#if anyone says anything about the hands or the arms i will scream then explode into a million tiny pieces ok
gwinwe · 11 months
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will she know who we are, in the river?
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babybluebex · 2 years
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you make eddie strong in his weakest moment // aka a quick fix it fic for that rotten ass finale (part 2 here!)
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You could see it happen, just meters away from you. Just far enough that you couldn’t do anything but scream his name as you watched him get swarmed by the bats. Even though your limbs were heavy with exhaustion and your legs protested, you ran to him, using your modified trash can lid as a shield and spearing the fuckers away. You couldn’t focus on anything but Eddie, lying prone on the ground, and you swung your arm and stabbed a bat right through the heart. 
The bats dissipated, and you were left alone with Eddie. Even though you felt like absolute shit, you knew that he was in worse shape, gashes on his sides and throat. You instantly abandoned your weapons and knelt down beside him, and you pulled his head into your lap. “Munson?” you whispered, and his eyes flickered as he looked at you. He was not doing too good. “Hey, there’s my guy. We’re gonna get you help, okay?” 
“No,” Eddie mumbled, his voice gurgling a bit. “I can’t—” 
“Yes, you can,” you told him. “We’re gonna stand up and go back to the trailer, and we’re gonna get you help. You don’t have a choice, Ed.” You tried to control the shaking in your voice, because it was obvious to anyone that Eddie was in bad shape. But, if you got to the trailer, you could send Dustin to get help, and everything would be okay. 
“I can't,” Eddie insisted, his eyes wide. “I’m done for.” 
“Like hell you are!” you exclaimed. “I-I, Eddie, there are people that need you! Dustin needs you, Max needs you, I need you! Y-You can’t just go and give up when there are people who need you! I know it hurts, Ed, I know it does, but you have got to hang in there. Okay?” 
Eddie shook his head, and you chewed your lip. He was right, and you knew it; he couldn’t make it to the trailer, and you weren;t nearly strong enough to carry him. He was going to bleed out and die right here in the Upside Down. You tried to think of something, anything, to do, and you nearly missed Eddie reaching up towards you. He tucked a little bit of hair behind your ear, almost a loving gesture, and he mumbled, “I’ve always loved you.” 
“Oh, whatever,” you sniffled. You couldn’t hold the tears back anymore. “Deathbed confessions…” 
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “Since the first day I met you, I knew I was going to marry you. I could just feel it.” 
“Really?” you whimpered out. You held him close, smoothing back his hair, and you watched as Eddie nodded again. 
“Really,” Eddie replied, blinking slowly. 
“W-Well, why didn’t you ever tell me?” you asked. The more you touched him, the more your clothes stained with his warm blood, but you didn’t care. You just had to keep him talking until Dustin came for you. When Dustin showed up he would be able to help you limp Eddie back to the trailer, and everything would be fixed. You knew it wasn’t that simple, but your plan needed to be simple to avoid your head exploding. 
“I was scared,” Eddie told you. His hands shook as he gathered up yours, holding you tightly, and he shook his head. “But I’m not scared anymore. I love you.”
��Jesus,” you uttered. “Eddie—”
“Don’t say it back if you don’t have to,” Eddie told you quickly. “I-I don’t want to hear you say it unless you mean it.” 
“I love you,” you whispered to him. Your chest heaved with a heavy breath, and you watched Eddie’s do the same. That was the deepest breath he had taken since you had had him in your arms, and, as you examined him again, you saw that the trickle of blood from his neck had nearly fully stopped. Did you…? There was no way. Did talking about you make Eddie grow more resilient? Did you make Eddie stronger?
“Glad to hear it,” Eddie said, and your heart lifted. He was trying to be funny. He was trying to be funny for you. 
“Um,” you started, wiping the tears hastily from your cheeks. “Y-You said you wanted to marry me?” 
Eddie nodded. “Not one of those big, embarrassing weddings,” he told you. His voice cracked and broke, but he was talking, and that was enough. Keep him talking until Dustin came to your aid, that was the plan. “I always imagined that you wouldn’t want a real wedding, just something small… Am I right?” 
You nodded. “I hate weddings,” you admitted, and Eddie chuckled weakly. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “I figured.” 
“Tell me more,” you told him quickly. “Tell me a-about, like, how did you know?”
“Sometimes you just know things,” Eddie said, and he paused to cough. Blood stained his lips as he coughed, but you could see color returning to his cheeks. He was going to be alright, you could feel it. “I saw you, and Gareth said something about you being new, a senior and all... You smiled at me, and I fell head over heels. I just knew.” 
Now, your tears were for a different reason. You actually remembered the moment well, the first time you met Eddie. You had been roaming the lunchroom on your first day at Hawkins High, and you had already felt like an outcast, starting a new school as a senior, and then you saw the badass devil illustration on a boy’s shirt. You had looked up from the shirt to see the face, and those moonish brown eyes were already looking at you, and you had given him a friendly smile. Eddie had then come over and introduced himself, said some line about “You look lost”, and offered to let you sit at his table with him and his friends. And the rest was history. 
Since then, you had lost count of the amount of times that you went over to Eddie’s trailer to watch a movie, to help study, to paint D&D figurines. Eddie was your best friend and you were his, and suddenly his pining made sense. He would let you borrow his clothes when you slept over, he always saved the last bite of his lunch for you (the man made a mean ham sandwich, what could you say?), and he held doors for you and offered you his hand to stand up and sit down. At the time, you thought it was him being a good friend and a gentleman, but it was so much more. He loved you. 
“Eddie,” you said softly. You didn’t know exactly what to say, so you let your words fail you. Instead, you leaned down and softly kissed his bloody lips, not caring about the mess. To your delight, Eddie lifted his hand up and lightly touched your face as he kissed back, and you felt your stomach flip. He was going to be okay. 
“Is this a pity kiss?” Eddie asked, his lips still against yours. “Like, ‘you’re dying. Let me kiss you goodbye’?”
“Does it feel like one?” you asked, lifting your face from his. “How do you feel?” 
“Not great,” Eddie admitted. “Everything hurts… Bastard bats. Those fuckers aren’t metal at all.” 
Finally, you laughed, and you saw Eddie smile. Everything was okay. Eddie was cracking jokes, getting stronger by the second. You quickly called out for Dustin— “Dustin! Come here, I need help!”— but you turned your attention back to Eddie without missing a beat. “Maybe marriage is rushing it,” you told him, and Eddie nodded in agreement. “I say we both have to graduate first—”
“Not that far away,” Eddie told you, and you jokingly rolled your eyes. 
“We should probably date for a while first too,” you added, and Eddie nodded again. “But, sure, Munson. I’ll marry you.” 
“Sick,” Eddie said, and he coughed again. “Here comes Henderson.”
“See?” you told him, sniffling away your tears. “Everything is alright.” 
"Why did I ever doubt you?"
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carmyboobear · 3 months
You & Carm on the couch late one night and he’s rambling on and on about the restaurant (poor guy doesn’t know when to just be quiet😂) and he looks over and you’re dead asleep so he carries you to bed 😭 I love him with my whole heart honestly
(ANGUISHED SCREAM) THAT IS SO SWEET…I love the idea of him rambling to you, too, because that’s how you know he REALLY trusts you… he doesn’t open to just anyone!!
It’s a late night. Carmy had plopped down on the couch next to you after a long, long day at The Beef. You’re cuddled into his side, head comfortably nestled into the crook of his neck. He’s got his arm around you, holding you close.
“Rough day?” You had asked, curious about the tension and weight in his face and shoulders. That’s all it took for him to start talking.
It used to be like wrenching open a stubborn can, congealed shut with old glue. It was nigh impossible to get him to talk about how he was feeling. His emotions would build up to a point where he would explode, so stressed that he would be unable to repress it anymore. It wasn’t pretty, and neither of you liked it.
After lots of practice, the words finally come easy for Carmy. Or, well, they come easier.
“It was a shit-show,” he says plainly, tiredly. He starts off quiet and lethargic, but the more he talks up, the more amped up he gets. “The thing is, I’m not tryin’ to fuck with the system, because there is no system to begin with. They act like what they had was a system, but it wasn’t. It was a jumble of loosely enforced rules with no clear distinctions. Not the same thing.
“And bookkeeping,” he groans, because there’s always something with the papers, the documents. “There’s more shit that I’ve never seen until now. I shouldn’t still be discovering things like this. It’s endless, baby. It’s fucked.” He tells you about how he’s catering for another party of Uncle Jimmy’s next week. About how the meat order won’t stop coming in wrong.
He’s halfway through talking about this obnoxious customer when he realizes you haven’t said anything a while. When he turns to look at you, you’re fast asleep on his shoulder.
“Hey,” he whispers, to see if you’re awake. No response.
He sits there for a moment, wondering how long you’ve been asleep for. Affection swells in his heart at the thought of you wanting to listen to him even on the verge of falling asleep. It’s too sweet.
He lets himself stare at your sleeping face for a moment longer. Then, he moves to pick you up, one hand at your back to lean you against his chest, the other under your knees. He hoists you up. Still nothing from you. He presses a kiss to your forehead, and then another one as he carries you to bed.
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superhaught · 2 months
You Hang the Stars in the Sky
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Pairing: Reneé Rapp x Reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Word Count: 1400
Reader replaces Towa Bird at the Oscars after party as Reneé's guest. Established relationship.
Just a short little thing I wrote while depressed post-Oscars because I like hurting my own feelings.
The only thing that was keeping you grounded in this moment was her pinkie finger twined tightly with yours. You stood side by side with your girlfriend as you waited in line to have your photos taken at the Vanity Fair red carpet for the Oscars after party. 
Reneé, of course, looked stunning as always. She was in a gorgeous white dress with an intoxicating plunging neckline, black heels and her trademark simple, yet elegant, smokey makeup. She had hair extensions that went down to her mid-back and you had been absentmindedly playing with her hair all night, whenever you could.
You felt fine with how you were styled. You were in a flattering suit that complimented Reneé’s fit well, your hair done just so, light makeup to just conceal and brighten… but this whole experience was so far beyond anything that Nae and her team could have prepared you for. 
All around you were blinding lights and flashing cameras, people yelling, celebs everywhere you looked. Even Reneé was feeling the anxiety and she was much more familiar with how to navigate these events than you were. 
You knew that your life was going to flip upside down when you started dating, you weren’t foolish in that regard. Being with Reneé for the duration of her Europe tour the past month meant that people had been looking your way and starting to talk, but you felt assured by the fact that Reneé wasn’t pressed about making a big deal out of going public. She just wanted you two to live your lives together and she didn’t want you to worry about things that were outside of your control. 
Europe was a whirlwind. What was once just a lifelong friendship between you and Reneé suddenly exploded into more shortly before she was getting ready to leave for tour. Her asking you to travel with her was a spur of the moment decision, but one that neither of you regretted in the slightest. 
She had said that you were her saving grace during it. You took care of her when she was sick, made sure she was resting enough, encouraged her to say something about the less than ideal signs that had started showing up at the shows, and just generally loved her and looked out for her. You had said, “I’m just doing what anyone would do for you.” But she insisted that, “no, they wouldn’t.” There were depths to that statement that hit hard for you both, and you realized that she was just as deeply into this relationship as you were.
Now that you were back in the states and things between you had only gotten more serious, your famous girlfriend had warned you that the attention on you might get crazy really fast, and she was right.
You weren’t famous. You weren’t even famous-adjacent. You were just Reneé’s person. And now, you were standing on a red carpet with her and doing everything in your power to not completely dissociate. 
You stood at her side and warped your arm around the small of her back as she gently settled her fingertips into the hair at the back of your neck, moving them in soothing circles, letting your hair twirl around her fingers to calm and ground you. You echoed the motion with your hand on her back, falling into old habits of wordlessly comforting each other through moments of anxiety. 
You tried not to look dead in your face. You tried to look light and joyful and grateful. But every camera flash stung your eyes and every single photographer was screaming at your girlfriend in a way that made your blood boil. 
