#i was throughly disappointed
darlingdivasworld · 1 month
I previously mentioned that I wasn't a fan of weekly drops and Season 9 Episode 14 has unfortunately proved my fears. I was going to post this yesterday but I was too angry to formulate my words.
So the episode starts off with Anthony dancing a solo, and when the team walks in on him doing so, I can easily predict that he is going to be dance captain. I don't necessarily have a problem with this as he was appointed head choreographer, so it makes sense.
What doesn't make sense is the whole A plot of this episode. A-Troupe find out that an anonymous complaint has been made against them that they're not dancing to "Internationals standard." Last time I checked, you qualify for Internationals by winning your Nationals, which The Next Step did! And the fact that this complaint is taken so seriously that TNS has to requalify is ridiculous. You're telling me that any dancer from anywhere can make a complaint about a studio not being "up to par" and Absolute Dance will just make them reaudition...huh?
Anyway, Anthony is really stressed (and bless him honestly) as his first challenge as dance captain is to get TNS back into Internationals. Unfortunately for him, our 'Internationals Consultant' is here and takes charge of everything. I'm actually lying because our Lord and Saviour Eldon over here waste A-Troupe's precious rehearsal time by showing off how many pirouettes he can do and his past Internationals stories.
And I'm well aware that his stories from Internationals are for those OG fans, but it was so grating. Eldon, to me, was like those fans who, no matter what, insist "s1-s3 A-Troupe are elite and the new seasons are SOOOO bad. Also, when is Jiley going to have their wedding in Studio A???"
I'm assuming the writers thought the audience would find this amusing thinking along the lines of, "Oh Eldon! He's such a silly doofus!" But I, alongside the 4 members of A-Troupe, are begging him to stop talking. Side note, why isn't the whole team here for this? Like, I'm pretty sure all your hard work is on the line here???
After a while, they trick Eldon into finding lucky coins and begin the live stream. It goes well until Eldon comes back and takes away Anthony's authority, but its totally fine because they're back in! Also, Team France have to compete again simply because they're sister studios with TNS because that's completely fair.
And now, we get the most infuriating dramatic twist yet! It turns out Eldon put in that complaint for funsies! Precious rehearsal time wasted just for the fun of it. When I tell you, I'll be rejoicing when Kenzie returns (this team has been in shambles ever since she was shipped off to France).
Yeah, all this episode did was cement my hatred for Eldon. The only good thing about this episode was Adele and Ariana. Probably the worst episode of the season so far, and I'm praying they don't drop the ball like this ever again.
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itsyaboyredacted · 2 years
This man does NOT know evidence law!!
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thyrandomthing · 11 months
I like pomegranates so when I saw some pomegranate seeds in a cup I buy them. This was not the best decision.
They tasted like the smell of nail polish. That is the best way to describe the taste. If you ate nail polish, I think that would be the taste. So anyways I ate half of the cup
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butt-puncher · 1 year
Full of anxiety bc I forgot to click the confirmation by the deadline on the abroad portal application even though I paid the deposit and now the abroad program mightve already dropped me weeks ago without my knowledge aaaaaaa
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Thinking about Steve who has not a single idea about how social media works, but he downloads a few things like Instagram and Twitter only to check in on the kids. Other than that, he has zero knowledge of pop culture and kind of lives in that blissful bubble. Every once in a while, the kids will get a bit exasperated with him, but he enjoys listening to them explain things - and he knows they secretly love being able to rehash all the gossip.
And honestly, being out of the loop has it’s perks. Especially when he’s on a plane to Los Angeles, California to visit the Byers while they’re there for a concert and to do some sightseeing in the meantime. He’s sat next to someone who sits by the window seat but wears a baseball cap and sunglasses, curly hair tied back in a ponytail. He seems strangely on edge - maybe suffering from a hangover or scared of flying.
Steve can’t help but tap him on the arm. When the stranger turns, he has his mouth in a flat line looking strangely done with the conversation before it’s even begun. “Sorry, I was just going to ask if you’re okay,” Steve says.
The man frowns and tilts his head. He hesitates to reply, “Yes, I’m just… a bit on edge.”
“Tell me about it. This is my first time on a plane.”
The stranger’s mouth twitches. “Is it really?”
“Yeah. What about you?” Steve asks.
“I’ve been on hundreds of planes - would rather be on the road though,” the stranger says reaching up to grab at the end of his ponytail and twirl it around his finger.
Steve smiles and replies, “I get that. I’m Steve by the way.” He holds his hand out to the stranger who eyes it wearily.
“Eddie,” he replies quietly and shakes his hand.
Steve gets distracted by the rings on his hands and finds himself asking about them. The stranger looks at him for a moment, and, even with the sunglasses on, Steve can tell Eddie is strangely taken aback. Steve is about to take it back and apologize for… mentioning the rings? But Eddie points to the first one and explains.
The rest of the plane ride goes well, amazingly well even. Steve finds himself chatting away with Eddie and throughly enjoying his company - especially when he holds his hand while the plane takes off. He especially enjoys the moment when Eddie briefly takes his sunglasses out to look at the clouds, and Steve gets to see his beautiful brown eyes.
A range of emotions pass through those eyes before Eddie puts the sunglasses back on. Steve almost asks him to keep them off - entranced by the way they express everything he’s thinking. But that can be a dangerous thing, so he doesn’t press him about it.
When the captain announces that they’re about to land, Steve is truly upset to think about not getting the chance to see Eddie again. Maybe it’s the fact that Steve has taken a risk and finally left Indiana for once or maybe Eddie’s just one of the first people he’s hit it off with in a long time, but Steve asks, “Do you want to get coffee? After we land.”
Eddie’s tongue rests on his top lip, tracing it back and forth as he considers it. He finally responds, “I would love to, but I have an appointment as soon as we land.”
Steve lets the disappointment settle in him but tries his best not to let it show. “It’s alright.”
But Eddie fidgets with his rings, tongue still resting on his top lip as he debates something. “Do you have an Instagram?” He asks.
Steve laughs bashfully. “I do, but I never use it. Well, I do sometimes just to keep track of some kids I used to babysit honestly, like Dustin who I told you about.”
Eddie’s smile turns into a full blown grin. “Of course. Well, do you mind if I get your Instagram so I can message you with when I’m free? I would give you my number but… I’m afraid of it getting out. Not that you would do that but… people listening and whatnot…” Eddie spins his rings so anxiously fast that it makes Steve nearly laugh.
“Yes, I hope I remember it correctly because I didn’t come up with it,” Steve confesses. Eddie passes him his phone with the notes app open. He types in steve.the.hair.harrington and hands the phone back.
Eddie takes it back and laughs as he reads it. “It’s fitting,” he explains and reaches out to mess with a few strands.
“I try my best,” Steve replies with a shrug, wondering how he can get Eddie to touch his hair again.
“My hair stylist would love you,” Eddie says then freezes.
Steve smiles. “You have a hair stylist?”
Eddie struggles to respond but is given an out as the plane finally lands. He’s immediately reaching out to grab Steve’s hand, and he forgets all about the question.
Eddie doesn’t let go until people start making their way off the plane, using his hand to tilt his baseball cap a little lower and tuck in on himself. It’s as if he’s trying to avoid having someone see him, but Steve doesn’t want to pry so he doesn’t ask.
Eddie follows Steve off the plane and glances around once they get to the terminal. Then, he quickly pulls him into a hug and whispers, “Thank you for a normal flight.”
Steve has no idea what he means by that, but he just squeezes him back tighter. Eddie pulls away and lingers in his arms. Steve wants more than anything to take off his sunglasses and look into his eyes again.
There’s a sound of a camera going off that has Eddie jumping away and putting his hands in his pockets. “Think we’re near someone famous?” Steve jokes.
“Oh, I know we are,” Eddie says with a small smile that makes it seem like he knows something that Steve doesn’t. Before he can ask, Eddie is saying, “I hope I’ll see you again. Goodbye, Steve.” And with that he’s rushing off, pulling his baseball cap a little lower and directing his gaze towards the ground.
He’s strange, but Steve likes him.
The rest of his day, he has a spring in his step. And by the time he gets to his hotel, he collapses on his bed with a sigh of relief. He pulls out his phone and checks for any notifications before he realizes his phone has been on airplane mode. He turns it off and waits for a message from Robin or Dustin to appear on his screen.
Instead, he’s bombarded with notification after notification - including 27 missed calls from Dustin. He calls him immediately.
The phone rings for not even a second before Dustin is answering with a scream of, “Steve Harrington, why have you not answered your phone?!”
“I’ve been sightseeing. Is everything okay?”
“Check the photos I sent you!”
Steve rushes to his messages, finding them filled with people he hasn’t heard from in years. He ignores that and goes to his pinned messages with Dustin. He clicks on the first picture he sees.
