#that might be the name of my art blog too when i get my shit together
plusvanity · 2 days
To make this clear, Old Mayhem and me NEVER attacked one another.
There's no animosity going on between me and her. Although in the same 'fandom', our blogs exist separately and don't overlap. This doesn't mean hatred. This simply means a different public. The effort that me and her seems to put in the content that we create is massive, so as I said before, I will say I again, be a decent person and don't spread misinformation about what my dynamic between me and her is like. Also, don't spread hateful messages in anyone's inbox about how 'shit their art is' or 'how dare you not like this blog??' Because you NEVER know if the person who reads it has s*****e thoughts and the LAST THING that they read is your spiteful message. It happened with me before, and I wouldn't wish this feeling even on the worst people in my life.
This is all I had to say regarding Old Mayhem.
Now, I want to address the real issue who's name I didn't mention until now, Kelma 69, the one blog who's proud description is 'Getting rid of weird Mayhem fans, mostly from Pelle's fans'.
I don't even have to add anything about this description, her malicious 'witch hunt' intentions are more than obvious and the fact that I seem to be her number one target is sending a shiver down my spine.
I don't have an issue with people who block me and move on with their lives, this is normal, it's expected. But I have an issue with someone who blocks me and keeps endlessly talking about me with every chance they've got, so I want to ask her why?
I never interacted with her before, yet she comes across so vicious about my art and fiction for seemingly no reason other than envy.
Of cause that you're entitled to your own opinion, of course that you don't have to like me, this is absolutely alright, but you should assume your words instead of hiding behind blogs that had been here long before you or 'adjusting' your statements to how it seems more convenient for you.
Calling my art 'crap', than saying 'I'm not insulting the artist' is blatantly lying with proofs on her own page.
Also, the fact that she was both following me and my other artist friends, liking our 'Vargelle' fanarts until someone brought this to her attention and she suddenly blocked me and my friends is a 'getting caught' behaviour. I can understand that she may had liked those fanarts because of Pelle's design, as she mentioned at one point, but some of those drawings didn't even had Pelle's face in it, so how does this work? She also liked fanarts of Varg (alone) even if she hates Varg more than anything, so was this for his 'design' too? Is it?
Also, her parasitic tendency to accociate herself with Old Mayhem to seem relevant, to gain attention and admiration denote very evident deceiving and manipulating tactics.
Another aspect of her double-faced behaviour is the fact that she presents herself as 'shy' when she has no problem whatsoever getting rid of what might step out of her appreciation area. Shyness doesn't come with blunt insults and a covert need for conflict and drama. Shy people doesn't seek reactions, they don't go out to hate on people to boost up their ego and shy people DON'T throw the 'you just play the victim' card whenever they can't find solid arguments against their accusation.
Is calling out someone's falsehood the equivalent of 'playing' the victim? Is this the way to wash your hands clean from taking responsibility?
The fact that you won't allow a conversation to take place and once you consider that 'you're done playing your game' you pull out, just shows how unwilling you are to recognise what you've done.
I hope everyone can leave behind this senseless drama. I'm so sick and tired talking like a broken record about these things.
Live and let live. There's so much to do in life other than being angry about fiction, trust me.
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cosmerelists · 9 months
If Cosmere Characters Were on Tumblr...
Sure, we blog about Cosmere characters. But what if they were here, blogging for themselves? Here is what I think it might be like...
1. Dalinar: Never changes the default icon
He gets blocked a lot.
Dalinar: How odd. No matter how many blogs I follow, my “dashboard” remains empty.
Renarin: I think they all blocked you because they think you’re a bot.
Dalinar: A bot? But I took your advice and chose a unique blog name: Big_D9762.
Renarin: ...
Dalinar: What?
2. Jasnah: Acts like Neil Gaiman
She comes on tumblr as a break from doing research and ruling, answers a few questions, and leaves again.
Anonymous asked: I love your work breaking down gender barriers in Alethkar by being queen and stuff! Do you plan to further erode unnecessary gender distinctions, like by letting women eat spicy food and show both hands?
Jasnah-Kholin: Wait and See.
3. Vin: Reblogs a thousand things in a mad fury and then disappears for days
She does not use the queue function.
Vin: Yeah...I don’t fuck with the the queue function. If you see me, you see me.
Elend: Hey Vin, did you reblog the crab rave like 15 times in a row?
Vin: I was feeling it.
4. Elend: Has a carefully curated queue
His “queue” tag is “Vin is a queue-T.”
Elend: The only exception I make are donation posts and political ones, since those need to be reblogged immediately.
Elend: But otherwise, the queue function is great for lovely, regular content!
5. Adolin: Runs a fashion blog
He has ALL of the Rosharan runways.
Adolin: It’s easy to let Alethi fashion dominate, but a REAL fashion blogger makes sure to have a wide variety of nations and fashions.
6. Shallan: Posts her art
And she tries not to be frustrated when her quick Kaladin sketch gets tons more notes than her very detailed sketch of the chasmfiend.
Shallan: It’s like, I get it--Kaladin fan art is ALWAYS popular.
Shallan: But that chasmfiend was very detailed!
Adolin: Maybe you should draw Kaladin riding it.
Adolin: Shirtless.
Shallan: ...
Shallan: I’ll take my three notes, thank you very much.
7. Tien: Always reblogs no-note art posts
And he always leaves a nice comment too!
Tien: The colors in this are so lovely!!
8. Navani: Considers herself a tumblr patron
She’s one of those bloggers who, if she reblogs your post, you know you’re about to make it big.
Navani: I don’t really make original posts, of course. I’m not a real blogger.
Navani: I just find other people’s clever posts and help promote them!
Navani (typing): "This...has...10,000...notes...to...me...”
Navani: You know they’re happy when they just respond “PLEASE NO”
9. Kelsier: Stirs up his followers with so. much. discourse.
Especially about Hoid.
Kelsier: Friendly reminder that Hoid (1) will let a planet burn to get what he wants; (2) beat up an innocent ghost (me) once; (3) is dating someone WAY younger than he is; (4) insults women.
Hoid: I insulted men too. I was the King’s Wit.
Kelsier: I’m adding you to my DNI.
10. Szeth: Very popular for his “shit posts”
Szeth, of course, is 100% sincere the entire time.
Szeth: It is odd.
Szeth: The vent post I made that simply said “my talking sword is a bad conversationalist” has like a million notes.
Szeth: ...
Szeth: Tumblr is a strange place.  
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firstemcee · 5 months
“Nah, It’s all good.”
Veneer x Male!Hip-Hop/Rap artist!Reader (can be read as female or gn, i jus feel like they’re male leaning. uses amab pronouns.)
Part 1(you’re here)—Part 2—
Warnings: just cursing, as far as I know. Reader is written to talk like how I do, which might be a bit confusing to some. No use of y/n.
wc: 799
Summary: Finally getting your first vinyl on the shelves of the record shop that was practically your whole childhood was a huge accomplishment. That accomplishment also came with the well known pop-star coming to get one signed!
THIS IS ALSO MY FIRST FANFIC!! This part is gonna focus more on reader, the second will focus more on Veneer.
thank you @nym-blogs and @miralunawritez for helping me and giving me tips!!! I owe y’all, seriously 🙏🏽
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“I can’t be happier my record’s being sold here, man. Really, i’m honored.” You smiled, giving the owner of the small record shop a subtle nod as you spoke with genuine happiness in your tone.
This record shop had been around since you were just a kid, and now you’ve got your first record on the shelves…here. It was just perfect.
The owner gave a small nod in return with a smile, going back to…whatever he was working on.
