#i will come back to this later when i reach an answer that satisfies me on both sides.
spatio-rift · 1 year
imo the part of mahoro and amagis conflict thats related to their opposing views on soccer & mahoro following (and enforcing) fifth sectors orders is a little awkward. but i get that somehow it has to be put in there its inazuma eleven. but if you ignore it my god the whole thing is just so real and sad.
like i find it awkward because we dont really know why mahoro is so deeply on fifth sectors side... or rather what fifth sector are using to get him to be so obedient. maybe as long as he obeys them theyre protecting him from his bullies? who knows. but clearly theyve got SOMETHING they can use against him like tsurugi judging from his interaction with that dude in the suit whatever his name is. the one that was always on tsurugis ass about the money for yuuichis surgery.
like he basically just warns him to 'not expect to play soccer again anytime soon' if mahoro doesnt comply with his orders to crush raimon... but it feels so out of place? why would he not be able to play again? is it just that fifth sector would get him kicked out of the team? it has so little weight compared to everything that ties him to amagi + the bullying hes been enduring since!!!
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cherryredstars · 9 months
Idk what wrong with me but I've been craving some highschool oneshot, or anything tbh
So I hope if u could do badbad!Miguel x goodgirl!nerd?
I have no idea what I meant by goodgirl!nerd,let just make her an good girl who always an big time nerd in the school,who loves helping people out,especially when it come to tutoringor tutor some students,so when miguel ask for her to tutor him,so he could catch up with his grades,she say yes to him,but he really didn't need the tutoring he just wanted to play around with reader (he would been craving for some of her attention,he would have an interest in her without anyone notice) he loved teasing,flirty, and most definitely love making her all stuttering and blushing mess,but what he hate how people who think that have their advantage over reader,eye fucking her with their eyes,it just makes his blood boil,his fist clenching in anger,but he deals with them later (beating tf out of them for thinking that they can touch what his) but not feeling satisfied he just had to show u who u belong to,and make you his,so on one can try to get u before him
Idk what wrong with me like I can write when I'm zoned out (also could u pls put nfsw pls)
Anyway have an great day
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Pairing: Badboy!Miguel O’Hara x Goodgirl!Reader
Warnings: Protectiveness, Suggested Physical Fighting, Smut, Slight Exhibition, Marking, Praise, Lots of Curses and Mentions to Disney
Summary: All good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you. (Get it..like the song)
Word Count: 4.5K (Barely Edited)
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It doesn’t take much to notice you. 
He sees you all the time, sitting in the front like the good little girl you are. Batting those innocent eyes up at every teacher as you shoot your hand up to answer every question with a bashful smile. Eyes you as you go up to different students, reminding them of tutoring sessions or offering help. His good little girl just wanted to make sure everyone graduates with passing grades. Just want to be so helpful for everyone, to feel needed. He could make you feel needed. Only if you’d let him, only if you needed him as much as he needed you. 
When he calls your name, your head shoots up instantly to turn to him. Your cheeks heat up when your eyes meet his, a smirk spreading on his face. He calls you over, finger forming a ‘come here’ motion. You instantly obey, getting out of your seat and standing over his desk. You flutter your lashes shyly at him, fingers fidgeting together as you try to kill the redness on your face. Miguel hums lazily, hand reaching out to play with a strand of your hair resting on your shoulder. Your hair is soft and silky against his fingers, his eyes watching as it twirls around his fingers.
“Tutor me.” He says simply, eyes blazing a lazy trial up to your face. His expression is one of boredom, except his eyes are glistening with mischief. 
The eye contact makes you flush deeper, face practically a tomato as you refocus your gaze to his ear to avoid his gaze. A stuttered response leaves you, uncertainty masking your voice as you ask him what he needs help with. The question momentarily pauses his movements. Truthfully, he doesn’t need help with anything. He has a high class rank, closely following behind your up and coming valedictorian title. In the end, he replies with science, a class he has a perfect grade in. You instantly agree, shyly giving him a time and day to go to the library for his sessions. 
He always shows up a few minutes early, you find him on his phone as his feet are propped up on a secluded table with his chair leaning on its back legs. A lazy smile crosses his face as he watches you walk over, not caring for the science workbooks you set down at the table. You try your hardest not to meet his gaze, finding it hard when he sets his feet down and leans closer towards you as you explain the material in quiet, stuttered sentences. He simply hums along to your explanations, not really listening as he brushes his shoulder against yours, accidentally grazing your hand when he points to a random paragraph, pressing the side of his knee against yours under the table. 
Each touch makes you stop talking, body tensing as a flush covers every inch of your skin. His touch burns against your skin, causing your voice to waver and fingers to tremble. He drinks in every reaction, interrupting your explanations with questions whispered too close to your ear in a flirty tone. They’re questions he already knows the answers to, but he just wants to keep hearing you talk and stutter. He’ll make you late to your next tutor session with a pout, teasing that he still doesn’t understand what you’re trying to teach him. It always causes your eyes to soften towards him and make you promise that you’ll move your schedule around to make room for a sooner tutoring session. It always causes Miguel to puff up with pride at his clever antics and for his heart to beat faster at the thought of spending more one-on-one time with you. 
When he’s not with you in his lovely tutor sessions, he keeps his eye on you. He watches you in the cafeteria as you offer someone your lunch because they didn’t bring any money and don’t have anything to eat. He smiles slightly to himself whenever you get stopped by an underclassman and you fuss over making sure they get to the right class and don’t end up lost in the halls. He gets slightly annoyed and furrows his brows when you hold the door open for a long string of people and only a few of them acknowledge your kindness with a thank you. You’re just so nice and he wishes he can have that sweetness of yours all to himself. Especially when he sees some random ass fuck trying their go at you. Because, of course you’re not just nice and smart, you’re a total fucking knockout. 
You have the sweetest little face paired with a body any man would get on his knees to worship, (a thought Miguel thinks about very often in the comfort of a bathroom or his bedroom), the shiniest fucking eyes that always blink up at everyone like they’re the most interesting damn thing you’ve ever met, and a voice that drips of honey and hidden sex appeal. And if it isn’t your looks that instantly draw them in, it’s that perfect personality of yours. Always kind and patient and funny. You’re always walking with someone in the halls, making everyone you’re with laugh and crave to be the subject of your attention. You’re a goddamn magnet, and everyone wants to be connected to you. You’re the type of woman that would convince any man to settle down, to drop to a single knee and ask you to be his for life. Because everyone knows that you’re a once in a lifetime girl and no one will ever come close to you. Every boy (and some girls) in this damn school wants a chance with you. 
And that pisses Miguel the fuck off. Because while you’re wife material, most boys here don’t even meet the requirements to be considered boyfriend material. Sleezy fucks who want a trophy wife that will suck them off after they come home from some meaningless job that they sit around all day doing nothing at. Immature cunts who think they’re funny when they poke fun at insecurities and claim it's a joke. Disgusting toddlers in overgrown bodies who don’t deserve to be in the same universe as you are. But, of course you’re still nice to them, and of course they think it means they have a chance with you. 
Miguel is always clenching his jaw and preparing his fists whenever he walks into the library to meet you after one of your earlier sessions to see some disney channel-looking fucker trying to sweet talk you. Key word being ‘trying’, because he can tell from a mile away that you’re still trying to be patient even though your body language screams ‘I am so close to slapping this boy with my textbooks’. The thought makes Miguel snort out a laugh that instantly dies as he watches some Zac Efron wannabe lean closer towards you. The asshole’s eyes instantly drop to your chest, where your textbooks are causing your boobs to be pushed together, revealing the most mouthwatering sight. Miguel’s eye is practically twitching when the dude’s slimy fingers come to run down your arm with the ugliest smirk Miguel has had the displeasure of seeing. 
Miguel doesn’t hesitate to walk over, walking slowly as he stops at the end of the table with a bored and displeased expression on his face. The boy, who’ll probably end up as a drug addict in his 20s, looks very annoyed at his presence. Even muttering something about Miguel being a ‘cock-blocker’ under his breath. The retort makes Miguel lift his brow in surprise. He didn’t know Mickey Mouse Junior even had a dick. Must be one of his magic mousekatools, he concludes. 
Miguel ignores him, instantly turning to you. The grateful look on your face as you stare at him makes Miguel puff out his chest, proud of himself for making you feel better. His body loses the tiniest bit of tension as you smile softly at him. “He bothering you, princesa?”
You instantly widen your eyes, moving to shake your head when Donald Duck speaks up, “I think you’re the one bothering her, actually.”
He must have been a mosquito in his past life, Miguel thinks to himself, it would explain why he’s so fucking annoying. Miguel turns over to Shrek’s brother and stares him down. The boy instantly looks like he might piss his pants, but keeps his position as much as his wobbling legs can, “I think you should leave Miguel. I’m sure she’ll be…preoccupied for the next hour or two.”
His comment makes you cringe from the applied meaning and Miguel sees absolute red. He has to laugh at what this fucker thinks would have happend if Miguel didn’t show up. Yeah right, like this motherfucker could last that long. Miguel grabs the front of his collar with a tight grip, almost pulling the poor boy over the table. A vein is visibly running down Migue’s neck as his jaw clenches. 
“Puta madre. Cuando termine contigo, no podrás tocar nada nunca más.” Miguel grinds out, shaking the worthless piece of shit slightly before turning towards you in a nicer, softer tone, but still laced with a bit of tension: “Go find us a nice table, hermosa. I have to take care of something real quick.” 
You can only nod, watching as Miguel leaves with the boy out the back entrance of the library. You wince slightly as the door closes rather loudly, feeling a bit of sympathy for the boy who most likely won’t schedule another tutoring session once Miguel comes back. You spend the next 20 or so minutes preparing the secluded table Miguel likes best. Laying out all your books and supplies, sitting still and then getting antsy and shifting things to straighten them every few minutes. 
When Miguel finds you, he walks over with his hands in his pocket. He looks just like he did a few minutes ago, his hair just slightly disheveled. Your heart might have actually stopped when his hand leaves his pocket to grab yours that are drummin nervously on the wooden table. His hand is rough compared to your soft one as he bends down and brings it to his face. His lips are soft, if not slightly chapped, when he presses a fleeting kiss to your knuckles, mumbling an apology for taking so long as he stares into your eyes. Your eyes are wide as you stutter out reassurance that it’s fine. Miguel simply hums before dropping your hand and going to sit down. He pauses when your small hands grab his once again.
Your thumb strokes over the redness and slight purple color of his knuckles, something that definitely wasn’t there when he first came in, hinting at what happened outside of the library building. A slight crease appears between your brows and your lips are in a sad pout.Your eyes don’t leave his hand when you mutter, “You’re hurt.” 
Your concern makes Miguel slightly happy, liking the idea you care for him. He slips his hand into yours, bending back down as his hand goes under your chin to lift your face. Out of sight from peering eyes, he presses a kiss to the corner of your lips. “Don’t worry ‘bout it, mkay?”
Your stuttered and shy state makes him smile, muttering how cute you are as he finally sits down. You have to clap a hand over your mouth to conceal a squeak when Miguel grabs the seat of your chair and pulls it closer to him, practically connecting the edge of the chairs. He casually throws his arm over the back of your chair, not doing any dramatics like faking a yawn or stretching. You stare and blink at him, nervousness bubbling in your stomach as he leans in closer. “Are we going to start or what, mami?”
He keeps his smile to himself, watching as you clear your throat and scramble to open your science textbook to where you had left off the last time. He just sits and watches, fingers ghosting over your shoulder gently, feeling nothing like the other guy. He listens to what you’re saying faintly, pointing at some diagram in the book. He thinks you asked him a question because you stare at him patiently, yet expectantly. He turns to you, shrugging, “Can’t see the model clearly.”
You nod, moving to push the book closer to him before his hands are on your waist. He leans fully back into his chair as he lifts you off yours and into his lap. He pulls the book in front of the both of you, head resting on your shoulder as he hums. “That’s better. Now ask the question again.”
Your brain stops functioning for a second, Miguel’s hands leaving your waist to rest against your legs, fingers slightly caressing the side of your thigh. Your nervousness makes you squirm, and his hands instantly grab onto your thighs tightly with a hiss. He grinds out for you to ask the question again, but he doesn’t sound aggressive. His voice sounds more pained and desperate. You nod with a gulp, hesitantly reasking the question that he pretends to think about before answering correctly just to hear your praise. 
As you continue talking, Miguel’s fingers rub the skin just below the ending of your skirt. You try to ignore the touches, but your body melts against his front as your voice quiets and you shift your body slightly to press into him. Miguel’s breath tickles your neck and your thighs clench as a single finger slips under the material of your skirt. It just barely skims over your panties, and your breath hitches. Miguel smirks at your reactions, asking you what’s wrong as he slowly moves your leg so it hangs over his leg. You’re a stuttering mess, brain malfunctioning when his hand comes back and caresses the crotch of your panties. Your cheeks flush, knowing it’s damp in arousal. 
A quiet groan leaves Miguel as he moves your panties to the side, letting his fingers rub against your bare pussy. Sticky fluid instantly clings to his fingers and his head turns to press kisses against your neck, his free hand coming up to your chin to tilt your head to the side for more room. Your hand comes down to hold his arm, eyes closing as the tips of his fingers tease your entrance. When he hears your slight whimper, he looks up to your face and pulls his fingers away, moving them to trace circles in your inner thigh. 
The small sound you make in protest causes him to chuckle, “Shh, shh. Keep talking, baby. You’re supposed to help me, remember?”
You open your mouth to protest but his fingers are back, this time slowly sinking into your heat instead of just teasing with his fingertips. Your eyes instantly close again and you let out a shuddering breath. You open our eyes, trying to focus on the words in the book. When you begin to read and explain a scientific equation, Miguel’s fingers reach knuckle-deep into you. You can hear the muffled sound he makes as he continues to suck and kiss your neck. Your weak explanation is cut off when he pulls his fingers back and pumps them into you, curling his fingers. The beginning of a moan is let out before your hand clasps over your mouth. Miguel laughs evilly as he continues moving his fingers. 
You're sure this is a game to him. Everytime you stop explaining things, he stops and tells you to continue. But once you start talking, his pumps and curls his fingers faster, causing you to cut yourself off when sounds of pleasures. You’re a mess by the time you finish your explanation, hips grinding into Miguel’s hand and fingers clutching to the edge of the table for stability. 
Once you say your last words, Miguel speeds his fingers up and bites into your neck, “Good girl. Gonna give you a reward for being such a good girl for me, yeah?”
You don’t hesitate to nod, face screwed up in pleasure as you reach closer and closer to the edge. Miguel leaves your neck, licking the bite soothingly before tilting your face back towards him. He muffles the loud moan you make as you gush around his fingers with a deep kiss. He bites and sucks on your bottom lip, eyes closed and brows furrowed as he savors the taste of your lip gloss. His tongue swipes over the seam of your lips, causing you to part them as his tongue explores your mouth. 
His fingers move to lazy pumps, working you through your orgasm before stopping completely. Your body shakes slightly against his, and he smirks into the kiss before pulling away. His fingers reappear from under your skirt, covered in your white cum. You both watch as he part his two fingers, white strings connecting the two. You let out an embarrassed whimper, watching as Miguel brings them up to his mouth, licking them clean. Your taste instantly floods his mouth and he practically rolls his eyes back. Of course you’d taste so fucking sweet and delicious. His fingers leave his mouth with a small pop, hurriedly coming back to kiss you again. A shy moan leaves you at your own taste. 
Miguel’s hand moves your other leg, spreading you out fully so both of your legs are pressed into the sides of his thighs. His hand leaves your chin and scoots you further up his leg, working on undoing his jeans just enough to stick his aching cock out of his underwear. The head is red and leaking, precum sliding down his length. His hand comes to pump himself before he moves you back over him, his cock resting against your ruined panties. 
“Move your panties to the side for me, yeah?” He mumbles against your lips. You comply instantly, pushing your panties to one side, moaning when Miguel takes a hold of his cock to align it with you. He pushed slowly into you, his hand releasing his cock to hold onto your thigh and to cover your mouth as you continued moaning out. He throws his head back with a choked moan the moment he bottoms out, holding still to bask in the way your tight cunt swallows him and squeezes around him. 
“Feels so fucking tight. Feels like I’m in heaven.” Miguel hisses out, his hips thrusting into you experimentally. 
The cutest of mewls leave your mouth, causing Miguel to nose your cheek almost lovingly. He takes his time, lazily thrusting into your pulsating pussy in an attempt to hold himself back. But he’s wanted this for so long. He’s wanted to touch you, to kiss you, to just be near you since the moment he laid eyes on you. And he’s here, in the goddamn school library, and you’re letting him fuck you as you sit on his lap. It feels like a scene straight out of some fucked-up erotica or porn video. Would it be too much if he started thanking you until he’s a babbling mess?
