#i swear if a load of this gets deleted like last time
sc0tters · 5 months
Forgotten Feelings | Will Smith
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summary: confessions are made when you get trapped in an elevator with your ex
trope: right person wrong time
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.65k
author note: I have been dying to get this one out! We are back on the celly writing train and I have to say I really liked to one. To the four people who asked for this to be released tonight here we are and I home we all see it as a little think for the boys making it into the final tmrw or in my case today, it’s 4am! this apart of the 500 celly, if you want to see more from this you can do so here!
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Being Cutter’s sister came with a whole load of benefits.
You had a great older brother, a sports-active family. But most of all you met the guy that held all of your firsts that mattered to you, he was the first guy you slept with, the first you said I love you to. In truth though you weren’t meant to fall for Will, it happened years ago but when you started dating at the end of your junior year after he kissed you at your families lake house.
What felt like cloud nine where you’d constantly see him with you driving to his during most breaks. His family adored you much like yours did him. But that was what made him breaking up with you hurt so much more.
When Will called you it seemed like nothing was wrong “hey babe!” You smiled shutting your door as the call connected “hey.” Will had something that plagued his mind and unfortunately for him you noticed it “you okay?” You frowned fixing the strings of your hoodie.
He hated that he couldn’t lie to you “you know you’re a great person right?” The words rolled off of his tongue as it made you freeze “what are you getting at?” Your eyebrows raised as you grew skeptical “I think we should break up.” The hockey player blurted out as he had thought about this for the last week.
You were left silent as your mind went through all of the different reasons why he would want that “we could end up on different sides of the-” as Will tried to explain it to you it made you lose it “don’t try to act like distance would now be a problem you dick!” You spat letting the tears roll down your cheeks “I’m just doing what’s best for you.” In all honesty Will wanted to end things before he ended up on a regular team with Cutter.
But as you shook your head staring at the pictures of the two of you that hung on your wall “what’s best for me is deleting your number.” Before Will could say anymore the call was cut short as you threw your phone across the room as you pulled your body to your pillow “you okay dimple?” Cutter called out as he knocked on your door. The nickname came from the bulging dimple you got in your left cheek whenever you smiled “do I look okay?” You sniffled not noticing as your older brother pulled you into a hug.
Ending up at Boston University honestly wasn’t intentional, but when Cutter heard had been accepted there you knew you couldn’t say no to your brother. That’s how you ended up in the same class as Will. The shock that laced your face when you saw him was enough to have everyone picking up that you two had history.
Maybe it was stupid of Will to believe that you two could have gone back to what you once had but instead of getting to watch you fall back in love with him, he got to watch you flirt with a new guy at every party. What he didn’t know was that you were doing that only to piss him off. All of the hurt you felt had turned into rage and you needed him to feel what you had to go through during the summer.
You were barely keeping yourself afloat as your heart never found its way to heal from the pain the breakup had you feeling. It was easy avoiding him in college as you two only had a handful of conversations during your first semester. Will wanted to see more of you but everytime he got close you were practically running the other way. Resulting in only a handful of conversations actually happening between you both.
When Cutter got called up to go to Sweden it was a no brainer for you to go watch him. Even with your family there you still couldn’t face Will. It made you feel like you were going crazy when his sister would frown each time someone brought up Will around you. There were a group of Swedish girls that showed up at each of the games and they couldn’t help but giggle each time Will got close to the board in front of you guys “can’t believe he’s single!” The girl cheered as you felt envy coarse through your veins.
Grace smiled as she leaned over to talk to you “those girls don’t mean anything.” What she wanted to say was that Will was still in love with you but of course she couldn’t do that to him, not when he thought you moved on “even if they did it would be fine.” You lied through your teeth as you watched them scroll through Will’s Instagram. You hadn’t noticed that there were still so many pictures that once belonged to you on there.
You laughed as Will pulled his hat over his head "baby no!" He groaned as you pouted "but you look so cute." You mumbled running your fingers up his arm "give me a kiss first." Will pulled you onto his lap as he smirked.
His hands pinched at your waist as it made you squeal "want you doll." His fingers forced your jaw to look at him "you're so pretty." You blurted out making him smile "don't know what I'd do without you." Will sighed as he raked his fingers through your hair "still want that kiss?" You clicked your tongue making him laugh.
He nodded he licked his lips "think I should be taking pictures of you." Will mumbled as he kissed you, his eyes shut as he savored the taste of your vanilla lip oil on his tongue "now I'm getting that picture." The hockey player laughed at your determination "don't want this moment to end." You sighed seeing the date on your phone as you two only had a few more days left together before you were going home.
Will matched your look "then let's have it not end." He mumbled taking your phone as he flipped the camera taking a picture of the two of you as his lips pressed against your temple.
The memory replayed in your mind as the pictures from your time together at the lake house showed up on his feed. You weren't proud but when you got back to the hotel you were back on your phone and scrolling through his instagram account as you saw that not a single picture that you took had been deleted. Everyone in the comments gushed about how smiley Will was as nobody knew that it was you behind the camera and it was you that he was staring at. A picture in particular that you found yourself growing sick at was the first one he posted after the breakup. It was at the devs camp with San Jose and he just looked so unbelievably happy.
You wanted to curse him for that, you wanted to absolutely hate him for the way he pulled your heart from your chest and didn't look like he cared that he was no longer yours. Maybe it was the comments that those girls said earlier as it was finally getting to you, or maybe it was the fact that you noticed the thick silver chain that was on his neck. As you swore that it was the one that you had given him you began zooming into the picture, you changed the angles, you changed how zoomed in you were, and then you made the rookie mistake of actually liking the picture. As the red heart appeared you felt your own drop "fuck!" You whined kicking your legs as you shook your head.
It wasn't as though you could unlike it because the notification was still going to be sent to Will's phone and he was going to know that you had liked it. You hadn't even been given a chance to dig yourself a hole to let yourself crawl into it, Cutter had to call.
Because that's what brothers are for, right?
Your face hit your pillows as you answered "yes?" You groaned pressing it to your ear "dimple where are you?" Cutter frowned as he looked through the crowd trying to find you. Even as their family was there Cutter wanted his sister downstairs with him as he felt bad that Will and you still hadn't spoken "I will come down now." You pushed your hair out of your face as you began to rub your temple staring at the outfit that you were still in from earlier "good and if you see any of the other boys bring them with you!" Cutter's words made you laugh as you knew that it meant that the guys also weren't down yet either.
You mumbled something inchoerent as it made him laugh "just get down here in one piece okay?" He was amused as he shook his head hanging up the call "don't date another one of your brothers friends okay?" You spoke to yourself as you stared at the mirror.
It took you record time to get ready and now you were running to the elevator as you hit the ground floor button. Lousy elevator music clouded your ears all the way until you dropped two floors and were now left with the doors opening to one person you really didn't want to see "fuck." You mumbled to yourself as Will's face dropped "I'll wait for the next one." He offered going to press the close door button in your elevator but you shook your head.
Cutter was in the back of your head reminding you that you were strong enough to be civil with him "we can survive together in an elevator." You pointed out as you crossed your arms stepping to the side to give him space to stand in there with you "you played well today." You chewed at your lower lip as you stared at the ground.
Will sighed to himself as he hit the red stop button on the lift causing it to come to a halt "what the hell are you doing?" You yelled trying to pull his arm away but you were just too late "we need to talk about us." Will pointed to the gap between you both "what us are you exactly talking about?" You scoffed as you rolled your eyes.
You sucked at your teeth as you shook your head "because the last time I checked you broke up with me." Your finger pushed into his chest as you felt your throat begin to tighten "just hit the dang button so I can get out of here.” You pleaded as you motioned to the buttons of the wall “fine.” Will nodded as he pressed the button “what?” His eyes went wide as the elevator didn’t start moving again.
When panic set in for him you did the same “why are we moving?” You groaned as nothing happened “I think this is broken.” He announced placing his head in his hand “yeah no shit Will.” The hockey player rolled his eyes as he saw you sit on the ground.
You grumbled something yourself as you plotted all of the ways you could have killed him whilst he notified maintenance that you were in there “look I’m sorry that I got you stuck in here but it wouldn’t have happened if you just spoke to me.” Will’s words had you ready to lean over and punch him now because maybe that could have gotten him to shut up.
It was clear he wanted a reaction “you want to talk?” You snapped “then let’s talk about how you decided to dump me when you knew I applied to BC too!” He wanted to blame the distance before “I did it so you didn’t feel like I was the reason you picked it!” Will felt his voice break as tears welled in your eyes “you had no right!” You furrowed your eyebrows as you picked at your fingers.
He watched your face contort “yet you still treat me like I don’t exist.” It seriously did fuck with Will as he had to watch you talk to everyone but him “because it makes it easier.” You blurted out as you slapped your hand over your mouth realising that you were dangerously close to a can of worms “easier to do what?” Will’s voice came out louder than he would have hoped as he sighed.
You groaned as you rubbed your hand over your face "I can't pretend anymore." You shook your head as he waited for an answer “all I’m asking for this the truth.” In all honesty he didn’t know when he’d get you like this next so for now Will wanted to air all of the dirty laundry.
So desperately you wanted the elevator to start working again in that moment so you wouldn’t have to tell him “I’m maybe still slightly sort of somewhat in love with you.” You mumbled looking everywhere that he wasn’t “you are?” Will felt a smile form on his face as the words settled in the air.
It made you nod “I don’t know why I am because you’ve moved on so you won’t even care that I’m telling you.” You chewed at the inside of your cheek as you watched him smirk “this isn’t funny!” You scoffed as you leaned forward to shove his shoulder.
But Will was too fast for you as he wrapped his hand around your wrist pulling you closer to him “you think I’ve moved on?” He asked brushing your hair out of your face “like I want to be anywhere else in the world?” Will added as he watched you lick your lips “sort of why you want to dump someone usually.” Your voice was barely a whisper as you stared at him.
He sighed as he watched you remain quiet “I broke up with you because I thought you deserved someone better.” Will’s confession has you sitting up straight as your pupils blew “someone b-better?” You stammered as you moved away from him “you need someone who can be with you when you need them.” Will nodded as he brought his knees to his chest.
You now wanted to hit him because you were sad “you were all I needed.” Your voice was just a whisper as you sent him a frown “god I’m so sorry.” Will apologised as he shook his head “how did we fall so far?” You sighed as he reached out to cup your hand “because I wanted you to have more than I could give.” It made you smile as you shuffled so that you could sit next to him.
His words made you melt “next time you tell me if you think I want more okay?” You let out a soft laugh as the boy tensed “next time?” Will repeated your words as you nodded “I want to try again.” You mumbled staring down at his lips as though they were calling for you.
Will was quick to agree “I’d like that.” He brought his hand to your cheek as he pulled you into a kiss “fuck I’ve missed you.” The hockey player groaned as his voice had you smiling.
What felt like hours had passed by the time that the electricians came and fixed the elevator “thank god you’re okay!” Both of their families stood together as they saw their kids walk out “Will why are you wearing lipstick?” Grace smirked as Cutter stared at you “and why is yours all smudged?” Cutter added as he crossed his arms “funny story.” You trailed off as you awkwardly smiled.
You ended up telling Cutter most of it, but the big detail you left out was that you now had a boyfriend.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
trevor fr punching
social media au - t. zegras x stroll!sister
fc: taylor hill
warnings: swearing
< n/a: this one is short bc i suffered a terrible drought of inspiration (i blame a levels) and this one is a week and a bit into the making but i do plan on *trying* to fire out more stuff! >
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liked by mclaren, colecaufield and 341,945 others
trevorzegras: that was crazy, i've never experienced that sort of atmosphere before it's absolutely electric the passion everything we've seen from the mclaren garage...
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fan1: ynstroll
fan2: this was defo an effort to rile up y/n
fan3: are they dating?
colecaufield: yeah these mclaren jackets are real comfy, might have to stay here all weekend ynstroll
jackhughes: i look good in orange
ynstroll: you're going to need your orthodontist on the phone again if you carry on
lhughes_06: oh shit, trevorzegras can we keep her?
trevorzegras: why me lol
jackhughes: lhughes_06 oops
fan4: #awkward
ynstroll: colecaufield is my favourite AND a hab so idk about trevorzegras and jackhughes chances here ngl
colecaufield: i fucking knew it
trevorzegras: WTF NO
ynstroll: beggars can't be choosers 🤷
jackhughes: i'll give you season box tickets and you can meet nico
ynstroll: tempting but i prefer glass views
jackhughes: i can sort it though
ynstroll: no thanks but i'll accept meeting nico
trevorzegras: absolutely not that can't happen
colecaufield: buddy, i hate to tell you this...
trevorzegras: tell me what
jackhughes: you need to make it official!!!!!!!
this post has been deleted
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liked by kyleallenofficial, jamie.drysdale and 419,173 others
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fan6: that's defo jamie in the first pic and i'm hoping she's teaching him guitar in the last one bc that'd be adorable
fan7: the lack of trevor in these and the load of jamie makes me think that she might be dating jamie instead of trevor...
fan8: no bc she's been wherever trevor has been for ages now
colecaufield: i think the real question is stagecoach or taylor swift
jamie.drysdale: always nice to know you enjoy my company 😄
ynstroll: babe i do, it's just taylor swift
jamie.drysdale: honestly, i get it
trevorzegras: i'm offended cole invited you over me
ynstroll: cole and i are besties
colecaufield: yeah, remember who introduced you guys 😏 
trevorzegras: 🙄 
fan9: idk what to do with this information
jackhughes: colecaufield wait what was the un-real question?????
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liked by trevorzegras, lance_stroll and 589,152 others
ynstroll: montreal, a pleasure as always!
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fan10: peep the boat photo 👀 
fan11: i'm peeping it 👀
fan12: AHH!!!! THE TEXTS!!!!!
fan13: i can hear trevor saying that it's actually incredible
colecaufield: everyone talking about the last photo but MY BEST FRIEND IS FUCKING GORGEOUS
colecaufield: can i say that or is it inappropriate
chloestroll: you can say it
ynstroll: it's not inappropriate KEEP HYPING ME UP BESTIE 🙌
trevorzegras: i beg to fucking differ
jackhughes: keep it in your pants, zegras
fan14: i think i need to cancel my kuwtk subscription because this is infintely more entertaining
_quinnhughes: me too
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liked by mickschumacher, lissiemackintosh and 499,153 others
ynstroll: i'm just a girl ✨🐚🌊🌺
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fan16: no bc it definitely is 😭
fan17: i'm in love with the caption
colecaufield: THIS IS A FAMILY SHOW
ynstroll: wtf did i do?????
fan18: i'm begging them to just address the rumours
lhughes_06: me too
lance_stroll: me three
ynstroll: lhughes_06 lancestroll 😐
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liked by jamie.drysdale, chloestroll and 301,845 others
trevorzegras: boomshakalaka
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colecaufield: you couldn't be serious just one time huh?
trevorzegras: fuck you 😀
jackhughes: you're punching
ynstroll: yeah he's punching your teeth out
liked by trevorzegras and _quinnhughes
jackhughes: never gonna let that go
fan21: fr we all knew
fan22: they weren't slick ✋
fan23: they're gorgeous together 😭😭😭
fan24: they look so good
fan25: how long have they been together
trevorzegras: 8 months 😛🤘
fan26: lmao what
colecaufield: OMG ME TOO
chloestroll: 💗💗💗
ynstroll: hope you're enjoying the honeymoon!! say hi to scotty and kelly for me
scottyjames31: i leave for a week and this happens???? why didn't i know about this???
ynstroll: scotty we talked about this what 😭😭
scottyjames31: omg we did
scottyjames31: trevor, long time no see!
trevorzegras: scotty! gotta get you some tickets for next season
scottyjames31: 😁😁😁😁😁 thanks
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liked by jemima_jo_kirke, danielricciardo and 528,193 others
ynstroll: #2 favourite hockey player
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trevorzegras: ouch
fan28: boy flew to this post 😭
ynofficial: babe you knew nico hischier came first in our relationship when you asked me to be your gf
nicohischier: i'm honoured?
ynofficial: you're very welcome
trevorzegras: who's that hot babe you're hugging?
ynofficial: that's cole, i must've accidentally added it in there 😬 apologies
trevorzegras: it could never be cole he's too short
colecaufield: sad but true
ynofficial: my short king 👑
colecaufield: love u
ynofficial: 😘
fan29: are we sure it's not cole and y/n that are in love
trevorzegras: honestly, i can't say that for certain
ynofficial: u know i only love you
trevorzegras: always nice to hear it ☺️
jackhughes: you got him WHIPPED bro
_quinnhughes: are you sure about him?
trevorzegras: OI
ynofficial: yes (but i appreciate the concern)
lance_stroll: are you ok, like, mentally?
ynofficial: you don't have to pretend to be concerned, i know you secretly love him too
lance_stroll: right ok 🙄
trevorzegras: golfing next week?
lance_stroll: name a time and place and i'll be there
trevorzegras: 👍
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mahoetei · 2 years
Mahoe’s Note: I’m back! Apparently. I’m slowly working on old stuff I just didn’t finish last time I was here, but for now, here’s something for anyone who might still be lurking here. 
