dutchjan · 1 year
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April 25, 2023
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fvbeers · 6 months
hybride warmtepomp
Goed voornemen voor 2024? Een betaalbare geavanceerde hybride Quatt warmtepomp! 2700 Euro subsidie en via link 100 euro korting -
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etherati · 2 years
Vampires as we think of them in media are so weird, in terms of like, the ecology of sentient species. Like imagine earth being observed by aliens:
There's two sentient species coexisting on this planet. Species A is your typical dominant sentience on this class of planet. They have an average lifespan, are omnivorous and social, depend on technology rather than physical prowess, but are clever and highly adaptable--in other words, the pattern you see everywhere. They make up 99.5% of the intelligent life on earth.
Then you have species B - nocturnal predators, nearly indestructible, highly intelligent and long lived, viciously violent. Or are they a subspecies of A? Hard to say, because despite advanced biological science and plenty of evidence, species A doesn't know that species B fucking exists. Despite the fact that species B literally preys upon species A for food. Is life just really that cheap on this planet? Are their lives so dangerous that hey, accidents happen all the time, must have tripped and fell on his own pitchfork? What's the A on A murder rate in this fucking place that they don't notice a few extra corpses? How is this sustainable? How can they have not figured this out?
Then you find out that members of species B are fucking recruited from species A, and they make a conscious decision that they're going to eat their old species in order to live forever, something that is regarded as a wildly overrated and foolish pursuit by most of the civilized races of the universe.
Do you know what you're going to do, if you're an alien observing this bullshit? You're going to nope the fuck out. You're going to say, at least 0.5% of the population of this planet are big enough amoral shitheels that they are just fine signing up for a "murder your friends" lifestyle plan and that suggests that there are probably a lot more that would do that if they knew it was an option. You are going to stamp a big red [QUARANTINE] classification on the earth at best, and at worst you're going to raze the place on your way out, because you have NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS.
And you don't ever want to again.
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whsprings · 19 days
we got a new admit and she keeps saying out-of-pocket triggering things and half of them don't make sense. like she refused to supplement because of animal protein in the supplement but had no issues with eating eggs or cream cheese?? my current dining spot is also right across from and also next to the only two people with tubes rn. I leave every meal/snack angry.
I also keep restricting to avoid purging and sh-ing for no real reason other than the table is triggering and because I can. I realize that restricting can be triggering but I feel like here people do it literally all the time so it doesn't even matter. and I have nothing to lose because I am phase 1 and got my step- down pushed and i will never get better anyway sooooo.
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eternalgaylord · 1 month
all along the only thing i needed to fix me was a night out with a bunch of gays
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professionalowl · 4 months
not reblogging the post because i know it's a flawed test (and infuriatingly poorly worded to wit) but the RAADS-R autism test is going around again and i got an 87, which is i think what i got the last time i took it and also tracks - i'm personally pretty certain that i'm not autistic, but (autistic) friends of mine have historically been split on the issue because apparently i 'act' like an autistic person and they're often surprised when i say i'm actually not
#my *closest* friends tend to think i'm not but - to quote one guy - '[i'm] very smart and smart ppl tend to have traits that overlap'#which is an interesting assessment (he's autistic tb clear) and i think i know where it's coming from#i'm very direct with comments; i often have trouble with empathy; i'm clever (or y'know 'clever' for a given value of the word);#i don't feel emotions particularly strongly - or immediately - and this comes across in my speech#which i've been told can come off as detached/disaffected/uncaring even when it's not trying to be;#i'm apparently quite difficult to read sometimes? or come off as intimidating per neutral expression;#uh. one time an english teacher told me that i'd taught her to 'think more logically' whatever the fuck that means;#these are i think stereotypical autistic 'smart guy' traits which do not actually map on to the majority of autistic people afaik#at least not as a package or all expressed the same way - but in this case i think it's a category error#interesting food for thought nonetheless. i spend some time thinking about it because people do ask me occasionally#and the general autistic mileu of tumblr.com has actually helped me be nicer to myself about those traits#(as well as check myself abt other people; i'm not going to pretend to be some kind of saintly autistic whisperer or w/e)#considered going back and taking the test with the 'most generous' and then the 'least generous' answers and comparing them#but i can't be bothered. add a button for 'in specific situations' or die by my hand#i WILL say that some of said autistic friends who were surprised to find out i wasn't#expressly thought i WAS because they drew a correlation between their behaviour and my own#so it's not just 'people are misreading me because of stereotypes about how autistic people act' although i do think that can be an element#let me know if this post is weird or w/e it is literally just speculating on myself and how people perceive me#as a consequence of tending to occupy circles otherwise occupied largely by neurodivergent people#('fandom' and 'archaeology and anthropology')
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I love how part of the wish fufillment aspect of the current crop of isekai/isekai-esque anime is being kicked out of your previous occupation and finding out everything is going to shit without you and they’re forced to reckon with that.    I feel that says something about the current mileu.
