#in relationships like these people can have a complex and interesting point of view and still be in the wront
sherlock-is-ace · 2 days
Just some thoughts about DID Holmes in Sherlock & Co.
I need to preface this by saying I don't have DID, all I know about it is from reading and hearing people who do have DID talk about their experience. I can be wrong, I don't mean any harm by it and I encourage people to correct me (just please be kind).
Ok so in the Sherlock & Co. canon, Holmes has DID, amongst a variety of other things, which is a new and interesting thing to explore with this character. I'm not sure if we'll ever see it explored in the show, or if it'll just stay a part of a long list of what makes Sherlock neurodiverse. But I've been thinking about it and I'd like to dump my thoughts here.
I think it makes absolutely perfect sense for Sherlock Holmes to have DID. Even in the ACD canon, Holmes isn't known to have had a good childhood and a good relationship with his parents. Jeremy Brett liked to think Holmes didn't see his mother until he was like eight years old. Lots of neglect, coupled with the struggles of being a "difficult child" because of his perticular cocktail of disorders (ADHD, ASD, SPD, DMDD and ODD), is just the perfect recipe for repetitive childhood trauma that could very well develop into DID. There's no question in my mind that it was a good decision (at least an interesting one) to give Sherlock DID in this adaptation. And that got me thinking about how much he probably struggled with it.
I chose to believe that Sherlock achieved final fusion years before he met John. That's what makes the most sense to me. We know he's got official diagnoses for these things, so it would make sense to me that he got professional help for his DID as well. And based on his personality, and his need to be in control and know all the information available to him, I think final fusion would be the result he would have seeked, as opposed to functional multiplicity.
Now of course one can't logic their way out of neurodiversity, and one can't just logic their way into final fusion. But what works and doesn't work has to have some connection to the way someone is, and I think Sherlock Holmes would have worked his ass out in therapy to achieve final fusion because I think it would have been a horrible time for a man like him.
I'm thinking about how he would handle the amnesia (we know his views in memory and identity), the loss of control when a different alter fronted, the confusion of "waking up" in a completely different part of town, disassociating in the middle of important (or interesting) tasks, etc. etc. I also think that perhaps, his addiction could have been a result of a persecutor alter.
As someone who struggles with communication because of his autism, I think perhaps that could also affect Holmes' communication with his alters. I genuinely don't know if that could be a thing or not, I've never met anyone who had DID and autism so I'm not sure how correct that assumption is. But if that communication was also a struggle, it would explain why functional multiplicity wouldn't work as well.
And I don't know, perhaps we'll have more glimpses into Sherlock's past in the podcast, and we'll learn more about his DID diagnosis, perhaps he hasn't achieved final fusion, perhaps he very much still struggles with switches and memory loss. We don't know, but I do hope we get to explore it more! It ads a new layer of complexity to the character that we haven't seen in other adaptations, and I really love that!
We know that Sherlock Holmes is always neurodivergent, whether that is explicitly diagnosed in canon or not. The whole point of Sherlock Holmes as a character, from ACD canon to any modern version, is that he doesn't think like everyone else. That is literally the definition of neurodiversity. To take that away from Holmes is to destroy the character. But what this adaptation did, by giving a name to each and every trait of Holmes is very interesting and I hope they can handle it well! So far I've been very pleasently surprised by the way they have handled Sherlock's autism. It is very much a part of him and it informs his actions, but it is not all that he is. And maybe it's because Joel Emery's daughter is autistic so he has more knowledge about it than the other disorders, but I still hope we get to see more of that as well, especially Sherlock's DID.
Alright that's all kdjfhg
As I said, I don't have DID so take everything I said with a grain of salt. But if anyone has thoughts they'd like to share please come talk to me! :D And if anyone has DID and wants to share their thoughts about Sherlock & Co. thought the lense of someone with the disorder please do! I'd be very happy to read about it. (Also my ask is always open if anon is more comfy)
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dolokhoded · 2 years
i love thinking about vera's relationship with her mother as more nuanced than just "her mom sucked and she had mommy issues and she hated her". not that she didn't suck, or was a good mother in any way but there's just something so personal about how this woman would view her eldest daughter,, in my mind countess rostova was very harsh on vera while she was growing up because she wanted her to achieve all the things she couldn't herself so badly, she expected perfection, but then vera grew up, and she was more than just a girl who reminded her of herself, she was a girl who reminder her of herself but did better, vera started to take over the role countess natalya had herself as a young woman and she hated that (which is fucked up, of course, being jealous of your own child) and she started to ignore her, belittle her, try to prove in any way that she was never going to surpass her. i think the reason she favored nikolai and natasha and petya over her was that they fit very well into the big rostov family picture, they were still recognized as her children and she was still the top of the pyramid, but vera grew into her own woman, vera distanced herself trying to repair all the damage that had been done by her, vera married a man who as far as we know had no titles and didn't come from any of the Big Russian Names™ like those of bolkonsky or bezukhov that the countess thought fit nicely into their picture. but still, an eldest daughter, a first child is always such a precious part of any mother. she was happy to be with the rest of her children, yes, loved them more even, i don't doubt it, but none of them were vera. the part that vera played in her life makes her irreplaceable, vera would manage to become who she could've been if she'd played her cards right, vera was the child that first made her a mother, a good or a horrible one, and she'll never not feel the absence of her in her life. and she can't really do anything about it unless vera decides she wants her to, and lets her try again, because vera may not ever fully heal from how she was treated by her own mother her entire childhood but she can grow from it, she can build her own life, she doesn't need to seek the forgiveness of anyone who wronged her so badly and it's not her job to understand her feelings. but countess natalya can't do that, and she would eventually realize that there are no pros to losing her first child, that what caused this was her own terrible treatment of vera, and no matter what you're like you never really get over knowing that the only thing you taught your child was how to stop needing you near them. and, of course, vera's choice would be understandable no matter what it was, maybe she'd want to reconcile with her mother some day, maybe she'd want to confront her, maybe she wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore, but only she has the power to choose that, the countess doesn't.
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ezukll · 3 days
✧ Moon Sign Observations ✧
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An Aries Moon is an outgoing, assertive, and fiery energy. An Aries moon is bold and ambitious, with a desire to be the center of attention and the life of the party. They have a strong will and self-confidence, but there can also be a hot-headedness or impulsiveness. Those with this placement tend to be passionate, courageous, and willing to take risks.
Aries Moons can be intense, with a strong capacity for passion and enthusiasm. They have a firey temper and quick reactions, but are also fearless and bold. They're full of passion and can be impulsive and even reckless. They have strong desires and want to go after them immediately. Their greatest desire is probably for love, affection, and recognition from others. They have no fear of taking risks or challenging themselves and will strive to accomplish their goals. With strong determination, courage and persistence they are likely to succeed.
A Taurus Moon has a calm and peaceful energy. They are resilient, practical, and have a strong interest in material things. Taurus Moons have a natural ability to stabilize any situation while remaining grounded. They are reliable, persistent and determined to get things done. With the grounded and stabilizing energy of Taurus, they have strong emotions but also take the time to process them. Taurus Moons enjoy the simple things in life and appreciate a comfortable and stable environment. They are focused on creating and maintaining a sense of security in their life, whether it's in their job, relationships or just simply being at peace.
Taurus Moons are a mixture of deep feelings, practical thinking, and a grounded outlook on life. They are a calming presence who can also bring stability to any situation. They are likely to value and appreciate comfort, stability, and peace, and strive to create that in their life. Taurus Moons can also be stubborn and slow to open up or move. Their greatest desires may be for a sense of security and stability in their life, both in material and emotional ways. They also highly value comfort and love, and desire love and adoration from others.
A Gemini Moon is a dynamic and inquisitive energy with a sharp and clear mind. They are typically sociable and love to communicate, whether it's with words, writing, or art. They are flexible and adaptable, with a tendency to overthink and consider many different possibilities or points of view. With their natural curiosity and quick intelligence, they are likely to have a wide range of interests and a varied sense of humor. They can be very talkative and have an active social life, which allows them to connect with others on an intellectual level.
Gemini Moons are varied and complex - from curious excitement to nervous anxiety. They are quick thinkers and naturally curious, wanting to learn and explore their environment. This can cause feelings like overthinking and uneasiness, but also excitement and discovery. Gemini Moons are sociable, often witty and funny, but can also feel lonely and disconnected due to their intellect. They can feel conflicted between wanting to communicate and speak their truth, and wanting to keep their thoughts to themselves. Their greatest desires may be for connections, communication, and intellectual stimulation from others.
A Cancer Moon is a sensitive and nurturing energy. They have deep emotional depth and are likely to be feeling, empathetic, and compassionate people. With the energy of Cancer, these individuals are likely to crave security, connection, and intimacy in both their relationships and environment. They are also likely to have a strong connection to their family and may be very protective of those they care about. Cancer moons are usually caring individuals who are in touch with their emotions and strive to create a sense of harmony within themselves and around them.
The emotional energy of a Cancer Moon is deep and sensitive. They may feel deeply, experience strong emotions, and be in tune with their intuition and instincts. These individuals are likely to be very protective and caring with those close to them, seeking a sense of security and stability in life. With their emotional depth, they may also experience feelings of anxiety and fear, being especially sensitive to their surroundings. Their desires may be for emotional connection and intimacy in relationships, comfort and safety in their environment, and feeling protected and cared for by others.
A Leo Moon is a dynamic, assertive, and charismatic energy. They are likely to be a natural leader who likes to be the center of attention. With the fiery energy of Leo, they can be prideful and have a strong sense of self-importance. They have a strong desire to make an impact through their creativity and individuality and may desire a position of power or authority. They can have a fiery temper, but also tend to be playful and enjoy being the life of the party.
Leo Moons are passionate, dynamic, and expressive. They are likely to be prideful and ambitious, and want acceptance and recognition for their creativity and individuality. With the Leo energy, they are likely to be confident, fearless, and have a strong desire to be in charge. They tend to be very expressive emotionally, with a strong sense of pride and confidence and may have a strong ego. Their fears may be of rejection or not being accepted for who they are. Their desires may be for recognition and admiration from others, and being in a leadership position.
