#i tried to just! have an easy day bc physically i felt awful and i still don't feel great
tvrningout-a · 10 months
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Sending nudes/sexting w/ AOT characters (Erwin, Levi, Reiner, Zeke, Connie)
TW: mature things obviously, fembodied!reader, typos probably bc I didnt proofread, 18+, MINORS DNI
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Okay but having Erwin as a sugar daddy who never really expects too much of the “sugar” part out of you, but he’s so sweet and nice and such a gentleman that you can’t help but feel bad one day and send him a teasing photo of you in some lingerie he bought you a while ago and oop—now you totally just started something between you two.
It started off as just pictures in you in lingerie. You mostly covered with maybe a nipples or two poking out through the fabric, but eventually you felt comfortable enough to send him picture of nude parts of you body. And eventually you built your confidence up to send him full body nude picture in stances that make him go crazy. Like you on your knees with your hands flat against your thighs or bent over something with your ass and cunt on display.
One time you sent him soapy titty pictures and a video of you putting the soap on your titties and when I tell you this man went feral with horniness, I mean it.
I wish I could write out sexts for Erwin but he strikes me more of a video call type person rather than text. He’ll FaceTime you in a heartbeat after you send a picture, instructing you on what he wants to see and what he wants you to do with your body. Often times the video calls end up with you either fingering yourself or fucking yourself with a toy he bought for you as he watches from the other end.
“Good girl, just like that. Now spread those lips for daddy so he can get a good look at you.”
Sometimes he’ll even join in with you for a mutual masturbation. Large cock on display in the camera and in his hand as he jerks it at the same pace you’re fingering yourself so you can both reach your orgasms at the same time.
After you both but you think that’s the end of that until the next time he wants to have a session like that, but seeing you over the phone only edge him on more. “I’m sending someone to come pick you up. Be ready in 10 minutes.” Not even a goodbye or anything, but an order.
Nudes and sexting between you and Levi are not a common occurrence at all. You two would much rather be in the physical company of each other to do anything to each other and plus, Levi doesn’t like using his phone a lot.
That’s why when Levi sent you a picture of himself with the cockring you had put on him earlier in the week as a reminder that it was still on, you were shook to your core. Not only because of the fact that he just sent you a nude, but because he looked so good in it with his cheeks flushed, eyes low just begging to orgasm, and his pink cock standing straight up screaming for someone other than him to touch it.
It was almost like he sent it to you knowing that it would rile you up and hopefully cut down on his punishment so the two of you can hurry up and use each other to your liking. And you would be lying if you said that thought wasn’t peaking at the back of your head, but this week was all about your self control along with his. As you’re thinking on how you should reply, maybe with a picture of your own or a few words to tease him, he sends you a string of texts:
(txt) I’m so needy for you baby
(txt) I don’t think I can wait three more days with this thing on
(txt) it hurts, I need you to make me feel good
(txt) so I can make you feel good too
But, just to torture him longer and get him at his neediest, you send him a picture of your cunt along with a text:
(txt) only 3 more days and then you’ll be able to have me any way you want 💜
As an adult it’s so clear that Reiner really lacks confidence at times and can be quite shy and uneasy when it comes to things. Especially when that thing is something like taking nudes that requires so much confident because let’s be honest, sending nudes isn’t always easy.
Plenty of times you’ve blessed him with lewd photos of yourself to add to his spank bank or tried to sext with him, but he just couldn’t quite catch on, but you really don’t mind at all! As long as you’re helping him orgasm and not making him uncomfortable then you could care less about his poor sexting and nude taking skills. But he wants to learn how to be more comfortable in his own skin, so he enlists in your help. At first you thought he was joking, but nope, he was dead serious.
It was kind of awkward at first trying to give him directions on how to pose if it was a nude as if you weren’t the one taking the pictures for him, but it didn’t take long for the two of you to get the hang of it. At one point he looked so good, so hot and flustered with his cock in his hand spread out on the bed that you couldn’t resist pouncing on him then and there. Which resulted in hun taking the camera from you as you rode him and taking pictures of the two of you fucking.
It sparked a tradition between you two from there on out; taking pictures of each other in sexual context whenever you can. You two don’t even need to send each other nudes at this point because you have so many nude pictures of your phone already on each other’s phones.
Not saying you dressed Reiner up in a maid outfit once and took pictures of him with his erect cock poking out underneath the dress, but you dressed Reiner up in a maid outfit once and took pictures of him with his erect cock poking out underneath the dress and you keep it in the favorites tab in your camera roll for whenever you need spank bank material.
Now he’s much more confidence with taking nude photos of himself and sometimes he’s the one to start up sexting conversations between you two.
There’s no one in this world who sexts better than Zeke sexts. His messages are like poetry, so descriptive and easy to visualize and leave you melting in your seat with hot cheeks. They’re just as effective on you as his dirty talk in the bedroom and if you sat there for a good thirty minutes just reading them and thinking about all you experience with him, then you could probably make yourself cum just from that.
(txt) I just want to make you tremble in my arms so bad while I pound into you from behind, my fingers playing with your swollen clit to push you into sensitivity while you orgasm
(txt) want a cock covered in cum by the time I’m through with you
What’s so funny is that he’s behind the screen doing a mundane task like eating cereal while texting you all this. He’s not even too turned on or overly horny at all, just messing with you because he knows the two of you are so far away from each other at the moment.
It’s not until you send him a video of your wet cunt on display with your fingers knuckles deep into yourself moaning out his name trying to mimic his touch, that he really gets riled up. Sitting his cereal down and all to focus on the short snippet of a video, feeling himself get harder and harder in his pants as he watches it on repeat.
(txt) Aw the needy little slut can’t get off properly without me there, can you?
He knows you’re using these texts to coax yourself into your orgasm, probably imagining him behind you whispering them in ear. So, to mess with you further knowing how much you want him right now, he sends a video back to you of him palming his erection through his pants. Knowing it’ll drive you crazy that you can’t have him right now in this moment.
Connie sends you pictures of his dick all the time and not even necessarily in sexual content either. You’ll be minding your business at work and get a picture of Connie’s dick with tiny sunglasses and a mustache on it with a text that reads: “Look babe 😌 I dressed him up. He wants to go on a date with your pussy tonight.”
You cannot take this man seriously at all, simply replying to him with an emoji like ‘🤨’ thinking that’ll be the last of that for today, but boy oh boy were you wrong. Minutes later your phone is buzzing with a notification from Connie. It’s a video and because you think it’s going to be a meme or something you open it without considering your surroundings.
Immediately, the sounds of his whines and moans exit the speakers on your phone and you have to run to the bathroom to finish the rest of the video. This time you’re able to actually look at it; Connie’s hand stroking the base of his cock with a lubricant all over his hands at a pace that was going to have him cumming in only a couple of minutes. And no, the mustache and sunglasses were no longer on anymore.
You take pity on your poor boyfriend and decided to do him a favor, pulling down your shirt and bra so you’re breasts were on display for them. Angling them and holding them up in a way you knew would make him go crazy before you sent the picture to him.
(txt) enjoy 🥰
And in return? He sent you a nut video with the sound on.
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helnjk · 4 years
Sixth Year - D.M.
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Platonic!Blaise Zabini x fem!reader
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Requested: yes
Hey if requests are open could you do a prompt#21&50 for Draco.. Could it be a bit of angst and end with fluff? Thanks!
“all you do is make empty promises” “i’m tired of your lies”
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst, swearing
Summary: 6th year with Draco isn’t turning out how you expected it to be.
A/N: ok 1, i wanted to try writing angst (pls give comments/reviews!! i wanna know how i did) & 2, other than the request, i kind of based this off of one of my fav tiktok acct’s shifting stories aksjdhsadh you can find her here ! i love her tiktoks and she’s what got me into shifting LMAO but anyway ! let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist ! enjoy xx
Prompts are in bold
Eighth. This was the eighth night you had stayed up until god knows what hour waiting for Draco to show up.
The moon was high in the sky by the time you realized he wasn’t coming yet again. The biting wind rushed past you as you tried to gather as much warmth as possible from the jacket you brought up to the Astronomy tower. Your breath came out in short puffs, white wisps trailing from your mouth out into the chilly night.
With one last glance at the midnight stained grounds, the only light emanating from the moon above, you wrapped your jacket tighter around your body and turned to make it down the stairs. It was a long trek to the Slytherin dorms, which gave your mind more time to spiral. This meant fighting back the prick of tears at the back of your eyes by the time you had reached the dungeons.
The next morning, you found yourself at the Slytherin table barely able to keep your eyes open. You hadn’t gotten much sleep, your mind refusing to stop running the different scenarios with which you imagined Draco must have gotten into causing him to forget your rescheduled plans.
“Y/N?” Blaise’s voice startled you into opening your eyes, having nodded off, leant against your palm.
“Huh?” You murmured, trying to blink the sleep from your eyes, “Sorry did you say something?”
“You alright? You look like you could just drop dead any second,” His eyes scanned yours worriedly, shifting closer to you so that you could have something to lean on.
“Gee thanks Blaise,” A sarcastic drawl came out of your lips, “Just tired. I was up late last night at the Astronomy tower waiting for Draco.”
His brows furrowed at your statement, “Draco? He got to the dorms pretty early last night. Didn’t say he had anything planned with you last night.” Eyes widened at the realization of what he said and he quickly tried to back track, “I mean-That’s not-”
Despite the distinct crack you felt in your chest, you mustered up the faintest of smiles (which probably looked more like a lopsided grimace), “It’s alright, Blaise. Thanks for letting me know.”
The rest of the day passed by you in a blur.
Everyone seemed to notice the melancholy mood that you were in, everyone except for the only person you wished would pay attention.
Being in your sixth year at Hogwarts, you were excited to spend a good chunk of it with your boyfriend. After all, there were no OWLs or NEWTs to worry about (yet), so you assumed that this year would bring more time for you to spend together.
You were wrong. Clearly.
The moment you had stepped off the Hogwarts Express in September, Draco started to spend less and less time with you. It was November now and the less time you found yourself spending with him, the more you noticed that he began to keep things from you. His eyes would shift whenever you would ask him what his plans for the day were or when you questioned who he would be with all day. He never gave you straight answers either.
“Why? What do you have planned for us today?”
“Just off brainstorming for our next date.”
“Obsessed with me, are you? You’re too cute darling.”
No matter how charming he had tried to be with his answers, you could tell something was off with him. None of the so-called plans he came up with ever came to full fruition. Often, you would find yourself waiting for him to arrive, either at the common room to take you to wherever he planned your date to be, or up in the Astronomy tower since that was where you went when you wanted to spend time, just the two of you.
Some nasty rumors had also been circulating Slytherin house. It started when someone overheard Harry Potter speaking to his friends about running into Draco right before a quidditch match, but the catch was that he was in the company of two other girls. Of course, you tried not to let these kinds of things get to you, they were just silly little rumors after all.
Still, these kinds of thoughts plagued you at night when you would go to bed not wrapped in the arms of the person you loved most.  
When you brought up these feelings with him, it had only started an argument.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Y/N.” Draco said rather harshly after you asked him about the rumors, “Are you implying that I’m cheating on you?”
“No!” You replied immediately, “I just want to know where these rumors are coming from. You’re my boyfriend, I should know what to say when people ask me about it.”
“Then tell them they should be minding their own damn business.”
You didn’t bring it up after that, afraid that if you did, it would cause an even bigger rift between you two.
By the time you had made it back to the common room, it was mostly empty. There were a couple of seventh years trying to get in some extra revising time in the corner, but they mostly left you alone. Not wanting to go up to your dorm yet, you settled on the couch next to the blazing fire instead. By some stroke of luck, Draco came stumbling inside the room as you sunk into the cushions.
“Draco!” You called out, his name slipping from your lips before you even knew you were saying anything.
His eyes registered that you were in the practically empty common room a second slower than usual, “Y/N. Hi love.”
“I missed you last night,” You admitted as he reached you.
A furrow in his brows told you that he didn’t know what you were talking about, “Come again, love?”
For the nth time, his words struck a chord deep in you. You didn’t think it was physically possible, but they added yet another crack to your already broken heart. You cleared your throat in an attempt to push down the lump that had formed, “Uh, I was waiting for you in the Astronomy tower? Because we had plans?”
As if a bucket of cold water dropped on him, his demeanour changed completely in the blink of an eye.
“Oh darling I’m so sorry,” He muttered softly, taking your face in his hands and pressing kisses all around, “I was completely knackered yesterday, I didn’t even think about anything after dinner except sleep. I’m so sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?”
Instead of the calm you usually felt being around Draco, you felt like you were at your breaking point. You couldn’t do this to yourself anymore. It was surprising to realize, that even with the added comfort of being at the receiving end of his kisses, there was still a large part of you that was tired. You couldn’t fall back into his arms after more than a dozen attempts at trying to keep the relationship afloat.
Gently, you pried his hands away from his face and took a deep breath. You could already feel the sting of unshed tears in your eyes as they locked with his, “I don’t think you can do anything to fix this.”
“What-Love, what are you talking about?”
“All you do is make empty promises, Dray.” You whispered, “And I’m tired of setting myself up for disappointment.”  
The love of your life was speechless, so you took the opportunity to stand up quickly. “I don’t understand what you’re doing or why you’re being so secretive about it, but find me when you’ve figured out if it’s worth it or not.”
Without waiting for his response, you hurriedly made your way to your dorm room and sparing no glances back in his direction.
A few days after your heartbreaking conversation with Draco, you still weren’t one hundred percent. It didn’t feel like you were ever going to be one hundred percent again. Your only solace was your friendship with Blaise.
For all intents and purposes, he was your best friend. Even before you had started dating Draco, the two of you were thick as thieves.
Oftentimes over the next few days, you found yourselves huddled in a corner of the common room. He would remind you to eat and to do your schoolwork as you went about your days mindlessly.
“C’mon,” He said one night, holding his hand out to you as you were cuddled up against a cushion. You merely raised your eyebrow at him, “Get up, I’ve got somewhere to take you.”
With a sigh, you pushed yourself off the couch and took his hand. It was well past curfew, but it never really bothered the pair of you. Being Slytherins made you resourceful with how you navigated the castle, the easy dynamic between the two of you enabled you to sneak through the shadows unnoticed by anyone who might have been nearby.
“Why are we going to the Astronomy tower?” You whispered as you climbed the seemingly endless staircase.
“Just thought you could use some fresh air.” He answered nonchalantly, “Feels like you’ve kept yourself cooped up in the castle this whole week.”
“That’s awful sweet of you, Zabini,” You teased, the shadow of a smile on your lips.
He shrugged as you got to the top of the tower, “Just don’t like seeing you so sad.”
Few words were exchanged between you two as you leant against the railing of the turret, taking in the view of the grounds in the dim light. The moon was full and high in the sky, and the breeze wasn’t as biting as it was the last time you were here.
Something about being up there in the clear night with Blaise was doing wonders for your aching heart. It might’ve been the fresh, crisp air, it might have been the calming presence of your best friend. You were grateful either way.
As the wind picked up, you huddled closer to Blaise’s warm body. What was it about boys being basically walking furnaces all the damn time?
“Draco’s a prat,” He murmured as he wrapped his arms around you, “I just wanted you to hear that.”
“He’s not though,” You defended weakly, “Something’s up with him, definitely, but I don’t think he’s being a dick on purpose.”
“Yeah but he’s still made you feel like shit.”
You shrugged, “And I let him.”
After a few minutes of silence, you heard the distinct sound of a door swinging open behind you. You craned your neck to see who would be up here at such a late hour when your heart stopped in your chest.
“What’s going on here?” Draco sneered, taking in the sight of you cuddled up at Blaise’s side, “Replaced me already, Y/N? Reckon he’s the reason why we’ve broken up?”
You felt Blaise tense up beside you but paid no mind when your focus was solely on the rage brewing in your chest.
“How dare you,” You seethed, “You have no right to accuse me, we weren’t even doing anything!”
He had the audacity to scoff at your retort, “Sneaking off at nearly midnight, to share a romantic night under the stars? Seems like more than just ‘nothing.’”
Before you could respond, you felt Blaise’s warm hands on your shoulders, “I’m gonna let you handle this one, love.” Blaise whispered in your ear, “He doesn’t deserve anything from you, but I feel like I’ll only make it worse if I stay.”
You nodded slightly.
“Hurt her even more than you have, Malfoy, and you’ll see just what kinds of curses I know how to cast.”
With Blaise making a quick exit and taking away your source of warmth, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and clutched the jacket you had on closer to you.
“You never had a problem with my friendship with Blaise before,” You muttered.
“Because he wasn’t all over you then!” He argued.
“We’ve always been like that and you know it.” You rolled your eyes, “Why are you even up here Draco?”
“So you own the Astronomy tower now?” He huffed, stepping next to you to lean on the railings, “I needed somewhere to think and clear my head.”
Almost as if there was no gaping chasm between the two of you, your bodies slowly inched towards each other until you were shoulder to shoulder. Almost as if the boy standing next to you hadn’t broken your heart with his secrets and his deflection tactics, his presence seemed to calm your elevated heart rate. Almost.
“Are you finally going to tell me what’s been going on with you recently?” The words that escape your mouth are no more than a whisper. You hold your breath in anticipation.
“Nothing’s been going on,” Is all he says in reply.
“Stop lying through your teeth, Draco!” You burst out, your frustrations finally getting the better of you, “I’m tired of your lies. Do you not trust me? Is that it? Because I can help you, you just have to let me in!”
“Of course I trust you! I love you for Merlin’s sake, Y/N!”
You sucked in a breath, all of your resentment seeming to escape your body, “I love you too, Draco,” You whisper, taking his warm hand in your cold ones, “But all of this sneaking around, this hiding, I don’t think I can handle not knowing what you’re up to especially when it’s affecting you this way.”
Draco took a deep shuddering breath, you could practically see the gears turning in his head. “I don’t want to lose you.”
That wasn’t what you expected him to say, “You won’t, you just need to be honest with me.”
He turned to face you, thumbs rubbing gentle circles on your hands, “I can’t tell you exactly what I’m doing,” You opened your mouth to argue but he cut you off with a look, “All I can say is that I love you and I want to protect you. What I’m doing has nothing to do with how much you mean to me, but it’s something I have to do. I just need you to be here, be with me.”
“I don’t understand,” Came your reply.
“I’m saying that I have an important job to do, and I want to be with you, but that means you’ll have to be okay with not knowing everything.”
“You’ll tell me if you need any help though, right?” You all but whispered.
“I’ll tell you if you absolutely need to know,” He nodded slightly.
“Okay,” You were still trying to wrap your head around everything that he said. It wasn’t exactly what you wanted, but it was a good compromise, “And you can’t keep blowing me off. If you want me to be here for you, then you have to do the same for me.”
“I can work with that.” A slow smile graced his pale features and you felt your heart stutter at the sight, you hadn’t seen him look so calm and at ease in a long time.
“Good.” You pressed your cheek against his chest and reveled at the comfort it brought you. He wrapped his arms around you and you could feel yourself melting into his touch.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
yandere mammon content, pls . . . i just want some content with the idiot demon because he's so cute. like, even if mammon would be possessive as hell as a yandere, he'd probably wouldn't actually do anything that bad to his darling and that's why i'd choose him over his brothers any day. also bc i'm a morosexual and he's stolen my heart, but that's not the point-
I think I may have a soft spot for certain idiots. Not all of them, just the overly confident morons who don’t have a sense of self-preservation or the brain cells needed to think things through. Mammon was wormed his awful little way into my heart, understandably.
TW: Implied Physical Abuse, Threat of Physical Harm and Toxic Mindset/Relationship.
The cut on his shoulder had started bleeding, again.
It was trying to patch-up a leaking boat, when Mammon got into one of his spats. His shirt was off, already deemed irreparable and thrown away, allowing you to look over your work like a practiced sculptor circling an untouched block of stone. An entire roll of gauze had been wrapped around his bicep, medical tape and cotton balls forming a trail from his collar-bones to his knuckles, and you were starting to think you’d need a cold-compress or two before the swelling on his jaw agreed to go down. It was almost impressive, how beat-up someone could get in such a short period of time. You couldn’t have taken your eyes off him for an hour, and yet, you still had to come back to a beaten, bloody demon-shaped mess sprawled across your bed and a note from one of his brothers asking you to ‘deal with him’ once he woke up.
