#im gonna try to find mine from 2019
istherewifiinhell · 2 months
i guess if i were to name the shape the of the beast. to really. analyse the pains (to what end? we can ask exhaustedly. and the answer is none ever. but the mind does what it wants)
said. my dead cat i claim is not my cat and then say forever is my dead cat. well. he wasnt mine to maintain. or care for or any of that. i had no responsiblities to him. and i did feel like. he had a kind of fondness for me. perhaps just that i ate the most foods he would always be after (dairy and eggs). or love blankets and am always cold. or just all the times id bribe him with treats to be close. he was just my buddy.... i didnt have to feed him, he wouldnt even be annoying about it.
he would just come crowd my lap whenever i would even IMPLIE i was gonna be doing something where he could be in my way. and then when i decided to try taking him to my room... hed come running with me to the door. id scoop him up around whatever id had in hand. id go do something there and hed bother me. most recently of all id leave the door open a crack when going to the bathroom. and then return to a little fluffy ball on my bed.
he wasnt my cat my pet. he was my cat. like my little buddy. he was quiet mornings with tea. and sunny afternoons and sewing. id love to have his fur over all my shit again.
but beast. oh my poor lovely beast. listen. im not getting into all that. the why the fucks and the how the fucks i had a 95lb dog. never shoulda really. but yeah. responsibilites. ones i was bad at. a real distinct. from physical to mental to sort. Social Fortitude reasons. just. i guess you could tell something was real wrong when he hated the walks more than i did.
so i dont gotta problem solve how the fuck i can excercise him around my own fucking problems anymore. around the problems of this shitty place too. i wish i did. i do wish i did. i guess.
its so fucking awful. thinking. i think in my mind just how rough it had been doing stuff with him. and the other things i can think of him doing is just standing and sitting and laying in a old man huff. and no i didnt really ever mind that he was a touchy freak. if he wanted to knock on my door (and he did knock) just to lay like a potato on the ground. find my me
but he did also used to do more than than that too. it. i dont know how it is. remembering that. its like. its like. laughing. cause i love him. and that he played with the cat. and in the dry dusty dirt until he was light brown. hed even sometimes get in your space just to be there. if u could stay still for it. he even once slept next to me for a whole night during a powerout. which was much appreciated.
and its. its remembering the difference. its hell. its the pictures from 2019. we both looked so happy. in a place i like. in a place i would just go. to be somewhere. and wed go down there. and march along and run along and think and look and enjoy it. and im not there. and hes not there. ive still got the shirt. and the sunglasses. but what the fuck am i gonna look up and smile so big at.
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pawprinterfanfic · 3 years
2020 Fic Year in Review
I was tagged by: @spacekrulesbians! Thank you Tee! This was so fun.
Total number of published stories: 22 (2 of which are WIPs)
Total published word count: 402, 939 (as of 7am this morning I hit my 2020 writing goal! yay!)
Fandoms written in: The 100, Julie and the Phantoms, Anne with an E, Rogue One/Star Wars, High School Musical The Musical The Series
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?: Less. I was over 600k words last year and I assumed I’d hit around the same this year... but I am still very happy with my 400k because this year has been a drain on creative inspiration!
What’s your own favorite story of the year?: I’m so proud of Paint me in Trust.
Did you take any writing risks this year?: Yessssss. Writing fic for new fandoms always makes me nervous, and I shifted my primary fandom from The 100 to JATP during the last few months. That was terrifying, but I’m so happy I did because the community is great! (also, don’t worry, I’m still in t100 fandom!)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?: Finish my two WIPs and write all my 1.5k celebration fics!
Next up: another update to All That Remains hopefully in a few days, then I’ll be working on my Willex + dogs fic!
Most popular story of the year?: Paint me in Trust with 2322 kudos. But I also partially posted that in 2019, so if we’re just looking at what was posted in 2020, that would be... fears (don't get me started) with 1238 kudos.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: honestly... none. I’m so thankful and so happy with all the love given to all of my fics. I’m really excited about All That Remains though and would love for more people to read it even if they don’t like Star Wars so... maybe that? But like I said, I’m so blown away by the response given to my fics already!
Most fun story to write: fears (don't get me started) and dermatologists HATE them just because I had so much fun with all the meme references. AND they were both super easy to write. It took me one night per fic to get the bones down, which is basically unheard of for me haha.
Most unintentionally telling story: uh. idk!
Biggest disappointment: that When the Wolves Come Home is taking me so long to write. AND the fact that I wasn’t able to compete in Chopped Madness Round 1 back in March because I got sick and I had to pull out. I still am sad I never got to write my Game of Thrones AU. That would’ve been fun.
Biggest surprise: I COULD LIST A LOT OF THINGS. 
The first thing to come to mind was how wild it was to see Paint me in Trust take off in the way it did... people live tweeted their reactions to chapters, there were book clubs in Twitter group chats?!?!?!, fan art, comments, kudos- ah, it was just so shocking and amazing and I’ll never forget how WILD and amazing and fun that was. Half of the fun with this fic was seeing the response to it.
The second thing to come to mind is the lovely community I found in the Julie and the Phantoms fandom!!! I was so unsure about what I was going to do after The 100 ended, as that was my primary fandom and I was so disappointed with the way the show ended. I’m just so thankful for JATP in general for being so light and fun, yet still having emotional depth and great characters. And the JATP fandom is great. I was so surprised by the warm welcome I got when I first started posting and participating.
Tagging: @eyessharpweaponshot @probably-voldemort @sparklyfairymira  @reggiesjams @mobi-on-a-mission @queen-of-the-wallflowers15 @burninghoneyatdusk @queenemori @theobligatedklutz @meangirlsx @thelittlefanpire @icantloseyou-too @animmortalist @kinetic-elaboration & anyone else who would like to participate (feel free to say I tagged you!)
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I often seen critiques of make up from an existential/philosophical perspective, but I rarely see criticism of cosmetics from a stand point of the very physical bodily harm it does. I think this is because the number of dangerous ingredients is so massive, and overlapping its an absolutely daunting task. So I've compiled the information I've found and bear with me its a lot. (This is from an American perspective. Sorry, thats what I know. However I would love it if people from other countries had things to add.)
First I want to get the "simple" stuff out of the way. I think almost everyone has heard about bacteria and fungi in makeup and that makeup causes acne from clogging pores. Makeup has a pretty strict shelf life, yet consumers are entirely supposed to self-police as Ive never seen a single expiration date on any cosmetic packaging. (I guess consumers are meant to pull this knowledge out of the ether or something. I only found out about it in a tumblr PSA. I did read that expirys are on products in Europe.) Beauty blenders are the worst offender because theyre almost always moist. When I was taught makeup I was told to wet my sponge so it would soak up less product. If you apply makeup daily your sponge is likely constantly damp. USA Today had an article which said that 96% of sponges had fungi and over 60% had E. Coli in them. But I think what people talk about less is the complication of problems from using other products in conjunction with dirty beauty blenders. USA Today warns its especially dangerous to use beauty blenders if you have damage to your skin like acne, cuts, or dry skin. However the most popular beauty products for washing your face contain walnut pieces for literally scrubbing your skin and creating microabrasions. If youre a frequent makeup user you probably know about the cyclical nature of applying foundation, breaking out, and then applying more foundation to cover the breakout. You may even be using scrubbing cleansers more frequently to combat the acne creating more tears. This can lead to "blood poisoning" and, though neither USA today or Forbes mentions this, blood poisoning (not a medical term btw. Its sepsis.) according to numerous medical sites has the potential to be extremely lethal. The symptoms are so similar to a regular flu its nearly impossible to self-diagnose.
The very first thing I was told when a friend handed me a jar of finishing powder- popular with many beauty gurus for the "baking" technique and considered a must have- was a joke about "clown lung." This was a reference to the main ingredient talc. Talc causes lung problems including cancer and respiratory illness. If anyone remembers the large Johnson and Johnson lawsuit from 2019 it was because theyd been putting talc into baby powder. Talc is dangerous because it's impossible to mine and seperate from ASBESTOS. Some high-end finishing powders will try to sell you on safe talc-free formulas but all the products I looked into contained mica instead which causes pneumoconiosis, colloquially known as "black lung disease." Like fucking coal miners get. Its not just present in finishing powder either. In my research it turned out that talc/asbestos are also present in many eyeshadows and other powder products. [Googleable, evidenced in J&J lawsuit]
Another industry to examine is nail salons. Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutyl Phthalate, and Methacrylate compounds are all dangerous ingredients and present in various salon products. These ingredients cause a range of problems from dizziness, drowsiness, birth defects, slow fetal growth, future intellectual disabilities in the fetus, eye skin and throat irritation, coughing, allergic reactions, asthma-like attacks, short-term memory loss, nausea, dermatitis, cancer, and misscarriage. Some nail products advertise that they are 3-free meaning that toluene, formaldehyde, and DP should be absent but often the labels are found to be completely inaccurate. It should be noted that the risk is mainly to salon workers and not patrons but ask yourself if it is right to place other people at serious risk for your aesthetic. OSHA does make an attempt to mitigate these risks however not once in my years of makeup queen did I see a salon following these directives which include constant air monitoring, half mask respirators with chemical cartridges, gloves, long sleeves, and safety glasses. (And Im not even going to touch issues of human trafficking/slave labour out of nail salons one case of which occured 5 days ago two hours away from me) It should also be noted that formaldehyde can also be found in hair relaxers and hair dyes. [Found articles in Scientific American and NYT]
I also found on the FDAs website that many cosmetics include heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, and lead. (Usually accompainied by a picture of lipstick so I assume that is the product most likely to contain it, however campaign for safe cosmetics lists foundation as containing heavy metals, and The Guardian has an article about skin lighteners from Asia and Africa containing mercury.) The website stated that the amount of these heavy metals in cosmetics is "safe" if used as intended. (and I'm going to come back to the concept of "intended use" later because thats a can of worms too) However, when searching for info on heavy metal safety I found this quote in regards to metals in food:
"Certain metals, such as arsenic, lead and mercury, have no established health benefit, and have been shown to lead to illness, impairment, and in high doses, death. Understanding the risk that harmful metals pose in our food supply is complicated by the fact that no single food source accounts for most people’s exposure to metals in foods. People’s exposure comes from many different foods containing these metals. Combining all of the foods we eat, even low levels of harmful metals from individual food sources, can sometimes add up to a level of concern"
So like, which is it? Is it a "safe amount" or is no amount of metal safe? I understand that in the case of certain foods like fish some amount of mercury poisoning is always expected but fish is also something you feed yourself and nourish your body with while cosmetics are completely unecessary to your survival. The mercury problem in fish is also mitigated by health warnings when mercury levels are particularly high but cosmetics have no such warning. Another warning on the site indicated that children should ingest NO amount of lead AT ALL because it is particularly harmful for kids yet theres no effort to stop children from using lead-containing cosmetics. I worked next to a Five Below where I was shocked to find they sold Jeffree Star and Anastasia eyeshadow dupes for five dollars which amounts to fucking pocket change for a lot of kids and kids do buy that stuff. I also think its ironic the FDA would have anything to say regarding cosmetics because in the very same article about heavy metals in cosmetics the FDA says that they DO NOT REGULATE cosmetics beyond the color additives.
Mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and brow tint often contain carbon black. This is a color additive that is an incomplete combustion of carbon-based products. It can cause lung disease, cancer, and organ system toxicity, and eye, nose, throat irritation. The effects are mainly studied in rats and those at biggest risk are industrial workers but why do other workers have to endure lung problems for something so unecessary? [Easily googleable, NIH, CDC, WHO Europe]
This next bit I only want to mention briefly because I didnt find any particularly reputable sources about it, but its a claim that cropped up repeatedly and I think its an interesting one. Parabens, estrogen, phthalates (again), and pesticides in cosmetics are apparently linked to endocrine disorders and hormone dysregulation. Im not entirely sure what is meant by this accusation. Endocrine disorders include female diseases like PCOS and possibly endometriosis. None of these diseases is very well studied and the female endocrine system itself is not well studied either. Im not saying "cosmetics cause PCOS" because we dont know if PCOS or these other endocrine/hormonal disorders are genetic or environmental or both (it appears that PCOS is largely genetic and Endometriosis is likely autoimmune related) AND we dont appear to know for sure that cosmetic ingredients cause endocrine disorder. But I include anyway for a number of reasons:
If you happen to struggle with hormonal problems you may want to know cosmetics is a potential environment factor.
These conditions are incredibly painful. It will be a battle getting your doctor to even acknowledge that pain for diagnosis. PCOS is linked to diabetes, and heart disease. [Thanks @mother-of-pearl ] There is no cure and the treatments are often throwing hormonal birth control at it and hoping for the best.
I dont anticipate the link between cosmetics and endocrine disorders being studied any time soon or any endocrine disorders studied at all because the medical/scientific field is sexist. I dont want women to suffer in the mean time.
Now again, take this with a grain of salt because I couldnt find scientific or news sources for it. Dont fucking come for me. Im not gonna respond to you. [Most reputable source was a paper from the library of medicine at the national institutes of health but it was behind a paywall and I dont have 39 dollars to be right on tumblrdotcom]
Avoiding these ingredients is not as simple as scanning the label for them. As many beautubers and the community are no doubt aware considering multiple scandals over veganism. Products advertised as vegan or cruelty free but contain non-vegan carmine or are sold in China which legally requires the products to be animal tested. Cosmetic companies will hide ingredients claiming they are "trade secrets" or they will be placed under "fragrance." Many ingredients will be known by six or seven different names and asking consumers to be aware of seven different names for multiple ingredients requires consumers to be aware of innumerable different, often complicated ingredient names. I shouldnt have to point out that's a ridiculous burden to place on women. The EU banned 1,300 hazardous ingredients that the US did not. Cosmetic companies rely on women being unwilling/unable to bring in a list of 1,300 ingredients- with multiple names- every time they pop in to the drug store, sephora, or wherever. Buying "natural" products will not help you either. Theres no established criteria for natural/organic in costmetics, the FDA doesnt test these products, and "natural"=/= safe anyway. Plenty of plants and minerals are poisonous. One good example is traditional kohl products which advertise their natural status but also naturally contain lead and reiterating that natural powders contain mica. US courts are rarely on the side of consumers either. I found an interesting lawsuit against St. Ives for their apricot scrub taken to court for their "dermatologist tested" label despite it causing breakouts and cuts to the skin. The courts ruled that this label was fine because it only indicated that the product was TESTED not APPROVED by dermatologists. However I think any rational consumer would look at this label and assume the tests concluded it was safe for use or else why put the label on there?
[Googlable XMONDO drama, googlable laws wrt china and eu, already stated about FDA, FDA website about Kohl. Googled St. Ives lawsuit.]
I want to return to the idea of "intended use." This is sort of a fucky concept a lot of companies have ways of getting around. My "last straw" with makeup had to do with a run-in I had with Anastasia over their "Riviera" eyeshadow palette. In this pallette they had two colors that were the real feature of the palette, an electric neon purple and a radioactive pink I mean every photo, every promotion has these two colors swirled together around the eye. Because again, its an eyeshadow palette. When I buy the eyeshadow palette of course there's a little insert warning in the package that says these two shades are not intended on the eye area. In an eyeshadow palette. Contacting their customer service they told me that these two shades were meant to be used as a blush. neon purple blush. Not only that, but their website and instagram featured NO models wearing the shades as blush while EVERY model one or more of the shades as eyeshadow. When asked about this discrepancy ABH stopped responding. What I find egregious about this is the amount of people who dont know, and then more staggeringly; dont care. The sephora clerks didnt know, the in store abh representative didnt know, their customers didnt know, and when I told them they would respond with "oh, [brand] did the same thing with their [shade]." Sure enough, when I demanded that store clerks open the packaging to look for warnings nearly every product had an "eyeshadow" that was not intended for use on the eyes. Relegating dark, red-toned teal to "contour" and neon grean to "highlighter" US-based cosmetic junkies will say that these pigments have been approved for use by the EU however I found absolutely NO evidence of that. I googled it a thousand ways but all I ever found were blog posts, reddit comments, and one quote from an apparently nonEuropean layman in an Insider article. I even changed my location to France on ABH's website and the Norvina palette still contains the same warnings (not to harp on ABH in particular. I just know which shades in particular are the problem there). The Insider article noted that brands who were selling pressed pigments declined to comment. If the pressed pigments were EU friendly, I would think companies would be clamouring to say so. It also still makes their market as eyeshadow colors illegal in the US. (If any Europeans would like to chime in I'd love that.) Another problem I find with cosmetics companies and their reps is the claim that the worst thing that could happen is eye irritation for those with sensitive eyes and staining. How could they possibly know? The FDA doesnt test, or approve these cosmetics in the eye area, so ostensibly no one should be using it that way.
The next one is a bit of a "duh" but I'm going to talk about it anyway. Counterfeit cosmetics are a booming market full of untold dangers. Untold primarily because these products could contain literally anything. Ive read about glue, arsenic, lead, feces, staph, and horse urine to name a few. The labels and ingredient list on these products are fake. Legitimate brands often unintentionally play into the counterfeit market. They create artificial scarcity by making less of the product than is actually needed for consumer demand to create an even higher demand. If consumers miss out often their only chance at getting the product is to turn to counterfeits. I found examples of women who had their lips superglued, lips "turned to goo" and burned to blistering, throat closures, women with stys, contact dermatitis, eye infections. I think we as a society turn a blind eye to this problem because we think "hey, if youre buying counterfeits for a discount and you get hurt you deserve it." We imagine idiots buying products for 4 dollars from ebay or perusing Canal street for FEИTY beauty. But these counterfeits can be really convincing. I myself received a gift of a huda palette that I only recognized something was weird about it because I'd swatched it at sephora about five times earlier that month. The person who bought it for me actually paid MORE than the usual cost for the palette because it was advertised as a newer, better edition. The websites can be disturbingly similar. For instance Kylie Jenner's legitimate website is KylieCosmetics.com but you can find fakes at kyliecosmeticsshop.co.uk. These fakes can buy ad space and be one of the first sites that populate when you google the products instead of typing the legitimate site into the address bar. Counterfeits can also be bought and sold through third parties on websites like ebay, wish, and amazon. (My gift actually came from Amazon.)
[Netflix doc "Broken" ep "Makeup Mayhem" Corroborated by personal experience and google]
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lokissuper · 3 years
Reunion| Dean Winchester x Reader
(So I made a post about this a while ago, this specific idea. Now that im starting to get into writing I thought why not do it myself. So, in this Dean and the reader are dating but also have a kid together. Also, the reader is like a daughter to john so he sees her as so. thx xxoo i will always take feedback and support since im new to this)
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“Dean! Sam! I’m home,” I yelled when entering the bunker.
Walking down the steps from the door I saw that they around the table in the library. Dead sitting there drinking a beer and Sam looking down at something in his hands, I spoke again, “ Is that it? The thing that is gonna save Dean.”
“Yeah,” Sam said looking at me then over to Dean, “Are you sure you don’t want to call Mom or wait for Cas?”
Dead stood up,” No. If this mojo works like you say, that’s great. But if not...why get their hopes up? I mean you and Y/n being here is fine, I just don’t wan’t you getting your hopes up either.” Dead looked at me then back at Sam, I nodded at him for an okay.
“Yeah.” Sam whispered, “Just hold the pearl and concentrate on what your heart desires.” 
Dean was handed the pearl, “Michael outta my head. Got it.” Picking up the pearl he looks at me for assurance. 
“It’s gonna be fine baby, if it doesn’t work then we’ll figure something else out,” I nodded at him again. 
He looked down at the pearl and closed him eyes shut, and squeezed the pearl in his hand. The electricity crackled, and Sam and I looked at each other as Dean eyes open again. The lights in the bunker turned red, “What the hell?” I spoke quietly. As Sam turned around he saw a dark figure and he lunged at it, me following behind him. The figure punched Sam and I attacked from behind along with Dean, we got a couple of hits in before the mysterious person knocked us to the ground. I groaned, hitting the wood floor but I got over it soon as I heard a gun cock.
“Don’t you move,” the dark figure threatened. 
We all looked at each other then the lights turned back on, we looked up at the man before us. I saw Deans eyes widened and I took a sharp intake of breath, same as Sam.
“Dad?” Dean asked in question.
“John?” I whispered.
The older Winchester looked in question at the three of us on the floor. He finally spoke up,” Dean? Sam? What in the hell? Y/n?” He looked around himself, puzzled at what he found. Sam and Dean slowly got up, Dean helping me up too. 
John continued to speak,”Sammy. Aren’t you supposed to be in Palo Alto?” 
“Palo Alto?” Sammy repeated, looking taken aback by the words.
“What happened to you,” John questioned.
Dean and I still staring at the exchange, Dean finally spoke up,” What year is it?”
John scoffs at us,” Its 2003.” I took a tiny step toward him, the man who raised me. “John, it’s 2019,” I spoke in shock.  He looked skeptical at all of us, not believing the words that were just said.  
“No. How?”
Sam started to sound a little louder, finally finding his voice,” We, uh, I think we summoned you.”
He looked at us like we were crazy,” You guys better tell me what the hell is going on right now.” We nodded at him, actually moving at this point.
“I think we should sit down.” I looked at him.
We had made our way to the kitchen and sat down at the table, finally able to catch our breaths after what just happened. Dean and I grabbing some alcohol knowing it would be needed for the future conversation. I knew in the back of my head that Mary was gonna come home soon, and it would be an emotional mess. She had left earlier with Dean and I’s son, wanting to have a day with him.
Dean and I made our way into the kitchen setting down the whiskey and some glasses. Finally sitting down, Dean poured all of us a glass getting ready to talk. 
After telling John about what happened after Yellow-Eyes, sparing the details about Mary and our son. He sat back to take it in, a moment later he spoke,” So, you saved the world? More than once?”
We nodded.
“Then its all true. God, the Devil, and you kids smack in the middle. Now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer’s kid.” John said, mind boggled.
“Yeah.” We all spoke together.
“And you’ve done this whole time travel thing before?” John asked.
