#immortality on the Isle of the Lost
best-childhood-book · 1 month
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caramel-ribbons · 1 year
I love how the Titan isn’t a God; he’s a father who has used his power to try and communicate with the girl who has shown nothing but love and compassion towards his son. She wears the Bad girl coven shirt. There’s a Hooty piece where he’s missing an eye. Her last words to her son are “I loaf you” because she knows he likes bread puns. The Titan has more in common with witches and humans than he does with the immortalized version Belos created.
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I love how Belos intentionally turned the Titan into this Godlike figure because he’s a colonizer. White colonizers thrusted their religious beliefs onto the people they deemed lesser. They actively took over entire continents and actively stole from and killed people because of their perceived superiority. Belos thinks he’s better than the witches, and so he stole the magic from the Titan, appointed himself its ruler, and attempted genocide against the witches of the Boiling Isles.
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And I love how Luz saves the day, not because she was a chosen one with some innate power, but because she’d proven to the Titan that she deserved power.
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“Almost as if the world wanted to hide them from me.”
“Almost like the Titan himself didn’t want me to have that knowledge.”
Because he didn’t. Because the Titan knew Belos didn’t have good intentions. But she showed the glyphs to Luz. He chose to show his power to her because he knew she would use it for good, and she did. Unlike Belos, Luz appreciated the culture of the Demon Realm and she learned to love the people of the Boiling Isles, including King, in a matter of months. Belos was there for centuries and yet he never bothered to treat the Boiling Isles with any respect. Why should he earn the Titan’s power when he can’t even respect her or any of the beings she shelters?
I’ve seen a few people (mainly on Twitter), reducing all of this to a “deus ex machina” or, “another cult metaphor”, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about respect. Respect of land and the people who occupy it. It’s about respecting people enough to understand them and their culture without forcing your own beliefs onto them. More than simply being an obvious criticism of the witch trials and the Catholics responsible for them, it’s also a criticism of people who use religion as an excuse to hurt people. Belos used the Titan as a substitute for his own God and then weaponized her against her own people, while Luz treated her offspring with nothing but love and respect.
Luz won because she loved and looked after the Titan’s son and thus, loved her. Belos lost because he didn’t even bother to learn anything about King, his Dad, or the people he protected.
Edit: A really nice commenter reminded me it was the Puritains and not the Catholics who were responsible for the witch trials. Thank you for that. Message still stands but just keep that in mind.
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aureentuluva70 · 11 months
I've been looking more into the myths and legends that inspired Tolkien, specifically into Irish Mythology, and there are actually a lot of very interesting similarities, particularly in Tir na nÓg and the Tuatha dé Danann.
Tir na nÓg means 'the land of the young', and is an enchanted isle off the west coast of Ireland where all were happy and suffered no illness or unhappiness. It is also called the Otherworld, and just like with Valinor, was often mistaken for a kind of heaven or afterlife when it was an actual, earthly place that could be reached by sailing across the sea(or through magic).
It was from Tir na nÓg that the Tuath Dé came, sailing eastwards in a fleet of 300 ships. Tuatha dé Danann means "people of the Goddess Danu". The Tuath Dé are immortal beings who are immune to aging and illness who came from across the sea and inhabited the lands of Ireland before Men ever came there.
Upon landing on Ireland's shores the Tuath dé immediately took the ships they had used and burned them to prevent anyone from returning to their homeland. The smoke from the fires could be seen for miles and the dark cloud lasted for three days straight.
In their first battle against their enemies and former inhabitants of Ireland the Formorians, the King of the Tuath Dé, Nuada, had his arm sliced clean off. Because he was no longer "unblemished", he thus lost his kingship, although a new hand was made for him that was made of silver. Nuada thus gained the epithet of Airgetlam, meaning 'silver hand/arm'.
They were powerful magic users, and during the years they spent there conquered most of Ireland, though at the cost of much blood.
But just like the Elves, so do the Tuath Dé and their power eventually fade at the coming of Men, the Milesians, the ancestors of the Irish people. In some tales the Tuath dé fight back and are driven underground by the Milesians, but in others versions the Tuath Dé foresee and accept their fate, and flee beneath the earth where they later become the sidhe, the fairy folk, or Little People, living in barrows and cairns. In other versions, the Goddess Danu sent many of the Tuath Dé to live in Tir na nÓg, and made homes beneath the earth for those who wished to stay.
Overall, very alike to Tolkien's Elves, specifically the Noldor!
