#ty for the ask v!!
judeiscariot · 2 years
the end
another contusion my funeral jag / here's my resignation, I'll serve it in drag / you've got front row seats to the penitence ball / when I grow up I want to be nothing at all
no one ever had much nice to say / I think they never liked you anyway / oh take me from the hospital bed / wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand / and wouldn't it be great if we were dead
this is how I disappear
can you hear me cry out to you / words I thought i'd choke on, figure out / I'm really not with you anymore / i'm just a ghost, so I can't hurt you anymore / so I can't hurt you anymore
the sharpest lives
theres a place in the dark where the animals go / you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow / Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands / drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands romeo
just a man, im not a hero / just a boy, who had to sing this song / just a man, im not a hero / I don't care / we'll carry on
I don't love you
and after all the blood that you still owe / another dollars just another blow / so fix your eyes and get up / better get up while you can
house of wolves
tell me im an angel, take this to my grave / tell me im a bad man, kick me like a stray / tell me im an angel, take this to my grave
now turn away / 'cause im awful just to see / cause all my hairs abandoned all my body / oh my agony / know that I will never marry / baby im just soggy from the chemo / im counting down the days to go
well mother what the war did to my legs and to my tongue / you should've raised a baby girl, I should have been a better son / if you could coddle the infection, they can amputate at once / you should have been, I could have been a better son
a drink for the horror that im in / for all the good guys and the bad guys / for the monsters that I've been / three cheers for tyranny / unapologetic apathy / cause there aint no way that im coming back again
because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you son / so they can watch all the things you do / because the drugs never work / they're gonna give you a smirk / cause they got methods of keeping you clean
it was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing / it was a lie when they smiled and said you won't feel a thing / and as we ran from the cops / we laughed so hard it would sting
famous last words
I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / honey if you stay you'll be forgiven / nothing you can say can stop me going home
a celebrated man amongst the gurneys / they can fix me proper with a bit of luck / the doctors and the nurses they adore me so / but its really quite alarming / cause i'm such an awful fuck
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moons-of-dewclan · 5 months
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LOOK AT ALL THESE CYATS. my first batch of Dewdrops!
AND MY FIRST DEWSIGNED CAT. i figured putting them in the pose i have dewclan refs in would be fun..
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evercelle · 2 months
Ever if you make Aventurine or Wanderer merch (or just about anything glittery) I will buy it so fast. Gosh. I take the Venti glitter shaker with me EVERYWHERE and the XV shaker lives in my ita backpack, always on display. I’m checking in often to see when the Lyney and Lynette ones will be available to get even more glitter shakers in my life. They’re my favorite types of merch by far and it’s led to showing so many people your store! Idk where I was going with this but. More glitter things please 💳💸💰
you're partially in luck, cuz i have wanderer and aventurine merch in my next shop update! ...though neither of them are glitter shakers, sadly. here is a little sneaky peek as an apology :')
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
hihihi! tim drake in college real?
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oog indeed mein freund
so ur tim drake, ur seventeen, and ur dad has just come back from the dead. u hollowed urself out until there’s nothing left and ur ribs are broken but you’ve never felt better. if u stop moving for more than a second the weight of the world hits u. there’s another kid wearing ur uniform and u have to watch as this new robin and bruce, the bruce u fought for, the bruce u left everything behind for, the bruce u nearly died for, debut as gothams dynamic duo. but it’s fine. u did what u had to do. u feel great, actually.
then ur brother who u love more than anything sits u down and tells u he’s enrolled u in college in california. ur so angry ur spitting. he trusts u and now he’s not even giving u the choice to stay. u want to kick and scream and hold on till ur hands are bloody, but he tells u that he’s worried. he’s been so scared for u since ur dad died. he thinks ur losing urself. he wants u to make choices for urself without bruce. he wants u to spend time with ur friends who are alive again and miss u. he wants u to take a chance to live ur life away from gotham, away from that burden.