“A few times,” I looked at him. Dean nodded to my words, finding words himself,” Actually, our grandfather, your dad he’s the one that helped us find this place. I think he’d be real happy to know your finally here.”
They started to talk about the Men of Letters and how Dean and Sam were legacies. John not being able to believe how much we have been through, he spoke” I just wish that I had been there to see it. I went out takin’ out Yellow Eyes. I mean, that was the point, right? Get the thing that killed Mom.” He sipped on his drink nodding. All of us looking at each other, Sam and Dean finally catching on to the fact Mary could be home any minute. Just as Sam was going to tell John, we heard two pairs of footsteps. 
“ Mommy!” I heard a tiny voice yell. I then saw my sons little face peak out and run towards Dean and I.
“Hey baby! Did you have fun?” I smiled at the small child in my arms. 
“Yeah, me and Nana went shopping,” He spoke back to me.
John looked between me and the 4 year old in my arms. He spoke lowly,” Mommy? You have a kid?”
“Yeah, he’s your grandson.” I heard my boyfriend spoke from beside me.
John got teary eyed, “What’s his name? How old is he?”
“His names John Robert Winchester, after you and Bobby. But we do call him Johnny from time to time. Why don’t you show your Papa how old you are?” I asked with tears starting to grow in my eyes too.
Johnny lifted up his fingers showing the number four. I laughed and so did John,” That’s good.”
John smiled at his grandson, but it faltered when he heard a second voice coming from the hallway.
“Sam? Dean? Johnny?” Mary’s voice shouted.
Johns eyes got soft,”Mary?” He turned around at saw Mary standing in the doorway. They locked eyes with each other and they walked toward one another, sharing a kiss. I looked at Sam and Dean nodding at the door, trying to say we should give them some time.
I departed from the boys so I could go into mine and Deans room with Johnny. I still couldn’t believe that John was back and how happy Dean must be. It was all he ever wanted, I couldn’t count how many times he told me he wished he could just have one night with his family again. I looked down at Johnny in my arms and smiled.
“Mommy, who was that man with Nana?” he asked me.
I set him down on the bed and sat in front of him.,” That was your grandpa John. I told you that you were named after your Papa, right?” Johnny nodded at me. “Well that was him. Him and Nana are like me and your Daddy.” I spoke to him. 
Dead then walked into the room locking eyes with me. “Hey buddy,” Dean spoke softly to his son. Johnny looked at me and then at his Dad, “Is Papa John here to meet me Daddy?”
Dean looked at Johnny and smiled, kneeling down beside me he said,” Your grandfather travels all over the world and is very busy. He has always wanted to meet you, and now he finally is able to see you.”
Johnny smiled,” Can I go see him?” Dean and I nodded at the happy child sitting in front of us. Dean stood up and told me that he was gonna go check up on his Mom, and that I could bring Johnny to John. 
I walked through the hallways into the Library and saw that John was looking at the books on the shelves. I set Johnny down, and at the noise John turned around. I looked at him in the eye and smiled, Johnny walked over to his grandpa. “Mommy told me that I was named after you,” Johnny spoke up to John. He nodded to his grandson,”Seems that way doesn’t it.”
I walked up to John and said to him,” He is just like Dean in so many ways and with that I can see some of you too. Mostly the stubbornness. ” He smiled at me, and brought me into a hug. I grinned wrapping my arms around him, I heard him say,” It was about damn time you and Dean got together.” I laughed and pulled myself away from him.
“Yeah, I think after what happened with Yellow Eyes it brought us closer together. He tried to pull himself away like he always does but I wouldn’t let him, and I think that’s what caused us to get together.” I sighed but continued on,” We were dating 8 years and then had Johnny, it still blows my mind four years later and we are still going strong.” John smiled at me.
He looked down at Johnny but still spoke to me,” After 12 years and he still hasn’t popped the question. God, I’m gonna need to get on him about that.” I laughed at him. John looked down at Johnny and spoke to him,” You have the best mother and father in the world. Don’t you forget that.” 
Johnny nodded his head,” I know. They always tell me you are the best like Nana.” John looked at me and smiled. 
“No, your Nana is better than me in every way.” John laughed at the little boy, me laughing along with him.
I looked over at John,” Do you know where Sam went?” 
“Him and Dean were gonna head out and grab some stuff for that casserole Mary likes to make,” he responded.
I nodded. 
I bent down toward Johnny and spoke lightly, “How about you and Papa John go and hang out for a while.”
Johnny smiled wide,” Okay!”
He grabbed his grandfather by the hand and led him away. I smiled softly at the image now burned in my brain.
“I can’t believe this, we just got him back Dean.” I spoke sternly. “Johnny finally met his grandfather.”
Dean had pulled me aside when him and Sam got back explaining how everything is changing now that John was back.
“I know. But there is something else too,” He looked down at his feet. I looked at him sternly.
“What else?” I asked.
Dean took in a sharp breath before continuing on,” If he stays, it is gonna be like Mom was never here. It’s because we would have never clashed heads with God or the Darkness.” I got teary eyed and tried to say something but Dean held up his hand. He began to speak again,” Also, if he stays Sam thinks that Johnny’s gonna go too. Like you and I never got together because we only ever got together because of Dads death. I already talked to Dad about it.”
I started to silently cry thinking about not having Johnny and not being with Dean. As the tears were falling down my face I asked,” What did John say?”
He pulled me to his chest,”He said that he’s okay with going. That there is no way he is gonna be the reason his grandson can’t grow up, or Mom not being alive again.”
I looked up at him crying harder now, seeing he starting to shed tears too. 
“This sucks,” I said.
“I know, but it’s what he wants.” Dean responded.
I leaned forward and pecked him on the lips then nodded, “Okay.”
Dean then pecked mine back before saying, “ I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
We had sat down for dinner, something I knew Dean had always wanted. It was hard to avoid the inevitable but it was good to just be carefree for a while. 
When it was time for John to go back, I had Johnny say goodbye before telling him to go to his room. Me and Dean still not wanting him to be exposed to magic yet. 
Dean, Sam, John, Mary and I all stood in a circle together, ready to see him off. All of us teary eyed and trying to hold in sobs. 
Mary was the first to speak up, “I hate this.”
In which John responded, “So do I.”
John then began to talk to all of us,” Okay.” Looking over at Mary he spoke,”My girl. I miss you so damn much.” Before they kissed each other, for the last time. John then looked at the boys,” You two. You take care of each other.” 
Sam responded,” We always do.”
Dean spoke lightly, “It’s good to see you Dad.”
John sniffled, looking between his sons, “ I am so proud of you boys.” He then turned to me, seeing me there crying.
“And you, I am so proud of the woman you have become. Your no longer that little teenager anymore.” he spoke wiping his eyes before looking between Dean and I.
“You guys deserve each other and that little boy in there. I never thought I would see the day where Dean would grow some balls and ask you out but, here we are,” he said as we all laughed. “You guys take care of that boy, you here me,” John continued.
He then looked sternly at Dean,” If I have to come back just to make sure you finally ask this woman to marry you, I will.” 
We all laughed again. John then leaned forward and brought the three of us into a hug. 
“I love you guys so much.”
Dean sniffled before saying,”We love you too.”
John pulled away telling us he was ready.  He looked at us all one last time, before Sam broke the pearl. We watched as the man we all loved faded away. 
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Like I Want You
“Sometimes I wish you knew”- GIVEON, 'LIKE I WANT YOU'(2019)
Summary: Trevante has had feelings for you since you guys started hanging out practically every weekend. He always choked up when he wanted to express his feelings to you and he didn't know how much more he could take of you basically forgetting about him to hang out with some new guy.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, college!Trevante and cluelessness from reader and Trevante.
This bout to be a long one.🥴🥴
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Sometimes I wish you knew But I disguise the truth
Trevante watched you from across the booth as the dude that came over with his group of lackeys to smooth talk you into giving his number.
The way he watched as the guy managed to get a google from you made him turn his head down and focus on his drink in front of him. Playing with the straw and moving the ice around as if it was the most interesting thing in the word in hopes of distracting himself from telling the dude to leave but then you’d be mad at him since you looked so happy.
“You ok T?” You asked noticing his silence after the guy, whose name was Jordan, managed to lodge himself closer to you and convinced you to handover your number.
“Yea I’m good. I was just gonna get a refill. Y’all want anything” he said placing a small smile on his face, as he addressed your group of friends, mainly.
I say I'm happy but I'm still stuck on us, mm-mm-mm
“We good homie.” The lame said from next you. Answering for you as you fixed your mouth to say you’d go along with your friend. He didn’t know why that annoyed him but the fact that he got called “homie” by a punk like him made him turn up his face.
Your friends caught it before you did, letting out little laughs at his face. He quickly masked it, turning around to head to the counter at the game themed restaurant.
He heard you laughing again and his shoulders tensed knowing that you weren’t laughing at him anymore and he was just in the background like usual because of his timid ness to even say anything to you.
He thought about the times when he was so sure that you had feelings for him but he couldn’t detect any feelings whenever he heard about someone else making the moves he wanted to make on you.
Hands in his pocket, he heard the person behind the counter call next and placed his refill order whilst he tried to not let the dark feeling of you eventually leaving him behind for someone else before he even got the chance to confess how he felt.
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Does your mind play this game too? Think 'bout me and you
It wasn’t like you could know how he felt but it shouldn't have been so hard for you to see the way he’d treat you versus the other women in your friendship group. You just decided to pass it off as him compensating for the time away from each other or him not wanting to make you feel like an add on in the somewhat paired off meet ups you all partook in every so often.
I guess I'll just pretend until it all makes sense, hm-mm-hm, hmm-hmm There would be times that he would go days without talking to you because of studies or to recharge his social battery but he always made sure to text you to let you know he was alright or else he’d be on the receiving end of your annoyance once he’d see you again.
That’s what did it for him.
You cared like know one else did. Yea you said that you did it with everyone but it wasn’t the same as him. If he needed you or you need him then guess where each of you would be?
He couldn’t let that go and he wanted to make sure that you felt that same sense of stability in your bondings.
He’d just pretend that it didn’t matter when those check ins became less and less over the coming weeks, chalking it up to the impending term assessments and shows.
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See you face to face, I'm thinking 'bout the days we used to be
He noticed, along with your friends, that you weren’t making it to the study groups you’d all have. You weren’t coming to as many of the chill meet ups either and it was starting to bother them so they asked if he heard from you much these days either.
It hadn’t been until your art show that you noticed how distant you were being and you gave your friends an apology.
Promised to come to the next night out when they planned it. They were happy with that response, silencing their quails but he couldn’t help but notice the way you’d stare at your phone when a new notification came in and your smile would slim ever so slightly.
But I can't make a scene, but I can't make it seem He saw it happen again as they came to show their support to your art display and brought as many people out to show their love for your work and the many others who had their works showing in the showroom.
He watched as you’d walk around and talk to the people who wanted to know about your choices in your work.
He’d see how you went from talking and smiling. Glowing. That’s it. You were glowing, beaming with happiness and the positive response to your work that you spent so much time on and everyone was feeding off of that energy you possessed.
He noticed how the glow dimmed once the lame from weeks past made his way over to you and looking at your works before shrugging his shoulders and his mouth moving before you tried covering the hurt by nodding your head and looking around the room until you spotted him and let a smile out before excising yourself from the dark eyes peering down on you by the dude
Tre couldn’t bother to remember his name much less learn it the initial time he crossed paths with him and his lames at the restaurant. He just watch as you approached him with a brighter smile on your face and that light coming back once you reached over to him.
Like I want you
She has the most beautiful smile and the way she gets jittery when she’s talking about something she’s passionate about? That shits so cute. He thought, nodding along to the way you explained why you decided to use certain materials over others and how you were able to get some materials because you knew someone who had managed to offer you some additional supplies.
He knew it was because you were just that charming and inviting once you let that smile grace your face.
It’s what got him to come over to you on the first day of the college semester from years past.
“So what do you think?” You asked. Your beautiful eyes locked in on his face, watching for any signs of disgust or annoyance at your long winded rant.
He got lost in your features before gazing in your eyes and smiled at you. “It’s beautiful Princess. You did a fantastic job and I’m proud of you.” He said draping his arm over your shoulders and pulling you into a warm hug that you needed and couldn’t help but melt into.
“Thanks T. means a lot” he tightened his hold on you once he felt you weren’t letting go anytime soon, thinking about how he wanted you to be his but had to back off until he felt there was a sign to tell you.
Even if it's true
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A table set for two
You both agreed to have a chill movie night at his place off campus, but you hadn’t responded to his texts a few hours before hand when he was checking if you were still on for tonight.
You got me waitin' but you ain't comin' through
He tried calling and each time it went to voicemail.
Try to stay patient but gotta face the truth, mm-mm-mm
He was trying to keep up his positive attitude and thought you just got caught up at the studio and you’d be over soon.
But when the clock hit 11:00, he packed up the snacks his took out and the blankets for when you got cold.
He sent you a text saying goodnight and made the slow trek back to his lonely room after turning off the lights and making sure that he locked up everything.
He heard the chime of his phone from a text from you with the one word, ‘Sorry.’ in the text bubble.
He wanted to be angry but he put that on himself when he thought that you’d make the time for each other when you told him about the loser taking you out and making it up to you for his behaviour at your show when your friend asked what happened over lunch during the week.
He picked up his phone to respond but responded with the ‘👌🏾’ emoji. Turning off his phone for the night, he tried to get some sleep but he couldn’t achieve that until the hours of early morning.
But I can't make a scene, but I can't make it seem
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Why is it so hard to figure out?
Trevante tried to find out what happened the following days only to be met with radio silence on your end.
He did get how you could go from making plans to ghosting him. It just didn't make any sense. So when your friends all agreed to meet up for a games night at their house, you couldn't help but make it your mission to go once he saw your name and emoji in the groupchat when it all went down.
If she thinks this can run, boy does she have another thing coming. He thought as he placed his phone down and focused on completing his reading for class later on in the week.
I need you every day, believe me when I say it
The day to meet up approached a lot slower than he thought. or atleasts that's how it seemed to him as he stood outside of your mutual friends, Cameron and Danielle, place where the gathering was taking place.
"Hey man!" Came the booming voice of his fellow athlete. Embracing eachother in a dap and massive grins on their faces at seeing eachother after so long outside of training due to overlapping schedules.
"Hey what's good? Y'all already start? Im sorry for getting here so late. Got caught up at the library and had to make a stop at mine for this" Trevante quickly rattled out before holding a fantastic sized bottle of alcohol for the night's consumption.
"Aye! That's what i like to see." Cameron said taking the bottle in and moving out of the doorway to let trevante in.
He placed the bottle on the island as they both walked in and he waited for trevante to put his jacket on the hook by the door before continuing to lead him into the living space which would be the main area for the activities whilst stopping short to speak up to his friend.
'Aye, Tre. Just a heads up but Y/N's here and i know you said you guys havent spoke in a couple weeks bu-
"Nah its good Cam. Don't worry about it alright? I was just being sensitive when i brought it up. I mean it aint like she's my girl" Trevante said letting out a forced chuckle that went unnoticed by Cameron as their other friends called for them to enter the room to start the games.
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Lke I want you
There you were and there he was.
He tried to play it off the whole night but he, along with your other friends, could feel the tension in the air as the only seat left was across from you.
He'd look at you and turn away before you looked up at him and turned away.
It was a vicious cycle and your friends noticed but the both of you were obvious to the actions of the other because you both didn't know how to come out and say that you wanted to talk to the other.
That is until a game of truth, dare or drink began and it forced out some revelations and confessions from the other.
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The boisterous group of friends were getting rowdy at the secrets being let out and the ridiculous dares people were able to think of and dash out. 
So far Tre and you were given simple enough truths and somewhat weak dares.
‘What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you?’
‘What’s the weirdest sex story you have?’
‘I dare you to go skinny dipping the next time we go to an away game’ That one got a drink cause Tre knew for a fact that he wasn’t going to embarrass himself if they got caught cause of the nosey people in the hotels. 
“All right. All right! Now y’all are bout to be getting some serious shit” Came from Stacey, the social butterfly and peace-maker of the group.
“Yea. We been takin it easy on y’all.” Jacob added on. He was a chill guy but he could get into some mess if he wanted and manage to charm himself out of it.
“We ain’t tell y’all to do that though...But carry on.” Tre responded as he managed to speak over his read solo cup. A cocky smirk on his face and it made the girl across from him clench her thighs together at the way he replied. 
It’s definitely the drinks. You said to yourself trying to pass it off but the buss you were feeling as well had you biting your lip at his every move or remark when it was his turn. 
Or the way he would have that wide smile on his face before releasing his contagious laugh.
Damn him. You thought  before your friends managed to pull you out of your thoughts and letting you know it’s your turn.
“So truth or dare Bunny Boo” You couldn’t help but laugh and roll your eyes at the nickname you got from your childhood friend that stuck with you to now. 
”Truth” You said and giggled at her eye roll before hearing a ‘boo’ coming from around you.”Oh hush and ask me something” You said and laughed as they laughed at the look on your face.
Stacey watched as tre looked over to you before slightly stirring the liquid inside of his cup. She looked around and saw how the others looked at her to get the ball rolling you guys situation.
She cleared her throat. “ Tell us why you haven’t messaged tre in ages.” She said before fixing up on her position on the floor to lean closer to your sitting position on the couch.
”Uh-” You got caught off guard that this was what she asked.
”Hey it’s honestly fine guys. Leave it” You turned to Tre but he wasn’t looking at you, just at them and it made you deflate.
He couldn’t believe that they were basically starting the conversation for him but he didn’t want you to feel attacked. He knew what he was doing was gonna be seen as weak by his friends later but he didn’t want you to leave in a bad mood.
“Man. Y’all over there not talking and being awkward. This ain’t like you both and it’s freaking all of us out!” dragged Jordan once he rubbed his hands down his face and looked as if he was pleading.
“Speak or forever hold your peace girl but just know, you guys are always going to be around eachother so whatever the hell it is that happened, it needs to be talked about and it needs to be talked about now.” Stacey said and was met with agreement from your other buzzed friends.
“Uh-” You still didn’t know what to say and he wanted to know but he didn’t want you to be forced or so scared that you’d pass out, which is how you looked in that moment. 
“Just go out back and talk. We just want to you guys to kiss and makeup already. This whole quiet game that’s going on between you isn’t normal.” Suggested your friends in a softer tone instead of the pleading tone used earlier.
You both choked at the mention of kissing and by the end of your friends spiel, you both looked at each other before Trevante got up and came over to your side and waited for you to make the move to the back after having watched you have an internal debate.
As you stood, you took a massive gulp and lead the way out.
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It was quiet for a while before he spoke up.
“So what’s been going on girl?” He had that smile on his face and you couldn’t help but feel like shit for not messaging him at least once just to check up on him or let him know you were ok.
You looked at him. “what?” He asked. Chuckling and rubbing around his face before asking if something was there since you were looking so hard.
“ why aren’t you mad?” You asked looking at his face turn down.
“What do you mean? Why would I be mad?” He asked. He wasn’t sure what you thought of him but he couldn’t see himself being mad at you.
“I mean that you haven’t heard from me in how long, but here you are...” As you spoke, your voice threatened to crack that you cleared your throat after leaving it open.
“Here I am”
“Just being your usual great self huh?”
“Well I wouldn’t say great” he dragged off which caused you to laugh as he shrugged his shoulders playfully as he smiled after getting you to relax.
After a moment of some silence, you decided to finally say what happend. You didn’t want to keep much back from him any longer for your sanity and his unvoiced search for answers.
“I was scared.”- You started off, scaring him at the way you said it-”Scared that i’d do something that i had no business doing and i didn’t want to mess up our friendship.” You continued meekly under his dark eyes. 
He wasn’t expecting to hear that but he needed to know and he was going to make you explain yourself, even if it meant he had to make you feel guilty to get a proper answer. 
“You kind of messed that up when you ghosted me for weeks. You know i wouldn’t do some shit like that to you, Princess” You had been surprised he still called you by your nickname and not said your first name. 
“so why the hell did you do it exactly?” He said his voice void of any lightness. Instead it was the tone he used when he was absolutely serious. That stern baritone mixed with his southern twang always did something to you and the countless other girls who decided to make it known about their attraction to him.
“I know you wouldn’t T. And that makes me feel even shittier because i’m sure if I had just told you what was scaring me, then we could’ve said our peace but at least hangout” He turned to you as you rambled.
“Tell me what it is because you’re tiptoeing and referring to whatever as ‘it’. What is ‘it’?
You looked up at him in that moment. The way the soft light from the small lights outside dusted over his dark features and the way his jaw clenched as he waited patiently for you made you consider doing what you wanted to those many nights ago when you were supposed to be at his for movie night.
Time to put on your big girl panties. You thought, deeply inhaling and straightening your back, bracing yourself for the impending rejection.
“I-I like you Tre. I like you so much that i got scared that if we were alone that I would make a complete fool of myself by developing stronger feels for someone that probably doesn’t feel the same about me.” He wanted to interrupt but you stopped him. -”Let me finish, please.”- You said and watched as he gulped.
“I mean, I know we would flirt playfully but i couldn’t kid myself any more by keeping up with whatever dynamic that we had going on. You know what I mean? I wasn’t trying to get caught up with my stupid feelings for you so i let that idiot take me out a few times, one of those times being the same night as our movie night but i thought that i could get over what i was feeling by going to someone else, which i know is wrong but i just didn’t know how to deal with being so close to you feeling the way I feel.”
He sat silently. You watched on edge as he breathed in.
“So you’re saying that you were scared of being rejected? By me?” He wanted to laugh at the stupidity that was you two but he forgot you had no clue like he had and you chose to run away whilst he chose to run towards.
He hadn’t realised he let out a snort and you wanted to die on the spot from embarrassment.
“See this is what i was afraid of.” - You sniffled- “I mean you’re an attractive guy with option and I noticed how you would tense up when I’m around or when we hug and it’s not until I crack a joke that you relax and it’s just stupid of me to think that you like me when you’re so nice to me, probably out of pity-” You quickly fired out at him.