I’ll probably do a fair few for this theme, a couple more One Piece are already in the works and I’ll do some for a few other fandoms too. So if anyone has any characters in mind they’d like to see do let me know and I’ll see what I settle on. I overwrote for this too, I’m sorry.
Notice! - this is a rework/repost of my writing from my old blogs, some of which have been deleted and some which are still around but inactive. I want to redo these so they’re following me over here and are better written than they used to be.
Warnings: Swearing, spoilers for some TV shows? A few references to adult activities I guess? So maybe the tiniest bit of NSFW? 
Themes/Incudes: Modern AU, Domestic Life
Word Count: 1801
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Living with... Eustass Kid
Lives in a flat, not a house. Probably one of the flats above a corner shop or takeaway place that looks a bit ugly from the outside. It’s a cheap rental flat, probably with a boat load of problems the landlord just isn’t going to fix, but it’s home and it gets the job done.
The flat is in a rough city central location, but it’s still an area where everyone looks out for one another. It’s a weirdly tight knit community with the odd petty crime and those ‘unfavourable types’ hanging around. 
I genuinely see Kid living in Scotland or the North/North East of England. Maybe the Midlands or somewhere in Ireland too. Places with some rough little areas, but good people that’ll bend over backwards for you at the same time? It’s hard to explain.
You will forever have mixed feelings over your decision to move in with Kid. Sometimes living with him is the greatest, but, the rest of the time you want to just smother him in his sleep.
Arguments are bound to happen every single day and they’ll often be over the pettiest of reasons. You walked past the TV screen while he was gaming online? Instant argument. You didn’t put his beer in the fridge so he has to drink the room temperature stuff? Oh boy, he’s pissed. He’s left the toilet seat up and you’re giving him grief over it? Absolute screaming match.
“Y/N, where the hell is the bread?” “Oh, we ran out,” “Fucks sake! Why the fuck did you not go out and buy more then!?”
Don’t take these arguments to heart too much, they really don’t matter to him, the need to bitch is just in Kid’s nature.
Thankfully, very serious arguments are a rarity but they are the scariest.
Your neighbours genuinely really hate you both, I’m sorry, it’s true. They’re praying for the day you’ll move out and inconvenience someone else.
Probably have had the police called out to your home for being such disruptive neighbours. Don’t expect Kid to apologise in these situations, he really doesn’t care about your neighbours feelings. In fact, he’s likely to go out of his way to be an even worse neighbour the more he knows he’s getting under their skin.
The amount of apologies you have had to make to the community is absolutely sinful, but someone has to do it and you’re kidding yourself if you think Kid will. Sorry is a word that barely makes it into his vocabulary and is reserved for the worst of fuckups.  
Has been arrested for giving the coppers a hard time on these home visits and is on a first name basis with most of the police in your town.
Your neighbours will hear absolutely everything that you guys do, so try not to be too embarrassed. Kid doesn’t have an inside voice and borderline shouts every other word so no matter whether you’re in the middle of a heated argument or are getting down and dirty, they just know.
Nights at home consist of junk food, the occasional takeaway and raunchy TV series’. Game of Thrones, The Boys, basically anything with explicit sex scenes, nudity and bloody violence has Kid super game. He’ll indulge you with series like Bridgerton and True Blood if they’re your cup of tea. For the tits, he’ll absolutely power through.
However, Kid will complain if you want to watch something that’s not to his taste at all, namely cheesy chick flicks or long period dramas with no action whatsoever. He’d honestly rather die.
Despite that, he secretly really enjoyed Grey’s Anatomy. All the doctors just fuck each other and do surgery all day, so he thinks it’s a little cool.
He was absolutely not okay when McDreamy died, he had to excuse himself to hide in the bathroom for five minutes just so you wouldn’t see, and refused to watch past that point. Fuck Grey’s Anatomy and fuck TV script writers.  
Was exactly the same over Ned Stark death, but he did manage to power on and keep watching through to the end. 
Metal music is played almost constantly throughout the day. Rock too, especially glam and classic rock, but never anything else.
Date nights usually consist of going into town to get drunk at various pubs before partying the night away at all the nightclubs in the area, no matter how sleazy the places are. Going to gigs and festivals are also extremely common.
If you’re at a gig or a festival, Kid will let you sit on his shoulders so you have the absolute best view. He’ll also use his strength to push forward to the very front so you’re as close to the stage as possible. Praise him for this or he’ll get pouty.
If anyone tries to squeeze your bum or touch you inappropriately in any way while you’re sitting on his shoulders, Kid will beat the absolute shit out of them. No one’s cupping a feel without being punished severely afterwards. Same goes for if you’re crowd surfing, the minute he sees any hands creeping where they shouldn’t or trying to pull you down, he’s there with fists flying.
Kid will also accompany you to any gigs for musicians he’s not the biggest fan of, but expect him to stand there looking annoyed and miserable. It’s the handsome boy bands that he hates taking you to see the most, he gets far too jealous.  
As a couple you have the most basic weekly routine that you had to make up to keep the household functional. Yes, you had to make it, Kid certainly wouldn’t. All household chores are to be done by Sunday at the latest and grocery shopping has to be done the same day so you don’t starve for the rest of the week or spend all of your money on takeaway. Sunday’s are always primetime for the most arguments because of this.
Kid is in charge of taking all of the bins out and he hates it. You’re pretty much on your own for the rest of the cleaning.
Expect him to make a lot of mess because Kid is entirely incapable of tidying up after himself. He’ll leave his clothes all over the floor, bread crumbs all over the bench and if he misses when he does try to throw something into the bin it’ll sit on the floor until you tend to it.
Kid doesn’t know how to work a washing machine but he’ll hang the clean clothes on the washing line or put them on the radiators to dry for you.
Kid is the type of guy who leaves crumbs in the butter and puts plates with food still on them straight into the sink.
Killer is always over at the flat. Always. And Kid wouldn’t have it any other way. At this point, Killer may as well just move into your spare room because the two are always hanging out together.
Mornings are ridiculously hectic because both of you want to use the bathroom first. Don’t waste your time, Kid will often win because he’ll just wrestle you back down into bed and then sprint down the hallway to the bathroom before you’ve even had the chance to get back up.
If you’re not gaming or watching TV together, you’re listening to music and doing cute creative hobbies. Kid surprisingly likes to make jewellery, often pretty but Gothic in design. He’ll give you some of it and sell the rest on Etsy or eBay.
Kid can draw very very well. Mostly he focuses on mechanical looking designs, but sometimes he’ll just sit and draw detailed sketchings of you while you’re distracted doing something else. If you ask he’ll spend some time teaching you how to draw too, he’s not a patient or kind teacher though.
Kid is a fairly frequent Snapchat and Instagram user. He’ll post the standard stuff like photos from a recent gig he attended, pictures of his art and a snap of the coolest addition to his growing weapons collection. But of course there are the couple selfies too and photos of you bending over to pick something up from the floor with a caption like ‘my view when I’m fucking them tonight’. He may or may not delete those depending on how nicely you ask him. 
Kid often gets banned from social media and from online gaming for periods of time. During these periods Kid gets extra volatile because he’s so bored. He’ll also get extra horny because in his mind all he can do is watch porn and fuck. So, beware, he will hound you.
He either stays up stupidly late which makes him extra grumpy in the morning or he’ll go to bed at the same time as you so he can get away with cuddling without it being seen as him being cute or romantic.
Your home is usually messy and chaotic, I’m sorry, it’s just the truth. No matter what kind of cleaning you do, Kid does not care enough about it and really isn’t going to pull his weight. People best not come to his flat if they’re going to bitch at him about his mess; he’ll gladly tell anyone who does to fuck off.
Kid will get rid of any spiders for you if you’re frightened of them, he’s your reliable pest controlling man, so don’t worry. But he will definitely tease you during and after disposing of it. He also might pretend like he’s going to come over and throw the spider at you to scare you a bit, but honestly, he 100% wouldn’t follow through because he knows you might break up with him or at least put a sex ban on him for a while if he did. He’s really not going to risk that.
Honestly a sex ban is probably the easiest way to get him to comply, but you can’t use it too much or he’ll wise up and know you’re full of shit. 
Speaking of sex, the man has quite the libido and the stamina to match. You have to keep up with all of his wants and needs, but he’s not selfish enough to not tend to yours. 
Fucking is for every day/night of the week and he will be outraged if you try to to make any sort of schedule for it. When he’s got the urge, and that’s often, he’ll come to you. He’s not going to wait for Wednesday night after work and dinner. Fuck that. 
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sapphicbookclub · 1 year
Author Spotlight: Alyson Root
We're excited to bring you a guest post written by Alyson Root, author of A Dance Towards Forever. Keep reading to hear how her personal journey through life is reflected in the plot of her first book!
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Hey, Alyson here (insert waving emoji) a new author fresh out of the writing closet. Not as scary as the last time I came out, but just as important to me. Anyway, I’m sitting here thrilled that I get to write something for the Sapphic Book Club. However, I suddenly find myself with a blank mind!
Argh, what should I write? What do you all want to read about? Me? My debut novel? Hell, I’ll tell you about both if you’re willing to sit and read what I write.
Ok a little about me first. I’m 36 and Aries, I like long walks on the beach and… I’m kidding, although I am 36 and an Aries. But, less of the bad dating profile and more of the serious stuff. I found writing at the grand old age of 30. I wish I could say it was something I always wanted to do, but that would be a lie.
Yes, I have always been a creative person. That runs in the family, but I’m also someone who has the attention span of a two-year-old at Christmas. Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I had loads of different hobbies, but none of them included writing. I could never focus on one thing long enough to decide if I loved it or not.
Fast forward to a time in my life where I could confidently call myself an adult (gross) and that’s when I fell head over heals in love with writing. Actually, it was my wife who encouraged me. I happened to mention that I fancied turning my hand to writing, and she went full cheerleader!
Six years is the time it took me to finish A Dance Towards Forever. That’s 72 months or 312 weeks of me sporadically writing nonsense until I had a lightbulb moment, deleted everything I’d written and then bashed out the entire book in five months.
Once the last word of the Epilogue had been written, I was overcome by pure joy because, after all my years on this awesome globe we call home, I’d finally found my passion. The thing that I loved and could focus on. Hopefully, that doesn't sound too dramatic or cliché!
Moving on… What else can I tell you about myself? Well, there are a few things woven into the storyline of A Dance Towards Forever that ring true to my life. I fell in love with a French woman and ended up moving to Paris. Just like my main character Sam, I am appalling at speaking the language and I have a best friend who swears like a sailor. Oh, and I am a massive sucker for love and romance.
Is that enough about me? Probably so I’ll switch to the book. Cue drumroll…
A Dance Towards Forever is my first book and something I am immensely proud of. Jeez, I can’t believe sometimes that I actually wrote an entire novel. At least I can cross one thing off my bucket list now.
Most of the story is set in Paris. At the time of the book's conception, I had just moved there from England. It was this magical city that held wonder and opportunity and it was where my girlfriend (now wife) was, so it was the perfect city in my eyes.
My life back then had changed so dramatically in just a few months that I wrote the book with that feeling in mind. I wanted my characters to go through that kind of life altering situation whilst falling in love because that’s what had happened to me.
I think it’s true that every author gives a bit of themselves to each of their books. I certainly did. To be honest, it was a bit like therapy writing parts of the story, especially the painful parts that I’d experienced myself.
Now the book is out in the world for others to read. That is both exciting and terrifying!
Ok, just so I don’t give myself a panic attack at the thought of people actually reading and judging the book, I’m going to give you some fun facts. Let’s lighten the mood.
First fun fact: I used Dolly Parton’s I will Always Love You because I love her and that song. Her voice is angelic and I would give my left arm to see her in concert.
Numero dos: Just like Sam, I met my best friend in school. Well, Sam met Charlie at university, but the premise is the same.
Trois: My favourite drink is Rum and Coke, but my wife has firmly pulled me over to the dark side. I drink wine now. I couldn’t tell you the difference between a cabernet and a merlot, but that’s ok. As long as I remember to drink a glass with cheese, I won't be cast out of France.
Finally number four: I’m still have a short attention span which is why I’m working on several books at the same time. Keeps things interesting though!
Hopefully I haven’t blathered on too much and you’ve enjoyed reading this. I, for one, am pleased as punch to have had the opportunity to write this piece.
Until the next time (insert another waving emoji)
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Dearest Covey,
Turns out we didn’t get the infection under control (imagine I’m doing the Debby Ryan right here) + cause of my sickle cell I don’t do great with infections but I’m good now (knock on wood) we think it’s because I had a sickle crisis but it’s over now so I dunno 🤷‍♀️ oh well I guess it means I missed my last english review before exam season 😭
I missed my friends party that I think I told you about but my boyfriend said he couldn’t make it either and came and stayed with me cause my dad had work and my older sister was out 🫶🫶 + he brought round his mum’s cooking and GOOD LORD that woman can cook I love her so much (even if I really shouldn’t be eating it 😟 don’t tell my dad or my doctor)
Plus I would like to put my little sister forward as the cutest eight year old ever. When I was home she would legit come into my room like 10 minutes after her bedtime and be ‘sneaky’ so she could talk to me and make sure I was ok and I don’t think I’ve ever cried more. She’s so cute anyway this has been a rant I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear 😭
Anyway, i thought my couple days away from before was long but Jesus I’ve been gone for like just over a week? maybe 2? Probably about a week. Got loads of your work to catch up on and I will make sure to send a letter complimenting it all because I am SURE it is gonna be amazing (like usual) even though I do not have a scooby where I left off.
