#isiah bradley
bucky-boychik-barnes · 2 months
Marvel bringing back Isiah Bradley just to make him a victim again is extremely gross.
They're just fucking up Sam's run as Cap every step of the way.
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alister312 · 1 year
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Get ready for a March Madness Tournament for all the kid characters who exist only in the background, or only once, or just not nearly enough times in South Park. Each poll will last a day, with multiple polls going every day (at least for the start). I tried my best to pick truly minor characters but if you think one isn't minor enough or are sad I forgot one... sorry I don't feel like rearranging the entire tournament at this point 😅
Each character has been sorted into seeds 1-16 based on how prevalent I think they still are in people's memories and then paired up just like regular March Madness (i.e. 1 vs 16, 2 vs 15, etc) so apologies if some early match ups seem unfair. It'll hopefully make any upsets that much more exciting!
And now... the bracket!
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See the match ups and follow the rounds below the cut.
Damien Thorn vs Katie Gelson
Annie Knitts vs Sally Darson
Bradley ("Cartman Sucks") vs Baahir Hassen Abdul Hakeem
Mark Cotswolds vs Thad Jarvis
Nelly vs Flora Larsen
Jason White vs Josh Myers
Lizzy vs Cartman's kids (Post Covid)
Charlotte vs Lexus
Gregory of Yardale vs Isiah Jordan
Gary Harrison vs Esther
Rebecca Cotswolds vs Alejandro White
Hebert Pocket vs Marcus Preston
Sophie Gray vs Heather Williams
Terrance Mephesto vs Corey Lanskin
Blanket vs Kyle's kids (Post Covid)
Mercedes vs New Kid/Douchebag
Tricia Tucker vs Davey Solokov
Christophe/Ze Mole vs Lisa Berger
Estella Havisham vs Yao
Kevin Stoley vs Bridon Gueermo
DogPoo Petsuski vs Larry Feegan
Lola vs Tammy Warner
Filmore Anderson vs Chris Donnely
Bill Allen vs Porsche
Leslie Meyers vs Kip Drordy
Thomas vs Brimmy
Trent Boyett vs Francis
Millie Larsen vs Gavin Throttle
David Rodriguez vs Tammy Nelson
Powder/Sally Turner vs Douglas
Kelly ("Rainforest Shmainforest") vs Jenny Simons
Fosse McDonald vs Ferrari
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guiltburdened · 10 months
bucky barnes, the man who gets his ass kicked off screen by other people more than anyone else in MCU.
isiah bradley apparently "whooped his ass" in korea, off screen.
show me the money on that, MCU. let them fight. on camera.
flashbacks, please.
nebula apparently beat up bucky somehow off screen, to steal bucky's arm. like the avengers wouldn't wouldn't whoop the GOTG's ass, and start a fight over trying to steal a prosthetic from bucky.
james gunn, please get the fuck out of here, and go ruin DC comics, and leave our heroes and stories alone.
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bucky-h0e · 3 months
A/N: Welcome to literally the only Universe where Alpine has a happy childhood (I am so sorry). This is going to be the most canon-divergent universe and I am so excited for Bucky and Alpine to have their happy bio family. I may also eventually turn this into a reader insert but that is a future project (not like I have six on the go at the same time).
Warnings: Bucky Barnes having one night stands, Bucky Barnes will never be doing that again, Bucky Barnes gets a girl pregnant, major canon divergence, Bucky Barnes gets his happy ending
Bucky Barnes: ex-Winter Soldier, Now DILF | Masterlist
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Bucky Finds Out He's Going To Be A Dad
At last the world was safe
Steve Rogers had retired the shield, instead taking to training Sam to take up the title as Captain America
of course Sam still had his grievances when it came to this change, but after what had happened with the flag smashers and Isiah Bradley, he figured if anyone was to take up the shield, maybe it should have been him
Steve and Bucky could not have agreed more
Steve had began taking art classes in his spare time, but worked with Sam as a volunteer talking to Veterans and helping them adapt to civilian life whilst under going his own journey
he went to therapy with Bucky (Bucky was not happy about doing double sessions since the courts made him do a separate session to ensure he was stable)
he was even considering getting back into the dating world
after all, Peggy had lived her life, it was time for him to do the same
Tony had also retired after the war with Thanos. His brief rush with death made him rethink the life of a super hero - he's consult occasionally but for the majority, he was a retired stay at home father
Pepper was still running the company after all
he enjoyed finally being able to rest, supporting Morgan and Peter with all their endeavours
and being able to plan fabulous baby themed parties throughout Pepper's second pregnancy
he and Bucky, whilst not on regular speaking terms, had sat down and engaged in a civil conversation in which Bucky was finally able to apologise fully
their relationship is strained, but they can be civil with one another when needed to be
Tony some what trusts Bucky to look out for Peter on missions
but he knows that he and Sam are Peter's main annoyances
Steve had managed to bring Natasha back from the dead, unable to explain just how, nobody questioned it, just happy to have her back in their lives
she had taken a well deserved holiday after everything she had done and sacrificed
seriously, she was gone for months, no body knew where she had gone
Thor and Bruce had wondered if she'd accidentally ended up on Sakar and couldn't decide who they felt more sorry for, Natasha or the Grandmaster
speaking of Thor
this man had the biggest heart attack of his life
Loki had once again faked his death, having to spend the war in hiding from Thanos after a promise of death for his betrayal
Thor was rightfully pissed, refusing to speak to his brother for months
the avengers got the chance to actually see Loki grovel for forgiveness from his brother
only for this man to grin and accept money from Clint since he bet that Loki would come begging for forgiveness and Clint figured he'd die before he saw the day that happened
Loki got the last laugh however when he introduced Thor to the young boy he'd basically adopted whilst in hiding
Wanda, who had briefly slipped into the darkness, used her powers to search the multiverse (something she'd neglected to tell the other avengers until it was almost too late) for Vision and had found him in a universe which had been dying
when she'd brought him into their universe, her and Doctor Strange had it out, it nearly tore the team apart once again and nearly brought Tony and Steve out of retirement
but after many days of studying various spell books and looking into many futures - they were able to settle on a course of actions which meant the new Vision could stay in their universe without it tearing itself into pieces
how nice
now Bucky
he had gone to therapy, made his amends, listened to Sam and Steve's advice, made friends with other grumpy old men
he finally felt content
and with Steve in his life, he slowly began to found pieces of his old self mixed in with the newly found version of himself
he loved it
one night, he Sam and Steve had decided to attempt a guys night out
Bucky and Steve, for obvious reasons, couldn't get drunk
but Sam could and he was loving the fact that he always had two designated drivers at his beck and call
so Sam goes pretty heavy at the bar, drinking like its his last night
everyone is enjoying seeing Captain America pissed out of his mind
Steve Rogers literally could never
so seeing this version of Captain America reminded them of his humanity
it also gave Steve an actually heart attack
"Sam get off the bar!"
