#in there defense it’s apparently an ask blog for an au
writingbyricochet · 2 years
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Having been on Writeblr for ten months and with a recent uptick of followers, I thought it was due for a refresh of my intro! Fingers crossed this one will be a bit more informative about what kind of a writer I am than my first one!
Megan, Meg, or Lucky (she/her)
20s, Taiwanese American, Eastern Time Zone
Interacts from @luckyricochet
Ask/tag game friendly
In love with history, art, and romance itself
— WRITING; ♡ —
Primarily romance, historical fiction (or historically-inspired), fantasy, fanfiction
Aspirational: Dark academia, gothic
Favorite tropes: friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, sunshine/grump pairings, mutual pining
I love prose that is moody, atmospheric, and deeply emotive in its examination of the human condition almost to the point of romanticism. Besides the universal aims of a solid plot and characters, these are the qualities I want my own work to reflect the most.
Between Heaven and Earth
low fantasy/adventure; intro post, tag, wip page
Raised as a princess and heir apparent to the Velitovan throne, Laeisa Durecane's world is suddenly turned upside down when a diplomatic mission turns deadly and her father the King and his entire delegation are killed, leaving Laesia the sole survivor. Having to now abandon peace talks that would have formalized independence for her country, Laesia is forced into exile and takes refuge in the home of a young farmer. The distant rural district she now finds herself in is a far cry from the life of privilege she once enjoyed, but she at least has plenty of time to plot exactly how she will reclaim her throne and finally liberate Velitova.
Tomorrow is a Place
low fantasy/romance; intro post, tag
Do you believe in love at first sight? It’s fine if you don’t—that’s not how it happens in this story, at least not entirely. Even though Merity first takes a shine to the boy next door in childhood, it might have stayed an unspoken crush forever if not for a fateful decision that leaves Fendley wracked by his conscious and Merity his sole confidant. 𝔄𝔪𝔬𝔯 𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔱 𝔬𝔪𝔫𝔦𝔞. (Companion work to Between Heaven and Earth)
Poco a Poco
contemporary romance; intro post, tag
Welcome to Fujiwara Academy of Music, the most prestigious music conservatory in Japan. Balancing academics, work, and an attempt to win a lucrative scholarship is hard enough, but when Rika and Masahiro end up as duet partners, Rika has one more challenge to deal with: Breaking through to the academy’s best musician. It’s just as well that she keep trying, though. After all, chamber music is considered intimate for a reason.
Where Paradise Died and Lived
historical romance/the pacific au fanfic, intro post, tag
The attack on Pearl Harbor takes place far from most Americans’ homes, but for Sophie Holland, it’s right in her backyard. The idyllic tropical isle she knows is now a war zone, where death, suspicion, and martial law are a fact of daily life. With all of America mobilized for the war effort, Sophie joins the Women’s Air Raid Defense to do her part. The job is a welcome diversion that mostly keeps her from her own self-destructive habits, but it’s 1943 now, and her demons only become harder to ignore when the heroes of Guadalcanal—including one new 1st Lieutenant—arrive in Honolulu for rest and recovery.
Other WIPs that I have not formally introduced but am working on in some capacity are here and here. Please send me an ask if you would like to be added to any tag lists!
— CODA; ♡ —
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! I would love to make new friends and connect with writers who have similar interests, so if any of the above is your cup of tea, please interact and I'll check out your blog! Farewell for now~
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hergan416 · 5 months
YNM ask game! All of these are 5 and 7 (because of course). E, W, Z, T, M
Meme here, feel free to ask more!
(5 is Fred and 7 is James Bonde)
E) Creates a Tumblr account. What does the character like to post?
Fred's blog starts out entirely as cat pics. People think because there are so many different cats that he's stealing other people's cat pictures and reuploading them, but then people do a deep dive and realize that a) the photos were all taken on the same device and b) his posts are the first iteration of the pics on the internet. He makes cat memes. Eventually he becomes the subject of discourse because it's unethical to have so many cats. Fred is very private and doesn't actually say anything other than the names he gave to the cats... they are stray cats that he is trying his best to keep out of trouble. Yeah, of course it is unethical to keep so many cats but that many cats are keeping him. It's not his fault.
James' blog is alllll over the place. Random cottagecore aesthetics (but like, not like the blogs that do this in a housewifey way, just there are floral patterns and pastels and maybe some like nice suits or something along with it), food (and drink) pics, shenanigans (he absolutely has at least one Deleware-saga level post), shit posting, he probably has at least one fandom. It's not organized in the least and he uses it super casually but somehow is still an influencer.
W) Is born from a Greek god/goddess. Who are the character’s parents and does the character have any powers?
Oh gosh I don't know the Greek pantheon fuck. Uhhhhh
Fred is maybe Persephone's child? Yeah I like Persephone for his mother. She helps him be slightly better at growing things actually. (I know I could have chosen Demeter for this as well but I do think Persephone fits Fred better than Demeter).
(Looks through a list for a while) You know what -- I like Eros as one of James' parents. I think that works well for him. Fuck if I know about powers.
Z) Is a YouTuber. What kind of videos does the character upload?
Fred -- animal and cat videos again. This is brought to his defense re: his tumblr account probably. It's why anyone knows the cats are well-cared for strays and that he's trying to make their lives as good as he can, since there is no shelter for all of them.
James -- imagine the kind of chaos that is Brandon Farris, except he has his own gimmicks. The videos ostensibly have a point but they WILL get him into trouble. He's charismatic and entertaining as hell, so somehow it doesn't hurt as much to watch this trouble happen, and he somehow manages to end each video safely. You somehow feel you have learned something from watching it, but you are not sure what.
T) Is in the Olympics sports AU. What sports does the character play?
Excuse while I look over what sports are in the Olympics ...
Fred - I was looking for something akin to parkour and I was left with either gymnastics or sport climbing and neither really feel right. But skateboarding is apparently an Olympic sport and for some reason my brain will accept that for him? So I guess he's an Olympic skateboarder 😂
James - I really wish that they had like a horseback archery category. I think he would do all sorts of cool trick shots if he could hang off the side of a horse. I'll stick with regular archery though. I do think that in modern times he'd like a shooting sport but enjoy archery more than guns. There's more art to it.
M) Has elemental powers (for example fire and water), Which element does the character control?
Fred controls darkness
James controls light
Of course this means they belong to each other.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
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I posted 11,002 times in 2022
That's 846 more posts than 2021!
177 posts created (2%)
10,825 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,968 of my posts in 2022
#hoc est meum - 245 posts
#lmao - 84 posts
#mdzs - 75 posts
#ask - 61 posts
#laugh rule - 34 posts
#locked tomb - 29 posts
#batman - 25 posts
#cql - 22 posts
#blogblogging - 20 posts
#anonymous - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the thing is tim has definitely not gotten that much taller so. bernard shrank??? i want to write a fic about the diegetic supernatural inci
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh protip for recently diagnosed glasses-wearers, that they don't necessarily tell you at any point in the acquisition process:
The 'polishing your glasses on your shirt' trope in fiction goes back to when glasses were actually made with glass, which is as you learn in any introductory geology course fairly abrasion-resistant.
Modern lenses, which are plastic--yeah yadda yadda hi-poly resin blah blah, it's plastic--are less robust, and if you go around rubbing smudges off on random fabrics without rinsing off any and all dust particles first you will micro-scratch them foggy faster than you'd like.
1,787 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Me trying to determine what range of months it is reasonable to feature a pregnant goat in a farm scene: gotta go to the How To Breed Goats website.
How To Breed Goats has informed me that while continuing to breed your female goat past age 10 is likely to significantly shorten her life expectancy, so maybe don't do that, the males are going to die in what's middle age for a not-overbred female regardless.
because goats have a heat/rut cycle, and apparently going into rut is really bad for the health.
a/b/o fandom i hope someone has taken notes on this and done some hilarious angst about the short lifespan of the average alpha.
2,799 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
again, so many cql/mdzs modern AUs set in america and never one in which nie huaisang is like:
so i knew this dude in high school, right, who invented a new kind of nuke and so naturally the government recruited him to work in Defense before he even finished college but then he went rogue about an ethics issue with refugee camps and became the most famous terrorist in living memory and died in a police shootout
and that's the guy i, the Secretary of Education, want to help me kill the President.
3,477 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
i do not like this update that collapses the note count into a simpler number. it is bad. that was not a thing that needed simplifying. i promise we can all round in our heads.
not only do i despise imprecision in general (and resent that in order to know the exact note count on a post i would now have to do math on the breakdown screen) i liked watching the note count go up by one when i pushed a button; that was valuable enrichment for the monkey. fix it.
4,292 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love when people say Alfred Pennyworth is the most sane or stable member of the batfamily because like.
This is a man who had two exciting careers before he even stopped being 'a young man,' and then stepped up as a butler because it was his estranged father's dying wish
and then when his employers' son was orphaned accepted custody, and just
has been basically cosplaying a butler as 80% of his visible personality for thirty to fifty years.
He fell sideways into not-exactly-parenting and was like, welp, guess this is my life now and just. Continued to not-parent his ward long after he was a grown man, enabled all his weirdness, helped him slightly-more-openly-parent a succession of kids while always maintaining his posture of being an employee.
Did not have any real personal life and also has no coworkers to speak of.
Could have changed any of this at any time and repeatedly chose to not do that.
This man is a lunatic. This man is a cornerstone of all subsequent lunacies.
It's extra funny when the batfam says it because it's perfectly believable they would think so because 1) their baseline is so warped and 2) that's what he wants them to think.
He may in fact personally believe that he's the Only Sane Man In This Belfry, although he is wrong, but he for sure knows he's not actually okay. He just feels it's his duty that none of his charges notice it. Because it's not their job to worry about or care for him. Only the other way around.
Yes I am saying all this in the present tense even though he's still dead, because time death and comics are all fake anyway.
4,462 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mikewheeler-rp · 2 years
"Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."
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Hey! This is my Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things) roleplay blog. I only write threads with my existing rp partner, but feel free to send in asks if you wanna have some small interactions. I answer all private messages OOC.
P.S. This is a side blog so I can’t follow back from here ☠️👾👻🤖________
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of period-typical homophobia, 'coming-of-age' adolescent sexuality.
I'll try to tag everything which may be triggering. An example of a tagged trigger warning: "tw: blood” or "tw: homophobia".
Disclaimer: If my threads end up dealing with adolescent sexuality (e.g. teenage-typical musings and thoughts, exploring sexuality, making out, internalised homophobia), these replies will always be under a Read More and will be tagged with “nsfwish”. Mike has been aged up to 16, almost 17 years old - and sometimes, teenagers have thoughts about sex! Straight teenagers, LGBTQ+ teenagers, it doesn't matter. It is a healthy and natural part of growing up. However, I'll try and write these interactions with discretion. If it makes you uncomfortable, that's obviously absolutely valid; the posts will be appropriately tagged for that specific reason. 
I only interact with people aged 18+
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[above] Junior Wizards & Witches Yearbook, 1981
Faceclaim: Finn Wolfhard
My headcanon tag
Mike Wheeler aesthetics
Notable features: Tall, skinny, pale-skinned, black hair, dark brown eyes. Lots of freckles. Bullies call him ‘frog face’.
Height: 5’10 / 179cm
Date of Birth: April 7th, 1971 
Current age: 16
Astrology: Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Aries Rising
Clever, determined, resourceful, loyal, ambitious.  Oblivious, sarcastic, dishonest.  Impatient, impulsive, hot-headed, bold, natural leader, rule-breaker. 
Sorted into: Slytherin (also considered for Gryffindor) Blood Status: Half-Blood (witch mother, muggle father)
Skills:  Excellent with defensive spells Extensive knowledge of the Muggle world, especially muggle movies, music, and technology Gifted writer Plays guitar
Patronus: Crow
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (closeted)
Relationship Status: Dating (El Hopper)
Classes Loves: Defence Against The Dark Arts, Muggle Studies  Enjoys: Astronomy, Charms  Tolerates: Herbology, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures Dislikes: Potions, History of Magic Hates: Anything Flying/Quidditch related (dropped after 1st Year)
For his final year at Hogwarts, Mike intends to take on Apparation classes.  Extra-curricular: Muggle Music (guitar) Hellfire Club (Wizard DnD) 
I do not own any icons or gifs used; all belong to their respective creators. I only use them for roleplaying purposes. Any aesthetics I create are either made with existing images/gifs I made, or found on Pinterest. If you see something that’s been shared without the creator’s permission, please let me know and I’ll take it down immediately. 
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gffa · 2 years
Btw I only got sucked into the prequels fandom a couple months ago, and I was super fortunate to have found your blog rather early on... It meant I quickly realized I had some misconceptions and internalized weirdness from just western / Christian society and growing up on Legend's New Jedi Order stuff. (It's not that I ever disliked the Jedi, but I definitely didn't understand the difference between love and attachment and was otherwise mostly apathetic about them as a Culture... If they weren't Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, Corran Horn, or Luke Skywalker, I didn't particularly care about them at all).
Anyway my point is that I'm super thankful your blog came up soon because I am now very firmly in the Pro Jedi camp and am glad I only got a minimal amount of sw fandom toxicity about the Jedi before having my eyes gently opened to reality.
Best part is tho, I had a friend ask me a week ago for some star wars information. Her brother apparently was assigned to write about the differences between the Jedi, Grey Jedi, and Sith in a class about differing religions and ideologies (which... In and of itself is actually a rather fascinating concept for a school paper). Anyway I had fun linking a whole bunch of your meta posts and going "Respect the Jedi, they're absolutely wonderful! Grey Jedi aren't actually a thing - it's just video game mechanics and misconceptions! Sith are evil and if you write them as anything but I will hard-core raise eyebrows at you and want to throw hands!!" And such... Probably went more than a little overboard but she was appreciative.
My point in all this word vomit (dang my adhd is really prevalent rn isn't it) is that I wanted to offer some encouragement because I've learned the pro Jedi camp is a lot smaller than it should be and maybe sometimes feels like it's the same 20 people on tumblr? Your collective efforts as the Jedi Defense Squad are successful and I know that, personally, my life will forever be changed for the better. Bless y'all and keep fighting the good fight!
You didn’t even know it was my birthday yesterday and yet you sent me once of the nicest things I could get despite that! I admit that the pro-Jedi corner of fandom feels very small sometimes, especially because Tumblr is generally the only place where we’ve gotten together (COME HELP ME LOVE THE JEDI ON TWITTER, YOU GUYS, I NEED PEOPLE TO HAVE SILLY LOVE BOMB FESTS WITH), that sometimes it can feel very overwhelming the second I step one inch off my dash, but also I wouldn’t trade this corner for anything. I hope that I can not just explain why I love the Jedi and why I see them as being perfectly in balance with the core themes of Star Wars, but that I can help make being a pro-Jedi fan a fun experience.  I hope I can make meta about them interesting, jokes about them fun to play with, the pain of their slaughter and the genocide of their culture dig into our feelings the way the best of Star Wars does. If I can help kindle love for the Jedi in you (and I am certain I did not do so alone, there are so many really incredible people, every time I get to reblog Jedi content from more than a dozen people now I get this shimmer of joy in my soul, I didn’t always have that! I get to reblog art and fic and essays! people have such good thoughts and incredible ways with words! they’re coming up with adorable skits and AU scenarios! so many in this fandom work so hard to give us these delightful things and I am so overjoyed to get to reblog them), then I have passed on what was given to me and that makes it worth it. I am further delighted to help provide framework for writing papers about the Jedi, because one of the things that surprised me when I first started really digging into those Lucas interviews and behind the scenes/making of books is: Yeah, Star Wars is often silly, but it has themes and George Lucas stuck to them.  He thought about his mythology and what messages he wanted to convey, and whatever things he tweaked along the way, the core themes have always remained consistent. Star Wars is often imperfect, no creator is ever going to be perfect, but Lucas knew he wanted to tell a story about letting go and about good vs evil and choosing the light made the world work better and that we should care about each other and our communities, not just break the rules and do whatever we felt like, that you’re supposed to love people but you have to accept that life is impermanent, because you’ll suffer if you try to hold on too tightly. And everything of his Star Wars stuck to those themes and I really, really like those themes. My life has been made better by getting to know the story of Star Wars and getting to meet so many kind, thoughtful fans and getting messages like this, and so please know that this is incredibly uplifting and encouraging.  To be able to spark joy in someone else about these silly space psychic wizards, to be able to share that, it makes the whole Being A Fan Of A Thing a great experience.
