#if i have to see this girl another day in a row i think id actually cry
prestonmonterey · 2 months
NOW I CAN TAKE A FUCKING BREA-- [gets bonked by super saturday hammer]
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heavenlyraindrops · 6 days
Rain’s love rant
alright, here goes.
I’m cooked. I’m completely and utterly cooked. I feel like I need to share all this cause each detail is something I need to talk about and it’s driving me insane.
Last year of school I met this girl, let’s call her Crystal, through mutual friends. Basically what happened was I annoyed the shit out of her and was so utterly obnoxious, she thought I was a bitch- but for some reason eventually she ended up finding me endearing and we became really close friends.
we talked all the time. We shared everything. We’d walk away from our group at the table during lunch and wander around the campus together. We both liked other people at the time, she liked a girl that I was on kind of bad terms with- and it pissed me to no end because this girl sort of mistreated me, and her friends alienated me from the school community (it was pretty tight-knit) because I was “weird” (I’m autistic) and I vented about this to crystal, MULTIPLE times but Crystal straight up just ignored it. But to be honest, those girls and Sea are genuinely nice when they can be and although it sounds bad (I cried for nights in a row) I think it couldn’t really be helped and there isn’t much resentment anymore, although we’d still never be friends.
Crystal’s affection for Sea fizzled out, and I got the sense that she liked someone else cause there was a strange period of our friendship like this- turned out that person was me. (More on that later.)
She ended up liking another girl- let’s call her Petal. Petal’s a total bitch. Like she just straight up is. There’s nothing to it other than that.
I started liking Crystal after she liked Petal, although I didn’t realize how much I liked her until, well, uh. Yesterday. She and Petal got together, and I was like “omg! So cute!” But I was low-key jealous and didn’t even realize it, and then Petal tried to drag her away and made her join Petal’s friend group, which were the girls in my primary, Sea and all them. I was insanely angry, jealous, sad, everything. She kept talking about Petal, calling Petal the love of her life, and it broke my heart because id always tried to be there for Crystal, advice, venting, comforting, everything. And now she was leaving me and all my friends for Petal, who, as far as I knew, was uhhhhhh let me think- oh! Pretty.
Shit went down, another bitch (Quartz) in my friend group pulled some shit (whole other story) and said me and my friends were talking shit about Crystal, Petal and Sea when we weren’t- it was all Quartz. Me and Crystal had a huge argument over text and I tried to make her see the truth and she said “I don’t know who the fuck is lying” and then “I have the whole weekend to decide.” (She also told me during this argument that she used to like me and when I asked her why she said I was funny, pretty, smart, good at drawing. First time someone’s been clear about what they like about me, something that shows they actually do, and I started crying.)
whole weekend? Fuck, we didn’t speak for the next few MONTHS after that. It was clear she had chosen Quartz and Petal. I literally cried for nights in a row (again). My fucking principal saw me crying outside the school on School Movie Night. And the whole time I was hoping she’d come back. Eventually I realized that she missed me too.
anyway, fast forward to this week, Monday, bank holiday. I turn on my phone and there’s a huge paragraph from Crystal after months of nothing. Her saying that she’s sorry her gf got in the way of our friendship, that she really wanted to be on good terms with me again, that she missed me. So we did.
we both admitted our mistakes and we both felt really bad that we ended up on bad terms for a while and admitted we missed each other, and honestly I was so happy. I think she was too cause she started crying 😭
the next day we saw each other in school, we hugged, made it up, walked around and talked like we used to. Hugging her felt so good. Sometimes she’s walking around with her friends, with Petal clinging to her arm like she always is, then we both share a look and we both smile at each other it was amazing. I cut my hair off this week too and when Sea and her friends came over to talk to Quartz (who hates Sea and Petal btw) Crystal was standing behind them next to Petal and she didn’t look at Petal, she looked at ME, pointed at her head, mouthed “haircut” or smth idk and smiled and I nodded really giddily and oh god. Then Petal just stared at us both.
Our school had our sports day yesterday, she texted me like “I was gonna come over and talk to you but I couldn’t” and it made me happy but broke my heart at the same time.
I talked about it with my friends and they said it was kind of obvious, how jealous and angry I’d gotten when she’d left our group. They said it wasn’t my fault I liked Crystal.
I could go on and on forever about her. She’s so fucking beautiful- I think I’m genuinely in love which is insane for someone my age but I truly like her, I’ve liked her for so so long without realizing it and now I’ve lost her to Petal and I wanna cry. I like everything about her, even her flaws, the good and the bad, and yes I do want her to be happy but can’t she be happy with me?
I feel really guilty too, especially when I look at her and Petal and realize how happy they are together. I wish I was like Petal honestly, Petal is so pretty and cute and just straight up adorable. And I know I shouldn’t be coveting thy neighbours wife, but I can’t help it. But it’s ok if I liked her before she got with Petal right? 😭😭
I hate this.
ok vent over bye besties
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judeiscariot · 2 years
the end
another contusion my funeral jag / here's my resignation, I'll serve it in drag / you've got front row seats to the penitence ball / when I grow up I want to be nothing at all
no one ever had much nice to say / I think they never liked you anyway / oh take me from the hospital bed / wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand / and wouldn't it be great if we were dead
this is how I disappear
can you hear me cry out to you / words I thought i'd choke on, figure out / I'm really not with you anymore / i'm just a ghost, so I can't hurt you anymore / so I can't hurt you anymore
the sharpest lives
theres a place in the dark where the animals go / you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow / Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands / drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands romeo
just a man, im not a hero / just a boy, who had to sing this song / just a man, im not a hero / I don't care / we'll carry on
I don't love you
and after all the blood that you still owe / another dollars just another blow / so fix your eyes and get up / better get up while you can
house of wolves
tell me im an angel, take this to my grave / tell me im a bad man, kick me like a stray / tell me im an angel, take this to my grave
now turn away / 'cause im awful just to see / cause all my hairs abandoned all my body / oh my agony / know that I will never marry / baby im just soggy from the chemo / im counting down the days to go
well mother what the war did to my legs and to my tongue / you should've raised a baby girl, I should have been a better son / if you could coddle the infection, they can amputate at once / you should have been, I could have been a better son
a drink for the horror that im in / for all the good guys and the bad guys / for the monsters that I've been / three cheers for tyranny / unapologetic apathy / cause there aint no way that im coming back again
because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you son / so they can watch all the things you do / because the drugs never work / they're gonna give you a smirk / cause they got methods of keeping you clean
it was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing / it was a lie when they smiled and said you won't feel a thing / and as we ran from the cops / we laughed so hard it would sting
famous last words
I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / honey if you stay you'll be forgiven / nothing you can say can stop me going home
a celebrated man amongst the gurneys / they can fix me proper with a bit of luck / the doctors and the nurses they adore me so / but its really quite alarming / cause i'm such an awful fuck
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khodorkovskaya · 9 months
aïe aïe aïe i posted a recap of the altin gun concert but the tumblr app just like didn't post it and now it's gone, great!
but anyway, yeah, if it works this time the video will appear here:
so yeah there were soooo many people. here is a pic my parents took and another one from nik's story:
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i managed to squeeze myself through the crowd and get to the first row ofc. and i went through so many emotions... when they played this i cried. and at the end i screamed MARRY ME at merve at the top of my lungs, i hope she heard me lol. she's soooo hot oh my...
the only downside is that i didnt see many real fans at the concert. most people just stood there or worse were talking. meanwhile i jumper up and down and danced like crazy and screamed the lyrics in turkish lol. did i annoy a lot of people? probably. but i wasn't just gonna stand there while my favourite band was playing. the emotions i felt you guys...
my oxford bestie and i wanted to go to sarajevo to see lepa brena live at the zetra arena in april but now im scared because i feel like if i see her live i will just die like i will go into cardiac arrest.
so yeah, so many emotions!
other than that panda and i went to this event yesterday and i didn't network with anyone, i just ate. a lot. the buffet was so good you guys. but i legit couldnt move afterwards. it was too much.
and today i was at the library as always and i saw this girl i knew in college. and it like disturbed me idk.
so a bit of a back story, i bumped into another girl i went to college with on the street the other day. and i remember i really wanted to be friends with her but she like never reciprocated and idk why. we would talk at break time, we texted a bit, we went to germany for an exchange together, she came to my house for a party once. like we got along fine and i really wanted to get to know her bc idk she was just cool. but every time id ask her to hang out she'd just say "yeah yeah" and it never went any further. and then i got a bit frustrated and stopped initiating things and she stopped talking to me all together bc it was always me who'd make the first move.
then she stopped going to school and to be frank with you i hadn't noticed. i thought she just missed a couple of classes because we only had one class together that year and i didn't see her much anyway. but then after graduation i bumped into her on the tram and she said that she had fallen ill and had to drop out. and i felt horrible. because i was selfish thinking that she didn't like me, but she was at the hospital and i hadn't even noticed or sent a "how are you" text. i felt super guilty.
and ever since then idk, id always thought about her as like "the one who got away" in a way, you know what i mean? because i feel like we could've been great friends but she didn't like me as much as i liked her and plus she had fallen ill and things happened and i never got the chance to like become her friend. like i remember every time we'd find ourselves like alone at breaktime or on that trip to germany and we'd have these great conversations, but then things would get in the way and it always felt like we never had enough time. at least on my end. idk.
and ive bumped into her on the street god knows how many times. i haven't seen people i was actually close with in college as much as ive seen her! and every time im like "let's get coffee" and she just goes "uh-huh" and that's it. and then i bump into her again and im like god damn it, i missed my chance again! and this has been going on for literal years. things like this really make me think that im autistic
so i bumped into her again this week!
and today i saw her from across the hall talking to another girl from high school! and this is where it gets weird.
so this other girl who was with her, i remember her quite well! we were always partners in chemistry class and we did a project about nitsche for philosophy class and i think we had french together too, did we? and i remember she had a dog and liked anime. and i remembered all those things about her. and i literally haven't thought about her in yearssss! ...and i couldn't remember her name.
i was like shit. okay. chemistry class. nietzsche. dog. anime. what's her name damn it????? i couldn't remember it.
and it made me feel weird. because in order to try and remember her name i started to like dig up all those memories from college. and the more i thought about it the weirder it got. bc on one hand im like huh 2018 wasn't so long ago was it? but then i remember ahhhh chemistry class ahhhh p.e. ahhh being a teenager. it all seems so surreal. and i don't remember any of it clearly. it's all in this like weird fog.
and it sucks because i feel like since i was permanently in this "foggy" state in high school it like stunted my growth. because i missed out on so many normal teenage experiences that i can't catch up on now. like instead of having a normal relationship, i had umm my 30 yr old ex. instead of going to normal teenage parties i went to germany with a 50 year old drug addict. and i was so in my head... like. i really wasn't present. and while everyone else made lifelong friends i was just. not present.
and like it's not a big deal. at least i had the parties and the drugs and the boyfriend, right? i wasn't a loner, i wasn't bullied, i was fine. but it just like... frustrated me. that like. the "girl who got away" got a girlfriend, while i was hanging out with my 30 yr old. and she's in touch with my other former friend from highschool. meanwhile i was too busy to maintain friendships bc i was hanging out with my 30 yr old. it's all very frustrating bc i can't get that time back. i can't catch up on everything ive missed out on. and now im this friendless loser who can't remember anyone's name.
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christopher-bryant · 2 years
my friend likes to think he's good at pvp and while he can hold his own, he's nowhere near my level.
these last few days whenever we have been in a fight with someone or another posse, he tries showing off for his new girlfriend and gets his ass kicked everytime. i end up having to mute my mic because its the funniest fucking thing.
first up, the other night we were fighting some guy near rhodes and braithwait manor. he kept telling me to back off so he could kill this guy (obvs to impress hos girl) and he got one shotted or killed with a hatchet and i wad on the floor rolling. i was standing by each time watching and everytime without fail, he would die and id have to kill the other guy and just hear a dejected "thanks fallout"
earlier tonight we were in a posse fight in sant denis and he kept saying some kill was his and he would start to talk shit before he got his ass imediately killed with a headshot. once again i was in tears and muted. like last time i would have to kill whoever killed my friend to hear him say "thanks fallout"
then just now same thing. we were fighting someone on sant denis and it was 10x funnier because every time he ran up on this person, he would talk shit and get taken out. my ribs were in so much pain. the two highlights tonight were him running to a backyard the person was hiding in and be says "i see you hiding princess. i got a surprise for you. its my shotgun-" BLAM! he got fucking SMOKED. at this point i can hardly breathe
second was his girl ran towards this person for kill. she got killed. she yells "get her metal!" and he charges in and gets fucking creamed. i was spectating and had front row seats to watch this happen. of course, i had to ste in and kill this mf.
between those times, we had a new friend ask him to 1v1 first to 10 kills. naturally he accepted and it doesnt take a genius to figure out that he was going to show off for his girl.
we all traveled to emerald ranch to watch the fight.
10-0 in a matter of seconds. the kicker was that the person he was fighting has the shittiest pvp card loadout.
how many Ls am i going to have to watch my boy take? i cannot handle it and its not because i feel bad. its because the laughing is going to trigger an asthma attack.
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cafeacademia · 3 years
The New Girl
Pietro Maximoff x Shy!Reader University AU
Summary: When you start late at Stark University you're immediately taken into one of the college’s most popular groups of friends after Rumlow makes you feel uncomfortable and a certain silver haired Maximoff catches your eye.
Warnings: Rumlow being a bit of an ass, flirting and fluff!
Word Count: Approx 1500
A/N: Hi loves!! Here's the first part of the Stark University series!! This is a remastered version of the original that I wrote on my old blog, so while the bulk of this part is the same, there are some added parts to it that are completely new and that I hope flesh this out a little more. I hope you enjoy!!
If you'd like to join any of my taglists, please check the masterlist for the series and there will be links to the taglist forms, you can find that HERE.
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Next part
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Walking towards the double doors, you held a not-so-useful map of the university, along with your new ID card the people at the front desk had given you. It was your first day at Stark University and to say that your nerves were running high was an understatement. It certainly didn’t help that you had no idea if you were even in the right place for your first class, you could only assume that this was the lecture hall you had been told to go to, which you thought you remembered it being called Howard Hall, but you saw no sign on the doors, nor plaques on the wall around it to indicate which hall it was.
And with one deep breath, you stepped through the double doors into a half filled hall, students climbing up the steps to get to the seats at the back, a wave of laughter floating across the hall as a group of older students chatted. You heaved a worried sigh, nervously looking up at the rows of students. You were two weeks late into the year having transferred to Stark University, which had a notoriously difficult entry test.
“You the new girl?” A voice caught your attention and a darker haired individual with a cocky smirk plastered on his lips leaned forwards on his desk, a toothpick hanging out of his mouth as he grinned at you, fingers tugging at the lapels of his leather jacket and you wondered if this guy hadn’t just walked straight out of the fifties in his greaser attire. “Come sit with us, pretty lady.” He patted the seat next to him, the crowd of boys turning to look at you and suddenly you felt heat creep up your neck and cheeks. You felt like prey to them and your stomach twisted uncomfortably at the way he had spoken to you.
As he waited for you to respond, a few of the boys now dramatically whispering about you while you stood in the middle of the hall, a hand came down to rest on your shoulder. “You don’t wanna sit with Rumlow, Prinţesă, they’ll only screw you over.” You looked up to see a group of four guys and two girls.
Steve Rogers, the head boy of the Avengers house and his best friends Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson stood before you. You’d seen them around and on a poster for the next football game and they most certainly were a heart stopping trio. Your eye, however, was caught on the silver haired of the bunch, a soft smirk, warm and inviting posture, hands shoved in his jean pockets, blue eyes that were somehow so warm and you involuntarily smiled up at him.
“C’mon, come sit with our group.” Sam smiled down at you, a more welcoming lopsided smile on his lips and in comparison to Rumlow, Steve’s group seemed much friendlier and more appealing. You nodded, silently agreeing, still far too shy to say anything before you were patted gently on the back and guided over to their seats.
You sat down with people on either side of you, Bucky on your left who turned in his seat to introduce himself properly to you and a girl with long, auburn hair to your right, who was chatting in another language with the boy who’d made your heart stop.
“You’re the new girl in our house, aren’t you? Steve told us you were joining today. I’m Bucky.” He held his hand out to shake and you gently placed your hand in his, letting him shake yours. “Yes, I just transferred this morning.” You nodded. “It’s nice to meet you Bucky.” You smiled shyly as you pulled your hand away.
“I’m Wanda and that’s my twin brother Pietro.” Wanda smiled, catching your attention as you turned in your seat to see her better. “Nice to meet you, Prinţesă.” Pietro grinned at you. “I’m twelve minutes older.” Pietro went on, looking at his sister and your heart almost gave out at the sound of his accent, it was stronger than his sister’s but it sounded so good on him. Wanda playfully smacked her brother on the arm as she rolled her eyes. “What? It is the truth, no?” Pietro chuckled, winking at you and Wanda.
“Where are you from?” You blurted out, having not even introduced yourself or even uttered a word to them and both twins looked at you, smiling at your curiosity. “Sokovia.” They responded at the same time and the girl on the other side of Bucky, sandwiched between him and Steve scoffed. “They’re like the Shining twins.” She muttered, Bucky and Sam snorting at her remark. “That’s Natasha, she’s a real doll.” Bucky winked at you, Nat raising her brow before swatting his arm and shuffling in her seat to lean fully against Steve.
“Are they a thing?” You whispered to Wanda. “Nat and Steve?” She whispered back, watching you nod in response. “She denies it, but they’re so into each other.” She giggled, Pietro leaning over as he became curious of your conversation. “I wonder who else is into someone and yet they deny it, hm?” He asked, voice laced with challenging sarcasm, to which his sister fixed him with a warning stare. “I’m going to grab a drink, anyone want one?” Wanda asked, standing up from her seat, everyone in the group mumbling an answer before she shimmied out of the row of seats.
Pietro got up and dramatically flopped down into his sister’s seat beside you, leaving his blue track jacket in a heap in his own seat. He leaned his elbow on the arm rest, head propped up on his hand as he gave you a heart stopping dreamy smile, blue eyes looking into yours. “Are you going to tell us your name or am I going to have to keep calling you Prinţesă?” Pietro asked, Bucky sighing and rolling his eyes. “What did you just call me?” You asked quietly, a little shy. “Princess.” Pietro winked at you, seeing the way you reacted, slightly flustered and you went quiet for a moment, making him think you didn’t like it. “It’s Sokovian right?” You asked. “Can you tell me more?” You asked, inquisitively and Pietro grinned, nodding. “Only if you tell me your name, Prinţesă.” He winked, a soft chuckle on his lips. “Oh my god.” You heard one of the guys mutter from next to you, presumably at the way Pietro was flirting with you, but to be honest, you didn’t mind. It didn’t seem ingenuine and even if it was, he was so playful that maybe this was just Pietro.
Suddenly Pietro’s arm was yanked out from under him, head dropping and smacking against your shoulder, Wanda standing over him looking rather unimpressed, Sam and Bucky collapsing into laughter, a string of giggles leaving your lips as you helped Pietro sit back up straight again. Wanda hissed something at Pietro in Sokovian, Bucky’s eyes widening at her words and you realised he could understand them. “She said he’s an asshole for stealing her seat every time she leaves.” Bucky leaned into your side, translating for you, failing to mention the fact that Wanda had also scolded Pietro for immediately flirting with you. “And Piet just said- well you don’t want to know what he just said.” He chuckled, making you giggle.
The lecture finally started, the professor having been late to the session and the hall quietened, Rumlow’s group stirring up now and again with stupid remarks and general irritating school boy behaviour. The odd note was passed up and down the row between you and your new friends, mostly between Sam and Bucky, Wanda and Nat sharing their notes with you too.
The bell rang, signalling the end of the session and everyone immediately leapt up before the lecturer was even finished with his presentation. “So, Prinţesă.” You turned to see Pietro as you stepped out of the row of seats, the rest of the group heading down towards the lecture hall door. Reaching up to sweep his silver hair to one side, Pietro gave you a soft, lopsided grin, gesturing for you to go slightly ahead of him, though he walked almost beside you as you descended the stairs together.
“Want to finally tell me your name over coffee?” He asked, making you giggle softly. “I’d like that.” You nodded, glancing over your shoulder at him, sharing a soft smile. “Can’t wait, Prinţesă.” Pietro winked at you. And Pietro really couldn’t wait. He wanted to know who you were, who the girl was that seemed to completely melt his heart within only seconds of meeting her. And he wanted to know what you were really like, especially as you were so shy. You knew as you walked down the steps with him at your side, that your time at Stark University was definitely going to be more interesting and exciting than you had imagined it could be.
