#i will go hijabi next year
darlin-djarin · 1 year
getting ready for mando s3 to absolutely ruin din’s relationship with his creed and probably invalidate religious head/body coverings and antagonize healthy religious relationships because with every DAMN WORd jon favreau spills, my thoughts about a season i haven’t even seen yet get worse and worse.
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dreamertrilogys · 1 year
PLAN: clean up, go to sleep, wake up at like 7 (i usually get up @ 7:30), decide whether i truly believe this mess is salvageable or not -> if yes then fucking salvage it / if no then go to [redacted] barbershop (~20 min walk). either way i need to have presentable hair and have had showered + changed all by 10 am
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hoonvrs · 4 months
42 i Want you so bad
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S. NOTES fellas is it gay to give ur bro a new years kiss?
SYNOPSIS where university student jake develops a little crush on the girl he sees with a cigarette between her lips in the smoking area and decides he needs to impress her. how else would he do that except calling his smoker friend to teach him how to smoke ( spoiler: it doesn’t go so well. )
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TAGLIST ( CLOSED ) @yeokii @yenqa @wonpoem @stariszn @beomgyusonlywife @isoobie @enhaz1 @fakeuwus @marybboooooooo @a-l-i-y-a @rodygr @glitterssim @mrchweeee @keikeu @chiiiiiiiiis @idubiluv @rayray22222 @deobitifull @aylin-hijabi @hyhees @weird-bookworm @dammit-jjk @lacieeeeee00 @xiaoderrrr @donghyckl @minl0u @en-dream @babyillneverleavelwt @junityy @seongclb @shawnyle @yueriots @cb97mylove @sngvhs @manooffline @bbangricz @kjrcrz @imsiriuslyreal @jaehyunsblkgf @jlheon @mariji @jaysdze @rikisly @en-happiness @treasxreblue @soomelon @jungwonderz @erehkinnie30 @ilovehimyourhonour
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koboldkatalyst · 5 months
I am a hijabi creating a 14th Doctor Cosplay for next year’s local convention. Inshallah I will be sewing pants, a skirt (I’m more comfortable in skirts and dresses) and a waistcoat out of similar fabric to David Tennant’s costume. I need advice on my hijab. (If you've noticed that I've had to go back and edit this because I counted wrong...no you haven't....)
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nerdy-girlramblings · 2 months
March '24 Wrap Up
The Mistress of Bhatia Hill ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Historical Mystery
Thoughts: I liked the mystery and Perveen is as always, a great protagonist to follow. There was one plot line that didn't get resolved but maybe it will in the next book when it comes out?
The Girl Who Drank the Moon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Middle-grade fantasy
Thoughts: This book is so cute and wholesome and also the villain was terrifying. I now want my adopted family (even though I'm an adult) to be a poetic swamp creature who is as old as the Earth, a kind, but grumpy ancient witch, and a pocket-sized dragon who acts like a five year old child in the best way.
The Bone Shard Emperor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Fantasy
Thoughts: I binged this book over spring break. I liked this one more than the first; the plot was more intriguing and the climax was so good. I also really liked the characters going to other islands and seeing more of this world.
Dune Messiah ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Classic Science Fiction
Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book; it was similar to the first one with pacing and politics. I liked seeing the rest of Paul's story but I didn't really like what happened with Alia's character.
Keeper of the Lost Cities ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Middle-grade fantasy
Thoughts: I adored my reread of this book so much! I love Sophie as a main character and her friendship with Dex was the highlight of the book for me.
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Genre: Mystery
Thoughts: I did not want to read this book. It didn't seem like the type of story I would like and I was afraid it was overhyped. So when I had to read it for a class, I was not excited. But oh my word, I loved this book so much more than I thought I would! Pip is amazing she's so sarcastic and determined and Ravi is such a sweetheart. I did not guess Andie's killer, and the ending shocked me. I also got emotional multiple times reading it and that surprised me.
I have a tag list for when I do wrap ups! If you want to be added or taken off of it, please let me know!
Tagging: @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @moondust-on-the-hijabi
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mylight-png · 7 months
This is going to be a little different from my usual posts, but here I go anyways.
It is rare, especially now, for online content to make me really and truly happy. But today I saw something that both made me really happy and also made me think.
I was scrolling through TikTok and came across multiple videos of the same kind. A woman wearing a hijab was finding other Muslim women and was helping them try on a hijab for the first time. These videos brought me so much joy. The hijabi woman's gestures were so kind and loving, she seemed almost like an older sister to the other women. The care with which she helped them put on the hijab was so sweet. And then there was the reaction of the women to wearing a hijab for the first time. There were before and after shots, and every single time, the "after" photos of them in the hijab were so happy. It was so pure to see women finding joy in dressing in a way that brought them comfortable.
But even more interestingly, it was a joy I recognized. The sisterly and caring gestures of the more experienced hijabi were familiar too.
The joy I saw in the "after" photos was reminiscent of my emotions when I first intentionally dressed tznuis (Jewish modesty). It was recent, and I felt so comfortable and safe in the clothes I was wearing, and I recognized that comfort in the faces of the women in the videos.
The sweet and caring gestures of the experienced hijabi reminded me a bit of my interactions with rebbetzins and other older religious women in various communities. They're always so sweet and kind (in my experience of course), and I noticed that they frequently try to connect through touch. You know, putting a hand on my shoulder or elbow. Hugs, of course. Using those gestures to make people feel heard and listened to.
And that made me think. We are so much more similar than the media gives us credit for. In fact, it reminded me of an interaction I had with a classmate just last week.
In one of my classes, we were talking about cultural traditions, and we were supposed to pair up and discuss family traditions we have. I mentioned that I love celebrating New Year's because my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but due to them coming to the US from ex-USSR countries, they brought over similar yet secular and unique traditions for New Year's.
The girl I ended up pairing up with mentioned that she also didn't celebrate Christmas, because she was Muslim, and then she started talking about what her family does for Ramadan.
We ended up having a really nice discussion, connecting over having to fast for holidays, being surrounded by a majority Christian world, and other things we had in common.
And at the very beginning of the year, a Jewish friend of mine and I were complaining to each other about how lame it was that there were only two cheese pizzas at the event, and the rest were all pepperoni (and therefore not kosher), which led into a discussion of accommodating dietary restrictions. We unintentionally ended up sitting next to a few Muslim girls who heard our conversation and joined in, and we had the fun experience of bonding over the pork-obsessed world we all live in.
So yeah. We're actually not as different as the media and politicians make us look.
This is why, as much as I try to advocate about antisemitism, I still try to call out Islamaphobia in my day-to-day life.
There really isn't an excuse for hating an entire group. No excuse for awful and slanderous generalizations, which I've seen made about both us and Muslims. Just as antisemitism shouldn't have any place in these discussions, neither does Islamaphobia.
In fact, I think it would be amazing if we could set aside our differences and unite on this issue.
I know we may feel adversely towards each other in regards to the Israel-Hamas war and our views on it. And I'm not going to force anyone to agree/disagree on all the same things about it. Both sides are hurt. Both sides are accusing each other of genocide, and neither one (majority, I know extremist views exist on both sides, that's not who I am talking about here) actually hates all of the other side to the point of wanting to kill each other.
Yes, we disagree. Yes, our disagreement right now is serious and valid. But there is something we can, I hope, agree upon, and that's the fact that neither side of what's happening should employ Islamaphobic/Antisemitic rhetoric.
