#im just having a big big struggle and have been since may
Hiiii i love this blog and its such a joy to have you on my dash again!
Im sure you get a lot of questions, but in a recent post you said people tend to sort by kudos when new to a fandom, and I'm curious both why you say that, and what other/better ways of finding fics might be?
I default to sorting by kudos, and always have, but ive found i struggle to find fics i actually enjoy that way but dont know how to change my searching technique. 😔
Sorting by kudos lets you know that other people liked a fic, but I've never found popularity to be a big factor in whether I like a thing or not. I do see a lot of people recommending that method, though, even though to me it makes no sense.
My way may or may not work for you (I've never done that much reading in mega fandoms, for instance), but I sort by Date Posted or Date Created most of the time.
If I'm new to a fandom and the fandom has existed for a while, I'll dip back into older works. You can specify a date range for when a work last updated. It's at the bottom of the Filters menu, in the More Options section:
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If a show is currently in season 5 and I'm only on season 2, then I want to read the fics that were written in season 2. It makes my brain happy in a way that might or might not be logical, but hey - it works for me.
Since the fandoms and pairings I have historically enjoyed are not huge, I don't really filter for (or remove) tags all that much. I just scroll through the works list and skim summaries until something sounds interesting. Then I look at the associated tags and decide if it's a work that I want to try out or if it looks like something I wouldn't enjoy.
If there are a lot of works and I'm having a hard time narrowing things down, then I look to the Word Count filter to help me out. I know that I love fics under 10K pretty much all the time, so I can use that as a way to reduce the number of results I'm sorting through if I find that there are too many.
That's it, really. And if I'm all caught up in the fandom? Then I just go with the default sorting of Date Posted and start in on the summaries. I'll either go through the fandom tag or, if I ship something, the ship tag(s). I find that to be the best way for me to find something interesting - and I run into tons of stuff I never would have seen if I'd been looking at other stats.
If you have a preferred way of finding good stuff (that isn't the tried-and-true asking a friend for recs), feel free to share it in the notes!
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I've been messing around with clangen a bit. Bet y'all cant guess what happened
#rat rambles#^ got attached and made a new story using my 4 clans#Im mostly using where Im at currently as a starting point for a new story#featuring my lovely lil guy Ive been calling murtlepaw in my head but that name may not stick idk#theyre just the embodiment of just some guy in the body of the specialist guy in the world#they have their whole sope opera backstory that they dont event remember most of but whats most important is that the spirit of one of the#dead clan leaders has been kinda haunting them for their whole life#she was mostly chill tho just kind of pushy after a while to go join her old clan and after they did she stopped showing up as much#which wouldnt be as big of a thing if shit didnt hit the fan the gathering after they joined#basically the four clan founders started fighting over the clans specialist little guy in front of everyone#then they all try to sort of possess them but since they all try at once they kind of just get too stuck wresting eachother for control to#actually properly possess them so now murtlepaw is just having a panic attack while everyone else at the gathering stand there in shock#before that the leader of the clan murtle joined had treated them quite coldly due to who brought them there#the past leader made her deputy right after she had lost her tail and had just lost her best friend and then proceeded to die soon after#the past leader I mean#so she. has quite the bad association with her.#but after that gathering she recognized that murtlepaw didnt chose to be involved with most of this shit#and immediately felt terrible abt how she had been treated them and quickly becomes the number one murtlepaw defender#in particular shes quick to defend them from the other leaders trying to claim them as their own prophesized cat#shes trying her best to give murtlepaw as much control over the sitiation as she can but its a goddamn struggle#the other leaders are mostly just sitting there like this bitch is so old please just drop dead already so we can force this child to move#and I need to sleep but if I keep developing this story prepare for me to keep vaguely talking abt it#or not since even tho I do think abt my other main wc story a good bit I still dont talk abt it much lol#tbf thats mostly because I might actually make smth for it someday and I wanna avoid spoiling everything
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luvyeni · 2 months
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p. yanderebf!jay x fem bodied reader | warnings: mafia? it's not flat out said, mentions of sex, blood, jay is crazy | words: 0.7k ~ (738) 🦅ㆍ₊⊹
request: can i req a dark romance involving established rs w jay and reader wherein he took "i would kill for you" seriously and too far 👀
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“baby I love you so much, you don’t understand id do anything for you— fuck I’d kill someone for you.”
Hearing your boyfriend say that; you didn’t think anything of it, jay always said this, and you chalked it up as your boyfriend proving how much he loved you after sex; being a little dramatic due to adrenaline— but you were so unaware of how dangerous your boyfriend actually was, and that he was serious.
“sit him up there.” Jay ordered his jake and heeseung to sit the tied up man; who’s face had already taken a brutal beating in the wooden chair. “wh-who are you?” the man struggled against the weight of jays friends. “now that doesn’t matter does it seeing as you wont be around long enough to tell anyone.”
“jay?” he looked up, your eyes looking around the room. “oh hi princess come.” He beckoned you over to him. “come see baby.” Your eyes went wide upon seeing the bloody man in the seat, his eyes black and blue; unable to even see the white’s of his eyes. “ja-jay who is this, what did you do?”
“oh you don’t remember him, he’s the guy who hit on you at the bar last weekend, you know the fucking creep who kept touching your ass.” He said, you didn’t even tell him that, so how did he know. “how’d you find that out.”
“pretty girl, you think i allow you to leave the house in a dress that small without someone watching you, what kind of boyfriend would I be?” he said almost offended you’d think something like that. “heeseung saw everything, how come you didn’t tell me?”
“i-it didn’t occur to me, it actually slipped my mind.” You tried not to make eye contact with the man, the smell of his blood burning your nostrils. “you did this to him?” your boyfriend showed no emotions. “that?” he pointed to his face. “oh no, jake did.” He said. “did a real number on him.”
“y-you didn’t have to do this, it was no big deal.” You said, jays eyes turned dark. “are you defending him?” he said. “no-no of course not.” He smiled softly. “don’t be scared baby, im not gonna hurt you of course.” He picked up the bat that was already sitting here. “just trying to protect you that’s all.”
“that’s why to avoid all this blood shed I’ll be joining you on your outings, I never felt comfortable letting you out alone anyway.” He said. “too many creeps out there and I may not be able to kill them all.” Kill? “jay how many people have you done this too?”
