#international business study in germany
studypprogramhere · 1 year
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Exploring the Benefits of an Online Master’s in International Relations
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dailyhistoryposts · 6 months
A Rundown of Henry Kissinger's Life
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević. While Henry continues to nibble nori rolls and remaki at A-list parties, Cambodia, the neutral nation he secretly and illegally bombed, invaded, undermined, and then threw to the dogs, is still trying to raise itself up on its one remaining leg.”
--Anthony Bourdain (2018)
It's difficult to be precise, but all told Henry Kissinger killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in pursuit of American business interests.
Henry Kissinger was born in 1923 as Heinz Kissinger in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany, to a German-Jewish family. Throughout his youth, he was relentlessly and violently harassed and discriminated against by members of the Hitler Youth and authorities. At the age of 15, Kissinger and his family fled Nazi Germany, settling in New York City. He finished high school at George Washington High School in NYC and began studying accounting at the City College of New York, but his undergraduate studies were interrupted in 1943 when he was drafted into the US army.
In the army, fluent German speakers were in short supply, so Kissinger was quickly assigned to military intelligence. During the American invasion of Germany, he worked to set up civilian administration of conquered cities and tracked down Gestapo officers as a Special Agent of the Counter Intelligence Corps. He received the Bronze Star Medal
After his time in the army, Kissinger returned to his studies. He graduated summa cum laude in political science from Harvard College, as well as his Masters and PhD. He taught at Harvard, and his studies focused on international 'legitimacy', when an international order is widely accepted by international leaders, without regard to public opinion or morality.
Beginning in the 1950s, Kissinger began to be more active on the political stage. He was a consultant for the National Security Council and a study director for the Council of Foreign Relations. He notably was against Eisenhower's massive retaliation nuclear doctrine, where the United States would respond to a nuclear attack with a much, much greater nuclear attack. Instead, Kissinger advocated the use of tactical nuclear weapons on a regular basis in more wars.
In the 1960s, Kissinger began working with Republicans running for office as an advisor in foreign affairs. He contributed to the Nixon campaign, and when Nixon took office in 1969, Kissinger was appointed as National Security Advisor, and later Secretary of State. As a diplomat, Kissinger heavily used Realpolitik, the in-fashion Cold War approach focusing on pragmatism and realistic outcomes rather than ideological or moral purity. In international politics, it largely has to do with obtaining and maintaining power on the world stage.
Kissinger focused on relaxing US tensions with the USSR and China, leading an American foreign policy that supported Taiwan on the face but in the shadows removed all support for Taiwan and essentially waited for it to fall apart.
In 1974, he directed the National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200), sometimes called the "Kissinger Report" the official United States policy for many years, though it remained classified until the 1990s. The Kissinger Report advocated for population control in undeveloped nations to ensure easy resource extraction and protect American business interests abroad. Projects were designed to reduce fertility while keeping up the appearance of improving quality of life--the plan specifically attempted to avoid an appearance of "economic or racial imperialism". Birth rate was particularly noted due to concerns about an adequate global food supply and because young people more readily fight back against corruption and imperialism. The Report also brought up increasing abortion rates as a method of obtaining this goal.
In 1975, policies based on the Report went into affect. The National Security Council would recommend withholding food and using military force to prevent population growth, prioritizing aid for small families, and even paying people to get sterilized. Thirteen countries were named as particularly problematic to US interests. Of note, Nigeria lost development and the United States took control of Nigerian resources, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was responsible for some of the 300,000 forced sterilizations in Peru--largely impoverished or indigenous women--during the Fujimori administration. The Fujimori government has been accused of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court for these abuses, and today the Peruvian economy suffers due to the low population resulting from these sterilizations.
The Vietnam War had started back in 1955. Kissinger had originally supported it, but as time dragged on began to view it as harming American prestige. Kissinger leaked information about peace talks to get into power at Nixon's side, and then failed to end the war in 1972, leading to the Christmas bombings. A very similar agreement was signed the next month, leading to a ceasefire (that would collapse) and the withdrawal of American troops--bitterly seen as a betrayal by South Vietnam. When Kissinger and Vietnamese diplomat Lê Đức Thọ were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this, Thọ declined to accept it and two members of the Nobel Committee left it in protest.
It was in the middle of the Vietnam War, and during the Cambodian Civil War, that Operation Menu and Operational Freedom Deal went into play. From March 1969 to May 1970, the United States Strategic Air Command carried out a series of first tactical and then carpet bombings in eastern Cambodia. Then, from May 1970 to August 1973, the United States provided close air support and widespread bombing. Part of a 'secret' war to support the Kingdom of Cambodia/Khmer Republic against communist rebels, it ultimately failed and the communists would take power in 1975.
In the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971, Nixon and Kissinger supported the Pakistani president Yahya Khan. It was in this that the strongest dissent in the history of the U.S. Foreign Service, the Blood Telegram (named after sender Archer Blood), was sent. It reports the US was about to lose, describes systemic abuses, and uses the word 'genocide' to describe the actions by US-supported Pakistan. It said the US government was morally bankrupt. Blood was recalled early from Bangladesh, and US interests were lost when Bangladeshi Independence was secured within the year.
Kissinger was originally excluded from any policy-making on Israel, as part of Nixon's orders to exclude all Jewish-Americans from such work. Still, in 1973, when Kissinger became Secretary of State, he was included in all US Middle Eastern policy. This means he was largely responsible for the handling of the Yom Kippur War--this handling included not noticing precipitating factors leading up to it (he was so engrossed in Paris peace talks he didn't notice the Egyptian President Sadat ready to move on Sinai), delaying telling Nixon about and stalled negotiating a ceasefire, hoping Israel would push across and fully obtain the Suez Canal.
Kissinger's diplomacy included giving equipment to Israel, but not as much as he'd promised, and selling weapons to Saudi Arabia at the same time, in exchange for access to Saudi Arabian oil. By largely handling to event and not involving France or the United Kingdom, and by minimizing the power of the Soviet Union, Kissinger took large steps in giving US power over much of the Middle East.
It should be noted that this was done purely to protect US interests rather than any form of Jewish security. When questioned about the persecution of Soviet Jews at the same time, Kissinger said
"The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy, and if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern."
-Henry Kissinger (1973)
Also in the region., Kissinger supported Iran against Iraq.
In 1974, the Greek military regime and Turkiye invaded the island of Cyprus. The military regime had been supported by Kissinger, and anti-Kissinger sentiment was strong among young people. Cyprus is now an independent island country, though its northeast portion is de facto separate, making up the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Kissinger considers his own handling of the Cyprus Issue unfavorably.
With Kissinger's influence, the United States maintained relations with non-left-wing governments regardless of commitment to democracy. It was with Kissinger's input that the CIA encouraged a military coup against Chilean president-elect Salvador Allende due to his socialist ideals.
Operation Condor, a US-backed program of political repression by right-wing dictatorships of southern South America, was also Kissinger's work. It included assassinations, the Dirty War in Argentina, and supporting Brazil's nuclear weapons program because it would benefit the U.S. private nuclear industry.
Kissinger's policy on post-WWII decolonization was mixed, based on what would benefit the U.S. He helped transition Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) away from White minority rule, expressed moderate support for the Portuguese Colonial Empire, and helped Indonesia occupy East Timor.
After Watergate forced Nixon to resign, Kissinger stayed on under President Ford but left office when Democrat Jimmy Carter came into power. He was offered an endowed chair at Columbia University, which was canceled due to student opposition, but was appointed to Georgetown University instead. He ran a consulting firm, supported the Chinese government in the Tiananmen Square massacre, and served on the 2000 Commission of the International Olympic Committee. He was supposed to help President Bush respond to the 9/11 attacks but stepped down because he refused to reveal if he had a business conflict of interest.
