#i'm like my man my dude you need to leave your company <3
blue-jisungs · 2 months
author's note. first of all thank u @kyrjnie for helping me out w the idea fot this one!!! its kinda ironic how it was one of the fics i had a plan for but it ended up being the last one lmaooo and also @eternalgyuuu w the banner<3 BUT my dudes its the last fic of the 2 year event!! thank u for sticking around - both around me and the event hehe - i'm very grateful <3 i hope you more or less enjoyed it!!!
summary. when a stranger keeps you company
warnings. its said that there was a creepy man following yn:(
word count. 1339
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seungcheol has a good heart. 
no matter how scary may he look or how tough may he act, deep down he always has and will have a pure heart. 
he never considered it a flaw. not even now, that he is way too far from the stop where he was supposed to get off. in the middle of the week, at almost 1am. 
but he can’t leave you alone, can he? 
it’s not like he knows you… but on his way home at this late hour, he listened to music and just drifted away. the subway was gradually emptying, not many people going as far as him. 
but there was this one girl, who must have entered before him – you were already here, dozed off, when he took the subway. 
he glanced at you, subconsciously smiling at how cute you are. that was another thing about seungcheol – he was so pure. upon seeing an adorable thing, person or anything else, he’d always smile and adore it. 
and today it just happened to be you. he liked to think about others – one would call it being nosy but he genuinely cared about people, even strangers. 
so when he was about to approach his stop and leave, he furrowed his brows. there was this one man at the end of the subway car, eyeing you from time to time. 
and seungcheol despite glaring at him and having an overall intimidating aura (especially with the freshly dyed red hair) didn’t manage to scare him off. he just had a bad feeling and decided to wait for you to wake up. 
the creep must have been either stupid or stupidly stubborn since he just shrugged and relaxed in his seat. 
which is why now seungcheol is 13 stops away from his house and at the end of the line. 
the subway halted, announcing it’s the last stop. 
he sighed and stood up, observing with a corner of his eye how the stranger left the car. 
seungcheol stretched and sat next to you, hearing a muffled sound of a studio ghibli soundtrack playing in your earphones. he tapped your shoulder gently, observing your reaction.
you seemed to gradually wake up – scrunching your nose, stretching, opening an eye open, fighting a yawn and then finally, a sleepy gaze meeting his. 
your eyes widened upon seeing an unfamiliar man this close to you and he immediately moved a bit further.
“sorry to wake you up, it’s just… it’s the last stop” he smiled and you noticed his cute dimples. nodding, you grabbed your purse and blinked slowly. 
“um, thank you. i get off here either way but i really appreciate it” you sent him a warm smile and you two left the subway. 
the weather was a bit stuffy but it was nice to catch some fresh air. you saw the stranger looking at something behind your back. 
“do you get off here too?” you asked hesitantly. 
you take this route everyday at this hour, after work. you should’ve recognized his face if he was a regular too – especially with his handsome face and bright red hair. he shook his head softly. 
“i don’t” he smiled tenderly and his cute, brown eyes moved to need yours “i… there was a weird guy, he’s over there. i couldn’t bring myself to leave you alone. sorry if that made you uncomfortable”
you felt your stomach twist at the thought of some weirdo following you but then… the man in front of you willingly missed his stop to prevent anything from happening.
“what’s, uhm, your name? if i can…” you didn’t finish, shyness taking over you. but the redhead grinned, the cute dimples poking out again. 
“seungcheol. and yours?” he asked, hiding his hands in the pocket of his jean jacket. 
“y/n” you introduced yourself, unable to stop your own lips from forming into a smile – the gesture was too infectious not to do so. “seungcheol, thank you so much. you’re a real gentleman, i thought… there’s no good left in the world. but you proved me wrong
he scoffed, shaking his head. 
“no problem” he grinned and hesitated for a moment, biting down on his plump bottom lip. then he whipped out his phone in a cherry case and checked the time “i still have like…  half an hour before the next ride. and i would sleep way more peacefully if i knew you arrived home safe. can i walk you back?” 
normally, you’d decline. but upon slightly turning around you noticed a weird man glancing at you two. besides, you had a good feeling about seungcheol. maybe you shouldn’t… but there was just something so warm and genuine about him that you agreed. 
with a small nod, you grabbed his arm. turning around, you passed the man. 
“i know we’re strangers but sleeping on the subway doesn’t seem like a safe idea” seungcheol said softly. 
the night was peaceful, stars shining beautifully on the navy sky. a soft gust of wind blew in your face, running through your hair. 
“i don’t usually do this, don’t worry” you scoffed and fixed the bag on your arm. “today was just exhausting and i made the mistake of putting some calm songs” 
he smiled and took a glance over his shoulder. the man was nowhere to be seen. good. 
you had a small talk with him since your walk home usually takes up to 10 minutes. upon arriving at the entrance to the staircase, you slowly let go of his arm. stepping at the stair so you’d be on his eye level, he grinned cutely at the gesture. 
“i really appreciate your gesture, seungcheol. i know i said it like, five times already but… you know” you said shyly, fidgeting with a strap of your bag.
“and as i said: no problem. seriously, y/n” the man nodded and your eyes suddenly widened. 
“wait here a second!” you gasped and entered the code. seungcheol only saw a glimpse of you disappearing in the hallway. 
seungcheol let out a scoff and hid his hands in the pockets of his jacket, suddenly taking a deep breath.
you’re so adorable. 
just when he was about to check the time, the door swung open and you appeared in them again. there was a silver package in your hand, your chest moving up and down irregularly.
“the… stairs…” you breathed out and he laughed, noticing your messy hair. “i almost… tripped…”
shaking your head, you put the item in his calloused hand.
“i made you a quick sandwich. i figured you’re hungry and to even slightly return the favour, you know?” you smiled and tucked your hands in the pocket of your jeans. he smiled sweetly, his heart melting on the spot “it’s, um, lettuce, ham and cheese. nothing crazy, sorry”
“thank you so much. i bet it’ll be delicious” he hummed and silence fell between you two. 
seungcheol bit his bottom lip. 
he had only one shot. he had to be casual.
“um, i was wondering–”
“hey, if you ever–” 
you exchanged surprised looks when your voices merged upon speaking up at the same time. you both laughed, cute wrinkles forming around his eyes. 
“you go first” you insisted.
“if you ever need like… a scary dog privilege or some help, i can give you my number” he said with a boyish smile. the words were said and now… 
“even help with ordering a coffee?” you asked. seungcheol caught the hidden meaning and just nodded. 
“of course” he said and you exchanged numbers, moonlight shining on his handsome face. 
“and um, text me when you get home. i wanna know if my guard arrived safely too” you hummed, wrapping your arms around your torso. seungcheol saluted and slowly began to walk away back to the station. 
you stood there until he disappeared from your sight and he turned around like, 3 times. 
with heart thumping in your chest and a foolish smile on his face, cheol was glad he took that one shot.
main masterlist | event masterlist
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu
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inthelittlewood · 1 year
Just wanted to thank you really quickly.
I was raised in a very “men aren’t meant to be emotional” type household. I’ve been watching you for awhile, and especially today seeing a man be able to cry on camera and talk about dark periods in life and going to therapy and such… i dunno. it means a lot to me
No worries dude! No need to thank me. It's how we all should operate (or feel comfortable enough to do so) in an ideal world tbh.
I've always prided myself on being transparent with my audience and those around me irl.
I've learned over the years to not second guess myself when it comes to honesty. I've had friends come to me for advice and I'll give it to them straight, worded compassionately, but truthful.
Same for business too, I've had run ins with marketing teams, sponsors and production companies where instead of saying "I'm fine" at the time then avoiding working with them in the future, I'll actually be up front about what went wrong. Surprisingly, they've almost always come back with an understanding ear, fixed those issues and its meant I felt happy to work with them again.
Authenticity is something you'll hear people preach about and it always sounds like a buzzword, but it genuinely is the best vehicle towards happiness. It relieves you of future thoughts of "what if" or "oh god, why did I do that" - you can leave every encounter knowing you put your best foot forward at the time. No regrets to be had.