A Virgo Moon is a analytical and observant energy, with a sense of service and a desire to be useful. With their logical mindset, they may be detail-oriented, conscientious, and self-critical. Those with this placement may be perfectionists and strive to make an impact through their work and contributions. Their emotions may be subdued and they may tend to process their feelings internally rather than express them. They are likely to be hard workers, organized, and have a good sense of responsibility. They may also have a strong connection to nature and animals.
The emotional energy of a Virgo Moon is analytical and logical. They typically prefer to process their emotions internally rather than express them. They may be perfectionist and self-critical, with a strong sense of responsibility in how they conduct themselves. Virgo Moons often strive to make a positive impact through their work and contributions, and take pride in being well-organized and efficient. While they may initially come across as guarded, they are sensitive and caring individuals who deeply value love and affection, as well as security and comfort in their daily life.
A Libra Moon is an outgoing, diplomatic, and creative energy. With the air energy of Libra, they are likely to be social, charismatic, and open-minded. They have a strong desire for harmony and balance in their life, whether it's with themselves, their environment, or in their relationships. They can be pleasant and charming, but also tend to overthink their interactions with others and can be quite critical of themselves. Libra Moons typically have a strong need for connection and a deep sense of fairness and justice.
The emotional energy of a Libra Moon is pleasant, loving, and balanced. They have a strong desire for peace and harmony, both within themselves and with the people around them. Their emotions tend to be balanced and even, though they can be sensitive to criticism and conflict. They typically strive for fairness and equity in their relationships and may feel deeply hurt if they feel betrayed or mistreated. Libra Moons have a strong need for connection, affection, and closeness in their relationships, and may fear being left alone or isolated. Their greatest desires may be for love and happiness, with equality and justice in their relationships.
A Scorpio Moon is intense and powerful. They have a deep, emotional side, with strong intensity and passion. With the water element of Scorpion, they are likely to be highly sensitive and intuitive, feeling their emotions deeply and processing them internally. They can have a strong protective instinct, especially towards loved ones, and tend to have an insightful nature. Scorpio Moons may also be more reserved and secretive, with strong willpower and determination. Overall, they may have a deep and mysterious aura about them, and may also have an intuitive connection to the occult or supernatural.
Scorpio Moons have deep and powerful emotions, and tend to feel everything strongly. This can make them passionate and enthusiastic, but also intense and possessive at times. With the intensity of this energy, they may fear being vulnerable or misunderstood, and have difficulty opening up and trusting. They value their independence and may struggle with jealousy or possessiveness in relationships. Their core desires may be for love, affection, and connection, but they may also value power and control. They may struggle with their emotions and fears, but also have a deep understanding of them.
A Sagittarius Moon is an inquisitive, adventurous, and spontaneous energy. With the fire energy of Sagittarius, they are likely to be ambitious, cheerful, and optimistic. They love to learn and explore, with an open mind and a strong desire to grow and expand. They may be very social and outgoing, and have a wide range of interests and passions. With the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius, they typically value their independence and may not like feeling held down by their responsibilities or obligations. They are typically enthusiastic and positive, but may also have a strong sense of justice and morality.
The emotional energy of a Sagittarius Moon is cheerful and optimistic. They tend to process their emotions in a more upbeat way and are likely to focus on the positive side of things. They may feel passionate and intense towards life and have a strong desire for adventure and expansion. With the Sagittarius energy, they may often feel excited and enthusiastic, with a sense of freedom and independence. The biggest fears of a Sagittarius Moon may be stagnation and routine, feeling stuck in the same place or stuck in their life. Their core desires may be for an exciting life and experiences, and being truly accepted and understood by those around them.
A Capricorn Moon is a practical and dependable energy. Those with this placement typically have a strong will and sense of structure and order. They are likely to be realistic, grounded, and self-contained. Capricorn Moons are often hard workers who value their own independence and personal space. They can present a more serious and reserved exterior, but they have a deep sensitivity and inner emotional layer. Capricorn Moons may often feel insecure and overwhelmed at times, and may struggle to express their deeper emotions. Their deepest desires might be security and material success, but also for genuine connection on an emotional level.
As the sign of boundaries and limitations, those with a Capricorn Moon may have difficulties in expressing their emotions and may be more reserved and self-contained. Their main desires may be for security, stability, and success in their life. They may be ambitious and driven, but struggle with fear of failure. With their deep emotional depth, they may have difficulties with insecurities and trusting others. Capricorn Moons may fear change, and may prefer to take a more traditional and cautious approach to life. They may struggle to express themselves and share their feelings, but find comfort in the structure and reliability of familiar routines and habits.
An Aquarius Moon is an intelligent, innovative, and independent energy. They tend to think in a logical and rational way, and have a curious and open-minded nature. With the Aquarius energy, they are likely to focus on big ideas and concepts, as well as the connection between things for a deeper understanding. Aquarius Moons may struggle with feeling empathetic or emotionally in-tune with others, and instead approach emotions in a more intellectual way. They may also struggle with trusting or opening up to others, but can also find a deep connection with those who understand them.
Aquarius Moons tend to be intellectual and analytical with their emotions. They may focus on understanding them on a logical level, rather than feeling and expressing them. Their feelings are likely to be deep and complex, and they may struggle with expressing themselves verbally or feeling connected to their emotional side. As a rebellious sign, Aquarius Moons strive for freedom and autonomy. Their main fears may be feeling trapped or controlled. Their desires might be for understanding and connection with others, but on their own terms. They may also strive for change and progress in their environment, and may have a vision for a utopian future.
A Pisces Moon is a deep and sensitive energy. They are likely to be an emotional, empathetic, and creative individual with a strong connection to art, music, and the spiritual side of life. They may be deeply sensitive and may struggle with overwhelming emotions at times. Pisces Moons typically need alone time to process their emotions and may often feel drained by other people’s energy. They may be sensitive to their environment and other people's feelings, and may even feel like they can communicate with nature or animals. Their main desires are likely to be for connection and understanding, and a deep spiritual existence.
The emotions of a Pisces Moon can be deep and intense. They may feel things on a fundamental and spiritual level, with a strong connection to their intuition and empathy. They tend to be sensitive and may find it painful to witness others' pain and sufferings. Pisces Moons may feel overwhelmed by their feelings at times, but can also find deep inspiration and comfort in their art and spirituality. Their fears may revolve around a lack of connection and understanding, feeling isolated and alone. Their greatest desires may be for understanding and connection on a deep and spiritual level.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
A magnificent beauty that hides the greatness and delicacy of a heart willing to give itself totally. A beautiful body that protects the most charming and wonderful soul.
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Libra Rising: Intensity & Grace
People with a beautiful interior and a beautiful exterior who make relationships with others something pleasant. Rational but without shutting up your heart. Throughout their lives they have faced extreme or somewhat chaotic situations which led them to generate a balanced personality, someone had to be the cool head, the point of stability and they assumed that role. It is difficult for them to feel like they can relax, so one of the things they want most is a quiet life full of pleasant things for them. There is a fear of failing and losing control, they demand excellent performance from themselves, but with others they are more understanding. Their morals are linked to them and they will always seek to do the right thing. Faithful to their judgment and instincts.
With Scorpio in the 2nd house what happens is that the native perfectly understands the importance of money, even becoming very good at managing it, however, they prioritize and give a lot of value to the emotional, the real thing that can not only see but also feel. It is difficult for them to feel that stability; it is likely that since they were young they have had to be very attentive or that they felt insecure both about what was happening around them and insecure about their own value. They may have the mistaken idea that they have to do something to be enough. They take care of what they value and if something or someone gives them that feeling of stability, they can become very devoted to them. Being the house of values, these people become very attached to their instinct, which is usually strong and they let themselves be carried away by it. One of the things that gives them great pride is saying that they can earn their own money, because they dislike others telling them how and what to spend their money on. They take loyalty to another level, since it, accompanied by transparency, are things that matter a lot to them. They are prone to jealousy and insecurity that what they want will leave their lives.
With Sagittarius in the 3rd house we face a duality that is little talked about, one that shows us that these natives have a charismatic, jovial and positive way of communicating [even becoming excellent when it comes to showing what they think with clarity] but who nevertheless have a sharp capacity to defend their points of view fiercely and with great, great intelligence. These people have the quality of being very direct and rooted with their ideas while they have no problems with those who think differently than them. They are likely to be curious about ideas, people, and places other than those they are used to, have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and are likely to be experts or very good at one or more topics. There is a tendency to procrastinate or want to do many things at the same time. They process and understand things very quickly and are easy to teach what they know. They have a tendency to get distracted very quickly, they can become interested and disinterested in certain topics, and they are likely to become disinterested once they already know enough about the topic or if it becomes too technical or monotonous for them. They have a lot of wisdom and can give off big brother vibes regardless of their age or what place they occupy among their siblings. If they have siblings, it makes the relationship very dynamic and complex, because they are very different. In the best of cases, the relationship is very fun and positive despite the differences, this is because Jupiter will be ruling this house.
The emotional depth of those with Capricorn in the 4th house is something only those who truly love know. A heart that is somewhat shy when it comes to opening itself for fear of being hurt or judged, of being denied affection and protection, hides the beauty of the purest and most devout intentions. They are natives with the willingness to defend what they love, to provide that stability and constancy that never makes those they love doubt their love and interest. They simply give what they felt they didn't have when they were younger. Many of their greatest and perhaps even hardest lessons lie in their families or childhood, expectations placed on them, the conditions of having to do something or achieve things to deserve loved ones, or even a need to be flawless. Beyond that personality with whom you can chat about interesting things and with whom you can have fun, there is a somewhat reserved person with their true feelings, someone who learned to fend for themselves and deal with their emotions on their own but who knowing how hard it is, they would never let someone they love go through it. Those whom they consider family or with whom they have a very strong emotional bond, know how dedicated they are in their relationships, will have their most hard-working and dedicated side. This can be an indicator of someone starting their own business or working from home, it also helps the person find comfort in their work.