You swore under your breath, tearing open another band-aid with your teeth and slapping it over the injury haphazardly. It did little to stop the on-coming flow, but gave you a momentary comfort, enough so to let you unwind and glance down at the boy on the edge of your bed, his own gaze fixed sternly on his lap. He always refused to look at you, during times like this. You used to think it was malicious, that he was embarrassed and unwilling to admit he’d ever crawl for a human for help, but considering the blush currently dusted over those tan cheeks, you had your doubts about your initial theory.
“What happened?” You asked, if only to clear the air. “It looks like you tried to fist-fight a pack of rabid dogs.”
“You’re not far off,” He mumbled, sighing, the ghost of a smirk already playing at his lips. It was more of a reflex than anything, an effort to lighten whatever he was about to say, but you knew him well enough to recognize one of his pacifying tactics as soon as it appeared. “You should’ve seen those ugly bastards. A real group of delinquents, even by my standards. They weren’t what did me in, though.” He paused, dramatically, as if the tale of how he’d ended up unconscious on your mattress was some epic conquest he just had to pass on. “I’m the second strongest for a reason. If someone put me over their knee, assume it was the big guy down the hall himself.”
Laughing, you took a step back, admiring your work. He looked better than he had, but that might’ve only been because you couldn’t see how scraped-up he was, anymore. Absentmindedly, your cupped his chin, tilting his head up back to check on the bruises forming around his neck. Choking was always Lucifer’s favorite way to start off his ‘lessons’. But, Mammon didn’t seem to mind your investigative efforts, leaning into your palm without his usual self-imposed restraint. “That’s not what I’m asking.” You paused, attempting to find the right words. “Why did you get yourself hurt? Don’t tell me they were the ones who started it, either. I’m not falling for that.”
He didn’t answer, and you pulled away, earning a stifled pout. “What if they were, this time–”
You cut him off, crossing your arms. “Mammon.”
“Fine.” The submission was abrupt, but nothing less than what you’d expected. Still, the strong arms soon wrapped around your waist managed to catch you off-guard, Mammon swiftly dragging you closer to him, only stopping once you were standing between his legs. He didn’t waste time, burying his face in your chest, attempting to muffle his voice as much as he was able to. “They… they tripped you. I had to do something.”
“What?” The question slipped out before you could stop it from doing so. “I don’t remember that.”
“They did.” His hold on you tightened, the pressure on your back quickly growing crushing. “You might’ve not noticed, but they did, I’m sure of it. And since I’m your first-guy and all, I had to do something. You see that, right?” You felt him shift, moving to stare up at you. Looking for approval. “And… you’re proud of me, yeah? Lucifer said you wouldn’t be, but he doesn’t know anything. You’ve got to be happy I was nice enough to rough ‘em up for you.”
You relaxed, but it wasn’t out of relief. You’d gotten so used to disappointment, you nearly welcomed it, especially when Mammon found it so easy to inspire so much of it. “We’ve talked about this,” You started, your voice more similar to an exhausted parent than a concerned friend. “You can’t just go around doing whatever you want to, then saying it’s for my sake and expecting me to pretend it never happened. I’m not going to thank you.” He huffed, and you noticed a laceration near the top of his spine. It’d managed to open up again, despite how minor it’d seemed earlier. “I’m not going to help you, anymore. Next time you get yourself into trouble, ask Beelzebub for help.”
You expected him to whine, to sulk or throw a fit or do something loud, but Mammon only went stiff. “You always patch me up,” He counted, tone uncharacteristically flat. “Always. I don’t want Beel to do it.”
You shrugged, doing your best to stay firm. “We don’t always get what we want.”
Mammon didn’t hesitate. He was quiet, for a moment, but as soon as you moved to seperate yourself from him, you were no longer on your feet, pulled flush against his chest and kept there by an iron-clad grip, his free-hand embedded thoroughly in your hair. You struggled, attempting to push him away, but if Mammon had any intention of letting go, you couldn’t tell. His face was buried in the crook of your neck in a matter of seconds, hot breath fanning over your skin, the tips of teeth too sharp making contact with your skin. “You don’t, but I do. Say you’re thankful, that you’re proud of me.”
He waited for a response. You weren’t sure if you could give one. “That’s not–”
A growl, dark and guttural, silenced you instantly. “Say it before I rip out your fucking throat. You know I can and you know I’ll do it.”
You couldn’t be sure if he was kidding, if this was a prank one of the others had put him up to or just a stress-induced bluff, but… he was right. He could, if he wanted to, and the possibility was enough to have you spitting an admission faster than you could think of one. “T-thank you,” You stuttered, hardly noticing as your vision began to blur. “Thank you for keeping me safe, I’m… I’m proud.”
Fortunately, Mammon seemed satisfied with that, throwing you onto the mattress behind him, acting as casual as he had before his breakdown. Tears were flowing openly, but he didn’t notice. He didn’t care. “Damn right,” He scoffed, only scanning you over briefly before that predatory smirk regained its territory.
“Those fuckers should know that I’m the only one allowed to hurt you by now, anyway.”
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thelostguardianau · 4 years
The Lost Guardian- Chapter Eight
“Heed the Silenced”
(Authors note: aha.. yknow I should probably stop making promises for this fic. Months later, w/ a chapter that doesn’t have Thomas in it, three different outlines down and i’m really just at the mercy of this fic at this point xD considering midway through writing this chapter I had to cut and rewrite an entire scene i’d spent a month on bc I’d decided that Dee had a chance at redemtion that added an actual direction and a tangable end goal to this story. So. Yeah. And!! A loud Thank You!! to @bumblebeekitten for helping me bounce ideas back & forth for this au and being my beta for this chapter!!)
Character Info & Art:
Patton | Logan | Roman | Virgil | Remy | Deceit | ??? | ???
Chapter Seven | Chapter Nine
Fandom: Thomas Sanders Sides
Pairings: Eventual Polyamsanders (LAMPR/CALMR-a.k.a LAMP/CALM + Remy ‘Sleep’ Sanders)
Warnings: THIS CHAPTER IS KINDA DIALOG HEAVY!(sorry) Currently depicted as morally grey Deceit(subject to change in future chapters), though the side of Deceit from his first appearance doesnt make an appearance in this chapter and it is explained why, mentions of past betrayal and dark descriptions of bodily concepts, curses, limitations, and changes only really explained as possible through the lore of this au. Deceit speaks in riddles because he has to, ominous warnings. Virgil still isn’t okay mentally. Mentions of indifference to death, lack of selfworth or self preservation. (Let me know if I need to add anything!)
Brown eyes flutter open at the chilly breeze of a fan, and the ravenette’s mind comes to realize that he’s been moved from resting on his stomach to laying on his back. Groggy from his much too short nap, it takes a few moments to realize there are no warm bodies near him or under him, no breathing or chatter of familiar voices to sooth him.
The room, he realizes, is empty.
The room itself is, in fact, not Remy’s bedroom at all.
Shooting straight up, Virgil’s first clear thought is that he’s back at home. At his apartment, this time in his hoodie yet still roughed up from his latest ‘adventure’. The scene is eerily familiar, and yet he knows this time that work is not where he needs to be. It’s already daylight and his mind now knows this familiar scene, he should feel alone. Yet, this time he can hear the sound of honking cars and people, his loud neighbor from upstairs stomping around.
It doesn’t make sense as he walks to his window and peers out to see vague cars and people, he can’t even seem to make out any individual faces. It’s grey and raining outside, but there is no pattering sound against the foggy window. ‘What’s happening?’ Virgil wonders.
“Life seemed so simple a week ago, even months ago, did it not..?” A familiar voice drifts from behind him. Ice cold fear shoots down the ravenette’s spine as he recognizes the voice.
“I can hardly believe you were able to leave it, your routine. It was your everything, back when you came to terms with what you had left. Am I wrong, Virgil?” Whirling around to face the voice, Virgil finds the terrifying ex-Guardian sitting on his couch looking quite at home, if a little sheepish.
“What do you care?” He spat back, stepping back against his window.
“I am only looking out for you, you know. I have been protecting you all your life. Of all people I think I would know what is best for you, don't you think? We are connected after all, you and I.” The man sighed, making a surrendering motion with his hands.
“Why would I trust you?! You tried to kill me yesterday!” Virgil growled. “Why--h-how are you even here!?”
“False, my dear Virgil. I tried to warn you. Sure,” The guardian rolled his hand as he spoke, “I am forced to have a round-about way of speaking my truths, it is just part of my consequences it seems. But how else was I going to get you to listen to me after the others fed you lies about me? I do sincerely apologize for my other half being rough, though. I cannot quite.. Control.. Him.” The guardian tilted his bowler hat down to guiltily hide his eyes, regret briefly twisting his expression.
Finally the Guardian stood, dusting himself off as if his immaculate attire had acquired dust from just existing in his apartment. “I needed my physical body to reach yours and make our soul connection strong again, so that my soul could reach yours. However.. The pain I caused you was far from my intention. I am deeply regretful that it came down to.. That awful encounter.
“To answer your question though, Virgil, I am here because I created ‘here’. A realm made to form this illusion of being home, sweet home, just on the corner of the little street you had come to live on for the past year. It is all my doing. Where you stand is simply an illusion only you and I can access, a manipulation of your dreams and memories. The only place where the real me can talk to you mostly unhindered.” The guardian gestured to his surroundings.
“It takes only one person to flip your life on it’s head, a matter of hours to make the decision of a lifetime, and a matter of days to have completely changed your life’s direction,” He turned to Virgil, and looked him straight in the eyes, feeling distant and lost.
“And only a matter of years to succumb to the depression of the lonely consequences..”
Virgil blinked at that. The sad, longing tone had him thrown for a loop; it almost felt like the Guardian wasn't even quite talking to Virgil. “I-What..? I.. I don’t understand.”
The Guardian shook his head, snapping out of it and refocusing himself. "Nevermind that. It is time I talked to you for real, if you will have me?" The Guardian held out a hand politely, though there was no real expectation for Virgil to take it.
After a pause, Virgil gave a slight nod, still suspicious of the other's intent. The Guardian returned the nod, and his hand fell to his side.
“I am limited to the time that you rest and for now I will not be able to explain myself thoroughly, so, I ask you to understand that I do not expect you to trust me when I am done. I honestly do not expect you to ever trust me. With the mistakes I have made, I firmly believe I would not deserve it.”
Virgil blinked in surprise, not having expected his captor to admit to his faults straight off the bat.
“Okay.. Well, we’re here, might as well hear your side of the story. So.. Shoot.” Virgil said lightly, distrust and suspicion still evident in his tone and stance.
“I would assume at this point you are well aware of how the story you have been told paints me as the villain, a mastermind seeking power, immortality, and revenge? At least, that is what I am led to believe is still the story, it has been many years since I have heard the tale first hand… And... Well. Would that not be so lovely?” Virgil made a face, eyes narrowing in confusion.
“I am serious. Life would be so much easier if it was all black and white, true or false, good and bad, would it not? If those who meant well knew everything and those malicious few could not corrupt anything?” The Guardian frowned a bit, frustrated with his words that couldn’t seem to cooperate with him.
“Would it not be lovely if I could talk to you without fighting to keep from turning every honest thought into a question or theoretical statement just to let it be said? That my words could hold a meaning not forcibly disguised in the forms of fables and riddles?” The Guardian looked down lamely, his words tapering off in agitation. For a moment, Virgil waited as the Guardian was silent, contemplative. Then, the next moment the Guardian’s face scrunched up in sadness and his words were soft as he placed a hand over his golden wrist markings.
“My story is complicated, and twisted with shades of grey. One could say what I did was an attempt to keep you safe, another could say that what I did was outlandish and impulsive, and stupid. But no one will be able to tell you that what I did went according to the plan I had... at first. No one will tell you that my intention was to save you, to keep your fate safe. No one will tell you that my plan was ruined. Because there is no longer anyone who remembers what happened that night except for me,”
The Guardian’s eyes flicked up to meet the ravenette’s, a hurt look passing over his face as he continued. His steady voice now just barely trembled with uncertainty as he continued.
“No one but me and the soul who wants so desperately for everyone to forget. The soul who ripped my own in two to bury the secret, and ruin you and I both.”
“My final warning is this: Beware of the man who carries the world on his shoulders unflinchingly, he will be watching you closely. You have immunity to his power thanks to our connection, you might use this knowledge well to find the truth that lies in plain sight. However, your fate lies in the decisions you chose to make with this knowledge, I can only warn you of what might come.” The Guardian nodded solemnly, choosing to finish his cryptic warning there.
Virgil stood there, reeling with the information. Sure, he definitely wasn’t completely convinced he could trust this cryptic stranger, Guardian? Foe? Friend? Virgil wasn’t really sure what to call him anymore. But damn, his life was already so fucking crazy, this was all just fucking crazy! He could just be dreaming for all he knew.
But… Deep inside, he was hoping he wasn’t.
This was, well. This wasn’t what he’d been expecting to hear when facing the man whose, er, body? Had originally tried to strangle him? Now he’d heard his sob story and, well, Virgil wasn’t that easy to fool, but he’d also been told that it wasn’t expected that he’d trust the guy even in the end and he didn’t really want to.
He’d been on the path to death for so long, and then just two days ago everything had changed. So much was happening, it was frankly exhausting. What the fuck was he, some book protagonist? Couldn’t he get a little time to think about all this before he went crazy?
Still, something under all his incredulity begged to hear the guardian out. He vaguely wondered how Stockholm Syndrome worked before he gave in a little. What difference did a little more crazy make in his life at this point?
“Fine, I’ll heed your warning, or whatever the fuck. But only if you can tell me what you mean when you said that this guy ripped your, uh, soul? In two.” Virgil huffed, partially relaxing. It was odd how comforting he found it to be, floating in this weird feeling imaginary world, where he could interact with objects that weren’t real. It felt like he was really standing in his home, and yet it was just built from memory.
The guardian’s solemn expression formed into a grim smile, eyes distant once more before nodding. “I will do the best that my words will allow.” Virgil nodded, and waited for the now very familiar stranger to gather his words and take a breath. Then he began, his markings lightly flashing gold.
“You find yourself whole one day, as you have always been. To be whole of body, whole of mind, both human and guardian in nature. To have conscious thought and control over your whole physical being and soul..
“You find that yourself and others of the winged variety are capable of separating your soul from your being, though only the most Elite can do it well. You find out the family you made would soon be in danger. You then find yourself lost and alone when you once had a home to call your own.
“You find yourself knowing a truth, a perilous truth. Your home is in shambles now that you are gone, yet they do not know it. This truth is at fault, but the blame is not fully your own in a world built on lies.
“The source of truth tucks itself into blankets of grey, drawing itself further from discovery with each passing day. Now only you know the truth. The source of the truth finds you, it seeks to hide you too.
“You find yourself split one day, as you have never been before. Forced apart from the body, trapped within the mind. Guardian in nature, to have conscious thought and your dying soul trapped within, a false mind piloting the puppeteered confines of a broken body with a blind goal.”
“You find you cannot control what you used to, you are a prisoner to a body that is no longer your own, mostly unconscious to the world around it. Crazed by the false emotions that fuel it.”
“The you that used to be is no longer, and has not been for over a hundred years. The world that knew you knows not of what you’ve become. Knows not of the shackles that bind you.
“The you that used to be is no longer, and will never be again.” The Guardian finished, hesitant yellow eyes meeting Virgil’s carefully. Phantom goosebumps trail down Virgil's arms as the final sentence strikes a cord in him.
Virgil found he really wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that, the rawness in the other’s tone spoke volumes of the sore spot they’d reached.
“Your body rests, but your mind also needs time to process today. I shall see you when you next rest, though only if you wish to seek me. Rest well knowing that you will not be scooped from your safety once more, as I hope I’m never to do so again. And...” The guardian paused, considering their next words very carefully.
“I know it is selfish to ask... but, I hope and wish that Thomas is alright, after all this time... Do take care of him, would you?”
Virgil paused and stared, finding only concern and longing in the guardian’s expression. And, well, fuck. What a way to pull at a guy’s heartstrings.
“Er, yes. Yeah. I’ll try my best.” Virgil gave his signature mock salute, the Guardian tipping his hat in return.
“Trying is all I could ever ask of you, Virgil. Rest well, you will need it.” And with that final sentence, the world around Virgil gently grew dark, and he sunk into the comforting arms of sleep.
Despite it all, Virgil still found his mind vaguely conscious. Sluggish at best, but awake nonetheless.
He figured it was likely some lingering effect from the Guardian’s dream realm, but didn’t dwell on it. His life had way too much else going on to be debating the side effects gained from Guardian powers.
First, he’d been pretty damn convinced two days ago that he was going to be a goner by the end of the month. Completely resigned to die believing that his very existence was scorned by the world he’d been unwillingly born into.
Then Patton had stumbled onto his shitty apartment’s roof, found him in all of his resigned and depressed glory, and changed his life forever.
They’d mostly skipped the whole ‘Human nature is a series of life, death, and rebirth’ spiel that guardians were known to give in these situations because... Well, It wasn’t like they’d really had time to address it before the truth about his soul had come out. That he wasn’t exactly human to begin with.
Virgil didn’t think that Guardians had ever had a situation like his before. There wasn’t a protocol for comforting a kidnapped guardian soul. It’d never been a possibility before!
So it wasn’t surprising then, that Virgil didn’t have any better of a time processing it.
His whole life, all that he’d known to be true, all that he’d believed in? Everything had been uprooted and turned on its head. He’d apparently been living a life that was not supposed to be.
Perhaps for the first time in two days, Virgil realized that the thought of his death at the end of the month had not been consistently worming into his brain. It had once been something he could never seem to stop thinking about.
The death indicated by his soul timer was now perhaps the farthest thing from his mind.
Perhaps the strangest thing so far was that he wasn’t alone anymore. He’d possibly had more physical contact with other people in the short two(three?) days since this adventure started then he’d had in the past 16 years.
And wasn’t it just the cherry on top that he’d also gotten nearly choked out by the very guardian accused of kidnapping his soul in the first place? And now he was considering trusting the damn guy.
Virgil hollowly wondered why he even cared.
Why did he care about staying alive now when he’s spent his whole life believing he never would? Up until two days ago, that belief had still been true. But now? Avoiding death was the goal, Logan had stated as much.
Really, would Virgil lose anything by trusting the banished guardian? Even if the guardian was trying to trick Virgil and got him killed, what difference would it make? That’d always been the goal before. What did he, Virgil, really have to lose?
If it happened that Virgil lived past his twentieth birthday, if he became a guardian like he was supposed to be in the first place. Would he want that? Did he want that?
He wasn’t sure. Didn’t know if he ever had been.
His life had been built on resignation to the inevitable. Nothing seemed to motivate him towards liking or hating that possibility. He was just that.
And wasn’t that just the greatest revelation of the night? Finding out that you’re indifferent to living or dying.
Once this was all over, if Virgil lived that long, he would make a note to see a therapist. He knew very well that this kind of mindset was unhealthy to keep. It just couldn’t be helped that the nineteen years he’d lived with this particular affliction couldn’t be fixed by a few extra hugs and comforting words.
Even if he didn’t like the fact that death sounded like the more peaceful option.
His thoughts paused, mentally sighing at the downward spiral he’d caught himself in. It was tiring, and going nowhere.
‘For now,’ he decided, ‘I’m just going to see how this plays out. The Guardian said that none of the others remember the truth, or whatever. So, It’s a ‘he said-they said’ situation right now...’
‘I’ll have to keep an eye out for the guy that he warned me about, then. Who knows if he's as dangerous as The Guardian made him out to be. It’s hard to tell with the weird way he has to talk..’
Virgil paused again, a realization striking him. If he could have groaned, he would have. Not once had he been given or even remembered to ask for the name of said Guardian. What was he supposed to call the rogue Guardian now? He couldn’t just keep calling him The Guardian!
Amidst the disbelief of such a slip up, a foreign yet familiar feeling prodded questioningly at his conscious mind. Adding confusion into the mix of emotions, he returned the feeling with a questioning thought of his own.
He briefly heard the Guardian’s whispy voice once more, now acting with permission.
“You may call me Janus”
Then all at once, Virgil woke up.
Chapter Nine
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shadowqueen1220 · 3 years
A list of C! Tubbo's trauma
(it's hard to decide what's in canon or not so I might not mention it, also I apologise for the awful organization)
Pets dying
House burned and Jungle Base burned
The L'manburg War
Killed several times before the L'manburg War (mini deaths?) and equipment stolen
The Final Control Room
Tubbo and Eret grinded a lot for supplies together and Tubbo looked up to Eret. The betryal was a shock to bim. However, Tubbo was one of the first L'manburg members to forgive Eret.