he tells u: robin is never truly gone, alright? it’ll never leave. i need u to trust me that it’ll still be u no matter how many other kids wear the cape. i need u to trust that i love u more than what ur able to do in tights.
and he knows this better than anyone. he’s asking u to extricate tim drake from robin and batman and red robin. to remember what it felt like to choose. and after all these years u can’t say no, so u pack ur bags and leave for the west coast.
college is fine. u keep changing majors. u pick up photography as a joke, thinking about snapping photos of the boy wonder from a distance, to print in the basement dark room after school. it’s a laugh, and ur gonna drop it until donna troy finds out, and u spend a long time on the roof of the tower with her taking photos of the sunrise. it’s been a while since the sunrise was the start of ur day. it feels….. unfamiliar. she tells u about how ur brother became nightwing. she tells u about the heartbreak of having to move on. she tells u about choices.
kon’s right down the hall. he can hear u but u can’t hear him, so sometimes you’ll whisper a question for him to shout back. he obligingly poses for ur still life class. he and steph make fun of how u can’t decide what to study. it’s painful to become tim drake and nothing else again, but it happens in increments. u make friends with people in ur tutoriasl. ur less pale — u pinken under the sun easily, peeling flesh turning red and painful, but u look less like a corpse. ur hair is longer, and bart buys u a claw clip shaped like an avocado.
the new robin is growing up, and he explains colour theory to u for one of ur classes. he’s an asshole, but he’s trying. when asked politely, he draws character sheets for bart’s dnd group with minimal grumbling. red and yellow suit him, and looking at him in the costume feels less painful, and more nostalgic.
u brainstorm new ideas for urself, new roles, new ideas for the team, but there’s no rush. u have time. if u see bruce, u kno there’s someone else at his back, watching him through the night. dick texts u life updates, but they’re funny, not desperate. the world continues to spin. u, tim drake, are still alive.
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reegis · 23 days
heya dude, you doing okay? haven’t heard from you in a while
2024 is trying to kill me but im not dead yet!
let me say first of all i am SO incredibly sorry that iv been gone for so long with no notice and for making you all worry!!!!!!!!
My health has taken a fairly serious turn for the worst these last few months, both in terms of chronic issues I was already aware of and a New Fun never ending series of lung Problems™️ I’ve been dealing with.
not to drag on forever and Woe Is Me, but as of rn I am currently unable to draw and im in no financial state to try and do anything about it unfortunately.. ig iv been trying to reject reality & pretend id suddenly get better and back to posting regularly, but that doesnt mean it was right for me to just disappear with no warning or explanation (again very very sorry, 10000% my bad!)
im working on some stuff rn that hopefully(🤞🏻) will be a step in the right direction and mean i can start posting again.. but i really cant promise anything as much as it breaks my heart
you guys are the online family iv never had and i genuinely love you all sm, thank you for thinking of me and especially to all the ppl who have reached out asking if i was alright ilysm
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lumibye · 2 months
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⸻ helloo , it might be my birthday todayy 🎉
i don't really have much to say as i've never been the biggest fan of my birthday but i get to celebrate with him so yayy 🫶 🩵 💙
art : ai.itaii - ( vgen )
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atempause-art · 5 months
princezna ze mlejna když už máš toho čerta s vodníkem? 👉👈 teda asi to neni traditional fanart ale když už tak už
musím se přiznat, že tohle je jedna z pohádek co nemám rád. ani nevím přesně proč, ty vajby tam prostě nejsou. a popravdě kdyby mi to spojení s tím filmem došlo při vymejšlení těch dlou teplejch debilů, tak je nejspíš z adama jiný strašidlo než čert
každopádně čerti tam sou fajn
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aldoodles · 23 days
Here's a toughy if your into some angst esque moments. You capture facial expressions so well.
Grace, sitting at the table, waiting for her kids to come home at the end of Book 1.