Their beauty and appeal is something that stands out thanks to Aquarius in the 5th house, which makes them stand out from the crowd. There is something ethereal, enigmatic and unique about them that not only makes them irresistible people but also makes them unforgettable and remarkable couples. These people enjoy a free and natural romance where they can be themselves uninhibitedly and where their partner can be authentic. They like equal relationships, both are worth the same and both contribute the same. They tend to attract very intelligent, independent people, even with a rebellious touch. This placement favors creative expression and spontaneous bursts of inspiration. They can be people with great intellect and great abilities to communicate in any way. It increases the chances of having friends who generate romantic interest or who become the native's partner. They have the ability to naturally charm other people, people are attracted to them because of their authenticity, because of their intellect and way of seeing things and because the native wants to see the inside of the other in its entirety and is capable of loving them as they are, without putting expectations and without wanting to change them. They need a lot of intellectual connection with their partner, that they are both on the same level, that they think similarly and that they have compatible aspirations. If they decide to have children, they can be ambiverts, independent, very creative, talented and very entertaining.
One of the qualities that may not be mentioned much regarding these natives is compassion and ability to help others feel better, this can be attributed to Pisces in the 6th house, which indicates their emotional, deep and understanding approach towards those. things that are understood as mundane or normalized. They are able to see the most personal side of the person and their experiences. These people help others selflessly, are attentive to the needs and discomfort of others and have qualities to support and heal or even guide others to the path of self-healing. They can feel a very strong connection with animals and awaken sympathy in them. Since this is a house linked to details, it also makes it likely that the native can become obsessed with the idea of ​​being perfect or performing perfectly, reaching constant self-demands. They dream of making a change and helping others through their work or skills. Since I mentioned skills, not only do they have the abilities to understand and heal others, but this also shows an artistic inclination and great gifts for it. Without trying very hard, they can be liked by other people a lot, since this overlay can cause their specific co-workers to feel a lot of liking, curiosity and sympathy for them. These people can work in all kinds of artistic branches, particularly illustration, music or cinema, as psychologists or psychiatrists, as nurses, doctors and any job that allows them to help or support others. These people may have a tendency to forget things related to their health at some point in their life, such as taking their medications, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, or even eating. 
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The amount of energy, attention and totality with which these natives give themselves to their relationships is due to Aries in the 7th house. They actively seek to give importance to their partner and include them in their lives, being a team with them in all fields, feeling that they are one are things that these natives strive for in relationships. They are passionate, direct and very determined once they decide on their special someone. They fill the life of their loved one with emotion, intense sensations and an evident, clear and fiery love. They want complicity and exclusivity, and in return they will give the same. They tend to prefer people who are blunt with what they want and with their emotions, someone who does not hide what they feel out of ego or fear, rather someone who dares to give themselves completely to them and accept them with contentment. Despite their romantic and sensual nature and the fact that they love to enjoy the strong emotions caused by the excitement of entering a relationship, it is likely that they will have few or only one marriage in their entire life, as they are quite selective when it comes to to love someone. 
When Taurus is placed in the 8th house, sex is an art that is enjoyed from start to finish, from the flirting, the stolen smiles to the subtle but exciting touch that leaves hints of desire. The mischievous looks towards the lips that lead to that passionate and romantic scene of union between them and their loved one. They obtain and give pleasure equally, they enjoy provoking as many sensations as possible in their partner and they, in turn, will seek to explore every step of desire that is available to take. They are people with great sensuality and physical attractiveness, from their mannerisms, the shape of their body to their magnetic personality. These natives can have a strong fear of losing what it took them time to achieve, they can be very selective with who they want to be close to for fear of betrayal. They tend to be very touchy people with those they love, physical proximity is important even if there is no sex involved. Jealousy can be something common for them, there is the possibility of being jealous in their relationships or attracting somewhat jealous people. At the same time, they may face many situations where people envy them. They are capable of providing a lot of stability and emotional constancy to their partner, but they will need the same in return.
When we see Gemini in the 9th house, this means that you have a natural inclination towards learning and seeking knowledge. They stand out for having a quick and curious mind, and they like to explore different points of view and perspectives. They really like to do a lot of research on the topics that catch their attention and have the ability to store a lot of knowledge. Foreign travel is very common with this placement and opportunities to study abroad may arise. They also have a knack for communicating your ideas and thoughts clearly, charmingly and effectively. They likely have a strong desire to expand their horizons and explore the world. They may enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures and countries. They may be drawn to higher education and academic studies, and may do well in areas such as literature, journalism, language, or philosophy. These natives have an open mind and are willing to explore different concepts, points of view and beliefs. They may be a seeker of truth and have an intellectual approach towards their spiritual beliefs.
Then we find Cancer in the 10th house, a house ruled by the Moon that causes the native to acquire popularity and attention very easily. They give the impression of being a sensitive person and in touch with their emotions, as well as a person caring about other people's emotions, which is why they usually have a good reputation. Their mere presences can give other people a great sense of comfort. These people have a strong need to achieve great things to feel proud of themselves, and they also need to achieve their ambitions to feel content. Your work can give you a lot of comfort and/or you can give comfort to others through your work. One of the effects of this overlay, being a house ruled by the Moon, makes the native prone to envy in their work area. In their work they can have the support of women or work with/for them. They can be very receptive to the opinions and criticism of others, which can affect their confidence and self-esteem. They can also be a very dedicated and committed person to their profession, but if the Moon makes many tense aspects you may feel insecure and constantly seek approval from others. It can make people very sensitive to failures or rejections in the workplace and be afraid of them. They can work as caregivers, chefs, teachers, in medical fields.
Something this rising is known for is its ability to become popular and appreciated easily, and although it can easily be attributed to Venus ruling their 1st house, you should also take a look at Leo in the 11th house. With this overlay, people can be very influential with other people, they have a magnetic, charismatic and charming personality capable of putting anyone in a good mood. They can easily create trends and connect heart to heart with the masses. They are noble and supportive friends, even if the atmosphere between them and their friends is somewhat joking and payfully teasing, of fun and joy, when necessary, this native can fiercely defend his friends and provide them with a lot of warmth. Due to the nature of the sign, it is likely that these natives also have friendships in which there is constantly some drama. Their warmth and friendliness are capable of making a great first impression on others, their friendliness complements their attractive and strong personality so well. Great indicator of fame of any kind, more specifically on the internet. Being the house of profits, it indicates that these natives can earn money through creative ways or in jobs where they play a leadership role.
What's there when the door closes? What are you hiding in that heart that everyone seems to know but not completely? Oh my dear Virgo in the 12th house, it seems tense to deal with all of those demands of that tricky mind of yours are placed on your shoulders, those who already had to carry a lot in the course of your life. You seek to achieve perfection in what matters to you, you notice the slightest error in your actions, in your words and even in yourself, when within you lies a treasure of a human being. A devoted and hard-working person who always seeks to give their best. A precious soul upon whom the cross of excessive criticism and striving for perfection was imposed. You don't deserve any of that and you know it. It is difficult to see yourself with the gentleness with which you see others, but you are so deserving of the love and compassion that you yourself give, dear. A beautiful quality about you is that you will always seek to deeply analyze yourself and those who matter to you, it is not enough for you to know the surface, you want to know in depth. You give special meaning to your relationships and you will always strive to understand, not just hear, to appreciate and not just see, and to feel not just pretend. You have a strong desire to have things under control, especially of yourself. The idea of ​​staying calm to avoid making a situation worse and being the adult in the problem, a longing for peace and tranquility in the face of the noise of your thoughts and doubts. There is nothing wrong with your feelings, it is okay to doubt sometimes and make mistakes, it is part of our growth, that the possibility of making mistakes does not limit you from trying what makes your heart shine. 
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general-cyno · 5 months
I really like that zoro and luffy's relationship is weirdly simple while still being somewhat complex. equal yet not quite but actually yeah. it's just interesting bc they've got all these ways in which they match or complement each other right? the importance of their dreams and the will/determination they chase them with, the straw hat vs wado ichimonji, their scars, their views on certain things like death or heroism and literally echoing what the other does or says even when they're not together, the whole sun/moon, god/demon bit and other parallels to outstanding or legendary characters in OP, etc. their goddamn haki too.
then there's the fact that although luffy's not one to enforce strict roles within the crew, zoro very much views the straw hats with a certain level of hierarchy he includes himself in and deliberately places himself below luffy, who won't hesitate to give him orders in certain circumstances that he trusts zoro to follow as well. but the story (via some side/background characters) does make it a point to remark how strange it all is bc zoro is crazy strong and a leader of his own right to the point he's got the haki to match, who in the past refused to join an organization like baroque works unless he got to be the boss. he's even admitted he sees no point in staying a pirate if not part of luffy's crew, and he wouldn't remain in it to begin with if luffy didn't square up to be the kind of captain zoro's willing to devote himself to. just like how luffy wouldn't have invited zoro to join his crew if it turned out he wasn't a good guy.
and luffy. the way he relies on zoro turns my brain into confetti. the almost unreal sort of trust he places in zoro all the way since shells town, the sheer confidence in zoro's strength, steadfastness and protectiveness - the kind of confidence that allows luffy not to worry when the people he cares about or their allies are with zoro, and if someone from their crew is forced to leave bc of dangerous circumstances, zoro's one of the first he can count on to bring them back or watch over the rest in the meanwhile. all of which becomes extra meaningful when you find out about luffy's backstory, how much he hates being alone or when people leave. luffy's not the type to reject help from whoever's willing to offer it and he's been saved by plenty other characters along the way, but zoro's been consistently and explicitly worrying over his safety since the early days and protecting him for about as long, as much as he's able to, and luffy just... lets him. that willing, conscious kind of vulnerability coming from the guy who's the captain and usually the strongest around is so good. so compelling. the pirate king expects and needs no less than the world's greatest swordsman and he can have him, as long as the pirate king remains worthy of it. truly one of the most fascinating relationships in this manga for me.
