adulting tips from an adult who doesn’t adult good
how to disappear online
schools don’t teach you this
different knives and their uses
how to grow the fuck up | part 2
what to do when you’re alone on valentine’s day
another ‘adulting’ masterpost
ultimate getting a first apartment checklist
dealing with the worst case scenarios 
adulting life hacks
24 hacks for the cheapskates in all of us
guides to life (getting an apartment, writing a resume, protect house from break-ins etc)
open jar lids
ultimate guide for what to buy and when to buy
style essentials
11 ways to wear a scarf
11 ways to tie a necktie
things i never learnt in high school
writing adult emails
how to balance a checkbook
what to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless
6 tips for saving the most while shopping
money making hacks
how to make a skivvy roll
tips for living alone
life lessons for adulting
fashion reference
lose your wallet?
crisis hotlines
how to break out of zip ties
how to disappear completely
tips for self defense | really important
what should I do if I get robbed?
When the cops pull you over
big emergencies -  sinking ship |  stuck in an slevator |  falling on ice |  survive nature [stranded]
tape hands for a fight
things to keep in your car
covering up tattoos
heimlich maneuver for dogs
how to become an adult
how to unlock car with shoelace
30 things I learnt the year I turned twenty
guides to life
other cheat sheets
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My bones: c r u n c h
The people around me: oh my god??? What the frick???
Me:....yalls dont do that?
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reko, mai, and maple for yttd asks?
Reko: What does music mean to you personally?  uh?? idk i do lots of shit with it and it helps me calm down often but idk what like. meaning it has to me yknow
Mai: What are your favorite types of sweets, whether they’re ones you can make or ones you cannot?  i like all sweets! preferably ones that don’t have wayy too much sugar or way too little sugar in them though. too much can make me gag and too little isn’t that tasty
Maple: How comfortable are you with opening up to others and being vulnerable?  very uncomfortable 0/10 being vulnerable has always, and i mean always, been used against me at some point. it sucks but that’s how it is ig :/
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teach me how to attract the lost souls i am incredibly bored all the time
rayla hOW do you get so many asks- tell me your secrets (/j /lh)
I dunno Black magic?
The sadness attracts lost souls who wander, lost in the void that is tumblr /j
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Witch's Heart Ask Game!
Claire - Rate how feminine you are on a scale of 1-10.
Sirius - What's your favorite book?
Noel - What's your star sign?
Ashe - Is there a wish you'd be willing to kill someone for?
Wilardo - If you could be immortal, what would you do?
Lilia - Donuts with one person or a picnic with multiple?
Rouge - Opinions on wine?
Lime - Would living in a place made of candy be a dream or a nightmare for you?
Zizel - Could you survive a game of Russian Roulette?
Charlotte - If you could choose to look the same until you died, would you want to?
Witch - Do you think anybody should have enough power to hurt people with no consequences?
Demon - Would you be a Pureblood or a Hater?
Jewel - If you had a jewel inside your body, what color would you want it?
Mansion - You're locked in a mansion with 4 people of your choice. Who are they?
Timeloop - Do you like the idea of time looping over and over until good things happen?
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dude stop telling me to count dracula I only ever see the one
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lmao i hope u guys realize i follow over 600 tags- there’s no way u guys are gonna be able to guess them all-
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(hears a song lyric) this would make a great all-lower case fanfiction title
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alternatives to "ladies and gentlemen"
cads and wastrels
fellow scoundrels
ladies, gentlemen, and interesting miscellanea
beloved friends & tolerated acquaintances
paying audience members & assorted freeloaders
entities of interest
the fbi's most wanted
discerning guests & those of you with fuck all else to do on a tuesday evening
esteemed gutter filth
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This joke truly has all of my favorite things:
Very poorly done accents
A mullet
Tax fraud
In conclusion I think I'm in love with this man
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Auditory Processing Problems
• *someone says something* “what?” *repeats themselves* “sorry?” *repeats themselves again* “pardon?”
•"hey, y'see the red thing at the top of the shelf, will you get it?“ “Sorry, what?” “On the sh-” “oh yeah sure, I’ll get it.”
•*doesn’t hear teacher because someone’s pen is making a scratchy sound at the back of the room*
•*replays video 10 ten times to figure out what they’re saying*
•teachers asking, “why do you always stop writing in the middle of a sentence, just write down whatever I’m saying,” followed by the response, “I’m just processing it,” rebuked by, “we’ll stop processing it and just write.”
•*gets really focused on staring out the window and goes through four songs without hearing a single on*
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stuck between "can't believe it's already march" and "can't believe it's only march"
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