It’s a poor quality photo of him and Eddie hugging in the terminal. He swipes to find a photo of him and Eddie holding hands on the plane. Then another one of him lingering in Eddie’s arm looking… very smitten. “Dustin where did you get these?” Steve asks swiping and even coming across a video of them talking on the plane, with Steve laughing as Eddie dramatically tells some sort of tale.
“Better question, how did this even happen Steve? Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Steve is thoroughly confused. “Dustin, I just met Eddie today. But seriously, how did you get these?”
There’s a pause on the other line and a breathed out, “Oh my god.” He can hear Dustin take a deep breath before he asks, “Steve, please tell me that you know who Eddie Munson is.”
“His last name is Munson?”
There’s a muffled scream on the other line before Dustin is launching into a speech about how Eddie is one of the most famous up and coming artists right now. And yeah Corroded Coffins does sound familiar, but it doesn’t click until Dustin explains that’s who Steve and the Byers are going to see in concert.
Steve thinks back and everything clicks - especially the number of people who were staring at him and trying to sneak photos while he was out. He scrolls to a screenshot of a Twitter post with the caption, “did anyone else know that eddie munson has a boyfriend???”
Steve’s eyes widen. “Dustin, how many people think we’re dating?”
“The entire internet so basically the whole world,” Dustin says, and Steve doesn’t have time to even process that statement before Dustin is yelling, “Oh my god!”
“Eddie Munson just liked a photo I was tagged in! Holy shit, he’s seen my face!”
“Yeah, dude, I told him all about you on the plane,” Steve says. And boy, that probably will not help with the kid’s ego.
Steve opens his Instagram, ignoring Dustin’s little screams on the other line, and takes in the sheer number of notifications. He quickly goes to his requests in his messages and finds one from therealeddiemunson. “Hey, Dustin, what does a blue checkmark mean?”
Dustin groans on the other line asking why it was Steve who got to meet him before finally explaining it. Steve accepts the request and stares at the message hey, you still on for that coffee?
Steve clicks on Eddie’s profile and his heart thuds. He’s pretty sure people aren’t supposed to have a “K” in their follower count. He looks at the recent photos and feels himself turn a bit red. He almost has no clue how the Eddie he met on the plane and Eddie Munson are the same guy.
“Dustin, if I turned down Eddie Munson for coffee would you ever be able to forgive me?”
“Don’t you fucking dare, or I swear to god I will never let my mom bake anything for you again.”
Steve laughs and with that he goes back to the messages and sends Absolutely :)
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dumpywrites · 1 month
Cat-enaries - Min Yoongi / Suga
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Part two of Cat-astrophe 
Summary: all these series of meaningful acts, but you still don’t know where your relationship stands. 
Genre/tags: Fluff, smut (protected sex, vanilla)
Pairing: Yoongi x she/her/afab reader
a/n: this is my first time writing smut! T_T
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Ever since that eventful night you spent at Yoongi’s place, where both of you got drunk and eventually ended up sleeping on the same bed together (just sleeping!), and him wanting to get to know you more, you continued to see each other more and more. Mostly after you came back home from work, but it could be on weekends too if both of you did not have any other plans. 
After a while you began to know some of Yoongi’s friends, and same thing for him as well. He had a small circle but you were surprised on how they bring out the best out of him. He had been doing all these small gestures just like randomly giving you snacks, offering to babysit your cat when you were busy, or just simply wanting your company while he was producing music. Occasionally he would invite you to a party from his management, where you met his co-workers. 
He would only introduce you by your name though, never any label following behind the introduction. A friend? A neighbor? No, just your name. All these things he had done, and never once did he ever mention about relationship, or at least to put a name on your situation. 
It had only been three, going on four months, you kept telling yourself. Maybe he wanted to get to know you slowly and throughly and did not want to rush things. But then again, you knew how straightforward Yoongi was and he would had at least said something about it if that was the case. Maybe it was for the best, reminding yourself of the traumas you got from your past relationships, maybe it was better to take things slowly. But what made you anxious was the thought of falling by yourself.
Tonight you both agreed to watch a horror movie together at your apartment, with the occasion being you just got a promotion. The promotion happened two weeks prior, but both of you were busy. Yoongi had already sent you a dozen of donuts as a celebratory gift, but you insisted on wanting to spend some quality time with him.
“Have you eaten?” You asked as you opened your apartment door for Yoongi. 
“I have.” He simply said and immediately bent down to greet your pet who was meowing by his feet. 
“He misses you.” 
“We see each other a lot, don’t be a clingy cat.” He smiled and booped the cat’s tiny nose. He picked Cookie up and lightly kissed his forehead before letting him back to roam around the house. 
The scene made your heart race and you cleared your throat. “Well, I also miss you.” You said, hoping Yoongi would catch your intention. 
“I miss you too.” He giggled and ruffled your hair instead, before walking to sit down on your sofa, completely unaware by how disappointed you were. “We’re watching Exhuma, right?” He asked. 
You hummed in agreement, hoping he wouldn’t catch the slight disappointment in the tone of your voice. “You wanna drink something?”
“Anything’s fine.” 
You muttered an “okay” before going to your fridge and grabbed two cans of Sprite and small bowl of popcorn you had made beforehand. You sit down next to him and played the movie and thought to yourself. There wasn’t really anything affectionate happening after you spent the night at his. You had never really kissed officially with you being sober, maybe only once when he kissed your forehead when you went to roller skate together, that was if that could even be counted. 
That day you were struggling to keep your balance and he caught you in his embrace just when you were about to fall frontward. He was laughing and despite being annoyed, you couldn’t help but to get swayed by the sound of his laughter. You didn’t get to process it that much when you felt his lips lightly pressed against your forehead. It happened just for a few second before he let go and simply asked if you were okay. 
Reminiscing the moment had your whole body warm. You put your feet up and hugged your knees together. Yoongi looked to your side, noticing your behavior. 
“Are you cold?” 
“Uh, I don’t know.” It was the opposite, you dummy! You secretly complained. 
“Here,” He grabbed you by your shoulder and scooted you closer to him. “Better?”
“Slightly.” You said, you didn’t realize you were pouting while saying it. 
Yoongi sighed, but a small smile was on his lips. “Only slightly?” 
“Only slightly.” You were annoyed by this point, but you felt awful for wanting to ask, and basically begging, for any skinship from him. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He softly asked while stroking your shoulder gently. 
“Do you not like me like that?” You said while avoiding his gaze. “Am I reading the whole situation wrong? Do you just wanna be friends?”
Yoongi chuckled and it annoyed you further more. He had the audacity to find this hilarious while you felt confused and hurt. 
“Yoongi, this isn’t funny.” 
“On what situation is what we’re doing considered as just friends?” His words immediately made you look back at him. 
“I don’t know! You never really said anything about us being a thing, anything, and…” You found it hard to admit that you basically were asking for his affection. “Nevermind, this is stupid! Let’s just get back to the movie…”
“Look at me.”
“No.” You refused, even when your heart was beating faster at his request. 
“Y/N, look at me.” He said again, this time softly grabbing your chin to make you face him. 
Not a single word came out from him after that, only him dipping down quickly to meet your lips. You were surprised but shortly melted into his kiss and found yourself returning it. He was taking his time tasting your lips. His kisses were very gentle that it almost made you beg for more. Slowly his tongue made an entrance and you welcomed it swiftly. A small low moan escaped your lips as you parted them wider for him to access you. 
And when it was done, mainly because both of you were completely breathless, Yoongi hugged you. He chuckled and this time you couldn’t help but to smile as well. 
“I like you. Maybe in love at this point.” He confessed with you still wrapped in his embrace. “I couldn’t recall when exactly the shift to love began and I’ve been thinking to myself these past few weeks… but every time I see you, I keep wondering if there was even any moment when I wasn’t.”
You blushed at this and snuggled closer, hugging him tighter.
“I feel like I’ve been buying extra portions of my food a little too often, been on Instagram more just to send you some random internet memes that you like so much, been making sure I hear that door opening sound when you come home from work, been thinking about you twenty four seven that my music starts to have your vibe, the melodies just sound like they were made for you and I couldn’t even explain how…” He chuckled at the last mention. “The composer even told me that my work has a romantic touch to it lately.”
He broke the hug so he could look at you and smiled, showing his gum a bit. “I’ve given up cause honestly, I can’t even remember what was life before all these feelings.” He shrugged playfully. “Honestly, I don’t think I even wanna remember how life feels without these emotions.”
Your eyes got teary all of the sudden. Your view was getting a bit blurry. A small laugh, mixture of both relief and happiness, escaped your very own lips before you crashed them back on his. Yoongi immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back close to him. The kiss was more desperate this time, demanding, needy, but most importantly, filled with overwhelming feelings you both had for each other. 
