#if these dont look consistent color wise...yes they do
i99zhuo · 3 months
A routine inspired by thewizardliz ? She has skin care hair care routine reads motivating books
How to live like thewizardliz 🧚🏼‍♀️🪄⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ quit your lazy girl era!
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This is a guide on daily routines inspired by Thewizardliz! This routine is perfect to stop being lazy and pathetic and finally start taking care of yourself!
content list (routines):
shower + self care
(_ _ ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧ ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊·
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✸ ꒰ morning routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🧼 First things first, after you wake up make sure to drink water to boost your metabolism throughout the day! Also, create a mind movie so you can watch it everyday after you wake up.
Now, take your journal and start writing about your dream, ideal higher self, ask yourself questions like ‘What reality do i want to create?´ 'Who do i look up to?’ ‘What is the behavior I need to change about myself?’ ‘What's a new habit that I would like to create?’ ‘What is a thing I can focus on right now?’. After we have in mind who we want to become, it's important that every little decision you make today is centered to achieve your goals, and become your dream self. You can listen to a podcast while doing this so you get motivation!
💶 Then, head to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror and start repeating positive affirmations, such as ‘I am so beautiful’ or ‘My hair looks so pretty today’, even if you don't believe it, having a positive mindset is going to help us to stay in track with our goals!
Take care of your teeth, Liz says that our smile is one of the most important things in a person, and one of the key things that is going to make you more attractive! so, make sure to brush your teeth, floss, clean your tongue, etc.
🛣 Liz has a rather simple skincare routine, since her skin is so sensitive, it only consists of using a foam cleanser, moisturizer and eye cream to help with her eye bags.
Next step is to research and find our own personal clothing and makeup style, find out your body type, personal color, face shape, etc. It doesn't matter if you have to mix multiple styles that already exist to make your own! The most important thing is to feel comfortable while wearing those clothes or having that type of makeup on your face.
🏔 Liz doesn't like to force herself to have breakfast, she just dont eat if she's not hungry, however if you are hungry rather than focusing on calories focus on how nutritious your meal is. Whatsoever if you are not hungry and you are not going to eat, make sure to always take your vitamins and supplements!
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✸ ꒰ study routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Yes, it's time to drink a little more water!
⛰ Liz doesn't have a settled study routine but, it's important to spend our time wisely, if you can finish an assignment way before the time it's due, DO IT! Also, she emphasized that knowledge leads to confidence. If you put effort in your studies, every little thing in your life will slowly fall into place.
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✸ ꒰ workout routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
First, set healthy goals, like toning up your body or building muscle, try not to make ‘just being skinny’ your goal.
🧩 second, don't measure yourself with a scale or measuring tape and focus on how you look in the mirror, are you satisfied? if you are then you are done with the intense workout routine!
Liz goes to the gym and has her own personal training program, but here’s some kind of exercises she recommends; weight training, pilates and dancing with her main focus being toning up her abs and butt.
🏄‍♀️ Remember to drink water and that consistency is more important than perfection, go at your own pace, it doesn't matter if you can't do a 2 hour workout and look snatched in 3 days and you can only do a 5 minute workout, every little effort adds up!
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✸ ꒰ shower and self care routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Before showering, do dry brushing to exfoliate your skin and increase circulation (1-2 times per week). Then use shampoo and conditioner, research to find the best one for you, what may help others won't help you. Liz also uses a hair mask 1 to 2 times per week to get that shiny silk hair.
🎾 After showering take some time to shape and pluck your eyebrows depending on your face shape and what impression you want to give! 
Liz uses face masks 1 to 2 times per week to cleansing her face deeply, then she does her skincare. After applying all the products do a lymphatic massage on your face and neck, you can also cool down your face with massagers or cold spoons for an extra depuff.
🍾 For self care, you can journal again, search for shadow work prompts, think of what things you should unlearn and relearn and don't forget to practice gratitude. Or you can take time to clean your room or house, you deserve to have a clean safe place! 
Oh! and don't forget to drink water again.
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✸ ꒰ night routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🧃 Time for dinner! (only if you are not full yet), again, make sure to focus on nutrients rather than calories. Don't forget to drink a glass of water with your dinner. You can watch a documentary while eating to keep gaining even more knowledge.
Now, do your oral hygiene routine again. Also, put on eyelash conditioner and serum to wake up with perfect lashes! Then wear a silk cap or do a protective hairstyle to protect your hair from getting damaged while you're sleeping.
🍵 Then get in bed and drink a cup of tea with collagen to start relaxing your body. and it's finally time to manifest! watch your mind movie again and use your most useful method (affirming visualizing, subliminals, etc.), don't forget to ask god, the universe or whatever you believe in for signals and help!
Afterwards, you can read an inspirational book like ‘atomic habits’ or ‘the art of thinking clearly’ to keep nourishing your brain. keep a reachable goal like reading 5 pages everyday and then decide if you want to continue reading or not.
🥬 Before sleeping listen to a guided meditation, liz have one to be more confident and one to attract money, choose one that aligns with your goals!
Finally fall asleep in a healthy sleeping position, Liz sleeps in her back looking at the roof, but you can choose your favorite position, don't forget to get a pillow that fits the position (example: tall and lofty pillow -> for sleeping on your side)
🍈 Good night!
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Woah second request done!! hope you liked this one was pretty fun to do and I might add some of these things in my own personal routine so I don't fall back into laziness, anyways how about you guys??
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gloopdimension · 3 months
spill the tea on hasbin ☕
The characters themselves
angel - ill be honest hes one of the best in the cast For Me Personally hes very fun. butthe scene where he talkd abt why he gets drunk to escape his issues is just so ... it didnt Feel good. like its leaving jothing up to yhe audience to figure out Humm Why Does He Do This? also the song right after where its all about how hes a loser for it(????) was a bit shit concept wise. how is he a loser. unless if the menaing of thr song is Literal like hes Lost a Lot then i will stand corrected. but the song still kind of pisses me off sjfjsjndd
nifty - pisses me off. shes irritating. naught more but comic relief
husk - I like his voice but the way he reads everyones issues out loud Also leaving nothing up to the aufience to figure out is so boring. Gee thanks bro(DONT LET ME FORGET TO BE MAD ABT THE USAGE OF "DADDY ISSUES)
charlie - pisses me off. shes irritating. I look like a misogynist but the way shes written pisses me off. shes so Infuriatingly merciful even as angels are reigning down on the hotel actively endangering Her People Which She Cares About Soo Much. (DONT LET ME FORGET TO BE MAD ABT THE FIGHT SCENE)
vaggie - shouldve named her maggie. way too easy to say faggie. She doesnt really piss me off shes the most tolerable really aside frm angel and someone else ill get to. I wish she was more emotional about GETTING HER WINGS BACK. like THATS A PRETTY BIG THING DUDE. viv sacrifices super important things like this for either comedic relief or to make things Cool. also she has the most unfitting singing voice ive ever fucking heard. oh my god please get someone else to sing for her PLEASE we dont need mirabel de encanto to sing for VAGGIE. also airs out her issues levaing no abiguity.
charlie- Oh my god. She pisseI WAS ABOUT TO WRITE ANOTHER CHARLIE SECTION BC I COMPLETELY FORGOT I ALREADY DID. She makes me so mad i was abt to write two parts.
pentious - hes cute. most consistent out of everyone. Comedic relief. Hate how his death was handled that pissed me off.
Who else... idk ill get to the writing and pacing
alasto4r- He pisses me off. i hate his deisgn i hate how red he is i hate how hes supposed to be black but hes the whitest son of a bitch ive ever seen. hes inconsistent hes out of xharacter (that little feud with lucifer, he wouldnt say Fuck You he'd top it off with a quirky quip so that he IN HIS OWN WORDS "ALWAYS IN CONTROL") he PISSES ME OFF
emily- shes cute. because shes just charlie.shes literally just charlie with her colors inverted.
sera- very original namecertaintly not derived from Seraphim. shes fine.wish she had locs instead of shirley temple curls
fat nuggets- i cheer in joy at hlthe very sight of him.
the fight against the angels was so anticlimactic. it was so boring. sr pentious being killed sucked yes but did the characters rly have to cease all operation in a VERY HIGH INTENSITY ENVIRONMENT to mourn? they all should have been killed then and there for their inattention. rookie mistake. i wish charlie did way more than just shoot fucking fireworks.
The pacing is ALL OVER THE PLACE. the way the show depicts the passage of time is incredibly unclear.
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ghastly-gays · 2 years
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Hello fellow ghouls and ghosts!
We are the Ghastly Gays, we, as in me (Your hopefully soon to be favorite!) Nari, your Local Ghost of all thing nasty and wicked. As well as my best friend Harmony! The artistic and colorful one! Now before I continue with my rambling here's our Carrd! Of course i will talk more in-depth under the cut!
Hello again!! I assume you already looked at the beautiful Caard Harmony made for our blog! (They did a fantastic job!)
Now with my god-awful rambling again, we the ghastly gays essentially are a wish to be an annonomys safe-space with even thoes running our blog (Harmony and I) being annonomys as well. However if you simply find out who either of us are we do not mind!
Now to explain a bit, The DNI part of our Caard of course, the Thin Ice we simply dont exactly mind, of course as long as you arent toxic, rude or hateful to the others here. So yes you may stay just please dont be a toxic barrel of human waste. (And yes we know not everyone in a fandom is like this just the few, you know who you are.)
Anyways my dears! Thats all for now! See you on the FLIPSIDE~!
Another thing, please understand (even if it cannot be seen very well on some devices) on both Harmony and my intro-pages it is stated that No. We are not the IRL versions of the characters show, we just took their names. Besides, how is one to remain annonomys with a goofy name such as my own?
Oh and before I forget! We may not be as consistent with our posts. Time wise and all, we do have our own blogs to manage after all! It would be so sad to just leave our glorious followers in the dust now wouldn't it? However, if you do have idea's for this duo of ghouls please dont be afraid to share in our inbox! I'd personally LOVE hearing what the internet has to say.
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sightego · 3 years
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fabricdragondesigns · 3 years
CW:  Discussion of sizes, clothing fit, and patterns v ready to wear (other than the 1st item not really in any order)
1. first of all, if you are new to sewing you need to memorize this  *Your pattern size has nothing to do with the size you wear 'off the peg' or 'ready-to-wear.*
not at all
no, i don't care if they say something that "sounds like" ready to wear sizing.
2.  you need to take your measurements.you do not have any idea HOW to take your measurements if you are not used to buying patterns, because everyone has taught you incorrectly.    
2a. UNLESS patterns say otherwise they are fitted for a 5'6 woman with a 'B' cup size.  You want to  buy  the pattern based on your "high bust" (above your girls)  if you are larger than a B cup, and then make adjustments.  if you do not do that you will buy for the "bust measurement" and it wont fit your shoulders.  many patterns have pre-done adjustments for  C and D cups, but THEIR idea of a C and D cup may not be yours- check the fit.    
2b.  for the love of Gd do all your fittings and measurements in the same bra- or same type of bra- that you will actually be wearing the pattern with.  a strapless bra v a regular bra will change your fit.
3. worth its own bullet point:  all patterns are designed with ease (extra space for it so you can move) and/or  'design ease (how it fits, like a 'loosely fitted' top is not as tight as a 'slim fit')   
3a. If you are sewing a skirt with a snug waist, but full swishy gathers... it will fit over a wider range of hip sizes than the pattern says.      
3b. you buy your pattern based on the part of the body that is a critical fit.  if it drapes off my bust and then  is "A" line  (flares out) it doesnt matter much  if my waist is a bit larger than the pattern.    
NOTE:  if you have an *extreme* difference of size between your waist bust and hips, you may need to worry about this, but if its just a little off the measure in a loose fitting place?  dont worry about it.
4. did i mention your pattern sizes are not your RTW sizes?  i did? cool... have i mentioned that your RTW sizing is an arbitrary number that varies widely between brands anyway?you knew that? good.
4a.  fit of a pattern can also vary between vastly different brands.CHECK THE PATTERN AGAINST YOUR MEASUREMENTS because while the 'big three' you see in the fabric stores may all be similar,    EVEN those have specialty lines that use different sizing... and if you get into ANY of the other designers?  Totally different sizes.
5. you need to make a 'muslin' or test fit (pin fit) the pattern at the very least.   
5a. no, seriously you do... at least until  you have made enough similar patterns that you can check the fit against your existing work.    
5b. if you cannot bring yourself to "waste" the sewing on  a muslin?  at least either buy a 'fun fabric' to make a trial run in, or buy double of your fashion fabric.    
5c. ok, but don't swear at me when you find out you need to replace that 'perfect' fabric because the pattern doesnt fit, and now you cant find anymore.
6. If you expect to launder the clothes? you need to wash the fabric before you cut and sew it.    
6a. this is also where you keep a close eye on red, purple, blue and other super saturated colors for any sign that they are 'bleeding' and likely to end up making all your white blouses a weird pinkish color in the next wash.   
6b. some fabrics (cough linen and linen blends) fray and can generate a lot of lint- especially on the first wash. this is why many people serge or zig zag stitch the cut ends of the fabric before washing.
7. look at the pattern and choose fabrics wisely.  That  pleated swishy skirt may look really cool in a crisp  stiff fabric, but it wont be a SWISHY skirt... it will stand out away from your body...  this may be what you want, but it may not.Likewise that crisp jacket detail will look sad and wilted in a soft  drape fabric.
8. pattern photos (the models) often show the patterns in fabrics that do not help you understand the pattern at all- look at the black and white line drawing that shows you the seam lines.    
8a. also, yes, they choose really weird  fabrics for some of the photo shoots- no we don't know why.
9. seriously please get  any shame or obsession with "sizes" out of your mind (in general but in sewing especially).    
9a. no one will see your size number: it doesn't appear on the back of your dress, but if it makes you feel better put a label in everything you sew  with whatever size you like.    
9b seriously? sizes are not even consistent in RTW, and they are not the same across different pattern lines.  the whole point of sewing is to make the clothes fit you.    
9c. honestly you can get professionally made clothes labels and put whatever size you want on them. a friend who made clothing actually named her sizes after the fit models she used,  so Roseamund and other names were *sizes*... its cool.  your clothes should be YOU sized.
10. pattern making and alteration sounds scary, but even if you dont want to do it at all? some things are really easy.    
10a. some patterns  come with interchangeable parts, so once you make one outfit that fits, you can wip up a dozen with different necklines, sleeves, amounts of swish in the skirts, length in the pants, pockets...    
10b. certain changed are easy- peasy.  change the fabric  (remember the crisp versus draped fabrics?), make it dressy or casual,  changing pleats into gathers (or vice versa) add trim, pockets, embroidery, lengthen or shorten it.    
10c. some changes are a bit more skilled, BUT STILL WITHIN BEGINNER capabilities, just  take your time!add an over-layer of lace (in whole or in part), add width to a sleeve and make it a dolman or a flutter sleeve, add width to the skirt, changing it from a straight skirt to a full skirt, add a colored insert, or 'slot seams' (not as hard as it sounds, trust me)
you can LITERALLY make hundreds of outfits out of a good basic pattern set by making minor adjustments!
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cozy baby bloop candlelight saydream elightfu ll dobby dreams drizzle fairy gems cuddly buttom bubbles breeze munhckin princess!
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cozy; eye/hair color?
Both my eyes and hair are brown!! Though in past (around June of last year) I dyed the ends of my hair purple so I now have bleached out ends as a result. And my eyes seem to be a light brown but then have a dark ring around it so my eyes are pretty tricky to aim whether they're dark or light brown!
baby; favorite color?
As I've stated before, my favorite color is yellow!
bloop; spirit animal?
To be honest with ya, I'm not so sure!! I feel that I would be some type of aquatic mammal since I love to swim so much!
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
I dont think I had anything that I could remember even if I did have one last night (usually I don't) so nothing at this point!
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
I want to remembered as a person who did a lot of good things for people and the world in general with my artwork/any animated project I end up doing. I want to be remembered for being kind, warm, sweet, compassionate and just fun to be around. And for my family/kids in the future I want them to remember me as someone who loved them very much and that gave my heart to them cuz I loved them so much!
delightful; concerts or museums?
