#idiot in a dear lord please don't let that man have any other ideas
iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I have a lovehate relationship with the ending of Chains of Heart. I liked that it didn't end with Ken and Lue/Din back in love and Ken having forgiven everything. If anything, it seemed like Lue/Din was going to have a lot of work to do in order to earn Ken back after the world's dumbest plan. And then he just...disappears again. Which I think is great because I think after all that, Ken can move on and start living his life again without Lue/Din.
But then Sai called and said that bullcrap about the 7th month of the 7th year and implying things and I hated that. Sai really and truly is the worst sister. Why didn't she stop Din? Why did she go along with his whim? I digress. I like to think Ken moved back to help his dad with the restaurant and he starts building a life there. His only connections to his life in Thailand are Hin and the parents. Who were all victims of Din's stupidity. They talk on the phone from time to time and Hin visits when Ken opens up his own restaurant. Ken's new life doesn't even necessarily need to involve new romantic love.
Ken can go back for Sai's wedding. He can see Lue/Din there. But it doesn't have to mean that they're together and that Ken has forgiven him. Ken can love Lue/Din. He doesn't need to be with him. Sometimes, love isn't enough for a relationship. This is one of those times.
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The Dark Team (part 5 S2)
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Warnings: abductions, kidnapping, forced unconsciousness, electroshocks (non explicit).
A/N: Listen. Listen. The chronologies... we already knew those were weird in this story and we accepted that. Now, we have to also accept the whole multiverse thingy being even more weird, because, yes, I'm mentioning OSCORP. Let's deal with it like mature people *screams into abyss of no return*.
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“Your dirty little secret? Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding!”, exclaimed Steve, slamming the table. He immediately looked at you, “I’m sorry”.
He said sorry because it was three in the morning, Narfi was sound asleep and you all kept bickering about the coded message. You had peeped in your room several times, only to find, the first two times, Loki and your son reading in silence, each his own book, both neatly tucked under the same weighted blanket and Narfi's head resting on his father's shoulder. The third time, Narfi was asleep and Loki kept reading. The fourth, Narfi was all alone in the king-sized bed and Loki wasn't there. But he hadn't joined the meeting either.
Nobody could figure out what the dirty little secret was, and they all thought it was something Tony did. Like, you know, selling weapons.
“It’s okay, Steve. Listen, this is getting nowhere. And Loki should be here by now, where did you send him?”.
“I didn’t send him, he just… he said he needed to do something that had something to do with… could he have mentioned an old tutor?”, said Bucky, and you furrowed your brows.
“Is he in Asgard, now?”.
“I guess”.
You took your phone out, and tried to call him again, but he didn’t answer. There wasn't any phone signal in Asgard. Why would he go in there without saying anything?
“Look, all I’m saying is, the message was through JARVIS, and you’re the one with the most filthy secrets in here”, said Thor.
“Are you serious?”, spat Tony, pointing at Bucky. “This one was a hydra assassin”, pointing at Natasha “this one is an assassin”, pointing at Thor “we have no idea what’s going on with your thousand and half long life”, and finally pointing at you “there are no records whatsoever of anything you’ve done before my internship. So, no. I’m not the only one with the dirty secrets here. And, by the way, they’re dirty but public”.
“Yes. The billions you’ve won by selling weapons are very well known”.
“Shut your mouth”.
“Listen, this will get us nowhere. We could be in danger if we don't do something about this so if anyone is under any little suspicion of what a dirty secret they could be cultivating, this is the time to say it", you mediated, still calling Loki and getting directly to the voicemail.
"What could we possibly be having, Y/n?", asked Bruce tiredly.
"Any weird and innovative lab experiment? Something that could be used as a weapon? A disease? A cure? A mutation? Anything?", and you stopped on your words immediately. "Oh, no". As you opened your eyes widely, about to run to Narfi's room, Loki picked up the phone and you put it on speaker, pausing your fear. "Love! Where are you?".
Silence. Silence in the whole room, and a flickering light kind of sound. And then the unmistakable sound of a bad microphone on the other line, white noises, whispers to which you couldn't figure out the words.
"It's easy, really", said a rusty voice from the other side of the line. Everyone put on their best panic faces. You could feel your heartbeat on your throat. Not again. Not goddamn again, someone kidnapped one of you. This wasn't the kind of mission you wanted to join to get back on your feet. "You give us what we want, Mr. Stark, and we give you the man".
You looked at Tony and he huffed in frustration. He opened his mouth to speak, but on the background of the call you could hear Loki's unimpressed voice,
"The God. I'm not a man".
"Loki, are you okay? Can you hear me? Where are you?", you tried.
"I'm okay. These idiots think that they can…", he began saying, but a buzzing noise cut him off, along with a muffled screaming and something you figured was an electroshock took him out of the conversation.
"What do you want?", asked Stark. "Who are you?".
"We want money, Mr. Stark. A lot of it, to found our project", explained the voice. "And the other thing we need for the project. We could do with this one, but I'm sure you could give us a better sample".
"What is he talking about, Tony?".
"You think you can be more specific, dear?", asked Tony, losing his patience.
"Imagine a supersoldier, a superior being like that, but with ice powers, Mr. Stark. A man that's a mortal weapon itself", explained the kidnapper. "This one is particularly alright. But we will need a lot of him".
"What are you saying?".
"The frost giant. We want his blood".
They cut the conversation and Bucky grabbed your shoulder as you began to panic.
"Y/n, before jumping to this mission you should leave Narfi with someone strong enough to protect him", intervened Thor. You looked at him and sighed.
"Fine. Loki can't hear a word of this, alright?".
"Let it in my hands. I'll also ask Heimdall", he assured you and you squeezed his hand.
"Thank you", you told him, and traced the call. You did it in a few minutes and walked to Narfi’s room, to tell him where he would go. You wondered how you’d keep him calm. Usually Loki is the one that brought calmness to the situations, and this time around you had to be the one to keep calm and manage it all. You also wondered if he was capable of escaping on his own or if the kidnappers knew who they were dealing with and got him too restrained to run. Electroshocks. Loki’s weakness (anyone’s, really), so you guessed they knew better.
You knocked on Narfi’s door and he let you in with a flick of his wrist. Purple lights around the door made it disappear and he shifted his expressions from panic to disappointment really quickly.
“I’m so sorry, I…”, he began, but you walked hurriedly to him.
“Don’t worry about it, Narfi. Listen”, you said, and kneeled in front of him to reach his own height. You grabbed his tiny hand, and he paid close attention. “Daddy’s in trouble, and uncle Buck and I are going to help him come back home, alright? He’s fine, you don’t need to worry”, you explained the best you could.
“Can I come with, please, please? Daddy taught me things that could be useful, please?”.
“Don’t you wanna go with grandma, better?”, you smiled at him, hoping he’d accept and you wouldn’t have to take him against his wishes, “come on, darling, she wants to teach you some new tricks”.
Narfi smiled at those words and you sighed in relief.
“How long are you gonna take?”.
“I’m not sure. Couple of days at most”.
“Is daddy on a mission?”.
“Is he winning?”.
“I’m sure he is”.
“Is he cutting people with his new dagger?”.
“What do you mean new dag… wait, no, he’s not… hurting anyone, alright? Just… pack your things”.
“I hope he someday teaches me to throw knives like him”.
“Pack your toothbrush!”, you said from the door, and whispered to yourself, “dear Lord, I’m not letting Loki train at his sight again”.
As you left his room for him to get ready, you hurried your steps to meet the team. You tripped and fell over with someone’s leg. When you got up, hurting from the hit, you realized you tripped over Steve’s unconscious body. Looking around, the whole team seemed to have passed out completely.
“JARVIS!”, you called, your voice less calm than you would’ve liked to.
“Yes, Mx. Y/n?”.
“‘Yes, Mx. Y/n?’ What the hell happened here? Take their vitals!”, you rushed to Tony’s side and took his pulse. He seemed asleep. Just in case, you covered your nose and mouth with your sleeve.
“According to my database, they all seem to be in perfect condition. There might be some sort of a substance in the air. Should I alert Mr. Laufeyson as he comes back?”.
“Oh, God”, you realized.
You ran up to his room, knocking everything on your way to him. But as you didn’t even need to open an invisible door, you realized he wasn’t there. The room was completely empty.
Half an hour passed, and in the middle you ran all the way around the Tower, trying to unsuccessfully find your son hiding somewhere. But no, you were sure. You had already some theory of what could’ve happened to him and where he could be. And you didn’t like that idea at all. Oh, no. You much rather the Allfather keeping him forever than the alternative.
You poured a bit of the chemical mix you managed to prepare despite your trembling hands on the room’s vaporizer, and everyone began slowly recovering consciousness. Tony coughed up a blue liquid, and looked at it without much clue of what happened.
“Amitriptyline”, you told him, and he furrowed his brows. “In this dosage can make saliva blue, besides urine”, you explained what he hadn’t asked.
“But what for? I’m not depressed”.
“It’s for blocking whatever you’ve been given to get passed out. I know their tricks”, you vaguely explained, but, in all honesty, you really did not want to explain why you knew antidepressants blocked the effects of that substance.
“Their? What just happened?”.
“Where is my brother?!”, beamed Thor, ready to guilt him on it.
“This is not on Loki”, you said, taking a notepad out of your pocket and scribbling down some things while Bucky, Steve, Sam, Tony and Natasha got up and approached you cautiously. Thor began looking up, still trying to figure out if there was any of his brother’s magic involved. “They took Narfi. We have to act quickly, alright?”.