Award Tour (feat. Trugoy the Dove) - A Tribe Called Quest (I’d say listen to it just for vibes, but you don’t gotta) played quietly in your wired headphones, causing you to slightly nod your head to the beat as you made your way through the isles full of records in search of your own.
You never thought you’d end up here. Doing rap battles in middle school, messing around with different beats in your parent’s basement. Now you’ve finally made a name for yourself.
It brought a huge smile to your face, really. Like a kid getting just what they asked for on christmas, it was perf-
“Oh- I’m so sorry.” A guy spoke softly with hands raised in defense before you after bumping into you. You recognized this guy, who was it again…?
“Nah, it’s all good.” You spoke with a smile and a slight nod to the person who you had finally identified as the overnight pop-star, Veneer. “Nice to see you here.” You murmured, not wanting to cause too much disruption to him. You figured he was used to being interrupted when out, so you wouldn’t give him the whole: ‘Oh my godd, you’re that famous guy!! What’re you doing here—‘
Once you had finally made your way to your record, you gently picked one of them up with a proud sigh and the smile of an accomplished father. You couldn’t help but admire the art, the font, the…everything. Shit, it was yours! You’d look at it all you wanted.
You weren’t gonna look at it forever, of course. You set it down and left the store for a moment to go get a drink from one of the vending machines outside of the shop, returning to the checkout area afterwards while sipping your Fanta.
“You know, some couple just bought your record. First hour and you already got a sale, man.” Your friend at the register subtly congratulated you, earning a smile back.
Sure, one sale in an hour wasn’t much. But you were trying to break out of the underground rap. Plus, it’s a small store, you convinced yourself.
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Off of work for the day, you decided to pay the shop a visit…again.
And in that visit, you found yourself looking around the back rooms behind the counter curiously. Until your name was called. “Uh— Yea! Give me a minute…” You murmured informally, stumbling out of the creaky door before making eye contact with the pop-star…again.
“He wants you to sign a record.” Lenny, one of the two guys that ever worked here spoke flatly before handing you a nice pack of bold markers with a raised brow.
“It’s a few. Just for a friend.” Veneer placed three of your vinyls on the counter before you with a sheepish smile. It’s not every day that you were the one signing something for a famous person. So of course, you picked up the yellow paint marker and gave him a small thank you before staring down at the vinyl. “Shit. How does my signature go again…?”
You shook your head to dismiss your thoughts and signed all three in yellow, brows furrowed for a moment as you smoothly glided the marker along. So focused that you didn’t notice the absolute daggers Veneer was staring into you as he watched you do so.
“So, do you uh…come here often?” Veneer asks, snapping out of his small trance and clasping his hands together in front of his chest. His poor choice of small talk made you crack a smile.
“On occasion, yeah. It’s a spot I used to come to a lot as a kid, brings back good memories.” You tried to make him more comfortable, noting his nervousness.
You handed the three back after they had dried, and set the maker down. Of course you weren’t gonna charge him.
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Veneer, typically caught up in his fame, never spent any time venturing into different genres of music besides his own. So when he came over to his friends house and happily handed her her birthday gift, the signed vinyls, he was incredibly curious to hear this guy’s music. He had a pretty face, it couldn’t be that bad…
“Oh. My. G- No you didn’t.” The girl’s jaw dropped as she looked over the gift, then to Veneer. Then the gift, then Veneer…before trapping him in a suffocating hug.
“Okay! okay, oh my god, you’re welcome girl—“ Veneer stammered and patted her back with a loud laugh, though desperately trying to make her let go.
When the two eventually started listening to the music, Veneer was practically entranced. It was so different from him and Velvet’s style!
It was so energetic, but still just…calm. And it conveyed so many different emotions and there were so many words—
Clearly he wasn’t used to it.
But he didn’t mind it, not at all.
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Again, this is my first fanfic!! I’d appreciate any tips you guys have if i end up doing a second part. Thank you so much for reading.
under no circumstances do i accept you posting my shit on other sites. don’t.
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kynimdraws · 2 months
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Name: Kylee (they/them). 30+
A totally normal Korean American mostly known for my drawings, specifically my Pokemon nuzlocke comics. But I will talk about other things on occasion because I do have periods of being fixated on certain topics. I also am a doctor!
Interests: Pokemon, League of Legends (everything except the game lmao), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mother series, Korean history/culture, character design
General FYIs: 
General inquiries/commission work/etc should be sent thru kynimdraws [at] gmail [dot] com! Tumblr messaging/asks/etc is not 100% reliable
I will not follow NSFW accounts but I am fine talking/interacting with them. There may be suggestive shitposting but I like keeping my content on the SFW side
I am VERY picky about who I follow/interact with online. Fandom content in particular is a minefield for me aka I have many things I dislike and don’t want to see, even if it might be a popular thing in media that I otherwise enjoy. Therefore, I will unfollow/block/mute liberally. There are times I accidentally block a blog bc I mistake them for bots. So if you got hit with that, just send me an ask or email me
I am very open about what I like and dislike, and none of those things are a direct attack on your sensibilities. I have never gone out of my way to directly send hate or whatever have you if I end up seeing shit I don’t like. My complaints in my little online space ain't a personal attack on you.
My ask/submission box/DMs  are open for criticisms if you have any issues you want to resolve in private. No one is perfect and I may have done ignorant shit that needs to be pointed out. I have deleted or edited posts in the past if people tell me what I did wrong. PS I get that some of my stuff may upset you, but try to act civil when pointing shit out please.
I try to tag all my things whenever I can. Again, send me a message if anything bothers you. I am all for good debate but if you send me excessive hate or threats bc I have different opinions about matters that are trivial, I will block/delete them.
If you wish to use any of my hcs, please credit me. And if you are comfortable with it, send me the works so I can check them out! Or @ me if that is easier.
FIRE EMBLEM FYI: Specifically for 3Houses/3Hopes because I need a separate one for this franchise specificially given how many crazy things I got due to being involved in this fanbase via my fanworks:
DO NOT try to convince me to like or tolerate Byleth/student ships, ESPECIALLY the ones with the lords (aka CIaude, Dimitri, EdeIgard). I already summarized why I don’t like FE3H Byleth ships with student chars here. While the spinoff game FEW3H has now removed that teacher/student problematic situation, the fandom keeps putting the FE3H elements into the FEW3H fanworks (i.e. remembering Byleth from “another life” trope)...so no thanks!! DO NOT SHOW ME IT!!!
As for the Byleth ships with faculty members, my response is here so don’t try to bait me about that topic either thanks.
I do not care whom you ingame S-support. 3Houses limits the dating-sim part of the game to that character, so I cannot care less about how you play the game. The main issue I have is when people treat Byleth the “character” as a legit ship material when I personally think they are a cool character ruined by fans who are too obsessed with badly executed self insert otome tropes bc they self-project super hard onto them. Just to be clear, any FE3H or FEW3H OC/Canon >>>>>>Byleth ships personally. Even Byleth-sonas that remove the teacher/student aspects are better than canon FE3H!Byleth
Please don't drag FE VA statements as some sort of “gotcha” on my opinions like this post here. IDC what other people prefer with ship shit, that’s their problem and not mine. I am not gonna bother them about it. So don’t bother ME about it.
Links to check out:
Myths of Unova + Episode Grey (Pkmn White/White2 Comic)
Tales of Sinnoh (Pkmn Diamond Comic)
Art Site (Portfolio)
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This wonderful artwork was done by @justanotherpersonsuniverse they're a wonderful artist and writer whose works I enjoy a ton. If you're into miraculous ladybug, Splatoon, or good art and vibes in general I would guide you towards their blogs.