So here's a summary of what I'm trying to say:
We aren't as different as we are portrayed to be. We aren't "natural enemies" or whatever people think. We are all human, and we should all be united in the fact that generalized hate has no place on either side.
Both Antisemitism and Islamaphobia are rising right now. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but we are all human, and we should all do our part in dealing with that rise in hate. Not contribute to it.
Even though I am trying to speak against hate and division right now, I am certain that I'm probably going to receive at least a few hateful or negative responses to this. But you know what?
I don't really care anymore. Those hateful people are not anyone I could ever change or convince. So I'm going to try and remind myself to pick my battles and not waste energy on pointless arguments. Hateful responses to this post will be blocked and deleted.
However, Muslims of Tumblr, if I did say anything culturally problematic or inaccurate (for example, if the term "hijabi" or "experienced" in regards to being a hijabi is somehow a problem) (or like if comparing wearing a hijab at all to tznuis clothing is an issue) please let me know so I can fix it! I tried to not be culturally insensitive but I don't really know all that much so please do let me know!
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
Civil disobedience, act 5: Kindness!
The regime started their murdering and brutal crackdowns early on the protests. In retribution people started to share free hugs and fist bumps on the streets. Soon free hug became a revolution act why? Because men and women touching or even sitting next to each other was a taboo culturally and religiously, and the regime likes to keep that taboo in place. Hugging strangers regardless of gender is a taboo breaking act and the regime started to call girls and women who participated in this "whores"!
Among protesters it's a strong tool. Coming out to the streets can be really scary but receiving a hug in solidarity empowers you. Hearing death news everyday can take a toll on you, getting a hug from a stranger you know has heard the news and is mourning with you can be comforting.
For the giver It's a stressful thing to do though. You have to be ready to run if you see a policeman. Sometimes people whisper in your ear "please be careful and stay safe" with good intentions but a haunting tone and it just makes you want to bolt specially if you have anxiety! But anyway it's fun and it brings us unity.
The first and third video are from Kermanshah and Mahabad, two Kurd cities. The last one is from Tehran.
Another kindness act is fist bumping and getting chocolate but make it revolution style. Each chocolate or candy is wrapped in a note. The note is either a slogan (like woman life freedom) or a sentence of encouragement. It can also be a call for demonstration. This started as a tool to encourage civil disobedience. So women who risked their arrest and took off their hijab in the streets were the first group of people who received chocolate. Then men and women, and hijabi and nonhijabi women started to give these to each other. So it turned into a solidarity gift giving ceremony. The day after Kian Pirfalak, the 10 year old boy murder, all over Tehran people handed out chocolates in paper boats with notes that said "in the name of the god of the rainbow".
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[images id: 8 pictures taken of notes that accompanied chocolate or candy. The notes are written in Persian.
Pic 1 notes translations: "24, 25, 26 of Aban, freedom." "Accompany us. We will take Iran back with you." "You're not alone buddy."
Pic 2 notes: one is a drawing of Hossein Ronaghi, a political prisoner and social activist who was released from prison 2 months later. Underneath the drawing it says "Hossein Ronaghi said I'm afraid too, I want to have a peaceful life too, I don't want to hear the news of death and torture and execution and poverty and misery, I like to sleep peacefully at night, but I can't be indifferent... " The second note is a drawing of a small woman standing on a mullah's head and putting her headscarf on fire.
Pic 3 notes translations: "woman life freedom" "your hair is so beautiful" "keep doing what you're doing" "#for_you" "thank you for making the city beautiful" "you're a fist and you have a lot of fans" "after the revolution you will be part of our history book"
Pic 4 notes translations: "#women_life_freedom" "be safe daughter of iran" "for your beautiful hair" "for #woman_life_freedom" "fight fight until victory is the anthem of attack" "you are the beauty of my city" "we need hugs to live"
Pic 5 note translation: "for woman life freedom #MahsaAmini"
Pic 6 notes translations: "for dancing in the alley... Hope we will laugh wholeheartedly one day" "we're going to celebrate freedom together, so promise to be safe"
Pic 7 note translation: "women life freedom"
Pic 8 note translation: "if I rise, if you rise, we will all rise. #Women_life_freedom"]
These days we're living in an almost Martial law situation. They're shooting at everyone they see. A man, Alireza Khoshkar Bayati, was talking on the phone in his car. They thought he's filming them and broke his car windows. He got scared and tried to flee, they thought he might be guilty of something so they started shooting at his car. That's how another innocent life was taken. When things like this happen we get more convinced that our only option is the regime change. When you're not even safe in your car talking on the phone, it's impossible to live. After Mohsen Shekari execution for a couple of days, people gathered in the street he closed and was executed for. The anti riot forces attacked silent protesters with tear gas and batons and shotguns. A group of people walking down the street silently. The astonishing part was that many people didn't run. They continued their walk. We have nothing to lose, nothing to live for. The regime change is the silver of hope keeping us all alive. That's why they're afraid of people walking silently. There are still demonstrations happening. In universities. In streets, mostly at night. There are strikes and boycotts. People are getting killed or abducted. And finding chocolates and hugs is no more comforting. The only comfort my people can find is the regime change.
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book-girl4eva · 5 months
I got over 20 notes on a previous post (thanks @hijabi-desi-bookworm :D) so here's the Aru Shah one-shot for new years!
(it's also on my wattpad book so you can read it there if you want.)
So, *clears throat dramatically * here we go!
Aru layed back on the school roof, looking at the sky. Next to her was an incredibly reluctant Mini.
"This is a good idea because?" Mini asked, hugging her knees.  She was right in the middle, and sat on a blanket she bought up.
"Because the view is incredible. Just look!" Aru turned around to Mini, who was hugging her knees very tightly to her chest.
"I guess," she began, "and the roof is flat so that minimises the chance we'll fall..."
"Exactly!" Aru agreed. Mini skooted forward to sit next to Aru properly.
"The earth is so cool," Mini muttered. Aru agreed. Ever since saving the world, she had a much bigger appreciation of it. It was crazy and hectic as ever,  but still managed to be beautiful.
The fireworks went off, sending sparks all over the sky.
"Happy New Year, sis." Mini told Aru, holding up her elbow for a bump.
"Happy New Year." Aru elbow bumped her back
"You guys ready?"
Brynne bolted down the stairs holding multiple bags of chips. "Yup! Who's got the Oreos?"
"Me, naturally," Boo said, holding the packet in his talons.
"Ok everyone," Mini called, waiting at front. "Please mind your arms and legs while entering the elephant."
"This is epic." Aiden said, looking down at his camera. "Do you think they'll have fireworks?"
"Probably," Aru replied, "but like, extra-magiky."
"Is that a word?"
"Probably not."
They entered the Night Bazaar to see the both sides of the sky-roof dotted in bright, colourful stars. They flickered and moved like fireworks and were even more beautiful. Aiden snapped a quick picture.
"Told you it would be extra-magiky." Aru smirked and tossed a chip into her mouth.
"You were right, Shah," Aiden agreed, "super magiky."
Aru smiled.
"Come on everyone, group photo!" Boo announced, pushing everyone into shot. "Say happy new year!"
"Happy New Year!" The potatoes chorused, grinning for the photo.
"...And that is New Year's in the human world" Aru finished. "It's an annual tradition."
Rudy thought for a moment. "So humans throw rockets in the air, set them on fire and blow them up because they look pretty? All to celebrate another year of existence? That's wild."
"Did you know that the word annual comes from the word annualis, which is Latin for year?" Kara added.
"Nope but that's cool?"