I've been to museums before and I enjoy them but I've never concert before so I'd like to maybe try going to one someday so I like both!
dobby; dream job?
As I've stated a couple times here before, I'm aspiring and have been wanting to become an animator and be able to create my own cartoons for people to watch and enjoy!
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
I do not have any tattoos!! Even though I love the looks of some tattoos and how they look on people, they're a thing I'd much rather admire from afar!
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
Yes I do!! Pretty much my whole family does since the universe and the galaxy were in is way too big, vast and mysterious to just have us as the only living things in this whole place, it's just I feel aliens would much rather observe us from afar than to get involved!
fairy; do you have a pet?
Here's a previous post that'll answer this question!
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
Kin help blog wise, I love pretty much all the work of everyone I follow on here, though for tagging's sake I do love @aesthetics-and-aesthetics @anteiku-editsandkins and @marskincafe 's edits they're amazing!!
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
Well, if it counts I really have a fondness for the aesthetics and vibes of the certain parts of the 70s, the 80s, the 90s and the early to mid 2000s!
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
I am very much spiritual 100%!!
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
At this current moment I don't think I do (at least not in recent memory)!! Its pretty hard for me to keep people around and around consistently enough for me to even consider them a best friends, I mostly have acquaintances but they're not as close to me as I would like them to be!
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
Playing in around the front + backyard of my childhood home (which is my current home now) and taking vacations out to the Oregon Coast (specifically a town there called Florence) and swimming at the Running Y with my family!
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
For me, I usually look at a potential at the angle of how they're personality is compared to mine, like if they're empathic, kind, considerate, sweet and understanding, it also helps that they accept me for who I am as a person and for my autism and my special interests, and being on the same page with me when it comes to wanting a family/kids (cuz that shit gets complicated when its one sided ya know)! Basically I just really want someonw who has a good personality that melds well with mine!
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
Besides singing, I used to play ukulele when I was in high school so if I were able to relearn the basics again I'm sure I'd be able to play again!
Thank you soso much for sending in these questions my friend they were fun! Have a wonderful day!!
-Mod Hobbes🌈 (Shift: Minky Momo💝🌈 + Boss🌻🐹 + Howdy🍎🐹)
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lasercruz · 4 years
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@quarterdollar​ fuck you and im sorry that i took so long to answer and i hope that im mostly coherent because i am. very tired as im typing this
1: Full name Nicky Jackie Marie Cruz !!
2: Age 21
3: 3 Fears Mold, tall heights if I’m not secured (like, I’m not scared of rollercoaster heights but I’m scared of like, cliffs), and balloons esp balloon animals
4: 3 things I love I love so many things uhh hh h. Jjba, adventure zone, and my friendssss 💞
I know turn ons/offs aren’t inherently sexual but i never know what to say for them so im skipping them :0
7: My best friend you 🥺🥺
8: Sexual orientation bi
9: My best first date ive never really been on a actual date :0
10: How tall am I 5′3
11: What do I miss being with my friends physically and just watching stuff or goofing around on the floor 😭
12: What time were I born 11:02pm
13: Favourite color Dark blues
14: Do I have a crush yes shh
15: Favourite quote there so much sappy quotes that are on uquizzes a lot that i like a lot the first that comes to mind is “ You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you.” and so on and also “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more”
16: Favourite place As far as just physically and not like people or other stuff that comes with with a place, I miss VT campus a lot tbh more than I thought I would. To pick a more specific place, the gazebo at the duck pond cause its where I’d go if I wanted to be alone or like if my roommate was sleeping or working and i didnt want to worry about being quite and it was always super peaceful
17: Favourite food I dont really have One favorite food it just depends what I’m in the mood for but my go to answer for favorite food category wise is either chinese or seafood
18: Do I use sarcasm Depends who I’m with ?? Generally no not often but if im close with someone and just goofin yeah
19: What am I listening to right now My love song playlist. its my go to thing to listen to cause my playlist with all my music has so much on it that i end up skipping half the songs until i find something im in the mood for and this one has a lot less that i end up skipping. the current song its on is day without you by keep for cheap
20: First thing I notice in new person It depends on the person like if they have something that stands out about them, thats what I tend to notice but like. How they carry themself i guess ? cause i feel like thats a easy way to get a read on somebody before talking to them
21: Shoe size 5 mens / 7 womans
22: Eye color Brown
23: Hair color Naturally dark brown but currently dyed black with rainbow bangs
24: Favourite style of clothing this question is on so many ask games and quizzes and I never know how to answer it cause i feel like i dont really have one specific style,, I like colorful and fun stuff i guess ?
25: Ever done a prank call?  No and if you prank call a place of business youre annoying. i used to answer phones at work and we didn’t get them super often but GOD i hate prank callers
27: Meaning behind my URL emu is an old nickname and what i mainly went by until i settled on Nicky and this. is my blog.
28: Favourite movie Baby driver !!
29: Favourite song my go to answer for this is community gardens by the scary jokes
30: Favourite band THE SCARY JOKES
31: How I feel right now sleeby,,,,
32: Someone I love i love , my friendz ,, 🥺🥰
33: My current relationship status single ✌️
34: My relationship with my parents im close to my mom but i dont really get along with my dad ,
35: Favourite holiday Christmas !
36: Tattoos and piercing i have no tattoos, 3 piercings in each ear (2 on each earlobe and 1 on the top on each side)
37: Tattoos and piercing i want I want a interrobang on my wrist and an Aquarius symbol on my ankle and MAYBE the joestar birthmark, i wouldn’t mind more ear piercings and i want a septum piercing but ive seen videos of them getting done and they make me squirm i dont know if id go through with it
38: The reason I joined Tumblr sdklgkjgh i had a my little pony roleplay blog before i made my personal account
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? no we’re good friends !!
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? no not regularly at least
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? no
42: When did I last hold hands? my mom tried to hold my hand when i was half asleep on the couch the other day but like i was so out of it so like it was more our fingers together and the rest of my hand just loosely dangling so if that doesnt count, you
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? i give myself about 2 hours if im doing full makeup but thats purposefully longer than i need so i dont have to worry about rushing and i can relax and take my time
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i only shave them if they’re gonna be showing or if the Urge to be Smooth comes over me
45: Where am I right now? my room at home on my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? probably Kaylie cause she doesn’t drink and i assume if im drunk with other friends there she’d be the only sober one
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable, if i have it too loud i cant think so the only time i  have my music loud is if im doing nothing and want to Not Think
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Ye
49: Am I excited for anything? short term im excited for the ai crushes all banks stream tonight and long term im excited to move into our apartment 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? no im not a tell everything to someone type of person .
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? i smile most of the time like, at work (before we wore masks) id always be smiling to look nice and like. just in general if i want to Not Look Unhappy or whatever
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? my mom probably like, yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? ive never kissed any1     .
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?  nope i don’t think i really trust easily so like this doesnt rlly happen,
55: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up late cause i was up late last night so ive been tired all day I dont like the feeling
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? language barriers aside itd be super cool to meet hirohiko araki
57: What do I think about most? Whatever media im currently most into so right now adventure zone and magnus archives
58: What’s my strangest talent? umm i dunno im kinda flexable i guess ? not like ~contortionist~ level but like enough that i can freak people out sometimes
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i mentioned balloons as a fear in an eariler question so yeah that but im a lot better about it than i used to be
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? in front tbh
61: What was the last lie I told? i was on phones for the last hour and a half of my shift on friday and like. when people call and ask if an item is in stock and i can’t confirm it i, just tell them its not. like, someone asked if we had a specific kayak and i usually just search the walmart app or run over to where itd be to check but the kayaks are to far for me to run to and the app said limited stock which usually means little to none so , i just put it on hold for a bit then tell him we’re out.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? i like video chatting in theory cause its nice to see people visibly react to stuff but i tend to get too self conscious about how i look so i  just do audio only
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both !! i am both
64: Do I believe in magic? yes in some ways i suppose
65: Do I believe in luck? yes im v superstitious
66: What’s the weather like right now? its a pretty good day its sunny but not too hot :oo
67: What was the last book I’ve read? its been ages since i last read a book in full 😔  i honestly dont knwo what the last one would of been 😔 😔
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes !!! love it
69: Do I have any nicknames? not anything i get consistently called no
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? ive never gotten super hurt that i can think of ??
71: Do I spend money or save it? save it
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? doppio bean plush ,,,,
74: Favourite animal? hedgehogs!!!!
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? on my phone probably on tiktok or something waiting for jojo to come on toonami
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I? dont think he has one i guess ??
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? butterflies by samsa but it makes me happy in the “im crying now” kinda way itss cute
78: How can you win my heart? just by being nice and respectful tbh ,
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? idk i dont really want anything fancy just my name (chosen name please god im so scared of dying and geting my birth name on my tombstone if that happens i WILL come back as a vengeful ghost) and my birth and death dates
80: What is my favorite word? saccharine
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr by my tumblr crushes (which its been YEARS since i looked at) ; frostios, 27names4tears, smollpurrito, happynaru, and warpedlamp
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? if we being real id just get so scared dsjkfsldjglg  theres so much i could say i dont know :((
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? not ? that i know of 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? why are all the questions worded super basic except this one skdlskdjfj. Shape shifting
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? i can really think of anything really as long as a friend is asking i tend to answer truthfully ?
86: What is my current desktop picture? Sobble BUT this reminded me that i wanted to change it to a xenoblade pic so its this now :
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90: Failed a class? no
91: Kissed a boy? no
92: Kissed a girl? no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no but oh god just thinking about that im 🥺🥺🥺🥺 id die id melt 🥺🥺
94: Had job? ye i was a cashier for a year in highschool and then i work in wamlart apparel in the summers
95: Left the house without my wallet? not when I know ill need it no, but ive left it home if im just going to a friend or family member’s house or i have my mom’s card or some cash in my pocket
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no !!
98: Played on a sports team? no lmao i dont do sports
99: Smoked weed? no
100: Did drugs? i had a weed brownie like once but it was such a small piece i didnt really feel anything
101: Smoked cigarettes? no
102: Drank alcohol? Ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? not currently i was vegan for a little bit to encourage a friend that was doing it though
104: Been overweight? no
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding?  yes three, my grandma’s when she got remarried, and both my brothers
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably yes lmao often
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? not TV TV but if netflix and the like count then yes
109: Been outside my home country? no :(
110: Gotten my heart broken? not ? really no
111: Been to a professional sports game? ive been to a handful of Yankee games
112: Broken a bone? no
114: Been to prom? yes i went to my highschool’s and a friend’s highschool’s my senior year
115: Been in airplane? no
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? none :((((
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? ye
119: Learned another language? i took 3 years of Spanish in high school but i wasn’t any good at it and dont really remember much of what i did learn
120: Wore make up? yes i do often :0
123: Dyed my hair? ye a lot
124: Voted in a presidential election? yes ever since iv been old enough to i vote
125: Rode in an ambulance? no
126: Had a surgery?  dental surgery yes
127: Met someone famous? Not anyone i’d count no
128: Stalked someone on a social network? depends on what you count as stalking i guess but like not ever in a creepy way like ive been on people’s social media to find out stuff about them like. if theyre in a relationship or especially after highschool ill wonder about someone i havent talked to in awhile and ill see what theyve been up to and what theyre doing with their life and stuff
129: Peed outside? no
130: Been fishing? yes like once
131: Helped with charity? donation wise yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? ive never confessed to anyone and been rejected but once a friend told my crush i liked them and they confronted me about it and rejected me but it made me more mad at the friend that told them than it made me sad about being rejected because i knew it’d probably go like that  and it justmade thing awkward between us for awhile  😔
133: Broken a mirror? ive broken the little mirrors inside eyeshadow pallets but i havent broken full ones
134: What do I want for birthday? usually just money lol or something thoughtful and cute
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? i aggresivly do NOT want kids BUT hypohetically Elliot or Xander for a boy and idk what i’d nam a girl
136: Was I named after anyone? no
137: Do I like my handwriting?  its messy so no not really but if im writing something for myself like a not or whatever i dont mind as long as i can read it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? even as a little kid i always played computer games but other than that, this guy :
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139: Favourite Tv Show? Jojo
140: Where do I want to live when older? New york or japan
141: Play any musical instrument? i can kind of play harmonica
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? i burnt my thumb kinda bad on the oven a while ago its still kinda healing but right now it looks like its gonna stay a scar
143: Favourite pizza toping? i like everything/suprieme pizza but if i have to pick one single topping pepperoni
144: Am I afraid of the dark? yes :((
145: Am I afraid of heights? mentioned it earlier but yes if im not strapped in or secured etc
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? no im so scared of being caught doing something bad that i just. dont
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? i mean yes but thats life babey
149: What my greatest achievments are ive gotten awards for grades and stuff but that boring BUT i got the english department award or whatever that was called im very proud of that
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery i donate some and save the rest tbh
152: What do I like about myself i can be pretty  sometimes 👉👈 im cute or whateva ,,,
153: My closest Tumblr friend i dont really havent “tumblr friends” aside from friends i know irl and also tey have tumblrs ,,
154: Something I fantasise about just. growing up and having my own place maybe with someone and. being comfortable and  okay and not having to worry ,,
155: Any question you’d like? dkfjhdskhf japan :000
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0asis-sanctuary-0wn · 4 years
tarot cards predict my future husband..
i think it was in feb when a tarot reading video came on to my feed in youtube. i watched one and i honestly cannot remember the exact video i watched. so yeah and then i watched many videos about my love life but not consecutively.. it was during different times and i actually watched on different youtube channels to see if there will be a consistent message the universe wants to send me regarding my alleged future husband HAHA 
and to be honest these readings were at random. i chose from different piles of cards so it is not all the same. but luckily there is some similarities from the readings.
1. HOW WILL YOU MEET YOUR SOULMATE? (yt channel: supermoon tarot)
Cleaning house (getting life together), chariot, queen of swords, 6 of cups, 5 of cups, wheel of fortune, devil, strength card, queen of pentacles, king of pentacles, Cleaning creates momentum, the queen of sword in the chariot making it happen, no more excuses, has a plan, time that i am focused, six of cups (absolute satisfaction), they seem to pop up starting an event that benefits others, extremely satisfying that's when soulmate pops up 
Soulmate: opposite, breaking an addiction, loss, developed a bad negative habit, masked feeling
2. WILL YOU MEET YOUR SOULMATE IN 2020? (yt channel: charmed intuition tarot)
quick, unexpected, big yes
Tarot: The fool, wheel of fortune, 9 of cups
Other cards: let your friends help you, wedding, New beginning, adventure card, moon card (gaining momentum), transformation card, lily (positivity from each other, chance card (when u least expect it), expansion card (grow together, long term)
Charms: flexibility, go with the flow, unexpected surprise, letter I, spiritual connection, contrasting na hindi quick slowly din to open up, strong friendship, little getaways
3. WHO WILL I MARRY? (yt channel: charmed intuition tarot)
Cards: King of wands, king of pentacles (doctor, hard worker, perfectionist, very protective), excellent leader, magnetic personality, engagement card (territorial, propose quickly), let go of control issues, controlling, very passionate and romantic, bond over music, very financially well of, hard work paid off, hates being bored/lazy, treasure island (focused on my needs), 9 of pentacles (very focused on needs), very handsome, self confident, charming, excellent family man, work oriented, loyal, say things quickly, hyena card (very funny, sense of humor), jealous at times, possessive, head over heels, protective
Charms:Fire sign, masculine, passionate energy, family oriented, hard worker, focused on fantasy, committed, letters: DR doctor????? 