In 2010, he took a strong stance urging world governments to destroy all nuclear weapons. In the 2014 Ukrainian crisis, he said that Crimea should remain under Ukrainian sovereignty, but in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine said that Crimea and Donbas should be given to Russia.
Kissinger was a board member of Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes' biotech scam.
In response to the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, and seeing pro-Palestinian protestors in Germany, Kissinger called Muslim immigration into Germany "a grave mistake".
Kissinger died peacefully in his home in Connecticut on November 29th, 2023,
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week 🐧
1. ‘Robin Hood’ energy strikers give free power to French schools, hospitals, low-income homes
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Amid national strikes in the energy sector, some workers in France have found a novel way to protest. On Thursday, "Robin Hood" operations – unauthorised by the government – provided free gas and electricity to schools, universities, and low-income households throughout the country.
Among the facilities provided free energy were public sports facilities, daycare centers, public libraries, some small businesses and homes that had been cut off from power. 
2. UK scientists discover method to reduce steelmaking’s CO2 emissions by 90%
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Researchers from the University of Birmingham have developed an innovative method for existing furnaces that could reduce steelmaking’s CO2 emission by nearly 90%.
The iron and steel industry is a major cause of greenhouse gasses, accounting for 9% of global emissions. That’s because of the inherent carbon-intensive nature of steel production in blast furnaces, which currently represent the most-widely used practice.
3. Watch this cargo ship fly a giant kite to save fuel and cut emissions
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The 2,700-square-foot parafoil is helping to tow the cargo ship and lessen the workload of the massive diesel engines — reducing the ship’s use of dirty fuel.
4. Scientists discover emperor penguin colony in Antarctica using satellite images
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A newly discovered emperor penguin colony has been seen, using satellite images of one the most remote and inaccessible regions of Antarctica.
The colony, home to about 500 birds, makes a total of 66 known emperor penguin colonies around the coastline of Antarctica, half of which were discovered by space satellites. Emperor penguins are the only penguins that breed on sea ice, rather than land, and are located in areas that are very difficult to study because they are remote, inaccessible and can experience temperatures as low as −60C
Kowalski, analysis!
5. Dungeons & Dragons Scraps Plans to Update Its Open Game License
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Wizards of the Coast, publisher of Dungeons & Dragons, announced yesterday that it will no longer be pursuing deauthorization of the Open Gaming License 1.0a. The deauthorization of the OGL 1.0a was a huge sticking point for fans and third-party publishers who made a living using a license that was granted nearly two decades ago.
6. Turning problem sea algae into a replacement for plastic
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Excessive outbreaks of seaweed and microalgae are clogging up waters from the Caribbean to the Baltic. Now both are being harvested alongside farmed crops to create ingredients for cosmetics and food products.
7. German parliament officially commemorates LGBTQ victims of Nazi regime for first time.
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The German parliament for the first time on Friday focused its annual Holocaust memorial commemorations on people persecuted and killed over their sexual or gender identity during World War II. Campaigners in Germany have worked for decades to establish an official ceremony to commemorate the LGBTQ victims persecuted under the Nazi regime.
“Today’s hour of remembrances focuses on a group of victims which had to fight for a long time to achieve recognition: people who were persecuted by the National Socialists because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity,” Baerbel Bas, president of the Bundestag lower house, said while opening a ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation.
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That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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trentsixtysix · 2 years
i’m soo happy there’s more trent writers on here ☺️ could you write one where you pick him up from international break and you really missed him etc.. xxx
Missing you
Summary: You cant wait to see Trent after 2 weeks away, spoiling him with a relaxing night and comforting him after the match.
DISCLAIMER: Sorry it's a short one, and I had to add a teeny bit of sad Trent in it! Still not over how he didn't get picked for the squad against Germany :(
Word Count: 1.1k
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'What you upto?' Said the text on your phone, which you hurriedly went to check after seeing your screen light up, knowing it was from Trent.
You had about 4 days between you to relax before he was away for International break, and it was nowhere near enough, with him leaving immediately for England camp a few weeks ago. It was nearing 12am now, meaning you knew he was about to go to bed, wanting to check in on you one last time.
'Getting ready for bed, wbu?' You responded, switching the TV on in your bedroom for some background noise, feeling lonely without him next to you.
'Can you call?' He asked, which was an irrelevant question as you received the incoming facetime call notification before you could even respond, even though you'd always say yes.
You knew he'd be upset right now, needing comforting as you'd recently heard the news he didn't make it for the squad against Germany, not even as a substitute.
You'd sent him a few messages consoling him before, but had received no response, hoping he would talk to you later.
'Hi baby.' You said, seeing him slumped against his bright white pillow, a smile instantly forming when he saw your face.
'I miss you, when am I seeing you?' You asked, after your boyfriend told you he was planning on attending the match anyway, showing his support - once again reminding you of how big his heart was.
'It's gonna be late, like this time tomorrow, you picking me up from the train station?' He checked, as you confirmed and caught up with the rest of your day with him, rambling about nothing whilst he paid an attentive ear, not fussed that you wouldn't shush, just grateful he had someone there for him right now.
'Ok I'll leave you to get some sleep now.' You giggled, noticing it was almost 2am.
'And remember T...You know how good you are, don't let this put a spike in your confidence.' You added, blowing him a kiss before he told you he loved you and wished you goodnight.
Match day rolled around, and after a busy day you ran out of time to watch it, falling asleep as soon as you sat on the sofa for a break, benefitting you in the long run as you caught up on some sleep before you had to be awake in a few short hours to collect Trent from the train station.
Before you set off you made sure to cook Trent his favourite, homemade spag bol because you knew he would be hungry, and it was the least you could do to show him he was appreciated.
'I'm outside.' You texted him, waiting for him to meet you in the carpark and for you to see him, a day you'd been waiting for ever since he left.
You had underestimated how much you'd miss him, as you were both normally away a lot for work, but it wasn't until 3 days in that you were wishing he was next to you in bed again, annoying you whilst you tried to study, and begging you to play fifa with him, even if he'd throw a tantrum when you won.
He was still in his England fleece, carrying his single suitcase (which you still couldn't believe fit everything inside) and his phone.
He flashed a large smile when he saw you through the car, his dimples prominent causing you to unlock the door and meet him halfway.
'Baby!' He laughed, engulfing you into his arms as he kissed your head repeatedly.
'Thank God! couldn't cope without you.' You confessed, puckering your lips for him to kiss you.
'Me neither, the boys insist they heard me sleep-talking about you.' He joked, making you ugly laugh as you unlocked the boot for his suitcase, both of you hopping into the car.
The drive home was sweet, due to traffic you had around 45 minutes to joke about and catch up with each other in the car, informing him of the spaghetti you had cooked for him.
'And you didn't burn the house down? Proud of you.' He said, knowing last time the bolognese sauce came out charred after you had forgotten to take it off the heat.
'How you feeling?' You asked him upon entering the house, knowing he was upset on the inside that his football abilities had been questioned.
'It is what it is, all I can do is improve for next time.' He confessed, making you smile as that's what you told him before, happy he was taking your advice.
He watched you as you plated up his food for him, making sure the sauce to pasta ratio was perfect, aware of how it could ruin the whole meal when there was too much sauce.
'Thank you baby, this is what I needed y'know.' He told you, devouring it as you watched the time.
You ran a bath for him, as he waited in your bedroom, checking his phone for what felt like the 1000th time that night, slightly worrying you as you hadn't seen him this fixated on Twitter since the Champions League final.
'Stop that.' You called, making him look up at you through the bathroom door which was wide open.
'Stop what?' He playfully asked, switching his phone off, even though he knew what you were talking about.