“Oh God, you’re not serious”, said Bucky, lowering his voice.
“They said… they said they wanted Loki’s blood”, recalled Natasha. “Loki’s blood, his heir. Not his actual blood”, she realized. You nodded.
“They want to mix human DNA with Jötun DNA and do that weird icy supersoldier mix, that terrible idea. That’s why they wanted Loki, to get his pure Jötun cells, and then get Narfi, to see how the chromosome pairs work. They want to experiment with my child”, you blurted out with your heart on your chest. “This, this right now, is an important mission. So we all better do this right now”.
“Wait, so what’s your plan of approach? Go to whatever place you think they are and go get them?”, said Steve. “I know you’re stressed and you have every right to be, but think. We need a plan”.
“We don’t need a plan, we need action, right now”, you said, unrecognizable words coming out of your mouth.
“Y/n”, mediated Tony. “Listen. We’ll figure it out. Rest of the team, to my office. You stay here and do not move even a hair, you hear me? You’re in no condition to get on board with this. Let us do this and you can help from a distance”.
“No way. There is no way you’re leaving me out of rescuing my own son”.
“Exactly because it’s your kid we’re talking about. Listen, a surgeon can’t operate on their own child. No, no. Don’t argue with me. Close your mouth. Barnes, make sure they don’t do anything stupid, wouldn’t you?”.
And with that, he left.
You and Bucky stayed in silence for about ten seconds, fidgeting with the notepad you had in between your fingers, ready to tear it to pieces out of anxiousness. After that, you said,
“Rescuing my child is not doing something stupid, right?”.
He shrugged and huffed out.
“I guess not. What’s your plan?”.
“Where would you go if you were a kidnapper with a very important child to perform very illegal experiments?”.
“I… don’t know”.
“I do”.
“Remember when you asked what my major was?”.
“I… well, before the stark internship I worked in a very… odd place, it made experiments. Genetic experiments. The famous OSCORP, you know the place. They were the ones doing all the spider shit and Peter got bit by a spider in there. I worked there, and there was something that… never added up. The experiments grew worse and worse, more immoral, more dangerous. I couldn’t take them anymore and I left without leaving a trace of me in the public eye. Or so I thought”.
“You think your kid might be in OSCORP?”.
“I’m afraid so”.
“No more waiting then, let’s get the motorbike”.
“Shouldn’t we alert the team?”.
“What, so they can go by themselves, without you, without a plan and without your knowledge about that place? Besides, Loki is already in there, right?”.
“You’re the voice of reason, sometimes, Barnes”, you said, tossing him a pair of keys and his jacket. And with that, you two headed to OSCORP without warning.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 @the-departed-potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00-pi , @selfship-mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @theonewiththenerds , @vicmc624 , @spiderlaufeyson )
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aizawaslovebot · 3 years
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NOW PLAYING: the ex factor by iwaizumi hajime
—reader pronouns: he/him
—warnings: curse words ; slight implied violence
—summary: desperate times mean desperate measures, and y/n is definitely the embodiment of desperate. eager to make his ex jealous for reasons undisclosed, (read as: he's just petty), he asks his long-time best friend, iwaizumi hajime, to pretend as his boyfriend
—note: y'know how it always is, sorry for being late!!
TAGLIST: OPEN ; just send me an ask!! i don't mind you guys resending asks to be added ^^
@ohmygodronnie2020 @beyond-the-mxxn @clinomanians
<- the sweetheart playlist | part i | part ii | next song ->
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The plan was simple, really.
Pretend to be boyfriends and find the bane of your existence so you could rub it in his face that he was much more disposable than he made you feel. Then you’d both get the hell out of there and go someplace you both actually enjoyed. It was easy to do, too. Pretending to be together was something you had done when one of the other had problems with strangers. Finding your ex was an easier task because all you had to look for is where there was an influx of vulnerable girls.
Apparently, this plan was simple only in theory.
Realistically speaking, as you and Iwa fail to wade through the many drunk people flailing their limbs and calling it dancing, finding your ex was not an easy task.
The other part of the plan was also much more difficult than either of you expected too. Pretending was not easy. It was not easy when either of you couldn’t ignore the beating of your hearts at close contact. It was not easy when everyone readily acknowledged that you were together; that it was normal for Iwaizumi Hajime and Y/N L/N to be together. It was not easy when pretending reminded both of you that this was fake and that reality will sink in much sooner than the way next week came.
“Finally!” Someone would say, “We’ve been waiting for you two to get together!” Then a drunk acquaintance would add, “I thought you were together this whole time!”
So, sure, making it seem like you two were together was easy. But pretending— oh dear lord, just pretending— was what made it difficult. It had become apparent to both of you, without the other knowing, that just pretending hurt so much.
“Just how much did everyone drink? I heard the party started an hour ago,” You sigh, cringing when you see the class valedictorian puking her guts out by the plant.
Iwa snorts as he fixes his grip on your waist, “Just let the bunch of idiots let loose. The sem ended after all, puddin’.” Only a mere squeak comes out of your mouth because of the way his soft lips neared your ears.
God damn. Was it really necessary to gay panic in the middle of a mission?
With no answer to the hypothetical question in your head, you decided to let the energy die out a little before you commence part two of the plan. You and Iwa find solace in the comfort of an unoccupied booth but you couldn’t sit still at all.
The thought of being close to Iwa tonight felt different. It made you giddy and nervous and flustered and anxious all at once. It was like having to hold your breath and close your eyes to prepare for the “big thing” to happen. And you were too scared to find out what the “big thing” was for you so, despite much reluctance, you said, “I’m gonna get a drink, Zumi.”
You hastily got out of the booth and made a beeline for the kitchen to look for any drink that was sealed or canned. As much as you wanted the confidence that being intoxicated gives you, you’d rather not be embarrassingly drunk while facing your ex. In your quest to find something safe to drink in a college party, your acquaintances strike up a conversation.
“So, you and Iwaizumi, huh?” The aforementioned drunk class valedictorian asked, surprisingly still able to make a conversation despite feeling unwell just a few moments ago. “Been a long time coming,” she continued when you nodded, “You two are made for each other, y’know?”
You two hear a sigh from Claire’s, the drunkard valedictorian, friend beside her. “How romantic… I still remember how the whole ‘pudding’ nickname started. We honestly thought you’ve been dating ever since then.”
Claire looks at you questioningly, as if mentally asking you to relay the story to her because she was probably piss drunk when it happened; I mean, she’s still drunk right now but she was far worse back then.
You give in before they start to get the idea of gathering more and more people to make you tell the story. “It’s a weird story though,” You warn, but judging by the way they still urged you on, you could continue. “There was a time in our first year when we had this party, right? By then, Iwa and I were, at most, acquaintances if not just roommates.”
“I didn’t know how to like, interact with him because I found him so intimidating,” You smiled faintly, causing the two girls to look at each other quickly. “Anyway, everyone got challenged to eat as many diet pudding cups as we could possibly eat— which was quite unhealthy considering we’re studying to become trainers.”
Claire’s friend snorts, reminiscing the day when your class bought out all the diet pudding cups available in the nearest convenience stores for a stupid game.
“I got really competitive about it to the point where only Iwa and I remained. Neither of us wanted to back down but everyone got concerned about the amount we ate so we were both crowned diet pudding cup champions”
They giggle at the odd story but let you continue. “We started calling each other ‘diet pudding cup champion’ after that but it was honestly a mouthful to say so somewhere down the line, it got shortened to ‘pudding’.”
“Which is why we thought you two were a thing but you dated that asshole ex of yours and left us stumped,” Claire downs another bottle, “You didn’t even look comfortable with that ex and you two were never compatible, honestly. But all is well now! I wish I had love like yours…”
Claire’s friend rolls her eyes when the valedictorian starts crying, mumbling how cute you and Iwa were and that the entire class should be invited to your wedding. Claire then cries out how soft you two are for each other. “Sorry for her nonsense,” Claire’s friend sighs, “Anyway, we shouldn’t keep you for long… You should go back to your boyfriend.”
You wave slowly as they leave you to yourself and your thoughts. Was that really how people thought? That Iwa and you were a much better match? Would you have been far happier if Iwaizumi Hajime, your long-time best friend, was your boyfriend instead?
Speaking of your ‘boyfriend’...
Iwaizumi was thankful you decided to part for a while. Had there not been distance between you two at that moment, he wasn’t sure what mistake he would’ve made. He was too scared to risk everything and find out too. Patiently, while rejecting the class drunkards who wanted to dance or drown in booze with him, Iwa waits for your return.
Iwaizumi Hajime was hopelessly, irretrievably in love with you. You were his idiot, his contradiction, his pudding, his everything, and sadly, just his best friend. How much did the universe have to hate him to bind you two to simply being best friends? How much did the universe have to hate him to let Iwaizumi Hajime get a taste of what could’ve been and deprive him of what would be? Why, of all people, did it have to be Iwaizumi Hajime who had to go through the turmoil of falling for his best friend?
Far too many questions have formed in his head but Iwaizumi persists. He still had to help you after all. So Iwa waits and waits and waits for your return while simultaneously having to deal with his realization and the universe’s hatred.
And the universe might have hated him more than it let on.
Y’know what they say when you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for specifically because you’re looking for it? How you should let time pass and that thing will magically pop up when you don’t need it?
It happened.