Yoongi swiftly pulled your body and brought you on his lap without breaking the contact on your lips. A muffled squeal came out from you, but you instantly put your arms over his shoulder, deepening the kiss. 
After moments of tongue dancing between the two of you, you pulled back first because once again he had you breathless, but it seemed like he didn’t want you to rest yet, as the moment you pulled away, his lips found their way on your neck, leaving trails of the softest kisses. You bit the insides of your lower lip, trying to subdue the moans that were eager to get out. His thigh being exactly between your legs was certainly not helping you either. Hearing you trying to conceal your voice made him looked up. The sight of you flinching concerned him. 
His right hand palmed your cheek. “I’m sorry, are you uncomfortable? Is this too much?” 
You blush at the tenderness and shook your head in disagreement. “No… uh, I’m not uncomfortable…”
Yoongi smiled at you and quickly kissed your forehead. “Okay.” He simply said, before he went back to put his attention on your neck, showering it with pecks. You were still making low sounds, not trying to conceal your voice as much, just humming with your mouth closed. Your body was still tense but was progressively easing the more his lips kisses you. 
His hands started to move up underneath your top, just shyly under your bra, as if he wasn’t sure if you would grant him more than that. When an open-mouthed moan finally came out from you, Yoongi took it as his green light and began to bring the movement of his hands upwards, gently fondling your clothed breasts, which promptly made your body turned into jelly against him. You could only bury your head on his neck, letting him continue toying your chest. 
Your eyes shot open at the feel of him unclasping your bra. The touch of his palms meeting your bare breasts sent heat through you that instantly went south. You whimpered and hugged him close, burying your face further on his neck. 
“You okay?” He chuckled, not stopping but decreased the pacing of his hands. The angle now making it awkward due to your body pressing closer to him. 
“I’m just shy.” You said while still not moving from your position. 
“You don’t wanna continue? Cause I don’t mind.” He said as he moved one hand to soothe your back. 
“N-no, Yoongi I just… kinda just getting all insecure cause it’s the first time you’ll be seeing me and I’m just scared if I’d look weird to you.” 
“You’re perfect.” He told you and he meant it. 
“I haven’t done this in a while.” You said with a slight moping tone. 
“So do I.” He took your hands to pry them apart from him. He guided them to his chest where you could feel his heart beating rapidly. “Do you think I’m not nervous?”
You looked at him and couldn’t help but to smile. But when you looked down, you realized a growing bulge was present and that seemingly he was not only nervous, but excited as well. 
“You also seem excited…” You giggled. 
“Not exactly my fault now is it.” 
“It’s okay,” You looked up to the ceiling. “I may or may not be soaking through my panties now as well.” That earned a groan from him. 
“Do you want me to help?” He breathed out. His hands now holding your waist steadily, thumb grazing your underboob. “Or we could totally just makeout and it’s alright.”
“Continue… please.”
He groaned once again before lifting both your top and bra at the same time. As the garments sat just above your chest, the view of your nipples perking out just for him had the man salivating. Slowly, he lifted you to his side and laid you down so you could rest on your back on the sofa. He bent down and proceeded to pepper your chest and breasts with soft feather-like kisses, almost as if you would break if he pressed harder. He looked up and felt his ego somewhat boosted with the scene of you biting your lips, whimpering. 
He kissed your right nipple and began to sensually nip and twirl his tongue around it, that was it for you. You fully moaned when his right hand pinched your left nipple and twisted it. You brought your hand to your mouth, trying to repress the arousing sound coming from your mouth from being too loud. 
“It’s just me.” He mumbled into your skin, one hand went to trace the line on your back. 
But that’s the problem. Yoongi himself was your main weakness. 
He continued to play with your twins, lapping the buds with his tongue, making sure he gave both of them the same treatment. Slowly his right hand traveled downwards, caressing your middle through your sweatpants. Your breath hitched. 
“Everything okay?” He asked again. 
“Y-yeah.” You managed to vocalize. 
“Can I take these off?” He said, tugging slightly at the band of your pants. 
You only nodded and he kissed your forehead. He proceeded to deliberately slide down your bottoms, leaving you with your exposed panties. 
Yoongi gulped at the sight of your damp underwear. A small patch of wet spot could be seen and he could not lie to himself and felt proud of his doings. He bent down and kissed your lips for a second before flashing a soft smile. 
“Can we continue in your room?” Before you answered, he followed. “I want you to feel comfy while I eat you out.” 
That sentence almost had you hollering.  
“Okay…” You breathed out heavily and took his hand, dragging him inside your bedroom. 
Just after he closed the door, for a split second you saw a smirk visible on his face, before he scooped you up in his arms. You gasped, and he quickly pecked your lips before gently laid you on the bed. He brought his right hand to caress your thigh softly, slowly moving upwards to your crotch area. You moaned instantly at the contact. 
His middle and ring finger moved up and down, petting your core through the cotton cloth. The pace slowly increasing, and so did the volume of your pleas. You could feel your body turning into jelly already when neither his fingers or lips had touched your naughty bits yet. 
Finally you felt one of his finger tugging and pulling your underwear. You gladly, almost too eagerly, helped him by wiggling out from it, as you watched him pulling it loose and dropped them to your floor. He pulled you slightly so you were close to the edge of your bed, and he bent down on his knees. He gaped at your glistening core, and he really was ogling for a hot minute, lost at his thoughts. 
“Stop staring at me like that.” You quickly clamped your legs together. 
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t believe this.” He chuckled, hands on your thigh, meddling your legs back to spread out for him. “I haven’t done this in a while…”
“You’ve told me.” Your eyes searched for his. 
“No, I mean, I might be rusty… if it feels weird or if you wanna stop, we can stop anytime.”
You could see the nervousness and self-consciousness in him and it made you wanna love him even more. 
“I just wanna taste you so bad right now.” 
He hunched closer in between your legs and dived in. He licked a bit, tasting you in his tongue. At that moment he decided it was his favorite flavor. He licked a full strip your labia, before then letting his tongue danced around it, making out with your cunt. He tried to make a mental note on which part made your back arched, which side made you moan louder. Hoping the next time, if you would let him, he promised himself he would make you feel ten times better. 
A loud yelp came out from you when he slid in his middle finger. You bit your lips, feeling shaky. He carried on trusting you, slowly in and out, pacing increasing at the same time as his tongue on your clit. He then added his ring finger and you felt it effortlessly sliding into your sopping wet hole. The attack from both his tongue and fingers quickly trembled you down. You felt your stomach came into a knot and your insides clenched. 
“Y-Yoongi… I…”
You could not form a sentence and Yoongi seemed to be too immersed to respond your pleas as he kept his tempo. You were grasping onto the bedsheets, back arching towards him, and then the orgasm hit you. 
The image of Yoongi smirking with your slick trailing down his chin would now be forever embed on your brain. It would certainly be in your dreams for quite some time. 
“That was… okay, right?” 
“That was incredible.” You said through panting. 
The guy smiled and kissed the crown of your head. He pulled his t-shirt off in one go and kissed you once again. You broke off the kiss first, pulling him by the neck so he could crawl on the bed with you. Now with you under him, he then kissed your neck before sliding your cropped top over your head, making you fully bare before his eyes. 
“Beautiful.” Yoongi said in a low voice. 
The compliment flipped your stomach upside down. “How come I’m the only one completely naked…” 
Your comment earned a smile from him. “Would you help me then?” 
You blushed, but did not oblige. You didn’t waste any time and helped him out from his pants. 
He suddenly stopped mid through. His pants were already down to his knee area, and it couldn’t be helped that all your attention were now heading towards his massive bulge that wasn’t in any way shy behind his boxer brief. He stepped down the bed, finally taking off his pants fully. You could see him taking out something from his back pocket before he let the cloth fell down joining the rest of your clothings on the floor. 
“You came prepared.” You commented with a teasing smile after seeing the item he took out from his pants. 
Yoongi just looked at you with a hint of red decorated his cheeks. You found it extremely adorable that he was bashful about it. 
You took his hand and pulled him back with you on the bed. He put the condom on your bedside table, before dipping in to kiss you. It seemed like you both had found out that kissing each other was the best thing and you felt dumb for not doing it sooner. As he kissed you passionately, you were hesitant for a second, but you slowly brought your hand to feel up the swelling bump on his below. You swallowed his groans in the kiss as you continue to stroke up and down. Breaking the kiss, you mumbled something about wanting to return his favor, but Yoongi grabbed your wrist immediately, stopping you from taking off his boxer. 
“At this rate I’m going to cum in my pants so maybe next time, sweetheart.” He kissed your forehead.