“how many creeps have hit on since we’ve been dating.” He chuckled darkly. “I stopped counting.” He said, you didn’t know what to do, you loved jay; but him killing people on your behalf wasn’t something you wanted. “yo-you don’t have to kill him, he’s already beat up enough, im sure he leaned his lesson.”
Held the bat im his hand, his other hand coming up to caress your face. “that’s why you don’t make the rules I do.” Before you could say anything else, he gripped your cheeks, your lips forming a pout. “this is where you stop talking princess, understand?” you nodded, he pulled away. “good girl, when im done with this fucker , I’ll take you to a nice dinner okay.”
You didn’t say anything else, watch your boyfriend and his friends raise their bats, the man barely getting a plea out before the bats came down— his screams making you jump, covering your ears to mask the sound of his bones cracking as the bats came up and down, his blood splattering everywhere.
Jay dropped the bat, catching his breath, his face and body covered in blood. “fuck this suit was expensive.” He cursed. “princess.” He turned to you. “lets go.” He held is bloody hand out. “I got us reservations at your favorite place.” He squeezed your hand, pulling you next to him.
“wh-what about him?” jay sighed, he didn’t want to deal with this much longer. “jake, heeseung; deal with him.” He said. “me and you are gonna go take a shower together.” He said, his eyes full of hunger, even after all that he was horny. “gonna go fuck my girl and then take her to dinner.”
“you love me baby right?” He kissed your wet skin, the water running down your bodies, the water red as it went down the drain. “you won’t have ever leave me right?” he squeezed your waist, you whined. “ye-yes.”
“good princess, and now you know I would really kill anyone for you to show you.”
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deoidesign · 5 months
if i may ask, is it difficult at all to re-edit/organize the comic pages from the webtoon format to fit the graphic novel format?
on another note, I'm so happy that your kickstarter was funded!!! I love time and time again, im so excited to see this all happen <3
I'll just turn this ask into something of a guide for the process! Because yes, it is difficult, but there are also many ways I have been preparing from the beginning for this very situation to make things easier for me!
I've worked in both print and scroll in the past, and have done this transition once before for a short story, so I already had familiarity both with my goals for print, and struggles with the transition!
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How I prepared from the beginning for this transition:
1: My panels are 2500 pixels wide, so they can span my page (which is 8.3x5.8 inches) at 350 DPI (which is print quality)
2: My layers are organized: Text, FX, Foreground, Characters, Background
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3: I draw one very large (twice as big as any panel would be, minimum) background for my major locations, as well as drawing furniture assets in isolation. This not only saves me time when making my actual episodes, but it also offers me INCREDIBLE flexibility when making this transition to print.
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These 3 things let me pull the character art to the page by itself, scale it up or down to fit my panel, and then fill in the background behind the character.
So, I read the scroll version, decide how many and which panels I want on the page for the pacing (I also keep page spreads and page turns in mind while I am doing this), and then I pull those panels over from the scroll version to the page.
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Then, I make the panel borders/page layout that I want, fit the character art into it, paste in the backgrounds, do any art editing that I need, add FX, and then re-do the text!
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Sometimes I do need to draw parts that are missing (shoulders or elbows getting cut off is an extremely common one) and sometimes I need to adjust facial expressions, cut panels, or rearrange panels to make things read more clearly. Since it's my comic already, I know how to do these things while maintaining the original intent, but if I were working with someone else's comic I would need to work closely with them to know what can and can't be cut.
(original panel vs an expanded version)
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Another common issue is that VERY tall panels will inevitably lose a lot of information when they’re turned to pages. Identify the purpose of the panel (pacing, showing a lot of detail, etc) and then replicate that with your page layout.
examples (in order) are: scene transition, being overwhelmed, suspense, and establishing shot. All of these were a single panel in the scroll version!
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Another issue when converting pages is that panel order is a lot less straightforward than when starting from print format. Conversational back and forth that's fine in scroll often messes up the flow of reading in a page (characters facing out, not looking at eachother from panel to panel, etc) and so some creative solutions are necessary to keeping the reading order.
For the first page I had to delete and rearrange some panels, and in the second the dialogue bubbles guide us to read this page in a circle. (dialogue guides through a lot of my pages lol)
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And the last really common issue that pops up is that height differences can be really difficult. Usually in print this is solved with clever angles, but I’ve already drawn everything. So, I’ll either resort to vertical shaped panels, panel pop-outs, or editing a character up or down to fit into the panel.
(examples in order)
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So, yes, it is difficult! But I have a lot of experience with both formats, and having prepared for this from the beginning I've been able to make the transition a LOT more smoothly than I otherwise could have.
I hope this helps!
And, thank you about the kickstarter! I'm extremely excited I'll be able to print these, the proofs I've received so far look just absolutely stunning and I'm so so so excited to get to send them to people!!!
Obligatory self promo, if you want to see the kickstarter page and get these four books for yourself, then you can check it out here ^^ It's been funded, so at this point we're just reaching stretch goals and placing orders!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 months
And here is the other Carmy one!
Can I please request a fic where Carmy and Sugar have a younger sister, who is around 15 or something, running away and just showing up at Carmy’s doorstep, imagine him coming home to his apartment and seeing his lil sister asleep on her tiny backpack that she brought and he’s just like, “Y/n????” Carmy calling their Mom to let her know that Y/n’s at his apartment, his sister literally clinging to him and begging him not to send her back to their mother. Their mom giving the okay for her to stay with him, and Carmy looking at Y/n’s puppy dog eyes and agreeing. Omg ALSO him letting her work at the restaurant!!!!! Something that he always wished Mikey would’ve let him do!! UGH HIM PRETTY MUCH MENTORING HER AND GUIDING HER IN COOKING. Y/n following behind him like a lil lost pup. Her kinda being an assistant to her big brother!! He’d make sure she gets to school safely and I feel like he’d make sure she’s getting whatever she needs at school!! The staff taking care of her too like she’s one of their own, showing up to events at school, helping with homework, etc. Especially since Carm struggled in school, he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to her. Sugar may feel a littleeee offended that Y/n chose to go to Carmy instead of her, Y/n just has a special relationship with her brother and really looks up to him (probably wanting to be a chef like he is) 🤧 The staff being so fond of her and taking care of her
𝒴ℴ𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎
A/n- I love this so so much! so sorry this took a little I’ve been on a bit of a break. This is a lil short but im just trying to get back into the groove of writing ): im working on the other reqs too!
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Throwing everything you could fit into your bag, you glanced around the room once more. You never wanted to come back here.
Now where you would go? You didn’t know.
