dutchjan · 1 year
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April 25, 2023
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Loving Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: Bonus scenes from Won The Goalie, a continuation of Score A Goalie.
This is part of the Christmas Challenge with a squad of absolutely amazing writers, with @nytb being the absolute dream and organising this fun time, thank you! Check out @putellas11 for the previous fic in the line-up, whilst you can find the next fic with @footygirl114 coming up soon!
🎄🎁 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! 🎁🎄
The flight from New York to Barcelona was long, especially with the delays and cold weather. You ended up spending a long chunk of time staring out the window through half-open eyes, clad in one of Clàudia’s hoodies, pining for her. Leaving the arrivals section of the airport, rolling your suitcase behind you as you glanced around, eventually spotting Patri holding up a sign with a smirk, whilst Clàudia snuck up on you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Hi, bebé.” You cooed, melting in exhaustion but full of love as you snuggled into your girlfriend outside the airport.
With you having arrived back in Spain in the middle of the night, Patri retired to her room quickly, ready to go to sleep again, whilst you followed Clàudia to her room, curling up under the bed sheets with her.
Patri didn’t expect to end up sitting on your spine as she plopped down on the couch the next morning, wondering why the couch was so uncomfortable until she heard muffled Spanish for ‘get off my back!’
“¿Qué? Why are you on the couch?”
“Clàudia’s on a work call… and I’m jetlagged… can you get off me, por favor?” You grumbled, rolling off the couch onto the floor as Patri stood up.
“Now you’re up, your girlfriend mentioned you make good… pancakes?” Patri tried out the word on her tongue, watching as you frowned for a moment before nodding.
“Sure, I can make pancakes. Where’s your frying pan?” You enquired as Patri led you to the kitchen, not realising that Clàudia had finished her call and was now watching you and Patri make breakfast.
“Buenos días mi amor.” You smiled as you spotted Clàudia eventually, the forward/midfielder revealing herself once the test pancake was over and done with, but she kept her phone out as Patri made gagging noises to tease you both.
Your Atleti teammates ended up seeing two different tiktoks later on in the day, one on Clàudia’s account of you and Patri making pancakes, before you ended up spotting her and the video ended with Patri getting a pancake to the face after teasing you and Clàudia. However your tiktok was a little bit different, turning into a pancake tutorial whilst Patri danced to music that didn’t fit what you picked for the tiktok, and Clàudia hugged you from behind, watching you watch the pancake. The caption of your video made your Atleti teammates chuckle though. Carmen had even texted you, asking if pancakes were the only thing you knew how to cook.
‘How many Barça players does it take to make breakfast? None, you need an Atleti player.’
“Hey, babe, where’s your- found it! You might want to put whoever’s sock in the laundry, it’s covered in dust, just like your games console… you sure you’re okay with me playing Spider-Man on it?” You double-checked as Clàudia grimaced at the sock, flicking it towards Patri’s face, as the midfielder was laying on the couch, watching you both.
Patri let out a laugh as the sock hit her in the face, removing it to spot how Clàudia had curled up in your lap like a cat as you got the games console working. You were staring at your instagram for a moment as you waited, spotting the uploads from Atleti which included Lola, Merel and Carmen in Atleti festive jumpers, with Merel between Lola and Carmen. You chuckled into Clàudia’s shoulder at the tinsel around Carmen’s and Lola’s necks, before you glanced up, seeing the console was up and running.
“Sorry but I’m changing the system language for now, I don’t know enough Spanish to save New York as your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.” You announced, but Patri and Clàudia were too busy watching the video game introduction cutscene, and how you slowly figured out the controls and started web-slinging around New York by yourself.
“Underestimate me. That'll be fun. In fact, I dare you, underestimate me, you'll regret it.” You murmured to yourself, not realising how much Patri was trying to hold back her laughter as Clàudia shifted in your lap, blocking the TV as her nose brushed yours.
“Bebé, you are threatening the TV.”
“I’m threatening Kingpin, but yeah… I’m threatening the TV…” Quickly hitting pause on the videogame, you pressed your lips to Clàudia’s, her hands around your shoulders before a sock hit you in the back of the head.
“Rude, Guijarro!” 
You ended up playing Spider-Man for a little longer until a knock at the door had Patri getting up to go answer it, since Clàudia was more than happy not to move, snuggled into you. You had missed Clàudia whilst in New York, and she had missed you when she had stayed in Spain, later admitting she wished you two could have been together on New Year’s Eve at least.
“I wish I could have been kissing you at midnight, as the fireworks were going off, lighting up the New York skyline…” you were cut off as Clàudia whispered a countdown in Spanish, pressing her lips to yours after uno, the two of you so distracted in each other that the sound of the door shutting went unheard, and so did the footsteps of two of your girlfriend’s teammates walking in with Patri.
“Hey! Not on the living room floor!” Patri exclaimed, making Clàudia jump whilst you fell backwards, almost hitting your head on the coffee table but Clàudia cupped the back of your head with her hands, leaning over you as you let out a breath, gazing up at her.
You were so distracted by Patri that you almost misheard the Spanish that came out of Aitana’s mouth about Patri being a third wheel in her own home. Clàudia was busy playfully glaring at her and Laia when your girlfriend realised you knew what Aitana had said, and watched as your face fell.
There were many reasons that when you stayed over in Barcelona in your free time that you didn’t try to impose within the home that Patri and Clàudia shared, which explained why Clàudia had stayed in Madrid with you post-Euros. You lived alone, you had no roommates to make uncomfortable with any public displays of affection, although Patri just loved to tease you both instead.
“I got you something, whilst I was in New York…” you whispered into the darkness later that night, Clàudia shifting slightly to look at you in sleepy intrigue.
“I’ll show you in the morning, mi amor. By the way, did you see that social media post, trying to rumour me leaving Atleti for Gotham. I’m happy in Spain. I just don’t know where I’m going on loan yet. Will it bother you? If I’m further away, or end up at Real Madrid or something?” You enquired, but Clàudia kissed your forehead.
“Te amo, wherever you are in Spain, bebé.”
