#i want him to spread his wings (pun intended) and be his own guy but not at the expense of just erasing bruce from his comics
arunneronthird · 1 year
u know what i like? that tim genuinely likes bruce as a person and batman as a symbol in the purest way
like, dick was saved by bruce and trained by batman to have a code, jason was also saved by bruce and after a million fights understood why family is important, and damian was tought that batman was a powerful thing to want and bruce was a father to respect, they have a baggage they carry with them to their relationship with bruce
but tim? he just likes that batman exists cause he understands bruces vision, and he loves bruce cause he thinks bruce is a good person worth saving and that needs trust, and hes willing to trust him every single time everyone else doesnt, no matter how crazy it may be to trust him or what anyone else says
and that really gets me
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
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Urogi has a breeding kink, male demon reader. In here the fur in Urogi's legs are pants.
Warnings: Breeding kink, Anal sex, Cannibalism, Predatory-animalistic behavior, Mentioned egg-laying, Mentioned m-preg (no actual m-preg).
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You know you got lucky, really lucky, out there.
When he turned you into a demon you lost all your memories, but you knew you loved birds. While you don't really have many bird-like features, just some feathers that you could control as your demon blood art, it was something hard to miss.
You can remeber having some singing for you at your arm-reach at sunrise, maybe you owned some as pets, but that is your only human memory. But look what you found as a demon.
Your feathers are not weapons, it's more a sensoring type of ability, so the buddha's damn second you found a Hashira that managed to get near you unnoticed even with the feathers spread to sense threats, you should have died. But the Upper Moon Four was around, deemed a bigger thread, and decapitated. The Hashira was talented, thank heavens you didn't got to face him, and managed to decapitate the anger clone, Sekido, after he came out, and the pleasure clone, Kakaru, let himself being decapitated for fun, bringing out Aizetsu, the sorrow clone, and Urogi, the joy clone. It seems you were the first demon with feathers he has seen for a while, since he, who has wings and talons, took a big interest for you instantly.
You remember wanting to grab his wings, they looked so majestic and soft that it made your insticts to take and touch clash with the ones that told you to fear Upper Moon Four. Urogi did not share those reservations and instantly grabbed your feathers without even asking, and caressimg his face with them. "They are even softer than mine! I'm going to keep some, ok?" You did not tell him that you could locate him if he did, or that you could feel his touch through the feathers.
You can always feel and find him, whenever he separates from the other clones, you know. And you chase.
"Oh, you've come to see me again!" He doesn't worry about this, he knows he can destroy you easily, and he enjoys your presence (the pun intended, he adores bad puns). "What you got there? Gimme!" To rush up here you had to eat, to not waste time you just grabbed a random human in your way. What was this guy doing just standing in front of his house (was it even his, at this point) beyond midnight is not of your business, just that he was around and you needed to eat to gain speed. Urogi takes the body off your hands and sits crooked over it to start eating, tearing the flesh with his talons and fangs.
"Hish lag sar fullo fats, "he puts more into his mouth without swallowing first" t'sh sho tashte an greeshy!" [His legs are full of fats, it's so tasty and greasy!] His manners are not better than the ones of a wild animal, you can't help but shake with some disgust as some of the chewed flesh falls off the side of his lips as he opens his mouth to add an eyeball to the mix. You laugh it off. "Try to swallow your food, Birdie. It's not like you're going to feed chicks with that." He finally swallows before grining at you, taunting, he opens his wings as he stands up, with them he looks a lot bigger. The intimidating gesture doesn't let you move as he gets closer, his face just a breath away from yours.
"Why, would you like to see me feeding lil' chicks? Don't lie, I have seen the way you look at me, as if you wanted to have mine." Your face heats up as he wounds your pride with that confession, so you feel the need to answer something. That is the reason you came with a comeback you didn't even think through. "Oh no, if anything you would be the one laying eggs, Bird Boy." You both paralyze the second you finish that sentence. What the FUCK did you just said to one of the fifth strongest demons?
Again, you are very lucky, maybe you have a second demon blood art that gives you that much luck, because Urogi just laughs with a blushing face and uncomfortable smile, looking around without making eye contact. "I-I think Sekido is calling, so...... yeah. Good egg- I mean TALK! GOOD TALK!" He basically yeets himself into the sky, he flies really fast he got out of your sight in 7 seconds, only to come back and pass over you, that is where the rest of the clones are. But you survived.
And, the next time you meet Urogi, he's the one that reaches for you. You don't really know what to expect, he is not looking at you, just standing besides you and playing with his hands, blushing. "Hey.... so.... what was your name again?" You tell him, but Urogi still evades your eyes as he blushes harder and scratched the back of his neck. "Y/N.... ok. Yeah, um- about last time.... I kept thinking about it and.... it was hot." What?
He takes a deep breath to gain confidence before grining at you. "And, I know, you like me. A lot. So how about you do me a favor~?" He lunges at you grabbing your shoulders, digging your talons in, making you bleed. Just like that one time, your mouthes are one breath away from each other. He giggles as he lets his tongue out, letting it touch your mouth.
You have no idea if you used to catch birds as human or if your demon insticts are stimulating it, but you can only obey the urge to TAKE. Without thinking you grab Urogi's waist and slam him against a tree. He wraps his legs and wings around you before the impact, making his back recieve fully the hit as your pelvis meets his. This makes him moan as he tears your shoulders as he groans, sounding very close to a moan, and arches his neck. It takes you only seconds to heal as he moves his head over your shoulder "Breed me~".
You feel your dick getting hard with those words, that voice, this position. You keep one hand on his waist while you grope his ass under his clothing. He moves his hips eagerly as he moves his hands to take off your tops. He giggles as he feels your fingers brushing against his entrance, teasing over it. It's already lubricated, though you would need to check if he prepared himself already. "Did you touch yourself here before coming?" You ask softly as you try to insert a finger, it goes in easily, it even feels like it's being sucked in by the wet heat
Urogi trembles a bit nervious as he feels you touching his insides under his pants, from the movements of his hips from before that made friction between your pelvis you can feel his dick is getting hard against yours with the clothes in between. "I already told you I kept thinking about it~" he answers cheeky. You take that as an invitation, so you move his pants as he wraps himself closer to you with all his limbs, digging the talons of his hands in your just below you neck and the ones in his feet behind your thighs. "Just like this is fine for now, just give it to me already~"
After leaving some scratches in your legs, ones that heal at the expected speed, Urogi uses his legs and feet to move your clothing off your erection, licking his lips when he feels it against his skin. Both of your hearts begin to race as you line the tip into his ass, pressing without entering. You pause. "Are you ready for me to fuck you, Baby Bird? Ready for me to stuff you full with my seed?"
Urogi bites your shoulder, burrying his face in your skin and almost tearing your bleeding flesh as he moves hil pelvis impatiently. You laugh at as you heal as you spit in one hand and massage your dick to enter smoothly for you too. When your tip starts to slip inside, slowly, Urogi moans against your skin, fangs still deep within, once your member is fully settled inside his hole is that his mouth lets go. "There we go, all inside. Does it feel good?" Urogi just start licking the blood off your shoulder before resting his chin there, panting a bit. Once he gets used to the size of your member he giggles and moves his hips. "I want more, gimme all you've got T/N~".
You thrust hard into him, having all of him clenching around you "Fuckkkk, Urogi. You are so tight and hot..." The sound of your balls hitting his tighs goes along your grunts. Urogi keeps giggling and moaning "Yeah... oh yeah~, just like that mng~ Y/N~" With your hand in his hips you try pounding into different agles, searching for his sweet spot, a really high and loud moan from Urogi is all the signal you need to keep thrusting there. You also start to jerk him off, taking advantage of your demonic strength and his grip in you, never letting his talons off your constantly healing back and legs as you hear him scream. "YESSS~ THERE! Fuckfuckfuck T/N!" He giggles between high moans "Mmmmng~ I want your cum~ ohhgh~ Breed me dumb and pregnant~" He bites you again as you beging to pound harder into him searching for climax, you can feel the smile in his lips. "Shhhit~ you're so hot. You want it in your tummy~? You want me to put a baby inside you?"
You know that as demons, and male ones at that, none of you is fertile, much less can carry a child. But the though of Urogi enjoying so much being so full with you that he is bulging and round-shaped is enough for you to give in into this kink of his. "YESSS fuck YESS~ Gimme argh~ fill me with chicks~...." He keeps moving his hips with you until you cum inside with three loads of hot and thick semen. Urogi arches his back at the first one, scratching you more, he starts giggling with the other two. You start trembling as he moves his wings, making you fall down. "Not enough~ keep your promise and actually fuck me until I look pregnant!"
"God, you are insatiable." You groan in response, Urogi just giggles again as he starts to ride you, still moaning, scratching and talking about being bred. You last less this time due being more stimulated, but he doesn't seem to mind as he keeps up the pace. You turn both of you around to corner him, back against the ground, by the sixth round and use all your strengh. You can feel part of your cum is leaking out of his insides as you thrust, there is a small bulge in his stomach. The talons and fangs keep you in place as you move your pelvis back and forward, Urogi begins to babble at the stimulation. "I'm shooo full it argh~ makes me shoo happy~ Imma cum~ lemme cum plssss~". You thrust as fast and hard as your body lets you, not caring of the bruises you are leaving in Urogi as you grab him and pound into him, they heal in less than a second so thay are hard to notice. "C-C'mon c-can you feel the chicks, b-b-baby bird? Fuck, you are so stuffed argh.... L-look your.... your pregnant.... tummy...."
He does look down, only to bite you hard as he trembles, tighens up and cums into your chest with two full loads, the liquid sticking to your skin as you cum for the last time. You both are panting as you fall down over the Upper Moon, you have to admit he tired you up a bit, but it was worth it. You only have some few seconds to get ready and move inside the cave Urogi found you near by before the sunrise. You have to help him, he is a bit complicated by the state he is in, but still cuddles with you once you are safe. "We need to do this again some time T/N, don't you think? Don't you ever deny me the joy of feeling so full."
There is something in his tone.... it's a threat, you don't want to think what would he do if you rejected him. But.... you don't need to. "I've got you, baby bird." You answer as you cuddle back.
You are indeed very lucky.
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lumilasi · 2 years
Surprise ask game! Pick your 5 favorite blorbos from your shows (or your own, or both!) And list 5 random facts/things you like about each! Tag or send this to 5 other ppl and spread the joy of rambling about things you love!!!
Ohh, since I can do both, I'll do both.
Show Blorbos
Tomura (bnha)
He didn't start as my fave, but dethroned Aizawa insanely fast lmao
I love how his design tells a tragic/disturbing story on its own, no words needed
I want to fluff his hair, no matter the color or length
I don't need a ref anymore, I've drawn him sooo many times by now
I hate that my fave's design included shit ton of hands, thy are a pain to draw lol
Grimmjow (bleach)
I love how his colors are essentially the inversed versions of the protag. Ichigo.
I love how his personality ALSO shares similarities with Ichigo. He feels much more of a special rival to berry boy than anyone else
He survives to the end of the story and even sorta turns into more of a antihero. Ichigo even starts treating him like one of his friends, whenever Grimm realizes/likes it or not lol
Rukia (bleach)
She's actually a very well written shonen female protagonist
She feels like a person & is allowed to be both ridiculous/awkward AND cool & competent, have moments of self doubt as well as confidence based on her own abilities, and these are just couple of things I like about her writing. Basically, again, to summarize, she feels like a proper, well rounded person which I find kinda rare with shonen girls.
Her drawings crack me up
Her Bankai is super pretty...and cool (pun intended lol)
she's my all time fave manga woman (so far)
Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
He's funny as hell
He's also cool as hell
I love his dynamics with his friends
I like his design
I found it actually pretty interesting how his comedy gag actually is quite central to his character, beyond being funny. It has a story reason behind it and is tied to his character development in a sense (as far as I remember, been a while I read SE)
Himiko (bnha)
The best written girl of bnha imo (tho could be better still)
While I complain about it, I actually like her hair!
Writing her as the lil sister character is fun
I like how she's actually considered one of the most dangerous ones, not due to brute force, but intelligence, survival skills, etc.
I still feel like we haven't truly heard her story yet, since what we did get wasn't from her perspective...
Mind Blorbos
I have two versions of him now, the main difference between them being the setting they live in (and one being a protagonist while other is a side character) One lives in a modern setting, other more traditional/fantasy type
His voice claim is the same guy who voices AFO (japanese va)
His modern AU version is grumpier due to his different story. He's still a DILF in both tho lol (according to my friend, I regret teaching her that term lol)
In the fantasy version, Hitomi is adopted, in the modern AU, Hitomi is his biological daughter
He was difficult to design but once I got it down, he quickly became one of my faves
He's my second fave, his design just sort of sticks to my brain better than anyone elses I've made?
He can even turn his hair to vines eventually, as well as create different types of vines instead of just spiky thorns
His voice claim ended up being Kankuro's japanese VA from Naruto lol
His and Jinchou's dynamic is the ultimate Himbo x Gremlin tsundere thing lol
He has a nephew and niece later on through his half brother Yaguro/Asahi, and the baby niece especially likes to glomp his face as a greeting lol
His relationship with lil Youko is my favorite thing with him
Chouma's voice claim is Dabi's VA essentially
I haven't yet figured out his full backstory, which is rare for me OTL
He will have a modern AU version whose bf will be another character instead of Angus, as their dynamic wont work in a different kind of story setting (and he deserves a proper bf lol)
Chouma often uses his wings as a blanket cape
One of my fave girls, I enjoy her strong willed, temperamental & lil grumpy personality
I still dunno exactly how her outfit works at the back lol, need to figure that out
She's an excellent archer, and a shadow bow is her main weaponry she tends to form from her magic
Her favorite nap spot is Yaguro's back fluff
She's demiromantic pan, this is something I only recently realized makes the most sense for her lol
Aand finally....Toshiko
Her personality is probably closest to my own while not an exact match, and I did not make her that way consciously lol
She enjoys seafood the most, and pork the least
She's awkward around kids and doesn't want to be a mom ever, but still tries her best to be a good role model to those kids who do look up to her (specifically Jurou's kid Hitomi)
She's the one with braincells among her friend group (namely her, Claude, Caelan and her bf Raitei)
Her and her sister Akiko are opposites in almost every way possible, but she still doesn't mind spending time with her
Idk who to tag, maybe I'll send this to someone else, but for now its an open tag!
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adammilligan · 4 years
Reverse AU where Adam is an archangel and Micheal a normal human?
i’ve never actually delved into reverse aus before so this is entirely new for me!!!! i’m putting this underneath a “keep reading” line because it got so fucking long oops
 but i’d honestly see adam as sort of a mixture between raphael, gabriel & anael: raphael, because he’d be a healer; gabriel, because he’d probably ditch heaven just to get away from all the fighting; and anael, because even though adam would be an archangel i doubt anyone would think as much of him as, say, sam or dean, so he’d simultaneously be important and not, high-ranking and low-ranking all at once, and i doubt anyone would listen to him except to get him to heal the angels (which would be another reason for him to leave heaven). 
so, he leaves, he crafts a vessel from the ground up so he won’t have to possess anyone because he’d really rather not share a body with a human, he travels the world, he probably learns healing the human way and keeps his head down living a human-ish life in order to escape heaven because hey, he was the healer, they needed his skills even if they didn’t want him for anything else, and he just up and ditched them, so they probably spent a good amount of time trying to track him down, which leads to him becoming better and better at hiding. and i think he’d like to help out where he can, because him being a healer + being sick of fighting all the time would ultimately condense into him wanting to help people, so if anyone ever comes into whatever hospital or town he’s working in at the time and he feels they’ve got more of a life to live he’ll help their life-threatening injuries along with a little bit of his archangel magic, enough to where they’ll live but not enough that he gets noticed for a “miracle”. eventually, he grows so used to hiding and living the human way that he forgoes the use of his wings altogether, folding them back and letting himself fall into the habit of walking and, eventually, driving (and cars are super cramped, in his opinion, when in reference to his true form, but he’ll take what he can get).
and then, one day, this guy gets wheeled into his hospital, and he’s got two brothers rushing in behind him, and adam can identify two things almost immediately: one, the guy’s a hunter, he’s got jumped by a werewolf written all over him, and two, this guy is his brother’s true vessel. and at first, he instantly thinks nope, no, i don’t want any part of this, heaven’s probably got an eye on him already and i’m in danger just by being around him, but then he watches the way that the two younger brothers who came in with him worry and panic and he starts feeling bad for them and then he’s like, shit. i’m going to help my brother’s true vessel out, aren’t i? and so he acts as the main doctor who fixes up the guy’s (michael’s, as it turns out his name is, because one of the other brothers—raphael—or something, tells him) injury and keeps him from dying from the amount of damage that werewolf did to him. because, yknow, he’s nice like that. and he sort of feels a little bad for the guy because he’s gonna wish he was dead sooner or later after dean wears him to the end of the world. so he waves off the three’s thanks for saving him, watches the three pile into their car and drive off, and he just sort of thinks, well, it wouldn’t hurt to keep an eye on them, would it?
spoiler alert: it kind of does.
adam doesn’t watch them directly—being around them is a one-way ticket to getting his ass found out—but he tunes into conversations between hunters across the country, finds out all the things said about the children of chuck shurley; their accomplishments, how wild everything seems to get around them, how there were four brothers but one of them disappeared, how michael, in particular, is known for being a complete hardass. adam’s moved on from the hospital he fixed him up at, at this point, and he’s found himself chilling in a little town somewhere in oklahoma when he feels the presence of the three roll around again, and he thinks oh shit and disguises his appearance so he doesn’t look the same and spark their suspicion and then he just sort of...helps them out. well, specifically, he helps michael out, and he keeps telling himself it’s because he feels bad for the dude because of the whole apocalypse thing but it’s absolutely not why at all. after the case is over and done with, the brothers head out, and so does adam—and somehow, he keeps landing in the exact same town that the brothers end up in. he’s not sure how it keeps happening—if dad’s decided to come back and pull a funny one on him—but it does. and he eventually comes to the realization that he doesn’t just “feel bad” for michael when he’s sitting across from the guy, pretending to be an innocent bystander who knows a few important details about the case they’re working, and he makes a joke that michael laughs at: fuck, i might like this one. and then he remembers what’s supposed to happen—the righteous man spilling blood in hell, and all that, and he’s just like oh. oh hell no. (pun intended). 
he takes a quick peek at michael’s soul and, yep, it’s got the fucking mark of someone headed to hell on it, what the fuck, when did that happen and that’s when he starts monitoring the family more closely, and also when he starts warring within himself: does he help out this singular human that’s sorta kinda become his one-sided friend (because michael’s still unaware that he’s been helping the three of them out big time) or does he do his best to just sit back and let things happen as they’re supposed to and give dean the satisfaction of having won?
...he doesn’t fight with himself for too long, because, yknow, fuck his brothers. but he can’t stop michael from going to hell, because then the angels will definitely notice something and michael’s already got the deal imprinted on his soul, anyways, and adam can’t fix that as much as he wants to. 
so michael goes down to hell, and, as heaven starts mobilizing its forces to get him out only after he’s started torturing others, adam immediately spreads his wings for the first time in millennia (and they’re sore and aching from lack of use, but he pays no mind to it) and takes a silent nosedive down into hell so he doesn’t alert the angels. and he may not be a fighter but fuck if he’s not fighting now,  he’s ripping through every demon that’s rising up to meet him and they tear at his wings and his true form and even though he may be an archangel it hurts like hell (pun still intended) because he’s just one being against millions of demons but he finally finds michael, soul laying half-ripped to shreds on the rack, and he blasts the demon doing the torturing away from him and hauls him up and away, doing what he does best and mending the battered soul as he flies, murmuring be not afraid, michael, you know who i am and projecting images of all the people whose faces he’d been at him so that the human doesn’t panic on their way back up, wrapping him in his own grace to protect him from the demons.
and when adam places the soul back in the body that raphael and gabriel buried, he brings the body to the surface and waits for michael to wake up, figuring that he might as well introduce himself properly.
he’s basically just affirmed himself as an enemy of heaven, after all, and, well—what can he say to that but you’re goddamn right i am and do everything in his power to stop the senseless destruction of the world?
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luv4fandoms · 4 years
Earth Angel (GabrielXOFC)
(Part 1)
So this doesn't fully follow the Supernatural timeline, somethings have been changed (like Gabriel's death in the au world cause it was stupid and I refuse to accept it lol) so just a heads up. This is also inspired by @askpsychocas 's Angel Courting Ritual post (which I use in my story. Askpsychocas if you want me to take those parts out let me know and I will). This story also has a Scott Pilgram vibe lol.
(Also if anyone knows how to do the "Keep Reading" thing on the mobile app can you let me know? Cause I can't figure it out)
If you would like to be added to a taglist for this story let me know.
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Pairing: Gabriel x OFC
Warning: Cussing, killing, slight mention of torture.
Word count: 5,668
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(From @askpsychocas 's angel courting ritual)
Step One: Recognize your intended.
Angels are warriors, no matter what rank. Most are attracted to strength of will and faith in their cause. Bright plumage is often utilized. Angels either grow in brighter feathers or they naturally change colour in order to lure in intended mates. Large, well-groomed wings is a sign of vitality.
Obviously, this is a step both modern and traditional courting rituals use.
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"Earth angel, earth angel, will you be mine?
My darling dear, love you all the time
I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you"
I sang along as I drove down the road, my latest case bringing me back to my childhood state of Florida. There had been at least three people turn up dead recently, all with their hearts missing, so originally I thought it would be a werewolf, but there have been more and more people talking about the recent "Dogman" sightings...So...Skinwalker maybe? Either way, off I drove from the case I just finished up in Alabama, back home. My stomach growling loudly was the only other noise beside the radio and the car, and it was my indication that it was time to stop in at my favorite diner.