Like I want you
He caught you off by grabbing your chin and pulling your lips to his as he sweetly attacked your lips before releasing his hold on your chin. That left you stunned and you couldn’t help but stutter out a ‘what the hell’ then looked at him.
Now was a better chance than ever. You just kissed her so surely it’d add up. He thought 
“I have something to tell you.” He said. 
Even if it's true
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[ Updated 20th Feb. 2021 ]
Read the continuation, Streets
Hey y’all
What’d you think?🙂
Also I’ve literally just started watching LoveCraft County and let’s just say I have a new obsession and that will be noticed heavily in my next few imagines🥴
Don’t forget to share, like and/or leave a comment and let me know what you think. <3
Love y’all. Stay safe and remember to take time for yourself.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being best friends with Klaus Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves x reader
warnings: drugs/alcohol, blood, smoking, guns, death mention
prompt: anonymous: “Hi! Could you write a Klaus Hargreeves x best friend reader headcanon, just the random shenanigans they get into together, the fun they have together. No hidden romance or anything, just complete and utter platonic LOVE. If you have ideas for some angsty point in the headcanon feel free to put them in, I just want to be best friends with Klaus so bad and this is my way to fulfill it XD thank you so much!!”
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meeting each other pretty much the day he left the umbrella academy
he was cheering in the street, which you found absolutely amusing
“hey, what’s got you so happy?”
“i’m so glad you asked! today’s my eighteenth birthday, which means im free at last!”
“wow, well, happy birthday”
“i have the greatest idea, do you want to spend it with me?”
you didn’t have anything else to do, so why the hell not?
klaus was a wild child, anyone could have told you that
he paraded down the streets with you, arms interlocked as he skipped around town
you two were singing whatever tune came to mind
“where are you staying tonight?”
“wherever i please!”
“would you like to crash on my couch?”
“do you have a tv?”
“i do”
he agreed and made you watch movies with him until you both passed out
after that night, you two became best friends
he was a lot to handle, but you could take it
plus, you didn’t mind having some crazy unplanned fun, either
to be honest, klaus did have some rough patches, though
he’d call you from the police station time and time again, asking for you to come pick him up
klaus magically was able to talk them out of any charges, you thought only his sister could do that
oh! i forgot to mention, he opened up to you about his powers and the way he was raised
you had heard about the umbrella academy before, so you believed him
you were just surprised that he was one of ‘em
“yeah, yeah, dad said i’m supposed to ‘commune with the dead,’ but he has no idea how hard that actually is! the mental toll it has on a person!”
he told you about ben, who was actually present at the time, you just couldn’t see him
you and klaus went on to be friends for years, sharing so many memories together
some of them were drunken, you must admit
you weren’t a fan of klaus’s addiction, though, especially as time went on
“klaus, you need to pull it together. i really think you should go to rehab. just try it out?”
“but i don’t want to part with you for that long! i’ll be lost!”
“don’t worry, i’ll still be here when you get out”
patching him up when he got hurt, which was often
“aw, my shirt has blood on it. that’s too bad, i liked this one”
“you know, klaus, the blood gives you some character”
“you know what? you’re right!!”
he would go on the wildest tangents about his family sometimes, five superpowered siblings (+ vanya), a billionaire for a father, a robot for a mother, and monkey.......totally normal childhood
sometimes he’d see his sister, allison, on the tv and watch whatever it was she was in, he thought she was magnificent
he really did miss her sometimes
“you know, they were all the worst siblings you could ask for, but they are my family. i wonder how they’re doing right now...”
“do you want to visit them sometime, i can come with”
“oh, nonono, you don’t want to do that, we may try to kill each other!”
“i believe that”
him finding vanya’s book and reading it with you in tears
“i know, klaus, i know. she didn’t mean to hurt you, i’m sure. she made the wrong decision”
“she just told the world about very private family matters! what else was she trying to do?!”
klaus and you stuck together for a few more years, but the day he found out his dad died was....it was something
he was laughing, crying, popping open the champagne, crying some more, hugging you tightly, and singing happy songs
“y/n...will—will you come to the funeral with me? please?”
“yeah, i can do that”
the house he grew up in was HUGE
he insisted on giving you a tour while he snatched up trinkets to sell
“put it back...”
“but it’s mine!”
passing by his other siblings and awkwardly waving
“who are you?”
“excuse you, this is my very best friend in the whole wide world!”
okay, it was a lot more uncomfortable that you expected it to be
especially when “number one” dumped the ashes at the funeral and then “number two” started shit talking their dad, and klaus started laughing when they started fighting
passing his cigarette back and forth
okay, and then he suddenly had a 13 year old brother fall from the sky
“klaus, are you sure we were smoking a cigarette?”
“i’m never sure of anything anymore, darling”
“that’s reassuring”
the little brother did not give a flying FUCK who you were
smth about the apocalypse
babysitting klaus as he spiraled out of control bc of his family
uh, losing klaus several times
and then he got kidnapped
and then he time traveled to the 60s and fell in love???
he told you all about dave
“he sounds amazing, klaus. do you think you could conjure him?”
“that’s not a bad idea! i just need to stay sober!”
easier said than done
apocalypse apocalypse apocalypse
now you were all in on that
you never thought that your accompaniment to a funeral would lead to several shootings, murders, and traumas.......wow
you really felt out of place
his sistee ended the world. you know, vanya, the one you thought had no powers
so his brother, five, time traveled the lot of you to the 1960s, but you landed alone in texas
“klaus? klaus?! anybody???”
having to cope with the fact that you were going to have to acclimate to living in the past on your own, it could be worse
you could have died in 2019
you went on for another year or two trying to keep your head low
but you ran into a familiar face soon
although you didn’t know each other very well before this, you were ecstatic to find someone in the same situation as you
soon everyone began finding each other and also the world was gonna end again
reuniting with klaus
sobbing while you hugged him
“y/n, oh, my god, i can’t believe it’s really you!”
“i missed you so much, this has been such a wild ride”
“welcome to the hargreeves family”
ben, who you couldn’t hear: “he wouldn’t shut up about you!”
this new timeline was decidedly not a vibe
“you know, the 60s fashion i can live with, but everything else? complete trash i would like to go home”
everyone had to protect you because you didn’t have powers and they actually kind of cared about you?
klaus would also absolutely lose it if you got hurt
he would tell you all about his cult every moment he got
also he let you hang out at his mansion
but there was no time to hang out, you guys REALLY had to fix the timeline in any way you could
after becoming fugitives, you went to a barn for an epic *final battle* where you died lived bc five changed the timeline
getting back to 2019 only to find that it was......not the same at all
“i think...i think we may have fucked up”
“yeah, i’m going to have to agree with you there”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @cullens-stuff // @lotsoffandomrecs // @takethebladeawayfromme // @tessacabrera // @teenwaywardasgardian // @spidergirla5 // @sheridans-dynamos // @freya-xo // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @jay-is-groovy // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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meltalks · 4 years
my experience with addy / hiqey
i’ve contemplated posting my history with addy/hiqey for awhile now. my friends have encouraged me to do so, but due to her stance in the rpc i was always far too scared to do so. with all that is coming to light with her recently, not only is a huge weight off my shoulders as far as comfortably roleplaying as my escape, but knowing i’m not alone. my story with addy dates back to about september 2018. i do warn you this will be long, and i’ll try to include enough details to make it make sense while not dragging things on and on. this includes both my personal relationship with addy, as well as my experience with her in groups one where she she was an admin, and groups where i was an admin. as well as i believe we coadmined one together. i’ve put screenshots where i could, but some of this dates back to 2018 and i just don’t have access to those texts/rp accounts anymore.
a huge huge shout out to @bumkeyz for starting this avalanche, and for also supporting me one on one along with all my friends to feel safe enough to come forward. i’ll put all of my story under a read more. 
i’m going to start this by saying, my name is mel/melanie. you may have heard of me because back when addy was on rpslayed she wasn’t a big fan of me for awhile. predominantly my group the cape(?) the main isn’t up anymore so i can’t remember the exact @. i’m 21 years old, i will be 22 this month. i am married & i have a 3 year old daughter. this is information i don’t normally tell people i’m married / have a child, because well, i just feel a little judged. not because anything anyone has specifically done or said, but my own anxieties worried that people will think it’s weird to be married with a child and still in twitter rp. but it is important to my story with addy, which is why i’m letting everyone know right off the bat. 
i met addy in a group called producers. this group is from september 2018, so i’m not able to access anything right now, but am digging. i played (feel free to clown me) a g-eazy character named pierce. addy played a carlson young who’s name i can’t quite recall, and a gracie abrams named lolly. lolly & pierce became friends first & at some point we exchanged phone numbers. lolly & pierce flirted a lot, pierce was a player yada yada. eventually she ended up getting a different ship on lolly & pushed her carlson young onto pierce. pierce had a different love interest & didn’t end up going for her. this should’ve been the first negative sign/red flag. when pierce didn’t get with her character, she got very short & snarky ic and ooc. i believe both of her characters blocked me ic. even though pierce had made no ic promises to either to not be with someone else. we still maintained some level of friendship, but she was extremely weird about when i mentioned my ship. our friendship ended for a few months because of an incident that started ic between me and another character. the mun who played this character and i had bonded ooc over having been pregnant, we talked somewhat often about her dealings with her pregnancy. so i felt close enough/friendly enough with this mun that when something happened with her character & another character ic i dm’ed her to see if she was ok .long story short it went bad. i texted addy and told her that. i explained that i felt as if this mun & i were close and it was like dm’ing a friend. she held onto the fact that i shouldn’t have messaged her. when i didn’t immediately conform to her thought she kicked me out of the group. i was literally devastated. i loved that group, that character, my ship; all of it. she blocked me. though this story is 2 paragraphs long, it’s minor in the grand scheme of things. after this she smeared me on rpslayed for months until our paths crossed again in a group called glitches/glitch? we decided to squash our beef. this was december 2019.
in december 2019 we became friends again. honestly, i wish we never crossed paths. we got very close right away. she started telling me about a bad friendship she had, with someone we mutually knew from producers who i will not name since it’s not my place to put their name in this, and gained my sympathy. so much so that i ended a friendship with that person based solely on accusations that addy had told me. this is something that i can now realize i did wrong. i literally cussed this person out on the phone, solely based off things addy told me. i didn’t listen to someone who had been my friend for months, who defended me and picked me up when addy was tearing me down on rpslayed. i turned my back because addy convinced me to. she made this person seem awful. and again, i’m not naming them, but they know exactly who they are. and when thy do read this, i’m sorry.
now this is where things get out of hand. addy & i begun an intimate relationship. this is very personal, and i know some may pass judgment. but my husband was cool with it. addy also began talking to my husband, they texted. we had a groupchat. not to get into details about the relationship, but it was romantic. i am going to try and organize my thoughts. into themes.
this relationship lasted from about january ish to april romantically. i became addy’s crutch. she began going through personal issues with her family. and i started sending her money. to be frank i don’t remember how it started. i helped her with a job search, supporting her through these tough things that were going on. the money started casually i suppose. it was $10 for lunch. $25 for nails. but then it got worse. i bought her a phone. and slowly she grew more entitled to my money. asking for it. demanding it. guilting me when i didn’t give it. i lied to her and told her i lost my credit card and turned it off, but the guilt i had i told her that i could turn it on when she needed it. in screenshots i will post below she guilted me because i was sick and fell asleep before turning my card on. whether what she’s saying occured is true or not, it was just one example of how she made me feel. at one point she had my credit card on her uber, and charged nearly $400 of ubers on my credit card that i didn’t know about. she claimed it was an accident, because i let her put my card on her account under the agreement that she would turn it off. we had an agreement of what she would pay me back, some things that i got her were gifts and i didn’t want/need back. other things it was always an agreement she would pay me back. however whenever i would mention sending me a payment she had an excuse. one time even guilting me by reminding me how much better i have it than she does. all in all i spent / sent upwards of $2500/$3000 on her. only about $1500/$1800 i wanted back. i never saw a dime back, she never made good on her promises. at some point i gave up on asking.
ETA: as far as the uber situation goes, she did apologize and state that it was never on purpose when i found out that there was nearly $500 in charges. she said she thought she was charging her moms card. this shows a photo of 1 page of a 5 page statement of all the transactions put on my card by her in one month. there are only 6 of these transactions that were me. all of the ubers and venmo were her. i didn’t make her take off my card, which in hindsight was obviously a very bad decision. i just didn’t want to leave her stranded without ways to get home/where she needed to be. 
this is her demanding money. this was in the summer. at this point i was so manipulated by her/scared of her/scared of losing her that i didn’t know how to say no. in this instance i deflected with a picture of my child. screen shot.
in the screenshots here, this is where i fell asleep. i was on vacation and got extremely dehydrated in the sun. i literally felt so sick and she made me feel guilty for falling asleep. X X X 
this screenshot shows one of the times i actually asked her when she would repay me. at this point my credit card was nearly maxed out from ubers and sending her money. i was anxious about it and she made me feel bad for asking because her situation was worse than mine. this was the same day she asked me for $250 for a down payment on her car. X asking for money. X making me feel bad for asking when she’s gonna pay.
literally to this day im still in credit card debt because of this. yes i make good money, yes my husband does too. but credit card debt is hard and everyone knows it. i do fine for myself, but i don’t have hundreds extra to pay this down. 
also, i cannot locate the bank screenshot. but as recent as this february, six months since she spoke to me, she still had my card on her uber and usted it again. i can’t find the screenshot of the actual of the bank transaction because i’ve completely had to close that account for fraud and transfer my balance to a new card. but here is a screenshot from february 12 where i tell my friends i caught her doing it. X .
manipulation in groups/related to groups
orbis. i ran a group called orbis, it was a reality show group. addy was one of my friends who really wanted me to open it. all of my groups i’ve adminned i’m the lead. i just always take on that roll so i do get very busy with them on top of my real life. i work full time and i’m a mom so i spread myself thin.she made me feel really guilty for this, saying i wasn’t giving her enough time, she wasn’t anyones dog. so i posted my unfollow. then she told me i was stupid for doing that. so i deleted my unfollow. then she said that me deleting my unfollow showed that i didn’t really care how she felt. screens. X X
lumeer. very similar situation to above. only this time i left the group completely for about 3 weeks. i called my coadmin crying about what she was doing to me, sent her the psds and templates for grpahics and left fully, though i helped them out if issues arose/they needed anything. 
impulse. this was recently and this got brought to the tags. im going to copy & paste what i sent to bumkeyz as far as the story goes for what happened.
“ what happened in impulse is only one of several examples of addy being awful in groups i've adminned. this goes back to our friendship but specifically here's what happened in impulse. addy played a character named briar, the other characters involved were as mentioned in other posts loki & khalil (fai fc). one of he first days of the group khalil hooked up with both loki & briar. when the "updates" account posted about loki & khalil's hook up (we posted any and all plot drops that were sent in, it was a reality show so we consistently updated what the cameras caught), briar got upset on main. addy then messaged khalil's mun ooc and asked for the plot to be erased. essentially because she didn't like that khalil had hooked up with both her and another girl in the same day/same manor. as odd of a request as i was the khalil mun agreed to wipe it & asked that if there was anything that ever came up again that made addy uncomfortable to please not hesitate to dm. addy then softblocked khalil. which is strange. why soft block with briar's reason to dislike khalil has been wiped? that night addy posted on her personal tumblr hiqey "i forgot all fai khadra fcs are weirdos" or soemthing along that line. the khalil mun reasonably got uncomfortable with that, but was softblocked & didn't tell the main. they just ignored it since their characters weren't interacting now. for the next few days addy continued to shade khalil and loki on main, despite any ic reason for disliking them being wiped. loki then approached briar IN CHARACTER asking what was wrong/why she was shading/why they didn't like her. i don't know all the details of that conversation, but i know it ended with loki saying she was going to block briar & briar saying that was fine. bear in mind the admins had no idea any of this was happening at this point. addy then dmed the main, playing victim. after more shading of khalil, khalil's mun decided to block briar as well. addy despite wiping this plot and having 0 ic communication with khalil continued to shade the characters ic. so addy dmed the main playing innocent. asking for us to have them unblock, saying she had no idea why they blocked or what she did. as admins we had no idea why either, figured it was something ic so we dmed both muns. khalil's mun agreed after some hestiation, and asked if they had to follow her and i said no. they didn't elaborate. loki's mun however refused, & i'm glad she did because she told us what was going on. of course once we were told everyting we didn't make her unblock. up until we told addy that we were not going to make those muns unblock her, she was extremely sweet to us. she praised us on her rpt. said she loved the group. fed the main compliments. but when she didn't get her way out of us, and was essentially told on, she started causing issues on the timeline with different characters. she sent us a dm on the main telling us to "learn how to handle your group melanie" and deactivated before i could get a chance to reply. “
what i didn’t tell bumkeyz is that deejay/rpslayed played khalil. another example of addy’s manipulation is that when she saw deejay getting anons she followed deejay and texted her after several months of no communication, starting to tell her side of the story and play innocent -- not knowing that deejay was the person who was behind khalil the entire time. she made khalil out to be the bad guy, not knowing that it was deejay. after finding out deejay and i were friends, when deejay posted on rpslayed for people to follow me shortly after trying to get deejay on her side, addy blocked us both (again). 
manipulation between friends (?)
i don’t really know a great way to title this, but this is similar to the situation i mentioned with the unnamed person above -- how addy made me think that person was the worst so i would stop being friends with them. this is a few more examples of that.
the entire time i was friends with addy, she told me that deejay hated me. she told me that deejay was convinced that i was this person who tried to get her kicked out of a group. she told me that she did her very best to convince deejay that it wasn’t true, but no matter what she did deejay just hated me. nearly a year later deejay and i cross paths in a group. we started talking ooc and i mentioned this. i asked her why she thought that was me. we found out that basically, while addy was telling me she was trying to convince deejay it wasn’t me, she was telling deejay that it was me. she would also tell me personal information about deejay that i had no business knowing, whether it be real life information or just telling me the groups deejay adminned when she knew deejay didn’t want anyone knowing. 
i have found out recently that addy has recently been telling people a lie about when she came to visit me. on one evening when she visited me in june of 2019, we went to my friend’s house. we both drank, and smoked. i am someone who neither drinks nor smokes, and i got a very bad mix from it. my anxiety sky rocketed. i was crying on my friends couch practically paralyzed. i didn’t want to move. i felt sick. i felt scared. my friends were going to drive us back to my house and shortly before we were about to walk out addy said she needed to go to the hospital. my friend’s boyfriend drove her there, and when he came back they took me home. this night is very blurry for me. i remember barely being able to see straight, my friend helped me walk to and from the car. addy has told her friends that i refused to pick her up from the hospital that night, and i’ve now heard this from two of her close friends. when in reality, i was so far gone that not only was i sick and scared, but i couldn’t see straight. i had absolutely no ability to be behind a wheel. i’m not surprised she twisted this against me.
i provided a few people screenshots where addy was telling me to block them/trying to convince me that they were awful and hurting me. at the same time that addy was telling me this, she was doing the opposite to them -- to keep us apart. i believe this is some sort of power. always wanting to be everyones number one.
i don’t have a lot of screenshots for this, so i won’t go into much detail, but i can say on more than one occasion, or more than five or ten she told me who to and not to be friends with. told me to block people who had been our friends who were no longer friends with her. 
flat out manipulation.
i don’t want to go back through my texts too much honestly. it’s still a sore spot. it still sucks and it still hurts. but i think anyone and everyone involved with addy at some point or another has similar stories about the way she treats her friends. there were points where i begged. begged and begged her not to leave me. i can’t even count how many times she blocked and unblocked me. how many times she made me feel the worst and then came back. she came back because she knw i was there. and that my generosity was practically endless. i couldn’t say no to her, frankly i can’t say no to anyone. if anyone dmed me today and said hey i need $15 for a ride home. i’d probably send it. that’s just how i am. addy completely had me wrapped around her finger. to the point that i left friends who were good to me. i left my own groups i worked hard on. i nearly ended my engagement (which cannot be entirely blamed on her, but the relationship she and i had was built off lots of manipulation). i know that i could go find 100 screenshots and texts of her manipulating me but honest i just don’t want to do that to myself again. she has made me out to be the villain to anyone she can. i have had 2 different people tell me that she told them i say the n word, which is the furthest thing from the truth. i fear the things she’s said about me to people. if she can 100% make something up, what can she twist from actual arguments or issues we had? 
i know this sounds like a lot of rambling for nothing. but for nearly two years i’ve lived in fear in the rpc of addy. less so when we were friends. i’ve feared telling my side because i felt invalid. frankly even as i type this im scared. scared she’s already convinced everyone i’m awful and no one will read this or care. i just am thankful that this finally came to light. i am glad that i won’t feel scared anymore. roleplay is my one place to be free. as a mother, a full time worker, i don’t have a lot of time for hobby’s and frankly i don’t have a lot of them. i don’t draw, or read. i like to write. and i’m just thankful this can finally be lifted off me.
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Ik you might be annoyed by now and im really sorry! Can i give my 2 cents about the lucifer birthday drama? I feel like people are forgeting that this game is new! The game was JUST released in december 2019! Its totaly normal that the game devs are gonna wanna try some new things! And I also think its possible that they might've just recently come up with the idea, and to me, it makes sence that they'd start this new thing with Lucifer! Just because he's the oldest! Idk about japan culture but+
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I have no problem with you expressing your opinion to me as long as you stay polite and respectful which you did and I’m thankful for that 🥰
To respond to you I’m gonna quote some parts of your ask to make sure everything stays in order I hope you don’t mind !
Small Disclaimer : I do not hate Lucifer’s character nor the Devs ! Please make sure you know and remember that before reading. 
You said : “I feel like people are forgeting that this game is new! The game was JUST released in December 2019 !”
So in a few days the games is going to be six months old, so while he is fairly new he has still been working for half a year and he also belongs to SWD who is certainly not new. Birthday events are not a new things around here so even if the Devs are different they should have heard about the birthday events before.