A strangled noise leaves Miguel when you start fucking bouncing on his cock, impatient with his slow speed. Instinctively, his hips speed up. The sound of wet squelching filling the small, unoccupied section of the library. Anyone can walk over, some poor student or librarian in need of a book only to find his good girl riding his cock so desperately. The thought makes his balls tighten and he has to distract himself before he blows his load into you too soon. He buries his head into the curve of your shoulder, shifting the hand that covers your mouth to stuff two of his fingers past your lips. Without even asking, you start sucking on them as you lift your hips up and down. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl, princesa.” Miguel praises into your ear, his hand leaving your thigh to pinch and play with your neglected clit. It causes you to squirm and for your steady riding to falter. “Oh fuck. Taking my cock so well, yeah? Taking it is so good for me. Holy fuck!” 
More curses leave his mouth as he pounds into you, shifting his hips until he hits that gummy spot inside of you that causes you to wrap your arm around his neck to hold on for dear life. Your pussy just keeps quivering around him, milking him for the cum you so desperately need to be filled with. The cum he wants to fill and claim you with. The thought of you walking out of the library, hell going to tutor another student, with his cum flooding your pussy and dripping through your panties is something he’s fantasized about for months. His pure, innocent girl tainted with how dirty she is by fucking him of all people, in a place where anyone can see how naughty she really is.  
The sound of your muffled call makes his eyes snap open from their closed position, He looks up at your face, watching as a line of drool drips from your stuffed mouth. He has to groan and give you deep thrusts as a thank you for the pretty sight. As he thrusts, he realizes how much your walls have contracted, practically trying to trap his cock inside you. He notices how much your body is beginning to twitch and he knows you’re close. Your eyes look hazy and the muffled moans you let out add on to how close you must be to coating his cock. 
“Wanna cum on my cock, love? Gonna cum and make you all mine, yeah?” He whispers into your ear, slowing his fast thrusting in exchange for hard and deep thrusts that cause you to whine. You desperately nod your head, babbled and incoherent nonsense being said around his fingers. 
Miguel let out a low chuckle, speeding up again and relishing the happy noise that vibrates in the back of your throat. Your walls clench around him like a heartbeat for a few blissful moments before you're screaming around his fingers as your back arches and thighs shake. Miguel moans as he feels you cum around him, the lewdest noises coming from your wet cunt as he hammers into you for his own release. A sweat builds up on his face as he drives into you, trying to push in and out of your tight walls that only seem to tighten the more he thrusts. 
“That’s my good fucking girl. Came so beautifully around my cock.” He mumbles, looking down to where the two of you are connected to see the most gorgeous white ring at the base of his cock. He can feel himself twitching inside of you, on the brink of exploding. 
Miguel bites into your neck as one last act of claiming as he spills into you, his hips not stopping as he pumps you full of his seed. A delirious moan comes from you as you feel his warmth, but you seem happy as you melt into him. Your skin is sticky from sweat, arousal, and Miguel’s saliva when he pulls his face away from your neck. The bite mark is red against the purples beginning to stain your skin. He can feel himself getting hard again at the sight of it, but he refrains from taking more than what you’ve already given him. 
He lifts you up slightly, moaning as a mix of cum slowly falls from your hole, dripping onto the underside of his semi-hard cock. It drips down, merging with the cum that still sits at the base of his dick. He makes you stand between his legs, your upper body pressed against the table as you try to recompose yourself as Miguel lifts up the back of your skirt to study your glistening pussy and thighs. He pressed a small kiss on your pussy lips before readjusting your underwear to cover you again. A proud smile graces his lips as he watches the previous wet spot in them get darker from the cum still trying to leave you.
When he pulls the skirt back down, he finds you looking over your shoulder with a shy look. His beautiful good girl is back to her doe eyes and flustered cheeks. Miguel tucks himself back into his underwear, zipping himself back up. He takes the time to lazily look around, amazed that no one realized what was happening or witnessed it. He stands up off the chair, looking back towards you and wraps one of his arms around your middle to pull you up against his chest. 
The tiniest of squeaks leaves you as you meet his hard chest again, looking up at him with amazement. You can’t help but study his face, admiring the way his lashes flutter as he blinks and the way he looks good from even this angle. HIs eyes look down at you briefly, a lazy smile coming over his face as he shakes his head. He works on packing up your things for you, closing the unneeded textbook and stuffing it and your other supplies back into your bag. When he’s finished, he shifts his face down towards you, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. 
The sappy smile that appears on your face makes his heart beat fast and for his own cheeks to heat up. He gulps and clears his throat, looking away as his hand starts rubbing the skin it rests over. He slings your book bag over his shoulder, the pastel color of it a large contrast over his entirely black attire. He stares back down at you, pushing hair out of your face and tilting his head at you. 
“Do you have another tutoring session to go to now?” He whispers softly, smiling when you shake your head no wordlessly. He hums in pleasure, his arm sliding from around your center and down to your hand, dwarfing it in his. He gives it a tight squeeze and pulls you with him as he starts walking towards the exit. You follow him with no resistance, just hurrying your pace to keep up with his long strides. 
“Where are we going?” You ask as the afternoon sun instantly hits both of you when you walk out the door. He pulls you straight to his car, opening the passenger door for you and closing it before putting your bag in the backseat. You watch without question through the windshield as you buckle in and he rounds the car to go through the drivers’ side door. After he buckles in, he turns and starts reversing, not answering until he’s out of the parking spot and turning the wheel back to straighten it. 
“Imma take you home so you can change.” He says simply, turning to throw you a quick smile before grabbing your hand again and intertwining them as he clutches onto the gearshift. “And then, I’m going to take you out on a date.”
Part 2
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Literally the longest thing I’ve posted because I love this request so much! I now reached 100 pages in my writing doc. As always, SpanishDict was used.
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brainlesscutie · 3 months
i wish someone would tease me all day long, and i really do mean allllll day. first thing in the morning, waking up already dripping because they’ve been running their hands across all the places they know make me weak. trying to urge their hand downwards to stroke my throbbing tdick, but they just get out of bed and ask what i want for breakfast.
i follow them out to the kitchen, waiting patiently while i try to ignore my throbbing puppycunt. “come help me out real quick,” they ask. i approach, expecting to help with our breakfast, but they force me to my knees and pull down their pajama pants. they mumble “good puppy,” before shoving my face into their crotch, and i lick and suck until they tell me to stop.
we eat our food together on the couch, and they barely wait until i’m done before their hands are back on me. i’m already starting to lose my composure, but when i mumble out a breathy “pleasseee,” they stop again - casually reaching for the remote and turning on something to watch.
i try my hardest to focus on what we’re watching, but all i can think about is how horny i am. i press my thighs together, trying get any sort of relief. they put a hand on my thigh and turn towards me. “what’s wrong, pup? you seem to be a bit restless,” they say innocently.
i’m caught off guard by being addressed so suddenly and start trying to stammer out an answer. i can tell they’re pleased by how worked up i already am. “i just… i want you to touch me,” i finally manage to form a full sentence.
they chuckle. “aww, isn’t that sweet?” they ask in a patronizing tone. they move to straddle me on the couch, catching my wrists as i go to wrap my arms around them and pinning them to my sides. they start leaving soft kisses on my neck, nipping and sucking lightly.
i buck my hips upwards, trying to grind my neglected tdick onto anything, but they pull back immediately. i look up at them, still breathless. “why’d you stop?” i pout.
“because i wanted to, silly pup,” they say matter-of-factly. i want to protest, but i know it’ll only mean punishment later. so i keep my mouth shut and we go about the rest of our days.
they frequently check in on me, coming to see what i’m doing just to distract me with touches that linger for long after they’ve moved on. i try my best to go about my day as normal as i can, but my dripping boy pussy takes up all my focus.
by the evening, i’m a complete mess. the constant and frequent visits from them have left my body feeling tingly. i join them in the bed room while they pack a bowl and light up. they sit on the bed and take a rip, motioning me closer. i lean in, and they pull me down into a kiss, exhaling the smoke into my lungs.
i inhale deeply, taking the bong from them to return the favor. the high makes it all that much harder to ignore my teased tdick. i look over to them, watching as they take another rip. they raise an eyebrow when they notice me staring. “hm? does my puppy want something?”
“will you… please touch me now?” i start. they keep quiet for a bit, just staring into my eyes. it makes me uneasy, but the desperate hole between my legs makes me ignore any sense of shame. “please? i’ve been such a good boy all day… i didn’t try to touch myself. i was a good puppy…” tears form in my eyes as the begging becomes more and more genuine - i’ve never felt so desperate before.
their stoic expression finally breaks into a satisfied grin. “you’re so cute when you beg like that, puppy,” they say. “get on all fours and present for me like a good boy - i’ll give you exactly what you asked for.” i eagerly listen, moving into the position they’ve had me practice to perfection.
it feels like ages before i feel them lining their thick cock up behind me. i shiver as they massage the tip on my entrance. i try to push my hips back on it, but they hold me still. “please…. please fuck me - i can’t take it any more,” i don’t even try to hide how badly i need to be fucked any more.
“such a desperate mutt..” they growl out. in one swift movement, they push into me. finally being filled up after a day of teasing sends me over the edge immediately. “aww, what a naughty puppy… you were doing so well, but you know you’re not supposed to cum without permission.”
“i’m sorry - i didn’t mean to,” i say, still breathless. “please don’t stop - i was so good. it was just an accident,” more tears threatening to spill from my eyes. they think for a moment, leaving me to anxiously wait for their decision in silence while their hard cock is warmed by my cunt. i want to move so badly, but i don’t risk it.
“fine, we’ll keep going,” they finally break the silence. i open my mouth to thank them, but they cut me off. “But… since you couldn’t wait for my permission, you’re cumming as many times as i want you to.”
i don’t care what they tell me at this point as long as it means they’ll keep going. “yes - please , anything. i’ll take as much as you want me to, just please don’t stop,” my brain is a jumbled mess - my only thought is convincing them to keep fucking me.
their expression changes, and they pull out, flipping me onto my back. “Oh puppy… you’re in for a very long night.”
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malfoyscoffee · 1 month
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blame the fire whiskey ౨ৎ theodore nott
pairing theodore nott x slytherin! reader about fluff | 1.7k words | best friends to lovers warnings mentions of alcohol consumption
this is based on my shorter writing here
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"Oh, come on. You have to come to the game today!" 
One skill that your best friend had was being so convincing; I mean, who could say no to Theodore Nott's big brown eyes when he begs you to attend his quidditch game later against Gryffindor, or his signature grin when you finally agree to go after he persistently asked you all day.
"Fine," You're working on a Transfiguration paper while lying on Theodore's bed as you finally give in to his request. "I'll go to the quidditch game later." You raise your head to stare at him, seeing a smile on his lips when he gets up from his chair and walks over to his closet.
"Now, let's look a little excited now, please?" Theodore is busy rummaging through his closet when you place your quill down briefly, "Wait, are Pansy and Astoria going too?"
You watch the boy focus on moving his hanged clothes to the side, looking for something. His room was neat compared to the state of his closet, and you stared out the window to see the spring leaves blooming.
"Yeah," Theodore's head is now searching through the depths of his closet, "They told me earlier that they're going." You hum in delight, thanking Salazar that your friends will be there in the stands while your other friends will be on the field playing.
"Where did I place it?" You hear Theodore mumble but decide to continue working on your paper.
A few moments later, you feel a piece of clothing cover your face, "Theo! What is this?" You exclaim while removing the object to identify it.
Theodore laughs at your annoyed expression, walking over to you, "It's my jersey, of course." 
You observe the jersey clearly, seeing his name on the backside of the green clothing.
"Obviously, but why are you throwing this to me?" You ask again, wanting to hear the verbal explanation directly from his lips.
Theodore shrugs his shoulders, pulling the jersey out of your hands and making you sit up. He silently places the jersey on top of your current clothes before he looks satisfied.
"Theo," You look at him with a faint smile, "Answer me," 
"It's for good luck," Theodore stared at the clock and walked over to pick up his broomstick, as it was almost time for his practice. "Do you really want Slytherin to lose today?"
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You were surprised when Pansy and Astoria didn't ask why you wore Theodore's jersey to the game. But you were even more surprised when you heard someone faintly calling your name from a distance.
"Turn around," Astoria shook your shoulders, breaking you out of your conversation with Pansy.
"Theo?" You question the obvious. A happy-looking Theodore was flying to the stands while calling your name. 
You laugh at his actions, not noticing the curious eyes from around you. Since the game ended, students had eventually noticed that you were wearing Theodore’s jersey, almost as if you were dating.
"I'll see you later when you get down," He waves before flying away, finally hearing the choruses of teasing around you.
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"Theo!" You run up to him on the field, "Congrats on the win!" Theodore wraps his arm around you when you reach him, brushing some hair out of your face. 
"Thanks, it was because you wore my jersey today," He looks down at you when you pull away. Pansy and Mattheo hear the sound of your laughter when they approach the two of you.
"So," Pansy says to the three of you, "We're all going to the celebration party later, right?"
You felt Theodore snake a hand around your waist and use his other hand to brush through his hair.
Pansy spots Astoria, Draco, Lorenzo, and Blaise walking toward the four of you, "Yeah, I think so,” Mattheo answers her, looking at Theodore. "Draco said there's going to be Fire Whiskey tonight, so Theo’s drinking with me." 
When your other friends reach you, all of you walk back towards the castle, betting on who's getting wasted the most tonight.
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It was Lorenzo.
The boy was wasted and fast asleep on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room. The loud music and conversations were not disrupting his sleep, with too much alcohol in his system.
Soon, Pansy and Astoria called it a night, ensuring they would take Lorenzo back to his dorm because they didn’t want to leave him sleeping outside any longer.
All of you bid them goodbye, relaxing back on the couch that your group spent parties on. 
Theodore remains to share the spacious couch with you, laughing and taking the bottle away from a drunk Mattheo when the boy spills out of the shot glasses.
"So, did you finish the Potions project yet?" You watch Draco take a slow sip from his cup, containing a punch that half the people at the party were drinking.
"How could I," Blaise answered your question with a sigh, "Enzo didn't even know how to brew the Forgetfulness Potion during first year; what makes you think he can brew Veritaserum?" 
You and Draco laugh when Blaise reaches over to grab one of the shots that Theodore had poured, a defeated look on his face when he drowns the alcohol. 
Blaise motioned a shot glass toward you, silently asking if you wanted a shot. 
"I'm not drinking tonight, but thanks." You then tilted your back to the couch, observing that you were the only one completely sober.
Draco looks at Blaise while rolling his eyes, "At least you're spending your summer in Italy," before he turns to you, "What are you doing during break?"
You noticed Theodore out of the corner of your eye, leaning back towards you and resting his head on your shoulder.
"I'm visiting my relative's manor for a week, but other than that, I'll be home," You start running your hands through Theodore's hair, "Oh, and I'm going over to Theo’s manor to visit. His father wanted to catch up with my parents, so we're staying over for a few days."
Blaise and Draco notice Theodore smile and lightly blush while his eyes remain closed, but they simply chose to look at each other with knowing eyes.
"That sounds fun," Blaise shakes his head before grabbing another shot from the table, too sober to be thinking about his single love life.
Theodore quietly yawns, catching all three of your attention, "Can we head back?" You hear his voice low, “The music is starting to give me a headache."
Your two friends hear Theodore's request, looking at Mattheo to find him passed out on his seat.
"Do you need help taking Theo back?" Draco asks, getting up from his seat and walking over to Mattheo.
You shake your head no, "Theo’s sleeping over at my dorm tonight, don't worry." Theodore rises, lacing his hand with yours to follow where you lead him. 
"Okay, you two head back first," Blaise suggests, “It’s going to take a while to get Mattheo to open his eyes."
You nod, tugging Theodore's arm so he will follow you, walking over to the staircase to your dorms.
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The moment you open the door, Theodore beelines to your bed, lying on it faced down.
"Salazar, Theo," You laugh at his tired figure, deciding to leave him alone while you go in the bathroom. "I'll be right back, so stay in bed."
When you hear a mumble from Theodore, you assume he’s too sleepy to move around, so you start getting ready for bed.
"Hey," You shake Theodore's back when you finish, "Are you still awake?"
Theodore's eyes are half-opened when he moves to one side of your bed, giving you space to join him.
You can't help but smile at his peaceful state, finally going under your covers. Theodore reaches his arms out to pull you closer to him, always down to cuddle when he sleeps over.
When Theodore doesn't say a word, you close your eyes, assuming he would have fallen asleep by now.
That's when you felt a faint touch hovering over your face, causing you to open your eyes.
There was Theodore, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, staring intensely after waking you up.
"Sorry," He whispers, but he continues to trace his fingers over your facial features before resting his hand on your cheek.
"Are you alright?" You question him, wondering what was running through his mind.
Theodore closes his eyes for a brief moment, eventually opening it and swallowing the lump in his throat.
"Listen, I have to get something off my chest,” He can’t help but smile when your curious eyes bore into his, “I can’t tell you when I'm sober,"
"What do you need to tell me?" Now you're confused; was Theodore keeping something from you?
"I’m blaming this on the Fire Whiskey if it goes wrong, but I’ve fancied you for years—since I first met you when you approached me and Enzo on the train.”