A few more miles and I was pulling into the parking lot of "Sally's diner" a small little place off the beaten track, one you wouldn't find unless you knew about it or were taking the scenic route, but it was a diner that hadn't been touched by time since it opened back in the 50's, and it was a place I visited often when near. Once I parked I noticed a very familiar vehicle a few spaces down, and I couldn't help the smile that formed. Quickly stepping into the diner I was greeted with the smell of fresh brewed coffee and cooked onions...Ah...Home.  Looking around I spotted who you knew would be here, the owners of that familiar car, Sam and Dean Winchester, but what really caught my eye was the person sitting with them,or rather the giant pair of gold wings that sat with them. I looked around, but no one seemed to notice them.
'How does no one notice them?! Ok...maybe only hunters can see them? Maybe he makes them only visible to us...yeah it has to be something like that, just shrug it off Liz'
I mean, Sam and Dean seemed to be getting along with whoever it was...somewhat well...Ok they looked kinda annoyed, Dean more than Sam. So the...Being couldn't be that bad,right?
Heels clicked across checkerboard floors as I made my way over to their booth, the stranger's voice reaching me as I drew closer.
"Come on Dean-o, you love me and you know it" 
"I swear Sam I'm going to kill him" Dean muttered while Sam just shook his head.
"I thought I recognized that beauty out front,and I don't mean my car" I smiled, finally reaching the booth and catching the attention of all three men. The boy's smiles matched my own as they quickly stood from the booth.
"Long time no see" Dean smiled, hugging me tightly before releasing me to Sam who was quick to get a hug in as well.
"How have you been?" He asked.
"Good, just came off a job, though I'm guessing we're here for the same reason" I laughed.
"And who is this beauty?" The new voice spoke again, this time when I turned I could fully see the owner, and well...I was not disappointed. Golden brown hair swept back over a face that couldn't have been much older than the boys, whiskey colored eyes filled with mirth, and...something else, and a smile that was both inviting and also showed mischievousness. To say that the man...Being...was gorgeous would be an understatement, and the golden wings really suited him, both in appearance and, what you suspected to be a very flashy, playful personality.
"Well hey there sweetie, they call me Liz, nice to meet you" I smiled, holding out my hand for him.
"Nice to meet you too" he smirked while taking my hand and kissing the back on it, his eyes never leaving mine before he gave me a wink.
"Ok ok that's enough Gabriel" Dean spoke, causing Gabriel to let go of my hand and me to laugh.
"So, what's a beautiful classy lady like you doing hanging out with these two lumberjacks?" Gabriel asked, scooting over and patting the seat beside him, I sat down before Sam or Dean could protest, but made sure to watch out for his wings, it was bad enough the poor guy was tucking them as much as he could, I didn't wanna sit on them by accident.
"They helped me out on a case a few years ago, we've just kept in touch ever since" I shrugged
"They help when I need it and I help when they need it," I added with a  smile.
"Wait...You're a hunter?" Gabriel asked, looking honestly shocked.
"What? Women can't be hunters?" I teased, he opened his mouth to speak before someone chimed in.
"Here are your drinks, your food will be out soo- Liz! It's good to see you!" The young waitress smiled, Maddie and I were good friends since I started coming to the diner, after I politely publicly embarrassed and pretty much shamed a dude who was grossly hitting on and harassing her.
"It's good to see you too sweetie" I smiled, leaning up to hug her when she leaned down.
"Just passing through again?"
"I may be staying a couple of days this time" 
"Well we are always open for you" she winked before asking
"Your usual?"
"You know me so well Mads" I smiled, she smiled back and with a nod turned to leave.
"You must come here often" Sam laughed
"As often as I can when I'm near" I smiled.
"So, back to the fact that your friend here doesn't think girls can be hunters" I smirked.
"Now I never said that" Gabriel defended himself which caused Sam and Dean to crack a smile.
"I just mean...You don't...there seems to be a uniform with this type of work"
"Flannel?" I asked with a laugh.
"Exactly! And you...Well" he gestured to my figure, my blue polka dotted 50's style top, black cigarette pants, and small heels. my makeup light except a winged liner and bright red lips...it was true...I didn't look like a hunter.
"Sorry, I left my plaid dress in my bag" I smiled.
"I'll take it as a compliment though," I added, giving him a wink.
"So you're saying Liz is too pretty to be a hunter?" Sam asked
"Oh don't worry Sam, you're pretty too" I smiled causing him to chuckle.
"Isn't he though? I keep telling him that" Gabriel teased and I couldn't help but laugh at it, especially when Sam just rolled his eyes.
"Ok now that we have established that Liz and Sam are both pretty" Dean started, earning a glare from his brother.
"I'm guessing you're here for this case too," he added.
"Yeah,though I'm a bit stumped" 
"What's there to be stumped about, classic werewolf" Dean stated.
"See that's what I thought too, until I noticed all of the Dogman sightings being reported recently." I started, leaning onto the table to lower my voice.
"Wait Dogman, really?" Dean asked mockingly.
"Mock all you want to, but I know a hoax from real and Dean, we don't have another moon landing on our hands here"
"Skinwalker?"Sam suggested
"Possibly, but I've never seen one like this, legit looked like the classic wolf on two legs deal" I stated, leaning back in the seat when I heard footsteps approaching. 
"Here you are! One bacon deluxe burger, one complete breakfast combo, and two mega waffle plates. And here is your coffee Liz" Maddie smiled.
"Thank you" Sam and I smiled, Dean already eating, Maddie nodded and left again, I turned to pour syrup onto my waffles when I noticed eyes on me, turning my head I was met with wide eyes and a smile.
"Yes Gabe?" I asked before returning to my syrup task.
"Nothing just...Where have you been all my life?" He asked, causing me to laugh while cutting into my waffles.
"Mostly in Florida" I shrugged
"Until later on, then...well...then I guess it was just catch me if you can" I winked, popping a piece of the sugary goodness in my mouth and giving a small moan at the flavor.
"Still the best waffles ever" 
"So we are thinking what? New monster? A-a skinwolf? Werewalker?" Dean asked.
"Possibly?" I answered
"A werewolf and skinwalker danced the lambda?"Gabriel asked, I simply shrugged.
"Love is love, who are we to judge what two different species do" 
"Yeah expect when that offspring starts killing people"
"Well one good thing, silver kills them both" Sam replied
"There we go, Sam always coming in with the silver lining" I spoke.
"Pun intended?"Gabriel asked before taking another bite.
"Happy accident" I smiled.
As I ate I noticed that neither of the boys mentioned Gabriel's wings, even as they twitched and ruffled from being constrained for so long, poor guy, I hoped it didn't hurt. But the fact that no one had brought it up made me wonder if it was rude to mention them? Or was this such a common occurrence that they were simply used to them? Either way I watched them spread a bit wider while Gabriel stretched once the four of us were outside the diner, I could see now that the color wasn't simply gold, but an array of gold-ish shades, going from a dark gold almost bronze at the base of each feather, up to an almost honey color at each tip. They did shine a bit in the sun but they weren't the glittering gold I had originally thought they were. Though, even in their half stretched state I could tell that they were massive, and if unfurled fully would be very intimidating.
"So, until we know what we are dealing with, why don't you let us handle it" Dean started, but I quickly cut him off.
"Uh no. We ain't doing this damsel in distress thing, I can hold my own just as well as you two can and you know it. And besides, you know this town? These people really well?" After a moment of silence I continued.
"Exactly, so I'm part of this case like it or not" I finished, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You tell em sweetcheeks!" Gabriel spoke, walking up beside me. I noticed now that we weren't sitting, due to my heels I was a few inches taller than him.
"So where is the scooby gang off to first?" He asked.
"Ok fine!" Dean sighed.
"Dean why don't you and Gabriel go to the morgue and Liz and I-" Sam started before Dean and Gabriel both interrupted.
"No I am not getting stuck with him" came from Dean while
"Hey hey how come you get Liz?" Came from Gabriel.
"Hey, the only reason you're even here is because Cas suggested that we take you along" Dean pointed at Gabriel who simply rolled his eyes and looked away from Dean.
"Ok Sam and Dean you two go talk to the families, you're better at that, Gabriel and I will go check out the stiffs" I smiled before turning and making my way to my car before they could say anything. I looked back at Gabriel but found him right beside me.
"I love a woman who can take charge" he winked, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Hunting with those two, you have to, otherwise they steal all the action" I smiled while climbing in the driver seat, I noticed that Gabriel hesitated to climb in, and for a moment I wondered if he was afraid of my driving, but upon leaning over to tease him about it I noticed him looking at my car. I knew she was a beauty, a white 1958 Chevy Impala with gold accents, our cars were the first thing Dean and I bonded over. But what really seemed to be holding his attention was the gold pinstriped wings and name of my car...Angel.
"See something you like?" I giggled, catching his attention as he looked through the window at me, a smile forming before he opened the door and hopped in.
"And soft seats" he said while moving around.
"You really know how to spoil a guy"
"What can I say? I like to treat my men well" I chuckled while backing out of the diner and making my way to the morgue.
"So what was that about someone suggesting that the boys take you along for a ride?" I asked after a moment.
"Ugh, my little brother Cas decided that it would be a grand ole time if I tagged along with Scully and Mulder, said it would be a good bonding experience" he explained. 
"And is it? Do you feel bonded?" I giggled.
"I wouldn't mind bonding with you" he smirked, wiggling his brows and earning another laugh from me. 
"Sorry sweetie, I ain't that type of gal" I replied while pulling up into the parking lot. 
"So is this where we get to pull out our fake badges and pretend to be the FBI?" He asked, raising his hand like he was about to snap his fingers.
"Nope,this is the part where the sheriff knows that I'm a hunter and anything weird that comes in I get a call about" I smiled while stepping out.
"Aww, I wanted to play criminal minds" he pouted, and I had to admit, he could rival Sam in adorableness. 
"Sorry sweetie, maybe some other time" I patted his shoulder before leading the way. Just as I had said, the sheriff let us look at the bodies right away, and yeah...All signs pointed to either werewolf or skinwalker. 
"Well it looks like I'll have to get my silver bullets ready" I sighed while pulling the sheet back on the third vic, Gabriel walked around the room, looking at random things, and for a moment I watched his wings easily avoid everything they might hit before I turned my attention back to the body.
"You really don't have a problem with any of this do you?" Gabriel asked from across the body.
"An innocent person dead? Yeah I got a lot of problems with it"
"No not that, this" he gestured to the body
"Looking at dead bodies, hunting monsters, most women I've met wouldn't go near this kind of stuff"
"Sweetie no offence but it sounds like you've been hanging out with little girls then, not women" I smirked while meeting his eyes, his wings ruffled behind him in almost a shiver motion, jerking slightly open for a split second before hiding behind him again. 
"You know...Maybe you're right" he spoke, his voice quiet, almost as if he were speaking to himself instead of me. I tore my eyes away from his to look back at the body, a young girl, no older than nineteen, heart gone and a lot of her guts too.
"Wait" I tilted my head trying to get a better look at what was attached to where her intestines used to be. 
"Hand me those tweezers please" I asked Gabriel, motioning towards the table behind him. He quickly handed them to me and I plucked the strange fibers off of the body.
"Well agent, any ideas?" Gabriel asked.
"That my lovely partner...Is wolf fur" I stated before adding
"So skinwalker"
"Or Dean-o was right and we are dealing with a skinwolf" Gabriel replied.
"Let's stick with werewalker" I spoke, pushing the body back into its freezer and tossing the gloves off on my way to the door.
"Skinwolf sounds like some really weird porno you'd find on the wrong side of the internet at like one in the morning" I laughed 
"You sound like you're speaking from experience, something you'd like to share with the class?" 
"Trust me, no, I'll leave all the weird stuff to my family" I told him before calling Dean to tell him what we had found, he explained that all three of the vics had gone hiking out at the major state park where their bodies were found. So I agreed to head there and we'd all check it out.
"So you're family, they hunters too?" Gabriel asked when I pulled back out onto the road.
"I'll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours" I smiled, watching him from the corner of your eye. I was hoping maybe some info on his family would help me figure out what he was because honestly the wings were throwing me. My first thought of course was an angel but...I had never met one before...I suppose there could be angels out there, perhaps in hiding or fallen, but if he was hiding why did he show his wings to every hunter? So maybe he was something else? His wings were sure majestic enough to be angelic that was for sure, I had noticed it when you left the police station, the way his wings seemed...brighter almost. They were lighter in color, the base of each feather now a burnt gold instead of bronze, to a lighter honey color at the tips, but what caught my eye was how much more they shined than they did at the diner.
'Maybe the color is attached to his mood?'
"Not much for me to say sweetcheeks, brothers are douches, love em to death but, and dad...dad left a while ago"  he stated, his voice lowering at the last part.
"Yeah my dad left a while ago too" I nodded.
"Is that the reason you started hunting?" He asked.
"Partially, after he left my mom got back together with her first husband..he's a hunter so..didn't take long for all us kids to get into it"
"How many siblings you got?"he asked
"Six counting step siblings. Got one half brother, two blood brothers, a step brother and step sister" Gabriel let out a low whistle that made me laugh.
"Yeah I know, the kicker, I'm the youngest out of them all" 
"Yeah me too, but, that just means that we are the final perfect outcome, all the others were just prototypes" he said with a wave of his hand. I couldn't stop the laugh even if I wanted to, and the look on his face almost made me wonder if his whole goal was to do just that.
"I am so using that at the next family gathering" I told him once I had finally caught my breath.
"So…"Gabriel started after a moment of silence.
"Have you ever wanted to do anything other than hunting?" He asked
"Don't really know" I shrugged
"I've been doing this since I was nine so" I stated.
"So? You've got your whole life ahead of you! Come on, ever wanted to travel?" He asked
"I do travel" I smirked, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Outside of the country, France, Italy, places like that"
"Oh, yeah I guess I always wanted to visit like England. But work keeps me pretty busy, and it's not like hunting really pays the bills" I laughed while pulling up into the park's entrance near Dean's car. You heard Gabriel mumble something as I got out, but it was too low for me to understand, and Dean started talking as soon as I got out. 
"So what did you find out?"
"That you may actually be right" I replied as I made your way over to them.
"That doesn't happen often" Sam joked, earning a glare from Dean.
"The vics were all missing hearts sure, but I found fur on one of them as well"
"Could just be an animal that left that" Sam added
"Wolf fur? Gray wolf fur? Not here in Florida" I replied
"How do you know it was wolf fur?" Dean asked
"My stepdad hunts, more than just monsters, I know my fur" I laughed. 
"Ok well, everyone have their silver?" Sam asked, to which I showed my two loaded pistols and knife. He and Dean nodded before leading the way, leaving Gabriel and I to trail behind.
"You always carry those around?" He asked, nodding towards my weapons.
"Always best to be prepared" I winked, watching as a smile spread on his lips and his wings ruffle behind him. I found myself once again curious about them, were they attached to his emotions? Could he move them like an actual bird? Or did they just kinda do their own thing? They were the same colors as in the car but now with the bright sunlight peeking through the trees, they shimmered much more when you weren't looking right at them, like only if you caught them out of your peripheral did they look like metal. The hike was fairly quiet, the sounds of our collective footfalls and the creatures of the forest the only things meeting my ears, nothing seemed out of place-until we all reached the middle of the park. I knew that there was an old ranger station out this far, had been since the park was zoned, but a while ago they decided to make a new ranger station closer to the trailhead and exit, figuring it would be better than in the middle if someone were to get lost out here. The sounds of a branch snapping behind us had both Gabriel and I turning to look, but not being able to see anything. 
"Gabriel?" Sam asked quietly while surveying our surroundings. 
"There's something there," he replied, eyes darting around the treeline. 
"Just one?" I asked, slowly reaching for my gun.
"No, there's four of them," he stated.
"Four?" Dean asked just before something lunged at him, knocking him over and causing him to let out a grunt.
"Dean!" Sam shouted, turning and shooting the beast as it pinned Dean, jaws snapping at his face while he pushed back. One clip in and finally the thing fell over, motionless beside Dean who quickly got up.
"What the hell is that?!" Dean shouted, wiping the things blood from his face.
"Werewalker" I replied, looking over at the beast who did in fact resemble the beast from every werewolf movie I had seen. The body not quite human but not quite wolf, shaggy gray fur covering the stretched skin, hands and feet now clawed appendages, and the face having a long snout filled with long sharp teeth. 
"Ok that...That isn't natural" Dean spoke, finally regaining his breath.
"Well one good thing, your gunshots and girlish screams chased the other three off" Gabriel stated, still looking around.
"I did not scream" Dean quickly defended, to which Gabriel simply smirked, man he really loved messing with them, and honestly it was quite comical how easily he could do it. 
"We need to find the others" Sam quickly spoke, getting everyone back on task.
"There is an old ranger station not far, that might be their hideout" I told them, already stepping ahead, we needed to get this done, and we needed to do it quickly, if these things got out of state it could lead to a trail of bloody bodies and fast. Gabriel quickly caught up, flanking my right but also slightly in front, the boys on my left. Man if a girl ever wanted to feel protected this was the group to hunt with. About fifteen more minutes of hiking and we could see the collapsing roof of the old station. The building had long since started to decay, broken windows from rowdy teens, and holes in the walls and roof from most likely the same cause. 
"Anything?" I asked, glancing over at Gabriel who's eyes were focused on the building.
"Two inside" 
"Werewalker or?" I inquired further, watching as he focused.
"One's just a skinwalker...The other" he started, trailing off as his eyes widened before he muttered "shit" just as something could be heard running through the trees to our right. Quickly pushing Gabriel aside I unloaded my clip into the beast as it leapt from the brush, dodging it as it's limp body fell to the ground where I had been standing. I was about to ask if he was ok when we heard more noise from our left, Sam and Dean were only able to get a few shots off before they found themselves thrown, Gabriel ran over, an odd silver blade in hand as he began to fight one of the beasts. I reached for my other gun, about to go help when I found myself face first on the ground, a weight holding me down as a growl echoed behind me.
"You stupid hunter bitch!" She yelled, before her weight left my back and I felt her gripping my collar, I reached back to grab her hand but soon I was sent flying. My body collided with the tree before I even felt it, a grunt slipping past my lips as I hit the ground. 
"Liz!" I could hear Dean yell while I tried to fight off the dizziness. 
"You three will not interfere!" She shouted, before letting out a whistle, which was soon followed by the growls and heavy footfalls of more beasts. Who the hell was this woman? Finding my balance I rose to my feet, gun in hand and pointed towards her before she turned to look at me again, a smile on her face revealing sharp teeth. She wasn't the same as them...she was just a werewolf.
"That's cute" she spoke, turning fully towards me now.
"So what did he tell you huh? Or did he just give you a fun night and you were hooked?" She asked, slowly advancing towards me.
"What?" My face showed true confusion at her words, what the hell was she talking about?
"Gabriel" she stated, as if that would explain everything.
"He won't stay, he'll just up and leave one day, no goodbye, no anything" she added...oh...oh she thinks.
"And you'll look everywhere for him, cause he was the only one that ever made you feel alive"
"Listen lady, I don't know what you think, but he and I just met today," I explained.
"Doesn't matter, you're an obstacle, and I'll be damned if I lose him again"she spoke, bolting forward and grabbing my gun before I could get off any shots, her other hand grabbing my wrist and slinging me into a nearby tree. I could hear more gunfire, everyone else still struggling with the werewalkers as I tried to grab my knife.
"Oh no you don't!" She yelled, punching me in the stomach before throwing me back towards the station. I gasped for the air I had lost upon impact, when her face came into view again, her body pinning mine down as her mouth stretched into a smile. I glanced around, Gabriel, was helping Sam finish off one beast while Dean quickly killed another, but what caught my eye was the silver knife nearby, within arms reach, it looked just like the one Gabriel held but he still had his, so this must have fallen off one of the boys? At that moment I didn't care, looking back at the woman as she hovered closer.
"You know, I would turn you, make you one of my pack, but you see...You'd still be in the way..so I think I'll just kill you instead, easier that way" she spoke, mouth opening and starting to lunge forward when her body halted, mouth slowly closing while her eyes widened and she leaned back, examining the blade that now protruded from her ribcage.
"You're right killing is easier" I told her, watching as she slowly fell to the side, her body still as I yanked the blade out of her heart. I pushed her body fully off of me and stood, looking over at the boys who looked just as disheveled. I turned back to the station, remembering Gabriel had said there was a skinwalker in there as well, but the sight I was met with wasn't what I was expecting. A young boy, no older than eighteen was chained to the wall, the lower half of his body already changing to that of one of the beasts. 
"What the hell?" I heard Dean's rough voice ask beside me, we all looked at the kid, barely breathing and too weak to even open his eyes, but somehow found his voice.
"Please" he begged, his pitiful noise causing my eyes to tear up.
"Don't let me become like them" he added, we all looked at him for a moment, this poor kid, life barely begun and he was already a skinwalker...Now he was becoming...Something even worse. I looked away as Dean lifted his gun, seeming to be the only one that had the will to give into the kids request. The sharp sound of the shot rang out and my body jumped a bit, before feeling a hand rest on my shoulder, I looked up to be met with a comforting honey gaze and I nodded at his unspoken message 'it was for the best'.
 Night had fallen by the time we had dug a hole big enough to put all the bodies in and we stood for a moment after Dean threw the match.
"So..I have a question" I started.
"I have a lot- Like who the hell was that?" Dean added as we all looked at Gabriel, who never took his eyes off the fire.
"Her name was Sophia, we met...a while ago"he started
"We had a fling for a bit and then it ended, I'm all for getting crazy, but she was an animal in bed" he added, trying to lighten the mood, but if the resting bitch faces Sam and Dean were giving him were anything to go by, it wasn't working.
"So you mean I almost got killed by your crazy ex girlfriend?" I asked, arms crossed.
"One, I didn't think I would ever see her again, and two, your handled yourself beautifully sugarplum, even against an alpha, you two boneheads need to take notes from this one" Gabriel spoke, gesturing towards me, but his last quip wasn't what caught the boys ears, or mine.
"Alpha?!" I asked, looking down at the now burnt body.
"That was an Alpha?" Sam asked, eyes never leaving Gabriel's form while Dean looked upset.
"Liz just went toe to toe with a fucking alpha?" 
"And she won! She's a lot tougher than she looks." He smiled, walking up behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. 
