#ilvermorny headcanons
l-egionaire · 4 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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luv4fandoms · 8 months
So I saw someone talking about how there would actually be more than one Ilvermorny school simply because of America's population and cultural differences amongst the country. So this is my headcanon (you can disagree if you like, this is just my headcanon)
There would actually be about 8 schools.
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boxdstars · 20 days
Double Trouble!
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Niyeah and Vince finally have fully fleshed out designs! These two are the triple-great descendants of Amara and Natsai. These cousins are menaces to society and their international student adventures at Hogwarts lead to all sorts of mischief. Typical Americans.
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yorsun · 1 year
I want to add in my two cents about the American wizarding world.
It has been said before but there is NO WAY there is only one American wizarding school, there just isn’t. France and Britain got their own school, why on earth would each state in the US not have its own school. I’m being so fr. They’d maybe even have two schools depending on the state’s population size. Each state could be its own country both with the physical size of the state as well as the population density, so that’s my headcannon.
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cursedwithwords · 3 months
HP Next Gen OCs: Band Edition
In my version of the next gen, Fred Weasley grows up and opens a nightclub that caters mostly to the wizarding community (this includes squibs and muggles who have some connection to the community), called Colours.
Within the club, he has live music performed by an in-house band called "No One of Consequence" — a group of five with varying backgrounds that he met by pure chance in Diagon Alley. He hired them almost immediately after hearing them play, and they live together in a flat above the club to make it easier to come to work.
Fred only knows a little about each of their backgrounds but trusts them implicitly and loves their company. They become a huge draw to the club, which is even more exciting. Considers them to be his partners, even though he's technically their boss; he sees them as equals.
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Name: Malika Shaan
Origin: India
Wand: none
Patronus: none
Profession: Drummer
Sexuality: bisexual
Details: born in India to a long line of illustrious potioneers. For generations, her family has produced incredibly skilled wizards and witches; until she was born. A squib with absolutely no magical inclination, rather than being accepted, she was shunned by her family and considered a dark omen, a sign of their families downfall. The only member of her family who cared for her was her great, great grandfather Malik Shaan, whom she was named for. The patriarch of the family, he was the only one who loved her and took care of her. The rest of her family — parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings — abused and neglected her, locking her in the family estate and refusing to admit her existence to the rest of the wizarding world. She was an embarrassment, after all.
Malik despised the way the rest of the family treated her, seeing her as good fortune rather than bad, but his age and perceived mental decline made it so the rest of the family refused to acknowledge his will despite being the head of the family. So, out of spite, Malik gifts Malika an ancient book of potions that had been passed down for generations in their family. An heirloom meant to be passed to the next head of house, Malik decides they don't deserve it. So when he feels his health fading he gives the book to Malika and tells her to leave the country, because the family no longer deserves the prestige of their name if they're willing to abuse someone not of magical prowess. He passes away not long after Malika leaves.
She can't open the book as it's locked with a magical seal, but she never lets it out of her sight. She promised her grandfather she'd take care of their families legacy, and she intends to do so even at the cost of her own wellbeing. She wears a gold locket around her neck decorated with a crescent moon and a star. Gifted to her by Malik, it holds a photograph of the two of them and is her most prized possession.
Wears loose clothes, generally autumnal colors, and has a gold septum + gold labret piercing. Carries her drumsticks everywhere she goes. In a way, it makes her feel like she's holding a magic wand, which makes her feel closer to her grandfather. A part of her does feel disappointed and angry that she doesn't have magic but has learned to live with it.
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Name: Adrien "Ren" Taylor
Origin: Australia
Wand: acacia and re'em horn (an heirloom wand passed down from her mother)
Patronus: bat
Profession: Bassist + Vocalist
Sexuality: aroace
Details: born in the Australian outback, five minutes older than her younger twin brother. Her mother was a Magizoologist while her father secretly worked in black market creature sales and transport. Mr. Taylor lied to his wife about what he did for work in order to access the rare magical beasts that she worked with as a Magizoologist. She was furious when she found out, but instead of letting her leave to call the authorities, he threw her into a room with a chained and injured beast and let her be torn to shreds. He was happy to be rid of her, but was left with two very young children to raise, and he did not want to deal with them.
He and his gang of black market thugs raised Adrien and her brother, teaching them magic through homeschooling and trying to instill a deep fear and hatred of magical beasts in the twins to make them "useful" to the gang. At a young age, her father locks her in an arena with a dangerous beast and is badly wounded. Instead of bringing her to a healer, her father allows her to develop blood poisoning and sepsis, claiming if she can't pull through on her own, then she simply isn't strong enough.
Out of desperation, her brother uses a rare and forbidden blood magic to brew a potion that remarkably enough manages to heal Adrien, but with the unforseen side effect of turning her into what the magical world considers to be a vampire; she develops a strange blood anemia that alters her genes to the point where she needs to consume blood to maintain healthy iron levels; though she hates taking blood from animals or people.
After discovering her vampirism, she and her brother are forced to acknowledge the fact that if their father discovered it, he would likely take advantage of it and extort her condition. Vampire blood and vampire fangs are rare commodities, after all, and their father wouldn't be against selling his own daughter for money. Even if he'd be selling her for parts. So they take what they can carry and run away.
Adrien manages her condition with iron supplements and isn't against stealing bags of blood from hospitals if she absolutely needs to. She's extremely pale, and the pigment faded from her hair as a side effect of her vampirism, leaving it white. Adrien is physically stronger than most people, amplified when she drinks actual blood. She burns easily in the sun, so sunblock and aloe vera are her best friends. Her eyes are naturally blue, but they grew paler after her change, the pigment fading just like it did in her hair.