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Herkie, son of Hercules and Megara, Headcanons:
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Made this for @askauradonprep and @disneyandthefamilybusiness since they're right about Herkie being mostly forgotten by the fandom.
Herkie is just a nickname: his full actual name is Hyllus Amphitryon Tiryn-Theban-Athanasiou of Argolis.
Theme song: ‘What doesn't kill you Makes you stronger’ by Kelly Clarkson.
He often visits his mortal grandparents and helps out around their house—also running errands for them (while also avoiding running errands for his grandpa Zeus as much as possible).
He glows faintly in the sun.
He has his ears pierced.
Herkie is closer to his mortal grandparents than his immortal ones.
His favorite cousins are Hadie and Elle.
He is the middle child. Belonging to a huge immediate family consisting of twelve siblings—including six older siblings and four younger.
Eight of these are brothers named: Therimachus, Telephus, and Tlepolemus (27), Creontiades (24),Ophitius (23), Alexiares and Anicetus (17), and Deicoon (4).
Four of these are sisters named: Eucleia (19), Macarla and Manto (12), and Pandaie (2).
He's fifteen years old in d1.
Herkie has many cousins including but not limiting to: Tsunami, Míngzé, Reyna, Wilhelm, Arabella, Cordelia, Avisa, Flip, Shelly, Finn, Fluke, Nessie, Harmony, Elle, Mal, Hadie, Uma, Jonas, and Edith. That's not even getting the many aunts and uncles and other relatives he has,
He is a part of Belle's book club.
His Auratube subscriptions are mainly Vks and his tourney buddies with few exceptions.
Herkie is very supportive of most of his cousins. Though that doesn't mean he doesn't annoy them at times, lol.
He often mediates when the others (like Mal and Uma) get into fights and can/will restrain them if things get violent.
Herkie isn't big on magazines but he does have a subscription for one: Hero's Health. It's one of the few Auradon magazines he reads often.
He was quite a fan of the Evil Isle channel and was rather disappointed when Beast took it off air. He wanted to see what happened next on Wharf Watch, after all.
After this, Herkie's new favorite show was 'The Great Auradon Bake Off'. A close second was 'Real Princesses Of Charmingsville.'
He also watches the sports' channel, of course.
Herkie often pays Gil and Evie extra when they have to repair his clothes/readjust his measurements do to another growth spurt/rip because it happens quite often and he feels both guilty and embarrassed about it.
His favorite candy is Tongue Tinglers.
His favorite social media is Royallr.
He's got a secret goat tattoo.
He is dating Esmeralda and Phoebus's daughter, Emile (an oc of either @descendants-extended or @cleverqueencommander , can't remember which).
Herkie loves Hadie's band 'The Living Tombstones' but he also quite enjoys Diego's band 'the Bad Apples' and 'The Dragon Slayers.'
His favorite song is 'Take Back The Knight'.
Herkie goes to Auradon Prep and is apart of the Auradon Tourney Team, making him a Auradon Fighting Knight.
He has a blue truck.
In the Rise of the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel, Herkie accidentally sent Carlos flying across the field with a fist bump on the shoulder.
According to the wiki, Herkie is the son of Hercules and Megara and one of the players of the Tourney team, being one of the strongest offensives due to inheriting his gift of strength from his father Hercules. This means he's likely The Center Forward— who are described as 'by far the most offensive player who leads the charge into the opposing team's side, and blocks almost as much as Defenders'. Probably a back up (There are eleven members present during 'did I mention' despite the fact the wiki says there's only seven members on a team. And seeing as he's not labeled in this post, he was likely sick that day).
And seeing as he wasn't assigned a jersey number to my knowledge, I'm assigning him the number 97.
He visited Olympus High exactly once before deciding he did not want to attend (Unlike some of his older siblings).
He was born on June 13th.
Unbeknownst to both his parents, he is a frequent customer at "Hades' Souvlaki" once the barrier is brought down. He is also a big fan of Dr. Facilier's Arcade.
His younger sister, Macarla, is in band and his other sister, Manto, is a cheerleader. They both go to Auradon Prep alongside him.
Herkie is a friendly, mostly laid back guy who's smarter and more sarcastic than he's given credit for.
He is very close to his parents, particularly his mom.
One day, he and his mom ran into a lost Hadie (who didn't know who they were) and helped him find Mal and Ben.
His favorite teachers are Coach Jenkins and Grumpy, also being fond of Lil' Shang when he was still an assistant Coach at Auradon Prep. To no one's surprise, he does not like Mr. Deley. But to many's surprise, he doesn't like Merryweather.
