#if only the entire thing was actually FINISHED AAAAAH
Gosh I just. I really want to post something on A03. But I don’t have many finished stories why :’(
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cumulonimbuns · 10 months
Excuse me a moment for TKSD, as I must scream.
(Pretend there's an 80 line long string of "AAAAAAHH" I don't want to actually fill up the dash with that much junk text)
I love it. Chef's kiss. Beautiful. Sidon my beloved. Link my beloved. Flying dragon breaking out of her mindless state my beloved. Mwah.
I feel it necessary that you are making my polyam partner very, very gooshy about the polyamourous society of Zora you've made. They've been having a rough time with so many "Yona jealous of link and sidon" and "Yona blocks off link from Sidon" shit, and you and the Secret Confessions To a Sage comic by @kenneduck have literally sent them to tears of the happiness of good, easy polyamoury. They've been very gooshy.
And I can't wait to see how Chapter 5 goes. The ending of chapter 4 was soo good, and I loved the entire story. The line in chapter 1 about how Link was a tool to use for the kingdom, not a person that can have desires Mmmmmmmm good shit angst. And the Whole Breakdown was so good and aaaa Link keeps fleeing. And Yona getting right under there and swooping Link out of there I love her. I love what you have done with her. Just. Aaaaah.
I’ll scream for you, no worries lol!
But seriously thanks so much!!!!
And towards your partner, I COMPLETELY understand. I remember finishing TOTK and excitedly running to ao3. Only to see some of the first fics with Yona was just hating on her, or turning her character into a really mean lady who you’re supposed to root against. There’s nothing wrong enjoying your gay ships, but maybe don’t vilify female characters only bc they ‘get in the way’? It reminded me WAY TOO MUCH of my time in the Sonic fandom (I’m still a part of that fandom, always, love that silly blue hedgehog <3), and ppl would do the same to Amy in a lot Sonadow fics. WHICH DROVE ME INSANE.
I will always believe the hc of: wingman Yona, supportive wife Yona, or Poly Yona. They’re all wonderful <3 Just have these bitches love each other. It’s way more fun. I know once I complete TKSD I’d rlly rlly like to write a fic about SidYonZeLink, polyamory relationships are very dear to me, and I love exploring how complicated yet wonderfully caring they can be.
BUT OMG, I ALSO LOVE KENNEDUCK!!!! The Secret Confessions comic is just *chef kiss* GLORIOUS! I’m almost POSITIVE all of ya’ll have seen/read it, but if not—YOU BETTER GO RIGHT NOW AND DO SO!!! Their Yona is also so so so wonderful, she is so soft, and she and Sidon are so soft together. I love it.
I’m excited and nervous for chapter 5! I know a lot of y’all really wanna get to Link, but it felt important to write about the Sage’s to set up a couple of future events. I meant for it to be fairly short and then have a larger section dedicated to when they find Link, but thats… not exactly what happened. Atm the doc is at an even 19k word count (dunno how i managed that), and i still have a decent amount of things to write, SO…. Yeah. A lot of this chapter is really just about the Sages and the Sage’s bonding. If that’s not what you want than you can obviously wait til chapter 6, which spoilers, will be Link’s pov and ONLY about his recovery.
Thanks so much for all your kind words!! I rlly appreciate it <3<3<3
I hope everyone has a lovely day and that you enjoy future chapters and future fics!!
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
1, 5, 6, 14, 16, 18 & 37? 😘
[weird writer asks]
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Yeah, no, I usually use the default, which means "Liberation Serif" in Libre and "Arial" in the cloud programme. I do sometimes change an entire finished fic/chapter into Arial or even Comic Sans for proofreading, because mistakes are sometimes easier to spot in a different font.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Uuuh, I don't think so? I mostly have theater superstitions xD except maybe that "this won't take long" will inevitably net a 10k+ multi-chapter.
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
Probably utter obscurity: something posted and shared not being looked at At All, because if "art is love made public" what remains if no one relates to it in any way? (but also that my personal kinks and grudges and issues are waaaaay too obvious in everything I write xD)
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I mean. You obviously know (part of) the answer to that one, considering you currently have Time Bomb xD but actually I think I've only ever lent books to my best friend from roughly sixth grade on, and I know at least one came back with tears in the paper cover so... I don't do it too readily. (And also lend books to my mum, my dad and my brother but idk if that even counts)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Probably lots and lots of weird scrap paper with notes, because for most of my life I actually had a "folder" filled with actual bookmarks and postcards and similar things that I selected one from for whatever book I read. But lately it's usually been whatever piece of paper I had lying about.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
Er küsste die Knöchel von Skinnys rechter Hand, die immer noch wund und aufgeplatzt waren von einer Meinungsverschiedenheit, in die Skinny zwei Tage zuvor verwickelt gewesen war. Drehte Skinnys Arm, drückte die Lippen sacht gegen sein Handgelenk, fuhr mit der Zungenspitze über die sich bläulich abzeichnenden Adern. Zufrieden registrierte er, dass Skinnys Atem sich ein wenig beschleunigte, dass Skinny ausnahmsweise einmal keine Anstalten machte, sich ihm entweder zu entziehen oder sich betont über ihn lustig zu machen.
Okay, this. This is a snippet from Ripped At Every Edge (the Mafia AU wedding night pwp) (yes I know I shared that exact same snippet before). And it’s like... still in an early stage, kind of. Because I want this to happen so badly - the tenderness, the care, the devotion in Cotta’s every touch. Because I go fucking nuts for this kind of devotion. And the scene just goes on like that, Cotta very carefully undressing Skinny, one piece of clothing after the other, without his hands even going anywhere near Skinny’s dick (again), because his feelings are so much more than that, and he really wants to show Skinny that.
But. And here’s the But. I’m still not convinced this is even remotely in character for Skinny to just... let it happen. They haven’t been together quite long enough for this I’m afraid and aaaaah. May have to scrap the entire plan? Do it again from the top? Give Skinny some witty one-liners, even if they ruin the soft mood? WHAT DO?!
Anyways. That’s the backstory on that.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
...that I had a lot of issues. And some interesting kinks. Maybe they'd be intrigued by the unholy amount of unrelated things I just know about for various reasons?
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tc-doherty · 2 years
For Tiny Scene Sunday, I would love to see something with Seneria and Gheist!! I finished reading the first book in Celestials at the start of summer, and I miss those two!! It was such a cute story! I loved how they slowly got to know each other better and I can't wait to see more of their adventures! ;w; <3 <3 <3
Aaaaah! I didn't know you had finished reading it, I'm really glad that you liked it and that you like them!!! I do have such a soft spot for Seneria and Gheist and their friendship <3 <3 <3
So thank you for the ask! I wrote something that takes place in between books 1 and 2.
"The trail ended there. The only options were down or across. Down, with it's raging rapids and sharp rocks wasn't looking so good. There were vines growing along the edge of the cliff-"
Gheist looked up. "Hm?"
"It's 'vynes'," Seneria said.
Life had been busy since the Towers of the Sun and Moon fell. The remnants of Chaos Magic had created problems that kept them running back and forth the length of the Seven Kingdoms. But every once in a while, as they were doing today on the wide plains of Ruby kingdom, they still had time to stop for a picnic lunch.
And when they found themselves with such peaceful, uninterrupted moments, Gheist would practice reading on the only thing Seneria commonly had on hand – the latest Abernathy Quinn novel.
"So then this word," he said pointing to a word a few lines back, "is 'rav-EEN' but this word is 'VYne'."
"Then why," he continued, "are they spelled the same?"
Seneria laughed. "I don't know! In some old handwritten books they're spelled differently…maybe this way is easier on the printer?"
Gheist sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I can admit, life may have been easier before I could read. Even so, I'm not going to leave you to write that magic compendium by yourself."
"Really, you're doing quite well. You still read slowly, but you rarely make mistakes anymore. And you're more studious than I am!" She flopped back onto the picnic blanket and cushioned her head on her hands. "By the time we actually have time to write that compendium, you'll probably be better than me."
"Oh, I see. It was all a ruse to get me to stay behind and do the boring work while you go out and fight monsters."
She laughed again. "Don't be silly, we're partners aren't we? Dull or dangerous, we'll do what we have to do together, right? That's what we promised."
"Of course," Gheist gave a soft smile. "We are partners, now and always. But I admit, it is nice to have times like these where we can just be friends too."
Santeria hummed her assent. "Things are changing, because we're changing them. Maybe in the future we'll be able to put aside the names Solaris and Lunaris entirely. But for now…"
"For now," Gheist continued, "we just have to make the most of the time that we do have." He opened the book and picked up from where he left off. "There were VYnes growing along the edge of the cliff-"
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Jaune Sempai AU) Weiss was a spoiled brat for a good while at the beginning, not entirely her fault but still. She got a good reality check about leadership from Port, does the same thing happen here? Or does Jaune give chip in his few cents about leadership to the new teams?
Weiss was slowly walking through the halls of Beacon, thinking about the talk she had with Professor Port just a few minutes ago. 'Savor what I have? Be the best person I can be? I'm sure I could be an even better person if I was the leader of this team... I'd learn so much more and I could help more by giving orders rather than following them! A Schnee leads, never follows! ...But...' Weiss slowly came to a stop in the middle of a hallway intersection. With it being so late, not many students were traversing the halls so she didn't need to worry about being in anyone's way. 'Was the Professor right...? About me getting everything handed to me up until now...?'
"Ah, Weiss right?" The heiress was jarred out of her pondering by a sudden voice from next to her. She turned her head to see the blond third-year she met on her first night at Beacon. Jaune Arc, was his name she believed, was standing there with a cart in front of him holding snacks, drinks, and a projector. "It's good to see you again."
Weiss stood up straight and turned to face him fully out of respect. "O-oh Jaune, it's good to see you as well."
Jaune leaned forward, and rested his forearms on the cart's handle. "I saw how you did great during initiation. It was quite impressive that the four of you were able to take out a Nevermore of that size."
Weiss felt some pride swell in her chest at the praise from such a well known upperclassman. "Well thank you, it was a rather... interesting experience teaming up like that."
"Well, you can't force teamwork. At least, not the kind the four of you showed. That stuff has to pretty much come naturally, and it did."
"Again, thank you." Weiss' eyes landed on the cart of food and drinks in front of him. "W-what might all that be for Jaune?"
"Oh this stuff? Some friends are celebrating the new semester starting today and they invited me, so I decided to grab some snacks for us all."
"Oh! Well that sounds... rather fun."
Her distracted tone wasn't lost on Jaune. The third year leaned in a bit more towards her over the cart, getting a good look at her. And her aura. "Hey... Are you doing okay? You seem a bit... down today."
Wiess was surprised by the question. "Oh! I-is it that apparent?"
"A bit." 'Well no not really. But having so many sisters and being able to see your aura dampen helps quite a lot.' "So what's up?"
Weiss wasn't sure she should complain anymore than she already had. She'd already been given a new perspective, and a small telling off, by Professor Port. Did she really want to try it again?
Well... another point a view couldn't hurt right? "Well it's just that... I was really expecting to be made team leader. Instead, Headmaster Ozpin appointed Ruby as our team's leader. A-and Professor Port already told me to let it go and just be the best huntress I can be instead, but I just don't think she's right for it!"
"And you think you'd be a better fit as the leader?"
Jaune's straight forward tone made Weiss already regret bringing it up. "W-well no... at least not anymore. Like Professor Port said, I should focus on what I have and can work with rather than what I don't." Weiss put her hands behind her and looked off to the side a bit.
"Well he is right. You weren't made team leader, not much you can do about it now. I think the Professor was right though, what you should focus on is accepting it and moving forward. Focus on improving yourself for now and working to improve your team as a member, not a leader. You and all of your teammates are on the same team. You all add to it. One person can't suddenly contribute more help or more valuable.... uuuhhh... help than the other members just because they were made the 'leader', ya know?
"Yes... I suppose that is true... But all my life I've been taught to take initiative. By my father and my sister. Neither of them were just followers, they paved their own ways."
"Your sister? You said your last name was Schnee right? Wouldn't that make your sister Winter Schnee? The Atlas Specialist?"
Weiss was caught off guard by that completely. She'd thought he'd ask about her father with her family name, not her sister. "Y-yes, she is. Do you know her?"
Jaune stood up from leaning over the cart, chuckling nervously a little bit. "Aaaaah well... I've met her in the past a few times, but I wouldn't say I really 'know' her. She's pretty strong though."
Weiss beamed happily at hearing him talk highly of her sister. "She certainly is~! I actually used to train with her occasionally and she even taught me some things she knew personally."
"Well then I'd better be careful if we were to fight haha." Jaune laughed lightly at how Weiss talked about her sister. He could almost feel Weiss's admiration for her rolling off in waves. "But you realize she needs to follow orders too right? She may be a specialist and have a high rank in the military, but she still needs to follow orders from people above her, like General Ironwood."
Weiss looked like she realized what Jaune was getting at. "I-I suppose you... aren't incorrect."
Jaune smiled and nodded a little at her understanding. "Everyone has orders and people to follow, even people with the title of 'leader'. And if not orders, then rules they need to follow. And if not rules, then some other duties or obligations. All you can really do is try and sort out which ones are the right ones for you to follow and be the best individual you can be." Jaune's warm smile dropped a bit before the next sentence. "Besides... I think you lucked out not being made the leader."
Weiss looked back over to him as she heard his voice at the last sentence lack the same tone he'd had the rest of their talk. "What do you mean by that?"
Jaune looked a bit surprised. He didn't mean to say that for her to hear. "O-oh nothing. I-it's just... I think being a leader isn't all it's cracked up to be. You have to take extra classes, work out whatever problems or kinks form in your team, be responsible for all your teammates and their actions, and honestly it won't matter a whole lot once you graduate Beacon unless you all decide to stick together and take jobs as a group. A lot more responsibility for not a lot of reward hahaha... ha ha." Jaune's awkward chuckle at the end didn't seem to ease Weiss's suspicion, so Jaune decided to finish up his point. "Just... don't think so hard on what leaders are shown or talked about as. Think about what they really are. There could still come a time where you'll need to take the lead on something. And... Ruby might appreciate your support and help."
Weiss looked really thoughtful about everything he said. Her eyes glanced down a bit in thought. "T-thank you Jaune... Both you and Port have given me quite a lot to think about..."
"Y-yeah sorry... that was a lot all at once..." Jaune rubbed the back of his head a little sheepishly. "But don't let it overwhelm you. It's your first day as a student. You have plenty of time to figure things out."
Weiss smiled softly. He was right... she'd been putting so much pressure on herself and being excellent 24/7, she forgot that she only just started. "Thank you, again. That has put my mind at ease a little."
"Glad to hear it! Now you might want to get moving. Curfew is in a little bit and trust me, you don't want Professor Goodwitch catching you out past it."
Weiss's eyes widened. She had totally forgotten how late it was! "Right! Sorry for taking up your time, but I must be going!" Weiss gave a swift nod and continued walking down the hallway she was heading towards a few minutes ago.
"No worries! I enjoyed our talk Weiss!" Jaune waved off after her until she was a good distance away, then continued on his own trip down the other one.
As the sound of the cart wheels rolling and occasionally squeaking became the only noise around him, Jaune started to let his mind drift and think about what he'd said to Weiss just a minute ago. 'Not all it's cracked up to be... yeah... what an understatement. You dodged a bullet Weiss... you just have no idea what. I hope the same bullet misses Ruby too...'
Jaune left those thoughts behind after that and just focused on making his way to Team CFVY's dorm room to meet up with everyone.
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issabees · 3 years
✨ New Fic ✨
AAAAAH it's here! I finally got this done and now I'm ready to share this with you guys!
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Title: Alone Together, Part Two
Book: The Nanny Affair
Pairing: M!Robin Flores x MC (Marina Acuña)
Genre: Friendship, (Slight) Romance
Rating: PG
Type: Mini-Series/Two-Fic
Word Count: ~ 5700
Setting: (Similar to Part One) This is a reimagining that takes place in Book 1, Chapter 6 (The Toast), particularly when Robin suggests that Sam should see them leave together!
Author’s Note: AHHH I'm so sorry this took forever! I did intend for this to be posted sooner (right after Part One, actually), but I decided last-minute to rewrite the entire thing and that pushed back the release date. Then a few things happened (+ online classes) that I felt too tired and too down to write. But here it is!
Additional Tags: Fluff, Mild Swearing
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"How did you find out about this place?"
Robin always had different plans every weekend, plans that were often concocted based on what he felt like doing with whoever woman he felt like dating at the moment.
Take, for example, the recent month of July. The first week—the Fourth of July—was spent in the Hamptons with a brunette named Jamie, and the next in Tribeca with a redhead named Bea. The third weekend was in Coney Island with a blond named Harper. She also happened to be the last for the month because he had to spend the next weekend preparing for the oh-so-sacred engagement party his brother was having.
But this time, on the very first Saturday night of August, he finds himself walking down SoHo with another woman. A brunette who has been shifting her gaze between the cast-iron-decorated buildings and her brightly lit phone for the past five minutes. Unlike the others, she wasn't a date. Just another soul he thought of spending the evening with. A friend, he considers.
