#it gave me a good laugh in the middle of the airport
kiestrokes · 7 months
Kie, for the ask game:
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Hmmm...Jess, had to go to my wip graveyard for this, so I'm giving you two!
Dior You with Jung Hoseok
You’re the last one and Hoseok takes his time regarding you, gaze starting at your toes. Covered in the black doc martens he had bought you during your first autumn together. Trailing up your black tights to the Chanel skirt he had brought back from Paris as an apology for missing valentines day. To the tucked in, very fitted black turtleneck that you knew he owned a matching one to. Your outfit was a walking timeline of your secret relationship with Jung Hoseok and you have no doubt that his eagle eye recognized each of them.
Teenage Dirtbag with OT7
“I can’t believe this house will no longer be in the Min family soon.” Hoseok murmurs around a bite of melon.  He lifts the piece for you to take a chunk out, as you center yourself in this moment. Collecting a core memory for the future. Toes curling into the grass, that was a deep emerald from having been well cared for by mother nature over the summer months. The sweet juice of the watermelon bursting across your tongue, mixing with the alcohol in your stomach. Hoseok's thigh pressed into yours, the cold red juice dripping onto both of your bare legs.  “Namjoona! Can you bring us some napkins?” Hoseok shouts over your shoulders.  Namjoon emerges with your best friend trailing after him, her face flushed from the extended dance session. Hoseok takes the paper towels from Namjoon and wipes your legs before balancing the watermelon onto the wad, on your joint thighs. Your bestie collapses beside Hoseok and Namjoon settles crossed legged on your other side. “The 94 line back together again.” Your best friend smiles across Hoseok, at the three of you. “We’ll be thirty soon.” Namjoon says, taking a long gulp of his drink.  “Ugh, let’s not talk about depressing stuff right now. You’ll kill my buzz.” Hoseok wines, his heart shaped lips pulling into a deep frown. Shrugging you throw an arm around both men, “Isn’t this kind of what the party is about?” “What?” Your best friend asks.  “An end to our youth.” You answer her loftily. Namjoon laughs wryly as Hoseok and your bestie groan together. “Hey, deadbeats. Set up the blankets for the movie, the sun is close to setting.” Yoongi says giving your butt a soft kick and dropping the armload of bedding behind you. Taking another big bite of the watermelon and throwing back your second drink you slip from between the guys, reaching for a few blankets from the stack. You begin drifting around laying out the variety of rectangles.  Hoseok joins you, untucking the corners to your already placed blankets while he sips on his drink. The sky has set into a soft indigo, tinged a deep pinky-orange along the tree line as the sun sinks. You’re reminded of the fourth of July, the mismatched blankets reminiscent of evenings at the lake. All the families on blankets and lawn chairs, waiting for the moon to come out and the fireworks to light up the sky.
Pick a wip-moji and send an ask!
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Sick days
A/N: This is the last part of a previous request, I'm really happy that you have enjoyed the last two and I hope you enjoy this one. I've based off myself a little bit, just job wise really 🤷‍♀️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: "Maybee some of the care for her when she's sick 🥹🥹"
Warnings: sick reader, soft Arthur
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You loved your job, getting to watch kids before and after school when their parents would drop them off early or pick them up late. You loved working with the different age groups, doing activities, and running around with them. It wasn't until you got sick that you realised that working with kids might not be completely good. You wake up on a Saturday morning, your sinuses are blocked up, you've got a pounding headache, and your joints ache.
You mentally curse yourself for getting sick, you knew it was from work since you haven't been anywhere else lately. What made it even worse? Arthur has a week off. You're supposed to pick him up from the airport tonight. Luckily you decided to gradually clean your shared apartment throughout the week, so everything has already been done. You gradually get up, heading to the kitchen to get breakfast. You put down 2 pieces of toast, spreading butter and vegemite on them when come up (I am an AUSTRALIAN. Vegemite toast is like a medical remedy for sick days, do not judge me 🫶).
After finishing breakfast, you move on with your day. You head to your home gym, hoping to get a little cardio done. You managed to make it through an hour on the treadmill before your sinuses became too much. You quickly shut it off before running to grab a tissue and pump yourself with more anti-cold tablets. You made it to the shower, washing off the sweat.
You spent the rest of the day in front of the tv, trying to relax and clear your cold up as much as you could. Arthur's plane was arriving at 9pm, so you knew you had to leave at 8pm. It was 7pm when you realised you must shower and get ready to pick your boyfriend up.
After parking at the airport, you made your way in to find Arthur's gate. You had about 20 minutes to go until he walked through the doors. Your nose was still stuffy and you had a bit of a cough, better than this morning but still not great. You sat on a bench, watching as his plane rolled up and connected to the ramp. He was the first person out of the door, frantically looking around until he spotted you.
He broke into a grin and picked up speed, you stood up and broke into a run. Bodies collided in a bone-crushing hug in the middle of the airport, your arms around his neck as he gripped your waist. He pulled his head back, and you let go and grabbed his luggage, avoiding his kiss so you wouldn't get him sick. You linked your hand with him, pulling his luggage behind you. He didn't move, letting go of your hand and pouting as you turned around.
"Baby, what are you doing?" slightly amused by his reaction, you moved closer to him. He mumbled under his breath, "What did you say?" you asked him. "You didn't kiss me" he said through his pout. You giggle a little when you answer, "Arty, I've got a cold, I don't want to get you sick on your time off". He gave you a massive eye roll when he said "Seriously, love? You know I don't give a shit of your sick or not, I'll gladly get sick if it means I still get to kiss you"
You laugh as you reach up to cup his cheek, "I think you might be going soft, baby" you joke. "I don't care" is the only thing you hear as he brings his hand to the back of your head and connects your lips in a mind-blowing, firework show of a kiss. You both make your ways back to the car and head home for the night. Lo and behold, you wake up the next morning with no cold symptoms. However, your boyfriend is shivering and sniffling. "I told you, baby" you says as you big spoon him, "Shut up", he responds, "I still love you, even if you got me sick" he chuckles. "I love you too, Arty"
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pixiesfz · 5 months
Please write Lucy Bronze x Reader for reader’s reaction to her dying her hair
will will do.
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lucy blondes l.b
plot: lucy surprises you with her new hair for after Christmas break
warnings: none
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“I can’t wait to see you Luce it’s been way too long” you sighed to your girlfriend over the phone “I know but next year we are spending Christmas break together I swear” Lucy promised and you smiled.
You had been with Lucy just for almost a year now and with the World Cup in the middle of the year you hadn’t been able to see your families much so you decided to respectively go home to your own families for the Christmas break but see eachother back at Barcelona for New years.
“I have a surprise for you” you muttered and you heard the girls low chuckle “oh yeah?” She questioned and you hummed “good surprise?” She asked “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see” you smirked as you talked into the phone.
“Well I have a surprise for you too” Lucy admitted and you perked up “Will I like it?” You asked and you heard Lucy ‘tsk’ behind the phone “Well I hope you do” she said and you laughed “I’m sure I’ll love it” you declared and you looked behind you to see your family calling over to you “I gotta go Luce” you told her and you heard her sigh “yeah I should probably get going to I’m trying to teach my nephew to ride a bike”
You smiled “Do not leave me hanging with thoughts of you with children I will spiral” You heard Lucy laugh “Enjoy the Australian sun my love” she said and you rolled your eyes at her slight cheeky tone “enjoy the cold snow” you replied and hung up the phone.
“Y/n we have one more day with you hurry up!”
“Coming mother!”
When you got onto the plane back to Barcelona, you placed your hand on your shoulder and squeezed it slightly, you had a fear of flights and usually Lucy, even before you had the courage to ask her out would always squeeze your shoulder in support.
But you hissed in pain as you forgot that you had just recently gotten a tattoo in the placement.
That was your surprise for Lucy, she loved holding you on your shoulder and touching it, weather it was a hand grab to give you support, a kiss after a long night or even just laying her head there whilst you watched tv.
You got a small heart on the body part that she loved so much, so you knew you always had love there and so when Lucy saw it she knew you loved her.
Your 16 year old brother you had told you that you were ‘cringey’ and you just flipped him off and gave him 10 dollars to not tell your tattoo hating mother.
Lucy on the other hand was waiting at the airport for you with her hoodie on, hiding the surprise that she was a little bit scared to show you.
You always told her how much you love her hair and now she had changed it.
When you saw Lucy waiting for you in the airport with a small bear and your name on a paper you sighed out, relieved to see your girlfriend after a flight.
Lucy laughed to herself at your state but walked up to you and embraced you into a hug “I missed you” you told her and squeezed her “I missed you too” she said as she snuggled her head onto your shoulder.
She lifted her head up “why do you smell like ink?”
You blushed slightly and shook your head “can we go home?” You asked tiredly and she nodded.
When you reached Lucy’s apartment, you collapsed on her couch and lifted your arms out to her for a cuddle which she gladly excepted after putting your luggage into your room.
After laying down Lucy looked down at you “what was your surprise for me?” She asked and you smiled, excited to show your girlfriend the tattoo.
“I got a tattoo” you smiled as you sat up, straddling her waist.
You lifted your jumper that you had on to reveal a singlet that showed the tatoo.
Lucy lifted her body up when you revealed it and placed one hand on your waist and one lightly brushing the tattoo.
“Do you like it?” You asked and she smiled with her teeth and pulled your face to kiss her, when she leaned back she looked at it again “I love it” she said and you smiled “good cause my brother said it was cringey and that spent me into a spiral for like two days after” you laughed and Lucy speeded your waist.
“Well your brother is sixteen and doesn’t have any league trophies does he?” You laughed at her subtle dif and placed a kiss on her head.
“What’s your surprise then?” You asked and Lucy blushed, looking away “cmon Luce” you encouraged and pulled her face back.
“I don’t know if you’ll like it” she said and you scoffed “nonsense” you said and pulled her into a kiss “what if I convince you to show it to me” you said in between kisses, feeling Lucy smirk at your words.
“That could work” she muttered before pulling you closer to deepen the kiss.
One thing Lucy forgot was you loved to play with her hair whilst kissing as you pulled down her hood, making her freeze.
“Lucy are you o-“ you leaned back and saw it, blonde.
Lucy died the back of her hair blonde.
“I can dye it back” Lucy stuttered at your frozeness and you quickly snapped out of it.
“Don’t dye it back” was all you said before kissing her again, she pulled you away with furrowed eyebrows “so you like it?” She asked and you smirked “I love it”.
Lucy let you take out the hair tie that held her hair together before you ran your fingers through it.
“You’re not lying?” She asked and you looked at her in shock “Lucy when have I ever lied to you”
“Let me rephrase that” you both laughed “when have I ever lied to you that didn’t have anything to do with my benefit” you said and Lucy smiled “never” she responded “exactly” you smiled.
Later that night when you both laid in your bed, limbs tangled under the sheets as Lucy laid on your tattoo is when you had a thought.
“You know Lucy Blondes has a nice ring to it”
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amplifiedmoan · 1 year
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku x Black!fem reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), mentions of drinking, long distance relationship, phone sex, masturbation, vibrator usage, switch!Reader, switch!Shuri, just overall slutty behavior.
Word Count: 1.7k+
Synopsis: Just read it mf! 😒
Author’s Note: This is my first completed fanfic in a long time! I am a little rusty so please bare with me… I do love criticism when it comes to my writing, so feel free to share your thoughts!
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There you were, standing in front of Shuri at the Airport. Another successful visit that will most definitely end in tears. You quickly looked away from her, as said tears began parting through your bottom lashes uncontrollably, coating your brown cheeks. You were severely emotionally attached to her and it was showing. “Ndicela ungaqalisi, Y/N.” (Please don’t start) Shuri said softly, whilst pulling you into her chest. The smell of the Wakandan cologne on her hoodie, casted a spell on you. These were the moments you dreaded the most. She relaxed her chin onto your head gently, as a deep breath broke free.
“One more day?” You whispered. Her jaw clenched at the thought of leaving you. You knew what she was going to say but it would hurt you even more not to ask. The young woman slowly let go of you, so you released your grasp on her. “I’m afraid I can not stay any longer. I have to be back in a few hours.” She voiced. Under her tight curls, were red and watery eyes just like yours. Shuri didn’t dare let those tears escape though. She knew exactly what that would do to you. The image of her crying would have you balled up in a corner for days.
“I love you, Sithandwa sam.” (My darling) Shuri pouted, before kissing you on your head and then on your soft, plump lips. “I love you always, Shuri.” You handed her a neck pillow and she chuckled before placing it onto her shoulders. “Always?” She asked, already knowing the answer of course. She loved getting reassurance from you. “Always.” You responded.
You walked away from her. As you made your way around the car, you fought the urge to jump into her suitcase. Knowing Shuri, she wouldn’t even take you out of it. She’s been wanting you to come back to Wakanda with her even before you two started dating. Shuri is completely aware of the way she makes you feel. One time she set up a surprise visit, unbeknownst to you of course... And thanks to Riri, she caught you in the middle of the club trying not cry to a love song.
“You’ll text me when you arrive back on campus, yeah?” She shouted, walking towards the automatic doors. It was more of a command and you knew that. “Of course, baby. Be safe.” Was all you had left to say, before the horrible, empty feeling creeped up into your chest. “I will. And you too, usana!” (baby) Shuri smiled and gave you a small wave, before disappearing behind those doors.
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“So why didn’t you just go with her?” Riri asked while untying her shoelaces, leaning against her bed for support. “I’ve got my Mama here and school… I can’t just leave everything behind.” You scuffed at her impractical words. You sat up against your headboard with a tragic romance book in your hand. If it were easy for you to dip out and just go live in Wakanda, you obviously would.
Riri placed her hand on her hip and pointed in your direction. “Alright, but this continuous crying every time she leaves gotta stop. I got Deferential Equations class in the morning and I can’t be listening to yo ass sobbing into your pillows all night.” She laughed as she watched you reach for a pillow to throw at her. The pillow flung swiftly and hit her right in the head. You began laughing as well.
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“My girls will be here in 20.” Riri glanced at you and then her attention was planted back into the mirror. Partying was sort of Riri’s thing… She would drink and drink until the bartender would start to question her. It was a little concerning, but she was grown. She was never late to any of her classes in the morning and she took good care of herself.
“You coming?” She asked, while applying a little bit of mascara onto her lashes. You had been in your dorm bed for hours at a time, ever since you dropped Shuri off at the Airport. You understand the fact that she is now the Queen of Wakanda and the Black Panther. However, it was nights like this where you wanted to be selfish, and keep her all to yourself.
“Nah… I’m waiting for Shuri to call, so we can go to sleep.” You muttered softly, while plugging your phone up to charge. “Aw, y’all so damn cute.” Riri chuckled, before grabbing her purse. You knew she’d be out for a few hours and that meant you’d have all the precious time alone… with your girlfriend.
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“Mmmm… fuck!” You wined, as you held your vibrator onto your puffy, abused clit. You laid on your bed completely naked with a towel underneath you, catching anything wandering down your pussy. Shuri’s voice hitched through the phone, as she also toyed with herself.
The phone sat on your chest while both of your moans circled throughout the room. “Ah shit!” You screamed, trying to hold out for Shuri. You weren’t sure how much longer you could keep this up, before you came again. “Oh, fuck!” You cried. Your 2nd orgasm of the night, taking over your entire being. You continued to circle your vibrator around your sensitive bud, gasping for air.
“Keep it there.” Shuri said with a whisper that was loud enough to be heard by you. Your eyes widened at the thought of the overstimulation.
“I… can’t!” You wined as it all became too much very quickly.
“Yes… Yes you can.” Shuri said as she continued to run circles around her own clit. You could hear the desperation in her voice. The need for you to just deal with it. “Pretend that it’s me, usana.” (baby) She said lowly, her body began trembling as she chased her release. So that’s exactly what you did. You pictured Shuri’s slim fingers parting your lips delicately. You imagined her sucking and playing with your little ball of nerves, just like your toy was. “Feel it?” She asked and you pressed the toy down much harsher than before. Your body jolted at the vigorous touch.
Shuri rubbed her weak spot a bit faster, once she realized you were close. She always knew when you were about to cum. Shuri knew your body entirely too well. The certain sounds you’d make, gave her all of the ammunition she needed to drive you completely insane.
“Yes…yes!” Your cries were like music to her ears. Just hearing the deep breaths you were taking, pushed her closer over the edge. “Fuck, YN!” She hollered as she began riding out her own orgasm. “Nceda nceda!” (please please) she whispered into the phone.
Whenever Shuri spoke Xhosa, you instantly became wet. Although in this case, you were already drenched. It was something about her speaking her mother tongue, when English couldn’t exactly describe the way you made her feel. It made your walls clasp around air.
“Yeah… let me hear.” You chuckled. Your body still trembling while you put your toy down. “Ah…ahh.” Soft moans departed from Shuri’s lips. You sat up, placing your phone on your shoulder. “I did this to you, baby.” You declared.
You guys were far away from each other, yet so close. You both controlled each other impressively without struggle, despite being hundreds of miles away. “Ndiyakudinga, usana” (I need you, baby) she admitted, while slowly pulling her fingers out of her pussy.
Hearing her so needy for you caused a familiar heartbeat in between your legs. “Put them in your mouth.” You instructed her. She obliged, ignoring her extremely jaded limbs. “I want you to taste it for me.” You added.
Shuri’s mouth extended. Her tongue attacked her fingers faintly. “Mmmm.” She hummed softly. Her satisfaction of tasting her very own substance made you snicker. “That’s right.” You murmured. You flipped over onto your stomach, ending the call to FaceTime her.
“Tell me how good you tasted, beautiful.”
You smiled at her in the frame. Shuri’s lips glistened, moistened with her cum. “It tastes great… but it lacks something.” Your eyes narrowed at her response, wondering what could possibly be stopping it from being perfect. You always thought it tasted fresh… organic.
“What?” You asked, biting your bottom lip. Shuri caught that and couldn’t take her eyes away. She sat up in the camera to get a better view of your face. “Your touch.” She uttered gracefully.
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“Oh, we had a ball… You should’ve came, girl!” Riri twirled in the mirror, kicking her heels off. She wasn’t completely drunk this time, she remembered to take her shoes off and she’s not slurring her words. “So, what’d you do this whole time?” She asked while removing all of her jewelry. You pretended as if you didn’t hear her for the fun of it. You continued to flip through the pages of your book. “Yo? What did you do?” She asked you again. You shut the book softy and crossed your arms. “Nothing really.” You cooed. She seemed really interested in your night for some odd reason. “I thought you’d be sleep by the time I got back.” She spoke as she walked into the bathroom. “Shuri never called?” She questioned, her voiced echoing throughout the room.
“Yeah, she just had to take care of a mishap in her lab… She texted me saying she’ll call back in the morning.” You vocalized, while putting your AirPods in. “Oh! Okay.” Was the last thing you heard before Riri jumped into the shower. “Finally!” You thought to yourself. Shuri sent you a voice note about 5 minutes after Riri got home and you’ve been dying to listen to it ever since.
“Sleep tight, usana.” (baby) You read the message she sent to you after the voice note. You smiled tenderly before pressing play. “Ah! Oh shhh…” You heard blaring moans from your lover. It made you grin, thinking about the way she recorded this just for you to hear. Your pussy began pulsating under your blanket.
“Ndiyakufuna.” (I want you) Shuri let out gentle wines in your ears. Your fingers slithered down into your panties, coming into contact with your clit once again. You figured this would help you sleep and so did Shuri. The headphones caught every solitary noise she made and that made your orgasm ram through your insides like a no other. “Oh god… fuck!”
I hope you enjoyed! Please do not repost my work outside of tumblr. ©
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justanamesstuff · 3 months
Chapter 5
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Matty Healy x f!reader A/N: And one day she uploaded the fifth chapter! I'm very happy to bring you guys this new chapter I had fun writing and editing...it's full of emotions but so am I. I also want to thank you all for patience and understanding while I'm going through this difficult time of my life, i really dont know where i will be without your unconditional love and support!! Please let me know what you think and what you expect for this tangled story <333 love you lots! Warnings: ANGST, anxiety, so many feelings...fluff, cuteness, surprises, typos. Word count: 8.2 K
< Chapter 4
Few weeks later, LA
Matty felt the mild temperature on the air caressing his cheeks as he opened the door of his rented car at the airport. Denise and some of her friends were supposed to step out of the big doors in only minutes. Trying to be a good son, he offered himself without being asked. One because he wanted to see his mother and, two, because staying at home with Hann’s eyes following around all the time was driving the frontman insane. They had been going through a weird phase after the talk involving Matty’s feelings and problems. They were good but, at the same time, they weren’t. Just as Matty with Y/N. Why that kept happening to him? No clear answer.
While he waited, Matty walked around the rented car, his hood up and trying to wake up massaging his face harder than intended. He was trying to keep his mind at ease. He couldn’t think about his issues. Quickly, Matty’s hands reached quickly for his pack of cigarettes. 
Matty deliberated a hundred of times if asking his mom about the situation would help, even though it was complicated. He would put her in a sketchy situation, and he was against it. At the same time, he knew very well –deep down– his mother would see through his eyes with her x-ray vision and say exactly what he had to do but was avoiding. 
Matty didn’t feel ready.
He had to decide. To accept what was really going on with his feelings, say those out loud and risk a lot in the middle. Or keep the same behaviour, not only the one he maintained for the past months, for the past years. Either way, he’d continue  hurting himself.
Lies -no matter how suited they could be- at the end are lies anyway. Denying feelings you have, don’t make them disappear…you only sweep them under the carpet and wait for them to explode in your face sooner or later.
The process of accepting is painful most of the time, but isn’t more painful to believe something that is not? Isn’t it worse to maintain a relationship that deep down you knew you don’t want?
Matty was protecting his heart. He was getting himself ready for the next part…for the inevitable. 
After a couple of more minutes, the singer spotted his mother looking for him. At the same moment, his phone rang.
“’Ello?” he answered, throwing away the butt of his smoked cigarette. 
“Hi Matty, where are you?” his mother asked. He gave her the directions, as he waved his free arm in the air. The whole group approached him. “Hi, love!” Denise greeted him, embracing him on a hug.
“Hi, mom.” Matty muttered, feeling the warmth of her arms. He didn’t realize how much he had needed that hug. “How was the flight?” the singer asked politely while greeting his mother’s friends.
“It was good.” one of them responded.
“Where are the others?” Denise asked.
“At the house, I volunteered to pick you up.”
“Aw, my son.” Denise took his face between her hands. 
Matty laughed feeling the tight squeeze. “Mom, stop!” he moved away, feeling like he was a teenager all over again.
“Oh, shush!!” she protested making the rest laugh.
Shortly after, Matty and the group of women got on the car. He started driving, chatting a little with Denise’s friends and her mom. He made jokes, trying to be the nicest he could be.
��So, how’s the record going?” Denise inquired.
Matty didn’t give her much information, “Good, good.”
“You look tired.” she noticed.
“I am.”
“Are you sleeping well?”
“Mom!” Matty whined, stopping at a red light. 
“What? I want to know if my son is alright.” 
“I’m sleeping just right, okay?”
Denise scoffed. “What that even means?” her accent thickened warming Matty’s heart thinking about home. 
“Oh god, I was missing you but…now I don’t know-” Matty teased her. He felt the urge to divert the attention.
“Excuse me, boy? First, I know you missed me- “
Matty smiled wide, “I did.”
“-and secondly, you can’t get fussy. I’m angry with you.” she folded her arms, emphasizing her sayings which was answered with a frown from Matty.
“What are you on about now?” Matty asked her.
“And you dare to ask!”
“Denise…” Matty warned her.
“Y/n? Ireland?“ Matty’s mother started counting, Matty’s face dropping. “Does that ring any bells?” 
Matty scratched the back of his head. “No? I mean- Yes, she’s working over there.”
“Not that! I know that!” Denise shouted. “Well, I’ve already known that.”
Denise’s son turned for a split of a second, staring at her puzzled. “What else then?”
“She’s dating someone! Don’t fake like you don’t know…” she continued rambling, but Matty’s ears closed. His mind was foggy while he imagined Y/n and a boy with no face doing a ton of shit he couldn’t do with her. 
“Like actually dating?” Matty’s voice came out strangled. He didn’t dare to look at her mother.
Denise hide her mouth behind her right hand, gasping, “Oh, you don’t know! She’s going to kill me!”
“Do you remember Tom?” she exhaled.
“Tom Blyth.”
“Yes, I do. I saw him at an even, I reckon? Not sure.” Matty’s mind desperately trying to remember how this Tom looked like. 
“Well, they… I don’t know how much I can tell you. I shouldn’t say a thing.” Denise explained, worried. Y/n never told her not to tell, but still.
“Don’t worry, I knew she was dating someone.” Matty lied. Y/n told him about a boy she fancied, not this. Why didn’t she? They talked a week prior, why hide this?
“Oh, okay. I’m really happy for her.” Denise felt a wave of relief washing over her.