She normally dresses in all black and has nose bridge and snakebite piercings, both silver.
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Name: Mason Taylor
Origin: Australia
Wand: spruce and billywig stinger
Patronus: salamander
Profession: Guitarist | DJ
Sexuality: gay
Details: five minutes younger than his sister, they used to be near identical before Adrien's change, but Mason was born with heterochromatic eyes, which always made him unique. His left eye is the same blue as Adrien's, and just like his sister, he's subjected to alarming abuse by their father. A bit before his sister is injured, their father throws him into a cage with a frightened dragon that reacts by biting his left leg clean off just above the knee. Fit with a prosthetic and walks with a limp.
This is reason number 7000 that he loves working for Fred at the club. They're both transmasc and actually have a ton in common, so they get along outrageously well. They have similar senses of humor, enjoy the same sort of media, and have a lot of respect for each other.
Transmasc, which adds to the harassment from his father and the gang, but his mother and sister have always been outrageously supportive. It isn't until they run away that he's able to work towards a life — and a body — that Mason can feel comfortable in.
GayTransmascJokes™. They are insufferable together (Adrien is very happy for him).
Has a more extroverted personality than his sister, though they both still love animals and feel no hatred or vengeance towards them for the injuries they both sustained. He wears an old bomber jacket with a fur neckline, as well as a brown corded cattleman hat with an occamy feather stuck in the hat band. The feather was a gift from their mother. Not much for tattoos, but his ears are pierced. He and Adrien share a set of earrings that used to belong to their mother. They each wear one of the earrings.
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Name: Imamu "Baron" Abara
Origin: Uganda
Wand: cherry and augurey tail feather
Patronus: blackbird
Profession: Pianist
Sexuality: straight
Details: a graduate of Uagadou and a powerful seer, extremely talented in Divination and reading runes; though his personality is not what one would expect of a seer (basically the opposite of Trelawney). He gets his abilities from his mother's side of the family, where there have been powerful prophets in every single generation without fail. They can be identified by the alarming eye color that they all share — piercing gold, almost yellow, and practically glowing. Imamu hides his eyes behind extremely dark sunglasses in an attempt to protect himself from people who may want to take advantage of his ability.
He has prophetic dreams and can see snippets of people's pasts and futures when he looks them in the eye, which is why he does not like looking people in the eye. He's extremely talented at scrying through mirrors, which is how he prefers to "see". His mother is also a Uagadou graduate, born in Uganda like him, and his father is from London. They move to the UK after Imamu graduates.
In addition to his seeing abilities, he is also an animagus and can transform into a blackbird. He does not need a wand to perform spells, but his father insisted on getting him one when they moved to London, as additional padding of protection. The more "normal" he appears, the less people will badger him, and wandless magic is very rare in England, which makes him stand out too much.
A jokester with a sharp sense of humor and extremely charismatic. He plays into his appearance because he knows he's attractive and is very proud of it (he is his mother's son). He can play both the drums and the piano, just prefers the piano. It was his idea to start the band as a cover to protect his identity as well as his friends' identities because all of them are being hunted in some way.
Is absolutely enamored with Roxanne because he can not see into her head, and he likes that. She's a mystery to him, not realizing that the reason he can't see her future is because her future is with him (and no seer alive is able to see their own future).
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Name: Julian "Jule" Reinhardt
Origin: Germany
Wand: willow and veela hair/dragon heartstring
Patronus: occamy
Profession: Bassist + Vocalist
Sexuality: demisexual
Details: born at the edges of the Black Forest to a fairly normal wizarding family, if allowed to grow up properly, he would have attended Durmstrang. Tragically, he was never given the opportunity, as he was kidnapped when he was extremely young by a pack of werewolves who lived in the deep mountains of the Black Forest.
A "family" consisting of just lycanthropes, though very few of them are related by blood. Their way of expanding on their "family" is by choosing young children and stealing them from their families, biting them for the purpose of creating a legacy of lycanthropy to be passed down. It's thought that the first werewolf was made from the Black Forest, which makes the "family" blind with the desire to maintain the purity of their history. Instead, they turn into murderers, kidnappers, and abusers. Jule is just one of the victims.
Julian has no memory of his original family and is not taught much magic by the pack, nor does he have a wand. He does know how the pack works, though, so he knows he had a family and that they are no longer alive. Unlike the rest of the pack, Julian has always felt like an outcast. In an act of desperation to escape the abuse, he decides to run away, though he is in constant fear of hurting people along the way.
He's absolutely terrible around people because of his isolation and has a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to act around them. Extremely quiet and cautious, he hates being touched. He's nervous and anxious but very protective of his people.
He's physically stronger than he realizes because of his lycanthropy (he doesn't know his own strength; in fact, he thinks he's extremely weak). Abysmal confidence (think albus pre-delphini). He doesn't have much faith in his magic and doesn't get a wand until he moves to England. Imamu takes him to Diagon Alley and Olivanders, where he ends up being chosen by an unusual willow wand with a core of braided dragon heartstring and veela hair.
Keeps his black hair long enough that he can use his bangs to cover his right eye, which he damaged badly during one of his first transformations, leaving him half blind and badly scarred. No one can see the scars if his bangs are in place and if they don't look too close. Most of his scars are on the rest of his body rather than his face, which he hides under thick layers of dark clothes: high neck shirts with long sleeves, leather gloves, jackets, etc.