This is Bellerophon Heimbald, sometimes called Camp Half-Blood's Benchwarmer Hero, but most of their friends just call them Bell
A strong wielder of They/Them pronouns, Bell is a child of Euphrosyne, goddess of mirth, merriment, and joy.
Alright, this post is a little long, so ima make a break here. Bellow this is more stuff about the OC and some semi-relevant rants on greek myth lore
They changed their name to Bellerophon because they were Bell before but wanted a less gender specific full name. Also, Bellerophon is Bell's favorite Greek hero because they really love horses and pegasi, and dream of one day riding on Pegasus, the majestic flying god-horse.
Bell gets super fucking jealous of Reyna.
Bell made the unique decision to declare themselves as a Champion of Hestia, a title and role that notably doesn't exist. Despite this, Bell stubbornly insists on their role as a protector of homes and families. They will insist on being sent on, or sometimes sneak out to go on, quests relating to saving the families of her friends and fellow campers. Such endeavors include, but are not limited to, 'my godly step mom kidnapped my Mom for having too many kids with her husband', 'My Dad keeps sending me bloodstained notes and his fiancé says he hasn't left the house since I left for camp', or 'the Titan Army kidnapped my mortal siblings because I'd been feeding them false info while pretending to spy for them'. Bell will also eventually be accepted as Hestia's Champion and will be sent on quests to solve squabbles between the gods that have really been killing the vibe on Olympus. Things such as 'My husband thinks I'll fall for this shit again so I made a doll to replace him', 'That bitch banged my daughter and I might start a war over it', or 'oh fuck I lost the moon'.
The PJO storyline spans many years and this is only a screenshot of time for Bell's character. They're about 16 in this art, at around the time of The Battle of the Labyrinth book.
Bell's godly parent is not a well known goddess, Euphrosyne is one of the Charities, a trio of goddess siblings who serve as Aphrodite's attendants. The best way I can relate who she is is that she's the daughter of the Titaness of water-meadows, Eurynome, who raised Hephaestus after he was baby-tossed off Olympus by Hera. Her father is of course Zeus, though it might not have been adultery. Hesiod claimed that Eurynome was Zeus's third wife after Metis, who he absorbed, and Themis, who Zeus divorced after birthing at least 2 (possibly 3) sets of triplet goddesses. One set of those triplets was the wrinkly goddesses now known as the fates, who scared their parents so much that Zeus got a divorce and Themis stopped having kids and went to law school or something or other.
In any case, my point is that Bell's demigod powers aren't flashy or destructive like the show's main cast. Bell can innately sense when those around them feel positive emotions, a kind of joy empathy radar. They can also induce and amplify positive feelings in others, though its not effective most of the time. Their only other powers include a slightly dulled sense of pain and a resistance to poisons.
A few years into their story, Bell will end up gaining the blessing of Hestia's hearth fire. This blessing grants Bell several powers that are all defensive due to the nature of Hestia and her flames. Bell's wounds will instantly cauterize in battle and heal faster after the battle is done. Poison has way less effect on Bell, combines with their poison resistance from their demigod powers this essentially makes them immune to all non-divine poisons. Their regular body temp is also increased to around 107°F, making them very popular with the Hypnos kids during winter months. This obviously grants an aspect of fire resistance to Bell, but not immune like Leo, at about the same level as Hephaestus kids.
That spear is their primary weapon, a cross shaped Japanese style spear that Bell found wrapped up in the camp armory. It also happens to have been cursed by the man who forged it and is a very dangerous object.
That leather bracelet is actually a size changing celestial bronze shield in it's smallest size, a small disk of metal attached to the leather arm strap. It was gifted to Bell by their mother Euphrosyne. It was forged by Hephaestus, who was convinced to make the shield by his wife, Aglaia, who is also one of the Charities. Aglaia didn't just do that as a favor for her sister though, but that's not super important.
Yes, Hephaestus got remarried canonically, in both mythology and described in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods.
Bell is the main character of a PJO fanfic story I've been creating with my best friend. Though, while Bell may be the main character of their story, they are ultimately a side character in the PJO/HOO stories. My goal for Bell's story is that that it's written into the sidelines of the story the book tells, this story is the one that happens when Percy is off on his quests, or during the non-summer months when most characters are with their families, or in the gaps of time between books. I'm having a ton of fun developing a story like this, filling in the background of an already great story.
I've been writing and developing Bell's story, as well as a couple other OCs of mine, for about the past 6 months or so and this is the first time its being seen publicly. I've been trying to write a whole book/questline of story before releasing as my current fanfics update one every blue moon and I feel bad about it.
This is only 1 of the 4 Camp Half-blood OCs i have for this story and, even further, only 1 of the 10 OCs I plan to put story focus on throughout my whole plotline. Hyperfixation went crazy.
Alright I think that's enough random powers, no-context plot points, and Greek myth lore rants for one post. Ima hit the post button now but again go check out @justanotherpersonsuniverse their stuff is amazing
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masked-and-doomed · 8 months
Hello, I'm Kat/Kats (or Yomotsu), welcome!! I am so normal about my boyfriends.
Other places you can find me:
@katsdoodles - art blog/archive.
Discord: thatonekats
👆 just in case. Tumblr explodes. Talk to me if you wanna ig (I am not good at conversing. So. Keep that in mind.)
Ao3: ThatOneKat2
👆 Might as well have it here. I've been more in a writing mood this year.
Suspected BPD, have been diagnosed autistic. I will feel things very intensely either forever or feel nothing about it in the next hour max. You may see vent posts. Every now and then. Check the tagging system to block em out.
I am deeply in love and sickly affectionate for 4 men. They're my boyfriends, girlfriends, besties- our relationship? Is uhh whatever man. It's love. It's love. (Also not the best fathers but hey I take what I can get)
First two being Yomotsu Hirasaka (pfp), and Takao Hiyama. They are my most intense hyperfixation of 2 years.! They are from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary. An anime/manga which I don't really like.
The next beloved is Pocketcat! He is from Fear and Hunger. He's. A silly :) There's so much intrigue of him aaaghhh ough he is so sad.
Last one !! Faust. From Guilty Gear. He's a. He's somebody. Got him on Valentine's Day. He makes me a different kind of ill. Alas, this doctor cannot cure me.
They're 💙 just like me fr. I love them. URL is them btw. Masked men, doomed.
(comfortable with sharing and gushing together with everyone. I don't mind if you send or @ me in stuff that has Faust shipped with someone, (I like appreciating art of Faust in any form :] ) just know I'm uncomfy with all (canon x canon) Faust ships except Happy Chaos)
I do block on some criteria but I will not disclose it. So, you may get blocked by me for something, and you will never know. (Followers only)
(if we're mutuals and you block me, I'd like to know the reason why. Not a requirement.)
Yayaya tagging system time!
#ah rambling - general yapping tag
#[MN/funger] rambling - ramblings of MN or funger
#[MN/funger] bangers - memes/shitposts of that fandom
#oc time - posts about the little OCs I have
#unnamed girlie - posts about my self insert. (UG for short)
#guy in my head - headcanon posts
#doodle tag - stuff not high effort enough to put into my art blog goes here
#reblog moment - reblogs! So you can filter them out
#lovesick - yandere / obsessive behaviour
#gatito - kitty tag.
#belalang beloveds - grasshopper tag. Belalang is grasshopper in Malay :)
#art save - images I wanna draw (typically memes I wanna draw with my guys)
#art reference material - reblogs of posts with helpful art stuff
#general reference material - reblogs of posts with whatever that isn't art. Not really 'general' perse but I don't have another word
#epic meowtual art - art by the meowtuals!