Bucky is loving it, filming it on his new phone
he'd bribe Sam with that later
He's just about to head back to the booth they'd situated themselves in when he notices a young woman had made herself at home there
despite their coats being there
"Sorry miss, that's our table."
"Oh yeah? What are you gunna do about it?"
theres a flirty undertone there and Bucky picks up on it
and he likes it
"I'm sure you'll enjoy it, whatever it is."
"Shall we find out?"
Honestly this man will never get over just how confident and outgoing modern women were
not that he was complaining
he spends the night talking to her, flirting back and forth
they're leaning in close together as they share stories
she talks about how she moved from South Korea at a young age, he gives her stories of his own childhood in return
before he knows it, he's walking her back to her place and their leaning against her door before she invites him in
"Look, I should just tell you now. I'm not looking for an old timey romance here..."
Bucky was fine with that
he wasn't ready for a relationship definitely not, but they had made a small connection
and she was an attractive young woman
and bucky barnes is a simple, simple man
"Neither am I."
the next morning, after a night that Bucky will not forget anytime soon, he slips out of her apartment, hearing a muffled 'bye' by the woman he leaves behind
when he gets home, he's disappointed to see a hung over Sam led on his couch with his head essentially in a bucket
not as disappointed at Steve who sits in his arm chair, glaring at his old friend
"And where have you been James?"
"You left without even saying goodbye."
"Do you know how worried I was?"
Sam looks up and all it takes is once look at the disgruntled Bucky who just wanted to get in bed after a long night
starts grinning like the idiot he is
"Bucky got some."
"James Buchanan Barnes you sly dog you."
"That's my boy!"
he definitely gets teased by these two but lets be honest, Sam is teasing Steve about the fact Bucky wasn't even looking for anyone and managed to get laid and Steve is there tryna get in the game
Steve reminded him it's because he had to do damage control after the new Captain America tried twerking his ass to Taylor Swift
they spend the day together, just three friends watching random shit on TV and enjoying themselves
apart from Sam who was so heavily hungover he genuinely thought he was going to die
Since that night, Bucky hadn't really thought much of it
he didn't need to go out and get with some girl every night, it was just nice to know that he actually still had game
he'd thought of the woman maybe once, but other than that wasn't too fussed if she never wanted to see him again
he's survive
but imagine his shock when he gets a knock on his door nearly two months later and opens it to reveal her stood, annoyed as all hell at the trouble she just had to go through to find this man
"Jesus! I know you're an avenger and everything but do you have to be so difficult to find? Had to force it out of Wilson, who by the way is an ass."
as if on queue, a message from Sam comes through on his phone reading 'you're welcome ;)'
"Uh.... hey? Come on in, how can I help?"
"Glad you asked."
she's so annoyed and Bucky is so confused as she shows him the three positive pregnancy tests in her pocket
e x c u s e m e w h a t
he doesn't blink
just stares
she has to click her fingers in his face to snap him out of this little daze
he doesn't know what to do
should he apologise?
should he propose?
no proposing would not be the best way
after all it wasn't to 40s anymore
oh god
his mother is rolling in her grave
"I.... Uh...."
when i say he's panicking
he's panicking
but he's so calm on the outside
she thinks he's actually a robot malfunctioning until
"I left my stove on."
Man is trying to walk out of his own apartment
she stops him, sits him down and gets the poor man a glass of water
"Are you sure you aren't the one that's pregnant?"