In front of Iwaizumi stood the very person they planned to spite that night, the very person who decided it was fun to toy with your heart, and the very person who Iwaizumi loathed to the very core: Akuma Azamuku.
While you were questioning your “what could be” with your pretend boyfriend, Iwaizumi was busy facing your bastard ex.
“I heard you two are together now,” The poor excuse of a man started, standing confidently as if he didn’t have women in his arms, “Kind of a fast development, don’t ‘ya think?”
Iwaizumi almost pulverized your ex to the ground at that statement. What a hypocrite. What a stupid guy. What a terrible person. To imply that you were the one who cheated when the God forsaken ex was the one who manipulated you into this chaos.
“Fast development? What do you call yours then?” He challenged, eyebrows raised unamused at your ex.
“I’m not here to argue with you,” Akuma rolled his eyes rather condescendingly, “He never had eyes for me anyway. The same way I never liked him one bit.”
Iwaizumi’s fingers twitched; they itched to close the distance between Akuma’s face and Iwa’s fist. You never liked him? What utter bullshit. You spent most of your days walking on eggshells to please the goddamn piece of shit and he tells him that you never liked your ex? He tells Iwa that he never liked you?
Sadly, Akuma took his silence as a sign to continue. Bad choice on his part, really.
“He has always liked you though, hasn’t he? You always had to be the man of the hour in Y/N’s eyes when he and I were together. The son of a bi—”
Then fist connected to face faster than anyone could have comprehended. Iwaizumi never liked your ex and his fists figured it was time to convey what he had been internalizing this whole time.
“You don’t get to talk that way. Not when it was you who two-timed him from the start,” Iwaizumi’s voice took a menacing tone. This was, by far, the scariest he had been: he wasn’t spouting off in anger, his voice sounded hushed, but it was obvious that there would be carnage.
“Y’know,” Iwaizumi started, slowly walking up to Akuma who was keeling over in pain, “I didn’t even hear the news from Y/N.”
“He wanted to hide that you cheated on him from me because even if he didn’t want to beat the shit out of you physically, he knew that I would.” Iwaizumi sat slowly to look at your ex eye-to-eye, death seen in his, “And he knows me so well.”
The girls in your ex’s arms were long gone. All that was left to face the wrath of Iwaizumi Hajime was the poor excuse of a man who manipulated you, hurt you, and used you. Your ex wasn’t going to go out of this party unscathed and everyone in their radar knew. Before his right knuckle could find its way to Akuma’s fear-stricken face, however, you had arrived.
“Stop it, Hajime.”
The aforementioned male sighed, relaxed his posture, and complied. Iwaizumi walks towards you as his anger slowly dissipates. As much as Iwa wanted to do so much more to your ex, he’d rather not anger nor disappoint you. It was you who was involved in the chaos after all, not him. Iwa was there to back you up and if it meant that he had to restrain himself from getting revenge for your sake, he would do it. He would do anything for you.
Akuma visibly relaxed too, assuming that you stopped Iwaizumi because you wanted to save your ex. He got so cocky at your presence to the point that he thought it was a good idea to utter the words “Just a guard dog, eh?” when you and Iwa started to walk away.
You retaliated at the speed of light, snarling as you threw a heavy punch to your ex’s disgusting face and successfully knocked the living daylights out of the spawn of Satan. Shocking everyone speechless, you looked your ex dead in the eyes and before leaving, you muttered, “Go to hell.”
Whether the mission was successful or not, neither you nor Iwa could tell. Yes, you were able to fool your ex and the entire class that you were together. Yes, you did make your ex feel jealous. So why did it feel so incomplete? Why did it feel as if you had more to resolve than you first did?
That was it? Is this the end of your faux relationship then?
The walk to your shared dorm was silent; the air heavy from what occurred just a few moments ago. With more questions than answers, you two had no choice but to retreat to the comfort of your shared living space.
While you went straight to your room to change, Iwa does what he does best when the atmosphere isn’t as light as either of you liked. He goes to the kitchen, gets a flurry of unhealthy junk foods that you two, as health practitioners in the making, ironically had, and prepares the living room for your impromptu Godzilla marathon.
This is how it always had been, you muse as you hear him surf the TV for the movies, this is how you two always cheer yourselves up when you get into disagreements or when either of you haven’t had the best day. You will forever be grateful for the support that Iwa always had been because without him, you don’t know how you would’ve survived this gruelling journey of yours.
Iwaizumi will always be important to you. He was your pillar, your anchor, your partner in crime, your pudding. You find yourself smiling as you fix your— it was Iwa’s but it’s yours now— hoodie, deciding to leave out all negativity that you had experienced because at the end of the day, Iwa was still with you.
Iwaizumi Hajime was still with you.
You pause, moments away from opening your door to your Iwa, wondering why it made you feel so warm to know that Iwaizumi Hajime was still with you, is still with you, and will always be with you.
Then you realize it all along.
The reason why pretending hurt more than your breakup, why seeing him so readily into your revenge quest stirred something inside of you, and why you felt that it was far more important to have Iwaizumi Hajime by your side than your ex.
Iwaizumi Hajime is and will always be your everything.
And maybe that meant that you wanted him by your side not as someone who you call your best friend, but someone who you hoped would be yours.
Is that too much to ask for?
Too focused on your revelation of the century, you failed to realize that the one person who reigned in your pretty head was standing before you— concerned by the fact that you had taken too long in your room, only to find you frozen by your front door, quite oblivious of his presence.
“You good?” He whispers, tone nothing but gentle. Iwaizumi, the ever-gruff and brash athlete, had always been gentle to you, hadn’t he?
You’ve had too many thoughts about your longtime roommate and best friend that his one question left you speechless. Perhaps it was your body’s precautionary measure against you and the possibility of a flurry of your heart’s unspoken desire pouring themselves out readily for Iwaizumi Hajime.
You love him, you realize. You’d always be ready to do anything for him, you realize.
“Hey…” Iwaizumi tries again when the only thing you did in response was look at him. Then he nervously goes on a tangent because he wasn’t fond of your silence, you had always been the better talker between the two of you, but Iwaizumi would rather he embarrass himself than let you sleep the night feeling terrible.
“I have Godzilla on for a marathon and I know we swore off on diet pudding cups after the challenge, but I bought some yesterday to eat with you because it had been years, right? Maybe we could—”
“I like you.”
“— eat some while… What?”
It was Iwa’s turn to be speechless. Maybe he was hallucinating. Maybe he was actually dreaming right now. You just said what?
“I like you,” You firmly repeated, far more serious than he’d ever seen you been. Iwaizumi stands frozen, unable to process what you had said; unable to fully grasp the thought of you liking him back; unable to get it in his head that the one person he had always cared about admitted to having feelings for him.
Iwaizumi Hajime had to be dreaming. That’s not what you said right? How could you ever possibly like him back?
“‘Like’ isn’t enough to convey how much adoration I hold for you, ‘Zumi. I care for you more than you could comprehend— more than the four letter word could hold so when I say I like you, Iwaizumi,” You mumble, nerves getting the best of you when your confession only received silence but you couldn’t stop yourself from finally admitting, “I mean I love you.”
With that final blow, Iwaizumi could finally affirm that you will be the death of him. You were his idiot, his contradiction, his pudding, and, with full confidence, he could finally say, his everything.
“Say something you idiot,” You whined out of pure embarrassment— too nervous to calm the loud beating of your heart as you witness Iwaizumi’s ears turn red— successfully bringing him out of his everlasting gay-panicking for you. Godzilla plays on in the background, reminding the both of you that the world will keep moving to tomorrow despite how slow time seemed for you two.
Iwaizumi tries to calm his nerves in the guise of sighing the way he always did when you did something that was contradictory to how things were for him. Smiling ever so softly at your scrunched up face trying its best to hide your trembles, he says:
“I like you too.”
“And when I say I like you, Y/N,” Iwaizumi immediately adds with a teasing smirk on his face, “I mean I love you.”
“Damn you idiot.”
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before either of you could even move from your place, your dorm's door bursts open with an annoyed oikawa waiting.
"i've been standing outside for 15 minutes with all my luggage because i wanted to surprise my best friends but this is the welcome i get?" oikawa growls as he chucks the multitude of suitcases that he brought, only then noticing the atmosphere.
oikawa feels daggers pointed at him when he meets iwaizumi's glare. "oh wait..." oikawa slowly realizes, the imaginary lightbulb on his head lighting up by the way you had been so embarrassed, "oops...?"
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—reblogging helps, thank you!!
