn’t leave his, hardening with a terrying vigour he had never seen before.
“Are you deaf?” Roy spoke harshly. “I said pick it up.”
“Fuck,” Bran hissed. Leo skittered backwards when the big man surged towards the broken painting, his face twisted in frustration. Roy’s words seemed to leave no room for complaints, but Leo was still trying to swallow down the bile that had built up in the back of his throat.
The moment the man crouched down to angrily pick up the glass, Roy’s boot violently slammed down on his hand. The sickening squelch of glass jaggedly piercing through flesh cut through the air, and Bran let out a deep, pained yell as the mercenary squashed his hand into the floorboards.
“Fuck!” He groaned, other hand bracing against the wall for support. “You fucking—fuck!”
Roy’s boot dug harder into the flesh, his eyes dark. “What was that?” He murmured lowly, his voice laced with disdain. “Say it again.”
Bran’s jaw clenched, a shuddery breath escaping him from the initial shock of pain. “Fuck you,” he growled, dripping with pained animosity. Blood pooled from under his palm. “Fuckin’ crazy as your—”
Roy pressed down harder, and Bran’s words were instantly cut off.
“Keep it up and Joey’ll be burying you out back beside Rafi,” he gritted out slowly. He sounded as though he was thoroughly restraining himself, and Leo’s stomach churned as he stayed far back. “That’s if I’m feeling nice.”
He lifted his boot, and turned away from Bran with a curt sigh. Leo pressed himself close to the wall as he passed him, his head darting back and forth when he realised he was heading into his room.
Without a second thought, Leo scurried after him.
tag list – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10
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goldenboybridgers · 1 month
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ @gollldrush said - “don’t  call  me  ‘ baby ’  again .” ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
Aurelius startles slightly at the words that come so sharply from Leo's mouth. He blinks at her, lips slightly pursued--dumbfounded. He'd been calling her different pet names for a while now, running down the list and figuring out which ones sounded best--fit best. Usually it was out of habit, sometimes out of a desire to give her one. She hadn't said anything about it before, but suddenly it seemed to have struck a nerve. He cleared his throat lightly, hands on his hips, his gaze shifting down to the floor. A beat.
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"All right," ze hummed, a little hurt. "What shall I call you then? Love? Sweetheart? Darling? Beautiful?"
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sheyshocked · 1 year
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I posted 21,434 times in 2022
That's 448 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (0%)
21,392 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 21,194 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#dbh - 14,228 posts
#detroit become human - 10,798 posts
#dbh connor - 6,925 posts
#team fortress 2 - 3,865 posts
#tf2 - 3,851 posts
#dbh gavin reed - 3,636 posts
#dbh rk900 - 3,512 posts
#detroit become human - 3,434 posts
#dbh hank anderson - 2,906 posts
#dbh markus - 1,980 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#*remembers my uni experience* wish i had teachers who don't belittle you for asking questions
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fic Masterpost (2022)
Organized by year 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Updated! (12th October - new Team Fortress 2 multichapter fic - Baby It’s All Just Chemistry)
Detroit: Become Human
Can you deviate twice? - Some people never wisen. Unfortunately, Simon seems to be one of them. But who knew you could deviate for love twice? Fluff, Simarkus Week 2022, 1,006 words.
I Would Love You In Any Form You Would Take -  With a simple tweak of the preconstruction software, androids should be able to get glimpses of "alternate realities". While Markus is intrigued by the prospect, Simon is definitively not. Fluff, crack treated seriously, Simarkus Week 2022, 3,161 words.
Not the Best Place for a Love Confession - Markus talks about his new budding relationship with Simon during an interview. Simon’s reaction surprises him. Fluff, slightly sexist language, Simarkus Week 2022, 1,781 words.
When the Wind Blows - What Markus didn't know when he pressed that button was that even androids can't survive prolonged contact with radiation. Angst, post nuclear ending, character death, Simarkus Week 2022, 1,445 words.
Daniel/Leo Manfred
The Day Leo Had Woken up With Cat Ears - Leo is struck by a strange curse that makes him grow cat ears. Now he must find a way to somehow break it to his boyfriend. Humor, fluff, crack, 623 words.
Team Fortress 2
Baby It’s All Just Chemistry - Months after the RED team assembled and its members started getting used to one another, they receive some shocking news. They are about to get a new teammate soon. AU, tenth class, humor, slice of life. Minor Heavy/Medic and RED!Demoman/BLU!Soldier. Chapters 1/?, 
Spy/Scout’s Mother
À la Claire Fontaine - Before a battle, Scout is trying to work off excess energy, which keeps annoying Spy to no end. When he has enough and throws a knife at him, Scout settles down for a while, only to start humming a familiar song. It brings back some memories Spy thought he would forget. Light angst, Dad Spy,  2,607 words.
Your Ray of Sunshine - Nothing goes your way these last few days, your team is losing one match after the other, and you feel awful because of it. But then Scout shows up and makes you feel just a little bit better. Hurt/comfort, Reader insert, (Gender-neutral) Reader & Scout, Platonic relationships, 742 words.
24 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Not the Best Place for a Love Confession
Summary: During an interview with a reporter who has a bad habit of saying the most offensive thing possible at the moment, Markus talks about his new budding relationship with Simon and teaches the public that just because he’s the respected leader of the revolution, his partner doesn’t have to be some fainting maiden waiting for him to come home. Simon’s reaction surprises him. Second day of Simarkus Week 2022, prompt Confession.
Ship: Simon/Markus (Detroit: Become Human)
Warnings: (Slightly) Sexist Language
Tags: Fluff, Public Love Confessions, Making Out, Markus Loves Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Switch Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Switch Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Interviews, Markus Being Sassy, Secret Relationship
Wordcount: 1,781
A/N: Look, it’s my event, my rules. And when I say I’m gonna post fics for Simarkus Week a month late, then so be it (anyone can do that, btw, so if you still wanna join, go crazy). Anyway, hope you enjoy reading!
You can also read it on ao3!
Only a few things were sure to make Markus’ blood boil in rage. Injustice was one of them. Ignorance the other. But pretentious interviews with reporters who couldn’t give a damn about their cause and were only looking for a sensation happened to be high on the list, too. The people there were as bad as the gabbers at the Museum of Modern Art, if not worse.
Unfortunately, just like those cocktail parties Carl used to despise so much, these events were a necessary evil from time to time, so Markus forced himself to smile as he answered questions that were borderline offensive.
The acceptance of androids as a new living species was still quite a novelty, and most people meant no harm, just didn’t know how to communicate with them after everything that happened. That’s why he was here. To make them see that they were no different from them. If only some of the remarks didn’t feel like they were pulling his teeth out! At least the reporter, Joyce, always made an effort to correct herself when he let her know what she was saying was getting out of hand. But still...
“So... there is word on the street that someone had managed to capture the heart of the famous deviant leader! Is there any truth to it?”
Markus froze in shock. How did they know? His eyes wandered in the general direction where he assumed his friends and Simon were waiting for him to finish the interview, keeping their fingers crossed for him. Sadly, the studio lights were shining right into his eyes, so he couldn’t make out their expressions. They were probably as shocked as he was.
“This is bullshit,” North stated via their wireless connection. “Don’t reply, Markus. They are just digging for dirt. What you do with Simon in privacy is no one's business.”
Josh was next to chime in. “For once, I have to agree. They should focus on the things that matter, not this.”
Although Markus agreed with them wholeheartedly, he was still waiting for the one person who had the biggest say in this. Simon. The thing between them was still too fragile, and he didn’t want to squander it by making him uncomfortable.
“What do you think I should say, Simon? I don’t want to keep you a secret, but I won’t put you in the spotlight if you don’t wish so.”
At first, he was met with silence on the other end. Simon was obviously as torn at this as him. Then he responded, voice wavering: “I don’t think it would do us any good at this point to give any names. Maybe keep the details? Other than that, I’m fine with whatever you decide would be the best.” He went silent for a moment, before admitting: “Don’t wanna keep you a secret too.”
Markus nodded out of instinct, before turning back at the reporter. Thank god their communication was fast as a bolt of lightning, otherwise, the awkward pause might get even worse. “I hope you do realize this is a very personal question, Joyce. But yes. You could say that.”
“Oooh, lucky them, then! There’s no shortage of people who would jump at the opportunity to date someone like you.”
Were they now? He didn’t know and, honestly, he did not care. They weren’t his beautiful, radiant Simon. “I’m sure there are some fans or admirers, and I appreciate the attention,” not really, “even though I think people should focus more on what I say rather than on how I look.” He glanced down at the ground, suddenly abashed, before he picked up where he ended. “Back during the revolution, there was no time for romance. We all fought to survive. Now I found what I’ve been missing and I’m happy. It’s a tremendous success that our kind can finally experience love without having to fear the reaction of people around us.”
The crowd, mostly present androids, cheered at that. He overheard even one loud “aww” from backstage. Joyce giggled. It was a weird cacophony of sounds. One he was still getting used to, months after giving speeches. “You sound smitten with that mysterious person! I’m sure our viewers are dying to know whether it was a human or another android who rocked your world.”
That gave him pause. Simon said to keep it as ambiguous as possible. “Android. Former domestic assistant. And that’s all I will say.”
There were dozens of models that were considered domestic, both male and female. Small chance they would immediately figure out it was a PL600 with sky blue eyes and a gentle smile. And if they did? Well, people speculate all the time. They didn’t have to confirm it. Or they could. It was up to them to decide whether they would make it official, once they got more comfortable with the situation.
“Ah, I see. So you swept them off their feet and now they keep the house warm while you are here, changing the world.”
What. The. Hell.
At first, he thought – hoped – he heard her wrong. But no. She did say that. His heart picked up speed and he could feel his cheeks heating up as he fought the urge to scream: Just because I’m the leader doesn’t mean my partner has to be some submissive, meek flower who stays at home and takes care of the household!
Out of instinct, his eyes wandered to where he thought Simon stood. He could imagine his sad expression as he took the insult and said nothing, keeping it all bottled up. No way. Markus can’t let this slide.