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sapphireshineauthor · 3 years
SapphireShine Fic Masterpost!
To celebrate offically surpassing 100 Tumblr Posts as well as reaching a total of 60 works on my AO3 Account! 54 Hamefura works and 6 old miscellaneous works. I present my own Masterpost of my Hamefura Fics!
This one will only cover Hamefura so it’s a bit of a long one, hope y’all enjoy!
Special Shout-out to @fortunatelykawaiitiger !! Who has been a massive help and collaborator for stories. Plz check them out!
One more thing, I will be posting fic updates on Tumblr using the specific blog link HERE. If you only care about fic updates, follow that blog. Thank you for your time, on with the post!
Standalone Stories/Oneshots:
The Villainess in Shining Armor! [Completed]
After getting kidnapped shortly after the festival, Katarina, Keith, and all of her other friends find themselves held hostage in a large, multileveled warehouse in the outskirts of town. Good thing Katarina's mother in her past life taught her some life saving skills, and that she took self defense classes during middle school.
Watch out bad guys! Katarina is ready to break out of here and rescue her friends!
Shadows of the Abyss [In-Progress]
The Villainess in Shining Armor 2: Shadows of the Abyss.
After a hectic rescue and escape mission a few months ago. The lives of Katarina and her friends have settled back down into a sense of normalcy. However, the assassin responsible is back, a kidnapping, a threatening legend, and an unsettling third party. A mission is in place to rescue the fourth prince before the first day of winter hits, and more secrets and questions about the world come into play.
Swap Out! 
Katarina and Alan swap bodies by mistake
Draconic Desire [In-Progress]
Dragons for centuries have always been depicted as giant beasts who hoard golds, treasures, and the occasional damsel. That's how it's always been, right?
One Dragon is a bit more different, as the love it has is for music. Music from centuries, old and new, orchestral and melancholic. This dragon loves music above anything else, and while they never bothered with a live possession. A specific silver haired musician with music unlike any other caught their eye.
However, the dragon was not expecting an odd brown haired noble girl as a tag-along…
Little DewDrop Co-author w/ Cutekittenlady [In-Progress]
After opening a strange book in the library, Alan gets turned into a 5yr old with only memories from then and before. Now the crew needs to keep him taken care of and hidden from the school until they can reverse the process. However, who is that man lurking on the outskirts?
My Next Life as a Devilish Rival - All Routes Lead to Doom! [In-Progress]
When the bratty noble son Kenneth Claes hits his forehead when walking with the first princess Jasmine Stuart. He recalls the memories of his past life, a simple friendly otaku with a love of dating games and learned he's been reincarnated as the main devilish rival of his favorite dating game Fortune Lover. Now with a series of Death Flags to avoid, Kenneth is determined to survive.
Aka. Bakarina Gender-Swapped/Genderbent Retelling
All Routes Lead To... Alternate Universes Apparently [In-Progress]
Literally a collections of AUs and anime fusions for our Bakarina Characters. Anyone who wants something to tinker with in a fic, feel free to use these for inspiration if you'd like.
One, Two, Three 
Mary took great, but silent, pride in her ability to dance the man’s part. She learned to dance with her dear Lady Katarina after all. Of course, someone had to help teach her, a proper lady requires a tutor, but of course no proper lady would ask to dance the man's part. She needed to be more discreet.
Knows the man's lead and can teach her without her worry. Who better than her dear fiance, Prince Alan, to teach her?
Closet Closeness 
Nicol and Geordo get stuck in a closet a little too close together.
Memories From Somewhere… 
"If we could be reborn again…" "It'd be nice if we could be twins again…"
A trip to a local port town gives Geordo visions, or… memories, memories from a very, very long time ago.
Borrowed Books 
Wanting to learn why Katarina had such a fascination with romance novels, Geordo borrows a book from Sophia… he grabbed the "wrong" one.
The Shortest 
Geordo trying to deny the harsh realization that he is, in fact, the shortest of the four princes.
WaterVapor: Offline [In-Progress]
BREAKING NEWS: Famous Pianist Alan Stuart has gone missing after a vile connection hacked the digital holographic concert through the iM social media system. The cyber attack left several concert viewers unconscious and others with temporary short term memory loss. The musican's location during the concert was ransacked when found, most likely case is a kidnapping. Any information regarding the pianist and his whereabouts please report to authorities.
Hamefura Halloween: The Dreaving [Completed]
“There exists an old saying… one from long before the kingdom was established...”
It was just the start of late fall when Maria hears of an interesting story about the Sorcie. An ancient monster existing in the kingdom’s urban legends. Upon asking about such a tale, Katarina and the others offer to tell Maria about their personal encounter with such a monster.
A monster, known as “The Dreaving”
The Cake Song 
Alan gets roped into a sing along game with the girls.
The Little Mermaid 
The night Alan nearly died when he was a child was scary for everyone. Alan especially since he found himself completely alone. However, he wasn't for very long. A girl with blue hair promised to stay with him until he woke up.
A Prince and a Pirate 
Short interaction between Alan and Silva under… unfortunate circumstances.
My Next Life As A Perfectionist Prince: What Am I Supposed To Do?! ALLEN!! [In-Progress]
Princess Riliane, the former sovereign of Lucifina, the former host to the Sin of Pride, and Allen Avadonia's older twin sister, finds herself in the body of none other than Third Prince Geordo Stuart.
She knew her wish was to be reincarnated as Allen's twin again but she wasn't expecting this! What was she supposed to do now?!
She Belongs to Her
Katarina Claes was always a selfish noble lady. She holds a high standard towards everyone and anyone who falls below them are subject to her cruelty. Even her adopted brother was no exception, no other noble was an exception if they didn’t meet the standards and she hardly associates herself with anyone below her ranking.
However… besides her status, she doesn't take kindly to those who try to take something from her…
Consequences [In-Progress]
Geordo just watched as he was shielded from the assassin’s blade. Blood filled his vision as the world seemed to slow…
Geordo partakes in removing people who threaten him and his friends from high society. Some of these people are a bit more than spiteful about their removal. A shadowy war behind the curtains.
It would only be a matter of time until someone got caught in the crossfire…
Sharing a Drink 
After the incident at the port side city, Geoffrey decides to have a drink with a close associate of his.
The Girl With Curly Green Hair [In-Progress]
"Hey! You look just like me!" "Wow… Who are you?" "Oh, my name is Prushka, which means the flower of dawn. How about you?" "O-Oh, my name is Sophia."
An encounter with a girl much like herself, these two girls found something special. An adventure to an unknown world, this adventure will surely be one no one will ever forget…
A Dull Century 
Counterparts of all sorts exist. Geordo Stuart was no exception. The perfect, black hearted, sadistic prince found himself bored with the world. There was no task he couldn't do, or skill he couldn't learn. However, the color brought to his world by his beloved fiance and friends cleared his boredom.
But, not every version of him is lucky. What if he couldn't die? What if what gave his world color was cruelly taken away? The living gemstone, Yellow Topaz, is that unfortunate version of him.
Shenanigans Go Poof [In-Progress]
the Modern Highschool AU I'm not sure anyone asked for. Bakarina is still Bakarina and Alan Stuart is right up there with her.
Twilight Secret 
A year after making amends with his twin brother, Geordo finds Alan sneaking around the castle one evening. Alan takes Geordo to show him a small secret he has hidden in one of the castle towers.
The Kind, Lonely Stranger 
The event of Prince Alan nearly died at age of five was not a comforting one many wish to remember. For he nearly died due to an illness putting him into a coma. However, aid came to him in an unlikely form, but also as a treasure friend.
A kind, lonely stranger playing the piano.
13 Minutes Between 
A few memories regarding the time between Geordo and Alan’s birth.
Fragile [In-Progress]
“Alan had a sickly body, nearly dying at the age of five.” That was the backstory and early life of Alan Stuart. However, a sudden collapse makes it evident that his illness wasn’t ever gone.
Tree Climbing 
Gerald attempts to climb a tree.
Mythical and Monstrous Reincarnation 
Another Bakarina's AU no one asked for. The mythical creature/hybrid world where all of the characters are half some sort of creature.
Also, the Naga half may not make a lot of sense, but I like it. Plus, I wanted to make a Naga.
Gerald woke up to the sound of rain…
Songs That Echo From The Piano
Gerald always enjoyed how Alan played the piano, it was some of the most beautiful music he's ever heard. He's not one for wishes, but...
He wished he could hear his brother play, at least one more time…
Getting to Know You Collaboration w/ Cutekittenlady [In-Progress]
Fears by Cutekittenlady (This one isn't mine, but since it's part of the series, it'd be weird not to include it).
Irritated with the frequency that a certain incident keeps coming up between him and his brother Alan, Prince Geordo decides it's only fair that he investigates just what his twin brother is afraid of. However he may be biting off more than he can chew...
Music Sheets
Three weeks have passed since Geordo learned of Alan’s fear of thunder. Despite his little fear hunt ending and the two of them having reconnected, Geordo still feels like he needs to make things up to his little brother. A small present should do the trick…
Magic Collab w/ Cutekittenlady [In-Progress]
Magic is wonderful. Magic is powerful. Magic is rare. Magic, a rare but beautiful and dangerous power, flows through Sorcier's nobility. Geordo and Alan were both rare individuals. Being born with opposing magical powers. Despite their tutelage, they are not fully aware of how powerful and dangerous that magic can be.
Who I Am [In-Progress]
The Four-Faced Prince 
Everyone thinks that Gerald is the perfect prince and has the ability to read everyone. Yet there is one person he cannot read, his eldest brother. The First Prince Geoffrey.
Princely, Lazy, Sinister, Strategic the four faces the first prince wears when he isn't fawning over his brothers. He wears these faces, for the sake of the kingdom and for his brothers.
Simplicity & Frustration 
A four-faced older brother, a set of younger twins, a prodigy, and a talented musican…
Second Prince Ian Stuart has quite the unique family. Just where is he in this equation?
Plain Pearl 
Selena Burke never thought much of herself, despite being engaged to the second prince. She was a girl who felt inferior to the other girls who would be her future sister in laws. One was known as a saint, another is the embodiment of a perfect lady, and another is praised as being the smartest lady in the kingdom.
And her? She's just a plain lady…
Corrupted Bonds AU [In-Progress]
Yandere!Isekai!Acchan AU
Corrupted Bonds 
What if Katarina’s old friend A-chan was reborn into the world of Fortune Lover, but, as someone else…
Katarina ends up kidnapped by a noble from another kingdom. Katarina soon realizes that this noble is her closest friend A-chan, but she also wasn’t. It wasn’t her, not anymore.
Atsuko Sasaki, A-chan, mourned the sudden unfair death of her beloved friend for months. She only had one wish, to be reborn with her friend in another life, one where she can finally confess her love, and live with her in peace and happiness. That was all she wished for…
She got her wish and yet… Fate once again wishes for her to mourn, guess there are some things that can’t change. Even when you know what will happen.
A Golden Cage With Rose-Tinted Windows 
Katarina’s thoughts as she tries to understand her predicament as she is now currently a captive by a noble who is her reincarnated best friend.
Missing Opaline Prism
Katarina has been missing for half a month now… the others are not taking it too well…
A Grieving Soul, Puppeted By Thorn Covered Strings 
Atsuko Sasaki has loved her best friend for a long time. Even after her friend was reincarnated as Katarina Claes. She won't let anyone take her away, not even the "capture targets" of this cursed otome game.
They're here…. they're here to take away your beloved… see it that they don't….
They're fictional characters anyway. It shouldn't matter if she kills them or not. Right?
Calm The Storm [In-Progress]
All Atsuko Sasaki wishes for, was to be reincarnated with her best friend. So they can live out their lives together…
To Be Continued (these stories are more or less starters I want to share, but not sure when to write. They can also serve as prompts to others if desired)
The Seeds of Calamity 
A kind girl corrupted by the seed of darkness, a prince driven to panic and the brink of insanity by the seed of hellfire, a prince wounded and breathed in a desperate attempt for help. Six souls were corrupted by the dark side of the elements.
With the elements is creation, there will always be destruction.
These poor souls… are now infected by the Seeds of Calamity.
Sly Serpent (Crossover w/ BlazBlue)
Geordo has a reason why he dislikes snakes. Especially green ones…
An encounter that leaves him weary for life, and an ominous threat he believes is directed at his brother.
Mort et Larmes 
Geordo sees Alan walk to his death.
Abyssal Calling (Made in Abyss AU)
"Geoffrey's a black whistle and you are already a blue whistle. Just you wait, I'll catch up to you in no time!" "But Alan-" "I'm not sick anymore. I can do it."
A frail body and a longing to join his brothers. At eleven years of age… Alan hears the call of the Abyss.
Soul Phenomenon
“Us Grim Reapers usually have a very dull job. Collect the souls after the body dies and go on to the next. It’s rare for us to find anything interesting. However, sometimes we wander across something strange…” She pulled the record, showing a connected continuation even after the End card. “I wonder, how was it your brother died, but then came back to life?”
Blue Hydrangea [In-Progress]
Mary knew that when the time came, she’d have to pick between her love for Katarina and her brotherly relationship with Prince Alan. It was inevitable and the more time passed, she even began to dread that day. Yet, things changed and Alan had decided to give up his pursuit, instead, saying he’ll help her. Yet, that one day, she saw him…
Blood running down his chin, small blue petals of a specific flower spilled from his lips.
As a child, ever since his birth, Alan was very sickly. Constantly stuck in bed with doctors and healers of all kinds trying to tend to him and nurse him back to proper health. That backstory is what’s given and known, but what if there was another layer to it?
Even as meticulous as the royal family is when it comes to who tends to the youngest prince. One managed to slip by, a doctor, or moreover a scientist posing as a doctor. Looking for a new subject to take part in his ‘research’...
Alter Memory (Crossover w/ BlazBlue)
"Reincarnation is nothing but a metaphysical virus."
A small discussion regarding the concept of "Reincarnation" between a captured prince, and a sly snake.
Cabbage Butterfly
Sophia meets a noble at a tea party who takes an interest in her, at first she thinks it's just polite manners, only for things to go further on. Sophia unknowingly becomes a small cabbage Butterfly in the den of spiders.
The Secret Locket of Dark Magic 
Why is Dark Magic considered a "taboo" magic? Why are the rituals needed to gain it so horrific? If it's so horrible, why not let it fade away into history? Forgotten by the world? Why does the Royal Family harbor such a dark secret for so long?
Perhaps… the reason why Dark Magic is now forbidden is more complicated than one seems, and the Stuarts are merely the ones burdened to carry that information for centuries to come.
BadxFatexChange (discontinued until further notice) 
And that’s all of my Hamefura fics as of October 28th, 2021. Hope you all enjoyed my writing and what I have on here. There is more to come <3
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enduracarrotchips · 3 years
YouTuber AU
Hello welcome to Dating Scandal but with Twitter Involved (nightmare)
A little exposition here: 
Link, Zelda, Sidon, Revali, and Riju are the most popular group of youtubers on the internet and have a huge fanbase that likes to theorize, draw fanart, and write fanfiction about them. Disclaimer, I don’t actually interact with real-person fandoms myself lol there’s just too much potential for drama and misunderstandings & they’re always bound to end in a dumpster fire but that is sort of what this au is about so.