Bucky nearly faints at the thought
"Woah okay there soldier,"
she's sat on the arm of his chair, rubbing his back as he comes to grips with the situation
"I am... so sorry. I don't.. we used protection. You said you were on birth control."
he may have been confused on the idea of birth control seeing as the pill hadn't become mainstream until the 60s
but that name implied it's purpose, it was one of the few things that made bucky think
ah, the wonders of modern medicine
"Yeah well, they're only like 99% effective and sometimes the pill can be even less than that depending on which on you take"
the wonders
of modern medicine
"besides, you're a super soldier. no doubt your swimmers are uh super as well,"
bucky could die right there
of course this would be the way he finds out the serum effective everything about his body and DNA
"Well this is what i get for being happy."
this dramatic ass man
he just hadn't considered that fact that this part of his body would have been effected in such a way
"look, i've got an appointment today, I wanted to tell you before hand but like I said, you were hard to find. You wanna come to the appointment and we can talk about this?"
all bucky can do is nod
he stands and follows her out the door, the walk to the appointment is long and quiet
she's occasionally patting his back in comfort
it's not like shes heartless
the man literally just fought in a war and was still in recovery, despite being a lot better than he had been
when they got the the doctors, they sat together in the waiting room and Bucky looked terrified as he read all the flyers and posters
literally this morning all he wanted to do was laze on his couch
he had no where to be
he'd done his training for the day
Sam and Steve were doing special Captain America training
and now here he was sat around a doctors office surrounded by pregnant lady with the stranger he'd knocked up weeks ago
to say he wanted to vomit was an understatement
when her name was called, they both stood and walked into the room
Bucky had done the decent thing and left the room briefly when she got changed for the examination but was back inside and sat at her side soon enough
she was trying to make small talk and bucky was honestly trying to answer but Jesus Christ he was nervous
he tries smiling at her as she makes small jokes but he can't help the nagging feeling in his stomach
he doesn't even know what it's trying to tell him
and it's not until the doctor smiles and tells the two that she's found their baby
"There we are! I'd say by the looks of it, you're around 7 weeks."
holy shit
it was tiny but it was there
they had to lean in closer to see the baby, but when they did they couldn't both help but laugh at the size of it
it was so so small and it barely looked human
but it was there
Bucky had the biggest smile on his face watching the screen
"You're both looking pretty healthy, I'm happy with that. Have you been told your options in regards to carrying out the pregnancy or deciding not too?"
his heart dropped at the thought but he tried not to think about it
obviously they needed to discuss this
"Actually, would we be able to have a minute?"
the doctor nods and leaves and bucky takes a deep breath
looks like they were going to talk about this now
he tears his eyes from the screen, frozen on the little sack of cells
he looks at her and gives her what she could only describe as kicked puppy smile
"What do you want to do?"
he asks her the question first, not wanting to get any hopes up
wanting to get straight to the point
she sighs and gives him a serious look
"I don't..."
Bucky's heart is breaking
"I don't want a kid. I can't look after a kid, I have zero maternal instincts."
Bucky nods at her words, eyes glancing at the screen
maybe he could get the doctor to print it out
"but... i can see you want this."
he looks back at her and shakes his head at her firmly
"Don't do it just because of me. It's your body, your choice. I won't hold it against you."
she stares at him for a little while
she didn't want to be a mother
she wasn't ready to have a child to support just yet - to be honest she was sure she'd never be ready
kids just weren't in her plan
that being said, she always had wondered what pregnancy would be like
and she knew she'd never get herself in a situation like this again
she didn't know if Bucky would get this chance again
and if you were gunna have a kid with anyone and let them raise it
might as well be an avenger
"To be honest, I wouldn't mind it. I think, if even if you didn't want it I'd still try carry to term and out it up for adoption. So, if you want the kid, then let's do it. But I was serious, I don't want a romance, and I'm not ready to be a mother."
Bucky is nodding his head quickly
"That's fine. I'll raise the kid, won't ask for child support or anything. You won't have to worry about anything, you can have as clean of a break as you want."
she nods, they'd work out the finer details later down the line but for now, they smile at each other and look at their kid on the screen
"It's so damn ugly."
"Yeah, you definitely are not ready to be a mother."
they laugh together and the doctor comes back in, nodding at their plan and prescribing the necessary prenatal treatments and organising their next appointment which Bucky was adamant he be available for
Bucky didn't forget to ask about the pictures, asking his baby mama for permission of course
When they get back to his apartment, he's pinning it on his fridge and she's shaking her head at him being a total dad
that night, in his excitement and her amusement, they settle those finer details
Bucky would take full custody of the kid and she would sign away her rights
she'd still be able to visit, Bucky made sure to tell her that, and if in the future she decided she wanted back in their kids life and it was something the kid also wanted she'd be able to
he also asks for a medical history, just in case something came up and he needed a full breakdown of anything that could cause the baby harm in their future
She meanwhile agrees to it all, happy with her own decisions and the fact that Bucky is so understanding in them
she only asks for help with the hospital bills and anything that relates to baby care and Bucky agrees
he'd figure something else, but helping her pay the bills was the absolute least he could do, especially since she was going to be bringing a piece of him into the world
something he'd thought would never happen in a million years
they'd exchanged numbers and decided to do weekly check ins, since Bucky had asked to be apart of the pregnancy journey with her, wanting to offer as much support as he could
she had also asked for him to record the reactions of the other avengers when he told them
he hadn't even thought about that part of the journey
too hooked up on the fact that he was going to be a dad
that someone in this world was finally going to be blood related to him once again
he couldn't be more nervous
or more excited
now he just had to tell Sam and Steve
how he was going to do that he didn't know
he still didn't know three days later, howe to slip it into a conversation when they went round Steve's for a more calmed down version of guys night
they're sat around the TV, watching some random crap that Sam had put on as apart of his 'educating the oldies' project he had going on
now there could have been another way to tell them
maybe if Bucky had used half of a braincell he would've thought of another way
instead, this man waits and wait and wait and waits
until in the middle of a dramatic scene in the movie
when Sam is mid beer sip
and Steve is mid popcorn crunch
to spit out
"Oh i'm going to be a dad by the way"
the men are choking as soon as the words leave bucky's mouth and they're looking at him like he's crazy
he is
he's whipped out the baby scan that he'd cut off the strip and kept in his wallet
proudly and nervously showing his friends
Sam is shook
Steve is malfunctioning
"How... when.... who?"