Waking up the next morning, Clàudia was using you as a pillow with her arms wrapped around you, the Barcelona player still asleep whilst you laid there, staring up at the ceiling. Your thoughts kept their hold on you until Clàudia’s fingers running over your bare skin caught your attention, her eyes on you with a smirk as her fingers located the raised skin of your tattoo that you got in New York.
Your mornings in Barcelona stayed this way, spending time with Clàudia, and by extension, Clàudia’s teammates when they were around, the first match back for Barcelona being on the 7th after all. A match against Sevilla, which you thought was a little ironic, since it was when Clàudia was loaned to Sevilla that you first saw her. Atleti’s first match was the day after, but you wouldn’t be present at the away game, a fact you found out about when your phone began to ring, interrupting your conversation with Clàudia and Patri as you flicked the latest pancake from the pan onto the plate and picked up the phone.
Clàudia and Patri watched as you paced up and down the kitchen, unknownst to them at first but you were on the phone with your management, asking questions as the two Barcelona players watched.
Clàudia didn’t expect you to cover your speaker, leaning forwards to kiss her on the forehead before continuing your conversation, flustering the striker as Patri began to tease her.
Luckily for you both, Patri had not seen the gift that you had brought Clàudia back from New York, because if the midfielder did see it, you knew that both of your entire teams would never stop the teasing that would follow. Clàudia didn’t care, she loved the gift you got her, and she loves you.
She was in love with a goalie. Her goalie, you were her goalie.
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runawayolives2 · 2 years
Drunk text me
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Request: hii can i request a max fic inspired by the song drunk text me? you can decide if it ends angsty or fluffy! thank youuu :)
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Reader | Charles Leclerc x Reader (platonic) | Pierre Gasly x reader (platonic) | Daniel Ricciardo x reader (platonic)
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, cheating. Max cheats on the reader with Kelly, no shame to her, it was just for the plot. Cursing. Please tell me if I have missed anything.
Word Count: 3.3k
Considering you were in your 20s, “the best time of your life”, you were disappointed. Instead of going to one of the famous clubs that your friends liked to go to on Friday nights, you were in your dorm room, your phone face up, waiting for some kind of text. Better said, a particular text. It was sad to think about how you were taking the opportunity of him being drunk because maybe he would text you. You were waiting for some badly spelled text, that somehow begged for you to take him back, to forgive him for what he had done. 
You met the F1 star in an interesting way. You lived in Italy, this was your third year. You had been accepted into a university in Rome, on full scholarship, so you took the opportunity, and you found yourself living in Rome, as a college student that barely got by with Italian. The good thing was that the University put you in the same room as a native girl, María, who was nice and patient enough to teach you the new language. it didn’t take you long to speak Italian, fluently, thanks to your friend. María was actually the one responsible for you meeting Max. She had dragged you to an F1 race, insisting that you would like it and that the racers were bellissimo. You went with semi-interest, but María had gotten tickets thanks to her dad, who had some contacts and pulled some strings for the two of you to go. You got good seats, and even if you hadn’t been the biggest fan of fast cars, you had to admit it was captivating, to see the vehicles going at crazy speeds. María, thanks to the combination of some membership pass and her dad, had managed to be invited to an after-party organized by Red Bull. Surprisingly, you were interested in going. Classes had been a true pain the whole month, and you were nervous about a presentation you had to do two days ago, so free booze was a good way to get your mind off things. 
Two Red Bull racers had gotten Podium positions, so the party was very lively. You couldn’t help but wonder how uncomfortable the vent would’ve been if they hadn’t won, and you kept pondering on that while María was talking to some guy she knew from events like this. Your friend had made you promise that you wouldn’t think about school and loosen up a little. Once you finished your drink, you went to the bar and get another one. While waiting, making sure your eyes never left the waiter making your drink, a  taller figure stood behind you.
“Hello! Have we met?” You turned around, finding a fairly attractive guy. The bartender set you the drink, and you thanked him. You looked again at the guy, confused by his sudden interruption of your mindless thoughts.
“I don’t think so.” 
“I’m Charles.” He had an interesting accent, one you couldn’t pinpoint, but you could tell he wasn’t a native English speaker. You weren’t surprised about that. Everyone in Europe had a second language, at least, and English was the most common one to have.
“Y/N.” Charles took the seat beside you, signaling the bartender to come back for another drink.
“Are you related to any of the racers?”
“No, I’m here with a friend, she had passed.” Charles nodded and told the man what drink he wanted.
“Cool. You don’t sound Italian.”
“No, I’m here for college.” He gave you an impressed look.
“Wow, what are you studying?” You told him about your classes, and how you got the scholarship. After some time of him avoiding your questions about his job, another man came to the pair of you. 
“Charles, what is taking you so long?” This man you did recognize, no introduction needed. Max Verstappen had just approached you, and referred to your conversation companion by his first name, meaning they knew each other. Verstappen, once he noticed you, didn’t shift his gaze from your face. “Max Verstappen.” He introduced himself in a cocky way, that normally would’ve been a turn-off for you, but you already had some drinks in you, so you let it pass.
“Max, this is my friend, Y/N.” You looked at Charles surprised, not expecting him to refer to you as his friend. “She’s really cool.” You waved at Max and gave him a smile. 
“Nice to meet you.” You shook hands, and that for a second threw you off, used to kiss people as a hello. “What did you think of the race? Charles, at some point, left to be with the rest of the group he came with. You and Max spoke until maría came to get you, saying that some annoying guy was not getting the signals. You excused yourself from Max and left with your friend. Once outside, María asked for every detail, after she said she had seen you also with Charles Leclerc. 
Once back in your dorm, when María was already knocked out cold, your phone lit up.
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Thinking back, it was weird to see how everything has changed. You were now in your fourth year in university and were crying for the one and only Max Verstappen. You weren’t crying right now, you were too drained, but it was what you were doing for the last week. After the night at the party, and his texts, you had met up several times, becoming closer, until you asked him out on a date date, as you had phrased it. 