He walked over to you whilst you were sat at the edge of the tub, adding a few more squirts of bubble bath to make it extra foamy for your diva boyfriend, making him smile in adoration for what you did for him, wrapping his arms around your neck gently to cuddle.
'You really shouldn't look at that stuff, only you know your weaknesses.' You told him, watching as he undressed before you, the two of you too tired to initiate anything tonight, simply kissing his cheek as he took in what you said, making your way back into the bedroom to wait for him.
He knew you'd already have dozed off by the time he got out of the bath and showered, with him teasing you all the time about how you could never stay awake in public either, but the sight to see you so peaceful in your bed brought a smile to his face, making him laugh to himself.
You felt him roll into bed next to you shortly after, and although you were asleep, you made sure to turn to him, raising you arms for him to wrap himself around you, the two of you interlocked as you slept contently.
'Thank you Y/n.' He said, kissing your forehead, making you stir, noticing a small smile appear on your half-sleeping face.
'I love you.' He whispered, as you managed to croakily tell him you loved him back, before the two of you were out immediately, exhausted..
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swabian-princess · 2 years
It-Girl Check: Carina Zavline
Hey girlies,
todays topic is a German It-Girl named Carina Zavline. For those who are not familiar with her at all – she’s a German It-Girl, Model and influencer.
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As you can see – she has almost 1 million followers on instagram and posts frequently about her vacations, model jobs and various beauty treatments. In fact, I first heard about lympathic drainage in one of her instagram stories and been a fan of this treatment ever since!
Her career started 2017 when she was a contestant in the German casting show Germany’s Next Topmodel.
While she got the best job (the Opel campagne) of the season and was handled as the shows favorite she had to leave the show right before the semifinal.
However, her career had just started. She landed a job as one of Guess ambassadors and did cooperations with many companies, mostly over her instagram profile.
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But who is Carina and what makes her so succesful?
Carina is the daughter of a Russian father and an Ukrainian mother. She was born in Dortmund, Germany and grew up in Hamburg before she moved to Munich to study there. After she finished her studies in Germany she moved to Paris and went to university there. She also studied acting at the Strasberg institute in LA.
Carina is fluent in six languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian.
Before she started her career as an influencer/model she was a succesful dancer and competed international.
In conclusion: she’s not only beautiful but also smart, well spoken and knows how to move her body.
These attributes helped her to land maybe the most important deal of her life: Kilian Hennessy.
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Kilian Hennessy is a french billionaire and maybe you already guessed it – yes, his family business is the cognac brand Henessy.
He’s also the founder of the luxurious perfume brand Kilian.
There is not much about the two as a couple on the internet but they made it official relatively recently, in 2022, when he and Carina walked together over the red carpet at the Cannes film festivals.
What can we learn from Carina?
Well, one thing would be: make friends on your way up and keep them. Nourish your friendships and make sure you don’t betray your friends or throw them under the bus for a man because maybe, they introduce you to your future husband.
Carina frequently posts pictures with one of her girlfriends, Hofit Golan – an israeli model, producer and entrepreneur.
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Hofit once was called Israels Paris Hilton and she seems to have the same lavish lifestyle as the American It-Girl.
Private jets, dinners in fancy restaurants and of course expensive clothes seem to be Carinas new normal.
Carinas personal style is very sexy but never too much. She’s often spotted wearing luxurious brands like LV, Hermès and Guess.
Her favorite accessoires seem to bee her Van Cleef & Arpels jewellry and her Hermès bags.
She always looks elegant, mix and matching different colors and materials. Look at her instagram for outfit inspirations!
Her makeup and hairstyles are rather simple. She’s sporting a basic nude face with winged eyeliner and wears her long hair down and with soft natural waves.
For nails, she mostly wears them short and with a soft pinkish color.
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I do understand the hype about her and I really do think that she’s a great role model in terms of levelling up and hypergamy.
She shows that you should not only look good but also need to be intelligent in order to bag a high value man.
Beauty can open doors, yes – but if you’re dumb and can’t hold a basic conversation even the most beautiful face won’t help you.
Most of those high value men are smart and want a partner they can talk to, a partner who’s able to discuss literature, politics or even art.
Work on yourself, not only on your appearence but also on your inside. Be gentle, generous, friendly and curious. Just never stop learning.
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hi if its ok to ask for a hc with the hetalia guys
What if they have a s/o whos a fashion student/designer who dose elegant, modern and femenine looks and also likes sketching to stress relif . Hope its not confusing ^^' and love the hc and stories you make with the hetalia characters
Whenever reading luds its fun
(Allies + Italy X Reader) Fashionista, artistic S/O!
(Feminine) Headcanons ~ A/N didnt do germany n japan bcs they would be like ok 👍love u. Do ur thing and thats it jskhkjj. req that seperately ig
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Thank god you’re around because otherwise, Alfred would walk outside in neon shorts, a novelty t-shirt, and sandals with socks. Luckily he has deep pockets, so the two of you can go on shopping sprees together all the time. He’ll wear whatever you tell him to, just make sure he doesn’t buy another pair of pizza pants.
He does love how feminine you are though. As much as he hates to admit it, he internalized a lot of 50s ideals. It’s always been his fantasy to have a ladylike wife, someone who can smooth his rough edges, someone graceful and caring. Once he realised you exemplify those traits, he had to have you.
Your hobbies are the exact opposite of his, but he’s always happy to listen and support your interests. Any art you do, regardless of how much you like it, is ending up framed on the wall, too.
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Arthur cares quite a lot about fashion, too! Although his tastes are a bit vintage and very conservative. He’d be very interested in your studies, every time you get home, he’ll ask you a million and one questions about the newest developments. And if you make your own clothes, he’ll pull some strings to get you your own studio. After all, what kind of idiot wouldn’t support the future head of the fashion industry?
He loves how elegant you are, too. He’s always been attracted to ultra-femininity, so your indulgences in that part of yourself always excite him. It’s nearly impossible for him to keep his hands off you when you wear those cute dresses…
He’s also always had a thing for femme fatales, but you didn’t hear it from me…
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Oh, mon Dieu! You’re the perfect partner for Francis! He’s absolutely over the moon about having an artistic S/O! He wants to see all of your work, everything you’re studying, and everything you want to make! All your thoughts, your ideas, your aspirations, he wants to know all of it. There’s nothing better for creativity than in-depth discussions, right?
One annoying thing though, is just that… he really loves your work. So he is constantly requesting that you make more. It’s very motivating when you’re going through art block, but… it’s not like you can design all of his clothes! Of course, since he’s also very skilled in that area, he’s very willing to help you whenever possible though. You need fabric? Your machine broke? Just need a second pair of eyes? He’s there. (And his advice is usually pretty good!)
Definitely gonna take you on a lot of dates to art museums and the like.
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Well, Yao has never been that big into fashion… but nowadays his people are really getting into it. Now that he has you, you can make sure no one calls him lame and outdated! (And then he gets to spoil you with clothes you love along the way. Win-win!) With your guidance, everyone will finally envy him and his beautiful wife again. Wait- Sorry, he constantly forgets you two aren’t married yet.
He’d love to work side by side with you. He has very different artistic pursuits, but spending that kind of time together is always nice. Both of you lost in your own little worlds with the only words being exchanged being occasional compliments. He’s really latched onto your own ways to relieve stress…
Also, because of how graceful and elegant you are, he’s like… obsessed with you. He thinks of you as some kind of goddess, and he’s always trying to please you to make up for how lucky he feels.
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Oh, how cute! He absolutely adores your work! While you’re busy designing and sewing, he loves bringing you little snacks and drinks while you're busy- he doesn’t wanna interrupt, really… he just can’t resist getting a little peak at whatever you’re working on. Whatever it is, he’s proud of you!