"You son of a-" Dean started but I cut off his no doubt, bloody rant about killing Gabe.
"That's how she was turning them so easily, the Skinwalkers" 
"Seems like it, Sophia always said she would do anything to make her pack strong again"Gabriel confirmed.
"I wonder if the bunker has anything about alphas doing stuff like this in the past" Sam spoke, by his quiet tone I knew he was speaking more to himself than anyone else but his words made my ears perk up.
"Bunker?" I asked.
"Yeah it's…" he started but seemed unsure on how to proceed.
"Our home" Dean provided, looking over at Sam.
"Home" I nodded, sure I had a family, but home wasn't something I had for a while. We kinda jumped from safe house to safe house making sure everyone was ok. As if sensing my declining mood, Gabriel draped his arm around my shoulder, the body heat seeping through my cardigan and warming the skin I hadn't even realized was cold. But what really caught my attention was the golden wing that also came to wrap around me as well, the fire causing a more orange glow to overtake the gold, but they still shimmered in the flickering light, and they almost seemed...Fuller. 
"How about we go grab some food, I know I could eat, how about you sweets?" He asked, his face inches from mine as I watched the light of the fire dance across his honey gaze, almost causing them to become the same color as his wings. 
"Yeah, I could eat" I nodded.
"Alright, let's head out"Dean spoke, turning to leave. 
"And uh, if you don't have any more cases...You can come back to the bunker with us, there's plenty of room" Sam suggested, Dean looking back as they both waited for my answer, I thought for a moment, all I really did was travel from case to case, it would be nice to rest for a bit. 
"I'd like that" I smiled, Sam's grin mirroring mine while Dean gave a small smirk. We all began to walk towards the trailhead but I noticed that Gabriel hadn't followed, looking back I noticed he was still by the fire, staring at the now pile of ashes.
'He must be remembering the times he had with her' I thought, and for some reason that thought made my stomach feel uneasy, confused I pushed those feelings aside, they didn't make sense anyways, instead my gaze landed again on Gabriel before I called out.
"You comin' sweetie?" My voice seemingly knocking him out of whatever trance he was in because his head soon lifted so that our eyes locked once more, but this time there was something different in his stare and I watched as his wings rose high above him, stretching out to their full size. The thick mass of feathers glinting in an unearthly way in the flickering light, and for a moment it didn't seem like I was looking at a human form, instead I could almost make out a golden light, something that both held form and didn't, something that seemed ancient and unknown. My breath caught in my throat and I wondered for what felt like the hundredth time today just what he was. Our stare never broke, and I realized what I was seeing lingering in his stare...Determination.
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I hope everyone enjoyed part 1! Let me know what you think! Please stay tuned for part 2 and if you would like to be added to a tag list for this story let me know!
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
status | keigo takami x reader
a/n: hello! here is chapter four of this hawks multi part fic :) don’t worry, y/n is a little nicer here
previously: chapter three
pairing: kiego (hawks) takami x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: cursing
links: playlist | wattpad
taglist: @mixfi​ @lilacskyura​ @katsuhoee​ @star-mum​ @moonlightinsanity​ @domhoni​
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Y/N was waiting for Keigo by the set. Ruisu was so perplexed to the fact that she had even given the guy a chance. Like she said, it would take a miracle.
Keigo came down, his wet blond hair brushed back.
"God he's dreamy," Ruisu mumbled.
"Shut up," Y/N hissed.
Keigo gave a small wave as he walked over.
"Ready to go?" Y/N asked.
She laughed and tapped his head.
"C'mon Hawks, I know you're not thick. We're going out remember?"
He blinks and nods, a slight blush rushing to his cheeks.
"Right!" He extends his hand and Y/N huffs before taking it. They walk out to the parking lot, Ruisu snickering at how Y/N is managing to keep her composure.
"You ready?" Keigo asked, turning to the confused model.
"Where's your car?"
"Car?" He laughed. "No no, we're flying."
He laughed more as her eyes widened.
"What? No no no-"
In one swift movement, Keigo wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close, his wings spreading. With one large 'flap' they were in the air. Y/N screamed and clung to him for dear life.
"You good?"
"You are so lucky I'm quirkless, you little-"
Keigo brought them higher in the air and began to fly themselves over the city before Y/N could spew any insults at him. At first, she buried her face in his chest, terrified to look out at the city below them.
"Look," He said sweetly. Slowly but surely, Y/N turned her head around. A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked out. They were flying high above the sky scrappers. If Keigo wanted, he could've sat themselves down at the Iron Tower of Tokyo. But he continued flying, grinning whenever Y/N whispered a "woah" or "holy shit". He dipped down, causing her to grip tightly to his shirt. Gently, he landed on his feet, Y/N holding onto him like a koala.
"We're here."
Y/N blinked and slowly let go of him. She looked up at him, a wide smile spreading across her face.
She couldn't lie to him, not after that. Despite whatever hatred she had for the hero, she couldn't contain her joy. The ride over the city was my exhilarating than any first-class seating on a plane.
Keigo on the other hand was shocked by her reaction. Was he already getting through to her?
She spun around and stopped seeing Keigo admiring her. She stopped, cleared her throat, and patted herself down.
"So where are we?"
He frowned, seeing her go back to her stoic self.
"Uh, you like sushi?"
She cocked her brow and folded her arms.
"This is Japan, everyone likes sushi."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm, pulling her inside the restaurant with him.
"Table for two?"
Keigo nodded as the host grabbed the menus and brought them to a table.
Y/N sat down and instantly picked up the menu. All she had in her system was tea and water so she was starving.  
Keigo watched her as her eyes raked the menu. Fresh from her shower, her hair was all-natural and she didn't have a single bit of makeup on. She looked more beautiful to him than anytime she had been photoshopped by a big-time magazine.
The waiter soon came over and asked for their drinks.
"I'll have a malibu sunset please," Y/N beamed. It was true she was incredibly polite to everyone she met. That was one thing the press was never allowed to butcher.
"I'll take a long island iced tea."
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him and kicked him directly in the shin, the point of her stiletto stabbing him.
"OW! O-oh, uh please?"
She smiled, "Better."
The waiter nodded and walked off to get the drinks.
"You're really a stickler for manners huh?"
"Well, you don't get anywhere in life being a jerk."
Keigo nodded slowly, only to be cut off by a teen girl.
"O-oh my god, you're Y/N Megami!"
Y/N turned to the girl and gave her bright smile.
"Hey! Yep that's me."
"C-can I get your autograph? And a selfie?!"
"Of course!"
Y/N proceeded to sign the girl's napkin and asked her about her day, where she was from, even what she was ordering. She posed with a happy expression in the selfie and hugged the fan tightly. She waved her goodbye as the girl scurried back to her table.
Keigo was watching her every move. He knew he had a high approval rating, he was so charismatic with his fans. But Y/N truly had him beat. She made her fans feel as if they were the only two people in the room. And she showed how much they really meant to her.
Y/N turned back to Keigo, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Sorry about that, you were saying?"
Even when she hated him, she was polite.
"Well I-"
Keigo was cut off once more by the waiter placing their drinks and a bread basket in front of them. Y/N moaned at the sight of the bread, stuffing a piece in her mouth.
She nodded, her cheeks full of bread.
A flicker of light out of the corner of Kiego's eye had caught his attention. He turned around to see a flock of paparazzi standing outside the window, watching the two of them.
Y/N turned to see what he was looking at. She swallowed the bread hastily and gave the paparazzi a wave and a smile. The paparazzi took notice, some of them giving surprised grins that she had acknowledged them.
This really took Keigo off guard. She was nice to paparazzi too?
She took a sip of her cocktail when it dawned on her. She could use Kiego- Hawk's- no. 2 status for her own gain. What a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone, pun intended.
Slyly, she reached out to hold Kiego's hand across the table.
His cheeks grew pink, but he quickly cleared his throat, hoping the paparazzi wouldn't catch him acting so soft.
Y/N placed her chin in her other hand and gave him her best face of admiration.
"So, Keigo," she said purring his name. "Tell me about the man behind the number two hero."
She wrapped her lips around her straw, gazing at him with suggestive eyes.
He smirked softly.
"You have Google. My life has been televised since I was a child. You, however, all that is ever seen of you is photographs. So who are you really Megami?"
Y/N paused, taken aback by his confidence. For a moment she had forgotten who she was dealing with. She needed to be craftier.
"Well, you already know I model. I don't have a quirk-"
"Cut the shit Y/N, I know there's more to you than being pretty and quirkless."
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Ménage (7/13ish)
SFW. A human makes a rash decision. A demon and an angel talk. Continued verbal snarkiness. 
@thewolfisapartofmysoul @beetlewise-and-pennyjuice @dilfyjuice @yogsathot @janitor-boy Enjoy! ~
Once the room was empty of all non-human persons, Molly let the towel fall as she grasped at her chest, her heart aching behind her ribs, body responding in kind to the chaos of her current situation. What was she going to do? She wasn’t about to send Beetlejuice away, even if he was a demon; she knew the loneliness in his eyes all too well, and besides, he had been nothing but kind to her. This angel, on the other hand . . .
Her jaw set, teeth grinding together, still furious. How dare he waltz into her home like he hadn’t been standing by twiddling his thumbs while she suffered. How dare he try to make her get rid of the one thing that had made her feel less empty since her family died. How dare he try to act as if he had her best interests at heart. Hands shaking, she got dressed, towel-drying her hair and combing it out with her fingers. Molly wasn’t about to stand for this, not in her own home. If she could summon a demon, surely she could banish an angel.
It took an incredible amount of willpower to open the door and leave the relative safety of her bedroom to walk out into her living room, where the two entities stood icily surveying the other. The tension was so thick, it could be cut with a knife and spread it on toast. Without speaking to either, she went and grabbed the grimoire she used to summon Beetlejuice, flipping through the pages. Most of the herbs she had here already, the others were easy enough to find. Her eyes were uncharacteristically cold as she looked up at the angel.
Beetlejuice scratched the hair on his stomach, just to emphasize the fact that he wasn't going to cover himself just because an angel wanted him too.
"For someone who gets off watching people without them knowing, you're such a prude," he said off-handedly, then listened with faux interest about rules, procedures, and structures. He snorted wordlessly when the angel tried to collect himself and pull his "superior than thou" attitude back in place.
He didn't miss the look on the angel's face when he looked back at Molly's bedroom door. His face softened, just a little.
Beetlejuice rolled his eyes. Everybody knew angels got off on hosannas and basking in the Light, not gross icky things like physical touch.
When Molly reappeared, clothed but with her damp hair a deeper shade of blue that he associated closer to depression than not, he took some steps forward to take her hand. The set of her face, however, made him stutter step and not get too close.
“I’m not sending him away. I called him here, and I’ll take whatever consequences that comes with,”  Molly announced to the room, although it was obviously directed towards the angel. “You, on the other hand, are trespassing, and if you won’t leave, then I’ll make you.”
He watched with bright eyes her going back to her altar and flipping through her grimoire, and laughed out loud when she spun on the angel who was still trying his best to be politely interested but was also obviously worried and exasperated.
Beetlejuice licked his teeth as he grinned in triumph.
"This is priceless," he crowed. "It must burn pretty bad--pun totally intended--to see how free will is a fundamental right, unlike what the Big Guy might say!
At this point, Dewey was wondering if actually strangling this demon could count as an act of holy smiting, because he was so close to doing it anyway. Especially after that crack about free will. He took a deep breath, trying to push aside his annoyance, trying to push aside the sting of Molly looking at him with near hatred in her eyes.
“Molly, sweetheart, you can’t banish me. Guardians can’t be sent away, they have to remain near their charges.”
It was written all over her face how tenuous her emotional state was, and although he wanted nothing more than to send his fist flying right into the demon’s smug, crowing face, he ruffled a hand back through his hair and forced himself to calm down.
“Let’s . . . let’s just sit down and talk. Okay?”
Molly wanted to scream that she didn’t care if the spell didn’t work, she at least had to try, but deep down, she knew the simple banishing spell in the grimoire wouldn’t be strong enough to handle any celestial, let alone her guardian angel. A sob nearly clawed its way out of her throat, but she closed the book in defeat.
“So . . . what, I’m just stuck with you? You can’t just poof yourself invisible again? I don’t see why not, you seemed so comfortable with it before.”
She couldn’t help it, her chest physically ached with the need to be near someone, and she breezed past the angel to wrap her arms around Beetlejuice’s waist.
“This is a fucking nightmare,” she murmured, her face half buried in his chest.
After a moment or two, Molly spoke again. “All right. Fine. You wanna talk? Let’s talk.”
She gently pushed on the demon’s chest, guiding him back toward the couch and sitting, curling up close to his side.
It didn’t escape him, the suggestive licking of his lips or the intimate caress of his fingers over her stomach. It also didn’t escape him that the demon was purposefully trying to provoke him, trying to lord his supposed “claim” to her over him. His cheeks flared red and hot, but he simply shot the smirking demon a glare before he sunk onto the floor, sitting cross legged, hands fidgeting in his lap. He’d been hoping just he and Molly could talk, but at this point, Dewey didn’t think he could persuade her to be alone with him. Honestly, he couldn’t blame her.
“I know this must all seem like a bit much all at once,” he began, wishing she would at least look at him, “and you have every right to be angry with me. If I was in your position, I’d be angry too. But this?” He nodded toward the demon, whose smirk was beginning to fade. “This is dangerous. I don’t think you realize how much. It’s not just your life that’s at stake here, Molly, its your soul. Demons are manipulative, they can’t be trusted, they can’t be tamed or domesticated or whatever it is you planned to do. He will end up killing you at some point, if he loses control or just gets bored. It’s what they do. It’s in their nature to crave chaos and suffering.
“And when he does kill you, after you let him mark you? You run the risk of never being able to see your family again.”
Dewey was leaning forward now, as if bowed beneath the gravity of the situation.
Molly was only half-listening, at least until the angel proclaimed that Beej would kill her. She let out a scoff and rolled her eyes; he had no idea what he was talking about. Beej had been nothing but gentle with her, asking what she wanted, looking after her comfort. He couldn’t possibly be as evil as the angel said he was. And yet . . . some little voice, no louder than a whisper but so persistent, murmured that as an angel, he would have more experience with demons. Wouldn’t he know how they operated? She hadn’t known Beetlejuice terribly long, what made her so sure he wasn’t manipulating her? Her arms tightened around him; she didn’t like having these thoughts, hated the idea that he could willfully harm her.
When he mentioned seeing her family again, her eyes finally drifted to him.
“That’s a low fucking blow,” she muttered, her heart wrenching in her chest.  “So, what? I’m supposed to banish him, repent of my sins, be born again, that whole schtick?” Molly sighed, dropping her embrace to lean forward on the couch. “Look. I’m still angry with you. But I understand you may not have had a choice, either. I can’t make you leave, but I won’t make him leave; he’s got every right to be here, and I don’t regret summoning him. My life isn’t going to change just because you suddenly decided to show up.”
Beetlejuice liked that the angel sat on the ground, wings folded tightly behind his back, his hands tapping, entwining themselves, unable to be still. The pink on his cheeks, too, made him grin. An angel choosing to sit in an inferior position, blushing . . . some incredibly infernal thoughts slipped though his mind as he looked down on the uninvited guest.
Beetlejuice was brought back to the matter at hand and any naughty scenarios evaporated like vapor when the angel started talking to Molly about him, like he wasn't even present.
Okay, so he had manipulated people. He had hurt people. He had killed people. It was a little hazy in his memory if he did it because he was bored. Chaos? Yes. Control over whether or not a person goes to the Light or not, just because he'd fucked them?
Please. Nobody had that kind of power.
He growled, "I told you I didn't coerce her to come here and I actively told her to send me away!" while Molly herself jumped to his defense. Semi-defense? There was a little acknowledgment that the angel didn't have much choice in his lot, either?
His grip tightened as she accused him of playing dirty. It wasn't overtly possessive, this hug; he knew the pain of losing people you cared about. He doubted the angel could understand it.
The sting of her seeming to have some slight recognition of the angel's predicament was squashed by her conviction she wasn't going to send him away.
"Molly, baby," he said quietly, into her ear, while looking at the angel. "I've enjoyed my time with you. I think you did too. And then this angel, this appointed guardian, this holy dental dam for your soul, just shows up out of the blue? He hasn't even told you his name. He seems to expect so much instant trust from you, but he hasn't even given you that?"
Dewey wanted to be angry with the demon for insinuating that he could possibly be the manipulator, but . . . he couldn’t. As much as he hated to admit it, the demon had a point. Angels weren’t supposed to share their names with their charges--names held power, encouraged familiarity. Angels were meant to be above that. Even so, he couldn’t help himself from blurting it out.
“Dewey,” he said softly. “My name is Dewey.” In the interest of transparency, he took a deep breath, and began talking. “I died back in the seventies, I think maybe seventy-eight or seventy-nine. I fell asleep at the wheel and crashed. I was appointed to you when you were thirteen; you were my first charge.”
A rather fond smile crossed his face, thinking back to that time before tragedy touched her life, remembering her as she was and could never be again.
“I remember being proud of you for sneaking CD’s past your parents, even though I shouldn’t have been. I always felt just a little proud of you when you rebelled.”
That was a secret he had promised to keep to himself, but he wanted Molly to trust him, wanted her to know him.
Molly leaned back against her demon as the angel spoke, giving her his name, a rush of details spilling from his lips as if determined to be as forthcoming as possible. It was interesting to learn about his past, to learn that he really hadn’t been an angel for terribly long, to learn that she was his first charge. Idly, her fingers brushed back and forth across Beetlejuice’s arm, as if seeking contact subconsciously. Despite his previous absence in her life, despite his apparent hatred of the demon she had summoned and his insistence that she had made a mistake, he didn’t seem bad. Just like a regular person stuck with a bad job.  
When he was finished, she raked her fingers back through her air, fluffy and waved from air drying. Conflict tugged at her heart; if they weren’t two opposing forces, she almost wouldn’t mind them both staying. If they could learn to behave, to refuse their natures for the sake of peace, then it could even be nice to have them around. Her voice was decidedly softer when she spoke again.
“Look. Either both of you go, or no one goes. Since you can’t leave, you’re just going to have to be okay with Beej being here. He could have hurt me so many times last night, but he didn’t. I don’t believe that he would. So you’re just going to have to learn to live with him.”
As if that settled the matter, she got to her feet. “I’m going to make coffee, and if anybody wants some, let me know.”
It felt odd, to just walk into her kitchen and start up the coffeemaker like it was any other morning. But with all that had transpired in the last twenty-four hours, she needed a bit of normalcy now more than ever.
Beetlejuice let her up and said that he'd like coffee, black as sin, and put it in the microwave so it'd be even hotter after it was brewed. He watched her walk out of the room with his eyes on the swing of her hips, then he turned back to the angel, still on the floor. He caught the holy being also watching Molly's ass. He cocked his head as possessive rage flared in him, but he tamped it down for the moment as things the angel had confessed drifted through his head.
A curl swept across Dewey's brow as he nodded at Molly, murmuring that he’d have whatever she was having, his eyes trailing after her like a lovesick puppy as she retreated into the kitchen. Part of him wanted to join her there, as he had done every morning she had lived in this house, but he forced himself to stay put, folded up on the floor, looking up at a glowering demon.  
"You were alive," Beetlejuice said. It came out a little more accusatory than maybe he'd meant it. "I thought guardian angels--well, all angels, really--were shavings off the Big Man. I figured guardian angels were pariahs of the pack. Everyone else gets to be close to the alpha, while you're stuck slaving away near stinky, sweaty, gross humans. I never would've guessed you were alive once too."
The realization that he didn't know as much about angels as he thought--plus the more sudden, shittier realization that he probably would've taken the same deal to be close to people if it'd been offered--made him close his mouth sharply. He conjured a cigarette to cover his sudden discomfort that he could've been trapped in the same situation. Taking a drag on it, he changed his train of thought.
"So Dewey, huh? You don't look Welsh. Was that what you were actually named, or something you picked after--" He pointed upward with the cigarette between his first two fingers. "--because it sounded like something in nature, and God's all about that?"
He sighed, expecting to be repulsed by the smell of cigarette smoke but finding it oddly familiar; he didn’t remember most of his human life, but every now and then he caught snippets. Did he smoke? Perhaps he had loved someone who did.
“Most guardian angels were humans once. Most have been angels so long they’ve forgotten how to be human.” His gaze fell down to his hands, which had begun to fidget in his lap again. “The Heaven-born angels . . . kind of look down on the job. So it’s given to us.”
Spilling himself to Molly seemed to have opened some kind of floodgates, and demon or not, it was still a nice change to be able to talk to someone.
“People that are deemed worthy are given a choice when they die. Enter the Light, or become a guardian. If you become a guardian, you can’t be in the Light, so you lose your chance to reunite with passed loved ones. Most choose the Light. I didn’t have any family to speak of, and . . . being dead kind of messed me up. I just wanted to be back on earth, with people. If I’d known how lonely it was . . . ”
He stopped himself, cleared his throat. “Yeah. That was my name before I died. Dewey Finn.”
Molly could hear them speaking from the kitchen, and let loose a sigh of relief when their voices weren’t raised in anger or accusation. Perhaps they could learn to get along. Maybe this didn’t have to be the gigantic clusterfuck it had started out as. She poured a cup to Beetlejuice’s specifications, nuking it for three minutes to get it near boiling while she poured a cup for herself and Dewey, adding cream and sugar to lighten the brew. Arranging the mugs on a tray, she stopped and took a deep breath, steeling herself to return to the tension of the living room.
That tension, she was grateful to find, had eased somewhat, the two still holding a remarkably civil conversation. She set the tray on the coffee table and settled back against the demon’s side, cradling her mug in her hands like a living thing, warm and soothing. After a moment, she sighed.
“Dewey, why don’t you come up here? You don’t have to sit on the floor, there’s room on the couch.”
Molly figured that as long as he got to hold her close, Beetlejuice wouldn’t be as opposed to an angel sharing the space.
