#if it weren't for that I'd just plan the rest of my life around her tbh
coffincoitus · 3 months
we're not completely "divorced" btw. we still live together 3 days a week and will most likely go back to living together full time immediately after I finish this degree. it's a nice "test drive" tho for when we eventually go our separate ways
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
serial heartbreaker ii || alexia putellas x reader ||
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whether it was intentional or not, there was definitely something going on between you and alexia.
part i
you woke up in a bed that definitely wasn't yours. the sheets were by far the softest that you had ever felt in your entire life, but the mattress itself was firmer than you preferred. groaning a little, you turned onto your stomach and pulled a blanket up over your head. almost immediately, you were hit a wave of perfume that definitely wasn't yours.
confused, you lifted your head up to see that you were not in your bedroom. suddenly, you were hit with the memories of what had happened the night prior. anger and sadness threatened to wash over you, only held back by a feeling of optimism. yes, you and leila were definitely over, but there was definitely room for something between you and alexia.
it was stupid to be thinking about getting in a reltionship so soon after your last one had officially ended, but you couldn't help it. you hated being single, something that most of your friends knew already. besides, you'd be a liar if you said that you weren't interested in alexia. she was alexia fucking putellas after all.
"buenos dias," alexia said as she climbed back into bed with you. you could smell coffee, a cup held by the hand that wasn't gently shaking you awake. alexia had heard you moving around, so she knew that you weren't fully asleep. "(y/n), it's time for you to wake up. come on, it's almost two."
"in the afternoon?" you lifted your head a little to see her nod. you shot up, nearly knocking into alexia as you did. she chuckled, smiling as she watched you try to blink away your tiredness. "you let me sleep until two in the afternoon?"
"you had a rough night, and a rather fitful sleep. i wanted to make sure that you were rested today. now, we can stay in bed all day if you'd like today, but tomorrow, we have plans," alexia told you.
"oh, and what would those be?" you asked.
"mapi wants everyone to go to the beach," alexia said. you liked the sound of that, not having gotten to hang out at the beach with your friends in quite a while. "so, what do you want to do today?"
"first, i'd like to drink that coffee," you said as you reached for the cup. alexia handed it to you, rolling her eyes at your little grabby hand motion. you leaned into her side as you sipped on the coffee, both of you discussing some lunch plans. alexia ordered some food in, promising that you didn't have to leave her bed until tomorrow.
"hello gorgeous!" mapi exclaimed as she pulled you in for a hug. you laughed as she dragged you down onto the sand, the two of you rolling around a little. you were careful of her knee, much more careful than she was. behind the two of you, ingrid and alexia set up a little area to relax for a bit.
"she looks happy, considering," ingrid said as she watched you run around with mapi. "is she still staying with you?"
"yeah, we didn't leave my bed at all yesterday. i haven't had a lazy day like that in forever," alexia said. she ignored the look on ingrid's face, a question she didn't dare ask her captain about you just yet. that was the sort of thing mapi would have done for her. it wasn't that ingrid was shy, but she had a bit more respect for alexia's boundaries than mapi did.
"i didn't know the two of you were that close," ingrid said. it felt like a safe option, something that could be expanded on in whatever way alexia felt comfortable. that was the sort of thing that ingrid had learned at her time in barcelona. it was tricky to navigate certain conversations and topics with alexia, you being one of them.
"she's easy to be close with. there's something about her, it puts me at ease," alexia said. mapi had mentioned alexia possibly having a crush on you. she had definitely joked about alexia getting jealous whenever leila started talking to you romantically. however, the captain had brushed all of it all, denying it all vehemently.
"well, whatever happens, i wish you good luck," ingrid said. alexia blushed as she turned away from ingrid, who was smirking at her with a knowing look. mapi liked to say a lot just to get a rise out of alexia, but it seemed that the defender hadn't been inaccurate with her comments about alexia having feelings for you.
"when are you going to make a move on ale?" ona asked as she sat down next to you on alexia's couch. she was staring at you expectantly, like she already knew your feelings. it wasn't that hard of a conclusion to come to, most of the locker room had figured it out already. since your breakup with leila, you had spent maybe a total of four days at your own apartment in the span of a month.
"ona, shut up," you hissed. alexia was in the kitchen, chatting away to her mother on the phone. ona laughed at the look of pure panic on your face.
"hey, i'm happy for you. lucy won't admit it, but she's looking forward to double dates. all you have to do is say something. ale likes you too, she's letting you practically live here already," ona pointed out. you blushed as you realized that ona had no idea that you'd been sleeping in alexia's bed with her at night.
it seemed that your first night here had set the tone for the rest of your extended stay. alexia had you going to bed about three hours earlier than what you were used to, but you didn't mind it. she'd get ready for bed with you, let you sleep in her clothes at night, and hold you until she had to wake you up for training. it was nice, something that you hadn't gotten even whenever leila was still at the same club as you.
"i don't know if i'm ready for a relationship, and you don't even know if alexia likes me," you told ona. she rolled her eyes, scoffing at your statement. a part of her was proud of you for not rushing in, but alexia definitely had a thing for you.
"well, don't let her pass you by. i'm sure that ale won't stay single forever," ona warned you. the thought had crossed your mind, but you always tried to ignore it. if you thought too much about alexia getting another girlfriend, someone to take your spot in her bed, you always got sick.
"lo siento-," alexia sat down on the other side of you, her hand landing directly on your thigh, "-what are we watching?"
"it is your tv," you said nervously. alexia gave you a look, knowing that you had been monopolizing control over her remote while you'd been over. alexia had opted for watching matches on an ipad while you flipped from tv to tv show.
"hmm, i almost forgot," alexia joked. you rolled your eyes as you forced yourself to look away from her. alexia squeezed your thigh as she reached forward and grabbed the remote. she put on some old game footage, ona groaning and getting up to leave.
"i will see you both later. bye cari." ona pressed a kiss to the top of your head. alexia retracted her hand at the little token of affection. you frowned as she did, immediately reaching out to take her hand in yours. alexia smiled down at the two of your hands. she missed the look that ona shot the two of you as she put her shoes on. "remember to use protection!"
"ona!" you yelled as you twisted to throw something at her. the smaller woman was already out of alexia's apartment, leaving you to sit there awkwardly. "i'm sorry about her, she's being ridiculous."
"she is right, protection is important," alexia said. you laughed as you settled back on the couch with her. "you have been spending a lot of time in my bed, so i guess it's not a terrible conversation to be having."
"alexia, we aren't fucking each other," you reminded her. alexia let her hand fall away from yours. you didn't notice, but she watched as you frowned again, this time not reaching out for her.
"you want us to be, though, don't you?" alexia asked you.
"no," you answered confidently. alexia's face fell, having been certain that you liked her. "i am not good at casual sex, and i don't see the point of trying to be now."
"so… you want something more?" alexia asked.
"i want to be with someone who will love me," you said. alexia perked up a little, turning her body towards yours. "i'd like someone who cares for me like you do."
"i can do you one better," alexia said. she gently cupped your cheeks as she leaned forward. you felt her nose brush against your face. it drove you a little crazy having her so close, but purposefully not kissing you. "what if i love you? would that be okay?"
"just promise me that you won't break my heart, please." you sounded dangerously close to begging, something that you hated.
"i could never," alexia promised you. you leaned in to close the distance, letting out a sigh as alexia kissed you back. you melted into her arms, finally getting to do something that you had been wanting to for so long. a part of you felt like it should have happened earlier, but you had always needed a little outside help to make any sort of move.
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coco-loco-nut · 2 months
The Manuscript
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader, Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: "write what you know/lookin' backwards/might be the only way to move forward"
A/n: Surprise, here is a gift from my breakup writing! This album didn't have one miss. Unfortunately, this is not inspired by my own breakup.
requests open masterlist series masterlist __________
You have been holed up in your apartment outside of Nice, France, having moved there from America after your first bestseller. The ocean and beach usually help you write, but you are stuck, so your friends drag you out to Monaco for a girl's weekend.
As you sip on your drink, a guy slides up to you at the bar next to your hotel. "I'm not a donor but I'd give you my heart if you needed it," he says, glancing at your license, and you turn to him, rolling your eyes.
"You are a professional," you take in the guy beside you. His eyes crinkle as he smiles.
"No, just a good samaritan," you let out a small laugh, tilting your head back and finishing your drink.
"A good samaritan would buy another round," your eyes sparkle playfully as he sits beside you, taking your silent invitation to flirt and talk. Your friends leave you alone for the rest of the night, happy to see you relaxed.
He takes you out for coffee the next morning, getting to know each other more. You find out some of the small things, he is 30, does something dangerous for a job, and you learn his first name.
"If the sex is as good as the conversation is, soon we might be pushing strollers," he teases. You become a frequent visitor to Monaco, spending passionate nights and quiet days in his insanely expensive apartment. You lay in bed, him stroking your hair, legs intertwined under the sheets, a light breeze flowing from the windows. You silently wished you were 30 too.
"You are wise beyond your years, this has really been above board, love," his accent soothing as he pulls you closer. You two were planning a year's worth of adventures with each other, you made your coffee together in a French press every morning, and things were going well. But soon it was over, and you weren't sure if things really were above board. Daniel Ricciardo was just a sad memory. You found out who he really was a year after they dated, seeing him in an ad on social media.
After the split, you booked a flight home, only sleeping in your mother's bed the week you were home, crying yourself to sleep. You only are Froot Loops and other children's cereal when she returned to her home in France and dated boys her own age, but they never worked out. You released another book, but it was missing something, your personal experiences were not infused into the book. It was still a best seller.
Years later, you returned to Monaco to celebrate her best friend's birthday where you met another boy your own age. He sees your disillusioned view of love and strives to turn it around. You sit in his apartment, a dartboard on the back of his door and you write and write.
The past couple years had passed by like scenes of a show. You had anonymously taken some writing and literature classes taught in English, your French was good but not that good. Your professor selected your first bestseller for one of the course texts. Thier statement regarding your book stuck with you the most. "Something I learned from Y/n L/n's debut book was to write what you know, looking backwards is sometimes the only way to move forward. She had said in interviews that she writes to heal and loves to infuse her life into her books, making it an intimate read," the professor had analyzed not only your books but also interviews. You approached the professor and introduced yourself, safe to say you didn't have to write an analysis paper on your book.
"How is your book?" your boyfriend asks as you furiously type, the actors hitting their marks.
"A wise professor once said to write what you know. Looking back might be the only way to move forward," you hum. He knew about your ex, but he only knows the ex's first name so he never thought much about the relationship despite you being open about it.
The slow dance of words was alight with sparks as tears fell from your eyes in sync with the score as you type the final words of your manuscript. Your boyfriend holds you close, eyes scanning the computer. At last, you knew what all the agony the last few years had been for.
Now and then you and your boyfriend reread the manuscript as it passes through editing. You go on an American book tour as he travels for work. You set up a camera for the book announcement, holding your book, simply titled 'The Manuscript'.
"To my ex, the only thing left is The Manuscript, one last souvenir from my trips to your shores. Dear readers, the story isn't mine anymore, it's yours," the short video goes viral. Your boyfriend sees a text pop up on your phone from a number you never bothered to block.
Daniel Ricciardo Y/n what the hell?
"Daniel Ricciardo was your ex?" Lando asks, never really putting the puzzle together.
"Yeah, he never even told me who he really was, I should've asked in fairness," you say cautiously. You noticed the next too.
"Well, I'm glad he didn't turn you off drivers. And I'm glad that I am the one who gets to love you," Lando hugs you, not mad at you for not disclosing that information.
"I love you, Lan, please don't give me a reason to write anything but a sweet romance book about you," you whisper, a silent plea to whoever decides fate.
"What about one of those smut books that girls like to take and read on vacation at the beach?" Lando jokes, your face flushing.
"Hmm, maybe," your smile lights up the room and Lando can't help but silently thank his former teammate for fucking up. Nothing satisfies both of you more than the look on Daniel's face when you show up to a grand prix on Lando's arm. You approach the Australian, fishing the book from your bag.
"Now and then I re-read The Manuscript, the story isn't mine anymore," you hand him the book, a handwritten note tucked into the pages as he watches you walk away. A reminder of everything he had and lost remains.
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how Doting husband Bruce asked her to marry him??
You raise your head off Bruce's chest slightly to look at him, enjoying the pleasant exhaustion that came after a long evening in his bed. The comfort of being drowsy and warm against his heart. And when he smiles a little, you smile back, stretching lazily. "Everything okay?"
"Marry me?" he blurted out, feeling lame. In his head, he'd had a plan. A whole speech. All the reasons why he wanted you. Your kindness, your compassion, your persistence- the resilience you showed day after day. The way you'd worked your way into his life so completely that he couldn't see the rest of it without your hand in his.
"What- I-"
"Please?" he asked, reaching up to cradle your cheek in his hand. He had so much to say but not one word would stay long enough for him to get it out. He'd meant for there to be flowers- and candles. A whole fairy tale. Offers of comfort and security. Not this. Not blurting it out like an idiot after making love to you.
"Bruce-I- my family is a mess. I- my whole life- I-"
He could see the tears welling up, even in the half-light of the fire place. And his heart clenched. You didn't think you were good enough. You worked so hard- did so much... and you still thought you were, what? Nothing? That you were just a diversion for him? That after everything he couldn't love you enough to keep you? "Sweetheart," he murmured, wiping a tear away with his thumb, "I don't- you're not your family. And I love you, okay? Please don't cry-"
"I'm sorry-"
"Unless it's happy crying. You can do that," he teased. "I'd make you do that every day if you'd let me."
And when you give him a trembling smile, he shifts you over so he can pin you underneath him, peppering kisses over your nose and cheekbones tenderly. "Marry me?" he asked again. He'd have given you anything you wanted if only you'd say yes. And when you reached up, wrapping your arms around his neck and kiss him, he feels like his heart is going to burst.
It feels like a yes. Not the kiss you give to say goodbye, but one that asks him to stay.