Keeps his nails cut and filed as short as he can to the point where they sometimes bleed because he doesn't want to accidentally scratch someone. Wears gloves as an extra precaution. Also wears a black face mask over his nose and mouth when he's in public (that's how terrified of himself he is).
Being on the stage playing bass with his friends, who love him and understand him in spite of everything, is the only time he feels like he can be anything other than a victim. He's on the stage playing the first time he sees Louis, who he falls in love with at first sight. He doesn't realize it at first and thinks the racing of his heart is a sign of fear as that's the only thing he's ever felt in the past.
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cassiaallen · 10 months
Another set of notes that I’ve had on my phone forever - this is about how I imagine Dudley’s life could be like after the events of Deathly Hallows.
Dudley Dursley Post-DH
-the Dursleys come out of hiding in late May
-with the help of Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle, they get their house back
-all are a bit shaken, but while Vernon gets over everything really quickly, Petunia and especially Dudley are permanently changed
-Vertunia still agree on their anti-magic sentiment though
-Dudley officially graduates from secondary school in 1999
-during his official last year, he becomes quiet and thoughtful
-Harry briefly visits just to check if he’s ok
-Dudley uses this opportunity to stay in touch with him
-a few months later, they have a deep conversation and Dudley finally learns everything his parents have done to Harry over the years and how he himself was complicit
-Dudley is horrified and apologises profusely
-his relationship with his father becomes distant
-he still has a good relationship with his mother though
-after graduation, Dudley works part-time at a restaurant/tea shop while studying Criminology & Criminal Justice
-he still loves boxing and becomes a substitute teacher at his local boxing school
-when he is 26 (in 2006), he meets a Squib named Eldora Steward [name to be possibly changed], who is related to the Ilvermony founder James Steward
-they get married in 2010 and Dudley takes her last name as he wants to severe ties with his family (especially his father)
-the pair move to Brighton
-he also started therapy when he was 20
-in January 2011, Daisy Eldora Steward is born (28.01.2011)
-in April 2015, Heather Dahlia Steward is born (25.04.2015)
-both children are magical
-Daisy is in Ravenclaw, Heather is in Gryffindor
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myadmiringmind · 1 year
𝖧𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖯𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖴𝗇𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖾 𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍
Main Masterlist
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Hogwarts Founders
Ilvermorny Masterlist
Beauxbatons Masterlist
Fleur Delacour Masterlist
Lightning Era Masterlist
Anscestors Era Masterlist
Marauders Era Masterlist
Next Gen Era Masterlist
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headcanonandburn · 1 year
In the face of the Article above, of wich i was not aware untill recently i ( who had already decided that in the face of how much of a racist anti-semit terf JK Rowling is, will from now on not consider any problematic shit she wrote as canon) decided to try and fix the main problem of Ilvermorny/the Pukwudgie
So i hereby propose that, from now on in any and all fanficts featuring Ilvermorny, the Ilvermorny house of warriors becomes the Nikommo, .
If you disagree with that, it's ok but i think that (in face of the fact that Rowling isn't bound to bite the dust any time soon, thus leaving Hp in the public domain to be hopefully revamped and improved by a better author) each and every single fanfict writer should seek to improve it in any way they can
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psychedelic-charm · 9 months
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(via Foxtail | The Star-Sorting Quiz (Ilvermorny Reimagined))
I took the Star-Sorting Quiz again and got Foxtail (this is a different version of cozykitsune’s quiz). Does anybody remember when Miss McKenna created Foxtail house as a fifth Hogwarts house?
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The Quick-Slick Charm
Invented by Duchamp Rineback, an American Wizard famous for creating a vast collection of utility spells, in 1764 book “Enchantments for Efficiency: Vol. I”. When adequately cast, this charm will make the surface of any object extremely slippery, signifiable by the iridescent sheen the target will take on once enchanted, and making it nearly impossible to maintain a grip on the enchanted target. It’s intended use by Rineback was charming rooftops during the winter months, preventing any snow from sticking to the them.
Though as with most utility spells, as time went on it’s application became much broader. By 1787, the Slick Quick Charm found itself as a mainstay spell in No-Man’s-Land Broom Races. In these Illegal Broom Races participants were allowed to use any magical means in order to finish first, casting a Slick Quick Charm on an opponents broom naturally became a popular tactic. The spell has also become a favorite amongst pranksters. By the beginning of the 1800’s there had been 44 records of students at Ilvermorny casting the charm on corridor floors and stairways.
One of the most notable uses of the charm was in New York City, 1981. The criminal organization known as Wakizoto used this charm to slick many primary streets in New York, resulting in several fatal accidents amongst the Muggle population. This was used to capture the attention of the New York Auror Department, snowballing into an overnight battle on the rooftops of New York. The Wakizotos planned ahead however, enchanting the rooftops they used as vantage points, making it impossible for Aurors to land near them. This battle ended by sunrise, the NYAD casted several concealment spells to hide the fight from non-magical eyes. Eventually, MACUSA President at the time, Whinton Fiddlewhip, appeared and partook in a violent duel with then Wakizoto leader, Ichirou Wakizoto. The battle would end with Fiddlewhip using a transfiguration spell to make the enemy rooftops eject large spikes, causing the retreat of many Wakizotos, and the capture of Ichirou Wakizoto. If you wish to read more of this battle, you can find a full recounting of the incident in “Sorcerer of the States Vol. 3: MACUSA Presidents of the 1900’s” by Viveca Hollowick.
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giggle-me-this · 1 year
[ Change ] - Cat sees Jackie's engagement ring for the first time 👀
@outterridge @harrixtpinnock
At sixteen, Jacqueline Outterridge was extraordinary and untouchable—a shooting star in a young woman’s body.