He shifted his cigarette from one hand to the other, the one over the arm of the couch he was lazing against to fold Molly back into his side. Her invitation for the angel to join them made him tense, but he'd already ignored his baser instincts to talk to him, so him sitting at the other end of the couch shouldn't be a problem. Even if it was the spot he'd asked Molly to finger herself so he could watch.
He grinned to himself at the memory as Dewey gingerly settled onto the cushions.
"Dewey the angel was just telling me about how there's uppity snobs up there, shitting on the confused, newly deceased. Making them take jobs they don't want, so they can grovel and continue to feel superior to the masses. Isn't that right, Dewey?" he said conversationally.
He took a drag, then set the cigarette down on the coffee table, lit end out as he took his scalding cup of coffee. As he brought it to his mouth, he continued,
"Kinda makes you think the angels that never had anything to do with people don't really embody the whole "forgiveness and love everyone" vibe that's supposed to be the driving force up there."
As he took a mouthful of the scalding, burnt coffee, he didn't miss Dewey's glance to the cigarette he'd put aside.
"You want a smoke?" he asked. Anyone else, he'd probably just pass the one he'd all ready taken a drag from, but he didn't think that'd fly.
Instead, he tapped his finger to his thumb and like a magic trick, a fresh cigarette appeared between them. He twirled it and offered to the angel with raised eyebrows.
He was grateful for the invitation, grateful that Molly was allowing him closer, and he smiled as he all but scrambled up onto the couch, blissfully unaware of the carnal activities that had taken place there the night previous. As soon as clothes had started coming off, he’d retreated to her basement, where he couldn’t see or hear them. In the light of the day, the action felt cowardly, especially since he’d been professing moments ago that demons only had lethal intentions for humans.
The first sip of coffee nearly made his eyes roll back in his head; he’d forgotten how much he loved the stuff, and it was all he could do not to slurp it down immediately. Over his cup, his eyes narrowed at the demon, casual insults disguised with a conversational tone. Truthfully, they didn’t sting as much as he thought they would; he wasn’t exactly wrong about the angelic hierarchy. The celestials higher on the totem pole tended to be aloof, their noses turned up at the notion of humans. It was their prerogative to look after the Boss’s favorite creation, but they always did so with an air of superiority. Dewey himself thought they were snobby and standoffish, but that wasn’t just something you said. Besides, it’s not like angels had an HR department to complain to.
“They just want what’s best,” he said in a lame attempt to defend them. “They don’t know what being human means, they don’t make mistakes or let their emotions get the better of them. They don’t understand why humans are so . . . messy. I think that’s why its people like me that get the guardian jobs. Because we do know.”
He was a bit surprised at the offering of a cigarette, even more surprised that the demon had picked up on his brief, longing look.
Dewey nodded, even managed a stiff smile as he took the offered cigarette, snapping his fingers to light it. The first drag reminded him that oh yes, he did smoke cigarettes, and the curling of smoke in his lungs plus the coffee? He almost felt human again.  
“Thank you.”
Molly nearly drove her elbow into Beetlejuice’s side at the uncalled-for jab against celestials, but she let it go when Dewey didn’t seem offended beyond a half-hearted glare. He, at least, seemed to be backing down from the territorial back and forth. Then, to her surprise and relief, Beetlejuice offered a cigarette. Both sides seemed to be attempting to make peace, and she was grateful for that. Playing referee for a demon and an angel for the foreseeable future didn’t exactly sound fun.
She settled more firmly against her demon, her head against his chest as she watched Dewey take another drag from his cigarette with apparent delight.
“I’m going to have to invest in some ash trays,” she murmured off-handedly, smiling despite herself.
Perhaps this could  work, and if it did . . . it would seem all the lonely souls in this house would get what they wanted.  Mug half-drained, she sighed and looked at the angel, curled up into a tight ball on the opposite end of the couch.
“It’s strange that you’re still defending them,” she said lightly, not meaning to offend him but merely offering her point of view. “You don’t seem like the type of person that likes following rules, Dewey. You said yourself you were proud of me whenever I’d rebel against my parents. So why do you bend over backwards to uphold the rules of a system that looks down on you?
“Why not rebel a little yourself?”
Beetlejuice snorted into his coffee.
“Oh baby, even I know the answer to that question if everything in the Bible is 100% true. Which I'm sure it is," he smirked.
 Dewey ignored the crack about the Bible, shaking his head.
“Rebellion is . . . not well received upstairs,” he said lowly, his gaze dropping to his lap as he took another drag on the cigarette. “Besides . . . ” The words seemed to catch in his throat, and again, he blushed. “I like  watching over you. I like being near you. I’ve been around you for so long, watched you grow up and change . . .”
Somehow, he shrunk further into himself, his voice a barely audible murmur. “I don’t want to risk not being with you.”
He was sure it would seem like a weakness to the demon, this need to be near his charge, and oh, if only he knew the thoughts, the fantasies he’d had about her . . .
Well. Neither of them needed to know.
Molly sighed but didn’t press the subject, draining her cup and getting back to her feet.
“I’m just saying. You don’t really seem like you fit very well within their rules.”
She stretched, a slice of bare stomach visible as her shirt rode up, and pushed her hair back from her forehead, the waves spilling over her shoulder.
“I’m gonna find something you two can use as an ashtray before you track ash all over my carpet.” Her soft smile removed any sting of scold from her statement, tossed over her shoulder as she went to rummage through her kitchen for a suitable substitute ashtray.
He let his fingers trail on her as she got up again. After she'd left the room once more, he looked over at the angel shrewdly. That blush on his cheeks was back, and Beetlejuice knew he hadn't missed the familiar touch.
"Would you lose your wings? You know, if you told them to kiss your ass?" he asked. "I've seen demons with wings, but it's more an aesthetic thing. Most don't bother, or have . . . other adornments."
Like an idiot, his line of questioning left the door open  for return queries of a personal nature about himself, so he interrupted it with a huge mouthful of coffee. It'd grown a little cold but he drank it anyway.
After half a second had passed with no reply--it was occasionally difficult for him to remember other beings may need some time to answer--he continued in a slightly different vein.
"I'm sure you'll think this next thing I'm gonna say this because I'll get some kind of infernal gold star or be next in line for a promotion or something, but that's not it. I'm a little outside their specific jurisdiction. So . . . if you rebel,  what's stopping you from seeing her?"
The line of questioning surprised him a little, made him pause, and so left him equally unprepared to answer the second question the demon lobbed his way. His cheeks burned; he had never hated his tendency to blush under strain more. Honestly, there was so much about being an angel that was a mystery to him-by their standards, he was still considered a rookie, wet behind the ears.
“Rebelling against heaven isn’t something that should be desired,” he said, more for himself than for Beetlejuice. “But . . . if I was cast out, then I guess there wouldn’t be anything stopping me. Theoretically.”
He huffed and drained his coffee cup, chasing it immediately with a lungful of bitter smoke. “But it’s my duty to protect her. I can’t . . . I can’t leave that behind just because I . . .”
He stopped himself, cleared his throat. Better not to admit those pesky human wants and desires out loud, especially in front of the present company.
“And as far as my wings go, I’m not sure. They’re a physical part of my body, so they can’t just be stripped. They’d have to physically cut them off of me.” Dewey couldn’t help a shudder at the thought. “If the crime is particularly bad, I think they remove the wings. At the very least, you get banished to Earth permanently.”
He couldn’t be sure if it was being in the presence of a demon, or being able to talk to the woman he’d been guarding for so long, but with each moment that passed, rebelling seemed like more and more like an appealing concept. So what if he lost his wings? So what if he betrayed perhaps the highest power to ever exist? So what if he abandoned his post and lost the ability to protect her? Being able to hold her and kiss her whenever he wanted would make it all worth it.
But the sobering reality of it all was that if he did give it all up for her, he had no way of knowing if she would return his affections. What if he rebelled and she rejected him? He’d be left with nothing, with no purpose, no home, no reason for being. The risk was too high. Besides, what was he doing talking about it to a demon?
“Again, this is all hypothetical.”
 tbc . . .
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pacifistofpatience · 5 years
omg gilded cage with sf! sans please!!
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Warnings; Mentions of Gaslighting, Kidnapping
You never thought of yourself as lucky, but when you met Sans you started to reconsider.
You two had met by accident. Apparently the company you worked with was trying to become more diverse, and by some miracle your Boss was able to set up a meeting with the Queen of Monsters herself. As one of the most reliable people of the company (And a pretty good people-person that your Boss assumed made you a halfway decent Monster-person as well) you were brought along as a buffer. As terrified as you had been to meet the Queen of Monsters, all that seemed to dissolve when you locked eyes with the skeletal Monster flanking her side. 
He just… Looked so cool! With all his armor and scars! What else were you supposed to do other then decide he was going to be your friend!!
The meeting had been tense at first. Your Boss and the other humans were stepping on eggshells at the Queens unwavering glare. And you had tried to lighten the mood, staying calm under pressure in a way you never thought possible. While you were sure the group would come to an agreement at some point, it didn't sit well with you if everyone left as nervous as they were.
But an opportunity came up, somewhere along the line someone just had to say something that your mind clicked together all too rapidly as your dumbass mouth opened up and…
And fucking punned.
A beat passed over the room. One where you could feel the others glaring daggers at your back as you tried to gloss over the pun with more facts and figures. Only to stop mid-sentence when Queen Toriel roared with laughter. You found your entire body twisting to face her and watched as she sprouted a few more of her own puns in turn.
So, tentatively, you fired back.
The meeting turned out a little better than expected. And you left feeling as if the world clicked into place. That is, until the Skeleton monster intercepted you on your way out of the building. Under his gaze you felt like an animal of prey, waiting to be pounced on. And then he punned, and you were left standing there as he vanished. Confused, but beyond relieved.
With a business deal in place with the Queen you started seeing both her and the Skeletal monster- Sans was his name- more often. When you knew they would visit you took extra time out of your day to greet them, or to bring them something from the local monster store on your coffee run. Soon enough it was expected of you to show up for meetings, either there to actually work or to simply lighten the mood; something your Boss was forever grateful for. And next came the point where Sans started bringing in food for not only Queen Toriel, but for you as well. Which lead to him taking you out for food one night when the both of you had forgotten to bring some. Which, then, ended with you sitting across from him in a dress he specifically helped you pick out. Candles on the absolutely stunning restaurant’s table that Sans insisted you try at least once, heck! Hell even pay for it! 
It clicked in you then. A day later you finally found the courage to ask him out, only for him to bark out a loud laugh as he said “OH! MY DEAR! I BELIEVE YOU ARE AT LEAST… FIVE DATES BEHIND ME!”
Of course, you at least wanted to make it official. So he agreed.
Sans didn’t speak much about himself at first. What little tidbits you did get about his life you held onto viciously. Scouring them away in your memory or writing little notes down for yourself. Maybe it was a little odd but you didn't want to forget anything about the Skeleton Monster that was very quickly capturing your heart and soul. 
When Sans finally began to open up, you found yourself running out of paper.
At first it was little things, stories about his not so wonderful life in the Underground. Little silly tales that you soon learned he embellished somewhat in order to make you laugh. Gentle teasing that made your heart melt in a way no one else had ever done before that told you more about his personality then any small conversation would. A kindness he only showed in small gestures, ones that no one would have caught had they not known him well enough.
Sans spoke about his brother in excess, though. A sweet, lanky guy who- at the suggestion of a close friend- choose to try to live on his own in order to become a little bit more independent. And while you didn't know exactly why this Rus guy needed to spread his wings- had it been you, you were sure you would have spent the rest of your life with such a sweet older brother - you never asked. Sans never looked like he wanted to explain why, and the look of absolute dismay whenever he mentioned it always made the question halt before it could leave your lips. 
You wish there was some sort of tell as to what would happen next. But there wasn't, Sans was far too meticulous of a Monster. Careful with his words and so smart that you were sure you would have never caught on even if he had slipped up. A little bit of gaslighting there, steady hands leading you in a direction you had though was of your own volition. And you, gosh, maybe you really were just naive. Just so hopeful.
But one day Sans lead you into this beautiful mansion- a spot he had bought out right after reaching the surface- for a one month vacation he talked you into finally taking. After all, you worked so hard, and all he wanted to do was take care of you. And you believed him so easily. Even as he walked out of the house to get your bags, you waited for him oh so happily.
And like the lock very much outside of the house; Everything. Clicked. Into place.
At first you knocked on the door. Giving a gentle call to Sans as you did so. Laughing a little  because it seemed so ridiculous to have a lock on the outside of a mansion like this! What if someone tried to get in! Wasn't that dangerous! But when the door didn't work with a growing unease you walked briskly to the windows, opening one with a breath of relief as you…
...Saw the bars, far too thick to be pulled apart and too close together to squeeze through. You shut the window and shot back over to the door.
“Sans!” you called out, knocking at the door, “Sans! What--What’s happening! Sans!”
There was no response. Your knocking quickly turned into pounding as you called his name louder, voice cracking in fear as you tried to desperately reason out why he had locked you in like this. He couldn't have-- he would never--- Sans was too kind to--
But he did.
Your legs gave out, giving the door one last knock as you broke into sobs. 
Despite the wish that this had all been an accident, there was no doubt in your mind that Sans intended to keep you locked in this mansion. 
You heaved out another sob.
“h---hey there…”
You twisted. Forcing your back to the door yet also trying to scramble further away from the voice at the same time. With wide, terror filled eyes you took in the Monster before you. A tall, lanky, Skeleton creature in one of the softest hoodies you had ever seen. His own eye lights trailing over you with a weary gaze
“Who--Who are you?” You squeaked out.
The skeleton blinked, coming back from his observations he spoke, “i...’m papyrus…” He fiddled with the end of his sleeves, “...did… did sans put you here too?”
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Play With Me [Jungkook x Reader]
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credit: littlemeowmeowschimmy
Requests opened // m.list - next
Genre: Thrilling // Mysterious // Smut [later]
Summary: After a fateful night, Jungkook realizes that he was put up against something more dangerous than he imagined. He never thought that through his undercover work that you were much more than just cunning, you were also seductive. 
Word C: 3278
A/N: I’m in love with anything and everything Batman related. It’s another one of my passions outside of BTS. If I’m being honest, I really hope y’all enjoy this mini series I’m putting out. I also apologize for any of the references that are made and people don’t understand them. If you are a long time Batman fan, you will realize that I made a few small changes here and there. Mostly to fit the boys as I didn’t want to change their genders. With that being said, enjoy :) 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nighttime was his favorite. He could reflect on the previous day, then place a mask over his eyes and go undercover. Since parting ways with old bats, Jungkook knew situations would be difficult. He had grown up under his wing, then, flew away (no pun intended). He learned everything from Seokjin, as it shaped him who he was today. 
Now, all he did was detective work and then fighting crime on the side. Jungkook’s legs dangled off the side of a building, his hands gently turning the pages. He was helping Seokjin on a case, one about a mysterious woman. He had heard very little concerning her. Only snippets of what she had done, such as small bank robberies, putting a few people in hospitals, the usual. 
“Maybe you should stop looking at the files,” Jimin’s condescending voice spoke. “And start scouting like the rest of us Kook.” he finishes sneering afterwards. Not only did he have to team up with Seokjin, but he had to team up with the man-child named Park Jimin. He had come into Seokjin’s life a few years after Jungkook left, only to be killed by Joker. He was resurrected by the Lazarus pit, only to become insane after. 
His death hit Seokjin hard because Jimin was like a son to him. They all were. The family suffered greatly, their wounds healing only to be torn apart. Since his marbles were somewhat back in place, Jimin had become a real pain in the ass. He was seeking revenge, murder, and doing other villainous deeds. Old bats didn’t have it in him to take Jimin in, to Arkham that is. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, then slowly moving himself up. Another voice pops in, this one sending a small smile on his face. “Jimin, we get that you’re fast,” Yoongi mumbles the quick typing of his keys in the background. “However, Kook does what he does best.” pausing then continuing. “Research. Unlike your head ass who jumps into everything.” 
“Because who cares about intel.” Jimin puffs clearly Yoongi’s blunt attitude hitting Jimin’s pride. “Little bitch has been fucking me over. I need to get her back.” 
“You need to listen dumbass.” Yoongi snaps twirling around in his wheelchair, scooting himself over to his other computer. Yoongi was known as Oracle to the outsiders. He was quick with his fingers and had all of Gotham under his surveillance. He got into a freak accident with Joker, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. His father, Gordon, was captured by Joker try and break him. Thankfully, Seokjin made it in time to save him, but it wasn’t enough for Yoongi. 
“Woah guys,” Namjoon speaking softly, the wind making it harder for them to hear. Namjoon was like the brains of the family per-say. He knew everything about Seokjin and Jungkook, making it easier for him to find the Bat-Cave. Letting him join the family was amusing to say the least. Jungkook enjoyed him, more than he thought he would. Namjoon was very level headed and he often agreed with Jungkook on things. “We get that you two love birds had a fight but calm down.” he starts fixing his headgear. 
“Shut up!” Yoongi and Jimin hiss, a low chuckle escaping the back of Jungkook’s throat. 
“And this is why I wished father would let me go on my own.” Taehyung grumbles. Out of all of them, Taehyung was the only one related to Seokjin. Long story short, his mother got pregnant after seducing Seokjin. How Jungkook and Taehyung met was another story for another day. 
“The last time you went on your own,” Jungkook starts setting the files down, scanning the area afterwards. “You almost killed a man.” pausing then shaking his head. “Why do you think Seokjin doesn’t trust you alone?” 
“I was born and raised to kill.” Taehyung simply states landing besides Jungkook seconds later. He didn’t bat an eye, only reached his arm out to hand the files towards him. Much like Jungkook, Taehyung liked to get information on people. He remembers watching the little squirt in front of the huge computer reading up on everyone’s files. He was just as mysterious as the woman they were tracking down. “It’s in my genes.” 
A collective sigh escaped everyone. This was something they heard on a daily, so it wasn’t a surprise to hear it again. Jungkook was pleasantly surprised when he was told to babysit. It seemed as if Seokjin was out looking for new gear. Hoseok, their butler, stayed back. Often watching and listening on the computer in the cave. 
The only sound that buzzed in their ears was, Yoongi’s fingers dashing across his keys. Their mission was to capture her, make her talk, then send her to Arkham. It was proving to be a difficult task because she worked so quickly. Even Seokjin fought her, only to be stabbed in the side, then gone unconscious due to the poison that entered his system. 
“Jimin, on your right.” Yoongi spoke his eyes scanning across his screen. It seemed he found a lead, sending Jimin in. He was the closet, making it a great decision. Jungkook was given the file back, pushing it away, then peering off the side. He listened to their conversation, seeing if he could pop in at any time. 
“I’m coming up behind you Jimin,” Namjoon declares, the skidding of his bike causing Jungkook to wince. He turns towards Taehyung, nodding his head, silently telling him to jump. They found their target, each of them moving in one by one. Yoongi was giving them directions, each to split up and attack on all sides. 
They would come to find, that wouldn’t be the best idea that evening...
 »»————- ★ ————-««
 Right foot
Left foot
Right foot
Left foot
Jungkook kept telling himself that simple pattern. He was sneaking in after landing on top of the warehouse. His weapons on his back, itching to be used. His eyes searching constantly, trying to make sure he was alone. Yoongi notified him that he was clear, but there was something that wasn’t sitting well in his stomach. 
A loud crash came from below, Jungkook’s heart racing. He heard fighting through his earpiece. It only made him assume that someone caught the boys. Jimin went in first, scouting the place and calling it clear. Then, Taehyung came from behind, whilst Namjoon to the side. It was from Taehyung’s end that the crash sounded. Leaving the rest to scan and be on their toes. 
“Well done,” a hushed congratulations followed by light clapping came from behind Jungkook. He spun, only to be greeted by the moonlight. A shadow peaked from behind a small column, your figure leaning against it. This was the first time he saw you face to face. 
The moon hitting your back, your lush hair flowing in the small breeze. Behind your mask, Jungkook noticed your sparked eyes. In them, he could tell that you were amused, enjoying yourself, and much more. Slowly, you moved inwards, the moon lighting you further. Showing the tight fabric, hugging your curves, illuminating every part of you. Around your waist a belt hung, holding every weapon you could ever need. 
“You found me~” You sang bouncing on the balls of your feet. Your body bends forwards, waggling your finger in Jungkook’s direction. He was quick to bring his hand back, only to feel a sharp pain in his wrist. His cane clanking on the ground. From far away, you had managed to knock his wrist back with your throwing star. 
The tool lodging itself in a nearby crate, the moon’s light radiating off. “Atata~” you mock waggling another finger in his direction. “That won’t be necessary. I just want to have a discussion with the big bad wolf~” a playful smile spreading, your body skipping towards Jungkook. 
His eyes narrow, dodging back and forth between your figure and his weapon. He had to quickly decide, the noise in his earpiece still loud. He knew his brothers were in trouble, but he also knew that you were right in front of him. Seokjin always taught him that family came first, but he knew that they would be able to take care of themselves. He had to finish the mission. 
“Talk.” Jungkook demands straightening himself, his guard up still. You purred, that low sound emanating from the back of your throat. You paused in front of him, a hip popped out and arms folded across your chest. Your index finger rested gently on your upper lip, that sick smile making Jungkook’s stomach clench. 
“I want to make a deal.” 
“Criminals only make one when they know they’re about to get caught.” Jungkook snaps, eyes narrowed and dark. You squeal with delight, your hands clenching. The small outburst of excitement startled Jungkook. 
“Oh, baby don’t talk to me like that~” You purred bringing a hand down to your chest. “You’re going to make me cum~” you tease Jungkook’s eyes rolling. He noticed that you were a masochist and a sadist...it said so in your file. Seokjin briefly described his fight, often stating that you loved watching him go down in pain, only to moan when he hit you. He wrapped you up as insane, the thought alone sending a deep and growing pit in his stomach. 
“Enough with the childish games’ L/n,” Jungkook hisses, arms tightening as he was getting impatient. You took another step forward, reaching in and curling your fingers under his chin. He smacks them away, not at all interested in your childish games. You tut again, leaning in now to make sure your face was close to his. 