You come up for air and take a deep breath, trying to find your voice. And even then all you can do is stutter out a yes. He grinned. Looking like a little boy about to open his birthday presents. The most powerful man in the world was looking at you like that. And all you could do was bury your face in his neck and pull him closer.
"I love you," he repeated, snuggling you as you clung to him.
"I love you too."
"Will you be okay for a moment?" he asked.
"I'm gonna wash my face I think- I-is that-"
"Absolutely," he said kissing your head. Grateful that you weren't crying and upset... just shocked. He felt guilty for springing it on you. You were totally blindsided. And as he let you go, watching you slip into the bathroom and shut the door, he hoped the ring would make up for it. It was one of his mother's rings- and he also hoped it fit. He didn't want to have to wait for people to know you were his.
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kimbappykidding · 6 months
Imagine starting a job at Hybe and catching the attention of none other than Mingyu himself but this isn't the first time you've met...
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You'd always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and you finally achieved that when you were offered a place a Hybe as a dancer. You moved to Seoul for the role and were ready to start your new life. You had some friends already in the city, and on your first night, they took you out for a welcome meal and drinks. While you were in a bar your friends noticed a good-looking man a few tables away looking at you but you didn't really care. When you came out with friends that was the only thing on your mind so he could be the hottest guy in the world but you wouldn't talk to him. This was pretty accurate considering the man was none other than Seventeen's Mingyu.
The man continued to watch you but you just ignored him. Then when you were walking to the bar the man called out to you. "Miss I think you forgot this" he called holding out a tissue to you and you paused "that's not mine". The boy hesitated before saying "are you sure because I'm certain it is. Do you want to check?". You shook your head "no it's definitely not" and went to walk away when he laughed. "Okay so it's not but I wrote my phone number on it and was trying to do a whole bit...basically I think you're really pretty and promised my friends I'd ask you out". You looked behind him and sure enough, his friends were watching. You smiled "that's nice of you but I'm not looking to date anyone at the moment, plus I'm out with my friends and so guys are the last thing on my mind". The man nodded "of course sorry for bothering you". You shook your head "no problem have a nice night" and walked away. When you got back to your table your friends asked why you didn't take the number and you shrugged "he was a stranger". "But a hot one!" your friend cried and you looked at her "and?". Your friends laughed "so you haven't become a huge softie when it comes to love and romance huh?" your friend asked and you shook your head "nope. That's just not who I am and nothing will make me that way".
You had a lovely rest of your night and enjoyed a peaceful weekend before your first week at work. You arrived on the first day and were given a tour. They told you you'd be working with a mix of Hybe groups but in particular you'd be with Enhypen, Le Sserafim and Seventeen. You didn't know tons about kpop, mainly just the iconic dances but knew Hybe had great dancers so we're excited. The tour took you to the groups' different floors and the final stop was Seventeen's. They weren't rehearsing and all appeared to be messing around which the tour guide didn't seem to like but you got a good glimpse at the guys and spotted one familiar face.
The guy from the bar! He was in there! You couldn't believe it and wanted to stay to make sure but were hurried along. The second you had a break, you pulled out your phone and searched the Seventeen members and got a name. Mingyu. One of the main visuals of Seventeen who you'd now be working...whose offer of a date you'd rejected. Luckily he had a reputation for being a nice guy so you figured he'd just pretend nothing happened or hell he might not even recognise you. The more you read about him the more you figured he was a guy who got tons of romantic attention. He probably found another girl 5 minutes after you so you thought he might not remember it and you weren't going to remind him. However, when you were introduced he dropped his water bottle loudly and suddenly, so you guessed he remembered you.
Mingyu planned to act like he didn't know you but he was pretty sure he'd blown his cover so just decided to come over to you. "Hi" he said nervously and you smiled back "Hey". "So last weekend?" he asked and you chuckled "I wasn't sure if you'd remember me". "Of course I would" Mingyu said "I obviously had no idea who you were and my timing is wonderful as always. I'm sorry if I made this uncomfortable". You shook your head "no not at all, it's fine". Mingyu smiled "good well welcome and I promise to be nothing but professional" saluting awkwardly and you could see the regret going through his eyes as he did i. You laughed slightly and smiled back "that sounds great and thanks for welcoming me" and did a mini salute back. Mingyu laughed and nodded "no worries" and walked away.
Some of the members had seen you talking but when they asked Mingyu what you were discussing he just shrugged "nothing I was just welcoming her". Scoups shook his head "of course you're flirting with the new dancer on our first meeting with her". Mingyu shook his head denying it but the boys didn’t let him drop it. “She’s totally your type as well” Jeonghan said and Hoshi nodded “yeah she looks like that other girl Mingyu liked!” and the others all nodded. “It must be fate” Dk smiled at him but Mingyu thought fate was too kind a word for you turning up at his work suddenly.
However the good news was nobody knew what had happened between you. The friends Mingyu had been with at the bar were kpop idols from different groups so his members had no idea what was going on. You weren’t going to tell them and were acting pretty chill so Mingyu knew you’d keep the secret safe…but that didn’t mean Mingyu forgot about the encounter. He found it hard to move on especially seeing you every day. He of course still thought you were pretty as he had that night in the bar but his attraction to you exploded the second he saw you dance. You were an extremely skilled dancer, your body could perform any style effortlessly and you picked up choreo easily. You looked very good when you danced and Mingyu felt even more impressed and attracted to you. Then as he spent more time with you he realised you were also very funny and he loved your cool blunt personality. You were very honest and a lot of fun to be around...which made everything so much harder for Mingyu. He was the type of person who couldn't hide his feelings well. His emotions were displayed clearly on his face and so he couldn't help acting a little differently with you and his members began to say he was "whipped" for you.
Whenever you entered a room Mingyu sat up straighter or stood taller which considering his height was very noticeable but Mingyu would pretend he hadn't seen you. He tried to act very blasé, leaning back casually on whatever was behind him or striking a pose which the members found hilarious. They also noticed how his wardrobe seemed to have lost material and now his arms were regularly out and his abs whenever he fanned his face with his t-shirt which was every few minutes. He claimed it was just the weather but considering he stretched right in front of you they didn't believe him. Then whenever Mingyu spoke to you he also adopted this cool guy routine and basically fell over himself to agree with you and seem macho. One day you said you didn't eat meat much and could easily go without it. Mingyu agreed with you making all the members nearly explode. He was full of smiles whenever you talked to him but pretended afterwards that he didn't really care.
After one such occasion, Woozi decided to say something. "So should we address the elephant in room...or well giraffe?" he asked looking at Mingyu. Several members guessed what this was about and began laughing but Mingyu was clueless. "What?" he asked when several people stared at him and Jeonghan smiled at him "Y/n". Mingyu froze, worried they'd heard he asked you out. "What about her?" he said in an unconvincing attempt to be casual. "Oh come on!" Seungkwan said "it's so obvious you're into her". "No I'm not!" Mingyu tried but Scoups laughed "yes you are! You're a mess anytime she walks near you". "Not to mention the sucking up, you agree to anything she says!" The8 pointed out. Mingyu tried to keep up his argument but they just didn't believe him and stopped listening to him.
"You should ask her out" Jeonghan said and Wonwoo nodded "yeah you'd have a good shot". "No no no" Mingyu said and The8 began to ask why. "I think she already has a boyfriend" he said and Seungkwan shook his head "no she doesn't I asked her". "Oh...are you sure because I swear I saw her with a guy the other day...". "He's scared" Scoups said laughing and the others joined in. "No I'm not!” Mingyu said which only made the guys tease him more. “You totally are” Jun said and Mingyu sighed “she’s only been here 2 weeks, why would I pounce on her like that?”. “Pounce on who like that?” a voice asked and Mingyu’s life flashed before his eyes as he realised the dancers had re-entered the room…but luckily you still weren’t here yet. It was a group of 3 dancers who had been with the company for ages and that meant they knew exactly what was going on. “Is this about Mingyu drooling over Y/n?” one of them, a girl called Mina, asked and all 12 boys exploded in laughter. They had luckily calmed down when you did re-enter but Mingyu was still on edge. He found himself watching you to see if any of the dancers whispered anything to you and you noticed. You looked up, saw him watching you and smiled. Mingyu smiled back trying to act casual but could feel how pink his cheeks were and could hear the giggles across the room.
The teasing continued all week and Mingyu was worried it was becoming more noticeable. At dinner Seungkwan insisted you sit with them and positioned you right next to Mingyu with a huge smile on his face. One day your car was being fixed and when Dino found out he insisted you get a lift home with them and the guys made sure Mingyu and you ended up with a car all to yourself. Then whenever the two of you were talking in practice Mingyu would feel the guys' eyes on him and it would make him flustered and blush. It was building and building until one day it was undeniable.
Mingyu was stretching before dance practice and you came in and saw him. You smiled and put your water bottle down on a table. Mingyu realised the table was probably a way better place than the floor so he came over and put his down too. "Copying me again?" you asked and Mingyu smiled "I can't help it if you just have a way more logical brain than me okay?". You smiled "it's okay you can borrow my brain power anytime" and patted his arm. DK, Hoshi and Scoups entered while your hand was on Mingyu's arm and DK let out a loud screech before Scoups grabbed him. They dragged him to the other side of the room but were all grinning and started whispering as soon as there was some distance.
There was no hiding what had happened and you turned your back to them before steping closer to Mingyu. “Do they know?” you whispered and Mingyu blinked “about what happened with us? No of course not”. You paused “then what happened there? They've been giggly for a while, has something happened?”. Mingyu’s mind went to panic mode and he shook his head and as Mina entered he just took the first excuse that came to him. “No don’t worry it’s not you they’re laughing at it’s me, see I asked Mina out”. “Mina?” you asked looking to her across the room and Mingyu nodded “yeah and they’re teasing me senselessly about it”. “Ow that makes sense” and then after a pause you smiled “congratulations!”. “Thanks” Mingyu smiled and he answered your polite questions about where he was taking her, how he asked her out etc the best he could. When he got away his first thought was he’d been really smart and dodged a bullet…but then he realised you worked with Mina and could ask her about it anytime, exposing his lie. So panic mode came back.
Mingyu wasn’t sure how he survived dance practice. He spent the whole time trying to catch Min for a talk and tensing anytime the two of you were near each other. You spoke for a little bit in between moves and Mingyu was sweating so bad! Luckily you didn’t discuss him and Mingyu had time to grab Mina and explain his lie.
"So you told Y/n we're going out instead of telling her you like her?" Mina asked and Mingyu nodded "yes". "Okay" she said laughing at how unashamed Mingyu was of that "so when will you tell her?". "I have no idea!" Mingyu said and she laughed again. "So what's your plan? We just pretend to date from now on?". "Well not forever!" Mingyu said and Mina relaxed thinking he'd regained his sanity but she thought too soon. "Just for a few months and then we'll stage a breakup but we don't have to act too differently". Mina blinked "Mingyu that is crazy!". "No it's not, I promise it won't be too much work". "But what if the guys think we are dating?" she asked "The8 knows my actual girlfriend!". "Well Y/n has no reason to mention it to them, I think she'll keep it on the down low". Mina shook her head "Mingyu you need to tell her you can't create such an elaborate scheme like this! It could ruin your chances in the long run". Mingyu sighed "okay okay fine just give me a week?". "A week?" Mina asked and Mingyu nodded "please and I'll have worked something out by then". "You'll tell her?" Mina asked and Mingyu nodded "sure" but what he really meant was he'd find some other way out of it. Mina was placated though and nodded "fine you get to pretend to date me for one week and that's it!" making Mingyu smile "thanks Mina".
So Mingyu had dodged a huge bullet and luckily, you never mentioned he was "dating" Mina to the guys. You kept it to yourself and ignored the members behaviour figuring it wasn't towards you. Mingyu thought his luck was finally changing and then he got a huge curveball.
Mingyu had dodged you as a dancer partner for a while now despite you being the second tallest dancer but no more. The choreographer finally paired you two together and Mingyu's head snapped up when he heard your name. You came to stand beside him, making sure not to look at him at all to show this wasn't a big deal. Mingyu was noticeably awkward around you and hesitant. In the dance, he had to grab your arm and pull you towards him but he was acting all cautious and you worried the choreographer would point it out and then all the guys would see it. "It's okay you can pull me properly" you whispered to him discreetly and he nodded "okay" and did it better. Your worries were for nothing as the choreographer actually really liked your pairing and used you as an example for the others. "See how rigid Mingyu's back is and how Y/n doesn't even look at him? That's the energy we want. You two have the song down naturally". "Thank you" you said and Mingyu smiled pretending it was acting.
You were partners all week because the choreographer liked you together so much so by Friday Mingyu was ready to burst. Mina said this was a good thing because his time was up and Mingyu agreed and planned to tell you that they'd at least broken up on Monday when you showed up at his house.
Seungkwan was throwing a party for his birthday and Mingyu had no idea he'd befriended you quickly enough to invite you to his birthday party. Then again Seungkwan made friends wherever he went so Mingyu expected a big turnout for his 3rd youngest member's party. Mingyu rationalised it wouldn’t be the end of the world and figured he'd just have a fun night with his friends and avoid you but everywhere he seemed to go there you were! Dancing and looking amazing or laughing with his members. He was going to get a drink and stepped into the kitchen to see the fridge open. He walked up to the door and saw it was you, he was going to walk away when he figured that'd be awkward so he stayed. You however hadn't even seen him and jumped when you turned and saw him, spilling your drink all over yourself. "Jesus Chris!" you said and Mingyu grabbed a towel "omg Y/n I'm so sorry". "It's okay" you said dabbing yourself but your top was white and it showed the stain easily. "But your poor top" Mingyu said now realising was becoming see-through and shot his eyes away. You noticed too and panicked holding the tea tower up to it. "It's okay I'll just erm...wait for it to dry". "I can give you something if you want?" Mingyu asked "and then you can swap back at the end of the night".