You could hardly tolerate the way that these people speak to Reneé. And frankly, Reneé was much more prone to flying off the handle than you were so you couldn’t really fathom how she could get through things like this. 
You glanced over at the blonde and quickly got an inkling for how she managed. She was dissociating, as best as she could anyway. She had learned to master the facial expression that wasn’t really a smile but still looked pretty. She kept her eyes loosely focused and her mouth relaxed. She ignored the shouting photographers and just took things at her own pace, posing the way that she wanted to, not really giving thought to whether the photographers got the shots that they wanted. 
In that moment, you made the conscious decision to switch tactics. You gave up looking out at the cameras and just started to look at her. Everything got easier, then. Everything was easy when your focus was Reneé. You just looked at her gorgeous blue eyes and the highlight on her cheekbones and the softness of her lips and the slope of her shoulders and everything was all right. Your genuine smile formed on your face and when Reneé caught your gaze on her, she couldn’t help but smile genuinely, too, laughing sweetly at your expression and taking a second to nuzzle her face against yours as if no one else was there.
She guided you through the rest of the whole ordeal which you desperately needed. When you finally exited the red carpet area, you both took deep breaths and squeezed each others’ hands. You kept a hold of her hand and guided her down some steps, being careful to watch her footing so that the combination of her heels and floor-length dress wouldn’t trip her. 
She sighed at the bottom of the staircase and finally spoke to you, now that it was just the two of you and her agent, “well, that will be a hard-launch if I’ve ever seen one.”
You raise an eyebrow, “what do you mean?”
She giggled, “at the end there, you were looking at me like I hang the stars in the sky. I don’t think anyone will be doubting our relationship anymore.”
You smile and nod your head, “ah…” suddenly, you felt panicked, “wait, is that okay? I didn’t-”
Reneé cut you off, “baby, of course it’s okay. Don’t worry,” she squeezed your hand, “I want everyone to know that you’re mine, and I’m yours…”
You nod again, feeling the anxiety ease a little, “okay… are you sure?”
Reneé stopped walking and turned her body to face you directly, pulling you forward by your hands so that you were close to one another, “I’m sure, c’mere.”
She reached out and placed a hand on the side of your neck. Shivers raced down your spine from the touch of her fingers and the cool metal of her rings. She pulled you in and kissed your lips gently, lovingly. You melted into her like always, your hands instinctively finding their home at her hips and lightly tugging her even closer to you. She smiled in the midst of the kiss and caressed her thumb over your skin, and rubbed her other hand along your upper arm. 
She was everything. At the end of the day, she was all that mattered. You would brave any storm for her, and you’d never want anything about her career to change for your sake, but you were very lucky that Reneé valued your personal lives and your security as a couple a lot. You knew that she wouldn’t jeopardize what you had together, and you promised her that she would never have to choose between you and her work. 
When the kiss you shared came to an end, you met each other's eyes and smiled adoringly at one another. 
“I love you, Nae,” you state, “thank you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for being here with me.”
You nod and lift her hand to your lips, placing gentle kisses on the back of her hand and her knuckles. She smiled and fixed some of your hair, inducing a flood of butterflies in your stomach. She could always do that to you, without even trying. And when she was trying, forget it. 
You met her eyes and said, “for the record, you do hang the stars in the sky.” 
The blonde rolled her eyes at your cheesy line and then pecked a kiss onto your cheek, “you sap,” she joked, “now come on, let’s go party and enjoy ourselves, yeah? You up for it, baby?” 
You crack a smile and nod, “of course, angel.”
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johnwickb1tsch · 3 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 24 all chapters
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WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘
-It always takes you a little while to shake off the haze when you wake. However, this morning, you are instantly aware that you are being filled. You try to move, but unyielding arms tighten around you, holding you fast. “Good morning, beautiful,” John greets with the gravel of sleep in his throat, nuzzling at the shell of your ear with his nose.
Stuffed full with his morning wood, your pussy pulses around his thick, velvety hard flesh inside you. You make a sound, not sure if you are whining for mercy, or more.
“I woke up to this sweet, wet little hole just begging for my cock,” he grumbles in your ear.
Yet, he does not move, and it is driving you mad.
Of course you went to bed wet, because your body has not been allowed any form of reprieve, no chance to regroup or recover. You feel like you’ve been living in this agony for ages.
You strain against him, hungry to feel him move inside you. To feel him do something besides just fill you quietly, taunting you with his glorious girth.
“Want to do something about it?” you grouse, trying to move your hips against him, but you don’t have the right leverage at all.
“Maybe.” He kisses the back of your neck, his lips like a brand upon your skin. “I feel like you pulled a trick on me last night.”
“Gave you a blowjob and put you to bed? Behold, my nefarious scheme…”
You feel the rumble of his laughter in his chest pressed against your back.  “Hmm. Little witch. Be still. I don’t think I’m ready to wake up yet. Want to stay like this for a while…”
The keening sound of frustration that escapes you is barely human.
“Unless there’s something you’d like to say to me? Otherwise, you can just…keep this warm.”
You breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth, determined not to let him win. You lay very still….but there is no pretending there is not a big dick deep inside your weeping cunt. You whine again, and he kisses your neck this time.
“You know the magic words, kitten.”
Say you’re mine.
“Don’t you know torture yields unreliable intelligence?”
“Hmm. Not in my experience.” 
You pause as you realize he used to work for the Russian mafiya, and he probably really has pulled out someone's fingernails or some shit before. 
He reads the way you pause, sensing the change. 
“It was never really my forte,” he tries to explain away. “I didn't have the patience.” 
That, you almost believe. 
He remains still inside you, the seconds ticking away in heartbeats. Your body betrays you, just fucking refusing to settle down. He teases you until you could almost scream.
You squeeze your inner muscles as hard as you can, winning a strained groan from behind you. “Those are some fucking kegels you’ve got there, kid.”
“They feel even better if you move.”
His hand trails down, dipping into your curls, exploring your slit while avoiding your clit all the while. “So wet for me. I’d like to make you cum, kitten. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.”
“Be my guest,” you grind out between gritted teeth.  
God, if he would just give you one hard touch on your clit you think you will explode. You are that turned on. You have never felt anything like this before, with anyone. And it’s not just that no one ever thought to treat you this way. It’s…him. You know it’s him, your feelings for him, your chemistry together that could burn down the world, if he would stop being so fucking weird about this mine thing.
Because you are not a thing to be owned. You are not a sofa, or a set of dishes. You belong to no one but yourself.
He does touch your clit then, just a feather light caress with the tip of his finger.
You do scream, and he swallows the sound with his mouth on yours. Suddenly you are flipped on your belly, your ass in the air with his cock buried inside you. He gives your round rear-end a smack that makes you jump. It doesn’t really hurt you, but it stings. Your reaction makes him groan, his fingers digging into your hips hard enough to bruise.  
“Do you know how many times I thought about ambushing you in the early morning in the coffee house, when it was still dark outside, and no one was there but you?” he asks as he withdraws, hovering so just his tip kisses your entrance. “I watched you fuss around behind the counter, listening to your music, oblivious to me. I fantasized about grabbing you up and ruining you on the countertop to the smell of the first pot of vanilla roast brewing.”
You blink, not sure where this is coming from at a time like this.
He was watching you. The whole time, he was watching. It should freak you out more than it does, but after everything that’s happened…the thought just inspires an uneasy warmth in to spread in your belly.
“I usually kept the doors locked before opening,” you offer weakly.
He snorts at that. “Wouldn’t have stopped me from getting to you.” He drives himself inside you, and you cannot help but flinch, your face shoved into the pillow. He is kinder with his next thrusts, but no less determined. “Cum with me, baby,” he demands again. “You’ve always been mine. Before you even knew it, you belonged to me.”
You want to. God, do you want to, but you’re not willing to pay this devil’s price for it. You are so grateful for the surge of anger that swells in your breast.
“You’re just a bully,” you snarl. “Maybe you’re bigger than me and meaner than me, and you can keep me here as long as you want, but that doesn’t mean you own me. I’m not a fucking coffee maker or a couch or a stereo. The only way you’ll ever truly own a piece of my heart is to have the courage to ask for it openly, with the freedom to let me stay or leave.”
He freezes, his cock buried inside you to the hilt, his fingertips digging into your hips. “Is there a chance in hell you would stay with me, after what you’ve seen?” After what I’ve done to you? hangs unsaid in the air.
Your pause is too long, and you know you fucked up by not answering him immediately. This would have been a great time to tell him a lie. You guess he’s conditioned you against it though. You’ll tell him the truth, even if it hurts you.
“That’s what I thought,” he snarls, and with three thrusts he finishes savagely inside you.
There is no snuggling afterwards. He leaves you cold and alone in the big bed, retreating to the bathroom with a slam of the door.
For the umpteenth time you think to yourself, you are so fucked.
20 points to your House if you spotted the Jane Eyre reference...🥰
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fallinforerling · 1 year
can we get a 13 and 16 angst to fluff with jude please x
in the wrong - jb
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A/N: screaming, crying, throwing up. this one has a bit of a double POV that jumps from jude’s to reader’s. i love to write little angst to fluff thingies, especially with jude. send your request! remember that feedback it’s always welcomed. love you xx
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist 
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
: ̗̀➛ requested phrases
13. “why are you calling me? it's two a.m.”
16. “i'm angry but i still love you”
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You couldn’t believe your eyes. Was this a sick joke or something? 
Your eyes followed the movements of Sasha, the “friend” that crashed from time to time on your reunions, always cheeky and happy to be there. But you knew better. She was into Jude; it was very evident, but your boyfriend didn’t seem to agree with you. Every time you brought up the way she would always find an excuse to be near him, whisper into his ear, or just touch him for no apparent reason, he would say you were seeing things, that there was nothing to worry about. That you were crazy. And, of course, she didn’t care that you, his girlfriend, were there to witness it all. 
You were furious. 
“Babe?” You called, wanting to get Jude to your side as fast as possible before Sasha could get her hands on his chest or something like that. “Can you come here for a second?” 
Jude knows you. He noticed the way you were avoiding any type of chatter, with arms crossed and no sight of even a tiny smile on your face. You were mad, that was evident. But he chose to ignore it since it happened every time Sasha was around. He didn’t get it. Yeah, maybe you didn’t like her as much, but he wasn’t going to avoid her just because of that. 
“What’s up?” He seemed a bit apprehensive, since your eyes were sparkling the kind of way they always did when your blood was boiling.
“Can we head home? I’m tired.” 
“Now?” He turned back to see all his friends still chatting and drinking. “Can we stay a bit longer? The night’s just starting, babe.” 
You took a deep breath, not wanting to seem like a difficult person. But God, you just wanted to leave. 
“Is it because of Sasha? Babe, come on. She’s just friendly, we’ve been over this before.” 
“Friendly?” That word alone made you forget about being easy. He brought it up. “Jude, she flirts with you all the time. You can’t tell me you don’t notice it!” Your eyes went directly to her, who was on the other corner, looking at both of you with a tiny smirk, like she was enjoying the effect she had on you. “She’s waiting for the right opportunity to make a move. And yes, I don’t tolerate her. So, can we please go?” 
He stood there, looking at you with a frown for a few seconds before sighing. 
“I don’t see it because there’s nothing to see. She’s a friend, and if you want to leave just because you can’t stand a person, then you’re free to leave…” He regretted saying that as soon as it came out of his mouth, but it was too late. You were already doing that thing with your mouth when you were about to explode.
Your whole face went from angry to serious, obviously offended. He just basically kicked you out of the party, choosing a practical stranger who loved to flirt with him over you? 
“Oh! So I am the problem… Okay, fine.” You turned, and before he could say anything to make you stay, you were out the house. 
He was dumbfounded. He didn’t expected that reaction, since you were the calmest person to ever exist. He followed outside, trying to catch you, but the only thing he saw were your car’s lights before it hit the curve. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
As soon as you were inside your car, you muted your phone. There was no way in hell you were answering anyone’s texts right now, especially not Jude’s. 