You wandered around the streets for a little, getting some food and once it hit 9 pm, you knew you had to go somewhere.
You found your feet padding against the stairs up to his apartment, remembering his address by heart.
“If you need anything, I’m always here, alright?” Were the words that rang in your head everyday ever since the funeral. Every time she yelled or asked you for a drink, you thought back to your brother.
He had given you a little slip on paper with his address on it, the numbers written quickly and sloppily. You kept it ever since.
You raised your fist, rapping on the door. When there was no answer, you did again. He wasn’t home you soon realized.
You sighed, putting your pillow that was underneath your arm onto the floor, knowing it could be a little until he was back. You ended up falling asleep on the floor.
And later, you woke up to a voice.
“Jesus…” he mumbled, your eyes slowly fluttering open.
“Hey, y/n.” He said quietly, “c’mon, get off the ground.” He held a hand out for you, you wiped the sleep from your eyes and grabbed his hand.
“Carmy.” You murmured sleepily, he chuckled quietly and began to unlock the door. You followed him into his apartment.
“What are you doing, y/n?” He asked you, motioning for you to sit down on the couch next to him as he got a glass of water.
“I… ran away.” You admitted, taking the glass.
His eyes widened, he stayed silent for a while until he spoke up again.
“Why’d you come here?”
“It’s the only other place I had to go.” You shrugged, looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Fuck… okay, let me…” he pulled out his phone.
“Wait, don’t make me go back. Please, don’t.”
“I’m just gonna let her know you’re here. I’m not sending you back.”
He went to the other side of the house, quietly talking to her.
He glanced back up at you, looking at your eyes and sighing when he put the phone down.
“You can stay here. Just until-“ he spoke, walking over. But he was cut off when you ran over and wrapped your arms around him, thanking him multiple times.
His hand was on the back of your head as he looked up at the ceiling.
“Don’t be nervous. They’ll love you.” He said, he entered the room, seeing everyone sitting down at the table.
“Hey, everyone.” He greeted them all, you standing awkwardly behind him.
“Y/n?!” Sugar practically shouted when she saw you. She ran up, giving you a tight hug.
“Is that the shrimp?” Richie asked, standing up to get a good look at you now.
“Hey, guys.” You said to them both.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, how’ve you been?” He asked, giving you a hug as well.
“Oh my God! I missed you, what are you doing here?” She continued. You gave her a smile and looked at Carmy.
“Uhm, everyone, this is y/n. My sister.” He motioned to you. “She’s gonna be working here from now on.”
A bunch of people started talking at once, all greeting you.
“Wait, seriously?” Sugar asks him. He nodded.
“I.. ran away.” You told sugar and Richie. They both stayed silent for a moment.
“You chose to stay with him?” Sugar asked you, cracking a small smile again.
“Yeah. Sorry. I don’t know your address.” You told her.
She just smiled and gave you another hug.
“The foods gonna get cold,” Carmy said, nodding towards the table with a small smile. You sat in an empty chair next to Carmy.
The next weeks were the best, you felt more free than ever now. You learned how to cook better, and Carmy was more patient with you than he was with the others.
You seemed happier, and that was all that mattered to him.
You were a part of their family now.
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Hey! Im glad i managed to wake up early in the end! Here are my two requests and thank you so much for your great writing!
1. Yanderes of your choice (the ones who wear masks/cover their faces or are just insecure about their appearances in general) with a darling who always compliments their face, saying they look amazing and that they love all of them/the first time they see the yans face their reaction is to get all :OOOO and compliment it
2. yanderes of your choice with a minor deity reader, who doesn't have the same perception of boundaries as a normal person does plus is just happy they have a follower at least.....?
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Minor Deity s/o
Ash Landers
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▫️​You may not be known very well as other deities are but with Ash you pretty much already have the most devoted and loyal follower one could ask for. Yet the fact that you were forgotten seems to affect him much more than it has affected you ever as he is in utter grief and sorrow when he finds out about it. Deities are supposed to be worshipped and treated with reverence yet humans truly seem to have forgotten how to pay respect and he is determined to see it through that your name will be called in prayers once again. After he has purified London, that is. With his darling being a literal deity though, Ash feels immense pressure to see it through that everything will be perfect for you. He lets churches and temples be build in your name and starts searching for humans he thinks would be worthy enough of worshipping you as he is basically planning to collect a cult for you. Your obvious clinginess is constantly overwhelming him though as he doesn't see himself as worthy for being touched by a deity like this, especially since he hasn't done anything to deserve it.
Juvia Lockser
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💧​Juvia is constantly swooning over pretty much everything you do as her obsessive tendencies only increase as she figures out that you are an actual deity. You are literally perfect in her eyes. She spends days and weeks crafting a small shrine for you where she always leaves flowers, pastries or anything else for you as a sign of her adoration and love. She has a rather strange relationship with the idea of collecting other followers for you though. On the one hand she wants people to notice you because you are the most perfect and beautiful being as the mere thought that no one has ever been a follower of yours angers her greatly. On the other hand she also doesn't want to lose all the attention and affection she gets solely because she is the only one who calls herself a follower of yours now. You are very clingy with little to no perception of boundaries but since Juvia is exactly the same, this is just utterly perfect for her. The idea of you giving such attention to other people if they would start believing in you is a big cause of her jealousy as she would like to remain as someone special to you even if you should collect more followers.
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🪙​Both of you share very similar struggles yet Yato shows much more concern for you as a deity will disappear if no human remembers them so he is very desperate to get you more followers. He starts with Hiyori as he asks her to not forget you for her entire life and to remember you and she really goes all out of her way to build you a small shrine similar to the one she has crafted for Yato. Otherwise Yato literally goes around with Yukine to fulfill his jobs whilst trying to advertise for you. Whilst you don't show any panic or fear due to having so only Hiyori as a human who believes in you as of now, he still feels like he has to do everything he can to cheer you up to keep you happy. He has very good intentions but at times he can go a bit too far by literally wracking some damage to induce humans with the belief that it was the work of you just to get their attention on you. Hiyori and you are ususally quick to scold him for it as you don't want to be remembered as a deity who harms other people. Yato happily indulges in your clinginess though because he can be quite touchy himself but he does get jealous quickly when you show similar amounts of affection to Yukine and Hiyori.
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Hello!!! I've been binge reading all your tgcf stuff and I'm literally obsessed with your writing!!