“We are no longer slaves of our programming, Joyce,” he had to try very hard to keep his voice calm. “We can choose to be anyone we want to be now, and my partner chose to fight for our cause side by side with me ever since the beginning. Never passes a day when I wouldn’t admire their dedication, strength, and voice of reason. So stop belittling their worth just because of their past.”
The whole studio went silent. Joyce in particular looked like she wished the ground would swallow her whole. Although she had a lot of makeup on, he could see her face was getting a radiant shade of red. Good. Maybe she will think next time before she spouts something like this.
See the full post
25 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
À la Claire Fontaine
Summary: Before a battle, Scout is trying to work off excess energy, which keeps annoying Spy to no end. When he has enough and throws a knife at him, Scout settles down for a while, only to start humming a familiar song. It brings back some memories Spy thought he would forget.
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Ship: Spy/Scout’s mother (familial Spy & Scout)
Warnings: Panic Attacks
Tags: Light Angst, Scout Doesn't Know Spy Is Scout's Parent (Team Fortress 2), Spy Tries to be a Parent (Team Fortress 2), Father-Son Relationship, Scout Has ADHD (Team Fortress 2), Soft Spy (Team Fortress 2), Flashbacks, Spy loves Scout's Mother, Smoking, POV Spy (Team Fortress 2), Spy Being an Asshole (Team Fortress 2)
Wordcount: 2,607
A/N: Inspired by this adorable picture by @wachtelspinat and by French lullaby À la claire fontaine (obviously).
You can also read it on ao3!
Ten minutes until the next match starts. Well, nine minutes and thirty-five seconds now, to be precise. Just enough for his last cigarette of the day, Spy concluded and pulled out a lighter. That… fire-loving abomination sitting on the other side of the locker room visibly perked up at the faint flickering light – he cut it off before it could move. It was on their side, but as far as he was concerned, better be safe than sorry.
The entire team RED was spending its final moments before the bloodbath the only way they knew. Heavy fussed over Sasha, his much-beloved weapon, Demoman had just opened his second – or was it third? – bottle of Scrumpy and was drunkenly offering it to anyone in the immediate vicinity, and Spy? All he wanted was to have a smoke in peace before the fighting started.
Just another ordinary day in the gutter.
Scout sat on the bench right opposite him and, as usual, had a really hard time trying to stay still. His excitement before matches always had this nervous edge, no matter how many times his guts got scattered across the sands of New Mexico. He couldn’t stop fidgeting, his leg bouncing up and down nearly constantly. At first, it was a mere nuisance. Easy to block out with other white noise. Another thirty seconds in, and it made him grit his teeth.
Much like the Scout himself, Spy assumed.
Bah, he’s worse than an eight-year-old child with a bad case of rabies. Can’t slow down to save his life, he rolled his eyes. So much so for having some peace before work. But then again, with this unruly bunch of misfits and criminals, what could have he expected?
Then, as if the noise of a foot slapping against the ground every few seconds wasn’t bad enough, it became accompanied by an even more nerve-wrenching sound.
Scout, completely oblivious to the fact that he was driving one of his coworkers mad with his antics, fished a package of chewing gum out of one of his pockets. Took two at once and started chomping. Loudly. And when Spy said loudly, he meant obnoxiously loudly. That kind of loud that made him regret that he couldn’t send the other mercenary straight back to respawn without having to explain himself to the Administrator later on.
If she were there at the moment, she would have understood, he noted with a huff of annoyance.
But even his patience had its limits. And frankly, he has had enough.
“Ahem,” he cleared his throat, letting Scout know that he was walking on thin ice. But the buck-teethed youth had absolutely no sense for subtlety, so it flew right over his head. He tilted his head to the side, blew a bubblegum bubble with another loud click of his tongue… and Spy just snapped.
The butterfly knife was in his hand in an instant and before anyone could have even noticed, he threw it. It pierced the wall right next to Scout’s head, popping the pink bubble out. The entire locker room went silent as all heads turned in their direction.
Scout blinked owlishly as he tried to figure out what had just happened. Then his face went ruddy with anger. “Woah, woah, what the heck, dude?! You could have killed me!”
“Oh, please, if I was really aiming for your head, I wouldn’t have missed,” he replied in a snarky tone as he got up to retrieve his knife. It was stuck at least an inch and a half in the wall. Hm. Good to know he wasn’t losing his touch. “Now, would you kindly shut up so I could have some rest?”
Scout huffed out an annoyed breath, but since he didn’t want to start a fight so shortly before having to enter the field, he sat straight and for the first time in his life did as he was told. Smart boy.
Ah, finally. A moment of respite, Spy closed his eyes with a smirk on his face.
He thought this would be the end of it, which only proved he didn’t know Scout nearly well enough. Because as soon as he relaxed, the humming started. And Spy just froze, the lit cigarette fell from his fingers and scattered ash all over the floor.
He… knew that tune. It might be butchered by Scout’s voice, sure, and like in all the other aspects of his life, the boy was rushing too much, but Spy would still recognize this song even with his ears cut off.
À la claire fontaine.
Suddenly, he couldn’t breathe. His heart was hammering against his ribs, which grew too constricted for their own good. It felt like he was dying. No, now that he thought about it, dying didn’t feel nearly as bad. At least not after the first dozen times. This, this was a pure nightmare.
Well, what should he do? Dieu, he needed another cigarette, maybe two, to wrestle his nerves under control again. But his fingers shook so bad, that someone might take notice. And he couldn’t let others see him like this.
See the full post
33 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Simarkus Week 2022
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Hello and welcome to the Simarkus Week 2022!
This event was last organized in 2020 on Twitter by the Simarkus Army, but since I haven’t seen any news about it, I decided to make my own to honor this fandom tradition.
The rules will stay mostly the same, the prompts will be revealed later this week, so stay tuned! And if you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to ask!
The banner was made by @disterra​, go check out her other works as well!
46 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Simarkus Week 2022 Prompt Reveal and Rules
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Aaaand as promised, here is the prompt list for Simarkus Week 2022! Thanks again @disterra​​ for making these lovely graphics for this event! In case the picture won’t load right, I’ll list the prompts (and rules) down below.
February 16 – Valentine’s day / Deviation day
February 17 – Confession / Anniversary
February 18 – Interfacing / Compatible hearts
February 19 – Past / Future
February 20 – At the brink of the war / After a peaceful protest
February 21 – In any (alternate) universe / In canon universe
February 22 – How it starts / How it ends
1. Don’t forget to tag all your contributions for this event as #simarkusweek2022. You can also tag me (@sheyshocked).
2. Any kind of content (fanart, fanfiction, edits, cosplay, gifs, etc.) is encouraged.
3. The prompts are there just to give you some inspiration – feel free to interpret them as you will. You can use both of them in one work, or just one, it’s entirely up to you.
4. You can write or draw anything you want, use dark themes or explicit content, but please tag everything properly.
5. Any interpretation of the ship, whether romantic or platonic, is most welcome.
6. No ship bashing or harassment!
7. Other ships are welcome as well, as long as the focus is on Simarkus.
8. You can always post your work belated.
9. Reblogs to bring attention to this event would be appreciated!
Thank you for your support! I’m gonna look forward to what you come up with!
60 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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A Night Swim [Leo X reader]
sfw. minor angst. just pretend the Bayverse lair has a pool like 2012 because idgaf lol
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Leo had always felt quite at home in the water, were it not too cold. In this "night", which was determined by when the Lair was quiet and asleep, he leisurely swam back and forth, and sometimes, would test to see just how long he could hold his breath underwater.
He'd been alone with his thoughts until he heard footsteps from the adjacent hallway and swam to the edge, resting his elbows on it. He was expecting one of his brothers, but instead you came out, unaware you were being watched closely from the dark water as you passed by the pool. He sunk back down from the edge and kept his eyes on you.
You were totally vulnerable right now, he thought. Easily, he could have grabbed you right then and pulled you in. Nevermind the fact that technically, you were safe in their home, that you perhaps didn't need to be on guard, but the thought still crossed his mind. Years of conditioning to always be aware made him want to use this moment as a learning experience. There was something oddly predatory about watching someone who did not know they weren't alone, he noted.
You'd gone into the kitchen to get a drink. You didn't even know Leo was up, because in reality it was about two o'clock in the afternoon, when usually, they'd all be asleep due to the long night prior. The Lair was dark and quiet, and if you didn't know better, would have assumed it was actually night. As you stepped by, you heard a voice from the water ask, "Do you forget everything you learn as soon as you're here?"
"What?" you yelped in a start, flinching away from the edge of the pool. He'd been there the whole time? Right under your nose, though now that you looked, he was embarrassingly obvious. Following the cool down, you laughed lightly, hiding your face behind your hand just a little.
He lazily kicked off the wall and swam back, still watching you. "Don't assume you're safe just because you're here," he said. "Start making a habit of paying attention, y/n."
Setting the drink down, you looked him in the eye. "Sorry, I didn't realize the boogeyman was going to jump out of the water at me. I'll keep a lookout next time."
The corner of his mouth lifted in a small, amused smirk. He quickly sunk back under the surface, and suddenly, you had no idea where he was. The last trace of him you saw was the air he that he blew out and bubbled to the surface. He was gone. Almost invisible in the water under the low lighting, which was next to none. Weary, you walked along the side of the pool.
"Cut it out, Leo," you said, folding your arms. You wanted to be stubborn, but really, you knew you were making a conscious decision to play this game with him. He rarely, if ever, you tried to remember, let himself be unrefined around you. Kneeling down, you looked closely at the water, leaning over the edge. Trying to detect a shape moving. All you found was the surface rippling and the small amount of light dancing off the pool's reflection.
From under the water, he lay still at the bottom, weighed down by his shell and looking up at your figure leaning over the edge. You couldn't see him; he knew that. But he could see you.