Impa, Mipha, Daruk, and Urbosa are family friends that appear in a lot of their videos/streams. 
(This is an art blog I swear)
enter vidcon 20XX
blows stuff up/sets stuff on fire with a side of cooking vids and gaming
most are filmed outside, he does those challenges where you try to cook stuff with limited ingredients/materials
has the largest fanbase of all of them, but not the most…intimidating.
does a lot of collab videos, mostly with Impa, Daruk, and Riju because they have similar interests/channels, but Zelda appears in his videos and is seen filming and the stans read too far into it
simps. i’m pointing at you.
Most popular videos are “shield surfing on rock!—how I broke my leg” “can Daruk eat Impa’s motorcycle?” and “how to inhale ranch dressing.”
Twitter handle is @ arsonistslullabye because he’s a hozier fan
45m subs
theories, analyses, conspiracies, and the occasional e x p e r i m e n t
she once got link to eat a frog for 50 bucks.
most people argue that she’s better than more popular YouTubers because she actually has quality content to give to the world and she has a lot of defensive supporters
She used to get a lot of hate before Urbosa spoke up about it and scared the bejeezus out of everyone
has an actual posting schedule
“Happy Sunday everyone, it’s Zelda Hyrule and today we will be talking about cryptozoology and why blupees exist, you cowards.”
Twitter handle is @ zeldaofhyrule and she is pan. just so you know. One of those calm extroverts that mystify me to this day.
18m subs
fashion/life hacks. Like gourmet troom troom but if they were real people.
Has the 2nd largest fanbase
most of them are girls
Sidon has a boyfriend though, which he told everyone at VidCon a few years ago
cue the drama and shipping and the entire fandom trying to figure out who the boyfriend is. A well known reddit thread emerged that presented the common guesses being Link, Sidon, and Zelda.
“But it can’t be Zelda, Sidon’s gay.”
“I’m not in the fandom but I thought Zelda was a boy??”
“Did you just say Sidon? Is that a typo? Are you saying that Sidon’s dating himself?”
Sidon x Sidon became a fandom joke.
Don’t look at me I’m just setting up all the worldbuilding. every fandom has their weird dark sides and Sidon x Sidon is the Linkcest of the Sidon YT fandom.
Mystery BF is actually Bazz, a pretty inconspicuous guy who appeared in a few of his videos. This was confirmed a year ago, but everyone still ships him with other YouTubers because they’re convinced he was lying to throw them off his scent. He really can’t catch a break and this is why you should not ship real people.
Twitter handle is @ officialprincesidon
says “beguiling” a lot
21m subs ᕙ( ͡❛ ▿ ͡❛)ᕗ
Sidon’s sister, hasn’t posted a single video but just has the channel for show because she appears in so many of Sidon’s videos as a model for his makeup tutorials and whatnot
has 328k for that. Everyone loves her, she’s great. @ mimipha
Link’s sworn rival
Link thinks they’re friends
He kept popping up in link’s Twitter threads and making snarky comments until zelda called him out for not even following link (so why was he stalking his acc) which kept the Twitter drama to a minimum
Revali was the catalyst of a few popular memes and that’s where most of his subs come from.
drags link into a few challenges that always get a ton of views because of how competitive they get
“ITS JUST ASININE” is a running joke that everyone tries to get him to say. His @ is itsjustasinine as well
Urbosa is the only person who can win an argument with him
5m subs and growing rapidly. newer to youtube than everyone else.
Doesn’t have a channel she’s just a mutual friend of Mipha, Zelda, and Link
Rides a motorcycle, so she is used in a few of Link’s videos.
@ ihaveamotorcycle because she thinks having a motorcycle is a personality trait. the most unruly on Twitter when it comes to replying to fan’s stuff, leaking upcoming videos and generally causing chaos.
Mipha’s girlfriend. That’s how she met Zelda and Link.
Is actually a model, but she has a ton of YouTuber friends because she’s known Zelda since birth.
when she entered the youtube community she didn’t realize she would be adopting like 15 children
5m subs. her videos are professional & related to her modelling career. @ urbosasfury
I feel like she would do unboxing vids. I’m not sure what she’s unboxing.
Just a friend of Link’s, fun guy. yells a lot. once ate a rock and had no reaction.
people are scared of him for that reason
yoga & gymnastics & “ha look at how flexible I am its eAsY” videos
you know the type
she also does reactions and is sponsored by save the sand seals charities which she is very enthusiastic about. She’s also Urbosa’s niece and the only minor in the gang (15). I like to think that the champions YT community is actually not creepy so everyone respects her a ton
doesn’t post frequently, she mostly appears in Link’s videos to jump out of airplanes or whatever. And sometimes Zelda’s if she’s interested in the topic. 500k subs, but she’s always really popular when she appears in Link’s videos.
In the months leading up to VidCon, some fans on the internet made a few discoveries: first of all, that the inside of Link’s house is painted green. This is a big deal because all of his videos are filmed outside either in his backyard or on trips that he and the brosquad go on to do…whatever bros do. explosions. idk. The point is he had some announcement about VidCon and filmed it inside. Only the wall and a potted plant were shown.
However, the colour was similar to the the shade of Zelda’s living room. Fans dug through years and years of old videos and found a clip of Zelda walking through a hallway, where there was an open door and a glimpse of a houseplant.
There were 2 types of responses to the theory:
“They could just be roommates guys calm down”
“and they were ROOMMATES?”
others pointed out that Link could just not have a house and had to crash in Zelda’s
Some guy on reddit claimed he had a botany degree and declared that the houseplants in the clips were not of the same genus. Normal people pointed out that the plant would have grown 4 years between the clips and would look considerably different.
#Zelink trended on twitter for a while and people posted other old clips from both of their channels and the frog video blew up again
Impa retweeted a post tagged as #zelink with “rofl” and later publicly apologized for causing confusion.
Fans noticed that in the “can a motorcycle drive over my arm” (it was clickbait he’s fine) episode 2 years ago, Link was eating out of a paper lunch bag with his name written on it in handwriting that a few people claimed to look like Zelda’s, leading people to believe that she had packed him a lunch.
However, this theory was shot down with the counterargument that Zelda can’t cook. although. i mean how much skill do you need to make a sandwich.
No one knows what tumblr is doing at this time
Zelda wore a scarf in her “Save the Sand Seals” video that matched identically to the scarf Link wore when he travelled to Hebra to film a shield surfing video, but it’s been debated wether it’s actually the same scarf or not.
Neither Zelda nor Link has spoken up about the theories, and besides Impa’s one slip on twitter, neither has any of their friends. Zelda received a lot of backlash for the assumption that she was dating Link because he has a lot of delusional fans that didn’t want her to “steal their man” or whatever the hell that type of fan would get mad about
Oh yea and bolson & karson run a zelink fanpage on twitter sorry I forgot about that
after that whole mess, everyone was even more anticipant of VidCon in the hopes that some of their questions would be answered.
The whole batch went to VidCon this year: Link, Impa, Daruk, and Riju are a gang while Sidon and Mipha go together and Zelda & Revali each go separately. Urbosa is there for supervision moral support
Zelda has always been much better at dodging questions that she doesn’t want to answer than anyone else, so her Q&A went without a hitch. When asked to confirm the rumours she said “which one?” and then moved on to the next question (without actually confirming any rumours).
Link is generally a more awkward person but eventually said that he had filmed the video in Zelda’s house because it was nicer and didn’t realize it would cause such an uproar. Fans were disappointed, but Bolson claimed he saw Link and Zelda exiting the hotel elevator on the same floor after Link’s Q&A session. No one believed him.
Fans went back to theorizing over who Link, Zelda, and Sidon were all dating, because apparently they can’t just be dating unknown people and have to be with other YouTubers
Sidon and Bazz got engaged about a week after VidCon, making at least 4 preteen girls cry
actually try 4 million
Sidon x Sidon made a brief comeback but Sidon spoke up about his fandom for the first time ever on twitter and told everyone that no, he was not dating himself. eventually, everyone settled down and accepted that none of them were in a relationship save for a few loud fans.
Link and Zelda still got the occasional “when will you tell us who you’re dating?” comment but most of them were joking and the people who still hardcore shipped them were generally frowned upon. Zelda’s popularity went up after VidCon and she regained the 200k subscribers she’d lost after the first theory dropped.
Two months after VidCon, Link posted a video titled “Zelda and I’s House Tour!” and gave around 45 million people a heart attack
as revealed in the video, they had actually been dating since they were 16 and everyone’s just a fool.
the potted plant is named Hestu.
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jeonqqin · 4 years
man up. [m] | pt. 2
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h. jisung x reader | netflix teen rom-com au
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— ❝Even with classes, annoying brothers, and an unrequited crush, you still figured your first year of college was going pretty well. Until you managed to get your first boyfriend, and suddenly your brother and his stupidly attractive best friend were attached to your hip for the whole damn ride.
or alternatively;
Why did Jisung care about you so much, and had his eyes always been that pretty?❞
CONTAINS: brothers best friend au, teen rom-com au, sorta crack fic, love triangle au, college au
WARNINGS: nopee, well ji looking at readers butt?
A/N: are u team Chan or team Han?
▸ request
CHAPTERS:  01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 +
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blog masterlist | ⟲ fic song
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© jeonqqin 2020
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After your afternoon class with Jisung, he quickly noted that you were absent for the rest of the day.
Sure, you didn’t have any other classes, but normally you would be hunkered down in the library with your nose stuffed in some sort of book, or wandering around campus with Felix at your heels. You were either cramming due to your procrastination or roaming around procrastinating. Jisung also knew you weren’t a fan of staying in your small dorm room since your roommate loved flaunting the fact that she had a boyfriend and how she wasn’t shy about anyone witnessing their ‘acts of love’.
So he really had no idea where you were, and it bugged him a little more than he would like to admit.
But outwardly, he didn’t want to show just how worried he was. You were his best friend’s sister, it wasn’t his job to make a fuss about something so trivial. It would be weird if he went looking for you… but if Minho just so happened to get word of his little sister’s sudden disappearance, Jisung would have to help his dear friend search for you.
It was only common courtesy.
“Minho, I think Y/n was kidnapped.”
“You WHAT?!”
Okay, starting the phone call with that probably wasn’t the best choice, but what other choice did he have. Jisung was an impatient guy.
“Yeah, I don’t know what happened.” He replied casually, already able to hear the panic on Minho’s end of the call. “She was here and then she wasn’t.”
Not only was he impatient, he was a(n idiot) songwriter; his words articulate and poetic.
Minho was silent for a second before cutting back for the call.
“I texted Changbin and he said she just ran off.”
Jisung frowned. “Do they know where she went?”
“Apparently to beat some sense into me.”
The two friends knew then where you were and a rush of panic filled their chests all at the same time.
Jisung nearly dropped his phone in the process of hanging up, immediately taking off towards the familiar apartment.
His worst nightmare was coming true—Chan was an unknown in Jisung’s mind. He was handsome, charismatic, and an older guy, so it was realistic to imagine you falling head-over-heels if you were to ever meet him. Unfortunately, it seemed like fate wasn’t in his favor and he was in deep shit if you were really at the apartment alone with Chan.
Alone with Chan.
He shivered at the thought.
The only brightside to the ordeal was that Minho was also aware of the dangerous situation. Out of everyone, he would be the only one to prevent any feelings from sprouting between you. Jisung counted on Minho every time and he never once failed to preform.
Dear god, he hoped he didn’t decide to stop now.
Arriving at the complex, he almost rammed full speed into Minho, who was also going as fast as his legs could take him. They only shared one glance before trampling over their feet to get up the stairs, no doubt bothering the neighbors along their way.
Minho was the one to swing the door open, his head on a swivel as he walked in. He was ready to break up any inappropriate business with as much force necessary—he didn’t care if Chan’s bicep was twice the size of his head, he had leg power on his side. And if he saw your tongue anywhere near Chan’s, Minho was going to be swinging.
There was a crash behind the closed door of the office, and both heads perked up at the sound.
Minho hurried forward, arm outstretched to grab the door, “No. No no no—”
Jisung never wanted in his life to see you involved with someone else. With your pretty eyes hooded and shining with desire, and your chest heaving heavily against the tight fabric of your blouse. It had been difficult enough to watch you fill out and grow into an attractive woman, he didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that you were old enough to meet other guys and moan their names.
He certainly didn’t want to hear you moan Chan’s name—of all people, why Chan?
“Shit, Chan—”
Jisung felt his face heat up as Minho pushed the door open, ready to pull his friend away to avoid the scene on the other side.
“—get your head away from my ass! The power strip isn’t even near there you prick!”
“Hey,” Chan defended with a laugh. “In my defense, all you said was it was over here somewhere. How do I know that somewhere isn’t next to your ass?”
The position that the two of you were in was compromising—though not in the way that Jisung had originally expected. It caused the two newcomers to freeze, their brains struggling to really understand what was happening.
The two of you were surrounded by thousands of cables and wires, black foam scattered across the floor as well. You were on your hands and knees, the only visible part of you was your bottom half with your head tucked underneath Chan’s mixing table doing who knows what. As for Chan, he was crawling around same as you, on his hands and knees with an extension cord wrapped around his shoulders.
“Uhm…” Minho gaped, eyes unable to focus on one part of the scene.
Jisung had no trouble at all, his eyes locked solidly on your raised ass.
You turned your head to look over your shoulder, eyes locking with Jisung’s and immediately widening. You couldn’t be in a worse situation—fucking hell.
In your haste to get out from under the table, you slammed the top of your head against one of the sturdy table legs and winced as Chan cracked up from your side.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class—Jesus, ow…” You asked, your hand moving up to rub the forming bump.
“What’s going on?” Minho asked, his eyebrows brushing his bangs.
“Y/n wanted some help with her stats class and I needed someone to help me upturn this room and make it into a recording room.” Chan snorted at your little dramatic groans, completely unfazed by the growing frustration on Minho’s face.
But before Minho could say anything to Chan’s statement, Jisung stepped in.
His lips twisted sourly, “I thought Seungmin was going to help you with your stats stuff?”
You shook your head with a huff. “I will not subject myself to that kind of torture and I refuse to let anyone convince me otherwise.”
“Well you could’ve asked me.”
Defeated and jealous; Jisung could no longer hide it.
The two older boys could see it clearly in the way he looked at you with big sad eyes, though neither of them said anything. Chan’s brows furrowed in thought, it looked like you had someone else infatuated with you.
You laughed. “Uh-huh, because you’re the resident genius here. Jisung, you dropped two of your classes last semester because both professors were minutes away from giving you an administrative failure.”
“Yeah, yeah. Jisung’s head is full of rocks—” Minho dismissed, unsympathetic towards the scandalized boy next to him. “Why the hell are you turning my storage room into a junkyard?”
Chan finally stood, pulling the cord from his neck and throwing it to the side in favor of helping you up.
“It was already a junkyard, bundle-boy.” You said, voice clipped and annoyed. Who wouldn’t be after smashing their head against a solid piece of metal? “We were renovating.”
“Like hell you were. I thought I said no to the recording room?”
Minho’s rage was just about completely directed towards Chan, but to your surprise, the guy gave minimal to no reaction. His face stayed indifferent, wide shoulders relaxed and eyes set.
You’ll be dammed, the fucker wasn’t scared.
Chan wasn’t afraid of your brother.
There was someone on the planet who didn’t go running when Minho looked at them funny, and he was standing right next to you in his beautiful sleeveless glory. If you weren’t currently suffering from a possible concussion you would be dropping to one knee and popping the question then and there.
“Oh, so what you said earlier was a no?” Chan (very unconvincingly) feigned innocence. “Sorry, the phone connection must’ve been bad.”
“I was yelling to you from the other room.”
“These walls are very thick, Minho. It’s your apartment, you should know that.”
“Do you want to be homeless?”
“Define; home.”
That was it, he was your one true love.
As Minho began to cross his arms over his chest, squaring up to Chan with the glare of a certifiable killer, you slid out of the way to avoid the oncoming fist fight.