I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for shi qingxuan with a savage ranked ghost who's super intimidating but he's actually very sweet? Like he's taller and a lot more muscular than the wind master (but not stronger? Idk if this even makes sense, I'm genuinely tweaking).
Also uh, (if it doesn't make you uncomfortable) could you make it mostly nsfw headcanons?
please and thank you! I love your writing!!
Guy exe.
Shi Qingxuan x M!reader
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Here you go!!! I hope you like it ☺️🙏
I immediately thought of this song when I read your request 😁
Now you said that reader isn't strong so Im assuming he's the bottom?🤔 I decided to make Shi Qingxuan a power bottom so I hope you're okay with that
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Made up scenarios
Language: cunt, tits, dick, all of the above your honor.
Shi Qingxuan adores his ghost lover!
A savage rank ghost, who is cold and intimidating at first glance but is actually a sweetheart!
He adores you very much!
You care for him so much and take such good care of him.
At first glance people think you're definitely in charge of the relationship
You're big and strong, you're much taller compared to Shi Qingxuan in his male and female form.
But they are so so wrong
It may look like that in public but it's much different in the bedroom.
Whatever form Shi Qingxuan takes on he's definitely the one in charge
You're still weaker than him so pinning you down and sitting on your dick without struggle isn't hard
And he makes sure to remind you of that even though you're the one rearranging his guts.
Sure your dick makes Shi Qingxuan moan and cry in pleasure but he's the one pushing you down in bed and telling you to fuck him good.
Whether that be his ass or his cunt
Since Shi Qingxuan is comfortable with both forms that means more possibilities!
In female form She loves to tease you and flaunt her breasts, sometimes if you're good she'll let you you fuck her tits.
She'll sit on your face or let you eat her out if you want.
The best part? You don't need to breathe so she can sit on your face for hours, you can eat her out for hours until she's cumming over and over.
He'll let you suck his dick to if you want but he'd rather you fuck face him
You having a muscular build means you definitely have a monster of a dick and Shi Qingxuan loves slobbering all over it.
You're an absolute sweetheart in bed and you listen so well Shi Qingxuan just can't say no to you.
Point is he loves you very much even and he loves how people misinterpret your guy's relationship
He loves when they guess wrong so later in the night he can prove you're the submissive one out of the two of you
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kolsangel · 2 years
੭ु⁾ ⚜ dating elijah mikaelson
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❥ flora's notes : this took me soooo long and for no specific reason😭 also im deeply in love with elijah, thank u
m.list | comment and/or reblog if u enjoyed !
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⚜.  elijah is a gentleman and knows all the secrets to make your heart melt. sidewalk rule, holding doors for you, paying for your meals, cute gifts, he knows it all.
⚜. he loves when you wear his shirt after you spent a night together. he just thinks the oversized look of it on you makes you look very cute and sexy.
⚜. one of his main principles is to allow you to make your own choices. the fact that your decisions may sometimes displease him does not mean that he does not respect your independence.
⚜. speaking of which, he enjoys people who can handle themselves. personality traits that he admires most include independence, strong-willedness, and devotedness. he wants someone who is like him. it is easier for him to love someone he understands and who understands him. therefore, he would want someone willing to fight for his family and he will fight for yours too.
⚜. elijah loves taking you on fancy dates but he mostly does it to see you in a dress. his favourite colour on you is red (no pun intended with the blood💀, he just thinks it's hot). he enjoys spending time with you at night the most though and will take you on night walks/night swims every chance he gets.
⚜. he shows you off at balls and buys you the dresses. he makes you twirl around in them in the middle of the ballroom, so that everybody stares at you. he smiles when he sees the look on people's faces, awestruck by his gorgeous partner. he's so proud to have someone like you.
⚜. not big on pda but he loves caressing your hand and kissing your forehead. when you two are around people who look at you in a flirty type of way or just hinting that they want you, he will wrap a protective arm around your waist and tell them to piss off in his usual noble manner. however, he is up for a fight if the need arises. 
⚜. he always compliments you. there hasn't been a day where he didn't find you attractive. "you look absolutely breathtaking y/n", "you light up the whole room, just with your smile". he wants you to never doubt your inner and outer beauty, to him you are pure perfection.
⚜. elijah wishes to be a dad and would be an amazing one at that. he would put his partner and his child's happiness first. he would also want to get married : after spending a lifetime trying to find a long-lasting love, he wants to put a ring on it quite quickly, in fear that he might lose you and what you built together.
⚜. fails to have a peaceful sleep if he dienst have you in his arms. since esther tortured him, he struggles with night terrors and seeing you by his side, hearing you in his mind is such a relief. it always encourages him to come out of his trance.
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© kolsangel. do not copy, modify, translate, repost or take my ideas/concept without giving credits but comments, feedback, reblogs and asks are very much welcome ! ⚜🩸
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fipindustries · 11 months
oppen heimer style
let me just start this by saying that this is not necesarily nolan being back to form, necesarily. i would place it just above the rest of nolan's dark period known as intersrellar, dunkirk and tenet. but that is not an exceedingly high bar to pass.
he has sadly become a director that i still respect appreciate and whose movies i enjoy but whom i can no longer say is an unmatched genius.
lets start with the bad.
its too long, and its pacing its a little awkward, no need to worry for spoilers here since we all know the history. the big money shot that we were all expecting, the trinity test, it happens roughly at the middle of the movie and after that the movie struggles to reach any other point of heightened emotion as high as that one.
its a solid three hour experience and more than once it had me wondering "ok, how much left, are we done yet?" but i will say this: once i reached the final scene and the credits start i did not feel a tired relief that it was finaly over, thank god. i feel dread, i felt doom and dread. i was fucking terrified. this movie has a good strong final scene that makes you forget of previous tests of patience you might have gone through watching it.
it tries to do this weird parallel story telling between lewis strauss and oppenheimer that it feels like they tried to film two different movies and then awkwardly splie them together. it jumps back and forth between the past and the present told form different points of view and a lot of it feels like it could have been cut out and the movie would have worked just as well. im not sure how necessary was the whole lewis strauss subplot to be honest.
the characters and dialog work a little better than in previous movies although we still get a lot of scenes of people talking in a clinical manner with expository dialog and deep philosophical musings. but once again i will say nolan seems to be learning some lessons, we do get a lot of scenes where actors are allowed to flex their emotional muscles.
in a lot of ways this is nolan's most lurid film. i think this is the first time we get to see breasts and naked people having sex in a nolan movie and it hits hard, both because of how unexpected it is in a nolan film and because of how out of context it shows up in-universe. i dont actually want to spoil this one because the effect it achieves actually worked really well.