You agreed so headed upstairs together passing several of his members which didn't help his blush. They didn't dare say anything in front of you but it was so easy to see what they were thinking. Finally, they were out of sight and you paused at the top of the stairs making Mingyu almost crash into you. "Why did you stop?" he asked and you looked at him "I don't know which one is your room". "Of course why would you?" Mingyu asked and slid past you to lead you into his room at the end of the hall.
"Okay so let me find something for you...I'll try and get something white so it's similar" and he rooted through his drawers. Mingyu brought out a few options for you and you went into his ensuite to change. All his tops were big on you and Mingyu tried not to react to how cute it was or how it made him feel to see you in his clothes. Finally, there was one crop top that worked and you looked really good in it. You tucked it into your jeans and looked so cool in it which Mingyu never did. "Does it look okay?" you asked and he agreed it did. "You look really nice" he said before going to spread your t-shirt out on the drying rack.
"You know I have to say your bathroom is the cleanest one I've ever seen" you said and he smiled "yeah I like things nice and tidy". "I noticed and that's a wonderful quality, very impressive". Now Mingyu was blushing "thank you...you're impressive too. You just seem to pick up choreo so quickly. I know being paired with you has made me a better dancer". "That's so sweet!" you smiled "thank you but you're a great performer anyway. I've seen you in past music videos and I'm nothing to do with it". "You've watched my old videos?" Mingyu asked and you paused before nodding. "When I got the job and started I looked into you all and you were on the first one I looked at". "Because of what happened?' Mingyu asked and you shrugged "that was part of it but not all of it. You're very different from what I expected and I guess I just wanted to see more of that. I was trying to work you out so to speak". "Ohh" Mingyu said unsure what else to say "and what did you find?".
You paused unsure why you were feeling so flustered. It probably had something to do with being in a dimly light room with an attractive guy while you were wearing a top that smelt like him. "I found you very confusing" you admitted "just guys like you aren't usually so kind to your members and aren't so good at cooking and stereotypically feminine things". Mingyu smiled "me being able to cook confused you?". "Yes! Young guys, in general, tend not to know how to cook but especially the good-looking ones!" you said before realising you'd called Mingyu good-looking. Surely it wouldn't be a big deal? He knew he was good looking right?
"Thank you" Mingyu said blushing "I often get misconceptions because of how I look". "Pretty people problems" you said sighing sarcastically and Mingyu laughed "oh come on like you don't know! You probably have people asking you out all the time, especially when they see you dance". Now it was your turn to blush "sometimes but not often no...". "Really?" Mingyu asked stunned "that's crazy! Who wouldn't want you? I mean some people have no taste!" before realising he'd gone a little overboard. You were both blushing and neither of you knew what to say. "Thanks for not holding what happened against me I guess" Mingyu said and you chuckled "Mingyu, a good-looking guy asking you out is in no way offensive. You were sweet and respectful and even if everyone knew you'd have nothing to be ashamed of. I was with my friends that's why I said no". Mingyu sat up straighter and his eyes shot to you "really? That was why you said no?". You nodded "yeah that was the main reason...I think if I'd started work the week before I might've said something different though".
Mingyu had goosebumps all over his arms and he was staring at you in disbelief. He couldn't believe what you'd just told him and was cursing his past self for his bad timing. "So if I'd had asked you out at a different time you might've said...". "Yeah I think I would've" you nodded and Mingyu thought his head was going to explode. You could've been his but now...well right now all he could think of was you. You may as well be the only person in the world at this moment and he was overwhelmed with how good you looked and how much he wanted you. Mingyu moved closer to you and laid a hand on your arm. "Mingyu" you whispered seeing his expression and he nodded "what?". "I..." you started when a loud bang on the landing made you both jump and shoot apart.
"Mingyu?" you heard Jeonghan call "are you up here? I need your help". Mingyu rushed to the door and they saw Hoshi on the floor clearly a little drunk. "Help me get him into bed will you?" Jeonghan asked Mingyu before spotting you behind him "if you're not busy...". "No of course not" you and Mingyu both rushed to say, blushing like crazy. "Okay..." Jeonghan said, very much aware he'd interrupted something but you both rushed away from one another and he had more important things to worry about, like a drunk Hoshi at his ankles.
You rushed downstairs and Mingyu busied himself with helping Hoshi. You felt all warm and flustered and had no idea what had just happened upstairs or what else might've happened had Jeonghan not interrupted. Mingyu came back downstairs a little while later and the two of you stayed on opposite sides of the room. Mingyu told himself he’d catch you to talk to but he kept putting it off and then the next thing he knew you’d gone!
This made him very worried because you still thought he was dating Mina so must’ve thought he was going to cheat on her with you. You must be so disappointed in him and weirdly that made Mingyu the most upset. He didn’t want you of all people thinking he was a bad person and so he had to find you! He texted Mina and she said she knew where you lived because she’d dropped you off the other day. She gave Mingyu your address and minutes later he was on his way to yours. Woozi drove him because he hadn’t drunk tonight and Mingyu had. He sat in the passenger seat anxious drumming his hands on his legs and finally after what felt like an eternity of driving for both Woozi and Mingyu, they arrived.
You'd gotten home a little earlier and has just gotten in your pyjamas after washing your face when the door went. You opened it to find a very panicked-looking Mingyu. "Hi" he smiled "can I come in?". You froze thinking back to the last time you were alone together "erm do you think that's a good idea?" you asked. Mingyu's smile fell "please, I really need to talk to you" and you couldn't resist those eyes so you opened your door and he followed you inside.
"So..."Mingyu started "are you okay? After what happened?" he started but that seemed to open the floodgates. "Of course I'm not okay!" you criied and Mingyu blinked "because of what happened at the house? When we..." and you nodded. "But we didn't" Mingyu said "plus it's okay" he said getting ready to explain but you heard those words and got triggered. "Mingyu it is not okay! I like you but just because our thing in the bar happened before you asked Mina out doesn’t mean we get precedence”. Mingyu nodded “Y/n I know” but you kept talking. “And what we almost did was so bad! I can’t think of why we got so close! My best friend was cheated on so I know how horrible it is but I almost did with you and that’s worrying, to think you have the effect on me”. “No Y/n I don’t” Mingyu said but again you carried on “but you do! I was going to kiss you just because I wanted to so badly” you said “but I had my shot with you and I’ve just got to realise that and back off”. “No you don’t!” Mingyu said “I don’t want you to back off or go anywhere!”. “Mingyu that’s sweet but…” you started but Mingyu knew better than to let you start ranting again. “Y/n I’m not with Mina!” he said suddenly making you jump. Mingyu realised and patted your arm “sorry for saying it so loudly but it’s true and that’s what I came here to tell you! We didn’t do anything wrong because I’m not with Mina”. “You’re not?” you asked “but you told me you asked her out”. “Yeah I said that because I didn’t want to tell you the guys were laughing about us! Or well me”. “Wait so they do know about us?” you asked and Mingyu shook his head “no they could just tell I had a crush on you and teased me about it constantly…they still do” he admitted “because they could all see I was super into you without even knowing what happened in the bar”. You blinked “wow…you must’ve been really obvious then huh?” and Mingyu chuckled. “Yeah I wasn’t too good at disguising how I felt and that’s why I panicked when you asked”. You nodded “but just to clarify, you’re not dating Mina?” you asked and Mingyu shook his head “no”. “Good” you smiled “because now I can do this without feeling guilty” and you shifted onto your tiptoes and leaned up to kiss him.
After you separated Mingyu was so dazed he missed what you said and had to ask you to repeat yourself. "I said...did you tell the guys you were dating Mina too?". "No just you" he said blushing and you nodded "ah okay so I don't have to claim my territory or anything around them?". Mingyu shook his head "no but I mean if you want to that's more than fine with me". You smiled "I'll see what I can do" and that was music to Mingyu's ears. "I've never been so excited for work before!" he cried and you laughed.
"You know, I wasn't sure if I was going to go to Seungkwan's party tonight but I'm really glad I did". Mingyu nodded "I'm glad you did too...but I'm sorry I made you leave early. How about we go out and celebrate or something?". You nodded "and I've got the perfect place how about where it all began but this time, my mind is only on you".
"It's a date" Mingyu smiled.
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cesiousblue · 3 months
Hey I really hate to ask for help, but if you have anything to spare I would really appreciate the help. It's been catastrophe after catastrophe lately and me and my family are having a rough time. (Further explanation at the end of the post)
If you can't help, please reblog!
My ko-fi is at https://ko-fi.com/cesiousblue and I also have pay-what-you want phone backgrounds/a fun art practice guide, and commissions starting at 15 bucks.
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Further explanation of the situation:
My whole life has been an ongoing catastrophe lately and I feel like i am really helpless. My dad's wife has brain damage/ is in the hospital and he's got low mobility and a roach infested house. They live like an eight hour drive away and we have no money so I'm having to take money from my transphobic brother to stay in a hotel, and I have four days there to try to solve like six months of problems without the resources to do so.
We're already in debt and i am deeply aware of just how much time I have to try to turn things around for myself, too. I need to find a new online job I can actually do but the rest of everything has been so overwhelming I haven't really had time or brains pace to do it.
Also I have been trying to get a dentist appointment at a place that will bill medi-cal because I ground my teeth so hard I cracked a molar.
(If several ppl weren't depending on me I think I'd just go crawl into a bog and never return)
A little update 3/16:
We're heading up to my dad's tomorrow and the new plan is to try to get him to come back down with us. He doesn't seem like he can live on his own. And until we can figure out how to get him help here it's just gonna be me and my mom taking care of him.
(The good news is I went to a different dentist and I guess the first one straight up lied to me and all I did was chip a tooth in the back. I'll need a filling but that's not as bad as I thought)
Donations/ comms/ shop purchases still definitely needed! If we CAN convince him to come with us, It'd be nice if we could get a bed or something here so I don't have to start sleeping on an air mattress
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*rubs hands together*
Time to talk about my Just Roll With It: The Suckening Theory about Shilo and Emizel
Fair warning? Spoilers for those who haven't listened yet and mildly unhinged thought process pulling apart really small details
Please know I've chewed on these for so long, it's like the piece of gum Violet has in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Don't believe it cuz it hasn't been explicitly stated? Dunno how to help you there, simply a Dumbass Moment™
First and foremost, let's simply get it out of the way, yes, they're twins
Imma be focusing more on the situation surrounding them being where they are and who they're with
Base Work:
All of these theories revolve around it not simply being a one night stand type thing, that the parents met somewhere, were together romantically for a while then ended up having kids either accidentally or intentionally
Theory 1: Divorced Family of Four
Basically a Parent trap type situation goin' on here, Parents get in a fight, twins separated at birth, they meet when they're older, and if the podcast is going a more humor based route, maybe getting the parents back together
Personally, I'd score it a 4.8/10, giving points for the humor aspect, but seems unlikely due to how the queen was keeping tabs on Emizel but Jeffery didn't seem to recognize Shilo
Theory 2: Temporary Living Situation
Essentially, when the twins were born, seeing that one was more predominately either Human or Vampire but they couldn't safely raise them in the same household, for fear of the other side being exposed to their respective society
So the plan was to raise them in their own worlds, then when they were fully grown up they'd introduce them to each other, and give Emizel the option to join Vampire society, Jeffery probably will also Turn when Emizel does
Rating this one a 6.3/10, does g really explain when the mom didn't want Shilo to talk about the stuff, again, Jeffery not recognizing Shilo, the mom not reaching even though theyre both adults (at least by human standards)
Theory Three: Uncle Dad
This one takes a bit of a different take. Alright, so starting off, Jeffery isn't the actual Dad, he's the twin brother of the Dad. Now, you may think that specific connection is random, however I promise it's not. Twins is a genetic trait, in order for twins to be born it has to come from one side of the family, in this case, the dad's side. However, I think the dad and Jeffery weren't in contact, or at least not in constant contact. Not a malicious thing but more of an 'talking didn't take priority' type deal. Now, I don't think the dad is still alive for this to work, he probably died a short while after the twins were born.
After the dad died, the mom didn't have the ability to keep up with both twins, one being a human child that she wouldn't have a clue where to start with, thus she reached out to the brother, whom the father would have mentioned a few times probably. Probably explaining as much as she could without giving away the whole Vampire thing. She asked him to raise Emizel. And she did it in a way that would allow him to live a completely normal human life. She gave up seeing her son ever again so that he could have a happy human life. Which would be why she kept constant tabs on him, to make sure he was still safe and alive. Which would be why she didn't want Shilo to look into it or even mention it. Which was why she was crying when Shilo was leaving the castle in his Frenzy, because she lost the love of her unlife and her son in quick succession.
It would also explain why Jeffery didn't recognize Shilo, because he didn't know Shilo existed. Or the Queen would have had to mention why she was able to keep one child but not both, or at least why she couldn't keep both children in her side of the family.
This theory has a rating of 8.7, it seems the most likely as far as the two episodes have presented so far, but there's no telling if it'll hold up for the rest of The Suckening. I personally think that with the evidence we have now it'd be quite the interesting turn and would explain some of the odd plot holes of "Jeffery not recognizing Shilo" and Condi's mention of "a few months after birth" in regards to how long Emizel has known Jeffery, which was quite interesting.
Not Theory related, but if Grethgor isn't alive after what happened at the end of 2, bc I don't trust that Sheriff as far as I can throw him, I'mma be screaming, crying, throwing up, because how the Sheriff worded it made it seem like the order stayed the same but worded different to appease Shilo.
Also, shout out to @cant-think-to-save-my-life for listening to my theories, even the unhinged ones, and listening to me be hysterical when I'm having a new theory, and also when I'm hysterical about if Grethgor is alive or not, put up with a lot out me, but they signed up for it to be fair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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emithecharmer · 2 years
SKZ You Fight / Make Up
TW: Language and yelling
You two had been arguing for a while, he was coming home super late, to the point where neither of you were sleeping.
"Chan I just want you to be healthy, this isn't healthy!"
"I'm an idol Y/n! I need to stay up late for the fans and the boys."
"Love, the fans care way more about your health than your music, you need rest too."