How dare he? Implying that you were not only imagining things, but also telling you to just leave if you weren’t happy around Sasha. He was the biggest asshole in the whole world. You hated crying, but it was impossible not to when you thought about it all. Why did he act like he didn’t get it? How many times did you reassured him when he felt insecure? Why wasn’t he doing the same for you? 
A slight sob escaped your mouth, and you felt grateful that at least you were near home. Crying while driving was a bad combination. Biting your lip, you speeded a bit more, wanting to get out of the car as soon as possible. All you could think about was that your boyfriend didn’t even care. 
When you finally made it inside, you weren’t letting yourself just fall into bed and cry yourself to sleep, even though that was all that you wanted. That was out of the question. So you headed to the bathroom, taking all your accessories and clothes off while walking. 
“Fucking prick.” You murmured, throwing a high heel against the floor without actual force, just wanting to let some of the anger out. 
You just couldn’t get your head around how the night ended. He was such an…
“Stop! Stop thinking about him, it’s not worth it.”
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Jude was growing more and more worried as the minutes passed. He tried calling and texting, but you weren’t picking up your phone. It’s been almost an hour, and even if he tried to, there was no actual way of getting a car to take him to your place immediately. He had to wait at least another thirty minutes, which was hell. He deserved to be left behind after what he said to you, but he couldn’t stand not knowing where you were and if you were okay. 
“Please pick up, please, please.” He murmured like a prayer, pacing back and forth. “I’m such a prick…” It was the twentieth call he made just this past ten minutes, and you were still not picking up.
When he was about to make attempt number twenty one, the door to the backyard opened. Jude turned a bit, just in time to see Sasha’s grin while approaching him. He didn’t have time for this. 
“What’s wrong, Jude? Your little girlfriend abandoned you, didn’t she?” Jude stared at her with an arched eyebrow, not feeling the little joking tone she was using while referring to you. “Ah, come on! Don’t let her ruin your night, we can still have fun…” One of her hands brushed against his arm, making him slightly uncomfortable with the way her eyes were looking at him. 
Why was she staring at him like that…? Oh…
“Yeah, no… That’s not happening.” He made the space between them wider, still holding the phone to his ear. The realization that what you said was absolutely true hit him like a truck. Yeah, he was the fucking prick. “I don’t know what told you I’d ever cheat on my girl, but whatever it was, nonexistent. Now, excuse me, but I have to get to her house before she thinks I’ll ever waste my time on you or anyone else.” 
Sasha stood there, with an open mouth and an offended expression for a long time, even after Jude left her all alone in the backyard. Just as he was about to leave the house, his phone rang. His heart made a little twist, hopeful about you calling him back, but what he saw was the best second option of the night. Thank God.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It was around two a.m. when your phone started to ring. You groaned, regretting unmuting it at the last minute. Why did it had to rang just when you were finally falling asleep? Your eyelids felt so heavy that you could barely see the phone screen as you answered, already knowing that it might be Jude. 
“Are you home?” Jude’s voice was a bit agitated. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, annoyed by the interruption and a little bit by his voice. 
“Where else would I be, Jude?” You paused, checking the time. “Besides, why are you calling me? It’s two a.m.” 
“Because there’s no way I’ll go to bed knowing my girl is mad at me.” He sighed. “You were right, as always… Can you open the door? I left my key at home.” 
“What?” That woke you up. 
You got out of bed as fast as you could, going straight to the living room so you could look outside. And yes, there he was, looking up at you, like he was waiting to see you peeking out of that exact window. 
“So?” He shouted, smiling a bit despite the absence of reaction from your side. 
Without a word, you went directly to the door. While opening, you felt your heart a bit heavier on your chest. He came. Once the door was open, you both stared at each other with big eyes; he seemed scared of standing there, and you were feeling a mixture of happiness and desire to punch him in the face. 
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing that fell out of his lips, making you smirk a bit. “She was, indeed, flirting with me. And I didn’t want you to leave, I don’t know why I said that.” When you didn’t reply, he got closer. “Can I come in?” 
“What do you think?” You didn’t move from the door, still looking at him with a frown. 
“I think you want to punch me in the face.” Despite that statement, he held you by the waist. “I’ll make it up to you.” 
You didn’t know the exact way he was offering to make it up, but you didn’t actually care. Because he was there, and he was saying he was sorry. He did care. 
“Okay, you can come in.” When you gave him enough space to do so, he held you fully, embracing you with his arms until you couldn’t breathe properly. 
“You’re still angry, aren’t you?” 
“Of course I’m angry, Jude… But I still love you… Sadly for me.” The last thing you said was in a joking way, trying to get on his nerves as much as he did a few hours ago. Payback and all that. 
“Hey! Not fair! I’m an idiot, yes… But never stop loving me for that.” His face was buried in your neck, so you could feel the vibrations of his voice and the warmth of his breath on your skin. “Never stop loving me, please.” This time, it sounded a bit like begging. 
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. 
“Never…” And somehow, yours sounded like begging as well. 
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *  JUDE’S TAGLIST
@mentalbaddie | @taintedstranger | @mrs-dasilvasantoss | @mbapbaesluvr | @roses-arerosies | @cinderellawithashoe | @yoitsmo07 | @seajjin | @kakuchosbff | @peterparkerbae | @alwaysclassyeagle | @itsjuspenny-blog | @lbsmainblog | @youngjayla | @freetimemachinequeen | @chaeryeongstuff | @lazyreadergirl | @trentismine | @ironmaiden1313 | @wavessmile | @jul1ettt | @daydream-er | @citrusjunosart | @pierre-gasssllyy | @avianawrites | @topguncultleader | @blahhhhhbleeplop | @ricsaigasalec | @koufaxx | @xjval | @444pantheress | @f1lover55
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luimagines · 1 year
Can I please ask for the chain with a s/o from their timeliness meeting the other links please? I just think that they all deserve a special somebody! Also happy anniversary!!
That sounds adorable! Of course you can! I hope I understand what you mean by this.   ^.^*
Part one will include Hyrule, Wind and Sky
Content under the cut!
It was a lull in the routine that day.
Hyrule was beginning to suspect that something was about to jump around the corner to shake things up but there was no way he prove his suspicions to anyone other than the Veteran, who was just arguably more paranoid than he was.
He hummed and kicked a rock down the road. Would it be too much to make it a bit more noticeable that they were traveling together? Just to get the attack over with.
Nothing comes out to ambush them. The path is just as silent as ever.
A scream rips through the air and Hyrule takes off running toward the sound. His adrenaline spikes, more so with the knowledge that he was correct at the end of the day.
By the time he reaches the source of the sound the others have half way taken care of the problem. But there’s one thing Hyrule didn’t account for.
His blood freezes at the sight of you and b-lines toward you. His attention is no longer on the monster. The others can handle it just fine he’s sure. Instead he sprints with all he has in your direction, picking you up and taking you out of the line of fire without a second thought.
“Link!” You cry with delight and hang onto him like a life line. “I found you!”
Hyrule jumps behind a boulder and his life spell explodes from his palms. The spell glows against you beautifully. In other circumstance, Hyrule would have paused to admire it. But the adrenaline makes it hard for him to focus on the finer details.
The spell only dances over your form. It sinks down in a patch by your elbow and a cut on your leg, but you are otherwise unharmed.
“What are you doing here?” Hyrule pulls your close, hugging you as tight as he can. “Not that I’m not happy to see you. Hi, hello, how have you been?”
You laugh and shake your head, hugging him back just as fiercely.  “Better now that I’ve seen you again.”
Hyrule relaxes. He can feel the strength of your heartbeat respond to his own with the passion he holds you with. You’re ok. You’re not even injured. And he has you in his arms again. “This isn’t safe...”
“I know.” You sigh. “I don’t even know how I got here. That monster was huge.”
“They’ve been getting worse.” Hyrule admits. “That’s why I’m here.”
You nod, letting yourself be held by him. It wasn’t everyday that you got to hold him as closely and as intimately as you wanted. You turn and lean into him more. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Hyrule says with a small breathless laugh. “I still can’t believe that you’re here-”
“Hey Traveler!” He hears Wild call out. “Where’d you go with that person? Are they dead?”
Hyrule’s grip tightens on you only marginally before he relaxes again. “They’re fine!” He calls over your head. “All healed up!”
Hyrule pulls away, albeit regrettably. 
“Link, who are they?” You follow him with little resistance. “Why do they call you Traveler?”
“It’s a long story.” Hyrule takes your hand. “But they’re good friends of mine now and we’re all going to fix this problem...We’re also all named Link, so the name thing is a patch job at best because-”
“You stink at naming things.” You snort.
“If it’s any consolation, it wasn’t my idea. Nor did I name myself.” Hyrule deadpans.
“Well I’d love to meet them.”
“Good. Because they’d badger me endlessly if you didn’t.” Hyrule tugs you along, keeping you close. “I apologize in advance for anything they might say or do.”
“They can’t be that bad if you trust them.”
“I admire your trust in me, but believe me, that sentence is unfounded.” 
Wind (best friend/crush but no established relationship)
“Do you have any one you like, Sailor?”
“I like a lot of people.” Wind tilts his head at the Captain. “I have a lot of friends.”
“I- no. That’s not what I mean.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Although, I’m glad to hear it.”
Wind takes another moment to think about the other’s question. It was simple enough in nature, but he was certain that he answered it the correct way. “You might have to be more specific then. I mean, I like you guys and I like my family, my sister. There’s Tetra and the pirate crew. I like those guys and I like Linebeck too.”
Warrior nods along, happy to get the Sailor talking anyway. But this isn’t what he was talking about. Vaguely, there’s a voice in his head that this something he should ask the boy, but at the same time, he doesn’t think there’s any harm in it. Clearly, he didn’t understand it the first time around, so perhaps it’s non applicable to the young hero.
Still, he’s inclined to ask his questions differently. It’s fun to be nosey. “Is there someone you like more than anyone else?”
“Yeah.” A new voice speaks from their right. “Me.”
Wind gasp, yelling your name out excitedly before he sprits towards you. You both collide with enough force that the sound leaves the nearby heroes to wince, even if they’re relived to know that Wind knows you. And clearly trusts you enough to catch him is he all but threw himself towards you.
Wind begins to jump on his toes, hugging you with obvious enthusiasm. “I can’t believe you’re here! I was wondering when I would see you again!...Why are you here?”
Wind’s smile drops and he pulls away from your suddenly. Within the next second, he’s searching all over you for injuries of any kind. He needs to prove to himself that there’s nothing wrong. Because now you’re far from home... with questionable means of travel. Wind needs to make sure that everything is ok before he can continue on with his conversation.
The rushed check up leave you giggling and shaking your head. You stick your hands out at the sides and spin slowly to same him the work of going around you. “I’m fine, worrywart. I’m glad to see you’re ok too... Maybe.... Is that a new scar?” 
You point just below his chin and your eyebrows furrow when you look closer. It’s faint to be sure, but you were certain that it wasn’t there when he left the island.
Wind grins, looking proud of himself. Yes, the scar is new and there’s is clearly a story attached to it. Oh well, it’s not all that bad anyway. You grin. “Tell me about it later, yeah?”
“Of course.”
Warrior clears his throat and smiles back towards the duo. “Mind introducing us, Sailor?”
Wind perks up and takes your hand, holding you close simply because he can. “This is my best friend in the whole wide world! Hey-” He says your name, tugging on your hand as he gestures with the other. “These are the guys I’ve been traveling with. The ones that have my name.”
Your eyes widen and you nod in understanding. “Who’s this one then?”
“The Captain.”
“From that weird portal battle you had?” You whisper non too quietly.
Wind nods back and leans closer. “Don’t listen to him too much. He’s just as weird as before.”
“Hey!” Warrior’s metaphorical feathers puff as their ruffled from the idea. “I’m not that bad!″
Wind sticks his tongue out and turns to you again. “You have the meet the Veteran. He’s got more stories than me! This way!”