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queenshelby · 5 months
An Illicit Affair
Part One: My Boyfriend's Father
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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It was 15 months ago when you first met the man who, unbeknownst to you, would eventually become the center of your disastrous life and that man was not your current boyfriend Maximilian Murphy, a twenty-two-year-old Irishman from Dublin.
You had been going out with Max for about a year when you met the man who changed everything for you and, whilst Max was almost an entire year younger than you, you had both met at London's top medical school after he had transferred from Trinity College. 
Max was energetic, confident and intelligent. He was popular with the girls and, although you were drawn to him because of his sense of humor and easygoing nature, it was quite obvious to you that he was much less serious about life in general than you were. 
After a year of non-serious dating, Max eventually told you that he was taking you to Dublin for his father's 46th birthday and it was then when you first laid eyes on him. Cillian Murphy, your boyfriend's father. 
The name "Cillian Murphy" didn't ring any bells for you at the time as you had never seen any of his films, but now, 15 months later, you knew everything that there was to know about him due to the publicity his movie Oppenheimer had received in recent weeks. 
You went to see the movie too with some friends and whilst you had broken up with Max about a year earlier, you happened to recall the weekend you shared with him and his family in Dublin. 
Both Cillian and his wife Danielle made you feel welcome when you arrived with their son Max late on a Friday afternoon at their large Victorian townhouse near the coast, just outside Dublin.
The house was decorated with tasteful modern furniture and a collection of modern art hung on the walls. The living room featured large windows overlooking the sea with heavy curtains blocking the view when needed.
You spent most of Saturday relaxing by the pool with Max, swimming and sunbathing before enjoying a dinner prepared by Danielle for her husband's birthday.
As you sat down at the table, Cillian seemed distracted, and it wasn't until the second glass of wine that he asked you more about yourself and your aspirations.
"So, what do you want to specialize in?" he asked and you looked down at your plate and replied softly, "I haven't decided yet. I think I might enjoy working in pediatrics."
"Working with children can be emotionally demanding," Cillian said, "but I am sure it's  incredibly rewarding," he then went on to say before acknowledging that Max had told him that you were at the top of your class. 
"It sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you," he told you and your heart fluttered a bit as you heard his voice, deep and resonant, filled with warmth and confidence. It was a contrast to Max's playful teasing, something about which made you feel comfortable and safe.
Danielle, Cillian's wife, chimed in with a question for you, "What got you interested in medicine in the first place?" she asked. You paused for a moment, considering how best to explain such a complex answer.
"Well, my dad was a doctor, so healthcare was a part of our household growing up," you began thoughtfully. "But the real turning point came during high school when I visited a friend who was hospitalized with leukemia. Her doctors and nurses took such great care of her, and it really opened my eyes to the impact that medicine could have on people's lives."
Cillian nodded along, seemingly genuinely interested in your response.
"That's amazing," he murmured. "You are genuinely empathetic and that's a good trait to have, especially as a doctor," he went on to say with a smile and you couldn't help but blush slightly under his intense gaze. His piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through you, making you feel vulnerable in a way you hadn't felt before. But instead of feeling uncomfortable, you found yourself strangely drawn to him. There was something magnetic about him, something that made you want to spend more time with him despite the fact that he was twice your age.
The day after his birthday party, while you were lounging around the poolside, you couldn't help but notice Cillian looking at you intently from across the lawn. His eyes held a mysterious glint, a curiosity that seemed to grow stronger every minute.
As if sensing your presence, he approached you and started a friendly conversation. The topics ranged from movies to books, and even personal interests. It was a pleasant surprise finding out that both of you shared a love for Jazz before Max pointed out to you that Jazz music was for "old people", causing Cillian to laugh.
The sound of Cillian's laughter was soothing and comforting.
You felt butterflies in your stomach as adrenaline surged through your veins. You tried to compose yourself, focusing on the casual exchange of small talk, hoping to distract yourself from the strong attraction you felt towards your own boyfriend's father.
But no matter how hard you tried, those enchanting blue eyes kept drawing you back in. The subtle smell of his cologne lingered in the air, filling your senses with a mix of excitement and shame.
Luckily for you however, on Sunday morning, Max and you travelled back to London, leaving behind the memory of the lingering gaze that Cillian gave you as you boarded the plane while, in hindsight, you realized that Cillian's gaze did leave something behind - a seed planted between the lines of your otherwise innocent encounter.
In the months that followed, you found yourself thinking about Cillian more often than you expected and, unfortunately for Max, at the same time as fantasizing about his father, you became more and more annoyed by his immaturities. 
And then, one evening, after another argument between you and Max over whether you should go clubbing or stay in and study, you finally snapped.
"This isn't working out anymore, Max," you told it him straight. "We need different things in life and we would be better off breaking up now rather than prolonging something that won't work long term," you told Max, sitting on the bed of his dorm room, causing his chin to drop.
"You don't mean it," he said, sounding shocked.
"Yes, I do," you said firmly as you looked away from him, knowing that he wouldn't understand why you couldn't go on like this.
"No, please, give me another chance. We can make this work," Max pleaded, moving closer to you, reaching out to touch your arm.
"No, Max, I've made up my mind," you said firmly, avoiding his pleading eyes.
You knew that it was only a matter of time before Max would come to terms with the truth, but you also knew that the process would be painful for both of you.
Max moved closer, grasping your hand gently. "Maybe we just need to communicate better," he suggested, his eyes full of hope. "I love you, you know. I am happy to try anything," he continued but you shook your head.
You pulled your hand away, fighting back tears. "I just... I can't anymore, Max," you whispered quietly. "We tried to make it work several times, but our expectations are quite different. I am taking university serious, but you are not. You have different interests and I think that you would be better of with someone else," you confessed, averting your gaze.
"But... but, what about the future? What about us?" Max stammered, desperation seeping into his tone. You remained silent, allowing the silence to hang heavily between you two. Finally, you took a deep breath.
"I don't want to lose you, Y/N," Max pleaded, his voice quivering. "We have been together for a year, surely we can find a way to make it work. I promise."
You shook your head sadly, unable to meet his desperate gaze.
"We are both still young and year is nothing if you are in your early twenties. I'm sorry, Max," you managed to whisper, swallowing the lump in your throat. "I think it's best if we end things here."
He let out a choked sob, his face crumpling. "Please," he implored, clutching onto your wrist. "Don't leave me like this."
But you couldn't stand it any longer, pulling your arm free. "I need space, Max," you said sharply, rising to your feet.
"I need to focus on myself and my studies right now," you told him while, deep down inside, you knew that something was missing, something was holding you back from fully committing to your relationship.
And it wasn't long before fate intervened as, just over year after your breakup with Max, you ran into Cillian again at a jazz concert in London...
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Yo! Good morning/evening, hope you are fine^^💝. I wanted to ask you a question but I was afraid that it may bother you or something (you know..that feeling when you are scared that you might disturb someone or being an unwelcome person) but yeah I will ask you since i was serious about your answer for some time now so I hope I'm not annoying you or something *feel free to answer only if you wish^^. You seem to know the characters pretty well, you are quite capable and great at reading and understanding them, one of the things I'm serious about is what do you think would make someone qualified enough to be with malleus? Do they have to be of the same species?certain Reputation, stature or traits?(sorry can't help it since I can't rest until I know everything about what interests me and figure it all out😅). Thanks for giving me some of your precious time I really like your blog, you're amazing💜
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No worries, you’re not bothering me at all ^^ I love to talk about my hyperfixations www
Now, I know a lot of fans (particularly on the EN side) like to ship Malleus with their OC and especially with Yuu so I want to first make it clear that my response is NOT meant to invalidate those Malleus shippers. Whatever I say here is based on my own interpretation of canon lore (and let’s be real here, TWST won’t ever confirm if anyone is romantically interested in Yuu because it might not work with how some players view their own relationship with that character). In fanon, anyone can be with anyone, but in canon there are very specific in-universe rules and expectations laid out for Malleus so these are what I will be referring to.
I also want to emphasize that the final traits I discuss in this post do NOT reflect Malleus’s personal tastes or views. He has little say in what kind of an individual his spouse would be, so his own preferences are not speculated about or taken into account here. The traits I will be bringing up are based on what I believe the lore implies are the desirable traits for those marrying into the Draconia royal family.
We got it? Good 👍 Read more below the cut!!
Firstly, I’m completely disregarding the ideas of “Malleus can love whoever he wants to love”, “Malleus can scare people into accepting who he loves”, and/or “Malleus can change the law so he can marry who he loves” (a la Sultan from Aladdin or through some other Disney magic or logic). Here’s why:
In general, those solutions for “high stakes issues” are too simple, and that has never been how Twisted Wonderland tackles complicated problems. Just look at every single OB boy’s backstory. They’re so complex that they aren’t totally resolved by the end of their books; these problems persist and are long term things each of them are working on addressing. This is also true of the politics TWST introduces to us; Leona for example explains how there is social pushback and resistance to the idea of infrastructure reform because the culture of the Sunset Savanna stresses harmony with nature. This has made it difficult for them to adopt new technologies because real politicians in their world have to seriously weigh their cultural values with their health and societal progress. The only time there are really easy solutions are in events or vignettes where the emotional stakes are not super high, but who Malleus marries is, in fact, super important since this will entirely change the life of a main character and his country.
With that first bullet point in mind… No, Malleus cannot love whoever he wants to love. Certainly, he may feel affection for another but he can never truly be with them. He is royalty and the only heir to the throne of Briar Valley. It follows that he is expected to marry for political reasons/to better his nation. This is a non-negotiable obligation for him.