Now, he had no intentions of this night happening. The only plan he did have for tonight was to go through the engagement party, stay behind for the clean-up, and then leave to prepare for work the next day. Nowhere did he expect to spend the evening searching for a speakeasy, and certainly not with her.
"A friend recommended it to me right after I finished grad school," she explains with her eyes stuck on everything but him. "We were supposed to go here together, but—we have to turn here—scheduling conflicts made it basically impossible."
They walk down a few more paces until her phone beeps, signaling that they have arrived at the place. But as they halt on the sidewalk, they come face-to-face with a plain-looking storefront, making them double-check the directions sent by her friend.
"Well, it says so here. Kitty & Pendleton."
Turning to each other, they share a look of doubt over the place. Marina even thinks of calling her friend, only to remember that he is vacationing in Belize for a couple of weeks and probably won't answer his phone. They spend another minute just staring at the front of the building, then turning to each other, the same question in their eyes. Somehow, they found the same answer in them too.
And what a speakeasy it is.
Compared to the (now terribly) dull exterior of the building, the place is an upscale secret haven full of glamorous interior designs, leather-bound seats, and soft jazz music playing in the speakers hidden around the area. It surprised both of them how such a place seems to be invisible to the outside world. How they have never—especially Robin, who was no stranger to New York bars—been in here before is beyond them.
But soon enough, that shock had faded once they sat down by the bar area and ordered a Manhattan (for Marina) and an Old-Fashioned (for Robin). Robin pays for the drinks, and they almost instantly talk and share about their lives, stories that would elicit quick banter between the two.
One story was of Robin recounting the time when one of his exes crashed the company New Year's party. The woman, Emily he recalls, suddenly ran to the front of the crowd just as they were counting down to 'one' and basically screeched at the mic about how he was an "and I quote, 'emotionally threadbare man-child.'"
Marina snorts. "An emotionally threadbare man-child," the words she repeated laced with a thoughtfully slow intonation as she mulls over them with amusement and second-hand embarrassment. "Was she a writer?"
"How'd you know?"
She smiles knowingly before taking a sip of her drink, "it sounds...flowery." Then she giggles at her own remark. "Anyway, what did you do?"
"I don't quite remember anymore," which is an absolute lie because Robin remembers it quite well. The moment became a symphony of chaos; the noises from the firecrackers ripping through the sky accompanied the very public argument between him and Emily. She was shouting absolute nonsense as an addition to her 'man-child' declaration. He defended himself in front of the company. Not to mention his then-new girlfriend, Angela, was also present. He had to spend the first hour of 2020 explaining to her that you are the only one now, baby; come on, and let's go back inside. "But I do remember calling her crazy."
Marina raises an eyebrow but is nowhere near surprised at this point. On the one hand, there is some sort of craziness one would have in disrupting a company party, especially when it's for New Year's and they decide to freak out just when the clock hits the last second of the past year. On the other hand, she has some faith in Emily in the sense that the woman couldn't have just freaked out unprovoked. She was hurt by him. A Flavor-of-the-Week that had gone too stale for Robin to keep around.
"You have thoughts about the matter," he disrupts her thinking. She smirks in return, taking another sip of her Manhattan.
Somehow, this sight of her smirking made Robin's stomach slightly drop in guilt, but not for Emily. Remembering that mishap never really bothered him, even when it became one classic inside joke within the Dalton family. He even recounts the story to other women, framing it to look like he was the wronged one to capture their interest. Because I definitely was the wronged one, he constantly thinks.
Yet it feels as though, right now, Marina could see past him; as though Emily is standing right behind him and Marina is looking right at her, the two having a mental conversation about what an absolute prick he can be. She wasn't impressed by the story, and it was clear in the way her eyes bore into his that she was judging him too.
And while it normally wouldn't bother him, he oddly finds himself not wanting her to see him differently.
"Oh, don't think badly of me now," he asks defensively. "The night just started!"
Her penetrating gaze dissipates as she giggles, "I know. And I wasn't thinking badly of you." Not that bad, at least. "Just thinking."
"Of me?" he wonders jokingly, hoping to alleviate the tension by wiggling his eyebrows until he earns a laugh from her.
Then they talk about favorite songs, favorite food, and a whole lot of other favorites, followed by a whole lot of other things. But there was no mention or allusion to Sam or the engagement party. And they both notice this, but say nothing of it in the hopes that the other hadn't caught on.
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After a few more drinks, they leave the speakeasy, happily chatting away when the building across the street catches Marina's attention. Preoccupied from finding the speakeasy, she must have failed to notice it when walking down the street earlier, but now it made her completely curious. Without hesitation, she grabs Robin's wrist—much to his surprise—and they dash across until they are standing in front of a bookstore, the storefront illuminating the sidewalk with soft white lights.
Robin glances at her with a slight frown, clearly not the biggest fan of books.
"You said we can go anywhere I want to go," she reminds him, smiling wickedly.
Robin visibly huffs in regret, shaking his head. Damn making promises as a way of convincing people. But deep down, he finds himself somewhat intrigued by the uncertainty that is...well, going inside a bookstore with her. It is a really mundane moment, at best, but he feels as though the perusing would be interesting, especially with her there to most likely lead him around the place. He's been enjoying her company for the past hour that, despite the really mundane idea, he was willing to follow her inside.
Almost immediately, they become lost in the sea of books, and—true enough—Marina leads Robin as they walk up and down the endless aisles lined with wooden bookshelves (by leading, that's just Marina walking in front of him, eyeing for book titles that were interesting enough for her, while Robin catches up behind her, half-bored with the quiet atmosphere and half-appalled by just how much books are in the place). Every once in a while, she stops to pick a book, skimming through the pages until she reaches the back cover and reading the blurb before returning it to its place on the shelf.
So far, Robin has already taken note of three books that had really piqued her interest: Emma by Jane Austen (turns out Marina is into those), My Policeman by Bethan Roberts (he takes a mental note of how giddy she became when talking about Harry Styles being in the film adaptation, for relentless-teasing purposes), and One Day by David Nicholls. Out of those three, One Day seems to be her favorite.
"It's about these two friends, Dexter and Emma, and how their lives kind of intersect once a year on a particular date," she explains to him, leaning her head to the side so that he could peer over her shoulder.
"Let me guess," he snickers, "they eventually fall in love and finally get together."
The tone in his voice suggests a slight smugness, the kind that often has another message in it: wow, how groundbreaking. She raises an eyebrow at him, covertly anticipating his reaction as she replies with "yeah, but she dies in the end. Bike accident."
The look on his face, the split-second shift between shock and unease, is pure gold for Marina. "Oh, wow. They actually included that in here?" He eyes the book cover, then back to her.
She shakes her head, satisfied, "nope, my sister spoiled it to me."
They continue to go back and forth on those three books, Marina weighing the pros and cons of each book while Robin listens to her. She sticks to One Day the longest, undecided between buying it or not as she shifts from picking up the book to placing it back on the shelf. By the fifth time she picks the book back up, she notices that Robin's eyes light up.
"Okay, does that mean you're good with this?" he inquires hopefully, visibly tired and on the verge of exasperation from her indecisiveness. She rolls her eyes, then turns away to read the blurb one more time. Part of her did this to do another round of contemplating about buying the book, but another, bigger, part did this so she could hide the sudden warmth flooding through her, pooling on her cheeks before sighing.
"I don't know..." she trails off sheepishly. He catches this, and almost as equally flustered as she is, he smiles.
Despite the relatively boring and tiring pursuit of finding a book for her, Robin has come to find himself liking it. Maybe because he knows there's nothing better to do for the night other than to help her decide on whether or not One Day would be the book to buy, or maybe because he finds her dilemma to be quite amusing in its nonsense (at least to him, it's nonsense). Either way, he likes helping her.
He plucks the book from her hands and skims through it himself. Then he heads straight down the aisle with Marina now the one catching up behind him.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm buying you this book."
She watches as they arrive at the cashier, telling him that he didn't have to buy it for her as he hands his credit card to the attendant.
"Marina, your indecisiveness is going to be the very reason—thank you—we'll be stuck in this place until the next year," he points out, before looking to the side where she stands, now smiling warmly. "And you looked like you really wanted to read it anyway, so I'm buying it for you. Think of it as a gift."
Before she could protest any further, he turns back to the cashier and asks for a pen to scribble a dedication message on the front page before having it packaged in a paper bag, strategically shifting his body so that she couldn't catch a glimpse of the message. Once everything is done and paid for, Robin hands the paper bag to Marina, who accepts the bag with much disbelief.
"So, where to next?" he inquires as they head out of the store.
She suggests that he should pick the next place. "As a thank you," she explains, "for letting me drag you into the bookstore and for tolerating my indecisiveness."
He rolls his eyes before looking out onto the street to convincingly hide his amusement. Right then left then right again, he looks at the street sign just a few paces away, recognizing the name from previous night-outs.
After a little while, once he has made up his mind, he turns to the woman. "You mentioned that you like ice cream, right?"
She nods. "Yeah."
"Oh, good. There's an ice cream place just a few blocks from here."
And much as he would like to deny it, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip when a smile blooms on her lips, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
A few blocks and a short queue after, Marina watches as Robin sets down one cup, stacked precariously high with the sweet cold dessert for a cup that size, on the table as he sits across her.
"Cookies 'n' Cream, right?" asks Robin, his eyebrows raised in the silent hope that he remembered her order right.
He remembered!
She smiles in return, before peering across the table to look at his order. "Huh," she starts curiously, "I never thought of you as the Double Dutch type."
He gives a funny face as he digs the wooden spoon through the ice cream, "you say that like it's a bad thing."
"It's not!" she defends herself, "I just didn't expect that you would like that."
"Oh? Well, I never thought of you as the Cookies 'n' Cream type, either." Robin spills his words coyly, even raising an eyebrow to further his taunting of her.
And Marina knows better than to back down. "Now, wait a minute..."
Thus, the pettily grand discussion on ice cream flavors commenced. It soon became a discussion on which flavors are hits or misses. Sensibly, they had their own favorites and treated them as the superior flavor: Cookies 'n' Cream for Marina while Double Dutch for Robin. But they also had their agreements; they both abhor Rum Raisin, and they both love Mint Chocolate Chip.
Robin almost brings up how Sam hates Mint Chocolate Chip, a little detail he uses to tease his older brother a lot, but ultimately decides not to. Because that would only make Marina remember him and how she would need to go back to the party. And while he had no intentions of forcing her to stay with him, he didn't want to jinx an abrupt ending to their night.
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"I have to admit, this was fun," Marina declares.
Now in Central Park, occupying one of its empty benches, they lean close to each other, quiet for a moment as they let the exhaustion somewhat settle in.
She turns to Robin, catching a split second of him glancing at her with a little smile on his face before it kinks to a smirk.
"Of course it is," he declares, his casualness masking the skipping of his heart that had oddly come back. "You're with me, and I'm always fun to be with."
She rolls her eyes, even though she now finds it hard to contend with that.
"In all seriousness, I really do mean it." This catches his attention, making him look at her more intently as she continues, "I did feel pretty down, and you cheered me up with this," she waves the book up.
"And the ice cream," he points out, and she smiles.
"And the ice cream."
"And the drinks! Don't forget about the drinks," he adds, and she laughs.
"Especially the drinks." She confirms, her smile now the warmest he has seen for the entire night. "Thank you for that."
"You're very welcome," he returns, smiling back. "Besides, it's the responsible thing to do as a friend."
"Okay, friend," she shifts a bit to face him, another thought invading her mind, "can I ask you something?"
But instead of asking right away, she pauses, laying all the words she knows on some metaphysical table and thoughtfully picking them up as one would in a card-matching game. "A while ago in the garden..." she starts slowly, still mulling over the words she has yet to say.
"You said you've never met someone worth committing yourself to. Why?"
He leans back, a certain look in his eyes that shifts between amusement and something else. "So we're back to that."
Oh my god, Marina! Why did you even ask him that?!
"It's okay if you don't want—"
"No, no, it's fine," he interrupts. He takes a moment to mull over the question, casting his gaze down onto the ground, even scrunching his nose in thought.
Then he shakes his head, "yeah, no one at all," which is another absolute lie because there were times when he thought of being serious with someone. There were moments when he had looked into the eyes of a woman and hoped that she will be the one.
But as he grew older, and many women have come and gone, he knew better than to hope.
"I just think that..." he trails off, then almost instantly, faces her. "I told you earlier adult relationships are meant to be fun, yes?"
She nods, remembering that exact moment in the engagement party.
"Yeah, well, what happens when it isn't fun anymore? People leave for someone new, someone exciting, someone better." He casts his eyes back down on the ground.
"They always do."
Those last words come out in the softest whisper, Marina is unsure whether she was supposed to hear them or not.
"But you—"
"I know," he interjects, "but if you had the chance to leave before things would become too painful, you'd leave, wouldn't you?"
This question silences her and it wasn't because she didn't know her answer. She knows it. But speaking it into existence, the answer everyone is so confident to say but too cowardly to do, will come back to bite her later on.
She begins to see every prejudiced thought she had of him since they met, even the ones she had earlier, crumble down like fine sand slipping through her fingers. This, along with everything he said about Sam in his office weeks ago, begins to make sense to Marina. And much like how crazy ex-girlfriend Emily's outburst was provoked by Robin's carelessness, Robin's fear of commitment was provoked by others who mattered the most to him. As she eyes the man beside her, she sees that she has cracked something open in Robin, and she feels guilt wash over her for doing so.
She continues to watch him as he shifts his position, now some space settling between them. The space is small, but for Marina, it feels like a chasm. A void she now fears entering.
"Robin, I—"
"Oh, don't feel bad for me, Marina," he interjects, bringing a smile to his lips that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"I've actually come to like it this way. Casual relationships are great because that's all what they are. Casual. No neediness and all that shit. Besides, I did say that I still want a committed relationship, right? Just—"
"Not now," she finishes, eyes darting to his just as he turns towards the night sky.
The air stills as an unforgiving silence settle upon them, the kind that exists when there are a million things left to say and yet nothing can be enough. Still looking at him, Marina studies his face, seeing him stare so stoically into the sky, determined to give nothing away. Yet Robin knows, as he had learned earlier in the speakeasy, that she could easily see through him, and by giving nothing away, he has already given everything away to her.
A couple of moments pass, still in that silence, but Robin is now looking through the trees while Marina watches as the lights in nearby buildings turn on and off. Thoughts swirl and race through and jump around their minds, keeping the two somewhat occupied, until Marina decides to break the silence.
"You know," she could see Robin in her peripherals looking back at her, "I really hope that when the right person does come into your life, you give them a chance." She lets go of each word with the utmost care, enough for him to consider every one of them thoughtfully.
He doesn't say anything in return, not after a minute, not even after two. And when she was ready to retreat into the silence, Robin finally speaks.
"But how do I even know if they're the right person? How do I even know they're worth my time?"
He's still looking through the trees, but she knows that his attention is now on her, waiting for an answer.
"I don't think you can ever really know for certain, Robin, nor can you ever really know right away..."
He turns to her, and she finds herself unsure of whether the look in his eyes is that of surprise or of disappointment. "But," she continues, "if there is someone who makes you happy, like ridiculously and unconditionally happy, and you think you can make them feel that same kind of happiness? I think they're worth a shot."
"And if things go south? If things aren't fun anymore?"
"I don't believe the fun can ever really leave when you're with the right person. There will be days when you're not in the mood, or they're not in the mood or both. But the right person will stay because they want to be with the...entirety...of you."
There is a kind of certainty in her words that stirs something in Robin, and he finds himself hooked to them. Or to her, because she spoke with such confidence and hope as if she already knew him. But then in a sense, she has, especially with a night such as the one they were sharing. Regardless, he feels safe and comforted, he realizes.
He speaks softly, "you really believe that?"
He then gazes at her, eyes bright and hopeful. She smiles caringly and nods.
"Yeah, I do. Everybody deserves someone who thinks they're worth being with, flaws and all. Even you."
I hope so. The hope in his eyes seems to have traveled to his lips as he beams a soft, but hopeful smile to her.
"You do too, you know. You also deserve someone who will choose you. Someone who will always think you're worth it. Someone who thinks you're the best..." and because he couldn't help himself, "flaws and all."
He watches as her eyes grow wide before she playfully nudges his arm with her shoulder, annoyed but unable to hide the embarrassed smile on her lips.
"I am trying to be helpful!" she cries.
And he couldn't help but chuckle, earning a slap on the same arm. "Ow, wait, I never said that you aren't! You are helpful!"
"But you're making it sound like it was corny," she frowns. This entices him even more to toy with her, shrugging.
"But I like it! And I thank you for it!"
Now fully facing his way, she narrows her eyes at him. "Bullshit."
"It's true, I promise!" he laughs out, his voice the sound of easy and unguarded laughter. She couldn't help but join in until they ruptured the quiet air with their laughter, the unforgiving silence now broken and forgotten. After what felt like a good five minutes, the moment dies down into a contenting lull, when Robin bumps his arm against hers.
"You're a pretty terrific person, Marina. I really do mean that."
He feels a kind of warmth but is unsure of whether it was coming from himself or it was radiating from her. It must've been from her, he thinks, as he notices the faint shade of pink coloring her cheeks.