He shook his head to himself. This little game of his held a dual purpose, but he was actually entertained by how it was going, and after a minute of complete still silence, he struck. He pushed off from the bottom of the pool with such power that he was at the top in only a second or to, beaching the surface right underneath you. He grabbed your arm and swiftly pulled you in with him, breaking your fall and the subsequent splash by catching the rest of you before sinking back down into the water.
Messing you in this way wasn't normal for him. But for the first time since you'd appeared in their lives, he was truly feeling loose. Relaxed enough to abandon his usual rigid principals to play with you, something he had not yet done.
You had to keep from accidentally inhaling water from being submerged so fast. And as quickly as you had gone under, you were back up again, Leo chuckling as you wiped the water from your eyes.
You gave him a light splash in the face. "I'm guessing this is one of your 'teaching moments?'"
He hummed in agreement and looked around idly, as if now that you were here, he was trying to figure out what to do next. Where was he going with this? He hadn't thought through to this part yet. So, he did what felt most natural. He swam to you and circled you partially, waiting for a response, and when you turned with him, he reached for your hand. The water was a little cool, but even then, you could still feel your face warm as his rough hand took yours in his, tugging you toward him. He caught you in his embrace, with his plastron against your stomach. All of this was coming to him on a moment-by-moment basis—the feelings he had were real. Not something he could ignore, and certainly not something he could squash, as much as he'd wanted to before. Slight anxiety bubbled up in him as he kept on, eyes locked on yours uncertainly. He didn't know if this could work. This being you and him. It had already taken him a long time to warm up to your presence in his life. He opened his mouth to try to find something to say, but nothing came.
Was he regretting this?
He came back to his senses. The memories of being told that romance was not a part of their world. There was no rhyme or reason he could stick to this foreign assault of feelings, and the unsure barriers that he'd been made to put up all this time. The walls, they seemed to be dropping against his will; something he felt deeply uncomfortable with.
Shaking himself free of his carelessness, he pushed you away. Not hard, but enough to put distance between the two of you, as if being close would undo all the work he'd put in to stay focused so far.
Your heart panged at the action. He'd pulled you into him, and a second later, had pushed you away almost in the same beat. Leo was unreadable.
Solemn, he averted his gaze, turned half away from you. "I apologize," he mumbled. What was he apologizing for? he asked himself. What exactly? For dragging you in? Getting your hopes up?
You put your hand on his shoulder, light as could be. In honesty, you weren't sure what was going on. But Leo was hardened all of a sudden once again, staring off in a random direction.
"Was I...mistaken? Did I misread the situation?" you asked him, voice soft.
He paused. You hadn't misread it at all. You'd gone along with it to perfection, and if everything were normal, more human, maybe it could have been perfect. He internally argued with himself about whether the clear messages of affection you'd sent him until now had been a mistake. He asked himself whether he was mistaken or not—whether the familiar fluttering he felt in his stomach when you'd touched him was wrong.
He turned to you fully. "I can't always be there for you, y/n. I also can't promise your safety."
Throat tight, you responded, "No one can promise safety, Leo."
"I know you're not stupid, y/n, you understand what I mean. If it were different, I..."
He held onto the ledge of the pool, looking as though he was going to hop out at any second. You kept yourself afloat by his shoulder and wanted him to look at you, but he wouldn't. His demeanor shifted to frustration.
He sighed. Shaking his head, he explained, "I don't have that much of a choice, y/n. This has been my world ever since I could remember. Just me, my brothers, and Master Splinter. In the shadows, protecting all these people who don't see us. Sometimes, I love it. I feel proud of myself and my family. But then I come home to an empty bed, and for some reason, it brothers me!"
His hairless brows furrowed and he blew out a breath through his teeth. "And now you're here, and I have to think about all this shit, like 'can I even do this,' 'what am I supposed—'"
He almost fell back in the water when you wrapped your arms around his neck, no words said. He was so caught off-guard. You rested your chin on his hefty shoulder, feeling the scales of his jaw brush against your cheek. He was taken aback, unsure of what to do and floundering with himself.
"Can we please just try?"
What if it doesn't work?
I shouldn't get distracted.
"Leo," you prompted him, pulling away enough to see his face.
Arms enveloped your torso. His hand left the the edge of the pool and you both began to slowly sink, though neither of you cared. You couldn't see well under the water, but you didn't need to; all you needed was your sense of touch, and to feel the pair of lips against yours so softly.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
This comes as result of an idea and going through some hard times as of late. The reader here has their issues but hey we aren’t inherently perfect and I like getting into that mindset and seeing what comes up. So consider this somewhat introspective piece when a ‘relationship’ maybe isn’t the best.
Mikey x Fem!Reader
Rated Mature/Angst/Feels (18+ Only)
“I am human and I need to be loved”
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A lifespan isn’t enough to understand that love is a complicated emotion. It’s addicting caress can remain in ones soul for ages. Love is kind they say, but what of those moments where it’s not? When the heart strangles itself and you choke on desperation?
Love isn’t perfect, that very imperfection glued us to those we worship. That hurt can be addicting as well.
He’s aware of it, he knows that his innocence only hides a questioning.
Because Mikey has gotten so good at hiding those dark parts that linger like shadows in his brain. There’s pain behind that smile, there’s sadness hidden beneath the foundation he’s lain.
You see it, you’re aware of it.
You can’t help but feel ashamed you’re the cause of it.
You want to take ownership of it but every time your mouth opens that tightness in your jaw increases. Before the words can be processed you’re doing most of the speaking with your hands.
And your lips.
Mikey’s never denied you, the thought of rejection paralyzes him so profoundly he aches. But it would be unwise to state there isn’t any trace of doubt. He’s mindful of your distaste for love, that you aren’t a believer. He’s mindful of what cracks inside of him when you flirt your way through the day. He’s at the forefront but he isn’t unwise to the way you linger a hand on Leo’s arm or how your eyes light up when April walks into a room.
Your eyes have that same bright hue when he’s the target. When it’s the two of you and your fingers map out a path on his thigh. It’s so palpable in the air that surrounds the two of you when you suddenly crash into him and swallow his soul whole.
You’re greedy.
The first time you had kissed him he swore there was no way he could verbally describe what erupted inside of him. He remembers it clearly like a fond dream, the way you had pushed him into a darken corner. Your hands on his waist, pink tongue tasting orange crush and sweets.
He had been so shy it had melted you. His hands tentatively resting on hips. Lips merely following your lead. When you had stopped with your lips lingering so closely to his, you had simply giggled and asked him where the night could take you both.
Mikey knows what whiplash feels like, but emotionally this was his first time. He let it go, slowly watched whatever this had meant leave his grasp.
He lets you lead.
You’re so greedy.
He can’t blame you as much as he can blame himself. This isn’t the only time naturally, he could switch the memories like tv stations, often settling on his favorite ones.
He tries to avoid the ones that hurt.
You want to blame life, blame all past events that led you to develop a thick skin. It’s so impenetrable, but the dents are here and there scattered across two decades. Mikey sees the road map of damage, it hides behind your smile and your nonchalant attitude towards the tomorrow. He kinda likes it though, that you can build up a wall for whatever tries to infiltrate your barrier.
He’s addicted to the fact that you allow him in, that your guard goes down when he’s there. Mikey just wishes he had a clearer read, that whatever is happening could have a description a fucking name tag maybe. But soon enough you’re jumping into his open and awaiting arms, pressing yourself so flush against him and whispering how much you just missed him.
Mikey doesn’t miss how you stick like glue to him one particular night. The gangs there, everyone watching some horror flick that Casey had brought over. He can’t keep his eyes straight when you’re so warm next to him, tracing lazy circles on his palm before gripping it like it was some habit.
You were a habit basically, a tick that comforted him and somehow kept him grounded into this plain of existence. It’s a rush of blood to the head. Something that swims inside of his soul, wraps around him like ivy.
You wish it could be simple, to face up and just accept the cards laid out. But you were never one to just take it at face value. Easy just wasn’t in your vocabulary and well, it’s obvious that it’s not in Mikey’s wether by proxy or his own doing.
So when you quietly excuse yourself and feel Mikey’s blue orbs follow you, you obviously text him to come with after a minute or so.
The minute he follows into his and Raph’s room and finds you sitting on his bed with your legs crossed looking pleased as punch, he knows he’s so utterly screwed. Cause he’d do anything to have that image frozen in time and place, just you and that beautiful smile that robs him of thought and oxygen. Even as you beckon him closer with a gleam in your eye that means trouble and a hundred more questions for Mikey to stay up all day and night over.
He follows.
He comes to the foot of his bed and almost overloads when the tip of that beckoning finger runs a path over what would be his navel. Mikey swallows hard, breathing through his nostrils.
It guts you how he reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Mikey honest to god admires you like living breathing art. He takes a sharp inhale when you press your face to his clothed crotch and moan at the sensation that greets you. Mikey can’t erase the image of you, looking up at him as you push down his shorts, lust and what he registers might be love in your e/c orbs.
Much less when you take him into your mouth and the heat rushes down your body to your core. Your red cheeks hollowing in and creating such a tightness that Mikey whimpers, one hand gripping the back of your head and the other somehow interlocking with yours. It’s the intimacy of it, with your eyes fluttering closed as you take him as deeply as you possibly can. How his fingers play with yours.
Mikey tries to mumble something coherent out, he wants to tell you that he’s close and he knows it’s proper etiquete to tell you. It’s actually sweet and you almost giggle with a mouthful of him even when you feel nails dig into the back of your head as Mikey tries to not moan too loudly.
The way your throat bobs, lips swollen with a sticky sheen to them. He’s punch drunk, loves struck when he cups your cheeks and kisses you, tasting himself and falling further down into the rabbit hole that’s become the two of you not questioning this.
And god he should question it before his mind keeps running every possible scenario that’s caused this to be so unidentifiable. Because after that night he’s got radio silence from you for four days. He feels like a ghost floating around his brothers, going from motion to motion until he decides to take that step.