Meg has cursed Mr. Deley out before.
He loves the seaside and Heroes and Heroines Festivals but hates Ancestry Day, for obvious reasons.
Herkie hates it when people dismiss his mortal grandparents as not being his family. If you want him to hate you, that's a sure way to do it.
He calls Phil his uncle.
When Herkie was younger he fell off of Pegasus and broke his arm. As a result, he developed a deep fear of them that he hasn't quite gotten over yet.
He also loves Auradon's Three Legged Races.
It goes without saying that he's a big fan of Tourney. Though, it may come as a surprise to learn that he doesn't like R.O.A.R (and no, it's not because he sucks at sword fighting, shut up Aziz).
He's close friends with Aziz, Demurra Foxworth, Anxelin, William Darling, Tyrone and Nina ( @cleverqueencommander 's oc children of Tiana and Naveen), and Brendan Westergaard-La Bouf.
His best friend is Ruby Fitzherbert though.
He is also a fan of archery, Doomball, and Foul ball though.
Herkie is a terrible dancer and singer.
He used to see the fates and the muses when he was younger—and it scared his parents to death.
His two favorite non sport games are Knock 'N Down, Win A Crown and Crown of Duty.
He had a pet lion named 'Neme' that followed him home one day and wouldn't stay gone when brought back to where he belonged.
He has reddish brown hair and purple eyes. His favorite colors are purple and blue.
As a kid, he had a stuffed goat and a pegasus baby blanket (he still does he just refuses to admit it).
He can play the lute.
Herkie, like his dad, also struggled with learning to control his own strength as a kid but luckily, he was around a lot of other demigods a lot of the time, so he wasn't as isolated as his dad was.
He is good at accidentally intimidating his friends/family members' significant others upon first meeting but is a big teddy bear in reality and one of the more welcoming people in the family.
He loves the ocean and hates flying.
Herkie is fond of the Badun Detective Agency and is thankful for the eye they've kept on his younger cousins (Edith, Paro, and Hadie) so he tends to defend them around others.
He has a weird sense of humor that is a mix between dark humor and the silliest jokes you've ever heard.
He is fun at parties (but doesn't drink/do drugs because he's scared of accidentally hurting someone).
Herkie won't admit it but he's afraid of lightning/thunder, spiders, heights, and needles.
Oh and he's super sensitive to dust and pollen. The sneezing fits are not fun (nor were the tantrums he threw when he was very little).
He loves sparring with Uma and Mal.
His favorite classes are cooking, gym, History of Woodsmen and Pirates, and art.
Herkie flunked his Flying Carpet Driving Class but passed his Mermaid Language Arts class with flying colors.
He has a mini library in his room consisting of the Flynn Ryder book series, The Top Secret Villain files, Secrets of Auradon Prep, Uma’s Wicked Book, Vks’ Guide to Auradon Prep, Sidekick Life and Hero Health Magazines, various cooking, art, and history books, and his various year books, among others.
The brunette helps people find lost pets/get things off of high shelves/off roofs/out of trees.
Last but not least, he wears a shield necklace.
If anyone has any canon info about him, or any headcanons of their own, feel free to add!
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shannara810 · 4 months
When he stabbed himself to defeat Khronos, Luke didn't have a plan for the... after. The general idea was to give life another try and earn the Isle of Bless.
He knew he had made a mess of everything. Meaning well didn't mean shit against all the demigods' lives that had been lost in his crazy desire for vengeance; however no one could say he was the kind of man who gave up easily.
Still when his soul had detached itself from his old body, this surely wasn't what he had dreamed of.
A family.
A big, loud, messy family.
A big, loud, messy family of supernatural beings who liked to never leave him alone, mind his business and who strangely had his well-being at heart.
(Once Father tried to smite an old lady who had called him spoiled. Dad had not been too happy with Father delivering his Divine Justice, but did nothing to stop him 🤣 Nasty old bitch!)
If he had to tell the truth and as an ex-son of Hermes he might have a tiny problem with telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the little change of religion had been pretty unexpected as was his new nature. However Luke couldn't say that things had gone wrong for him: it looked like Tyche had taken quite a shine to him this time. (And the whole upgrade to a Primordial deity? Not bad, but what the fuck?!)
Said so, some of the things that had made him Luke Castellan during his last life were still there: his skill with the sword, for example. As soon as he had been able to hold one, Father had given him an angelic weapon which he had named Thorn.
Training with Michael as he grew up was one of his favorite memories. Like watching baseball with Dad.