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match-up, No. 1
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Anon asked:
"oh hi hello! i just saw the match up posts and i got super excited cause i love your writings and i never had to chance to send an ask like this lol! i'm 19 years old but i'll be 20 this year. i'm pretty tall for a girl (173 cms!) but still i'm on the chubbier side because i eat a lot and im proud of it lol. i have green eyes, and raven black hair, medium length with short bangs, because i dye it regularly, but normally i'm a blonde! also idk if this matters but i'm straight!
i really like cooking, it's a big passion of mine, i also love singing! music is a big part of my life, i cannot go a second without listening to something and i've always been like this. even though i'm not talented about it, i love to listen to it. i'm a big hopeless romantic so i'm a sucker for anything that's romantic, like movies, songs, books etc! i really wish nothing but for real and pure love! i also collect toys and figures cause i didn't had the chance to buy them when i was little.
i really dislike being left alone. i don't have many friends or loved ones, but whenever i have to leave them for something it hurt's me a lot. i don't like too much people around me but i really adore the ones who i care about. other than that, i hate the way i look most of the time. since i was a little girl i was never comfortable with my body and had lots of issues with it but im trying to do my best to love myself!
i know this was too long but i couldnt stop myself so i hope its okay! im so much lookinf forward to this match up thingy! thank u soooo much for the chance! take care ❤️"
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a/n: First of all thank you so much. I'm so so glad to see that you like my work. This is a great motivation for me to keep writing. This really made my day. 💙 And I really hope that you'll be liking what will come next. I really hope that I didn't disappoint you my dear anon. This is my first time doing something like this and going honest I'm really insecure and anxious when it gets to my work. I'm never happy or satisfied by the outcome... But that's not the point. It's about you. So if there is something bothering you please don't hesitate and DM me or anything and tell me. Other than that happy reading! 🙈
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): maybe some grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I'm still improving in every aspect. (Please have mercy on that))
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: Lord know who. IF anyone knows who did it please tell me so I can give credits. Thank you. :) !!!
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• I think that you and Sanji would give a great pair.
• There are a lot of traits of you that resemble that of Sanji in my opinion. And exactly this was the reason why Sanji started to spend more time with you and get to know you more than Nami or Robin.
• Whenever Luffy screams from the top of his lungs "SANJI! FOOD!!" you scream back from wherever you are right now "Gimme a minute and I'll get you something!", before Sanji can react to the food loving man.
• Sanji loves it when you join him cooking because you two seem to be able to work together without having to communicate. But even if Sanji would like to talk to the beauty that was next to him he wouldn't dare saying a word because as much as he loved talking to you he loved listening to you sing while you prepared anything you were on at the moment. Sometimes he would just stop in his tracks and just watch you dance around the kitchen whenever one of your favourite songs starts to play in the radio. He would watch every of your moves and smile like a idiot.
• After some time passing Sanji manned up and asked you out in the most romantic way. Sanji prepared a picnic with some snacks under that one tree with the wing (I hope you know what I mean 😂). Everything was set. You were in the girls cabin reading a novel when you heard a light knock. You didn't look up and just told whoever was there to come in but the person simply knocked another time what made you stand up with a scuff. You were ready to scold anyone that was there for ruining your peaceful reading session but there was no one except of a huge bouquet of red roses. It had a little note in it saying that someone is waiting for you down on deck. With a huge smile on your lips you stepped out of your room just ro realise that the way down to the deck was decorated by flower pedals. The sight in front of you made your heart race. You didn't wanted the feeling that grew with every second in you to stop. But you made it down and was greeted by the blond man you were always fond of. He took your hand in his and lead you to the swing and made you sit down.
• He took both of your hands in his and looked you in the eyes while giving the most sweetest confession ever made. And of course you said yes and wanted to date him
• dating him was the best thing that happened to you. He was sweet and caring. He spend every free second with you. If you were close to him he would always grab your hand and intertwine them. Sometimes he would appear out of nowhere and give you a kiss and compliment a different part of your body just to leave you dumbfounded and confused with a racing heart.
• There was this island the straw hats docked on and to their luck there was a festival planned for the night of the day they came. So Nami and Robin took you shopping and made Sanji go have fun on his own. Unlike these two you wanted something fancy that wasn't a dress but they still brought a few for you to put you in later on. And they managed to get you in a short sleeveless pretty blue-black dress. They did your make-up and theirs and ran out when Franky yelled that the fireworks were about to get blown what was the sign for the beginning of the festival. But you didn't came out because you felt uncomfortable in your current state.
• Sanji sensed that something was wrong and made his way to you only to find you standing in front of the mirror and looking at yourself with a tilted head and slight pout. Sanjis eyes widen at the sight of you. Because of 1. He couldn't believe how good that dress locked on you 2. He was shocked because he knew that you didn't like the way you looked.
• "How dare you!? How dare you not love this beautiful sight?! Baby! Darling! Love! Please don't. You look stunning. Simply gorgeous now please allow me to take you to the festival and brag with the fact that I can call the most beautiful woman mine."
• As you can see Sanji doesn't, can't and won't tolerate you being insecure so he took it upon himself to push your ego and make you love yourself as much as he loves and adores you.
• On the festival Sanji would never let go of you. He would constantly have you close to him so he could protect you no matter what happens. He makes sure to once in a while ask you if you're alright or if you want to go back to the sunny since he knew that you're not a fan of crowed places.
• Sanji left you alone for a few minutes but sat you down on a less crowded and also quieter place to get some drinks. You were happily looking at the ocean when a guy approached you and started a conversation with you. You were clear not liking it but still tried to talk nicely. But the guy seemed to understand your friendliness in a different way and got closer. You told him to keep a distance but he laughed it away and simply acted as if you said nothing. You felt uncomfortable and suffocated so you were about to stand up when Sanji came and kicked him out of the chair with a sweet smile upon his lips saying "Thank you for keeping my seat warm but now move your pathetic stupid ass away and leave me alone with my girl."
• When the guy left he took you in his arms and apologised while sitting you down on his lap while asking you probably a bunch of times of you're doing good or if he hurt you.
• While Sanji confessed his love to you Zoro was in the crows nest watching you two with a disgusted and confused look while silently praying for you to reject him but sadly you didn't. In fact you even kissed him. "TF is that stupid woman doing?!"
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emachinescat · 3 years
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Title: Of Concussions and Incorrigible Cons | Fandom: Psych
Summary: AU of the pilot episode. After being reprimanded by the interim chief, Head Detective Carlton Lassiter bites off more than he can possibly chew after attempting to apologize to a concussed Spencer for the less than gentle arrest at the end of the McCallum case. Spoilers for "Domestic Pilot." Part 1 of my whumpy episodic AU series, "AU that Glitters."
Words: 1,951
TW: None
AO3 Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Episode AU: s01e01: Domestic Pilot, Whump
Year Published: 2017
Full story here or on AO3!
Head Detective Carlton Lassiter stood in front of the interim chief's door, fist poised to knock and foot tapping an anxious rhythm on the floor. Vick had been rather short with him when she'd asked him to come to her office as soon as the paperwork for the McCallum case had been taken care of. It wasn't the "I'm busy, so make it quick" kind of short, either… she was agitated about something.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked.
Her voice rang out from inside, dead serious as could be. Yeah, she was pissed about something.
He entered, and opted for the ignorant approach, which was just as well, because he really had no idea what this was about. After all, he'd already been given a stern-talking to about inter-department romance and Lucinda was in the process of being transferred. A little swell of fury rose at the thought of the man – the so-called "psychic" who had so carelessly ruined one of the only positive things he had going for him.
"Detective Lassiter. Please sit."
He sat stiffly in the proffered chair, refusing to let the cushy trappings lull him into a false sense of security. He maintained eye contact with the chief, letting her know that he was completely comfortable in the situation that he found himself in, and that he had nothing to hide. Never mind the fact that he wasn't all that comfortable with the cloak and dagger business, being left in the dark about why he was here in the first place. "Chief. What can I do for you?"
Vick's eyes may have softened the tiniest bit at his cordial greeting, but she still did not look like a happy camper.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Detective," she said bluntly. "This could have turned out much worse. As it is, I am going to have to give you an informal reprimand and warn you to be very careful in the future."
Lassiter blinked. "Uh, Chief… What…?"
"Detective, you cannot be physically aggressive toward civilians who are in your custody, unless they are resisting arrest or are posing a threat to you or others around you."
Still trying to work through the confusion, Lassiter was both offended and relieved that there had been a mistake like this, that Vick actually thought that he'd attack a non-resisting civilian. Whatever she'd heard, it was all a big mix up. "Chief, let me assure you that I would never—"
"Shawn Spencer. McCallum residence. Yesterday afternoon. Ring any bells?"
Lassiter blanched. "Spencer hardly counts as a civilian. He's a hindrance to real police work, a distraction, and at the time, he was trespassing. I had to take him in." He left the bitter, At least, until he solved my damn case, left unspoken.
"Be that as it may, Detective, your shoving him head-first into the frame of the car was a bit overboard, don't you think?"
Wait, this was what this was about? Seriously?
"He was resisting arrest, Chief. He was… flailing and pretending to have 'visions' and acting like a crazy person!"
A delicate but ferocious eyebrow lifted. "Not when you shoved him into the car. And may I remind you, he did solve the case?"
"Did he tell you this? That little…"
"Detective!" the chief cut him off before he could say anything to get himself into any more trouble, which, although he didn't appreciate at the time, he was begrudgingly thankful for after the fact. "Mr. Spencer didn't tell me anything. I was there, remember? I saw the whole thing… whatever it was."
Oh. Right. Damn that Spencer for getting into his head like this!
"He's fine, Chief," Lassiter responded, much more calmly this time. "Don't let him take advantage of you. This country is crawling with people faking injuries just to get a few thousand dollars from a lawsuit."
"I told you, Mr. Spencer said nothing to me. His father, on the other hand, called me this morning in a rage. Thankfully, I was able to calm him down and help him to see reason, but it wasn't easy."
"So he went and told his daddy that he got a boo-boo at the crime scene?" Lassiter couldn't keep the disgusted contempt out of his voice this time. "I thought they hated each other, anyway?"