Keep being real and wearing your heart on your sleeve!! <3
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thepixelelf · 4 months
do u know nct?? if so, jung jaehyun and cupid au?!!! if not then au where wonwoo is a regular dude and also the subject of a Prophecy against his best wishes? idk i hope these are fun!!!
I genuinely don't think I could characterize jung jaehyun if I tried... but I can do reluctant Normal Guy wonwoo!! I hope you like it :]
[mr chosen one] It's been three weeks and six days since Wonwoo met the most annoying person in the world. Three weeks and six days since Wonwoo's been able to relax. Three weeks and six days of your constant pestering.
You call yourself the oracle. Whatever the hell that means.
All Wonwoo knows is that you showed up at his workplace out of nowhere as the "social media manager". Why would a company that sells Tupperware need a social media manager? Wonwoo still doesn't know. He's pretty sure you just wormed your way in to complete your life's mission-- annoying the shit out of him.
The first day, you'd leaned into his cubicle and whispered, "Hey. You're Jeon Wonwoo, right?"
And when he hesitantly nodded, wondering how the hell you already knew his name since he was one hundred percent sure he'd have nothing to do with the company's social media, you beamed.
Smiled so bright he thought he might go blind, and said, "I knew I'd find you."
Ever since that first day, you've been telling him over and over again how he's supposed to save the world.
Step number 1: find the king -- whoever that is -- in the heart of the fire.
You haven't told him who the hell "the king" is because apparently, you don't even know. And the whole "heart of the fire" thing is fuzzy to you as well, even though you're the one who said that out loud in the first place.
Step number 2: behead the king.
Yeah. Sure.
"And where am I supposed to get the sword for that?" he asked you nonchalantly a week into your nonsense, his eyes not leaving the spreadsheet he was working on. "Amazon?"
You just shrugged. "You can get anything on Amazon."
Step number 3: bear the crown under the weight of stars.
Whatever that means.
"You can't just say no," you asserted two weeks in. "This is your fate."
"I'm good, thanks." Wonwoo poured himself a mediocre black coffee in the break room, where he'd gone in the hopes of avoiding you. He didn't offer you any.
You crossed your arms. "The world is at stake."
"If the whole world is about to explode, I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong guy."
Almost four weeks of this weirdness, and maybe Wonwoo should've gone to HR by now, but it sounds a little trivial, even to him.
Hey, HR, my coworker keeps telling me I'm part of a world-saving prophecy and is convinced I need to go on a journey. I want either for them to be fired, or a couple weeks off so I can go save the world. Thanks.
Yeah, no. Instead, Wonwoo just braces himself for another day of your pestering.
...Which doesn't happen.
At the halfway point of the first peaceful lunch break Wonwoo's had in weeks, he realizes he hasn't even caught a glimpse of you all morning. He revels in that feeling for a bit, almost embarrassingly gleeful to sit in silence and eat his cup-a-noodles.
Then the afternoon goes by, and you've still yet to meet your annoyance quota for the day.
Wonwoo is happy. Yes. This is good news.
You've finally gotten over your delusions, and he won't have to deal with you anymore.
He's poking his head in Seungkwan's cubicle before he realizes he's doing it.
"Oh, them?" Seungkwan says when Wonwoo asks about you. "They left. They told big boss man we had no reason to employ a social media manager in the first place and got themselves transferred to a sister company."
Wonwoo blinks. "What?"
"Shouldn't you already know? You guys were hanging out like every day."
After that, Wonwoo walks back to his desk in silence. Awkward silence.
Why doesn't he like the silence?
When he sits down, there's a yellow sticky note on his keyboard, which he swears wasn't there when he left.
He wouldn't recognize your handwriting, but he knows it has to be yours.
Fine. I'll behead the king myself.
Wonwoo pinches the note between his fingers, and he remembers the conversation he had with you just the day before.
"It sounds dangerous," he said, focusing on the photocopier in front of him.
"Oh, it will be." You were leaned against the doorjamb. Always close by. "You'll be dodging death at every curve in the road."
"Delightful. I think I'll sit this one out."
The note gets crumpled in Wonwoo's fist. He grabs his coat and takes swift steps toward the elevators.
"Where are you going?" Seungkwan calls out when he sees Wonwoo practically run past his cubicle.
Wonwoo presses the down button before he rethinks and moves to the doors to the stairwell. He yells back, "I have no idea!"
He really doesn't.
But you said all that stuff about fate-- if it's really meant to be him that saves the world...
His footsteps, in whichever direction, will take him to you. Through fate or whatever.
At least, he really, really hopes so.
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systlin · 2 years
how does one get a job telling people they can't come into a building? is there something i need to put on my resume (very contrary, good at sitting, etc) to make hiring managers find me more appealing for the role?
So my actual day job is as a security officer; I'm the supervisor for my shift.
Telling people to go away has been an integral career skill for me. Telling angry people who are screaming to leave and not come back is a job skill. The best part of my job is that it is an express part of my job to NOT BE NICE TO RUDE ASSHOLES.
Now, tbh being a contrary asshole won't make you automatically good at the job. You still have to get along with your co workers, the clients at the site you work, ect. And for access control, a good deal of it is perfectly innocuous service providers or deliveries who have all the proper permissions and training and you just make polite small talk with them as you contact their site contact and direct them back to wherever they're going.
When I applied for the job....fuck, was it 8 years ago? No, fuck, 9...when I applied for the job nine years back, the things I put on my application that caught the hiring manager's eyes were
Customer Service skills
Willing to work nights and weekends (we don't get weekends or holidays off; sites are usually manned 24/7/365. Schedules vary, but I work 12 hour shifts and that works out to 3 days on/3 off, 4 days on/4 off. I do often work holidays. Holiday pay is higher.
Multitasking skills
Can keep calm in chaotic situations
Not easily intimidated
Basic computer skills. This last one is huge. You would be amazed how many people I've had to coach step by step through saving a word document during training.
MOST of the time, I am perfectly nice and pleasant. I've received regular commendations and bonuses from the security companies I've worked for because so many people comment on how nice and helpful the security lady was. Most people who show up at sites have a job to do there and want to do it and get paid, same as me.
HOWEVER, despite that at least weekly I deal with an asshole. My shift lets me. My boss jokes that it's like rolling a pumpkin full of ground beef into a lion enclosure. Best part of my job. I once worked retail, and telling asshole dudes to get off company property before I have them removed and/or banned from every other location of the huge multinational company I am stationed at is SO excellent.
Now. The important thing to remember as well about security is that yes, a lot of it is sitting for hours watching cameras or doing rounds through the same place over and over. It can be monotonous and boring.
HOWEVER, then sometimes you get a call like "PLEASE SEND HELP THE ENGINE IS ON FIRE" from a driver getting loaded in the plant. The plant which is filled with explody shit and human lives. This happened last Thursday. That, friend, is where I earn my pay.
I did my job. Sounded alarm, notified fire team, locked down the plant to keep anyone else out, ran accountability to make sure everyone in the plant had checked into shelter areas, all that stuff. Fire was out in 5 minutes. But you have to be able to not panic in that moment when you get that call, because otherwise everything can go to shit VERY fast.
So. Hope this helps!
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i-cant-sing · 9 months
So basically some random dude called me, he doesn't know me or has even seen me or even knows my name, and idk him either. He claims that he was randomly dialing a phone number and dialed mine because he wants to be friends (friends here means dating). I already know this is completely BS so I hung up on him, but after a few more calls from him, I decided to humor him.
So I gave him a fake name and a fake age and a fake career and like I'm telling this man that I am lying for most part and he's like "but why???🥺 I've been nothing but honest to you" and I'm like boy idk u and I don't wanna know u and I don't even trust u or ever will wanna be in a relationship with you. Cause I took a brief interview and he told me that he's 28 (but he sounds like he's 32, maybe 35), his highest level of education is 12 grade and he's working as a "programmer" at a small company (I think it's a clerk job because he calls me during his tea breaks, and then in the evening).
Anyways, he's like "come on, just give me a chance. What's the worst that could happen???" And I'm like no. And somehow the convo went from him trying pursue me to me telling him to go pray to the Lord (like real religious stuff) for help with his career (because I told him that I can't settle for a man who's not smart enough, pr rich enough or handsome enough) and then it went to me telling him to read some of my favourite novels.