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Next part
Pietro taglist (OPEN):
@barneswidow @megantje123
Stark University Taglist (OPEN):
@dracosaccount @thesewaywardskies @wasicskosgirl @acciopietro @hanaamara @ikkleronniekins
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thornshadowwolf · 2 years
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[ID: a bingo card with "Danger Days TV Show" written at the top in red lettering. The top left square reads "killjoys make everything unnecessarily gendered." The next square is "Vinyl and/or Volume entirely cut." Next is "Red and Blue have a mother/daughter relationship." Next "Ultra Vs are the only crew or other crews are treated as "violent gangs."" The last square in the top row says "Vaya and Vamos are white." The first square in the second row reads "Director tragic backstory." The next square says "Cherri is a traitor." Next is "The girl is aged up but not enough for the romance they put her and Val in," followed by "First ep(s) someone escaping Battery City." The last square in the second row says "Korse wears a police or military outfit (no ruffles)." The next row starts with "Dr D is somebody's father," then "Vaya and Vamos are "identical twins" who are clearly meant to be a cis man and a cis woman." The center square that would normally say "free space" is gray with red writing that says "Nobody likes the casting." The last two squares in the row read "The Girl is white," and "Val Velocity backstory episode (probably bear the end)." The fourth row starts with "Fab Four resurrection or fake death." The next square is "The show is on Val's side when he kills Dr D and Cherri." Next is "Drac masks look high-tech and futuristic," followed by "internally consistent timeline but when you think about it it makes no sense." The last square in the fourth row is "Phoenix Witch and zone religions rely heavily on indigenous stereotypes." The first square in the fifth row says "Future montage, time skip, or epilogue." The next square reads "costuming is an entirely different style than any of the killjoy outfits we've seen." Next is "The crews are all men (maybe one all-girl crew) and "protect the women and children of the zones."" The next square says "Girlboss Director," and the final square says "Red and Blue are sidelined or removed." /end ID]
Thoughts that didn't make it onto the card and blank card under the cut.
- in-universe reference to MCR
- one character who is "ambiguously a person of color"
- Red and Blue have a ton of interaction and involvement with the Ultra Vs
- not necessarily explicit but definitely fanservice-y sex scene with Red or Blue
- season ends with Cali being saved but some reference to the rest of the world or at least another state that leaves room for a season 2
- use music as a (literal) weapon
- several side characters and/or twitter characters not shown but referenced
- Mad Gear removed
- The Girl is explicitly stated to be Missile Kid
- The Girl gets flashback scenes to the Fab Four
- Vaya and Vamos are a couple
- Cherri and one of the twitter DJs are a couple
- two of the Fab Four are siblings but NOT Party Poison and The Kobra Kid
- "The Phoenix Witch is real and reveals herself to everyone" conversion storyline
- poorly executed Val redemption arc
- Ultra Vs are all white (or white-passing) and most of the BL/i officials we see a lot of (The Director, Korse, etc.) are POC (even worse if all the BL/i officials are one ethnicity).
- C.A.T. is removed
- The Girl has a conveniently timed "suddenly I understand/I have confidence/I must sacrifice myself" moment that makes her able to use and control her powers
- two of the Fab Four have switched names or outfits
- The Girl's powers work entirely differently (ex. they give her some psychic brainwave/soundwave control)
- neutral town that looks like a "poor foreign village but with a thriving marketplace"
- Phoenix Witch and zone religions rely heavily on romani stereotypes
- party at The Nest has a pole-dancing drag queen
- electricity-soul monster that BL/i controls fights Destroya (bonus points if The Girl comes in and "frees the souls" somehow and the monster dissipates or turns on Batt City)
- season ends with some ambiguous way to bring Red back to life because her "essence" or some BS is still floating around
- Dr D's wheelchair is removed
- Val (an possibly other Killjoys) have their "real names" revealed
- Show Pony is removed
- Show Pony and Cherri Cola are related
- Ultra Vs have to go to a concert for some reason
- Red and/or Blue have to go to an illegal rave in The Lobby for some reason
- Party is Val's father
- reference to in-universe Mike Milligram
- kinda covered in the "unnecessarily genderd" square but the outfits are Bad For That. The men have typical desert apocalypse wear and/or biker outfits, the women have "Harley Quinn as directed and costumed by men" outfits.
- nobody (irl) likes the name they give The Girl
- new fans who don't realize that there is "source material" and flood the tags and get into arguments about our thoughts and HCs from before the show because they're not canon-compliant with the show
- new character who is a rebel within the city, at least at the start (maybe a juvie hall??)
- The Girl is just some random city kid (well, except that she has powers and is The Chosen One) and the story starts with her escaping the city and finding the Ultra Vs (kinda covered by the above and the "first eps are someone escaping the city" but I wanted to mention it being The Girl specifically)
- all characters are aged up OR they are teens played by 35-year-olds
- they remove Val's obsession with Party
- Ultra Vs is short for Ultra Violets and they are referred to as Ultra Violets most, if not all, of the time.
- bike and/or car chase or gunfight on bikes/cars
- the "masks hold souls" lore is dropped
- the Analog Wars/Helium Wars happened hundreds of years ago
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[ID: a blank bingo card that is has "Danger Days TV Show" written at the top in red. The middle square where it would normally say "free space" is tinted gray and says "Nobody likes the casting" in red writing. /end ID]
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borathae · 3 years
The One That Got Away
Today I present you Bangtan as that one boy you once had a thing with at a party when you were still young. You never got his name, but the feeling of his touch is still imprinted on your skin to this day. Decades have past since then and yet you know that once you are at gates of heaven he will be waiting there for you, because deep down you both knew that you were meant to be. 
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New Year 1965. You snuck into a New Years Party at your towns most famous nightclub.  You didn’t know anyone except your best friend, who you ended up losing ten minutes into the party. He found you wandering around the club and offered you a drink. In the end the one drink turned into five. It was the corridors leading to the toilets when he pressed you against the walls and claimed your lips in a passionate kiss. He scribbled his name on the inside of your hand with his eyeliner when he left, but when you opened your palm your sweat had already washed it away.
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It was the 24th of December 1973, a Christmas Party at some random girls house. You weren’t friends with her, but she invited you anyways. You noticed him in an instance, of course you did. Tall, handsome, obviously a little older than the rest. Nobody knew who he was and yet everyone acted as if they had known him their entire life. He kissed you in the kitchen where everyone could see you. He was the first boy you ever kissed and sometimes you still think back to the taste of his strawberry lipstick.  
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14th of August in the year 1989, you just started college. You and your former classmates welcomed the new chapter in your life together over a few drinks and games. He was a boy from another school, someone from your math class took him to the party. You and him sneaked out of the window and stumbled up the stairs to the rooftop. He showed you constellations up there and kissed your neck until goosebumps covered your skin. 
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The last day of July, 1980. It was also the last day of your first ever trip to a foreign country without your parents. Some random girl invited you and your best friend to her rooftop party. That’s where you met him, sipping on Vodka and dancing to Blondie. He asked you for a dance and kissed you when the sun greeted the moon on the sky. Until this day when you put your Blondie record on, you dance through your house and think back to the way his hands felt on your back.
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Halloween of 1959. You and your friends went out trick or treating, well at least that is what you told your parents. In reality you went to a party in a warehouse. He was there, chatting you up with a cheesy pickup line. Something that had to do with your costume, it made you laugh. He told you his name was Dracula and that he was out to suck your blood. It made you laugh again. To this day you touch the spot on your neck on which he had painted a hickey with his lips, whishing he had painted his name on your skin instead. 
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The last Saturday in September, 1984. It was at a bar. You and your friends used fake IDs to attend a concert there of some unknown rock band. He was there too, sitting alone on a barstool and tapping his fingers onto the counter to the beat. Your eyes met when the song changed and ten minutes later you and him danced and sang together in the front row, he held your hand throughout. It was another hour later when he had you in a deep kiss in the backroom, tasting of cigarettes and tequilla. The bracelet he gave you that night, you still wear around your wrist. 
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12th of March 1955. You met with a few friends from your neighbour town to drink. It was all a rebellion against your strict parents. He was there too, telling you that he ran away from home because he couldn’t take his parents anymore. It was clear he was one of the troublemakers and it drew you in. You talked about his plans to move to the coast with a short-circuited bike and made out until your lips were swollen. When he asked you to come with him you declined. Until this day you regret it, imagining how awesome your life could have been if only you wouldn’t have declined his offer.  
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pinkmirth · 3 years
𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸!𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗯𝗻𝗵𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗵𝗰𝘀: 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝘁
[𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀]- 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝘀: 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂, 𝗸𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮, 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮, 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼, 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗶, 𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶, 𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗸𝘀
𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:
𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂 𝗸𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶;
•he was getting some spicy food at a street market one day after school. •you then went up to him randomly, asking what would be a good food to get since you were new to japan. •his face practically reddened at the sight of you, but he merely clicked his teeth, saying that he couldn't help you because his taste is extremely spicy. •you responded with a laugh, saying that you were more than capable to handle spice. •you both ended up eating and chatting together as you ate. •well, you did most of the talking as he nodded and grunted in response half of the time.. •nonetheless, you found his company very enlightening, so you asked for his number successfully.
"excuse me?" a strangely accented voice called out to bakugou, the boy turning in the direction of the voice. "hah?" he called out as he looked down at you, instantly deeming you as american, hence the accent and your uniquely fascinating look. "is there any food that you can recommend to me? im new here.." you told him sheepishly as you flashed a small smile, the boy's face heating up dangerously. you then started to hear small fizzling noises, your attention drawn to his hands, which were letting out small explosions. "you good?" you asked in a concerned tone. "i thought that you wanted food, the fuck are you worried about me for?" he replied snappily, making you blink your eyes at him. "damn.." you muttered under your breath, though you didn't take it personal. "listen, your tongue is gonna burn the fuck off if i pick out food for you, woman." he laughed in a mocking manner. "boy," you scoffed, "i can handle more than a bit of damn seasoning..!" you chuckled, looking up at him with those dark glistening eyes of yours. he then ordered two small bowls of spicy curry for the both of you and told you to sit your ass down at the nearest outdoor table, to which you only laughed at him. "you didn't have to pay for it, yknow.." you told him, taking a spoonful of food nonetheless. "just think of it as hospitality.. or a welcoming gift or some shit. you're new here anyway.." he grumbled, taking a bite out of his own food. "what's your name?" you asked him, "don't worry about my name," he scoffed, "when i become the number one hero, everybody's gonna know my fucking name!" he said triumphantly, a cocky smirk on his face. "is that so..?" you asked him with a grin, "that's only if i don't become the number one hero..! you gon have to watch out for me, cause i'm your new competition!" you laughed, making his eye twitch. "is that a fucking challenge?" he spoke, "maybe." you replied, taking another bite of your food. he couldn't lie, it impressed him how you were taking full blown spoonfuls and not complaining about any spice, the drink he bought you staying untouched. "ay," you called out, "your face is red! i thought that you was the one tellin' me bout spice!" you snickered. "it's not the fucking spice that's making me blush!" he retorted, his face getting redder as he watched you let out a series of giggles. before long, the food was finished and he was ready to leave the table without even saying goodbye. "aht aht, where you goin to?" you asked him as you stood up with him. "home, the fuck? its not like ive got the time to talk to a stranger all damn day!" he said in defense. "well, you've at least gotta tell me your name!" you whined, "fine, shut up, puffball!" he said as you gasped. "really? puffball?" you gasped sarcastically, a hand at your heart. "you wanna know my name or not?" he snapped, "yes, of course!" you exclaimed, "s'bakugou. don't fucking forget it." he said, watching you nod as you took in the name. "—can i get your number too, bakugou?" you asked as he groaned. "fucking fine.." he grunted, "you got a pen?" he asked, taking a hold of your arm. "i can just get out my phone, the fuck you tryna write on my skin for?!" you said as he chuckled, "its more memorable that way, duh, puffball. you should be damn grateful to be the first to get an autograph from the one and only lord explosion murder." he said, taking the pen you handed him as he wrote his digits on your forearm, the gentle, warm but firm grip he had on your wrist making you unknowingly grin. "now you've gotta do the same. your name and number, puffball." he said, cocking his brow as you started to laugh. "eh, ill tell you allat when I feel like it. see ya, bakugou." you said, disappearing into the crowd of the bustling street market before he could make any snarky remark, a small smirk on his face that even surprised him, he was sure that the feeling that made his ears buzz and heat up was merely irritation. "she's such a damn tease..!" he couldn't even recall when he became intrigued.
𝗸𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮 𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂;
•he "met" you via call. •him, kaminari, and sero were pulling an all nighter together in his room, just hanging out on the bed. •like the immature teenage boys they are, they decided to play 'dare or dare' at two in the morning. •kirishima had been dared to call his number neighbor, which he was hesitant of, despite doing the dare anyway. •the phone rang as he placed it on the bed, the goofy trio looking at it in anticipation, expecting some old geezer to pick up the phone. •boy, were they wrong.
"cmon, bro! i did the dare you gave me, so you've gotta do the same!" kaminari urged, making kirishima sigh. "it wasn't even that extreme of a dare! you just had to let sero smack you!" the redhead protested, "and that shit was fun, too. id do it again, ha!" the raven haired boy laughed out, earning a nudge to the side from the electric blond.
"don't be a pussy, just call and hang up if it makes you feel any better!" kaminari suggested, "fine, ill do it!" kirishima gave in, "don't start feeling disappointed when some 100 year old guy picks up the phone, kami!" he huffed.
eijirou dialed the number on his phone,
xxx-xxx-xxxy, which was only the slightest bit different from his number, which was
he then set the phone on the bed and put it on speaker, the boys looking within themselves as they waited for the person on the other side of the line to answer.
"nevermind, fuck this.." kaminari sighed, running a hand through his golden blond locks. the phone then finally picked up, kirishima's ears perking up eagerly.  
"ahm.. h-hello?" a smooth, feminine voice called out tiredly, the boys gaping at eachother. "uhm.. hello!" kirishima replied, "who da hell out here callin me at two am?" you asked, making the boys tense up your at your tone.
the redhead started to feel bad for waking you up, the sleepiness apparent in your voice. you then let out a series of melodic chuckles, ones that made kirishima want to hold a hand at his pounding heart.
"who this?" you asked, "kirishima! that's my name, at least! im your number neighbor, ha.." he said, "well, kirishima.." you spoke once more, your captivating accent making him infer that you were black, but that only excited him more, leaving him to wonder how beautiful you truly were, "imma talk to you later. a girl gotta sleep, yknow?" you told him, your voice velvety as the sound waves hit his ears.
"y-yeah, sure!" he complied. "ill save your number though, boo." you told him, the simple nickname making him smile to himself.
"wait, what's your name?" he asked you, "y/n. cute name, right?" you giggled, his heart clenching at the sound.
"how about I meet up with you tomorrow, y/n?" he suggested. "that would be nice, kirishima.." you said into the phone, the eagerness heard in your voice to meet this mystery boy, "you had better not be no random dealer.." you sighed, "no, I don't sell..!!!" he gasped in reply. "perfect." you said, "goodnight, kirishima. ion know what you doin up at two am, but have a blast, boo." that was the last thing you said before ending the call.
"...she sounds like a total fuckin’ babe! you're welcome, kiri!" kaminari said, but the sharky boy was too busy thinking about the call, your voice replaying in his head. apparently, eijirou thought dazedly, voice kinks actually ARE real..
"she was..
𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮 𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂;
•he met you at some beauty supply store. •you might be wondering; what the hell is deku doing at the damn beauty supply? •see, he was there with mirio to get some stuff for eri so they could do her hair, and he didn't really know what to get. •he saw you in the same isle as him later on and decided to ask what would be good to get for a little girl. •when you turned to him and smiled, he choked on thin air and was astonished with you and your 'melanated' beauty. •despite his nervous stammering, he accomplished in getting your number.
"eri-chan, do you like this one..?" izuku asked, holding up a light green bow to her pale blue hair. "deku-san.. any color is fine.." the smaller girl replied, her large red eyes staring into his emerald ones. he sighed before flashing her a small smile, putting the bow back up. he wanted to give the girl something that would make her feel pretty, but he didn't know what she would really like.. "do you know anything about hair products and stuff, togata-senpai..?" midoriya asked mirio, whom only shrugged in reply. "i used to have longer hair, but I didn't really use any accessories, yknow!" the blond replied in his normal ecstatic tone. "oh.." deku sighed, "ill just keep looking!" he then walked into another row, glancing at all the hair products for natural hair, the tropical, warm, and sugary smells sending his nose into heaven. his hair was a bit curly himself, so maybe he'd be able to use some of them..? anyway, he continued to look through the products, letting out a huff, since he didn't find anything eye catching that gave him 'eri' vibes. he then saw a flash of chocolate brown in his peripheral vision, along with a good whiff of a smell similar to all those hair products, making him let out a small moan at the scent, which would probably become his new favorite smell. he turned around to see you, a black girl around his age that was dressed stylishly, your curly/coily hair captivating him as he gazed at you, whom was merely crouching down to look at some hair clips and other things that you were interested in. he then got the great idea to ask for your help! "hello? excus—" he called out to you as you jerked your head up, looking at him with a pack of durable hair ties in hand. he hadn't gotten a good look at your face, but now that he had, his breath had hitched on the spot as he felt heat rise to his freckled cheeks. he wanted to say something, but something about your melanated beauty intimidated him. not like he was scared, but he just wanted to make a good impression so bad that he froze up. you started to stand up from your crouching position, your dark brown/[color] eyes watching him curiously. "hi..!" you spoke cooly in your rich, slang-suffused voice. "h-hi!" he replied briskly, his fists clenched in flustered-ness. "i-i wanted t-to ask.." he stammered, giving himself a slap mentally, "if y-you could help m-me pick out some hair accessories! ones that would be good for a little girl..!" he explained, gulping a bit as he finished. your dark eyes only examined him as he spoke, your plump, glossy lips curving up into a smile that made him melt. "sure! why you ain't ask me earlier, boy? actin all cute and nervous.." you chuckled, making midoriya believe you made him fall in love with a stranger at first sight.. after some looking, you found a pair of red bows that you had just assumed would look good on the girl he spoke of, and that they did, the vibrant color matching with eri's big red eyes. she seemed to like them as well, the six year old girl twirling with the ribbons of the bows around her small fingers. "thank you so much! i think she actually likes them..!" izuku said in relief, the small smile on eri's face making him grin as well. "no problem! happy I could help, man." you said, making your way over to the cashier. he wanted to talk to you more.. "psst!" mirio whispered, "go talk to her!" he encouraged, izuku giving off a brisk nod of courage in reply. "h-hey!" he called out to you. "i-i wanted t-to ask you s-something again...!" he said once more, watching you sling the bag of beauty products onto your forearm as you listened to him, his flustered voice being something you found absolutely adorable. "c-can i h-have your.. number..?"
𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮; *𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗼 :)*
•you both sat next to eachother on a train ride home. •but before that, you had noticed him at your membership gym where you did your exercise and acrobatics. •you couldn't help but take glances at him •he was well built, toned, tall, and pretty damn flexible, plus he was shirtless, so of course you had to look.. •you were even gazing at him for so long that you lost your balance and stumbled a bit.. •before you could introduce yourself, which you were more than willing to do, the cute but peculiarly elbowed boy had left. •to your delight, you saw him again as you entered the train for your ride home. •he shares his oranges with you >///<
"dayumm.." you whistled lowly, watching a black haired male from across the gymnasium. his back faced towards you, so you couldn't really see his face. you were doing simple stretches, in a side split at the moment, since you weren't in the mood for doing as much exercise. your eyes followed everywhere he went, taking in all of his motions and the flexing of his back muscles that you could see through his flimsy orange tank top, which he was actually starting to take off to your delight, pulling it over his head. your eyes widened before your lips curved up into a small smirk. "ive been blessed with this view.." you joked. you weren't the kind to be obsessed with boys and their looks or anything, but something about this guy was riveting, especially his elbows.. he then turned around, slowly lowering himself into a side splits position as he let a small huff leave his lips, wincing at the stretching of his inner thigh muscles. "he clearly hasn't done this shit in a while.." you said to yourself, watching him stretch forward as he stayed in his side splits position. he then looked up, his eyes meeting yours momentarily. his cheeks reddened in awe as he saw you, whom was already looking at him. he then flashed a wide smile, one that made you smile back, the contrast of your brown skin and pearly whites making him grin even wider. he seemed to slyly wink at you before getting up, walking over to another area of the gymnasium as you huffed over his departure. or maybe that wink was just your imagination..? "come back, hot guy.." you whined to yourself, getting up as well and making your way over to the nearby aerial skills fabric, only because you wanted to do something impressive that the black haired boy would see from afar. you made your way up the fabric, pulling yourself up with the incredible upper body strength that you had. you set yourself in a comfortable position, also in a position as to where you could see the 'elbows' guy a lot clearer. "it should be illegal to go around lookin that damn good.." you said to yourself, watching him do a simple form of yoga by himself in a calm corner. he then opened his eyes abruptly, digging into the pocket of his sweats to take out his phone, which was going off, probably for an alarm that he had set up. he got up, stretched a little more, and started to grab his belongings. you then scoffed, immediately getting down from the fabrics. there was no way that you'd allow him to leave before you got to know him.. you then started to jog towards him, since he was a ways away from you. he began to rotate his arms a bit, his muscles flexing as he did arm circles, making you stop in your tracks as you watched him. was this his quirk or something, or did every little thing he did leave you addicted? you felt yourself practically leaning in as you watched him pack up his things, his side profile showing off none other than his gleaming smile that he always seemed to have on his cute face. he slipped his orange top back on and made way for the exit, and that's when you finally snapped out of your trance, your ankles giving out as you fell on the ground, due to looking for so long that you had started to lose your balance. "shit, man.." you winced, rubbing at your ankles. by the time you looked up, he was gone. "i know i didn't snap my ankles just so mans could walk away.." you grumbled, getting up and slipping on your tracksuit jacket. you didn't want to do much today anyways, so you we're ready to go home. as you walked to the train station, you payed mind to a small but noticeable limp in your step, a mild pain tingling in your ankle. it wasn't bad, but it wasn't too fun either.. you huffed, making your way onto the train, trying to find yourself a seat and ignore the small awkward looks that people gave you because of your natural appearance that you obviously couldn't change. you only shrugged. im black, so what? the fuck..? you thought, though you weren't one to spark an argument and say it out loud. you were more than used to it anyway, so why give a damn anymore? though, somebody noticed it going on, and they couldn't stand it. "hey," a voice called out to you, "wanna sit with me?" you turned to see the same black haired boy from the gym, smiling sweetly at you as he moved his duffel bag just so you could sit. "...yeah, thanks." you replied cooly, but in the inside, you were freaking out. who knew that he'd be on your train?! "you okay?" he asked you, noticing your slight limp and your aerobic leggings as you chuckled, "whaddya mean specifically? the hating ass looks or my limping?" you said to him, "both." he replied quickly, his soft black bangs swaying as he leaned forward a bit to take a good look at you and your alluring afrocentric features. "um.. are you good? your face is getting all red." you told him, his eyes widening. "i-it is? sorry.." he chuckled in apology, leaning back into his seat with his hands resting at his knees. "...i saw you at the gym earlier, yknow." he told you, "those aerobic skills were pretty damn cool." he told you, the same smile on his face that you were sure you'd never get tired of seeing. "yeah, well i might have to take a break from them for a hot minute..." you sighed, regarding your ankle. "hey, you want an orange?" he asked abruptly as you blinked at him. "boy, did you just ask me if i wanted an orange?" you queried at his random suggestion. "yeah, ive got a few in here! they're my favorites~" he said with a large grin, "they always help me feel better. well, it might not help with physical pain, but—" he started, "nah, it's all good, i get it whatchu mean." you chuckled, taking the fruit that he handed to you. of course, it wasn't the best to take things from strangers, but there was something about him and his flashy smile that made you trust him. you both ate the fruit in silence, the only thing heard being the minimal chatter of other passengers and small rattling sounds of the rails. as you sat next to him, the warmth of his body radiating onto yours as your shoulders touched, it felt as though it was only you and him.. his phone then started to ring as he took it out of his pocket, giving you a look of apology for the abrupt noise. "s'my mom.." he chuckled before answering the call. "hola mamá!" he said into the phone, clearly speaking another foreign language, "qué pasa? oh, lo que estoy haciendo?" she had asked him what he was doing, but of course, you didn't understand the language he spoke, so you merely sat there, listening to the smoothness of his deep voice as he spoke into the phone. "uh.. bueno esta chica, ella está sentada mi lado.." he spoke lower, though you didn't know why, "una linda chica negra.." little did you know that he was gushing over you to his mom, "n-no, mom! no mi novia!" he cried out, only making you assume that his mother had said something embarrassing to him, "uhh.. talk to you later, ma.." he said, briskly ending the call with a huff. "what were you even saying?" you asked with a giggle as he tensed up, not wullling to explain to you about how he told his mom that he was sitting next to a cute black girl... "w-we were talking about oranges..!" he said on the spot as you tilted your head. "really..?" you asked, since he seemed more than unsure of his answer. "uhm.. yeah," he said, "we were talking about how we'll need to grow more because..." he trailed off, then got an idea, looking at you as his warm grin widened, "because i have a new friend to share them with!"
𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗶 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗼;
•winter time! ⁂ •you were at the grocery store, just getting the mandatory food items. •after getting all the stuff you needed, you decided to get your favorite comfort food; •soba. preferably hot. •just as you went to grab for some, you saw a bigger, more muscular hand reach for the same pack of buckwheat noodles. •as your hands rubbed, you let out a hiss, because their hand was mad cold. •you looked up to see a tall charming boy around your age, the two sides of his face looking extremely different. •you stared at him for a while before he called out to you, seeming to be the fifth time since you were too busy looking at his face.. •who ends up getting the soba?
you rolled your cart to another side of the grocery store, letting out a sigh of relief that you had finished most of your shopping. you then saw a bit of cool smog leaving your mouth, making you roll your eyes in bafflement. it was winter time and you were decked up, wearing a knee-long bubble coat, uggs and a scarf, so the fact that this grocery store had the audacity to put air conditioning on at such a cold period in time made you want to cuss them out. "it's even colder in here than it is outside, dammit.." you muttered, rolling your cart around some more until you got to where you wanted; the rice and noodles section. you were itching to get some hot soba, especially with the sauce that you'd always eat it with. your mouth curved up into a smile, thinking about eating the bowl of noodles as you watched anime by the time you got home. you put your cart aside in a place where it wouldn't be bothersome, and reached your hand out for the food. just as you did, a pale and muscular hand reached out for the same item, making you immediately withdrawal your hand because of the sub-zero temperature of his skin.. "sorry." the person said in a deep, calm tone. you then looked up to see a tall teenage boy dressed in a cream colored turtleneck and black pants, his face seemingly crafted by angels.. the two sides of his face were complete opposites, making you even more drawn to him as you stared. "hello?" he called out for what seemed like the fifth time, snapping you out of your thoughts. "hm? oh, sorry!" you apologized, "you can have it if you want." he said, ready to walk out of the aisle as you panicked a bit. "no, you can have it! go ahead!" you said to him as he turned back around. "it seems that you were anticipating to get that, so it's okay." he said, blinking his eyes a bit. he merely stood there for a bit, thinking as he looked at the ground. "how about i buy it for you?" he offered, making your eyes widen. "no need to do that, it's aight!" you told him. "it's not a problem to me. i have my father's credit card, so im more than willing to splurge. besides, it's the holiday season, so i should do something nice for another, shouldn't i?" he explained in question, taking the soba and handing it to you with a small smile, one that made your heart pound within your chest. "ah.. thank yo— ack!" you whimpered as his hand touched yours, now being extremely hot this time. "sorry, it's my quirk.." he told you. "you good.." you shrugged it off, "i guess that's why you're only wearing a turtleneck in this freezing store?" you asked him with a chuckle as he nodded. "oh, the soba fell.." he said in realization, the both of you bending down to pick it up at the same time, resulting in you two bumping your foreheads together. you stumbled back a little bit until he caught you, the coolness of his breath slightly hitting your face, the small gap between your faces making your ears heat up and his face flush red. "..i-i keep messing up, im sorry.." he said once more in a more sheepish tone, helping you upright. "it's fine, no need to keep apologizing." you told him. "you still want that soba?" he asked you as you nodded. "let's go to the cashier if you're ready." he told you as you nodded, still feeling so touched that he was willing to pay, no matter how many times you told him that it was okay. "y/n." you said out of the blue. "hm?" he hummed in response. "im y/n. since you insist on buying stuff for me, you should at least know who i am, yes?" you asked him with a smile. "right. im shouto." he said as you nodded. "i can't thank you enough, shouto!" you said with gratitude as he flashed a small, close mouthed grin once more. "no problem, y/n" just as you two were about to leave the aisle, an employee rolled in a cart of soba, probably containing more than 300 packs. "how lucky.. would you like more?" he asked you, pointing at the cart, "im feeling rather generous today, y/n" he told you. you got the racks for allat?!" you asked while gaping at him. just who exactly is he? "well, i can't.." he said, holding up the credit card, "but my father can."
𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶 𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗸𝗶;
•the first time he saw you, you weren't even fully clothed. •which is his ideal way to meet a hot black girl, of course.. •he was simply out shopping with the bakusquad •he then went to the fitting rooms to try on some clothes. •because he is a smart individual, he immediately went to the biggest stall. •only to see you in skinny jeans and a bra, your eyes widening as you saw him, whom had frozen in place, heavily embarrassed but somewhat excited. •after apologizing and leaving, he helped you find some good clothes that were your style and matched your skin tone well. •and there's absolutely no way that he'd meet someone as amazing as you and not want to get your digits..
"kiri, tell the group that ill be trying out these hoodies, 'kay?" kaminari said to his red headed friend. "sure, bro!" kirishima agreed, waving off as the electric blond made his way to the fitting rooms, which were unisex. "the biggest ones are the best ones..!" he mumbled to himself, zooming straight to the largest stall. he whistled to himself as he swung the door open, only to see you, a [height] black girl in a bra and ripped skinny jeans, pulling a tshirt over your head. guess the stall's lock wasn't stable.. the both of you froze, his widened eyes wandering as you held your breath, your face heating up in embarrassment. "i-im so sorry—shit!!!" he cried out before leaving the stall rather quickly. you merely stood there, biting your lip at the abrupt situation. "..the fuck, bruh.." you murmured, putting on the shirt that you wore to the mall, since you had finished changing. you walked out to see the same golden blond standing outside of the stall, running his hands through his hair with a sorry expression, his face flushed red as he muttered profanities over what he'd done. "ey," you called out to him, tapping on his shoulder, "did you like the view?" you asked cheekily as he gaped at you. you weren't really one to take things to seriously, and you could turn any situation into a bright one with a few jokes here and there. "uh.. there's no right way to answer that, is there..?" he replied with a nervous chuckle. "don't lie, you was lookin! i don't blame you though, im hot." you said with a shrug, making him laugh. "so you're a little comedian, aren't you..?" he asked you, folding his arms across his chest, clearly feeling more comfortable than before. "depends on whether im talking to a cute blond or not. so.. you know the answer, yeah?" you giggled, making him smirk. your entire being made him want to give you a hug. you were pretty, clearly damn hot, funny, confident, and you were highly melanated? he had been finding himself gravitating towards chocolate girls for a while, but you were different from the rest, of course in the best way. he was wondering whether he had won the lottery, the both of you probably being a match made in heaven, hence the small similarities between you and him that he could already notice. he liked you. "you gon keep smirking at me or are you gonna use that stall?" you asked him sarcastically, "well, i might as well warn you about that lock. utter shit, man. that's why the door swung open so easily.." you muttered as he laughed once more. "only if you join me, pretty lady.." he said with a wink as you gasped playfully. "word?" you asked as he nodded with a hum. "bet, get in there!" you exclaimed, the both of you going back into the large stall. "so," he said, sitting down on the bench inside of the stall, "how can I get to know you?" he asked smoothly, a grin on his face. "ah, you tryna be slick, huh?" you chuckled, "well, you can start off with my name. y/n." you told him. "sounds beautiful." he complimented with another smile. "oh, stop it.." you laughed, waving your hand dismissively. "im denki, or maybe your boyfriend, whichever one you wanna call me.." he said as you giggled, liking his second option. "i can help you get some good clothes, if that's what you're looking for!" he suggested as you raised your brows. "oh really?" you hummed, "really!" he replied, getting up from the bench and holding out his hand to you. "cmon, y/n! let's go shopping."
𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗷𝗶𝗸𝗶 𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶;
•he was simply on patrol with red riot and fatgum. •all of a sudden, you rushed up to him frantically, a worried look on your face. •he instantly remembered you as the girl from class 3-b, whom he had actually been a bit interested in for a while.. •he'd take glances of you whenever he saw you in the cafeteria and whatnot. •you were a good friend of mirio's but you and tamaki has never actually spoken until now. •you started to explain to him how this guy was following you and calling you a flurry of racial slurs. •he immediately started to feel his blood boiling. •anxious tama is gone, time to be a hero.
"you want another bowl of yakisoba, amajiki-sempai?" kirishima asked cheerily, "fatgum bought some more!" he told tamaki. "i-i'm fine, t-thanks.." the elf-eared boy replied, tugging at the hoodie of his hero outfit farther so it could cover his face more. he was on patrol with the eight foot, blond haired pro and the younger hero in training, simply walking through a city in japan with a mindset ready to defend, which is what tamaki would have to do soon for you, whether he was ready or not.. he suddenly felt a pair of hands grip onto his arm, their fingers digging into his clothed bicep in fear. he yelped out as he looked down to see a familiar black girl with a shaken expression, the elf eared boy pressing his lips closed at the sight of you, his slanted eyes widening along with his face heating up. "..youre amajiki, yeah..?" you asked him as he nodded briskly, not daring to make a sound before he stuttered himself to an embarrassing point of no return. he knew you! well, he couldn't exactly say it that way, it made it seem as though you two were close. he would actually admire you from afar in school, with all honesty. he recalled you to be the pretty, brown skinned outgoing girl with a high puff that would usually be seen around mirio, since the two of you were both in class 3-b. he could practically feel the words itching to crawl up his throat and leave his mouth, though he didn't even know what those words would be.. what would he say to you? "oi, amajiki! i really need your help right now.. i heard that there was patrolling going on, so I just followed the sight of fatgum's head through the crowd.." you told him, snapping him out of his trance as he let out a yelp once more, the tall but introverted teen looking down at you, uncomfortable hums leaving his mouth due to his uncertainty of how to finally speak to you, which he was fucking up royally. "there's this guy.. he keeps following me and calling me some.. not nice things." you explained, "and he's making me uncomfortable.." you told him, his brows furrowing. "a-are you o-okay..? d-do y-y-you.. argh!" he gave up speaking for the time being as you looked up at him with a confused expression, your hands still holding onto his arm, as if you were trying to latch onto him for a sense of comfort. "its aight, miri told me that you aren't the most social guy.." you sighed, "but id really appreciate if you could keep a look out for that guy.. he looks mad sketchy, also wearing a goofy ass 'all lives matter' shirt..." you whispered to him, starting to walk with him through the bustling streets behind fatgum and red riot, your hands still around his arm as he looked around with an intimidating look, in search for whoever had been bothering you. "...w-what did h-he say t-to you..?" the indigo haired teen asked as you scoffed. "you don't wanna know, amajiki." you told him as he gave you a look. "oh, you actually wanna know? like, deadass?" you asked once more to make sure as he nodded hesitantly. "cmere then.." you signaled him to crouch down a bit so you could whisper all the info into his ear. "w-wha— he f-followed you... for t-that long..?! just because of.. oh.. o-oh no.." he muttered incredulously, now feeling his blood starting to rush in an angry flurry. how dare someone taunt and bother you like this just because you were different? "and then, he called me a——" you whispered the word into his ear as he gasped loudly. "h-how r-rude!!!" he wailed as you huffed in agreement. "and he wouldn't seem to leave me alone.. well, not until i mixed with the crowd and found you, that is.. i think I've lost him.." you said, "thanks, amajiki.. you've already helped me a lot.." you said to him graciously as he gave off an awkward smile in return, averting his eyes from yours. "n-no problem.." he replied, though his job wasn't done just yet. he finally spotted the man at the corner of his eye, whom was seemingly making his way towards you. "oi, the dark one!" they called out as you groaned, "oh hell nah.." you uttered with the roll of your eyes. "we don't need people like you here! the last time i came out to the city, a black pest stole my wallet!" he shouted, most people in a hearing range stopping in their tracks and turning to you, amajiki and the man. "s-she hasn't s-s-stolen anything..!" tamaki stammered, "so l-leave her a-alone!" he urged, the crowd cheering suneater on as others opposed the racist, shouting at him to leave you be. "oh yeah? lemme check her first, she probably stole something from one of these markets!" he said, lunging towards you as everybody gasped. tamaki activated his quirk swiftly, entrapping the man in his manifested tentacles. "don't touch her." he demanded, earring cheers from everyone around, but he didn't really care about all that, he just wanted you to be safe. tamaki turned around, looking down at you with worried eyes as he kept the man trapped with his quirk, "a-are you o-okay..?" he asked shakily as you grinned at him. "yup, i am now," you told him before planting a kiss on his cheek, "you a real one, suneater."
𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶 𝗸𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗼 ^ (𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗸𝘀);
•it all started when he asked you if you fell from heaven. literally. •you're a young adult pro hero whom is good with combat skills and such. •but you aren't the best at using your quirk: hover. •your quirk allows you to hover over 500 feet from the ground, but you'd never used it to its full capacity, only working it up to 100 feet. •you were working on using it to a farther capacity, and since you have a hero license to use your quirk in public, you decided that you'd just work on it while out patrolling. •big mistake.. •but never fear! fast man Hawks was there to swoop you off of your feet and into the sky~
"you can do this, y/n.." you told yourself as you hovered above countless buildings, which was the height that would usually be your limit. today, that would change, aiming to touch the clouds. you looked up farther into the never ending sky, a small shuddering sound leaving your mouth. maybe it wouldn't be too bad to cancel practice for today and stay on the ground.. "no! i should try at least..!" you encouraged yourself, hovering higher and higher until even the skyscrapers looked like ants. you then felt a strong pressure around your entire body because your system wasn't used to it, making you writhe in the air as your quirk started to deactivate. "nonono, oh shit!!!" you screamed, falling helplessly through the sky, your [color] braids whipping around from the wind as you came closer to the ground, many screams leaving your mouth in fear. before you hit the ground, you got swooped up before the impact, a flurry of red feathers around you. "the fuck—?!" you shouted, looking up to see the undeniably charming face of the one and only number two hero, hawks. "hey there, pretty birdie~" he chirped as you merely glared at him, still shaken from your freefalling. "did it hurt when you fell from heaven???" as he spoke teasingly, you looked down to see that he had flown higher up than you were before, your eyes widening. "g-get me down, hawks!!" you pleaded, your hands gripping onto his brown jacket as he only chuckled.   "i saw what you were doing up here.." he told you, "don't you still wanna learn how to pass your limit? i can teach you if you want~" he offered you sweetly, still flying about with you in his arms as you both soared through the sky, the feeling that you were despite of at first now feeling more comforting and stress-less. "t-that would be great..!" you yelled, since the sounds of the wind made it hard to hear, "but can you put me down..?" you asked him as he blinked before letting out another laugh. "right, i forgot about that! sometimes, when i start flying i can't come down. i should warn you, its addicting to feel so free up here..." he told you. "can you get me down now?! geez, nigga.." you scoffed as he let out an awkward chuckle, "sorry, i should also warn you that talking is addicting to me as well.." he told you, flying down to the surface and putting you down as you shakily stood, your hands clenching at his coat once more as he laughed over your behavior. "we were just a few feet off the ground, it wasn't so bad that youve gotta wobble!" he chuckled as you glared at him. "a few feet???" you gawked. he waved his gloved hand dismissively, linking his arm with yours as he started to walk out into the bustling street with you, the two of you sending smiles and waves to fans whom recognized the two of you as the pros in the top five. "do you have to link onto my arm?" you asked with gritted teeth. he wasn't exactly annoying you, per se, you were just still very frazzled about the little flight he took you on. "of course i have to stay linked onto you!" he laughed, "birds gotta stick together, yeah?" he said. "i ain't a damn bird!" you yelled out as he replied, "but you can fly, can't ya?"
[mirio, shigaraki, shinsou, etc. will later be added!]
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Thirteen - JJ Maybank
Request: hi! could you write an imagine where jj and the reader are really close and when they are starting to hook up for the first time and y/n gets scared bc of her past. She has a flashback and JJ helps her. She is reluctant and denies that anything is wrong. But finally she admits to jj that it’s not him and he’s super sweet and protective?
TW: Very brief contextual mention of sexual assault to a minor. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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A knock sounded on the bathroom door as you sat on the edge of John B’s tub, head in your hands as you tried not to cry. Not today, not after all this time. You knew who was knocking but you didn’t have it in you to answer. Partially from embarrassment, (had you really just up and ran into the bathroom in the middle of making out?) and partially from the residual and everlasting pit in the bottom of your stomach that threatened to swallow you whole every time you felt even the smallest bit of happiness seep in. 
“Do you...should I go?” JJ’s voice followed his usual three-in-a-row rapping pattern on the wooden door. Like a code you didn’t need to tell you it was just him outside. No one to be afraid of. 
“No,” you shook your head even though he couldn’t see it, looking at the mirror across from you, a silver of forehead reflecting in the glass at your current height. “No, sorry, I’ll be right out.”
“Don’t apologise,” JJ replied hastily, running a hand through his hair. He wasn’t trying to make you feel like you had to rush out, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. He wasn’t exactly world class at comforting people though, “Are you alright? Do you want me to call Kie or something?” 
“No.” That was the last thing you wanted. Then your friends would be up in your business and you loved them, truly, but you didn’t need them interfering in whatever was happening between you and JJ. Or not happening, at this point. 
“Is there, I mean...is there anything I can do?” He asked, pacing the small area around the bathroom door, staring at the pictures Big John had on the wall. “We can talk or something.” 
You sighed, standing up and getting a full view of yourself in the mirror. “Yeah. Okay.”
The bathroom door opened and JJ stood up straight, back hovering against the wall opposite you, as if he was afraid of what would come out. It was just you though, looking a little worse for wear, as if you’d encountered a ghost somewhere between the pull-out couch and the bathroom. And, to be fair, you had. A ghost that looked a lot like you only younger, maybe a little more naive, and scared. You walked out of the bathroom slowly, reminding yourself over and over that the boy your ghost was afraid of wasn’t here and it was JJ, looking sweet and sympathetic and a little scared himself, that was standing across from you. 