"Was it the girl at the bar?"
"James Barnes did you not wear protection?!"
"C'mon man, wrap it before you tap it."
Bucky is shaking his head and handing Steve the picture
"We used it and she said she was on the pill. Best guess we have is that it failed."
"Well i'll be."
Steve claps him on the shoulder, smiling at his old friend
"Congratualations Pal."
Bucky grins and nods
"She said she's not ready to take care of it, so I'm getting full custody when the time comes. But the kid's gunna need it's two stupid ass uncles,"
he pauses for dramatic effect
as if this moment wasn't dramatic enough
"and a god father,"
Sam jumps up, movie completely forgotten about as he salutes to
"You can't call shotgun on being a god parent."
"Yes i can, I just did."
"You gotta work for it,"
"Oh i'm gunna -"
Bucky shakes his head because he already knows the kid is gunna have Sam, Steve and Nat as god parents (the latter was the one he was absolutely dreading telling)
he's looking at the picture of his baby whilst Sam and Steve about who will be god parent and can honestly say that for the first time in a while, he was excited about this new chapter in his life
it was definitely going to be a wild ride
but it would be so so worth it just to have his own flesh and blood in his arms once again
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
I really like how The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is, arguably, the story of five Captain Americas.
There's the shadow of Steve Rogers that hangs over everything and everyone. His legacy, the good and the bad.
There's Isiah Bradley, who was a good man experimented on against his will. Who was screwed over horribly because he was a black man with power. Being Captain America, even being in the shadow of Captain America, exposed him to the worst that America has to offer.
There's John Walker, who represents how power corrupts and putting someone unsuited for power in the position of having it harms everyone. Especially the person who had that power thrust upon him. He made bad decisions, yes. But I don't doubt his heart was in the right place. And the people responsible for putting him in a position he was unsuited for buck responsibility for that decision. In a way, he represents Steve's worst impulses. The part of Steve that Steve himself ignored. The part of the Captain America legacy that has to win every fight and can do this all day.
There's Bucky Barnes who cannot become Captain America himself because he cannot trust himself with more power than he already has. He is a good man and would be right for the job. But he has yet to learn how to trust himself. He might get there one day, but that day is not today.
And finally there is Sam Wilson, who has lived with the reality of abuses of power his entire life. He knows how bad things can get when power is misused and what Captain America has been used to represent even though it was never what Steve represented and it wasn't what Sam wants to represent. He has to learn to redefine what Captain America means to him and what it will mean to everyone else when he bears the shield and the title.
Sam has to find his own way of doing things. And because he does, he steps out from Steve Rogers' shadow.
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stevebuckytimeline · 4 months
hello! you may have already answered this, but i just now found the steve and bucky timeline you have made (you've done a wonderful job and its very helpful. if only someone would do that with the entire mcu :/). Anyways, after bucky fell off the train and was captured by hydra, do we know if he was kept on ice until the brainwashing began or if he was just kept imprisoned? I had always assumed that the brainwashing began immediately after he was found post train fall?
Thank you so much! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply! I've been working on that part of the timeline (it is so confusing), but hopefully, I've managed to explain the order of events. Please check out the updated page! In short, Bucky fell from the train on February 1, 1945. He was then found by Soviet soldiers who were sympathetic to Hydra and taken captive not long after that. It is unclear what they did with Bucky until he met Zola again. They probably put him on ice. We know from Agent Carter and other references that Zola didn't get out of prison until August 13, 1949. He wasn't picking Bucky up right away, either. First, he got an official pardon and integrated himself into SHIELD. In August 1950, he finally traveled to the Soviet facility where Bucky was held. Zola operated on Bucky sometime between August 1950 and 1951. You can see Bucky's stump on the operation table; the wound looks relatively fresh, which would fit the theory that he had been cryogenically frozen since his fall. In the CATWS flashback, Zola still calls Bucky "Sergeant Barnes." Bucky also tries to fight back, which tells us that his mind and spirit are not fully broken yet, even after the operation. Zola had learned mind control in prison from one Dr. Johann Fennhoff, whom he met there in May 1946. Fenhoff had previously established the so-called Faustus method which includes the victim being asked if they are ready to comply, to which they respond with "happy to comply." It is possible that some of the Soviets he worked with knew about the method or had independently tried to brainwash Bucky before 1950 because his trigger words are in Russian, but I wouldn't count on it. Between August 1950 and June 1951, at the latest, Bucky gets brainwashed by Zola into becoming the Winter Soldier. We know this because TFATWS references a fight with Isiah Bradley in South Korea during the Korean War where Bucky already had the metal arm. The US Army sends Isiah over there specifically to deal with the Winter Soldier for killing their men. Considering that, June could already be a bit late for our brainwashing timeframe. Bucky keeps getting frozen and brainwashed over the years, first by Zola and the Soviets / the Red Room (Leviathan, which was led by Fennhoff before he was apprehended, was a Red Room predecessor) and then later exclusively by Hydra and their Americans.