When he free himself from his underwear, your jaw dropped along with it. Of course you were no saint, you had caught a glimpse of his groin area before when he wore that one gray sweatpants that you fancied. You were in fact suspecting that he was at least a little above average, but not this. He had completely proven you wrong. Quite frankly, you had never thought about how beautiful a male part could be until you saw his. 
You gulped your saliva and salivate the mesmerizing scene in front of you, watching as he ripped the condom pack with his teeth and rolled the rubber from his tip downwards. He positioned himself in between your legs, sliding his tip up and down on your entrance, which made you whimper instantly.
“Yoongi… please…” You pleaded.
“If it hurts even just the slightest bit, let me know, okay?” He said, caressing your hair. 
You only nodded and soon after you felt his tip entering you ever so gently. You moaned loudly and it seemed like the movement not only affect you, but Yoongi also, as you saw him closing his eyes shut, grunting along with you. He slid in very carefully, making sure you were adjusting well with his girth. When he reached a certain length, you yelped. 
“Did I hurt you?” He suddenly asked out of worry. 
“No… it just… it just feels very full.” You managed a smile to reassure him. 
“Okay.” He breathed out, combing his locks through his fingers. “Let me know when I can move.”
You touched his hand to catch his attention. He looked at you with a wary expression. “You can move, I’m not that fragile.” 
He muttered a stuttered “okay” before sliding himself deeper. He lunged deep and out slowly, making love to you passionately. He intertwined his fingers with yours, going on a soft tempo, as if he was trying to confess his feelings through, making sure you feel how sincere he was. You brought your hands to cup his face, then stroked his hair, before putting them over his shoulders to pull him close. Your lips met again in the middle, muffling your moans through the tongue lacing activity. His hands were cupping your breasts, fondling with them as your kisses went harsher and sloppier. 
And when he moved from your lips to kiss your chest, you bucked your hips against him, with your hands ruffling his hair as he tongue your nipple carelessly. His tempo began to distort and the knot in your stomach started to feel too much and you knew you were close. 
Not long after you came to release, he followed soon after the feeling of you clenching hard over his cock. The sound of both your heavy breaths filled the room. Yoongi once again dipped down to kiss you. Starting from your forehead, your nose, your cheek, and lastly your lips. You giggled in between every single one. He then got up to tie the ends of the condom, timidly walking towards your bathroom to where your bin was. When he was done, you were now lying to your sides, curving your legs in a fetal position.
Yoongi approached you and slowly cuddled you from behind. You automatically scooted closer to his body warmth. 
“This is oddly familiar.” He chuckled. 
You recalled the first time you spent the night at his place by accident, when you woke up with him cuddling you exactly like this. Minus the nakedness of course. 
You turned your body to face him. A huge smile was plastered on your face. “I hate you.”
“I’m sorry?!” He eyed you with an annoyed expression. 
“I’m so madly in love with you it’s insane!” You smacked his chest lightly.
“I’m sorry, I guess I was just afraid of moving too fast. I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time and I was worrying if I’d make you uncomfortable…” 
“I thought you had decided that you don’t like me or something… I was even jealous of Cookie when you kissed him!”
“I noticed.”
“You noticed?! And you chose to do nothing???” You huffed.
“You looked cute so I decided to leave you be.” He snickered. 
“You’re evil.” 
“You’re evil for wearing that extremely tight crop top today.” His eyes travelled down and up to your nude body.
“It was… on purpose.” You bit your lips. “I guess it worked? Haha?” 
He raised one of his eyebrows at you and smirked. “Give me five minutes and we can go again.”
“Oh my god??? Who are you?! Give me back my cute and shy Yoongi!” 
You squealed as he laughed and hugged you close. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You said, followed by a loud smack of smooch to your cheek from him, then he flashed you his gummy smile. 
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Thank you for reading! 💎
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taglist: @yunaurlove @waitaminswife @yoongisababygoat @hazyjoon @callsignwidow @ai-des-blog-blog @jovanaprime @bangtanmisser7 @angelk0503
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viaoverthemoon · 9 months
License and Registration
RE2!Cop!Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your police officer boyfriend, Leon, catches you speeding once again.
Content: SMUT, car sex, p in v sex, unprotected sex, switch Leon, kind of-dom Reader, teasing, praise, comfort, not throughly proofread (I'm rusty- Let me know if I missed anything!)
The sound of a siren pulls you from the adrenaline high you were experiencing.
Instantly recognizing the head of blonde hair behind the windshield, you smirk, pressing the brake and moving off to the side. Not that it mattered all that much, seeing as you were on a deserted side road surrounded by trees.
The gum in your mouth sticks to your teeth with every chew, the red of your lipstick smearing on it.
The officer walks out of the car with his head hung low and shaking, as if he were disappointed.
He definitely is.
You roll down your window, blowing a bubble into your gum as he comes to a stop outside of your door.
His brows furrow angrily as he places his hands on his hips. "(Y/n)..."
You pop the bubble, sucking it back into your mouth and offering him a sly smile. "Officer Kennedy!"
He glares at you whilst you pull your mirror down and fix your hair. "What are you doing on duty so late? I thought we had a hot date at 6 o'clock."
He doesn't seem to share your playful mood, crossing his arms across his chest and giving you that concerned, unimpressed look. "Sweetheart... I thought we talked about driving recklessly just to see me when I'm working."
You flutter your lashes, looking up at him with a mocking pout. "Oh baby... not everything I do has something to do with you..."
He leans in through your open window, coming so close his lips brush against your ear. "Angel, whenever it comes to you acting like a desperate little brat, it's always got something to do with me."
Heat pools in your belly. You're about to ask him if that was a challenge but he steps back, leaving a hand on the edge of your car window and running a hand through his blonde hair and taking a deep breath.
"Baby, I can't keep letting you go with a warning. Someone's bound to catch on..."
You hum, reaching a hand up and running your fingertips along the skin of his arm.
His eyes snap to your hand before looking at you, eyes wide and shocked.
"I'm sorry, my love... is there any way I can make it up to you?"
If someone drove down this road right now, you'd be screwed.
The smell of sweat and sex fills the small space of the car around you as your nails dig little crescent marks into your boyfriend's shoulders.
Leon wasted no time after your question, dragging you from your car and tossing you into the back seat of his cop one.
And now, you sit on his lap, his cock nested deep inside of you.
His hands rest comfortably on your ass, his eyes drinking in the sight of your face as you whimper and whine at the mere feeling of him.
When your hips stutter and your legs begin to give out, he shifts his hands to the underside of your thighs, helping you move up and down on his cock.
Blinking through the thickening hot haze, you look down at your officer.
He's already looking up at you, brows drawn together and pink lips parted in pure pleasure as a faint moan leaks from him.
Your hands slide up his skin and into his hair, nails lightly kneading his scalp whilst you roll your hips, pouting when Leon gasps against your lips. "Poor baby... Does it feel too good?"
You feel his hips jerk upwards, pushing himself impossibly deeper as he nods and places his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. "So good- Feels so good, angel...-"
A grunt escapes him, his large hands tightening around your thighs. You nearly cry out when he suddenly picks up the pace, chasing after his fast approaching high.
"L-Leon-! Baby slow down-!"
But it's as if your words fall on deaf ears. Leon only groans loudly, throwing his head back and whining pathetically.
You're teetering on the edge of your own release when a sudden rush of wind and the console digging into your lower back take you by complete surprise.
Your hips lay squished between the two front seats, legs on either side of Leon's hips and in the air. Your hands shift to his upper back, nails scratching harshly along his skin.
He pushes his body weight on you to keep you still as you writhe beneath him, gasping and whining into the empty space of the car.
His large cock slides along your wet walls, the movements creating the most pornographic squelching noise you've ever heard. You swear you feel every vein, every twitch, every stretch.
You cry out, gripping onto him for dear life as your release tears through you, taking your breath away and causing stars to form behind your eyelids.
Leon swears as he feels you clench around him, his legs stopping for just a moment before he groans, pushing into you slowly one last time.
His warm seed spurts inside of you, coating every corner of your walls. He grips the seats for support from the sheer power of his orgasm.
You help him down from his high, stroking his forearms and whispering praises in his ear.
And you only stop when Leon goes slack, pulls out of you with a hiss, and begins to clean everything up. "Jesus Christ... we're never doing that again."
You scoff, slipping your skirt back on. "Oh, we're definitely gonna do this again babe,". You laugh as Leon groans, sitting back in the seat and throwing his arm over his eyes.
"Anyone could have seen us..." His cheeks are flushed pink in embarrassment, blonde hair still messy from all the times you ran your hands through it.
You slide closer to him and kiss his cheek. "Well then, it's a good thing no one did, huh?" You giggle as he playfully glares at you.
Biting your lip, you go to whisper in his ear, discretely slipping something into his pocket. "See you at 8?"
And with that, you slip out of the car and make your way back to your vehicle, pulling your skirt down into place and adjusting your shirt.
