#if you can't be a decent adult and have a conversation with someone then you need to block them and move on
willowser · 22 days
just to make sure we are all on the same page in this corner of the internet, i want to be explicitly clear about my stance/feelings on some things:
if i come across "content"/fic in this niche that i absolutely do not like, do not vibe with, am not interested in, that icks me out completely and totally—i scroll past it as quickly as i can and i move on with my day.
in the case that it's "content"/fic that really bothers or triggers me in any way, i make sure that i have blacklisted/blocked certain tags and keywords so that in the future i may not come across those things again.
i also understand that there is a variety of tags used throughout the internet and that websites are not perfect/things slip through the cracks. people are also human, and mistakes are also made.
in the event i am exposed to something that i do not want to see, point blank, i would never and will never believe it is my right to harass and terrorize the person writing said thing/s, and if i witness this kind of behavior being celebrated among the people around me, whoever you are, i will be removing you from my space.
to be perfectly and abundantly clear: i will always be a supporter of dark content, and its right to be written. even if i don't understand it, even if it "disgusts" me, even if i never want to read it.
please understand that i do not say this with hostility, nor do i mean it as a threat or to be confrontational. you should protect the space that you are in; this is me doing that, this is me making sure that you do that, even if it's against me.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I WATCHED IT. YOURE SO RIGHT. Miguel would hold you down and rail you so good and if you struggled he’d threaten to bite you and put a baby in you WOW I can’t believe I left the theater pregnant!!!!! 8:30 showing, only adults watching, someone audibly moaned at a certain part
I've been experiencing something I'll dub Prompt Sluttiness where, I'll get an idea, and I'll really want to share it, and I wind up just sharing the concept and talking about it instead of actually writing, and I feel like it can be counter productive or that I actually have reached the point where I have to focus on tasks now
BUT ANYWAYS TO TURN AROUND AND DO IT AGAIN, I haven't watched either Spiderverse movie so I only know a handful of things, but like
I've been starting to hatch up a really specific idea that absolutely refuses to leave my head where, you know, Miguel is doing his thing running the Spider Society, minding his own business in Nueva York, and you know, either scouts or his computer or whatever is all "beep boop this alternate universe has a spiderman AND a spiderwoman? Actually one just died, womp" and Miguel decides, "well ok that sucks, better go check on that other spiderwoman since theres only one left and that universe needs a protector" and he gets there and it takes some time before he finds you clumsily swinging through the streets, clearly just getting a hold of your powers, and he just kind of, rolls his eyes. You're kind of a disaster, he better help you out before you get shot at by cops
But when he approaches you, the second you see his face out of the mask, all sense of color drains from yours. You're just a tearful, sniveling mess at the sight of him, barely forming sentences and looking up at him with big wide tortured eyes. And he tries to take you to his own Nueva York to "show you the ropes" and have you take some pointers from similar spiders, and maybe he even finds you a little creepy. You're relatively quiet but you can hold a decent conversation with everyone EXCEPT him, where you fight to avoid looking him in the eyes and you start tearing up at the slightest provocation and his Spidey Sense has caught you staring at him more than once. Why are you so weird?
But then you're sent back home and he can't help but wonder how you're doing, if you're still trying to train and improve, because you had been awfully anxious and reluctant about, something, he's not quite sure, he wasn't as hands-on with your case as maybe he should have been. And after a certain amount of time, maybe you were meant to report back but didn't, or he gets reports that there is tons of crime in your universe's city and you're suspiciously absent, not donning the mask at all, and he pulls up your address and goes to find you
Your apartment is barely kept together. Some surfaces have thick layers of dust, dishes in the sink, laundry unwashed. He's busy thinking in his head that you must be a pretty mediocre hero if you can't take care of yourself.
And he passes a framed picture that makes him pause, feeling his blood go cold. One of the only decent surfaces in the apartment has a collection of photographs and mementos, but what catches his eye the most was what was at the center. A photograph of two people looking like they're absolutely glowing with joy, and the man looks all too familiar, a silver urn with a name engraved besides it, and a sealed envelope. You had been in an apparently very intimate relationship with this universe's version of... him.
And suddenly his Spidey Sense goes off in that familiar feeling and he whips around and, there you are, hovering from around the corner, surprised and shocked he's in your apartment as your eyes drift from between him and the photographs and trinkets he's looking at. Suddenly he can understand all too well the pain in your face when you look at him. Miguel, YOUR Miguel, had been this universe's Spiderman that had died. And here you were, the one left behind
...one who's pregnant. Your clothing had been very baggy and unflattering when he had met you before and it was only a couple weeks at most, but now it's months and months later and you approach him with the roundest biggest baby bump and gently, oh so weakly tell him, he needs to leave, you can't see him right now, and you refuse to look him in the actual eyes as your face is coated with tears. His mask is down and you can barely glance up to see the way he suddenly can't stop looking at you, and you can't stand it. The sight of him is too upsetting. It brings back too many memories of what you've lost. You can't help but look at this man in front of you, who looks and sounds and SMELLS the same as your own beloved, and your heart aches, thinking how your Miguel never got to meet his baby, or even know what the sex was
And you open your quivering lips to ask him to leave again when he just. Slowly puts a hand on your big round tummy. And you can't bring yourself to stop him, thinking of how terribly you wished he was YOUR Miguel. And he looks at your face with those broken eyes and weeping heart and under his palm he feels your baby suddenly kick and his heart MELTS. He's crouching down to put his ear to your belly and you're just crying quietly at the sight, at how many countless nights you wished you could have this, how you could see and hear and talk to him again, and you sob at Miguel, even if it's a different one, clearly caring for, maybe even already loving, your unborn child
You open your mouth to tell him that you're sorry, you're so sorry you can be Spiderwoman right now, that you can't risk your baby, the only piece you have left of, him, but O'Hara stops you. He doesn't need to hear another word, he already understands and more. He's insistent on bringing you to HIS Nueva York, not just for your protection, but your baby's protection and wellbeing, too, and you really have nothing to lose since, you've already lost what was most important to you, and maybe there's more than just a little exploitation and manipulation of the fact your new mentor and "savior" just so happens to have every single pore and hair of the father of your baby
Part of you screams that it's wrong and you're betraying your former beloved when you and New Miguel start bonding and spending lots of time together, since he's always checking in on you when he isn't busy, always making sure you've had good hearty meals and all your cravings are met and, are your feet sore, do you have a headache, whatever you need, he's willing to get it for you. He's devoted, almost like, a husband, and there are times when he's speaking of the baby almost like he considers himself its father. You've caught him calling it "our baby" more than once
You even open that sealed envelope with him, that ultrasound of the pregnancy you never got to open with YOUR Miguel, the ultrasound that would have told you and your husband the sex of the baby. You swear he tears up every bit as much as you to see that it's going to be a little girl. He becomes clingy after that. He basically can't stand being apart from you. He's fussing over you all the time, but now, he's slowly becoming more aggressive towards others. Are your eggs a little too salty? He's snapping at a chef that too much sodium is bad for you and the baby. A Spider swings by, getting too close for his liking? Suddenly he's chokeslamming them against the nearest surface and raving about how they should know to be more careful, didn't they see that a pregnant woman is here?! What if they had knocked you over or hit your stomach?! Which wouldn't have been very likely with everyone's Spidey Sense but he's starting to become unreasonable when it comes to you
You see the signs and maybe you're afraid. You need to go home, to your REAL home, and get away from this man. As much as you wish he was, he isn't the Miguel you knew before, and maybe you're finding yourself starting to project and transfer some of that affection onto this new man, and you're not sure how to feel, whether to consider it real love or some unhealthy manifestation of trauma. The more aggressive he becomes, the more people he puts his hands on, the more you wonder, would he ever hurt YOU?
And the day comes where he catches you trying to sneak into his hideout and use his computer to send yourself back home and he's just got this barely contained quiet rage where he's speaking to you in near-whispers like it's taking everything he has to not be screaming. You flinch when he comes close and he doesn't like that, and softens, starting to try and talk to you, laced with all his theories and delusions. The hormones from the pregnancy are just making you more paranoid. It's good you want to protect your baby but it's SAFER for you here, don't you know? Oh, you're looking so scared and stressed, and that isn't good for you OR your baby, and you're torn between fear and some fucked up traumatized form of love to the point where you can't move away when he comes to separate you from the controls and ruins your plan.
And he'll rub your shoulders just like how you're used to and speak to you in such a sweet and caring voice as he sees, you're just scared, CLEARLY this is why it's so great and NECESSARY that he's looking out for you. Your resolve crumbles when he holds you and you take a deep sobbing breath of his personal scent and remember smelling this on the bedsheets when you woke up together with your old Miguel.
You're just crying and crying because you're not sure what to do and you feel the clothing around your neck being moved and, a prick, just ever so quick and gentle but you're still looking absolutely shocked and betrayed as Miguel pulls away, licking a little bit of blood off his lips.
"Don't be scared: my venom won't affect your pregnancy. I've already run the experiments to make sure."
And you're becoming paralyzed, the venom combining with your overwhelming panic as you're feeling your consciousness fading, knees wobbling as Miguel cradles you like a fragile, precious egg
"I would never hurt our baby like that. Just trust me. I'll take care of you both."
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Sweet Love
Summary: You're an up-and-coming writer, congratulations. To protect your beloved job, you're willing to do anything. Even strike a deal with the devil, better known as your sister's neighbor. You and Dean Winchester don't really see eye to eye, but in a moment of desperation, you agree to collaborate with him for a greater good.