"No bullshit?"
"No bullshit."
She hums appreciatively. "You too, Robin."
The two share a look, and as they do so, something crosses their minds. Maybe it's because of how close they have gotten in the short time they spent together, but everything seems to have changed between them. Actually, everything has changed between them. They were more than two people who met a few weeks ago, more than two people who—just hours ago— knew that nothing good was ever going to come out of that engagement party.
At this moment, in this space, there's just them. Two people alone together.
It is unclear who started it, but neither of them stops to ponder on whether or not it actually mattered. The space between them slowly closes in, and everything seems to slow down with it. They keep their eyes on each other, searching for meaning in the other as their lips move closer and closer.
They pull away, frightened by the sound shattering the silence. Another, clearer ping! rings out, coming from Marina's dress pocket.
She huffs out as checks her phone, wondering who would be texting her at this time. Son of a— Her frustration snuffs out like a flame blown off its candle upon seeing Sam's name on the screen.
Marina, where are you?
Can we talk?
Then it dawned on her. Sam. For a while, she had forgotten about him and the fact that she still had to go back home to his apartment. That she still needed to talk to him about their relationship, about their feelings for each other. She still needs to know what will happen tomorrow, and the day after that, and the week, the month, even the year after that.
Now swimming deep into a pool of her thoughts, she fails to notice Robin peering next to her. But he notices the grimace that is now on her face, and the bright light of her phone screen displaying two message boxes. Somehow, he already knows who the sender is.
"Is that Sam?"
"Hmm? Oh. Yeah." There it is, the jinx signifying how the night is coming to a close.
And as he pictures his walls rising back up, he tries to shake the idea of him and Marina. He knows that nothing could happen between him and Marina. She likes him, plain and simple. Nothing should happen. They're friends, and what they have has become a safe space. He doesn't want to ruin that.
He stands up, dusting his clothes off before offering his arm to her. She looks at him, visibly confused by his suddenness.
"Let's bring you back to Sam," he declares, "I'm sure we've freaked him out long enough."
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The walk back is silent, a stark contrast to earlier when each street was breathlessly crossed with stories and laughter. Now each street crossed was full of observations of the world around them, gazes cast somewhere else until they return to the familiar path leading to the party.
They walk slowly now, each step taken so carefully to waste a few more seconds. They wonder on their own if reaching the party meant that their night would officially be over, and everything that took place tonight will fade away as Marina returns to Sam while Robin returns to whoever his Flavor-of-the-Week would be next.
A block away from the party, as they move closer to the familiar lights illuminating the far end of the sidewalk, Marina further slows until she fully comes to a stop and tugs on Robin’s arm.
"Robin, wait," she calls out softly.
He turns to her, "yes?"
"I think we should part ways here. The only thing worse than Sam seeing us leave together is probably him seeing us walk back together."
“Oh.” He looks down the sidewalk, almost expecting to see Sam magically pop out of the corner (which just proves Marina’s point) before turning back at her. "That’s fair. I'll head to the back, then."
And just like that, the night is over.
They eye each other, sharing fleeting and very awkward glances at each other as they stand in the middle of the sidewalk, unsure about who will move first and when the other will follow.
This goes for a minute, then two, until Robin starts, “We should—"
“Yeah! Yeah, good point.” They laugh breathlessly, unsure what to do next. That is until Marina steps closer and pulls him into a hug.
Not the most graceful thing ever, she realizes, yet she doesn’t feel like caring much about it, especially as Robin returns the gesture by wrapping his arms around her waist.
“You almost hit me in the face with the book.”
She giggles, apologizing. He hums appreciatively, rubbing her back comfortingly. This makes her hold him a little tighter, enough that he notices.
"You alright?" He feels her head nodding against his shoulder.
As they stay like this, locked in an embrace, each couldn't help but wonder.
True, tonight only happened because of some petty vendetta over one person, and maybe it will flutter away into a memory soon tucked away as they both return to the lives they temporarily left behind for a few hours. Maybe tonight is just another story they can share so carelessly and fleetingly to others for a while until it slips off their minds when newer, more exciting, better memories have been made.
But what is it about Marina?
But what is it about Robin?
And why should it matter now, they both think, when the night is already done? When reality is already placing its foot at the door, knocking to let them know that it’s waiting for them?
"Yeah, I just...” She starts, but when leaning back slightly to look up at him, she becomes stunned by their close proximity, the rest of her words become forgotten. “I…I just wanted to thank you again for tonight. Remember what I said, okay?"
Similarly stunned, he nods quietly, unsure how else to respond other than with a small grateful smile.
After a moment too long, their arms unravel each other, and Marina steps back as she begins to turn the other way.
And he should have just let her go, should have let her walk away from him.
But as time seemed to slow down, as every bit of his fingers linger on her arm, he realizes that he couldn't.
"No, come back."
Robin pulls her back in, cupping her cheeks in his hands as he presses his lips against hers. It was only for a brief moment, but it made them feel weightless, like falling from the sky. The feeling of their lips on each other flutters through every part of their body, lingering even as he quickly pulls away.
Stunned, he stammers his apology, "I—I'm sorry." His breath dances against her lips, warm and inviting as she shakes her head.
"Don't," Marina whispers right before crashing her lips back to his. This kiss is deeper, more dizzying, and relentless as they feel their senses come alive, each touch of their lips electrifying every nerve in their body like lightning ripping through heaven. It feels good. It feels right.
After what feels like an eternity of pure and carefree bliss, they pull away breathlessly. They stay that way for a moment, foreheads pressed against each other, arms wrapped around the other. Until reality settles in, and slowly—almost unwillingly—they pull themselves away.
"So, I'll see you soon?" he inquires, unsure.
Marina grins as she tucks the book under her arm, highly amused with his uncertainty. "What? You don't think we'll see each other again?"
"After what we did to Sam? Not a chance."
"Then I'll try to sneak out at night, when everyone is asleep."
"I'll bring the getaway car, waiting outside the building."
They share one last laughter together, their voices ringing carefreely in the quiet air as they begin to walk in opposite directions. After a few steps forward, they look back at each other, finding the same person there yet seeing someone new.
"Good night, Robin."
"Good night, Marina."
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As Marina shuts the bedroom door behind her, she sighs in relief. The return to the party, the ride home, the settling in the penthouse, they were all painfully awkward as she and Sam kept quiet, but the tension multiplied when they finally talked about their relationship.
And some talk it was. Sam said that he hasn’t been able to think straight for the past weeks, that everything else disappears when he is with her, that he cares about her, that he wants her.
As she listened, her heart swelled. It's clearer now that there is something between the two. That whatever happened in the kitchen, her bedroom, the town car, and the dance floor meant something to him the way it did to her.
So why does it also feel underwhelming? Why does she feel even more lost and confused than before?
All she wants to do now is curl up and fall asleep.
She slumps on her bed, sighing at herself before stretching her arms out when her hand bumps at something solid. She lifts her head, seeing her hand resting on a brown paper bag beside her purse. Then she remembered. The book!
She sits up and brings the bag close to her, unfastening the back flap to reveal the paperback book. With her fingers lifting the cover page, she finds Robin's handwriting scribbled on the bottom-right corner.
To my Em,
Thank you for tonight.
P.S. Avoid bike accidents!
From your Dex
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Legit, it means the world to me for people to enjoy these little (okay, except this fic is not so little) things.
I think this will be my (technically first and) last Robin x MC fic because I just wanted to explore this scene in Book 1, but do let me know if you want to see more! If you also have an idea that you'd like to see me write, feel free to message me or send an ask about it!
Have a great day/night, and take care!
~ Issa
🐝 Tag List: (Feel free to message me if you want to be added or removed)
@txemrn @socalwriterbee @kingliamsbitch @lahelasaveiro @rice-wiife @gaydinosaurbananamilkcarton @choicesficwriterscreations @thenannyaffair-fanfics @peonierose
Shameless Plug: You can check out part one here! As for my other two fics, I'll be posting a masterlist after this so that it'll be easier to find them! 🤗
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gladiatortale · 3 years
My DEPRESSION BEATING, fandom obsessing, shit-tastic FANTASTIC year in review!
TL;DR: I’m fixing my mental health and figuring out WHO THE FUCK I AM one fandom filled day at a time! Thank you to everyone who’s been there for me along the way. xoxo
what’s up HEATHENS.
stating the goddamn obvious here, it’s been a HELLUVA YEAR. One emotional rollercoaster after another but we’re ALMOST DONE. I know things aren’t gonna magically get better the second it flips to 00:01 on January first, but I’m excited to put this year behind me, and (SHOCKINGLY) a bit sad to see it go.
It was a year where the whole world completely stopped, we realized what is really important, what is really worth fighting for, and took a GODDAMN SECOND to just breathe.
For me personally, the year (which I’m counting off from November 1st) started out UNBELIEVABLY SHIT. I had just been kicked out of the country I called home for the last four years (thank you Brexit), I had ZERO job prospects, my depression was the WORST it had ever been, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And in the beginning, the pandemic felt like salt in the wound, an extra kick in the teeth to my early twenties that had already “failed to launch.”
But I tried to embrace the madness, really take advantage of the world (that I always thought moved to fast) properly slowing down, and take time to try and become myself again. I wanted to figure out what I loved and try and become a bit more like the person I was before my depression got so bad.
I often say I became that Manic Trash Planet Lady™ you see in sci-fi adventure films; a bit zany to say the least, with a million ideas and a very eclectic fashion sense, but embracing the insanity as it comes...
*cough cough* audrey, get to the goddamn point!
Right. lol. THE POINT IS! 
I’m not 100% “healed”, I’m not sure if I think depression is a “oh look you’re officially cured! hooray!” type of disease, but this year I let myself ENJOY SHIT for the first time in god knows how long. I still don’t know “wHaT i WaNt To dO WiTh mY LiFe”, but I’ve got a better idea and I’m heading in (what feels like) the right direction. And most of all, I can look back and say I am better than where I was a year ago.
So I wanted to say T H A N K Y O U to the mad lads on this website that introduced me to the fandoms, shows, movies, fics... THE SHIT that made me happy this year and were there to be one (BIG) piece in my healing journey.
AND SO, with out further rambling ADO! Here are the highlights of the year marked by my ridiculous hyper-fixations and OBSESSIONS. Thanks for putting up with me ya fiends, xoxox
November 2019  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
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I had just gotten home and I was in a LOOOOOOW place. Randomly decided to download this app when it came up and it proceeded to ruin my life (and my bank account...) for pretty much the rest of the year. It was exactly what I needed to get me through a tough time and I was thoroughly, horse-blinders-up-to-the-rest-of-the-world, OBSESSED. These gorgeous magical fiends ruined me and all I could say was thank you.
Joined the fandom: November 2019 Obsession peaked: Late November Obsession faded: December 2019; I started a new job AND my bank statement came in and I realized I had accidentally spent over SIXTY BUCKS on this stupid app. No ragrets, but I definitely started to phase out at that point. Fandom friends: Velma, (@lanavxds on insta) miss you girlie xx Fanfics you NEED to read: ‘Second Mistake’ by DeathBelle on AO3, because DAAAAAYUM SON. Favourite moments: Basically the whole of the Julian arc. That gangly himbo OWNED my ass for a month.
December 2019 Hazbin Hotel (TV Series)
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Y’ALL okay here me out. Am I proud of this one? No. Is the show crass as hell? OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. Did my angsty ass love it at the end of last year? DAMN STRAIGHT IT DID. Goes without saying, but this is NOT FOR EVERYBODY, but it definitely helped me along the way to becoming more comfortable with myself and being open about being the massive geek that I always was, and watching things I enjoy regardless of what people say about it.
Joined the fandom: December 2019 Obsession peaked: Shortly there after. Fandom friends: None. Dipped one toe in fandom discourse and then promptly YEETED the fuck outta there. Obsession faded: January 2019. Still curious to see the full series if A24 actually ever does produce the whole thing, but I have def moved away from it. Fanfics you NEED to read: Haven’t read any. Maybe I’m a pussy baby piece-o-shit, but I DID NOT want to go down that rabbit hole, NO MA’AM. Favourite moments:
Discovering the Hunicast podcast. These guys are a riot and Ashley is a flustered GEM. Even if you don’t watch the show, go watch an episode of these fucking LADS just dicking about and your day will get better.
Watching the first episode with my partner and watching him realize his girlfriend is a total freak.
January 2020 Lore Olympus (Webtoon Comic)
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*Officially* discovered this one thanksgiving weekend in 2019, but my Arcana phase was still raging pretty strong at that point so I didn’t really get in to it until later. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER NEEDS TO READ IT. It has everything and handles the reality sexual assault and it’s aftermath EXTREMELY well.
Joined the fandom: Late November 2019 Obsession peaked: January 2020 Fandom friends: KELLEY. MA GIRL XOXOXO Obsession faded: June-ish 2020. I’m like 10 chapters behind now, but I still love this story so much. Fanfics you NEED to read: SO MANY ON MY ‘MARKED FOR LATER’ LIST AAAAAH. I have to get to that... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION lol Favourite moments: Having a drunk conversation on New Years Eve in 2019 with one of my oldest friends from high school about how much she loved it too. Helped me see how popular fandom and fandoms, are especially after feeling like I needed to hide my enthusiasm through high school and uni. (THAT WAS A MISTAKE BUT I’LL GET THERE IN A MINUTE).
February 2020 Versailles (TV Series)
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SO FUCKING GAY Y’ALL. Oh my god everyone in this show is so gay. Even when they’re not they still are a little bit. AND BEST OF ALL!! it’s very historically accurate (except for the demon satanic nonsense in season 3, what was that???)
Joined the fandom: February 2020 Obsession peaked: Like??? The SECOND I finished episode one. Fandom friends: none... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU??? Obsession faded: March 2020. It was a fast and passionate love affair, what can I say? Fanfics you NEED to read: IF YOU HAVE RECS, GIVE ‘EM TO MEEEEE. Favourite moments: 
Showing the first episode to a friend of mine and the *ungodly GASP* that came out of her throat was... PRICELESS.
The ENTIRE throuple(???) relationship between the Chevalier, Philipe, and Palatine. PLATONIC/ ROMANTIC LOVE G O A L S.
March 2020 Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Series)
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*deep breath* ...y’all knew this one was coming.
Was I ready for this show to ruin my fucking life? No.  Am I so glad it happened??? FUCK YEAH.
NEVER IN MY LIFE have I fallen off the deep end so quickly with a fandom. HOLY SHIT. This blog didn’t have much of an “identity” before, but I you said that this is a Yuri On Ice blog now I wouldn’t even be mad (nor could I really defend myself to the contrary... bc??? like??? just go LOOK at my archive). Craziest thing is I watched the first two episodes like?? a solid TWO YEARS ago, but I didn’t continue watching because I was just not in the right head space for all the love and silliness and positivity.
I could do a whole separate post about how much this show and how this fandom has changed my life (DON’T TEMPT ME I JUST MIGHT). But I’ll stick with the highlights for now ;)
Joined the fandom: March 2020  Obsession peaked: Has it peaked?? Went straight up and it still going lol Fandom friends: Sandra, my mentor, my queen @aeriamamaduck, my fandom ride-or-die. Thank you for taking this internet bby under your wing. RACHEL @idancewiththefairies I TRAPPED YOU HERE. MUAHAHAHA xxx Obsession faded: ON GOING. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. Fanfics you NEED to read: jfc, SO MANY.
‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ and ‘Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts’ by Reiya @kazliin​ -- Rivals AU companion pieces. Longest fics I’ve ever read and JESUS CHRIST these two fucking SENT ME. Most popular YOI fics on AO3 for a REASON.
‘Tell Me Where Your Love Lies’ by @aeriamamaduck -- Royalty AU, trope-breaking ABO. Ah sweet, TMWYLL, how you’ve killed me over and over again. This BEAUTIFUL wip has SUCH amazing world-building idk where to start (Congrats on passing 50,000 hits!) EVERYONE GO READ IT.
‘Blackbird’ by sixpences -- WWII/Coldwar Spy Fic. I don’t have enough words to describe how amazing this is. It’s elevated to a higher plane beyond fanfic. Just go read it. Thank me later.
‘Zanka’ by rinsled05 @dreaming-fireflies -- The geisha fic that ruined me. *deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *gasp* I’m fine. lol I sooooo not ready for this fic. Holy hell, Aoyagi had my heart in his hands from the first chapter. “’Please’ [...] ‘Don’t give me hope.’“ FUUUUCK.
‘Echoes’ by Reiya @kazliin -- Future fic. First fic I cried at... BOI. I was NOT ready for this. Shouldn’t be surprised given the author, but MAN. “‘A love like that, a love like what they had together, it never leaves completely.’ Yuri spoke again, eyes still staring out onto the ice, lost in memory. ‘There are always echoes.’” JUST FUCK ME UP.
Favourite moments: Oh good lord, where do I begin??
Having two (count ‘em TWO) main characters with mental health issues (Yuuri and his anxiety and Victor with burn out and depression) and NOT MAKING IT THE ONLY ASPECT OF THEIR PERSONALITY. CLAPS FOR KUBO AND YAMAMOTO!!
Everything about Yurio (ESPECIALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YUUKO AND HIS GRANDPA), that tsundere motherfucker is too pure for this world.