I can also vote that Elise and I aren’t the same person but cause she’s using another name I didn’t realise it was her until I sent the letter about having an illness twin and I was like 😨 Rory?? But yeah I’m using a side account so even if you do guess who I am in the anon guessing thing I’ll probably just sign off with my name cause that main blog is OLD and it won’t let me delete it all and it’s cringey as fuck so…
How’s your life been? Hope it’s been as chill as can be and I hope your trip was good! Hope no one else sent in a request and if they did I’m disappointed I missed it 🙁🙁 this is such a long letter but I had so much to catch you up on 🫶 
Finally, loads and loads and lots and lots of love to make up for when I was gone,
🎞️ <3
(This is such a long letter I am so so so sorry Covey you do not need to read this all 😭 I did try and cut it down I swear)
my stunning film roll anon,
secondly, im so so sorry about all your medical issues!! I have no way to relate or even begin to understand what your going through but that must suck like legit balls lmao-
also, your little sister seems so so sweet!! I also wanted a sibling to take care of, to talk to, ya know, but my older sister was too busy being older for that. but we chillin now
lifes been chill, ya know how it be. (ive never been more stressed in my whole 18 years of life. monday save me. monday pls kill yourself. monday be OVER already good lord) (i have my ap test and my last band concert ever...MONDAY DIE)
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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imalsohisheartguard · 2 years
I'm gonna make a super angry post and then I'm gonna delete it, because I think, I'm not sure I'm a bit past my breaking point, and here no one knows me and no one will read so I'm gonna fuck shit up 😂 or I fucking swear I'm gonna fucking blow
My boss is a bitchy ass cunt and I don't know how to get away because I've got not mental support whatsoever and shit here are violent and toxic, and on top of it I have to go with her and the kids on holiday bc the husband can't take time off (well, he can, he just doesn't want to go on vacation with her and the kids)
My mom, she's alright but fuck me, she does have her own way to stress me the fuck out, the other day I said to her, that even tho when I was in school maths and physics and shit weren't my thing, when I'm watching scientists and astronomers I do actually understand what's happening. Her response was 'yeah very funny, buy you're not that smart' and then I was talking about something else and I couldn't remember Socrates for some reason and she goes 'but you're a genius, how could you forget that' ironically. I know she might be joking but, well, still.
My dad, ahh, stopped talking to him for four years, started talking to him last year, and he's starting the same shit that made me stop talking to him in the first place.
My brother, what a twat, backstabber, opportunist, just, fucking, yknow they say blood is thicker than water, what a load of bullshit.
And then friends, okay I can't say much on that, I really can't. But there's a specific one, who ruined friendship and the whole concept of trust and, like, I should have seen this coming when she started talking about gaslighting. But I was a needy idiot back then. Never too late kids. I respect people's issues, especially mental ones, but when they disrespect mine, they can fuck off. It works both fucking ways.
I can feel myself going, I can feel like, I'm more disconnected from reality bit by bit every day, and it's shitty because I actually enjoy it. Living in the world I made up. It's chaos there too, but it's because I chose it.
Like, this stupid gay vampires and the pirates and the single mom of six kids, and those dead idiots, are just, literally my escape, when I'm watching I'm in there, if I'm sad I forget it, if I'm upset angry, while the thing that's upsetting me is happening, all I can thing is when I can go on my phone and just see these to calm down
(sidenote, I live in a different country)
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mocknerd · 3 years
Anri Sonohara Appreciation Post
I know yesterday was her birthday, but I was busy with Halloween so I’m just going to post this today. Anri Sonohara is such an underappreciated character and she doesn’t deserve it. She’s amazing and unique and she needs more attention. So I’m going to take a brief moment to gush about her.
I legit can’t believe that it was only this year that I realized that Anri is like one of my top comfort characters. Right next to Shizuo, Masaomi and a few others. Apparently all you need to do to make me mentally adopt a fictional character is make them a victim of bullying and/or abuse. That or be a literal baby. Obviously there is more to it, but that seems to be a big factor. But thinking back, it does make sense. In my teen years I was obsessed with her, and a lot of female characters I made were somewhat inspired by her. I just didn’t get enough of a chance to notice because sadly there just isn’t enough content for her to make me notice. The stuff that IS out there, has her shoehorned in as part of the main trio.
And poor Anri, not only does she get forgotten by the fandom (and even characters in the main story), but also has to go through a real load of shit. She’s an orphan, but only cause one of her parents was an abusive ass that pushed the other to murder, only to then kill themself (that whole scenario is just...a mess but thats the main gist.) Now she’s possessed by a demon sword, which she just about has control over only because she’s numb to the trauma. Then there’s the aforementioned bullying, a pervy teacher, her friends being some secretive weirdos, her female friends also being pervy, and don’t get me started on the gang war thing with Izaya and all that. Yet this girl still comes out at the end with a smile. Like. Wow. I can barely go through a day without finding some aspect of life to be miserable about. Yet here she is. She’s way too tolerant for her own good.
Also, she’s super sweet, and really should have been given more of a chance to be hardcore with her sword and all that. I like that she’s a more feminine character that’s still badass. Way too much fiction has badass females be more stereotypically masculine, and to have her be more gentle and shy is a breath of fresh air. Especially because I and others in this generation, have grown to be rather shy. The best part is, she doesn't necessarily grow to be more social like in other media. Her introvertedness still remains intact, yet she still makes sure to still have connections outside of Mika after the first few arches. It's a development that's healthy both in that it shows its ok to be shy, yet still doesn't enable her to shut herself off to the point of destruction.
I like her design too, and I just wish their was more done with it other than that weird hoodie thing she got going on (while it's more practical, I don't understand why she wears it so often, even in the daytime). She’s cute and deserves more than that and the rule 34 official art. I've seen a lot of really neat fashion redesigns for her, and I'm glad that there seems to be some sort agreement that she needs to wear more pastel with black. Plus the redesigns sort of fit my own fashion sense (if I actually try).
She’s such a wasted character. All that backstory and design, and what happens to it in the end? Like there was a load of build up and then...nothing happened with her. Just Mikado nearly killing himsellf, but then she had no part of it. She didn't even stop the Saika army like she did in the Saika arch. I legit can't remember what happened to her in the end except for that moment in the van with the others. There really should have been more involvement. It's neat that her build up is more internal, but when you have a demon sword on the wall it needs to be used. Please. She became borderline useless.
Oh well. I love her regardless of the flaws in the writing. If I go on any further I’ll just be complaining about how wasted and mistreated she was, and this was meant to be a feel good thing.
See ya~
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
my masterlist
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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melting-tofu · 3 years
First time - ft. Xiao
Requests are open again! Oh and when I was cleaning my inbox I felt like I accidentally deleted something that I haven't done yet- My apologizes to who hasn't seen my writing of their request I hope you don't mind requesting again 😭
This may be the longest scenario I ever post as of now, and the fact that it's smut concerns me lmao-
Note: Female reader, nsfw under the cut.
Summary: Yes, you heard the title, first time with Xiao, but this is like, from the middle to the end of the thing and not the whole- but it's not short either.
-> Masterlist
Pulling away from the kiss, Xiao squeezes your hand tighter in his, using his free hand to wipe your tears away and whispers, "It's okay, you can look now." As he has fully sheathed inside, your eyes slowly flutter open to lock with his glowing amber ones. Your body is still shaking, this new feeling is too much- Xiao thinks you're the most fragile being in front of him right now, as if a wrong move can make you break. He warmly smiles and slowly moves your hand up to kiss it while keeping a worried look on his eyes. "Tell me when I can move, alright?" he sighed. A small nod is all he needs to see before leaning down to peck your lips again, intertwining your fingers.
Minutes pass that feel like hours yet you still feel a little sting down there. Xiao pulls up and takes a second to look at your connection, before staring at you once more. "We can stop right here if you want." You two just barely started, he isn't satisfied yet, his hard-on still twiches every then and now - but for your sake he is willing to give up. Your sudden move surprises him as you slide your hands out of his and wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer. "P-please..." you manage to stutter. You swear you can see Xiao's eyes lit up for a split second before the gentle gaze is back on his face again. "Please what, angel?" "Please m-move." you shake the tears from the corners of your eyes away and beg. Really, he can see the lust in your eyes that you want him just as much as he wants you.
Gently and slowly he starts to rock his hips in and out, his hands find their way to the sides of your waist. Whatever this feeling is, he clearly loves it- what about you? You shut your eyes closed and bite down his right shoulder to muffle lewd noises from escaping. The yaksha hisses at the sudden pain, if he was to admit he couldn't say he didn't like it, and it would surely be visible to everyone as his normal wear couldn't cover. He can't help anymore but picking up his pace which draws you away from his shoulder, makes sure to grind against your clit each thrust. At this point you can't prevent yourself from moaning anymore as you cry out his name, even Xiao himself can't hold back his groans.. Digging your nails on his back you mindlessly scratch and sob once again. "Xiao- Xiao- I love- I love you-!" He shudders a little but doesn't forget to hum in response. His grips on your waist tighten as he thrusts in an archons know how fast speed. Knowing you're close, Xiao smirks and bends down to nib and bite your neck while angling his hips upward, forcing a call of his name from you again.
"Grrgh... (Name), y-you feel so g-good.. I'm going to come- H-hah I can't hold it-" He growled at the feeling of the thrusts of his cock getting sloppier, quickly moves up to pull you in a passionate kiss. Neither of you can see your juices coating his dick deliciously and even staining the bed sheets. In one last plunge he shoots his load deep inside of you as you follow. He comes so much that it's leaking out a bit-
You get a good amount of time to catch your breaths before he pulls out, a white hot string connecting his tip with your entrance. You feel limb and exhausted, watch him straighten his hair before he turns away and intends to stand up. "D-don't leave!" you cry out, managing to squeeze his wrist in time.
You're scared of him leaving, because he almost had left you for real earlier today. He said he disliked how you always came here to see him, to keep him companies, that you had only been annoying him. He really didn't mean it and eventually realized he had hurt you. So he offered to make it up for his words.
Despite how loose your grip is, Xiao doesn't resist, in fact he smiles and sits back down, bringing your hand close to his mouth to trace kisses over to the tip of your fingers. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." his lips feel soft against your skin you instantly melt. Admiring all the marks he has left on your body, and even the ones you accidentally left on him, he ghosts his lips over yours before muttering... "I love you." His hand comes up to tug a few strands of your hair to the side and caress your cheek as you feel his cock stiffening again between your legs.
If he can, and in reality he really is able to, make you cry and plead him to wreck you over and over, he would never get tired from doing it. But that can wait for another time, he doesn't want to be rough and rude tonight, just being able to spend some time with you is enough.
what do you mean xiao isn't a service top-
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fangirl-writes · 3 years
Ghost of You
Calum Hood x Reader
Warning(s): death, mourning, Calum crying on stage. Angst.
Notes: I saw a video on tiktok of Cal singing his heart out to this song so here we are. Not revised, written in one session.
Summary: Based on the song Ghost Of You. 
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The boys were hesitant to keep the tour dates after what happened. Everyone needs time and they thought that the space between the accident and the first show wasn’t long enough.
But Calum disagreed. He assured his bandmates that he would have no trouble by the time the show came around.
They were skeptical, argued with him to the contrary, but Calum just looked at them with tears in his brown eyes and said, “Please. Please let me do this. She would have wanted me to do what I love.”
They didn’t argue after that.
Calum woke up the morning before they hit the road facing the side of the bed that would never be filled again.
He can’t sleep there. He hasn’t even made an effort to make the bed, holding on to the last outlines of where you had once been.
The sheets were ruffled and the comforter was pushed near the end of the bed, your pillow was propped up against the headboard where you had been sitting, drinking out of your coffee cup.
The coffee cup that still sat on the bedside table just next to your side of the bed.
A small tear fell from Calum’s eye as he noticed the ever fading lipstick stain on the rim. A subtle, but pretty pink that you always wore. The one that would sometimes stain his cheek before he went out on stage.
He wiped the tear and tried to smile.
Oh, what you’d say if you could speak to him now. “Wipe those tears away, Cal. You’ll be just fine.”
I’ll be just fine. Calum thought. Eventually, I’ll be just fine.
He got up from the bed, not bothering to prepare himself for the day yet.
His suitcases sat fully packed by the door; ready to be loaded onto the tour bus for the next few months.
He always had more suitcases than you did, for obvious reasons. But he swore you could fit everything you owned in that one little suitcase. A suitcase that wouldn’t be used again, and probably wouldn’t leave the closet.
Calum sighed, pushing away the thoughts and walking out of the bedroom. Trying to drown the thoughts of you out, like he always did, trying to think of anything else.
But he found walking down that hallway to make it especially hard.
In that hallway, in those photos, he swears he can see the ghost of you.
The first one hanging there is a picture of you and him that he used to find almost hilarious to behold. It was an older one, back when they were just getting big and he was still a teenager, it was one of you and him, taken when you were just a fan. Someone Calum didn’t think he’d probably ever see again.
But life works in mysterious ways.
The one across from that was the most recent, it was a selfie you took at Michael and Crystal’s wedding. Your tongue was hanging out of your mouth and you’d made you eyes cross, Calum was making a duck face, doing the same to his eyes.
It never failed to make him laugh.
Next was your first paparazzi appearance. You joked it was your claim to fame, being followed and snapped in a professional photo with Cal. It wasn’t anything special, really. Just a picture of the two of you walking down a street in L.A, holding hands and decked out in what was probably your laziest outfits ever. Calum had on a dark pair of sunglasses and you were smiling up at him, probably about to crack a joke to get that stoic look off his face.
The rest were either family photos, photos of him and the boys, you and your friends, or just silly pictures of the two of you together.
He tried to walk as fast through that hall as he could, trying to keep the tears from reaching his eyes.
But he couldn’t take them down. It might kill him.
He made it to the kitchen with little resistance and poured himself his own cup of coffee, trying to focus on the upcoming tour and not think about you.
He had deleted social media off his phone. He couldn’t take the constant notifications and reminders and apologies from fans. They missed you too, but Calum missed you an ungodly amount more.
He frowned when he saw the empty vodka bottle sitting on his kitchen counter. God his place was a mess. He needed to at least clean up before he left, maybe that’d get his mind off things.
Put on some music. Yeah, that’d be okay.
He finished his cup of coffee, washing the mug before hurrying off to get the other tasks finished before he had to leave.
He took out the trash, cleaned out the fridge, put away his dishes, swept the floors, vacuumed the floors, cleaned the windows, dusted the shelves.
All that was left was laundry.
He made it to the laundry room easily. But once he was in there, nothing was harder.
He filled a load with his dirty clothes, turning on the machine before tentatively reaching for the basket that held yours.
He blinked back tears when he noticed the old Zeppelin shirt sitting in there. The one that your wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt.
“He’s a rockstar,” your family had said. “it won’t last.”
“I’m in love with him,” you had replied.
Too young, too dumb, to know things like love. Calum thought with a shake of his head. What did they know? But I know better, now.
Calum went through the rest of your clothes, a memory surfacing for almost each one. A old 5sos merch shirt that you’d worn on your first date, not even thinking about it. A pair of music note socks that he had a matching pair of. A pair of skinny jeans you had a love-hate relationship with. A white bra that you had thrown on stage at one of their concerts as a joke, only for it to end up catching on the neck of Calum’s bass.
He smiled at the memory. His entire face had gone bright red and he had looked down at you with an almost scandalized look. The other boys had to stop the song because they were laughing too hard.
He let your clothes lay back in the hamper after he was done. He didn’t see a reason to wash them yet.
But he tucked that old Zeppelin shirt into his travel bag.
He loaded his bags into the back of Michael’s car, ready to head to the bus. Crystal waved at him from the passenger seat, he waved back.
“You got your keys?”
Calum blinked, not even realizing he was going to need those now. “I didn’t even lock the door,”
Michael laughed, pushing his friend lightly towards his house again. “Go get them.”
Calum chuckled back, hurrying to do so.
It hadn’t even dawned on him that you wouldn’t be there to watch the house, that he needed to lock the door. He had already sent Duke to stay at Luke and Sierra’s but locking his door? He’d never even thought of it.