All while wondering what his reaction will be when he finds the pair of panties you'd stuffed into his pocket.
Been a while huh? 😓
I'm backkkk
I've been a little busy, BUT, I'm not working anymore cause I'm moving to college soon so I've got a little more time before my real chaos enters my life.
Happy to see y'all again!
-Via 💕
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dollyhao · 5 months
toniii, what about bimbo abby?? but still not fem, just dumb and wanting to be fucked and seen.. she’s all subby and loves what reader pushes her down, ties her up, stuffs her panties in her mouth, and ride her
^ _ ^ ….. hehehe
crazy how i already had this typed out. i loved this request by the way.
abby comes home feeling upset and pouty. she got the results back on a exam that she ended up failing, miserably so. she takes her shoes off with her shoulders slumped with a pout on her face until she turns around and finds you doing work on your computer.
you didn’t even say hi to her and that’s not making her feel any better. she walks over to you and flops on the couch next to you. “hey baby,” you say obviously distracted. she needs your attention or she feels like she might start crying. abby wraps her arms around your waist resting her head on your shoulder. “hey,” she says in a disappointed tone. you ignore her and her tone still typing away on your computer.
abby turns her head pecking your neck then shoulder hoping that you would at least look at her. you flinch away from her kisses feeling ticklish in your neck before looking over at her. she’s pouting at you with this pleading look in her eyes, “what’s wrong baby?” you ask. “can we… you know… please? i need you really badly right now,” she says reaching her hand under the blanket that’s splayed on your lap cupping your clothed cunt. you gently push her hand away, “not right now abby. i really have to finish this, ok?” you go back to typing and seconds later you feel you laptop get snatched mid sentence. “abby! wtf” “please please i need you to help me feel better.”
and now your here abby with tied up in one of your desk chairs while you ride her. not to mention the sparkly black dildo that sits snug in her tight walls.
“i’m sorry. i won’t do it again baby.” abby pleads with you.
this is not what she wanted :((( she wanted to be able to touch you and have a sweet time with you. but because she interrupted your work being all desperate she doesn’t get that.
abby has cum around the dildo two times going on three. every time her dumb little brain fucks up into you, she fucks herself more and more on the dildo. she moans and whines, as she clenches around the dildo, cumming for a third time.
you cradle her head to your chest and throw your head back in pleasure. abby’s mouth finds your nipple and sucks and licks, desperate to pleasure you in the only way she can. “please. untie me i’m sorry.” she begs as she mouths against your wet nipple.
you ignore her request and bring her mouth to yours swirling your tongue around hers, your guys spit mixing with each others. abby pants, eyes glazed over as you moan in her mouth, clenching and jerking on her girth.
your orgasm subsides before you say, “do you wanna use your words and tell me what’s wrong now?” you grab her face, still sitting on her strap, giving her a serious look. she nods completely out of it but throughly satisfied with the outcome of her actions.
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readychilledwine · 1 month
Rhys w a small reader with a big mouth?
Little Girl, Big Mouth
Rhys with a mouthy reader headcanons
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Warnings - implied smut, reader could be seen as trashy but Rhys loves it
A/n - This anon actually came from an IRL friend. She texted me about it, and I had her clarify if she meant a gossip or big mouth as in a girl who is prone to talking shit and fighting. It was talking shit and fighting, so thanks, Sammie 💕💕
Ps- I will figure out what your username is 👀 but you're very sweet for doing this the way the rest of my followers do instead of just texting me first😭
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You aren't a doormat. He refuses to let you be seen as one. Even if that means you get into a verbal argument here and there.
Those verbal arguments have gotten physical.
My baby daddy always tells me not to write a check he can't cash (if you don't know what that means, it means don't start a fight that he can't finsh.) You don't have that problem with Rhysand.
If you stand, mouth firing off insults as someone else is, he will stand too. Ride or die, he won't let you fight without him.
And that is if the man isn’t already behind you, warning the male standing over you without even having to speak that if he lays a hand on you or speaks out of line, he will be finding out why Rhysand is proud to be half illyrian.
You do know time and place, but if someone insults your male, your family, or your court first, all bets are off.
Your mouth is equal opportunity. High fae, lower, male, female, high lord? You don't care. All bets are off the table with you. No one is safe.
Beron? Constantly roasting him. Asking him if beating his wife helps him feel like a real male. Keir? Verbally torn apart. How pathetic he must be to think he has some pull when he lost out on being high lord.
Hell, illyrian males aren't even safe from you. Not when three immediately are behind you the second they feel your mood change.
And it isn't that you can't fight. You are well trained and can more than hold your own. He just prefers you let him.
He's only held you back once. It was from Amren, and he hardly caught you in time before you jumped on her.
Cassian was disappointed. He wanted to watch two tiny females wrestle it out. He said it would be better if pretty lacy outfits were involved, but he was ready to settle for you in your dress and Amren in her two piece outfit.
Rhys did not stop you, nor Amren, from tackling Cassian for that comment.
He will throw you over his shoulder, ignoring you as you scream for him to put you down while still running your mouth as you're carried out of the room. But only if family is involved.
Mother knows they are no exception. You all get on each other's nerves from time to time. Besides Azriel. You could never fight Azriel.
Rhys loves it. He loves how spicy you are. He loves how much fight and sass you have. He loves how it's always to people who are mean.
He does love fighting for you as well. Sometimes, he asks you to pick fights when it's someone he has been itching to get his hands on.
He rewards you throughly when you oblige him.
"Where's that big mouth now, darling?" While your back is arched off the bed, and your mind is just a haze. "Thought you had so much to say earlier."
He loves making his girl with so much to say and so many opinions go dumb for him.
He loves it when all you can think to say is his name and barely thrown together words.
He loves putting your mouth to other uses if you start in on him, too.
He'd keep you tucked under his desk for hours, putting your mouth towards something actually useful if you two fight.
And that's rare. Your opinions are normally shared and mutual. It's why you two work. Otherwise, you would be constantly at each other's throats with how vocally dominant you both like to be.
Overall, he'd change nothing about how sassy you can be. He loves you as is. Even if it means you bandaging his hands after a trip to Illyria.
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lllivia · 2 months
Lottie Matthews x tired fem reader
Reader is overworking herself because she's stressed about very important exams that will guarantee she gets to the college she wants, but lottie noticed this, and just drags her away from her desk to cuddle and pamper little cutie kisses all over her face, body, basically everywhere until Reader falls asleep :((
U said to send requests, so idk if this one is all that good 🥹
I'll always take care of you
Lottie Matthews xf!reader
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a/n: AHH I HOPE THIS IS OK, I'VE NEVER REALLY GOTTEN REQUESTS SO I'M PROBABLY NOT THAT GOOD YET (also I forgot to read through it properly and kinda went offscript with some of it sorryy) 😭😭
Summary: Lottie tries her best to comfort you in a stressful situation
Warnings: not proofread, kinda short, modern au, tooth rotting fluff
"Fuck" you mutter as you sit up, rubbing your eyes as you look down at the cluttered desk where you accidentally fell asleep for a few minutes, once again.
You look down at your stuff and sigh, tired of all the studying you have been doing for the last few weeks to make sure you'll ace your upcoming exam.
As you sort through the multiple stacks of paper and pencils your phone suddenly vibrates in your pocket, effectively breaking you out of your trance.
'Hey can I come over? Soccer practice just finished 😎⚽' - lottie the loser🤓💕
The notification lights up, making you giggle tiredly as you see the message from your girlfriend. You hadn't really spent too much time together lately, usually clinging onto each other 24/7, but ever since your exams had started you had been locked up in your room revising everything you had learned for much more time than needed.
You quickly go to answer, your happiness sucked out of you as you look down at your work again and remember you still have stuff you haven't gone through as throughly as you would have wanted.
'I'm sorry Lottie but I don't think I have time for that rn, too busy studying ☹️💔' - you
You respond before putting your phone down, focusing once again on your work.
After about an hour you decide it's time for a well deserved break and stand up from your desk, swaying slightly from the exhaustion weighing down your body before collapsing right into bed thinking a thirty minute nap wouldn't hurt.
You shoot up from bed, wondering who could have just rang the doorbell as your parents weren't expected home from their date until late that evening and the only other person who you had talked to was Lottie, who you specifically told not to come.
Comes from down stairs once again and you throw your blanket off of you, a tiny bit pissed off that somebody decided to disturb the little time of rest you had set off for yourself.
A few long seconds go by before your hand wraps around the handle to your front door, opening up to whoever interrupted you.
"Hi baby!!" Your girlfriend excitedly says as you open the door for her, stepping into your house before you can even utter a word.
"Now I know you said not to come over, but we haven't hung out in so long and I miss youu" Lottie pouts, shrugging off her backpack before wrapping her long arms around you.