"No I don't, I'm fine, if you would just shut up than maybe I would have been in bed by now huh?"
You just stood there, not reacting.
"Go take your fucking shower. And go to bed." You said it with a straight face and an empty voice. He was about to walk away, when you thought he couldn't hear you, you let out a sob.
"Go!" You yelled it, but it came out more of a shriek as it mixed with another sob.
"Y/n please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry love please don't cry.." He gathered you in his arms and held you tightly against his chest. Every heave you made with your cries he replied with a kiss on your forehead. He walked you over to the couch and sat you on his lap, brushing your hair back behind your ears.
"Let's talk okay? I'll make it better."
He never really yelled at you, but when you and Jisung had gotten into a bit of trouble due to being loud at their work he was mad. As soon as he got home with you he yelled, making you flinch.
"Really?! At my work?! You two couldn't be quiet, even after I asked multiple times! This always happens too, you know why, cause you can't follow instructions!" Your lip was already quivering a bit, but you wanted to listen to what he had to say.
"Always talk and never listen! Are you listening no-?!" Before he could even finish you were out the door. You weren't going to sit there and listen to his rant, that really had nothing to do with you, but he wanted to blame his stress on something. Before you were even halfway down the hallways you felt arms around you.
"Why? Oh do you have more about how I never listen. Oh am I talking too much now?" You turned around, letting his arms fall, to his glossy eyes and distraught face.
"No.. I don't. I'm sorry." His eyes didn't meet yours but the way his feet shuffled and his hands were clenched together behind his back was enough.
"God you look like a toddler." He giggled a bit at that and opened his hand to you.
"I'll make you dinner, let's go home, please?"
You two went home, you watched him cook dinner and every spare second he got he'd walk over to you and steal a kiss, ruffling your hair and apologizing again.
"I'm sorry, I love you, next time slap me okay?" You cackled at that and replied.
"Can I get that in writing?"
You came home from a night with your friends, not knowing at all that the boys would all be there.
"Surprise!!" The lights turned on and you closed your eyes, not expecting brightness. You and your friends had been drinking, and you weren't, drunk? But you weren't just tipsy either.
"Ahh, hiii!" The boys all laughed at your state, except Changbin.
"Bin you didn't tell us she'd been out with her friends!" Their leader said.
"I didn't know." The mood dropped right there, for them at least, you were having the time of your life, there was a cake after all.
"Ah, if you want food, I brought extra... we ate at that restaurant you like so I'd thought I'd get you guys some, good thing you're here!" The boys all thanked you, yet again excluding your boyfriend, and started eating.
"Yeah babe?"
"Come over here please."
You two went into your room where he blew up, whispering.
"You're drunk?! Really while all the guys are here?!"
"Dude, you showed up at my house, not even asking if I had plans, what the fuck do you mean really? It's my birthday, can I not celebrate?" He went on and on about how these were his friends and you were embarrassing him, that you didn't care about his image.
"You don't even care do you? You knew they'd be over here, that's why you got drunk!" He was still whisper yelling, but you screamed your reply.
"IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING UPSET THEN LEAVE!" You were crying at this point, how dare he blame you for embarrassing him? He hadn't even asked if you were busy OR if he could come over. You could feel your face getting wet from how many tears were coming out. You were a bit hysterical due to the extra alcohol and just you being upset.
"You didn't ask if I -Sob- had plans or if you could -Sob- even come over! I-"
"I know baby, I'm sorry, I- I'm sorry, this is my fault, it's your birthday. You should celebrate. I'm sorry, can I get you water, maybe some tissues?" You nodded and he walked into the kitchen, where the rest of the boys were.
"You know we don't care right? It's her birthday, she should go out with her friends Binnie." Felix said, immediately shoving food into his mouth after.
"Yeah, I guess I was just upset, we'll be right back." They nodded and he made his way back to you.
"Here baby, here's water, and some medicine to make your headache better in the morning." You thanked him and as you drank the water and swallowed the pills he wiped your tears.
"I'm sorry binbin.."
"No honey, don't be, I'm sorry, I was a douche."
"Mm yeah.." He laughed loudly at that and you two went back to the boys, watching the new episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo together.
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Say It
okay so I'm trying my hand at a little Fezco action, thought I'd start with something cutesy.
Summary: Fez wants to tell his gf 'I love you' first
word count: 1.5k
like i said just cutesy shit so no warnings... oh well except for swearing lol
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(look at me like that and we gon' have a problem oof)
"How the fuck do you do this shit man?" Fez groaned fiddling with the black tie in his hand. His little brother, Ashtray, chuckled on the side as he watched his sibling in something he'd never pictured before. An actual suit.
He hollered out to his brother's girlfriend who was in the next room. "Aliciaaaa, I think someone needs your help."
"No, I don't," Fez yelled back. Alicia shook her head as she emerged from the bathroom, her simple black heels clicking against the wood floors, she found the two in the front entrance hallway with Fez staring in the mirror trying so hard to tie his tie himself. Ashtray had disappeared into his own room knowing they were probably about to get sappy and gross and he wanted no parts.
She stood there for a moment smiling at how handsome he was, not just because of the suit. Alicia loved Fezco, that was her man even before they were official. He couldn't really wrap his head around the fact that someone so opposite of him could love him the way she did, she accepted  him for everything that he was even if it wasn't "perfect." And she made sure he knew all the time. A lot of people saw Fez as this guy who was selling drugs to whoever asked for it, saw him as just a dropout with a brother following the same path but that's not how she saw him.
Alicia fell in love with his heart, the way he was protective of her-- not in a controlling way but in a way that she knew he'd always have her back no matter what, even if they did decide to fall out which wasn't her plan anyway, she often told him that he's stuck with her for life but the smile on his face let her know that he was absolutely okay with that. She rested her purse on a nearby table and made her way over to him, her soft hands resting on top of his to stop him from knotting up the tie even more.
"Watched about a million videos on this shit, still can't get it." He admitted. She shrugged. "Nothing I can't do for you."
Fez grinned. He was grateful to have her in his life, she was something to look forward to every day whether it was her bare face or even a text, a silly picture whenever they weren't together. He couldn't tell the last time anyone or anything made him smile so much. She wasn't using him for a fix or maybe some quick cash, she just liked him for him.
He watched as her hands worked their magic, a simple gesture that made his heart melt. Alicia could feel those wonderous blue eyes staring her down, she tugged on her bottom lip to keep from smiling too hard, he made her nervous. "Your cousin gon' be mad if we smoke before the wedding?"
"Nah, she's good for it."
"Aight, cool."
She finished helping him out and was on her way back to the bathroom to check herself one more time but he pulled her back. "You look good, baby. Real good." That second part sounded like he wanted to devour her and skip the wedding. "Thank you. You look fine too, my love."
He lightly groaned. "We really got to go to this thing?" Alicia gave him a quick kiss. "Yes, we can fuck later." He laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows at him, that's what he wanted but it wasn't the only thing. There was a moment of silence, the two just staring at each other and drinking each other in. "Something on your mind?" She teased. He actually did have something on his mind.
For as long as they'd been dating Alicia was always the first to say 'I love you.' It was never him, not like he didn't love her loved her so much he would kill for her, he'd die for her-- but Fez didn't grow up in an expressive environment, especially for something as sappy as love. He loved Ashtray, loved his grandmother, loved his friend Rue but he would never actually say it to them and it was kind of the same with his girl. She was the first to say it and it'd been that way ever since.
Though she didn't mind saying it first, it didn't bother her, but it did bother him a bit. He noticed he was taking too long to answer, he swallowed the three words and instead asked, "You think we can smoke before? Or we gon' be late?"
Alicia looked at her phone for the time. "Ou yikes, maybe we'll smoke in the car."
She grabbed her purse and stuffed her phone inside, she called out to Ashtray letting him know that they were leaving and promising him a goodie bag when they got back. The couple were all giggles on their way to the venue and once they arrived they were both high as kites, but it was okay because it was mostly a family wedding and they all knew the deal. They walked in holding hands being greeted by her aunts and other cousins along with a few uncles, Fez wasn't one for socializing so Alicia did most of the talking and then it was time to be seated inside.
The decorations were beautiful, the two bridal parties looked amazing, she nodded at her cousin for always having good taste. It caused her to wonder. "Do you wanna do this one day?" The question caught Fezco off guard, he didn't really think that far ahead. "I mean, I can't, I'm not a lesbian." He joked. Alicia tried her best to stifle a laugh but failed. "You're so stupid."
The music for the bride's entrance began to play, and everyone stood to their feet and faced the aisle. The ceremony was beautiful, they had a lot to say about how in love they were with each other and it did cause Fez's mind to wander whether he and Alicia would be up there themselves confessing their love in front of people that they also loved. What would he say? What would she say? He glanced over at her, she was completely sucked into the words being spoken. He raised their moulded hands and kissed her knuckles pulling her out of her trance, she smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.
The ceremony quickly transferred over to the reception and they smoked again before the food came out. The table was engaged in their own conversations while the two kind of munched in silence. Once everyone ate the dance floor was up for grabs, they stayed behind for a bit and watched everyone else. She looked over at Fez and asked, "You think Ash is okay?"
"Yeah bro, he's responsible enough."
Alicia stood and smoothed out her dress. "I'm gonna see if I can find a container or something to put food in for him." He nodded watching her walk away a small smirk appearing on his face. "Fezco," Someone called out, he looked over to see Alicia's cousin coming over. "Who knew there'd be a day I'd see you in a suit boy!" She laughed. "Yeah, my baby got me together."
"I see that. Where is she?"
"Gettin' food for Ash. Aye, congratulations by the way."
They dapped each other up. They were pretty cool with one another, she was the first to know about Fez when they started dating. "Thanks, man. Look, have a good time aight, I gotta go look for my wife." She left him alone for a while, and the song changed to a slow one he recognized this one though-- it was Melt by Kehlani. Alicia loved this song and right on queue, she was coming back from her hunt for food. "I can't believe they actually had a container."
Fez didn't give her a chance to sit instead he stood up and tugged her onto the dance floor with everyone else. She was surprised, to say the least, he was a pretty shy person and if they ever went to a party he'd just stand to the side and watch her have a good time, never actually participate. "Fezzy... are you okay?" She planted her palm on his forehead in a playful manner. "I'm good ma."
"Hm." She was starting to wonder what he was up to, but for now, enjoyed a slow dance with him. Until she realized something. "We ain't kissed all night."
Fez chuckled at the random outburst, he leaned forward pressing his lips against hers her hand resting on the back of his neck in a desperate attempt to pull him closer. Their lips going together like two puzzle pieces, she leaned back separating them but not too far, their noses still touching.
"I love you, baby." He did it. He said it first. Alicia was stunned, she was happy, she was sprung.
She delivered another quick smooch before replying. "I love you too, honey."'
I think I'm only gonna upload on weekends :/ I dont want to, I like uploading through the week but yall a bitch is tired fr. I only got to do this cus I had the day off. But I'm still trying to figure out some type of schedule
Also, I've been writing nothing but fluffy shit and some smut, and as much as I love romantic, cute, corny fluff. I wanna write something toxic 😏, something messy 😏 but again don't know what. we'll see. Uploading Spooky this weekend tho anyway if you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic. comment and reblogs help and as always be cool 🤝
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ladythornofrivia · 8 months
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Pair: Geto x Reader
Warnings: just plain smut, dirty talk, fingering, tattoo kink, breeding kink, reader and Geto being horny, one night stand to lovers, club, alcohol, Geto being dirty-minded pretty boy. Reader thirsty for Geto. Cunnilingus, Cockwarming. Breathing kink. Sex in Tattoo shop. Birthday Sex. Love at first sight.
a/n: for kinktober! There will be three parts! Hooray!
(Listen to this song)
Night time was the best time to get away from annoying people. More so, your “boyfriend”, who constantly asked you where you're going. Despite your intentions on not telling him, you ignore his insults and back-handed compliments to you.
"You should ignore them, (y/n)," your friend, Angeline, said, touring in Japan. No matter what you do, or say, everyone are just as stubborn. Stupid, even, to not realize their hypocrisy on you.
People who are called as “boyfriend”.
"I can't believe this. But if he goes out, he’s fine with it. He can go whereever and whoever he wants. He doesn't have to notify me. He can be shirtless, and nobody wouldn't insult him. He kept saying things like how he's respectable and shit. But if I make my own plans, he won't let me go anywhere without him or his cousin to take with. They practically volunteer themselves them in and then says they don't remember about them going with me. And it happened last week when I wanted to go to a fancy restaurant by myself, and he didn't want me to go alone and then they volunteer on taking his cousin with me. When I confronted them, they said they weren't there at my birthday, they said that her cousin wasn't there on my birthday, that she's working. They betrayed my wishes, and always lie to me, and always defend then at their wrong choices in life. Why the fuck did I move out so soon?”
"Your soon-to-be family fucking sucks. Losers can't even appreciate you. Well, once you break up with him, I'll take you in with no problem. We can be sisters!"
"Aren't we already sisters?" you teased.
"True. Anyway, just forget about them, we're going at the club! Besides, you look gorgeous in that dress, so don’t waste the effort!”
Looking down on your dress, you felt different. A good kind of different.
(This is the dress)
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Eyes widened at your friend's statement.
"Aw come, on, you're good at dancing," she complimented. "If you show off your skills, boys will go to you. Even cute ones--you know the ones that look innocent, but is good in bed."
"You read too much smut," I told her.
"And sometimes, a guy that you'll find, will be able to do anything for you!”
"Not in the club, for starters! We came to have fun, not a marriage ceremony. Besides, I haven’t broke up with him yet."
Angeline pushed you back lightly. "Don't make it sound so bad. Of course we're going to have fun--tons and tons of fun! It's time for a change!"
You nodded. "Enough negativity! I can change my life around!"
Angeline cheered. "Good! That's how an independent woman should think! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. You heart will be set free! Starting tonight!"