However with a whole new and immortal life at his disposal now, Luke had taken on new hobbies.
Ah, new hobbies! Or, as Percy liked to call them, his angelic quirks: like Uncle Gabe was obsessed with sweets, Raphi liked to change the sex of their Vessel according to their daily mood. And Luke was sure that Castiel, the angel-who-was-not-to-be-named, had an unhealthy interest for bees. Therefore it wasn’t his fault that in his past life he never had the chance to collect things and now he liked... needed to have little mementos of everything!
And that's why on the biggest wall of his new home now stood the biggest collection of photos he could put together. (Wow, he really sounded like one of those crazy moms he had met at the Scout Convention the boys had blown up 🤔 Dad would be proud!)
The parents ❤️ (Yep, he kinda looked like them or they kinda looked like him: still wasn't sure about this genetic mess 🤔)
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The sexy hubby 😋
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Honey Bunny aka the Firstborn aka "We Lucifers have to stick together 🤗"
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Little Fin aka "My baby boy" aka "He'll be arrested before he turns ten and we're proud of him 😁"
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(@darkcrowprincess Not sure what I wrote, but I did try 😅)
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tired-calculyn · 11 months
if the isle of the lost was created as a punishment "worse than death", then does the barrier grant immortality to the main villains? does this extend to their main sidekicks or henchmen as well? you can't convince me that they didn't attempt to kill each other during the early years of the isle. there must have been like a dark period before "laws" were set so they could all at least live decently (as decent as life could get there anyway)
(tw brief mention of gore. it's one sentence and not graphic but still, to be safe)
i'm not sure how immortality works so correct me on this. if for example, a person was decapitated, would they have to remain conscious and "live" like that unless someone is gracious enough to reattach their head to their body or will the magic of the barrier (??) allow them to respawn with their former body? or are their bodies just outright invincible? but then that would mean that they would have to be immune to diseases or injuries of any sort. man i
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ineedcoffee-sigyn · 1 year
Another day- another AU- behold
Alchemist Philip!
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Some context of this AU:
Warning: Good Philip AU - and I still make it tragic
- Philip's and by that extent Caleb's childhood as well, was rough, they lost their parents due to both witch accusation and an accident that was totally not planned by Caleb
- Caleb took Pip to Gravesfield- far, far away from their original home - unlike their canon counter part, they weren't fond of the witch trials, but they didn't say anything otherwise they would have been accused
- Philip took interest in alchemy pretty early, often wandering out and gathering herbs, stones and other stuff, while Caleb became a carpenter apprentice. Caleb advised his brother to not share his interest to the townsfolk. His interest grew when he became sick with an incurable illness
- Philip is left handed, a sin at that time, which is how he got the scars on his left arm, basically school years were rough for him because he couldn't fit in
- When Caleb met Evelyn, Pip was around 10 years old, his brother 19 (idk if that makes sense in canon but whatever), he was at first sceptical of Evelyn, as he is of everyone
- He eventually warmed up to Evelyn, when she found his research journals on alchemy, where she wasn't disturbed by it
- When the witch general visited their home, because of some rumours regarding a witch in Gravesfield, he found Pip's research. Thinking it was some sort of witchcraft, Philip was accused as one
- Caleb tried to plead that his brother isn't a witch, just a curious young boy. The townsfolk did not believe him, thought that he was cursed to like his brother and just threw him in jail, so he couldn't intervene
- When Evelyn returned to Gravesfield, she heard of an upcoming witch trial. After finding Caleb in jail and learning what will happen, she attacked the witch general and freed Philip, she took both to the Boiling Isles. However, during the attack and fight that started, Philip got injured on his right eye, making him blind on said eye
- While on the Isles, they tried to fit in, Philip still refuses to write with his left hand, but he still continued his alchemy passion, which was helped by Evelyn who taught him everything she knows about potions
- Philip eventually found a way to be immortal- altough he did not intended that. It did cure his illness that was thought to be not curable
- The side effect is his gooey state, which he manages, like Eda, with potions
- Because of this, the residence of the Isles feared him, which is why he hides his human ears from now on - he later does so with a concealment stone
- For his 18th birthday (long before his life became an immortal mess) he got two gifts: A coat made out of witches wool, knitted by Evelyn and a palisman, carved by Caleb
- He watches over Caleb's descendants, sometimes offers them advice
More will come sooner or later - just wanted to explain some stuff first with this little doodle~
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
how does pirates of the caribbean fit into your au? what movies are included, who’s on the isle, any descendants, or anything else you’d want to share?