"I miss you too Lot, it's just that I have to nail this exam to pass my final grade" you sigh again, feeling miserable about rejecting her as you pull away.
"Come on y/n, I haven't seen you looking up from your notes in WEEKS, you look exhausted and you need to rest. " Lottie responds with a mildly stern voice as she tries to hide her sadness.
"It's just a couple more weeks, I'll be fine! There's no need to worry about me" you try to reassure her.
"I have to get into this school Lot, It's where my parents always wanted me to go, and I don't want to disappoint them.." You continue, suddenly somber as you try to contain an overwhelming gush of emotions.
"You have nothing to worry about y/n, I know you, you're probably going to do better than anyone else ok? So let's take a little break together, it will probably be easier to study after you've slept a bit" Lottie says gently and lifts her hand up towards your face to brush over your cheek gently in an attempt to comfort you.
Quickly accepting defeat you lean into her, too exhausted to argue as you let yourself relax properly for the first time in a while. "Well I was planning to take a tiny break anyways, but no longer than an hour, ok?" you muster a small smile and playfully poke Lottie.
"Ok then, go lay down in your bed, I'll be right there" Your wonderful girlfriend gushes and hurries to her backpack as you start walking towards your room.
10 minutes go by with no sign of Lottie before you start to get to get suspicious. You're about to get up to check if she left when she walks through the doorframe with a tray in her hands, balancing two steaming cups of tea, two blueberry muffins (from your favorite cafe) and a bowl of fresh fruit while looking extremely proud of herself.
"Oh gosh, you didn't have to do all of this Lot" you let out a surprised laugh making the girl opposite of you grin even wider, her tiny fangs showing.
"Of course I did, I love you" She puts the tray down in your lap and snuggles up close to you. "And I'll always take care of you, okay? So if you ever feel this much pressure and stress again just come to me and I'll help you in any way possible" she peppers your cheek with kisses and wraps her arm around you affectionately, using the other hand to turn on the tv.
What feels like hours go by as you relax together, enjoying the peace as a movie plays.
You end up laying in Lotties lap as her hands soothingly brushes through your hair, her head coming down to kiss you once in a while as she explains that your lips are so addicting that she'll never get enough of them.
And then before you know it the tray is set aside and you lay down, your back pressed against Lotties front as she whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
"I love you Lot" you whisper tiredly, your slightly slurred words making her chuckle as she kisses you all over.
"I love you too baby, I'll wake you up in the morning, you need some proper sleep" she whispers back as all your thoughts drift away, the last thing you feel being Lottie shifting one last time to kiss your forehead before she slowly begins falling asleep too, her heart beating steadily as she listens to your calm breath with a small smile on her face, happy that she managed to make you feel better.
a/n: so sorry idk anything about how american high schools or college's work so Idrk how they do exams either 😍
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yourbestprincess · 6 months
Could I get some Danny Johnson (ghostface) with just some fluffy headcannons with an S/O who is extremely touch-starved and clingy, like always has to have a hand on then kind of thing.
LORD YES 🙏🙏🙏 I’m gonna do half fluff n the other half smut cause why not hehe. this is gonna have lots of ddlg 😔 have fun!!!
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-Danny let’s you touch him all the time. He basically branded you and you’re never gonna get away from him, so he just lets you touch him all the time.
-He treats you like a princess, like oml. But, don’t you dare piss him off or disappoint him or you’re getting punished.
-Since you don’t like to be alone, sometimes he lets you come to help him kill (pre dbd). Like, he’d break into the house of the victim when you were knocking at the door, distracting the victim…then he’d come up behind them, and…SLASH!
-He wouldn’t want you to necessarily kill anyone, but if you did he would find it attractive if you were all bloody, but god forbid if you got hurt. You’re never going out with him again if you get hurt.
-On days where he’s not stalking, he’s on the couch letting you lay in his lap/ sit in his lap. He actually really enjoys this more than he thinks he should.
-Carries you around Dbd style when he’s not in a match. You kinda love it kinda hate it.
-he will hold your hand if you ask.
-he LOVES to hold your thighs.
-he holds you like a baby if you ask.
-This man loves to just drive you around.
- Eventually, after a month or so, he’ll take off his mask around you.
-Always carry’s his knife when you two go out incase someone tries to hurt you.
-Lord have mercy, this man is rough as FUCK. He will literally fuck you for hours.
-He throughly loves overstimulating you. He loves it so much.
-He loves to use his knife to make you bleed. He will never cut too deep though. If he ever got the urge to go deeper he throws the knife and becomes only A LITTLE bit gentler.
-he would definitely enjoy car sex.
-he lets you suck his fingers while you’re fucking.
-loves loves LOVES being called daddy. Don’t ask me why, he just does.
-he loves your size difference.
-He also loves to chase you around, it turns him on to the max.
-pulls your hair enough to make you whine sometimes.
-if you ever dressed up as him he would be so aroused.
-uses his Polaroid SO MUCH. This man has to buy so much film because of you. Before you knew what he looked like, he would go to your work and place the pictures by your desk/work area and lurk around to watch your reaction to them.
-this man is SO HORNY. All the time. 24/7. He is ALWAYS down. (I mean, have you SEEN his mori?!?)
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fanfiction4sooya · 9 months
i cant stop thinking about a jealous g!p step mommy sana ><
like, recently, you’ve been going out some more— whether it be clubs or house parties, your always out looking for someone’s bed to occupy for the night. especially since your dad had been gone, and sana usually was busy in the later hours of night.
sana, didn’t notice this pattern until you came home late late one night, reeking of alcohol and cheap perfume.
she asked whered you’d been, stern and obviously upset, only to receive incoherent mumble back as you walked off to your room.
i’d imagine she’d wait until the next night, staying up and making sure she had eyes on the door, that way when she saw you, dressed so so pretty in a tight slip, she could catch you red handed, and of course, punish you.
she’d grab you by your wrist, taking you up to her room, telling you how disappointed she was, how you should’ve asked mommy if you needed relief.
in turn, sana would make you take load after load, making sure to use you throughly while you whined and begged at the overstimulation ;(
also, i think she’d be the absolute best at aftercare, cleaning you up, giving you some roomy and comfortable clothes to sleep in, and probably dressing you since your body was so weak and used. she’d cuddle you to bed, and you’d wake up so content in her arms!
oooh I wouldn't want to mess with her!
She wouldn't give any time to explain, just immediately shoving her cock inside you, degrading you and telling how upset she was. slapping your pussy numerous times so you start crying, begging her to stop, that you don't feel good when she is so mean to you 🥺🥺🥺 but she sees how wet you get she calls you a slut, how your pussy starts dripping after she slaps it so many times. She cums inside you a few times just to watch your hole leaking with her seed, then she starts to cum on your pretty face, on your boobs and stomach, just to mark her territory 🤤🤤🤤
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princesachicana · 2 years
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐭.𝟐 (conrad fisher x reader)
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 part 3
description: your emotions run high due to your pregnancy.
a/n: you are adopted in this fic! anyone could read!
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Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant.
The word was on loop in Conrad’s mind. He needed to tell someone. He promised you he wouldn’t tell anyone else, but he needed advice. He was one hundred percent in on being there for you, but he was scared. He wasn’t stupid he knew the consequences of having sex, but you both used protection that night. What the fuck happened?
No way in hell was he planning on telling his mom just yet, and he didn’t want to tell his brother afraid jere would yell out his reaction. His only other options were your mom, sister or brother. He wouldn’t of course say that you were pregnant, he was planning on saying something like “I might have gotten a girl pregnant.”
After much thought he decided it was best if he talked to the only other dude. “Can we talk?” Conrad’s voice was stern letting Steven know that whatever he had to say was serious. Throwing his phone to the side Steven nodded his head motioning for Conrad to talk. “What I’m about to say is gonna throw you through a fucking loop hole okay?” Steven shook his head laughing lightly. “What did you get someone pregnant?” Conrad visibly winced, face falling into his hands.
“Woah, I was joking dude really? what did I say about wrapping before tapping?” Steven pushed Conrad’s shoulder. “Lower your voice, and i did wear a condom alright?” Conrad whisper yelled looking around for any one snooping in on the conversation. “Who, When, Where?” Steven asked the obvious questions itching to know more.
Your sister. About a month ago.Some dingy hotel.
“Just some girl” as soon as the words left Conrad’s mouth it felt wrong. You were so much more to him, but admitting it to your brother now would have him put into the emergency room. “So what are you going to do? is this girl even telling the truth?” Steven asked voice now full of concern for his friend. “She wouldn’t lie about this” Conrad confidently stated, shaking his head. “I told her I’d be here for her, but if we’re both freaking the fuck out it’s gonna be hard.” Conrad continued speaking his voice rising a little.