She was wild, and carefree; the one you always wanted to have at a party, she sparkled at the center of every room she walked into like a living diamond. 
She danced in and out of peoples’ orbits and left imprints of her radiance in their mind’s eye. She was unforgettable and enviable. Everyone wanted to be near her, to be friends with her, to be in her bed or on her tongue or just warmed by the beam of her fickle attention. Boys and girls from every Ilvermorny house would fall all over their feet just to drown themselves in her heavy, heady laugh, like liquid mercury. A manic pixie dream girl for all she encountered. Everyone wanted to be her.
But Jacqueline Outterridge was as unattainable as starlight itself; she was friendly with everyone but close with but a few. She gave love freely, but never her whole heart. Her feet were never fully planted on solid ground. She had secrets she kept guarded behind green eyes and coy smirks. Like a fox that always slipped its snare, she was a creature that had yet to be caught and held by anyone.
Which is why it came as a great surprise in her sixth year, when she returned to Ilvermorny wearing an engagement ring.
Jackie’s Pukwudgie housemate and close confidante, Catelyn, had been eyeing the ring with sullen suspicion for the better part of an hour when Jackie gave her friend a teasing laugh and said, “You can stop looking at it like it’s going to jump up and bite you, darling—it’s just a silly piece of jewelry!”
Catelyn returned to her a glare that said she was not in the mood for Jackie’s patronizing. “That is not all it is, and you know it…” Jackie just blinked those inscrutable emerald eyes at her, being purposefully obtuse, which seemed to exacerbate Catelyn even more. “…who even is it, Jackie? And why didn’t you tell me?”
Jackie danced her fingers through the air flippantly. “It happened fast, that’s all! His name is Hamilton Pinnock III. He’s the Giggle Water guy, you know—from the papers…”
Catelyn looked both revolted and, arguable, physically ill at this news. Her tone was imploring when she asked, “Isn’t he a little old, for you? And what about—?”
Jacqueline’s lovely and genial disposition darkened in an instant as she snapped with warning, “Don’t, Cat—you swore you'd never speak about her…” Catelyn did look abashed, and Jackie softened back to a more neutral tone as she added, “…and he’s hardly too old. He’s twenty, and already very successful…”
Catelyn’s expression was wounded, and searching, and Jackie averted her eyes to avoid the way it pried. There was heavy silence between them for a moment, before Jackie smiled and said, “Come on, Kitten. Don’t look at me like that—”
Cat bristled at the breezy use of the intimate nickname. “Don’t call me that, don’t try to dance around me like you do everybody else. It's me, so would you just, please don’t be so…are they making you do this? What do they have on you, Jackie? I know this isn’t what you want…”
Jackie sighed, melancholy and resigned, deep inside herself where no one could reach her. Because what no one knew about being born an Outterridge was that your comfortable life, the pure blood in your veins—it came with a debt that would one day have to be paid; spread the pollen of their influence, as advantageously as you could. That was the debt she owed. Addison had managed well enough, and Graham would certainly have no issues finding a suitable match. Eloise was still a baby, really. 
But Jacqueline? She was the jewel the Outterridges had been waiting centuries for, capable of giving the family power unlike any they’d ever known. A valuable gem like Jacqueline on the crown of anyone less than an emperor would be the greatest disappointment of the Outterridge legacy.
After a while, she said, “This is just the way things are done, in my family, okay? It doesn’t matter what I want—I had my fun, and I’m grateful for that—”
“So it’s about what, money?” Cat interrupted with disbelief.
“No, I’m—you know I’m not like that—”
“That disgusting rock on your hand would beg to differ.” It was Jackie’s turn to look wounded (even though the ring—a priceless American heirloom that had been featured in magazine spreads—was ridiculous) as the young women stared at each other, each of them stung, and betrayed, and powerless. It was Cat who broke first: “I’m…sorry, I know that’s not you. I just—I thought…”
And when she met Jackie’s eyes now, her expression was sheepish, and full of this longing that she just couldn’t hide, sometimes, when she looked at Jackie. 
And Jackie knew, deep down she knew what it was that Cat wanted from her. She wasn’t oblivious; there were many people that wanted that sacred something from Jacqueline Outterridge, wanted that precious and fragile thing that Jackie was unwilling to give. 
If she were to give it to anyone, she could imagine it might have been Catelyn. But Jackie wanted—no, she needed Cat to give something else and be someone else, for her. A friend, an ally through the dark days that lay ahead. A keeper of secrets.
She reached out and grabbed Cat’s hand, squeezing it. “I love you, babe—you know that, don’t you? Nothing is going to change that, I promise! Besides, it’s better this way—who knows, if you actually said ‘yes’ to Graham asking you out one of these days, we could even be sisters!” 
Cat gave Jackie the look that she always did, when Jackie’s brother’s persistent interest in her was brought up, and Jackie laughed. It melted Catelyn’s defenses, that damned laugh. She squeezed Jacqueline’s soft, lovely hands, never wanting to let them go.
And the rock that sat on Jackie’s finger dug into her skin, like a wall of stone between them. Catelyn squeezed harder, until the sharp diamond edges stung like a bite; nearly sharp enough to draw blood—the blood that would always run so much thicker than water.
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tamayula-hl · 5 months
Foreword: This manga begins with a scene where Ominis notices that his children, now teenagers, are struggling with some serious decisions. Read from the top right in Japanese Manga style!
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The story is based on this headcanon! Surely his children will learn at the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There is a magical tree there that grew out of a buried Slytherin wand, and his children, who have Gaunt blood in their veins, will get into trouble and great adventures over the tree and wand. I hope Ominis will be a great father who can be a beacon to his lost children in the midst of such difficulties.
