#im so sorry to unload all of this on you anon
honouredsatoru · 1 year
pornstar!satosugu with neighbors you : you were that cute little thing that lived next door and that got them so riled up they could barely go a day of work without fucking a costar to the thought of you.
when they get you you go through a series of events in which you get godlike sex ?? the thing is they forget that you're not built like them and it shows most when they decide to bet on which one can make you cum the most ??? they'll have you fucked out on the bed, desperate to be freed because you think that if the keep going you'll die but they're not stopping because they keep on one upping the other ??
like you're shaking, pussy throbbing and still processing your previous orgasm when you see geto kneel in front of the bed because he's about eat you out AFTER GOJO JUST REARRANGED YOUR GUTS ??? and when you cum, he's not done, he's between your thighs plowing your cervix and your sweet spot so much, you won't walk for a few days. when you try and run away from his dick, he grabs you by the ankles and slams you against his cock ??
"stop. fucking. moving. I'm not done with your little cunt, princess. you'll give me one more and then I'll see. but that pussy stays stuffed until i say otherwise. don't make me spank you, you dirty little cockslut."
and you shake harder, feeling so exposed when gojo gets closer, watching his best friend fuck you raw and rough.
"look at what you're doing to her suguru, fucked her so stupid shes running away from you like her pussy wasn't creaming all over you. she's adorable ain't she ?? can't even think straight"
I... don't know who you are but all I can say is, I love this so much. Oh my god. Pornstar!satosugu who can't stop stuffing you with their girthy, veiny cocks, your neck and chest filled with love bites and marks, as they fucked you one last time, for the night by the way, they unloaded their cum all over you, focusing on your face and your tummy. Once they are done, these two just sit back to admire their work of art as you laid on the mattress, like the breathlessly sweet fuck doll you are. And for the next few days, they take good of you, babying their favourite beautiful, precious neighbour.
Ohhh. If your body is much smaller than theirs, I can see them developing a size kink because of you. Who knows? They might even move you in with them, keeping you to themselves.
p/s : sooooo sorry for this extremely late answer to you, anon 😭 i remember asking people to send me tokyo rev/jjk smut asks. im finally back-ish?? now the jjk2 is close to coming out and i am close to my semester break.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Trigger warning for Donnie’s suicide note!
Leo finds out last.
She’s at the apartment, unloading the groceries she’d just gotten home from buying. They had a bit of excess food money this month, so she’d splurged and bought some special treats for herself and her brothers. She knew Mikey loved those gross sticky gummy candies, so she’d bought a huge family size pack of them just for him. Raph tended to forget to eat when he was in a hurry, so she’d picked up some meal supplement bars that she’d make sure to sneak into his backpack. Donnie, she’d spent some extra time thinking about. His texture issues made buying food for him harder, but she’d eventually settled on a box of water flavor packets that had some great nutritional stuff in it. Hopefully Donnie would like it, and if not she would just dare Raph to drink the packets raw.
She didn’t hear her phone ring from the table, too busy with her task. She couldn’t the stuff that needed to be refrigerated go bad.
As she finished she gave a twirl, feeling free in her new dress. Of all people, Casey had found it for her! It had tons of ruffles in the skirt that made it super poofy and felt so soft against her skin.
She took out the recycling while she was at it.
When she got back to the apartment it took her an extra ten minutes to remember where she’d put down her phone. When she finally found it anxiety spiked in her chest.
Fifteen missed calls.
Thirty-two texts from Mikey.
Ten texts from Raph.
Forty-six texts from April.
Seven texts from Casey.
One text from Donnie.
She opened the backlog.
Donathan💜👓: Hey, I left something on your bedside table. Grab it when you can, okay? Love you.
She frowned. The message was weird. She could count the number of times they’d texted “I love you” on one hand, and she only had three fingers! She made her way towards her room as she went and opened up the rest of the messages.
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: dude call raph
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: smthn bad happened with don
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: pls answer ur phone man
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: raph needs u 2 get all dons paperwork stuff
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: were at the hidden city main hospital
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: call when you can
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: im so sorry
Alright, now she was getting scared. She got to her room and immediately found what Donnie had left. A piece of paper, folded in perfect thirds. She had bought him this cardstock for Christmas. He only used it for things he thought were of the utmost importance.
I want to apologize to you. We made a promise to each other, a goofy promise, but a promise nonetheless. I’m going to break that promise.
I’m really proud of how you’ve grown. You’ve become one of my favorite people in the world, despite everything. You are strong and brave and you’ve learned how to love with your whole heart. I know you’ll grow and do amazing things.
Mikey and Raph have grown, too. Mikey’s art is going to take off in the Hidden City, I just know it, and Raph has the potential to do anything he sets his mind to. Gosh, I sound like I kindergarten teacher, but it’s true. I couldn’t be more proud of my family.
But I’m holding you back. I haven’t grown. If anything, I’m regressing. I can’t see a future for me where I do anything but hurt or hinder you, and I never want to do that. I want you to be free to live without the restraint of caring for a useless burden of a brother.
So I’m taking myself out of the equation.
I know it’s unfair of me to ask you to understand my reasoning. I know its unfair to ask you not to be sad or to not grieve.
I just hope one day you’ll understand.
Please don’t follow me.
Your brother always,
Leo called Raph.
Yay! If you like it I’ll write everyone else’s perspectives, too.
-Monster Anon
anyway I was thinking of how donnie would try to kill himself and I thought of him and his brothers joking around and Leo being like "Remember when you got so upset you turned yourself into a monster for like a week??" and Donnie laughing and saying "Yeah, b-b-but in my defense I've l-learned from my p-past! I only drink p-poison when I know ex-exactly what it'll do!" and they all laugh and Donnie is just sitting there like: They Dont Know I'm Going To Mystically Poison Myself :)
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poisoned-pearls · 5 months
modern au jamiazu w/ azul mer. okay im sapphic so this is gonna be sapphic au sorry(not) but jamil whos still a servant but in the last hours of the day, she gets to sit outside by the sea (kalims beach house for sure) and she meets zul, who turns into her biggest comfort and companion. they both share their problems with each other, although a bit reluctantly, but jamil is more open since azul is a merperson and.. i mean whos she gonna tell lol, but zu was having a mental breakdown and accidentally unloads on jami. azul feels soo bad so she keeps returning to the doc with trinkets and jamil asks her if she would feel any better if jamil unloads on her too. so they create this two person mutually beneficial vent sesh where they both help each other the best they can. one day azul finds a way to have legs for a bit and asks jamil to show her around (shes all blushy... its a date they both just dont know it) and boom, market date shenanigans. they are so cute....
anon you would LOVE the five different versions of sapphic Jamiazu sim saves I have
imagine that azula (my fem name for her to be distinguishable) watched that big house on the beach a LOT just because of the parties and fireworks they often had.
Then one day she sees this utterly gorgeous girl pacing around the beach in frustration. She’s covered in bruises (from everything she does around the house) and looks beyond pissed but she just cant stop staring.
Then one time she gets so frustrated she tosses a rock out into the ocean. And azula, EVER the schemer is like “my in” and pops out of that general area like “ow. You hit me-“ (lies)
After the general shock she’s like “why did you throw that anyways?” And gets Jami to open up about everything.
so now she’s in deep. (She even tells the twins that yes, she did fall for a human)
After a particularly difficult day of just, everything she confided in Jami and it just becomes… their thing.