“Yeah, me too.” Matty said through gritted teeth.
“It’s lovely she’s dating someone! He sounds like a good lad.” Denise continued ranting, unaware of Matty’s emotions.
“Yes, it is.” Matty couldn’t say more. His heart was aching. 
“Anyway, how’s Nadia?” his mother changed the topic.
“Ah?” Matty snapped out of his daydreaming. “Oh, Nadia- She- Yeah, she is alright. I guess, she’s in Italy right now.” Matty responded. Hoping his mother didn’t ask more. Luckily she didn’t.
Matty drove the group of women to the hotel they were going to stay at. He promised to come back later for dinner, and then he continued his driving.
His mind was nowhere to be found. His heart was hurt. Matty’s body was on pilot mode, he only wanted to arrive at the house and sleep. Just forget the news.
This Tom and Y/n? This new dude and his best friend? He couldn’t picture it. He didn’t want to. Why Y/n never said his name?
Matty was sure that the last conversation they had had was a fully sincerely one. He knew they didn’t talk about many important parts but…why she didn’t tell him?
Hours later
Matty woke up suddenly. He sat on his bed, trying to calm his breathing. His heart beating so fast, he could perfectly sense it and hear it in his ears. 
After dropping her mother at the hotel, he came back home to sleep for a couple of hours before leaving to set. His life was hectic right now. His mind was troubled. And now his body was showing it more than before. He had to decide sooner than later. This thing was going to drive him insane.
His mother told him a lot of information he hadn’t considered. In fact, he forgot about this guy Y/n talked about. Matty was so focused on his relationship with her. On his relationship with his girlfriend. With maintaining both alive and going. But in the end: one, he wasn’t fulfilling the task, and secondly, he was only focusing on him.
The guy, well, Tom…never was in the equation for him. He kept Y/n in a place, in his head, where she was single and no seeking for a relationship right now. Did she tell him that or he believed it? She did tell him about this guy she had a crush on…but Matty knew that Y/n never took the lead. Probably Tom made a move. 
Matty ripped the blankets from his body, irritated.
He had to be happy for Y/n. He wanted to be happy. Matty couldn’t. He was more than screwed, he realized. The singer couldn’t say it out loud, not even to himself only. But he knew why this bothered him so much.
For a while he sat on his bed, running his hands –desperately– through his curls, trying to find the answer to his sorrows. 
Nothing helpful came to mind, but his breathing settled a little. His mind kept running. 
And then he remembered his dream.
He could picture it so vividly. It wasn’t fully a dream. It was more a memory with Y/n.
The dream took place months after they became friends. That time the rest of the gang wasn’t there, just Y/n and Matty. They had this kind of tradition, like a movie night but different. Instead of films they watched series. Sitcoms in particular. One of them picked two numbers, one for the episode and another for the season.
This time they were watching the office. They loved it. And Y/n particularly loved Pam and Jim’s relationship. Every time they appeared on the screen doing something remotely cute she screamed or remarked it for Matty in case he missed it.
He couldn’t care less about the episode. He was focused on her. How beautiful she got cheering for some random characters. Matty tried to look at her without her noticing. Y/n made him feel so many things back then. 
“Omg, he’s going to propose. Matthew!!” Y/n screamed turning to look at him, and then again to the screen.
“He’s not.”
“He totally is!”
“You already know what happens!” Matty accused her, chuckling. 
“Shh, I want to pretend that I don’t know.” the singer remembered how she snuggled closer to him. “Let…” she pointed a finger on his chest. “me…” again. “be, Healy.” Y/n looked up at his brown eyes, so close and yet so far. Matty’s heart was going to explode on his chest. He stayed there, just looking at Y/n. “Stop.” she looked away after a few minutes without a real reply from him. 
“I’m not doing anything, darling.” he smiled.
“You are.”
“What am I doing?”
“Looking at me.”Y/n said, drawing patterns on his clothed chest around his heart where his tattoo was imprinted. The girl wasn’t aware of the power she had upon him.
“Well, yeah, I’m not blind.” Matty was so surprised about how well he was faking being unbothered. “What’s wrong?”
“You are looking me like that night…” he made a puzzled face. “The night we met.” Y/n clarified. 
“Ohh.” he cooed.
“So- yeah- stop.”
“What if I don’t want to?” he asked cheekily. Matty touched the redness of her cheeks gaining her attention again.
“You’re beau-” Matty couldn’t help to start saying. Y/n moved her head forward hiding her face on his shoulder.
“Shh. Don’t. Let’s continue watching.” she made herself comfortable on his left side. Using his shoulder as a pillow this time. Matty couldn’t complain. He was happy there, with her, even when the words got stacked on his throat.
Y/n was everything he wanted back then. Why did he stop trying? Yes, they were friends. That was the most important part of this mess. Although he hated himself for not trying enough, for not waiting enough, for being an idiot, to realize late all of this when she was apparently starting a relationship with someone else, and he was in a former one already.
Nadia. He kind of used Nadia. He loved her, but not in that way…or not any more as the beginning. Matty couldn’t keep with that. He was going to hurt her so much..if he wasn’t already. Why he convinced himself he was ready for a formal relationship with someone else when in fact he wanted her? 
 If he broke the relationship, both of them would get hurt. Nadia doesn’t deserve that, in fact, she deserved better than a half love. It was the best, in the way that he had to let her have a better opportunity.
Matty ran his hands through his hair anxiously for a million time. He needed to know about this Y/n and Tom thing. He had to be sure if it was a real thing. Not because it would help. It would hurt in fact, even though he had the urged to know. He couldn’t ask Y/n though. Matty was sure that George knew something. He had to ask him.
Matty walked the short distance from his room to the studio downstairs where he knew George would be. 
He opened the door without announcing his presence. 
“Everything okay, mate?” George said in a calm tone without turning, his eyes still on the board in font of his eyes. 
“Do you know Y/n is with a Tom?” Matty didn’t wait a second. 
His best friend’s body stiffened visibly. “Tom? What Tom?” G tried playing dumb, although Matty saw right through him.
“George, I’m not in the mood for this. I know you know. So fuckin’ start talking.” he stated.
The singer cut him short, “Don’t use that stupid tone with me.” Matty pointed his finger even though George couldn’t see him. He sat down on the couch behind G set up. “Please, I need to know.” Matty almost begged. “Can you tell me what you know?”
“Mate, you know I can’t tell you- “ George turned around on his chair. 
“So, she’s…mom’s right- Fuck!” Matty said more for himself, resting his entire body on the couch. 
“What’s going on? Why is making you so anxious?” G asked, with a patience he only had for Matty.
“I- I’m not in a good place right now…everything is- I don’t even know what to say.” Matty chuckled dryly.
“What do you mean?”
“George.“ he hissed.
“C’mon…say it.”
“I’m not ready to talk about this. I can’t- “
“This has something to do about the same feelings you had a while back?”
“I know.”
George let the silence linger for a second, feeling like a pause between topics. 
“And Nadia?” the drummer asked.
“I don’t know.” Matty closed his eyes, cringing.
“Matty- “ G said in a worried tone.
“I know, okay? I’m going to talk to her…”
“Okay, it’s not going to be nice- “
“Believe me, I know.”
“I think it’s the best.”
“And… Matty?”
George got serious after stating clearly, “You can’t say this to Y/n.“
“I know that too.” Matty responded defeated, hitting his forehead with the palm of his hands rhythmically.
“Mate- “
“I have things to figure it out, but I’m okay.” Matty lied to G and to himself.
G knew he was far from that state, but he wasn’t to push Matty more during that moment. “Okay…” 
“I’ve to go now.” Matty exited the room as fast as he came in.
G moved his face from side to side, praying silently that none of his best friend got hurt after all. 
A week later
End of March
“What else could go wrong in this story?” Hann thought on the flight from LA to New York. He had no idea what he somehow manifested to happen after that without even knowing.
The first few days were fine, but when the fifth came everything changed. Hann and Matty didn’t talk much, they were still in this particular position since they had the talk. Hann decided to leave Matty alone for a while, but keeping his eyes close in case something happened. 
Strangely, Hann was left alone in the posh studio while the rest of the guys, the producer, and people he couldn’t retain their names even five minutes after meeting went out to get food. It would be easier ordering from an app or something even though all of them needed a break. 
The line connecting the front desk with the private area they had been working in rang startling Adam out of the zone. He left his guitar to the side, running to answer the thing.
The guitarist cleared his throat before asking, “Yeah?”
“Hello, I have a woman here that says he knows you.” the woman’s voice was tinted with suspiciousness. 
Adam waited for longer than expected, listening quietly while the woman at the front desk asked the other person waiting.
“Nadia Parton.” she finally gave Adam a name.
‘Shit, what was she doing there?’
The receptionist did a strange sound urging Adam to inform her what he wanted to do with Nadia.  “Do you know her?” Hann rolled his eyes at the question and her urgency when she took longer than him asking Nadia only her name.
“Yes, I do. Let her pass, please.” he was short and polite, although he didn't give her much information. 
Adam hang up begging for a moment of peace that didn’t arrive.
Matty entered the room first, agitated as well since he played a bet with George that we would get up there before them and proceed to run upstairs. The run didn’t take his breath as much as witnessing Nadia talking calmly with Hann. 
Nadia was there.
To say that Matty didn’t expect her was to highlight the obvious. Matty had been trying to push the conversation as far as he could, and she was there, three meters away from him. He believed he had more time. The universe works differently.
“Hi, baby.” she approached him excited. “Surprise!” Nadia said while hugging him. Matty didn’t know what to do really. He hugged her back and looked at his best friend. Adam moved his shoulder as a sign he knew nothing about this, he even didn’t dear to ask the girl in the half hour they shared.
“I wasn’t expecting you…” the words fell from his mouth.
Nadia took a step back still with her arms around his neck. “That was my intention. I wanted to surprise you, as you did for our anniversary.” she said sweetly. Matty felt a little bit more miserable with each word she dropped. 
“Oh, right. I forgot some special occasion?” he inquired, lost.
She gifted him a big smile. “No, silly! I was missing you so much.” Nadia said, leaving a peak on his lips. A move that made Hann much more uncomfortable, sitting there just watching the scene as in a film. The studio’s phone rang once more, and he hadn’t been happier to hear that sound in his life. 
Adam spoke with the secretary once more informing him that Jack was in his way up.  
After he hung up, Adam tried to gain his friend’s attention at the same time he heard the guys approaching the studio. 
“Matty.“ he said between his bandmate’s name and a cough, getting the attention of the couple, not only Matty’s.
The frontman looked at him for a second time in only minutes, “What?” his face expressionless. 
“Jack is coming, and I think I hear the guys in the kitchen. ” Matty looked at him as if a second hand were growing beside the one holding the phone.
Adam didn’t dare to look at Nadia. It wasn't rare that friends or family stay during the record sessions, but he was aware that Matty didn’t want her there right at that moment. Hann was trying to gain time and Matty wasn’t taking the hint.
Something must’ve clicked inside the singer’s brain because he continued saying, “Ah- Yes…I mean, top secret.” Matty moved far from Nadia’s embrace one because they were blocking the door and two because he was feeling guilty receiving so much caring he couldn't reciprocate. “Nad, would you give us a time alone? We won’t be long…just Jack checking some stuff about this-”
“Yes, yes…I knew I’ll have to when I planned the surprise.” she said, walking towards him. Matty couldn’t help feeling cornered, although he let her kiss him shortly before heading out of the studio.
When she was out of sight, and they were sure she wasn’t listening, Matty dared to ask, “Did you-?”
“Tell her something? Hell, no!” Hann said.
“Alright, alright…good.” Matty said, under his breath, passing around.
Neither of them continued the conversations. Adam looked how Matty walking in circles before turning around with his eye full of certainty. 
“I- “ Matty mumbled the words making it impossible for Adam to hear.
“Come again?”
Matty stood in the middle of the studio, opening his chest, “I’m going to break up with her.” Matty admitted and Adam doubt it.
“Right now?”
The singer chew on his upper lip, “It wasn’t in my plans she was going to- “
“Yeah, I can tell.” Hann said sarcastically.
“This is not funny!” Matty looked at him with a stern look.
“Yes, sorry. And then…?”
“I can’t focus on that now. I have to work”
“Yes, you have to.” neither of them knew if he was speaking about work or something else.
Adam grabbed the collar of his forgotten guitar, leaving his friend with his own thoughts. 
Few hours later
Nadia wasn’t an idiot. She knew from a long time up to that moment the fact that Matty was dealing with something. She was confused though. Matty kept sending her way a lot of mixed signals. One day, she was everything to him, he followed her around, being the attended boyfriend or travelling for their anniversary, even though the next day, he was cold and doesn’t seem happy to see her in NY.
She continued dismissing it, thinking it was part of being with a rock star, or ‘Matty is Matty’, or ‘the album is stressing him’; everything instead of thinking he didn’t want her any more. 
The woman was deeply in love with him, Nadia was sure of that. She was head over heels for him. But, was he? ‘Yes’. Why would he be with her if he wasn’t? Matty wasn’t that type of guy, and Matty had shown her that he loved her. Still, something was wrong. Nadia didn’t want to think about it. She was happy with him. Matty was everything she sought in a man. She could deal with this bad moment of their relationship because it would past…or she wanted to think.
After they wrapped for the day, Matty and the rest of the group returned to the hotel. Matty was drained, very tired, so he decided to wait for the next day to talk with Nadia. That’s why she stayed with him in his hotel room, and he was in peace with his thoughts for just a moment.
“Finally, alone.” she said, smiling at him.
“Yeah. I’m going to take a shower.” he said, going to his suitcase.
“Can I join you?” Nadia said cheekily.
“Nad, I’m not in the mood.” he responded, searching for his clothes.
“Oh, okay…” she said feeling slightly embarrassed. “I’m going to call room service, what do you want to eat?”
“I’m not hungry.” Matty replied without looking at her, meanwhile he stood up walking slowly towards the bathroom.
Nadia left the phone on the side table, turning her body to face her boyfriend. Before Matty closed the door behind him, she exclaimed, “Fine, what’s going on?” 
“What?” he didn’t turn around.
The singer quickly got defensive, “I’m not hungry that’s all.”
“I’m not talking about the food and you know that.” she kept glancing at him. She could tell he was nervous, his back muscles were tight.
“I don’t- “
Nadia left the comfort of the mattress, standing in the middle of the room. “I know you, tell me what is going on.” with a courage she didn’t feel, Nadia approached him, placing a hand on his back and sensing Matty got stiff felt like a dagger ripping her heart.
“I’m knackered, okay? Can we not do this right now? “
“I’m tired of this, Matty. I need you to speak to me if you are going through something. We’re a couple!” she let her hand dropped to her side.
“I- “
Nadia felt desperate. “Please, tell me!”
“Okay.” he turned around. “Please, take a seat.” she obeyed, returning to her previous position.
“I wasn’t expecting you to show up- “ he started to say.
She couldn’t stay silent, her anxiety making her interrupt his rambling, “That’s everything? Me surprising you?”
“Please, let me finish.” Matty scrubbed his eyes. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t expect you to show up in fuckin’ New York, at the studio. I was waiting to fly back home and talk with you properly.” Matty continued, starting to gain power on his words. “I know my behaviour during the last months weren’t the best- In fact, they were the worst. I’m being a horrible boyfriend, and you don’t deserve this. Don’t- “ Matty stopped Nadia with a signal of his hand when she moved and before a single word fell from her lips. “Please, let me finish. I wasn’t expecting you, but when you showed I decided the best would be talking tomorrow when I’ll be more awake than now. I guess this can’t wait any longer. I know this is going to hurt you, and me too. You’ll hate me for this- “
“You’re scaring me, Matty.” Nadia said worriedly.
“I- I’m struggling a lot with myself. And I don’t think you should…you have to deal with it too.”
Nadia’s eyes stung with tears.“What are you suggesting?” 
“I think we should break up.” ‘I said it, I finally did it’, Matty thought.
“What?” she asked surprised. “If it’s because I didn’t tell you or any of the guys that I was thinking on coming- I’m so sorry.” Nadia tried explaining quickly.
“That’s not why.”
“Then what? You don’t love me?”
“I- I do love you.”
“Then?” she moved on the bed anxiously.
“I love you, but there are things I can’t tell you that I’m dealing with…and you don’t deserve this.”
“There’s someone else?” Nadia hatred herself for asking that. She sounded so cliché.
“It’s not- It’s not exactly about that- “ he said sitting on the bed, reaching for her hand.
“Then what?” she asked again, looking down.
“I can’t- “
“Don’t you trust me?” she inquired, this time crying. She wanted to seem strong, she couldn’t.
“I do. I do. This is- I can’t even think about it without going insane.” he admitted.
They stay for a moment in complete silence. Both of them were hurt. Nadia’s heart was shattered in hundreds of pieces. Matty suffered watching her in that state. Fully knowing that he caused it.
“I’m so sorry.” Matty said verily out loud.
Nadia chocked on a sob, saying, “I love you, Matty.”
“I love you too, Nad.” he reached for her cheek, while she continued crying. “Please, don’t hate me. I mean, I understand if you want to punch me or kick me in the nuts.” she chuckled. “Please know that I’m doing this because you deserve so much better.”
“I don’t know.”
“I know it. It seems like the most horrible excuse, but I mean it. You’re an incredible person, women, and you deserve someone that loves you and treat you better than I do.” Matty admitted.
“I want you…”
“I know- “ Matty sadly said.
After a while Nadia tried to dry the tears that never stopped falling. She told Matty, “I better go.” 
“You can stay till tomorrow.” He offered.
“I preferred not to.” she took out her hand from Matty’s grip. 
“I’m so sorry.” Matty apologized again, staring at her form while she moved around the bed grabbing her stuff.
“I’m too. I wish you the best, Matty.” 
“I don’t deserve it.”
Nadia titled her head, staring for a last time into his soft brown eyes, “You do. I hate you right now, and I don’t want to see you for a while.” she stated, meanwhile Matty answered with a nod. “Don’t reach for me when you are sad, well, you stop doing that a couple of months ago. I don’t understand why this happened but above all, I love you and I know you’re a good guy. You gave me a lot of beautiful moments to remember, you’re a kind soul. I know I don’t deserve this, although you have to know that I stay because you're worth the wait…and if you tell me there is a little part of you that wants me to wait I’ll probably wait. I know you don’t have that part.” she said when Matty opened his mouth to speak. “It hurts so..so much, because I know, I’m sure, that in your own way you love me, you said it too. Sadly, not as much I love you. Because I love you fully. When I love I do it that way.” Nadia stopped and dried her tears once more. “For all we shared and how much I cherish you…I wish you the best. Goodbye, Matty.” she finally said, turning around, graving her suitcase and then left the room.
When the click of the door made a loud noise in the silent room, Matty started to cry. He hurt one of the most important people in his life. Nadia was gone. Matty knew it was the best, and he also knew it was going to hurt. Not that much. He couldn’t complain though.
She didn’t shout, Nadia didn’t even raise her voice. Which, made it more difficult to deal with. Sometimes, it is easier to hate the other and shout. Not the best, or healthiest, just easier. That time was the opposite
Why does he keep hurting the people that love him deeply?
The next morning Hann found an obviously tired Matty. The guitarist wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask or not. Something clearly happened, the singer’s face showed it.
They had a free day, luckily for everybody. A couple of days ago, they decided to be the typical tourist and walk around town. Matty wasn’t in the mood for that even though it might help.
Adam knocked on Matty’s door two hours before the activity started. The frontman took his time to prepare even though he ended up showing with a simple shirt and jeans combo. Hann was expecting to encounter Nadia, but she was nowhere to be found. That gave him the first hint. He also remembers what Matty told him the day before. He wasn’t expecting his friend to be so quick about it. Although, he couldn’t assume anything. Adam didn’t want to. He was going to wait for Matty to come around and speak about it.
They stayed in silence for a good amount of time. Matty plopped himself on the bed and rest his head on his hands after opening the room’s door for his friend.
“Nadia left.” he informed Adam when the eyes of the guitarist scanned the room.
“Last night.”
“Mhm.” Hann only dared to express. 
“We- I broke up with her.” Matty looked at his best friend, waiting for a reaction.
Adam showed nothing, “Okay.” 
“It was the correct thing…right?” he hesitated.
“I’m not going to tell you what it’s or what it isn’t right, Matty.” Adam clarified. 
“Damn it!” Matty projected himself out of the bed.
“Take it easy, mate.” the guitarist said with a calm Matty envied. 
“How? I mean, HOW? She hates me now. I’m an asshole!”
“Okay, no. Yes, you did pretty fuck up things…although you can’t beat yourself up like at. Everybody makes mistakes, you’re trying to solve them. Focus on that. It’s not nice, because you realize big things, feelings and I understand you’re hurt- “
“I can’t make myself the victim. I know.”
“No, you can’t. Although this is not a Disney film, there’s not a good guy and a bad one.”
“Yes, you’re right.” Matty let a big breath out. “What I do now? I broke up with Nadia, and Y/n is…” the singer started to tell him, and then stop.
“Y/n what?”
“Nothin’.” Matty muttered.
“Oh, no. You’re going to tell me.” the frontman was satisfied with Adam’s nervousness. 
“Don’t you know?” Matty inquired. 
“About what?”
“Y/n is in a relationship.” just saying the words hurt as if someone was ripping his heart out of his body.
“Oh, shit. Did she tell you?”
“No, mom did.”
“Your mother told you?!” 
“And then George quite of confirmed it.”
“Fuckin’ hell.”
“Yeah, exactly. I hate my life right now.”
“Let me be miserable for a minute, okay?”
“Please.” Matty begged without caring.
“You said it…you’re not the victim. Suck it up, mate!”
Matty scoffed, “Very kind of you.”
“I’m trying to help!”
“Well, you’re not helping…at all.” Matty snapped at him. And quickly regretted it. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” the frontman took a sit on the bed once more and Adam copied him. 
“I understand.”
“Why didn’t she tell me? Or you? Instead, she told George and mom…”
“I don’t know.” Hann lied. He perfectly knew why. He wasn’t even hurt. Hann knew the reasons why Y/n tend to skip talking to him about this stuff. He couldn’t tell Matty though, it wasn’t his thing to tell.
“Should I call her?”
“What? Are you insane?” Adam exclaimed.
“Fine. Yeah, I’m not going to…” Matty hesitated even when the urge to do it was big.
“Please promise me you’ll not.” Hann begged, massaging the bridge of his nose.
“I promise.” No matter how hard it will be, Matty had to stop hurting the people he loved. The first one was Y/n. Somehow, he hurt her. He doesn’t understand why quite well, but he knew it. He can ask her about how was she doing and all of that, although if she didn’t want to tell him about Tom…he had to stay out of that.
Matty had to focus on work again and work only. When he returned home in a month or so he could think what to do. For the time being, he had to fix himself and stay out of more problems.
On the other side of the ocean
Spring was one of her favourite seasons. Y/n loved all of it. From the flowers starting to blossom to the mild temperatures and all in the middle it was a lovely season. Or maybe this year she was looking at it with other eyes.
The woman was happy beyond the imagination. Finally, after many months she was in fact and without a doubt happy. She longed for that moment and now she had it. The positivity she irradiated was amazing. Y/n was giving so much, and the universe responded or herself in a state of pure happiness wanted to believe that.
Y/n was euphoric for all the work she had done in the previously few months with herself, how much she grew. She took a step aside from the horrible place where she was, Y/n took a place aside from being the cliché girl in love with her best friend. But it wasn’t all her merit, she had a big helper. She had a handsome helper: Tom.
Y/n never felt what she felt with Tom.
Tom was everything she ever dreamed of: he was always attentive with her, but not overwhelming her, he understood her reserves and didn’t complain; they talked about everything and nothing, every conversation was perfect. Sometimes, they fought about their strong beliefs, but they also end up kissing and hugging. Y/n was happy with Tom.
She didn’t tell Tom about Matty. Y/n didn’t see why. She wasn’t thinking about that as well. Tom and her talked by text and she was okay with that. After all, he was her friend, and she promised not to disappear. She still had affection for him of course.
Anyway, Y/n was living in a dream. Work was going well, she was kind of sad because they had only one week left of filming, and then she would be back home. This time with Tom. They talked about it fully, feeling extremely happy that both of them were in the same page about continuing dating. Tom lived closer to the centre of London, and she was only 20 minutes away by car from there. They could make it work out.
Since they were in the last week of shooting, Y/n had a lot of work in hand. They had to leave everything perfectly done, and she had pressure about helping Lily accomplish all of what was expected from her.
“Please, could you leave those papers and hung out with me?” Lily begged, sitting in her trailer’s couch.
“You know I really want that, but I can’t.” Y/n continue going through the schedule.
“Agh!” Lily scoffed. “You’re not fun any more.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at her, “We see each other every day! Don’t overreact.”