Warrior sticks his own tongue out, not bothering to hide his skin deep annoyance. He didn’t even get to question your answer about being Wind’s favorite. However, seeing the reaction your presence brought onto the boy’s face, Warrior smiles to himself. It’s just as well. It’s not like you were proven wrong anyway.
He felt as if the whole group walked ten extra miles today without any form of rest. No one was going to give it to him until they made camp.
When that moment arrived he was quick to collapsed next to the nearest tree and rest his head against it. His whole body seemed to be yelling at him.
Suddenly noises were all around him. None of which were threatening. They were just... loud... and confused.
“Link?” A familiar voice calls out softly. It wipes away any exhaustion he was feeling in that moment.
His eyes shoot open and he’s looking for where the source of the voice was.
He sees you and scrambles to his feet. His body is not happy about it. His legs nearly give out, sending Sky to catch himself on one knee before he pushes himself up again. Sky runs. And he hates running.
Luckily, you run towards him too. The speed and force in which you collide with each other sends a thick thump through the camp grounds.
 “I was wondering which Link they meant.” Wild whispers to himself, running his wrist over his forehead.
“What are you doing here?” Sky asks first, breathlessly placing little butterfly kisses over your face.
You laugh, unable to stop him. “I don’t know. I opened the door, left the house, turned around and found myself nearby. I’m glad I found your first.”
Sky nods, laughing breathlessly himself. “I’m happy for it.”
He dips his face into the crook of your neck and speaks softly, so that only you can hear it. “I missed you. There hasn’t been a day where you weren’t on my mind.”
“Oh for Din’s sake.” Sky hears Legend roll his eyes. “The rest of us are trying to eat and rest. Don’t you dare start that here.”
Sky snorts, placing another delicate kiss on the skin before him, reveling in the way you tense to hide the hitch in your breath. “I would gladly take you home. Where is it?”
You laugh some more. It’s a musical and magical sound. Sky prides himself in being able to invoke it so quickly out of you. You smack his chest slightly and he backs off only slightly.
“So I guess these are your friends from your letters.” You turn around and look at the group. Sky tightens his hold around you once more, letting his chin rest on your shoulder.
“Yes.” Sky answers. “I wonder if you can tell who’s who from interaction alone.”
“That’s almost impossible.” You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering if that challenge is even feasible. “Wouldn’t introduction be easier?”
Sky smirks. “Men, this is the love of my life. Beloved, meet Link.”
“You’re impossible.”
“You love me.”
“Well we’re honored to meet you.” Time sticks out his hand a proud smile on his face. He seems to be reminiscing about something. “The Knight of Skyloft, speaks highly of you.”
“And only of you.” Legend pretends to be annoyed, but he seems to have softened. “He’s a good one. Treat him right.”
“As if I’ll ever give him up.” You reply, turning to nudge your head against the man that holds you tenderly.
Sky smiles and closes his eyes. It feels good to hold you again. He doesn’t want to think about what this means. He’s not going to look a gift horse in the mouth (a phrase he learned from the Rancher). For now, he’ll enjoy taking you in after so long. He’s missed you.
Part 2
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whumpsday · 11 months
Kane & Jim #53: Healing Right
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: recovery, (past) vampire whumper, broken bones, past loss of bodily autonomy, offscreen surgery, emotional whump
Whumpmas in July Day 18: Ache
back to this guy :)
Jim rubbed at the bump on his arm where the bone didn't heal quite right, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. The bone on his forearm went at an angle, up and up, before suddenly dropping off where it met misaligned with the rest of it going to his elbow. Bones, they'd told him there were two, but it was easier to just think of it as one.
It hurt, but it wasn't a bad hurt. Jim knew bad hurt. It was a dull ache he'd gotten used to over the past two years. It didn't hurt like the snap when Kane cracked Jim's arm open with his bare hands anymore, and he had pain meds now anyway. He'd tried to get on some stronger ones, but Liz had told him it wasn't a good idea, that he'd get hooked. Jim wasn't very good at disagreeing with people anymore, so he just took her word for it.
But he'd get some now for sure. Even Liz said it was okay this time. Because he had to get his arm re-broken.
Every day as the operation got closer, the dread grew more and more. He knew it wouldn't be like the first time. He'd be conked out, and he'd be allowed pain meds, real pain meds. It wasn't a punishment, and if all went well, his arm would be fixed. No reminder of Kane every time he looked at it. Probably no dull ache. It was even his own choice.
They couldn't fix the scar on his neck, neither the mark or the pain, so this was the best he could do to scrub off any lasting reminders Kane had left on his body. Liz's friend Laken had suggested a tattoo to cover it, but the idea of a needle going into his neck was so horrifying that the thought made him want to throw up.
But he could do this, at least. Even if breaking his arm again would be scary, he needed to claw his body back for himself. He needed to know it was his again, not Kane's. No matter how much it would hurt.
“I don’t belong to anyone. My body is mine. I’m out," Jim whispered to his reflection. Afraid to say it any louder, like Kane would be able to hear and swiftly correct him.
He got dressed, hiding his neck and arm under a turtleneck. He'd started dressing in them every day, though he knew he would need to take it off for the surgery. One more thing to dread about it, but he told himself it was worth it.
"You ready?" Liz asked as he came downstairs.
Jim shrugged. "As I'll ever be, I guess."
The operation was a success. If there was anything at all to thank Kane for, it would be that he'd made a relatively clean break.
Jim's arm hurt like hell when he woke, but he knew it wasn't as bad as it would be without the meds. He had a cast this time, and a real sling, not one he had to make himself. His friends kept wanting to sign the cast, but something about it made him wildly uncomfortable in a way he couldn't explain.
He knew the old him would have jumped at the chance to have all his friends sign it. Probably would have given out points for who could draw the best doodle. He was practically a social butterfly when he was nineteen, before Kane got to him, but now it just seemed like he kept finding more and more disconnects with his old friends. They had jobs and babies and memories of the past five years together, and all he had were Kane and panic attacks.
Even though his friends kept reaching out and inviting him to stuff, he was too neurotic to act like his old self. It felt like putting on an act, it felt wrong. And being his real self was even worse: he didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want them to know.
His cast remained unmarked.
He woke with a scream a week after his surgery, his arm exploding with pain, far worse than it'd been during his recovery.
Jim looked around wildly, but couldn't see the source of the pain in the dark of his room. He sobbed, clutching his arm protectively to his chest. He'd been so badly-behaved lately that he couldn't even pinpoint what it was he was being punished for.
He flinched back into the headboard with a whimper as the door flew open. "Please don't," he begged, trembling.
"It's okay, it's just me," Liz soothed. She sat down next to him. "Nightmare again?"
"No, I don't- I don't think so?" Jim struggled to catch himself back up to reality, but with the haze of sleep leaving his mind and Liz's presence grounding him, he came to the conclusion it wasn't a punishment at all. "I hit my arm in my sleep," he realized. "Sorry for waking you. Didn't mean to."
"You're all good," Liz assured him. "I wasn't even asleep. Getting myself back on schedule for when I go back to work."
Jim's stomach turned at the thought, even though it was no surprise. "What if something happens to you?"
"Someone's gotta protect people from 'em. Plus, I know we live in the cheapest place in the country, but I've gotta get back to work," she pointed out.
"There's other jobs. I'll get one again too, once I'm better. You could just... not go back." As much as Jim hated living by the border, the fact that it was so cheap to live here at least gave them some leeway. At least they didn't have to worry about rent, even though selling the house was nearly impossible if they ever wanted to move.
Liz patted him on the back. "Not for me, there isn't. It'll be okay. I won't be alone, and I've been doing this for years with no issues."
"What about that?" Jim pointed to the scars on her face, faded claw-marks running dangerously close to her throat.
"That barely even counts. You should've seen the other guy. Dead, for what it's worth. Most vampires won't even fight us, they just decide it's not worth the trouble and run back home. It's gonna be fine." She gave him a quick hug. "You gonna be okay to go back to bed?"
"Yeah. Just... be safe. I can't lose you again," Jim said quietly.
Liz gave him a sad smile. "I know how you feel. I'll be as safe as I can. Just go back to sleep."
True to his disobedient streak, Jim couldn't manage to fall back asleep, mind racing with fear. Liz getting taken by vampires, subjected to the same hell as him, or having her mind stolen from her entirely. Kane showing back up to steal him away in the night while Liz is off fighting other vampires, arriving home too late to help. Jim reached a shaking hand under his pillow and took his stake- a real one this time- and held it close as he sobbed, trying to be quiet and not disturb Liz again.
He could only hope his arm would heal better than he was.
i'll be putting out two one-shots next! one about a fairy whumpee on friday, and one about an alien whumpee on monday. after that, more Jim in Distress!
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event: @whumpmasinjuly
taglist in reblog!
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ackrmvvn-levi · 1 year
I couldn’t hold back || J.K.
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Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Mentions of death, bad language
“The name of that good friend of yours, that one you told me about. Oh right, it’s Marco.”
Your eyes bored into the bowl of stew held in your hands, doing your best to remain calm through this conversation.
“You said Annie was involved in his death, didn’t you?”
You didn’t need to look over at Jean to know he was scowling. Marco’s death had taken a toll on both of you, finding out Annie was involved was even harder.
“Have you asked about it yet? The truth behind his death.”
Your head flashed up, eyes snapping between Yelena and Annie quickly. You hadn’t, truthfully, You didn’t think Jean had either. Up until now, you weren’t sure you really wanted to know. The point of it was Marco was dead, you didn’t need to know the details.
“I took off Marco’s ODM gear.” Annie spoke before anyone could inquire more information. “That’s why a titan ate-“ Reiner cut her off.
“Annie was only following my orders.”
The anger in your chest burned, bubbling under the surface. You could’ve assumed he’d have something to do with it as well, but hearing the words come out of his mouth was a different experience entirely.
“Marco overheard a secret conversation I had with Bertholdt. In fear of our cover being blown, I thought the best way to silence him was to have a titan kill him. I slammed Marco into a roof while in the air. And while I held him down, I had Annie take off his ODM gear. Marco was stuck there until a titan ate him.”
It was deathly quiet as Reiner finished, no one quite able to believe what they were hearing. You felt sick, you were furious. You couldn’t bring yourself to look back at either of them, knowing what they’d done to Marco.
“Did Marco say anything at the very end?” Jean spoke up, eyes trained at the fire in front of him. His tone was hard, cold, his body language seemed stiff, almost like a wall.
“He asked why I wasn’t willing to talk to him.” You looked towards him then, meeting Reiner’s eyes for the first time in years. There was nothing but pure regret in them, and it made something twist deep within your stomach.
“I think that question still applies. We hardly tried to talk, we all just kept fighting, assuming it had to be to the death,” You said finally. Your gaze fell back onto your stew as if suddenly uninterested, unable to maintain eye contact.
“I stood and watched the titan as it devoured Marco and then a switch flipped and I couldn’t figure out why it was happening. I just snapped. I flew into a rage, hellbent on avenging Marco. I cut down the titan myself.”
Your grip on the bowl tightened, your body stiffening at Reiner’s words. Anger fired up again in your blood, fueling a burning sensation behind your eyes that made you want to scream.
“We get it, Reiner. You feel guilty and it screwed with your head,” you snapped, your fingers digging further into the bowl, your glare focused only on the blonde man across from you.
“Don’t forgive me. I’m truly worthless.”
It was silent for another few seconds, Reiner’s eyes refusing to meet yours, but the tension was thick. You were on the verge of exploding when he spoke again.
“I’m sorry.”
You were moving in an instant, your half empty bowl of stew thrown to the side, your body moving towards Reiner before you could even register it.
“Y/N!” Hange’s yell fell on deaf ears as you lunged forward, tackling Reiner to his back. You barely registered your fists connecting to his face, your mind buzzing, eyes seeing red.
He made no move to fight back, your hits only stopping when Mikasa grabbed your wrist. “Stop!” You looked over your shoulder, sending a harsh glare up at the girl before yanking your arm out of her grasp.
“Listen to me, Reiner,” you spoke, turning back on the man under you in a flash, your hand roughly grabbing his shirt to force him to look at you.