Or explosion, whichever route Minho decided to take.
But then the unthinkable happened—Minho sighed, dropping his arms to his sides and turning towards you.
Both you and Jisung stood speechless, because you just witnessed someone give Minho an attitude and not get beat down afterwards. Hyunjin had once attempted the same thing and had been chased around the quad for a good forty minutes until the taller man had gotten tired and your brother had become uninterested.
Felix told you that they were both reemed during dance practice that night for being too tired to execute their choreography.
Minho shook his head, “You and Changbin were probably going to convince me anyway. Might as well save the wasted time and get it done now.”
Either your brother had a fat crush on Chan, or the Lee Minho was afraid of someone.
You knew Chan was older than him, but someone had to have some sort of super power to keep Minho from kicking their shins and shoving a knee in their face.
“What is happening…?” Jisung wondered, eyes wide and mouth open.
Chan smiled, striding over to clap Jisung on the shoulder, making the shorter boy jump in surprise.
“Good news. We’re getting a recording studio.”
And you would like to get married to one Bang Chan please.
You joined Chan’s side.
“Now you can finish that song you were working on.” You said, nudging Jisung’s shoulder.
He was just going to ignore the sudden wave of excitement at the fact that you remembered that he was working on a song.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Jisung laughed tensely. “Looks like I’ll be around more often.”
“Yeah, definitely…”
You nodded absentmindedly, eyes locked on the exposed skin of Chan’s arms. Chan himself didn’t acknowledge your stare, but couldn’t help the smug smile that slid onto his face.
Jisung watched the exchange and groaned, looking over to glare at Minho for failing him the only time it truly would end badly for him. Because of course Minho had to be soft for Chan and of course Chan had to be moving in.
Why couldn’t Chan just be ugly?
“Okay,” Chan sighed, placing all the wires he held into a pile on the floor. Suddenly, he turned to you, “You held up your end of the bargain. Let’s work on some stats, huh?”
Your eyes widened for a second, caught in headlights.
“Oh,” was your smart reply. “But we didn’t get to finish?”
Chan waved it off. “The only reason we tried to get it all done was to make sure Minho couldn’t say no. Now that he’s accepted it, we don’t have to rush.”
As much as it bothered him not to finish a project.
You laughed at the little punch Minho threw at Chan’s shoulder on his way out of the room, mumbling something about “going to bed before Changbin comes home to beg for food”. He also made sure to pinch your cheek before leaving.
After swatting at Minho’s hand, you grinned.
“Okay, well… Let’s figure out how we’re going to do this.”
Chan mimicked your smile with a nod.
No way, Jisung thought as you followed his older friend out into the living room, no fucking way.
You just left him without an acknowledging glance his way, and all of a sudden he had a really terrible feeling about leaving you and Chan alone together. Anything could happen—kissing, fucking, god forbid you talk to him. You could become closer and gain feelings for the guy, which would not be a hard task considering Chan was basically the human embodiment of the sun and every damn person seemed to be pulled into his orbit after the first meeting.
Dammit, it was even difficult for Jisung to be mad at him. The guy was too lovable.
Cursing under his breath, Jisung all but ran into the living room to prevent any and all touching or deep talks, because heaven knew how much Chan talked about deep shit.
Ew, he sounded like Minho.
“You don’t have any notes at all?” Chan asked, eyebrows raised. “What do you even do in there?”
You let out a sigh.
“Stats is where I usually do my biology work.”
“Then what do you do in biology?” He questioned bluntly, his eyes skimming all the lost files on your computer that you had given up on ages ago.
“That’s where I write all my essays. The teacher—”
“—never stands up from his chair.”
With wide eyes, you laughed in surprise. Your mouth formed many words but nothing stumbled out, perhaps for a good reason because what you had in your head wasn’t very coherent on its own.
So you just pointed at the snickering Chan, “You…?”
His head shook and your mood dropped.
“I don’t do work for other classes,” he corrected, the mischievous smile slowly sliding onto his lips giving you a little hope back. “I actually produced a whole song in that class.”
Was Jisung dreaming or were you looking at Chan with those big bewildered eyes? Was that what was happening right in front of him? Could he be seeing things?
For once he really hoped he was going insane.
“I knew I wasn’t the only one that slacked off in that class!” You chirped, bouncing a little in your seat.
“And I still got a one-hundred on my exam.” He told you pointedly before passing on the laptop and leaning back on the couch.
Normally, smugness wouldn’t have been attractive to you but on Chan it was something else. His eyes lit up in a way that was almost pretty.
There was a pull towards him as he just sat there and looked at you. It was something that set you on edge in the same way it put you at ease, he just had such a conflicting presence and you really didn’t know how to process it. So your body pushed you forward on it’s own, and with no complaints from him, you felt your hand come to rest on his knee—
But out of the fucking blue, Jisung was throwing himself between you two, his thinner body fitting snuggly in the unfilled space. You sputtered and Chan nearly yelped, holding his hand to his chest to placate his thudding heart.
“Jisung—what the fuck?”
“Did you just jump over the back of the couch?” Chan frowned looking over his shoulder to really determine the path Jisung took to get there.
Jisung smiled obnoxiously, “I just figured I’d help you guys out. Considering I’m also in that class.” He wiggles a little more to separate the two of you even more. “And three brains are better than two.”
“Not when yours is nonexistent.” You quipped, feeling your lips pull into a pout at the intruder.
“Ah, how I love your humor.”
Jisung poked your nose with a tight lipped smile.
Sending Chan a look of apology, he shrugged, falling back further into the couch.
“Sure, why not?” Was his response, shoulders lifting up and falling back down with a huff. “Let me help you set up some proper notes.”
Jisung brought his hands together once to create a near deafening sound that had you even more irritable. His happy-go-lucky mood wasn’t funny when you were on the receiving end of the annoyance.
One nice thing—you couldn’t have one single nice thing ever.
Between your brother and his dumb best friend (that you may or may not have sorta feelings for) you couldn’t do anything. Your prime years were being wasted on sucky romance movies with Felix and Hyunjin and cat fights with Jisung. You couldn’t afford such bullshit for much longer.
“You know I love you, Y/n.”
“Stuff your love up your ass.”
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The rest of the week passed by smoothly with minimal conflict on your end and grades that didn’t have you contemplating slamming your face into a wall. On weekends you usually spent most of your time at Minho’s apartment while Changbin dicked around at the gym and your brother slept for the forty-eight hours that he had to himself. You could watch movies and finish your homework with no distractions.
That was until Chan decided to move in and steal your attention every moment he could. You were even starting to suspect that he was doing it on purpose after the time he walked out of the bathroom in only a bath towel and responded with a “oh, I didn’t notice you there”.
You also concluded that Felix was a snitch and no longer deserved your friendship, because once you shared with him your encounter with Chan, everyone in your group of friends was wired in to everything that concerned you and Chan.
Especially Jisung. Which eventually caused—
“Jisung why the hell are you following me?”
The boy in question didn’t bother to acknowledge you, instead he simply continued to walk at your side, hands stuffed deep in his pockets and hair just a little messier than usual, “What do you mean? This is how I get to my next class.”
You snorted. “Last time I checked, you had dropped your two-thirty class. And even then, it was on the other side of the building.”
Jisung couldn’t help but roll his pretty brown eyes.
“Says the guy who’s been up my ass all day.” You chirped, taking pride in the way he glared at you.
Jisung threw his hands up in frustration. He knew what he was doing was out of character, sure. But did he want to be called out on it?
“Can I not hang out with you? God, Y/n. We’ve known each other for years, I’d think you’d get used to me being around.”
You merely shook your head with a laugh, continuing forward.
“You’re really something else.”
He snorted, “So you’re being an adult now?”
“When am I not the adult when I’m with you? There’s no room for stupid energy with you around.” You replied cheekily
“Well I’m sorry for hogging all the ‘stupid energy’, damn…”
The way that Jisung held up the air quotes for “stupid energy” had your cheeks aching from how hard you smiled.
“Well, I’m going to lunch with Felix and Hyunjin right now. So unless you want to be subjected to their combined stupidity, I would suggest you go back to your dorm.” You sent him a small smile over your shoulder, just barely missing the way he tripped over his feet because of it.
Felix had called you in a rush right as you were getting out of your last class of the day and asked you to come eat lunch with him and Hyunjin. It was a one sided conversation that lasted almost ten seconds but you figured you had no other choice but to comply. Whatever reason he had for being in such a hurry was enough for you to listen.
“But you can come if you want, Sungie. I’m sure they won’t mind.”
It had been a while since you last called him that nickname—possibly way back when you were in primary school. It sent chills down his spine to hear you call him that again.
Jisung caught up to you easily, slinging his arm around your shoulders just as he used to when you began calling him Sungie. Over the years it had started to put a strain on him since he found it hard to differentiate what was friendly and what was too friendly. He had a girlfriend after all, and there were only so many things he could do with other girls that was acceptable.
But of course you were just Y/n. The little sister that bothered them all day and called him Sungie.
He didn’t have to feel embarrassed to hug you or tease you or hide his insecurities behind stupid pick up lines. Now matter how much it made his heart pound in his chest, you were still Minho’s baby sister—you were Jisung’s baby sister.
“I’d like that, my dear.” Jisung said, stuffing his free hand into his pocket and pulling you closer.
So close that it almost felt domestic.
Y’know, as domestic as it could get with someone who was like a little sister to him. He had a beautiful girlfriend too, so the domestication was more like a… family comfort and less like how it would feel if you were married and he was allowed to hold you as close as he wanted—
“Ah, you’re warm,” you hummed, making a small fuss of tucking yourself further into his hold. “It always looks like it’s going to be nice outside, but it seems like the weather changes its mind just as much as Hyunjin.”
You didn’t notice but Jisung was completely lost to everything you said after “you’re warm”. He just continued to hum and nod as if his brain wasn’t completely fried.
Jisung was in the midst of a mental breakdown when you somehow managed to lead him to the small restaurant right outside of the university. It was a popular place since it was so close and dolled out cheap food in a matter of seconds, which definitely appealed to its main demographic.
You spotted Felix’s head of purple hair immediately, a bright smile etched onto his face as he spoke animatedly to the waiter standing at the ready. The boy was cute, black hair and pretty dimples that made him appear younger. He also looked friendly with Felix with how he spoke with a wide smile that showed his perfect teeth.
You approached the table, shrugging Jisung’s arm off of you and ignoring his whine in protest.
“I made it,” you announced, gaining the attention of your friends—
And fuck.
You met eyes with Seungmin sitting in the seat beside Felix, and felt your shoulders slump as he flashed you a smirk.
“Glad you could come, Y/n.” Seungmin all but sang at your visible distress.
But Felix had a hold on your arm before you could respond with attitude, tugging you dangerously close to the waiter at your side.
“Y/n, this is Jeongin—” Felix gestured towards the boy who lifted his hand to wave. “He’s a school friend of Hyunjin’s.”
“It’s my last year.” Jeongin added with a shy laugh.
Peeling your eyes away from Seungmin, you got a good look at the boy in front of you. The unexpected cuteness both startled you and made your stomach flip. You really had to withhold from squealing and pinching his cheeks. He was so cute.
You smiled genuinely, “It’s nice to meet you, Jeonginnie.”
A small wave of red covered his ears at the sudden nickname, his long eyelashes fluttering in surprise.
Jisung just about combusted in his spot. He was getting pretty sick and tired of keeping tabs on all the boys you managed to hook around your finger, it was starting to get out of hand. Okay, maybe he was the stalker.
In a bout of frustration, Jisung grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers, sliding into the booth beside Hyunjin and tugging you after him. You made a noise of surprise as your ass connected harshly with the cracked red cushion of the booth, sending Jisung a glare.
Though, he kept his eyes on the table, avoiding the amused looks on everyone’s faces, even going as far as swatting away Hyunjin’s poking fingers. But for whatever reason, he couldn’t bring himself to release your hand from his.
Jisung’s palm was sweaty in your hold, but strangely enough it was something that you didn’t mind.
Jeongin looked between you and Jisung for a moment before quickly coming to some sort of realization that only Felix seemed to understand. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and a small smirk was suddenly on his lips as he asked what drink you would like.
Whatever that was about, you didn’t like it.
“I’ll just have a water.” You answered skeptically, finally managing to pull your fingers free of Jisung’s grip.
“Water for me too.”
Jeongin didn’t bother to write down your orders, instead he just nodded and left with that same goofy smile on his face.
Why did your friends have to corrupt the poor kid?
You sent a glare towards Felix, ready to grill him about what the hell just happened but his eyes were on something else above your head, his lips forming into the same smirk that Jeongin had on. Whatever what’s either above you or behind you was either a stupid compilation video of League of Legend funny moments or your next victim.
“Care for one more?” Came from behind you.
And both your and Jisung’s heads swiveled around at a dangerous speed to see the beautiful image of Chan, and damn was he beautiful. He was dressed for the weather, arms now covered in a long black sweater that hugged every one of his muscles so so nicely, and instead of sweatpants, he was wearing jeans. You could definitely tell the difference between a casual day around the house and one where he was going to be seen out in public—was that makeup?
And Jisung frowned. It had been going so well.
It was his turn to send Felix a glare.
The purple haired boy mouthed something along the lines of “girlfriend”, but Jisung couldn’t (could) really make it out.
“Sit down.” You managed to choke out, motioning toward the table.
“Hey!” Felix greeted, standing up to fully embrace Chan in a hug.
You were floored.
“You know each other?”
Felix’s eyes flickered towards you, “We both grew up in Sydney.”
And you thought your eyes were going to pop out of your skull.
“You’re Australian?” You gaped, watching Chan as if he had sprouted a new head.
He then proceeded to spout off some heavily accented words that you could barely make sense of, and you could feel your heart practically flutter in your chest. After meeting Felix, you never thought you’d ever find an Australian accident sexy as hell—but Chan’s was, in fact, very sexy as hell.
“Wow,” Hyunjin whistled. “What does it take for one to become Australian, because fuck.”
You didn’t think you would ever agree with Hyunjin so much in your life.
Chan snorted. “I think you have to be born in Australia unfortunately.”
“Or you know,” Felix tossed sarcastically. “Live there.”
“Damn. Always the catch.”
You sighed, almost going as far as face-palming yourself and/or slamming your forehead against the table.
Instead you just sent Chan an embarrassed smile. “You can sit down if you aren’t planning on running away.”
“Thanks.” He laughed.
Unfortunately for you, there were already three people in your booth and he wouldn’t be able to fit beside you.
Fortunately for Jisung, there were already three people in your booth and Chan wouldn’t be able to fit beside you.
But when Chan began to slide in the seat next to Felix, Hyunjin suddenly jumped with a yelp, glaring at the suspicious looking Felix in front of him. The two had a very strange conversation with their eyes before Hyunjin was huffing a sigh and maneuvering himself to slip under the booth and (clumsily, you may add) pop out on the other side of Seungmin, ignoring the spectacled boys' complaints as he sends Chan a smile.
Stupid plotting assholes.
“Just wanted to sit next to my… uh—”
“Boyfriend?” You supplied, blinking at him dully.
“Yeah, my boy—hey, fuck you!”
“Sorry, were you waiting to tell people?”
He took the liberty to be the kicker instead of the kickee and sent his foot into your ankle, making you hiss with a glare.
Felix nudged Chan’s hip to direct him into the spot beside you, his mouth open in a wide smile as you are further squished between both Jisung and Chan. With one boy being very broad and the other being very clingy, you barely had any room at all.
“Y/n, you look a little cramped, why don’t you scoot over here a little more—?”
“Jisung, if I get any closer to you, I would be on top of you.”
Hey, he wasn’t completely opposed to that plan.
Jisung certainly would rather have you on his lap than Chan’s. He couldn’t even think about that without grasping for your hand again, though you were too fast and managed to wiggle out of his grip.