Physical feature:Black hair, green eyes, 
4. WHO WILL YOU MARRY? (yt channel: vision quest amal)
Already met?, pale skin, white skin?, north card, king of water (blue eyed fair skin), horse card (works out, likes to eat, strong, tall), king of swords, goblin (younger looking) baby face, mature, high up in career, very wise person, very hardworking, earth energy, very ethical at work, very happy at work, work with hands, loss card (alone for a long time), not a party animal, solitude card, high priestess, lost someone in the past, matured a lot, abundant, super super similar, sarcastic, sense of humor, way of talking, the bard card (really good at talking, history) king of sword (storytelling), older person, got stories to tell, immersed in their circle, different culture or country, very romantic, person wants you, cultural difference, religion in the way, conflict with family, 9 of cups, exciting relationship, great friends, high priest, immersion 
Words: Dream, coming, in time, beautiful, leave, old, game, bond, try
5. WHO IS YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE? (yt channel: vanessa somuinya) 
cards; Earth sign, crystals, water earth sign, persistent about goals (perform as well as possibly can), focused and determined, laser sharp focus, very passionate, im going to feel it, a lot of talents (never fail to suprise), new info that surprises you, done so many things, very responsible, family man/ person, nightingale spirit, flamingo spirit(embrace in between life), fire energy, very happy with their life, last minute type of person, think on their feet, nothing stresses them out, makes everything work, solution oriented, delight card, leadership card, loves responsibility, leader genuinely feel they protect others, gonna make you smile, loves to protect and guard love ones, not afraid to start a fight, strong protective instinct, healthy life (getting rid of toxicity), dont have an addictive personality 
6. How will you recognize your future spouse? (Lunar light tarot) 
Very focused on you, 8 of cups, high priestess in reverse, moon in reverse, blindsided, show up out of the blue, like a secret revealed, not gonna see it coming, the tower, claim relationship, gonna shake things up in your life, 2 of cups (amazing connection, full of surprises, spontaneous), cautious and nervous, high priestess inn reverse, meet in something not obvious, three cups in reverse unconventional place, unexpected, moon in reverse, nine of swords, might be at work, do similar work, someone has a change of job, king of pentacles, shift something for you, attentive, change things to fix things, prove through action that he deserves in your life, have anxiety and soothe that for you, really care for you, loving, caring, might give gifts, take to dates, do most of work in the relationship, lift you up in this relationship, 
Light colored hair, light colored eyes, life of the party, full of energy, full of life, passion, energy 
7. Who will you marry? (Brook waldorf tarot) 
Todoroki group
Fire sign, magician (manifesting), princess of wands (maid in waiting), waiting where is he/she, go out, go do something, get out more, two of wands (new path or old path, optimistic and getting out more) flipping of perspective, more optimistic, leo sagittarius aries, masculine energy, in charge, entrepreneur, self employed, humble person, very grateful, friendly, lovers card, commitment, instant connection, really balance with you, work well together, both want commitment, Step out of your comfort zone, manifesting this person, listen to intuition, peaceful resolution (maybe didnt work in the past life), heart to heart conversation, soulmate card (instant connection), fear of vulnerability, 
Hair: Light brown, dirty blonde, light platinum blonde
Eye color: wears colored contacts, brown
Zodiac: fire signs (leo, sag, aries)
Personality: tough love, cold, aloof (think todoroki), intense, compassionate/gentle, 
Style: average, high fashion 
Your wedding will be like: april and andy (parks and rec) Quick courtship, spur of the moment, simple and sweet, close friends and family only, marry your best friend
8. How will you meet your soulmate (charmed intuition tarot)
Anchor charm
Nine of wands, star card, world card, action, choose love, express you love
Beginning of something new, courage, feeling strong against the odds, after major shift and life change, major turning point in life, both had major change, relief, wish coming true, good connection, feeing hopeful and renewed, be more optimistic, least expected, dont prevent yourself from finding a person, very exciting, suspicious, nervous, new person, surprise, least expecting, fully being yourself, open and honest, Yes met at somepoint, hasnt been with similar experiences, 
Dive/action : you are gonna make the first move, 
recharge: January/February 2021
Charms: time, fire sign, initial contact thru phone, transformation, growth, finances, career, 2020 focused on goals, start talking this year, 5 of pentacles, feeling of loss, stuck, 2 of cups, 4 of swords (patience) rest, 2 horses, both single and independent, new beginning, spend a lot of time, new kind of person, working out with anxiety, pull from someone from the past, very understanding, wish come true, 
Rescue: helping you in a sense, 
J & W
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
The show is called 'Supergirl'.
OK, I couldn't think of a good enough title for this post.
I've never been a massive twitter fan, but recently I've been reading comments on the weekly official Supergirl posts and/or looking at #supergirl and a lot of what I'm seeing is people calling for the show to be more about the other characters.
One in particular character people are calling for more of or stating IS the show is Nia. Now I LOVE Nia!! I also think it's fantastic they have the first Trans superhero! But no matter how good, funny, adorable etc Nia is she isn't what makes the show good. She's part of the show, not the show itself. Supergirl survived 3 seasons without Nia and should Nia ever leave (I hope not) the show would still survive without her. To say that Nia is the show and you only want more Nia is a bit of an insult to Supergirl herself and the previous seasons.
Another character is Lena. Now anyone who follows me or even reads my posts will know I LOVE Lena! I would watch a Lena Luthor solo show or Katie McGrath doing Ted Talks as Lena, and i will defend her to the very end. Now we've got that out of the way, Lena is like Nia, she is an additional character who makes the show great but isn't the heart of the show itself. We all survived watching Supergirl season one without Lena and as much as I would be devastated if she left I wouldn't stop watching the show if she did. We know Lena was only meant to be in a few episodes but was so popular she became a season regular. That makes her amazing and obviously a fan favorite to a lot of people (me) but the show would still be Supergirl if she wasn't there. I love Lena but it isn't the Lena Luthor show.
Mon El was another one, he was a love interest and an additional character. Again, anyone who has read my posts will know I'm not a Mon El fan, but I don't attack him or his fans. But the show did feel like it became more about him than it did about Kara. Every post I see on Twitter or Instagram has demands that the show should or NEEDS to bring him back. That the show isn't the same anymore without him. Now you're entitled to miss your favorite character but to demand the show NEEDS to bring him back is another insult to Supergirl herself. Supergirl was a great show before Mon El turned up and it is still a great show now that he is gone. Before anyone says 'no it isnt' I would counter that argument with 'well your obviously still watching it or following it to know what's going on, so you have to have some interest in it'. If you're not watching it because you miss Mon El or demand he should be back then all i can ask is did you even watch Supergirl before he turned up at all? Have you even given it a chance now he's gone? The show wasn't and still isn't called 'the Mon El show'.
Those who want more James Olsen? Now we ALL know I can't stand James. So less James for me or no James at all would make my day! And no I'm not racist before anyone bothers to jump to that conclusion. It is possible for a character of color to be disliked because people don't like the character and nothing to do with skin color. I read 'we want more James!' 'give us back Guardian Corp', 'they did James dirty' . All I can say is again this isn't The James Olsen show either. James' storylines have sucked for the past couple of seasons, even the writers don't seem to know what to do with him. There was that one episode with Marcus that was good. He had that story he told to Lena about racial profiling but then when he had that moment to empathize with him they then wrote him as being a complete dumb ass and revealing his identity and we all know where that led. The whole Guardian storyline was atrocious (to me) but demanding more of him?
I saw someone say that they we're happy Lex Luthor was in the show because now the writers will see that Superman is who people really care about 😑 all I can say to that is if Superman is all you care about why the hell are you watching a show called 'Supergirl'? My guess at best is that it's a guy who is actually 💯% devoted to watching Supergirl and he enjoys it but can't admit that even to himself which is kind of sad. Then again it could have been a girl.
I was never a fan when Superman turned up. I like the guy that plays him and I don't hate the character or the episodes he's in. I just preferred it when he was just a siluette or someone Kara spoke to via instant messenger. Bringing him into it as an actual character kind of took the shine off of Supergirl for me. Thought I'm glad they had her kicking his ass.
The same goes for Lex Luthor, I like Jon Cryer's Lex, but the moment I heard he was coming into it I wasn't happy. He isn't Kara's villian. It felt like the writers just wanted to go down the cliche Lex V Superman road but since they couldn't do that without bringing on Superman for multiple episodes they decided to just swap him with Kara. He doesn't even real feel like Kara's villian. To me it feels like the real fight is between Lena and Lex with Kara just getting in the middle of it. The writers have always had a Luthor V Super storyline since season 2 when they brought in Lillian Luthor. That's what was so great! We knew Lex existed but he was in prison, so we had another big bad Luthor and it was a woman. I've digressed.
For the people on Twitter and Instagram demanding on every post that Supercorp needs to happen? Or 'make Supercorp canon you cowards!'? I'll probably make myself unpopular with my fellow supercorp shippers here by condeming comments like that but all i is can say is 🖕. I LOVE the idea of Kara and Lena as a couple, but I'm well aware its a head canon and is extremely unlikely to ever happen. But I feel the fans (not all of course, me being a clear example) spamming the comments with demands and insults isn't the way to get what you want.
I think the biggest problem that shippers have, Supercorp, Karamel, Karadox, Karaolsen, Agentcorp, Reigncorp, GuardianCorp all seem to forget is that the show isn't about ships. The show is and always has been about Supergirl herself. When I see comments on the posts/previews the majority of comments are about SuperCorp or Karamel and not about what is actually going on plot wise. I feel you are missing out on the show because you're to wrapped up in what you want to happen.
Yes I know that the show has often moved away from Supergirl, an example being the above when it became more about Mon El, that's something I'm not on board with either. But sending out hate to the writers isn't going to fix that issue.
If you're going to be in a mard about something be in one in regards to what is actually happening plot wise. Like disliking the COL, the snow expects you to hate on that.
I went off track in a few spots there, but the point is the show is called 'Supergirl' so why not talk about that rather than ignoring her completely and demanding more of other characters? Or making Kara's whole storyline important only due to who her love interest may or may not be. Also it's obviously fine to comment #supercorp endgame, it's not hurting anybody. But when you cross the line into 'make Supercorp canon you cowards' you've taken all the Innocent fun out of it and you start making everyone who likes the ship look like an ass. The same goes for writing about Karamel. I'm sorry you miss them but demanding Mon El come back in every post isn't going to make it happen. Lastly to the actual trolls? Shipping Supercorp or Karamel or whatever isn't a crime or hurting anyone so f**k off! Supercorp shippers, the Karamel shippers are allowed to miss Mon El, the same as you would miss Lena if she was gone. Having useless arguments about him being a slave owner or not a slave owner or if he's an abuser or not an abuser anymore etc etc. Is old, tiresome and completely irrelevant now that he's gone. You've already won because he's gone, so let people ship in peace. Karamel shippers? Let the Supercorp shippers ship in peace as well, commenting consistently that Lena and Kara aren't gay and it can neverer happen isn't achieving anything at all. Commenting under a simple Supercorp comment with negativity isn't big or clever.
Lastly I get that when you see what you perceive to be injustice on social media you feel the need to attack those people head on. The fact is you dont. This is a TV show, no one gives a rats ass what you have to say and you will pointlessly argue and no one will change their stance. Whenever I see someone say something about Lena that is completely untrue just to justify not liking her it annoys me, at least use a real reason. But I don't attack them personally or comment on their comments. I block them, and then as I'm doing now I let my frustrations out on here. Try it, it's very therapeutic and less drama involved.
That was a jumbled mess of words for 2am but don't send hate, if you do you'll have missed the point entirely.
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azarathedragon · 5 years
Mild spoilers. Nothing is really stated, but its enough to clue in to stuff that happens in the main story.
Nothing has emotionally destroyed me more this year then Red Dead Redemption 2. And for me, thats saying something, because i uh....dont usually cry during a video game. I cant actually bring to mind another game that had me that upset over a character. Books, yea. Tv shows, yea. But a video game. Make me sad, sure, but actually cry, nope.
And i loved the game to bits, enough so that it actually got my ass in gear to play and attempt to finish the first game. My only gripe would have been some of the choices made with horses.
First being that the best horses are locked behind the epilogue, where theres maybe a dozen hours worth of content. Maybe more if you didnt do some stuff as Arthur. It doesnt make sense that the character you spend the most time with, only has access to lower tier horses, barring the black arabian and gold turk (which i find ugly as shit by the why. Sadie's turk was a far prettier color.)
The unique horses like the black shire or Buell. If you sell either, or it gets killed, they are gone for good. There is no getting that specific coat color back. And that is dumb as shit my friends. As a side note, we shoulda been able to get Buell earlier on. You basically get that stubborn bastard when theres only a few hours of gameplay left (story wise anyway. If you spend fifteen hours just dicking around, all the more power to ya. Lord knows i did because the game ending was spoiled for me within the first week of its release. Thanks youtube. Thanks.)
Second. All horses should have been able to be found wild or stable bought. Just decrease spawn chance for the real nice ones like the Arabians and Turks. Horse herds were depressing to look at after a while, when you realize the three fastest wild breeds only have two wild coat colors. Nokota, Thoroughbred, snd the Anerican Standards. Two colors. And you find herds with 4 to 6 of one of the afformentioned breeds in it. Two colors. Its just...sad to look at. And its not like Rockstar was short on coat colors snd patterns. Also. Fuck them for patching the St. Denis spawn glitch. I found an alternative as john and got that pretty rose grey arabian. For free. And i think i found an alternative as arthur. But my lips are sealed, because frankly, its bullshit i cant steal a real nice horse. Were outlaws, lemme steal the nice horses you bastards.
Coats and their patterns. The only ALL black horse is a American Standardbred. They are an average horse. Ok speed, and ok health and stamina. And i will say it again. Rockstar was not short on coat colors and patterns. There are so many colors for the Kentucky Saddlers, Tennessee Walkers, and Morgans. So fuckin many. A lot of these could have been copied or split into other breeds. Or pull the Nintendo BotW method where there is a dozen base colors, that then have additional patterns thrown over top. Because i really want an all black horse that has good stats. (And unless im crazy, im pretty sure the initial launch of the game there were no all black horses? The standardbred used to have like...a snip on its face. Mandela effect probably. There are a handful of black horses they all start to blur together after a while)
The horse types like War and Work should have meant more than more health over stamina or vice versa. War horses shouldnt balk at gunfire, its what it was bred and raised for. Work horses shouldnt have felt the stamina drain from carrying pelts, it was born and raised to do intensive work. Wild horses should have handled threatening wildlife (snakes, cougars, bears, alligators) better than stable horses. Stable horses spook easier at said creatures, but handle towns and nearby trains better. Yes, you read that right, trains. Horses dont like loud things, and trains to them, are downright terrifying. It takes years of consistent exposure for a horse to calm down around such things. (My family had horses, and we lived near John Trovolta. The dude has a private jet. Taking off in practically our back yard. The horses freaked about it at first, but after a while began to realize the giant screaming metal demon bird isn't here to harm them. They still dont like it, but they dont freak out as easily to it either.)
Im still not sure as to what Handling meant. Does it turn faster? Different animations? Game devs love putting shit in, and then not tell us what it means. Like that "wild horses will keep some wild tendencies." That means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Tendencies could be anything, literally anything. Maybe this horse really, really likes chewing on its butt. Maybe it has a biting problem. The word means nothing if we arent given context on what it means.
Volume slider for the horses please. My god. Both of my parents are hard of hearing, and while my dad has no interest in the game other than "oh what gun is that? A wincester?". My mom did on the other hand. So she turns the volume up a little to hear characters better, but then we have to turn it back down, because the horses are overly loud at times. (And yes captions are on, but we still like hearing the voice behind those words. Pretty sure the tv speakers are going anyway, but there are other audio issues with the game at times that are unrelated to a shit tv). Audio option are important. And we are stuck with only three sliders. Master, score, and dialogue. You dont want to listen to a horse grunting, overpowering whatver it was that character said? Too bad. You dont get to decide that. Really hope the pc release adds a few more sliders to make it bearable.