Rather than saying, “Malleus cannot scare people into accepting who he loves”, I think it’s more accurate to say Malleus knows he probably shouldn’t. I mean, yes, he may be upset about his S/O not being accepted by his people but I feel that is discrediting a lot of the loyalty he has for his own country. As a kid he may have thrown tantrums when he was upset and potentially harmed staff, but as a 178 year old he has a much better understanding of decorum and maintaining it in spite of his own grudges. For example, even though he personally dislikes Leona he still commands Sebek to apologize to him because, at the end of the day, this could harm Briar Valley’s relationship with the Sunset Savanna. That’s not to say that Malleus can’t be petty (he definitely is)—but implying he would be petty toward basically his entire country just because they would disapprove of the one he loves?? (We know this would likely be true because Sebek’s parents faced similar backlash when they got together.) I feel like his own sense of awareness and responsibility for his country, crown, and people would override that. As an example, Malleus states that he has never been in a car before because the senate would be against it and often kept Malleus in the castle. Someone of his power could easily ignore them and sneak out and do whatever he wanted, yet the dialogue implies Malleus didn’t. He obeyed his political advisors even when he was younger and arguably much more immature. Malleus might not like certain decisions made about his life but it sounds like he ultimately complies with them.
Continuing from the previous point, let’s say for the sake of argument that Malleus does scare everyone into line. What about his public image and the mental health of his S/O? Maybe Malleus can frighten people to not talk out of turn to his face, but he cannot control what people whisper about him behind closed doors or to treat his S/O well or like they actually like them. Not only would they be alienated (away from their own home and forced to adapt to a new one) but they’d be treated oddly by others too. What kind of reputation is that for Malleus? To be a tyrant king who throws a hissy fit anytime someone talks about his partner in a way he doesn’t approve of? With a spouse who is not at their best mentally because of the constant ostracization? (This is similar to what Leona experienced in his childhood.) I don’t think Malleus would want to subject anyone to that kind of life, especially not one he loves. And again, this attitude would be the vast majority of his people. It’s not like it can be avoided or resolved in an easy manner, especially when the people of Briar Valley have proven to be against change.
Lastly, Malleus would not change the law so he can be with whoever he wants to. To begin with, I doubt this is a unilateral position the senate would approve of. But okay, let’s accept that Malleus is royalty so his power overrides the advisors’ power. So he effectively just changed a law for a very selfish and personal reason rather than changing something to actually benefit his people. That doesn’t feel in-character for him, not when Malleus seems to understand that it is the duty of those in higher status to help those below them rather than themselves (see: Riddle’s Suitor Suit vignettes. Malleus has acted selfish before, yes (who remembers Endless Halloween Night? His Dorm Uniform vignettes? I do.)—but never at the cost of changing the status quo of his country. (Book 7 is not included here because he’s in a very distressed emotional state then; this “new law” scenario posits that Malleus is in a normal state of mind.) This is a major change—change which Briar Valley, its people, and most importantly, Malleus, are not ready for. You think there wouldn’t be social pushback against this? From a society that has become complacent with its own way of life and is still isolated from the rest of the world? That Malleus, someone who struggles greatly with accepting life changes himself, could enact such a big change so easily? (On a more technical level, you don’t just pass a law and it instantly becomes tangible or real, there is a process of approval and then implementation.)
Additionally, it’s made clear in Ghost Marriage that “[Malleus] cannot enter into an engagement lightly”, which is why Sebek goes in his place. Eliza, the Ghost Bride, is royalty (er, albeit dead) but it seems that royal status is not enough to qualify as his partner. Maybe this is because she’s dead and doesn’t have anything of value for Briar Valley (no land, no people, no political power), but it could also mean that the partner has to be given the thumbs up by other parties.
All that being said, here are some of the conditions I think would have to be met for Malleus’s future spouse:
Has to be someone of equal or at least high status. This means they also have to be a royal or at least of nobility. This appears to be true of Malleus’s dad, who is referred to as a duke.
Because of how self-contained Briar Valley is + nocturnal fae having beef with diurnal fae, I imagine his partner would have to also be a nocturnal fae. This would also solve the MASSIVE lifespan difference between fae and non-fae because at least fae would be far closer to each other even if their lifespans fluctuate but subspecies.
Someone suited to rule by his side. Being married into any royal family is no joke—it comes with the expectation that you will contribute somehow, and the partner should be fully equipped to enter the world of politics with him.
Piggybacking off the last point, I think mental fortitude is also a prerequisite. This is because being a politician (navigating the social climate both within your country and outside of it, keeping your people and colleagues happy, maintaining public approval, managing laws, dealing with potential attempts on your life, etc.) can be very stressful and can hurt those who are faint of heart or not prepared for the responsibility. Leaders have to make tough calls at the drop of a hat, and they have to be ready for it.
Has a lot to offer in terms of benefits to Briar Valley as a country. This could be in terms of resources, connections, and/or political savvy. This appears to be true of Malleus’s dad, who acted as a diplomat for Briar Valley.
Vetting and formal approval from the senate. lmao good luck with that
Has to be able and willing to have a child. They at least need an heir to the throne to succeed Malleus. (However, knowing how exclusionary and conservative as heck the senators are, I doubt they would accept anything but a biological child 💀)
Preferably someone with powerful magic or is skilled at magic already so as to lessen the chance of “tainting” the bloodline with a weak mage or a non-mage.
I believe that Briar Valley would prefer someone with old fashioned values like them, not someone pushing for massive reform. They have a culture that is resistant to change and a history of fighting for resources with outsiders, so if Malleus’s new spouse tries to introduce a bunch of technology or open its borders to other countries (even if they have good intentions), the people + the senate may oppose them. His father is implied to be open-minded, but he at least understood that such change isn’t reasonable without time and effort dedicated to the endeavor.
All that being said 💦 I think that this topic is actually less about what Malleus as an individual wants and what his country, his people, and, yes, even his asshole senators, want. This is basically an arranged marriage situation so that their country can maintain power and relevance. It’s about the collective and what Malleus must do for their perceived security and prosperity.
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autistichalsin · 4 months
I know a lot of people find it boring how much Halsin talks about nature, and I do get it- it is repetitive. However, I also find that if you break some of his statements down into what he's implying, you end up with something a lot more interesting. (ESPECIALLY because a lot of these support the "Halsin is autistic" interpretation.)
Take, for example, Halsin talking about his place in the world, specifically relating to relationships:
Halsin: I still have hot blood in my veins. Nature gifted us our desires, and the means to act on them. But we muddied its beautiful simplicity with rules, social strictures... clothes. So, I am not bound to nature. I am unbound in nature.
Halsin: Relationship? Such terms belong to civilisation - a little unfamiliar to my lips. You know what we share is more fluid, more founded in the principles of nature.
Implications: Halsin finds society too complicated. He enjoys nature because its rules are simpler and more sensical; rather than social rules and structures that are beyond him (especially when you take into account the autistic Halsin interpretation), he feels comforted by nature, which is complex in a way that he understands.
There's also Halsin's friendship with Thaniel.
Halsin: I had a friend when I was young, long ago. He played with me in the forests where I grew up... but eventually, I realised no one else had heard of him. It was Thaniel, of course. Nature was my very first friend. I get older, but he hasn't changed a day. I knew then that I had to be more than a companion to him. I had to be a protector.
Implications: Nature, by being Halsin's first friend, has always been what Halsin is comforted by. It has been a steady and comforting presence for him, something he can rely in, in contrast to other people who are unpredictable. Nature is consistent and comforting for him.
Halsin, infamously, is not happy in the city of Baldur's Gate.
Halsin: Too much noise, too many lanterns kept burning... nature's rhythm is ignored here.
Implications: Halsin is overstimulated easily by excessive noise and other sensory inputs. Nature provides him somewhere quiet.
Halsin: I wish... I wish there was a better way. I wish everyone could see the sun, have a full belly, and know nature as a friend. There is a balance that is yet to be found.
Implications: Again, Halsin sees nature- not just Thaniel, but all of nature- as a friend. A source of comfort and companionship.
Halsin: I think on [politics and high art] also. But nothing matches the splendour of an ancient tree.
Implications: Halsin loves the beauty of the natural world as much as anything else. Rather than art or music (which he can appreciate), what he prefers is something that grew rather than being made.
Halsin: I am... less anxious to find myself in a city. So removed from nature's power - I do not know how I will fare.
Implications: Not only does Halsin prefer not to be in the city, but he is actually, to some extent, frightened of it (likely due to how overstimulating it is for him), in contrast with his feeling of being right at home in nature.
There's other things to note as well. If a Dark Urge player embraces Bhaal and then tells Halsin to bow, Halsin has this to say:
Halsin: Nature bows to none. It will fight on and survive, no matter what madness your god has inspired you to undertake.
Implications: Halsin views nature as strength, and admires that very much. He draws a lot of his tougher qualities from this aspect of the natural world.
Or a line where Wyll gently points out that he talks about nature a lot:
Halsin: When you care about something deeply enough, it consumes every thought and word.
Implications: Halsin isn't thinking of little else besides nature because he's "boring"; it's because it's important to him. (A special interest, one might say.) And when something is deeply important to a person, they think of everything else in relation to that thing; think of a sports fan who constantly uses sports metaphors to understand the world around them.
There's another party banter with Wyll that is telling when combined with what he has to say about the city, too.
Halsin: It is most unfair to pour such scorn on rats - they have their place in nature, same as you or I. 
Halsin: I thought cities were supposed to welcome folk of all walks of life. Clearly I was mistaken.
Implications: Halsin feels everyone has a place in the natural world, yet that the city shuns those it deems different. As someone who has struggled greatly with fitting in/finding a place he "belongs", Halsin feels more sympathetic to nature, where all living things belong, than anywhere else.
I think that when you break up Halsin's love of nature into all the little things it implies, it paints a much more interesting picture of him, personally. It also supports the "Halsin is autistic" interpretation, which makes him even MORE interesting.
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3hks · 5 months
Types of Protagonists
Merry Christmas, everyone! For this special day, I decided to release a hopefully more interesting and helpful post! As always, I made up MOST of the names to get the general idea across. (The internet is only so helpful and only so specific.) But having said that, here are some different types of main characters!The Hero - We all grew up with this one, this character's whole goal is just to be able to make a positive impact on the world. They're often caring, sometimes unnecessarily so, kind, and determined!