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feathered-mushrooms · 2 years
Avengers sexuality/gender head cannons
Core 6: Tony Stark - He/him He puts the bi in billionaire  Steve Rogers - He/him bisexual from the ‘40s Thor Odinson - non binary, all pronouns but prefers they and he, also unlabeled queer Bruce Banner - He/they, gay Clint Barton - he/him, disastrous bisexual Natasha Romanoff - she/her, doesn’t mind they, and a big lesbian, on the ace spectrum 
Extended Avengers:  Sam Wilson - he/him, gay Bucky Barnes - he/they, bisexual  Rhodey Rhodes - he/him, gay Vision - they/he, agender, panromantic, ace Wanda Maximoff - she/they, girlflux, neptunic lesbian  Pietro Maximoff - he/they, Demi boy, uranic gay  T’challa - he/him, Omni, women preference  Shuri - they/them, non binary lesbian  Okoye - she/they, lesbian Peter Parker - he/they, trans ftm, bisexual  Shang Chi - he/him, gay Katy - she/they lesbian  Xiangling - they/she, lesbian Stephen Strange - he/they, gender confusion, pansexual  Scoot Lang - he/they, pan  Jennifer Walters - they/she, Omni women preference  Loki Friggachild - they/he/she gender fluid, bisexual  Carol Danvers - she/her, lesbian  Valkyrie - they/she, Demi girl, bisexual 
Non Avengers: Nick Fury - he/him, ace aro Maria Hill - she/her, lesbian Monica Rambeau - she/they, lesbian Darcy Lewis - they/she, non binary, bisexual Jimmy Woo - he/they, gay
New(er) avengers: Kate Bishop - she/her, bisexual  America Chavez - she/they, lesbian can’t fight canon  Yelena Belonva - they/she, aro ace can’t fight cannon Billy - he/they, gay can’t fight cannon  Tommy - he/they, bi, can’t fight cannon  Isiah Bradley - he/him, bi Cassie Lang - she/her, omni female preference 
Guardians of the Galaxy: Peter Quill - he/they, giant bisexual  Gamora - she/they, girlflux, omni female preference  Drax - he/him, bi Rocket - I’m not doing him because he’s a raccoon.  Groot - see Rocket, but this time he’s a tree Mantis - they/she, non binary, lesbian Nebula - they/them, non binary, lesbian 
In conclusion no one is straight <3 tell me if i missed anyone
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MCU Young Avengers Team
So from the original run, we have Nate, Eli, Teddy, Billy, Kate, Cassie, Jonas and Tommy.
Nate- I mean, we have Kang the Conqueror and the Multiverse. Nate could theoretically show up but I feel like Nate isn't really needed anymore because they have so many other ways they could bring the team together. So I feel like Nate's out.
Jonas- personally, I hope we don't get Jonas. Never liked him, the relationship with Cassie was weird. I know Jonas was made from the former Vision and technically the MCU did have the body of the former Vision I really don't think they'll go this route. Cuz weird.
Cassie- yes most definitely especially when the MCU did the time jump and with her getting top billing in Ant Man 3.
Kate- I'm gonna say yeah even though they've made her older than other teenagers on the team. I'd say they're putting her in because why else would they introduce her (I know Kate is more than young avengers now but that was her start) but her age makes me slightly wary especially since they've been introducing other teen characters into the MCU.
Eli- I mean I'd love but he has been in comic Siberia since the first run and I know someone else in the Marvel Animated Movies has the name of Patriot so idk if he was just a FaWS easter egg for fans since they gave tribute to Isiah Bradley
Billy- we saw him as baby in Wandavision but ive assumed from the beginning that we would somehow still get a teen Billy and with Joe Lockes casting in Agatha Coven of Chaos, it's looking more likely which leads to...
Tommy- also saw him as baby in Wandavision so I can only hope he will also get the potential teenager treatment especially since he HAS been showing up more and more in comics again even if it's just as Davids boyfriend (heeeee)
Teddy- we've seen Skrull and Kree so the basis for his character is in the MCU but with the genderbent of Mar Vel, don't quite know how they'll swing it. Hoping beyond hope he shows up in Secret Invasion because Teddy is a great character in his own right but I mean Teddy/Billy always.
Now the new characters in the second run
America- she's in the MCU in a big way by being introduced with Doctor Strange and becoming a student of the mystic arts. Plus, as we all know, Billy is entirely responsible for her way of life (unless they've changed it) so she will definitely be on the team
Kid Loki- I'm wondering if this is another Easter egg of him showing up in Loki and, honestly, if he's not on the team, I think it will still be fine since he was mainly an antagonist that drove the plot of the second run.
Noh-Varr- again, Kree have been introduced and he could also potentially show up in Secret Invasion but I'm not holding my breath
David- idk if we will see David anytime soon since he's synonymous with XMen but I hope so cuz he's cool. And also you know. Think fast.
And then we have new kids. The MCU is introducing other teen characters that had nothing to do with the Young Avengers. This includes:
The teenager Peter Parker who I feel is going to be the driving force of bringing the YA team together
Kamala- she's currently a very popular teen character in the comics (as she should be) and will be showing up in the captain marvel sequel. I can't see her not becoming a YA team member.
Riri- she is getting her intro into the MCU with BP2 and then also her own show. She could be the replacement for Iron Lad which you know much improvement.