Author's Notes: Many characters do not belong to me but to the Supernatural Universe (2005-2020). I hope you enjoy the fanfic's story. The fanfic will contain strong language and future adult content.
preview chapter two
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You never imagined yourself knocking on Dean Winchester's door. I mean, you don't count having had dreams about him that involved you getting to know each other intimately. But going to his apartment to ask for help wasn't in your plans.
"I need you." You say softly as if telling someone a secret. Maybe your speech sounds like a whisper. Dean's obviously not hearing you properly, because he's humming Livin' On A Prayer as the song plays inside his apartment at full volume.
"What?" Dean says almost shouting as he looks me up and down. He looks confused like he doesn't hear you at all. You then decide to do something. You approach Dean almost seductively and say close to his ear that he won't regret it if he turns down the volume.
"Does your sister know you're here trying to get me into bed?" Dean asks as he turns off the music that was playing. Nothing against Bon Jovi, but seeing Dean turn off the sound for thinking he's going to sleep with you kind of lifts your spirits.
"If I were going to let you fuck me, I wouldn't ask my sister's opinion. I don't think you ask Sam's opinion when you decide to have sex." You speak while still standing, hoping that Dean will notice that he is only in his underwear and change into more decent clothes.
"You come over to my house, make me turn off my music and now I've suggested that I ask my brother if I can have sex. This conversation seems better by the minute." Dean speaks clearly enjoying this moment. You end up looking at his body from top to bottom but as soon as he notices, you turn to face the door.
"I need your help." You say while avoiding looking at Dean. He might have noticed, since he put on some pants. Not that you watched him put it on.
"With what?" Dean asks as you turn to face him. He put on his pants but is still shirtless. But now is not the time for you to notice these things. Even though his body is...
"I need to write steamy scenes in my book. But I just can't do it. It's like I can't think of anything sexy and I need to get this book published soon." The words coming out of your mouth don't seem to fully fit together. I mean, what is wrong with you that you would look to Dean Winchester for help?
"And what do I gain? Helping you will take up a lot of my free time, you know..." He seems too convinced, as if his ego could fill the air in the entire apartment.
"Free time? You mean wasted time. You've been living off your rich mother for I don't know how long. And I intend to pay you for the consultancy." You say everything with a certain pretentiousness in your tone of voice. Somehow, Dean Winchester brought out the worst in you.
"Do you think that just because I have a rich mother my life is easy?" Dean says, getting even closer to you, getting so close that you could smell his perfume invade your nostrils. In fact, Dean Winchester smells like men's perfume and sex.
"I think. Maybe it's not the easiest thing for you but it seems easy. So do it as an personal fulfillment, do it for the money, do it to show your mother that you are more than her son." You say feeling a heavy conscience as you realize that maybe you were rude to Dean, maybe even a little unfair.
"Nice attempt to manipulate me. I'm going to deny the offer and urgently ask you to leave my apartment. I'm accompanied and my visitor should be waiting for me in the room. So there's less you want to insult me ​​more or join me and my visit, I suggest you go to your apartment." Dean looks offended, maybe a little irritated. You look at him a little regretfully.
"I'm sorry if I seemed rude. But I would really like your help and I'm willing to give you whatever you want." You say, desperately trying to appeal to the side you know exists within Dean. He might not even notice, but claiming you're willing to give him whatever he wants is just a lure to make him interested. At least that's what you tell yourself. But it doesn't seem to work, he closes the door just as you're about to cross the hallway that separates his apartment from your sister's. What a disaster, now you'll have to stop being a writer and move on to a new field. You can't live forever with your sister.
"Be in my apartment later. Let's start working on your book. And I'll decide what I get for the help I'm giving you. As you said yourself, you'll give me whatever I want." Dean says as he opens the door to his apartment while you open the door to your sister's apartment. You immediately turn around and hug him. Without any explanation, your first instinct was to run into his arms. And you only realize how strange that is when you see the half-naked woman coming out of Dean's bedroom and staring at the two of you hugging at the door.
"See you later, buddy." You say, giving Dean Winchester a slightly friendly punch on the arm so that his visitor doesn't find it so bizarre for him to be hugging you at the door. He looks at you as if you've lost your mind, and then you quickly leave, entering your sister's apartment, hoping that the partnership with Dean Winchester is a good idea.
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sprout-fics · 1 year
Gaz being your high school sweetheart
He leaves for the military but years later you get a message from him
You two grab coffee (coffee shoppe au) and sure, he's a little rougher around the edges, but he's still our sweet sweet boy <3
Ok yes, yes!!
It's so weird to think about these guys as younger, in high school or something but I can totally see Gaz as the kid who is the class clown but also never gets caught. All the teachers think he's a very sweet, polite boy, and then he'll steal all the erasers from the third floor classrooms and just ' :) No Mr. Trumbul, I have no clue where they could possibly be, but I'll be sure to help look for them with my fellow students'
Is the kind of guy everyone likes or at least is amicable with. Maybe not popular but at least decently respected and nobody really has issues with him. It's the reason you like him. He's just a good guy, he's funny and makes you laugh, does sweet things like leaves you notes in your locker or gets you some cheap flowers on your birthday.
and then graduation comes and things start changing. Suddenly the news is full of military operations overseas, and Kyle starts getting distant, broody. You both still are dating but it's different, he's not the same. You ask him what he plans to do after he graduates and he evades, and you press him and he says he's going to enlist. You beg him not to, try and convince him otherwise, but he's stubborn. He says he's going to go serve and you can't stop him.
So you have to let him go.
and even when he leaves you, he's sweet about it. He kisses you and hugs you and says he's sorry, and that you'll find someone, and he's sorry it isn't him.
Years pass, and you move on. There's stuff in the news about the anti-terrorism operations, but you don't pay much attention to it, because when you do you wonder if he's okay, if maybe you should have tried harder to stop him. You change too, grow into an adult and shift into something different, something more like the person you're meant to be.
You stand in a coffee shop one day, waiting on your order, and you hear his name called out. There's a brief moment where you remember him, and it's almost gone when a familiar and yet somehow different figure approaches the counter with a 'Thanks love' that sounds heart achingly like him.
and it is.
You see his eyes when he recognizes you, blinking and unfocusing with memories before he sees you. He says your name like he's walking in a daydream and when you smile and nod you see him grin, and there's a sadness but also a joy there at finding you once more.
You talk, and he tells you everything he's done, where he is now, the things he's doing. He's different, a little more worn, a little ragged around the edges but it's still him underneath all that. You can see his smile, can hear how his voice has deepened a little more when he laughs. He's broader, more fit, has a few scars you don't recognize but it's him, it's Kyle.
It's a conversation, and it's only at the end that you say you've found someone important to you. He nods, and his smile is a little sad, but his eyes are earnest when he says he's happy for you. He listens to you talk about your partner, how much they care for you. He makes a few jokes and relishes in your laughter like he's bathing in sunlight. When you both part ways, he hugs you like he did all those years ago, once more as a goodbye just for him, and you can't help but wonder once more if you made a mistake.
Months later you get an invitation, and you stand proudly in the crowd watching Kyle as he receives his first medal for his service. He stands tall, beams pride and it sings inside you chest alongside him.
You realize you didn't make a mistake. He's right where he needs to be.
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anniebear-92 · 11 months
Part One - Moving Day
Summary: After a long search you finally land eyes on the perfect property for your roommates' and yourself to rent. It's perfect! Large rooms, enough space for all of you, Ghost of the previous owner's son... Perfect!
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Death/Dead people. Adult humor but nothing too in depth.
Taglist (let me know if you would like to be added): @browneyedgirl22 @lukerycyja-reblogs
Previous Part: Prologue
Scrolling through ads listing rentals you sighed heavily.
"Toshi why is it so hard to find a decent place to rent anymore?"
Your lavender hair, sleep deprived friend lifted his shoulders in a short shrug. "Finding a place isn't the hard thing. It's finding a good area worth the money."
He wrapped up his spare capture scarf into the gym bag he was packing, another breath of air leaving your body. "I'm so sick of this. Why can't your boyfriend help again? He's the one moving with us."
A single snort was your response as he zipped the bag closed. "Kaminari couldn't find himself out of a wet paper bag, you really want to put him in charge of finding a rental?"
You eyed him while grumbling a No, letting the phone fall against your chest. "Yet you're dating the guy, going on a three month mission with him to boot."
He shrugged once more with a sly smirk on his lips. "You know, you should find someone too. Maybe you'd be less bitchy."
Narrowing your eyes at him to indicate he was on thin ice he showed both palms in surrender. "Sorry, sorry."
Picking the phone back up, you continued your search once again. A brand new listing caught your attention, a pretty decently sized house with a similar monthly price. There would be plenty of room for Hitoshi, his boyfriend Denki Kaminari, and yourself.
"Hey, look at this one Toshi."
You sat up shoving the phone in front of his face before his long fingers curled around the device and brought it to a more acceptable level. "House looks a bit familiar for some reason, Three bedroom, two bath... wow there's actually a nice sized yard." He scrolled a bit more to list the 'About the landlord' section that gave a brief history.
"Landlord information says it's an older couple renting out their family home." He tossed the device back into your lap before moving his gym bag from the table. "Where is it?"
You read off the address and he scratched the back of his neck in though. "That's a great neighborhood, why don't you give them a call and we can try to look today before I leave?" You nodded and clicked the link to call the landlord. The line beeped only a few short times before a click was heard.
"Mitsuki Bakugo speaking."
You smiled, glad a person actually answered after all the scams and wrong numbers listed on the site. "Hello! I was interested in viewing your home for rent?"