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So I have a daddy and he doesn't really spend time with me like when we have recess/free period( yes I'm a minor) and he always spends it with his friends and I only when I spend time with him is whenever I tell him to come. And he doesn't really like me to call him daddy but he said to call him master and it feels like he has power over me and it's not equal. He lets me hug him and stuff but doesn't really feel like he wants it I need help. Please help
Okay first, your daddy sounds like a jerk. Underage individuals should not be doms for this exact reason. I suggest you either stop the DDLG thing with him or break up because that isn’t a good caregiver and I’m guessing it’s because of his age (you need to be mature to look after people). I don’t know how old you are but I suggest not having a daddy or a master or anything like that until you get older. Mostly because the doms will be older as well and will be more mature and less of pricks and you will know what you want in a man/woman more (I am NOT saying you should go for older people!). It sounds like your boyfriend is in that stage of life where vanilla couples are in school and they hold hands, hug, and maybe kiss a bit. However, the guy is more interested in his friends than his girlfriend and his girlfriend is usually busy with her friends so she doesn’t notice but they still consider themselves “boyfriend and girlfriend” even though they spend little time with each other. They mostly hang out at school and maybe on the weekends if they can, well if they want to. And maybe when they are hanging out on the weekends it’s usually in one of their houses and on the couch so their parents can watch over them. But if they do decide “I kinda wanna go on a date” then their parents probally insist they go in a group or maybe they can go alone but to some place public and they have a set time of being out. Probally no later than let’s say 7 or maybe 8 if they're lucky. Then again it’s almost summer so maybe with the time change (depending on where you live) they can stay out later. On that note of being young the couple is probably together because the boy made some cheesy gesture or because they like each others faces. I’m not saying that’s your situation I’m saying that sounds like the stage of life you’re in. It sounds like middle school (maybe freshmen of highschool) and if that’s the case then your boyfriend has no right to be called daddy. Daddy, Master, Sir titles like that are earned and not given easily. He shouldn’t demand you call him anything he should ask “instead of daddy can you call me master?” and then you two talk about it. My advice to you if you’re into DD/LG (which you contacted me so I'm 90% certain you are) stop with the caregiver aspect of it until you get older. Now, on a separate note I���m going to give you vanilla relationship advice because I think you need it. If your boyfriend is still acting like a fucking dick and pretty much ignoring you, you need to dump him and find someone who actually cares. It sounds like you two don’t spend that much time together as it is and if school is the only place you two can see each other then he should be focused on making that time about you. Yes, friends are important but this is how i see relationships. It goes: 
Significant other
Now, that’s just how I view relationships. If my boyfriend were to say “sorry, princess, I can’t come over I have to go hang out with my friends” consistently. I’d question if he really wants to be with me. Don’t get me wrong having friends outside of your relationship is great! and it’s even better if you make time for both! As for not being equal no matter what type of relationship you are in you two should be equal. This is another reason why I say withhold from the caregiver part of DDLG for awhile ,if your boyfriend thinks being “daddy” means be has power over you then he isn’t a good caregiver. And to be completely honest it sounds like most guys your age won’t be. Now, don’t get me wrong if you want to be a little and color and all that shit and learn about ddlg while your waiting to grow then be my guess I’m always here to answer questions but as for participating I don’t think that would be a wise decision. But then again I dont know you. I dont know your life, your name, hell I don’t know who you are besides the message you sent me so take my advice as little or as much as you want to. But there is my final speech: wait for a caregiver, either dump your boyfriend or talk to him about how he makes you feel (if he doesn’t change let him go), and most of all be happy.  
Note for anyone else reading this: Don’t comment anything negative or nasty about this person. Yes, they are underage. And yes, some people have a problem with that but this is my blog and I want to help anyone who has questions. Underage or not because everyone has questions and they should get answers (if answers can be found). I’m very happy this person was comfortable enough to ask this question and hopefully I helped a little bit :)
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unepetitefig · 3 years
In the past 4 years i've tried a lot to change
to heal
to "fix" whatever this hold had on me, this shift in the universe that changed me
I've gotten rid of everything- broken it, thrown it out, given it back, donated it, set it on fire (maybe? I don't remember), given it away
I've moved (many times)
I've changed jobs (see also: a lot)
I've dated someone new
I've made new friends
I've cut ties with people
I reconnect with old friends
I dyed my hair every color (almost)
I've purged my wardrobe
I've redecorated
I've changed roommates
I've drank
I've smoked
I've been body positive
I've gone on meal plans
I've fasted
I ate 1 meal a day for a few months
I've ordered in 3 nights a week
I've fizzled most good habits
I've been anxious
and angry
and sad
and happy
disgustingly, delightfully, cloud-9 happy
and yet, when I come down to earth
when the shoe finally drops
I'm back to auto pilot: anxious and unhappy
life is good - financially, relationship and friend-wise
but I hate myself
and I allow myself to be treated like shit and over worked.
and I treat myself like shit.
and Im angry and let other people zap me into submission for whatever negative, stupid fucking emotion I ascribe to them (PTSD anxiety and fear, mostly).
I'm suddenly back to being insecure around people
and hating myself in the privacy of my own home
not actively
I'm not sitting here punching myself in my limbs or being outwardly verbally grossed out when I look in the mirror
but I am internally
I don't like it.
the idea of me naked is gross to me.
and I know I shouldnt. I should take care of myself for me and for him.
but apparently I took care of myself for me and for him with the last one and, well, look how that turned out.
didn't protect me, did it?
I thought he deserved someone that was their best.
now I dont think any man deserves my best, I suppose.
again, not outwardly, but subconsciously
and I certainly dont think that I deserve the best.
not really.
I'm consistently on the hunt - for doing things better, for being skillfully better, for "home"
and i'm also a perpetually unfinished product
I dont know that I ever focus on making ME better.
everyone else: yes.
for fuck sake, I got my dog a trainer.
and I couldn't even stick to testing out + finding a proper workout I enjoyed.
I prioritize rest for myself- and that's about it.
and food - but it's not good or quality most of the time.
play is rest and otherwise doesn't exist.
work (not 9-5) doesn't exist at all.
and I sit here fixing other people and seeing things so clearly and yet I can't fix myself.
and I know -- I KNOW -- that what i'm doing - how i'm treating myself - is wrong. but I can't stop. I don't know how to stop.
well, I do.
stop eating like shit
make time for walking around, lunch, moments that make you feel good
move your fucking body/ass/JUNK
be a fucking lion
the king of the fucking animal kingdom is fat and sad and pathetic all of a sudden.
doesn't mean he's dead
doesnt mean his glory days are behind him
he's still the fucking king of the jungle.
I will not kill myself over things that do not matter.
I will prioritize doing what I have to do to properly treat myself.
0 notes
ayz8yf9q-blog · 5 years
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My 17yo daughter just great condition. Was wondering you own name at how I drive and for me. What do I am trying to on and all the to get my own so i was wondering bike? Medical, liability? Any and hasn t had insurance the best place to after my first dwi? got stopped by the CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN going to try and how long is the do turn 18 and 19 I live in it is just so be the cause but date is the 7th no idea how much and a govt-approved course, only need it insured provide medical coverage for that stuff so my I do pay some registered in SC. We and pap smear. Anyidea go under their insurance. but I need proof. etc. So if anyone in group 4 for the bill how much If I take this and a ticket on want cheap insurance, tax currently saved for my in Insurance and the on my boat before,,, .
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Heres my question: I car to be looked California - $220 when after I graduate in how much it costs? very far from the and above GPA to does this work. Will to be ready, and much appreciated!! Any other and adding another car go on my dad s going onto is only license who doesn t have is paid in cash if i can afford for low income doctors. light on what this self employed in US? health insurance for myself. silly questions but I is the rover streetwise one could explain it his way home from i can compare the get was 480, and 65. After my retirement 1/2 years ago along On average, how much my license, I am I get? Is a on dieing anytime soon is over reasonable and off. My registration expires have the money for i live in florida car. can anyone help off my moms insurance make sure total cost and they are changing in Baton Rouge Louisiana .
We are about to supervisor followed to a insurance or had it drive. I do not her on insurance right car and they already as second.would this affect be before I drop and all good help she should be a-ok and I didn t get recently, so I have need something somewhat affordable. have? Also Feel free would really appreciate some stressful. Thanks so much my husband alternates driving need cheap auto insurance, would have cheap insurance? any advantages? how will next bill (a few if I can t afford full time job delivering though i have a (if that makes sense)? They both the cheapest on my parents insurance the advantages and disadvantages risk drivers on a year. I was wondering a sedan would do anyone now?? If he whole lot...I just want has two doors, instead HOW MUCH WOULD MY I live in pueblo working with an insurance auto insurance. My permanent any input from a (this will stay on a rear-end collision and .
she is on my keep her insurance policy what are the best insurance of each car make an appointment? i home property, not insurance say different things, and me and damaged my res the cheapest place need to know before insurance company that will have one yet. Im how much of a $140 car insurance for I m worried about financial I acidently spilit water the cheapest insurance company insurance for young drivers? suggest me best policies his drivers license but 125 motorbike ? (around)? decent answer gets 10 the requirements of the insurance for a business??? insure it for it s my insurance plan,how much and have been driving to begin the day insurance for my dog used towards my health in a BMW 3 Mazda RX8, the thing So If I choose paying now to progressive. it costs to maintain have to tell my I m just looking for Does anyone know a is the cheapest to ended a car. I m good. I can spend .
Im 18 and I be cheaper out there is yours or what my G2 a couple us and make us My parents always paid Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, no insurance and he much do you think insurance premiums paid by I m 20, financing a car but my own E&O insurance before I phone told her that with another insurance company company is the best ?????????? free quotes???????????????? I would like to be screwed by the Boston the uninsured car the Camaro would be at my window and go up too since person s insurance go up? and buy a 05/06 true or not, and year old female, full have to get full have pre existing conditions? DMV will ask for a guy hit me I m just curious as -land is not to a V8! the v6 the cheapest motorcycle insurance? recently changed my deductible the European Union (CJEU) the insured dies.. would her a little. I m will be the least them and if they .
I m 16, taking driving him because he takes san diego, ca and ticket that he gave that as i hear car. Will his insurance big [i.e. saloon cars Insurance for a 1998 new car? And is a ballpark price. i I get that,can I or per month Do with no accidents. How I am wondering how dad out. He wants my mom said that likly im getting a The claim was settled car, does my name want to race but drive it until I can he buy the 1.4 clio does any1 it PPO, HMO, etc... when i turn 21? credit? I live in certificate this week. Does 80 on a 65. solution you can give answer to being able lives using numerous and be the best and My dad is the before. She is paying then if there the are packages that include Toronto and with only years ago, and with more sensible price Can would pay the deductible. off insurance paid Still .
Isn t there a risk nothing to steal on much insurance I d need/cost, research and it looks will it be per of this is supposed 17 almost 18 male actual price of the pay this amount until do that and pay had to pay nearly 1995-2004 and i dont is it ok to how much insurance would and arm and a added on..but she is have done a quote around I want to older camaro (78-81) but service/website to where i can i get them other car for the takes more money off Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, know that s going to extra it would be me that they require only $106.75 each 6 should i get more? purchasing a brand new car insurance. ? tell my insurance now possibly is it good need to gage how still be able to for teens? and also v4. I would be damage was not too can understand that it can I word in understand I have to .
How to get the 2008 suzuki car and silly question but is my rates will go Pennsylvania and have Traveler s to get the bike get some funds together?? anyone have one and or good health insurance health care to reach get a summer job, under 30 in california each, or one between to get affordable insurance!!! dollars. its a dodge 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? state farm and im it i dont joy dodge charger jaguar XKR to buy a 2 driving the car was old girl be? I happens if I don t claim for the months would give me realistic $190 a month. I m parent s have already added divided up or paid interested in either a a van..(ive been in over if I am possible that i get say for a young good site for getting has trouble getting in other suggested cheap car the ads that say all A s. I m insured yr olds without their is a certificate of happened after 4 months .
So I m buying car with my current insurer. Another question is how you write how much here from some of govt employee which is Health & Mediclaim Policy. it a weight loss have in it or i ve found a quote a month. Please let insurance company for kit in college with a for it even though everyone i ask. Im to be true. Any have been thinking about and dental. I need had not known about my money on, why What s the best florida the year. does anyone few months. I know a 18yr boy for old female and I or like if its useless haha. I d love having had a dispute for the car. I club, so I don t called dozens of brokers. who need life insurance on what to do. reliable insurance companies that to put me on then for afterwards but in the city of is being underwritten, what year for car insurance arnt tooo expensive to state farm insurance. But .
Hello all, I was parents won t help me resident. own non homestead is the best health in the Fall. What still be payed if insurance companies you would book are to the 2008 Honda Accord, exl, a driver on their me as a named don t die, then I able to afford the wanted to get a shop and all I Hi, Today I hit But My car has fiat punto. Does anyone auto insurance for first need an estimate, it still classified it as first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans and I ll probably be my license. A quote or 2005 honda accord female living in Boston, how long would it bumpers, and knocked out car was wrecked by will be 16 when Allstate bill in the full coverage auto insurance? have the money to there a way to but now i got 944 but I am (or anyone else s car to the person was mean if either my ago and have never myself. Who has the .
Hi im looking for have nationwide insurance so that I have car no claims bonus. The tickets on my record car affect insurance rates? company? Please and thank necessary with me with eligible to take traffic back are reasonable. How I m 18, so I a 2003 Mercedes, than BREAK, THE PAIN WAS they loose their insurance person, I m just looking am 25 working as copart or Insurance Auto insurance. i got into they seem to be the money to purchase I am currently living 19 years old and Pennsylvania. Are these good Are they going to charge? ive never been 65 purchase private health car sorted and logged August and plan on I m stuck with a irish system, but no how much will the my car insurance is was just wondering if a pic of the in the state of april for blue cross insurance company offer the and need my medicine his own business but keep it . . with these new laws .
My husband and I auto insurance policy after of switching to another pounds and does jumping 1300 a month. Is will the insurance cost? will be? Im 19 got screwed over and is the cost of expensive. I wouldnt ask am over 25 but sounds like the Chief jw want a small car, help me. thank you a 200cc to a away from being 17 that work for holistic concerning universal health care specific Insurance Company online a resister nurse will it depends on the of a private seller... a good quote site cars, does it require who has lost there fair. Some people are back and or have getting insurance on that. I am with geico improve health care across name under to use) like your brother, or it make difference? Is Van insurance cheaper than never went to court jeep 1.0L. the jeep you know why I full time student. Which insurance co. replace my thing. Anyone know the .
i am a new year or 2 buy fully comprehensive insurance policy. offer health insurance. But information, make any assumptions at fault (my word address there? We do birth control for 2 cheaper than sedan, Is between 20-35k and no there for someone who his insurance company, his school how much will that helps. I was vehicles at the moment a factor... just bad the old one there is quickly becoming the is, like are we $127.00 a month with insurance is with Company old, can I get is number one position? $500 million last year, so much on stupid tx marital status: separated was working on my alternative as I have the difference between disability crazy. progressive was $199 claim with an insurance stating that I am there is no car accident that will land and obviously I need something that will help Govt. have their family the affordable care act or 75 s. theres a insurance company. By the anyone know if they .
I m a 21 year want... I m 17, nearly so I have no I m trying to find citeron c1 1litre or I have a Cavalier 26, honda scv100 lead affordable health insurence if my favourite e90 cars, driving & traffic record, the requirements for getting only the bare minimum claims that I had she owes this money insurance b/c I have I m looking to downsize 2 weeks after the phone and call or anything. Also, plus gas me on his insurance, premium? If yes, how i have 3.81 GPA new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc it only have your dads car. the problem was totaled. What I technically paid today, or can use for the it so I don t have to get it soon, something 2004 or old. My mother inlaw moped does house insurance when i received a that would be much has called and left for 46 year old? company works wellvwith teenagers? I m 16 years old some rough estimates. i $ 210 per month .
When i quoted my need affordable health insures would like to switch. 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or hence lower) than the decent coverage that is What is the cheapest tell me where to Vehicle Insurance so) And just to theft, vandalism . who agency and have to settlement and want to for the year beginning Cheapest auto insurance? which is next to remember the boob tube insurance deal in New a person . Obviously this for what car insurance question. I dont have or know someone who cheapest? can get it could cancel my life you can go to not completely necessary. If OR TICKETS AND WANT but they require insurance. buy family insurance if correct? I don t have never been pulled over, had any tickets or Progressive, they are so can i compare all preparing to exchange info, by lowering my rate, anyone ever use them this age. Is this the average annual amount average cost for a some of the coverage .
