#i think another issue with aus is the fact my blog is pretty small and most people don't seem very interested in asking about them
axolotluv · 2 years
I have so much trouble sticking to one fandom and keeping aus going until I finish them-
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lovee-infected · 3 years
Hello! Recently I've seen a lot of twst blogs arguing on how twst characters are mischaracterized, especially Malleus. So do you have any ideas on how he is mischaracterized? Also, is it okay to ask for your general opinion on questions like a short character analysis or how a healthy a relationship with each twdt guy might be? Hope it's okay to ask!
For your first question anon, it's a GREAT thing to ask and to be honest I've been waiting for a chance to talk about him! And for your second one, yes, of course! I just love writing character analyis and it's totally okay to ask for character/personality/relationship analysis here! I've got a lot to say about Malleus so this is going to a detailed analysis about his whole personality.
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There are commonly two popular opinions on how Malleus is which divides the fandom into two groups:
Group A:
Those who consider him to be an absolutely soft, baby dragon who just wants to be invited and have a friend. They believe that Malleus needs more attention and can be quite affectionate at the time, he can also be sometimes idiotic toward simple stuff like working with a computer or trying to talk with others which makes him even more adorable. "Despite Malleus's harsh and emo appearance and terrifying powers, Malleus is just a small baby inside," is also a common belief of this group.
Group B:
Those who argue that group A is totally shading everything important about Malleus's personality and true self just because he looks cute and plays with a childish tamagotchi. These group also comes up with rather strong points about his personality such as his status as a crown prince, his naturally dark personality as not only a dark fae but also Maleficent's grandchild, his maturity and cold nature and also, the aspect of his hellish powers which can make him look like an absolute monster at the time.
I believe most of you are familiar with these points of view but the question is, which one of them is the real Malleus?
And the answer is: Neither of them; yet both of them do have a point.
The main problem is how the fandom portraits him as either an emotional tamagotchi baby or an absolutely cold and heartless mister of evil, while the true Malleus is far beyond than just being either good, or bad.
Now let's discuss some of the important facts and common mistakes about Malleus's personality:
(1) Malleus isn't a baby, but he isn't a monster either
This is supposedly the main idea here which will be continued to be discussed through the rest of this analysis. This is often how many end up mischaracterizing him because: the way the describe Malleus is either too dark or too childish. What we need here, is a balance. This is the grandson of one of the most important Disney villains that we are talking about, and don't forget that Maleficent herself was confirmed to consume the powers of Hell, as she was indeed the mistress of all evil. So this dragon boy here surely isn't one to underestimate, and he clearly has inherited that hellish power of her grandmother. It's obviously seen through the story as well, from the way he was presented in chapter 2 and beans day event to how terrified other students always are to even talk about him.
But the thing is, there are softer aspects of his personality as well which prove that Malleus isn't just designed to present an undefeatable force of evil, and this is exactly what makes his personality a lot more interesting.
(2) Malleus is actually hard to approach and talk to
Let's be honest, Malleus isn't as soft and easy to befriend as many fans consider him to be. He doesn't get too friendly or chill as he speaks, and even his close allies like Silver and Sebek fail to get close to him as much as they wish to. When we talk about his dark aura, we aren't just talking about his horns and fearsome magic, it's also because of his personality itself. His calm yet cold tone always remains still regardless of who he's talking to. No need to mention that he isn't an ordinary student either, he not only comes from a well-known family but is also the crown-prince of valley of thorns. Out of all twst characters Malleus is the only one who is directly connected to the great seven by being Maleficent's grandson. His family and people on the other hand are overly protective over him, to the point of not letting him to even have a fake proposal in the ghost marriage event which means that Malleus has also got each and every of his actions under watch.
(3) He's slowly getting used to isolating himself
In his ceremonial robes story, he's obviously upset that he never had a chance to wear his ceremonial robes because he never got invited, but when Lilia says he'd one day overcome his ill fate and gets to wear them as he always wanted to, he says that he's fine. Then again when Lilia tried to bring him to the singing test in chapter 5 he avoids showing up. In his voice lines he also said: "Are you as well scared of me?" which is clearly shouting that he's no longer surprised to see people being afraid of him, he's getting used to being feared and at some point, hated. That's probably one of the bitter sides of his personality which he's slowly giving up on trying to change it.
(4) Malleus has got a great confidence and isn't shy at all
There many fanfics in which Malleus is presented as a shy boy who's scared of confessing to his s/o or asking them out, while he's the total opposite in reality. Just like Maleficent herself, he speaks calmly and in a formal tone, is very respectful as he speaks, and isn't one to ever have problem while talking to others.
It's others who always avoid talking to him while Malleus himself isn't the least uncomfortable with presenting his ideas and asking others for help when he needs to.
He isn't ever shy over his lack of ability to work with machines or asking others for help for seemingly childish issues like having his tamagotchi fixed or finding a friend for the GaoGao dragon.
The only thing left is how Lilia described him as "Kind of shy" in chapter five, which is most likely because of another reason discussed in part (3)
(5) He doesn't eat ice cream and play with a tamagotchi for no reason
Malleus explained that everything is ran by magic back in the valley of thorns and no one really uses any machines there, that's how he's pretty new to both technology and complicated tools.
I believe that the tamagotchi part was given to him on purpose, because else than showing the fact that he's bad with tools, it's great contrast to the harsh picture that his power and personality gives him!
Admit it, it's a funny and somehow, adorable contrast to see one of the strongest magicians who can burn the room to ashes in just a matter pf second playing with a children's toy. And I believe that it was given to him on purpose. They meant to give him some soft and cute features as well instead of just presenting him as an evil fae. He is indeed evil and his powers are terrifying, and that's how watching him play with a tamagotchi is rather surprising to many. If you saw Ortho or Cheka playing with one it wouldn't have gone any further than a simple "Awww" or "How cute" because it's something you'd expect to see from a kid, but when you see Malleus of all people playing with it, you can't help but to fascinated and flustered over how cute this fae's habits can be.
Ice cream on the other hand doesn't really have to do with cuteness, it's something Yana Toboso discovered while doing her researches on fae mythology which discuses that Dark faes enjoy cold and sweet foods, especially cream. So it doesn't really have anything to do with him being either a soft or a cruel boy, it's just a normal part of his nature as a fae.
(6) He might be crazily old to humans, but he's still pretty young as a fae
This one has really been getting on my nerves, come on people! It's true that he's probably been living for decades and possibly, centuries but don't forget that it isn't that much compared to a normal fae! Even Sebek calls him 'Young master' which means that he's still a pretty young one, no need to mention that he hasn't yet became the king either so he's not much different from the rest of the students in NRC.
I've seen people saying: "No Malleus won't do that he's -too old-" and I've got to say: What?
Come on even someone like Lilia who's been living for over 5 centuries can act like a nasty 14 year old at the time, so for faes at least, age isn't a limitation.
Malleus on the other hand is still a teenage fae! He needs to discover new things and talk with more people, just like a normal human being does. So if he doesn't enjoy doing anything too silly or stupid, it's because of his 'personality', not because he's too old. Even when tells Lilia that he isn't a child anymore, it's like how an 18 year old says it to his father.
(7) Malleus won't take insult easily
He is polite and respectful in general, but when he's offended, he'd seriously respond to it. Remember that a single swipe of hand from him can set the whole room on fire.
Rook and Leona were probably one step away from being burnt and when Leona really got on Malleus's nerves by humiliating him, Malleus stopped respecting him as a prince of an ally kingdom and humiliated back.
He is calm but to a specific point, and you can make sure that he won't be any soft or forgiving if you offend him, and it'll probably end in no good if he gets mad. So better not think that Malleus is one to just keep it in and later cry in a room because he's sad baby when someone dares insult him.
(8) Angelina Jolie's Maleficent has nothing to do with his story!
Nope, Malleus never had a lover who cut off his wings and sent him to a hell of depression and loneliness, and no you cannot find those two wounds on his back regardless of how romantic it may seem.
I admit it, it's a lovely Au, but it's JUST AN AU! I can still see people saying stuff like "Ohh!! Will we discover if Malleus too had his wings cut off in chapter 7?" and the answer is NO. While Angelina Jolie's Maleficent is surely a great one on its own, it needs be understood that twst's source of main information and characters designs is nothing else than the original Disney villains.
Malleus cannot be associated with any Maleficents else than the version we saw in 1959's sleeping beauty and it's an important fact to look through.
(9) Malleus is NOT Maleficent!
While they are a lot more similar than you can imagine(in both power and personality), let's not forget that Malleus is NOT Maleficent! He's a total new character on his own, and is unique in his own way.
He is twisted from Maleficent which means that no matter how similar they are, Malleus is a new character with a new personality.
Saying that he isn't soft at all and the fandom will see his true face when he overblots ( It's supposed to mean that the real Malleus is an absolutely evil and destructive one, just like Maleficent) is nothing different from denying all of Yana's hard work on designing him and his personality!
Malleus himself said that his grandmother's skills were far greater than his and most importantly: Malleus still has chance to have a better fate than Maleficent did.
Once again: He's still young! He still has a chance to be saved from turning into a heartless and isolated creature like Maleficent. No matter how cold he is, he hasn't yet got to the point of hating the whole world and losing all of his emotions. And that's why it's totally wrong to deny all the good that he might still have inside by saying that he isn't soft at all. He isn't a baby, but he isn't a monster either. Not yet.
(10) Even Lilia agrees that Malleus is still learning and his personality is in development
Can't you see? Malleus isn't attending to this school for no reason. His magic is already top notch, and his knowledge goes far greater than anything they might teach in NRC.
If you take a look at the story, you'll see signs of Lilia indirectly giving us signs of why Malleus still needed to attend to this school. In Malleus's SR robes' story, Lilia told him that he still has a lot to learn and knowledge isn't everything. And what might he find in NRC which has nothing to do with knowledge? People.
Lilia is trying to hold him back from isolating himself like Maleficent did, and is indeed trying to help him make friends and learn to get along with people without thinking that it's useless because they'd fear him anyway.
Also, he clearly wants Malleus to learn and experience new things in NRC by taking part in activities. In Malleus's Halloween SR story Lilia, who was always the one to choose Diasomnia's Halloween costumes, asks Malleus to choose this year's costume instead of him. Lilia first says that he wants Malleus to do it but later tells him that he has other reasons as well, he was trying to put Malleus into trying something new therefore he can have something learn from the experiment! (What a cute papa he really is...)
This is another proof of him not having the cold and unapproachable picture some imagine him to have, he isn't against experiencing and trying new things.
(11) He's still looking for a true friend
Malleus needs a friend, that's a fact. During his chats he mentions how Maleficent always had her loyal pet crow by her side as the only reliable creature she could always trust, and how Malleus wonders if he can ever find such a worthy ally of his own.
Even as he has Lilia, Silver and Sebek by his side he doesn't feel like he has such a friend.
People have been avoiding him through his whole life, and you can see how excited he got when Cater asked him for a selfie as he was one of the very first people who ever tried to approach him.
While he's slowly getting used to being feared by everyone, he'd still appreciate a friend and he needs one. Not even Maleficent herself could've made it all on her own without a friend by her side.
(12) Malleus isn't heartless
While he won't easily fall for anything or anyone, it isn't impossible for him to love.
We haven't yet seen anything that directly gets us to the point of love in the story but it's something you can tell through his actions and words.
When he cares for something or someone, he'd be serious about it.
Two obvious examples would be his tamagotchi and the ramshackle dorm. He'd certainly get out of his way to find someone to fix his dear tamagotchi and as we saw in the Halloween event, he furiously stated that he'd burn anyone who tries to the ramshackle dorm any harm, because he likes that place.
There isn't much he holds dear in life, but when he does, he won't let a single soul to take it away from him.
When he can be this protective over something that just entertains him, just try to imagine how far he might go to protect the one he loves. He falls in love very slowly and it'll probably take him a while to realize it if he actually does. He can begin with small interests and repeated meetings but at some point, it'll turn into a routine, an obsession. He won't easily fall in love, but when he does, he won't be able to easily let go of it either.
(13) His relationship with MC is far more important than you're thinking
Just by going through his voice lines, you can tell how MC is effecting Malleus's personality and life. I'm not saying that it's love or anything but the thing is, MC is changing Malleus nonetheless.
Their relationship has been a totally new thing for Malleus to experience from the very beginning, because MC didn't know him. Malleus is obviously used to being well-known as the infamous prince of the Draconia family by almost everyone, but MC was an exception.
He asked MC to talk to him and tell him stories, it can be clearly see that he enjoys talking to them.
He also mentioned that MC has made him feeling lots of things he hadn't felt before, which can also be connected to part (10) where we discussed how he's still young and needs more of communication and friends because he needs to learn.
Some argue that Malleus couldn't care less about MC and the only reason he shows up around them is because of the ramshackle dorm, which can be easily proven wrong by two hints:
1) Malleus sent a Happy holiday card to MC after the winter holiday.
2)What Malleus told Lilia at the end of the Halloween event stories after all the troubles that was brought upon the ramshackle dorm: "I want that human to enjoy Halloween too"
While it isn't necessarily romance that we're talking about, his relationship with MC is clearly telling us that he's a lot more of emotions and humanity inside him than what we were expecting.
At this point, it's important to see that in spite of his cold nature and mature personality he is slowly beginning to feel more and more emotions as the result of meeting newer people in NRC, especially MC. Saying that he is nothing but a heartless fae who is wrongly thought to be a soft and emotional boy is nothing different from judging him the same way as most of the people in twisted wonderland itself judge Malleus, it's important to see that he's a lot more.
His personality itself is surely amazing and as a Malleus hoe stan myself I can't wait to get more of his background in chapter 7, although it's probably going to be dark as well. They really did give his design a twist and that's how he's a balance of and menacingly powerful magician and a young boy who's just learning to deal with emotions.
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For now, that's all I had in mind! Hope that I didn't miss anything. This was a general character analysis which also discussed some of the common mistakes about Malleus's personality but-
In case that you're wondering how he's being mischaracterized in reader insert fics, that'll be a totally different issue to discuss which would also need another post to be discussed through.
Small note: Just saying that there's often a dark lore to twst x reader fics (Especially for Malleus/ Leona x reader) which is usually better to be ignored while reading/writing for them...
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mehbzz · 3 years
This is an attempt at some A/B/O fanfic for the chocobros, highly completely inspired by  @weebsinstash They have an isekai reader dropped into A/B/O Insomnia AU that is just amazing and I love it. Actually I love all their thirst ideas! If you like yandere/abo/any other darkcontent stuff, I highly recommend their blog. Their Hazbin Hotel Valentino stuff recently has been gold. I’m not a very good writer, but this fantasy has been stuck in my brain for weeks, so I had a go! It’s at a point where the bros have gone for gently pushing over reader’s boundaries to pretty much trampling all over them. It ends abruptly because I suck at endings! Female reader, 3some, A/B/O, smutty, control issues, dubcon (reader is going into like a pre-heat)  and yandere/possessive vibes.
You had been starving for the past 2 days. Despite Ignis giving you extra portions at dinner you still felt like you hadn’t eaten. The hunger pains and the occasional cramps had you more irritable than normal, snapping at the boys more often than not. The secret conversations and the glances when they thought you weren’t looking along with their smothering attention was also not helping your mood. Their attention was overwhelming at the best of times but the past few weeks had almost been unbearable. You still didn’t fully understand the implications and physical changes you were going through now that your status as an omega had been discovered, you just knew you hated it. Ignis was doing his best to explain things to you, he had spent more time talking with the doctor than you had, it had been a relief when he stepped in and offered to be your proxy when the explanations and questions had started getting too much.
The way the boys were treating you had changed, subtly at first but lately it was like living with babysitters 24/7. The constant physical contact had been hard to get used to, but now was even worse. Although to Noctis’ and Prompto’s credit they had backed off a little recently. All in all you were having a miserable few days. You knew deep down they were trying to help you, that this was, as they kept telling you, normal for them, but you were tired, hungry and frustrated. It was hard to think straight, and you wanted. That was the most frustrating thing, a deep gnawing want in your gut that you didn’t understand. You didn’t know what you wanted. Just that the fact you didn’t have it made you feel like crying.
You needed to sleep. You sighed; closing your eyes, as soon as you did you regretted it. With your eyes closed your senses focused on the scents swirling and mixing around your head, threatening to give you a headache. You had learnt to tell them apart, Noctis a lemony and sweet scent that reminded you of soda, and Prompto a soft floral scent. Ignis and Gladio seemed to fluctuate and mould together, a heady mix of lime, lilies and wood smoke, it was harder to distinguish them beyond the fact that they smelled really good. Ignis had retired to the tent a while ago and Noctis and Prompto were obviously going to be up for a while longer with the way they were still animatedly bickering over some handheld game Noct was playing. You could feel Gladio watching you intently from his chair on the opposite side of the small bonfire as you stood and made your way to the tent.
The t-shirt Gladio had lent you reached almost to your knees, and made a good nightshirt. Clothes were another thing that had made your list of irritations recently. Ignis had explained to you before that finding clothes to fit you while they were out was difficult and that all 4 of them were happy to lend you things until you returned to Insomnia, and you were grateful for that. However it was just another thing that you couldn’t choose for yourself, another thing the boys had somehow gained control of.
You curl up behind Ignis and are not surprised when Gladio joins you not long after. You hear him remove his jacket and lay down behind you. “You ok?” His question doesn’t shock you, despite your annoyance with the situation, you couldn’t deny the fact that Gladio and Ignis tried very hard to make sure you were looked after and comfortable even if the way they did it was overbearing at times. The urge to cry returns and you shake your head, not trusting yourself to speak. He sighs and scoots closer wrapping his arm lightly around your waist. “You’ll be ok” he whispers and despite your whirling emotions, you believe him, relaxing into his hold. “I got you”
It’s cosy, with Gladio wrapped around you and Ignis napping in front of you, their scents invading your lungs, lulling you into a calm contented mood. Even the low distant chatter from Noctis and Prompto is helping sooth you. For a while you just lay there, snug in Gladio’s arms, not quite dozing as his thumb strokes softly along the inside of your wrist. You can’t quite remember why you were so irritated before, although the unnamed want is still there, fizzing in your veins with every swirl of Gladio’s thumb, making you feel restless.
The warmth of his bare chest seeps through your thin nightshirt, it’s comforting and against your better judgement you feel yourself arching backwards slightly in to his touch. “You smell good” you murmur head tilting backward to run your nose lightly against his jaw. Gladio tenses and you think you have done something wrong, crossed one of those alpha/omega lines that they are always trying to teach you about, before he relaxes around you, arm curling tighter around your waist. “So do you baby” he nuzzles into the side of your neck. Your head lolls back; turning your face towards him you take a deep breath, inhaling his scent. He rumbles in response, a low deep vibration that sends a surprising shiver of arousal through you. He liked that. For some reason you like that, and without thinking you run your nails gently up his forearm as you inhale again.
He shifts closer and lets you nuzzle against his cheek. Another low rumble of approval and you realize with a start that you can feel his cock hard and heavy against the back of your thigh. He doesn’t give you chance to move before he is tilting your head further to the side so he can run his tongue runs across your neck inhaling you in return as he does. You squirm, trying to resist the urge to grind back against him; a sudden rush of panic that this was suddenly escalating way too fast. You open your mouth to protest but he shushes you, another calming rumble from deep in his chest, his hand spreading under your shirt across your ribs to tug you flush against him “Relax Omega,” he presses soft fluttery kisses over the shell of your ear “Let your alpha take care of you”. You hate that, hate it when they call you Omega instead of your name but this time, with Gladio pressed against you, his voice low and gravelly in your ear, it has you biting back a moan and your pussy clenching hard around nothing. “You like that? Being my omega?” You surprise yourself with the annoyed growl that escapes your throat at the title again but it quickly dissolves into a whimper when Gladio nips hard at the lobe of your ear in retaliation. “Behave”. The command tugs at something in your chest but all it does it make you press your thighs together, desperately trying to find some relief to the growing ache in your core. You are rapidly losing control of your thoughts, the part of you that had been wilfully pushing back against their attentions succumbing to the pheromones and desire filling the tent. You’re embarrassingly wet; you can feel it soaking through your panties to trickle down your thighs. Gladio’s next inhale has his breath hitching and a low growl escaping the back of his throat, sending another wave of desire through you and another trickle of wetness down your thighs. “Knew it,” he mutters against your neck “knew it was your heat”. You’re not sure what he means but you don’t care, you just need him to touch you. His hand rests against your abdomen, stroking the band of your panties but going no further despite the pleas falling from your lips. Gladio is moving slowly, grinding his cock gently against you. His breathing is fast and shallow against your neck and his kisses are more teeth, scraping gently over the crook of your neck. You moan quietly, trying your hardest to be quiet, to not disturb Ignis sleeping in front of you. “Say it baby, ask you alpha to touch you” “please” you say it immediately, a desperate whine but he doesn’t move. “Please, Alpha” he repeats, finger dipping ever so slowly beneath the waistband.
“Gladio” you respond, this time your growl is louder and the irritation in your tone obvious, your frustration getting the better of you He chuckles at your attempt at dominance, “I knew you’d be a brat” he nips hard again on your ear “going to enjoy working that out of you later” he hums as he slides his hand under the waistband of your panties to stroke gently over your clit. “I’ll be lenient this time” The needy whine that escapes you when he touches you is embarrassingly loud, and you barely register the way Ignis’ shoulders tense at the sound, his scent growing stronger around you, mixing with Gladio’s until you feel like you are drowning in them. “We should stop, I don’t…” your words are breathless, brain feeling sluggish but he doesn’t stop. “Ig…” your words cut off with a hiss as Gladio presses hard against your clit, “He won’t mind baby, he likes to watch”
“Fuck,” he hisses, “you’re so wet for me” Letting his fingers swirl down teasing your entrance before sliding out of your panties completely to tug them further down your thighs. “Off” it’s another command, more a growl than a word and you comply instantly, only just kicking them off round your ankle before he is hooking your leg over his calf and his fingers are back against your clit. His teeth rake across the sensitive skin of your neck and the sudden desire to have him closer has you tilting your head further to the side, giving him more access. The sharp edges of his teeth press harder at your skin and you can’t stop the plea for more that escapes you. You’re not even sure what it is you are asking for, only that you want it so badly it hurts.
“Gladiolus” The tone is sharp, reprimanding and you shrink a little at hearing it, even though you know it’s not directed at you. Gladio huffs but moves away from your neck with a petulant “what?” Ignis scent is strong, his eyes almost completely black as his gaze follows the line of Gladio’s arm down to where it rests between your thighs. You shiver in response, nipples hardening and peaking through your t-shirt, your body responding to the alpha in front of you. “She’s going into heat,” Gladio says, his fingers not stopping the soft little circles around your clit. “She needs us” Ignis’ eyes slide up over your face before his gaze returns between your legs. He takes a long inhale, breathing in your scent as he watches Gladio stroke you.