Since you like sketching to relax, he often takes you out to beautiful places. Whenever you’re stressed, or upset, or scared, he’s throwing you over his shoulder with your sketchbook and bringing you to a flower field. Maybe he’ll even start drawing himself! Although, you’re basically the only thing that inspires him.
Although he isn’t usually very attracted to ultra femininity, there’s something so pure about you that constantly makes him fall more and more in love. You’re like his sister, but not unstable and homicidal. And not his sister.
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A fashion student? Well, you’ve come to the best! Not him, exactly, he dresses like someone you’d see on r/peopleofwalmart, but his country at least. He could probably even get government loans for you to buy as much fabric as you need. And if you need a model, he’s been told he’s very average.
He would be able to help with your sketching, though. His classical training isn’t usually something that can be easily passed on, but he’s very willing to sit down and teach you anything you want. If you’re not as serious though, he respects that. Leaves more opportunity for him to be the one sketching you.
Your femininity is what drew him to you in the first place. He’s never been able to resist pretty people, and seeing how you carried yourself… and what you wore… it’s a wonder you two are dating now considering his accidentally creepy introduction.
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sysy-studyblr · 1 month
hey! i just finished my grade 12 exams and was looking into studying in germany. i was just curious what exactly you’re doing right now?
hi! so I have been waiting for someone to ask me this omg!!! currently cracking my knuckles opening up my laptop to answer this one
so! essentially the main thing here is whether your high-school diploma is enough for university study, i.e: is it qualified as a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB. I did the International Baccalaureate diploma, and based on the curriculum (and subjects chosen) you have studied, the route will be different for you. the German curriculum is of course best for studying there, but the IGCSE one is solid too. I am not sure for others, I live in kenya, so the main education systems are the Kenyan one, IB, and the Cambridge IGCSE one. best websites to use to figure out how to get there are as follow. DAAD is based on anabin, but anabin is from the culture ministers conference (the OG guys of deciding this study)
the main categories are:
a. diploma valid in both country of education + Germany
b. diploma valid in only country of education, not germany
c. diploma not valid
field of study
based on your choice for your field, and also bachelors, masters or phd, all play a role. stem courses will generally not be taught in English, and you will just have to know German, if you want to study stem. unless you can find a specific international university, there are almost no courses (I could not find even one pure physics course in English) for stem in English. if there are, you will probably compromise on quality of education.
humanities courses are taught in English, so if you go into literature, business, psychology, economics, hotel management, etc. there are plenty of courses at very very good universities.
public universities are usually the best in Germany, have relatively low tuition (recently introduced in some uni's for international students) and are extremely high in quality.
what I am doing rn
my diploma went into category b, above. despite getting above average IB points, being a student with tons of extracurriculars, the subjects I took, along with the general regard of the IB diploma in Germany resulted in my situation.
I have to do a studienkolleg (a foundation course for international students). in order to apply for a stem oriented course, as I am going into physics (women in stem!!), I need a studienkolleg, and in order to go into the studienkolleg, I need B2 German.
I have essentially taken a year off (may 2023 - sept 2024) to figure out how I am getting there. I started German in September 2024, after figuring out I need to know it + I need a foundation. everyone online has said you can't learn a foreign language in a year - do not listen to them, it is entirely possible, difficult, but honestly doable.
so yeah! ask if you have any other questions. despite all this, the reason I want to study there is quality of education in relation to tuition, the job market, the benefits for international students, and the quality of life.
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killa-trav · 1 year
Vettel leads race in sports nutrition
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Sebastian Vettel has become the lead investor in a British sports supplement brand that has raised £1.2 million to commercialise its plant-based formula.
Bill Ronald, chairman of the Fever-Tree drinks mixer brand and a former Mars executive, is also investing and is becoming chairman of BACX, which is based in Oxford.
Vettel, 35, the four-time Formula One world motor racing champion, said he had been introduced to the supplement two years ago by Antti Kontsas, his long-time performance coach, as they explored ways to improve the driver’s hydration and energy levels during races.
“We were always looking for the next thing to get fitter and in terms of supplementation,” Vettel said. “A big one has always been fuelling during a race because it’s quite complicated in the car, you have all the G-forces. Antti brought this product along. I tried it out at home first, during exercising and training, and it worked. I felt good and energised and shortly afterwards put it in my drinks bottle.” Unlike with other products, Vettel had no stomach pain later.
He said the consumer market for BACX was broad: “It is not like this is the perfect product for Formula One drivers. This is the perfect product for anyone who cares about their wellbeing, who is active. It doesn’t need to be extreme sports.”
BACX was founded in 2020 by Jason Baits-Tomlin, a former Gallaher and Japan Tobacco International executive, who came up with the idea after breaking his hip during an endurance bike race in South Africa in 2016. He developed the formulation as part of studying for an executive MBA at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School.
Baits-Tomlin, 49, said that like Vettel he had suffered side-effects from using existing sports drinks and powders and had decided to develop a natural formula using plants.
The brand’s “Performance Fuel” concentrate is sold via its website and soon will be available on Amazon. “We will then transfer the tech into a sports drink that will be launching in the summer,” Baits-Tomlin said. He expects to the product to be launched in Germany, Italy, France and Spain this year and hopes to raise another round of investment from venture capital in 12 months’ time.
Other sports stars to have gone into business have included Chris Froome, the cyclist and four-time Tour de France winner, who has a stake in Hammerhead, an American start-up that makes cycling computers, and Chris Smalling, the former Manchester United defender now playing in Italy, who co-founded ForGood, an investment firm backing environmental start-ups.
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justforbooks · 9 months
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Although there was never any such phenomenon as Whittakermania, Roger Whittaker, who has died aged 87, built a huge international following in a career that spanned six decades. As the Boston Globe noted of his stage performances: “No one gets high. No one gets hysterical with excitement. And yet Roger Whittaker is one of the most popular entertainers in the world.”
Whittaker’s smooth baritone voice and songs of love, loss and yearning endeared him to audiences worldwide. His best known songs, where his voice was invariably accompanied by keening strings, included 1969’s Durham Town (the Leavin’), I Don’t Believe in If Anymore (1970), which reached No 8 in the UK, The Last Farewell (1971, reissued in 1975 to become a Top 20 hit in the US and a chart-topper in 11 countries), and Wind Beneath My Wings (1982).
He also had a trademark whistling ability, which he used to perform The Skye Boat Song in a duet with Des O’Connor, reaching the UK Top 10 in 1986.
Though he did not rack up chart hits as prolifically as the Beatles or Abba, his frequent TV and live appearances made him a household name in many countries. In the mid-1980s, he was acknowledged as Germany’s most successful recording artist. He made several recordings in German, singing the lyrics phonetically since he could not speak the language.
He was never fashionable, but never out of fashion with his audience. When he recorded a song such as Green, Green Grass of Home, it lacked the drama of Tom Jones’s version and his treatment of Song Sung Blue was homelier and more avuncular than Neil Diamond’s original, but it all became Whittaker music.
He liked to say he represented the “silent majority”. He defined this as “the kind of person who when he marries becomes a parent and a taxpayer and devotes himself to bringing up his children properly – all in all, a pretty straight-down-the-line guy”.
In the 70s, when rock music was dominating the record industry, Whittaker was dropped by his label, RCA, despite the fact that he had sold several million discs. He decided to market his 1977 album, All My Best, on TV. “I was the first act to go on TV with records,” he said. All My Best sold nearly 1m copies.
Born in Nairobi, Kenya, he was the son of Vi (nee Showan) and Edward Whittaker, who had owned a grocery shop in Staffordshire, but moved to a farm near Thika after Edward sustained serious injuries in a motorcycle accident and had been advised that a hot, dry climate would aid his recuperation.