#ask game - reblogs of ask game posts
#ask game answer - answers to asks abt the ask game
#hello asker - ask tag
#tag game - reblog of posts that are meant to have you tag other ppl to continue the chain
#negative. And #/negative are used for vent posts. Make those sometimes.
#hxrny aroace on main - (mind the x) epic posts where I feel feelings for some characters (carnally)
#fanfic shit idfk - posts related to fanfics I'm reading (or something like that)
#shit I send to fictional guy - posts I'd send to fictional characters. Will prob have their name tagged too.
#unnamed oc core - wow it's just like him fr. Many things will be tagged this btw. They are not okay. (Same person as UG jsyk)
#pocketkitty - for posts I don't want in the pocket.cat tag or reblogging posts that are like pocket.cat. (only applies to him everyone else gets tagged with their name in posts that are like them)
#robot nephew - similar to pocketkitty just that it's. Mr robo.t K.y
#silly doctor man - I fell into gui.lty g.ear and now I'm in love with this bozo. When I don't want it to be in the main tag. Yes like pocketkitty and robo bo.
#mister omelette - guy that asks which came first the chicken or the egg. Answers himself, it's omelette.
Liveblog tags:
Guilty gear: #pride in my gears: sign, #pride in my gears: rev, #pride in my gears: overture
Tag me in stuff you think I like!! I don't mind! Or like tag games.
There's also a *cough cough* side blog. For degenerate thoughts of mine. If you want it just give a DM ig.
That's all for now!! Have fun!!
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
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🥺🥺🥺 not 2 be sappy on main but omg I actually started off in Deviantart ages ago, that was the closest thing to social media for me until the tumblr migration lol. But I never really interacted with people on there, and even upon moving to tumblr, never really interacted with people here too often either. At first I had my main blog which was meant to be more professional since I was selling art to get a little college income, so I didn't really make too many irrelevant posts. Then I decided that I wanted to be able to reblog art and support other artists, so I made a side blog where I carefully curated and tagged the posts I reblogged. I made a few original posts but no one ever interacted, and eventually I realized that people only ever sent me asks there if I tagged anything wrong. Also I found out that adding stuff like series and character tags to a reblog on tumblr is basically useless because the op will pretty much always tag those things which makes it searchable on your own blog even if you don't tag it yourself. And if op DIDN'T tag it those things, your tags will make the post searchable on your blog but NOT in the general search, so it doesn't give op any more of a boost than just reblogging it tagless. So I made another sideblog, which I still have today, and I just rapidfire reblog literally anything I find shareworthy lol. Not any interaction there but at least I'm not wasting my time meticulously tagging strangers posts hsfjdlshfks. Since I was best friends with a big name fan in my main fandom (we became friends when I left a long emotional comment on their fanfic btw <3), I helped run some small fandom events and met more people as well. When I switched fandoms, it was a fandom event that gave me a new friend too, my posts never got any traction. Large fandom discords didn't really work for me either. But on this blog I was lucky, and for the first time people started like actually responding to my comments and posts, and get conversations going! And genuinely that's what's kept my brain rot so powerful I think, because bouncing ideas off each other and joking around and shitposting is genuinely the most fun I've ever had online!! I have to thank desta and oatmeal for the fun times especially, and hillbilly---man left really nice comments on my first few fics that really encouraged me, and I always have fun trading ideas with alienn, saikikthoughts, and crookedlyinnernightmare, plus everyone else who's on here, that's too many people to type out. AND I TYPED UP A BUNCH MORE STUFF BUT TUMBLR FUCKING DELETED IT!! Are you shitting me.... Well I think I remember saying that even if it's been getting kinda quiet and boring lately so my attention is starting to wander (I've pretty much posted all of the meta that's not deep fanfic hc at this point and my drawings take me a long time to make), I'll never delete this blog and I'll still be putzing around online until the day I die probably. And I'll always remember these days fondly and hope to find another great community like this one. And also I highly encourage everyone to post, reply, interact, and play with fellow fans! I've made lifelong friendships over blorbos and even if we don't have the same blorbos any more, we're still friends. Obviously stay safe online, never send money to strangers, probably wait like a year to start shipping each other stuff but still, reach out because you never know who you might meet! I've been lonely irl for most of my life for various reasons, and my online friends have been a lifeline honestly, they're all really important to me. Two of my best friends today come from fanfic comment sections!! Also I need to get around to archiving my meta on AO3 lol (yup, it's for meta too!) but that's gonna be a lot of work so -_-U).
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timetravelerpyrite · 8 months
Uh, hi.
My name is Pyrite, I go by he/him mainly… don't mind she/her though. Newly found out I like Pup/Pupself pronouns too.
I'm 30. (B-day is November 16th, if that matters to anyone.)
//Current Arc: None rn!
//Finished Arcs: Fool's Faller, ABSOLute Panic!
Anyway, not too important, I just kinda found this site and realized 'Oh, there's some people like me here!' so here I am I guess?
Don't expect me to be friendly.
I don't bite! I'm trying to make more friends, but don't shove too much at me at once please.
I don't like staying in one place, it makes me anxious, no I won't tell you why. I was running a lot because of my Ex, she and my bio fam wants me to come back, but I won't, I'm actually tying to get use to staying in one place now.
Most important thing, I'm a Time Traveler and Dimension hopper, how the hell am I both?
I caught a Celebi (He/She/They) by COMPLETE ACCIDENT so now I'm kinda stuck with them, and I kinda got adopted by a Dimension hopping Iron called Iron Eclipse (It/Its)… no, I do not expect you to know what that is.
Call me a fake if you want, I don't care, just try not to hold me down in one spot, got it? Wow I don't like this part the most, why was I such a jerk in my intro??
Anyway, I might visit ya if I feel like, I have two adopted (not legally but who gives a shit) sisters @queen-of-the-phantoms and @pokedexcamp! I'm dating @silveredfeathers and living with him and his wife (and now my Girlfriend-??) @trainerlynda.
Adding an addendum: Sometimes we, his Irons, connect to his phone to be able to post. We are;
🐉: Iron Rage. (She/Her)
🕊️: Iron Serenity! (He/They/Fae)
🌋: Iron Eruption. (He/Him)
🌑🌈: Iron Eclipse.
⌛: And sometimes I steal the phone, I'm Chronos his Celebi.
🍞: Thanatos types sometimes too, she has rather broken English so it will likely be autocorrected to hell and back, please tell her if it gets a word wrong, from what I can tell she wants to understand (She/It)
//Open ask games!
Pelipper mail and malice.
Ask an invasive question.
//Magnifying glass ask game!
See his dreams and nightmares.
//A post for you to give me permission for him to hop to your character's dimension! (Either on purpose or by accident.)
//Ooc info under the cut!
//Ooc. This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own (Or made for me)! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! This blog is not settled in one dimension at the moment, so expect conflicting area info. Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF (and myself, but that's a note for later), just for my comfort. This boi does n o t stay in one place, if he goes to visit someone he will get there himself/he fell into that universe by accident.
//Magic anons are allowed! But I am picky.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//This guy is very much centered around Future Paradox pokemon! He's not gonna know all the Pokemon's names and will call them 'Irons'. The Iron names are VERY much headcannons unless talking about a cannon Iron.
//When he's on the move things he says aloud will be under
[Voice to text active!] where as when he's actully writing it will be under [Pyrite is typing...]
//What the tags mean.
//Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking.
//Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account
//Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished.