“That’s exactly why…we have only a handful of days to be together and then- “
“And then, we’ll see each other as well.” Y/n turned around, looking at her.
“You’ll be so busy with your prince charming!”
“Omg, don’t call him that!”
“Being all happy and loving each other.” Lily continued with her rant, making weird sounds that tried to emulate kissing.
“You’re impossible.” Y/n returned to her papers.
“Talking about Romeo!” Lily exclaimed. Y/n didn’t understand until she heard a voice.
“Were you talking about me? I’m flattered.” Tom looked at Y/n, approaching her and the woman couldn’t help noticing her stomach sprung to life with excitement. 
“She was talking about you.” Lily pointed like a little girl.
“Oh, really?” Tom crocked an eyebrow while placing his arms around Y/n.
“Yes, about how she’s going to ignore me- like right now- and be all lovely jolly with you.” 
“I don’t want to brag but- I’m pretty cool so- “ Tom joked. Leaving a kiss at the back of Y/n’s head.
“Oh, you shut up!” Lily said standing up. “I’m going to leave you two to it…” and then she left without waiting for an answer.
“Lily!” Y/n exclaimed, shaking her head disappointed but laughing before turning to face Tom. “Hi”
“Hi.”  Tom looked down at her eyes. His height always amused her, Y/n felt secured with him being so tall, she didn’t know exactly with, but she did.
“Did you need something?” she inquired, placing her hands on his chest.
“Oh, what?”
“Cheesy, way too cheesy, Tom.” she laughed.
“It’s the truth.” he replied, kneeling down to meet her lips. 
Sad day, last day
The last day of shooting and the day before that one with the big wrap party, Y/n felt really emotional. This production gave her more than she could ever ask for: a lot of experience and work, of course, but also friendships and a lovely boy. She was more than grateful with it.
Y/n was leaving that day with Tom and Lily. He brought his stuff a couple of days before so when they had to leave, they went straight from the Airbnb that Lily and Y/n shared towards the airport. It was more practical and that let Tom and Y/n spend nights together.
Y/n woke pretty early sensing the warmth that Tom’s body spread. Her head was in his chest, and his arms were around her form. She let a sigh out in pure bliss. Tom moved a little, waking up as well.
“Morning.” he said in a raspy voice.
“Morning.” she smiled, propping herself up staring down at him. “How did you sleep?”
“Like a baby. After that intense activity- “
“Tom! Stop that!” she whined.
“Okay, okay. Now you’re shy but last night- “
“Omg, shh!” she shushed him, trying to leave his side.
“No, come back here.” he begged.
“Such a baby.” she teased.
“Thanks.” he answered laughing after she was only centimetres away from his face. “I need my morning kiss, y’know.”
“Oh, really? I don’t know.” she played dumb.
“Please? I’ll stop saying how hot last night was.” he chuckled.
“Exactly, no. You lost your opportunity.” she tried to stand up, but quickly Tom pulled her into the mattress.
“Why so shy so suddenly, darling?” Tom asked. The nickname made her think about Matty, making her instantly felt bad. Now she was fully aware they were coming home. “Hey.” he tried to get her attention when Y/n’s sight fell elsewhere, lost. “If it’s so bad to kiss me and think about us having- “
“Stop!” she placed her hands on his mouth, laughing at the same time. “I just- I don’t want to get back home.”
Her hands found his curls quickly, “I’m not going to see you every day.”
“And then I’m clingy?” he inquired, leaning down to caress her throat with his nose, taking her in.
“Oh, forget it!”
“No. I’m sad about that too, believe me. But, we don’t live that far from each other.”
“I know, but…”
“Stop with the but’s. I want my kiss.” he said, reaching her face to finally kissed her.
Tom’s kisses were like no other ones in her life. Y/n didn’t kiss many boys but she was sure none of them kissed like him. He made her feel inexplicable feelings. He was tender and kind, but hot and torrid at the same time. Tom treated her as if Y/n was made of porcelain, with so much love and caring. She was getting addicted to him.
Tom was like her favourite season. Tom felt like spring. 
After the three of them left for the airport, Tom acknowledged quickly how clingy Y/n was being. In fact, he was making most of it because she was rarely like that around other people. Neither of them was. He kept her close. Hugging her or taking her hand. Subtle forms of ‘I’m here, we’re okay’. Y/n was glad he noticed. It amazed her how well he understood her when they had only known each other for nearly 10 months. He was going to miss him, no matter if he was close, and they already had plans to meet in London.
Y/n was trying to avoid overthinking her behaviour. She succeeded until they took the plane home, and Tom fell asleep. 
For a while, she admired his face and features. She didn’t want to appear creepy, so she turned her sight to the clouds. The sky was almost black. She could still picture the lights of the city, of Ireland. Then, the sea came into her view. Y/n always felt a big connection with the water no matter how much she loved the earth, the land. There was something so deep and meaningful about water that amazed her. Maybe, it was the fact that you can reflect yourself on water. At that moment she couldn’t picture her figure from so afar even though the colour and the depends on the Irish Sea made her look inside herself.
The inner talk was something she avoided a little since her relationship with Tom started. On the other hand, you can’t stop yourself from thinking. You have to, if you don’t talk with yourself how would you know what you want and what you have to do to get better?
Y/n felt that she failed to herself in that part. Yes, she wanted to be happy. She was happy. But she repeated something she acknowledges a way back. She avoided Matty. Well, she didn’t, they talked even though she avoided her feelings or not feelings for him. She avoided thinking about which position she was in about him. And that was a little bit wrong. Not because she was happy with Tom she could keep avoiding her problems, avoid Matty. 
Y/n wanted to solve her situation. She wanted to get back to her friendship with Matty as it was. Without knowing, she drifted more apart after she repeated that to herself.
She didn’t tell her best friend about the amazing relationship she was in now. Of course, Y/n had her reasons. Although, if she wanted to get back to be just friends…didn’t friend tell each other things like this? Matty told her about him and Nadia back then.
She wanted to tell him, but after two months or so Y/n wanted to do it in person. Matty was in New York at the moment, which made that quite difficult. Maybe when he returned. She knew he would get angry, that’s why she wanted to somehow explain it to him. She would have to lie a little bit longer…for the last time. 
Y/n had to admit to herself, she missed him. She missed the whole gang. She missed her English family. That was why she was also happy to be back. Not everything was awful.
Y/n came back to real life once the plane started the descended and Tom woke up. She tried to enjoy those last minutes. Yeah, she knew she was kind of overreacting, but she couldn’t avoid it. As well as oceans, she was restless…to many feelings. As well as oceans, she was going to settle. The calm was here. Or that was what she liked to think.
Two weeks after
Two more weeks went by during which Matty was still unhappy and troubled. That time not only due to Y/n and his feelings, this time because of the coronavirus. They had to return home. Sadly, the cases were rasing in so little time, that the government was closing down everything again.
For the album, Matty wasn’t preoccupied because with the rumours of this happening they managed to do most of the works left, and they wrapped a day before the announcement. And they could always continue from home. 
Staying in New York was an option, although they had been gone for a long while. George was missing his girlfriend, Adam his child, Ross his family and Matty the comfort of home. They preferred to return home. Back in England, the situation wasn’t bad but also not good. The government was considering closing everything again, they didn’t have news about it.
A part of Matty wasn’t sure if he wanted to get back. Part of him wanted, he missed his family, his shared house with the boys, and everything. Another part, didn’t want to get back though. Too many things to deal with. Being out of the country, wherever work took him, he was available to stay far from his normal problems, or he had that illusion. 
Anyway, coming home was exhausting. More during the corona time. Having to use the face mask and all the protocols. He wasn’t complaining, he supports taking care of the rest and his wealth. It just adds a lot on his shoulders and made him more tired.
Once he returned, Matty spent a lot of time inside his room playing games or writing, he even went on a walk with Denise for a short time. 
He knew Y/n was also back home, and she sometimes met up with George and the rest. Although, he wasn’t ready to see her. They still talk by message, they avoid the topic. Even when Y/n knew very well he was at home, she mentioned nothing. She didn’t want to push him, and at the same time, she was spending time in London for a good amount of time with Tom.
So, yeah, Matty wasn’t ready for what life, the universe or God had under her/his sleeve this time.
Sunny Sunday
A week prior to the dinner, Denise started begging and bugging him to get all together. She said, ‘let’s share a nice meal at this place closer to you guys now that we’re allowed before everything closes again, Matty!’ and no matter how much he tried she won. The boys were excited to see new faces after weeks of only seeing each other working to get the record ready to publish.
Matty and Hann arrived at the restaurant first but they waited at the car park for the rest to arrive. They did minutes after.
“Hi, boys!” Denise said, very happily.
“Hi, mom.” Matty was the first greeting her.
“Why so happy?” George inquired.
“Can’t I be happy for seein’ you handsome boys?” she asked, innocently.
“Mom…” Matty knew better.
“Okay, okay. I have a surprise for you all!”
Ross got all excited like a little kid during Christmas, “What?” 
“Patience, dear. We have to wait a little longer before it arrives. Well, it’s not a thing, is a person.” Denise’s smile was wide. 
“I’m not following.” Adam interrupted.
Louis interfered,  “Me neither. But, you get used to it.” and the rest chuckled.
“Wait and see. She is arriving!”
“Oh, she?” George inquired.
“Yes, she. Not whatever you’re thinking- I don’t want to- “
“Mom, could you just tell us!” Matty was growing anxious.
“Oh, she is here!!” Denise cheered so loud.
The whole family looked at how a very familiar car parked beside theirs. Shortly after, Y/n came out smiling nervously at them.
“Hi, guys.” she greeted the group.
Matty’s heart stopped beating right there.
Taglist: @hollybrislen @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001 @brittluvs1975
Chapter 7 >
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babybluebex · 1 year
how do you think baby anthony would react to seeing joe in character as eddie??? like his wife would obviously think it’s really hot but little baby anthony is in her arms just staring at him😂🥺
ok i got like several requests for this concept and i just HAD to write it bc it's so cute (also hella short whoops sorry :/)
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You spotted him before he saw you. Of course, Joe was working and wasn’t really paying attention to who came and went from the outdoor set— if you knew anything about film sets, people were always coming and going. The only thing that made you special was the baby on your hip. Anthony was a “wee lad”, as his namesake called him, only 13 months old, small with thin blond hair and giant brown eyes. He had just started walking on his own, babbling away nonsense every day, and you loved having a baby around. The part that sucked was that Joe had been called from home to film Stranger Things. 
He hated leaving you two, but you had convinced him to do it. He had auditioned back in 2019, before you even knew you were pregnant, and, by the time Anthony came around, he had already been offered the role of Eddie. Joe wanted to pull out of the project when you found out you were pregnant, mere days after the Duffer brothers had offered him the role and he had accepted, but you told him absolutely not. “This is the biggest thing you’ve ever done,” you told him. “You can’t sacrifice your career for me.” 
And now, you had flown from London to Atlanta with a baby in order to visit Joe. You told him that you were coming, but you had fudged the truth a bit, and told him that you weren’t coming for another week. Just that morning, as you were about to leave for the airport, Joe Facetimed you and blew raspberries at Anthony. Joe had lost a lot of weight to play Eddie and the look of his thin cheeks was too different for you, and you had no idea what his costume entailed, so you had no idea what to expect when you got on set. 
You didn’t expect the long dark curls that ran down his back. You didn’t expect the ripped jeans and trainers and leather jacket and denim vest. You didn’t expect the shirt he wore, emblazoned with a logo for the Hellfire Club. He looked so different, yet exactly the same, and you bit your lip as the director yelled cut. 
You watched Joe fall out of character, and his eyes snapped to you in an instant. “Darling!” he called, and he started to make his way to you. You saw his scene partner (Joe Keery, whom you had never met, wearing a yellow sweater) give you a confused look, but you focused on Joe as he came to you, smiling wildly. He looked gorgeous, but you did take a step backwards as he approached you out of instinct. It was your Joe, but he wasn’t your Joe. It was Eddie. 
“Oh my God!” Joe grinned, throwing his arms around your middle and hugging you tightly. “B-But you said that you weren’t coming until next week!” 
“Surprise,” you told him, and Joe laughed. 
“Jesus Christ, he’s gotten so big,” Joe mumbled, looking at Anthony. Anthony was staring at his father, the way he did with strangers, and Joe added, “C’mere, Ant, come to Daddy.” 
The moment Joe put his hands on Anthony’s waist, the little boy whined and moved closer into your chest, and Joe withdrew his arms quickly, as if he had been burned. “Does he not recognize me?” he asked. 
“I mean, you do look pretty different,” you shrugged. “Really, really good, but also super different. The hair and the clothes and… God, Joe, why didn’t you tell me that Eddie was so hot?” 
Joe laughed lightly, his mind obviously still stewing on the fact that his son didn’t recognize him. “Anthony,” he said softly, smoothing his hand across his son’s downy hair. “It’s just me, it’s just Daddy… Can’t he, like, smell me and recognize me?” 
“He’s not a dog, Joe,” you laughed. “C’mon, baby, let’s let Daddy hold you or he might start crying.” 
“I definitely will,” Joe chuckled, and Anthony whined in protest as you gave him over to Joe. Instantly, he started to wiggle in Joe’s arms, trying to escape the grip of a stranger, and Joe frowned. “Aw, baby, you’re gonna make your old daddy cry here. It’s just me. I know I look pretty silly, but it’s me.” 
Before he could say more, Joe Keery approached the three of you. You had to admit that you were a little starstruck, and your mouth went dry as you smiled at him. “Well, well, Quinn,” Joe Keery said, and he extended a finger towards Anthony, tickling his little tummy. “Who’s this?” 
“Keery, this is my wife, Y/N,” your husband began, gesturing at you, and Anthony giggled as Keery tickled his belly. “And this is my son, Anthony.” 
“Nice to meet you,” you told Keery, reaching forward to shake his hand, and Keery’s eyes went wide in recognition. 
“Quinn’s shown us pictures of you guys,” he said. “I didn’t know that you’d be visiting!” 
“I told him we weren’t coming until next week,” you chuckled, and Anthony grabbed at Keery’s finger, sputtering his lips and laughing. “God, he seems like he’s having more fun with you than with his own dad.” 
“He doesn’t recognize me,” Joe said glumly, trying his hand at tickling Anthony’s belly. Anthony still laughed, but Joe still frowned. “I think it’s the wig.” 
“I mean, probably,” Keery laughed. “It does make you look pretty different.” 
“But I thought he’d at least recognize me,” Joe said. Anthony was looking around at everything, smiling his gummy smile at everyone who passed by, and he cooed when you took him out of Joe’s arms and back into yours. “I mean, I’m his dad, for God’s sake.” 
“Don’t take it personally, honey,” you told him. “He’s just a little thing, he’ll recognize you tonight when you get out of the costume.” 
“But I want it now,” Joe whined playfully. “I want him to do that thing where he plonks his head down on my chest and makes that cute little noise.” 
“Aw, yeah, that’s cute,” you mumbled, and Anthony kicked his little legs, obviously wanting to explore. “No, baby, you’ve gotta stay with either Mummy or Daddy, you can’t walk around here.”
“He’s walking?” Keery asked, and you nodded. “How old is he?” 
“Thirteen months,” you said, bouncing an increasingly-fussy Anthony in your arms. “But he’s really little, so people think he’s, like, ten or eleven months old. Joe was really tiny as a baby too, so it’s expected.” 
“Did my mother tell you that?” Joe asked.
“I mean, if it’s true,” you shrugged. Anthony finally made his tell-tale little whining cry, and you frowned. “Baby, can you get his binky from my bag? It’s in the front pocket.” 
Joe was quick to go to your back, where your backpack sat, and he passed you Anthony’s favorite blue binky. You carefully pushed it into your son’s mouth, and Anthony gratefully took it, his little fists curling in your shirt. “I think someone’s getting sleepy,” Joe said softly, pressing his hand to Anthony’s chubby cheek. “Did he nap at all on the plane?” 
“A little bit,” you said. “He was asleep when we took off, but he didn’t sleep for very long.” 
“Maybe that’s why he doesn’t recognize me,” Joe said. “He’s just sleepy and cranky.” 
“Maybe,” you offered. “Anthony, baby, let’s go to Daddy before he throws a wobbly.” 
You gave Anthony over to Joe one more time, and your son made a soft coo behind his binky before his head thumped onto Joe’s chest. Joe smiled widely, bouncing Anthony for a moment, and he said, “He did it! He plonked his head down!” 
“Maybe he’s recognizing you,” you said as Anthony started to tug at the ends of the wig, obviously curious about it. You could see him starting to warm up to your husband, and Joe pressed a kiss to his hair. 
“My good boy,” Joe said softly, his eyes soft and warm as he watched Anthony suck at his binkie and play with the ends of Eddie’s curls. “My smart boy, my sweetie… God, I missed you two so much.” 
“Well, we’re here now, baby,” you told him, and you leaned in to kiss Joe’s warm mouth. His lips were dry and chapped, but you didn’t care. You had missed him so much, and the incoming week would hopefully heal your heart. Anthony whined and nestled further into Joe’s chest, and you smiled at him and kissed his blond curls. “You’ve got us now.” 
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susanpike-author · 6 months
Part three of His Special Gift
The whirlpool tub felt great. He had me sitting between his legs while he rubbed my back and neck and soaped me up. Then he reached in front and started playing. I could feel him raising behind me. I lifted up for him to enter me. He grabbed my hips on both sides. Oh, he felt so good. We both orgasmed at the same time. Then he whispered he was looking forward to gift night tonight. We only had a couple more days and we would have to meet the buses for the rest of his tour. I was able to get another week off, so I had two more weeks to spend with him. Then I had to go home and back to work. He called his manager and told her to let the theaters know he was interested in appearing next season in Branson. Yep! He started a bidding war between the owners. They all wanted him. He told me he wishes he had known about Branson he would have appeared there sooner. He kissed me then and thanked me for bringing the information about the place. I was happy told him I just wanted to see him to succeed.
Back on the buses, Sam and Mike told David they brought ear plugs with them this time. He laughed. Luckily our last week was at another resort for a week. Only was on the bus for the first week. I only had one more week and I had to go home. I really didn’t want to leave him. Don’t think he wanted me to leave either, but he didn’t say anything. After we arrived at the resort, I noticed David was getting moody. Also noticed he had a short fuse. He started getting upset over little things. Sam mentioned to me that David was getting into one of his depression moods. He had not been having attacks for a while but he had them before. That’s what caused him to drink a lot. I was concerned. He even tried starting an argument with me. I walked away till he cooled off. He disappeared for a bit. I was worried. He just went on the bus to be alone for a bit. I needed to distract him. Hopefully I can get him out of the depression. Then I thought about my belly dancing outfit. Knew there was a reason I brought it. I went in our room and threw pillows on the floor in the middle of the room. Found my music tape. Then put on my outfit. Put a robe over it. David came back in. He looked at the pillows on the floor. I have a surprise for you. I had him sit down on the pillows. Then I put on the music. I took off my robe revealing my fancy costume. Started dancing for him. He watched me, then tried to grab me but I stayed out of his reach. I teased him, He was getting excited. Finally, I went near him. He grabbed me and pulled me down to the pillows. Took off my fancy bra sucking my nipples and took my heavy belt and skirt off. He was hard as a rock. He made me wet and hot for him. Then I used the pillows and got into a dog style position for him. He entered me. Slowly at first, then trusting harder and deeper. I orgasmed and his movement became faster till he moaned and came. After we caught our breath. He said, luv, you can dance for me anytime, really turns me on like you did years ago. He made love to me again shortly afterwards on the pillows on the floor. After that he snapped out of his depression. A few days later I had to leave. He was not happy about me leaving. When you are finished with your touring maybe you can come to Chicago awhile I said. I have to go back to work. I will miss you. He was good at hiding his feelings, so he hid how upset he was. The last night we made love three times. The night before he got his gift, and I took my time and gave him even longer ecstasy. Took him 15 minutes to come down from it. We made love that morning before I left for the airport. I cried most of the way home. I knew then that I was in love with him. Didn’t know how he felt about me.
Went back to work the next day. Tried not to think about David, he called me, just to check that I got home safely. We talked for a while, asked him how his tour was going. My friend Cathy noticed I was a bit down and asked how my vacation went. She knew about David and our past relationship. She asked me if we finally got together again. I told her yes, now I miss him terribly. I’ve fallen in love with him. Don’t know how he feels about me. He has been calling me about once a week. He told me he was offered a great contract to appear in Branson for next season. Good money and 25% of the ticket sales. He’s going to start looking to rent a house there in April next year. I’m happy for him. We had a great time together when we were there. I also told Cathy I haven’t had my period since before I went on vacation. Since I had a past problem Doctors said my tubes were blocked, I’m wondering if all the sexual activity caused it’s delayed. When my breast started hurting I decided to see a doctor. He took an ultrasound and bloodwork. I waited for the results. Trying not to be too hopeful.
Waiting impatiently for test results. Went back to see the doctor. The following week. He said, seems your left tube opened up somehow. You’re 2 and half months pregnant. We will keep a close eye on you as this is your first pregnancy and your 36-year-old. Oh boy! How am I going to tell David. Can’t tell him on the phone. I’m going to have to go see him, but I need to save some money first. Also have to tell the Department. So, they put me inside off the street. Told Cathy must have been the ecstasy I laughed. Really think God healed me. The Department put me inside the station doing paperwork. When David called, I told them I was inside the station now as they needed help, which was true. Asked him where he was. Some place in Indiana.
In the meantime, David was missing me tremendously. He tried to not get depressed about wanting me with him. Went on autopilot on stage. He even attempted to have a sexual encounter with a woman he met, but it ended up being unsatisfactory. Now he just had a few blow jobs when he needed them. The band members noticed David’s unhappiness. He started drinking again. Sam told Mike, think David is in love with Susan after David called me and he broke down in tears after talking to me. He had never done that before. I think I need to look in his phone number book and call her. David needs her, he is miserable missing her. David took a break and went to his farm for a few weeks. His daughters visited him. Finally they seen how unhappy he was. Dad what is wrong they asked. He said, I miss a special woman I was with for over a month. Can’t you bring her here Dad? No she lives in Chicago and is working. She’s a cop there. I remember you telling us you knew a cop there years ago. We got back together recently he said. Now I realise how badly I miss her. She can even bring me out of this depression I get. Go and tell her how you feel Dad. I have to go back on tour a few weeks, I may go there afterwards. His daughter looked up my phone number in her dad's phone book. Seeing a Chicago address with it. Sam also looked in his book too. By this point I am 4 months pregnant. Know I need to see David and tell him. Don’t know how he will react to the news.
He went back on tour, his depression became worse, and he was drinking a lot. The band members were getting concerned, it started effecting his performances. His oldest daughter went to see him when he was performing in a close venue. She was surprised at how bad he looked. Not his usual self. That’s when I got a message on my answering machine to call her. I was surprised then I got a message from Sam too! Now I was concerned. I called his daughter first. Hi! This is Susan, you called me and left me a message. Is there something wrong with your father? Yes! She said, he is really depressed and miserable and misses you. He needs you. He told us about you. Won’t admit he is in love with you. But I know him. Where is he going to be in a week do you know. Ohio, I think. Some resort. Okay, I’ll try to make arrangements to go there. I was planning on going to see him soon anyway. I miss him too! Then I called Sam. It’s Susan, you called me. Yes! David needs you. He is drinking a lot and is very depressed. We are all worried about him. I told him I heard he’s going to be at a resort In Ohio, for a week. He gave me the name and city and hotel number. Told Sam, book me a room a joining his. You don’t want to stay with him. Don’t know if he wants me there Sam, I would have to see. Told Cathy about the calls. You must go. He needs to know about the baby anyway. I know I was planning on seeing him. But I not sure if he wants me there. He hasn’t called me lately. I got to the resort late because the plane was delayed. The show was just ending. I put my suitcase in my room and went downstairs to the theater. Sam seen me. David’s in his dressing room. We headed there. David already had a few drinks and was entertaining a woman. Sam and I walked in. David was getting head from her. My face went red, Sam face was white. David seen me and pushed the woman away from him. I turned around in tears headed out. David came after me. Susan, it didn’t mean anything. I have been drinking and you know how I get after a performance. please I didn’t know you were coming luv. David grabbed me, I was still crying. He took me in his arms. Please luv forgive me. That’s all I have been able to do. To relieve the stress, I have been under. I have not been able to have sexual intimacy with any other woman. You spoiled me luv. He kissed my cheek then my lips, holding me tight against him. Sam and the band members were still in the room. Putting things away. I put my arms around him and kissed him back. He put his arms around my waist. That’s when he noticed my stomach. He stepped backwards and looked. You’re pregnant luv. That’s what I came to tell you, I said. Four and a half months. I said. Could not tell you on the phone. I thought you said you couldn’t get pregnant, he said. I thought so too, surprise. Seems your little soldiers broke through the barriers. David broke out laughing. 37 and having my first child. Well, I will be 47 and it’s my fifth. He said. I already knew I was having a boy, but I didn’t want to tell him yet. I had two tests done. David Said, let’s go up to the room. I said my room is next door to yours. Why would you do that luv. Since you have not called me I didn’t know how welcomed I would be. David hugged me and kissed me saying, I missed you luv. I’ve been miserable without you. We went up to his room. He stripped my clothes off quickly and his own. We made love. Can I get my gift luv he inquired. I smiled. Then he asked, will you give up your career as a police officer to be with me luv? He asked. Do you want me too David? Yes, he said. I want you with me, I need you. I would give up everything to be with you, I love you. I said. He smiled. Then you will just have to marry me then. I love you too! He said. I was surprised and happy. Yes, I will marry you. Now can I get my gift luv? He asked. I started licking my way down his body. I went slowly so he could really enjoy it. When he reached his peak, he grabbed the side of the bed and the sheets with his other hand letting out a loud moan of ecstasy. Cont.. Facebook SusanPikeauthor
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angelagiarratana · 6 months
Christmas with AG
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! The timeline doesn’t fit reality but let’s call it Christmas ✨ magic ✨
4 Christmas experiences with Angela
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~ The First Christmas ~
Angela and you take Christmas seriously, so it was no surprise when you both showed up to the office holiday party in ugly sweaters. Immediately recognizing you were the only two. “Y/n, your sweater is awful!” Angela said as she giggled at the bows and garland hot glued to your sweater. You took in the many photos of Spork in a santa hat attached to hers, “Of course your sweater is about your dog!” The two of you clinked glasses and she made eye contact with you as she sipped her wine. The warmth in her eyes made your cheeks turn hot pink. “Are you gonna sing karaoke?” You asked as you found a stool to sit on. “Yeah! I was thinking of doing I’ll be home for Christmas. It’s one of my favorites.” You lit up as your family came to mind, “Me too! My family’s out of state and I will always be home for Christmas eve.” She asked you about your family, your parents, siblings. Paying full attention to you despite the bustle around you and multiple people trying to pull her away for photos, “Ang! Come here for a second.” Chanse beckoned for her, “One minute, I wanna hear about Y/n’s niece.” Your stomach did backflips, solidifying the feeling you were ignoring, you really liked Angela.