It was the first year that Hira, Nikita, Sheela, Rudy and Kara could all be there to celebrate, so Aru had decided to give them the rundown before they watched it in the human world. And that started with watching Australia's fireworks in the theatre, which were set off 16 hours earlier than the USA's.
They all filed in, holding hot cocoa and sat in a 2 rows: Niki, Sheela, Rudy and Mini at the front; Brynne, Hira, Aru, Kara and Aiden in the back.
When the live feed began, Rudy practically leaped out his seat.
"It's so loud! Who made it that loud!" He said over and over. Mini tried to comfort him while her sisters cackled.
Kara watched quietly, before turning to Aru.
"Happy New Year." She said, beaming.
"Happy New Year right back." Aru replied, but Kara had already turned to Aiden to say the same.
Aru looked back at the screen, stirring the cocoa slowly as the lights covered the digital sky.
"Why didn't we just go back to your school's roof?" Mini complained.
"Because Home Depot's roof is bigger!" Aru answered, grinning.
"Hold up," Aiden said, "you've done this before!?"
"Yup!" Aru reached up kissed him on the cheek. He blushed bright red and held up his camera to try and cover his face.
They laid out all of the blankets, put Rudy in the middle so he wouldn't fall off the roof when he freaked out over the noise, and brought up all the snacks they could carry.
"This is great! Look at the views!" Brynne commented, as she grabbed a handful of her homemade cookies.
All of them got settled. Aru rested her head on Aiden's shoulder as colour exploded over the sky.
"I guess fireworks are another good reason to save the world." She whispered.
"I guess so, Shah. Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year wifey."
And under the New year's sky, she drifted off to sleep.
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"I won't let you come with me if you wear this burqa. Understood?"
Mrs. Khan fixed her brown furious gaze at the 12-year-old girl who was insistent on wearing a burqaa and beginning Hijab.
After being unable to convince her father, she was trying to persuade her mother. She was pretty sure that her mother would definitely support her. It was none other than her mother who taught her to wear a head scarf at an early age, even with criticism from people.
But, oh no!
Her mother's statement was like an arrow from the heavens that sent the earth trembling in terror and shaking her feet.
With faltering steps and a heavy heart, she decided to try the tool of last resort and stood before her Merciful Lord. She prayed to Allah that if you want me to do hijab, then make me steadfast on it from this very day. Help me now. Please!
When she moved her head to the left reciting "Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah", a strong and confident girl woke up inside her.
Folding the prayer mat, she said politely in a confident voice:
"Mother, I will do the hijab, inshaAllah. If you take me with you, I'll be grateful. Otherwise, I am not leaving without a burqa. "
Mrs. Khan's gentle nature and need to take the girl with her played a role.
So she surrendered saying:
"Let's go today. But it should never happen next time."
"Aww, thank you so much, Ammi"
Hugging her mother tightly she quickly slipped into her burqa, like a princess pouring herself into her long dress. She crowned her hair with a hijab, leaning forward to the mirror. As her vision swam to the mirror, she caught the reflection of a brightening pearl in its shell. She blinked.
This time, in the midst of its thorns, a red rose blushed. 
"Wow, is it me?" she whispered with curiosity.
A moon smiled back at her, shielded behind its clouds.
"Yes, little girl! There is no one more beautiful than a girl who attains hijab for the pleasure of her Allah. She is a rare & precious diamond that can't be found easily, a beaming pearl in its shell, a rose protected by thorns, and a moon covered by clouds."
An imaginative voice soothed her ears and soul.
Swelling with happiness, she adorned herself with socks and gloves as well.
Her hijab covered her body but opened her mind to the greater beauty that is Allah's.  
During the journey, a strange incident happened that jolted the roots of Mrs. Khan.
An old man, likely in his nineties, was thrilled to see her in that way and couldn't resist patting her on the head with trembling hands. And said:
"Oh Daughter! I am very glad to see you in this condition in this era, because otherwise, women have completely neglected the hijab."
And giving many blessings, he left while Mrs. Khan remained numb with tears springing into her eyes.
No sooner did they return home than she held her daughter in a warm and tight embrace. She apologized for her rude behavior and promised to support her fully. 
That's when the Hijabi journey started. While she received encouraging words from some people, A lot overwhelmed her with a barrage of taunts and insults. Someone would tease, "You are going to be crazy soon" some would say "She is a small child now, why did you put her behind curtains?" Another voice would echo, "Hey, Does Islam ask you to hide from your cousin too with whom you have spent your childhood?" Someone said teasingly, "Now in a few years, you will going to hide from your father also."
"Hey look! Here comes the Mullani" and so on.
These criticisms would cause her delicate heart to ache sweetly. She would say, "Come on, let me suffer something for Allah."
Someone's voice would echo in her mind: "Sister, our prophet suffered a lot for us. Can't we bear some taunts for him?"
So, she would feel a "special pleasure" in suffering for Allah and his beloved prophet peace be upon him.
Sometimes, a few taunts would make her misty-eyed. And once in a while, she burst into tears.
But there is beauty in being rejected by people. It teaches you to rely on Allah for everything.
Allah Ta'ala has extended His help on various occasions. Which, if written, might become a booklet. Now, thanks to Allah's mercy, my parents are more than happy with my hijab and support me strongly.
Despite criticism, the hijabi journey continues with Allah's mercy and the support of loved ones. May Allah grant steadfastness.
Hey there!
How was my story? Did you find it interesting?
Feel free to comment below with your valuable feedback.
My message to the sisters is that it does not matter where you are at in your hijab journey, it still counts. Keep improving day by day for your Merciful Allah! He doesn't waste a single good deed done for him.
See you soon in the next post!
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connan-l · 1 year
Fandom: Ciconia: When They Cry
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sujatha/Rukhshana
Summary: Suparna’s training session is cancelled for the day because of a sudden storm, which Sujatha is absolutely not scared of, and that might or might not creates tensions with her girlfriend.
[Femslash February 2023 Day 3: Storm]
Link on Archive of Our Own
Notes: Hi here’s your annual Ciconia FemFeb fic from me! Yes you’ll get one until Ryukishi finally decide to release Phase 2. Anyway this is very late but it’s meant to be for Day 3: Storm, from those prompts.
I don’t know why, but at first I didn’t want to write any Sujatha/Rukhshana piece for FemFeb; not because I don’t like them but for some reason I really wanted to write a proper one-shot for them and not something based on a random prompt. But technically speaking they’re still one of the most obvious F/F ships of the VN so far, so I thought they were just the next obvious choice, especially given I’d already done Lingji/Aysha and Valentina/Maricarmen before. So yeah it’s just a small cute fluffy thing without a lot of substance.
Given it’s going to mark the third year since I’ve last read the VN I admit I forgot a lot of stuff about the characters, so I really don’t feel confident in how I characterized them here. Especially Rukhshana. (And I know it *seems* like Phase 1 implied she was a CPP as well like Miyao, but we don’t know much about that yet so I didn’t want to touch on the topic). So I hope they don’t feel too off.
Also, it’s a small detail in the fic but — if you’re like me and haven’t played the game in a while, I feel the need to mention that COU is the one country that has ‘traditional’ families; so I’m assuming Sujatha, Rukhshana and Andry probably have ‘normal’ parents like Lingji & co.