It had been a great year, you and Max both putting a lot of effort into the relationship, considering you were busy studying, and he was racing all over the glove. it had worked very well, so far. Whenever he was free and you had school, he would come to Italy and spend time with you whenever you were free. If you both had a vacation, he would fly you to Monaco, where he lived during the off-season. Being long-distance was good for the two of you. You could focus on your career, and he could focus on his and would have time to text and videocall at certain hours. 
María had left to spend the night with her partner, who she had met during a college party in someone’s big ass house. They were cute together, and you couldn’t be more grateful for Cameron, considering they were the reason you were alone in your room. 
Your breakup had been nasty, to say the least. During the Brazilin Grand Prix, some interesting pictures had been trending on Twitter and Instagram. You had met Kelly Piquet before, and you had never thought what happened was going to happen. When the first pictures of them showed up, you dismissed them after seeing them, not thinking anything of them at a party in Brazil. She was almost ten years his senior, a mother, and the ex of another F1 driver. Why would you suspect anything from it? The first round of pictures of them together, you ignored, the second one was impossible to. 
The pictures were a total of five, and it seemed as if they went in order. The first one was them together, facing the camera. Innocent, a picture of two friends. The second one that went viral, was of them in the background, talking to each other. Innocent, a picture of two friends. The third, was of Max’s arm going around her waist. Innocent? Fourth, her arms around his neck. Fifth, the two of them in what seemed like a heavy makeout session. Once you saw this one, you started calling Max, wanting some sort of explanation. Maybe they were photoshopped, or of two people that looked a lot like them. Maybe maybe maybe. These were your thoughts that Sunday morning, ready to defend him once he explained himself. During Sunday lunch with your friends, no one brought Max up, unusual, considering that after his races, he would somehow be mentioned. You could tell they knew, you knew they knew. But you had good friends, who were able to read the room and know that now wasn’t the moment. 
You had called Max a total of fifteen times and decided to let him call you, knowing that maybe you seemed hysterical. You were being hysterical, because they were fake, 100%. Right?
You never got a call from Max that Sunday. Your dd did, and that one was enlightening.
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know, dad.”
“What have I always told you?”
“Education and career go first, boys second.” You didn’t have a perfect relationship with your dad, not many people did. But he had been very firm about this topic. Your dad knew the importance of your career and was very proud of every scholarship, and academic win you had. He didn’t tell you this, but your mom would text you to tell you. He was very proud once you told him about your relationship dynamic with Max. He was proud you hadn’t dropped everything you had worked for for a race car driver that could promise you the world. And looking back, you had made a splendid choice. 
“I know it hurts right now, but this just means he wasn’t the one. Stay strong honey, you can do this.” The conversation ended soon after, and it left you looking out the window of your dorm. 
Charles Daniel and Pierre had texted you, but you didn’t feel like reading what they had to say, whatever they had to say. You just wanted Max to tell you it was all a confusion, some hateful fan that wanted to hurt you. But him taking so long had started to be suspicious, and at the end of that Sunday, you decided to not think too much into it, maybe it was meant to be.
Tuesday morning, while you were completing some assignments during your free period, you got a call. Not from who you now thought of as your ex, but his best friend. 
“What’s up?” You wanted to act nonchalant as if you hadn’t cried whenever you weren’t drowning in work and coffee. 
“I know you’ve seen the pictures.” You looked into your document, focusing on the small letters that just looked like squiggly lines if you concentrated enough.
“I have.” 
“Have you spoken to Max?”
“I haven’t.” You heard him sigh on the other side, but couldn’t say if he was doing it for you or him. 
“How’re you doing? How’re you feeling?”
“Well, I was sad at the beginning. Now I’m just humiliated and angry, weirdly, I feel empty.” You played with the thread of your sweater. “Everyone has seen those pictures, and I’m now the latest gossip on campus. It’s been a week and they’re still talking about my boyfriend making out with a Brazilian model ten years his senior. I’m angry because he hasn’t contacted me at all, and has ignored my calls. At least he could face me, tell me the truth, give me closure and let me move on.” You could feel the hot angry tears well up in your eyes. “I want him to call me, tell me he never loved me, so that I can forget him and everything related to him.” 
“Charles has been worried about you, me, and Pierre too.” You had developed a very close friendship with the trio. You had different relationships with each, but they were all close nonetheless. 
“I want him to make me forget him. I want to never feel related to anything F1, ever again.” Daniel’s breath hitched.
“I understand how you feel, but how can you do this radical cut?” 
“You do not understand how I feel. You will never understand how I feel. And losing this relationship won’t be a loss.” 
“You don’t mean that.”
“I’m pretty sure I am.” 
“What about Charles, Pierre, and I?”
“Did you tell me anything when you suspected something from Max?” 
“Y/N.” You could tell he was close to crying, but you couldn’t care less, considering you could feel your tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“Did you?”
“We didn’t want to interfere with your relationship.”
“Then I guess I cannot keep up this friendship. You choose sides, Daniel, even if you now think he’s the asshole or whatever, you choose sides the moment you ignored the first sign.” 
“Leave me alone.” You hung up after finishing your sentence, soon feeling bad, thinking you had been a bit overboard.
Soon, Charles’ contact came up on your screen, and you accepted it. Charles was on the phone with you for a total of an hour and a half, listening to you, while trying not to cry himself. He had to wipe his tears away several times, not understanding how a heart could break this way. While hearing you, the Monaguesque had plotted the Red Bull driver’s death at least ten times, slowly hating him more and more as the call progressed. 
When the pictures had first reached the internet, once the trio knew, they went to get an explanation from Max. The Dutchman, who had just woken up to an empty bed (that was not how it was when he went to sleep), was slowly coming to terms with what had happened. He initially put the blame on the person taking the pictures, saying it was a violation of his privacy and that he was going to sue. Pierre was about to rip his hair out when he heard that from their friend. Max, after seeing that his friends still expected accountability for him, decided to inform them that he had never loved you, that you were just easy and quick entertainment. 