So azula starting bring courting gifts about a month into it. She doesn’t quite realize that the culture practice doesn’t translate, but she is still doing it. She brings trinkets, pearls, jewelry, lost things.
Once azula makes a potion for legs, she all but stumbles onto land and is immediately like “Jami!! Please help!”
so when they end up going around town she ends up being so confused the entire time while Jami shows her around.
But immediately AFTER the non date azula is like “aww, thank you so much! You are just the best mate-“ and IMMEDIATELY Jami is like “w-what.”
Because Azula this ENTIRE time has been under the idea that they were courting, like mer tradition. After all, she took the pearls and fish she brought her!
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xxmoonch1ldxx · 6 months
hellooo, ive read through ur fics and they are beautiful and i humbly provide a prompt 4 u; Anthony stimming in front of Ian. thats it that the prompt. since their reunion, Anthony has finally felt comfortable enough to stim in front of Ian when he wants to without shame or sum idk im autistic and love projecting onto my favourite content creators
Hey Anon, finally getting back to you after a milennial. I'm sorry for the wait! I got you, I too am autistic and love projecting so here we go :)
Anthony had always held himself to some pretty stupid standards.
When he was younger, he believed he needed to always put socks the same color or people would definitely notice and laugh at him. As he grew older, it became about straightening his hair, not only for the emo style but mainly because he was ashamed of his curls and thought he would get mocked for them. Mainly, though, he battled with his, for a long time undiagnosed but very obvious, ADHD and everything that came along with it.
The shame he felt at his own behavior started pretty young, when he used to simply stay mute instead of allowing himself to talk to people in kindergarten. He knew he had a loud voice and an even louder laugh, one that his mom always told him to quiet down. Even though she was never mean about it, Anthony had ended up taking it more personal than he should have. Sadly, though, it didn't get easier; there were so many assignments he failed because he hadn't been able to focus and was to ashamed to ask for help from anyone, lest they tell him to get his head out of his ass and listen.
Anthony tried, he did, but that never quite worked.
It didn't quite work like a lot of things did, but one person he did let into his life and his odd behavior was Ian. Ian never whined when he laughed too loud, Ian never minded how he jumped subjects of conversations and Ian always helped him in the classes he failed to understand due to having lost focus. Anthony had always been so, so grateful for that, but there was still one thing he had struggled with.
Stimming. Anthony had a lot of small habits that he always suppressed, mostly in fear he would get judged. Even with how much he loved Ian, he always feared he would disrupt the younger man with those repetitive behaviors. He also remembered a few times where he had been unable to help the thrumming of his fingers as he worked, the stress of his later years at Smosh taking a toll on him and making him unable to stay still even more than usual; Ian used to turn around and ask him to stop in this irritated voice. Not mean, once again, but it hit the nail in the coffin.
He was disturbing people in a way he shouldn't be, or at least, that's what he thought.
And then, after a few years of therapy, an official diagnosis, getting on meds and finally unloading all of this trauma, Anthony and Ian had reunited.
The core of the relationship, their comedic chemistry and the ease they had once felt around each other came back, even stronger than it had been before. Anthony had never been more grateful for something in his life; or maybe he had, but only about the fact he and Ian were now an official thing. A couple. Boyfriends.
They had learned how to live around each other again, speak out what bothered them and be honest. Issues were solved way faster today, and way easier too. Working was comfortable, funny, fulfilling in the same way it had been back when they started Smosh. Hanging out was, too, and they now found comfort and pleasure in the mere act of being together, opposite to the later years of their friendship when they barely spent any time together outside of work. For that, Anthony was fully grateful too; it sure was fun that being together now included more things like kisses, hugs and more...Physical activities. Anthony loved those improvements.
Ian and him now were together more often than not, and there was an ease about it that had never been there before. Sometimes, they didn't even do much; Ian would be watching yet another history video and Anthony would be laying with his head on his boyfriend's lap, working on his new interview. He cherished those small moments, especially the few instances when Ian would interrupt him for a bit just to press a fond and loving kiss on his lips. It was lovely, it filled Anthony's heart in a way nothing else ever had.
One of the things he cherished the most, though, was how earnest they had both been with each other. Vyvanse pills might work for focus and other symptoms of ADHD, but the stimming part couldn't be erased from him. Happily, though, Anthony didn't feel the need to hide himself anymore.
When they were in the office, he would sometimes be playing with everything that fell under his hands. The little holder of his phone, the pencil he was holding, his rings that he wore; it was a thing that greatly helped him focusing when they were brainstorming. Instead of whining like he had sometimes used to, Ian would always look at him fondly, with a smile that screamed 'I knew this would happen', but would never interrupt him. He had even started bringing a few of those little water toys that could be squished for Anthony to press on as he talked. He had brought one in the shape of a black cat, because he said it reminded him of Anthony. He was blushing as he said it, but Anthony had thought it was so cute he had kissed Ian on the mouth hard enough to bruise his lips.
Then, there was the way he often hummed as he did things. Really, anything; it would also help him focus and he didn't even notice it at time. Ian would sometimes join him in his low singing when he did the dishes or even worked on some scripts, a smile on his lips. Neither he or Ian were particularly great singers, but they always ended up laughing so hard they cried or just having a sweet, domestic moment.
Ian had also brought a few rocking chairs inside the office, decision that had been questioned but Anthony was forever grateful. It was easier and grounding to rock on a chair that was made for it, a habit Ian had probably noticed and remembered from their time at school and how Anthony couldn't keep himself still on a chair for two seconds. Ian always scolded him when he brought his chair on two legs, telling he might fall and to stop; this was something else that Anthony cherished about him. How protective he had always been, how much he cared.
Most of the time, Anthony thrummed his legs endlessly. This habit put a strain on his muscles, something Ian knew, so he would lean in to place a hand on his thigh, remind him to calm down. Ian would rub the skin and pat it simply before retrieving his hand, knowing Anthony didn't even notice what he was doing. There was also how he would reach out to tug at Anthony's arm when he either bit his nails too much or scratch at his skin until it would become red. Sure, there were days Ian wasn't there to do so and Anthony would end up breaking his skin open, but his boyfriend would always be there once he came back home to rub the skin with lotion and kiss the scar, achingly soft and tender. Anthony didn't think he could love him more, but Ian always outdid himself. He once bought gums and straws just for Anthony to chew on when he needed to.
Even with his weirder habits, Ian didn't judge. He didn't judge when Anthony cleared his throat too much or repeated random words or sentences. He didn't judge when he would flap his hands and move them a little too much as he talked. He didn't mind when Anthony would get excited and jump a little too much, or he would get all over the place. Instead, he seemed to find it very amusing and so, so adorable. Just like he cherished the little tunes Anthony whistled when he was particularly engrossed into something.