Edward developed a new grocery business, while Vi worked as a teacher. Roger, who could speak Swahili before he learned English, attended the Prince of Wales school (now Nairobi school). He had begun learning the guitar at seven.
After school, where he had sung in the choir, he was called up for national service. He was posted to the Kenya Regiment, and for two years was involved in fighting the anti-colonial Mau Mau rebels. He subsequently attended the University of Cape Town to study medicine, but after 18 months he left and trained to be a teacher.
In 1959 he moved to Britain and enrolled at Bangor University in north Wales, where he studied zoology, biochemistry and marine biology. He also began to make his first moves into music, playing gigs to earn some cash and recording songs on flexi discs distributed with the university newspaper.
These provoked interest from Fontana records, and in 1962 his first single releases were The Charge of the Light Brigade and Steel Men.
He played concerts in Northern Ireland and appeared on the Ulster TV show This and That, and his career developed with constant touring around Britain.
“I learned how to entertain in the clubs of the north-east of England, the working men’s clubs where the miners go,” he said. In 1964 he married Natalie O’Brien.
By 1968 he was touring internationally and even had a TV showcase in the Soviet Union. At the 1968 Knokke song contest in Belgium, Whittaker performed If I Were a Rich Man, from the musical Fiddler on the Roof, and his own whistling composition, Mexican Whistler, helping Britain to win the competition, and both tunes were hits in France, the Netherlands and Belgium. In 1969 he scored his first UK Top 20 hit with Durham Town (the Leavin’), which reached No 12. Its easy-listening mixture of sentimentality and nostalgia, with its mournful references to war and bereavement, was typical of Whittaker’s work.
He revisited his African background in the documentary film Roger Whittaker in Kenya: A Musical Safari (1982), and in 1986 he published his autobiography (written with his wife), So Far, So Good. Three years later, he received the news that his parents had been attacked by a gang of robbers in Kenya, leaving his father dead and his mother brutally beaten. She subsequently moved back to Britain.
Outside music, Whittaker had a shrewd eye for antiques. His collection of paintings, furniture and works of art was auctioned by Sotheby’s in 1999 for more than £1m, at the same time as he sold his Herefordshire home and moved to Essex. Latterly he lived in the south of France.
He is survived by Natalie and by their five children, Emily, Lauren, Jessica, Guy and Alexander, 12 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and his sister, Betty.
🔔 Roger Henry Brough Whittaker, singer and songwriter, born 22 March 1936; died 13 September 2023
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Women in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
I just realized that I never posted the text version of the talk I presented at the National World War II Museum’s 15th International Conference on World War II, titled “Women in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” (though I did provide footage).
Without further ado:
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is the most famous instance of Jewish resistance to Nazi terror during the Holocaust. It has been depicted in every form of media from comic books to film. Yet, one element nearly all fictional, artistic, and cultural representations of the Uprising have in common, is that they all depict it as an exclusively male event; commanded by men, organized by men, and fought by men. If women exist in these depictions, they do so as tragic mothers, or silent girlfriends.
In reality, young Jewish women played a vital role in every aspect of the Uprising; their contributions were such that I feel comfortable saying, that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising could not have happened without the bravery, ingenuity, and action of young Polish Jewish women.
When I say “young Polish Jewish women,” I am speaking of members of the generation born between approximately 1914 and 1924. This distinct generation of Jewish youth shared a series of experiences as they came of age in interwar Poland which uniquely prepared them for their underground work during the war.
Interwar Polish Jewish youth—as a result of a clash between traditional Eastern European Jewish ways of life, the modernizing trends of the 1920s and 30s, and systemic anti-Semitism at all levels of the Polish state—were an extraordinarily ambitious, politicized, and independent generation. They looked away from the home and traditional centers of Jewish authority for guidance and structure, and found them instead, in Jewish political and ideological youth groups—a common feature of European political parties in this period.
These youth movements commanded their members’ utmost loyalty. They taught Jewish youth how to act collectively, and how to fight for the vision of Jewish life in Poland they wanted to see without waiting for the guidance or permission of their elders. Unlike the older generations, they weren’t afraid to practice confrontational politics, and they didn’t hesitate to demand their rights as Jews from the hostile Poles.
This said, the older generation did have some influence and control over these young people’s education and socialization. Jewish law proscribed that only Jewish boys were required to study Torah. In Eastern European Jewish society, this exemption led Jewish families to provide their sons with a private, religious education; while sending their daughters to public school. There, Jewish girls were introduced to Polish secular culture, language, and customs. They learned to speak Polish without the easily detectable Yiddish inflection of most Jewish speakers; and gained both gentile social contacts, and a level of comfort in Polish society that Jewish boys did not have access to.
Eastern European Jewish gender roles dictated that, after completing his religious education, Jewish men were supposed to dedicate their lives to religious study, while their wives went out into the world to earn a living. While this was a cultural ideal, as opposed to a reality, the existence of this ideal legitimized Jewish women’s presence in the world of business and commerce. These wage-earning women, in turn, raised their daughters to be assertive breadwinners. Therefore the ambitious, independent, and self-directed Jewish women and girls who came of age in the interwar period were both comfortable in gentile Polish society, and were socialized to fit the ideal of the strong, savvy, capable Jewish woman.
When catastrophe struck the Jews of Poland in 1939, these young women became the backbone of the organized Jewish resistance. Nazi Germany and the USSR invaded and partitioned Poland in September 1939. In doing so, they threw the youth groups into disarray, cutting their communications with the outside world. To rebuild communication networks, a series of volunteer couriers ran letters and other forms of communication between the isolated Jewish communities of Poland, navigating two distinct occupation authorities as they went. Most of these couriers were Jewish women and girls, some as young as 15.
The Nazis began to ghettoize Polish Jewry in 1940. The Jewish population of Warsaw, at approximately 400,000 people, was sealed inside the Warsaw Ghetto in November, 1940; the Germans extended this ghettoization policy to Eastern Poland and Lithuania upon its June 1941 invasion of the USSR. Within the ghettos, and specifically, the Warsaw Ghetto, a patchwork of undergrounds emerged as each youth group organized its own system of covert activity, typically centered on education, culture, publications, and mutual aid.
Now sealed within the Ghetto, the youth groups continued to rely on female couriers for contact with the outside world. In this period, the couriers transported not only letters, but money, illegal literature, forged documents, and rumors of mass executions of Jews. They had only their false identity cards and travel permits, Aryan-passing looks, wits, and genitalia which could not betray their Jewish identity, to shield them from detection as they dodged Nazi inspections and patrols. Any sign of fear, any waiver in confidence could mean death.
In light of the courage it took to conduct this work, and the role they played in connecting their communities to the outside world, these women’s comrades and organizations hailed them as heroes, and bringers of hope. Jewish resistance leader Mordechai Tennenbaum wrote the following of Tema Schneiderman, a courageous courier, and his girlfriend: 
Over 20 times she crossed borders that separated different parts of Poland...Tema visited every ghetto, knew Jewish life and troubles in every town and city. She was a living treasure of information...She brought messages from the movement to every area...Even Poles and Germans could not reach every part of Poland as she did. And when she came, there was such joy.
Rushka Korczak, based in Vilna, wrote the following of courier Tossia Altman:
Tossia came. It was like a blessing of freedom. Just the information that she came. It spread among the people. That we have Tossia visiting us from Warsaw. As if there was no ghetto. As if there were no Germans. As if there was no death around. As if we were not in this terrible war. A beam of love. A beam of light.
After the Nazis realized that a quick victory after their 1941 invasion of the USSR was not to come, they transitioned from a policy of ethnic cleansing of their unwanted Jews to one of genocide, using death camps and poison gas. In the Warsaw Ghetto, this process began in the summer of 1942. Through a combination of terror, disinformation campaigns, and a reliance on the Jewish instinct to cooperate with authorities, between July 22 and September 10, 1942 the Nazis deported approximately 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to their deaths at the Treblinka death camp.