The three of them caught the lie very early on, knowing that the times he had come to the hotel, eyes shining and a dumb smile on his features weren’t a sign of lack of love. But Max was max, and if he wanted to take that route, then so be it. Charles and Daniel were already leaving the room, shoulders tense and trying to contain their anger. Pierre decided to have the last word.
“If she cuts ties with us because of your dumb mistake. I will never forgive you.” The blond slammed the door, and once outside, looked at his two other friends. “How could he say that? He always had a reserved seat for her, whenever she could come to the races. He wouldn’t stop smiling at his phone whenever they texted. He canceled plans with us because maybe she was free and they could video call. How could he say that shit?” Daniel looked forward, back towards their friend’s door.
“He’ll see his mistake, but I believe it will be too late.” 
Charles, even if he hadn’t told the Dutchman when Pierre had, had come to the same terms. If you were going to stop spending time with them because of Max, they would cut ties with him, so that you didn’t associate them with him. At the end of the call, you had fallen asleep, drained from crying so hard, and Charles hung up from the unresponsive line after a long and loud sigh. 
Pierre called you the next day and came to terms with the fact that the relationship was over, you were done with Max Verstappen. But he could tell that your words were somewhat empty. Pierre knew that if Max called you, told you that he was sorry, got on his knees, and begged for you to forgive him, you would give him a second chance. But Verstappen didn’t kneel for anyone, probably not even the woman that had made him a better person during the span of a year and a few months. Pierre also knew Max wasn’t happy with his choice. He wanted you back, the Frenchman could and would swear on it. 
Max felt shitty. Max Verstappen, felt like utter shit. Max Emilian Verstappen felt like the shitiest person in the world. During the time since the pictures had become public to the world, he had cried, had anger outbursts, and punched more than one wall. He knew, that if Y/N could see her, she wouldn’t have been amused. She would be beside him, hugging him, telling him that he could talk to her about anything and that she would sit and listen unless he specifically told her he wanted advice or something of the sort. Max Emilian Verstappen felt deeply flawed, he felt as if he had destroyed the only thing that made him happy. Y/N had been understanding, patient, reasonable, and empathic, many other things he needed in his life. She had been a form of stability, someone he knew he could count on, at any moment. Any time he was angry about a race, or some incident with Christian Horner, and his dad, she was always there and knew how to calm him down. Y/N knew whether he needed space, silent company, hugs, a silent bath, or any other thing to help him relax. And he blew it.
Max Emilian Verstappen destroyed the only relationship that had made him feel whole. And he did it on his own. For some time, he tried to blame Y/N, and find a way to justify his actions. But whenever he came with something, he knew it was far-fetched and unfair to her, and to him, once he realized he was only lying to himself. He then tried to blame Kelly, for tempting him to be in a relationship with her, but at the end of the day, he was the one in a relationship, not her. 
Max Emilian Verstappen had spent any free moment, drunk of his ass. Trying to forget the massive mistake he had done. Of course, it wasn’t that easy. Once he could feel the tell-tale signs of drunkness, he could only think of you. If he focused enough, he could hear your voice and feel your touch. If he focused enough, he could ignore he destroyed your heart and keep living in the fantasy where you were waiting for him back in Italy, with crazy stories about some of your professors that had lost their minds during their time working at the University. 
Daniel, knowing this was the new hobby Max had started, was perfectly aware of where his friend was. It was hard for Daniel. Pierre and Charles had clearly chosen sides, but it was easier for them. Their relationship with Max wasn’t as close as with you. They hadn’t been Max’s teammates, they hadn’t seen Max grow into the person he was now since the beginning. It was easier for them to choose sides because he was the asshole, you were the victim, and you were just as close to them as Max was. Daniel didn’t have the same easy choice. But whenever he had to go down to the bar in the hotel, after being called by whoever was downstairs, Daniel knew he had to stay near Max, seeing him so drunk he wasn’t able to form coherent sentences, even open his eyes, made Daniel realize that even if max had destroyed your relationship, him not having you was punishment enough. 
“Let’s go, Max, time for bed.” The younger man had his phone on, a chat lighting up the screen. 
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You did get the drunk message you wanted, but it was too late. Once it reached your screen, you knew it was too late, that he had taken too long.
 He had made his bed, and now he had to lay in it.
AN: This was a long one, but I'm proud of how it turned out. If anyone has any requests for Verstappen, Ricciardo, Leclerc, or Gasly, feel free to send them to my inbox, and I'll try my best.
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medewerkers · 4 months
🌟 Nieuw
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#tumblr update
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justash02 · 1 year
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Pairing; Min Yoongi X reader
Plot; in a world where two people, a boy and a girl. All from different district get put into a game, were the only rule is to be killed or kill. Y/n finds herself in a tricky situation when one of her friends seems all to friendly with the other tributes.
Find all my k-pop related work here -> masterlist
Requests are; open! Please if you have a request let me know :) I’ll be more than happy to make it!
Omg a post I’ve made like 2 years ago-
“Y/n L/n!”
My mind seemed to shot off as the words of Effie Trinket fell from her mouth, my leg didn’t seem to move as everyone turn to me. I could see the pity the eyes but what use did it have? Like their pity is going to not get killed in this barbaric game.
“Don’t be shy dear!” The irritating voice ran once again throughout the field filled with people who were just previously scared for their own life.
Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my arm pulling me out of my thoughts, my parents who were behind me were crying their eyes out but I was desperate not to show any emotion.
The other tributes who see me as a weak one, I’ll be the first target that they will see and the Capitol will see me just as weak. I’m not giving them that pleasure.
Before I could move the guard that was holding my wrist pulled me out of the crowed and onto the stage, almost making me trip.
“Give a big applause for Y/n L/n!” Effie exclaimed enthusiastically, the crowd slowly raised their hands and slowly clapped. Soon Effie told everyone to be quiet as she walked over to the big glass bowl full of the names of the boys.
But I payed no mind, I was too busy praying for my best friend to be safe. But the chances of him getting picked are a lot higher than mine were, in that entire bowl full of names there are 24 with his name.
