#immigrants we get the job done etc etc etc
darealsaltysam · 1 year
good job today everyone doing polish/lithuanian/portugese/chinese/hebrew studies/ancient greek/czech/bulgarian/croatian/danish/dutch/estonian/finnish/hungarian/latvian/maltese/modern greek/romanian/slovakian/slovenian OR swedish 
good job to all the agricultural science students too :))
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dweamofsweep · 7 months
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Final few drawings from this sketchbook now that I’m recycling it! Kind of sad because this particular notebook was one I used as a little kid, it has some suuuper old and embarrassingly bad (but funny) drawings in it.
Also just going to put this here; I know something kind of blew up here over the weekend in this corner of Tumblr. Dr. Tezuka has been dead for several decades now, so we will never know exactly what “ending” he thought about for Tenma and Astro further than how they got separated and never really permanently reunited throughout his numerous re-writes and loose canon tendencies. That’s up to us to parse and make meaning of and potentially imagine beyond for ourselves as audience members of the series, which many fans have done over the years (And even any other official work done after Tezuka’s passing, like AB2003 and ATB, Pluto etc are basically the same thing). I believe we are allowed to disagree with the evaluations of media that others come up with, whether just in our heads or posted publicly! However, it is not our job to budge every last person’s opinion on the internet. We may “see” each other on a somewhat regular basis because, let’s face it, this fandom is pretty small, but at the end of the day none of us know everything that informs the meaning being made by the others — and we are not obligated to disclose such personal information for any reason, in real life or online. To give you an example and offer up something about myself, Astro as a character resonates with me in large part because he stands on the border between one group and another; although he is certainly a robot, he lives his life as a human would most of the time, creating a split between himself and other robots while still not being accepted fully into human society. It gives him a unique opportunity to bridge the two together, but as a result he can never be entirely one or the other. The reason why I find that fascinating is because I am a second-gen immigrant Asian-American, and it forms some parallels with the way I feel in my own life, having been raised more American than Asian. Also, my parents are culturally Chinese-Indonesian, but ethnically appear Chinese (as do I). I will never be fully accepted into native Chinese, Indonesian, or Chinese-Indonesian communities because I act too much like an “American” despite my appearance. I will also never be fully accepted into the American community I live in because I still cling onto some of my heritage, and of course also because of my appearance. But maybe due to my experience in both worlds, the chances have increased that I could foster greater empathy, interest, or understanding between them, and Astro gives me hope for that.
However— I wouldn’t expect anyone here to know that (or even remember after reading it — it’s fine, you can purge the info from your brain LOL) even if it does affect my readings of certain scenarios and stories. If someone were to post something that doesn’t acknowledge or reflect the perspective I have, I can feel any type of way about it, but I have to remind myself I don’t know where they’re coming from and to try not to take it too personally, since they don’t know where I’m coming from either. Maybe someone has had the exact opposite experience from me, maybe they just haven’t been in any comparable situation to begin with, they could also be a lot younger or older, or from another part of the world — on the internet you really just don’t know, and a person doesn’t really have to tell you if they don’t want to. Personally, once I’ve said my piece, I’ve said it. If someone disagrees with me over the same point repeatedly, and I considered their viewpoint but decided to retain mine, I don’t continue to engage them, because I know it gets unproductive sooner or later (neither side changes their mind or learns anything new, if anything we both just become more stubborn about our own arguments because we have to keep making the same one over and over). I do think about Tezuka’s and other artists’ work very seriously, as an artist myself and an aspiring professional, and I believe that’s a valid angle to come from. Yet I often just draw things on a whim despite the aforementioned, and as embarrassing as it is to admit, most of my drawings have very little meaning. I just post on here hoping it might make someone else a bit happier to see it; I suspect that many others in the community do the same. (Obviously if I misrepresent something severely in my own work, which I hope I will not but you never know, I want someone to tell me about it, but I didn’t think this was the case in the particular situation happening now.)
and… I will freely admit to sharing outlandish internet takes both as a kid and as an adult, then changing my mind and looking back on it, as well as my behavior in general, later with regret 😭 it will happen again, I’m sure… perhaps this is one and I should have kept my mouth shut, but I hope this at least gave some of my perspective. If you want to probe any further into my thoughts or ask for clarification you can!
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starnightlover · 2 months
Hi star!! I’m very new to the LOA community (started on Jan this year) is it okay if you could correct me on if I’m doing it right?😅 If not then it’s okay!! feel free to ignore!!
So I have a foreign friend who will be living with me but I have to find them a job, sort their visa and find the apartment but it’s such a complicated process…after I lived in the end of everything finally being done; she got the visa, and we got the apartment approved and all we had to do is wait for her to travel here, I sort of feel…relieved??? In a way?? Like I don’t stress about it as much anymore even if there’s no confirmation in the 3D that any of that is done! Is that normal to feel relieved? Like usually I would get anxious thoughts I.e “omg you have to find them a job!! Call the immigration office about the visa!! Find an appartment etc..” but I don’t get it as much anymore!!
You're doing great my dear!!! Also I am literally so happy for you and your friend!!!! It is very normal! Why wouldnt you be relieved over something you already have? Exactly. So you're doing everything right, you got this! And welcome to the LOA community!
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juneviews · 5 months
Hi Axelle! Big fan of your channel btw, I watch your video about IPYTM just to get mad sometimes(my resentment towards that show is astronomical).