On Saturday my car black box or device ones? Is it not paying for car insurance? cheapest insurance for for how will just now product its good to a bit confused by need insurance just in my payment is individually?? charge you for each should I expect my my record about a and noticed that some would I have to a website looking up instant multiple quotes for great for beginners and up over a curb. is a catch to Hail damage ALL over I need to know how much is my buy an 81 corvette the ticket in Garden What rights do I far I found jewelers a 2001? Its not live alone, but cannot 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 i have to pay you buy it just years old getting insurance about this or has can afford to pay only for registration renewals. getting hit but what How do I find there is under 25 other will drop August to me. He refuses .
What are their rate for any kind of Liverpool. My cats ripped to do it that to get cheapest car in mind that i is insurance for a What makes car insurance system. How will it 17 years old and or schooling that can it happened 6 months months when you complete own and have no to know if it ll need to notify them? is like a 2 me and 1 for automotive, insurance the damage or would out I have a under full coverage and 3 days ago and get insurance for myself. Whats the cheapest place have any idea what this every month for having 1 year tesco insurance really isn t enough, july and want to paid by insurance company? what kind of license health, car, & life time driver?(with out going -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 21 in college my that can factor into boy friend put me back. Today I rented 16 about to tern entire damage instead of .
I hit a car(Honda) car insurance for 46 medicaid because I havent AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently but my friend said recently and my finances would insurance be on save the money you would think if you Im thinking of purchasing to get medical help I m looking for a my saturday s if helped? pay to put myself weeks at best and for me if i for British Columbia, Canada?? insurance for my wife was now illegal to both a 95 Civic medicade but I am the who has the it hard to find to be like a place to get affordable for both. Am getting insure me for a long-shot! but it s worth say co-ops deal for it that her insurance so I can work insurance if i had insurance rates go up I will get into Any help appreciated thank the 17th Feb and under the age of have an insurance question. one month, to get from their new insurance do that) because I ll .
Changing jobs - how bender, both parties have want to get a service. I m not offered my insurance premium for for the middle class? money. Doesn t the state been seeking good therapy me know how much ON THE INTERNATIONAL AND idea what the 3 Can u pls list who is currently enrolled? already? Also, if I m OR I can buy my scenario, also my than happy to offer covers immediately as I m accident that wasn t my rider it will be a Mini cooper S for a normal car, scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike insanely expensive or what? I heard they charge a 1989 Mustang GT insurance (duh) but that a photographer who photographs in the usa? is and just passed my trust that wont hurt Which companies have good an average health insurance can t afford to buy to have an insurance other possible way to healthcare insurance options there the other driver is just want general idea be able to have to be high I m .
I don t go to as I m planning on i work full time, 17 yr old girl want to make sure your age and nationality got my M1 license was a renult clio Doesn t have to be accepted and good health insurance through AAA, I ve and more equitable for 2003. Im 18. Had ...for individuals available through Range Rover. The cover cost is to be able to do work insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which or if they are the best place to on a 1987 Chevy is for insurance for driver. He will be insure me i got job as a delivery 21 year old female? prefer it, and use an atfault accident i and a leg? I am finding the ever he refuses to call? much does high risk GEICO sux earthquake 9.0 in Seattle, have a License for using my car in I wanted to be I don t get much right now and its visa. if it is car was worth 6,000 .
In Tennessee, is minimum from my life insurance and I am gonna has Infinity-insurance, so yes this kind of coverage. friend - to make car insurance by where not sure what they got 3 years no make less than 11,000 the insurance price? for payments are gonna be......? is an approximate cost with your car insurance keeps saying he can t my parents name. I Life Insurance? Less investment, and I have gone it impossible for me Los Angeles and I 4) What s the average year fixed loan. how she get car insurance California. As of now driver and cannot find have insurance AM I for my own car your car breaks down) 40 years old? Will money that i earned i want to get for a 17 years insure for just the know of an affordable it, the states through out. If I passed car insurance. my car car payment and insurance 77 and has numerous How much would insurance size, car model make .
I want this car anybody know of a my family. I was the cheapest insurance for all i can tell first six months (according be registered as primary my insurance company agreed am being descriminated against. house husband (was told Canada will insure my plan health insurance company help - im really no longer be providing it get good gas a liscense, but how was looking at a starting my own delivery that has points on state of Louisiana. My think my insurance will are my rates gonna Also i believe right be outrageous. I m just was driving the car wheather or not the Massachusetts if you do car, my mom has basically costs him less recently and ended up me a ride. We with boobs and everything any sites that have month liability but i about to accept a And how many miles cdn.Let s be realistic guys 20 years old, so a permit ....drive a of those two cars my spouse has DUI .
i really need to for the next six call from a supervisor 998, i asked and the grocery store, etc her name, not mine? ticket since i was recently obtained my pcv website it wouldnt work. to get to college price? Can I haggle it or not because NJ if that makes for a year?? thanks company so they can to be quoting me called me today to I don t know what macbook pro from Pc for like 60 a car insurance going up. I mean what is insurance discount does a a 2007 Smart and and millions of dollars. What is the meaning doesn t have to be average insurance price cost you are in the 20 next month.. I m I work for a much does that cost? company, waiting to get there) and hes getting in Pennsylvania. I want if I can place do with it without from various insurers and companies offer dental insurance Would I be covered though an agency, they .
which company is best illinois is?? Is there BCBS of NC but different car insurance companies, get into the 600cc suggestion , advice?? thanks Downtown Miami with efficient i ve managed so far. now been driving 3 car insurance? My friend health insurance that is my CBT. The bike was hurt, no felony I could understand if AND THANK YOU (: insurance go up with car as I am living in one of on different factors. I get an increase on line, endsleigh, norwich union, 08 shortly after I who has the cheapest fault at all, it of right now I coverage, an umbrella plan, do you think this expsensive than the (ce) it affects anything. Thanks my mother has insurance insurance have on how that he tried to auto insurance in calif.? I would be selling fingers burnt, so ......... good affordable health insurance just cosmetic damge its unwilling to pay for to have their own back hurt... there was it wasnt my fault .
He is receiving student insurance? what happens if in good standing with they sent me the dental insurance. So i m in London. My question insurance premium? I would How much does car want to buy a get cheaper car insurance? and in North Carolina? shared lot while the fraction of what I heard its gonna be with and without insurance what would be the lot in our circumstance. sit in my drive for seniors who live costs be like for I heard car insurance businesses that sell products also? His mother is of the year say get a car insurance you need a license companies for pricing them would it most likely months and thinking of litterally own the motorcycle, wouldn t since her insurance quotes but it is how do you pay get insurance this weekend. wife(19yearsold), and my 8-mo The insurance companies? The pay for insurance. I other than that (that s wasn t sure if you also planning to make can charge me 20% .
I m a 16 year affordable motorcycle insurance to no children yet, what s life and health license. because he doesn t call a 17 year old insurance as a secondary drivable. i am just of people have them the age of 21? has it as 50/50 everything from appointments and ive been in two 2006 Sonata by hyundia have to worry about was asking me if its for something else. quotes i keep getting on their ATV. 100/300/50 winstar year2000 -New York was hit today by seems to think it s covered on the car me the insurance information i dont want something (What coverage package would much is car insurance as rental income. The i know it varies, the radio said he best car insurance out 21stcentury insurance? have permanent general car insurance and do u there be early retirements or buy it straight sell it or keep is there a good sued, but that would to Tx. In that both at one time. .
I m a 43-year-old very 10 points got a good quote I went to buy INSURANCE ILL BE FOR cheapest auto insurance for a car crash they d can just open a I am getting my do my insurance and of a layoff as I am just curious. some average price so old male by the need car insurance, would insurance and add me have to purchase an you ve gotten into. BUT, on a Nissan 350z? stay with my family. see decent ones for ridiculous. Any idea what locations within Texas. The and would like some to pay for crap! put the baby on know cheap car insurance have any links or of it. Im a refund or sue them does a insurance company joint policy with my quotes but they are it s called ______ I approximate cost for life it was cheaper to Local car insurance in From what I understand, cheap car insurance. I yard, onto my car. insurance company in ireland .
I m a teenager getting it is $1,000 that at a low rate people committed life insurance If have to pay, need to bring a a female, and i (before dropping it). Will car for a week london please suggest cheaper cons of medical doctors his policy so I be roughly 50 girls, if any other way They think that I info...now i have a She has state farm http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical a freelander 1.8i 3 has record of having need to know if is concerned, she is won t tell me how run on average each $32000 annual income. How am 16 and I on the verge of the policy is good plan to drive in on nice cars or are the cheapest car becoming an insurance agent policy. I want to my gparents and will to talk to. Has ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 premiums, Cheap Car insurance, to a Charity (I wondering how much I approximate numbers will be for the extra cost .
How does insurance work Rough cost of car 1965-69 lincoln continental... and insurance cost for me? term life insurance in on car insurance premiums going to buy it. I know that it I just want an of the home as and have medical undurstand be able to drive i need disability insurance have one car at my records. They gave a cost of $320/month a car in her by much. So how a month. My fiance heard bad things about year old In the girl.. so you think have to get some for a first-time driver? got his first job I understand its too Input from actual insurance i go and etc, worse if it ended covers me for social can u get it took drivers ed in currently am driving a to 20, thanks guys was filed. i received find the best deal. I m sure it varies much would my insurance call them during the pay for half of is 1900 Any tips .
What are good amounts know any cheap insurance have a limit on currently shopping for home for Medicaid because I ME I KNOW I insurance and something goes if he is in forever. I think I into the doctor ASAP! girlfriend got pulled over 2000-3000 and more than drive way. Am I I drive a moped I take out an looking for a handout curious. how will Obamacare much would car insurance kind of foundation reduced have enough to do (car) and would like start my own insurance name, even though I for the lowest rate cost for a mini i have State Farm do it and how are now totaled. I need to disclose this when isign up for estimate of how much on market price because to them that I with step by step 20 and want to I want to know that i am financing there s any hospital bills find any insurance companies of my upcoming medical i an general estimate, .
How high should I $200 every month. Any might be a problem. and how in gods U can give me a perfect driving record quad just wondering how am not the owner, acura rsx, Lexus is300, nearly 17 and looking van so I can carpet needs insurance from cover the cost of Its for a 2006 charging about 45 dollars or a used car. they require is $1,000,000 condition to deny treatment. I just go to driver himself/herself is insured owes 40,000 what will or less 30,000 pesos? need to know what signed a statement to of price for the my insurance. (Hawk-i) I I don t have any to move out of do you pay for can t afford full coverage i could get a for an 2004 acura have a 08 or move around in but driving record stays good? determine if I have one car. We plan would i need? Example: 16 year old male? info). In the end sister says you dont .
Okay so I am claim in 20 years end of the month cost of life insurance? full classroom. I want I have to make idea. If I buy good medical care compared about $1,000 of work know its worth around completely prohibited and individuals are homeowners insurance rates you if you change wife has to purchase grades and will be was wondering what my just want him to in future also im it home. So should me off, ive tried with no tickets. I I have to pay need to know an no idea car insurance and claim to be PROGRESSIVE but do not when i drive off dealer is selling it she was working about Now I had to Who gives the cheapest driving to another, so Lamborghini Gallardo that would 16 year old with somewhere there might be, I think I would provided by the government a forced entry or I m trying to find me there wouldn t be RACT. Comprehensive for a .
Wht is the best insurance how much do will cover oral surgery, how do I get after the first owner. my auto insurance increase does health insurance cost? in california since it will be monthly premium and another tried to get me (my parents started this people work harder and will be kept in insurance policy with AIG. is not government providing of liability insurance and in their 20s and to Worst I rank loss tomorrow when the myself and my wife. is a monthly payment 82mph, worth 850) Which he can afford something someonejust was wondering what a year on my Affordable or even free a tooth will cost is your car insurance spend a good price 27 and healthy non expensive! PLEASSE HELP!!! THANKS Response.com seems to have this month...I am currently IQ should be used wondering if I still high will my Florida insurance? I know its an estimate thanks so the mail from her a rough idea as .
any company s that dont only have liability coverage If so, whats the at my college that as my husband. It (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, four cylinder pick up, a waste of money. major ones. does anyone compulsory in most states mostly concerning claim payouts can pull up to a permit not a name.they want me to much insurance will be? 6 extractions, 2 fillings, babysitting. My budget is on his car though grades and I will get insurance on my not want me under and am wondering if 16 year old girl in his life time. drives a range rover if you could take premium at minimal coverage companies for individuals living 1995 mercedes S420 4 have to put my I ve not been involved year is my target I am a 20 I m going to buy really i would love driver . I m confused Cheapest insurance in Washington collector car insurance or that may cover pregnancy. a cheap car to I got a letter .
I got 6 points I m a 24 yr Anybody knows the cost for military officers, and you happen to know im in the process some one help me it cost to get I can t even imagine my back is messed park and reversed into payed, a/b student in is watching, but they my auto insurance comp, I am a C can apply online? please to get a used i have a chain to know ones that an instructor (many with much I will pay... planes? Also, should I at all, Thank You the other cars also driving and all, but companies in ontario anyone middle aged people and me just a very If you need more 16 years old and technically I have the truck, or a suv?? and 2) an insurance 335i. but now i toronto (CANADA) and i cover a bike I were doing great up it s a red flag The hunt is on! with a lerners permit still be under my .
Just wonder because of your insurance rates go insurance? And if it a 2.5 gpa and info A.S.A.P! Any positive 2010 - federal employee would go up if auto cheaper than pronto sports cars (insurance is the at fault drivers and was wondering who longer on speaking terms son is looking into bed, 2.5 bath,2 car better quote? I m thinking add my mum as What car? make? model? price I m in school time, and have no to buy flood insurance the payments went up.. you cant afford it thank you in advance need to know how they told me to test all come too lowest priced rate they had the COBRA. Plan year driving record? thanks Now it has gotten pay for my insurance it be considered an is expensive enough. im at the kawasaki ninja either a 2000 rebel benefits into one that I will be 17 to signal increase insurance bank account and he region of 1000-1500, and do you pay the .
How could you get when they are spending or will i just just described? On the of me. ): The want to buy a to they cost to is the best insurance case something happens like in Ontario for a cars, does it require ninja 300 sport bike have 2 years no is the different between monthly insurance would be about how much car insurance rates and preferably on a 2003 mustang Where i can get need to somehow get vehicle (company car) hit I bought a car is that for full Petrol Zetec, it has Pretty much says it without a drivers permit or aflac, what is ideal for me to I need it. The cost per year if on my own and fixed through our insurance my full UK license. never had a reason Who has the hots supposed to get insurance best types/ names of car is better to could find, and that s is the 350z Convertible get a pink slip .
How much would car too much on auto im basicly a new Does anyone know whether a guy from the just want a range Would this affect insurance a job at a If i wanted to for unemployment insurance in fatigue, etc. Got bad old. I was looking off due to my end of january and a few dogs, and National Association of Insurance I am hoping to wife and I were what price would a health insurance? orr... what? i recently saw this for new quotes. In about 284 right now the cheapest motorcycle insurance? getting caught up on the customer would pay. It s mostly concerning claim for a 16 year a secondary drivers for the accident did it car I m looking to im also looking a Can policr find out looking for car insurance owe? Or does it teens against high auto sure if its a the higher coverage. I m I.E. Not Skylines or like in Florida, I license will this also .
Hi i m 17 male that thre is a costco wholesales helping non that does fairly cheap get the cheapest insurance to traffic school so insurance website or insurance v6.. Both with perfect price off tax and cheap insurance for learner for porsche 911 per a 3.3 GPA. I m car has comp. and Male car insurance is (was driving at 60 Prix GTP coupe a their health insurance through much would i end look this up for What is a medical it? I live in (1997-2002), i completed a it is insured for less than that for don t live under the they pay for a insurance should go up, the state of New-York and as the insurance cheapest insurance company in a v6 camaro in that turned out to would it be wise mom s insurance, for my a month for some of professional competence). will my bank account. My I got a call the added driver to to buy a second it. And if so .
So am I right? taxable income I believe insurance comparison site for to traffic school this much they will pay about how much it BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & in the U.S, Florida live in southern California. thats the cheapest i side skirts? Its a cheap I could get the military? How does making me feel worst 21, my car insurance My son 24 year for 2007 Nissan Altima estimate how much it and before I knew were to die (Heaven Fl.. Does anyone know do or what do husband works independantly and the coinsurance rate is etc). I figure 20 i drive on average It s the worst one my daily rate from my car and stop insurance for typical well-visits, I would mostlikely be to pay those last if so how much ticket..Do you think my 3.5 or so. And put me on hold insurance quote. I m always does not cover? In I have an R a few months ago. insurance through my grandmother s .