All those little things that Anthony had spent years hiding and taming down, all the habits he had taken that included hurting himself and then dealing with the consequences himself, he didn't have to face them alone. Ian would always be there to ease the ache in his muscles after he pulled at them too much by how much he moved, or to cream his red and sore skin, massage his jaw when he had chattered his teeth too much. Anthony treasured all of those actions, how much care Ian had towards him and how he showed him all the time. It was a little wild to find someone who finally didn't mind all those things about him, and especially someone who even cherished a few of those habits. Anthony would see it in the fond smile stretched on Ian's face when he stared at him, just like he hung the moon, when he was just whistling while doing the dishes. He would feel it in the way Ian kissed him softly when he would sing, how he wouldn't even note the flapping of his hands and simply lean over to brush a strand of hair away from his face.
Anthony felt comfortable to be fully himself in a way he had never had before. He knew and could feel the way Ian loved every little thing about him, from the way he smiled so softly to the way he catered to his every needs, even when Anthony ignored he had them.
Anthony simply cherished Ian himself, fully and wholly. He had never been more grateful of something than the fact Ian felt the same.
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hella1975 · 1 year
IM ONE OF YOUR MUTUALS I HOPE YOU RECOGNIZE MY WAY OF TEXT CUZ I WANNA SHARE W YOU HOW TAMS URSA/ZUKO MAKES ME FEEL WITHOUT PUBLICLY EMBARRASSINGLY TALKING ABT MY LIFE. LMAO. BUT ALSO UGHHHH IS THIS PARASOCIAL??? let me know I will back the fuck off. anyways. idk if you have plans to mention Ursa more for tams but like the stuff that was done will HAUNT ME. Like, azulas reactions to her mother remind me of my sibling and zuko was me, sibling was so angry with my mother for what she did to us and their fights got nasty and I guess I reacted like. a child. Idk how else to say it I think I was just a child with a sibling I wanted close even though we'd fight just as bad and a mother I wanted to take care of me. Instead I took care of my mother a lot, it often came to me to convince her to leave her bed. When ursa asked zuko to her room /"my precious boy" scene, I... SOBBED, because my mother did that to me and zukos joy and shyness was literally me. Like my mother's good days were incredibly incredibly few and far between and they were fickle but I always remembered them specifically, I would get giddy with her and it'd feel like change and when it wasn't I became depressed. My sibling became more angry and distrustful from them, they were much smarter like azula while my high hopes kept crashing. I just really want to say that because I resonate SO DEEPLY, with tams ursas story actually soooo so acutely and the only way I can really say that is by explaining how real they feel to me. I left stuff out cuz uhhhhhh this is already really intimate and I feel bad I'm doing this as anon JJDNWKE 😭 SORRYYYYY SORRY. I love tams and actually for real that ursa shits stuck with me ever since I read it <3 im haunted. thank you
'idk if you have plans to mention Ursa more for tams' she is literally one of the main characters imo like the impact she has on zuko and azula is topped only by the impact they have on each other. i consciously write the fire sibs around the images of themselves they have in their head CREATED BY URSA. azula sees herself as cold, calculated and inhumane and her entire arc sees her grappling with that image; all things ursa viewed her as. zuko sees himself as the protector to honour his mother's last words to him, but he's haunted by the gentle, scared boy his mother loved so much. it literally punctuates their entire character arcs and becomes huge as tams goes on. reading your ask is just so heartaching, because it really is so so similar to tams (and that's actually going to increase as we go so be wary of that). no child should have the world dumped on their shoulders even by hands trying very hard to be gentle. i hope you can acknowledge that you were a child and your behaviour would have reflected that. if not, at the very least i hope you find ways to make sense of it as tams goes on x
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tackmins · 2 months
Rereading project nemesis and youre so right about min and noah just...cancelling each other out. It's like, they're supposed to be opposites right? Min is the bold, impulsive, take no prisoners type, while noah is quieter, conflicted, actualy affected by his anxiety disorder type. But brendan was so desperate to prove there was chemistry (to discourage ppl from shipping min/tack, i said what i said) that he made them never clash or disagree on anything even though that SHOULD have been the most appealing thing about them. And instead there's just nothing there at all. AND bc of this 'blossoming relationship' he makes tack act like a jerk in like, every scene, bc now noah is around for every scene. And similarly min apparently stops caring about tack altogether! She doesnt even do anything for tack when they watch his dad be executed?? (But she'll stop and hold noahs hand the second he looks slightly uncomfortable.) Its like, how did you write your own characters so out of character, you only established them 40 pages ago and i ALREADY am here saying she would not fucking say that!!
Sorry for arriving in your inbox and unloading all this on you unsolicited, im just getting annoyed on my reread and i suspect your script will do a better job then Brendan did in a lot of ways. Lol. Lmao.
anon i am proposing to you on the spot
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gutsofgold · 2 months
A little drabble with Chief, Lesser, and Cheryl on Halloween?
It was that time again. When pumpkins are carved and lit up. When kits gather around the bonfire to try and frighten each other. When the swallows felt like a distant memory. It was the heart of autumn.
One such indication of the season was screaming, coming from the Wild Wood. The young of the Riverbankers would dare each other to get close to the edge of the place, before scrambling away in terror, and telling their friends in disbelief.
Unbeknownst to the Riverbankers, nobody was being killed and eaten by foxes. Actually, quite the contrary. The screaming came from a Weasel. A Weasel who had just been frightened by a Stoat.
Cheryl cackled, pulling the picnic blanket off of her head. Lesser huffed, and crossed his arms. He hated when everyone started to decorate for Halloween. Especially in the Wild Woods, when in the late afternoon, it got dark early, and the little light that reached them disappeared. It made everything look so much more frightening.
The Stoat scratched another tally onto the column labeled ‘CS’, that she had ‘graciously’ marked into a tree, as a way of keeping score on their ‘competition’. Really, it was just a way to boast the amount of times she had frightened Lesser, as his side had no marks.
“Just you wait..” He murmured, glaring at Cheryl. The Stoat scoffed in response. “Wait for what? You to wet ya’self? You jumpin’ into Chief's arms?”
Cheryl’s brows furrowed. Lesser shrugged.
Cheryl sprawled out over a rock, and dramatically threw her arms in the air. “Oh, hold me! The big scary Fieldmouse is going to eat me!” She cried, with a wicked grin.
Lesser was interrupted by a strange sound. Their heads turned in unison, towards the Weasel, who was clambering out of a den. Chief joined the pair, holding an excessive amount of toilet paper rolls, which he began to unload onto Cheryl, who began to unload onto Lesser.
“We’re headin’ to Toad Hall!” He declared. Lesser furrowed his brows.
“It’s not nighttime?”
Chief shot him a look. Lesser was now holding all of the rolls, and began to unload them back onto Cheryl.
“We’re helping them decorate, then.”
Eventually, they hopped over the fences, and crossed the extravagance of grounds surrounding the manor, getting close enough to throw the bum fodder.
Chief fired the first shot with glee, followed closely behind by the other two. Lesser was in the middle of throwing a roll, when he tripped over a pile of them. It went in the opposite direction he was aiming for, and got itself wrapped around Chief.
The latter chased the weasel, accompanied by the hysterical laughing of Cheryl. It must have caused quite the commotion, because a window opened, and the figure of a rabbit yelled out.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?” He shrieked out at them.
Apparently the three had stationed themselves close enough to decorate the hall, but not far enough to not be spotted by staff.
Chief yelled the word they all thought.