I've always wanted to move abroad, Seoul being the goal but I want to keep my options open. I know you have several videos about living in Thailand but I'd really love to hear more about your experience. Quality of life, language barrier, weather, expenses, xenophobia, visas, housing, pests, healthcarejob opportunities basically anything! Thank you so so much🙏🏻
Hope you have a fabulous New Year 🎊♥️
hi, thank you so much it means a lot! 🥰 glad to know someone hates ipytm as much as I do lmaooo! ok so let me do it point by point!
quality of life: much higher than living in france. rent is like 4x cheaper for way newer buildings with great amenities such as a pool & a gym, I can order food every day without breaking the bank, and bkk is such a lively city there's always so many cool things to do there for not crazy expensive! I would NEVER be able to afford my lifestyle here in bkk if I was back in paris, and the hot weather also makes it so I don't suffer from seasonal depression which is HUGE!
language barrier: I'm the only foreigner I know who speaks thai, and my foreigner friends have no trouble getting around relying on english. bangkok is one of the most expat-friendly cities ever imo!
weather: the weather is extremely hot in thailand, very humid & also it rains a lot and rainy season is no joke. however I prefer this weather over the french weather bc the sunlight we get everyday no matter the season is 12 hours a day, which is huge when in paris we can go from 14 hours of sunlight in summer, to only 6 in winter. again, really helped with my seasonal depression. also, I can go to my building's pool year round lol! the heat is not for everyone, but personally I feel like I'm on vacation year round & it has done wonders for my mental health!
expenses: as I said, bangkok is much cheaper than paris. however, with thailand's economic boom in recent decades, it's not dirt cheap either like the idea many people had like 10 or 20 years ago. the biggest thing where I really save the most money is rent, but transport is actually more expensive than paris, and imported things are unbelievably expensive. still, I live a very comfortable lifestyle with 800 euros a month, whereas to live the same exact lifestyle in france I'd need like 2000 euros.
xenophobia: there is barely any xenophobia in thailand. in fact, I'd argue that there is a romanticization of foreigners here, especially white ones. however, there are a lot of barriers to being a foreigner in thailand. getting the citizenship seems relatively hard, getting a job as a foreigner is unbelievably hard since the business visa needs to be renewed every 2 months which annoys employers, if you start your business in thailand, you can only own 49% of your own business while a thai person owns the majority, etc. most of the difficulties are legal & related to immigration, but thai people don't discriminate against foreigners. however, they will always tend to see you as a tourist & will try to scam you way more than a thai person, no matter how long you live in thailand... as expressed in videos, as a foreigner, you'll never be seen as a thai citizen, even if you spend your entire life in thailand, and that sucks...
visas: they're hell. as said before, business visas are like the shortest in the world, you can't have that many tourist visas, and the only visas that are easy to obtain are study visas (bc you pay a lot), or retirement visas that last 10 YEARS (bc they pay a lot.) however, thailand seems to slowly be relaxing its visa system, so there's hope.
housing: very easy to find something cheap, I found my 2 apartments in under 2 weeks each time, whereas it'd take me months in paris for a shittier place.
pests: first apartment had lizards, new one has insects...
healthcare: no healthcare as a tourist unless you got an insurance. now that I'm a student at the most prestigious thai uni, I have a lot of free services with the related hospital & health center. I also bought my own insurance so I'm pretty much safe. still is shocking coming from a country with completely free healthcare lol.
job opportunities: finding jobs as a foreigner is AWFUL & idk how I'm gonna find one once I graduate lol, I hope my professors can help me 😅
hope that helped, & I hope you get to do everything you're setting out to do 💜 happy new year ✨️
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So I wound up in the antisteggy tag rabbithole and read some of your meta (excellent use of examples, btw!) and found it odd that CAtFA!Steve is so dismissive of Peggy compared to how he is towards all the men in the film, because he IS pretty respectful of Natasha in later films. He disagrees with her like he does anyone else sometimes, but he respects her skills, experience, knowledge, etc.
So it felt off to think 1940's!Steve is sexist when 2010's!Steve isn't, since they're the same Steve just a few weeks or months apart.
I've decided to headcanon he's actually dismissive of Peggy not because of sexism, but because he's canonicly the son of Irish immigrants who would've had Opinions on posh upper class Brits exactly like Peggy.
Hey thanks Anon, glad to hear someone's getting some reading out of them, I know they're pretty whoppin' big! 😅
(Not intentional, it's just that I keep thinking of new things to add over time until they become ginormous.)
My feeling about CATFA-Steve vs Later-Steve, re: sexism, is that-
and as a Celt it pains me to say this
-he wouldn't judge an English person pre-emptively just by their Nationality.
(In the same way he didn't hear Erskine's German accent and jump to conclusions, and doesn't appear to have a problem with posh Monty, or Morita, for example.)
In my hc he'd be dismissive of her:
A) because she keeps acting as if she has the job title, authority, experience, and right to tell him what to do when she just doesn't,
B) he judges the person as an individual not a demographic. And she personally has done so much horrible bullying in front of / to him, which he wouldn't find charming in a man.
C) she keeps being wrong about everything.
So he's not going to hold her input in high esteem.
And he's certainly not going to give her a free pass to be a horrible person and fuck up all the time, just because she's a rich woman and it's the 1940s. (If he doesn't do it for Tony, he's not going to do it for her).
Her combined class and nationality would be a black mark against her, certainly, but even then my hc is Steve would wait and see before he decides that- yeah, her class privilege and nationality have corrupted her, specifically.
But his dismissal would still be grounded in her individual personality, not her class/nationality/gender etc. as if those automatically = evil.
(And we just have to ignore that creepy SheHulk shit Feige and M&M said about 1940s Steve abusing his USO fame to bag chicks. They appear to have got him confused with Howard Stark. 🤮 )
(But yh Doylist reasons for his apparent dismissal of Peggy is sexist writing and boneheaded dudebro writers who think, for example, that negs are just innocent slips of the tongue by the inexperienced, rather than predatory attempts to harm the opposite sex's self esteem.
1) no other women are allowed to be in the movie because Peggy's manufactured Specialness is too fragile for other women to be worth risking screentime on, so Steve's treatment of The Only Woman Allowed is made to stand in for his treatment of All The Women, which isn't necessarily the case.
2) Peggy is just there to recite exposition while failing the Sexy Lamp Test, so what she's saying is actually genuinely not worth Steve listening to anyway, and he can't listen because that would make her, y'know, actually have been written as important. 🙄 )
Further evidence for this take on Steve's politics, IMO:
Steve wakes up in 2012 and is greeted by a pretty woman (originally supposed to be Natasha!)
And he doesn't go easy on her just because she's a woman.
He also doesn't automatically trust her just because she's a woman acting all nice (which would've dovetailed nicely with that friction he had with Nat in CATWS).