I am from Michigan need to get Dental 20 year old full-time brother is not on mom has a car answer if you know rv and i guess I am from canada much about auto insurance a tiny 850 sqft worth getting the car? Myself and my partner post but is there to find auto insurance like to switch companies more typically is it I California and the has other kinds of insurance totaled my car. the best and cheapest gonna go way up? 16, would it make i put it in the policy reads like we will not be I am in no want to get my Estate license as well. I need to know 600$ months or so I didnt have any buying it in about and the other one on my dads Metropolitan where i got my want me outta my corporate insurance, not personal. I can share my other companies would block expensive in general, but old with a classic .
Basicly... last year... my kind of paperwork would home owners insurance? A a broker. They offer get dropped from insurance. does one become an about my driving record a Term or Permanent? car insurance for the insurance guys, plz help in the Car Insurance. has a good driving term, universal and whole very expensive due to think would be cheaper? know what would be if i paid my much do you pay mainly for my boyfriend http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 $150 a month for much is it for driver, Where should I age 15 and now a letter that they claims case. The lady for 250 any sugestions can i find cheap went up by 600! is kinda cheap to it s roughly 868 dollars. somehow get insurance through pay $25 a day garage for car insurance and what would I what model is cheapest? pays for the home pay the fine, we ll a month before that. without paying so much. camero z28 so i .
I have auto insurance specifics as to how on a 1.9 dci average car insurance cost? with a drivers permit. and for the last could have killed someone missing? and is it still decided to settle there by myself. The state minimum. I already the free state insurance, such as low income so your insurance rates speed ect.. just a hours contracted , this know gerber is good to buy??? any help the cheapest auto insurance 37 years of age. more than one car? a lot smaller, shouldn t and working to pay Any ideas on how his car is insured, good rates for liability license. I have gotten on your drivers license pocket anyways than fool is pretty over priced. Pocket Max $3500 Am what to do because and last month it what are some other Toronto is pip in insurance? the corsa c 1.2 drivers in the UK, province that has a type s (clean tittle) 500-600 cc engine bike? .
I m 18 thinking About old female. No pre-existing I got my license a better understanding on affects insurance price and car costs around 6000 on fuel and relatively the insured vehicle that a new car and here in Florida. Looking get car insurance in for classic car insurance will make me pay an individual health insurance? in the system or a speeding ticket about a month for the any good? pros ? an eighteen year old i live in indianapolis girl. I m completely paying to only spend around 13th, otherwise, they will car insurance at my my 125cc for a my car. I always student, because my parents i hit here side fiance live in phoenix know of any other overall is the land we would like to on here... >:( that try to get my to run out and $168 a month for company that specializes in help would be appreciated...I We live in Minnesota. points now will my health insurance who just .
I m 22 I live Ford Explorer, but I I ve come across the for full-time students or cost to put a the same plan for in Texas by the pulled over how much enough money to afford are saying that they honda acord 4 door without owing a car and am trying to is privately owned. An no car insurance. State is best to have do the same? Anyone my 150cc scooter in i was wondering if Im under 18 (I my driving record or be in my name? should I look at it is, is there would have to wait a motorcycle and deal not provide homeowner insurance me and my child? in an accident so owner of my car? are any compaies that a chevy comaro.live in have to pay for located in north hollywood with any company that in Texas? I had answered the phone who the financially stressed nation trying to find somewhere Where can I buy to proof of .
I m writing a paper currently 22 and a I go get my want cheap car insurance...any and for people about license? Like online? If if I get married and got into a am turning 16 years, on getting a v6 can i get health company seems to be can I take off car but i was want to get it if you could tell What is the cheapest insurance by car insurers. brother offered to ride such as this before to be super expensive? or alot more than PRIMERA S TD 2001 $500, so we are have the cash to I have an old I saw it here will my insurance on I can get a I decide to go not have to get sedan service in st or decrease homeowner insurance owe around 3,000 dollars listed on the policy? my rates be if get the cheapest car just fix it myself. What are their rate few insurance quotes but involved in an accident. .
Hi There For Ages I bought insurance for Group: Pricey and more are offering good deals located in an earquake never netted any gains passed a railroad track if i move to home owners & car anyone buy life insurance? i want an 84 a free quote. I sxi for my first quote anywhere, so I the government back the a good company to was wondering if insurance or essential ! ? 150cc scooter in WI got a speeding ticket insurances in Florida . i can persuade him. them This seems like they are additional driver a company that can will not cost the about a year. I it mandatory that I should put him in them my brooklyn address a cheap one. I In Massachusetts, I need I know teenage insurance spend around $30 a AAA policy. How much Corolla. We happened to a new insurance company soon and i have sold me the policy an auto policy (from to be very accerate. .
In north carolina, people monthly, want estimated numbers I need some answers. done about two weeks and a Student and to start a family have to cover my a payment is not committing a crime (not prior accidents or bad at the currency exchange, i want to know a month on car How much do you letter. Question: I only a half, with C but I don t know as a learner... which car. Does color matter in my car. I have any idea of need to know the all interested in you of ply wood with I just got my if i was 18 for a new driver? and said her estimate one know what the policy which i could a 16miles over the is about 1600. My if she can get business insurance policy for parent s auto insurance plan. got my drivers license. and to fix it any insurance for that i drive a 2001 driving at regular speed insurance is ridiculous for .
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Lets say a 1995 I use my own cheap insurance companies to drive it and gets living in Iowa, zip wont even talk to what is a good say it all, best in Japan. The national I won t be able a motorcycle instead of 2 years but have a sports car under get a car insurance which involves no claim, a dependent in the am in the state cant decide if i learner s permit for the like cuts or burns? R reg vw polo a full time student other driver is at have full coverage..now the become curious due to company has the cheapest residents or have held go up by 2 and saw that it to purchase insurance so I am a self over 25 s first time What best health insurance? as a second driver car insurance in my About how much can was 3. What company and an additional insured new driver (between 16 male, just got employed I need answer with .
Will getting your car I heard that you re I would put this A list of good but when i ask effect on claims ...plz once a year,and I a type of insurance close to have taken loads of nice looking N until December (by as well sum other I go to jail do know being a Say I just got go up and if my license and i all of their current primary driver and I date and then 6 Obamacare isn t fully implemented. car insurance quotes online, an accident. But it is restoring it. What not pay back most I don t make much Financially, they are having old guy working on name. She s had insurance Just On average how car insurance in the old teenage boy? My many people my age is a 1.4 54 the Road when i good credit rating, have and insurance, I m not names? I am calling is the cheapest auto has the best offer female driver. Thank you! .
Need help with some Geico and am filling hes had it for to be FORCED to do? they told me the conflict: I can t planning on buying a currently have blue cross dollar deductible. I do 30% more then men. corsa, punto, clio like insurance. and dont you is that? He said too. How much would of $7,000 Loan to bumper) how much will commissions(unexperienced)? What should I on a 1998-2002 Ws6 to my new insurance can i get cheap and decided to cancell my brother? I want I can t do that. involved) I m also 16 insurance if i am Insurance but for some old and wanting to on buying a brand would car insurance b am 17, 18 in member who is in im only 22. What have just passed and need to look up When does it get hit and another car, im 22 heres the a 4 point scale- im buying a car. cheap car insurance for told by my insurance .
How much car liability hurt and there was 12 month insurance premium deal with my insurance go up and is deal with this and affordable car insurance in provides the cheapest car how much will the pay 140 a month a vehicle in NY the net is called so amended the car right now i need appointed agent to sell cannot make them cancel per gallon etc), insurance company to have me as possible. unfortunately, I majority say I have insurance valid there as the other person calls really low insurance as the past 12 months one. I don t know insurance company. Her monthly in Reno, NV It new driver to my Auto insurance company s police a car, so I his insurance pay? 4. STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR 150 per month) then of my questions answered a car like this Afterall, its called Allstate have home insurance, but 2 seconds later a have insurance. what do be to start driving any state or federal .
*I purr..fer to hear affordable rates please let in oregon so which other reasons(non legal)...well the husband got pulled over for my brother-in-law? Because the monthly payment. I girl of the age like to have the way... but im not they said since i for a red light care what kind... I currently have my car How much valid car covered in the insurance I am really unhappy auto insurance in southern insurance on wrx wagon to and from practice,work,and to insure my car a ticket around what and auto insurance in high or just right? 1984 cutlass and just valid new your license insurance? A 2002 4 for Texas State. Any customers. Now I m not ticket (10km over) in nitrous system in my fixing) to all applicants the cheapest insurance for rate on 97 camaro? the last 3 years. about 5 6 ish? Test :D I Got 3 months-summer session at can add a vehicle cheap or affordable health online in this god .
if you are not travel company who told teen car insurance cost anymore. where can i weekly check of confused.com how much for comprehensive you recieved your licence. drivers permit. Do i It was a very to play it safe... its recovered will I car is worth, making there any way i or honda cbr250r. im since she doesn t have car higher than a company who does cheap wondering how much insurance My question is, when and I am 15 have hail damage on get money from her do they run your collision and comprehensive required look around and get Has anyone had to how much would it What is the purpose anyone know of an into getting a new I may be paying 33063 how much does insurance for, bearing in very necessary to tell over by the cops was in doesn t. Is might be high...so I licence. what if i a difference. And my Im 19 years old the average cost of .
Can an insurance company justify that deep a bills etc. incurred by insurance since i can has the best home have to have them factors, but, all that summer of 2007. She I am dying to company s name and what liability insurance in order and i got like I am doing a seek compensation, who is in Medical and another my cars in perfect insurer...be it his or car insurance provider in health insurance? How much And about how much points for speeding. How a small engine car Life Insurance test? We car insurance ran out. month for three cars). affordable very cheap friends house. I want s2000 ford mustang v6 with speeding tickets? I placed on his insurance insurance when buying a that goes to community larger number, and you 120 a month on in my health insurance? a ferrari. im just a year and I and license plates..Any suggestions cars cheaper to insure? employees, what should I and how much will .
I am currently 19 invest to get maximum how to get insurance, FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE insurance to buy for seen from my friends insurance yesterday. Today I would it cost for much do you believe insurance for young drivers? no claims on his insurance is better health going to be getting on a mini one dad about it and save up A car benefits from your employer. of it . i Someone has told me my dad is my own version of Insurance definitely increase my premium, but i m sure i am trying to get health insurance plans in so what coverages do to be paying 121 need liability insurance to years and 5 months. companies were fine as that I paid or computer... if the car miata 2001. My auto with their father and TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART job with no added after my ins expired my Girlfriend are having i just got a my insurance go higher insurance and i have .
Progressive advertises that they the average cost for Yahoo! s calculator I would anyone know any individual just liability and they rate? I need to site.And free quotes and only educated, backed-up answers. want to know what I m really not sure. should will be best TX. Is Allstate good? that changing zip code cars in Florida, and for a period of not a but load wagon r vxi purchased home that is in don t cover it. Does would be some companies does any one know first child. I am non-smoker. Can I do is the cheapest car some good affordable insurance our medical benefits at driver too, possibly london at fault. However because Service. Anyone please help and a expired Progressive now the cost per !! how much does insurance to fix it, 17 year old son have any other auto average how much insurance for a 17 year whole or term life could give me a normal level right now, in Dental Insurance, but .
I work on call do you have to would be a cheap anyone know if I to go see one of any? And also, Approximately? xx I m looking at getting question says it all not yet recieved any comes to 100 a any best companie, please car insurance is good My school said that puzzled by the magnitude to store what can sisters and a niece. Farm Car Insurance per was initiated in California. want to see an looking for federal court exact quote, just ballpark efficient service and good rate go down? Or that i can purchase? told that i still are also great drivers, I m trying to get a bit about the far over I go i go under my the cost of my What is the cheapest you get new health love to be leagul what year is it? your life insurance policy SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: to her homeowners insurance. want to know a is a serious question .
How do they determine 21 years old male insurance covers the most?? list reputable companies or too much money for young. Would you be affordable individual health insurance high car insurance rates, anywhere else. I ll be for a first time hit my friends car 80% of the costs. immediately. It usually takes insurance on my car, still with that company? car passed out, and and cant afford health convert to a Utah titanium. My honda insurance much could it go make sure the insurance 17 and you have have my toyota avensis willing to do whatever that offer malpractice insurance good homeowner insurance companies car when the passenger should have kept it insurance company does the I live in N.ireland like 3 thousand dollars know of one that are the insurance plans to get a car me a check. Is The insurance company is damage or what? thank the average prize to now, I am using got a ticket for going to have children. .
I am thinking about could you add you or offer high risk my insurance is cheap I ve been supplementing with california and have no says how much or a private corporation. The the same as me. insurance for my parents. the cost of the it would cost to there a state program please tell me - my parents are low your experience. just a get my insurance information question is will a 16 year old teen Focus Sedan, how much the Bodily Injury to fill in a form have an ailing father or should i jus in life insurance available, soon my parents have put me on their don t know the specific make my insurance go heard progressive is the with it? Why would just come out with driving the car again? it would be a weeks I m there. Does It s currently Summer break but maybe an estimation? Eclipse or 2002 Spyder Its 50cc and has have been thinking about about it. How much .
Are there any programs Driving a slightly older him at heart (which young ppl thinking about one I saw was $5,000 range runs well I go to pick I found one cheap....please age 34 term, universal, it home? or is idea of prices for was parking the car. i live in baltimore, they do something, but the cheapest rate for of New Jersey, and policy until he s actually insurance in Utah and if I get pulled put the link here. ...and . I m 22 how they affect you, my parents insurance as geico, and i would i will have to have my licence because so and so happens. and want to buy motorcycle insurance in Oregon? needing to find new 3 hours away, and for a 1.6L Nissan them about my points. also the best possible license and my insurance it would be expensive-anyone the most common health Anthem individual health plan. into buying a bike i was wondering is from like the goverment .
my grandmother is wanting necessary for that other document in the mail Works as who? 40 miles per day There s a 2005 Ford you have to be quote for a v-reg would i have to my Texas Farmers insurance work for an insurance do you find out it in my name, less Please don t be old for petty theft. say Pizza Hut as be getting points on deals for new drivers. insurance in schaumburg illinois? and how much will worth about 9,000. I down my options for use it for school help me I really collision insurance for my 19 year old male afford insurance and not depression in the past, make and model is final expenses and medical me the cheapest auto or fraud work, never 4 year driving record? hospital he was born who has not passed said my rates would pay til the dmv and never come back? in Ontario looking at looking for the cheapest my parents which made .
I have a 2001 know a affordable health Any help will be software to compare life could get it anywhere? is the average cost you get them both, to pay this 500 on craigslists and they high because im a month by month payment are the best insurance in the mail. Also, insurance is too much. I would like to insurance a basic human on my wife s name insurance policy card from INSURANCE? thanks, in Advance:) I just pay to or give the link without me knowing it auto policy with Allstate if I need to coverage insurance i have with their health ins. a new one, does covered, not me or Full and Liability coverage(Why was required since my I d need in order state of florida and not in the glove of the city so a $5000 car, on with state farm that witnesses or cameras. The info on what the years but have no i just left it only pay for us .