>>> The Antihero - An antihero is a character whose actions are morally wrong, as they seem like they'd be villains in any other story. However, they do everything with a positive purpose and motive in mind! Lastly, this character is usually more ruthless and apathetic towards others than the common person.
>>> The Villain - Were you surprised? Yes, a villain can absolutely be the main character of the story! They're simply the antagonist, but with the story based on their point of view. Despite that, don't get this mixed up with an antihero! A stereotypical villain really doesn't have much good behind their motives.
>>> The Average One - This character is meant to connect with the readers. They aren't anything special and don't stick out in any particular way, as their emotions and responses are meant to be relatable to the majority of the audience. They may have a couple of exceptional traits, but those are typically supernatural and don't interfere with their personality!
>>> The Cold Calculator - This is one of the more specific types that I couldn't research explicitly about online. The Cold Calculator is a character type that is, well, cold and calculating! They have an impressively high amount of intelligence, which they use to achieve their objectives. Additionally, they are able to manipulate people, yet there's a lack of empathy for them. They are self-centered and focus only on their goals, disregarding those around them. Normally, this character isn't meant to stick out too much from the crowd, but naturally, there can be exceptions!
>>> The Hidden Genius - To be honest, I don't see much of this character type in American novels, but I think that they could really use some! The Hidden Genius is usually found in fantasy-oriented stories, where they have an extraordinary ability, but hide it for private reasons. This could be because it's dangerous, they lack control over it, it's peculiar, it requires specific settings, they're unaware of their ability, or that they simply don't want anyone realizing the power they have!
>>> The Changed One - This is a protagonist who's actively trying to change themselves from who they previously were! They're trying to escape their previous life and connections because they realize that what they were doing was, well, wrong. (Example: a thief abandoning his job to simply become a normal citizen, or a socially awkward student trying to overcome their anxiousness.) Still, their history does have an impact on them and affects them as a person! Honestly, it doesn't have to be a major change either, the point is that a character is just trying to alter themselves for the better!
>>> The Second Best - This character is incredibly impressive at something--very well above average--but there's another character who's simply better and tops them. The second character is normally some kind of rival for the protagonist to overcome. The two's relationship is typically rather complex, as it's often composed of learning, growth, competitiveness, and acceptance! This character is usually found in a school setting, revolving around academics or sports, but it's definitely not limited to that!
>>> The Almost Perfect Character - When introduced, this protagonist is seemingly perfect in all aspects of their life (at least in the eyes of others). However, as the story continues, little flaws are revealed and the readers are now aware of the underlying depth of this protagonist's life. Throughout the character's journey, they overcome their doubts, accept themselves for who they are, and learn to appreciate their imperfections!
>>> The Not-So-Gifted One - This character is pretty much summed up by the name: they're not very talented and lacking in several different, important skills. They are below average compared to other people their age, and struggle to meet expectations. Their story is typically about self-improvement, change, and acceptance!
Whew! That's ten different types of protagonists that can definitely be used in your works! I hope that these serve as inspiration and some kind of guide to those struggling to come up with an original main character! Thank you so much for those who bothered to read this unnecessarily long post, and happy holidays!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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meanbossart · 3 months
i always love asking ppl this; how does your character (du drow) see themselves .vs. how they are seen by others (loved ones, friends, acquaintances, etc)
That is a good question!
When it comes to his self-perception, DU Drow assumes he cuts a very intimidating and off-putting figure at worst - and someone impressive and powerful at best.; he doesn't care either way as long as it favors him in either being left alone or getting what he wants out of people. He believes himself to appear confident and as having little regard for other people besides for his tight-knit group of friends and partner. He does believe that he's reliable - and even caring, as weirdly as he may express it. Not particularly intelligent but not dense enough to seem like an idiot. When it comes to more complex stuff - his needs, wants, beliefs, and how that comes across - his self-understanding is extremely lacking and vague. He doesn't have much of a point of comparison, however, so he doesn't really grapple with that.
When it comes to strangers (at least on the surface) he is pretty much right that he comes across as a scary, powerful person. Funnily enough, in the Underdark he is way less impressive to most of the population - a strange sight nonetheless, but his tactics don't work as well on it's citizens. Most drow don't know what to make of him, and generaly don't take him seriously or assume him to be half-something else or even not a drow at all.
(Shadowheart's and Astarion's POVs below, NOTE: these are based on what their relationships are like at the end-game/post-game, obviously there would be some significant differences if we were to talk about first-impressions and so on)
Shadowheart, being his closest friend, sees DU drow as kind of a doofus. She understands him as an animal with simple motivations and impulses, and has no real interest in pushing him to be anything else - in fact she envies how simplistically DU drow seems to view life and every hurdle that it throws his way, and looks up to him for seeming largely unaffected by his circumstances and unburdened by the things he has done/have happened to him. She does think he's a very fun person to be around - and someone she can say anything to and trust him to tell her exactly whats on his mind back, and generally tell her to pull herself by the bootstraps instead of letting her wallow in misery - she has overall a lot of respect and appreciation for the guy, though she doesn't express it too often since she thinks his ego is inflated enough. She isn't afraid or unnerved by him in the slightest and is kind of amused at how much other people are - she pretty much forgets that he looks like a freak.
As his romantic partner, Astarion's perception on him is fairly different. He thinks a bit more highly of Du drow's intellect than it probably appears, and finds it frustrating that he guy just doesn't seem to want to entertain a lot of... Thinking. He knows he can be perceptive and insightful based on how he treats him, but for whatever reason never applies that to himself, and the more they grow to know each other the more he thinks it's just a barrier DU drow has set up so he doesn't have to grapple with the things he's done and what he is. He is under no illusions that DU drow isn't a egoistical, blood-thirsty person (he likes those things about him, anyway) but worries that one day something will click in his brain, and all that willful ignorance will culminate into something terrible. He also thinks DU drow is a far more empathetic person than himself.
He really likes DU drow's company for his unfiltered demeanor - he thinks he's funny and a good listener (lol) and finds a lot of comfort in being with someone who seems incapable of hiding how they feel about him and their relationship, and doesn't think DU drow has much capacity for being manipulative or deceptive. Naturally he adores how much DU drow seems willing to devote himself to him, but it bothers him that it sometimes seem to veer into weird, damsel-in-distress-fantasy territory. Basically there's a lot about the guy that Astarion both likes and doesn't simultaneously.
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neoniinu · 17 days
no one asked, but here is my big speech about shinra/izaya friendship
i wanna start with their school selves
i saw a lot of people saying that izaya was normal at school and shinra just made him "bad", but in my view it's not the thing. like, in shool izaya already wasn't "normal", he just tried his best to pretend to be an ordinary student. he didn't make any close relationship, isolating himself from strong connections with people (just like he's doing it now), but still had to be in the society because of his interest in humas
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vol 9, ch 4
and this interest was already unhealthy, for example, he liked seeing people hurting each other
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vol 9, ch 4
shinra wasn't really different from his current self. he was obsessed with celty and she was the reason he made friends with izaya and he didn't really care about others or anything that surrounds him in general. he stayed in his comfort zone (love to celty) and was alright
as i said, shinra invited izaya to his biology club because celty told him to socialize
then, izaya became interested. because shinra's lifestyle was different and opposite of izaya's, especially because their different opinion on humans: izaya loved them, shinra didn't care but he loved celty who is not human, so izaya was genuinely interested in his personality
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vol 9, ch 4
then shinra was the only person who was a mystery to izaya, he couldn't predict shinra's actions and reactions and he was annoyed and facsinated about that at the same time
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epitome of eighteen stories, ep 15 (translation by xcaneolupusx)
speaking about shinra, he could understand izaya's nature perfectly
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vol 13, ch 11
so, izaya became interested in shinra and finally accepted his invitation to the biology club. everything starts here
izaya started feeling real attachment to shinra. now he was not just an interesting person, he was a friend. izaya felt free with him because they both were weird and shinra accepted izaya with all his strange hobbies and interests. their communication was full of mutual acceptance and they both were happy with it. but izaya's genuine attachment is really strong, as long as shinra preferred keeping distance with everyone except celty. not because he didn't like something about izaya nor he didn't care, it was just comfortable for him like that
the key thing: shinra being stabbed by nakura. i can talk about different aspects of this moment
for shinra it's just another proof of his crazy love for celty — he protected izaya mostly because he thought celty would praise him for such a heroic actions
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vol 9, epilogue
for izaya it was a complex thing. at first, he was shocked by being protected for the first time. at second, he felt jealous and that's what i find a really important thing. he felt jealous because shinra wasn't alone even if he's so uninterested in others. he had someone who he loved, he had someone to love him, he had important connections, basically he had things izaya didn't
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vol 9, epilogue
but despite everything, he still was a friend to izaya, so izaya wanted revenge. so, to my mind, this whole situation not made him who he is now, just gave him the reason to stop trying to conform and show his true self
eventually he promised to make nakura pay for this. shinra just agreed and gave izaya free reign. and izaya really kept his promise. 12 years passed and nakura is still suffering
izaya calls that nakura moment the turning point of his life and the thing that influenced his current self the most
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vol 9, epilogue
i see this part as the starting point for everything happening in the plot, because this was the moment when izaya finally decided what to do
when shinra and izaya finish school, they see each other more rarely. because it's not necessary to meet every day and they both have things to do. shinra happily lives with celty, again, staying in his comfort zone and izaya, who doesn't have any life and friends, is alone with his love for humans and crazy ideas. and still he thinks about shinra as a friend
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vol 9, ch 2
and shinra calls him a friend too
but shinra has priorities and celty is the most important of them, so when izaya calls him from the hospital, he just hangs up
shinra lives in his love and keeps distance with everyone else as always and izaya suffers with his attachment alone, because he can't and doesn't want to get rid of it. but he understands that he's the only one to blame in his state (because he chose such a life for himself) so he isn't angry at shinra. maybe just a bit
there is another important moment, when izaya thinks about shinra being mad at him, feels something like guilt and beats the telephone pole
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vol 9, epilogue
friendship with shinra is the closest relationship izaya has, but again, i can't blame shinra for his uncaring attitude. he treasures izaya and still accepts him and izaya's problems are not something shinra can solve
their relationship can't be seen through the prism of normal friendship because they both are extraordinary people with their own standards
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winters0689 · 7 months
Lester Papadopoulos is a comfort character to me. I’ve been a huge Percy Jackson fan for years now, and I’ve loved many characters (Grover, Nico, Leo, Percy, etc) and when I first read TOA I loved it, but after rereading it…
I fell in love with Lester, this caring and complex character who had many layers to him, that came off as selfish, and yet just so happened to be one of the most selfless characters in the book.