Theodore started to sober up when it hit him, that he had finally confessed his feelings for you. It starts to eat him up inside when you remain silent, loss at words.
Theodore furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, afraid that he had read all the signs wrong and about to cry to your friends that their advice was useless.
He suddenly felt your hand hover over the one that he had resting on your face, intertwining the two. 
"Theo, I like you too. I have, for years now," You say with a smile, "I'm glad you confessed first because I was afraid to tell you first."
Theodore pulled your covers over his head with his free hand and let out a sigh of relief. 
"Theo," He peeked his head back out, "Are you sober enough to remember this tomorrow?" 
Theodore grins at you, "Of course, I'm going to remember this," He faces you this time, close enough to smell the alcohol lingering on his breath, "Now, can I have the honor of being your boyfriend?" 
You close your eyes and close the gap by pressing a kiss at his lips, pulling away with a starstruck Theodore staring back at you.
"I would like that, boyfriend."
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Theodore wakes up because of the sunlight casting down on his face, and rubbing his eyes before realizing you were still fast asleep next to him. 
He gently places a kiss on your forehead, causing you to stir and yawn.
"Good morning, Amore Mio."
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farity · 10 days
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"Not like this!"
You listened to your husband and his mother, frustration growing inside you as Alicent stalled and hesitated when faced with attacking Rhaenyra.
From your perch across the room, you could see the moment Aemond understood, the moment it sank in that his own mother would not act against her friend. Against the woman who had never answered for her transgressions. The woman who did as she pleased. The woman who wanted him "sharply questioned" as a child as he sat, bleeding after losing an eye.
Aemond stormed off, and you discreetly blended back into the shadows and took a different route to where you thought you would find him.
Your slippers made no sound as you went around the side of the keep, heading to the fields that led to where Vhagar rested.
"Your Highness."
You turned back to see Ser Criston Cole. You knew how loyal he was to Alicent and considering the rumor that he and Rhaenyra had once been close meant that you regarded him with some wariness.
"Ser Criston, I am in a hurry-"
"I know," he said, and leaned in closer. "I am at Prince Aemond's bidding." He looked troubled and almost apologetic as he continued. "I cannot support this waiting, this delay of action." He bowed to you and went back to the armory, and left you wondering if the tides were turning.
You ran the rest of the way, seeing your husband walking along, head down. He heard you approaching and turned. "This is not a good time, wife."
"I swore to be by your side in both triumph and turmoil, Aemond. 'Until the end of my days', remember?"
He whirled around, silver hair shimmering in the afternoon light. "I will not tolerate any more betrayal. Many have sworn their fealty," he spat out, and grabbed your arm, "and many have broken that trust."
You stared levelly at him. "Yet others may be breaking their oaths to come to your side. And I," you grabbed the front of his jacket, pulling him to you, "will not be doubted in my loyalty and devotion to you."
His blue eye bore into yours, and you did the only thing that came to mind - you rose on your tip toes and kissed him. He was still for a moment, and then you caught his lower lip between your teeth, squeezing gently before letting go.
"You do not want me right now, wife."
You smiled softly. Did he know? Did he realize that just the sound of his voice or the scent of his skin was enough to undo you? "I always want you, Aemond."
When he didn't move, you slowly began to sink to your knees before him, looking up to gauge his reaction. There was something else in his gaze now, not just the anger and resentment that had been there before, and you knew you'd chosen right. You reached up to run your hand down the front of his breeches and he quickly caught your wrist. "Be careful, little wife. I am not in the gentlest of moods."
In response, you ripped off the laces on your bodice, letting the top of your gown fall loosely around your bare shoulders. You raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to walk away.
When he lunged at you, you gasped, finding yourself on your back a moment later, his hands busily pulling the fabric until your breasts were bared and then his mouth was on one rosy peak and you moaned, arching into him, feeling the desperation in his hands, in the way he was kneeing your legs apart.
You whimpered when you felt him reach between your thighs, finding you already soaked for him. "All this for me?"
"You. Only you." You let his tongue invade your mouth, his need to taste and touch one you were more than ready to satisfy. Reaching down, you began to undo the lacing at his breeches, wanting more and more now that you were both so frenzied. His fingers continued to reach deep inside you, and you could feel the simmering heat of an orgasm not too far away. "Please, Aemond," you begged. "Please."
He pulled out his fingers, sucking on them while he reached down with his other hand and stroked himself once, twice, and then began to push inside you.
He snapped his hips, filling you to the hilt, and you gasped, breathing to let your body adjust. "I told you," he murmured, "I am not in the gentlest of moods."
In response, you wrapped your legs around him, reached up to pull him down to you. "I don't want gentle," you whispered against his mouth.
He began fucking you, and you knew it would be quick, brutal. There was no room for gentleness, not in the way his mouth clamped down on your jaw, not in the way your nails sank into his ass.
The swirling heat inside you flared into an almost painful orgasm that had you screaming while Aemond grabbed fistfuls of your hair, desperate to keep you in place as he continued pounding into you.
You were still contracting around him when you felt him harden even more inside you and then he buried his face in your hair, groaning as he came, his breathing loud in your ear as he reached his own release.
Neither of you moved for a long time, other than you stroking his hair while he nuzzled your cheek. Eventually, he rose on his elbow, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "Did I hurt you?"
You smiled against his mouth. "Never."
He pressed his forehead against yours. "You are the greatest treasure in my life."
You reached up to caress his scarred cheek. "I think that honor belongs to Vhagar. I would not wish to incur her wrath."
"Vhagar is the biggest treasure in my life," Aemond replied, smirking, "you are the greatest."
You would tell him about what Ser Criston had said, later, but for now, you were happy to simply hold him in your arms, a rare moment of peace amidst the happenings in the realm.
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pitchsidestories · 13 days
Good girl gone bad II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1886
a/n: hi, it's based off this request here, enjoy.
warnings: minors dni, 18+, smut at the end, toxic behaviour from OC, jealousy, please don't take this too seriously !
“Ingrid, you played fantastic!”, Mapi waved enthusiastically her little flag, before she jumped into the open arm of hers and your Norwegian girlfriend.
“Oh, thanks.”, the tall woman’s face lit up at the Spanish defender’s compliment.
“Seriously, you filled out the defensive role so perfectly,  I couldn’t have done a better job.”, the smaller player couldn’t stop gushing about her lover’s great performance.
“Just wait until you can play again.”, Ingrid muttered cheerfully.
“Not that long anymore.”, Mapi answered giddily.
“I’ll miss you and your little flag though.”, the younger footballer admitted.
“To be honest, I’ll miss that too.”, she agreed wistfully.
“ I know but there’s no better feeling than playing.”,  Ingrid mumbled, her teammates still running around with the CL trophy in her hand, taking pictures in between the celebratory moves.
The defender who has followed her girlfriends gaze added grinning:”Playing and winning.”
From the sidelines you’ve followed their conversation, you were hurt about the fact that you weren’t a part of it as it usually was you three together and not as a pair like in this particular moment.
With every fibre of your being, you felt like the other woman who wasn’t in this relationship even though you were up until now.  The loneliness crept under your skin; jealousy clung to your heart and wouldn’t let you go until Alexia started talking to you.
“Don’t let your head down, beautiful. After all we won.”, she reminded you, while pulling you into a encouraging hug.
“Um, what?”, you gave the midfielder a quizzing look, her words haven’t reached you as you’ve been too busy to listen to your girlfriends’ sweet nothings which didn’t include you in them.
“I can tell you’re disappointed.”, Alexia stated earnestly.
“I didn’t play much tonight, so it’s not really my win, Ale.”, you told her miserably. You hated that tone in your voice. Where was your confident self?
“We’re all in this situation at one point. Someone is always on the bench. But we always win as a team.”, the blonde tried to cheer you up.
“Right.”, you said even though you turned away when you saw your girlfriends were kissing ignoring everything around them as if they were in a movie in which they played the leading roles, while the rest of you were the supporting actresses to help the lovers get to their happy ending.
“Oh, hey, babe. We’re going to the party later. You’re coming too, right?”, Ingrid asked you later in the changing room, finally realizing you were still there after all.
“Yes, of course.“, you nodded.
Ingrids gaze went back to Mapi as she smiled: “Great, I’ll go shower.“
“Me too.“, you said, walking past both of your girlfriends into the showers that were adjacent to the dressing room.
You had hoped that the steaming hot water would clear your mind but the calmness that usually came with a warm shower never set in.
Instead, the pictures of what happened after the game kept repeating in your head. You were never the jealous type, you could not be jealous in a relationship like yours. But you also knew that you deserved better than to be ignored by your girlfriends, so you came up with a plan.
For the party, you decided to slip into a a pair of suit pants and a button-down vest with nothing underneath, drawing attention to your arms and chest with your outfit choice. You curled the ends of your hair and put on some make-up. You looked at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with your looks.
“Are you two ready to go?“, Mapi asked impatiently, looking effortlessly cool as usual.
Ingrid appeared next to her, wearing a tight dress and radiating ethereal beauty: “Yes, we’re ready, love.“
Mapi nodded towards the door: “Let’s go then, babe.“
You reluctantly followed them, already disappointed that none of them had commented on your outfit. You were not exactly pouting on your way to the party but you also refused to talk much.
Arriving at the location, your two girlfriends retreated to a table in the corner with their drinks. They were lost in each others eyes. You were sure they noticed nothing of what happened around them.
As you were nursing your drink at the bar, Alexia appeared on your side: “What are you thinking about?“
“Me?“ You looked at her in surprise.
You first inclination was to tell her that you felt like your girlfriends did not need you in their lives but instead, you swallowed down the thought and forced yourself to smile: “They’re playing Rosalia. Want to dance, Ale?“
The captain looked at your for a second before giving in: “Only because you look so unhappy.“
“Dancing always helps with that…“, you promised.
“Come on then.“ Alexia reached out her hand and pulled you towards the dance floor.
You immediately fell into an easy rhythm with her. You deliberately pushed close to her during your dance and she let you.
On the other side of the room, Ingrid tapped Mapis arm frantically: “Mapi!“
“Yes?“, the defender could barely tear her eyes from her Norwegian girlfriend.
Only then did she look over in your direction, her eyebrows knitting together: “Y/n is dancing with Ale?“
“Looks like it…“, Ingrid whispered.
“That’s not her usual good girl behaviour.”, the Mapi observed through gritted teeth. Sawing you dance with one of her best friends in the way you did, so intimately and sexy was driving the older woman insane.
“No, it’s not.”, the Norwegian player nodded, she wasn’t able to take her eyes from you and your team’s captain.
“We’ll see and give her a little time to redeem herself otherwise if she keeps behaving naughty like that over the night we’ll take actions.”, the older woman thought out loud.
“Take actions`”, Ingrid looked startled at the smaller footballer.
“Y/n is needy and bratty in front of everyone, so we’ll punish her at home.”, she explained seriously.
“Punish her?”, shock was written all over the younger woman’s pretty face.
Meanwhile, Ona tipped your shoulder making you turn around to her to look into her eyes, which glanced concerned back at you:” Can I take over?”
“Sure.”, you agreed enthusiastically to her offer, feeling the alcohol more than you wanted to admit. After a dance with you Alexia had returned to her girlfriend to engage into a passionate conversation which involved mostly kisses.
“You’re in a party mood. How many drinks did you have?”, the defender asked you, damn her, she really did notice everything.
“Uhm maybe two.”, you replied, your cheeks immediately turning red.
“Two?”, Ona raised an eyebrow at you. Her voice was full of scepticism.
“Don’t worry about it, Oni.”, you answered with a charming smile on your lips.
“I don’t.”, she quickly reassured you.
“Good.” But you realized your teammate’s her hands were still on your upper arms contradicting what she just said.
“Something’s up with you.”, Ona stated firmly.
“Let’s just dance, please.”, you shook your head heavily.
With a sigh the defender said:” Alright.”
“Thank you.”, you mumbled relieved, that the questioning was over for now. Sweet, innocent Ona was the last person you wanted to trouble with your worries.
“You’re welcome.”
The mix of alcohol and changing teammates made you forget that time was passing by. You were confused when you found the home you shared with your girlfriends was already dark without any lights on.
Nonetheless, you let them know that you arrived:” Hi, I’m home.” A familiar shadow was pressing on to your legs, being clearly happy about your return.  
“And hello Bagheera.”, you added, as you stroke the cat softly who purred loudly to your touches.
“About time.”, Mapi announced sounding very displeased, you shrieked as she appeared from the darkness, her moves scarily similar to Bagheera. Elegant but lurking, why you didn’t understand. Maybe your behaviour had worked out?
“Mapi, Ingrid, here you’re. but why didn’t you turn the lights on?”, you questioned them irritated.
“We were about to go to bed.”, Ingrid responded calmly.
“Great, me too. I’ll just go to the bathroom quick.”, you sighed.
Mapi raised an eyebrow and said cooly: “You have two minutes.“
“What?“ Confused, you opened the bathroom door. Whatever that was supposed to mean, you were now determined to take your time.
“Go.“, Mapi ordered.
You rolled your eyes, disappearing into the bathroom. You only heard Ingrid say: “Good girl.“
You sat down on the toilet and took out your phone, scrolling through pictures of tonight. Only then, you slipped out of your nice suit and left the bathroom in only your underwear.
Ready to go to sleep, you were about to go into your shared bedroom but Mapi blocked your way.
She leaned against the doorframe, her arms crossed in front of her chest: “What did you think you were doing all night?“
“Partying?“, you replied, playing dumb and trying to move past your girlfriend.
“Dancing with Alexia and Ona? You might as well have given them a lap dance.“, Mapi scolded you.
Ingrid appeared next to her, eyeing you closely before turning to the Spanish defender and mumbling seductively: “Our good girl’s gone bad tonight…“
You shot Ingrid a deadly glance: “You think you’re funny? You ignored me all night. I was just having fun.“
“We saw everything.“, Mapi said, her jaw set.
“I’m sure you did, the way you stared at each other all night.“, you rolled your eyes.
“Y/n.“, Ingrid said softly, while Mapi shook her head: “Don’t distract.“
“I don’t!“, you exploded.
Mapi continued: “You were trying to make us jealous all night.“
Ingrid nodded: “Exactly.“
Before you could protest, Mapis hands were on your body and pulled you towards the bed: “Now come here.“
You could feel your back hit the mattress. Your girlfriends climbed onto the bed as well, one on either side of you.
You had no idea what happened but suddenly, Ingrids mouth was on your neck and sucked on the sensitive skin. She slipped a slender hand over your mouth right as you wanted to start to complain. Mapis hands in the meantime rested on your hips.
You were too focused on Ingrids kisses to realize that your Spanish girlfriend had started to pull your panties down with her teeth. Only when she dipped her tongue in, you started to moan into Ingrids hand. She already knew how she had to move her tongue just right.
While Mapi was busy stimulating you, Ingrids mouth wandered across your upper body. Kissing and licking her way towards your breasts. She circled your nipples with her tongue before starting to suck on them. You squirmed under her touch.
Mapi had switched from licking to using her fingers and you could not contain yourself any longer.
Impatiently, you removed Ingrids hand from your mouth. “Stop!“, you whined.
You could see Mapis lips turn into a smirk: “Say please.“
“Please stop.“, you begged impatiently.
And then you finally climaxed, a firework bursting in every part of your body. You moaned.
Mapi rested her head on your stomach as she watched you breath heavily.
Ingrid pressed a kiss to your forehead: “Good girl.“
You knew that this was supposed to be a punishment but right here on the bed, you finally felt seen by your girlfriends again.
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willowser · 3 months
HMMMMMM interesting to think about arranged marriage with prince shouto...............
i think he wouldn't know. what to expect with you. i think he'd have an idea, as in, what his father, the king, has taught him; the duties of a wife, where your importance ranks in relation to his duties. what he's not meant to discuss with you, like politics and matters at court and foreign relations. how you will speak to him. what to buy in the event that you become...unhappy. a nuisance.
("and she will," enji had muttered, briefly glancing up from the parchment on his desk to fix shouto with a look he didn't understand. "they always do.")
you don't meet until the royal wedding, when you're coming down the long aisle of the grand cathedral, dressed up in a swathe of silk and lace. a thin, gossamer veil hides you from him, but he can feel the ardor in your eyes, the intensity burning through the material. it doesn't seem real until your bare face is only a breath from his own, until he has to see the earnestness in your stare, too.
your kiss is simple and chaste, nothing spectacular, something that leaves his mind as soon as it's over. ever a todoroki, a hundred other things enter his mind, all regarding his now iron-laid obligations: it's vital he meet with advisor keigo to reiterate the plan to establish his authority among the council; general aizawa is in attendance to the wedding, and shouto has not yet received word on his opinion of the new king's ideas to modernize their armed forces; midoriya is somewhere, no doubt wanting to go over state affairs again.
truthfully, shouto doesn't spend long "celebrating". there's already too much that's required of him, hardly enough time to even scarf down a few bites of the banquet laid out before he's being chartered off into discussions on foreign relations and infrastructure development. maybe once or twice does he look back to check on you, chatting pleasantly with his mother and sister at the front of the great hall, and that's satisfying enough.
it's not until much later that he sees you again; freshly bathed and wearing something sheer and long and white, atop his bed.
or his marriage bed, he must remind himself.
enji didn't spend long going over consummation, with him or either of his brothers—natsuo, red-faced and annoyed at the very subject, always storming off, and touya had seemed well-aware of the process, at the time (back before he'd been ex-communicated). it had sounded simple: strip off your dress, get his cock out and into you, and only retreat once he was sure his seed had been spilled.