He grabbed his keys before pausing.
Yours were hanging there, too. A keychain with your initials on it dangling next to the keys.
He grabbed those instead.
“You ready for this, mate?” Ashton asked him as he slid into the back seat.
“Yeah,” Calum said, softly, caressing the keychain with his thumb. “Yeah, I am.”
And as Michael took off, looking back at his house, Calum could’ve sworn he saw the ghost of you.
The night was going great so far, the crowd was pumped up, screaming and hollering.
Cal had managed to get lost in the music, forgetting about his problems for hours.
Until the song he had been dreading all night.
He almost asked if they could take it off the setlist after he saw it.
But then they’d have given the sad, almost pitying look that they did when they talked about canceling the tour. And he didn’t think he could stand those looks again.
He took a deep breath as the piano notes began. He could do this.
“Let’s see those lights up in your hands,” Luke said, holding his arm up.
Calum reached his microphone and his breath caught in his throat.
Someone was holding a picture of you up. Almost as if they knew.
His eyes darted to a different part of the crowd only to find an even larger poster being held up and illuminated by the stage lights. It read your name, your birthday, and the day you-
Calum looked away again, trying to blink back tears.
“Wow look at all those-” Luke voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “Wow, you guys, this is...”
There were maybe hundreds of posters or photos being held up now along with the phone lights.
“You know, this is my first concert without her in a long time,” Calum found himself saying into the mic. “And this way she’s still here. Thank you guys. Thank you so much.”
The fans cried out in response and Calum cleared his throat, saying to his bandmates away from the mic. “Okay, let’s do this.”
Singing the song, Cal hadn’t realized how much it fit his situation until just then. He hoped it wasn’t some screwed up sort of fate that they would write this song and then he would lose you.
“So I drown it out like I always do,” Luke sang. “Dancing through our house...”
“With the ghost of you,” Calum chimed in, mind filled with thoughts of you. He didn’t drown them out this time, he just let them come.
“And I chase it down, with a shot of truth. Dancing through our house, with the ghost of you,”
“Too young... too dumb... to know things like love,” He could feel the tears falling down his cheeks. “Too young... too dumb...”
“You go!” Luke shouted, allowing the crowd to sing the chorus.
“So I drown it out like I always do,” They sang and Calum hung his head back, trying to hide his tears as he listened. “Dancing through our house. with the ghost of you.”
You would have loved this. You would have said that it gave you chills, hearing the crowd sing such a haunting song back to them.
“And I chase it down with a shot of truth. That my feet don't dance...”
“Like they did with you.” Luke sang the last line with the crowd before the stage went black and Calum rushed off to the side of the stage.
The boys followed quickly, wrapping him in a hug after they reached him, and for the first time since you’d been gone, Calum let himself just cry. He didn’t push it down or wipe his tears, he just cried. He let his best friends hold him and he cried.
But just there, like everywhere, wrapped in the arms of his friends, Calum could have sworn he felt the ghost of you.
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crash-hawk · 2 years
Burning remains, light the funeral pyre (breaking it up, ‘cause we’re tearing it down)
I was going through my GDocs, renaming or deleting old/unlabeled/defunct files, and stumbled upon this ficlet I wrote for the Kaleidoscope AU’s (AKA the AU that Color Wheel, Three, @lunarblazes’ Give Me Back My Heart, You Wingless Thing, and Hurricane all hail from) take on Last Life!  I probably won’t ever put it on AO3 unless I write more to connect it to, but I like it too much to just let it languish forgotten in my GDocs forever. (Set during the events of Session 6/the Fall of the Southlands)
______________________________________________________________ “Can I trust you?” Grian asks, and Impulse thinks: Now there’s a loaded word. 
Still, he answers anyway, with hardly a second’s hesitation.  “Yes,” he says.  “Of course you can.”
“Then why?” Grian demands.  “Why did you steal it?”
Impulse’s heart makes an ugly little leap in his chest, guilt and shame and not a little bit of embarrassment at having been so easily caught out, fear of what Grian, volatile at the best of times, might do. 
“You were red,” he explains, forcing his voice to remain calm and even.  “You were on your last life.  The others were terrified, we didn’t know what you’d do.”
Grian lets out a sharp, frustrated cry, digging his fingers into his hair.  “Gods damn it.  Gods damn it.  Don’t you get it?  None of you ever had anything to fear from me, red or not!”
That takes Impulse aback.  “But...we thought...the rules…”
“FUCK the rules!” Grian screams, and Impulse recoils from the force of it.  He’s never heard Grian swear before, not once. 
Grian sags, then, his head hanging.  “It doesn’t matter anymore,” he mutters.  “B--The Southlands are dead.  Done.  History.  Burned to the ground.  You and me, Impulse, we’re all that’s left.”
Impulse wants to protest, to insist that it isn’t true...but he’d be lying to himself.  He thinks of Jimmy, running away with the life, ending their desperate sham of a trust exercise; of Martyn’s half-baked excuses as he’d walked away and never come back; of the gleeful, exultant madness in Mumbo’s face as he’d set off the explosions.  Mumbo most of all. 
“I know,” Impulse murmurs, quietly.
“Come on, then,” Grian says.  “We’d better get a move on before someone figures out what we’re up to.”
“Right,” Impulse agrees immediately, before pausing.  “What are we up to?” 
“We’re going to the Fairy Fort,” Grian says.  “To get that skull back.”
“Grian,” Impulse begins, anxiety twisting his guts all over again.  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.  The curse is spreading...we don’t know how many have caught it this time.  And besides, what are you even going to do with it once you have it?  As an intimidation tactic it’s great, but...even if you had all three, the Wither...it’s not real, Grian.  Maybe it was, once, but...in all the stories, the Last Lady and the Knight of the Gate destroyed it, banished it to the Outer Dark millennia upon millenia ago.”
“Is any of this real, Impulse?” Grian asks.  His voice has gone soft, but his amber eyes are alight, backlit with something that Impulse could swear looks like flames.  “The Last Lady...what was her name, Impulse?  In the stories?  What was the Lady of the End’s name?”
It’s the last question he would have expected Grian to ask--it doesn’t seem to have any bearing on anything.  He opens his mouth to say so when the answer comes, and suddenly every hair on Impulse’s body is standing on end.
“Cleo,” he breathes, his eyes gone wide and round.  “Our Cleo??”
Grian nods, the fire blazing behind his eyes.  “I mean to get all three of those skulls, starting with the one you gave away.  I mean to summon it, Impulse...but not against any of us.  I’m going to summon it against him.  Against the one who put us here.”
What are you talking about? Impulse almost asks, but then he realizes he knows.  He’s known all along.  Because this has happened before, hasn’t it? 
“If none of this is real, then it’s all happening in his head,” Grian continues.  “His story, his script, his godsdamned game.  Well, he’s made a mistake, this time.   And if we all have to go down together to destroy the board, then I say it’s well fucking worth it.”  He holds out his hand to Impulse, rage and madness and hope burning on his face.  “Will you help me?”
Impulse steps forward, gripping Grian’s thin fingers in his own large hand.  “Yes,” he says.  “Yes.”
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
Pairing: Spencer Reid x femSurgeonReader
Summary: You're both exhausted and missing each other so when you get home you and spencer share a loving shower together.
Word count:2511
Warnings: I don't think anything, loads of fluff, Spencer spanks you lightly twice, not smutty though. Reader is a surgeon so the word traumas is mentioned once and a surgery is very briefly mentioned but not in detail.
A/N: The only reason I wrote this is because I want to have a shower with spencer and play with his hair, also I have cramps so I'm very emotional and want love lol.  Hope someone enjoys this.
A/N2: My old account got deleted so I'm just reposting my fics I would appreciate if you could bust this so i could get back to where my account was thank you for your time.
Tagged: @pinkdiamond1016​  
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You were exhausted, it had just been one of those days, you know the ones were you never stop, every time one thing got done another popped up. Honestly you blame it on George saying it was a quiet day, a QUIET day, who in their right mind says the Q word in a hospital, we all glared at him when not even a minute later our beepers went off with multiple traumas coming in. Now don’t get me wrong you love a good surgery as much as the next, but you were exhausted and just needed to stop, it was hour 10 of a 14 hour shift and it was DRAGGING on.
Spencer was also exhausted, they had just come back from a week long case, and even though it hadn’t been a particularly long or hard one compared to some previous ones, he was beat, it probably didn’t help that he had been tackled by Morgan, he says he was getting him out of the unsubs way but Spencer swears there were easier ways, anyway, he wasn’t injured badly he’s just got some bruises and is a bit sore.
You knew Spencer would be home when you got there, and you were thrilled, it had only been a week, but boy did you miss him, you just wanted to be around him, you needed to be around him.
When you got home you all but collapsed at the door, but you could see his satchel hanging on its usual hook and that gave you hope, so you pushed through just a little more, you dropped all your things and slipped your shoes off, they could be picked up later right now you needed him, and you didn’t know but he needed you just as much if not more.
You made your way to your shared room and when you walked in you saw a passed out spencer, it was adorable, he hadn’t made it properly onto the bed he just sat on the edge and fell backward, he didn’t even turn the light off just had his arm over his eyes, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep he wanted to see you, but his exhaustion got the best of him. You didn’t want to startle him so you kissed his forehead and went to use the toilet before you would have to wake him.
When you came back you saw your lovely boyfriend rubbing his eyes and immediately smile when he saw you, no words were spoken, they didn’t need to be he just opened his arms and you walked to him, he placed his head on your chest as his arms wrapped around your waist, one of your hands drew nonsensical shapes on his back and the other played with his tousled hair, it was heaven.
You don’t know how long you stayed like that before he spoke, “how was work bub”, “busy, we had multiple traumas, I got to assist in heart surgery so that was very exciting”, he looked up at you still holding you close with a very proud look in his face, he knew how much you worked to get where you are, and it was only a little more to go until you could do solo surgeries. “That’s amazing bub,”, “it was pretty cool” you said with a proud tone looking at him, “you’re pretty cool” he said rubbing the tip of his nose on your shirt. He’s adorable when he’s sleepy you thought to yourself as you chuckled at his comment.
“How was your day love, you look tired”, he simply groaned and buried his face deeper into your chest, you just laughed thinking he’s definitely a boob man, “what happened spence”, “nothing we just didn’t get a lot of sleep, and Derek tackled me”, before you could ask why he abruptly moved to look at you never letting you go, “he said it was to save me from the unsub but I think he was just getting me back for taking all his money at the poker game at Rossi’s last week” after all that he just sat pouting and you tried your best not to laugh,  so you just moved a piece of hair from his face and played with it as you spoke, “I’m sure he wasn’t trying to hurt you Spence, maybe it was the only thing that came to mind in the moment”. He just pouted more, and you leaned down to peck his lips, he tried to hold it back, but a smile broke out in his face, “fine maybe you’re right”.
After another beat of just holding each other you spoke again. “I think I’m going to get a shower, it was a very long and tiering shift, would you like to join me, the hot water might make you feel less sore” you didn’t need to give him a reason to join you, he would have probably asked even if you hadn’t offered, “ yeah id like that” he simply answered with a soft smile.
“I’m just going to go hang up my coat and bag, and then I’ll meet you in there ok love”, he contently hummed in response and squeezed your hips before you both when your separate ways. You hung up your coat and bag, you could have waited until tomorrow, but you liked keeping the house tidy, you weren’t the best at it, but you tried.
That didn’t take very long and Spencer wore so many layers that when you got to the bathroom he was still wearing a button up and his slacks, he looked up and smiled when he saw you and so did you, you walked over to him and pulled him in for a loving and slow kiss, “I missed you “ almost in a whisper, simply a breath away from his lips, “I missed you too” and with that he kissed you again  this one was shorter but it held just as much love, after you lips broke apart you held onto each other while spencer turned the shower on so the water could warm up while you undressed.
You began to unbutton his shirt while he did the same to yours, there was no rush because there was no lust, this wasn’t for sex, you just wanted to be with each other as closely as possible. Once you got to the last button you slid your hands up his chest feeling his toned body, when you made it to his shoulders you slid the shirt of  and he stopped dealing with yours so he could let his fall to the ground once it did he slid yours off too, once in had joined his on the floor he ran his hands down your body through every curve and back up until he slid one to you back and the other to the side of you face were he pulled you in for a kiss, while you kissed his other hand unclasped your bra which made you smile into the kiss, show off you thought.
You broke off so you could let your bra fall off and so you could both rid yourselves of the clothing on your bottom half. He was completely naked now and before you could get to your underwear he slipped his hands on your waist which made you stop and look at him slightly confused, he simply kneeled in front of you and placed scattered  kisses across your belly and hips while he hooked his hand in the waist band of your pants and slipped them off. Once they were at your ankles he began to stand again, and you kicked them off while he kissed your temple.
Once you were both naked you made your way into the shower, you went in first and stood under the water you then felt his hands snake around your waist and turned around to look at him, “hey handsome” “hey beautiful”, you kissed for  a while under the water, it felt good, you could physically feel yourself untense as the hot water ran down your body and as you felt him close to you, he always provided comfort for you.
Spencer reached for you shampoo and began to wash your hair, you just groaned in pleasure as his hands massaged your head, Spencer giggled at you response and moved your head under the water, “close your eyes bub”, it felt amazing, the hot water and his hands in your hair while he rinsed it.
Once he was done he just moved you slightly so you could open your eyes, Spencer picked up the shampoo once again and was going to wash his own hair before you gently took the bottle from his hands , “let me do it” he lovingly smiled at you and let you get on with the task, he had to lean down a little bit because of the height difference but you simply giggled it off, you massaged it into his hair and his eyes pretty much rolled to the back of his head in pleasure, he love when you played with his hair, it was one of his favourite feelings in the world, when you cuddled your hand would more often than not find its way to his head.
He pouted when you took your hands out of his air, “as cute as that pout is, I need you to move under the water so I can rinse your hair love”, so he moved under the water and you ran your hands through his hair, you were on you tippy toes so you could reach. While you were making sure you got it fully rinsed you felt his hands make their way to your waist and squeeze before settling there.
Once you were done you came down from your toes and wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head on his chest, Spencer kissed the top of your head and laid his head on top of yours while he hugged you properly, you don’t know how long to stood together like that, it could have been a couple minutes it could have been nearly an hour but you didn’t care, you were happy, and you felt loved.
You only moved when you felt his hand lightly smack your bum, you let out a quiet squeal and hid your blushing face in his chest, you felt his chest move as he laughed at your flustered response even at this point in the relationship. “we should probably get out, we’re starting to look like raisins”, “there were other ways to get my attention”, “yeah but I like my way” he answered with one last slap before he stepped out of the shower.
You stepped out of the shower and Spencer handed you a towel, you both dried yourselves, he walked out into the bedroom while you towel dried your hair, as you walked out he was pulling up his plaid pyjama bottoms, god he was hot you thought to yourself as you leaned against the door frame, you admired him from there, water droplets falling from his hair onto his shoulders and running down his toned body, he was perfect you thought, in every way, body and mind, he truly had an incredible mind, you loved it when he rambled, he was so passionate and wonderful when he spoke about something he truly cared about.
You were broke out of your trance by  a very smug Spencer clearing his throat, you looked at his smug smirk and pushed yourself off the door and walked over to your dresser, “shut up”, he put his hands up and his voice went up at least an octave “I didn’t say anything”, “your smugness speaks volumes”, “sorry, but you were practically eye-fucking me over there”, “was not”, you grumbled back while taking out a pair of panties and putting them on, “I was actually thinking about how much I love you”, you finally said while pulling his cal-tech jumper over your head, you loved it because it was so oversized on you due to his height, it reached to your thighs, you also loved that it smelled like him, he had probably already worn it..