Im sorry its short AND late AND shitty but I struggled writing Halloween in April 😞
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stellaeviventem · 10 months
(please excuse any mistakes)
to the other anon (the one who sent in the really long experience) id like to thank you for opening up about that because i had the EXACT same experience. i saw EVERYTHING that was public. everything they said in that post happened, all of it is so clear in my head. i have written 2 posts talking about my thoughts but i deleted both of them, i was way too nervous and scared to actually speak up. even now, my hands are shaking so bad typing this.
i saw the updated wiki. i started to breathe weirdly when the stuff about the pron came up, and then teared up when i saw the image attached. the memory of being a little kid and witnessing my fav creator draw these things, and not understanding it fully but still wanting to support them is painful now that im able to process what it was. even though its seared into my memory, 🍉 has done a really good job at erasing and deflecting everything that i sometimes doubt myself.
im sorry if im being dramatic, and im sorry that i unloaded in your askbox like this and being emotional lol.!!.!. thank you for being willing to people opening up like this, and for being sort of a mouth piece. i know it must be alot, i hope your doing ok!! - 🔮 (ive sent alot of asks before so im just gonna start tagging myself)
im sosososo sorry about all of this :( i hope you can heal <3
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
You know the TikTok trend with the car cheering the person on that's you dropping a face reveal and all us moots telling you how beautiful you are
i actually dunno this trend???? wow maybe we're on diff sides of tiktok! wait is it the tiny car from cars??
HONESTLY IM KINDA SURPRISED EVERYONE IS SO SUPPORTIVE!! not that i dont think yall are supportive ppl!!! idk i live in an area where i am like the opposite of the beauty standard so it took a lot of time to learn to love myself for me and not for what ppl think of me.
it helps to leave ur city and see ppl elsewhere. technically my first "relationship" was like 2ish months w a spaniard in morocco. he made me feel so pretty and loved and he cried when he had to leave first. that's when i realized holy shit the world is so large and my worth shouldn't be dictated by racists in another country.
holy shit im so sorry anon for unloading on an ask about tiktoks 😭😭😭
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blnk338 · 1 year
heyyy so i’m back with more random late night thoughts i am so sorry except that i’m not anyways
okay okay okay sooo since roach is (selectively??) mute he uses BSL and ASL to communicate. but now that he and rigo are exploring each other’s bodies talking and being cutie patooties together, i’d assume that roach like. still communicates non verbally and signs. soooo like how much ASL/BSL does rigo know?? prolly not much BSL i’d assume bc he’s american 🦅🦅🦅 so like could we possibly get a lil scene or blurb or mention where roach is kind of teaching it to him or something?? bc that would literally be so cute IDK 👀👀 IM JUST SAYING QUEEN you do you. we’ll eat that shit up anyways 😌😌
killing me with this ask, anon, truly
rigo's really just hardly getting by, a lot of what he does is read roach's fingersigning and is slowly learning ASL from both reaper and roach
and for you, just for you (and all my other tumblr followers), i will give you a sneak peak at an unedited snippet of c25...
Third time. This is the third time Rigo spelled his name with a 'q' instead of an 'r'. With time to kill between missions, Roach and Rigo made it their shared goal to fully get the former into the saddle, with the simplest of ASL. They'd been doing really well with texts and scribbles on scratch paper (or important documents, but were Price and Gallagher gonna care? Probably not...) But unlike Reaper, who seemed to pick up both ASL and BSL like it was nothing, her counterpart was struggling a lot more. They'd gone over easy stuff like "hello," "hungry," "bitch," "bacon," and "dick," but it was kind of important for Rigo to know his own name.
Gary inhaled slowly, holding his breath for a second before the Californian sheepishly grinned before him. "Fuck up again?" The Brit shook his head and held up his hands, this time much slower than the last, spelling out the shortened name. "R," "I," "G," "O," before his hands settled. He watched as the American's hands were brought up, a determined frown across his features while the green-eyed man sat with a content look.
Rigo was cute, to say the least. Sun-kissed sepia skin with a million and one freckles, big brown doe eyes that glittered when he looked over at Gary, wavy deep-brown-nearly-black hair cut into a mullet that swept around his cheeks in the most handsome of ways, a big toothy grin to match his harmonious laugh-- not to mention how touchy he was-- yet in a way that understood boundaries. Their first introduction was polite, proper, though, without any physical touch. Standing awkwardly on either side of Laswell, they waited for the rest of the 141 to unload off the plane. The blonde woman had translated a quick back and forth between them, but otherwise, Gary noticed he stayed pretty quiet. That was until Reaper had gotten more comfortable. It appeared that when she warmed up to the team, he did too.
Suddenly, Rigo was everywhere. Usually at his friend's hip, but gradually, he was there helping with unloading, eating with the team, joining in on the post-mission barrack parties (Scrabble and scary movies), and even sitting closer to Roach. Gary'd noticed that the guy would occasionally catch his eye, sending him a sweet smile, before going back to jabbing at Reaper, who he'd sometimes call "Grim," "pendejo," or "puta" (whatever that meant). After a short while, Rigo was starting to greet him with half-hugs, claps on the shoulder, and even reaching over to pick a piece of dust or dirt off Gary's goggles. Maybe it was because he was always around Reaper, or perhaps he was just that nice, but it never seemed to bother him that he was always wearing some sort of covering.
Rigo started to sign "R," crossing the wrong finger over the other, stopping to laugh at his own silliness, then returning to signing the correct "R." Shit, he was really nice to look at. Knees touching on Roach's room's carpet, the only light being the shitty lamp in the corner, Gary watched him form the other letters. For some reason, every time the Californian looked up, it was like he was scanning the exposed features of the Brit. Without goggles, his beautiful eyes could be shown to the world, and boy, did Rigo absolutely relish in that.
On the final letter, "O," Rigo mimicked a handjob motion, giggling again as Gary shoved him a little. Instinct suddenly had him grabbing Rigo's hand, forcing his fingers to pause and move into an 'o' shape. There was a pause, a hitch in Rigo's breath, as they both realized how little space there was between their faces. Quiet and still was the world around them for that moment.
Without pulling away, his voice hardly above a whisper, Rigo asked Gary something that'd been itching at the back of his mind for quite some time now. "Hey, do you know, um," he swallowed, he was cute when he was nervous. "What's the sign for..." Slowly, Rigo's hand rose again. "K," "I," "S--"
Before he could even finish the second 's,' Gary'd pulled down the mask, grabbed his face, and slammed their lips together. The American jumped, squeaking a little in surprise, but melted into his touch, hands dropping to hold Gary's waist. Gary felt Rigo press forward, moving easily together, humming into the paler man. Lips breaking from his bright smile, finally pulling back and catching their breaths, they simply basked in one another's light. Shoulders rising and falling quickly, eyes locked onto each other, studying each other's features for just another few seconds before the American cut back in. "I don't think I understood that fully," he purred, lips curling up to crinkle his eyes. "Mind showing me again?"
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
so sorry to have a one track mind but its me ryan posing anon im back. love love loved his route but now i need answers 👀👀👀
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I take your one track mind and raise you writer's brain rot (there's so much stuff that didn't make it to the final cut THAT ALMOST DID sfhsj) Gonna chat beneath the cut but fill free to come back again if I don’t say enough 🤣
In Ryan’s route, you find out he’s a card-carrying member of the Daddy Issues Club. 