//Pyrite info: Self-Explanatory. For both IC and OOC.
Little Hops: His post/response tag.
Warping Reality: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something.
Where am I today?: When Pyrite is mainly talking to himself.
The Pokemon tags: They are for each respective Pokemon/Iron
Magic Anon Things.: Stuff with magic anons.
Triangle Terror: Pyrite dealing with the truth triangles. He can't turn them off, so hehehe.
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rab1darachn1d · 1 month
Name: Ozzie, though Ingo/Rabid are some nicknames aswell as anyname taken from my url
Pronouns: He/they if you don't like using multiple pronouns for someone though if you can remember to use them interchangeably then all pronouns(also neos r cool i like spider and tech themed ones)
Agender, bi, aroace spectrum
TVhead robotkin and spiderkin send me things of tvs/tv heads or ask me abt spiders PLEASE
Special interests are spiders(specifically tarantulas) and psychology
Dyslexic!!! Sorry for spelling mistakes/reading stuff wrong and please don't use super small or hard to read fonts when talking directly to me!!! Typing quirks are fine but if you can control them or add translations thats greatly appreciated
MINOR!!! idc if ur over 18 and interact or if we are mutuals but dont be weird please I will just block you
I help with the @bungostraycreatures gimick blog acc go look at it its run by my bestest friend :3
-I type in caps a lot
-Im not very good a tw tagging things tho I try my best !!! If you get triggered by anything I post/rb lmk and I'll tag it
-I swear a lot !!! Like way too much !!! I do not give a damn abt slurs AS LONG AS YOU CAN CLAIM THEM !!! IF I FIND OUT YOU USE SLURS YOU CANNOT CLAIM I'LL CALL YOU A BIGOT AND BLOCK YOU
-Anything suggestive is a joke and do NOT make jokes like that to me if we are not friends I will call you a freak
-I like to give people nicknames/ shorten people's names(mainly if ppl have a long ass name/url and it fucks me up tryna type it) but if that bothers you lmk
-Not good with tone so I use tone tags, you aren't forced to use them but if you'd like it'd make communication easier
-I have a bad habit of randomly disappearing for a few days for whatever reason, so if I accidentally ignore you sorry, please don't take it personal
-If you are a shithead to my mutuals I will be a shithead towards you <3 also blocked <3
-DMS ARE OPEN !!! FEEL FREE TO TALKS/RANT/VENT ABT WHATEVER !!! however I'm not very good at socializing and if I seem rude, standoffish or awkward I'm so sorry💀💀💀
-i am the host and this is my acc though they post shit on here too
-their posts will be tagged with ***postinghours(Dzaipostinghours for an example)
-I love answering questions!!! However I am not a medical professional and I cannot diagnose you or speak for other systems!!!
-^ Don't ask abt triggers, alter roles or trauma I will ignore you or call you a dumbass nosey weirdo
-BSD fictive heavy(dont be weird about them or theyll block you and idk probably call you a freak)
-^ don't bring up source trauma unless they make jokes about it first OR if they are friends with you
-^ First to treat any of them like a fictional character gets their limbs ripped off<33
-if ur another fictive theyd like to say hi but dont be weird and understand they might see you differently then how you remember them
-if you say "Can *** stop fronting/can you switch with ***" I will throw rocks at you and you will get blocked
-^ if u wanna talk to someone or have a message for someone we are happy to tell them
-basic dni(homo+transphobe, racists)
-Proshippers and zoophiles(YALL R FUCKING NASTY GO AWAY)
-"radfems" and "terfs" (fuck you go away)
-Pro Israel mfs
-Endos/Tulpas/Willows/Mixed Origin, we will not participate in any syscourse but yall make me uncomfy
-^Neutrals are welcome idfc
-Homophobes, transphobes, etc
-"*** personality disorders are absuive" go away die go shoo get OUT(ily people with personality disorders)
-people who are against others with "scary" disorders fuck off you aren't helpful
-pro ed/"thinspo" mfs... wth are yall doing
-NSFW ONLY blogs (nothing against yall but im a minor)
-people who are shitty towards therians, otherkins, xenogenders, etc
Bungo Stray Dogs(Dazai, Verlaine, Fyodor and Lucy) is my main fandom and hyperfixation BUT here are some other fandoms of mine I still like
☆ = I still actively look at/take part in
♡ = not as active but I will scream abt if given the opportunity
♤ = I like it but I'm not updated with the fandom
favorite characters r not in order
-Deadplate(Vincent) ♡
-Genshin Impact(Baizhu, Xiao, Diluc, Childe and Dottore) ☆♡
-Honkai: StarRail(Boothill, Clara, Sparkle, Natasha and Aventurine) ☆
-Hollow Knight(Grimm and Quirrel) ♡
-Pokemon(EMMET AND INGO💥💥💥)(Also Galvantula, Reshiram, Gallipede and Eternatus) ♡
-Madness Combat(Deimos and 2BDAMNED) ♤
-Guilty Gear(Robo-Ky, Zato, Chipp, Ky and Happy Chaos) ♤
-Wuthering Waves(Scar and Lingyang) ♤
-Cookie Run(Espresso Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie and Rougefort Cookie) ♤
-RWBY(Qrow, Phyrra, Blake and Emmerald) ♡
-Project Sekai(Rui and Shizuku)♤
-Castle Crashers(Blacksmith)♤
-No Straight Roads(Neon J)♤
-The Property of Hate(RGB)♡♤
-Stardew Valley(Sebastian, Sam and Hailey)♤
-Omori(Captain Space Boyfriend, Hero and Kel)♡♤
-Howl's Moving Castle(Howl, Calcifer and Markl)♡
-Punishment Gray Raven(Wanshi)♤
theres others but those r irrelevant we dont talk abt the dark ages
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sistervirtue · 5 months
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making a copy of this bc op disabled reblogs and i just got reminded it existed and would like to not lose it
ok so . im outing myself to the world but thats fine this is too funny to not share
so. ive run a roleplay blog for a few years. i keep it separate from my main, yknow, its just a side hobby and ive been doing it since i was like, 12. its cringe but hey yknow at least im not 30 and writing ya novels
now its pretty common for rp blogs these days to have rules. right? you dont want to just bag any weirdo on this website, and as you can imagine bnha roleplayers are batshit crazy (see: conversion therapy todoroki) so mine are pretty strict and detailed. because ive been doing it long enough to be exposed to what counts as carbon monoxide poison from a screen. one of those rules is "if youre mutuals with people who write porn of the kids even aged up im blocking you we're keeping a ten foot pole on this". because as a 20 year old man i have a healthy disinterest in seeing paragraphs of teenagers fucking
so the dash is astir with talk of a guy writing age up bakugou porn and im like ok whatever. make a post bitching about it . mutual likes those posts but then the mutual is turning around and being buddy buddy with this guy so i dm the mutual like hey whats going on here . mutual is like "well why dont you talk it out with him hes not as mean as he seems i prommy" and im like sure whatever i can have civil conversation and if it ends with One Less Person writing weirdo porn then i might be able to get into heaven
so i dm him and he loses his fucking mind. it lasted all of 10 minutes because he was sending paragraphs like this and i was too tired to give a shit
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(take note of my icon thats a special tool thatll help us later)
(also he goes by the name rxgelord. WITH the x. thats also important just because its funny as fuck)
so the guys clearly bothered by the idea that people might possibly talk about him without his permission and im a little miffed after being misgendered (which hed do again later) so i just post our dms. swing first and hey batter batter lets play ball i dont give a shit this is bnha roleplay
once again: loses his damn mind. he makes a psa post about me talking about how im just some pussy infant and hes too HARD for me and shit and also they do bakudeku muffin roleplay in the comments of that post which is fucking insane
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anyway. at one point while joking about the whole thing i called him a "wannabe bakugou kinnie" as a joke and apparently he felt a very serious need to address this
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and im like holllllllllllllly fucking shit
you may have noticed that his posts are incredibly over-formatted. this goes for everything he does he is pouring a LOT of time and energy into typing his 9 paragraphs about how im an insane bitch or whatever. (if theres literally one thing i can give him credit on its that his graphic editing skills are kinda good. i will be honest) his rules document is also just as insane and features gems such as:
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(this dude thinks hes pulling bitches on a bnha roleplay blog)
so we're just full on ragging on him at this point and hes getting MADDDDDDD MAD. he misgenders me again and when i point it out he has the following excuse:
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(art by @/pcktknife. anyways)
after a certain point i get dmd an old copy of a 130+ page callout he had a year prior and im like WHAT and it included his yugioh rp blog career and various allegations like having been involved in gang violence, doxxing, etc. also a picture of the hickies he bragged about leaving on his uwu pink glitter gf which looked more like he was trying to go for the killing bite but hey. yknow. apparently im a toddler idk how that works
along in this we also find his twitch account, which was under the name rxgelord, and it featured edited graphics of his real life face with bakugou. he posts selfies a lot too i wont share them even if theyre public but he has knuckle tats and a goatee and uses the greyscale filter. if this gives you an idea. he also had 5 twitch followers and detailed his desire to be a rapper/dj and im like holllllly fucking shit this guy cant be a real person. holy fuck.