After the party Angela approached you, “Do you need a ride home? You’ve had quite a bit of cider.” She took your keys from your hand, “Yes actually, thank you.” She helped you put on your jacket and took your hand, leading you to her car. While she drove soft Christmas music played from the radio. You looked out the window at the lights on the businesses and houses. Angela kept glancing over at you, admiring your beauty as you stared in awe. A smile appeared on her lips and she let it stay there.
“This is me.” You turned to a halt outside your door facing her. She had this absolutely radiant smile on her face. She handed you your keys and held your waist as you unlocked the door. The move had you swooning. You opened the door and sadly her hands dropped. She leaned against the doorframe, “I’ll see you next year?” That joke is so over done but somehow it made you laugh, you nodded and then smiled at her, “Goodnight Angela.” But you didn’t close the door, you two just stared at each other for a good 20 seconds, “Y/n, I really want to kiss you.” You sighed, “Then do it.”
~ Christmas Apart ~
Due to your family being out of state, you and Angela would be spending Christmas apart. Angela was obviously a little bummed about it, but she knows how important being with your family is. So she drove you to the airport, gave you a very special Christmas kiss. “Okay,” she said pulling away from you, “I have something for you.” She pulled out a little white box from her pocket, a red bow tied on it. “Angela, you didn’t have to.” You smiled, cheeks now matching the bow. “Yeah but I wanted to. Open it!” You took it from her and pulled the bow off. You looked at her before opening the box. She was bouncing on her toes, excitement bursting from her. You giggled and pulled off the lid, “Holy-“
It was a simple silver band ring with a small emerald, “Angela-“ “No! Don’t tell me I shouldn’t have. Listen, I know it’s only been a year.” She paused and took a breath, “But I feel so happy with you and safe. I can be Angela, weird and loud and anxious. You love the parts of me I even hate.” She took the ring from the box and slipped it on your finger, “This is a promise to try for the rest of my life to make you happy.” She placed a kiss on your knuckle.
Tears poured down your eyes in the middle of LAX. “You are so precious.” You grabbed her shirt, yanking her into a kiss. You poured every ounce of love from your soul into the kiss. Her hands gripped your hoodie, keeping you from pulling away.
Eventually she let go and leaned her forehead on yours, “I’ll see you in the next year Y/n.”
The ring has lived on your hand since that moment.
~ Christmas Gift~
Excitement fluttered through the living room as you and your family gathered to open presents. You were passing out gifts using a cheesy Santa voice wearing a Santa hat when you heard, “That’s a pretty good Santa.” Your head whipped around to see Angela in matching Christmas PJ’s to yours. Your jaw fell open and you flew across the living room to her, wrapping your arms around her neck. She immediately caught you as your legs wrapped around her waist. She laughed and your family watched with huge smiles. You buried your face into her neck and she whispered, “Merry Christmas pretty girl.” She put your down but then put her arms around your waist. You just stared at her in awe, “How? What?” She giggled at your confusion before answering, “I planned it all with your mom. She snuck me in about 10 minutes so I could change and find the perfect time to surprise you.” You smiled impossibly big and kissed her quickly. “Merry Christmas honey.” She blushed at the pet name and looked down, you still gave her huge butterflies.
She found a spot on the floor next to you and watched your family interact with each other. She had met them before but loved observing you with them. She took the time to really look at you, messy bun, glowing cheeks, eyes glistening with excitement and joy. You felt eyes on you and looked at her, “What?” She grabbed your chin, “You’re just the prettiest ever.” You smiled as happy tears brimmed your eyes. She noticed and her eyes started to water. The moment quickly ended when your dad threw a pillow at you, “Get a room!” Everyone laughed.
“Hey Angela could you give me a hand in the kitchen?” Your mom smiled at her from the doorway. Angela kissed your cheek and stood, “I would love to.” Your mom quickly noticed how much Angela loved to cook the first time they met and now they cook together every time they’re together. Your dad watched as you watched Angela walk with your mom laughing at something she said. “She’s a keeper.” You rolled your eyes, “Dad.” He put a hand up, “No, I’m not going to tell you to do it now or soon, just don’t let her go.” He made a fist, “Fight for it.” You smiled at him knowingly.
~ THE Holiday Party ~
Angela was preoccupied all day, obviously nervous about something. You checked in on her all day, even offering for you two to skip the holiday party. She declined and said she just needed a nap. Which was believable after the night you had the night before. Anyways.
As holiday music blasted and drinks were clinked, Angela fiddled with the box in her pocket. Her nerves clawing at her. She knew you would say yes because marriage was a conversation you two have had in depth many times. She was more nervous about fucking up her words. Plus she only had one hand because of the sling. You were joking around with Courtney and Ian when she pulled away from you, “I’ll be right back.” She pressed a kiss to your cheek and walked into the crowd. A few moments later you heard Amanda on the mic, “Hi guys!” Everyone replied back in their own ways, “So tonight we are going to do something a little different. A few of us prepared a toast for the evening.” People cheered, “To start us out we have the feral guinea pig with one arm and a dream, Angelan Giarratana!” People clapped and cheered as Angela took the stage. Amanda placed the mic back onto the stand and stepped off.
You turned to face your attention on her, a huge smile on your face. She cleared her throat and began, “A couple years ago when I started at Smosh, I remember being so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of talent present.” She used her good arm to gesture to everyone, her eyes finding yours for a moment. That alone gave both of you butterflies. “Ian is really good at dressing badly, Anthony is good at comebacks and Garret makes a mean catfood nugget.” Everyone laughed and Garret faked hurt. “But there’s one person I want to highlight specifically.” She looked at you, “Y/n, come here honey.” You handed a Courtney your glass and joined Angela on stage. People clapped and you could hear Chanse yell, “My favorite lesbians!”
Angela used her good arm to hold your hand, “Y/n is one of the best people to walk this earth. She is kind to the levels of a superhero. She is so fucking funny that over the years we’ve been together I’ve grown a 6 pack. Y/n has so much drive and passion that I am envious. If she wants something, she gets it. She has the biggest heart and it shows when she’s with her niece and family and dogs.” She swallowed hard. Tears welled in your eyes as you put the pieces together. “The night we started dating it was after a Smosh holiday party. I drove her home because she quote on quote had too much cider. I really just wanted to kiss her but don’t tell her that.” You giggled at the memory, knowing you were sober in the moment but let take you home anyways. “Y/n, I have loved every second I have been honored to have with you. It has been an honor to watch your grow and change. I have loved every version of you I have gotten to meet. Especially the theatre girlfriend version that handmakes a hoodie that says ‘Grace Chasity’s girlfriend’ and then wears it to the show.” From across the room you hear the Starkid cast cheer. You immediately knew that she invited them to witness this moment.
“Y/n, I want to continue to be your trainwreck for the rest of time. I wanna love you till we’re food for the worms to eat.” She let go of your hand, pulling a box from her sling which made you chuckle. She dropped to one knee and opened the box revealing a fancier version of your promise ring, “Y/n y/l/n, will you let me continue to love you and marry me?” Tears poured down your face and you nodded, “Of course honey.” She jumped up and you grabbed her waist pulling into a passionate kiss. Your friends, coworkers and others cheered. You pulled away from her and used one finger to take out the ring and another to drop the box. You raised your hand to hers and she slipped the ring on. She grabbed your chin and looked directly into your eyes, her cheeks wet, “I love you.” You sobbed, “I love you so much.”
After receiving many congratulations from loved ones you and Angela snuck outside for a moment of peace. You were standing against the building, Angela leaned into your side. She was holding your left hand fiddling with the ring, a huge smile on her face. You finally spoke, “Why the holiday party? I loved it, it was perfect, you know I just like to know your thoughts.” Angela knew exactly what you meant, you didn’t dislike it, you were just curious. “This is our second family. They have watched us grow as a couple, supported us through the bad and I wanted them to be apart of it. Plus it’s how we started.” You smiled. “I completely agree with you.” She sighed in content, “I invited the Starkid gang because they’re the ones who hyped me up to make my move.” You laughed out loud at the idea of them hyping Angela up between runs of Black Friday.
Everything was perfect; Angela (duh), the ring, your job, your step-dog.
Angela watched as you stared in awe at the christmas lights on the buildings of downtown LA, just like the moment she knew you were the one.
AN: Happy holidays! I hope your holidays are full of smiles and belly laughs. Eat cookies, drink cider, and fuck bitches.
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thestagsheadsblog · 2 years
The Layover
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader, Naval Officer Wife
Word Count: 2.4K
Notes: A quick break from our regularly scheduled program for some smut. NSFW. Read on AO3.
You waited by the baggage claim and checked the arrivals board again. His flight landed 25 minutes ago, but no sign yet of your husband. You were in your khakis with your duffle bag at your feet. You had no bag to collect and a 5-hour layover in Boston. The last remaining piece you needed hadn't yet walked past the security gate.
You politely smiled at the middle-aged men who went out of their way to thank you for your service and checked your watch again. You only had a few hours, and you hadn't seen each other in 3 months. You didn't have a lot of time to kill.
You grabbed your bag as soon as you saw him enter the baggage claim. You trotted over, matching his smile and gave him a quick kiss. Neither of you particularly liked making a scene in public, preferring to save the post-separation affection for when you had a bit of privacy.
"Missed you," he smiled. "Sorry it took me forever. I was in the back of the plane."
"It's okay. Do you have a bag?" you asked.
"Just this," he said, holding up his own duffle.
"Great, let's get a cab," you said, grabbing his hand and making your way to the exit.
You threw your bags into the trunk of a cab at the front of the queue and gave the driver directions to a motel off Route 1 north of Boston; a solid two-star establishment on TripAdvisor that was cheap and close to Logan and exactly what you needed for this quick layover.
"It's not the best place," you murmured to your husband, "but I wasn't going to shell out $350 for a few hours at the airport Hilton."
"At this point you could take me to a used mattress at a landfill and I'd be happy," he laughed back in a quiet voice, his hand reaching out across the seat to wrap around your upper thigh.
It's been a long time since you had seen each other, but not an unusual stretch for two active naval flight officers. It would've been a longer separation had you not planned this mutual layover prior to moving on to your next assignments.
Neither you nor Bob were the type to attack each other in the back of a cab in broad daylight, but you could each sense the other's eager anticipation. Bob's hand squeezed higher on your thigh than he normally would in the presence of another person and your breath was already coming quick, checking your phone to see how much longer you had until reaching your destination.
The cab pulled off the highway to a motel that had certainly seen better days and dropped you off at the front office thanking you for your service with only a touch of irony. The man working the desk asked you in the thickest Massachusetts accent you have ever heard how many nights you would need. You were surprised the place didn't rent by the hour, but Bob quickly handed over his ID and card for the nightly charge. The man glanced at both your hands on the counter and gave you a key.
"Thank you for your ser-"
"Yeah, yeah," you brushed it off and grabbed Bob's hand, hauling him out of the office.
"He definitely thinks we're married to other people," Bob noted as you dragged him to room 304.
"Extramarital affairs are probably 90% of their business," you replied, jamming the key into the room door with shaking hands and pushing inside.
You both took a moment to take in the surroundings; shoddy furniture, outdated TV, a 90's style bedspread that probably wasn't washed after each visit.
You looked at each other.
"Good enough," Bob sighed, pulling you into a passionate kiss that you had been holding back since you had seen each other at the baggage claim. You clumsily kissed back and roam your hands over his shoulders, reminding your body that you weren't a sexless component of an aircraft but a woman with primal appetites that needed satiating now and again. Luckily your body knew Bob's very well, and it only took a few moments to get back into the swing of things.
You tore at Bob's shirt buttons as he sucked on your neck. "God, I missed you," he groaned as you ran your hands down his chest and over the front of his pants.
"I can see that," you smiled before capturing his mouth again and slowly walking him back toward the bed. The back of his legs hit the mattress and he plopped down, looking up at you with pure adoration, his glasses a bit askew on his face.
"God you are so fucking cute," you smiled back, unbuttoning your own top. Once you had shed your undershirt and bra, Bob sat up to kiss your breasts, laving your nipples with his tongue, biting down gently as you crooned encouragement. At the same time, Bob helped you unbuckle your belt and shimmy your pants off, so you were only in your underwear while he remained fully dressed on the bed.
When Bob released your breast, you dropped to your knees between his legs hanging off the bed. He rose to his elbows and looked at you with trepidation.
You ran your hands up his legs to his belt buckle and asked with a quirk of your brow, "yes?"
Bob swallowed, clearly in mental turmoil. He closed his eyes and composed himself and nodded before you attacked his belt buckle. You released his cock and leaned over the edge of the bed giving it a few tentative kisses before taking it into your mouth. Bob groaned like you were killing him, a hand coming up to rake through his own hair, the other gripping into the tacky bedspread.
You slowly stroked him with a combination of your mouth and your hand, peering up to gauge his reaction. His eyes were slammed shut, a crease between his brows that only appeared when he was concentrating on something with all his mental abilities.
You released him momentarily to ask, "you don't want to look?" with an admittedly cheeky smile on your lips.
"If I look this will all be over," he choked.
You laughed and returned to your work, taking note of the small jerks of Bob's hips as he approached the point of no return. Feeling mischievous, you concentrated on a spot that you knew made his toes curl.
"Don't, stop!" he gasped.
You pulled away again. "'Don't comma stop' or 'don't stop' as in 'keep going'?" you asked, waiting for his response.
He seemed to engage in some further mental anguish. "I...don't know," he groaned and you couldn't help but laugh at his tortured state. Soon he was also shaking with laughter.
When his laughter subsided and with some herculean effort he came to a decision. "You need to stop," he sighed. "I'm so close to coming."
If you had more time together you might've been a sly bitch and kept on anyway, letting him finish in your mouth, but you only had less than two hours together before you needed to head back to the airport. You wanted to get fucked by your husband before then, so you showed him some mercy and got to your feet.
You helped Bob remove the rest of his clothes, giving him some time to calm down, and tore the bedspread off the mattress so you wouldn't need to lie on it naked. You joined him on a bed and took some time to just kiss and get reacquainted with each other. He ran a hand lightly down the side of your body, your skin erupting in goose bumps, and he smiled against your lips as he ran his hand back up and between your legs.
"God you're wet," he whispered.
"I've been like that since O'Hare," you exhaled.
You laid back with a contented sigh and let him work you over with an expertise that came from years of marriage.
"Did you do this in your berth?" he asked.
He knew you did. You two had a tradition of getting off on the idea of the other touching themselves when you are separated. You indulge Bob in stories about rubbing one out to him, quickly and quietly in the few moments you would have the stateroom to yourself, or even when your bunkmate was sleeping. Bob in turn told you about his own close calls and what he had been thinking about at the time.
It didn't take long before your back was arching into the mattress and the muscles of your legs and abdomen spasmed with your finish. You snapped your thighs closed over Bob's hand as his touch became too much to handle on your oversensitive flesh.
You breathed through the remaining tremors, watching Bob and his self-satisfied smile.
You smiled back with a breathless laugh. "Better than my own hand."
After 5 years of marriage, he still managed to blush. He looked you up and down and asked, "so, how do you...?"
You considered the surroundings and rolled over onto your hands and knees, cocking your head over your shoulder.
"Yeah?" Bob said a bit surprised. He was mostly an intimate and romantic type, which you typically appreciated, but with the time crunch and the location you didn't really have it in you for long, slow lovemaking.
You shot him an impish smile. "We're in a seedy motel across the highway from a Hooters," you laughed. "No need to romance me here."
He readily agreed and came up behind you, gripping you at your waist and forcing your hips to cant backward. He rubbed your still sensitive flesh, and you wiggled your backside in playful invitation. Bob groaned and gripped his cock as he guided himself into you.
You whined softly as he filled you up. You may have touched yourself regularly while at sea, but a penetrative fuck was out of the question. You had sorely missed the feeling.
Bob dropped all pretences of romance and fucked like a man who was renting a motel room by the hour. Your hands tangled into the sheets, gripping them as though you might fall off Earth's orbit if you were to let go, hissing with gratifying discomfort every time Bob went a bit too deep. Bob's hands threatened to leave bruises on your hips and you half-hoped that they would.
"Pull my hair," you gasped, before you could register the words coming out of your mouth.
Bob kept going but waited a beat before answering. "Really?"
"Yeah," you moaned. "Just grab the back of it."
Without losing his rhythm Bob reached over your back and took your hair, which had since fallen out of it's low bun, into his fist. He held it firmly but not too harsh, just enough to hold you in place.
"Like this?" he gasped, gripping a bit tighter.
"God, yes," you whimpered.
You revelled in this rare, rough side of your husband. Getting him into this headspace was worth the effort, now that he was fucking you like you were an anonymous hook-up on a 5-hour layover and not his wife of 5 years. Just fantasizing about such a scenario would probably be enough to get you off but experiencing this primal fuck in real life meant your second orgasm was all but inevitable.
You pushed your hips back and keened like an animal in heat. He kept going through your climax, bottoming out to the point that you should have felt pain, but which only added to the pleasurable intensity of your finish. Bob released your hair and pulled out of your body with a carnal grunt. You are briefly surprised by the feeling of warmth running down your lower back before Bob slumped on top of you, taking you both down to the mattress.
You laid for a moment, enjoying Bob's weight on top of you, listening to your labored breathing.
"You okay?" he asked in a husky voice. This is where gentle Bob returned and bashfully wonders whether he went too far.
"Never better," you sighed, basking in the kisses that Bob administered to your cheek and neck. He eventually lifted his weight off you and you both grimaced at the cooling stickiness between your bodies.
"That was unexpected," you smiled. You were on birth control and there was no real need for Bob to pull out.
He laughed lightly, now a bit embarrassed by his own enthusiasm. "Seemed like the appropriate time and place."
You grabbed your phone to check the time as Bob retreated to the bathroom to get a cloth.
"I'm going to take a quick shower," you said, jumping up and passing Bob. His flight would leave two hours later than yours and you needed to wash up, so you didn't smell like stale sex and cheap motel rooms.
Fresh out of the shower and getting back into your khakis Bob was still lounging on the bed, under the sheets and naked, watching you fasten your shirt buttons. You wished you could spend all day in bed with him, even in a place like this.
"I have to head back now and go straight to my gate," you said, looking at your watch. "You coming with or staying here?"
"I think I'll stay here a little longer then take a shower. Better than sitting in the terminal for a few hours," he considered.
"Jerk off a bit?" you asked, half-jokingly.
Bob laughed. "Maybe...probably. I'll let you know"
You leaned over the bed and kissed him. He pulled you into a hug and rolled you on to the bed one last time.
"Three weeks?" you asked.
"Three weeks," he confirmed. Less than a month until you would see each other again. "I love you," he whispered, kissing you again. "Let me know when you land?"
You nodded. "Love you too," you replied with a final kiss.
As you gathered your bag and headed for the door, Bob rose to his elbows. "Hey, do you have any cash? I couldn't find an ATM in the airport."
You fished into your pocket and took out your wallet to remove a wad of bills, tossing it on to the cheap motel bed where your husband lounged tired and naked.
"Buy yourself something pretty," you joked with a wink before stepping out the door. "Thank you for your service."
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uc1wa · 6 months
tags: christmas mentioning, long distance-ish relationship, uci haji
"maybe one day you can come with me for winter break. or part of it." hajime sighs the words from the other side of his laptop screen, the man who has small eye bags setting in under his eyes and an irvine crewneck covering his top half.
his hair is a mess; brown strands that ultimately look like porcupine spikes cover his head, one eye squished from the way that his palm holds his cheek, the other looking at his screen. his face illuminated in his dark room, the only source of light is his tiny lamp that sits on his bedside table. the other, your face that’s smiling and rolling eyes, making him grin fondly.
"i do wanna meet your family… eventually," you smile. your face is a bit more awake, night time on your side of the world and the early parts of the morning for hajime.
attending the same university was how you met the man you claimed was your other half. joining a similar club that led to volunteering in the same parts of campus. eventually, leading to holding hands until your boyfriend dropped you off at your classes before sprinting to his own. but living on opposite sides of the world was the realization that hit for the past two years around the middle of the school year.
sure, it was only a month. but when seeing each other was standard on a daily basis, you and hajime coordinated times to call.
and, hajime planned the call that was on your christmas eve and his christmas morning. sacrificing a spare hour of sleep to spend time with you while his sun was rising and yours had set.
"maybe next summer?" he questions, and you laugh with a small and tired yawn. "i’d love that," and though he’s just woken up, the light isn’t the only thing illuminating the room, given the smile hajime brings.
"i’ve gotta go soon, making breakfast for the folks," hajime starts, using the american slang he’s picked up from three years of living in the country that you reside in. "grab your present for me, baby. wanna open them now?" a nod and you’re leaning to grab a bag that hajime displayed prettily for you. on his end, he’s standing up briefly to grab the box that you’d wrapped him. a red bow adorning the top with a sticker that reads ‘to: haji’ and ‘from: your baby.’
he laughs as he reads over it, though he read over it when you handed it to him in the airport, too. smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek, then the lips when he had thanked you and asked you to zip it up in his backpack.
"you first," you smile, and hajime gets the urge to fight you on that, but it’s christmas, and though his nervousness is building up in his stomach, he nods with a roll of his eyes.
"fine," a huff of air leaves his lips, and you laugh, knowing his morning breath would hit you smack in the face if it were you instead of a computer screen.
tan fingers untie the red bow, gently unwrapping the paper as if he was going to reuse it later (he wasn’t, but he learned to be soft in everything he did from you). when he unwraps it, a small box is held in his hands, with a showing of the box from him to you and a slight smile that’s never left his lips, he opens it, and his eyes widen.
"shit, you didn’t need to get me this." he takes the gold chain out of the box, one that reads his first name in cursive and is going to look all too pretty around his neck.
"i know, i know. but it’ll look so good on you. saw it when i was shopping once and couldn’t resist," you smile with a tilt of your head. it was just a little something, and after two years of dating, you’d start investing in presents that would last rather than small junk from the mall. (you still had a christmas themed stuffie to give your boyfriend, though; it was more for you to lay against when you’d be in his bed. his pillows weren’t the comfiest, and it wasn’t going to be the easiest to wrap; you’ll give it to him when he comes back).
"this is so… i love it, hun’." his smile has fallen; instead, a face that reads disbelief paints his features, lifting the chain around his neck to hook it against his skin.
"how does it look?" and you smile at the gold that shines, sitting below his neckline. "just how i imagined… maybe better," hajime smiles at your words, his eyes now crinkled by the giant smile he displays before he nods in your direction. "your turn."
hajime’s stomach twists a bit more, loving the chain you’d gifted him and hoping you’d love his gift just as much as he loved yours.
sifting through paper, you unwrap a rectangular figure in the bag, taking the paper off, and setting it on the floor until your bottom lip puckers out and your eyes fall soft.