It was only after the deportations, when none of the 55-65,000 Jews remaining in the Warsaw Ghetto could deny the truth of Nazi intentions, that a true, united Jewish underground could emerge. And in early October, 1942, the Jewish Fighting Organization, or ZOB, after its Polish initials, was formed. The youth groups were a vital part of this process, and retained their structures under the umbrella of the ZOB as planning for an armed Uprising began in earnest.
This is when the mission of the couriers turned from information gathering, to arms acquisition, and rescue. To complete both of these tasks, the couriers had to commit to a dangerous, underground life on the “Aryan” side of Warsaw. As they smuggled Jewish children out of the ghetto before the Uprising, the couriers were responsible for finding safe accommodations, securing false docu­ment,s and managing their care. Each of these tasks was enormously time consuming, complicated, and risky. And the arrangements could fall apart at any moment as a neighbor or landlord grew suspicious. While making these arrangements, the couriers also had to focus on acquiring guns, explosives, and ammunitions, and smuggling them past the German guards, and into the Ghetto. They slept with chemical explosives and instructions for the manufacture of homemade bombs under their pillows, and smuggled dynamite into the ghetto through labyrinthine factory passageways.
In her memoir They Are Still with Me, courier and arms smuggler Havka Folman-Raban wrote of one such mission: 
For a short while I lived in the same room with Tema Schneiderman...Under the bed was...a suitcase containing pistols and grenades...Tema and I brought the grenades to the ghetto...Each of the girls hid a grenade in her most intimate place, her undergarments. From a suburb of the city we took a streetcar in the direction of the ghetto. I recall our odd behavior during the ride. Tema stood at my side and asked: ‘What would happen if a gentleman invited us to sit beside him?’ We broke into laughter; hiding our fear in this way...
ZOB commander Yitzak “Antek” Zuckerman wrote that he would never forget the celebration which took place in honor of courier Frumka Plotnitzka when she smuggled the ZOB’s first weapons into the Warsaw Ghetto. She’d done it, by placing the weapons in a basket of potatoes. When she was stopped by a German policeman, he put his hand into the bas­kte and groped around, but did not notice anything amiss.
Stories like these proliferate through the diaries, memoirs, autobiographies, and testimonies of surviving members of the ZOB. Male and female resistance leaders alike made it very clear in their post-war writings that no uprising could have happened without the couriers. Indeed, Zivia Lubetkin, the highest ranking women in the ZOB, wrote in her memoir that: “one can not possibly describe this work of organizing the Jewish resistance, or the uprising itself, without mentioning the role of these valiant women.”
Many couriers were discovered over the course of their missions; most were tortured and murdered upon their capture. A courier named Hasia began her underground work in a group of 23 women. Only five survived.
When the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began on April 19, 1943, women were vital in all theaters of the Uprising. They were sharpshooters, reconnaissance officers, fighters, and commanders. Tossia Altman was charged with using one of the few working telephones in the ghetto to relay information to commanders on the Aryan side, while courier Vladka Meed was ordered to remain on the Aryan side and continue her rescue work.
Zivia Lubetkin, upon the destruction of the main command bunker, and the murder of the highest ranking commanders of the Uprising, led survivors out of the ghetto through the sewers to the Aryan side of the city, holding her gun aloft over her head the entire time. Much later, after the war, Zivia testified in the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann.
What I’ve spoken about today barely scratches the surface of the full extent of these womens’ actions, and there is so much more to say about each and every one of them. I hope, however, that this provided you all with a good introduction.
Thank you.
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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Young Nuremberg Prosecutor: Benjamin Ferencz
His slogan was “law not war.”
Benjamin Ferencz was an investigator of Nazi war crimes who served as chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials and later dedicated his life to fostering world peace.
Born in Hungary in 1920, Ben immigrated to the U.S. with his family as an infant to escape anti-Jewish persecution. They settled in the lower east side of New York. Ben attended City College of NY, where he studied criminal law. He was an exceptional student and had such a high score on the final exam that he won a full scholarship to Harvard Law School. He graduated in 1943 and joined the US Army, where he served in an anti-aircraft artillery unit.
After the war ended in 1945, Ben was transferred to General Patton’s headquarters and assigned to a team investigating war crimes. He visited concentration camps immediately after they were liberated, and wrote: “Indelibly seared into my memory are the scenes I witnessed while liberating these centers of death and destruction. Camps like Buchenwald, Mauthausen and Dachau are vividly imprinted in my mind’s eye. Even today, when I close my eyes, I witness a deadly vision I can never forget – the crematoria aglow with the fire of burning flesh, the mounds of emaciated corpses stacked like cordwood waiting to be burned… I had peered into Hell.”
Later that year, he was honorably discharged with rank of sergeant. He went back to NY to start his law career, but was soon recruited to prosecute top Nazis for war crimes in the famous Nuremberg trials. Ben traveled to Germany and started interviewing Jewish survivors in Displaced Persons Camps. He told the Washington Post about the strange and disturbing post-war atmosphere, “Someone who was not there could never really grasp how unreal the situation was… I once saw DPs beat an SS man and then strap him to the steel gurney of a crematorium. They slid him in the oven, turned on the heat and took him back out. Beat him again, and put him back in until he was burnt alive. I did nothing to stop it. I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so. Does that make me an accomplice to murder?” He continued, “You know how I got witness statements? I’d go into a village where, say, an American pilot had parachuted and been beaten to death and line everyone up against the wall. Then I’d say, ‘Anyone who lies will be shot on the spot.’ It never occurred to me that statements taken under duress would be invalid.”
Ben had a lot to learn; the Nuremberg prosecution was his first criminal case! He went to Berlin with fifty researchers tasked with searching through every German office and archive. They uncovered a vast trove of evidence against the Nazis. Perhaps the most shocking was the revelation that many members of the German elite were integrally involved in Nazi atrocities. Doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, and business moguls were active participants in the genocide of the Jews.
At 27 years old, Ben Ferencz became Chief Prosecutor for the United States in the Einsatzgruppen Case, which the Associated Press called “the biggest murder trial in history.” Twenty-two men were on trial for murdering one million people.
All of the defendants were convicted and thirteen received the death penalty. Afterwards, Ben said, “Nuremberg taught me that creating a world of tolerance and compassion would be a long and arduous task. And I also learned that if we did not devote ourselves to developing effective world law, the same cruel mentality that made the Holocaust possible might one day destroy the entire human race.”
Ben devoted his life to the cause of world peace and wrote several books about how to achieve it. He was essential in the establishment of the International Criminal Court to prosecute war crimes and crimes against humanity. Ben’s slogan is “law not war.” After a long and full life, Ben died at age 103 in April 2023.
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argyrocratie · 1 year
“5) IMF – loser states
The United States and its allies knew as early as 1944, when the new world economic order was being formed, that entire nations could unravel because their national capital would lose out to competition from foreign capital. Therefore they supplemented the free trade agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Countries in which capital is not competitive relative to the worldwide standard find themselves increasingly lacking in foreign currencies due to import-export imbalances. At the same time, their own currency will not be accepted abroad. Private and public loans in foreign currency can no longer be paid back and thus the state and the national economy are threatened with having to withdraw from international trade. The IMF is intended to counter this consequence of national bankruptcy.
Those states that have become rich through trade pay into the IMF. The IMF then grants loans to the loser states so that their business world can continue to participate in international trade. Thus the rich countries retain the loser countries as a sphere of business.
This loan does not exist without conditions. The borrowing states must commit themselves to reducing the state budget through austerity measures. As a rule, these measures target the welfare state. Privatisation of public enterprises is called for. This principle of a compulsory austerity policy is a topic in its own right, which you should take a closer look at.