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If I was her I wouldn’t’ve been able to function let alone keep going to work
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birgittesilverbae · 8 months
21. "This isn't what it looks like." for beloved disaster Lilith Warriornun and whoever would make her feel the most guilty about her latest crimes? 👀
fic: dads
Lilith busies herself with her shirt as the shed door clicks shut behind Mary. She focuses on the rhythm of aligning the buttons, slotting them through the buttonholes, tries desperately not to think about the ache of bruising at her throat, her shoulder. She'd lost the familiarity of it somewhere in the past few months, the pattern of Beatrice's mouth across her skin, and she longs to press her fingertips to the marks, to press firmly into them as she'd only just pressed firmly into–
"You'll go speak to her." It's nowhere in the realm of question, Beatrice's voice hard in her chest. "You'll explain that this isn't what it looks like."
Lilith secures the last button, tucks her shirt tails into her jeans and moves to rebutton them as well. "What would you like me to say, you were helping me with a stain and something slipped, one thing led to another, oh no? She's not stupid."
"I don't know!" A hitch, now, a slide, a crack in the foundation she's been trying to build for herself with Lilith's back turned. "I don't– We shouldn't have done this. It was a–"
"Lilith, we–"
She turns on her heel to find Beatrice leaning back against the workbench. Her shirt's still rucked up above her breasts, but Lilith can't seem to drag her gaze away from the smear of lipstick sitting just above the waistband of Beatrice's khakis. She addresses it, too cowardly to lift her head to meet Beatrice's gaze. "We shouldn't have done this, but don't you dare say it was a mistake. I have never been anything but intentional about this. About you." She jerks her head towards the door, her throat tight with rising sorrow. "I'll tell her it was my fault, if that's–"
Beatrice sniffs once, loud, hands rising from her sides to scrub at her face. Lilith's gaze rises with them. Beatrice's lower lip trembles as their eyes meet. "If there's blame to assign here," she mumbles, rubbing again at her tear-streaked cheeks, "it should be mine."
"No, it's…" Lilith bites back a curse. "We're going to keep going in circles if we carry on like this, Beatrice. The blame is equal, the fault is equal, we shouldn't have done this. All of that is true. Agreed?"
Beatrice nods, the heave of her chest slowing. "Agreed." She touches a hand to her breastbone, startles at the bare skin, and drags her shirt back down, her cheeks burning. "I'm sorry," she begins.
Lilith just smiles at her, crooked and tired. "Nothing I haven't seen before, darling." She winces at the pet name, but Beatrice interrupts her before she can work her way up to an apology. 
"No," she sighs, tugging at the collar of her shirt as though starved for air, "I suppose it's not. Could you go talk to Mary, please?"
Lilith nods and turns to the door, the near-rote response of anything for you, Beatrice turning to ashes in her mouth.
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askgardenerwoods · 1 year
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modmad · 10 months
Hey, hoping you’re doing ok
I am beset by nephews
save me
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fullscoreshenanigans · 5 months
i apologize for sending this out of the blue but i am very sleep deprived and emotional so <3 you are one of the nicest people on this website and i love seeing your thoughts in my and everyones tpn art its always so sweet and insightful. Okay thats all ty 💞
idk about that but
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appreciate all the people who tolerate me getting overly excited over a children's series in reblog tags and in the main tag 💖💝💗
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candycryptids · 12 days
😇- What's their best trait?
👿- What's their worst trait?
for Tuesday and Chuu
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“Miss Chuu’s best trait? Mmm… You said this is an interview for your retelling of the Warriors of Light and their journey, right? I’d say it’s her unshakeable resolve. She decides she’s going to do something, and she doesn’t give up until it’s done. Ah… I’m not allowed to speak more on Miss Chuu without her presence, my apologies, mister Levraut.”
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“You broke into my house,”
“Your lovely wife let me in actually,”
“To wake me up from my nap and interrogate me on my assistant,”
“Interview, Mademoiselle, not interrogate. Though I am sorry for waking you, your eyes were open so I assumed-”
“Ah-ta-ta. You wanted to know Two’s best trait right? Adaptability. Any environment, any obstacle… he’s got brains enough to figure the way through most anything. And failing that? He knows a top notch engineer in Magitek to kit him with the right tools to overcome his few shortcomings. Hey wait did you fucking call me a mad gazelle, you lop-eared scab?!”