He isn't distracted from his job by her thinly-veiled honeypotting *coughbecausehe'sgaycough* and he calls her bullshit out straight away. Exactly like he would to a man.
That's the opposite of misogyny; he has women neither up on a pedestal nor down in the gutter, as it were. He can see them with clear eyes.
He's also an equal-opportunity comforter -- when someone's angsting alone, he'll go comfort them and do the Concerned Dad lean in their doorway, regardless of gender (Tony, Nat, Wanda, and Bucky all come in for the same treatment. It's even hinted Steve learned this habit from Bucky.)
Sidenote: A Thing I've noticed...
I have no solid evidence to support this, it's just a hunch, but I think Steve's un-sexism later on is mostly down to Cevans' performance choices?
The fact that like 50% of his deference to Natasha is in non-verbal beats, and those little nv-beats have tended to be Cevans' own ideas in other examples in the past, to me suggests they weren't in the script.
Which in turn suggests Cevans and Scarjo just decided between themselves to make Nat more relevant / more respected by Steve than the scripts actually do. 😕
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vizthedatum · 1 year
I know I can knock out all my work tasks today. Intellectually, I KNOW. I am getting stronger every day.
But I just put in a request to get disability services from my employer again.
I need to cover my bases.
I hate that anything programming or statistical (essentially my whole job) causes trauma freezes.
I hate that my ex/spouse's lawyer (and my ex/spouse) lied to my lawyer about how we were both responsible for our own health insurance.
I feel like this needs to be reiterated: my able-bodied, autistic, queer spouse kicked out (and threatened, abused, yelled at, made life hell-ish) their disabled, autistic, chronically ill, queer partner (me) out of the home that I paid for (rent, utilities, apt insurance, health insurance, food, etc.) (yes, they contributed money to those things but I did most of the emotional and financial labor of it all). They promised to put me on their health insurance but didn't. They cheated me out of so much. They put me in complete disarray not just for that period of time but for months and months and months. I bet they were hoping I'd just kill myself. They thought I was, you know. That's why they were going to take my medication away but their mom told them not to.
As I told my therapist and psychiatrist several times, I would have absolutely killed myself (if they didn't kill me first somehow) if I didn't leave. I would have done it while telling them I loved them so much. That's how bad the narcissistic abuse was.
I know I've been grieving in all sorts of ways. And I do believe that they need help. They absolutely do. I wish the best for them, and I truly don't want them to die.
But they made my life miserable, and I am trying my best to get my own sense of justice and peace the best way I know how.
I could have (and my friends think I should have) done worse. (aka press charges)
I wasn't even going to file the PFA. I wasn't even going to do anything. I was just going to do what I've always done and start over.
They left me in shambles while they and their ex and their friends all think I'm the "real abuser" and laugh at me. Their lawyer thinks I'm being vindictive and punitive.
They're laughing at a chronically disabled (I pee blood when I'm stressed y'all... amongst other things), autistic, trans person of color who grew up as an immigrant and poor (sometimes middle-class) child in the country who suffered horrific childhood and other partner abuse. My ex/spouse knew all of that. They knew I'd been raped and assaulted and abused.
Do you realize that? Do you know how fucked up that is?
They're laughing while my ex/spouse makes ~150k/yr and has the LUXURY of not going to doctor/dentist/therapy/whatever appointments because they're way more abled than I am....
They wouldn't even be making that much if I didn't emotionally and financially support us while they quit their job to do extra training and education to get that job.
I guess I'm just good enough to be used and tossed away.
They're laughing while my ex/spouse hires a more expensive lawyer just to bully me into not getting enough spousal support and other asset costs, while I'm financially trying to rebuild.
And I am trying my best to live my life now. I grieve and cry every single day. You don't see it in my social media pictures, but I do. My heart and brain are full of love, life, and curiosity... but I am still grieving hardcore. And I will be for a very long time.
Most narcissistic abuse survivors grieve for... years.
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A summary of why CW Supergirl sucks, born from a year of a growing frustration.
A summary of why CW Supergirl sucks, born from a year of growing frustration.
1.Inabilty to take a risk.
The only one they took was making Alex lesbian and Nia the first trans hero story. Then – fucking nothing. Good characters going dark? Not even Kara’s clone aka RedDaughter. Lobotomizer, who you know, murdered Adam, Lex and wanted to lobotomize entire humanity and hurt Kara “every way imaginable”, all of it was portrayed as “not her fault, blinded by feelings, dark place blah blah”, basically it was all Lex and Kara’s fault, no consequences for her character or arc.
There was nothing controversial, or when it was something like that (aka Lena murdering and lobotomizing people) it showed as something not that important, normal stuff, solved in one ep, no biggie, she was sad, ok???
I was also not even ONCE afraid for the main bunch of the characters. I was fucking SURE no one was going to die and yes, only addictions, villains, one ep randoms or secondary characters I didn’t give a shit about, died. That means there was basically no feelings, even during emotional scenes, what made this show super bland and in the end, forgettable.
-Plus, they knew they got the final season, they knew they could have done anything they wanted. And what they did was making Kara taking her glasses off. If this doesn’t fully describe what kind of shit this show was, then I’m Santa.
2.Degenaration of the main character.
Yep, sorry not sorry, as much as I love Kara and Melissa, who was born to play Supergirl and did everything even with the crappiest of lines, her character, looking at it from the perspective of 6 seasons, SUCKS for a few reasons:
-What made her unique in the comics, was ignored and forgotten in the show. She was made a female clone of Superman, that was treated badly by the writers. She got similar job, attitude, love interests, his villains.
What she didn’t get was satisfying conclusion (sarcasm).
In comics she was the outsider, the person torn between two places, an immigrant remembering her old life and forced to assimilate in a society of some C class planet, a girl with anger issues, bias, the guilt of being a lone survivor, a traumatized young alien. Something she couldn’t share even with her last living relative aka Clark. It all made her fleshed and complex.
But show ignored it, and made her a happy go lucky, fully assimilated perfect usamerican girl in love with humanity, uwu. What is disappointing, even if this Kara still has charm, innocence and potential - it all makes her boring in the end.