Election Day
Went silent after the Schlatt's decrees, only spoke when spoken to, cc! Tubbo even seemed emotional as he tore down L'manburg
Schlatt yelling at him and berating him
The Election Day vod basically shows you everything you need to know about c! Tubbo's current coping mechanisms. Schlatt said he wanted a right hand man that agreed with everything said and didn't whine and cry about it. Tubbo was constantly called a yes man and has repressed all the trauma ever since
Being a spy and Secretary of State at the same time
Tubbo was paranoid since the L'manburg war and one of his mottos was "hope for the best, plan for the worst". Being a spy was a stressful job and he was also the Secretary of State at the same time so imagine the workload that he couldn't quite say no to.
Pretty self explanatory and Tubbo has carried this trauma with him for ages. He even has mentioned a bit of PTSD over the sight of boxes. I think be felt betrayed by Wilbur's lack of action here but I'll get back to that
Pogtopia vs Manburg War
Second war on the server. Tubbo was made President by Wilbur and then promptly had it blown up. Tubbo is now president of a crater, a gift from a man he once followed
Tubbo's entire Presidency
This will become a big chunk because it's all so intertwined that I do not want to seperate anything since context is so important.
President Tubbo tried to make the country better but his cabinet wouldn't listen to him and his best friend wouldn't behave. He was forced into exiling Tommy and I think this is the biggest example of Tubbo's fawn stress response.
C! Tubbo is traumatized and his pleasing nature made it easy to use him. I'll come back to that later.
Tubbo's cabinet was a cocktail mix of trauma and stress and an attempt to heal. L'manburg was bound to fall. Not because "it was never meant to be" but because the people outgrew L'manburg.
However, despite this, Tubbo tried to remain constant for the country. He did what he was right based on his previous role models who were not great people. Tubbo was a bad president, yes, but he considers himself the worst president.
Tubbo never built a house in L'manburg. He went into the presidency knowing that both prior presidents has died, betrayed by all. He didn't want to repeat history and was ruled by his fear of the past.
Everyone around him (except for Ranboo) used him for their own gain. Even Tommy viewed him as president first during the exile decision.
And then they began leaving Lmanberg, one by one the people around him left the country. Only Ranboo stayed behind in L'manburg.
Tubbo thinking Tommy was permanently dead is such an important thing that gets glossed over often bc cc! Tubbo didn't want to roleplay feeling responsible for his best friend's death. And if you think it about that, that is such a messed up thing that traumatized him greatly.
When Tubbo found out Tommy was alive again, he was with the man who killed him at the festival. He felt betrayed, yes, but also didn't do anything to defend himself.
Then we get to the Green Festival
I'm going to combine the Green Festival with Doomsday because those two events went by in rapid succession.
The Green Festival was a mess. It was reliving his own trauma. Reminder that Tubbo trusted Dream and thought they were friends. Dream manipulated Tubbo so well that Tubbo doesn't even recognize the harm he did.
He fought Tommy, got told that the discs were worth more than he was, something he has suspected and internalized until the disc war finale and maybe even after.
Dream screamed in his face, calling him an idiot and the worst president and Tubbo took it and even agreed with it. No one defended him and Tubbo took that as agreement.
Then Doomsday. I watched Doomsday from Tubbo's pov and it was just heartbreaking to watch the hope drain from him until he was staring at the crater with in silence. He purposefully died for tactical reasons, he jumped in front of Tommy. He was silent and it was scary at how detached he was from it all.
Disc War Finale
This is where all of Tubbo's trauma crashes in front of him. He said goodbye to everyone and was fine with taking all his guilt, insecurities and trauma to the grave with him. Tommy offered him an opportunity and safe space to talk about his feelings but Tubbo didn't take it.
Tubbo went to battle for Tommy. He always has and at first I was confused to way since Tubbo doesn't care about the discs. But then it hit me. Tubbo doesn't have physical attachment on the server. All of his attatchment is personal but he knows the negative influence Dream had on Tommy so he wants him to be free from that.
Tubbo was fine with dying, was fine with Tommy taking the disc instead of him, was fine with being called a pawn.
He didn't even believe he would survive that event and his apathy of it all shows his trauma
Current Events (Snowchester)
I could talk about the nukes or his frantic research or the syndicate but I already accidentally posted this once so all I'm going to say is
Tubbo's coping mechanism makes it seem like he's already healed. However, this is furthest from the case and he needs stability. This is way his family arc with Ranboo and Michael makes so much narrative sense and I am looking forward to it going forward.
When Tubbo saw that Tommy was alive again, we got the most emotional reaction in a long time. I think this is a good idea thing and I am really excited to see where we go from here.
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what-the-fic-khr · 4 years
Heya! I hope we can request now! OwO if so then I'd like a hcs with Hibari, Dino, Yamamoto (all separately lol) and their s/o sharing a bed for the first time (not in that way but more like a sleepover thing. Can turn into smth else too tho 🤷‍♀️ )
IVE NEVER WRITTEN HEADCANONS ANON SO I HOPE THESE ARE ALRIGHT LOL I feel best grasping anything with some kind of scene, so each has a little scenario!! thank you for requesting!
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Kyoya sharing a bed with someone?? probably awful at first like it’s so tense can you even breathe in there are you okay
doesn’t move so much, but obviously very light sleeper so he’d be better off with someone who doesn’t move much in their sleep
I think the first time would be SO nerve wracking like that’s awful and he can tell you’re so nervous like??
so he’d like,, pet your head to try and make you relax
if you’re lucky he might hold you or smth lol
he looks so peaceful asleep so you manage to fall asleep because of him
“What are you doing...?”
You frowned up at the ceiling for a short moment before huffing softly. “Sorry, sorry... It’s probably super annoying since you’re trying to sleep, but-“
You flinched, closing your eyes when he dropped the back of his hand on your face. He could feel you scrunch your your nose and almost snorted.
He shifting his hand up and gently brushed his knuckles against your forehead a few times until he could physically feel you relax next to him.
“If you’re so stressed out, you won’t get to sleep.”
Well, obviously, but you were stressed for a reason...
“It’s like any other time we’ve napped together. Is it really any different?” He wondered lazily. He didn’t think there was any real difference.
You pressed your tongue against your cheek before shaking your head. “Guess not.”
“Right. Go to sleep.”
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Dino, despite being very good with people (and probably having been with others before), is probably just as nervous as you are
it’s the first time with someone he’s in a relationship with, so naturally he is!!
you’re all embarrassed and flustered and he’s all nervous and shuffling around and stuff it’s cute lol
leave a space for God am I right
that’s a joke
he does leave some space at first bc he wants to make you as comfortable as possible he’s so nice
and you would like, maybe grab his hands between you and shuffle a little closer to the middle of the bed, so he would too
might laugh at how awkward y’all are being like “haha it’s like I’m fifteen again” to lighten the mood
“Y’know, you’re super nice to hug, actually.”
You huffed softly at this, fingers curling around his shirt. He said things like that with such ease; how did he do it?
“You’re pretty small.”
“So you fit in my arms!”
He laughed into your hair when he heard an embarrassed noise you tried to hide in his chest. He couldn’t say that any other time of the day?
“Well, you’re nice to hug, too...”
He hummed to indicate he was listening, gently twirling some of your hair around his finger as he waited patiently for you to continue.
“You’re big and you make feel safe.”
His heart swelled at this. You felt safe with him. With him. That was all he’d want.
“Good. I’m glad.”
“You also smell nice...”
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probably nervous but super good at hiding it so you probably wouldn’t notice
he’s try to make it seem like something you’d done before, for years, just to make it easier to do the first time he’s so sweet
he’d be in bed and let the mattress with a dumb smile hah. would make you laugh a bunch during the whole process of trying to wind down for the night
bc of his father you’d probably be there for the first time bc of smth super dumb and inconvenient like a storm
he’s there to keep you safe!!
I think he’s probably touchy in his sleep if someone’s there, so he might hug you and hold you!! but he’ll also be the type to throw an arm out and smack you in the face lol
“Are you comfy?”
You nodded slowly, shuffling around so you could fit next to him comfortably. His bed wasn’t made for two people, obviously, and he was so much bigger than you, so you had to be pretty close to him.
“Ehh, it sure is cold, though,” you mumbled, glancing up and straining your eyes as you tried to look back towards the window, rain pattering against it pretty heavily.
Your squeak was muffled when Takeshi wrapped you up in his arms and squeezed you to his chest.
“Then, I’ll keep you warm!”
You smiled crookedly at this, petting his shoulder gently. “Thank you...”
It would be easy to fall asleep like this, wrapped up in his arms, warm and safe. Listening to his heartbeat, and the rain outside that reminded you so much of your beautiful Takeshi.
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pennylanefics · 4 years
Saved - Finn Cole | Titanic AU
a/n: wow. i really love this. this is basically the love story of titanic, without the sinking ship or character death. it’s not written too well bc i was struggling with show not tell, but i think it’s the best it can be :) hope you like it!
warnings: mentions of abusive relationship (bruises, no physical acts), mentions of/hints to sex
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The sea breeze whipped through your hair as you gazed out at the dock, tons of people waving goodbye to anyone they could. You couldn’t believe this, you were actually heading to England on a beautiful ship, the first of its kind. The only bad part was the man you were supposed to be marrying.
Your parents were rich, so of course your marriage was sort of arranged by them. Your soon-to-be husband was a fellow business owner’s son, and bringing the two families together with your marriage would be “monumental”, as your father says.
But you weren’t happy. Jonas was a rude man. He didn’t treat you right, he was verbally abusive, and only cared about the business. It was awful being with him, and you tried telling your mother that you didn’t want to marry him, but it was no use.
They were moving with you two to be closer to Jonas’ business in England, which is why they were both on the ship with you. This only made things worse, you felt trapped. That’s why you were trying to spend as much time away from him as possible now.
Unfortunately, you had to spend the morning and afternoon alone, since Jonas was having business meetings with your dad and other colleagues. From the time after breakfast to before lunch, you unpacked all of your things in the luxurious suite, the ornate decorations a bit too gaudy for your taste.
It was beautiful, sure, but you weren’t cut out for the lavish lifestyle. You hated getting dressed up for every single meal when all you want to wear is a natural hairstyle and be free of a corset. But that’s not what your mother wanted.
You hadn’t seen her since boarding, so you guessed that she was with the other wives and women of first class.
“Darling,” that sickly voice calls out from the sitting room. Standing, you make your way out of the bedroom and find Jonas looking through his things.
“What is it?”
“Have you seen my pipe that your father gave me for our engagement?” Sighing, you slightly push him away and unzip the section of the suitcase that it was in.
“Don’t push me like that again,” he spits, storming out of the room and slamming the door. You feel tears form in your eyes, thankful that he didn’t lay a hand on you. You go back to your room and continue unpacking.
Dinner is boring, to say the least. You sit between your fiance and your mother, trying to be as proper as you can be. Your corset is bothering you, though, and the food is too bland. You wanted nothing more than to have a feast with chicken and potatoes and vegetables, not this overly-fancy first class trash; another thing you hated about the lavish lifestyle, the cuisine.
“Honey, are you feeling alright? You haven’t eaten much of your food,” your mother leans over to whisper in your ear.
“I’m not feeling very hungry, I guess.”
“It’s not like you need to eat anyways,” Jonas mumbles under his breath before taking a bite. You hear him clear as day, though. Clearing your throat, you stand, excusing yourself to the bathroom. In reality, you were going to the deck to get some fresh air and alone time.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks, blurring your vision as you run to the farthest deck on the ship. You pick your dress up at the side and before you can register what happens, you crash into someone.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you stutter, trying to stand back up. A pair of hands helps you, and when you’re finally to your feet, you come face to face with a beautiful pair of blue eyes and soft features.
He was wearing a white shirt under a pair of suspenders and a green jacket, which was half zipped up. His hair was slightly curled against his forehead and blowing in the wind.
“Are you okay, love?” His sweet voice wonders, his hands keeping a hold on yours to keep you steady.
“Y-yes. I am. I just, I was needing some fresh air and, and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Is someone following you?” Turning back, terrified of the idea that Jonas was behind you, a sigh of relief escapes your lips and you turn back towards the man.
“No. I was having dinner in the dining hall and I needed some time to myself.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Uh, I don’t-“
“Do you want to take a walk and talk things out? It seems like you could use some company,” he offers with a smile. “I’m Finn.”
“(Y/N), nice to meet you.”
“So, would you like to take a stroll with me?” He sticks his elbow out for you to take, and with a small chuckle, you loop your arm through his and begin to slowly walk.
“Any chance you’ll tell me why we ran into one another?” He asks right away.
“I was having dinner with my mother and fiance and I wasn’t feeling very hungry.”
“Your fiance?” He immediately drops his arm upon hearing that you’re soon-to-be married. He was a gentleman, there was no way he was going to mess with another woman’s relationship.
“Yes, but I don’t want to marry him.” You gaze up at Finn, trying hard to get across the idea that he was not a good man and you were not excited to be going through this.
“Is he the reason you ran off?” You nod in shame, staring down at your shoes as you two come to a stop at a bench right at the end of the ship.
“Unfortunately, yes. He made some comment about how I don’t need to eat, after I said that I wasn’t too hungry.” Finn’s eyebrows raise in surprise and he looks you up and down, making you feel slightly self-conscious.
“I think you look absolutely perfect,” he smiles. A blush rises to your cheeks and you look away from him.
“It’s so tough being with a man who doesn’t care about you at all. He’s so heartless and mean and I just can’t stand him.” Finn’s expression changes to an understanding and sympathetic one.
“Why don’t you leave him?”
“It’s not that easy. I’m bound to marry him because of our parents. They’re business partners and our marriage is supposed to help business increase. Believe me, if I could leave him, I would have left him at the port.” You both share a chuckle.
“You wouldn’t have run into me, then,” he flirts, scooting closer to you just a bit.
“That’s true,” you smile softly.
Later that night, you were sitting at your vanity, combing through your hair when Jonas walks in, an angry look on his face.
“Where the hell were you after dinner?!” He yells. “You never came back!”
“I know. I threw up so I came back here to lay down.” He seems to lay off a little, thankfully, and walks into your room to get undressed.
You don’t see Finn for days after that. But when you do, it’s not under good circumstances.
You were taking a walk on the lower deck, where you met Finn, hoping to find him. Miraculously, you find him lying on a bench smoking a cigarette, staring up at the orange sky. You come to stand right next to his head, making him sit up in excitement. Though that expression changes in a second.
“Holy shit,” he breathes out, throwing his cigarette overboard and moving closer to you. His hand comes to rest on your bruised cheek, checking out the mark that surrounds your left eye and cheekbone.
“He did this?” You nod under his gentle touch, something so different than Jonas’ touch.
“You need to leave him.”
“I can’t! Seriously, I don’t think you understand!”
“What I don’t understand is how you can stand by and let this happen! He’s abusive and awful and you’re still going to marry him?!”
“Excuse me! I’ve told you many times that I don’t want to! I can’t convince my mother to-” Finn is quick to cut you off with a kiss, pulling you by the waist close to him.
You’re taken aback, but melt into the kiss moments later, loving the new feeling. Finn’s lips were so soft and tasted sweet, like mint with a hint of cigarette smoke. Jonas always tasted like bourbon, whiskey, beer, any alcohol that he could get his hands on, and tobacco.
The kiss lasts longer than you were expecting as Finn deepens it, too caught up in the feeling. When he pulls away, you can’t help but smile a genuine smile.
“That was…” you begin, but you can’t seem to complete your sentence.
“It was. Your lips are soft,” he says, caressing your cheek again.
“This looks like it hurts, love.” He’s suddenly very concerned and focused on your injury.
“It does.” He grimaces at the thought of a man laying his hands on you in a violent way. In that moment, he makes a promise to himself to save you from this marriage with all the power he can.
“Do you wanna go somewhere?” There’s a suggestive tone in his voice, exciting you a little.
“Where do you have in mind?” A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he takes hold of your hand and begins to run. Your laugh sounds through the halls, continuing to follow him, feeling so free and genuinely happy for the first time in years.
Finn leads you down to third class, then even lower in the ship, to the storage hold. There were so many cars and shipping crates and boxes. As you pass along the rows of vehicles, a familiar one catches your eye.
“Hey, this is my family’s car,” you quietly call out to Finn. He suddenly gets an idea and pulls you inside, laying you down across the seat.
“Want to get back at Jonas for what he did?” He asks. Your eyebrows raise in question. Finn doesn’t say anything, but he leans down to kiss you sweetly. Things eventually escalate as your hands explore each other’s bodies.
Finn can’t help but notice the multitude of bruises all over your body, breaking his heart even more upon knowing that he’s done this many times.
“You don’t deserve this,” he whispers, hurt in his voice, his fingers running across the marks. “You deserve marks of love, not marks of anger.”
“Then mark me up, Finn. Make me yours. Jonas has never given me one before.” Finn’s eyes widen at the idea, and he’s more than happy to. He begins at your neck, biting and sucking lovingly, leaving pink marks all over.
After he’s satisfied with your neck, he moves down your body to the bruises and begins sucking spots right next to them.
“I don’t want you to look at your body and see these awful bruises. I want you to see the love bites I’m giving you,” he mumbles against your skin. A soft moan escapes your lips as he finishes up, moving back up to kiss you deeply.
“Please Finn. I need you,” you whimper. He is more than happy to finally give you what you want, and what you deserve.
Every day that you’re not with Jonas, you’re with Finn, sneaking around and hanging out in the third class level with him. You felt so different when you were with him, you felt real. With Jonas, everything felt fake, like you were putting up this facade for your family's businesses, which was essentially what you were doing. With Finn, you could be yourself and not have a care in the world.
One night, Jonas was with a bunch of other businessmen and your father, gambling, drinking, and smoking, meaning he would be gone until well into the night. So, you invite Finn over since he mentioned he would love to draw you. That was one thing you found out on your secret dates, he’s an artist. And a very good one at that.
He showed up with his sketching kit and sheepishly steps inside, feeling very out of place in the grand room.
“Wow, you really live a pretty fancy life, huh?” He jokes.
“That’s probably the best thing about all of this. We always get the best rooms.” He takes a seat in the chair in the corner of your bedroom, beginning to set his supplies up.
“Would you ever give it up?” His voice is soft and uncertain. You know what he’s basically asking: would you ever want to live without all the perks of coming from a rich family?
“Yes. I hate it sometimes. Everyone cares about money and status. My relationship with Jonas feels fake at this point. It’s all for business. He doesn’t love me, I don’t love him. Even my parents said that our marriage is only for business purposes. I’m being used and I hate it. I would give anything to just, be normal.”
Finn takes in your words and he can hear the hurt in your voice. He wants to save you so bad, he wants to go to your mother and demand that she break the marriage off because you’re not happy. But for now, he pushes those thoughts aside and goes back to sharpening his tools.
After getting ready in the bathroom, you step into the bedroom, catching Finn’s eyes. They roam all over your body, which is covered by a silk robe. You slowly untie it and let it fall to the ground, allowing him to see all of you once again.
“Um, lay on the bed for me,” he murmurs, becoming very flustered at the thought. Smiling, you take a seat on the bed, waiting for him to instruct you on how to lay. He tells you to lay diagonally, on your back but facing him. He ends up placing some pillows behind you to push you up a bit, just so he can get the illusion of you laying on your side even though you’re not.
He fixes your hair just a little so it’s framing your face more, his fingers lingering on your cheek for a little longer. You giggle as he quickly kisses you before taking his seat again and beginning to draw.
You stare at him in awe as he focuses on getting your details just right.
“I love that the marks I put on you last night are more prominent than the bruises that he left days ago,” Finn smirks. You chuckle and run your fingers over a few of them.
“Hey, don’t move, darling,” he chided playfully. The pet name reminds of you of the first day you were on the ship, when Jonas called you by it. His tone was rude and annoyed, compared to the way Finn uses it; it’s much more soft and loving.
“I’ll try not to.”
Finn continues looking between you and his paper, a concentrated look in his beautiful blue eyes. The warm glow of the single light in the room gives off a very romantic feeling, and you could feel yourself becoming aroused. Your meet-ups were never this romantic, besides your first time making love; though that was in the back of a car, not in a real bed.
After an hour and a half or so, Finn finishes, signing his name at the bottom before letting you know that you could move. Sitting up, you wait for him to show you. He moves to take a seat on the bed and you look over his shoulder.
“Wow,” you say in wonder. It looked absolutely beautiful and he of course included all of HIS marks on you. “I love it, Finn.”
“You’re very beautiful, so it was quite easy to embody that.” You blush and lean against his back, wrapping your arms around him.