Ignis shifts closer, his warm hand reaching out to rest on your hip before sliding up under your t-shirt to cup your breast, his thumb gently caressing over your nipple. “Is that right darling? You need us? You want your alphas to take care of you?” His hand slowly sliding back down your body to join Gladio’s between your thighs and inhales again “You smell divine, darling. So wet and desperate for us.” His finger follows Gladio’s as they both swirl gently around your clit before he strokes through your folds to gently push inside you. The groan that escapes him has you clenching hard around him “So tight darling, you would take our cocks so well”. Your moan is eclipsed by Gladio’s as his hips start to rock against you again. “Would you like that?” Ignis continues, “Letting us knot you darling? Letting us fill you with our cum?” He sighs “Letting us breed you?” Gladio moans loud against your ear at that and grinds his hips harder against you. You see Ignis’ lips twitch slightly in a barely concealed smile and you wonder briefly if the dirty talk is aimed at you or Gladio before Ignis slips another finger inside you and you momentarily forget how to breathe. Between Ignis’ and Gladio’s expert touches you feel yourself racing quickly towards your peak. Ignis’ gaze keeps flicking between watching your face and back down between your legs, the clear approval on his face as you fuck yourself on his fingers makes you feel incredibly proud. “Will you cum for us?” he breathes out, sliding closer to brush his lips over yours as he speaks. You open your mouth to reply but instead Ignis kisses you hard, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his fingers flex and stroke inside you. You’re so close. Everything about them is overwhelming, sandwiched between them their presence smothers every thought except the desperate need to cum.  Ignis’ fingers press deep, coaxing you towards orgasm in perfect time with Gladio’s rough caress across your clit. You feel drunk on their pheromones, you know full well Noctis and Prompto can hear everything perfectly with their enhanced hearing, from the way you are shamelessly grinding back against Gladio’s cock to the lurid wet sounds between your legs as you fuck yourself on Ignis’ fingers, but you don’t care. “Cum for us omega” Ignis repeats, sounding breathless but otherwise his usual calm collected self. He curls a third finger inside you, and it's almost too much, but the painful stretch pushes you closer to orgasm. Gladio’s moans and growls against your ear are almost as loud as yours. He’s rutting against you now, forcing Ignis’ fingers deeper with each rough thrust against your ass. “Cum for your alphas baby” The command in his voice is undeniable, so you do. Back arching, your orgasm flooding through you so hard you see stars. Clenching and convulsing hard around Ignis fingers you clutch at his shoulders, a desperate need to anchor yourself as his fingers fuck you through the aftershocks.  You want him closer, you need him closer. Burying your face into the side of his neck, the guttural moan that escapes him as you dig your teeth into his shoulder almost pushing you over the edge again. Gladio’s hand leaves your clit to grip harshly over your breast, a grip you know is going to leave bruises, and you distantly think it would hurt if you weren’t so lost in your post orgasm haze. He ruts against you hard once before he growls loud, hips stuttering as he cums in his pants, body flush against yours, mumbled praises of good girl, good omega whispered into your hair as he slowly comes down from his high. Ignis brushes his lips over yours in a gentle kiss before he slides his fingers from your pussy with a quiet groan. “Lemme taste” Gladio’s voice is strained, his words slightly slurred, and you feel a fresh wave of arousal as you watch Gladio suck Ignis’ fingers in to his mouth with a greedy moan. You feel the shudder from Ignis as Gladio swirls his tongue around Ignis’ slick coated fingers. “You taste so good baby,” he groans as your taste floods across his tongue, “can’t wait to taste you properly”
The whine that escapes your throat as Gladio finally pulls away has him grinning, “Relax baby, I’ll be right back. Need to grab something to clean up.” He pushes you forward towards Ignis before standing and slipping out of the tent.
“It’s ok darling, I’ve got you.” coos Ignis. He looks at you and gently brushes a lock of hair away from your face, a soft smile forming on his lips. “You did so well,” he presses a kiss to your forehead, “Such a good little omega for us.” You can’t find it in yourself to be annoyed by the title this time. You feel exhausted and the praise feels good. You snuggle closer, a happy purr involuntarily slipping out of your chest that has Ignis responding to in kind. He kisses your shoulder, lips trailing up over your neck before he shifts to lie back down on the sleeping bag, pulling you to rest against his chest. The whispered and murmured praises of how proud he is of you, and how they will look after you when your heat properly hits sift lazily through your mind, the word ‘claim’ makes something in your chest leap a little with a mixture of dread and excitement, but you’re too lost in your hazy exhausted state to really understand what Ignis is saying. You feel good, deliciously sore, your breast still aching slightly from Gladio’s grip but you feel happy. “Is she purring??” You can hear the surprise in Gladio’s voice when he returns, but you can’t find the energy to respond. Already half asleep the effort needed to correct him is too much. People don’t purr, you can’t purr. However the warmth radiating of Gladio as he sits back down behind you coaxes a sleepy happy little chirp from you and you feel rather than hear Ignis’ slight chuckle. “Where’d she bite?” Gladio’s voice is quiet, you struggle to hear it and although you feel Ignis chest rumble with his reply you can’t make out the words. Did you hurt him? “pity, would’ve been easier,” he pauses, “she won’t be happy about this tomorrow, y’ know” Gladio’s voice is a quiet, odd mixture of guilty and happy but Ignis doesn’t reply beyond a low hum of acknowledgment and the slow beat of his heart as he falls asleep lulls you gently into a doze. That annoying little purr slips from your chest again in satisfaction. “You’re cute when you purr omega” Gladio’s voice is smug in your ear and your sleepy annoyed growl in response only makes him laugh quietly. “Brat” He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your ear before he finally settles down behind you, arm sliding back around your waist.
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bangtanloverboys · 3 years
kitten fever // myg
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summary - min yoongi wants to be a daddy, but not in the way that you quite expect
pairing - cat hybrid!yoongi x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff; hybrid au, established relationship au
word count - 7.5k
warning - yoongi being an absolute softie, hinted hybrid discrimination, YOONGI WITH A KITTY, yoongi and yn being domestic, KITTENS, overwhelming love for kittens, yoongi calling himself daddy
author’s note - this is for the bts ghostie dynamite dads event “new dad yoongi”, but make it new cat dad. i snuggled my kitties a lot writing this bc i love them and they are my inspiration for this. anything cat related on my blog is inspired by my own cats, enjoy. i may post a baby photo of one of them bc that’s how i imagine the kitty in this 
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2:54 am read the small digital clock in the corner of the room. Yoongi couldn’t sleep. He turned his head over to you, still curled up into his side. Pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, he gently peeled your arm off of him and got out of bed. You let out a soft whine at the loss of his warmth, patting the empty space in a sleepy attempt to find him. He shook his head and chuckled at you, placing another kiss to your head and made his way over to the desk. Seating himself in the wheelie chair, he opened the laptop and typed away into the search bar. 
‘Newborn Kittens’.
He honestly wasn’t sure what was going through his head, but he was feeling something deep down inside. The feeling started sometime a little after you had adopted him and it had only grown stronger when the two of you had gotten together. Originally he thought that was the feeling, the need to be with you. You were his mate and you were it for him; he loved you with every little fiber in his being. But there was still something missing in Yoongi’s heart, and that is what it was.
He really wanted to be a dad. 
Not for like human babies though, no. He didn’t think that either of you were ready for that yet, not for a while. But he really wanted to care and love for something as his own, which has slowly led him down the rabbit hole of kitten videos. Volume set to low, he played videos and listened to the small innocent newborns cry and whine at the new world they were in. The cries resonated deep in Yoongi’s heart. He wanted to care for, guide, and love on a kitten so badly. The only thing is he had to convince you about it. 
After about an hour of him watching and holding back tears over the newborns, he let out a yawn. He exited the tab and cleared the browsing history, an extra precaution he’d taken to make sure you accidentally stumble across it. He didn’t know why he was so nervous about asking you, maybe it’s cause you never talked about having another pet or an actual animal? He vaguely remembered you mentioning the reason you got a hybrid in the first place. You wanted someone to talk to and to keep you in check, which Yoongi thought he did a pretty good job of. You were a bit of an idiot sometimes, but you were his idiot now. His idiot that he had no idea how to tell he wanted to have a baby kitten. 
He quietly tiptoed back over to the bed and carefully slotted himself to lay next to you, once again. You sleepily register the bed dipping next to you, turning over and wrapping your arms back around him; holding him even tighter so he can’t leave you again. He let out a low chuckle at your action, letting you mold yourself against him. With another kiss to the top of your head, Yoongi let his eyes slowly fall shut. Dreaming of the kittens he wanted so badly. 
You woke up earlier than Yoongi the following morning, which was strange, seeing how normally he’s the first to rise. As of lately though, he’s been sleeping in more. You didn’t mind, the past few times he slept in, he had the warmest smile on his face. It was so blissful and it always pulled at your heartstrings to see him look so soft. But whenever he woke up, he acted distant. Like he was holding his breath around you. You don’t know what led him to start acting like this, you tried talking to him about it, you really did. Everytime you brought it up, he acted like it was nothing and dismissed the issue or said he was in a funk. So you’ve taken a back seat, waiting for him to either truly tell you what’s going on or for him to pull himself out of his self-proclaimed funk. With a small sigh passing your lips, you kissed his cheek and gave one of his little ears a scratch, you pulled yourself out of bed to get started on your morning routine. 
With a yawn, you padded down the hallway of your small apartment towards the kitchen. Glancing at the calendar pinned to the fridge, you let out a low groan. Today, you had a lot of paperwork that you could thankfully do at home, but that didn’t help the fact you just wanted a lazy day to cuddle with your boyfriend. But you have work to do, then you can cuddle Yoongi to your heart's content. Quickly, you fashioned a breakfast milkshake; consisting of your last banana, an egg, milk, and some chocolate sauce. The roar of the blender must’ve woken up Yoongi, as soon as you turned it off, you heard his heavy footsteps get closer and closer. You don’t turn to look behind you as two arms and a tail wrap around your waist. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You smiled as he buried his head into your neck. 
“Morning,” he grumbled, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. 
You stop from finishing your shake to lean into him, nuzzling your cheek against his messy dark hair. “You sleep alright? I thought I felt you get up in the middle of the night.”
“I’m good, just. . . had trouble sleeping last night,” You felt him shift behind you, readjusting himself so his chin is now resting on your shoulder, watching you finish making your shake, “decided to have a wikipedia deep dive to try and bore myself to sleep.”
“Aw, I’m glad you were able to get some sleep though.” You said as you pulled out a metal straw from your utensil drawer into your finished banana-chocolate milkshake. However, Yoongi doesn’t loosen his grip on you. Carefully, you manage to twist yourself around in his arms to look at him. His face is still puffy from sleep, his eyes are blinking lazily as you give him a chaste kiss. “Sleepy kitty.” Upon saying that phrase, you felt Yoongi’s arms stiffen around you. It was only for a moment, then he relaxed and nuzzled his nose to brush against your cheek before letting his arms slip from around you. You don’t let the way Yoongi tensed up at your words, but elect not to bring it up. It’s too early.  
“What do you have planned for today?” Yoongi asked, stifling a yawn as he went to make himself some coffee. 
“Just paperwork,” you huffed as you siphoned through the utensils to find your precious metal straw. “You got anything? Besides taking a cat nap.” You smiled as you took a sip of your shake. 
Yoongi shook his head as he concentrated on his coffee making task, “I got nothing.”
“Maybe when I’m done, we can watch a movie?” You suggested, as you leaned against the countertop. 
“Mm, sounds good.” He responded as he mixed in his coffee creamer. Satisfied with his stirring, he turned back to face you. “There’s a few things I’ve found that I think you might like”, he said as he brought the mug to his lips. 
The small conversation fell and the two of you got started on your routines. You handed Yoongi your glass for him to clean then went to your bathroom to start the day. You couldn’t get over how he froze around you at the little nickname you bestowed on him. Sleepy kitty. Did he not like that? He never had any objections to your pet names previous to this. You couldn’t just chalk it up to it being one of his ‘moods’ because this was a constant thing now. You needed to talk to him, maybe before the movie.
Yoongi on the other hand, felt like banging his head into a wall. How could he be so stupid to have such a blatant reaction to the pet name?! He supposes it has everything to do with the dream he had after he had finally fallen asleep after an hour long cat video binge at such an ungodly hour. He had dreamt of a small tabby kitten, probably no more than 4 weeks old. It was snuggling into his shoulder while he slept, swiping at his tail while he sat and worked, nibbling on his ears- God even just reminiscing about the dream had his heart aching again. 
Shaking his head, tried to push past the consuming thoughts of kittens, refusing to give into his instincts. He focused all his energy into cleaning the dishes; totally not imagining the small cup he was washing as a small kitten, scrubbing it delicately and making sure not to go too hard on it’s small fragile head-
Yoongi dropped the cup in the sink, the plastic banging against the other dishes ringing in his ears as he held his head. He was going to lose it, he knows it. To his concern there’s only one solution to this issue: get a kitten and take care of it. Digging the heels of his palm into his eyes, he let out a deep sigh. There was no other choice he had, he had to talk to you about his kitten fever. 
Finishing up the last of what was in the sink, he dried off his hands and made his way back over to the room. You had already gotten to work, judging by how you barely acknowledged him as he walked in. Walking over to the bed, Yoongi stretched himself over the messed up covers. This was how the two of you did spend most of your days when you were allowed to work from home; with him laying down and watching you work. Resting his cheek on his folded arms, Yoongi kept his eyes on you. Trying his damndest not to let his mind wander from you and to imagining you working with a small kitten on your lap. Your hand caressing its small body while it meows loudly at you as you play with it- He let out a groan, burying his face in his arms to try and escape the mental image he created. 
Hearing him, you turn in your chair to face him, “Yoongi, are you okay?”
Peeking from behind his elbows, concern is written all over your face. He shut his eyes and sat up, “Y/N. . . Can I talk to you?” Your brows furrowed together, a look of panic dashes through your eyes as you nod. Taking a deep breath, he stood up from where he sat and walked over to your desk, leaning against it. “I-,” he started, “I want kittens.”
His admission out in the air, he closed his eyes, fearing your reaction. But no sound of rejection came from you. Opening one eye to peep at you, you were confused. Yoongi could also see the gears turning in your head as you thought of something, anything to respond to him.
“Yoongi, I-I don’t think we’re-”
“Not like that!” He stopped you, seeing how you didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. “I mean like, actual kittens. . . Cats. . .” He explained.
Your mouth parted, “Oooh.” The dots connected, Yoongi’s sudden mood changes started to make sense; especially this morning’s when you called him kitty. All this because he wanted to father kittens? “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“How long have you wanted kittens, Yoongi?” You questioned.
Bashfully, he looked to his feet, “I don’t know. . . Since we got together, I suppose?”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline, “That long?! Why haven’t you told me, baby?” You went to grab his hands, holding them in yours.
“You never said anything about wanting kids, animal or not so I just. . . didn’t say anything.” He responded, keeping his eyes on your interlocked hands. 
“Yoongi, look at me.” He raised his head to meet your gaze, “Human babies I never really thought much on, but kittens? I love kittens so much, of course I’d want to have them with you.”
“Really?” He felt like his eyes were going to pop right out of their sockets “You mean it? I can-We can get a kitten? A baby?” Yoongi couldn’t believe his ears; his vision started to blur as tears welled up in them. The blurry outline of you nodded as you stood, pulling him into a hug as the happy tears fell from his face. 
You cooed at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his face burying itself in your neck. “Aww, we can definitely get a kitten. I think having one might be a wonderful little addition to our family, don’t you think?” Yoongi only cried harder in response. You stroked the hairs at the back of his neck, soothing him from his happy tears. “I’ll take that as a yes, I’ll get all my work done today and tomorrow we can go to a shelter and adopt. Okay?” With a nod of his head and a couple sniffles, he pulled away from the hug. You moved your hand to lay it on his cheek, wiping away the remaining tears from his cheeks. “Let me finish this up okay? You do research on some kitten supplies and shelters nearby?”
With that, Yoongi immediately got to work on researching products (within your established budget) and found a shelter a few blocks away from your apartment building. You thanked whatever deity that was watching over you that allowed your apartment to put in a notice for a new pet so last minute. Normally you’d have no qualms about waiting a few days, but the way Yoongi had been keeping this to himself, you didn’t want him to wait any longer. He deserved to be a proud father of a little fur baby. 
All night long, you could feel Yoongi’s excitement radiate from him as he tossed and turned in the bed all night. You could hear him even giggle to himself, whispering how he’s going to be a dad. The words squeezed your heart as you turned to wrap your arms around him, partially to keep him still but also because you were happy that he was so happy about this step for the both of you. Maybe him a little more than you though.
You woke up to an empty bed, you patted around Yoongi’s side, noting it was cold. You were puzzled for a moment, wondering where he might be when the smell of bacon flooded your nose. You let out a light chuckle as you got out of bed, and shuffled down the hallway to see Yoongi in the kitchen, buzzing as he cooked breakfast. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d mistake you for a dog hybrid for being this excited.” You chuckled as you sat down at the table. He narrowed his eyes at you before returning to cooking. Normally Yoongi never went all out with breakfast unless it was a special occasion, you suppose that today might as well be a special occasion, it being the day he finally gets to become a dad. “Did you get any sleep?” You asked as he put some bacon and toast on a couple plates. 
“Enough,” he answered, placing a plate in front of you on the table. You rolled your eyes at his response, you should’ve figured he didn’t get much; but at least he got some of it. “Gotta get used to not sleeping all throughout the night.”
“Yoongi, it’s a kitten. Not an actual baby.” You chortled as you took a bite of bacon, “It’s not gonna wake us up in the middle of the night crying.”
“Yeah, but kittens in a new environment often are excited and don’t sleep much the first night or so.” He responded as he sat down in front of you, “While I’m not a full cat, you should remember how restless I was when you first got me.”
You do remember. He stayed up all night the first few days, getting a feel of your apartment; sniffing around and making some noise, but after that he started to settle in and get comfortable in his new home. “Yes, but cats don’t whine every few hours to be fed.”
“Touche,” he bowed his head in defeat before going to take a bite out of his toast. 
You watched him as he ate, nibbling a bit on your breakfast as you did. As you continued to eat, you noticed he was getting more and more fidgety. Figuring how he wasn’t very upfront with you about getting a kitten, he was waiting on your word to get ready to find a shelter. You smirked a bit as you took a few more bites of your toast before pushing your plate away. “Alright, ready to go?” Before you even finished, Yoongi jumped from his seat and kissed your cheek. You barked out a laugh as your hybrid dashed down the hallways towards the bedroom in a blur of black and white. 
Deciding to take it upon yourself, you cleared the table, seeing how Yoongi was too excited to focus on anything else. You shook your head as you picked up his abandoned breakfast on the table; if he was too excited to sleep, you should’ve figured he’d be too excited to eat. Better make sure the second that kitten crosses the threshold of your apartment that you feed him before he forgets completely to eat. As you finished up in the kitchen, said hybrid came back, “What are you doing?! Why aren’t you getting dressed?!” He exasperated at you, still dressed in pajamas, while he was all nicely dressed. 
“I’m sorry that I want to make a nice impression on the newcomer, when they arrive.” You chuckled as you walked up to him, ruffling his hair. “I’ll get dressed. You finish up here.” In a flash, he was at the sink, furiously scrubbing the pans and plates. You laughed at him again, you wonder how he’s going to react when you tell him that you’re not even gonna stop at the shelter first, seeing how you should get the products first before the kitten steps it’s paws in the apartment. No matter how eager Yoongi was, you needed a litter box first. Kitten second. 
Once you’re dressed and down the hall, your overly eager feline partner was frantically checking himself in the hallway mirror. Letting out a chuckle as he made his hair and ears look as neat as possible. You held up your keys, the jingling catching his attention, he beamed as you moved to put your shoes on and get out of the door.
“What kind should we get? I looked at some of the ones at the shelter and there’s this pretty ragdoll, she’s all white and fluffy- Ooh! There’s this siamese kitten that just had the most beautiful eyes-”
“Yoongi,” you cut off his rambling as you approached your car. “I love you, I really do and I’m excited that you’re excited. But don’t overthink it, let’s just go to the shelter first and see who speaks out to you more. Okay?” 
You watched as he bashfully scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry.” He chuckled nervously.
“Don’t apologize, baby. Now come on, we gotta get going.” You hopped in the car, Yoongi followed behind you, climbing into the backseat. The two of you sit in silence as you drive off, your hybrid humming happily as he stared out the window. It’s only when you pull up to the pet store does Yoongi let out a low groan. 
“This isn’t the shelter!”
You grabbed his hand as he pouted his lips at you, “I know. But we need litter, food, and toys. I don’t want to forget that on the way home.” You pressed a kiss to his knuckles as he dropped his pout. 
“Fine,” he sighed as he unbuckled and got out, clearly unhappy with the decision, but realizing it was the right one either way. 
“You’re acting more like a moody teen than a father to be, you sure you’re ready?” You raised a brow at him, which quickly had him standing up straighter.
“Yes, I am.” He gave a firm nod as he spoke, “Now come on, the fast we get the supplies, the faster we can get the baby.” He took your hand in his and led you into the store. 
You let Yoongi take the lead pushing the cart through the aisles as you searched for the supplies you needed. You could feel stares from other customers as Yoongi was looking at the different types of kitten litter and which one would be best. You felt like they were judging you for bringing your hybrid to the pet store, like you were going to make him actually use the items that were meant for his animal counterpart. 
“Can I help you with anything?” You both turned your head to see a young woman in a blue vest standing there, a confused expression on her face. 
“Actually yes, what brand of litter would you recommend? I’ve read all the reviews but, I’m curious about your opinion?” Yoongi rambled off as he stood, walking to get closer to the employee. “We’re going to adopt a kitten later today and this is both of our first times owning a cat.”
“Oh!” The employee's eyes widened and nodded, now understanding the situation instead of assuming the worst. “Well what age are you looking to adopt?”
“Not sure, I was thinking maybe four to six weeks?” He said as the worker’s eyes examined the wall of litter in front of her. 
“Hmm,” she stepped down and pulled out a medium sized pink box. “This brand is what I’ve seen the best reviews on, anyone with a kitten seems to like it before going on to other litter.” She handed it over to Yoongi, who was bowing his head as he accepted the box. 
“Thank you very much!” He replied, gracious for the help. 
“No problem, anything else I can help you with?” She responded with a grin of her own as she looked between the two of you. 
Yoongi glanced over his shoulder to you, waiting to see if you needed anything at all. You shook your head, “No. Thank you for the offer though, I think we got it.”
Yoongi thanked the employee again before turning to put the box of litter in the cart. “Got litter, got the litter box, food, what else?”
“Toys and a collar?” You noticed that was something lacking from your growing collection of cat necessities. Looking up to Yoongi, you see him with his lips pursed in thought as he stared down into the cart. “Something wrong with that?”
“Toys no,” he said, moving to push the cart forward towards the cat toy aisle. “Collar, I don’t know. I mean, it’s going to be indoors anyways. Does it even really need it?” 
He did have a point, a collar was to ensure that if it got lost you’ll be contacted as soon as it’s found. But considering how it is going to be inside all the time, and with Yoongi always around too, did you really need it? “You’re right, but we don’t know. Why don’t we skip the collar today, and get it when we know for sure. Does that sound good?”
You followed close behind him as he turned into the next aisle, thinking of what you said. “Yeah, sounds good. Just don’t want to make any unnecessary purchases.” You stopped in front of a small wall of colorful toys and stretching posts. Your eyes shifted towards him as he closely examined each and every toy in front of him. “There a limit on how many toys we can get?”
“Let’s start with three,” you laughed lightly as you moved to stand beside him, looking over the different options. “We do need a scratching post, so let’s get this one,” you move to grab a long cardboard scratcher and put it in the cart, “because we don’t need the little baby scratching up the furniture.”
“No we do not,” Yoongi returned with a chuckle, reaching out to grab a small pack of toys in the shape of mice. “These look fun.” 
“What are you gonna play with it too?” You elbowed him gently as he tossed them into the wagon. 
“I just might.” He teased as his attention went back to the wall of toys, he reached forward and grabbed a small plush octopus. He gave it a little shake and it chimed, his eyes immediately lit right up and placed it right next to the other toys. 
“I’m beginning to think those toys are for you more than the kitten,” you joked as Yoongi moved to push the cart out of the aisle and towards check out. He scrunched his nose up at you but didn’t deny your statement. 
Once at the check out, Yoongi put all the items up on the conveyor belt while you went up to the cashier, who was eyeing Yoongi carefully as he checked out each item.Not liking the way he was looking at your hybrid, you cleared your throat, directing his attention back to you. You knew there was still some judgement towards hybrids being out and about in public, but that shouldn’t matter because he was with you. His owner. 
“Did you find everything alright?” The cashier huffed as he bagged your items, going over the register to double check that he scanned everything. 
“Yup!” You gave him a tight smile, not wanting him to give away your displeasure at his behavior. You just wanted out of this pet store now. Yoongi, on the other hand, must’ve sensed your uneasiness and in an instant he stood right next to you, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. Letting out a shaking breath, you returned his squeeze before finishing up your purchase. It certainly was a small hit to your bank account but this was worth it, it was for Yoongi. 