Yall won't believe me when I tell u that this man researched fav book (after he figured it out that i took my fake name from that book) and he's proceeded to tell me the whole summary??? And like we've talking for the past 3 days? And everh single time, he asks "do I have a chance with you?" And I give a resounding NO. But I don't stop there, no no. He asked me reason for rejection and I GAVE HIM A WHOLE ASS LIST THAT WAS BORDERLINE MEAN LIKE-
You're wayyyy less educated. I bet you're not even street smart.
You're poor.
We are not in the same city.
You're not handsome (he said he was 6 ft tall, athletic build because he wakes up to run at 5 every morning, and he said his complexion was darkish)
Told him he must have something wrong with him, either the way he talks or looks or treats other woman that no woman in real life wants to be "friends" with him.
My parents would never approve, neither would my "8 brothers", my unckes would kill him.
You get the gist, right???
But he did not give up. He's like calling me up and asking "so what did you do today? What's your fav food? Hobbies?" And I'm like sir we are not at all compatible. I even went as far to tell him "I have a very bad temper. I am very high maintenance. I don't dress modestly. I dont cook. I have a lot of male friends, etc etc" things that were lies and would piss off most people.
But he's like "and???? I'll bear your wrath. I'll maintain you."
And I'm like???? What is he upto?
Anyways, everytime he'd ask me if I'd give him a chance, I'd tell him we are absolutely not compatible, especially because of his lack of education and he's like "so a man needs to be highly educated to date you? Why? Just because you're a doctor, does that mean only doctors can date doctors??" And I said, idk about others but that's my preference. And you know what he said??
"You should've been a butcher instead of a doctor, because you're really good at butchering up my heart🥺" HAHAHAHAHHAHA WHAT IS THIS GUY???
Girl I even pretended to be mad at him at the end of day 2 call, even though I was laughing at his jokes the whole time. Like I pretended to be mad at some of the jokes he made at my expense, just so that he'd leave me alone. I TOLD HIM TO NOT CALL ME BECAUSE I WONT PICK UP and as I was hanging up, he BEGGING and saying he was sorry, that he doesn't know what exactly he said was wrong but he's sorry.
I hang up, he calls a 2 more times before stopping. And I'm like " 👍 great, that's finished."
And the next day, he called me in the afternoon, but I was dead asleep. Then he called me again today in the morning, during his tea break and I picked up for the hell of it, and he started off apologising again and I pretended to just sigh and told him to just drop it.
And he's like "Okay... so how are you? What are you doing? Oh you just finished up with a patient? Oh, so what did you think about me?" And I said "I don't think about you. And I never will. You have a better chance with someone else than with me." And he's like "but I want you. You're sweet and kind and you speak in a gentle tone-" and I'm like THIS IS NOT A GENTLE TONE???
And anyways, he was like so did you eat? I told him no, I haven't ate since yesterday (which is true because I was sleeping non stop after class) and he's like "Oh no! Please do eat, how can u treat patients if you don't eat???" And I'm like alright, I need to go cause I have a surgery to watch (I did not, I am at home). And he said okay, make sure u eat something before u drop dead.
And then he called me again in the afternoon and he was like "so what up? How are u? What are u doing?" And I said I'm at work,have a massive headache and I'm studying (which I actually was) and he's like "BROO???? YOU STILL HAVENT EATEN??? WHY?" and I'm like (get in character) "cause I'm at work. Hospital food is nasty." And he's like "then order something???" And I'm like "No, I can't leave my ward to go fetch food." And he's like "Well it's not like u have told me where you work or live or what city you are in, otherwise I would've delivered some food to you!" And I'm like "really? You would've delivered food to me during your work?" And he's like "I WOULDVE FED YOU WITH MY HANDS!" anyways the convo was short because I needed to actually study so I said bye, but not before him telling me to please eat something.
Anyways, couple of hours later, he calls me again and is like "Hey, you free? I'm gonna get off work soon." And I was like yeah, and we started talking again and the convi revolved mostly around him trying to make me reveal some stuff about myself, I told him no. He's like "that's not fair. I tell u everything true about me." I said that's your choice, idk u. And he was like "u home yet? Did u eat something?" And i was like yeah, i had a cup of coffee at work, now im studyung again and he like loses his mond more "WHY HAVENT YOU EATEN? YOU WILL DIE?" and im like no, im too tired to eat and hes like "is it because youre at mad at me? Or at soemone else? Cause why else would u be skipping meals? Did someone say somwthing to you?" And i was like "no. I do have bad temper though, so if you were to piss me off, i would turn quiet and not talk to you for days" AND GUESS WHAT HE SAID????
"No, not the silent treatment. You can argue, you can yell at me, anything, just don't stop talking." And I'm like DUDEE???????
And then suddenly i remembered I should make him reveal how he got my number because it certainly can't be a coincidence THAT SOMEONE ELSE BEFORE HIM ALSO DIALED MY NUMBER (he was looking for another girl he was stalking but did not belive me when I said I'm not her. Maybe he did, but then he said okay then who are u cause I like u too. I blocked him lol). And I was like, he's gonna keep up with initial lie "i randomly dialed ur number" so I was like I'm gonna ask where he is from, like what city. And he was like "I'm not telling u because u don't tell me where u are from. So its not fair." Which is true but I needed him to answer. So I was like "Alright well, I gotta go." in a dismissive tone which he picked up on. Cause the next second he went on "Hey, hey. Are you mad at me? Look, I'm sorry. But just- please eat something. I gotta get back to work. You'll eat something right?"
And I said "ill eat when u tell me where you live."(like the city, not the whole address)
And he's like "aw come on, don't do that. That's blackmail-"
Me: "Okay, well goodbye."
Him: "no! NO GOOD BYE- I promise I'll tell u everything IF YOU promise to eat and tell me where you're from."
Me: I'm not gonna tell u where I'm from
Him: is that fair?
Me: no. You're right, it's not fair. So, you should go look for someone who will be fair with you. Bye.
Him: wait, wait- don't hang up!
I hang up. He calls again, I don't pick up. The second time he calls, I pick up (cause I'm putting him on the spot and he needs to break under pressure)
Me: yes?
Him: look, I promise I'll tell u everything on the next call if you promise to eat now.
Me: ill eat after u tell me.
Him: look, you're punishing me but this is harming you too! You should eat something. You haven't had anything since morning-
Me: okay, I have to get back to studying. You go back to your important work. Bye.
I hang up again. He calls, i pick up.
Me: yes?
Him: stop hanging up on me! Just- just promise that you'll eat something. I swear I'll tell u everything, all of your questions. I don't wanna lie to you.
Me: tell me now. And don't lie, God is watching.
Him: I know God is watching. But I tell you later-
Me: okay, you need to go back to your work-
Me: then answer my question.
Him: girl just listen to me-
Me: goodbye then. I actually need to study and pray. Have fun at work.
I hang up.
Now he's gonna call again when he returns from work. Now what do u guys think is going on with this Wattpad character? Is he trying to scam me out of money?
Also, just to be clear before anyone of u cause me of leading him on, I specifically told him and tell him on every call that him and I are never gonna happen and that he should stop wasting his time. He's the one who always calls.
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landwriter · 1 year
Are you doing the Spotify wrapped thing as well? If so, could I ask for the Nr. 4? If not, just ignore this, it's just that I have resigned myself to appear as the greedy being I apparently am and figured I'd just ask.
greedy beings unite <3
this is the incredible, perfect, flawless Hot Knife by Fiona Apple. i would write a meta/personal history on it
originally i was going to sort of throw up my hands and say it's just oaths - it is so incredibly oaths: two people who are very much a bit unhinged by one another, both hot knife and butter at once, hearts made cinemascopes etc.
BUT - butter, okay, hot knives, ok, perhaps - Hob is a scruffy professional baker who owns a little patisserie and Dream is a miserable IP lawyer at his family's law firm, which is incidentally located only two blocks away on the other side of a small city park.