“I would have so much fun with you.” a darkness to your tone sending chills through Jungkook’s body. “Just thinking about making you beg for mercy is getting me hot.” tilting your head just a bit, your tongue poking out to swipe across your bottom lip. Straightening out, you brushed your hands down your chest. It was your attempts to get yourself back to normal, but you weren’t normal to begin with. 
“If you let me go tonight,” you start taking a step backwards. “Your family won’t die.” a threat hanging in the air. This time, Jungkook takes a step forward. In doing so, he swiftly picks up his cane, placing it back in its holder. He leans downwards, making sure he was eye level with you. 
“If you do,” he starts tilting his head to the side. “I will hunt you down to the ends of this earth,” your heart thudding in your chest as your body melts at his threats. “And rip you limb by limb.” a soft moan escaping your lips, your body quaking with lust. Jungkook noticed you didn’t take this to heart because he saw how you acted. 
He noted your movements, watching you close your eyes in bliss. It seemed like you were trying to figure out the next words, but they weren’t coming. Instead, Jungkook was surprised. His back hit the concreate, a puff of air escaping once you landed on his waist. You held his arms up with one hand, your fingers tightening around his wrist. 
You had him in a position where he couldn’t get out without force. This brought your face closer in, the moonlight making your next expression frightening. You widen a smile, eyes crinkling and drool forming on the right side. You brought a hand back, pulling out one of your colorful knives to place on his cheek. The tip dug in, some blood escaping. 
Jungkook winces, trying not to tilt his head away. He knew you were trying to scare him, the tacit making his heart pounding against his ribs. What you did next sent another wave of chills down his spine. You licked his cheek, your breath hitting his skin. Jungkook twitches, clearly uncomfortable. “I think,” you pause giggling now. “I think you and I are going to have lots of fun later.” you whispered. 
Those words ringing as Jungkook remembers Seokjin speaking of the same sentence. It was right before you fled, the before the poison kicked in. It left Jungkook pondering if you had done the same, but you never got into a fight with him. You were holding him down, acting upon you small threat in the beginning. 
“Not when you’re behind bars.” he threats attempting to knock you over. Only to receive a tighter grip on his wrists. Your body applying more weight, making it difficult to move. Your head perks when you notice a spinning star flash before your eyes. This was a distraction; someone had found you on the roof. Your head instantly moves back, your grip loosening on Jungkook. 
He took this opportunity to wrestle you, trying to get the upper hand. It proved that you were more skilled than you looked. Your legs coming under his torso and kicking him off. Sending Jungkook backwards whilst he hears Jimin growling in the distance. You turned to lock eye contact with the agitated one, another playful smile. 
“Red Hood~ what a pleasant surprise.” You teased rolling back onto your feet. 
“I’ve got you now bitch.” He lunges, Jungkook screaming at him not to. You did a few back flips, avoiding his punches. One of your kicks landed under his chin, sending Jimin backwards. Jungkook came behind, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his body to his chest. Both men watch as you waved at them, standing on the edge of the roof top. 
“Au revior~” flipping off the ledge and disappearing into the night. 
 »»————- ★ ————-««
 “I could’ve had her you punk!” Jimin screeches standing with an ice pack to his head. They all reported back to base, your picture in the middle of the computer screen. Hoseok was attending to Taehyung’s wounds, the little one mumbling under his breath. Namjoon was looking at the file once again, trying to see if there was anything he missed. 
Yoongi wheeled himself directly besides Seokjin, showing him the camera footage. Jungkook was during an argument with Jimin. Since they had to retreat, Jimin had been extremely grumpy. He didn’t like having to run away, nor did he like having to admit defeat. It was only a matter of seconds that he was going to explode in the cave. 
“Oh, give it a rest Jimin.” Jungkook sighs hearing enough of his complaints. He pushes himself off the staircase, moving over towards the computer. There he sat down, typing his password in then selecting other files. He scans through them, much like Namjoon was, trying to figure out what they missed. Since getting back, Taehyung revealed that they found multiple C4′s in the basement. They seemed to be hooked up to a wire but were eventually disabled because of his quick thinking. 
Namjoon was stuck in the lounge, getting as much evidence as he could. The warehouse was abandoned, but it seemed like it was set up for an event. What event, Namjoon never figured out. It was when Jimin came crashing in with Taehyung that they got into a fight. Somehow, Jimin escaped up to the roof where he threw his star in between you and Jungkook. 
Then proceeded to blame himself, no blame Jungkook for letting you get away. He slams the ice pack down, crossing his arms afterwards. “We need to call Starfire and Roy.” he demands pointing at Seokjin who looked up from Yoongi’s computer screen. His eyebrow rose, interested in hearing what the man had to say. 
“So, we can get more innocent lives involved?” Seokjin questions shaking his head. “We have enough men right here. We just need to find a weakness.” 
“What weakness?!” Jimin growls throwing his hands up. “She’s just like Joker, but ruthless. Crazier even.” his hands raking through his messy hair. Jungkook fell silent, the previous fight still playing through his head. He had to agree with Jimin, you were just as bad as Joker. One could say that you were on Harley Quinn level, but that wouldn’t compare even. 
Seokjin fell silent, his eyes narrowed as he was thinking of another point. Nothing came to anyone; they were all puzzled. “She’s hasn’t murdered anyone yet.” Taehyung points, grunting due to the needle poking in his flesh again. Hoseok questioned if he was alright, then quickly waving him off. Jungkook’s eyes move back to him, then right back to Jimin. Who evidently rolled his eyes and kicked the pack across the room 
“More brute force, we need them.” Jimin insisted pushing off whatever he was leaning on. He moves forwards, making sure he was headed straight for Seokjin. Namjoon stopped him in the process, shaking his head and standing in between. He gently pushes on his chest, trying to get some space between the two. Since Jimin came back from the pit, he had a deep hatred for Seokjin. He had all his memories back, making the struggle to overcome such a horrible past more difficult than need be. 
Making this set up difficult within itself. Seokjin knew not to test Jimin’s limits, but he knew that he needed him. This case seemed personal in small ways, mostly Jimin and Seokjin. Jungkook didn’t know what to make of it, instead he focused on the information they had now. 
“If we go into this with anger,” Jungkook starts picking his eyes up from the screen. “We’re going to be completely useless.” 
“Agreed.” Namjoon pipes taking a step to the side so Yoongi and Seokjin could lock contact with Jungkook. 
“What do we do?” Jimin insisted. 
“Go undercover.” Yoongi finishes turning his computer around to show the others what he found. When Jimin grumbled about not being able to see it, he glares at him. Slamming his computer shut, he gives it to Seokjin, turns around and wheels off to the big computer. 
This causes Jungkook to quickly get himself out of his seat. Trying to avoid all possible confrontation. Yoongi quickly types his password, then opens the files he showed. Jungkook watches your figure move in and out of a building, your mask and gear off. 
You looked normal, as if you were holding down an office job. “Her real name is Y/n,” Yoongi points out. “She works at the local police station.” his head turning to lock eye contact with Jungkook. 
He narrows his eyes, placing his hands on his chest. “Wait a minute.” the pieces starting to fall into place. “You want me to go undercover?” 
“No sherlock, we want Jimin.” 
“Fuck off.” Jimin spat throwing the discarded pack at Yoongi’s head. He growls, spinning around in his wheelchair and sending a deadly look in his direction. 
“Calm down children.” Namjoon spoke, both men glaring and growling in his direction. They weren’t pleased, Jungkook wouldn’t blame them. 
Yoongi took another deep breath, then sighed. He spun back around, pulling up a few other frames of you. “You’re the only one,” he starts pulling up Jungkook’s old file. “Who used to work undercover for so long.” moving it upwards as he continues to show footage and other pictures of you rooming around and outside of the police station.
“We need you to infiltrate the station again.” Seokjin proclaims, moving himself up and closer. “Grab any and all information on this woman. Find her weakness so we can take her down.” Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows together then shakes his head. It had been years since he had gone undercover, the fact that they wanted him to do it again, was beyond him. 
But he couldn’t say no. Jungkook had to take it. Whether he liked it or not...
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archtroop · 7 years
Ok, I’m gonna say this you hatin’ mob SPN13X09 was a gem and fuck offfff into the sunset you’all I’m pissed at all that negativity STOP
So I’m gonna list EVERY FUCKIN’ POSITIVE bit in this ep, and it’s gonna be loooooooooong and spoooooilery and caaaaaaps. Some are thatnX to the HOMEOFTHENUTTY. 
NOW lets go.
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just look at this i want to eat this up i want to cuddle this ominous scenery gulp it up like fresh water on a hot day are U KIDDIN’ ME THIS IS ARSFKMNGVKJJJX
also it’s a reversed cross if you really wanna loot at it that way. home on one side, nowhere on the other, a road straight to hell, a “ah-ah I’mmaa off that road right here stopstop oops here is a bail-out road” option on the left of it, and they are all on the main highway like yup that’s what I’ve signed for back in ‘05
coz that’s what Dean does, you know? Like he is attracted to shit like that
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coz you know, John had 20+ years over his sons of research and experience, we are “only” on the 13th season you’all 
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Is that a seagull? An eagle? DEATH? Bats? Angels? Crows? The fuck is this? This is awesome.
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…lies Jack. Pun intended.
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…well the whole episode deals with breaking down doors or barging through doors or at least coming through a door in some way:  1. Jack enters Derek’s workshop invited. 2. Patience’s father standing at a door as the talk: twice, at her room, and later on, as she leaves the house. 3.  Jack breaking the door of the rehab center Kaia is institutionalized in. 4. The sunken boat entrances: as out intrepid heroes go in, and later the angels. 5. The door the the other world itself. 6. Jody opens the door to welcome Patience as she walks towards her new adventure and purpose in life. Beautiful.
10. “You go now, you choose this life, you don’t come back”.
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And you know what? This is awesome.
First thing, he doesn’t cast her out, this is a father telling his daughter that there is no coming back from this choice of hers to normality. He is not angry, not disappointed. He is worried. And last but not least - she is going towards the SUPERNATURAL, and the unknown, to do GOOD IN THIS WORLD. She is doing an altruistic move, not a selfish one like Sam (nothing against self-care here, just facts). THESE ALL OR OPPOSITES TO WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN JOHN AND SAM.  They are showing us HOW TO PARENT RIGHT.  As opposed to suffocating your child within your own norms (Sam), to a child making his own choice, and as to say, “spreading her wings”.  In no way this is a callous, cheap call-back. This is, in my opinion, a very well done analogy, showing a different way with words. A similar situation, worlds apart. Pun intended.
Also, the thematic of POWERS CAN BE USED FOR GOOD EVEN IF YOU ARE THE SON OF SATAN is so refreshing, and fuckin’ mature I’m SO PROUD OF MY HEROES, SOSOSO MUCH. I’m so proud of SHOW for getting tot his point!
11. “And he is The Son of Satan?”. “I am. Yes”.
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12. “Get in the car”.
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That moment when Dean draws a loaded gun at Kaia to threaten her into cooperation: EVIL. And that’s the point. In my opinion, he just got so hard slapped in the face by reality, about Mary still being alive, and him NOT going after her (as opposed to when dad gone missing), that he couldn’t really see much difference between right and wrong. OR, he was well conscious of himself, knows he is damn frightening as he is, and with a gun - any puny human other than Sam would piss himself. So he uses this in his advantage. Would shoot a foot though, if he really had too. OR BOTH, which is very much a Dean thing.
13. The scenery strikes back again!
Apparently this is a real location (don’t have the source but it is). Plus, THE TUNE!
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The intriguing “Larsen Bros” sign that is shown too clearly to be a coincidence. Plus, iconic street lamp.
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Guess is, this is a Chekhov’s Gun, and that’s how Patience will later find them. Plus, Google gives me this:
The Larsen Bros - Don’t Fear The Reaper (cover)
Like, why not. This is so fuckin’ weird, like the vid was uploaded for the ep, cut, like in 2016??? And there are sings pointing “OUT” behind the two man band singing???? HUH??? I dunno. No one has commented. YET. We can make some guys really weird out if we go collectively and put some comments on there about The Son Of Satan and Multiple Dimensions. Who’s with me…?
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And without Sam everyone would’ve been a toast by now.
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Are you shitting me??? This is so REAL. Look, some of them aren’t even WORLDS yet. Or already. Some are desert. Some are black hole. Awesome shit. And I think, at this point, our heroes are so legendary, they’ve been through so much, they’ve achieved the plot-lines of parallel realities. Who amazing is that? From unicorn and werewolf monstrosities and “mundane” scares and horrors, through the apocalyptic and the otherworldly, to THIS.
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With an “eye” of Sauron  on the right…
The many halos of Mary, of light and thorns and clasping metal:
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19. Bringing the house down with a scream:
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You know how the most Narnia-like stuff is always stuck in some weird place, like ON A HALF SUNKEN BOAT IN FUCKIN’ DAKOTA. THIS RIGHT HERE.
20. Molten angel blade and dead angel wings imprints:
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21. A literal DOOR:
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22. Larsen Bros Shipyard sign again, but without the “closed” sticker (coz it’s opened now huh):
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And here we have  THE SON OF SATAN BEHOLDING in sheer awe A DANGLING MARY BEHIND CHRIST, and that’s how you reconstruct a 2000+ y/o belief system and make angels cry, Beautiful.
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eighthchiharu · 6 years
Stridercest Week, Day 3: Meet/Cute! [Guardiancest, Mafia AU]
Written for B! :)
Bro meets David at an underground poker game.
It's romantic, in the old-fashioned sense of the word -- dashing, classicly heroic -- when David bursts through the door and grabs one of the players by the back of his jacket. He yanks the 18-year-old kid out of his seat, away from the fleecing he was about to get at the hands of Bro's compatriots, and rounds on the rest of the room with a glare so fierce that Bro's sure a piece of his own soul -- what was left -- was just incinerated under the magnified pinpoint sunlight of David's displeasure.
"You ought to be ashamed," David snaps, and his Transition lenses are so old-man on his young thirties face that Bro has to fight not to smile.
Who the hell is this oblivious nerd?
"Break it up, all of you. Go home!"
There are men in this room, and one woman. All of them over 18, most of them over 27. They're not children, but David doesn't seem to notice that. He does notice Bro, however, lounging at the back of the room in an incredibly out-of-place leather armchair, two guards leaning against the wall nearby. One of them has a hand in his black jacket, but Bro waves, a staying gesture.
David squints, glowers again, and hauls the poor little rich boy out of the room, issuing more threats about parents and expulsion.
It's goddamn adorable.
So maybe they didn't meet, exactly, since Bro didn't get to say word one, but first impressions are, as they say, the strongest, and it isn't long before Bro has the Zahak brothers do a little research for him. Who was that masked man? Where does he live? Who are his parents, what's his income, and do they have his social security number, because that'll give Bro the really good dirt.
adly, there's little dirt to be found, besides his pathetic profile on Tindr that declares he's bisexual -- or maybe it's a happy lack of dirt, because something about David makes Bro want to try a little. Put in a small dollop of effort. Dress up, find the dweeb, and turn on the charm. It seems incredibly easy, like slaying a dragon with a nuclear bomb, but Bro can't get that indignant, scolding look out of his mind. He wants to see it again, face-to-face.
He has the Zahaks do some careful recon work, and within the week Bro knows David's favorite coffee place, his favorite donut place, his favorite Indian food place, and his favorite place for Mexican. The man does. Not. Cook. It's horrendous that someone that brave and dumb and self-righteous doesn't know his way around a frying pan. Even Bro can make tamales or cannolis when the need strikes.
It's all right for now, though. Time for a little swooping in, saving the day, just like David seems to enjoy.
One late afternoon when David is on his way to the Mexican restaurant for some take-away, a meal his arteries are probably gonna regret if he keeps up his regular order, which Bro is sure he will, Bro sets one of his young, nimble-fingered kids into action. Burritos with everything can't be good for anyone on a weekly basis, and Bro is going to solve this tiny health problem with a combination of slick thinking and city charm.
For today's outing, Bro is dressed in a black jacket and slacks, a white shirt with pinstripes so faint you have to be right on top of him to notice their gray striations, shining faintly, polished Italian loafers, but no socks. No tie. He's Mr Casual, Mr Everyday Joe. Nothing to see here except ordinary human perfection, don't stare, please, it makes everyone uncomfortable. He waits on the corner, watching the action unfold with the mirrors on the wings of his pointed sunglasses. Fagan ain't got nothin' on Bro when he's testin' his kiddos.
David is about ten feet out the door when wham -- the kid slams into him. The burrito hits the ground, the kid's foot smashes the goods -- and while David is dazed, the kid lifts his wallet. No money, no lunch, and when the kid takes off running at a pace Bambi would envy, no one to blame.
Bro can't suppress his smile this time. Good thing he's facing the other way.
He doesn't waste his window, though. He spins around and is at David's elbow before the man can finish pushing his nerd-alert glasses back into place, the low groan of dismay only just starting in the back of David's throat as he realizes his meal is sidewalk mash.
The vocalization only cements Bro's resolve, no pun intended. He speaks up, hands in his pockets to keep from seeming like a threat. "Hey, that sucks. You okay? Kids today, am I right?"
"Yeah, I -- man, my burrito! I didn't even see that guy, he just appeared out of --" David finally looks up from the burrito remains, the paper bag wet with sauce, the smell of peppers and grilled meats wafting up tantalizingly, a final salute to its now-wasted tastiness. He looks up, and his mouth falls open.
It was dark in the back of the church they were using for the poker game. There's no way David recognizes him. But even if he does, that's okay. Just means Bro has to shift gears, come in with the back-up plan, the one that involves a little more strong-arm and a little less wine-and-dine --
"... shit, you're hot," David blurts out.
Bro is about four inches taller, and now his smile really won't stay put. "Thanks. You ain't bad yourself."
"I mean -- I mean, uh, I'm -- I do movies. Direct movies. Not do them -- I'm a director. I just mean that -- that was a compliment. For film. You know, because --"
"-- because movies," Bro finishes along with him. Goddamn, this guy really is fucking innocent.
"Yeah," David agrees, finally managing to get his gaping under control. He tugs his shirt into place, brushes a hand down the front of the soft cotton, spreading folds thin enough that Bro can see David's trim physique beneath the loose fabric. "Anyway. I'm fine, thanks. Nice of you to ask -- wait. Aw fuck, cmon, no." He drops a hand to the back pockets of his dark, old jeans, then to his front pockets, then the back ones again.
Bro's enjoying watching David pat himself down, especially running his questing hands over those slim hips, but he spares David another moment of public agony by asking, as if he didn't know, "Somethin' wrong?"
"My wallet!" David moans, and wow, Bro makes a promise to himself that if he gets David alone someday, he's gonna try to get that exact sound back, just as long and languorous as it was, but with Bro's name instead of the billfold's. "The little shit got my wallet! Aw, fuck."
The word is coarse, and surprising for some reason. David exudes charming suburban class, despite his claim as a worldly movie maker, and Bro didn't expect any epithets that would routinely be banned from classrooms. Admittedly, that'd be a rule for younger students, but Bro's golden eyebrows raise all the same. "Damn, that's messed up. Can you call and cancel your cards?"
"Yeah, I can do it on my app. He didn't grab my phone, probably 'cause it's just a Moto." Unhappy, and probably hungry, David pulls his phone out and opens his banking app.
Now that's a little too trusting. Bro puts out a hand and covers the screen, his Rolex flashing gold in the late sunlight. "Hey, don't do that out here. Tell you what, since you lost your dinner, let me take you somewhere. You can cancel your stuff there, and get some food so you don't starve while they mail you more plastic and make you wait four days for the privilege."
If David knows what kind of watch it is, or what kind of jacket and slacks (Tom Ford) or what kind of shoes, he doesn't give it away in the slightest. He just pulls a sad face as his stomach growls like some kind of anime protag. "I can't -- okay, you didn't hear that. "
Bro shrugs. "Sounded hungry to me."
David actually blushes the slightest bit. "I can get food at the commons, really. Thanks, though. You're -- it's nice of you."
"I know a great Mexican place. Burritos like seven-tier cakes. Fattest things you ever saw, and cheap beer to boot. Nothin' tastes better with good Mexican than shit beer."
That's not entirely true, but if David's teaching at a uni, it's about what he's used to. The man's stomach growls again, and David glances around, as though afraid someone might be offended that he's accepting burrito offers from a stranger. "... you sure?"
"Sure I'm sure. All us hot people are sure."
David makes a face, the blush vanishing. "Uh huh. And where's this amazing Mexican place at?"
Bro names a couple of streets, and watches as David fights some internal battle that Bro long ago gave up on, or relinquished his right to even take part in. There's very little conscience where Bro's concerned; just legality, and which side of the law it benefits him to be on at any given time.
This time, he wants to be on the right side. For this guy. For now.
"... yeah, all right." David finally gives in, slightly suspicious, except for the thunderous snarling coming from his belly. "Sorry, it's just -- thanks. I appreciate it. It's seriously kind of you, very cool. If everyone was as decent as you are, we'd live in a very different place."(edited)
Amen to that, Bro thinks. He nods toward the corner. "It's this way. C'mon, ain't a far walk. Just a few blocks."
David nods his blond head, the lenses of his glasses slowly lightening up as the sun sets. They're still dark, but Bro can see the outlines of his eyes through them -- and over them, since he's so much taller. He can see the part in David's hair, the couple of rare strands that seem more silver than blonde, and he wonders how David's scalp would feel beneath Bro's lips. How firm David's waist will be, how warm his hungry stomach.
The last makes him laugh, and when David asks what's so funny, Bro has to make something up. It works, though, and David falls into step beside him, not even noticing the Zahaks drifting along in their boss' wake. Watching. Ready.
47 notes · View notes
Avec Nocturne Ch. 6
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Summary: AU A little thing called the flu forced him to call out sick for days. What he didn’t bargain for was his workplace hiring a girl to spin the tracks while he was out. He’s pissed off but why’s he thinking random thoughts about her?