Now on a small caveat I have that made me hesitate while writing this fic: I realized that, obviously we don’t know anything about whether or not Sujatha is religious, but as she is from India and that we’re told the COU is very traditional, IF she is religious then she would probably follow one of the many Hinduism faiths; however, on the other hand, given Rukhshana is from Saudi Arabia and is clearly wearing a hijab, she has to be Muslim. Queerness aside, I know interfaith relationships can be a bit of touchy topic in Islam; some might tolerate it and others do not (one of my non-Muslim cousin dated a Muslim woman for three years, but he had to convert when they got married), and it would be especially so for a Saudi girl given ‘dating’ in the Western sense in general is frowned upon over there. Not sure how things would be in Ciconia’s futuristic, post-World War III universe, but it did seem to imply Saudi Arabia is still very traditional similarly to how it is in our world because of how they mention there were issues with Rukhshana, as a girl, joining the team while there was a boy in it. The VN is very scarce when it comes to giving details about the religious/cultural practices of the characters (hell even the hijabi girls are never actually called ‘Muslims’ in-universe), so I can’t say how pious Rukhshana must be or how important it would be for her to only get together with someone who’s Muslim. So the way I see it in this fic, is that she must probably be respectful of the faith and wouldn’t marry a non-Muslim person usually, but she can give herself some leeway if this is with someone she really loves (and that the other person can potentially convert)? (And well, Muslim communities exists in India too so I suppose you can headcanon Sujatha as such as well). I dunno, maybe I’m just overthinking about it; and of course like I said this is just a short fluff piece and not some exploration of any of these topics anyway lol, but I am not Muslim myself, so I’d understand if any actual Muslim people don’t like it or take issue with this.
All this aside, there’s no spoilers (except for like, the start of Phase 1 I guess) or content warnings except for the inevitable vague mentions of war/child soldiers.
Sujatha was absolutely not scared.
She had sworn to herself, from a very young age, to never become a person who got scared.
Fear was only meant for the common people. Fear was for normal girls; ones who didn’t have any responsibility, who weren’t soldiers, who weren’t part of the elite of the COU India Aerial Augmented Infantry, leader of Suparna.
Sujatha was anything but a normal girl — had worked very, very hard to not be one; so it was only natural she wouldn’t be scared.
And, most of the time, she did a good job at suppressing the feeling, even when it threatened to bubble up at the surface in the pit of her stomach.
Right now, however, as she heard the news that their training for the day was going to be exceptionally canceled because of some weather turmoils, the wave of anxiety started to overwhelm her in a way she didn’t think she could easily appease.
“What a pain,” Andry declared, letting himself fall all over a nearby couch. “What are we supposed to do now? They warned us at the last minute, so it’s not like we can quickly make other plans.”
Rukhshana made a weak noise of agreement buried under her black hijab. “Maybe… maybe we could play a game together? Until noon, at least…”
“Guess so,” the boy replied, but he didn’t seem very enthusiastic at the prospect. Then again, Andry never seemed very enthusiastic about most things. Everything seemed to pass through him like water; which could be both a relief and frustrating, depending on the situation.
“What do you think, Sujatha?”
“Huh? U-Um…” Sujatha’s eyes darted towards the dark sky, full of threatening gray clouds, trying not to fidget. “S-Sure. Probably.”
At this, both Rukhshana and Andry stared at her as if she was a ghost. They exchanged a brief, skeptical look with each other, before the boy straightened up and arched an eyebrow in Suparna’s leader’s direction.
“You sure?”
Sujatha frowned, feeling as if she was missing something obvious or was left out of an inside joke between her two teammates. Which, unfortunately, happened often.
“Of course I’m sure,” she responded sharply. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“W-Well…” Rukhi bit her lip, looking up at her hesitantly and wriggling her hands like she did whenever she felt unsure of herself. “It’s… not really like you to say something like this…”
“Rukhi’s right,” Andry added. “Usually, you would’ve gone all ‘Who have time for games, you lazy scoundrels! If you only think about playing, we’ll end up the weakest of all Gauntlets Knights!’ and then Rukhi would have freaked out mentally over it, or something.”
Sujatha puffed out her chest in an irritated manner and glared at her teammate. “I do not sound like that.”
“But… you are acting weird, aren’t you?”
Rukhshana took a step towards her, and while Sujatha was about to snap back at her that she was imagining things, her mouth shut up instantly the moment she saw her eyes.
The other girl was looking at her with a concerned gaze, the one she took when she was genuinely worried about her; and instantly Sujatha felt herself softening against her will and guilt clogged up her throat. Had she really done that bad of a job to hide her anxiety?
“You’ve… been odd for a while now,” Rukhi continued. “And… it’s been worse since our training was officially canceled… I know you always think training is important, but… Is there… something else?”
Rukhshana stopped right in front of Sujatha, catching her off-guard, and her eyes staring straight into hers instantly pinned her into place. She gently reached out to her, her fingertips cupping her cheek in a tender, intimate gesture; and Sujatha flushed bright red, froze, then panicked.
“Th-There’s nothing else!” She exclaimed, snapping Rukhshana’s hand away and glaring at the other two teenagers. “But you’re right! You’d better find another way to exercise or study if you have nothing else better to do!”
She turned around before almost running away from the room; which still didn’t prevent her from hearing Andry snorting from behind and Rukhshana squeak and grumbling to herself ‘What’s this, she’s the one who said it was okay for us to play!’
Sujatha paid it no mind. She headed to her bedchambers, her face still feeling hot and her chest about to explode because of embarrassment.
She couldn’t believe how… open Rukhshana was with her in public, sometimes. Well, in private as well.
The two of them had been dating for about three months now, but everything still felt very new and surreal to her. No one knew, of course, with the exception of Andry — who had somehow grilled them only a week afterwards — and it did bring in some new challenges to navigate, but so far Sujatha didn’t regret it. She didn’t, but… she had to admit sometimes it felt a bit too… overwhelming, and she wasn’t always sure how to act towards Rukhi as a result (not that she knew how to handle her before, though).
She sighed, closing the door behind her, and let herself fell on her bed.
Rukhshana was going to be so angry for snapping at her like that, she knew. And maybe she deserved it, too. That… hadn’t been really fair from her, after all. She probably should go apologize before things get worse.
She might not look like it, but Rukhi was a pretty grudgeful person; and if she felt wronged, she was absolutely not going to let it slide. She could stop talking to Sujatha for months because of something like this — and the simple idea made Sujatha’s stomach turns into knots, even more so than it already was.
She knew she was the one who had to apologize, and that she had to do it now, but she couldn’t bring herself to get out of her bed.
The gray sky and future storm that loomed over outside seemed to have drained her entire energy. She wasn’t sure how long she stayed like that, but the moment she heard the ripple of the rain on her window’s glass she tensed, then hurriedly buried herself under the blanket, as if this could protect her from the foreseeing tempest.
Sujatha wasn’t scared — she just… didn’t like the rain. And gray skies and clouds. And the dark. And thunders.
And it was absolutely not because she was scared that when she was a child she would stay hidden that way under the blanket back in her hometown in Hanumangarh, and that she would spends hours praying to Indra that the sky could finally light up.
She definitely never came to her parents for comfort, because Sujatha wasn’t destined to be a normal girl and not-normal girls were never scared.
So she also definitely didn’t jump when she heard a timid little knock at her door.
“Uh… S-Sujatha…?”
The voice on the other side was barely audible, especially with her ears camouflaged by the blanket and the heavy sound of the rain that seemed to get more and more violent as the minutes passed by — but of course Sujatha still recognized her.
She’d recognized her girlfriend’s voice everywhere.
She distinguished some grumbling from the door, which confirmed her visitor’s identity and at the same time furthered her confusion.