So, you know the Neverland island and the England attached to it? The POTC thing happened in that England, just a while before the events of Peter Pan. A few pirates, such as Hook and Will Turner, managed to get to Neverland before the end of the pirate era. Most of the other pirates (Jack, Barbossa, etc,) died in battle as the Golden Age of Piracy centuries before Peter Pan. The only one who was still alive (other than Will because he's immortal regardless) was Elizabeth Turner, because she'd joined Will in Neverland, where people don't age (the exact... thing Neverland has going on is its own post. I'll leave it at people don't age in Neverland for now.)
Then the Great Awakening happened.
Davy Jones's Locker is part of the afterlife, so it got hit, too. In fact, it got hit harder, because it didn't have anywhere near as many protections as Hades's realm does. Dozens of ships and crews were bought back. Most died in the war because Auradon had advanced weapons, but a few were crafty enough to survive. Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan, and a few other captains took shelter in Shipwreck cove (which, by the way, is kind of a halfway point between Neverland and the regular world. Pirates who know how, such as captain of the Flying Dutchman Will Turner, can use the Cove to get into Neverland.) Shipwreck Cove is a fortress and Auradon lost a lot of ships trying to destroy it. The only reason Auradon won that particular incident was because they just put a blockade around it until they eventually just sent the whole thing and everyone inside into the waters of the Isle.
Captain Hook took over the Cove once Elizabeth Turner found out she was pregnant and decided she would like her child to not live in a torchlit twilight for their entire lives. Over the years, the pirates have kind of moved from the Cove to the island because you can only live in the Cove for so long before the lack of sunlight really gets to you. Will and Elizabeth are the only ones who have really settled down. Old habits die hard for a lot of these pirates, and they tend to follow the chaos just to have something to do- for example, Jack Sparrow and Barbosa are both helping Mordred Mim because they were bored.
The pirates don't have many kids, at least not that many officially but gods only know how many Isle street kids are theirs. Jack has a daughter, 17, who he named after Elizabeth (she goes by Eel.) Barbossa has one, 18, named Josephine after eir mother, but ey go by Jax or Black Jack. And then Will and Elizabeth have two boys, Jackson and Zale, 19 and 12 respectively. They're all with Harriet because they live in her territory. I have picrews if you guys want to see them
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weepingfoxfury · 12 days
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The man on the radio is talking with Vladimir, a frequent visitor, violinist extraordinaire and extreme raconteur. The Emerald Isle is bathed in the rain of many 'soft days', so there's a brawl in the corner over 'the umbrella.' The traffic lady says there's a gas leak with emergency works and many roads closed off ... there's mention of The Diving Board in Salt Hill. My imagination is running wild.
Today's texted in groaner: if you haven't tried blindfold archery, you don't know what you're missing.
Ireland declares recognition of the State of Palestine. Bravo!
Yesterday's shiny metropolis trip, as always, has given full range to my tinnitus. Time lost all meaning ... not least because the new microwave/time machine is still missing in action. I suspect sabotage on the part of the current Dugga Dugga Dugga part concrete mixer model. Obviously determined not to be replaced.
I'm beginning to think Dugga's real name is Hal and that next time I put my coffee in to send it back to a time when it was hot, I'll hear that immortal line ... 'I'm sorry, I can't let you do that' ...
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wheelchair-wizard · 4 months
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The Legend of Balor of the Evil Eye
Irish Mythology
Vol 3
In the ancient days of Ireland, when gods and monsters roamed the land, there lived a fearsome giant named Balor. His very name struck terror into the hearts of mortals and immortals alike. Balor was no ordinary giant; he was a king among the Fomorians, a race of malevolent beings who thrived on chaos and darkness.
Balor’s appearance was as imposing as his reputation. Towering and broad-shouldered, he moved with a deliberate heaviness that shook the earth beneath his feet. But it was his eye—the infamous Evil Eye—that set him apart. This eye, nestled within its cavernous socket, held a power beyond comprehension. When Balor opened it, disaster followed. Crops withered, rivers dried up, and even the hardiest warriors quaked in fear.
The eye was not merely a physical organ; it was a conduit for malevolence. Its gaze could scorch the earth, turn forests to ash, and curse entire villages. Legends whispered that it had once laid waste to an entire battlefield, reducing armies to dust with a single glance. But opening the eye was no simple task. It required the strength of four warriors to lift the heavy lid, each gripping the iron ring attached to it.