He shows up at your apartment, contemplates knocking on that window for fifteen minutes but what can he say? What does he want to ask? What if it drives you and whatever this is away?
He caves, eyes not so bright when you pull apart the curtains and he’s met with the same look he’s been sporting these past few days. You do smile though, that smile that digs nails into his soul. You let him come in, already putting on a mask that fits too perfectly.
“What’s wrong...Are you mad at me?” Mikey asks tentatively like peeling a hangnail. You freeze on your way to the kitchen, looking down at your bare feet like the answer might sprout from beneath them. “Nothings wrong, was just busy is all” It’s a pathetic excuse and not entirely truthful because you’ve been stewing in your apartment knowing full well that the boy behind you has planted roots in your heart.
And it scares the shit out of you.
So you turn, that shield up so high that Mikey notices and the whiplash is hard when you close the distance and wrap your arms around his neck. “What? Miss me that much?” Your scent hits him like a fresh hit to an addict. Four days without the warmth of your skin burning him. Mikey wants to test that shield, destroy it with his bare hands and find the real you in there, he pulls back far enough to look into your eyes and drown in them.
He quietly accepts his fate right then and there, ready to hand over his heart into your hands and watch you squeeze. And you see it all, your chest tight and jaw set, you run a finger across his cheek in such soothing slow motion. You want to tell him that this isn’t worth the heartache and headache, that you won’t come around any time soon.
Instead, you start to strip off his gear, bit by bit, each carefully taken apart. You untie his sweater from around his waist, hands lingering and maping out every detail you want forever engraved in your brain. You grab his hand and put them on you, a silent agreement for him to do the same. Mikey strips you out of your hoodie, finding a sports bra beneath it, eyes glued to new skin as he kneels and hooks his fingers in your shorts and slides them down slowly.
You walk him to your room, hand tightly clasped around his and there’s no hesitation in your steps because you want this and he wants this but every question that’ll come from this will just have to wait. You truly do go about things the wrong way.
The innocent touching makes your heart twist, the way his blue eyes run over you like you’re stolen art and he’s got dibs on it. It’s so sweet, asking his permission with a look to strip you of your bra, to run his hands towards the newly exposed flesh. It guts you so deeply when he pulls you close against him and just holds you, cause it dawns on you that Mikey has never held somebody this intimately. You shiver with the way he circles your back in ghostly touches, just basking in what it feels to feel your skin so close to his.
“We don’t have to do this” ‘I don’t want to hurt you’
“It’s okay, I just...Don’t disappear on me like that please” Mikey feels you tighten your grip on him and it takes every inch of his resolve to not crumble and just say that he loves you, that he’s loved you from the moment you rested your head on his shoulder, from the moments you’ve kissed him and made his head so clouded with questions of ‘If’ and ‘maybe’ but he knows he won’t be met with the same words.
Maybe not now, or simply not at all.
So he holds you close, even as you start to tremble, feeling tears on his shoulder. You can’t say anything, you can’t say a single damn thing.
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
The James Joyce Murder, chapter 1
"Kate," Reed said, disentangling his long legs from the small car, "what on earth are you doing here? If you had decided to embrace the rural life, you might, in decency, have let me know. It's a great shock to return from Europe and find you established on some deserted hilltop in the Berkshires. What is the matter with that cow?"
Before Kate could answer, a red cat tore around the corner of the house with a brown dog in hot pursuit. "More of the local fauna," Kate said, in what she hoped were conciliatory tones. "Come inside and tell me all about the News Scotland Yard. The cow is bellowing for her calf."
"Has she lost it?"
"It was taken away from her; she'll forget it in a day or two. How was England?"
Reed was proceeding toward the fireplace in a decorous manner when, from a nearby stairway he had not noticed, there burst as though catapulted into their midst a smallish boy. Reed pondered the possibilities of catapulting him back, and reluctantly dismissed them.
.... "O.K., I'll get William," the boy returned, departing with an alacrity that suggested an unwillingness to dwell upon the subject of today's essay.
[He hasn't done his essay. – Anon.]
"... For God's sake, sit down and explain. I return from only six months in England to find you transformed, transported and transfigured."
"You just added the last one to make the series come out right."
"I certainly never expected to see you living in the same house with a small boy. What ages are Emmett and William?" Reed asked, as though suddenly struck with the awful thought that Kate had the undertaken the housing of small boys in large numbers.
"In their middle or late twenties, I suppose. William is tutoring Leo, he of the various deaths, and Emmett is going over some papers for me for me. The cat belongs to Emmett, and the dog belongs to the gardener, whose name is not James Joyce but Mr. Pasquale. The cow belongs to the farmer down the road who uses our land. Leo is my nephew. Cheers."
"Kate," interrupted a young man from the doorway. "If that woman is permitted entrance into this house, I shall have to tender my resignation. Reluctantly, to be sure, since the collection is a fascinating one. There's a letter – But I cannot have that woman hanging over me as though I were a pie and some extravagantly exciting news about you were the plum that she was in hopes of pulling forth."
"Emmett, you must realize that country people are incurably curious, like cats. It's only urbanites who can ignore their neighbors. Tell Mrs, Bradford Leo is my illegitimate child, that I murdered his father, and that I'm setting up a polyandrous colony here in the hope of starting a new religion. That ought to keep her quiet for a while."
"The only thing that would keep that woman quiet is a bullet in the brain, and even then I think her lips would ta go on moving out of share force of habit."
[After having lunch and telling Reed about she came to stay temporarily in the house, breaching the subject of Kate having custody of Leo]
"Kate," Reid said, "you are the most maddening woman I have ever met. I can't imagine, for example, why I, would who could be happily resting in an air conditioned apartment in New York, should be walking along a country road with you, being devoured by mosquitoes and uncomfortably aware, from the tickling in my nose, that I am about to begin a prolonged attack of hay fever. .... How did you end up with Leo, for God's holy sake?"
"He ran away and came to me. It became quite clear that everyone was trying so hard to understand him that he belonged to be in the company of someone who didn't understand him and wouldn't even try. I sent him back home, of course, but I promised he might spend the summer with me. My brother, with the mulishness that marks all simple-minded people, was outraged that Leo would have run away to me. Anyhow, that's how the 'boarding house' came so overwhelmingly into existence."
okay yeah this looks entertaining as fuck
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bridgetlevitt · 2 years
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Introducing Bridget Levitt!
BIRTH NAME :  Bridget Bradley Levitt ALIAS  /  NICKNAME :  Bridge, Bee AGE :  32 DATE  OF  BIRTH : August 22, 1989 PLACE OF BIRTH : Bridgeport, ME RESIDENCE :  Downtown TW : Death, alcoholism
EDUCATION : Degree in nursing OCCUPATION :  Nurse at Bridgeport Family Care
GENDER : Female PRONOUNS : She/Her SEXUALITY :  Bisexual
FACECLAIM :  Lily Collins
HAIR COLOR : Brunette EYE  COLOR :  Brown HEIGHT : 5′5″ BUILD : Slim SCENT :  Pure Seduction mist from Victoria Secret
TATTOOS :  Stethoscope tattoo with a heart on her ankle for her dad PIERCINGS :  Ears BEAUTY HABITS : Does light makeup every day, washes face every night
ZODIAC : Leo TEMPERAMENT : Phlegmatic HOGWARTS HOUSE :  Hufflepuff ELEMENT : Water
CLOTHING :  Dresses, flats, skirts, blouses HAIR STYLE : Medium, straight or up
EATING HABITS : Healthyish, loves sweets EXERCISE HABITS : Running SLEEPING HABITS :  Gets about 8 hours, restless sleeper
BODY  TEMP :  98.5 ADDICTIONS :  None DRUG  USE :  None ALCOHOL USE :  Rarely
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Friendly, charming NEGATIVE TRAITS : Stubborn, hesitant PHOBIAS :  Darkness FEARS :  Being an alcholic
HOBBIES :  Reading, running HABITS : Taps pen on paper, doodles, bites lip USUAL DEMEANOR : Happy
FATHER :  Gene Levitt (deceased) MOTHER : Barbara Levitt (estranged) SIBLINGS :  Brady,  Bryan, and one more brother PARTNERS : TBD CHILDREN :  None
INSPIRATIONS :  Rosie Dunne (Love, Rosie)
Bridget was a surprise to her family in a multitude of ways. Outside of just a surprise pregnancy, they also believed that she was going to be another boy and of course, picked out a boy name. So when she arrived and actually was a girl, they had to take a day to think of a name for her and ended up giving her both names. Having a girl, finally, her parents quickly started spoiling her like crazy; especially her father. Since day one, she was a complete daddy’s girl and was always comforted by him.
As she got older, it was clear that Bridget was going to be just like her brothers. She was active and loved the outdoors and as she entered school, she was put in sports to help control her restless spirit. She was a little boss and looked up to her dad more than anything. Tragedy struck, however, when she was ten and their father passed away from pancreatic cancer. Not able to process this loss, Bridget quickly became quiet and closed off, refusing to deal with it all. Months later, she finally broke down and spent a week out of school because she just couldn’t go. However, this is something Bridget has blocked out and doesn’t really remember and doesn’t like talking about.
She does, however, remember how her mother was after losing her father. It started slowly, but she started noticing her mother drinking more and more. There would be bottles and cans on the floor or her mom would stay out all hours of the night. Bridget would clean and make food for them and her mom had her tell her brothers that everything was fine, even though it really wasn’t. They just didn’t see it like she did because they no longer lived there.
She tried to not be around it as much, too. She started doing track to get out of the house and she started seeing her best friend, even staying at his place sometimes just to get a peaceful night's sleep. When she was home, she would argue with her mom when she was conscious or home. Finally, when she was sixteen, she got the nerve up to tell her brothers what was going on and they helped. They got her out of the house and ended up living with Brady and his wife while their mom got the help she needed. During this time, Bridget refused to see her mother and stayed with her brother until she graduated high school.