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Strip Club setting, Flirting)
Characters: DJ!Chanyeol x Kit OC, featuring appearances of OT12 members
Notes: This is a spin-off (no pun intended!) series of Unwind written by @xiubaek13 and @oh-beyond. (Written with their blessing – thank you!) I own nothing except for my own OC and the content written here. (I recommend reading Unwind first to get a better understanding of the story’s universe.) I do not claim to be an expert in DJ-ing. Banner created by me. Absolutely no reposting anywhere else as your own!
Ch. 5 | Ch. 7
I swear you need to come clubbing with me again soon!
Sent 21:26 PM
How’s work going? Did those clothes work?
Sent 21:27 PM
I can’t - I work at night, remember?
Sent 21:29 PM
It’s interesting.
Sent 21:31 PM
Yeah, they were fine. Thanks again. I’ll wash them and get them back to you.
Sent 21:33 PM
Nah keep ‘em - you looked hot. Besides, you never know if you might need them again... ;)
Sent 21:34 PM
Sometimes I wonder if the bakery was a safer choice, Kit thought as she unloaded the washer and began moving clothes over to the dryer. She pressed a few buttons for the drying cycle before closing the door and heading to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
She checked her watch and determined she had roughly 3.5 hours before her regular shift at the club. Secretly, she was hoping for a more normal night, especially with everything that transpired in the past few days.
When Luhan and Xiumin had called her in on her day off, she hadn’t anticipated going into the office days after her run in with Chanyeol. The bruises had faded but she wished she could turn around and walk right out after seeing him in the front, preparing to head to the managers’ office. Instead, she avoided eye contact with him as they headed to the office, stopping briefly when a well-dressed young man passed them.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” the young man prompted Chanyeol as he laid eyes on her.
Kit ignored the tall DJ’s gaze as she stuck her hand out toward the young man addressing her. “Hi, Kit Adler.”
The young man flashed a charming smile as he clasped her hand in his. “Hello pretty Kit Adler. I’m Kim Junmyeon, but you can call me Suho, now that you are part of the family,” he replied.
Forward but he seems inviting, compared to Mr. Ray of Sunshine I’m following, she thought before they let go of each other’s hands.
Chanyeol stepped closer to the pair, glancing at Suho with a casual look. “So…2 weeks, right hyung?”
Suho nodded and looked wistful, bemoaning to the pair that he had nowhere to go.
Kit raised a brow at his response. 2 weeks for what? Vacation? Or had something happened and no one was telling her the whole story? Knowing her luck, it was probably the latter and part of her felt bad for this guy for some reason.
“Oh, you don’t? Well maybe you can crash at my place if you’d like,” she found herself suggesting, “I do–”
Suddenly she felt a large hand on her back nudging her in the direction of Luhan’s office, followed by Chanyeol’s deep voice lightly telling her that Suho was joking. She glanced up at his face and saw that he had a strange fixed smile on his face, eyes staying on the older boy.
“That is so nice of you Kit,” Suho replied. He raised a brow at Chanyeol’s choice of words to address Kit. “Noona? You don’t look like a noona to me. How old are you?”
“She’s not your noona – she’s your age,” Chanyeol mumbled as he tried to nudge Kit forward again.
She put on the brakes and glanced back at Suho, asking him what year he was born. “I was born in 1990,” she shared.
“Then you are one!” Suho blurted out with a gleeful look.
“OK we need to get going,” Chanyeol announced, jerking his head toward the office.
“I’m actually heading to Shanghai for a few days,” Suho reassured her. He glanced over at Tao and Sehun, who were lingering by the front entrance. "Please don’t worry about me – I have a place; I live with these two baby boys.”
Now that has to be an interesting situation, she thought as she pictured poor Suho trying to keep the pair from fighting. Like a father with two man children.
She felt Chanyeol’s hand move away from her back, long fingers wrapping around her forearm to tug her toward the office. Her insides twisted at the contact but she forced herself to keep the smile in place. “All right, it was nice to meet you Suho, have a good time!” she yelled over her shoulder.
She allowed Chanyeol to tug/guide her down the hallway toward the office. Once she was out of Suho, Tao, and Sehun’s sight, she pried her arm out of Chanyeol’s grip and stopped abruptly, shoulders tensed.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” she hissed.
“Me? Nothing!” Chanyeol said as he blinked back at her.
“I think I have already made it clear that I do not like being manhandled!” she shot back.
“I wasn’t, I jus- Suho – he was flirting,” he protested.
“Well at least flirting won’t give me bruises,” Kit retorted as she passed him.
The emergency meeting she had been called into ended with signing confidentiality agreements for an upcoming VIP event, followed by special equipment training with Chanyeol in the booth. She had anticipated that it was going to be a long, painful ordeal of him talking and pointing things out. What surprised her was hearing a genuine apology from the young man, who confessed that he loved his job and felt upset that the managers made a decision to backfill his position without telling him.
“This booth is my safe space. When I’m here, I can be free. I’m not stressed about life or what’s expected of me as an adult. Here, I can call the shots and make my own rules, well sort of,” he explained. Things became less tense after his apology and the training went smoothly.
Because the managers asked her to dress up for the VIP event, Kit enlisted her friend Olivia, better known as Livy, for help, as she had no time to shop for something special. The following day, Livy had showed up at her door, armed with a suitcase full of club-worthy clothes and shoes. Several hours were spent playing Olivia’s questionable Barbie doll, slipping into skin tight dresses that showed every line and curve in her body and debating over hems and necklines. While she loved her friend’s confidence, their tastes couldn’t be anymore different.
“Lady, you need to look like a girl – this grunge 90s thing you’ve got going on is sad,” Livy whined after Kit rejected a very risque bodysuit with a neck collar and low-cut sweetheart neckline.
“Livy, I stick out like a sore thumb at work – like I need more attention put on me!” Kit groaned as she dug through her friend’s offerings, trying to find the least revealing garment in the pile.
After an hour and twenty minutes of rejected clothes, the pair had agreed upon a black bodysuit with a subtle neckline design, deep wine velvet skirt, and block heeled Mary Janes. Delicate silver accessories in the form of a wavy bangle and minimalist earrings completed the look. Livy had wanted to do her makeup but Kit kept it to a simple winged eyeliner and the Bloodroses lipstick. Hair was curled into soft waves with a deep side part.
Thankfully her jacket covered the top half of her outfit while she rode the subway – more stares than usual were aimed in her direction but she kept her eyes on her phone until her stop was called.
“NOONA?!” Sehun sputtered when he saw her enter the main performance hall. The towel he was using to dry his shaker slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor.
Kit paused and turned her head, trying to suppress the wince threatening to spread across her face. “The managers said ‘Look nice – it’s a VIP event’ so um, yeah,” she replied. “By the way, these aren’t mine – had to borrow from a friend and if you can believe it, they were the least slutty things she owned.”
Sehun quickly picked up his towel and composed himself, smiling as he studied her look and flashed her a thumbs up. “You look pretty,” he said, eyes crinkling into half moons. “Not that you don’t normally look nice, but it’s a good change for something like this.”
“Thanks Sehunnie,” she mumbled with a faint smile before heading to the booth. She began setting up her gear and slipped the headphones around her neck, fixing her hair in the process.
“What are you staring at?” Tao demanded as he passed Sehun before following the latter’s gaze. His eyes widened and he gaped when he saw Kit standing in the booth, doing a double take. “Wait, that’s not the savage girl from earlier, is it? Where are her ugly clothes?”
“I heard that,” Kit shot back as she stuck her head out. She sighed as she dragged songs into her queue, avoiding their eyes. Was it too late to negotiate with the managers to just bail on this and all future VIP events if it meant being ogled?
She heard someone cough and she spotted the familiar figure lingering at the entrance to the booth.
“Ah um...hello noona,” Chanyeol murmured as he played with the strap on his bag. “You um, you look...nice,” he said as he gestured to her outfit.
Kit looked up and nodded with a small smile. “Hey Slim Shady,” she said, “don’t get used to this – the managers asked for something less casual so this is what they’re getting. Probably won’t ever see these again ‘cause they’re going right back to my friend after tonight.” She moved closer to the controls so he could slip past her and he pressed his lips together as he stepped into the booth.
He began getting his equipment out of his bag, mumbling that he would let her handle the controls for the waterfall effects tonight. Kit nodded as she gave him space for his laptop and focused on adjusting the volume and settings on her mixing program.
“You look nice too,” she murmured.
“Oh um, me? Thank, thank you - it’s nothing special,” he admitted as he rolled his sleeves up as neatly as he could.
Silence had settled in until they heard footsteps and saw two young women flanked by bodyguards entering the main hall. Chanyeol flashed a charming smile at them and Kit managed a polite one, accompanied by a bow of her head.
“Should be a good night if we pick the right tracks,” Chanyeol murmured with a nod as the women were greeted by Luhan. He quickly programmed an effect to allow fake snow to fall upon the manager as he came closer to the women.
“Why am I not surprised that rich people have filthy desires like us?” Kit deadpanned in a low voice, traces of a smirk threatening to spread across her lips. “Surprised none of them have jumped on the performers yet.”
Chanyeol blinked at her comment and quietly asked if she knew who they were. Kit shrugged as she switched places with him to stand closer to the waterfall controls.
“Don’t know and I kind of don’t care,” she said as she swept her hair off the back of her neck, fanning it lightly. “Not into gossip or celebrities if you couldn’t already tell. To me, they’re just fancy people who we’re entertaining tonight. Period.” She reached for her water and took a long swig. Maybe it was the fact that there were two people standing in an tight, enclosed space, but she swore it started to feel a bit warm in the booth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chanyeol fanning himself with his shirt collar, small beads of sweat starting to form across his forehead.
Kit flickered the stage lights to focus on the waterfall before allowing a steady stream to flow into the area, Chanyeol blending in a song to complement Xiumin’s performance:
Lonely night millyeooneun neol Mageul su eomneun saebyeok I pado sorie Nan tteonaeryeoganeun jungingeol Oh no   Oh no
“I kind of envy him right now – at least he’s not sweating it out like we are now,” Kit muttered as she moved her hair to one shoulder with a free hand, the other lingering on the controls.
“I...I think the A/C’s...dying,” Chanyeol huffed as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.
Kit took another swig before she held out her water bottle and prompted him to take some, which he gladly accepted.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t faint on me Slim Shady,” she murmured, eyes staying on Xiumin as she adjusted the waterfall elements to match his movements. “Maybe we can crack the door open a bit once this is over?” As Xiumin wrapped up, she turned off the waterfall and glanced over at Chanyeol, who was drenched in sweat.
“Hey, I’ll get you a cold water from Sehunnie once Cat Eyes sweeps her off somewhere,” Kit promised as she noted his eyes looking a little glazed over. “You need to stay hydrated – keep drinking my water for now, okay?”
“Noona...you should take some...” he managed to get out.
“I will in a –”
“What’s going on here?” Xiumin hissed as he yanked the door open. He recoiled slightly when he felt the heat wave hit him.
“Hyung, the air conditioning went to shit and I can’t breathe,” Chanyeol bleated, almost panting.
“Kit do me a favor, there should be a fan under Chen’s counter – get it please before we have a roasted elf named Park Chanyeol,” Xiumin instructed.
Kit nodded before she slipped past Chanyeol, flashing Sehun an amused look as she darted to the front desk. She sucked in a deep breath of air before going behind the desk, leaning down to retrieve the fan from underneath. She carried the cord in one hand and the fan in the other as she returned, eyes widening as Xiumin ordered the sweaty young man to shed his shirt.
Chanyeol did as he was told and chucked his sweat-soaked shirt to the ground. He messed up his silver hair and froze when he saw Kit had returned with the fan.
“I am sorry but–” Chanyeol started to apologize.
“No Slim Shady, you do what you gotta do,” she replied as she slipped past Xiumin with the fan, “we don’t want you to faint and have me try to perform CPR on you.”
“Here hyung,” Sehun said as he quickly handed over a clean towel and cold waters to Chanyeol. He held his hand out for the cord to the fan and carefully plugged it in. The fan began to blow air and Sehun angled it between the DJs, keeping it against the back wall so they wouldn’t trip on it.
Chanyeol wiped the sweat from his face with the towel before tossing one water to Kit, who thanked him as she caught it. He quickly cracked his open and began guzzling it.
“Noona, Xiumin-hyung has Tao up next - you’re going to need to get something up for him soon,” Sehun prompted as he glanced up at the stage.
Kit straightened up and pursed her crimson lips together as she debated over songs to pick.
“Oh you have no idea how badly I wanna psych him out with this gem,” Kit chortled as she showed them her screen of a song titled Caramelldansen. “But since we’ve got high rollers who are expecting the cliches, I’ll keep it serious.” She pulled up a track, the cover art depicting a woman with a crazy, spiky hair-do walking off the cover:
Everybody wants me to be their angel Everybody wants something they can cradle
Oh, they don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn
"Beep beep! Beep Beep!”
Kit blinked and pushed back her chair at the sound of the dryer going off. She wiped her hands on her napkin before heading over to collect her load.
The fan had helped cool down the booth, but things became slightly awkward afterward. Chanyeol kept his eyes averted while Kit busied herself with the controls and music for Tao’s performance. The earlier disturbance with the A/C had caught one of their guests’ attention and she shamelessly eyed the sculpted abdomen of the tall DJ.
“Did our bosses just leave the high rollers hanging?” Kit muttered as Tao continued his performance. “I have a feeling that if they don’t come back soon, the one who was ogling Cat Eyes is going to devour you instead.”
“Wha? Ah no, no, I don’t think–”
“She’s eying you like a tiger eyes its prey,” Kit noted as she stole a quick glance over at the woman. A teasing smile appeared on her face and she looked over at Chanyeol. “You know how to dance in case –”
“I think I see Luhan-hyung,” Chanyeol interrupted, relieved to see him coming into view.
Kit had followed her co-worker’s gaze to see their boss passing the entrance to the main performance hall, tugging a woman clad in black behind him.
“I don’t wanna know, do I?” she asked as the pair disappeared from their sight.
Chanyeol shrugged and muttered that he only heard bits of the gossip.
“Something about new clients and wanting VIP I think? Look, we shouldn’t worry about it,” he said as he adjusted the lighting effects.
Song List
White Noise (EXO)
Caramelldansen (Caramell)
Devil Inside [RJD2 Remix] (Utada Hikaru)
27 notes · View notes
high5nerd · 4 years
The Misadventures of Fanty and Loki---Chap. Seven
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It was the hottest day that beginning of August, and all of the six girls were jealous of Loki for being naturally 'cool'. Since Loki was born a frost giant, he can change his body temperature to any degree he wants and survive the heat or the intense cold in the winters. He had to admit, summers were sweltering here in Midgard than in Asgard. In Asgard, the heat is usually at a minimum, only causing just a bit of sweat on the brow. Here? Global warming was an issue, and it was making summers unbearably warm. Good thing he knew how to control his own temperature.
Xion expressed fear that forest fires would start somewhere, but Angel and Drago were very good to reassure her that it will not happen. Still, the heat rays that were visible on the ground and on the tops of cards concerned them. It was so hot Fanty's AC broke, and she was quite whiny about it. She found a Chinese hand fan in her room, a souvenir from when Drago went to Chinatown in New York City to visit museums and lectures on life. The fan was helping a bit, but she couldn't help but wish her entire apartment was coated with ice. Jack Frost would be really convenient right now.
"I wish Jack Frost was here," moaned Xion against a dark purple pillow, "I miss him."
"I miss him, too. He was cool. Pun intended." Angel said, earning a few chuckles from everyone else.
The six girls were milling around Fanty's apartment, either eating the last of the fruit flavored popsicles or fanning themselves with folded magazines, printed paper, or standing in front of the fan with their mouths open, letting one long note of their voice get cut up by the blades of the fan.
"A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h-h-h" Fanty's voice echoed from the fan.
"You're such a kid." Mystic laughed, and Fanty grinned at the statement.
"T-h-a-a-a-a-n-k y-o-o-o-u-u-u-u!" Fanty's voice chopped, causing everyone to smile at her humor.
"Fanty, do you miss Pitch?" Star asked, biting into her lemon popsicle.
Fanty was silent for a while, causing everyone to look at her. She stared at the fan for a minute longer before standing up straight, wiping sweat from her upper lip. "Yeah...I miss him a lot. I wish he was here."
"Just imagine how it would go if he and Loki socialized." Drago tried making Fanty smile, and succeeded.
"They'd discuss tactics for taking over the world. Either that or argue who has the worst backstory and monologue for hours." Fanty said, fluttering the red, black and gold Chinese fan in front of her face.
"Speaking of Loki," Drago looked around, "where is he?"
Fanty waved away the worry lazily, knowing where he was and what he was doing. "I convinced him to get us some tubs of ice cream. Most of them are the classics."
"Chocolate?" Xion sat up excitedly, looking hungry at the idea of a delicious sugar cone with two scoops of her chosen flavor.
"Strawberry, too?" Star beamed, and Mystic perked up at that word as well.
Fanty nodded at both of them, and the girls cheered. Fanty even made sure she had some sprinkles, whipped cream, nuts, chocolate syrup and cherries around the kitchen to make the perfect sundaes.
But after two hours of talking and such, Loki didn't return. The six girls were starting to get worried. Where was he? Did he run off? God only knew where he was…
"I'm gonna go look for him. You guys stay here, okay?" Fanty got up, heading towards the door.
"You sure you don't want one of us tagging along? It'd be a bit easier." Mystic offered, leaning over the side of the couch to look at her, her long purple hair falling to the side.
Fanty nodded, "I'm sure. It'll only be a minute or so. He's not that hard to find."
"You're good like that." Star grinned, returning to the book in her hands.
So Fanty left the apartment and turned left, heading down closer to the center of town. Cars whizzed by on the street, and a lot of people were heading in her direction, speedily walking by to get to their cooled-off homes faster. Fanty put her hands in her pockets as she strolled down the sidewalk, peeking into every shop, alley and cranny on her side of the street. So far, no sign of Loki. It was harder than she thought, trying to find the tall Asgardian.
It wasn't until five police cars whizzed by with their sirens blaring that Fanty was starting to get worried. What if someone was hurt? Did Loki do something bad again?
Her fears got the best of her, and she ended up sprinting down the street, heading down to the heart of Burgess town. The sirens continued to scream on, the bright lights flashing in the blazing sunlight. Fanty skidded to a halt, causing her sneakers to gather black marks on the sides. Her heart was a-pitter pattering in her chest, and it felt like it was climbing into her throat. The five police cars were blocking off the road, swarming around a man clad in Asgardian leather and armor.
Fanty felt her heart break when Loki noticed her presence, and gave her an apologetic look. Fanty has never truly been angry before, but now? She was furious. She sprinted over to Loki, but a police officer cut her off.
"Stop! You can't pass, miss. This man is under arrest."
"He didn't do anything!" Fanty shoved him in the chest, but he barely moved.
"This is the maniac that caused many deaths and nearly destroyed cities! You get back before I have to use force." the police officer threatened.
That struck a nerve. Fanty was so offended by the officer's threat, she punched him, causing him to fly back and nearly topple over three other cops. Fanty ran out into the circle, and the cops pulled out their guns and pointed them at Loki, who had his hands up.
"What did you do!?" Fanty demanded him, shaking his shoulders.
"I did not commit any crimes at all," Loki said calmly, "I swear, I only was coming back from the market."
Fanty looked around him, noticing there were no bags at all with ice cream in them. Her heart tore apart even more at his lie. "You lied to me…" her heartbroken eyes ate away at Loki. It made him feel worse. He was telling the truth!
"Fanty, I swear-!" he started, but Fanty shut him up.
"Zip it, you liar. Just take care of this." Fanty glared at the cop that aimed his gun at Loki.
It wasn't until the other five girls heard sirens and shouting and a popping noise that gave them a dreadful feeling in their guts. Thinking of the worst, they sprinted out of the apartment and ran against the wave of people that were running away.
"What is going on?!" Mystic shouted over the loud noise.
"Something tells me Loki's involved." Star shouted, accidentally bumping into Drago as they ran.
Xion was the first one to scream at the sight when they reached the center of town, the sight of broken police cars and fire and smoke, as well as police officers who were moaning against the ground in pain.
A shadow loomed from the smoke, slowly walking out of it.
"Behold, I am the cure!" Fanty's voice came.
Out of the smoke she came, breathing heavily and covered in dust, bruises and cuts. Blood was dripping down her eyebrow and down her cheekbone, and she had a nasty gash on her side.
"Okay, maybe not the cure," Fanty sighed, dropping a hollow pipe, "more like the topical ointment that reduces itching and swelling. HI GUYS!"
Drago fainted, and Mystic frantically caught her and tried waving air in her face and begging her to wake up as Angel and Star sprinted over to see if she was alright. Fanty tried smiling through the pain, but they could see how much she hurt.
"Are you okay?!" Xion asked, scared out of her shorts.
"Good thing I wore a red shirt so no one could see me bleed." Fanty tried making another joke, but gasped at the nasty cut on her side, clearly the red shirt was getting darker with blood.
"Did Loki do this!?" Star asked, grabbing Fanty's cheeks and checking her line of sight to see if she had a coma.
Fanty looked away, nodding. She wouldn't lie, but he did.
Loki came running out, pursued by five cops. One almost successfully grabbed at him, but he quickly dove behind Drago and Mystic, who were kneeling on the ground and trying to calm themselves down. Time seemed to slow down. Fanty saw the angry faces on the five girls and the cops, both of them furious at Loki and wanting him to be punished.
But...something held Fanty back. Yeah, she wanted Loki to get what he deserved, but some feeling she couldn't place made her act quickly...and alright, maybe a bit rashly.
"Wait, stop!" Fanty threw herself between the cops and Loki, her arms spread wide like eagle wings.
The cops puffed angrily like enraged bulls, glaring at her for getting in their way.
"I'll make a deal with you!" Fanty held up her hands, praying to God above that they would listen to her.
It was silent for a while, only the sounds of rushing water putting out the car fires filling the empty silence.
"Well?" one of the cops barked, thinking she was wasting his time.
"Loki and I will leave town. We'll leave this place to a location where there's no one around he could hurt, and he could be under house arrest. I will supervise."