This fandom *properly* introducing me to smut on AO3...
Thinking I was going to get Rachel to like the show... NOT being prepared for her to fall off the deep end and START LIKING REAL SKATING TOO!!
Staying up waaaaaay too late waaaaaay too often to plan out plot points for TMWYLL with Sandra. Love ya dearie.
The warm fuzzy feeling I get every time I think about Victor and Yuuri.
April 2020 Bungou Stray Dogs (TV Series)
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I had a hunch I was gonna like this show considering ALL of the characters are based off of famous classic authors from around the world... what I was NOT prepared for was just HOW MUCH I was going to love it. HOLY SHIT. The art style? Love it. The plot?? Bonkers, but so fun. THE VOICE CAST??? AMAZING. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to get in to anime, great place to start.
Joined the fandom: April 2020 Obsession peaked: Probably this summer? But we have DEF plateaued in a VERY high place. Fandom friends: FIJI. MA BOIIIII @lil-1nsane  Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Hope it doesn’t Fanfics you NEED to read: So so so many. The smut in this fandom is *chef’s kiss*, but here are a few...
‘He Works Hard For the Money’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- Sugar Daddy AU. FUCK MAN. I was not expecting to like this one, but bloody hell. This fic grabbed me by the throat and WOULD NOT let me go. Praying for chapter 16! But the author is working on another STELLAR fic so I’m okay for now.
‘Everything or Nothing’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- University AU. FUCK THIS FIC. Started reading it as I was waiting for HWHFTM to update and BOI, this fic ROCKS. The alternating POV fits so well with the enemies/idiots-to-lovers vibe. Solid 10 outta 10.
‘The City Where Wind Blows’ by @raven-rein​ -- Cancer Death fic. *pained shriek* AAAAAAGUUUUUUUHHHH *gasp* aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, FUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK MEEEEE. THIS FIC. Only the second fic I’ve ever cried to but I BAWLED MY GODDAMN EYES OUT. FUUUUUUUCK. I was not ready, never would have been ready. This is so tremendously well done, it killed me so beautifully, 
‘Haunted by Hatred’ by DeathBelle -- Canon compliant Soukoku. It is a CRIME that DeathBelle doesn’t have more BSD fics on her page, but this one is still brilliant.
Favourite moments:
The first three episodes. Soooo many break neck plot twists.
Every insane hypothetical conversation with Fiji.
Every time Atsushi or Tanizaki is on screen bc I LOVE THESE LIL BEANS.
June 2020 Trash Taste (Podcast)
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Goddamn I love these chaotic lads so much.
As I became more and more comfortable with myself and my love for anime I stumbled upon these three goons, -- Joey, Connor, and Garnt, -- best known for there SUPER successful (mostly) anime YouTube channels. Even if you don’t watch anime, WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. The focus is mostly on their lives and the overall expat/immigrant experience, with a bit of anecdotal anime references sprinkled in. 
This show is both wholesome and heathenous in equal measure, and after having lived abroad for a significant portion of my (admittedly still quite short) life, it was such a breath of fresh air to hear people talk so openly about how living outside your home country is both wonderful and terrifying. They’re wonderfully candid about the fact that even if you love a place dearly, no where is perfect, and you WILL hate somethings about your new home even if the majority of the experience is fantastic. I cannot rate this show highly enough.
Joined the fandom: June 5th 2020, loved it from the first episode. Obsession peaked: July maybe? I was RELIGIOUS about watching the episodes as soon as they came out. Still watch every week, but less “on time.” Fandom friends: None :( but I have tricked my partner in to listening several times :) Obsession faded: It’s dimmed from where it was, but still going strong. Fanfics you NEED to read: NONE. NEVER PLAN TO. Hard and fast rule, I don’t read fics about real people. Characters played by real people, even that’s a maybe for me. But real-real people? FUCK NO. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Any time Garnt and Connor get into a big-brain-monkey-brain argument and Joey is just LOSING his GODDAMN MIND in the corner.
Bringing a retired Japanese porn star in the show for an honest conversation about consensual sex work and showing people can have more than one career in life.
Everything about the, ‘Are Online Friends Real Friends?’ episode. GO WATCH IT, it’s brilliant.
Garnt making “chotto-THE-FUCKING-matte” an expression
August 2020 Great Pretender (TV Series)
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Spent most of the summer marinating in my BSD and YOI bubbles, until THIS BAD BOI came up on my Netflix recommendations. HOOOO BOI. This is some Anime Of The Year shit right here. Has a pretty original concept (Catch Me If You Can by way of Oceans 11-ish) but generally starts out like most other shounen (sans the super powers). AND THEN EPISODE FIVE HAPPENS. Not gonna spoil it but they TOOK THAT SHIT UP A NOTCH. Brilliant, even with a bit of an insane ending. GO WATCH THIS ONE.
Joined the fandom: August 2020 Obsession peaked: Pretty much as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: What’s up Fiji ;) @lil-1nsane Obsession faded: Naturally faded, but so glad I watched Fanfics you NEED to read: None so far! Little scared about this one, heard mixed reviews, but maybe someday. Favourite moments:
Edamame’s “madness arc” at the end of season 2. HOOOO BOY.
Laurent getting fucking WRECKED when Edamame punches him mid way through season 2, kills me every time.
Introducing my partner to anime with this show.
October 2020 Attack on Titan (TV Series)
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In my quest to find an anime that I can watch with my partner, I turned on season 1 of this bad boi. Holy hell I forgot how much I loved this show, NO WONDER everyone lost their goddamn minds when this show first aired. I NEED to catch up before all the season four spoilers come to get me...
Joined the fandom: Winter 2016 Obsession peaked: Basically as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: None yet, but I know you’re out there... Obsession faded: 2017, JUST BEFORE SEASON TWO... I should have stuck around longer I know, but it’s slowly coming back. Reeeeeally need to catch up on seasons two, three, and four. Fanfics you NEED to read: GIVE ME YOUR RECS HEATHENS. Favourite moments:
Watching my partner FREAK OUT about Eren’s “death.”
Getting in a conversation with a die hard fan after I hadn’t watched it in three years and saying... “Who’s that blond bitch that cries all the time?”/ “Armin?”/ “THAT’S THE ONE!”
November 2020... kind of. Figure Skating (Sport)
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Okay this one is a bit hard to explain. 
I have been a DIE HARD figure skating for A LOOOOOONG time. My grandmother got me a hat from the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and I remember watching even then. But I first became consciously aware of different skaters, my faves, etc. from about 2010. I vividly remember watching Plushenko skating in 2014 while on a school trip to Hawaii, and my friends laughing at me as I yelled at the TV.
But I didn’t TRULY get involved in the fandom side of it until this year. I had all this knowledge bottled up, but didn’t have any skating friends to talk to... UNTIL NOW. Super ironic that this happened in a year with almost NO skating, but I’ll take what I can get ;) Also did I stay up until FOUR-GODDAMN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING a few nights ago to stream Japanese Nationals on my phone??? YOU BET I DID.
Joined the fandom: Three times; 2002, 2010, and 2020. Obsession peaked: 2014? 2018? Idk it peaks any time someone does something amazing. Fandom friends: Rachel, my girl @idancewiththefairies​, WHY DIDN’T I INTRODUCE YOU TO THIS SOONER??? Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Won’t. lol Fanfics you NEED to read: NOPE. NONE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. No fanfics about real people. Never gonna change that. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing THAT routine at the 2018 Olympics.
Rachel​ sheepishly admitting to me that Shoma may have replaced Yuzu as her favourite, and me being SO DAMN PROUD of her for growing and developing her own skating opinions apart from me.
Yuzu’s 2012 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ routine and Worlds. THE RAW FUCKING POWER OF THAT SKATE.
Plushenko, cheeky bastard, changing his 2014 Team Event routine AS IT WAS HAPPENING.
The worlds friendliest rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan.
Any thing the Shibutani’s do, and all they do to break up the stereotype that all of Ice Dancing has to be rOmAnTiC and SeNsUaL to be good.
Watching my early faves become coaches and the D R A M A.
Honorable Mentions:
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Coco (Film): I watched this the weekend I came home and I owe this movie a lot. It is so sweet an heartwarming, and it a roundabout way it brought me back to Tumblr (needed somewhere to vent my feelings considering I watched the movie a solid THREE YEARS after it came out, Tumblr seemed like the place to go lol). Watched in again in 2020 and it’s just as amazing.
Jekyll and Hyde (All media): Loved this book from the first time I read it in my first year of uni. But in December 2019, my fandom understanding reached its PEAK. The musical?? The comic?? YOOOOOO.
Dear Evan Hansen (Musical): I have BARELY engaged in fandom discourse, but the MUSIC. She fucking SLAPS.
Sirius the Jaeger (TV Series): This show is such an underrated gem. It literally has so much; "dead” family drama? Eclectic international group of monster hunters? Cowboys and vampires?? Yes, yes, and YES. And the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Atsushi from BSD!
Studio Ghilbi (Films): My love affair with Ghibli goes back to when I was about 5 and BEGGED my mom to take me to the library so we could rent Kiki’s Delivery Service on DVD. But that love has been FULLY rejuvenated this year when I went to the Ghibli Film Festival in New York City (ironically in the last week in February). If you haven’t seen them, go watch From Up On Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises. Spoilers, you’re probably gonna cry.
If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU FOR READING! 
And thank you to all the amazing people that made my 2020 not so horrible. Good riddance 2020, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
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vgriffindor · 3 years
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aMusketeer Fanfic Master Post
Calling all Musketeers! We’re all in need of a serious dose of our favourites, amirite? I’ve seen a few queries floating around lately asking for some great Muskie fanfic recommendations. I thought I’d do 20 weekly posts, each with a different theme, and ask for your help! There are a ton of great Muskie fics out there, let’s help each other discover them.
How this works: For each theme, please give me your TOP recommendation. It can be a one-shot or multiple chapters, complete or still a WIP, your own or some one else’s, just shout about that one fic that fits the theme and you want people to READ! Reblog to spread the word, with your recommendation and tag me @vgriffindor, or DM your recommendation so that I can post it! I’ll keep each theme as a pinned post up/keep adding to it for the entire week.
Week #2: AUs
It sure is fun to place these four in a different world, and see how they react! Whether it’s the quiet heaven of a bookstore, the flirty, caffeinated vibes of a coffee shop, the perfume of a flower shop, the hard-bitten reality of a detective bureau, or just about anything else you can think of, the boys seem to handle whatever universe we throw at them with their trademark personalities and humour intact.
Midsomer Musketeers by Suzie_Shooter: Exactly what you think and want this to be, when you combine the Musketeers and Midsomer Murders. 
Fraternité et Égalité by BazinMousqueton: Clever, funny, sexy and gorgeously written modern AU in an architectural firm’s office. Slash, but not explicit, almost everyone is bi, and the whole thing is perfection.
(Below is all due to the hard work and enthusiastic response from @animanightmate! Thank you, you are awesome!)
E: yeah, you got me by cherryfeather - modern au graduation party oone-shot with a game of spin the bottle that gets angsty with forthcoming farewells and then very fulfilling indeed.
T: Chapter 10 of the collection of unrelated shorts (very short) His Smile Me Draws, His Frown Drives Me Away by akathecentimetre is entitled  In Goodly Colors Gloriously Arrayed and is a modern au where the lads are working for the Sûreté in Paris (though it’s never confirmed precisely as what) and it’s basically a series of three (the original Inseparables) character studies as they get used to being Responsible Adults. No filth... well, apart from Aramis’s feet...
G: Fancy is a very short modern au short by AnathemaDevice about the cats owned by (or owning) the various season three characters. Includes one of the most beautiful word-sketches of Sylvie I’ve yet read.
E: Mis Adventures by Doom Canary is an utterly filthy, modern British police au short featuring a trans male character that blew my mind in the best ways. If there’s a plot, I blinked and missed it.
T: born like a vapor by mellyflori is - and I can’t believe I’m typing this - a modern au where two of the Four are genies (yep, you read that correctly). It is utterly, unforgettably gorgeous, and just works. Angsty and charming, and has one of the most elegant solutions I’ve seen for “what happens with Constance?” The world-building is done so well it’s almost seamless, and I’m weak for that kind of thing.
T: Brand New Start is a short modern office au by potentiality_26 from Constance’s perspective and is melancholy, sweet, and vivid. OT3 but nothing graphic.
E: One in Ten Thousand by breathtaken is a novel-length modern soul bonds au that, as usual with her, subverts the trope and delves deep into the psyche of an intensely depressed Athos who was in no way prepared to meet his soulmate. It’s hard going at times, but utterly beautiful and very hot.
M: my heart upon my sleeve by cherryfeather is a novel-length modern Shakespearean actors au and I avoided it for ages because the synopsis was written in a deliberately tabloid style and I assumed the whole thing was like that. It is not - it is the most elegant, eloquent, literally tear-tugging bit of angst and mutual pining I’ve ever encountered, and takes in: hurt/comfort, Only One Bed, and friends-to-lovers tropes along the way. Basically, if they were a character in the first two seasons of the original, she finds a place for them in this gorgeous work.
E: The Humbling River (author unknown) is the only A/B/O fic that I will ever recommend, ever. This short is canon era, but I guess it still counts as au? I fell into it accidentally, but it was written so well that I didn’t care about the premise.
E: Une histoire de bleu by ceeturnalia is long. A 100k word modern day au where the lads are security specialists for a private firm in Paris. It is vividly stark and lushly compassionate in one go, and also explores a developing D/s relationship in great detail, so if that’s not your bag, that’s the main core of the story. And it’s handled so well that I have zero hesitation in recommending it, even though that in itself is not really my thing. It’s just so very, very good and, even at that length, still manages to be very tightly written.
M: Death in Waiting by Suzie_shooter is your actual 1920s country house murder mystery with all our favs (seasons 1 and 2 anyway) in a short-novel-length interbellum piece of Upstairs-Downstairs only of course there’s lots of forbidden sex all over the place, and a genuinely gasp-inducing (at least in me) set of reveals.
M: Still Waters by evilmaniclaugh is a modern office au with a twist. It’s porn with a plot (and a great deal of angst), and is startlingly hilarious in places (for good reasons, I promise).
M: Gentlemen of the Road by Suzie_shooter is a highwayman au set, from my vague enough understanding of the descriptions, about 100 years or so after the canon era. As usual for S_s, it’s Athos/Porthos pairing, from the perspective of Porthos, and I keep coming back to it, for the humour, the story, and the sex. Bonus points for Ninon and Rochefort showing up, and our brief glimpses of d’Artagnan being an utter little shit.
M: Mise en place by breathtaken is a short series featuring season 3 characters as chefs. And it’s stunningly beautiful, intimately told from a conflicted Constance’s perspective (something I’m utterly weak for) and I want there to be more because dammit - food and polyamory and found family and so many of my favourite things and I wish she was going to write more and aaaaah. Anyway, everyone is bi and kinky and I am so there for that...
I have so many of these, but I’m going to leave it here while I retain any shred of sanity or dignity, and finish by telling you about my own only (so far) modern au, entitled Summoned (rated M), set in modern-day Cambridge, UK, complete with references to Brexit and climate change, and a detailed depiction of the Fitzwilliam Museum. The MacGuffin is a museum anti-heist. Or is it reincarnation? Or music? Or synaesthesia? WHO KNOWS?! Anyway, it’s 75k+ words of conversations, misunderstandings, music, musings, museum architecture, poetry, stolen kisses, awkward flirting, and confusing flashbacks. There is one extended explicit sex scene and the rest is more along the lines of innuendo and a great deal of heated kissing. And I wrote it in about fives weeks and am rather proud of it, actually.
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sparklyicecube · 3 years
Scorching Romance
Why you should read it: a review? Suggestion? Anyways.
Name: Scorching Romance
Status: Completed!!!
Length: 90episodes (pretty long but it’s worth it I swear)
Genre: Highschool romance
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Quick summary:
‘Cursed girl who is constantly hot meets cursed boy who is constantly cold.’
Ok so:
Despite the ‘cursed’ parts we honestly don’t have magic running rampant in this place besides the fact that our two main characters genuinely feel really hot and cold to the point that Ember (the girl and hot one) can heat stuff up and give burns with body temperature, but mostly it is set in our normal universe. The start of the whole thing is pretty slow-paced with me not really that invested, but not turned off by anything. It gets reaaally action packed eventually and I nearly cried ahahahah.
The author is genius. The characters are honestly not one-dimensional, no matter what the story tries to trick you into believing, and the best part is that they introduce sooooo many characters in but by the time the story ends, there are virtually no loose ends and you are invested in all their stories. They don’t take advantage of misunderstanding nearly as much as they could realistically actually do and it will make you squeal!
I would say the overall theme of the entire thing is forgiveness and owning up. The amount of times someone said sorry for doing something awful and I genuinely believed them, because that ‘sorry’ just held all that weight.
Ten outta ten would recommend!!!