anyways. skipping a lot of unnecessary bullshit and paragraphs of text with gifs from 2013 attached hes constantly going on about how we wont just "say it to his face" which i think is hilarious bc i was, the entire time. but im like ok fine you want me so bad
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so i send him this. he posts about how "he won when he got all might" (for some reason hes calling my ex mutual by the character name. i dont know) and then hasnt posted in 4 days. he deleted his twitch. im a little worried bakugou. dont say that. may have actually chased this man off the internet . to go have real life sex with his real life girlfriend so he isnt so mad
anyway we ended up turning one of his posts into an eminem uberduck
im honestly probably forgetting something this was so much and it was so fucking funny and honestly im glad to have been there
update: he has not in fact posted since last summer. god bless.
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I see everyone else doing introductions so might as well do a quick one myself (don't be afraid to say hi, I don't bite ^^)
My name is Soul, sometimes I go by Soulie, Soup, Soil, Suop, Soupie (Woopie), Newt, really anything you wanna call me
I go by any pronouns
INFP-T, 9w1, Chaotic Neutral
I'm born in Bangladesh but I grew up in Canada
I'm a passionate polyjamorous metalhead, my favourite few bands/artists being Bad Omens, STARSET!!!!, Sleep Token, Bring Me The Horizon, Updog, Palaye Royale, Creo, Wage War, Ice Nine Kills, CG5, Glass Animals, Chase Atlantic and many others that I cannot name cause there's too many lmao
I occasionally do art and sometimes write as hobbies when I get the time to, I mostly make OC art of mine and my friend's and will maybe drop stuff about them here
I'm a huge science nerd and I love Biology and Chemistry, especially in genetics, cells, and atom theory (I hate Thermodynamics, don't ever talk to me about Thermodynamics) Call me crazy but I LOVE Trigonometry too
I love gaming as well, a few of my favourites being METAL GEAR!!!, Devil May Cry, Call of Duty, Ghost of Tsushima, Sky: Children of the Light, Soulsborne games (Firekeeper <3), Geometry Dash, some Roblox games, Minecraft and STARDEW VALLEY!!!; I go CRAZY for Psychological horror games, I hate all other type of horror games unless it involves messing with your sense of security :]
I like a few particular animes but I don't really watch stuff; Jujutsu Kaisen, To Your Eternity, Bungo Stray Dogs, The Great Pretender, Chainsaw Man, and Trigun/Trigun Stampede-- Not an anime, but I really like Lucifer too, and I really like BFB, mostly Four lmao
WANNABE BIKER!!! My dream bike is Kawasaki z400
I'm an introvert with pretty bad social anxiety and extremely asocial, but I love making new friends, so feel free to drop by :))
(Ninja, Crosh, J., A., V., K., Rein, Jam, Kia, Parc, Spart, Ayana, N., Saul, Vas., Ah., Max, Suro <3)
Thanks for reading this far and supporting my page, hope you have a great day :3
I also have an Instagram if you wanna follow it: soul_torch
Will maybe update when I organize myself
EDIT 30/1/24 13:00/1:00pm MDT
If you wanna find my art/writing/oc stuff, you can here:
#soupie woopie art
#soupie woopie writing
#soupie woopie oc art
For my gen posts, they will be tagged with #soupie woopie
EDIT 4/3/24 23:26/11:26pm MDT
I'm gonna repurpose this strictly to an art and OC blog, I have a spam Tumblr where I just reblog shit I like if you're interested ^^
EDIT 14/4/24 17:12/5:12pm MDT
I made OC tags!!! Only 2 rn tho, one for me and one for my friend's oc
Do you need to talk to me?
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allhailweegee · 5 months
I'M A MASSIVE FAN OF YOUR ART AND I HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS HI. Your kc blog is one of tbose that motivated me to want to start working on my own for a while now !!!!!
Some day in the future I may also be planning to IM you for a commission or two... given the topic of this ask you might already have an idea of what (better said, who).
GIKJFDIMKFD TO BE FAIR!! My URLs are not at ALL similar.
I've noticed usually people share a recognizable element between their art blog and main, but unfortunately, AllHailWeegee has been my online name since 2008 for literally everything.
"Odd-Chips" only came about when I NEEDED some type of distinct art name (it used to be "OrandaTheUnclever" because. I couldn't think of a name and my friend suggested it hILJKFD)
ANYWAYS I DID!! I REMEMBER SEEING IT POP UP ON DEVIANTART AND SCOURED FOR ANY OTHER PLACED YOU POSTED IT HLKFMKLFD I thought I followed you afterwards cause your style fucks, but apparently not! (This Has Now Been Rectified)
ALSO OH MY GOD AUUGGHHHGHHH!! 🥺 🥺 🥺 I'm so glad to have inspired you and that you like my art so much, hrhgrhhgh! q_q)!! I know that the WiR fandom is a bit small now, but that movie still has a huge chokehold on me and I KNOW it does for other people, too. So I think people would go absolutely sicko mode over a new KC blog.
In any case, I DEFINITELY wanted to try to reopen my commissions again before the month is over! When I moved, I ended up closing them and forgetting about it since I was so preoccupied with acclimating to the Great White North, haha! I LOVE GETTING PAID TO DRAW THAT BALD HEADED BITCH. >:)!! (Ask @appelsiinilight, they'll tell you)
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numbbrainstrorm · 1 month
[ insert non existing photo above ]
WELCOME TO MY NON-GRAMMAR RAMBLINGS ( I'll bite your ankles and steel your kneecaps)
Name: Charlie ( Noah A. K. A Numb)
I'm Transmasc and my pronouns are
He / him / they / them 🦐✌️
I do art as a hobby, not a job
Nor do I claim to be good at it ( and I'm doing it for fun) (the process is slow cuz I have ADHD)
I'm also self-thought ( semi)
English is my 2nd language
This is my main blog where I like to
Post my art
Voice my opinions
I usually don't re-blog unless I really like something
My current obsession: transformers ( cyberverse sky byte sodndjjbs~ my beloved husband )
COMMISSIONS : CLOSED ( but if you'll ask nicely I might consider it :>)
Please be patient I'm mentally exhausted
Rules :
> Don't be rude ( I really don't want to deal with your shit)
> If you happen to be my "client" don't chat with me and get straight to the point.