You both gave a quick thank you to the worker before you made your leave, cart full of brand new kitten supplies. As you were loading up the car, Yoongi placed a hand on your shoulder. “You okay?”
“I didn’t like those eyes on us, on you.” You muttered as you shut the trunk closed. 
“Y/N look at me,” he placed his hand on your cheek. “It’s alright, I can deal with a couple of staring strangers. But you’re with me that’s all that matters.” He smiled as his thumb caressed your cheek.
You stood there for a moment, letting him sooth your anxieties before you pulled away. “Okay, now let’s go get that kitten. No sadness today, this is supposed to be a happy time.” Soon as the words left your mouth, Yoongi’s entire demeanor shifted; going from a caring partner, to an excited child with only a few words. 
 “Right! Let’s go!!” With that, Yoongi gave you a chaste kiss before jumping into the passenger side door. 
The drive to the shelter wasn’t that long, and Yoongi was bouncing up and down in his seat like a child on his way to Toys R Us. It was cute though, seeing him this excited. You don’t think you’ve seen him this giddy; you’ve seen him happy of course, but not this kind of emotion. It looked good on him, you hoped he manages to keep it going as the kitten grows old. 
“We’re here!!” Yoongi announced ecstatically as you pulled up in the parking lot. The hybrid waited patiently as he could as you got out of the car, his eyes locked on the door of the small building. It was a bit on the smaller side, but it was a bit more of a homey feeling to it. Something that you thought would be good seeing how this will be the new addition to your family.
Soon as you stepped forward towards him, he bounded ahead of you, eager to get through the door. “Hurry up!” He whined as you leisurely took your time walking up the path to the door. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you huffed as you finally managed to get to the front door. Yoongi was grinning so hard his cheek muscles were sore, but that didn’t matter. It was finally happening. He was gonna be a dad! 
Door to the shelter opened, he followed you as you stepped inside, glancing around at the posters of various cats and dogs on the wall. He stared at them while a volunteer at the front desk asked to help you. He moved his head to pay attention to the conversation, but little meows echoed from the door where the volunteer entered from. His hand instantly grabbed yours as he heard the little cries; not coming from his computer, but from actual kittens. 
His attention was brought back to you at the sound of your laughter. “You ready, Yoon?” He nodded his head so hard, you feared his head might pop off. Your shoulders shook with another laugh as you looked back to the volunteer, “Can we see them now?”
“Of course!” She answered as she took a few steps back towards the door, holding it open for the two of you. Yoongi followed after her quickly, tugging you along with your hand still tightly grasped in his. The smell of all the other animals filled Yoongi’s senses as they walked down a short hallway. He could hear the sounds of them as well, all calling for the attention of the new people that they no doubt smelled. Soon enough, they approached a door marked CATS, Yoongi felt your eyes on him as the volunteer opened the door and walked in. 
“You ready to be a dad, Yoongi?” Your voice was soft as you squeezed his hand. All he could do was nod as you entered. 
The scent hit him first, the smell of fur and cat food, and litter boxes. Not the most pleasant thing in the world, but at that very moment, it was better than roses to him. Then the sound of dozens of cats meowing away filled his eardrums and he felt his smile get wider as he glanced around the small room. There was a small cat tree in the middle of the room, with silver kennels on either side of it. Some of the doors were open, the felines who inhabited them wandered about the room. The rest of them remained closed, but that didn’t stop them from sticking out their paws between the wires, going out to grab the other volunteers in the room. 
“So all our kittens are about four to six weeks old, all siblings are in the same kennel. Feel free to open them up if you want,” she explained as she walked over to another male volunteer to talk to him. “All their names are on that white board, by the way!” 
There was a small brush against Yoongi’s pant leg. Glancing down, he made eye contact with an orange tabby cat; rubbing it’s head against his calf. The creature looked up and meowed at him, curious about the two new strangers who came in. Ever so slowly, Yoongi knelt down petting it’s head and letting it keen into his hand. Above, he could hear you coo as at the sight before getting distracted with another cat that came up to you. 
Yoongi felt like he was going to cry, he had to only take one home? When there’s so many here that all need homes? He was so close to just begging you to take them all home, but he knew that that wouldn’t be a good idea. Taking a deep breath, he got back up to his feet and walked over to one of the kennels and peered in, looking at the small fluff balls curl together for warmth. Carefully, he moved to open the wire door without waking any of them, but it appears his presence was enough to wake them because sure enough, small mewls added into the already noisy room as he opened the door completely. 
“Hi,” his voice was barely a whisper as he reached in and let the kitten sniff at him, getting adjusted to his scent before moving to touch any of them. A small white kitten with the bluest eyes reached up to grab at his fingers, its small claws digging into his skin. “Ow,” he feigned with a chuckle as he lowered his head to scratch at the fur balls ears. “You’re a curious one, aren’t you.” He lilted as he turned his attention to another kitten. This one was black, but strangely enough has small light grey stripes decorated its body. It was a bit more separated from the rest of the litter, smaller too. Intrigued, he moved his hand over to it and let the kitten sniff it. When it seemed to accept him, he let his hand curl around its small body, lifting it out of the cage and into his arms.
“You found someone, Yoongi?” He heard you ask as you approach him, a small gasp leaving your lips when you see the tiny creature in his arms. “Oh my goodness! Aren’t you precious!” You melted as you reached your finger out to stroke its head. 
“I see you’ve found the runt of the litter,” the volunteer noted as she walked over to you both, a smile on her face. “She’s all healthy, so if she’s the one you want, she’s ready to go home with you.”
Yoongi could feel your eyes on him, looking for an answer on if this was the one you were going to take home. He stared down at the small cat in his arms, who’s big eyes stared right back at him. He could feel it deep in his heart, this was the one. This was his baby. “Yeah, it’s her.”
“Okay, babe.” You kissed his cheek before looking back to the kitten still in his arms. “Hi baby, you almost match your daddy.” You giggled as you gave her one last scratch before confirming with the volunteer that you’ll be taking that one home. 
With a smile, she nodded, asking you to follow her to finish up the paperwork while telling another volunteer to help Yoongi with getting her ready to leave. He readjusted the kitten in his arms so she was now laying against his chest, rather than in his arms. The other volunteer held a cardboard carrier with an old towel in it out. Yoongi was hesitant at first, not quite ready to let his new found child out of his arms just yet. 
“Come on, buddy. She’s gonna be okay,” he encouraged Yoongi as he reached for the cat. Holding back the urge to swipe at him and carry the cat out in his arms, he knew you wouldn’t want him to make a scene. So he complied, letting him take the kitten from him and into the carrier. The volunteer handed it over to him; but instead of holding it by the handle, he held it by the bottom in both hands. Not wanting to jostle her around before getting to the car. 
The volunteer escorted him back out to the lobby, where you were finishing up. “Yoongi, what are you gonna name her?” You asked. The question caught him off guard, he didn’t know what he was gonna name his kitten. He’s wanted one for how long and he never thought of one? He quickly racked his brain for names, not wanting it to sound too cheesy or weird but none came to mind. 
“I, uh,” he was embarrassed at the predicament. But you merely laughed at him before placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s just for the chip she got, I’ll just put down Min for now alright?” You looked to him for his permission. He nodded, the two of you will figure out a better name to call her in the meantime. But at least she’s got a nickname on her. 
Paperwork all done, and a car full of new cat stuff. The two of you drove back to your apartment, and all the while Yoongi was flinching with every confused little meow that came from the white box on his lap. Unable to take it anymore, he cracked open the carrier a bit, just enough to stick his hand in and sooth her of both his and her anxieties about the drive. You rolled your eyes at the action, mumbling something under your breath about coddling her before she’s even gotten to the house. But Yoongi couldn’t help it! He hated hearing the small and scared whimpers, he couldn’t just do nothing!
When the drive finally came to a stop, you handed Yoongi the key to the apartment. “Put her in our room, close the door and come back here to help me with the rest of the stuff. Okay?” You instructed, to which Yoongi followed to the T. Well almost to the T.
Once he got into the house, he opened up the carrier and pulled out the kitten. “This is your new home.” He started as he walked around, showing her the place. “This is the living room and the kitchen area, we’re out here a lot. Don’t try to scratch up the couch please, or Y/N is gonna kill us both.” He chuckled as he made his way down the hall, pointing at different photos and giving a story. “This is the bedroom, where we sleep. You can sleep here too.” He went on and he placed her down on the ground. “Now you can explore while we go get your things.” He said, but didn’t move. Watching how the kitten sniffed around the new place, getting a feel of it. A smile on his face, he slowly started backing out of the room, closing it behind him.
He rushed back out of the door, but before he made it to your car, he ran into you, an annoyed look on your face. “You got distracted with the kitty, didn’t you?” Yoongi looked down at the ground, feeling a bit guilty for putting the baby before his partner but thankfully you seemed to understand. “Fine, just get the cat litter. Couldn’t carry it all by myself.” You jerked your head in the direction of the car. Nodding, he ran down to go get the rest of the things.
Setting the majority of the cat stuff down, you quietly started towards the bedroom. Cracking open the door, you don’t see anything just yet. You push the door open a bit more, still nothing but there is a small little lump of poop on the floor, stinking up the whole room. “Gah,” you gagged as you quickly went to the kitchen to grab some paper towels and cleaner. “Knew I should’ve told him to get the kitty litter ready first,” you muttered to yourself as you cleaned up the little troublemaker’s poop. After being sure to toss it in a trashcan in the bathroom, you began looking for the little one.
Laying flat on the ground, you peered under your bed. The small outline of the kitten was seen in the middle of the bed, out of reach for you to grab. “Aww, come here baby. No ones gonna hurt you.” You stretched your arm out under the bed, the tips of your fingers barely grazing her soft fur. You could feel her lower her nose to your hand, sniffing you out before rubbing her head against your palm. 
“What are you doing?” You heard Yoongi’s voice called out from above you.
“She hid under the bed,” you explained as you pulled your arm out from underneath the space. 
Yoongi pursed his lips in thought as he leaned down, taking his turn to reach under the bed. “Come here baby, come on.” He made kissy noises, trying to lure her out. “Come to daddy.” But to no avail, she didn’t come out. 
Disappointment was written across his face as he sat up. “Aww, don’t be upset Yoon. She;s just scared. She’s in a new place,” you placed your hand on his cheek. “Why don’t we set up her stuff, maybe she’ll come out then.”
Begrudgingly, he agreed. You set up all the stuff in the room first, just to get her accompanied to the new place before the rest of the apartment. You had Yoongi handle setting up her litter box and opening up her toys while you set up her food and water. Cat stuff thoroughly thrown about the place, you saw small little paws peek out from underneath the bed. 
“Yoongi,” you nudged your hybrid to look at where you were pointing. 
Instantly, he began to lower himself to the ground, not breaking eye contact with her as she watched him slowly go down and down until he was laying flat on his stomach. Taking a few tentative steps, she got closer to him. Sniffing at his ear which twitched at the close proximity of her black little nose. “Those are my ears,” he stated simply as she started to swat at them and his hair. “Hey,” he chuckled, lifting his head away from her paws. “Don’t hurt daddy.”
“You’re really gonna stick with daddy?” 
“Got a problem with that?”
“Not at all,” you raised your hands in defense, not wanting to argue with him. He moved back to sit on the ground next to you and watch as the kitten curiously bounded around the room. She looked up at you before making slow steps over, before putting her paws on your thighs. You looked up at Yoongi who looked nearly green with envy. “Guess we know who her favorite is.” You teased. 
“No no no no,” he said as he leaned over before picking up the cat, plopping her on his lap. “She’s gonna be a daddy’s girl, if it’s the last thing I do.” You would’ve thought she would’ve hated being moved by force and would’ve jumped away, but she didn’t. She snuggled herself deeper into his lap and started purring. Now it’s your turn to be jealous.
“No fair,” you grumbled as you leaned forward to pet her again.
Yoongi only stuck his tongue out at you before turning his attention back down to the cat. “Moonlight.”
“What was that?”
“Her name is Moonlight. Moonie for short,” he said, his eyes never leaving her as he let his hand stroke her.
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the kitten. “Welcome to the family, Moonie.”
The rest of the day is spent with you and Yoongi on the ground, playing with her, completely ignoring the rest of the world. You took a lot of videos of her playing around Yoongi’s tail. It was precious to see how well he was with her; jumping into his new role as a cat dad. It warmed your heart. With each of her squeaky meows,  Yoogni would respond with one of his own; his deep voice making a low meow, sounding nothing at all like a cat. Yet she still responded, meowing back only louder and more pitchy.
As they continued to play, it became painfully obvious that Yoongi definitely bought those small mouse toys for him because he was playing around with them a lot more than her. Moonlight on the other hand, was approaching your bed. Pouncing on it in an attempt to climb up top. With a laugh, you helped her up onto the mattress, watching her as she waddled about the uneasy surface. 
Your stomach growled, hungry for some food. “I’m gonna go make something real quick.” You got up and kissed the top of Yoongi’s head before walking out of the room and towards the kitchen. You made a quick sandwich to refuel before getting back to playing. As you ate, you thought of how well this was going to be. Granted it was only the first day, but this was going to be good. Just by the look on Yoongi’s face you could tell. He was absolutely in love with that small little ball of fur, his baby. Your baby. 
Finishing up your little sandwich, you made your way back to the bedroom. It was quiet, you didn’t hear any more rustling or mewling. Brows furrowed, you opened the door and the sight you saw before you melted you. Yoongi laid curled up in the middle of the bed, similar to how he did when he first got comfortable with you when you got him. Moonlight was tucked close to his chest with an arm draped over her, fast asleep.
On your tiptoes, you made your way over to the bed to lay opposite of Yoongi. They both stirred as the mattress dipped beneath your weight, but both remained with eyes closed. You let your arm drape over Yoongi’s side, effectively sandwiching Moonlight between the two of you. There the three of your laid, tired smiles on your faces as you warmed the new addition of the family between you.
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faakeid · 3 years
fab nygmobblepot moments that remind you of kd uwu
I want to use this moment to be sorry to everyone that follows me but keeps seeing my blog full of Nygmobs/Smaylor instead of kaisoo. I usually don’t get attached to otps like this and it happened in an unexpected way for me. But it’s here and I need to compensate for all the years I didn’t watch Gotham and had no idea about Nygmobs spamming everyone and making my heart warm.
But in general, nygmobblepot isn’t a vision of ideal relationship. Both Edward and Oswald (their surnames Cobblepot and Nygma were the ones who originated this name) are stupid and do stupid shit to each other during most of the series. So, a lot of moments related with the actors counterpart (Robin is the actor who plays Oswald and Cory who plays Ed) reminds me of kaisoo more. But a warning here! Although they have a HUGE chemistry on and off screen, they’re mostly friends. Robin is married for almost ten years so it doesn’t mean their closeness is romantic or sexual. But still, some details remind me of kd.
Similarities with nygmobs:
Height difference: it applies to Smaylor as well because it’s their height but it’s really visible in the series. Cory is a bit taller than JI I think and Robin is like 1.65 but KS is not that taller (I can’t believe he’s 1.73 at all, sorry). But, again, this factor is evident during the series and in some moments and it’s cute.
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(the way he moves his feet to reach Ed’s head ;_;)
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(when they hug, Oswald barely reaches his shoulders [their hugs are the equivalent to kisses in Gotham])
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the closest gif I could find where we can see kd’s height difference without me stealing other people’s gifs.
Penguin reference? That’s pretty obvious. Of course I didn’t start shipping nygmobs because one of them is small and has the Penguin nickname but it made so much easier for me to read some of their fics with kd as characters because they fit the profile so much! And also, I believe KD would totally fit the “murder husbands” couple if someone did a fanfic where they just kill everyone. The closest I remember of a fanfic with this criteria is Juice Pouche where Kyungsoo is a vampire and he protects Jongin and Jongin is kind of badass as well. But the kd fandom needs more fics like this. There’s also “(Before the night is over) come see me” where KS is also a vampire and JI a young werewolf but it focuses more on their relationship than a murder husbands idea Gotham shows so well. 
How they met: Gotham’s history has a lot of differences if you compare with other universes, so keep that in mind. In Gotham, Ed works with GCPD but doesn’t feel like himself with the good side. Oswald is the character that spices things up and is a rage of death and destruction and manipulation. But Oswald is infatuated with Jim Gordon (so isn’t the first time it’s implied Penguin is gay) but he goes to the police department to see him. Ed sees him and wants to talk to him no matter the cost. And he does that... And things don’t end that friendly for him because Oswald thinks he’s a weirdo and asks him to fuck off, basically. It reminded me of kd’s first meeting where KS was the one admiring JI all along but JI get frightned. But, during their second meeting, they bond and become friends. For Nygmobs it takes more time for their second meeting but they end up developing and being in good terms :’)
Their personas, sort of: Ed is the tall one, younger and logic. Oswald is the oldest, smaller and that thinks with his heart. I love how JI could show the more logic side of himself during the last few years and, again, while reading Nygmobs fics using kd names, it was easy to fit the profile for me (that was during the time I wasn’t too deep into nygmobs and I didn’t knok them that well. KS looks cold and deatached and that’s why many people got impressed when he said, during Knowing Bros that he would choose love over friendship. He doesn’t play the part but, considering all the context, it fits him pretty well and reading this description of Oswald made me so familiar because it fits KD well. Ofc I don’t know their private lives and whatever but it’s just the impression I had as a viewer and random person;
Drama issue: when I say drama here, it’s related with how people percieve the two OTPs and how different people visualize LGBT relationship in media. Nygmobblepot had a lot of drama involved because they’re the fucking Riddler and Penguin, two of the most famous Batman villains. People saw them in different sorts of media before and others idolize those characters because of videogames and comics. So, when Oswald mentioned expressedly that he was in love with Edward, it caused an uproar in the fandom. People accused the producers and Robin of messing with the comic canon because the fucking Penguin became gay??? Robin was outspoken about the homophobia behind those statements since he’s a gay man himself but yeah, the drama existed. Part of the people invovled with the series rooted for Nygmobblepot, including some writers and the actors (Cory was the one with ambiguous messages about the nature of their relationship but it’s not even close what happened with other series like Supergirl, Supernatural and Sherlock). But it was aired by FOX, a right wing channel and, as you may imagine, they didn’t become canon per se. Actually, after Oswald said he was in love with Ed and planned on confessing to him, the writers presented a clone of Ed’s ex girlfriend with no explanation and purpose, only to separate them for most part of the series future. After that, some people seemed to have FORGOTTEN Oswald was once in love with Edward, rationalizing many things that are hard to explain with a “bro explanation”, they had a scene where the characters would have evolved even more but it was CUTTED and CHANGED and execs added the sentence “we’re brothers” to make EXPLICIT that Nygmobblepot’s relationship wouldn’t be interpreted as a romance at the end of the series (but, honestly, the actors went for the romance path anyway, the deleted scenes and the final episode can’t convince me otherwise).
What’s related with KD, may you ask? I think you’re familiar with all the drama KD faced since 2016 and how many stuff exploded during that time. How many parts are involved into creating a certain image and shifting it to be appealing and “friendly” is similar with what happens with idols. It’s no secret now about many scandals of bullying and other issues that are considered problematic and how they need to be pushed under the rug for companies so idols can make money and be profitable. Especially for male idols, it’s important that they are viewed as desirable and an object of the fans affections. That’s why he needs to be handsome and kind and look like a person that doesn’t exist. If an idol is openly gay, this person isn’t viewed by the major public with the same interest because they can’t fit the fantasy. That’s why scandals involving idols being gay need to be forgotten and deleted from people’s minds, otherwise that celebrity is ostracized. Although we tend to see the Ocident as “progressive”, there’s similar things happening in that industry. If a celebrity is openly LGBT, they don’t receive certain roles or opportunities because of it. There’s still a huge stigma that needs to be broken and we, as a society, are so far way from it. But recognizing those differences exist it’s a step forward.
Similarities with Smaylor
For me, one of the reasons Nygmobblepot works so well is because of the actors. They portrait a good chemistry because of their friendship off screen and some non verbal signs they display around each other are amazing. Those are things that remind me more of KD as we see them in a lot of moments. So, I wanted space to show those comparisons below:
Mutual admiration: it’s something both Smaylor and KD display a LOT and is extrememly outspoken. I really love watching their old interviews because the affection and admiration is so genuine it makes me drawn to them despite not being romantically involved.
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(full gifset)
(there are more moments than these but I don’t want to steal gifs and there’s not much on the gif research and that sucks. Same with KD’s).
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Stares and touches: Robin was the responsible for the deep stares and Cory for the random touches. There’s so many gifs of it that is hilarious. It’s like JI divided himself in two cells because we know he’s more known for both >.<
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(Cory was touching Robin all the way during this interview rip)
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(the gifset!!!)
You’re pretty moment: Robin, like KS, is the one that mentions about Cory/JI’s physical attributes. They have a moment pretty similar and, for KD its famous among shippers:
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(gif link)
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(actually, Robin called Cory dashingly handsome but its okay)
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Cory lost it
There’s another series of gifsets with Robin calling Cory handsome LMAOO
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Synchronization: for specialists in body language, it’s a factor that shows two people are close. That’s because of the mirror neurons we have that makes us copy movements, actions or words that someone we have empathy/we are close with do or say. Both kd and smaylor do this and it’s really soft.
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(one of the classics)
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(classic 2)
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whole gifset (i love this interview so much)
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The fact the actors came up with their OTP names: people tend to forget that KD’s real otp name (according with Jongin) is dika. Cory also came up with Nygmobblepot name and Smaylor too <3
So, meanwhile Nygmobs has thropies that work a lot with KD AUs, Smaylor has healthy dynamics seen in public appearances KD made. Like I said above, there’s a huge polemic about shipping Smaylor romantically because Robin is married. On social media, is visible he loves his husband and it’s pretty cute to see. Cory himself mentioned that their relationship was sort of a platonic friendship (whatever that means) but it’s really genuine in terms of affections and display of admiration, something KD has as well.
Probably someone will question that it may changed the way I see KD or if now I ship them as bros. Nothing about that changed. With KD, although there are some similar details, there are internal AND external factors that made me support them in a romantic perspective in the first place. And it didn’t change. 
But both of them (Nygmobs too) make me feel that I’m testimoning something genuine, which is really hard in both kpop and media universes. In one side, we have a LOT of fanservice. And, in the other, it’s mostly a work interaction with lots of queerbating. Yes, Gotham has queerbating aspects in it but it’s not full of queerbating, if it makes sense. The message the actors and some writers wanted to convey are there and really display a romantic direction with character evolution and growth. And, considering the way media is nowadays, it’s nice to see.
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hayjeon · 4 years
Practical Tips on getting your fics out there!
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I’ve gotten an influx of these types of questions here recently, and the more i thought about what i was gonna add, it became really long :(  
disclaimer: a lot of the things i bring up are just from personal experience as a writer on this site, what my followers have told me they appreciate, and what i tend to look for when im looking for fics to read! If you don’t like these tips then pls move on :) 
although i’ll mention them, i’m also not going to be focusing on cliche tips like “write for yourself” or “grammar issues” cause those are pretty obvious!