“Has this girl told anyone else?” Steven asked, no you haven’t, not that Conrad knew of. He was expecting for you to tell belly since she’s your sister but when he asked the other day you nearly bursted out into another fit of tears. He knew asking would be a sensitive topic but he still needed to know. You’ve confided in him many times about how you never wanted to disappoint the Conklins, they took you in when you had nothing. He was sure whatever happened they would never hate or resent you, they loved you no matter what.
After the talk he had with Steven, Conrad was feeling much better, not fully but a lot better than before. This morning he would talk to you about things more throughly. As he was walking past the bathroom is when he heard it. You were vomiting, without a second thought he knocked on the door lightly. “Just a sec” He noticed how your voice tried to sound cheery in case it was anyone else but him knocking.
“It’s me, baby open the door.” It kind of just slipped out, he wish he was able to see your reaction to the pet name. After about a second of silence the door opened slowly, Your eyes were bloodshot and you looked about ready to puke again. “Conrad, I think I’m-“ You ran back to the toilet kneeling down, spilling everything into the toilet. Conrad was down with you in no time, holding your hair back with one hand as the other rubbed on your lower back.
“Just let it all out.” His voice was sweet, you would’ve smiled if you weren’t currently throwing up all the food you ate yesterday. You reached up flushing the toilet when you were done. “Gross right?” you asked as Conrad passed you a piece of toilet paper so you could wipe your mouth. “I’ve dealt with this more than once.” He muttered. “Oh so I’m not the first girl you’ve gotten pregnant?” You were annoyed in a matter of seconds, damn these hormones. You’d have to get control of them soon before someone noticed.
“What? no i meant I’ve dealt with people puking their guts out, you know hangovers?” Conrad laughed at how you were still annoyed, he thought you were cute when you were mad. “Yeah, yeah” You got up off the floor, getting ready to brush your teeth. Conrad stared at you from behind through the mirror. “I think we should talk about it more today, we have lots to figure out.” Conrad was nervous to approach the topic. You shook your head as you continued to brush your teeth. “What do you mean no?” Conrad questioned.
As you finished up, you turned around to face him “I mean I’m not ready, and I don’t feel good at all.” You were whispering, “please just a little more time.” Conrad nodded pulling you into his arms, “I meant it when I said I’d be here, when you’re ready talk to me.” You relaxed as you sunk into his arms, you wish he could wrap you in forever.
As you walked out the bathroom another wave of nausea attempted to hit you. “Oh god, Oh god I hate this.” Your cried, stopping dead in your tracks. “Need to go back in there?” Conrad asked searching your face for the answer. You shook your head no, “it went away” you took three deep breaths as Conrad guided you to the kitchen one hand own your lower back. “This is all your fault!” You sneered, of course it wasn’t true this was on both of you, but you were hormonal and the fact that he wasn’t the one nauseous made you angry.
Conrad shook his head, attempting to hide his laughter. “Are you laughing at me this isn’t funny!” You rolled your eyes.
What you both didn’t notice, was that Steven was at the end of the hallway listening in on your conversation. Something was definitely going on between his sister and friend. And it made his blood boil.
You were so hungry.
Pizza night was everyone’s favorite. The pizza joint that you went to accommodated to everyone, no matter if you liked meaty, cheesy, or pineapples they had something on the menu for you. Today it was your turn to order in and you went all out. You excitedly spread the food out on the dinner table. God how your mouth was watering just at the smell of it. This has been your craving for the past week!
Honey BBQ wings, Garlic Parmesan wings, Tuscani Meaty Marinara pasta, Breadsticks, Cheese sticks, Fried mozzarella sticks, two pepperoni pizzas, two Cheese pizzas, and one Pineapple pizza. You might have spent lots of money on everything but that didn’t matter at the moment.
Usually you would wait until everyone was seated at the table to serve yourselves, but everyone was taking their sweet time so you just dug in. You were currently on your 4th piece of cheese sticks, you turned towards the archway when you felt eyes staring at you. “What?” you questioned mouth full. “Gonna save any for us sis?” Steven joked, walking towards the table grabbing a paper plate from the stack ready to serve himself. Belly was next to walk in waving at you with a small smile.
“There’s lots of food Steven!” You stared at him as he reached for the pizza box that was in front of you. “I know y/n/n it was a joke!” he eyed you curiously, noticing that you were getting upset. “Gonna save some for us sis?!” You mocked his earlier words. He reached for the pizza box again but you pulled it towards you quickly. “Just go! you can’t have any it’s mine” You didn’t know where any of this was coming from, first he annoyed you with his comment. Now he was reaching for the pizza you ordered for yourself.
“Give me some!” Steven pulled the pizza box towards himself, yanking it from your hands. “It’s mine! There’s more!” You pointed at the other ones that laid untouched on the table. Belly nervously laughed “Steven this one taste just as good!” You evilly smiled, your sister was on your side. “Give it back now!” You yelled, standing up from the table. “What’s going on in here?” The fisher brothers walked in side to side. “He’s not listening to me!” You were now walking towards Steven, determined on getting your pizza box back.
“She doesn’t want to share!” Steven shrugged, opening up the pizza box grabbing one. “Because it’s mine! I got that one for me!” You were on the verge of tears and Conrad immediately joined you at your side. “Just give it back to her man!” Conrad’s voice was calm. “No way, no I’m hungry.” Steven protested as he took a bite out of the pizza slice. You immediately burst out into tears, you faced your brother muttering an “I hate you!” you stormed back towards your bedroom. The four people left standing in the dining room winched as you slammed the door.
“What just happened?” Jeremiah laughed now seeing that it was his chance to steal a pizza from you. As he reached for the box Conrad yanked it away, “Leave it” Conrad was angry, angry that he let your brother make you cry, angry that he couldn’t explain the reason you had an outburst. “Why’d you have to make her upset?” Conrad asked your brother. Steven shrugged nonchalantly “don’t worry she’s my sister I know her, she’ll be over it by tomorrow.”
Conrad sighed, he served himself a plate of the two untouched pizza boxes and walked back towards your room with yours. He knocked once, he wasn’t expecting you to pull him in, you immediately wrapped your arms around him and cried into his neck. “Why is he so mean?” Conrad kissed the side of your head, he whispered sweet nothings to you as you let it all out. “That was my pizza!” If you were aware of how ridiculous you looked, you would be embarrassed but the hormones were just allowing you to think about how you were going to murder Steven.
“Look, I took it back.” He pulled away showing you the pizza box. You sighed in complete happiness. “Thank you, Thank you” You kissed both Conrad’s cheeks. “Was my girl hangry?” Conrad asked smiling at your happiness.
My girl. My girl. My girl
That did something to you, Being called his girl was something you could get used to.
“I can’t help it, I feel like I got upset for nothing.” You frowned starting to feel bad about how you yelled at your brother. “Don’t he deserved it, who steals someone’s pizza?” Conrad smiled sheepishly, you laughed not feeling at all embarrassed anymore.
You and Conrad finished eating in your room, feeling as if nothing had happened prior.
After a long day of shopping with everyone, you were ready to pass out on your bed. Hands full of shopping bags you walked into the beach house determined on falling asleep immediately. “I really wanted that dress!” Belly pouted about a dress she wanted that was sadly out of her budget. The boys walked in after you both, hauling the bags you were unable to carry on your own. The sound of someone clearing their voice stopped all of you. “Why don’t you precious ones join us in the kitchen?!” Your mom spoke. Susannah and Laurel both looked upset.
“What’s going on?” Jeremiah questioned, his eyebrows raised. “You wanna tell them?” Susannah shook her head. Your mom started immediately. “I was cleaning the bathroom today when I found this!” She slammed it onto the counter.
Your pregnancy test. You thought you threw it out. Nausea hit you almost immediately, this wasn’t happening, you were supposed to tell them. You could feel Conrad’s eyes on you out of your peripheral vision. “Who’s is it?” Laurel asked voice raising a little. It was now or never.
Conrad opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it. “it’s mine” your whispered confession had everyone staring at you. “I’m sorry.” You wrapped your hands around yourself, hoping that would help with the chills you got. “You got my sister pregnant?” Steven yelled, his eyes went from you to Conrad immediately putting all the pieces together. “What the fuck did I say about any of you touching my sisters?” Steven pointed from Jeremiah to Conrad.
“When did you fuck her?” The words were harsh, and it made you feel mortified. “Stop please!” You begged looking at your brother eyes filling with tears. “No I’m not going to stop!” He yelled at you, turning back towards Conrad. Steven immediately brought his hand up swinging, hitting Conrad across the face. Jeremiah immediately stepped in for his brother, holding back a very angry Steven. Laurel immediately scolded her son “calm down right now!” She pointed a finger in his direction.