You said : “And I also think its possible that they might've just recently come up with the idea”
Like I said before I’m okay with the twins (my two favorite brothers) not getting anything because at the time the game was about three months old and yes maybe it was too soon for them to implement such a big event.
However when the twins birthday happened people complained about not having anything to celebrate on the game beside a special quote if only you had them on your mainscreen. So again Devs who already knew about birthday events were again reminded of them. Same happened during Levi’s birthday.
Events are confirmed to be pre-planned and there was certainly not enough time between Asmodeus’s and Lucifer’s birthday to plan a full-on event like that. Which means the development for the Lucifer event started before Asmodeus’s birthday and they just decided to deliberately ignore everything about him in favor of Lucifer as they often do, which one of the biggest issue of the game right now.
You said : “It makes sense that they'd start this new thing with Lucifer ! Just because he's the oldest”
I’m sorry I’m going to be the dumb one but where is this logical?! This excuse, for me, would have worked only if the brothers’s birthdays were scattered throughout the year in the same order as their age.
For example : Lucifer is born in January, Mammon in April, Levi in June, Satan in August, Asmo in October and finally the twins in December. 
But they are not. So why bother waiting to start with the oldest for the order to break not on the next birthday but the one after. What would have changed if they started everything with Asmo ?
Or else they’re gonna do Mammon’s birthday, then jump over Satan’s and the twins’s (a second time) to get to Levi ? And then what Asmo’s will again be ignored along with Lucifer and Mammon to get to Satan. Only to jump over the twins’s birthday a THIRD time, then Levi’s to finally get some Asmo content etc.
Doesn’t seem really practical but that’s the only way this excuse would ever sound valid. For me they could have just said we’re starting with Lucifer because we want to and I would’ve taken it better honestly. 
(I’m not gonna say anything about oldest child privileges because I don’t know every culture in the world, I would be mostly inclined to say that the youngest often have more privileges but who knows?)
The problem with most people here is the Devs’s blatant favoritism for Lucifer during events, during the main story or even in text messages. People are getting fed up that their favorite brother, especially Asmodeus’s and Satan’s stans, are never getting any attention when Lucifer is getting a lot of spotlight instead (and is often pushed onto MC who is always forced to find him attractive or even have feelings for him).
The birthday event only made this worse because we literally went from 0 to 1000 in the span of two/three weeks, WEEKS. The issue here is Lucifer got all of these things when Asmo, for whom the fandom was already calling out the overlook, got nothing. Nothing stopped the Devs from giving everyone 30 DPs like they did for Lucifer OR raising the odds to get Asmo cards more easily like they did for Lucifer OR holding a special sale like they did for Lucifer.
As you have seen I’ve only said “OR” because people were not asking for an entire event like they did for Lucifer they just wanted one small thing to indicate that they were thinking about implementing birthday events.
Also a big issue I personally have here is the fandom saying “It’s okay they’re gonna give it to everyone you just have to wait” and sometimes not in respectful terms. People don’t seem to realize what can happen in a year : A player could finish high school and start college, another one could start working their first full-time job, another could maybe have a baby and someone could loose someone really dear to them. With everything happening around them I could understand why they wouldn’t hold onto a game that never seemed to really care about them and their wishes just for a birthday event.  A year is a long time. This was just not a good move.
I hope everything I said will not be taken in a wrong way, everything I said is supposed to be respectful and I’m not in any case trying to change your opinion about things. You’re entitled to your opinion just as I am to mine. 
However I have to say, to both sides of this argument : 
Do not send hate to people who like Lucifer, do not send hate to people who dislike him, do not send hate to people who are calling out his favoritism nor to people who don’t really care about it. Just do not send hate, be respectful of everyone and their opinions and they shall be respectful to yours.
Also shameless promo but @thelazystrawberryboi​ did an awesome fan art of the four forgotten birthday brothers and I recommend you check it out.
Now goodbye I’m going back to Luci’s birthday headcanons ! ❤️
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httpjeon · 5 years
— 02. bunny blues: conflict | yoongi & jungkook
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yoongi/reader/jungkook | angst | hybrid!au
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wordcount: 3.9k
contents: jungkook is a dick now im sorry, um bullying?, jealousy
― synopsis: maybe jungkook isn’t as happy as he thought he was
note: reader is a bunny hybrid, kook is a dog hybrid, and yoongi is a human!
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blog masterlist ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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"I've found a place for you," It was the first time he'd spoken to you all day -- and it was 7pm. His tone held none of the warmth you were used to, it was cold and detached.
Your reply was a simple 'really?' as you didn't really know what else to ask. You were sitting in your bedroom, except it resembled nothing like it once did. All your belongings were gone except two outfits and one pair of shoes. Your mattress didn't even have your pastel pink sheets on it -- he had only left you with a single blanket.
Part of you wondered when he became cruel but, it could be worse.
Right. It could be worse...
"It's the coworker I told you about," He expanded upon his previous statement, leaning against the door frame with his arms across his chest. He held an almost defensive stance. You must have look quite pathetic sitting in the middle of your empty bedroom playing with a single sock because you felt his place a comforting hand upon your head. "He owns another hybrid so you won't be alone when he works and they're both really nice. Yoongi will be able to provide well for you,"
You didn't offer a response this time, merely pulling a thread out of your sock causing the fabric to frustratingly bunch up. As you straightened it back out, you heard Namjoon sigh and remove his hand from your head. Your ears flopped over your head in response to the loss of contact...of comfort. You heard him begin to walk away, several steps before he stopped once again. You felt his eyes on you.
"I'm really sorry, _____,"
When he shut the door, you buried your face in your knees and cried; all alone in your barren bedroom that was once filled to the brim with love.
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As you stood in the little apartment Yoongi and Jungkook owned, you were surprised. Namjoon owned a two story house so this little space was so different. However, it was quite cozy with blankets and pillows thrown about. Two soothing scents mixed together but was being tainted by Namjoon's. His was a scent you were beginning to hate -- it made you feel sad. You had been briefly introduced to the two of them but it didn't ease the awkward tension that filled the space.
Despite your growing anger and disdain towards him, you still found yourself hiding behind him and clinging to the back of his shirt. His warmth and strong muscles beneath his shirt gave you a sense of protection.
Yoongi stood in front of Namjoon, holding a little packet of paper you didn't even realize Joon had been carrying. Jungkook was peeking over the back of the couch, his butt in the air with his fluffy tail wagging happily along with two fluffy ears twitching atop his head.
"She has a pretty specific diet, different to what Jungkook would eat," Namjoon explained as both he and Yoongi looked over the papers. It took you a moment to come to terms that Namjoon had actually created a care guide for your new owner -- an actually sweet gesture. "She's a pretty picky eater, actually, so you can't just slop anything together and feed it to her. She uhhh...she really likes Romaine lettuce, it's her favorite. I usually give the centers to her as a snack since they're really sweet -- y-you can just save them when you feed her and it'll be fine like that. I think she prefers them as a snack,"
As you listened, you noticed that Jungkook's tail stopped wagging and his ears were flopping sadly. Namjoon's voice was no longer strong and detached, instead it was shaky and watery -- mixed in with small sniffles.
"She doesn't like cabbage at all, she'll just refuse to eat it if it has it...also no broccoli, it makes her feel sick," Namjoon sniffled again, his body stiffening when you reflexively hugged him from behind at his distress. "You should keep some protein powder on hand for when she gets sick. You can sprinkle it on her food and it'll help her bounce back faster. If she starts running a fever she turns into a bit of a crybaby. She really hates loud noises so at bathtime you should fill the tub with her out of the room otherwise she'll get scared, and at bedtime you should play rainy mood or something because she really can't sleep in silence her ears are too sensitive, you know. Also she--"
"Namjoon," Yoongi cut the unending rambling off, causing Namjoon to go silent. "Do you really want to do this?"
There was a beat of silence before Namjoon seemed to sober up. His back straightened and he sighed.
"I have to," After he said those cold words, he pulled your hands off from around him and released himself from your embrace. Turning around, you noted he had in fact been crying -- his cheeks were still wet and his eyes were red. As you gazed up at him, you saw his lips trembling as he fought himself from crying again. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to your forehead one final time. "Goodbye sweetheart,"
He breezed past you and was gone with a simple slam of the door. Yoongi floundered for a moment, unsure of what to do when he saw your eyes begin to water and your chin start to wobble.
"Hey don't cry!" You were suddenly embraced strongly by the puppy hybrid you hadn't even noticed get up from the couch. "How about we go get your room set up! Hey," He paused, looking around you. "why don't you have any things?"
"Oh," Your shoulders slumped and Jungkook squeezed you reassuringly. "Joonie got rid of them because he thought I was going to a shelter instead,"
"Well," Yoongi sighed, scratching his head. "We'll have to do some shopping anyway for your food. I suppose we can go another day to get you some clothes and belongings as well,"
"I'll show you to your room anyway!" Jungkook took your hand and dragged you down the hallway. You looked over your shoulder to see Yoongi staring at the papers Namjoon left. "It's right across the hall from my room, see! And Yoongi-hyungs is all the way down the hallway so I'm closer to you, if you need me any time!"
As you stood in the bedroom, you noticed it was smaller than your old one. The walls were white instead of pink and the floor was wooden instead of carpeted. That was going to be annoying because you sometimes slept on your floor -- it was cooler down there after all. The mattress was completely bare and it was simply on the floor and not on a frame. There wasn't even a dresser and you found yourself tearing up again.
"W-Why are you crying? Don't you like it?" Jungkook panicked, hovering over you as he didn't quite know what to do as you cried into your hands.
"What's the matter?" Yoongi gruffly asked as he entered the room, alerted to the problem from Jungkook's freak out.
"I-I don't know, she just started crying!" Jungkook whimpered, hands still hovering above you as if he wanted to touch you but too scared of upsetting you.
"It's alright, Kook," Yoongi soothed, petting the pup's hair. "She's probably just overwhelmed, isn't that right honey?"
You nodded into your hands when he addressed you. He pulled you into a hug and you buried your face in his neck. For some reason, you found yourself comforted by his scent and quickly spit out what was wrong.
"I-I compared it to Joonie's room I-I'm sorry," Both men in the room stilled when you choked out the confession.
"It's alright, there's nothing wrong with that," Yoongi cooed, stroking your hair softly. "It was what you knew and this is different so you're gonna compare the new to the old, yeah?"
"Y-You're not mad?" You whimpered, pulling away from his chest to ask. He nearly cooed at how cute you looked, eyes wide and teary with a small pout on your lips.
"No, not at all," He smiled, a cute gummy smile that immediately brought a small smile to your lips.
"U-Um what should she wear to...like bed?" Jungkook asked somewhat awkwardly, breaking up the soft bonding moment between you and Yoongi. The older pulled away from you and you took the moment to dry your eyes on your sleeve.
"Well, you don't have anything to sleep in and I assume you don't want to sleep in that dress," You nodded and he placed his hands on his hips. "I suppose you can wear something of mine to bed tonight, yeah?"
"Why not mine?" Jungkook pouted, making Yoongi laugh and ruffle his hair.
"We both know you don't like sharing your clothes, pup, but thank you for trying, that's very sweet," Jungkook shakily smiled at Yoongi's praise. "I'll pick something out for you real quick,"
Yoongi vanished down the hall and you plopped onto the bed, giggling when the mattress made you bounce. When you looked at Jungkook, you noticed his body was completely still and he was spaced out staring at the door.
You started to ask if he was okay when Yoongi entered the room once more. He was holding some dark colored clothes and you pouted a bit -- you never wore dark colors. You didn't voice your opinion, however, as he was nice enough to lend you his clothing.
"They'll probably be a little big on you, but you shouldn't mind. They're soft and smell nice at least," Yoongi chuckled, placing them on the bed beside you. "C'mon Jungkook, let's let her get changed. ______ we'll be in the living room waiting for you, okay? You remember the way?"
His concern immediately had a smile lighting up your face and you nodded. Yoongi's eyes followed your bouncing ears and he reached out, about to pet them before settling for just patting your head. Sometimes humans were scared of touching your ears, you noticed. Joonie was never like that.
You shook your head of that thought before pausing to make sure the two of them didn't notice. Luckily they were both walking out of the room now. With a soft click of the door, you were alone again.
When you exited the room, you wandered down the hallway to find them both sitting on the couch. They both turned to look at you and you grinned. You had put on Yoongi's long sleeved sweater but since it fell to your knees, you decided not to put on the sweatpants.
"Aren't you adorable?" Yoongi cooed, taking your hand and looked you up and down with a grin. "Isn't she precious, Kookie?"
You barely noticed the halfhearted smile Jungkook gave but no actual verbal reply. Yoongi didn't seem to notice either, still beaming at you swimming in his shirt. However, when you yawned, Yoongi cooed again and pet your head.
"Jungkookie will get you a blanket and a pillow and then you can get some sleep okay?" You nodded eagerly and smiled at Jungkook who pursed his lips in response to you. Cocking your head to the side, Yoongi furrowed his brows and looked at Jungkook. "Go on, Kook,"
The pup heaved a sigh and got to his feet, breezing past you as if you didn't exist. You missed the way Yoongi's jaw clenched and his brows furrowed as you bounced after the other hybrid.
By the time you reached him, he was already pulling the things you needed out. Holding your arms out, you let him pile the soft fabric into your hands before he shut the door with a bang -- making you yelp in surprise and drop everything.
"Jungkook!" Yoongi came in, immediately scolding his hybrid, who immediately bowed his head in submission. "Namjoon said you have to be quiet, her ears are more sensitive than yours, you know? You scared her!"
Jungkook didn't supply an answer, his tail sagging behind him as Yoongi picked everything up for you and grabbed your hand to lead you into your room. Jungkook followed, standing outside the bedroom as he watched his owner set your bed up, laughing and smiling with you.
Jungkook's heart filled with jealousy, eyes squinting when Yoongi would pet you or take your hand in his. When you were finally tucked in, Jungkook nearly turned red at the sight of you hugging Yoongi and rubbing your nose against his in a soft bunny kiss. Just as Yoongi kissed your forehead, Jungkook turned on his heels and stomped to his own bedroom -- slamming the door which was followed by a yelp from you.
It didn't take very long for Yoongi to storm into Jungkook's room, hands on his hips and look not happy.
"Why are you being a brat?" He hiss to the hybrid, who only huffed into his pillow. "You agreed to let her stay here!"
"Yeah but I didn't agree for her to wear your clothes and for you to kiss her," Jungkook snapped, voice muffled by his pillow.
"You're jealous?" Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "She's adjusting Jungkook, things will mellow out soon. Stop being a brat, you're going to make her uncomfortable and the last thing we need is a stressed out bunny -- she could get sick. So be polite and nice to her, be her friend, alright?"
He didn't wait for a response before he stalked out of the room. Jungkook belatedly realized he didn't get a goodnight kiss like you did and it only made the jealousy burn deeper into his heart. He shouldn't have felt it but when he agreed to have you -- he didn't account for the fact he'd have to share Yoongi's attention too.
Perhaps he wasn't as ready to share as he thought he was.
At the first light of sun, you were being awoken with soft pets to your ears. Opening your eyes, you smiled and nuzzled into the touch.
"Oh so you do like it?" Yoongi asked, grinning when you nodded happily. You noticed he was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans; he also smelled really nice. "I put your dress beside you, it's freshly washed and it should be warm from the dryer. Put it on and we can get going, alright?"
At your okay, he gave a little pat to your head before standing up and leaving with a soft click of the door. You sat up in the bed and stretched with a small moan. You had slept really well, the mattress was extremely comfy even if it was on the floor.
After throwing on your dress, you bounced out of the room and into the hallway where you were met with Jungkook. You beamed at him, missing the cold glare he gave you before he spoke.
"Your hair is gross, fix it," Your smile disappeared along with him down the hallway. The happy, cheerful tone from yesterday was long gone and replaced with detached distance.
Yoongi came out of the bathroom just seconds later, pulling his zipper up before pausing and laughing.
"You got a little bedhead, come here," Your smiled returned when he held his hand out for you.
You liked holding his hand, it was nice.
Standing in the bathroom, you giggled at your hair -- it looked like a rats nest. Yoongi fished a comb out of the drawer and set to work combing the knots out.
"You ever do your hair yourself?" He asked you, combing the ends of your hair out.
"No, Joonie really liked doing my hair pretty so I never really did it!" You replied happily, loving the feeling of him touching your hair.
"Well maybe we can teach you to do some styles on your own one of these days," He finished combing your hair and put the comb down when a proud smile. "I don't have any ties or anything to put it up, I hope you don't mind,"
"No it's okay!" You beamed when you received little ear rubs.
"Come on!" Jungkook snapped from down the hall, followed by a little foot stomp.
Yoongi sighed before smiling at you in the mirror. Taking your hand, he led you down the hallway and past Jungkook who trailed behind. They both quickly learned that you didn't know how to tie the laces on your shoes either and Yoongi took that opportunity to coo about how cute you were.
Yoongi was really nice, you decided. He made you feel happy.
As you looked at Jungkook, who was glaring down at his owner with his arms crossed over his chest you wondered why he was in a bad mood. Maybe the new scent of yours mixing with the familiar one had altered his mood for the day. You hoped he would cheer up while you were shopping!
Except, Jungkook only seemed to get more and more irate as the minutes ticked by. You were holding Yoongi's hand, letting him guide you to the correct aisles.
You were practically vibrating with excitement when Yoongi allowed you to choose the things you liked. There were so many soft, pastel colors that left you beaming in happiness.
"I'm going to pick up something from the dog section," Yoongi told you, releasing your hand and patting his grumpy pups head.
"What do you think of this, Kookie? It's so cute!" You asked, holding up a soft purple sweater.
"Don't call me that," Jungkook grumbled, not even looking at you. "And it's ugly,"
"Oh," You felt your ears and shoulders sag in response, merely putting the garment back on the rack. "Okay,"
Yoongi returned a moment later, holding a pair of jeans which he put in the cart as well.
"They're your favorite pair, Kook, I noticed the ones you have no are getting worn," Yoongi explained, earning a simple nod and half hearted smile. "Oh, this is cute ____!"
You followed him to where he was touching the soft fabric of the purple sweater you picked out moments before.
"I-I don't really like it..." Yoongi nodded and put it back, but you couldn't help but stare at it again.
The shopping trip ended without a hitch and you ended up with several bags stuffed full of clothes, shoes and even a couple toys Yoongi let you grab. It was a pain to carry them inside as the clothes were also included in grocery shopping you'd done together.
Later on, Jungkook was watching a nature documentary while you sat on the couch -- watching but not understanding nor retaining what you saw.
"Hey _____, why don't you try on some of your clothes for us!" Yoongi called from where he was beginning to make dinner for the three of you.
The idea had you bouncing to your feet excitedly. You rushed to your room, nearly tripping over Jungkook in the process.
You had meticulously put your clothes away when you got home. You didn't have a dresser so some of your undergarments and t-shirts were still in bags. But you had put your dresses and other nice clothes in the closet.
Yoongi had to help you out putting some of them on the hangers. Namjoon had usually put your clothes away for you, so you didn't exactly have much experience in keeping articles from falling off.
You hurriedly put on your favorite piece from that day, eager to show Yoongi and Jungkook how nice you'd look in it. You didn't bother pairing it with shoes, you were much too lazy for that.
"Look how cute you are!" Yoongi cooed the second you appeared, taking your hand in his and leading in a little twirl. "Isn't she, Kook?"
Your eyes met Jungkook's, eager to hear him compliment you after he had been so cold to you all day. However, the smile disappeared from your face when he simple gave you a once-over with a noncommittal grunt.
At least he didn't say it looked ugly?
Yoongi continued to praise every outfit you showed up. But it wasn't long until dinner was ready and he told you to put your pajamas on.
Now, you had gotten some PJs while shopping but you still slipped Yoongi's sweater on. When you arrived in the kitchen, taking a seat in front of the veggie-based dish Yoongi had made for you, he ruffled your hair.
"Why are you wearing that, silly girl? You got new PJs, remember?" You nodded, your ears flopping over your head from the force.
"But I like your sweater more! It smells really nice and it's cozy!" Yoongi's ears burned red at your words, but you completely missed it.
"Y-You can wear it as long as you'd like then," He whispered, nearly choking as he hurriedly shoved a spoonful of his pasta in his mouth.
However, as you ate, you felt Jungkook's eyes burning into you. You tried to ignore it, but every time you met his eyes you sunk deeper into your chair. You shoveled the rest of your food into your mouth, eager to get away from the tension.
If Yoongi sensed it, he didn't show it or say anything.
You sighed as you crawled into bed, cuddling into a new, soft stuffed animal you had gotten. It felt nice to sleep with something again again after Namjoon had gotten rid of all yours.
You were just about to sleep when your door creaked open, bringing you back to consciousness. You sat up, rubbing your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Jungkook was standing there, silhouetted by the dim nightlight in your room.
"Koo-Jungkook?" You muttered, sitting up in your bed staring at him now.
"You're being annoying," He growled, sounding more aggressive than he had all day.
"You're clingy, you've been here for like three days and you're already begging for attention," He continued, holding nothing back as he voiced his opinion. "No wonder Namjoon-hyung was so eager to get rid of you. If you're not careful Yoongi-hyung will get tired of you too. He doesn't like people clinging to him like you've been. On top of that, he's never going to love you like you want him too. He's mine, not yours,"
You didn't offer a response, twiddling your fingers over your blanket. His presence was almost as stifling as the pressure his words put upon you.
Clingy...that's what Namjoon had called you.
You couldn't help it, it was your nature. You got attached quickly and maybe you did go overboard but you didn't think you were making Yoongi uncomfortable. But Jungkook definitely knew Yoongi better than you did.
If Yoongi were to get rid of you, you'd be sent to a shelter you were sure. No one would take a bunny who'd been rehoused three times. If you wanted to keep your new home, all the nice things he'd given you and a cozy bed to sleep in, then you'd have to fix yourself. Fix how clingy and needy you were.
You could do that.