1. accessibility of your blog 
when you’re trying to get your name out there, make sure that you’re creating an inviting experience for any potential followers! this includes:
a memorable url! be creative!
have some fun designing your blog’s aesthetic! (i love cute blogs because it reflects a bit of the writer’s personality), and (i prefer blogs with white backgrounds because it’s easier to look through/read, say, in contrast to a pitch black one where the words need to be white!) 
put your masterlist link in your bio (even better if you can link most recent fic! found this most helpful when i revisit authors that i like and can easily see if they’ve updated or not)
an organized and easy-to-navigate masterlist (personally, i prefer masterlists organized by band, instead of types of fics ie. i hate when i have to choose between drabbles, oneshots, and series masterlists; i really prefer to see them altogether!) --> see section 3 
organized tags (if you’re going to be posting a lot of non-fic-related content like pictures or videos, tag them properly so followers can sort through and find your fics easily!), or (if you’re going to be writing in different mediums like drabbles, or answering asks, make sure to use a unified #mine or #writing or #fics to centralize your content) 
2. get your name out there!
write write write! once you have some fics that show your talent, don’t be shy! 
join writing groups: when i first started out, I joined a bunch of groups that would reblog my fics in the midst of the content of much bigger writers; these blogs developed a following, and as a result of my content mixing in with bigger blogs’ content, so did my own tumblr! there’s been a stigma recently with these groups, but im sure you can find one thats supportive and not clique-y! 
send your fics to rec pages: what’s the harm? the only bad thing that can happen is that they ignore you! who cares! get out there! 
if you can do the above, i really encourage you to ask your fave writers for advice/to read your fic: again, the worst that can happen is that they say no or don’t respond or don’t have enough time, but it’ll be a good opportunity to get some feedback! i for one read (or try to read) every single rec that falls into my inbox. if i like it, i’ll #rec it, and if i don’t, unless the writer asks me for feedback, i move on!! 
utilize your tags!!: i’m not entirely sure if this is still the same or not, but from my memory, it’s the first 3-5 tags that matter the most? so utilize them well; push back the tags that aren’t really relevant (ie. #writing, #fics) and push more the main subject line of what you wrote (ie. jungkook fluff, bts smut, namjoon angst). these will populate your fics into the tags better!
headers!: when i’m scrolling through an infinite page of fics, the headers catch my eye the most; try being creative! you can find a lot of info out there on how to make ur headers super aesthetic, but i can share my tips too! --> see section 3
3. your masterlist 
here are some practical tips! 
organize by band, not type of fic/member/centralize your masterlist: i went onto a blog recently and clicked their bio mlist link to find a page full of 20~ish “JUNGKOOK MASTERLIST”/ “JAEHYUN MASTERLIST” and when i clicked on each one, they only had like 2 or 3 fics per member. i think it would’ve been better if she’d centralized all her fics! that keeps whoever is looking interested and more likely to click on another fic while browsing
add info about the fics!: when scrolling through a masterlist, it’s easy to get lost; try to add some snippets of info (ie. a short sentence you liked from the fic, a quick summary, a description of the au/scenario, or even a header!) this all gives some info about the fics you have tagged! 
headers: this isn’t a requirement, but i personally love a good header on fics i read and i love making them myself as i finish up a fic and get ready to upload it; here are free sources: unsplash for HQ stock pics, crop/edit/filter in VSCO, and then add aesthetic script with fontcandy) 
try to fill it up!: after i visit a blog after reading one good fic, i usually browse through their mlist to see if there are any more that i’d be interested in. if there’s a lot to look forward to, i’ll almost always follow; try to write as much as you can in the first few months to try and fill up your mlist and give blog viewers a reason to visit your blog again, follow, or even reblog your content!) 
4. try not to reproduce cliche fics: 
honestly tumblr’s writing community (and armys) has grown insanely these past few years and, unfortunately, even from my perspective, in the past 3-4 years, all the writers have sort of become blended together in my brain. but, i can say that the ones who consistently stand out are the ones who produce consistent content and think outside of the box! 
i tend to gravitate towards fics that have really interesting plotlines (ex. btssavedmylifeblr’s VOID is always a surprise to read because it’s sO unique! i usually don’t read ot7 fics but this one is legit my fave) 
I know it’s tempting to try and just write typical smut fics to try and gain some traction, but tumblr is already too overloaded by that kind of content; try to write something that’s special and unique! this will set u apart from the thousands of other writers here --> see next section
5. create unique fics: 
this is also personal to my writing style, but i get so bored writing just casual fics about the members, and it affects the fics i choose to read too; i prefer unique fics which you can achieve through: 
circumstance/au: create a fun au!; don’t just create an arranged marriage, create an arranged marriage in joseon dynasty, or between a werewolf and a hunter! (shameless self plug); don’t just give me friends to lovers, but give me spiderman!jungkook friends to lovers! (ie. cupofteaguk’s exchanges)
jobs: give them out-of-the-ordinary jobs; don’t just give me enemies to lovers, but give me rival!anchors who end up loving eachother! (ie. jimlingss The Newscasters)
fun dialogue: create good back-and-forth, (something i’m still working on!)! this will help your characters develop personality, and that way, readers will start to develop that themselves as well (ie. dad!yoongi from insemination wars by prolixitae is such a specific character that i love so much!, or obiwrites’ garden characters were so memorable!)
create memorable personalities: don’t give me a flat character, try to develop 4d personalities in all of your characters! (im still working on this too!) this way you can really make an impression on your followers! a great way to practice/recognize this is: “Ask my Character.” Can your followers ask a specific character a specific question, and would you be able to deliver an answer that is very specific to that character’s tone/voice/personality? If yes, then ur doing well! If not, try to think of ways that you can make tht specific character from a specific story, really unique and separate from your other characters.
6. some practical writing tips
be yourself, write for your own pleasure, blah blah blah; yeah you know already haha but here are a few more practical tips! 
grammar check: if you can, try and hone your grammar! makes for an easier read 
write like you: i personally LOVE this by obiwrites, but even the way she writes exudes her personality and is so specific; try not to be caught up in adding hundreds of synonyms and exquisite language; in fact, simpling it down and being more concise and honest with your writing is better than a superfluous sentence; this will also give ur characters so much more dimension and funk
use those commas/sentence variation: try to use more commas; this will feel like you’re the narrator to your own story; it also makes it more fluid to read in my opinion, over those short. clipped. sentences. (ie. “he came over, sitting down on the corner of your bed with an expression you’d never seen before” over “he walked over. he sat down, looking sad.”) 
half-half dialogue/narration: a fic with too much dialogue can get confusing, and a fic with too much narration can get dry; try to balance them out, and weave in and out of each! 
quality over quantity: don’t feel burdened to write a 30k word fic. in fact, i think some of the shorter fics (ie. any of versigny’s stuff) made a bigger impression on me over the longer fics because they were short, left me wanting more, and were just so high-quality in such small quantities. try out your hand at drabbles and one-shots, and don’t feel too burdened to try and develop a series right off the bat! 
abandon pigeon-holes: i’m guilty of this; i start series and then end up with no vision for the stories and they end up giving me writers block. its okay. just stop or discontinue them or leave them on a hiatus; it’s okay. your priority is yourself, and if abandoning certain works are part of that, then go ahead. it’ll help you progress more. 
and finally.......
i’ll add more as they come up! but if you liked this, then pls lmk! i’d love to give more tips and tricks; i think i started this blog 3-4 years ago when there weren’t as many writers here, but im glad you’re thinking of starting out/wanting to grow more! don’t feel intimidated! it’s not all about the notes/followers but creating a blog you’re proud of. 
so write what you’re proud of, or interested in, and keep going. i truly thoroughly had so much fun writing this post. if there are any writers who read through this and have some more advice, pls msg me! 
all the best to you! 
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mrswalkers-blog · 4 years
Falling in love with you
Chapter 13 - The Emptiness
Book: The Royal Romance AU ( Drake x MC & Liam x Olivia)
A/N: This is an AU that happens two years after Riley weds Drake. Drake has lost his memory of last 2 years due to an accident. He doesn’t remember meeting Riley who is pregnant with their first child. Unaware of this fact and not able to cope with the strange new life he has woken up to , he flees Cordonia.
Liam marries Olivia for purely political purposes. Olivia on the other hand marries him because she is madly in love with him. But after two years on marriage and unable to produce an heir and unable to get Liam to love her, she asks for a divorce.
Summary of last Chapter : Two years back : Liam is suddenly obsessed with having a heir - a child in his life. Olivia feels she is not ready, but still supports Liam in trying for an heir. Now : Liam feels empty without Olivia. Media on the other hand is having a field day spreading rumors about Duchess Riley’s pregnancy, mysterious absence of Duke Drake and Farmers protest for Dam.
Liam meets Olivia at their first hearing for the divorce case. According to Cordonian law, they need to wait for six months before the divorce are finalized. Olivia tells him about whereabouts of Drake and asks him to bring him back.
Warnings: PG
PLEASE NOTE: Past chapters links are available in my bio.
Please Re-blog, Comment or at least hit like if you like this series.
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Six months after the Royal Wedding “Still no sign of Royal Heir!” Olivia heard Regina talking - rather loudly - to Liam in dinning room. She stopped outside the room, looking at her husband and her step-mother-in-law at the breakfast table. “Mother, your voice is getting loud.” Liam said without looking up from the file in his hand. He kept flipping pages.
“I can see you are trying to avoid me.” Regina said sternly. Liam sighed and looked up at her, “Mother, there might be other pressing issues in a kings life that need his immediate attention.”
“Do you have any idea that failing to produce an heir can cause you to loose your throne?” Regina asked him, “I am aware, and we are trying.” Liam admitted, “What more do you want?”
“I think she should see .... I mean both of you should see a doctor. I am sure that would help.” She said softly , trying to sound concerned.
“Thank you for your concern, Queen Mother”  Olivia said entering the hall. ”Of course,” Regina forced a smile.” I worry about both of you.” ”That is kind of you, but this is not the time to worry” Olivia sat beside Liam and took the file from his hands.”Its time to have some breakfast.” ”Liv!,” Liam glanced at Regina and cleared his throat ,”Olivia, I need to sign and send this trade agreement to China today. I was trying to figure out if it is beneficial to us.”
“It is not.” Olivia said serving a plate of poached eggs to Liam and herself from the spread on table.
Liam sighed “I am afraid you are right.” Liam said to Olivia,”but we will have to agree on their terms.”
“Even when you know that it is costing us dearly” Olivia said digging in her plate.”And not just the initial cost, we will be tied to pay them for decades.” “You must not interfere in the matters you dont understand” Regina advised Olivia,” We have been in good terms with China and not agreeing to their terms will mean...”
“It will mean we will be finally standing up for ourselves” Olivia said firmly. “But...” Liam was cut short by Olivia.
“Your Majesty.” she smirked.” You make a new agreement and write whatever terms you want. I will make sure that they get agreed on.”
Liam beamed,”I know that smile. You definitely have something up your sleeve.” he finally took a bite of his breakfast. “Care to share?”
“A lady never reveals all her secrets.” Olivia chuckled.” Just know that I have dirt on some pretty important people.”
“What would I do without you?” Liam smiled gratefully to Olivia.  Both of them enjoyed their breakfast, talking to each other and completely unaware that they were ignoring Regina sitting at the same table. None of them realized when she left the table rather fuming at the turn of events.
--- Later that day, Olivia did visited an OB/GYN. After several tests and examination, she was sitting with doctor in her cabin. Her clasped in each other , waiting for the report. She was looking hopefully at the doctor engrossed in the file , across the table. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for the news doctor had for her. “Your Highness”, the doctor paused, pressing her lips.
“Don’t worry.” Olivia said realizing the hesitation in doctor’s voice,” you can lay it  on me. I can say the report is not good from your face”. She braved a smile.
“Honestly, there is still hope” she showed her the report. “Your one ovary is completely damaged.“ she pointed at a sonogram apparently showing a damaged organ in her body supposed to be producing eggs. ”But there is another ovary, so I still have chance, right?” Olivia asked hopefully.
“Yes, but there are some complication in that too.” Doctor explained her.” You have a condition called PCOS. It is the reason for your irregular periods. And it is making it difficult to conceive.”
“So what options do we have.” Olivia asked. She didn’t want problems, she wanted solutions and desperately. 
“I will give you some medicine. But the main reason for PCOS is stress. You should try meditation. Relax a bit.” Doctor wrote a prescription and explained her the dosage and precautions she should take.
After listening to the doctor for several minutes, she asked the doctor, ”What are the chances of me getting pregnant doctor?”
"Well, right now there are very less changes, but after proper medication and working on your stress, i believe you will have good chances.” “Thank you, Doctor” Olivia said to the doctor and took her leave. There was still hope that she can produce an heir. She didn't know why she was so desperate to produce an heir. She never imagined herself to be a mother. Was she doing it for the throne? She didn’t care about it either. There was only one man whom she loved so much that she was ready to turn her life upside down and take up a responsibility of producing and raising an heir. She knew what the baby meant to him. How his eyes lit up when he talked about their future kid.
She was not sure how he would react knowing that Olivia was the reason they didn't have a heir yet. Would this push him away?
That day, when she entered their bedroom, Liam was working on his laptop on bed. He looked up and gave her a smile , before getting busy in his work. She thought about telling him about the slim changes of them getting pregnant. But she could never pluck up enough courage to talk to him. She changed in to her comfortable shorts nightwear and stood by her side of the bed for a moment, looking at Liam still busy on his laptop. She wished he looked at her. She wished he notice the turmoil going inside her. But Liam never looked up.
Olivia lied down on her side of bed , keeping her back towards Liam. She couldn't sleep, even after closing her eyes, her mind was playing several different scenes where she tells Liam that they might never have kids or Liam find out about it. And in each scene, she somehow always ends up loosing him.  
--- Now
Drake had his long hair tied carelessly in a man bun. Riding his favorite horse and feeling of air blowing through his hair made him feel alive for a while. He had fled Cordonia because he was feeling trapped, suffocated even. But now he was feeling empty. Only thing in his life was his time with the stallions in this ranch. He had hoped that moving away from Valtoria will help him clear his mind, but all he could think now was his brief time there. He wished that just as he had forgot about the last two years, he could forget the last two months as well. Make a new start.
But his past was not leaving his mind, and it seems it had caught up with him. His eyes caught the sight of two well dressed men near the gate talking to one of his fellow rancher. Before the rancher pointed to his direction,, he knew they had come for him. Their attire were enough to tell them apart in this part of the world.
He knew one day they would find him. He didn't expect it to be so soon. He turned the horse towards them. He climbed down the horse and walked toward his best friend and his god father. He gave a tentative smile to his childhood friend, who was now a king. But Liam didn't return the smile. His eyes were burning with hot anger.
'Liam!' Drake cautiously approached him, 'didn't think you will find me here.'  Liam took a quick steps towards him, and before Drake could understand anything else, a hard punch landed on his face making him stumble back a few feet.
'Hey you!' Three ranchers came running to rescue Drake.Bastien immediately stepped in front of Liam with one of his had on the gun in his belt and other stretched towards the men to stop them.
This did stopped the man, but they were now more alert on seeing the gun in the stranger’s belt.
Drake recovered from the blow he just suffered to see the tension in the air. He turned towards the ranch men , holding a hand up to gesture them to stay back. "It's alright! " He managed to say rubbing his jaw ," He is an old friend."
“Get me some ice please.” Drake asked one of the ranchers. The men disbursed leaving them alone - murmuring to each other and giving them a glance every now and then , just to be sure.
"Let's talk in my cabin." Drake led Liam and Bastien to his room. Bastien stood outside guarding the door after Liam and Drake went in.
"Great place you have" Liam said looking at the room Drake called his cabin.
"Well, it's enough for me." Drake shrugged. He opened the window to let some light and air in room. He switched on the small table fan.
“Seems like you are working out.”  Drake said rubbing his jaw.
“Exercise helps me focus." Liam replied weakly. His tone and choice of words were enough for Drake to understand his friends current state. Liam was using exercise a distraction to help him get over the divorce.  
Drake grabbed two tumblers and a cheap whiskey bottle. He poured small amounts in both the tumblers. Just about then, one of the rancher bought some ice in a small bucket.
“You didn’t say,  how you find me here.” Drake dropped two cubes in a tumbler and handed it to Liam.
“Olivia found you. She has her sources.” Liam took a small sip of the whiskey.”But Riley always knew where you were.”
“Did you notice the guy who didn't react when I punched you? The big guy - clean shaved. He is from Cordonia”  Liam informed him.
"I thought his accent was funny.” Drake smirked. But there was something which was not making any sense.“But why is she doing this? I mean keeping watch on me like this.She could have reached out.”
“She is trying to keep you safe and giving you freedom that you want. what more could you ask for,” Liam replied. He clenched and opened his fist looking at a bruise forming on his knuckles.
Drake wrapped some ice in a napkin and handed it to Liam. He took some more ice and started dabbing it to his jaw through another napkin. 
Liam was wrapping the napkin on his hand when he noticed the familiar looking news papers and magazines on his bed side table.
“You seem to be keeping an eye on us.”  Liam picked up the magazine that had run the article about speculating Riley’s pregnancy.
Drake felt his throat turn dry. He couldn't get this news out of his head since he saw in the magazine. “Is .... is it true?” he said gesturing to the article.
Liam looked in his eyes for a long moment before answering a short - “Yes”
Drake rubbed his hands on his face. He flopped down on the bed, hiding his face in his hands.
“I didn't know.... She didn't tell me. I wouldn’t have left...” he murmured excuses to calm down the overwhelming guilt.
“Why didn’t she tell you, Drake?” Liam asked. Although his voice was calm, Drake felt it hurt more than the punch he just received.
Is it mine? He wanted to ask, but he didn’t.
I thought you and her....he wanted to say, but he couldn’t.
“Why did you leave, Drake?” Liam sat down besides him.
“I thought if I left....” Drake paused , “You were getting divorce from Olivia....” Liam looked at him more confused.
Drake took a breath,”I knew you loved her.”
“Is it was this is about?” Liam asked.
“Why didn’t you marry her?” Drake asked, finally with a courage to look Liam in his eyes.
“Because , she chose you.” Liam sighed. Drake mock chuckled.
“What?” Liam asked.
”Ya,Like that could be true.” Drake scoffed,”Why would anyone chose me over you? I mean you are literally the King! and you are pretty amazing!”
Liam laughed,”I know! right?!” he shook his head,”Even I thought she was out of her mind. “ Liam paused, “It took a long time for me to accept the fact - but you are not that bad your self, Walker.”
Was it true? did she really chose him over Liam? There was no one in the world who would have chose him over Liam - for anything - let alone for something as important as marriage - to spend their entire life with him. The over caring, the keeping watch - all was because she cared for him. Drake sat frozen as the realization slowly downed on him.
“But.... you....” he paused,” Did I ? ....came between you two?” he stammered. 
“Drake!” Liam placed a hand on his knee.” You love her and she loves you. That’s what matters.”
“And You?” Drake asked trying to read his face. Only few people could read past Liam’s stoic expression. Drake was one of them.
“I?”, Liam gave him reassuring smile.”I am over her Drake. He is my dear friend and wife of my best friend - whom, by the way, I miss so much.” Liam wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
Drake smiled. “I miss you too.”
“Then let’s go. “ , Liam clapped his back, “I am here to take you home.”
“I ..don’t think I can face her, Liam” Drake shook his head. The way he behaved with her, pushed her away.
“God, Drake!” Liam stood up,” If you cannot own up to your mistakes and try to correct them, you are not  the man I thought you were.”
Drake looked at him conflicted. He knew he wanted to go back. But was he ready to take up the responsibilities of his new life? To face Riley?
“Come on buddy,” Liam said to him,”She needs you, Cordonia needs you.I need you”
When could he ever refuse to Liam? Not only did he felt obligated to be there for Liam, he knew he could trust Liam with his life.
“How can I ever say no to you?” He smiled and stood up.
Liam smiled and wrapped him a brotherly hug. Drake hugged him back , feeling relaxed after a long time. He hoped this would be the beginning of a better time.
“Okay then lets hurry.” Liam pulled away and checked his watch. They might still make it.
“We might have to give you a makeover on the plane.” He said looking at Drake from head to toe.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Pixelberry.
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mego42 · 4 years
I 100% agree about wanting more fanfic lists! I honestly think it's the best way to get a variety. Everybody has personal preferences, if someone, who mostly reads long, fluffy au Brio fic, is making recs, they're not likely to mention short, angsty, canon Brio (which is understandable and fair!) so ideally someone else, who does like those, would also do recs. I'm pretty sure I've read or at least tried the vast majority of Brio fics, but the recs often make me re-read the fic and author.
YAAASSSS!!! I mean like, okay, I v much get why people have issues with rec lists, and I def do not by any stretch endorse the idea that recs/rec lists should be considered anything other than one person sharing a think they liked, but to me a lot of the issues (the same fics/authors getting recced, feeling like awesome fics/authors are going unrecognized) can be solved by more reccing, not less. everyone’s got different taste and different stuff they look/read for and I am extremely pro sharing that.
Idk, I think about it like this: in a previous internet life I was a YA book blogger and I lived and died by recs from other bloggers whose taste and preferences I knew. I mean, you know, I’d check out a book bc the premise sounded interesting but literally the first thing I would do was go to Goodreads and look for a handful of people who tended to like the same books I did and see what they were saying about it bc that was the best way to get a good idea of if I wanted to give it a shot. Or, on the flip side, there were some people whose reviews I followed bc I knew we v much did not read for the same things so if they hated a book for X, Y and Z reasons, I was probs going to like it (one thing about book blogging is if you want to keep current, you do not have a lot of time to mess around, snap judgements are key but that’s a whole other thing and idk if it’s even relevant anymore bc that landscape has changed so much). 
ANYWAY, the point is, I got in the habit and now I do the same thing with fic bc, tbh, I don’t have a ton of time to read, esp not when I’m actively writing which, with the exception of the last week or two, I’ve been doing p non-stop since I got here. All of which to say is, I am desperately in favor of fic recs for purely selfish reasons, I need them! Give them to me!!! Please!!!!!
That said, I uh, am v bad at returning the favor and I recognize that (I think I’ve made what? two rec lists for this fandom?) so I will try to do better to live by my own, idek what this is, moving on and here are 10 recs not really thematically linked by anything other than I’ve read them and loved them and don’t think I’ve put any of them on one of my rec lists yet (and if I have, my blog is a trainwreck I cannot be expected to remember what’s on it LET ME LIVE):
The Goodest Boy by EnsignDisaster
There’s a key turning in the lock and Buddy rushes over to greet his Master excited for her to meet his new friends. The door opens and he dances around Master’s feet rejoicing on the fact that she’s made it home. It's been literally forever.
“Hey Buddy what’s wrong? Need to go potty? Need to pee-pee?”
“Nah he’s good we took him out.”
Master does something very unMasterlike, she drops all the food she’d brought in on the ground and screams. It’s a non traditional avant garde type of hello…Buddy loves it. Mostly because while Master taps furiously on her small light box and sits tense in the corner opposite his new friend Buddy can lick up the egg smashed on the hardwood floor.
Buddy! The! Dog! POV! no further explanation necessary. Technically WIP, but it covers the whole pilot in a way that could be read as standalone (THOUGH THAT WOULD V MUCH GIVE ME A SAD though, when did the show forget the Bolands had a dog? so maybe that’s a tragic casualty of canon, idk)
May The Moon’s Silvery Beams by @pynkhues
Emma hums in agreement, and Rio turns her around to sit her on the counter, grabbing one of the older looking boxes of muesli while she kicks her legs out, heels bumping back against the counter, watching him. He gropes around the inside of the box, finally just opting to pull the plastic cereal bag out and peering inside. He can’t quite keep the grin off his face when he sees the wad of cash lining the bottom. This woman kills him, she really does.
Then there’s a little face peering up beside him, trying to peek into the box.
“What is it?” she asks, and he tilts the box sideways so she can see inside.
The upside to not getting here until s3 is that old fic is new to me! Huzzah!! Idk how many of y’all have already read this on but if you haven’t I highkey recommend. Extremely cute take on what if Emma woke up when Rio and came by to collect his/Beth’s/whoever's money during the shutdown. Cannot believe I’m reccing kidfic. Witchcraft!!!!!!
Maybe You’re My Fantasy by ohmisterjapan
He fucking loves the involuntary. It speaks to how he likes to unlock chaos and walk away. He's been called a control freak before and it felt like such a misunderstanding of him - he's all about self control but he doesn't want to control others. It's more that he enjoys revealing to them how little they can control themselves. It's more that he likes to stand still in the eye of someone else's storm and pick coldly through the wreckage.
Another oldie but a goodie. This fic is more like an extended character study (first chapter Rio POV, second chapter Beth) and I LIVE FOR THIS KIND OF SHIT. I really really really love the take on both characters, it really digs in and pulls out some nuances that made me sit and think about my own read of them and I love it.