I like to think that he has a ‘persona’ for every part in his life. At school he’s the chill, laid back teen who’s counting down the days till graduation. With his mom, while she’s not a fan of it, he’s protective and intuitive to her moods/emotions (comes with the territory of bonding over a man you’ve cut out of your life for causing trauma among other things) with his skate friends, it’s a very surface level friendship if you can call it that, and with MC?? It’s not surface, but even after 3 years of knowing each other she doesn’t know him, right? 
A romanced!Ryan is probably the closest to getting past his defenses verses friendship!Ryan. The latter isn’t interested in unloading his problems on one of the few people he gets along with. Why mess with that dynamic?? 
Anyway, I tried to nd I triiiieeddd to convey that?? Not sure how well I did?? (The moments when he’s not sarcastic and joking around, is attentive when he realizes something is bothering MC not at all a skill picked up from doing the same with his mom , flirts, that moment specifically when MC tries to downplay whatever is building between them and he in a way shuts down.)
The ‘deleted’ scene, if you will, essentially led into a bit more about Ryan but felt like it a disservice to introduce more plot in such a short game, and make the other routes uneven. (Everyone actually has a bit of Trauma as a treat but I didn’t wanna put that in my lighthearted game 😅😅😅) Ryan’s always on his phone, and you think ahhh teenage antics. Look beneath the rug and you see a kid who’s dodging his dad’s poor attempts to repair a relationship with his son, and said son who doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to forgive someone who’s caused so much pain to the parent who’s still in his life. 
I like to imagine that eventually, depending on how a player headcannons their MC, she comes clean about her situation with Lydia (platonic or lingering affection) or any secret held to her heart, and that vulnerability may get Ryan to come clean about his complicated feelings about his dad.
OKAY I am rambling and idk where to stop, so here’s good, yeah??
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gibbearish · 2 years
hi i’m not really sure how to do this but i came from your uquiz and you seem knowledgeable and nice and so i’m asking you a question now i’m sorry
uhm, so, i think i maybe might be trans (ftm) because i’m super dysphoric and i sometimes look at guys and i get really jealous because they just get to, like, exist like that (i’m not really sure what the “that” is, but god, do i want it) and i very much don’t and when i refer to myself using he/him pronouns in my head it feels, uhm, at the risk of being a cliche, right, i guess.
but the thing is that i don’t really fit into any of the stereotypical trans guy things. like a lot of my friends when i was little were girls and though i have some stereotypically masculine hobbies (sports and physics) i also sew, and when i was little i was obsessed with being a princess for like a month before i started refusing to wear dresses.
i don’t think i’m non-binary, i tried using they/them pronouns this summer and while they didn’t actively hurt like she does, they didn’t really feel right.
so, like, am i lying to myself? i don’t know, maybe i just want to be special (i don’t want it, though, if i could just be happy as a girl i would).
sorry i just unloaded half an essay on you you obviously don’t have to reply and i know you’re probably not qualified to answer anyway, i just needed to tell someone, you know?
anyways, i hope you’re having a nice night or day or whatever. thank you, for, like, existing on the internet i guess. your quiz was very nice. bye.
howdy anon! dw i am always glad to answer questions abt this stuff even tho it make take me a while lol
my best advice for situations like this is i know its easy but don't let yourself get caught up in the trap of "well this is the label that makes me feel best but i dont technically check off every single box for it so am i just lying?" people arent video game quests, you dont have to hit every single box for it to count, youre allowed to have stuff fall outside the technical definition of a term while still calling yourself it. im very similar to you, i was in tap and ballet growing up, wore dresses and makeup for most of highschool, sewing crocheting knitting the whole shebang. but the important part is that none of those things make a difference to your identity. knowing how to sew doesnt make you a girl, it can just make you a guy who knows how to sew. its a thing you do, not who you are.
all that being said, i think another helpful angle to look at things is "does the distinction between two similar labels actually make a difference to me?" using myself as an example again, i dont call myself a trans man because while i do prefer presenting masculine, for some reason the term 'man' just doesnt feel right for me. but at the same time, to the rest of the world that's functionally what i am, right? so does that change /who/ i am? no. so for me personally, ive deliberately chosen not to file myself into either "trans man" or "nonbinary" and just move on with my day, because to me it doesnt actually make a difference which one i am, im still gonna stay on t, i still want top surgery, i still want to be perceived masculine, and thats not gonna change no matter what name is on the box so who gives a shit. just do what makes you happy
#also this is a side note but going back to the whole 'when i was growing up i was more feminine' angle#one thing ive found is that the more masc i get the more pressing the Need To Be Masculine becomes#so like. accepting that identities can be fluid and change over time can be very helpful imo#maybe i was a girl at one point and now im not‚ or maybe i never was‚ who cares. either way‚ im not one now‚ and thats what matters#gender is a game we were all forced to play from birth‚ youre allowed to say fuck all these rules im just gonna exist how i want#i hope this all makes sense and isnt an incoherent ramble labflsbfksbfkeb ive been having brain fog lately so i tend#to lose track of where i am when im talking sometimes#i dont think youre lying to yourself‚ i think introspection and understanding your identity are very difficult things to do#and i think like a lot of trans(?) people pre-everything youre scared that the answer will be 'yes‚ you are trans‚ and now you have to#figure out how to live in a way that feels right'#not to say nonbinary people dont have to deal w the same stuff as trans ppl obv bc Hello Thats Me ksnfkshfkek#but like. i feel like most ppl see it as 'figure out identity then work on transition goals' but like you absolutely dont have to#you can just say 'idk what i am but i know doing xyz will make me happier' and just go from there#and who knows! maybe doing so will change your understanding of yourself to the point you find picking a label far easier#or maybe it wont! you wont know till you try though#anyways hope this ramble helps have a good day osbfksbflsnls#gibberasks
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sch4r4 · 3 years
I've been following you for quite some time now and since the start I've wondered what your art looks like (b/c of ur bio). And now seeing that post with the comic about the artist in the sewer and seeing your tag, I'm really curious 👀 I'd love to see it 💖 Though i do understand that posting art online is very scary!
Oh!!! Oh dear I'm really happy to see someone's interested!! Right now I've only posted one drawing that I have pinned on here (and another super small doodle also under my art tag) but I really hope i can get to a point where I'm posting art regularly, either here or on an art blog! (I'd also love to take requests and do commissions eventually!)
You know, ive had that line about posting my art on here one day on my blog since 2013, and ive only just built up the courage to do it once, I've been wanting to for so many years now but there's always something stopping me! I'm scared of so many things!!
I've been in a bit of a devastating art block for more than a year now, and I haven't drawn digitally in forever, even when I did It wasn't too well,
I want to post art on this blog but i'm worried I reblog so much bullshit it might end up burying all of my own stuff, but if I make an art blog I'm worried no one will follow it,
And I don't know if I'm more scared of people completely ignoring my art or people hating it, I really suck at not getting hurt by criticism,
But I want art to be my job! its the one thing I'm good at, its what I studied for! And I really regret not posting it sooner, i wish I shared my art from the start, no matter how cringy my old drawings might have seemed, I've seen so many artists grow and learn in real time on here while having lots of fun!