You didn't realize you were crying until Jungkook scoffed.
"Crybaby," He muttered before leaving with a quiet click of the door.
You held your sobs in until you heard him enter his own room across the hall. Finally alone, you curled in on yourself and cried into your stuffed animal with only the white noise of the fan above you accompanying you.
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aghasexxy · 4 years
ONE WOMAN SHOW PT. 2 | Im Jaebum
Pairing: Reader x Im Jaebum
Words: 1688
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Stripping/ Teasing
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Summary: you work at the most famous strip club in Los Angeles and you have customers that come in asking for you all the time. Including one mysterious man whose father is the head of the K-Town mob. And who closes down the club once a week to discuss “business”.
The sound of the city spills into the club on a very packed Friday night. The last Friday of 2019. The last Friday of the decade. Our doors have been open for less than an hour and the club is already filled to the brim with men and women unable to walk steadily. I look across the club from backstage, laughing at the chaos out there. But those people don’t matter to me. Only one person does. And he’s nowhere in sight.
“Y/N,” I turn around to see my best friend Wendy. She’s grinning ear to ear as usual. She grabs my face with her delicate hands. “Could you pretend to be excited please? This is the final Friday of the decade!” She squeals like a kid in Disneyland. “I promise I’m excited. I’m just expecting someone,” I look back towards the bar. “Would that someone be JB?” I look back at her with a smirk and roll my eyes. “Y/N! You need to stop fucking
around and just go for it! He obviously wants you!” A whistle breaks through the sound of the dancers laughing and chatting. Our boss calls us for a final pep talk before the night truly begins.
“Ladies!,” he exclaims, demanding the attention of every dancer. “First and foremost, welcome to the end of the decade,” we all erupt in hoots, hollers, and applause. “We’ve really kicked ass this year and I’m so proud of all we accomplished. Both on stage and behind the scenes. To say we ended the year off with a bang is an understatement,” he whips out a stack of cash from his back pocket, snickering at everyone’s slack jaws. I stand arms crossed, completely unimpressed. “We helped sell a lot of product this year, all without any raids. Good work!” We all clap and talk amongst ourselves. He gets our attention again. “Okay for tonight, the lineup for the main show is Claire, Denise, Angie, Loren, Tabitha, Wendy, and of course,” I roll my eyes and smile as all the girls look to me and cheer my name. “Our star Y/N!” The room erupts in applause and I try to shush them. “Okay ladies! Go get dressed! We start in 45 minutes!” Applause erupts as we all rush to the dressing room.
I apply setting spray to my face to finish off my makeup look for the night. Looking in the mirror, I am in awe of the work of art I created. Wendy whistles at me from across the room and I giggle. She walks over to my vanity. “Yo mami you got a man?” I turn around. “Wendy why are you like this?!” She shrugs. “I’m pretty sure that whoever wrote the best friend manual included one of the rules to be “hype up your best friend in the most obnoxious way you know how”,” she kisses my cheek. “So that’s what I’m doing!” I stand up and take off my trench coat to show her my outfit of choice. The lights in the room flash which means that the show is about to begin. The girls scatter like roaches and I call Wendy over. “I’m wearing his favorite lingerie tonight for my set,” I say slyly as she grins from ear to ear. “Ahhhh I love that one! You’re gonna be breaking necks tonight for sure! If not his then everyone else’s!”
An hour goes by and Wendy is just now wrapping up her set. A member of the stage crew comes back to the dressing room. “You’re up in 10 Y/N,” I nod and make some final touch ups. Wendy peels around the corner, her hair in her face as she tries to catch her breath. “You killed it out there!,” I yell, running over to hug her. “How was the crowd? Did you see JB?” I pull back and before she can answer, I get called to the stage. On my way out, Wendy gives my ass a nice love tap. “You’ll find out,” she says as I walk to the side stage.
The announcer goes on stage before me and starts my introduction. The audience cease their hoots and hollers so that he can speak. “Ladies and gentleman, we all can admit that nothing is sexier than when we come home after a long day of work and the first thing we see is our significant other walking around in your favorite lingerie set,” men start whistling and I can’t help but blush. “And tonight, for those single, lonely souls, you’ll get to experience that fantasy for the very first time.” The audience erupts in applause along with the other performers watching behind me. I can’t help but just smile. “Y’all have been waiting for her all night! Here she is, our stunning duchess Y/N!” As the audience loses their minds once again, I let out a breath and stand tall. Here we go.
Wasabi by Little Mix starts to play as I strut on stage. Bills start to fly the moment I come into view and men are on their feet cheering for me. They don’t mean shit to me of course. My eyes scan the room, hoping to lock onto piercing brown ones. I keep smiling as I strut down the catwalk to the pole in the middle. I take off my robe, earning an eruption of applause and whistles. I look out on the floor again when I lock eyes with him. JB. There he was, sitting right in my line of vision. His smirk accompanied with him man spreading in his chair was enough for me to get on my knees right then and there. I twirl around nice and slow, giving him something to look at. He’s probably having a hard time keeping it together right now: his favorite dancer in his favorite lingerie set performing for strangers instead of just him. I press my back against my pole, dropping low in slow motion. My eyes never leave his. Maybe I should punish him for being late, show him who’s boss.The music stops and I receive a standing ovation from the crowd. Everyone was on their feet including him. The MC comes out on stage.
“Wow Y/N! Another show-stopping entrance! You know what time it is! Time to pick a lucky guy in the crowd to give him a lap dance!” The sounds of whoops and hollers at this point are deafening. “Now Y/N, what song would you like to dance to?” I turn to the DJ. “Play Rules by Doja Cat for me, please.” The MC fans his face dramatically as the crowd goes crazy once again. I look back out and see JB. His eyes burn into me like daggers. I know what that look means.
“DJ, if you would,” the MC asks as he scurried offstage. The music starts and my eyes start to wander. I walk onto the floor, locking eyes with every horny middle-aged man I see. I blow kisses, wink, and smile and it’s enough to get tens of hundreds of dollars thrown my way. The floor vibrates from the intense bass in the music and I am locked onto my target. JB looks me up and down as I circle around him. My fingers drag across his broad shoulders and I take a seat on his lap, licking my lips as I lock eyes with him. “You wanna play with me, baby,” he whispers softly to me, my pussy clenching and instantly getting wet. The men around us were cheering JB on and whistling loudly. I stand up and reach out my hand, answering his question with a simple head nod. He snickers and grabs hold, triggering another roar of applause from those watching. We walked back to the stage where a lonely chair sat. The spotlight shines over it as the metal gives off a supernatural glow in the white light. He sits down, not leaving my eyes for one second. “You know the rules sir,” I lean in, his cologne overwhelming my senses. “No touching,” I whisper sensually. I stand up and turn around. I look at him as I bend over, my ass being the only thing he has his eyes on. I come back up slowly and smack my ass. I can’t help myself from smiling at the evil mug on his face. This is torture for him. He wants to wreck me to no end, I know he does. But house rules say otherwise. I strut back over to him, kicking his left foot out. “Spread your legs,” I demand. I climb onto his lap and I feel a pulsating sensation from under me. “You like that?” I ask sweetly, like I’m not torturing him. I slowly start to grind on his clothed dick and he lets out the deepest moan I’ve ever heard in my life. I feel myself getting wet at the sound of it. “Yeah daddy?,” I whisper, grinding him a little faster. I stop and lean all the way back. My hands graze the ground along with my head as our crotches stay glued together. I come back up slowly, my breast threatening to pop out into his face. I come all the way up and the song is over. The crowd cheers and I get a standing ovation. He leans in closer to me and our noses barely graze each other’s. “I’m going to make a mess of you Y/N. You’re mine,” I bite my lip and giggle. “I hope that’s a promise, babe.” I wink at JB and stroke his face before turning around to address the audience. “Thank you for coming out tonight everyone! Happy new year!” The crowd yells it back and erupts in applause. I turn back to JB. “Let’s give a big round of applause for my performance partner tonight!” Whistles and claps follow as he walks off stage. I just know by the look in his eye that the next time I see him, he will have his way with me. And I can’t wait.
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cirilee · 4 years
i just found a text my browser had saved on a word count website, and i apparently typed it last november while being sad - i just wanna have a place to post it, and it explains why i was gone for most of may through november last year.
if you’re interested, u can read, it’s basically just a long long long vent and i wanna save it somewhere :’)
(and if you wanna, you can tell me what u think of the whole thing, maybe share if something like that happened to you too, because man, this whole thing was WEIRD for me)
bottom line is: i’m much better now and have way better friends then back then and in general, i’m a pretty happy person again^^
My parents and me had been fighting a lot the past years. I still love them. For a while though, it was just shouting matches between us. We weren't really speaking to each other throughout january 2019 until april 2019, so i wasn't informed by them that they were planning to mOVE OUT. And the place they wanted to move to only had enough space for 2 people. now my brother and me had 3 months total to find and finance our own flats. i was desperate. 2 months i unsuccessfully searched for a job or a flat or a way to make a deposit for said flat, without any saved up money. an old school friend offered to move out together. i only saw him once every month for group activities. he was nice, but we also had a bit of a history. 3 years ago he had acted kinda scummy and tried to get me to be his girlfriend because "he couldnt find anybody else” - ending in a "movie night with friends" that turned out to be a trap, where the only one spending the night was me because he only invited me. creepy. he apologized and i forgave him and we were chill and it was normal between us. i realize now, that i should have just left him out of my life at that point. but time was running out, so i gave in and asked myself "whats the worst he could do. i’ve known this person for 12 years and the he's part of my friend group" we set up basic rules, how we would pay for stuff, etc. .. we moved in. it seemed fine. then i noticed that he talked A LOT. and he wanted A LOT of attention. after a day of working on my diploma or working at my job, he would assert himself in my room and try to engage in smalltalk. i am not the hermit type. i engaged with him, i joined in on his conversation. but when i was already tired he wouldn't accept "i'm gonna go to sleep". there was always something else he needed to talk about. I was trying to make clear to him that i needed alone time too, but no matter how honest i was, the message either didn't seem to stick, or he'd get upset and start asking me if i hated him. With that, i could have kept up with in the long run. Then he started knocking on my door. even when it was already late and i already told him i was gonna go to sleep. Repeatedly knocking on my door. At some point he just opened the door. It was 1am. I pretended to sleep. I could hear him breathing, it sounded angry. He eventually closed the door. The next morning i confronted him. He argued it away as him trying to warn me that he was going to take a shower, so that i wouldn't use the bathroom. He started commenting on how i wasn't funny enough around him. in that friend group, i'm the funny one :c. but i cant keep up that energy 24/7 (this was supposed to be a home, not a free neverending standup act, for this one guy). that confused him. the next day he asked me if i had depression. My parents had given me a griller/toaster as a parting gift (there’s a backstory for that too but anyways) my flatmate ALSO had that same toaster. He demanded we make up our minds which one to keep. i didn't understand why this was important to him and i hated discussing this useless topic with him so i stored the toaster in my room. He repeatedly suggested i throw mine away (?). One evening i got hungry and decided i'd make myself a toast in my room. So i made some toast. Suddenly he bursts in. And he starts ranting. "why are you doing this are you CRAZY you cant TOAST in your own room thats DANGEROUS you're gonna start a fire, don't ever do that again, we have a KITCHEN for that. why don't you want to use the kitchen you cant just HIDE from me every day, this is OUR flat  and i want us to live TOGETHER!" He didn't stop talking and it overwhelmed me, so (this is embarrassing, but) i actually started crying and i turned away from him so i could try to control myself. and he just started babytalking me "awww its alright i didn't mean to scare you, but you see, you shouldn't have done that". he tried putting his arms around me, i told him to stop. "you need a hug right now" ...... i was so angry i think my brain might have short circuited because the next hour was me just acting the whole way through. i told him everything he wanted to hear. i was so sorry for almost burning the house down and made up some explanation that my parents were still making me sad, so i needed distance. The next big thing involved one of my best friends. she wanted to spontaneously go out for an evening. so i put on some pants and of course: HE appears in my room, asking where i'm going. i was surprised by the question and just answered "going out with Lina" he left it at that. then suddenly: "can i come too?" He threw me off with that question. Lina had said she needed some advice on personal stuff, so I said "no" because i didn't have a better answer. he got ANGRY. i explained. "Lina wants some privacy, i'm sorry" He starts arguing that Lina is just as much his best friend, and that he should be allowed to hear what she wants to say to me. Before i can reply he slams his door shut. "Don't even try to explain yourself", he says. I told my friend while meeting up with her and she began with the sympathetic "you should have said yes" and we argued about it and then she came out with this absolutely horrifying sentence: "you know how he is. you cant be *too* honest with him. he's sensitive. you need to lie to him so he doesn't get mad" it was as if i'd been splashed with cold water. i said i didn't agree with that. that that was actually unfair to HIM. nobody likes being lied to and treated less than. she called him, told him i was gonna apologize and he showed up with the angriest expression i ever saw in his face. he accused me of being depressed and that he now has the burden of my mental issues to bear. This he assumed because one night i told him about me dissassociating sometimes a few years ago. Then he wanted me to promise i would never leave him, because he's afraid i won't be able to pay my part of the rent. the crowning moment was my friend Lina mostly agreeing with him and both of them berating me for not having my life together because i still hadn't managed to find an open-ended contract job, only limited-time jobs. at the end he justified himself by saying he cant stand my parents phoning me. (at that point they had started calling me everyday and showed genuine concern ... i was trying to reform a bond with them) - apparently he resented that. he knew about my parents disciplining me with face slaps as a kid (when i was 9-11 yrs old) (they feel bad about it, and they they stopped doing it fairly early) in that moment my flatmate chose to tell me ..... (hoo boy i need to get ready to type this) .... "i'm concerned about you. if your father would ever beat you, i would beat him  to a bloody pulp" then he repeated "i would beat him/kill him" a few times, VERY agitatedly. it was scary and at that point i was numb. i didn't really respond, i just said "its fine" or something to that extent. the  thing that made me decide to move out (although certainly among many that followed that night) was this: one morning i informed him i was going to visit my parents that weekend. we had started talking again (as i mentioned before and i wanted to meet them without fighting for once). he says "but you're coming back, right". i say "of course don't be so nervous". i go to work. i get a LOT OF texts from him suddenly. i skim through it. he's mad about me calling him "nervous". i don't reply/read bc i am at work. Then he actually CALLS me. i don't pick up.  now i'm thinking: What is so  important, that he has to call me during work.  there's a 4 paragraph essay in my inbox. "watch your mouth", "you have no right to speak that way to me", "you should have more respect". he was mad i called him nervous. i responded that i don't have time to reply. he argued back. at one point i said "if i cant even call you nervous then i'm ACTUALLY gonna stay with my parents" he fiNALLY didn't reply to that. after a 10hour day i come home. i wanna shower. i go to my room, close the door and start undressing myself. of course, there's knocking on my door. i say "No" he flips out. i calmly tell him i'm only half dressed. he flips out even more, says i'm a horrible person who WANTS to fight because my "no" wasn't a good enough answer and i should have explained in full detail why he couldn't get in. he was actually SERIOUS. this was his reasoning for flipping out. he goes away. not even a minute passes by and he hammers his fist against my door again. "OPEN UP THIS TIME I *HAVE* TO COME IN" at this point i'm beginning to get kinda scared  so i say "come in" He comes in and says he needs me to disconnect with the wifi because he needs it for his work. i calmly say "ok" and disconnect my wifi. he goes away, leaves the door open. i stand up to go and close my door. HE ACTUALLY GOES AND PULLS AGAINST ME TO TRY TO PRY IT OPEN AGAIN. eventually he lets go and then he flips out FOR REAL. he starts screaming about how i'm a psycho, and that im crazy and awful and he has been nothing but nice and that he "saved" me and i haven't been thankful enough.
.... ..
yes, i was in a difficult position. but that flatmate arrangement was made on even ground. he had wanted to move out from his parents for years. i fled and left. called my parents, but they were miles away and laughed it off. i would have probably too. i called my friends. Lina offered to come and mediate. He continued screaming even with Lina there. It culminated with him roaring at me, pointing at the door saying "if you don't like how i treat you, there's the door, leave right now" with lina replying "don't say that, you NEED her money to pay rent!" it was awful, and an eye-opener. the next day, on the way to work, i decided i was gonna move out. and before i could tell him, i get a message from him (!). An ultimatum. he tells me i have 3 options. 1) leave immediately and take my stuff away within a week. i wouldn't have "pay any more than i've already payed" (it was the first day of that month and i had already payed my rent. nice) 2) stay for half a year, but immediately pay him something so that he knows i'll stay 3) stay indefinitely, but set up a " bevahiour contract" with him, so this "never happens again" i told him i'd take option 1 and then i stayed over at a friends house. then at a friends shared appartement. then at dormitary and soon i'm gonna move in with my younger brother. we've been estranged a bit but grown closer through this whole thing. now Lina and him are still friends and lina blames me for "everyone in our friend group" being mad at him. one of her first concerns, was that her birthday parties are gonna be weird now. i am completely done with her as well and don't want her in my life anymore. according to her, I left him with a rent he cant pay  and i should feel bad for that. except i dont. should i though?
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bigmammallama5 · 4 years
I've been wanting to make a sourdough starter ('cause that seems to be the thing you do in a worldwide quarantine) but I've read recipes that conflict each other; throw out half every day, don't do that but keep adding flour and water, leave it open to the air, cover it with a cloth, stir it every day, leave it alone. What the hell do you do?
disclaimer: im not a trained baker and all my info is based off of my own trial and error and research, so if something i say doesnt work for you dont worry!
Okay so the biggest thing about a starter is you need equal amounts of flour and water. I used 60 grams of flour and water for mine bc I’m not planning to bake that much and didn’t want to make a massive starter. When you’re first starting out, you do need to pour off half-ish to make room in your jar. If you keep adding flour and water and don’t get rid of some of it you’re gonna run out of room lol. On slow days when I was starting mine I would sometimes feed twice a day and pour off half before the second feeding. That’s up to you. Now that mine is started, I have a schedule to feed her every Monday, but I might still feed her in between if I think she’s lookin sad.
I only stirred mine when halving and feeding, I didn’t want to disturb my starter lose that CO2 from the fermentation. It was the easiest way for me to tell that it was actively growing and maturing!
I covered my jar with a clean coffee filter and left it on the counter because my dog’s hair is super fine and literally floats in the air. I didn’t want Sam Hair in my starter lol. You can cover it with a cloth or napkin if you don’t want any large objects getting into your starter, but leaving it out on your counter is a good way to introduce local microbes into it. If you wanna get wild and crazy and have a back yard or little patio with a shaded spot, stick it out there with a strainer or piece of cheese cloth over it. I wanted to do that since I have really nice wide window sills, but we’re peak tree pollen season right now and that just sounded gross lol.
This is the basic starter guide that I’ve followed a couple times (that finally got me to my current starter).
Claire Saffitz from BA did an awesome How To Make Sourdough Bread for the Cooking NYTimes! I followed her guidance yesterday for the dough, but at the bottom she has a little section on how to maintain your starter.
I found Mike from the Youtube channel Pro Home Cooks earlier this year when I was doing some reading, and he shows you how he does his starter at the beginning of this video. He even explains some good visual signs to look for to know your starter is ready.
Since this mess started, people on twitter have been sharing their bread journeys and helping others with yeast and starters. Here are two, a new one and an old one:
For if you can’t find active yeast to buy but you have some fruit or dried fruit or the dregs of a dark beer or bottle of wine, have fun!
Or if you’re feeling wild west here’s 2019 thread on capturing wild yeast:
Which looks super fun, I wanna try this but I wonder where I could find some wild barley...
I hope some of this helps!
Also shout out to @deadbiwrites for letting me bother her with questions. True mvp. Find you a friend that can calm your baking fears.
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9w1ft · 4 years
feels a little early to be writing a year-in review but i find myself in a quiet moment so i thought i’d tap a few things out
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in 2019, in all facets of my life, i faced a challenge of some sort and i surprised myself as i held my ground more often than ran away, which felt new. what *also* felt new was this sense of ease i began having professionally, when it came to conceptualizing and making decisions. sorta feels like a lot of things are crystallizing.
in terms of life on here, i didn’t have TSL for the majority of the year (anybody out there remember TSL?!) so i busied myself with crafting fun memories on my own. there were spans of weeks where i’d just get on a tear and run into one new thing after the other and it was all really just fantastic. i gave myself permission to indulge in the most decadent of things and to follow the most mercurial of assumptions to places i thought closed off.
i’m pretty sure i’ve smiled and laughed more over this year than i ever have in my entire life. no joke.
here are some kaylorverse moments that brought me joy in 2019:
it’s nice to have a friend
2018 was my first year being a kaylor and i just sort of was moreover on the contributor or commenter side of things so 2019 was interesting in that when taylor really leaned into the gay imagery leading up to album release, i started getting newer people sending me stuff! and asking me my takes on things! and like, my words suddenly had weight for some reason? it felt weird but i truly enjoyed getting to talk with so many different people and hear their ideas and laugh and such. that was markedly different from last year. from within this, 79-swift reached out to me with the eye theory, the most beautiful and rare of observations by a singularly lovely individual that i have dedicated my life to protecting and promoting. and i feel like i’ve gotten to know many people i knew through 2018 more deeply and have come to accept the role i play, lean in to it, and formulate my own truth of the matter, and that sort of heightened perspective on it has been a blessing and i’m so thankful for this strange sense of camaraderie that has formed with many of you? thank you??? and my conviction, and my wishes, for the girls to find happiness have only strengthened this year... im committed to seeing this through whether people like it or not!! harumph!
block ‘em
i also started proactively curating my experience.. that’s right! i began blocking trolls with reckless abandon, and i turned anons off! 😂 and damn it’s so much more worthwhile of a time on here when you set aside people that only want to ruin your day.
i got over my fear of eyeballs!!