She’d never thought Rukhshana would ever come to see her first. After what had happened earlier, she would’ve been way too mad for that.
“Um… I… I wanted to… uh, check on you…” Rukhi’s voice let out hesitantly. “Can I… come in?”
Sujatha bit her lip. Her heart screamed Yes please, her mind yelled back God no. Sujatha wasn’t scared, but she still refused to let anyone see her… like that.
Even Rukhshana. Maybe especially Rukhshana.
“No,” she finally declared, with a voice a little too shaky.
There was a sigh. And then the door opened anyway.
Sujatha almost jumped off the bed.
“I just said no!”
“I know,” Rukhshana said, glaring at her. “But it was one of your ‘no’ that actually meant ‘yes, please, I need you horribly.’”
Her frame was hallowed of light from the corridor’s luminosity, and Sujatha could see she was still wearing her hijab, albeit another, more casual one along with a long, dark dress.
She clenched her jaw, glared at her girlfriend, flushed, and then threw the blanket over her head yet again. Damn her.
She couldn’t see her, but Sujatha was pretty sure Rukhi rolled her eyes at this. There was a few footsteps sounds, then the mattress moved, tilted under an additional new weight.
“So. Can I stay?”
“A bit too late for that now,” Sujatha mumbled, and the more this situation kept on the more she felt ridiculous. She acted just like a child — completely unbefitting of her.
And then they fell into an awkward, deep-seated silence for what felt like an eternity.
“Why…” Sujatha started, succumbing to the discomforting tension, before hesitating. “Why are you here, anyway? I thought you wouldn’t…”
“Talk to you for a while? Yes. I didn’t want to. But…” She sighed. “Andry convinced me it was better to not be stubborn, for once.”
That made sense. Andry seemed to be the only other person Rukhshana actually genuinely listened to.
“But he agreed you owe me an apology.”
Well, she supposed that was true. All three of them were on the same page, for once.
“…I’m sorry… for snapping at you… It wasn’t your fault.”
“That’s fine. I forgive you. But… you’ll have to tell me why you did it.” Of course, only silence met her and Rukhi grumbled. “Come on. Why are you acting like this since this morning? What’s going on? You know you can talk to me.”
And Sujatha knew she could. She knew. She just wasn’t…
Well. She wasn’t used to it. Talk, and be open, and be… be scared. That wasn’t a thing she’d been taught. Not even to someone she, apparently, loved.
Sujatha buried her face into her knees, debating what to do with this overflow of contradictory feelings, when it seemed the sky decided to answer for her.
A booming, deafening thunder ripped the room apart, bathing the place in a wide splash of white light. Sujatha then lost all self-control and dignity and actually screamed, her heart stopping and her breath getting caught in her throat. A couple of smaller, other thunders outside left her a trembling, weeping mess under the blanket, rolled into a ball as if she was hoping to disappear.
For a while, the room stayed quiet except for the sound of the rain, but then finally Rukhi raised a small, doubtful voice:
“W-Wait… Could it be… that you’re scared of the thunder?”
Sujatha made no attempt to try to answer this. She didn’t think Rukhi needed and answer, anyway, as even a three years old could have come up with one.
And then the next second she was greeted with loud, unadulterated laughters.
“Oh no! That’s what this was all about! You’re scared of the thunder!”
“D-Don’t laugh! I’m not—”
Sujatha flushed red as she tried to disentangle herself from the blanket to glare at the other girl; but then another thunder resonated behind her, and she shrieked. Rukhshana gave her a smug look, raising an eyebrow.
And stared.
“…F-Fine,” Sujatha admitted, before hiding her head into her knees. “Maybe… Maybe I’m…”
She felt like someone was tearing out her teeth one by one, having to make such a statement. It would have probably hurt less if it had actually been the case.
Vulnerability was the worst, most humiliating thing in the world. She would rather die than appear weak to anyone, least of all Rukhshana.
Least of all Rukhshana, but…
But, maybe, at the same time, if she had to choose just one person who could see this side of her… then Rukhshana would be the one.
“Maybe… I am… a little scared…”
She wasn’t sure what to expect from her teammate, friend, lover. Maybe some teasing mockery and more laughters; that sounded like something Rukhshana would do, because she sure loved to tease her.
Instead, she felt something warm and soft on her back; a hand, she quickly realized, and when she raised her head, she was meet by a pair of soft, kind violet eyes that shined in the dim room.
“You are so ridiculous,” Rukhi said, but there was only fondness in her voice for once. “You know you got me and Andry actually worried here, right? If it was just about something so silly then you could’ve just told us. We’re your comrades.”
Of course she couldn’t have just told them, and of course it wasn’t just something silly; no matter how ‘ridiculous’ it seemed, it was still a weakness to Sujatha, and she could never let any weakness be seen to anyone. Well, except for now, it seemed.
“We’re all afraid of something. What’s the point of being friends if we can’t rely on each other to parry our weaknesses?”
Sujatha didn’t feel like fighting on the topic, so she just looked away, escaping Rukhi’s dark, deep eyes. Maybe the other girl knew it was a pointless argument to have at the moment, because she just shook her head before sitting right next to her girlfriend, their shoulders brushing. She pulled the blanket and covered up both of their heads with it.
When Sujatha looked at Rukhshana again, her face was only inches away from her own, her breath on her lips.
“Don’t be scared,” Rukhi said, smiling. “I’ll stay with you for the entirety of the storm. Okay?”
Rukhi extended her hand toward Sujatha, and while the former muttered a small ‘Idiot,’ she grasped it without a second thought. Rukhshana then leaned in and pressed her lips to hers, giving a gentle, comforting kiss as she was oft to do.
Sujatha let herself melt into her lover’s embrace, hiding her head into the corner of her shoulder, retracting into her arms every time a thunder shattered their peace.
And here, hidden under the blanket, away from the storm and from the whole world with only Rukhshana’s heartbeat and warmth for company, she didn’t feel so scared anymore.
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amyinmyheart · 2 years
I dreamt something before that but I had this dream tonight where I was a make teenager and living with my dad (12 years I think?) and I had a friend over and this absolutely cool room with a long couch and lots of monitors (funnily enough a tiny TV, reminded me of the retro TV in Sims 4). No bed to be seen though.
We wanted to play a video game and I went to my little brother's room to ask him if he wanted to join also. He was about to tackle homework but agreed to join. I (male teenager me) tossled his dreadlocks. My little bro was mixed race and his mum was not in the picture for some reason. We were about to play the videogame and had a POV change
I was me (closer to awake self as female, but aged 16/17). My older sister (21-23ish) was over and showing me this completely decked out nursery (that for some reason had been assembled here and now she'd have to move it). We chatted a bit and middle younger brother had friends over and they asked me if I could wear my school uniform for them and if I looked sexy wearing it. I declined to dress up for a bunch of 12 year olds and told them that our uniforms where more like chic prisoners anyway. Cut to my school the next day and then a collage what every one could be wearing at school (we had a surprising variety of allowed pieces).
Today we had a movie showing and I went to get a seat. Somehow Giles from Buffy was our school director? Visiting movie presenter? Not really clear.
I couldn't find my friends nor any free seats really. Tried to sit next to some girls in hijabis but they said another friend was coming. I ended up leaning against the last row of seats, because they had made this kind of wood podium for them.