"They have a… complicated relationship, and it really isn't our place to bring that under speculation. However…" She sighed. "It is my job to make sure that my officers are not allowing their emotions or anger, no matter how warranted said anger might be, to get the better of them. Especially after what Henry told me this morning. Apparently, Mr. Guster had to take Shawn to the emergency room last night after his headache peaked and he lost consciousness briefly. Mr. Spencer is being treated for a concussion, Detective, and that is why we're having this talk."
"Oh." Lassiter wasn't sure what to say beyond that, but he slapped away the little niggle of guilt that tried to burrow into him at the news. He hadn't meant to hurt Spencer, certainly not that badly. The man was being difficult, had lost Lassiter his girlfriend, his respect… had mocked him by acting like an idiot and still managing to solve the case first…
"Shawn himself is not going to press charges or file a report, though I was obligated to contact him about the matter. He said – and these are his words – that 'Mr. Grumpy Detective-Face is emotionally stunted and is just trying to express how much he likes me in the only way he knows how.'" Vick looked marginally amused as she read Spencer's response off the sheet in front of her. A muscle in Lassiter's neck twitched. "Now, those exact words could be because of the concussion…"
Lassiter fought the urge to roll his eyes. "They're not, Chief. Trust me."
Now appearing to be fighting a smile, the chief said, "Consider this your unofficial reprimand and warning to control your irritation when you are faced with a particularly difficult witness… or consultant. Because once he is feeling better, I do believe the department will be calling on Mr. Spencer again."
This time, Lassiter couldn't stop the eye roll. Or the groan. Vick smiled. "You're dismissed, Detective."
"Yes, ma—uh, I mean, Chief."
Shawn was woken when the doorbell rang, the sound slicing through his aching head like a butter knife through steak... or however that saying went. Without bothering to get up from where he was sprawled on the couch, he called out, "It's open."
Damn, concussions sucked. It was bad enough that Gus had practically dragged him to the hospital after he'd had some sort of dizzy spell last night, but then he'd called his dad to boot? Was this now Gus with his mom for additional parental torture? Not that he would mind seeing his mom… but he was so over worried hovering. Gus played the part of a worried mother exceptionally well, and Shawn couldn't handle two of them… Which was made irrelevant when the door opened to reveal not his mother, but…
"Detective Lassiter?"
Lassiter stepped into Shawn's apartment, keen blue eyes taking the coffee table littered with empty pudding cups, icepacks, water bottles, and prescription bottles. "You just leave your front door unlocked for anyone to come waltzing in? You're just begging to be robbed." Upon taking another look around at the untidy living space, his lip curled and he added, "Or maybe not."
Shawn struggled to sit up past the monkey playing cymbals in his head. "Your contempt for my apartment aside, what are you doing here?"
The detective hesitated. "I was just in the neighborhood and I…" Shawn watched knowingly as the detective's gaze shifted to the rather impressive bruise on his head.
"You wanted to check on me? Oh, Detective, you shouldn't have!"
"I didn't," growled Lassiter. He paused. "This was a mistake. I'll just—"
"Wait!" Shawn shifted, patting the sofa seat beside him. "Come in. Sit down. Rest your rumpus. Put your feet up. Slow your roll. Chillax your—"
With an irritated grunt, the detective passed the threshold and sat in the chair farthest away from Shawn. "Look. I didn't exactly… yesterday, when I…"
"I know, I know. You were just expressing your love for me in the only way you know how, like that little boy in school who pulls the little girl's pigtails because he thinks she's cute."
"Absolutely not."
"Okay, you got me—" Shawn winced as a particularly painful wave shot through his poor, abused noggin. "I was that kid in school. Her name was Melinda, and she had the cutest, bounciest set of—"
"Dear Lord, please stop talking."
"I was going to say pigtails, dude. Mind. Gutter. Get it out."
"This is a monumental waste of my time," the detective spat, standing up so abruptly it almost gave Shawn vertigo… Or wait, he might have already had vertigo, wasn't that a concussion symptom ? And what was vertigo, anyway? Besides an Alfred Hitchcock flick?
Past the pounding in his skull, Shawn heard footsteps stomping away, toward the door. Despite the telltale ringing in his ears, Shawn scrabbled to his feet, ignoring the dark spots dancing wildly in front of his eyes. His pulse hammered, his breath felt short and stunted, and the dizziness spiked. He knew what was going to happen seconds before it did. He was unconscious before he hit the floor.
When the world swam back into focus, Shawn was surprised to find that he was back on the couch, not in a heap on the floor. He noticed blearily that his hands tingled like he'd been sitting on them for a couple of weeks, and his ears were still ringing like a high school band had paraded between them and accidentally left the triangle player behind. With a groan against the horrible pounding that had overtaken his skull – the procession of drummers must've gotten left behind, too – he rolled over to see Head Detective Carlton Lassiter kneeling next to the couch.
"You passed out," the detective stated helpfully.
"I did not," Shawn argued, mostly out of obligatory need to irritate whoever was in his general vicinity. "I fell asleep, suddenly and quickly, in a very manly and not wimpy way."
"Sure you did. Just be glad I got to you before you hit the ground. You would have a matching bruise on the other side of your head."
Shawn feigned shock. "So you dashed to my side, caught me before I hit the ground, gently placed me on the sofa, and lingered over my prone body until you knew I wasn't on death's door? Detective, I'm touched."
Lassiter half-sneered, half-smirked. "You were only out for a handful of seconds. I was hoping you'd stay out of it long enough for me to escape, but of course you had to ruin that plan, too."
Shawn winced, only partly out of pain. "Look, man, I'm sorry about your girlfriend. I just—"
The detective stood hastily, popping up from the ground like a Jack-in-the-Box with a strong Irish hairline and lots of pent-up aggression. "We don't talk about that. Ever."
Shawn lifted both hands up in mock surrender. Lassiter's face softened, just the tiniest, miniscule bit. "You're okay, though? Do I need to call your father or someone—?"
"No! I would rather you leave me here to die."
Lassiter shrugged. "Works for me." He strode for the door.
Shawn hesitated, licked his lips, and then offered, "Detective? Thanks."
"Just take it easy," the detective advised.
It was as close to an apology as Shawn was going to get, and, though Shawn might not have shown it through his next words, he did in fact appreciate it.
"Lassie," Shawn said, testing out the new nickname he'd been considering since he'd met the detective. He watched with glee as the man bristled in agitation.
"What?" the detective ground out through gritted teeth.
"I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."
The head detective had fled the apartment and slammed the door before Shawn could blink. Shawn settled back into the couch cushions and tried to will his head to stop raging against him. Or at least a plain but not drop-dead-ugly working tolerance, he amended in his head, before he drifted off to sleep.
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silence-burns · 4 years
Please Hate Me //part 25
Fandom: Marvel 
Summary:  Based on “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​
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The smell hit you square in the face before you marched in. The delicious combination of roasted meat, seasonings, spices, and old man's sweat combined with the hunger rolling in your stomach made you drool. 
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Loki frowned, inspecting the crowded interior, which would be easy if there were enough working light bulbs. 
"Of course! Can't you smell it?" 
Loki, in fact, could smell a lot, but that didn't mean he was happy about it.
You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the old man leaning over the counter. The magazine in front of him looked ancient and stained, the pages dogeared as if it was passed from one generation to another. The man didn't raise his eyes. 
You pointed to the equally stained menu hanging next to him. "So, what do you want?" you asked, as if the names told Loki anything. 
"What is that?" 
"And that?" 
"Spicy meat." 
"And those?" 
"Absolutely devastatingly delicious meat with a bit of—" 
"I think I’ve got the hang of it. I'll take this one." 
"And I'll take the usual for me and the kid!" you added to the man behind the counter. The heavy scent of cheap cigarettes and cheaper manners parted for a moment when he nodded without a word and moved to the back. 
Loki raised an eyebrow. "Is that normal?"
You maneuvered him through the thicket of plastic tables and chairs. "Of course, he's a real sweetheart! He always gives me some extra toppings for free. We've known each other for like 5 years, and I think he can read my thoughts by now." 
"And what's his name?" 
"I have no idea, I've never heard him speak." 
You chose the booth by the windows. There were only a few people in the room, and no one gave you a second glance when you passed them. Loki had no idea what had made him think he'd for once eat some quality food. 
At least the seats seemed to be clean, and the booth gave you the faintest illusion of some privacy, which Loki was thankful for. He looked at his reflection in the glass and ran his hand over his features again. The wet, sticky feeling of foreign magic didn't leave him. The window showed him his own familiar features, staring with defiance and anger in his eyes. The spell must've been working, though, for no one on the streets recognized him so far. 
"Still angry?" you asked with your elbows on the table. 
"Once I get my powers back, I'll show that pathetic excuse of a sorcerer what true magic looks like—" 
His promises were cut short by a boy rushing into the bar, his hair in disarray, and was clearly looking for someone. You waved and gestured for him to take the order that was just finished. 
"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late." Peter slid into the seat on the other side of the table, still out of breath. "My class had to take care of organization of the projects for the science fair and I volunteered to—”
The boy continued to spit words breathlessly, and Loki listened to him only partly. The tray the boy brought with him absorbed most of his focus. Two of the three dishes on it were quickly distributed between Peter and you, which left Loki no choice but to suspect the third was meant for him. 
"If I die," he said, reaching for the plate. "I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your miserable lives and then make your afterlives hell." 
Peter sighed with pure love in his eyes. "I'd love to be haunted by you, Mr Mischief sir!"
"Don't speak with your mouth full." 
"I'm sorry, Mr Mischief sir!" 
Loki sighed. Stabbing the dish with his fork did not ease his frustration, which was very disappointing. 