“Please god. Let Jeongguk be safe.” I mumbled under my breath as I intertwined my fingers together, my hands were sweaty as I was waiting anxiously for the woman with the blue curly hair.
“Jeon Jeongguk!” My eyes in an instant went over to the crowd and my eyes immediately met Jeongguk’s ones, he nodded shortly at me before walking to the stage.
The boy soon reached the stage and Effie introducties us as the new tributes for the annual Hunger Games. “Come on, shake hands.” My eyes scanned Jeongguk as he held out his hand.
Slowly but surely and grabbed his hand with a tight grip and shook it, the crowd once again clapped as the guards walked us in the building of Justice leaving all of the people from district 12 in a somber state that once again, two young people were most likely going to die.
The guard behind me kept pushing me till I was in one of the room on my left, I tried to catch myself but it was too late. Before I knew it I was face down onto the floor as a painful yelp left my mouth, I heard Jeongguk yell at the guards but they just laughed while walking away.
“Y/n! Over here!” Jeongguk called out to me, I looked over at the boy was saw that he was trying to make a fire by rubbing the wooden stick into the other pieces of wood. I smiled and walked over to him, I softly ran my hand through his hair and watched as he got excited as smoke started moving upwards.
Haymitch had a plan, a plan where Jeongguk and I acted like lovers as a strategy to get more sponsors, and if you get sponsors the better of a chance you have of survival.
The sponsors will- well, sponsor, and when they do and haymitch has enough money to buy something for us like food or medicine it get put into a small container with a parachute that makes a beeping sound, alerting you that there has been giving something.
But the part about being utterly in love with Jeongguk isn’t hard, he’s my best friend and we’ve always been close but I saw something in his eyes as Haymitch introduced this part of the plan... he seeme excited?
Jeongguk and I, we’ve known each other since I can remember. Jeongguk is originally from districts 2, one of the more luxury districts.
Jeongguk being from district 2 means that he was trained to be in the hunger games and same goes for districts 1 and 4. We in district 12, call them careers districts.
The careers are vicious killing machines that seek pride in other tributes deaths, It’s unknown to me why Jeongguk came to 12 in the first place but I knew that it had something to do with the way people worked there.
He told me he felt disgusted by the fact that people laughed everytime as innocence lives were being taken.
“Looks like you have an admirer.” Jeongguk whispered softly pulling me out of my thoughts, I frowned as I looked up, my eyes immediately met the cold ones of Min Yoongi.
Min Yoongi, who didn’t know this handsome man probably lived under a rock, he had won the games about 3 years ago when he was 15. He was, and still is the youngest tribute to win the games.
I felt intimidated by his strong glance on me as I quickly turned around, “Maybe he wants to be allies...” jeongguk said but I could tell his voice sounded discomforting.
Min Yoongi, wanting allies? Yeah right. “I’m going to practice painting.” I spoke softly, jeongguk smiled and stood up. “Good idea, I’ll be at bow shooting.” He spoke, he leaned in and went to kiss my lips but I turned my head so he had to kiss my cheek.
I could tell from the way his eyebrows were pressed together he wasn’t happy, but I didn’t care, I’m not doing all that kissing unless it’s really needed.
He scoffed under his breath as he turned around to walk away, I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.
I still felt the eyes of the boy from district 2 on me but I decided that I would wait till he approached me. If he even was going to approach me.
From the stories that I’ve heard from other people, Yoongi isn’t a pleasant person, he’s rude, doesn’t take advice for the crew that is trying to give you tips to at least survive a bit longer in the games. And he’s just overly stubborn.
But I guess if I won the games before I wouldn’t listen to anyone either, besides the fact that he is so rude the boy is also unbearably handsome, like god really does have favorites.
I decided to just stop thinking about it and walk to the painting corner, as I got there I was quick to realize that not a lot people used this corner, a least the careers didn’t.
I walked over to the table where every color that you can even imagine was on the table, I grabbed the color that I thought I was need and walked over to the bench that was next to the table.
I sat down and start working on my arm, I tried to imagine an senario where I could possibly be need paint. Maybe I could paint myself in a tree so that I’m not noticeable, or maybe if I’m wounded I could use it so that I don’t have to travel far to be safe.
Suddenly a felt the bench shake, I quickly cover my mouth to keep a noise coming out of my mouth as I looked next to me.
Yoongi was right next to me, he didn’t look up from my arm. He carefully ran his finger over the realistic paint and nodded, as if he was approving. Slowly he leaned back, away from me making it more
“Keep working at your arm, and don’t look at me.” His voice was raspy as he grabbed the paint that was next to me, I quickly looked back at my arm as I pretended to be working on it. What is going on?
“Looks like lover boy is jealous.” He whispers as he worked on his own arm, i decided to go against his words and look Jeongguks direction, I was met with eyes that were normally so soft were now almost black with hatred.
I didn’t know where the courage came from but the words fell out of my mouth before I knew it; “I don’t know why he be jealous, you’re not that handsome.”
He laughed softly before straightening his back as he looked at me, he slowly moved his hand to move the hair that was in front my face behind my ear as he slowly smirk.
A fire filled my body that I’ve never felt before, suddenly I craved move of his touch. As I realized what I was doing I quickly pushed him away standing up myself, but before I could walk away I felt his hand on my wrist.
“The people closest to you are the most dangerous.”
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gatecast · 2 months
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natriumazidekopen · 2 months
Koop Natriumazide: Een Uitgebreide Gids
Natriumazide is een veelzijdige chemische stof die in verschillende industrieën wordt gebruikt, waaronder de farmaceutische industrie, de auto-industrie en de biochemische sector. In dit artikel zullen we uitgebreid ingaan op de toepassingen van natriumazide, hoe het wordt geproduceerd en waar het te koop is.
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Wat is Natriumazide?
Natriumazide is een anorganische chemische verbinding met de formule NaN3. Het wordt gebruikt in diverse toepassingen, van de productie van airbags tot het conserveren van laboratoriummonsters.