Drinking another liquor, Gojo said, rested his arm on the couch frame, surrounded by ladies, fawning. "Geto, aren't you satisfied you're taking a break from your work?"
Geto, on the other hand, had a shot, uninterested. "I'm glad."
"You don't sound glad," Gojo notified, smirking. "You haven't gotten someone's pussy lately."
Geto choked. "I just want to rest."
"Yeah, rest on someone's pussy."
"Would you stop that? The girls will get the wrong idea."
Gojo shrugged. "I don't think the girls hate it, based on what I've been seeing."
The girls giggled at Geto's reaction.
"Knock it off, Gojo."
"Come on, lighten up. If I was a girl, I'd flirt with you with my blue eyes."
Geto rolled his eyes. "I have to rest for tomorrow. Another client is requesting for a large tattoo on her back."
"What was it?'
"A photo of her husband. Ex husband."
Gojo spat out his drink. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I wish." Geto shook his head. "Though she paid me a hefty amount of cash, so I can't say shit to her."
"Damn, that's dedication for your tattoo shop. Guess I don't have to worry about it anymore. You need to relax. Who knows it'll be fun at the end of the night."
Geto shrugged. "Maybe." Then ate his appetizer, ignoring the girls who try to gain his attention, never minding Gojo, who seems to be doing well with socializing.
"I'm telling you that this is for your own good. If your stay with your pussy of a “boyfriend”, you're not getting a new dick for tonight."
My eyes paused at Angeline with shock.
"Yeah, if you say it out loud, everyone's going to think I'm desperate."
"(y/n), you have to do this. Staying indoors with him acting as a housewife won’t do you good! Meeting new people is when going outside, sometimes online. Unless if you date someone on virtual mode, then it's weird."
Angeline shoved you slowly, yet gently against your back. "Don't be shy. Show them what you're made of, and someone will notice you. That way, you can move on from your life with your stupid family and relatives who doesn't give a shit about you or remembers a single thing about you."
"Okay, but--"
"No, buts, you have to do this. You have to be more like those Disney princesses who wanted new adventures."
"This isn't Disney, though."
"Still, you get what I mean." Angeline patted your upper arms. "You got this! I'll be here, watching."
You sighed. "Okay, but I want this song to be played in order for me to get started. I know you have to pay the DJ to play the song that people personally like."
"Okay, we'll do that." You friend dragged you and went up to the DJ, requesting the song to play from the Iphone.
"How much?"
"¥14,977," the DJ confirmed.
You took out the wallet to pay, but Angeline already paid.
"Angeline," you began.
"No, I want you to live your life. This is my treat."
"What if I don't get a date?'
"Even if you don't get a date, it's fine."
"But you told me earlier to find someone and fuck them at the end of the night."
"Yeah, I know, but, it doesn't matter now. Whatever the outcome is, all that matters is you being happy away from your “boyfriend”. Even just for tonight. I want you to be happy, far and wide, so that they'll forget about you. I know you're better than them, and I know you can do better than them—even your pussy of a “boyfriend”. Believe in yourself, and never lose sight of your goal, even if it means of cutting them off."
You smiled. "Thanks, Angeline."
"Anytime. Now go have fun," she encouraged.
The DJ played the tune you wanted. All the people on the dance floor stopped, but you we're just getting started.
Super Shy by Newjeans is your favorite song, and you've been practicing dancing the choreography. And that's how you gained confidence, though little by little. At first, you're frightened of making a single mistake, that everyone would laugh, so you pretend that you're inside your room, dancing like no one's watching. In the end, you were giggling, still moving your body.
"Oh, I never heard that song before," Gojo commented, "Very cheery."
Geto stopped and listened to the beat. "Defintely not from here in Japan."
"Ah, I can probably give you a few reasons why," Gojo said, pointed at you. "She stands out. In fact, too much from the crowd. Can't say it's a bad thing, though. Don't you think so, Suguru?"
Smoking, Suguru said nothing and kept an eye on the dance floor. A girl's movements swiftly clean and sharp with every turn and step. He had never seen a girl who's energetic to do dancing. He has seen girls who dance, but not in a way that you did. The song's rhythm is filled with cheery beat. None of the crowd seemed as cheery as you, but everyone kept watching, your feet insync with music. And by the time it ends, you ended with a smile and a few claps and cheers, but other than that, you left the dance floor and try to search for your friend.
But then another song came on, Jungkook's song, 3D, and you find yourself dancing again. This time, people are jamming in, because everyone knows BTS.
With a finger flicked the cigarette, Suguru stood up, stretching his legs with a groan huffing from his chest.
"Ooh, where you going, Sugee-Woogee?"
Suguru cringed. "I'm heading to the restroom."
Suguru walked ahead and carefully approached the crowd.
"Suguru, that's not where the restroom is," Gojo pointed out.
When you danced along Jungkook's song, your friend tapped you on the shoulder, rather rapidly.
"Dude," Angeline said. "Dude!"
"I think someone's coming this way!" your friend said with glee.
"Who? I don't see anyone." The crowd is too thick for you to see.
"Have fun," Angeline said in a sing-song voice, waving a farewell. "I'll be at the bar if you need me."
"Dude!" you said in English, whining.
Continue on dancing to a different tune, The Weeknd's song, you felt a large hand slithering around your waist. Then a large bulge grinding against your backside.
When you staggered back, to face who was grasping you, your nealy collapsed on your back; another hand hooked on your back to break your fall, and there you see a man with dark, longish hair with narrowed eyes glinting at you, his lips curved into a small smirk.
"Careful, there, no one wants to see a beautiful princess fall now, don't we?"
A young man gave another subtlety of his smirk.
"Thank you," you uttered, not confident, face covered in blush.
He pulled you right back up. "Don't mention it, princess." Then he did a little waltz with you on the dance floor, treating you with care. "So what does the princess doing here in the club?'
You frowned at that. "Am I not allowed to go to club?"
"You're allowed," he said. "But you look too ravishing compare to the girls I stumbled onto tonight."
Is he serious? you thought to yourself. For all you know, he might have a girlfriend waiting for him. You didn't want to get to a certain point of involving wasted drama.
"You might mind, but I don't."
He hummed. 'Why's that, sweet lady?'
"Your girlfriend might get upset with you if you associate with someone like me. I hate to say this, but it'd be great if you back off. I don't want to get involve with drama.'
He looked at you intently before giving a good laugh. "Oh, you sweet princess. Here's the thing," his lips leaned closer to your ear. "I don't have anyone in my life at the moment."
That doesn't sound convincing enough.
"Ooh, is the little lady doubtful of me?" his voice laced like honey. "You shouldn't be."
'Oh, but I wouldn't count on it.'
'Why's that?'
Your head nudged towards the girls behind Geto, who are sitting at their seats furiously, glaring daggers at you.
'Gojo set me up for a date I didn't like.'
"Date?" You never heard of a guy being set up to a date with numerous girls at the same time.
He nodded. "I was supposed to rest for tonight. My back was hurting for my work. Bending my back down and then stretch it."
'Well, you can go to a chiropractor to adjust your spine. It usually works.'
He hummed. 'I'll keep that mind, princess.' His other hand clung onto your waist and spun your back around for him to grind against you.
'Bet you never have a guy who does it good as me, princess."
You found yourself blushing. 'No one has actually. In fact, I don't even know your name.'
He leaned his face against your locks, inhaling a fainted rose water scent. 'Let's enjoy ourselves for now.'
Despite his claims, you can't help but to look back at the girls the guy used to hang out, are entirely pissed at you. But the guy with white locks and blue eyes gave a toast to you with a smirk.
"Let's go somewhere private," he said into your ear, getting your attention back to a raven-haired man. "What do you say?'
Pondering your gazing look into his eyes before a chance of bestowing him an answer.
He slammed you against the wall against the bathroom stall in a ladies restroom, kissing and ravishing your neck and collarbone with few licks and nibbles mingling his lips with languid and passionate kisses.
You sighed, clutching his hardened body. "Mhmmm~'
"You like it, princess?” He made sure the restroom's lock so no one can go in. Kisses more on the shoulders, then your neckline until it reaches to your earlobes, tugging it gently with his teeth.
His eyes glinted, examining your flushed skin as you breathed hard, eyes filled with plea.
His hand slid underneath your dress, pressing his fingertips against the nub of your cunt, circling it as it sends a thousand waves crushing against you, soaring with pleasure. Undoing your straps, his tongue and teeth delved and ravished the hardened nipple on your breast with a low moan, fondling the other.
'I'm guessing you have never been touched or have been pleasure by a man.'
Blushing furisouly, you turned your head away, which it lead to him taking your chin and rotated your head, facing him.
'Tell me, princess, and I'll make your dreams come true,' he said into your ear with intent eyes daggered to your sheepish ones.
You gulped. "Fuck me, please." With your hands hung around behind his neck, indicating it gently for him to get closer to you.
Smirking, he lunged his lips and crashed to yours. His slick tongue gained acess to your tongue, his hands clutched the fabric of your underwear, pulling it downward bit by bit. His lips pulled away, looking into the haziness in your eyes.
"Shall I go further, little lady?' his eyes twinkled in anticipation.
Gasping, you held onto his hair. indicating for your thirst to be quenched.
Geto took the initiation of bringing your legs up to his shoulders as he flicks and consumed the taste of you on his tongue, humming in pleasure.
"Ah~" Your head threw back, clutching him tight without fall.
Bucking your hips against his face, your lower body gyrated against him. Large hands steadied you, but with a flick and slurp on his mouth driven you crazy. Your legs enveloped around his head.
He moaned, hands now gripping on your ass and pushed it toward his face closer to a point he wanted to suffocated from your delicious thighs.
"Ah~" your breath ragged, body coldly shivering, shoulders and neck became intensely hot, finding your ragged breath became loudly desperate. "I'm getting close," you said.
His biceps locked your thighs in tighter, his tongue lapped a few more rounds until your walls clenched and drenched his mouth with cum.
As it was over, he settled your legs down carefully. Inclining his head upward, your eyes gazed at the glazed cum you implanted on him. With a smirk, he licked his lips and hummed in satisfaction.
"Taste just as exquisite as you are, princess," he said, getting up on his two feet in haste, and approached you, zipping his pants down, revealing his long and thick cock. Before you could react, he lifted you up, placing your legs on his waist as he pinned you against the wall.
"Hold onto me, princess," he moaned, tugging your earlobe with teeth before he pounded his cock into your hole.
You never had sex before, but you're pretty sure how it works in movies and books compare to real life feels different. Sudden without warning.
But it didn't mean awful in your case. In fact, it felt good and full in your cunt.
Noticing your gasps, his lips curved into a smirk and pounded his cock all the way to your g-spot with a loud grunt, tossing his head back, his moans echoed loudly towards the restroom's ceiling. His hips picked up the pace and pounded twice as rough and rapidly brute. Little by little, your arms weighted with exhaustion, still wrapped behind his neck, as your sloppily kissed with him, tasting yourself from his greedy lips.
"Almost there, princess," he said, breathing onto your mouth, thrusting sloppily yet callously.
"Coming~" you moaned aloud, and his semen spilled onto your hole, filling with hot seed, draining to your inner thighs.
Both of your leaned your foreheads towards each other, pressing with heaving breaths lingering.
His eyes lingered to yours, pressing his lips against yours, almost lax and carefree. He chuckled when saw your flushed expression.
What a cutie, he said.
"That was fun," you said, chuckling.
His long hair swished as he found himself chuckling.
"Tell me something, my princess," he leaned closer. "What is it that you want? From what I can tell, based on you, I can tell you want more than a simple life. What is it that you want, that you truly want?"
Your breath staggered. "Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
Heaving, you contemplated; your legs are shaking and leaden, almost as if it was pinned to the ground.
He kept you steady. "Woah, we can't get a break, huh? You're so beautiful, my darling princess, even in this state."
Nuzzling against his chest, you breathed as your cheeks.
You never knew this man, but somehow he made you feel like you're in heaven with him--a solace from your hell.
"You okay, princess?'
"I'm okay. My legs are sore."
"First time sex always get sore," he said, smirking.
"Clearly," you said, giggling.
He kissed you again, caressing your waist with both of his hands. "I want to see you again soon, baby~"
"I want to see you, too, but--"
Your eyes saddened. "My boyfriend. They won't let me be as myself around him, and always supervised me everywhere I go; I can't go alone without him, and my friend brought me here. I just want some peace—I was planning on breaking up with him.”
His eyes looked onto you intently. "What do you truly want, princess?'
You said nothing.
"I'll give you anything you want. Just say the word, and you'll have it."
You sighed, looking away for a second. "I don't know..."
"Look at me, my good princess..."
You looked at him, eyes locked with fear.
"Tell me what you wish for, and I'll make all of your dreams come true," he guaranteed. “Put your trust in me.”
"Well, it might sound silly, but I want to have a couple of tattoos. I just want something for myself."
"Ah, a sign of rebellion," he mused, still holding onto your waist, gripping it tight and proud.
Your gaze lowered. "Yeah.."
His finger tucked under your chin for your gaze to be lock onto his in an extension of time. "That's not silly, at all." He fished in his pockets and gave you something, but before he could touch your hand, the restroom doors banged.
"What the fuck?! The door's jammed!"
"I need to pee!"
"We have to get the security to pry this open!"
Then the silence came.
He chuckled. "Guess we better go." He took your hand and unlocked the door.
Quickly, both you and him snuck out of the restroom, but only to be caught by your friend.
"(y/n), where the hell have you been? I've been dying to tell you about this guy I saw, tall and gorgeous with blue eyes, I--"
Suddenly, she both saw you and him together outside of the restroom, put two and two clues together.
Instead of talking, Angeline gave you a subtle smirk. "I'll leave you guys to it..."
She walked away as he placed his arm behind his head, chuckling awkwardly.
"Sorry about her, she wanted me to--"
"I know," he said, then his hand outstretched. laying the paper material onto your hand. "Call me, princess." He gave a soft, loving peck on your cheek. His suppled lips lingered a little longer than you expected.