The conversation was brief, she indicated her schedule was open for the afternoon and you set up a time to view the home. She took down your name and contact information right before the call disconnected. Hitoshi had put away his bag with the other moving boxes littering the living space of your current apartment.
"You planning to invite Kami to see the place with us?" He shook his head in response, "No, he needs to pack and if him calling me or texting me every five minutes isn't enough of a distraction this would be. I think he also has a joint patrol with Red Riot during that time so he'll lay his head wherever I tell him to."
You let out a brief huff of air in amusement, pulling the sleeves of your shirt over your chilled hands. "It's two thirty now and we have two hours before the viewing, should we grab some food before we meet her?"
Hitoshi nodded while rubbing his eye, a short yawn stretching out his jaw. "Or do you need a nap first?" You teased, poking his side to watch him jump.
"Fuck off, I've been doing a lot of late night mission for Eraserhead. Ever since I took over as his lead sidekick he's been working me harder and harder."
The glare he shot you could bore holes in your head if he wanted to, raising your hands in surrender before gathering up the essentials to leave.
The car ride to the restaurant you frequented was a short one, only being a few blocks from your current building. The hostess flashed a bright smile and welcomed us in by name before leading us to the usual table in the rear away from... people.
You chatted a bit here and there while waiting on your order, reminiscing back on how your friendship started.
After graduating UA you had applied to Eraserhead's agency. He had been your teacher for the first two years of your schooling, however before your third term began he had retired officially to focus on his agency. His retiring speech had cited the death of one of his previous students as one of the main reasons he just couldn't bring himself to teach any longer, however had decided to omit the name.
He had accepted your application and placed you underneath his lead side kick Hitoshi Shinso, who happened to be three years your senior. Learning quickly he shared similar outlooks on life and people, a bond was made. He was considerate at your hesitancy when it came to physical touch and had even told off a few who were too pushy at one of the few hero galas you chose to attend.
After only a year of being on the hero scene had been enough for you. The toll your body took from the backlashes of your quirk placed you in the hospital enough times that calling it quits was the only option. On top of retiring from hero life, the same month your parents had been hit by a drunk driver and unfortunately did not survive.
Histoshi had offered his spare bedroom to you when you had no where to go and had been living there ever since. The lease was now up as of a few months ago, hence your search for a new place.
"Day dreaming again?" His voice cut through your memories like a knife, yanking you back to present times. Your chopsticks snatched a dumpling as you shrugged. "Just, reminiscing how we got here."
"We drove here."
Eyes rolling so hard they threatened to fall out of your head you chewed a bit overly aggressive as your eyes narrowed.
"I was talking about how crazy it is we've been friends for so long."
He nodded while slurping up a noodle. "Yeah, dealing with you has been a trip. Heroing and living together, now we're possibly moving into a house together."
"You make it sound like we're the couple. I think Kami will be a bit upset that you're after me."
You winked as his nose crinkled in disgust, "You are a beautiful, intelligent woman and I love you the most, but please understand when I say... Ew."
Dropping some cash on the table for your waitress, you both made your way back to Toshi's car in the parking lot. It was getting close to the meeting time and the GPS indicated you were at least thirty minutes away from the house, cutting it close.
Taking the passenger seat you placed the phone on your thigh with the directions open so you could lead him as the designated navigator. You placed your chin in the palm of your hand as you leaned towards the window, watching the scenery whip by of busy walkways and large business buildings. The view took a turn as you left the urban life to a quiet neighborhood filled with trees, green grass and children running around parks.
"Certainly pretty here." You mumbled looking around. Catching the gaze of a long man peeking out from behind a tree, you gulped and averted your eyes rather quickly. After a moment peering back to see the man had seemingly vanished as if to thin air. Releasing the breath you held and leaning back against the window.
"Turn left at the next stop sign." The electronic voice sounded from your phone's speaker and the driver followed just before the voice sounded again.
The car pulled up to the curb, your attention being drawn to the building beside you. A brick wall surrounded the home, a small gate was the only opening to a walkway leading up to the home you had only seen in pictures. The brick home sat higher in the sky than you thought, realizing it was quite the large home for what they were asking monthly.
"Are you sure we need all this space? This looks a hell of a lot bigger than the photos. Think this is another scam? The rent isn't mathing here."
Turning your attention to your companion he shrugged and started to exit the car. With a deep inhale your fingers popped the door handle and swung the door out to follow. A door opened on the car before Hitoshi's, a long leg sliding out of the car first with a long heel attached. A taller blonde woman stepped out of the car, her head swiveling before landing on the both of you.
The woman was gorgeous, unruly blonde hair cascaded down to her sharp shoulders, sunglasses sitting on her perfectly shaped face. Her heels that matched her fashionable outfit clacked against the concrete as she stepped before you while sliding her sunglasses up to reveal piercing crimson eyes.
Holding out a perfectly manicured hand her smile lit up her face even more. "Hello there, I'm Mitsuki. We spoke on the phone?"
Your eyes flashed to Histoshi's for the briefest of moments before he gave a barely noticeable nod that satiated your reluctance.
"I'm sorry uh..."
Hitoshi quickly slid in and placed his hand in Mitsuki's to shake firmly.
"Hello, I am Hitoshi Shinso and I apologize she is not one for touch. Quirk interference."
Mistuki's face dropped into shame as she shook Hitsoshi's "I am so sorry dear please forgive me."
You nodded with a small smile and introduced yourself with a small bow. She turned her attention to the home and opened the gate for you all to file into the yard.
"Please let me show you the house, it's quite cute if I say so myself!"
She began speaking a mile a minute, pointing out little things about the home here and there. We could tell from all the details she provided this had been her long time home. "We purchased this home back when I first married my husband. A few years here alone and then we had..."
Her voice trailed off as her hand pressed against the door frame to a bedroom, thumb trailing back and forth over the closest notch a few inches taller than herself.
"Anyway, let's continue." She listed off more facts about the home, monthly rent amount, when and how she expected it to be paid. She provided her contact information besides the number we already had should anything come up for repair or issues with the payment.
"Well, that's just about everything." She finally waived her hand at the end of the tour. The home itself was beautiful, bedrooms big enough that your friends would have their own space and we could even have a guest space should anyone need it. The kitchen was huge and had an island in the middle that you could totally see yourself drinking coffee or tea in the morning while tuning out the world.
"What do you two think? I think it's a wonderful home for a young couple such as yourself." You froze at her words, turning to the woman who had nothing but a genuine smile on her full lips. "Oh uh, Hitsoshi and I are just close friends. It would actually be his boyfriend, himself and I living here."
Her eyes widened with a gasp as she placed her hands together, "Oh dear I'm so sorry I assumed." She tapped the top of her head with her fist lightly, "Silly me."
I nodded indicating it was a non issue, "Would you mind, giving us just a few minutes to discuss?"
She smiled and nodded, disappearing upstairs into one of the darker rooms.
"What do you think?" You elbowed Hitoshi in the side, he startled a bit almost as if he had been asleep on his feet. "It's a nice house, great price and neighborhood is quiet compared to the city. I can see myself getting some real sleep here."
"You have zero standards besides where you can set your bed do you?" He shrugged as per his normal move once again, "You should be well aware of this by now."
After your short deliberation, you called out, "Mrs. Bakugo?"
Her head poked out of the room she had been in before making her way back down the stairs. "Oh sweetheart just Mitsuki. No need to be formal."
"We would like to take the house if you'd let us."
Her hands clasped together with a loud snap in the empty space. "I'm so glad! We've just been sitting on this house for so long deciding what to do with it and I can't wait to see how you decorate it!"
Required paperwork signed, deposit and first month's rent in hand, she dropped the keys into your open palm. She insisted to call her if there were any issues and as she gathered up the paperwork into a folder she hugged it to her chest and shook Hitoshi's hand once more while offering you a short nod of the head.
At the door she gave a short glance back and you swore you saw a flash of sadness cross her features before the door closed behind her with a snap. You tested the weight of the keys in your hand a moment before turning to your roommate.
"Well, should we start moving or wait for tomorrow?"
He titled his head for a moment in thought, "Better get started now or you'll be bitching to me that you had to move everything alone when Denki and I leave tomorrow."
A wide grin crossed your features. "Damn right."
It only took a few hours and a couple trips with vehicles to move everything from your old apartment to the new house. Hitoshi had called up Kaminari to let him know the new address, who in turn let him know that he had gotten someone to cover his patrol route so he would be able to come help move the heavier stuff.
Kaminari pulled up in a bright yellow sports car a few minutes later, the large pink decals on the front making it resemble the cartoon creature nickname his friends tended to use. His first reaction was to mention how the house looked quite familiar to him as well, before running off to "claim his room." Both he and his boyfriend then found themselves in argument over which room they would be sharing.
Hitoshi wanted the room on the far right as it was the darkest of them all, however Denki complained the room "Creeped him out" until finally with a huff his sleep deprived boyfriend gave up and accepted the room across the hall. You however were just fine with taking the dark room being quite the night owl.
Your blade easily slipped through the tape holding the box labeled 'kitchen' closed. Placing the pots and pans away in their new homes you decided to leave a few out for the dinner you planned to make soon.
The three of you sat on the floor with plate in lap, random lamps illuminating the space while you found yourself laughing to Kaminari's retelling of a capture gone wrong from the day before.
The both of them finished their food and thanked you for cooking. Due to their early departure scheduled for the next day they bid their good nights and you assured them you were fine with unpacking as much as you could later. Retreating to their room on the left side of the hall you were left alone in the sea of boxes that were yet to be unpacked.