Toepassingen van Natriumazide
In de Organische Synthese
Natriumazide is een krachtig hulpmiddel in de organische synthese. Het wordt gebruikt voor de introductie van een azidegroep in een beoogde verbinding. Door zijn reactieve aard kan het een breed scala aan organische verbindingen vormen.
In de Biochemie
In de biochemie wordt natriumazide gebruikt als conserveringsmiddel en als sonde-reagens. Het is effectief in het voorkomen van bacteriële groei in laboratoriummonsters en het kan ook worden gebruikt om eiwitreacties te onderzoeken.
In de Auto-industrie
Een van de meest bekende toepassingen van natriumazide is als drijfgas in airbags. Wanneer het wordt ontstoken, produceert het een grote hoeveelheid gas, wat de airbag helpt opblazen.
Waar Natriumazide Kopen
Het kopen van natriumazide kan online gebeuren via gespecialiseerde chemische leveranciers. Het is belangrijk om bij de aankoop van dergelijke stoffen altijd de veiligheidsvoorschriften in acht te nemen.
Bij het omgaan met natriumazide moeten altijd passende veiligheidsmaatregelen worden genomen. De stof is giftig en kan bij inslikken of inademing schade aan de gezondheid veroorzaken.
Natriumazide is een veelzijdige en nuttige chemische stof. Of u nu een onderzoeker bent die een sonde-reagens nodig heeft, een autofabrikant die airbags produceert, of gewoon een geïnteresseerd individu, het is belangrijk om te weten waar en hoe u natriumazide kunt kopen.
"Natriumazide is een krachtig hulpmiddel in de organische synthese en heeft veel toepassingen in de biochemie." - Anonieme Chemist
Contact Informatie
Adres: Nederland, Limburg Telegram: @drionpillen
Natriumazide Kopen
Kaliumcyanide Kopen
Nembutal Kopen
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patricemckeown · 11 months
Voorkeursaandelen - Een Introductie
Voorkeursaandelen zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van de financiële wereld, maar veel beleggers zijn mogelijk niet volledig op de hoogte van wat ze precies zijn en hoe ze werken. In dit artikel gaan we dieper in op voorkeursaandelen en onderzoeken we hun kenmerken en voordelen.
Definitie van Voorkeursaandelen
Voorkeursaandelen zijn een type aandelen dat een mix van eigenschappen van zowel aandelen als obligaties heeft. Ze vertegenwoordigen een eigendomsbelang in een bedrijf, maar geven beleggers doorgaans geen stemrecht binnen de onderneming. In plaats daarvan ontvangen houders van voorkeursaandelen meestal een vast dividend, dat voorrang heeft op de uitbetaling van dividenden aan preferent aandeel.
Kenmerken van Voorkeursaandelen
Er zijn verschillende belangrijke kenmerken die voorkeursaandelen onderscheiden van gewone aandelen. Ten eerste hebben voorkeursaandelen doorgaans een vast dividendpercentage, terwijl het dividend voor gewone aandelen kan variëren op basis van de winst van het bedrijf. Ten tweede hebben voorkeursaandelen doorgaans voorrang bij de uitbetaling van dividenden en bij de verdeling van activa in het geval van een faillissement. Dit geeft beleggers een hogere mate van zekerheid over hun inkomsten.
Voorkeursaandelen zijn een unieke beleggingsmogelijkheid die elementen van zowel aandelen als obligaties combineert. Beleggers die op zoek zijn naar een stabiele bron van inkomsten en een zekere mate van bescherming van hun investering, kunnen baat hebben bij het overwegen van voorkeursaandelen. Het is echter essentieel om de specifieke voorwaarden en kenmerken van elk voorkeursaandeel zorgvuldig te bestuderen voordat u investeringsbeslissingen neemt. Met de juiste kennis kunnen voorkeursaandelen een waardevolle aanvulling zijn op een gediversifieerde beleggingsportefeuille.
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YouTube-video's promoten om verkeer te genereren
YouTube-video's zijn ontworpen om een ​​boodschap over te brengen of een video te promoten die door een individu is gemaakt. Bedrijven, ondernemers en ook particulieren gebruiken deze video's om deze video's op de markt te brengen, te promoten, te promoten en zelfs inkomsten te genereren. De reden dat YouTube een uitstekend platform is voor het op de markt brengen van producten en ideeën, is dat esthetische advertenties een belangrijke rol spelen bij het bewustzijn, omdat het vaak beter te onthouden is dan audio of gecomponeerde formaten.
Je had een geweldige video kunnen maken, de kans dat mensen hem tegenkomen is klein, aangezien er elke dag miljoenen videoclips op YouTube worden geplaatst en het platform erdoor wordt overbelast. Om meer zichtbaarheid op internet te krijgen, moet u leren hoe u YouTube-video's effectief kunt promoten. Er zijn een aantal manieren om dit te doen, zoals hieronder vermeld.
1. Gebruik de internetzoekmachine voor videoclips:
De online videoclipzoekmachine speelt een grote rol bij de promotie van videomateriaal. Alleen het filmpje op YouTube hebben is bij lange na niet genoeg om herkenning te creëren. Zorg ervoor dat je de videobeelden toevoegt aan deze videozoekmachine zoals MetaCafe, Netflix of misschien truveo.com. U moet echter een geschikte specifieke niche voor uw video kiezen om aan optimalisatie- en betekenisbehoeften te voldoen. Dit vergroot de zichtbaarheid op internet.
2. Optimaliseer de titel van de videoclip samen met de beschrijvingen
Als je wilt weten hoe je YouTube-video's promoot, is dit een essentiële stap. YouTube heeft een eigen zoekmachine voor het rangschikken van video's op basis van webverkeer en aanwezigheid. U kunt deze wijzigen door beschrijvingen en inhoud van de videoclip toe te voegen. Metabeschrijvingen van video's zijn erg belangrijk omdat ze een korte introductie geven van de inhoud van de video. Dit werkt vergelijkbaar met zoekmachineoptimalisatie, waarbij u zich moet concentreren op de primaire zoektermen die mensen zullen gebruiken bij het zoeken naar uw inhoud of gerelateerde media.