“You lied to me, for years. You made me fall in love with you and then broke my heart in the worst way possible. You killed how many innocent people? How many scouts? People I knew, people I cared about. And now I can add Marco to that list. My best friend! Now, you’re gonna sit there and try to apologize? After everything you put me through?! I’ll act civil until we stop Eren. But after that, if I ever see your face again, I’ll fucking kill you,” you growled, glaring into Reiner’s eyes, a level of anger you’d never felt before flowing through your veins.
His eyes widened slightly, as he processed what you had just said. The rage inside of you was something you didn’t know how to handle. The need to hurt Reiner overwhelmed everything else, even logic. It was like an instinct. One you could hardly deny.
But you released him, standing and stalking off from the group, ignoring the calls of your name as you did. You needed time alone to process all this. To calm down. Time away from Reiner and the constant reminder of all those you had lost because of his actions.
You hadn’t noticed the footsteps following closely behind you, not until you heard the familiar voice cut into the silence.
“You got him pretty good.” Jean’s tone held a bit of amusement, but there was concern hidden beneath his words. You knew Jean well, if you hadn’t blown up on Reiner, it was likely he would’ve. He cared about Marco just as much as you did, you knew he was angry too. He had just gotten better at masking it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like that.” You turned to meet his gaze, his eyes soft, his expression kind. He was worried about you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry,” you replied, shrugging lightly. “I know I probably shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’ve wanted to see him again for so long, just to yell at him. But hearing him talk about Marco, I couldn’t hold back.”
Jean nodded thoughtfully, running a hand though his hair. His gaze wandered towards the ground as he thought. Then he looked back at you. “I thought it was hot, honestly, but that’s just me.”
You met his eyes again, a second passing before a small laugh left your lips. You grinned at each other for a moment before breaking out into laughter together.
The laughter soon died down, Jean’s arms moving to pull you into his chest. You sighed into his body, melting into him as you dug my face into his shoulder. Your heart calmed itself, settling against the comforting warmth of Jean.
“Are you alright?” Jean asked softly. You could feel his breath ghost across your head as he spoke. “Yeah, I think I am. Just exhausted, honestly.”
As Jean pulled back to check on me, you smiled weakly, his fingers reaching up to push back some stray hairs around your face. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours. Your hands moved automatically to rest on his waist and you felt his hands cup your cheeks gently as he closed the distance between you.
Our kiss was light, yet filled with emotion. You could sense the sincerity of it, in the way Jean held you tightly and pressed himself closer. Our lips were moving rhythmically, your breaths mingling together. His thumbs stroked circles over your cheeks, soothing your nerves. You relaxed further into his touch, sinking deeper into his embrace and basking in the moment.
When you finally pulled apart, your bodies remained close, both unwilling to let go. Your cheek rested gently on his shoulder, holding him tight. He ran a hand lightly up and down your back, his touch reassuring.
“Thank you. For being here, with me.” Your voice was slightly muffled, still pressed against his body.
“Of course. Always.” His arms wrapped tighter around you. I could hear his heartbeat slowly starting to steady, his breathing calming once more.
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miela · 9 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter III: A Sense of Reunion II • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Angst (???) Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Substance Abuse Masterlist
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VIDEO LOG #20 / 10 JUNE 2026
Hey (Y/N),
 It’s me, Peter.
It’s been almost two years since you have forgotten about me. And to be honest, these two years have been absolutely hell without you. I got a redo on life as most people wish for but be careful what you wish for I guess. I have a new life and it’s okay. I have friends from school but they’ll never compare to you, Celina, Ned, and MJ. I have two jobs and they pay okay. It helps with rent. I’m still out there being Spiderman, I haven’t heard anything about you though which I guess is understandable. I hope you’re doing okay.
I miss you….I miss you so much. In times like these, I know I could always turn to you, lay my head on your shoulder, and cry…you would rub my back, kiss the top of my head, and tell me that everything is going to be okay...because we had each other. I feel like I took those moments for granted even though I know I didn’t. I just really miss you. 
I hope one day…I could be in your arms again. I love you so much.
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I know who you are. 
It rang and echoed in Peter's head after you said it. His heart didn’t know what it wanted to do; stop and explode or race and explode. He looked at you with an expression he could only imagine was a mix of shock and anticipation. How long did you know? Is that why you came to find him? Because you remembered him? There were so many things he wanted to say, ask and do.
But before he could even react, your words knocked his cathedral of hope down to the ground just as quickly as it was built up.
"But I don't remember you."
And there it was. The catch. His heart dropped.
Of course, it wouldn’t have been that easy for him. Even though five years went by and that was more than plenty of time for you to figure it out with what little information you had, Strange’s spell was thorough and very effective. Peter wasn’t sure if he wanted to scream or cry or to crawl in a dark hole and whither away. He didn’t even know how to respond. How was he supposed to explain everything to you? How was he supposed to explain his reasoning for not following through with his promise five years ago?
He just looked at you dumbfounded.
You pressed your lips together and nodded slowly at his response of silence. “When going through the Avenger files, I saw your file. Funny how I recognized everyone else but I didn’t recognize you. Even funnier that we were partners in justice and crime fighting and I didn’t even remember your face. So I did a month-long deep dive.”
Peter never took his eyes off of you and you never took your eyes off of him. He could tell you were getting serious although your expression was still pretty relaxed. On the other hand, he could feel his jaw clench from his nerves making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“I asked around. I asked Sam, Bucky, Dr. Cho, Ned, MJ, Celina…anyone who has a connection to you and none of them know who you are. Well, MJ and Ned said you come into the coffee shop a lot, but they don’t know you. See, memories can be erased from people, but not from algorithms. We went to the same high school, both were in the academic decathlon with MJ, and we had almost all the same classes together. We were both Avengers, we were a duo team because we have the same powers, I remember every single mission, Hell, I remember fighting you,” you continued with emotion in your voice that Peter could only guess was frustration. “But I don’t remember…you.”
Peter decided he wanted to scream. He wanted to scream and then tell you everything, but he had his reasons for not telling you.
“For five years I’ve been dreaming of this guy. I call him the Faceless Boy. I have dreamt of him every single night since that day five years ago. The dreams are more than dreams, more than that dream-walking shit Celina talks about. These dreams are memories with someone who is so foreign to me.” You walked over by him slowly and stopped when you were about three feet away and you looked up into his eyes. “When I snuck through your window today, I expected a different response from you after webbing me to the wall.”
Peter gulped slightly.
“You talked to me like you knew who I was. A long-time friend that you haven’t seen in a while and one you weren’t expecting to see for an even longer while. And then when we shook hands…?” You chewed on your lip nervously, almost like you were afraid to say the next bit. “For five years, I’ve had this hole in my chest, as if something was carved out of my life when it wasn’t supposed to be. I’ve tried to fill it with anything and everything and I failed every single time. So tell me why when we shook hands I never felt it so whole before. A simple handshake from a boy from Queens filled my emptiness like he was the missing puzzle piece.”
Peter’s heart raced as you spoke and looked at him with a desperation for answers, but he couldn’t speak. He didn’t know how to respond as you searched his dark eyes for answers. He didn’t want to lie to you but…he also didn’t want to tell you the truth. The truth is what is keeping you safe and what is keeping you sane. 
“I know you feel it right now,” you said. “The pull.”
The pheromonal connection.
Peter could feel it, He didn’t stop feeling it since he sensed you in his apartment, especially after the handshake. His senses were in a frenzy, he could only imagine how yours were, especially when you couldn’t even remember who he was to you. He pressed his lips together. 
“So tell me, Peter Parker,” you started again. “What happened?”
Peter looked deeply into your eyes and slowly brought his hand up to your cheek and gently caressed it before laying his hand on it. You leaned your face into his touch and closed your eyes. His senses instantly focused on you. Your breath hitched as you opened your eyes again to look up at his dark ones.
He wanted to tell you everything so badly. He wanted to tell you how he knew you like the back of his hand. He wanted to tell you that he knew your favorite things and that you couldn’t cook to save your life, and that you loved to dance and you did ballet since you were a child. He wanted to tell you how in high school you would viscerally defend him every time Flash Thompson opened his mouth and called Peter “Penis Parker” and how when you found out Flash’s real name you started using it just to piss him off and shut him up. He wanted to tell you about how MJ didn’t like him at first because she was afraid that the same situation that happened with him and Liz would happen to you. He wanted to tell you how you and Ned would constantly bicker over who was the coolest character in Star Wars and that everyone thought your favorite anime was Chainsaw Man but he knew it was actually Sailor Moon (and that you constantly argued that Usagi would floor Goku anytime any day and any era). He wanted to tell you everything about yourself and your memories until his jaw hurt from talking too much.
But everything in him told him not to.
“(Y/N)...” he began. “I-”
Before he could finish his sentence your eyes blinked rapidly and your brows furrowed before you winced and hissed. You held your head as you let out a noise of pain and Peter instantly pulled back. 
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Are you okay? What’s happening?!” Peter panicked.
After a moment you looked up at him catching your breath softly. “Yeah….yeah. I’m fine. Like I said before. Stark Stress.”
Peter called total bullshit on that. 
“What were we talking about?” You asked softly to no one in particular.
Peter looked at you wide eyes filled with confusion and concern. 
“Uh…” he searched his scatterbrain for something to say. “The…uh…Avenger Files? You were going to tell me why you were going through the Avenger files, yeah…mhm…”
You looked at him with a knowing expression. “Parker, I remember everything I said. It was a rhetorical question.”
“Oh…!” Peter squeaked. 
You rubbed your temples and smiled up at him. “You won’t tell me anything. That’s fine I won't force you. Whatever you did, you did it for good reason.” You leaned back on the table. “I’ll figure it out anyway. Just promise you’ll be honest with me when I ask about something.”
Peter nodded. “Y-yeah! Yeah, sure, yeah I’ll be …uh….I’ll be honest.”
“Great!” you clapped your hands together. “Now down to business. I didn’t just drag you here to interrogate you.” You turned to the table to avoid his gaze.
You were deflecting the situation. Peter knows because you tend to do that when you have felt like you came off too strong in a situation and your way of reacting was to pretend like it was nothing big in hopes that the other person would follow suit. At this moment, Peter was glad you did, because he would’ve done it if you didn’t. Especially when those Stark Stress Migraines seemed more like Parker Stress ones. Both times you guys made contact you had a strong reaction. It scared him and he wanted to know why. He wished he could have asked Strange about this, but Strange didn’t remember him and probably wouldn’t even remember the spell. 
He guessed that was his big sign to keep his distance from you. 
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Later, he was taken back home in time for him to go out patrolling once more. He swung across the veins of New York City as he thought about the events that happened.
Today was a really strange day.
After your whole interrogation, you told him about your plans for the NAI and the scholarship that Tony had left for him. 
 “My dad had an actual internship and scholarship set aside for you but obviously it was meant for MIT. I changed it up a bit for your sake. So your last five years will be compensated and paid off tuition-wise and the rest of your time in school will be paid in full. You will also have an internship opportunity whenever you’re ready for it. It will be a summer internship so you can have full focus on it without any distractions, or you could do it during winter break. Whatever works for you.” You pointed at the holographic screens respectively. 
Peter looked at the holograms in shock. Tony was planning on doing all of this for him. He shouldn’t be surprised but he was…and was touched by it. And you modifying it to fit his needs made it all the more… meaningful. He did remember Tony offering him a grant when he first came to visit him but he thought he wasn’t serious about it and was using it for code to add to the stark internship.  
He almost didn’t take it, but you insisted. 
 “Parker, this was something my dad set in place years ago. Consider it a token of gratitude. He would want this for you.” you explained. “But I won't force it on you if you really don’t want it.”
Peter sighed when he stopped on a building to think. He hated keeping the truth from you, and he hated that you were suffering all this time because of your migraines. He remembered your big reaction to both times that he touched you. 
It was hurting you. 