After graduation, Bridget decided to follow in her dad’s footsteps and started going after her degree in the medical field, turning to nursing instead of being a doctor. With the money her father left her, she got herself an apartment downtown and for the first time in a long time, she felt things were calm in her life. That ended pretty fast when her brother lost his son and she started seeing him drinking himself. This angered Bridget and she went to her brothers about it. They held an intervention and ultimately helped him, but it did hurt that her brother did this.
Brady got help and while Bridget was happy, it took her some time before she could trust her brother again, but she still doesn't trust her mother in any way. That was the last big thing Bridget has let happen in her life. She’s created a kind of boring life for herself and she thinks maybe if she doesn’t date too much and just focuses on her career, maybe the alcoholism in her family won’t get to her. So she doesn’t do too much and she doesn’t really plan too.
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Hi! I love your writings so much, do you think you could do raph headcannon about sex please? Like what turns him on what are some of the dirty things he says during sex, what he does after, where they do it, secret sex goals they have to complete (go at it for an hour, do it in every room of the lair, on the washing machine etc.) ?
I got to get somethin done or y'all will think I'm dead when really I'm suffering writers block and someone straight up gave me the most specific ass ask of my life and im tryin to figure how tf im gonna execute it, anyway...
Warning: 18+, smutty stuff, kinks, the works
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•Raphael, ah yes, everytime you make contact with him he's got at least a small thought of bangin you. Sometimes it's too much that he does 👀
•He can't help it! Raph's a big guy with alot of energy so why can't he have fun everynow and then? Not like you're really complaining (this earns him a slap)
•Anyway, yes, this bara turtle can go for a long while and over the time of being with him you learn a few of his habits and go to's
•And boy is there a bit
•At the beginning of your relationship He didn't even want to think about how you'd both climb over that hill. Wether you'd be okay with touching him or vice versa was a struggling thought that nibbled at his sub-concious. Allowing devistating nightmares of loss and disgust to plauge him and make it hard to not overtouch or make you uncomfortable
•but sadly all fears must be faced head on and that's what happened when he showed up to your apartment and given the surprise of you draped on plush pillows, wearing red silk and ... oh my god you did your hair real nice for him. Oh He really liked that
•You could tell he was nervous and that made you laugh a little (on the inside, dont hurt his pride) but the need to have his hands on your naked skin seemed to overpower that feeling.
•Raoh's a little quick to the point the first time but when it came time to really >do it< well, he nearly chickened out
•Ah your bedroom eyes though, another thing he realised he liked in that moment. That's what kept him going and when he finally sank into your warmth, gripping the bedsheets, Raph realized how fuckin stupid he was actin for waitin all this time
•After that milestone in your relationship it turned into smooth sailing. He just couldn't keep his hands off of you and when you came to him for touch Raphael would be left love struck at ypur acceptance
•Oh! How could i forget? The expirementing
•Raphael's a man who knows what he wants. Certain things area set No, others are a yes, and if you can sway him enough then you'd get a maybe on some that sit on the line
•Real fast he realized he was 60% Dom and 40% Sub because although he loves being in control the majority of the time he has those days where being coddled is a must
•By the third time Raph knew he liked cumming inside you so the first kink ever brought to the table was breeding and dirty talk. About you carrying his brood and being his good whore all the while making you feel like the most prettiest thing on earth. He's naturally good at turning on the charm so why would this be any different?
•Dirty secret time, fucking adores the sounding rod and your mouth like God. (Just google it if you dont know) He was embarresed the first time you brought it up but it turned into a hard fucking yes after that
•Very decent with aftercare really, not like leo, but he at least makes sure you're okay or need anything before moving on
•Your safeword is diesel (if you know, you know)
•Now about where you do it. Raphael is a personal person so it's never risky or 'public' because sex is an intamate thing for him and you
•Like no matter how many times you've done it each time is filled with love and passion because when Raph's around you that's what he wants you to know so i wish you luck empaths! You will be happy crying from all that love 😉
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clans part 56! @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz
“Get back…” Splinter held his arms out to force his sons to back away as the smell of the predator overwhelmed his senses. The immense form of the yokai was already emerging from the darkest corner of the large space, heavy muscles rippling as he dragged his belly across the floor.
The snake just kept coming, more and more of it uncoiling from the shadows in a seemingly endless chain. Gray scales were flecked with ash marking, more black along the head and down a portion of the neck. There were no arms or legs, but still a suit was draped over the yokai, and on its belt was a holster that carried a very familiarly wrapped bottle releasing a knoxious scent.
“Bishop…” Even in the monstrous form he had taken, Splinter recognized the snake immediately.
“Is it that obvious?” Bishop’s form shuttered as he laughed, pulling himself up to a height that towered greatly over the mutants below, his head brushing against a series of wires near where the chest of the mech suit would be. “You know who I am. Is it too much to guess that you’d know what I am?”
“You’re an uwabami…” Leonardo said slowly.
Bishop seemed genuinely surprised, but then his open mouth curved into a smile. “Correct…”
“How’d you know that, Leo…?” Michelangelo frowned, clinging tightly to his brothers arm as he hid behind Leonardo.
“I’ve been researching all kinds of yokai.” Leonardo said, “Figured it might help on one of our missions; figured right, I guess. The name means Great Serpent, but the only thing great about you is your ego.”
Bishop hissed out an amused laugh. “Funny.”
“What’s funny is the fact that you didn't think to hide that.” Leonardo pointed to the bottle, “Because, well known fact about Uwabami, they make a habit out of drinking sake liquor. I had my suspicions, but Theres one tiny little detail I still can’t quite wrap my head around. Why would a solitary yokai live anywhere near a community, let alone a whole city? It just doesn’t make any damn sense. That’s what was throwing me off.
Bishop laughed. “Well, where there are people, there is food. And here? They practically walk right into your mouth.”
“Of course.” Leonardo nodded; he glanced back at his brothers, smirking as they all got their weapons ready. “And another thing that’s been boggling me. Why bother helping us at all? I’m guessing you’re kinda buddy-buddy with Krang since this is his ship, yet the advice you gave us seemed to be pretty solid. Why send us on that wild goose chase at all instead of just killing us outright?”
Bishop hissed through his teeth and pulled back, starting to coil around himself as Leonardo’s words, piecing together the facts like an intricate puzzle, cut deeper than any knife.
“Unless…” Leonardo mused, tapping his chin. “You were scared we’d find Krang and fix the rift before he could get free. If you’ve heard the stories all about us, you know how lucky we tend to get with ancient evils. You needed an excuse to send us away and buy time for the rift to break, because you knew us curious little creatures wouldn’t be able to resist poking our noses around the new mystic hotspot in Japan. You were scared that we would just happen upon the site, so you felt the need to separate us. Because you know how strong we are as a team, and having other creatures do your dirty work absolved you of any blame. You’re a coward.”
Bishop reared up again, fury flashing like flames dancing in his eyes. “You dare call me a coward?!”
“Yes.” Leonardo answered evenly, “Because that is what you are. Why didn't you kill us as babies?”
Bishop began to circle. “At the time, I didn't know what you were, or what you would become. I had no reason to hunt you, but now I do.”
Leonardo and his brothers kept on a constant swivel to keep their eyes on Bishop at all times.
“Even now, you’re just trying to buy Krang time, aren’t you?” Leonardo dared.
Bishop didn't answer the question with anything but a low growl. “If you are so knowledgeable of my kind, then surely you know of the power I possess?”
“You’re a constrictor. You have no venom, no powers.”
Bishop mused. “Right yet again. I can squeeze the life out of a human in seconds.”
Leonardo’s gaze was steady. “It is a good thing, then, that I am not human.”
Donatello saw a flash. Powerful jaws latching, the screams of his father. Bones crushing, blood pooling at his feet. He blinked and the vision was gone, replaced by the uwabami Bishop’s eyes glancing ever so slightly toward Splinter. He lunged, and in the same instant Donatlelo lunged. The softshell crammed his bo staff into the snake’s open mouth, and when Bishop tried to bring his mouth down to latch upon Splinter’s neck, he was met with the great resistance of the staff and a slash in the roof of his mouth from the blade. He pulled back, roaring as he shook his head violently to dislodge the weapon. When it finally came loose, flying out of his mouth and skidding across the floor, the inside of his mouth was frothing red, and he was even more furious.
“You’ll pay for that!”
“CASEY!” Raphael’s eyes followed the girl as she was tossed carelessly through the air, her body gone limp the moment she was struck. She flew over the group too stunned to do anything but watch, and disappeared out of their sights. “NO!”
Draxum grabbed Raphael around his plastron and pulled him to safety just as Krang tried to a massive foot down on him.
“Go!” Draxum snarled, “Find her you fool!”
“But…” It was all Raphael could say; he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. His mind felt as if it had been shut down and the only thought that was still online was screaming at him to go find her.
“I’ll handle this. Go!” Draxum commanded.
And Raphael was running. Draxum didn't watch him leave; he couldn’t look away from Krang, not for a second. This mech was so much like the Council of Heads, so robotic and still, mouth hanging open even as Krang talked through it.
“April.” Draxum said as he fell back to address the girl in green, “I am going to throw you at him.”
“What?” April gawked.
“I am going to throw you into his mouth.” Draxum repeated.
“Uh. No you ain’t.”
“Yes I am.”
Draxum gave her no chance to argue before picking her up and tossing her through the air like a football. April screamed, her feet pedalling on nothing as she tried to make sure she landed upright. It didn't work. She ended up on her side, rolling and slamming hard into something cold and metal. But at least she had made it, right? She was definitely inside the mech, and the thing she saw before her when she was finally able to process the situation was definitely… something.
“Oh?” Krang said almost softly, bringing two tentacles to cross over. “Who are you?”
“I’m a bad bitch, that’s who.”
The words escaped before April could stop them. Her body was sore all over now, stinging and burning and pulsing, but still she brought herself to stand. There wasn’t much inside of the mech suits head, a large operation station in the center holding the giant, blobish menace; wires and pipes worked to support him, digging into the folds of his flesh, and in front of him was a control panel so complex that April didn't bother trying to work out. The rest of the space was empty, and in the back was something that might have resembled a throat, sloping into a dark abyss below. April could hear the echoes of a fight from deep down in the mech suit's belly.