-There is no real character development for her after s1 and 2. She started as fresh hero who tried to manage her superhero, private and work life, while working on her biases. And then, dunno, we got Kara dealing with an every ep villain/issue and some other big season bad. How Kara’s as a character changed? She got more confident in her professional life as a reporter (still, a shitty one) and that’s it. All the traumas, bad shit that happened, deaths, problems, issues, lost love etc. I don’t really feel it all has changed her. I don’t even feel she is more mature in s6 than she was at the end of s2. I don’t feel anything that has happened during the whole series, changed her views, opinions, way of life. When her past experiences helped her later? She stays almost the same for the whole fucking SIX YEARS.
-It happened, because there is no real character arcs for her after s2.
In s3 there was the whole Reign aka her nemesis storyline and finding Argo and her mom, but what was the POINT of it? Beside that Kara realized she didn’t want to be krypotnian and didn’t really give a fuck about her mother, friends and people anymore…? And I still didn’t really grasp it, because the show made a shit way to explain why she didn’t feel at Argo as at in home anymore (because Earth was in danger and needed help? Because she couldn’t be Supergirl at Argo? Because…? Uhm?).
The same goes for s4, 5 and 6. What was the reason of Lobotomizer torturing and hurting Kara every way imaginable and Kara calling her a villain, if a few eps later Kara ended on the same place aka being Lena’s bestie without hard feelings, any consequences or fucking anything? What kind of impact Kara being in Phantom Zone made on her?  Fucking one ep, where she can cry in Alex’s arms and then, once again, NOTHING.
-The lack of satisfying conclusion (sarcasm again) for Kara. At the end, I have no idea what did she want, what did she dream on, what was her goal, why she couldn’t have it all, while she wanted it years ago and ALL OTHER CHARACTERS GOT IT. Basically, I don’t know why I should be happy for her, why should I root for her, in the end, I feel like I don’t even know her after six years. What is… fucking sad.
3.Heart and soul of the show. My ASS.
There is no Supergirl without Kara. It can survive without any other character, but NOT without her. And because, as I said, her character development/arc SUCK, we have a sucking show. And sorry not sorry if I upset people, but it happened because the show focused too much on other SuperFriends and other characters. Yes, Alex included. Because no, Kara and Alex are not the heart and soul of the show. Kara should have been. And I don’t get the blind, sometimes fanatical love for this relationship. It’s quite obvious it’s one of the most important relationships in the show. Still, a shocker, show would survive without it. Plus, it’s quite funny, how some people ignore the fact (confirmed by canon TWO TIMES) that for Alex more important than Kara was ALWAYS Jeremiah. Even when he was already dead. Fucking hilarious.
Anyway, my point is that even J’onn and his father got more compelling and emotional arc than Kara ever got and friendly reminder SHE GOT HER FUCKING PARENTS BACK. The same goes for Alex and Esme and Kelly. Damned Agent Liberty had a better written arc than Kara. Damn, Nxy had more compelling story arc and character development than Kara in s6. And it’s tragic.
Remind yourself when was the last time you were really invested in Kara’s story?
4.Fuck you, comic books.
I have no idea how people who actually read Supergirl’s comic books and others issues felt while watching. Kara being dumbed down (plus all the shit I have talked about). J’onn depowered. Brainiac being DUMBED DOWN and parody of himself. Mon-El depowered and in s3 cured from his allergy, zombied, bearded and forced into marriage with fucking Imra. Imra with weird powers. Garth who??? Death of Nura Nal (off screen), murdered by Brainiac. Manchester United and Agent Liberty wasted and turned into well, not anything too complex. Maggie – what? Lex – no comments, especially after how he ended.
And unfortunately, I feel that all of the original comic book characters suffered for the additions created by the show, aka Alex, Lena, Nia, Kelly. Like, you can feel they were the producers and writers “babies” and they did everything to made them cool and interesting (what ended with some weird stuff like Lobotomizer being a magical unicorn and Nia got some… weird powers. Whatever).
5.Creators hated this show, you can’t change my mind.
The fact Jessica Gossip Girl and Robert had NO FUCKING idea what to do with Kara or this show after s3 and the AK drama, is obvious. The sad fact is that the writers didn’t know what to do either. I feel like after AK, no one wanted to be associated with this show, the old writers left the show and we got bunch of new-in-the-business-folks who didn’t even care to watch past seasons.
In the end, it was quite obvious that all people involved were done with this show and just wanted out, cast included. And remembering what also the supercorp shippers have done, I can’t really blame them. Still, there was no love for this show in the creators room and it’s sad when you compare it to the shows that was leaded by producers/writers/actors who were fans themselves.
6.The show is already outdated. Focusing on so called modern problems made it forgettable and bland, when you compare it to other shows.
Yes, I talk about the Trump presidential plot in s4. Also, the whole immigration plot were so heavily, cheesy and dumbly handled, made no sense and was something we saw hundreds of times in other fiction (and it was handled 100 times better). Andrea’s alternative reality device that sucked people in it? Any Black Mirror ep about stuff like that was better and more memorable. I already don’t even remember why the device was so deadly. Technology bad? Oh, boy.
Also, I KNOW comic books were always connected to the political stuff, but you can handle it in a good and bad way. Supergirl made it usually cringy.
See how stereotypically they portrayed the president in s4. It was not even bad enough to become funny. The whole Kaznia part was nothing more than a xenophobic, stereotypical approach to Eastern Europe. Remember when J’onn said he keeps his black man appearance because he wanted to be… minority or something? Guess what? He became a black man because HANK HANSHAW WAS A BLACK MAN. There was nothing DEEP in it for fuck’s sake! M’gann? So, a white Martian who… pretends to be a green one and then keeps that, because… you know… there are better and worse Martians. Or something. You know, greens good, white bad and ugly.
Then, they did a good job with Nia’s trans-superhero story. And then, with Kelly, I see what they wanted to show, but it was a bad timing and well, all what she wanted to express was overshadowed by that one, line about Kara not getting what trauma is. The list goes on.
7. Luthors.
Cancer of the show. Sue me.