—so he's not exactly sure what to do or think or how to feel, when you're laid bare and reaching up to hold his face.
it's so startling that he sits back on his knees, to frown where he's looming over you.
you stare at him quietly, like you're expecting him to say something, and he only has a moment to wonder if this is you becoming an unhappy nuisance—what had been the answer, to solve this, anyway?—before you let out a soft laugh.
"c'mere," you tell him, sitting up, too, when he keeps his distance. "i want you to kiss me."
"i already have."
"yes," you laugh again, amusement glowing in your eyes, like the warmth off the fireplace, as you reach for the ties on his trousers. "but you're meant to do it again."
and up until then, he'd felt confident in his achievements, his executions; he'd managed a lot today, in one evening, and he had a lifetime to manage more. it was a good a start as any, he'd thought, but now—
shouto almost can't get the words out when he feels your hands ghosting up the inside of his shirt, nails tickling over his ribs. "a-am i?"
you wrap your arms around his waist in what could be a hug, scooting forward to look up at him with your chin against his chest. "yes," you smile and—it's familiar in a way, how touya would whenever he was teasing. "you're my husband, you're meant to kiss me whenever i want."
that—was not something his father had ever said, he was sure, and it was a too-rare exchange between his own parents. now that he thinks about it—and he does, then, because he's faced with the reality that he doesn't know as much as he should—he's not sure the former king and queen even sleep in the same room, much less the same bed.
much less hug and touch and even smile, the way you do now.
there's no argument he can make against it, aside from finding keigo to find his father to verify the truth to such a statement, and he's only meant to retreat from this bed on one condition.
and if this is what it takes to meet that—then shouto supposes he'll have to do it, for now. he's a brand new king, after all, and it would seem he still has much to learn.
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solarmorrigan · 9 months
TW: Discussion of suicide, suicidal ideation, child neglect. Nothing happens in the fic (all hurt/comfort, I promise), but it's very frankly talked about, so please proceed with care <3
It takes three weeks.
(In reality, it takes longer than that. It takes until after Steve realizes he’s spending more time at Eddie and Wayne’s new place than he is at his own house. It takes until after Eddie has asked Steve to just move in with them already. It takes until after Steve has packed his things up, and carefully cleaned up the house, and set the thermostat, and informed the pool cleaners, and paid a neighbor to check the mail every few days, and – he hadn’t felt right, just leaving, even though Eddie had repeatedly told him he didn’t owe anyone anything. But it had taken until after all of that, and then–)
Steve had left them a note, a new number where he could be reached, and it had taken three weeks before they came looking. Before they even noticed.
It isn’t a fight, in the end.
His parents are angry that he’d just up and left the house, but they’re much less so when he explains everything he’d set in place before he’d gone.
They want to know if he’ll be asking them for anything else after this (not if he’s safe, not if he’s happy, just if he’s going to keep being a burden).
He tells them no.
And that’s– that’s it.
That’s it.
His mom tells him they’ll call him around Christmas, let him know if they’ll be in town, and then his parents just let him go.
They get up and they leave his living room and they leave his home and they leave Steve’s life and they leave and they don’t look back and they– well, they’d left a long time ago, hadn’t they? A long, long time ago.
Steve is sitting at the end of Eddie’s bed (his and Eddie’s bed, now, their bed; Steve’s still getting used to that, but in a good way), feeling the sort of empty he hasn’t felt since he was seventeen. He’s just sort of staring at the carpet, and then he’s staring at Eddie’s ridiculous polka dot socks as Eddie steps in front of him.
“Hey,” Eddie says softly. “You, uh… okay?”
It’s kind of a ridiculous question – the answer is obvious, and Eddie clearly knows that, but it’s a way to start a conversation without shouting, “Your parents are ungrateful pieces of shit who never appreciated you,” like he probably wants to (and has before), and Steve appreciates his restraint.
He nods a little, stops, shrugs.
“I kind of thought I was over this,” he says. “Over feeling… left behind by them. Shouldn’t still hurt, right?”
“It’s– it’s okay if it does. It’s shit, Steve. They’re shit,” Eddie says (yep, Steve called it). “You’re allowed to be hurt.”
Steve shrugs again.
“It’s funny,” he says, even though it isn’t, “but I used to wonder how long it would take them to notice if I died.”
He’d never had an active plan, really, though there had been plenty of ways around the house to accomplish the task. He’d never really even looked at it as being suicidal, just angry and bitter and lonely. He hadn’t felt miserable all the time, hadn’t felt like there was nothing in the world worth living for – it’s not like he’d been depressed, it had just been a wild, almost satisfying thought that occurred from time to time. The ultimate way to prove a point. To make them see.
And if the urge got too strong, and his head got too full, and his chest felt too hollow, and the house felt too empty, he’d just go out and find something to do. Simple as that.
“I wondered if it would only be a day or two, or if they would come home, like, weeks later and find what was left of me just… floating in the pool or rotting in the bathtub or some shit. And I guess I just got my answer.” He laughs, managing to sound completely humorless even in the attempt, and glances up at Eddie. “Three weeks. How decomposed do you think I’d be by now?”
Except Eddie doesn’t pick up the bit. He’s just staring at Steve, wide-eyed, cheeks a little red, eyes a little wet, and – shit.
“Shit, Ed, I didn’t–”
“Don’t,” Eddie cuts in, voice thick with a shaking kind of intensity, “say shit like that. Fucking don’t ever– Steve–”
“No, Eddie, I’m sorry, I haven’t thought about that in years, this whole thing with my parents, it just… it reminded me, that’s all,” Steve says, even if that isn’t strictly true.
He’s thought about it plenty, he just hasn’t really had the urge to follow through since the first time he took a bat to a demogorgon’s head. He’d traded that empty feeling for one of purpose, of knowing he was needed, and had readily put himself between everyone else and the danger they were facing, because at least that way he filled a space.
(Maybe he’d traded it a little too easily. Maybe there isn’t a lot of difference between using yourself as bait to lure in a demodog and thinking about where all the sharp things are in the house. Maybe that’s something Steve doesn’t need to unpack right now.)
Eddie stumbles forwards, reaching out and cupping Steve’s face in his hands, angling him upwards so Eddie fills his field of vision.
“I would notice,” Eddie says firmly. “I would notice.”
“I– I know you would, Eddie. I told you–”
“Robin would notice. Dustin – all those little shits we hang out with, both Wheelers, Wayne, fuckin’ Byers– we would notice right away, Steve, I swear to fuck, we would,” Eddie goes on, and something is suddenly sticking in Steve’s throat.
“I– I know,” Steve manages to choke out, and shit, why are his eyes wet now? He’s never cried over this feeling before, and it should be too fucking late to start now – except with everything happening, with his parents, with the way Eddie is staring at him like he’s about to disappear–
Eddie bends one leg up until he’s got a knee to one side of Steve’s hip, half-kneeling over him without boxing him in because he knows Steve can’t stand that, and he rests his weight there so he can lean in and press his lips to Steve’s forehead, kissing him, murmuring against the skin like he’s praying.
“We see you, baby.”
And that one hurts.
It fucking aches, like Eddie has somehow managed to reach back four years and jam a thumb into the bruise seventeen-year-old Steve had constantly been carrying under his ribs, and Steve of right now reaches out and grabs Eddie’s shirt and thinks for a moment that he wants to shove him away, but his next breath heaves out like a sob and he can only pull Eddie closer.
“We see you,” Eddie says again, soft but unignorable, before he presses another kiss to Steve’s forehead.
Yeah, Steve thinks, you see right through me.
It’s a terrifying feeling, and Steve wants to swallow it up and keep inside of him where he can feel it forever. He nods against Eddie’s lips, sucking in a sharp breath so he can speak again.
“Okay,” Steve says, clutching more tightly to Eddie’s shirt. “Okay.”
He closes his eyes against the unwanted tears and lets himself feel, instead – the warmth of Eddie over and around him, the near bruising grip Eddie still has on his jaw, the softness of his lips against his forehead, and he thinks that this is what he’d been searching for, all those years ago.
He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this wanted, and somehow he doubts he’ll ever have to worry about going without it again.
[Prompt: Forehead kisses]
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kaisacobra · 4 months
A Step Into the Future - Sam Carpenter
Summary: A cuddly morning with your girlfriend Sam turns into a conversation about your future.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff.
Word Count: 1.8k
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You were never particularly religious, but in moments like these, when everything was calm and you were in the arms of the person you loved most in the world, you truly felt like you were in heaven.
Soft snores reaching your ears and a warm, slow breath on your neck had become your favorite alarm clock. It was worth waking up earlier just to have the sight of your girlfriend peacefully sleeping beside you, in one of those rare moments when her expression wasn't burdened with worries and a sense of alertness.
Moving slowly to avoid waking her up, you raised your arm to her sculpted face and brushed some strands of hair aside, wanting to get a complete view of Sam's face. The way the sunlight seeped through a crack in the curtain illuminated Sam perfectly, giving you a breathtaking sight.
Samantha Carpenter was the greatest work of art you had ever seen. A face like a Botticelli painting, a body like a Michelangelo sculpture, a voice like a siren's song, and a heart kept like a precious jewel.
Your thoughts spoke louder, and you allowed yourself to gently slide a finger over the soft skin of the bridge of the woman's nose, finding it adorable when she involuntarily wrinkled her nose in response. You enjoyed being able to take pride in recognizing Sam's subtle signs, having carefully studied her reactions throughout the early stages of your relationship. This allowed you to notice certain things, like the change in the rhythm of her breathing, even if she pretended to still be asleep.
"Darling?" You whispered as softly as you could, just in case you had misread your analysis and your girlfriend was actually asleep.
But soon your theory was proven correct when Sam let out a husky grunt and hugged your torso with both arms, trapping you in a grip that honestly didn't bother you at all. She shifted in bed until she rested her head on your chest, releasing a sigh of contentment when satisfied with the proximity.
You gave a small smile and began playing with her hair without thinking too much. Some time ago, at the beginning of the relationship, you used to wonder if Sam would ever let you get close for real. Now, you knew that no one who knew her would believe you if you said the older Carpenter was like a cuddly kitten that complained if she wasn't touching you at every possible minute.
The peaceful silence was interrupted for a moment by a loud complaint from Sam's stomach, who quickly moved to bury her face in the crook of your neck. "No," she spoke firmly but with a voice laden with playfulness and drowsiness.
"No, what?" You laughed, letting her get more comfortable beside you, even if it meant she was two steps away from being on top of you.
Sam lifted her head just enough for her voice not to be muffled. You couldn't see her face clearly due to the position, but you could identify her still-closed eyes. "You were going to suggest getting up for breakfast. My answer is no."
"But, darling..." You laughed again, amused at how a just-awakened Sam was practically a stubborn child. "You're hungry, aren't you? I can go make a quick breakfast and come back to be with you."
Your girlfriend made a protesting noise and held you tighter in her arms, as if you were planning to escape at any moment. Of course, you weren't going to complain, after all, there was no more perfect place in the world than Sam's arms. She shook her head slightly. "You're forbidden to leave. We'll cook something later, together."
"Forbidden?" You chuckled. "By whom, exactly?"
"By me, your amazing girlfriend."
You laughed a bit more and decided to gently stroke Sam's scalp, feeling the woman slowly soften under your touch again. That had to be one of your greatest achievements—the fact that Sam trusted you so much to allow herself to be vulnerable, even if it didn't come naturally to her anymore.
She shifted a bit more, this time wrapping her legs around yours. "I could do this for the rest of my life, you know?"
Vulnerability and even a hint of embarrassment shone through Sam's voice, and although you couldn't see her face completely, you could see a part of her cheek starting to turn red. Adorable, you would say.
"Hold onto me like a koala?" You teased, feeling her lightly pinch your arm in retaliation. She muttered a curse in Spanish, and the warm breath from her mouth hit a sensitive area of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
Fortunately (or unfortunately), Sam seemed too sleepy to notice your reactions and tease you back. Instead, she spoke again slowly, as if sharing a huge secret. "No, idiot. This. Waking up with you by my side, every day."
"Oh." You responded with great eloquence, feeling your entire body heat up and butterflies flutter in your stomach as if you were the protagonist of a teenage romance. Sam wasn't one to express love with words much, but when she did, you could barely contain yourself from looking like a smitten fool. "I could do that forever too. Truly become your family."
Your trembling voice betrayed how much you had wanted to have this kind of conversation for a while, even if you were leaving the actual meaning implicit. Still, you knew Sam would understand what you were trying to say.
"You already are family. We don't need to get married for that." She spoke, but soon realizing how her words sounded a bit harsh, she moved back a bit and locked eyes with you, your faces just a few inches apart. "Not that I don't want to get married! I do. Someday. But you don't have to wait until then to feel like part of the family."
Once again, a small party seemed to settle inside you with Sam's words and the sight of her in front of you, her face flushed with shyness and the admission that she envisions a future with you. Taking advantage of the closeness, you cupped her face with one hand. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."
You're welcome. The words hung implicitly in the air as she turned her face just enough to kiss the palm of your hand. Sam's brown eyes were still small due to sleepiness, but they already sparkled like the most beautiful jewel you had ever seen. You felt very lucky.
Seizing the opportunity, you decided to delve a bit further into the subject. "Would you like to expand this family with me? In the future, of course."
Sam squirmed a bit, and you knew she was reluctant to think about that answer. You started to gently stroke her jaw with your thumb, trying to calm her and convey the message that you would be okay with whatever answer she gave.
"I kinda already have three kids, you know?" She said with humor, and you opened a smile in response. It was true that Sam was very protective of her sister, Tara, and the two twins, Mindy and Chad. You could see how much she cared for them and how hard she worked to make sure she could provide some of the things they liked.
"Oh yes, how could I forget?" You replied still humorously, and you were ready to let the subject drop there, not wanting to pressure your girlfriend into anything. However, Sam seemed not to have finished her train of thought.
She bit her lip, looking hesitant. "It's just that... I don't have the best history with my parents, as you know. And I don't have the best overall history, damn, I don't even have a degree, and..."
"Hey, hey. One step at a time, okay?" You reassured her, placing a kiss on her forehead that made her release a relieved sigh. "Firstly, you're not like your parents, no matter what you think. Secondly, it's not too late to start college if that's what you want."
"No, it's not possible." Sam shook her head, looking away to your collarbone with some shame. "I have to work to pay for the apartment rent and also support me and Tara. I don't have time for that."
You frowned and held the Carpenter's chin, making her look at you. Even embarrassed, Sam could still be intimidating enough, and her gaze gave you the same feeling of being struck by lightning, as if electricity ran through your veins every time your eyes met. "I could help you if you wanted."
"No. It's not your obli-"
"I'm not being forced to do anything." You cut her off, shaking your head and smiling to show that you were serious. "You know I have a well-paying internship. I could move here, share the bills and a room with you. It would be less burdensome, and you could work just one job and use the rest of the time to study. What do you think?"
Sam seemed to be in an internal battle, looking at you with admiration and trying to fight back the tears that were on the brink of her eyes. She reached out to caress your face. "You don't have to do this."
"I would like to." You reassured her, pulling her closer to envelop her waist in a hug. "Besides, I'd finally get rid of that small dorm and my weird roommate."
Sam scowled, her voice laden with jealousy. "You mean that flirt who's always hitting on you? You know, I'm starting to think it really is a good idea for you to move in, maybe now that bitch will understand that you're taken."
You laughed at Sam's indignation but didn't say anything to disagree. She was right, after all. At the end of the day, you were very well taken, and you were perfectly fine with that. The sunlight streaming into the room through the curtains seemed a bit brighter now, and although you didn't want to burst your bubble of happiness with Sam, you really needed to start preparing for the day ahead.
She seemed to read your mind, as she always did, given the connection between you two, and just nodded in agreement, a sign that she also agreed to get up and shake off the laziness.
In a last moment of calm, Sam approached you and spread small kisses over your chin, cheeks, and forehead, finally stopping at your mouth and kissing you with true love and affection, creating not only a physical connection but also a connection of souls. You embraced the contact, responding to the kiss with the same passion, forgetting about anything else but Sam's lips.
As she pulled away, Sam smiled contentedly. Her hair messy because of the bed, red puffy lips, and eyes with sleep residue didn't prevent you from seeing her as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen on Earth. "I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too." You whispered back, your voice laden with emotion.
You didn't know what to expect from the future, but one thing was certain. Whatever it was, you would have Sam Carpenter, and Sam Carpenter would have you.