“Hey, uh....here,” he led the way into the living room, moving aside the old comforter for you to sit on the pull-out, “you can sit.” 
You chewed at your lower lip as you sat there on the side of the bed, thigh pressed against the arm of the couch, staring at JJ who was still standing, rubbing at his arms the way he did when he was nervous, “You don’t have to be weird JJ...I didn’t mean to freak out.” 
You couldn’t help the guilty feeling gnawing at you. It’d been a perfectly good afternoon until your meltdown. John B was out and JJ invited you over because, truthfully, things between the two of you had been changing. A little more than friends, it had been a long time since you had trusted yourself with letting a crush be anything more than a crush. But JJ was different, you had always been honest with each other and he had trusted you with his dad. You knew you could let him in, it was just the doing so that felt like an insurmountable hill. 
“It’s cool. I just,” JJ shrugged, sitting down beside you but keeping a person sized distance between your body and his. “I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 
“It wasn’t you.” You clarified though you hoped he already knew that. 
“Are you...okay? I mean, can I do anything?” JJ asked, teetering on the edge of wanting so desperately to help but also wanting to call anyone else in the world who would be better at this then he was. 
“It’s just-“ You thought about how to tell him so that he understood, how to make it sound so that he didn’t treat you like some sort of leper when he found out, “you know when you told me about your dad...”
God, he would remember that for the rest of his life. The way you looked so upset when you thought he’d been picking a fight with Rafe or Kelce only to have him say that it was his dad. The way you looked, so horrified and angry, like you were going to march over there and beat the crap out of Luke Maybank yourself. JJ had half a mind to think that you could’ve if you really wanted to. 
“That’s, I feel like that.” You replied, thinking of the way he looked when he told you, that pain like a piece of broken glass wedges into his heart. 
“Is someone hurting you?” He paled as his eyes met yours. Immediately running through every possible candidate in his mind. 
“No, no.” You shook your head, not anymore. “I’m, I just don’t want you to think of me any differently.”
“I wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah but-“ you started to say but JJ shook his head, cutting you off. 
“No, seriously. I wouldn’t. Whatever it is you can tell me.” He replied. He waved his hand between the two of you as he continued, “this is a judgement free zone.” 
“Yeah okay.” You nodded. 
“What’s going on?” 
“It’s just...I haven’t really...done this before.” You replied. It was a complicated truth and you were trying your best to get it out, to explain something you’d never explained before. “Well,”
“Hey, it’s okay.” JJ scooted closer finally and you found a small piece of you immediately comforted by the feeling of his hand against your back, “Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded your head, moving your leg so your knee brushed his as id to silently confirm that it was okay. 
“I guess...” you tried to think of the words to say as you started to talk, “when I was 13 I had the biggest crush on my friend’s brother. I thought he was so cool. And he talked to me, ya know...like made me feel special. On day when I was over their house he told me he liked me a lot and that if I liked him I should...show him.” You took a deep breath, trying to ground yourself again.
Trying not to run for the bathroom and lock yourself inside. This was JJ. Funny, dumb, always high JJ, who tried to do party tricks to impress you at the risk of breaking a bone. Who lied through his teeth to buy a keg the week before while you sat in the driver’s side of your jeep honking the horn at him so many times the guy in the shop sold the keg just to get you to leave. JJ who always made sure you were okay any time you were feeling nervous. 
You pushed on, “I just really wanted him to like me and I didn’t want to do that but I felt like I had to. And I haven’t been with anyone since then cause-“ 
“Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to do anything, at all.” JJ stressed, his hand rubbing warm circles on your back. He leaned over and kissed your exposed shoulder, so gently you almost swore it was your imagination, “Whatever you want, I’m happy just hanging out like we always do.” 
“I know you are. I just, I like you but I just feel like, I’m not sure...how to be with someone.” You didn’t even think you were making sense at this point but he didn’t seemed fazed. “It feels, it doesn’t feel like I think it should.” 
“Maybe that’s like, you telling yourself you aren’t ready for that yet.” JJ replied, unsure if he was even doing this comforting thing right. 
“Yeah but you’ve been with like, a ton of girls before.” You weren’t naive enough to think that JJ had never hooked up with the girls he hung around at parties, you knew that was pretty much all he did. 
“So what? That doesn’t have anything to do with this.” He insisted.
“If that’s true then I should be fine.” You argued. If he could just move on and not think about or compare you to anyone he’d ever been with then you shouldn’t still be carrying this weight. You didn’t even want it. 
“That’s different, someone hurt you.” He replied, “Yeah I’ve had sex before but, both of us wanted it. What your friend’s brother did wasn’t anything like that.” 
“I just don’t want you to think I’m messed up or something,” you explained. “or that you want something I can’t give you yet.”
JJ frowned at the sentiment, the last thing he would ever want is for you to feel any kind of pressure. From him, yourself, or anyone else, “I don’t care about that. And hey, we agreed, no judgement.” 
“Yeah I know but-“ 
“No. When I told you about my dad, that was really hard but you didn’t bail on me or make me feel weak. This is me doing the same for you.” He replied. “Forget dating or whatever, this is me and you alright. Best friends before anything else. What happened wasn’t your fault and it doesn’t change the way I feel about you at all. Don’t think that it does.”
“That was a half-ass okay.” JJ replied, his shoulder knocking against yours. 
“It’s the best okay I can offer.” 
“How about, we just watch something? John B’s not back for another couple of hours.” He suggested, getting up and climbing onto the bed, the springs creaking as they buckled under his weight. You twisted to watch him as he made himself comfortable, spreading out with his back against the cushions and his arms out on either side. “We can even take a nap.”
You kneeled up onto the bed and crawled over to him, careful as you laid down beside him and rested your head against his shoulder. His  arm came around to drape over you and you reached up to hold his hand. “You got a full eight hours last night, how are you still tired?” You asked, the mood lightening significantly as you relaxed with him, “What would you have done if we had actually had sex?”
“Fallen asleep on you.” He replied, shrugging as if it was the obvious answer, “You would have asphyxiated cause I would’ve crushed you to death.” 
“You’ve been hanging out with Pope too long, you actually know what that word means.” 
“Are you saying I’m not smart enough to know things without hanging out with Pope?” He asked, sitting up a little more to look at you. 
“No, I’m just saying Pope is smarter than you,” you almost shrieked as he tackled you against the cushions, fingers prodding your sides over your tank top. “Oh my god, JJ! Stop, you know I’m ticklish!”
“Not until you admit that I’m the smartest person you know.” 
“Yes, yes, okay, you JJ Maybank are the smartest person I know,” you laughed as he stopped tickling you, hands holding your sides as he leant over you and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“Good,” He replied, “you admit the truth. Now, let’s watch something happy.” 
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @haute-shawn @calums-betch
414 notes · View notes
hello! i recently re-stumbled upon one of your hawaii part ii music theory posts and i thought id ask about Murders and its wack af time signatures. i havent been able to make any real sense of it other than it feels like its in 3 sometimes??? unless im overthinking and should just accept it as like 1/1 time lol
hm. well, first of all some lovely people on sites such as musescore have transcribed murders themselves, giving a quick & easy look into how those time signatures seem arranged. still, i think i'd like to do my own analysis, because if thinking of good day as including sections of 3 4/4 measures + 1 1/4 measure & interpreting neil cicierega's use of 10/4 to really just be 2 4/4 measures & a 2/4 one stacked on top of each other in a trench coat tells me anything, it's that i can have some personal music notation interpretations. as a treat.
murders is most easily understood when broken down into as many little sections as possible. for example, "i was in the middle ground, looking to find the" is in an easy 6/4. "fountain of infinite mirror" and the whole rest of that chorus is generally all in 6/4 (as one would expect the chorus to be one of the most straightforward/comprehensible parts of a song). however, "flowers in the garden" & other things that can follow the line [format of] "looking to find the" are very different. i'll call that the verse format, and cover it using the first verse.
to cover the first verse i have to say that the whole song starts off with a 9/4 measure that can't be described any other way because the piano chords part, as often as possible, is completely static staccato in articulation, and so where measures line up is most easily determined by other factors such as pitch changes or the lilt/cadence of the words. also, the verses generally start where the lyrics do, for simplicity's sake- if "owls on the night watch," a verse with the same structure as "he was in the forest" has the onbeat on "owls," then the onbeat should also be on "he," meaning everything preceding that first word in the song is just some silly little buildup. a measure of 9/4.
anyway! the first verse. "he was in the forest looking to see the" is a measure of 6/4, as previously stated ("looking to see the" & other similarly ending lines are in 6/4 throughout the song). "trees but none were there" is two measures of 3/4, "he found a girl" is 2/4. "she found the erlking (lalala)" is 5/4, making this whole first chunk a procession of (after a measure of 9/4) 6/4 3/4 3/4 2/4 5/4. i'm not simplifying the two measures of 3/4 in a row into 6/4 or the 2/4 & 5/4 into 7/4 due to the placement of the emphasis. this analysis will be pedantic like that. the next verse follows the same format; this will be called the verse format and is really the only terribly complex sequence in this song.
we break away from the verse format with "i was in the middle ground looking to find the" which, as previously stated, is just more 6/4, and that proceeds into another two instances of the verse format, then this "looking" line. then is the chorus, which as stated earlier, is just 6/4. the 6/4 proceeds all the way into "owls on the night watch," the start of another two verses, then back to the chorus.
"i was in the clearing" to "how they came to be" is in a lovely little 4/4, almost like a cruel teasing of how simple this song could be immediately before a piano break that is nigh-certainly designed to fuck with you. just kidding! it's two more instances of the verse format, complete with a "looking" line at the end. after that comes just a bunch of 3/4, then the slow part, which is in 4/4 (maybe 2/4?), as can be rather easily detected by the hi-hat (hi ross).
"all for nothing at all" continues in 2/4 (sure actually i say it's 2/4 i think we don't get enough of that in music), then the final line in the song is a 6/4 measure and a 4/4 one, just getting very slow. and there you have it! murders broken down as simply as need be.
14 notes · View notes
itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Suddenly she raises her face to the sound of something rolling.
It looked like it was a dolly.
The morning dew turned everything milky white.
The light red of cherry blossoms stretched over her and the world turned pink.
A school route that shouldn't be there yet.
The refreshing air that touched the surroundings was cold, humid, and heavy.
The cool green was also wet with dew and reflected the morning sun softened by mist.
There was still a little time left before the morning dew cleared, the air warmed with the breath of the students going to school, and spring felt warm and joyful.
"Super Ashinaka High School, huh."
From today she will attend classes here.
Her new uniform was a bit embarrassing.
A mixture of anxiety and tension, she could barely sleep last night. She should be weak in the morning, but she woke up at 5 in the morning.
She was told that she had to go to the school principal's office in front of the classroom to register and receive various explanations from her teacher in the staff room. So she left early, but it may have been a little too early.
She walked alone before a row of cherry blossoms full of morning dew.
Being alone in a world that melts into light red made her uncomfortable.
She decided to move to this school because she no longer wanted to be alone. But after all, she had the unpleasant feeling that she here she too would be alone.
Thinking it too much, she wondered what to do with everything from the first day of moving, but she kept thinking.
When she was desperately trying to get rid of the anxiety that was born when she moved out, she heard a jerky sound again.
Was there anyone? At this time of day?
Suffering from loneliness and anxiety, she was scared and ran away. She continued to the plaza in front of the school building.
In the gradually fading milky-white morning dew, she gasped as she encountered a figure that seemed drawn in light ink.
Along with the sound she heard earlier, the shadow made strange movements.
She was a little scared, but at the same time, her curiosity grew.
Beyond the miserable line of sight, there was a boy.
A boy in a black school uniform.
Navy blue hat. Peculiar auburn hair that bounced.
The open-chested shirt was hemmed at the pants and was a bit baggy.
She instinctively looked at the bright sky blue jacket he was wearing.
A school uniform? Hey? What? Student from another school?
But here on the school grounds? But the uniform here was...
She didn't know why, but she tilted her head.
However, when she suddenly saw his feet, she was convinced of only one thing. Ah, she already understood it. That shaking sound was the sound of a skateboard.
The boy, who seemed unaware of her existence, was skating and skating, whether he was playing or practicing.
She thought he was jumping energetically. He turned the skateboard under his feet a few laps and got back on the skateboard. He spun on impulse, lifted the skateboard with one foot, and mounted again.
Although he was gliding at considerable speed, he avoided obstacles like nothing.
A series of light techniques that made him feel like the skateboard was part of his body.
Involuntarily, she likes it.
She wondered if she could do it, or she would fall terribly.
How will he balance it? Why does that skateboard stick to his feet even if he jumps? It was strange…
It was like playing with the wind. It was like the wind itself.
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Light, fast, refreshing and unpredictable. Freedom anywhere.
There was nothing to bind or trap him now.
His appearance was carefree and he didn't seem to have anything to do with worries and problems.
Integrating with the wind as he wanted.
It was at that moment that she became curious and was watching every move he made.
The boy with the skateboard got on the railing of the stairs and went down.
In an instant he was gone and involuntarily screamed.
Hey? Uh, it can't be! He fell?!
Before thinking, her feet moved forward. She was running out of breath.
She immediately reached the stairs and stood on them. Looking down with her heart pounding, he seemed to skid over the railing, landing brilliantly at the bottom. He slid down as he was and leapt to the top.
Did he hear her when he inadvertently held her chest with both hands and took a relieved breath?
Her shoulders shook and she quickly looked up at him.
He had amazing eyes. Sharp, fierce, warlike, and savage. Hot and strong. It was like a flame.
She took a breath and opened her eyes. He looked at her too.
At that moment, he suddenly turned bright red and hurriedly turned around.
As he was, he kicked the ground several times and accelerated. Without stopping, he left her behind.
She swallowed the words that rose to her throat, surprised that the words were coming out of her throat.
She rambled a bit and lowered her hand, which reflexively pursued his back.
She felt that she wanted to see a more splendid technique, but it was a bit disappointing, but was it enough to stop him?
She turned her head and turned around.
The morning dew was quite sunny and the petals of the cherry blossoms fluttered happily in the blue sky.
"I am Konohana Saya. Thanks."
The letters "Konohana Saya" written on the board. When she bowed her head, she received crackles and scant applause.
Super high school "Ashinaka", 2nd grade group.
Ashinaka Junior High School, an integrated education school from kindergarten through college. This island centered around the school is called "Super Ashinaka Gakuenjima".
The economy is established only on the island and it feels like another country other than Japan. In fact, it seems that few people come to the island, even if they are not related to the school.
Until recently, she didn't even know such a school existed. She found out about it from a letter of recommendation to move suddenly.
But she believed that this was exactly like a ship for migration.
At the time, she was in a situation where she had to transfer to another school and hopefully she would stay away from her parents and the environment around her.
So, she came to this school, which has a dormitory on this island far from her parents' house, and they recommended that she move.
Suppressing her nervous, throbbing chest, she looked around her at all who will be her classmates.
And then, she gasped when she saw the boy with a bat on the window seat.
Eh? Was he the boy from this morning?
Was that boy from this school? Was he wearing a black school uniform?
Behind him... a big blond boy with sunglasses, he was wearing the same school clothes.
Why just those guys?
The moment she turned her neck, she realized she was wrong.
She was wrong. Not just those guys.
On the side of the hall, she glanced at the boy who was looking away.
The boy with glasses was wearing a pure white school uniform.
She did not believe that the uniform was free choice. She had not seen such a guide.
Then why?
When she was filling her head with question marks, the master said, "Then, Yukizome-san. Please take care of her.", and he walked around the main room.
In the classroom, where there was a lot of noise when the teacher left, she was a little anxious and looked around her. A girl with sincere and friendly eyes ran up to her and smiled at her a friendly smile.
"Yes. Transfer student. Nice to meet you. I'm Kukuri Yukizome."
"Call me Kukuri. I'll call you Saya-chan too."
She was relieved that she had a carefree smile.
"So, Kukuri-chan."
"Hehehe. If you have any questions, ask me anything! I'll show you around the school today after classes, but trust me for whatever you need."
"So what comes first?"
Kukuri begins by explaining the PDA, which is a student ID card.
Ah... the uniform. She had wasted the time to ask.
She wanted to know about the boy she saw in the morning, but at that moment Kukuri's explanation was more important. She couldn't be rude to overlook her kindness.
She regains her mind and look directly at Kukuri.
After all, that question solved itself after lunch.
"It looks delicious!"
Around the same time that the teacher left the classroom, she looked for a place to sit for lunch, and suddenly they hugged her from behind her.
"Oh, I'm hungry! It smells good!"
When she hurriedly glanced back over her shoulder, she met stunning strange eyes, blue and gold, and her eyes widened.
She was a beautiful girl. Literally, truly, a beautiful girl.
White skin and cherry cheeks. Long straight light red hair.
A boy with silver-white hair and tender eyes came towards her, who was stunned and hardened, and clasped his hands in a hurry.
"Sorry. Hey, Neko!"
"Shiro! That gohan smells delicious! This class was really difficult!"
Hmm? Is it a delicious gohan smell?
Eh? Isn't that the delicious smell of gohan?
Kukuri smiles bitterly beside her like a poker.
"Wagahai-chan, Saya-chan = Gohan, right?"
"Yes!" She said cheerfully.
"Sorry. Neko isn't good at remembering people's names. She's not malicious."
"Eh? Oh, it's fine. I don't feel uncomfortable. I was surprised."
Um... when she looked at the boy, she thought he realized the meaning of that line of sight. The boy smiled and bowed quickly.
"I'm Yashiro Isana. Everyone calls me Shiro. So I'm glad you call me that too. That girl is Neko. Shiro and Neko."
"Yes. And this is Kuro."
A boy approached before she knew it. He had beautiful black hair and straight black eyes.
"I am Kuroh Yatogami. As a classmate, thank you for your continued support."
"Huh? Oh, yeah! This is it!"
Unexpectedly, she bowed at the harsh self-introduction. She was shocked. By no means, when she introduced herself, have they thanked her for any support.
"Shiro~. I'm hungry~."
"So, let's make a lunch box. Konohana-san, we'll let you go then. Konohana-san has to have lunch too."
Neko suddenly let go of her and looked at Yatogami-kun's heavy weight with her eyes shining.
"Hmm. Okay. Then Saya-chan, let's go. I'll show you the school cafeteria and tell you the location of the shopping department."
"Eh? But…"
Kukuri's hand seemed to have a lunch box.
"If it's a cafeteria, I think I can go alone with the navigation system. That's Kukuri-chan's lunch box, right?"
"That's right, let me go with you. Oh! I'm not just a guide am I? I want to eat lunch with Saya-chan."
"Eh? Ah…"
She said those words softly to her. She was so happy that she was going to cry.
"So, I take your word. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank, because I want to talk a lot and get to know you well, Saya-chan. Let's go!"
Kukuri called out to her and smiled.
She wanted to meet her. Those words were a bit shocking, but she was still happy. It was amazing that she wanted to be her friend.
They greeted Shiro and left the room together.
"Oh, it's true."
They were probably boys from another class. She remembered the uniform when she saw the boy in the black school uniform fluttering around and came forward.
"Hey, Kukuri-chan.", she told her as she showed her the back of the boy who was walking away from her.
"Why do some guys have different uniforms?"
"Oh, that boy belongs to a special club."
"Special club?"
"Yes. Special club activities. It is one of the characteristics of this school. There are seven special club activities at this school in addition to the regular club activities. Club members will be able to use special skills when they join the club. They are popular among students, because the word "special ability" is great, isn't it? But only the "chosen ones" recognized by each director can join the club."
The word "special ability" surprised her.
"Only the chosen ones?"
"Yes. Not everyone can enter. In that sense, it is 'special'. The one wearing that black school uniform is from the red club."
"Red club... There were two people in the class, right?"
"Yes. Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun. Yata-kun has auburn hair and a hat. Misaki Yata. The boy with the big sunglasses is Rikio Kamamoto."
"Yata-kun. I see. His name is Yata-kun...", she thought.
"Some boys wore white school uniforms, right? That boy was from the blue club. Fushimi Saruhiko-kun."
"Blue. So all seven of them have different uniforms?"
"No. There is also a regular uniform section. For example, the silver part. There is also a club that wears a rabbit mask and wears a ninja costume only during club activities."
Ninja costume?
Did she wonder why? Was she the only one to whom all this was really suspicious?
"In this school, the special club activities are something special. Well, I think you will know right away. Oh, Saya-chan. There are several ways to get to the cafeteria and the shopping department, but the shortest route is to through this courtyard."
Saya pushed open the glass door that led to the courtyard.
She involuntarily screamed into the courtyard, which was much bigger than she expected.
The well-kept flowerbed had colorful spring flowers. The fresh green of the plantation was also visible.
The lush grass. No trash had fallen on the cobblestones. Light pink petals fluttered from the beautiful and splendid cherry blossoms. The white garden table and chairs below were very fascinating. It would be very nice to deliver her lunch there.
"Ah, but it's better to stop by on limited menu day. I think it's best to tour the school building. There are plenty of places to shop."
"Eh? Did you buy it now? I heard it well?"
Eh? A joke? Would they laugh?
Kukuri just laughed kindly, "Yes. Is that true?"