“Well thank you for making me feel beautiful,” you whisper in his ear. He sighs softly as your hands run down his chest, under his shirt. “Now I want to feel loved.”
This catches his attention and he is quick to place his sketching pad on the ground and join you on the bed, on top of you.
“No problem, sweetheart.” You two spend the rest of your time together under the sheets, entangled in each other’s bodies, making love to each other like it was your last time.
Finn flops beside you, his chest rising and falling with each short breath he takes. Your eyes were shut as the pleasure still coursed through you from your last orgasm. Another thing Finn could do, give you multiple orgasms.
After calming down and cooling off for a little bit, Finn pulls you into his grip, letting you rest against his chest and shoulder. Your head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck, feeling his clammy and sweaty skin against yours, something you had come to love.
“I know we’ve only known each other for a couple weeks, but I think I love you, (Y/N),” Finn’s voice is quiet and hesitant. He has no idea how you’re going to react.
“Really?” You gaze up at him.
“Yeah. I don’t want to force you to say or do anything, but I just need you to know.”
“I love you too, Finn. I thought that was obvious.” You sit up, keeping the covers around your breasts. Finn catches this and tugs it down cheekily, leaving you bare again; he preferred it that way anyways.
“So, where do we go from here?” Thinking for a moment, you try to run through ways to break it to your mother.
“I want to be with you,” you whisper, running your finger along his cheek and lips. “I don’t want to marry Jonas.”
“Good. Because you don’t deserve to be with a guy like him, who’s only going to abuse you and make you unhappy.”
“You make me happy, Finn.” As you were going to kiss him, a knock sounds on the door of your room. Both of your eyes go wide in shock and horror, not knowing who it is.
Quickly throwing on your robe, you instruct Finn to stay put in your room and to lock the door behind you. Taking a deep breath, you open the door and see that your mother is standing there.
“Hi, what did you need?” Your heart was racing as she steps inside of your room.
“Where’s Jonas?” She wonders.
“He’s with dad and a bunch of others in the entertainment room.” She nods and sits on the small couch, looking around.
“Is something wrong, (Y/N)?” Her words make you extremely nervous, which doesn’t pose well for you.
“No. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Because it just seems like you’re hiding something.” Your eyebrows furrow and you can’t help by look to your bedroom door, knowing that Finn is probably pressed up against it.
“No, I’m not.”
“(Y/N), tell me the truth.” She stares at you and in that moment, you know she knows. “Who is it?” Still, you try to make it seem like you have no clue what she’s talking about.
“I don’t-”
“I know you’re seeing another man. It’s obvious. To me, at least.” Sighing deeply, you keep your gaze away from her as you explain.
“I met him our first night on the boat, when I ran out during dinner. I accidentally ran into him and he noticed I was crying. We took a walk to calm me down and it helped. After that, I ran into him again a few days later. It escalated from that point.”
“Meaning?” Closing your eyes, you prepare for how she was going to react.
“We made love for the first time that night. We decided to meet up every night that I wasn't with Jonas. I don’t feel bad for it, honestly.”
“Why not?” You move your robe to show your side, where the bruise from Jonas kneeing you was still healing. She gasps in shock, not having any knowledge of Jonas being violent.
“That’s not it, though. I had bruises everywhere, including my face. Finn is the first man to ever be so gentle with me. When I came to him with the bruise on my face, his touch was so light yet so tender. I never felt so...admired and cared for. He knows how to make me feel loved.”
“Is he rich?” You take a moment before answering.
“No. He’s from third class. But he’s more of a gentleman than Jonas will ever be.” She’s very disappointed with the idea that you’re seeing someone so different than you.
“Are you happy with him?” A huge smile appears on your face, and she sees this change in your attitude right away.
“I am. I’ve never laughed so much, I’ve never smiled so much, I feel free and comfortable with him. I think I love him, mother.”
“Well,” she begins, not knowing how to handle this situation. “Is he going back to wherever for a job?”
“He’s from England, so that’s why he’s on the ship. He’s been stuck in America for years, and now he’s finally going back to his family. He mentioned that he had a job, I forgot what it was, though.”
“Do you want to be with him, (Y/N)?”
“Yes,” you answer right away. There was no doubt in your mind that Finn was the one you were to be with. Just then, Finn emerges from the bedroom, startling both you and your mom. You tried to keep him from coming out, but it was no use.
“Hi Mrs. (Y/L/N). I’m Finn,” he waves to your mother, awkwardly coming to stand behind you. Surprisingly, she’s not upset or disgusted. There’s a very understanding look on her face.
“It’s very nice to meet you, young man. I understand that you’re the one who’s been taking care of my daughter?” A deep blush appears on his cheeks at the wording, though she means in terms of saving you from Jonas.
“Y-yes, I am. I love her very much and seeing her so hurt because of the man she’s supposed to be marrying is very upsetting.” She smiles at him and reaches out to shake his hand.
“Thanks to you, I would not have had any idea that he was doing this. As much as I wish the marriage would go through, I do not want her being abused. Business is not worth that. He can marry a cousin or someone like that.” You and Finn exchange looks of hope with one another.
“So she doesn’t have to marry Jonas?” Your mother smiles and pulls both of you in for hugs.
“No. She says she wants to be with you, and I’ve never heard her speak of a man so highly before. I can now tell that she’s very happy with you. Treat her right, yes?”
“Of course. You don’t have to worry about that. From the moment I met her, I knew she deserved way better than him. And I’m going to make sure I treat her as she should, like a princess.” Finn turns to you after finishing and reaches for your hand.
“I’m glad she now has someone who actually cares for her. And (Y/N),” she looks at you, “I want to apologize for putting business before your happiness.”
“It’s alright. I know that dad can be too persuasive and it’s hard to stop. But, what are you going to tell him? He’s not going to believe that Jonas is awful.”
“I’ll figure something out. For now, why don’t you two stay in bed and relax, knowing that everything is settled.”
“We can always go down to third class. I have a single bed because my roommate found a friend who had a single room. They took our double and I took the single.”
“No. You deserve to stay here for a while. It’s much more comfortable and warm.” Finn smiles thankfully and pulls you close to him.
“What happens when Jonas comes back for his stuff?” You were now terrified of what was going to happen. Finn senses this immediately and tightens his grip, pressing his lips to your forehead. Your mother smiles at this small bit of affection, and that’s the turning point for her.
This is who you belong with.
“I can move everything to the extra room we have. We were saving it for you, in case you wanted to spend a few nights there just because.”
“I’m worried about whether he comes back to hit me or Finn.”
“I’ll tell him that you two are down in third class.” You move out of Finn’s grip to give your mother a huge hug.
“Thank you,” you whisper, trying hard not to cry.
“I want you to be happy, sweetie. I see that Finn is the one who does. Just make sure to keep the doors locked, alright? And if he keeps pestering you, call our room and we’ll have it taken care of.” Nodding, you walk back over to Finn and hug him tightly this time.
“I wish you two the best, sincerely. I know you’ll be the best for her, Finn.” She gives him a final hug as well before leaving with a satisfied look in her eyes.
You know your tears are about to fall as Finn grabs you by the waist and drags you back into grip. That breaks the dam and within seconds, you are sobbing loudly. Finn just holds you and lets you cry, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now, love. You’re safe with me,” he whispers. When you’re well enough to move, he is quick to lock the door, dead bolting it as well. You follow him back into the bedroom, which he locks too. That’s when you breathe out a sigh of relief.
You two crawl back into bed and cuddle up with one another, this time feeling much more different.
You were free from an abusive, controlled relationship.
“I love you so much, Finn,” you whisper.
“I love you too. darling.”
“You saved me,” you smile softly, finally taking in everything that just happened.
“You needed to be saved. And I’m glad that I was here for you.”
“Thank you.” His lips press to yours in a slow, passionate kiss. It’s filled with every emotion in his body.
“Seeing you bruised and beat up was the worst thing in the world. I never want you to go through that again.”
“Well,” you smirk, moving to straddle his lap, “I wouldn’t mind being bruised and marked up by your hands and your lips,” you purr, leaning down to bite the shell of his ear. He chuckles and rests his hands on your hips.
“I wouldn’t mind that either. But we have the rest of our lives to do that. For now, I want to make you feel special.”
“The rest of our lives, eh?” A smile tugs at the corner of his lips and he nods.
“The rest of our lives.”
@peakyxtommy @peakywitch @blueeyedheizer @the-ink-and-salt-club
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
headcanon dump; sally jackson
sally loves her children so fucking much
most of sally’s books get published in the font Dyslexie and in fact, she uses this font when she writes on her computer, therefore making it easier for percy or annabeth or any demigod easy to read when she get’s them to preview it
sad thought of the day…. sally and percy only being able to give affection when gabe wasn’t around because he hated it, so that meant when she would drop him off to school ( bc she sent him to boarding schools to protect him from gabe you will have to pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands ), and pick him up. or at her work if she could.
and then, them still not being able to adjust to it after gabe is gone and when paul does come along, they do kind of ‘hide’ it until they realise that paul isn’t gabe. because yes they know he isn’t but there are still micro things that they do have to re/unlearn
sally is proud supporter of percy & who ever makes him happy
sally and percy are so much a like. most of his traits, he shares with her, not poseidon, for sally was the one who raised him. his stubbornness and loyalty? from her. his need to protect those he cares about, even if it means he gets hurt? that’s so from sally.
because percy is so much more then posideon’s son, he is also sally’s son.
his love of blue food is from SALLY not POSEIDON, sally loved blue and it happens to be percy’s favourite colour too. blue is a sally&percy thing
sally had a miscarriage, and she is one of the very few where it was welcomed. not because she didn’t want another child, she had always imagined herself with more then one child, but the idea of having another child under gabe’s care frightened her and she couldn’t afford / get access to an abortion. this had happened while percy was in school ( a boarding one ) so he doesn’t know about it
it should be known that sally never sought for percy’s approval of paul, she already knew off the bat that paul was a good person. there was no reason for doubt for her, unlike with gabe when there was a little bit of doubt even before she saw gabe’s true colours. the only reason percy didn’t know right away was because she was still figuring it out, she hasn’t dated since she married gabe, it’s a hard thing to navigate.
sally will never have any ill feelings towards poseidon. she took everything in stride, so he wasn’t going to raise percy with her, she didn’t care because she would do her best to give her son the best that she can with what she had.
she never accepted any of poseidon’s offers, because she learnt that you have to earn things. and she was just a ‘summer’ fling for poseidon, that hadn’t earned a place in his home under the sea. and she wouldn’t have felt right accepting it knowing that poseidon had a wife.
she just needed to know if paul and percy would get along, and it was just a matter of when she was ready to let percy know.
when hades had captured her, she was right before her death. she was meant to die, but asked thanatos to bring the mother of percy back to him, alive. it was going to be a way to get his helmet back, as that was also stolen, and believed to have been stolen along side the master bolt. sally was kidnapped for leverage for the son of poseidon.
sally was alive, and for the most part was in mobile, but she of everything going around her. she heard the whispers of hades, of the ghost and how he was accusing her son of such a crime. of how hades has a plan, that if what he thinks is going to happen, that he’d get ahead of it.
her time in the underworld was at least a month, and for a mortal being in the underworld and not being dead can be harmful and it was to sally’s mental health. but, for years, she’s always put on a brave face for her son. and honestly, this why she flinched when gabe raised a hand towards her. usually she could hide her fear of her husband from her son, but the mental toll of having been in the underworld and being made inmobile did a lot.
when she was mobile, it was when hades favoured someone else that wasn’t working for him to talk too. sally would take this time to tell him that he is mistaken. her son would never, ever do such a thing.
sally would often, after finding gabe’s true nature, take percy to her work whenever she could. this is why she sent him to boarding schools too, so he has limited exposure to gabe and his nasty ways
ever since she got her scar on her hip, she when she swims where a fullbody swimsuit & a pair of shorts because she didn’t want to let percy know how badly gabe has hurt her. this scar had happened when percy was seven and in a boarding school, and it healed just before he came home in time for their usual trip.
sally is everyone’s mother? you want a mother figure, sally offers herself up. she’ll bake you cookies and muffins and homemade meals. give you a blanket to keep you warm.
sally also totally asks, and pays for, rachel to do artwork for her books.
sally supports all her children. all demigods are now her children, i will says this until i die
this is just in, your friendly reminder that, sally jackson is in fact, by definition a murder who is getting away with that fact. she placed medusa’s head in front of gabe. she was feed up with his abuse, and feared that he would go back on his promise and actually hit percy because of everything that’s happened. she feared for her son’s safety more then ever.
sally totally uses dyslexic friendly font on her computer, and for her writing. she also, once she gets published, fights for her books to only be printed in dyslexic friendly fonts.
sally has always been able to see through the mist. very clearly. at school. was once even mistaken to be a demigod, only for the satyr to realise that sally was in fact mortal. this has also lead to a very young sally to be labelled as someone with a very creative imagination.
and that label, got her interested in reading and writing, and her want to be a writer.
the wedding was small, nothing too big. just those close to her and paul.
this was her wedding dress, it just showed up the day of the wedding - she knows it was a gift from posideon
she totally invited annabeth, tyson & thalia
this just in, sally wore blue laced wedding dress. it had blue accents in it
sally, sung often to percy when he was a baby, and when he had nightmares.
sally would have never allowed gabe to stay as long as he did if he laid a hand on percy. herself, that was a different story. that was a set rule between the two, that gabe keep his hands off of percy, and sally would stay with him.
gabe was drunk, and sally can be very petty at times. this was how the whole blue thing came about. gabe was drunk and having a fight, while sally was making a cake, with blue food colouring because percy was coming home soon from his first time at school. and somehow they were on the topic of food not being able to be blue. so, it was from then on, sally decided she will go out of her way to make sure that she will get any food blue, and when it comes to cakes and the like of homemade things, blue food dye was right at the ready. and she loved it so much. because it became an inside thing with her son.
sally and poseidon lasted longer then just the summer., bu a few months after that and that is when percy was conceived. and poisdeon had to go because sally was in more danger now that they were going to have a child. sally understood, and let him go. holding no bitterness towards the sea god. she has made it this far in life without the help of others, she can do it again, even with a child.
she absolutely HATES the idea of someone not feeling safe, or having a place to call home. maybe it came from her having a child that could be in danger, or that is just the way she is. but, after gabe was gone, she would always be willing to lend a hand out to those in need ( mainly demigods ). most of the time just for a place to sleep and crash, and a place to feel SAFE and know that they can trust her.
despite her parents dying in a plane crash, sally never truly actually feared flying. she only ever ‘feared’ it when she had percy, for zeus might want to strike her son out of the sky and THAT is what scares her the most.
SALLY WOULD DIE FOR HER CHILDREN BEFORE SHE WILLINGLY PUTS THEM IN HARMS WAY. she knows the demigod life comes with a harsh reality which is part of why she didn’t want percy to go, why she held it off for so long having known about it since percy was like 3 years old.
sally sent percy away to boarding schools, to protect him. to get him as far away from gabe as possible. it was a way she could protect him, sending him away defeated the purpose of her marrying gabe - but, she hoped and prayed that the times that percy was home, that gabe’s sent lingered on her son for just long enough to keep him safe
gabe, for the first few months of his relationship with sally was nice, to her. her tried to woo her, despite him not smelling well. that was always with him, he never knew how to shower properly and sally counted that as a plus, because it would mask her son’s scent as a demigod. they got married quickly, and that seemed to be when gabe’s behaviour would change. she would refuse things, refuses to do things in the bedroom and he would get mad at her. he started to show his true colours as a awful human being, that is wasn’t just a bad smelling person, but the smell matched the personality. gabe was a verbal & emotional abuser.
she never divorced him. because he masked percy’s scent and because he was NEVER physically abusive towards PERCY, her on the other hand. that is a different story. gabe has hit her a few times and she did her best to hide it away from percy.
she stayed with gabe purely & solely to protect percy, because in her eyes, percy’s health & safety comes way before her own.
sally will fight for her son, she HAS fought for her son. there is nothing in the world that will ever stop sally from doing her best to protect percy, even if it means putting herself in danger. her son, always came before her. his needs came before her own. if they could only afford so much food, it would go to percy before it would go to her
honestly, the moment percy had called her, sally nearly collapsed from pure relief. her son was alive, THAT was the main thing, her son being alive. she knows his life can be dangerous, she knows it may not be long, but that doesn’t take away the fear and make it any less painful knowing that his life is in the hands of the fates.
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iamtheprotagoneil · 4 years
when i was writing my answer for the second part of this ask from alicia, i actually came up with a fic idea but since my schedule is pretty packed for a while to come, i probably won’t be able to turn this idea into an actual fic. so to keep this from fading away into the oblivion that is my awful memory, i’mma just do what ive made this blog for, which is rambling away:
there’s this hongkong tv show i watched ages ago, but one of the subplot really stuck with me. it follows one of the main characters on his journey to his eventual greatness. in this subplot, he’s stuck in an ice cage and, every night, he’d meet a girl (circumstances are a bit icky, but let’s digress). the ice cage is so dark and freezing that, to both of them, it feels more dreamlike than reality. they even prefer to each other as ‘mộng lang’ and ‘mộng cô’ which loosely translates to ‘dream man’ and ‘dream lady’.
later on, the girl (who turns out to be a princess) hosts an event to search for a consort (although, in honesty, she’s hoping to meet her dream man again). in the event, she hides behind some thick drapes that hide her identity, and asks her suitors questions that only her dream man would be able to answer – or answer correctly, anyway. the guy only comes to the event out of obligation, rather than any actual wish to be the prince consort. however, his intention changes as his turn to go ‘meet’ the princess comes, and then the questions, and then the realization that his dream lady is just behind those drapes.
i just find it so poetic that they only meet each other through bizarre circumstances, that they don’t even know of each other’s true identity, only falling in love with each other’s voice and wits. then, after a while apart, they find each other again, through sheer coincidence, and are able to reconcile on what they’d thought was only a lost connection.
which, ahh, makes me think of an AU, of sorts, for protagoneil. perhaps, they wouldn’t meet in an ice cage, but in a prison (idk, that’s just what my mind decided on), maybe in some place where they’re held captive in rooms next to each other, a place with rules so reclusive that they never get to see each other, only a voice as proof of the other’s existence. their situation – being locked up in a room with only a small window as indication that the outside world does exist, although distant – would make their interaction with each other so surreal, as if the other is nothing more than a figment of their imagination, another sign that they’ve gone mad in this captivity.
hell, we can make this even more tragic by setting in the tenet ‘verse, post-canon. perhaps a mission went awry, and the protagonist finds himself captured by some antagonists with greedy, self-serving purposes for tenet’s inversion technology. perhaps, the protagonist thinks neil’s voice – or whoever it is that sounds so much like the neil he once met – coming through the wall is just his mind coping to the loneliness and isolation. he’s never had problems with either before, but the circumstances are different now. now he’s got a ghost living up in his head, that he’s been missing and thinking about more than he’d ever admit to another soul.
i imagine their conversations can only be held in the night, spoken so quietly – barely above a whisper – so as to not alert the guards. the secrecy drown in complete darkness truly adds another layer of surrealism to it all. they never exchange names – the protagonist bc he doesn’t want to compromise himself, and neil bc well, if the protagonist doesn’t bother to offer name then why should he?
the things they talk about are simple, although unclear on whether what is true and what is warped into something not quite a lie, but close. they talk mostly to keep themselves sane (ironic, isn’t it?), to have a little distraction from the horrid things await them when morning comes.
i imagine the protagonist would wake up one day, call for neil, but get no answer in return. he tries more times, through many nights but still, no answer. neil’s just gone, so suddenly, and the protagonist can’t decide which sense of the word is worst. eventually, after a few more days of torture, of wondering and dreading, the protagonist finds his freedom.
it’s a joined effort, from himself and the tenet team sent to rescue him. i imagine the protagonist checking the room besides, finding it vacant of any furniture and living soul. he decides there that, yeah, perhaps the time in and out of inversion, paired with the isolation and torture he was put through, has really done a number on his mental state.
then, some months later, the protagonist would meet the voice in his head once again, but this time, with confirmation that it’s been real all along.
see, neil’s been moved to another holding facility. the antagonists have wanted him to work for them; have taken interests in the research he’s been doing on a particular field of physics and decided that he would be perfect to help them in their malicious plot for greed. neil... well, i wouldn’t say they broke through him, but he did agree eventually. the torture had been too much, and he was tired – he hated having to go back to the cell they were holding him in, facing this sickening dread as he questioned his sanity.
the voice in his cell had been a great reprieve from the undue punishments on his body, but not enough to completely elevate him from the pain of it. so he “broke”. he agreed to work with the antagonists, to save himself since it was obvious that no one ever would.
and that’s how the protagonist finds him again; when he breaks down the antagonists’ second location and discovers a compliant neil seemingly working for the people that was going to put a whole lot of lives in danger for their own greedy purposes. before they can say anything to each other, though, neil’s taken out by another agent – a sleeping dart placed carefully on his neck and pushed. the protagonist never did get the agents’ identity, having lost track of them in the midst of chaos going around him.
later, when neil is put in their medical care facility, the protagonist stands outside of his room, watching him sleep through the glass window and listening to a report about his conditions. it contains everything from the moment neil went missing from his london flat (presumed dead), to the time he’s spent under the antagonists’ captivity, to the point where they found him. then, the protagonist is shown a document, including various equations and graphs and terms that mostly went through his head.
he looks to the reporting agent, expecting a better explanation. the agent points out that the equations are wrong, but so delicately that she would’ve missed it if she hadn’t thought to take another, harder look.