And I hope Ominis will have a bright life, where he can proudly declare to his children that he is happy, and I hope he will live well after 1925!
Japanese version is in undercut!
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luv4fandoms · 8 months
I am freaking cackling over here. So I found this book at five below today and....All of us who headcanoned that Ilvermorny students could do wandless (sometimes nonverbal) spells due to some of their parents teaching them at home before going to Ilvermorny or giving them tips while on summer break...In doing so...we kinda made us a bit OP lol
"Prior to the end of Rappaport's Law, children could not have a wand prior to schooling and had to leave their wand at school during school breaks, and could only take the wand out of school when they reached seventeen years of age."
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orqheuss · 10 months
☆*: .。.Wand headcanons.。.:*☆
Warning: long post! Deep discussion of characters and their personalities ahead
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I have been thinking extensively about Ominis and Sebastian's wands and which would suit them the best since they are currently unknown in canon.
As we know from Harry Potter lore, wand cores and woods have the most sway in how not only the wand itself would behave, but also what kind of person the wand owner is and how they will use it. With that being said, we know the personalities of the boy's quite intimately, but we know absolutely no information about their wands besides what they look like, and even then in some scenes they look vastly different.
For this research I used stills from the game when we get close ups of their wands, as well as the Harry Potter Wiki, the Wizarding World website, and a funky weebly website that someone made for a class all about wandlore (I know, not really a reputable source, but it has a but ton of information that can be backed up via the other websites I mentioned) to gather my research.
This was all just a late night info spiral that the ominis discord server helped me with, lol (message @finalgirllx if you would like to join! we have fun)
I am by no means saying my word is law or that you can't have your own opinions. This is just what I think fits them best. I do not own the characters or the Hogwarts Legacy game.
I tried to keep this as spoiler free as possible. No huge plot spoilers are shared.
Now with the formalities out of the way, let's dive in.
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We'll start with Ominis, because he has, arguably, the most interesting wand.
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My headcanon: Horned Serpent horn core, blackthorn wood, 10 3/4 inches, brittle flexibility
I'm going to go section by section and explain my reasonings. First, the core.
Horned Serpent horn core: While a very, very rare core, it is an exceedingly powerful one that leans towards not only the ties it has to Ominis' family name but also his strengths and weaknesses.
There has only been two wands created with a Horned Serpent horn core in Harry Potter lore, and they belonged to the adopted sons of Isolt Sayre, the founder of Ilvermorny, or the North American school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
According to the lore, Isolt is a direct descendant of Morrigan, a famous Irish witch, and Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts, thus making her of Gaunt heritage. Her parents were murdered when she was young by her aunt, Gormlaith Gaunt, whom was unhappy with her sister's muggle-helping ways. Gormlaith then kidnapped the girl and kept her captive for a number of years before Isolt was able to escape and flee to America on the Mayflower. There she befriended a Horned Serpent, and when her adopted son's were of age she had their wands fashioned with a sliver of the horn from her serpent friend.
So, why does this core fit Ominis?
As I said, it's properties directly line up with what we know about Ominis' wand in the game. Sebastian states that it is "almost sentient" and is able to help him navigate around the castle and the outside world with little problem. This fits the Horned Serpent horn because, according to the Harry Potter wiki, "[t]his core was exceptionally powerful, sensitive to Parseltongue and vibrated when Parseltongue was being spoken, and could warn their owners of danger by emitting a low musical tone." Because of Ominis' blindness, he likely has exceedingly strong hearing, thus making the low musical tone of the Horned Serpent horn a likely culprit for his wand's echolocation abilities. Not only would this wand core run in the Gaunt family, but it would also connect to Ominis' ability to speak Parseltongue.
As a side note, Salazar Slytherin had a basilisk horn core in his wand and is said to have passed it down when he died, so it would stay in the Gaunt family. Having a core so similar to Slytherin's, and most likely Ominis' father because he would be the next in line to get the wand, would please his family greatly.
Blackthorn wood: As we can see in the game and in the reference picture, Ominis' wand is a dark grey, nearly black color. This in itself narrows down what possible wood it is, as there isn't many dark wand woods known in the lore.
Below is an image of blackthorn branches.
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The coloring matches, but what about their personality?
According to the Wizarding World website, this is the description of blackthorn wood:
Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior. This does not necessarily mean that its owner practises the Dark Arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enjoy the blackthorn wand’s prodigious power); one finds blackthorn wands among the Aurors as well as among the denizens of Azkaban. It is a curious feature of the blackthorn bush, which sports wicked thorns, that it produces its sweetest berries after the hardest frosts, and the wands made from this wood appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish.
This fits with one of the first things we find out about Ominis and his personality-- he starts off as standoff-ish, brash, and, for a lack of a better word, "thorny." After getting to know him in the game, though, we find out that his harshness is just a defense mechanism due to his past and his protectiveness of his friends. Thus, the berry analogy. He himself goes through an incredible "danger or hardship" at the hands of his family, making the blackthorn tree a kindred spirit for him.
Unfortunately wand length and flexibility don't make much of a difference in wands, but there is still a little bit of information about them. I'm basing most of this information (the wand length at least) on fanon decided lore.
10 3/4 inches: Wand length is primarily based on the height and stature of the wizard. In very rare cases, witches and wizards of incredibly sour dispositions will get small, stubby wands (6 inches or below) but that doesn't fit in this situation. According to the Harry Potter Wiki, nine to ten inch wands are "[v]ery standard, and very formal," and "[t]ypically, wizards of average height (5' 6" - 6' 0") will have wands in this size range." Since most of the fandom agrees that Ominis would be around the 6'0", 6'1" range, this would fit his build. I added the 3/4 just to be a bit spicy.