3. Branding van videoclips
Sommige mensen proberen misschien uw video te gebruiken om hun materiaal en media op de markt te brengen en u profiteert mogelijk niet van hun acties. Om jezelf hiertegen te beschermen, helpt videobranding je daarbij. U kunt dit doen met behulp van een branding-softwareprogramma zoals Adobe Illustrator, waar u zowel uw adressen als weblinks naar uw website kunt toevoegen. Het zal ook deelnemen aan uw advertenties wanneer iemand uw inhoud gebruikt.
4. Gebruik plug-ins van sociale netwerken om de videoclip te promoten
Tegenwoordig gebruiken veel mensen sociale media om nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten en vrienden te maken. Ze gebruiken deze media ook om te praten over populaire videoclips, liedjes en andere levensgebeurtenissen. Zowel Facebook als MySpace bieden een uitstekend systeem om de YouTube-video te promoten. U kunt de videoclip indienen zodat Facebook-gebruikers deze kunnen bekijken en erop kunnen reageren. Daarnaast moet je er een interessante samenvatting van publiceren. Met de Facebook-klanten kun je enorm veel verkeer genereren en zo tot verkopen leiden.
5. Breng uw videocliplinks op de markt via e-mailmarketing
Als je de video gebruikt om een ​​product of dienst op de markt te brengen en je hebt een abonneelijst met doelgroepen, neem dan de juiste links op in je e-mails die hen doorverwijzen naar de clips. Ook al komt het niet voor in veel online programma's over het promoten van YouTube-video's, je mag deze techniek nooit verwaarlozen omdat je nooit weet wie het zal aantrekken.
YouTube-video's zijn bedoeld om een ​​boodschap over te brengen of om een ​​zelfgemaakte video te promoten. Particulieren, bedrijven en ook ondernemers gebruiken deze videoclips om deze videoclips op de markt te brengen, te promoten, te promoten en er zelfs geld mee te verdienen. Je hebt misschien een geweldige video ontwikkeld, maar de kans dat mensen er tegenaan lopen is klein, aangezien er elke dag miljoenen video's naar YouTube worden geüpload, waardoor het platform overbelast raakt. Zorg ervoor dat u de beelden insluit in zoekmachines zoals MetaCafe, Netflix of truveo.com. YouTube heeft een eigen zoekmachine om video's te rangschikken op basis van verkeer en zichtbaarheid. U kunt deze wijzigen door samenvattingen en inhoud aan de videoclips toe te voegen.
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He can do so much, but there are some things he still can't do. Enjoy reading, your Strawberry.
The first dance
She had already suggested to him a couple of times that they go dancing together. She loved it. But so far he had successfully avoided it. Because even if he could play the piano and liked to sing karaoke, he just wasn't a dancer. He'd never really learned it because growing up he'd rather read than go to parties. Then he met her and there were no dates where he could have learned to dance. He felt a little awkward telling her he couldn't and thereby admitting a weakness. That's why he had found countless excuses until now.
But this time she seemed determined and didn't give up. "Can't you finally admit it?" she moaned now. "You know?" he asked in astonishment. "You are a very intelligent man, but also easy to see through for me. Of course I know you're musical, but you can't dance and that makes you uncomfortable. You've been making excuses for weeks. I thought there would come a moment when you would admit it, but in vain,” she stated with a smile. He made an embarrassed face.
"I'll show you and I promise you'll enjoy it," she told him with a smile in her eyes. "I doubt it," he admitted. She got up from the sofa, grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. "Come!" He tried to free himself from her grip. "Not now!" he exclaimed, startled. "Oh yes, right now. If you don't have time to think about it, it will work.” He groaned. She pulled him in the direction of the record player and turned on the device that had already been set. "You planned this," he realized, stunned.
She looked at him innocently. That in turn made him laugh. "Okay, you won," he relented. "What should I do?" he asked a little helplessly. "Close your eyes," she commanded him. He looked at her skeptically. "Trust me!" she demanded and eventually he did as she said. He felt her hand on his back and his hand on her back. With her free hand she grabbed his other hand. A low moan escaped his throat as her closeness took his thoughts in a different direction. He felt her move even closer. He smelled her perfume and her very own scent. This can't work, he thought. "Relax," she whispered close to his ear.
He was about to make an angry sound when she continued, "Just keep thinking about what you'd rather do with me now." He felt her laugh before he heard it. "You can't be serious," he growled. "Yes. Just imagine you want to seduce me. You can pull me against you, but not kiss me and your hands will stay where they are now.” “It's torture,” he growled again. But suddenly he felt them both slowly moving in unison to the music. He just followed her movements. Why did this work? "Don't think about it," she warned him, and he immediately stumbled. "Don't think about dancing, just think about me," she whispered to him again.
And suddenly he liked it. He cradled her in his arms and enjoyed her closeness. But it was torture because he wanted more. To make her happy, he restrained himself with difficulty. "Keep your eyes closed and feel," she demanded, and then he felt her begin placing light kisses on his neck. "Hey, you said no kissing and touching." She breathed in his ear, "I forbidden you, but not me." And then he realized, "You're not teaching me to dance." "Yes," she replied innocently, "but don't overdo it the first time either."
That got a laugh out of him. "Release me from your demands," he demanded hotter. "Yes," she breathed out at him and as soon as it had left her lips, he opened his eyes briefly to find her lips more quickly. He then pressed his lips firmly to hers, closed his eyes again and kissed her passionately. He released his hands from the position and pulled them tightly to himself. With the music playing in the background, he directed her towards the bedroom, ending what had been on his mind from the first moment of the dance.
Hellooo, sweet 🍓! ❤️
Hahaha this fanfic was both funny and super adorable! The second I read your little introduction and then the “the first dance”, a bunch of images of Emmanuel awkwardly dancing (or just clapping) came to my mind and I was already laughing 😂 This kind of dance was totally not what Emmanuel wanted to “dance” with Brigitte 🤭 hahaha but Brigitte taking advantage of the situation to kiss his neck... oh la la girl, that’s a very very weak spot 🤤🤤 At the end, Emmanuel enjoyed the lesson and even claimed his reward 😋😏😏 hahaha loved it!