The movie startet and it was about vampires. Many people had also worn clothes with bat motives on them. Suddenly there was (subdued) screaming, the movie was stopped and some students started to flee in panic. I felt myself being hugged/held from being. Probably should have been scared but kinda melted into the embrace. I turned around and there was this person - gender unclear. Short, wild, blondish- honey hair. Kinda like the characters I liked as a young teenager tbh. I was like "hey are you a girl or a boy, because I'm kinda over boys after my first BF but well we can work with it.". The person (well vampire obviously) asked a bit surprised that I had a relationship already and I was like" "yeah a BF and a GF but girlfriend was more serious but still were just finding ourselves and trying this relationship thing you know?". Then I noticed they had boobs under their frilly blouse and vest combo and went "we can work with that". Meanwhile some people were eaten by vampires. My vampire decided to go back to my place though and on the way I was praying to Hecate to keep my siblings safe because I already felt mostly safe anyway. I was chanting under my breath "Hecate, Hecate please" and I had this brief flash forward moment that my vampire would approve of my faith and we'd bond over this. We missed the train home but hoped onto the end piece and rode that way.
Later we were girlfriends (they were fine with that term though still kinda genderfluid) and prepping for a lolita fashion teaparty. My vampire GF wanted to wear gothic lolita with a kinda on the nose vampire theme and I had this blue koi print dress I made myself and wanted to pick up accessories to go with it. I had left it at this place that made custom pieces to go with your existing wardrobe and they mislaid my dress. GF was about to go berserk on them for losing my work but they said they found it after all. (I own the fabric that inspired this koi dream dress btw but not enough for a dress I think. Hmm.)
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babydarkstar · 1 month
what should i make for my hijabi iranian coworker who’s going on sabbatical next year (to iran!) and has the most beautiful loving calming soul ive ever met
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pettycrimesgreeneyes · 6 months
I’m so sad. I hate when you realize some shit about a friend and it’s engrained in your mind to point you can’t stand them anymore even if it isn’t that deep and you should just let it go. I have a friend who’s also friends with my husband and he asked me to play Cupid for him so I wanted to hook him up with the best of the best cause he genuinely seems like progressive good Muslim man and he is a good Muslim but he ain’t as progressive as I thought. I tried to hook him up with my bestie she’s fine as hell, she’s lawyer, she’s a year younger than him, hijabi, everything he described personality wise, she’s taller than him that’s for sure. She said he rejected it instantly without really knowing why and his reason is she ain’t light enough which is odd cause he looks like Aziz Ansari so this is another level of self hate. He was raised in Jordan so I’m not too suprised. They def are third colorist country in balad Al sham next to Lebanon and Syria BUT Jesus. Omg. I ain’t hookin up shit anymore. I’m really let down and he embarrassed me and I don’t want her having a bad perception of men after this. But just like him she’s a Palestinian raised in jordan and she already knew what was up but I couldn’t come forward and tell her. I don’t want one bad experience for her to ruin her whole thought process on finding an Arab husband.
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
Be My Favorite Live Blogging
Haven't been really watching shows and haven't watched anything long since literally August but now that it's nearing the end of the semester and I have big, big projects due that I'm not close to being done, clearly it's the correct time to watch this.
I've been anticipating this for so long, I hope I love it.
Ep 1 (Nov 23)
hijabi side character
12 years after 1st year, so are they 30 years old now?
not Pisaeng being a liar! lol
oh yeah, Kawi is a translator!
the time travel has started
omg him getting a call from his dad and going to see him and hug him T.T because his dad passed away in real life T.T
oh the first time travel iteration, i'm having fun
"Do you like me? [...] What should I think?"
The way Kawi has already begun to act unlike himself and getting out of his shell like with Pisaeng in the locker room and dancing drunk in the bar, even if it involves first stealing Pisaeng's clothes and next his money
Fun start!
Ep 2 (Nov 24)
ohh okay so doing that takes you to the same moment as when you twisted it? both in the present and past
Ahh, his time travel affecting the current timeline, he's now besties with Pisaeng and isn't a recluse
Kawi's repeatedly using Pisaeng's money and whining is offputting. like i fully know that a large portion of his inferiority complex comes from the lack of money and how he thinks that people think of him poorly because of it but omg it's so ew
I would hate to be in Pear's situation so much omg she was hoping to get have lunch with the guy she's known for a while + probably has a crush on and now he's left her at this restaurant with some random dude who has definitely been trying to get closer to her... rip but she's being nice about it
ah, the kissing the best man on the day of the wedding
the coming-back-to-win-prize is extremely expected lol
Krist's expressions are too much fr, reminds me why I don't like certain slap-stick cartoonish jBLs. paired with the whining? please I need it to lessen over time
Ep 3 (Nov 24)
Pear inviting a friend as soon as she realized Pisaeng had ditched and now she's having lunch alone with this guy who could misconstrue this as a date, exactly so true
For all my ehh feelings about Khai's mannerisms, the way he says "Then who do you like? O.O" is so good
I know the point is that Kawi is unlikeable and doesn't quite know how to navigate people or relationships but he's supposed to grow throughout the show but man he bothers me fr like the way he keeps being cruel to Pisaeng is just. I know it's cuz he doesn't want Pisaeng to fall for him and leave Pear on their wedding day but it's like girl...
actually more than just terating him shitty, it bothers me that every time Kawi acts like he doesn't get why Pisaeng is hurt. "Oh just this hurt you?" "Why are you mad?" etc
loll the lottery ticket thing is so true
I was whatever about Gawin in Not Me and wasn't really someone I wasn't someone I was drawn to in general but I really like him in this role! Hot boy Pisaeng let's go
Ep 4 (Nov 25)
The way Kawi wears his backpack only on one shoulder bothers me cuz it doesn't look light
broo Kawi put your fucking backpack on properly like the whole game whatever is dumb and annoying obviously but don't be silly
I hate these confession things so much, fuck Not for real. ofc it's a lot of pressure on Kawi to confess but I also hate these things that definitely pressure the girl into feeling like she has to say yes
okayy at least they're all leaving the two of them together, rather than witnessing the confession but I kinda thought they were gonna film him get rejected or smth
oh lmfao they're eavesdropping on him knowing he'd get rejected such bastards
I knowww the point is that Kawi has many shortcomings but goddamn being 30 in a freshman's body and still making stupid decisions is so annoying to watch, why are you going to the nightclub rn bffr and he knows Not is an asshold, he almost slipped up when he tried to make Not and Pisaeng go back to being friends so why is he hanging around Not still smh
Not stop trying to get a girl to sleep with a drunk Kawi omg
annoying, including what Pisaeng is saying
although drunk Kawi jumping past!Pisaeng for the crimes for current Pisaeng is funny though, Pisaeng is confused as hell
ah Pisaeng gay and avoidant
Damn, Kawi really got Pisaeng to confess to Pear that he doesn't like her and never will, good job
wait... Pear asking to sit with Kawi... knowing that she doesn't have a chance with Pisaeng... are we gonna get groom Kawi in the new future?
bro wtf he's not going to go back to the present? how are you not curious enough smh but I guess he doesn't know that Pisaeng said no to Pear
Ep 5 (Nov 25)
Oh, he wants to accomplish his last goal of dating Pear or whatever before going back...
oh Pisaeng taken with seeing boys kissing at the club he works at
ahh Pisaeng going to the gay club!
aww him running out as soon as he saw Max and got recognized
ah Max good head
I don't want Kwan to be nice to Nott, she's too good for him
I don't quite agree with Max because what do you mean people don't care or gossip or talk about where you go and what you do
lol did Kwan being nice to Nott make Nott be nice to Kawi. will it last
not Kawi running to meet Pisaeng and actually apologizing gj
Pisaeng really confessed
Corny scene of Kawi and Pisaeng but better than the whining
damn singer Kawi
oh the next episode has the drunk scene with Kawi asking why Pisaeng likes him... it's in every edit + trailer I think
Ep 6 (Nov 26)
lol is a business tycoon that good to watch, Max?