The first few bites he took, encouraged with a suspicious amount of support, were not the worst. It was difficult to feel the original flavor because of the amount of seasoning, but overall Loki had to admit the nameless chef knew what he was doing. 
"He likes it," you cheered to an equally happy Peter. The boy's plate was almost empty already. "So, now that we've secured ourselves a peaceful afterlives, tell me about that science fair. Have you finally finished your project?" 
"I have a lot on my shoulders right now," Peter said. "Especially since I agreed to help with the organization of it all, and the logistics create one problem after another. I spent last night working on—" 
A knowing smile raised your lips. You nudged Loki. "I bet he only agreed to help because MJ asked him to." 
"Who's MJ?" Loki frowned, slicing the food with surgical precision. 
"Peter's girlfriend." 
"She's not my—We don't—..." 
Loki nodded, assessing the boy with piercing green eyes. Peter slid down his seat, hiding his bright red face under his suddenly sweaty hand.
You leaned over the table and patted his arm while Loki continued with his food. "She seems really cool. And I like her temper." 
Peter cleared his throat. "I… really appreciate that, but can we not talk about it for a second?" 
"Sure. So, what's been going on, other than you struggling with the project's deadline, making ends meet with the fair, and not thinking about MJ?" 
"Well, I…" Peter looked around the place, and made sure no one was close before leaning closer, in a totally not suspicious way. "I have been hanging around the neighborhood, you know, in the suit, like I always do, and I've heard about some very nasty business going on there lately." 
"What kind of business? Someone replacing people's potted flowers with other flowers?" 
Loki stopped chewing. "What kind of person would do that?" 
"I did, when I was nine and on my way to ballet class. I wanted them to see the world, meet new people..." 
Loki looked at you without a word for a very long moment. Then he turned his attention back to the boy. "What kind of business?" 
"Well, I don't really know yet. But I'm working on it! The thing is, I hang around a lot, and meet a lot of people, and there's this one lovely old Romanian lady that always makes me sandwiches and never asks why I swoop by her balcony in the suit in the middle of the night, and she's really cool, but lonely, and that's why she sits on that balcony all the time. She's old, but she still has a very good sight, which is why she's noticed that there were so many dangerous-looking people around lately, and cars that look exactly like in those movies about organized crime and they haven’t started any trouble yet, but she doesn't feel safe. So, she told me about this and I've been looking into it for the past couple of nights, and I definitely have a lead, but I don't really have time for it at the moment."
You picked food from your teeth. Loki tried not to see it. 
"So, you don't know shit," you rephrased Peter's monologue. 
"It's not like that, I know sh—stuff! I just… have yet to investigate it properly…" 
"And you don't have time for that, which you've already unsubtly hinted more than twice." 
A blush creeped back onto his cheeks. Peter avoided your eyes. "There's one more obstacle, actually… " 
"What a surprise." Loki fished a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned his already spotless mouth. "What's the matter then, boy?" 
Peter seemed to shrink in his seat. "I found a suspicious place, but… It's for adults. They didn't let me in, even in the suit..." 
You failed to contain your laugh, which made Peter disappear under the table more. Loki only sighed, with something close to resignation. 
"That actually explains a lot—Could you please stop cackling like an idiot for a second?" Loki snapped while you fought for breath, laying on the table. Loki decided to ignore the strangled sounds you were making, and turned to Peter, barely visible but still bright red. "I have a feeling that your little investigation hit a dead end, which usually results in asking someone more experienced for help." 
"I… Hoped you'd agree to help me. I don't really have anyone else, and the Avengers are already busy with the stuff they don't want to tell me about." 
Loki blinked. He fell into his own hole. 
You seemed to realise it too, for you mastered yourself at last and looked at him with a devilish grin. "What a coincidence, Peter, sweetie. It looks like we're not busy. Or are we, oh dear god?"
Peter watched through his fingers as blood began boiling in Loki. It probably had something to do with the proximity of your face, shamelessly grinning, to his, with a brow twitching. Peter was by no means an expert, but he had a suspicion that one more reason for Loki's foul mood could be the finger you poked his cheek with. He snapped a photo almost absentmindedly, barely touching his phone. 
"So, what do you say, oh dear god, to the pleas of your humble believer? Will you turn a blind eye to the struggles of those who can't help themselves? Will you blatantly refuse to recognize the trust put in you…?" 
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Loki snapped finally, pushing you away with his elbow. "It's not like I planned to refuse, mind you!" 
Peter gasped. "So you're in?" 
"I knew I could count on you, guys!" 
The boy's arms locked over Loki's and your neck, bending you awkwardly over the table for the hug. "We're going to fight crime together!" 
You patted his back, wishing you could see Loki's face, currently pressed into Peter's other arm. Loki was silent as the grave. 
Peter released you after a moment. A smile was splitting his face in half, and his eyes were suspiciously watery. "I knew I could count on you!"
"Any time, kid. We fight monsters, kidnappers, and now solve crimes. We're a whole package. We should get a business card and start advertising." 
Loki was of a different opinion, but he remained silent. Watching the boy's excitement and gratitude filled him with something that, if you tried really hard, almost resembled happiness. Almost was the key word. He was above such simple pleasures as feeling useful. 
"Oh, I forgot to ask you something," Peter started, rummaging through his pockets. "I bought something for MJ, because she was talking a lot about Lord of the Rings lately, but I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea to give this to her. It's not the same as the One Ring, but it kinda resembles it, right?" 
And then he showed you precisely what your own heart desired. 
The golden shimmer, the polished smoothness and the gentle, intertwined design of hair-thin letters that spoke directly to your soul. It was everything you ever needed, if only 'ever' could be restricted to the past hour. 
Loki paled and dared a look at you. His own heart shuddered, and rose up his throat. The air was thick and full of possibilities. 
You broke into a smile. 
"Peter, my dearest boy, do you think that we could borrow it for a few hours?" you chirped sweetly. There was an edge in your voice that made Peter shiver, even though he could not tell why. 
He swallowed and nodded. He was unsure what string of events his decision would initiate—he only hoped that the world would be ready for it. At least a team of heroes lived in the same city. 
He looked at his watch. "I have to run back now, because my break ends soon, but thank you guys so much for everything! I'll call you later and give you the address of, you know, The Place!" 
The boy rushed back to school, waving to you and then the owner who didn't raise his head from the magazine. Loki watched the boy run through the whitened street, careful of not slipping on ice, and not so careful about making other people slip. 
Gold reflected in the window. He looked at the tiny ring in your hands and then at your utterly feral smile. 
"I thought we were supposed to be the good guys," he said. "The good guys wouldn't do that." 
You clicked your tongue. "Who said anything about being good? As far as I remember, we've only agreed on not being the evil ones. There's a tiny line in between those two concepts, and I must admit I feel very comfortable walking on it. Aren't you?" 
A corner of Loki's lips twitched. 
"You don't walk on it—you waltz all over it, and trample both sides equally whenever it suits you…" 
You waited. 
"...and I love it." 
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minthysugamon · 4 years
Everybody wants to rule the world.
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Noble Assistant! Namjoon x Assassin! Reader.
1789! AU
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Mention of dried blood,gunshots and other stuff...i mean..it's the revolution..so yeah.
(Credit for the Original Photo: @/athenaa. I only edited it a little bit. But all credit goes to the original artist who posted the photo first in it's original version)
(Painting: La liberté guidant le peuple by Eugène Delacroix)
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14 Juillet 1789,
The streets were overcrowded,people were standing for hours in front of the Bastille. Everybody knew...the reunion of the General Estates was chaotic. The deputies spent months to collect all the reviews that could help them make a reform,that could help the Third Estate to have the same rights as the nobility...but instead of that,King Louis XVI refused all the changes that should have been made. So...the whole Third Estate was back to case one. It was no surprise when the King had dismissed the assembly to go back to his residence. But what surprised him was the determination that the future National Assembly had. They swore,they will give France a constitution,they make up the large majority of the country,they can do it without being harmed too much. The King still didn't care about the 1200 Deputies plea for equality. But dear lord,the Regent was wrong for ignoring all the warning signs about the revolution.
But there she was,waiting for her brother to come back,in a house near the Bastille..waiting for the three volounteers to come out with the gun powder. Not as if she wanted to kill or wound someone..but..she wanted to participate. She wanted to see how people will take over the power. Her brother is a Lawyer...Maximilien Robespierre is his name. But since she is a woman..she will never have the chance to become one...she can only learn from him,in secret,because work is a taboo for women.
"Why are you here?" Her brother grabbed her wrist,looking her dead in the eye. He wasn't amused,at all. "I..i just wanted to come..to see if everything was alright...Mère s'inquiète pour vous¹..." He sighed,letting her wrist go,and he bowed his head. "I told you clearly to stay in Arras,didn't i? You are too curious for your own good. One day it will bring you trouble." She cracked a small smile,only for a moment though,and while she exhaled,she whispered a small "Je le sais,mon frère.²" As she sat down,in front of the window,Maximilien went behind her and watched the chaos unfold in front of the Bastille. "What are they trying to do?" She looked up at him,with glassy eyes. She would never admit it but as much as the revolution gave her adrenaline and excited her...she was also scared. Scared of what will happen. "They are trying to get the gun powder...i guess Launey still didn't give in to take the cannons back." He watched as the people were getting more and more impatient,and then,he headed out of the small townhouse. Since she was also the curious type,she headed out after him. "LA POUDRE. LA POUDRE. DONNEZ-NOUS LA POUDRE³". The crowd was screaming for the gun powder. While Launey was still discussing with the three peasants.