“even if they’d gotten with it, their plan would’ve failed. that document you’re holding in your hand ensures that.” she turns to look at neil, regarding his sleeping figure. “he might’ve given into the idea of ever getting out of their claws, but he never gave in. he never truly gave them what they’d wanted from him.”
all of that winds down to one simple fact: neil’s passed the test, and the protagonist knows what that means. the protagonist has to wait a few hours for it, though; for neil to finally wake up and have his induction into tenet. in the meantime, he sits on the couch inside neil’s room, and waits, watching neil’s eyelids flutter in sleep, and feeling sorrow/rage/frustration grip tight to his being as he thinks about things that has and will happen to neil.
when neil wakes up, the protagonist is just right there to welcome him into the afterlife. he keeps his speech short, giving neil a brief overview of his situation, but neil isn’t really listening. the protagonist’s words blur together, not because of neil’s groggy mind, but because of a single, simple realization. it hits him so hard that he just can’t keep in the lone tear falling from his eyes. the protagonist sees this, and his heart aches – remembering how it’s felt when he was the one who was lying on the bed, getting told that his entire team had failed to make it out alive – and unlike his own recruited, the protagonist tries to comfort neil with, “listen, i know it’s hard—”
but neil just cuts him off entirely, reciting a phrase he’s said before, to the man he’s thought was just a dream his tired mind made up to keep him company at the late hours of the night. it stops the protagonist right in his tracks, staring down at neil, breathing harshly through his lips because he can’t believe it. he’s thought, also, but apparently, he’s thought wrong.
“i’m glad you’re real,” neil says, as he watches the same realization he’s experienced dawn on the protagonist’s face.
the protagonist takes a moment to respond, still a little bit stunned by neil’s words. then, he takes an easy breath, relaxing his tense shoulders, smiles down at neil - small and private, something just for the too of them - and says, “me too.”
because despite everything that had happened to them both during their time in that prison, they still had each other. they were there for each other, and the protagonist gets it now - the beautiful friendship that neil had alluded to. it is quite beautiful - poetic too, maybe - for them to have found each other in such a hopeless place, then lost that connect, then reconnecting it again because fate has willed it so.
the protagonist can’t help, even more so now that they are together again, looking forward to the things they will get up to - as promised. neil’s smile, sleepy yet sincere, tells him the very same thing.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Okay, feel free to queue this for the time being, but I gotta send this in before my dumb-dumb brain forgets about it! A soulmate AU scenario: pro-hero Mirio moves in a house that's supposed to be haunted and finally meets his soulmate! The ghost. (she has a physical form btw). But she doesn't care if she is his soulmate, she wants him OUT. She throws things, torments Tamaki when he's over, and tries t keep Mirio awake at night. She died a year ago bc of villains and tells Mirio he's 'too late'.
[ I thought of Ghost Princess from Adventure Time when I first read this. Anyone else love Adventure Time? Definitely one of my favorite cartoons of all time. ]
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Ever since graduating from U.A. Mirio had made quite the name for himself and he hoped he was making Sir Nighteye proud. Of course, he had taken the man’s words to heart. That he’d be the greatest hero there ever was and he wouldn’t let those expectations down! Of course, he did have the option of taking over Sir Nighteye’s Agency. However, he just didn’t have the heart. Instead, he had floated the idea of opening a new Agency to his friends Tamaki Amajiki and Nejire Hado. Though Nejire seemed on board, downright excited for a chance at owning an Agency with her friends.
Tamaki took a little more convincing, though Mirio understood why. Tamaki was close with Fat Gum and Kirishima in the current Agency he worked at. But eventually, everyone had to move on, right? Of course, he had given Tamaki some time to think it over. But in his head, he continued to picture The Big Three Agency. Though the three of them had only been Pro Heroes for about a year before pulling their money together and buying a building that was outside of Tokyo.
Of course, Mirio was already high in the ranks so he had a little more money to spare. He wanted to be close to his newly under maintenance Agency and decided to buy a house near the location. Given, the realtor seemed intent on trying to convince him to buy something else. He brushed it off, “Aw, come on! It could use some work sure! But that’ll just give me something to do on my off time!” he insisted, the house was rather big. Not so much a mansion, but a fairly decent size for Mirio’s taste.
Given it had cobwebs, some broken boards and the rooms could use some serious work. He looked at it as a friendly challenge, of course, there was one thing that he didn’t count on. His newly bought house was haunted or so the rumor went, Mirio wasn’t entirely sure if he believed in such things. Then again, in a world full of quirks and plenty more mysteries to be had. Maybe he shouldn’t push down the idea so quickly. Still, the first few nights during his stay at his new home were a little eerie.
He heard the house give a few creaks almost as if it were settling, sometime in the middle of the night he swore he heard whispers and doors opening. At first, he thought it was nothing more than his imagination. Until one day he had gotten up in the night to use the bathroom and saw a white glowing figure, he gasped and quickly rubbed his eyes. However, when he looked again the figure was gone. “Hm, that’s kind of weird. Guess I’m sleeper than I thought!” he said, though over the course of a month. He continued to see the figure and the noises he heard seemed to grow louder with each passing night.
The truth was, these occurrences were because of you and the fact was, you didn’t like that Mirio had budded into your territory. This was your home, this was your resting place and you’d be damned if you’d let someone else take that away from you. So, one day you had decided you had enough and when Mirio was sleeping. You began to administer your haunting. It was so easy, he was practically a sitting duck. Though you thought he looked almost peaceful as he laid there. But that wouldn’t stop you.
You began to rattle the furniture around him, the lamp, bed, and closet shook simultaneously. Making Mirio’s sleeping figure stir, you growled. This wasn’t enough, so you increased your power. The closet door slammed shut and Mirio jolted up, “Huh!? What’s going on?” you hadn’t decided to appear in front of him yet. But you did raise your hand, making his blanket fly across the room. His bed continued to violently shake as though there was an earthquake and Mirio stumbled to try and get up, but he ended up falling to the floor with a loud crash.
“Ah!” he cried out, groaning as he pushed himself onto his knees. He looked around, his eyes wide and fearful as he saw the various items shaking and dancing towards him. You loved the sense of fear that dripped off of him and slowly appeared before him. Your feet floating above the floor and your hair flowing behind you, there was a white glow to you though Mirio would be able to see straight through your transparent body. “Get out.” you hissed and Mirio’s head immediately turned to face you, his jaw-dropping further as he settled his eyes on you.
Yet, his trembling came to a stop. You could see your own reflection in his blue eyes which seemed to sparkle with something. “Wow…” Mirio whispered before slowly standing on his feet, he took a step toward you. “A-Am I dreaming?” he questioned and you raised your eyebrow, “GET OUT.” you repeated, your eerie voice echoing through the room. Mirio however, seemed unphased. His eyes never leaving you, what was he so fascinated with!? A smile was across his face and his hand reached out, almost as if he wanted to touch you.
“Y-You’re so beautiful,” he said and for a moment, you felt some form of warmth wash over your otherwise cold atmosphere. But it was cut short when your eyes turned red and you sent the lamp flying towards the blond. However, the last thing you expected was for the lamp to pass right through him. Your eyes went wide and you floated back. “What is this!?” the demand came out as a hiss and for a moment, you wondered if he was a ghost as well. But that was impossible, you had seen him with the realtor. You had seen the news stories about him whenever he watched television.
He was some sort of hero, you knew that and such a thing only further angered you. “Hm?” Mirio blinked and soon a chuckle left his lips, “How dare you mock me!” you screamed, your ghostly form morphing into something hideous. Your eyes remained red and your fingers grew into almost jagged claws. The whole room shook as you focused all your energy. Mirio frowned and you partly wondered if he had realized how badly he fucked up. But it was a little too late and you watched in satisfaction as the force of your power knocked him off his feet.
You watched him fly across the room, straight through a wall that he had worked ever so hard to repair. But you felt nothing, he deserved it. With that, you disappeared once more. However, unknown to you. Mirio had felt something when he set his eyes on you and though it didn’t make sense, he immediately knew. He had heard stories, each person in this world destined for a soulmate and some were lucky to find their other half. He never thought it would happen to him, much less in this way.
He had gotten injured when you threw him through the wall and for a short moment, Mirio was struggling with his own beliefs. Did what occur truly happen or was it simply a bad nightmare? Were you a villain? Were you a ghost or you were simply using a quirk? He wasn’t sure, but when he told Nejire and Tamaki. They seemed to go white in the face. “T-That doesn’t s-sound g-good, M-Mirio.” Tamaki said and Nejire nodded, bringing her hands up. “Yeah! Didn’t you hear those nasty rumors regarding that house? Why the heck did you think buying it was a good idea!?” she exclaimed and Mirio only shrugged.
“I mean, it was close to the Agency,” he explained, and both his friend's sigh. “A-Are you h-hurt?” Tamaki questioned and Mirio shrugged. “Not really, I didn’t expect them to have such power. But if you saw how beautiful they were! You’d probably be just as memorized.” he said and Nejire immediately began waving her arms. “Oh no, I am not going to a haunted house! Too scary!” she declared as she crossed her arms and then Mirio turned to Tamaki who felt his stomach drop. “W-What-” before Tamaki could even speak, Mirio had grabbed his hands.
“Come on, Tamaki! You gotta help me! Stay the night or come over one day! Maybe they’ll appear before you too! I kind of want to know if it’s just me or if I’m crazy. Please!?” he begged and Tamaki groaned, of course, he’d do anything for his friend. But this was a little extreme, he didn’t like the idea of going to a haunted house. Much less see this thing that happened to attack Mirio and throw him through a wall. But, like many other times in his life. He felt as though he had no choice and that he didn’t have the courage to say no.
So with a deep sigh, he hung his head low. “Fine,” he said and gasped when Mirio pulled him into a hug. “Thank you so much Tamaki!” he exclaimed before pulling away, his hands on the shy boy’s shoulders. “Don’t worry! I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” he promised, though somehow Tamaki knew better than to believe in Mirio’s words. Sure he looked up to him and he still believed the man shined brighter than the sun. But ever since they were children, the things Mirio dragged him into caused some rather bad results.
Still, at the end of the workday. Tamaki left with Mirio and nearly fainted when he stepped through the doors of Mirio’s house. He had an eerie feeling and his stomach twisted into knots, “Come on! I’ll make us some food!” Mirio insisted and though Tamaki was hesitant, he agreed. Though he couldn’t help shake the feeling that someone was watching him. The evening was peaceful, but when the sun began to set. Tamaki began to experience odd phenomenons. It was small, like how his coffee cup had moved from the position on the table he had originally placed it.
How his jacket was suddenly thrown across the room, he was a shaking mess by the time he felt someone’s fingers brush across his body. But the final straw was when something flew across the room at him, shattering against his body. “M-Mirio! I c-can’t!” there were tears in his eyes and it was clear he was close to having a panic attack. Mirio frowned and tried to pull his friend into a hug, but Tamaki pushed him away. “I d-don’t know what g-going on, b-but maybe you s-should listen to t-this...g-ghost, t-this demon! W-Whatever it is and l-leave! I-It’s clearly n-not nice!” he failed to notice that during his panicked rambling your figure had appeared behind him.
You were floating in midair as always. Mirio’s worried expression faded when he saw you, once more that sparkle appeared in his eyes and a smile came across his face. Though you were wearing an annoyed expression, it was bad enough having Mirio invade your peace. But now he had a friend? Tamaki as you came to understand his name was. That wouldn’t do. “W-What are you looking a-at?!” the dark-haired boy demanded before turning around.
You grinned and shifted into your more menacing form, watching as all the color drained from Tamaki’s face before you let out a threatening growl that sounded like it was from the depths of hell itself. The satisfying sound of his scream was like music to your ears and despite Mirio’s best efforts to try and stop Tamaki, the utterly anxiety-ridden boy from running out the door. He didn’t care about leaving Mirio behind, in fact, the only thing he seemed to care about at that moment was running as far away from the dangerous situation as possible.
Mirio frowned and turned back to you, “That wasn’t very nice.” he replied, though he was normally happy and bubbly. He was also a hero and he didn’t hesitate to put people in their place when he needed to. You merely laughed at his words, returning to your normal state. “You’re next.” you threatened and while Mirio was still mad at your antics from earlier. Your efforts to scare him off during the middle of the night seemed all in vain.
In fact, it seemed that Mirio was more or less used to your hauntings now. Which in a way annoyed you, but not as much as the fact that he tried to strike up a conversation with you. “Sunshine, I know you’re not going to believe this. But I feel something between us, it’s kind of weird. But well,” he paused and rubbed the back of his head, sitting up in his bed. You were floating in front of him and clearly, you weren’t happy. The light that you produced illuminated the otherwise dark surroundings, “Can I ask how you died? How long have you been...here?” he questioned and you growled, once more your eyes turning red. “NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS HERO!” you snapped before disappearing, leaving Mirio dumbfounded.
It was no surprise that you didn’t want to share the facts behind your death with anyone, but somehow or another. You had grown so used to Mirio’s presence the hatred you once felt seemed to melt. Which you found strange, but instead of haunting him at night. You would watch him sleep and you began to get eager when he left, just waiting for him to return to you once more. Mirio seemed happy by your reaction, but somehow he just knew you’d get along with him. However, you still kept your guard up and found yourself being a little envious of the stories Mirio began to share with you. But what bothered you the most is the day Mirio came home, excited beyond anything.
Apparently, he had moved up on the hero board, taking the number two spot and for the following weeks, it's all he seemed to talk about. You had quickly gotten sick of hearing it, yes being a hero was wonderful. But hearing him talk about his accomplishments made you angry. You too had done some great things when you were alive, in fact, you loved being a hero. Yet, the world cursed you with death and you had to watch as others accomplished the dream you wanted. "I still can't believe it! I mean, someone like me the number two hero in the world! It's just incredible-" you growled and snapped your head in his direction.
Your hair whipping around like fire and your eyes burned with anger. "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!?" you finally snapped, objects that were once peacefully resting on the tables and shelves now shot across the room. Pieces of glass scattered on the floor and Mirio’s eyes widened, you didn’t care if you had surprised or shocked him. It was a miracle that he had finally stopped talking. “I am sick,” you began with a hiss, “of hearing you and your hero stories! Do you think I enjoy hearing about your success when I cannot leave this property!?” you snapped. You could swear you heard Mirio swallow, was he nervous?
Your shoulders dropped and a sigh left your lips. Mirio still looked shocked and there was a hurt expression on his face. Somehow, you hated seeing that. “Sorry,” you muttered before floating to his side, giving the illusion that you were sitting next to him on the couch. “No…” Mirio said, his voice soft. “I should be sorry, sunshine. I didn’t mean to make you angry,” he said, hanging his head low. You heard a sniff come from the man and watched him wipe his nose. Damn, did you make him that upset? You wanted to reach out and touch him if only your hand didn’t phase through him.
“Look...you...um,” you struggled to find the words and rubbed the back of your head. “I guess I just got...angry because...because hearing all your success stories just makes me think back to when I was a hero and I...loved it.” you began and watched as his head turned to face you. “Y-You did?” he questioned, yet again reaching up to wipe his nose and you nodded. “Yes...but I met my untimely death at the hands of a villain. It was during an important mission, we were scouting out the whereabouts of an underground lab where they were doing involuntary experiments on quirk users.” the memory flashed clear as day before your eyes. “I made the mistake of letting my guard down and…” you took a staggered breath and squeezed your eyes shut.
“You don’t have to say it,” Mirio whispered, reaching his hand out only for it to phase through you which made him frown. “Even if you are...just in another form of life, you are still my soulmate and...I still want to be with you and have your heart,” he said and your eyes snapped open. “What…” you hissed, anger filling you once more and Mirio looked confused. “Did I say something wrong?” he questioned and you growled before the room grew cold. “You dare mock me with such words?!” before Mirio had the chance to speak again, his body flew back. Hitting the opposite wall and objects began to swirl around him.
“S-Sunshine, what are you doing!?” you didn’t answer him and over the course of the next few days, you tormented the man. Broke almost every possession he had, kept him up with terrifying noises at night, and smiled in satisfaction when you saw how physically drained he was. Maybe now he’d give up. But once more you were proven wrong when he came home from work one day and you resumed your torment routine, but this time when the objects came flying at him. They phased right through him and you growled, damn him and his quirk. “Listen, I’ve been thinking,” he began, “maybe I said the wrong thing. But I don’t regret it and like it or not. You are my soulmate, I know you are. I feel it in here.” he placed his hand to his heart.
“Huh?” you paused, “It doesn’t matter what you do to me because I love you.” your eyes widened, what!? How could he still feel that way after everything you had done to him?! Done to his friend!? This was...bullshit in its purest form. “You are a liar! You cannot love what is not there! I do not exist in this world! People do not believe in ghosts and I will never love you.” once more you watched that hurt expression come across his face but you ignored it as you disappeared into thin air. You didn’t reappear, deciding it was best to enjoy some solitude. You could hear the pipes rattle when Mirio got up to take his shower and the sound of doors opening and closing. You hadn’t realized just how quiet it was without him.
A few days later, Mirio had left as usual and hours later, you waited for the sound of the front door to come when he returned. However, the house remained silent. You tried to shrug it off at first, much like you had done before when you realized you actually enjoyed his presence. But as the hours continued to go by, somehow you knew something was wrong. You phased through the floors to look for him, but he wasn’t in the kitchen, nor the living room or in any of the other rooms. Where the hell was he? Was he hanging out with his friends or something? You tried to ignore the jealous feeling that came over you. Perhaps it was because you were dead, but whenever Mirio was around you felt a certain sense of warmth. It almost made you feel alive but you didn’t want to fully believe it, you didn’t want to believe Mirio was your soulmate.
You growled, curling your hands into fists and released your energy, much like always. Objects flew around you, which included the remote. You hadn’t expected it to collide with the television and ironically enough it turned on, “Oh, what the hell!?” you exclaimed, irritated as the rather boring chatter of the news echoed in the empty house. You let out a sigh and pressed two fingers to your temple, shaking your head. “Where is he…” you muttered to yourself and as if the television had actually heard you, the name ‘Lemillion’ was mentioned and you immediately turned your head. 
Watching the news banner flash before the screen. You quickly scanned it before focusing on the news anchor. ‘That’s right folks! Just recently promoted, Lemillion the number two hero in the world has done it yet again. Stopping not only one, but two villainous gangs from performing an illegal drug shipment. Though our favorite hero was injured during this mission, we’re told he’s in stable condition. Later details when they come’ your jaw hung open and though you hadn’t realized it, your hands were clenched to your chest.
He was in the hospital? “Dammit!” you snapped, the room slowly icing over as your negative emotions made the temperature drop. Now more than ever you wished you hadn’t gotten killed, you wished those villains hadn’t ended your life, you wished you had never taken on that stupid mission. Is a hero truly supposed to sacrifice themselves like this? You were a great hero and yet even after your death, you were quickly forgotten. 
Tossed alongside as new heroes rose through the ranks, just a forgotten relic that even the history books wouldn’t document. You hunched over, your body trembling before you let out a shriek. The sound of glass shattering filled the house, but you didn’t care. This...this wasn’t fair! The world hadn’t changed at all and Mirio...as kind and sweet as he was couldn’t see that and it might just mean his death.
The house was in ruins by the time Mirio returned, “Sunshine, I’m home-” his expression dropped as he saw the damage you had done. Tables overturned, furniture ripped to shreds, pieces of glass everywhere, even the walls had deep scratches on them. “Y/n!?” he called as he stepped inside, trying his best to avoid the glass. “Y/n!? Where are you? What happened!?” he demanded as a frown spread across his lips, why did you do this? Was it because he was gone too long? He felt a sense of guilt fill him before he heard a sigh coming from behind him. Immediately he whipped around to see you floating there, your head hanging low and your eyes avoiding him.