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lawlessfm · 2 years
mwm by members?
i would simply pass out on the floor right in front of you if i got a karl urban or daniel kaluuya application.     i would love to see     chiwetel ejiofor,    shah rukh khan,   bill skarsgard,     metin  akdügler,   laurence fishburne,     rahul  kohli,   ricky whittle,    glen  powell,   shemar moore,    miles teller,   dwayne johnson,     jung  wooseok,   mahershala ali,    lewis pullman,   jesse williams,    keith powers,    michael b jordan,    harvey guillen,     logan lerman,     isiah mustafa,     yahya abdul mateen,    viggo mortensen,     rami malek,    andrew garfield,    andrew koji,    ilhan şen,    jake gyllanhaal,    alexander skarsgard,    hyun bin,    sen mitsuji,    kento yamazaki,     simu liu,    remy hii,    lewis tan,    danny pino,    charles melton,    aldis hodge,    kayvan novak,    john david washington,    colin farrell,    michael pena,    paul rudd,   edward norton,    terrence howard,    sterling k brown,    daniel henney,    nattawin wattanagitiphat,    mark consuelos,    chris pine,    goran visnjic,    david castañeda,    fukushi sota,   jesse lee soffer,   takeru satoh,    hayden christensen,    gerardo taracena,   benjamin  wadsworth,    clayton cardenas,   tommy flanagan,    garrett hedlund,    edgar ramirez,    max thieriot,    boyd holbrook,    lorenzo james henrie,    phakphum romsaithong,    justin hartley,    idris elba,    pablo schreiber,     zane holtz,    robert pattinson,    angus cloud,    ji jin hee,   luke grimes,    kevin costner,    benicio del toro,    ryan gosling,    kang tae oh,   dylan o’brien,    mads mikkelsen,    chace crawford,   regé jean page,    javier bardem,    jimmy smits,     brian tee,    timothy olyphant,    frank dillane,    bradley cooper,    harry styles,    ethan hawke,     kasamatsu sho,     eric bane,    raymond ablack,   matthias schoenaerts,   miles teller,    alexander draymon,    jeremy allen white,    michael trevino,    peter gadiot,    barry keoghan,    antony starr,    aron piper,    david tennant,    theo james,    fujioka dean,    chris evans,    taylor kitsch,    wagner moura,    arnas fedaravičius,    hiroshi tamaki,    leo suter,    ludi lin,    lee soo hyuk,    nikolaj coster waldu,    tom holland,    denzel washington,    finn wittrock,    manny jacinto,    dylan minnette,    daniel craig,    dacre montgomery,    steven yeun,    ben hardy,     gong yoo,    charles michael davis,    lee dong wook,    michael malarkey,     kwak dong yeun,    jacob elordi,    gil birmingham,    tom wlaschiha,    cillian murphy,    alperen duymaz,    joe cole,    nathan parsons,    finn cole,     sean bean,    martin sensmeier,    blair redford,    diego luna,    pedro pascal,    oliver jackson cohen,    avan jogia,    and austin butler. 
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Movies, especially large tentpole films, otherwise known as "block busters" have failed to include and accurately represent and depict and give voices to people of color. It's still a struggling aspect in the ever changing Hollywood landscape, however one mega franchise has tried and mostly succeeded at giving representation to their audiences. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most racially diverse franchises that want to succeed in representing their characters of color as accurately and authentically as possible to give their fans a feeling of feeling represented that isn't through one of the many white characters.Audiences are always filled with people who both value, respect and accept diversity in stories, characters and social topics and those who are vehemently opposed to them. For the first 17 films of the MCU, each movie was led by a white male or a group of mainly male characters. Characters of color, mainly black characters were often supporting roles, sidekicks even. Nick Fury ,despite the one who has the most appearances in the MCU, isn't a figure that's looked at when talking about representation of race. It wasn't until the late Chadwick Boseman's portrayal of King T'Challa the Black Panther, that Marvel actually made a person of color's race an important part of their character. He hails from an Afro Futuristic country of Wakanda, has technology far advanced than the present day.
A unique view point is brought up in the Black Panther movie, T'Challa isn't exactly for opening the wealth of their resources to the rest of the world. While the antagonist Killmonger, his cousin, wants to use their resources to end the oppression of black people across the world, through any means necessary, no matter the cost. A Marvel film, about super heroes, puts a unique perspective of race and the commentary of inequality and gentrification. It's the first time a superhero movie put an issue of race at its center. While it isn't the first Marvel or Super hero film to have a person of color lead the film, look at Wesley Snipes turn as Blade, it was the first to truly make the character's DNA, their identity, about being black. Audiences felt connected and the film is celebrated by communities for telling a story about racial issues in a marvel movie through character's they feel represented by. It's why Chadwick Boseman's loss was incredibly tragic for many black fans (Kirsh). His work as the character made them and their issues feel seen and represented.
The creation of Wakanda was an incredibly massive endeavor, it took inspiration as mentioned earlier by Afro Futurism. Its clothes, languages, dialect, architecture is also pulled and derived from many different cultures in Africa. An audience from Western Africa can see a lot of their culture echoed in its sets, costumes and artifacts.
After Avengers Endgame, Sam Wilson was given Steve Rogers' (Captain America) shield. Thus suggesting he would take on the mantle of Captain America moving forward. In a mini series made for streaming. Marvel gave Sam Wilson a 6 episode arc of having him struggle with taking up the mantle of Captain America, as a black man in America. It gives a unique dichotomy as the shield is taken up by another white man, who while is a good person, has his own inner demons and doesn't represent the idea of being Captain America. One of the crucial aspects that gives Sam the courage to take on the mantle which is a significant symbol in the world of the MCU, is a conversation with Isiah Bradley. A former super soldier like Steve, who fought in Korea however was then wrongfully imprisoned by the US government and experimented on. How he got the super soldier serum was very much in the vain of the Tuskegee study of syphilis. He and many other black men were experimented on and many of them died as a result of the tests. Sam's ascension to become Captain America could have been this easy thing, to have him appear next as Captain America, yet they decided to make Sam's character a Black Man, go through the internal struggle of his identity and whether or not to accept the mantle. He does despite what America did to Bradley and despite him being a symbol of a country that hasn't treated people like him very well over its history and is still not doing right by its citizens of Color. Sam will next lead his own Captain America film.