😂 no seriously, body horror and in particular eyes out of context was actually sort of a thing that previously creeped me out BUT LOOK AT ME NOW. i’m gonna do my best not to rehash the eye theory, please read the post and recall the number of times i filipped out 😂 each and every one is precious to me
geeking out with bert and ernie gifs with kaylorfossil and making empsmd-blog drop her debit card need a mention.
the ME! music playlist.
i fell in love with so many songs and like, running into eye motifs in so many of the songs, lyrically and visually, was the most hilarious thing. but really just a lot of the songs really tapped at my soul with an ice pick and i even went to go see The Japanese House live in Osaka which was transcendental and i’m just so thankful for having taylor introduce Good At Falling to me because it was a *necessary* album.
i made and collected stuff
i made and amassed many artifacts that one day i can look back on and remember what a wild ride it has been. some favorites are my procuring of the pixel art heart ring from the ME! mv (a nod to my tsl days..), as well as the evil eye ring.. i didn’t physically make this but the eye theory made the taydar podcast and there’s nothing i enjoy more in this world than making someone giggle and i just love that the episode exists. making that kaylor straw was 👌 working on a mock-up of the golden locket has been very satisfying. i started incorporating fun kaylor winks into my artwork as well which was fun, and i also commissioned a collage from the very talented and lovely valheria and i couldn’t have asked for anything better 🥰
wildin in the TS7 tag was the best.
i made this observation that there’s this type of cocoon that looks like a cobra, which transforms into a butterfly over a period of 13 days, and like, the post got so many notes and i just had a lot of swiftie eyeballs all of a sudden on my blog which led to some hilarity. but honestly i just love geeking out over theories and it’s fun to get to do that as fans of taylor at large. things felt warm and effervescent.
my newspaper subscription
i subscribe to the TTB Times and let me just say the submissions and anons this year were overwhelmingly a delight to read through every day. also like, we did get cued in to stuff before album release and i am just thankful that there are people out there both who want to give us that and people who work to help them give us that. thank you ttb for moderating your blog (my newspaper of choice) however it is that you do and to everyone that contributed to her blog.
the whole lead up to the ME! video release
so glorious... but particular the hour before. i was rushing to pick up my kid from school and suddenly i kept getting messages from people that taylor was covering her face and framing her eyes, and i was like oh please yeah sure BUT THEN when the snake in the video had a blank eye like i don’t think you guys understand i had to wait at a bus stop and exchange pleasantries with the other moms but it was a *five alarm fire* in my mind
cause shade never made anybody less gay
stealing away to listen to YNTCD for the first time and hearing Taylor Alison Swift use the word gay in a released song for the first time was a transcendental moment
karlie’s hand in the YNTCD mv.
‘nuff said
daisies. daisies everywhere.
taylor said daisy kaylor rights, and she said it everywhere. *everywhere*. cannot, will not, get over how blessed we are.
gay gay gay gay gay.... taylor’s
sorry not sorry that wiz khalifa collab with elohim on her track FYM was ethereal and i still hope it’s a part of the preshow playlist for Lover Fest
clue hunting in klossy videos and karlie ads
call me a corporate shill all you want like, there’s always a little something in there and i also enjoy the little flickers of goofy karlie that jump out from time to time. and i know this is not the case for everyone but post eyepocalypse, karlie leaning in, winking that eye of hers time and time again was just pique comedy for me and it always made me chuckle. the brands karlie has repped have been really laying it on thick too and it’s been a joy to see. when taylor does it with her music it’s art, and for me karlie’s media presence is a form of art too 😌
oh kaptain my kaptain
kimby liked a comment of mine on her insta which was a distinct honor and privilege 😌 and really she was dropping clues left and right through spring up until she got her snazzy new job and things calmed down 🥰 of which i am so proud talk about an on brand job! also partially clearing the air about my TSL theory and the lead up to clearing that air was quite fulfilling for me and i am forever grateful for the time we shared. and to this point, the seesters in general (and kurt omg) have been quite active all year and we don’t deserve it but they’ve stuck around and it’s been calming.
album cover art release on the livestream
i love you forever, thank you for everything
when taylor came to visit tokyo this year i was basically reenacting the swamp scene from OOTW trying to get a ticket to the secret event... i listened to ME! on LINE MUSIC for over 2000 plays, i bought multiple CD’s, it was such an ordeal and then to not have a ticket after all but still putting on my thinking cap and managing to figure out where the event was while i was at disney sea and literally running from disney sea to the venue in high heels with The Man playing on my phone was oscar-worthy and actually *being correct* and the moment i knew i was correct and how i knew i was correct was so amazing 😉 and i play by the rules so i didn’t try to get in without a ticket and i didn’t lurk. but just to have figured it out and validated it was such a thrill. seeing her on TV live was amazing as well ///
lost in japan, reprise
oh and, last year for rep tour there was this theory i had which didn’t pan out but it had to do with the clues i thought shawn mendes was dropping through autumn 2018 and anyway that’s a story for another day but as i was bopping around town, looking for lockets, staying in rooms i have no business being in, drinking lots of whisky...just to know that while i was doing *everything but* successfully meeting taylor, she literally phoned shawn and had him record lines for that eye theory remix like, i will never ever, like, guys. guys. 😂 it’s too perfect for words. the world is weird like that sometimes.
and omg Lover the album? i absolutely love lover and i loves that honeymoon period of theorizing and parallel unearthing that we did and i love how slightly creepy-cute it is and i love the whole wabi-sabi thing going on and i absolutely love every song on the album, every one, they all have so much meaning to me... and each one is teeming with little blips and bloops and sound samples and seconds of silence and i love all the brass instruments and so many lush moments... i guess my shortlist (in no particular order) would be the archer, lover, i think he knows, daylight, cruel summer, false god, cornelia street, ME! (yea i really like me 🥰). and to think about everything that went in to the album and the thrill of what it might have been and the vastness of what we don’t know, but like, the weight of that potential?? it’s like this vast pastel and black abyss of drowsy and deep feelings and i love every inch of it. it’s a vibe that reflects so much of what this year has been for me and i’m happy to have existed in this time to have had it with me.
jesus this has gotten too long, and i still have like 24 more things to write out but um, basically, as i’m sure you’ve been able to assume? i wanted to say that despite 2019 being somewhat of a slasher film affair for our fandom, i still had a goddamn great time this year and i hope everyone can find some good memories and relive them as well 🥰
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dndfuckhouse · 3 years
session 33 - Introductions and Invitations
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> 🎵   Sword Search on Koholint Island / LOZ: Link’s Awakening (2019) OST.
After having spent the whole of the morning walking around the group find themselves drawn to the smell of fish wafting around the city square and head over towards the nearby café to refuel themselves over lunch.
After being greeted by the upbeat waitress they seat themselves and begin pondering the menu. The feeling of the bright midday sun beating down on their heads while the cool seaside breeze blows through keeps them company amongst the townspeople in the city square.
Cimmorro: the image rn is finn cimm han plum rokka in the same table..... psalm also but at the edge??? Chip: dnd cafe marching order being determined rn Celebrity Guest Aki: WHY DOES THIS SOUND SO UNBALANCEDD Rokka: BC IT IS Psalm: achieving total mental blankness trying to imagine this Keva: 
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Finn: im ordering nothing because i literally cant eat or drink Psalm: just ask for the bloodwine alone Finn: yeah ill just inconspicuously ask for fish blood in isolation Plum: they got that just for you actually the blood drink, god put that on there for you finn Psalm: yeah we called ahead
Noticing Keva struggling with the menu, Cimmorro moves to lend her a land subtly. Meanwhile Plum tells Finn they can order the dish that comes with fish blood and split it with him if he’d like.
Keva: she's not really looking at the menu much.... you probably just see her watching everyone else and checking the number on the menu for the thing they order Cimmorro: okay well he's going to look at you for a good second, contemplating if he should offer to help but realizes that might be a bad idea so he's just going to go get the waitress' attention and go like "what would be your best sellers here? and what you would recommend?" Cherry: she hums and thinks "i'd say the sea bed or the prawn's eyes usually sell pretty well! the salty dog ale is a local specialty as well, id recommend it if you aren't made queasy easy" she says with a laugh Keva: trying to picture wtf sea bed and salty dog could mean Cimmorro: (dwfl he wanted to order the sea bed) cimm nods at her and looks at the menu "10 sp for the sea bed... fish and bread sounds appealing today huh i'll have one," he says alla this w/ intention for keva to hear. and adds, "i think i'll just have a glass of water though, thanks" Keva: she looks at cimm for a moment, silently feeling grateful, and says "same as him" tilting her menu a bit towards cimm and hands the menu back
Plum: plum turns to finn and says "i could order this," and points to the caver's treat, "and you could have the cup of blood that comes with it, if you're hungry." Finn: hes already spacing out when plum suddenly speaks to him, whipping his head around a little startled. "oh" admittedly, finn wasn't hungry, or thirsty, but plums attentiveness does touch him a little. he nods. "that is very kind of you plum... if you truly do not mind, then ... id appreciate that." Plum: "sure, no problem" plum says to finn and takes a sip from their drink. they wave the waitress over to order one CAVER'S TREAT 
The Group’s Orders ~ 🐟
Plum: Reaver’s Luck, Caver’s Treat Rokka: Berried Salmon, Reaver’s Luck Psalm: Berried Salmon Han: The Phoenix, Fishers Teeth (takeout - Caver’s Treat ) Keva: Sea Bed Cimmorro: Sea Bed
Taking the orders, the waitress gives a nod and scuttles off. After a small wait the dishes are brought out, the scent of fish overpowering the place. The group find their meals appetising and begin to dig in and chatter amongst themselves. Finn stealthily transfers the bloodwine into a cup of his own he can discretely drink from while Keva wraps and saves a slice of the bread for later consumption.
Finn: he clinks his glass with plum to thank them for the fish but before he takes a sip he blinks "oh... what are we to do with the fish plum?" Plum: they clink their mug with finn's and then gives him a confused look. after a moment they look like they're trying not to laugh a little. "what made you think i wasn't gonna...eat it?" plum asks before picking up a fork. Finn: "i simply thought it might be a bit much.. is all.." feeling a little stupid for having asked now. "and it is meant to be eaten with the blood after all.. " Plum: "oh, nah. it was two gold pieces so i'd better finish it, honestly," plum says and starts eating. "also i don't really want the blood," they stop and make a hand gesture as if to say that finn can just go ahead and enjoy the blood himself. Finn: he fails to control himself and finish listening to plum, chugging the glass in one go, feeling particularly satisfied and sated for now.  "ah, please... i will pay for it of course, you ordered this for my sake" he says quickly as if he didnt just drink that like a possessed man Han: finns eyes do the cat silly time thing Cimmorro: yess finn goo you fucking horse Han: vibrates in his chair cause he got the blood zoomies
Plum: "or we can just split it" plum says casually, not saying anything at the change in finn's demeanour for a moment there. it'd probably be rude to seem a bit surprised.
Rokka: “LOOKING GOOD” Cimmorro: "kinda pog as they say...." cimm gives his thanks to wee jasus christ and begins to eat in a decent pace... just focused on eating Rokka: halfway through chewing rokka talks with his mouth full, "watsh pogh" Cimmorro: cimm looks disgusted at you, once again, for talking with your mouth full. and just goes. "oh you know like- [does the pog face for a split second]" before going back to his food though he looks up at you again the next second and goes like "oh right. rokka, here." he slides 35gp across the table to you. "for the time at nickels." and he just goes back to eating Rokka: "ohhh so then if i wanted to say my food is "pog" i can just [makes the pog face]?" he looks down at the money "oh! you didn't have to pay me back....thanks though!" le pockets money Han: han goes (mgs ❗ noise) and starts fishing in her side pocket too "wait i owe you for bedroll and rope" and hands rokka X gold Rokka: he then turns to han "WHAT!!! NO, NO ITS OKAY!!" he tries to push it back to han Han: she doesn't even touch it again and goes back to food "i dont like being in debt" Rokka: he stares at the xgp before reluctantly taking it seeing as han refusing to take it back "alrigghtt. thanks hannn" Han:  😇 Psalm: he watches Rokka’s exchanges for a moment. "It just occurred to me that now would be a good time for that drink you owe me." Cimmorro: cimm looks at rokka and psalm and goes "i'm starting to learn that it's a bad idea to be in debt to you psalm" Psalm: "I think I'm pretty fair all things considered 😇 " Cimmorro: he just sighs and goes back to his food
Rokka: his head whips over to psalm like !!!!! "i-WHAT--oh! yeah....do you.......want to share my drink?" Psalm: "No I don't...?" Rokka: well, then.......what do you want?" Psalm: "One salty dog ale please (: ." Han: did chip plan for this joke. its too perfect? Psalm: WAIT YOU'RE SO RIGHT  Han: I LEGIT THOUGHT IT WAS A GAG U WERE DOING AND LOOKED AT THE MENU Chip: LIFE FINDS A WAY....
Ghester: you hear a chuckle in your head followed by a voice that says "well he's a good sportsman about it" Psalm: "It was his idea to play." Rokka: he looks around "HUH WHAT?!"  Ghester: "that makes a person more reluctant sometimes" he then laughs at rokka's reaction Psalm: he scoffs. Rokka: he abruptly stands up from the table and shaking the table in the process "OK WHATS GOING ON"
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Getting agitated by Ghester’s repeated remarks, Rokka bolts up from his seat ending all other conversation in his wake, the rest of the party stares at him, grabbing their plates instinctually in case he flipped the table over. The waitress in the meanwhile hands Pslam his newly purchased drink on Rokka’s dime.
Ghester: "oh he's gotten excited" says the voice Rokka: “WHO!?” Psalm: psalm is just drinking casually
Cimmorro: when rokka finally settles down, cimm just looks at him like 🤨 before looking at psalm again, "speaking of being fair, why don't you tell us about your little friend... ghester? you said you'd tell us about them, no?" Psalm: * doesn't remember what he said * "Yeah alright. I introduced Plum and you already right?" Cimmorro: he nods "introduced us... but we don't even know who or what you introduced us to" Rokka: just looking up at the sky like "....hello?" Plum: they had jumped at rokka's reaction but at the mention of their name by psalm they think they can guess what's happening now. Finn: he was gonna reply to plum but because of all the commotion his attention is focused on psalm rn, but he is bouncing his leg under the table Keva: she just has no idea what's going on
Psalm: "Your guess is honestly as good as mine." @ ghester "You want to explain? I myself am not really sure what to say." Ghester: he chuckles before speaking into the rest of your heads "hmm... well you may call me ghester. i am a companion of sorts to your lovely friend psalm here. pleasure to meet you" Rokka: "ghost...........?" side eyes psalm Psalm: "No I don't think that's quite it." Rokka: “then what?” Psalm: he just shrugs Rokka: rokka slowly nods as if he gets it but he doesnt
Keva: she jumps a bit "what the fuck" Plum: plum shivers at the sudden voice in their head. "i really thought the cult would be the weirdest thing with y'all and yet." Han: she squints her eyes "can you like, read our minds? do you have a body? are you stealing psalms...?" han leans in quizzically and stares at psalm Ghester: he laughs "no i cannot read anyone's mind, not even his. nor do i hold any control over him, i dont think he'd quite appreciate me doing it even if i could" he thinks "i dont have a body, though i feel like maybe i did once, a funny thought to have these days" Han: she pouts thoughtfully but her brain is actually empty "hmmm" Cimmorro: damn so no cock penis? Han: hate your ass Finn: im just imagining the voice of the book from nier rn for this guy Chip: YOU SHOULD THATS HIM Plum: oh my god that was the decided voice, thats so horrible Han: liam obrien haunts us everywhere
Finn: he does squint at psalm, but he thinks that ghester’s voice is quite pleasant so its not like its a huge hassle. after psalm told them about this, at least. he is a bit irritated over having thought he was hallucinating it a while ago. Plum: "doesn't sound like he's been with you for too long"  Psalm: "It's been a couple weeks. Maybe a month." Plum: "wow, that's shorter than i expected. i've already known you fuckers for a week by now." Cimmorro: he just kinda looks confused towards psalm and responds to ghester "uhh huh... are you the reason why he coughs smoke or..." Psalm: he’s just blinking at Cimm like oh you saw that lol whoops Ghester: "not directly, but its related. i guess you could say im a conduit for his magic. in charge of watching over him" Cimmorro: just shaking his head at psalm and how he said they've only been together for a short time... like what is wrong with yall
Finn: "and you just.... hid this from us?" Ghester: he chuckles at you finn "thats a funny response" Finn: "im sure it is after youve messed with all our heads" bouncing his leg quicker Psalm: "What reason would I have to tell you? It's not like I've known any of your for all that long." Plum: looking at finn like you good bro Finn: "if you didnt want to tell us you should do better to keep your parasite out of our minds then" Ghester: "ooh quite harsh" Psalm: “Right? Yeesh. Why am I being put on trial here? He called you a parasite (lol)."  Cimmorro: "i get the feeling that you don't wanna share more about this. but i just wanna know if you communicating with the rest of us like this won't harm us in any way..."  no video game rpg sanity drain so to speak Keva: squinting like wtf does magic do to you...... is orin okay...... Ghester: "oh nothing to worry about there, my job is to keep him safe. If you are his friends then this extends to you as well, quite the opposite of harm" he turns his attention back to you psalm and laughs at his joke Cimmorro: cimm just hums at this, not entirely convinced but it's good for now Finn: just staring at you for a moment longer before looking away, expecting psalm to understand without actually saying anything because he's awful. Psalm: Psalm just 🤨 ...? and just decides to go back to his drink. Finn: finn: dear uncle, ive witnessed another cringe moment. this is number 10 in the top15 list
Psalm: "I think friends is generous :j , but rest assured that for now your life isn't being slowly siphoned away from you or whatever it is youre worried about. At least I don't think it is /s" Ghester: "i wonder why you would even put the thought out...? Psalm: "Because it's funny?" Ghester: [sigh] Plum: "thanks, i feel a lot better about that now." Rokka: just staring at u dead on sarcasm flying over "wait......HAVE U BEEN FEEDING OFF ME"  Ghester: he laughs jovially at you "theres nothing on you to eat dear boy" Han: han thinks 'damn... does he mean rokka has no brains to eat....'
Han: she thinks for a bit "do you have big range? before you cannot hear us?" Ghester: "hmm from wherever our good man here is standing i can hear about 120 or so feet...granted you yell when you are far away that is" Han: "does that mean you hear through psalm? and here i thought you would be useful for undercover work" han sighs a bit Psalm: "I have to agree with you on that one. Kind of disappointing." Ghester: "not necessarily, if he cant hear i still can. i can talk to you all if you are all that far away as well even if he himself isnt close" @ psalm "and here i thought you were my one ally at this table" Psalm: :j Han: "oh hmmm... that suppose that is useful..." han thinks abt strategies.. Keva: she sarcastically mumbles "just what i always wanted, a ghost from i don't know where doing god knows what, listening in on whatever i'm doing" Ghester: he laughs Rokka: he mumbles to himself after hearing this "scary..." Cimmorro: well then he stifles a small laugh and looks at keva "what could possibly go wrong, yeah?" Keva: "can't think of a single thing" Psalm: "It's thanks to him (and plum) we didn't lose your money to Rickert though. So I'd say for now the pros are more than the cons." Ghester: "oh such rare praise"  Cimmorro: "oho is he not always this nice to you?" Ghester: "tis' a heavy burden i carry" Psalm: "Stop framing it like I'm picking sides" Ghester: [laugh] Plum: "true, and he's more personable than his host," plum says jokingly Psalm: "Alright, alright already." psalm waves everyone off Han: han is like 👁  but also snorting at this
Cimmorro: "aww you poor thing... psalm be more nice... i think ghester does care about you, you know... he immediately went to me when you were unconscious." Psalm: he just rolls his eyes  Ghester: "well... as far as charges go i could have been given far worse" you feel a warm presence before he snickers "try not to bully him too much" Han: "far worse?" Ghester: "hmm well imagine if i were companion to someone completely silent...now that would be a trial" Han: she ponders the previous thought "you are right (@ ghester) at least psalm is funny sometimes." Psalm: 🤨 "Okay, pester Psalm hour is over now. Hope you all had your fun." SWATS THE AIR IN FUTLITY Ghester: [laugh] Plum: they wants to say we're not even talking to you we're talking to ghester but they'll leave him alone Keva: she snorts at the try not to bully him and pops a piece of bread into her mouth Cimmorro: he smiles at the warmth but also "no bullying, not even in your honor? you are so humble, king..." and just laughs at psalm swatting everyone off Psalm: "I try." Ghester: he laughs "you'll be fun to be around im sure" Keva: "oh he likes you" like someone talking abt a pet taking a liking to someone  Cimmorro: "he knows how to pick them... " he laughs and responds to ghester "if you ever change your mind on bullying psalm, you know who to call"
Plum: "you changed your mind pretty fast, huh?" @cimmorro​, plum is amused they're not making fun of him Cimmorro: "oh i'll still get him whenever i can. just leaving the offer with ghester in case he wants to join in." Plum: "oh, i meant on warming up to psalm's mind demon in the first place, but true" plum says Cimmorro: "oh well he's a charmer. what's not to like" he laughs Plum: "agreed" Ghester: "flattery will get you everywhere" Plum: "hah, i guess that's true ain't it." flattery's not really their thing, but they give an amused laugh.
Finished with their food and their curiosity over Ghester for the moment sated, some of the party get up to go pay for their meals while others continue to sit and chat. As they do Han continues messing about and pulling Ghester’s attention over.
Han: she covers her mouth with her hands and whispers to herself "ghesterrrrr can you hear me? tell psalm he looks like a strawberry." then get distracted and moves her hands "actually, can you move things? or are you simply ghostly" Ghester: "i cannot. lest i am a weapon psalm has willed me into and is...well using me to move things" a beat passes "all these ghost comparisons are amusing" Han: "ooooh... maybe living weapon... cool :D" Psalm: "He's what I've been fighting with this entire time." Keva: she’s gonna get up and head to the counter where she spies people paying for their food, and as she passes psalm she kinda gives a little shrug like "i tried" to change the subject lol Psalm: psalm nods, benedict cumberbatch salute
Han: she has lightbulb moment "your weapon that seems to change every time i look? and that you never actually carry on you?" Psalm: "Yes that would be the one."