Brittle flexibility: Because neither website really has information about the flexibility of wands, this is taken mostly from the weebly page on wandlore. According to the Wizarding World website, "[w]and flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair[.]" I have also heard that it is based again on the witch or wizard's personality, so I used both instances here.
Basically, the more flexible the wand, the more flexible the witch or wizard would be in stressful situations, but also the more likely your wand would be to accept a new owner if it were to be won in a duel.
Brittle fits Ominis the best because of it's description on the wandlore class website:
A wand with this flexibility tends to attach itself quickest to owners who have insecurities, and its level of loyalty is often dependent on how loyal the owner is to it. Should it become very loyal to its original owner, new owners often won't get the chance to earn the wand's loyalty before it breaks. Brittle wands are best suited to subtle and delicate magic, such as transfiguration and non-verbal spell-casting. Because they break easy, their owners should be careful to avoid magic that is unnecessarily flashy or explosive, especially if the wand also has a dragon heartstring core. Owners with this wand flexibility are usually contemplative, clever, and somewhat cynical; they tend to be an "underdog" type of person and perhaps even a little bit unlucky, which could lead them to becoming resentful of their more successful peers. If a brittle wand owner perseveres and manages to get over their insecurities, however, he or she will often become a "great success story" that never ceases to amaze and inspire others.
There are points in the argument both for and against Ominis' insecurities controlling his personality, but this particular wand flexibility fits both extremes well. If he leans more on the insecure side, the wand would attach itself quite quickly to him and would remain loyal as long as he was loyal to it, which is a given since he needs it to navigate the world. Ominis was likely a closed off and insecure child when he was young, so it would fit that a brittle wand would attach itself to him quickly. In the game, we see Ominis is careful and sure with his wand work, so I don't think the brittle nature of the wand would come into play, especially with his and Sebastian's love for confringo.
The main thing that connects this flexibility to Ominis is the description of the owners personality, stating that they would be "contemplative, clever, and somewhat cynical" even an "underdog" type. Ominis is the definition of these three terms, and it can be argued that because of the biases surrounding his last name, as well as his disability, he could be considered an "underdog." Ominis is contemplative in most of his dialogue, wanting to see all sides of an argument before making a decision one way or another. He is incredibly clever, often twisting arguments in his favor and throwing words back at the person debating him. As for cynical, there just isn't a better word for how he treats the MC when he passes them around the castle. Every single one of his voice lines is some thinly veiled insult.
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Next, let's explore Sebastian's wand-- easily one of the most identifiable wands in the game.
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My headcanon: Dragon heartstring core, yew wood, 9 1/2 inches, unyielding flexibility
Same process as Ominis' wand. Here we go!
Dragon heartstring core: In medical science, "heartstrings" refer to the chordae tendineae of the heart, which connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid and mitral valves so they can open and close as the heart pumps blood between atrial and ventricular chambers (I had to research this lmao, I am not a science person). It's possible that this is where they get the core from in a dragon, but there isn't enough information about dragon anatomy in canon lore to be sure.
Wand cores are connected to the strength of a witch or wizard's magic, as well as the type of magic that they are more likely to lean towards and the type of magic that the wand will be adept with.
Dragon heartstring is one of the three "supreme cores" that are sold in Olivanders. The description of the wand core on the Harry Potter Wiki is as follows:
Dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most magical power, and which [are] capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tended to learn more quickly than other types. While they could change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bonded strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tended to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it would not incline that way of its own accord. It was also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Don't be swayed, I did not just pick this because of its proclivity towards dark magic. Yes, Sebastian is the one that teaches the MC the unforgivable curses, but this in itself matches the personality traits he exhibits from the very beginning: confidence (to the point of arrogance at times), and loyalty. Sebastian himself states that he leans more towards "fiery forms of magic" after he teaches you the blasting curse, so it would make sense that his wand core would need to be able to handle this kind of spell work. One that is "flamboyant" and "temperamental" would fit this the best. Not only this, but before the MC arrives at Hogwarts, Sebastian was the best duelist there, so he would need a wand core that picked up magic quick and was able to keep up with his competitive nature.
Yew wood: Yes, another thing that leans towards dark magic, but hear me out. Sebastian's wand color is very light, making the options for the possible wood types he would have just as sparse as Ominis'.
Wand woods are connected to the owners personality, diving down past the surface level and often discovering the most innate personality traits of the witch or wizard that owns it.
Below is an image of yew wood.
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At first, I thought Sebastian's wand could possibly be aspen, but upon looking at the coloring of that wood versus yew, yew seems to be the closest in color. Aspen wood is often compared to bone because of how pale white it is, but if you look at the picture of Sebastian's wand, it has some warm undertones that make it a different hue than ivory.
Back to the personality. Here is what the Wizarding World website says about yew wood:
Yew wands are among the rarer kinds, and their ideal matches are likewise unusual, and occasionally notorious. The wand of yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, which might, of course, be said of all wands; and yet yew retains a particularly dark and fearsome reputation in the spheres of duelling and all curses. However, it is untrue to say (as those unlearned in wandlore often do) that those who use yew wands are more likely to be attracted to the Dark Arts than another. The witch or wizard best suited to a yew wand might equally prove a fierce protector of others. Wands hewn from these most long-lived trees have been found in the possession of heroes quite as often as of villains. Where wizards have been buried with wands of yew, the wand generally sprouts into a tree guarding the dead owner’s grave. What is certain, in my experience, is that the yew wand never chooses either a mediocre or a timid owner.