A whole series of states are dependent on the IMF to participate in international trade at all. Prominent at present are: Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Argentina.
6) Excursus: What is the cause of poverty?
In the 1980s, many Leftists were at least familiar with the main facts about the IMF. But it is still worthwhile these days to study it.
Then, as now, the following criticism was levelled: the IMF is the cause of poverty. It forces governments to impoverish its people, as happened in Egypt where food and fuel subsidies were abolished.
There are two things to say against this theory:
Firstly, it is important to distinguish the actors and their roles both in Western countries and in poor countries. The IMF is an organisation of states. It addresses a state in distress and makes use of its weakness. However, it is not the borrowing state that has to endure the austerity measures, but the population, which is compelled to do so by the borrowing government. This gives the state the opportunity to stick to the project of using the world market for national success. The costs have to be borne by the population. Within the population we again need to make a distinction. Companies in the country usually do not bear the costs. On the contrary: they can continue to pursue their project of making money and often more successfully than before if the wage levels are lowered. Put differently, within societies that take IMF credit there, too, is domination, there are rich economic subjects and a bunch of poor suckers.
The IMF is not a means by which the successful countries simply harass the less successful countries. Rather: the successful exploitation of wage labour in Germany, for example, creates companies that are successful in a global market comparison. This gives the German state the power to make demands on those countries in which this success is not to be found. The relationship is one between states and the damage is then distributed across the wealth hierarchy in the involved countries.
Expressed again using the example of Greece: We Germans do not help the Greeks. Rather: the German state gives credit to the Greek state because a default by the Greek state would mean a default for the entire Greek economy. This in turn would damage the German economy and this is what the German state wants to prevent. So the German state is helping itself with its project of supporting the Greek state. If one condition for these loans is that the Greek state should consistently evict defaulting tenants and small homeowners so that the Greek banks do not have to write off at least a part of their loans then this will also benefit the Greek banks. What do the German wage dependants get out of it? They can continue to try to organise their lives cheaply – exhaustion and persistent fear for their livelihood included – and work for successful German capitals. So the national “we” is not appropriate either in Germany or in Greece.
Secondly, even if the IMF – through its structural adjustment programmes – demands further impoverishment of a large part of the population, the IMF is not the cause of poverty. Fundamentally, those people are poor who, as wage labourers, have to keep going back to capital for work. This relationship – wages, i.e. money to live on, in return for carrying out work – only exists if there is a prospect of economic growth for capital. Where the surplus necessary for this is not created by the wage labourers, they are left without even basic necessities – they are unemployed. In this respect, the positions of wage labourers differ in different countries. Where capital does not live up to world market standards, capital is destroyed or cannot develop in the first place. In such cases, unemployment is then a mass phenomenon and that has its repercussions on the wages of those still employed, who then barely make ends meet. This particular harsh form of wage labour existence is thus due to the fact that the freedom of capital is enforced, and that then one national capital destroys another national capital in competition. In this respect, it must be said that free trade is the cause of absolute poverty in some parts of the world. Only then does the IMF come in and provide further hardship.”
-Gruppen Gegen Kapital und Nation, “What is Imperialism?” (2018)
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rhapsodynew · 5 days
#On this day📌
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David Alexander, bass guitarist of the stooges, was born on June 3, 1947
David was born in Whitmore Lake, Michigan, but his family later moved to Ann Arbor. Dave began his studies at Pioneer High School, where he met brothers Ron and Scott Ashton. In 1965, Ron sold the motorcycle, and the friends traveled to England to see The Who and "try to find The Beatles."
After a while, David and the Ashton brothers met Iggy Pop. In 1967, The Stooges, also known as Iggy & The Stooges, was formed under his leadership.
In August 1970, he was fired from the band for appearing at the Goose Lake International Music Festival under the influence of alcohol.
David died of pulmonary edema in 1975 at the age of 27. Shortly before his death, he was being treated for pancreatitis caused by alcohol abuse.
In 2005, Rolling Stone magazine ranked the band 78th on its list of the greatest artists of all time.
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On June 3, 1950, Suzy Quatro was borna baby with a bass guitar.
Suzie Quatro (Susan Kay Quatro, English Susan Kay Quatro), was born on June 3, 1950, in the northern United States, in Detroit, Michigan, in the family of jazz musician Art Quatro, an American of Italian descent, and Hungarian Helen Shanishlai.
It is known that initially Suzy's last name was somewhat different. According to one version, she sounded like Quattrocio, but Suzy's paternal grandfather, who came to the United States in 1901, decided to shorten the surname to "Quatro", for easier and more euphonious pronunciation.
Quatro turned out to be one of the first women in the history of rock to assemble her own band, and from men.
"I became the first successful woman in rock and roll to lead a group of men and play an instrument seriously. It didn't happen before or after me," she said in an interview with the London Express. In the era of glam rock, Quatro "... developed a standard that all women with an electric guitar try to follow to this day," Jane Hall wrote in the Journal.
Michael Norman Finn, better known as Mickey Finn, was born on June 3, 1947. He is the drummer and percussionist of the famous British team "T.Rex". The musician died in 2003.
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William Norris "Billy" Powell, the keyboardist of the American band Lynyrd Skynyrd, was born on June 3, 1952. The musician died in 2009.
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Doro Pesch, warlock vocalist and famous solo artist, was born on June 3, 1964
The charismatic blonde from Germany, known in the world of heavy rock as Doro Pesch, is considered the unsurpassed goddess of the German metal Olympus! She first rocked the scene in the early 80s, declaring herself as the vocalist of the cult metal band Warlock. Moreover, the disappearance of the famous band from the musical map of the world in no way affected the success of Doro Pesch. The vociferous, charismatic blonde skillfully disposed of her talents. She managed to realize herself in the music business, declaring herself as an amazing vocalist, composer, leader of her own project and just a cult personality in the history of European metal. Doro is one of the thousands of women who have conquered the gates of the hardcore metal community. She brilliantly managed to withstand the aggressive confrontation of a harsh world where only men reigned. Pesch proved to everyone that hard rock can have a female face.
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Kerry King, founder and guitarist of Slayer, was born on June 3, 1964
He is also known for his uncompromising character, extravagant appearance and love of snakes.
He received his only personal award only in 2008 — the Golden Gods Awards of Metal Hammer magazine in the Golden God nomination.
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Joshua Michael Tillman (born May 3, 1981), better known by his stage name Father John Misty, is an American musician, singer and songwriter. Tillman is known for his satirical lyricism and eccentric performance style.
During his career, he has been a regular or touring member of Demon Hunter, Saxon Shore, Jeffertitti's Nile, Pearly Gate Music, Siberian, Har Mar Superstar, Poor Moon, Low Hums and Jonathan Wilson, and has toured extensively with Jesse Sykes and David Bazan. As a record producer and songwriter, Tillman has also contributed to albums by more popular artists such as Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Kid Cudi, Lana Del Rey and Post Malone.
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© Don Hong-Oai
單雄威 Don Hong-Oai (1929 – 2004) was born in Canton, China in 1929, but spent most of his life in Saigon, Vietnam. At the age of 13 he began an apprenticeship at a Chinese photo and portrait shop. During this time he learned the traditional ways of photography from the masters. Everything was done the old-fashioned way from exposing the glass negatives in sunlight to using instinct rather than timers. Don would photograph landscapes in his free time and his style was heavily influenced by the legendary photographer Long Chin-San and his technique of layering negatives to create one composite image.