Perhaps - one day a harried Matthew bursts in to Hob's bakery and says, since it's empty, and he has a flair of the dramatic, "I need all of your croissants for my lawyers." The caterer hadn't shown up and Matthew had actually been jogging down the street in his dress shoes and panicking when he saw Hob's storefront. The meeting starts in ten minutes.
"How many?" asks Hob.
"Lawyers, or croissants?"
And so Matthew leaves three minutes later with two dozen croissants, muffins, and a couple palmiers for good measure, as well as a sympathetic grin. When Dream, who is hanging on by, and I cannot stress this enough, an absolute thread, absent-mindedly shoves a blueberry muffin in his mouth, he pulls out his phone right in the prep meeting and texts Matthew at his desk: Who made these
Matthew writes a very hot dude who had flour on his face and then decides he likes his job, actually, and texts Dream the name and address of Hob's shop.
Dream means to go, but work comes first, and he keeps finishing long after they're closed. One day he finishes so late it's actually close to the bakery's opening hours, so, exhausted, he decides to show up.
Hob normally wouldn't answer the door except anyone who can knock loud enough to be heard over his music is probably the cops or the fire department - which is enough to get him out of the kitchen, and then when he sees Dream, he decides to open up anyways. He can tell this man isn't up early at 6 AM, he's up late, Hob knows the look - and also, well, he's beautiful, so he unlocks the door while Exodus' Toxic Waltz is blaring from the back, is halfway through apologizing for the mess and music (Why is apologizing? He's not even open yet.)
Dream blinks once, slowly, and when he opens his eyes again he understands he's fallen in love. He puts this knowledge aside for the moment, and stiffly offers his hand to shake (Oh, shit, sorry, yeah, let me just - oh god I've gotten flour on your suit) and introduces himself. "Do you have any more blueberry muffins?"
Hob, even though he has a thousand other things to do, for some reason hears himself saying, "For sure, yeah. I mean. Not right now. But I could. If you want to come in and sit?" and then mortifyingly continuing to say, "I have a coffee machine - I mean, I don't use it, but I have it, I'm pretty sure it works - do you want a coffee, are you going for the full 24 hours thing, or if not, I do also have a shitty couch in the office, you can nap?"
Then he realizes he needs to let go Dream's hand.
And so begins our love story, in the liminal hours between night and day, when Hob wakes up early to bake and Dream finishes work late. They make a routine of it, and although Hob is a little freaked out by Dream's apparently work-life balance and sleeping schedule, he doesn't mind the company, doesn't mind it either when Dream just shuffles to his back room and curls up on his sofa, because at least he's sleeping sometime.
They both try and impress the other - Dream by requesting increasingly obscure confectionery, Hob by nonchalantly making it perfectly. (He thinks he's found the culinary history book Dream is using and is staying one recipe ahead, in secret.) They both challenge each other and get under each other's skin, and think about the other person far, far, too much than appropriate. I think this one would be mostly sweet (ha) but with some proper actual We Can't Be Together Because of X or Y obstacles. I think this is the sort of story where they actually have a huge blowout argument in the second act about, like, the protestant work ethic, because they might be nursing massive crushes, but they also both are nursing massive proprietary feelings as a result, and have very different values surrounding work and hedonism and a life well-lived etc. Do they work it out! I think so! I don't think they can stay apart! And every chapter would be titled after a thematic baked good.
(p.s. alternative song mood for this fic: The National's Fake Empire) (p.p.s. i do imagine dream in this as one of those lawyers who makes buckets of money and drops a LOT of it on his version of therapy, which is gradual progress on like, an entire gorgeous tattoo bodypiece, some gorgeous hyper surreal cosmology thing, and i do think hob accidentally walks into a post one day when he glances into a tattoo shop where dream happens to be having his monthly session)
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deadweight-at7am · 4 months
Soooo it's looking like I maybe should move on at my job. I've been here 5 years and I'm starting to really feel resentment and feel used. I've proven myself more than capable in every area but they refuse to give me a manager salary and treat me like I'm nobody.
Some higher level decisions have negatively affected me and I'm pretty much over the idea of having to take the brunt of someone else's poor decision making skills. A team member left in January and they didn't replace her. Instead the decision was to let a person who was doing part of the job she did, do the entire thing. He took on that work and is now a one-man show. I think he actually likes it this way. Either way, whether he loves it or loathes it, my bosses decided without ASKING ME that the person who is covering for him when he's out is me. Why? Oh, looks like I'm the only competent person who has been cross-trained and does the job without a mountain of errors. We don't work in the same department. I just happen to know how to do his job. My job is completely separate to his and on a daily basis we do DIFFERENT WORK. He's not in my department, he's not trained on my job, etc.
I put in for PTO for 3 days during my kids' Spring Break last Friday along with a request for July. Spring Break is the end of March. I'm putting in for it a month in advance. I also put in for my vacation at the beach. I got a call from my boss saying "your request for July is fine but there is going to be a problem with March". I immediately started to get angry. She tells me that Dude took off for an entire week at the end of March, his PTO overlaps and they can't do both. I literally waited a good 5 seconds to reply and said "what does his PTO have to do with me? He's not in my department." She then starts stumbling over her words to explain how it somehow is MY problem and I said "Boss, this has never been an issue in the past." She's like "yeah this is an issue now though because Team Mate left." I am staring at my phone screen with this look of pure disgust because I know she's trying to brow beat me into backing down and saying I'm not going to take those days off. So, I tell her really matter-of-factly "well this is why I told everyone we needed to be included in conversations in people's PTO if I'm expected to cover for them and I never was, so I'm going out of town. It's not going to be possible for me to cancel this vacation." She gets really defensive and says something STUPID about how "we don't announce the entire company's PTO requests" and I cut her off and said "I never once said that I needed to know EVERYONE'S requests, I said I needed to be included in any that INVOLVE ME". She gets silent and goes "Well, I mean, if you can't cancel plans we'll need to work out a coverage schedule" and I just sat there like "yeah, guess you do, don't you?" I don't know why she didn't expect me to stand on business, because that's who I am. I'm not going to be intimidated into not taking deserved vacation time because they decided, without consulting me, that I am the fill-in for Dude. I have done it in the past, but did not agree to anything like this since his team mate left. I even said one day "that's not tenable because we need two people for coverage when someone leaves on vacation".
We have a meeting at 11am which will be VERY interesting, I'm sure. Can't wait to hear some drivel about "updated PTO request guidelines" that were borne of this very stupid situation.
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cebwrites · 2 years
hey! i'm a gnc trans gay dude who uses she/her and recently ive been feeling kinda insecure about it like im faking or something 💔 also im tired of pretending fem she/her reader is about me. can i get hcs/scenarios of law, zoro, yamato, and one other character of your choice bragging about their gnc pronoun nonconforming boyfriend? only if you're comfortable ofc
dw pronoun anon we champion gnc transmasc solidarity in this house, fuck yeah expression doesn’t equal gender 🤝🤝 admittedly i've never used neos or interacted with anyone who does before so here's my preemptive apologies if i mess up ;0;
oh also i changed the limit of characters from 4 to 3 a while ago, just updating for anyone who isn't aware! :] love this all trans lineup tho 🤭
bragging about their boyfriend who doesn't use he/him pronouns (Law, Zoro, Yamato)
he/they law, trans zoro  reader’s pronouns: they/them, she/her, it/it's, ey/em/eir, ve/vis word count: 0.6k
Being a he/they bitch himself, there’s no way in hell that Law would ever question your pronoun usage and anyone who does is getting their head swapped with their ass
He’s hardly the braggy type though, mostly leaving that to the chorus of his crew to pick on if you ever needed some extra support - of course, not a single one of them would bat an eye at it, either
They do, however, make a concerted effort to use your chosen pronouns more when Law gets a hint that you’re feeling out of it
“Tell ey to bring these to my office later,”
“It’s their turn on dish duty today, don’t let them out of it,”
“This is eirs, right? Toss it in the wash,”
All just slightly within earshot and casual conversation - once the captain starts, the rest of the crew is sure to follow, too
They don’t mean to be obvious, but the moment the Heart Boys (genderless) are tipped off that you aren’t feeling too hot, you’ll also be accosted here and there throughout your slump to conveniently do all the things you loved or at least enjoyed in their company 
Even your partner themself is a little bit more cuddly in private during that crummy self-doubt day or week, not that he’d ever mention it, but that’s neither here nor there
Zoro’s a bit (a lot) confused as far as neo pronouns go, but he’s got the spirit 
He’s as transmasc as the next feral swordsman you’d find on the Grand Line, but pronouns have never really been a thing that he’s had to put too much thought into (in Zoro’s mossy brain: he/him is typically used for guys, so he’ll use he/him because he’s a guy, easy)
Zoro knows that’s not the case for you, though, so he’ll make adjustments to his vernacular accordingly
He slips up every now and again grammar-wise, using the wrong subject and possessive forms here and there, but it’s nothing that a quick correction can’t fix - he’s always at least a little guiltily pouty too, so you can’t really stay mad at him, honestly
Bragging, though, is an artform that Zoro is clearly familiar with
“In your dreams, Swirly, I’m clearly going to win because ve has my back!” (”Oh? So it’s not your own power then, Mossy?” //insert loud queer squabbling)
“Hmph, its MY boyfriend and it could kick your asses any day!”