He wondered if it would be the same for Ned, Celina, and MJ. Would they have a splitting headache if he got close to any of them too? The whole point of this stupid spell was to protect the ones he cared about, not cause them pain. 
He really, really hated magic.
He sighed and sat down at the edge of the building. He thought about what you went through in the past years without him. He had hoped that you would have been living your best life without worry, but instead, you were dreaming about him without knowing who he was, and he had to sit there and not tell you that it was him that you were dreaming about. 
It was best to just stay away from you all. Like it was intended five years ago.
He needed a distraction. He remembered one of his friends from school mentioning a party at his Fraternity House this weekend that Peter initially said no to going to. But after today he could use it. He took out his phone and called him.
“Parker,” Harry Osborn, chimed. “What’s up, my guy?”
“Hey Harry,” Peter greeted. “I changed my mind, I do wanna go to that party tomorrow.”
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To say you were a mess was an understatement. 
You didn’t seem it though. You were working with Nika on the list of foundations and non-profit organizations that would be attending the charity gala that you were hosting in a month. You’re first act of Philanthropy would be donating at least one billion dollars each year to different organizations and you wanted it to be a well-rounded event but you were distracted by the recent ones that happened.
Nika could tell.
“(Y/N),” she said, folding her hands in her lap. “Are you okay? Did that Avenger boy do something to you?”
“Huh? What? No,” You replied a little defensively. “He’s harmless.”
“Then why do you seem so upset?” She asked with concern in her tone. “You were fine earlier.”
You sighed and rubbed your temples with your fingers gently as you closed your eyes. “Migraine,” you responded, only giving part of the problem. 
She sighed knowing that you weren’t telling her everything. “I’m going to talk to you as a friend.”
You looked at the redhead expectantly.
“You haven’t had much of a life since…well…since I first met you four years ago.”
You met Nika Eyrewolfe, back in the recovery center. She was in for substance abuse herself. Since then you guys have been great friends and been a good support for each other. When you found out that she had no place to call home or anything to her name, you got her a job at Stark Industries before she was promoted to your assistant. She’s done nothing but a great job at it. She has been with you most days since you became CEO. So to say the girl knew your life and schedule like her life depended on it was an understatement.
“You’ve worked yourself so much that your headaches are getting worse and worse,” she continued. “The only person you hang out with is Morgan, who’s ten years old. You haven’t made time for Celina, Ned, and MJ in forever. But you had time to get Avenger Boy.”
“He has a name,” You retorted. “Peter. Peter Parker.”
“That’s nice,” Nika replied sarcastically. “And who is Peter Parker to you exactly?”
That’s the problem. I don’t know, you thought.
All you know is that he was the cutest guy you have ever seen in your entire life. His brown curls were soft and silky on his head. His eyes looked tired but they were soft and kind. He had boyish features that only added to his softness. And his smile. God, that smile. It lit up his whole face. His black tee shirt hugged his muscles nicely, and his dark denim jeans hugged his thighs and legs in just the right way. You had to catch yourself from staring at him too long before it got really weird.
You stayed silent and leaned your head on the back of your chair.
“Exactly,” Nika stated. “Nothing. So, you should make time for your friends. I’ll clear your calendar this weekend.”
The thing was that Peter wasn’t “nothing” to you, he was definitely a big something. You were at least eighty percent sure he was the faceless boy from your dreams. And when he touched you…? You couldn’t ignore that no matter how much you tried. The way his hand was so heartbreakingly gentle on your skin as all your worries faded away for a small moment before the splitting headache came again. It’s not like you could tell Nika any of this.
But she was right about one thing. It had been a while since you hung out with your friends. You kept in touch with them in the group chat, but it wasn’t the same as seeing them. 
“Okay,” you gave her a small smile. “Thank you, Nika. What would I be without you?”
“I dunno, probably insane.”
You snorted in response.
Maybe it would be good for you to step away from everything for a little bit. Especially with how crazy your day was. You especially wanted to pretend this day never happened, crawl into the void, and scream until your voice was gone. You deserved to relax for a moment and maybe next time you make the impulsive decision to climb into the window of someone you think you know but you don’t…
You won’t.
tags: @riordanness @chrisevans-realwife @peterdarlingg
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fandomwe1rd0 · 1 month
Wrote some angst about Rick and Morty's communication issuessss please enjoy while I suffer :D
Rick roughly pinned Morty to the wall, causing Morty to wince and his eyes to close tightly "Ow!" Rick kneeled down to Morty's eye level and roughly growled, his glare at Morty filled with anger, his nose touching Morty's and his breath hot on Morty's face. "What the FUCK were you thinking!?" Morty stammered "I-I don't know what you're talking about, Rick!" Rick roughly slammed his fist into the wall right next to Morty's head causing Morty to flinch "Don't play fucking dumb with me you little idiot! Risking your life to save me!? What the fuck!?"
Morty couldn't believe this. That's what this is about!? "W-why are you mad at me for that!? I saved your life!" Rick screamed "What if you had fucking gotten hurt?! What if you died!? Huh!? How would you feel if your stupid ass got yourself killed trying to save your dumbass grandpa!? Huh!? HUH!?" Morty snapped "Then good!"
He felt Rick's hands slide down to his shoulders "Good..? GOOD!? Morty you fucking idiot!" He felt Rick shake him. He could've sworn he heard Rick's voice crack a little when he said "Do you have any idea how I- How Beth would react if you died!? How Jerry would react if you died!? Jesus Christ how SUMMER would've reacted!? You mean a lot to m- You mean a lot to a lot of people you fucking dumbass! If you had gotten hurt..." Morty felt Rick's grip on his shoulders tighten and he saw Rick's eyes close tightly.
He couldn't take it anymore. He exploded. "Since when do you care!? You don't care about anything! Not about Summer, or mom, or dad! Not even about yourself! The only thing you care about is your fucking alcohol a-and your fucking stupid portal gun! You don't care about anyone!" Morty felt tears go down his cheeks, he heard his voice breaking, but he didn't care "Not even about me! Your fucking grandson! You can't show a little appreciation to him after he saved your goddamn life!" Rick's expression shifted, he looked like he was actually...hurt. He frowned and winced. Wait. Did Morty seriously just see that? Did Rick just...wince at what Morty said? Whatever. He didn't care anymore. He crossed his arms and stated coldly "I should've just let you die."
He felt Rick's grip on his shoulders tighten then move away. Rick got up and moved to his work desk. Looking away from Morty and ignoring the pit in his stomach. "You're right. I don't care about you." Morty flinched. He knew that but hearing Rick say it...Morty felt like he should apologize to Rick for some reason. "R-Rick I'm so sor-" Rick interrupted him "Leave." Morty said "W-what?" "Go." Morty reached out "Rick..." Rick glared at Morty and yelled, "GO!"
Morty quickly ran out and Rick sank into his desk chair. Putting his face in his hands to try and stop the tears from running. "Fuck. I'm so fucking weak." Rick said as he felt tears fall. And Morty ran to his room, curled up into a ball. And just cried.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 5 months
Day 16 - Prompt: Night @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 704 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Remus avoided Lily’s pointed glare as he shifted the ice pack on his shoulder and leaned back into the recliner. He closed his eyes and pretended his body wasn’t screaming with pain. This was fine. Well, it would be.
Sirius was safe and his best friend was still in one piece. That was what really mattered. The impromptu rescue mission was a success! No one died yesterday, that alone was worth triggering an episode that kept him up all night.
Lily clearly did not agree. She was furious when she arrived this morning with a tote bag full of his favourite tea, first aid supplies, and chocolate bars. While she hadn’t actually said anything yet, he knew a lecture was coalescing in her mind.
“Will you hear me out before you ream me out?” he checked, peeking out from under his lashes.
She narrowed her eyes, then nodded mutely. Which was probably for the best, honestly. He needed to diffuse the time bomb that was his best friend before she rightfully exploded.
“There wasn’t time to call for help,” he began carefully. “I was still on the beach when Regulus called and he didn’t know the gravity of the situation. He was just worried that the tide was coming in. I didn’t realise how difficult it would be myself until I was in the cave, and there’s no cell service down there. I had to help.”
Lily began pacing in front of him, her long hair bouncing against her back with every step. She was still fuming, but appeared to be walking off the urge to strangle him. That was progress!
“James accidentally wedged his upper body in an unstable shaft reaching for a marbled green stone to show his boyfriend. Sirius tried to pull his arms out, but was being too cautious. I had to dislocate his shoulder, Lily, so I’d say James has already faced the consequences of his actions.” He adjusted the cushion behind his head and shrugged lightly. “And now I’m facing mine.”
She waited until he was comfortable before throwing her first punch. “You could have drowned, been dragged out to sea, or stuck in that cave for hours, Remus. Half the night in that dank, mouldy cave? More likely your lungs would close up before sunset.”
“But none of those things happened. I’m just sore and tired.”
“You risked your life!”
“To save someone else’s! It was a necessary risk.”
Lily scowled, then returned to her pacing. Her hands gestured wildly around her face as she launched into her lecture. “These blokes are irresponsible, reckless, and-”
“Fun. They’re fun.”
“-foolish! You’ve been doing so well lately and now you’ll be lucky if you don’t catch pneumonia again. Why anyone would want to crawl around in a cave with all of those germs is beyond me.”
“There are germs everywhere.”
“You didn’t even call me! I had to hear it from Sirius,” she whined, concern heavy in her voice.
Remus gently bobbed his head side to side in vague agreement. “I was going to call you this morning. I didn’t need a nurse, so I chose to rest instead. Really, Lily, I’m fine.”
“You're a liar, but I love you anyway,” she said, pausing in front of his chair. “Please be careful? I know you’re acting a fool because of Sirius, but-”
“No. That wasn’t his fault.”
“It’s Sirius-adjacent, at least!”
“So am I.”
Lily folded her arms in front of her chest and stared him down. “Are you? Or is that wishful thinking?”
“He called you, didn’t he? I assume he sounded worried about me,” he pointed out.
“And that’s worth risking your life for?”
“Yes,” Remus said stubbornly, “but that’s not why I did it. James needed help, I was nearby, available, and able. End of story.”
“Not end of story.” Lily’s mobile lit up her pocket and she automatically reached for it. “However, it appears that you’re right about one thing.”
Remus searched her face curiously. “What’s that?”
“You’re Sirius-adjacent. He’s asking if he can have your number, and he wants to bring you lunch.”
“Yes! Give him my bloody number!”
“Alright, alright. Calm your tits, Remus,” Lily tutted at him while she texted with Sirius.
Next Part>>>
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duffslut · 2 years
Talkin' about you
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Modern Axl Rose x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 552
Warnings: Fluff!
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- Stop! - Axl exclaimed on stage suddenly.
You and everyone else in the crowd stopped breathing at the same time, everyone knew what Axl was like, if he had asked to stop, something was wrong.
His bandmates also looked confused, the instruments stopped and the audience fell silent as Axl walked across the stage holding his mic.
- Before we start the next song, I would like to say a few things. - Axl said, his voice thick and his face serious.
The audience screamed for a while in excitement, and Axl shook his head with a shy smile on his lips, waiting until it was silent again.
- Some of you know... - He started talking, circling the stage as he seemed to think of the right words. - I recently found the love of my life.
You froze in place, the people around you sighed in a mixture of relief and passion. You and Axl had been dating for a little over a year, and you've never been happier in your life since you got together, you guys tried to keep your relationship as intimate as possible, but it was impossible to hide everything from the press.
- Everyone knows I've been through a lot of shit in my life. - His voice got lower. - I never thought I'd find love again, at this point of my life. - He smiled, and you smiled back from the crowd.
- But I found you. - He said, and as soon as his finger pointed at you, everyone in the crowd turned to you. - My sweet love of mine, the light of my life, my partner.
At that point, your eyes were full of tears, your body was shaking and you felt like a teenager hearing your boyfriend talk about you like that, the feeling of happiness and pride was so great inside you that you felt like you could explode at any moment. Axl had been the best decision of your life, you couldn't imagine your life without him.