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“Thank you for your time, both of you. I have just one more question before I consider this interview complete and I let you both go back to your.. erm, busy schedules. What would you say is each others weakest trait?”
“I knew it! This IS an interrogation! Two, don’t-”
“Ah, that would be Miss Chuu’s paranoia, mister Levraut. Most of her other traits net positive gain,”
“Watch your mouth, Two.”
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“That is.. ah, her paranoid trait has served to pull her out of many situations she would have landed in had they not afforded her foresight and caution to approach most situations.”
“Two’s worst trait is how I just can’t seem to keep mad at him when he finds and exploits loopholes in whatever rules I’ve set for him. And last week I asked him to bring me lunch, and he was nowhere to be seen for nearly six bells.”
“… Miss Chuu, if I may, you were in Azys La, and you called me via Linkpearl to bring you specifically egg sandwiches from the Bismark, even utilizing the Aethernet it takes time… and when I arrived at your last marked location you were nowhere to be found.”
[Duo Oc Ask Meme !]
#I’ve been rotating this ALL day but I think this is relatively acceptable#id misunderstood the assignment right at first but my husband is v smart and cleared it up for me ahdbfcjdjcjddna#if I wrote non-dialogue with this it would take me a lot longer and way more words because I’d get caught up in the. all of it.#I have another one from this to chew on still but I’m trying to figure out the best pair up for the question cbdbfbdndns#And I also have a big lore question I’m still working on 🫣🫢 I took some screens for it today and I’m resisting doing a bunch of fiddly edits#because if I did I’d have to ask my friend to borrow one of the written alphabets he made up#and then I’d have to learn to write it and I just can’t make myself do that actually I’m just a wee frog#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Tuesday#ffxiv levraut#ffxiv Gears Duo#ffxiv Viera#ffxiv elezen#Levraut Manseauguel#Chuusday Gears#Tuesday Gears#please appreciate their faces in the last panel I was trying very hard to convey a particular vibe#and I only just realized I forgot to fix Chuu’s skirt#poor Lev is just trying to compile information for his novel about the adventure’s of the Warriors of Light and how they saved the world#as we know it like 15 times or something.#spawn speece#writing this was silly and fun ;v;’#ty for the ask 🫣💖 I hope I got this right in the end of it all#also sorry for the Christmas Colors my mental jury is out on if I enjoy it or not-#I gave Tuesday Blue finally in situations where it’s Chuu and Tue so it’s not green on green.#🤦 can you tell I played Mario Odyssey repeatedly#ask game
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sharkstatic · 6 months
I just wanted to let you know that Fangfei is single-handedly curing my aversion to golds and yellows; he is a Very Pretty Bitch. ♡ Not that the rest of your Bbys aren't; Fangfei just kinda grabbed me by the throat-
IM GLAD, i love working in warm tones, yellows and golds are kinda difficult sometimes but i love them, and i also fell in love with fangfeis design a little bit. hes pretty but... odd. a little messy. its ok tho we accept him
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bandi-fundi · 1 year
Heeeey, I really liked how you drew Wally,I wanted to ask if you could draw Sally too if that would be okay >3<
Thank you in advance
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★ ☆ ✩YEEEv ye Ye!!!★ ☆ ✩
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victarin · 10 months
wait why does entity sun give people fish-
Tbh i made it up on the Spot at first but
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remember this guy from fnaf world & UCN ?
there’s another ask ive been meaning to respond to abt the origins of entity dca but naturally it all revolves around Afton :) the fish represent Old Man Consequences in a way & the more positive reactions you get from entity dca/the more correct choices you make then the more progress you make in counteracting whatever shit afton did (reversing the consequences) . but to them (entity dca) it’s like giving out a gold star!
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