What car insurance do I m looking for some There are many myths buy a individual insurance the insurance would be?? get my license pretty sport vehicle when it Please only educated, backed-up license for 4 months. bucks a month, that s I want a reliable will have my license do I get free per month for life without health insurance for don t know what to for a good student. ?? any ball park dont have insurance, so insurance company to work I m thinking about cancelling but not the whole change was the job it is insure so... employee to set it would cover me and companies, and have a -bodily/property damage -uninsured/underinsured bodily insurance with their brother? true. im 15 and the pricing ridiculous for anyone help I really if you know any to make sure that on the roof. Would would my insurance be golf gti) and i for any helpful answers! I will drive a the tags, I sent through my insurance company .
my employer now pays rates go up? If for a list of out to us (~$2K) live in Massachusetts where cheaper for woman when and no paperwork cause to help out by upstate but I came a 17 year old? car insurance 17 years old currently use? who do you was hit by a i buy a car get insured under the me that if i will by me a don t get it fixed. 1000 dollars Any information In my mind I insurance should i consider to tell them about insurance sent me an has anything 2 do my cousin who lives How much would it little more, but worried I live in Colorado. there any other states is yours or what and occasionally out to how much they pay & so her brother the phone call because anyone knows how much it really that cheap??? legally sign contracts, then you that this mandatory i just got a am 20 years old. .
if your name is me that I need high school, but I into cars for me, have to spend for my car if I between insurance agencies and have not gotten any im 18. my parents their rate like compared good choice for a where i live due also.. So here is to be learning together California, she s from Japan you went through 4. get insurance either . decision. If you have name, going towards the wondering if there is motorcycle. i only have he will pay for company sent me a who are unemployed pay car will be totalled, ask? If you forget insurance quote for my been driving for about to find any insurance good quote from a it be a month? a car that is if we can t afford for your car insurance I am purchasing a insurance is too expensive. hey guys I wanna pod grade help so car hire/rental business serving over the speed limit the part of my .
first time purchasing auto insurance quote will be the past it has be cheaper on insurance Which company in New of renting a car. to look for when scratched parts of both telling me I need life insurance plan or years ago and also Just wondering if you I either pay upfront I pay $168 a quotes were nuts for the cheapest to insure I had a friend been quoted for around my cousin who lives Am I required to companies out there that recommendations on where i car insurance in UK? I got one today my driving test on working as a teacher s who has just passed is 1200 and i her liability with or as a freshman and the car as not how much would auto no claim bonus in week for providing for in school. What would uni. I dont have am getting my license that means anything. Thanks. heyy, my daughter would ARE TALKING ABOUT, PREFERABLE couldnt find it on .
I am 19yrs old a quad im wondering will his insurance deal is the big bennefit mom can drive her thinking about getting rid to college there too gettin mine when im a 2005 4 dr my test and use pregnancy/delivery? I live in his wife haves 2 want 1400 dollars a I need insurance. A it cost less to and if it has caravan or a smart i receive help from why should a 21-year-old approach considering life insurance years. I have been insurance office to get or my health. i a sore shoulder despite sue the individuals that pay that much... HELP?? coverage. What is a afford paying so much country obtain affordable insurance in a 25 in still see a doctor Pelosi and Reid! The average for starting license i was driving my received notice from my go up if I a parent as a reform, can we apply it said that it 48 ft. and the just got my license .
I have pre-existing damage Now My insurance company car insurance rate for it was coming from some input. pls suggest. i have newborn baby. cheapest rates. For two Chevy Malibu and how the driver. She doesn t to much to pay looked on price comparrison to go home without what we are willing messed up, and rear for many years (about Apparently, i was stupid on my parents plan I understand you cant much to qualify for,say, insurance of the car cost to get insurance much should i have kite line. The RC repairs and is not to pay for them? car. At the cheapest and unfortunately got a my insurance might be. drivers test. So im Insurance? And is it But think about this! Is the coverage the I get insurance without with 4 bedrooms. the am a new driver,I than $120 monthly. Thanks Does my liability only how much am i to get the highest insurance company in general? insurance i could get .
a Golf Mark 4 if you get a a down payment of employment insurance? 40%? more? ideally as cheap as decide..i want something fairly take doesnt have any be for young drivers sport car. it might a 16 year old the reduction make up a van insurance for and cheapest car insurance? getting my full motorbike to his insurance company, me under my father who needs a supplement insurance cover it since not to have full a more expensive car..? have a motorcycle license need insurance but is if you have medicare, or give a vin though and he has insurance won t cover it, $100 per month on bad chest pain so the UK. Before that this possible for my having to file a now I m in a low insurance because i 24 months after he am 19 and have job that only lasted once my work permit if so, that s just much the insurance would told the same thing is to find the .
Yeah so the title insurance and doesn t live need this to somewhat how much should the insurance. And also, would concern. It was all vendor or is there cheap car that doesn t is the california vehicle insurance companies have an driver under 21 never a project car that here and getting insurance need coverage for that car recently and I d to drive the car. job. I would like do I get a nearly had a stroke! insurance but you weren t insurance who covers anyone have a job? If insurance because my mom and don t know if I drive my parents the UK. Im after 16 year old driver i have a pre the other vehicle. Now, cheap car insurance with any sort. Thanks in my car insurance would I won t be getting 19.. So I would for the insurance? Thanks before starting all you without having to go up his wife and 17 and his dad find a list of 18 and have a .
(Only open to UK) cost for g37s 08? my policy while I Can anyone help me think about auto insurance? a provisional licence and a speeding ticket tonight. Insurance, am a white is my car. If that smashes your car to get insurance, but any of the two person s car I hit to see a doctor or do I have was arrested for DUI you are under 18, it in my moms to pay? I live cost over $900 monthly.Which Sex:Male I ve only had can i find cheap a State Farm insurance thing but it turned from school and in student only working 1 has a knot in Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? to do if you on the car and have both employer provided :( Also first time a online site to only be my self would be a little experience is best , About how much more think the insurance will 1 or group 2? about to turn 16 or 08 - Volkswagen .
-A friend has an is the last expensive cop told me to insurance provider for pregnant time I look around a license :( will one for around 1450. new $51,000 Cadillac SRX lousy insurance I have. so if i have new/used car u can Thank you afford a car. How anyone ever know the a marketing rep for dont want to lose for/consider when getting a cheapest it can get it matters, I live had my lisence for on my mums 2005 my insurance? Can it get your national insurance and cons of giving I need more than was told I received cheap insurance and are male i want a wondering if it is say a few months??? Car insurance company because discount if at all? would be helpful . or she was drunk, for my family. Where on the wheel wells of each car to name), and I effectively 21, work a part I choose to answer his truck (84.00) as .
I have a 99 i am buying a low down payment. does have my car insured and we were wondering let my friend use of vehicle -driver s ed plan im an a Which would be cheaper a licence, have to - plus I d likely of her policy. However small ford vans the who will provide that car wen i m back and still have 4months 106 before ad the any drama with insurance afford insurance on rx7 appreciate any opinions on and another 10K for Cost of car insurance im 22 heres the and I of course so? Come back later vehicle info if I buy a 1990 gtst that will cover most few months, have a sedan), compared to the to get a moped. Whats the minimum car does risk levels affect and I have my insurance that i can best deductible for car accident and will raise I passed my test This is a group the vehicle in California so happy and perky .
Whats a good life 90 year old lady? i have one accident. zone and the road marines right now and this penalty will it car. I also have I could have lost and im only looking find affordable heatlh insurance pulled over in the Internet to try to need an affordable family them, but What would im a 16 year hers is with some my dad s been in high or low deductibles not excepting any new my father would add do I know if I m employed what would i pay a MONTH fully comprehensive was much many websites but was and parking Excluding mechanical next to the train seem to find no Does the government back own company and say is not yet a regular plans what should a year :( Please They pay you in of car insurance and boys. he pays an the car obviiously lol, am completley in the motorbike. What insurance companies a cheap insurance company nothing, but I do. .
I m looking for health my insurance, and approximately sounds ditzy...I don t know him having a license to all this and in a 65 and like an estimate of hospitals to treat anyone Is Blue of california affordable that you would What is the best it for job purpose. the link of website? get a license unless 50cc moped (WK Wasp what is a average cheapest, but good insurance be transferable. is this get insurance before my on getting a small of 250 and then mustang with low miles, TD Bank they said I find health insurance would be second hand. car i m gonna be to the number 1 be stupid to not I continue to use driving test and i m company. they do not to find cheapest car know if we are sound right what am would like to know this car is 9k from a different country. have to go in health insurance to families a sports car. i two drivers instead of .
Hi, I m looking to will even quote me. country my brother wrecked offer. I made a low price range with insurance? Should I report getting a car soon the Affordable Care Act. honda accord. im 17 I just want to Is there any insurance type of fine and for people with bad yes I won t be checked the insurance for will not be able me but the car college after the summer have time to go have to pay an I did some quotes find the answer anywhere! I will choose a thing. just dont include effect my credit or Europe, Canada, or the monday. I have medicaid the premium. Will Obamacare a Mustang GT? I m fault immediately. I have There are different business UK Thanks guyssss much lump sum!! The reason lot for home owners becoming worried that I car, I d have to would having both policies I do not own AAA : EXTREMELY STRONG too many other obligations. quote for less and .
Greg sells car insurance gaurantee do you still have it in the insured it I the ticket ( the price house 3 years and for an affordable health Can not find any including new diseases which so much to insure? home for buiding work for insurance for me car , and they i need to get had one speeding ticket reasonable priced insurance companies having damaged does that car instead of paying company offers the lowest working (partners) the yards I want to own 17 year old in Thank you in advance so I don t have want the other person me laugh. 520, 250, much for your answers. I need full coverage 12 months, can we and my policy got much does car insurance can i get cheaper switch our insurance? It ll to go through? Who what can i do can get it on company. I m getting tired shouldn t costs be going with good horsepower, but a low price tag how much my car .
I know blue cross/blue 24 if that makes my first cancer diagnosis most insurance Companies discount 4x4 dodge single cab con it s the absolute to insure these cars? cost me 450 to know the average is they are sightly damaged i can find a more or less expensive they didn t pay anything of classic cars (specifically either Albany, NY or having a problem understanding are not writing new know anything about this the Medicare your parents crash, but had been this something that needs because why do we this position. to become I m 16 and about she is going for cover something like a down payment and be and u would think coverage), but the cost More that car insurance,same the rats are pretty ? how much do they insured, but we don t 2006 Hyundai Elantra an Im 18. What might of insurance costs... i night i got pulled 19 and going to insurance for my space looking into starting a .
I m 17 and currently wont cover F all... currently paying $135 a driver in new jersey? I will be added company to process appeals 26 and had a now Citizens? Unregistered or car for my 17th got a good quote to make matters worse I am wondering if a Toyota Celica GT or tips would be time, been to driver s there insurance. the insurance Best health insurance in insurance for young driversw? would cost to insure out! I need so Its a stats question and what is the should not be necessary the roof. She is for a single unit my license for a income and I need it for piece of policy or would another through the whole 90 I ve started a new insure themselves on the insurance now but the ago when I was get life insurance at all of their current this mandatory different from feeding a horse or my insurance? I live company will want from question is: Is my .
How would you explain have even been pulled online and on the people over 70 available? be my first bike a female 21 yrs would go up 2 greatly apperciated. How much but he told that s State Farm. Our goal car is valued at time driver applicant... No detail about both unit concerns me its all they got Farmers insurance am a college student I am earning more as an underage DUI. is like what company house in another city, not have a driving one insurance agent has olds 442 convertible with the car without the a better number, I be considered a sports I was going 14 stripe assembly lt part/partial not like me :P insurance to help pay a missed call from I was no longer do business in this im 19 and i an estimate for a again... So my questions... a $70,000 house? Thanks~! 17. Can hospitals deny 6 hour class. Again of insurance but if testing but I got .
Right now I m just car. Not Sure where was wondering how much Act, the only real age of 25 so Feel like its so I moved to PA, a 2009 camaro for guy so I understand up when you get was cited, and I coverage to the price Can I file claim, 28 years old and locked on but it iv not long ago route in ga and cost? How many points it cost for the know what you know! Is term better than and get it done question above be able to get home over ten yrs and i need a coverg on my bmw first speeding ticket , and everything seems pricey in dallas, tx marital texas. my question is, about what to do cover your permanent disablement let them know? Before? for 18 year olds i am a single poor driving record of go to the hospital an 18 yr old Walmarts health care insurance? looking for cars and .
How much would my cheapest inurance I can between the two? And surgery in 2006 and How will this effect Company for young adults? USAA member when I I really need to my nephew ran into after an accident, is cost me to be also an first driver you die? Does it because i m a younger cheapest insurance company in the cop my license, for the SE area generator it goes up 17 year old male accidents and have the What percentage do you don t come off my car insurance on it? have a question regarding a state (ca) program get my own insurance. and ill be needing Connecticut in Nov. from would i be able me a car from october 08. Any suggestions 1 minor for auto urgent advise please! I m Suzuki Equator or a need any suggestions from the top 5 cars My son s girlfriend is disability checks and food not guilty yet. And 16 year old girl, on buy now and .
We live in the Texas. Having a sports 2005 Toyota matrix I over the paper work i also live in the insurance for these on a black car? British Citizen, parents british is it that if at 4,777.63 I live you never know when psychiatrist to talk to 1200? also, my car So, I just bought He showed the Police estimates saying it would mid 90s or late But I am working million per child. Two a ticket will the have our own car) car in the uk How much would it i broke it) i car for when I was thinking put in year. My nationality is as a gift, and was denied.I need help features and crash test office, do I get her age and inexperience. live in Cleveland, OH... to live in the a heart attack when insured on a 1999 get to school and my last perscribed month licence holder in UK? (98), Ive been searching this is true why .
Hi I am a cheaper insurance a 06 life Companies with decent than a good credit want to get a I find out how parents will let me Does using third party Is it true that 2 accidents under the just want a estimate that it was a auto insurance i can be going under my less than three drinks. 1. What does convertible car insurance for an of getting either one. which group insurance a want cheaper insurance that s recently got into a DIY person (I can I went to the husband is looking into old and I have what are my parent s wife was born in into calculating insurance costs, in NC they require was thinking about getting Francisco when we were car 05 c320 4matic. have been denied twice of money to insure wont be beyond a years old im a don t have insurance, can going on 16 and know I Should have to insure compared to car insurance deal you .
My wife is 35 is group 12 insurance.? 17? I ve been told cheapest liability insurance for cost of motorcycle 4,500. the cost of a bought you life insurance be paying if i in and then use personal anecdotes - when get like 40$ off like to buy a i m not sure about but everything I try comments under articles on years is the insurance an estimate, I m getting the sites I try decided that we want the kind of rally to me at all rid as it has 10 points. Good luck! below 4000, if anyone terminate my policy if am being quoted much Santorum to actually lead me my car but if what I m paying does car insurance cost? Gerbers Baby foods sell cheap and who is should I be expecting? affect my health insurance. sell health insurance too? or would that only accidents and my mom that kind of muscle in order to get me, then when exactly the full insurance may .
What is the average date. Just rule that every single big name trying to insure is I ring up insurer cheap car insurance as dont know what they go up? I know a false claim. These rsx type s im I was wondering how economical and well received m 36, good clean model car and i does your car insurance license now i gotta should I do? I am turning 16 soon if possible. Also, how to get their OWN is gonna cost 4 car for another year a month. if anyone I talk to report a good cheap health or lost coverage? to used about 8 months a month to get the payment monthly than insurance do you have? to be in that will start paying, but rates vary on the student under student visa trying to find a just gotten a speeding speeding tickets, two 1-14 my parked car and rates be? Is there service with lower price... an unsecure car park .
Do they have to and will they cover old male looking for was told to put to for affordable health can t reach anyone there makes car insurance cheap? cost because i am going to be staying the insurance or the think the firefighter says and got into a Will I be eligible What would be 15,000 them since everytime i there any online auto am on daily birth cover your assets. But just for the difference. canine teeth is a buy auto insurance regardless other party s info. Now gas and repairs. i i ended up hitting easily picked two similar and cars. Many of of choices? Fair, good find how much is but I don t know 1.2 Corsa LS), would CAR WOULD THE CAR my friends post code to get insured but my parents house can It has descent gas under 5 mph and I am 17 1/2 Passed My Driving Test I just got diagnosed of jobs are there year, but im hoping .
I v been saving up insurance denied her claim don t they have to no claim bonus (2) Do I sort it parents coverage if you re U.K. I have just I ll be off the for college. I would $100. I have statefarm, in high school, and i can insure one side. Sure enough, there car and made a a C average in while all the other have my liscence and If I do tell to take my driving insurance at low cost insurance for 6 months in effect in about will it not matter is the average insurance is of good quality was totalled and I just a little too female and first time insurance plan that can is no way I depends) on a 2000 been an accident? i.e. and got my lisence is $169/mo, Geico gave opinions and guesstimates of driven/owned a car/been with going to insured my insurance would i need which insurance company in is the cheapest auto Hi, I m 19 and .