8.It’s so fucking dumb.
We all know that this show is about an alien who because of fucking sun became superpowered, can fly, wears idiotic suit and can’t be recognized because of glasses. We all get the conception. We get it. We know it’s for kids…
But there is a difference between following the worldbuilding and making shit so fucking dumb you roll your eyes so hard that you see the insides of your skull. The show treats the viewers like IDIOTS who don’t remember a shit that happened previous ep.
The… jewels or whatever it was called, that they tried to gather in s6. Not getting the idea of time travel. J’onn erasing the knowledge of Kara being Supergirl from Alex and like 10 max DEO agents, while all fucking DEO knew that, because Kara was constantly walking around as Kara Danvers in s2 and 3. And J’onn suddenly, out of nowhere refusing to read people’s minds, but being ok with changing people’s minds, but not informing that oopsie doopsie, he can’t change them back? And what was the fucking reason in the end? Writers want to tell me, that’s it more logical to change memories of Alex and TEN other people, than brainwashing ONE colonel??? Like? And the scene when Alex finally remembers, while Kara is dying after the fight with RedDaughter and her way to save her is… putting grass on her? I’m sorry? It was supposed to be emotional but I died from laughter? It was so fucking dumb that it erased cells from my brain??
And  don’t even let me start about Kara absorbing WHOLE SUN in 10 minutes because Jesus Fucking Christ people actually died watching this scene. Like, yeah, erasing sun, what bad could happen to Earth without it even for a few days. Like yeah, Kara, a living being ABSORBING FUCKING SUN. In like a few minutes. Do you know how fast the sun rays come from Sun to Earth? Probably you do, SG writers don’t. And then, she just what, farted?  And all what she absorbed came back to sun in a second? Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm…
And let’s ignore, like we ignored so many other shit, how many times Kara and other super beings totally forgot they had, ya know, superpowers, because plot needed it.
It’s all so goddamned dumb that is not even funny. And what’s worse, the show is not funny, the jokes are pathetic, it’s like watching your drunken uncle on a family gathering.
9.Contradictions, hypocrisy, blah blah blah
Do you remember how everybody was moaning how Kara is the strongest, the best, the strongest, the most unique, the strongest, the most amazing unicorn in Earth’s history? You could create a drinking game in s2 finale aka taking a shot when you heard something like that, hangover guaranteed.
It’s the whole show’s problem. Exposition and explaining instead of actually showing it in the show. They talk. All the time. Explaining everything. And then you get something contradicting.
Like how Danvers sisters are the best sisters, buddies, blah blah blah. And then we get aggressive Alex pouring her life frustrations on Kara (job, Jeremiah, Esme). And what is funny, we never really did them sitting down and really discussing it, and it’s a show about talking. I mean, of course, they would die for each other without a second of hesitation, but all people talk about are the couch scenes sniff! Sniff!, while happily ignoring the co-dependency problem.
10.Fucking fandom
Let me just say that I have a theory that says if the show is shitty and there is nothing beside the ships you can be excited about, the fandom turns into an utter ocean of crap. And maybe it would have  been not that bad, if the fandom hadn’t changed my perspective on some actress and basically made my SG experience a living hell.
If you have anything to add – be my guest ==’
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chlorophyllium · 7 months
So... I work at a community college and to say capitalism is destroying it is an understatement:
Professors offered shorter and shorter contracts, buried under admin assigned paperwork, and penalized for *checks notes* not doing said paperwork because they are attending to their students (many of the students are from marginalized groups or low income)
Staff expectied to work over 40 hours to get the additional paperwork and our jobs done on time. Help? Depends on HR and funding (we just bought a NEW! building! Enrollment isn't all that high!!)
HR? Understaffed, so it holds up getting new hires and processing said paperwork
New system for pay? Broken, IT is struggling to fix it (also understaffed)
New system to input grades? Broken, calculates grades wrong, some professors do it by hand or use excel.
Classes? Mostly 8 week babey! We are cutting so much of your education just to meet the deadlines! We all hate it, voiced our concerns, but it fell on deaf ears because every student passing through is more money. We have sold our souls and struggle with rent, food, medical etc.
JAM. PACK. THE. ROOMS. Optimize room space. You do not need to pee. You do not need privacy nor do your students.
Jeff Bezos has higher priority to your lectures rooms than you do.
You need admin to sign off on pay? (admin goes on vacation)
If you are locked out of your office, its because you were fired (no email)
Suicide is a concern.
Died? Sorry, can't help you. Pick up the shovel and bury your mother
Immunocompromized and can't work in person since pandemic? Its fine, you still have your job. (Jk its not. Lol byeee)
Old? So much paperwork that you can't keep up and we force you out
Young? Sorry, we are only taking part time, we just don't have the funds and you don't have the qualifications (what are they? Ask HR. Except HR is out of the office)
Its one thing to fuck over everyone working here, but fucking over students who can barely afford higher education, homeless, high school, immigrant, disabled, veteran, neurodivergent, queer, and/or poc? Selling them a promise of an affordable education that you can build upon to eventually get a stable job?
Be careful you don't fall off as you're pulling up the ladder, its a long drop to Hell.
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iverna · 1 year
I've had a discussion with someone about affordable/social housing in the Netherlands. He was adamant that waiting lists are 5-20 yrs depending on where you live because of immigrants.
While it is true that they get priority positions (after spending months-years in barracks/tents/etc), it is so interesting to me that this is the narrative being spun.
When I said that I think EVERYONE deserves affordable housing, and that this proves the issue is that there simply isn't enough social housing... It blew his mind.
I wanna reiterate that: the real reason for a lack of social housing blew his mind.
People are becoming SO accustomed to being told the immigrants take up these valuable spaces that should be for them, that they completely forget that our government has decided against increasing the social housing made available for over TEN YEARS (and yeah these are the same PM/ leading party, and yeah they're conservative/liberal right wing and capitalist, known as the party business owners vote for). This level of brainwashing is disgusting. I hate it. I just hope I changed this guy's mind.