“Yeah, Y/n. Why don’t you just scoot over?” Hyunjin sang, his mouth curled up in a coy little smirk that he always had carved onto his face.
“You scheming little—”
But your words were cut off by the clearing of a throat.
Seungmin leaned over the table, and the way his sleeves were rolled to his forearms was suddenly very noticeable. He looked at you with the intention to kill, and had he not been a prudish reincarnation of the devil, you would’ve thought he looked hot as fuck.
“Do you want me to retell the little incident that took place at last year’s Christmas party?”
A collective gasp went around the table, Chan being the only one who was absolutely clueless.
Felix whispered something under his breath about how “that was sworn to secrecy”, and Hyunjin’s wide eyes stuck to the side of Seungmin’s face like glue.
Even Jisung broke out of his jealous stupor to gulp.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I would.”
That was the true form of Kim Seungmin. 
“What? Do dinners like this happen all the time?” Chan asked. “Do you ever actually eat?”
As if on queue, Jeongin stepped up to the table, notepad in hand and wide eyes sparkling. “Are you guys ready to order—?”
But Felix was dragging the boy down to his height, whispering something quickly into his ear, causing his eyes to widen. After enlarging, his gaze flickered back and forth between you, Jisung and Chan. 
“I… will give you guys a few more minutes.”
Jeongin scurried off and you wanted to kill everyone at the table. 
“Well, I’m going to answer my own question here and say no. There will be no eating food today.” Chan hummed, tossing his menu onto the table similarly to a petulant child. 
You huffed. What did you ever do to deserve any of this?
With both boys at either side of you, it seemed to create a visual representation of the conflict in your mind. And Seungmin looked like he was ready to pass out with how hard he was trying to hold in his laughter as Felix and Hyunjin simply smiled your way. 
To say that the two boys were completely clueless, would’ve been an understatement—
With Chan too busy thinking about all the food he wouldn’t be eating and Jisung preoccupied trying to grab ahold of your hand, they didn’t once notice the way that the three little devils stared holes into their heads. 
“I literally can’t stand any of you.”
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nerdyarchertea · 2 years
Greetings and Salutations/BYF
My name is Katniss/Ilosa and welcome to my admin account! My pronouns are she/her(or you can call me any feminine pronouns I don't mind) and I am now 18. I have many interests and in many fandoms. Also, I'm a simp.
--My Blogs!--
@idv-asktheconsigliere : Identity V OC
@idvask-hunterfinn : YuuriVoice X Identity V AU with Finn.
@obsessed-bunnies : Yandere blog
@idvask-survivorfaust : YuuriVoice X Identity V AU with Faust.
@idvessence-etn : Identity V Essence based off of Escape the Night
--What I post--
Random shit.
Gaming, ramblings, me being thirsty, etc.
Apparently YuuriVoice headcanons now.
--Current Fandoms--
"Face the light, walk in the dark, and don't make a sound." Identity V
"Time for... Retribution!" Genshin Impact
Various ASMR communities(YuuriVoice and Nyxmoon mostly)
Various Itch.io projects/people (Error 143, Scopophobia Studios, Dino999z)
"Hop on... I wanna show you something." ~ Sebastian, Stardew Valley
"Way to go, superstar!" Five Nights at Freddy's/General mascot horror(except BanBan)
Sam & Colby
"YOU PARASITE!" The Amazing Digital Circus
"You're the most!" Welcome Home
"Come and catch me, if you can... Mr. Holmes." Moriarty the Patriot
"Write it down~! Write it down~!" (Ref from stage play) Bungo Stray Dogs
"This ass is mine!" Helluva Boss
"If Hell is forever than Heaven must be a lie." Hazbin Hotel
Oshis: Goldbullet(holoARMIS), Crimzon Ruze(holoARMIS), Jurard T. Rexford(holoARMIS), Lucien Lunaris(FSP Avallum), Cassian Floros(FSP Avallum), and Zander Netherbrand(FSP Avallum.
I like doing a bunch of AU shit, I understand that may not be people's jam so feel free to block me or whatever.
There are certain tropes in fiction that are my ABSOLUTE jam. Such a trope is the yandere/obsessive one. I understand that there are problematic people around this. You can block me/unfollow if this makes you uncomfortable, I understand completely. Here's my explanation why I like the trope.
If you didn't read the content warning then here is your last one. I swear and there will 16+ stuff. If you are below the age yet can handle the content, then I won't stop you.
Just be a decent human being. Please.
No homophobes, transphobes, etc. This also includes MAPs or Zoophiles. No racism is tolerated here, as I am a POC.
If you support people like Yandere Dev or Your Boyfriend's developer.
If you fetishize Asians/Asian Americans.
--My Socials!--
Instagram: nerdyarcher_101
TikTok: nerdyarchertea
Discord: Ask pls.
Tumblr: You're here.
Twitter: ilosaarchertea
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--Post Archives!--
YuuriVoice Finn Angst HCs!
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
More Than Friends (sokka x f!reader)
A/N: Here's a lovely little one-shot written for Nina's (@fromthewatertribe) 1K challenge!! This is technically a modern! AU with a female reader but if one was to think that this Y/N is the same Y/N from Traitor I wouldn't stop you ;)
Years ago… not literally since this blog is like 3 months old, but Like Way Back When I Started writing Traitor, someone mentioned a Modern AU… and I wrote like, a full outline for it… fully not expecting to do anything with it. Well, today is the day. Here you have it, Sokka x Y/N modern au, but like only just a stitch of it since I might want to go somewhere with this eventually. I am purposefully leaving out the explicit content that I wrote for ✨reasons✨
When you come home from work and you notice your front door is unlocked and you know for a fact that you locked it before leaving for work, a normal person’s first thought would be to call the police. Y/N was not a normal person.
She turned the doorknob to her and Katara’s apartment as quietly as she could. As she stepped inside she peered around the living room. No one. Without looking away she felt along the wall for the softball bat she kept propped just inside the door. 
“It’s for protection, Katara!” She would always say whenever Katara opened the door a bit too far and sent the bat sliding down the wall to clang against the hardwoods. Katara hated that bat. Y/N, in the moment, loved it. 
Y/N slowly started creeping towards the hallway that led to her bedroom and bathroom, but a sudden noise from the kitchen startled her. She backtracked and stood just outside the doorway, the bat hefted in the air, ready to roll heads in a moment’s notice. 
She jumped when she heard another noise, like metal scraping on metal, followed by someone singing quietly under their breath. What kind of robber does that?!
“Whoever is in there, I have a bat and I’m not afraid to use it!” Y/N yelled. 
She heard a laugh and then a head peeked around the corner. Sokka smiled at her defensive stance. “Still thinking about using it?”
Y/N let out a heavy sigh of relief and dropped her arms, letting the top of the bat hit the floor. She could feel the pounding of her heart slow. “Why do you do this to me?” 
Sokka frowned and held up a spatula. “I am literally making you food. Don’t be snotty.”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she rushed forward. “What are you making me? I don’t smell anything.” She stood on her tiptoes to look over Sokka’s shoulder.
Sokka placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed her back down to flat-feet. “I just started. Patience. Go shower or something and I’ll be done when you get back.” He turned her around and gave her a gentle push out of the kitchen.
“What would I do without you?” Y/N asked over her shoulder. 
She was met with a very exasperated groan. “Well apparently, neither you or Katara would ever eat. There was nothing in your fridge!”
Y/N hid a giggle behind her hand as she walked to the bathroom. It was true, she and Katara lived on take-out most of the time.
Y/N did what Sokka told her to and took her time in the shower, letting the warm water relax her tense muscles. Between classes and work, she barely had any time to do anything; cooking and showers longer than five minutes included. 
The food was even better than she had hoped; she tried to remember the last time she had a meal that wasn’t from a box or off a take-out menu. 
“It was alright,” Y/N shrugged as she licked the edge of her spoon and set her empty bowl on the center table. She leaned back on the couch and wrapped her blanket tighter around her shoulders. 
Sokka scoffed. “I can tell since you practically licked the bowl clean.”
Y/N leaned forward and grabbed the tv remote. “Shut it,” she murmured with a smile. “You could have eaten some too you know.”
“Nah, I put the leftovers in the fridge for you and Katara tomorrow. I can’t be here cooking every night.”
“Why not? I’d like that.”
Sokka rolled his eyes. “Of course you would, you’re obsessed with me.”
Y/N scoffed. “You were the one who let himself into my apartment to make me dinner. Sounds like you’re obsessed with me! Do I need to revoke your key?”
“That’s it. I’m taking the leftovers and leaving.” Sokka made to stand but Y/N wrapped her hands around his bicep. 
“Can you stay for a bit? I wanna watch something scary and I can’t do that by myself.” 
Sokka snuggled in next to her under the blanket. “Sure thing.” 
It was about halfway through the movie when the exhaustion of the day hit her. Y/N slid down further on the couch and rested her cheek against Sokka’s shoulder.
“You’re not going to fall asleep on me, are you?” Sokka murmured, just louder than the tv. 
“I’m just preparing to hide my face is all.” 
At that, Sokka lifted his arm and she slid under it and pressed her cheek against his chest. She was warm and content and she definitely could have fallen asleep had the music of the movie not begun to change. It was something faster-paced and anxiety inducing. 
Much like she anticipated, the next scene made her gasp in fear and jump half-way into Sokka’s lap. 
Sokka chuckled. “Are you okay?” His hands settled on her hips, holding her close. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Yeah, of course. I’m not even scared.”
“Do we need to get your bat? For protection from the clown on the television?” Sokka’s hands didn’t move from her, in fact Y/N was sure they tightened when she began to move away. So she stopped.
Y/N felt a little breathless. Probably just from the scary movie. 
“Maybe. You think it’ll help?” There was a stillness in the air between them and Y/N realized how close they had gotten in the moment. 
“Yeah, I think you can take him,” Sokka whispered. His words were meant to be banter but it didn’t feel like it anymore, not with the way Sokka was looking at her with eyes that were so dark they looked like the night sky. 
Y/N leaned in first. She was drawn towards him like a magnet. She had lost all self control and for the first time Y/N just wanted to know what he tasted like.
The second their lips connected, Y/N waited for Sokka to move away. To detach himself from her and push the blanket away and make some excuse about how he had to be up early and let himself out. So she was all the more pleased when he didn’t.
The kiss was slow and chaste and hesitant as if both of them were waiting for the other’s revulsion. But it never came. 
One second, Y/N was high in the clouds and the next she was standing and pacing in the middle of the living room, the movie in the background long forgotten.
“Oh my spirits, Sokka!”
“What? It wasn’t bad, was it?” The smirk on his face was clear. This was not a one-sided thing. 
Y/N’s thoughts swirled in her head. Was she missing something? Because unless she was hallucinating, Sokka definitely just kissed her back and then acted like it was normal for two best friends to do that.
It didn’t matter what she was thinking, her mouth answered for her. “Well, no but–” 
Sokka’s smile widened and Y/N blushed. 
He reached out and grabbed her hand. “That’s great, let’s do it again.”
“But you’re my best friend! And Katara!” Y/N’s head felt it was going to explode. “Katara is my best friend too!” 
She twisted her hand around, not pulling away but sliding their fingers to interlock them. She sat back down on the couch, trying to remember where she was before. Was she too close now? Too far away? She didn’t want to send the wrong message. What was the right message?
He smiled knowingly at her. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Of course I know that...”
Sokka was slowly pulling her closer to him with the grip on her hand and Y/N was completely letting him. 
This time when they kissed, she could feel him smiling against her lips. Not that Y/N wasn’t doing the same thing. Sokka! Her brain screamed. She was actually kissing Sokka and she liked it!
Y/N pulled away and let out a little giggle. She didn’t even have time to ask him what they were doing when Sokka pulled her back in for another kiss. 
“Stop moving away from me,” He murmured. His thumb traced her jawline and the other hand was on her thigh.Y/N’s heart raced as she began to wonder how far this was going to go.
All thoughts were quickly dashed as Y/N parted her lips and Sokka slipped his tongue inside. She grabbed his wrists and pushed his hands off of her. 
Sokka jerked away suddenly, his face a mask of horror, clearly concerned that somewhere he had crossed the line. However, Y/N was thinking the opposite. Maybe he hadn’t quite gone far enough. 
She climbed over his legs to straddle him and pressed his hands into the back of the couch. Sokka’s eyes widened and Y/N gave a little shrug before she kissed the corner of his mouth. She trailed down his jawline and neck, placing soft kisses along the way. She stopped at his collarbone, leaving a love bite that made Sokka groan. 
Y/N let go his hands to take out his ponytail because she just wanted to run her fingers through his hair like she knew he liked. Sokka took that opportunity to grab her waist and pull her closer, as if they weren’t already flush against each other.
They were kissing again, hard, as if this was the only thing left in the world. Sokka’s teeth clacked painfully against hers but it didn’t stop either of them. They just needed to be closer. Just them. Together. Sokka’s hands roamed over her body, never stopping in once place for too long, like he was trying to make up for lost time that he wasn’t able to touch her in this way.
Y/N broke away even though every muscle in her body told her not to and sat back on Sokka’s thighs. Sokka swiped a thumb over her bottom lip and Y/N grinned.
She shook her head in disbelief as she tried to wrap her mind around the last few minutes. Her fingers traced over his cheekbones and jaw as she tried to memorize this feeling of pleasure and excitement in one. She needed to remember the look in Sokka’s eyes in case this never happened again.
“How did we get here?” She asked softly. 
“I think it was a long time coming.” Sokka mirrored the smile on her face.
“We’re more than friends and you know it. Always have been.”
“Well, I wish you would have said something sooner,” Y/N pouted. “We could have been doing this a long time ago.”
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kjack89 · 4 years
Man I always get whiplash from your blog layout, it's great. Anyway, 44 (Tentative kisses given in the dark.) for exr *eyes emoji*
Sorry not sorry about the blog layout XD
Anyway, this was supposed to be something else, something sweeter, but then this happened, and, well...
ExR, modern AU, developing relationship.
Enjolras dumped his bag on a table in the backroom of the Musain and started unbuttoning his coat, though he paused when he saw Grantaire, Joly and Bossuet at a table in the corner, their heads together as they discussed something with what looked like urgency.
His curiosity piqued, Enjolras wandered over to them. “Not to use ableist language, but if you believe that, you’re cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs,” Bossuet said dismissively, as Joly nodded in agreement.
Grantaire snorted. “Not entirely sure that’s ableist, though General Mills may sue for copyright violations. Besides, I’m not the one who’s apparently lost what’s left of my marbles.”
“Look, copyright violations aside, I think Bossuet’s got a point—” Joly started, but Grantaire cut him off.
“Oh, sure, take his side like always,” Grantaire sniped.
Enjolras cleared his throat and all three startled before looking over at him. “Dare I ask what you three are arguing about?” he asked mildly, and to his surprise, Joly blushed.
“I wouldn’t call it an argument,” he hedged, glancing sideways at Bossuet, who nodded emphatically.
“Right, it’s really more of a disagreement.”
Enjolras raised an eyebrow. “Fine, what are you disagreeing about?”
Grantaire smiled blithely at him, the only one of three who didn’t look remotely abashed. “Whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not.”
Enjolras blinked. He had not been expecting that. “Uh...what?”
“You know, the holiday classic starring Bruce Willis,” Grantaire said cheerfully. “Which I maintain, if you’re going to allow films like It’s a Wonderful Life and Holiday Inn, which, let’s not forget, features actual blackface, to be counted as Christmas films, you also have to allow Die Hard, which is arguably even more Christmas-y since it actually takes place fully at Christmas.”
Grantaire said this all with absolute confidence, which bewildered Enjolras almost as much as Joly, who leaned forward to tell Grantaire, equally heated, “Christmas-y is not a word, and also, the point isn’t whether they take place solely at Christmas time, but whether they’re filled with, y’know, Christmas spirit. Which Die Hard is not.”