"What makes you think you're capable of controlling a maniac like him?" the taller cop pointed a rude thumb at Loki, who folded his arms and glared at him.
"Believe me, I can do it. I've done it for a while now, and this is my first mistake."
"Yeah, and your last," another cop with blond hair growled, "we accept this deal. You can't come back until he's either dead or gone."
Fanty was silent for a while, before holding out her hand for a confirmation shake. "Deal."
"FANTY, NO!" Mystic yelled, lunging for her. She grabbed Fanty's shoulders and shook her to get some sense into her mind, "You can't leave Burgess! What about us?! What if Pitch comes back!?"
"I volunteer going with them." Angel said strongly, and everyone looked at her, shocked.
After a while, Drago nodded. "Me, too. I'm not letting my friends be ripped apart by a lunatic. I'm sticking around."
One by one, each girl stepped forward, volunteering to stay with Fanty as well as help supervise Loki. They all glared at the man before returning to their deal.
"Take your belongings and leave town. You've got until sundown." the head officer said, and he turned on his heel and left them.
"What about our jobs?" Drago asked, worried at the idea of losing her dream job.
"You can continue working in the community, as long as he doesn't come with you." the blond police officer glared at Loki, who quite conspicuously used his middle finger to wipe under his eye.
The deal was made. Before the sun set, they were lucky to find a large chalet out in the forest, just four in a half miles from Burgess. They were very close to the mountainside, great for hiking and taking pictures of nature. But such hobbies weren't on their mind, they were more focused on their disappointment, worries and anger at Loki for making them lose their home in order to keep him sheltered and protected.
"I swear to Heimdall above, I did nothing!" Loki protested, hoping at least one of them would hear him out.
"Really? Then how did Fanty get so scraped up?" Drago barked at him angrily, dipping the washcloth into the stained water, "these aren't just boo-boos you can fix. Fanty's wounds are going to take time."
"That I can account for! At least she isn't dead." Loki wasn't very good at reasoning anymore, judging by the horrified look Drago was giving him.
"Screw you, Loki." Xion muttered as she brought over the bandage wrappings for Fanty's side.
"I made a mistake, alright? I'm sorry. I made the mistake of going into the market in my natural robes."
"You're such an idiot!" Star yelled, slamming her hand on the table, causing the water bowl to shake, "We would expect you to be clever and smart, but now we know how much of an idiot you can be!"
"Shut up." Loki hissed at her, not tolerating her jeering.
"No, you shut up! We just lost everything!" Angel cried, "And now we're stuck here in this prison until you leave!"
"Then I'll leave you for good, now!" Loki barked, and Drago growled at him to shut up.
"You can't! You remember what your punishment is. You'll just be brought back here to torture us more."
"I can't believe you would just throw away everything like that!"
"For all we did for you…"
"You ungrateful, son of a-!"
Fanty couldn't take it anymore. The yelling, the name calling, the insults were too much to bear. The trust they've built was shattered to pieces, or at least shattering at the moment. Seeing and hearing her friends yell at each other made her sick. She wanted to throw up. If only she could throw up all the regret and self-hate that was stirring inside her…
So she got up and ran. She jumped up so suddenly everyone gasped and stepped back. Fanty sprinted towards the door, swiped it open and ran out into the dark forest, not caring that it was cold and she was straining herself too much.
"Fanty, wait-!" Xion started after her, but Loki held her back, "Let me go!"
"No...she needs to breathe." Loki released her and turned away from them, ashamed that what started to be fine and a renewed life morphed into misery once more.
Fanty ran until her lungs were searing in pain, like hot and wet fire. Once her legs started to feel like jelly and her heart was pulsing so fast it made her head spin, she stumbled to a stop. She tripped over roots, causing her to fall to her knees and hands, gasping in air that she wasn't permitting herself to breathe before. Her throat burned at the fresh air, causing it to feel dry and itchy. She needed water...she needed a hug.
She cried, hating herself for such a punishment from a being she didn't even know and believing that things could get better. She sobbed until her eyes burned and her side started acting up, so she hissed and sat up straight, stiff as a board, against the trunk of a tree. So she waited. She waited for someone to come and get her or when her heart would calm down and she could breathe peacefully once more.
Once the pounding in her head disappeared, she could finally hear the peepers hidden in the darkness, as well as the rare call of the owl, hooting along with the soft wind. Crickets chirped, as well as a strange noise that sounded like the flutter and call of bats.
But then there was another noise. It sounded like footsteps. Fanty closed her eyes, not ready to be found. If it was Loki, she didn't want to hear his apologies anymore. She knew he was sorry, and she knew he meant it, but she just wasn't ready to really forgive him yet. If it was one of the girls, she didn't want to hear how they punished Loki, or their questions on if she's alright and if she wants anything. She just wanted it to be quiet for once.
"Out and about, I see?" a dark voice chuckled.
Fanty immediately got angry, thinking it was a stranger lurking in the shadows of the forest for a victim, and opened her eyes. But instead of a lurker, she was met with the sight of Pitch Black himself, smiling down at her. He looked overjoyed at seeing her, and he held out an elegant grey hand to help her up.
"Fancy meeting you here, Fanty."
"Pitch!" Fanty cheered, immediately grabbing his hand and jumping up.
Surprising him suddenly, she hugged him tight, thankful that he was right in front of her and well. He made a sort of surprised grunt, and his eyes widened when Fanty kissed his cheeks in greeting and said happily, "You're here! You're really here! I thought you were gone!"
"Ah, um, well, I'm not," Pitch grinned as he ruffled her hair, "but that was quite the greeting, thank you."
"What are you doing here?" Fanty asked, her hand instinctively going to touch her injured side.
"Well, I looked for you at the apartment but it was completely dark. Joyce said that you all were gone. So I went looking for you. I heard that…." his sentence trailed off as he noticed her side.
Her entire waist, from her hips to her chest, were wrapped in bandages, tight and secure. She had more bandages on her arms and some cuts on her face, as well as a bad bruise on her temple.
"Good God, what happened to you?" Pitch instantly became worried, but got the hint Fanty didn't want to hear that question from her whiny groan.
"I got in a fight with some cops when I was trying to protect Loki."
"You mean that spoiled brat of a prince that the Guardians were talking about?" Pitch furrowed his non-existent brows, "I thought he was rid of before."
"He was banished by the All Father. Odin said I was in charge of 'shaping him up'." she put those specific words around bent fingers.
Pitch sucked air through his teeth, understanding her dilemma and pain. "I take it it didn't end well."
"No. He was doing fine until now, because he forgot to change back into mortal clothes. The cops recognized him and immediately charged at him and I got caught in the crossfire," Fanty flourished a hand at her bandaged side, "proof of gunfire," she gently touched her cheeks, bruised to a dark purple, "proof of physical hand to hand combat. You get the picture."
"I would like a word with this lunatic. He makes me sound like a civilized human being." Pitch happily said, looking around the forest. The fellow really did make Pitch look benevolent! About time some change was brought.
"Gee, thanks for your sympathy." Fanty rolled her eyes, a smirk gracing her lips.
"Alls well, right? You're alive, and that's what matters," Pitch awkwardly hugged her, still not used to being so friendly, "that and your nightmares continue to thrive."
"Aww, for a second I thought you were being heartfelt!" Fanty laughed, pulling away from him and teasingly punched his arm.
"Seems unlikely a foul being like him could even muster up such words." Loki's hateful voice came from between the two oak trees.
Fanty looked at Loki, mildly surprised at the rudeness he shot at the Boogeyman. Even Pitch looked surprised at the sudden appearance of the god himself. Loki folded his arms over his chest, keeping his eye locked on Pitch.
"And you are?" Loki pressed, a flat tone in his velvety voice.
"What's it to you?" Pitch spat at him, "I think more importantly I know who you are. And I know your devastating backstory as well."
Loki growled, and Fanty thought for a second she saw a flash of red coat his eyes for a millisecond. What was that? Maybe it was just her, the strain against her wounds acting up again. Can people hallucinate when injured?
"I bet you have a lot to monologue about, my friend," Pitch grinned, gently moving Fanty behind him so he wouldn't accidentally touch her injuries, "after all, you are a banished soul like myself. We could become good comrades."
"I wouldn't know whether you were joking or not. But at the moment, I'm thinking it's not possible. My skills could highly surpass your own by tenfold. But that's not the point here, is it?" Loki smirked, and Fanty saw a faint smile twitch at the corner of Pitch's mouth. She knew he liked a challenge, and something about Loki's personality and alignment with the bad side like himself made him interested in the man.
"Loki, why are you out here?" Fanty asked, bending her head to the side from behind Pitch, almost a bit too comically.
"Checking on you. But now I feel like this freak of darkness has everything under control." Loki gestured to Pitch, who looked completely offended.
"Lok-" Fanty started.
"Jotun scum." Pitch hissed.
That instantly touched a nerve. Fanty saw before her very eyes a new creature that melted away Loki's pale skin and emerald eyes, a being in the form of Loki but with hellish red eyes and icy blue skin, with markings all over his face and body. The new Loki screamed angrily as he shot a blast of light green magic at Pitch's head, searing hot and ready to kill.
Pitch immediately reacted. He shoved Fanty to the ground, making her collide into the nearest tree away from the fight. Pitch conjured up a shield of nightmare sand, causing the green magic to explode off the shield, pebble up and spark back into nothing with the sudden exposure to the air and enchanted sand. Loki sent another blast of magic, but in the shape of daggers as thin as a needle, and Pitch easily deflected them with a wave of his hand with a bored expression.
"You know what, Loki? I'm starting to think I misjudged you." Pitch said over Loki's loud cursing and sizzling heat of magic, "you're a lot weaker than I expected."
"Stop encouraging him, you idiot!" Fanty yelled over Loki's angry roar, throwing a stick at Pitch's back. It didn't get very far, for it landed right in front of her feet, wedged in the thick ground. Great. Some help I am. Fanty grumbled, folding her arms, this sucks. I'm the stupid damsel in distress again. I hate this. Immensely.
But with Pitch's skilled tactics, maybe even a bit more than Loki's, he saw a point of opportunity when Loki jumped into the air and twisted, preparing to kick him in the throat. Time seemed to slow down. Pitch easily wrapped his hand around Loki's boot, and with strong concentration, blasted nightmare sand into his chest, sending him right smack dab into a tree, nearly splintering it.
Loki groaned as he got up, staggering a bit. And with a few moments to recollect what happened, he started chuckling.
"You're not bad for an old man!" Loki sneered at him, green magic curling around his fingertips like smoke.
"I'm forever trapped at the age of thirty, you shut up!" Pitch glared at him, forming his famous scythe.
Loki conjured a green sword and clenched it tight, feeling the magic throb in his arm. He and Pitch screamed a warrior-like call in unison, and then charged. Just as they jumped into the air to attack, a crossfire happened. Another source of power knocked them down, accidentally making them bonk foreheads and crumple to the ground, groaning in pain.
Fanty panted, clutching her handmade bandage-stick-n'-rock slingshot tightly in her arms. Once the sounds of war calmed back into the night sounds, Fanty grinned. She put her hand on her hip as she admired her handiwork. The two men looked as if they were just taking a snooze!
"Time for a time out." Fanty said, putting on the extra bandages around her waist.
0 notes
duskholland · 7 years
New Beginnings (Stiles Stilinski imagine)
Summary: You move to Beacon Hills and quickly make some new friends. (I’m so bad at summaries istg but just know that this ends with fluff and it’s cute)
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: This is the first Stiles/non-smut piece I’ve created for the Teen Wolf fandom and I’m actually really nervous to see if it goes down well omg…I really like how it turned out - I hope you do too! :)
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Beacon Hills was different to what you’d expected.
It was your mum securing a new job in the town that prompted the relocation during the summer before your senior year. You had to move hours away from your old town, leaving behind all the connections and roots you’d spread. It was an understatement to say you were far from pleased.
Before moving there, you only knew snippets about the mysterious town - little bits and pieces you’d gathered from the internet and stories retold by your parents. You were expecting a quaint, country town, whereas you arrived to discover that the reality was completely different.
To say you’d been annoyed at the move, your first day at Beacon Hills High School proved that things weren’t all bad.
You were sitting at the back of history class, having arrived early to snag a desk near the rear of the classroom. You reckoned that at this point - three years into high school - most of your peers would be in their own social groups and it’d be better for you to try and blend in than stick out as the new girl.
 You waited for the class to fill up, absentmindedly doodling over the front of your notepad as the voices around you grew louder. You focused solely on the strokes of your pen, finding a little comfort in the gentle circles you traced across the paper.
“You’re new,” a voice, brash and loud, came cutting through the air. You startled, jerking up to see a boy sitting at the desk beside you. Noticing your surprise, he fumbled, a slightly embarrassed blush working its way across his cheeks. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You craned your neck, the new angle giving you the edge you needed in order to see the boy in more detail. He wore a loose-fitting t-shirt, the navy colour standing out brightly against his freckled skin, and his hair was styled up and out of his face. What left you slightly dazzled, however, was the mischievous light in his eyes. 
“It’s okay,” you responded, eyes subtly tracing over the rest of his facial features. Nice lips. “I’m Y/N. by the way. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Stiles Stilinski,” he said, lips curving into a smile. “Well - that’s not actually my first name, but my real one is Polish and difficult to pronounce… Most people just call me Stiles.” You found yourself grinning at the slightly erratic pace of his words, finding the fumbling oddly endearing. 
The class soon started, ending the quick exchange between you and the slightly hot boy beside you.
From there, Stiles seemed to take you under his wing. He referred to himself as your ‘guide’, your ‘friend with the local knowledge’, but in actuality that just meant that he took it upon himself to show you around the school, and then the town, and then his favourite spots around the county. You grew close, the both of you, a bond quickly tethering the two of you together.
After being in town for around two months, you went on your first date with Stiles. Well, sort of. You were under the impression it was a date, but Stiles seemed to have mistaken your signals for something platonic. It was when you tried to end the night with a kiss that things got a little…unclear.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you said, smiling at the cheerful boy in front of you. Stiles had walked you back home, the both of you spending the majority of the journey laughing over stories of him and Scott.
“Me too! I haven’t had this much fun since Scott and I-” although it was slightly inappropriate, you found yourself tuning out his words and instead focusing on the different shapes Stiles’ pink lips seemed to form. For two months you’d been wondering - craving - to know how they’d feel against yours.
When Stiles paused to take a breath, you found your body seeming to move of its own accord. You stepped forward, hand reaching up to rest against his cheek as you tilted your head to the side. “Could I kiss you?” You asked, heart thrumming against your ribcage at ninety miles an hour. 
His reaction - although rather typically Stiles - came as a surprise to you.
He laughed.
“Are you being serious right now?” You asked, unsure on whether to be offended or confused. Stiles only stepped back, letting out such a loud guffaw you found yourself biting back a giggle. 
“S-Sorry, Y/N, I just,” he paused, waiting to catch his breath. When he looked up to see the hurt reflected from your eyes, he seemed to soften. “Were you being serious?” 
Baffled, you nodded. “I kinda assumed you’d want to…tonight went really, really well for a first date so I guess I figured you wanted to, - but if you don’t feel the same, that’s completely okay.” 
“Date?” Stiles repeated, fingers rubbing together. You narrowed your eyes, nodding.
“When two people spend time together doing romantic-” 
“I know what a date is, Y/N,” Stiles cut you off, a distant look in his eyes. You waited, practically able to see the cogs whirring behind his eyes. “You like me?”
You blushed, starting to feel more than a little embarrassed. “Yes, Stiles. If we’re done here, I’d kind of like to throw myself onto my bed and hide until my embarrassment fades away, so-” you turned to walk into your house, heat prickling the skin of your cheeks, only to be stopped by Stiles gripping your arm.
“Wait! Please, Y/N,” he gritted his teeth, a small smile replacing the angsty expression written over his face a moment later. “I like you too,” at this, you breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“You do?” You queried, trying to press down the excitement spreading across your abdomen. 
Stiles pulled on your arm, gently moving you closer. His eyes met yours, whiskey depths seeming to read every inch of your soul. One warm hand slid around your waist, the other moving to rest around your throat.
“I do. I’m sorry I was so oblivious, it’s just really weird to think that someone actually likes me,” you frowned at this, making a mental note to bring it up later.
“Well, I like you a hell of a lot - so much that it’s beginning to drive me crazy to be this close to your mouth and not lean up and close the gap,” you breathed out, watching Stiles gain a glint in his eye.
“What’s stopping you?”
And that was all it took.
You leaned up and brushed your lips against his, the action causing a spread of shivers to slide down your spine. Warmth spread across your skin, his mouth radiating so much heat you found yourself holding back a moan. Your lips seemed to meld together so perfectly that you found it difficult to concentrate on much else than the action of his rubbing against yours.
Stiles’ grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you closer, your body sliding to rest against him. This seemed to increase the intimacy level by tenfold, his palm squeezing against your hips in a way that caused your entire body to light up.
The moment seemed to last forever, neither of you wanting to pull back. When you were forced to, however, Stiles smiled back at you. “That was amazing,” he uttered, biting down on his bottom lip.
“Incredible,” you agreed, moving closer to reconnect your lips.
After that, the only way was up. Fast forward another month and the both of you were casually seeing each other. You hadn’t exchanged labels, neither of you wanting to put strain on your relationship by forcing the other to commit all the way, but it was safe to say that you were absolutely smitten with the dark-haired guy from your history class.
You were now settled into Beacon Hills. His friends had become yours, all of you hanging out together during the weekends as well as around school. As well as this, you’d been on five ‘official’ dates with Stiles, each getting better than the last. However, you still hadn’t done the one thing you’d been waiting for.
You hadn’t been to watch a game of lacrosse.
Stiles had tried to sway your decision, promising it’d just been an evening of your life you could never get back - but you were adamant: you wanted to see him play. Not only did you find the idea of Stiles all hot and sweaty extremely attractive, but you wanted a reason to scream his name. Pun intended.
Eventually he’d given up, realising you were just as stubborn as him.  
The result of this want was that you were huddled on a metal bench, sitting beside Malia and Lydia, as you watched the (admittedly slightly dull) lacrosse game. Stiles had promised to take you out for dinner for the ‘proper’ part of your date as soon as the match was over. 
As the cutting winter wind battered your exposed face, you found yourself wishing you’d taken Stiles’ advice and skipped the match.
“I’m gonna go and get some more hot chocolate, do you guys want any?” You asked Lydia and Malia, rising from the freezing metal stand. Lydia politely declined, but Malia bobbed her head in quick agreement, making a comment about the chill hanging in the air. You assured them you’d be back in a few minutes before walking off towards a table set off to the side of the pitch.
As you walked across the hard ground, your eyes found Stiles’ back. Coach had drafted him into the match as a ‘last resort’, seeing as the player Stiles normally shadowed was off sick with a virus that had managed to take down half the team.
You had to say, Stiles was doing a lot better than you’d expected! The way he’d described his abilities, you’d assumed he wasn’t going to be too good, but so far he was doing quite a good job at holding his own. Lydia had made a comment about him ‘showing off for a certain someone’, and you hated to admit that that thought had made you a little too happy.
Your eyes followed his jersey as Stiles scooped up the ball and ran across the field, catapulting it in Scott’s direction a moment later. This resulted in Scott darting forward, managing to sneak a successful shot at the net. You found yourself cheering at the success of Stiles’ assist.
Once the excitement from the crowd had died down, you moved towards the drinks table. As you queued in the line for hot chocolate, a tap on your shoulder caused you to turn around.
“You know he’s just interested in you because you’re the new girl, right?” A girl - tall, brunette - said, seeming to sneer down at you. You were confused, not knowing who she was or what she was talking about. Seeming to sense your bewilderment, she barrelled on, “Stiles does this with everyone - takes interest in unfamiliar people, shows them around, gets to know them, breaks their hearts. It’s what he does. He doesn’t really like you, he’s just attracted to the adventure of a new person.”
You bit your lip, trying to block her out. It wasn’t true - there was no way it could be true. Stiles wouldn’t lead you on…would he?
“I give it a week, maybe two if you’re lucky. Just wait, he’ll drop you eventually.” 
Deciding you were done with the conversation, you slipped from the line and walked towards the school car park. As you went, you constructed a text to Malia - apologising for flaking on drinks duty - and to Stiles - saying you felt ill. You knew it was cowardly to run, but the words the girl had said ran deep.
You didn’t check your phone until you were back home, at which point you had a few responses. Malia reassured you it was fine, and Stiles hoped you felt better soon. He also wanted to know if you were free to meet up the following day. You agreed, of course, ruling it better to ask him about it than silently drive yourself crazy.
The following night, you found yourself on Stiles’ porch. You were too nervous to knock, knowing that the evening could go one of a few ways. Best case scenario, Stiles understood your wariness and dispelled any doubts you were having. Worst, and you’d end the night with your heart shattered.
 “Y/N!” Stiles pulled open the front door, face splitting into a cheerful grin when his eyes fell on you. “I saw you waiting out here…forget how to knock?” Although his tone was light, there was a layer of concern hidden beneath the inquisition.
“Sorry, I just spaced out,” you smoothed, walking into his porch and slipping off your shoes. He’d mentioned in his texts that his dad was working a nightshift, meaning you had the house to yourself. 
The second you’d shrugged off your jacket, Stiles was diving in for a kiss. As he lips met yours, you couldn’t help but pause to savour the moment, nervous it could be one of the last times you felt his lips.
“You okay?” He asked, pulling back a moment later. You realised you hadn’t kissed back, too lost in your own thoughts to pay proper attention.
Nodding, you bit your lip. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Seeming unconvinced, Stiles led you through to his kitchen where a delicious aroma hung thick in the air. “What is that?” You asked, watching his face light up.
“My dad suggested it might be a good idea to try and ‘woo’ you,” Stiles started, a small blush curling around his cheeks. “‘Said it’s romantic to make a big gesture to show how much someone means to you,” you found yourself smiling at this, “I’m not the best chef - in fact, Scott made me promise to never try and impress anyone with my cooking abilities - but I thought I should try. Anyway, it’s just a lasagna. I hope you like it.”