"As Miwa-san says, it is a tactic. It is a strategy to expel the rivals. Most of the students cross the courtyard, so the courtyard is inevitably the most dangerous place."
She said it naturally, didn't she? Waiting? Was it weird that she didn't understand?
"I set up a purchase to get a limited menu... I haven't had any experience with that."
"Oh, is that true? It's interesting once you get used to it."
So it was.
But surely it would be fun to think of getting a limited menu through the differences? Should she think of it as a game?
That was when she thought about it.
"Sorry. I can't come here."
Kukuri sighed and looked back.
"Eh? Why?"
When she tilted her head, Kukuri pointed at something, saying "That." She was just looking around her and, for the first time, she realized that there were a lot of people gathered there and she opened her eyes.
Also, the atmosphere was not good for compliments. It was terribly upsetting and she felt bad.
A group of black school uniforms and a group of white school uniforms staring at each other. Was it a special club activity?
People who wore black school uniforms had a slightly mischievous impression. In contrast, many of the people wearing white school uniforms appeared to have a tight look. She felt like they were honor students.
However, all white school uniforms with his honors wore sabers at the waist.
So those sabers were weapons that can kill people. What was that?
"Kukuri-chan? They seem to be looking at each other, but what the hell are they doing? And what they have around their hips is a saber, right?"
"It's a conflict. What they wear on their waists is a saber."
The answer is so simple that she doubts the ears of her.
"Conflict... is that a fight?"
"Of course it is."
"Eh? Are they fighting? Students?"
"Oh. It's a good reaction. Fresh and cool. Okay. You'll be surprised at first, but you'll get used to it. It's the usual thing."
What was that reaction?! It was really weird.
She realized that she was used to conflict.
However, when she looked around her, there were people looking away, but no one was surprised or made noise, and it seemed that Kukuri's reaction was correct there. She said it was a statement of fight, maybe the common sense of this school was a little strange?
Struggling to understand, she returned to a group of gazes.
"Oh, Yata-kun..."
"Yes. I told you that he is a member of the red club and wears a black school uniform. There is also Kamamoto-kun."
Kukuri pointed a finger at that big blond boy with sunglasses.
"Most of the red club members are bad. Oh, but that's fine, you'll be sure. We don't take the word 'bad' as a bad thing, so they are accepted by the students in general."
Eh? What kind of place was this? She didn't understand anything.
"Isn't it bad?"
"Hmm. It may be wrong to use the word 'bad', it doesn't mean they are bad people. How to say it? I think it's like people who aren't good to keep up with everyone. People who live their own way can be the closest ones. The principal is Mikoto Suoh, a third-year student. He is also one of the heads of this school, it is said that he has a lot of fights. You see, it's that red-haired person next to Yata-kun."
Kukuri points to the person in the middle of the black group.
Chillingly sharp red eyes. Tense and delicate cheeks.
Was he really older? He seemed charismatic. Regardless, his presence was astonishing.
"The blue club are wearing the white school uniform. They have excellent grades and good behavior. Most of the members of the group are super elite who also serve as student organizers and members of the disciplinary committee. The activities are the maintenance of discipline, student orientation, activities such as leading students at a school event, etc."
Discipline, right? Eh? So... what about sabers? Isn't it a violation of the law to use weapons and swords?
"That's why they don't seem to get along with the blues from one point of view. The director of the blue club is Reisi Munakata, a third year student. He is the director of the Student Organization within the School, the example! of exemplary behavior!"
That's right, the central figure of the white group that Kukuri later showed was like the "exemplary student".
Sharp glasses with calm and cool eyes. He listened to the red club swearing with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he were listening to classical music.
"You saw the one next to him in the hall, right? That's Fushimi Saruhiko-kun."
"That's why I can't come through here. It's hard to get involved."
Well, could they involve her?
She was scared and just wanted to get out of there immediately.
"Hey, Monkey! Bastard, say it again!"
However, at that moment, a strong voice rang out from the courtyard.
She turned around and looked at the group again.
"Oh, I'll tell you a few times. Your power is below mine. MI SA KI."
Fushimi laughed vividly. Delighted, as if he was intoxicated with something.
He was creepy.
What was that look?
Furthermore, Misaki really looked angry.
"Hmm...! I can't take it! I'll take you down!"
Yata jumped up, fierce fury fading into his eyes. That's it… Misaki is Yata's name.
Suddenly, his classmates began to move.
"Wow. It's started. This is the end of the story for the special part. We have to move fast."
Kukuri came out in a hurry.
But she couldn't answer.
She was fascinated by the fiery bat metal that rose from Yata's hands.
What? It was certainly a flame.
Born from empty space, grew up in the blink of an eye and covered Yata's hands.
She was stunned by the fist that burned like a torch.
The shape was slightly different, but everyone in it was able to easily create a flame and target the blue club. The members of the blue club also drew sabers one after another and defended themselves.
It wasn't just a saber, there was a blue light on the blade.
Is that a special ability?
It's like the magic that appears in the story... Wasn't it a dream?
Well then, what about her...?
Her shoulders were shaking and she suddenly returned to herself.
"Ah... sorry. Kukuri-chan..."
"Okay. It's dangerous here. Let's go now."
At that moment, Kukuri urged her to move quickly.
Yes, it was exactly a fight. Other students in the courtyard were screaming.
Looking back, the first thing she saw was a knife with a red lotus flame approaching them.
And that was the last thing. She didn't have time to think about anything.
"Kukuri-chan, it's dangerous!"
Kukuri's body moved quickly. At that moment, a flash of light enveloped her.
In the bright light she was unable to open her eyes, and a tremendous destructive sound was heard.
However, it was only a moment, and soon the light disappeared like a lie.
However, the numb ears remained as they were, and the sound of the world that was lost immediately after the destructive sound had not yet returned, leaving only a high-pitched beep.
She thoughtfully held her ears with her hands and shook her head to shake her eyes and limbs from her.
A vague hum came from a distance, and she suddenly lowered her eyes over Kukuri in her arms.
"Ah...! Kukuri-chan, are you hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. Nothing happened to me, but... Saya-chan..."
"Well, the light is coming out of Saya-chan's body, but..."
She was surprised by the words. She quickly released Kukuri and looked at her hands.
Both hands had a vague white light. Her whole body was in that state. It was as if she herself was emitting light.
When she looked around her hastily, the stone pavement was severely broken and scraped only around her. It was like they had excavated with heavy equipment or something.
The knife... strangely, it pierced the stone pavement with the flame burning.
The knife turned to stone. It was also deep. That should not be the case.
Many of the impossible visions piled up and the blood rose again. Reflectively she hug her.
Oh! She again...
"Saya-chan. What's wrong?"
Kukuri's question chilled her back.
When she stood up, she took a step back and walked away from Kukuri.
Kukuri's astonished face stared at her back.
What did she have to do? What was she to answer?
She didn't even know what that was.
It was at that time...
"A 'skill', right?"
A sweet, low and gentle voice resonated with the usual sound of his shoes.
When she shook her shoulders and raised her face, the person standing there was Reisi Munakata, who was the head of the blue clan and the Student Organization within the school.
In his hand was a sword that glowed pale.
It was horrible, but... no, more than that.
She was amazed at the words she heard for the first time.
"Yes. People with innate special abilities are called 'Strain'."
With that said, Reisi Munakata put the saber in the scabbard and pulled up his glasses with his fingers.
"The power of a Strain sometimes hurts people."
A painful memory crossed her mind at that moment.
She instinctively she pursed her lips.
"It is also our job to prevent that from happening. The other day, there was a report that a Strain had entered the island, but are you a transfer student?"
With a rattling noise, Munakata took a step closer. He turned and took a step back.
"The birth of a talented person off campus is infinitely equal to zero."
"Oh, that, I ..."
"In other words, the exception is that you are a Strain. Transfer student Konohana Saya. If you don't resist, nothing bad will happen to you. Surrender quietly and quickly."
As usual, a soft, sweet smile on his lips.
However, there was a dignified and sharp light in the eyes behind the glasses, showing that the words weren't a joke.
"Here we go."
Reisi Munakata approached her.
She knew she must accept. She should quietly surrender.
But what would happen as a result of the surrender? She already knew what to do after that.
She didn't want to think like that again!
A trauma revived in the back of her eyes.
She shook her head violently and took a step back. And when she held her head, she screamed.
"I do not like it!"
At that moment, the flame worn by the knife driven into the stone pavement on the rocky shore swayed and suddenly turned into a terrible glow.
Munakata was shocked and flew away.
At the same time, a column of fire that was burning the heavens unnaturally swelled and surrounded her.
The heat increased and the view was surrounded by flames.
Although she glanced around her hastily, it was a flame on one side. A flame surrounded her.
What?! What was happening?!
No way, this was her too?!
She thought about it for a moment. Suddenly feeling congested, she looked at her limbs.
She got worse and worse and she knelt on the spot.
The field of view was blurry. The smoke soaked her and tears came out, she spilled and got wet, she was fed by the heat and she dried herself quickly
Her head was shaking and she fell.
Was it Munakata senpai? A sharp voice rang out.
Beyond the flames she was terribly crowded, with countless footsteps flapping.
Why did this happen?
The earth was burned, the sky, while the flames protected it and prevented other invasions.
No, it could be the other way around. Maybe to protect everyone from her. She maybe she was trapped in a fire ship so as not to harm her surroundings again.
That's. The witch must be burned at the stake. So the price to pay is fixed. She is not a good common person.
She fell and coughed.
It was painful. The air was not getting well into her lungs.
Severe pain ran down her left hand.
It was a stabbing pain, but she could no longer move her body.
She tried to stand up, but she couldn't even see anymore.
However, as if she were hazy, her consciousness blurred and vanished.
(Oh really. Why did this happen?), she thought.
She wanted peace. But that was it. It must have been terribly modest.
It was at that time.
Lowly, a voice echoed out.
When she opened her eyes slightly at being invited by that voice, a black figure appeared in the fire in front of her. She seemed to rush there without hesitation.
No way, because such a burning flame. She couldn't just touch him and be sure.
It sure was a hallucination. It was a convenient illusion, because no one would come to her like this.
The moment she thought that, she felt something put on her head.
She was surprised by the feeling. Her vague awareness woke up and she opened her eyes.
Immediately afterwards, she had the sensation that her body was floating gently.
She didn't scream (she couldn't), but she was in awe.
When she hurriedly raised her face, it was red that was occupying her field of vision.
His red hair swayed from the heat and his red eyes stared directly at her.
Certainly, Suoh. He was the head of the red clan.
She gently touched what she had on her head.
Something with sleeves and black, maybe the school uniform?
Suoh said "Let's go.", while he held her, but did not understand the situation (it was not a hug like holding a princess, but a hug where she felt his arm. As parents do with small children).
Go where? How?
However, she still couldn't say those words.
And it seemed that he did not ask for her consent, and Suoh began to walk with her in his arms without waiting for her response, towards the flame.
It was no longer a scary story, and she reflexively tightened Suoh's shirt and supported her face to cling to his shoulders, but strangely it was no longer hot. The flame that had burned her skin a while ago was completely gone.
On the contrary, the cooling breeze immediately caressed her feet and her hair, and she widened her eyes in amazement.
"Hey! Transfer student!"
At the same time, a strong voice echoed out from the vicinity.
The voice was the same that started the fight, she shook her shoulders and raised her face from him.
His fierce eyes were now terribly anxious, painful, and distorted.
Nor did her voice come out.
"You, your hands..."
Yata's expression, who seemed to be terribly surprised, slowly looked at her left hand. Both her blazer and shirt were charred and the back of her hand was swollen red.
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Looking around her, the pillar of fire was still there. Behind Suoh and her.
How did they get out of it? What the hell happened?
As he held her in a self-defeating state, Suoh looked around him.
When she turned her gaze from her to him as if she was invited, she saw Munakata and Fushimi holding a saber.
Behind them, people in white uniforms were still busy moving.
Suoh stared at them, raised the edge of his lips and laughed lightly.
"This girl is mine."
Saying that he began to walk calmly.
She had a lot to say, but she couldn't get it right, she couldn't speak, and she closed her eyes softly, clinging to his neck.
"It's a clubroom, but... sorry I rarely use it. It's dirty."
Silky light brown hair. A good man with tender eyes offered her a can of juice and smiled.
"I am Totsuka Tatara. I am a third year student from the red club."
"Yes. You burned yourself, are you okay? How about the infirmary?"
After that, Suoh took her straight to the infirmary.
Her wound was a burn on her left hand. A slight low-temperature burn on her right knee. When she fell, she hurt her left knee a bit. It looked like her left hand was a bit awful.
She let the burns cool, then applied an ointment, covered with a bandage, insured and strap up.
All she had to do is wash, disinfect, and apply an ointment.
The time was about fifteen minutes, but during that period, the members of the red club stayed in front of the infirmary and nobody could get close, so it became a bit of a scandal.
So the nurse told her to rest, but she rejected that and immediately left the infirmary.
At the time, she was surrounded by a group of black school uniforms and in the meantime, she was led into a somewhat crowded empty classroom.
Several desks and chairs were stacked in one corner, and an old black leather couch was placed in the shape of three triangles. Juice cans and bottles were placed on the central floor, and it was really like a "gathering place".
Oh, Suoh? Suoh left her with the nurse and left immediately, but where did he go? He wasn't there either.
He had helped her and she wanted to thank him.
Sitting on one of the couches, Totsuka, who was sitting next to her, offered her some juice and looked at her left hand, which was bandaged.
"The burn on your left hand seems to be a bit terrible. You should go to the hospital after school."
At her words, Yata, who was near the door, made his shoulders explode.
"Yes. I am concerned. I hope there are no marks left."
"Scars, what ..."
That didn't matter to her.
When she smiled and shook her head, Totsuka frowned.
"I have to find a new school again."
When Totsuka was surprised, his eyes rounded.
That was a bit strange.
She was sure that this person was also in the yard. It was very strange to see that and not think "why?"
She smiled selfishly and slowly spread her hands.
"I have a power that ordinary people don't have. Did you see it? A while ago, in the courtyard. I did that in the previous school. I broke the school building in half, injuring a lot of people. That made me incapable of stay at the old school."
"That is exactly what Munakata-senpai said. I hurt a lot of people with my abilities. I have done something irreparable."
People from the red club were looking at her.
"Living as a 'normal person' in this school. Hide the ability. Never let my abilities go crazy. Do not disturb anyone, just control myself, do not stand out anyway and live calmly. That's what I imagined."
But it does not work. No way, and it all happened on the first day.
Oh, no matter how she fixed it, she was a "monster".
She couldn't do anything else.
It went dark in front of her.
That show that never went away while kept burning in her mind.
Perhaps even a big earthquake happened, a part of the school building was ruined and turned into ruins.
Students who were at that time. A blue sheet placed in the schoolyard. The groan that filled the place. A bloodstained towel. And…
Involuntarily, she clenched her back teeth tightly.
She was unharmed. It was as if she was protected by the light emitted from her body.
A mixed look of amazement and fear towards her. It soon turned into disgust. Neither her friends, her classmates nor her eldest looked at her. They didn't try to get involved. Even the teacher looked away from her.
Even her family was scared and they always tried to be in a good mood. If they were in a bad mood, that house would be destroyed next. Her parents believed they could be attacked.
She lost everything that was important at the time.
She didn't want to repeat that feeling.
"No, wait. Um, Konohana-san, right? You don't have to do that. Konohana-san, you can stay here. Rather, I think you should be in this school. The "Ashinaka Super High School" is a school. where talented people meet."
"Eh? Are you gathering talented people?"
"That's right. Did you ask anyone about extracurricular activities?"
"That is…"
She had heard it.
But it was a story where you could use special abilities when you entered a special club, wasn't it a story that people with abilities met in this school?
At her words, Totsuka understood easily.
"That's right. That's true for most, but some people have the ability before joining the club, like you."
"Ah… Before joining?"
"Yes. It is training. But that is not what I mean. The important thing is that there are many talented people in this school. The skills are both congenital and acquired. That is this. It is the 'normal' of the school. You understand It is not "abnormal"."
"It is normal..."
"Yes, no one discriminates against talented people."
"But... that person, Munakata-senpai said that I should give up..."
"That's because your ability is a mystery. I think I wanted to have it on hand before the hardships happened. It seems that Strains are rarely born outside of the school island."
Does that mean that she was a "foreigner" among talented people?
"You are so different from other talented people that he wanted to keep you close and monitor you."
She involuntarily clenched her back teeth and squeezed her skirt tightly.
Her burned left hand ached, prompting tears.
Why? Why did he have that ability?
The overflowing sound slid gently down her cheeks, and the voice of Totsuka and the members of the red club breathing in the room echoed out.
She didn't need something like that. That is why she lost everything. On top of that, he said it was different in another way and will likely be a target in the future. Until she surrenders, until she's under his control.
She didn't want to be a talented person. She wanted to be normal.
All she wanted was "peace". That was all.
Normally, she just wanted to enjoy school life every day. Why wasn't even that allowed?
"Usually I want to enjoy school life. I don't need any skills..."
That's when she told him to leave her and roughly wiped her tears away.
"That was wrong!"
Yata, who had been standing in front of the door until then, suddenly threw himself in front of her and sat on the ground. Then, with a loud voice echoing through the room, he screamed, "It was wrong!", and rubbed his forehead against the floor.
"Eh? Ah…"
"That knife, I threw it at you!"
""I threw the knife thrown by the monkey! Well, that's why I was the one who created the opportunity for you to use your skills!"
So it was like that.
But beyond that, she didn't know what to say.
She may have misinterpreted him as angry. Yata looked up and stared at her, then leaned down to slam his forehead hard against the ground again.
"The knife flame was probably me too! I hurt you...!"
But it was probably she who created the pillar of fire, and it was Yata who was injured.
She shook her head and wanted to say it. No, she was trying to say it.
But before that, Yata raised his head again, stared at her and yelled, "I won't let you do that!"
His eyes pierced her and held burning flames.
Dedicated to it, he gasped.
"Thanks to you, I didn't hurt the average student! And yet my benefactor saved you... Let me make it up to you!"
"Huh? But the wound is..."
"I will never let them monitor and control you! I will not let you do that!"
She involuntarily lost her words at the powerful scream.
"I won't let the blue club do anything! I promise to take care of other departments too!"
There was no hesitation in his hot eyes.
It was a trustworthy word that she could understand from the bottom of her heart and made her heart warm.
"I'll protect you!"
"It has nothing to do with talented people or Strain! You are you! Enjoying normal school life, it is not allowed to do anything to you! Absolutely!"
"Yata-kun ..."
"Like I said, you'll be fine! So... uh, uh, don't cry, uh... that face..."
Yata lowered his eyebrows as if he was in trouble.
But still, Yata did not take his eyes off her.
The tears overflowed again.
"What?! Did I say something strange?! Or did your wound hurt?"
Yata fluttered hastily and looked at her.
He was wrong. That was not. What should he do? She was happy.
She was a "monster" and there were people who wanted to "protect" her.
She could have hope and "peace", be "normal". That was forgiven.
She never thought that she would get a word like that.
Oh what should she do? She was happy!
When she brought her hands together, she squeezed her eyes tight.
Yata's worried voice, "Hey, Konohana…" made her heart flutter.
She was glad. Her heart was full and she couldn't say anything more.
She could not believe it. From that day on, her life was going to change completely. She had experienced it. They hurt her and she suffered. It was still in her, too vivid a memory.
Talented people weren't special. She could stay at this school. She should calm down. Although she was happy with just that word, they would protect her.
She now she was normal.
She could enjoy her school life in peace and safety.
Will she be forgiven? Such thing. Furthermore, she, who caused such an incident...
(Oh, but I don't want to be a "monster" anymore! I'm so scared of myself! I want to recover "every day".), she thought.
Nobody said anything anymore.
Yata didn't even say, "Don't cry."
They were all there, silent.
A bell rang on the way to announce the start of classes, but no one seemed to mind that.
He was kind and gentle and surrounded her.
Kamamoto looked at her.
After skipping class for an hour, she returned to the classroom with Yata and Kamamoto, but she was scared and she stopped in front of the door.
Kamamoto breathed as she clasped her hands, holding her breath.
"Are you afraid?"
"Okay. There's Yata-san. I'm also."
"It's true, but..."
"Okay. Maybe there's nothing Konohana should be worried about."
Was that so?
Was it really possible that they saw her with the same eyes as this morning when she knew nothing happened?
"Okay. Come in."
But she couldn't escape.
She couldn't say that she couldn't get into the classroom if she was going to stay at that school.
She took a deep breath and desperately suppressed the tremors in her body.
When she looked up, Yata looked at her and opened the door.
Kamamoto patted him on the back.
She takes a breath and half shaking she enter the classroom.
Immediately afterwards, the classroom, which had been noisy until then, quieted down.
At that moment, something cold ran down her back.
Ah! Ah! After all, she couldn't lift her face and closed her eyes. Was when…
"Hey, Saya-chan!"
It was Kukuri's strong voice.
Then there were turbulent steps and they grabbed her by the shoulders.
When she opened her eyes in amazement, Kukuri's crying face appeared right in front of her.
"I was worried! Oh, bandages! You're hurt! Oh, your legs! Do you hurt? Are you okay? I was worried because you didn't come back soon."