“oh, sorry” he said losing his smirk that was quickly replaced with a soft adoring smile directed at your statement, looking at him you walked over and puck your arms around his neck, while his took their rightful place on your waist, “you are very hot right now though” you said playing with his damp hair, “just now?”,  he questioned with a knowing look, you shook your head and went up on your tippy toes and kissed him, “I’m boosting your ego too much Dr Reid” he laughed and simply hugged you closer.
“I’m sleepy” you said slightly muffled since you had your face nuzzled into his chest. He didn’t say anything just slid his hands to your thighs, “jump bub” and you did and moved your face to nuzzle his neck, the walk wasn’t long only a few steps and he was placing you under the covers, you missed his touch already and unintentionally pouted at the absence.
It was only for a minute though, as next thing he was pulling the covers over himself  and pulling you close, you were face to face and he held you close and you held him, ”hi love” ,”hi bub” he replied without missing a beat, you shimmied your head closer  to his on the pillow and moved your lips to meet his. God, they fit so perfectly, it was like two puzzle pieces connecting.
The kiss wasn’t rushed, or lustful, it was slow, meaningful and filled with love and adoration for one another. You separated after a while, spencer simply kissed the tip of your nos.
You then settled by laying your head on his chest, you liked to lay there, it was your favourite way to sleep, you found it comforting to hear his heartbreak. His job terrified you, but being a surgeon you understood he wanted to help people because that’s why you do what you do, and you knew how fulfilling it felt when you were able to save someone.
This by no means stop you from being scared though, but being able to hear his heart beating helped you calm your fears, Spencer knew this, you had never told him but you didn’t have to, he never brought it up though, he truly felt guilty for making you scared for his life but he knew you understood, and now he had something that made him want to come home.  
Spencer held you close with one hand on your back and the other holding your hand, you both liked to fall asleep holding hands, you felt closer that way and right now that’s what you needed, and so, you both drifted off to sleep with tangled legs, interlocked hands and a quiet exchange of I love yous.
It was heaven. It was love.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Time to Heal.
A/N: A bit of a different sort of writing for me that deals with emotional abuse, whilst i have never dealt with this personally, i know a couple of people who have and if anyone struggles with this or has my inbox is always open.
Summary: Reader finds herself in an emotionally abusive relationship and Tom shows her what real love looks like.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of emotional abuse, one mention of blood and i think that’s everything.
W/C: 2.4K.
You’d always thought that this moment should be one of the happiest in your life but here you were stood in a room full of a people with a man on one knee for you and it all felt wrong. You weren’t happy like you thought you would have been. You wished he hadn’t done this in front of all these people. You wished it wasn’t him asking. The man on one knee in front of you was possibly one of the worst men you’d ever been in a relationship with. He didn’t love you and you knew that but he made you feel like that was the best you were going to get, what you deserved.
It never starts out that way, at first Aaron was lovely, he swept you off your feet when you weren’t expecting it. He took you on lovely dates, he made you laugh and then he started making comments, as soon as he learnt your insecurities he used them against you, he never tried to push them away, no, he made sure they were at the forefront of your mind.
It started at first as being something he would say in an argument, your clingy, you want too much, you’re too emotional. Then he’d apologise, told you he didn’t mean it, his anger got the better of him and every time you’d accept with another piece of confidence, until there was none left. Then his comments became regular until you truly believed what he said.
‘You should just leave him.’ One of your friends had said when you’d worked up the courage to confide in her but you couldn’t. It’s not as simple as that. By the time you’d worked up the courage to tell her Aaron had your insecurities exactly where he wanted them. You weren’t worthy of love or being truly happy. He isolated you from your friends, especially your male friends and that made you feel more alone.
He hated your best friends Tom and Harrison and you didn’t see either of them anymore unless it was at a mutual friends birthday. You’d wanted to confide in them but Aaron had been adamant to make sure you deleted their numbers and that shattered the last piece of confidence you had. It wasn’t like they hadn’t noticed, they texted you until Aaron got so angry he’d taken your phone and smashed it. He apologised and bought you a new one and promised it’d never happen again.
He hated Tom more than anyone else, of course you’d told him in the early stages of the relationship how you knew Tom and Harrison. You and Tom had been in a relationship, you’d grown close to Haz as a result but ultimately Tom’s career was taking off and you’d both made the decision to call it quits before any heartbreak and messiness arrived so you could salvage the friendship. Then three days ago Tom came to see you.
“Tom?” You said as you answered the door. You’d not seen him for a while now so you were surprised to see him at your door.
“I tried calling.” He’d said with a sad smile.
“Sorry, my phone’s switched off.” You tried to laugh it off.
“For the last two months?” He asked. He wasn’t angry, you could see it in his eyes, he was concerned.
“I got a new one, did I not text you?” You tried again.
“Can I come in?” You swallowed thickly as you moved to the side to let him in. Thank god Aaron was out for the day. “Harrison tried calling too.” He said as he watched you boil the kettle, your back to him.
“I’ve been busy.”
“Lucy called me. Said she’s not heard from you either.” You almost dropped the teaspoon you were holding. You’d not seen Lucy since you told her about Aaron. You didn’t say anything so he continued.
“She told me some things Y/N. About what he says to you.” He grasped your hand turning you to look at him but you couldn’t meet his eyes.
“He just gets angry sometimes.” You used Aaron’s words.
“He shouldn’t say things like that to you, it’s not right.” You still couldn’t meet his gaze. His hand was still holding yours as he drew soft circles into the back of it with his thumb. You missed his touch.
“He usually apologises.” You tried to defend him.
“Doesn’t make it right love. You deserve so much better than him.” He used his free hand to lift your chin so you were forced to look at him and the look of concern in his eyes was enough to bring tears to your own.
“I don’t though.” You whispered and you watched as something shifted behind his eyes, he looked heartbroken. Your tears fell for the first time in months, you’d became so numb to Aaron’s words that they didn’t make you cry anymore but the softness in Tom’s tone had tears streaming down your face.
He pulled you into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and let you cry into his shirt. He placed the occasional kiss to the top of your head as his hands rubbed up and down your back in comfort. You stayed like that for at least ten minutes before you composed yourself but you stayed in his arms. It felt as safe as it always had.
“You deserve to be loved properly darling.” He said into your hair.
“But he’s right I’m too clingy, I’m too emotional and I expect to much from people.” You sniffled.
“You’re not clingy, you give all your love to the people you care about. You’re not too emotional, you wear your heart on your sleeve and that’s never a bad thing. You don’t expect too much from people because you should always seek to have people love you the way you love them.” He pulled you to look at him as he said it and the look in his eyes was so genuine you could tell he meant it.
“Who’s gonna want me now? I’m full of emotional baggage.” You whispered as you let a few more tears fall, voicing the fears as he caught your tears with his thumbs.
“You’re not full of baggage. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re funny and you love with everything you have in you, he doesn’t deserve you.” He gave you a small smile as he spoke. “I could go on for hours about all the amazing things about you.”
“Tom.” You sighed. “I don’t love him but I can’t leave him, I’m scared.” You admitted.
“Has he hit you?” Tom asked and it was so full of concern that a fresh wave of tears made their way down your face.
“No. He broke my phone once but no. I’m scared to leave him because I don’t want to end up alone.”
“You won’t. You’ll always have me and Harrison and Lucy, god the list goes on. We all still love you and we miss you.” He said as he wiped at your tears again. He was being so tender with you and you hadn’t felt that for a long time. You hadn’t felt loved. “You’ll always have me.” He said again.
“Tom- “Your voice broke and whatever you were going to say got caught in your throat.
“I’ll always look after you. I’ll make sure you always have everything you need. I’ll make sure you’re always safe.”
“I still love you Tom.” You admitted as you cried into his chest again.
“I still love you.”
He’d tried to convince you to go home with him that day but something stopped you and you can’t explain what it was and now here you were at Lucy’s birthday party which Aaron had reluctantly let you attend and Aaron was down on one knee for you. You looked around the room as you caught those brown eyes that you loved so much and he was staring right back at the scene unfolding before him. Tears in his beautiful eyes.
“I’ll always look after you. I’ll make sure you always have everything you need. I’ll make sure you’re always safe.”
“I still love you.”
You pulled your hand from Aaron’s as you felt a sort of confidence you’d not had for a long time as Aaron stood, following your gaze.
“I fucking knew it.” Aaron grumbled next to you and your eyes darted back to him. He was angrier than you’d ever seen him before and it frightened you. “Him?” He laughed but there was no humour in it.
“Aaron I’m-” You tried to get out.
“Him? Really? I knew it.” He seethed at you. Everyone was staring. Lucy carefully approached and you watched as Harrison and Tom started to make their way over. As soon as Tom moved it caught Aaron’s gaze and his face twisted into one of pure anger. “Fucking Tom Holland.” He suddenly shouted as he practically ran at him, catching Tom off guard.
As soon as he reached Tom he raised his fist and placed a punch straight to his nose. You almost screamed in shock as you watched Harrison and Tuwaine tackle Aaron to the floor. Tom had stumbled and was holding his nose. It was bleeding. You made your way straight over.
“Tom, oh my god, Tom, are you okay?” You asked as you took his face in your hands. He looked down at you for a second and smiled before nodding slightly and tilting his head back. “Is it broken?” You panicked.
“No.” Tom said as someone handed him a load of tissues. Aaron’s laughter pulled you from your concern over Tom. You twisted round to look at him as Tom snaked an arm around your waist and pulled your back to his chest. Aaron was stood now, Harrison and Tuwaine were still ready to jump to the defence again if they had to.
“You,” he started as he pointed at you, “are a pathetic little bitch who pines after a man who’ll throw you away as soon as someone better comes along and that won’t be hard to find.”
“Watch your mouth.” Harrison warned as he stood in front of you. Tom had recovered now, stopping the bleeding. Aaron laughed again as he made his way towards the exit.
“You know what Tom, you’re welcome to her. She’s a frigid little fucker anyway. Doesn’t put out often.” He said as he laughed. You watched as anger flared in Tom’s face. He let go of your waist as he went to follow him. You tried to grasp his arm but he was too quick. Harrison stepped in.
“Tom, she needs you.” He said as he gestured towards you. Everyone was still staring at what had just happened and it made you self-conscious as you wrapped your arms around yourself. Tom’s anger died down instantly, Haz was right, you needed him.
“Come on.” He said as he took your hand and led you into the women’s bathroom. Once he made sure no one was in there, he locked the door and took your face in his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly and you laughed sadly.
“Me? He bust your nose.” You said as you grabbed a few paper towels, wetting them and cleaning the blood that was still on his face.
“Worth it.” He laughed lightly.
“I’m so sorry Tom.” You sighed after a few moments as you felt tears brim your eyes, throwing the paper towels away once you were satisfied he was clean.
“You have nothing to apologise for. He’s a dickhead and I’ll make sure he never comes anywhere near you again.” He said as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“I’m still sorry though.” You sighed.
He didn’t reply, he leant forward and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, then your cheeks before finally connecting your lips. It felt to good to feel his lips against yours again, you’d missed him. Missed all the love he gave and it made you cry again.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m gonna make it better, I promise.” He pulled you back into his chest and it filled you with a comfort you’d not had since he last held you like this.
“I love you.” You said.
“I love you too. I’m sorry we didn’t try and work through things last time. I know we wanted to salvage a friendship but I never stopped loving you. I want us to try again but when you’re ready.” He said as he kissed your head.
“I am Tom.” You said.
“No love you’re not. What he’s done to you needs time and you need to give yourself some time darling. I’ll still be here every step of the way but you need to heal yourself first, okay? We need to push those insecurities back but we need to do it properly, you need to love yourself again first.”
You thought about what he said for a while. He was right, jumping straight back into a relationship was not the best idea, no matter how much you loved him and he loved you. You needed to take some time for yourself, heal yourself and build back your confidence. You understood what he meant; he was still going to be there but he was going to be there as a best friend would.
You realised in that moment what it meant to truly love someone. He was being selfless so that you could heal, he was giving you time because that’s what you needed and he was doing that because he truly loved and cared for you.
“You’re right.” You nodded.
“I’ll still be here, still be there for you, I promise. It’ll take time but that’s okay, I’ll still be waiting but you have to promise you’ll take all the time you need.” He said as he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“I promise.”
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krabmeat · 3 years
I have not written anything in some time - since I took a break from my writing account, actually (now deleted) - so cut me some slack here. I’m gonna format this in the same way that I did my old fics for that jolt of serotonin. So, if you would be so kind to indulge me, this is how I (niceimafan) would have submitted this work on fandoesfictionwriting:
What War Does || (platonic) Father Figure c!Phil x Teen gn!Reader
A/N: This is my submission for the 100 follower milestone of the lovely @/krabmeat! Krabs (Damien today) is an amazing friend of mine and is quite possibly the best human being in the world. (Go follow him if you haven’t already!)
War struggles paired with the classic familial miscommunication, what could be better as a way for me to get back into writing? This takes place around the time of Doomsday, or the final battle/destruction. Also I can’t remember if Wilbur’s room was still there at the time of Doomsday because I have goldfish memory so pretend it was if it wasn’t.
Requested: No
{Word Count: 1,946}
CW: intense arguing, mentions of war, mentions of death, cursing (up to the f-word), caps, use of godforsaken (I don’t know if people get triggered by that? I’m not religious so I wouldn’t know), very brief mention of spit, less than great relationship with father
This is an xreader fic!
This has been proofread. (skimmed rip I don’t like reading my writing)
- In which Y/N and Phil argue about Y/N and their right to participate in Doomsday. -
Phil works away high in the sky, loading cannons with enough TNT to detonate a nation. He, Techno, and Dream have everything planned out; you know because they did all of the planning right in front of you. Meaning you know everything they are going to do, and you aren’t even allowed to be involved.
You avert your eyes from your father and pick mindlessly at some grass instead, feeling the cold breeze of afternoon cool your flaming temper. For a moment, it appears as though everything might be fine, like you could get over this and let the Big War Men do their thing. But then Phil’s boots appear in front of you, and it’s all ruined again.
“You look miserable,” he says. Phil finishes his sentence with an airy laugh, trying to convey that he’s trying to joke with you. And so you make sure that the gaze you shoot him ensures he understands you do not find him humorous. Phil sighs, taking a seat beside you.
“Look, I understand that you want to help. I do! But I also understand that people with a spirit as strong as yours have risen to unimaginable heights, only to crash back down onto the blade of loss. And I fear that you will be no different.” Phil places his hand on your shoulder. “I just want you to be safe.”
You shrug him off, turning your neck so fast to glare at him it leaves a sharp stinging sensation in your movement’s wake. “Safe? You want me to be safe? No one is safe here, and you know that.”
“Y/N, you know-”
“What, Phil? What do I know? Because according to you, it doesn’t seem like a lot.” You stand after that, stomping off in an attempt to clear your mind, hoping Phil won’t follow you. But, of course, he does.
“Y/N, wait.” He shouts, but he makes no move to speed up or stop you. He simply follows along at a distance, saying nothing else. Probably waiting for you to make the first move. But you refuse, you refuse to let him win this and watch you break again.
And so the two of you walk in silence, you with no destination in mind and Phil’s footsteps echoing yours calmly in the distance. All you can do is follow your feet to wherever they find fit for this argument to play out.
To your amusement, you find yourself in Wilbur’s old room. Where he blew up his dreams for the first time and where Phil took the life of his son. How fitting.