Bossuet cleared his throat. “What do you think, Enjolras?” he asked loudly as Grantaire stuck his tongue out at Joly.
Enjolras shook his head slowly. “Believe it or not, this is one area where I don’t really have an opinion.”
Grantaire raised both eyebrows as he did what he clearly thought was a comical doubletake. “I could die of shock.”
“Well, try not to, at least not until we have your mockup for the mutual aid fundraiser flyers,” Enjolras said sourly.
“And here I thought you didn’t value my contributions,” Grantaire said with a grin. “But seriously, you don’t have an opinion on Die Hard?”
“Oh, I have opinions,” Enjolras assured him. “I just don’t think they’re relevant to this particular debate.”
Grantaire fluttered his eyelashes at him. “As if that’s ever stopped you before,” he said sweetly.
Enjolras scowled. “You really want my opinion on if I think a movie featuring an extrajudicial cop qualifies as having the spirit belonging to a holiday devoted to capitalism and religious imperialism?” he asked sharply, and Joly and Bossuet had the good sense to look a little embarrassed. “Because in that case, I do have some fascinating insights on the ties between the military industrial complex and evangelical Christianity.”
Joly and Bossuet grumbled and turned away, clearly ready to continue the conversation without Enjolras, but Grantaire propped his chin on his hand and smirked at Enjolras. “Fascinating though your use of big words may be, you didn’t actually answer the question.”
“The question of whether I think Die Hard is a Christmas movie?” 
Enjolras looked at him flatly. “Is ‘I don’t give a flying fuck’ an answer?”
Grantaire’s smile widened. “Not so much, no.”
“Oh, so when you give me that as an answer during Les Amis meetings, I’m just supposed to accept it, but when it comes to inane debates about Christmas movies, it’s not good enough?” Enjolras asked sourly.
Grantaire nodded. “Pretty much, yeah.”
For a moment, Enjolras considered telling Grantaire that he should focus on more important things, but he could only imagine all the ways that would backfire on him. “Fine. Then Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. Happy?”
Grantaire cocked his head slightly. “I’d be happier if you could explain why you think that.”
Enjolras stared at him. “Because it just...it isn’t.”
Grantaire’s smirk was back, and his tone turned teasing. “C’mon, cite your sources, this isn’t your first debate, you know better than that.”
“I don’t have to cite anything!” Enjolras snapped. “It’s not a Christmas movie. End of discussion.”
“Then why did Bahorel wear a sweatshirt with ‘Now I have a machine gun, Ho-ho-ho’ written on it in red paint to an Ugly Christmas Sweater party last week?” Grantaire countered.
Enjolras blinked. “Wait, that was from Die Hard?”
“Of course it was from—” Grantaire broke off, something like glee lighting up his face. “Wait a minute, have you actually seen Die Hard?”
“I’ve seen parts of it…” Enjolras hedged.
“That does not count.” Grantaire stood up. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Go where?”
“My place,” Grantaire said cheerfully. “We’re watching Die Hard.”
Enjolras stared at him. “What? Why?”
“Because you claim to hate it but you’ve never even seen it,” Grantaire said, as if it was obvious.
“And what part of my description of it would make you think that I would enjoy it even if I did watch it?”
Grantaire snorted. “No one said anything about enjoying it. I just think you should actually have an informed opinion about something if you’re going to wade into such hard-hitting debates as ‘Is Die Hard a Christmas movie’.”
Grantaire’s tone was innocent, but Enjolras ground his teeth together, recognizing that he had said the same exact thing to Grantaire during a Les Amis meeting the previous week in regards to a debate on restorative justice and an article that Grantaire hadn’t actually read. “I don’t exactly have a spare two hours to waste on this right now,” Enjolras snapped.
“Sure you do,” Grantaire said cheerfully. “What else do you have to work on?”
Enjolras immediately blanked on any of the things he could possibly have to work on. “That’s– that’s not the point,” he spluttered, but it was too late. Grantaire had already taken his arm and was steering him towards the door. 
“We’ll be back in a little over two hours and twelve minutes,” Grantaire called over his shoulder, and Enjolras sighed resignedly.
“I am so going to regret this.”
Die Hard, as it turned out, was everything Enjolras had suspected, and then some, and about a half hour into it, he shifted on Grantaire’s couch and tossed a look over at Grantaire, who had thus far been more silent than he’d ever been at any Les Amis meeting. He could barely see Grantaire’s face in the dark room (Grantaire had insisted they leave the lights off for a ‘true cinematic’ experience), and was sorely tempted to elbow him or many any number of snide comments when he noticed Grantaire’s lips moving, just slightly, in time with Alan Rickman’s character speaking on screen.
“Are you...mouthing the lines of the movie?” Enjolras whispered, and Grantaire waved a dismissive hand.
“Shh,” he said. “And yeah, so?”
“So of all the movies in all the world, Die Hard is the one you have memorized?”
Grantaire gave him a look. “What part of shh don’t you understand?” he asked.
“I could ask you the same question during every Les Amis meeting,” Enjolras said, a little sourly. “Besides, since you clearly have the movie memorized, it’s not like you’re going to miss anything.”
Grantaire sighed but relented, half-turning to face Enjolras. “Fine, if you must know, Die Hard happens to be my favorite Christmas movie and, honestly, one of my favorite non-Christmas movies as well.”
Enjolras wrinkled his nose. “Ok, but...why?”
Grantaire made a face. “You’re going to think it’s dumb.”
“Dumber than the movie itself?” Enjolras asked, only half-joking.
Grantaire gave him a look. “Because responses like that are so likely to make me want to confide in you.” Enjolras held his hands up defensively and Grantaire sighed again. “Honestly, it’s my favorite movie because of John McClane, because...well, because he reminds me of you.”
“He – what?”
Enjolras wished he had come up with something more eloquent to say, but luckily, Grantaire didn’t seem to notice, as he was busy avoiding meeting his eyes. “Well, y’know,” he said, shrugging uncomfortably. “Saving the world, or at least Nakatomi plaza, by any means necessary because you realize that sometimes the system is broken and to do the most good, sometimes you’ve got to do it yourself.”
Enjolras opened his mouth to respond and immediately closed it again, mostly to swallow his immediate reaction which was to vehemently deny any similarity between himself and a cop, because despite himself, he knew that wasn’t what Grantaire meant.
Or at least, it better not have been.
“Well,” he said, after the silence between them had stretched to almost uncomfortable, “the comparison to a police officer aside, thank you for, y’know...saying that.” Grantaire nodded stiffly and Enjolras cleared his throat to try to make the moment less awkward. “So, uh, if I’m John McClane, who does that make you.”
Grantaire snorted. “Oh, Argyle, definitely.”
Enjolras gave him a look. “Be serious.”
Grantaire smiled, but it was a pale imitation of his usual smirk. “I am wild.”
Enjolras nudged him with his elbow. “So who?”
Shrugging slightly, Grantaire leaned back against the couch arm rest. “I dunno, probably one of the hostages that dies or something.” Enjolras just looked expectantly at him and Grantaire sighed. “Fine, I always thought if I was like anyone, I’d be most like Holly.”
Enjolras blinked. “John McClane’s wife?”
Grantaire nodded. “Yeah, she’s badass and not afraid to give heroes and villains alike a piece of her mind.”
“You do have that in common, I suppose,” Enjolras said with a light laugh.
“Yeah, but more importantly than a mouth that won’t quit, she doesn’t have to be the hero,” Grantaire continued. “She’s there to help and do what she can, but at the end of the day, it’s John McClane who saves the day, and she’s just along for the ride. And when it comes to Les Amis, and saving the world, well…” He trailed off. “I may be a lot of things, but I think we can both agree I’m not a hero.”
“I don’t know about that,” Enjolras said automatically, and it was hard to say whether he or Grantaire was more surprised. Grantaire stared at him, wide-eyed, and Enjolras flushed before adding, “I mean, uh…”
He trailed off, not able to actually find the excuse he was looking for, and after a long moment, Grantaire forced a laugh before looking pointedly back at the TV. “Well, in any case, spoiler alert Holly also gets the hero in the end, and that we can definitely agree is not in the cards for me.”
“It could be.”
Enjolras would never know what made him say it, but as soon as he did, he knew he meant it. They’d been dancing around this, and each other, for years, and if he didn’t say something now, he wasn’t sure there was any other time that it could happen.
Even if it was happening with John McClane killing vaguely European henchmen in the background.
“Enj—” Grantaire breathed, but Enjolras had already closed the space between them, cupping Grantaire’s cheek with one hand before kissing him lightly.
It was a quick kiss, light and fleeting and a little hesitant, because awkward kisses in the dark while Die Hard played was like something out of high school and Enjolras hadn’t been any more sauve in high school than he was now, but then Grantaire’s lips parted with a sigh and he kissed Enjolras back in earnest.
They broke apart sometime later, Die Hard long forgotten in the background, and Grantaire’s grin was so bright that Enjolras almost forgot the lights were off. “If this is your idea of Christmas, I gotta be here for New Year’s,” Grantaire murmured, and Enjolras raised an eyebrow at him.
“What?” he asked, amused.
Grantaire’s grin didn’t so much as flicker. “It’s a line from the movie,” he said. “We can always watch the rest of it, if you’d like.”
“If only there wasn’t something better to do,” Enjolras said dryly before leaning in and kissing him again. 
When the movie finally ended, Grantaire pulled away from Enjolras and fumbled for the remote to turn the TV off. He looked back at Enjolras, a slow smile spreading across his face. “So, uh, what’s the verdict - is Die Hard a Christmas movie?”
Enjolras pretended to consider it. “You know, honestly, I didn’t actually see a whole lot of the movie.”
“Shame,” Grantaire said, grinning.
Enjolras nodded. “Yeah. Guess that just means we’ll have to try it again sometime.”
“I’m pretty sure that can be arranged.”
Grantaire leaned in to kiss him again but Enjolras stopped him, resting his hand lightly against Grantaire’s chest. “You do realize we’re not going to watch Die Hard every time we want to do this, right?”
“Of course not. There’s also Die Hard 2, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Live Free or Die Hard—” Enjolras groaned and Grantaire laughed, leaning in and kissing him lightly. “Well, we’ll figure something out.”
“Yeah,” Enjolras said, kissing him again. “I’m sure we will.”
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sofia-not-sophie · 3 years
Percy Jackson: God of Demigods 
Chapter 5
Tagging: @littlemisscupcake @tayquin04 lmk if you wanna be added or removed from the taglist also see the link in my pinned post for all of my taglists 
Text under cut; you can search my blog for #god!percy au   Or #chapter [number]   for the rest of the text here or see it all in the Ao3 links above
Tw: character death, albeit temporary
After I found Frank and had cleaned up, I was given a new purple Camp Jupiter shirt. I didn’t throw out the old tattered orange one though, it felt wrong throwing it away.
Soon we had to go form ranks as a part of the camp’s routine. Everyone fell in line in full battle gear and then the officers did role call. Hazel and her brother were almost late, arriving just in time for her name to be called.
After I was assigned to the fifth cohort, thanks to Hazel, I was given a probatio tablet that I put on the necklace with the clay beads. Then the legion disassembled and we had dinner.
Nico, Hazel, Frank, and I sat on a couch at the back of the mess hall, with one of the fifth cohort’s centurions, Dakota. I got a cheeseburger and some bright blue soda. I had no clue what prompted the soda, but when I tasted it it was pretty much like one of the diet cokes i stole on the way here, but blue.
Hazel explained how the war games would work, our cohort was one of the offensive ones. She said we were usually sent at the defensive wall first because apparently the other cohorts hated us for loosing the eagle standard a few generations ago. Frank was in the middle of explaining a few of the formations when a faun Hazel and I had encountered earlier came up and asked if he could eat my plate.
“Go away Don.” Nico said.
“No wait, I smell something.” He then started sniffing my hair, I did my best to try and bat him away, “You have an empathy link.”
“A what?” I asked.
“You have an empathy link with a faun. They’re very rare.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
One of the Lares, Vitellius, came over and got angry at Don for being in the dining hall. I knew the fauns weren’t exactly the nicest beings, they mostly seemed greedy, but I hadn’t had much of a problem with Don, other than him smelling my hair.
Eventually Nico got fed up and dragged the two off.
“That was... interesting. Does this happen all the time?”
“The fauns versus Lares thing happens pretty regularly. At least once a week.” Frank said, “The Don smelling people’s hair thing is new.”
“Of course it is.” I sighed, it seemed everything I did at this camp was unusual.
After dinner we got up and headed out to the field of Mars. We stood in formation, just as before, complete with our armor. When I went to put it on something about the process felt familiar and I knew just where to tie the straps.
I stood next to Frank awaiting orders, when he whispered to me “Percy? Could you meet me after the war games? We should talk.”
“About what?”
He didn’t get a chance to answer because just then Dakota and Gwendolyn, our other centurion, gave out orders for the initial attack. They basically stuck Hazel and Frank with me to show me the ropes.
“I doubt we’ll last long.” Hazel sighed, “There’s no getting past those water canons easily.”
“Did you say water canons?” I asked, “Cause I think I could probably take care of those, I’d just need to be closer I think.”
“Hazel, could you find a tunnel for us?” Frank asked, “I think I have a way to get us over the wall if those water canons are out of the way.”
She nodded, walked around for a second and then the ground opened up in front of her. “Let’s go.”
I dropped down into the tunnel and took off the cap to my pen-sword. It glowed with enough light for us to see once Hazel closed up the tunnel. We walked for a few minutes, hearing the occasional thud, likely from Hannibal the elephant, a truly ironic name from what little I knew about Roman military history from Lupa.
“Here,” Hazel stopped suddenly, “They won’t see us right away, and we can’t tunnel any further because they built the fort on underground foundations.”
She opened a hole in the ceiling and we climbed out. Immediately I directed my attention to the water cannons. I did my best to tune out the rest of the battle, I still wasn’t sure how my water powers worked exactly, so activating them might be a challenge. I had just felt like I had gotten it when Frank yelled “Percy! Anytime now!”
I felt a tug in my wrists and my stomach and the canons exploded, pushing back the guards on the fortress walls.
“Come on!” Frank called to me and Hazel, he began to climb a rope ladder dangling from an arrow he had presumably shot himself.
I climbed up after him, Hazel close behind me. Once we were up there, I’m not sure if the Romans knew what to make of me because I cut through the defenses pretty quickly. While I kept them busy Hazel and Frank went ahead to get the flags.
Something about this reminded me of somewhere, like I had played something like this before. Except less formal. An image of trees and a river and a flash of blue light surfaced in my memory, but when I went to retrieve the whole memories they vanished as if they were waves upon a shore.
Frank came out of the fort, banner in hand. We climbed down and out from behind the defensive wall, the rest of the fifth cohort joined us to celebrate. Except that celebration didn’t last long because the camp healers found Gwendolyn. She had been stabbed in the back with a spear.
The legion went silent as the healers tried to help, but it was too late.
I could almost tell the exact second it happened, I feeling something in my gut lurch.
Reyna was just announcing an investigation into finding her killer, when her eyes fluttered open.
“Gwen, can you tell us what just happened?” One of the healers asked.
“I’m not sure. There was a river, and someone asked me to pay a toll. But there was a door open behind me, so I left.”
The other healers moved to take the spear from her chest. As soon as it was gone her skin healed up almost instantly.
Reyna looked like she was about to say something when an eight foot tall man materialized behind the legion. He was dressed like a modern army soldier and had a large gun strapped to his back.
Everyone turned to see who it was, and immediately kneeled. For some reason I didn’t, something in my head told me I was angry at this person, this god, and also that I had no reason to kneel before him anyways.
“What in Hades are you doing here?” I blurted before he could speak.
He gave me a once over, as if deciding something about me, “You’ll want to mind your manners before you speak to me like that.”
“As if I haven’t beaten you in a fight before.”