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smackmelikeadrumfr · 1 month
Annoyingly Cute
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Regina George x Fem!Wieners!Reader
Summary: A night at Gretchen's and your house proves that Regina is "shockingly" a really good gf. (set after the events of the 2024 movie)
warnings: I dont think there's any, maybe fluff(?)
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Your shout echoed through the entire house as you poke your head out the  small  aperture on your door. There is a few seconds of silence before the sound of your sister’s voice  was heard from her room down the hall. 
“Ugh, what do you want, Y/n?” You could practically hear her roll her eyes as she speaks, just from the way she answers.
You smirk at the thought a little before responding. “Are the others coming over today?” You shout with a bigger smile on your face. 
Gretchen, currently sitting by her dressing table touching up the smallest flaws of her makeup, sighs. She already knows how this is gonna go. Taking a deep breath, she shouts back. “Yeah, yes they are”
“Okay” You excitedly shout back and giggle, closing the door. You walk over to your wardrobe and rummage through your somewhat neatly folded clothes, looking for an outfit which would make you look cute but would also make you be the perfect eye-candy for your girlfriend of 2 months, Regina George.
As you were doing so, something at the very bottom of your wardrobe caught your eye. “AHA” You exclaim as you quickly reach down to pick it up, once you do, you hold it up in front of yourself while smiling. It was a light-shaded pink hoodie which you stole from Regina at one of her parties back when you guys weren’t together. Although it might seem creepy-it kinda is-, Regina has been aware of it for a while now.
Now all that is left to do, is to find a pair of pants, do a very light makeup, do your hair and you’re done. But of course, everything feels better to do with music, so naturally you turned on your TV and opened Spotify on it, playing your Liked Songs playlist.
After you’re done with all that, you look into the full length mirror which is  propped up against the wall. You are semi-satisfied with how you look and with that thought you go downstairs to prepare snacks for your sister’s friends and of course your girlfriend. 
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After about an hour of restlessly sitting in front of the TV in the living room, you finally hear the doorbell ring which makes you jump right up darting towards the door while shouting “I’ll get it!”. Your hand grips the handle tight and almost rips out the door as you pull it open. When you do so, you’re met with the face of Damian, his eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Girl, what the hell. You almost ripped the damned door outta its sockeds” He say with a hint of concern in his voice as he looks at you. You just chuckle lightly before standing aside to let them in, as they all come in one by one, your eyes excitedly follow every person, impatiently wishing to see Regina’s face. But as the last person comes in, she is nowhere to be seen. Your eyebrows furrow and your face contorts to a frown.
“Guys, is Gina not coming today?” You ask, trying to hide the sadness in your voice. You see Cady open her mouth to speak but before she could, a voice speaks from the doorstep-as you are still standing in the doorway with the front door wide open. 
“Ahw, did someone miss me that much?” Regina teases with a giggle as she steps next to you. Your head whips to the side so fast, the others get worried you might have gotten whiplash. 
“Gina” You all but scream and jump into her arms just as fast. She is quick to catch you and chuckles as she places her head on top of yours before making eye-contact with a group of smirking friends. Her ears grow hot as she slowly peels you off of herself and smiles down at you. 
“Hi, baby” She whispers so the others don’t hear the nickname-which she could be teased for later-.
“Hey, Gina” You smile back before looking behind you and seeing the others staring at you two. You immediately take a step back with a blush coming up your neck while clearing your throat. You turn on your heels to face the others-it seems that your sister has already come down to join them-. “So uhm, I made snacks..”
“OOOH, snacks!” Karen exclaims excitedly and claps her hands, already making her way to the kitchen with the rest of the group trailing behind her. And just in a couple of seconds it’s just you and Regina.
“Sorry for jumping on you like that. I know you don't like the others teasing you about it” You say, scratching the back of your neck nervously, the top of your headphones which were around your neck bumping into your hand in the meantime. Regina shakes her head at what you say.
“No, it..it’s okay. It’s just a little awkward” You nod your head in understanding. Then she scoffs and cups your cheeks with both her hands, pulling you roughly into a soft, passionate kiss. “I guess…I missed you too, Nerd.” She mumbles into the kiss, her breath hot on your lips. Your heart is hammering in your chest as your blush deepens and you tilt your head up a little to sneak another kiss from her before completely pulling away with a sigh.
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After a while you went up to your room, because you wanted to leave the group of friends which you weren’t a part of to have a nice night together-although it was very hard convincing Regina to not yank you down onto her lap while they were choosing the film they were gonna watch-. Anyway, in your room you just decided to sit down at your PC and play some Sims 4 to keep yourself busy when you got too bored. And it helped for a while until you got bored of that too, so you look at the time and realise it was already 19:00. You decide to shower now so you don't have to wait out all the other people in the house, because even if they say it's not a sleepover, it will definitely turn into one.
After the shower you decide to go downstairs to the kitchen. When you arrive, you walk up to the fridge and smile to yourself when you glance at the tray of RedBulls in the fridge. You scoop it up in your arms and quickly but quietly sneak into your room, only to realise you’ve put your phone down on the kitchen counter.
With a deep sigh, you walk back downstairs, but before you reach the kitchen, you are stopped by a voice while walking past the living room. “Y/n!”
You turn towards the living room and see your girlfriend walking up to you, and it’s only when you’re face-to-face that she talks again. “Y/n”
Your eyebrows raise in confusion as you look up at her, tilting your head to the side. “Yeah…?”
“You know, in the span of the 4 hours we’ve been here, the only time I've seen you come down was like 2 minutes ago, and you were carrying a crate of RedBulls.”She gives you a stern look, while placing a hand on her hip.You swallow hard and give her a half-confused look, because you already have an idea or two of what this could be about. “Mind telling me, when did you have dinner?”
“Uh, well you know…before you guys came” You offer a light-hearted smile.
“Nuh-uh. Even if you did, you should already have eaten something since” She squints her eyes at you.
“I'm just-I'm not hungry”
Regina only rolls her eyes at that and grabs onto your arm, pulling you towards the kitchen, then sitting you down on a chair by the dining table. “Stay here, I'm making you waffles, ‘kay?” Her voice is so soft, any other person would think it’s a whole other person, but no. It’s Regina George. Your Regina George. You nod softly at her and within 30 minutes, the waffles are done. Regina walks over to you and places  a plate of waffles soaked in whipped cream with small bits of strawberries on top, alongside with a glass of milk.
“Gina- “ You are about to complain about eating alone, but then Regina sits down in front of you with two forks in her hand, handing you one. Regina then cuts a piece with her fork and puts it in her mouth while you stare at her.
“What? You want me to eat it all?” She comments after swallowing the bite, to which you shake your head and stick your own fork into the waffles, cutting a piece. Before putting the bite into your mouth you speak up. 
“Why..are you doing this?”
Regina gives you a weird look before getting another piece. “Because you’re my girlfriend, and I love you and I know what you’re going through. Duh.” The three word phrase rolls off her tongue so perfectly you almost miss it but when you don't, your cheeks heat up.
“I- uh.. I love you too!” You say, smiling from ear to ear as you place a small kiss on her cheek which has already begun to redden when she realised what she had said.
Bonus: As the group of friends watch the interaction from the living room, Gretchen suddenly speaks up; “You know, she is actually not that bad of a girlfriend.” The others look at her and there is a second of silence before Damian speaks up. “Girl, that’s what I was saying!”
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A/N: hellooo, my first fic on here, its kinda shitty but i enjoyed writing it very much sooo yeah.
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togrowoldinv · 7 months
Firefighter!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Natasha takes you on a date, she asks you to take the next step with her
Warnings: 18+ please! Smut! Kissing, cursing, oral (R and N receiving), Natasha being feral for reader
Note: Hehe firefighter Nat. Enjoy!
Burning Red AU, Main Masterlist
Natasha arrives at your front door right on time. She straightens up her leather jacket and knocks twice, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand.
Your roommate, Wanda, opens the door with a grin.
“Come on in,” Wanda says.
“Nice to see you again, Wanda,” Natasha says.
“You too, Nat. Y/n will be right out.”
Nat glances around at the room and notices way too many fire hazards.
“Do you think you could unplug a few of those devices?” Natasha asks Wanda. Wanda chuckles and gives Nat a look. She understands it’s your stuff. “Oh, I’ll tell her then.”
You emerge from your room at that moment. Natasha looks you over and smiles.
“What will you tell me?” You ask as you approach her. You drop a kiss to her cheek in greeting. She hands you the flowers she brought you.
“Fire hazards,” Wanda answers for her. She shrugs and walks to the kitchen, leaving you with Natasha.
“You look amazing,” Natasha says.
“You do too, babe. I love this jacket,” you tell her, grabbing the lapels of the leather to pull her closer.
“Mhm, I figured you would,” Nat says. “It will likely end up on your bedroom floor later.”
Natasha places her lips so close to yours that you can feel her breathing, but she doesn’t kiss you. She brushes her nose against yours and smirks.
“Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“I am,” you tell her. “Did you make reservations?”
“I did,” Nat says. She glances at her watch. “And we have to drive a little fast to keep them.”
“Safety expert Natasha Romanoff wants to drive fast?” You tease her.
“Hey, I am a fire safety expert not a road safety one,” she replies. “Let’s go, babe.”
You two walk to Natasha’s car. She opens the door for you and helps you inside. The drive to the restaurant goes quickly, partially due to Natasha’s driving.
Natasha smirks at you as she orders a bottle of wine for you two. She seems like she is up to something tonight, but you can’t figure out what.
“How has work been?” You ask her.
“Not bad. I haven’t had to pull doubles lately, so I am satisfied,” she answers. She leans over the table to be a bit closer to you. Her eyelashes flutter at you. “I would still quit to spend more time with you though.”
“Could the department survive without their best hero?” You ask her.
“You have a point.” She chuckles.
Your conversations remain light as you eat dinner. Dessert is on the way when Natasha suddenly seems nervous.
“Are you okay, Natasha?” You ask her.
“Oh yeah, I’m okay,” she replies nonconvincingly.
She reaches into her pocket and places a small silver key on the table between you. You look at it and back up to her. You can tell she’s trying to gauge your reaction.
“So, I’ve been thinking, and we’ve been together for a while now. I- um- I was hoping we’re ready to take it to the next level. My place is plenty big enough for the two of us and the future we have,” Natasha explains. “Would you want to move in with me?”
“Yes,” you say without hesitation. “I would love to.”
“Really?” She asks with a grin on her face.
“Really, Natasha,” you tell her. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Natasha says.
She leans over the table and kisses you softly. She wants more, but you’re in a restaurant after all. You two finish up dinner and walk to Natasha’s car. She drives to her place.
“Welcome home,” she says as she opens the front door. The place looks the cleanest you’ve seen it. “I already have plenty of ideas of how we can make it ours. For now, why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”
Natasha practically pulls your hand to lead you to the bedroom. You can tell she’s in one of those moods. She kisses you as she backs your knees into the bed. She pushes you down less than softly onto the bed.
Natasha’s hands find your shirt hem, but you don’t let her lift it up. She groans in annoyance as she continues to kiss you. Nat’s plump lips move to your neck. She licks and sucks against you, leaving marks where she can.
“Natasha,” you moan out as she presses her knee between your leg. The pressure you feel is already causing her movements to make you need her.
“I want to fuck you,” Natasha says. “I want to fuck you so hard.”
“Yeah?” You ask her.
“Yeah, baby,” she breathes out against your neck. Her hand holds pressure against your neck just enough to make you feel hotter. “Can I fuck you?”
“You can,” you tell her. So much for thinking you might want to tease her tonight. “Please, Natasha.”
“Good girl,” Nat says.
She finally gets ahold of your shirt and lifts it over your head. Her lips attach to your nipples quickly. She never gets tired of sucking them. Her hand works to unbutton your pants. She slides them down your legs with her strong hands.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Natasha says. She kisses between your breasts as her hands find your core.
Natasha grinds her own core against your leg as she rubs her fingers over your pussy. She gathers wetness from between them and brings them up to her lips. It’s absolutely sinful as Natasha licks her fingers while maintaining eye contact with you.
You see the hungriness in her eyes as she moves down your body. Your head falls back in pleasure as she dives into your core. Her tongue works expertly to devour you.
“Fuck, fuck,” you moan out as you feel yourself getting close. Nat reaches up and massages your breast as she continues to eat you out. “Natasha!”
She hums against you as you fall apart under her touch. Licking you clean, Natasha can’t get enough of the taste of you.
“Come here,” you say as she emerges from your legs. She kisses you deeply. You help her take her clothes off. The muscles of her body never cease to amaze you. Natasha pulls away from you and you miss her already.
She leans over the bed and grabs a strap from her dresser. The thick fake cock looks amazing attached to her. When she is about to put lube on it, you take the opportunity to lean forward and take it into your mouth.
Natasha groans at the sight of you taking the thick strap into your mouth. She loves this. Pushing her hips further into you, you choke but keep sucking on her.
“That’s it, baby,” Natasha says. “Let me fuck you until you can’t stand tomorrow.”
You release her strap and she repositions herself to slide into you. You are more than wet enough for her to slip inside of you easily. That final push presses the tip exactly where you need it. Natasha picks up the pace of her hips.
“Fuck, you look so pretty taking me like this,” Natasha says. “Will you come for me, sweetheart? So quickly. I barely even have to try.”
Her slightly degrading tone is enough to put you over the edge. You come again for her. She doesn’t stop her movements until you’re practically pushing her away.
Natasha lays next to you and catches her breath while you catch your own. She interlocks her fingers with yours by your side.
“I’m really glad you asked me to move in with you,” you say. Nat turns her head to look at you.
“Me too, sweetheart. It will be really fun to do this together,” Natasha says. “I love you.”
“I love you most,” you say, skipping the more versus most fight.
“Show me?” She asks.
“Always,” you reply.
You kiss down her body and situate yourself between her legs much like she did yours. This moving in together thing is a great idea. You can do this anytime you want.
The future with Natasha is looking bright.
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sukimii · 2 years
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Tags: fuff, slight angst, foul language, touch-starved!Reader
Notes: Before reading any of my fics please read this first, thank you.
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"Do you even love me?"
"Yes" your answer is immediate, with no hesitation. Of course, you love him, if you could write it in the sky you would. Yet now, the man you love is angry at you, with a mix of disappointment while you're on the verge of crying.
"Then why the fuck aren't you initiating shit?"
You know you should say something. You know you should open up and explain your behavior, but it's easier said than done. Because in the past, whenever you opened up no one listened. They either pretended not to hear or changed the topic of conversation. So you settled on pretending.
Over the years you became good at faking your moods and smiles. It came naturally for you to plaster a smile on your face and make it believable. You became good at pretending you were fine, when in fact you wanted nothing more than to have someone to listen. But no one ever did. No one cared enough to listen to the end, because as long as it doesn't concern them your insecurities are irrelevant.
"If I don't text you, you don't. If I don't call you, you don't. If I don't kiss you, you don't. Why the fuck are we in a relationship then?" The anger in his voice is deafening. It makes you want to crawl on yourself, wishing to disappear. You can feel his resentment in your bones. You know you should speak up, but your voice seems to be stuck in your throat.
"I didn't call you for three fucking days to see if you would. And guess what? You didn't!" Bakugou's eyes narrow on you, waiting for an answer that he will probably never get. "Why the fuck aren't you speaking?! Do you even give a shit about me? About our relationship?"
"I-I do care"
"Fucking bullshit." He scoffs, one hand dragging along the roots of his hair while the other one curled into a fist. "If you cared you would've reached for me. If you cared you would show it through your actions. If you cared-"
You can't listen to all your flaws.
He's listing the very same things people in your past had complained about. The sad part is that you already know the endgame, which only worsens the angst creeping up your back.
Bakugou is the only person you managed to fall in love with. He's the only one that makes you feel important, the only one that always waits for you. He is the first one that makes your heart beat so loud to the point of tuning out the world. He is the only one that keeps you on your toes. The only one that can awaken emotions buried in the depths of your heart and soul.
But now, having him complain about you was destroying your already fragile heart. All the wounds that you managed to somehow patch over the years are now ripped open again. It hurts. His words are like stabs, and you don't have the strength to listen. Because the man you love isn't willing to wait anymore.
You should've seen this coming. It was bound to happen. But your childish self, that small part of you that believes in hope, thought he was going to be the exception. You feel betrayed, by yourself. And you snap.
Your breathing is heavy and ragged, tears already spilling down your cheeks while Bakugou is stunned to silence, watching you with both his eyebrows raised. Then he frowns.
"Why would I hate it?"
"Because everyone does, sooner or later." You can feel snot threatening to drip down your nose, and you sniff, using the abused napkin in your hand to wipe it. "You say now that you want me to do all those things, but as soon as I do you will get sick of me. So-" you choke back another sob, gathering your phone and bag. "It's best if we break up. Sorry for wasting your time" and with those final words, you get up from the table, intent on leaving his house.
It's always like this.