Marvel also has started representing other cultures and races. In 2021 they released a film "Shang Chi '' and focused on telling the story of a Chinese American who must learn about the cultures and history of his family. While not having the issue of being Asian or Chinese at the center of the film, it did try to make everything feel authentic. In particular it tried to represent Asian Americans and their feelings about their culture and how it's either prevalent or not in their lives in America. It showcases San Francisco, a city that is rich and populated with Chinese and Asian heritage and a sizable population. Similar to Wakanda, they created a world, Ta Lo, which is rich in ancient Chinese mythology. The main mcguffin of the film is the weapon, the ten rings, which are based on kung fu rings that were worn during the inception of the martial art. It's that little details which make each of these unique takes feel authentic. It's hard to do that without a director, a storyteller, who understands and has a unique voice and experiences in the world they are emulating and bringing to life.
In 2022, Marvel released a series, based on Ms. Marvel. Kamala Khan is a Pakistani teenager who practices Islam in New Jersey City. This is an area that is really specific in what it's trying to represent. Being a young muslim in America and how those cultures are intertwined in the lives of these people is a very unique thing to see on screen and in the lens of a superhero / comic book adaptation. The series takes a turn where it goes back and time in regards to the partition of India. It's an event in human history that is often overlooked. How the Division of India and Pakistan into Muslim and Hindu states ties into the character's journey is very authentic and original and can't be replicated in a white character's journey. Pulling from real events about tragedy for other races is a significant use of how race is represented in the MCU (Carnes).
Marvel introduced its first Latin American centered character in Namor. A ruler of an underwater kingdom that is secretive. Namor is a god and ruler to his people, he's the only one who can breathe air. How they tied his origin to the original inhabitants of mexico and the spanish bringing diseases nearly killing his people until they mutated into breathing water and how what the Spaniards and europeans did in central America and Caribbean is a very veritable way to capture the essence of his character being from that part of the world. How his mother is the one who keeps his identity to being a recluse from the world. He protects his people but is willing to go to war for them. It's not as in depth as Black Panther or Ms. Marvel is in representation but it's far from just casting an actor of latin american descent in a role where there's nothing in the character and how its written being from that part of the world.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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Four More Future Champs’ Fates
Hey @MCOCwishlist editors, any opinions about which of these should be on the list? (They’re not now.)
@JayAxe_ your predictions keep coming true. Are any of these deep cuts on your #mcoc radar? 
@PastorCoco2 @FrankPaladyn @MARCUSPACK16 @imaginejim @TurkeyMaster #MarvelSnap
- Other Gabe
Just Patriot right now
- JayAxe_
Give me Patriot and Isiah Bradley!!!
- ImagineJim
Patriot for sure
- PastorCoco2
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wweallresultspage · 2 years
AEW Dark: Elevation Results - November 14, 2022
1. Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona def. Big Cuzzo & Teddy Goodz in 1:38
2. Tay Melo def. Paris Van Dale in 1:32
3. Isiah Kassidy, Marq Quen, & Matt Hardy def. Channing Thomas, Kyle Bradley, & Smiley Fairchild in 3:45
4. Athena def. Kayla Sparks in 3:09
5. The Blade & The Butcher def. Jaylen Brandyn & Traevon Jordan in 1:24
6. Daniel Garcia def. Leon Ruffin in 5:40 to retain the ROH Pure Championship
7. Preston "10" Vance def. Jora Johl in 1:30
8. AR Fox def. Serpentico in 3:05
9. Riho & Willow Nightingale def. Emi Sakura & Mei Suruga in 6:14
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
Sticks and Stones
by Reremouse (TheBelfry)
The three things most likely to get Clint killed are his stomach, his mouth, and his libido. The fourth most likely thing to get Clint killed is his completely normal and reasonable attraction to Bucky, who moved into Clint’s walk-in closet after getting Clint shot by the tracksuits. Clint wasn’t expecting the Winter Boyfriend and everything he entails, but, eventually, there he is.
The thing most likely to get Bucky killed is a handful of words in a little red book. He takes care of that before going on the run from Hydra.
Or: A year in the life of Bucky and Clint featuring rooftop cookouts, domestic!Avengers, slight kidnapping, developing background Stony, a helpful Tony, deaf!Bucky and a happy deaf!ending.
Please note: This work is not about and does not advocate for self harm. Temporary measures to block Bucky’s hearing are taken, at Bucky’s choice, and his decision to be permanently deaf is done with informed consent, safety, and professional support.
Words: 5289, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Lucky (Hawkeye)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Non-graphic depictions and discussions of canon typical injury, brief mutually consensual unsafe sex practices, very mild explicit rating, Background Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Dogs, Brief discussion of Hydra’s programming methods, brain surgery by a qualified surgeon, brief discussion of experimentation on Isiah Bradley, brief discussion of Clint’s lousy childhood foster home experience, use of the word “crippled” by a disabled character to describe temporary disability, deaf!Bucky, Brief kidnapping, minor Helmut Zemo, Helmut Zemo is a bad guy, Story is complete
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42880629
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
Sticks and Stones
Read it on AO3
by Reremouse (TheBelfry)
The three things most likely to get Clint killed are his stomach, his mouth, and his libido. The fourth most likely thing to get Clint killed is his completely normal and reasonable attraction to Bucky, who moved into Clint’s walk-in closet after getting Clint shot by the tracksuits. Clint wasn’t expecting the Winter Boyfriend and everything he entails, but, eventually, there he is.
The thing most likely to get Bucky killed is a handful of words in a little red book. He takes care of that before going on the run from Hydra.