A Shock Of Blue by mintletters16
“You don’t look very well. Would you… like me to get you a glass of water or something?”
Her voice is low but smooth, laced with a softness that cuts straight though to his core. Strawberry blonde locks fall gently just above the pair of magnets freezing him in place.
He can still feel the chaos tearing through his veins - emanating from the gold plated gun stuffed in his waistband - and suddenly he can’t be here anymore. Can’t meet this wide-eyed gaze that’s been locked on his for the past God-knows-how-long anymore.
Can’t see blue alive and concerned when he just left it cold and void somewhere in oblivion.
She’s looking at him like he’s on the brink of madness. He thinks maybe he is.
Apparently, it’s backlist rec day over here and I’m not sorry. This one is another technical WIP but the chapter works as a standalone (BUT if the author decided to return to it I WOULD NOT BE MAD). It’s a what if Beth and Rio met pre-canon and it works so!!! well!!!! The tension and fascination and build are all *chef’s kiss* plus the writing is gorgeous and lyrical and ugh, I love it.
for a moment we were strangers by openhearts
“We got stuff,” Rio motions with a nod to the backpack Beth hadn’t noticed when they arrived hanging on the back of one of the chairs at the island.
She swallows and turns back to the dishes, realizing Rio apparently means to sleep there , assuming the place isn’t bugged.  Or for some kind of cover story if it is.  She turns and fixes Rio with a narrow-eyed stare, studying his face, the corner of his jaw especially prominent from the angle she’s looking up at him.  He’s methodical about drying each dish and setting it back on the rack, maddeningly ignoring her hard stare, so when he goes to take the next plate from her hands she grips it tightly and gets his attention.
“What you on about now?” he asks, irritated.
It gets her gut uneasy, how he’s just . . . there, settling in, in ways he never had before, no matter how nonchalantly he would let himself in through her locked doors.  
“This is,” Beth tries, failing, to find words for it, “. . . it’s weird .”
This one takes place post 204 and Rio and Marcus end up spending a long weekend staying with Beth and Emma for reasons (that work, for the record, I’m just not trying to summarize rn) and it’s domestic and cute but honestly my fav part of it is how weirded out Beth is by how easily they slip into sync. The story does an excellent job balancing where they are in canon (uneasy post-sex truce) with a snapshot of what they could be if they got over themselves (HA! as if) and Beth is DEEPLY FREAKED which makes her slow slide into realizing she could maybe sort of kind of oh shit like it/him??? that much more satisfying.
Not So Careful by @bensonstablers
When he doesn’t answer, her eyes go to his but he’s too busy watching the letter opener which is still pressed against the back of his hand. Curiously, Beth runs it up his arm, careful not to press too hard, and smiles a little as he shivers. Pulling her leg up onto the bed, she shuffles closer to him before pressing the tip of the sword to his chest and slowly circling his left nipple with it, being sure not to get too close.
“You ain’t gotta be that careful.”
And when she lifts her eyes to meet his, he’s got that look. The one that always makes a lump form in her throat and for her to fall back into bed with him without a single thought of what they have to do that day. Only thing is, this time they’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the weekend and well, staying in bed the entire time had seemed like an appealing idea so she allows herself to give in a little to that look.
It makes me EXTREMELY SAD that knifeplay ranked so low on the kink survey so I’m gonna need y’all to check out this V V V EXCELLENT example of it and come back and tell me you’re sorry and you voted wrong. I am v reasonable what are you talking about.
love (where it wasn’t supposed to be) by @lilliloves
"You know what I can't stand?" Rio asks, stepping closer. It's a rhetorical question but he pauses for a second and watches Dean sniff, watches a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead, watches him shift on both his feet as he contemplates making a run for it.
"A guy who don’t realize how good he's got it." Rio continues, looking Dean up and down in disgust. "A guy that will literally fuck up a good thing just to get his dick wet."
"Yeah, well I can't stand a guy who can have anyone he wants but chooses the married woman he's not entitled to.” Dean shoots back. "And I really can't stand the fact that you're always in the room with us even when you aren't there."
And who brings him into the room Dean hmmmmm????? Jk, jk (or am I). In this one Rio catches Dean out on the town with another woman (bc of course he is) and tries to call him out but whoops! gets called out himself. I really love the like, idk, undercurrent of wistful regret in this fic. I love Dean straight up calling Rio out on his feelings (spoilers but there’s an exchange right after this one that made me straight up holler), and, you know, obvs I am here for Rio making Dean feel like an ass. 
Hell Is Other People by makemanybraver
Rio: We're in Hell, Elizabeth! If you don't think you belong here, then repent! Don't fuck everyone in the room in hopes that you get to go out!
Beth: Why do I have to repent?!
Rio: Because you did some fucked up shit in your life, Elizabeth! You keep doing fucked up shit here, too! And you think you don't belong here!
Beth [screaming at the top of her lungs]: Because I don't!
This fic is existentially bonkers and I love it. It’s the kind of experimental format/homage/what have you kind of thing that I L O V E. Based on No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre, Beth, Rio, and Fitzpatrick are stuck together in a room in hell for all eternity. What more do you need, honestly.
Working On Things by odenkirk
Unknown Hold up, Elizabeth. I'm really thinkin about you here.
Beth turned her face into the pillow, effectively suffocating herself for a moment, but thinking it was a good trade off for the way the cool silk of her pillowcase chilled her skin.
She lifted her head to glance at the still sleeping Dean before replying.
Beth I'm thinking about you too. But this can't happen.
She wanted him to know she wanted him, but she also thought that admitting she was already there would save Rio from trying to convince her. She wanted him, but morals had to win just once in a while.
YES this is technically Beth/Dean while also being Beth/Rio BUT it’s also sort of Rio/Dean and I am HERE FOR THE DIVERSITY OF SHIPPING leave me alone who asked you.
Five Times He Knew What She Was Thinking, and One Time He Didn't by JoeyLee
Aight, so tell ‘em I was hittin’ it. Said deliberately blunt, eyes locked on her face the whole time, just to see those blue eyes widen. She looked so shocked that he almost laughed, so he softened it teasingly just to keep her going. Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart, tell ‘em we were makin’ love.
Then he just watched her, just watched her face, just fucking fascinated. Her lips were parted and her eyes were big as saucers, and…there it was. Before she could look away flustered, he watched the thought go through her mind. Him and her together.
He wondered what she was picturing or where. Them in the back seat, her bed, a motel?  Her on top or him from behind or his face between her legs?
Whatever it was, the blush started immediately, and he watched it bloom out from her cheeks to her hair. Then she was tearing her eyes away to gulp a little.  But it didn’t knock her down for long before she was looking back. And then, wait, was she actually asking him how to go about telling a fed they were fucking?
Okay this is another technical WIP but works as a standalone. I am absolutely fucking feral for character POV takes of canon scenes and this is a supremely excellent take on Rio POV of some notable scenes from the pilot through 204. Imo it brilliantly captures Rio’s voice and I love it a lot. 
HEADS UP I am absolute shite at tracking ao3 to tumblr unless people have specifically told me someone’s ao3/tumblr name SO if you recognize any of the non-tumblr authors on please lmk so I can tag them and YES I recognize that I am asking y’all to do things for me throughout this entire post and I’M SORRY OKAY I’M A WHOLE ASS MESS LOVE YOU BYE
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Twisted Sister Aftermath Review Part 1
Hai hidey do everyone, it’s your friendly neighbourhood Review Anon here! Another Arc has come and past us and as such it’s time to review it! Hopefully I don’t end up with 5k worth of words here and have three megaton submissions here (and from now on I am not going back to using asks, why the heck I used asks beforehand is beyond me) Speaking of, I have a question, do you want me to go back and review previous arcs? Probably won’t do this until we have any kind of break or hiatus so to not break flow? But that’s enough time being wasted, we have the Twisted Sister Aftermath Arc here, and this review isn’t going anywhere so let’s get right into it!
Relationships and Reflections
So, when we last left off, Hajime passed out from inhaling too much smoke while saving Tsurugi from the bomb explosion and as it turned out he has been asleep for a good 8 hours! Its Monday but despite that the school is shut, which is understandable given that we had criminals running around and a serial killer attacking the school the previous day, Hope’s Peak seems to be more sensible than my previous school which didn’t shut down even when one of the main buildings got flooded (long story there). But the good news is that nearly all the criminals were captured by the QC and the police and are back where they belong. The bad news is that 3 criminals are still at large. 2 of them are petty criminals that have nothing to be concerned but there is one criminal who IS a big concern. You have 3 guesses who that person is and the first 2 don’t count. Yep, its Maverick Storm alright.
So, time for a bit of a confession here, Maverick as a character…isn’t all new to me. For some of you old timers here there was a blog called ‘Despair Kids’ which started out as Class 78 asking questions and then it evolved into an AU with lots of OCs, so many that it got too overwhelming and I lost interest in it. But there were a few I generally liked, and Kyoji’s and Maverick’s characters really stood out to me. When I started to read the enormous backlog of this blog, (I wish the best of luck to all newcomers and try to not binge it, even if you are a fast reader), and Umeko showed up during the Practical Exams arc, I got a sense of Deja vu, as I recalled hearing that character’s name before. But I didn’t think much at the time, not helped by the fact that Umeko was a pretty minor character in the Despair Kids, even when Maverick was on his self-imposed challenge to kill all of his class, Umeko evaded him by just dimension travelling to another universe, so her character didn’t have much impact. But as soon as I heard Kyoji and Maverick mentioned I thought ‘Oh…OH IT’S THE SAME PERSON WHO MADE THOSE CHARACTERS!’. And as mentioned, I really liked those OCs anyway so that as well as using Another characters really got me invested into this blog. And with all that said, let me reassure you guys that Maverick is a bastard with a capital B. The stuff he gets up to in Despair Kids, where he was a member of Despair, but secretly plotted to overthrow Junko, even the other Mods/Role-players were disgusted by it. Now Maverick is probably going to be going through some changes as the Mod’s OCs in this blog aren’t the same as the characters from the Despair Kids. To give some examples Kyoji’s backstory doesn’t mention Mikan, Kyoji isn’t into Mikan, he’s more into Miaya, Maverick got jailed etc. So, I won’t be surprised when Storm starts pulling shit, probably not as bad as Despair Kids as he isn’t under Junko’s thumb here…but hard to tell at the moment. But yeah, you have been warned, I consider Maverick a villain as bad as Junko and Mikado, and you will soon see why.
But enough about a character who hasn’t officially shown up yet, let’s focus on a reformed villain and that is the new and improved Kanade! I feel mixed upon this new Kanade as part of me wants to love her as in this state she is so sweet and innocent, which is what people probably thought of Kanade when they first saw her in SDAR2, and I did at first, my thoughts about Kanade at the time were ‘It’s almost as if Hiyoko and Mikan are siblings, let’s hope Kanade doesn’t go crazy like Mikan did’ and that statement aged like milk. When Kanade became suspiciously smart and helpful during the Class Trials I was kinda sus because normally with the Trial Point Getters there is normally some logic to why said character is good in the Trails, like Koroko being a Psychologist can analysis people’s feelings and deduce who the culprit, and Syobai’s background means he has to use his brain quite a bit, but Kanade is supposed to be a Guitarist in a Pop band, she shouldn’t be this good. But my theory was she was lying about her talent, because that’s nothing new in Danganronpa, but ho boy was that a mistake. But at the same time as much as I want to hug this new Kanade, I’m also hyper conscious that the mindwipe might not be a permeant solution as well Junko got mindwiped in the OG timeline and we all know how well THAT ended. Then again, the relapse didn’t fully occur until Yasuke decided to kill Ryoko so as long as nobody tries to strangle Kanade, we should be good. It also means that Hibiki gets the little sister that she thought she had back, and you can tell this a new stage of development for her. Hibiki has grown as a person since back in July but while that part of her character development has finished, a new part starts as she tries and rebuild a proper healthy relationship with Kanade because Hibiki wasn’t completely innocent in the reason why Kanade became a monster. Granted, a lot of it was Kanade being twisted to begin with but had Hibiki been kinder and not been a total bitch to her, I don’t think Kanade would have gone fully down the deep end as it seems her psychopathic behaviour is more of a nurture rather than nature thing. Something I believe will be explored a bit more once Junko enters the scene because well…Kanade is basically Junko on easy mode. The real deal will be a lot harder to handle. And naturally Kyoji has offered to take care of her…I don’t know why Kyoji has turned into the guardian of reformed little girls, but it’s a welcome surprise to be sure. I just hope Kanade doesn’t get wrapped up in Storm’s schemes because given that Kyoji is his arch-enemy…
We can make sure Kanade is a good girl now but there’s still the small issue that she escaped from jail and the police are looking for her so one needs to fake her death. This is a joint operation by Kyoji and Nikei as Kyoji cloned some of Kanade’s body parts and left them near where a bomb went off to give the impression that Kanade got killed during the Prison Break, and judging from Tsurugi’s reaction, it seems to have worked. Speaking of Tsurugi, he is resting and due to his injuries is desk bound for a couple of weeks and receiving care from Mikan. Mikan caring for Tsurugi helps in two ways, as firstly being the Ultimate Nurse, she would be qualified to help make sure nothing serious happens to Tsurugi and Tsurugi doesn’t know that Mikan is part of the Quantum Crew and working with Kasugano, so it means someone is near Tsurugi who can relay information to Kasugano and co. That’s two girls with ties to Kasugano that Tsurugi has interacted with and he doesn’t suspect a thing. Okay to be fair with Akane when he first met her, she was an independent force and wasn’t working for Kasugano at that point but my point still stands. Not much to talk about our police boy here aside from Mod confirming that Tsurugi x Kouhei is going to be a thing in this blog. To be fair everyone could see the sexual tension between those two and that’s why people felt funny when Kanade mocked their relationship as they wanted to ship the two but it meant siding with a demonic guitar child. But said demonic guitar child is no more so no need to worry about shipping! And as for Nikei, he is writing up an article detailing Kanade’s demise as to throw the media off Kanade’s scent and then it’s just waiting for all the media hype around Kanade to die down and once that happens, she can be transferred to one of the many care facilities that Kyoji knows. How many does he know at this point? And while we are on the subject of Newsie here, it’s time to discuss a growing friendship, and possible relationship that is developing between him and Akane.
I had my suspicions for some time by their interactions but it was Akane’s and Nikei’s interactions in this Arc which solidified my viewpoint on their relationship. And that is Akane is more or less a foil to Mikado. Think about it for a second. They weren’t founding members of Void, they both grew up in hellish orphanages, got out of said orphanages thanks to Utsuro, ended up meeting the man himself at some point and inherited his Divine Luck at various points, though Mikado only succeeded in a Bad Ending. But at the same time, they both have different motives for going after Utsuro, Akane wanted to thank him for what he’s done for her and when she did successfully meet him, dutifully served under him, even when Junko came and corrupted them both. And while Utsuro had his crippling trust issues and constantly worried if Akane would betray him at some point, the fact that he gave Akane Divine Luck after she took mortal damage protecting the other survivors from Monokuma, showed that at some level he did care for her. Mikado desired the Divine Luck for his own personal benefit, burned down several orphanages to trigger another encounter and upon meeting with Koroko, hatched a horrible plan to ‘revive’ Utsuro, then Mikado would kill him and steal the Divine Luck for himself. Only reason it backfired was firstly because Mikado (both real and AI) didn’t realise Utsuro gave the Divine Luck to Akane, who was then later used to create Sora, and secondly Syobai betrayed him by siding with the Kisurugi Foundation. Their clashing roles can be no better illustrated then with their relationship with Void’s leader, Nikei. We don’t know how Nikei reacted to Mikado initially because it’s still a lot of unknown factors until the Onmake mode comes out canonically, but while wary at first because of how extreme Mikado’s plan was, was probably willing to trust him. And then as Mikado undermined him and usurped the role of leader from Nikei, that relationship quickly soured and a rotting despairing sense of hatred and revenge grew within Nikei, eroding away his humanity (from reading LINUQ’s blog, where he goes into detail regarding the various characters from SDAR2, he states that Nikei used to be a lot more warm-hearted before Mikado came along, but his hatred for the wizard made him much crueller) And it got to the point where the lines between Nikei and Mikado got blurry, and I’ll say that Nikei ended up being no different from Mikado in the end. And thus, he died a broken hateful mess. Now as for Akane, she and Nikei got off on a bad note; she kicked Nikei in the stomach, he responded by almost blowing Akane’s brains out, fun stuff like that. But once the misunderstanding and proof that Akane was good arose, a friendship of sorts started to develop between the two. The first signs we saw of this is *sigh* Oncoming Storm Arc. Among the hot pile of shit that Arc was, one of the VERY, VERY few good parts about it, was that when some Anons unintendedly hit a trigger phrase for Akane, which was mentioning older men, she went into a panic attack and out of all the people who could have comforted Akane during this moment, it was Nikei who did so. And now in this arc, we are seeing that Nikei is a bit more open with Akane then he is with other non-Void members of the Quantum Crew. He’s not taken the news that he snapped back to his old self during the Massacre timeline well, and bemoans that it shows he hasn’t changed, but Akane reassures him he has and that the timeline can serve as a lesson to improve oneself from and mentions she had trust issues initially but thanks to Utsuro, she is very much a people person now. And of course, we get the cute wholesome scene of those two cuddling each other, can someone please make fanart of these two cuddling, we need it. Mikado brought the worst out of Nikei and eventually led to his death, whereas Akane brings out the best in Nikei and would possibly help him into living a full refreshing life. Sora is more or less the third wheel in this relationship.
Annnnddd…I have talked for way too long. That’s part 1 of the review where I talk about relationships regarding all the characters but when we come back its when the plot comes back in when Class 77-B gets debriefed on the truth and a shocking new discovering on Time Travel is revealed. Stay tuned as we won’t be away for long! - Review Anon
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
did you see the tagging discourse yesterday? they really went after whumpbby
Hey there. I did see it. I wrote up a response to it but I wanted to sleep on it before I responded. I wanted to make sure I come across as informative and dispassionate as possible because emotions are already high and tempers are flaring and the last thing I want to do is fan the flames.
As far as I can tell there were three issues mentioned.
1) Explicit Content in Summaries
I think not putting explicit content in a summary is a valid suggestion. Frankly, it’s not an angle I’ve ever considered (even though I’m pretty sure none of my summaries are explicit. I’m not giving away the milk for for free. You have to click on the cow to get it 🤣). 
But I do think it’s important to remember that asking the fanfiction community as a whole to embrace this as a community standard isn’t a miraculous fix it. For starters this is an additional courtesy and I’m not sure how much fic it will actually affect, particularly in this fandom (I pretty much only read explicit fic and while there’s definitely summaries that are explicit, it’s not a particularly common issue and the OP’s example is actually not explicit and is exactly the kind of thing that should be in the summary so that you know whether the fic beyond that will trigger you or not). I’m happy to pay a little extra attention and make an effort but that by no means ensures that you won’t see explicit content in the summary. I mean, tv shows give you the rating and tags in the beginning of the episode but you still might see something explicit if you’re flipping through the stations. It’s not possible for content providers to account for every person’s individual needs. The individual has to do some of the work.  There’s not really any reason for someone to be reading an explicit summary if they’ve seen the fic is rated explicit and seen the ship is one they’re uninterested in and seen that the tags contain content they’d be uninterested in for that ship (if there are any, because people forget that further tagging is another courtesy that creators go out of their way to do to make life easier for readers - I don’t know a single writer who enjoys tagging) before they ever get to the summary at all. But still. Fine. I think that’s a good point and I’ll be going through my 80+ fics over the weekend to make sure. It’s just that readers should never expect things that are courtesies to be strictly adhered to by the entirety of the community. 
2) Tagging All Batfamily Ships as “Incest”, Regardless of Actual Content
This seems to be predicated on the misconceptions that 1) the fan-dubbed Bat “Family” is an actual family by any metric that could be considered incestuous, and 2) that this is obvious and not up for discussion.
Both of those are untrue. The Batfamily are not canonically a family whose interpersonal relationships can be considered incestuous, by blood, law, or anything else. 
If you want to interpret the text that way, there is certainly room to do so. But it is neither a fact, nor an obvious one.
The Pre-Flashpoint canon, especially for Batfam, exists in a nebulous state of “maybe applicable”. One of the few things we can be sure of, is that Dick and Tim at least, were never adopted. Tim’s parents are alive and well. Pre-Flashpoint, Dick was adopted as a gesture in his late 20′s. He’s early to mid 20′s in N52/Rebirth (for some reason people seem to think that N52 and Rebirth are different continuities. They’re not. Rebirth is a continuation of N52.)
Jason’s adoption is never explicitly addressed in current canon. So you can pick your poison.
None of them grew up together in either continuity so that argument is out.
You are welcome to read the Bats as this kind of family if you want.
But no one else has to, and there is very little evidence in current (or past) canon to suggest they are. What evidence there is, is vague and ambiguous. NOT obvious and damning. There are a million different ways to consider someone family, including both platonic and romantic.  
Finally, since it was specifically pointed out, with the lack of blood ties, if I write an AU where they one or more of them has no ties to Bruce, that’s not incest and no one should be tagging it as such.
It’s pretty weird to ask someone to tag their fic as something it’s not. It’d be like asking me to tag my angst “fluff”. I might as well tag DickKory or SuperBat “incest” while I’m at it.
Hopefully this helps clear things up. Hopefully this will help people who are triggered by incest to be able to see batfam ship tags without being triggered. If the clarification that they are not a legal or blood family in canon does not help, I am truly very very sorry and I genuinely hope you can discover what it is about those ships that actually affects you so that you can better protect yourself. But I have to tag my ships. I can’t not tag a ship so that you don’t see it, because then you might accidentally stumble across it and get much further than the tag before you know what’s happening. And I can’t tag incest because it literally is not then readers will think that I’ve written a verse where the characters are blood/legal family in some way, where the fic treats them like they have familial bonds and sexual relationship, and some of them will likely avoid it.
Appropriate tagging is important so that people who don’t want to see things don’t AND so that people can find the content they’re looking for. It’s pretty unfair to expect people to use inappropriate tags and potentially harm more people by making tags meaningless and expecting readers to guess.
(small aside, “batcest” is not an ideal tag. From personal experience, coming here from comics and having no history with this kind of fandom, I avoided things tagged Batcest because I thought, with the combination of Bat + incest, it was the ship name for Bruce/Damian and I wasn’t interested in that.)
3) Inconsiderate Reader Comments
Inappropriate comments left on fics by readers, is also a valid issue. It is also an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with the very clearly stated primary concerns. Inconsiderate comments are an unfortunate reality of creating and sharing those creations. Unfortunately there’s no, non-fascist way of forcing people to be considerate. We all have to live with that.
We can absolutely complain about publicly on our blogs. And if you’re a gen author, with no history of certain ships, I will defend that it’s rude to pop on your fic and ask if it’s going to be that ship. Just like I will defend that it’s rude to pop on my perfectly tagged Bruce/Duke fic and try to tell me that it’s incest because Duke lived at the Manor for two weeks before moving in with his uncle. I’m sorry you have to deal with it. I’m sorry I have to deal with it. I’m sorry we all have to deal with it. But it’s not something we can stop or the people who came before us would have. So it is something that you have to be able to cope with.
As for whump, I thought she handled it well, especially in her clarification posts. The OP was obviously very emotionally invested in the subject and came off very antagonistic. I know OP doesn’t consider their suggestions unreasonable but that’s because they’re based on a fundamental misconception of canon. If DC writes a continuity where the Bats are a family in any way that would make sexual relationships between them incestuous, and if I write something for that continuity, then of course I will tag it accordingly. Asking me to tag a fic as something it isn’t, is unreasonable. It instantly makes tagging in general completely useless. Asking people to apply a catchall tag or keep explicit content out of the summaries is not intrinsically unreasonable, but expecting the entire community, regardless of how immersed in fandom the creator is, to abide by that standard in a way that provides meaningful protection for you (in that you can lower your guard in any meaningful way when you have content you need to avoid) is..... well, it’s just impractical. 