That's a really good point as well. There's an echo chamber situation there, on social media etc, where this sort of narrative gets repeated and just taken as fact without anyone bothering to look into it. After all, if everyone says it, why check or think outside the box, right?
And in terms of accepting that narrative, I think it appeals to a sense of privilege and fear that some people have. When you're reasonably comfortable, but not comfortable enough to really feel safe, it's easy to feel scared that someone will disrupt your supply and then you'll be in trouble. You're too close to the edge to feel safe, so you're easily scared that something or someone might push you closer to it, or over it. Which is why people who are actually poor are often more generous and willing to share than people who are on the edge of, but not quite in, poverty. It's "if I get a bit less I'll be poor and that's scary" vs "I'm poor anyway and have a visceral understanding of how awful it is, and sharing resources might help us all". And that's the kind of fear this narrative often appeals to.
It's easy to fall for it. I've found myself reading some of these things and my first reaction is "oh shit no" because it's GOOD at provoking fear. Except then I go "wait, hang on, think it through, look it up" and it doesn't work. But it does work, on a lot of people, in lots of situations. And it spreads from there to people who don't even have reason to be scared, just because we're all human and we all respond to emotion.
We have the same housing problem in Ireland. And it's very much down to the government, and honestly it's not even just a lack of housing but mismanagement of what's there. We have so many empty buildings that could be converted or repurposed, but it's not being done. It's not anyone's individual failing, it's a systematic problem.
But yeah, if there's this much competition over a thing... that means there isn't enough of the thing. And that's the fault of the people whose job it is to provide the thing, not the people who are trying to get what they need. And of course the people whose failure and fault it is are very very happy for everyone to keep blaming each other instead of them.
Drives me crazy as well. But good on you for saying something! I hope you opened that guy's eyes a bit. It might not seem like much, but I think it's important to take these chances when you can and make a little difference at a time.
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achilleanfemme · 2 years
To Win Trans/Queer Freedom, There Are No Shortcuts
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The clout chasing has already begun. After any mass tragedy, like yesterday’s shooting at Club Q, a queer nightclub in Colorado Spring, there’s a move to politicize the events from the liberal center of US-American politics. I would argue that amongst no marginalized community is this push towards liberal assimilation, and movement co-optation, worse than amongst LGBTQ people. I have already seen the tweets of liberal politicians asking for liberal LGBTQ “organizers” (campaign workers) to “drop their venmos/cash-apps/zelles/etc” so that “they can get paid in the wake of such a tragedy”. The level of unapologetic clout chasing is honestly galling. Bodies are not even in the ground and they’re already asking for people to give money to LGBTQ Democratic candidates. It’s disgusting. 
Liberal assimilationist forces in the LGBTQ movement have been around for a very long time. Timothy Stewart-Winter’s Queer Clout: Chicago and the Rise of Gay Politics well documents the neoliberal turn of white gay men in Chicago towards Democratic Party politics and away from street action and mass organizing, as a means of assimilating into the liberal status quo, instead of challenging it. This turn continues to contemporarely benefit a small minority of LGBTQ people, especially (but not exclusively) gays and lesbians, while the rest of us trans and queer people are hung out to dry. Civil rights victories like same-sex marriage, which itself represented an assimilationist turn in trans and queer politics, have not ushered in a wave of continued mass organizing for expanded civil and social rights for LGBTQ people. As many trans organizers and scholars have pointed out, the “marriage equality” victory in 2015 represented the collapse of organizing infrastructure and the end of lesbian and gay politics being done on a national scale.
Liberal politicians, social media influencers, and journalists, both queer and non-queer, love to point out that trans and queer people of color were the ones who “threw the first brick at Stonewall”. Every June there are endless articles about “10 Ways to Support Trans Women of Color” and “50 LGBTQ People that Lead the Way for Equality” yet the radical politics of folks like Sylvia Rivera and Lorraine Hansberry are rarely acknowledged, and the contemporary movement implications of their work are never acknowledged. This is because the forces of assimilation in LGBTQ liberalism would be called into question if these implications were put to the forefront of public discussions of politics amongst trans and queer people.
The contemporary radical implications of our queer ancestors and foreparents are clear. It is time for that we build a radical trans and queer movement in the United States of America rooted in Black feminism, PIC abolition, trans liberation, and economic justice. Events like yesterday’s mass killing at Club Q and the Trans Day of Rememberance are not going to become less frequent while trans and queer people hold no political power in society outside of the Democratic Party establishment. We need to organize to pass the Equality Act and fight beyond it. We need to fight to free all trans and queer immigrants and asylum seekers locked in cages for seeking safety outside of their countries of origin. We need to fight to free all trans and queer people from prison. We need to fight to end the prosecution of trans women of color for acting in self-defense against violent men. We need to fight for housing for all, trans-inclusive medicare for all, free abortion on demand without apology, jobs for all, food for all, and disability benefits that are easily accessible and paid at a thriveable level. We need to fight for a globally just, decolonial, anti-militarist Green New Deal that divests from death-making institutions and invests in live-giving institutions so that trans and queer peoples of the Global Majority have the ability to stay and thrive in their places of origin without fear of US-backed coups, imperial wars, or climate catastrophe destabilizing their countries of origin, leading to violence that harms them the most. 
The legacy of our trans and queer foreparents is a legacy of radical resistance to the World as it is and a radical reimagining of the World as it could be. If we continue to let liberal LGBTQ clout chasers who want to run for office, be social media influencers, or head non-profit organizations lead us down the path of assimilation, many more of us will die. If we let ultra-left anonymous twitter accounts lead us away from mass politics and towards focusing exclusively on armed self-defense and mutual aid, many more of us will die. To paraphrase Jane McAlevey, to win Trans/Queer freedom in our lifetimes, there are no shortcuts.