“Doesn’t matter, this is vis and cause we’re dating I get half a dibs, ve’s a lot cooler than you all anyway,” (”That’s really not how that works, Zoro”)
A lot of these brags have to do with your power, forgive him, Zoro’s a very simple man-
There’s a very minor learning curve that some of the other Strawhats have to adapt to, too, but again it’s no real issue after the first week or so
Yams is your BIGGEST cheerleader, he’ll bulldoze ignorant assholes out of the way for you and howl about how great you are and how much he loves you from the highest rooftop without even asking
He’s 100% supportive of your decisions and won’t stand for anyone who doesn’t (if you don’t want to cause a scene you may have a little trouble holding him back or have to discuss it with him beforehand because Yamato absolutely will call someone out on their bullshit when he sees it)
Sometimes you even get a little flustered or overwhelmed with the intensity and vigor that he supports you (very much the ’guns blazing’ type) but it’s all with an endearing air and the knowledge that Yamato only wants your best interest at heart
“Have you met her? She’s my boyfriend!”
“My boyfriend’s so handsome today, isn’t she handsome everyone?? <3″
“I love my she/her boyfriend!!! She’s so fucking HOT!!” [yelled from the tallest building in the Flower Capital]
Yamato is so embarrassing and openly affectionate the Akazaya are sick and tired of him, someone PLEASE leash this puppy and take him home, preferably away from them
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vannahmontannah · 2 months
Tell Me...
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Coryxkenshin is Cory Williams Lyric is Sza Tahjay is JT Des is Desmond (RDC) Mark is Mark (RDC) Dean is Berlin (Berleezy)
(this is copied from Wattpad and the edited version is in my google docs lol sorry for any small typos)
I was wasting away at the edge of my bed with my controller in my hand. I had stayed up all night editing that I did not have the energy for work. I was trying to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I have a 7 to 3:30 today and it's going to freaking kill me. Im running on three hours of sleep right now. Freak..
I roll out of bed to get dressed. Today was going to be so hectic. This is around the time people shopping for Christmas early. Ugh! I can't wait til blow up on YouTube soon...it's my dream.
I live alone with my dog Samson that was gifted to me by myself of course! Got him last year when I reached 5k subs. A dog is a man's best friend. I dread the morning getting ready as it's the most laziest I am at times. I just wanna stay home and edit for real. Screw this work stuff. I live in a duplex so my rent isn't as high but it's up there. I like it though..it's nice. The downstairs is my living room, dining room and kitchen. The upstairs is my room, the laundry, and the bathroom. I have another bathroom downstairs too which is good for company.
I took Samson out for a walk so he can do his business before I go to work. He's getting so big!
"Ight, man. I'll be back soon, okay?"
He barked as I waved good bye-well, see you later. He's a chill dog so I let him stay out. I hop in my black Ford and on the way to work I go.
As I'm in the car, I turn on Tell Me If You Still Care by the S.O.S Band. Me and Lyric play this song all the time while on break. It's one of our favorites. Lyric is my co-worker at work. She works in the pharmacy department.
I arrive at work and everything is...regular. I walk in and I'm greeted by my guy, Des.
"Wassup, man,"
"Just tired, that's all,"
"What you been doing?" He asked.
"I was up editing all night. Im running of three hours of sleep right now,"
"Imma pray for you," He laughed.
"Ugh! Today is gonna be a long day for real!" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Well...good luck," he said chuckling while walking away.
I walked to the back to clock in and get ready for my shift. I looked on the schedule and seen that we had the manager no one likes. My day just really got worse just by looking at his name.
I looked back and saw Lyric. She welcomed me with open arms and gave me a hug. We've be friends for a few months now and everyone thinks we're dating, but we aren't. We just let them think what they think at this point.
"Good morning," I said, hugging her back.
"Good morning. You look so dead right now,"
"I was up all night editing. Got three hours of sleep,"
"You need to manage your time better, dude. What video you have now?"
"You have to wait and see"
"Ugh! I'm supposed to get the exclusive shit!"
"Well, not this time. This video is over an hour long and I'm still not done,"
"Of course! You know, if you need help, I can help you,"
"Thank you, but I am okay,"
"Just saying. Hey, what you doing after work?" She asked, drinking her water.
"Editing, duh," I said.
"Let's do something! You've been working really hard. Let's get a break,"
"What do you wanna do?"
"Let's go to our spot and swing on the ropes. Please?"
She gave me them puppy eyes with her lips poked out. I literally had no choice but to say yes.
"Okay fine. But I'm not staying for long though,"
"Ah! I knew you'd say yes. You're the absolute best," she said smiling.
Lyric has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Her smile makes you smile. She's so beautiful. I'm glad I met her.
"Well, it's time for me to go to work. Catch you later, okay?"
She winked at me before leaving. Sometimes she can be a flirt.
"You might as well date her at this point," Monty said.
"Me and Lyric are just friends. Really good friends,"
"You can't see that she wants you?"
"Monty, go to work,"
"I'm going to work. You better be outta here by the time Cliff comes in here. You know how he is,"
"Yeah, let me hurry up and get ready,"
I hurried to get ready for my shift and went to my assigned station. Today I was restocking the shelves in the back. Sometimes I be in the front and I'll mess with Lyric as she's doing her job. I got her in trouble a couple of times, so I try not to look her way.
I like my days chill and relaxed, not hectic and busy. All the shelves become empty, customers asking all these questions left and right, customers have attitudes with the wrong workers, they bump into you, it's a lot! I only come here for Lyric, Des and Monty. The only co-workers I actually like.
When my YouTube takes off, imma go far. Krogers will be history.
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mitskikissme · 2 years
I need to talk about this or I'll explode but bad habit but steve lacy is such a sanuso song. I'm going rabid rn.
I wish I knew you wanted me???
That's definitely from sanjis perspective maybe post timeskip
Here's my hc( mind u I'm in water 7 rn and have not caught up to op yet!!) Spoilers for water 7!!!!!
Okay so usopp most definitely admires sanji and his strength and how he seems very sure of himself the way he presents himself to others the way he talks the way he fights everything!! (I actually think sanji is pretty insecure but is vry good at covering it up. But usopp doesnt rlly see that and just sees him as this super cool suave dude) bro definitely has a crush on sanji for sureee
But usopp also seems very insecure and believes hed obviously never have a chance so even tho it hurts him he comes to terms with the fact that nothing is ever gonna happen there. Like when u have a crush but ur like yeah no way in hell am I ever confessing <3
Anyway sanji is most likely oblivious to all this lmao. He definitely treats usopp better compared to other male characters and I think its because deep down he likes usopp too he just doesnt know how to process those feelings cos man is repressed as hell😭. So he thinks yeah that's just normal friendship definitely doesnt mean anything that I'm always worried about him and enjoy his company more than anyone elses and make snacks specifically for him and take into consideration what stuff he likes or wants to protect him in fights or takes time to ask about his hobbies and is genuinely interested in what hes doing and believes in his abilities even when usopp doesnt believe in himself.