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miastideclock · 4 years
“For You.” Jung Jaehyun Drabble
Sooo can you make an angsty ceo!au jaehyun nct127? 🥺 Thank you very much for writing this and love your blog ❤️❤️
Word Count: 2027
Summary: CEO!Jaehyun loves you and how you’ve stuck by him while he built his empire. But shit hits the fan when you ask a little too much of him one day.
Jung Jaehyun, CEO of Jung Empires. A wealthy man with more power than you could ever imagine. But the empire wasn't just handed to him- he had to work for it, and he has to work to keep it. And he has to work hard. Someone who wouldn't mind this, was Y/N. You had been by his side from before he even knew what he wanted, and you stuck by him through the entire process, both ups and downs. At least you didn't mind it- past tense. After you had your dream wedding in your dream location with your dream man, you almost didn't see him. You understood that he had to work, and that was fine! But the nine years he had worked there, he had had one day off- your wedding.
The house was empty and felt lonely, even with the three dogs you adopted together. Your house, wasn't actually a house. It was the Jung Empire Tower. A fifty-eight floor building. The first floor was obviously a lobby, then the following forty-eight floors were offices and conference areas. After that there were four floors for work facilities, this being a gym, a pool, a spa and a bar. Then, at the very top with the remaining five floors, it was the Jung household. The five floors had been sort of connected with stairs and home decors that made it feel like home, and not just an office building with a bed and a kitchen. You loved it more than words could describe, but it only missed one thing. Jaehyun.
You spent your days talking to, and often helping, the maids and housekeepers. If you felt like it, you would ask the chef to teach you something, and maybe the gardener could show you a trick or two. You didn't necessarily have a garden, but the roof was a park of sorts. People working at the Jung Empire was more than welcome to use it to get some fresh air, but you often found that you were the only one using it. Not that you minded, none of the workers at the building dared to look you in the eye anyways, so they wouldn't exactly small talk with you.
You had tried multiple hobbies to try to take up your time, but none of it stuck. The chef had suggested you tried painting, and the sous-chef had overheard the conversation, offering to bring by his easel and paint supplies, so you could try it before buying all of that yourself, but it had only stressed you out that you didn't know what you were doing. The kid who was doing the dishes and helping out in the kitchen, the head chefs son, had suggested you could try writing. "If not poetry, maybe you figure something out anyways?" He had said. You tried. You spent a few weeks sitting in the living room, looking out the floor to ceiling windows, trying to find the inspiration to write something, but you couldn't. You tried knitting, dancing, glassblowing, calligraphy, astronomy, baking, soapmaking, photography, fantasy sports, lego building and embroidery. It had been like this every day since Jaehyun told you to quit your job and take care of the house, even though you had tons of helpers. You eventually gave up with hobbies all together. None of the activities helped you forget how much you missed Jaehyun every single day.
He would come home after work, you would eat dinner together and talk- and for a second, you would forget how lonely you actually were. But then you would go to sleep and you would wake up alone, and it was the same all over again.
"You should talk to him, you know?" The gardener, Lucas, said as he was shaping a bush with an electric cutter. You asked him to repeat himself as you didn't hear what it was that he said.
"You should talk to Jaehyun about how you feel. It's not healthy, this thing you're doing." He said and turned off the saw, looking at you. You and Lucas had had your fair share of deep and meaningful talks over the past few years, so he knew you, almost better than you knew yourself at this point. He had been there to talk to you when one of your dogs, Pop, had gotten sick. It had affected you more than you thought it would, maybe because it was the first dog you and Jaehyun had gotten together. Pop the golden retriever was Jaehyun's present for you for your six month anniversary. Most people thought you moved too fast, but you knew in your heart he was the one, and therefore, adopting a dog together was the perfect present. Daim, the german shepherd and Goose, the french bulldog weren't added to the family until much later, but were equally part of the family.
"I don't know what 'thing' you're talking about." You said as you acted dumb. You knew he was talking about being lonely, and trying to pretend you weren't, but you weren't going to give it to him that easy.
"You know, loneliness is as bad for you as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day." Lucas said and lifted his hand so it was resting in your shoulder. "Just talk to him." His statistics and facts hit harder than you expected it to. Maybe it wasn't the actual words, but rather how he said them, and with the look in his eyes you could tell he was worried. You placed your own hand over his with your opposite arm, and then rested your head on the two hands. He raised his eyebrows as he waited for a response from you, and with you not trusting your voice- you gave him a nod. You would talk to Jaehyun.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, because before you knew it, you were having filet mignon for dinner, sitting across the table from your husband. You felt your stomach start to act up, but you knew it was just your nerves. You really didn't want to have this conversation.
"Jaehyun, baby." You started, making him look up at you and give you a smile. He seemed to be in a fairly good mood, so that helped a little bit. "I really hate this, but I have to talk to you about something." You continued after wiping your mouth gently with the cloth napkin that laid next to your plate. He did the same and a wash of worry floated over his face.
"Is everything okay? Legal issues- I have a guy for that. Or is it money? You know I've said that if you want more allowance, you can just ask." He said. Allowance- the word made you sick to your stomach. But you shook your head no.
"That's not it. Uhm, I know that you work so hard to keep us supported, and I love you so much for that, don't get me wrong- thank you. But when I married you, I hoped that would bring us closer. I love you so so much, you're my everything, I would do anything for you. And I really hope you reciprocate those feelings, and that you would do anything for me too. So do you think maybe you could take next weekend off? For me?" You spoke softly, rushing some parts, and dragging out the parts you really didn't want to say. His eyes grew soft at first, then they grew sheepish.
"I have that meeting next weekend, you know the one I have been so stressed about." He spoke apologetically. You mentally face-palmed as you knew that was a thing. He had been so stressed about that the past few weeks, you had no idea how it slipped your mind.
"Oh, sorry! Of course, it slipped my mind, sorry. But maybe the weekend after that?" You apologized and tried again. But sadly, another event had occupied his weekend. You went back and forth like this for a few weekends before you felt a bit fed up. "Okay, then when do you have a weekend you can take off." You asked. You tried to keep your voice cheerful, but the underlying tone of it was one of irritation and anger.
Jaehyun whipper out his phone at your question, going to the calendar app. You were happy to see that he actually tried to go on a weekend get-away with you, but it still annoyed you that you weren't more important to him than 'Taeyong's accounting presentation.' "Last weekend in February.." He said. Sure that wasn't until a month, but you could wait, no problem. "Next year.." He added, making your jaw drop.
"Jaehyun are you fucking kidding me? You don't have time for your wife until next year?" You didn't want to snap, but that was the last straw. Your voice was filled with the years of anguish you hadn't been able to release before.
"Well, excuse me that I have to work to not only support myself, but also you and all those fucking dogs of yours! I won't have time for you every single second of every single fucking day!" He snapped back, getting up and slamming his hands on the table, shooting his chair backwards. You got to your feet as well, the chair pushing back and the napkin you had on your lap falling to the floor.
"Don't you dare. You asked me to quit my job, and I did. Those dogs are not only mine, but also your family. We have spent every Christmas, New Years, Lunar New Year, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Chuseok and whatever the fuck, for the past nine years- we have spent them alone. I have not once, asked you to take time off work to spend those holidays with me. I have let you go about because I thought you would have the decency to spend time with your wife, once things slowed down at work- and not once have you even mentioned it." You spoke, your voice dangerously low.
This seemed to trigger something in him, because before you knew it he was making his way around the table and walking towards you with such strength, you felt threatened. You started walking backwards as he started talking again, this time, his volume being just as low as yours had just been.
"I work my ass off, every single day so that you can have a nice and simple life. I don't ask anything of you. And for the past nine years, you have been perfect. You're always here when I come home, and you don't bring me any trouble. But today, the day everything in the office went to shit, and I just wanted to come home to you and relax, that's the day you decide to be even more of a spoiled bitch than you usually are." He spat towards the end. You didn't even notice the tears welling up in your eyes as your back hit a wall, him not stopping coming towards you.
"I just miss you, Jaehyun." You somehow, someway managed to choke out. A mistake.
"Everything I do, I do it for you, do you understand?" He growled as he placed a hand next to your head and leaned in towards your ear. Your breath was uneven as you were frightened, you had never seen him like this. You didn't answer.
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled and slammed his fist against the wall right over your head. "Y-ye-yes. Yes, I understand." You whimpered while you flinched at his movements. He muttered out something you didn't hear, then he turned on his heel and left. Once you heard the door between the dining room and hallway slam shut, you burst into tears, slowly sinking to the floor with your back still pressed against the wall.
He would never intentionally hurt you, and you knew that. But you could only imagine what would happen if you asked him to spend time with you again, and he miscalculated his movements, just a little bit.
Would it still be for you? Would everything he did still be for you then?
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I hope you like it! I got a bit carried away whoops- but feel free to request more if you’d like!
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Alison O’Brien
Writing Blog URL(s): @httpangelicjimin
What fandom(s) do you write for?: BTS, although I wouldn’t mind writing for other groups. Often, I have other idols that make cameos in my stories.
Age: 21
Nationality: Portuguese + French
Languages: Portuguese + French + English + Spanish
Star Sign: Leo
Favorite color: pastel blue
Favorite food: pizza no doubt 
Favorite movie: I’m gonna have to be a sucker and say monster’s inc. bc who doesn’t love Pixar
Favorite ice cream flavor: I’d say coffee, tho I love a good ol’ chocolate ice cream
Favorite animal: wolf, it’s my spirit animal 
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?: Coffee, for sure. Iced coffee or mocha
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Ever since I was little I always wanted to be a singer but I guess I’m too shy for that ahah so I’d either say writing or advertising.
Go-to karaoke song: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?: The ability to change shape at will.
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?: The Victorian Era sounds brilliant to me. I would be a sucker for the dresses. Although, I also would’ve loved to be able to live in the ’20s. Great Gatsby made me dream countless times of all the amazing parties, with jazz playing in the background. The fashion was impeccable, and of course, to be alive at the same time as F. Scott Fitzgerald. I could even run into him at one of those glamorous parties. 
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?: I don’t think I would. Life has taught me some valuable lessons along the way but I was happy. Even when surrounded by those who didn’t have the best intentions in mind. If I had known all that I know now, I wouldn’t have lived as freely and carelessly as I did. I cherish those memories, even if they weren’t the best for me.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?: Alright so… that’s a weird one. And what makes it weirder is that people have made that same question with me; it was either one horse-sized me, or 100 me-sized horses. Huh… I do have some background with chickens chasing after me, so I’d go with the 100 chicken-sized horses.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?: I would 100% be the sucker that falls for the bad boy… ah… how I miss the high school bad boys.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?: I don’t. Although I have no problem getting lost in those amazing universes where such creatures exist. 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?: I absolutely love mango-flavored things but I cannot eat mango. Just the texture of the fruit…. Yuck. 
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?: I write everything. So far, in the 2 years, I’ve been writing, I have experienced a little bit of everything. I think writing all those genres are important to complement the story. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?: I never wrote anything that was mxm but I am ok with that. Besides, I have two stories out with an OC and the others are mostly with female readers, mostly because I write thinking about me with a member or one of my friends.
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?: I was already using Tumblr to read other people’s work. When the thought of starting my own writing blog came to mind, it seemed the most logical option to use. I have only recently learned about AO3 so… yeah, Tumblr seemed the most “at reach” app.
When did you post your first piece?: The first thing I wrote was called Wonder and was posted on a private blog. I started writing it a couple of days after Euphoria by Jungkook BTS came out.
What inspires you to write?: Everyday situations are always a good base for me. I like to write moments that I have gone through. Besides that, I find inspiration on movies and tv shows and some Pinterest albums. Sometimes it’s just a random thought that comes to mind ehe
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?: I’d say college/high school aus. I did a collab with another writer from a college au and it was a lot of fun. Additionally, I have some wips I am meaning to work on and will soon be presented on my blog! 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?: I think that I wanted them to feel okay. Life can get pretty hard and reading, for me, has always been like a getaway. So, whenever I write, I hope that I can distract my readers from whatever is happening in the real world. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?: Whenever I’m struggling in life, it’s almost as if I lose my ability to write. I get really stressed, especially when I set deadlines. I try my hardest to push through. I believe that writing, even if it’s not to our liking, is better than doing nothing. I try to read more, to sleep better, and to seek inspiration. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?: I don’t think I have a “most successful” work. I am pretty recent to Tumblr and am still growing bit by bit. As for my favorite, I’d probably say Dr. Love. It started out as a fun Valentine’s Day fanfic and I have some good stuff outlined.
Who is your favorite person to write about?: As I said, I love to find inspiration in my friends. Getting the feedback and how much they enjoyed reading what I wrote really is a heartwarming feeling. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?: I don’t think they are so different. Because when writing fanfiction, you’re not obliged to go 100% with the idol’s personality you’re writing. You have the freedom to marvel around in the worlds you create and make them do whatever you feel like would work best. So sometimes, it can be just like creating a whole new character from scratch. 
What do you think makes a good story?: There’s a lot of things that are needed to make a good story. I mostly value the storyline. I don’t like it when things are rushed and prefer to read something others may find unnecessary but get more context. I love the small little details about characters that make me relate and emphasize with them. Also, a plot twist. I love to read stories that completely blow my mind and catch me off guard. Creativity is everything.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?: Why not? I don’t have a problem with giving different names to my characters as long as the story stays the same.
What is your writing process like?: I prefer to write at night. But, as I said before, sometimes there’s just an urge to write and I have to grab my laptop, or even the pull out the notes on my phone and type out some words for the story I’m currently working on. I try to create a coherent storyline as well. Plus, I have an amazing beta reader that always helps me with the plot and hears my ideas and complements them. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?: I love the typical “good girl falls for bad guy” trope. I don’t care if it’s cliché, I just love it. Although, I hate those where the girl is portraited as weak and as if she would ever be completely happy and fulfilled if the guy is by her side; as if she’s helpless without him. Girl power you know? Aha
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?: It means A LOT. I think there’s no better feeling than receiving a piece of feedback, despite how small it might be. There’s always room for improvement and just the simple fact to know that someone took the time to read my work and found it interesting enough to send me their thoughts, I really cherish it.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?: I believe that my growth for the past months I’ve been on Tumblr could be due to how active I am. I always try to engage with the people I follow and even when I’m not posting my works, I try to be around. I have big dreams for my blog and hope to one day have a large audience to read my stories, but for now, I am happy with the ones by my side already.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?: Yes. A lot of people think that fanfic writers are mostly horny/crazy teens that are obsessed with some famous wannabe that couldn’t even care less for their existence. I think that’s one of the biggest issues with how society sees us. But I consider those to be amongst older people (perhaps 40+yo). 
Do you think art can be a medium for change?: Of course. Art is one of the most personal ways of showing emotions, I believe. Being brave enough to show with the world your creations takes courage and I admire those who do it proudly. Art can be interpreted in so many ways; it overcomes all the barriers that there might be. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?: The feeling can get to me sometimes but I immediately shut that down. There was a time when I was forcing myself to write things I didn’t appreciate or that didn’t follow my storyline just to make others happy and I had to give up on those projects quickly because it was driving me insane. I strongly believe that if we don’t write what we are passionate about, it will either come out sloppy or we will hate it. Writing what we like, even if some might consider it bad, is what we should do.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?: I don’t think so. Although, I don’t receive as much feedback as I’d like to, so I’m not certain. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?: Only my boyfriend does and he’s totally cool with it ehe
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?: A big big thank you! I am so happy to have you here and I hope you can take some time to read over my works ehe I am always open to talk if anyone needs~ 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?: Just do it!!! I know there are so many great writers out there and you might feel like you would bring nothing to the game but that’s not true. You don’t need to be scared ok? It will be alright. Just give it a chance. There was a time where I was scared too and now I have made so many great friends and meet so many great people through my writing. You can make it too! 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?: No. 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?: Yess!! I have made so many friends thanks to Tumblr! I mostly have to thank the amazing people of @bangtan-headquarters for accepting me into their network and making me part of their discord server. I’m not going to be @/ing everyone but I know I have made friends whom I will forever keep in my heart uwu 
Pick a quote to end your interview with: “Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” - Les Brown 
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dropsofletters · 5 years
action, romance or comedy?
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title: action, romance or comedy? pairing: lee jeno/reader genre: cinema worker!au/accidental texting!au/strangers to lovers!au summary: jeno hates college, and loves movies more than he should, so when he is reminded at eleven at night that he has a project to complete and it is worth a big percentage of the final grade—he texts whoever he has been paired up with. two bad things happen: he texts the wrong person and he fails that class, but the good thing that comes from that event is comforting enough. type: fluff
The smell of popcorn lingers in the air, and somehow it is relaxing. The sound of special effects in the background, typical of an action movie, is barely even heard by the two workers of the night shift at the cinema. Normally, the young man with the bleached blonde hair stood by the entrance of the auditoriums, checking tickets and then watching movies without paying for them. At all. However, there is something in the air, like when he knows something bad will happen but all he can do is scroll through his phone. He clicks on the Instagram app, then he checks his texts, he looks through his pictures to see if there is anything new, but he is only met with ridiculous pictures of his best friends.
Lee Jeno would say that he is happy—when he watches a new movie, imagines what it would be like if he would be a very famous movie reviewer with a nice blog and a lot of following, or when he is out with friends feeling like youth lasts forever. Yet, to ever get to be the adult-type of happy, he has to go through college. Sure, he is some film major that adores spending his time catching up with the newest productions in all genres of movies, but he absolutely hates that semester’s professors. All methodical, very lost in theories and theories when film should be all about creation. Creativity, but not the type artists have with pens and colors, or the ones singers have with their voices…the one that comes with a camera-roll and a script normally written by someone else.
He thought it would be fun, you know? But it really isn’t.
With his cheek pressed against his forearm, he rests his upper body on the counter near the snack store. His coworker, Jaemin, is drinking his normal cup of coffee—Jeno, however, calls it monoxide in liquid form, and he barely even pays attention to him, since he is lost in his thoughts…pondering what it is that bothers him. He is not hungry, so that shall not be the problem. He is also not heartbroken, for his latest relationship ended thanks to him. Jeno is also not feeling particularly bad physically. He is healthy, and he is wearing the same uniform as always. Dark cap with the movie theater’s logo on it, a polo that matched it with the same logo and black jeans, along with sneakers. Nothing fancy, but not uncomfortable.
The problem is…that his Google Calendar app pops up out of nowhere, and maybe it is God talking, or destiny, or just Google being his savior time and time again—but it hits him like a piano falling on top of him, like how it happens in cartoons. He has a project to deliver, and he is supposed to be working with this one dude in his class. Ryo…Suke? Maybe, Jeno thinks his name is Ryosuke. All he knows about him is that he wears a very expensive Rolex watch to class and that he is the typical representation of an exchange student. Very rich, extremely cool, and with the most gorgeous car—
The project is worth fifty percent of his grade, and if that is not a red sign to skip the next few hours of work to get to do it then what would be? Nonetheless, Jeno really thinks about it. Ryosuke must be a responsible guy, and he is dating one of the most intelligent people on campus—this one nursery school dude that Jeno does not really know about. Besides, Jeno would actually lose his job if his boss ever did so much as visit the cinema only to find Jaemin alone.
So the only answer to this issue is texting Ryosuke and ask him how the project is doing and if he needs help, right?
The best thing that could happen would be Ryosuke telling Jeno that it is already finished.
An hour passes by, and as Jeno watches another set of people getting out of one of the auditoriums, he picks up his phone to find zero to no messages. He tries calling, but he always goes back to the voice-mail. His patience is wearing thin, and he really just wants to get out of there and make some half-assed project, but he can’t entirely do that for reasons that he already knows. He places his phone down on the counter, sighing deeply and listening to Jaemin say something about how he ‘needs to relax or he is going to get wrinkles early on in his life’, but there is not a single cell in Lee Jeno’s body that seems to mind. All he wants is some kind of response, and to pass that class that has been bothering him with vigorous will.
His phone vibrates, almost in cue, and Jeno thinks that he hears the sound of angels singing in the background when he sees that Ryosuke had replied. His eyes in the shape of half-moons meet the text, his smile dropping entirely when he sees the continuous question marks and then a small: “Uh…wrong number. I’m not Ryosuke. In fact, I’m not a dude haha.”
Jeno does not find it funny and maybe, he should have taken a second or two to think, breathe, understand what is going on—and that he could have made a mistake, over all. Either way, Jeno acts irrationally, typing down on his phone with his thumbs. “It’s not funny. Dude, we have a project due tomorrow and I have not done anything. I can’t do anything, either, because I’m working. Can you be serious and talk about this with me?”
The response comes almost soon after, and when he reads it…he feels the sudden need to throw his cap on the floor and stomp over it childishly. He is angered, fervently trying his hardest not to call Ryosuke and scream directly to his face. “First off, dude, lay off. I’m not that Ryosuke guy, and I think you should really not treat people like this. Good night.”
Jeno’s face softens, imagining who the person on the other end is. The other people is probably confused, just as angered as he is but for different reasons and it is entirely surprising how life has parallels right in front of our eyes and we never truly realize. In the background, he hears the sound of some rap song faintly playing in the distance as he continues the conversation with a complete stranger. “Wait, you’re for real?”
“I am.” This supposed woman replies and Jeno presses his palm to his forehead, with his cheeks tinted in a pretty shade of pink as he thinks of how ridiculous he had been with his spamming messages. Jaemin takes notice of that, taking off his hat and hitting Jeno with it directly on his head, making the man with the lighter hair look up at him with a scrunched up nose.
Before Jeno could speak against Jaemin’s actions, however, his coworker speaks up. “Why are you sulking? If you really need to get that project done, I can steal the boss’ laptop for like a second or two and we can just do some half-assed thing. It’s no big deal.” While Jaemin’s idea is incredible—and he might end up doing such thing so save his grade—he picks up his phone as a response, giving it to Jaemin without much context, only taking a few seconds to start talking about it.
“I thought I had gotten Ryosuke’s number right…and I texted him all these things.” His fingers keep scrolling down on the insane amount of messages he had sent before he got a response. “And finally, this person told me they were not a dude and that I got it wrong and I snapped, so…this ends up badly for me because I was a total dickhead to a complete stranger and I am too embarrassed to keep the conversation.”
Jaemin chuckles, his cheeks lifting up by the action before he starts typing something down on the conversation. “I have the perfect idea.”
“J-Jaemin! Hey, dude, give me my phone back! What are you doing?” Something deep within him tells him not to trust Jaemin, but it is too late. Once he gets his phone back, a text has already been sent and by Jaemin’s boisterous laugh, it must be ridiculous. Jeno squints his eyes, taking his phone in his hands with outer fear. “I swear, Jaemin, if you did something bad—I am leaving you dick-less, right here, right now.”
His coworker can only shrug his shoulders, pointing at his phone with his left hand. “Go ahead. Take a peak.”
Jeno unlocks his phone, welcomed by the sight of the text conversation that he had left abandoned. His eyes widen when he sees something corny, unlike himself, but so much like how Na Jaemin has been in the entirety of his life. “I am so sorry. I must have ruined your night, but thank you for being nice enough to tell me you weren’t my classmate. I hope you have an excellent night as well, dream of the sweetest things, like yourself.” With a deep groan, Jeno pushes Jaemin’s shoulder and the young man can only smirk. “What even is this?! I don’t know this girl—and she wasn’t even sweet to start with.”
“I am trying to get you a girlfriend.”
“Yeah right, like I will find a girlfriend because of an accidental text—”
“You never know!” Jaemin comments before putting on his cap. “Besides, you need something good in your life…because you’re totally failing that project. I can tell you that much.”
The blonde haired guy rubs his temples, letting out an exhausted sigh that mixed in well with Monday mornings where people have to wake up early. “Just tell the boss to lend me his laptop so I can get that project done.”
“That’s my responsible baby.” Jaemin coos to make his friend even more annoyed, running his fingers over his cheek before chuckling as he waltzes away from the counter.
