#im great with kids but i do not like them.
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i wanted this comic digitalized so bad that i used max's birthday as an excuse. :)
this is the true ending. if im insane enough ill show you the alternate ending though
bonus because i just. it just kinda peters out. longggg post yayyye
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valsdelulucorner · 1 day
This is brilliant
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I absolutely love this, this is such a great head cannon @secretlynotablog <3
Just imagine your studying, reading, whatever you need to get done at that moment and put your air pods in, turning on some music to get through what your currently doing. Its been a few hours as you get carried away by what your doing, focusing on the work on your desk as music blasts in your ears.
It was only when you started to hear your AirPods glitch and distort that you get pulled out of your work, starting to hear the needy whines coming from the brothers. They weren't happy that you were focusing on something other than them but because you needed to get work done, you just ignored them and pretended that the music was still on, feeling satisfied when you hear them start to get desperate for your attention. It was hard to keep a straight face as you heard them start to bicker with eachother, trying to catch your attention with cheesy pick up lines.
"Are you lightning? cause your my-queen"
"hey cutie, do you like water? that means you like 70% of me"💀
"you dropped something, my jaw"💀
"did you fart because you blew me away"💀
"I wish you were my pinky toe so i could bang you into every piece of furniture in my house"💀
"Hey darling, are you a white van because i wanna put some kids in you"💀
"Did you sit in a pile of sugar cause you have a pretty sweet ass"💀
"I just shit my pants, can i get in yours"💀
You almost got away with it aswell, hearing their voices talk to you as the airpods eventually die. They it was peaceful again, its not that you didn't like talking to the brothers, but it did just get abit annoying that they wouldn't give you some personal space. It was around 12pm, the perfect time to go and get some lunch.
You didnt want to be disturbed while on your lunch run so you left your phone on your desk, ignoring the countless notifications coming from the brothers that flooded your phone. Little did you know that they were all tracking you through your apple watch, making sure your safe as you head out to get some lunch. They were happy that their darling was getting so many steps in, they may have been abit jealous though that you were out of the house and free in the world. Anyone could talk to you, and boy were they having a talk with you when you get home
Please don't crucify me because of those pick up lines, i found them on google💀
The headcannons were so cute, i love the idea that if they weren't so creepy in my OG headcannons, they would be abit more sweet. Thank you so much for the headcannons and im sorry if they weren't like how you imagined
What should I do next?
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anniflamma · 2 days
Im seeing post’s of People mixing up the Greek and Roman deities, so they are similar but two separate deities, like I have two views of each one.
it’s kind of angering me a little that people don’t research just a little bit 😭.
but anyway I wanna hear your thoughts
It's a mixture of being neutral and a pet peeve for me. I do understand that there are plenty of people who consume only mythologies from mainstream media, where they get a basic misconception or misunderstanding of the whole thing. Roman and Greek deities throughout history and culture have been very intertwined with each other. So when the Romans were syncretizing their gods with those of the invaded territories, and mainstream media echoes a simple "they are the same thing" message, it's understandable that people would just assume that is how it is. And for most people, they watch and then move on to the next thing.
Heck, I have a cousin who was like, "Isn't Hades the Devil?"
And then I had to explain to them that Hades isn't the Devil, and they were still confused because, well, Disney and every other movie that features Hades say the opposite.
And I don't really mind that to much, that people like my cousin don't bother to look it up. They are not interested in it so why should I expect them to be correct?
This also includes the whole Viking image of wearing tight skinny leather pants and having Native American chin tattoos. Because of movies, TV series, and games, most people right now think that Vikings look like that. And well… that actually makes me more angry than the misconception that Roman gods are Greek gods.
But I do have a pet peeve when people who do like mythology and interact in fandoms that orbit around it still have that line of thought filled with misinformation and don't bother to, well, learn more about the fandom they're in. That is something that I can't really understand: how someone doesn't have the interest to learn more about their own interest.
It's why there is always a debate on which is the "correct" Medusa myth or Athena is a pick me girl or whether Patroclus is a sweet innocent baby boy who cries and shit his pants every time he's in a fight or not.
Like, how can you be a Roman and/or Greek mythology fan and not care to learn more about it? Why are you so stuck with the first info you received? Why do you assume when someone tells you about their headcanon or interpretation of a myth that it is fact and not bother to look it up or ask questions?
This has also happened in my biblical short animatics, especially with the Daniel ones. For instance, some people say that Daniel was one of Jesus' apostles and was married and had kids. Every time I correct them, they get pissy and block me. Like, can you really not just accept that you were incorrect, acknowledge it, and learn from it???