He’s caring, he’s a former god, he’s selfless, he pees himself regularly, he loves his children, he drowned his ex that one time, he is a god of many things, he has had many lovers. He has so many aspects to him that makes him so interesting.
He has a redemption arc as he realizes that he has made mistakes, but also realizes that he has been abused by Zeus, that it most likely influenced how he view things, and how he may have picked up toxic behaviors from Zeus. He learns to be more human, which is such a beautiful arc to see him go through.
He cares SO MUCH about others. He grieves for Jason and Crest and Heloise and so many other people. He tried to sacrifice himself many times and has many heroic qualities, but he is an unreliable narrator and sometimes what he says doesn’t reflect what he does.
His and Meg’s relationship is one of my favorite friendships in the books. It feels like it’s the two of them against the world at times. Meg cares so much for him while also calling him out on his bad actions (like when they were on Sutro Tower) and Lester cares so much for her as he realizes that she has been abused, that she needs help, and that he wants to help her separate from Nero’s influence, that he is so proud of her for standing up to Nero. They both form such a strong bond with each other and I just- I love them!
He is also absolutely hilarious. I find myself laughing as he is just- so snarky sometimes? He also sometimes know random things? (Like the Goddess of Sewers Cloacina) He is also funny when he has no knowledge on how human things work (like not knowing the price of Tater Tot’s)
He also gets anxious and freaks out and cries and he just feels. He gets happy and laughs and gets sad and laments. He gets flashbacks and clearly has trauma but doesn’t let that excuse his bad actions as he feels guilt for his actions. He can also be quite harsh on himself, blaming himself often and sometimes projecting that onto others (like him saying that Piper is blaming him for Crest’s death??) He is such an emotional character and I love him for that.
I love whenever he gets his godly strength as it starts with small things and then it gets to the point that he can create fire with his hands just by simply mentioning cauterizing a wound and breaking Nero’s fasces and having enough strength to drag Python into the Underworld and is strong enough to hold on just enough to save himself from falling into Tartarus. He is such a strong person who has an incredible pain tolerance.
There are many other things that I love about Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo. I think I can positively say that he is my favorite PJO character. I often reread TOA more than the other books. I love the story and how dark it can get while also exploring the themes of how abuse affects you.
I just- I love Meg and Apollo. I need for fanfic of them!! I need more content of them! Their friendship is so underrated, so when I see people make fanfic of them I get so happy!
I also love the community. The fan-artists and the fanfic makers and anyone who just writes long posts, like me, are so talented and is honestly the best fandom I’ve been in.
I hope the PJO show becomes popular so that more people can read these amazing series. I hope there will be a day that TOA gets adapted, and even if it doesn’t, I still have the audiobooks to go back to.
Thanks TOA fandom, for still going strong, even years after the books ended and new books have come out and are still making fanfic about them. It feels like the books have never ended, like the TOA books are still going on and are still making posts.
I’m so happy to be part of such a passionate fanbase.
Anyways if anyone is willing to offer any good fanfics then let me know!
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plutonianeris · 1 year
ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴀ ᴄᴀʀᴅ: accepting where people see you as the villain ⛓𓌹*♰*𓌺⛓
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this is a general reading & for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
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♱☾pile one☽
sometimes it feels like you can never win because one way or another, theres always someone criticizing you. People are nervous around you and its not necessarily anything you do. I got a lot of scorpio and plutonian energy in my cards/ the oracles. People in your daily life make you seem like the villain because either 1) you don't share too much of you and they are craving for access or 2) you are equally as suspicious of them. Regardless, people can be kind of intimidated of you (but never publically admit it, more like hide it behind shady comments). lol the lyrics of the song playing right now in the background "make everyone hate me if that makes you feel better, your girl talks shit about me just to feel better" as you keep climbing up in your career/ reputation youre going to feel like a lot of more people are judging you. Accept that you cant control that. And if it makes you feel any better, it is envy/ hate but its to hide some jealousy and even some admiration as well.
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile two☽
I heard "theres just no way in hell that this is all on me" the people you live with/ family (and in your hometown) could see you as the villain in those moments you are trying to express your emotions. You could get called being too "emotional" I heard "crybaby" or maybe even being called a hothead & impulsive when you try to talk to your loved ones about how you feel. You could be known for having a short temper or being very emotional (like the type to cry after seeing someone in pain or reading a sad news article). In reality, people close to you can get irritated with how emotionally intelligent you are. When you're angry/ upset about something your'e always determined to do something about it, and you start off by allowing yourself to feel your feelings. Accept that some people dont want to make room for you needs/ emotions. But then know when its time to refuse to give people more access to your energy and make sure you are meeting ur own needs. I just heard "I am worth more than these poor experiences you are trying to give to me"
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile three☽
you could find that people in your neighborhood, apartment complex, or even the school you go to tend to turn you into the villain on the forms you communicate/ ask questions/ express yourself intellectual point of view. If you have siblings you could find that you get into frequent fights or bicker a lot. Youre eager to learn new things and that could throw other people off as you rush past them, ready to know more about the world. this pile reminds me of a curious child lol touching the "dont touch" sign. Out of all the piles this one feels more playful. Its like people suck their teeth and roll their eyes but youre so resilient. you bounce back in a way that feels so efortless that they dont stay too mad. its like even the people that see you as "the villian" at times are still secretly rooting for you? idk lol this pile was weird but also kind of endearing. Again, it reminds me of the way a child falls and quickly gets back up. Even if people judge you, you know that you have to keep it pushing. I just heard "in 5 years... shit, in 5 weeks none of this bs is gonna matter"
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
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♱☾pile four☽
people you get into close relationships with (friends, but especially lovers or even your crushes) can make you the villain for your "eccentricity." this pile gave off big Aquarius energty (it reminds me of those with aspects between venus and uranus). lol like your beauty and ways of being are very unique or quirky. honestly, those qualities (your forms of dress, taste in music, the weird things you say, random facts u know) are actually what makes people interested in you and start crushing on you. but then at the same time they judge you for not conforming to societal norms. It's like "I think you are unique and brave, but god cant you just be normal sometimes?" thats annoying! My advice to you is don't EVER let people treat you as if spending time with you was a burden and don't let people pick and choose when to hang out with you. watch out for when you have big groups of friends, you could find that 1 or 2 could be hating behind your back. You always stand out in the crowd and sometimes that leaves insecure people with a sour taste in their mouth. You could be someone that has a different religion/ ethnicity/ background in comparison from the rest of your peers (whether it be at school or work). lol alien superstar is playing in the background rn "don't ever waste your time trying to compete with me... no one else in this world can think like me'
♡‧₊˚🕸 TIP JAR ‹𝟹 ∙ 🕷
© plutonianeris🕸️🕷️
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raelle-writing · 3 months
Phee: torn between the past and the future
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Phee is a deeply interesting, complex character. We know a lot about him, despite not seeing him on screen for a few episodes and not knowing about his background for a while.
This post got long so I'm putting in a break!
We know that Phee is a boy who falls in love fast and hard.
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He's empathetic, and wears his emotions on his sleeves.
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He's a caretaker.
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We know that despite wanting to know what happened to Non, Phee also can't help trying to think the best of the group he's joined. Even trying to see another point of view when Tan calls Por a liar.
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His position as of episode 9 in the story is really interesting... and also heartbreaking, in it's own way.
Phee has one foot in the past, unable to move forward, but his eyes toward the future.
In the past, he'd been in love with Non. Deeply in love. First love, arguably puppy love, but love nevertheless. That relationship ended in heartbreak for them both - Phee feeling as though Non had betrayed him by lying to him and sleeping with someone else (obligatory note that Non was groomed so we shouldn't label it as cheating, I'm just saying from Phee's POV). He was angry and hurt, and he said something awful in that moment that he didn't mean.
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Afterwards, Phee is angry. He's hurt. He doesn't know what to do, so he goes to his dad for advice, and his dad tells him that he needs to talk to Non to understand why he'd done it, and move forward. In that moment, Phee doesn't know if he wants to make up with Non or not.
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But eventually he takes his dad's advice to at least talk to him, and figure out why he acted the way he did. But by the time Phee is ready to hear from Non, Non is already gone.
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Phee is now facing a slew of questions, and a lot of emotions. Where is Non? What happened to him? Did he really run off? Was it the friend group that did something to him? Could I have helped him if I hadn't been so angry? Did my last words make everything worse? Is he still alive? If he's dead, what will I do?
Phee is caught in a situation that many people find themselves in, at some point or another in life. Where a relationship (friendship or more) ends, but you get no closure. He's caught between wishing he knew what happened, feeling guilty, wanting to get Non back so he can talk to him and get answers... while also being basically out of the relationship entirely because he and Non broke up, and never got back together.
Then, Phee meets New, and it's easy to agree to his scheme. For the two of them to switch schools, infiltrate the friend group that was around Non, and see if they can figure out what happened to him. It's easy to say yes to New, because that's what Phee wants more than anything. Answers. He wants to know what happened to Non, but he also wants to know more than that. Why Non did what he did. If they can work it out and get together again. There's so many questions plaguing Phee's mind, and the lack of answers makes it impossible for him to move forward.
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But then, at the same time, life moves on. It's been months since Non vanished already (the start of a new school year and it seemed like the old school year was still in session when they finished the movie, so at least a few months). Phee finds himself with a new group of friends. And while he's suspicious of them, he also has fun with them.