"oh, haji’," you fond, and he let out an invisible sigh of relief that you liked part of the gift he’s prepared for you. a photo of the two of you on a road trip you’d taken, the outside of the frame held dried cherry blossom petals. ones that he’d taken from his hometown, especially for the frame he ended up decorating for you.
"cherry blossoms?" you question with a smile, looking back up to your screen at a hajime who’s biting his lower lip in anticipation. it takes him a second to realize what you’ve asked, and he’s nodding shyly, "mhm."
he gives you another minute to adore the frame made out of bamboo wood, which holds a picture of his arm wrapped around your shoulders and big smiles pulling both of your cheeks upwards.
"there’s another, probably at the bottom," he looks from the bag to your side and back to you, whose attention is reverted to your computer screen. "y’didn’t have to get me two things," and he shakes his head while you dig towards the bottom of the bag.
an envelope with your name written in fancy cursive, something that you weren’t aware that hajime was capable of doing. opening it, as expected, there’s a cheesy christmas card that he’d probably gotten from your local grocery store. one that makes you laugh and, in turn, makes hajime smile lovingly at you; still, with an upside-down stomach, though.
when you open it, it takes a moment to process what fell out of the card. a white slip filled with tiny words, but once you read them, your eyes widen, and your jaw falls slack. "no…"
"you didn’t," you say, looking up to the man who’s nodding to confirm that what you’re reading is… precisely what you’re reading.
"think you can make it?" he asks with a breathy and nervous laugh, his arm scratching the backside of his neck while he glances away.
a ticket to japan that leaves on the 28th of december, just in time for new years. a ticket that lasts until you two have to fly back to california and start your spring semester together.
"i- holy fuck, hajime. you didn’t have to do that," and he nods because he knows, but he also knows that he wants to share traditions with you. he knows that he wants to introduce you to his family and his best friends from high school. he knows he wants to share a miyagi snow with you and his first un-lonely plane ride back to university.
(and don’t worry. like a good future-son-in-law, hajime called your family to ask permission to buy the ticket beforehand.)
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funeral-grayy · 1 year
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yn moves to liyue to chase her dreams of opening a flower shop. follow her on this journey, where she’ll make her way through the men of genshin impact. reverse harem with end game. angst, fluff, smut. modern au with a twist. (this chapter was written by me!)
Chapter Warnings: nsfw, fingering, oral, sex, cucking (kinda??)
Tag list:
@whatamidoing89 @redactedhimbo
Chapter Masterlist
Chapter Seven:
You woke up with a strangled gasp, jolting forward and grasping your chest. For the majority of the night you hadn’t had a single nightmare but you’d made the mistake of getting up to use the washroom and then falling back asleep again. You don’t remember much of the nightmare, other than Albedo being there. A shudder racked your body at the thought of him, your head spinning as you laid back down. Taking deep breaths, you tried calming yourself down. It was just a nightmare, nothing more. Sure you had to be more aware when you went out now but you were still fairly safe. He wouldn’t harm you in public or around anyone, or so you hoped. He’d never been physically harmful towards you but at this point you weren’t really sure what he was like or where his head was at. Glancing at the time, you had slept a bit too much and only had 30 minutes to get ready before work. So you leapt out of bed and started your morning routine. 
By the time you’d finished and reached your storefront, you were already running 15 minutes behind. You cursed to yourself as you unlocked the front door and flicked all the lights on. You’d given Alhaitham the day off since he was picking his friend up from the airport, so you were tasked with receiving the new shipment of flowers and getting them ready to sell. Once all the morning tasks were done, you made your way to the back room, only to see said new shipment boxes already stacked neatly and a sticky note on the side of one of the boxes. You gently plucked the note and read it. You let out a nervous laugh, relief flooding your body as you set the note back down. Alhaitham had been here earlier and received the shipment for you, all you needed to do was unbox and arrange them. 
You grabbed the top box and placed it down on the long table you had set up to make arrangements. Upon opening it, you noticed it was a pre made arrangement with a card stuck in the middle of it. You carefully lifted it from the box, admiring the placement of all the different flowers, some you weren’t familiar with. You set the card aside as you smelt the flowers, your nose basically touching them. The minute the aroma hit your nose, it was like a wave of heat entered your body. It settled in your lower stomach but your whole body felt overwhelmed by the temperature. Whatever was settling into your system wasn’t good, you felt beads of sweat forming on your forehead as you shakily reached for the card. You let out a gasp and doubled over as a wave of arousal shot through your body. It was overpowering, you could feel your panties dampening. Then the pain started. 
What was going on?
Across town, Childe was inspecting a gold envelope that was delivered to his doorstep. In extremely fancy writing was his name but not his well known one. Ajax was neatly written on the front. He turned the envelope over a few times, trying to look for any hint indicating who it was from. The simple envelope gave nothing away though, so he carefully opened it. A loose piece of paper fluttered out and onto the desk in front of him. He hesitantly picked up the piece of paper and opened it, reading its contents.
By the time you’ve read this, y/n has already ingested a very potent and dangerous aphrodisiac. This is a warning and the only one you’ll get. An antidote will be delivered by 3pm.  This is the only time you’ll get a warning and be able to help her. Do with that information as you wish but if you continue seeing her after this day, there will be worse things to come.
White hot rage filled his veins as he re-read the note 3 times over. This was Albedo’s doing, he was the only one who made sense. He was hoping to get one step ahead of him but it seemed like luck wasn’t on his side this time. He crumpled up the note and angrily slammed his hands on his desk.
“CAPITANO!” He bellowed as he began to pace the floor in front of his desk. A large man entered the room almost immediately, waiting for his orders. Childe glanced up briefly at the man and continued pacing. He knew if he needed this job done, there wasn’t anyone else he’d have to do it. Capitano was a wall of muscle, easily towering over anyone he met. But as much as he was large, he was cunning and swift. He got jobs done in record time.
“I don’t care who you have to hurt or kill, just send Albedo a message. Pantalone has the coordinates for his current hideout.” 
Capitano nodded once and quickly left the room. There was no way Albedo was getting away with this threat, he had no idea who he was dealing with. There was also no way he was going to be kept away from you, if he needed to follow you himself to ensure your safety, he would. He quickly tossed on his coat and made his way to your shop.
Upon his arrival he noticed that the store front lights hadn’t been turned on and you were nowhere to be found. He wandered inside, the bell overhead signaling his arrival. He quickly shut the door behind him and changed the Open sign to Closed. From the back room he could hear what sounded like you moaning in pain. Adrenaline spiked and he sprinted through the doors to the back room, but what he was met with was not what he had expected. He stood frozen in the doorway, eyes blown wide in desire as he took you in. 
You were sitting on the floor, back against the side wall. Your face was flushed, tears of pleasure and pain rolling down your cheeks. The skirt of your dress was pushed up past your hips and Childe could see how soaked your panties were. Another pained moan escaped you as your fingers pressed tight circles into your clothed clit. Your chest heaved as you tried to get any semblance of relief but alas it lasted mere minutes before another onslaught of arousal pooled within you. You knocked your head back against the wall in frustration, rolling your head to the side, you finally noticed Childe’s presence in the room.
“Oh Childe, please help me! Oh god please, please help me.” You whined out, your fingers lazily playing with your clit as you spoke to him. Without saying a word, he took two large steps and was at your side, crouching down next to you. He hadn’t said anything yet, too busy taking you all in. The way your dress clung to you, sweat rolling down the side of your face. How flushed your face and chest were, as well as your eyes blown wide with desire and lust. His hand reached out, fingers delicately tracing down your face. He felt guilty with how hard his cock strained in his pants while you were clearly in pain.
“Here, let me take over from here.” He lent over and scooped you up into his arms, turning to deposit you on the large table in the middle of the room. Your hands were all over him within seconds, groping and grabbing at him. He took this as a sign and quickly rid himself of his shirt. You continued your assault as he helped you out of your dress. He knew he couldn’t take his time to admire you or really enjoy this to its fullest. He needed to make sure you were alright and give you as much pleasure as possible. He’d never dealt with an aphrodisiac before but he’d read about this specific one before. Without an antidote the victim dies a very slow and painful death. Thankfully by the end of the day you’d have one, it was just keeping the side effects at bay that was going to be a challenge. 
A firm hand to your chest had you being pushed back on the cool table, the feeling of it against your back temporarily aiding you some relief. Childe quickly rids you of your soaked panties, watching in awe as your essence clung to the material, a clear sign you wouldn’t need much prep work done. He immediately pushed two fingers into your tight hole, eyes watching the way you arched your back and gasped. The pleasure you were feeling felt like it was more intense than anything you’d felt before. The ache you felt in your gut begged to be satisfied. Another finger was added, as well as his thumb drawing tight circles around your clit. It didn’t take you long to gush all over his fingers, cumming with a strangled cry. The relief you felt was immense but you knew it wasn’t going to last long. Guilt filled your head and soon tears filled your eyes.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry you have to see me this way” You sobbed out, using the heel of your palm to wipe away the frustrated tears. You knew you didn’t have much time, the intense and painful arousal would be back very soon.
“Don’t be sorry sweetheart, this isn’t your fault. Albedo sent you a very dangerous aphrodisiac. I’ll take care of you until the antidote is delivered.” 
More tears filled your eyes, your emotions overwhelming you. You could feel your body beginning to heat back up. the familiar lick of fire settling in your gut again. Childe watched as your eyes clouded with lust again, knowing your relief was coming to an end.
Childe hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled you closer to the edge of the table. There was already a mess of your cum on the table underneath you. His eyes zeroed in on your glistening pussy, just ready to be devoured. Without anymore thought, he dropped down to his knees and licked a long strip from your asshole to your clit. You squirmed as the pleasure slowly started to build within you again. It felt never ending, like everything he was doing was in vain. Your head felt so cloudy with lust, like nothing else but your own pleasure mattered. The fire in your stomach started up again as Childe ate you out, his skilled tongue continuously swirling around your clit. He knew the end was nowhere in sight but he was willing to make you cum time and time again.
The bell chimed above the front door and Childe glanced towards the back room doors, he could have sworn he had locked the door behind him. You were far too gone to even register the sound and instead whined at the loss of Childe’s skilled mouth. The swinging door was pushed open and you were both met with Zhongli, who had a puzzled look on his face. The silence was deafening but soon your desperate whines filled the room, not caring about the new guest currently watching. Your skin felt like it was on fire and all you could concentrate was on the seeding pain that only Childe seemed to be able to sooth. 
“Albedo sent her an aphrodisiac flower. The antidote will be delivered in a few hours but until then I have to keep her….distracted.”
Without much more thought, Childe turned his attention back to you. You were splayed out beneath him, panting like a bitch in heat and he could feel the confines of his pants becoming tighter. He damned himself, this wasn’t the time, you came first right now. His mouth found your pussy again and he went right back to pleasing you. 
Zhongli still stood on the door way, watching intently as Childe ate you out, his hand drifting down to the front of his pants. He watched the way Childe gripped your thighs, his face buried into your cunt, barely coming up for air. Your moans became louder as you approached another orgasm, thighs tightening around his head. Your blood felt like lava as you teetered on the edge, everything felt amplified. A scream ripped through you as you came again, coating Childe’s chin with your juices.
Childe glanced up from his place between your legs and made eye contact with Zhongli, who was now leaning against the opposite wall, slowly stroking himself through his pants.. He watched intently as Childe feasted on your cunt. Licking and slurping, the sounds obscene. He watched mesmerized, watching the way your slick covered the other man’s face. You’d already came but Childe continued his assault, only stopping when you’d pushed his head away, too over stimulated. 
“You look like you want a taste. Come over here.” Childe’s voice left no room for arguments, so Zhongli obeyed, making his way across the room to where the both of you were. Childe stood up from his place on the ground and removed the two fingers stuffed in your cunt. He watched the mixture of your slick and cum roll down his fingers, a low groan escaping his mouth as he then pressed his fingers to Zhongli’s mouth. 
Without second thought, Zhongli opened his mouth and accepted his slick covered fingers. Childe watched greedily as the other man sucked and licked his fingers clean.
“Do you think Zhongli could join us? Two is always better than one.” 
You lifted your head at Childe’s question, eyes still blurry from coming so hard. You were so out of it that you merely nodded and laid back down against the cool table. Again, you only had a few minutes of peace because your body temperature began to rise again. You weren’t sure how long this was supposed to last, hoping and praying the pain would end soon. Shutting your eyes tight, you listened to the rustling that began and jumped slightly when a hand smoothed the hair out of your face. 
Opening your eyes, Zhongli was now standing over you, his shirt removed and his pants undone. Childe stood at your open legs, watching the interaction. This was the only time he’d allow Zhongli to touch you. He knew his thoughts were crazy and possessive but there was just something about you. He could pretend he didn’t know that you were sleeping with other people, he could pretend you were his. It was delusional but he knew in the end you’d end up with him. 
“Is this alright with you, darling?” Zhongli asked, gazing down at you. All you could do was nod aggressively, just wanting to ease the pain once more. He gently caressed your cheek, the completely opposite feeling of how Childe touched you. Without warning, you felt Childe rubbing his length against your slit, coating his cock in your juices. He knew you didn’t need any more prep, you were dripping down your thighs and onto the table. 
Your eyes flew open and your mouth opened letting out a guttural moan. Childe’s cock felt like it was splitting you in half, the intense pleasure now taking over your body. While he slowly inched himself into you, Zhongli leant down and captured your lips in a gentle kiss. Your brain was so foggy from all the pleasure you were relieving, not being able to concentrate on just one man. You kissed back aggressively, drool rolling down your chin as your tongues met. Your hands found purchase in Zhongli's hair, pulling him impossibly closer. 
“Look at you, such a little slut for us.” Childe couldn’t contain his vulgar words, too turned on by your reactions. Once he was fully seated inside of you, he pulled out only to snap back into you. The moans you let out were heavenly, he couldn’t get enough of them. He gripped your thighs and set a steady pace. Meanwhile, Zhongli’s hands wandered down your body, groping and squeezing as he went. Finally his nimble fingers find your clit, two swipes and you’re already cumming all over Childe’s cock.
Childe doesn’t let up or slow his pace, continuing to pound into you at a brutal pace. He didn’t care if he was overstimulating you, he just wanted to make sure you were no longer in pain. You whined and tried to push him away but Zhongli stole your attention again. He tilted your chin back towards him with the hand that wasn’t playing with your clit.
”Eyes on me, Darling”, His voice was gentle but commanding. He leant back over and stole your attention, his lips capturing yours. You whined and moaned into his mouth as yet another orgasm approached. You’d lost count by now, not sure how many times you’d cum. The pain was lessening and lessening each time, that you were thankful for. 
This continued on for hours, both men trying to keep you distracted but pleased. Childe only let Zhongli touch you, nothing more. When the clock struck 3pm, there was a single knock at the back door. Childe at this point had you on his lap, thrusting slowly up into you, his stamina had dwindled. 
“Hurry, get the door. That’s going to be the antidote!” Childe spoke with urgency at Zhongli, who had simply been watching the two of you. He gave a nod and quickly went to the back door, opening it and revealing a small gift box on the doorstep. He picked it up and made his way over  to the two of you again. He tore into the box and removed a vile with bright green liquid in it. Without hesitation, he uncorked the vile and handed it off to Childe. You were barely awake at this point, it had been a long few hours.
“Open up, this is going to make you feel better.” You opened your eyes at the sound of Childe’s voice and slowly opened your mouth for him. He poured the liquid into your mouth and urged you to swallow. The effects were immediate, the heat that licked your body completely disappeared and the pain had subsided. Your exhaustion took over and you slumped over onto Childe, him still inside you. He let out a small groan and wrapped his arms around, not wanting to move you just yet. He looked up and had realized Zhongli had already left, leaving the two of you alone. Slowly he eased you off of him and laid you down. He picked up your discarded clothing and redressed you. He knew you’d need to be cleaned up but rather do that in the comfort of your own home. Once you were dressed, he redressed himself and picked you up with ease, despite his tiredness now starting to kick in. Glancing around the room, he noted your keys on the table and grabbed them. Thankfully he was able to hold onto you and close up shop at the same time. 
His body felt heavy as he carried you up your apartment stairs, but he pushed on, unlocking your front door and making a beeline for your bedroom. He laid you down on your bed and quickly went back out to lock the apartment door. The exhaustion was moving fast through his body, but he knew he had to clean you up first. He made his way into your bathroom and found a cloth, making sure the water was warm, he wetted the cloth and then made his way back to you. You looked so serene and at peace, fast asleep in your bed. He gently cleaned up your thighs, careful not to wake you. Once cleaned up the best he could do, he crawled into bed next to you and let the sleep take over. He wasn’t planning on staying the entire night but his exhausted body decided otherwise. His eyelids felt heavy as he gazed at you one last time. He knew then he’d do anything he could to protect you. 
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daydreamingmia · 1 month
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 19
It was about 20 minutes after you woke up and everyone was very sleepy "Hey you guys hungry?" Dior asks "YES!" Everyone yells suddenly waking up "In n out sound good?" She asked
"YES!" Everyone yelled again
You put a hood on hoping nobody would recognize you "You wanna share the extra large milkshake?" Walker whispered in your ear "No! Get your own milkshake!" You whisper yelled "Fine" He said and rolled his eyes. Dior and Charlie just finished ordering and it was now your turn. "Can I get a y/o, a fry and a chocolate milkshake?" You ask "Of course anything else?" The nice lady asked "Yeah can I get a cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake? You don't have anything blue right?" Walker stepped up from behind you "No. I'm sorry. Anything else?" She asked "No. Thank you." He replied Thr lady went and got the milkshake and gave it to you You waited for your food and  sat down. "Can I have a sip of your milkshake y/n?" Dior asked "Yeah! Have as much as you want!" You say handing ut to her. You look at Walker and he looks shocked (with his hand on his chest and everything) "What?" You asked annoyed "Why when I asked is you wanted to share you said get your own but when Dior asks you say have as much as you want?!" He questioned "Because I like Dior" You say like it obvious "And you don't like me?" You pouted "No" You reply plainly "Order number 83 is ready!" You heard someone announce Everyone gets up and goes to get the food "Thank you!" You said with a smile taking the bags and putting them on the seat. You turn to grab your purse When you turn back around you see Walker eating your fries "Hey! Those are mine!" You say as you try to take it from him. He turns and holds the fry in the air so you can't reach it. "You're so annoying!" You yell at him "Too bad you're short" He laughs "Too bad I'm not" Charlie says and takes the fry and eats it "Thank you Charlie" You smile "But he just ate it! It's the same if I did!" He argues "But I hate you" You joke "Just for that…I'm gonna take another fry" He says reaching in your bag as you glare at him. You pull your phone out of your pocket to document his thievery.
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You got to the airport and everyone got out. "I'm so full." Walker whines "Because you ate all my food!" You yell at him "Don't be dramatic I took barely any" He replied And you give him a look
"Okay… maybe that's why I'm full" He says
We went through security when Aryan grabbed his phone and saw the time "OMG! IT'S ALMOST 8 O'CLOCK!" Aryan yells We all look at eachother and start running Walker and Aryan in the front and Charlie and Dior a few feet in front of you. You were in the back because…WELL IT WAS 8 AM AND YOU WERE TO TIRED TO RUN FAST! Walker looks back at you "Come on!" He yelled and ran towards you He grabbed your hand and started running full blast. "WALKER!" You scream "We are not missing plane because of you!" He yells You look around and see people staring some taking pictures of you "WALKER MY LEGS CANT MOVE THAT FAST!" You yell at him "Fine" He stops picks you up and starts to run again Well let's just say only a few people were taking pictures before and now A TON were. You caught up with the rest
"Ummm…Walker should I ask why you're carrying-…never mind" Ayan says
You made it! Dior looks at her phone "we made it with 2 minutes to spare!" She says gasping for air "Thanks to me" Walker says put of breath putting you down "Hey!! I'm not that slow!!" You say He just gives you a look…yeah you were "IN MY DEFENSE ITS 8 AM! IM NOT EVEN AT THIS TIME NORMALLY!" You point out "You die when you sleep?! That makes sense why you sleep like the dead!!" Walker says You just glare at him "You know I love you" He says sweetly and kisses you
"I love you too" You blush
Everyone were flying first class You get on the plane and Walker sits down "I wanted the window seat!" You pout He rolls his eyes and stands up and moves to the middles seat as Aryan sits next to him. "Thank you!" You smile Walker knew airplanes scared you a little bit so he held your hand. You smile and lay your head in his lap. He stroked your hair out of your face and admired your beauty. You fell asleep almost immediately after the plane took off which was good for your it had been about 20 minutes. "Can I get a blanket?" You heard Walker whisper "Of course!" A woman replied
A few minutes later you felt Walker put a blanket on you. Then he kissed the top of your head. He was so sweet.
After a few hours you woke up. You picked you head up off of Walker's shoulder "Shhh. Go back to sleep." He said quietly while gently pushing your head back down. "But I'm awake" You said groggy as you sat back up. "What time is it?" You said looking around trying to open your eyes "I think it's around 4" Walker replied You looked over at Aryan and he was intensly watching a movie. You looked over and it was Mission Impossible. "Good choice" you said to yourself. You look behind you to see Dior was asleep and Charlie was on his phone. "This girl in this movie is so pretty" Walker said to you looking at his screen You look over and see he was watching Thor. The girl was you. You blush. "Wow! She's stunning!" You say jokingly
You pull out your phone and start playing games you downloaded earlier. They were a little hard to play though because Walker was holding your hand the whole time.
It was an hour later and they were giving people their dinners. They handed it to you and it looked delicious. You ordered spaghetti (which came with some bread) and Strawberry lemonade Walker ordered some tacos and sprite "Can I have some?" You ask with puppy eyes "Only if I can have some spaghetti" He replys "Fine. One bite." You say "Same for you" He replies "Fine! But it'll cost kiss" you say as Walker kisses you
"You guys are weird" Aryan rolls his eyes
After dinner you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. When you came back out most of the other people were asleep. "Took ya long enough" Walker said "You could've went to sleep without me" You replied "Could I have?" Walker said and you thought it was so sweet until he continued "You would've woken me up to get past me" He said sarcastically You sat down and laid against him again. He put his arm around you and you could heart his heart beat. He kissed the top of your head as you nestled into him. He was so warm and cuddleable (I don't care if it's not a word that's what Walker is 😊)
A/n: Hiii everyone!! I know it doesn't take as long as am saying to fly to Canada. I'm sorry just pretend. XOXO LOVE YOU ALL 💕
Tags: @noajakah236482@the-tortured-poets-depxrtment@yeeteddemigod@walker-scobell-obsessed@callsignwidow@froggyflower264
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nothere2010-blog · 4 months
vacation belly by Natatat fantasyfeeder
Tony had been on "vacation" for about three months. Within that time judging from Instagram he did the same things he did here. Under the pretense of being on "vacation" he did them in even greater excess. Phrases like "go big or go home" and "why not" and "I'm on vacation I'm supposed to relax" became his everyday refrains.
I was jet lagged and starving when I finally saw my friend Lucy waiting for me in the airport to pick me up. We grabbed my stuff and headed to her car. She shoved my stuff in the back.
"So how was your trip?" She asked looking over at me and smiling as I struggled with my seat belt.
"It was awesome! I'm just starving and tired. Can we please go get food?" I finally got the seatbelt on and relaxed.
"Sure. Let's get some food in that belly." She laughed after lightly patting my belly.
She drove to the nearest place which just happened to be Denny's. Good thing too because it was now 11am and I still hadn't had breakfast yet well aside from the three meals I had on the plan because the stewardess gave me three when I told her how hungry I was. Plus a few extra desserts. But that was still like three hours ago.
"Oh my god this all looks amazing!" I was practically drooling.
"Well do you need a minute to choose?" The waitress laughed.
"Honestly I'm so hungry, I want everything on the menu." I could hear my stomach growling.
"I like a guy with a healthy appetite," she laughed. "Let me know what you decide on." With that she sashayed away. She was one hot waitress.
"So did you order?" Lucy came back just in time to catch me watching the sexy waitress walk away.
"What?no I can't decide. I just want to eat. And I want all the food."
"Why don't you just keep eating till you are full. Doesn't your brother typically pay for your stuff anyway?" Lucy said glancing at the menu.
"Yeah but I don't know what to start with." My brain was cloudy due to my stomach and slight erection from that waitress.
"Fine I will order for you." Lucy picked up the menu and called over the waitress.
"Did you two decide yet?" She asked.
"Yeah he will have the grand slam and a large chocolate shake. Can you handle that? That way you get to basically eat all the breakfast menu." Lucy smiles wickedly at me.
"I'm sure he can handle it." The waitress smiled as she headed back to the kitchen.
"I think she likes you." Lucy giggled. "I think she likes your pudge." She poked my belly.