But I acknowledge that people make mistakes and/or are gullible. I do that too! Like that time when I forgot that Pelops is the freaking great-great-grandfather of Menelaus and was definitely dead during the Odyssey. And now there is an animatic with that error. And I will have to live with it! XD
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pestorik · 2 days
I got an ask from someone saying they are interested in watching adventure time but I accidentally deleted it :( anon if you are reading this here are some great reasons to watch it!
the later seasons are really awesome bc they start going really heavy on the lore and start to develop more of an overall plot. it's like watching the climax building in a movie but spread out over multiple seasons. it is 100% the best lore ive seen in a cartoon.
the show is really convenient to watch bc each episode is only 11 minutes but there are so many of them you dont get sad about finishing it too soon. this was back in the days of cable so theres anywhere from 20-50 episodes per season (yes, 50).
it's one of the only shows ive known that keeps the same voice actor for the entire series. the actor started around the age of 12 so you can literally hear him getting older throughout the show and the character gets older with him, voice cracking a lot and slowly deepening. i find it cool that they chose to do that instead of keeping the character eternally young.
you get attached to characters in ways you dont expect. as more things are revealed about them you begin to feel their loneliness, their insecurities, their desires. since the show lasted so long they had really amazing opportunities to develop the characters over a prolonged period and didnt need to rush it.
easter eggs! concept art! backgrounds! if you are an artist it's hard not to become obsessed with this show. and all these things are very well recorded online. even at the age of 26 i can think of ways that adventure time has influenced my art.
the idea of a post-apocalyptic setting being fantasy instead of sci-fi is so creative and unique. im personally not a fan of sci-fi but love fantasy and they did so many amazing things with this universe and it worked so well.
it is genuinely so funny. I think i actually laughed more rewatching it as an adult than i did as a kid.
you will gain a new appreciation for tom kenny if you've only ever heard him in spongebob. (also the VA who plays princess bubblegum played starfire, and jake's VA played bender)
if you do end up finishing the show (that will take a while) you have even more to look forward to! Distant Lands and then Fionna and Cake! the wiki also reveals some amazing stuff about each episode and you learn a lot of things you didn't know before (i dont recommend reading it while watching the main series bc it wont hide spoilers)
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noctomania · 1 year
I do not like children.
My sister called me today to tell me she is pregnant and she wants me to be involved in the kid's life and while I knew she was trying to get pregnant and that she would say somethin along those lines I still don't know how to breach the whole "i hate kids and don't want to make exceptions"
I like literally feel so uncomfortable around kids bc they are gross, messy, and do not understand boundaries. Even when they are older they are ticking time bombs of something or other.
But I have decided if she's going to try to force this child onto me i will simply be left with no choice but to convert them into a wiccan with a deep-seated fascination in snakes and arachnids and an artistic perspective that destruction is their favorite form of creation.
She also told me she got them genetically tested. Which I feel slightly conflicted about. It supposedly came back not showing anything. I'm not sure it should be treated as an end all be all though. With that said if the kid ends up being ND, ive no idea how she interacts with ND kids especially if a Certified Scientific Genetic Test said no they aren't.
Anyway that will be an interesting long term development for the coming years that i did not want or ask for. much like the rest of my life. fabulous. i make all this effort to avoid having children in my life and here we are. speaks to how well she does not know me.
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zaacoy · 3 months
I have decided that i'm tired of saying im going to post more frequently here just for school to get in the way or for me to get busy with other things or what not, from here on out if I post ever it is a miracle and you should commemorate by letting yourself have a little celebratory treat i thinks
anyways freenoodles cuddle sketch hearts emojiiss :333c
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bacchuschucklefuck · 24 days
okay unironically I love so much that porter is like this world SUCKS its BAD here and it HURTS you why do you care abt it!!! and literally every single bad kid is like ngl we just hate ur ass it does not matter what ur philosophy is
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#not art#fhjy spoilers#its!!! gods I will Be My Ass in the tags rn. but thats so like. deliciously setting typical#like porter's desire is to transcend and his contempt for the world he's in feels. idk Real#like he plays the game bc he wants to win and be done with it. how do I word this#yknow. being a god would like. be his win state. when he gets that happening thats it his story is done he checks out#meanwhile the bad kids do actually just like playing the game lmao. like they love adventuring!#theyre so solidly Of This World. they carry the values that can only be born of it and they like having mastery over it#its a meta angle that I think is very fun specifically for d20 being in such a unique position in the zeitgeist when it first started#the rat grinders are from DnD Writ Large. porter wants to escape. but this is the bad kids' home its Their Actual Play Show#which makes it so fucking excellent to me that porter's question is somewhat of merit! its their show and it tries very hard to punish them#and they just straight up dont listen to him here lmao bc they hate him but! since the moment the academic track ended its been clear#that they save the world bc they Like Playing. With Each Others#thats what riz thinks the core of adventuring is! thats why fig stayed! and I also think thats why this hovers over elmville now and#a dead god is coming back in the school gym. porter is a shit evangelist but even if hes a good one I dont think it wouldve worked like he#wants it to. the only way he couldve escaped is if he'd not involved elmville at all. thats where the bad kids met dude#its a shitty place that fucks with them but they all come back here bc they wanna play with each others#and in that regard I think thats what the stress tokens ultimately means. Is This Game Still Fun To Play. ITS A RAGEQUIT LIMIT#Im literally running from one end to another of this conspiracy board Ive pulled out of nowhere#Ill draw after this I just wanna get this out. gods this episode has done nothing but furthering my delusion of grandeur actually#Im the hottest smartest manthing on earth Im king fucking midas over here. anyways uh! great ep!