Luckily for him, he finishes the project. And even more luck comes his way when he doesn’t get a response from that unknown girl.
June is just not Jeno’s month.
April had been one of his good months, with nice grades and a good haircut and definitely not a few strands of his hair going dry thanks to his newest hair-color. January had been filled with parties and gathering around with family and friends, eating more than he should with snacks from all over the world—for the first time in a while, he felt like he could finally relax. But June, the damned twin of July, is just getting to his nerves. First, he almost fails that one project that had leaded him to texting a person that he doesn’t even know—and the night before that, Jaemin had decided to awkwardly text said girl—and Ryosuke got two more points than him from some kind of privilege that he does not really know about.
He can’t deny it, that June isn’t his month, when he is riding on his motorcycle—an old thing that can barely keep up with his rendezvous from the college’s campus to the movie theater and then back to his shared apartment, sometimes accompanying him to a party or two, and the pouring rain is falling on top of his helmet. Jeno’s blonde strands of hair stick to his face as he tries his best to go as carefully as possible, barely even moving in the middle of the night after a tiresome day full of tests, and a night filled with movies that he has already seen a hundred times.
The engine vibrates, then he hears some kind of rhythm that leads to his motorcycle coming to a halt. The man gasps, broken and surprised as he tries to turn it on once again, the blinking sign the reminder that he had forgotten to fuel his motorcycle, mocking him with its red color and its constant movement. He gets off the car, turning on the lights so, at least, at the very least someone can see him—a good twenty minutes away from his apartment.
“Okay…okay…it’s okay…” Jeno breathes to himself in a mumble as he takes his phone out of his backpack, using his jacket as a shelter for the screen as he looks through his seas of contacts to see whom he should call. Maybe, he should go for his oldest roommate—Dongyoung, always one to help him with everything that he ever wishes for. He tries to think of someone else, but when he comes up with nothing, he presses the green button under Dongyoung’s contact. His mother is also an option to consider, but the least he wants is a car ride filled with scolding that goes along the lines of ‘You’re already nineteen, Jeno! Shouldn’t you know that you need to fuel your motorcycle?!’
The phone rings twice and thankfully, Dongyoung picks up. “Jeno, dude, uh…sorry…is it anything important?  I’m in the middle of something—”
“Yes! Dongyoung, my motorcycle died on me because I forgot to fuel—”
“What?” Dongyoung mumbles before clearing his throat. “I’m in the middle of class. The professor asked us to come here at nine…and I don’t get out until eleven.”
The phone reads 10:14 and Jeno really wants to cry for a moment. “Oh…no, it’s okay. I will try to push it to the apartment.”
“No worries.” Jeno holds his jacket over his head as he speaks before hanging up the phone. A raged sigh leaves his lips until he places his phone back on his pocket, cringing at the feeling of the damp clothing over his body touching his skin and making him shiver. All he wanted was getting home and eating some of his favorite spicy chips…and now he is there, pushing his own motorcycle with huffing breaths. “Seriously?” He speaks to no one before pushing even harder. “Don’t you want to, like, throw a ray at me or something? To make this night even better?”
The muscles of his arms start to become sore with the pushing of his motorcycle, his deltoids taking all the weight before he hears a sound coming from far away. The streets are almost alone, only for that one car that passes by while loudly playing the sound of Sik-K’s song (probably Iffy with how many times the word is repeated). The car passes by quickly, only that it stops when the person behind the steering wheel sees the sight of Jeno pushing his motorcycle. The person hesitates, going back to park beside Jeno before they pull the windows down.
For a moment, Jeno is prepared to scream at the top of his lungs in case it is a robber, but he is welcomed by the sight of a woman that looked pretty, with a flannel on and the heater on that created a warm atmosphere, past her beautiful eyes and her candid smile that is not really there. Her lips are painted a cute shade of red, fading thanks to the drink she is having—something like a Latte, most likely. Jeno widens his eyes in surprise when he gets questioned: “Hey, what happened to your motorcycle?”
Jeno licks his lips and his cheeks burn, perhaps because he is totally going to get sick with the rain that is pouring down on him or because she is really pretty, and definitely trying to help him. “Forgot to fuel it.”
The woman hums, turning off the radio entirely before saying: “Stop there. Let me park correctly.” And Jeno barely has the time to register what she said before he follows her instructions, watching her park in front of his motorcycle before getting out of her car with a raincoat on. She opens the back door of her car, pulling something out before walking towards Jeno. “I have some fuel here. You know what to do, right?”
Somehow, he thinks he has seen a goddess and he can’t help but grin widely at the sight of the bottle in her hands. “Yes! Yes! Thank you!” Jeno takes the product from her hands before doing a half-bow, going over to his motorcycle to finally get out of that hell. “I…I normally fuel it…but I have been having such a stressful set of weeks that I actually don’t know what I am doing anymore.”
She chuckles at that, crossing her arms over her chest to look at the man in front of her, kneeled beside his motorcycle to complete his task. “I get you. We all have those days.” Then, her eyes trail over his figure, soaked from head to toe—even though he is wearing a black polo underneath paired with dark jeans, his jacket is dripping from water and his shoes squeak whenever he moves. Her heart aches, somehow, even when his factions are set on fueling his motorcycle. Half-moons as eyes, lips thin and a tall nose to match. “I think I also have an old raincoat somewhere in the backseat. It’s kind of…not that good, but it could work for you—”
Jeno looks at her with surprise in his eyes. “No! No, this is already enough. Please, don’t bother.”
“It’s a Hello Kitty raincoat. It’s totally not a bother.” The young man chuckles at her words when he gets a glimpse of her body leaning against her car to catch that Hello Kitty raincoat that she was talking about. “I think I have it since high school or something…I never got rid of it. Maybe, it was destined to be for you.”
“I…don’t think so.”
“What’s your name?”
“Yes. Definitely destined for you.” She chuckles before taking the raincoat in between her hands. “That’s the name of someone who would love this raincoat.”
“My mom picked it for me. I didn’t know it meant that.” Jeno jokes back and he hears the soft sound of her laughter, mixed with the rain that is starting to die down, like a flower in the middle of winter. He feels the fabric of the raincoat falling on top of his shoulder, folded for him to put on if he feels like it. “You’re too good for a stranger. I’m starting to think you’re going to kidnap me.”
She sighs. “No, absolutely not!” Though, her tone is sincere. When Jeno looks at her, finished with his task that will help him finally going back home, he realizes that her eyelashes are bathed in small drops of rain and that her mouth, although quirked in a tiny smile, almost goes unseen to the people that don’t look from near. He pushes his wet hair back with his hands, putting on the raincoat that stays snugly against his shoulders. “I am a huge believer of doing good and getting something good in return.” His fingers push against the broken skin beside his nails, appearing like ungodly beings to bother his days. Jeno ponders, then, if maybe he is the exception of the rule. He does well in life, and then again he is always welcomed by little surprises that are not particularly excellent.
“That’s a good way of thinking.”
“Hello Kitty stuff is definitely meant to go with you.”
“Huh? Thanks…that’s…that’s a first time. I’ve never heard that.” His hand rubs the back of his neck and then, with a gleeful smile that could be shown in history books as the reason why wars ended, he finishes the conversation. “Gotta head back home now. Thank you. Really. I can totally pay for what you just did—”
“It’s not necessary.” She replies, like a knight in a shining armor for him and he breathes out with a starry gaze. “I’ll just head back now. Please, get home safe.”
Jeno promises, silently and softly, that he will with a simple gaze and a nod. She hides her hands in her pockets after blowing on them, whispering awkwardly the delicate words that mean their departure. “Thank you. Have a good night!”
She laughs at the sight of the guy, cladded in a Hello Kitty raincoat, with a grin that will forever be engraved in her brain and she replies with a similar sentence. Jeno might not be the luckiest guy, he is very far away from being so, but blessed shall the beauty of people be when they still remain happy after terrible encounters, that have smiles that shine brighter than a million golden dust particles that join in a desert. Those people, absentmindedly, make days for other individuals way easier—even if they don’t realize it.
“I’m listening.”
“Je to the No.”
“Jaemin, I swear I’m paying attention—”
Life is testing Jeno’s patience, and he is starting to run low on a lot of things. Motivation…and that one thing that has to do with time and accepting just how annoying waiting really is, or comprehending people that are clearly a pain in the ass. Jeno’s back is hunched, watching a movie thanks to the half-opened door of the auditorium, and while he would love to concentrate on the thriller that he is watching, Jaemin is calling for his attention. A grin is on Jaemin’s face and when Jeno inspects him, he realizes that there is something different. No—Jaemin is still wearing the same uniform as always, cap and polo that matches Jeno’s, and no…Jaemin has not whitened his teeth or dyed his hair a different color (it is still the same bland brown as last year), but what is unlike him is that he is holding Jeno’s phone. And that doesn’t particularly make him mad, but what angers him is that Jaemin has unlocked his phone.
The man is smiling even brighter, shaking the device in front of Jeno’s face. “You finally got a text back from the mysterious girl that I’m trying to pair you up with.”
The girl whom Jaemin had texted four weeks ago; because Jeno is incapable of doing such an embarrassing thing without getting at least one thing in return: money or a shit load of money. The blond male squints his eyes, taking the phone from Jaemin’s hold to look at the text, but before he says: “How did you figure out my password? You’re totally a stalker, dude—”
“Jeno…using the year you were born as your password is a classic. I just figured it out.” Jeno chuckles at that, because it is better to face life with a smile than living it with a frown. His fingers hover over the screen before he pushes on the unknown number that he had texted accidentally, only that he had changed the contact’s name from ‘Ryosuke’ to ‘Not Ryosuke’. If that is not embarrassing, he does not know what is. He is met with the sight of a text, as if she had completely ignored what he had written beforehand, and that is probably what happened.
“How do you deal with a friend that makes you feel like you’re less but they are your only friend and you don’t know how to get away from them? Hah, sorry for asking, I just really need someone to talk to…and you’re a stranger…so…”
“What does it say?!” Jaemin tries to peek, and Jeno is surprised that Jaemin had not tried to at least get a glimpse of what the text said. Jeno’s heart is aching, however, because he has been lucky enough to have friends that love him, and that he loves back. He has never been in such a position, thankful of not feeling lonely most of the time, though there are some days when it can’t be helped. Jeno shushes him, turning around so his back is facing Jaemin and his phone in trapped between a corner and himself.
“That’s my problem.” He hears Jaemin whining somewhere behind him, but like always, Jaemin does not really care about a lot of things. His fingers continue to stand awaiting for his brain to come up with a response, and he reads the message again. Perhaps, it is something similar to having that one class you really study hard for…and yet everyone else is better than you. Jeno can relate to that, now. Then, he types down: “I think you should pull away from those type of people. I don’t know you, but I know you shouldn’t feel like you’re less than anyone. If a person makes you feel like that, they are not worth hanging out with.”
Perhaps, somewhere in that city, cladded in sheets on their bed while waiting for a response is a woman that needs a friend—a person that is watching a movie with a lost gaze in their eyes while her brain comes up with millions of insecurities and a bad comment to herself along the way. It happens to everyone, and if Jeno is able to help anyone go through that, he will. His assumptions are proven right, however, when he is introduced to a new text almost immediately. “But I won’t have anyone to talk to…and I don’t know, I don’t want to be lonely.”
Jeno frowns at that, typing without really thinking: “It’s better to be alone than to hang out with people that make you feel bad!” He writes that down before he realizes that he feels some kind of sympathy towards this woman, and he feels like he really needs to do something good to receive amazing things in life. For that, he follows the advice from the woman with the Hello Kitty raincoat, and he continues this conversation: “Besides, whenever you feel lonely, just text me! When you’re free, when you’re bored, whenever!”
The answer comes quickly: “Yeah? Then…what are you doing now?”
There are people made to be doctors. There are people made to be nurses. There are teachers that show the importance of concepts, and there are paychecks that complete the tasks of all these people. However, the importance of healing goes past a career, past medicines and shots, it comes from the power of words or visuals. Jeno has seen movies that have healed him, and he wants to be that for someone—even if it is only one person that considers him more than just another mindless person in the world.
He fulfills his promise of talking to her whenever he can, basking on long conversations about their favorite music styles, what bothers them and what doesn’t, what is their favorite season and others things. He learns that she enjoys summer because winter changes her mood entirely, and Jeno tells her about that one time he accidentally let his friend’s phone fall to the floor when it was tossed at him and he had his first fist fight (even though Donghyuck forgave him after he bought ice cream for the two). It is an ongoing conversation, without ‘goodbyes’ or ‘good night’s’. It is all about finding a friend in a stranger, and while people are used to meeting each other by views…either in life or physically, Jeno finds this way of meeting someone a little bit more interesting.
He’s going to say it now: Jeno fucking hates—despises, really—projects. Much more when he has the luck of getting the most stupid of topics, or the worst of days to present it, or simply anything that goes against his will. This time around, a huge project was asked for one of his signatures and they had to be extremely creative—record a video that introduced a place as if it was a movie scene, showcasing edits, colors and filters. Basically, whatever they wanted. Some of his classmates got buildings, or parks, or aesthetic spots like coffee shops to make a romantic type of introduction in the video. Jeno almost felt like he was going to fail when he got told that he got a thrift store as his spot for recording.
He wanted to scream at the professor that it would have been better to assign him the dollar store. It would basically have the same amount of fabric to cut for him to record that video, and movie-style to say the least. However, Jeno sucked it up and wrote down the address to the thrift store his professor had told him about before promising himself that he was going to start on the project early so he could do some kind of magic to come up with something remotely acceptable. So, one day after he gets assigned such place, he picks up his camera and some equipment, placing them inside his backpack and driving as carefully as possible in his motorcycle—after all, he doesn’t want his camera equipment to go flying away from his motorcycle onto the road.
Once he gets to the thrift store, the first thing he sees is a row of clothes, from fluffy coats to long ones to leather jackets. There are old pictures from very old American bands hanging from the walls and he feels like the tacky beige color of the store is what bothers him the most, but he will have to really think about what he wants to do. His ears perk up when he hears a familiar song, the same chorus that he had heard when his motorcycle died on him, something along the lines of ‘iffy’ and his mind is immediately reminded of two people: the girl that helped him with his motorcycle and the girl behind the texts, who also adores Sik-K’s music.
He walks further into the store, rubbing his hands together, cladded in his sweater paws. He whistles softly, trying to catch the attention of the people working there, being met by the sight of a person that he has seen once in his life, but that he would recognize anywhere. She is no different, still with her pretty eyes looking thoughtful and lost in their own will, carrying a bag towards a taller and younger looking guy—his nametag says Jisung, and her nametag has him repeating her name inside his head to remember. The guy by the counter is the first one to notice him, and by the time he turns to look at the now-purple-haired Jeno, he lets the box fall to the floor with a bang.
“Jisung!” She hisses as she hits Jisung’s shoulder with the palm of her hand.
“Sorry, sorry!” He apologizes as he bends down to pick up what had fallen out of the box. She fixes her shirt, lifting her gaze to be met by Jeno—that same guy that she had helped in the road like two months ago. He comes closer, waving at her and by the look in her eyes, she must have thought something about his hair, for she takes a look at it. In his mind, Jeno thinks she has just realized he went from a bleached blonde to a soft lavender, but perhaps she is thinking about how he looks exactly like a bath bomb.
“You’re…wow…hi!” She introduces, leaning forward on the counter and smiling happily at the sight of Jeno. “You’re Jeno, the guy with the motorcycle.”
“I am. I would love to say the same thing with your name, but I don’t really know it.” Jeno adds and she shakes her head with a laugh, telling him her name slowly but he already knew it, given thanks to the nametag on her shirt. He sees the screen of the computer by the counter, a YouTube playlist showing a lot of hits from the rapper that seems to have a lot of fans. If two people he knows are huge fans of him, that is something big. “I take it you’re still not over that song?”
Embarrassment pokes at her cheeks and she sighs. “If I like something, I really like it. It’s rare for me to get over things.” She replies casually and Jeno nods his head, resting his hands on the counter to lean forward. Then, he feels someone’s gaze over his face and he realizes that the other worker is glancing at him.
“That’s good.” He adds with a smile, completely ignoring the guy that is unabashedly looking at him. “Uh…this might sound really awkward, but I have a project to complete. Basically, I have to take some good shots of this thrift store, movie style and I would ask for your permission to record here.”
“That’s fine with me. I don’t think there is a rule against that…” She answers and then, she rests her chin on the palm of her hand, elbow flushed against the surface of the counter. “What kind of project is it? Schoolwork?”
“I’m a film major.” What once Jeno had boosted on—his major and how good he is at it—is now his biggest insecurity. He doesn’t think he is good now, nor does he think he is getting better. He hates the fact that he has lost his confidence in something that made (Makes? Will make?) him happy. “And I really didn’t like the idea of recording in this kind of place, but I think I have an idea now.”
She shrugs her shoulders at that. “Consider me in. I’ll help you with anything you need.”
Jeno smiles at that. “Actually…I do need your help.”
“You do?”
“Yes.” Jeno finishes and then, he takes his camera equipment out of his backpack. He flutters his eyelashes against his cheeks when he smiles, half-moons welcoming her once again and Jeno is starting to feel a little bit heated up when he is around her. Pretty, definitely reminds him a lot of the girl he is texting. “I’m going to do a kind of look-book. I’m going to be my own model, but I need some styling assistance. I want a 90’s vibe, with warm colors and a lot of style references and hopefully you can help me get some nice shots, too.”
She widens her eyes, because it may be too much to ask for someone who should actually be working, but when Jeno thinks that she is going to decline his offer politely, she tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear as she rambles about an idea she had. “I saw these glasses that we have that are so like what you are describing. I think we can put some outfits together and all that stuff.”
“That’s it! You see my vision!” Jeno lifts his hand up in the air and she gives him a high five, the two exchanging smiles in an enchanting way. She pulls away from him, talking about what she is envisioning inside her brain and Jeno listens to her excitement. “You have to turn me into Sik-K.”
She looks over her shoulder, chuckling before shaking her head. “You want me to turn you into my dream guy?”
Jeno gasps at that, placing his hand over his chest in faux offensiveness. “Listen—on a scale of one to ten, that rapper is a nine point seven and I am a nine point eight.”
Her laughter is soft before she bites down on her bottom lip, gently. “I don’t need to turn you into him. I think you’re fine as you are.”
His heart flutters at the compliment, strangely enough.
What starts with one outfit turns into two and three. Luckily for him, they find a good corner of the big thrift store to come up with something good and along the way, she captures a lot of what Jeno wanted in this recording of his. Ripped jeans, flannels, caps, glasses, some band shirts and then onto brighter colors. At some point, along the third outfit, Jeno feels shy—not because he is looking bad, quite the contrary, he looks so good and so done up that he almost feels like he is not himself. She had picked a beige suit that had been there for quite a few years, paired with a black t-shirt underneath, tucked inside the high-waisted beige pants that made his legs look longer. Somehow, the lavender shade of his hair looked good with the colors and for that one shot, he was thinking of going outside. Maybe, a view from underneath that showed more of the sky and less of blank walls and the dim lightning of the thrift store. Something that would make the colors of the suit really stand out.
Once he comes out of the fitting room, he immediately seeks for her approval. Her eyes go up and down his body, a smile appearing on her face at the mere sight of him. Jeno, like a dream that just came out of the nineties, is the type of person that anyone would fall for. “Oh…I made a good choice.” That boosts Jeno’s ego, his hands fidgety at being the center of attention, but he doesn’t show it all that much. “So, what’s your plan?”
“A sky shot…but I brought my tripod. You can go back to work.”
Before Jeno could take the camera away from her hands, however, she shakes her head and that leads her to bring the camera closer to her chest. “Jisung’s got it…besides, it’s too early for people to drop by here and actually take my attention, so let me help you with this!”
Jeno squints his eyes, resting his hands inside the not-so-deep pockets of the suit he is wearing as he walks alongside her. “You’re really a whole angel, with a halo and all that stuff.” He compliments and the sight of her grin is enough to make him continue. He stares ahead, nonetheless, not wanting to look like she has him interested. “I might have to pay you with something. You like movies?”
“I mean…who doesn’t?”
“Exactly.” Jeno says and then, he nudges her side with his elbow. “I’ll give you a ticket to any movie you want once. This offer is only available for a month, though.”
She gasps at his offer, holding the camera up to his face once they are outside. Jeno says something about her kneeling down and as he thinks of his pose, she speaks. “No way!”
“Yes, of course! I work at a cinema, it’s what I can do.” Jeno adds and before she could say anything else—something along the lines of not wanting to accept—he interrupts her. “I want a shot of me kind of covering my face and looking down, you know.” Jeno grabs the jacket that he had brought with himself initially, that she had over her shoulder for some reason, and he talks to her. “Lift your knees up. I don’t want you getting aches.” He says and she does as he ordered, watching as he placed the somewhat fluffy jacket under her weight. “Kay.” He mumbles before he smiles. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I won’t.”
Anyone could notice that Jeno is comfortable with himself, although his confidence has been vanishing a bit. His eyes are covered from the sun with a hand that splays softly across his face elegantly, moving to his side so the length of his legs can be seen. She moves around a bit, enough to get nice shots of him—not that his angles were bad, in any way—and the last thing Jeno does is smile happily, perhaps because he has finished his project with enough footage to do something, or because it is rare to get help. The acts of kindness he has seen during this year are almost nonexistent,
Sometimes, all we need is someone to remind us that society is not as rotten as it seems to be. That the sun hides, like any of us do, but some time in its life it will come up to remind everyone just how important it is. Jeno thinks that helping someone twice without expecting anything in return is almost impossible, but he can only hope that a handful of good things happen to the woman that seems more like an angel to him. When he is stepping out of the thrift store, changed and holding a bag that kept the suit he had worn—thanks to her, because she says that suit was meant to be worn by him—, he takes his phone out of his pocket before asking:
“Can I have your number? We can talk about that movie thing I offered earlier.”
She nods her head, bashful and tingling with excitement as she dictates her phone number. Jeno writes it down, until he sees there is already one person saved under that name…
Not Ryosuke.
That girl.
“Holy fuck!” Jeno laughs at the own twists and twirls of life, like a ballerina that forgot her steps. She looks at him as if he is crazy, and maybe he is, because in the matter of seconds he is showing her the screen and her expression suddenly turns into one of realization. “I didn’t know we already knew each other. I promise this wasn’t planned.”
“Well…that’s unexpected.” She whispers before rubbing her temples with her fingers. “No wonder you reminded me so much of him.”
“Exactly.” Jeno smiles and then, he changes the contact’s name and licks his lips soon after. “I still keep my promises, though. We’re going to watch any movie you want.”
“Hey, there is another box of underwear here and I’m too scared to look. What if it’s dirty?!” Jisung asks in a loud tone from somewhere in the store and she curses under her breath, saying her goodbyes and waving at him before going over to the young man.
Jeno should have known that there will never be two of her.
“Guess what I found.”
“I don’t know.”
“My old Nintendo DS. And I have Nintendogs on it.”
“Ooh, this is going to be a wild night.”
Sometimes, life surprises Jeno. Any of us, really. Think of the amount of times you have gotten bad news on a good day, or vice versa, and you’ll be surprised by the fact that there is no amount of sixth senses that can help you with knowing the future. That is scary, on one end, to not know if you’re going to be happy for the entirety of your life or if there is an abyss of emotions waiting for you. In this occasion, he is not bothered by said facts, because he is with her. The woman whom he had taken to the cinema for free, and he had asked Jaemin to cover him as he watched a movie for the nth time. They talked a lot, getting a few glances from the people who were actually trying to watch the movie, but Jeno works there. What are they going to do? Call the manager on him?
Luckily, they didn’t call the manager.
And now he is there, third date if you may call it—if buying her a bagel when she gets out of work counts as a date—. He thinks it was, simply because he had walked her home after that. Right now, they are seated across one of the prettiest parks in Seoul, a red and white fabric underneath them as a simplistic way of indicating they are on a picnic date, but the food is already gone and he actually wanted to play some games with her. Nintendogs sounded like a good idea. It included animals and definitely not a lot of effort.