Shiro and his friends also run towards her with other classmates.
Was this a reality?
"Thanks for your help on the courtyard! I'm sorry I couldn't thank you right away!"
That said, Kukuri hugged her.
The warmth of her finally made her realize that this was not a dream.
Her back back of her nose hurt, and at the same time, her chest.
"Kukuri-chan... Am I not unpleasant?"
"Hey, why?"
Kukuri looked into her eyes as if she didn't really understand her meaning.
"Because, this ability..."
"Yeah?! I don't believe that at all. You were great as an ally of justice, right?"
"Because you are a lifesaver, I don't think I could feel uncomfortable. Tell me if there is anyone who thinks otherwise! I will preach for about three hours! Hey?"
At Kukuri's words, Shiro and Yatogami took control.
Oh, she already understood... what should she do? She was happy.
The exact opposite of the previous school. But it may be that she used to hurt people with her abilities, and this time she protected people with her abilities. Still, it's the same thing that was destroyed here and there with the non-human ability. However, by no means, would it be accepted like this!
"Eh? Saya-chan? Why are you crying?"
"Gohan~? What's wrong? Does it hurt?"
Both of her hands caressed it gently.
That invited more tears.
When she suddenly looked for Yata, he was already moving by the window.
When Yata looked into her eyes, he turned red and turned away from her. That was not the case a little while ago. Kamamoto gave him a small blow.
Finally, she was relieved.
She took a deep breath and put her hand on Kukuri's back.
"Yata-san! I'm here!"
Around the same time that the teacher was leaving the main room, the members of the red club entered and greeted Yata.
"Oh, come in."
"Wow, Saya-chan."
Wow, she?
As she prepared to go home while glancing at him, she was shocked when she was suddenly called by her name. Surprised, she looked at the boy who was looking at her with a smiling face.
"Oh, hi. I'm Chitose Yo. This guy next to me is Dewa. We're sophomores and members of the red club."
"Chitose-san and Dewa-san?"
"Yeah. The blonde over there is Eric. It was a bit noisy to get into the room, I wonder if it would have been better later. Let's go first."
Eh? Where?
"This is your bag."
"Yes. Princess. Please give me your hand. Right hand. Take your left hand, don't you?"
What? What was happening?
When she looked at Yata with a feeling of confusion, for no apparent reason, he turned red and turned around. Kamamoto who was next to her raised his hand and said: "Okay."
But that was it. She did not understand the meaning.
As she filled her head with question marks, they gently lifted her up and carried her out of the classroom.
(What? Well, wait. Where are we really going?), she thought.
"Ah, that? Where are we going?"
"Let's go to the red club room."
"Eh? Let's have lunch, that?"
"Oh, no. Not there. It's where we usually hang out."
Eh? Oh, that's right, Totsuka said, "We rarely use the place for lunch."
"Yes. That's right. I'll show you, so follow me."
He asked Dewa to please give him her bag, while Chitose tugged at his hand.
A boy in sunglasses and a hoodie under his school uniform pushed his back.
Behind it was a slim blond boy. Next to them, a boy who seemed to be serious, although his hair was standing on end, seemed to be calm. There were many others.
Yata was the first to walk. Kamamoto followed him diagonally behind.
Kamamoto suddenly turned around and raised his hand saying, "Okay."
Really? No, she didn't think Yata and his friends would do something to her.
But was she worried after all? Because she didn't understand the meaning or the intention.
Why were they trying to take her to the red club?
The appearance of walking surrounded by the members in black school uniforms of the red club seemed strange, and all the students who passed by had round eyes.
"It's unreasonable, it's not good."
Anna Kushina. A mysterious Japanese teacher, a beautiful girl with long straight hair and big red eyes, looked like a girl.
It was Chitose, not Yata, who replied with a smile: "I understand."
Anna nods and passes without stopping.
She looked back over her shoulder and saw Dewa.
"Huh? What happens now?"
"Anna-sensei. Doesn't she know?"
"No, I know. I know."
"Oh, Anna-sensei, the red club advisor."
After thinking about the meaning of her question for a moment, Dewa convinced her. It was true, that's why she couldn't resist.
"We got to the living room. Yes, let's go."
"Ok. You can change clothes yourself!"
Chitose, who tried to be fragile, is hastily stopped and their shoes are changed.
Oh, she's already seen it! She can look at it with a sense of interest!
However, apart from her, they march around her began again, probably because they didn't mind the direct gaze of other students.
She was embarrassed and lightly clasped her hands in front of her chest and denied.
"Oh, should I go to the girls' dorm? I'm out of school, but something..."
"Is this outside of school? Even though it's a clubroom?!"
"I wonder if it is a clubroom or a place that replaces the clubroom."
"Yeah? Well that's..."
"By the way, do you think Anna-sensei and other teachers will get mad when they find out I'm going in there?"
Would they be offended?
When she asked them all of a sudden, not all of them showed a congested expression, they just looked at each other and said, "Okay."
"Yes. It's fine during the day."
She got more anxious.
It was like that, they walked a bit. She went to a bar where they took her.
The name of the store is "HOMRA".
"Yes. Homura. The common name of the red club."
It was strange. Was the red club commonly known as Homura?
Retro look and nice British flair. The deep, calm red was very impressive. The gold lettering "BAR", the lights and the exterior menu board were very atmospheric and liquorous.
The tenant on the first floor... but the building itself was made of brick and the window frame was dark green. It felt like you were on an English street that you see in the movies.
She knew it was prejudice, but it wasn't a "bad hangout."
"Oh, I see. It's fine during the day because it's a bar."
"Yes, please!"
Chitose opened the door with a smile.
A bright caramel colored wooden counter that can be seen as antique. A wooden floor that squeaked when you stepped on it. A classic that flowed smoothly. Various traditional and elegant interiors. The spacious couch seats looked very comfortable.
At the back of the counter, there were many bottles of liquor.
One person was polishing glasses, had shiny auburn hair and purple glasses. She wondered if he was the age of a college student. He was like an older brother with a big smile.
"Oh, that boy?"
The boy smiled as he watched her enter.
"Then Kusanagi-san, do something sweet."
Perhaps he arrived a little earlier, Totsuka, who came out the back, beckoned her to come.
"Yes, sit there on the couch."
"Eh? Ah, that..."
"Saya-chan, right? You don't like it?"
"Huh? Oh, I can't drink alcohol."
When she answered that while she was sitting on the couch, they looked at her like everyone was shocked for a moment.
"Ah, that?"
"Well, did you think they'd be drunk? Well, it's definitely a bar here, right? But it's not good for minors. It's a waste."
She smiled and waved her hand.
She believed that it was different for not drinking because it is not good...
Oh, but that's not what she just said.
She shook her head, looked at Totsuka and then looked back at the young man.
"I thought they were drunk, but it was about making sweets. I'm not good at cakes made with western liquor, nor compotes boiled in alcohol, although I skipped the alcohol and the rum raisins. I mean, sorry. I think I am. I said many words."
"Oh, that's how it is."
"Wow, did you think it was going to be bad?"
She felt bad. In a hurry, he waved his hands and apologized, and put the glass he had polished on the shelf and laughed mischievously.
"If you forgive a man too much, he will eat you, don't you think?"
"Hmm, wait a minute. Look, you guys are scaring the princess, don't you think?"
"Ah, that?"
Eh?! Princess?!
She was surprised to hear that, but the boy started to prepare.
When she looked at Kamamoto, who was standing next to him, Kamamoto said "Oh." and he point to the young man with his hand.
"Izumo Kusanagi. He is a college student at 0B and from the red club. He is the same age as Mikoto. He is the owner of this bar."
What should she be surprised about?
Is he the same age as Suoh? Does that mean Suoh was repeating a year? So he was a college student and a business owner? College student?!
"Kusanagi-san, what about Mikoto-san?"
"He comes in the afternoon, now he is sleeping."
Kusanagi responds without stopping to Yata's question.
"Oh, upstairs? The second floor is also a store?"
"He has nothing to do with the store. He's using the empty room on the second floor as a nap spot. He's the King."
At Kamamoto's complementary explanation, she looked ahead.
Late? So after that he came there? What? And the lessons?
"The basement is the storeroom for the store and it feels like our gathering place."
"I'll tell you. Even though I'm immersed in this all year, it's never been quiet in the basement and they've interrupted my business."
At Chitose's words, involuntarily, she chuckled softly.
"Oh, now you have a nice smile."
Then Totsuka laughed, gestured with his thumb and forefinger, and looked at her.
"You brought her in because you wanted to see her smile, right? Yata."
When she looks at Yata sitting on the counter, Yata turned his bright red face and turned around, saying, "Ah, that's not it!" She's been thinking about it since noon, but maybe Yata was really shy?
"Yata-kun, really?"
"Ah...! But I said you would have fun in your school life!"
When asked, Yata yelled as he looked away. His profile was tinted red, and surprisingly the red was turning redder.
He somehow embarrassed her and her cheeks heated up.
"That's right. That's why Saya-chan…"
Chitose knelt on the ground and reached out in front of her.
"Plays with us."
"Oh, I said it, it's not because Saya-chan is a Strain. I'm sure she created that pillar of fire. I'm glad she protected the students in general. No, I'm really grateful. I think she is. It does worst thing to do to injure a student in general."
When she shook her shoulders, Chitose rushed to shake her hands and said, "Oh! I don't blame Saya-chan!"
"We want you to join this special club, we have skills too. It's different from you that you didn't even know you had the skills. We got them because we wanted it. I think there is a great responsibility there."
Totsuka looked at her and said calmly.
"That's right. It's like Chitose said."
"Everyone in the red club is grateful to Saya-chan."
(Wow, thankful to me? Um... why did I do that?), she thought.
She was confused and denied, but everyone was smiling at her.
"Yes. Thank you. Oh, and we're sorry that your hand got hurt, Saya-chan. I'm not saying that because I feel responsible, only Yata got hurt."
"The rest is fine. Because the red club has a reputation for being bad. It's great that you didn't see us with that kind of eyes, but, above all, seeing those tears and doing nothing would make a man leave."
"We're having fun. Maximize that out now. I want Konohana-san to have fun. So I thought. That's why you came to this school, right?"
But, she was a different "Strain".
(I'm happy, but...! But it can be a hassle!), she thought.
However, no one seemed to care about that. Why?
On the contrary, everyone was very happy.
"I'm happy. The first female member! It's the first time I've seen it of all generations, isn't it? Kusanagi-san!"
"Saya-chan. It certainly is. There has never been a female member in the red club. I hope you join the club."
Kusanagi, who came out of the counter, said that and placed a fruit-filled parfait in front of her. It was cute and it looked delicious.
"Yes, here you go."
"Oh, thanks! It looks delicious..."
Well, everything was getting really good. It would be good?
The moment she received the spoon that was offered to her while thinking about it, the floor creaked.
They all looked back in surprise. Kusanagi also laughed and stood up slowly.
"Good morning, Mikoto."
Suoh, who came down from the second floor, yawning sleepily.
No one said anything, and naturally everyone turned away. There was nothing to block his red eyes staring at her.
Great charisma. A bottomless flame.
She shrugged reflectively.
That wasn't horror, it was amazement... she felt a bit shocking.
Looking at her like this, Suoh scratched his head.
Then he took a little breath and walked over to her silently and sat down casually next to her.
"Oh, yeah!"
"If you feel like it, join."
The hand that reached out in front of her, made her eyes open inadvertently.
She was instantly engulfed in flames, and she gasped.
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"Okay, it's like a rite of passage."
Totsuka told her gently, and she turned to look at him.
"A rite of passage?"
"Yes. Sorry, but it is absolutely necessary to join the red club. There are many people who cannot take that hand and stop joining, but trust."
Totsuka wiped the smile on his lips and looked directly at her.
"Trust me. We, the red club, will never hurt you."
Looking at Yata, there were some members who seemed a bit concerned, but his gaze was very sincere, determined, direct, and fiery.
She was relieved, it should be fine. She had just met them, but she could believe it. There were no lies in those words. They would protect her. She looked at everyone around her.
They were all staring at her.
She swallowed her breath and looked at him.
That's why? There was no wonder or anxiety.
Without anxiety, she had no reason to be surprised.
This is where her words wanted to come out of her throat.
When she pursed her lips, in the hand that held the flame, she placed her hand.
38 notes · View notes
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Title: Marked by an Angel PART 1 Collab with @samros95​
Pairing: sub! Angel! Yoongi x Dom! Demon! Noona! reader ft. Demon! Jimin ft. Demon! Jin ft. Angel! Hoseok
Warnings: smut, angst, spit play, blood drinking, hand job (m) receiving, blow job (m) receiving, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks)
Rating: 18 and over
Tag List (perm): @mochilicious-yoongi​ @heyimtavia
It was unusual for him to call you like this, out of the blue, during the day. You had scheduled nights to see each other and right now it was neither night nor one of your usual evenings. Normally you would turn him down, but he sounded so desperate on the phone, you just couldn’t say no. Here you were, dressed in your signature all black, huge black sunglasses to keep the sun at bay as you made your way through the streets of Purgatory. Min Yoongi wasn’t a normal Angel, he was a general for their leader, Kim Namjoon. Which means you needed to make your way into Heaven, not as abnormal as it sounds. Demon and Angels crossed the barrier lines often, many fornicating, many just to fuck around with “friends” or just to fuck around with rivals. You hated that Yoongi lived among the hierarchy especially when he claimed to hate it and his position but who were you to judge. You yourself were the highest-level assassin and gifted Soul Reaper for Kim Seokjin, a position you have grown to despise as well.
You head in the direction of the great staircase, smirking when you lock eyes with one of the gatekeepers. You give a small nod and walk past, knowing you’d die before showing your ID to get through the pearly gates. Instead, you head past the entrance and off towards the River Styx. “Ferryman.” You greet the decrepit caped man seated on his Ferry. “Demon.” He greets back. “I need backdoor access into Heaven.” He looks up at you with his cloudy eyes and grimaces. “I need a taste.” You wince at his request. “A drop.” “A gulp!” You swallow hard but nod. ‘Fucking Min Yoongi.’ You thought to yourself, noting to punish him later. You move towards the ferryman and tug up your sleeve, using your sharpest nail to carve a line in your wrist. His eyes widen as he catapults forward to slurp on your flowing vein. You groan in disgust at his moans. Demons and Angels blood sold for thousands on the black market for their healing properties. In large doses, their affects could last days or weeks but in small ones only hours. “That’s enough!” You shout, shoving him onto his back, licking your wound close. He drops happily, licking his lips and panting. “Thank Namjoon.” He moans. You roll your eyes, watching the decrepit man begin to age backwards to a young adult.
You raise an eyebrow at how handsome he is. “Praise Seokjin,” You scoff, “My ride?” “A deal is a deal.” He stands now, waving you to follow him to his ferry. You allow him to help you in. He begins to row his boat in the direction of the gates, but rather than move towards them directly, he makes a slight right, flowing with the river current towards a tunnel beneath them. He whispers an incantation under his breath and a door in the tunnel appears. A loud clang rings through when the doors open and soon Heavens lights beam through at you both. He rows forward, stopping when he makes it through the doors. “This is where I leave you Demon. Ferrymen are not welcome beyond this point.” You nod, standing and stepping out into the tunnel. “Thank you, Ferryman.” He smiles. “Your Angel can get you back Demon. Enjoy.” He smirks, disappearing with a clap of his hands.
You make your way through the streets of Heaven, your head spinning from your heightened sense of smell, another one of your gifts. Angels always had a distinct smell to you, like cinnamon and honey. Some had stronger muskier scents like Yoongi, he always smelled woodsy to you. He was always different from the other Angels, his scent, mannerisms, all different from what you were used to. His voice ringing in your head now. “You should wear white when you come to Heaven to see me Noona. It will keep heads from turning.” You looked around at all the disgusted faces. Demons were not welcome in Heaven, regardless of business or not. “Demon bitch.” A man whispers as you walk past. You smirk, deciding to not respond. Seokjin forbid, Namjoon get word you were moving around heaven, let alone attacking citizens. You lift your head, a very distinct smell hitting you. It was no Angel scent. It was instead sulfur mixed with lilies. There was only one Demon you knew with such a distinct scent. You look around for its owner and smile when all the Angels begin to walk past you without a care in the world. “I’m intrigued to know what you’re doing here.” Jimin suddenly appears beside you. “Just scouting the competition.” You respond, turning to face him. His eyes are lit up red and you know he’s using his gift of Altered Perception to keep you both from being noticed. “Noona, we are all deviant creatures. It’s ok if you’re looking for a meal. I too am bored. They have such delectable Trainees in the Ethereal Guards. You may find something you like. Come with?” He pouts. You smirk. “As I said before, I’m scouting. Seokjin forbid I get caught slacking.” “Mm, yes, daddy’s pet has to be on her best behavior always. Well, if you change your mind.” He bites the tip of his finger and holds it out to you. “It’ll keep the Angel scum from seeing you while you move about.” You nod, wrapping your mouth around his finger, his wound healing as soon as you unlatch.
“Be careful old girl.” He smirks, spinning and disappearing in a puff of grey smoke. You release the nervous sigh you had been holding onto, moving faster now through the crowd. You arrive at Yoongi’s apartment complex, walking past the guard in the lobby, and straight for the elevator. When you get to the penthouse you exit the elevator, walking to his front door, entering the lock code into the keypad. You are immediately hit with his scent mixed with his need, your senses going into overdrive. You turn into his bedroom to see him standing by his bed, squinting at you in confusion, his erection unabashedly on display through his white linen pants. “Noona? You look, so beautiful.” You swallow hard, feeling your face blush. “What are you saying?” You snip. “Your hair. The flowers, the dress.” He describes and you look down at your body, at the black leather pants and black corset you’re wearing. “What,” You begin, eyes widening with realization, “Altered Perception.” “What?” He tilts his head. “You’re seeing me the way you imagine me. It’s Jimin’s gift, your perception is being altered because I drank his blood.” He stands straighter, covering his erection with his hands. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were just with someone.” You smirk, walking towards him to remove his hands from his rigid member and instead replacing them with yours. He whimpers at your touch.
“Oh Angel, did you think Noona would ever sleep with some lowly Demon over you?” You slowly palm him, his excitement leaking and staining the front of his pants. “I, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s just, bloodletting is so, intimate.” “Not for me. It was a favor to keep me from being seen while I was here. It’s dangerous for me here.” “I know. I’m sorry. Thank you for coming. I know it’s not our normal day, but I missed you.” He confesses. “Do you have any idea what I had to do to get here?” He shakes his head, moving his hips in succession with your hand. “Take your pants off Angel.” He swallows hard, removing the article of clothing quickly, his large cock springing forward. You grip it hard before gently stroking his full length. He throws his head back, his precum spilling out into your palm. “How long have you been this hard Angel?” “Two days.” Your eyes widen and your cunt leaks at the thought of his resolve. “Such a good boy, waiting for his Noona.” You praise. “I waited as long as I could but today it was too painful.” “Spit on it.” You command, his reddened engorged tip resting in your opened palm. “What?” He questions. “Spit on your cock for Noona.” You whisper, palming his balls with your free hand. He mewls, nodding. He moves his jaw around, gathering his lubricant in his mouth, slowly allowing the spit to drip from his soft pout and onto his tip. You release a heated sigh at the sight, closing your fist around his tip and stroking him quickly. His body shudders, your name leaving his mouth in soft whispers over and over while you build up his high.
“Uh, please, I’m going to cum.” He warns. “Not yet you’re not.” You state to his desperate eyes, releasing his cock and shoving him onto the bed. He cries out, stretching his needy body from the lost orgasm. “Top off Angel.” He pants, removing his sweater. “Fuck! This skin. It’s so gorgeous.” You growl, moving forward and biting a red mark onto his chest. He moans, jolting his hips upward. You move to your knees and take his full length in your mouth. “Ah, fuck, Noona!” You glide up and down his cock, taking him to the back of your throat. You come up a moment for air, gathering all the moisture in your mouth. You look him deep in his eyes, gripping his cheeks. He opens his mouth, sticking his tongue out, allowing you to spit onto it. “Spit on your cock.” He is completely out of breath, spitting a mixture of your saliva onto the tip of his cock. You grip his shaft, moving up and down with the ease. “Noona.” He whines, hitching his hips upward into your fist. His head falling back while he keeps pace with you. Your phone begins ringing and Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Please Noona, ignore it, please. I need to cum so bad.” You stroke faster, his breath quickening. “Yes, please, don’t stop. I’m so close.” Your phone rings again and you release Yoongi’s angered cock. “No! No! Fuck!” He whines.