Spoilers from this point on! (I rant about my feelings on it down here)
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I loved the dynamic between them and I love how they ended up being really truthful to each other and Aspen didn’t lie even though he thought about it :...) they’re so sweeeet
I looked at the chapter number when their curses broke the first time and was like waiiiiit. I then also wondered whether the rest would be just fluff scenes (not that I’m complaining) but the author really said “BUCKLE UP IT GONNA GET SERIOUS”
The author put so many references to little things that happened and tied everything together so nicely??? Also Trevor, idk when I started rooting for you but you were real. You and Moxie should get together. (You will never make it as a kpop idol because your bullying scandals) 
I think overall, I really liked how it all came together and ended?? They even had that Rocky dude go with someone else??
The forgiveness/repenting aspect of the entire thing was really amazing. Aspen kept saying ‘sorry’ for so much at the start and throughout, yeah he was genuine but he was also overusing it. Later on, ‘sorry’ became such a powerful word that was used in such serious cases, like when Harry’s grandma cursed Ember or when Monica burned the place down.
Can we talk about Harry???
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At the start, even though I knew that it was Aspen and Ember I was like ‘does Harry sorta like Aspen though?’ and low-key shipped it but then he said ‘he’s too good for you’ and there was the whole “I DO NOT LIKE ASPEN” when being bothered by Ember and I think that is actually really sweet. We never get the answer to why he sticks with Ember, well, at least not explicitly, but we definitely know why. 
1. He and Ember were childhood friends, he saw her deteriorate to such a serious state and is willing to stick with her because they’re friends (serious state being both her heat and her temper as he sees how she did actually attempt to be nice to people only to be backstabbed)
2. She’s been there for him when very few people have. When Aunt Monica left him Ember was right next to him, that makes them very close and also feel like they’ve been through a lot, and so are willing to stick to each other more.
Harry not having any romantic interests in Ember or Aspen just makes him so much more appealing, he teases them, is there for them, and we can see how amazing he is and without having any romantic unerlying agendas! Love fuels a lot of stuff in this manhwa but so does platonic love and I love that for him. I also don’t think Megan deserves him, because she is too immature and honestly, still hasn’t figured out love yet. (Especially with the ‘buying him ice cream was worth it’) like GURL have you SEEN his HOUSE he does not need a sugar parent. Even until the end she eats ice cream with him, which just shows she can’t open up to him and she was honestly pretty childish thoughout the whole thing. Either way I love how the author baited us several times with Harry for us all to be like ‘Could it be??’ and then ‘I knew it.”
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I love how the whole thing played out to be honest. At the start, I didn’t like Ember’s attitude, or Aspen’s attitude but they both grew so much as people and their character growth through was just so amazing! You could see so many parallel’s where Aspen stands up for himself, where Ember is more restained, it’s *chef’s kiss* amazing!
One of the best bits was when Aspen couldn’t bring himself to lie to Ember, which was what I feared. It seemed like the worst misunderstanding ever but Aspen managed to trust Ember enough and vice versa, showing how far they’ve come. The two of them are now able to banter and converse freely, which both of them trusting in their love and relationship so much! 
Aspen trusting Ember was the bit thing I think, if he couldn’t trust Ember they would keep having these issues, but Ember had grown to be more trustworthy and Aspen had grown to be stronger and have better self-confidence.
At episode 64 or smth where Ember’s curse broke and I thought ‘are they going to have another 30 chapters of just fluff?” (not that I’m complaining), and they didn’t, but the fluff they did have was so cute!!! Also when Ember collasped and hugged Aspen after ‘faking’ a relaspe *sobs* it was so cute :.)
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This next part will be a collection of little observations I found (there are probably still more) that I though were super cool!
1) Aunt Monica’s cigareete. We see her throw it as a little thing like a (I’m leaving/I’m outta here) thing when we first find out that she was Harry’s aunt, then we later find out that Harry’s grandma cursed Ember because of a fire from a cigarette butt from him. At that point no one realises what happened yet. Then she has an epiphany when some person from some car throws at her when it’s all dramatic (I thought that was Lucifer or someone going to burn her originally but it was just a random person) and then we find out it was all her! We even find out that the fire happened on the day of her leaving and no one realised! Anyways...
2) Hypnosis. Monica says in her little ‘angels club’ thing that they must wear sunglasses all of the time lest they hypnotise people. I read that, realised that Lucifer was from there, then went ‘wait a second...’ because Lucifer hypnotised Moxie!!! Several times!!! Cool easter egg I love
3) Remembering things. Aspen didn’t remember Monica from when he was so young, only his mom did, because Aspen was 1. Young and 2. Monica didn’t have much of an impression on him. I like it when author’s decide how much people can remember because let’s face it, even when we’re not children we don’t remember what we ate yesterday morning. Also, Ember not remembering that Monica told Harry to think of her as his mom. Same logic, Ember was young and it had waaaay more of an impact on Harry than anything. More than that, Monica left the next day and it would seem like an irrelevant detail technically.
4) Names. I love how they actually tied in names with meanings, it made it so easy to remember the names and it also made it not really weird and obvious (I’m looking at you J.K. Rowling) but integral to the story. One could predict what role they had in the story by their name. Rocky’s name particularly threw me off a bit, because I could tell it was based off the ‘Rocky mountains’ but was unsure of whether that was related to ‘cold water’ and just decided that it was, but it wasn’t as Aspen’s. Making him just ‘water’ was really nice because it gave us reason as to why Ember seemed to be helped by him but also make him just out of the picture as well.
5) The ice storage. Making the bodyguards faint and be cold too, especially wen they didn’t really coma (or at least, the second one) because we knew you had to go in involuntarily to no be in coma, very good detail.
6) Aspen still having the misunderstanding that Ember was up on that roof saving him to this day because it was never disputed. Ever.
There are totally loads more than that but I need to re-read it a few more times to spot them I suppose!
I think the only hing I want more content of in the whole thing is from Aspen’s dad. His guilt after what he heard his son and wife went through, his bonding with Aspen, him and his family, I feel like that was the only thing that was left unfinished and that I’d want to see more of. 
Finishing it off with a- how are you reading this part??? You must really like reading me ramble. Anyway, that might or might not be all from me on Scorhing Romance, I’ve been getting into manhwas lately and especially finished ones (bcs duh) so these rants might come in a bit more frequently but who knows.
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magpieinthemorning · 3 years
Up next for rage blogging a netflix show as I watch it: Next in Fashion
- Omg everybody’s outfits and their personalities!!! <3 <3 <3 It’s really painful that every episode someone gets eliminated because they are all so amazing.
- Really hated Isaac’s attitude, though, and the dynamics that resulted from pairing him with Nasheli. She deserved so much better! She would have done so much better with another partner! It was extremely unfair to her.
- I especially loved Carli and Daniel’s pantsdress in ep 1 - I really wish I could wear it! :O
- Painful watching Hayley and Julian - he was such a character and I would have liked to see more of both of their work, but they just did not fit together. No surprise at all that the teams who know each other well and have worked together a lot already are the most successful. 
- In the streetwear competition, on a scale from 1 to 10, how racist was it that both of the teams chosen as the bottom two had the only Black women, and the only Black people left in the competition? In streetwear? Seriously? Bless guest judge Kerby Jean-Raymond. The show is edited and scripted to be extremely emotional (literally people are crying all the time, it’s fantastic), but at that point, when he decided to walk out, I truly felt it so much. Love him. Love Kiki and Farai, who are constantly being judged much harsher than the other contestants. Thankfully here the “nobody gets eliminated” move was used for good, and not to keep in boring old white guys like in Blown Away ... because there are no boring old white guys in this show! Yay! :D
Ep. 5 - I’m not that interested in underwear, but I really enjoyed all the boxer shorts for the women’s looks. And Angel’s men’s look was amazing! I wish they would have shown it without the jacket. There was way too much focus on the made-up bra support issue. Women actually like to feel comfortable, and wasn’t it interesting that both of the all-women teams made bras without wires ... maybe because they know how uncomfortable that shit is?! So yeah ... :-/ To be honest it felt like a setup that the tops MUST have underwire and pushup. (That’s so 90′s though?) The judges didn’t ask Farai and Kiki’s model how she felt in it, like they asked one of the others, they just straight up decided to hate their creation because of the missing underwire. They acted so rude when they were looking closer at their design, the whole “What’s this?!” and pawing right under the model’s boobs. :/ Also I didn’t like Claire’s attitude and being angry that nobody was eliminated last time - so she’d have preferred if her own team was eliminated? And guess what ... 
Ep. 6 - Claire and Adolfo were eliminated, so maybe it taught her a lesson to not throw her own people under the bus? Or not ... I don’t know, it was somehow interesting how she stressed her Asian half at the end (in the speech about how she is still to be taken seriously even though she is small and half Asian), as if she wanted to distance herself from her Blackness, and look away from how racist the elimination process was? I may be reading too much into it - I’m also mixed race and really interested in how other mixed race people experience it. Still impressive that Claire and Adolfo got so far without having worked together before, if I’m not mistaken. Btw one of the judges went out of their way to compliment the unfinished edges on one look, while it had been so harshly criticized when Farai and Kiki did unfinished edges on the streetwear challenge. Sigh. All the looks in this challenge were really great, and I guess that says something about my own style ... \m/ 
I don’t know if I want to keep watching, because the judges are so irritating (sorry Tan :( ) and the elimination part is so stressful ... But I also want to see more amazing clothes and how these amazing people make them in such a short time!
Ep. 7 - Nooo, Angelo ... It was totally fair that he was eliminated for his grave lack of technical skill, I just loved watching him on the show so much. Together with Charles they were unstoppable and complemented each other so well, but apart? ;___; Same with Carli, together with Daniel they were awesome. I could relate a lot to wanting to quit instead of finishing something half-assed. :/ So nice that other contestants were looking out for her. It felt a bit more relaxing to watch now, although the stakes keep getting higher and the contestants fewer, but it seems like they are being judged more fairly now that Anti-Black racism is off the table lmao ... Sigh, I’d really love to watch arts and crafts contests with only Black judges and contestants. + I adore Adidas and wear way too much of it, but cringe at Jo Aberg’s heavy Swedish accent, haha (I used to live in Sweden and way too many of them go around telling foreigners that Swedes don’t have an accent when they speak English *eyeroll*).
Ep. 8 - Daniel seems like such a genuinely nice and caring person, so it’s kind of okay that the white guy stayed in the game over the two Asian guys. Charles on his own was perhaps missing Angelo’s pizzazz ^^ ... I liked Marco and his stuff a lot, and it seemed a bit like a setup here, too, that they criticized his design for being “too costumey” (I kind of hate that word now thanks to this series) and he got thrown off, instead of just doing his thing the way he wanted it, regardless of whether he would be eliminated for it.  Kind of “pro wrestling” that Minju was so freaked out by the challenge and then she made the best look hands down. Loved it! Especially with the leather band/harness - I don’t get why they criticized it. Overall I was a bit disappointed in all the other looks, because I like a lot about military style, but very few except Minju used the kind of stuff that I like. I didn’t really like Angel’s look that much - the concept was amazing, but that coat seemed a bit awkward to wear and I’m a bit confused about why everyone liked it so much, but maybe I just don’t get that about fashion. Happy for her though! Many of her other looks have been really great. + Judge Elizabeth’s crooked tie drove me bonkers. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE FASHION WHEN YOUR TIE DOES NOT COVER YOUR TOP BUTTON. lol
I’m happy for Minju and Daniel and can’t wait to see them in the finale! I liked Ashton’s looks so much! I’d love to wear the women’s top (and maybe I will try to sew something similar for myself :-p). Loved the reference to hakama - I thought he made all the right choices of what to adopt from the inspiration. A bit bummed that he got eliminated, especially since he was so community oriented when he talked about what it would mean for him to win.  I squealed when I heard Angel’s inspiration, Tibetan horse racing! Here I felt like the looks were a bit far off from the inspiration. But they looked so gorgeous. Maybe if she’d used the bleach lace pattern (on the edges for example) it would have been even more amazing. The women’s look was so great! Though I was a bit concerned about the crotch exposure :D Overall maybe Angel didn’t need the win so I guess it’s fine that she got eliminated. I’m a bit confused about why they were so in awe about Daniel’s looks. Both of the looks were really nice and clean, but I didn’t think they were all that interesting or innovative, and the message was a bit simplistic. And I literally made a similar quilt a few months ago, so I can’t really agree with the “it’s NEVER been done before” sentiments. I’m really looking forward to his stuff in the finale though! For Minju I felt the same, it was great, but I couldn’t really relate to how they thought it was so new and fresh. The men’s pant length would have surely gotten her eliminated if she’d been Black, haha. Can’t wait to see what she makes in the finale - I’ve loved almost everything she did so far.
OMFG MINJU!!!!! YAY!!!!! Aaaaah, her collection was so beautiful and fun! And all women’s looks! It was so nice!  It was so nice that Minju’s sister also realised that she had held Minju back creatively and that it was wrong to do that. I didn’t read spoilers about the ending, and kept nervously thinking that it wouldn’t surprise me if Daniel the white guy won the entire competition, but then Minju won and Daniel was so happy for her! <3 <3 <3 I cried so much!
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ichika27 · 3 years
I’m excited about Neo: TWEWY, I really am. A lot of speculation from fans already even though the trailer hasn’t even been out for more than a day, I think. Interesting stuff. I wanna talk about some of them plus other thoughts. Spoilers for the original game also below.
A few theories that caught my attention are the stuff about how Shiki and Eri probably are fashion designers now since some characters have stuff that look like something those two would come up with, one about how the old protags might end up being playable later on considering the switch version of TWEWY had the New Day segment where there’s cliffhangers, and finally, that the new protags might be reapers.
The last one is the one that got me thinking. There are conflicting details that points to them either being players or reapers and the latter is an exciting prospect but... how about both? As we know from the original game, the 7 days timeline is short and the full game spanned at least 3 weeks and there’s a chance this sequel will have this, too. Like, wouldn’t it be cool if Rindo and the gang are players at the beginning and after their first game, one reason or another, they end up being recruited as reapers instead?
From what I remember from the first game (it’s been years I might be wrong), players do their missions, survive those 7 days, and when they get to the end, the accumulated points become the basis if they get resurrected or not. It’s even pointed out that while one pair could finish the mission and everyone “wins” at the end of the day, it only gives those who actually finish the mission the points so everyone still has to try and finish it themselves. I think those who don’t “win” but survive get the choice to become reapers instead or something (and even the winners can choose to be reapers, if I remember correctly like Beat, I think). It’ll be awesome if we get to see their perspective on the game!
And players do pacts as a pair but there are 4 main protags and one is already a reaper. The only explanation I can think of is Rindo and his friend Fret are partners and survives together but Nagi’s partner probably lost so she ends up sticking with them and all becomes reapers and for some reason, Minamimoto is with their group. Also, Nagi’s line of them needing to escape the game might mean they’re trying to find a way to live again still while doing reaper job.
There’s also Neku being playable (Minamimoto did say he’d need to play again in A New Day) not being out of the question yet as there might be more than 7 days after all.
On the other hand, they say this game is a sequel to the anime and that the anime has had some changes made from the original game to make it more modern. I’m worried about how this will affect the story. I mean I’m already worried how they’d cram what’s in-universe a 3 week incident into who knows how many episodes of anime. I do wish they would tie this in with A New Day. I mean that one explained how Minamimoto is still “alive” after all. Tsugumi aka “Hype-chan” is finally, properly introduced as well (with her official name!) and she showed up in A New Day and the line “Shibuya is gone.” is uttered as well meaning A New Day is canon to this. We haven’t seen Coco yet though but we’d have to wait for a new trailer I guess.
Joshua though... I have so many question. Where’s Joshua and Mr. H? They know about what happened to Neku in A New Day. Please tell me they’re doing something behind the scenes about Neku and this new game. I don’t believe they’re just gonna throw away Joshua’s character development when he’s shown in the end that he does see the group (at the very least, Neku) as friends. There’s no way he’s just gonna leave things at that, right?
End thought: there were some people (including me) who wish there’s a TWEWY game set in another country. I mean, aren’t you wondering what the Reaper’s Game is like elsewhere? Like, if this sequel becomes a big hit and the loose ends from the first game are finally tied, I hope they make a new game set somewhere else.
I mean, like Pokemon guys! Pokemon has been a long, on-going franchise where each game is set in a different region following different protagonists. I’m not sure if it’s an entirely good idea but TWEWY as that kind of series. It doesn’t sound so bad, right? Wouldn’t it be interesting?
Aaaaah! I rambled on too much! Ugh... when the anime and sequel game comes out I probably would not shut up about this and might write long-ass crap like this again hahaha. For now, if you actually got this far, thank you for reading!
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Dream a Little Dream - 5
Nearly finished! My next @bingokisses prompt was “Sleepy Good Night Kisses/Head on Shoulder.” In this chapter, Aziraphale begins to realize what’s been happening - next chapter will bring the thrilling conclusion!
You can catch up on the story so far on AO3!
Chapter 5: 1941 - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Aziraphale held Crowley’s heel in his hand, gently wiping the ball of his foot with a dripping cloth. The other foot soaked in the tub of water, warm, gently steaming. His walk across the church floor had left blisters, and there was little Aziraphale could do to heal them. But he could tend to them, nonetheless.
He wanted, very much, to thank Crowley. But they didn’t say thank you, that wasn’t how they operated. This was all he had to offer.