Pear whining to her dad to treat Kawi's father is so... eh? idk it's a serious topic but idk
oh damn the dinner with Pear's father is going really sideways
Pisaeng shouldn't have told Pear but that's one thing, I don't think Pear also shouldn't have just started talking about Kawi's dad to her dad without consulting him
but also was Kawi planning on asking Pear's dad without telling Pear beforehand?
Kawi's little drunk ramble here is pretty good
wtf why is Nott being cute and smiley to Pear...
oh the drunk Kawi and Pisaeng kissing
what are we doing why are we unbuttoning the drunk guy's shirt bro
okay sorry I think this would've been better if I though Kawi was attractive
not Kawi falling asleep omg pls
she may be a capitalist businesswoman but at least she supports queer people and her son being queer
oh my bad spoke too soon! she's like keep it quietttt
oh so Nott is there to tell Pear he thinks Kawi isn't straight?
lol not the time-travelling sleep-talking
crying why didn't Pisaeng shut Kawi up quicker
oh Pisaeng has become bold
Ep 7 (Nov 26)
ahhh tragic the way Pisaeng
aw, I'm proud of Kawi, mans really accomplishing his goals
girl what kaljdsfkljadsf omg
so how does memory work here? Does Kawi just know the lyrics even though it's a song he never learned in a life he hasn't lived?
but i'm assuming there's still stuff wrong with his life and him being so happy is out of character?
girl not Nott D: Pear no
oh nooo Pear and Kawi had been dating but he's been putting her through it?
Can they show what actually lead to Kawi and Pear's breakup?
omg ? did Kawi cheat on Pear with Pisaeng or smth?
omg Nott is suchhh a dickhead, how is he getting both Kwan and Pear smhhh
girl so you're pregnant, get an abortion plsss ik it's not as easy as i'm saying it but T.T tying yourself to Nott for life?
okay at least Kawi didn't cheat on Pear, he just didn't wanna marry her and settle down
I guess Kawi let Pisaeng be true to himself but leading him to discover him being gay?
ahh Pisaeng giving Kawi gift for his "confession" anniversary even 8 years down the line, how are you so down bad omg Kawi and Pisaeng are both kings of holding onto crushes, though at least Pisaeng has been around Kawi this whole time, unlike Kawi having like no contact with Pear lol
Okay my confession is that Nott and Kwan are both very attractive to me and kinda want to see them play a couple together
Ep 8 (Nov 27)
tragic reaction to the kiss
so did Kawi often kiss Pisaeng while drunk? and forget or what?
aw man the dad died right away
i mean... Pisaeng's mom isn't wrong here tbh
dang, Kawi gave Pisaeng his diary
I feel like Kawi should've given Pisaeng some more concrete proof ngl
forever gotta love a queer ralley or info session or whatever in a BL
plsss not all this dramatics while Pisaeng prlly just dropping his mother off at the airport but i suppose it'll move Kawi along in his feelings bravery journey
girl not the time travel man almost getting to Pisaeng's car
Ep 9 (Nov 28)
is the writer or director of this show a child of divorce with a shitty mother who is obsessed with her work and never there for her kid or smth? because pear, kawi, pisaeng all have separated parents, pear and kawi love and are in contact with their fathers while their mothers left for work and a diff family respectively. pisaeng is living with his mom technically but she's also never there and busy with her work. we could've at least examined why women are forced into these scenarios for at least 1 situation instead of having 3 shitty moms for no reason lmao
agh Not is a problem fr
idk i kinda don't care about Kawi and Pisaeng cuteness negl even though I feel like I should be having fun with it... I'm just kinda bored of this show rip even though it's like objectively not bad and probably not actually boring
bro Not isn't just calling Pear but discussing it with a group in public, get fucked fr
aw Pear
Kwan needs to get over Nott and Pear needs to not entertain him either aghhh this fucker
Kwan is so pretty fr I cannot see her like Nott fr T.T and Nott is nicef to look at too, why can't he be a decent guy
ah Pear asking Nott to not tell anybody, she's kind but he's an asshole who's already told everybody so
and at least she's not falling for him, yes a win
At first I was watching this show on 1.25 but I started doing 1.5x because I kinda want it to be done
Ep 10 (Nov 28/29)
Nott pushing Kwan like that??? die
hehe making up with friends Pear and Max
awwww this tragic Pisaeng moment with his mother
ohh so the mother approved finally
Kawi is a 30 year old virgin who figured out he likes guys also like a week ago so I understand why he's shy, its not out of character for him the way it is for many of the other BL characters but it's still so awkward T.T
just gonna ignore Max's response to possibly asexuality but whatever lol
[Linguistics] Oh, then discussing stopping gu/mueng and using Khun or smth instead because they're dating now
not even gonna lie, skipped the entire intimate scene thing because it's making me uncomfortable idk like it's not giving horniness vibes which is definitely fine, i love tender and sweet but for some reason it's giving me the ick here - maybe cuz I actually wanted it to go a different way of maybe not leading to sex and going in an ace route?
i saw a glimpse of the kissing and yeah not into it
Actually, I wonder if not watching anything risque or sexual in a show for the past few months has made me averse to it again? but idk bout that cuz I've been enjoying the Pit Babe edits lmfao (although the edits don't really show much actual NC content, just convos before or interactions)
Anyway 2 more episodes, I can do this. idk why i'm so meh about this show when I've been hoping to love it while many people who were so apprehensive about it like it way more than me
Ep 11 (Nov 29)
Aw Pear and her mother making up
having to skip through the continuation of the Kawi and Pisaeng sex scene to get to the interweaved character stories lmfao
Graduation gift? How fucking long has Kawi been living in the past
the compilation of Kawi and Pisaeng (+friends at Christmas) is cute, aw
wait Pearmai wedding invitation? Is this still in the past?
the constant Khun is so confusing now
I'm so confused by the passing of time this episode, ig it's been a few days since Kawi got sick?
ohhhh so the reason nothing happened with Pisaeng the first time is because it was his first time spinning the snowglobe so he's back there on his second try
omg just one more episode left, i'm so tired of this show i want it to be done
Ep 12 (Nov 30)
Last day of the month and I'm finally almost done whooo 1 last episode on 1.5x let's go
Ohh, nice choice to make Kawi reflect on not wanting to actually become famous
I don't get the aging thing either
Okay my bad I really skipped through this last ep to get the just of what's going on
It is such a tragedy that despite looking forward to this show for so long and enjoying some aspects and moments, ultimately, it fell flat for me. I feel like a lot of this show was objectively done well like the character arcs and acting and stuff but I'm not attached to any of it. The romance didn't make me feel giddy even though I really wish it had like it's strange that I didn't care at all about all those cute moments Kawi and Pisaeng had or the established relationship montages when usually they're some of my favourite aspects of a BL. agh whatever ig at least the show didn't treat Pear terribly.
Rating: 5.5/10
0 notes
lothloriien · 3 years
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getting really excited for ramadan this year! i know it’s going to be difficult, like last year. we can’t have huge iftars, can’t go to the masjid for suhoor/iftar, can’t pray taraweeh at the masjid, none of it (unless you live in an area where you can, in which case mashallah). but this hardship will lead to so much more reward than we can fathom may our fasts, duas, prayers, and all other good deeds/forms of worship be accepted, and may we see this ramadan through
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espressokiri · 3 years
Hi there. Another Muslimah here.