Or: A year in the life of Bucky and Clint featuring rooftop cookouts, domestic!Avengers, slight kidnapping, developing background Stony, a helpful Tony, deaf!Bucky and a happy deaf!ending.
Please note: This work is not about and does not advocate for self harm. Temporary measures to block Bucky’s hearing are taken, at Bucky’s choice, and his decision to be permanently deaf is done with informed consent, safety, and professional support.
Words: 5289, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Lucky (Hawkeye)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Non-graphic depictions and discussions of canon typical injury, brief mutually consensual unsafe sex practices, very mild explicit rating, Background Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Dogs, Brief discussion of Hydra’s programming methods, brain surgery by a qualified surgeon, brief discussion of experimentation on Isiah Bradley, brief discussion of Clint’s lousy childhood foster home experience, use of the word “crippled” by a disabled character to describe temporary disability, deaf!Bucky, Brief kidnapping, minor Helmut Zemo, Helmut Zemo is a bad guy, Story is complete
Read it on AO3
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strongenoughtocare · 2 years
here we go: all the boys, all the small details, an how i felt about them.
9/30: Jordan House-Hay
- millionaire, real estate tycoon, 6′3″ built like a greek god. kissed 8/10. Drinks at Union Station, wanted to see me the very next day.
10/1: Jordan House-Hay
- dinner at union station, hot tubbing on the roof, really good sex. Didn’t snuggle much. woke up to him reading at 6 am.
10/2: Chris Gurule
- financial advisor, 6′5″, nice green eyes. wore a sweatshirt for drinks at Schoolhouse in Arvada. Was so incredibly funny. Kissed me goodbye and asked for a second date- I didn’t pursue it.
10/3: Ben
- Don’t know his last name. We met at Retrograde and he was awe-struck by me. Had a hard time talking until he was a few drinks in. brown hair, green eyes, very sweet. I shook his hand goodbye - he asked for a second date and I respectfully said no. “the bar was aflame”
10/4: Adam Farmer
- 36 years old, sandy curly hair with blue eyes. Met in the DTC for old fashions. I picked at my salad. didn’t really like him from the get-go, but we had a great conversation about investing. Kissed me goodbye and asked to see me the next friday. I respectfully said no.
10/5: Channing
- aerospace engineer. big nose, but cute face. met near sloans lake brewing. good conversationalist, and we talked about the theories behind the universe and space for hours. He kissed me goodbye and called the very next day.
10/6: Sean Foley
- handsome as hell. Jaw line that could cut glass. brown hair, green eyes, mustache. private buyer for tv and movies. no idea what the fuck that meant. went to a SoFar event on Pearl street, then got dinner. He said I was his dream girl and kissed me goodnight. didnt hear from him again.
10/7: Andrew Whitney
 - another incredibly handsome man with yet another chiseled face. ex-marine, studying aerospace engineering. Wants to build rockets. got dinner on Pearl and then played pool at the pub. stayed up until 3 AM and i met his cat.
10/8: Steven Sorenson
- 6′4″, mustache, blonde hair that fell like a disney prince. Owned real-estate and plays alot of hockey, from Minnesota. we met in golden at new terrain. We talked about Minnesota for a large portion of the evening and I drove home sad, thinking about Connor. I miss knowing him. Steven asked to see me the next day, but i declined.
10/9: Joe
- blonde hair, blue eyes. Had these cute, nerdy glasses on. from New Jersey, wants kids as soon as possible. we met for lunch i downtown arvada and he kissed me on the cheek goodbye. also asked for another date, and I lied and said i was sick. nice guy though.
10/10: Christian
- i missed him.
10/11: Reid Bevrik
- One of the sweetest and silliest humans I’ve met in a long time. is writing a book. Tall guy, built like a complete string bean. we walked along the river in Golden and kissed in the moonlight. He made me laugh so hard I cried. He wants to see me again, I’m unsure of how i feel.
10/12: Bradley
- sweet guy, 32, blonde curly hair and green eyes. took me to SushiDEN and spent 350 dollars on dinner. was pretty funny but is definitely a mysogynist. tried to kiss me, and i purposefully made him kiss my cheek. asked if i wanted to go to Louis the Child that friday and I declined.
10/13: Connor
- HANDSOME. Found it funny that his name is also Connor. light brown hair with a mustache. Made me giggle alot. has cool tattoos. we met at american bonded and went back to his place and madeout. I liked him and he seemed to really like me.
10/14: Christian
- ran into andrew at the pub. christian was hurt. i slept over at christians because i wish he never messed up in the first place.
10/15: Isiah McCarthy
- old flame. tall, blonde, blue eyes, extremely well built. Im the only girl hes ever wanted to date. I told him i dont want to be serious with anyone, but that I am open to seeing where it goes. we talked on his couch for hours and then made out for hours and then talked and then made out. best kisser to date.
10/16: Alex
- was so incredibly silly. Very southern. very normal football-dude-guy-bro. tall, built, brown hair, green eyes (lmao i have such a type). was obsessed with me. wants to see me again tuesday.
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starspangledbigbang · 2 years
What defines cap-centric?
Here "cap-centric" means a character who has appeared in the Captain America MCU trilogy, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier television show, or has been Captain America in any media canon.
So including, but not limited to: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Sharon Carter, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Peggy Carter, the Howling Commandos, Isiah Bradley, Sarah Wilson, John Walker, Carl Zante, Bob Russo, Roscoe Simons, Samantha Wilson, Roberta Mendez, Danielle Cage, and Sharon Rogers.
If you're unsure if your idea fits the theme of this mini bang, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and check!
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