“Y/n! What happened?” he asked once more, trying to keep calm. It would take him weeks to clean this up and possibly get new furniture. “You were gone for too long,” you replied, your voice soft and an almost childish tone accompanied it. Mirio stepped closer to you, his arms spread out. “So you did do this, all of this?” he said as he used his arms to signify the mess around him. You kept quiet for a moment before slowly raising your head to look at him, “You shouldn’t sacrifice yourself like that.” you commented and Mirio grew confused. “Huh?” he replied and you growled in frustration, your body moving on its own as you tried to push against his chest. But, of course, your arms went right through him.
He raised his eyebrow, “W-Were you trying to push me?” he questioned and you wanted to let out a scream, but instead, you snapped. “Why did you do that!? Sacrifice yourself for people that don’t care!?” your voice echoed through the room and Mirio took a step back, his eyes wide. “What’s going to happen if you die!? Hm? You think dying is fun!? You think any hero who loves what they do and risks so much is actually going to be remembered in the end!?” you continued, jabbing your finger in his direction. “Well, they aren’t! I was a great hero too! One of the best in my class and yet...yet when I died no one remembered me! I was buried along with every other wannabe hero in existence! Forgotten!” you exclaimed, if you were alive surely there would be tears streaming down your face but ghosts didn’t have that ability. Perhaps it was the curse of being dead, you could feel emotions yes but physical aspects like crying were impossible. But you felt a deep sadness nonetheless.
Mirio blinked, “I-Is that what you really think?” he questioned, his shoulders dropping. Well, no wonder you were so sad, someone needed to tell you that you mattered! So instead, he tried to smile. “That’s not true! Maybe certain people will forget you. But a great hero always lives on! No matter what you believe, someone out there. Heck, I’m sure lots of people still remember you! I bet they miss you every single day and I also bet you even inspired some of them that wanted to be heroes. So, they’ll follow in your footsteps as a dedication to you.” he said and you swore you felt a thump in your chest, “No one is ever truly forgotten and though it’s only been months since we met. I know I’ll never forget you.” he concluded as he approached you.
Your face was twisted, it almost looked like you were in pain. How could he say such things?! Your hand twisted in your shirt, that same warmth you felt near Mirio seemed to be spread through your body and that thumping continued. You hated it, whatever it was. You were dead, this couldn’t possibly be a heartbeat? You choked down a sob as Mirio’s hand reached out to you. “What are you-” he interrupted you, “Just try to take my hand, sunshine,” he replied and you frowned, how were you supposed to do that? You looked at that hand before shifting your focus to Mirio once more and hesitantly reached out.
Your hand hovered in his, giving the illusion he wanted. That you were holding hands, “Wow.” he said, almost acting as if something was new or wrong. You raised your eyebrow, “Uh w-what?” you questioned and grew puzzled when you watched a blush come across his face. “You’re so warm, unlike before.” your eyes widened, what? How could that be? You couldn’t be warm unless you somehow found a source of happiness. “It’s so nice.” he said as he stepped closer to you, “I also hear something,” he noted before closing his eyes, just listening for a moment. “Uh…” you trailed off and floated back some, though your hand was technically still in his. “It sounds like a heartbeat,” he concluded and you grew panicked. Mirio must have sensed this, “Please don’t run away. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, I think...I think it’s a sign.” you looked at him confused.
“What?” you replied, tilting your head to the side and he chuckled in response, the noise only causing your heartbeat to accelerate. “Well, what would you say if I was bold enough to assume that you have feelings for me too.” he began as he stepped even closer, invading your personal space. “Uh…” your eyes widened as it almost seemed like he was trying to corner you. His hand even came up, attempting to caress your cheek. “I want to try something, is that okay?” he questioned and through you were a little antsy as to what he wanted to do. You nonetheless, found yourself nodding. He smiled gently at you, “Good.” he said with a smirk before leaning forward.
Your breath hitched when you realized what he was trying to do, it was silly. Stupid actually, but somehow it made you smile as his lips phased through yours. It was still a nice feeling and you swore you could actually feel it. You closed your eyes, phasing your arms through him to try and hover your hands on his shoulders. It was a strange moment, to say the least, but it made you smile all the same as he pulled away. “You do realize that wasn’t technically a kiss. More like pressing your lips against the air.” Mirio chuckled, “Well...I think it’s the best I can do for now.” he said, rubbing the back of his head with a flushed face.
“You’re in love with a ghost,” you replied, finding yourself laughing. “Hey now…” Mirio pouted, “Don’t make fun of me too much! You’re the one that didn’t feel the same at first!” he pointed out and your laughing came to a screeching halt. You growled, “That’s because you kept insisting that-” he held his hand up, “Yeah, I know. Maybe I was too pushy with my feelings, but regardless. I do love you and you love me back, hopefully?” he said and almost reminded you of Tamaki with the way he began to play with his fingers. You let out a sigh, floating past him. “I guess that’s something you’ll find out when your time comes,” you replied before disappearing through the ceiling. Mirio stood there, dumbfounded for a moment before calling your name and trying to chase after you. This was certainly some kind of love story.
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tunemyart · 4 years
Angsty prompt ff: Gab's drag because as you said in the message, there is no way Xena would do that to Gabrielle (even tho she was partially under Ares' influence, but still). How would they deal with both the physical and emotive aftermath if Illusia didn't happen? Thank youuu!
Hmmm I thought about how to come at this for a while, partly bc I tend to gloss over/not deal with the Gab Drag on the way into the glorious Bitter Suite, and partially because I’m not really interested in erasing Illusia… which would really require a full length fic, anyway. As a compromise, here’s some post-Bitter Suite continued reckoning of their situation.
Illusia didn’t solve everything. 
There had been a brief hope that it would, Gabrielle thought, on both their parts. It had been easy to imagine it might, there in the setting sun at the edge of the ocean, a warmth in Xena’s eyes Gabrielle hadn’t seen in months grabbing hold of her heart and making it whole again. 
But Xena had told her more than once that the body didn’t forget, and after everything, Gabrielle really should have remembered this.
“Things have a way of sticking in your body, in your blood,” Xena had said once, her eyes far away in a place where Gabrielle couldn’t reach her. And Gabrielle, young and stupid, had nodded along and not understood until Dahok, until Hope, until the first time Xena had tried to touch her afterwards and Gabrielle had flinched and tensed without entirely understanding why. Xena had been apologetic and solicitous once she’d realized, but something in her eyes had shut down too, and she hadn’t tried again. 
Gabrielle had remembered then how she’d once liked to think she knew Xena’s body better than she knew her own, and while the impulse had been to laugh, it had manifested instead as choked tears where she’d slept that night, cold and alone while Xena lay five feet away and turned in the opposite direction. How foolish that girl had been - Xena had scores of secrets, and Gabrielle hadn’t managed to divine them in the solid map of her body yet. Why should she even think it was something she was capable of when she couldn’t even manage to parse the foreign language of her own changed skin?
And so the first night that Gabrielle had awoken panting and in a terrified sweat, she very nearly cried after she realized where she was and what was happening. 
She’d already buried her face in her hands in a despair so heavy it was difficult to breathe when Xena’s voice had come groggy and concerned: “Hey - somethin’ wrong?” 
The answer was obvious, but it was nothing Gabrielle could bear to tell her. How could she, when every day Xena was more at ease with her and with herself, when every minute brought back more of the woman she loved with all her heart, and her own heart along with it? 
“I’m fine,” Gabrielle said. “Go back to sleep, okay?” 
Xena didn’t, of course. Gabrielle couldn’t say how long it had been when she felt Xena settling tentatively next to her, but it prompted her to open her eyes and turn to look at her. Xena looked perfectly miserable, and Gabrielle’s heart clenched to know she must have accurately discerned the problem. 
“I’m sorry,” Xena said when she could seemingly no longer bear Gabrielle’s silent gaze. 
Gabrielle resisted the urge to reach out to her, knowing Xena wouldn’t be able to bear that, either. 
“I think we’ve had enough apologies between us,” she said instead. “Everything has already been forgiven.” 
“There’s a difference between forgiving and being able to move past it,” Xena noted, and now she did look up. “I tried to kill you. It’s a miracle that I didn’t manage it. Your body hasn’t forgotten that - and maybe it won’t. Just because Illusia healed your body doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the scars, even if you - or I - can’t see them.” 
It was the first time Xena had acknowledged it so starkly. Gabrielle wondered if it would be easier for her in a way if Gabrielle’s body were still beaten, broken,  bloody - if the evidence were still before her every day, something tangible for her to reckon with and do penance over. 
In the long history of Xena’s sins, Gabrielle knew that dragging one woman behind a horse was nothing, knew that to Xena herself, cold and dangerous and strange in that moment, it had been nothing. What was one more kill among thousands, especially in the name of vengeance? 
Gabrielle had wondered before what Xena would have done if she’d managed it. Would her own Xena have ever resurfaced? Gabrielle had never been able to decide if she hoped so, knowing only with a chilling certainty what Xena would do if she ever found Gabrielle’s blood on her own hands, trembling and rage-drained. 
Gabrielle suspected Xena knew it too, and the fear of it was behind her voice when she spoke again. 
“I won’t blame you if you decide you want to part ways,” Xena said quietly. “Your friendship is the most important thing to me in the world. Knowing that I still have that, somehow - well, it’s enough.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Gabrielle chided her. “We’ve come too far for either of us to give up now.” 
“There are some things that sheer willpower can’t overcome.”
Maybe it wasn’t calculated to hit Gabrielle’s own natural stubbornness, but Gabrielle felt it rearing up in defiance all the same, and with it, for the first time in a while, she felt the beginnings of a grin on her lips. 
“What?” Xena asked warily as she spotted it. 
In answer, Gabrielle moved to face her, and, as Xena’s wariness increased, settled herself as close as she could without actually being in Xena’s lap.
“What are you doing?” Xena asked, alarm starting to overtake her wariness. 
“You don’t trust yourself with me,” Gabrielle said. She picked up one of Xena’s hands and placed it on her own arm, encouraged into motion in a steady stroke from shoulder to wrist. Xena’s eyes tracked the movement, and Gabrielle watched as something like awe started to surface behind her alarm. 
“That’s hardly the main problem,” Xena reminded her, but she was focused on the gooseflesh breaking out under her fingertips. Gabrielle shivered, surprised by pleasure. By all the gods, she’d missed her. 
“It’s the one that’s keeping us here,” Gabrielle said. “You were saying something about sheer willpower not being enough?” 
Xena hesitated, but Gabrielle could sense she was close to giving in. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she said, and in her voice, Gabrielle could hear what she meant: I don’t want to hurt you again. 
Gabrielle smiled, encouraged Xena’s limp fingers to twine with hers, waited for her other hand to lift up of its own volition to trace Gabrielle’s cheeks, nose, eyes, lips, feather-light. There was so much danger in those hands and the way they thrummed with potential, even now. She’d been naive about it before, too caught up in the excitement dancing on the knife’s edge of it to notice the sharpness and inevitability of the fall. Maybe Xena had been too, for different reasons.
You won’t, Gabrielle couldn’t promise either of them. She knew better. Xena knew better.
“Then don’t,” she said simply instead. 
Xena nodded gravely, as near to an oath she could swear. Both hands now smoothed their way back up Gabrielle’s arms. Her eyes still held Gabrielle’s, deepening in hue and intensity until Gabrielle was dizzy with it, until she had crawled the rest of the way into Xena’s arms and pressed her warming face against Xena’s temple, until she acknowledged that in terms of sheer willpower and this knife’s edge, for better or for worse, it would always take more to keep her away from it rather than to submit to the thrill and the balance one more time.
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Teach Me How | Kim Yohan
Hello! Can I request for a yohan smut where he is a virgin and the reader is the more experienced one so he will come up to you bc he wants to lose his v card
↬ Pairing: Yohan x Reader
↬ Genre: Fluff, Smut
↬ Warnings: explicit language, masturbation, fingering, oral sex, protected sex, too much fluff that can melt your heart.
↬ Word Count: 4.7k
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You were laying upside down in bed reading a book whilst Yohan was sitting down in front of your desk, the sound of his pencil scribbling on the paper filling the room. You both had regular studying meetings, it was a little habit you had developed after being friends for many years and recently neighbors as well, although they consisted more in just being next to each other and not talking. Besides, both being Music Majors, it was easier to talk about academic stuff and all that. 
“Hey, question 5, the one about the style of the movements and who composed it, which answer did you pick?”
“Uh... I think Arcangelo Corelli.” He nodded and wrote it down immediately.
Another half an hour passed until he finally grabbed his stuff, a proud smile on his face. He always got so happy to finish all the homework... You simply felt exhausted. His body got up, stretched and threw himself on the bed next to you.
“What are you reading now?” His head sliding under your arms, the book you were holding almost slipping.
“A horror story.”
“Is it good?”
“Well, the writing is bad enough to call it scary.” He whispered a soft ‘meanie’ before laughing. 
“Hey, y/n... Can I ask you something?”
“You are going to ask even if I say no.”
“Yeah, but still.” You nodded and he went on, his eyes seeming a little nervous. “You... Are you still seeing that last guy? The one from the party?”
“Hangyul? Uh, not really... Things weren’t going well. Why you ask?” Yohan rarely asked about your love life.
“Ah, you see... You know...” It seemed he was having a hard time trying to come up with whatever he was trying to say. “I’m a virgin.”
You stared at him for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. He got all serious to say that? The panicked look on his face was priceless.
“Yeah, I know that.”
“What? How?!”
“How could I not? You are my best friend since forever, you would have told me if you had sex sometime.” His cheeks blushed when you talked explicitly. “And also this! You get so shy when it comes to talk about anything that is sex related! Biology was a nightmare for you.”
“Ok, fine, I got the point, thank you. The thing is... I was wondering if... You could teach me?” He scratched his head and looked at anything else except you.
“You know that there is porn and articles on this, right? You can learn from there.” Why was he even asking you something like that? With technology it was pretty easy to access anywhere.
“No... First of all, I have watched porn and it’s awfully fake, second of all, I have already read articles. What I mean is... If you can teach me the real thing... You know, physically.”
“Oh.” Had you ever been able to think of Yohan in a sexual way? Obviously not because if so, he wouldn’t be sitting on your bed fully dressed as of now. He was your best friend, the one that always helped you out with university, the one that got excited whenever he saw you in the crowd during his taekwondo matches, the one that giggled in a silly way whenever you two watched a drama.
“You don’t have to answer now! I just, wanted to know if you would be up for it... I don’t know why I said it, just forget it, ok? I, uh... Will be going now.” He got up and left in a flash.
You simply sat there, still analyzing the situation. Yohan, your very virgin friend, asked you take his v card. Did he mean it all the way? Like fucking and all or just a few things? You weren’t sure but the rest of the day you started seeing him from a different perspective. Sure, he was Friend Yohan™ but he could also be manly. You remembered his facial expressions when he was writing music, his body movements in taekwondo tournaments, the way he looked with a suit on...He was attractive as well and had a few relationships but often ended up being dumped because the girls just got bored, or that’s what he told you. Maybe... it was because of this?
As hours passed, you couldn’t take Yohan out of your mind. Small details seemed to appear that you never noticed consciously. His plump lips, broad shoulders, toned body. Soon you started to think about how he would look when he was close to cumming, how would his fingers feel inside of you, how his cock looked and what would he taste like, if he would moan or grunt or whimper or be quiet, your temperature rising each second that passed.
Still, fucking with friends... That isn’t something that turns out well. At least most of the times. It was risky, but you two had been friends for so long that maybe it wasn’t going to happen to you two. Of course not, besides it was just sex, just helping him out to understand how it worked and what to do, that’s it! You would be helping a friend and that is what best friends do, right? They help each other and that was what you were going to do.
23: 46. I accept. I’ll help you out.
Ten minutes later, there was a soft knock on your door. You opened it, Yohan standing in front of you, staring straight to the floor, his fingers fidgeting.
“D-Did you really mean it?” Your heart warmed up at his soft voice.
“Yeah... You could have just answered the phone, you know?”
“Thought it was better in person. So... What do we do now?” His question surprised you, quite straightforward considering how nervous he looked.
“We could... Talk, first? And tomorrow uh... Are you free tomorrow?” It was your turn to get shy. It’s not like you had something prepared or knew where to start at all, plus the fact that this was your best friend made things a little bit different.
“Oh, yes, I’m free. Can I come in?” Eye contact was made and almost immediately both of your faces became red. You stepped aside, he came in, you both sat on the sofa, and silence filled the room. Yohan had a reason to be like that at least, but you... You were the experienced one, you should be guiding him, not acting as if it was your first time too. Decided, you changed your posture.
“Sex.” His eyes shoot out and stared at you, like a deer in headlights. “It’s important, it feels good, it’s relaxing, but if you do it the right way. You shouldn’t rush things just because you want to cum, not recommended to do weird things on the first time, communication is key...”
“Weird things? Like what?” Was he playing with you or did he really not know?
“Well, they aren’t weird things, but like, kinks. For example, uh, tying up someone or playing with wax, spanking or more extreme things, if you have no experience with that it can be a little dangerous for both parties.” You could almost see steam coming out of his ears.
“Ah, I see...”
Both of you continued to talk about the basics: hygiene, erogenous zones, myths and truths, orgasms, protection. He relaxed the more you talked and even made some questions that he had thought about: some you answered, some you googled together. It went smoother than what you expected. He listened and took everything seriously, a few times giggling over your expressions and stories.
“... That’s the number one reason why you should turn each other on previously. The whole experience can be awful if one of you isn’t in the mood for it. Don’t force it.”
“How do you do that?” Now he was asking for your experience.
“Ah... Making out is a good start. A hand over here, a hand over there, maybe some dry humping and foreplay, oral sex and such. Other things like time and place can have effects on the turn on too, like semi-public or things that make you feel some kind of adrenaline.” You explained calmly to which he nodded, his mouth opening a little and your eyes fixed on his lips. He seemed to notice, licking them quickly.
“Can we try? Making out, I mean. I haven’t done much of it so I might be pretty bad, but...” Again, he scratched his head as if to hide his embarrassment.
“Sure.” The reply came out without you really thinking about it. You got closer to him, caressing his left cheek. “Let’s go slow at first, just to try and then we move on, does that sound right?” He swallowed hard and nodded. So adorable.
His eyes closed slowly, waiting for you to make the first move. You had to hold back your smile before placing your lips on top of his, leaving a short peck before repeating the action, this time for a longer time, your lips molding to his perfectly. You got away, your heartbeat racing. He opened his eyes, a slightly dazed look on them, only to lean in and kiss you again, one of his hands going at your nape and pulling you closer. Your lips opened lightly, licking his and he panicked.
“I’m not good with tongue kisses...” His breathing was already a little irregular.
“I’m here to teach you, I’m not expecting you to be amazing at your first try, yes? Just open your mouth a tiny bit and we simply lick each others’ tongues, if it makes some kind of sense.” 
He did what you said but also rushed forward, his teeth clacking against yours, making both of you laugh although he seemed frustrated. You tried again, taking the lead as your tongue slipped carefully past his lips until finding his, the warmth making both of you shudder. The kiss lasted longer, both knowing when to take breaks, he easing in and tasting you more, becoming more confident in his actions, but still looked uncomfortable.
“Is there anything wrong? Too fast?”
“It’s not that... The position is a little off, don’t you think?” He was right, your waist was hurting a little from stretching and turning to align to his body. You nodded and stood up before sitting on top of him, his eyes going wide again and freezing on the spot.
“This is a regular position, don’t get so surprised. Give me your hands.” You positioned them right above your hips and proceeded to put yours on his shoulders, your butt resting comfortably on his thighs but not on his crotch since you thought it might make him feel vulnerable at some given point.
The kissing went on and he seemed to enjoy it a lot more, his movements didn’t need your guidance as much as before, he took the initiative and even bit your lower lip playfully before asking with the sweetest smile if he did it right, to which you nodded before giving him a soft peck and shifting your body a little, a short gasp leaving his lips when you brushed against his hard on.
“I’m sorry, really, I just–!” His words went silent as you rolled your hips again, this time being more conscious about his reaction. You took in his facial expression: his eyes shut down, his swollen lips parting to let out heavy sighs come through, his cheeks painting a shade of dark red.