"What pudge?" I was annoyed that she had interrupted my day dream about eating off that waitresses ass and tits.
"Aww that's so cute, you are in denial, haha." She poked me again and pinched me. "This pudge."
"It's not pudge, it's average." I said and crossed my arms over my middle and sucked in.
"Whatever you say, here she is with the food." Lucy smiled.
"Here you go sweetie, enjoy."
"Thank you." I gave her my best "Sexy pickup face" and she blushed.
"No problem." She really was smoking.
"If you are going to stare at least be subtle. Also I think your pants are getting a little tight there. You might want to cut back after this." Lucy poked me in the side and laughed.
"They are only tight cause I'm hard and cause I bought the wrong size." I said through a mouthful of pancakes. "Besides why do you care?"
"Oh my god seriously, you are so easy to turn on. That's really entertaining." She grinned at me. I tried to ignore her and focus on my daydream. I imaged eating all of this off that waitress's naked body, licking the syrup off her perfect tits while she fed me and stroked my cock and rubbed my belly telling me how much she likes a man with a healthy appetite.
"Wow finished already! You really are greedy aren't you?" Lucy laughed.
"Urrp, urrrrrrrpppppp, urrrpppp. I guess." I felt kinda drunk with food but still kinda hungry. My pants were digging in now. "Urrrrrrrrpppppppp, urrrrrrrrrrrrrp, ugh, urrrrrp. There now I have a little more room." I pushed my fist into my belly to release some more gas to make some more room. "Urrrrrp,urrrrp, urrrrrp."
"Did you guys want anything else?" The waitress was eyeing my food baby beginning to peak out over my jeans.
"Yeah can I get three orders of pancakes: one with Nutella, another with banana and chocolate chip, another with uh i don't you choose. And then an omelet with everything in it. And then a coke and a cookies and cream shake and some fries actually make it two orders of fries." I said not even believing my own ears.
"Sure I'll get right on it." The waitress looked as if she was going to lose it.
"Wow, um how are you going to eat that?" Lucy looked at me in utter disbelief.
" one urrrrrp, bite urrrrrrrp urrrrrrp, at a time urrrrrrrrrrp," I grinned impishly and rubbed my food baby. "Besides I'm going into hibernation mode when I get home."
"Hahahaaahhhh! Oh my god you are ridiculous!" Lucy had the cutest laugh.
"Okay here you go,don't go making yourself sick." The waitress looked flushed and nervous.
"Mmmmm thank you. I need to start hibernating when I get home so this is absolutely necessary." I said while stuffing the Nutella pancakes down.
"I'm sure it is." She smiled and giggled. "I'll bring out the rest in a bit, your appetite is hard to keep up with."
"Thank you, I really like eating."
"I can tell" she laughed. "Enjoy your food" she gave my belly a light pat causing me to burp." This elicited another giggle from her as she made her way back to the kitchen.
I don't know how I was still eating and I don't know why Lucy was watching me so intently. Anytime I slowed down she would tease me about my eyes being bigger than my stomach. And then I would shovel more food down.
"My my someone enjoyed their meal," The waitress had returned with our bill. She kept here eyes on my exposed belly now stuffed beyond belief. I occasionally let out a few hiccups and burps followed by some groans and moans. "You okay?" She asked sweetly.
"Yeah I think I just overdid it a bit. Urrrrp, it just tasted so good I couldn't stop. Urrrrrrrrp urrrrrrp, ohhh it is so stuffed and hard. Urrrrp I can't undo my jeans or belt. Urrrrp urrrrrp urrrrrrp hic, hic, urrrrrp. Ahhhgggg, I really overdid. I should probably stop doing this." I rubbed my belly desperate for relief. I was out of breath just sitting there. There was still half of my coke left and then another huge milkshake.
"I think it's good that you enjoy your food. Did you want me to take away the dishes?"
"Yeah" she started gathering up the mess and as she grabbed the unfinished milkshake and coke I stopped her. "No leave those I want them still."
"Okay I'll just grab the rest."
"Wow you are so fat." Lucy said as she watched me struggle to finish the coke and milkshake. "Look at all this" She smacked my belly.
"Ughh owww, don't do that." I almost choked on the shake I was chugging.
"Why cause you aren't done eating?" She laugh and shook my bloated and stuffed belly. "Tony you are getting kinda fat" she laughed.
"I'm not urrrrrrrp fat, I'm just urrrrrrrp hic bloated and have a food baby." I had finally finished all the food. And was struggling to unbutton my pants. I gave up covered in sweat and out of breath.
"Okay whatever you say." Lucy laughed at me giving my belly a smack.
"Here you go." The waitress placed the bill on the table and I automatically just gave her my credit card. " I'll be right back."
"You are so greedy and shameless." Lucy giggles.
"What? She is hot." I was hard and wanted to jack off but I was so stuffed and tired. My jeans were cutting me in half. I don't think I could get them off on my own.
"Here's your card back have a wonderful day. Oh and come by anytime." She smiled at me handing me a large doggy bag and slipping a card into my hand. "You gotta get nice and stuffed if you are going to last through winter." She giggled as she gave his stuffed belly a pat. His belly jiggled a bit still and her hand sunk in a bit. She turned red I guess she wasn't expecting it to still be squishy.
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dirtybitfic · 7 months
Neon red ( Matt sturniolo fan fiction)
⚠️-chasing, woods, making fantasies a reality,smutty smut smutttttt coming in part two( don’t read if it ain’t your vibe 💋)
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( play this song once it gets to the woods scene 🫡 trust and believe it makes it 100 times better)
Y/n pov-
Me and Matt have been best friends for so long we just understand each other on a level no one else does .
We had a whole trip to a cabin in Oregon planned with me , Matt , Chris, Nick and a couple other friends but they all had to cancel since Chris got invited to a music event he’s wanted to go to for years and Nick and everyone else just weren’t feeling it anymore.
It’s not a big deal that you and Matt were going alone but you were nervous since you haven’t gone on a trip just the two of you let alone to a remote cabin in the middle of !NO WHERE! but none the less Matt was excited to get off the grid for a couple days and relax.
You packed a good amount of warm clothes since the trip was for a week and a half and it was gonna be a little cold since it was fall . You packed a couple bikinis too since the place had a hot tub which was Chris’s request but you weren’t mad about it.
You finished packing and called matt to tell him your packed and ready for your 3 am flight and he can come pick you up when he is ready.
Matts pov-
Text to y/n
Matt-Hey I’m otw be there in about 10 y/n- kk sounds good
I’m excited for this trip me and y/n have always talked about wanting to go to Oregon in fall since we absolutely love fall and Oregon is so pretty during fall.
I turned on some music otw to pick y/n up . As I was driving I started to get a little nervous thinking about how it’s just gonna be me and her on the trip but I’m not upset about it since she’s one of the only people I can be authentically myself around without any judgment. I love having her in my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also have something to talk to her about that might make shit very awkward but ig we’ll find out
I texted her that I was outside as I pulled up and hopped out and popped the trunk so I could put her suitcase in the back
She came out and smiled at me while she locked the door .I took her suitcase from her and gave her a hug and put it in the trunk while she hopped into the car
Y/n pov- god Matt I’m so exited you don’t even know and best believe I’m going to force you to take insta pics for me
Mat just laughed and rolled him eyes a little bit knowing you’d say that . About 30 minutes later you got to the lax airport, parked the car and got onto the shuttle that took you to the south west terminal. You guys got through security quickly given you both have tsa precheck
You made it to your boarding spot and sat for about 20 minutes before you guys boarded the plane
After a 2 and a half hour flight you landed in Oregon you went to baggage claim and grabbed your bags and then picked up the car Matt had rented it was an all black jeep with red interior. You threw your bags into the trunk and got on the road . It was about an hour drive to sandy which is where the cabin was .
You drifted off to sleep since you had pulled an all nighter .
Matt shook you awake softly as you opened your eyes you saw nothing but the woods and cabin . you smiled him still a little groggy and he told you to go inside and he’d bring in y’all’s bags . You gladly obliged and went to unlock the door with the key the owners left under the doormat and walked in . it was so cozy and dark in the cabin which is exactly why you picked it. You went up to find the master bedroom since you had to pee really bad and after the long flight and ride.
Matt’s pov-
I brought in the bags and walked up the stairs to the master bedroom setting our bags down I went into the closet to start hanging up some stuff as y/n walked out and grabbed her bag to start doing the same . After I finished hanging my stuff I turned to hug her from the back and she giggled a little as she rapped her arms over mine and leaned back a little into my chest my heart fluttered and I don’t know why but she makes my heart flutter from small sweet things she does.
We walked out of the closet and I decided to order some pizza and start a fire since y/n said she was gonna take a shower and boy does she love her hour long showers .
The pizza just got here and I payed the driver and went to set it on the dark green and marble island as I heard y/n walk down the stairs. I saw she had taken one of my big fluffy sweatshirts I had brought and was wearing it with thigh high fluffy socks . She loves to take my sweatshirts since their so big on her and I don’t mind cause she looks so cute in them.
Y/n pov-
Hey sorry I took your sweatshirt I just felt like wearing it it’s so big and comfy you said to Matt as you saw him starring at you .
Oh no I don’t mind Matt said it looks good on you . You blushed from the compliment and sat down at the island to start eating after you guys finished Matt put y’all’s plates in the sink and said you should go sit in the living room and pick a movie to watch .
You sat right in front of the fire Matt had started and zoned out staring into the flames.
Matt came in and sat next to you and rapped his arm around your back rubbing softly bringing you out of your trance you leaned into his shoulder
Something on your mind he asked
Oh no, was just watching the fire the flames are so pretty to me you said laughing a little he looked down at you and took a breathe before speaking
Matt’s pov-
I’ve been wanting to bring something up to y/n but I’m feeling a bit nervous since it’s a little weird
Y/n I spoke kind of nervously
She looked up at me hearing my nervous voice yeah she said
I looked deeply in her eyes I have this fantasy I’ve been thinking about and your always the person that comes to mind I said
Alright well you know you can tell me anything Matt so spill she said with a little smirk
Okay well… I kinda wanna I paused to rub my neck with my hand nervously I wanna chase you through the woods and if I catch you I fuck you right in the woods with nothing but darkness surrounding us
Y/n fully turned to face me shocked by what I said she had a deep red flush across her face as she took a shaky breathe before she spoke you’ve fantasied about this a lot ? She questions with a small smirk
Yes so many times I say
She looked so deep in my eyes and said okay I’ll do it
I was taken back from her words you … you will I said still shocked
Absolutely 100 percent I’ve fantasized about something exactly like this after reading my favorite book haunting Adeline she says smiling wider I took her hand and brought us both to our feet I leaned down and kissed her deep and sweetly I told her to go put on some shoes she ran up to the room and I watched as she giggled .
God I can’t wait to catch her I thought as I felt myself grow harder from the thoughts of what I’m going to do to her
Y/n pov-
I cant believe this is happening and I never thought Matt would be into this kinda thing that’s why I never brought up my fantasy with him but fuck me I am already wet from the thoughts I practically flew back down the stairs to meet him in the living room
I’m gonna give you a 15 second start and your gonna run as fast as you can and just know that when I catch you I’m not gonna be sweet and calm Matt says
I hope you wouldn’t be after all im the prey and predators don’t play nicely you say Matt walks to open the door and looks at you with darkened eyes better start running slut he says he starts counting you take no time to start sprinting down the stairs into the dark woods you realized after you were getting deeper in the woods you have no light illuminating your way other than the moon which was partly covered by the dark clouds . Usually cloudy nights are your favorite but you started to get a little scared from how dark your surroundings were
You heard Matt calling your name in a very predatorial way causing chills to run up your body you start running faster getting smacked by branches left and right of you definitely leaving scratches on your exposed legs but you didn’t care you were just running you started to get out of breathe so you hid behind a tree waiting to hear any sign of Matt getting closer
The silence deafening as you started to get even more turned on knowing he would catch you sooner or later
You heard Matt calling out y/nnnn he called in a haunting way causing you to shiver from fear and arousal he was definitely closer than before you put your hand up to your mouth to try and silence your breathing you started hearing twigs snap to your left causing you to spring up and run in the opposite direction you tripped over a fallen tree and screamed out from your hard landing onto the rough ground you groaned from the pain and in seconds Matt was right above you breathing so hard you could see his breathe in the cold air
He laughing so sadistically causing your breathe to hitch and you to shiver
Caught you… Matt says so deep and dark you let out a moan from the possessive tone in his voice
…. Pt.2 coming right after this since this part is getting long asf
Be ready bitches shits boutta get nastyyyyy😈🫡
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Ivry and her wild dreams!!
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Word Count: 885
Warnings: None
Comment: Y’all. I can’t make this shit up. I mean I can, but you know what I mean. I be having the most fun dreams sometimes! Like the other night when I dreamt about a JJK character 🫣 but this time it was Jinnie!! 😍
I was the daughter of one of Chan's moms friend. And we all got invited to their vacation home to celebrate something. Or just for a party.
The boys were there too.
And Hyunjin was wearing that iconic “boyfriend” airport look with the glasses, black sweater, and longer hair. You know what I’m talking about. Hehehe.
Everyone was talking and having a good time. I was approached by Hyunjin and Felix and we were just chatting. I was awe struck by Hyunjin and his aura though and had to excuse myself because damn I was so attracted to him.
I went outside the front of the house. The house was in the middle of nowhere, so I just wandered out towards this small play area from when their kids were small. There was a tree swing and I just sat on it and tried to calm myself.
I was facing Away so I didn’t notice that Hyunjin had come out to check on me. He started pushing me on the swing after asking if I was okay. We just had fun being dorks and acting like children together. I thanked him for being kind and checking on me and he went in for a hug. I didn’t realize how low cut my dress was in this dream until I caught Hyunjin blushing at the way my big boobs squished between us.
There was something about the guys having small sleeping spaces in the upstairs of the house. I had wandered up there and Hyunjin was going through his bag looking for something. I was embarrassed because I was looking for where I was sleeping and came in on him on accident. (This was apparently like a week getaway thing and some of us were staying the whole time.) But he was kind and helped me find my room.
After that, the next day, the guys invited me to go get food with them. It was a cute local place on a busy street. Unfortunately, I was getting a headache from my allergies since we were eating at a long table outside on a front patio at the restaurant. Hyunjin gave me his hat and told me to rest my eyes on his shoulder while the pain meds kicked in.
Everyone was talking and having fun and I started to doze off. But when Jinnie laughed at something I woke up. And I realized that someone was taking photos of us across the table. Not one of the guys. It was a fan girl. I was pissed.
Jinnie tried to talk nicely to her about privacy, but she took a photo of me then. And I got pissed and grabbed her phone and chucked it into the street and it broke. And then everyone started looking at me like I was the crazy one and I stormed off.
I was just walking down the sidewalk to cool off when I came up to a playground outside a school. The sun was setting and there were no kids around. I didn’t realize that Hyunjin had gotten up to chase after me. I climbed up the jungle gym and then saw him getting up behind me.
I immediately started feeling lighter in his presence. It was cute because I tricked him into thinking I was going to go down a slide, so he went down a different one. I was laughing so hard at him. He was laughing too but he ran back up to catch me. I was laughing so hard at his reaction that I didn’t have time to run.
He made like an animal growl sound and grabbed onto me to pull me into a hug. I put my arms around his waist and apologized for breaking that person's phone. He said he understood why I did it especially considering I'm not used to being in the spotlight.
We swayed for a second with my head on his chest. He hummed softly in the moment something I didn't recognize. And then he called my name, and I looked up, he picked me up, I squealed and wrapped my arms over his shoulders and my legs around him for leverage. And he just started kissing me. Not lightly. Intense. And I kissed him back.
He set me on a railing of the equipment because we were still on the play set. After continuing to make out I pulled away and complained about my butt hurting on the small rail because I am not a skinny lady. We laughed and he helped me down gently. I stood on a step, so I was at perfect height to him. He massaged my soar ass cheeks while we continued to giggle and make out more.
He confessed to me that he wasn’t normally into women but as soon as he and Lixie talked to me he was in awe of how much I wasn’t afraid to be my dorky weird self. And he just said that he was so glad he chased after me because everything, conversations, having fun, and being happy, was easy with me.
The dream ended with us continuing to kiss heavily on this playground as it got darker.
It was such a lovely dream! I want to go back to it!
My Spooky Pookies: @moonlightndaydreams @2chopsticks2eyes @sweetracha @lyramundana @linlinaert @caitlyn98s @noellllslut @diorrxluvskz @stolasisyourparent @queenmea604
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Failure to Launch- Never Ever Have I- Chapter
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Summary: Sidney and Evie face important decisions about his career and their wedding
Last chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/713183735570415616/planning-on-perfection-never-ever-have-i
@equallyshaw @pensfan5871 @pattiemac1 @penstxgal1968 @cellythefloshie;
Evie slid her laptop into her backpack before she checked to ensure that all of her accessories were in place. She was flying into New York City to meet up with Sidney before Adriana and Taylor flew into the next morning. Sidney had been on a road trip and would be playing the New York Islanders the next day. Evie had booked an appointment at the infamous Kleinfeld's bridal salon to shop for her wedding gown. It was the last main component she had to complete for the wedding planning. She was lost in thought, mentally going through her packing checklist, when she heard a loud knock on the door.
Evie looked up and walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and opened the door. A uniformed driver stood with his back to her. After he turned around, Evie exclaimed, "Buddy, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages.”
“Ms. Montgomery, I am here to take you to the airport.” he said cheerfully.
Evie looked confused. She had planned to drive to the airport herself and had not arranged transportation. “I am sorry, but can you tell me who booked the trip?” Even as she said, she was fairly certain she could guess the name.
“Mr. Crosby, ma’am,” he answered.
Evie smiled, “Oh, he forgot to tell me. Let me get my bags for you.” She gathered her large suitcase and backpack and handed it to the driver. He took them and placed them in the trunk of the car. Then he opened the back door for Evie to get into the back seat of the sedan. On the far side of the seat, a small basket of snacks sat with a tiny bottle of sparkling Moscato included. Evie grinned as she saw the card. She opened it and read it silently.
My Princess- Did you think I would let you drive yourself to the airport like some sort of peasant? Have a glass of wine and enjoy the ride. I can’t wait to see you tonight. It’s been too long.
Evie rolled her eyes. They had been apart for three days. After the three weeks during the summer, this separation had been a piece of cake. She opened the bottle of Moscato and poured a glass. She enjoyed the sweet taste and relaxed into the seat. When the driver took an exit, she sat up and looked around. The route was familiar and she struggled to place it. They were not heading to the Delta gate. Suddenly, she recognized where they were heading. “Sidney Patrick Crosby- no you didn’t,” she thought as they pulled into the gate for the private jet airstrip.
The car pulled up to the side of the waiting jet. The cabin steward stood at the bottom of the stairs. The driver met him in the middle and handed off the luggage. He then opened Evie's car door and offered his hand. When Evie got out of the back seat, she reached into her purse to retrieve cash to tip Buddy. She laughed, "Thank you, Buddy. I am sorry I don't have the amount that Sidney usually gives you. I wasn't expecting it and haven't been to the ATM yet."
"Mr. Crosby already gave a generous gratuity, Ma'am," he said with a knowing grin, "You're all set." She thanked him again and turned to walk up the stairs to the jet. She pulled out her phone and dialed Sidney.
Sidney: Good afternoon my Princess.
Evie: Beso…
Sidney: Yes, my Princess.
Evie: What have you done?
She began her climb up the stairs as she spoke.
Sidney: I just arranged a little transportation, Evie.
Evie: Buddy was my driver, by the way. Did you know that?....... You arranged it, didn't you?
Sidney: Possibly.
Evie: You don't think that a private jet is a little excessive for one person?
She reached the top of the stairs.
Sidney: For one person? Yes, it is excessive, but there is more than one passenger.
Evie: What do you mean by more than one passenger? Who is coming?
She turned and looked at the parking lot and saw no cars.
Evie: Is someone coming out for the game? Who is it?
Sidney: See for yourself
Evie: What did you do, Beso?
Evie stepped inside the jet and turned to look at the cabin. Adriana and Taylor stood on the right side of the cabin, which had been decorated with balloons and streamers. There was a big sign:
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Evie dropped and ran to them. They started squealing excitedly and talking over each other. Hugs were exchanged and tears flowed.
"Evie!!!!!" Sidney yelled, "Evie!!!!!"
She looked around and remembered she was speaking to Sidney before she dropped the phone. Evie picked it up, "Sorry Beso- I dropped my phone," she said excitedly, "I can't believe you did this for me. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, but this is unexpected."
Sidney grinned in his hotel room. The line went quiet and Evie whispered, "Sidney, you there?"
"Yeah, I am here," he said softly. He felt a lump form in his throat. "I'm here," he repeated, "I am enjoying listening to you." His voice lowered, "I could listen to you for hours, especially when you are happy. Making you happy, making you laugh…." His voice trailed off before he swallowed hard, "It's like a drug. It's a little piece of magic. I think I may be addicted to it. I think I may be addicted to you."
Evie got quiet and stepped away from Adriana and Taylor, who exchanged knowing looks. "Is that a bad thing?" she asked softly, "I hope it's not a bad thing. I really hope it's not a bad thing because I know that I am addicted to you. I am so addicted to you."
Sidney smiled broadly, "It's an amazing thing, Evie. I love you so much." Evie stepped further away, "Beso, you are going to make me cry happy tears. I love you so much too. Thank you for this. I want you to know how much I appreciate it."
"I know, Evie, I know" he replied, "I should let you go so that you can take off now. I'll see you when you get here. I am room 8787. Love you."
"Bye Beso," she smiled, "I'll see you soon. Can't wait. Love you most."
Taylor's voice boomed through the plane, "For Pete's sake, quit being mushy and let's get this party started. I can't take the sweetness. I might vomit." Adriana giggled and Taylor crossed her arms in mock frustration.
Evie sighed, "Beso, I have to go. Taylor's bitter that she is single and she’s jealous of our love." She turned around and smiled sweetly at Taylor. "Maybe we need to set her up," she laughed, "Got any single friends?"
"Ummmm," Sidney said as he tried to extricate himself from this exchange, "Bye Evie Rose."
"Bye Beso," she smiled. She turned to face Taylor. "Are you done,?" she asked.
Taylor smiled back, "Come on, I had to give you a hard time, Evie."
"Maybe if you were getting another kind of hard time, you wouldn't need to give me one," Evie raised an eyebrow, "I am getting some tonight which is why I am not giving a hard time back to you," Evie teased.
Taylor laughed, "Ewwww, ewwwwww- that's just gross!"
"You started it, Tay," Evie went to sit in her chair, "Don't start none, won't be none."
Adriana watched the banter back and forth, "Yeah, you guys have the sister thing down. Damn, you two go hard."
“That’s what Sidney likes,” Evie added.
“Oh dear Lord, make it stop!” Taylor protested.
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Evie walked to the window and opened the curtains to see the view of the New York City Skyline. She had booked the Fitzgerald suite for herself at the team hotel for their weekend stay. Taylor and Adriana had retreated to their suites to freshen up and get ready for their dinner. She turned with a smile when she heard the soft knock. "Beso," she thought as she crossed to the door. She threw open the door with flourish. Evie blinked and shook her head, sure that her eyes had deceived her. "Matteo?" she asked, "Matteo, is that really you? Why are you here?"
"Do you think I would let you pick a wedding dress without me?" he laughed, "Are you going to let me in?"
"Of course," she stood back and let him enter. Matteo glanced around the large suite. "I see you are living the bougie life now that you are engaged" he teased.
"Excuse me, but this is all me and not Sidney. The Plaza is a sister brand to the Fairmont so they were very willing to accommodate us," she retorted, "Ummm, do you not remember my suite in Dallas? This is much smaller,"
"Everything is bigger in Texas," he joked. "Now tell me the plans. Sidney was not forthcoming with the details." Evie tilted her head in question. "It was Sidney's idea for me to come. I am officially the tiebreaker in case the other two disagree," he explained.
"Disagree on what?" she questioned.
"On which dress to pick. Don't you remember the rules of “Say Yes to the Dress?" he smiled.
"Don't try on a dress you can't afford?" she said earnestly.
"Yeah, I don't think you'll have that problem," he razzed, "Okay, maybe it wasn't an official rule. Still I am here."
Evie grinned widely, "This is the best surprise. Sidney planned it? Matteo, did he really bring you here to help me pick my dress?" Matteo nodded yes. "Awwww, Teo…." she cried. She ran and squeezed him in a tight hug. Happy tears streamed down her face.
"No tears, Evita." Matteo ordered, "No tears until we find your dress. Until then, get your ass in gear. We have reservations."
"Reservations?" she said in confusion, "Who made reservations?" Then it clicked in her brain, "He has this whole evening planned, right? And tomorrow too?"