Now i feel like there are still some things I should do before anything else, like giving my blog a better working theme, adding an about page, making an actual art blog maybe and learning how to actually use this hellsite,
I should really relearn digital art, and just relearn how to draw regularly again and finally drag myself out of this art block somehow, and I really need to get my computer fixed too,
But I dont want to waste anymore time!
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🦅Being Shiratorizawa's Manager🦅
🎸Semi Eita's SO and Fellow Musician🥁
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The gif 😭😭😭😭
Semi Eita featuring Shiratorizawa x Gender Neutral Manager/SO
AN: This is another spectacular anon request!
Hi YN, did I mention that I hate you 😅
Just kidding I adore you 🥺
But seriously
Not only do you manager SHIRATORIZAWA 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
But you are also dating THE Semi Eita
Semi Semi to nobody but Tendo 😆
This all came about rather suddenly
You've kniw Semi for years
You played every instrument under the sun
And so does Semi
What a fun coincidence 😃
Anyways you immediately bond over rhythm
His crush develops over years of being friends
True friends to lovers troupe popping off 🥰
Anyways, how you go from friends to lovers to managing Shiratorizawa happens quickly
Literally one day you are unloading your drum set in the auditorium
And the next minute Semi is dragging you to team practice
Semi has Volleyball before you have band practice
So it just makes sense
And since you are there you might as well help out right?
So you fill waterbottles, retrieve balls and hand out towels
You might know nothing about volleyball but goodness are you great with chasing after balls
Tendo refers to you as "that one person Semi Semi has a crush on"
Nothing subtle about this team at all
Literally all of then scream 🌠blunt🌠
So not only do you discover Semi likes you but you discover the team needs a Manager
Goshiki is BEGGING you
Like he's on his hands and knees
Shirabu is rolling his eyes
Tendo already calls you their manager 🙄
Coach Washijo only agrees because then the team can spend more time practicing
"Ok I guess I can help you guys out" 😃
Tendo 👉🏻 Semi ask YN out!
Semi 👉🏻😶👀
You 👉🏻🍿🧎‍♀️
"So ummm YN would you-"
Put him out of his misery
"Absolutely Eita!"
Hugs all around 🫂
Tendo is convinced he's a matchmaker
Practice is pretty normal
Just now you and Semi are an item 💗
You practice music and volleyball
Couple goals 😍
One day, you come in air drumming with your sticks
I mean who doesn't love a good air drumming session? 🥁
Goshiki immediately wants you to teach him
Tendo thinks you are the coolest person
Second to Semi Semi of course 👐🏻
You tell Goshiki you'll only teach him if he hits perfect line shots today
Geez YN ✋️
Goshiki 👉🏻 🔥 👄 🔥
You end up teaching him
Surprisingly he's a natural 😅
Ushiwaka doesn't care what you do as long as you practice
He's all about positive reinforcement
Semi gets a little jealous when the guys hog you
He sulks 😔
It's ok, you make sure to devote all your time after practice to him
Seriously top tier partner
We set the bar high 👏🏻
When it comes time for tournaments we go all in 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
You have rhythm so you make up adorable little cheers 🥺
"Shiratorizawa is the greatest, Shiratorizawa is the best, blah blah blah something that rhymes with best" 😅
Thank you thank you 🙇‍♀️ I'm so talented 🤣
Anyways, I think Semi would be a pretty chill boyfriend when it comes to others hitting on you
Except when it's another setter 👀
Who just happens to look alot like him....
From Karasuno...
Suga, it's Suga
So when Suga accidently bumps into you during set up, Semi will freak out 😠
Like it was probably your fault YN but in Semi's eyes you have no faults 🥰
"Oh im so very sorry"- Suga
"Oh no no it was my fault"- YN
First off, chill 😎
Banish him YN he needs a breather
However your innocent encounter lead to a certain someone watching you the entire game 😶
Your adore little musical cheers and fun little drumming when the boys went up to serve
God you are adorable
Semi will legit just stare at Suga 😐
Tendo will provoke him
"You gonna let Karasuno's setter just stare at YN"
Geez Tendo 😬
After the match, Suga goes to walk up to you but Semi is already intercepted you
Hand around shoulders, glare fixed on Suga 😑
Don't worry that's deterent enough
Semi already has to share you with the team, he's not sharing you anymore!
Kiss his cheek YN
Please I beg 😔
Honestly, as annoying as Shiratorizawa can be
You are only lucky manager 😍
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wkemeup · 3 years
for drabble night- which i am so excited for, by the way!! you're a marvelous writer and one of my top favorite bucky writers- my personal favorite trope is oblivious idiots to lovers (like the love is requited but they're just idiots)
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dialogue prompt: “I’m too good for revenge.” “Well I’m not. Give me the gun.” - from anon pairing: bucky x reader word count: 1.4k warnings (provided by @jessalyn-jpeg): idiots to lovers, mutual pining, shouted love confessions, (and warnings from me ->) past torture, descriptions of blood, canon level violence, sorry I made this so dark??? a/n: guess who already broke the 1k rule!!! but hey I loved this one and Im a little sad it's a drabble and not a monster fic. it may not be idiots per say, but definitely two people who love each other who havent admitted it yet and are scared of what it means
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A man withered on the ground at your feet, scrambling along the prodding edges of crumbled concrete. Crawling as blood streaked in his wake. This man – this monster – you'd been chasing for weeks was reduced to a helpless, crying mess as you towered over him. His hands shook as they shielded his face, tears streaking over his cheeks. This time, you held the power. You held the leverage. He wasn’t so scary without the table of surgical tools at his disposal – your blood stained upon his hands and a maniacal grin upon his lips.
You didn’t know his name. He was only ever ‘the Doctor’ when you spoke of him in your head. You’d only uttered the phrase once since the team rescued you from his basement two months ago and even then, it had tasted of venom. He haunted you in your sleep, followed you in the shadows of every room, drew screams as he pleased even when he could no longer touch you. Safety was not a luxury you could afford – not after what he’d done to you.
Bucky was your only reprieve. A broken man who had found the pieces of himself again – who had offered pieces of himself to you to soothe the mess you’d become with gauze and tape. It was his arms you woke in when your throat was burning raw, his voice lulling you back to sleep, his hands that had taught you peace again.
Bucky saved what his man destroyed.
“P-please,” the Doctor begged, his trembling hands reaching out for the toe of your boot – like a peasant before a king. You flinched before he could touch you. His back pressed against the wall. There was nowhere else for him to go. You flexed the gun at the end of your grip.
“You ruined me,” you spat, barely able to taste the words as they left your tongue. They did not sound like your own. “You expect me to grant you mercy?��
It only made the man sob harder. He was struggling to breathe – hyperventilating between sobs as his hands curled tight against his chest. Pathetic. Weak. Certainly not the type of man who could orchestrate the kidnapping of an avenger without help. He was sick and twisted and evil down to his bones, but he was not the mastermind behind your abduction. He was the executioner.
“D-don’t kill me,” he whimpered, bowing his forehead to the ground. “Y-you’re an Avenger. You wouldn’t.”