In every relationship that you had, it always ended up with them complaining about you. Something, at the end of the day, made you unable to satisfy them properly. There's always something wrong with you. You. You're your own reason why no one can ever stand you. Right now, all you want to do is get back to your house and cry out all your frustrations. But before you reach the handle, something tugs your other wrist, spinning you around into a hard chest.
"You're not going away, not when you're opening up. Fucking finally" Bakugou drags you back to the living room, this time on the couch. All your protests fall on deaf ears, even the attempts of pushing him away are an utter failure.
"Sit your ass down and start chirpin'."
To Bakugou it's clear that there is a problem, which might run deeper than he originally expected. So he waits for you to speak up.
Yet again, you seem to lose your voice, uncomfortable under his stare, and you look anywhere but at him.
After several beats of silence - disrupted by your sniffs in a poor attempt to not cry- Bakugou sighs. "If we- if you don't speak up, I don't know how to help you. I already have a feeling of what the problem might be, but I want you to tell me. I want to hear it from you."
You mull a little over his words, weighing down your options. The past experiences with childhood friends, exes, and family members, taught you to never expect anything from anyone. Sometimes people pretend to listen because their goal is to seem nice, but once they realize that the problem is nothing interesting, they drop the subject. And as much as you love Bakugou, you don't believe he'll be any different.
"There's nothing too important. It's exactly what I said it is. You think I don't want to hold your hand? You think I don't want to wrap my whole body on you like a koala all day? I crave physical touch, I crave it so bad, but I can't. I can't" as you keep spilling out your frustrations, your voice grows bitter and resentful. "Because you enjoy it in the beginning, but then you'll get sick of it and call me clingy, just like everyone else did! I know that after, you'll tell me to 'get a life', to 'go bother someone else' and I don't want it to happen again! Because I'll be the one getting heartbroken while you all keep surfing life as if you didn't stump on my stupid, useless feelings! You're no different from the others, once you get what you want then I hold no value in your eyes. Just another bitch to add to the fuck list no-" Bakugou is quick to cover your mouth with his palm, and you finally look at him.
He looks… sad. His eyes are soft, mouth pressed into a thin line as he looks at you with what you could describe as pity. But in reality, you couldn't be any farther from the truth, because Bakugou isn't pitying you. No. He understands you.
"We already fucked, two months ago. And I'm still here, aren't I?" His voice is gentle, probably the softest you've ever heard him. As if trying to soothe a wounded animal. It's endearing.
Blinking the heavy veil of unshed tears away, you give him a couple of nods.
"Do you really think I would do something like that to you? Do you think I would say to anybody that I love them?" his palm slides down your neck until it rests comfortably at the back of your head. With breath stuck in your lungs, you offer him a soft shake of your head, no. You don't think Bakugou is that type, but you never know.
"Do you have any idea of how much I want you to do all those things? Fuck- be a fucking leech for all I care, just-!" His forehead lightly bumps into yours, the tip of the nose rubbing a couple of times against yours. His eyes are transfixed into yours, and you can feel goosebumps raise on your whole body at the intensity of his stare.
"I don't care if I'm in an uncomfortable position. I don't care if you're all sweaty from working out or if I'm barely standing because of a rough day. I want you to do anything you want. You want to spoon me? Do it. You want to hold my hand in public? Do it. You want hugs when I'm busy? Do it. Fuckin' do it. I don't care. Fuck- I could be in the middle of an important call and I still wouldn't refuse your attention!" His head dips into the crook of your shoulder while leaving a trail of kisses down your neck.
"I don't care what shit-stain you dated before me, all I care about is for you to be comfortable with me. Do you understand?" His arms are circling your back, holding you tight, but not enough to cut the breath out of you. You sniff, suppressing another sob that threatens to come out.
"Then hug me" He gives you a squeeze, voice barely above a whisper. "Please"
You know that this doesn't count as a potential improvement since, again, Bakugou is the one that initiated the physical contact. But you oblige, wrapping your arms around his neck.
For several minutes, you bask in the silence, enjoying the comfort and warmth. Until Bakugou speaks again, voice partially muffled by your clothes.
"I noticed how different you are with that weir- Hatsume."
"She-" you clear your throat, trying to get rid of the ragged tone "she never pushed me away. Probably the only one that never did." you don't want to relieve the past, but with Bakugou seems right. Up until now, he showed nothing but understanding.
"There were times when I would visit her back when she was in UA. She didn't mind when I would sleep on her while she worked on her babies. One day I remember falling asleep on her back, and she didn't complain. She- she was the only one that never called me a bother."
"You didn't do anything too scared I would…" he trails, lifting a little his head just enough to see your eyes.
"Call me clingy." You finish for him. His arms tighten around you, pulling you even closer.
"Even my parents pushed me away. I used to seek physical attention all the time. If it were possible, I would stay with you like this all day, but I know it's impossible. And I don't want you to think that I-… I don't want to be a burden. An inconvenience. I don't want you to hate me because of that. So I give you space. I let you initiate everything on your own terms because I'm scared of being annoying."
Bakugou listens. He knows that if he speaks you might try to make the conversation take a detour. So he waits for you to continue.
"I used to like sleepovers. I used to beg my parents to let me sleep at a friend's house. But then they told me no because I would be a bother, and that people are too nice to tell me that. Even holding hands was something I enjoyed, until someone slapped my hand away."
That detail doesn't sit right with Bakugou, and whoever slapped your hand was already on his piss-the-fuck-off list.
"Is this why you keep refusing to stay the night?" When you nod, Bakugou feels like the heaviest stone has just been lifted from his chest. When he slept with you for the first time, he asked you to stay over. It was late, and dark outside, and letting you wander the streets where danger lurked wasn't something he was keen on. Plus, it would give him more time to spend with you. But when you got up and dressed, turning down his offer saying that you were busy the next day, he walked you home.
The second time, again, you shut him down. He tried to be understanding. At the time, he couldn't understand why you refused to crash at his place when he did overstay at yours. At first, he thought you didn't like his apartment, or that you didn't feel comfortable enough. So, he bought a couple of plants, hoping that it will ease you, and stuffed his bathroom with products he saw at yours. He made sure to put hairclips and hair ties near the sink, in a pink-stained glass bowl. And different types of pads were stashed in the first drawer, just in case. He also added some décor, similar to your aesthetic, but even that didn't work. Despite your compliments, saying that you loved the changes he made, it still wasn't enough to make you stay.
Another time he tried again was three weeks ago. He tried his hardest to fuck you stupid, he hoped that six hours of constant sex will tire you out enough that you will cave, and finally spend the night at his. He tried different positions that he knew would strain your legs. Positions that will weaken your body, and time for you to recover were minimal. If he was generous, only a minute before he went at it again. Despite all his efforts, you still went home. Bruised, body screaming in pain at the effort, and on the verge of passing out, you asked him to take you home. And Bakugou, at that point, began to think that maybe you didn't love him.
He became self-conscious. Because why else wouldn't you want to spend more time with him? Why would you only have sex and then drop out as soon as you felt like sleeping?
Yet that theory wasn't exactly making sense, because the very next day you asked him to stay over at yours.
But now, Bakugou understands. He now knows what the problem is, and he has to admit that you told him way more than he originally expected. He's glad you did so, it's a step in the right direction, and he believes that improvements will happen soon.
One hand moves on the back of your head, cradling you closer while his lips ghost the skin right below your ear.
"Let's take baby steps" he murmurs, leaving a feathery kiss on the side of your neck. Your arms hook around his shoulders, leaning into him.
"Stay tonight" He feels your body tense up, and before you can utter a word -already knowing what you were going to say, he squeezes you, silently adding the 'please' that was lingering on the tip of his tongue.
When he feels your body relax in his hold, and a soft 'ok' leaves your lips, Bakugou allows himself to smile, happy with the outcome.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Take You Higher
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Summary: Most people don't have an assassin waiting for them in the backseat of their car, but it's your lucky day.
Pairing: Assassin!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Word Count: Almost 3.2k Warnings: E/xplicit s/exual content, unprotected s/ex, car s/ex, p/ossessive behavior, w/eapons, pet names, canon divergent, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) A/N: Nix provided me with a beautiful edit of Bucky and I began a new AU, A Different Call. This is for you, Nix, and I can't wait to share more of this world.❤️ Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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It was later than usual as you made your way toward your car, your gaze darting from left to right before you checked your phone. There was just enough light illuminating the lot where you could see where you were going, but not much else beyond your path. Everyone said it wasn't safe to walk alone at night, but you took your chances. The keys between your fingers made a quick weapon for anyone who got too close. If anyone was dumb enough to put their hands on you, the sting from the brass would be the least of their worries.
It’s almost fun when people underestimate me.
Your gaze moved to the ground before you got to the driver’s side, satisfied that no one was underneath your car as you tucked your phone in your bag. There were no vehicles on either side of yours for anyone to grab you and pull you in. If people had the chance to look inside your head, they might think you’re paranoid. You’d argue you had your own reasons to be. Danger lurked in the darkness, waiting to strike the moment anyone let their guard down.
What people didn't know was that shadows often lingered by the light and the most trustworthy of people wore masks in the form of smiles. You learned to live in the shade and make your own fragments of light. While trusting people didn’t come to you as easily, there were a few you let in. Those who didn’t mind living in the gray.
But according to the one you let in the most, you were the one who brought color into the world.
Glancing at the passenger side seat, you smiled to yourself as you got into the car and locked the door. Normally you reached right for the seatbelt. Tonight, you sat still and took a deep breath. A combination of a sweet and musky fragrance greeted you. It smelled like home.
It was why you didn’t flinch when you felt the muzzle of a gun against the side of your neck.
"Didn't anyone teach you to check the backseat before you get in a vehicle?"
The deep timbre of the voice behind you sent a chill down your spine that settled at the base. Daring to glance at the rearview mirror, you were met with a pair of cold blue eyes and a face framed by long brown hair. His lips were set in a grim line that accentuated the scruff surrounding them. Even with how spacious the back of your car was, he took up a good amount of space with his massive frame.
Death in the form of the most handsome man alive.
James “Bucky” Barnes. A former Army Sergeant turned assassin for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s STRIKE team. Most of the intelligence community referred to him as the Winter Soldier.
You simply called him yours, like he called you his.
"Maybe I’ve been waiting for an assassin to try and take me out. Only for me to flip the script and have him spare my life," you answered, smiling when he pressed the gun a bit harder against your neck. You wondered if he felt your pulse race through the metal. "Maybe even make him fall madly in love with me."
He didn't smile back at your reflection, but warmth filled his eyes in a familiar and tender gaze. "What if this assassin is already madly in love with you?"
You swallowed as he traced the barrel down to your shoulder. "Then I guess I win."
“We both win,” he whispered, sitting back in his seat and taking his gun with him. “Get back here.”
“You don’t want us to drive home?” you asked, though you made no move to put the key in the ignition.
“I said get back here,” he growled, your heart beating faster. You knew what that tone meant. You’d be lucky if you were able to walk tomorrow. “Now.”
Huffing playfully when you caught his narrowed eyes in the mirror again, you still decided to push just a little. “Bossy. Give me a second so I can- Bucky!”
You weren’t sure how he managed, but he moved your seat back far enough to grab and pull you beside him. And he managed to put his gun away before you collided with him. It didn’t surprise you though. Your man had multiple skills and was likely pent up from waiting in your car. You were pent up, too.
“Missed you,” he whispered, forcing you to straddle him.
When he framed your face with calloused hands, you expected him to pull you in for a kiss. But his eyes searched yours for a moment and you knew he was committing you to his memory once more. The love of your life had his head messed with a long time ago to the point where he lost control of his own actions and memories. While he was in a better place now, you never questioned when he needed to look at you for a second longer than usual.
If gazing at me grounds you, I’ll let you stare forever.
“I missed you, too,” you breathed, moaning when he finally brought his lips to yours and parted them with his tongue.
You didn’t realize how fast your heart was racing until Bucky slid a hand to your chest, teasing your breast through the fabric. Knowing he was back home with you was both a comfort and a sigh of relief. In the line of work the two of you were in, the promise of tomorrow was never one you could make. It made each moment that much more precious.
“Not gonna make it another minute without being inside you,” he warned you, shoving your dress up to your hips and careful to avoid the knife strapped to your thigh. You wore the garment, and the weapon he gave you, with the expectation he’d be home today. “Tell me you need me.”
“I always need you, Bucky,” you said, grinding your hips in a slow rhythm. Your barely clad pussy rubbed against the bulge in his jeans and it was enough to make his head fall back. “You need to be inside me? Need to feel my pussy around your big cock?”
“Yes. When we get home, I’ll make love to you,” Bucky snarled, making you gasp when he grasped your underwear and tore it from your body. “But I need to fuck you first, so be good and take my cock out.”
You rubbed yourself against the front of his jeans again to leave a wet spot before you raised your hips. “You better not be hurt,” you teased, but your eyes flashed in a warning as you unbuckled his belt.
“You’re free to check me when we get home. After we're in bed,” he offered, bringing a hand to your face again so you’d look into his eyes. No one ever looked at you with such devotion until he came into your life. “But I’m okay."
In a world full of lies, you trusted him completely.
"If you're okay, I'm okay," you whispered, wasting no more time as you unzipped his pants and reached inside his underwear. The size of him never ceased to amaze you. It also left you in awe how hard he felt in your hand when you wrapped your fingers around him. You might not make it another minute either without him inside you.
If anyone walked by and happened to look in the window, they’d get quite a show. At least before Bucky got his gun out and pointed it in their direction. The man would be able to find a way to shoot someone and fuck you at the same time.
"Take me in," he ordered, gripping your hips as you guided him to your waiting hole. "Please."
Bucky wasn't desperate or a man who begged. But the strain in his voice and the raw need that shone in his eyes, it told you how much he needed you. It was a heady feeling to bring the often cold assassin to the brink. It was also an honor that he trusted you when he let those walls down.
"God," you moaned as you sank down agonizingly slowly, locking eyes with him as you did as he ordered and took him into you inch by inch. It didn't matter that he didn't stretch you first. The sting was one you welcomed since you both asked for it. Who cared if you were a little sore tomorrow when you knew he'd take good care of you?
He exhaled as he allowed you a moment to adjust. It wouldn't be long until he rolled his hips up. "Only name I want you to speak is mine. Because if there is a god here tonight, it's me."
Bucky may not be a god in the literal sense, but he had been the beginning of your salvation. You walked beside him when he offered his hand. It was the path you were meant to take.
And you had almost forgotten how good it felt to have him inside you.
"Then fuck me properly, Bucky," you said, kissing him again because you could.
A low and dark grunt rumbled against your lips as he moved beneath you. Your body enveloped him in a tender and heated embrace, welcoming him home. He'd encourage you to ride him and match his pace shortly. For now, you savored every thrust of his cock, thick and bare, nothing separating you. Both of you preferred it that way.
"Ride it. Show me how much you missed me," he groaned after a minute, bringing a strong hand to the back of your neck. Your heart raced as you watched his eyes darken more. "Look at me. Don't you fucking look away."
A whimper fell from your lips, eager to please him as you braced yourself on his shoulders and raised your hips. The slow slide of his cock along your slick walls felt heavenly before you moved back down. You'd bounce on his cock all night if he let you. "So full," you moaned, never wanting to be empty again.
“Still tight no matter how many times I fuck you,” he said, licking his lips as he leaned back against the seat. The slight shift in the angle had him pushing deeper inside you and you weren’t ashamed of the loud cry you let out. “Perfect pussy and it’s all mine.”
You clenched around him at his words, your body tingling as you fucked yourself on his cock. He met you halfway, a subtle indication that you were equals and partners. Two halves of a whole. Living, breathing proof that soulmates existed in some capacity.
A reward for the hell you both went through.
“I need you to come in me,” you begged, shuddering when the head of his cock brushed your g-spot. Unduliated pleasure rippled from head to toe as he swore in Russian. His release dripping out of you later would serve as a beautiful reminder of his claim. He had every part of you. “Please. I've been so empty without you."
"I need you to come on it first,” he groaned, fucking up into with enough force that you had to grip his shirt to hold on. You weren't just heading toward your climax. He was going to catapult you there. “Give it to me and I’ll give it to you. Come. Make a mess all over me.”
Bucky gripped your chin before your head could fall back, making sure you stared in his eyes as you came. Your pleasure belonged to him and you accepted that as you shivered through your orgasm, unashamedly gushing around him. Your pussy was exceptionally greedy when it came to him and you weren’t ready to come down from the high just yet.
“That’s it. Give me everything,” he demanded, holding you still so he could thrust deep and chase his own release. Your walls twitched, the wet, sucking sound adding to the addition of your soft moans and his grunts. You gave it all and were ready to take everything he gave you in return.
“Give it to me, too, Bucky," you pleaded through the haze. "I can take it.”
He pressed his forehead to yours as he moaned your name, holding you close as he spilled inside you. Bringing a hand up to grip his hair as his hips stilled, you smiled as he let out another moan. You breathed heavily before giving him a peck on the lips, smiling wider as he began to catch his breath. His eyes always took on a gorgeous shade of blue when pleasure clouded them.