While the crowd was roaring outside,Launey was talking with the three peasants. "Monsieur Kim,would you please tell the soldiers to retract the cannons?" The young immigrant who became Launey's assistant just looked at him confused. "But..Maître...it's nearly impossible to get them retracted,we don't have the King's authorisation." And as the three peasants looked at him with an evil expression,the assistant hesitantly said "I will try to persuade them...but i may need your help if anything goes wrong." The keeper of the Bastille just looked at him with a reassuring smile and said "Don't worry,Mon fils,everything will go alright. Just do as i say." The boy went up,and tried to tell the soldiers what was bound to happen if they don't take the cannons back. The soldiers just laughed and told him to piss off. But at the view of the weapons not getting retracted,the crowd was growing louder with every second that passed. The chance of them getting into the Bastille was also increasing with every shout that left their throat. The assisstant of Launey was running back down to the study of his mentor.
"Maître Launey,what are we going to do? They don't want to retract them. I tried to persuade them,but they aren't listening." Launey only sighed,and stood up. "Si vous pourriez m'excuser,je vous en serai reconnaissant.⁴" With that said,he went up with the young man that he swore to protect after his own son died in his arms due to pneumonia,and looked at the Soldiers. "I sent the message of retracting the cannons. Then why do i still see them here?"
One of the armed men was brave enough to say "We thought that your assisstant maneuvered on his own..." and to that,the Master of the Bastille answered clearly,exercising his authority on them. "Whether it's me or my assistant,you are obligated to comply to my wishes and my commands. Whether you like it or not. Now get those cannons retracted before the people think that we want to hurt them."
At the same time,the youngest Robespierre was following her brother. What Maximilien didn't know was his sister's abilities. Nobody knew,but she was the one of the best trained assassins of the country. She went in the crowd and got lost in it,so no one could see what she was about to do. Her plan was to climb to the first floor and open the gate. And it was going well until ths crowd heard a gunshot inside the court of the Bastille. "THEY KILLED THEM. THEY KILLED OUR ALLIES. LET'S SHOW THEM THAT THEY CAN'T MESS WITH US." "Merde...⁵" The swear word escaped her lips as she was near the backyard of the Bastille. But that didn't stop her. Just like how the crowd didn't stop running down the doors.
Namjoon was scared for his life. As soon as the people swarmed in as bees in a beehive,he was becoming more and more nervous. "Maître,what are we going to do?" And his mentor looked at him,with his pale face,then shouted at the brigade. "RASSEMBLEZ LA POUDRE.⁶ GET ALL THE POWDER. AND TAKE IT DOWN. WE WILL ACT ACCORDING TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN." Then he looked back at his assistant,sending him a look full of emotions and calmly said. "Son,go and hide in the study. Lock all the doors. Don't do anything wrong,and they won't get in." And for once,he spoke to him in an informal way,like how a father would tell his son how to hide. "But,Maître-" Namjoon objected to the idea of letting his mentor,but also his adoptive father in some ways,fight for the Bastille. But before he knew,he was pushed into the study by Launey,and he locked the door before going back to his soldiers. "Que Dieu...aie pitié de votre âme...Père...⁷" And with a heavy heart,he blocked the door with a cupboard and the handles with three swords..the more,the better.
While the crowd was swarming in,(Y/n) was trying to get a better view of the situation by climbing the wall of the gigantic fortress which served as the royal prison. "Pour l'amour des cieux⁸...why did that idiot have to cry wolf when nothing was going on..." and as she finally climbed the first floor which had a corridor,she sneaked in,just like a shadow,almost invisible. The people were or too busy trying to free the seven remaining prisoners,or trying to kill any guard that came their way,or to find the gun powder and leave. She was feeling nauseous from the smell of dried blood on the walls of the hall,but she won't vomit here and now,or people will think she's one of the guards or just a simple whore who paid visit to Launey. But speak of the devil. Two men saw her,and started chasing her,so in the first turn,she turned to right,then to the left and continued this pattern until she fell through a passageway to the Study.
Namjoon was shocked when he saw the girl fall through the secret passage,but nothing shocked him more than to see a girl being armed like a professional assassin. "Qui diable est-tu?⁹" his voice came out more shaky than expected. And the girl only answered "Be glad that i'm not here to kill you. Who are you? You don't seem to be from here." If she was being honest...she never saw someone like him. She could only think about the fact that he wasn't here. Thanks to the books of her father and her brother,she quickly guessed that he was from the Far East. "I asked first,mademoiselle." And she looked at him,unfazed. "Look,i don't have the time to play this. Where is Launey,i have to talk to him." And the young man picked a sword up and quickly took her in his arms to put the blade against her neck. "What do you want from him? Seeing how you are dressed and what you're carrying,i am pretty sure that you mean no good. And most probably,you're on their side. Aren't you?" The only thing she could say was a determined "Yes. But,I only want to talk. That's it. If i wanted to kill him,he would be already dea-" her voice was cut off by loud banging on the front door. "LAUNEY,ON SAIT QUE TU ES LÀ.¹⁰ STOP HIDING AND BE A MAN." And Namjoon only looked at the unknown girl,with panic in his eyes,and she looked back at him. "Go,find somewhere to hide. I'll tell them that no one was here." The assisstant looked at her with confusion plastered on his face. "But..you have the chance to kill me now. Why won't you do it?" And she laughed but in a bitter way,trying her best to keep the door closed. "The stars aren't alligned for that today. It's your lucky day today,Sir. Now go. Hide before they kill you." With a quick nod he started to run towards the secret passage,but quickly turned back and looked at her. "Name's Namjoon." And the youngest Robespierre just looked at him,with an amused look and replied "(Y/n). Remember that name when you'll say grace to God for keeping an eye on you. Now go." And as soon as he was out,she let the door break free. With a half smirk and playful eyes,she cocked her pistol towards one of the peasants. "Good Morning gentlemen,beautiful day to cause a revolution i see. It would be a shame if something..or someone stopped this. So i advise you to turn back around,and go on your way to find the much-wanted powder." One of the peasants just laughed at her,but when she shot him in the arm,the other two,unarmed,were quick to run out of the study.
Namjoon still didn't understand why she spared his life,but he was thankful. For once,his luck was immeasurable,and he felt good about it. But the same went for her...(Y/n) still didn't understand what took over her to spare his life and shoot someone,who was playing on the same side as she was. But sometimes...life puts you in a situation where a plot twist is inevitable.
As the battle was still going on in the court,after what felt like an eternity,(Y/n) but also Namjoon realised...whether you're a revolutionary or a nobleman...you have one thing in common. You want to rule the world. Because if there's something in common in the power hungry humans...is the will to rule the world..because Everybody wants to rule the world.
¹ = Mother is worried about you.
² = I know it,brother.
³ = The Powder,the powder,give us the powder.
⁴ = If you could excuse me,i would be grateful for it.
⁵ = Shit...
⁶ = Get all the powder.
⁷ = May God have mercy on your soul,father.
⁸ = For Heaven's sake
⁹ = Who the hell are you?
¹⁰ = Launey,we know you're inside there.
(A/n: I know the end is rushed but i hope you guys still liked it. The idea came to me when i had my history exam,and that was in December,but i didn't have time to finish it...so here is a bit rushed-ended one shot about Namjoon in the 1789 French Revolution. Thank you again for your patience,and i hope you guys are doing well! ❤)
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ibijus · 7 years
I wish you would write a fic where an imposter Rai bully M21 and M21 don't know what to do until Frankentein figures it out and kick the imposter out of his house. P.S. Real Rai was gone for a walk and got lost.
I mighthave gotten a tiny bit overly excited with this idea, but it was ton of fun!Thanks for it, btw ;) Maybe not pushing all the buttons I wanted in all theways I really wanted to, but SOMETHING was done and I had fun :x
Here’s the Send me an anonymous ask completing thesentence “I wish you would write a fic where…” (if you want to reblog too)post and BTW I’m all about crazy cracky shippings (and serious ones too),multishipping is love, poly is love, SHIPPING IS FUN AF anyway: gen, ships,funny, sad, anything, if you’re in the mood hit me up and let’s pray thatsomething good comes of it!
(dear sweetfreaking LORD it took me 3 hours to do this??? I let a 3 hour “wooden sailingship on sea ambience” playing and it’s crazy to see I was done by the end ofthe audio)
The housewas quiet and every step was terrible loud as M-21 run to Frankenstein’s officeand searched around for the files he’d asked for. The man couldn’t help butscoff at his situation, having to leave school in the middle of the day tofetch some paper or another for his boss. In this kind of situation Tao wouldbe more efficient, always coming into the spacious and well organized room toshow things to Frankenstein or talk about his new ideas for the school’ssecurity system, yet somehow M-21 got the task.
“Heprobably just picked the one of us that was closer…”
He keptmuttering while pilling the color coded files and making sure nothing wasmissing before heading out, sure that if he took too long with the easy “mission”he’d have to endure the blond’s witty comments. Joy.
With hismind fully focused on the fastest routes he could take from the house to schoolM-21 had to do a double take of which he saw standing in the middle of the kitchenarea.
“What areyou doing here?”
M-21 frownedand waited for an answer as Raizel slowly turned to face him, still in hisuniform and not showing any urgency in his expression or movements, there was howeversome tension in his shoulders that put M-21 in high alert. He was ready toshower the other with questions when Raizel finally spoken, colder than he everheard before.