You had every intent to put a bullet through this man’s chest the moment you laid eyes on him again. You’d expected to be afraid, to see the surgical mask over his mouth and the cold, dead look in his eyes. You’d expected him to lunge at you with the scalpel and add to the array of scars he’d drawn upon your body. You’d expected violence from the psychopath you knew him to be.
Instead – you found this trembling, frail man who could not manage the courage to meet your eye. It was only when you were chained and drugged that he felt powerful enough to torture an Avenger. You were disappointed.
“You’re not worth my soul.” Tears welled into your eyes as you stared down the monster who had taken residency within your nightmares. “I’m too good for revenge.”
“Well, I’m not,” Bucky’s voice growled from the edge of the room. He stalked across the floor of the basement, his boots stepping over the stain of dried blood you’d left behind months earlier. His expression was cold, unemotive. The plates of his left arm whirled as he clenched his fist. “Give me the gun.”
Bucky’s hand slid over yours, the gun falling slack in your hand. You parted your lips to tell him that justice was due, that there was still more at play than just the sick mind of the man crumbled at your feet. But the safety was already unlatched and Bucky unloaded the weapon into the Doctor. Blood trailed through the cracks in the floor until they touched your boots. The echo burned into your eardrums.
You gaped, stumbling a few steps back before Bucky could slide the gun back into the holster on your hip. He raised an eyebrow, concerned, but you couldn’t find any air inside your chest. Your gaze flickered back to the Doctor as his body slumped down the wall, sinking into the pool of his own blood. It would stain into the rock amongst your own.
Your stunned stare returned to Bucky as he gently reached a hand towards you. You slapped it away. “Why-- What did you—Why would you do that?”
Bucky stilled, his eyes narrowing. He retracted his hand, genuine confusion upon his features. “Are you serious?”
“We could have brought him in, Bucky!” You threw your arms in the air, pacing over the red stain at the center of the room. “We could have interrogated him! You saw him – he clearly isn’t working alone!”
“We don’t need him, Y/n, we can—”
“He’s a pawn! He deserves a hell of a lot worse than death but we needed him, Bucky!”
“No,” Bucky snapped. His face was growing red, his jaw clenching so tightly the muscle flexed beneath his stubble. “No — that monster should have been shot on sight! I don’t give a shit what he could have been useful for! He got what he deserved!”
“Dammit, Bucky! We’re right back where we started.” You pressed your hands to your eyes. Tears wiped at the edges of your palms – angry, frustrated tears. Helpless tears. A lump burned so terribly in your throat, you thought it might choke you.
“We’re not,” Bucky eased, trying to calm you though his own breathing was labored. “We killed the bastard who took you, Y/n. He’s dead now. He can’t hurt you again. It's a hell of a lot more than we had yesterday.”
“Not when the guy who’s making the calls is still out there!” you cried, shoving away his efforts to reach you, though he kept trying. “We were so close, Bucky! He would have talked!”
“You don’t know that! He could have been manipulating you!"
“He would have rolled over in a second!” you roared, fire and fury and agony coursing through your veins. “And you just—you threw that all away for—what? For revenge?!”
“For you!”
The moment the words left Bucky’s lips he held his breath. His boots carried him several steps back, putting space between you as if it might draw the words back from the air before they could touch you. The anger drained from your body, washing away in a matter of seconds. Bucky exhaled a tensed breath.
“I did it... for you,” Bucky repeated slowly, his voice dangerously quiet. “I couldn’t stand the idea of that monster living another second after what he did to you.”
You swallowed, though your throat was aired dry.
“I can hear you cry at night,” he confessed and your heart clenched. Slowly, Bucky lifted his gaze to you, blue eyes startling through the wash of tears. “I know what he did to you, Y/n. You don’t have to tell me, because I know. I know what it’s like to be stripped of your power, to be helpless. I know what that does to a person. You... You never should have had to know what that feels like, too. It would have lingered over your head, Y/n -- to have that monster in the compound with us. It would have driven you mad. So I did what I had to do. I won’t apologize for that.”
You stared at Bucky, lips parted. “Fury will be pissed.”
You didn’t know why you said that. Perhaps because you were too afraid of what Bucky was really saying – the meaning behind his actions. Why it tortured him to allow this man to live after what he did to you.
Bucky chuckled dryly. “Yeah, I suppose he will.”
Quietly, you inched closer to him, stepping over the wet bloods of crimson as it slithered along the floor. Your arms wrapped around his waist, your head pressing to his chest. Bucky stilled for a moment, surprised, before his arms folded around you. It was warm in his embrace, safe. You listened to the gentle thumping of his heart as a hand circled sweetly over your spine.
And then, so quietly you knew only his advanced hearing could pick up, you muttered, “thank you,” against his chest.
this is your reminder that on drabble night I'm barely reading this over after I write it instead of taking weeks to edit and draft and redraft lol so if there's mistakes or the quality is not on par, that is why
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im not gonna wait no longer to kindly ask u for an imagine of Ron Speirs with the girl he’s known(and catch a feeling for😍) since childhood and they were like met again overseas, she’s sweet and she’s a nurse :) and he becomes like, super protective! Thankssss🥺
See You Again
Lovely anon, you are so right to not wait any longer to send me this fantastic request💓 I really hope you enjoy it because I absolutely loved writing this
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He couldn't quite believe it.
She was like an apparition bustling around the field hospital, her brown curls pinned back in a low bun. She hadn't seen him yet, and he was too stunned to even think about approaching. So he stood in the doorway and stared at her in disbelief. Eventually she happened to look his way and she dropped the bandages she'd been carrying.
"Ronnie," she gasped, running over to him and throwing her arms around his neck.
"Alice," he laughed, picking her up so her feet barely touch the floor, "what the hell are you doing out here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," she chuckled, grinning at him in pure joy. He shook his head and smiled down at her, pulling her in against his chest for another hug.
"You're the last person I ever thought I'd see out here," he murmured, holding her at arms length to get a proper look at her. Thankfully she looked unharmed and as beautiful as always, but he could see how tired she was. She had dark rings under her eyes, but they couldn't detract from that same sparkle they always seemed to hold.
"Well I couldn't in good conscious sit at home while all of you were out here doing your part, now could I?" She smiled, beaming up at him. He didn't get a chance to reply, as one of the other nurses had called for Alice from across the room.
"Sorry Ronnie, I gotta go," she said apologetically, "promise you'll come and find me soon and we can catch up."
She barely waited for him to agree before rushing off and picking up the bandages she'd dropped earlier. He watched her walk towards one of the beds with determination and his heart thudded in his chest. She was every bit the angel he'd always remembered her to be.
"Alice what the hell are you doing out here?"
He ran over to the jeep where she was unloading boxes, immediately reaching to take the box out of her hands. He placed it down on the snowy ground beside him and turned back to her expectantly.
"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm delivering supplies," she answered, reaching in and pulling out another box. He huffed and took the box off of her, dropping it down on top of the other one. He could see she was trying to avoid the conversation, so he placed his hands on her shoulders and held her in front of him.
"You know damn well what I meant. You shouldn't be out here, it's too dangerous. There could be a shelling at any moment."
"I'm not a child Ronnie, I know that," she scoffed, rolling her eyes at him, "but you need medical supplies and someone has to deliver them."
He was about to retort when he heard the tell-tale whizz from overhead and his heart dropped. It was happening, right here and right now, and she was out here stuck in the middle of it.