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novaauster · 7 months
Observations Of My Fellow Martial Artists
I feel like an alien, an observer, but like nothing so much as a little girl at her father’s side. There is a sense of competition here, extending far beyond the men in gloves on the widescreen, a question of who was the Uke this week, which coaches were highschool shitheads, what was the funniest fistfight they’ve been in. There is profound personal growth in a younger man’s story. He regrets his fistfight days. This is skimmed over.
There is a vernacular new to me, a slightly-shifted use of swears, a web of allusion to fighters I do not know. Some phrases are creative— the verb “to beat the dogpiss out of someone”— and others are simply remade. Bitch, to me, means petty or mean. To them, it means coward. In a sentence, “Cut weight for the tournament, don’t be a bitch.” This is taken in stride, and it occurs to me that these men must have very thick skin.
They compliment my artwork, sitting out on the dining table. The man who regrets his fistfighting days tells me the painting I made of him is his most cherished possession. He is an avid player of the new Harry Potter game.
They talk politics with ease, certain that everyone in the room agrees with them. They are vague and casual: “People are crazy about the vaccine these days.” I think of beating-the-dogpiss and dogwhistle and the dog laying at my feet, nosing into my hands for affection. “Doc says he regretted taking the vaccine.” “Did it hurt him?” “No, his hair went gray on its own. He just stopped dyeing it.” Idiocy is punished and mocked. Cruelty, I think, might not be.
I feel like an alien. I pet the dog.
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katmasteryoda · 8 months
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Holding at bay
checking windows
not through the doors
weighing and carrying
the burden being baked
they take us for fools
get theirs at the behest of the den of theives
finally the people just can't abide
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once the message of freedom - of thought, of the ability to criticize those who dominate lives of others with no fair exchange in return - the kings and masters we bow down to, political cults and religious sects we give ourselves over to...
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dominate captive culture - playing the victim on a crusade getting worn thin.
Talk to me he said carefully disarmed the enemy with little resistance, but he knew not to gloat in early advances. Not spend much time congratulating because battlefields shift energy fields and he is meeting with merit every day with the miser and the muse to his right and over his shoulder a fallen angel or two (Rust the angel once of gilded gold; and Santora the songstress seductress who serves as primordial temptress, so fused to the future - desire begets treasure... Until the moral of the story takes hold...
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This was a day
When Theo became a warrior
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ilove-heichou · 9 months
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Grenoble Transitional Living Room Inspiration for a small transitional open concept living room remodel without a fireplace or a television, with white walls.
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hypedfire · 1 year
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Grenoble Library Living Room Inspiration for a small transitional open concept ceramic tile living room library remodel with white walls, no fireplace and no tv
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heldersequeira · 2 years
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Capela românica do Mileu, Guarda, Portugal
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apas-95 · 1 month
It must not be understated how much WW2 was sold to the people of Germany as a war against, principally, the tyrannical Soviet Union - against who the Third Reich, while carrying out the Holocaust, manufactured stories of supposed atrocities, attempted to accuse of genocide, and whatever else. It was sold, principally, on the anticommunism agreeable to fascists, conservatives, liberals, social-democrats, anarchists, trotskyists, and whichever other segments of Germany's vibrant prewar leftist mileu would offer their condemnations of the USSR as just as bad as the Nazi state, really - that was the line by which they sold the genocide.
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cryptotheism · 3 months
What does rubedo mean in spiritual alchemy? I know that in actual alchemy it meant creating the stone, but it seems like in spiritual alchemy it’s just xanthosis but more so
So the term "Spiritual Alchemy" is a thorn in my side for a few reasons. Alchemy often has a spiritual element, but there are many theories of alchemy! So there are many spiritual interpretations of what Rubedo meant!
Rubedo to a medieval Latin alchemist would be very different from rubedo to a medieval islamicate alchemist!