I'm not going to go into any heavy spoilers, but if you know, you know.
Sebastian is absolutely not a mediocre or timid wizard-- quite the opposite. He tends to lead with his heart rather his head, diving into battles before thinking through a strategy or jumping feet first into an argument before hearing both sides of the issue. He is fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares about, which can be seen in how he talks about not only Anne but also Ominis. His main motivation through the entirety of the game is finding a cure for his sister's curse, and he quite literally goes to outlandish means to achieve his goals. He is described as an accomplished duelist (we don't really see that, but let's chalk that up to the companion mechanics of the game and not his actual skill) and he is proficient in curses of all nature. He is the definition of a morally grey character-- not quite a hero, but also not quite a villain.
Again, for wand length and flexibility I will be using a mix of canon and fanon lore because of how scarce the information is on these sections of wandlore.
9 1/2 inches: As I said earlier with Ominis' wand, nine to ten inches is the common length for most wands. Since Ominis and Sebastian are, in fanon lore at least, similar in height (Ominis slightly taller than Sebastian in most fanfictions and fanart), I kept them close in length. Most agree that Sebastian is likely around 5'10", 5"11", so a wand slightly smaller than Ominis' but still within average length would fit best. Again, the half inch is just to be spicy.
Unyielding flexibility: Same as before, most of this information was taken from the wandlore weebly.
The word "unyielding" in itself describes Sebastian's personality. As previously stated, he is incredibly stubborn and hardheaded when he wants to be, and we see that often in the game.
The description for an unyielding wand is as follows:
A wand of this flexibility finely tunes itself to its original owner's preferences and doesn't stray from those preferences, even in the hands of a new owner; the new owner will just have to get used to it. It is particularly good for combative and healing magic. Unyielding wand owners tend to be very confident in themselves and/or in the things they believe in. They tend to be intelligent, somewhat cynical, and usually have well-defined principles that they will not stray from ever. Sometimes, this combination can lead to arrogance because of them insisting on how right they are without considering other points of view or whether or not they might be wrong.
Sebastian is a confident young man. He himself names him the best duelist in the school, and he prides himself on his knowledge of the wizarding world, both due to his proclivity to research and the fact that his parents were professors. In the game mechanics, particularly the bits that did not make it into the final game but were still in the code, there are a few lines for him that lean towards the possibility that he could heal the MC if our health got too low, thus adding the possibility that he was skilled in healing magic and combative magic. Sebastian's principles are defined from the very beginning of the game, stating that he would do anything for his friends and family, as well as was not afraid to break the rules to get what he wanted. He can be a bit arrogant at times due to this confidence, but for the most part it comes off as endearing.
As the game goes on he grows more cynical of the world and of the MC, often stating that they do not share the same opinions like he once thought and that they don't care about Anne and finding a cure for her curse. His tendency to not sway in his opinions and his insistence that he is right and everyone else is wrong grows tenfold around the winter mark. Because of this, no matter how many people are arguing that he is going down a dark path, he does not back down.
As both Ominis and Sebastian say, Sebastian Sallow does not back down from a fight, and he needs a wand that agrees with this belief system.
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These are my headcaons! If you made it all the way to this bit, please don't be afraid to share your thoughts and personal headcanons for the boys and their wands!
Thanks for indulging me and my ramblings, lol
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scaryspears · 1 year
HP Slurs
Snape is half blooded, everyone in the hp fandom should know that by now. So him calling Lily a mudblood isn't a big deal, right? I'm saying this as a black person that doesn't say the n-word because it's more of an American thing (I'm British), but grew up watching a lot of black centred forms of media. With all this consumerism I've come to recognise that anyone who is black can say the word.
"Mudblood" refers to a wizard or witch that comes from a muggle background, it not only refers to muggleborns but also halfbloods. In terms of the blood dynamic I'm using points of history, like how black people were looked down upon but if they were half black and/or lighter skinned then they were sometimes given better treatment. I think someone can explain this better than I can, but I think you guys understand where I'm getting at.
So Snape saying “I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!” is like saying "I don't need help from bit** a** nig*as". I'm censoring because I don't want to be banned or something.
No one has to agree, it's just something I can't help thinking about and I'm wondering about everyone else's views on this.
Also, the mudblood slur doesn't have the same significance as the n-word. Muggleborns taking the mudblood slur would've been a power move, but no. They just can't stand that word.
I headcanon that American muggleborns (Ilvermorny students) and halfbloods took notes from the black community and use the word for each other. Anyone with no lick of muggle in them gets the sh** beat out of them. Harry Potter and the halfblood Crip.
Thank You for listening to my Ted Talk.
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outro-jo · 1 year
nct 127 at hogwarts (pt. 1)
paring: nct 127 member x reader
type: headcanon & blurb
summary: short stories about the nct 127 members time at hogwarts
warning: bullying in yuta’s, johnny being a cocky mf, slight spice in johnny’s 
 a/n: why tf is yuta’s so long 😩 everyone is aged down bc hogwarts is basically middle and hs. yuta’s is supposed to be first year and yes, i wrote him blonde. deal with it.
part 2
masterlist | info
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house- hufflepuff
pet- owl & cat
patronus- dragon: having a dragon patronus means you are a remarkable leader and firmly hold your beliefs. You are not afraid to stand up for what you know is right, no matter the consequences.
fav class- care of magical creatures
“you can’t go back there! it’s the restricted section!” taeyong whispered loudly, chasing after you. “i know what section it is.” you rolled your eyes. “i have to ace the paper and all the books out here don’t have the information i need.” you fiddled with the lock. taeyong grabbed your wrist, spinning you around into one of the sides of the giant bookshelves, the impact and closeness taking your breath away. “look, i’ll help you with this paper, but promise me you won’t go in there. your professor will know where you got that information and could expel you. i need you here so promise me you’ll stay out.” you nod frantically. the fire in his eyes ignited a fire in your stomach but you were in complete shock. taeyong had never done anything remotely like this in the five years you’ve been at hogwarts together. he should really do this more often.