Balor ruled the Fomorians from the Isles of the North, where storms raged perpetually, and the sea churned with fury. His wife, the enigmatic Cethlenn, stood by his side, equally formidable. Together, they plotted dark deeds and reveled in chaos. Their dominion extended over treacherous waters and desolate cliffs, where the cries of lost sailors echoed.
But fate had other plans. The Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of divine beings, challenged the Fomorians. Among them was Lugh, a warrior of unmatched skill and cunning. Lugh’s lineage was intertwined with that of Balor—he was Balor’s grandson. Yet, destiny had set them on opposing paths.
As the Battle of Mag Tuired loomed, Lugh prepared for the ultimate confrontation. Armed with a sling and a single stone, he faced the giant. Balor’s eye narrowed, its malevolence focused on the young warrior. But Lugh was no ordinary mortal. With precision and courage, he hurled the stone. It pierced Balor’s eye, exiting the other side, and the giant stumbled backward.
The Evil Eye’s power dissipated, leaving Balor vulnerable. Lugh seized the moment, striking down the giant. The earth trembled as Balor fell, his malevolence extinguished. The Fomorian king’s reign of terror ended, and light triumphed over darkness.
And so, the tale of Balor of the Evil Eye became a cautionary legend—a reminder that even the most formidable foes could be defeated by courage, wit, and the love of kin.
Remember this story, for it echoes through the ages, teaching us that even in the darkest of times, heroes rise to challenge the malevolence that threatens our world.
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magnusmodig · 4 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 that had ended with feasts around a long table , sharing stories of revels long into the night over the liquid honey-gold of thousand-year-old mead. though it ailed him to admit it , thor had enough SELF-RESPECT to know better than to return the burnt hovel which was their bond when treacherous brother had damn near smoked it all out. this , thor had learned through the fires of repeated trial and err these past ten years — for immortal beings learned slowly , and held open arms to change with even less speed. still wiser was it to simply lick one's wounds in the sanctity of one's own company.
though the burden of mortal time was one born for jane's sake it was without a doubt a heavy toll upon the shoulders as days turned to weeks with a cold FRICTION left squarely between the two brothers. and still thor had made up his mind that he would not turn back. not this time.
then , the moss had shown up. small vines and leaves that coiled throughout the countryside and wound its way into the undersides of alley-streets and ancient ruins , sprouted beneath sewer systems and through canals and the many rivers that decorated arcanus isle. the ivurie adventurer's guild , that which thor had quickly affiliated with , was soon enough called out to the sites most afflicted. the plant's growth was unparalleled and rampant , and its side-effects growing worse. he had seen many a brave man and woman succumb to the clouds of pollen that had dusted the air. bewitched , they had raved about their comrades pointing knives to their backs , eyes following them into the shadows ... and others , of loves and remnants of lives they had lost long ago , leading them into the darkest pyre.
it was as though all of them had gone mad within the hour.
and so it was within days of the first outbreaks — of watching such brave souls break down into tears and sweat and raving madness — that thor found himself tucking his tail between his legs and retreating right back into the graces of his brother's foyer. ( suddenly expecting , with the gravest of convictions , the snarling and foam-mouthed maw of loki's ire. its salt-sting bite so reminiscent of the resounding THRUM of gungnir throughout palace halls ; the hallmark of just the START of a long-winded lecture of all of thor's infinite follies. )
though , for all of their bitterness ... thor's eye caught wind of the dark circles and sunken cheeks ; the downward turn of a frown upon loki's features.
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❝  ... you look terrible. ❞
@mischiefmodig / act i.
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I feel like FF14 really dropped the ball by not having more of the named Ascians just randomly fucking with us in the story. Like dropping that whole aspect was just such a lost opportunity. Can you imagine if Mitron decided to fuck with us every time we crossed the ocean like a vengeful Posiden? We cross the ocean so many times, we even have a dungeon that deals with that and we fought a ghost in a bed sheet.
Pashtarot chasing us down like Ares scorned? Cursing our blade when we defeat him, the fear that we might fail in battle at any moment?
Nabs does actually fuck with us for a few patches, and while I have so much hatred for that trial, it's actually a good show of what could have been. What it looks like when an Ascian is just fucking done and wants to make you suffer.
Lahabrea, Elidibus and Emet-Selch also do this in their own ways. Lahabrea is the most successful, he actually kills you now in the Praetorium. Hydaelyn expands a lot of power to reverse it, not to mention the power she used to protect you before that from Ultima, weakening herself considerably for awhile. Elidibus traps you in the Rift and would have absolutely succeeded if it wasn't for Emet-Selch intervening. Emet-Selch could have just as easily let us die in the end of Shadowbringers, and he might have won if it wasn't for us doing the impossible and rejoining with Ardbert all by ourselves.