You finished up washing your dish and placed it in the strainer before taking stock of the boxes still nearby that could be put away. A yawn broke through however since all three of you had stayed up as long as you could into the wee hours of the morning, catching up however you decided the boxes to could wait until the next day.
Grabbing a glass of water you made your way up the stairs to the door on the right side of the hall to your new bedroom. Stopping at the frame to turn on the light your eyes dragged up and down quickly in remembrance this was the door Mitsuki had paused at when speaking. Indented in the wood were several notches that lined from the floor to the ceiling periodically, stopping at the height just a bit above your own.
Height Notches? Did the Bakugo's have a child?
You raised your hand to touch the tallest mark with the tips of your fingers, whoever this measured was pretty gifted in height. With a hum of curiosity you finally flipped on the light and closed the door behind you. One of the first things that had been done were the beds since sleep was always Toshi's top priority, knowing no one wanted to sleep on the floor as well.
Taking a quick swig of water and placing the glass on the table beside your bed, you climb inside the covers and wiggled down until they enveloped you in a warm embrace. The warmth was short lived when a breath of cold air ran down the length of your spine, shivers racking your body as you shot upward to glance around with wide eyes.
Chewing on your bottom lip you looked around while praying it was your imagination. Knowing your quirk was hardly wrong however you sighed and laid down slowly while keeping watching for any sign of movements. After nothing showed itself for some time the relaxation seeped into your tired joints and you finally fell asleep with one final thought.
This house isn't haunted... is it?
The next few days flew by pretty quickly. You had said goodbye to Hitoshi and Kaminari the next morning as they left packed down with all their luggage. Box after box was emptied and the contents put away until only a few remained. They were clearly marked as either Toshi or Kami's stuff so you made the choice to shove the boxes into the guest room until they returned as not to dig through their stuff. They would be just fine there until the duo returned.
Your phone trilled from it's spot on the counter, the name "Inspector" flashing over the screen. Taking the call you were informed a cold case had crossed his desk and he could use some help tracking down the perpetrator with your "Special skills."
The skills he alluded to was your quirk Ghost. This gave you the basic abilities of an apparition, phasing through walls, items phasing through your body, invisibility... to communicate and interact with the dead.
Draw backs? No distinction between the living and the dead without specifically touching them first. Hence the innate dislike of physical contact or interaction in general. Since you never know wither the person you're speaking with is dead or alive you tend to... not.
This was the reason when you met Mitsuki for the first time you had looked to Hitsohi for quick confirmation that she was in fact a living breathing person that could be seen. Though you were sure no one was playing tricks it was always better to be safe than sorry.
Especially when the biggest drawback was learning what happens when you touch the dead for the first time. More times than not as soon as your fingers connected with any part of the person's body you would be thrown into their last few moments in life, forced to relive their death in a vision so real it was as if you lived it yourself. After a few accidental field trips, the fear of touching anyone slowly crept in. Though it did not happen every time for some reason, but it did happen more often than not.
The main reason you had decided to "hang the cape" of hero work as it were was the final drawback, the sickness. Overusing the quirk, interacting with the dead via touch, manipulation or speech would cause dreaded stomach aches that left you down for hours and sometimes days. Continued exposure led to vomiting, extreme dizziness from the switch between the planes of living and dead.
So at the ripe old age of 20 you decided enough was enough and retired officially from hero work. Though you still retained your license should you need it, freelance work helped pay the bills from time to time as a contractor with the police department for special cases. Paying surprisingly well when you were contracted for mostly simple things, Who killed you? Where did you bury millions? Settling disputes of wills by speaking with the dearly departed.
"No problem Inspector Tsukauchi, I'll be in shortly." Thumbing the end button you slipped the phone into your pocket when once again the shiver ran down your spine. Peering around you found no indication of any sprit even if you had been sensing the presence for days now.
Was it a residual from a spirit no longer on this plane? Did they recently cross over or abandon this haunt?
Retreating to your bedroom to fish the costume case from the back of the closet in order to change quickly and meet the inspector at the station. Now clad head to toe in the simple dark body forming material that allowed you to phase between worlds easily you were ready to greet this new case. You placed the mask around your eyes that concealed your identity for privacy means while grabbing the keys to your modest little car.
Hopefully this case will take your mind off the possible haunting of your new home.
Well this is the first part of this multipart fic. I was going to make it longer but I feel like this was a lot thrown into the first part. Let me know if you guys don't mind the parts being longer? Next part to come in the next day or two :) Please let me know in the comments what you think so far.
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naavispider · 1 year
I had to share this idea with someone because it's been sitting in my head for days, but imagine an AU of Spider growing up alone in the wilderness as a feral wild child, somehow blessed by Eywa to be able to breathe Pandora's air without a mask, raising himself as a result of being abandoned (unintentionally?) as a baby, and somehow managing to evade the notice of both the scientists and Omatikaya clan, who aren't aware of his existence.
And for years, this is the only life Spider knows...
Until one day, a recom team led by one Colonel Miles Quaritch, finds him.
Omg, that is SUCH an interesting concept... how would Spider interact with the recoms if he's never had the opportunity to speak with others as an adult? If he was abandoned as a toddler, he would have some grasp of language (probably English, I'm assuming), but it would be very developmentally delayed 😳 He wouldn't even be able to connect to Eywa because he doesn't have a queue, so it's not like he could listen to the tree of voices either. It would be SOMETHING.
Maybe he's aware of the Na'vi, having seen them a few times in his life and hidden due to fear, but never actually interacted with them. He never understood their language. And then comes a group of them, dressed weirdly and able to communicate with him. He doesn't understand why they are so confused to see him - why they can't take their eyes off him, why they won't let him run, why they keep holding onto him despite his ferocious struggles.
He finds it difficult to understand them at first (years of not speaking or being spoken to will do that to a person, especially one in a developmentally critical stage), but he tries to listen and process the words.
From the recoms' perspectives, it would be incredibly challenging to communicate with him. Let's just say for argument's sake that Eywa also blessed him with high levels of speech and language abilities. It would still takes weeks in my opinion to get the kid rational enough to have a decent conversation (eg why were you all alone in the forest?) because he still hasn't had a proper conversation with another living being in at least 12 years? (Depending on when he was abandoned). So he would be truly, completely feral. It would take highly trained professionals to be able to help him make progress to express himself properly, and of course there's the fact that he doesn't trust any of them a single bit. I think the fact that Quaritch is his dad would go completely over his head to begin with.
This is such an interesting concept, I hope somebody runs with it!
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your-subby-creature · 9 months
hello im a decently new sub how can i make sure my dom partner is enjoying our time together too?
First of all: I'm not the font of all knowledge and I can really only give my perspective based on what I personally do. Every Dom, sub, and dynamic is unique and everyone needs different things to feel fulfilled.
In my opinion, it really all comes down to communication and understanding the dynamic you're engaging in. You NEED to communicate with your Dom, this is utterly non-negotiable. Check in with them during and after scenes, ask them what they enjoy, talk about what makes a scene good for them and how they like to feel. Your Dom is a PERSON FIRST, not a character, not a role, a complex human person who doesn't inherently want all the same things you do. If you want to engage in a given kink and think that just because someone is a Dom that they inherently want to take that control? You're just as bad as Doms that presume subs want to give everything that they want. Full stop. If you can't have these kinds of conversations, you're not ready to be responsible and accountable for your own wants, desires, and actions, and thus aren't ready to be participating in kink dynamics.
This gets me to my second point: you HAVE to understand what a kink relationship really is. In a very real sense, kink is a game of pretend that has real-world emotional and physical consequences. There is NEVER a point in a scene, no matter what kind, where it stops being an interaction between consenting human adults with personhood and power. Let me repeat that more specifically: subs, there is never a time where you are not responsible for yourself and your actions. Your Dom is ALWAYS just another person, and any power they have over you is negotiated and consented to by BOTH parties, and can be changed at any time. You do not get to make another person entirely responsible for you; that is not how life works. In the D/s relationships we negotiate and consent to, we need to understand the realities that underlie our fictions and fantasies, otherwise we risk believing in them.
Believing in these fantasies without the backing of reality is what leads to many of the harmful situations we discuss in our community. It leads to us forgetting that both Doms and subs are people, and not kink dispensers to fulfill our fantasies. It leads to us treating each other poorly and shallowly, without regard for the human life on the other side. It leads to us making assumptions about what people "should" like or do, rather than what our partner(s) actually enjoy. It leads to a severe lack of critical thought about the dynamics, kinks, and roles we engage in, letting broader issues (like this one) fester and harm people.
I've been on my soapbox for a while, so I'll chill. TLDR: Your Dom is a person, and you must communicate and think through your interactions.
-your Creature
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hongthoven · 2 months
about plagiarism and such.
I'm not typically the one to rant over something on the internet but I feel like this needs to be discussed. As a writer -or pretend writer- I obviously am against any sort of plagiarism but I feel like it is way too easy to call out someone for using the same AU/trope when it has nothing to do with plagiarism in the first place.
There's a huge difference between having your story copy-pasted word for word and posted over the internet by someone else and building your story around the same universe/ using the same trope for your main characters.
A vampire story is a vampire story, per se. But it can be told from so many different point of views and through many different characters building, making two vampire stories literally the opposite to one another. I mean, I get it, we all want to be praised for coming up with the most brilliant plot with the most incredible characters but at the end of the day, there's a thousand books written about the same topic, but each and everyone of them is a different experience as a reader. Making it special, unique and yet just as enjoyable.