Jeremiah and belly both forced Steven outside to hopefully calm him down, Both mothers stared at their children in disbelief. “I’m not gonna make you talk now, because of what just happened, but I’m very disappointed in both of you.” Susannah spoke softly walking away followed by Laurel who quickly handed Conrad and ice pack for his face.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this!” You whispered needing to be in Conrad’s arms. He immediately pulled you into him. “It’s going to be okay baby.”
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srjlvr · 1 year
,, mr. prosecutor ‘‘
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‘’objection! you’re making up things!”
prosecutor!heeseung X lawyer!femReader
heeseung never thought that out of all the people in the world, he’d be forced to marry you. || genre arranged marriage!au, angst , open ending! || wc 1.3k+ || lowercase intended. || ✎ ᝰ . i’ve been thinking about it for ages!! i reallyyyyy hope you’ll enjoy reading<3
“what if i tell you that i love you? will you also object my love for you?”
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“objection! you’re making up things! this reason is invalid! my client claims that he was at his friend’s house at the very same day and has tons of alibis! he’s being dragged into this case and blaming him as the defendant is a mistake!” your voice echoed through the court. you were glaring at the other prosecutor, who stood in front of you and had a big smirk all over his face.
“please, keep on talking” the judges said and now it was your turn to smirk. “on the night of the 9th, my client was in the convenient store and went to his friend’s house right away. the cameras all over the place are showing his way and time, take a look at these evidences” you said and clicked on the remote to play the evidences.
the evidence on the TV indeed showed your client on his way to his friend’s house, and staying there even before the accident at the convenience store happened. the prosecutor who smirked a minute ago held his forehead in disappointment. “next time don’t accuse someone innocent, mr. prosecutor” you whispered and smirked at the other prosecutor who was now glaring at you.
at the end, your client was proven innocent and you made your way out of the court. “you’re the best lawyer! thank you thank you thank you!” your client kept thanking you. “i’m just doing my job” you smiled and dismissed him.
“congrats,” you heard a voice saying behind you. “i’ll make sure the next trail we meet won’t be easy for you” he smirked.
“save it to yourself, heeseung” you sighed.
whenever heeseung smirks or does literally the bare minimum in front of you, you can’t help it but feel something that makes you feel uneasy around him, your cheeks slightly heat up and your stomach makes turns.
sure, he’s your worse enemy and you share hate towards each other, but you can’t deny the fact that he’s surprisingly attractive, and you’d totally date him if he weren’t your nemesis and your ego wasn’t highly up in the sky.
little did you know, it was totally mutual, and even something more than just stomach turns for heeseung. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you for some reason, whenever you weren’t looking at him, he was staring at you, and whenever he wasn’t looking at you, you were staring at him.
it was love feeling between you two, covered up by hate, because both of your egos were up too high and none of you would like to admit it.
“all you do is talk and talk heeseung, it’s getting on my nerves already” you rolled your eyes, trying to play it cool. “that’s my job” he winked at you.
“i don’t have time for this useless conversation” you flipped him off and went on your way to your car.
you were putting your things such as the case files and bags on the passenger seat when your father called you. “hello father” you coldly said. “Y/N! come to your favorite restaurant, i have something to tell you” he ordered. “alright i’ll be right there” you hang up the call and started driving your way.
you and your father’s relationship isn’t the best. when you were younger, he was barely at home.
your family was rich thanks to your so workaholic and busy father, but it made him not being there for you ever. he was never there when you had your first steps, he never saw you when you won in the dance competition, it was basically just you and your mom. your father thought that being rich gives you everything you want, but he didn’t think deeply and throughly about your relationship with him.
when you were senior, he signed you up for a law school without asking you, “you need to take over my company, you have to study law and become the next CEO” he basically forced you into being a lawyer. your father has a lawyers company and he is a lawyer himself, you’re the only one who could take over his place and he had to make sure it’s really going to happen.
arriving at the restaurant, you said to the hostess your last name and she took you to the table. you looked around the table and saw your father, his friend and….heeseung??
you look disgusted but sat down when your father ordered you, “say hello to my friend and his son, it’s not very nice of you to ignore them” your father smiled and you nodded. deciding to put on an act as if you don’t know heeseung at all, “hello, im Y/N, it’s nice to meet you” you smiled and bowed a bit.
your father put his hand on your shoulder and got you closer to him. “isnt she pretty?” he asked them. “she grew up to be a beautiful lady” his friend nodded, “you probably don’t remember me, i was your father’s best friend” he giggled, “still am actually, but we were too busy to see each other, i remember you being so little when you and heeseung first met” he added.
you looked at heeseung and he looked at you back, it wasn’t a glare now, it was something different, that never happened between you two before. “on the first day you two met we already made a contract on your marriage” your father said. “i’m sorry, what now?” you asked shocked.
“you and heeseung are bound to marry dear. me and your father decided it’ll be for the best” his friend said. “how does it benefit any of us?” heeseung bragged. “fame for both companies!” your father asked. “it’ll be even better when you two get married” his father added.
“what if i disagree?” you asked. “you’ll be breaking a contract and will have to pay millions if you do” your father answered calmly. “does anyone reject it?” his friend asked and you all shut up. “then it’s settled! there’s going to be a wedding!” your father cheered and clapped.
“i’m sorry you’re going to what now?” your best friend asked you. “marry this man” you rolled your eyes, “my father told me about that only yesterday it feels like a nightmare please wake me up” you begged.
she knows about your and heeseung’s rivalry but she also knows about your secret feelings for heeseung, you’re always telling her how confused you feel whenever he’s around you.
“you poor soul….” she pat your head. “it’s going to be okay” she smiled. “wait a month after the marriage and then break it off”
“that’s actually a great idea! i love your brilliant brain so much” you pecked her forehead and joked. you spent the rest of your morning sitting in a cafe shop with her and chatting about everything you could.
you tried to drown yourself in work for the rest of the day, but stopped when you heard a few knocks on your door.
you opened your door, and to your surprise, heeseung was standing outside.
“what are you doing here? how did you get my address?” you instantly asked. “that’s not how you treat your guests” he rolled his eyes. “i could care less” you roasted, “i will ask again, what are you doing here?”
“i wanted to talk about yesterday” he sighed, he was staring at you with some hope in his eyes.
“we have nothing to talk about, we’re marrying out of force, not love” you firmly said, “we’ll fill up divorcement papers a month after and never meet again unless it’s in courts”
he dropped his stare slowly and nodded quietly. you continued, “i clearly object this marriage but i don’t have millions to pay to break it off and—“
“what if i tell you that i love you? will you also object my love for you?” he cut you off and looked right into your eyes.
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© srjlvr , pls don’t copy/translate any of my works without permission ! | reblogs and comments are very appreciated !
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desertsandsnstarrysky · 4 months
I think I’m gonna take a long break on here, it’s been real but I’m absolutely just totally done with the antisemitism…
I’m throughly disappointed with humanity…
I don’t not want Palestinians dead…I don’t want anyone dead to be quite honest!
And I also do not want fellow Jews to die as well !
MOST OF YOU You pro Palestinians are NOT FOR PEACE…( keyword most)
You want Jews dead… and THATS NOT OKAY!!!
Zionist or not!
And when you literally start telling them to kill themselves “kys” end your life and all that, you are just as equal to a murderer… by condoning this behavior!
Or talking about destruction of Israel as if the lives there that live deserve to die … WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!
You realize Israel is a whole fucking country, a region full of individuals, human beings that live there! Different hearts and minds, different thoughts, feelings, etc!
So when you say they need to destroyed, bombed, eradicated, deconstructed, or anything like that you are talking about basically wanting to kill all who live there!
When you tell ANY JEWISH PERSON TO DIE, you are not FOR PEACE! No, You are a piece of shit!
You are a Nazi, point blank if you want the country of Israel to be destroyed… end of discussion!
And honestly do not call yourself a person for peace if you talk like that… it’s absolutely antisemitic and garbage!
Both sides suffer from this war! Both Palestinian civilians and Israeli and everyone else who lives there And ALWAYS HAVE!!!
Stop using fucking lizard brain logic and realize both sides are SUFFERING!
This isn’t fucking red vs. blue team games!
It’s not a fucking soccer game and we’re keeping score, all of the people matter in this!! Every single life!!!
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mayday-melody · 1 month
Genuine question... has anyone, Ever made a comic of Zim and Dib, where it goes:
Zim, Nervously walks to dib:"Dib-thing.. i have a question."
Dib:"uh.. sure what is it?"
Zim:"what... what does a crush feel like..?"
Dib, blushing:"uhm well *EXPLAINS*"
Zim:"i see.... ive come to a conclusion Dib-Worm... Zim Has A Crush!"
Dib:"y-you do?? on who..?"
Zim:"MYSELF!!!" *walks away giggling*
Dib:*throughly disappointed*
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