Also listen during water seven when usopp and luffy are fighting the fact that sanji kicks them both and looks so genuinely scared and hurt that luffy implied usopp should leave makes me so insane. And personally I never thought sanji would be the voice if reason I expected him to be like yeah usop let it go and stop trying to disobey your captains orders so It threw me for a loop cos sanji was so adamant on not letting usopp leave and was standing up for him. I am foaming at the mouth btw Anyway
The 2 yr timeskip happens and usopp gets jacked but also matures and grows and I love him so so much he realizes so much about himself and oh yeah also crush on sanji? Bros over it. Hes moved on and is okay being friends and just personally dealt with his feelings and grew in such a healthy way for himself. Like yes it hurt, change and growth are painful but inevitable and time passes. Feelings change and that's okay.
Sanji grows and matures too and comes to accept alot of things about himself and is more comfortable in his own skin and identity! And he starts to realize zamnn usopp has also grown and changed and bettered himself and has such a lively air to him and overall is more confident!?
Then maybe someone in passing (like zoro) mentions something like oof too late loverboy that ship sailed so long ago hella missed ur chance. And sanji malfunctions!!!
Hes like um what?????!?!?!
They're like um yeah it was so obvious hed always follow u around like a lost puppy and sanjis like um this is news to me bruh???? Anyway it hits him that yeah he had a chance. As in had!! Not rlly anymore and he has to come to terms with that.
'I wish I knew you wanted me' also " were you not too good for me my dear?" Like come on its writing itself tbh. I feel the song is in sanjis perspective thinking about how he never realized usopp feelings and how he genuinely cannot believe that usopp had feelings for him considering how much more insecure he was pre timeskip and how he sees usopp as such a caring and loving person and is actually a little bit jealous of how emotions seem to come so easily from usopp. So maybe if they were both mature and not so emotionally stunted/ repressed/insecure in themselves, maybe just maybe??? Something could've happened there.
This is all just my hc so take it with a grain of salt LMAOO. I actually like to imagine them happy but oof I'm a sucker for angst!!
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birboon · 11 months
I'm in a BUNCH of fandoms - lotr, marvel, dc, harry potter, supernatural, hannibal just to name a few - and I'm always expanding that list because I just consume media like it's oxygen.
Right now, I have a bunch of on-going projects!
This is an MCUxDC cross-over AU where I try to rewrite (basically) the entire marvel cinematic universe, combining it with characters from DC comics too! Because I love superheroes, and I need some of my favourite characters to meet (and shag) more than I need water (reminder to stay hydrated, folks!).
Currently, the series has 6 planned books in total - but only three of them are in the 'writing' stage, and of those three only 1 is my main priority (oops). Anyway, here's the run down:
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Dick Grayson x Peter Parker
❝I fight psycho clowns, dude. I can handle a little crazy❞
When teenage heart-throb Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne and heir to the Wayne Fortune, meets high school hero Peter Parker out of pure happenstance, things don't quite go to plan. And as their awkward acquaintance begins to expand beyond that of chance meetings... well. Dick might just find out that his place in the food chain isn't quite as cemented as he'd once thought.
Dick Grayson x Peter Parker Spider-Man: Homecoming - ? [Marvel/DC crossover]
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❝Unlike you, I actually know the magic words.❞
Zatanna Zatara was a magician. She worked with the impossible, performed the improbable, strayed from the realms of the natural world and worked it to her own whims. But what she couldn't perform were miracles.
Enter Stephen Strange from the stage left, coming to ruin her life one last time.
Zatanna Zatara x Stephen Strange Pre-Avengers: Infinity War - ? [Marvel/DC crossover]
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❝Call me a glowstick one more time and you can say goodbye to your other arm.❞
Kyle Rayner was a lost soul. No one would deny it - those that knew him most saw but a spark of the man, the hero, that he used to be. Coming back from the snap did a number on him, realizing the insignificance of everything he's done. Then, he met James Buchanan Barnes. A man just as lost as himself. Can he light the way for them both, or will they be stuck in the shadows forever?
Kyle Rayner x Bucky Barnes Falcon & The Winter Soldier - ? [Marvel/DC crossover]
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This is my on-going Lord of the Rings fic! It follows Beorn's ward and fellow skin-changer, Nymmril: a young and jovial man who takes the form of a great lion! It's a Legolas x oc fic, with a dash of Fili x oc sprinkled in the first act. It's a mix of the Jackson films (extended editions ofc) and Tolkein's original works, for the fun and the lore!
I'm currently about half way through Act 1, which begins during The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and follows all the way through to the end of the book. But as a whole, the fic will follow Nymmril's journey through the Fellowship of the Ring and beyond, all the way to Return of the King.
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Nymmril, a young skin-changer from the far deserts, has been under the care of his Keeper Beorn for centuries. With the dragon present, it was deemed too dangerous for him to leave. But what happens when Gandalf and his company of mischievous dwarrow stumble into the Carrock asking for help? Only one thing is for certain: A lion's loyalty is a powerful weapon.
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vacantgodling · 2 years
tit for tat: the character from witch noir i'm most obsessed with right now is angel. he just sucks so bad, but at the last minute he decides to try really hard!! for love!!! he's a cancer sun pisces moon pisces rising he's so sad and pathetic and full of love. he cries big ghibli tears and changes reality through sheer force of he believes in it so hard. he can't drive and his best friend is a cat. and he looks like oscar isaac.
now you 🔁
thank you for doing this i’m also now???? obsessed with him. cancer x pisces baby he’s so TINY idk i’m holding him i am kissing on the head i am giving him hot chocolate 😭 i’d love to know more about him?? how does he suck? how does he manage to turn things around? what’s his cats name??? i need to knowww
(also he looks like oscar isaac? i’m 👀 looking)
i randomly get into moods for stuff so like earlier i was going through my google drive with all my nonsense and looked back over my stuff for NAD and man i wish this plot would better reveal itself to me bc i love these characters. so much!!!
NAD rn is an acronym placeholder title for the actual wip itself (hopefully it’ll name itself… one day…) standing for the 3 povs that the story’s gonna switch through.
N is for Nyseah Nicoletti. she’s a trans femme nurse who is so. fucking. tired. she’s so damn tired. let her sleep. in her 30s and works the midnight shift most nights of the week and hardly takes time for herself, chain smokes to keep the edge off of how tired and irritable she always is. she wants better for herself but like ? how. getting the boob job was hard enough lmao. anyway tho, she’s given a respite from her misery one rare night off and she decides (for once) to go out. gets all dressed up, goes to a bar and WOW? a handsome man is actually?? flirting with her???? this doesn’t happen every day, what’s the occasion? they end up going back to a motel, fuck, and then nyseah wakes up alone. everything’s cool… until she opens her left eye. then SUDDEN PAIN!!! (i posted that excerpt here but she’s not having a god time). and well, come to find out she’s psychic now. but not in a good way. in a if you even think about using your powers blood is pouring from your eye type of way. ends up meeting some “escaped experiment” kids that she immediately adopts who are able to help her but her whole story is kinda. revenge for this dude who fucked her over like this bc it’s definitely one-night-stand dude’s fault (and this ain’t just a funny like. he literally caused this lol,,)
A is for Alona. a sweet, little air headed but doing her best! college student in her early 20s. she picks up a job at the largest and most famous (infamous probably) company in the city as a part time secretary and is living the good life, or is trying to! her coworkers are a bit standoffish at times but she’s pretty chill with the whole thing until one day for the first time she’s asked to stay on for the night shift. that night goes well, but she notices what looks to be a trail of blood coming from one of the back rooms she’s told not to go into and while she doesn’t that night the thought doesn’t leave her mind. she just can’t help but want to know more? somethings not right and well. she’s curious! (let’s just hope the cat phrase doesn’t come to fruition shall we).
finally, D is for PI Donte MacBride, the oldest of the bunch in his mid 40s. he really should retire from doing pi work but he has no other prospects or savings, so he just lives out his days in his little rickety shop/turned upstairs apartment (since he lost the last real place he had), shooing away those with hopes of him facing the cruel justice system on their behalf. he won’t, not anymore, he’s done with that circus. and he’s all but stopped taking on cases too until one day a very. very famous guest decides to drop by; an actor known only by his first name leonine. he comes by to request his services, claiming its only for closure as per don’s policy: find out who killed recently killed rising star, the singer roxanne davis, one of his dearest friends. and he makes don a monetary offer he can’t refuse—one that would set him for the rest of his life. so… despite the red flags about touching this case going off in his head, don finds himself taking on one last case.
as you can probably guess, these three stories intersect and the three of them are going to meet and realize they’re all on the same path to… whatever the fuck is going on here. but !! i have yet to figure out truly what it is aside from lil bits and pieces. fjfjfj i’m sorry this was so long haha.