I would recommend for anyone to think twice before calling someone out over plagiarism - let alone be fucking rude about it. If you're smart enough and act like an adult, you can always start a conversation and point out specific parts of a story you felt were a copy of another, but at the end of the day, you can't expect someone to come up with an idea that wasn't used before every single time they start a new project. There's a reason why some songs sound the same, or movies lookalike. Any piece of art is subjective and it's up to the writer to tell their story the way they intend to. The universe you build in your writing is only unique because it's a part of you and your own imagination, regardless of the fact it's been "done before" from a very different perspective.
I'm personally highly influenced with music, movies or books/fictions I'm reading when it comes to creating my own and that's the beauty of Art- the way we share and inspire each other. So, even if you think you were the first one coming up with an idea, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but other people will think about it and use it for inspiration at some point.
We're only humans. We can't possibly read every piece of work that exist and prevent ourselves from using the same AU or trope just because "it's been done before". What we can do, though, is respect everyone's hard work because, yes, writing IS hard work even when it's your passion, and above anything else: be kind to each other.
There's nothing a decent, polite conversation won't fix. But someone barking anonymously in a private message never solved anything.
Writing fiction is supposed to be fun, some of us actually use it as a distraction when life gets a little bit too much, so we shouldn't have to deal with raging anons sending rude and discouraging hate. If you don't like someone's work, just close the damn page, it's just that easy, I promise. When in doubt, don't be a major dick.
This being said, my lovely Kat ♥ @bethelighthalazia - you have all my love and support.
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bulkyphrase · 10 months
Cap-IM Rec Week - Take A Chance on Me Sunday
Day 7 of @cap-ironman's rec week event!
Today's theme is stories with tropes/universes/etc. that you don't usually like, but that you read anyway and ended up loving.
In Trouble Deep by FestiveFerret, SirSapling (@sirsapling) (Ults | Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | 67,956 words)
I usually don't read: kidfic But: this fic is sweet and soft without being cloying
Summary: "Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
The rest below the cut!
DRAFT: What Needs by MusicalLuna (@musicalluna) (MCU | Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | 12,571 words)
I usually don't read: irondad But: this fic promised (and delivered) terrible things happening to Steve, with Tony and the team taking care of him after. A WIP last updated four years ago, but well worth reading anyway.
Summary: “Dad, can you—can you come home? I’m fine,” Peter insists, though Tony can clearly hear he’s not. “I just—I think dad needs you. He came back this afternoon and he's—he’s moving like he’s hurt.” Then Peter hesitates, and, in a near-whisper, says, “I think—I think I heard him crying in the bathroom just now, Dad. Please? Please, can you come home? You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t a big deal.”
Celestial Navigation by sabrecmc (@sabrecmc) (MCU | Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 210,994 words)
I usually don't read: omega Tony/alpha Steve, younger Tony/older Steve, deeply regressive a/b/o societies, villainous (MCU) Howard, wordcounts over 200,000 But: the writing and the characterization in this fic are just *chef's kiss* absolute perfection
Summary: 18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
The Devil in Us All by Sineala (@sineala) (616 | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | 121,753 words)
I usually don't read: dom Steve But: Sineala writes dom Steve as so caring and kind, plus I am always a sucker for misunderstandings followed by revelatory conversations
Summary: The year is 1982, and Steve Rogers, Captain America and working commercial artist, is living in Brooklyn and trying to make it on his own. So when a bank error leaves him unable to make rent, he does what anyone else would do in this situation: he accidentally gets a job drawing erotic illustrations for a gay bondage porn magazine. It turns out that pornography's not a bad way to make a living. The money's decent, the work is unexpectedly fulfilling, and if many of the men Steve draws bear a certain resemblance to Tony Stark, so what? No one's going to know Steve's in love with Tony. It's not like Tony's ever going to see it. What are the odds that Tony buys gay bondage porn magazines? Tony, meanwhile, is newly sober in the wake of the death of the Carnelian ambassador, and life's been rough for him lately. He's recently single, he's desperately lonely, and he's pining after a tragically-straight teammate he can't have. At least he can show himself a good time. But what he'd really like to know is why the guy painted on the cover of this adult magazine looks so familiar.
Compromise by valtyr (616 | Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | 563 words)
I usually don't read: scat But: this is really a very sweet story! (with no actual scat depicted)
Summary: Written for Avengers Kink, prompt: "Steve is kinkier than tony expected because he's really into scat, and tony isn't."
The Facility by WilmaKins (@wilmakins) (MCU | Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | 155,769 words)
I usually don't read: post-CA:CW in general, and especially if it leans Team Iron Man But: this fic has amazing emotional work between Steve and Tony, is very fair and even-handed with both sides, and has a fun mystery plot and some very hot sex scenes
Summary: After coming so close to losing against Thanos, the Avengers have decided to set aside their differences and work as a team again. Well, they're trying... But there are a lot of hurts that haven't gone away, and a lot of things still unsaid, and a lot of tension... And that was BEFORE Tony accidentally ended up on an undercover mission with Steve as his fake boyfriend - at what turns out to be an alien sex club. Canon Divergent post IW AU - Tags to be updated as updates are written... but I think you probably get the gist.
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chaikachi · 1 month
since you're caught up on the Locked Tomb, I thought I'd send some asks your way because I'm kind of curious:
1) I've gathered Cam and Pal are your favorite characters, but do you any particular favourite moments/quotes of them? Or just why you love them as characters in general?
2) any plot twists you didn't see coming but liked?
3) any dark horse characters that grew on you over the series or that you'd want to see more of?
EEEE I SURE DID!! Okay, warning for anyone that is not caught up with it or plans to read it, that there are going to be spoilers below. You have been warned!!
Yes, they are my favourites.😔 Friends specifically told me to read the books because they are "very much my flavour" and they were right. Which is very rude of them, tbqh :/// As for the why, it's a lot of things, I think. From a character design perspective, I've always been a sucker for scholarly types like Pal, and you can never go wrong with short hair and double swords like Cam. I like that they have a decent amount of contrast and are quite different from each other in some ways while also being soooo alike in others. From a thematic perspective, all the bits and parallels around devotion, identity, and responsibility. How just by knowing someone, we add 'indelibly to their weight'. How this is explored both as a positive and negative thing. How just by knowing someone else - dare I say, to tame or be tamed by another 👀- can change us irreversibly. How burdening those we care about is something we have to come to terms with, and that being burdened can in and of itself be an act of care. How these themes are exacerbated and mixed with plurality and merging. The ever important question of 'where do you end and i begin'? For moments and quotes, a lot of my favourite things about them are just how they interact with one another (or with other characters). The sort of relationship where words often aren't necessary. How so much of their connection is conveyed in actions. "Tell Cam... never mind, she knows what to do." and the "what to do" is her collecting the fragments of his skull off the floor?? that she glues back together with her own hands?? then travelled millions or billions of light years to meet with the one person that can pull his soul back into it??? Her carrying him, despite the risk and harm it poses to herself, because he doesn't have a vessel anymore??? Pal asking Nona to "give this to Cam" and it's a kiss to the back of her hand???? Sick!! Twisted!! I demand financial compensation for damages!!!! Cam had every right to go sit in the bathtub about that!!! What the hell man!!! But I would be remiss not to mention the conversations they have across the voice recorder when they can't speak face to face, the co-fronting/synergy thing that happens when the protect Nona at the beach, and of course: "Life is too short and love is too long."
I'll admit I was spoiled a bit to some things going in so that skews this answer a bit. There were certainly some things I predicted incorrectly but then was like "OF COURSE THAT'S HOW IT HAPPENED, HOW COULD I HAVE ASSUMED DIFFERENTLY". I was not expecting that many people to die in the first book tbh. What happened to the Fourth and Fifth houses hit particularly hard. Was not expecting Gideon to find a decapitated head in Harrow's closet. I think the most surprises I had were in the second book though. Kept asking myself what the heck was going on. The narrator reveal was such an unexpected and pleasant surprise. Like, I kind of figured that was the case but I wasn't expecting that to be how we found out. Camilla showing up somehow out of nowhere?? The full extent of Harrow and Gideon's origins had me at a loss for words. Also the epilogue leading into Nona had me soooooo confused.
Yes. I absolutely adored Augustine. Big fan of his whole vibe; i miss him. Also really liked Magnus, Abigail, and Ortus in the second book. Especially them stepping up and being the Responsible Adults™ Harrow never really had, but always deserved. Also Polyamory Win with both whatever Pyrrha and Dulcie had respectively going on with Cam and Pal aha. Very big fan of Dulcinea in general. From her appearance in htn to popping up in The Unwanted Guest. I don't know how we could see more of her, but I would not be complaining if we did. Muir is really good at characterization tho, i don't know that there have really been any characters I've actively disliked. 🤔
Thank you for asking! I'd love to know some of your fave characters/plot twists too if you feel like sharing!! no pressure tho uwu
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never-seen-again · 7 months
Redemption and Jägerman: The Half-assed Character Analysis
Hi, yes, this is going to be very long and probably a decently niche thing, so if you don't care about one random person effectively infodumping about how they view Max as a character, I'm not going to make you scroll for too long (aka I'm going to try to put in a break) (this bitch is so fucking long). (Edit: things get serious, so like, if you want things to be light and fluffy just keep scrolling my dude)
So, you've decided to suffer through my madness. Good luck. I'm going to be talking about a few main topics: Disillusionment & Confronting the Problem, Cognitive Dissonance & Rationalization Reinforcing Behavior, and Expectations in Redemption. I'm going to close out with some background info on myself to give context to the POV these ideas are coming from. If only one or two sections seem interesting I'm going to make the sections clearly marked out for better skipping around.