“I don’t recall ever seeing you, though from the looks of you I probably should have. Anyways, let’s start this thing over.” I decided not to test him further, sure I hadn’t gotten injuries so far, and somewhere in my brain I knew I had beaten this god in a fight, but I didn’t want to push him or myself too far.
“Hello Romans! It is I, Mars! I was sent here as a messenger of sorts because you all tend to like me best. Anyway, your friend there, should be dead. But she’s not because Letus has been captured in the land beyond the gods. You could probably tell, as monsters are much harder to kill now and don’t stay dead.”
Next to me I felt Hazel shift uncomfortably.  
“I was sent to order a quest to rescue him by the Feast of Fortuna. Apollo said that there’s gonna be something bad happening that day, and Letus will need to be free by then.”
“But Lord Mars! We need a prophecy to do that!” Octavian said, standing up, “I’d need to prepare a whole case of stuffed animals to get a prophecy for a quest.”
“You want to question my word augur? Or perhaps maybe your ancestor’s word, after all Apollo did approve this quest already.”
Octavian looked at his feet.
“That’s what I thought. Oh, the rest of you may rise now. Before I go I’ve got one more matter of business to attend to. Frank Zhang please come over here.”
I watched as Frank seemed to move on autopilot, his eyes widened.
“You did well tonight kid! First over the wall, I wouldn’t expect anything less from my son. Who was the ref for this game?”
Frank looked like he was about to faint.
“I was Lord Mars sir.” Reyna said.
“You saw what he did right? Make sure he gets the mural crown.”
“Yes Lord Mars.”
“Thanks to that, he’s gonna be in charge of this quest. Now I don’t care who the third member is, so long as he also takes Mr. Insolence over there. Now kid,” he turned to Frank, “Have you learned to use your mother’s power yet?”
“Uh... no.”
“You’ll need to get on that. Until then, take this.” He unstrapped the gun from his back and a slowly turned into a spear, “You’ll only have three charges, so you better learn fast.”
He passed the spear to Frank who gave his thanks. “Avert your eyes.”
I watched as the rest of the legion turned to face away and cover their eyes. I didn’t I was too busy thinking he meant more than just discipline when he said I had a lot to learn. I watched as he revealed his divine form and disappeared, just like Juno had.
Once Ares or Mars or whatever you wanna call him disappeared, the legion was dismissed by Reyna.
I went to catch up to Frank, he was still a bit dazed I think. He had said he hadn’t know who his dad was earlier, apparently now he did.
“Hey.” I did my best to look cheerful, despite feeling about ready to keel over from exhaustion.
“You said you wanted to talk?”
“Oh. Right. Follow me back to the barracks. You and I’ll be sharing a bunk cause we’re the two new guys. We can talk there.”
We walked in silence to the fifth cohort barracks, no one else was quite ready to head in for the night yet so we were alone.
“You can have the top bunk, I normally sleep on the bottom, easier to flop into after a hard day’s work.”
I grabbed my bag which I had ditched here just before dinner, and flung it onto the top bunk. I looked over and Frank had pulled two vials of red shimmering liquid from underneath his pillow.
“These should be yours. They’re gorgon’s blood, a trophy of sorts, one from the left, the other from the right.”
“One deadly the other a cure. Can you tell which is which?” As soon as I said it, a feeling passed over me, I could almost tell that the one in Frank’s right hand would kill him.
“No, as far as I can tell, they’re identical.”
“Can I hold them?” As soon as he passed them to me I could no longer tell which one was deadly, I mean I knew from how he had handed them to me but that weird feeling was gone, “Huh.”
I thought up a quick lie “I wonder, I mean, if we figured it out, maybe the cure all could help my memory. Not that I’d use it now. Juno said my memories would return, so I’d probably not use it until after the quest, just in case. But still...”
Just then people started filtering into the barracks, taking off their armor and getting ready for bed. I quickly set the vials on my bunk and started unstrapping my armor.
I was given a spare set of pajamas from one of the other guys who was about my size. I put them on and climbed into my bunk. I was soon out like a light.
I had a strange dream that night. Normally I didn’t really dream at all, or at least from what I could tell from my month and a half of memory, but that night I actually had a dream.
I was on a boat, nothing big, like a personal speedboat, and in the mist coming off the wake of the boat a faun’s face appeared.
“Percy? Percy?” I moved closer and got a better look, “Thank the gods! I’ve trying to contact you for months, and Nico hasn’t come back with news.”
“Who are you?” I asked, apparently this faun knew Nico, and he seemed to know me, which meant I did know Nico, from... somewhere.
Before he could answer, the scene changed. I was in the water and a blonde girl with a Yankees cap, Annabeth my brain supplied, leaned over the dock, reaching for me.
“Percy? Can you hear me?”
I nodded.
“Stay where you are, we’ve got Tyson and Nico looking for you, though we’re pretty sure Tyson’s closest. But STAY THERE, Seaweed-Brain. We should be coming to get you soon.”
“Who’s Tyson? And where are you? And why did your call me Seaweed-Brain?”
The signal, or whatever you want to call it started to cut out, the next thing she said was hard for me to hear, but after that I could make out three words “I love you.”
I woke up.  
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Tea party headcanon
Includes: All obey me characters except solomon, and barbatos
Genre: Fluff
Tags: Fluff, Tea party theme, Pink Pastry and Pekoe Parlour! Au, general
A/N: This is a celebration cause I happen to like my new formatting. If anyone wants to be added to the taglist then just send in an ask please!
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-He’s actually the one that invites you and the brothers to the tea party.
-Makes sure everyone is at least properly dressed
-A mother of 7 children cause that includes you 😌
-Hates it here the moment levi said he’d wear something from some anime about a ‘demon’ butler, mammon saying that he did NOT steal the precious fine china set and beel having that look on his face that says “If I dont eat everything on the damn table, Im eating everyone else.”
-Either drink pure black coffee or chamomile
-if He drinks an ocean of chamomile but no amount of ‘calming’ tea can help save this poor stressed demon who just thought he could finally get a small break and have a lovely afternoon tea with diavolo.
-I wont be surprised if he’s even payed 200,000 grim worth of damage on the place due to his whole family
-Satan thought it was a good idea to exchange salt with sugar but he avoided this cause he...he looked into satan’s eyes while he drank his bitter black coffee with no sugar or cream.
-Gold laced bone china that costs about 500 grim a cup? Sold.
-He didn’t want to go but apparently he saw something that had caught his eye ❤️
-He was always invited to be the man servant at the witches’ tea parties so he kinda thought it was boring
-Did not realize how much he liked fruit teas until he came here
-Did not bother to even wear anything fancy as requested😤
-Probably tried stealing some stuff 😔
-He is on his 3rd cup of fruit tea and the orange chiffon cake but STILL denies that he liked being there.
-Chiffon cake is his thing but he will never admit that so instead he goes for regular old bread
-Defensive over paying the bill but he gives in a bit cause lucifer had to pay for the fucking stuff he stole 😤
-Was fucked with cause diavolo was actually paying and not them
-Im sorry...sebastian michaelis who? I only know levi in a stuffy butler suit
-Speak like he’s talking to his masters but still trash talks mammon
-“I thumb my nose to you, unrefined scum.”
-For some reason...I cannot stress this enough...He loves...Lolita tea parties.
-Probably a Lizzie fan from Black buttler
-He strikes me as the type to drink matcha or a classic earl grey for the aesthetic but drinks bladderwack tea due to how common it is when he was at sea
-he drinks his tea in a typical lolita designed porcelain tea cup and is charmed by it so he takes 50 photos of the set for his live journalng blog.
-A refined gentleman who wore appropriate clothing and brought a book
-He brought a little sacket or his own spice
-He usually drinks chamomile to calm down but occassionally drinks lattes but this time since it was a tea party he settled on...wait for it...
-Ethiopian spiced tea! More specifically Cardamom milk tea in the hottest temprature it can handle
-Him and asmo like their teas hot
-Satan makes me think that he goes for finger sandwiches instead of cakes or pastries.
-Has a book with him and actually his books have tea leaves in them as well because he likes the book smell with the Lapsang Souchung tea
-The ideal guest until he tried to play a prank on lucifer
-would you believe me if I told you he walked in there wearing slim dark slacks, creamy white silked dress shirt and a pastel plum ribbon tie that makes me drool?
-He looks gorgeous and he knows it! And every waiter/guest there is trying to get his number! 🥺
-I can see him originally drinking assam tea but he switches between that and a very specific order of butterfly pea flower tea with 1 cube of white sugar, 1 mint leaf within a minimalistic see-through tea set
-definetely a fan of berliner or a good chilled charlotte
-Indulges in conversations with simeon, solomon, barbatos and luke like the classy boys they are
-Drinking their tea like that, gossipping like mid 19th century wives in england
-probably laughs at the more energetic people
-Has the other guests at the parlour just senting him in something sweet only for their hearts to be crushed as asmo hands the sweet gifts to his sweet beloved younger brother
-You know why he’s here
-Asmo’s personal pastry trash can
-Hungry baby is eating a whole cake by himself ❤️
-Living the dream on his 4th cake btw
-Likes Cannoli sicillianis and Chou à la crème A.K.A profiterole or french cream puffs! He likes custard inside it
-He’s not very picky on his food but he does refuse to drink matcha tea without milk
-The type to be drinking something like dandelion root tea or peppermint tea
-This is the reason he can eat food faster. Please stop him. Please.
-Surprisingly even though he doesnt like matche he keeps green tea so he can gives some to belphie to help keep him awake.
-He tries to wear something nice so...Hahahaha Enjoy beel in a thick dark blue sweater
-He cant contain his cute little hair 🥺
-Uses a tea cup the same size as a mug and a dinner plate instead of a dessert plate
-Gets destracted by the pretty flowers and thinks of lilith ✨
-Im sorry...Private booth with a couch please?
-He likes nuts cause they make up for his lack of serotonin and plus sleepy
-His tea is either chamomile to calm him or something like green tea to wake him up
-Only drinks green tea that beel gives cause beel knows exactly what to wake belphie up with
-He’s old fashioned he likes his tea in a some porcelain or clay though a preference is not a requirment
-Sleepy boy like private booths and resting himself on beel who’s just munching away but when he’s awake he does join the mid 19th century wives group
-Talks shit about most of the brother, except beel cause beel though a demon is still angelic.
-Has a great time there cause he’s reminded of when him and his twins were playing tea parties
-Does not dress for the occassion cause who gives a fuck
-Has told stories or at least recalled the times that lilith has made them pretend there was tea in the cup while they tried to point out that there was in fact none
-Polite boy that helps set up some of the servers and praises them
-ASSAM TEA YOU CANT CONVINCE ME ON THIS. He loves the taste honestly and he thinks he likes it so much more when there’s milk with it. Likes 1 cube of sugar on it and likes it bit more on the hotter side.
-Another one who enjoys sandwiches more than pastries though please dont tell luke.
-Likes the tea party so much that he wants to host one with luke so they can invite micheal and the other angels.
-Wears something nice but still a bit more appropriate.
-Probably the next host for the tea party
-does not shit talk or gossip bad stuff be he likes to join the conversations
-Adores watching luke pick flowers at the indoor garden
-He is such a grateful person that he also brings his own sugar cookies ❤️
-He likes scones!!!! he likes em with lots of cream and blueberries
-The type to drink some sweet tea however he swears by candyleaf as the ultimate drink for him. If there’s no candy leaf though he can always go for fruit teas and something that kicks like orange blossom sponge cakes 🥺
-Dont look at me like he wouldnt play with the flowers and explore the indoor gardens while simeon calls him and he’s already back with sweet butterflies crowding him like the most adorable angel ever
-Joins the adult table cause...h-he’s...he’s old enough 🥺👉👈 (It’s really cause simeon needs to take care of him)
-He might not like devildom but he can say that the ambiance in that place wasnt absolutely breathtaking
-Wants to recreate the sweets here as well
-The host of the party and is currently tending to everyone in conversation
-He thinks he should do these more often due to how successful they are in bringing everyone together
-Brought barbatos cause only barbatos can make his special tea since the ingridients are rare to fine
-His tea? Bolivia black✨his tastes are complex yes I know
-goes on board with orange food and dark chocolate. He is so exquisite, bro. An orange-scented short bread with finely tempered dark chocolate is the best thing he pairs with that black tea.
-Has a grand time trying to give luci some of his sweet shortbread but ultimately the other demon refuses 😔
-Just fucking say yes, luci. Stop being a pussy already
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Taglist: @yamaguchi-stan (Special thanks to her for my knowledge in this stuff),
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pl-panda · 4 years
Damienette arranged marriage: part 12
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10
Part 11
Damienette arranged marriage: part 12
Marinette felt an excruciating pain in her chest. It was like her heart burned alive. She kicked Chat Noir right below the belt. He let go of her and stumbled back, this time falling onto the blanked an holding his manhood. Marinette also fell. A green light covered the general area of her heart.
The excruciating pain slowly died and light faded, but both still lingered. Marinette could feel her limbs stiffen to try and counter the pain. It was like she just survived a serious heart stroke.
She slowly managed to stand up. Chat d’amour was still lying, crying in pain from her two punches. Marinette got to the edge of the balcony and looked down. Her body was still hurting, but she managed to jump over the barrier and slide down the edge. Her beautiful red dress was dirtied and damaged, but she didn’t care. She had to get away. She had to escape. But she was still too close. She had to get down. But she was three storeys above the ground. It took her only a moment to make the decision to jump.
People who were down there watched in fear as young girl fall from the roof. Marinette had to think fast. She cursed herself internally that she left her bag at Chloe. Tikki was still there. She did not plan on leaving in this outfit. She loved the dress, but there was a need for some accessories. Specifically, a place for Tikki. Acting in panic she tried to grab herself onto some sill, but it did little to actually work. She was sure she would smash into the ground.
Hard pavement came much to fast. She only managed to slightly bend her knees and extend her legs to minimize the impact. When she came into contact, the momentum pushed her into the ground and she felt immense pain in her soles, but to her relief she was able to walk. And more importantly, to run. All of her person was full of pain and each step felt like walking barefoot on broken glass, but the fear of what would happen if the Akuma caught her won over physical discomfort. She had to get away. She had to get to the hotel. Marinette needed Tikki. And more importantly she had to check if Damian was safe. Oh Kwami! Damian! He tried to defend me and Chat threw him at the wall! He must have been hurt badly. He doesn’t have miraculous to protect him!
But what mattered most was that she had to stop Chat. She couldn’t let him harm anyone because of her. He was doing it because she rejected him. He got akumatized over the fact that Ladybug rejected her and then apparently he shifted his focus on Marinette, only for her to publicly start dating Damian! But that was no reason to wreck the whole city. To get akumatized! To try and kiss her!
She shuddered at the memory. This was not okay. Marinette remembered her panic. In the hindsight, maybe breaking his nose was not a sign enough… I will go straight to castration if it ever happens again. Great. Now I sound like Damian…
“So your mother is some cult leader that decided to play a matchmaker?” Chloe asked in disbelief. “Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! And why Dupain-Cheng? I mean I… What does she brings into it? How would your mother even know about her?”
“I am not sure.” Damian admitted. He operated on half-truths since the beginning of the talk. “Maybe that’s exactly why. Marinette has heart of gold and she doesn’t care about people’s past, their status or family. She just looks at them and what they have inside.” He spoke from his own experience. She didn’t care that his mother was the one who forced him into this. She apologized for inconvenience she caused him.
“But why her? There must be thousands of girls like her that would entail at least some benefit…”
“I can assure you miss Bourgeois that there is no one like her.”
“I guess…“ She wanted to say more, but seeing Damian start to glare through the window angry made her stop. Now there was the brooding ball of angst she heard so much about.
The whole talk while waiting for the ambulance was taking too freaking long for his liking. They sat here for almost half an hour by now. He could only guess that Akuma attack was making things hard, but he had no idea why since no one besides him was hurt to his knowledge. It was like people stopped caring about them. He tried to call Drake again, but there was no answer whatsoever. It was almost like they were isolated from the rest of the world.