They say meeting your soulmate consists of finding someone exactly like you, but be damned the person that created such concept. Sometimes, you just need someone that connects with you—that is the complete opposite of you and yet, they are willing to spend time with one another. Jeno pulls the hood of his shirt up his hair, considering if he should dye it back to black after he heard her say she likes that color on him—thanks to some pictures she had seen—but for now, lavender will do. She gets closer to him, watching the screen as it displays the entrance logo and then, the sight of a poodle welcomes them, along with her laughter. “Oh no, you did not!”
“Did not what?” Jeno asks and then his eyes go to the dog’s name, chuckling along with her at the sight of his poor attempt at an English name. Ducky. “I didn’t know Ducky was like…duck, you know. I thought it was cute.”
“That’s the blandest, most random name for a dog.” She plays around with the screen a little bit, trying to feed the dog only to be welcomed by the zeroes on his account. “And we’re basically at the verge of being poor?! Jeno! We need to find cheats for this game so we can feed the dog!”
“We are going to take him to a running championship and get some cash. Relax.” Jeno looks at her, their faces far too close for two people who have not even gotten remotely close to kissing. Not that Jeno does not want to, but he had kind of forgotten how to take that step. He doesn’t want to seem like an absolute creep, but he would be lying if he said that he does not enjoy the sight of her glossy lips coated in lip-gloss only recently. “Just trust me?” He whispers, his eyes shining like the stars that she has gotten tired of seeing, but they seem brand new on his orbits. She seems to try to find somewhere to look at, like his eyes or his lips or everything, because everything about him deserves to be looked at.
“I trust you.”
“Doesn’t seem like it.”
“And how can I show you that I really trust you?”
Jeno raises his eyebrows momentarily, trying to find the words in him to tell her something, anything, maybe there are no words that could compare to what a kiss would mean. Jeno is a coward, however, bumping his shoulder with hers and saying a simple: “I know you already trust me, silly.”
And anyone could tell, from meters or miles away, that the pair liked one another. Not like how the sun likes the moon, those type of analogues are starting to die down, but like two people who simply knew the biggest meaning behind feeling something. It was meant to be there, to be lived, to be felt, to be embraced because no matter how much sadness or despair, happiness or anger is felt, it should be given time to stay there and coexist with you.
He saves it for later, because it is always more of a comforting blanket to imagine that things will get easier along the way. Someday, he is going to kiss her and he is going to do it right. For now, however, he will keep that action on the low.
He has never told her that he loves the way she looks at him.
It has been five dates, and Jeno is still looking for that perfect moment to finally kiss her, but it is a thought that passes through his brain when they are roaming around a convenience store to get some snacks for their videogame night. Jeno holds the door open for her, and she looks over her shoulder just to thank him in a soft tone, but he is more than glad that someone like her likes him the moment he finally realizes just how she glances at him. There is something in her eyes, as if she sees Jeno as someone that is worth more than a million things. To her, he is a human being that shines his light—not only because of his successes, but for his failures, too. Jeno is strong, in one way or another, not only when he holds her but when he continues for his dreams, even when he feels like giving up.
The air conditioner is quite too cold at the convenience store, and they are taking their precious time to pick their snacks or the drinks they are going to have. She complains under her breath that her t-shirt is too thin to keep her warm, and that is Jeno’s cue to wrap his arms around her waist, bringing his chest closer to her back and his lips to press down on her shoulder. There is also not a single soul near them at the convenience store, only the workers that don’t seem to be paying that much attention to anything but the soccer game that is displayed in one of the TV’s. “Jeno,” She whines, although she leans back a bit as she looks through the packages of ramen she was just looking at. “What do you want? Pork flavored…chicken…seafood?”
“I’m feeling chicken tonight.” Jeno whispers and she giggles when his lips move against her neck.
“You’re tickling me.”
“Stop it, Jeno. People are going to look at us weirdly.”
“You were cold!”
“We need to survive.”
“I’m not going to die from the cold.”
Jeno groans as he pulls away from her, taking a cart from nearby to put three packages of ramen inside the cart, moving forward as they remain in silence for a few seconds, pondering on what they should buy next. “I’m going to take revenge. I’m so going to beat your bum on Just Dance.”
She fakes a shivering motion, as if it is going up her spine. “I am shaking. Look at me.” She replies and Jeno juts out his bottom lip in a pout. She chuckles at the sight, immediately turning to look at him and properly give him all her attention. Sometimes, he wonders if this is the best he will ever feel with someone, because he has had a number of girlfriends…and none of them had made him feel like this. There aren’t butterflies roaming around his stomach, neither a zoo—it feels peaceful, like she is meant to be there and he is meant to accompany her, and they were meant to meet. Through text, or through his motorcycle running out of fuel. “I’m kidding.” She cutely adds before pinching his cheeks, moving his face from one side to the other before sighing. “Let’s keep shopping.”
The best part of the night that is only starting comes when they get out of the convenience store, walking over to Jeno’s motorcycle as they speak about their encounters with videogames. When he gets on his spot, he feels her sitting down behind him, something that she has done a few times already, but the moment she wraps her arms around his waist, bag filled with snacks sounding with the quick breeze, Jeno turns around, placing one hand over hers to ask:
“Are you set in place? I don’t want you falling off the motorcycle or something.” He turns on the motorcycle as he says those words, and she smiles before nodding her head. Jeno, either way, asks once again. “Are you sure? I’m being mad serious.”
Before he knows it, he feels the soft texture of her lips pressing against his in a quick kiss, as if she just needs to remind him that he is the most caring person she has ever met in this world, and there is nothing else she would rather be doing at that moment. Jeno continues the kiss, only pulling away when she does so to open his eyes softly to look at her. She pats his bicep, as if nothing had happened, but then she rests her cheek against his back. “I’ll be fine. Let’s just go.”
“I don’t think I want to go now.” He says, still starting the motorcycle and driving it towards his shared apartment.
“Because you had more balls than me to kiss me and that’s…that’s the most attractive shit ever, oh my God.”
And the sound of her laughter is enough to ease him up.
Jeno has always loved comedy movies, and while he should really get tired of watching hours and hours of footage of both good and bad movies, he never does. For some reason, Jeno thinks that every movie is worth a watch, but when he is feeling down, he likes to have a good laugh when his face is illuminated by the colors of the television screen, wrapped snugly in a blanket, only staring ahead even when his eyes are technically burning from his long hours of movie-watching. Any other day, he would have been accompanied by Dongyoung’s grumbling about how he cannot watch movies in such a high volume, but right now he hears the sound of his door opening, then some heels clicking and finally, the sound of his keys being tossed to his side.
The light turns on, and he is welcomed by the sight of his girlfriend, who takes in his surroundings. Bags of snacks that are left empty, his hair a mess under his blankets, his thin lips plumper thanks to the spicy chicken he had and finally, just finally, she lets out a smile that greets him with a new beginning, telling him that he will be alright, even when life tries to tell him it won’t. “Try to brush your hair at least, okay?” She asks, walking forward to pull the blanket off Jeno and run her fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes, now realizing just how tired he is. Of finally coming to the realization that he has failed that class that he has been fighting so hard to pass, of living his life with his creativity tied to the words in a book, of the insomniac nights and the footage he deletes. He rests his face against her stomach, wrapping his arms around her legs and closing his eyes tightly.
“I was just too lazy to do anything.” Jeno whispers against her stomach, tickling her with the movement of his lips before he rests his chin against the skin, looking up with tired eyes. “I thought you were going to study for a test.”
“I studied earlier because I knew you’d be down.” The answer makes his heart grow in size and he bites his bottom lip, trying his hardest to give her one of those bright smiles that he tends to give away like it is Christmas time, but he fails entirely. Is it his fault that he has only liked two genres in his life: action and comedy, and that he is living through the worst drama that he has ever seen? Maybe, but that is just how life is. She takes a seat beside him, turning off the device in front of them before scoffing. “Baby, I am so proud of you…and you should be proud, too. Sure, you failed that class…but you tried your hardest, and learned a lot, and improved.” He looks at her, finally coming to the realization that he might like a new genre of movies now. Romance, even when he surely gags at how stupid most romance movies are, but theirs…the one they have made…seems to be bound to have a good ending. “That is what is important. Just take that same class with another professor next time and you’ll be fine.”
“Yes. I’ll be fine. Thank you.” Jeno whispers and then, he smacks her thigh lightly, although the sound goes around the living room. “Let me brush my teeth and then we can take a nap, okay?”
“I’d love that.”
When he stands up to go to the bathroom, he takes one last glance at his girlfriend, looking through his selection of movies with a peaceful look on her face and he smiles.
Life is not like a movie, but some things are way better.
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gumceline · 4 years
another massive bubbline shipper here too say i got mad respect for this blog. as much as i stand by my ship 1000%, i also stand by the fact its totally okay too ship them with other people. i admit the bubbline fandom can be pretty toxic, but alot of us will stand by you. not only are you being super respectful even when you get hate, but you arent straight washing. also the way you looked at the negative parts of our community with understanding in last post, that was real great
oh i appreciate it! I prefer never to judge an entire fanbase by one dude because EVERY fanbase has THOSE people, no fanbase is ever perfect.
I really wished my experience with bubbline shippers had been better, it really was unfortunate to have countless hate, to have people make posts mocking me, to be put on “Lists to block”, not to mention that i legit had supportive friends who were bubbline shippers, but they pretty much turned their back on me, abandoned me, and called me a “Homophobic uncaring asshole”.
It really broke my heart dealing with the stuff i did, and i wasn’t perfect either, but i still don’t think i deserved what that was. I was a kid at the time, and was still having fun and i REALLY wanted to be a part of the fanbase because i love the series and loved the characters, but the fandom just....hated me.
Because i was a multishipper and had different opinions on the characters.
It really didn’t matter to them that i also shipped the characters with other female characters, or i said myself i don’t consider them straight. Because the fandom didn’t really care, they took one look and decided nothing i said mattered.
Being in the star fandom is widely different because the biggest ship there is Starco, a MXF (Which i personally don’t really like but that’s just me), and my favorite ship was...and still is Tom and Marco, because i love their chemistry so much and i genuinely consider them to be a much more believable relationship then the romance they wrote for star and marco.
And trust me, it’s always annoying if you don’t ship the most popular ship and like another pairing more but are succumbed to it everywhere regardless of the characters themselves.
But me not shipping star and marco didn’t make me someone who hated straight people, so i don’t think it’s collectively fair to tell anyone who may of liked marcy or bonnie with finn or maybe they ship them with a male oc of theirs....hate lesbians or were just homophobic.
it’s Like if i took finn out of his (Maybe) relationship with huntress and shipped him with....Tiffany (Who is a male character)...that wouldn’t mean i suddenly hated all straight couples and think finntress should burn.
That’s still a huge leap to jump to and extremely dangerous because you’re collectively accusing someone of something serious without really knowing much more about them then “They like this ship”.
Without any knowledge of them outside of that.
You could effectively damage their rep and make their time in the fandom a living hell out of something minor or something you just assumed, i would know.
I welcome progress, i am quite happy for the bubbline shippers who got their ship, heck...i’m STILL mad that we didn’t get poly tom x marco x star on star vs and felt VERY baited by the crew on that.
but even though i am happy for those people, i don’t think it’s validation to beat up on other shippers either, it does nothing for anyone’s case to do that. If the people are actual bigots who are actively acting terrible and throwing around nasty words and doing terrible stuff, then by all means, call them out.
But people who are just causally shipping stuff for fun? In a way it just feels like using them being a gay ship as a weapon against everyone else, because if they disagree with you and have a different opinion you can effectively boil them down to a bigot and no one might question it...especially when it’s the vast majority.
And that should not be acceptable to do, i ended up hearing from a friend of mine that this fandom actively started purging out other creators for having opinions people didn’t like, and now people are starting to regret that they shunned out so many members of the fandom based on things that were probably incredibly trivial in the long run.
And i get it, it’s an important ship, but it’s important as a rep of that ship to be respectful to others, because if not what you’ll end up doing is turn people away. I would like to be more celebratory of your success in getting the ship canon, but it makes it harder if i’m getting several messages asking when i’m deleting my “Hateful” blog because bubbline was now canon.
I’d like to get along with and support these people, but they don’t want to try and support me and have almost just decided to hate me and it sucks, and there’s not much i can do. That’s why i am thankful for those who don’t just immediately decided to judge me and want to know more about my views on the characters. 
This of course does not apply to the community as a whole, not everyone is acting like this, but it is a problem and it has consequences and i hope the fandom does work on it in the future. Please do better in the future.
Now when it comes to shipping, I have my limits personally, like if the characters have canon sexualities i tend to stick to those sexualities, i for one, have a oc that’s gay. I effectively tell others if they make fanart with him for fun that’s great and i love it, but i want his sexuality respected if ships are involved.
Since the AT ones are left in the air, it means i am left to come up with my own ideas, so that’s what i do. I think everyone should be allowed in that regard to have their own interpretations, marcy could be bi, lesbian, ace,pan, ect and all of those are perfectly acceptable headcanons.
i don’t think one should be held superior over another.
I’ve never looked at Marcy or PG and said “Oh yeah, these two are so obviously straight”, they’re about as straight as a bent nail. XD The people who say this stuff clearly don’t follow me to know that they’re not treated as straight here and i think that’s just frustrating because it’s attacking for completely incorrect information.
And the main problem i think i have, like the biggest issue, is i see the F&C characters differently.
Because i know where the fandom is getting this impression people who these other pairings are homophobic is coming from, it’s because most of the fandom doesn’t really see those characters as much more then well...GB characters.
If i saw tomco, and one was turned to a girl to avoid them both being boys, i would be annoyed, i would, i wouldn’t assume the person was homophobic without other evidence but i’d be annoyed. (I mean for all i know it could be an au and i could be mistaking the situation entirely)
What makes this different for me, is because for one, these aren’t fan-characters, the fans didn’t make a genderbent world and design these characters for fun or anything. These were show characters, that were in episodes and have their own comics and all that.
The way the show approached them for me, makes me feel like they’re kinda misjudged, and people don’t have to agree with me on that fact. But i just feel like between them being fanfiction characters ice king made up, the fact their canon is different, the fact the characters do things the F&J characters don’t do, i just can’t help but feel like treating them as if they were something fans did for fun and have no difference outside of their gender is not the right approach for them.
(I mean ice queen died in one comic and has her own unique origin story which is apparently tied to cake’s, flame prince apparently speaks cat and is the most nervous and awkward cutie I've ever seen, gumball is apparently a card wars superfan and legit takes it WAY too seriously, i just can’t really look at these characters and say “Oh, these are all just Ice King, Flame Princess, and Princess Bubblegum but the opposite gender”).
I feel like the show does enough with them,and had a unique enough approach, that i feel like they should be judged as different characters. Like the redraws of regular episodes with the F&C characters are cute but they’re for fun and probably not what ice king wrote for them in his weird stories.
Like i can’t imagine ice king knew PB so well he made sure gumball had her entire backstory and motivations.
And i feel like the people who do enjoy these ships, heck, ALL FOUR of these ships, feel the same way i do. I’m sure some could def be shipping them for the wrong reasons, but i can’t help but think it’s less about their gender and more that other people recognize they’re different and have considered the different dynamics...like they would if they were shipping any other pairing.
And people don’t have to agree with any of us on that, but i don’t think the alternative should be to accuse us of something so heavily either.
These days i have newer friends who like bubbline who are chill with me, and yeah that’s cool, and i personally don’t really draw the ship myself because i’m still not too comfortable in the AT fandom or with the community right now....the situation with it never leaves me feeling safe frankly.
But we get along, they’re lovely, and the shippers who like bubbline but support the blog are also lovely people and i adore them.
At the end of the day i just want to have fun, i’m fine being in a small subsection of the fanbase and who knows, maybe i have gotten people to think about the F&C characters in a new light, i’m not sure.
But i hope maybe at some point the fandom can chill down and we can support each other without turning it into...whatever that entire situation is. Because i don’t want to be fighting with that community and would prefer to get along with them, but only time will tell.
But thanks for the support! I wish you the best ! I sometimes still have a lot to learn but i hope throughout this whole thing I've gone about it as respectful as possible.
I love the show and all the characters and the fun ships and relationships, i hope someday in the future i can be comfortable enough to get back into the fandom as much as i used to be! ^-^
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saint-patrice · 5 years
“Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD” 
here are some more of my favourite marchy pics, complete with my bizarre personal commentary, for anon! the 34 bergy pics can be found here also!
Note: a few people have said they like these posts, so i’m up for taking people’s requests if there’s a particular player they’d like to see! inbox is always open (and anon is on) so just drop me your request and i’ll get working on it :)
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okay so this is some absolutely premium cute marchy!! the smile that manages to be completely self-confident yet in no way cocky? the polite little wave as he surveys his audience who, if i recall correctly, were booing him heavily?? oh i do love you mr rat. marchy is fantastic and i have so much respect for the way he deals with his reputation across the league and the excessive amount of shit he gets.he knows what people think of him yet doesn’t seem to let it get to him. i have so much love for him.
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KATRINA IS LEGENDARY. before moving on to the part of the image that gave me whiplash when i first saw it, we’re back to talking about brad’s smile. i think i said it in my last post but he really is one of those people who smiles with their whole face - even if you just saw his eyes in this photo you can immediately tell that he’s got that little grin on his face and that’s adorable tbh. now onto the d*lf mug (censored bc i fear the dodgy underground porn blogs these days)… i don’t even know where to start. i feel like he very proudly bought it for himself. and it’s like the only mug he ever wants to drink out of. just my take. i also think the longer hair really suits marchy ngl
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ahhh the boys and their dirtbag christmas suits 💛 highlights of this image are the suit jacket that is definitely just one size too small for this absolute man rocket, and the pants with “FRAGILE” plastered all over them - very relatable if not at all festive.
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gay rights are stored in the rat!!! i’m glad marchy has been pretty open about his support of LGBT stuff, particularly within hockey. also i feel like some of the stuff he’s said in interviews or social media (esp re: lickgate) manages, even if not intentionally, to be quite diminutive towards implicit homophobia or ‘toxic masculinity’ within hockey. okay maybe that that was poorly expressed but basically he just doesn’t give a shit and appears very open and accepting and i think that’s super nice. this picture also makes for a good reaction image when someone says something dumb
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short kings love.jpeg !! a wonderful example of the love that brad shows his teammates on a regular basis, despite his constant chirping. i have no real opinions on torey krug (no h8, i just don’t think i’ve seen that much of him off ice so idk) but him and marchy are quite the duo tbh, i live for their back and forths on twitter - more on that later - and they seem to love each other an awful lot, it’s v cute :^)
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that’s my pest™. honestly i think lickgate is one of the best scandals in recent hockey history. when looking for a good image of this is saw an article where some dipshit reporter was outraged about it and was like “how would you feel if someone just came up and liked you?” i mean what if someone just came up and started punching you or hip-checked you into the wall????? hockey is a nasty game a lot of the time, and instead of giving people concussions or broken bones (not that he hasn’t in the past ik…) marchy managed to make opposing teams just as angry, if not moreso, just by licking players. i think it’s fucking hilarious. and most of them took it well in hindsight anyway - i think it was komarov who said he kinda liked it lmaoooooo. peak bradley kevin antics if you  ask me
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every pic from the china trip has such a special place in my heart. this is just an all-round adorable photo and brad is looking gorgeous in the sunlight and his backwards cap
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brad waving the towel in surrender is just about the funniest thing i’ve ever seen someone do in the penalty box… i can’t believe they gave him a 10 minute misconduct for it, something i think they’d wouldn’t have done if it had have been someone else. at least someone in this league has a goddamn sense of humour. the penalty minutes stat in the corner just makes this even better
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brad, once again, showing us how we should deal with people talking shit about us - just get on board with it. i love how much he’s just embraced his massive nose and his height and his general reputation. idk if it’s really deliberate but i think it’s such a good message to send, and it makes for some pretty funny stuff too.
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brad single-handedly keeps nhl refs in a job. in my bruins drinking game™ you have to take a shot every time the ref has to physically restrain marchy (2 if it’s because he was going to get revenge or fend for bergy) and you could get fucked off that alone during some games. it was nice to see him not actually get suspended this year, but i will always love that he’s such a physical player and quite the pest on the ice :))
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me: *slaps helmet of brad marchand* this bad boy can fit so much personality.
really though, can you believe he’s managed to squeeze more charisma into only 5 feet and 9 inches than 85% of the league combined… very cute picture, and always lovely to see him by bergy’s side on the ice where he belongs
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oh my goddddddd how fucking cute is this though!!!! the hat! the dad energy those jeans and the boots give off!!! his face!! his little daughter!!!!! i can’t take it, my heart is going to burst.
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(gif via @kureally) this is also just so cute, i need a minute. brad has some very powerful eyebrows and this gif displays them wonderfully. this section of behind the b was also pretty sweet all round, and i agree with pasta that the hair is looking pretty first class
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(gif via @murlin09) i am not like into marchy (no tea no shade if u are though), but this gif… whew. i’ll let you come to your own conclusions on this one, gang
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i was not lying when i said more on the brad-torey social media antics earlier. there are some truly iconic chirps (the zamboni one is lethal), but this self-roast just kills me every time. i never once thought i’d read a tweet from the official brad marchand twitter account that opened with “hey shorty” but here we are. “my nose wouldn’t fit” i astral projected the first time i read that. and if you’re wondering what torey said to prompt this, it was simply “hey marchy”. it doesn’t take much for brad to light on you, huh? we better watch our backs
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definitely a favourite marcheron pic right here - the pucks and paddles (i still think that’s a questionable name but maybe that’s a me issue) content is always top notch. if you can find the video, it’s even better, but this picture captures the general energy of the video perfectly. the only thing missing is that brad’s feet aren’t actually on the floor because the height difference is so pronounced that bergy has to lift him. beautiful
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return of the cute brad smile!! a cute yet mischievous little grin, i can only assume he’s restraining himself from laughing at m*tthews fivehead (although who is he to talk with that schnozz. at least he rocks it tbf 👃🏻). not sure blue is really his colour but he’s going for it anyway. that’s my all star!
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it’s been days since this photo first surfaced and i haven’t stopped palpitating. the cutest photo ever, they all look so happy and i love that!!! also how are their wives so beautiful….!? oh my every pixel of this image is just stunning
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i know i included this in my last bergy list but if they can name new york twice i think i can put this on 2 lists, because lord knows it’s even more iconic. i feel like this is a good metaphor for brad marchand: getting up to no good, although still relatively harmless, all the while supported by the considerably more sensible, yet still entertaining, patrice bergeron. additionally, another excellent display of the oft-overlooked fact that this man is built like a motherfucking tank. holy shit
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i wish i could see these boys in suits without my brain immediately trying to think of some sort of au. anyway, i really like this look on brad (unpopular opinion - i love his loud checkered suits as a concept but i don’t think they look good). although he has dark hair, strong eyebrows, and dark facial hai, the all black actually looks really good on him. coffee in hand really adding to the look too - well done, brad “fashionista” marchand.
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ahhhhh i love nothing more than family man marchy 💛 his daughter is adorable - those tiny jerseys kill me - and i love that his son is wearing the all-star jersey omg how cute (he is definitely going to end up taller than brad lmao)
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sometimes i forget that brad is short and then i see photos like this (brandon is 6′5 for reference)…amazing. i relate to the lady on the left on a spiritual level. brad’s face is a mood and a half. his feet are half a foot of the ice at least. i adore this photo.
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(gif via @brandoncarlo) absolutely one of my fav things about watching bruins games is how brad and patrice will always find each other during a celly - nothing beats the 100 hug. this is also just a very satisfying skating gif that i love.
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last but very very very far from least is this. there is literally no need for me to make any comment on this so i’m just going to leave it and go. bradley kevin marchand you are iconic and ily
ayyy this was super fun to do, thank you for requesting it anon, i hope you like!! again, i’m absolutely up for taking requests for more of these lists so hmu if you have ideas :) 
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