Disillusionment & Confronting the Problem
I don't think Max has heard a single thing he hasn't wanted to hear from someone he wasn't actively dehumanizing in several years. He's been surrounded by yes-men for at least the run of the musical, but almost definitely longer in "reality".
The Jocks we see (Kyle and Jason if I remember correctly) are, from what I've seen, cleansed of most/all culpability based off of their response to Max asked if they should let Richie go unscathed (and their later apologies to Richie and Grace, which are far more important, even if they are a bit half-assed with the 'until max comes back' part). While they do say "ha-ha, Yeah," It reads more as a 'oh, Max asked a question, just immediately agree with him' to me. They don't even stop to think about the content of the question. Blind agreement. I think the fact that neither moves from their position of boxing Richie in says that regardless of what Max asked, the response would've been the same.
These two even follow up with the unprompted commentary on Grace, who prior to Max's intervention in this scene was firmly in the "Loser" category. I bring this up because yes, these two stop the bullying after Max's death. But while Max is undoubtedly the catalyst, I can't be sure he's the cause. We would need to know what Hatchetfield High would look like either a long while before or after Max's influence or an alternate version of it wherein Max was simply never part of the equation to be sure.
(I'm going to go into the Pasqualli's scene and Jason's acceptance of Peter in the next section, so I'm not going to address it here)
While I was in high school, I had conversations, one on one, with people who I would, on large, consider assholes. In these conversations, they were like, decent people. But in their groups, they were still assholes. Could I see myself willingly hanging out with them as they were? No. But were they the people they were when one on one? Maybe. There is something to be said about social pressures to conform, but I won't get into that clusterfuck.
There are very few instances of anyone actually standing up to Max. Peter stands up to him, but he's a "Loser" (A concept I refine in the next section), Jason expresses doubt but doesn't direction challenge Max. The only person who isn't a "Loser" who shows intention of standing up to Max is Steph. Who, on the way to put into motion something that would possibly confront Max, gets pulled into Grace's Bully the Bully plan instead.
Not even adults seem to have put in any amount of work to actually trying to remedy Max's behavior. They just ship him out to an anti-bullying assembly and call it a day. In the Bathroom scene we learn that Max has "cool-kid privilege," in regards to actual disciplinary action, which to be fair likely wouldn't fix anything, but it shows the complacency of adults here if he has literally never been suspended or at least given detention for all the shit he's pulled both within the musical and what we can infer happening before it.
While I doubt Steph alone could break through the yes-men and "Fix" Max with just one conversation, I think she could place a seed of doubt in his mind. And Max isn't dumb. There's only two things that point to poor academics that I can recall: Remedial Algebra, and the tutor. And that doesn't really prove anything. I myself have nearly failed math classes, and I'm really good at math! Knowing this, either Max will either think through enough of the opposition of someone he respects, or he'll dismiss it entirely. Which is our first step toward Redemption.
Cognitive Dissonance & Rationalization Reinforcing Behavior
Max has categorized every student into one of two groups "Loser" and not that. These are somewhat absolutist titles. No one changes groups, ever. Except for Grace. Something I'll touch on later in this section. First I want to talk about this Fundamental Fixedness and how it contributes to my perception of Max. I believe he's constructed a very fragile way of maintaining himself. He's been to enough anti-bullying assemblies to get the gist that hurting people is generally considered bad. Whether that's internalized or not, I don't know. But again, I think he's smart. But he still hurts people. A lot. What if those he brands as "Losers" aren't quite people in his eyes. Still human, still whatever else, but lesser. Able to be abused without consequence. After all, he doesn't get any.
Now, I don't think he was birthed into this world with this conception. I think he trended toward popular crowds in primary education, and became a standard order bully. Emulating the behaviors of those above him in standing at this point, something small at first. Something justifiable. Like beating up a kid who snitched on a friend of Max's. As small actions had to be justified, the gulf between "Loser" and not expanded, to the point of dehumanizing "Losers." Then as he kept rising the ranks of popularity, he reached the top. But then he needed to extend a gulf between himself and the other popular people, to make his position infallible. He became their god (or in "reality" developed a God Complex). He alienated the "Losers" before alienating himself.
Now, what would happen if a "Loser" rose to the rank of not "Loser"? suddenly Max would have to contend with that he's actually hurt someone worth something. And if one person can rise past his labeling, then others could to, and he's hurt way more people than he realized.
But where does this leave Grace? Well, I don't think Max has actually placed her out of the "Loser" category. I think he's giving her special privilege until he gets what he wants out of her. There's a few posts that talk about how Grace's abstinence is a symbol of her faith in the Christian god, and how in sacrificing her chastity to the LiB she also sacrifices her faith to them. What if Max has a similar thought. That in acquiring the 'forbidden fruit' as it were he gains power, or more realistically, a greater sense of control. Max presumably hasn't shown interest before now. He's likely had other games he played for feelings of control.
Now, how could any of this possibly be an argument in favor of Max. Well, the next Step to Redemption would be abandoning the Fundamental Fixedness and taking on the burden of his actions. He has to contend with all the things he's justified under the dichotomy. The only reason I ever considered Max to be redeemable is because he makes it halfway through this step in the Musical. He accepts that maybe these roles can't be Fixed positions, specifically for people he isn't trying to get anything out of. Then he fucking dies. But he does abandon this ideology. Unfortunately the acquisition of supernatural powers and the drunken anger he felt as he died didn't make for a healthy way to handle the resulting dissonance, and instead got him pushed further off of the God Complex Cliff into a 'Yep, I hurt people and that's okay to do, because I'm god and everyone is below me' rather than the arguably healthier 'oh fuck I really fucked up I hurt so many people, shit'.
We see that he has stopped caring who is a "Loser" and who isn't. When Richie stands up to him with the iconic "I'm not a Loser" Max agrees. But it no longer matters. He knows he's going to kill Steph. She hurt him the most. But hurting someone he deemed "Cool" is still something he has trouble with. So Richie and Ruth are his warm up. He needs that time to adjust to hurting people, regardless of their rank. They aren't "Losers" anymore, but he's hurt them before, he can hurt them again with fewer issues. After Ruth, Max just goes wild. He kills Miss Tessburger, the mayor, tries to kill Shapiro, so on and so forth.
Max needs to abandon the dichotomy without going full homicidal maniac. Probably the expected when you don't die and gain supernatural powers that allow you to engage in the one remaining coping mechanism you can actually engage with in death (the coping mechanism is violence, if that wasn't clear).
Expectations in Redemption
Now, even if he does deconstruct the issues he has and how he's exerting control, he still needs to apologize, make efforts to rectify what he's done to those that even want him to continue affecting them, and accept that many will be unwilling to forgive him.
No one has any obligation to forgive him. That is the main thing. The specifics of what would even come close to what Max did being 'rectify' what he's done are beyond me, they'd likely vary character to character. But it is achievable.
Closing Statement
Also, Max is 18. While technically an adult, that brain is so undercooked, and this kid is young. I'm sure most people have done things they regret. Even things they doubled down on at the time. Things that only through hindsight do they realize how poorly they acted. I've acted in ways I don't like that at the time I thought were perfectly justified.
If Max makes efforts to be a better person, he deserves that chance.
Writer Bias and Background
Hi, said I'd do this. I am working with my experiences as my framework. As such, being clear about what those experiences are in a broad framework may help inform you of how much of my opinion you deem valuable.
I've never dealt with bulling to the extent Max inflicted on the students at Hatchetfield. In elementary school I was tripped with an amount of regularity, in middle school some kids poked and prodded me during classes to get a reaction, or to laugh at my lack of reaction despite their actions. In high school I was called a [f-slur] several times and threatened with violence once. My experiences are incredibly mild.
I am presently in college, working towards a psych degree. I have taken very few higher level psychology classes. I am not an expert, I just know some base level stuff about some of the vocab, which I have utilized here. My usage of these terms is based on my present understanding of them. I probably made mistakes.
There may be some confirmation bias occurring, be it from the pretty privilege that max has from being portrayed by an attractive performer, or just a deep seated self-loathing that manifests as a need for characters to have a path to redemption regardless of their failings.
Fuckin' ridiculous that I feel the need to include this but I am a part of the "Michie nation" as it were. It shouldn't really matter, but yeah, this is more about Max Jägerman's ability to become a better person given the opportunity than any romantic entanglements he might engage with.
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niktoes · 2 months
₊˚♡˚₊ word salad headcanons for könig as your best friend ₊˚♡˚₊
♡ just konig things. prematurely posted by accident last time, so if anyone saw that, no you didn't ♡
♡ on this blog, könig's name is otto ♡
Tags: headcanon, silly platonic friend stuff, best friend könig, reader insert
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♡ Otto is a man who makes the best of friends. As an adult with a busy life, making friends is hard. Plus, he's acutely aware of the fact that he can be awkward when he's first meeting someone, and because of that he generally isn't the easiest man alive to make friends with. Most of his friendships happened because something just clicked, and everything worked from there. When it happens, the easy chemistry that lets conversation feel effortless and him feel understood? Yeah, cherished doesn't even begin to cover how close to his heart he holds your friendship. Any of hid close friendships, really, are things he values deeply. If what you need is a ride-or-die kind of guy, that is exactly what he is.
♡ This friendship looks like a relationship from the outside. Sometimes his being playful can come across as unintentionally flirtatious (wanna talk abt the 'they're dating' rumours every set of best friends has? yeah, it's like that. And he, for one, thinks its hilarious), but it's all just in good fun.