“What are you doing here?”
Blinking inconfusion M-21 lifted the pile of papers he still had in hands.
“Frankensteinasked me to get him some files.”
“Of coursehe did.”
Raizel keptwalking slowly around M-21 and the modified human was now looking at the filesFrankenstein wanted. Some accountability info and resumes for new staff,nothing out of the ordinary, so why wasRaizel acting so strangely about it?
Years oftraining and (not so healthy) paranoia made sure he wouldn’t fully take his focusfrom the other person in the room, even while puzzled about what was going on,so M-21 wasn’t surprised when he felt Raizel right behind him, stepping a bittoo close to comfort before whispering right next to his ear.
“Sometimeshe has to get creative to get rid of you.”
That madehim jump, put a good distance between himself and Raizel, the man was as calmand composed as always but his red eyes where ice cold and his words wheresharp. M-21 lifted the bundle of papers in front of himself, the stupid thingwouldn’t be of any use as a shield if the noblesse decided to go against him, nothing could shield someone from thenoblesse, but those where the things he was asked to fetch, they could besomewhat important to Frankenstein. Raizel wouldn’t destroy something importantfor Frankenstein, right?
“You are ahandful, always getting yourself in trouble and bringing it right back at us.More trouble than you’re worth of.”
Raizelspoke slowly, not even deeming it worth to look at him while saying those words,that worked just fine for M-21 if there was a risk of getting paralyzed by hisred eyes. He just looked bored whiletaking small steps in his direction and M-21 stood as still as possible,letting his eyes run all around the room, asking himself how to get away fromthat one insanely powerful being that seemed to be judging his value and not liking what he was seeing.
“We did so much for you and you keep bringingyour fights to this house.”
Shit. He was getting closer and backing off wouldput him against a wall eventually. Maybe then he could make a run for a door,but that wouldn’t help if Raizel where too close, towering over him and readyto… Whatever the hell he wanted to do with a troublesome unworthy waste of space.
One stepcloser, one step back, M-21 knew he was faster but Raizel was faster, andstronger, and even if he had a fighting chance he’d have to be ready to faceFrankenstein right after. Would Frankenstein be outside, waiting to finish himin case he attempt to run? Had everything been planned just so that they couldget him alone and finish him?
He wasalready dead but Raizel wasn’t done talking.
“How manytimes we fought and bleed because of you? You don’t deserve what we did foryou.”
Thenoblesse jumped and M-21 was sure he was already using his influence because hecouldn’t move, a slap at his hands made all the papers he hold fly to the sideand for a second the fair haired man thought about the mess they were making,how disappointed Frankenstein would be, then there was a hand at his chest andblazing red eyes so close to his own grey ones he could feel the other’sbreathing against his face.
“You don’tdeserve that heart.”
M-21 couldn’tmove, only half catching how Raizel’s face contorted in a ugly smile he neverseen on the other’s face or how he had one of their big kitchen knives in hisother hand, lifted high above their heads. Everything happened in the longestsecond of his life, feeling his muscles tense and discovering he could in factmove, there was no mind control going on, he watched as a dozen black tendrilscame from behind himself and impaled Raizel all over his body, the impact throwinghim backward while he did his best to pull and stab his target before goingdown.
A hand grabbedthe back of M-21’s suit and pulled him from the other’s hold, letting him watchthe knife go past dangerously close to his face as the other missed and wasshoved back.
“Coming tomy house and using my master’s face, so disrespectful.”
Frankensteinlet go of M-21 and stepped around him, letting the impostor free from DarkSpear long enough to get up and face him properly. The once wearing Raizel’sface was laughing in a hysterical way, then talking in a voice that didn’tmatch the face.
“How couldyou hit this beautiful face of mine? Never mind, I’ll pardon you if you let metake what I came to collect.”
Theimpostor still had the knife and didn’t seem to care for the many poisonousblack injuries he now had, the idiot probably had never been fully briefed onwhat he’d face in this place or he was crazy enough to think he had a fightingchance against Frankenstein. M-21 honestly didn’t care whichever was theanswer, the fucker made a mess of thefiles he had to take to school.
Frankensteinalmost didn’t get a chance to rile the guy, maybe he wasn’t in the mood withthe other using his master’s face, or he was that easy of an adversary. Therewas some damage done to the room, black holes in the walls and broken glass butat least Dark Spear had been especially neat on its consumption of an enemy.
A sideglance to the nearest clock showed M-21 that if they were quick with thecleanup they could make it back to school before the end of the work day.
“This isinfuriating.”
Or not, if Frankenstein felt like fuming and passingaround the room. He’d probably push the cleaning at him at this rate. M-21 tooka deep breath and turned to collect the papers and file cases messily pilled atthe floor, he didn’t know enough of each of them to properly put them backtogether, but pilling it all at the coffee table seemed better than lettingthen in the floor.
Turningaround he saw how Frankenstein had stopped and was looking seriously at him. Itfelt like an awful déjà vu.
“My files.Of course. Thank you, M-21.”
The mantook a few large steps to the table and M-21 hold himself in place, refusing toflinch at his sudden move, looking at anywhere but the blond. Frankensteinlooked through the pile for a few seconds before heavily sighing and looking straightto M-21.
“I’m sorryI took so long. As soon as we got the alert there was an intruder in the houseTao and Takeo where ready to come, but I choose to let then taking care of theschool. I was the reason you werehere alone, after all.”
Frankensteinwas kind enough to turn away, taking his time to look at his messy living roomand let M-21 recompose himself. Everything felt like  a strange dream, suddenly he’s taking care ofa simples errand and then Not Raizel is running at him with a knife.
M-21 sitdown on the couch. Frankenstein gave him a quick but pleased look.
“Oh, finally. I was about to shove you at achair. You’ll have to tell me what that guy told you.”
“Hm.Nothing interesting.”
“I’m in themood to hear some bullshit. Amuse me.”
Frankensteinpicks up his cellphone on the third ring.
“Boss! What’shappening? Dark Spear fried the living room’s cameras and I’m blind over here!”
Tao hadbeen biting at his nails since Frankenstein left him and Takeo to guard theschool, watching the house’s security system feed where M-21 was being corneredby Raizel-nim’s Evil Twin while Takeo collected Seira, Regis and the realRaizel to make them aware of what was going on in their house.
Everyonearrived at the principal’s office right when Creepy Not-Raizel was about tostab M-21, then Dark Spear was all over the place and the system went down.Seira had to grab Regis by the back of his collar when he tried to bolt to thedoor. Tao and Takeo felt just like him, and they knew Seira and Raizel did too,but they couldn’t suddenly leave at any given second and it was Frankenstein dealing with whateverwas going on at their house.
The nextlogic conclusion (after a good minute or so of arguing and convincing themselvesthere was no need to run and M-21) was to try and call Frankenstein’scellphone.
“It’s atragedy…”
Frankensteinnever sounded so desolated, evenRaizel eyes were a little wider than before. Everyone held their breaths andTao felt how weak his voice was in his next words.
“B-Boss? IsM-21-”
“The wallswe just painted are a mess. The paint Miss Seira chose so carefully… And it wasexpensive, too. M-21 agrees with me, he also liked that color.”
Raizelaverted his eyes while everyone else traded looks that communicated clearly “Frankensteinis truly a monster!”
“Ahjussi!We heard you fought a burglar yesterday!”
M-21 wassurrounded by the kids, their worried faces with big shinny eyes made himnervous. He threw a side glance at Tao, who smiled and blew him a kiss from faraway. Bastard.
“Shouldn’tyou be resting today? Tao-hyung told us it was a pretty intense fight! Are youall right?”
“Uhg… I’mfine.”
“D-Don’tlie to spare our feeling, ahjussi! We care about you! We wouldn’t know what todo if something happened to you…”
M-21 pattedYuna’s head in an attempt to comfort her. He didn’t know what to do with abunch of kids worried about him, much less with one of them looking ready to cry.
“I’m fine.Director Lee helped.”
The fourkids turned to look at their director crowded by students, smiling and wavingfriendly at them. Suyi was the first one to turn back to M-21, a curiousexpression in her face.
“What didhe do? Smiled so brightly the burglar was blinded and you were able to subduehim?”
The threeother kids turned all to Suyi and after a second of consideration all fo themagreed that was obviously what happened. M-21 used their distraction to runaway retreat.
[Notes: mygreat regret is that I didn’t just straight up wrote “M-21 is shook” or justmade him say “I’M SHOOK” but M-21 IS SHOOK, OK? Frankenstein is father of theyear, he felt really bad for accidentally sending M-21 to face that disrespectfulguy who stole master’s beautiful face!!! Oh yeah, the guy didn’t had any mental power to paralyze M-21, he was just panicked enoughabout FRICKING “NOBLESSE” WANTING TO KILL HIM to feel like he was in fact paralyzed,just wanted to point this more clearly here.
Also, sorryfor changing some events, only now I’m thinking about “what if the bullyingwent on for DAYS before someone figured everything out?” that is…. A greatidea!!!! But how to work with it????? To tell the truth, now that I think aboutthat guy using Raizel’s face on the house…. What… What the f are you doing thereat that time? Omg lol let me sit here and point all the plot holes in my ownfic! Idk maybe he had a way to track M-21 and saw he was moving to be alone atthe house, that makes sense! (maybe?)
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