In 1979 he was able to get to the U.S. and settled in San Francisco’s Chinese community. Don started making a living selling his landscape photographs in front of Macy’s and began to receive more and more recognition for his master craftsmanship. He would create these images by taking three negatives, foreground, middle ground and far ground, and selecting a subject matter from each negative to form one composite image. All parts of the image do exist in life, but the photograph as a whole is an image that only existed in Don’s imagination. Each photograph is a unique handcrafted piece of work.
The photographs of Don Hong-Oai are made in a unique style of photography, which can be considered Asian pictorialism. This method of adapting a Western art for Eastern purposes probably originated in the 1940s in Hong Kong. One of its best-known practitioners was the great master Long Chin-San who died in the 1990s at the age of 104) with whom Don Hong-Oai studied. With the delicate beauty and traditional motifs of Chinese painting (birds, boats, mountains, etc.) in mind, photographers of this school used more than one negative to create a beautiful picture, often using visual allegories. Realism was not a goal.
He never had an assistant or had his images put together in a lab. Each piece had to be put together by Don as he saw it in his mind. His work has won scores of international awards and is included in hundreds of personal and corporate collections worldwide.. Only in the last few years of his life – he died in June 2004 – was his work discovered by a wider public, and he was kept very busy making prints for collectors across the US and worldwide.
Don Hong-Oai was one of the last photographers to work in this manner. He is also arguably the best. He was honoured by Kodak, Ilford and at Fotokina in West Germany and was a member of the International Federation of Photographic Art in Switzerland and the Chinatown Photographic Society.
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pupil-of-law · 4 months
Though it was late in the evening, and the townhouse had been empty and silent all day, the sound of the busy thoroughfare outside, uproarious with the traffic of pedestrians and the swift flow of horses and hansoms, now thrummed down below. Adelheid’s brother was not looking at her, but examining a stack of papers at the desk he stood at.
‘My judgment is final,’ he said curtly. ‘Indeed if it was not before, you may be assured that it now most certainly is. I could not have made a greater error in sending you into the field. Were you not my own flesh and blood I would not have begrudged the Ottomans the diplomatic right to your imprisonment and sentence… But you’re home now.’ He seemed to soften, slightly, and even lifted his small beetle-black eyes to her. He came out from behind the desk to approach his sister, shadows under his eyes showing in the dim light from the lamp on the glass-topped coffee table where Adelheid sat. Friedrich Zeitzler’s hair was sparse and macassared; a silky gradation at the temples of pale grey to darker brown partly obscured by a pair of small round spectacles. A dark, smooth moustache sat above his colourless lips. He reached out perfunctorily to take Adelheid’s palm and meet her eye. ‘Dr Joachim Behren. He remains a man of significant influence and generous sponsorship; you may have read some of his old speeches at the Reichstag during your school days. He is a keen member of the International Eugenics Congress, and believes in good breeding. This is a high compliment.’ Pausing for a moment to appreciate the limpness of Adelheid’s recedent hand, and to notice her eyes glittering with fury, her lips parting to issue an objection, he frowned in incredulity.
‘Don’t you dare speak. Your conduct makes it clear you haven’t the slightest concept what we are are attempting to achieve in this war. Do you think that I - that Germany - are such spendthrifts of human life that we would allow the casual larceny of an entire generation, for so common a reason as you might employ when deciding what evening dress to wear? Do you truly think the world is so fashioned? That the human good comes about by the mere whim of politicians. No. Peace and prosperity for mankind takes violence you cannot imagine, and sacrifice which you will soon appreciate. You are German. You owe this duty to your homeland and by God I will make sure you fulfil it! Like the rest of us.’
Suddenly there were footsteps, and a flurry of movement from between two high stone pillars at the entrance of the room. Zeitzler turned, rubbing his reddened temple with distress, to the noise. ‘Sebastian, is that you?’ ‘Guten Abend Geheimrat,’ came a deep bass voice in reply, and two men lumbered in. Sebastian, in shirtsleeves and a sweat-slick brow from dancing and drinking all night at the Princesse De Léon’s debutante ball, was smiling victoriously; his moist bright eyes catching for a moment to fix on Adelia, before sweeping away again. His companion, Baron Sipolje, wearing his Order of Maria Theresa on his breast, was an expensive looking man, effete and well-groomed, Zeitzler’s closest confidante. He made a low bow when he noticed Adelheid, and gave her a sinister, mincing smile as if he knew her fate better than she did. Throwing his hat and stick onto the armchair next to her almost as if to see if she would flinch, he noted: ‘Dear heart, what a face. Mata Hari act not quite work out, hm? I told your dear brother as much before you left. No, no, see-' he made so bold as to reach out his stubby fingers to her cheek to turn her face to the light, tutting and shaking his head. ‘Far too striking. Those cheekbones.’
Rather than aiding his sister, Zeitzler had already turned to Sebastian to study his agent with a long, circumspect look. Under its cold pressure, Sebastian merely leant back against a bookcase and spoke for the first time in a hoarse, soft voice; his eyes heavy but serene and untroubled. ‘Domine, me immundum.’ There was another brief silence, before Zeitzler responded: ‘Non, purus es.’ Sebastian swallowed, and when Zeitzler told him to go and rest he did so without another word.
‘You will not see him again,’ Friedrich turned his head to address Adelheid, before going to fetch the papers from his desk for her to sign. ‘He leaves tomorrow for the Belgian Frontier. If he returns, it will not be to Germany. Your sole and chief concern from this night on is the happiness of your husband. This is for your own good, as well as the good of your family and your country. Do we understand one another?’
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lalsingh228-blog · 2 months
Aquatic Robot Market to Eyewitness Huge Growth by 2030
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Latest business intelligence report released on Global Aquatic Robot Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Aquatic Robot market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis: Atlas Maridan ApS. (Germany), Deep Ocean Engineering Inc. (United States), Bluefin Robotics Corporation (United States), ECA SA (France), International Submarine Engineering Ltd. (Canada), Inuktun Services Ltd. (Canada), Oceaneering International, Inc. (United States), Saab Seaeye (Sweden), Schilling Robotics, LLC (United States), Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd. (United Kingdom) Download Free Sample PDF Brochure (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Brief Overview on Aquatic Robot: Aquatic robots are those that can sail, submerge, or crawl through water. They can be controlled remotely or autonomously. These robots have been regularly utilized for seafloor exploration in recent years. This technology has shown to be advantageous because it gives enhanced data at a lower cost. Because underwater robots are meant to function in tough settings where divers' health and accessibility are jeopardized, continuous ocean surveillance is extended to them. Maritime safety, marine biology, and underwater archaeology all use aquatic robots. They also contribute significantly to the expansion of the offshore industry. Two important factors affecting the market growth are the increased usage of advanced robotics technology in the oil and gas industry, as well as increased spending in defense industries across various countries. Key Market Trends: Growth in AUV Segment Opportunities: Adoption of aquatic robots in military & defense
Increased investments in R&D activities Market Growth Drivers: Growth in adoption of automated technology in oil & gas industry
Rise in awareness of the availability of advanced imaging system Challenges: Required highly skilled professional for maintenance Segmentation of the Global Aquatic Robot Market: by Type (Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)), Application (Defense & Security, Commercial Exploration, Scientific Research, Others) Purchase this Report now by availing up to 10% Discount on various License Type along with free consultation. Limited period offer. Share your budget and Get Exclusive Discount @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) • North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical data – 2017-2022 The base year for estimation – 2022 Estimated Year – 2023 Forecast period** – 2023 to 2028 [** unless otherwise stated] Browse Full in-depth TOC @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market
Summarized Extracts from TOC of Global Aquatic Robot Market Study Chapter 1: Exclusive Summary of the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 2: Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 3: Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis Chapter 4: Market Segmentation by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2027 Chapter 5: Decision Framework Chapter 6: Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges Chapter 7: Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 8: Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Buy Full Copy Aquatic RobotMarket – 2021 Edition @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=177845 Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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