And even then, not every islamicate alchemist agreed on the doctrine of transmutation! Jabir and Rhazes believed in it, but Avicenna was highly critical of it! They all mean different things when they say Rubedo!
To Jabir, it was proof that his theory of Jabirian Equilibrium was True. To Rhazes, it was simply the final step of a more mechanistic chemical process. Meaning, that to Jabir, it was proof that man could emulate the Demiurge through artifice, and to Rhazes, it was proof that the works of Allah were by nature mechanistic rather than biological!
And that's just two islanicate authors that are less than 100 years apart! To really delve into the spiritual or religious implications of an alchemical concept, you have to understand the religious mileu at the time of writing! Because it's going to chance depend on who is writing and when!
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111seedhillroad · 4 months
i feel like the way people talk about anprim makes it seem like they are like the "extremist wing" of somewhat-more-respectable anti-civ that you can cherry pick for theory points sometimes. like babe, please, there's nothing icky to distance yourself from, it's literally all just decades straw-manning and stigma within the anarchist mileue, youre not gonna poison your thinking by reading people who use/used that label. it seems a lot of anarchists have exposure to civ-critical ideas but are unwilling to adopt "dangerous ideas" like they aren't already extremists in the eyes of society, because they don't wanna be cast out of the scene.
I feel like theres something about like christian "sinful thoughts" in this sentiment, and also i get it being anti-civ and just never sharing the full extent of my beliefs with leftists i lived with.
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 43, 29 octobre 1898, Paris. Notre patron découpé )Grandeur naturelle). Grand collet d'automne. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Ce manteau est très ajusté derrière et collant sur les bras; il est garni de deux volants. Col à godets et revers garnissant le milieu du devant.
Ce collet se fait en drap uni doublé de satin ou taffetas clair, blanc de préférence; bandes piquées couvrant la monture des volants.
Il se compose de 7 morceaux:
No. 1. — Collet avec couture cintrée au milieu du dos, un pointillé marque la monture du premier volant, les pinces se raccordent par G et D, un cran marque la taille.
No. 2. — 1er volant; 1re partie. Il se taille droit fil au milieu du dos et se rapporte au collet par EG.
No. 3. — 1er volant; 2e partie. Se raccorde à la première partie par G et au collet par GF.
No. 4. — 2e volant; 1re partie. Se taille également droit fil au milieu du dos; se raccorde au collet par HK.
No. 5. — 2e volant; 2e partie. Se raccorde à la première partie par K et au collet par KIJ.
Ces deux volants sont donnés en deux parties séparées, chacune dans le but d'économiser le tissu; les personnes désirant ne pas avoir de couture sur les côtés peuvent les tailler d'une seule pièce en les réunissant par les crans et en les posant sur le tissu dans le même sens qu ils sont sur le dessin.
No. 6. — Revers; se raccorde à l'encolure du collet à A et à l'extrémité du premier volant à E.
No. 7. — Col à godets avec couture au mileu du dos; il se raccorde au collet par AB.
Métrage: 3m,70 de drap en 120.
This coat is very fitted behind and clingy on the arms; it is garnished with two ruffles. Bucket collar and lapels trimming the center front.
This collar is made of plain cloth lined with satin or light taffeta, preferably white; stitched bands covering the steering wheel frame.
It consists of 7 pieces:
No. 1. — Collar with arched seam in the middle of the back, a dotted line marks the setting of the first ruffle, the darts connect at L and R, a notch marks the waist.
No. 2. — 1st ruffle; Part 1. It is cut straight along the center of the back and is linked to the collar by EG.
No. 3. — 1st ruffle; 2nd part. Connects to the first part through G and to the collar through GF.
No. 4. — 2nd ruffle; Part 1. Also fits straight at the center of the back; connects to the collar via HK.
No. 5. — 2nd ruffle; 2nd part. Connects to the first part by K and to the collar by KIJ.
These two ruffles are given in two separate parts, each with the aim of saving fabric; People who do not want to have a seam on the sides can cut them in one piece by joining them together at the notches and placing them on the fabric in the same direction as they are in the drawing.
No. 6. — Reverse; connects to the neckline of the collar at A and to the end of the first ruffle at E.
No. 7. — Godet collar with seam in the middle of the back; it is connected to the collar via AB.
Yardage: 3.7 meters of cloth in 120.
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