Mitron on the first was too focused on getting Loghrief back, but once he clocked us as a threat to his plans, he did make us pay for it.
Fandaniel got terrifyingly close to destroying the world and us with it.
Emmerololth's plan resulted in the Isle of Val being destroyed and she got consumed by a Primal.
Like obviously the Warrior of Light is always going to win, because game, but man, what if we got more of those immortal beings just gunning for us.
They're still out there. We know from lesser Primals that tempering doesn't just end. They actually could come for us still, but will they? I don't know. The devs seem uninterested in that part of their lore.
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menelaiad · 11 months
I just saw ur Cti/Eus and l think you're the greatest person to ever exist bc I HAVE BEEN SHIPPING THEM FOREVER OMG!???? No hate to Cti's husband but like... I don't think she likes him
look. we can justify it by saying that eurylochus (ctimene's husband) was a clown. that just bullied odysseus throughout the odyssey. so much so that odysseus legit thought about killing him but didn't cause he's his bro in law
Eurylochus alone sought to hold back all my comrades, and he spoke, and addressed them with winged words: “‘Ah, wretched men, whither are we going? Why are you so enamoured of these woes, as to go down to the house of Circe, who will change us all to swine, or wolves, or lions, that so we may guard her great house perforce? Even so did the Cyclops, when our comrades went to his fold, and with them went this reckless Odysseus. For it was through this man's folly that they too perished.’ “So he spoke, and I pondered in heart, whether to draw my long sword from beside my stout thigh, and therewith strike off his head, and bring it to the ground, near kinsman of mine by marriage though he was; but my comrades one after another sought to check me with gentle words
 And meanwhile Eurylochus began to give evil counsel to my comrades: “‘Hear my words, comrades, for all your evil plight. All forms of death are hateful to wretched mortals, but to die of hunger, and so meet one's doom, is the most pitiful. Nay, come, let us drive off the best of the kine of Helios and offer sacrifice to the immortals who hold broad heaven. And if we ever reach Ithaca, our native land, we will straightway build a rich temple to Helios Hyperion and put therein many goodly offerings. And if haply he be wroth at all because of his straight-horned kine, and be minded to destroy our ship, and the other gods consent, rather would I lose my life once for all with a gulp at the wave, than pine slowly away in a desert isle.’ “So spoke Eurylochus, and the rest of my comrades gave assent. 
and then he dies for his clownery.
SO PERSONALLY. i think ctimene deserves to live out some happy years with her childhood friend that she was raised with and was very close to and happy with and her parents clearly loved. and i think odysseus will also be chill with it cause her other husband pissed him off and was stupid.
we can have the: together as children but she was sent to marry someone else and we now live in different worlds but OH we've been reunited lets make up for time lost time and be happy because ive always loved you ship of our dreams.
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poison-pomegranates · 4 months
BAE PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT FROM DEATH TO DUST im soooo interested (also music taste???? its spectacular??)
OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU (and also thank you for complimenting my music taste, that’s quite literally the most efficient path to my heart)
from death to dust is very much a work in progress that’s still in the early stages of planning because i keep having to restart.
on top of this, i suck at summaries of any kinds, but what i can do is infodump about my characters:
Desdemona Reaper is to some extent my main character, largely because she is, in a sense, the metaphorical string connecting all of the other characters as well as most of the story lines.
she used to live with her parents in Grim’s castle, in the centre of the Twin Kingdoms, but about a year before the main story starts she was exiled and now she lives on the Isle of The Lost with the rest of the misfits and criminals who were banished from the Twin Kingdoms.
the Isle of The Lost is where she met Eden, an immortal, deity-like being who was cursed by the monarchs to spend her days bound to a ‘magical’ tree, that shelters and protects the isle of the lost.
when Desdemona was banished, she made it her mission to protect Eden, but when Eden goes missing and Desdemona realises that without Eden’s magic she, and possibly the rest of the inhabitants of the isle of the lost, will die, she realises she has to return to her father's kingdom to find out what happened to her.
what should be a quick and simple mission to retrieve her best friend is complicated when a flirtatious witch, an aspiring scientist, an ambitious princess, an indebted elf, and a mysterious lycanthrope all interrupt her plans by asking for her help with various, less quick and simple missions.
acknowledging both her need for their help and her aversion to socialising, Desdemona is forced to decide which is more important to her, retrieving Eden, or keeping her peace of mind.