"I am sworn to secrecy," Matteo said as Evie went to her suitcase to pull out a dress. "Evie, check the closet," Matteo hummed.
She opened the closet door. Hanging in the closet was the Marchesa dress that she coveted for months.
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Attached to the hanger was a note in Sidney's handwriting.
Mon Etoile- It's been a while since I spoiled you in a big way. I hope you have enjoyed the surprises so far. Relax and enjoy your night. I'll see you after dinner. Matteo has the details. Your groom- Sidney
Evie smiled and re-read the salutation again. "Your Groom" made her heart sing. She felt the overwhelming desire to call him, but resisted the urge. Instead she dressed and went out to meet her entourage.
The hockey game played quietly on the television while he reclined on the bed and read his book. He was engrossed in it and almost didn't hear the soft knock on the door. He smiled after he looked at the time. The knock could only mean one thing- Evie. He checked the peep hole and saw her standing there. She held her shoes in her hand and shifted her weight from side to side.
"Evie," he smiled as he opened the door and pulled her inside, away from eyes that pry. She looked around the room and made a beeline to the bed. When she stopped at the edge of the bed and moved her hair out of the way, he understood the unspoken request to unzip her dress. His hand slid the zipper pull down and she stepped out of the dress. He kissed her shoulder and neck tenderly, "Mon Etoile, you smell amazing."
She crawled onto the bed and patted the spot next to her. He found his position next to her. When he settled, she wrapped her body around his and sighed. They were both aware of the time and the limited time they would have before his curfew. "Beso, do you need to fuck?" she said with a yawn.
He looked down at her before he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "The more important question is if you want to fuck," Sidney answered.
She paused for a moment before she answered, "No, not really. I am sorry. The wine at dinner made me sleepy and I am stuffed from the food. We don't have a lot of time before your curfew."
"Then why did you ask if I needed to fuck?" he questioned with a laugh.
"I don't know. I mean, I always like fucking you. We do it almost every night and it relaxes me. If you needed it to go to sleep, we could," she rambled for a bit before she blushed, "Can we not overthink it?"
"You are so tired that you are not making sense," he smiled, "It's cute that you would take one for the team, but not necessary." She took a deep breath and let it go. "Tell me about dinner. Was it amazing?"
They spent the next hour talking about the impressive meal they had eaten. Sidney made a mental note that they needed to return for a proper date one day. A date that included her in that dress and in this lingerie. Evie caught Sidney up on Matteo's life along with Adriana’s progressing relationship with Sean. She did, however, refrain from telling him about Taylor’s new work crush. Some bonds of sisters and Girl’s Night Out rules were sacred. When Evie casually mentioned that the rest of the group had returned to the hotel to change to go out dancing, Sidney questioned her decision not to go.
"Beso," she yawned, "Seeing you was more important than getting drunk in a club. Also, I need to rest tomorrow." Sidney checked the time. It was getting close to curfew.
They dressed and he escorted her to her suite. Sidney watched her in the bathroom as she removed her make-up and got ready for bed. She put on her favorite Crosby t-shirt. He took her hand and guided her to the large, king-sized bed. She smiled as he tucked her into bed then sat on the edge of the bed.
"I won't see you tomorrow morning?" she asked quietly. He shook his head no. It was the first game against the Islanders after the disastrous playoff series. Evie was certain that he hold firm to his game day quirks which mean taking great care to avoid Taylor at all costs. "I can call or text if I need to though?" she asked for assurance.
"Yes," he spoke softly, "I will see you after the game, but call or text any time you need me."
"Beso," she whispered, "Thank you. I am not going to argue about the big time spoiling. I am just thankful that you are MY GROOM."
"I am thankful that you are MY BRIDE," he bent down to kiss her, "Now get some sleep."
Evie looked with wonder around the lobby of the venable Kleinfeld's bridal salon. It was smaller than it looked on television, but was still impressive. She approached the reception desk. "Hi, my name is Evie Montgomery. I have a ten o'clock appointment with Lisa," she said to the receptionist. The receptionist officially checked them in and buzzed Lisa to let her know that Evie had arrived.
She then walked over to the rest of the group. She stood and fidgeted with a bag she held that carried her wedding shoes and a selection of various undergarments that would work under the dresses she hoped to try.
Lisa, famed bridal consultant from Say Yes to the Dress, walked up to the group. "Evie?"
She stood and smiled, "That's me. I'm Evie. I'm the bride."
Lisa gave her a gentle smile, "Follow me. I will show your group to your area and then take you to your room." The group followed Lisa and Evie through the store like a little line of ducklings. Evie was doing some weird combination of a skip and walk. Her smile was contagious and other customers turned to look. There were whispers, "Is that a celebrity? I swear I've seen her here somewhere." Taylor took a picture and sent it to her mom with the caption "I think she is a *little* excited."
When they arrived at their area, Evie did quick introductions. Lisa asked, "What kind of dress are we looking for today? Do we have a budget in mind?"
Adriana was quick to answer, "I think something form-fitting would be flattering. Sidney is a fan of her curves."
Evie blushed before Matteo chimed in, "Oh definitely we need something sexy. I think mermaid or trumpet style….” Taylor remained silent.
Lisa nodded patiently before she turned to Evie. “What kind of dress do you want?”
Evie looked at Adriana and Matteo before she answered, “I was thinking something form fitted as well. However, I saw some dresses that had an overskirt. I think it would be more appropriate for the ceremony.”
Lisa asked, “What budget did you want to keep in mind?”
Evie hesitated. She had run the numbers on their final budget and come up with a number. Still, it pained her to say it out loud because it seemed mind-blowing to spend that amount of money on a single dress that she would wear for nine or ten hours. Lisa waited patiently, accustomed to the struggles of brides with budgets. Finally, Evie said, “I would like to stay under ten thousand dollars. I can go up to twelve thousand on a dress I really love.”
Lisa smiled, “Let’s go find you a dress.” Together they walked to the dressing room. She opened the door to allow Evie to walk inside. Evie turned back to look at Lisa who just smiled. On the table was a large gift bag and card in Sidney’s handwriting. She walked over to the bag and pulled out a shoe box. She smiled when she saw the Jimmy Choo logo and opened the box. Inside were the shoes that Sidney pointed out to Evie in Las Vegas.
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She opened the note and read.
Mon Etoile- I can give the shoes to you now, right? Did you think I forgot about them? I hope that today is everything that you dreamed of and you find the perfect dress for you. That is the only goal for today. Find the perfect dress that you love. I don’t care about the price. In fact, I forbid you, under severe penalty, to look at price tags. Now be a good girl for me, Princess.
Your Groom- Mr. Crosby
Evie turned around and showed Lisa the shoes. “They’re from my Beso. I’m sorry- my fiancé, Sidney,” Evie said wistfully as she sat on the chair. Lisa asked to see a picture of Sidney and Evie gladly obliged while she gushed over her beloved. A lifelong Rangers fan, Lisa instantly recognized Sidney, but gave no indication. Evie relayed Sidney's instruction that her budget was unlimited and she was not to look at any price tags. Lisa laughed and gave a mock salute in acknowledgement of marching orders.They discussed Evie’s vision for the wedding and Lisa left the room to pull dresses.
Evie pulled out her phone and sent a quick selfie of herself in the satin robe with one shoulder exposed. She captioned it, “Hopefully my panties don’t get ripped in this dressing room.” Sidney sent a flirty text back, “You never know.”
There was a knock on the door and a curly brunette popped her head in. "Excuse me," she said cheerfully, "Are you Evie Montgomery?" Evie nodded yes. The brunette opened the door and stepped inside. "HI, I'm Regina. I am one of the producers on Say Yes to the Dress," she started. "Lisa mentioned that your groom's name is Sidney Crosby. I wanted to check to see if you would be interested in being on the show. Brides with famous athlete grooms are always a big hit with viewers. I am sure that they will love your story with Sidney," she suggested. Evie blinked and sat down. "Take a moment to think about it," she added.
Evie's mind raced. She loved the show and was a faithful viewer. However, she was unsure if Sidney and more importantly, the Penguins, would be happy. "Thank you so much for asking, but I have to pass. Don't you always follow up your brides at their alterations and weddings? I am not interested in having my wedding televised," she answered.
"Are you sure? Most athletes enjoy the publicity," Regina stated.
"Yes, but Sidney isn't like most athletes. He isn't even like most men. I am flattered by the other, but I have to decline," she stated firmly.
At that moment Lisa came back with a selection of dresses and Regina made her exit. Evie looked at the three dresses and selected the ivory satin one. Lisa helped her into dress. The plain satin dress hugged her curves in a slim sheath silhouette. The off the shoulder neckline accentuated her delicate collarbone. Evie turned around and gasped a little bit.
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"Wow," she said quietly, "I'm really a bride, eh?" She laughed at her bit of Canadian.
Lisa stood back and grinned, "Should we show them?"
"Can we put on the overskirt first?" Evie asked. Lisa added the skirt. Together they walked out to her platform. Adriana, Matteo and Taylor gasped. Evie asked nervously, "What do you think?"
Taylor spoke first, "It's a beautiful dress, but I don't think it's the one."
Adriana added, "It's very classic, but it's pretty simple." Evie turned to look in the mirror and nodded in agreement.
Lisa and Evie returned to the dressing room. "Let's turn up the sparkle, shall we?" Lisa suggested.
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Evie walked out to show them white satin sheath dress with ruched waist, with an elegant beaded lace bodice and cap sleeves.
Matteo stepped up to the platform and spread the overskirt out. He stood back and stared at Evie's reflection in the mirror. "What do you think, Evita?"
She smoothed her hands over stomach then over her hips."Can we take off the overskirt?" she asked. Once it was off, Taylor made a tight smile. "I don't think it flatters me," Evie said finally, "The satin skirt highlights every bump. It's a no for me." The others breathed a sigh of relief that she stated the obvious.
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Evie smiled when she walked up to the platform in the strapless, beaded lace dress. "What do you think?" She asked.
Adriana's hand went to her mouth, "Evie, it's gorgeous."
Matteo nodded his head in agreement, "Look at the sparkle. You look amazing."
Evie looked at Taylor who was silent. "That's the one, Evie. It's everything you wanted. It fits you like a glove. It's not too plain. It is perfect."
Evie gazed in the mirror and smiled. Her hand ran over the beaded lace. She turned and looked over her shoulder. "Do you have a bouquet to hold?" Lisa handed a bouquet of silk roses to Evie. She held it in front of her and closed her eyes. She imagined when the church doors opened wide and opened her eyes. Then she sighed. She turned to look at Lisa and shook her head no.
Lisa, seeing the expression on her face, suggested going back to the dressing room to regroup. By the time the door closed, tears filled Evie's eyes. "I am sorry. It's not the one," she whispered. Evie was silent as Lisa assisted her in taking off the dress. "Can you give me a minute?" Evie requested.
Once Lisa left, Evie sat down and stared in the mirror. A wave of sadness washed over Evie. She remembered her mother and her dream of Evie finding a good husband. Although Evie judged her for emphasizing that she should find a rich husband, there was never any doubt in her mind that she wanted Evie to find a good man just like her father. Heart ached with resurfaced grief. It was unexpected, but overwhelming. Tears flowed and Evie tried to get them under control. "Think," she told herself, "think." She reached for her phone and hit the dial button.
Trina answered the FT call with a smile, "Evie, did you pick one?" She looked at Evie's face, "Honey, what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry, Trina, I'm sorry," Evie sobbed, "I thought I could do it and now I can't."
"What can't you do?" Trina asked quietly.
"I can't buy a dress," Evie said, "I can't buy a dress without my mom. I don't know what to do. I am so confused. I just need my mom."
Trina blinked back tears. She thought back to wedding dress shopping with her own mother. She couldn't imagine making that choice on her own, even if she did have friends for support. It wasn’t the same as having a mother’s support. Trina thought it was tough enough losing her mother as a middle aged woman, but the way that Evie lost her mother at a time when she still needed her so much? It was unfathomable.
"Oh Evie," Trina soothed, "I am so sorry. Tell me why you are confused."
"I thought I wanted something fitted. Sidney loves when I wear fitted dresses that show off my curves. I found the perfect dress. It is so beautiful…." Evie cried.
"But….. " Trina prompted.
"I don't feel like a princess. I don't feel like Sidney's princess," Evie admitted, "I feel like I should be a princess when I marry my Prince Charming”
"Evie," Trina answered. "Do you want to know what I would tell Taylor? I know I can't take the place of your mother, but it may help." Evie nodded yes. "Buy a dress that makes you feel like his princess. You'll know when you put it on, but buy the big, poofy dress," Evie hesitated. "You can buy them both. Find the princess dress, then find the dress that will take his breath away," Trina encouraged, “You know that Sid will think you look gorgeous in anything that you wear. There is no wrong choice. Go with your gut. It won’t lead you astray.”
"Thank you, Trina," Evie sniffed.
"I hope it's helped," Trina smiled.
"More than you know," Evie smiled.
Lisa knocked on the door and entered the room. "What happened?" Lisa asked quietly.
"I tried to imagine when the church doors open and the view Sidney will see," Evie started to explain before her voice trailed off. "Then I remembered what Sidney calls me. He says that I am his princess."
"And this isn't a Princess dress?" Lisa stated before she smiled. "It's a good thing you came to Kleinfeld's. We specialize in Princess dresses."
"I am so sorry," Evie cried, "I thought I knew what I wanted. I guess I was wrong."
"Say no more," she said, “This happens all the time. I know some dresses that will be perfect.” Lisa walked out of the room. She stopped by and updated Adriana, Matteo and Taylor before heading to the stockroom. Inside the dressing room, Evie picked up her phone and dialed. Sidney picked up. He was walking to the bus after morning skate. When he saw Evie’s tear stained face, he stopped and walked to the side.
Sidney: Evie- what’s wrong?
Evie: Ummmm, I had a little bit of a breakdown but I am better now.
Sidney: Breakdown about what? Is it not going well?
Evie: Ohhhh, they have been lovely. I even got asked to be on the TV show.
Sidney’s eyebrows raised
Evie: I turned it down. I don’t want Flyer fans watching my wedding.
Sidney smiled
Sidney: Why did you break down, Mon Etoile?
Evie sighed: I miss my mom, more than I thought I would. I am alright now. I don’t want you to worry.
Sidney: Are you sure?
Evie: Yes, I talked to your mom and she made me feel much better.
Sidney: Do you need me? I can crash the appointment if you need me.
Evie: No, you can’t see the dress. I mean, when I find the dress.
Sidney: Are you having trouble deciding?
Evie: What do you want me to look like on the wedding day? Don’t give me the whole “You will look beautiful in anything” line either. Tell me what you want.
Sidney: I want you to look like what you are - my princess.
Evie smiled brightly: Thank you. You just made me feel a hundred times better.
Lisa walked into the room, carrying three large dresses and a petticoat.
Evie: I have to go now. I’ll call you when I am done.
Sidney: I’m glad that you called.
Evie: Me too.
Evie eyed each dress, “Let’s try the lace first”
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When Evie walked out, her entourage’s mouths dropped. She stepped onto the platform and faced them. Taylor spoke first, “That’s not a fitted dress, Evie.”
Evie patted the large skirt and said, “Observant, Tay- very observant. It’s a princess dress. I tried fitted dresses and they didn’t make me feel the way I want to feel when I marry Sidney.”
“Like a princess?” Adriana asked. Evie nodded her head. Adriana smiled, “Well, I guess since you are getting the fairy tale then a fairy tale dress is what you need.”
Evie said emphatically, “exactly.”
Matteo was quiet and then spoke up, “I like it, but it’s not the one. It’s too plain.” When Adriana agreed, Evie went back to the dressing room.
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Taylor's first comment was “Holy boobs, Evie.” Lisa pointed out the neckline could be raised. In the end, it was nixed for being too over the top.
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Before they left the room, Evie declared, “This is it. This is the one.” When she walked out, the path from the dressing room to the platform got still and silent. Other bridal parties stopped talking and watched her float by. Evie stepped on the podium and allowed Lisa to fluff the train. Then she looked at her group and declared, “I think I found it. I think I found the one.”
Taylor stood up and walked slowly to the podium. She touched the skirt before she walked around the podium. She spoke softly, “I think we need a veil and the bouquet.” Evie smiled as Lisa added the veil and handed her the bouquet. She turned to face the mirror with her eyes shut. Then she opened them. Taylor stood next to her and they made eye contact in the mirror. Evie silently asked the question that she needed Taylor to answer. “Sid’s going to love it,” Taylor gushed, “He is going to have a heart attack when he sees you but he is going to love it.”
Lisa said, “Are you saying Yes to the Dress?”
They gasped when Evie said, “Not yet.” Looks of confusion spread amongst them. “I think I need a tiara too.” When Lisa placed the perfect tiara on her head, Evie laughed and said, “Ask again.” Lisa asked the infamous question again. This time Evie screamed, “Yes!” as Taylor, Matteo and Adriana crushed her in a group hug.
The rest of the day was a blur to Evie. First, she was taken down to alterations to be measured from head to foot. Detailed instructions about the slight changes that she wanted to make to the dress- the neckline altered to be more modest for the church and the addition of removable straps to cover her shoulders for the ceremony. Then she was taken back upstairs to finalize the paperwork for the two gowns that she selected, plus veil and tiara. Evie’s heart nearly stopped when she saw the final total. However, she simply slid the black AMEX across with a smile.
After completing their time at the bridal shop, the group barely had enough time to rush to the hotel. They made a quick change before heading to Sidney’s game against the New York Islanders. Evie made the executive decision to head down to the glass during warm-ups despite the disastrous results during last year's playoffs. She stood next to the penalty box and banged on the glass. Brian Dumolin shouted to Sidney as he completed his stretches.
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He looked up and saw Evie’s bright smile which he returned. She flashed him the heart sign and shouted “I LOVE YOU”. He rewarded her with a quick grin before he returned to his routine. After the Penguins won in overtime, the group gathered outside the locker room to wait for Sidney. He emerged and went straight to Evie. He picked her up and spun her around, “Did you get it? Did you say yes to a dress?” She kissed his cheek and gushed, “I actually got two dresses.” 
Taylor laughed, “Just want until you see her, Sid. You are going to be amazed.” 
Sidney frowned slightly, “Will you show me? I want to see.”
Evie poked his chest, “No Sir, you do not get to see either one until the big day.”
Sidney wiggled his eyebrows, “But how am I going to imagine you walking down the aisle?”
Evie shook her head vehemently, “No Sir. You get no peeks at the dresses. You can call it my superstition and you must honor it. You try to sneak a peek and I will go touch your sticks before every game or hide your jockstrap!”
Sidney pouted, “You wouldn’t!”
Evie pressed her forehead against his and looked him dead in the eyes, “Try me Crosby.”
An hour later, Sidney exited the elevator to walk towards Evie’s suite. He was grateful that the team had decided to spend the night in New York instead of flying directly back to Pittsburgh. It would allow him to spend a little time with Evie until she flies back to Pittsburgh Saturday before the game against Chicago. She had slipped him the room key outside of the locker room with a sly grin. It made the whole scenario feel a lot more dangerous than it actually was. 
He opened the door to a darkened room. No lights were on except for the bathroom light. “Evie,” he called as he turned on one light, “Where are you?” 
“I’m sorry. There are no Evies here tonight,” she replied coyly. 
Sidney smiled as he walked toward the sound of her voice, “Oh really? Then whose voice do I hear?”
Evie grinned as he opened the door to the luxurious bathroom. “It’s the voice of Mr. Crosby’s Princess,” she teased. Evie sat on the edge of the bathtub as the warm water filled it. She wore nothing but the large tiara she had purchased for the wedding and held a chocolate martini. She stood and walked to Sidney, “Mr. Crosby, I thought you might enjoy a warm bath after your game,” He smiled as she set her drink on the counter and began to unbutton his shirt. She kissed his chest after each button and looked up at him through her eyelashes. 
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“Nice tiara,” he said softly.
"Do you like it?" She stepped back and did a slow twirl.
"Very much so," he grabbed her hand as she spun around, "You look like a true princess." 
"Whose princess?" She asked as she went back to work and unbundled his pants. He smiled as she made quick work of undressing him.
"My princess," he moaned as her hand went to his cock as he stepped out of his pants, "Fuck……" He leaned against the counter as she went to her knees. Her hand gently wrapped around the shaft and felt it harden beneath her touch. Her tongue circled the tip as Sidney inhaled with a hiss. "Yes, Princess," he moaned, "Do it just the way I like it." Her mouth opened and she slid his cock into it smoothly. Sidney looked down. The sight of the tiara as it balanced on her head as it bobbed up and down was almost too much for him to bear. His fingers gingerly touched the tiara as she sucked and licked him. "Princess… My Princess is such a good little slut for me," 
Sidney felt himself losing control. The vision of Evie in her tiara ratcheted the fantasy to the next level. His ability to speak was replaced by animalistic grunts and groans. Evie listened intently and anticipated his release. She held it in her mouth. When he finally looked down, she held out her tongue to show him before she swallowed hard. 
His hands gripped her biceps and pulled her to her feet. She smiled sweetly and he ran his thumb over her forehead. He moved it down her temple, across her cheek and then over her lips. She opened her mouth and sucked in between her lips. When she released his thumb, his hand moved behind her head. He pulled her into a kiss. "My princess," he moaned, "I need to fuck you in that tiara. I want to bury my cock deep into you as you wear it."
She smirked before she leaned over the bathroom counter. She spread her legs then looked back at him. Then Evie wiggled her ass as he stroked his cock to bring it back to life. He teased her with the tip before he thrust into her wet and waiting sex. They both gasped before he began pumping his hips. His gasp changed from a pleasurable moan to a thinly veiled wince. She saw the pained expression on his face and stood up. She pushed him back to sit on the ottoman placed in front of the make up mirror. Relief spread across his face. Relief turned into pleasure as she lowered herself down on him in a reverse cowgirl position. She started riding his cock like a piston.
She moaned as his fingers reached around to work their magic on her clit. The second hand brought her torso up to his chest. His mouth went to her neck where he lavished open mouth kisses, sucking softly. Evie's eyes met his in the reflection of the mirror. "Don't worry, Princess. I won't mark up your neck. It's too pretty," he whispered into her ear, "Instead I will make you cum all over my cock."
"Please," was the only sound that she could manage as he pushed her forward, tilted her hips and used his hands to push her up and down until his cock began hitting the spot. Her moans became grunts echoing off the cold marble. He whispered his nasty thoughts in her ear- how he couldn't wait to dive under her dress at the wedding and make her shake with desire. As if on cue, her thighs began to tremble. Her body began to collapse before the trembling spread. Sidney's arm wrapped around her waist as she came undone. He followed right behind her. 
Evie stared at Sidney in the mirror. They both clung to each other- short of breath and delirious with desire. When she whispered, “Beso,” he understood immediately. He swooped her in his arms and sat her on the counter. He walked over and added hot water to the bathtub to bring it up to an acceptable temperature. She watched him silently as she reached for her martini and slipped it slowly. She smiled when he walked over and kissed her softly before he removed her tiara. “Let’s go, Mon Etoile,” he said as he carried her to the bath. She stood until he climbed in and took his spot. Then she eased her body down and rested with her back against his chest. He gently lapped bubbles and water over her chest. 
“Evie?” he said softly, trying to gauge her mindset.
“Hmm?” she answered softly. 
“That was really good,” he kissed the back of her head.
“I’m glad you liked it. I was inspired by the tiara,” she said as he massaged his thighs, “which by the way, is the only piece of my wedding attire that you will see until July.” 
“Tell me about Kleinfeld’s. Did they really ask you to be on the show?” he asked. Evie flipped over, adjusted her body between his legs and rested her chin on his chest. She explained in vague details about her experience. She told him about the six dresses that she tried on when he interrupted her. 
“Were you a good girl, Princess? Did you buy your dress without looking at the price tag?” he asked. 
 She kissed his chest “Well, I did have to look at the final price when I paid, but not until then. Does that count?” 
“Very proud of you,” he praised as she rested her head on his chest again. 
Evie suddenly became aware of the time. “Beso,” she said, “You need to get back to your room.”
“Tomorrow is a travel day. They don’t care,” he soothed, “I’ll slip into my room before breakfast. I intend to sleep with my fiancée tonight.” He moved from side to side and slid lower into the tub. 
Evie noticed the grimace as he adjusted himself in the bath. “Is it bothering you?” she asked quietly. Sidney’s sports hernia continued to be problematic. Post game it was usually tender and painful. The intensity of his thrusting exacerbated the impact. 
“Yeah, it’s throbbing now,” he groaned, “The bath will help though.” 
“We’re getting closer to you needing to consider the surgery, right?” she asked, “Now that Geno is back?”
“I am going to hold out for as long as I can- ideally to the All Star break.” he replied. She questioned him. "I need to be healthy for the playoffs and the wedding," he smiled.
"The wedding?" She smiled, "How hard are you planning on wobbling at the reception?"