Thank you, Strawberry! Keep it coming! ❤️❤️❤️
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victoriafreeman · 1 year
Mijn naam is Victoria, ik hou van lezen!
ik ben 15 jaar oud en in juni word ik 16
Ik maak deze blog voor een school opdracht waar in ik al mijn literaire avonturen zal delen!
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dutchjan · 9 months
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September 18, 2023
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bakkermotorszaandam · 2 years
2023 Honda CFR300L ook in niet rood
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De succesvolle introductie van de beste offroad gerichte allroad en TET wapen in 2021 was wel lekker overzichtelijk. Namelijk verkrijgbaar in 1 kleur: rood (Extreme Red). Voor komend jaar krijgt deze kleine topper niet alleen een kleine update maar verschijnt het ding ook nog eens in een 2e kleur! De update bestaat verder uit het standaard voorzien zijn van handkappen.
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Honda’s lichtgewicht dual-purpose tool, de CRF300L, is ontworpen als een motor die even wendbaar is in het terrein als in de stad. Zijn blijvende populariteit sinds de lancering als CRF250L in 2012 kreeg een extra impuls toen zijn cilinderinhoud met 50 cc werd verhoogd en hij 4 kg lichter werd voor 2021. Het succes is te danken aan verschillende factoren: de onmiddellijk herkenbare CRF-styling met scherpe randen, een responsieve eencilindermotor, een zesversnellingsbak met slipkoppeling, een wendbaar frame, slanke proporties en lange veerwegen.
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Voor 2023 krijgt de CRF300L een geheel nieuwe Swift Gray kleur, met nieuwe zwarte voorvork beschermkappen, zwarte achterbrug, zwart frame en fraaie oranje graphics. Dit komt naast de variant met traditionele Extreme Red kleurstelling, die nu zelf ook standaard voorzien is van bijpassende fuseekappen.
De CRF300L Rally blijft ook leverbaar.
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Bakker Motors Zaandam
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jorrainbow · 1 year
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''In je praktijk spring je continu in het diepe, handelingen, indrukken en ervaringen leiden naar de volgende stappen en een nieuwe sprong in het diepe volgt. Je opstellingen tijdens presentaties zijn dan ook momentopnames van dit continue proces en kunnen zelfs ter plekke steeds nieuwe vormen aannemen. Je hebt het erover dat de buitenruimte de binnenruimte vormt. Met je werkproces maak je ruimte voor contemplatie en aandachtig aanwezig zijn zonder indrukken, ervaringen en dingen te moeten duiden, meten of beoordelen. Je hebt het in je statement over de mogelijkheidsgerichtheid van aandacht en met je materialen zoals stenen en draden denk je een niet-ronde cirkel te beschrijven.'' - introductie door Nele Brökelmann in de podcast 'Proces is een Octopus'. Nele sprak met An Onghena en mij over het artistieke proces, de sprong in het diepe. De podcast komt begin 2023 online.
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hartkloppingen-ov · 1 year
Beste medemensen,
Reden blog:
Het was mij al een tijdje opgevallen dat de pagina nshartkloppingen al een lange tijd geen nieuwe berichten heeft geupload, vandaar deze nieuwe pagina (particulier gemaakt).
Maar waar gaat dit nou eigenlijk over?
Je kent het vast wel, Je komt iemand in de trein, bus, perron tegen maar miste de kans of durfde het niet om diegene aan te spreken. In de hoop die persoon terug te vinden plaats je ergens op social media een bericht en wacht je tot een antwoord van diegene krijgt.
Via deze pagina, en vroeger via nshartkloppingen had je de beste kans om iemand terug te vinden die je zocht.
Hoe kan ik iets insturen?
Je kunt een bericht insturen via de "stel een vraag" knop of via de "bijdragen" knop die op deze pagina staat.
Je kunt ons ook taggen in je bericht met @hartkloppingen-ov al komen niet alle berichten dan bij ons aan 🫤. Met een privé berichtje kan je controleren of het bericht is aangekomen bij ons.
Tips voor het insturen:
Noteer het (trein/bus) traject
Stad/Plaats waar je diegene hebt gezien
Datum (& Tijdstip) dat je diegene hebt gezien. (niet "vandaag" of "gisteren")
Herkenbare kleding hoe diegene eruit zag (en hoe jij eruit zag)
Leuke details
Wanneer verschijnt mijn bericht?
We rebloggen en plaatsen berichten op het moment dat we ze tegen komen. Aangezien dit niet officieel beheerd wordt.. kan het zijn dat het soms heel snel gaat en soms langer duurt. Het spijt ons als het een tijd duurt 😭 ik doe mijn best !!!
Hoe weet ik dat iemand reageerde?
Het is jammer genoeg een beetje je eigen verantwoordelijkheid om het bericht goed in de gaten te houden. Of dat iemand via de "vraag"knop of "bijdrage" knop een reactie stuurt.
Om zeker te weten dat je niets mist, heb je rechts boven in van de @hartkloppingen-ov pagina een "ontvang meldingen" knop zitten. (let op, hiervoor moet je de tumblr app hebben gedownload).
Tips voor reageren als jij diegene bent die gezocht wordt:
Plaats een reactie in het bericht
Stuur een vraag/bijdrage in waarbij je de link van het bericht toevoegd.
Maak een reblog-post
Bedankt voor het lezen van de introductie, veel plezier met je zoektocht <3
Pagina gecreëerd op: 19-12-2022
Dit bericht voor het laatst bijgewerkt op: 28-04-2024
(Mogelijke 'oudere' reblog berichten zijn van toepassing)
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josephinesleesblog · 2 years
Beste lezers,
Ik ben Josephine en ik moet voor de Nederlandse les een literaire blog maken. Hierop zal ik mijn leeservaring posten en ook mijn Nederlandse opdrachten. :)
Ik ben van plan om veel opkomende boeken te lezen en ik ben opgewonden om jullie meetenemen in deze ervaring.
Tot de volgende post!
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