You pull your phone out of your pocket and put a finger to your lip. “Jin, how are you?” You answer. Yoongi’s eyes tighten to slits at the name that leaves your mouth. You get off your knees, sitting on the bed now, leaning up on the pillows. Yoongi looks at you with defiance. “Y/N, I need you to come see me. We have much to discuss.” You swallow nervously at the request. “Everything ok?” You question. Watching Yoongi watch you. “No, everything is not ok. Since when do you ask questions? I need you to come see me and that’s it!” He shouts. Yoongi growls and you give him an angered look. “What are you doing?” Jin’s voice comes into your ear. “Nothing. I’m... home.” Yoongi’s breath quickens in anger and he moves towards you, latching his mouth onto your neck, sucking at the flesh. You bite your lower lip to keep yourself quiet. “Well, we have an emergency here and I need my right hand by my side. Besides, shouldn’t you be out scouting?” “Of course,” You stutter, “I was getting ready to do just that.” There is a pause and then Jin scoffs. “Are you with someone?” “No, what would make you ask that?” You swallow. “It’s been a while since we fucked. I’m sure you’re in need. Come quickly and we can get a quick fuck in.” He immediately hangs up and Yoongi unlatches from your throat. You turn to meet Yoongi’s teary gaze.
“You fuck him?” He grumbles, fighting back his tears. “No. At least, not anymore.” You answer as honestly as you can. “Who fucks their boss?” He moves away from you. “Angel, please.” “Fuck you! You’re just like the rest of your kind. Liars.” He shouts, snatching his pants from the ground. You grab him quickly and slam him onto the bed. “Shh, my sweet Angel. No one touches me anymore. Only you. I promise.” You comfort him, kissing his cheeks and soon his pout. He resists at first but soon open his mouth for you to swirl your tongue around his. “Promise?” He whispers into your kisses. You nod, unzipping your leather pants. He moans, running his large hands down your back, gripping your bare ass. “Let’s me show you Angel.” He growls like a jaguar, the scent of jealousy releasing from his pores, and you chuckle. “You gonna change on me baby?” You ask, standing to remove your pants. He lays before you his rigid cock twitching in anticipation for your cunt. His body steams as his eyes glow blue, a lighthearted threat from the gifted Transmutationist. You moan, straddling him. “You don’t scare me Angel. I’ll tame any form you choose to take.” You smirk, lowering yourself onto his cock. He growls again, his eyes glowing brighter when you begin to ride him quickly. You throw your head back, moaning loudly. He licks at your exposed neck, wrapping an arm around your waist to lift you up and down his member faster.
“That’s it Angel. Fuck this cunt.” Yoongi growls, flipping you over suddenly angling his needy cock into you so it rubs along your g-spot. You claw at his back, earning moan after moan from him. “Mine.” He growls, his sweat dripping onto your face. “Yours.” You assure him, wiping his dark locks from his forehead. Your mouth falls open. “Fuck, Yoongi, feels so good. Don’t stop.” You gasp, your orgasm sparking up from deep within you and shooting through your body steadily. You cry out his name, your pussy slick with your climax as he continues to pound into you. “I’m going to cum.” He whispers. “Yes Angel, fill me up.” He presses his forehead against yours, his hips staggering for a moment. “Hyung, Are you here?” You hear from Yoongi’s living room. “Don’t stop.” You tell Yoongi, nearly gagging on the scent of the sweet smell of Heaven’s dutiful Arch Angel Jung Hoseok. “I can’t. It’s too good. I’m cumming.” He pants, crying out your name. His seed shooting out into your warmth, leaking out with his continued thrust. “Hyung?” Hoseok emerges into Yoongi’s room. You turn your head away quickly to avoid being seen. “OUT!” Yoongi yells. “Shit! Sorry.” Hoseok shouts, running out.
“He’s gone.” Yoongi whispers. You turn to look up at him. “You think he saw me?” “No, he’s clueless.” “I should get going.” “To Jin?” He inquires. “To work.” You push him off you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you two were a thing?” “Should we exchange list?” You snap. “It’s different, he’s the king of the underworld.” “Don’t do this Yoongi. We just had a beautiful moment.” “Why do you avoid everything?” “Because I don’t answer to you. Now, I’m leaving.” You tug on your pants, standing to leave. “Noona, please. Don’t leave upset.” “Too late. Goodbye.” You say, walking out of his bedroom. You look about for Hoseok but don’t see him and make haste to the elevator. You’re gone no more than 5 minutes when your phone goes off with a text.
Angel: ‘Please don’t be upset with me. I’m sorry. Please, can I see you tonight?’
Me: ‘No.’
He doesn’t respond and for that you are grateful.  
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The Phone Call
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Requested?: yes! a very nice nonnie requested a julie x fem!reader, and i just loved it too much not to write. have some wholesome content!!!
Word Count: 3.4K+
Author’s Note: so, this is my first time writing for a female character x reader, and i really loved it, sort of bringing this story to the forefront, and getting to write Julie. i don’t think this is a character i’ll write for as often as the jatp guys, but it was still super duper fun!
Warning: it’s just a whole buncha floof.
have some masterlist while you’re here.
It was actually quite fortunate that Julie’s phone rang in the middle of practice.
The ringtone put a halt to Alex’s drum beat and Reggie’s baseline, the band in the middle of a song when the device began vibrating atop Julie’s music stand perched before her piano. The air quickly grew quiet, three pairs of eyes falling onto Julie as they waited for her to silence her phone, to apologise and get back into the song. They had a strict ‘Do Not Disturb’ policy on band time, one put in place mainly because Flynn had a habit of turning up out of the blue and derailing practice with antics.
“Well?” Luke said after four rings, Julie looking over and registering the name as the ringtone continued to blare out. The look on the guitarist’s face was one shared by her other band mates: they were mid-practice, they had a gig that night, and they couldn’t afford to mess up with talent scouts in the crowd. They had kicked out Flynn already, and had locked the doors to the garage to minimise disturbance from Ray or Carlos, and while they were already playing the song well, they shared the sentiment that the performance that night needed to be great.
But it was a name that made her smile, brought a warmth to Julie’s heart and butterflies to her stomach. She still wasn’t quite used to it, seeing that name on her screen, despite it being a regular occurrence for months now: it still gave Julie that giddy feeling whenever it popped up on her caller ID.
Julie glanced up at her friends, her band, all waiting for her to hang up as the ringtone repeated for a sixth time: but in a split second decision, she reached out and pressed answer on the call, causing Luke to guffaw.
“What are you-”
“How’s my light in this dreary excuse for a life doing?” Julie asked down the phone, causing her band mates to hold back on their berating as she put the call on speaker, biting her lip as she tucked her hands under her thighs, her eyes on the guys as the response came through.
“You say that like you’re not the superstar here, Molina.” And simultaneously, Julie watched the jaws of her three ghost guys drop at the sound of a girl’s voice coming from the other side of the phone. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” She asked Julie, a waver of nerves in her voice. “I wasn’t sure when you were starting rehearsal today.”
“You’re all good, we’re taking a break.” Julie half-lied: the boys had certainly dropped their interest in practice upon the beginning of the phone call. “What’s the matter, ¿cariña?” She asked, watching Alex silently jump up from his seat and walk over to join Luke and Reggie in the room’s centre, three pairs of eyes watching Julie with matching expressions of dumbfounded confusion.
“W-well. Two things.” The voice spoke again, giggling a little in response to the pet name, and in turn causing Julie to blush. “I’m sorry I didn’t call last night; I fell asleep doing Chemistry homework.” The girl admitted, and Julie let out a laugh. “And second: about this gig tonight… What do you want me to wear?” she asked, but before Julie could respond, the girl continued. “Like, what says ‘hi, I’m Julie’s girlfriend but I’m super cool and chill and not at all weird in any way’? I mean, I don’t know how to dress for meeting Flynn, let alone meeting your ghost band mates…”
Julie watched Reggie and Alex silently scream at one another, the former beginning to bounce around the room as Luke just sat himself down on the coffee table from shock at the revelation.
“Y/N, whatever you wear, the guys will love it.” Julie was reassuring in her tone, her words sincere and sweet. “Oh! What about the blue polka dot dress, the one you wore on our picnic date?” She suggested, trying to ignore the borderline meltdown Reggie was having as she spoke, their bassist having grabbed a pillow from the couch and clutching it to his chest, his eyes nearly teary as he watched the phone call unfold.
“Oh, I love that one!” The girl, Y/N, squealed from down the phone, the sound of rustling and thuds coming from down the line, followed by a quick ‘oopsie daisy’, Julie smiling at the noise of her girlfriend’s clumsiness. “Found it! Ok, phew, thank you baby. I’m still meeting you there at 6, right?”
“Yep, if you come round to the side door I’ll make sure that security let you in.” Julie replied with a squeak of her own.
“This is so exciting! I mean, finally meeting all your friends, your family…” Y/N exclaimed, but quickly fell silent on the other end of the phone. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” she asked in a nervous tone. “I mean, this is sort of it for you, coming out…”
It was true, Julie wasn’t publicly out. But now, with her band mates listening in and with two of the three flapping about the room like headless chickens from the shock of it, the cat was, sort of, out of the bag at that point.
“I’m sure.” Julie said quickly, nodding along as she spoke. “I should get back to practice now, the guys are waiting.” She said quickly, rounding off the call.
“Oh, of course, of course! I uh, I’ll see you tonight.” And with that, the phone call ended.
And chaos ensued.
“JULIE YOU HAVE TO TELL US EVERYTHING!” Reggie yelled the moment the dial tone sounded, rushing forward as Julie stood herself up, his hands gripping her shoulders and shaking the poor girl.
“You have a girlfriend…” Luke muttered softly; his eyes fixed on the ground as he processed.
“When did you meet? How old is she? Can we see pictures?” Alex asked, slightly less hyper than the bassist, who was quite clearly ecstatic about the news.
“You have a girlfriend?”
“Does she go to Los Feliz? Does she like music? Can she play too?” Reggie asked question after question, having to stop for a moment to catch his breath as Julie was finally given release from the boy’s grip and allowed to focus back on the room, on her friends. “Does she like puppies?!”
“You have a girlfriend and didn’t tell us?” Luke was standing now, and Alex and Reggie halted their questions to pay attention to their guitarist. His hands were shoved deep into his pockets, a look of introspection in his face: eyebrows furrowed, that familiar grumpy frown he had patented, and Julie’s face softened at the sight. “Julie, why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
“I just…” The question hung in the air as Julie tried to articulate her answer, the boys all stood across from her in a row, patient in waiting for her response. “I wanted to tell you guys… I just, I wasn’t ready yet.” It was a simple response, and she watched Luke as he took it in and processed it, wondering what the boy was thinking.
Luke accepted Alex, he himself was queer, surely he would accept and respect Julie’s relationship too… Right?
“Does she make you happy?” He asked after a minute or so of pondering, coming over and taking Julie’s hand in his, giving it a squeeze as he activated best friend mode.
“Yeah… She really does.” Julie said back, her voice no more than a whisper as she found herself getting a little choked up, a lump in her throat and happy tears brimming in her eyes as she watched Luke’s frown turn into a cheesy grin, the boy wrapping his arms around his friend and enveloping her in a tight hug, that Alex and Reggie soon joined in on. They squeezed her, surrounding the smaller girl and smothering her, quite literally, with affection and acceptance and their pride in her. “I need… to breathe…” She managed to croak, the four quickly breaking apart and muttering apologies.
“So… Tell us about her.” Alex said with a smile, Julie sitting herself down on the coffee table as the boys clambered onto the couch, wide eyed and eager to hear about this mystery girl who had Julie feeling all gooey inside.
“Yes please! Full biography, if you don’t mind. Name, age, school, interests, family, medical background, music taste, does she like puppies, is she a sock, sock, shoe, shoe person or sock, shoe, sock, shoe … The important stuff.” Reggie added on, and Julie couldn’t help but laugh at her friends, all leaning forward to make sure they didn’t miss a word.
“It’s alright, Y/N, you’ve got this. It’s just… It’s just another day…” The whispers of self-encouragement echoed through the back alley later that night as the teen made her way towards the side entrance to the venue. “You’re just seeing your girlfriend… Just watching her in concert, again…” Y/N wasn’t usually so nervous, but ever since she and Julie had begun dating a few months before, the nerves always seemed to build up before seeing her. Tonight, knowing she would not only be meeting Julie’s dad and brother, but her friends? It had Y/N in a bit of a panic, stopping as she passed by a window to look herself over in the reflection, fixing her hair for the twentieth time on her walk over, and pulling a tube of lipstick from her purse to reapply. “You’ve got this, come on Y/N… You wouldn’t be meeting them if you and Julie weren’t in a good place.” She reminded herself softly and let out a sigh.
“Can I help you?” a voice behind Y/N asked, causing her to spin and come face to face with a girl her age. She too was dressed for the concert that night, wearing a Julie and the Phantoms t-shirt under a pinafore dress. “You said Julie, just now… Are you looking for her? Is she expecting you?” She asked again, and Y/N eyes did another scan of the girl, her face immediately coming to mind from Julie’s Instagram: this was Flynn. Her girlfriend’s oldest friend was right in front of her.
“Uh, I uh…” Y/N stuttered, Flynn looking her over with a concern.
“You don’t look good… Why don’t we get you inside? Get you some water?” Flynn offered, taking Y/N’s forearm in her grip and gently coaxing her for the nearby side entrance to the venue, Y/N taking one last glance at the crowds gathering for the concert on the main street before she was led into the venue and down a spiral staircase. “You’re lucky I found you, the security team are super strict here.” Flynn explained to Y/N, the stranger, like the two were old friends, veering to the right and leading her into a rather fancy looking dressing room. “Here…” Flynn let go of her arm to rush over and grab Y/N a bottle of water, passing it over quickly, and watching as Y/N quickly downed half the bottle to try and combat her anxiety.
“Thank you…” Y/N managed after taking a gulping breath.
“Not a problem. So, you’re looking for Julie?” Flynn asked again, and Y/N nodded. “I probably should have checked you weren’t a crazy stalker first before inviting you in, huh? What’s your name?” Flynn hurried herself around the dressing room, collecting cables and a guitar before heading back for the room’s door.
“Y/N… Do you need a hand?” She came out of her nerves to catch the guitar about to slip from under Flynn’s arm, the pair sharing a wary smile.
“Yes, I do, it seems. Well, Y/N, follow me. Julie and the guys are running through their sound check, I’ll deliver you to her.” Flynn grinned, starting a jog back up the corridor they had just come down, Y/N prompted to stick to the girl’s heels. Y/N couldn’t help but admire the girl’s easy manner, how, like Julie, she could settle her nerves with no effort. They followed another corridor along the floor as they passed by the staircase they had descended, quickly coming to a large black door that Flynn kicked open with her foot.
Suddenly, Y/N was hit by a wall of sound: of a perfect culmination of guitar and bass and drums and piano, paired with the angelic voice Y/N knew all too well. It knocked her off balance for a moment, and she clung tight to the guitar charged into her possession, worried she might drop it from the sheer euphoria she got listening to Julie’s voice. She felt like she was floating above the ground as Flynn directed her towards the source of the music, trying to stop herself rushing onto the stage when she spotted her girlfriend.
“We're all bright now, what a sight now, coming out like we're fireworks. Marching on proud, turn it up loud, ‘cause now we know what we're worth.” Julie sang out as she played alongside herself, radiating an energy that left the whole room smiling as they watched on: from the sound techs to the bartenders setting up for the incoming crowd.
“We know we can make it we’re not falling down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder.” The boy on guitar, who Y/N remembered was Luke, joined in on the vocals with Julie, who took the harmony, the pair meeting in the centre of the stage to sing together on Julie’s mic. “I wanna fly, come alive…” Luke quickly fell away again, Julie’s attention turning to movement in her peripheral as Flynn set down the cables she had brought along and removed the guitar from Y/N’s hands.
“Watch me shine!” Julie sang out as her eyes landed on Y/N, a smile bursting onto her face as she recognised her girlfriend, waving quickly at her. Y/N waved back, biting her lip to stop herself for laughing at Julie’s adorable demeanour.
“I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see. And you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me. Now 'til eternity, hands up if you believe. Been so long, and now we're finally free.” The whole band sang along on the chorus line, Julie’s attention on the wings quickly drawing the guys’ eyes there as well, to the girl stood at Flynn’s side in a polka dot dress, watching Julie like she was the only girl in the world. “I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see. And you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me. Now 'til eternity, hands up if you believe. Been so long, and now we're finally free.”
As they sang the chorus a second time in lead up to the song’s bridge, Luke rushed across the stage, Reggie on his tail as they both came into the wings.
Y/N and Flynn weren’t quite sure how to react to the pair bounding over, nor did they know what to do as the boys grabbed onto Y/N’s arms and pulled her onto the stage, placing her right in the middle where Julie stood. That afternoon, after the phone call, Julie had been badgered into telling her friends everything and anything about her girlfriend: including the fact that Y/N was a big fan of their music, and that she could sing.
“I got a spark in me.” Julie sang into the mic, taking a nervous breath before holding her hand out to Y/N, the pair quickly interlocking fingers and stepping closer together, Julie offering the microphone for Y/N to sing into. “I got a spark in me.” She echoed back a harmony line, nervously, but the smile on Julie’s face was enough to banished her worries, even if just for a moment. “And you're a part of me.” “And you're a part of me.” “Now 'til eternity.” “Now 'til eternity.” “Been so long, and now we're finally free.” Julie sang out, laughing as Y/N took the chance to spin Julie under her arm, neither caring to notice the grinning faces of the boys behind them, or the shock that plastered Flynn’s face, alongside Carlos, Ray and Julie’s tía Victoria, who had just walked in with pizza for the kids. It was like they were in their own little world, and as the song came to a close, the final chorus sang amidst Y/N and Julie’s dancing, both girls were left a little breathless from their bouncing, not to mention the butterflies bubbling inside each of them any time they looked at the other.
With a final bang of the drums closing up the song, reality quickly came back to the girls, Y/N dropping Julie’s hand as she quickly turned to see the one, two, three, four, five, six, seven… pair of eyes on her and Julie, and that was without mentioning the staff working that night.
“Um, guys…” Julie started, taking a step to the side to get the boys, Flynn and her family into her view, with Y/N in the centre of it all. “This is Y/N…” She said again, chewing on her bottom lip as confused waves were passed between the group.
“Hello.” Y/N said, glancing back at the guys and waving nervously to them as well, all three of the gathered on Alex’s drum stand and waving back.
“Y/N… Y/N is my girlfriend.”
There was silence, no-one quite sure who had superiority on speaking first, but Julie decided to cement the fact her statement provided by walking back to Y/N and interlocking their hands once more, the pair smiling at one another. While the boys behind them and Flynn were grinning like crazy, Julie and Y/N’s focus had fallen onto her family, who stood on the main floor before the stage. Ray shared a glance with Victoria, and for a moment Y/N expected the absolute worst.
“I’m really glad we bought extra pizza.” Ray said with a smile, flooding both the girls with relief as he made his way up onto the stage. “Maybe tell me next time your girlfriend comes along, mi hija: I’m not going to be this well-prepared every time.” He added, setting the pizzas down on the piano stool and jogging over to embrace Y/N in a firm embrace alongside Julie, the girls hugging back in response. “I’m Ray, Julie’s dad.”
“I know. It’s nice to meet you Mr Molina.” Y/N responded mid-hug.
“You know, the fact that the guys knew before I did is honestly insulting Julie.” Flynn spoke up as Ray pulled back from the hug, Flynn coming in for her own with Y/N. “I can’t believe those idiots got to meet you before I did.”
“O-oh, I… I haven’t met them before.” Y/N admitted, looking up as the guys came over. “I have no clue how they know.”
“That… That was me…” Julie admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“When you called today, you interrupted practice.” Reggie said rather loudly. “Julie put you on speaker, we heard the whole thing. I had a meltdown.”
“The outfit definitely gives ‘cool and chill and not weird in any way’ vibes you were going for.” Luke added, and Y/N went pink in the cheeks.
“Sorry about them.” Alex interrupted, holding out a hand that Y/N shook quickly. “I’m Alex. Thing 1 is Luke; Thing 2 is Reggie. They have no filter.” He said with a smile and shrug, only to watch Y/N look down at their connected hands, her eyebrows furrowing.
“Julie, baby,” Y//N said softly, getting a blush on her girlfriend’s cheeks and earning coos from the rest of the group. “I thought you said they were ghosts?” She whispered, glancing over to Ray, Carlos and Victoria, who were dishing out pizza and drinks. “Now, I might be wrong… But isn’t the whole thing that you can’t touch them?”
“Yeah, they kind of are? It’s a long story, definitely one that needs explaining…” Julie answered quickly, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s cheek that froze the girl in surprise. “But that’s for another time.”
“Yep, ok.” Y/N grinned, willing to agree to whatever Julie said without resistance. Ray called the six of them over for pizza at the far side of the stage.
As Julie and Y/N headed over, hand in hand, their heads resting against one another’s as they went, Luke, Reggie, Alex and Flynn watched on, sharing grins between themselves and mouthings of ‘oh my God’. It was nice for all of them, Julie’s family included, to see their star, their Julie, so happy.
And from then on, Julie was Y/N’s Julie too: because if the way those girls looked at each other wasn’t love, then, well, none of them were quite sure what love could be.