and now moving on to the good, if i mentioned this might be nolan at his most lurid, it is certainly also at his most poetic. sure there is inception, but in here we get to see a lot of surrealist or downright metaphorical scenes without the excuse of being inside a dream. we get to see things that are not happening literally in universe but that are an artistic representation of what the characters are feeling. it felt really effective.
the man himself
this is a movie that is very much about the titular guy and trying to understand his inner world, trying to understand who the hell was this person, and honestly, where did he get off.
it seems oppenheimer was a complicated man, whose actions and desitions were sometimes confusing, sometimes downright contradictory (there is a nice wink to this when talking about the paticle/wave duality at the beggining of the film). he was a communist, he was a proud american, he was a genius, he was painfully naive,he was merely following orders but he had absolute control over his little town in los alamos, he worked hard for peace, he created nuclear war, he built a bomb that he didnt want people to use.
i heard criticisms that this movie romanticizes his work, that it may excuse or justify the use of the bomb, that it may be too kind with the guy. rest assured it doesnt. the movie brings up multiple times how the japanese were basically already surrendering, how senseless and callous and cruel the use on japanese cities was, how attrocious and horrifying the effects of the bomb were. and how oppenheimer definely contributed to it. if it shows the guy hand wringing or feeling gulty or trying to be a martyr of sorts, the movie definetly calls him out on that too by saying that its very rich of him to have done the deed and then regret it as if he didnt knew what he was doing or as if he had no control over it. a lot of times the movie shows the man as spineless, as a moral coward, as someone who was too weak to take on a position. "you dont get to commit a sin and then make everyone else feel pity for you because there are consequences!" is yelled at his face.
yet all the same, either because he is portrayed by cyllian murphy and his puppy dog eyes or because nolan deep down still admires who he was and what he did, you cant help but feel bad for the guy and like him still. he was a person, a complicated person with ugly sides that this movie in no way ignores, but still a brilliant man who at the very least had the basic decency to feel bad for the atrocities he contributed to.
going back to the movie itself
its has a weirdly star studded cast. if you were surprised by the sudden appearance of matt damon in interstellar, get ready to have that feeling multiple times during this film, every other scene suddenly shows up a hollywood megastar and it will take a few seconds before you accept ok, i guess gary oldman is in this film, and is that rami malek? and oh right, robert downy junior and oh my god is that fucking kenneth brannagh. in fact the one hollywood actor who is NOT in this movie, is surprisingly, inexplicably enough michael caine.
truly, breaking new ground.
and the cameos dont stop at the stars, the characters themselves are a constant delightful surprise if you are into the history of quantum mechanics and science in the first half of the 20th century. you have einstein of course (presented as this old exiled king, his time of glory long past but still sough after for his wisdom) but you have also bohrs, heisenberg, feynman, fermi, and fucking gödel somehow (they managed to shoe in a comment about his paranoia and hipocondry)
the actual explosion
time to talk about the thing we all went to see this movie for. is the atomic explosion cool? is it big? is it loud? does it go boom? does it look cool?.
suffice to say. yes. one of the coolest experiences i had in watching film ever in my life. it has a build up of a solid 30 minutes or so (arguably its been building up the entire movie) the tensin keeps on rising all through out. the countdown slowly advances, the expectations are at the highest theyve ever been and by the time the bomb was actually about to go off in the middle of the american desert, the first atom bomb ever exploted, my heart was hammering out of my chest.
its fully worth the price of admission and the three hours.
final comments
i want to double back to the poetic filmmaking i mentioned early to comment about the main thing its used for. nolan makes it clear in no uncertain terms the horror that atomic weapons unleashed on the world. the man goes out of his way to make it clear, these things can destroy the planet. we've all become perhaps a bit desensitized to atomic explosion in film, made more and more espectacular with the advancement of cgi. but this movie brings it back home and leaves you with a last message about the danger of nuclear proliferation.
i walked out of the theatre with my legs shaking and my eyes falling out of my skull. i had a hard time talking a bit afterwards, i was a little shell shocked.
so, i guess in the end, my thoughts on this movie are just as complicated as the man himself, the man who oppenheimed the world.
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
fic rec friday 3
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Memories Made by zjass06
"Hi! I'm Will! You're my new neighbour!" the blonde boy beams; Nico frowns in turn, peering curiously at this Will. "My ma' says not to talk to strangers," Nico replies as he sits himself upon the grass. Will plops himself down next to the dark haired boy, who giggles so purely it makes his smile contagious. "I'm not a stranger, I'm your neighbour! You live next to me now and we can be friends!" Or A few snippets of Nico’s life and how his friendship develops with Will, all within a much treasured treehouse.
childhood friends to lovers will ALWAYS be elite. to me. and the centrality of this treehouse in this fic is so fucking cute bc they absolutely are the type of nerds to have a treehouse they use well into their late teens lol
2. Mafia by @buoyantsaturn
Nico is the most terrifying mob boss in New York, and Will is his live-in doctor. A Mafia Au
MY FAVE SOLANGELO SERIES TBH. like is it toxic a little bit? yeah. did the second one make me squeamish? yeah. in the 6/7 years since its been posted, have i read it literally DOZENS of times?? you betcha. idk man theres something about the danger of it all. the insane mob boss and the doctor hes whipped for. SO SO much fun and so so so romantic
3. you stormed into the battlefield (of my heart) by fedyaism
“Doctor Solace,” he says, “would you be willing to tend to a foe?” Will blinks. (He had practically expected everything but this.) “I’m sorry?” “I need you to heal an enemy for me. Can you do that?” Grace asks in a tone that lets Will know that he wasn’t really asking. “An… an enemy, sir?” “Yes. I will send him to you.” “Of course, General.” (What else could he say?)
this ends ambiguously but i am Choosing to believe they find each other again and live happily ever after for ever and ever bc im a weenie. its just...man fuck the military and i got no fondness for war BUT this isnt real and ergo i can sigh dreamily at love that is inherently kind of tragic and all the more desperately beautiful for you, yknow??