Hope you don't mind me sending you an ask. I read your fic about the BNHA boys with a muslim s/o. It was really good. I loved it so much. (There aren't many fics like this, which is a shame cause we like fanfics too. So this was very refreshing. Thank you.💚😉)
Could you do one for the Haikyuu boys, specifically Tsukishima, Kuroo, Sugawara, and Bokuto. But only if you want to, of course.
Hope you have a great and productive day.
Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Sugawara Koushi, and Bokuto Koutarou x Hijabi!reader
In which reader is a hijabi Muslim.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: You're welcome to send asks anytime <3 I may be slow at getting through them but I will make sure to get them out! Thank you for being so sweet anon <3 I hope you enjoy this one! ^^ I’m sorry if it seems bland as I was slowly losing ideas.
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Tsukishima Kei
His eyes would constantly drift to you during class hours, lips twitching into a smile as he would watch you struggle with the assignment sheet given during history class.
Would take that as a leeway to make conversation and help you out.
"Tsk, can't even do a simple history assignment?"
Just sits down next to you and points out what you did wrong while helping you out.
Flinches his hand away and mutters a sorry if your hands accidentally graze each others.
He knows how strict the dating rules were and he admired it, thinking it was a safe way to keep them away from harm and heartbreak.
Becomes your unofficial tutor just to spend more time with you.
Has the urge to flick your forehead most times when you purposely tease him.
Is worried when he sees you zoning out in the middle of class during Ramadan, you have to convince him you're fine and that you're getting your studying done despite the odd sleep schedule you've created.
He'll give you a small box of his favourite treat, strawberry short cake, randomly throughout Ramadan because he knows you crave more sweets during the days you fast than regular days.
He calls you a masochist when he finds you watching cooking/baking videos while fasting.
Will stop by your house to drop off pastries during Eid for you and your family because he wants to peak at you all dressed up as he's only seen you in your school uniform or in casual but modest fashion.
He feels a sense of security, enjoying the aspect of getting to know someone with no sense of rush.
Kuroo Tetsurou
He's such an awkward nerd please.
Wants to approach you but fears he might accidentally offend you due to his provocative nature, hence resorts to staring at you from across the room.
Would research more about your religion and would use that as a way to start small talk;
“Hey, uh, I was wondering how do you manage to pray Zuhr when you’re in school? Isn’t it bad that you have to miss it?”
“Oh uh, I usually run home as soon as I can or pray in my club room if there are meetings, my club members are very understanding.”
“Oh... I see.”
“That’s pretty cool of you to be concerned, Kuroo-san.”
Cue him asking you random but wholesome questions with genuine curiosity.
“Did you know men who oppress women are considered to not follow Islam? I find that really nice that women are equal to men in your religion!”
You smile at him and his interest in your religion.
Study sessions in the library because you both wanted to spend time with each other but he knows it is wrong for a male to be alone in the same room as the opposite gender so you both opted for the library where there are lots of people.
Gasps and immediately looks away when you unravel the scarf around your head to fix;
“Y/n! You can’t do that!!”
“I’m wearing an underscarf calm down.”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatic male but smiled at his respectful nature.
Ramadan? Catch him ruining his sleep schedule just to have movie nights with you through the phone and Netflix Party.
Kenma teases him about it because Kuroo used to yell at him about his own staying up late gaming obsession.
Likes it when you wear a cap on top of your hijab, he thinks it looks cool on you.
He’ll convince you to skip school during Eid if it falls on a school day, telling you that it’s important that you spend at least the first day of it with your family. 
Overall, he’s the type to keep up with the Islamic calendar and learn new facts daily as he asks you to explain each and everything about your religion and lifestyle.
Sugawara Koushi
See’s you for the first time with Kiyoko when he went to excuse her from class for managerial duties.
Smitten from first sight.
Begs Kiyoko to let you be her assistant manager.
He keeps a distance from you during your first introduction and conversation because he didn’t know what you were comfortable with.
He was in awe to find out there were sports hijab when he saw you sporting one to play a short game with an over-enthusiastic Hinata.
“Here, stay hydrated.”
Hands you a bottle of water along with a towel, a newfound respect for playing in hot weather conditions fully covered. 
Due to the chaotic nature of the first and second years, Sugawara would run to cover your eyes with his jacket or hover his hands in front of your face whenever Tanaka would rip off his shirt to swing around whenever he spiked.
Sugawara had to stop himself multiple times from clapping his hand onto your shoulder, resulting in him just smacking either Asahi or Daichi when they mention him almost touching you.
Outings between you two is always monitored by the third years, Asahi smiling proudly at his friend Suga while Daichi and Kiyoko would sneakily take candid pictures of you both.
“What’s one verse you hold dear to your heart?”
You look at him from the warm mug of drink you are holding, tilting your head as you look at him in confusion. Sugawara felt the tips of his ears go red at the cute expression you held, and explains his question.
“Ah,” you thought long and hard before giving him an answer, “ ‘Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear...’ I find that part of the verse very reassuring in times when I feel like I’m overwhelmed.”
Sugawara held onto every word, finding the beauty behind those words, he felt at peace. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He smiles.
It felt like he was more excited than you for Ramadan.
He would read out loud the Japanese translation of the Quran after you read out the Arabic words in a beautiful and soothing voice. He wanted to understand and learn.
He was hooked onto the peaceful energy the month brought despite life going on normally.
This man would wear a formal Kimono when your family invites his over for Eid, he wanted to make the best impression despite already meeting them in passing.
Suga had a sense of security and comfort around him and you felt lucky to have met someone such as him.
Bokuto Koutarou 
Oh God.
Akaashi had a field day trying to stop him from initiating any and every kind of physical affection when he first introduced you to him.
Bokuto is a man who expresses himself with affection, so he was lucky for Akaashi to explain to him why he shouldn’t initiate any physical affection without asking for what you considered crossing a boundary.
He knows he can’t drag you to the gym to watch him play volleyball by hand, so he asks you to hold onto the end of a pen, which you took, confused as to what the male exactly wants before realizing he was holding the other end and using that to drag you to where the gym was.
It was oddly endearing.
“Did you see my spike, Y/n?! Didya see?!”
“Yes, Bokuto. It was really cool!”
Cue a chest puffed up Bokuto who grinned with pride.
Invites you to eat lunch with him and Akaashi on the roof.
Having to refuse his food because you weren’t sure if there was pork in it or not.
This made Bokuto stop bringing in food that contained pork, not knowing even aside from that, he had to have the halal form of chicken or beef.
Akaashi had to explain everything to him when he asked him once.
Tried to go vegetarian one day, failed the minute he took a bite out of his food.
Feels bad when he eats on days you are fasting, so he tries finishing the meal before you come up to their usual meeting spot, resulting in him giving himself a stomach ache.
Brings you tuna filled onigiri to take home so you can eat it as a snack during the night after breaking your fast.
Sends you spam messages minutes before having to break your fast;
‘Are you excited to eat?!?!?!’
‘What are you having today?!?’
‘If you want to get any snacks later let me know! :D’
He’s so wholesome please.
Wants to skip school with you for Eid, but pouts when you tell him you’ll be spending it with family.
Asks you to send an OOTD pic so he could be your hype-man.
Bokuto is always willing to understand more about you and your religion, making sure to note things in his head for future references.
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