You finally come to a stop, taking a brief moment to collect yourself, before spinning around on your heel to address your father. “Ph- Phil?” It does shock you to find that Phil isn’t there. He’s not standing behind you with a small, comforting smile, or with his eyebrows pinched together in a way that lets you know you’re going to be scolded. Nothing.
“You dress like him, you know.” Phil says from behind you. You whirl around again, reaching for your sword on instinct. Phil stands with his hands clasped behind his back, staring out over the soon-to-be battlegrounds.
“What?” It feels like you’ve lost all air in your lungs. Phil doesn’t just say things like that, especially not to you. And of course you know who he’s talking about; Techno doesn’t wear tattered trench coats and Tommy hasn't adorned ripped up fingerless gloves to protect from burns, to your knowledge. But speaking of Wilbur when referring to another child of his in this room in particular hit you in a place you have not yet built walls in.
“Wilbur. You dress like him.” Phil turns around, and you finally see that his eyes are watering. But he still has that sympathetic smile plastered on his face. “Every day, you remind me of him. And in doing so, you remind me that I can not let you turn out the way that Will did.
“Wilbur was changed by war. He destroyed everything he worked for because of it. And for that to happen to you, with such grand dreams and ideas, it would be heartbreaking.” Phil can’t maintain eye contact with you anymore, “I just want you to be everything that Wilbur couldn’t have been.”
You let his words sink in, and as they do, you begin to fight with yourself.
He just wants to help you!
How, by comparing me to his dead son? Yeah, something about that doesn’t feel right.
Just hear him out.
You grit your teeth, balling up and releasing your fingers into and out of fists. “I am not Wilbur.”
Phil shakes his head, rubbing the place where his eyebrows crease together. “I know that, and that’s not what I’m trying to sa-”
“Yes, that is exactly what you just said!” You begin to raise your voice, getting tired of this stupid game you two are playing with each other. Lying about what you’re really talking about to try and avoid the inevitable. “You just compared me to your dead son that went crazy and blew up everyone’s homes! The one that sold drugs out of a damn hot dog van!”
The air around you seemed to heat up as tensions between you two started to rise, Phil clearly getting more angry as well. “You are not Wilbur, but you are my child!”
“Oh, am I? Am I, Philza? And how long have I been your child for, huh? My whole life, a year, a few months, just this past hour? You have been trying and failing to be my father figure because you just see me as some rogue that could get too far out of control unless you’re there. Isn’t that right?”
“No, of course not. I just-”
“No! How could I have not realized? You just want a replacement! Someone to fill the hole that was left in your poor old heart when you stabbed your son through the chest.”
“I love you, Y/N, you don’t understand! You are like a child to me, you always have been! From the moment that I met you, I saw greatness in you. I swear, you mean more to me than just some replacement for Wilbur.”
Tears burn your eyes, the singular one that fell leaving a streak through the gunpowder and dirt smudged on your cheeks. You shake your head and scoff, unable to believe that this is the conversation you are currently stuck in. “Phil, that’s the kind of bullshit that you have to tell yourself in order to sleep at night. But guess what? It doesn’t work on me.”
“It doesn’t have to ‘work on you’, it’s just the truth, Y/N. I don’t know how I can get you to believe me.”
“You can’t, Phil.” You say, trying to ignore the way your voice cracks. “Because I have believed people, and then those people have either died, or tried to kill me, or both. So you know what I did? I grew up, Phil. Because THAT is what war does. 
“It doesn’t make you write sad song lyrics on the walls, it doesn’t make you love your father figure oh so dearly, all it does is make you realize that there is more in this world to deal with than whatever any one person can do. And once you wrap your head around that, you realize that the best you can do is make the smallest of dents, and hope some other people do the same. That is how this world works, Phil.
“And do you know what my dent is going to be?” Phil has blurred by now. Once you blink the tears away, you can see that he’s crying too. Good. Now you’re really on the same page. “Blowing up this godforsaken nation once and for all.”
You turn to walk away again, hopefully for the last time, but Phil actually makes a move to stop you before you can get anywhere. “Y/N, I refuse to allow you to go out there and risk your life for a war already fought.”
“No war is already fought until people are dead.” You snap at him, resisting the urge to spit on his boots. “Besides, I can handle myself, I don’t need you to tell me who I can and can’t fight.”
“Y/N, I am your father!” Phil’s voice practically echoes through the entire SMP as he shouts at you, finally just as mad as you wanted him to be. You’re convinced people on the other side of L’Manberg can hear you two arguing. “Listen to me, you can not risk this.”
“YOU ARE NO FATHER TO ME!” You scream, getting your face as close to Phil’s as possible while still being able to look into both of his eyes. Phil’s eyes widen, whether in pain, shock, or both, you don’t know, but he quickly recovers with a stare solid enough to cut through stone. 
“Do NOT turn this argument to family matters when we are discussing life and death!”
“This is no longer a discussion, dad,” you make sure to add as much venom to the name as possible, “We are not talking this out like a father scolds his young kid about what they can and can not touch in the house. We are screaming, and shouting, and ruining relationships like adults.” You try one more time to walk out. This time you make it down to the ground floor, but Phil follows you yet again, stopping you before you can reach the Prime Path. 
“You aren’t an adult, though.” Phil’s voice is softer now, he sounds like he’s on the verge of defeat. “You’re still a kid. You shouldn’t have to deal with all of this.” 
“I was made an adult because of this damn war over some stupid place, I should be able to fight for it’s destruction like one.” You also stop shouting, but you don’t soften your voice. You keep it as firm as it can be despite your wobbly crying, letting Phil know that you are no longer playing games with him like you used to.
“I know that you could. I do. But that does not mean that you should.”
“Awwe, you really think so?” You feign a high-pitched voice, even clasping your hands together under your chin. “You honestly think that I can handle something more than a boo-boo, huh?”
“You know that I am making no attempt to infantilize you, Y/N. If you’re such an adult, you need to grow up. I do believe that you could fight for us, but I do not see it as wise.”
“Bullshit,” you say again, wiping at your eyes with your sleeve. Phil tries to speak again, but you cut him off. “No. No! No, I don’t want you to tell me over and over about what I can and can’t do. About how you think I could be a good ally to you. I already know that, because I can make my own decisions. 
“Do you know what I do want, Philza? I bet that’s something that your infinitely wise mind can’t think of. All that I want, all that I have wanted for the past SIX. FUCKING. YEARS. Is for you to just take me seriously for once in your damn life!”
Philza stands there in silence, seemingly dumbfounded, and you take this as your chance to stomp off for good. But you know full well that you’ll see Phil tomorrow. On the battlefield.
But you won’t be fighting for him, or Tommy, or Wilbur, or any of them. Tomorrow, you fight for yourself, and you win for yourself.
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Give Me Your All - Tom Holland
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Anonymous asked: heyyy, idk if your still taking requests but could I ask for a Tom smut??? It’s okay if not, just ignore this. But if so, could you write one where Tom has a massive crush on the reader and he’s touching himself to the thought of the reader and records it (moaning and all) , pretending that he was going to send it because it turned him on. But after he climaxes, instead of deleting the video he ACTUALLY sends it. You could take it form there, but yeah phew🥵
Hey there sweetie, hope you enjoy this oneshot of Tom Holland and Reader. Please read the warnings. This oneshot is childhood friends-to-lovers :) Let me know if you’d like a part two, I didn’t get to write everything I’d like to, because it’s already long :) 
Tags in reblog, to join a taglist send in an ask or press the link in my profile. Masterlist is linked in my profile.
Tom Holland x Reader (Smut) Warnings: Smut, confessions of love, unsolicited nude video, swearing, nicknames (sexual and nonsexual), teasing, female recieving oral, mention of hand job, unprotected sex, talk of kinks, slight mention of hand kink, biting, some dominance fighting, choking/breath play and some dirty talk. Please do not read if any of these warnings made you uncomfortable, thank you :) Word Count: 7.4k
He’s been friends with you since forever, and he’s been in love with you since then. Your friendship was something he valued close to his heart as well, loving how you were kind to him and how funny you two would get sometimes. He remembers how the two of you met, back in kindergarten. You were playing near the slide, and you demanded people called you the Queen of the court. Being only five years old, everyone was confused, including Tom. He was the one to question you, and your explanation only made it more confusing, making him feel competitive though. He challenged you to a duel using sticks for the title of Queen of the court. You both ended up with bruises and scrapes, but giggled at each other, shouting dumb jokes about chickens and crayons.
You’ve been inseparable since then. You were there when he lost his first tooth and made a letter with him to the tooth fairy for a mighty amount of 1 trillion pounds. Tom ended up receiving one pound and an old copy of Toy Story. You both cherished that movie forever, claiming the tooth fairy loved giving cool movies to Tom, because every tooth he lost after that (until he realized the tooth fairy wasn’t real), he received old copies of movies and a few pounds. He remembered the crush he formed on you by age 11, how he would blush and call you a dumb girl when you’d compliment cute things about him, and then he would apologize and tell you how he thought you were a bit too cool to be a girl (which always led to funny arguments).
By age 16, he realized that it was much more than just a crush, watching you have your first kiss. It hurt him, and he thought it would be the end of the world because he was convinced you didn’t want to be friends with him anymore. Sure, he had his first kiss at 14, but it was a truth or dare game, and he didn’t like the other girl, but it still hurt to see you kiss someone else. He always wished that his first and last kiss would be with you.
And now, he knew for sure he was in love with you. So many years being close to you, but unable to make a move, it was tough.
It’s been hard, hiding his real feelings for you and watching as you would get your heart broken over again. He tried many times to get over you, to date random girls or just have hook ups, but it always ended the same- he’d end up thinking of you. He’d think of how you’d smile brightly to him when he’d make a stupid joke, or how you would nudge him during parts of a movie you found funny. Or when you’d giggle loudly when you’d accidently drop your phone multiple times a day, or when you’d wear his sweaters when you’re cold. He truly loved you, and when he learned to accept it, it only strengthened.
He’d find himself gazing down at your body at moments, and just wonder what it would be like if you were moaning and whimpering under him. He couldn’t count the times he’d catch himself with a hard on just by seeing you in his bedroom, where you two always hang out. He’d excuse himself quickly, rushing to the bathroom and he’d groan quietly, lecturing himself to stop thinking about you. 
It rarely worked, and he’d sit with a hard on for hours as you laid back on his bed, scrolling through your phone as you talked to him, without a clue of what bulging pain he was going through.
He couldn’t help it today either, realizing he hadn’t seen you lately and he pulled up your text messages, to read what you two spoke about before. His cock stirred and twitched in his pants as your profile picture loaded on the screen. 
It was one of his favorite photos of you, beautifully sat next to him, with your head tucked close to his neck and your lips barely touching his skin as you beamed. Fuck, it was too much. The adrenaline he would have when he’d jerk off, filming in the messages he had with you was addictive. It turned him on so much, it felt so real, that he would actually send it to you, and he could only dream that you would send one back- or even come to him.
Tom slipped a hand under his boxers, after he spit into his hand. It curled around his cock, gently bringing it out from his boxers and sighing in relief as he pumped it to life. His finger swiped over his tip, collecting some of the precum to slide down the rest of his cock. He pressed on the record button with his other hand, facing his cock and him as he moaned quietly at the start.
“Fuck,” He murmured, blinking slowly as he focused on the picture near his bed of the two of you. It was another one, different than the profile picture. You had your legs wrapped around his, in a game of twister the two of your played back on his latest birthday. He remembered the feeling of you so close, touching his bare legs with yours and he remembered your breathing hitting his skin, and he soaked in the memory, almost feeling you against him again.
“Y/n…” He moaned out, closing his eyes now, and his hand started to curl faster up and down, slapping all the way to his skin, savoring the sounds as if it was him pounding into you instead. Oh, how much he imaged your pussy clenching around his cock, soaking in juices and cum, and you’d be stuttering out his name, crying for more. The camera focused on his cock, picking up all the noises of his heavy breathing, and the sounds of his hand moving up and down at an increasing speed over his precum soaked cock.
“I need you so bad,” He whimpered, imagining you sat naked against his sheets while he walked closer to your figure. He’d pleasure you, first. He would beg to hear you moan his name; chant out swears while you’d cum all over his face. “Cum for me, be my good girl, you can do it.” He gasped loudly, head tilting back even more. Your pussy would pulse against his cock as he’d slide it sloppily against your clit to get you even more aroused and soaked.
Oh, fuck, just thinking of you wet made him hang right over the edge. “I- fuck, such a good girl, you can do it, I love you!” He cried out, hand shaking with his phone and the video still capturing the moment. His cock twitched with anticipation, leading up to his orgasm. Tom flicked his thumb over his tip repeatedly before slapping up and down with even more speed.
“Y/n, angel, please- fuck- you’re too good to me.” He whimpered, his cock finally spilling with cum, spurting out in long moments as Tom breathed heavily, keeping his hand on the base of his cock. He sighed, opening his eyes as he wished you were here. 
He watched as his cock stopped coming, and he wiped up quickly, making sure he didn’t let any of it fall onto his sheets. He stopped the video, tossing the phone on his bed as he stood up slowly to go wash his hands. He took off his boxers, throwing them to a corner of his bedroom, and walked over to his bathroom. He tried to stop thinking of you, knowing he’d only be even more horny if he continued, and he would have to jerk off again.
His hands lathered in the soap and water and he didn’t care to dry them as he walked back to his bed. He gazed at the phone, trying to press out of the message app, but instead it froze causing him to groan. He irritated tapped at the screen, just wanting to delete the video and get out of the app. 
But instead, it replayed the first part of the video, and Tom gulped in nervousness, quickly realizing what might have just happened. He turned off his phone in an instant, shakily pressing the home button again, and unlocking it to see the messages again. “Fuck!” He yelped out, seeing the video had sent to you and he froze as he saw you start typing back.
“No, no, no” He continued, as fear and panic stroke through him, knowing he fucked up completely now. “Shit, how do I delete this?” He groaned loudly, starting to breath unevenly and in a panic, as the video played over again, and he quickly wiped his hands onto his sheets, not caring that it got wet.
He started typing, in shock. He was writing apologies left and right, as tears started to burn in his eyes. He didn’t want to lose you, not like this. It was a mistake, he didn’t mean to do it, he wrote heartfelt, and with passion, trying to explain you were never supposed to see or know any of this. That it was wrong for him to take videos, moaning your name. Tears started to drop onto the phone screen as your message popped up.
“Are you at home?”
Tom gasped after he pressed send to the long apologies, quickly typing that, yes, he was at home. He continued to add an even longer sorry in the message, as he started to cry more. Just mere minutes ago he was moaning your name, now he was crying your name. He didn’t want to lose you; it would be terrible and unimaginable.
That was when his phone started to ring, with your name at the top. You were calling him, and his eyes widened in further shock, wondering what he should do. He hesitated until the third ring, pressing accept and putting you on speaker.
“Hello? Tom?” Your voice came through the phone, causing Tom to shakily sigh out. His face rested in his hands as he groaned muffled, “Hey…” He trailed off, trying to stop his crying and apologize again. He was sat on his bed without any of his clothes, and before he could continue, you spoke up again.
“Do you- are you alone right now?” You murmured into the phone, causing Tom to glance up confused. His eyebrows were furrowed together as he quietly answered you, “Yeah, I am. Listen, I’m really sorry, that was inappropriate and…” He paused as you cleared your throat.
Your question burned through his mind, “Did you mean it? That you love me?” Yes, he meant it, he swore he’s been in love with you so long. The fear that he felt as he opened his mouth to reply was harsh, but he knew that he needed to confess now or never. 
That video was never supposed to be sent to you, but he knew if he finally got it out, then there would be some type of light feeling he’d have off his chest. He nodded, silently hyping himself up and pushing out the nervousness as he pulled his face away from his hands and squeezed at his thumbs.