"Keep in touch. I'll be waiting." He gave a smile before he went back.
But you seized him.
"We don't know each other's names," you said, frantic.
He chortled. “You’re right.” He looked back and leaned his tall height close to your level, his face nearing against yours. “Tell me your name, princess.”
"(y/n)," you said proudly.
Watching his lips curved upward, he said. "Beautiful."
"I don't even know your name," you pointed out.
"It's on the back of the card," he purred into your ear.
"I want to hear it from you," you said, pleading. “Your voice.”
He chuckled. "Since you're a good girl, I'll tell you. My name is Geto Suguru."
Your said boyfriend texted you in a total of 138 messages and phone calls and angry voicemails.
"Your boyfriend is a piece of work," he commented.
"Yeah, he is. I just want to take a break." You shut the phone off. You rushed off to your friend---him following you--and showed her the missed calls and messages from your said boyfriend.
"They're that persistent," Angeline said, rolling her eyes.
"We should go back. My soon-to-be annoying in laws is going to think I got drugged or something," you said.
He took the card from you and tucked it in. And took your phone and dialed the number instead.
"What if my boyfriend discovers you on my phone?"
"There's a landline," he suggested. Call me by this number."
Fear overtook you for a second, numerous scenarios running in your head.
His callous palm lingered onto your skin as he placed it. "Don't be afraid, princess. I'll be waiting for you," he said with a smile before he gave you one last kiss.
But then you said, tugging his sleeve. "May I see your phone?"
Without hesitation, he gave you his phone, and dialed your phone number and added into his contacts, then looking at him back, watching his smile at your sudden move on entering your phone number.
"That's my girl. I'll keep in touch," he said, and walked away back to his seat with his friend, music blasting away as you and Geneva.
Your eardrums banged even after heading outside. Angeline couldn't help you but smirk.
"Where did you go, missy?' she teased.
"I was chatting with him," you said.
"Does banging the restroom stalls count as chatting?''
Your face instantly blushed.
"So, how good is he?'
Hands shielded over your face. "Angeline!"
"I'm just kidding! See, I know you'll meet someone. He's been eyeing on you since the dance floor," she cheered and embraced you by the side while ruffling your hair with her fist. "You're becoming a woman, (y/n)," she said, cackling.
Your phone rang again.
"Don't answer it. I'll do the explaining for you," Angeline said.
"No, don't. They're going to suspect we're doing drugs."
"We'll just tell them there's traffic. Japan is a very busy country, after all. Oh yeah," she took out the napkin. "Might want to use this. His cum is spilling out on your legs and heels."
"Don't say stuff like that in public." As you wiped the cum, the wind breezed against your skin and dress. It felt nice and cold, and yet...naked.
"Oh no," you muttered in horror.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I'm not wearing any underwear," you uttered quietly, blushing at the thought of your knight in shining armor, Geto, taking your panties with him.
© kinggetou - all rights reserved.
Taglist: @galactict3a
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some-pers0n · 10 months
Fatal Flaw
Fandom: WoF
Characters: Clearsight, Darkstalker
CW: Clearstalker-typical behavior (manipulation, fighting, the works)
Summary: Clearsight confronts Darkstalker after discovering that he cursed her earring.
Word Count: 3.4K
A/N: So I was possessed to write this nightmare of a relationship. I forgot how blatantly and obviously evil Darkstalker was presented in the Legends. The scene where this oneshot's based on has him give a half-assed reason for enchanting Clearsight's earrings and quite literally (no exaggeration here) basically going: "Well then, buh-bye! I am going to kill the queen!"
Anywho, enjoy!
Clearsight swooped down, landing onto the library. She paced around the area, trying to relieve some stress before the inevitable were to happen. All of the futures near her came crashing together, forming a clear idea of what was to happen.
She and Darkstalker were going to have a little argument.
She hadn't remembered the last time they argued. Minor disagreements? Sure, yes, of course. Every couple has those. But, an argument? That was something entirely different. Yet, she didn't think of it as frightening. She knew what Darkstalker could do. She couldn't care less though. What he had done- what he plans on doing to this kingdom... Well, to simply stand by and let it happen would be the worst mistake possible.
This was necessary, both for them and their relationship and for the rest of the kingdom.
Darkstalker landed beside her, dust kicking up from his wings. "The library rooftop?" He glanced around the area. It was a peaceful and quiet area. A small garden surrounded them, benches dotted every now and then. Marble spires stood in the corners. Combined with the setting sun and the beautiful hues of twilight, it was a gorgeous place.
"My, what a romantic little spot you've dragged me to," he said, his eyes eventually landing on a white rose. He plucked the head of it, handing it over to her. "But, it all pales in comparison to you."
Clearsight grumbled in response. "You know why we're here."
"What? Was that too cheesy of a compliment, even for your standards?" He chuckled. "I see." He crumpled the rose, throwing the remains back into the bushes. "Simply putting off the main event. Trying to lighten the mood before you begin it all."
Clearsight sighed. "Not too great how you put it like that. I'm not some big bad evil dragon for not wanting my closest friend to trick me."
"Friend? Is that what I've been relegated to?"
"I-" she took a small breath. "-I didn't mean it like that. I still...love you, just I don't feel particularly safe when you go behind my back and do things." She fidgeted with her ear. "I loved that earring, you know? It went well with my eyes, yes, but when I heard you made it yourself I... I thought it was even better. You told me you didn't enchant it into being."
"I didn't. I did make it, that part is true."
"Then what about enchanting it to make me unable to see any futures where you're king of the NightWings? Ones where you're some self-proclaimed emperor over the entire continent?"
He merely looked at her straight in the eyes and said, "that was a little bonus. Come now, don't act like you weren't a lot happier once they stopped happening."
"I didn't even remember them happening before!"
"Another little bonus. Makes you forget that they were even there in the first place. For all you knew, I was perfect. We'd be together for the rest of our short, insignificant lives, raising dragonets and being happy in each other's company. Not to say those futures aren't pleasant in their own right, but I'd rather have my life here be one of more...magnitude. To do something. To be a hero in the eyes of many, as opposed to hiding away like a coward and afraid of my own magic."
"That's what you think of Fathom all along, isn't it?" she asked.
"Fathom? Him? I suppose it is, yes. Though, he'll come out of his shell eventually. A shame he hasn't used his potential to its fullest. That old murderer did a number on his psyche, didn't it?" His face shifted into a crooked smile.
"He's your friend," she hissed.
"I know he is. I want to help him. It's what I've been focusing on more as of late. I don't see what is the issue."
"The issue is that you seem a lot more confident in using your magic."
"Shouldn't I be?" he asked, approaching her. "Clearsight, love of my life, I've never been scared of my magic. I've been liberal with my usage, yes, but never scared. My powers are a gift, one that I must use to bring peace to the two tribes."
"You want to kill them."
Darkstalker paused. "And what makes you say that?" Looking at him was as though staring into pure evil. Yet, he looked no different than the dragonet she had met all those years back. This dragon she cared about, shared laughs and memories with, spent so much time with, was he really like this?
She tapped her claws on the wooden floor. "I can see all these futures where the Ice Kingdom is reduced to ash and dust. Ones where you've repurposed it into more land for the NightWings. Ones where you force all the IceWings to submit and bow to you. I can see ones where I'm standing next to you, watching as the gorgeous palace burns." She sighed. "And we're smiling. You're smiling. Me? I can...feel it. In all of those futures, it's the same. I can feel how my face is forced into that position. I'm not happy. I want to scream at you. I want to claw your throat out. I want to stop this chaos. I hate you. Yet, I stand there, useless and incapable of doing anything. In those futures, you've done something to me to make me...nothing like me."
Darkstalker straightened his neck. "You're stressed over that? The chance that I control you further than you'd like?"
"It's not just that. I mean, yes of course I'd rather remain myself and sufficiently not enchanted beyond recognition just so you still have somebody by your side in your conquest, but it's more." She blinked, feeling her eyes welling up. "I don't want you to do any of these things. You know I don't. You're probably prying around in my mind right now, aren't you? You're seeing all of the futures and plotting what next to say so you're so frustratingly distant." She flexed her claws. "Why can't you just be yourself? Why can't it be like the old days?"
He laughed. "I don't think I could go back to those 'old days' if I'd like. I don't know how else to tell you, but I've always been like this. It's almost adorable, how you constantly try to go back through those old memories. You keep trying to cling to the idea that I was once a better dragon. Some innocent and hapless fool. Perhaps I was once that. But, that was your rose-coloured view of me. I assure you, my sweet, that I was no different back then." He grinned.
A lump formed in her throat. She wanted to speak, say anything. It didn't matter what. A half-baked insult. Pleading that he was lying. Desperate attempts to reason with him and talk him out of it all. Something as pathetic and sad as a quiet, strained sob. Yet, nothing. She was frozen.
"I can tell it's a lot to take in." He drew closer to her. "I would be shocked too if I were in your position. The love of my life? Somebody who I've trusted for so long? How could you be so cruel? Well, I personally don't see it as that. Perhaps you're giving these IceWings too much credence."
"Why shouldn't I?" Clearsight spat out.
"Why? Because they don't deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. You know this too, don't know? IceWings are vile, horrible dragons. Look at them. Look at their circles. Standing high and mighty with such pride and arrogance as to believe they are a superior tribe. They are pathetic. They hide behind their lavish walls and watch the rest of the continent, laughing amongst themselves for other tribes not being as civilized as them. Hypocrites. They spit and laugh at those lower to them. Put the weak, ill, elderly, those deemed 'useless' at the outskirts of their kingdom, far from where they can hear their pleas for help."
Darkstalker's eyes narrowed harshly. "They hate. That's the only thing they know how to do. They hate their own brothers and sisters for not being as nauseously strong. Imagine: you are doomed to live in horrible conditions and deemed utterly useless by your society for simply being hatched with an illness, not being physically able to hunt, or for having the smallest shred of decency and kindness in your soul. For simply not being 'good enough', you are sentenced to a village where, if there ever were to be an attack, your house would go up in flames and no guards would be to save you. If anything, those in the higher circles will laugh as they drink their wine and eat their lavish meals, giggling about how it was about time."
He looked back at her. "Do you think those dragons deserve sympathy? Mercy? They are disgusting. Revolting on all levels. They are built on hate and oppressive rules that only hurt. They want nothing more than the destruction of the rest of the tribes. To be the only ones. They are vicious, horrible dragons who don't deserve even an ounce of kindness. They only destroy, pillage, and hate. They would be better off gone. No more could they hurt. No longer will they be able to curse this continent with their presence. It would be a blessing if I were to just snap my talons right now and force them all to tear their own hearts out, wouldn't you agree, my darling Clearsight?"
Clearsight had to hold back from gagging. To hear him speak with such vitriol and malice... She knew he wasn't fond of them. But, to this extent? To kill them all? Vile. Simply evil.
"Evil?" he echoed, "seems a bit much."
"So you ARE reading my mind!" she snapped.
"Of course. It's a bit hard to. I love hearing your thoughts. They're oftentimes eloquent and beautiful. A lot more refined and pleasing than any other dragon I've met." He raised his talons, stroking her snout. "You're a perfect dragon. You deserve better than to be so...fragile."
"Is that what you think of me? Fragile?" She backed away.
"Well, it isn't-"
"No, you think of yourself as better than me, don't know? More powerful. You have the ability to do whatever you want, and it- it's all gone to your head! Look out at the plaza. Look at all of these NightWings. What do you see them as."
Darkstalker glanced at the busy streets. "I see them as...weak beings."
"So you admit it."
"Of course! I would never lie to you."
"You lied about the earring."
"You never asked or questioned if it was enchanted, only if it I willed it into being," he answered, a smug, pompous feeling etched into his words.
"I shouldn't have to ask if it's enchanted! I should just be able to trust you and not have to sit there, wondering if every second is my last one spent free. Perhaps I'm enchanted right now. The moons only know if you've subtly messed with me. Every thought of mine could be influenced by your magic. I wouldn't even know if what I'm saying is what the real me would do-"
Darkstalker cut her off with his low, rumbly laugh. "Your paranoia is so funny to see. My sweet, if I didn't value you so much, I would've silenced you and made you forget about everything. Put back on the earring, this time with a couple more adjustments so you never find out. Or perhaps make it a permanent spell on you. Make you quiet and agreeable." He tisked. "But, that's not you, is it? That's not the dragon who I love so dearly."
"So you value me and not enchanting me, but not the others? You would do this to anybody else?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't I? I'm only held back because I have a connection with you. A bond so deep it defies the universe. I love you, Clearsight."
"You...you want to kill the IceWings," she muttered.
"A necessary action to take to ensure the safety and prosperity of not only our kingdom, but the entire tribe. Look at me and tell me that the IceWings offer anything of value to the other tribes. Anything. Their culture isn't anything to gawk at. It's dystopian and shameful. It's oppressive and they value certain dragons more than others over superficial and idiotic reasons, leaving others behind to feed off of the scraps."
"Isn't that what you are like as well?" she asked.
A pause. The atmosphere grew tense and stiff. It was harder to breathe, her lungs almost rejecting what little air could worm its way into her. Darkstalker's eyes were still, the silvery pupils glistening in the evening light.
"Clearsight!" he responded, his manner playful and humorous. It didn't hide the brewing frustration in him. "You honestly believe I am like that? To be even so much as comparable to them? That's rich!" He laughed.
"I'm not joking. Th- this isn't a joke! These are dragons, Darkstalker. Dragons with real lives you're talking about. Hopes, dreams, goals, aspirations, all that. They are as alive as you are."
He snorted. "Again, bold to assume they would even have those. Their lives are nothing but to serve the kingdom. They are miserable inside of it and out. Look no further than my father. A parasite on the life of my mother. He tricked her, making her believe that there was something more to him. That he wasn't like the rest. That he was as soulful as she was. Then, he trapped her in a loveless, horrible marriage. Not a day passed without them at each other's throats. Depressed and alone without anybody else except her two dragonets. That was until she finally had enough and..." he sighed. "She didn't deserve her fate. She didn't deserve such a grisly demise."