On the sofa, Crowley murmured, a little sound of relief, of pleasure, of exhaustion. He was very nearly asleep, slumped onto the cushions, arms hanging loose beside him. So different from the energy he usually showed, the way he’d hopped into the church, all full of clever ideas and witty speech…
Crowley’s head nodded as he drifted off. Aziraphale’s hands kept moving of their own accord as he watched, the purse of Crowley’s lips, the lock of hair that broke free to fall across his forehead.
Perhaps he should fetch a blanket, tuck it around Crowley. Sit beside him on the sofa. Tug him down to rest his head on Aziraphale’s shoulder. Kiss his sleep-soft lips as he drifted off.
He could imagine it perfectly; Aziraphale was very experienced in daydreaming by now. He could imagine how Crowley would stir, ever so slightly, one golden eye cracking open, then shutting just as quick. The way the little smile would struggle to remain hidden, even as he tipped his head back, offering his lips for another kiss.
Aziraphale would laugh, softly. “No, you’ve had one already. You need to sleep now, my dear.”
“Nhhh,” Crowley would complain, and pout until Aziraphale relented, bending down to give him a second, a third, a fourth.
“You were marvelous today,” Aziraphale would murmur, his lips hovering close above Crowley’s. “Of course, you’re always marvelous. My wonderful Crowley.”
One more kiss, perhaps, and then settle Crowley comfortably on his shoulder to sleep, arm around him. Aziraphale could imagine it, the warmth he felt in Crowley’s feet, only pressed all down the length of his side. “I’m…I’m so glad you came,” he would confess, not sure if the demon could still hear him. “I wasn’t sure if you would after…after the dreadful things I said.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Crowley muttered, “I’ll always come for you.”
Aziraphale froze, half pulled back to reality by the words he was sure he’d heard – not imagined, heard.
“Ah…” He glanced up at where Crowley’s head was bent entirely over the back of the sofa. “Crowley? Are you…?”
No response except a snore, surprisingly gentle.
Tugging at the thread of his daydream – not quite snapped – Aziraphale slid back into it, imagining Crowley curling against him. In his mind, he asked, uncertainly, “Crowley? Can you hear me?”
“Mmmmh,” said Crowley – the real Crowley – the one sprawled on his own on the sofa. “Course I can. Not that far gone yet.”
“Oh, dear,” Aziraphale said, in his mind and out loud.
“Something wrong?”
It wasn’t perfectly clear, of course. Crowley didn’t so much talk in his sleep as mumble. But the “Smmm’ng rn,” he managed in reality perfectly matched the tone and inflection of the words in Aziraphale’s mind.
“Could you…” In his mind he prodded Crowley’s shoulder urgently. “Could you…be a dear and…and just sit up for a moment? Wake yourself up?”
“Don’t wanna,” he complained, but sat up, opening his eyes.
Only in the daydream. The real Crowley continued to sleep, and to mumble.
“Oh, oh, this is quite troubling,” the angel said, getting up to pace nervously in the dream world, as his other self continued patting at Crowley’s foot with a wet cloth. “Oh, oh, this really shouldn’t be happening.”
As an angel, of course, he had the ability to enter dreams. The dreams of mortals, though, surely not of ethereal beings. And he had to will himself to do it, it was quite difficult, requiring a meditative state and some sort of connection, a physical or emotional bond.
“Is something wrong?” Crowley stood up and followed him, not limping, naturally, in this dream his feet wouldn’t hurt at all.
Of course, the foot washing. That must be the physical bond keeping them connected.
He dropped Crowley’s foot immediately, splashing water all across his knees and the carpet around him. The demon stirred, slightly, but that was all. The dream didn’t dissolve, and Crowley’s golden eyes still watched him with concern “Tell me, Angel, I can help.” His hand reached for Aziraphale’s arm.
“No!” Aziraphale stepped back, pulling away. This wasn’t right, this wasn’t right at all. His mind was now quite agitated, they were no longer touching, surely, surely that was enough. Normally when he entered a human’s dream, he had to fight to maintain the contact, like swimming against the current. But somehow he’d crossed into Crowley’s mind without even noticing.
Had he done this before?
How would he know?
Aziraphale cleared his throat, tried to smile, even as he circled around his armchair. “Crowley. My dear. Er. Do you ever…ah, remember your dreams?”
“Almost always, yeah.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the back of the chair. “Why?”
“Nothing. No. Um. Do you…do you ever dream about me?” He held his breath.
Crowley grinned, white teeth flashing. “Oh, yes. All the time.”
He clapped a hand over his mouth, trying to hold in the squeak of distress. That doesn’t mean anything, surely? “What…what sort of…dreams?”
“Nnnnh.” A lopsided smile. “I don’t like to tell. Kind of embarrassing.” But he leaned closer anyway. “There was one where I was a princess in a tower, and you came to rescue me, but I turned into a dragon.”
“Oh!” Aziraphale’s face grew quite warm.
“Used to have that one a lot actually.” Crowley rubbed his chin. “Ehhh, let’s see, this fantastic one involving a masked ball in Florence, another one where you rescued me from pirates – I remember because the very next night I had the exact same dream, only it was me rescuing you. Hmmm. At least five different ones where we’re both humans, ah, usually with flowers or coffee involved somewhere. And lots of kissing.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Other stuff, too. Not sure you’d approve.”
Aziraphale pressed a hand to his mouth. Oh, he would very much approve – he remembered coming up with each of those scenarios, remembered how real they’d felt as they played out in his mind, how vivid.
And how rapidly they’d spun out of his control once Crowley started speaking, always to a better place than he could have predicted…
It was rather the opposite of how a dream visitation went. Which could only mean, Aziraphale wasn’t in Crowley’s dream. Crowley was in his.
How much control did he have? Could he force Crowley to play along with a fantasy? He should test it, but the very idea was abhorrent. Not to mention the only thing he actually desired right now was for Crowley to wake up and that wasn’t happening!
“Did you ever…” He thought as quickly as he could. “Did you ever dream about us – us…dancing?”
Aziraphale breathed a sigh of relief. Of course not, Crowley would never agree to—
“I mean, I did dream that we were in this room with…piano music, and you were teaching me how to hop around, but I certainly wouldn’t call that dancing.”
“The gavotte is certainly a dance and – oh, good lord.”
“That was it! How’d you know?” Crowley stepped out from behind the chair. “Something like this,” he tried a couple quick coupés, very inexpertly done. “Only went along because I liked how you smiled.”
Did that mean Crowley could have stopped if he wanted to? No, Aziraphale had played out that fantasy dozens of times, and the demon had almost never complained. “Did you…” his voice was very faint. “Did you dream that often?” Oh, no, Aziraphale had been thinking about it just the other day…
“Nh. Only once, ages ago.”
The angel sighed. Good.
“Now, on the other hand,” and that wicked grin came back, “there was this really interesting dream about the Bastille, and that one would not stop coming. You want to know the details of that?”
Aziraphale stumbled back, crying out in horror. No, he didn’t need to be told about that one. It had occupied him for many weeks. Replaying the rescue…the dinner…imagining what might have come after…
He’d choreographed it out in quite explicit detail.
How long? How long had he been forcing his twisted fantasies onto Crowley?
“Hey, Angel.” He looked up to find Crowley approaching slowly, head ducked, hands out, as if approaching a frightened animal. “It’s alright. Look, I’m sorry. I don’t – I shouldn’t tease. It’s a lot to take in.” Arms around him, gentle, pulling him in, pressing his head down to Crowley’s shoulder. “Look, yeah, some of them were…intense…but usually I just dream of us being…us. Just talking, like this. It’s nice.”
Aziraphale clutched at Crowley’s jacket. It felt so real under his fingers. He remembered that from too many fantasies, the tactile details, too subtle for a dream. The roughness of that coat sliding off to the cell floor, the smooth linen of the shirt underneath, the way the cravat slipped through his fingers as he unknotted it…
“But some of them were…” He pulled closer, and was horrified to realize how familiar Crowley’s body felt against his, how gentle the fingers on his back. He pushed away. Aziraphale had to be the one in control here. “Crowley, you dreamt about us—”
“Aaaaah,” Crowley ducked his head. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. Look, I always woke up before…they weren’t really those kinds of dreams.”
“Are you just lying to make me – to spare my—”
“You know I’d never lie to you.”
That hit almost as hard as anything else. His heart was ready to burst.
Aziraphale pressed shaking fingers to his eyes, focusing for a few seconds on the real floor, where he knelt back in reality, dampness of water spilled from the footbath creeping into his knees. Trying to ground himself. As if that were possible.
“How…” He gulped for breath, but his lungs didn’t seem to be working. “How long…” Calm yourself! “Do you recall when you started having these dreams?”
“The Ark, I think.” Crowley rubbed his neck, eyes lost in memory. “Yeah. I remember, I, uh, I really wished you’d talk to me, and then…”
And I wished I had someone to talk to. Somehow, their proximity, or their state of mind, or their shared nature had created a bond…and that bond had dragged Crowley into his mind, again and again, for thousands of years.
Aziraphale felt sick, and no amount of breathing exercises could help.
“Aziraphale…” Crowley held his hand out, but this time it was a simple offering. Not reaching for the angel, simply inviting him to reach back. “I don’t know why you’re…upset…”
“I’m so sorry…” It was all he could manage.
“S’fine,” Crowley tilted his head in confusion. “Nothing to be sorry about. I like the dreams.” He stepped forward. “I like it when you…you talk to me. Trust me. Confide in me.” Crowley stopped just inches away, close enough for Aziraphale to feel the heat of him, the soft brush of breath through his hair. “No matter what happens, in my dreams you love me. As much as I love you.”
It was finally enough of a shock to break the connection.
Aziraphale stumbled away from the sofa with a strangled gasp, like a man awakened from a nightmare. Crowley still lay, feet in the tub of water, just where Aziraphale had left him, but now he seemed to be moving with intent, waking.
No. No, no, no, no…
This night had brought too many surprises, too many turns, Aziraphale couldn’t take another, couldn’t confront the questions, could not do this.
“No matter what happens, in my dreams you love me. As much as I love you.”
But it didn’t make Aziraphale any less agitated. Crowley couldn’t think what could be upsetting him this badly. He’d been calm enough, back on the sofa when they’d kissed…
They’d kissed…
“Oh,” he murmured, looking over his shoulder at the sofa, soft as a bed, covered in blankets. “This is a dream. Obviously.”
First thing he noticed was his feet, wet, the water still warm but cooling. Next was the awkward angle of his neck, stiff and sore. Third was the trail of drool.
Crowley swatted at his mouth, wiping it clear, then sat up, tilting his neck and rubbing at his eyes, knocking his glasses askew.
What a weird dream.
He’d said too much in his dream, always had. As if the mental blocks that helped him keep calm evaporated as soon as he fell asleep. But he’d never seen Aziraphale as anything other than patient and accepting, so why would he...
Wait. Shit. Aziraphale.
He looked around the shop, trying to fix his hair, his glasses, and his shirt at the same time. He did not want the angel seeing him like that. It was bad enough his rescue had gone so badly off-script, this would be a disaster—
The shop was empty, no sign of movement anywhere. How long had he been asleep?
Then, a clink of ceramic-on-ceramic from the shadowy little kitchen.
Crowley stood carefully, testing his feet to see if they were still sore. No, the blisters seemed to have been soothed by the bath. Bloody miracle. He’d have to find some way to repay Aziraphale, without being too obvious.
Assuming they were talking again.
He padded across the carpet, trying not to track water, though it seemed the rug was already wet, and paused just outside the door of the back room. “Angel? You alright?”
“Fine. Perfectly – why wouldn’t I be?” He stood before the sink, scrubbing dutifully at a plate.
“Well. You’re standing here in the dark.”
“Am I?” He didn’t even turn. “No matter. I can see in the dark, you know.”
“Right.” Crowley glanced back at the rest of the shop, lit up bright as anything, despite the bombing and the city-wide black out. “Anyway, I, uh, didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. How long was I out?”
“No! I mean, were you asleep? I hardly noticed.” The sudsy water sloshed as he worked on some imperceptible stain. “I mean, I noticed, but, well, not long. Yes.”
“Ngk.” Something was wrong. Aziraphale had been all awkward smiles and warm, gentle insistence when they’d come in, and now…He’d have thought his dream was some sort of omen, except Crowley didn’t believe in such things. He did believe in his own ability to mess things up, though, and he had ample evidence for the existence of that. “M’feet feel better,” he attempted. “So. That’s good.”
“Good. Good. Excellent. You should be able to get yourself home, then.”
“Yeah, I…”
What? What the Heaven was he even supposed to say?
Look, Aziraphale, I blew up a bunch of Nazis for you, is it too much to ask for you to just make eye contact with me? What more do you want from me?
He’d thought this would do it. This would make Aziraphale realize that Crowley – that they shouldn’t be fighting, they should talk again, but what would even be the point of that, since any time he tried he just tripped over his own blessed tongue and made things worse?
But of course not, even in his dream he’d managed to ruin the night, why should reality be any different?
He took a breath and turned away.
“Nh. Guess I’ll see you around.”
Maybe in a few more decades Aziraphale would be ready to talk. Just had to give him space, right?
“I…I suppose you will.”
He manifested shoes back onto his feet – next time he walked on hallowed ground, he should bring real shoes, that might give him some shielding – and strode across the shop, trying to get out of there as quickly as possible.
“Crowley.” He turned back, one hand on the door. Aziraphale stood in the shadow of the kitchen, almost hiding behind the doorframe. “Ah. Don’t…don’t be a stranger.”
He concentrated on the doorknob, tapping his fingers, swallowed hard, forcing his heart back down from his throat. “Yeah. I – I won’t.”
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed the fic, please leave a comment here or on AO3!
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naivesilver · 3 years
6, 10, 17 and 20 ;^)
AAAAAH thank you my friend 💗💗💗💗💗
Meta Asks For Writers
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Gonna be really predictable for a sec and say Lampwick. Not only because he is such the bare bones of a character that one can build off him to their heart's delight and not be afraid of contradicting the text, but also there is such an innate irreverence to him that it's almost mandatory of him to give scathing opinions about anything and anyone. Compared to say, Pinocchio, who in any universe's post-canon content I headcanon to be more guarded and more prone to sugarcoat the narrative even to himself, Lampwick demonstrates right away that he doesn't give a shit, so his stream of consciousness MUST be the stuff of legends. It's very entertaining to play around with insults and nicknames and also to rebrand past events to suit his personal view on them.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
Both extremely chaotic and terribly rigid all at once? LMAO the thing is, most story ideas spark as a single scene or cluster of scenes from my daydreams (the best ones, as I've said often, always come mid-practice session) that I feel the need to describe through specific words and let out into the world, so it could literally be ANYTHING and come out of ANYWHERE. I have been inspired by stuff ranging from my sister showering with her child to herding my teammates around a ship to bloody Spotify shuffle, and you'd never guess which ones of these ideas became angst-riddled fics and which turned into crack instead.
But as soon as I open the Word document, then I become neurotic. I have mad respect for those people who can write shit out of order, because I could NEVER. Scenes must be written from start to finish, and even editing starting from the bottom up is something I still struggle with. It breaks the creative flow or whatever, I have given up on making sense of my brain. If there's a scene I like less, then I force myself to power through it to get to the good stuff, otherwise I know I'll never write it at all.
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
I'm not sure actually??? I don't really know what transpires from my work, tbh. Probably a cockier, more melodramatic person than I am in real life, which is valid considering what I write, but doesn't reflect just how anxious I am about my writing.