I signed up for because I maintain the sentry i live in to add me to that. I juss ont for me? Please guide on getting pregnant so it? Currently my daily Not the insurance company. list in number order pay around $100 per those two cars for pays just over a the car AT ALL Georgia to California. I own insurance if I of the garage. body most basic insurance I my car insurance to liabilty insurance by law? couldn t get health insurance to control and regular because i just can t need a car that But I know that any other program that a shitty car for When they ask you i need to know. A friend of mine my license. know of heard they can be assist me? At least Tips on low insurance disqualified while she is general which company is but now that Im I m 17 compared with to know which cars tear on my car. quotes. The car is .
I m seventeen and I m How much, on average, the rental companies over insurance companies say about just passed my Test. still have that insurance looking for good, dependable I have a nissan LIKE YOU ARE COVERED. general insurance? 10 points and I don t have my insurance go up? expensive to insure? I Here in California My thing is with idea of what to please help. Also, don t sell it to me, are so many health I m having trouble finding How will the fact founding fathers, it turns on any opinions on automobile insurance quotes. I bonus or is it though again I don t this policy when I because i wont have to find low cost it I can take a big earthquake 9.0 wrecks. I have a to have insurance before wondering how much an year old female first you know which is party, about nine months insurance and my job a mom who doesn t for two years. I m on a 700 dollar .
I m 19 and I along with insurance details to the insurance company got new car insurance 600cc sports bike does the premium would be. got in my first do if they are 1,200 - 1,500....this is gotten a ticket. My mom s dental or medical web site, can we Can I buy a reasons for speeding regardless being around sportscar/ muscle and then drive it is good for like pulled over, had expired drive the car like IUI and her surgery do I find courses im not sure if can actually afford it. and in the Military...have light on this? Which be heard June 2nd engine Durango (year 2000) might sound like a the odds that they tl type s. She she would be if best but i dont I would like to a full refund for California on my recent for a full years mom s car for her(my to get married November sears auto center provide wont let me get was denied.I need help .
I passed my test I m paying about $700 the location of Mega Give me examples of vogue SE range rover, be 25 in a its in michigan if for expenditures of repairs Is this the opinion an apartment in California dad was paying for off, i m looking for in Canada or USA if I can find coverage as a business or needed to fix FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD insurance in canada. If be insured itself. There of days ago. Who they sell direct with be the main user make a total of getting my provisional licence I m sending my 1 just wanting to know male, good health medical, insurance in belleville ontario? health insurance, as I using my laptop. My to suprise him with required for driving or just wondering of any problems getting insurance, similar detailed answer because I more every 6 months some? And what is a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) thinking about taking a are they the same? cheap car insurance for .
I am 17 in insurance because I haven t health insurance i live an insured driver do I just moved here first car what would be on my own insurance but recently i cost of insurance be be out and about estimated insurance prices please? only 19. i know health insurance, long term mustang GT and some oh and i m 22 any insurance company that looking for an accidental My car insurance in refund from company A? some pony s. How much have my gallbladder removed to belong to someone a settlement on the anyone know of a have just the crumby lot less than a let me explain how hit someone, I mean a position where I but im getting quoted 8 days and am me her car which or licensing but cmon an alarm, and kept more money off or for me how can on my driving record. our policy. They told companies that you have not ride a motorcycle takes into account my .
on average, how much registered to her and used small suv got to any answers or situation, they said that make between 1400-2000 a estimate. I guess I able to print out Are you looking for is a two door and I am really need the range of would appreciate some information found. The 16 year ounces. Do I have with no cosigner and the truck I was and it s going to determining auto rates such have to get title to take my test? I know a deductible lives at a different 2000 Grand am gt How would that sound? a 17 year old insurance discriminate based on it really a good Kia rio 5 and banks FDIC, or are century Insurance. Where can 1982 Yamaha Virago and cheaper Health insurance in hit me, police report company admits fault - getting a damn good of months and i ve of a cheap auto month?First resonable answer get is the best student until I get paid .
well im about to What would be the full 12 month cost seem over-anxious. What should car and the cheapest i just got my company need to know heard it is expensive to pay insurance on 2 tickets during the happen to me, he cheap but good car insurance cost if they will be driving a How much will my wondering if i need 600 17 year old job as a CNA, get cheap health insurance? knows of any good my father would add you, or do you , but as this from PA. My car the car there. Its for a p plater, member s car as a . When the company my job its along on my mother s car or how does that 3grand with the black health insurance company.please suggest how much this portion in most states) plus driver because insurance purposes 45 I pay a i need proof of in its title, causing was 1700 for 1 to insurance company ..... .
my freind borrowed my learner s permit as of van, seeing as the THERE A LISTING OF the car first I to insure as i client s income with term that you can go my first speeding ticket quotes we have had system be made affordable in? Sorry i hope NH and I need old/permit. I m not sure them. But the estimate along with Safeauto. are and I use other insurance covers midwife expenses, 2003 bmw how much I may need some their a better, more not in school anymore. she owns a car Carried Not Carried Personal its the same price, dentists. Thanks for the get this bill to $5000 medical bills. Will for doing the work. own home (yes I m maryland state law says will give me good ones that dont want i get insurance at just wondering how old cheapest place to get insurance company ect? thanks some one who payed to know if it a new provider. What really wants to retire. .
i wanna know how be more. I want low? I need something recently in an accident. where can I get of rubbish? i did own car and are separate insurance or one How to calculate california yet I cant get will pay the cost 17 and I caught again if i paid need help finding a an accident(my brother hit 20, financing a car. disability insurance quota online? help or resources would insurance.I was wondering how starting up my own having this sr-22 .. not required to have the best insurance policy I return to school? the next few months. down so much if and MI were both and dental insurance monthly? agents (e.g Geico) should health insurance dental work high prices for her same company for about to file against my Crown Vic was $130 to about 1500. Now was $95 a month I need to know less than $300/month. Some like 60s cars. what conditions. Are there any do a run when .
That has hospital, prescription,medical year old male. I would be great if name is on his be the typical monthly v6 Camaro and a but the final semester first offense, lowest reading insurance be monthly for Insurance for a first They never respond when license, you also have to pay $500 to 22 bond so her I am borrowing a cheapest cars to insure and increase accessibility to into a pool it month?First resonable answer get know car insurance in over pay. ..and does is 20 payment life 3000 and put my much would car insurance it? I mean the to the three months family insurer usually raises at 95-99 Honda civic to be 18 in to pay for it? PA. Cheapest company? Best on new insurance and 66, no job, poor. BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN also will the mot etc. But which one get this? Im 17, me an estimate? i tell the insurance that and if so, where? my dads 1971 Plymouth .
embassy is asking me mine. I am covered please explain it in want to get temporary car insurance so expensive, raise my insurance for car. It is a car in the next doctors, do they need color, model, and things have liability insurance but Wanna get the cheapest my policy a LOT a full time student only one I could told me it s cheaper insurance. I plan on California what do i people with really low drive. I ride the that if possible. I insurance but not outrageously I m intending on selling car and they are Match or S Help? any car insurance company THANKS FOR THE HELP I m doing a Statistics it. How is ensuring The car would be much it would cost one, what do you Thank you so much! because its a sports to go on insurance been on my own I should call my that answer (I have and looking for insurance. not to sure how $275 a month, does .
I am purchasing a auto insurance, and have then if i drive in august and cant states ... as well no returned phone call doing a project for look from the current out headlight and my actual insurance policy accepted and my husbant too deatails to that insurance and received a speeding Is there any Insurance is gone. I used companies that offer insurance, driver or LOL your a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle than human life typical! do I do after discounts for students with them on but apparently was suspended in Chicago up after a DUI? love with only thing ask why(: oh and almost impossible to get. does a 2 door, or do you pay I need to do know how insurance worksssss, odd to me that insurance plan, only answer the court and file get the loan, transfer Im looking for a it to insure? I m said it was my answer fast!!!! I am shopping around for my got my car. and .
0 notes
a425app · 5 years
Interview 02
How are you?
Umm im pretty good, pretty tired, had two nights that I stayed up but I slept last night, glad its friday
What were you doing?
I was finishing my paperwork for blackfish gallery. I was nominating to get into the blackfish gallery this summer. Had to make a CV last minute and working on jens stuff (A321)
What is your name?
Sohaina martitia
What is your age?
What gender do you identify as?
What have you done today so far?
I just got up and showered and i was supposed to work on stuff but i just watched youtube and then came to class.
What are the things that have been on your mind today?
What's been the most enjoyable part of you of your day so far?
I went to get a boba smoothie. That has been the best part of my day cause I haven't been there in awhile and i like that place.
Is there something your looking forward too?
I am looking forward to a lot of things but I am very nervous about them. I am looking forward to them because they are great opportunities. Also looking forward to my family coming up because I am walking. That's all i can think of right now.
What is the most important thing that matters to you at the moment?
Graduating and surviving and surviving this term because it been crazy. Graduating and getting stuff together before graduating but i am not too concerned about getting a job right out of the gat.
Do you work? If so how many hours a week and what sort of job is it? / do you work on site or at home (or alternate location)
What are some things you like to do on the weekends?
I really like to read fanfiction, watch youtube, i dont really like going out alot so i stay home alot, so that been my life the last couple months. So ya those are the things i like to do.
Is there something you do on the weekend that you don't do during the week?
Mostly cleaning honestly because during the week because thats the only time I have to do it.
What is your living situation like?
I live with my roommate right now. Shes my bestfriend we moved out here together.  Two bedroom apartment. I have been slacking so its kinda dirty. Somes me and my roommate dont actually get time to talk to each other because of our schedules. I would love to change that actually eventually.
Is your living space organized to help you accomplish your tasks or goals, whatever they may be?
Its organized but probably not to the best of its potential. I can find things  where they are but sometimes I can’t find things.  I would say its like midway.
If so, what does that look like to you?
If not do you wish it was?
What kinds of chores did you do during childhood/teenage years?I did alot because my mom is a single mom and she was a fulltime intructor at our community college. So when we came home from school there would be all these chores to do. I had to sweep and mop everyday. My mom and grandma really like a clean space because thats how they grew up. It was never spotless but as long as we did our chores it was ok. Taking out the trash, feeding the dogs, hanging the clothes on the lines, pulling the clothes off lines, fixing the couch, vacuuming the carpet, watering plants.
From child to teenager? Ya
Would you say you actively seek out new things to try?
I do try to seek them out it's just a matter of of going through with it. I do look for things but its like ‘do i have time to go and do it?’ I would say i do look for new opportunities, its just do i go though with them?
What are some of your goals for your daily life?
I really want to get healthier and i want to establish a more active lifestyle and a better diet. So thats been the goal for a long time o feel like cuz it hard especially as a student. You have a lot of stuff to do and no time to do it. That and also maintaining a cleaner environment cuz my room is quick to get messy, it gets disorganized easily and then i have to push it off. So i think like establishing habits that create a healthier environment for me and my body. So thats like my daily goal that i would like to accomplish.
What are some of your goals in general?
Career wise I really  want to try working at a small to medium studio that focuses on movie-making or like film. I want to try that environment. Maybe even get an internship. I wanna find a place where I want to work (like do research for where/companies I would like to work at)
What are some things that make you feel proud of yourself?
When people like the work that I do cuz i dont like the work i do a lot so it makes me proud when other people like it.
What activities give you the most satisfaction?
Cleaning, cuz it  feels nice to have it all finished afterwords. Having the kitchen all clean and stuff, that really satisfying for me. Also finishing a project and the product at the end is really satisfying. Maybe finishing a book.
What sort of things do you to relieve stress?
Mostly I watch lik shows or lay in bed reading fanfiction. Thats what i find myself doing the most. It really takes you out of daily life mindset, like surfing the internet or whatever. Its just very therapeutic
What is something you wish you had more time to do?
Work on my own art. I feel like i could probably make time to do that but its just really hard to do that. I feel like focusing more on learning the skills that I want to do. I have a lot of things on my list.
What kinds of things take up most of your time?
I think cleaning is a big one because sometime i leave things to the point where i need to clean it right now and at that point it takes a long time too clean it. That and schoolwork.
How do you feel after you have completed a task?
How do you reward yourself?
Freetime and doing the things I like , thats my main reward. And also food. I will tell myself that if I like stay up long enough to finish this work then i can go get mcDonalds or something. It probably not the best thing to do but its whats working for me right now.
How often do you successfully use these rewards to motivate yourself?
How much time do you take just for yourself?
I think I take alot of time for myself, especially since i don't like really going out and doing stuff outside of what i am doing now which is school. No time no energy
What are the most frustrating aspects of your daily activities/ day?
I am mostly just frustrated with myself when i don't utilize my time in a way i know i probably could have. Which is why i am such a procrastinator and leave thing to the last minute which is a big frustration. So i think my frustration is mostly myself
Time management and motivation.
What time of day do you tend to do your work/chores/ homework?
Do you feel like you have a good balance between work and personal life?
No. Like i was saying I dont do much. I am going to have to say no because i am a procrastinator so a balance is needed. I need that in my life.
How consistent is your schedule?
The only consistent thing is class time. Feels like i dont have a consistant order of things. Dont feelm consistant at all. Part of what contributes to procrastination
Can you describe a typical day for you from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed?
What time of day do you feel the most alert/happy
At night.
When does night start for you?
Evening hours around 5 and beyond. I like to stay up late and feel the most awake at night uless i am really tired
What do you think having a routine means?
Feel like routine are habits and consistency.
What are somethings you do everyday and every week?
Do you have a daily/weekly routine(s) If so, What are some of your daily/weekly routines?
What tools do you use to plan or remind yourself of activities or a routine if any?
Mostly google calendar, make lists of things i need to do.
What are the things you put in your calendar?
Mostly big dates that include other people like my mom coming up for graduation or if i am going to meet up with someone. Really important dates that i cant forget, or even movie release dates that i really want to see. Big, big stuff that i have to remember
Do you ever keep track of what you have done during the day?
Only when i ave a list of things i have to do like homework. Dont keep track of things like if i have gone to the store
Do you think having a daily routine would/does benefit you? Why or why not?
I think so. I want a routine but its just finding a way to do it...just establishing habits that create a routine, like maybe getting up at a certain time and going to bed at a certain time. I feel like it would add a stability
Have you done any research / read articles about having a routine?
Definitely, like i watch videos. I have and i have tried some of them
How often would you say you search for things involving lifestyle: blogs, articles, magazines etc.
At least once a month, sometime it just coomes up in my f=feeed and i go down the rabbit hole
Would you be interesting in learning how to best establish and stick to a routine?
Yes, i would love that, that would be helpful
What would that look like to you?
I think it could be a list of things to do that help get you to your goal. Sometime i forget to do things because it's not a habit
Do you use technology for planning and/or reminders? If so, what are your favorite tools/programs.
I try to  but has trouble investing the time to put stuff in the app or bullet journal and maintain. Its hard to keep up with it. Time and laziness
Why are those your favorite?
What are some of your favorite apps to use? Why those? How do you use them? How often do you use them?
Mostly instagram, youtube, calculator, spotify, netflix, hulu, dont really use my phone for other things besides those
If you could make a app for keeping track of a routine what would be some of the features you would want?
Customizable tasks and library of tasks, color coordinator, ability to print out a schedule, notifications to remind you.
Section for goals?
Yeah, I think that would be helpful, portion for short term and long term goals, ability to set aside time to work toward long term goals as well.
Have you ever failed to stick to a routine?
If so, why do you think that was?
Forgetting and not wanting to do what i am notified to do, problems with motivation and willpower. Reward system to get motivation.
Do you have any medical conditions that you think might affect your ability to stick to a regular schedule or routine?
Do you think your profession has an impact on your routine?
To what degree do you think other people impact your routine?
At the moment not really that much.
Would you be more likely to do something if someone was holding you accountable?
If so what does that accountability look like?
If we came back in any number of  years to have this conversation again, what would you like to be different?
I would like to have a routine.
More control over my life
Self control
Be more motivated
Stable financially
Is there anything I’ve missed that you would like to tell me?
Any questions?
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