4. It's a Process by @oh-hush-its-perfect
When Nico comes out to Hazel, she really isn't sure how to react. Of course, she loves her brother to pieces, but something is holding her back. It takes a while to get over old beliefs. It takes a while to become accepting. It takes Hazel a while indeed. A.K.A. Nico is gay and Hazel can't wrap her head around it.
contrary to what the summary may lead you to believe, hazel is NOT at all homophobic in this fic. in fact her number one goal at all times is to be supportive, even as she struggles, and you know what? thats more important i think. her love for her brother is so transparently obvious in this one, she spends like 8k words doing everything she can to make SURE she is loving and accepting!!! hazel i love you. also the campfire scene had me giggling fr
5. three times everyone thought they hated each other by lizamarri
and the one time everyone realized they didn't ~ ft. capture the flag, big three kids sparring, will healing nico and being sassy about it, and more. enjoy!
NOTHING hits as hard as flirt fighting. truly nothing. also 3+1s are my weakness i stg, theres just something about outside pov and the sheer clarity of how much they love each other and love driving each other up the wall lmfao
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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Oh my god a full fledged thriving car Autistic. Fuck youre so cool. Hi.
Im a baby car autistic who just started learning how to drive and ive been looking forward to it because ive been obsessed with cars for years and years and years, absolutely in love with pony cars, my one true love is a solid mustang. Close second is a bronco because they’re awful looking. Horse theme is unintentional.
ANYWAYS I find that my autism gives me anxiety as im learning to drive because aa what the fuck is coordination? Ive got the rules down, just, struggling with physically maneuvering vehicle. Currently have a pretty 2020 Civic and I love her but whyyy is it so hard for me to get the hang of it???
thanks omg, and i’m a big fan of both old mustangs and broncos too!
outside of just practice i really don’t know how else to help with coordination on the road. it really kinda just came naturally to me (which is weird, i’m the weird one for that) so i don’t really have a lot to offer, you really just have to drive around a lot and just kinda get used to the difference in spacial awareness, especially since you’re not in the very center of the car, you’re offset, so straight ahead from your perspective is more of the left or right edge depending on if your car is left or right hand drive. i would say try to forgive yourself as much as possible, know that it’s not the end of the world if you have to brake kinda hard or take a turn a little too sharp or wide, and take it reasonably slow. i also think that, weirdly enough, playing a lot of racing games before i got behind the wheel may have helped a bit, so if you can maybe try that? most newer racing games have a cockpit view so you could maybe give that a shot?
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ganondoodle · 7 months
since seeing a post from a mutual yesterday i was thinking about how grateful i am that i can now, confidently say something like -im taking demise away from nintendo- or -hes MY character now- while knowing that the people following me will understand that thats not actually possible and also i dont mean that literally literally (duh)
bc (while i have mentioned it in the past and im not trying to fish for sympathy with this, the memories ... and trauma really does come back every now and then) there were people once that imagined i said that about a popular character in the fandom i was in when i was a teen and proceeded to try (and nearly succeeding bc i was already struggeling alot with depression, anxiety and undiagnosed autism) to bully me into killing myself; perhaps it wasnt their actual goal, but the shit they did (alot of them were adults too), was absolutely insane, but i've only been able to see that wayyyy after the fact
like even if im remembering wrong and i did word it wrong or weird or in a way that was easily misunderstood, i was a teen, with english not as my first language and it still was some fandom shit that ultimately did not matter and never in any scenario warrented that level of harrassment, i dont even think i ever told my parents bc i thought i had to deal with it alone since i 'caused' it too and since then just ... wanting to forget it ever happened
while i am much, much better now, and slowly learning to manage my mental health struggles too, i do wonder just .. how much of how i am today was shaped by that horrible experience, like the way i overly try to pre-apologize and put doubts on every thought i write out, or the panic i feel when something does go outside my usual range (mostly twitter really ..) was immensely worsened by that .. among stuff i probably dont even realize
funnily enough, i made my account on tumblr to try and flee from all that was happening to me (even if they did stalk me at first .. even here) and hey, im still here :D
i guess what im trying to say is, i am very happy to still be here, i am grateful to be able to be myself, even with its downsides, even with my problems, even if the things i do are passable at best, even if i will never "make it big", even if i am annoying at times, even if i do mistakes still, even if i am .... horribly bad at replying to the awesome people that message me-
there are, at least a few people, who enjoy, or even care, or heck, even think about what i draw and write, which is .. still mind boggling to me and i might never be able to truly believe its all real, there are people who are able to see beyond my flaws, forgive me if i do missstep or overreact, and just be aware that even with everything i share about me, there is lots you dont know that may inform why i feel a certain way about something, but thats okay, i am human, i am here, there are people who enjoy my brainworms, and perhaps even think i, as a person, am nice
i am so grateful for that
some things are good
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mooodyblue · 5 months
Heyyy I haven’t been on here in so long but I literally stalk your acc bc I love love love your writing and you were always so nice to me. Anywho! I was wondering if I could request a fluff piece w/ big daddy Elvis? I have endometriosis and I was wondering if you could write something where the reader is really struggling during her period and Elvis takes care of her. Thank youuu 💗
thank you! ❤️ i wasn't fully aware of what that all entailed, so i tried to do my research. hope this is okay!! thank you for the request <3
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pairing: 70s!elvis x afab!reader
wc: 711
-> masterlist
there's always a specific time during every month that you dread more than anything, and it's the forever–non–ending week of your period. everyone's periods were different, some dealt with pain, some didn't. you, on the other hand, were met with the most god, awful crippling pain every single month. 
elvis knew how badly you struggled with your period, he always tried to give you all the comfort he could even if you tried to brush it off. when you first got together, it wasn’t something he fully understood. he knew what periods were, of course. but yours was much more different. 
he wanted to take you out to the memphian today since a few movies had come out that he wanted to see, maybe bring a few of the guys along with him. the sight of you crippled up in bed made him change his plans immediately and he wasted no time cancel. today would be all about you and your comfort instead.
“baby?” he said softly, shuffling over to the bed and crouching to meet with you eye leveled. you tangled up in the comforter, curled up with a tired look on your face said enough. “that time of the month?” 
a soft mhm left your lips, your own arms wrapped securely around your stomach. 