Stiles rubbed his hands together, looking a little like a fish out of water as he waited for your response.
“I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” you said, touched that he’d taken the time to make you something.
As you waited for dinner to cook, you took the time to catch up with Stiles. He told you that they’d (unsurprisingly) lost the lacrosse match, but he’d helped the team to score another two goals. You’d tried to cheer him up, but found yourself feeling rather subdued as the mention of the game only reminded you of what that girl had said.
When the timer went off and Stiles went to pull his lasagna from the oven, he let out an irritated groan. “It’s burnt,” he said, pushing it onto the worktop and poking the top with a wooden spoon. You rolled your eyes, moving closer to inspect it. The top was covered in black crispy parts. It was a wonder that you hadn’t smelt any burning.
“It’s well-done?” You tried, wincing a smile.
“Let’s just order takeout,” Stiles deduced, you quickly following suit and agreeing.
After sifting through the large array of menus, you found yourself sitting on Stiles’ couch, curled into his side. He left arm came around your shoulder, warm hand resting on your upper arm. Every once in awhile he’d squeeze you, causing some of the tension to slowly drop from your anxious muscles.
His rhythmic breathing acts as an anchor to keep you tied firmly in the moment - helping to clear some of the unhelpful thoughts from your mind.
You found yourself taking in a particularly large gulp of air after realising you’d been so out of it you’d forgotten to breathe, prompting Stiles to pull back. He turned to face you properly, hand gripping your shoulder in a grip that supported you completely.
“Y/N, please, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting weirdly all night. Was it something I said?” He looked confused as well as a little hurt, brown eyes bleeding sadness. You sighed, deciding just to go for it.
“When I was at the match yesterday, a girl came up to me and said some things about you,” Stiles winced, reaching down to take your hand. You grimaced at the contact, moving forwards with your story regardless, “she said you do this thing with new people…take interest in them because they’re unfamiliar, lead them on, break up with them. I guess I’m just…confused. Is any of it true?”
You looked to him, watching his face for any flicker of feeling, sign of emotion, to suggest anything at all. Stiles only groaned, using his free hand to rub at his temples as the other squeezed your hand.
“It’s not true, Y/N,” he said. You watched him swallow, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
“Why did she say it, then?” You asked, no heat in your voice. You weren’t ever annoyed or angry with him - you weren’t even together! You were only curious and - fine - a little hurt. 
“That was probably Bree. We went out for a few weeks when she first moved to Beacon Hills, nothing too serious, but we broke up in the end because I found out she wasn’t who I thought she was. Ever since, she’s been trying to mess me up. I’m sorry she got to you,” he bit his lip, face the picture of sincerity.
“Okay, I guess that makes sense,” you said, processing everything. A crazy ex girlfriend, perfect…
“It isn’t true, I swear, Y/N,” Stiles grabbed your other hand, holding them both between his warm palms. “I really, really like you,” he spoke earnestly, eyes wide, “I hope this doesn’t come between us.”
You shook your head, sighing a little. “Stiles, I like you way too much for something like this to ruin us,” your lips curled around us, the action making you grin.
Stiles looked relieved, eyes flickering across your face. “Yeah?”
You leaned forwards, halting when you were a mere two centimetres from his parted lips. “Yeah,” you closed the distance, kissing him softly. Stiles’ hands slid from yours, slipping to rest on your waist. Moving smoothly, you shuffled forwards and ended up straddling his waist, hands falling over the back of his shoulders. This newfound position made it a lot easier to feel closer to him, both your breaths mingling together as he pulled back.
“I was planning on asking you to be my girlfriend tonight,” Stiles confessed, worry lines carving across his forehead, “is that something you’d still like to do?” The gentleness of his tone took you slightly off-guard, your heart’s violent beating contrasting loudly against your ears.
You grinned, nodding your head surely. “I’d love to.”
Stiles reciprocated your expression, hands squeezing your hips. A moment later his lips were on your forehead, pressing gently against it. “You make me happy,” he mumbled, words soft.
The film rolled on, fuzzy white pictures blurring as your concentration laid elsewhere. Stiles held you tightly, occasionally planting quick kisses around your face. With the heat from his body pressing against yours, you felt so secure - so safe - that a part of you never wanted to leave.
When you woke up in his bed the following morning - eyes bleary, lips puffy - Stiles was still there, an iron-like grip around your waist. You found yourself smiling.
Maybe Beacon Hills wasn’t so bad after all.
any feedback? I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
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winchesterandpie · 7 years
Son of a Patriotic Biscuit (Part 1)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (Not a ton yet - there will be more, I promise!)
Word Count: 1760
Warnings: None
A/N: Alright y’all, my friend and I finally had time to go through and edit the story enough for me to put this piece up. Credits to her for putting up with my writing as well as my bemoaning of my inability to write this as quickly as I wanted (I’d tag her, but she doesn’t have a tumblr). Anyways, it’s my first series guys!! Hopefully you like it! If anyone wants to be tagged in the next parts or other fics as they come, just let me know - I swear I don’t bite. Reader is an Avenger who has wings - if you’ve read Maximum Ride, that’s where I got it from (and I claim no credit for the idea). Gif is not mine.
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Every. Single. Time. Why?! He just couldn’t seem to stop. Yet again, he had denied me going on a mission. He had said that I wasn’t ready to be out in the field like he didn’t even realize that I had already gone out a few times with Nat and Clint! I tried to explain this as calmly as possible, but he hadn’t heard a word of it. Naturally, I stormed down to the training room to take out my anger where it was more acceptable, rather than on a fellow Avenger. In the others’ defense, they had tried to talk Steve down, but he was completely in charge of the mission and who went on it.
“Fricken fracken, mother truckin’, son of a biscuit eater, chivalrous little overprotective man-baby!” Each word was punctuated with either a jab or kick to the punching bag in front of me. With the final words, I threw myself into a spinning kick that sent the already splitting bag flying across the room, sand trailing in its wake. After half an hour, my frustration had finally come to a head.
“What’d the bag ever do to you?” I tore my eyes away from the carnage with a huff and saw Nat in the doorway
“It’s not the bag I’m mad at,” I muttered, but I knew she heard me. She gave a miniscule nod of acknowledgement, both of my statement and my obvious desire to change topics.
“That’s quite the insult I heard. Where’d you come up with it, Feathers?” The ex-assassin moved to stand in front of me, putting my back to the door.
“Honestly? I dunno. The best ones are those that just come out in the moment, y’know?” Shrugging, I sheepishly turned back to the wreckage. “I’m gonna have to clean that up, aren’t I?”
“Nah. Not right this minute, at least.” She closed her mouth abruptly after the sentence, staring at something over my shoulder. I turned, freezing in my tracks when I saw who stood in the doorway. “I’m just going to give the two of you a minute.”
Thanks for that, I thought, glaring a little at her retreating form. Switching my focus to the hulking captain (pun intended), I allowed my face to settle into stiff lines. We stood there for a long moment, sizing each other up as though any second we were going to lunge at each other. Quirking my eyebrow up and crossing my arms, I resolved not to be the first of us to speak. As it turned out, I didn’t have long to wait before he uncomfortably broke the silence.
“This is for your own good,” he finally said. I threw my hands up indignantly before turning and looking for something to hit, though I desperately wanted to sock him in the jaw right then. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t help me get out in the field. “No, don’t you start giving me that look.” His blue eyes hardened, and I could tell he had no intention of being swayed on this when his forehead creased. “You may not realize that you aren’t ready, but I’m just keeping you from being killed out there. There aren’t any practice fights, no one out there is going to go easy on you.”
“You seem to have somehow gotten it into your head that I don’t realize that!” I burst out, utterly exasperated with him. “Steve, I’ve already gone on missions with Clint and Natasha, and I’ve even gone out with just Thor! I’m not the damsel in distress that you seem to think I am!”
“You’re not going and that’s final.” “Fricken fracken, mother truckin’, son of a biscuit eating... Little patriotic old fart with a hero complex!”
“Lang--” He stopped in his tracks, confusion marring his features. “Wait, what? Did you actually say what I think you said?”
“Ooh, stepping into dangerous territory there, Captain. Thinking on your own? Don’t you need supervision for that?” I shoved past him, holding myself stiffly upright until I reached the elevator that took me to the floor with my room on it.
Finally in the safety of solitude, I made sure the door was locked before sliding down the wall until I was sitting, knees pulled up to my chest. I was upset enough that I unfurled my wings and wrapped them around myself, providing an extra shield between me and the outside world as a choked sob rose in my throat. Funny, how the feathers that used to be (and still sometimes were) a reminder of a nightmarish warehouse - full of needles, electric shocks, white lab coats, and pain above all else - while they were now the very things protecting me from more pain.
I stayed there for a long time, wallowing in the feelings of self-doubt that had sprung up once I was left alone in my thoughts. You see, despite being a kickbutt, flying, ninja-assassin-Avenger, I actually cared a lot what Steve thought of me. Having a crush on the star-spangled captain will do that to a person. As an unfortunate side effect, his apparent lack of confidence in my abilities in the field was doing wonders for knocking my self-esteem into the dust. To top it all off, I was almost positive that he only saw me as a younger sister, due to the overprotective big brother act.
Steve’s POV
After she pushed past me with a final jab about my thinking, I pushed a hand through my hair in frustration. Why couldn’t she see that I was so afraid of losing someone close to me again, that my fear was the reason I tried to protect her. Bucky was gone, and Peggy had grown up and left me behind. I couldn’t stand it if this brave, stubborn, kind woman died after somehow managing to worm her way into my heart no matter how desperately I had tried to keep her out. If she got hurt or killed when I could have kept her safe, I wasn’t sure if I could forgive myself.
I didn’t even realize that my feet were moving, tracing her light-footed path, until I was standing in front of her door. My hand was poised to knock, though it stopped when a small sound caught my attention. I wasn’t even completely sure I had heard anything until it came again. The muffled sob barely came through the door, sounding more like an agonized gasp of air that tore my heart out to know I was its cause.
To my knowledge, she hadn’t cried the whole time she lived at the Tower with us. What she had been like before Nick Fury brought her to us, I could only imagine. Strength and an iron will like hers were rarely forged through any but the most painful of fires. Still, she never said anything about her past, whether how she had gotten her wings or otherwise.
It had taken a lot of time, and a fair amount of prodding from the team, before I realized that I was in love with this spunky woman. Once I knew, however, no other beautiful woman in the room could turn my head from Y/N’s radiance. The only problem was that I still was no good with women and I knew it. I didn’t want my inability to put words to the feelings (thanks to my lack of experience) to drive her away, so I tried to protect her instead. Sinking down by her door with a disheartened sigh, I realized that to her it must seem like I didn’t believe in her abilities.
“You’ll have to tell her, Steve.” Natasha’s voice was quiet in my ear. Turning my head toward her, I saw her gaze soften even more as she opened her mouth to continue. “She thinks you have no confidence in her.” “I do, I swear,” I protested vehemently under my breath, knowing the spy would hear me where the woman on the other side of the door would not. “I just… I don’t want to see her get hurt.”
“You’re going to have to get over that. This world leaves scars on people like us. Even her. Especially her. You can’t keep her from being hurt, but you could be there to help her heal.” This was the longest string of heartfelt advice I had heard from her, and I took it to heart.
“I’ll tell her after this mission, then.” I nodded, satisfied in my resolve.
“You’d better. Now come on. We’ve got a briefing to get through.”
Reader’s POV
It wasn’t until several hours later that I was bold enough to leave my room. Mostly because it was two in the morning and everyone going on the mission (read as: everyone but me - Thor was up in Asgard until after the team got back) would be asleep. Also because I was hungry, but y’know. Of course, I still stuck to the shadows and treaded silently through the halls and rooms. Entering the main room was when inspiration hit - likely a mix of exhaustion, desperation, and hunger, but it was too good a chance to pass up.
Steve had apparently been the last person awake, and had made the mistake of leaving the mission’s file on the table in plain sight. Performing a quick scan of the room, I crept up to the table, holding my wings up and out a little to ensure that they didn’t drag on the floor and make noise. A wolfish grin spread over my face as I read the details of the two week long mission. It was in an area I knew well - the place where I’d grown up as an experiment, constantly pushed to my limits and tormented for the scientists who wanted to see what a girl with wings could do. Coincidentally, it was that same group that the team was now going after.
Now knowing that I could get to the spot easily, the only thing left was to figure out when the whole thing was going to go down. The file really only had the details of the surveillance they would have to undertake to find the base. Fortunately for me, I was quite the hacker, so I made sure that the comms that were sitting out were synced to my laptop so that I would be able to hear everything that was going on out there. Satisfied with my little recon mission, I went my way into the kitchen and made a quick sandwich before returning to my room.
Part Two HERE
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Knuxouge #4 pwease :)))
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Sitting regally upon the steps of the Master Emerald’s altar, a loyal guardian rested with his arms folded, head down, sitting on the top step of it’s magnificent throne…
Such a handsome guard… but oh, so gullible.
Rouge turned herself against a tree, juggling a chaos emerald fake in her hand, before catching it, and sneering.
Some people really shouldn’t go it solo…
She flew off as quiet as the wind would allow her, all the way up to the top of the large site.
She hovered delicately down upon the Master Emerald, and held the Chaos Emerald up, putting a hand to her knee and bending down to stare at the peacefully charming looking echidna below her.
You know… he could be pretty fun to be around when he’s not mad.
She turned her head, drooping her blue eyelids.
Too bad he’s such a brute.
She turned and flew over with a powerful gust to the pillar that had her beautiful diamond pleasure upon it… the white Chaos Emerald.
The gust had disturbed his sensitive nose though.. however, and it twitched as Knuckles’s eyes started to open, and blink in suspicion.
“Huh?” he turned to look up, but by then, Rouge was already flying over head.
“W-WHY THAT-!!!” He twitched his hands out in rage, before realizing he was being robbed.
“Woops!” Rouge looked behind her, almost innocently.
He was powering through the calm winds, gliding with quite the anger expression upon his face.
“That’s my cue.” She flirtatously gave him a look, before dipping down.
“You’re not leaving my sights!” Knuckles followed her dive, and cranked back a fist. “ROOOUUUGGGEEE!” as he charged the ground, she suddenly looked back, a cheeky, and sly smile, as she suddenly swiped up.
“Whoops again.”
His eyes grew small, and quickly tried to glide away from his spiraling plummet.
“Grrr….!!! RAH!” he was able to spin at just the right time to avoid a horrible collision.
“Ohh…” Rouge, looking impressed, placed a hand over her heart. “My,… what muscles~”
He ended up gliding straight into some palm trees, before popping his head out, and yelling out to her, having a huge anger mark on his fists. “YOU THIEVING BAT GIRL! I WON’T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!”
She fluttered in the air, before striking a pose unknowingly beautiful, and dipped her head down, seeming alluring. “I’d like to see you try, Big boy…” she teased, narrowing her eyes in a challenge, before turning away, “Ta-tah~” she was having fun.
“Why that no good, swipin’… YOU OLD HAG!”
Suddenly, Rouge halted in the air.
Her white hair had a huge anger mark pulse from it, as she slowly cranked her head back, eyes fuming with rage as her eyelids twitched.
“What was that..?”
“You heard me! You’re nothing more than a flimsy escape artist!” he stomped his foot on the tree’s branch, before it started to creak.
He blinked his eyes, losing his anger. “Wh..huh?” he looked down, and the tree branch fell.
“WHHAAHAHHAAAA!” he ran a moment in the air before starting to fall.
She folded her arms and glared, turning her head away as he crashed.
He apparently fell on his head, and slowly flopped over onto his stomach.
“This… just isn’t my day…” he said through swirls in his eyes, and his tongue sticking out.
He then shook his head and leaned back, glaring back at Rouge. “Come on and fight me, Thief!”
“You idiotic Knuckle head…” she twitched in her rage, before throwing the emerald down, along with her arms. “If that emerald means so much, then come and get it!” she spun into her signature kick, and started to drill her way through the air down to him. “I’ll teach you some manners!”
He tried to hold his hands up to catch her drill, but the force of it hurt to restrain against, though he did.
He was soon flung back when he noticed the white chaos emerald start bouncing off a unseen trail.
“Huh? GRAHH!”
She unspun herself and landed well, balancing before getting up and looking back at him.
He had been kicked up against a rock, and spat out some leaves that were falling from the impact. “I’ll make you pay for that.” he growled out, his eyes narrowed too.
“Hmph. If I wanted to pay, I would have bought my gems and jewels.” she folded her arms, “fair and square.”
“Wouldn’t that be the honorable thing to do!?” his arms were spread up against the rock, and his legs were sitting from being dragged by the force until stopped by the rock.
He leaned forward, hollering, as she twitched in rage again at his rudeness. “Don’t you know it’s rude to scream at a lady!”
“I’m a woman you know! Show some respect.” she swiped her head back, looking offended.
“Heh. All I see is a robbin’ old bag of nothin’ but bones!” he smirked out.
She flinched, before her eye twitched and she leaned forward, “You-! Ingrate! Barbarians know better than you when it comes to women!” She turned to face away from him, before Knuckles got up, dusting himself off and patting his bruises, and then taking off for where the emerald had bounced off too.
“I don’t have time for this!”
“H-hey!” she turned around, reaching out for him, before pulling back and looking hurt.
She then went right back into her anger fit, “DON’T IGNORE ME!” she rapidly sped her wing speed up, charging after him.
Dodging some trees, she made it up to him.
She smiled, opening her mouth, “Got’cha!”
“Whaa!” he was surprised, to say the least, as she gripped him around the back and they started tumbling together.
She was laughing as he kept screaming out in awkward frustration.
But his struggles were futile at this rapid speed down the hill, even passing the chaos emerald that had rolled along into a small plothole in the hill.
“AH! My emerald!” Knuckles called out, trying to reach for it but being pulled down by gravity till they fell in a patch of flowers at the bottom.
“Offph! Uhh… H-huh?” he slowly blinked his eyes open, as a blurry white and black image moved up from beneath him.
“My.. if I had known you would grip me so tightly, maybe I wouldn’t have called you all those awful things~” Rouge trailed a finger down the odd, crescent shape on his chest, before smiling and batting her eyes. (pun intended.)
He blushed and looked down, shaking at the sensation of being this close to her.
He also looked uncomfortable and scared, his eyes shrinking with lines around them.
“Ohh~ Did you purposefully turn me so that you’d be the one to take the hit? Or was that just another fluke..?” she must have been referring to another time, before moving up on him and pressing herself down.
Now his face was a bright red, as she smirked before a chao flew over head.
“Hmm?” she looked up at it, and leaned to do so.
The space gave Knuckles time to breathe, those his eyes were in swirls.
“Hmph. Children shouldn’t be around here. ah!” she was tossed off by Knuckles’s arm, as he looked up to see the Chao.
“Hey..” She back up, rubbing her head before seeing the Chao was floating softly down to Knuckles, having the white chaos emerald in it’s grasps.
“Haha! Good one, kid!” Knuckles smiled, genuinely, as Rouge noticed the happy look as he held out his hands to receive the emerald.
She shifted her legs, and ducked her head down to the side…
Why can’t I get him to smile that way about me?
He rejoiced in the recovery of his emerald, standing tall and holding it up like simba, as if he was the hero or something.
She rolled her eyes, and looked behind her, making a side comment. “You’d think he’d realized by now how much I hate those things.” she groaned in complaint, before looking back at him, and swatting her bat wings out to try and get his attention again.
“Hey, red!”
He laughed, not paying attention.
She tried to position herself better, “Red~” her voice was quite alluring…
His eyes blinked suddenly, getting thrown out of his own world, as he looked back to Rouge, annoyed.
“What do you want?”
She twitched, and lost her sexy posing and look, “Why can’t you speak kinder to me, huh!? Is it really that hard to act like a gentlemen!?! Come help me up!” she almost roared the words out, pouting slightly as her wings stretched out again, getting irritated by how oblivious he was.
“I swear, you’re so naive.” she looked up at him, as if disappointed.
He was walking over to her, holding the emerald in his arms like a baby, as the chao followed by his side.
He twitched in anger at her words and leaned back, before roaring down back at her.
“ME!? You’re the thief here! What? SHOULD I SHOW ANY RESPECT TO A COMMON CROOK!?”
That was the last straw.
Her eyes were now in a furious frenzy, as her face scrunched up and she let him have it!
Her spiky foot went right into his ‘no-no’ box.
He twitched in pain, dropping the emerald as the Chao didn’t know what had happened, and so happily flew down and picked it up for him again, flying right back up to present it to him again.
He fell down and gripped his stomach, as she watched him breathe out some air and looked away.
No mercy.
“You… Y-you darn bat girl…” he muttered out, gripping the grasp as his head was completely down, crouching.
She lifted a leg fashionably up to her knee, letting it rest there and looked away nonchalantly, but clearly, she was enjoying herself now. “Serves you right. Calling a lady such names.”
He twitched an eyebrow up, glaring at her. “W..Why aren’t you trying to snatch the emerald? Now’s your chance… to fly off with it.”
She was surprised to hear that he caught on to that.
It was the first time he ever noticed…
She looked back, seeing him in pain… and suddenly smiled warmly to him.
The look surprised him, as she bent forward and down to him, lifting his chin up.
“If I really wanted that emerald…” she took the opportunity, starting to bat her wings into flight, but never taking her eyes off of him.
His gaze never left hers either, he just stared in awed wonder.
“I would have stolen them all by now.”
She let his chin go and hovered a moment in the air, before snickering and winking a silent goodbye, taking off for the sky.
“See you around, tough guy~”
He stared and watched her depart a moment, no longer feeling pain, he moved up on his hands and knees.
“Would of… taken them… by now…? Then what was she really after.. Oh!” he suddenly look straight ahead.
Then turned quickly, getting up on one knee. “A distraction!” he looked to the Master Emerald.
She looked back, and shook her head, sighing and shrugging. “Men. They’ll never learn…” she smiled confidently then and took off, away from the island…
The chao turned his head to the camera, and tilted it to the side, having a question mark above his head. “Chao?”
(These two are so funny, lol!)
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