"Take cover," he shouted, watching his men race around and dive into their foxholes. He didn't hesitate before grabbing Alice's arm and dragging her towards his foxhole, pulling her in with him. He tucked her against his chest and tried to drape himself over her. Regardless of whatever would happen to him, he had to keep her safe.
He could hear her frightened whimpers each time a shell shook the ground around them. He tightened his arms around her and pulled her head into the crook of his neck. He held her there for awhile after the bombs stopped dropping, running his hands up and down her back to try and stop her from shaking.
"It's okay Alice," he murmured softly, "it's over now." He felt her nod against his shoulder and after a moment she say up slightly, sniffling and trying to calm her frantic breathing. He reached out and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.
"Sorry Ronnie," she gulped, "it's just...a whole lot scarier than I could ever have imagined." She pulled herself together a bit and stood on shaking legs, brushing the dirt from her uniform.
"No need to apologise," he assured her, taking her smaller hands in his, "truth is we're all scared, every last one of us." She glanced up at him gratefully and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.
"I better head back," she said quietly. He nodded in agreement, helping her out of the foxhole and walking her back to her jeep. She was about to hop in when she paused, turning back to him with shining eyes.
"Please take care of yourself Ronnie," she whispered.
"Only if you do the same," he replied.
He was standing in one of the side rooms off of the main church atrium when he heard the door bang behind him.
"Ronald Speirs, are you out of your damn mind?"
He turned around in surprise when he heard her enter the room, marching towards him with a fire like he'd never seen before burning in her eyes.
"You could have been killed," she hissed, jabbing her finger into his chest and glaring up at him, "what on earth possessed you to run across no man's land not once but twice?"
He couldn't surpress the laugh that bubbled up from his chest, and that just made her glare even harder and jab at his chest more forcefully.
"I'm here aren't I?" He stated calmly, wrapping his hand around her wrist gently, "there's no need to worry, it all worked out for the best."
"No need to worry?" She cried, pulling her hand from his and throwing her arms up into the air, "you could have been killed for chrissakes. Of all the stupid things..."
"Hush, c'mere," he sighed, reaching out to grab her arms and pull her against his chest in a hug. She feigned resistance for a moment, but it didn't last long. She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed as tight as she possibly could.
"I swear Ronnie if I'd lost you like that I..."
"Stop that," he soothed, resting his cheek on the top of her head, "I did what I had to do so we could get the job done. And I'm still here, still fighting."
"I know," she sighed, pulling back slightly and looking up at him intently, "but if anything had happened to you..."
"But it didn't," he assured, "and if I do get hit someday at least I'll know that I'll have the best nurse in the whole division to look after me."
She rolled her eyes and huffed out a small laugh. "Oh don't joke about such things," she sighed, "I couldn't bear it if I saw them dragging you into that place."
He pressed a kiss to her forehead and ran his thumbs over her knuckles. "I'll try my best to keep out of trouble, just for you."
"Where is Heffron?"
He stormed into the house and looked around, ignoring the way everyone jumped to attention and desperately tried to avoid his piercing gaze.
"Don't make me ask again," he snapped, "Where the hell is Heffron." The boys glanced around at each other, weighing up whether they should deny Speirs and risk ending up like those prisoners, or squeal on Babe and throw him to the wolf.
"He's out the back smoking sir," responded someone eventually, and he didn't even take the time to register who it was before he was marching back out of the house and around the back. Babe was leaning against the wall enjoying his cigarette. He jumped when he saw his Captain marching towards him and the cigarette dropped out of his fingers and landed in the muck.
"You listen to me Heffron," he snapped, grabbing Babe's collar and getting nose to nose with him, "if you so much as breathe in her direction again I will make it my personal mission to make your life a living hell. Do you hear me?"
Babe was white as a ghost, visions of the stories he'd heard about Speirs playing a loop in his head. He gulped and nodded his head in agreement, not even fully sure who he was agreeing to stay away from.
"I said do you hear me Heffron?" He hissed, shaking him slightly.
"Yes..." stuttered Babe, "yes sir."
"What on earth is going on here?"
Speirs let go of Babe and turned around to face her. She was standing at the corner of the house, her arms crossed and looking at the scene with contempt. She glanced at Babe and her face softened momentarily, before hardening again as she glared at Speirs.
"You're dismissed Heffron," he grumbled, and Babe wasted no time in scurrying off to safety. Alice marched towards him once Babe was out of sight.
"Why the hell were you threatening Babe?" She asked quietly, her voice steely. A weaker man would have shattered under her gaze, but Speirs was not that man. He met her piercing gaze with his own glare.
"Because he made a pass at you," he stated plainly, like as if it was the most simple thing in the world.
"You've got some nerve," she snapped, "You can't abuse one of your men just because he took a fancy to me."
"You deserve better Alice, I'm just looking out for you."
"Oh well, lucky me," she laughed humorously, "and you always say I deserve better. In fact you say it so often there must not be a single man on the face of the earth who's good enough for me in your eyes."
"Is it really so wrong that I want to look out for you?" He huffed, his jaw clenching.
"It is when you react so outrageously. And I don't need you to look out for me, I'm a grown woman. Babe was nothing but respectful and you had no right to treat the poor boy like that."
He was about to retort but she cut him off, clearly sick of the conversation.
" I don't want to hear anymore excuses. I love you but you were out of line, just like you are anytime a man approaches me with even a shred of interest. So either pluck up the courage ask me out yourself or stay the hell out of my love life because I'm tired of being alone."
Without waiting for a reply she turned on her heel and stormed off back down the alley without a backwards glance. Ron was left staring after her in disbelief.
'Pluck up the courage to ask me out yourself."
That little statement had been haunting his every waking thought for weeks. Could she really have meant it? Was there a possibility that she could return his feelings? He'd always thought she never would, which was why he'd never bothered to ask.
He spotted her leaning against the wall of the field hospital, the sun making her face glow like an angel. He walked over to her with determination, stopping barely a foot away from her.
"I'm sorry Alice."
She opened her eyes and blinked at him for a moment. She was about to retort but he didn't give her the chance. He was on a mission and there was no stopping him until he had it all out.
"You were right, it was unfair of my to try and dictate your love life like that and I'm sorry if I've hurt you because of it. And you were also right that I should just pluck up the courage to ask you out myself because I've been in love with you since we were kids and there's nobody else I want to be with. I understand if you don't feel the same but I...."
She flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his desperately, cutting him off. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her back soundly. After a moment she pulled back and beamed up at him, her eyes twinkling with joy.
"Oh Ronnie," she sighed, "I've been hoping you'd say that all my life."
He laughed gently and kissed her again softly. It was quite possibly the happiest he'd ever felt in his life.
"I love you Ronnie, I always have," she murmured, peering up at him through her eyelashes. He smiled down at her softly and pressed his forehead against hers.
"And I love you Alice, more than you'll ever know."
Taglist:  @tvserie-s-world @geniedocroe @generousdreamlanddestiny @sunsetmando @cagzzz107 @howunexpectedlyso @alejodi0nysus @sunflowerchuck @now-im-a-belieber @mrspowers @50svibes @eugene-emt-roe @pennyllane @televisionboy
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