“poor thing.” he muttered, bringing his hand up to brush the hair out of your face. “y’wanna jus’ stay in bed all day?” another mhm came from you in response. “not a problem at all, honey. y’need anything?” 
talking was so tiring in the moment, you didn't even want to move. “‘just you.” you mumbled. 
he chuckled, pressing his lips against your forehead. “i know, i know. you’ll get me in just a minute, baby. im gonna get ya a few things ‘n i’ll come back up here alright?” you whined in response, clutching at your stomach at the shooting, throbbing pain. he frowned, “oh, baby. alright. i’m gonna hurry.” he kissed you one last time before standing back up and heading downstairs.
elvis reached the bottom of the steps, eyes scanning around graceland as he mentally wrote himself a list of things to bring upstairs. he had pads upstairs, the good ones. he had the money, he wasn’t going to buy you cheap anything. oh, but duh, a heating pad. he grabbed one out of a cabinet before heading to the kitchen, rummaging through for snacks or anything that may make you feel better.
“you need something?” he heard from behind him, meeting eyes with mary. 
“oh, uh….well…” he rubbed the back of his neck, “it’s that time of the month for—”
“i’ll bring ‘em some tea and some food.” she smiled, patting his back. “what they need right now is a massage and your presence, i’ll take care of things around here.”
elvis let out a sigh of relief, “appreciate ya. don’t wanna do the wrong thing.”
“trust me, you won’t.” 
he headed back upstairs with a hot water bottle and a heating pad, walking into his bedroom where you were still huddled up in bed. “alright, darlin’. mary’s comin’ up with some tea, i’ve got a whole lotta heat and this water bottle is about ready to burn my hands off.” 
you sat up with a groan, wiping at your eyes as you pouted at him, “elvis–”
“i brought a heating pad too. y’think double the heat might work on those cramps?” he asked, ignoring you. “i have extra pads in the bathroom, if you need more—i’ll have someone make a run ‘n get you some. y’need painkillers? i got the strong—”
he looked over at you, raising his eyebrows like he did something wrong. 
with a hot water bottle ready to be against your back and a heating pad on your lower stomach, you pouted at him. “you didn’t need to do all of this….”
“but, i did. i want you to be comfortable, baby. i hate that y’all gotta go through that every month.” he frowned. “is there something else i can get you? just say the word ‘n i’ll go get it.”
you thought for a moment, “well….you did forget one thing…”
“oh!” he got ready to head out the bedroom again, “what is it?”
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
Sorry if this spoils you um... TSUKASA FOCUS!! What are your thoughts on what might happen? Based on the event description and then bunny plush being w tsukasa in the untrained.. im inclined to think because he's been cast as a minor role, he's kind of. like. What if i cant cause many smiles because of where i am.. and then meikos like you silly goose. you're the brightest star in someones universe and the bunny is there to remind him . AUGHH. AUGH
dw daichan already spoiled it on the stream last month lmao. Oh this event looks so interesting and frankly!! it's perfect for tsukasa's character arc!!! sorry about the excess of exclamation marks i'm excited about the possibility that people might finally understand him after this event and finally free me from writing analysis posts about him haha.
him being a minor part is literally what he needs to improve his acting. he's always either the lead or a major character, taking a step back is like another slap of realism for him and honestly, it might even be better for him than the challenges he's faced before when he struggled with lead roles. because he can't always be the lead, that just isn't a possibility. no matter how good an actor is they will not be the lead in everything they star in. he's pushed his limits to get lead roles before (Torpe, Rio, also the secondary lead Bartlett), so i think approaching a minor role is going to be a whole new experience for him.
I'm especially interested in the fact he's tasked with making the character feel real because we all know what that means: some good old fashioned Tsukasa unpacking his emotions. we don't know yet exactly what this minor character is doing, so i can't really make any guesses as to what is meant to feel real about it since we don't know their motivations and conflicts yet, but i get the feeling it will play into the fact that Tsukasa got the minor role, like how Rio played into his weaknesses and Torpe connected to his younger self.
As I said, Tsukasa is pretty much always the lead or some significant role. In this scenario as well when what he’s trying to do is improve his acting, such a minor role could feel like nothing. I think those feelings (be it annoyance or disappointment or whatever it may be in the story) are somehow going to play a part in how he has to make such a minor character feel real.
Also I think one of the aspects Tsukasa struggles with most is understanding the characters he plays. With Torpe he couldn’t relate to him and therefore struggled to play the role because he couldn’t get his head around how the character should act. With Rio he struggled too, and tried to replicate some of the character’s struggles in real life to help him try and get into the mindset of the character. But those two were MCs, a minor character with three lines is a whole different story because they don’t have an arc. However, all characters in a good story will have some sort of motive and you will be able to tell what that is from only a few lines. Good dialogue should be able to tell you a lot about a character. I think that’s what Tsukasa is going to learn in this event. Minor characters are not irrelevant even if they don’t contribute to any major plot points. All the characters in the world of that story are real people with individual lives and thoughts and feelings.
And to steer this away from me talking too much about screenwriting I think a minor role as you pointed out could be a hit to his desire to make people smile. Because who cares about a character with three lines? The hero makes people smile, not a forgettable background guy. The forgettable background guy won’t mean anything to anyone, he won’t make anyone smile, and he’s not a star.
Also the preview and title I think will play into these insecurities and lessons. He can’t be the lead every time, he can’t always be the big star of the show. However he can make a small role into a highlight, and even if he isn’t the frontman, there will always be people who will view him as the star of the show regardless, like Saki (Usa-chan) and WxS, and he can at least make them smile.
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yooniesim · 11 months
I know nobody gives a shit about this in comparison so posting a save file with uncredited builds in it, but reminder of that time @mapanou started calling me out of name and spewing hateful nazi ideology at me out of nowhere just bc i made a lukewarm criticism of a paywaller and I dared to say black people are often criticized more for being angry... but since only one of my parents are black that ain't allowed 😬 some of yall acted like this was okay but I didn't forget it, I notice how some of their friends are acting all betrayed now bc their homie turned out to be a sims content thief but you knew who you were laying down with clearly. You were glad to support an extremely nasty ass person when the vitriol was directed at me, but God forbid someone not credit a build! anyway guess who was struck down and it wasn't me bitch 💀
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That aside, since the insufferable cunt had the nerve to mention the One Drop Rule, which has been used as a tool to discriminate against all black people and keep their mixed offspring othered for as many generations as possible, here's some sources on what it actually refers to (and some related articles about the struggles of mixed race people). It's a method of discrimination by white supremacists, not a way for mixed race people that you think are unworthy of speaking to "claim" to be black. If you're lurking, mapanou, i hope you and your friends read them and understand something you should have already at your "very big age".