I think what doesn't always reach the reader is that when I write, sometimes I black out for my own good AND theirs. There are times where I know that if I try to edit a passage any further, I will begin hating the whole work and maybe elect to toss it away, so a less polished scene to me seems a small price to pay for saving an entire fic. I can always go back and fix mistakes later, but last year it took me months to get back on track after my little perfectionist crisis, and I'm not going there again, thank you very much. That's why I only ask for typo alerts at the very end of the notes every time.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
OKAY THIS IS ONE I WAS REALLY EAGER TO RECEIVE so I have a couple different things I want to share that I hope won't sound too stupid
in my OUAT fics I always take particular care of how characters refer to each other and/or the entire matter of names. In a world where separate names address separate identities all within the same person, the way two people call one another is fundamental when it comes to expressing their personalities and relationship. Like, take Marco, for example - in the show Snow calls him Marco and he likely refers to himself as Marco, because that's who he's been for them for 28 years, but I'll never make August/Pinocchio refer to him as anything but Geppetto, because for his son he's never been anything else. Similarly, characters' feelings about their curse names are taken into account for this: so in my Thousand Problems verse (the cursed!Pinocchio AU) Pinocchio is only ever called such by everyone except Lampwick, because he has bad, triggering memories about being Giuseppe, and Leroy goes by Leroy even if his gf would rather be called Nova because in Storybrooke being Leroy means more than being Grumpy. I hope it makes sense?
this is way more niche, but there is a sort of recurring theme in all my Pinocchio-related stories regarding Pinocchio himself and leadership/kingship. Not only because in the book he has this magnetic personality that attracts both respect and betrayal and turns him into the center of every plot event, but also because the book itself begins denying the presence of a king - there's no king, to the readers' dismay, only a piece of wood. I have read so much meta about this that I WISH had been translated in English because it still makes me scream and I'd love to share it with everyone. So even if it's not always intentional, the symbolism around this juxtaposition has become sort of a background activity for me - the harvest crown scene of Two Stars is a nod to this, as is Lampwick kneeling in the AU where he survives and the Fairy's desired endgame in the fic I devoted to her. There'll be probably more in the future, but I don't want to spoil it or jinx my ability to finish it jskhfafjhjl
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panda-noosh · 4 years
Hello Aticus! I see ‘requests are open’ and immediately a dozen joyful thoughts run through my head! May I request something with an animagus reader or a demigod AU? Thank you for sharing your writing! :)
   the night is always better. darkness keeps you hidden; that’s all you need these days.
    it started a few years ago. you were young, just entering your second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. you’d heard all about animagus, the magic folk who can change into an animal of their choosing. back then, it was the most bizarre concept to wrap your head around; who could possibly want something like that?
   others in your class thought it was cool. they would spend lessons trying to find the spell for it, but such a spell was always kept hidden very deeply in the textbooks, and maybe rightly so.
    you didn’t need a textbook, though. having an animagus for a brother found to be a helping hand when it came to your own transformations.
    it happened one night in December. it was cold, and honestly, you probably shouldn’t have been out of the castle at that time, but you were getting restless. Filch had been keeping a close eye on you since he last caught you sneaking out of the dorms, meaning your late night trips to the Forbidden Forest have been few and far between. you couldn’t take it any more, though - you needed out. 
    so you got out.
   the Forbidden Forest was just as welcoming as it always has been. you lost yourselves in the trees that night, not even thinking about a transformation, but then it happened. it happened, and there was nothing you could do but let it happen. it wasn’t scary; you didn’t cry out for help, because you’d seen this happen to your brother on plenty of occasions. part of you always thought it would just be a matter of time until you found yourself experiencing the same thing.
    you were a fox. a bit of an anti climax, but it was cool enough.
   that night, you spent hours parading through the snow in your fox form, bouncing up and down, letting the white flakes drift over your head as your tail swooped them out from beneath you; it was the time of your life, and every night after that, you found yourself sneaking through the forest in a form unlike your own, enjoying yourself more than you would ever begin to think you could.
    and now, three years later, and you’re ashamed to say it’s Fred Weasley who catches you out.
   Fred bloody Weasley. the one person in the world who would rather tease you for this transformation than run away screaming. 
    he stands over you, an eyebrow raised. you slip back into human form, landing heavily in the grass with a comedic oomf to really top off your embarrassment. where he even came from, you are unsure, but that doesn’t even matter now because he’s stood over you with his arms folded over his chest and a tiny smile playing on his face, and you honestly just want to hit him.
   “what are you doing out of bed?” you find yourself asking.
   Fred laughs. “i could ask the same about you, y/n, but it looks like i have my answer.” he tilts his head to the side. “when were you gonna tell me you’re an animagus?”
    you scramble to your feet, brushing blades of grass from the seat of your robes. “i wasn’t, because it’s none of your business.”
   “of course not. it would still have been good to know.” he rakes his eyes along your form. for just a second, you have to remind yourself that you are indeed human, you did turn back. what he sees right now is you, just as he knows you to be. “so a fox, huh? did you choose that for yourself, or...”
   “no,” you bark. “it’s not my choice what i turn into. it just kind of happens.”
   “so this is a genetic thing?”
   you fold your arms over your chest, glaring at him. “do you have to ask so many questions?”
    “sorry, love. it’s just not everyday i come into the forest to see one of my pals morphed into a fox.”
    you scowl. “my brother’s an animagus, too.”
   Fred’s features soften. “aaaaah.”
    “it’s honestly not a big deal.”
   “are you registered?”
   you pause. shit. you never even thought of that; for years, you have been skirting around the law in any attempt to keep out of the governments eyes when it comes to your animagus abilities. it’s not like you’re a rebel, but you seriously have no respect for the people in the Ministry, and you would much rather stay as far from them as possible; it’s kind of difficult to do that when they’re keeping an eye on your every move.
   Fred must take your silence as a no, because a smile immediately lights up his face. he laughs, clapping his hands in amusement. “no way! you’re really out here running about as a fox, and the Ministry have no idea?”
    you hiss, darting forward to slap your hand against his mouth. “can you keep your voice down, bloody hell! do you want the whole castle to know?”
   Fred laughs against your palm. “i’m amazed.”
   you pull away, shaking your head. “Fred, please, just leave it alone. don’t tell anyone - not even that brother of yours.”
    Fred rolls his eyes, stuffing his hands in his robes. “i won’t tell a soul. you can trust me.”
    you glare at him. in all honesty, you and Fred have always gotten along; in fact, you find him quite attractive, quite a blast to be around, but he’s really gotten on your nerves now. he just gets around, and you don’t even know how. you have to plan days in advance before you can even think of sneaking out of Hogwarts, and he just happens to be there every time you turn a bloody corner, like it doesn’t cost him a thought.
   but this is just too far. he shouldn’t know about any of this. he shouldn’t know about you.
    you can only hope he doesn’t tell the Ministry anything.
    two days later, Snape stands at the teachers table and demands attention from everyone. you reluctantly look up from your spell book.
    he doesn’t look too happy, but that really isn’t saying much when it comes to Severus Snape. his long nose points down at the sea of students he stands before, his knobbly hands folded in front of him. as per usual, he takes a minute to just bask you all in silence before finally starting on what he actually wants to announce.
    “it has come to our attention, as a teaching board, that there have been footprints traipsing through the Forbidden Forest recently.”
     nobody gasps. nobody really cares.
   not until Snape says, “the footprints show evidence of an Animagus amongst us.”
    your heart spirals. your head snaps up entirely, mouth running dry. immediately, your hands begin to tremble, and you can’t even think straight; that doesn’t make sense. you make sure to cover your footprints as best as possible every time you leave.
   but then you remember the last time you went in. Fred had shown up, distracted you completely. you must have left your track there. you must have slipped up.
   your eyes dart to the Gryffindor table. Fred, too, has frozen, staring up at Snape with wide, brown eyes. you want to scream at him. you want to tell him to just get up and leave with you right now, because if the school finds out about your abilities, or Fred’s involvement, the two of you will be sent straight to a hearing, and neither of you can afford that. neither of you can deal with that. neither of you can-
    Fred stands up before you can warn him.
   his chair screeches throughout the hall, forcing everyone’s attention to him. people whisper, but you can only focus on his voice when he says, “you idiot; that isn’t Animagus footprints. that’s me taking Doris on a walk at night.”
    Snape blinks. “pardon, Mr Weasley?”
   Fred rolls his eyes, really getting into his role. “Doris, my pet Tibetan fox; she strolls into the Forbidden Forest some nights, and i walk with her so she doesn’t get lost. i thought i’d covered my tracks the other night, but i guess not.” he scoffs, shaking his head. “honestly, Snape, an Animagus. you know full well those are all kept on a leash by the Ministry. imagine one getting through the school without being noticed.”
    Snape’s nostrils flare as a chorus of laughter erupts from the students; even a few teachers join in, the mere idea of an Animagus slipping through their fingers clearly unbelievable. your cheeks heat up, and you duck your head down, heart still hammering in your chest from such a close call. you could scream at Fred, of course, for getting himself into so much trouble, because now he’s just exposed himself for walking around the Forbidden Forest after hours, but god, you could kiss him, too, because he’s basically just saved your life.
    Snape, of course, chastises the Weasley boy in front of everyone, whinging about how rules are rules and Fred will now be doing a detention with him every night until the end of term. Fred takes it all like a champ, nodding along to each punishment before lowering himself into his seat and sending you a sly wink.
    your heart starts thundering for a completely different reason.
   you catch up to him once dinner is finished. he’s waiting on you, leaned against the railing of the staircase with a smirk on his face, his head tilted down just a little bit. you don’t even hold back, instead choosing to jump directly into his arms.
    he laughs, bunding you up as he says, “you have to be more careful next time, Fantastic Fox!”
    you kiss his cheeks over and over. “you. crazy. man.” you pull away, holding him at arms length. “do you know how much trouble you could have gotten into in there?”
    “i did get in a lot of trouble,” he laughs. “but it’s okay. better a few detentions than you getting thrown in Azkaban.”
   you shake your head dumbly. “Fred, you really didn’t have to do that...”
   he shrugs. “i know, but i don’t really have to do anything.”
    and before he can say another dumb comment, you throw yourself forward and kiss him, because you want to, because nobody has ever done anything like that for you before, and honestly, Fred is just a really attractive man who is really nice, even though he tries hiding it from everyone.
   when you pull away, his eyes are wide, glazed over with a dopey smile to really add to the ensemble. you roll your eyes, swiping your finger along his bottom lip. 
   “close your mouth, Weasley, or you’ll catch flies.”
   “can you turn into flies, too?”
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mj-spooks · 4 years
Jumping on the Leverage bandwagon, just finished s1! Crew as Avengers? ❤️
Aaaaah welcome to the fandom!
Alright so right off the bat, Hardison is Shuri, right? Like, is this even a question? Hardison is Shuri. Tech genius, snarky lovable prankster, the sweetest cinnamon roll who can nonetheless fuck you the FUCK up... Hardison is Shuri and I will not be taking arguments.
Nate is definitely Tony. The alcoholism, the PTSD, the sometimes questionable decisions with catastrophic consequences that inevitably blow up and he has to help the rest of his team fix... this is not Nate or Tony bashing, fyi, they’re allowed to make mistakes, they’re human, but, guys. Yikes. Big fucking yikes.
Sophie is very definitely Nat. Identity issues, sex as a weapon, the entire “This guy is giving me everything” scene... that’s basically Sophie’s whole MO. She knows what she’s good at, and she knows how to work it.
After a solid five minutes of scratching my head, I am annoyed to announce that I completely forgot about the obvious and best choice for Parker, which is Ant-Man. Yes yes they’re both thieves, fine, but that’s not what this is about. This is about clever solutions and being fun and quirky and a bit weird. This is about imagine what Parker could do with the power to shrink. Imagine. 
Eliot... Alright. It seems kinda generic to say that the guy who punches things is the Hulk. But there’s more to this than punching. There’s the fact that, if you only know him as the guy throwing the punches, you don’t realize that he’s actually secretly a sensitive, highly intelligent person. He is effectively two people, and people are always surprised to discover that the Guy Who Punches Stuff is also a trained chef and a total sweetheart.
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Title: Captain America Vs. Superman  {Part 1}
Chris Evans X Reader X Henry Cavill
Warning: Cursing, Drug Use (Weed), Adult Suggestive Conversation
Word Count: 5.9K
Note: Guyyyyyyyyys! Aaaaah! I finally did a one shot. Holy S&*& me, a one shot. Alexa play “I’m Coming out.” Hope you guys enjoy this. It was inspired by this.
 This will be posted in two parts as this has tipped into the 13k realm. Soo I guess that means it’s technically not a one shot then. Damn.
I know this is not what I should be working on, but I had this idea dn had to get it out.
**Loosely edited**
**Loosely Proofread**
"Well, I have a cape," Henry boasted.
"Who needs a cape when you have a shield? Which I have," Chris countered.
"Who needs a shield when you're bulletproof? Which I am, Henry continued.
Chris smirked.
"I can lift Thor's hammer that means I'm worthy always have been, always will be," he bragged with a cocky shoulder shrug.
Henry snorted and shook his head.
"I was sent to Earth to be its salvation and savior, I was born to be worthy of an entire planet and species," Henry finished exhaling a breath on his fingernails before rubbing them on his white button down shirt. He then looked at Chris as if to say, "beat that."
The two of them stood there in the kitchen of your home going back and forth. It had always been like this throughout your seven-year friendship. You met Chris through work as a casting agent and then met Henry, and in Hollywood, everyone knew each other. Everyone interacted, and it didn't take long for Henry and Chris to strike up a friendship. They both had so much in common.
Over the years the friendship between the three if you strengthened and it wasn't long before you three were referred to as the three musketeers where you were Chris was, and Henry wasn't too far behind. That only made the rumor mill go wild with crazy ideas that the three of you had a progressive relationship. Of course, it wasn't true, but that never stopped a rumor.
Although you were their friends, you were also human and red-blooded, you were not immune to the beauty either of them held. You were not impervious to the sex appeal that rolled off of them. You recognized they were attractive men physically, and because of your friendship, you knew they were equally as attractive inside.
For the last few months, your hormones had been going crazy, and nothing you did or how far you went from them could calm you down. You kept dreaming of them and ogling over their bodies, and you were mortified the first time you masturbated with thoughts of them. It was a job and a half to pretend everything was fine and normal when all you wanted to do was sit on one of their faces with the other's cock balls deep in your mouth.
"Doesn't this get old guys? Seven years and still comparing whose is bigger?"
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You shook your head and walked past them into the kitchen toward the fridge and took out the bottle of tequila you held in there. Not bothering to take a glass down, you took the bottle to the head and blew out in an effort to cool your flaming taste buds.
"You do realize that neither of you are the actual characters, right? You're not Captain America, and you're not Superman. You are mere men playing roles," you reasoned.
Both of them looked to you as if you'd popped their hubris filled bubbles. You shrugged and took another mouthful of your favorite liquor and hopped onto the counter across from them.
Henry approached you and took the tequila bottle from you and took a few gulps of his own before he spoke; "Where've you been for the last four days?"
"I took a Hollywood break. I went for a little retreat in Phoenix."
"What's in Phoenix?" Chris asked, approaching your other side, taking the outstretched bottle from Henry before you could take it back. He took a swig but didn't grimace. Your eyes dropped to his still tequila dampened lips, and you sucked your own bottom lip into your mouth as you felt your temperature rise a slight bit.
You cleared your throat and yanked the bottle from him and took several gulps before lowering it.
"Maybe slow down a little Y/N," Henry cautioned.
You looked to him and stared into his heavenly blue orbs and got lost.
"Y/N, you all right?"
You looked away and stared out in front of you for a long while.
"Yeah, I'm good. Netflix or poker?"
You hopped off the counter, walked to the living room, and plopped onto the couch. Chris and Henry soon followed and sat on either side of you, Chris held the deck of cards, and Henry held the chips. You smiled.
"Don't act like a girl when I beat both your asses and take you for everything you're worth."
Chris and Henry laughed in unison.
"Care to put a wager on those huge cojones you're bragging about?" Chris asked.
You smiled a mischievous smile because you may have just figured out the solution to your problem.
"I would. Whoever wins gets an IOU of their choice, anything they want must be done no matter what," you proposed.
Both Henry and Chris looked at each other, no doubt thinking the way you worded it was peculiar and specific. You didn't speak; you just allowed them to make their own decisions while looking as innocent as possible. Chris was the first to agree, followed by a reluctant Henry. You smiled to yourself hoping tonight you were lady luck. You situated around the coffee table and began playing.
After the first game, Chris took the early lead, but by the fourth game, Henry was in the lead with you staggering behind them both. It was all part of your plan. Every win they became cockier and cockier, and every win they drank more and more. You knew they both could hold their liquor but they both had limits. You needed to push those limits. If you remained in the back, they would never know what hit em when you took the lead which is what happened in the sixth game.
When all was said and done after the tenth game, you were the sole winner holding all their chips and the prize. You tried to keep a straight face you didn't want to give away the fact that you'd finessed them without them even suspecting a thing.
"I regret the day I taught you all my tricks," Henry said.
You and Chris laughed loudly for a long time before Henry joined in. As your laughter slowly receded, you finished the fourth bottle of tequila and sighed out.
"All right, I'm a man of my word, you know. You get your IOU, but you don't get to hold onto it for weeks and weeks. You gotta use it within this week your deadline is next weekend," Chris demanded.
You smirked.
"No problem, I already know what I want."
Chris and Henry looked at you and then each other.
"You do. All right then what is it you want? Henry asked.
You reached for the last bottle of tequila opened it and took a few gulps hoping it would steel your nerves and get rid of the nervousness in the pit of your stomach.
"Both of you."
The room filled with silence, and the two men looked at each other confused etched across their features.
"Uh, both of us. What does that mean? What do you want from both of us?" Henry questioned in his prime and proper British accent.
You felt a new wave of confidence and bit your bottom lip as you looked to Henry first.
"Your hands, your fingers, your arms--,"
Looking across to Chris you continued; "Your lips, your mouth, your face--,"
Looking back and forth between the two, you finished; "Your tongue."
Henry and Chris looked dumbfounded as they stared at you. Neither of them spoke or blinked hell you didn't know if either of them were breathing anymore. You sat there looking at the both of them trying to read them, but they were unreadable. After nearly four minutes of silence, they looked to each other. Chris sucked in a breath and rubbed across his face groaning.
"Jesus, I must be drunk because I don't think I heard you right."
"Yeah, me either."
"You both heard correct. I said what I said, and I meant what I said."
"To break through this tequila haze; say that again," Chris pleaded.
You took a deep breath and released it in a rush. Yes, this was probably random as fuck and completely unexpected but was it really that farfetched? You took another drink from the tequila bottle and began again.
"I want you both."