“Well, Bad Bitch, it is time for you to go.”
Krang went to pull a lever, but stopped when there was more screaming. April immediately recognized the voice as Sunita, and not a second too soon. Sunita was flung through the mouth in much a state that April had been, reaching out desperately as Krang moved to dodge her. April reached for her friend but Sunita slipped through her fingers and the young yokai just kept screaming as she plummeted down the throat of the suit until her shouts stopped with a great splat.
“Sunita!” April was still reaching out for her even as she disappeared.
“Oh. How sad.” Krang nodded, “Oh well. Back to business.”
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hanadolphieron · 3 years
haseul as a girlfriend~
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how you met;
ok imagine this
you both go bird-watching
yes, i know, why would you do that, but just hang on
and there is no one else in the park
anyways, both of you think the park is deserted
haseul decides to be haseul and start singing, like full-on belting out notes while walking along, staring at the trees through her binoculars
you almost have a heart attack when you hear someone start opera-singing in the middle of your peaceful afternoon
and try to walk away from the noise
however, haseul is strolling down the path, still staring at the sky, oblivious to you, sitting on a bench next to the path
haseul starts veering off to the side because s h e ‘s n o t l o o k i n g w h e r e s h e s g o i n g
you’re too frightened and weirded out to move
so haseul runs smack into you
and falls all over you, yelling
somehow you struck up a conversation, and it went uphill from there
the basics;
haseul is attached
the most loyal human you’ve ever met; she will truly stick by your side through thick and thin
wants to possess you in a way
likes to label your relationship in theory? like in her mind she loves the idea of being “yours” or “your girlfriend” and vice verse, but if you actually bring it up she doesn’t know what to think of it
her mind is truly beautiful
can and will express every single one of her opinions to you
has a habit of narrating whatever she’s doing to you, it’s a way of connecting
but then she’ll get carried away
and start ranting about her political beliefs and anything under the sun that she cares about
wants to hear your opinions too but like ... let her talk for a while, she needs to let everything out
struggles to fully express her true feelings through her words sometimes
physical intimacy (both fluffy and smexy) is one of her favorite ways of showing love 
it’s much easier for her
despite haseul being natural with words and she sounds educated and put-together when she speaks, she still doesn’t feel right? 
holds back a little, is what i’m trying to say here
flirtatious and romantic
haseul makes you feel loved
will not stand for anyone hurting you or making you feel uncomfortable
if someone does, they better be ready to catch haseul’s hands 😶
her charisma levels go zoop! upwards whenever she’s in a relationship
it may sound a little ✨toxic✨ for her, because she’s not drawing it from herself, but her confidence improves a lot whenever she’s in a relationship
and you’re really in for it
haseul knows how to fluster people like no one else
so good luck
uses body language a lot, but is excellent with her words
when i say she’s a good speaker, i mean she’s a good. speaker.
loves to rest her hand on your lower back or when you do the same to her
very polite at first, will want to impress you with her manners
balanced relationships!
haseul needs the romantic dynamic to be balanced in order for her to feel happy and secure
she would want to wear matching outfits everywhere
never shuts up about you to all of her friends
vivi has to physically cover haseul’s mouth to make her be quiet
the romantic dinners!!!!! please she’s a leo sun and a libra venus you hecking bet this woman would take you to fancy restaurants, make candlelit dinners, dance under the moonlight with you
all the storybook stuff
i imagine the two of you read books together
you each have your own but read them at the same time
so you can scream about them together
like full on SCREECHING because if you read books like i do, it’s impossible to form sentences when you’re talking about one of ✨those✨ parts
ooooo imagine that you and the rest of loona prepared a surprise birthday party for haseul
because she DESERVES it 
and she’s like half-oblivious to all of the planning
too shy to question you about why you are spending so much time with yeojin and vivi (the two main organizers)
but inwardly is so confused
gets overly clingy towards because she does not want to spend time with them
literally 🥺🥺💕💕 at you because she misses having your undivided attention
and after the party she somehow does not put two and two together?
she does not realize that the party was the reason you weren’t spending as much time with her
then you’re driving somewhere the next day and she goes 😶😍
and you’re like ??
she’s a mess okay
used by both of you because you guys are so supPORTIVE OF EACH OTHER
the flusteredness is too much for the two of you to handle
you both hide your faces and go ahHHHH
the cheesiness between both of you is ... a lot but we love it
-pickled pickle-
used by you
you ended up calling her this one night
it was 3 in the morning
your brain wasn’t working anymore
you couldn’t remember her name for some reason and you went “pickled pickle! come here!”
haseul was like “wha- me?!?!”
astounded and appalled
thinks you’re cute when you’re sleepy though so she wasn’t all that disappointed that you couldn’t remember her name
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My One in a Million Chapter 2
Thank you @inloveoknutzy​ for proofreading and support <3 and @lumosinlove​ for your amazing OCs!!
You can read Chapter 1 here
Chapter 2 - Bad habits
“So how’s that new apartment of yours?” Alice asked over the phone. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me sooner, are you already too much of a star for your commoner friends?”
Remus laughed goodheartedly as he sat down on his bed. He’d missed Alice’s voice.
“C’mon, I’m by no means a star. And I would never forget about my best friend, you know that.”
“Ohh good, I finally dethroned Leo?”
“Ok, let me rephrase that. I would never forget about my midget best friend,” Remus corrected and laughed again when Alice cursed at him. “I’m sorry Al, it’s just been a very busy couple of weeks.”
Remus glanced around his room. It looked much more homier now that everything had been unpacked and he’d gotten himself a few paintings and decorations. Everything looked exactly as he’d imagined, and Remus felt a sense of contentment at the image.
He closed his eyes, letting the sun warm up his skin and enjoying the light breeze drifting in through the open balcony door. But when he breathed in, a strong smell of nicotine wafted to his nose.
“Fuck, not again,” Remus groaned, raking a hand over his face with an exasperated sigh.
“What? What’s wrong?” Alice asked.
“My asshole of a neighbour. I swear to god Alice, it’s like he does it on purpose.”
Throwing himself down on the bed, Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. He tried to remind himself that the guy wasn’t technically doing anything wrong at the moment, but this little thing together with everything else was cutting Remus’ patience short.
“Uh oh, are you having trouble already?” 
Remus snorted.
“You could say that.” He focused on breathing in and out before launching on a rant. “I have this beautiful balcony with a view, but I can never leave the door open cause he’s always smoking outside and somehow the smell always gets into my room which is fucking annoying.”
“Well...I guess it could be worse?” Alice said uncertainly after a moment.
“That’s not all. He sometimes leaves the garbage right outside his door for hours. I don’t know what the hell he does at midnight, but I can hear his music at the weirdest hours, and then out of nowhere there are loud screams coming through the walls.”
Alice snorted and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Not that type of screams. Like angry screams?”
As the smell became too much, Remus got up and started walking towards the door.
“And the weirdest thing is, there’s so many people coming in and out from that apartment all the time. Every day. I swear, it’s ridiculous. Is he a drug dealer or something?”
Remus thought about the past week and how confusing it had been, as he’d bumped into a lot of weird, different people.
On Monday, when he was coming back from finally doing grocery shopping, he got into the elevator with a guy with messy hair and glasses. The guy was smiling so much it was a bit weird, but he was nice enough to hold the door for Remus when they were getting off. Remus smiled as well and nodded before going to his apartment and watching as the guy disappeared next door.
On Tuesday, a bloke with red hair was going out just as Remus was coming back home; they exchanged a ‘good afternoon’ and they each went their way.
On Wednesday a tall, dark, handsome stranger smiled and winked at Remus.
Thursday, a woman with red hair and green eyes struck up an animated conversation with him when he was coming back from his morning run. Remus had actually liked her, she seemed very nice and easygoing. He wondered if she was related to the guy he’d seen on Tuesday.
When Friday came around, he’d been slightly wary as he’d stepped out to take Cocoa to the park nearby. Almost as if on cue, he heard a door open and close when he was going to the lift, and soon he was joined by a shorter man with tan skin, a snapback on his head with dark curls slipping out.
He’d had to wonder if it was some sort of silly prank. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Cause every day, for a week, he’d bumped into a different person every time he went out or came back to his apartment.
All of them coming and going from apartment number 12.
Just how many people lived there? He'd casually asked the concierge about it and was surprised when the man said it was just one guy. Someone called Black, whose description matched the one of the first guy he’d met in the building.
Alice’s huffed laugh brought him back to the present as he reached the door and peered outside. And then he felt his breath catch in his throat.
Black was standing on the edge of the balcony closer to Remus’ own, and had his back turned on him. A very tanned, muscular, bare back. Remus cursed under his breath. The guy was only wearing a pair of sweatpants, and was leaning on the rail as he exhaled a plume of smoke. The way the sun reflected beautifully over his skin and dark hair had to be illegal.
“And he’s hot! Really, his back is so sexy it’s unfair!” he said as he closed the door a bit harder than he’d meant to.
Alice cackled on the other end of the line.
“Well Rem, at least you have something to look at,” she teased. “Why don’t you go say something to him?
“I would rather avoid confrontation so early on,” Remus said as he leaned back on the glass panel, ignoring Alice’s first statement. He didn’t want to have his first neighbor fight not even two weeks after moving in. But the guy was just getting on Remus' nerves, and even if he didn’t want to be that neighbour, he knew he would soon need to set some boundaries.
“I’m sorry about that sweetie,” Alice said in a sympathetic tone. Remus hummed in reply. “I hope it didn’t ruin the excitement of moving in.”
“Nah, it’s alright. It would be nice if we could get along, but worse comes to worse I’ll just have a talk and that’s it. We don’t have to be friends or anything,” Remus decided not to mention the issue with his Mum’s painting, otherwise Alice might just show up here to kick the guy’s ass herself. Smiling slightly at the idea of tiny Alice standing up to that guy, Remus glanced at the clock and cursed. “I’m sorry Al, I gotta run or I’ll be late for my first class.”