"So you're simply using your father as a reference? A guideline for how the tribe works?"
"It's only natural for the royalty of such a tribe to be practically the epitome of such a toxic and horrible environment. It's in his nature to act in such a way. To suck the life out of anything and everyone. He ruined Foeslayer. He ruined Whiteout. He ruined me. For that, I've seen enough. I know how terrible these dragons are."
"So you're completely fine with killing them all?"
Clearsight refrained from her knee-jerk reaction to scream and yell "What's WRONG with you?!" and rather took a small breath. "And what makes you believe you're any better than them? With all of your talk about being vastly greater than them? With believing you're higher and better than any other dragon? With thinking that everything would be better if the other tribe was dead?"
"Clearsight, that's a bit of a reach-"
"Is it? Is it!? From what you've been going on about, you've done nothing to say something even remotely moral. You've only tried to justify your actions. It's never your fault for anything, is it? You enchanting my earring, that was to make me happy, wasn't it? You never consulted me before. You simply altered me in a way I couldn't even tell as a 'surprise gift'. Was it really to make me happy? Or was it to make me shut up and blindly follow you?"
"Clearsight, that's quite enough-"
"I'm not done yet. The way you talk about other dragons is abhorrent at best and downright despicable and evil on the regular. Not just the IceWings, but anybody else. I'll spend an afternoon with Listener and then the minute I get back you'll go on and complain about her. I remember you once 'joking' about how you wished you could enchant her to lose her voice. I don't think that was so much of a joke as is what you genuinely wanted. You want power. You want to be this...figure that everyone loves. Aren't I and Fathom enough? Moons above we care about you."
"Clearsight, that's enough."
"You say you love me, but I can't honestly believe in that. I don't believe in my own feelings for you either. What part of me is real and genuinely cares about you, and what part is fabricated from your enchantments? I can't tell. Perhaps all of it. It's...sad watching you become this dragon. I know you're not like this. You're better. You're not some evil dragon. But, you're determined to see this through, aren't you? This plot to kill Queen Vigilance and claim her throne, as if you'll do any better of a job than her. She's got sheep for brains, but you're a monster-"
"Enough out of you!" Darkstalker snarled. He raised his talons, clamping them together. With that, Clearsight's mouth closed. She couldn't speak. Her breathing quickened as she tried to breathe. Whole whole body seized up. She couldn't move a muscle.
"I've been merciful for a while, letting you vent out your frustrations. Believe me, my dear, I understand why you would be so angry. It's only natural you'd react in such a way. However, you haven't grown to realize that this all is for, well, you. Me getting rid of the IceWings and making way for a sweet, peaceful existence? It's all for you to be happy. My parents weren't happy. I don't want us to be like them. Ever. We deserve a happier life, one full of love and joy."
He paced around her. "I do it all because I love you. None of it is selfish, I assure you. I promise you with all of my heart and soul that it's for you. Every enchantment. Every spell and utterance. It's all for you. Yes, even now with me keeping you still. I need a moment to talk. For you to understand without objecting or claiming falsehoods."
He came to her snout, grabbing her by the chin. He tilted her head up, letting her stare right into his cold, black eyes. "I love you, Clearsight. Though you may be scared, you may find me strange and unsettling, I know you do too. You may hate me in this moment. You may find me disgusting and horrible. But, we both know one thing is certain. You love me. It's the truth. You do love me. Even when you crawl into your bed tonight, hateful and wishing you could've said anything else to win this 'argument', you will love me. Even when I kill Vigilance, you will love me. Even when I send waves of plagues and famine upon the IceWings, slaughtering village after village in order to maintain peace and fulfill my destiny, you will love me. It's our fatal flaw. We love each other more than anything else."
He looked at her with a longing, sweet expression. "I love you, Clearsight. I love you."
With that, he opened his talons. Clearsight dropped to the ground, grasping at the floor. She gasped for air, clawing away from him.
"Would you like me to help you up?" He held out his talons.
"GET AWAY!" Clearsight screamed. She swiped at his claws with anger, sadness, and above all: fear. What would've otherwise been a blow so powerful and heavy it could've sliced at least a couple claws off glazed along his scales. Not a single scratch.
She flailed away from him, opening her wings and taking off into the skies. She flew away from the library, her legs sprinting through the air as if it would make her go faster. She needed to get away from him. She didn't even notice the tears pouring from her eyes until they were rushing against the wind, drying as quickly as they formed.
She felt hopeless. There was nothing she could do against him. Any sort of plea or reasoning would only make him more annoyed and upset. It could endanger more lives. He was already dead set on killing Queen Vigilance. It was only a matter of time he did it. She was useless.
But, above all, she felt betrayed. That wasn't the dragon she fell in love with. That couldn't be him. The one who she stuck by whenever things got rough. The one who cared about her and told her that she was the most lovely thing in the world. The one who promised her a loving, and sweet future where they'd both be happy and love each other.
That was the dragon she loved, not this...thing.
...was he even that different though? He was right. The more she thought about it, the more of these repressed memories bubbled up. Moments where Darkstalker would say or do something that would otherwise be harmful and horrible. He'd joke about the NightWings all bowing to him one day. He'd bring up hypothetical about him 'going mad' and what Fathom and her would do about it.
A sick, disgusting pit formed in her stomach as the realization dawned on her. She...really did love this dragon; and no matter what he'd do or what she'd say, there was nothing that could change that. This was the future Darkstalker that she wanted all of those years ago. This was her soulmate. This was the dragon who she loved.
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thewildchild13915 · 1 year
Sibling grief is weird.
With sibling grief you're grieving more than just the loss of your sibling.
You're grieving the life you had before you lost your sibling.
You're grieving the loss of who your parents were before your sibling died
You're grieving the loss of the future you'd prepared for
You're grieving the loss of the family unit as you'd known it
You're grieving the loss of who you were before they died
You're grieving the loss of your best friend
Before my brother died, I had plans for how the future would be. Family holidays with our kids, major life events being celebrated together, family vacations, so many memories to be made.
All of those were lost when he died. An entire future full of plans just.... Gone.
Now I'm only left with the haunting visions of watching him go, with the sounds of our parents sobbing and begging for this to not be happening, with hearing the love of his life begging for more time and promising to make the rest of his life everything we'd always dreamed for him, with remembering both the feeling of his warm hands AND the feeling of his lifeless, cold hands.
Before my brother died, our parents were mostly happy.
Parents change after the loss of a child, regardless of the age of said child. That change can go 1 of 2 ways and it is usually to the extreme of whichever way they go.
Way 1: they're going to be extremely clingy with their remaining child(ren). They will want them close.
Way 2: they're going to become extremely distant with their remaining child (ren).
My mom quietly went with way 1. She tries to not show it, but I know it. She still has her moments where she's distant, but she won't even entrain the idea of us being far away from her. She wants all of us near her.
My dad went with way 2. I've always felt like my dad absolutely hated me. There was no proud father moment when I got married, no "you look beautiful" comments, or any heart touching moments really. It's always been he was there, but quietly wondering how quickly he could leave. Sure there were moments when he really came through and made me feel like he cared. I can't say there weren't ANY.
But after losing my brother, I feel like I completely lost my dad. He barely acknowledges I'm there, he flat out ignores me when I say "I love you", but he will say it to everyone around me, he doesn't even try to hide the fact that he does NOT want to be wherever I am. In my heart I feel that he believes the wrong child died and that it should've been me. I have never felt like more of a burden than I do now.
Before my brother died, my mom always told us "nurture your relationship with each other because when your dad and I are gone, you're only going to have each other". That was the future I'd prepared for. Now, when my parents are gone I will be alone. I'll have no one to grieve that loss with. Our future was supposed to be long and fruitful, with so many memories to be made... I was not prepared for the future I'm going to have.
Before my brother died, we were a family of 4. He was my big brother. Sure our family expanded as we got older. We had significant others and kids, but our family unit was 4. Now, it's only 3.
I'm no longer the little sister.
I'm the surviving sister.
Before my brother died, I was happy. Sure I dealt with some mental health issues, but he always helped to keep my grounded. He was who I called when I felt like I was losing my grip. He was my rock. He was my best friend. He always made sure I was ok, that his nieces and nephews were ok, that everyone had what they needed. He was my go-to person for everything.
I used to get so irritated because he'd always call me when bad weather was moving in. He'd give me all these instructions on things I needed to do to be prepared, he'd make sure I was making sure the kids had everything they needed.. it could be so exhausting sometimes.
God how I miss those phone calls.
Now that he's gone I find myself riddled with anxiety and anger. I have no idea who I am anymore because I do not feel like me anymore. I feel like a part of me went with him. The strong part went with him.
Now that he's gone I feel so alone, even with the rest of my family right beside me.
I try to grieve quietly. I try to do it alone as much as possible so that it doesn't make those around me sad.
Sibling grief is weird..
It's lonely
Unless you are the surviving sibling, you could never understand.
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that-ari-blogger · 8 months
How Phantom Pains Establishes Stakes
Phantom Pains is a beautiful song, and one of my favourites in the Stray Gods musical, and I'd like to delve into why. I've said before that what words are doing is more important than what's being said, because people can lie, but the plot and themes remain unchanged.
So what does Phantom Pains do? What do I mean by stakes here? Surely Grace's life is on the line, what more could you want?
Phantom Pains establishes what happens if Grace fails to bring the Gods into a healthier state of mind. It establishes why Grace's story has wider consequences on the rest of the world. Allow me to explain.
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The most obvious thing about this song is the visuals. The silhouettes of times gone by.
Étienne de Silhouette was a French politician in the 1950s who was notorious for his economic policies to the point where his name became synonymous with doing things cheaply. As such, when people would get a cheaper portrait of themselves, they would get it in the style of Silhouette.
Essentially, a silhouette isn't a real thing. It's a shadow, an echo of what was once, and might still be there, but it is a cheap copy, a fake. Apollo is lost in his memories, burdened by guilt and a whole lot of depression, but that's the problem. These memories are all consuming, but they aren't the real world. At least, they aren't the present he is actually living in.
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"I have paths I like.
Smooth, paved in stone.
She got tired of our divide.
We weren't the same. Never the same."
I mentioned that this song sets up stakes, and this is the point where that happens. Calliope represents change, and Apollo couldn't do the same. The stakes are the paths these gods are walking. They are walking to their own destruction, because they know the way, and can't bring themselves to turn off it.
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The style shifts here, and there's a point to that. It's becoming more real. Apollo is being confronted with what his path led to. It's loud, and its in his face. But it's still not tangible. He is still lost in the past, only now that past is telling him to leave it be.
The reality is then shifted again, into the actual light house.
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And Apollo finally snaps back to the present, to reality, Grace has persuaded him to change, just slightly. Not into a different person, but to take a different action.
"Perhaps there is some change we can effect."
This song is showing the power of Grace's singing and musical power, specifically to heal this wound. If she doesn't the wound will remain open, but if she tries, she can at least make it less painful.
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Ok, so I need to address the name of this song, because it's relevant. A phantom pain is often experienced by an amputee, and it is described as a sensation of the missing limb getting injured, and the mind feeling its absence.
This is setting up an anatomical metaphor that Stray Gods keeps using. It's not the main even, but it keeps coming up. For example, Athena is the head that plans and directs, and Calliope is the arm that reaches out to grab for safety. So when it's cut off, the body continues feeling the pain.
I am not an amputee, I cannot speak from experience here, this is just what I have observed from my experiences in the real world, so bear with me.
But here's the thing. Amputees are not often the type of people who will sit back and stop doing anything because of their injury. There are some who do that, humanity is a diverse bunch, but a lot of the time, the person will just get a new leg and keep moving. They often don't use it as an excuse, but an obstacle to push past. And the new leg often doesn't look like a real foot, it fits the same purpose, but its obviously mechanical, and it still fits. They have found a replacement from elsewhere and made their lives work around it. They still feel the pain, sometimes, but it doesn't stop them from living their lives.
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Grace here is filling the role of the new limb, she is an outsider, a misfit, but if the idols accept her, they can move forwards, and reach for newer things.
The secondary stakes of this musical are convincing them to do just that. To change, to accept, and to embrace.
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A name is how you declare yourself to the world. It's hard to know what your name should be when you don't know what kind of person you want to introduce yourself as; it's harder still when you know who you are, and your name paints a completely different picture.
I wasn't really aware of the gendering of names until I was about six or seven. We had an assignment in Hebrew school, to learn what our names meant. I asked my parents, and they told me, and it left a gaping wound in me that took years to heal.
My name was so feminine. I hadn't realized that having this name forced onto me declared me as a girl to the rest of the world, but that's what it did. Ever since, having people learn my deadname's meaning felt like having my clothes ripped off. The hidden, gendered parts of myself, the ones I wished to change- exposed for all to see.
I never quite made the connection between my name and myself. It always felt like that name referred to someone else, someone I was simply pretending to be.
When I started exploring my gender, I began looking into different names. Neutral, at first, then sometimes masculine.
I found a lot of names. I tried a lot of names. Over a dozen, I think. There were names I hated a week later. There were names I thought were cool, but weren't right for me, the way I feel about makeup. There were names that almost fit, maybe, sort of. They didn't feel bad. They just didn't quite feel like me. Those names were a role I played, and it wasn't a difficult role, but it still wasn't me.
It took years to find a name that felt like me.
I tried talking about name changes with my mother, once. In sort of an abstract sense. I never got around to telling her I wanted to change mine. I was planning to, but then the conversation shifted to her telling me how hurtful it must be for parents to see their trans children throw away the names their mother and father gifted them.
When my best friend changed his name, my mother told me she felt bad for his parents, because his old name was better.
I felt like I'd been stabbed again. The wound that opened in me when I learned the meaning of my deadname bled again, and I decided to hide it, and I never told her anything about changing my name.
I found a name this summer, with friends who told me that I mattered more than what my mother thought of me. They gave me many suggestions, and one of them fit. I use that name now. Not with many people, but with the ones close to me. The name feels like home in a way I'd never really thought possible. There's a spark of recognition, when I hear it said aloud. It's me.