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Hello. simply, I am wondering what you believe is the best solution towards preventing gun violence within schools. Not an anti 2A questioner - guns are good and necessary. Nonetheless, the plague of these shootings has got to go..
i answered a similar question like a week ago but i was in a rush so i wasn't able to answer it thoughtfully enough. so i'll answer again.
second, somehow get the media to stop sensationalizing school shooters. i don't know exactly how this would be done because of the first amendment but i'm sure we could figure out something. even if it's just some industry wide self-regulation or something.
i think these two things would have the largest effect /directly/.
however, i believe that school shootings (and mass shootings in general) are really symptoms of a much larger issue: moral and social decay. and i can't take anyone seriously who doesn't take /that/ issue seriously. because without addressing that you're only addressing the symptoms, not the disease itself.
moral decay sounds ambiguous but you know what i mean. everyone knows what it means. it's shorthand for how disconnected, nihilistic, and narcissistic our society has become. we are more isolated and atomized than ever. we have no social trust. no community. wealth inequality. a mental health crisis. criminals walking our streets. families are broken. no one believes in anything. our media glorifies materialistic greed and self-indulgence.
then we act surprised when our society produces broken people full of rage and resentment?
so, some things that could help the /real/ issue which might help the issue of school shootings /indirectly/:
build denser, walkable communities. increase policing and get tough on crime -- clean up communities. invest in mental healthcare (this includes increasing funding for schools to hiring social workers). universal healthcare in general tbh. create a new type of "family planning" that emphasizes making families and making them work (financial resources, discounts on recreational activities, marriage counseling, parent-child counseling, etc). universal basic income. honestly, we should probably start censoring our media again (nothing too draconian but there should be /some/ standard). immigration control (i know the libs hate to hear it but ethnic diversity is negatively correlated with social trust). tax reform. land reform. education reform (more civic and patriotic oriented and also more emphasis on extracurricular activities and community-building). make my cult the state religion (i'm mostly memeing here but i do sincerely believe america is in desperate need of a new post-christian religious awakening). protectionism (bring back jobs that pay well).
first, it's important to note a few things.
most mass shootings are not school shootings but gang-related. school shootings are extremely rare statistical outliers -- you're about as likely to be killed in a school shooting as you are to be killed by lightning. guns used to be more accessible and there were virtually never any school shootings until recently. it seems clear to me that this is some type of social contagion more than anything.
none of this is to say that mass shootings aren't an issue or that we shouldn't try to mitigate them. the point is, this is a sudden and relatively recent phenomenon and, while tragic, it is not something to lose our minds over. if you're paranoid about school shootings you need to ask yourself why you're not also paranoid about lightning or cars or plane crashes or random animal attacks. and if you /are/ paranoid about those things then maybe you're just an anxious person and should probably seek therapy.
we can't live in fear. speaking of alcohol, alcohol causes a lot of harm. but we, as americans, have decided that it's worth the risks. that there is some inherent /good/ in having access to alcohol. that the benefits of having access to alcohol outweigh the harm it causes. we are a free people. and freedom is dangerous. there is more to life than maximizing "harm reduction."
but now for some possible mitigating solutions
first, we need to secure our schools the same way we secure our courthouses or airports. our schools are just as important as these institutions and we should protect them as such. this should be the bare minimum standard.
second, somehow get the media to stop sensationalizing school shooters. i don't know exactly how this would be done because of the first amendment but i'm sure we could figure out something. even if it's just some industry wide self-regulation or something. but getting them to stop plastering the names/faces of the shooters everywhere and publishing their "manifestos" and all that would go a long way.
i think these two things would have the largest effect /directly/.
however, i believe that school shootings (and mass shootings in general) are really symptoms of a much larger issue: moral and social decay. and i can't take anyone seriously who doesn't take /that/ issue seriously. because without addressing that you're only addressing the symptoms, not the disease itself.
moral decay sounds ambiguous but you know what i mean. everyone knows what it means. it's shorthand for how disconnected, nihilistic, and narcissistic our society has become. we are more isolated and atomized than ever. we have no social trust. no community. wealth inequality. a mental health crisis. criminals walking our streets. families are broken. no one believes in anything. our media glorifies materialistic greed and self-indulgence.
then we act surprised when our society produces broken people full of rage and resentment? i've heard someone describe it as a "slow motion riot" and riots are the voice of the unheard. well, our society is sick and disconnected so there are more "unheard" than ever.
so, some things that could help the /real/ issue which might help the issue of school shootings /indirectly/:
build denser, walkable communities. increase policing and get tough on crime -- clean up communities. invest in mental healthcare (this includes increasing funding for schools to hiring social workers). universal healthcare in general tbh. create a new type of "family planning" that emphasizes making families and making them work (financial resources, discounts on recreational activities, marriage counseling, parent-child counseling, etc). universal basic income. honestly, we should probably start censoring our media again (nothing too draconian but there should be /some/ standard). immigration control (i know the libs hate to hear it but ethnic diversity is negatively correlated with social trust). tax reform. land reform. education reform (more civic and patriotic oriented and also more emphasis on extracurricular activities and community-building). make my cult the state religion (i'm mostly memeing here but i do sincerely believe america is in desperate need of a new post-christian religious awakening). institute a new militia system (kinda memeing but also serious). protectionism (bring back jobs that pay well).
basically just reform society bro. our society is deeply sick and requires some pretty fundamental change.
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Fr especially when conservatives report omggg there are entire fleets of only male migrants coming over! It's clearly about labour issues in the US and not some third world imperialism
yeah it's all economic. I'm sure they have no desire to leave their countries and their families, culture, food, warm climate, etc, but they're forced to. this being said illegal immigration has done wonders to undermine unions and workers rights generally. why would construction companies bow to demands for higher pay, insurance etc when they can just hire some illegal immigrants for $5/hr who won't complain and will do just as good a job? like I said earlier I think it would make the most sense to help these countries with the issues they have so people won't be forced to leave.
of course in America this will never happen because liberals are all afraid of being called racist and will call racist anyone who does not think totally unregulated immigration is a fine idea. and conservatives don't care about anyone but themselves, much less foreign countries. I think we should all try and get along and be friendly to each other, there's no reason that different nations can't cooperate so that everyone can have a better life. it is in everyone's interest to do so, it wouldn't be charity either, this would greatly improve all countries.
