#it is my deepest desire
respectthepetty · 8 months
Is Nick gonna die? Why is he selectively dating all types of predators in Thailand? Is this a new food chain?
Anon, why would you ask such an aggressive question?! IS NICK GONNA DIE?!
Homie, NO! I wanted someone to die in Only Friends, but Jojo said we will not be killing the gays today *womp womp*
But if I had it my way, we would have had gay killers.
Mew would drown Boston in that pool, let Ray race off in his car without Sand following, and light Top's house on fire, all with the help of Nicolas erasing security camera footage, but Mew and Nick are good kids, so no murder will be happening here *womp womp*
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So you asking if Nicolas will die is wild because even in my craziest dreams, my number two lives, but @heretherebedork touched on the second part of your ask about Nick attracting toxic men.
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I will not victim blame Nick for being appealing to these harmful dudes, but I will point out that when Top told Nick that Boston was trash, Nick immediately responded that he was a professional dumpster diver so . . .
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maybe he'll be down for whatever Daddy Danny is serving.
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Which is why I hope Daddy Daniel and Boston punch each other. Part of me believes Boston will step in to protect Nick, but in my soul, I want them to fight because Nick finds what he is seeking from Daddy with a BIG D and Boston gets jealous.
And we know how Boston acts when he is jealous and how much he dislikes others playing with his toys.
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And lord knows how he'll react when he sees his former number one enjoying time with someone who isn't him.
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Praying that Boss Daddy is the perfect amount of trash to excite Nick and piss all over Boston's parade.
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egotisticalgold · 10 months
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‘the woman with the knife’
(1969) | dir. timité bassori
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girlboyburger · 4 months
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new fernsona ..!!
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bombuni · 9 months
Steven and a breeding kink (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
nsfw, minors dni!
“Oh-fuck, that feels good, yeah? ‘S okay if I fill you up? You want it?”
He’s rambling at this point, rattling on and on about how good you feel wrapped around him and how you’re the only one for him. You can feel his breath against your neck as he leans his head on your shoulder in an attempt to hide himself from you-try to have some decency, good lord, Marc says.
Steven’s rutting into you with no other thought in mind, one goal set. It’s clear in the way he has you pinned under him, encasing you in his arms. He’s not usually this pushy, taking what he wants, but you don’t really mind.
“I think you’d look lovely-“ he stops himself, pausing to breathe and lifting his head from your shoulder.
You know what he’s thinking. You always do with Steven, “Lovely how, Steven?” You whisper against his lips and he’s lost his train of thought again. This is dangerous. You could get possibly any and everything out of him.
There’s a whine building in his throat, waiting to move again, “Full of me. You know,”
“I think so too,”
“Really?” There’s a dumb smile on his face now, his cock twitching at the idea of you plump and ready to burst all because of him.
Smirking up at him, you pull him down to your neck again, “Do it, Steven. Wanna make you a daddy,”
He lets out a breathless whine at your words, and follows your orders.
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crianpy · 5 months
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Cookie9 is a dead man
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hotcinnamonsunset · 8 months
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rabbit heart (raise it up) but make it fashion❣️🐇
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 months
How Highly he Thought of You
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Look, I really just want to say that if this is a trial based on Yoda's deepest fears and desires, meaning one of his desires is for Obi-Wan to have known Dooku
If this is how Yoda wants things to be, he wants Dooku to still be with the Jedi and he wants Obi-Wan to know him. Yoda knows Obi-Wan would adore Dooku, he knows that if Dooku was still there, the loss of Qui-Gon might've not ruined him so much, because Dooku would be there and maybe Obi-Wan would've been okay.
Look how Obi-Wan doesn't take his eyes from Dooku, he adores him, he cannot stop smiling and he's just so invested in everything Dooku has to say. This is a child wonderstruck by old stories their Grandfather tells them. This is the Obi-Wan Yoda knows he would be if things hadn't gone how they had. He'd be happy, Yoda sees Obi-Wan's suffering and his strength and loyalty to the Jedi, he sees all that and knows Obi-Wan isn't happy, that he carries such a burden, so in Yoda's utopia there is such an emphasis on Obi-Wan's happiness because it isn't fair for Obi-Wan to suffer so much when he's never strayed from the light.
Yoda knows this, and he knows if he still had those two, Obi-Wan wouldn't suffer so.
Think of Obi-Wan's seat on the council too, we know Dooku was offered a seat and that Qui-Gon was too, then Obi-Wan and Anakin. Their entire (disaster) lineage was offered council seats, perhaps because Yoda, though Jedi cannot form attachments, offered Obi-Wan that seat because of how much it meant for Yoda to have one, one that turned out okay. And maybe Yoda looks at Obi-Wan and sees Qui-Gon, he sees Dooku, and his pain is a little less.
One of my favorite things to do are analysis' like these, if you want to see my take on a certain scenes send a request in perhaps :3
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hordeofcorvids · 1 year
My deepest desire is for a Sherlock Holmes adaption with a Scottish Watson because one line in a Study in Scarlet mentions that he doesn't have any family in England and I used it as a thin excuse to incorporate Scottish Watson™ into my world view
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sonnetforbonnet · 5 months
So at the end of S2E3 when Stede is trying to bring Ed back to life, he's saying "come back to me" and all that stuff. But when he says "I'll never leave you again" and "You're safe" that's clearly in a different voice, right? There's nothing frantic about it, meaning it's a voice over? So it's not something Stede was actually saying to Ed but rather something Ed imagined Stede was saying? I'm not crazy here, right? Have people already talked about this and I just missed all the discourse?
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daisywords · 4 months
idk. the majority of people do have children in their lifetime. If you are upset and insist it's "out of character" every single time a fictional character is portrayed as having children after the conclusion of their story, maybe you are the one projecting and being weird about it
*this is not a vaguepost abt something/someone in particular; I'm just commenting on a general trend I've noticed
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snaillock · 9 months
i swear why do i get gender envy from literally the same exact type of anime guy
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like come on
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hffhifjou · 4 months
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This is my Sofia the first self-insert *jazz hands*
She’s the court painter of Enchancia. She also studies magic on the side bc given the choice who wouldn’t want to be a magic user in a magical world
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bogslob · 4 months
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i am an official pigeon hater.
edit: i think im going crazy everywhere i go i see pegions i cant stop thinking about them i had to make a post and now im constantly on edge every turn i make i expect to see one
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jimmyspades · 5 months
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James Spader playing Jack Lawson in his Broadway debut as the star of David Mamet's Race, which ran from December 2009 to August 2010
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