The crowd cheered and applauded as Axl started a chorus with the entire audience asking you to take the stage. You rushed up on stage, the band played the instrumental of november rain while you ran into Axl's arms, running your hand through his almost blonde red hair and kissing his mouth again and again.
- Not to be a dick or anything. - Axl said, laughing. - But... - He stopped talking, dropped the microphone and knelt in front of you, taking a small red box from the pocket of his tight pants. - Will you marry me? - He asked, just for you to hear, holding the open box with the most beautiful ring you've ever seen inside.
The crowd went wild, even though they hadn't heard Axl's marriage proposal everyone was watching the scene, some shocked, and some crying as much as you were.
- A million times, yes! - You replied, watching with a trembling hand as Axl delicately placed the ring on your finger.
His bandmates stopped playing to applaud their friend, they all looked surprised, and you had no doubt that Axl had planned it all without telling anyone.
- Alright. - Axl yelled into the mic as soon as you left the stage still with butterflies in your stomach. - Slash if you could stop crying like a little girl, it's time for sweet child of mine.
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hhhhhhhelp · 5 months
okay. Screw it.
Franziska von Karma with Tourettes!! (Because I think it would be the most infuriating thing for her and I like projecting)
-her tics start at around 8 age. It’s just wrinkling her nose, so she doesn’t think much of it, but Manfred thinks she’s giving him attitude one day because of it and she becomes much more self aware of when it happens
-later, around her teenage years, her tics go from “barely noticeable or audible” to “my body feels like it’s going to explode if I don’t slam my arm down RIGHT NOW” which terrifies her. She of course, refuses to tell anyone, refuses to belief that anything is wrong with her, and thinks that whatever the hell is going on with her body is her fault. Thanks Manfred. -During trials, she tries to redirect them by doing the whole OBJECTION! Thing or by slamming her whip around but it doesn’t work all that well. She settles for suppressing, then stalking off to some place where she can release them, then walks back in like nothing happened
-of course this is when she’s self aware, or anxious. When she’s relaxed, she tends to do them without noticing, especially around Edgeworth, who is the only person who actually tried to research anything about Franziska’s condition after a lot of interactions that went like this:
Franziska: *slams her hand into a table and swears under her breath* Edgeworth, who was just sitting by her with his case reports while she was reading a book: …what was that?
Franziska: ….NOTHING, YOU FOOL! I DID THAT ON PURPOSE! Edgeworth: you slammed your hand into a table. On purpose. Franziska: DO NOT QUESTION MY MOTIVES! Edgeworth: …if you say so.
-Some of Franziska’s most common tics involve her arms. Many are complex, with one of them copying the movement she uses for her whip. Her hands shake all the time, so she tends to hold things with an iron grip to keep things from flying.
-Her vocal tics are mostly small utterances like “tsk tsk” or chattering her teeth, but she has occasionally had screaming tics.
-Tic attacks are…. Rough. When she feels one coming in she usually locks herself in her room. Again, the one exception was Edgeworth, who heard some concerning sounds and nearly broke her door handle trying to make sure she was alright. He drags her to a neurologist soon after.
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darklove9314-blog · 2 years
Nestas abusive mom and grandma forbid her from seeing local blacksmith cassian but she’s had enough and runs away with him anyway to be safe and happy.
TW: Abuse, Abusive Family Relationships. 
“Run away with me.” Cassian had blurted out one afternoon making Nesta glance up at him through her lowered lashed, her head resting firmly on his lap. His fingers rubbing tentatively at one of the bruises her grandmother had left on her that day, his face holding a sense of fury for her that Nesta had never known. 
“Where could we even go that my family will not find me? Do you not recall the influence that they have?” Nesta told him, fiddling with an apple in her hands as Cassian grasped them gently, concern lighting up his features, his gaze saying he had something to tell her. 
“What? What is it?” 
“I got a job offer in a town far from here. It’s small and probably won’t make that much more than I already do, but-” 
“It's a chance to get out of here.” She finished for him as Cassian nodded. 
She sat up, glancing down at her hands, a feeling of dread at the one person who made her truly happy leaving her to this cruel fate, but she knew it would be selfish to ask him to stay when he had been dreaming of getting out of this town for all his life. 
“If you wish to go-then I will not stop you.” Nesta told him as she felt him pulling her to him so she would glance at his eyes. 
“You’ve misunderstood what I’m asking Sweetheart. I’m not telling you this because I want to leave you, I would never want to leave you willingly. I’m telling you this because I want to take you with me.” 
“But my family-” She breathed out as Cassian placed his thumb on her lips seizing her words as they swallowed themselves down her throat. 
“Will understand-you already said they are also looking for ways out themselves.”
“I need to make sure they’re okay first. I can’t leave them to the wrath of my mother and grandmother.” 
Cassian’s arms tightened around her as if he didn’t want her to go back to the hell she was living in. As if he would take her and her sisters away if her had the funds and the choice to do so. but there was nothing Cassian could really say to change her mind.
“Your father-” 
“Is useless.” Nesta argued as his shoulders slumped slightly. 
“You should not be subjected to this life of cruelty because your father refuses to do anything about it.” Cassian told her, brushing his knuckles across her cheek. “You deserve all the happiness this love givers you and more.” 
Nesta’s heart fluttered at his words, ready to lean in for another kiss as a voice made her stomach stink, 
“Nesta Archeron! Get back here this instant!” Her grandmother yelled making Nesta suck in a breath. No. Anyone, but her. 
Nesta tried her best not to flinch away from her grandmother as she charged up the hill, Cassian throwing his body protectively in front of Nesta, baring his teeth slightly as her grandmother reared her cane at Cassian as Nesta lurched forward taking the brunt of it as pian exploded in her skull and she heard Cassian cry out as her grandmother jerked her up roughly, her grip tight enough to bruise as she grasped Nesta’s hair pulling it so hard that Nesta was amazed she hadn’t ripped any strands out in the process. 
“Get your hands off her!” Cassian yelled, lurching forward to try and grab Nesta back as her grandmother hit Cassian across the face with her cane a crunch sounding from his nose as a scream ripped Nesta’s lips. 
“Take this as a lesson, girl.” Her grandmother breathed out, her grip so tight that Nesta couldn’t escape it, “Take this as a lesson that every time you disobey us, there will be consequences.” 
Her grandmother lashed her cane at Cassian’s back making him cry out in pain, collapsing to the ground in agony as her grandmother spat at him in disgust, as if he were nothing but garbage. 
“If I figured you have done anything to deflower my granddaughter and upheave her place in society, I will come after you and make sure you know exactly how much you don’t mess with the Archerons. I will make sure you remember your place.” Her grandmother growled at him jerking Nesta down the hill after her as Nesta turned her head back to Cassian meeting his eyes as terror filled them. 
Nesta was thrown into the carriage, her grandmother beside her as Nesta winced at the impact, a scowl etched at her face. 
“Just wait until your mother hears about this. It is up to her to pick your punishment, but just hope you didn’t give that boy everything or else it’ll be a lot worse for you.” 
She had not given her body to Cassian, she had known how much danger he would be in if she had, but she had allowed his tongue to taste her. to indulge in the part she so desperately wanted to give him, and she had returned the favor for him, but they had never gotten past that, him knowing she wanted to wait until they were married to do so, but she would not tell her grandmother that. Would refuse to tell her grandmother and mother just how far her and Cassian's love had rooted within her. They did not deserve to know about a love so pure. 
When the carriage had made a full stop, Elain glanced up from her position in the gardens. An uneasy crossing her face as their grandmother got out of the carriage first, opening Nesta’s door and throwing her out into the nearest mud puddle making Nesta cough and sputter as mud filled her mouth and coated her face and body. 
Her grandmother’s harsh face sneared down at her in disgust, 
“You better get used to that if you continue letting that boy defile you. How many times have you let him in between those legs of yours Nesta. 
Nesta sputtered as the manor’s door opened and her mother grabbed her skirts crossing fiercely over to Nesta, the doctor and her father standing firmly by the door as her mother grabbed her by the arm, forcing her to follow her inside, 
“Tell me the truth and don’t you dare lie to me, have you let that man take you to his bed, Nesta?” 
Multiple times. Nesta wanted to shout, but the doctor would not know about Cassian’s multiple feastings upon her, as Nesta shook her head and her mother’s grip loosened slightly. 
“Than you wouldn’t mind the doctor checking to make sure your maiden head is in tack.” 
Nesta shook her head as Nesta made her way into the room, the doctor following her mother in as he gestured for Nesta to lay on the bed, examining as she sent a prayer of thanks to the heavens for the fact that Cassian had not feasted on her that day, leaving no traces that anything sexual had ever occurred between them as the doctor told her mother all that she wanted to know as Nesta let out a sigh and the doctor left the room, her mother offering her a thanks as Nesta sat up on the bed, 
“See. I did not do anything with him.” 
“Your grandmother said that she caught you laying with him.” Her mother challenged her eyes filled with fury. 
“That was all we were doing, we have not went further than that.” 
“I don’t believe that,. If you are lying with him then I have no doubt that you have let him taste your lips.” 
“Kisses are harmless, mother.” She tried to argue as she felt the sting a moment later where her mother’s hand had lashed out across her face before, she grasped her face forcing Nesta to look back at her, pinching her cheeks together as Nesta struggled to get out of her mother’s hold. 
“We both know what a kiss can lead to Nesta. Don’t be so ignorant you stupid, foolish girl.” She growled out, releasing Nesta as Nesta’s hand slid up to the pain in her cheeks. 
Her mother huffed out, pacing the floor in contemplation. 
“You will no longer see this boy, Nesta. Do you understand me?”: 
“No.” Nesta blurted out as her mother welled to her, grasping Nesta by the hair and throwing her to the ground as Nesta cried out in pain. 
“You will do as I say or i will lash him out of your system do you understand me?” 
Nesta nodded, her soft cries filling the room as her mother let out a breath, opening the window for her as she stared out of it, 
“What has that boy done to my obedient girl?” 
Nesta bit down on her lip, refusing to answer as her mother’s voice turned cold. ]
“You will not see that boy ever again my sweet. I know it will be painful, but once you are in the arms of your betrothed I doubt you’ll even remember his lips on yours.”  
“What?” Nesta inquired. 
“Your grandmother has found you a suitor, one of the families that will secure your position in society, sure he would love someone more obedient and will only see you as someone who will bare his children as soon as he beds you, but you will grown used to it. It’s for the best this way, my sweet, you’ll see.” Her mother said about to roam her hands over Nesta’s hair as Nesta flinched away from her. 
Her mother sighed as if Nesta was being the unreasonable one and stood, glancing down at her daughter with shame, 
“Put some makeup on your bruises before you meet the Vanserras. I wouldn’t want Eris to see his future betrothed and see an ounce of imperfection.” 
Nesta’s stomach sank at the name as she heard the door lock as Nesta swore the room lacked air. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t marry him when her heart belonged to another. 
Not thinking about it, Nesta waited until her mother’s steps retreated, as her eyes fell upon the open window her mother had not bothered to close as Nesta . made her way towards it, knowing that she had enough. She couldn’t marry Eris she absolutely refused to. 
She made the decision as easy as breathing as she went to her drawers, the money she had stashed there for emergencies still there as she stashed it in her bodice, her eyes glancing at the window, before hesitance passed by her.. Her sisters. Could she really leave them behind with the vipers in the house? 
She took in a deep breath, glancing out and still noticing Elain in her gardens. She had to talk to her. Had to make her understand that she couldn’t stay here, not when her mother wanted her to marry that wretched man. Not when if she didn’t do this she would never see Cassian again. 
She made sure no one else was around as she climbed out the window, her feet sinking in the soft grass of the gardens before she headed towards Elain, her gentle brown eyes, so much like their father’s, glanced up at Nesta in worry. 
“Nesta, are you alright?” Elain asked as Nesta spread her skirts, sitting beside her sister. 
“No, Elain. I don’t think I am.” She admitted, refusing to let the tears fall. 
“They found out about him, didn’t they?” She inquired.