I'm not your friend ( sorry)
> If you wanna chat I do have a discord ( just ask for it)
> Don't take everything so seriously
> I'm aware that people can abuse Requests to get full-on art
Joke on you I own the art ( if you want your own art commission me )
> I don't bite I'm just a very grumpy person
( I like to make friends seriously )
> Don't feed my art to the AI
_______[ insert some sort of banner] lol____
Will do :
Only transformers
Rare ships
Silly comics
Silly things in general ( I like fun)
NSFW ( gore, cigarettes, etc.....)
Won't do :
Proships ( problematic ships)
NSFW ( porn)
Elita-1 + Oplita, anything that touches her is a NO ( for me she doesn't exist)
Babies ( I'm fine with chibis)
Promotions (???)
---------[ MLEM ] - - - - - - - - - >
I'll answer anything
Besides personal stuff
Expl: Q - what's your age? (it's none of your business / I'm old enough :) )
-----------[*Snoring *] - - - - - - - - >
Commissions : I created a "map" of prices, will do and won't do (hopefully it's not too confusing + check out the samples )
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Note: if you want a lineart, sketch won't be included in the pricing just lineart.
--------[ Rawr~] - - - - - >
Rodiclash comic : it's a lot of work since I want it to be like an Opening to my AU /Icarus/ ( currently re-writing it bc I'm a dumb ass)
So lot of word building to Do
And I gotta find an Art style I'm satisfied with
I can't promise that it's gonna happen
I have like a beginning done
So I'm lazy to write omfg
Icarus ( part: semi-organic cybertronian predacons )
It's an idea ( remember the part when Fort Max saved a bunch of Cybertronians with beast alt modes) of Cybertronians with beats mode being experimented on Organics that were almost instinct by Megatron / their 4-mill year-long war
It's that but dragons
Highly inspired by the book series Wings of Fire
And Transformers Prime ( Predacons)
> I can guarantee that it's gonna happen
> WHEN? Idk
And a bunch of small sillies comics that I plan to finish <3
----- [ done] - - - >
If you have any questions don't be shy and ask me
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hopskip-andajump · 5 months
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Meowdy! Welcome to my blog :3
I go by Skip and Atlas ! :3
I use He / Him, They / Them, Star / Starself , and Chirp / Chirpself pronouns, I really like it when people use these interchangeably so please do that!!
I am a polytherian , plantkin , and otherkin! my theriotypes / kintypes are
Black Maincoon Cat
Shark (no specific one yet, leaning towards Black Tipped Reef Shark
Red Tailed Hawk
Russian Blue Cat
Mountain Lion
Amaryllis flower
I am an artist and have been for about 7-8 years :3 I don't have comms open yet but I plan on opening them soon!! here's some examples of my art!
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I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Anxiety, and Depression (but I am currently in recovery!!)
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Downandcrafty - My irl best friend!! He's been a huge source of support for me and it is so skrungle
Kidwhomhasahat |alt 1 and alt 2| - one of my mutuals and a huge source of inspiration for me!! Plus she is very very silly :33
Lordoftablecloths - one of my mutuals ^w^ he is very cool and swag
Thef0llyofman - a fellow tourney kid and another one of my inspos!!
Sparklecarehospital - a comic I've been hyperfixating over :3 go check it out! It's very well written.
Tgcg - i think I spelt it wrong but amazing art!! Very pleasing to the eyes ^w^
Nikovolt |alt| - another moot and just a general silly person!
Scene-royaltylolz - very silly moot and a very kind person!!!
Sponseredbywalmart - one of my moots, very silly
Red-rat-ryu - my beautiful amazing partner ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kr1ck3ts-d3n - my other beautiful amazing partner :3 ❤️❤️
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PLEASE INTERACT: alterhumans / alterhuman allies, artists, lgbtqia individuals / lgbtqia allies, neurodivergents, DOATK / mashup tournament enjoyers, NON-PROBLEMATIC Homestucks, silly folk, non-problematic people :33
DO NOT INTERACT: Racists, Zoophiles, Homophobes / Terfs, Cringe Culture participaters, Proshippers, People prone to drama, generally shitty people, NSFW blogs
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Please keep like spam down to 5 posts or less ! It can be fairly annoying if I receive a shit ton of notifs ( Mutuals are exempt from this to a point )
If you like my art, reblog it ! Likes are nice, but reblogs can help more people see my art. I spend a lot of time and effort making my art and if it doesn't travel , it means that effort went to waste
Please don't use it / it's for me. I know a lot of other alterhumans use those but I feel very uncomfortable when they're used for me .
Please don't use nicknames for me unless we are mutuals
Please don't dm me unless we are mutuals
DO NOT MAKE SUI / SH JOKES! I have personally experienced both of those and they are a huge negative trigger for me . I am currently recovering and thinking too much about those things have lead me to mental breakdowns .
If I don't respond to an ask / message / comment, do not spam me please . My antidepressants make me very tired and I sleep alot because of it , so I might not get back to you immediately .
If you violate my dni or break my page rules I'm blocking you /srs
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I am part of a system ! This blog is mostly used by Skip (the host), but sometimes other alters might pop in as well. Both of the ones that openly communicate type differently than I do (one types in a sort of "uwu speak' kind of fashion, and the other may replace Es with 3s), so please let them be if that happens!
Blogs for other alters ; Nep /\/\ Jolt ( One doesn't have one due to complications )
My sign offs for each of my alters are;
Skip ( Me ) - ⭐ - info above :3
Mozart - 🎸 - He / They - Doesn't front much due to complications with his source , he prefers to talk in a more " uwu " sort of way ??? idk how to describe it , but if he needs to ( or forgets lmao ) he'll talk more normally
Nepeta - ♌ - She / Kit / Any with a She / Kit preference - nonverbal , but loves to talk through other means ! Kits fairly hyper and loves talking about quadrents :3
Twig - 🪵 - They / Them - None of us are 100 percent sure they exist since they keep phasing in and out of headspace . Very quiet and anxious . Gets stressed very easily .
Jolt - 📺 - She / They / Chip / Glitch - Milf energy . She talks very smoothly and uses " darling " alot . Doesn't know much about her past and struggles with remembering things . The few things she does remember are fairly traumatizing for her , so please don't bring them up !
Cirus / Lamb - 🔻- He / They - Former cult leader turned god of death . He is fairly fond of cats as his spouse was one . He's very much determined to keep the body healthy . Loves talking to people :3
Davepeta - 🍎 - She / He / They / It / Any - Whimsy lil fucker with BAADD memory . Would follow anyone who gives it apple slices . fairly new .
Jaspers / Frigglish - 🐈‍⬛ - He / Any - Also fairly new . Says whatever hes thinking . Very kind and loves talking to people :3
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Here's where I got the teeth dividers!