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googumpins · 5 months
I am actually so fucking stupid sometimes but y'know what I'm just gonna try and laugh about this situation anyway
So. I was working alone tonight. People are sick yadda yadda but it's my first time ever working a full shift alone. It's super fuckin busy, I'm already tired by the end of the night, my mind is checking out and getting into Go Home mode.
And about half an hour before closing, the store gets a phone call.
It's a dude with an indian accent. He informs me he's the owner of the company and asks me my name.
Very obviously a scammer.
Except, for some fucking reason, I just rolled with it.
So the "Company Owner" starts telling me he needs me to make a note for the manager, namely his phone number along with leaving a heads up that there's gonna be a delivery tomorrow for some stuff. So I go "Okay, I can do that," but then he starts going off about some other stuff, and my hearing comprehension is already abysmal, so half the stuff he says I'm missing and need him to repeat, but I'm trying to be polite so I just nod and smile and repeat what I can catch and-
Fire extinguishers.
Fire extinguishers.
He asks me to take pictures of the expiration dates on our fire extinguishers and send them to his phone number.
I go okay, yeah, that's fine, lemme get my phone out and send them to you- Wait what's your number again? Oh, you told me already? Oh, yeah, that's right, it's on the note, sorry, yeah, just give me a moment and I'll send them to-
"You can't multitask?"
I feel something shoot through me. Why the fuck would he word it like that? Yes, I can kinda multitask, yeah, it's just hard to take pictures with one hand while I'm talking to you-
I get more wrapped up in it as I try sending the photos to him, he tells me to keep him on the line, then he starts saying more stuff about the delivery stuff, and again I can't quite understand him so I just smile and nod, smile and hum, wait until I can pick up some words I understand and-
Oh, the delivery people are calling, and you want to continue our conversation on my personal phone now? Uh, Okay, Here's My Number.
So we continue the conversation on my phone, I was so engrossed in this situation now that I don't even remember if he called me or if I called him, but either way, we start a phone call on my personal phone, and the "Delivery Company" calls the store phone and starts going on about how the Delivery Man is on his way and will be there in 35-40 minutes.
Meanwhile, the Company Owner is telling me how he wants me to tell him what they're saying, and the Delivery Company wants me to tell them what the Company Owner is saying, so I'm quite literally playing a game of Telephone between them. I'm talking literally holding one phone in one hand and the other phone in the other hand. I'm holding one phone to my ear to speak to the Owner and holding the other phone away from me so the Delivery Company can't hear me and get confused.
"What's the tracking number on the order?" the Delivery Company says.
"Uhhhhh I dunno, lemme ask-" I say, switching phones to talk to the Owner, "What's the tracking number?"
"It's 282-"
"Sorry, hold on-" I move both phones to both ears so I can speak to them at the same time, "The tracking number is...?"
So then I repeat back to the Owner while also telling the Delivery Company at the same time because I am Smart and do not want to have to remember a series of numbers just to have to repeat them back again like I'm trying to make a memory game out of this-
"Oh, the delivery's going to be there in about 25 minutes, and [Manager's name]'s check didn't go through" (or something) "We need an alternative payment Right Now"
Huh? 25 minutes? Didn't you say 35-40 minutes only 3 minutes ago? Also Damn, [Manager] really do be dropping the ball again. She's gonna be in troooublllle-
Oh right, Mr. Owner Man, "The Delivery Company says they need an alternative payment for this to actually go through."
"Okay, ask them how they want it paid."
I switch ears and phones "How do you want it paid?"
(something, something) "ATM Bitcoin"
Fucking BITCOIN? Alright, if you say so-
"They said ATM Bitcoin?" I says.
"Okay, we can take care of that" the Owner says.
"Hey, I'm the only one here right now, is it alright if I call [Manager] to help me out with this?"
"No, she's in a video conference right now."
Okay, that's weird, it's almost midnight and she's in a video conference?
I snap back into it when they ask me if I'm in the office. I say yes, as I've been speaking to them in the office this entire time. They ask me if I can find a Fed-Ex sheet. I say yeah, I can try.
It is at this point I start staring off, my mind boggled by trying to understand two different people throughout this whole ordeal. I stare at my manager's name and number that's been posted on our whiteboard. I realize the Delivery man has said her name wrong by one letter because it is the way that only I say it because I initially misheard it when I met her.
I bring the phone with the Company Owner to my ear.
"What's [Manager]'s last name?"
It's a simple question. A very easy answer for the Company Owner, since she works under him. Throughout this whole ordeal I have realized they have not asked for her full name. I ask it merely out of curiosity, because I do not even know the answer. Which is strange, now that I think about it, because I don't know anyone else's last names-
"Excuse me?" the Company Owner asks.
"What's [Manager]'s last name?" I repeat.
"Fuck you!" He exclaims.
I am snapped back to reality.
This is not the Company Owner.
There is no Delivery.
The urgent driver is not coming in 25 minutes.
The veil of an alternate reality is now ripped from over my head as I see I have been made a fool of.
I have been speaking to scammers for the passed 20 minutes and have not once actually stopped the charade despite how stressed the situation has made me, despite how ridiculous I looked staring at myself on the camera moving my arms back and forth while trying to alternate phones to speak with these two men whom I now realize have multiple people talking in the background of their calls instead of there being an isolating silence of a proper office space.
I hang up on both of them.
Or they both hung up on me, I don't know.
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demoreelrewound · 6 months
On the ~Antagonist(s)~!
Episode 1:
Right at the end - a letter
Dear Donnie Dupré
We represent Swede filmmakers everywhere [...] we saw Be Kind Rewind first [...] we will make you pay [...]
P.S. If our demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!
Tumblr media
Episode 2:
Messages on the answering machine.
Mr Dupré, my name is Tom Collins, I represent SWAG.
In case you are wondering, SWAG is the Swede Actors' Guild.
Needless to say, we are pretty awesome! ^_^
But you my friend, are not!
I'm going to assume you received our little letter, and I'm going to assume you've ignored it - well you can't ignore me.
I'm assuming you deleted my other message, here's the continuation: YOU CANNOT IGNORE ME!
You may have fooled those two buffoons you call actors, but we know better.
Mark my words, there will be no happy ending for you so long as your movie remakes continue - this will be your final warning!
Hey baby, just letting you know I got the milk and -- crap, did I just f*cking redial?
Ahem, ahem, just ignore that -- THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL WARNING!
Episode 3:
No mention.
Episode 4:
First silhouette appearance.
"I have a secret report from within the Guild. Four people have come to our attention regarding a plot that can jeopardise the Swede Actors' Guild. Donnie Dupré and his team have refused our orders to halt their production company, Demo Reel.
While they are still small and unaware of their talent, our analysis indicates there is a danger.
I recommend sending several Guild agents to their location, to stop them, by any means necessary.
The cheap must flow.
Phone call to Tacoma:
Mr Narrows?
Do you like remaking movies?
Are you at home?
And Miss Stone, where is she?
That's all I needed to know...
A car following Tacoma - two masked figures who jump him and pelt him with Swedish pancakes.
Phone call to Rebecca:
Go to the window.
Do you like remaking movies?
Well not for long~! Ooh, is that your spine starting to shiver?
Shit! Just a second. Yo, hey! I got a handicap sticker!