"I--I got that part," Chris began.
"Yeah me too, maybe the part about--parts you should repeat," Henry clarified.
You smirked and pinched your lips.
"I want your hands, your fingers and your arms Henry and I want your lips, your mouth, your face Chris, and both of your tongues."
Henry sunk back into his seat and grabbed the tequila bottle from you and chugged a few gulps. As soon as he lowered it, Chris leaned over and took it from him to echo the same actions. You sat there looking between them thinking you'd broken them. Just when you thought someone was going to speak, they took another swig of tequila.
After about five minutes, you lost your patience.
"Come on, guys. This can't have been that farfetched or that crazy."
"You're kidding, right. You're drunk. This is the tequila talking. It has to be," Chris surmised.
"I'm not drunk."
They both got up and paced the room, leaving you seated on the floor.
"And yes this is crazy. Y/N, are you hearing yourself? Where is this coming from?" Henry questioned stooping in front of you arms crossed with a desperate look on his face.
"We've been friends for seven years, and I trust you both--,"
"So this is an experimentation type of thing then, you'd rather it be us then two other people you don't trust," Chris interrupted.
"No, this isn't experimentation. This is me wanting the two of you because for the last few months I've been looking at you way past platonic," you blurted out.
Both of them gaped at you. You were starting to regret saying anything.
"So you mean you want us, want us at the same time?" Henry clarified then looked at Chris.
"Months? You've wanted this for months?" Chris asked.
"Yes. It's taken over almost everything. I needed to get out of town to get a grip, but that did nothing."
Henry stooped down before you.
"You went to Phoenix because of us?"
"Is this really so unbelievable guys? Is this so unfathomable?" You asked making a circle with your finger at each of you.
They remained silent, both deep in their thoughts as they gazed at you. Chris looked to Henry who looked back at him and spoke some unspoken language. They both sighed out. Chris stroked his beard, and Henry rubbed his forehead then raked his fingers through his black curls.
   “No,” they spoke in unison.
   You perked up and looked between them.
   “So—you want me too?”
  Both of them stood and walked across the room, standing as far from you as possible. You stared at them expectantly.
   “You’re beautiful Y/N; you know that,” Chris spoke.
  “Everyone knows it,” Henry filled in.
   “That is not what I asked. I asked if you want me too?”
   You stood, giving them a full view. Their eyes never left your face though.
   “There is a line that probably shouldn’t be crossed. We have been friends for a long time; if we crossed that line then our friendship wouldn’t be the same,” Henry explained.
  “Why not? We’ll still be the same people. You two will always be my best friends, no matter what.”
   You stepped closer to the both of them and didn’t stop until you were only a few feet from them both.
   “I’ll ask again. Do-you-want-me?”
   They stared at you, and you could tell you were wearing them down. Chris groaned out, and Henry breathed exasperatedly.
   “Of course, we want you. We’d have to be dead not to. You’re perfect beauty and brains.”
  “All right then,” you finished closing the gap between you. You put your hand on both their chest and trailed it down the center of their body over their hard abs and to the top of their pants. Once your fingers touched the buttons to their pants, they both leaped back and away from you. You groaned and dropped your head back.
   “Uuugh, what is your problem?”
   “We should think about this. We’ve all had quite a bit to drink. So we should stop, think and really figure out if this is a good move or even something we really want sober,” Chris reasoned.
   “That last bit specially directed to you. Things look differently when we’re sober,” Henry added.
  You watched them both make their way to the threshold of the living room.
  “Wow, so this is what rejection feels like.”
   “We’re not rejecting you. we want what’s best for you and want you to be sure what you really want before any lines are crossed,” Chris explained.
   “We care about you Y/N, we’d never do anything that would end up hurting you,” Henry added.
   You looked between them. Any other woman may have thought this was sweet, and they were being considerate and perfect gentlemen, but you right now stuck with your sexual frustrations and needs for both of them felt as if they were chickening out or trying to let you down gently. No matter the case, you were annoyed. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
   “Fine, go, think, sober up, do whatever the hell you want.”
 You walked to the tequila bottle and drank some more.
   “You know the way out. good night.”
   You walked away toward your bedroom, leaving them there. You were horny and frustrated, and since they wouldn’t help, you had to turn to your vibrator yet again.
 One day passed no call and no Chris or Henry, then two, then four, and by day five you began to panic. You hadn’t seen them or called them because of humiliation beginning to set in. They didn’t call; they didn’t stop by; they were absent from your lunches and your apartment. Usually, when they were in town you always had dinner together, and more times than not lunch as well. It was cold turkey, and your mind was beginning to overthink. You wondered if you’d crossed a line, if you’d taken too big of a risk with voicing your wants, you wondered if you’d freaked them out and their only answer was to avoid you.
  By the time Friday came, you were a huge ball of anxiety, fear, and doubts. You must have pulled up their numbers in your phone fifty times only to exit out without dialing. Half of you felt like you should call and apologize and downplay what you said and blame it on the alcohol like Jamie said. The other half went super aggressive and said fuck them they’d be damn lucky to be in the situation you’d offered. Needless to say, you were a mess. You tried to go about your week like normal, and for the most part, you were successful. You kept yourself busy, and it helped because you didn’t have a moment to yourself. Idle hands did the devil’s work after all.
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  You groaned and stretched back in your office chair. It was eight o’clock on a Friday night, and you still hadn’t left work. You still had a few more things to tend to before you were comfortable leaving, and you weren’t in any rush to get home to the quiet and your thoughts. With your eyes closed, you took several calming breathes trying to find the energy to finish up. After a few minutes, you sat back up and continued. The sound of your phone chiming brought your attention away. You looked at your phone and saw two new unread messages.
  You took up the device and saw Chris’ name on your screen. You hovered your thumb over the message and felt your nerves spike, and you didn’t know why. You shook it off and opened the message.
  MSG Chris: Dinner tonight?
  You narrowed your eyes at the message as if it were actually him. He had some nerve, you thought. Ignore you for a week and then out the blue send some vague message like you were some random woman after the dick. You kissed your teeth and rolled your eyes, dropping your phone back on the desk and focusing again on your work.  You ignored the urge to pick it back up and willed yourself to focus. Your phone chimed again and again, and still, you ignored it.
   “I don’t know who you think you are, but you got me all fucked up if you think this is goin’ down like this.”
 Another five minutes passed and in came another chime. You took a peek and saw the message preview read, “Don’t play hard to get now.” You kissed your teeth again and took up your phone and looked through the messages.
  MSG Chris: Not gonna answer me?
MSG Chris: Come on Y/N, don’t be like this.
MSG Chris: Don’t play hard to get now, you know you want to come.
  You focused on the word “come” and wondered if he was playing on words and was being fresh. A smirk tickled your lips until you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You sighed and shook your head.
  MSG: Whatever, I don’t play hard to get, I am hard to get.
MSG Chris: I don’t doubt that for one minute. So, dinner tonight?”
MSG: I already ate.
MSG Chris: Liar. I drove by your place your car isn’t there. That means you’re still at the office. Stop what you’re doing and come eat.
  You rolled your eyes.
  MSG: Why are you driving by my house anyway aren’t you avoiding me like a heathen avoids church?
MSG Chris: LMAO. I’ve never avoided you. Come to dinner. I’ll let you choose the restaurant even that Hibachi place you know I hate.
MSG: You only hate it because the owner likes Superman better than Captain America. Don’t be salty.
MSG Chris: Whatever. You wanna come or not?
  Again, your eyes darted to the word “come.” You bit your bottom lip and heard your stomach growl. The decision was made already.
  MSG: Fine, but it’s the Hibachi place you hate.
MSG Chris: I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. Thirty minutes enough time to get there?
MSG: Make it an hour I still have some stuff to do.
MSG Chris: Thirty.
MSG: Excuse me? You’re not my daddy.
MSG Chris: Make it thirty, and I will be.
  You widened your eyes and read the last message again and again. The defiance in you was tempted to purposely show up past thirty minutes, but the curiosity in you wanted to get there early. You sat there for five more minutes before you got up and prepared to leave.
  The drive wasn’t too bad, especially for a Friday night. You expected horrible back ups, but you were pleasantly surprised to find it moving. It took you fifteen minutes to get from your office to the restaurant when normally it would have taken twenty or more. You sat in your car and looked at yourself. You reapplied your lipstick, took down your hair and spritzed yourself with perfume. Once you walked inside, it was thirty minutes on the dot.
   “Y/N, welcome back!”
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  You smiled brightly at the owner and hugged him.
   “You know me can’t stay away for too long.”
 He laughed and pulled his wife forward.
   “Hi Y/N, happy to see you.”
   She kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly. You loved this place the food was good; the atmosphere was easy going and the people were friendly what more was needed. The ritzy restaurants in this town were nice and everything but nothing compared to a place that made you feel like family.
   “Go ahead to your table. I’ll send someone over to begin shortly.”
   “Thank you.”
  You walked away, making your way to your table. It was the same one you always sat when you came here, and it was always held open in case you came by. You stepped up the three steps and saw the two heads at the table and felt the butterflies begin. You straightened your back and held your head high and walked over. As you slid into the opposite side, you could feel Chris’ smugness. You ignored it.
  “This is new, you following directions. I like it,” Chris teased.
  You looked to him and then across to Henry. They looked good. Henry’s hair was coifed to perfection leaving a few of his natural curls free the way you liked, and he was clean shaven. He looked like he’d put in effort. You looked over to Chris and took in his perfectly groomed goatee and brushed back locks and fought back the urge to suck your bottom lip into your mouth.
  “I’m just hungry,” you retorted as you looked away from them. You heard both of them chuckle and fought back a smile.
  “Welcome back, guys. What’ll it be tonight?”
   You looked up into the face of the waiter and smiled warmly. You then looked at Henry and Chris.
   “Do you two know what you want?”
   Chris licked his lips, and Henry briefly bit his before they answered in unison overlapping each other.
  “I know just what I want.”
   “Oh yeah, I know.”
   You looked between them. Something in their words and voice brought a chill up your spine, a good chill.
   “I’d like the shrimp shumai, edamame, the vegetable gyoza, Miso soup, and the Lobster, Shrimp, Scallops and Filet Mignon Hibachi, instead of the rice another serving of noodles please,” you requested without looking at the menu.
   “So, your usual then?”
 You looked to Henry and narrowed your eyes at his teasing. He pinched his lips and looked up and around as if he’d heard something.
   “The usual for the two of you as well?”
   Henry and Chris nodded.
   “Also, a lot of sake please, keep the sake coming,” Henry added.
   “Sure thing guys. We’ll begin in a little while,” your waiter said before she walked off.
   “Busy week?” You asked, tackling the awkward silence head-on.
  “It actually was, I read for a few parts and did some voice-overs,” Henry explained.
   “And you?”
   You looked to Chris, waiting for his explanation.
   “When is my week never busy? The life of the Captain is never quiet.”
   You snorted.
   “God, give it a rest already,” Henry said.
   You laughed and covered your mouth and tried to hide your amusement.
   “What about your week?”
   “Yep, busy, busy, busy, work, work, work.”
   They nodded and then silence befell the table again. This was pathetic you thought to yourself. Things between you were never awkward; there was never silence between you, one or all three of you couldn’t shut up. Thankfully your table cook arrived wheeling his cooking surface over. You straightened your back and smiled a greeting. He prepped the ingredients, and you watched not ballsy enough to look Chris and Henry’s way.
   When the chef began his cooking show you paid attention; this was after all one of your favorite things about this place. You giggled at the chef’s silly antics and acrobats with utensils and ingredients. When he tossed a piece of food around you caught yours easily in your mouth and watched Henry and Chris do the same. Halfway through the show, you looked to them. The warm glow of the fire gave them an even more attractive look. The red in Chris’ beard and hair was more evident, and he looked gorgeous.
   The glow of the fire intensified Henry’s eyes so much his pupils weren’t even visible, all you saw was blue. You loved his eyes. You bit your bottom lip and looked over the two beautiful male specimens across from you fully appreciating what other women had seen all this time. You nearly kicked yourself when you thought this was new for you when they’d been gawked at and thought of this way their whole lives. Henry glanced over to you and held your stare. He licked his lips, and your eyes dropped to his kissable lips. You wondered what they tasted like, were they naturally sweet, or did they taste like the woods smelled, musky, masculine, and fragrant.
   Feeling his gaze, you looked to Chris, who was already staring at you. The air in the room became thin, and you found yourself struggling to catch a breath. The pounding of your heart in your ears drowned out any other sound, and you felt your temperature rise. You looked to his hair, and the urge to sink your fingers in it was overwhelming. He always looked put together; you desperately wanted to see him unkempt. You clenched your thighs together, needing pressure on your lady parts. You were already wet. You looked away and cleared your throat just in time to see the end of the chef’s show. You clapped and smiled, Chris and Henry soon joined in.
   With your plates full and your food on the table, you dug in. The deliciousness of the meal was enough to distract you from everything you felt and wanted. The only thing on your mind was the food; you didn’t even bother looking at Chris or Henry. When they began the small talk, you took part in it because a silent meal was more awkward than anything else in the world. They talked about trivial things in the industry and their plans for a vacation when things calmed down in their careers.
   Soon the three of you were bantering and laughing like normal, and you were grateful for it. It showed you that maybe you hadn’t ruined your friendship.
Several hours and several tokkuri of sake, the three of you sat at the table enjoying your desserts. You put another spoon of your Mochi in your mouth and licked around the spoon absentmindedly. When you looked up, both Henry and Chris watched you. You put the spoon down and took a deep breath.
   “We weren’t ignoring or avoiding you Y/N,” Henry began.
   You looked at him and contemplated his words.
   “Uh-huh. So what exactly were you doing then?”
   “Thinking,” Chris responded.
   You nodded and took another spoon full of your dessert.
   “Mmm. You needed a whole week to think. Okay.”
   Your passive aggressive words and demeanor spoke for itself.
   “Did you expect a rushed answer? I’m sure any other man would have leaped at what you asked--,”
   “I didn’t ask you for anything actually,” you interrupted.
   They both watched you. Henry nodded.
  “You’re right; you didn’t ask for anything. Maybe that’s where we should start. What do you want Y/N?”
   Silence. You knew Henry would be the one to cut to the chase. He’d always been like this. You licked your lips slowly and sucked your bottom lip and held their gazes. You thought if you wanted to play this game but looking at them you knew they wanted to play it.
   “I want you—both of you,” you answered, looking back and forth between them.
   “The question is, are you done thinking? Do you want me too?”
   It took them a few minutes before either of them spoke.
   “Yes,” Henry answered.
   Your heart pounded faster. You looked at Chris.
  The butterflies in your stomach began again. You should have been excited and happy with the admission, but you felt nervous.
   “We need ground rules,” Chris the practical one said.
   “Of course, you need rules,” you teased and rolled your head back. Sighing, you sat back up and looked at him.
 “Okay, what are they?”
   “You can change your mind at any time.”
   “I won’t. What else?”
   “This can’t ruin our friendship—at all,” Henry added.
   You nodded wholeheartedly agreeing to that point.
   “Any time you’re uncomfortable you say something,” Chris added.
   “One time unless it’s agreed upon,” Henry blurted out.
   You and Chris looked at him, and he looked between the two of you.
   “I just want it out there we’re not expecting more than you want to give,” Henry explained. You smirked and nodded.
   “Anything you want to add?”
  “Nothing. This is simple for me. You two seem to be the ones who are more hung up about it,” you quipped finishing the last of the sake. You’d lost track how many you’d had.
   “Okay,” Chris said.
   “My place, yours, yours?” you asked.
   “Whichever makes you more comfortable. Tomorrow night?”
   You looked at them again and tried to quell any disappointment rising. Yes, you thought tonight would be the night, but you’d have to wait yet another day. You thought more about it and tried to look on the bright side; you’d be able to prepare properly. You’d waited months for this and actually wanted it to be the best it could be—that you knew it could be. You bit your bottom lip again and nodded.
   “Tomorrow night, my place,” you finished.
   Both of them nodded. You noticed they both tried to look as calm as possible, but they were failing miserably. You smiled and cleared your throat.
   “I’m exhausted now. What do you say we get outta here? Give you two some more time to chicken out.”
   You teased and gathered your things before you slid out the booth.  You walked ahead of them to the exit and felt them behind you. As you stepped out into the night air, you straightened your back and walked to your car. You stopped at your door and looked back to them knowing they’d followed you to ensure you got there safe. Your perfect gentlemen. You smiled.
   “All right, good night.”
   You got into your car and started the engine. Before you rolled off, Henry tapped on the window. You revved it down and smiled.
   “What time is good for you?”
   You stared into his captivating eyes and felt a deep want for him. You leaned closer and caught the scent of his cologne. He smelled like the one you bought him a few months ago. You licked your lips pressed your thighs together again.
   “Sunset, I’ve always loved to look at you in the sunset. I wonder how you’ll look naked in it.”
   Henry’s pupils dilated, and you watched his Adam’s apple bob as he gulped. You looked to Chris who was close enough to have heard what you said. He looked as if he also felt how you felt. Hot and bothered.
   You backed out the parking lot and made your way home making a mental list of everything to do tomorrow.
Part 2 to be posted soon.
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