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Phee isn't the type of person who can wholeheartedly condemn others. He doesn't have Tan's ability to write them all off as assholes.
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Time passes, and Phee moves on. He removes the bracelet he once wore, even before he started classes at the new school. Perhaps he did it because he didn't want to give away his connection to Non - but he didn't have to. It was a simple red bracelet. No one in the group would've seen that and connected him to Non. I don't even think Jin would've, though Jin would've noticed it and wondered about it I'm sure. But Phee took it off anyway.
And, later, Phee takes Jin to the spot he once took Non. He takes him to Phee's special place.
While he's there, he's reminded of Non. He talks about Non. But the way he talks about Non is fond and distant. More of a nice memory, than something that's actively haunting him.
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And you can tell by the look on Jin's face that Jin can tell. He knows what what Phee is talking about was in the past. Otherwise he wouldn't look so happy (considering we know he has a jealous streak). And Jin definitely wouldn't have seduced Phee if he got the vibe that Phee still liked someone else.
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And then, that night, Phee sleeps with Jin. And perhaps Phee was thinking of Non in those moments, but I highly doubt it. Because I don't think the boy who told Non to "get lost and die" over perceived cheating would sleep with someone else while he's still in love with Non. That, and there's the soft look on his face the next morning...
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Phee has moved on. His feelings have changed. He wants to find out what happened to Non, but honestly if it wasn't for his connection to New, I'm not sure how much longer Phee would've kept looking. He's young. He's found a new love. That doesn't mean his love for Non never mattered, or doesn't still impact him in different ways. It just means he's healed, and is looking to the future. That's normal for grief and loss. It becomes part of us, but eventually we learn to live with it and continue our lives.
But the past keeps pulling him back, in the form of New, and news about Non. First when New calls him out for sleeping with Jin and asking if he's cheating. Phee's response might be partially a lie and partially the truth. But he's at least lying to himself about why he did it.
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I think Phee saying he loves Non is true - he probably does. In a distant way, of someone he lost. He has fond memories of him. He misses Non, too. But I think what he's telling New - and telling himself - about it being "just the same" is the lie. Phee is in denial that he's catching feelings for Jin. He's in denial about the reasons he did it, and he knows that. Because despite sleeping with Jin and flirting with him, he never asks Jin about Non.
Then he gets another reminder in the form of a news article about Non.
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Google translate on the right.
That article brings it back - the anger, the grief, the rage. At himself, for what he said to Non. At Non for the lies he told - the reminder of Non sleeping with Keng. At the situation that he found himself in. He's yanked back to the past again, and all the guilt that comes with it.
And in that moment, he shoves Jin away. He lets the guilt and anger win as he draws a firm line. He denies his feelings, denies that he feels anything at all for Jin, and returns to his mission: to find out what happened to Non.
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But in that moment, he doesn't realize that he's lost his future. Because he loses Jin. Jin won't speak to him, won't return his calls, gives him the cold shoulder. Won't even smile at him for the next two years.
Phee tries to talk to Jin, two years later. He hasn't moved on from Jin. Because he's trapped in the same friend group as Jin by his goal: learn more about Non. He can't leave the group to get away from Jin. No space. Which means neither he, nor Jin, are able to heal from what happened. Jin is now trapped in the past, just as much as Phee is.
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Phee can't abandon New, can't abandon the mission they set out for, because it means abandoning every question that he still wants answers to. It means abandoning Non, once and for all. But in clinging to the past, he can't move to the future either. He can't choose Jin, but he doesn't want to lose him entirely.
In the present, Phee is still caught between the past and the future. The past being what happened to Non and New's scheme to learn information. And the future, his feelings for Jin that he can't deny anymore, that he can't run from. But that he also can't give in to, because of everything with New.
Phee's character is in stasis. He wants to grow. He wants to move on. If he didn't, he never would've caught feelings for Jin, much less slept with him. But he can't. Because of a sense of duty - to Non, who he failed to help, failed to protect. And now to Non's brother, who can't give up looking for him. And as long as New is looking for Non, Phee has to as well, or it means abandoning the very last piece of Non he has left.
But he's also torn, because while he's working with New on his scheme, he wants to protect Jin, the person he loves now. Perhaps even because he couldn't save Non, so now his redemption will be saving Jin?
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This scene could be a plot by Phee to get Jin to open up, using his own tears and guilt in that way, but I do think his concern for Jin is real regardless.
I think Phee's final arc in the show will be having to choose, once and for all, between the past (Non and by extension New) and the future (Jin). I'm not sure what he'll choose yet, because there are still many unknowns and thinks that both Jin and Phee don't know about each other... but I hope that he can learn to choose the future. Because if he chooses the past, he'll never in his life be happy (though if Non is alive there's a possibility he could eventually learn to be happy, but I think the chance of that is low). And I think he deserves that, even if he's made some mistakes.
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amyrlinegwene · 28 days
Some thoughts:
The Wheel of Time is a piece of literature and it’s okay for people to interpret things in different ways or have the text resonant differently for you than another fan. And that even if you find some interpretations/ships/character arcs that people are interested in distasteful, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are right and the other person is wrong, and vice versa.
Sure, some opinions might be based more in canon than others, but RJ was an author that was deliberate in leaving room for ambiguity, misunderstanding, and critique in his characters, relationships, plots, and cultures. He also was creating a framework of the world in WoT that might have not completely reflected his own beliefs but rather an attempt to create an interesting world and power system. Canon should of course be the stable foundation of any fandom and it’s important to remember what is canon and what is not. But is also important to remember that canon can be interpreted or critiqued in many different ways.
If someone is not actively taking a bad faith approach to the text (ex: blatantly misogynistic takes on Egwene, Elayne), I feel like we have to allow multiple interpretations of the text because two contradictory views can be true at once, especially in a work as complex as the WoT.
Some examples:
- RJ’s tendency to pair women characters up with a heterosexual partner by the end of the series can be critiqued for being misogynistic. However you could argue that he was trying to fit the theme of balance between genders. You can also find a particular ship out of these pairings interesting and want to explore it more through analysis or fic. ALL three of these things can be true. You can also not agree with some or any or all of these points without completely invalidating that other fans see it this way.
- Some fans find polyamory representation they relate to in Rand having three girlfriends/wives. Other fans critique it as a misogynistic trope. Both interpretations can be valid.
- Similarly, in different wot fandom spheres Elayne and her relationships are seen different ways. Some fans insist she’s straight, some that she’s bisexual, and others that she is a lesbian who experienced compulsory heterosexuality in her relationship with Rand. These fans all have their own reasons (namely, in order: her only canon relationship is with Rand; her first sister bond and relationship with Aviendha can be interpreted as romantic in addition to her relationship with Rand; and some find the difference in chapters/care/detail that RJ gave Elayne and Avi’s relationship compared to hers with Rand to be a compelling argument for comphet). The text and a healthy fandom allows for all of these interpretations, even if you may personally disagree with some of them.
In short, consensus in fandom is great, but allowing for differing opinions and healthy dissent is better, especially with a text as rich as the Wheel of Time.
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cosmics-beings · 13 days
Why do you like Skybound? From the little I’ve seen on tumblr, it looks like it’s made Starscream into a heartless, ruthless villain with no emotions and that doesn’t sound like something a Starscream fan would enjoy.
The thing about it is that, I like it because it is Starscream. Starscream is ruthless, he is heartless and he is a villain. Especially to humans. The only thing I don’t really like about Skybound is that, for two seconds, I was terrified he was killed off early but people are saying he might be alive?
I think the interesting thing about Starscream, depending on the iteration or what version of the character you absorb, is that he can be multifaceted. I think that the two Starscream’s we have now are Earthspark and Skybound Starscream. It’s fair to say that Earthspark Starscream is handled with a lot of nuance and respect for what happened to him, which is what I absolutely love and adore. But Starscream is still, at his core, before any form or redemption can ever take place, and awful person. Even Earthspark Starscream was not a good person until the episode dropped.
Skybound Starscream to me at least, isn’t that shocking because that shows us one of the many facets of Starscream he can be. I think that, given the various iterations we’ve had of him, and the franchises lack of actually committing to a type of Starscream, it is easy to mix those versions + fandom interpretation (which imo , does tend to water him down and overly pacify him for many reasons), and in a way, think they should be canon.
But in reality, despite the iterations, Starscream is not supposed to be viewed as a good person. At least, not to begin with. Starscream has always been an extremely violent, ruthless, manipulative and abusive person. Even in Earthspark, or TFP, or Cyberverse, etc. He has always resorted to violence to get what he wants. He mistreats those around him, and those who try to help him whether it be his Trine, Knockout, etc. That’s why I don’t think that Skybound is inaccurate because that’s just who he is. I think as Starscream fans, it’s logical to want a version of Starscream that is nuance and more complex because we have gotten that in the past, even among the violence. And I mean, other characters are allowed to have that.
But I’m also okay accepting that Skybound isn’t that version, and that Skybound is also very canon, and often times forgotten version of Starscream that I think the fanbase sometimes needs to be reminded of. I’ve spoken about this before, but while I am heavily empathetic toward Starscream, especially in like TFP and Earthspark (and IDW), he is still an awful person, and he actually has to change to get sympathy points. And what Skybound is doing is in a way, reminding us of that or leaning into that side of Starscream that is either overlooked by the fandom, or a side we haven’t seen in years.
I am literally all for crazed, violent characters like Starscream, and I do like it. Because I also think that, with all the discourse surrounding his character, it is important to recognize that he isn’t this helpless person who has done no wrong. He is still, at his core until he changes, a violent person. And it is satisfying seeing him be violent but also seeing him be held accountable for it.
Skybound Starscream, like all depictions of him, is realistic. I just don’t think we get the nuance or the sympathetic nature of him, which again is okay. That’s not to say that in the future, we don’t see it. Because I believe we will.  
I am very curious to see how his relationship with Megatron is going to be, and in my mind I hope they have a good/better relationship but I hope they're good to each other, or at least can work together. I really don't want any of them to be redeemed I just want them to be terrible actually and just feed off of that.
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