"Funny…." He pulled her to his lips for a kiss, "I mean honeymoon."
"Mmmm, where are you taking me for our honeymoon," she asked.
"Someplace with a big bed, a big bathtub and nice view," he smiled.
"We need to get that hernia fixed, Beso," she kissed him leisurely.
"Yes ma'am," he smiled as he pressed her into him, "However, I think I can manage another round tonight."
"Let's go," she kissed him and lowered herself on him again.
November 9th- PPG Arena- Pittsburgh
Evie sat next to young Nikita Malkin watching the Penguins attempting to come back from a two to one score against the Chicago Blackhawks. Evie's attention went to Sidney as he was by the boards. He was hit by Gustafson but the collision wasn't that hard. What caught her attention was the pained expression on his face as he skated back into the play. When he headed off the ice after a blocked shot, she knew that something was wrong. Sidney leaving the ice during a game always signaled that something was wrong. Him leaving with a pained expression while the Penguins trailed signaled that something was really wrong.
"Niki," Evie explained to the young boy, "I am going to check on Sid."
"Is he hurt like Papa?" Nikita asked.
Anna and Evie exchanged a look. "Yes, like Papa but not exactly the same."
Evie made her way down to the underbelly of the arena. Various Penguins acknowledged her presence before one of the trainers stopped to say that he was being examined. Then they invited her to wait inside. She heard the sound of Sidney's voice but couldn't make out the exact words. Someone from the staff informed him that Evie was waiting for him.  
The same trainer came out, "He is done for the game. You can come in to see him." Evie walked in as they placed ice bags on Sidney’s groin. As soon they determined that he was set, the training staff left the room to give them some privacy. She walked to the side of the table and leaned against the edge of it.
He wiped sweat from his brow with a towel. "It re-aggravated the hernia," he spoke softly. "They are going to make arrangements for an MRI and ultrasound tomorrow. Then I will see the surgeon in Philly," he explained.
Evie's head popped up at the word surgeon. "In Philly?" she asked.
"Yeah, he is the best doctor," he answered, "Will you come with me?"
Evie leaned forward and pressed head forward to meet his forehead, "Of course."
"Surgery is not decided yet," he asserted, "but we will know more so we can make a decision."
"We?" she asked.
"We're a team, Evie," he said, "Anything this serious needs to be a team decision."
Evie smiled, "but you're the team captain."
"Co-captain," he corrected.
"Co-captain," she agreed.
The medical assistant came out of the door and said loudly, “Evie? Evie Montgomery?” Evie lifted her head from her book and walked to the door. She followed the medical assistant through the door. Once inside, the medical assistant, Melissa, spoke more freely. “We are through with Sid’s imaging and physical exam. I am going to take you to Dr. Myers’ office. Sid is already there and Dr. Myers will be in a few minutes,” Melissa instructed. Evie nodded and steadied her breathing. 
When the door opened, Sidney pushed himself up out of the chair with a grimace and stood. Evie went to him and he pulled her into a hug. “I’m okay. Don’t worry,” he said softly as she took her seat. He waited until she was seated before he returned to the seat. 
“I don’t understand why they made you do the MRI and ultrasound again,” she asked as Dr. Myers walked into his office. 
“My staff has been with me for years. They know exactly what I need to see in order to make the best diagnosis. I trust the images I get from them more than others. I am glad that we have them,” Dr. Myers answered Evie’s concern as he walked in the door. He stopped and held out his hand to Evie. “I’m Bill Myers,” he introduced himself, “I met Sid during the exam.” 
Evie gulped, “I’m Evie, Sidney’s fiancée. I didn’t mean to insult you.”
“No insult taken, Evie. I appreciate the question,” the surgeon said as he went to sit behind his desk. “So the new images give me some good news and some bad news,” he stated plainly. 
Sidney leaned forward, “Give me the bad news.” 
Dr. Myers turned on the computer monitor and tapped a few keys on the keyboard. “It looks like the tear is at minimum a grade four tear and most likely closer to a grade five tear. You need surgery to repair the tear. It will not heal without it.”
Evie matched Sidney’s posture, “What’s the good news?”
Dr. Myers looked directly at Evie, “I am the best at this type of surgery. I can make this repair and he can be back to playing hockey in less than two months.”
Evie spoke softly, “So surgery is unavoidable? It has to get done.” 
Dr. Myers answered, “Sid could rest it enough to play again through the discomfort. He has already shown remarkable ability to play through what must be intense pain. However, eventually it will tear even further and the surgery will be more complex.”
Evie squeezed Sidney’s hand. The trio stared at each other for a moment. Evie looked at Sidney who simply said, “If you have questions, you should ask them.” 
Evie blurted out, “Tell me everything.” 
Dr. Myers smiled, “Of course.” He then spent the next ten minutes explaining the injury to Evie. Then he explained the surgery step by step. He then explained the recovery process. 
Evie looked at Sidney nervously, “Ummmm, what are the risks?” Dr. Myers explained the minimal risks but ended with an ominous warning of potential death under anesthesia. 
Evie choked out, “I’m sorry. What?” 
“It’s small, but it is still a risk,” Dr. Myers explained. 
Evie felt her stomach drop and instantaneously felt light-headed. “Excuse me, excuse me,” she said as she raced to the trash can. The contents of her breakfast came forth in a most unglamorous fashion. Sidney ran to her and held her hair back. "I am sorry," she whispered, "I am so sorry." She sat then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "When? When would it be?" she asked.
"The first available time is Thursday," the surgeon explained.
Sidney looked back and forth between them, "When do you need a decision?"
Dr. Myers, "We will hold the operating room for you until tomorrow at noon."
"You'll have your answer by then," Sidney said to the surgeon. "Come on, Mon Etoile, let's go talk," he whispered.
He took her hand and guided out of the office. They stopped briefly at the restroom so she could rinse her mouth. Then they left the surgery center and got into the car that took them directly to the private jet waiting to take Sidney to meet the team in New York. Evie was silent on the drive and flight. 
It was only after they arrived at the hotel that Sidney pushed the issue. "We need to discuss it, Evie," he stated as he crawled onto the bed and patted the space next to him.
"I'm scared," she said quietly as she climbed next to him.
"Scared of what?" He asked as he took her hand.
"You could die," she whispered.
"Evie, I am not going to die," he answered emphatically.
"He said it was a possibility," she looked at her hands.
"They say that for any surgery," he laughed, "It doesn't mean it will happen."
"They do?" she said in surprise.
"Yes," he turned to her, "you've never had surgery?" She shook her head no. "You thought I might die?" He asked tenderly. She shook her head yes. "Oh Evie, no….." He pulled her into his chest, "It's like one in one hundred thousand." 
She looked up, "What do you want to do, Beso?" 
"I want to take a nap and go watch the game," he squeezed her tight, "Then I want to come back and make love to you."
"About the hernia, Beso," she said.
"We'll decide tonight, after I make you scream my name," he nipped at her neck.
Sidney pushed Evie against the wall of the hotel elevator. His thigh spread her legs as his hand slid under her shirt. They quickly separated when the doors opened. He walked directly behind and pressed against her as she used the key to open the door to his hotel room. “Beso,” she moaned as they entered the room, “Won’t they be pissed that I don’t have my own room. 
“I am not playing, Evie,” he pulled her to him and kissed her neck, “They don’t care.”
“Good,” she panted as they began to strip, “I believe that you have plans.”
He smirked as she won the striptease race and plopped down on the bed. He went to his knee and pulled her to the edge of the bed. “Beso!” she giggled as he began to shower her thighs with kisses. The giggles turned to moans as his mouth made contact with her pussy. Her legs went over his bare shoulders and she looked down to see the top of his head. When she began her breathless encouragement, he looked up at her and smiled. Sidney quickly had her soaring on the high of an orgasm. 
He stood and removed his boxers which was the only remaining item of clothing on his body. He crawled with her up the bed until their heads were near the headboard. He got on his side, right next to her and teased her with gentle caresses. He stole a glance below his waist with a slight frown. Evie sat up on her elbows and looked down as well. His cock was distinctly flaccid. She looked up at his face. “Beso?” she questioned. In the fourteen months they had been together, this level of activity had never failed to produce an erection. In fact, most times it was a look or delicate moan in his ear that produced the desired response. 
Evie’s hand went to it and she stroked slowly. Sidney moaned lightly but his cock remained soft. She looked up and asked shakily, “Are you not in the mood?” 
“I am. Give me just a second,” he responded with considerable effort to appear calm when internally he was freaking out. He put his hand around the shaft and gently moved hers out of the way. He stroked with more force with the same result. 
“What if I…. “ she said as she maneuvered herself lower. She licked tentatively before becoming more aggressive. Nothing produced the desired results. 
“Evie,” he said finally, “Evie, I don’t think it’s going to happen.” He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. “FUCK!” he groaned loudly. Evie sat up and crawled next to him. “They said that this might be an issue with the hernia.” 
She kissed his shoulder before she looked up at him, “It’s the hernia and not me?”
“Evie….” he said in disbelief, “It is absolutely not you. You usually have the opposite effect on me.”
“So….” she stated.
Sidney bent over and pulled his phone from his pocket. He dialed Chris Stewart, head of the Penguins medical staff. "Schedule the surgery," Sidney said without introduction, "first available time." He paused for Chris's response. "Let me know when you have logistics nailed down," he spoke tersely, "of course Evie will accompany me. I'll look for the text."
He put the phone down and rolled over on his side. She did the same. "Sorry about the lack of fucking tonight," he said with a smile.
"It's a good thing you had me seeing God right before that," she caressed his cheek, "Maybe we can try again tomorrow."
"I promise that it's not you," he whispered 
"I'll give you a pass," she whispered back, "this one time."
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The nurse left the VIP pre-op suite after inserting the IV drip into the back of Sidney's hand. He was taking particular care to have the medical professionals explain each step of the process to Evie to ease her anxiety. A few minutes later, the anesthesiologist came in to go over last minute details. Dr Myers followed soon after to check in with Sidney.
He turned to Evie. "The surgery should take approximately ninety minutes from the time we start. After I finish up, I'll come give you the update. You are welcome to stay in this suite during the surgery. Do you have any last minute questions?"
Evie blushed and began, "I watched a YouTube video of the surgery." 
"You did what?" Sidney coughed.
"I was nervous and couldn't sleep," she answered. She turned to Dr. Myers. "In the video, it mentioned being careful not to disturb the spermatic cord. Could that impact our ability to have children in the future?" 
Dr. Myers smiled, "Ahhh, I know that video. Yes, I will take great care not to disturb the cord." She breathed a sigh of relief. "Evie," he soothed, "I have done this over twenty thousand times. I haven't nicked the cord once."
Evie teared up, "You might have done it twenty thousand times. That doesn't matter to me. I only care about this time. I only care about Sidney."
The surgeon nodded solemnly, "I will take very good care of him. I will return him to you better than ever." Evie nodded back and he walked out of the room.
The nurse popped in to let them know that the anesthesiologist would be in a few minutes and they would take Sidney back a few minutes later. Sidney patted the bed. She sat down and faced him. Evie leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Don't you die on me, Sidney. Don't you die," she whispered as the tears fell from her eyes
He pushed her up so that he could wipe her tears,"I am going to be fine, Mon Etoile." He took her face in his hands and brought it closer to kiss her tears. "I am not going to die. I will not leave you. I know that you are scared, but I will not leave you," he spoke passionately. His voice lowered to barely above a whisper, "Baby Girl, listen to Daddy. I will NOT LEAVE YOU."
"Promise?" she whispered back.
"Promise," he kissed her firmly.
Evie looked around and whispered, "Okay Daddy, I'll stop freaking out." 
"Good girl," he smiled and caressed her cheek as they pressed their foreheads together.
The anesthesiologist walked in, "It's time for a little happy juice. Then we'll take him back a few minutes after that." He came and injected the sedative into Sidney's IV. "Go ahead and say bye for now," he said. 
Evie watched as the drug started to take effect. A goofy grin spread across his face. "Evie…. Evie- you are so beautiful. I love you so much," he professed. His words slurred "When I wake up, I am going to fuck you so hard...... Yep,gonna tie you up and edge you until you beg for mercy.... Daddy going to give it to his baby Girl"
The nurses and anesthesiologist laughed and Evie rolled her eyes "Yes,Beso....uh huh. Did you forget that there is no sex for three weeks after surgery?"
Sid's bottom lip jutted out, "Just wait until I can. You won't be able to walk the next day."
"Okay, Mr. Crosby-time to go" the nurse said as they started to move his bed out of the room. 
"See, Evie," he nodded his head in their direction, "They don't doubt my abilities. "
Evie walked alongside his bed as they wheeled him down the hall with his hand in her hand. She bent down and kissed his cheek, "You come back to me."
Sidney called back as they pushed him through the double door toward the operating suite, "Bye Evie!!!!"
She wiped her tears and walked back to the suite. She called Trina and Troy to keep them updated. She took about ten minutes to compose herself before pulling her book out to read.
In the hall, Evie heard voices, one with a distinct Russian accent. “No, we play with Sid,” the tall Russian protested when told that only the family could go back to the Pre-Op suite. 
The slightly smaller French Canadian added, “We’re practically family. Go ask Evie.” They followed a nurse to the suite. 
The nurse opened the door in a huff. "These two say they belong to you," she said in a frustrated tone, “I am not supposed to let them in.” 
Evie smiled, “Can you make an exception this time? I’ll keep them quiet.” The nurse looked them over, shook her head and left.
 Kris Letang poked his head in the door sheepishly while Geno entered with a grin. 
"Are we late?" Kris asked, "The drive was longer than I anticipated." He turned to Geno, "SOMEONE had to stop for snacks."
Geno shrugged and held up the bag of convenience store treats. In his other hand, he held a Starbucks cup which he held out to Evie.
"You drove from NYC?" she asked.
"Nooooo," Geno answered, "We take big car here. Tanger snored the entire way."
"I am sorry that you missed Sidney," Evie sighed and sat down, “They just took him back to the operating room. 
"We came for you, not Sid," Letang replied. 
Evie's head popped up in surprise, "Me?'
"Sid told us that you were nervous," Geno said quietly, "We didn't want you to wait alone so we came to sit with you." Evie looked back and forth between the two. A wave of gratitude washed over her. She got up and raced to give them each a hug. Geno squirmed awkwardly, "Don't make it weird, Evie."
Evie laughed, "What did you bring me to eat?"
Geno looked at her, "This all for me."
She shrugged and walked around to the comfiest chair, "This is all for me."
"Fine," he said and handed her the bag of Cheetos. She got up and let him sit in the chair. Kris just rolled his eyes.
There was a soft knock on the Pre-Op suite. Dr. Myers walked in as Evie, Kris and Geno looked up from their phones. In his hands, he held color photos of hernia and the repair to it. He looked at the two additions in confusion before he recognized their faces.
"Evie," he smiled, "I have been given very strict instructions to let you know that Sid is alive." Evie smiled in relief. "Surgery went well. The tear was a little worse than I anticipated, but we were able to get reattached," he explained. Evie took a deep breath and he interrupted her thought. "The sperminal cord is intact. I made sure not to touch it," he smiled.
"I am sorry, Dr. Myers," she frowned, "I don't mean to doubt your abilities. It's just that….. Sidney means the world to me."
"I can tell," he patted Evie's hand. "He'll be in recovery for another thirty minutes or so. They will bring him back here. That's if we can keep him away that long. He has been asking for you non-stop."
"Oh really?" Evie smiled.
"Tell Evie that I'm alive. I am coming back to her. She's worried. Go tell Evie I'm okay. Did you tell Evie yet?" The surgeon mimicked Sidney and laughed. "Now I can go give him the report that you have been told. I have never been more bossed around by a patient post-surgery in my entire career."
"Well, that's Sidney," she sighed while Geno laughed, "He can be quite insistent at times." After the surgeon left, Evie dialed Trina with the update. 
Evie heard Sidney before she saw him. "Are you taking me to Evie? I need to see Evie. She is worried about me," he rambled loudly. "Have you seen Evie? She is MY PRINCESS. I love her so much. She is going to be MY WIFE," he declared as they wheeled him back into his suite. He turned to where she stood, waiting for his return.
"Evie!! I came back. I said I would," he said cheerfully, obviously flying high on painkillers. He turned to the nurses, "This is Mon Etoile. She is so beautiful." They smiled, hoping to appease his need to brag about her, as they got him settled back on his bed. 
When they left, Evie rushed to his side. She sat on the side of his bed and leaned forward to press her forehead to his. She whispered a prayer to herself. "Evie, what are you saying?" he asked loudly. 
"I said a thank you prayer to God," she kissed his cheek, "You are safe and sound, just like you said that you would be." Sidney rewarded her with a big smile. "Look who came to see you," Evie nodded her head toward Kris and Geno.
Sidney smiled even bigger, "Hey Buddies!" He held out his hand for a high five. "Look Evie, it's my buddies. I love my buddies. They came to see me."
"We came to see Evie " Geno laughed, "You're bonus." Sidney smiled. Geno said more seriously, "How are you feeling, my friend?" 
"No pain now. Ask me later," Sidney answered. "Thanks for coming to stay with Evie. She was pretty nervous," 
"Apparently, if you bring her coffee and Cheetos, she's fine," Kris offered.
Evie blushed. Sidney pushed himself up. He put his hand on her face. "Hey you," he said softly, "I am pretty high right now, but are you okay? You aren't worried anymore? I came back. I'll always come back to you. Please don't worry anymore."
"I am good, Beso. I am relieved-that is all," she whispered, "I love you more than anything."
"I love you most," he whispered, "my WIFE. Well, soon…. How soon Evie?"
"Almost eight months," she smiled, "Only eight more months."
"I don't want to wait eight months. I want you to be my wife NOW," he declared dramatically, "I NEED you to be my wife NOW!" 
Kris and Geno looked on awkwardly. They waffled between from disbelief at Sidney's emotional vulnerability to suppressing the urge to mock him for it. They decided to let it be. 
"Shhhh, Beso," she shut him up with a kiss, "Time will fly by. You don't want to miss your bachelor party."
Kris and Geno perked up at the mention of the bachelor party. Sid stuck out his finger and wagged it at the two of them. "No strippers. I don't want to see naked women," he huffed, "No naked women for me. I promised Evie."
"You are no fun, Sid," Kris laughed, although the idea of no strippers didn't upset him. 
Geno, on the other hand, had other ideas. "I plan the bachelor party. We do it in Miami during All Star break," he said confidently. 
"What if we have to play?" Kris asked.
"Then we move to the end of season" Geno scoffed, "I am not getting picked and Sid is not getting picked. You should start tanking to avoid being picked. What do you think Sid?"
Sid grinned, looked back and forth between his friends, then gave them a thumbs up. Evie shook her head and stood up. "Okay, thank you for coming but Sidney should focus on resting now," she spoke firmly. They stood up quickly. Both gave Sidney a fist bump.
"Get some rest, Sid" Geno said, "We take care of the team until you come back." Geno then went back and gave him a hug.
After they left, Sidney patted the bed next to him. “Come here, Evie,” he said softly. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Come closer,” he urged as he pushed up and scooted to the right. His move gave her enough room to lay next to him on the bed. Her head slumped onto his shoulder as he grabbed her hand. “Hopefully, they let me out soon so that you can get some rest,” he pondered. 
Evie yawned, “I’m fine, Beso- totally fine.”
“Yeah, sure,” he laughed as her eyes fluttered shut. He listened to the sound of her breaths as she went from merely dozing to a full-on sleep. He followed suit soon after. 
They were awoken an hour later by the nurse coming with the discharge papers. An orderly wheeled Sidney outside to the waiting SUV. They were whisked away to their suite at the Ritz Carlton.
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They had a light dinner at the large dining room table. 
It took a while to get Sidney settled into bed to sleep. After much debate, Sidney refused to utilize the hospital bed that had been delivered by the team. Evie argued that it would be easier for him to get in and out of the hospital bed. He refused based on the fact he would not be able to sleep WITH her. Eventually Evie conceded defeat out of sheer exhaustion. They both faded off to sleep within minutes.
The sound of the television woke Evie up from her sleep. She looked over and Sidney was not in bed. "Beso," she called softly. Her eyes scanned the room with no sight of him. She got up and walked into the living room where Sidney sat stiffly on the couch. "Beso," she repeated, "What are you doing?"
He turned to her and she saw tears in his eyes. She scrambled to get to him and knelt at his side. "Are you in pain?" she asked. He nodded his head yes. She did the mental math. "Oh no, you're late on getting your pain meds. Why didn't you wake me up?" She went to the bathroom and found the pills. She placed them in his hand, "Here you go."
He took the pills and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mon Etoile," he whispered, "I tried to find it myself but I got tired. Then I couldn't get back into bed…." Tears flowed from his eyes. "I didn't realize it would be this bad," he whined, "I didn't know it would be this much pain."
"Beso, it will be okay," Evie got up and wiped his tears, "It's going to be okay." 
"It's not okay," he continued, “Now you are awake and have to take care of me- like I’m a fucking invalid.”
“Stop it,” she said firmly, which made him look up. “Which is worse- this pain or the pain of the hernia?”
“The hernia pain was sharper,” he admitted.
“That’s right,” she added, “We made a mistake and did not keep you medicated the way you needed to be. We both know better now. When did you wake up?” He told her time. “So we need to take the medicine every four hours. I will set a timer for it. Do you want to wait here until the pill kicks in?”
“You shouldn’t have to take care of me like a baby,” he faltered. 
“Hey, look at me,” she interjected, “Remember those vows? In sickness and in health. Sidney- this is it. This is what that means. Don’t tell me for a second that you wouldn’t do the same for me if I was in pain. You take care of me and I take care of you.”
“In sickness and in health,” he looked at her and smiled.
“In sickness and in health,” she smiled back, “Now let’s get you up and into bed. When that pill kicks in, you are going to get sleepy and I can’t carry you to bed.” He nodded and complied. “Okay, hold my hand and let’s stand up.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the couch. “Do you need to pee while we’re up?” she questioned. 
“No, Mom,” he joked as they walked slowly. They worked together to get him back into bed and comfortably positioned. She got back into bed on the other side. “Can you move closer?” he asked, “So I can touch you while I sleep?” 
Evie smiled and scooted across the large bed until she was within his touch. She adjusted the pillows and then gingerly placed a pillow over his bandaged incision. “There, now I don’t have to worry about accidentally hitting it,” she assured before she moved closer to rest her head on his elevated chest. He responded with a contented sigh. “How is the pain?” she asked. 
“Getting better,” he responded. 
“Let’s talk about happy things to distract us,” she suggested, “What are you looking forward to doing soon? I’ll go first.” He began to gently caress her arm as she spoke. “I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. You’re going to invite the team over, right? I can’t wait to cook up a storm and spend the day hanging out watching football and eating. Now your turn.”
“I am looking forward to the wedding,” he divulged, “I can’t wait to see you in your princess dress, walking down the aisle in your tiara, then holding my hands as we say our vows. Everyone will be watching us. It’s gonna be the best day of my life.”
“The best day of your life?” she questioned, “Better than winning the cups or the Gold Medal? I can’t believe that.”
“Evie, every year twenty three players win the Stanley cup. Every four years twenty three players win a gold medal in ice hockey,” Sidney explained, “but there is only one man who gets to marry you. Only one man gets to spend his life loving you and being loved by you. That’s me- so damn straight, our wedding day will be the best day of my life, at least until we have children.” He bent his head to kiss her forehead.
“Beso, you’ll make me cry,” she gushed. “That’s eight months away,” she added before she questioned, “What are you looking forward to sooner than that?”
“Hmmmm, it’s after midnight, right?” he pondered, “That means in two weeks and six days I can make love to you again. We can test out if all the equipment is still operational.”
“I am glad that you have your priorities straight,” she laughed, “At least I beat out getting on the ice.” 
“Hey, I said wedding first,” he countered. Then he stared into Evie’s eyes when a light bulb went off in his head. “Hand me my phone,” he asked excitedly, “I have an idea.” She gingerly leaned over his chest and grabbed his phone. She watched as he pulled up the calendar. She saw him counting days and looked up with a big grin. 
“Do you know when my three weeks of celibacy is up?” he questioned.
“Our three weeks of celibacy you mean?” she teased, “Ummm, no- let me think.”
“It’s two days before the engagement party,” he smiled. “I have an idea, Evie. It’s crazy but I think it will work.” Evie eyed him suspiciously, convinced that he had some sort of elaborate idea for the playroom. He, instead, pitched his idea excitedly. She frowned at first as she listened, unsure of what he proposed. Then the vision became clearer and she smiled. The idea was shocking at first, but brilliant she admitted to herself. “What do you think?” he asked. 
“I think that it’s crazy, but I think we should do it,” she beamed.
“Really,” he asked, thrilled that she was even considering it. 
“Yes, let’s make your masterplan a reality,” cheered, “Let’s do it!”
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