“Ok, I’ll talk to you later, yeah? Don’t be a stranger!”
“Yeah, yeah, bye Alice!” 
As soon as Remus hung up, he scrambled through his room to grab everything he needed. He stopped only for a minute to fill Cocoa’s bowl and pet him on the head before heading out, thanking the heavens that for once, there wasn’t anyone waiting for him in the hallway.
Remus had been working non stop ever since he’d started gaining popularity online, and took a few days off to adjust to his new living space before he started working at the new studio. Not that he’d completely stopped, what with making and editing videos for the page.
Some students were already waiting when Remus arrived, but he was just in time. For the first time ever he had a fully booked class, and even some people in a waiting list in case any space would free up. Remus was so thrilled, he couldn’t keep a smile from his face.
He looked around when he entered the room where he would be imparting the yoga lesson, and the first thing that caught his eye was a head of flaming hair.
The girl was wearing black leggings and a loose shirt, and Remus recognized her at once from last Thursday. She glanced up, and surprise crossed her face before she broke out in a smile.
"Hello! You're from Sirius' building aren't you? Are you here to take this class as well?"
Remus wasn't sure who Sirius was, but given the fact that she had been to the apartment next door, Remus figured it must be his dear neighbor.
Sirius Black.
Even his name was pretentious.
"Ah, no, I'm actually the new instructor," Remus said, smiling shyly.
"Oh that's great!" the woman beamed. "My friend Natalie recommended your class, said I would not regret it. So, you're Remus?"
Remus nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, pleased to properly meet you um.."
"Lily," she smiled, and Remus couldn't help but return it. It was so easy to talk to her.
Remus moved to start setting up his things while they waited for the last few students to arrive. Lily followed.
"Natalie should be here any minute, she was super excited about this. Apparently, you're pretty famous! I don't pay much attention to social media, so I haven't heard from you before." Lily smiled apologetically, but Remus waved her off.
"Oh that's not true, I'm just a normal guy that happened to have a bit of luck. I do hope you enjoy the class though." He bit his lip, wondering if he should ask the next question or if he would come off as a prying old lady, but then curiosity got the better of him. "What's the deal with all the people in that apartment? Do you all secretly live there?"
A dark look crossed Lily's face, but it was gone in a second and replaced by a small worried frown.
"No, that's just Sirius' home. I'm sorry about all the trouble, I swear it's not always like that,” she said, tugging at a strand of her hair. “Things should calm down soon...I hope."
Remus wasn't sure what that meant, but he knew asking more about it would be too nosy. It was none of his business after all, he just wanted some peace and quiet.
"Oh, I know!” Lily suddenly perked up. “We're throwing a Halloween party at Sirius' in two weeks, why don't you come over? That way you can meet everyone!"
Remus schooled his features carefully to avoid cringing. He didn't particularly like parties, the smell of smoke and alcohol, the inebriated people doing stupid shit, the many mistakes made in the thrill of the moment...yeah, Remus could live without all that crap.
"I don't know, Lily...I don't think I'm invited." And that guy and I don't really get along well, he thought.
But Lily just rolled her eyes.
"I just invited you. That flat is almost like my own home, so Sirius won't mind me inviting someone over, if that's what you are worried about."
Remus busied himself searching his bag for nothing in particular, wondering if Lily and Sirius were dating. They certainly seemed really close to each other, he could tell by the way she said his name; but how could someone as nice as Lily date that ass?
"C'mon, it'll be fun! You can make new friends, and that way it won't be so weird if you bump into any of them in the hallways again."
"I'll think about, ok?" Remus said to appease her, but he knew there was no way he'd be going to that party.
However, the look Lily gave him and the glint in her green eyes told him she wouldn't let him off so easily.
Later that night, Remus was sitting by the window of his living room, meditating. He’d gotten into the habit of doing it when he needed to wind down, or when there was too much on his head; and today, after a long day back at teaching, it was a good way for him to relax.
And for once, everything was quiet. No loud music coming through the walls, no people shuffling about all over the building, even the city outside seemed quieter than usual, and Remus basked in the silence that filled his ears as he breathed in deeply.
Or at least he did until he heard a loud whoop that almost made him jump out of his skin. What the hell was that?
A string of muffled words and a loud laugh followed as Remus sat there with a hand over his racing heart, trying to calm down. And even then, with his breathing completely messed up, Remus surprised himself thinking it was the first time he’d heard laughter from next door instead of just shouts, and how oddly familiar it sounded.
“For fucks sake,” he muttered, getting up.
He’d finally had enough. He’d tried to let it be and avoid confrontation, but was it really that hard to be considerate? Did he think he was the only person living here?
Breathing out, Remus made his way through the hall and knocked on the door. There was no response at first, but the noise inside quieted down. Remus waited for a bit before knocking again, a little louder than before. This time there were approaching footsteps on the other side, and he was pretty sure he could hear someone cursing.
Remus was going over his speech in his head, trying to figure out the best way to talk to this person, but as soon as the door opened, all words disappeared from his mind. Actually, every thought in his brain flew out the window as he was met by stormy grey eyes boring into his.
It was the first time he was seeing Black’s face, and why the fuck did he have to be so fucking gorgeous?
He had high cheekbones, and a jaw that was screaming to be kissed; his inky black hair held in a messy bun at the top of his head, with a few strands framing his face. Remus already knew he was fit as hell, but fucking God, those eyes.
Remus’ breath caught in his throat as he took in the slightly surprised look on Black’s face, who was looking him up and down. It was then that Remus realized he was so pissed that he hadn’t even thought about changing out of his yoga tights. His cheeks warmed up, and the thought of blushing in front of this guy annoyed him even more.
He glared at Black, who arched a perfect eyebrow.
“I’m sorry to disturb you,” he started, still trying to be polite, “I live next door, and I didn’t want to do this, but could you please keep it down? I’ve been listening to your music all week, and even if you have good taste it’s getting really annoying.”
You have good taste? What the hell was that? Remus chided himself.
Sirius glanced behind him at his apartment with mock surprise.
“There’s no music right now, is there?”
Remus rolled his eyes; he didn’t care how good looking this guy was, or how curious he was about the slight accent in his voice, he was absolutely obnoxious.
“Oh yeah, ‘cause the screaming is so much better,” Remus deadpanned. He thought he saw the corner of Black’s mouth quirk up, but he was still staring Remus down.
“Oh, I was just punishing the gang for not making the drugs faster,” Sirius said, and his mouth moved to the side, like he was biting the inside of his cheek to fight a smile.
Remus' eyes widened.
"Yeah, I'd invite you to come in and have a look, but it might be too hot in here," he continued in a teasing tone. 
"Oh my God, you heard that?" Remus fought the urge to cover his face, which he was sure was beetroot red.
"Just bits and pieces. You were talking pretty loudly," Black said, the amused smile finally appearing on his face. He leaned with a shoulder against the doorframe, looking Remus up and down again. “But hey, I could show you more of my sexy back if you really want to.”
Remus did his best to fight his embarrassment as he squared his shoulders, his expression going hard. How did this guy manage to make him so angry every time?
“I would never want anything to do with a disrespectful, self-centered prick like you." Politeness be damned, he was not going to stand here and let this man make fun of him.
Black's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he regarded Remus with new interest.
"I -"
Some voices came from inside the flat, and Black looked over his shoulder. When he turned back around, he looked Remus straight in the eye with a penetrating gaze.
"I will try to keep it down," and without another word, he closed the door in Remus' nose.
Remus just stood there for a few minutes with his mouth hanging open, absolutely bewildered, before a scowl took over his face. He turned around and marched straight into his apartment, closing the door behind him and taking a few slow breaths to calm himself.
When that proved fruitless for the first time in a very long while, he went straight to his computer and onto Padfoot’s channel. A pleased sigh escaped his lips when he saw that he was going live and clicked the video immediately. Padfoot hadn’t made a new video in a few days, which had been slightly worrying, so Remus was glad to see he was back.
When the video loaded though, Remus frowned. A game was being shown full screen, but the character was just standing there, not doing anything, and the only voices heard were from other players. Padfoot wasn’t there. The live chat was going crazy asking what happened, saying everything seemed fine and then Padfoot had just disappeared.
But a few seconds later Remus, heard a small laugh and a familiar voice talking to the viewers.
“Hey guys, I’m back! I’m so sorry about that, I was just very rudely interrupted. Although I must admit, it was a very interesting interruption. Anyway, let’s crack this thing, I left my partner alone for a long time and we all know he is as useful as a chocolate teapot.”
“I protected your sorry ass while you were away, and that’s the ‘thanks’ I get?” another voice came from the video with mock offense.
“Yeah, yeah, I appreciate your efforts Prongs, but we both know who's the one that gets things done here."
“Oh, yeah? It’s always like this with you, whenever you do something awesome it’s ‘Oh, look at me, I’m amazing’, and whenever you fuck up it’s ‘Oh, we are a team’.”
“That’s how teamwork works!” Padfoot said in his most convincing tone.
Remus laughed at Padfoot’s antics, feeling a lot better than a few minutes before, and started thinking about everything with a cooled head. He would have liked to get along with his neighbors, to have a quiet, happy life, but he could try to ignore him. He didn’t have to see the guy more than was strictly necessary. He wasn’t going to.
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achliegh · 3 years
Hello, I’m back with part three of this little series. It has been quite nice to tell this story and is good therapy for me. Again I mean no disrespect with this fic these are things that have happened to me and how I deal with them. Read at your own risk, this is a triggering fic. Tell me is you want a part 4
CW/TW: CW/TW: Past Abusive relationship, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attack, past age difference relationship (Illegal)
Part1 Part2
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Besides Luka, I made him up, don’t care for him tho
Leo wasn’t walking home, he was stomping. How dare that jerk call him pecan he hasn’t used that name in years, he asked his boys to never call him that. He wants to scream, he wants to shout. He wants to break down and cry, he wants to break down and laugh. He is feeling everything at once and yet nothing at all. The usual ten minute drive to the apartment has turned into a 15 minute stomp back home. He throws his bag on the ground and goes to the kitchen. He is going to distract himself in the best way he knows how. Baking.