My first name was chosen for my late grandfather, a feminized version of his. I tried different variations, and I tried just using his name. It never felt right. I tried so hard to be a good grandson, to be a good child to my mother who missed her father. I failed.
And I knew it would hurt her if she knew I'd thrown away the name she gifted me, if she knew I was distancing myself from the father she wanted to remember. I know it would hurt her. And I know it would hurt me, the inevitable rejection, the disapproval of the name that means so much to me.
So I haven't told her. I don't know when I will. If ever. I don't want to hurt her, and I don't want her to hurt me, but my deadname is a knife and I don't know how much longer I can let its blade sink into my skin.
A little longer. I'll pretend to be her daughter, her daughter with a name like a knife, for just a little longer. Keep going until I can't.
I want to change my name. I want to declare myself to the world as I am, with a name that feels like a reunion with something I've been missing my whole life. But if I introduce myself as me, that might be what kills the girl I pretended to be. I might not be forgiven for killing her.
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
Hey! Could I have prompt 4 with Cyno x reader pls? thx :3
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Life After You
notes: this work is part of my 3k followers event! check out my pinned post for the event masterlist and further info. I also sincerely apologize to the people who requested first for doing these out of order but I gotta write what I'm inspired to atm or else I'll never get started. Also once again, feel free to check out my genshin discord :3
prompt: all that I'm after is a life full of laughter as long as I'm laughing with you, and I'm thinking that all that still matters is love ever after, after the life we've been through; 'cause I know there's no life after you
song these lyrics are from: life after you [daughtry]
contains: cyno x reader, fluff
warnings: none
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"Two Shawarma Wraps please!", you smiled at Lambad as you paid for the food you had ordered. It wasn't hard to notice your good mood. After all, you had enough reason to smile, given that the man you loved was coming home from work earlier today and had promised to spend the rest of his day with his beloved. So since you still had some time to spare until Cyno would return, you had decided to get lunch for the two of you to surprise him.
It was a beautiful day, however, if you were honest, you didn't have any plans to leave the house again before the sun set. You were looking forward to just spend a day alone with Cyno, away from the prying eyes who recognized him as the General Mahamatra.
Just as you were fumbling with your keys at the entrance to the house you lived in, you felt two arms wrapping around your waist and a soft kiss on the back of your neck before Cyno nuzzled his face into your neck. "Ah, there you are already", you chuckled and turned around to properly greet your boyfriend with a kiss. "I missed you", Cyno said softly and kissed your cheek gently multiple times. You held up the packaged Shawarma Wraps. "I got us food", you exclaimed triumphantly. Cyno kissed your forehead and held up a finger. "Thank you, love. I got you something too", he seemed more excited than usual and started searching for something in his backpack.
He handed you a book. "It's the newest Genius Invokation TCG novel", he tried to say this calmly but you could see how he was internally ready to jump up and down like a teenage girl who had just gotten a text back from her crush, "they changed back to the original author so now there won't be any controversies regarding the main character fighting with a card that was never even in the game." You had heard him rant about this part of the story multiple times. He was always a little conflicted whether it was still within the rules of the game or not.
Cyno had introduced you to Genius Invokation TCG and he made it sound so interesting, that you agreed to read all the novels he was ready to lend to you and he had taught you how to play the game yourself. Now it was one of your favorite shared activities to engage in.
You remembered how Cyno had asked you for genuine feedback on whether you found his jokes funny. Knowing that he valued honesty, you told him that they weren't always funny, but that you still loved them and they still always lightened your mood. They made you at least chuckle most of the time, not because they were hilarious, but because telling unfunny jokes was so unapologetically Cyno that you couldn't help but feel happiness. You loved the man with all your heart, after all. You always encouraged him to keep making jokes, so he could never be mad that you didn't find them funny quite frequently.
You had followed up your statement with telling Cyno that you also just really enjoyed his voice. "A lot of your jokes sound more like you're telling a story", you remarked, "and quite frankly, you'd be a fantastic storyteller. I'd listen to you read the entire Genius Invokation TCG novel. Hell, I'd listen to you read me an overly specific instruction manual." Cyno had taken that a little too serious. Or rather, he saw this statement as a wonderful opportunity to tease you.
You had recently bought a very simple kitchen shelf that was built together in less than 15 minutes. Nevertheless, the instruction manual was overly complicated, written in 5 different languages and had 20 pages. And Cyno was determined to read all of them to you. You were sitting on the couch, trying to write while Cyno was reading the very detailed description of the process for building a small kitchen shelf. "Cyno, I'm trying to write Tighnari a birthday card, you're distracting me", you pouted as he leaned closer and whispered in your ear with a very serious voice. "Turn the screwdriver 20 times counter-clockwise-", was all he got out before you softly hit his face with a pillow but couldn't help but laugh. "You're impossible", you shook your head seeing that Cyno was laughing too. "Make sure that the board is fixed within the shelf frame before moving on to the next one...."
"Shut up", you grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little, "please...."
You chuckled before continuing with the birthday card. Cyno did fall silent. Instead he was now trailing kisses down your neck and then guided your chin so you'd face him. He kissed you passionately, pulling you into his lap. After the kiss you rolled your eyes at him. "Now I wrote 'I got you this Inazuma from flower. Happy Birth, Tighnari!'", you chucked another pillow at him, "look at what you've done. We're writing a new card and this time you'll be the one writing." "Fine by me", Cyno gave in and let out a soft chuckle before picking up the instruction manual again so you'd shut him up with another kiss. Cyno suggested you could simply add a joke to the card to distract from the mistakes you had made. "I would, but Tighnari would probably strangle both of us."
This was a side of him only you got to see and you felt blessed everytime he showed it to you, even though he was a tease sometimes. But this was how he had promised to read the new Genius Invokation TCG novel with you once it came out. You were looking forward to listening to his soothing voice and being snuggled up to his chest while listening to the story. You were just as excited about discussing the lore and story with him afterwards, coming up with theories for the next edition, which Cyno always loved to hear.
"What are you thinking about?", Cyno asked curiously, snapping you out of your memories as you opened the door. "Just remembered that time you read an instruction manual to me", you snickered. "I can do that again", he gave you a wink as you walked up the stairs.
After a moment of silence, Cyno raised his voice again. "I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something", he was already anticipating your reaction before you laughed at his joke. "Okay that one was actually good", you rewarded him with a kiss before entering your flat with him. "I got a laugh out of you! Win for me!", he proudly exclaimed as you put the Shawarma Wraps on the kitchen counter.
"The food smells amazing", Cyno remarked. "I know right?", you grinned and gave him fingerguns, "it's a meal you simply can't Cyno to." He stared at you for a second before the punchline dawned on him. "You get it, what makes this joke funny is a wordplay of the words 'say no' and your name-", you explained. Cyno was basically wheezing at this point. You grinned, imagining the reactions of the other matra if they saw him like this. "God, I love you", Cyno whispered and pulled you close, kissing you once again. He even let out another chuckle as he was kissing you. You buried a hand in his hair and wrapped the other around his waist, beginning to gently draw circles onto his back with your fingertips which made Cyno sigh into the kiss and melt into your embrace. His tongue circled around yours and his hand held your cheek as he poured all the love he felt for you into his kiss.
You parted from him with a smile on your face. "Cyno, the- mmph", your words were cut off by Cyno once again pressing his lips to yours. You kissed him back for half a minute before pushing him away gently. "The food is going to get cold", you chuckled, "man that joke really landed, huh?" "The archons blessed me with such a wonderful significant other with a fantastic sense of humor", he linked his fingers with yours on the kitchen table as you were getting ready to have lunch. "I'm sure plenty of people would disagree with that, Cyno", you laughed before enjoying your Shawarma Wrap with him in silence.
The first time Cyno heard you make a dad joke was probably the moment he fell for you. It was your very first Genius Invokation TCG game night with Tighnari, Cyno and Kaveh and the four of you had dinner together before playing the game. Tighnari had talked about how legends said, that sometimes due to the Dendro Archons power, when someone in Sumeru was suffering, the forest would be there to comfort them. "The plants in the Apam Woods have actually been shown to respond to their surroundings, including the emotions of peop- y/n what are you laughing about?", Tighnari raised his eyebrows at you snickering across the table, "what's so funny?"
It took you a while to catch your breath before you whispered under your breath: "Oh my god....they photosympathize...."
It was the first time you heard Cyno laugh. Not a polite chuckle, like he usually let out when he was amused, but the General Mahamatra straight up snorted and started wheezing next to you while Tighnari was shaking his head in disappointment. "Out. Both of you. Get out of my house", Tighnari joked and buried his head in his hands. But you hardly registered that, as you were too busy staring at the man next to you, noticing how his laugh was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Feeling the urge to make him smile everytime you saw him. Up until now, none of that had ever faded. Your love for him only grew with every day you spent with him.
"I love you so much", you told him and put your hand over his after you had finished your Shawarma Wrap. "There's Tahini sauce all over your hands", Cyno commented dryly pulling his hand away to wash it. "It was a gift", you mused and followed him. "Wonderful. I feel so blessed", he replied sarcastically, pulling you back into his arms after you had washed the sauce off your own hands.
You cupped his face with one hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?", you smiled at him. "You tell me everyday", he reminded you, but it was evident that it still made him a little flustered, "I believe we have a novel to read." He got a big blanket from the drawer and wrapped it around the two of you as you were sitting on the couch and you were leaning against his chest, closing your eyes as his fingers gently ran up and down your back.
Cyno began reading the new Genius Invokation TCG novel to you and you loved how soft his voice sounded. Occasionally, you would interrupt to discuss several important plot points and express your feelings about the story.
"I can't believe they just killed this character off that early in the story", Cyno was baffled. "I'm an emotional mess", you hid your face in Cyno's neck and he gave you a headpat. "Shh, I'm sure they'll avenge him. Also there's still a chance he might come back with the super rare revival card."
You got through about a quarter of the novel before tiredness settled in and Cyno noticed you slowly falling asleep in his arms. He put the book down and wrapped both of his arms around you, pressing multiple gentle kisses to your forehead. Well, he thought to himself, we can always continue reading the novel some other time.
After all, you had a whole life to share.
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smartycvnt · 6 months
Over It
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Title: Over It
Pairing: Albert Wesker x Reader
Summary: Ash gets sent out to go after Wesker in Africa, but their meeting doesn't go according to the plan.
Word Count: 781
Warnings: some fighting
As far as anybody was concerned, Ash was ready to be deployed. She had been briefed on the trade of bioweapons in the area, the locals, and the potential big game players. Excella Gionne's money had bought the best of the best, which meant that Albert wasn't Umbrella's bitch boy anymore. Now, there was someone new calling the shots. Ash wasn't as nervous about Excella as she would have been one of the sociopaths running Umbrella. A spoiled rich bitch was still within Ash's paygrade.
"There are some spots up ahead that look kind of spotty. We might lose communication." Ash heeded the warning. That made her a bit nervous, but she had done solo missions before. She was one of the BSAA's best agents, and before that, Ash had been a STARS prospect.
"Copy that. I'll keep my head on a swivel boss," Ash answered back. She knew that if she sounded nervous, the big bosses back home would start to sweat. Kijuju wasn't technically hostile territory yet, but Ash knew that their soldiers had been given some shit. Some of the reports had been weird, but nobody wanted to make a big deal otu of it yet.
Ash tried to think of a way to calm herself as the vehicle approached the first checkpoint. She pulled her personal gun out from its hiding space in the chest of her body armor. She popped the magazine out and counted her bullets. Not all bullets were created equal, but Ash had picked the cream of the crop for her baby. It had never jammed on her, and she wasn't willing to let that start on this mission.
"Why did we just stop?" Ash asked as she slipped the gun back into her armor. Her question was answered in the form of her driving screaming before his throat was ripped out. Ash could see the blood spray the window before the doors were unlocked and opened. Ash's heart was racing as she waited for whatever took the driver to come for her.
"You know, I had always hoped you'd be the smart one, Ash. I mean, Chris has always been a bit of a meathead, and Jill's too stubborn for her own good, but you? You could have lived a long, healthy life working at the Pentagon or something. You should have taken a page out of Kennedy's book," Albert said. Ash grit her teeth and clenched her jaw to keep herself from saying anything to him.
Albert circled around Ash like a hunter circling its prey. Ash tried to look away from him, but Albert seemed to find his way into her field of vision no matter what. Things weren't supposed to go this way. Ash had hoped that she'd be so full of anger and hatred for what Albert did that her emotions wouldn't be a factor in this. Instead, she felt nothing except for conflict.
"I was hoping that it wouldn't have to come to this. I'd have to see such a good fuck killed in the line of duty, but I guess you never were overly intelligent," Albert said. That seemed to set something off in Ash, who lunged at him to attack. She tackled Albert down to the ground and started wailing punches on him.
"You motherfucking bastard!" Ash screamed. All of the betrayal and pent up emotions from the Spencer Mansion incident came pouring out. Albert had accepted the position of STARS captain knowing what it meant with the intention of leaving everybody for dead. He had no integrity, and if Ash's orientation had been a few days earlier, she would have ended up like the rest of their unit.
"Are you sure that this is what you want?" Ash stared down at Albert through the sights of her handgun. It was the personal one, and not her primary BSAA weapon. Albert recognized it immediately as the bribery gift towards ASh to get her to join his unit instead of continuing with her Spec Ops training. "Is this how it's going to end for us? I always thought we could be more."
"Fuck," Ash sighed. "Fuck! Goddamn it!"
"You can't do it. I've always known that you were weak," Albert sneered. Ash pulled the hammer back on the gun and shut her eyes. Albert was smirking as he watched Ash's hands shake. She wasn't going to press that trigger, and he knew it. On top of that, she had made it even easier for Jill to come and grab Ash from on top of him. "I do hope that you'll learn to behave on your own. The serums and scarabs have some pretty nasty side effects."
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