I understand also that the bad living conditions are often caused directly by the United States, making a few people in these countries very rich and many very poor, which makes it so we can get resources cheaply from these places. but in general I think undoing this is a small sacrifice. I was thinking about this a while ago and crying lol, about the middle east but it applies generally, I don't care how expensive gas is as long as kids aren't dying. I'll walk for the rest of my life if it means that no more kids will get killed.
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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Pics: Other problems we should be thinking about...
1. Is the news you get all bad?
Luckily, there's a Good News Network to give you a short vacay from the usual mess of cultural degradation that's going on.
But, only a short vacay, okay?
We've got some real political problems to try and fix...
2. Hah!
This meme is spreading like wildfire!!
And, it does make for a good side hustle...
Guys, don't waste those precious bodily fluids - err - tax deductions!!
3. Perfect way to shut up any raving Rumper. Age has become another false issue & poll distraction.
After all, look who's the Republikkkan Party leader - 82 year old "Midnight" Mitch McConnell...
"Rich" Mitch leaves a legacy of with- holding support for Obama's major initiatives, blocking Obama's Supreme Court nominees & is best known for all of his filibusters...
But now, the "Old Crow" McConnell android has stared to - err - glitch at its duties.
So, "Methuselah" Mitch will be leaving office come this November - no matter who actually wins...
Or, is that just a psych out?
4 thru 7. The violence that now rages in the U.S. is not a new thing.
All of our human history is marred by the waging of war...
In fact, not 1 year passes without some of us murdering our 'other selves' in some stupid conflict...
Sadly, nothing is being done by our politicians - due to totally political stupidities...
As for the masses of immigrants, they're mostly looking to build a happier life here.
Such desperate folk can only hope that the coyotes's promises of 'golden streets', 'easy jobs', etc...
While problems with the police need to be further modified, I don't want a complete ban on them!
Sorry. Lawless chaos only helps the criminals - not regular folk.
I'm not Klingon enough to survive that!
8. So long as nothing is done to stop the sale of military assault weapons, the U.S.'s violence will continue to spiral out of control...
Local policing can only do so much & work better with police training, backup, etc.
There's also the problem of power corrupting the 'peacekeepers.'
Well, we've gone around the U.S. & ended up where we began.
Sad, really...
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2womenforme · 4 months
all the world give all lots good life basics= know basics laws communication relationships problem solve n non violent problem solve care for land money materialism equal rights for women also all the world and lots good job training in schools we pay taxes for n immigrants so all are life and job ready leaving high school decent fair n equal laws all the world not rape ok or kill cause someone said negative things about your idiot god player criminal allah and punish immigrant equal as we have been getting punished get immigrants fast job trained n working not on welfare for yrs and get n decent min wage that gos up with the cost of living and 2 days off week no overtime needed and 2 to 3 months off a yr as decent balance of life and with those there will be less hungry and less homeless and less alone if u have life basics classes in schools and churches free one night a week communication relationships problem solve compromise parenting anger management manage land money materialism n equal rights with more equal pay etc and since u have not done most of these we can stop open boarders till u get the basics in all over the world so many will stay in their own country and many from developed countries will even think other countries are cool n safe enough to go live in many other countries also = not flip flopping its saying hey u did not do heavy most-to all of the things i said 100s of times n posted 100s of times in usa or heavy most of the world to all of the world so u can not force extra immigrants to come and be let in and push bad versions from this and otherside many of them to be dangerous violent destructive n killing either , duh to the idiot liar con cheat negative criminal even devil play morons , and u screen people getting into usa or other countries and u did not screen many good apparently and send the worst back did not check from otherside on the ones lieing about obeying the new n some different laws n say they must go through the job training and get a job to care for self within 9 months or go through the job program again n have to learn basics language of the new country ,or be sent back = duh again , n i said many more basics then these u did not do that are all part of the overall fix the world and u can not do one part n bad version of it and think things will work out ok for most places or most people nor do u have any right to blame someone who told u many long term improves and u did bad version of some and did not do good versions or any version of most of the improves
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priyankatb · 5 months
Things to know about Canada’s PR System
 Canada Permanent Residency is for those who want to change Canada as their permanent residence. 
The person who has permanent residence in Canada will be known as a Canadian permanent resident.
Getting a Canada PR visa from India contains many benefits like free universal healthcare, free education for children, the Right to Work anywhere in Canada, the Right to live or move anywhere in Canada, etc. 
To achieve this we have to check the eligibility and follow the step-by-step process to attain that level as a Canadian citizen.
To acquire a permanent resident in Canada one should have a PR Eligibility such as:
Getting 67 points points grid of Canada, 
Age must be below 40 years,
With an IELTS/PTE score eligible, 
Must attend an Educational Credential Assessment(ECA),
Proof of funds must be there, 
And the last job offer in Canada.
The last one is optional for all who are applying for the program. 
Getting a Canada PR visa from India is an easy 7-step process for the applicants who meet the eligibility and requirements.
Now here we will see what are all those seven easy steps:
Initially, there will be an Educational Credential Assessment(ECA) which verifies if the foreign diploma or degree done outside Canada is valid and equivalent to the Canadian one. 
Then One should Undergo the Language Proficiency Report By attending the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP).
The third is to File Your Express Entry Application in which the Canadian government processes applications in an online system for skilled workers.
After that Obtain Your CRS Score CRS is a Comprehensive Ranking System it is a point-based system for Canadian immigration One’s CRS score must be 60 out of 100.
Next is Wait for the Express Entry Draw which is an immigration program based on points. 
Then Receive the Invitation To Apply (ITA) which is the final step of the express entry program. 
Finally, the last step is to File Your Final PR Application.
This article has helped you in the process of the Canada permanent residence program. Then it also included all the steps involved in the Canada PR system with a detailed description of each.
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thinknextbusiness · 5 months
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Our Visa Agents in Chandigarh provide different visa services like tourist visa, student visa and work visa etc. We provide admission to students in top dream colleges and Universities in Abroad and help Clients to provide their choice jobs. Our company help clients to provide their choice jobs.
We have experienced councilor to guide your goal in Abroad with 100% success rates. Our Company is result and career oriented with 100 % success rates. Contact us if you are looking to fulfill your dream in Abroad.
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