One Drop Rule on Wikipedia (for the basic concept + more sources)
How The "One Drop Rule" Became a Tool of White Supremacy
How The Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow
Understanding the Stressors and Types of Discrimination That Can Affect Multiracial Individuals
Exploring Black mixed-race experiences of Black rejection
Not Enough Or Double The Prejudice: On Being Black & Asian American
Why Imposter Syndrome Goes Deep for Multiracial People
When Your Own Family Is Racist Toward You
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^ the basic gist for the lazy. and just an added bit. I don't know if mapanou has ever seen me, because I barely know them and certainly didn't share with them, but I have been doxxed plenty and my pics probably shared to them by others and im obviously not white though i am light skinned. im very proud of my dark natural hair, brown eyes, thick lips and big nose that I all got from my father. I have nothing to prove nor hide about who I am. I am black and asian and white and I love every part of what makes me, me. I am mixed race and if you don't believe or like me as I am that's your problem not mine. just wanna clear that up for all the people that may have been confused about it. and for all my followers that are mixed, especially black and asian, I love you and you have a place here. your voices and experiences are valuable and you deserve to be heard. that's all I got to say.
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
Okay this might be kinda a long ask but BEAR WITH ME!!!
Okay so 7x07 is titled “Ghost of a Second Chance”
Buck’s big gesture at the end of 7x05 was asking Tommy for a second chance.
I have seen some speculation that we are going to have some sort of major vehicle accident at some point this season based on bts photos and makeup trailer photos— so i have a working theory starting from the Madney wedding onto the end of the season.
Okay so 7x06: We will see Chimney’s bachelor party- personally im a big fan of the accidental marriage trope in fanfiction, but im trying to be realistic here. My theory is that when Buck and Eddie get plastered, Eddie starts to look at him weird, but is like “nahh no, that’s my best friend. he’s with tommy. he’s a guy. but im looking respectfully 👀👀.” They wake up the next day, and Chim is gone. They all immediately launch into “we gotta find him mode” and eddie stick with buck for most of the episode. As it goes on, Eddie starts thinking about all of his little thoughts about Buck from the night before and he keeps trying to explain them away in his mind- but his brain keeps popping back to the marisol of it all and he’s like “but what does it all mean??” anyway, they get chimney back, and things go well, but then the Buckley’s find out that evan is dating a man. They say some not-nice things (as they do everytime they’re around their son) and it’s not maddie who sticks up for buck, it’s not tommy, it’s not bobby or athena or hen or anyone because they’re all off having a grand old time— no, it’s Eddie. Eddie who will not even think about hearing anyone speak ill of Buck. He tells them about how wonderful snd deserving of love their son is and that if that’s from a man so be it as long as he’s happy— cue eddie’s epiphany as he mulls over his own words, glances up to the dance floor, and he sees buck dancing with tommy. But in that moment he sees buck. It suddenly clicks, and he realizes that he is screwed.
Now we have 7x07: Eddie is struggling to come to terms with what he has realized at the wedding. He’s shooketh ™️ and scared out of his mind over the fact that his best friend- who literally just came out to him- may be the person he’s been waiting for to settle down with. the other parentsl figure for Chris. someone Chris would want around. someone Eddie would want around. He spirals as he and Marisol begin to completely fall apart. At some point, they get a call- a helicopter crash. There is an immediate sinking feeling from everyone. They get to the scene and Bobby gives out instructions- Eddie and Buck make their way to the crash site, Buck terrified of what might be waiting for them. Eddie sees Tommy first- still alive but hanging on by a thread. This is where we get a delicious parallel to Shannon’s death. Eddie immediately is on the defensive, trying to keep Buck from seeing, but Buck is distraught. They get Tommy out and into an ambulance, but he’s been watching this whole time- he sees how Eddie so ferociously tried to protect Buck, and he realizes. As Tommy and Buck are in the back of the ambulance. Tommy tells Buck that he will move on, and maybe say something along the lines of “you don’t find it, you make it” (👀👀👀) and that Buck has Eddie. And THAT is when it clicks for Buck. Buck realizes as the first man he ever consciously considered in a romantic light dies in front of him, that what he has been looking for, he already has because he’s built it with Eddie (“you never know what you need until a light is shined on it” - oliver stark). But it can’t be because eddie is straight right? right??
Then from 7x08-7x10: we get the two of them dancing around each other. we get avoidance, we get longing glances missed by both of them. we see eddie have a multi-episode arc where he fully comes to terms with what he’s feeling, and he gets an emotional scene with Chris about Chris loving his Buck, and how Buck is kind of like his second dad since he doesn’t have Shannon as his mom anymore. On Buck’s end, we get a Buckley sibling moment where Maddie tells Buck that she’s always thought he had a thing for Eddie, but that she thought he needed to discover that himself. Buck is conflicted over telling Eddie because he just got what he wanted, even if it’s just in his head, he doesn’t want to lose it, especially not after just losing tommy. He is going to ignore it, but then we get another Loft Scene ™️. Eddie tells Buck that he is tired if avoiding Buck, and that he can’t lose someone else. He tells Buck that he knows Buck doesn’t feel the same, but that he would much rather be Buck’s best friend and have that be all he can be, than to not have him because he was too scared and pushed Buck away. He tells Buck that he’s Chris’s second dad, and that neither he or Chris can lose him, and Buck finally feels so wanted by his family- the family he made with Eddie. And he tells Eddie he loves him too. Then we get Eddie stepping in close, asking if Buck is okay with him kissing him before (something that has never happened for Buck, even with Tommy) and Buck tells him yes, and season 7 closes with them kissing in the same spot in Buck’s kitchen where all those years ago, Eddie told him there was no one her trusted his son with more than Buck.
Cue Season 8 finally bringing us the domestic fluff and tooth-rotting romance that we desperately need from the two of them and have been waiting for for SO long. Plus a few stumbles, maybe some doubts along the way, but nothing that can’t be fixed without some good ol’ “i love you to the core”
and you know what, because im feeling nice after my little spec sesh, when they go visit shannon’s grave to place flowers, they visit tommy’s too because he is who brought them together in the end.
I fully recognize how delulu i probably sound, but at the same time @ Tim Minear and ABC, i will be awaiting my writer’s credit on IMDb, and my check in the mail, thanks. 🙏
(also again SO sorry for the long ask I just needed to put this out in your orbit)
Take my money like a lot of this I’d definitely love to read a fanfic of🫡🫡
I think the only part I personally don’t LOVE is the Tommy dying bit, like that’s just down to personal preference tbh because I love a more amicable breakup and they all are friends now type of thing ( most of greys anatomy couples style)
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