“Yes, I love you.” He confessed, biting down harshly on his lip as silence went through the call.
Panic filled his thoughts and body as he heard you shuffle on the other line. “Y/n?” He whispered, staring down at the phone as he went rigid, wondering if he’s lost you now. Fuck, he wouldn’t know how to cope with losing you. Everything started with you, and you were his best friend. He didn’t care if he’d be hurt, watching you fall in love with someone else if that meant he could still be close and be your friend. But if he lost you, it would hurt the most.
“I’m coming over.” You responded, after those few moments that felt as if they were hours to him. He didn’t know what to do in that second, he almost forgot to breathe until you called his name again softly. “I love you too.” You whispered into the phone, hanging up as you got into your car and sighed out in shock.
Tom sat on his bed, naked as warmth spread through him. You love him back? The same way he did? He fell back onto his bed as one of the brightest smiles he’s ever had appeared on his face, love-doped by the fact his most desirable dreams were real- they came true. But he instantly shot right back up with a loud yelp. You were on your way right now, holy fuck. He glanced down to his figure in shock and stumbled up, rushing to his closet and tugging out new boxers. His eyes searched his closet for over two minutes, stressing about what to wear, and what the fuck was happening.
“Shit,” He pressed out, just tugging out an old but nice shirt he hasn’t worn in a few years. He buttoned it up and threw on his boxers and pulled out a pair of pants before groaning. It wasn’t a fucking business meeting, was it? No way, he pulled out a pair of dark jeans instead, slipping and tumbling as he pushed them on quickly.
You. Just you, he thought of. Everything about you was so amazing, and he couldn’t think of anyone or anything that was more flawless than you.
He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard you knock on the door and his eyes widened once more, rushing to the mirror and glancing down at himself, like he had pre-date nerves but much worse. He ran over to the door after a few seconds, and answered it, tugging the door completely open as you smiled softly to him.
“Hey,” You mumbled, smiling to him as Tom’s mouth opened up, but he had no idea what to say except, “Sorry! Again!”
You laughed back and shrugged. It was very surprising, shocking in fact. But also, just fucking hot, you watched it so many times, just hearing him moan out your name in such a way. You had so much to say and wanted to know- but it was still just incredible to you that he loves you like you love him. You can’t count how many times you’ve accidently moaned out his name when you were with your ex, but it just proved you love Tom so much.
When you developed feelings for him back in middle school, you quickly denied them. It didn’t make much sense at first, but you remembered seeing him in a different way. Noticing the strange but lovely things about him, how he tugged on his hair when he was bored, or nervous. And when he’d smile and look down, as if he was shy or insecure about it. You slowly started to start noticing these things about him, and you started thinking about him more, thinking about how something reminded you of him.
By high school, you thought he was your soulmate. Which wasn’t really a good idea to think. You’d be upset seeing him date other girls, and you tried to convince yourself that he wasn’t the one, that your soulmate was out there- and soon you just stopped believing in soulmates or even twin flames. Maybe the two of you were destined just to be best friends for life, which you thought back at the end of high school would be fine.
Something about Tom was that the had glow ups almost every month, it seemed impossible but each time you saw him, you’d be more attractive to him. Notice his dimples, and how his shoulders developed more muscle to them. Summer was always a mess for you, seeing him in his trunks, you couldn’t look anywhere at him without thinking of the things you wished you could do with him, but most of all you wanted to be with him.
Now with his video, everything seemed so complicated but easy to solve at the same time. You didn’t know what he was thinking though, and you wondered if you’d leave without a best friend, or even happier. You’d hope for the later, but it was up to whatever would happen now. You cleared your throat, as you stepped into his house, after Tom moved out of the way silent.
“Y/n…” He started, watching as you took a seat on the edge of the couch, facing him. You nodded back to him, biting your lip as your eyebrows knitted together in nervousness. Tom walked closer to you, choosing to take a seat on one of the chairs next to the couch.
“I’m really sorry. You weren’t supposed to find out- at all. I know that was just horrible, and I feel really bad.” He rambled, sniffling slightly as he waved a hand through his messy hair. You saw everything, it was so embarrassing, but he felt confused, after hearing you confess back to him. “Tommy, I- um, it’s okay.” You replied, nodding your head back to him.
He groaned, knowing it wasn’t. No one likes being sent videos like that without their permission, and to hear him say your name and what he was saying must’ve been the cherry on top. “And, I do love you, Y/n. I’ve been in love with you for a while now, but I don’t want to lose you.” He went on, gazing at you softly and worriedly.
“You won’t lose me…” You trailed off, glancing around the room. “Unless you want to. I don’t want to lose you either, you’re my best friend and I love you- I’m in love with you too.” You whispered back, feeling your heart start to race. Tom blushed at your words, as his eyebrows raised.
“You really love me?” He questioned, starting to wonder if this was just all a dream. How many times have you said it now in the past hour? It was just all a shock to him now, but it was true, everything was. You giggled back at his question, watching a goofy grin pulled across his face, “Yes Buzz Lightyear!” You replied, laughing even more as Tom let out a loud laugh.
The nickname traveled all the way back to when the two of you watched Toy Story for the first time together. You told him he looked like Andy but acted like Buzz, to which he proudly stood up from the couch and shout, “To infinity and beyond with my best friend!” You quickly bounced next to him, standing on the couch excitedly, “We’re best friends?” You questioned. And that was the story of how you two got even closer, still watching Toy Story together even now.
You both watched Toy Story and lots of other movies together throughout the years. Constantly nicknaming each other by the characters. It was an inside joke you both played by, but you felt especially happy whenever he’d call you something. He’d nicknamed you Matilda after he saw you carrying three textbooks in the hallway and you usually stuck to calling him Buzz.
While you were laughing hard, Tom stood up from his seat, admiring your beauty while he walked over to you. You calmed your laughter, letting your face soften as Tom came closer, and you hoped off the couch, glancing to his lips for a few moments. Tom saw your movement, as he parted his lips and licked them gently. The thought of your perfect lips against his, he almost groaned.
His eyes also drifted down to focus on your lips, favoring the way they sparked in the soft sunlight. You were beautiful, always, inside and out, something he found wonderful. Your eyelids fluttered as Tom stepped even closer to you, where you can feel his breath his against your skin. You leaned up, tilting your head close to his as his hand gently grasped under your chin.
“I love you Y/n.” He whispered, closing the gap between the two of you, landing his lips against yours softly. You instantly responded to his kiss, closing your eyes completely now, as you felt yourself fluster with happiness and excitement. Your mouth opened slightly, letting your tongue out as the kiss deepened. His tongue warmed against your lips, licking them as you wrapped a hand around the back of his head, gasping slightly.
Fucking sparks.
It was perfect, his arm flew around to your back, pulling you closer to him as you tugged on his hair and played with it. You stepped closer to him, as the two of you started to kiss passionately, and his other hand drew down under your shirt, skimming your skin gently as you gasped at the coldness. It only led to him kissing you even harder, as he stumbled with you back around to his bedroom, knocking into random objects of the house.
He cursed as he pulled away, breathing deeply along with you and you pulled him in for another kiss, bumping into one of the floor lamps, causing you to giggle against his lips. You both clumsily and blindly walked back towards his room, still hitting walls and even a pile of scripts he had on the floor.
His hands now were both under your shirt, sliding up and down on your back, feeling your soft skin as you still had one in his hair, tugging it with more force now. Your other arm went down to his neck, circling shapes and pinching at times.
When Tom’s back hit against his bedroom door, you both pulled away for a few moments, taking deep breaths as he pulled the doorknob, opening to the room. He pushed the door opened quickly, before taking ahold of you again, groaning as your lips hit his, instantly opening as his tongue explored your mouth. You both stumbled into the room, but instead of going to the bed, he pushed you against the wall to get closer to your figure. He grunted, feeling his cock twitch again as he felt you grind against his leg, trying to heave yourself up.
Tom grunted, pulling away from your lips, but kept his head against the wall, pulling your body up as you jumped. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pushed your hips against his, moaning when you felt a spark of heat run through your body, filling up in your lower stomach. “Fuck Tommy,” You laughed out breathlessly, before pulling his head back to your lips, kissing him again. Tom hummed against your lips, letting his teeth bite down onto your bottom lip, causing you to gasp.
“Like it when I kiss you like that?” He muttered back to you, pushing into your body even more against the wall, causing you to shiver at the closeness. This was your best friend, the man you fell in love with over so many years, and now hearing him talk back to you made you want to roll your head back and moan. It was incredible, being with the person you’ve loved for most of your life.
“Oh, yes,” You responded, nodding as his lips kissed down your neck. Your hips jutted up against his again, causing Tom’s cock to stir completely up into a full erection. Earlier today he wouldn’t believe this would ever happen, but now it was and fuck, he was so in love and lustful.
He bit and nibbled at your neck, causing you to whimper as he licked and smoothed sweet kisses to calm your neck down. “Tom- fuck, babe.” You moaned, as he started to grind against you in a rhythm you found addictive, pushing your hips up to meet.
“Can you believe how long I’ve wanted to do this? See you crying out my name?” He pushed out after leaving a long lick onto your neck. Your eyes widened as his dirty talk turned you on even more, causing you to feel a pulsing at your core, wanting to feel even more of him. 
“I wanted you like this too,” You confessed, out of breath as you slid a hand between your bodies, underneath his shirt. Your hand contacted his abs, causing you to shake with delight.
“Really?” Tom retorted, grinning as he gazed back at you as sweat started to pull at his forehead. You nodded back to him as he continued to dry hump against you. “Then show me.” He taunted, causing you to furrow your eyebrows before tugging his head back to yours again. You harshly bit onto his lip, swirling your tongue out after a moment while your other hand curled near his pants, cupping his hard on.
Tom gasped into the kiss as you started to unzip his jeans, making him groan against your lips. You grinned, loving the way he made those sounds, “Mm, pretty boy,” You mumbled, letting your lips disconnect, as you made your way to his ear. Tom clenched one of his fists up against the wall as you pecked messy kisses into his ear and tried pushing his pants lower. 
He helped you out, but shivered as you moaned into his ear, “I’ve dreamed of you begging,” You paused, whispering now against his skin, under his ear and onto his neck, “Asking for my wet pussy,” Another pause.
Tom’s face was more than red at this point, as he realized his wishes were granted to him, and he thanked everything around him, but most importantly you in his head. “And hm, do you know who made me wet?” You murmured, grinning widely as you peeked at his face.
“I- I do.” Tom responded, instantly losing all his confidence as you slid your hand underneath his boxers. You licked your lips as your eyes widened, getting a feeling of his girth. Feeling excited, but still playful, you continued your talking, “Who is it? Is it my pretty boy?” You murmured to him, sliding your hand up and down while lightly gripping his cock, giving him a loose hand job to work him up.
“Y-yes, fuck Y/n.” He panted out, head rolling to the side as his legs started to go weak. You grinned even more, before pulling your hand away and grasping his stomach again. He groaned, pushing his hips forward and meeting your center again, as you wrapped your legs tight around him once more.
“You’re a fucking tease,” He cried out, as you bit his ear, moaning. You sighed out again, watching as his eyes fluttered at the feeling of your breath against his skin. “And you know what happens to teasers?” He continued, stuttering as you grinded down against him again. Fuck, he was pounding hard, and he needed to tug the rest of his jeans off.
“What happens?” You questioned back with an innocent tone. Tom pulled you off the wall without a second for you to process that he was kissing you now. You blinked momentarily before responding, wrapping your arms fully around the back of his neck to support yourself more. Tom grunted as he swung you around, licking at your lips as you let out a soft happy sigh.
He carried you across his room, still not to the bed, and instead to his bean bag chair. He moved his head away from yours, breathing heavily with lust doped eyes, “Get off,” He whispered to you, causing your arms to collapse and you grinned, falling back onto the chair. You sunk into it, and almost wanted to laugh at the size, but your attention was all on Tom, your best friend. You weren’t sure what else to call him, because you knew no matter what was happening now, he would always be your best friend, and you’d love to be with him any type of way, whether that be as friends or more.
“Well when you tease someone, darling, you should always expect it back.”
You felt the air leave your body as he slowly stripped his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers and shirt. You tried not to stare, but well, it was hard (both not staring and his clothed cock). Fuck, you gulped as Tom started to peel his shirt away, tossing it to one of the corners of the room. You quickly glanced that way as you noticed you started to feel shy.
Damnit, not the time to feel that way, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to be perfect for him, he was the one you’ve loved for so long, one you’ve wanted for so long. You wanted to lay flawlessly for him, kiss him as he wanted, just make him happy, but you really wanted to just fuck him in the moment. Were you really into that “making love” thing? Where was the love if you would just sit and take his cock and not cum? Love and passion were two things that fit great together, and your shyness was threatening your desire to fuck Tom out of his mind.
Just as Tom finished taking his boxers off, he noticed your facial expression and instantly paused. “Y/n,” He started, whispering down to you almost nervously, “I- what’s wrong?” He asked, stuttering, wondering if he’d done something bad. He instantly started to swear himself out in his head as you glanced up to him with that smile of yours, the one he’d always recognize.
“I’m sorry…” You trailed off, groaning as you contemplated what to say. It was hard, you wanted to be everything for him, but you didn’t know what his everything was. He didn’t know yours either. You both needed to find out somehow though.
“What do you,” You cleared your throat, gazing up at Tom as he ran a hand through his hair nervously. “What do- what are things you enjoy, or your kinks?” You mumbled out, scratching your leg as an odd habit as Tom furrowed his eyebrows.
“My kinks?” He repeated, as his gazed ran over your figure again. You nodded back, stretching back onto the bean bag chair as your arousal pounded with lust and restlessness. You could smell the sweat already, what it would be like to feel his skin against yours everywhere, how he’d pound into you and whisper things you’d beg to hear again.
Tom kneeled close to you, biting his lip as his hand reached out for your chin, tilting your head closer to his. “I like hearing everything, I like when I hear pleading,” He paused, gulping as your eyes flickered down to his lips. “I want to see you squirm with my hand around your neck,” He stopped as your lips parted in surprise and want.
“As long as you’re okay with that.” Tom whispered after a moment. You instantly nodded, pushing yourself up and kissing him again. Fuck, even though this was the first day of kissing him, you knew that you’d never get enough of it, always wanting more. His lips were something you adored for years, and now you can finally feel them, know their language, and you loved every bit of it. Your lips separated as his tongue slid onto your bottom lip.
“I love you so much,” You mumbled between the messy kisses as Tom fully started to move on top of you, onto the bean bag chair. Tom grunted into the kiss as you wiggled around while pulling him closer to you. “I love you too,” He sighed out, pulling away from your lips momentarily to gaze back at you, smiling.
“Take off your shirt, I want to see you.” He whispered, sliding his hand underneath the front of your shirt, feeling your skin against his palm. His eyes fluttered close as you grinded up again against his cock. You whimpered as he retaliated, pinching your skin. You rushed your hands to your shirt, tugging it off with Tom’s help.  
You both broke the kiss as you tossed the shirt over your head, in a rush. Before you could kiss him again, Tom’s hand lingered over your bra, speaking up, “Wait, what are your kinks? What are you comfortable with?” His breath was hitting you again, as you blinked back surprised, he asked. You felt your breath hitch from his hand.
“I um, I like it when you touch me- anywhere. Fuck- it’s just your hands are just hot,” You rambled, feeling your cheeks heat up. Tom smirked at your comment, pushing his hand down onto your bra again, causing you to sputter out a quiet moan.