“Welcome home,” you exhaled, trying to move beside him.
“Wait,” he whispered, firmly bringing your hips back down and keeping him around his thick thighs. You gasped at the friction against your clit, your body wanting more already. “Just. Stay like this.”
He buried his face against the side of your neck, nosing along your skin as he evened out his breathing. It was almost a ritual when he came back from an assignment to hold you this way. If you weren’t in your car, your clothes would have been torn to shreds or thrown on the floor. Which you fully expected once he drove you home.
And you would make him drive since he decided to ambush you in the best possible way.
“You sure you’re okay?” you whispered after a minute, his arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace. "Nothing went wrong on your assignment?"
“It went off without a hitch,” he answered, mouthing at your pulse. “It's just getting harder to be away from home. Away from you.”
The slight vulnerability in his tone made you pause before your fingers gently combed through his hair, your heart still beating fast. You didn't have a home until the two of you made one together. “I get it,” you whispered.
Before you, Bucky didn’t mind most of his missions. That changed once he took you under his wing. It comforted him to have someone else watching his back. But the rare assignments he had to take alone, he liked them less and less as time went on. He hated being away from you.
It pained you, too.
You whined in surprise when he bit down hard on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. “You didn’t look in the backseat. Why not?"
The post orgasm bliss faded at the slight growl in his tone, yet aroused you all over again.
"Because Steve gave me a heads up that he saw you before I went into the parking lot and I checked the motion detector on my car through my phone,” you told him as his tongue soothed the sting. He could avoid being seen, so he likely wanted his best friend or you to spot him. You were all careful otherwise. "You also left me the all clear signal on the passenger seat."
Spotting the bouquet tied with a single blue ribbon before you got in the car, you knew it was safe to get in and that he was waiting for you. He bought Peruvian flowers for you on your first date and chose them because of the beauty and color. He said that you brought those things back into his life. It became a signal for the two of you, as well as a token of affection.
Maybe one day, I'll have his last name as the ultimate sign of devotion.
Bucky always had those specific flowers for you when he returned from a mission and often bought them for you just because he wanted to. And if a day ever went by that he didn’t have the flowers upon coming home, or if the flowers were out of the ordinary, you’d know something was wrong. You had your own signals for him, too.
“That punk,” he said, kissing back to your lips. “He's lucky he's my friend. I wanted to surprise you."
He could count on less than one hand how many people he loved and trusted. You and Steve were two of the very few. It was only natural that the S.T.R.I.K.E. member and former Captain kept an eye out for you and vice versa. Someone important to Bucky was important to you.
Not to mention, Steve was a good man. It seemed like there weren't many left in the world. You saw why your lover respected him and called him a friend.
“And just when have you managed to surprise me?" you asked.
"The first time we saw each other face to face," he replied.
The day he was supposed to kill you.
“That's true," you agreed after a beat. "You don’t regret choosing to save me?”
Bucky pulled back with the softest smile on his face as your heart swelled in your chest. The look of love in his eyes nearly stole the oxygen from your lungs. His thumb brushed your cheek and it shocked you when he wiped away a tear. You didn’t know it had fallen.
“I regret a lot of things in my life, but you will never be one of them,” he assured you, kissing the spot where he brushed away your tear. “I’ll never regret loving you, Kitten.”
You raked your fingers softly along his scalp. He called you that before the two of you fought and the nickname stuck. You didn’t mind it. Your stealth, flexibility, and reflexes were catlike at times. He picked up on those things immediately.
“And I’ll never regret being yours, Killer," you swore. He'd never let anyone else call him that. "Or loving you.”
You understood the assassin better than most. To some degree, you knew what it was like not to be in control. Choices were taken away from you. People used the two of you for their gain, but he helped put you on a path of hope.
All because he made a different call that fateful day.
“Put your claws away,” he groaned when you moved your nails along his head again, making him rock inside you. His stamina drove you wild. “Or we’ll have round two here instead of in our bed.”
“But you promised you’d take me home and make love to me.”
"And I will, but I may need to ruin you here one more time,” he smirked, slipping his tongue into your mouth before you could argue.
If he wants to use sex as a weapon, I’ll happily accept every wound.
Before the night was over, he took you home and made love to you as he promised. He held you so close against him that it was as if you shared one breath. He even watched you as you fell asleep, an unexpected fear gripping him. In the back of his mind, he sensed that someone was still out there waiting to take you away from him.
But if anyone ever tried, he'd burn the word down to save you all over again.
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Let's hope no one is dumb enough to go after Kitten. Love and thanks! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ KoFi
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Can I please a smut with dom siren!seonghwa?
I love the concept of a siren with him,
And I mean like the mermaid type of siren.
Thank you!!
siren!hwa x fem reader
Trigger warnings: none that i can think of!
Content warnings: names (baby, my love, angel, mommy sorry not sorry he’s so mother), choking, oral (f receiving), very mild breeding kink, hwa uses his powers for sex good idk i just liked the idea lmao
Summary: your boyfriend just wants to reward you
Word count: 4.3k
A/N: bestie i’m so sorry this took so long but oooooh lord. anyways. two in a little over one week after being on hiatus? not too shabby. also decided to try something a little different with the pov so lmk what you all think! enjoy my loves! 🥰
Tags: @bahng-chrizz @foxinnie8
Smut below the cut
I let out a soft sigh as I curled up in my chair, looking out over the water. Sitting with my knees to my chest, I sipped my tea from my favorite mug as I watched the sunset. I’d inherited my brother’s beach house, which was settled in a quaint coastal town, a few months ago and had finally gotten settled into a routine. Every evening, I’d sit on my private dock and watch the sky turn shades of orange and pink before heading inside once the moon graced me with her beauty.
After a short while, I saw the very end of a tail pop out of the water before quickly dipping back below the surface. I smiled softly and stood, placing my tea on the table. I’d always loved watching the fishes and wanted to get a closer look. I’d never seen one with such a large tail in this area. How big could this thing be?
I walked to the edge of the dock and stared out at the water, trying to spot the fish again when I saw a brief splash only a few yards away. Excited, I laid down on my stomach and dipped a hand into the water. It was coming towards me.
But what greeted me a moment later was not a massive fish. It was the face of a man. The most beautiful man I’d ever seen, in fact. And he was emerging from the water, his face mere inches from mine. His hair was slicked back and water droplets ran down face, eventually dripping from his nose and chin. His lips were full and his cheekbones were high. He had a strong brow and curious, sparkling eyes. He looked elegant. Princely. Soft.
Of course, I couldn’t help but let out a scream as I scrambled back. “What the fuck?!” I shouted as I jumped to my feet.
“Who are you?” He tilted his head as he reached for the edge of the dock.
“Who am I? Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m Seonghwa. I’ve seen you here before. Who are you? Where is the man who lives here?” My heart sank at his question and I frowned.
“I’m y/n. That man was my brother. He died and left me the house.” I said quietly, looking out at the horizon. “How did you know him?”
“He died?” The man, Seonghwa, looked alarmed as he started to hoist himself out of the water with wide eyes. “How? When? He said he’d come back.” He sounded frantic. Panicked.
“He was sick. It’s been about six months now.” I paused, crossing my arms over my chest. “But you didn’t answer my question. How did you know my brother?”
He paused when he was halfway out of the water and I noticed something shimmering on his body, a few inches below his belly button. “He was a friend. He saved me and in return I gave him company. We spent much time here on the dock.”
“He never mentioned that…” I said warily, backing away a few steps.
“I asked him to keep my existence a secret.”
“You remind me of him.” He suddenly changed the subject with a dazzling smile that left me breathless. Was my mind playing tricks on me or were his teeth just a bit too sharp to seem human? “He was just as guarded the first time we met. He saved me but then interrogated me for hours. I was a captive audience as I was injured but the conversation grew lighthearted once he was satisfied with my answers. He asked many questions. You do too.”
“It’s only natural to ask questions when a strange man emerges from the water and says he knew my late brother.” I rolled my eyes, fighting not to grin. The situation was bizarre not to laugh.
“You seem to have the same temperament as him too.” He hummed, seemingly deciding on something. “I can trust you then. But you have to keep my secret.” And with that, he jumped out of the water. I expected the secret to be that he was a local who went skinny dipping for shits and giggles but I stood in stunned silence when I saw a shimmering blue-green tail. The same tail I’d seen splash out of the water only a few minutes prior. He had fins on his forearms that I hadn’t noticed before and one running down his upper back that stopped halfway down his spine as well, all of them the same deep teal as his tail. His beauty was terrifying and would surely haunt me for a long while. Maybe even the rest of my life.
“Y-you…you- what the FUCK?!”
“Shh!” He brought a finger to his lips and I clamped my mouth shut, looking around to make sure none of my neighbors were outside. Their houses were quite a ways away since each house had a private dock with space for a mid-sized boat but I was certain I was loud enough to draw attention to myself. “You can’t tell anyone about this. They’ll hunt me down and torture me in the name of science.”
I nodded, dumbfounded as he transformed before my eyes. Within minutes, his tail was replaced with a pair of legs and he stood before me as any other human man.
And he was stark naked.
He was stunning. Slender, toned, and tan. His shoulders were a bit wider than his hips, which were narrow and led to a pair of long legs. my eyes trailed back up his legs, tempted to take in every part of his body, and I realized I was gawking.
I quickly looked away and cleared my throat awkwardly. “Um…would you like to come in? I still have some of my brother’s clothes, I’m sure something will fit.”
He nodded and started for my house, leaving me standing alone on the dock, dumbfounded by what was going on and admiring his ass. My big brother was friends with a fucking merman and never told me?! I rushed to catch up to him, grabbing my now-cold cup of tea as I chased after him. By the time I caught up, he was reaching for my door.
Once we were both inside, I turned towards him, once again forcing myself to make eye contact and not stare at his perfect body. “Just…wait here. I’ll be right back.” I instructed before scurrying off to one of the spare rooms where I kept my brother’s belongings.
“You changed things.” I heard him say and puffed out a sigh.
“Yeah. It was hard moving in and seeing all his things.” I explained, hearing his footsteps as he wandered around the living room. “I kept everything, I just put it all away.” I finally found the box of clothes and rummaged around until I found a pair of sweats and a loose tank top. I rejoined him and held out the clothes, looking anywhere but at him. “Here. Can I get you anything to drink?”
“I’m alright, thank you.” He smiled again as he reached for the clothes and my heart raced. Something about him was drawing me in. He was intoxicating. “You're much prettier than him.” He said after a few moments of staring at me, finally taking the clothes and making his way towards the bathroom to get dressed as if I hadn’t just seen every inch of him.
“Um…thanks?” I stared after him, entirely bewildered at the turn the evening had taken.
I let out a soft sigh as my fingertips danced over the scales that reached up his lower back. That night had been the beginning of my romance with Seonghwa, who was now a fixture in my life. The two of us had spent hours talking about my late brother, sharing stories and fighting back tears. He’d held me until I fell asleep and I woke up the next morning to the clothes folded neatly on the end of the sofa and a note on top, scrawled in beautifully messy handwriting. See you soon.
“You're staring again.”
“Hmm?” I lifted my head from my arm and offered a sheepish grin. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to. Just thinking.”
“About what?” He asked, shuddering as my fingertips ghosted over a particularly sensitive spot just above the fin that ran down the back of his tail.
“The night we met.” I hummed, laying my head back down with a tiny smile. “Beautiful.” I whispered, touching the same spot as before. I knew he liked it.
He smiled softly and pulled himself up on the dock, kissing my forehead. “It was the best night of my life.” He responded, opting not to address my comment.
“Mine too.” I whispered, closing my eyes at his touch. I opened my eyes a moment later and looked up at him. “Do you want to come in? It’s getting kind of cool out here.”
When he nodded, I got up and backed away, leaving space for him to get on the dock while I grabbed the clothes I’d picked for him. It had become routine for me to meet him at the dock with an outfit and watch the sunset before inviting him in. He usually stayed the night with me and then went back to the water during the day when I had to work.
I watched in awe as he transformed before my eyes. It was a mildly unsettling sight but I could never manage to tear my eyes away, always intrigued. He didn’t look bothered despite how uncomfortable the transformation appeared. He’d explained early on, with mild indignance, that he was a siren, not a merman like I’d originally thought, and told me how his magic worked. It was kind of confusing but the main points were that changing forms didn’t hurt him and that his power wasn’t simply used to lure sailors to their deaths, like most fantasy books said. In fact, he’d used his charms to lull me to sleep the night we met after seeing my grief over my brother.
Once he was dressed, we walked up the dock towards my house. His arms were around my waist the moment I closed the door. “You look so beautiful tonight, my love.” He murmured, pulling I against him.
“So do you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him.
He leaned down and caught my lips in a gentle kiss, bringing one hand to the back of my head. I shivered when his fingers tangled in my hair and gave a gentle tug. After two years, he knew exactly how to manipulate my body and heat pooled between my legs as he nipped at my bottom lip. It was almost embarrassing how quickly he ignited such need in me.
I dragged my hands down his chest and inched my fingers under his shirt, whining softly when he pulled back. “Let’s go to the bedroom, darling.” His voice took on that tone I knew all too well and I quickly followed his instructions, knowing it was best to follow his orders.
When I reached my room, he sat on the bed and motioned for me to stand between his legs. I complied, smiling to myself when he slipped his hands under my shirt and lifted it over my head. He frowned at the sight of my bra and I laughed. “Don’t worry, it has a zipper.”
“Good. I fucking hate fighting with those hooks. They’re so finicky.” He huffed and for a moment I saw his cute, childish side. As soon as he noticed my adoring expression, however, he gathered himself and wrapped his arms around me. “My beautiful girl…” he whispered as he pressed his lips to my stomach.
I shivered at his tone as my hands moved to rest on his shoulders, goosebumps appearing on my skin at his touch. I didn’t speak as his tongue darted out to tease me, biting back a pathetic noise when he slipped a hand between my legs and touched me through my shorts. His touch was gentle, further cementing my thoughts on his elegance. He could never be rough with me unless I begged, despite possessing the inhuman physical abilities that all sirens had. I was too precious to him. Too fragile.
“Tell me, my love, what do you want? You’ve been such a good girl lately, I think you deserve a treat.” His voice took on that mind-numbingly sweet tone and I felt myself growing dizzy as a fresh wave of arousal washed over me.
“I want you, Hwa.” I whimpered, grinding down against his fingers.
“Hwa?” He paused, looking up at me. I froze on the spot. I knew what he wanted me to call him, what I secretly wanted to call him, but I was always too shy to do it unprompted. “Is that my name, baby?”
“No…” I bit my lip and fought hard to maintain eye contact.
“Say my name then.” His eyes seemed to grow dark for a brief moment and warmth flooded my chest as my stomach did a somersault. He was using his magic on me.
“M-mommy…” I whined softly, cheeks going a soft pink.
“Good girl.” He cooed and applied more pressure to my clothed core as he continued. “Now, tell me again what it is that you want.”
“I want you, mommy. Please?” I begged despite my embarrassment as his magic compelled me to do the tasks I was too shy to do without his…encouragement.
The noise he let out made my head spin and I clenched around nothing, my panties sticking uncomfortably to my folds. “My good girl even used her manners.” His tone was almost taunting as he pulled me onto his lap.
I stifled a small noise and settled on his thighs with no hesitation as his long fingers teased my hips. The skin just above my waistband once more erupted in goosebumps at his featherlight touch and I shivered. “Of course I did, mommy. I wanna be good for you.” I murmured, waiting for him to tell me what to do next.
He chuckled softly and nodded, hands sliding to squeeze my ass. “You always are, baby.” He assured me, leaning up to peck my lips.
The peck turned into a fiery kiss when I looped my arms around his neck and wiggled in his lap in an adorable attempt to grind on him. He was hard beneath my ass and I wanted to feel him. He made a sound in the back of his throat as he laid back and flipped us both over to pin me to the mattress. He immediately rolled his hips against mine and I gasped against his lips.
He broke the kiss and moved to trail his lips along my neck, sucking and biting occasionally. Each nip had I arching into him as heat pooled in my belly. “Mommy, please-” I gasped, gently tugging at his hair as his lips moved lower.
His elegant fingers tugged at the zipper of my bra, freeing my breasts in a matter of seconds. He pulled back just a bit to admire me and I saw his eyes darken with lust. He wasted no time in latching onto my left nipple, tongue swirling around the stiff peak. I let out a soft cry when I felt his teeth scrape over my skin and he promptly switched sides, focusing on my right breast.
Much to my dismay, he didn’t spend much time on my chest, opting instead to work his way lower. His lips ghosted over the spot he’d been teasing before pulling me to his lap and I sighed, eyes slipping shut. I lifted my hips when his fingers hooked in my waistband and bit my lip as my shorts and panties traveled down my legs.
After tossing my clothes aside, Seonghwa guided my legs apart and made an appreciative noise deep in his chest. “My beautiful girl…you’re gonna take me so well, aren’t you?” I nodded immediately and he smirked. “But first, you're gonna let mommy suck on that pretty pussy, right, my love?”