The realization dawned on him. He was a complete idiot. The idiocy on par with that of Drake. “Nobody is coming. I think I know lover cat’s powers.” He stated
“Then talk instead of sitting there like an utter idiot!”
“Isolation. He wants to have Marinette only for himself, but this idiot probably used his powers on us too!” Damian was fuming. Chat not only tried to take Marinette against her will, but his whole goal was to make her separate from everyone. Screw the rules, he would gut him and worry about the consequences later.
Standing up he felt pain rush through his leg. Damian frowned, but he used his sword in scabbard to support himself. That is until Chloe pushed him back to the bed.
“You are not going anywhere Lover Boy. Last thing I need is you making Dupain-Cheng a widow before she turns sixteen.”
“Why are you suddenly so defensive of her?” Damian scowled at the blonde. From what he knew, she was not the kind type. And he didn’t buy the sudden ‘change of heart’ thing.
“Because I don’t want to be alone! I want to have friends! I know I am utterly ridiculous, but I want to have real friends! She was ready to just forgive me and defend me! I want… I want to repay her!”
“Then man up and help me get to my room. I need to call one person who can help us.” Damian snarled. He was still unconvinced, but it seemed that it didn’t matter. It was that or leaving Marinette alone with the French Psycho #2. Blonde frowned, but helped him nonetheless.
They arrived at his room and Damian got a reinforced case from under his bed. He made sure to open it just a little bit and snatch the satelite phone and smash it back locked before Chloe saw the kevlar suit inside. It was enough revelations because he fucked up today anyway. His brothers would not let him live the fact that he revealed the marriage anyway. If he also outed himself as Robin, he would probably just return to being a hermit in the mountains. It would sure be easier than the scolding from father and jokes from his brothers.
He pulled the phone and pressed several buttons. After scanning his finger, the screen came to life. He picked the number and called. After two rings a muffled voice came from the other side.
“Yeah yeah. I need Superboy so drag your tired ass here this instant!”
“I don’t care what your father said!”
“Eh… My wife is in trouble… I hear one tease from you and I am asking father for Kryptonite knuckle dusters for birthday!”
There was a sound of incoming plane and suddenly someone crashed through the window. The boy wore a zipp-up jacket with Superman logo, jeans trousers and had ruffled black hair. He was about thirteen, maybe fourteen.
“Shut up Superboy.” Damian frowned. He had to restrain himself not to out Kent in front of the irritating girl. He wished he just got Mari home when he had a chance.
“I though we were on the first-name basis Robin!”
The sound of Damian’s facepalm could be heard in Fortress of Solitude.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky @sassakitty @dahjokester @crazylittlemunchkin @novicevoice @justafanwarrior @eliza-bitch @schrodingers25
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She-Ra tumblr au
I made this with @maycombhoney​ at some point and was thinking about it earlier today.
Adora: Has a popular sideblog named She-Ra about her boxing and fighting abilities but very few people follow her main account. Her sideblog is simple, with a lot of self defense tips and stuff, and sometimes people see reblogs of stuff that are supposed to go to her main account show up. They’re pretty boring, so they usually don’t check out the main account
Glimmer: Lots of sparkly moodboards and stuff with a really pretty aesthetic, and that’s all you see when you follow, but once you’re following, your dash starts having a bunch of vent posts about her mom and there’s a lot of discourse. Glimmer gets mad at posts easily. There’s also a lot of anon hate to her. It’s kinda depressing. If she ever posts art, she often has to take it down because no matter how often she says not to, people repost it, and she can’t let her mom connect the dots. 
Bow: He talks a lot about bows. Shows off a lot of his arrow creations and how-to's on making them at home. They’re too complicated to actually work though. Most of his followers find him through Adora’s side blog She-Ra, where he’s often tagged. It’s usually because she posts selfies of their adventures and he’s in them. Glimmer is too, but she’s well known on her own. 
Double Trouble: Their username is from some small fandom no one has ever heard of, their profile pic is from some abandoned cartoon from a year ago, their header is a gif scene from at least three different shows that were shot in the same place, and their line underneath is a quote from an old musical from the 90′s. The blog is about none of those and has a bunch of posts from a show no one can find. They often get asks about what show it is, to which they give a name, and when they’re asked for a link, it never seems to work. People have given up. At some point, someone noticed that you can actually figure out what’s going on in the show if you look at the gif sets and put them together in order of episode (which is labeled at the bottom). See the thing is, Double Trouble is using the mystery and confusion of this blog to advertise the show they wrote, directed and acted out. No one knows how it’s possible, but the people who know what happened are both under oath to not tell anyone and also extremely confused as to how Double Trouble managed it. Including me. I don’t know how it was managed, but I do have a theory that I’m about to send to @sheblah​. This does mean that she’s required to post my thing the moment she sees it.  Edit: She didn’t so I have to take matters into my own hands. Here’s the post I made with it
Catra: Catra’s posts have been a lot of discourse posts, with her being wrong. You can see in the tags that she knows exactly what she’s doing and that she’s making the wrong posts to be a jerk. She and Adora used to be mutuals (no one knows how, there’s no way their blogs should have ever crossed) but Adora saw one of her discourse posts and blocked her for around a month. After that, Catra stopped trying to reconnect. Now! Catra is less of a jerk on her tumblr and posts a bunch of cute photos of her therapy animal, Melog (no one knows what species Melog is but whatever-) and reblogs a lot of stuff about therapy and anger management. One day she put up a post about how she was getting therapy, and people spammed her with congratulations. She told them that she was crying and thanked them all deeply. Sometimes people still bring up how horrible she was and she has to put out a post saying how she recognizes this and she apologizes for everything she did. She nearly never answers the hate asks. She’s getting better. 
Perfuma: She has a cottagecore aesthetic account, it’s really pretty. She once made a cactus hating post and it blew up. She gets anons making fun of her for it to this day. Very annoying. Most people follow her for the discourse she participates in. It can be quiet for weeks, months even, and then she’ll find some idiot saying something dumb and will fight for, days sometimes, to set them right. It used to be Catra that she would fight with a lot. They ended up becoming enemy mutuals, following each other in order to mess up the other’s discourse post. This also meant that Perfuma was the first to see and cause change in Catra’s way of thinking and actions. Perfuma always reminds herself of the fact that she helped someone change for the better once. She’s proud.
Frosta: Is not legally allowed to be on tumblr. It’s a problem. But at the same time she just? Doesn’t seem to follow anyone at all? Sometimes people will send asks about a post that went viral, and she never seems to know anything about it. She hasn’t been affected by tumblr at all, and seems to post something, answer questions, and then log off to make her next thing. It’s... kind of strange, actually. Everyone knows she’s underage, but has no proof, so they can’t tell her to get off tumblr or anything. And if anyone asks how old she is, she gives a random number (A few favorites are “69,” “420,” “I stopped counting after the first hundred years,” “It’s a bit of a pardox actually, because in total I’m around 80, but I’ll be born in three years so... I’m -3 apparently,” “Old enough to beat you in a drinking contest,” “I’m a god, and have no beginning nor end,” and the best of them all, a video of someone being thrown into the air by a pillar of ice with the caption, “Begone thot.”) Frosta picks and chooses her battles when it comes to answering asks. No hate is ever seen on her blog and no one is sure whether it’s because she never gets it, or because she never answers it. She doesn’t get it. 
Entrapta: A lot of cool videos and vlogs and experiments. After about three months of being on tumblr, someone said they had an experiment she might like, and asked if they could send an ask about it and have her try it out. After that, she made it her pinned post to say, “Taking experiment requests! Have something you want me to try out?” She’s always tinkering now, and she loves it! Someone once asked her to explain one of her videos more simply, and she did! But it was too simple, and the person who asked thought she was making fun of them. A helpful follower of Entrapta’s made a better explanation in a reblog and was seen as better, so Entrapta now lets her followers explain how they see is best! She’ll reblog it onto the main account so everyone can see. If they need help, she can always take back the reigns! 
Mermista: No one is quite sure what her blog is about. There’s a lot of posts about this really obscure murder mystery book series. The ones made by the blog itself are videos of arson and mild theft. The videos are horrible quality, and no one knows what’s going on until at the very end of this three minute long vid, the camera stills, zooms in, and shows a boat on fire. It’s not on the news. Sometimes you’ll see a reblogged post that seems eerily relevant to the posts before and after. The mood the entire way through is basically just this meme
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She once made a uquiz that told you what crime you committed. It is... scarily accurate. The questions had nothing to do with the answer at all. You are horrified. There was once an audio that was basically just running for three minutes with sirens in the background (the post has gone viral and people are beginning to wonder if the sirens are actually mermaid type sirens. It’s becoming more and more likely every time it’s addressed). The audio was a voice reveal. It was one word, and it just made everyone who heard it pause for a moment and sit in complete confusion and mild fear before scrolling further, because they live in the lie that perhaps if they go further, they’ll understand what’s going on. It was just, “Fire,” in the most astonished voice, and then the crackling of a flame. The blog never seems to end. After hours of scrolling, you finally reach the end, and there is and never has been context for a single thing the blog has done. You are slowly filled with dread and anticipation for the next post as you hit the follow button.  
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zirkkun · 3 years
Yo you have every right to be upset about things! You're still a person with your own feelings and deserve to be treated kindly. No one should come at you for making things you enjoy or for misunderstandings. I hope things get better for you even if I wasn't here for when all the drama happened (or maybe I was and just wasn't aware of it? I tend to avoid drama as much as possible tbh)
I didn't really post about it much. I think I answered about 4 asks about it (three of them in the same post because i was sure it was the same anon due to the similar string of seemingly continued messages) and the rest I just deleted as soon as they came in, but I got... A lot. A lot of mean things said too. Kinda hurts when you wanted to make something because you knew this work was highly criticized and wanted to let people give it a second chance only to be shot down by the people you were hoping to defend lol
In short, and a lot of it I missed because I was blocked by a lot of people so my friend sent me screencaps; someone took I believe only the old ask box post I had for ULR, which at the time was called "Underlust Rewrite," and was disgusted at the fact that everything was revamped and "made for kids" (because it's not 18+ explicit content, but as I've said before, it's just cause I'm too scared to be horny on main, and I've literally made a whole different biological system for ULR so I can write the necessary story ""sex scenes"" without it being human-like sex or otherwise uncomfortable or too explicit for me to draw, but I still consider it a mature story overall), so they blocked me instantly here and on twitter and then made a callout post on twitter itself. People were telling me originally to stop calling the AU Underlust, and I didn't really get it at first, because like, what's the difference between my spinoff and, say, Underlust Gold, Swapfell Indigo, TS!Underswap, you know, names that have add-ons from the original title to differentiate it but still connect it to the source. So that's what I said, as well as if I removed the Underlust name, it would be considered stealing to me, because I'd be disconnecting it from the source. But apparently, instead, what had been the concern was that it was just being called "Underlust" and the "Rewrite" aspect was implying I was replacing the original story, which like, had never been my intention and I've made a bunch of things with both the ULR and UL cast together and love the idea of Lust and Ace meeting up and just being a disaster duo of not working together at all. I just adore Underlust like it's in my pinned FAQ, Lust's been in my banner for months now, and he's practically my staple pfp character on every account but here atm.
It took like 3 days for it to actually click what was going on, because once I finally got the chance to have a conversation with someone where they weren't telling me I was the scum of the Earth -- which, honestly, bless the three people I talked to, they were so sweet (which actually included someone from the Japanese side of the fandom whose art I loved too... yeah it got pretty far. Once I sent them a message though it was cleared up quickly and they did post a clarification post about ULR and me, so that was nice to see.) -- I finally got the chance to realize that this was a misunderstanding from the beginning, from both sides, where people coming at me were saying I was doing all of the stuff above and probably more but those stuck the most, while I was confused as to where this information and accusations were coming from and what they were referring to in the first place. They probably never explained it in the anon asks because, well, they probably assumed I knew what I was doing, but when they came at me about something I didn't do with vague context of something I did do, I was very confused, and got really defensive really quickly, and really honestly snapped pretty hard. After my first initial explanation post and people were still trying to tell me to stop ULR/don't call it Underlust/whatever else there was, I just got tired and told people to block me if they didn't like it. But that didn't really stop anyone and honestly made it worse because that's when I started getting really nasty messages. I like... Specifically remember one where someone called me a lowlife and a thief, and that one stuck the most, but I tended to not read through them before deleting them for my own sanity. I actually did this to one of the people who'd later talked to me calmly about it at first too, because I had just woken up, and really didn't want to read an essay lecture on everything everyone's been telling me at the crack of 7am when I was borderline ready to delete my account and start over lol
Some people I do remember were accusing me of trying to censor nsfw content or erase it as well because ULR isn't 18+, and I'm out here on my horny ass like "wh. What are they talking about, where did you get that idea, have you SEEN my ao3 recommended list," /j but in all seriousness I really didn't understand that accusation at all because I've never been against nsfw content in the slightest and lowkey? This is very dumb -- but like, you know how they say when you get hate mail, you know you've made it? Well, for me, my thought has always been, "When there's 18+ fancontent of my OC's, I'll have finally made it." This is... Not a joke, some of my friends think its very weird LMAO oh well. I've been on the internet for far too long at this point -- like, definitely since I was far too young, probably, and being with a family of the next youngest being 12 years older than me, I really dove into stuff pretty quickly I definitely shouldn't have, but hey that's life -- I'm really unfazed by mostly anything now. Hell, me making ULR was honestly half motivated by me wanting to make others more comfortable with this kind of media, discussing sexuality and otherwise sexual-considered topics, without really being embarrassed or bothered by it. Because, people talk about death and killing and whatever other gorey stuff just fine, but the moment sex comes up, people just gasp in awe, y'know? I kind of grew up that way myself but like... ironically, in being more comfortable with my asexuality, I realized that it's honestly not that big of a deal. Sure, we don't need to hear the details of everything. We don't need to hear the details of a murder either. But I will never understand how murder is always the lowest on the "morally wrong list of things to not to" to so many people and that it's fine to mention, but even consider bringing up anything else and it's like, a sin and you're a bad person. Even racism is like, higher up on there for a lot of people, which it's like... this is an issue that needs to be discussed, or it can never be solved. You can't just kick that away and hope it goes away on its own, that's never how it works.
Ah, well, now I've gone off tangent lol. Sorry to make you read a blob of text lmao but having things in a cohesive format of what I've been thinking does feel a bit better. Thank you for the support regardless, and I do want to keep making what I really enjoy, because frankly, I really want to make things that make people take a step back and think for a moment, y'know? Things that invoke like a realization in yourself about something you didn't even know. That's how fiction's always been for me, so I want to give back by making it that way too. ... maybe my horny content is exempt from this however. That's just. Self indulgence LMAO.
Probably helps that I'm actually talking this all out for once, too, since before any of this I tried to keep as much of the situation contained to myself as possible in hopes I could clean it up before it got too bad. That was, in hindsight, probably a terrible idea lol. But I didn't want to be a source of stress for anyone following me or become the new creator-to-defend that like, 50% of people hate and 50% of people love and that you're either on one side or the other and there's no where in between. (I feel like Arin Hanson comes to mind for me every time I think of someone like this.) I know I can't please everyone and I knew internet hate would come eventually, but like, didn't expect it to be over a name or tag choice. I thought that would be a simple enough DM or clearable thing but apparently not, especially since I saw someone a few weeks ago delete their blog over a similar thing (though, the opposite, in a way: posting nsfw in a sfw tag by mistake). It wasn't in the UT fandom so y'all probably weren't following them (tbf I wasn't either, I just witnessed it happen from start to finish), but it was still disheartening.
Anyway, thank you, and sorry to make ya read all of that (if you actually did vahdbs don't blame you if you don't it's a lot of thought dump lmao)💕💕
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