By the time Logan and Finn came home the house was filled with a wonderful smell. They both floated into the kitchen following the smell and stopped dead in their tracks. Leo's hands were covered in bandaids, there was flour everywhere, a first aid kit on the table and dishes all over. His eyes were red from crying and his hands shook as he was cutting butter to fold into some homemade pasty crust. They shared a look and both silently agreed Finn would keep an eye on Leo while Logan went to call Sirius.
“Hey Nutty, what Cha making?” Finn sat on a stool across the island from Leo as he took his frustration out on the dough he was making. Leo looked up at Finn through his messed up hair that he has been tugging on every once in a while. “It smells great in here”
He just blinks at him and then his eyes widen as he drops his dough. “Fuck, I forgot about about my cookies!” The younger boy turns around and pulls some odd shaped sugar cookies out of the oven, hes shaking bad enough that the baking sheet is moving in the pan as he sets it down on the counter. “I don’t even like sugar cookies- what- why did I made these?” He looks at Finn as if the older boy has the answer to everything and his eyes start to fill with tears. “What am I even doing? Half of this can’t even be ate because theyre have my fucking blood in them and my literally tears. Finn, I don’t want to feel like this anymore.” He wraps his arms around himself as a few silent tear streak down his face.
Finn’s heart just shatters as he watches Leo fall apart right before his eyes. He walks over and cautiously reaches out for the light of his life. A silent invitation for touch. The younger boy practically falls into his arms and presses his nose into Finn's neck. Leo isn’t sobbing, he has done enough of that the past few weeks. A few rogue tears did fall onto his shoulder but he didn’t care. Finn moved Leo to sit down on one of the bar stools as Finn figures out how to turn off the oven.
Leo was resting his head in his hands when he felt a hand on his back, he wasn’t sure how much time had passed. He might have dozed off for a few minutes as the adrenaline from his argument earlier seeped out of his veins. He looked up to look into a pool of emeralds and his heart skipped a beat. Sometimes he forgot how lucky he was to have two beautiful boys who loved him. He felt guilty for how he has been acting the past few weeks but the boys have been so good to him and so good at understanding his boundaries at different times. He learned it and gave his boy a smooch. He smiled when Logan kissed back and pulled away putting their foreheads together
“Mon Coeur, Sirius is here I think you two should talk.” He looks into his eyes and pushes his hair off his forehead and kisses the young boy's forehead. He pulled away and went to stand by Finn. “We will be in the other room if you need us okay? Peanut?”
“Yeah, I’ll be okay” he sends a soft smile their way as they both plant a kiss on each of his cheeks and head to the bedroom as Sirius walks in and sits next to Leo on a bar stool and looks into the kitchen.
“You really did a number on this kitchen, eh Nutty” He smiles at the young boy and is struck by just how rough he looks. The wild hair, the dark sleep bruises under his eyes, the bandaged up fingers, pale face. He looked so young and so vulnerable. Sirius understood, and he wanted to help. “Leo, can… can you tell me what's going on? Everyone has been worrying about you ever since Luka showed up.” He noticed the way Leo looked alarmed and tensed when he said Luka. “You know, I haven’t really talked to many people on the team about my past and my family. My parents would physically… abuse me, and they would say horrible things to me. Some of the habits they forced on me I have actually kept over the years, Heather says i should keep them because it will remind me of what I’ve come from.” He looked up to see Leo staring at him and he took his hand in support. “Do you go to Heather?”
“Yeah, I-I do go to her. Not as much as I should but I don’t know how much I can handle.” He looks as though he is thinking of the right words to say. “Sirius, you don’t have to tell me anything, I said basically everything that happened in the locker room… He would treat me like I was a disposable fleshlight” He tightens his grip on Sirius’ hand and balls his other fist tight enough to crack his knuckles. “ Sorry, some people don’t like when I do that.” He looks at Sirius and swallows.
“I understand, Leo this isn’t something you should have to deal with. If what I heard in the locker room was true then we need to talk to Arthur and the Lions Organization to get him fired because you, looking and acting like this. It has to be so stressful and if I had to work around my father or god forbid my Maman I couldn’t handle it. You're incredibly strong and I actually admire you for that.``
“Cap I have done nothing but cause issues for the last month!”
“You have a reason for acting out though Leo, and we can help you. Please, Let the team help you.” His eyes were pleading as Leo looked into them. He nodded and Sirius pulled him into a tight embrace. “Go tell your boys we are going to talk to Arthur.” He smiled as Leo wandered over to the bedroom, he could hear talking and a few smacks off kisses.
Leo emerged from the room with a shy smile on his face and red cheeks. Sirius shook his head but smiled as he patted the Goalies shoulder and walked them out the door to his range rover.
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Hi! I saw a post from someone I’m following ask for a tokyo rev matchup from you and you were so accurate and descriptive with it?? I love stuff like this so I’d like to ask for one too if you’re willing! A tokyo rev matchup pls!
my name is risa! She/her pronouns!
My personality type is a mix of INTP/INFP. idk if that’s possible but a test I took had both as the results and when I read the description of both types, I think I might have their characteristics? If having two mbti personality types isn’t possible then I think I lean more towards INFP!
As for my zodiac: Leo sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio rising.
My core personality is like really quiet, analytical, and observational, especially around strangers and acquaintances. When I interact with people, I’m really good with respecting their boundaries and feelings. Kind of a people pleaser too, and I’m awkward as hell with people outside of my family and my best friend. My values are trying to be a good person I guess? and my comfort and happiness. I think my love language is touch, words, and acts of service :)
I’m 5’3 with black hair and glasses. Im also on the bigger side with little curves 😭 like I got small boobs and my butts kinda flat but it’s wide? And I’ve got some thick thighs. I wonder who in Tokyo revengers has a thing for thick thighs.
I love reading, fanfics, manga, webtoons, or actual books. I also love watching movies, drives, and listening to music!
What I look for in a partner is just someone who loves me, is nice to me, and takes care of me kinda? Like not overboard but they look out for me.
I’d like kinky and dark nsfw (im over 18 btw!) and fluffy, soft sfw! You can just name a few headcanons you can see them doing with me here if I’m asking for too much!
Thank you!
hi risa!!!! im so glad you enjoy my content and thank you for sending a request <3
it's definitely possible to have traits of two mbti types- it just means you have a healthy functioning habits between the two aspects that differ!
I think you and mitsuya would make a perfect match!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
personality and desire wise, mitsuya is a really good match for you! he really gets you and gets the things that make you tick, and he'll never push you too far out of your comfort zone. he's exactly what you're looking for. his relationship with his sisters means he knows how to take care of others, but he's distant and secure enough to give you space when you need it. he's excellent at reading you, and you'll never have to ask him to give you a little breather. that being said, he is extremely protective of you when it comes to any gang related activity. no way you are not getting into that world he will make sure of it until the day he dies. he just doesn't see the need for tainting his escape from that world which you very much are. and that's why he loves you! you never push his boundaries and beg him for information on what's going on with his friends, and you never poke and prod at that part of his life. you trust him, and he is so thankful for it that he makes up for the lost time tenfold.
mitsuya has ALWAYS struck me as a boy who likes them thick. he LOVES everything about you and much like a couple others in the series, he is handsy af with you. expect mitsuya to beg you to sit on his face. he wants all the contact and all of you and he wont take no for an answer (unless of course you're seriously saying no mitsuya is a man of consent dw) god he will go CRAZY if you wear a garter for him. he'll be drooling and unable to focus on anything you say because he'll be too mesmerized by how fucking HOT you look like that. this man is a fashion designer, so of course he's going to be going crazy with buying you lingerie because he just loves to see you in anything like that. but because he is a sweet boy he'll always ask if ur comfortable wearing things for him and he might also ask rly nicely if you would wear it out in public under your regular clothes so he can think about that while he's out 👅
he has a praise kink, but a praise kink where he wants to praise tf out of you for being so damn hot like go girl you got him in the bag. as far as kinky goes since that was a little fluffy nsfw, mitsuya is rly into bondage and rope play. he loves seeing you tied up for him like the good girl you are. mitsuya also strikes me as someone who is really into wax and sensory play- removing your sense of sight so you don't know what's coming as he drips hot wax down your chest paying extra attention to your nipples, then trailing the wax down your body until it runs out. his favourite part is removing it, mostly bc he gets to touch you and watch the way your sensitive body responds to his touch alone after being grazed by the wax. mitsuya loves it, he really does.
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ivressesdhier · 4 years
The signs as Virginia Woolf quotes
Aries : "Now I will relinquish; now I will let loose. Now I will at last free the checked, the jerked-back desire to be spent, to be consumed."
Taurus : "How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course, the air was in the early morning; like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave;"
Gemini : "[Her] eyes break into a thousand lights."
Cancer : "She often felt she was nothing but a sponge sopped full of human emotions."
Leo : "Consume me, carry me to the furthest limit."
Virgo : "…I live; I die; the sea comes over me; it’s the blue that lasts."
Libra : "Change was incessant, and change perhaps would never cease. High battlements of thought, habits that had seemed durable as stone, went down like shadows at the touch of another mind and left a naked sky and fresh stars twinkling in it."
Scorpio : "It is the soul that matters, its passion, its tumult, its astonishing melody of beauty and vileness."
Sagittarius : "[…] a self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living."
Capricorn : "Yet sometimes one trembling star comes in the clear sky and makes me think the world beautiful."
Aquarius : "What is the meaning of life? That was all – a simple question. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.”
Pisces : "She was beautifully adapted for life in another planet. But the natural genius she had for conducting affairs there was of no real use to her here."
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