“Yes, mommy.” I whimpered, clenching around nothing. It was almost embarrassing how wet I was when he’d barely done anything. Almost.
“Good girl.” I moaned weakly at the name and he chuckled softly. “You always respond so well to that name.” He cooed as he leaned down. He kissed my belly while his hands guided my legs to his shoulders, tongue circling my navel like he knew I liked.
“Tickles…” I whispered and bit my lip, lifting my head to watch as he brought his mouth a breath away from my aching cunt. He didn’t immediately dive in and I wanted to scream but managed to keep my composure as he blew on me.
He ran a single finger through my folds and I felt my body grow weak. Keeping my head up so I could look at him was becoming a chore as he finally pressed a chaste kiss to my clit. I felt dizzy from the simple touch. “Mommy, please…” I whimpered, fighting the urge to grab a fistful of his silky black hair and drag him into me.
My plea seemed to be the only thing he needed because a moment later he sucked my clit into his mouth and a low growl rumbled in his chest at my resulting moan. One thing I loved about Seonghwa was just how enthusiastic he was to go down on me. He ate pussy like a madman and always made sure to finish me off before we even got to the actual fucking. I could live with his head between my legs.
The fight to keep my head up was lost and I found myself staring at the ceiling, my eyes slipping shut a moment later as a long, slender finger entered me. “Mommy…” I mewled, my hands moving to my chest. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good, baby.” He groaned against me and my hips bucked of their own accord. He brought an arm up and slung it across my hips, pinning me to the bed. “Don’t move, angel. Let me enjoy my meal.”
“Sorry, mommy.” I bit my lip as I tugged at my nipple, my back arching slightly when he curled his finger. “Oh-” I gasped.
He didn’t say a word as he added another finger and quickly curled them to reach that same spot that had my whole body burning. He licked and sucked until my legs trembled on either side of his head. He made a small appreciative sound against me and the vibrations damn near made me squeal.
Then he pulled back and I was about to pout when he added a third finger. He curled them instantly and his pace became rough and my back bowed off the bed. “Oh my god!” I cried out, quickly bringing my hand to my mouth. I didn’t mean to muffle my sounds, I just needed something to sink my teeth into and my knuckles were perfect for the job.
He kept his pace and the coil in the pit of my belly wound tighter. He leaned back in and pressed a soft kiss to my clit and it felt like lightning struck my body. My hips jerked at the contact but his arm kept me in place and I felt him smirk against me.
Eyes now watery, I looked down at him and found him staring back at me. His eyes darkened once more as he watched me fall apart and simply muttered a few words in a language I now recognized as his mother tongue, his voice sending vibrations through my pussy. Instantly, warmth was blooming in my chest and I found myself whimpering behind my hand as an intense pleasure filled my body.
He knew how much I loved when he used his power to intensify my pleasure and helped me along quite often.
My orgasm hit me like a truck, steamrolling me as he lapped at my pussy. He kept his pace even as I began to writhe, his eyes glinting with mischief. A second orgasm approached and just as I was about to come undone, he pulled back. I let out a disapproving whine but didn’t argue further. Instead, I started to sit up.
“Can I-”
“Did I say you could get up?” Immediately I sank back down against the sheets. “Don’t move.” His eyes flashed. I couldn’t even if I wanted to, though the warmth spreading in my chest made any desire to disobey flee my body entirely. He’d pinned me to the bed with a simple glare and I watched helplessly as he undressed himself, my palms itching to help him.
My mouth watered when his cock sprung free from the confines of his shorts and he took a step toward me. “I’m gonna fuck this tight little pussy and you’re gonna fall apart on my cock, understood? I’m not stopping until I hear you begging for mercy.”
I clenched around nothing and nodded eagerly. I loved when he got like this. When he was so worked up that my reward turned into him simply ravaging me. I wanted him and he was damn sure going to give me what I wanted until I couldn’t take any more.
He lined up and urged my knees toward my chest, sheathing himself inside me in one fluid motion. The fullness I felt in that moment was one of my favorite things. He always fit so perfectly inside me, filling every inch of my pussy like it was made for him.
“Shit, baby…” His groan made me tense in anticipation. Every time he cursed like that, he gave it to me hard, just the way I liked it. He was careful with me, of course. I was his fragile little human. But he knew I preferred him fucking me furiously over taking me slowly and he gave it to me as a reward.
He also punished me that way but that was a story for another time.
“Mommy-” My breath hitched on the first thrust and my eyelids fluttered as his hand found my throat.
His pace was brutal, the sound of skin slapping filling the room in record time. He was precise with each thrust and my eyes rolled back when he gave my throat a gentle squeeze. Molten lava filled my veins as my vision swam.
He let up quickly, having long since learned my limits, and leaned down to crash his lips to mine. His taste mingled with my juices in the most intoxicating way and I let out another small whimper.
The coil in my belly was back and more intense than before as he reached a part of me that had stars dotting my vision. “Oh fuck- there!” I cried, the sound muffled by his lips. He drank up the sound with a low groan and slammed into me harder, determined to make me fall apart before he did.
It didn’t take him very long to accomplish that. Not even a minute after I had the thought that I wouldn’t last much longer, my orgasm washed over me. I swear the edges of my vision blurred with the force of it. A scream ripped from my throat as he continued to fuck me through my orgasm, showing no signs of letting up any time soon.
“That’s a good girl. Just like that.” He praised, pulling back just enough to watch me writhe beneath him. “You look so beautiful when you cum all over my cock, angel.”
Warmth flooded my chest again and I let out another cry as a third orgasm slammed into me, Seonghwa’s magic holding me captive as it settled deep in my belly. He was doing this on purpose of course. He wanted to make sure I was sated. He always did.
“Look at me.” He demanded. I did. I couldn’t look away. He was stunning like this. He looked powerful on top of me.
When I felt a fourth orgasm building, tears filled my eyes and I begged for mercy. “Mommy, please- too much-” The words came out as a broken sob of pleasure.
“You can take one last one for me, can’t you, my love?” I nodded frantically, knowing he’d give me a break after I’d cum a fourth time. “Good girl. That’s what I thought.” He grunted as sweat dripped from his chin and landed between my breasts. “Fuck, baby. You look so perfect right now. Just wanna fill you up with my cum and watch you try not to waste a single drop. Wanna breed that perfect pussy and give you a baby.”
“Please!” I sobbed, nodding furiously. I needed that. Needed him to fill me to the brim and make it so blindingly obvious who I belonged to.
“Yeah? You want that?” I nodded again as my orgasm barreled towards me. “Then cum for me, angel. One last time and I’ll give you every last drop.”
I let go, my back bowing off the bed as my whole body shuddered with delight. The sensation was so strong it made my toes curl and my watery eyes roll back as I let out one final cry. I bet I looked possessed with the way my body spasmed.
With a final curse, Seonghwa let go and spilled inside me, his thrusts becoming sloppy and losing rhythm as his high crashed over him. He only stopped when I let out a pathetic whimper, my body aching from all the pleasure he’d given me. Slowly, he pulled out and I whimpered when I felt his cum begin to leak out of me.
“You’re wasting it.” He teased as he laid down beside me, throwing a strong arm over my waist. “Are you okay, my love?”
“I couldn’t be better.” I smiled as I rolled over to face him, eyes already drooping. “I love you, Hwa.”
“I love you too. So fucking much.” He whispered. His words were the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep in his protective embrace.
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pnwvegan · 9 months
Early bird gets the worm
Sam Winchester Smut
Sam Winchester x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut! 18+
Summary: Sam wakes you up in the middle of the night to satisfy an itch he simply can’t scratch by himself.
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It was three A.M, you were sound asleep with Sam’s arm around you. Unknown to you, Sam was wide awake with a big problem. He tried to palm his “problem” but decided it was too hard to deal with himself. He leaned over your sleeping frame and whispered in your ear,
“If I don’t fuck you, I’m going to explode.” You shuddered in your sleep. You stretched, rubbing you ass on his arousal unintentionally, eyes remaining closed. Sam sighed and leaned over once more. He nibbled your ear then started kissing your neck, whispering in your ear the second time,
“Come on baby, I need you so bad right now.” As he begged, your eyes fluttered open. You turned to look at him and saw he was flushed and his forehead glistened with a small bead of sweat.
“What is it baby?” You asked, still sleepy. He took your hand and placed it on his dick, whispering,
“Please” he was rock hard, making you wonder if it was painful. You rubbed him slowly through his pants and the way his head shot back, while letting out a groan answered your question.
“What do you need love?” You asked, palming him slowly. He hissed through his teeth, you smirked knowing what you do to him. He hesitated, you urging him to go on,said,
“Can I be inside you?” His puppy dog eyes extra pleading, you couldn’t resist those eyes usually, but now it would hurt you just as much as him if you said no. And you were honestly as turned on as him, your wetness prominent. You grabbed his hand,letting it run down your stomach,
“Go ahead,” you nodded, his hand meeting your heat. He starts to kiss your neck, rubbing your clit, you moaning into the pillow. The friction making your stomach burn with desire. Before you knew it, Sam put two fingers in you. You gasped in response, him chuckling against your neck.
“You love when I make you feel good, don’t you baby? Who’s my good girl?” And that’s what did it for you, your eyes rolled back and you tightened around his fingers, but Sam wasn’t taking just that response this morning. He put his fingers in your mouth, you sucking your juices off him and he asked again with raised eyebrows,
“What was that? Who’s my good girl?” His fingers lingered down to your throat, applying just enough pressure so that you could still talk.
“Yours, only yours” you replied. He nibbled your ear, smirk still prevalent on his face. He whispered in your ear once more,
“You ready for me baby? Will you take my cock please?” The begging tone returning his to voice only made you wetter, if that were possible.
He turned your chin towards him and kissed you deeply, you gasping in his mouth when he pushes himself inside you.
“You’re so big Sammy”
“You can take it” he said as he kisses your nose. Him filling you completely, you reached your arms out, clawing at the sheets as Sam pushed against your hips. He then got on his knees and positioned you on all fours, bouncing your ass against his hips. The new angle deep enough to make you scream his name as you came. Sam came seconds later, his body now relaxing, his painful erection now a memory now only remembered with pleasure instead.
An hour later as you laid on Sam’s chest, you signed with contentment.
“That was so good babe,” you muttered breathlessly, he smiled and said
“What can I say? Early bird gets the worm.”
A/N: Hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you think 😁
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upat4amwiththemoon · 8 months
I'd like to leave a request for moms wandanat and reader (she'd be in high school) if that's okay
They get called during the day and learn that reader got into a pretty big physical fight with another girl from school
They aren't given context and they don't really think about it immediately because of how violent the fight was described to them
They get upset and get into an argument but later at home when wanda tries to talk to her daughter and finally want to understand what happened and what was the reason of this, knowing her daughter as a calm person she learns the reason she got into a fight is because of an homophobic girl in her school who keeps insulting reader and her moms
You can decide on the end, thank you so much for taking request you're saving LIIIVES
Love you!! 💞
Summary: Punch a homophobe.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: mentions of violence and homophobia
Word count: 1276
a/n: remember to vote which characters you want to the different tropes of the trope challenge!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Wanda and Natasha have lived through their more than fair share of violence, so usually fights, blood, and bruises don’t faze them. Not even when their daughter’s principal called them in to the school because of a fight, those happen every once in a while, mean words get thrown around. However, bow that they’re sitting at the principal’s office with Y/N, a girl from her class and her parents, they’re speechless.
Both Y/N and the girl’s faces have bloody cuts, most likely from nails, and the latter also has a black eye and a busted lip. Y/N clearly got off with less physical pain, she has been trained on self defense by her mothers after all.
The girl is sobbing, yelling at her parents and the principal how she’s scared for her life, while Y/N sits quietly. She hasn’t said a word during the meeting, not like anyone has given her the chance to explain. She keeps her eyes locked on the wall, arms crossed over her chest, she doesn’t want to make any contact with anyone else in the room.
“We want repercussions!” The girl’s mother demands. She is holding a hand on her daughter’s shoulder as she tries to console her. “She almost killed my baby girl. She has to be expelled right this second, or I will be pressing charges against her.”
The principal and Y/N’s moms try to calm the woman down, promising there will be harsh consequences for her actions, but expelling her would be over the line. She has always been a calm girl, which is why Wanda and Natasha are absolutely appalled by her behavior.
After an hour, the adults reach an agreement without pressing charges. The girl will get three days detention for participating in the fight, and Y/N will be suspended for two weeks. They’ll also change her classes, so she won’t be sharing any with the girl. Everyone leaves as satisfied as they can when it comes to a situation like this.
The car ride back home is definitely more than awkward. Natasha is furious, her knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Wanda is just disappointed, she never expected her daughter to be so violent, especially because they taught her to be kind and respectful. Y/N is annoyed. This whole situation wasn’t even her fault.
“What the hell were you thinking, hm?” Natasha finally talks to Y/N. She glances at her through the rear view mirror, but Y/N doesn’t meet her gaze. “You messed that girl up, Y/N.”
She scoffs, staring at the view passing by.
“This is serious!” Natasha slams her palm to the steering wheel, accidentally honking at the car in front of her. The driver flips their middle finger at her, so Natasha honks again, this time on purpose. “Fuck! You could have gotten a criminal record from that, do you understand?”
“Hey,” Wanda snaps her fingers, leaning her head towards the backseats, “answer to your mother when she’s talking to you.”
“Yes, I understand.” The words come out harsh and loud, which makes both of her moms even more agitated. “But if you’d lis-“
“No!” Natasha shouts. Her eyes are wide and brows raised as she thinks what happened for Y/N to go this way. “This isn’t a discussion where you get to dictate anything. You better not expect to leave the house for a year.”
“Jesus christ.” Mumbling, Wanda rubs her forehead.
Y/N slams the back of her head against the car’s seat. It doesn’t dull her anger, the headrest being soft. Tears of frustration are starting to gather in the corner of her eyes. She just wants to be heard. “There is a goo-“ Wanda’s shushing interrupts her. Her mouth is agape while her mind tries to register what just happened. “Mom!”
Her lower lip wobbles. She presses her forehead against the cool window, trying to stop herself from crying until she can lock herself into her room.
When the car stops at their driveway, Y/N is the first one to get out. She slams the car’s door shut and runs inside, straight to her room, ignoring her moms’ yells after her. Locking her bedroom door, Y/N throws her backpack to the ground and slumps down to her bed. The soft pillow dries her oncoming tears, and works as a silencer to her sobs at the same time.
It takes two hours for someone to come knock on her door. Y/N is lying on her bed half asleep, debating whether she should go unlock the door or not, but she doesn’t want to get in any more trouble. She stands up, unlocks the door, and goes back to lay down on her bed without opening it.
The door opens and closes. “Hi, baby.” Wanda’s voice is quiet, almost a whisper. Y/N doesn’t answer or look at her way, so Wanda sits down to the bed, setting her hand on Y/N’s leg. “Could you tell me what happened at school today?”
“I thought you wanted me to be quiet.”
Wanda sighs, rubbing Y/N’s leg in an attempt to comfort her. “We’re sorry for yelling, that’s not what we should’ve done. We were confused because you’re not one to get into fistfights.”
Y/N bites her teeth together. It makes her nauseous. She almost doesn’t want to tell her what happened, thinking it wouldn’t matter anyway. On the other hand, she also doesn’t want to disappoint her moms even more.
“She was saying stuff.” Her voice gets muffled by the pillow, but Wanda can still hear her.
“What kind of stuff?”
“Stuff about you two, and me.” She pauses. Her voice starts wavering as tears begin to pool in her eyes. “Homophobic things, she was saying slurs and stuff.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Wanda’s hand moves up to Y/N’s head, coaxing her to bring her face out of hiding. She rubs her thumbs over her wet cheeks, but she doesn’t wipe away her tears, she lets her cry in peace. “I’m so sorry. How long has she been saying stuff like that?”
Y/N shrugs, “always, but they started getting more frequent when she found out I have had girlfriends too.”
Wanda pulls Y/N into a sitting position so she can properly embrace her. She tubs her back and plays with her hair while she sobs, finally letting everything out. Y/N never wanted to bother her moms with the girl, having been taught it’s better to ignore bullies, but she finally got enough of the girl’s taunting words and had to fight back. She didn’t want to sit back anymore.
“I’m gonna go talk to Nat, and then we’ll go talk to the principal, okay? We won’t let her get away with this kind of behavior.”
Y/N nods, her face pressed against the crook of Wanda’s neck. She’s glad she doesn’t have to deal with it on her own.
“You’ll let us know if anything like this happens again?”
“I will.”
“Good,” Wanda pulls away from the embrace begrudgingly, “lets go to the living room and talk to your mom.” She holds on to Y/N’s hand tightly as they go into the room where, now more calm, Natasha sits.
Once the whole thing is clear to everyone, both Natasha and Wanda agree her actions aren’t punishable, considering the situation she was in. So, they decide to march into the principal’s office tomorrow, and demand for it to be righted. But, until then, they stay on the couch, all piled together, watching sitcoms and comforting Y/N.
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