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house- gryffindor 
pet- cat
patronus- brown bear: a brown bear patronus symbolizes courage, strength, and immense patience.
fav class- herbology
the sun was high on this chilly autumn afternoon as you made your way to the greenhouse with the herbology books tucked into your arm. there weren’t any classes today but that didn’t stop you from getting some extra studying done. being a late transfer, you always felt you were a bit behind everyone else and it was starting to get embarrassing so you would put in some more work on the weekends and days off just to catch up. as you walked into the greenhouse, you quickly realized you weren’t the only one that liked to work on the weekends. the gryffindor student looked up from his perch over the plant, wide eyed at the intrusion and still holding on to the leaf. “oh, i’m sorry! i can come back later!” you turned to make your way out. “no, no! it’s ok. i don’t mind the company. i probably won’t be here much longer.” “you sure?” “of course!” he smiled at you warmly. “i’m taeil.” “y/n.” you offered him a sheepish smile and walked over to shake his hand. “oh! you’re the transfer student! you’re from ilvermorny, right?” “yeah, it’s not been an easy transfer.” you chuckled and showed off your books. “well, stick with me. i kinda have a knack for herbology. i’ll show you a few things and i have a lot of friends who can help you with some of the other subjects.” a wave of gratitude washed over you with the kind offer from a new friend. little did you know he would become the greatest friend you had and the love of your life.
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house- gryffindor 
pet- lizard
patronus- wolf: wolves are powerful protectors who find strength in numbers as they always travel in a pack. If you have this patronus, then you should trust your instincts as they are usually spot on
fav class- transfiguration 
quidditch team- keeper
making your way back to your dorm to get ready for the quidditch match, you heard your name being called. the voice made you groan aloud and you rolled your eyes as you turned to look back. “what do you want, johnny?” you asked him. he ran to catch up with you, putting on his best smirk as he got closer. he was already dressed in his uniform, ready to be the star player for gryffindor. “aw, are you not happy to see me, sweetheart?” his taunting tone was starting to make you nauseous. “hardly.” you deadpanned. “well, that’s too bad. i just wanted to let you know that every goal i block today, i’ll be thinking of you.” he winked. “gross. save it for one of the gryffindor girls that’ll be screaming for you later.” johnny took a step forward and leaned in close, “you’re the only one i want screaming my name.” with that he was off, leaving you standing there with your jaw agape. oooh, you loathed him. 
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house- slytherin
pet- cat
patronus- falcon: those who have a falcon patronus are known to have a dark side and a distraught soul. However, they channel their energy into overcoming the difficulties of life and growing through them.
fav class- defense against the dark arts 
being a muggle born wasn’t easy. you’d think the magical world as a society would have moved past the prejudice at this point, kids are cruel and will use pretty much any difference against you. hence why you sat in the dirt outside the castle with a fresh bruise starting to form on your cheek. the tears that welled in your eyes were now a new means of teasing you by the awful kids that surrounded you. the pointed and laughed while you hung your head in shame. suddenly, each of the bullies that stood tall above you were shoved into the same earth you sat on. a boy with long blonde hair now stood in their place, the robe adorned in dark green resting on his squared shoulders. “leave them alone!” he yelled out before reaching a hand down to you. slytherins were supposed evil or at least that’s what everyone had told you, but he didn’t seem so bad. you eyed him cautiously just in case before reluctantly taking his hand. “oh, c’mon, yuta! you can’t really be defending a mudblood!” one of them countered. “shut up!” yuta kicked them in the stomach. “NAKAMOTO YUTA!” the voice cried out before charging over. you hadn’t been at hogwarts for very long but you already knew professor mcgonagall’s voice. “we do not assault other students!” “but they started it! they were bullying my friend and calling them a… yanno.” he couldn’t even bring himself to say the word. “did not!” they yelled. “did too!! and they hit me.” you shouted back and pointed at your face. the professor’s countenance changed with the new information, her arms crossing as she assessed the situation. she knew the kids that were bullying you based off the families they came from. purists. so she wasn’t too surprised when she heard they were mistreating you. “be that as it may mr. nakamoto, we do not use violence to fight violence.” she said finally. “ten points will be deducted from slytherin.” “ha!” one of the bullies shouted. “thirty points will be deducted from gryffindor because we do not condone bullying of any sort!” she informed them before looking at you and yuta. “but ten each will be rewarded to your houses for your bravery. and i will see the four of you, including you, mr. nakamoto, in detention.” professor mcgonagall concluded. you thought for a minute as the turned to leave. you didn’t want yuta by himself in detention for helping you. “wait!” you called out to her before leaning down to smack one of the kids. “do i get detention too now?” yuta smirked to himself as he watched you and then saw the professors face morph in horror. he did his best to hold in a chuckle. “yes, mx. l/n, i believe that given your actions that detention would be appropriate though i worry that it might be more of a reward than punishment.” she turned on her heel and retreated back to the castle. even years later, yuta could pin point that to the moment he fell in love with you.
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