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
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I really can't belive that after watching all of the first campaign my first posted/fully finished fanart will be of the triplets and not the boobs. Anyway these three are stuck in my brain and refuse to leave.
And no text and transparent backround version:
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
unpopular opinion for this area of tumblr, beware+also abuse talk warning
admittedly, all the super casual bashing of saikis dad makes me really uncomfortable, like i dont totally disagree but i wish we didnt just all do it in the middle of other completely innocent headcanoning 😭 its never tagged or warned..
my personal opinions on kuniharu are not as extreme as some are on here, like i think he sucks but i dont think hes a genuinely bad person, he was just thrown into a situation he didnt know how to handle.. he reminds me of those parents who prepare to have a baby and get pregnant on purpose, but then the baby has a disability and suddenly, everything changes.. because they didnt prepare for this unlikely scenario, but it happened anyway, and now they have to figure out where to go from here.. kurumi and kuniharu BOTH made mistakes and didnt handle their genius/psychic kids in ways they shouldve, but its because they werent prepared for it
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moeblob · 1 year
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I have fallen down the anime sports hole and landed on Eyeshield 21 and I'm so sorry I'm adopting all these kids.
(I was actually going to like. Hold off posting my silly sports anime doodles until after commissions but no I wanna share them now. It's hard out here being me who thrives off interactions and this show is like "hey what if we gave you lots of interactions and also a secret identity for MORE interactions".)
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lollytea · 1 year
Not a day goes by that I don't think about how the Boiling Isles' complete lack of LGBTphobia effects how witches perceive sexuality and gender. Like it's not the only factor but I feel like the fear of societal judgement and internalized prejudice is a huge obstacle in discovering your own orientation.
So with that whole part avoided, I'm imagining that in the process in the Demon Realm is??? Much smoother sailing??? Like you might be a little confused at first but there's no shame tied to that confusion. Nobody is pressured into deciding on a label for themselves because labels don't exist. Thinking you're into boys for a while until realizing you're a lesbian is nbd here. Neither is thinking you're a lesbian and then realzing you're bi. Nobody judges you. Nobody cares. I just think it may provide you with a lot of clarity that you simply couldn't get in the Human Realm.
I've always headcanoned that while straight is considered the "default" in the Human Realm, most witches just assume they're bi/pan until they discover otherwise. (And not in a "bi-normativity" way, which is, wow, a terrible word I just made up there. But more in a "idk what gender I'm into yet. Or any at all. So I'll just say everybody for the moment" way.)
But I feel like, even if there's confusion, a good percentage of witches actually somehow figure themselves out relatively early. Like they'll be little kindergarten girls in Amity's library group who have not experienced romantic attraction yet but they already know that if they're ever gonna get married, it's gonna be another girl, cause nobody ever told them they couldn't. Some figure it out as preteens. Some are teens. It's probably one of the chillest aspects of maturing for them.
It's why I'm so interested in Hunter's little bi patch on his jacket and I love thinking about how he brought himself to this conclusion. Just thinking about a sheltered brainwashed kid like Hunter who feels deeply ashamed over so much about himself but his opinion in regards to sexuality has always being like "yeah boy, girl, neither, whatever, I don't care, I'm too busy hitting bad guys with my stick."
So when Luz finally explains to him and the other kids what sexualities even are, with the names and flags and everything, he just says "Bi" then and there, completely unfazed. This is bonkers to me. I think it's the best headcanon ever. He really does not care. Nobody ever told him that he should. But that being said, he sure does love having a little pride flag. Imagine living your whole life loving scrambled eggs. It's just another mundane part of you. But then suddenly you're transported to a world where you're celebrated for loving scrambled eggs. You've got your own little "I <3 scrambled eggs" badge of honor. You don't understand it. But it makes you feel very special and important. I imagine that's how Hunter feels with his little bi pride patch on his sweater.