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♡ There are several ways that he might approach you having a rough time in life, whether that's due to your work or issues in your personal life. Mans is spiteful. That's just a facet of himself that can't be removed or avoided if something really rots his fucking socks. And by spiteful, I mean he's the kind of guy that'll stop in the middle of a crosswalk to very carefully tie his shoelaces if a driver's impatient and pushing the boundary on the pedestrian crossing light. Malicious compliance is his cup of tea, too, if it applies. He's been alive nearly forty years, man, so no matter what problem you're dealing with, his plots for petty vengeance come naturally and he and is not shy about sharing them with you for the sake of justice (or catharsis- that too).
♡ This could just be a him thing, but if he's your friend- like, really good friend, he fully backs you no matter what. If you're out here being confidently incorrect about something debatably unimportant, he'll agree with you until he's blue in the face out of respect. It's in private that he'll let you know how much of a hilarious dumbass you were back there, arguing with so and so about 'insert topic here' when he knew- and for that matter, he's pretty sure you knew too, that you were HEINOUSLY incorrect. It's a perk of being friends with him, but also? It's kinda... just really funny to him, and his sense of humour is catered ENTIRELY towards himself.
♡ Your interests are, to some extent, his interests by proxy. He expects pretty much the same in return where your friendship is concerned. If he hears you going on about something you're pretty interested/invested in, he's gonna put in a bit of effort to learn about it so he can hold good conversations and support the things you like. That said, again, he's gonna expect the same outta you, and a lot of his hobbies are fairly active. If you can't participate, that's fine, but showing a bit of interest goes a long way. He likes reading and cooking, too, so listen to him word vomit over books he likes and be a guinea pig when he wants to try this daring new recipe he found somewhere online. If you can participate in his active hobbies? He's dragging you along when he decides to hit the slopes and go skiing- if you've never done it before, even better, because he'll get a laugh out of you fighting for your life on the bunny hill.
♡ Otto makes some decent money, and has spending money to throw around thanks to his decorated career. Because of that, and the fact that he likes to treat himself to nice things and fancy places when he feels the vibe for it, if you're cash poor and he wants to do something with you, he's gonna pay for you. He's gonna crack jokes about it, not unkindly, but he is a bit of a shithead when he's properly comfortable with someone- and as his best friend, he is very comfortable with you. So don't worry, Daddy Warbucks has you when your wallet doesn't. Time to get culturally enriched, 'cause he wants to check out a museum or attend a concert. No, he's not gonna let you feel guilty about it, because he really enjoys taking care of the people he values when he gets the chance. You can cover lunch or something next time he feels like a day out, or something.
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luverofralts · 3 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Ro. Ro, come on. You gotta wake up. Adrian's gonna be here in an hour. Come on, Saturnia's not going to take herself to school."
Roman grumbled something against Abe's shoulder that sounded like a protest and Abe had to laugh. After actually getting Abe Jr to bed at a decent time, the evening had taken an amorous turn, ultimately resulting in his husband snoring loudly into Abe's ear in the morning.
"No, Adrian can take her; I'm staying here. We're not moving today, I'm comfy," Roman whined. He nuzzled himself even further into Abe's neck, illiciting more laughter.
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"Get up," Abe laughed, pushing his husband towards his side of the bed. "You're going to be late. Adrian can't cook to save his life, if you don't go, he's going to burn down the restaurant."
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"That's what we have insurance for," Roman teased. "We'll be fine."
He tried distracting Abe with another kiss, earning himself a few more seconds in their warm and inviting bed, but Abe persisted.
"You're not burning the place down for the insurance money on my watch, Bellamy. You're worse than Theo, and he at least has the excuse of being a teenager. Come on, get up."
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"I finished my muffin, Daddy. How are the omelets?"
"Getting there. Thanks for helping chop up the peppers. You did a great job."
Saturnia beamed with pride, happily taking her freshly baked breakfast to the table. She did do a decent job of cutting things up for her age, and Roman just knew that when she was Theo's age, she'd be eagerly helping at the restaurant without having to be begged like her brother.
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"Breakfast smells good. My favourite bakers have been busy."
"We're out of pancake mix, so it's omelets this morning," Roman announced, sliding a plate to his husband. He slid a smaller portion towards his daughter, who loved baking, but didn't love eating eggs. "Try this much, Saturnia. It'll taste better because you helped make it yourself."
Saturnia wrinkled her nose at the plate, but began carefully poking the omelet obediently. Out of all of their children, Saturnia was easily the most reasonable. She was always willing to try things and was open to new ideas, unlike most of their children. The day Theo or Luci took their father's advice would be the day Roman died of shock.
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"Hey, Bellamys! It smells good in here."
"Grab a plate, Adrian, I'm running late," Roman replied, his mouth full of food. "There's plenty there."
Adrian didn't have to be told twice. He'd already eaten breakfast, but he wasn't about to miss Roman's cooking. One of the greatest benefits of being married to Roman had been having access to his cooking all day, breakfast to dinner. The man had a gift.
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"So, uh, hey, while I'm here, what were you thinking for your birthday this year?" Adrian asked. "Thirty is a big number. I mean, Abe and I are already old men, having earlier birthdays and all. Maybe for yours we should host a get together and celebrate all of ours at the same time."
"My mom won't come to a party or host it," Abe immediately replied. "I'm sure I could get the rest of my family to come to a free dinner though. Would, uh, your family attend, Adrian? Hypothetically of course."
"I'm sure Trent and Cindra will want to come," Adrian answered politely. They all knew the question hadn't been directed at his entire family, just the cousin currently wearing a crown. "I'm sure Her Majesty is far too busy to attend a birthday party for someone of my rank."
"I could make something for the party!" Saturnia exclaimed, cutting through the adults' tense conversation. "I can help make the cake too, like we did for Theo's birthday!"
"It sounds like a good plan, if we can pull it off in time," Roman said. "Thirty is a big milestone and a party would be fun. You do only turn thirty once. What do you think, Abe?"
"I'm all for it. Just let me know what needs to be done, and I can make some calls during Abe's nap."
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"Then it's settled. Our three in one thirtieth birthday party will be the next big social event in Arkhelios. Don't tell Wanda, or she'll try to step in and plan it for us."
Abe scoffed at the thought.
"You mean, she'll have her assistant plan it and host it at her giant mansion without asking us if that's even what we want," he said.
"That place is huge, she'd get my vote to host," Roman countered. "No need to clean up our place and lock the valuables away from your siblings. We just arrive, party and leave."
"It's a thought," Adrian conceded before Abe could protest Wanda's involvement. "Roman, we need to leave in the next ten minutes. There's a delivery of shellfish arriving this morning. There will be plenty of time to plan our shindig later."
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"Have a good day with the baby," Roman said, catching Abe in another kiss before heading to the door. "I'll miss you."
Adrian raised his eyebrow at Abe as he walked by with a knowing smirk.
"Someone's in a good mood today," he snickered. "Come on, Saturnia, let's get ready to teleport while your dads say goodbye. I have a feeling that our presence here isn't going to speed things up."
Abe grabbed his husband again, pulling Roman in for another passionate kiss as Adrian walked down the stairs.
"If you make it back on time, I'll have dinner ready," Abe whispered into Roman's ear. "I can leave the kids with my mom for a few hours once they're fed and we can pick up where we left off this morning."
Despite his best efforts, Roman blushed at the idea, something Adrian would probably tease him about if he saw.
"I'd like that," he replied sincerely. "I don't say this often enough, but you make me happy, Abe. Really happy. Remember when we first found out about Theo and we had all those dreams about our future together?"
"The ones where you were going to make pancakes for me every day while Theo was the perfect, quiet baby?" Abe laughed. "We were so stupid back then, I can't even imagine what my mother really thought about our ideas."
"Nothing good, I know that much. Probably what we would think if Theo was pregnant. But seriously, Abe. My therapist keeps telling me to share my feelings with you, so you feel secure that nothing...adulterous will happen again. You're everything to me. I mean that."
"Ah, well, I'm not perfect either, you have to remember that," Abe replied. "Stop beating yourself up about the past. College was pretty rough for me, and I hurt you too. The important thing is that we found our way back to each other. That and all the mandated therapy Maura ordered after the, uh, fallout. I'm sure she had an agenda with it, but it probably saved our marriage."
"Yeah, uh, about our marriage, I had something that I wanted to ask you about. Maybe we could talk after our alone time tonight?"
"Well, that's ominous. You can't just leave me with that all day. 'I love you Abe' and 'let's talk about our marriage'?
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"Well, yeah, when you put it that way. I just...it's embarrassing."
"Too embarrassing to talk to me about? You can tell me anything, Ro."
Roman took a deep breath and just blurted what was on his mind.
"I think we should get remarried by demons," Roman repeated, more confident in his words now that they'd been uttered and Abe didn't suddenly run away like he feared. "I miss feeling connected to you. What we had before was special, and even when we were being forced to get demonically married by the Sovereign, I was kinda excited for it. I know it always freaked you out though, but I've been thinking about it for awhile now and I think it's what I want."
"Demonic marriage?" Abe repeated. "Theo was just a kid when we last discussed it. He's certainly improved with his magic since then, if you still wanted him to perform the ceremony."
Roman's face lit up with excitement when Abe didn't immediately shut him down.
"Really? You think it's a good idea?"
"Honestly, I'm surprised that you never pushed back against the Sovereign when she said it wasn't necessary," Abe replied. "I mean, I was a little relieved that our six year old wouldn't be performing complex blood magic on us, but the idea was nice. To feel what you feel again, knowing how much you loved me, it was a little overwhelming at first, but after everything we've been through, and all the issues that we've dealt with, I think I'd like to experience that level of connection with you. We could even have our own ceremony the way we want it, not like the one that the Twikkii Island royal family dictated."