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sparrowmoth · 11 months
Rules: in a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
Tagged by @popularghost! 💖
In no particular order...
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
The Immortals quartet (Tamora Pierce)
The Six of Crows duology (Leigh Bardugo)
A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing (Eimear McBride)
The Animorphs series (K.A. Applegate)
Bough Down (Karen Green)
Into the Land of Unicorns (Bruce Coville)
The Isle of the Lost (Melissa De La Cruz)
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho (tr. Anne Carson)
Ceremony (Leslie Marmon Silko)
Tagging (no pressure): @finitevoid @everfairestar @cyanoceans @brighteyedjill @tinyarmedtrex @stormkpr @oneofthewednesdays and anyone else who wants to do this! 💕
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the-elusive-soleil · 6 months
never wanna see the night
For @tolkienfamilyweek Day 2: Siblings
“Nelyo, what are you doing?”
Maglor had thought nothing of it when Maedhros staggered to his feet--he had not truly been able to pay attention at that moment, what with the burning of the jewel in his palm. But now he is paying attention, with his heart pounding in his throat, because Maedhros is--
He is so very close to the edge of that canyon of lava that had interrupted their frantic flight, making them pause long enough to take out the Silmarils and examine them.
Maglor is not sure what he fears--or rather, he knows perfectly well, but he cannot bring himself to put a name to it, although the fear has dogged his steps at least since Doriath, or possibly since the Nirnaeth. He makes himself stand up slowly, and move equally slowly towards Maedhros, both his hands outstretched and the Silmaril abandoned on the ground.
“Come here a little closer to me, Nelyo,” he says quietly. “Just a bit further from the edge. Please.”
The single word, hoarse and barely audible, freezes Maglor where he stands. “What do you mean, no?”
“Don’t come closer.” Maedhros won’t look at him, his head hanging low; he’s clutching the Silmaril to himself even though it must be agonizing him. “I can’t--I can’t anymore, Kano. It’s over, and see what we have become in making it so. And what we have lost--our cousins, our brothers, our sons. There is nothing left.”
There is me, Maglor tries to say, there is still me and I still need you, am I not enough, but he is unable to make his voice obey him before Maedhros, on the very edge, shifts his weight and lets himself topple backwards into the fire.
“Elros, what have you done?”
His twin does not even have the grace to look shamefaced. Perhaps Elrond should have seen this coming--Elros has been spending more and more time with the Edain of the host as time goes on, and he has taken to dressing in their styles and tying his hair up to look shorter, but he could never have imagined that it was a precursor to something as drastic as this. How could he have guessed? They had never heard of any such choice being imposed upon peredhil before.
Then again, they are at this point the only two peredhil to have lived this long without being killed or ending up in Aman. 
Eonwe came and found Elrond earlier in the evening, when he was alone, and sprang the choice on him, and Elrond’s first reaction had been confusion. Why would he have to choose? He has always been both, and been content to let any metaphysical implications wait for when or if he died. But, made to choose, he’d chosen what seemed like the obvious option: elvenhood and immortality, to stay with their foster fathers and someday find their birth parents again, to have time for all the many, many things that had only just become possibilities again with the war over.
Apparently, for Elros, the obvious option had been different.
“How could you have done this?” Elrond continues, his voice rising. He and Elros haven’t yelled at each other since growing out of adolescence; the fact that he’s close to it now is making him feel unfairly childish. “We have never been apart, and now we will be separated when you go to this Isle of Gift, and then someday after that forever--”
“Not forever,” Elros says, in an attempt at reassurance. “They say that someday when the world is remade, elves and Men and all other kindreds will be reunited.”
“It is close enough to forever!” Elrond protests. “And for all that time, there will be nothing. I will be left alone.” His birth father left when he could barely remember, and then later his mother, and now his foster fathers have left him, and now Elros, who was supposed to be the one person who would never leave. 
“Elrond.” Elros’ voice is impossibly gentle. He reaches out and takes Elrond’s hands in his. “You will never be alone; you are much too good at gathering people around yourself for that to happen. And--I am sorry it must be this way, I am, but I could not be bound to Arda for eternity. It was different when we thought Arda was all their was, but now that we know what the Gift of Men truly is--that there is more out there? Elrond, there could be anything, and I want to know what it is. I need to.”
Elrond can’t speak, can only grip his twin’s hands as though that will keep him here next to him, here in Arda, after all. But even as he does so, it feels futile: the change of the choice has already come upon Elros, and he swears he can feel his brother already slipping away even as he stands right here.
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