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
i know it SHOULD be the standard that dads are involved in their kids lives the same way that moms are but i always appreciate how much effort is out into protraying bob and linda as equally engaged and resonsible in the kids lives and household chores. like sometimes linda goes on field trips or volenteers at their school but bob does too!!! they both do household chores like laundry and washing the dishes and bob does most of the cooking but linda cooks breakfast and dinner for the kids sometimes. bob is the person up at 7am making the kids breakfast and driving them to their dentist appointments, he always attends their performances and him and linda take turns with who watches the restaurant and kids vs who runs the errands. bob is soo involved in his kids lives and what they like/dislike who their friends are and what their plans are for the upcoming weeks that it really makes other sitcom dads look completely incompetent. like he loves his kids SO MUCH he's always been responsible and taken care of household chores and parenting. and its good that linda can have fun sometimes too they're good parents :)
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lexosaurus · 3 months
Hello! Very random and no worries if that's not your intention for the blog, but I love reading about your teacher experience and insights! Take this ask more so as encouragement to write more about it if you feel like it, because I'm going to start teaching soon (and yes, many people I've met have warned me about both its miracles and horrors lol) and it's really helpful to hear others' experiences :)
Thanks for the ask! Honestly I'm just a first year, so I don't have a tonnnn of advice to give. But here's a few general first year tips from one to a future another:
1 — No matter what, having a good department team is ESSENTIAL. You're going to be relying on them a lot your first year for help, advice, curriculum stuff, behavioral management stuff, etc. Talk to them, get to know them, have lunch with them, share issues/seek advice from them. You're going to encounter situations that your degree did not prepare you for (likely, in the first week lol. For me, it was Day 1) and having people around to help you judgement free is going to be crucial. I was super lucky that my department team and all the teachers from other departments that I work closely with are really amazing, easy to work with, etc.
2 — You're also going to want a good relationship with the "other" departments. The library staff, tech staff, sped department, guidance, janitors, etc. They're all lovely people, so don't be afraid to pop in to introduce yourself on the first week!
3 — Crazy things are going to happen. Like....all the time. Don't bring them home with you. As soon as you exit the doors, shake it off. All your students made it on the bus to their parents alive, so it's fine. Your job is done for the day. I've been going to the gym a lot right from school, and it's been really helpful to prevent myself from taking anything home with me so to speak.
4 — Document, document, document. Did something happen? Document it, email a copy to whoever's applicable: admin, guidance, sped, BCBA, etc. "Hello, just emailing a summary of what happened today" is not an uncommon email for me to send out. If an IEP isn't working, well at the next IEP meeting it shows they have 10 emails in the last month from you about little Timmy's hourly verbal threats and attempted physical violence to his classmates, so maybe the BCBA needs to do some data collection to adjust his BIP, or they need to give him a 1-1, or give him more resource intervention, etc.
5 — This isn't so much of advice, more like reassurance. The small moments when it clicks for a student and they get something, and then the confidence and excitement shows, it's really the best. That's probably why I've fallen so in love with working where I did. The other day, after weeks of struggling to help this student with Downs with his math, I tried a totally different approach based off a few example problems I saw in a math intervention workbook and hOLY HELL IT WORKED. It totally clicked for him, and the kid was so excited to do a problem out on the board for the class. It was amazing. Another student with an LD who I've been helping heavily school aced a quiz in one of her classes and legit ran into the room to show me. Cue me literally jumping out of my chair to high-five her, and her calling her parents to deliver the good news. Like, little things like that are really really special, and they're going to mean so much to you. And I hope you get to experience LOTS of them too!
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months
reminder to gallavich stans that hate debbie:
she convinced mickey to go see ian when he got out of the hospital
she convinced ian to man up and marry mickey
she motivated ian and mickey to get married despite terry’s actions
she faked being the bride and missed their wedding so that her brother could actually marry the love of his life
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alcorian · 7 months
being a toy collector is the worst hobby ever. evyerhitng cost money
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feathery-fall · 6 months
Greetings, @titters-and-tingles! I have come to provide you with your secret gift for this year. I intended to post this yesterday, but I forgot, so you get it today instead! I hope you enjoy it :D
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Image ID:
[A digital illustration of Sun Wukong and Macaque from Lego Monkie Kid on top of a small rock pillar near Flower Fruit Mountain. Macaque is appearing outside of a shadow portal behind/below Sun Wukong, one hand tickling his right side and the other tickling his left thigh. Sun Wukong appears to be caught off guard, his legs coming out of a crossed position, his hands moving to brace against Macaque. Macaque has a mischievous smile, while Sun Wukong has a nervous one and a slight blush. Sun Wukong's tail wags to his right side behind him.]
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