"I could make a proper cake this time!" Roman said eagerly. "Well, if you have time today, contact your sister and see what we need to get started, and we can talk to Theo when he's home this weekend."
"Roman! Time's wasting! We have to go!"
Roman dragged his husband out to the front porch to meet up with Adrian and Saturnia.
"I'm so happy that you're open to this," Roman exclaimed, kissing Abe once more while Adrian tapped his watch in the yard. "We can start over with a clean slate."
Abe smiled.
"Yeah, I really think that-"
Abe paused, unable to take his eyes off the two men walking past their house.
"Ah, Zane, buddy, you've got to let that sandwich go. You can't eat that much cheese all at once, it's not natural."
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Roman momentarily peeled himself away from his husband to stare at the men walking by.
"That man looks so much like Zane Hydes. It's uncanny."
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"If he was thirty when he died. He's way too old, Zane was just a teenager. It's weird, though. Really weird. Maybe he's Zane's biological brother or cousin. Wanda always says that their family tree is a mystery that she doesn't want to solve."
"I can't imagine why, with her mother."
"Look, why don't we try that fancy grocery store downtown? They have all kinds of cheese there. Just try to stick to the budget, you know how much funding we get here."
"Like a nice Brie?"
"Ha, keep dreaming. Maybe for Winterfest."
Roman and Abe stared as the two men made their way down the street.
"Do you think we should follow up on this?" Abe asked wearily.
"Nope. Not a chance in hell. If you want to tell Wanda her dead brother's doppelganger is walking around town, that's your own problem."
"Yeah, no. I'm just going to pretend this never happened."
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drawthething · 10 months
Welcome to DTT's gallery of useless text posts because I'm in the post-exam mood and bored!Today we shall discuss about:
"Obvious ways to NOT get scammed when opening commissions"
Now if you're a smart and capable human who's already so good at being an adult then you might not need these advices. But if you're kinda gullible and young and eat instant noodles for dinner sometimes like me, this post might be for you!
1. "You're up for commissions? DM me!"
See, these jerks probably follow the #commission tag on insta to find their easy target. You have the comm sheet right there clear as daylight and they STILL ask this thing in your post's comments. And they don't even want to DM you, YOU DM THEM! Absolutely horrible commission etiquette! I think it's best to ignore these comments even if you're not sure about their intentions.
2. Random acc with 2 posts and 200+ followers casually walks up to your DMs and says: "Will you draw my pet for 200$??"
Suuuper basic tactics for scammers to initiate their hustle. They're just soooo basic and soooo boring they can't come up with anything else for you to draw they HAVE to be like "I don't give a damn about what you usually do or what weird fandom hyperfixation pills you're on but here's an easy-to come-up-with art idea!". And a fricking fortune for pets portraits?? Come on.
Yes, check the account too if you smell something fishy. Even if it's profile is an innocent old looking lady who seems really rude at texting for some reasons, it's worth being cautious about.
3. "Aww man something's wrong with your PayPal link, can you send me your email name instead?"
Now of course I'm not saying everyone who wants a pet drawing is a scammer. If you're still unsure or see nothing suspicious about the client, feel free to continue the conversation!
But oh noooo, every damn time they seem to have some fricking issue with your PayPal link! They DEMAND to know your email! Or offer to send the payment in some really vague foreign way. Alrighty, no big deal yet, it's not like they want to know your Roblox password or GG search history right? Let's see what might happen next!
4. Nope, no payment sent, but oooo, new email! So fun, let's check!
BAM! An "official" mail from PayPal. Some weird issue occurred and *inserts bullcrap explanation* now you have to like, send them back 500$ out of nowhere! Wait, what?!
Calm down, don't do anything yet (even if the "client" is so rudely pressuring you cuz you 'own' them cash now) Go through everything as thorough like it's your life crisis and notice that this email has an embarrassing typo! Perhaps... this is not a PayPal mail? Well no crap! You know exactly who sent it you silly goose! Plus these losers do be using ugly ass fonts amirite? Smh.
5. They're so obviously not interested in your art
Some of these bastards are just so vague about what they want for their art, you know? Instead of going on and on about the details, like do they want it coloured or not, what the artstyle is, yada yada bla bla bla, all they're excited about is getting to the payment part! The fun part of the hustle, yayyyy!! Oh and they're oddly rude and distant in the way they talk sometimes. Unacceptable even for scammers! If you want my money at least be nice!
6. So what do you do with these guys?
Block, delete, report and run!! And if you're still mad at them for lying to you, don't forget to tell those mfs to get a life instead of trying to scam someone who already knows how to make terrible financial decisions!! (it's me, I'm someone)
Pls remember though, don't jump to conclusions early yet. Now you don't want to accidentally block an innocent respectful person, do you? Trust your instincts!
Aaaaand that's all I have! Thank you for reading this nonsense, you truly are a delight! Please be safe, be cautious and be a decent human being who don't try to scam people!
Love ♥️
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2bu · 6 months
yknow years after the whole rcdart's nonsense i wish we could have a genuine conversation about what was GENUINELY the crux of the issues with their art and not continue to peddle the "calarts style" as an argument (a term which was yknow coined by a jealous deadbeat pedophile) when speaking about rcdart and their work.
like, trying to insult not only their art but calarts (notoriously difficult to get into and has churned out some stellar artists) ignores the actual issues with it besides "ugly".
thankfully, like, a lot of bloggers and people in general DID speak about the genuine issues of racist caricatures/stereotypes, which was the main issue for myself as someone who'd been a loyal follower of rcdart and was inspired by them when i was still a pretty young teenager - young adult. what's unfortunate was that like... rcdart wasn't a bad artist by no means - a lot of their work that wasn't stylized/cartoony was genuinely like... really good.
and they used to portray black people and brown people fairly well, fairly decently (i have some of their old work saved from years ago that was inspiring to me at the time - one of them to note was a sketch they'd done of a black femme classmate - clearly stylized but not... racist or anything). like. they knew and know how to draw bipoc, but their choices in /what/ they exaggerated just ruined sooooo much of their artwork lmfao.
as for the fetishization debacle and representation of trans people... i'm still a little iffy on it? correct me if im wrong but last i did check, they were transmasc leaning + afab...? as someone who ids as transmasc and is a large dude with a large bust, i personally never fully minded the drawings of captain america or anything. was nice to see him look a lil bit like me, even if a lot of how he was portrayed wasn't... all that appealing/silly. i can't and won't speak to any potential transmisogyny, but if anyone's got more insight on that pleaseeeee let me know! in general i think if you know something i might've forgotten or left out pls lemme know. im mostly just thinking out loud here and remembering how... talked about that stuff was. maybe ill look into old posts.
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coldstoicism · 8 months
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001. ⸻ Writing and artwork on this blog may contain mature themes such as canon-typical gore and violence. Posts will be tagged accordingly. Mortal Kombat is not a game for the faint hearted so do proceed with caution if blood & gore are triggering themes to you. Only follow & interact if you're 21+.
002. ⸻ I'm an adult with responsibilities and a job outside of writing, I might sometimes take a day or two to respond to you. Please be aware of that and don't assume I'm ignoring you. I'm doing my best to get back to everyone and I apologize if responses sometimes take longer.
003. ⸻ English is not my first language. While I'd like to think I have pretty decent grammar, I might make mistakes sometimes, especially when it comes to correct punctuation as it is vastly different from that of my native language. Please be patient with me, I'm trying my best.
004. ⸻ I use small text to write, but I don't mind switching to the regular text size for better accessibility. Just let me know ahead and I'll make sure to adjust the text size for my posts accordingly. I also use icons in my posts.
005. ⸻ This blog is crossover friendly and open to writing with original characters. With all the different timelines existing in the Mortal Kombat universe, the possibilites to craft unique stories are pretty much endless. Don't be afraid to reach out if you have a cool plot idea, I would love to hear it.
006. ⸻ I feel like this should be self-explanatory, but no godmodding, no taking control of my character or anything of the likes. It's very annoying and it will take away my enthusiasm to continue writing with you.
007. ⸻ I'm above engaging in petty drama with anyone on here, I made this blog to write for my favorite character and for no other reason. I can't stand negativity and toxicity. If I see you being rude to others, spreading hate or even bullying other people in the community, I will instantly block you. If you have a problem with me, feel free to reach out to me so we can have a civil conversation about it.
008. ⸻ Please be aware that my portrayal of MK1!Bi-Han is not 100% canon-accurate. While I tried to make as little changes to the character's personality and backstory as possible, some aspects of him will be based on my own headcanons. The writing for him in MK1 is annoyingly inconsistent, contradicts itself on multiple occasions and sometimes even makes no sense at all, so I won't be adopting much of it into my portrayal. Do not expect me to write Bi-Han as a one-dimensional joke villain just because ❛ it's canon ❜ in the current timeline. If that's the portrayal you're looking for, you might want to look for someone else to write with. That said, this blog will feature different versions of Bi-Han from different timelines, so please do specify the timeline you'd prefer for the plot to be set in. For now I only write Bi-Han as Sub-Zero and I haven't decided on whether or not Noob Saibot will become a secondary muse on this blog yet, but it's well within the realm of possibilities.
009. ⸻ I do not condone hate, homophobia, racism or anything of the sorts and if I see someone partaking in such problematic behavior that will warrant an instant block.
010. ⸻ Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of writing romance plots, I don't have any preferred ships for Bi-Han and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I just don't see Bi-Han as someone who's particularly interested in romance or relationships. Depending on how his character develops in the current timeline, that might change in the future.
011. ⸻ Lastly, if you have further questions, feel free to send me a message at any time.
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