Elain had known about Cassian, had wanted stories about her sisters escapades as she listened and smiled at the fortune her sister had managed to get in their life. 
“Yes.” Nesta told her, glancing down at her hands as Elain took them, 
“Then you must go to him, Nesta. You must get away from this place before they try to take what is most precious to you in this world.”  
Nesta glanced up at her sister, her blue-grey eyes meeting her sister’s brown ones as she said, 
“But you and Feyre-” 
“Will find a way, but I will never forgive myself if I knew you had a way out of this mess and I did nothing to encourage you to take it. I will protect Feyre and I, we already have a few plans in motion, but Nesta, take this opportunity or else there might not be one again. “ 
Nesta hugged her sister fiercely, as she whispered for her to go. With that one command, Nesta gathered her skirts, racing towards the one person who had truly ever made her feel safe and loved knowing that when she made it to him, she would never look back.  
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greyghoulclub · 1 year
mungrove week 2023 - prompt 1: Upside Down
Written for @mungroveweek
Edit with the Ao3 link: Memories like knives, so I run to you
Billy antis DNI. 2.3k words
When Billy died, he expected to see nothing. He didn’t expect to be in a parallel version of Hawkins where monsters with no face roamed and the air was thick with mystery spores. Was this his version of Hell? Maybe. Living in the real Hawkins certainly was.
He didn’t even know what the hell was that thing that killed him was. A twisted mess of amalgamated flesh with teeth and claws. He remembered Max’s screaming as he faced it down to protect the girl who had reached out to him while he was under its control. He remembered the searing pain when its teeth ripped into his forearms and when it plunged more of its arms into his sides and finally into his chest. After that, it was a blur of neon lights and the sounds of fireworks exploding.
Next thing he knew, he had woken up in this bizarro version of Hawkins.
Night or day didn’t exist here, it was always dark with occasional flashes of red lighting in the sky. The monsters with no faces had sniffed at him but eventually left him alone. Maybe he smelled too dead to be their lunch. He aimlessly walked around, maybe this was his punishment for being a dick in his short life, to walk around a town he hated for eternity and to think about what he did. He’d never get the chance to apologise properly, to show Max and the others that he was trying to be better. Maybe she’d never forgive him, but he thought he probably deserved that. He just prayed that Neil didn’t turn to Max after he was gone. He thought about his mom, how she would maybe never know what happened to him, did she know he was buried in Hawkins? Would she visit his grave?
He eventually found the house on Cherry Lane, but it didn’t look like the Hargrove-Mayfield family had ever moved here. No truck or Camaro in the driveway, just an old SUV. When he entered the house, the first thing he saw was a calendar for November 1983 with red crosses up until the 6th. Billy was pretty sure he died on the 4th of July 1985. Wait, wasn’t November 1983 when the Byers kid went missing? He remembered Susan saying that she had heard something about it from her friends at work. Had he gone back in time? But then shouldn’t he be back in San Diego? Too many questions that couldn’t be answered.
He walked through the hallways of his house, it wasn’t his house, but he didn’t know what else to call it. The walls were pristine, with no signs of fists or bodies being driven into them. No signs of Neil Hargrove’s wrath. He reached what would’ve been Max’s room, the door was slightly ajar and he looked inside. There were posters of pop stars, stuffed toys on the bed, a full-length mirror and a vanity with the remnants of a teenage girl getting ready to go out. He could believe this could’ve been Max’s room if she had never crossed paths with the Hargrove family.
Then he reached what would’ve been his room.
It wasn’t as lifeless as his had been. There were no signs that anyone had been thrown into the walls or that anything precious had been broken by angry hands. Whoever had this room before Billy had been happy. A tear rolled down his cheek, and he wiped it away, feeling a little embarrassed. Fucking crying for what he could’ve had if he had been able to go with his mom. He’d never have it now.
He left the house before he could break. He ran from the unhappy memories of the house on Cherry Lane, ran from the thought of who he had left behind, and who he could’ve been. He ran until his lungs burned, remembering the coach’s words about his smoking. He ended up in front of the Palace Arcade. He’d dropped off Max many times here before, usually ending in a screaming match about her needing quarters for the machines.
He leaned against the arcade wall and cried. He felt his chest heave with the sobs that racked his body. He felt the phantom pains from where that flesh monster got him.
“Max, Sinclair, everyone, I’m so goddamn sorry…” he hiccuped between words, “I’m sorry I was the monster you had to run away from. Max, I’m sorry I wasn’t the big brother you needed.”
He cried until he couldn’t anymore, he felt kind of lighter afterwards even if he was stuck in twilight zone Hawkins. But he couldn’t shake the thought that he maybe wasn’t dead. He didn’t know how he couldn’t be dead, that thing had pierced him all the way through. He had lost way too much blood. Hell, the last thing he remembered from the Starcourt Mall was Max crying over his body, and Steve Harrington in a dumb sailor costume. He had come to the realisation that this version of Hawkins didn’t play by the regular rules.
Was this place the reason why Max was always looking over her shoulder? Was this the reason why she never left the house alone? What the hell did Max get involved in? Was the thing that possessed and killed him part of this?
He thought about that night at the Brimborn Steelworks, the thing that pulled him down the stairs by his ankles and shoved something into his mouth. Bile rose in his throat. If he spoke about this with anyone, who would believe him? But he got away right? No, he didn’t. Not really. It made him swallow something and that something controlled him. It made him do stuff he didn’t want to. His chest felt tight, and his breathing shallow. Oh god, he really didn’t want to think about what it made him do. All those people, they- they were melted together to make that flesh monster. He kidnapped Heather and her family to make that monster. Did that mean he was a monster too?
He could hear his heartbeat and his fingers and toes felt tingly. Was he dying for real now? Were the spores in the air killing him? His throat felt like it had closed up when he tried to swallow. He couldn’t breathe. He needed to breathe.
“Ok, Billy,” he forced out a shaky breath, “remember what mom told you when you fell off your board. Stay calm and breathe.” His inhales were still shaky but his mind wasn’t racing anymore. A flash of the red lighting made him jump, but this time it was at a specific place, not just generally over the sky, but at the Forest Hills trailer park. That was weird for this place, right?
“What the hell is going on?” but still Billy started to trudge his way to the trailer park.
When he got closer to the park he could hear some music. Music? What the hell? And it wasn’t like, the creepy music that you hear when Micheal Myers is after you, it was metal. Who the hell is putting on a concert in fucking Mordor?
He heard voices as he got closer, he couldn’t tell who they were from where he was in the bushes. He could see a platform with some amps set up over Eddie’s trailer. Wait was Eddie here? Did he get involved too?
Billy didn’t want to think how Eddie did, Eddie was his sense of normality in the chaos that was his life. If Neil had been particularly angry one night, Eddie was always a 10-minute walk away if he climbed out his window. Eddie would make him laugh and they’d get high and listen to whatever cassettes each other would bring over. Billy would never admit to it, but Eddie’s cafeteria antics made him laugh. Like Eddie was his jester.
Eddie had this way of worming his way through even the most guarded of people’s walls. He hadn’t even flinched when Billy had snapped and snarled at him. It was like Eddie had just decided that he would be Billy’s friend as soon as the blond had pulled into Hawkins blasting Metallica as loud as his car speakers would allow.
Along the way, Billy started developing a crush on Eddie, the was just something about this goofy Tolkien nerd who was also a metalhead that got Billy’s stomach infested with butterflies. The way he scrunched his nose when he laughed, or his dumb tier list of sodas that he drank in his stupid goblet. Billy still thought mountain dew was gross but Eddie seemed to live off the stuff.
The night before Billy got possessed, he had nearly worked up the guts to tell Eddie how he felt. It had taken a lot of cheering himself on and some rapid fire acceptance that he was, in fact, gay. He had the Dio tape that he had saved to get in his back pocket, messily wrapped in some old wrapping paper that Susan insisted on saving. Deep breath, in and out.
Eddie had been happy to see him as always, and invited him into the trailer. Eddie said Wayne would be at work late tonight so they had the couch all to themselves. Billy accepted but he was still wound tightly, ready to run if this went wrong. Even if Eddie was his closest friend, scratch that, Eddie was Billy’s only friend, Billy still couldn’t settle.
“Billy? Are you ok?” Eddie looked at him with eyes full of concern. Billy figured that he looked like he was waiting for a bomb to go off.
Might as well bite the bullet.
“Uh Eddie, I wanna tell you something,” Billy pulled the parcel out of his pocket, “Ireallylikeyouok?” he thrust the tape at Eddie, his face burning. Eddie took the tape and unwrapped it, he was overjoyed at the new Dio tape Billy had given him.
“What did you say Billy? You were talking so fast I didn’t understand you,” Eddie scratched the back of his head, doing that little half grin that made Billy’s heart pound.
Billy stuttered his way through his confession again, he was sure most of the blood in his body was in his cheeks at this point. He didn’t expect Eddie launch himself in a flying kiss at Billy from the other end of the couch. They were a tangle of limbs, both trying to kiss the other as much as possible.
“Wait, do you like me too?” Billy was breathless from the kisses, he couldn’t take his eyes off of Eddie, with the living room light shining off his hair like a halo. Maybe this was as close to heaven as Billy would ever get.
Eddie laughed and answered that of course he did and kissed Billy again. Neither of them wanted this moment to end. They lay there, lazily kissing each other while Nightmare on Elm Street played on the TV. Neither of them heard the trailer door open.
“Oh, uh, sorry if I’m interrupting something boys,” Wayne Munson stood awkwardly in the doorway. Billy’s blood turned to ice in a second. He wiggled himself out from under Eddie.
“Billy where are you going?” Eddie sounded heartbroken from the couch. He looked as if he was about to cry.
“I’m sorry Eddie I have to go,” he squeezed past Wayne, “I’m sorry Mr Munson, I won’t come around here again.”
“Son I don’t mind-” Wayne started to say but Billy was already pulling away in the Camaro.
Now seeing Eddie on that platform playing his absolute heart out to ward off the winged monsters, he was just as beautiful as Billy remembered. His fingers flew over the frets, Billy didn’t know what Eddie was playing but it sounded good. Billy could also see Steve, the curly haired kid- Dustin, Nancy Wheeler, and the band kid Steve worked at scoops with alongside Eddie but Billy was fixated on the guitarist.
Red lightning flashed and the bat-monsters swirled around Eddie, he seemed to be making a distraction for the others to get away. But then how was Eddie getting out? Billy wanted to run over and help but he didn’t think the others would take too kindly to an undead Billy Hargrove, especially Steve. He could hear Dustin and Eddie whooping “Most metal concert ever!” until the bats swarmed again. Dustin managed to get away. Eddie didn’t.
“No!” Billy yelled and ran over to where Eddie lay as fast he could. The bats had taken chunks out of him left and right, he lay in a pool of his own blood. Eddie’s eyes looked glassy but still focused on Billy. A shaky hand reached out to touch Billy’s cheek.
“Eddie, why are you here?” the tears fell before Billy realised. Eddie smiled and leaned up to press his lips to Billy’s.
“Could ask you the same thing sunshine. I never forgot you,” Billy held Eddie’s hand to his cheek.
“I’m sorry for running away Eddie. I was scared.” Billy grabbed Eddie’s hand and kissed the knuckles. He blinked the tears out of his eyes and hoped to any gods or deities out there that Eddie would forgive him.
“It’s ok Billy, I understand now why you ran, Max told us what happened when we visited your grave.” Eddie wiped a tear from Billy’s cheek. “I had a gut feeling that you might not be dead after what Steve and Dustin told me about this place.” Eddie shuffled himself up to a sitting position and pulled Billy close to him. “I don’t know why but I just knew that the fire at the mall wasn’t true. It seemed too convenient.”
“It was the monster, it was me,” Billy held Eddie tightly, not wanting to lose him again.
“It wasn’t you, you got possessed. I know you Billy and I know you’d never do that,” Eddie kissed his forehead, “I love you Billy Hargrove, and I’d like for us to try again.”
“I’d like to try again as well Eddie Munson.”
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