Tags: @sunsetpatterson @siennanoelle01 @epikskool @eries45 @thesweetestsinner @fangirlangioma @moviesbooksandfandoms @ohyoureaqueenbutuncrowned @saroo-hawks @charliessunset @lanasfandoms @bigdesi @avngrsinitiative @lolychu @lazydaisy19 @korydickson @uglypeachh @reggieandthereggies @reggiesleatherjacket @rogersangel @izzyhogue @writerinlearning @independentgirl @delicatelukepatterson @ghostlyb1tch @parkeret @mybrainiswhack @uhmitstori @mon-charmante @writingforphantoms @musicconversedance @mjflower @heimdoodle @kcd15 @-episkey- @billiesburritoess @obxmermaid @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @kristencoontz @n0wornever @simp4madi @aliciameix @kinda-just-chillin-here @jatpfan99​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @daisiesforlacey​ @valntynegillespie​ @ritz-hell-hotel​ @hemmingsness​ @ssprayberrythings​ @mishappened @lukespaterson​ @caitsymichelle13​ @morganayennefertyrell @kissing-thunder​ @cordeliascrown​ @cherrymaybank​
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 6)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2313 Warnings: none
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​​​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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Buzzing. There was constant buzzing in your ear, a combination of all the sounds around you blurring into an indiscernible mix you forced yourself to focus on. The steady drone is too slow for the quickened bounce of your leg shaking against the floor of the Uber that’s bringing you to your destination much faster than you expected. Your stomach is twisted in painful knots that sear deeper as you see the illuminated sign of Metro-General Hospital.
The way you’re feeling makes you want to head left through the emergency room doors but instead you charge ahead towards the main entrance. After giving your name you move to the side and await instructions from the security guard.
The buzzing hasn’t stopped though you quickly realize the pulsating vibrations were coming from your phone inside your bag. Quickly checking it you saw a text from Bucky wishing you good luck on the interview. You smiled seeing his name, feeling a moment of relief.
There was a shift in the air after you opened up to him the night before about why social work meant so much to you. Bucky had a much clearer understanding of you, commending the drive you had to come so far even with the obstacles you faced. You exchanged numbers before he left, acknowledging that Bucky was no longer just your neighbor but someone you considered a new friend.
The security guard hands you a visitor ID and gives you instructions to get to Ms. Rodriguez’s office from the elevator. Smoothing out your blouse you gave a friendly smile to the fellow passengers that entered as the doors opened to almost every floor on the journey up.
Two right turns and then a left at the nurses’ station until you found the corridor with blue doors. You rang the bell that buzzed a second later and pushed open the now unlocked door to enter an open room. A woman sits at a desk in front, gesturing for you to sit down on the row of chairs behind you as she continues her phone conversation.
Her desk is covered in a stack of thick manila folders, with one file open in front of her that she references on the call. You try not to eavesdrop despite being right there so you move your head slowly to observe the rest of the room. Cubicle walls divide a few other desks beside her. The walls are lined with tall file cabinets and a large potted Ficus drinks up the sunshine in the corner.
At the back of the room is a door that unexpectedly swings open, having been pulled so hard it seemed like it could have come off the hinges. A tall slim girl is scowling as her boots stomp down the hallway. She’s dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket as dark as her loose, uncombed hair. A woman steps out from the doorway, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Follow protocol Ms. Jones and we’ll get him.”
The girl turned around scoffing, “We’ll get him faster if I throw his ass through a wall.”
“Jessica,” she warned, flaring her eyes at the girl in a silent challenge.
It only took a moment for you to realize the woman was Ms. Rodriguez and suddenly your stomach began flipping again.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” she asked and you nodded, standing up to greet her with a handshake and a smile.
She asked you to follow her into her office, watching her thick braid sway as she walked ahead of you, holding the door open for you to enter. Her office wasn’t very big, or maybe it only felt that way since it was surrounded by even more large file cabinets.
“I apologize for that,” she began, “Jessica thinks using her fists might yield more results. This is a tough field, tell me what you wish to get out of it.”
Having recounted the full story with Bucky you were emotionally prepared to discuss all aspects of why you wanted to go into this field and it was clear to Ms. Rodriguez that you wanted to make a difference in the lives of those you were advocating for.
Her fingers twirled the large silver cross around her neck as she stared at you, your nerves rising under her silent gaze. Her face eventually relaxed into a smile and the weight was lifted from your shoulders as she welcomed you aboard as an intern. You couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across your face but when she began talking hours and scheduling it quickly dropped. You explained working full time and the hope you had for fulfilling your internship hours in the evenings.
“The issue is that some patients require our help to connect them with outside organizations to provide services and it’s unfortunate but most places stop answering their phones before 5 o’clock. There is a lot you can learn from us here but I would expect some daytime hours, otherwise this internship does not benefit you and I don’t mean to be frank but I can’t have you waste my time.”
Her straightforwardness made you feel nauseous but you understood. Your goal was so close, 1200 hours away until completion. You weren’t going to let it slip away.
“Thank you Ms. Rodriguez. I would love the opportunity to still do my internship here with you. If you’ll allow me the opportunity to speak with my employer, perhaps we can come to an arrangement.”
This may be another obstacle in the road but you were going to get through it, somehow, someway.
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The following day you woke up earlier than usual despite your lack of sleep. You almost texted Bucky at night, asking him to play anything in hopes the sound of his music would help drown out the anxieties in your mind. Instead you tossed and turned all night, unable to shut off your brain.
You didn’t want to text him anyway, knowing he would ask how the interview went. You avoided Steve and Wanda’s texts as well, seeking refuge at The Grind House but instead of doing research papers you worked on several plans. If you couldn’t make Stark Industries work with your internship then you’d have to find another job, or two, or three if need be.
You would make this happen no matter what but that didn’t ease the pit in your stomach; the familiar sense of dread that weighed you down uncomfortably like sandbags on your shoulders. Optimism and fear were fighting for dominance in your mind and for now you gave in to all the fears and worries. There would be no telling what path you would travel next, not until you spoke with Maria.
Steve wasn’t in yet so you were thankful to not have to run into him in the morning. The clicking of your heels against the tile floor echoed throughout the empty lobby. You couldn’t help but tap your foot, impatiently waiting for the elevator to arrive. Lost in thought you didn’t hear the footsteps of a person come up beside you. It wasn’t until you entered the elevator and were surprised to see someone else walk in.
Dressed in a sharp three-piece navy suit with a deep red tie stood Tony Stark. A perfectly trimmed goatee framed his smile as he took off his tinted sunglasses.
“G-good morning Mr. Stark,” you nervously greeted.
“Morning miss….” The word slithered on his tongue, dragging out the sound as he combed through the information of his brain to remember your last name. “Y/L/N!”
“You know who I am?” You didn’t mean to sound so pathetic but the words blurted out before you were able to stop them.
“That’s right kiddo. I know everybody that works for me,” he boasted.
He pressed his lips together forming a tight line, and he checked around the elevator as if you weren’t the only people there.
Tony leaned in closer to you, whispering, “Actually, that’s a lie. There’s one guy up in legal whose name I can’t ever remember. Is it Gary? Glenn? Gene? Geor– you know what, never mind. I know his face. That stays between us, okay?”
You nodded your head, but couldn’t help the odd chuckle that fell from your lips.
“So, are you angry?”
Your posture straightened, tensing up after his question caught you off guard.
“Before. The tapping?” He tapped his foot to mimic your earlier actions. “Pepper does that when she’s angry, usually at me.”
“Oh, no I… I’m just eager to speak with Maria about something.”
The elevator doors opened and Tony gestured for you to step out first.
“Might be a little difficult, she won’t be back for at least a few months.”
Worry settled on your face as Tony explained he asked Maria to head Stark International and begin overseeing their newest office in Australia.
“I had no idea…” you trailed off, wondering what this means not only for your internship but your job. “I’m her assistant…”
“That’s on me,” Tony said, raising his hands in defense. “I’m sorry, this was a real last minute decision. I know Maria thinks highly of you so if you’d like we can arrange for you to join her down unda,” he said with an accent.
“No!” You didn’t mean to shout. “I’m sorry. I can’t go there. I…I....” your voice trailed off as your lip began to tremble, feeling yourself plummet deeper and deeper into a pit of fear and uncertainty.
Tony noticed the panic on your face and the short gulps of breath you were taking. He guided you to the nearest chair and asked you to focus on taking long, deep breaths and blowing out steadily.
“You still have a job here if that’s what you’re worried about,” he said softly.
Tony’s eyes were full of compassion and based on everything you knew from Mr. Lee he made you feel comfortable enough to want to open up to him. With a deep sigh you explained your situation, from needing this job to afford an apartment up until the internship hours you were hoping to discuss with Maria, all the while still ensuring he knew how grateful you were for the job you had.
Tony pondered for a bit before the elevator opened and a few employees shuffled in, greeting him with surprise.
“Follow me,” he asked of you, following him to his grand corner office with floor to ceiling windows showcasing a beautiful view of the golden sunrise.
You took a seat on the soft leather chair in front of the sleek obsidian desk. His office was decorated with oversized black and white photos of old planes and cars, a few personalized touches and a small wet bar off to the side and yet everything seemed sterile. Maybe it was the way his own chair squeaked as he sat, like it was still being broken in.
Your fingers twiddled in your lap as you anxiously waited for Tony to break the silence. He gazed at you for a little longer, nodding slightly and quirking his head as if he was having a silent conversation with himself.  
“Stan told me you were a good kid but I wish he knew about your background. I would’ve put you on my team a long time ago.”
Your head twitched, taken aback. “Your team?”
“Me, Pep, a few others. We’re in the beginning stages of building a nonprofit organization, The September Foundation. I want it to change lives; develop after school STEM programs, fund student research, the whole shebang.”
The tendency you had of not shutting your mouth when you should have continued as you questioned why he thought you were appropriate for this.
“You want to help people, same as I and being part of this doesn’t look so bad on a resume.”
“My hours…”
“...can be flexible,” he finished. “We’ll work out the details but the job is yours.”
Tears of joy flooded your eyes but you held them back, closing your lids with relief as things were finally coming together.
“Thank you Mr. Stark, thank you so much!”
You shook his hand enthusiastically and turned on your heel with a smile. You nearly made it to the door before realizing you had no idea what to do now especially with Maria no longer there.
An awkward bubble of laughter came up as you asked, “What should I be doing today Mr. Stark?”
“Please, call me Tony,” he flashed a bright smile. “Greg or Graham or whatever his name is will finalize the legal paperwork in the next few days. Use those days to brainstorm. Tell me what communities you think we need to be in, what would benefit most, what would draw kids in. On Monday you’ll meet with everyone else to go over ideas.”
With a renewed sense of spirit you went to your desk, first to write Maria a congratulatory email on her new position and then to call Ms. Rodriguez about the internship, afterwards you went straight to work.
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“Steve!” you shouted before the elevator doors finished opening, running as best as you could in heels towards him. “I have so much to tell you! I got the internship! I have a new job here! I’m– ahhhhh!”
Steve wrapped you in a firm hug as your excited ramblings turned into squeals of joy.
“We have to celebrate!” you beamed. “I’ll call Wanda and Sam and…”
You stopped to think about Bucky. He was new in your life and yet somehow the idea of celebrating without him felt wrong.
Later that night you knocked on his door, sporting a wide smile that spread across your face. It stretched even wider when he opened the door and blessed you with a sparkling grin.
Opening your mouth you said the first words that came to mind, “Will you go out with me?”
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accioecho · 3 years
Tkem Novel 12
Chapter 15 - “The secret only I know”
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Tae-Eul thought over what Nari said.
“If there are two identical worlds, then one is bound to destroy the other.”
She wished Gon would come back soon. She wished he would appear right there, right then, in her courtyard atop Maximus.
Carrying this secret alone was too much of a burden and she felt lonely.
Chapter 16 - “Even if the flower doesn’t bloom”
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After a long day at the station, Tae-Eul was finally on her way back home. Instead of heading inside the warmth of her house though, she stopped in front of it and took the time to water the small flower pot that contained the seeds she bought in the Kingdom. Crouching down, she carefully examined the surface of the planter.
Only soil was visible underneath the soft glow of the street lights.
“Why won’t you sprout?”
Rationally, she knew it was because they came from another world. Just thinking about the fact that these flowers may never bloom left her disappointed.
Gon was still away and these flowers would probably never bloom.
Tae-Eul stared at the pot for a long while, lost in her thoughts. Finally standing up, she lightly tapped her legs with her two hands.
“How have you been?”
The voice she longed to hear all this time rang clear in the empty courtyard. Turning around, Tae-Eul saw Gon standing tall, donning a dark coat. Still struck by his sight, she simply nodded.
“Have you been waiting for me?”
Unable to tear her eyes away from him, she nodded once more.
From the Kingdom of Corea to the Republic of Korea.
Crossing universes.
Tae-Eul knew how far these two worlds were. How big the space between 1 and 0 was.
She couldn’t go to his world even if she wanted to. She couldn’t meet him even if she wanted to. The only thing she could do was to wait.
Gon who was equally glad to see her let out a small laugh. “That’s a relief. I was a bit scared that you didn’t want me to come back—”
He didn’t get a chance to finish. Tae-Eul reached Gon in a few strides and hugged him.
There were a few things she could do now.
She could touch him. She could embrace him.
With Tae-Eul’s head tightly pressed against his chest, Gon felt his heart skip a beat. Silently, he wrapped his arms around her.
Warmth spreading from one body to another, they relaxed into each other.
Their time spent in the Kingdom was short, and their goodbye felt even more rushed. Their current situation meant they couldn’t send each other texts like any normal couple and Tae-Eul probably worried over him. Feeling sorry for being away for so long, Gon held her a fraction tighter.
As much as he did his best to carry out his work as quickly as he could, Gon wished he could have come sooner.
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Finally breaking their embrace, Tae-Eul led Gon to the Taekwondo center. 
She was the owner’s daughter yet Gon was the one holding the key to the training hall.
Gon had come in earlier in the day, greeted her father and borrowed the house keys. Tae-Eul didn’t know what to make of it. Did he really have to go that far?
She got the answer entering the Dojang.
At first glance, the man standing in the middle of room looked like Eun-Sup. His attire was the one detail that gave him away. This man was not Eun-Sup. It was Yeong.
Yeong faced Tae-Eul and glowered at her, posture stiff. This wasn’t the first time Yeong looked at her with disapproval but this level of animosity was new.
“You brought Jo Yeong here?” Tae-Eul frowned, turning to Gon.
“It was unavoidable. He wouldn’t let me go alone.”
There was several reasons why Gon had wanted to bring Yeong to this place, but one particularly stood out. Yeong had chased after him in the bamboo trail and blocked his path as he was about to cross the gate.
If he was leaving to go meet that girl Luna, then he couldn’t let him go, Yeong had explained.
Gon had also learned about her existence in the Kingdom. He had spent hours and hours searching for Tae-Eul and it turned out that her doppelganger did exist in his universe. That time  when he saw a glimpse of her at the rowing competition was not a figment of his imagination after all. But her name wasn’t Tae-Eul and she wasn’t a police officer either. She was just a fugitive, chased by both the mob and police forces.
Gon couldn’t blame Yeong for being wary of Tae-Eul. His best friend had dutifully looked for her at his request. He believed that Luna and Tae-Eul were the same person, so it was only normal that he couldn’t let Gon go to her.
This was about to change.
Gon wanted to show Yeong that Luna and Tae-Eul were really two different persons. That one person belonged to the Kingdom and the other was from another universe.
Yeong still seemed frozen in place, disoriented from the journey from Corea to the Republic’s Seoul. Examining his surroundings, his confusion only grew as his eyes lingered on the various frames that adorned the walls.
There were several pictures of Tae-Eul posing with her father. Another frame of a younger Tae-Eul with Shin-Jae. Countless awards and certificates bearing her name.
To any outsider looking at these various pieces of memory, this was a real, separate person. A person that matched the police ID Yeong saw, belonging to a certain police officer named Jeong Tae-Eul.
“What… what’s going on?” Yeong asked, face slightly tilted. “What is this place?”
“I totally understand how you feel. I’m sure we both have a lot of things to worry about, but for now, welcome to the Republic of Korea.” Tae-Eul replied calmly.
So… did it mean he had to call her Sunbae here?
Yeong pulled out his phone and tried to get a signal.
Yeong’s confused state reminded Gon of Tae-Eul’s similar reaction when she first visited the Palace.
“I’ve never seen him act like that. He looks so cute when he’s flustered.” Gon chuckled.
Tae-Eul had to admit this was a new side of Yeong. She never imagined that the man who didn’t flinch at the sight of blood could look so flustered. But she wouldn’t go as far as to describe him as cute.
She guessed it made sense. Tae-Eul lips stretched into a small smile. Gon did consider Yeong as his little brother.
“Your carefree attitude is what’s cute. How can you just bring someone with the same face? What are you going to do if he gets caught?”
“That’s why I borrowed this place. Besides, Yeong isn’t the type to get caught easil—.”
The door suddenly burst open and Eun-Sup came strolling inside the Dojang. His face lit up at seeing Gon.
“The light were on so I was wondering…”
Eun-Sup shrieked, frozen at the sight of Yeong.
Yeong returned his gaze on Eun-Sup. Both staring at each other, fingers pointing towards the other.
“You two haven’t met, right? Why don’t I introduce… Well, I guess we could say you’ve met already. Anyway, this is my guard, the Unbreakable Sword, Jo Yeong. And this is the guard of a police station…” Gon explained, looking slightly perplexed.
Halfway through Gon’s quiet introductions, Eun-Sup collapsed. Tae-Eul rushed over to him, grabbing his collar and patting his cheek repeatedly.
“Hey! Jo Eun-Sup! I can’t believe it! You made him faint! What? Did you say that he wouldn’t get caught? Our Eun-Sup was also raised as a precious only child until his siblings were born. What are you going to do if something happens to him?” Tae-Eul shouted.
Woken up by Tae-Eul frantic gestures, Eun-Sup kept on rambling. “Noona, I literally just saw someone who looked exactly like me… that face, he’s right here. What the hell is this? He looks exactly like me. No. He is me. Who are you?”
“And who are you?” Yeong confronted Eun-Sup.
Tae-Eul could feel a headache coming on. Massaging her temples, she attempted a rational explanation.
“Eun-Sup. Let me explain. So this is like a parallel universe or something. Don’t get too startled and listen to me, alright?”
“I didn’t realize it until now, but I’m pretty handsome.” Eun-Sup cut her off.
Yes, okay. This was Eun-Sup alright.
“You really didn’t know? How could you not know? I’m sure people around you would’ve told you all the time.” Yeong added, keeping a straight face on.
Gon and Tae-Eul looked at each other.
Eun-Sup, who seemed to have regained his wits, shook his shaggy hair. “Wow, so this means everything was true, right? The Kingdom of Corea really exists, and King Arthur really is the King? Wow! Then you’re the King’s bodyguard, right?”
“No. Are you doing military duties right now? Is the military service compulsory here?” Yeong asked, looking at Eun-Sup’s uniform.
“What do you mean? Is it different where you live?”
“Our military system is on a voluntary basis.”
“Really? Then it means you don’t need to go…”
Tae-Eul let out a long sigh at Yeong and Eun-Sup’s back and forth verbal sparring. This conversation could drag on and on. The Taekwondo center wasn’t a safe place to hide Eun-Sup’s double.
They would be safer at Eun-Sup’s place. It was a school holidays so the twins were back at home and Eun-Sup currently lived alone in the apartment.
She ushered the two of them outside and set up a few basic rules in order for them to co-exist in this world. Eun-Sup could go out and live his life during the day. They would switch at sundown and Yeong could go out at night.
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Leaving Yeong and Eun-Sup to bicker, Tae-Eul brought Gon to their usual bbq chicken place. She didn’t know how long Gon would stay this time around. Regardless, she had been meaning to give him a cellphone so they could reach each other whenever they felt like it.
Tae-Eul saved all the necessary numbers and slid the brand new phone over to Gon.
Her number. Shin-Jae’s, Eun-Sup’s, Nari’s and the Dojang’s landline number.
“Unlike someone, my salary is chicken feed, and I don’t have a mountain full of rare-earth elements. So I bought it with a 12-month installment plan. Don’t break it and take care of it. Don’t forget to answer my calls. I saved all the numbers you will need in this world.”
“It seems like you bought it and waited for me to come back. Why did you save Shin-Jae’s number though?”
Gon felt a surge of happiness at the idea that Tae-Eul bought this phone for him and waited for him to come back to give it to him. However, his light mood rapidly changed when he saw Shin-Jae’s number on the phone’s bright screen.
“They are the five people who will help you regardless of anything in this world. And Shin-Jae is one of the most trustworthy people.”
“Not you?”
“For me, the citizens of this nation come first.”
With the device still in his hand, Gon dialed Tae-Eul’s number.
At the sound of her ringtone, Tae-Eul instinctively grabbed her own phone, wondering who might want to reach her at this time of the day.
Lee Gon.
Gon gestured for her to pick up the call.
“Is it you?”
“Hang up.”
“Don’t hang up. I always wanted to try this.”
“What is this?”
“Just a normal daily life with you. Call you… chat on the phone…”
“Ask you what you did today… and tell you that I missed you a lot.” Gon went on.
He was saying aloud all the things Tae-Eul had been thinking about in his absence. She could see the waiter approaching their table with their order.
“Me too.” Tae-Eul admitted in one breath.
Gon’s chest tightened, joy rippling through him. He didn’t know his heart could beat so fast.
“We have somewhere to go after we eat.” Tae-Eul announced, grabbing a piece of chicken.
“It’s something I’ve been planning for a long time.”
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