To drive the point home psalm has Ghester discreetly apperate in his hands as a short sword for Han.
Cimmorro: psalm like yosuke persona 4 pulling out his katanas at the convenience store and gets arrested for it Psalm: I ASSUME EVERYON EELSE HER JUST HAS WEAPONS HONESTLY LIKE I THOUGHT THAT Cimmorro: NO ONE WHIPS IT OUT IN A RESTO Psalm: HDG WELL I DO NOW Cimmorro: AND THEN WE HANDED PSALM CHAN OVER TO THE POLICE
Han: "ghester, can i have you?? it would be super useful to change from bow to glaive in second.." han is v excited now Finn: he’s getting up yet, being intrigued by an ever changing weapon........but he feels too awkward to actually comment on it. he thinks han's reaction is kinda cute. Ghester: he laughs jovially again "sadly you cannot have me, him and i are bound. you'll have to look elsewhere, though im flattered by the thought" Han: "aww booo" han pouts and flicks at the sword (if its in arms reach anyway) Psalm: "I'm amazed you even asked honestly." on the outside psalm is :/ but on the inside psalm is like 😏 Han: HAN LOOKS AT PSALM PUZZLED Psalm: PSALM JUST LOOKS BACK AT HER LIKE WHAT? Han: she shrugs and lets it go
Chip: the pact is marriage <3 Keva: exactly, ordained by psalm's patron Psalm: why areyou trying ot homewreck me he's happily married Cimmorro: damnn psalm already taken before this campaign even started... how can we homewreck that beautiful marriage Chip: next quest Psalm: OI
Having had their fun messing with Psalm the rest of the group get up to go pay for their meals. The party idle around deciding what to do next, as they chat Han orders and waits for an additional meal to be prepared for her to take back to the Swallow’s Perch for Ferrie and the others.
> 🎵  Village of Rynoka / Moonlighter OST
Han: oh before everyone starts leaving han is like "oh oh oh, ferrie chris insists everyone stay at the swallows perch.. its free food and bed " Rokka: "WHAT"  Han: "yea :D" Finn: finn gives you this look 🤨 Han: "you included" Rokka: rokkas tail wagging at mach speed bc free roof and food epic!!!  "THATS AWESOME!!! TIME TO GO PACK THEN" he quickly gets up and immediately heads home to do as he said Han: han waves bye :D.... Rokka: waving in the distance as he runs off Finn: "i ... see" he cringes at the fact that he will need a new residence soon, and that this is the most convenient option. however, he absolutely doesn't want to be stuck with the others. bad enough that they'll have to travel together for so long
The group split off their separate ways, Han sticking around to wait for her food, though Finn also sticks around to continue chatting with her about Ferrie’s offer.
Finn: finn rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "ugh. not much of a choice, is it?" he pulls up his scarf more before continuing. "if you want me to stay so badly theres something youll have to do for me first." Han: HAN LOLS INTERNALLY and cocks a hip "what might that be? dont overestimate how badly i want you" Finn: finn makes a grimace, you can tell from his visible eyes. "ive no interest in women, give that up this instant" (so full of himself he believes that) he begins rubbing his temples. "anyway, itll give you an opportunity to be closer to me, i suppose." and motions for you to come closer Han: han guffaws "what?? and i have little interest in small men that cant handle me. whats that got to do with your favour?" she seems entertained and leans in Finn: finn is confused by hans push and pull, was she hoping to charm him somehow like this? when she leans in he yanks her down more to a comfortable level (by her hair) and whispers  "i will say this as clear as i can to" an insult lies in the tip of his tongue but his scolding uncle appears in his mind "you. i want you to stealthily move my coffin to that inn, once i have to leave my quarters. youre the strongest so i trust youre capable. ill reward you if need be" Chip: WHY IS THIS THE GREEN M&M COPYPASTA JUDE ? Cimmorro: P;'TLQ30TO305O-0RQOFASF CHIP ILL ILLL MAUL YOUHG Finn: finns done fighting w cimm he needs someone new to hate him Psalm: finn's moral compass is his uncle its not even an angel devil him situation, its vorde
Han: han’s entertained demeanour drops immediately as her hair gets grabbed and shes mad and even madder that she didn't catch that so she just grabs finns hand painfully as he holds her hair and whispers with contained anger without even listening to whatever finns saying "dont do that. if you want to play friendly." Finn: he winces when she grabs his hand like that. normally he would not yield just yet but a fight in direct sunlight, with their bulkiest party member, is not what he needs. he lets go of her hair quickly. "i assumed it was fine to be playful around you. my apologies." <- genuinely meaning this Han: han is silent for a second "... just not the hair" and she drops finns hand "what did you say you need" Finn: "note taken. not the hair." he rubs his hand before going on his tip toes to talk to her instead this time. "i need you to move my coffin the day i move out. but obviously i dont want the whole city to see us with that thing, if you catch my drift." taking on a neutral, dry tone. Han: han thinks briefly "consider it done. i can burrow the inns cart and hide your coffin... actually, what exactly .. is it." Finn: finn blinks a little in surprise, not having expected her to still do it after he's pissed her off. his eyes get a little bigger, 🥺 like. "you will? i.. thank you. we can work out the details closer to my departure..." Han: han is like augh 🙄  at the puppy eyes bc she is immune to them "yea, just tell when to show up" Finn: "ill let you be on your way then." going off his tippy toes and waving goodbye for now Han: han waves him bye too......... cherry wheres my takeaway Cimmorro: how yall going to explain to ferrie chris abt finn's coffin Keva: dont worry about it its his burden to bear Celebrity Guest Aqua: His jesus cross to drag
After waiting a few more minutes Han is handed her takeaway, she soon scuttles her way back to the Swallow’s Perch with the meal, heading in she notes that Cimmorro isn’t back yet either. She promptly hands the food over before getting ready to work on the clock for the rest of the day. Layne joyfully takes the lunch as its handed to him, Ferrie steals a bite from it as well while Jessep stares at it and remarks he's full. 
Soon after the two’s conversation, Finn heads back to the blacksmiths to get his rapier worked on for the day, finding no need to head over to the Swallow’s Perch for the moment. The rest of the party head to their inns to prepare and transfer their belongings over, Plum and Cimmorro however make a brief stop off at Vinny’s store first to check in on the goings on and to see if he’s returned yet.
The two glance at the building once they reach it, though it doesn’t exactly look to be open. Squinting through the window they see Cole bumbling around behind the counter in the back. Cimmorro waves at her from beyond the window though she doesn't seem to notice prompting Plum to knock on the glass instead.
Cole: you see her head swoop over like : D ? before she recognizes the two of you, and comes over to the front door, appears it was locked after all, as she wrangles it open the bell jingles "hey guys!" Cimmorro: cimm goes hiya and asks her if everything's been good around Plum: "hiya, i'm just here to buy one or two things" Cole: "yep I've just been cleaning up since vinny still isnt back" she tilts her head with a sigh before turning to you a bit more chipper plum  "oho... were closed but ill make an exception for my new pal" she gives you a wink and ushers you in Plum: they jump a little at that and are a bit embarrassed now. a bit red, they scratch the back of their head and say, "i mean, you don't have to. i was just lookin' for shit to buy for my mom and pop before they got here... nothing serious." Cole: "aw dont worry about it, and if its something that easy then its all good for me to let ya nose around" she smiles as she waves her hand Cimmorro: "still no show huh, don't have any news when he'll be back too?" Cole: she frowns as she walks over to the counter "no... but if he isn't back tomorrow ill go over and see if they'll let me poke my head in..." she shakes her fist "he's...got important obligations here... yknow!" next to her one of the cats on the counter meows Cimmorro: he leans over and tilts his head looking at the cat "indeed, very important obligations." he pats the cat's head. "oh but don't get into trouble trying to get him though haha... in any case i oughta be going but i'll be peeking in from time to time. let him know i'm looking for him if you get the chance though, yea? thanks cole" he gives her a smile before gesturing to plum that he'll be heading back first Cole: she folds her arms "aauugh guards and wizards.... but sure thing, i'll...twist their arms somehow!" she gives you a cheery wave as you trot off Cimmorro: he kinda just smiles while shaking his head at that as he walks on off Plum: plum waves goodbye to cimmorro. they're kinda curious because they thought cimmorro was gonna buy something but whatever.
Going off ahead Cimmorro trots off back to the Swallow’s Perch noting Vinny still hasn't been able to return to his own store just yet. Walking back he gets a quick idea and shoots off a sending spell towards him to ease his mind over Cole and Ezra’s current statuses.
Cimmorro: "yoohoo, this is cimmorro. we found cole and ezra all safe and well. they've been back at your store since yesterday. no need to worry." Vinny: after a brief pause you hear a quiet sigh of relief in your head followed by words said in a whispered hush "i cant quite speak right now but. thank you so much, i mean that genuinely" followed by the typical silence Cimmorro: cimm scrunches his face a bit but will continue going abt his merry way then
Soon after he makes his way back to Swallow’s Perch, second after Han, and settles in their shared room. In the meantime Plum takes the time to pick out a few items from the store shelves as gifts for their family, chatting with Cole once they bring them back over to the counter to purchase them.
Chip: the cat seems to stare at you for the duration of this transaction Plum: "what's this one's name?" Cole: she turns her head and scratches its head "this ones coal"  Plum: plum snickers. "what? did vinny name this one before or after meeting you??" Cole: she laughs "before! before! this guy here's my senior teaching me the ropes" the cat starts purring Plum: "right, how long have you been round here again?"  Cole: she stretches back thinking "hmmmmm a year ago now...probably two actually" she scratches her chin "it's a nice city though, the airs so ...fresh around here even though its so busy" Plum: "yeah it is nice. too bad i'm not sticking around for much longer, i wanted to see the ocean better  " plum says, mostly conversationally. "anyways, thanks for the stuff. and good luck getting that wizard lady to let go of vinny, also." plum huffs out a laugh. "poor guy." Cole: she pumps her fist "im getting him back here at some point at least! maybe ill wrangle ezra into it..." she thinks to herself before turning back "you should head down to some of the docks soon, they're real fun for peoplewatching" she says with a smile walking over with you back to the front door Plum: [pumps fist in return] "maybe i'll do that later then, thanks. seeya." Cole: she sees you out with a wave and locks the door behind you as it jingles, getting back to...you're not sure what she was doing actually. Finn: PLUM GOT HER ROUTE UNLOCKED Han: DONT SQUANDER UR CHANCE FOR A CUTE GF Plum: i will Han: oTL
Content with their purchases Plum heads back to their inn to begin their transfer to the Swallow’s Perch. Slightly ahead of them, Psalm and Rokka return to the Hole in the Wall and get the few things they have all sorted to go. 
Heading out they note that at the front desk this time appears to be Artie as opposed to the other two employees that work there, perhaps they have their hands full with something at the moment. He silently notes the duos departure and mail transference with a surly nod. 
Artie: at mention of the swallow’s perch he tilts his head and remarks “good place. got decent pie there” sending you on your way Psalm: "Also, if  Ruth and Esther Brimdrorvi come looking for me can you direct them down the street  please." Artie: he nods silently Psalm: Nice Rokka: i give artie my farewells and wait for psalm bc wynaut 
> 🎵   A Tavern on the Riverbank / The Witcher 2 OST 
The two make their way to the inn next door, after a bit of chatter with Layne he leads them upstairs and directs them to the empty rooms they have upstairs on the first floor, adjacent to Cimmorro and Han’s shared room. 
Rokka: "what room are u going to?" Psalm: "I have no preference." That being said he just goes up to the first empty room he finds and opens the door. Rokka: he nods and walks a little further down the walkway and goes into the second room
The two each take an empty room for themselves, forcing those who show up afterwards to decide who they’d prefer to room with. Across the street Keva also checks out of the Out and Inn similarly asking for her mail to be rerouted. At the counter are the two twins who quickly send her on her way
Flinn and Pin: they remark that one of the dwarves there will give you beer at a discount if you tell him a funny joke, but do not specify which one. Keva: she makes a face like 🤨 but with an amused smile "okay... thanks?" and heads over to the swallow's perch
As Rokka and Psalm settle in across the way, Cimmorro in his room takes has a thought and decides to shoot off another sending spell to another important recipient.
Cimmorro: "ulle!!! it's your cimmy. i wanted to show off what i can do now ehehe i'm going to be so cool when i get back" <--- he sounds very excited Ulle: you hear a confused sound in your head in response before spluttering noises and a response "whoa i was-bleh, eating a sandwich just now you scared me! haha this is so cool hey hey mahalia ! cimmorro just spoke to me-" before it cuts off
As Han’s shuffling about and doing some menial tasks around the rooms on the first floor she overhears the sending spell and pokes her head in to spy on Cimmorro. At the same time Keva soon arrives at the inn, getting the same spiel from Layne downstairs she heads up to the first floor hallway staring at which room to pick while Han blocks one of the doorways.
Keva: she does not want to room with psalm and his spying ghost. she does not want to room with rokka bc headache. she does not want to room with han bc headache........... but she figures she has to talk with cimm anyway so........ least of the evils Chip: women and cimm united front Cimmorro: clerics who respect women
Han: "were you talking to someone?" Cimmorro: cimm plops his back into his bed, completely relaxed and thanks wee jas in his head "ohhhh... this is one of the best things you've ever let me have!! thank you, thank you, lady wee jas >_<" and then notices han come in and acknowledges her. "hm? i was casting a spell... did you need anything?" Keva: keva's standing behind han blocking the doorway, in that time she is considering whether she should change her mind Han: she shrugs "nothing, just heard u talking, got curious- AH" at keva teleporting behind her and stares at her for 2 seconds before going "im going back to chores, bye" and scuttling off Cimmorro: he just looks at you two like 🤨 Keva: she moves out of her way and says bye back after she's already left like 🤨 "any room in here?" Cimmorro: he looks at you for a moment before understanding what's going on "oh you're staying here? that makes things so much easier for me. yeah there's room, though han can be a bit energetic" he laughs and points at a spot in the room Keva: she looks back in the direction han left for a moment "yeah that's going to be fun" /s, she'll go over and plop her few things down Cimmorro: a laugh "she's like that... though she can easily be distracted lolll... i think she'll be more focused on dress making than at you, for tonight at least." Keva: keva tosses her cloak on the bed while mumbling "thank the gods for that." turning to cimm "does she work here or smth?" Cimmorro: he nods at you as he sits back up on his bed "she was already here when i arrived a few weeks ago. i'm sure she's been here for way longer" Keva: "hm. well, don't let me get in the way of what you were doing." and she gonna climb onto her bed and take out a little bit of bread to feed amos Cimmorro: he watches you do that for a sec before going "okay, i'm still beat from going around the stores earlier myself so... we can talk about what you want to do with your outfit later. give it some thought meanwhile.."
As Keva settles in, Han remembers to head over to Ferrie Chris and notify her that Finn will probably be showing up later in the week.
Han: "the pampered one will come later... ill borrow the cart to fetch him, if its ok.." Ferrie Chris: she tilts her head from where shes bent over moving crates "hm? sure whatcha need it for anyhow? Han: han shrugs "he needs some stuff moved" Ferrie Chris: she squints "how much stuff could tha' guy have...?" she shakes her head "eh 's fine, we moved most of the stuff earlier in the week anyway" Han: SHE SHRUGS HARDER
As the two of them chat Cimmorro and Psalm both begin the process of attuning to their newly bought weapons in their rooms, though Psalm also goes through the additional ritual of designating his new scimitar as his pact weapon.
Ghester: for the latter ritual ghester is silent the entire while until the end in which he lets out a sigh, quickly remarking how strange a sensation that was Psalm: "Strange how?" Ghester: he ponders the thought a moment "like growing another limb, despite the fact that i dont have any in the first place" Psalm: he nods like he gets it even though that's kinda weirdchamp
As the group settles for the afternoon Plum also arrives at the inn, the last of the party to make their transfer for the day. Receiving the same spiel as those before them they waddle up to the first floor, deciding to pick whoever is behind the closest door to them for their roommate, the result being Rokka.
Chip: for your viewing pleasure
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Rokka: his ears twitch and he turns towards the door "come in!!" Plum: "oh it's you rokka, nice. you don't mind being roommates do you?" Rokka: he perks up seeing plum enter, "oh plummy!! hi!! i don't mind at all in fact im glad we can be roomies hehehe" rokkas tail wags in delight Plum: "ok great, what are you up to for the rest of the day, then?" Rokka: "hmm" he taps his chin and looks up to think "nothing much unless you wanna do something with me? :D" Plum: "i'm not up to anything today, so sure. got anything in mind?" Rokka: "we can work on that music box you got!!" Plum: "oh, right! forgot about that thing." plum says, and starts fishing around in their bag of holding until they pull out the MUSIQUE BOXE Rokka: he moves next to plum and leans his head closer to them "i don't know much about fixing music boxes so I don't think i will be much help but i can cheer you on :D" he tilts his head a little "whaddya think it would sound like once it can play" Plum: "i think it'll probably play, just not very well. i'm not even sure how this thing is broken. also thanks, if you cheer me on that means i definitely have to fix this thing though." plum says, lifting the box carefully to peek at it. Rokka: "yeah i had a feeling it would sound like that too...i cant wait to hear it in its full glory" rokka goes 🥺 and speaks with a little gentler tone "i just thought its another way i could help you is all." Plum: a little embarrassed now plum just says "right..." and trails off. then after a moment of looking at the box they say, "y'know this thing might not actually be broken after all. so it only plays on a full moon, right? and i thought that was just some kind of charm attached to it for fun or somethin', probably is. but other than that it's a functional music box. think the seller thought that little catch to it meant it didn't work." plum says this all in one go without realizing because they like to talk about magical objects. "personally," they continue, "i don't think that means it's broken. i think that just makes it more special. i could probably make it so that it plays all the time though, what do you think?" Rokka: he silently nods throughout plums explanation simply enjoying them talking more than usual in one sitting, "thats a bummer we gotta wait until then for it to play but if you can make it play ALL the time that would be super cool of you plum!" he gives them a thumbs up Plum: "well i can try, anyways." 
> 🎵 Tired Rynoka / Moonlighter OST
Plum begins working away at the music box as Rokka sits attentively beside them for the rest of the day. In their own mind they decide their course of action is going to be to change the enchantment into a dual purpose one. A person will still need to wind the music box on a full moon to have it play, but it will also play whenever if Rokka is the one to wind it.
Getting to work on inspecting it Plum finds the enchantment is inscribed weirder than they’d thought it would be once they actually get a look at it. Most of the evening is spent trying to make out the creators handwriting, but it is solid progress nonetheless. After much interpreting they see the enchanted name signed near the bottom thusly " -RANDOVUS / THE GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL"
Han: randovus instant fave character no lie Rokka: whoever this is i wanna fight them Plum: chip was it that the seller thought it was broken??? Chip: yeahp Plum: oh LOL Chip: zafar like what in the....not gonna ruin my day [puts on shelf] Plum: hHHHFHFG
Plum: "this guy's handwriting fucking sucks" Rokka: he makes a weird sound of agreement as he doesnt wanna admit it "mmmnnyyeeahmnn?????????" Plum: "anyways, that's all i got for you today re: this thing. might take me a couple days." plum says, without telling rokka what exactly they're intending to change about the box until it gets done. Rokka: he oohs and ahhh through the process of what plum does "neat! you got me excited now that I know i can probably hear it sooner!" his tails lazily wags in content and a little nostalgic spending time with plum like this in a room as they remind him of his siblings Plum: "yeah, i'm pretty excited too. and its fun working on something for...fun. i feel like its been forever, even though its only been like, a week. feel free to tune in next time." Rokka: "yeah! i getchaaa especially with what we've been through having some time to just enjoy like this is nice hehe" he tilts his head at plum "really?? then please let me know whenever you choose to work on it! I will be there to watch and cheer asap! thanks for letting me watch plum  " Plum: "any time. i can make it a little task while we wait for the ball and all of that." Rokka: he stares at plum for a moment seeming to ponder something "plum, you're really nice. I like you, can we be friends?" he says without his usual loud and cheery tone. this time being more calm as he asks genuinely for the first time Plum: "h-huh?" plum says after a beat, suddenly turning fully red in the face. "man, rokka, why do you sound so serious... and! a-anyways! i thought we were already friends?" Rokka: "I just never-- wait what???i---" he struggles with finding words to respond as he didn't think plum thought they were friends "you.....we're friends? really? really really friends?" he looks expectantly down at plum Plum: "oh i mean i just assumed since we get along and we're stuck in this large group for now. maybe i jumped the gun there, sorry. but yeah we can be friends." plum says and scratches at their face, feeling embarrassed. "you're making me feel kinda embarrassed over here, saying "i like you" to people so bluntly, y'know." Rokka: he lets out a small gleeful laugh with a smile growing larger each second "ah...ahah!! yess!!!!!!!!" he ruffles plums hair "Sorry, I just like to be honest, hehe," now in a very great mood he cant help his wagging tail Plum: [is ruffled] "no it's fine, just caught me by surprise. i like to be blunt too 🤨 " plum says and coughs a little awkwardly. Rokka: he just grins at plum before plopping onto his bed with a content sigh followed by a mumble "my first friend.."
As the afternoon ebbs on Cimmoro also finishes attuning to his new healing knife in his room, the other two going about their business in silence and settling in. Finally he moves and stretches, and gives the knife a stare, he decides to give it a whirl and to check whether he’s been scammed or not. He tightly gripes the blade with one hand and makes a swift cut on his hand, he makes a low hissing sound as he does, alerting the other two briefly as they spot his hand bleeding for a couple of seconds
Han: han just stares like 🤨 Keva: keva was feeding amos the little snack thing she bought from the pet store, but when she hears cimm hiss, she looks over her shoulder. when she sees the blood and the knife she jumps a bit in surprise like "what the fuck?"