“Why did we never do this before now?” He questioned, as he brought his other hand behind your back, lifting you up slightly. His fingers curled around the bra as you shuddered at the feeling, shaking your head, “I’m not sure, but I’m happy we are now.”
Tom smiled back to you, before kissing you again. His lips were hot against yours, warming your whole body as you felt your underwear dampen even more. You felt as though you two continued to sink into the bean bag and you grunted, wanting even more. “Fuck,” You gasped out, as Tom finally undid your bra completely and pinch at your skin again.
You shrugged out of the bra, causing him to gaze in awe, “You’re so beautiful,” He whispered. You sighed as he placed one hand onto a breast, squeezing it. “Tom,” You began, as you started to feel as though you couldn’t take it any longer. You needed him; it was bad.
“Please-” You cut yourself off with a gasp as he trailed his fingers down your stomach lightly, sliding it to your pants. Fuck, when you looked down, you felt everything heat up, seeing him clench his fist around the buckle to your belt, tugging it off. “Please what, darling?” He asked back.
“I need you now. In me.” You whined, lifting your hips up to take off your pants and to be closer to Tom. He raised his eyes back to you, shaking his head, “Mm, no, I’m going to savor this.” He murmured back, teasingly. You groaned, but quickly quieted down as Tom unzipped your pants, leading you closer to him. Your panties snapped against your skin as he slid his fingers near the elastic.
“I want to taste you,” Tom paused, whispering as he stood back up. You glanced down to his cock again and licked your lips, just imagining what he would taste like, since he brought it up. But the idea excited you even more, pooling wetness near your thighs now as you slipped off your pants smoothly and standing up close to him. “While you scream my name,” He finished up, pulling you close as your eyes widened.
“Fuck Tommy,” You responded, instantly leaning up to kiss him again. Oh, it felt so good to be bare against him, to feel his heat and fuck- his cock hitting against your stomach as well. He pushed you back against the bed finally, and you collapsed with a sigh as he dug his fingers into your thighs. You let out a whimper as his fingers trailed closer to your panties.
Tom let out a chuckle, watching you shiver, before he bit onto the cloth, tugging your panties down completely with the help of you lifting your hips up into the air, and with his hands. “Woah…” He breathed out, seeing your glimmering wet pussy. You gazed down at him with need, gasping as he blew air close to your hood.
His sweet lips found their way to one of your inner thighs, pecking your skin softly. His fingers twirled around on the other thigh, as he groaned, listening to your heavy breathing. His kisses became slower, and messier, leaving a trail of spit as he lingered closer to your center, breathing into you.
And finally, his lips collided with your core. You gasped, instantly rushing your hands to the back of his head, tugging on his curls. Your back arched as his tongue lapped long and fast stripes against you, leaving you no time to stop the loud cry of his name. Tom smirked against you, finding joy in your moans, and lapped his tongue against your clit over again, pressing hard.
You yelped, crying out again as one of his fingers urged into you, curling and soaking in your heat. “Fuck, you’re- how is your tongue so good?” You rambled out, tugging his head up momentarily to see his face. 
Oh shit, it was covered in your slick, and you cried out again feeling him slip and stretch another finger into your pussy. Tom smiled before letting his tongue out, teasing you once more as he licked your outer lips now, instead of your clit. He headed towards your labia, carefully pressing slow kisses again.
“You taste so fucking delicious,” Tom paused, murmuring now against your clit. You moaned aloud from the vibrations it sent through your nerves. You couldn’t believe you were here now, with his head between your thighs, loving and admiring you so much.
“Bet you taste even better.” You responded, watching as Tom glanced back up to you, grinning. His eyes were darker than you’ve ever seen before, and you loved seeing this side of him now finally. “I think I can sit here and eat you out for hours. Everything about you is addicting.” He finished up, raising his eyebrows back to you as you whimpered at the thought.
You didn’t even have time to warn him about your orgasm, it rushed out of you, gushing against Tom’s lips and fingers as he licked you up again. “Tom- fuck- oh my,” You choked out, raising your hips against his face as his other hand grasped around your hip, digging into your skin. You came onto his face, causing him to soak it all up with his tongue, groaning at the taste in delight.
Your head hit back against the pillows again as you dropped your body completely, feeling as if you were floating. “That was,” Tom cut you off, kissing your hip slightly, “Perfect, absolutely perfect.” You let out a laugh, just in disbelief that you were finally with him, in the way you wanted. You shifted slightly, still feeling the effects of your orgasm drift through your body as Tom laid back next to you, kissing your shoulder gently.
You giggled quietly, “Yeah, it was great.” Tom smiled back to you, as you rolled to face him, kissing his nose for a quick second. As you gazed back at Tom, you instantly were reminded of his throbbing cock, as it hit against your stomach, making you gasp. You pulled him in for a deep kiss, causing him to groan, and stumble on top of you.
“I’m ready, are you?” You mumbled through the kisses, pulling and tugging at his hair. Your legs spread wider, gasping again when you felt him pull away from the kisses completely, as his cock barely brushed against your heat. “I am,” Tom responded, smiling back to you as his face softened. His hand grasped your face gently, as he propped himself up above you, lining his cock to your pussy.
“I love you so much,” He whispered, brushing his thumb to your lips briefly, before his entire hand drifted down towards your inner shoulder. Your eyes gazed up to his before you smiled back, “I love you too,” You mumbled back.
Tom started to push his cock in slowly, gazing back to you to check if you were alright, and you gasped as you felt his girth. “Oh…” You let out, furrowing your eyebrows together in surprise before you felt him push all the way into you. He grunted, before pulling back, to start his pace, “Are you okay, darling?” He asked softly, as he saw your face.
You nodded back to him, wiggling your hips, “Please keep going,” You responded, causing Tom to breathe in deeply, holding back his moan. You grinned back to him as his fingers caressed against your throat. You nodded back to his silent question, if it was alright for him to put his hand around your neck, as he slowly pushed in again, and you started to get used to the feeling.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper than before and you instantly let out a moan, feeling the heat build up in you again, during his rhythm. Your attention went back down to his hand, sighing as he grasped around your neck, fuck. You loved it so much, as he started to strengthen his hold, he kissed you again, as he pounded into you.
You kissed him back, groaning as his fist tightened again, and he pulled away from your lips, now going towards your cheek and leaving sloppy kisses. His other hand drifted in between the two of you, finding your clit again, and started to rub harshly causing you to gasp and moan out his name.
“You like that, huh? Louder.” Tom spoke up, gazing back to you in lust and desire, pounding into you even harder now. You gasped his name in return, moaning as you felt his fingers around your throat. Your head tossed back against the pillow, and you breathed in slowly against his hand, blinking dazed and in amazement. You almost felt too out of it, as airflow was limited now, but it felt good still.
Tom didn’t stop moving motions on your clit either, as his pounding started to go into an unsteady pace. He pulled away from your cheek and his hand away from your neck, now gripping at your hips harshly, groaning again. You shuddered as you felt him go even deeper than before and hitting your g-spot again. “I’m going to cum again,” You quivered out, feeling a tear run down your face from the rush of your orgasm building up, and Tom huffed back, grinning down to you.
“I’m going to as well,” He responded, eyes locked down onto your expression as his fingers started to go even faster, rubbing at your clit. “You’re doing so good darling.” Tom continued, praising you as his cock soaked in your pussy. You clenched around him, crying his name again, and bringing his face back to yours, kissing him again. You could taste your cum from before too, and Tom groaned into the kiss, as your legs squeezed around his figure.
You started to quiver as your orgasm pushed over the edge, and you gasped against his lips, losing your grip. “I’m co-” You couldn’t even warn him as you came out quickly, causing you to yell out his name, eyes fluttering closed as Tom continued to push into you.
It felt unreal, how the day had gone. With Tom above you, coming right after you and whispering his love for you. It made you want to scream into a pillow with joy, but you couldn’t find yourself letting go of Tom’s figure as he dropped besides you with that smile. You didn’t know what else to do but to hold onto him like you’ve been doing your whole life. He’s your best friend, and now perhaps a lover, a scenario you played in your head during daydreams for fun, but it’s real now. Your head tucked into his neck, as the both of you laid on the bed, sweating and covered in each other’s cum.
“Hey, Buzz,” You paused, barely mumbling his nickname while giggling. Tom gazed back down to you with a love doped expression, “Yeah, Matilda?” He answered, laughing along with you. His laugh made you beam even more with a happiness you couldn’t compare to any. You shifted slightly, capturing his gaze as his laugh quieted down. Your hand drifted up to his face, cupping his cheek softly as the words poured out from your lips.
“I really do love you.”
In a few quiet moments after, his lips rested against your forehead, “I’ll love you forever,” He confessed, closing his eyes as sleepiness rolled between the two of you. A hum went through your lips in agreement, cuddling closer to him as your breathing settled, fluttering your eyes shut with a smile.
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greengrayeyeswrites · 3 years
shit-faced in love (chapter five)
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Title: shit-faced in love
Pairing: Corpse Husband x OC (fem!youtuber!reader)
Word Count: 1,158
Warnings: Mental Health/Mental Illnesses are a big topic in this story. Mentions of depression, bpd and other mental illnesses. Angst, Fluff.
Note: This may be a Corpse x OC story but feel free to insert yourself into the main girls role. If Corpse ever announces that he doesn’t like fanfics about him, I’ll delete this.
Prologue — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6
Author’s Note: Hello guys! I am very, very sorry that I didn’t update this any sooner. I’ve had a lot of troubles with my mental health lately, especially my bpd acting up and making me feel so worthless I wanted to punch myself in the face with a chair... But I thought that I need to get my shit back together and post a new chapter. I am really sorry about the delay. All these likes I am getting on a story that I mainly write for myself is overwhelming... so a massive thank you!
— — —
Imogen ended up being MIA for two whole days. She didn’t update her Twitter after cancelling the stream and didn’t upload anything on her Instagram story and her feed. 
The day after her bad mood swing she stayed at home and Baylee came over. The two girls were spending the day on the couch watching silly old-school romcoms; Buddy sitting in between them in case Imogen needed him.
They were watching movie after movie, falling asleep in between and Imogen felt bad for Baylee. She apologized for being so unmotivated, boring and weird today but Baylee quickly shook her head and told her that it was okay. 
Imogen couldn’t believe how happy she was to have Baylee as her friend, but since she was shifting from black to white thinking and back to black, she couldn’t really feel the happiness she knew existed somewhere. 
All she felt was emptiness and sadness. The episode lasted four whole hours and Imogen fell asleep crying in the middle of it. 
On her final day in Houston, Imogen and Baylee decided to go shopping and Imogen wanted to spoil her best friend. She got her a new computer and a new phone—which Baylee couldn’t quite believe. But Imogen was persistent and wanted her to keep the things.
Imogen then rented a beautiful NCT green colored Jeep Wrangler; which the girls immediately tried out when they were driving to the Space Center Houston for their last day.
„You almost sounded like MrBeast, when you gave me the phone and Macbook“ Baylee chuckled, as the girls looked for a parking lot in front of the Space Center. „I mean I’m meeting him and the crew next week for the first time, so I have to practice“, Imogen grinned, feeling way happier then a few days back.
„D’you already know what you’re doing with them?“ Baylee asked, but Imogen shook her head, when her phone rang with a message notification.
„Would you mind?“ Imogen asked nodding towards her phone, that was peeking out of her totebag in front of Baylee’s feet. Buddy was lifting his head from the backseat, looking at his owner and her friend.
„You got a voice message from Corpse“ Baylee read the notification on the lock screen and Imogen gulped. „Would you mind playing it?“ The twenty-eight year old asked and Baylee nodded, unlocking Imogen’s phone and pressing play.
The first thing both girls could hear was shuffling in the background before Corpse’s deep voice rang in their ears. „Whaddup baby?“, he asked and a shiver went through Imogen’s body, while she maneuvered the car into a parking lot. 
Baylee slapped her hand over her mouth, staring at Imogen in shock. Hearing his go-to phrase so close to her ears and so intimate was kinda scary. Baylee felt like she was eavesdropping.
„How are you feeling?“ Corpse asked, „We were kinda worried when you didn’t respond to the group chat. I know I go MIA as well but you usually told us what was wrong. Rae was worried and I was as well. Please text us soon, so we don’t have to worry anymore.“ 
A quiet breath left his lips and Imogen looked over to Baylee, who was still covering her mouth. „I hope you finish your MrBeast stuff soon. I want to meet you real quick!“ Corpse finished the message and the phone screen turned black.
„Oh my god“ Baylee let out and stared at Imogen. „I felt so bad for listening, Mo!“ She cried out and Imogen gulped. „I feel so bad for not telling them what happened. I know how worried they get when I don't text!“ Imogen shook her head.
„Here, here!“ Baylee pressed the phone into Imogen’s hands. „Text them now! Tell them how you’re feeling and what you’re up to today!“ Baylee turned around to Buddy.
„Buddy, I can’t believe I heard Corpse speak like that! He was genuinely worried!“ Imogen watched her best friend and shook her head.
She had to be honest. Hearing Corpse’s voice like that made her heart jump a little bit. What was he doing with her? She didn’t even know what he looked like, yet he made her heart do weird dancy-dances. 
She knew Baylee was watching her, while she typed into her phone. She knew Baylee wanted to know what she wrote—and she would’ve told her, if she wouldn’t be so shy about it.
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When the women came home this night, Baylee decided to crash over in Imogen’s AirBnB. They stayed up most of the night and talked about everything and nothing. They were talking about Baylee’s crush on her co-worker, that didn’t even notice her presence. They spoke about Imogen’s therapy and medication and how Buddy had helped her out of so many dark places already; and then, as the sun was about to rise again, they fell asleep.
— — —
They woke up to Buddy licking their faces, wagging with his tail only a few hours later. Baylee sat up and looked at Imogen, fighting her dog off her.
„You know what? I’m going to miss you.“ Imogen finally got Buddy off her and looked at Baylee. Tears filled her best friends eyes and Imogen looked at her. „Bay“, she whispered and crushed her best friend in a hug. „This week went by way too fast“ Baylee cried into Imogen’s shoulder. „I swear, before I go back to Ireland, I’ll take you on a vacy to Hawaii. So be prepared to take a few days off, once I’m done with my travel!“
Imogen started laughing and Baylee grinned. „Gotcha!“
After having a breakfast together, Baylee helped Imogen pack her stuff and load it into the Wrangler. Imogen was fastening Buddy in the backseat, when she closed the door behind her and hugged Baylee once more.
„Take care, Mo.“ Baylee said and squished Imogen’s cheeks. „I will.“ - „No, I’m serious. When you feel low or sad or empty , turn off the cameras and hold Buddy. Okay?“
Imogen smiled. „I will. Thank you, Bay.“ The girls hugged once more, Baylee clinging on to Imogen as if her life depends on it. „I just wish I could quit my retail job and follow you around, being your camera woman or something.“ Baylee sighed and Imogen looked at her.
Imogen’s brain buzzed. „Keep that in mind, Bay. Okay? I’d even pay you.“ Baylee looked at Imogen and the Irish lass grinned. „Whatever you say, big girl“ Baylee grinned and softly banged the side of the Wrangler.
„Go and take the NCTzen car through the states.“ Baylee grinned and stepped aside to her own car. Imogen grinned and climbed into the Wrangler.
„Good luck on these 1,270 miles!“ Balyee yelled, as Imogen turned on the engine. „Take breaks in between okay?“ Imogen nodded and started backing out of the driveway.
Baylee disappeared into the distance and a piece of Imogen’s heart broke, when she left Houston behind.  
to be continued...
Taglist: @wineandionysus​ @chanbaeol​ @rexit-mo
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