And here's the moon dividers :3
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prozac-shaped-urn · 1 month
💌 (pretend i am asking this from my side blog)
*snap* *clap* *finger guns* sooo
i did a small dive into the passion side blog because i know what we have in common, but i wanted to look a little closer and find things that maybe surprised me or made me have to stop and think, and i wanted to give those some thought before i responded. i'm the kind of person who likes to take my time when i'm asked about what i learned during a new experience / what i like about someone / things along those lines. i even take my time with answering that question about my bestie and we've known each other for two whole decades.
i won't go too in depth on mental health mainly to respect your privacy, but also i don't feel like tagging this post with a million trigger warnings, SO THERE. what i will say is that we fight a similar battle. no two manifestations of mental illnesses are the same, but from what i know of my own diagnoses and what i gather from your experience, we're very alike in the specific demon we battle with literally every second we breathe. you're still here. you're still fucking here. whether we wanna be here half the time is a different story for you and me both. but you're still kicking ass and taking names, and that makes you extraordinarily brave and strong. moving on before i start crying.
i will confess i haven't read the OC thing you posted but i will get to it and when i do get ready for feedback akin to this response. brain hasn't been braining for a month and i'm not pushing myself to turn the lights back on before i'm good and damn ready.
YOUR ART??!!?!?! HELLO?!!!????? HOLY FUCKING JESUS BRO!!!!!!!!!!! it baffles me how people can see shit in their head and then make it a thing on the page. visual artists never fail to make me shake my head with wonder. i bow at your exquisitely talented fangirl feet.
your thoughts on gender surprised me. (in a good way!) i haven't given my own gender any kind of in-depth thought, but now i kinda want to. i also don't feel like a girl, and i don't feel like a boy, nor do i feel like a woman or a man, or really any specific binary or non-binary affiliation. i'm just ~whatever~ i'm just ME dude idfk. i've always been this way and i don't really think about it that much. i like the fact that you took the time to examine that aspect of yourself. whether or not you have firm answers for the prying minds of strangers is irrelevant. it's your fucking gender, do with it whatever you want.
"nothing prepares you for the grief that hits when you realise there are things you can no longer do or have access to. that in order to prevent your slow decline you might have to give up your previous joys and watch enviously from the sidelines" is such a raw and painful insight. holy hell dude.
thank you all for coming with me on this little joy ride. i hope it made sense.
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the-anime-man · 10 months
What if Sig got to the Tome of Sealing first? AKA Tomo AU
hi again tumblr, please dont expect a whole lot from this blog, once again, but, i wanted to post like a little basic thing about this au i've had since 2021 now that i'm back into puyo again,
this is an au that Heavily relies on bits of fanon and headcanon to make it work cuz canon is puyo puyo is very fucking wishy washy but essentially, what if sig had checked out the tome of sealing from the library before klug was able to? (sorry if this is a bit scatterbrained, im not good at organizing my thoughts much,,)
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(also please dont mind some of the art, im like an ok artist at best and some of this shit is from 2 years ago as well)
so like, as the absolute fucking nerd i am, i made like an initial google doc on this thing outlining most of the shit im about to summarize here (that i might link if someone asks at some point i guess idk) as well as a fanfic, didnt finish that though, i got like through barely a chapter before i stopped and then i got into sam and max but that's unrelated to now
ANYWAYS, the au is as it sounds, sig goes to precise museum and, guided by the voice of the crimson soul, finds the tome of sealing and checks it out (much to akuma's chargin,,) and then he checks out the book again,,, and again,,,, and a gain,,,, (you see where this is going)
but uh, why is it called tomo au? see im being a little shitter here and i thought maybe the crimson soul's memory would be a little shot after spending ages in a book so they might not remember their name and sig is like "you're my friend now so i'm gonna call you friend/tomodachi" but then he's like "that's too long i'm gonna call you tomo instead" so they just go along with it, for future reference, anytime i mention the crimson soul i'm gonna be calling it Tomo
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wow that's really fucking big sorry,
sig has an immense attachment to tomo from the get go btw, he's like, i wanna say like 8 or so when he first gets to the book, so besides the obvious literal halvsies soul connection there's that childhood connection as well,
side note: they can speak to each other cuz of that soul connection btw, it's my personal headcanon that after slug (canon strange klug/the crimson soul) can speak to anybody who they've possessed before as well as their other half, so in canon klug and sig can hear the book talk but in this au only sig can hear them
also, the reason why tomo doesn't attempt to take over sig right from the outset is A) they dunno where the unsealing objects are and B) sig is a child and uh, another part that i'm still trying to work the kinks through of is whether tomo decides to hold off on doing the fusion dance of their own volition or if because the cyan soul (which can speak to tomo, but only when sig is asleep cuz when sig is awake the cyan soul IS sig, nother headcanon sorry) decides it's too soon, they probably have memories of previous incarnations stored in there and know that eventually sig will start showing more demonic traits but not when he's baby
wow this is getting to be a lot but we're not even done cuz now i gotta talk about what this means about shit like fever 2 and such (y'know canon things and all)
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boy tumblr just hates making images smaller nowadays huh,
so when sig starts showing signs of his heritage (i.e., a bit before fever 2 happens) tomo and sig start to hatch a plan to get tomo a body back! of course, tomo is omitting some things about how they're actually going to go into sig's body cuz at this point they've been together for a few years now and sig trusts tomo as like, a best friend i guess? something like that,
so sig is under the impression tomo is gonna be released and get their old body back and tomo is under the impression that as soon as the seal releases they'll enter sig's body, join back up with the cyan soul, and return to their original form,
so sig transfers over to amitie and klug's class, (tomo) overhears that lemres is coming into town with the items they need, and they steal the shit and head to the ruins to perform the unsealing
SPOILERS! shit goes wrong
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ignore how shitty the ms paint art from a couple of years ago is, might change the hair to be more red in future art
for reasons (that i also need to workshop because to be honest originally it was a "whoever unseals it gets their soul swapped with whoever is trapped in the book" but like??? idk if that's how it should work when it comes to these two specifically), sig and tomo swap places instead of a fusion happening,
sucks balls for both of them cuz this is like the Last thing either of them wanted out of this tbh, sig obviously because well, trust got broken and ended up trapped til the artifacts are stolen (klug either swaps roles with amitie or sig, haven't figured that one out yet either) and tomo most certainly doesn't want sig trapped, as they wouldn't want anyone to experience the loneliness of being sealed away like they were (except klug, fuck klug specifically) (also the chronicles drama cd mentions that part of tomo's character in it so it works for my purposes)
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this image wasn't necessarily specific to tomo au but i thought it would fit anyways, sorry it's a bit blurry my phone wouldnt focus on the damn thing properly
and after fever 2,,, i kind of dont have as clear of a story? or a plan? there's some tension between sig and tomo for at least a little while but sig eventually forgives them, as well i don't know how i would tackle something like sig's secret if at all?? but yeah that's the main shit to this au, sorry it's all so very long! this has been on my mind for a few weeks now and it was on my mind for months back in 2021, so i just have a lot i'm throwing out here into the wind, if you got this far: thanks so much for reading!
here's some bonus shit for getting to the end of the main shit:
tomo calls sig "little blue" sometimes, since he's yknow, younger than them and blue but calls the cyan soul their "other half"
if you couldn't tell from the first image, since sig has his bookbag, he carries tomo around in that, but if he's stopped somewhere he'll leave the book open next to him so tomo can see around (hard to see with the covers in the way)
sig was already probably ostricized for yknow, his autistic tendencies, the book did not help with that, but it gave him a trusted confidant :)
sig actually starts developing his demonic traits earlier than in canon due to his proximity to tomo, but not by much
klug has stolen the book before, both demon halves were not pleased with this and klug has not attempted to steal the book again
sig can supplement his own magic power with tomo's for an incredibly large boost, and tomo doesn't mind doing so, this gives sig almost the exact same amount of power as the full demon used to have and also changes his right eye to red
OH, both relevant to this au and my own interpretation: the full demon's name was wisteria, but neither sig nor tomo remember it until either are reminded of that
ok that's it go home now bye bye
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