“Does it feel good?” There was no hesitation in his response, his strong hands gripping your hips as he raised his own. The touch was so desperate, so needy that it turned you on. You stopped him, the curiosity was too great for you to hold back. “Let me touch you.”
“Wha– Like seeing it?”
“I can do it without seeing ‘it’ if you feel more comfortable. I just don’t want you to cum in your pants this time.” He agreed before whimpering at your words.
“Why are you so raw to talk about that...” It didn’t sound like a complaint, but more like a plea. You smirked, undoing the restrictions on his pants, and spit a little on your hand before sliding it down until you hold his member, the temptation to get a sneak peek getting bigger but you tried to push it away to respect his wishes... But only feeling him was enough for you to imagine. His pre-cum made it easier, but also messier, and the moment he felt your fingers around him, he bucked his hips. You stroked him slowly, his moans muffled by his own hands covering his face.
“Look at me.” Your whisper was low and he shook his head. “Please, Yohan, let me see your face.” The walls were destroyed as he uncovered his expression, teary eyed and hazy, a pleased sigh leaving your lips this time.
“S-Stop...” Heavy breathing, strained voice, sweat dripping down his neck. He was about to finish, the view was glorious and you had a first row seat to admire it. Your thumb slid a few times over his tip before feeling a hot spurt cover your hand. “I warned you.”
You took off your hand and saw the consistent white fluid. You gave it a lick and Yohan almost fainted. It was somewhere in between bitter and sweet, not weird, pretty much like any other, and slightly sticky. Not disgusting but not quite a dessert.
“Does it taste awful?” You laughed at his expression, staring at it as if it were some kind of inhuman thing.
“Not really. It tastes sweet, like ice cream. Did you eat anything like that for the last few days?.” Maybe you could prank him a bit.
“What? That’s not what I’ve heard it tastes like...” Now there was interest instead of repulsion.
“Have some. C’mon, it’s not that big of a deal.” He looked at you, then back at your fingers and so on until he closed his lips around them, his tongue against your fingertips making you feel some kind of way. The moment his taste buds felt the savor, he got away and acted as if he was going to vomit.
“It’s awful! How could you do that to me.”
“It came out of you, it’s not that weird.” You got up to clean your hand whilst he complained about the stickiness and buttoned his pants again.
“Yeah well there are many things that come out of my body but I don’t go around putting them in my mouth.”
“Stop complaining, now think about it twice if you want to make someone swallow that.” When you came back, he was covering his crotch and seemed anxious to go back to his apartment. “Go and clean yourself, we will meet tomorrow and see what we can make.”
“But I didn’t do anything to you.” You let out a small ‘huh?’ before understanding, but listening to him was more entertaining. “Y-You know, I didn’t make you c... that.”
“Cum.” He sighed and flipped their hands around before they went back to their original position. “It’s fine, maybe tomorrow.”
“Unless you don’t want to try anything else which would be totally fine, don’t be nervous.”
“I don’t– d-don’t get nervous.” An embarrassed giggle came out of his lips realizing his failure. “Fine. Tomorrow.” 
And he left, walking funnily. And you couldn’t help but to touch yourself afterwards, the whole experience replaying in your memory being way more stimulating than what it really was.
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‘Tomorrow’ sure came fast enough, with you already on Yohan’s lap making out, this time on his sofa. There was not nearly as much hesitation as the day before: his hands went to your hips instinctively, sometimes they would shakily move down before changing their mind and going back to the first position. It was cute. You grabbed his hands and slid them underneath your shirt until they reached your breasts, his breathing hitching up as he softly squeezed them, feeling them fully before getting away and ask you with pleading eyes to let him remove the clothing between. You nodded and he did, stare fixed on the lacy bra before you unhooked it and showed them to him, the way he examined them making you feel almost shy despite being the experienced one. Again, trembling hands massaged them, the cold contact making your nipples erect, and soon you could feel him getting hard, a smile on your lips as you pulled away, kneeling between his legs.
“Has anyone ever sucked you off?” He panicked even more, blushed cheeks and you were lost as to which of all the previous events provoked it.
“No... But what if, you know...”
“What if...” He looked away, trying to hide his facial expression. “What if you don’t like it?”
“First, it’s simply a cock.” You started speaking as you were undoing his belt, unzipping his pants. “And second, all I want is to make you feel good.”
He seemed to relax to your words and didn’t put as much resistance as before but still wouldn’t look. You asked him to stand up and he obeyed, covering his face as you pulled both his pants and underwear together, his dick springing out. Maybe you weren’t fully ready to see your best friend’s lower part, but there was no way you could complain. It simply looked like it had the perfect measurement for everything: slightly thicker than most of the ones you had seen, quite longer than the average, his pinkish tip licking pre-cum, soft veins running alongside his shaft. The only word that came to your mind was cute, but that would probably hurt his pride, it often did to most of guys even if it was a compliment.
You decided to not say anything and simply started touching him before sliding you tongue on his length, his lips parting open slightly. Saliva quickly spreading, your hand working on the base as you took him inside your mouth, starting to bob your head and take him deeper, seeing his reactions to try and guess what feels better for him. Each time you ran your tongue on his tip, his hips slightly bucked up, not hard to guess then. You kept doing it, your hands paying attention to the rest of his length, and then you felt his on your head. Was he going to take control? You prepared your throat just in case, trying to control your muscles but nothing happened besides him just stroking your hair, as if patting your head for doing a good job, melting you completely.
“Can you cum for me, Yohan?” The mention of his name caught him off guard, a small whimper escaping his lips as he looked down to you, the view becoming too much, a quick nod giving you confidence as you felt his hardness pulsating against your tongue, but he pulled out and simply covered himself as he came untouched on his hand, taking you by surprise.
“It tastes awful, I’m not going to make you go through that again.” Your heart fluttered at his pureness. Even if he was too lost in his own pleasure, you still remained as his top priority. He stared at you, his eyes wandering until he saw that you still had your breasts out, his ears flushing as if he remembered what was happening just a few minutes ago and passed you your shirt, forgetting the liquid it was on his hand. “Oh god, sorry, wait, I’ll bring you something.”
You tried to tell him it wasn’t necessary, that you could simply get one from your apartment but he was gone quick, pulling up his clothes whilst becoming embarrassed again. You couldn’t help but to laugh as you picked your bra and put it on, waiting for him to come back, which happened just a few seconds later with your favorite hoodie of his. He threw it to you, his perfume hitting you all at once and put it on while mumbling a small ‘thank you’. You got up to leave but he grabbed your wrist.
“Are you going already? I want to try something.”
“Oh? Ah, I thought you were going to be tired since you just...” He cut you off before you could continue.
“Not on me, but on you.” Was he filled with surprises today? “You made me c-cum twice now... I should at least to pay back, right? Teach me how to... well... that...” Seeing your confused expression, he tried to be clearer. “O-Oral...”
He took your hand and took you to his room: there were a few candles, giving off a warm scent and light, and sheets you had never seen on his bed before. Everything looked so different but still made you feel comfortable and as if it were your own place.
“You prepared all this?”
“Yeah, I remembered you saying that it’s better if everything is in a comfortable place, so...” He grabbed you by your waist and his puppy eyes seemed so hopeful. You sighed and took off your lower clothes but kept his hoodie on.
“Come here.” You laid back on his bed and he also did, right next to you. “Remember I told you that both should feel on the same mood? Always keep that in mind.”
His hands slid up and down your legs, the soft brush of his fingertips on your skin making you shiver. You wondered if he was listening to you, seeming so enhanced in playing with your thighs as you kept talking, suddenly shutting up as he brushed your core, a sly smirk on his lips for the first time.
“You are already wet.” Where did that confidence even came from? His fingers applying more pressure, rubbing you through your underwear, damping it within seconds. His head turned to you, his lips on yours without any warning as he slithered his hands under your panties, a gasp coming out of both of you when he made direct contact with your wetness. Long and slow motions were traced, your body becoming more and more sensitive to his touch.
He went down, stopping his motions only to remove the piece of clothing in-between and spread your legs wide before admiring you whole. The turn of events and roles having you as the shy one. His inexperienced fingers explored your insides as he slipped one inside of you, adding a second one when he felt it right.
“Does that feel good?” Your head was spinning, the slow movements making you feel dizzy. “Please, tell me.”
“Yes... You can press against the upper part or make them go in and out.” Right, you had to teach him, but his eagerness made it hard for you to focus. 
You gave him a few instructions and corrected him if he went too rough or awkward, although there wasn’t much that you had to work on, just details. He mumbled out something before slipping out his fingers and try licking a stripe along your folds that made you want to arch your back. You suggested him to focus on your clit to which he complied but instead of licking it like you had expected, he closed his lips around it and slightly sucked in. His tongue explored every centimeter, every small part as his fingers came back to be inside of you, everything feeling stronger each time to the point where you let pass small things involuntarily because they were replaced with greater pleasure, until you locked your fingers in his hair, coming with small spasms and he finally stopped.
“Did I do well?” He looked so anxious, licking his lips over and over as he stared up to you.
“You are... really good at this...” Proud smile on his face as he got up.
“I investigated quite a lot on this particular part.” A soft giggle was heard around the room as he took off his shirt, muttering how sweaty he felt. Maybe it was because of seeing his body, noticing the new tent on his pants or because of your recent orgasm, but the words blurted out, making Yohan turn around quickly. “W-What?”
“Fuck me.”
He froze on the spot. Sure, you two had talked about taking things slow and experiencing one thing at the time, but now you just needed to feel him, even if it was just for a few minutes.
“But I-I might not last long...”
“I just... Please, I need it.” 
What could he do if you were begging to him like that, wearing his clothes, your look gazing him and your legs completely spread while being on his bed? Nervousness ran through his veins but the desire was too much. He opened one of his drawers on the bedside table and pulled out a condom, undressing and rolling it on his member before hovering over you, hands slightly trembling. You guide his hardness until it slips inside of you, his eyes closing at the feeling, your arms hugging him as he filled you.
“How does it feel?” Your whisper on his ear sends shivers down his spine, his muscles tensing and relaxing as if he is trying to hold back.
“Good... Too good...” 
His forehead touched yours, and you got to admire each one of his facial features. One of your hands softly caressing his cheek, making him lean against your touch before kissing you, tasting yourself on his lips, his hips starting to move. He was a little clumsy, not being able to find his own rhythm, being too close too many times but he was thankful it was you the one he gave his first time to. He knew it wasn’t such a big thing, but he still felt like right there was where he belonged.
Not too long after, he simply couldn’t hold back, his thrusts becoming erratic as he enjoyed the sensation of you clenching on him and your legs hugging him to push him deeper, one of his hands rubbing your clit, the over sensitivity pushing you over the edge as you moaned his name, his second orgasm hitting him and his weight dropping slightly on top of you. He stayed like that for a while, your hands playing with his hair and his head resting on your chest, your breathing uneven.
“Thank you.” Astonishment crossed his face when he listened those words coming from you.
“Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?” His soft giggling making you smile.
“What I meant is that you did really well, you treated me in a way that I just wanted to thank you for.” Puppy eyes yet again, you could almost picture a wagging tail behind him.
“I still have a lot to improve. Will you keep teaching me?” The innocent tone in his voice made your whole face acquire a red shade.
“S-Shut up...” He just laughed and pulled out of you, throwing the used condom. “Can I have a shower here?” Yohan nodded as he handed you a towel.
Under the steam you thought for a long time about everything that had happened that night. Maybe nothing would change, at least in the best scenario. Just a minute ago it seemed like there was no awkwardness, so maybe, just maybe, it could work out. A smile spread on your face remembering his giggles and each one of his groans. When you got out of the shower, wearing his hoodie again and a pair of boxers he had left next to the towel, you saw him sitting on his bed with the TV on.
“Want to re-watch this drama?”
As you cuddled next to him and both laughed at the scenes displaying, you thought everything was fine, and you could definitely keep teaching each other, at least for a bit longer.
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I loved writing this so much,,, Yohan being a shy baby is what I live for. Maybe this was too soft *sobs*
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leejeongz · 4 years
ateez falling out of love with their s/o
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❤️thanks for requesting, my love, hope you enjoy it❤️
😘please understand this is not a reflection of the members’ real personalities at all and is simply made up for “entertainment”. don’t misunderstand😘
THIS IS VVV ANGSTY (half the gifs don’t even fit bc some of them have never been caught NOT smiling 😖)
hongjoong knew something wasn’t right when he found himself wanting to be in the studio or at practice more than he wanted to be with you. he tried to push it aside at first, not wanting to hurt you. in the process of doing so, he was just hurting himself. he tried to distance himself from you as much as possible, kind of hoping you’d get the message but knowing it wasn’t right to do so. he wouldn’t seek advice from anyone, he wouldn’t even tell anyone what he was going through, he’d just suffer. one day it got to him a little too much. he decided to write some lyrics, expressing his true feelings at the time, no intention of ever making into a real song, just an outlet for him. you visited the studio later, after he said that he was there. he was not, but you were used to this behaviour by now. you picked up his laptop to take home when suddenly the screen lit up. you read what was on the screen and immediately started crying. you knew it came from the heart, his heart, and because of that you broke down. you didn’t mention anything when you got to the dorms, you were trying to suppress the tears. he was there, but he didn’t talk to you. a single tear escaped and that’s when he finally spoke, seeing his laptop in your arms and putting two and two together. “i didn’t mean for you to find out this way. i didn’t mean for you to find out at all. it sounds bad, i was doing it for you... but now i realise that i shouldn’t have” he said with guilt in his voice. “i’m sorry, y/n”
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he hated himself. you’d changed recently, your values had changed, your opinions, everything. now every time he looked at you, all he saw was your imperfections. he thought you were ugly now, inside and out and, although he’d never tell you, that’s all he could think when he was around you. he wasn’t attracted to you anymore, your personality or you physically. the idea of touching you wasn’t pleasant to him anymore. he really did hate himself for thinking this. this wasn’t like him at all, he always thought of you imperfections as idiosyncrasies. he lay awake at night thinking about if he knew what he was thinking, how sad you’d be, and that’s why he never said he didn’t love you anymore. he didn’t ever want you to feel like it was your fault. you had a hard week at work, all you wanted was a cuddle from your boyfriend, but when he backed away from your little smooch, you knew he didn’t want to cuddle. normally he could force it, this time he couldn’t. you asked him what was wrong. he felt possessed, the words wouldn’t stop coming out of his mouth and he stood up from the sofa “i’m not attracted to you, i dislike you, you’re not mine, i’m not yours...” he continued as you sat and cried. it’s like all of the pent up anger he had towards himself was presenting itself, but to the wrong person. “i don’t love you y/n, not at all”. with that he stopped and sat besides you. “i’m sorry, y/n, i’m really sorry”. you sat in silence together for a while. “i think i should go” he huffed, his thoughts became angry again, he thought it was best to leave before he said something personal.
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you’d argued a lot recently. he was tired of apologising. you were the stubborn one and he loved that at first, he thought it was kinda hot, but now he just wished, just once, you’d admit you were wrong. the last few arguments, he found him apologising days after the main argument. he didn’t want to work things out anymore. this upset you, but there was no way you were apologising. maybe you had both fallen out of love, yunho knew he definitely had. you’d argued for one last time, you didn’t know it, but you had. you brought up how rude he’d been to your sibling for not saying hi to them when he came over, he didn’t even know they were home why would he say hi if they weren’t at home, he thought. you went to your room and pulled out your phone, waiting for him to come back and apologise like always, knowing it could be days. he was sat in your living room. he had no motivation to apologise, there was no incentive, to him there was no relationship left to save. you came out of your room, surprised to see him sat on your sofa. “do you have something to say to me?” you prodded at his shoulder as your stood over him. “yeah i do actually” he started “i think we should break up” he said sternly. you’d never seen him like this before “seriously?” you had to clarify. “we” he pointed between the two of you “were not a great match, it was only a matter of time before you noticed it too, i thought i’d save you the hassle”. with that he got up and left. that’s not exactly how he wanted to tell you, but at least it was over.
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yeosang often found himself thinking about you. thinking about how happy you and him used to be together, looking through photos of your first few dates. he loved your family, they loved him. you got on well with his family, the first s/o his parents had ever approved of. you were too good to lose after all this time, so falling out of love for you wasn’t an option. he knew that’s what was happening though, however much he tried to deny it. he’d find himself visiting places he knew were significant in your relationship a few times a week, reminiscing on what used to be. he sat on the bench that you both ate ice cream on last year during summer, it didn’t feel like hug anymore, just a hard wooden bench, with no sentiment. he hadn’t visited you in a while, you guys still texted, but it’s easy to lie over text. his phone rang while he sat on the bench. it was you. seeing the heart next to your name sent a sharp pain to his chest. he picked up “come to the bench, we need to talk”. when you arrived, he shuffled up and let you sit down. he stared at the lake, not looking at you once. “i’m not sure-“ he stopped and swallowed audibly “i’m not sure i still feel the same about us” he confessed. he’s not sure if the words came out right, but they were out. “i’m sorry”. he stood up and left. you gathered you were over, but didn’t even get the chance to ask why. yeosang knew he’d left you hurt, with so many questions, but hearing your voice breaking while crying was too much for him to handle at the time, he had to get away.
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he never asked you how your day was anymore, he never asked about your family, not even about your pet. it was always him him him. he recently got asked to do a stage with an idol you’d never even heard of before. you asked him who it was, he didn’t seem to know either. he’d been practicing so much, the lack of his presence felt justified, he was just practicing you thought. you watched his stage with the other idol. it was sexy, sparks were flying between the two of them. you hadn’t experienced anything like that with your boyfriend in months. he had more chemistry with an idol he had barely ever spoken to than he did with you. that’s when you knew he didn’t love you anymore. your face dropped as you continued to watch, san no longer saw a smile on your face, just sadness. he didn’t question it, he didn’t even recognise it. you forcefully handed his phone back to him and you got up to walk away. he stood from his crouched position, he thought knew what was going on now. “it was just a stage, it’s not that deep y/n” he laughed, thinking you were jealous. “it is that deep though, isn’t it?” you asked with a harsh tone. you felt your left cheek suddenly become wet. “you don’t love me anymore, san... and that okay.” you inhaled and exhaled, trying to not cry more “it happens sometimes”. you left the room. san didn’t even realise what was happening himself, he had fallen out of love with you, and he didn’t even know it. after that conversation, he attempted to talk to you many times, trying to explain himself. you didn’t want to see him, to you it was over, you can’t be in a relationship without love.
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mingi no longer looked forward to seeing you. when you visited him, he no longer had an infectious smile plastered across his face, instead he greeted you with an emotionalises “hey, cupcake”. even the pet name didn’t mean anything anymore. you asked numerous times what was wrong, not suspecting a thing. he replied with the same thing numerous times, “i’m fine, just stressed.” he really did want to tell you, but he couldn’t find the right words. he never wanted you to think it was your fault or that you weren’t good enough for him, if anything, he thought you were out of his league. he’d ask the members for advice and would take it all into consideration before taking you out for a meal one day and confessing. he sat opposite you, staring at you while you looked at the menu. you’d been to the restaurant plenty of times and always ordered the same thing, time for a change you thought. when you asked mingi what you should get, the only thing he could get out of his mouth was your usual order. you awed, he remembered. he cursed to himself, fiddling with the napkin in front of him, he’s making this whole thing a lot harder. before you could even order, he started. “y/n, i think i need to tell you something”. he looked at you with sad eyes and took your hands in his. “this, us, it’s not right. it’s not right for me”. he noticed you tearing up. “you’ve done nothing but be a great gf/bf, please don’t think this is your fault”. he let go of your hands. “i think it’s best if we stop seeing each other, i’m really sorry y/n”. with that he stood up and walked out, leaving you at the table you always sat at with nothing but his messed up napkin opposite you.
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you had suspected wooyoung wasn’t feeling the relationship anymore a long time ago, but you pushed it to the back of your mind. you didn’t want to believe it. you pair never used to argue, now it was once a day. wooyoung was around you less that usual, and when he was, he was a lot less bubbly and happy and more down in the dumps. your heart broke at the sight but you didn’t know what you could do to make it better. wooyoung knew you knew too, but he didn’t want to say anything just in case you didn’t feel the same way and he’d hurt you. that’s when you started to distance yourself too, when he stopped being himself around you, you stopped being yourself around him. he thought things would change. you hadn’t fallen out of love, but you were trying to so it would hurt less. a few months went by, he still didn’t feel happy with you. after one particularly bad fight, you decided to surprise him with plane tickets to australia. he looked at you with sorry eyes. he felt guilty you’d spent so much money on him, so optimistic of you, he thought, but he knew a trip wouldn’t even begin to fix things. “what is it?” you asked, you thought he’d be more happy than this. “take a friend” he whispered. “you deserve to be happy and have a good time with someone who makes you happy for real”. he smiled a little and nodded. “i know you think you’ll be happy with me, but trust me you won’t. these tickets should be for two people who love each other, not for two people who are forcing love between each other.” he heads towards the window to get some air. “thank you, but i’m sorry y/n, i’m sorry you ever had to be involved in this, you deserve better”.