*points gun at Donnie, unclicks safety*
Episode 5:
Silhouette scene
Tom: Donnie Dupré will no longer be a nuisance to us. After my associates picked him up at gunpoint from the airport, they dropped him off in the middle of the woods, where nobody can find him. Let's just say that the troubling nature of Demo Reel, and Donnie Dupré, will no longer be on our radars. *evil laugh*
♤: dude, what's wrong with you?!
Tom: what?
♡: you kidnapped a man at gunpoint and left him to die? That's fucking messed up!
Tom: he, he was threatening our operation :-(
♤: guy, we're Swede filmmakers, we remake films badly, we're not the goddamn mafia!
♡: what are you, a psycho?
Tom: but -- but --
♤: dude, I don't even wanna look at you - the less I'm associated with this, the better
♡: yeah, I'm off to be an Internet reviewer - they're mentally stable
Tom: wait! Wait! Where are you going?! *beat* Does this mean you won't be at the Christmas party?! ;_;
Someone moving in a dark doorway unnoticed by Tacoma who walks past. (After he accidentally insults Rebecca)
Episode 6:
In-person appearance of Tom Collins five minutes before the ending.
I'll be taking that!
I am *fumbles with taking his mask off* Tom Collins, grand leader-master of SWAG! And I believe this is mine!
*draws gun*
*unclicks safety*
"This is your last chance: give up Demo Reel, or face the consequences!"
"Really? Why don't you ask your friend Donnie how crazy I am?"
"Oh he's fine... maybe. -- actually, really don't know where he is -- do you?!"
"You're right, I can't kill anybody -- but there's something I can kill!"
*points gun at SD card in his hand while Quinn just stands there like a lemon*
"Then give up DEMO REEL!"
"You leave me no choice..."
*shoots SD card*
*laughs evilly*
*shuts right up when Fabrizio interrupts*
"What the hell do these people do here..? *shakes thought away* Anyway -- wait. Wasn't there another person?"
*whimpers and cries in pain as Reba whales on him*
"No! Get off, get off!"
"BACK! Get back you girly little bitch!" *gun at Tacoma* "You too!" *gun at Rebecca*
*gun at camer-- I mean Quinn* "You three!"
"Get back! You may have won this round, but the battle is far from over you hear me? The battle's---"
*jumps back once he notices Donnie*
*gets punched, groans on the floor*
*gets up and tries to run away, whimpers, gets pushed back by an emerging Karl*
"Oh god!" (I think? Maybe?)
*whimpers and groans as Karl kicks his ass, and as he is able to get up and Karl takes his gun, and as he gives him one last kick*
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forjongseong · 2 years
Hwiyoung being the real one to stay by ceoyn when Jay freaken fainted. omg I PAUSED MY MUSIC SO FAST, NANA!! And the whole brushing his hair scene PLEASE! Jay let me run my fingers through your hair, dammit!
WHY ARE WE CRYING? Because we love jay omfg
“You’re beautiful even when you cry. That seems unfair,” he protested.
SHUT UP JAY! i'm still crying omg they are so beautiful wtf.
“Come here,” he invited. “Sit on your throne.”
Your lipstick began to stain the base of his dick, and when he opened his eyes to look at you he almost cummed right then and there.
“Be a good girl and do as I say, will you?”
wtf nana THAT ENTIRE SEX SCENE i am levitating. omg i feel dizzy. someone needs to help me for a minute
-- onto pt8
 the very finger that was already tainted with your arousal.
There was a lot of pouting and whining and stomping your feet softly when it came to persuading your boyfriend
GIRRRRRL me right here dhajskdajk always trying to convince my man to go to places with me T_T i know how ceoyn feels
Hoseok noticed your behavior and was about to ask you about it
HOBI MY MAN! MY MAIN MAN NOTICING hjdsakhdakjdakj come here hobi
“If I win, we’re getting the fuck out of here so I can have some alone time with you,” he said, ever so gently and right into your ear.
WE LOVE THIS MAN BYE! jay we dont need play. lets just leave rn. right fucking now dhsajkdhakj
Okay their conversation about Nam is so mature and awesome? Like this is what communication in a relationship is about. You communicate before the assumptions build and I love it so much. Jay didn't like the way Nam was looking at her and its fair enough for him to say, "dont see him again."
“Was I too rough last night?” He asked again, voice lowered to a whisper.
JAY FHJKDHJAKSDAKS CHILL, MY DUDE! Our bodies hurt for different reasons okay!
JAKE BABYSITTING CEOYN T-T PLEEEEEEEEASE!! That is the sweetest thing every omg im weeping happy tears. Jake is the man for the job.
NANA T-T the entire bed scene of them cuddling and ceoyn in tears, afraid of losing something wonderful to jay freaking out about her being in pain lord have mercy i just wanna hug them both. ceoyn is soooooo relatable when she gets a lil emotional because im the same
Not Hwiyoung out here sharing information and Heeseung knowing dhakjsdhakjs HWI SHUT YOUR MOUTH SDFGHJKL
omg game night with the boys pls that is so fucking precious. me squealing at Jake telling them to get a room but they're the ones raiding her house dhsajkdhahaahahahha!!!
I'm laughing because I can't imagine how tired your eyes must be after reading all the parts that you missed!! I have missed your reactions! And I'm glad you liked the parts that I liked writing too especially when Jay explicitly said he didn't like her ex <3
I TRY MY BEST to make ceoyn relatable to all of you like... okay maybe not all of us own a company lol but she is a woman just like everyone of us and we get emotional sometimes!!!
also I didn't know you'd be that surprised to find Namjoon because I thought I talked about him a lot HAHAHAH GREAT THEN, A SURPRISE!
part 9 is in the making and thank you for always tuning in!!!
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cognitos-handbook · 2 years
Please hear me out, I’m thinking about domestic life when Andre and his s/o are in a serious relationship (if that ever happens). And I cannot say how grateful I am when you’ve responded to my request cause I actually woke up to the notification of your post and it just made my entire day 🥺. Hope you’ll be having a great day today too sweetheart 🖤
Absolutely losing my shit over this request
And I'm so so glad to hear that!!! Makes me happy to know that you enjoy them sm <33
Been beyond busy lately, but as things slow down I'll be pumping out more asks a lot quicker 💖
Domestic bliss below!!
A seriously relationship with Andre is definitely obtainable, I'm thinking
It may take some work and time to get to, but it's definitely possible, and he would end up being pretty fucking happy with it <3
And oh my god the domestic bliss the stems from it is so fucking nice?? And he comes to thrive off of it, after some time and getting used to it
Bc I do also feel it would take some getting used to for him - having someone always there that genuinely cares about and for him??
Mans is swooning
So as mentioned before, he cannot cook for the life of him; he's so used to eating out and quick microwavable shit and its s bad for him on top of all his drug use sisgebfuebd
But now you're around!! And assuming you can (hopefully) cook, please cook meals for him whenever you get the chance <3 he'd absolutely melt
Doesn't even have to be something super grand or completely homemade! Literally anything other than pizza rolls and microwave dinners is so good and so much better and leave him a very happy mess of a man
And on that topic, grocery shopping together I'm sure is a hell of a trip between the two of you haha
It pretty much a guarantee that you'll end up spending wayyyy too much money while ur out, that's for sure
Andre needs a shit ton of snacks, and insists on you making him dinner (when u feel like it of course!), so there's also all the ingredients, and then of course whatever other odd bits and ends you decide on last minute… lmao
It does end up being fun though, with lots of laughing and goofing around
(Maybe getting kicked out a time or two)
Lazy days and chill days at home are a must!! Those days are his absolute favorite <33
He loves just being able to spend the day and laze it away with you, doing whatever the hell yall decide on, from spending it in bed, to binging movies, to just lounging on the sofa scrolling through your phones
My dude adores being able to just spend time with you and take a little time to be soft <3
Lay together and cuddle, share a few kisses here and there, just relax and enjoy each other’s company
He really enjoys being able to lay his head on your lap and let you run your hair through his hair - sometimes hiding his face in your stomach, sometimes when he’s feeling more goofy and messing with you, kissing along ur thighs and leaving abite here and there lmao
(He’s a thigh man, you can’t convince me otherwise)
Plus much much more, I’m sure <33
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