However, despite how quickly he made the wound, once he expends the charge, it heals just as quickly, glowing slightly for a brief moment as the skin stitches itself back together, like there was nothing there in the first place. They watch even as the blood quickly rises through the air and zooms back into his body from the wound.
Han: she stares at the immediately closing wound "that..what?" Keva: she's also staring in confusion and curiosity Cimmorro: he watches the wound heal itself, wonder in his eyes and then immediately puts his palm up for han and keva to see it stitch up like ":D SICK...!!" Han: "is magic? thats cool" she pokes the part where he sliced himself Cimmorro: he breathes out in relief "wuhahhu... looks like i got my money's worth..." when han pokes at his palm he goes like "yeah! you wanna try?" Han: "fuck yeah!" han holds out her forearm excitedly >:D Cimmorro: "it only works when i do it though" he's taken aback by your enthusiasm but likes it regardless. cimm swipes the blade on your arm, making a clean cut [will use charge] Keva: she makes a 🤨 face at han's enthusiasm and closes up the jar of treats to put it away as she says "no thanks" .... she does turn back to watch tho
Cimmorro slices again this time on Han’s arm.....blood...a second...thwoosh the body stitches itself back together immediatley and the wound is healed.
Cimmorro: "aw cmon we can do it one more time" once han's wounds begin stitching too he looks back at keva like "see? see?" Han: "oooh.." han goes over the wound with her hand "its only a bit tingly... wanna try it over actual wound?" Cimmorro: he turns to han looking confused for a sec like "... wait are you injured?" Han: "no, but keva can stab me" :D “or you stab with the knife normally. i just trust keva to make it count” 😌 Keva: "you're really excited about being stabbed" Cimmorro: cimm is wondering why han wants to hurt so badly rn and his mouth is just agape Han: "wounds are an honour" Cimmorro: "what... well, i guess?" Han: "well, more in battle than in here but still"  Keva: "is that why you tend to go into things without thinking" Han: "without think-?! i think a lot, thank you !!!!" han sounds offended Keva: keva makes geralt from netflix "hm" noise "kay well, i'm not stabbing you so" Han: han pouts "your loss" then goes back to looking at cimm expectantly with her forearm to him Cimmorro: "okay, ladies.... let's...." he sighs "this dagger can do as much damage as it can heal, supposedly... so... to test?" he looks like he doesnt want to tho Han: "to test!" >:) Keva: "we already know it works. why do we have to do this" Cimmorro: "just to be sure!" Han: "to test!" han repeats Cimmorro: "you're not going to hold this against me are you? if i stab you like real stab?" cimm is starting to wonder if this is a good idea Keva: keva puts her hand to her face Cimmorro: he makes a fake stab against the air right now just to make sure han knows what she's asking him to do "like this, stab stab" Han: "huh?? why would i?? plenty of family have stabbed me, just do it" she doesn’t flinch Cimmorro: he completely sputters at that "do-what tthe ?!? the HUH?" Keva: keva's slient for a moment in shock as well and then "...gods you're so weird" Han: han tsks impatiently "i can do it myself, yeesh" takes out her own dagger Cimmorro: "no, WHAT? STOP" Keva: "(medieval fantasy equialvent of jesus christ)"
Han makes a clean slice along her forearm without flinching, taking damage, much to the displeasure of her two roomates.
Han: the dagger looks similar to the hammer shes taken out before, one solid chunk of blueish metal Keva: she winces watching it happen and is like, getting up off her bed Han: "nnnow try it" :) Cimmorro: cimm looks horrified not bc of the wound but bc of han just being so.... han. he clicks his tongue while he makes a weary slice on her already open wound, expending a charge
With a glow the wound stitches together again and the blood zips back in, the wound is not fully healed but it looks alot less bad now, closer to a papercut but long across the arm.
Han: "ooooo~" Cimmorro: cimm lets out a sigh of frustration and keeps han's arm in place while he grabs his holy symbol to cast cure wounds on the leftover cut :( Han: han lets him but is like :/ Cimmorro: cimm lightly blows and pats on her arm as if to check if he missed a spot then lets her go once cleared out. "this thing is more for emergencies, it looks like" tilting the doctor's blade a bit with his free hand Han: han wiwis for a sec Keva: keva relaxes back onto her bed once the wound is healed Cimmorro: "since we'll be travelling together for a while it's good to let you guys know what this does, though i won't use it unless i really have to... i don't like relying on things aside from what i already know anyway..." he puts it away and then looks at han like :| "no more stabbing yourself like that" Han: han goes 😤 "this was for teeeest!" Cimmorro: cimm remembers how han also just nonchalantly sliced her arm in the blood chamber and he rubs at his eyes at the memory "you do this kind of thing so often!! what the hell was that about your family!! uggh" he just keeps rubbing his eyes rn trying not to think of what he was to deal with the next coming weeks Han: han just goes 😟 but says nothing Keva: keva notices the look on han's face and says "anyway." Cimmorro: cimm stares at her and sighs and shakes his head Han: han gets weirdly shy under the attention Cimmorro: "no more hurting yourself. if that's what your family liked to do then whatever. but don't do it around me.. don't like seeing it" he says that rather harshly but there is a hint of concern Keva: keva like a sibling looking out the car window while the other kid gets chewed out Han: han is still like 😟  "no its.. they didnt.. uagh" she looks frustrated by both not wanting to talk about it and not knowing how to explain it, and just drops the thread entirely , pacifying cimm with a non commital "i wont, i wont" Keva: keva just quickly raises and lowers her eyebrows, thinking well that sounds convincing in her head Cimmorro: cimm doesn't seem convinced, but it's not like he expected his words to do anything immediately. he exhales and waves his hand around to clear the air "well... anyway. you two know what this does. don't go stabbing me back when i bring you conscious with this pls..🙄 " Keva: keva waves a hand like yeah yeah Han: han snort laughs a bit and also agrees Cimmorro: he shrugs as if to say he's just trying to make precautionary measures "nice. well okay you are cuties dismissed 👏" he hops off his bed and walks out the door peace out 
Cimmorro scurries about preparing things for later on, and as sundown and evening comes the rest of the party settle into their rooms and comforts for the night. Han however, after a bit more pestering of Cimmorro, heads out after clocking off her shift, and walks off towards a familiar destination in the city.
She weaves her way in and out of a few alleys and streets in the business district before entering one of the taller buildings nearby. Despite there having been no rain recently she also spies puddles of water near the outside of the building. Shrugging it off, she heads inside and up a few flights of stairs down some interior hallways, past the doors of a couple other businesses
it’s pretty quiet in the area compared to when she’d usually come around, with the sounds of people revel making and drinking typically filling her ears. She  quickly comes to the entrance of the place she’s looking for, the words ‘The Bone Pit’  scrawled nested into a carefully illustrated poster nailed to the front of the door.
> 🎵 Through the Valley / Pyre OST 
She opens the door and steps inside, finding herself in a small lobby area of sorts, connected to a larger room that appears to be a bar floor with hallways leading upstairs branching off it. Though looking about it appears pretty empty and quiet, not silent however, some chatter here and there and the sounds of things being moved echo through the place. As she stares about it appears pretty sparse, its then that she notices a whole bunch of cleaning supplies stacked around the place.
Han: she just says loudly "hellooooo?? ruel? stella?"
As Han yodels out the names, someone shuffling around the larger bar floor seems to notice and comes running over, she recognises the woman as Stella, a short pink haired girl.
Stella: “ahh sorry there!!” she gives a cutesy wave “were closed right now for -er” she blinks now seemingly recognising you “oh my gods haaaaaaan, i'm being forced to do manual labouuuur- save me pleaaase” her tone changes to an uncharacteristically whiny one as she dramatically walks over pouting and shaking a mop that she’s holding in her hands. 
Looking at her Han notes she’s not in what her typically style, instead in clothes that appear to be much more shabby, probably for cleaning. Behind her she also spots a taller person, whom she recognises as Ruel, a half orc woman leaning herself against a broom 
Ruel: “...stella that’s like the 5th walk in, did you even put the closed sign out front..?” shaking her head as if she doesn't even expect an answer from the former. Han: han laughs at stella "you are such a baby." she notes their dress and says "cleaning day? do u want extra hands?" Stella: she lazily throws her head back with a groan “auuugh because of the lockdown the other day the good big boss decided this would be the perfect time to scrub down the whole place” she holds the mop out in front of her “this isnt in my job description y'know, i'm going to have to get my nails redone and everything after this, its tough work looking this perfect” she continues huffing a little before actually realising you asked a question "ah? oh no way we cant make customers help out, bad look..." Ruel: while she chats ruel crouches near the floor fiercely inspecting a stain in the wood near a bar table Han: "with the amounts of fluids this place sees daily i cant believe it took you this long to do deep clean....." han grimaces a bit but its still finds stellas baby attitude funny so it gets a bit lost. "and what? there are no customers around, no one sees me here. i asked a couple hours off." Stella: "ehh well it gets cleaned regularly but i guess she really wants these bar floors finally annihilated" she grimaces at the comment before looking back at you "y.........eaaaaaah but if i got caught doing that i'd get an earful is the thing" she waves her hand noncommittally though she looks like she is internally fighting off the temptation to just let you Han: han is just holding back laughter at stella like ppfftt "im sure you can do it, youre big girl" and then walks over to ruel and opens her arms for a hug Stella: she groans again and shakes the mop menacingly at you Celebrity Guest Aqua: is this like those clubs where they gotta hose the floor every morning or is it a nicer establishment  Han:
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Cimmorro: hate that gif so much dawg   Chip: STOPPPPP Han: I AHTE THIS GIF TOO IT PLAGUES ME Plum: what is that fucking gif lord
 As Han walks over to Ruel with outstretched arms she stands up curiously staring at her with a quirked brow.
Han: "i know ure off work but one hug pleeeaaase" >_< Ruel: she stares at you again but eventually sighs and opens her arms out invitingly like 😓 Han: "Oh! i actually came over to ask. me and some ..." han makes some grimacing/thoughtful expressions "friendsss?? like saved the town or whatever and they invited us to be guests at the new ball, do you guys wanna come??" :3 Ruel: ruel just ?? confused face at the question after the hug  Stella: she turns her head towards you leaning on the mop completely disbelieving "if you ya want to invite me to a party han you dont need to lie about how cool it is" she says wrly Han: she probably has let go of ruel at this point lolol "no we talked to the king and shit.." han shrugs "its in 2 week, cimm, that priest guy, i dont think i told you about him, he even drew me a dress!" she starts looking around her bag "oh i must've left it with him... well anyway!" han is still in a chipper mood "you guys and the swallows perch are my only friends around so i thought i would invite you" she does get pink at this lol Ruel: she makes a face like 😑❓  silently thinking to herself Stella: she walks over and slaps her hand across your stomach jokingly "yeah and what did the king tell you?" she seems to be a little embarrassed about the only friends statement but is way to distracted by the ridiculousness of the gala thing Han: "uuhhh he was like [han tries to imitate his voice] thank you so much, here is 5000 gold, we are doing ball in 2 weeks, invite your friends. i have the gold to prove it" han opens her heavy ass stash and shows the girls the coin
Stella looks like shes about to crack another joke until Han opens up the bag, after which both her and Ruel open their eyes wide in surprise. Stella looks back between Han and the bag multiple times in shock
Stella: "th... first of all this is like, all platinum han, and second......i...." she stops mid sentence like she doesnt know what to say out of shock Ruel: she pipes up after "........you know they did say they were gonna rehost it...." Stella: at this she seems to snap out of her awe and stares up at han grabbing your giant arm and shaking you "HAAAAAN. YOU CANT BE SERIOUS THE GALA??? LIKE WITH THE ROYALTY AND EVERYTHING???  Han: she gets shaken around "yes, those guys, i dont rlly understand the big deal, ferrie chris was also excited about them?" Stella: "YESSS HAN THOSE GUYSSS" she seems to calm down a little though still gripping your arm "okay okay well im not gonna shoot for the moon or anything so i dont care too much about them but do you know how many rich nobles go to those parties.... the connections i can make there..." she then begins shaking your arm again "and i can brag about having BEEN to the palace my gods what am i gonna wear... i need to create the perfect ensemble, andrella is NOT gonna hear the end of this from me" Han: she laughs "i thought you might like it." she turns to ruel "how about you?" Ruel: as you turn your attention to ruel stella continues babbling to herself while shaking your arm, ruel stands nearby with her arms crossed thinking over it thoughtfully "honestly i am not sure i'd be good schmoozing somewhere so high class but" and she lifts her eyes up seriously with a glint and a thumb on her chin "the opportunity. is way too good." Keva: the egirls looking to get paaaaiiidd yeeeessss Chip: stella getting ready to have 100 business cards made Keva: are they bedazzled Chip: gel pen as well Keva: the other side is sequins that if you run your hand over it it reveals other colors and a message lmao Han: wait thats genius Keva: "stella" one way, "see the stars" the other Han:  UA;LHDSGKH;KHWKH3LKESGKDX
Han: she just heehees "i went dress shopping with cimm today, hes gonna help get something tailored, you want dresses too? i can pay" Ruel: her eyebrows go up "oh no no, we can get that done ourselves fine, you're already inviting us and everything"  Stella: she nods next to you feverishly "han i love you oh so dearly, now even more so, but i have my pride" she lifts a fist "and its telling me to go all out on this look...." Ruel: she nods sagely agreeing with her Stella: she quickly relaxes to a more joking demeanour before continuing "i appreciate the thought though as ludicrous it is for you to offer you big lug, if this works out i wont even have to annoy you to give me free drinks" she says with a smile ^__^ Han: han giggles then stops abruptly "what!! you said you annoy me because i dont let you tie me up!!!" <- she is faux sad Stella: she lifts a finger "i can have multiple reasons to annoy you" Han: she tsks "im glad you two are alright tho 😊 when you think the deep clean will be done?" Stella: she slaps your arm with a laugh at that Ruel: she thinks a moment "judging by how powerful these wood stains are... i'd say another two days with the others helping out" she folds her arms with a smile looking back at you "i'll be sure to expect a visit now that you're rolling large..." she squints her eyes and tilts her head afterwards though thinking on it "...kind of dangerous carrying all that actually" Han: she snorts at the wood stains comment "i dont have a lot to use it on anyway but thieves would be stupid to go for me" puffs out her chest "i will visit... soon? i will be leaving soon after so yeah.." han think thonks Ruel: she laughs at the chest puffing Stella: at the last comment stella tilts her head "ohhh??...flying the coop? you gotta tell me when we can go out for drinks or something, i'll have to console poor ruel.." she mock wipes her eyes  Ruel: she rolls hers and grabs a cloth, getting back to working away Han: she shrugs "dunno, got one other bossman now and he wants us to go to antessa..." han trails off thinking about routes and times "you can grab me whenever you have free day. OH ferrie chris wants have do a banger too..." Stella: "damn moving up in the big leagues of freelancing now, cross country" at the second comment her face lights up "ohhhhh yes! when you have a date let me know i'll free up the evening" she says with a >:) grin Han: han is jsut ^O^ heeho evening successful,  STARTS BIDDING THEM ADIOS?  "no sex, no cleaning, im useless here" pouts again
Han scuttles off back to the inn satisfied with having said her piece, making sure to tell Stella to stop slacking off as she goes. The party all spend the rest of the little of the evening left idling around and killing time before finally heading to rest and bedding down in the dark.
💎Cimmorro and 🔮Psalm attuned to their weapons of choice
🦇Finn upgraded his sword to a +1 weapon
🍺Plum got an evenings work in on the music box
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Most of the Party relocated to the Swallow’s Perch
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psychologyhermione · 5 years
⭐how i stay organised ⭐
Hey dudes, today I wanna share how I stayed organised in my first year of uni. This system worked super well for me and going into my second year I wanna try new systems, but I thought I would share because it may help or inspire you.
🌟 Onenote
This is my main organisation system and place where all my uni work goes! Im gonna show picture of my last year set up and what ive altered this year to work best for me. This is the most important part of my organisation system!
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What I do is make a table with my classes and their colour code going along the top and each of the weeks within the semester going down the side (I also add the dates). When I finish a week I make the boxes another colour so I can see where im up to. This is where I keep all the tasks I need to do each week like textbook readings, assessment and modules I need to complete. This year im also adding when ive got my tutorials so I know when I need to be on campus. So I have a key for all my stuff: for my readings and other tasks I use the to-do box tag a, for my assessment I use the important/star tag and for my tutorials I use the cute little rose tag. A thing to note is that last year I had to participate in psych research studies so theres another box called studies in the table where I tracked that.
In the same notebook i also have my timetable and the yearly calendar for my uni. i use to also have a grades and thoughts tab but i never used it cause i track both on my phone notes.
2018 layout + scroll through:
2019 layout + scroll through (not yet completed but you get the gist):
For all my class notebooks I have a syllabus tab, a textbook tab and a tutorial tab. In my syllabus tab I have the dates of each week and what we are learning in the lecture & tutorial, what the readings are and if there is an assignment due. In my textbook tab I just keep all my reading notes. Then for my tutorials tab I just take class tute notes. You may be wondering where I keep my lecture notes, I type them out in word and save them to my class folder. Nothing really has changed here from last year.
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🌟 Edo Agenda
This is a great website (plus app) that I feel like not a lot of people know about! This is by far the best calendar I have ever used, it is so practical, simple and functional. 
Heres an example of mine from last year.
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How I use it is each class has a colour that is the same as on onenote. Each week i look at my onenote trimester calendar/table and put down all the tasks i need to complete on certain days and when i should start assignments and studying.  I add the task using the ‘task’ function that gives you a checkbox. When its completed I check it off. Anytime that I had an exam I would add it as an ‘event’. A great function is that you can drag tasks between days making it super easy to reorganise your week. 
Heres a little walk through of the functions i use:
well i think thats about it in terms of how i stayed organised in uni last year. hopefully it made sense. if i find anymore methods this year ill be sure to post about it. if this helps you out please let me know!  have a great day!!
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remuslupending · 5 years
roleplay sentence starters taken from bastille's 2019 album DOOM DAYS. feel free to amend as required.
it's a quarter past midnight. the streets are getting restless. we're the losers on our back seats singing "love will tear us apart". it's a quarter past midnight, still avoiding tomorrow. it's a quarter past midnight but we're just getting going. we keep on running through a red light. this is my favorite part. help me piece it all together, darling. help me piece it all together, before it falls apart. it's a quarter past midnight and the speakers are blowing. now we're crawling up the walls again. you said we'd leave this place in dust and fall from heaven straight through hell. we never know what we have. we never knew what we had. why are we always chasing after something like we trying to throw our lives away? our lips are getting looser. i don't know what i'm saying. i never know what i've had.
if the world is ending, let's stay up all night. do you remember what you said to me? we lost track of time you always let me down so tenderly. so live fast and die young and stay forever numb. you said that maybe this is where it ends. take a bow for the bad decisions that we made. we'll make the same mistakes 'til the morning breaks. how'd you look so good? we always find ourselves lying right here. could we make the same mistakes?
it might be getting older, but the night's still young. we never, never give up on the lost boy life. so here we are, escaping from the world outside. we're on the way. oh, what would your mother say if she could see what we're doing now? oh, what would your mother say if she could hear what we talk about? the waves are crashing down on you and me again. i'll see you on the other side. is it an apocalypse or nihilism on your lips? i couldn't quite remember the vision of you and of me.
i push the limit to the love you offer. there's a riot in my head, demanding we do this forever. why would we divide when we could come together? just bodies that collide, lost and found each other. don't leave me alone. glamorize the chaos. don't let summer nights destroy everything before us.
you blow my mind. it makes my heart beat harder. no one is love and it's not a drill. don't look outside. the world is ending. the echoes of that news ring loud. no sound can ever drown it out. it breaks my heart into a million pieces. if it's gonna break me, won't you let me go? leave it 'til the morning. i don't wanna know. we're too far gone. nothing i say will mean anything. just drink, fuck, dance right through disaster. just drink, fuck, dance. i don't want to talk about it now. get fear and loathing out your mind.
when i watch the world burn all i think about is you. there must be something in the Kool-Aid. god knows what is real and what is fake. last couple years have been a mad trip. you must have some portraits in the attic. just don't read the comments ever. we fucked this house up like the planet. we were running riot. crazy that some people still deny it. i'm live-streaming the final days of rome. let's pick the truth that we believe in. tell me all your original sins. we love the sound that our voice makes. man, this echo chamber's getting loud. we're gonna stay naive tonight. so i put my phone down fall into the night with you.
we've only got ourselves to blame. let every night play out the same. i wouldn't change a thing. we own the night. we don't need a reason if we want to lose our minds. the morning doesn't reach us until we want it to, want it to. the orange sky says the night's alive. this time with you's elastic. we stretch these hours as far as we can make them go.
i don't know who's where. i got all my old friends and new friends. you are my family. there is nowhere I would rather be. i've never felt more comfortable. i could never want for more when you're near. tuesday'll be doom day, this got out of hand. i don't care if we're talking 'bout the same things. i don't care if we're stuck in the familiar. i don't care if we're going round in circles.
i am bound to you with a tie that we cannot break. i'm lost but found with you in a bed that we'll never make. it's a feeling we always chase. i could write a book about the things that you said to me on the pillow. just call this what it is. don't make promises to me that you're gonna break. we only ever wanted one thing from this. don't paint wonderful lies on me that wash away. im another place, what could we have been? in another time, what could we have been? lie to me tonight and pretend till the morning light. imagine that you are mine. we'll be good in another life. feels like something special but it never felt like love.
i can feel your eyes in the back of my head. i'm chemically drawn closer to you. will you be my future or just an escape? you'll never get to heaven on a night like this. aren't we all just looking for a little bit of hope these days? aren't we all looking for somebody you can wake up with? i'll be your rabbit in the headlights.
regrets can't change anything. i feel my pulse quickening when your name lights up the screen. i was giving up. i was giving in. how'd you always know when i'm down?. i hear your eyes roll right down the phone. i'm your walking disaster. i wouldn't change a thing. you're a sweet relief. you saved me from my brain. i feel joy when you call me.
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