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he’d always been taught to put himself first, regardless of other people’s feelings. jongho used to think this was a good motto to live by, until it came to you, he put your feelings before anyone’s, even his own. this why was he couldn’t tell you that he didn’t love you anymore. he wasn’t sure when he started faking it, but it was definitely a gradual thing and it was definitely a while ago now. living like this wasn’t healthy, he knew that better than anyone, but anything to keep you happy. he’d often go to bed at night, thinking of the ways he used to make you happy before. he’d practice talking to you in the mirror so it didn’t look to be fake. but you knew. you’d known for a long time. it hurt you so much but you didn’t want to let him go. you knew it wasn’t fair and that you were being selfish, you told yourself every night, but his attention was irreplaceable. he came to your house one day, roses in his hand, a big fake smile slapped on his face. you opened the door, you looked tired. “give it up” you said letting him in. the sleepless nights had caught up with you, taking over your words. “i know this whole facade isn’t real, i know you don’t love me” you started to cry. “i’m sorry” he whimpered, leaving the flowers at your door and walking down your path at a fast pace. he hated you for letting him do this for so long, but he knew he would do the same thing in your position. he thought he’d feel better once you knew too, he didn’t. he felt horrible. you loved him, why didn’t he love you too?
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gifs aren’t mine
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marvinswriting · 4 years
just a liability 
prompt: actually wait I WANT to read scary [its a suprise] go ahead lol- bear (bc it's her idea)
Today was awful.
Most days were.
But today sucked substantially more.
Its the first day back at school since my art show. The praise and congratulations from my teachers should feel nice. 
But its all a bitter reminder of the painting I threw at my newest ex-best friend.
My mom was not too happy when I came home with a first-place ribbon and no canvas but that's not the point.
I sighed, stepping onto the tiny platform. Damian wouldn't be done with theater for another twenty minutes but I can't sit in the stuffy tiny halls anymore. 
The hallways were practically empty, as usual for after school hours.
Notice how I said practically.
"So what are we doing this weekend, Cady?" Gretchen asked as they walked down the hall.
Its a question shes directed to Regina so many times. I almost felt sick looking over, looking at the girl who used to be my friend.
Now cold, hard, plastic. 
You made me like this-
I did. Didn't I. 
I was hurt by middle school actions. I just wanted to see Regina's downfall. And I guess I did. 
But at the cost of my friend.
"I'm not sure yet," Cady said thoughtfully. "It's only Monday."
"But if we want to throw another party we should spread the word now."
"Another party?" Cady stops short in shock. Right in front of the tiny pick up zone. 
I turn to my sketchbook, hoping they won't notice me. 
"But we just threw one last week." The concern in her voice sounded just like the old Cady. The nice Cady. My friend, Cady.
"Last week was so- well, last week!" Gretchen says. "I dunno guys." Cady says slowly.
I concentrate on the delicate lines in my sketchbook. Nice, light, thin. Happy lines if you will. 
Ignore the pain of losing your friend. The only girl you've trusted since eight grade. Ignore the pain of your identity being weaponized. Nice, light, thin, happy lines.
I look up to see Cady glancing at me. "You've been ignoring my calls."
The cold edge in her voice was exactly why. She's shiny, hard, and plastic. 
"Cady, you can't be seen near the space dyke." Gretchen quickly reminds her.
"Gretchen," Cady snaps. "I can be seen with whoever I want. Regina is gone, I make the rules."
That wasn't what you were saying when you didn't invite Damian and I to your party.
It wasn't even the fact that she didn't invite us to her party. It was the fact that she threw a party. That she could have been honest and say she'd rather throw a banger then go to my art show, but she lied. She said she was in Maddison. She sure as hell wasn't.
"But that's space dy-"
"I know who it is, Gretchen." Cady snapped. I jumped back in surprise at the vicious tone of her voice. She sounded like a clone of Regina.
I almost felt sorry for Gretchen. No matter what happened, no matter who was 'in charge' she always seemed to get the short end of the stick. 
Cady reaches out, lifting me up without asking.
"Hey!" My sketchbook and pencil fall down onto the platform as I'm lifted in the air.
Cady turns me over in her hand like she's never seen me before. 
"Put me down!"
"Why'd you ignore my calls, Janis?"
Her hand closes around me, holding me in a fist. It's not tight, unlike others who have picked me up without asking in the past. But a fist is a fucking fist.
"Cady please, this isn't like you."
"Plastic?" Cady's voice has an unfamiliar edge. "But- I thought you wanted me to be plastic? To help get rid of Regina. Isn't this what you wanted, Janis?"
No! I didn't want anything like this. At all.
"I actually wanted to thank you. For showing me how to be plastic. Because now I've met people I actually want to hang out with."
I tried to convince myself that she didn't mean it. It was all a show for Karen and Gretchen. Cady was just trying to prove herself to be plastic. There was no way she meant all these things. There was no way she-
Her fist tightened. 
"You didn't think I liked hanging out with you, right?"
Yes. I did.
"You're so needy. I need this, take me there, everything just needs to be about Janis, huh?"
My arms were pinned at my sides. There was nothing I could do. 
“Poor Damian has to deal with you and your bullshit."
I freeze. Yeah, insulting my sexuality was a low blow. But it wasn't the lowest blow. Cady knew that. She knew what the lowest possible insult was. And she fucking used it.
"The poor guy," A sick smile forms on Cady's face when she sees how I've reacted. Gretchen and Karen laugh from behind her, prompting Cady to continue. "Even if you weren't a tiny. You still have all those issues. Right, girls?"
She sounds just like Regina. Just bigger and with more potential to physically harm me.
"So many issues." Gretchen says, repeating what Cady said back to her, like a parrot. Karen just nods.
“I don’t know why I ever hung out with you.” Cady admits, releasing me from a fist and letting me fall into her hands. 
"W- what?" I never stutter, but I guess I'm doing it now.
"Mhmm," Cady said, holding my arm between her two fingers, tugging at it. "You were always so weak and fragile. I didn't want the responsibility of that. You tinies can be such a liability."
"Cady. Stop, that hurts." I try tugging my arm back, only for Cady to just pinch harder.
“I could care less about how you feel, Janis.”
I'm starting to feel like this may not just be a show to prove herself to the other plastics.
I mean, what's there to prove.
Cady already rules the school.
Cady already won.
"Put me down. Please."
"And why should I?" Cady asked. Everything about her, her tone, her posture, her outfit- it reeked of plastic. I swallow, trying to push down the anxiety in my stomach.
My belief that Cady wouldn't hurt me was quickly crumbling.
"Yknow." Cady's thumb pushed me backward, pinning me down. "I'm surprised it didn't come to this sooner, Jains."
Her thumb pushed down hard, right on my chest, hurting my ribs. It probably wasn't much effort on Cady's end but it hurt like a bitch for me. My mind thinks back to all the times Damian did the same thing, more cautiously. 
For him, it was a way to make sure I didn't fall off his hand or do anything reckless.
For Cady, it felt like a murder technique. 
Was it that easy for Damian to just kill me this whole time? Was I so much more fragile then I realized?
I mean, Cady sure seemed to be doing it effortlessly now.
I tried to push her thumb away but it was fruitless. I could barely push off Damian's when he did it- and he pushed down a lot softer.
"I can't bre- Cady. Wait- please."
"What?" Cady grinned, lifting her thumb. "Too much for poor little Janis?"
"Space Dyke cant handle it." Gretchen smirked.
"No, she can't." Cady agreed.
The familiar sparkle in her eye was gone. The naive smile she had her first day at Northshore was gone. Her braids that ran through her hair was gone. Her socks with sandals- as horrific a fashion choice they may be- were gone. 
All that was left was cold, hard, shiny, plastic. 
Cady was gone.
"Hey, where's your friend?" Gretchen asked. "The gay one."
She sure as hell knows Damian's name. That was just a cruel dig.
"Oh yeah?" Cady's eyes lit up. Not in the way they used to. Now they shown in a dark taunting way. "If Damian cares about you so much, where is he now?"
Theater. He's at theater. He cares. He just doesn't know what's happening.
My mind screamed these answers but I couldn't bring myself to verbalize them. Cady's fingers curled dauntingly over me and she grinned a little wider every time I shook. 
“Damian doesn’t want you around," Cady continued. "I can tell. Everyone can tell.”
"Everyone," Gretchen said. 
“Stop wasting his time. Stop wasting everyone’s time.” Cady dropped me back onto the pickup zone. “Damian’s gonna get sick of you eventually. Where's poor space dyke gonna go then?"
I froze. Cady never called me space dyke. Through the years I've grown numb to the insult. After eighth grade, it became unoriginal and repetitive. But when Cady said it?
Cady leaned over the tiny pick up zone, getting uncomfortably close. "Awww, did that hurt your feelings?"
I step backward but can't bring myself to respond.
Cady laughs, bringing her pointer finger up to knock me down. "Get over it."
She smiles to Gretchen and Karen, who beam back at her like this was just another normal occurrence before the trio walks away, already picking up their original topic of weekend plans. 
For a long while, I just stay sitting on the tile floor where I was knocked over. My heart was racing and my breath was heavy, something I didn't notice before. Now that I was in no immediate danger I noticed these things. Like the bruises probably forming on my torso from Cady's thumb. 
All her words caught up to me.
Did Damian really find her annoying? Was it that easy to tell? I guess I did have a habit of blocking certain things out- like Cady slowly becoming cold hard plastic until it was too late. I mean, I'd be annoyed taking care of a tiny me as well.  
Even if you weren't a tiny. You still have all those issues.
I get up and walk into the tiny halls. No. It wasn't true. Right?
Damian had to care, at least a little bit.
Stop wasting his time. Stop wasting everyone’s time.
I pull myself into the bathroom, not even bothering to enter a stall. It's after school. Who cares. 
There are tears on my face when I look in the mirror. When did I start crying?
I hastily wipe them away, ignoring how my mascara smudges. 
Why did I let her words get to me?
I didn't let Regina get to me this much?
She said the same things Regina said.
Maybe its because I trusted Cady. She was a friend.
But plastic is plastic. I should have known better. 
My phone buzzes as I jump away from the mirror in surprise. It's a text from Damian.
"Hey, Jan. Where are you, I'm at the pick-up zone." I read allowed, despite nobody else being here.
My stomach twists at the thought of seeing Damian. Of making him go out of his way to get me home.
I really did need everyone to do everything for me. 
The realization feels like a punch in the gut.
I quickly texted back, saying I left school early, feeling sick, sorry for not telling him. 
Yeah, I felt bad for lying. I'll just take the tiny bus home. Damian shouldn't have to go out of his was to worry about me. He doesn't deserve that.
I slump down against the wall, drawing my knees close. If I'm taking the tiny bus I'm not leaving for another half hour. There's no rush.
Damian texts me telling me to get better. I know he didn't buy it. I was fine earlier. But maybe he did think I actually went home. 
I felt bad for lying, but I'd feel worse being a liability. 
Because that's all I was. 
Space Dyke. The annoyance. The liability. The girl with issues. The one who wastes everyone's time.
I'm crying again. I can feel the wet tears sliding down my face, no doubt taking more mascara with them. 
I don't bother to wipe them away.
whoops, lol- bear 2020 I WOULD LIKE TO DEFEND MYSELF AND SAY YALL ARE QUICK TO CALL CADY SOFT AND INNOCENT LIKE ACT TWO CADY HERON DOESN'T EXIST? anyway really sorry mainly to soy and alex lmao @realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @musicallygt
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blurglesmurfklaine · 4 years
Cornelia Street (8/9)
(+ an interlude i thought of after reading “Reeni”s comment. Idk who you are bc it was a guest comment, but thank you!)
A/N: oh my god they were quarantined
yes. It’s one of those fics.
AU, obvs
I’m posting as I go and idk how many parts this is going to be, likely won’t be very long but I literally don’t know what I’m doing and should i be starting yet another WIP? definitely not but fuck it lets fucking go
Title is from T-swizzles Lover album, I’m OBSESSED
Summary: Three years ago, Kurt and Blaine went on a disaster of a date and never quite got off on the right foot. Now, just before they graduate from NYADA, there’s a national outbreak and they’re both self-quarantined in a mutual friend’s apartment.
Read On AO3
On Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
QueenJCedes replied to your story!
Kurt bites back a dopey grin when he opens Mercedes’s snapchat message. It’s a photo of her looking dubiously at the camera, a single eyebrow pointed up, with the caption: Quarantine buddies, huh?
He snaps back a quick photo of himself, eyes rolled upwards. What can I say, he won me over.
She sends back just a message this time—
Mercedes: Yeah, clearly. Mercedes: Head over feet, Alanis style!
—and then a bitmoji of Kurt falling through the air.
Kurt: I mean… You’re not wrong Kurt: He’s sort of everything Kurt: AND a fantastic kisser
Mercedes: OMG REALLY? I was just teasing, but if this is legit, I’m so happy for you!!!
He can’t help but giggle excitedly as he types a reply. 
Kurt: Yeah. me too.
New Snap from setroutymouth
Blaine rolls his eyes but still can't school the smile on his face into a neutral expression. This is going to be a lot, he already knows, but nevertheless, he swipes his thumb across the screen to unlock his phone.
Sam’s pacing through Mercedes’s childhood home in Ohio, phone in selfie mode, already rambling at a hundred miles a minute that Blaine’s sure he cut off a few words.
“—cedes just showed me Kurt’s snapchat story and I AM LOSING IT! Did something happen between you two? Oh my god, something totally happened, didn’t it!? BLAINE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED MERCEDES WON’T TELL ME AND I ALREADY FINISHED EVERY BINGABLE SHOW ON NETFLI—”
As expected, it was a lot. But still not enough to burst his happy little bubble. He doesn’t think anything could, at this point.
Through his smiles, he snaps back a picture of himself shrugging, trying to look as clueless as possible, and adds the caption: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
It’s not even a full moment before he gets another video back.
Blaine locks his phone shut, mostly because he knows it’ll drive Sam crazy. He can respond later. Right now, there are more important matters at hand.
Blaine’s in the kitchen, putting away what was left of the carton of Cookie Two-Step ice cream they’d demolished while watching another Netflix romcom, when Kurt’s phone lights up.
New Message: From: Adam I saw your sc story You know you could just be *my* quarantine buddy When are you coming?
Kurt actually growls as he types out a reply. How did he put up with this for nearly three years?
New Message: To: Adam I’m not.
Kurt. We both know how this ends.
Not this time. I meant it. We’re done.
Okay, whatever you say I’ll check in with you later When you change your mind
Kurt doesn’t even warrant that with a response, he’s too seething mad to even formulate one with enough bite to put Adam in his place.
But then the door opens, Blaine’s beaming at him, and Adam is completely irrelevant.
“I was just thinking,” Blaine muses aloud, slipping under the covers and snuggling up next to him in a way that Kurt knows will be way too easy for him to get used to. “Do you remember our Junior year when we had to partner up during Stagefighting for that Musical Choregraphy project?”
Kurt explodes into laughter. “Uh, yeah, that was pretty ridiculous. I remember hearing from Matthew that you said I dance like a pigeon that’d been chewed up and spit out by a cat.”
“What!?” Blaine exclaims, shocked. “I swear I never said that. Though, I do remember going on a tangent about how I didn’t know how I was supposed to concentrate when you insisted on wearing those pants with that tight fitted shirt and…”
He trails off, and Kurt can feel color rising to his cheeks. “Oh, that explains it, actually.”
“Explains what?”
“Matthew. He had a huge crush on you.”
Blaine’s eyes double in size. “He what!?”
Kurt lets out a chuckle. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No! Nobody told me!”
“That’s not how crushes work, Blaine,” Kurt says through a stream of giggles. 
“Okay, why does it make more sense for me to just take a wild guess about how people feel about me instead of them telling me, or acting on it? Like, if you hadn’t have kissed me earlier, I would have never known how you felt and kissed you back.”
Kurt opens his mouth to argue that logic, but… he seriously cannot get over how oblivious Blaine is. “So you’re saying that if I hadn't accidentally kissed you then you really wouldn’t have known how I feel?”
“Yeah. And I would most definitely not have acted on my crush.”
“Aw,” Kurt teases. “You used to have a crush on me. That’s embarrassing.”
“And you watch too much Parks and Rec.” 
“I’m gonna kiss you again, now,” he announces.
Blaine just grins, eyes crinkling at the sides. “I think that’s a great idea.”
There wasn’t much of a choice because of the shelter in place, but based on the bright spark forming in his chest when their skin meets, Kurt could definitely get used to this living situation.
Blaine finally pulls away reluctantly. If he could stay attached to Kurt forever, stay connected to him, he would. He roams his eyes over Kurt’s face, like he could memorize it if he really, really tried, and notices a scar just above his eyebrow. It would be invisible to anyone else, anyone who wasn’t trying to intentionally map out the image of Kurt.
The scar doesn’t bother Blaine, but the idea that someone ever hurt Kurt bad enough to leave physical evidence that refuses to leave tugs achingly at his heart. Instinctively, he takes his hand from where it rests on the side of Kurt’s face, and gently traces over the scar with the pad of his index finger soothingly, as if it hasn’t been healed for years.
“Sophomore year… two years ago,” Kurt’s murmuring refocuses his attention.
That was a hazy time for Blaine, but he does have a vague memory of hearing from a friend of a friend that Kurt spent some time in the hospital, and he definitely remembers his rival-slash-partner being missing from their stage acting class for a while.
“What happened?” He asks.
Kurt is so calm, so steady when he answers. It leaves him in awe. “It was when all those gay bashings were happening…” he pauses, and Blaine immediately feels sick to his stomach because he knows where this is heading. “I was on my way home from school and saw these guys attacking some teenager, and… I had to help. I ran over and started shoving them, I guess. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but the kid got away. I didn’t. The last thing I remember after that was what I think might’ve been a brick hitting my head.”
“Jesus,” Blaine breathes. His initial reaction is to say I’m sorry, but something tells him that Kurt isn’t sorry about it at all. Instead, he says, “I had no idea. That–that was really brave of you.”
Kurt snorts out a laugh. “I’m glad you think so. I spent most of my hospital stay being berated by my dad about how irresponsible it was.”
“No,” Blaine shakes his head. “If anything it was over-responsible.”
“I’m not convinced that’s a word.”
“Me neither,” Blaine says breathlessly, amber gaze fixed on the boy lying across from him.
He really just can’t help but pull them together again. 
Blaine thinks Kurt is opening his mouth to deepen the kiss and, well, he’s certainly not going to complain. Until Kurt sucks in a deep breath and turns his head, chuckling through his yawn.
“Sorry, I really thought I could hold that yawn in.”
Blaine lets out a laugh of his own and glances over at the analog clock on the nightstand. “It’s only midnight, you grandpa,” he teases.
“Hey! Doing nothing all day is seriously draining.”
“I wouldn’t call what we did nothing,” Blaine says cheekily, causing Kurt to flush.
“I’m going to shower before I head to bed,” Kurt responds, sitting up and lifting his arms up over his head and exposing an inch or so of his midriff.
Blaine is trying so hard not to stare. Nevertheless, he can’t help it as he watches Kurt saunter off to the restroom. 
He tosses his head back onto the pillow with a satisfied grin on his face. Global crisis it may be, but if he got Kurt Hummel out of it… he could complain about worse things.
A bright ding from his right interrupts his thoughts. Blaine turns his head and sees the screen of Kurt’s phone light up, resting there on the nightstand.
He’s not snooping. He’s really not. It’s just sort of instinct to look in the direction of the sounds.
Then, he sees the succession of messages that make his stomach churn.
New Message: From: Adam Hurry and finish up with the rebound already I miss you Text me when you’re on your way
He stares at the screen for a few seconds before it fades back to black, feeling absolutely sick to his stomach. Of course Kurt was going to run back to his ex the first chance he got. It’s exactly what he did three years ago and Blaine was just kidding himself. This was all too good to be true.
Turns out it wasn’t.
Before he knows it, he’s grabbing his duffel bag and dialing Quinn’s number. 
He’s always welcomed there and New Haven isn’t all that far, after all.
Part 9
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